Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural


Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural
NO. 4
the Economic
and Financial
Impacts of
Charlotte Benson
and Edward J. Clay
Disaster Risk Management Series
the Economic and
Financial Impacts of
Natural Disasters
Disaster Risk Management Series
the Economic and
Financial Impacts of
Natural Disasters
Charlotte Benson
Edward J. Clay
© 2004 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank
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ISBN 0-8213-5685-2
Abbreviations and Acronyms
1. Introduction
Selection of Countries and Issues for Investigation
Concepts and Definitions
Method of Investigation
2. Disasters and the Macroeconomy
The Dynamic Nature of Vulnerability
Overview of the Factors Determining Vulnerability
Natural Hazards
Economic Structure
Stage of Development
Prevailing Socioeconomic Conditions
The Macroeconomic Impact of Disasters
Lessons Learned
3. Public Finance and Disasters
The Broad Fiscal Impact of Disasters
Disaggregated Reexamination of Public Finances
External Aid
Is Reallocation an Appropriate Solution?
Risk Reduction Activities
Long-Term Policy Consequences of Disasters
Lessons Learned
4. Information on Natural Hazards and Disaster Reduction
Information and Public Action
Hazard Information as a Public Good
Climatic Forecasting in Southern Africa
Tropical Storms
Failures in the Provision of Information as a Public Good
Findings and Conclusions
5. Financing the Cost of Future Disasters
Risk Transfer Tools
Potential Obstacles
Creative Solutions
Promoting Mitigation
6. Findings of the Study and Implications for Policy and Research
Policy Implications
Directions for Future Research
Appendix A. Dominica: Natural Disasters and Economic Development in a Small Island State
Appendix B. Bangladesh: Disasters and Public Finance
Appendix C. Malawi and Southern Africa: Climatic Variability and Economic Performance
Measuring vulnerability
Saying so does not make it so: poverty reduction strategies
Funding rehabilitation: the implications for long-term growth
Fiscal impacts of drought in Sub-Saharan Africa
Evidence-based volcanology: application of Bayes’ rule to the situation in Dominica in 1998
Insuring banana growers against disaster: the WINCROP scheme
Uncertainties in postdisaster economic forecasting in Bangladesh
2.1 Dominica: real annual fluctuations in agricultural, nonagricultural, and total GDP, 1978–99
2.2 Bangladesh: real annual fluctuations in agricultural, nonagricultural, and total GDP,
financial years 1965–2000
2.3 Malawi: real annual fluctuations in agricultural, nonagricultural, and total GDP, 1980–2001
2.4 Southern Africa: cereal production and El Niño events, 1972–99
Paul Freeman, Rodney Lester, Simon Maxwell, John
Roberts, Malcolm Smart, and Dirk Willem te Velde.
The study team extends its thanks to Nemat T. Shafik,
World Bank Infrastructure vice president and head of
network; Maryvonne Plessis-Fraissard, director of the
Transport and Urban Development Department (TUD);
and John Flora, former director of TUD, for supporting
this study. We also thank country directors Caroline Anstey,
Orsalia Kalantzopoulos, Darius Mans, Hartwig Schafer,
Fred Temple, and Christine I. Wallich for their support
and inputs to this report. They also provided detailed
comments on the individual case studies, which were
published as part of the Disaster Management Facility’s
Working Paper Series. The papers in this series can be
accessed on the Internet at http://www.worldbank.org/
hazards. The team also thanks World Bank staff who provided helpful contributions to the study, including Imtiazuddin Ahmad, Tercan Baysan, Bernard Becq, Sarwat
Chowdhury, Robert Epworth, Arnaud Guinard, Rumana
Huque, Reazul Islam, Kapil Kapoor, Chingboon Lee,
Ashoka Mody, John Pollner, S.A.M. Rafiquzzaman, Constantine Symeonides-Tsatsos, and Claudio Visconti. Finally,
the full cooperation extended by officials of the governments of Bangladesh, Dominica, and Malawi was essential to the successful completion of the country studies.
They and the many others who provided information
and advice are acknowledged in the country study reports.
There is scope for further work on the economic consequences of natural disasters, and it is hoped that this
report will provoke discussion on both analytical and
policy issues and will stimulate others to undertake further investigations. The authors, of course, accept full
responsibility for all errors and omissions in this report.
The opinions expressed are those of the authors and
do not necessarily represent the views of the World Bank
or the DfID.
Disaster prevention and mitigation are integral to development activities. In February 2000, the World Bank’s
Disaster Management Facility (now called Hazard
Management Unit) initiated a three-year study on the
economic and financial consequences of natural disasters, with the support of the U.K. Department for
International Development (DfID), provided through
its Conflict and Humanitarian Aid Department (CHAD)
under the umbrella of the ProVention Consortium.
The principal researchers for this three-year study,
which began in February 2000, were Charlotte Benson
and Edward J. Clay of the Overseas Development Institute
(ODI), London. Study team members from the World
Bank’s Disaster Management Facility included Alcira
Kreimer, Margaret Arnold, Jonathan Agwe, Hager BenMahmoud, Maria Eugenia Quintero, and Zoe Trohanis.
The study consists of a state-of-the art review and
three country case studies: on Dominica, a small island
economy (Benson and Clay 2001); on disasters and
public finances in Bangladesh (Benson and Clay 2002a);
and on climatic variability in southern Africa, with a
country study of Malawi (Clay and others 2003). This
synthesis report draws together the new findings and
evidence from the researchers’ previous studies and from
other relevant literature.
This report was prepared by Charlotte Benson and
Edward J. Clay, with editorial assistance from Alice Baker
on the appendixes. Among those who contributed to
the three country studies were Enrique Blanco de Armas,
Louise Bohn, Jim Dempster, P. Dalitso Kabambe, Franklyn
V. Michael, Clement Peris, Alistair W. Robertson, and
Hardwick Tchale. Mavis Clay provided editorial and
bibliographical assistance.
The authors benefited considerably from comments
on the draft of this report by Willy Aspinall (who also
contributed box 4.1), Stephen Biggs, Hugh Brammer,
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Agricultural Development and
Marketing Corporation (Malawi)
Annual Development Program
Caribbean Community and Common
Caribbean Disaster Emergency
Response Agency
Conflict and Humanitarian Aid
Department (DfID, United
Centre for Research on the
Epidemiology of Disasters
Department for International
Development (United Kingdom)
Disaster Management Facility
(World Bank)
European Commission
Eastern Caribbean dollars
Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
Economic Commission for Latin
America and the Caribbean
Emergency Events Database
El Niño–Southern Oscillation
Electricity Commission of Malawi
Fiji dollars
flood control, drainage, and
irrigation program (Bangladesh)
foreign direct investment
gross domestic product
Global Environment Facility
Geographic Information System
gross national product
human immunodeficiency
virus/acquired immune deficiency
Inter-American Development Bank
International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
International Development
Association (World Bank)
International Decade for Natural
Disaster Reduction (United Nations)
International Food Policy Research
International Federation of the
Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
International Institute for Applied
Systems Analysis
International Monetary Fund
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
international public good
International Research Institute for
Climate Prediction
Multi-Fibre Agreement
microfinance institution
medium-term expenditure
nongovernmental organization
national public good
operations and maintenance
Organization of American States
official development assistance
Overseas Development Institute
(United Kingdom)
Overseas Economic Cooperation
Fund (Japan)
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean
probable maximum loss
poverty reduction strategy paper
relief and rehabilitation
Revised Minimum Standard Model
regional public good
Richter scale
Southern African Development
structural adjustment program
Southern African Regional Climate
Outlook Forum
state-owned enterprise
Seismic Research Unit, University of
the West Indies, Trinidad
taka (Bangladesh currency)
United Nations Development
United Nations International
Strategy for Disaster Reduction
Windward Islands Crop
Insurance Ltd.
World Meteorological Organization
World Trade Organization
Zimbabwe dollars
is the primary fiscal response to disaster. Disasters
have little impact on trends in total aid flows.
The study described here examines the short- and longterm economic and financial impacts of natural disasters. It relies in part on in-depth case studies of overall
sensitivity to natural hazards in the small island economy of Dominica; public finance consequences of disasters in Bangladesh; and the economic consequences
of climatic variability and the use of climatic forecasting in Malawi and southern Africa. Policy implications
are drawn, and, where appropriate, recommendations
are made. Finally, directions for future research and
cooperation are outlined.
Public Policy Implications
A full reassessment of the economic and financial impacts
of a major disaster should be made 18 to 24 months
after the event. It should be taken into account in reviewing the affected country’s short-term economic performance and the assistance strategy for the country.
Governments need appropriate risk management
strategies for future disasters, including medium-term
financial planning covering 8 to 10 years. The basis of
funding has to be broadened, using a range of insurance and other mechanisms for different layers of loss.
Natural hazard risk management should be integrated
into longer-term national investment policies and development strategies and appropriately reflected in the allocation of financial resources.
High-quality, reliable scientific information is a necessary condition for effective disaster risk management.
The international community should support global and
regional research and information systems on risk. It
should also ensure that there are adequate complementary
monitoring and dissemination programs at the national
level. Priorities include climatic variability, regional and
national flood forecasting, and geophysical hazards.
Economic and Financial Impacts
Major natural disasters can and do have severe negative short-run economic impacts. Disasters also appear
to have adverse longer-term consequences for economic
growth, development, and poverty reduction. But negative impacts are not inevitable.
Vulnerability is changing quickly, especially in countries that are experiencing economic transformation—
rapid growth, urbanization, and related technical and
social change. In the Caribbean area and in Bangladesh,
there is evidence of declining sensitivity to tropical storms
and floods and increased resilience as a result of economic
transformation and public measures for disaster reduction. The largest concentration of high-risk countries—
which are increasingly vulnerable to climatic hazards—is
in Sub-Saharan Africa. Risks emanating from geophysical hazards need to be better recognized in highly exposed
urban areas across the world, as the potential costs are
rising exponentially with economic development.
Natural disasters cause significant budgetary pressures,
with both narrowly fiscal short-term impacts and wider
long-term implications for development. Reallocation
Economic Research on Natural Disasters
Vulnerability to natural hazards is determined by a complex, dynamic set of influences that include the country’s
economic structure, stage of development, and prevailing economic and policy conditions. To understand and
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
assess the economic consequences of natural hazards
and the implications for policy, it is necessary to consider the pathways through which different types of
hydro-meteorological (climate-related) and geophysical hazard affect an economy, the different risks posed,
and the ways in which societies and economies adapt
to or ignore these threats.
The eclectic approach adopted in this study, which
employed largely qualitative methods, is particularly
useful in exploring the many complex and dynamic
pathways through which extreme hazard events influence an economy and its financial system, as well as for
identifying areas and issues where further investigation,
including quantification, would be worthwhile.
Chapter 1
to atmospheric and hydrological processes, are recurrent events, striking a country at infrequent intervals.
Such recurrent shocks can have cumulative effects on
both the rate and the pattern of development (Benson
and Clay 2000). By contrast, earthquakes and volcanic
eruptions, which are very uncommon and better fit the
idea of a one-off catastrophic event, accounted for only
11 percent of reported natural disasters in the 1990s
(IFRC 2002). The potential differences in the economic
consequences of these different types of natural hazard
are examined in this study.
These biases and limitations of economic assessment
have severely restricted the information available to policymakers on the nature and scale of the vulnerability
of many economies to natural hazards. This lack of information may in turn have contributed to what many see
as a widespread failure to address natural hazards as a
possibly serious threat to sustainable development, and
a general lack of appreciation of the potentially high
economic and social returns to disaster reduction. Clearly,
how disasters are conceptualized and impacts are assessed
within the framework of economic analysis merits fuller
and more systematic review. This investigation seeks to
contribute to knowledge of these issues and to understanding how they can be analyzed.
Between the 1950s and the 1990s, the reported global
cost of natural disasters increased 15-fold. Major natural catastrophes in the 1990s caused economic losses
estimated at an average US$66 billion per year (in
2002 prices). In 1995, the year of the Kobe earthquake
in Japan, record losses of about US$178 billion were
recorded, the equivalent of 0.7 percent of global gross
domestic product (Munich Re 2002).
Such widely cited figures have triggered a growing
awareness of the potential damage from natural hazards. There is, however, less recognition of their broader
macroeconomic significance and the problems they
could pose for longer-term development. One reason
is that assessments of the economic impacts of disasters have typically concentrated on the most easily measured direct losses—the financial costs of visible physical
damage. This focus on losses arises from a drive to
meet the short-term humanitarian needs of affected
people in the aftermath of a disaster and from pressures to rapidly determine replacement investment
requirements and the extent of insured losses. It also
reflects the practical difficulties of isolating and measuring the indirect and secondary impacts that result as
the effects of a disaster shock spread through the economy. Such impacts may affect, for example, flows of
goods and services, the balance of payments and government budgets, and, ultimately, economic growth,
income distribution, and the incidence of poverty.
A further limitation of the existing body of evidence
is that most of the relatively few studies to have examined indirect and secondary effects focus on the impact
of a single, recently occurring event. The longer-term,
cumulative effects of a series of disasters on a particular country’s development are more difficult to determine and are typically ignored, apart from speculative
comments. Yet in reality, most disasters, being linked
The broad objectives of the study are to increase
understanding of the wider economic and financial
impacts of natural disasters through detailed analysis
of the impacts of disasters, the factors determining the
vulnerability of hazard-prone economies, the opportunities for improving the management of risk, and the
hindrances to the adoption of such measures. The study
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
focuses primarily on experiences in developing countries. The findings are intended to contribute to the
development of guidelines on the assessment of vulnerability to natural hazards from an economic perspective. It was recognized at the outset that the
subject is complex and multifaceted and that the study
would probably identify many areas that are beyond
its scope but are worthy of future, separate research.
The investigation adopts a country case study approach
for exploring economywide disaster impacts. In doing
so, it builds on previous research and evaluations by
the primary investigators, including work on drought
in Sub-Saharan Africa (Benson and Clay 1998; Clay and
others 1995; Thomson, Jenden, and Clay 1998) and
studies of the impacts of disasters in five countries in
the Asia and Pacific and the Caribbean regions: Fiji
(Benson 1997a), the Philippines (Benson 1997b),
Vietnam (Benson 1997c), Zimbabwe (Benson 1998),
and Montserrat (Clay and others 1999). Three new country studies, on Bangladesh, Dominica, and Malawi, were
completed for this study. This synthesis report thus
reflects the findings and cumulative experience from
undertaking, over a period of 10 years, eight country
studies and regional investigations on the economywide
consequences of natural disasters.
Selection of Countries and Issues
for Investigation
The three case study countries were selected to represent a range of hazard experiences in economies of varying size and complexity in different regions of the world,
as well as distinct but complementary methodological
and policy issues. The study on Dominica, one of several highly hazard-prone small island Caribbean states,
is an economywide exploration of the impact of disasters (Benson and Clay 2001). That on Bangladesh, a
large, hazard-prone Asian economy, concentrates, in
particular, on public finance (Benson and Clay 2002a).
Malawi, a low-income southern African economy, is the
subject of the third study, which focuses on the use of
scientific information, particularly short-term climatic
forecasting, in disaster mitigation and the value of this
information from an economywide and sectoral perspective (Clay and others 2003).
Dominica: Natural Disasters and Economic
Development in a Small Island State
The study of Dominica explores the overall vulnerability of an economy to natural hazards. It considers the
complexity of the factors determining broad sensitivity
and the dynamic nature of that sensitivity, focusing on
the disaggregated impacts of natural hazards on different sectors of the economy. Dominica offers an interesting case that exemplifies the experience of many
small, open island economies. Such economies face special disadvantages associated with their size, insularity,
and remoteness (Briguglio 1995), which make them
highly sensitive to economic shocks in any form, including natural hazards. Indeed, they are often perceived
as being among the countries of the world most vulnerable to natural hazards.1
Bangladesh: Natural Disasters and Public Finance
Disasters can have potentially significant implications
for public finance, increasing expenditure and simultaneously reducing domestic revenue, in turn resulting
in increased domestic or external borrowing, substantial alterations to existing investment, and recurrent
expenditure plans or monetary expansion. Natural hazards also impose additional pressures on public finances
to the extent that governments undertake mitigation
and preparedness measures.
Data on aggregate revenue and expenditure typically do not reveal the severity of the budgetary impact
of disasters, as previous work by the principal researchers
has clearly shown. The public financial consequences
of natural disasters are seldom explored systematically,
except in the narrow context of a single major disaster.2
After examining these issues for the open, structurally
less complex Dominican economy, it was decided that
this theme should be the central focus of the case study
of Bangladesh, with the aim of shedding more light on
these issues.
Malawi and Southern Africa: Climatic Variability and
Economic Performance
The extreme regionwide drought in southern Africa
in 1991/92 was quickly followed by further droughts in
1993/94 and in 1994/95. These droughts were associated
with an extended and intense El Niño event—a
reversal of ocean currents across the southern Pacific
that is associated with extreme global climatic effects.3
The droughts had severe impacts on agriculture, as
well as wider social and economic consequences. The
concern engendered by these experiences, as well as
awareness of the scientific evidence linking events in
southern Africa to global climatic variability and,
possibly, to climatic change, created a widespread sentiment in favor of strengthening climatic forecasting
and promoting the use of the information to support
food security and improved management of agricultural and other renewable natural resources throughout the region. It was also envisaged that climatic
forecasting and information could help improve
resilience to longer-term global climatic change and
to the likely associated increase in the frequency and
severity of extreme events. Recognition of the severity of the economic impacts of drought simultaneously
heightened interest in taking the risks of climatic shocks
into account in the management of national economies
and in structural adjustment programs (Benson and
Clay 1998).
The third case study therefore focuses on Malawi and
on the wider southern African area. It reassesses, in the
light of experience during the 1990s, the economic consequences, on both regional and country scales, of climatic variability, and it examines the status of and
prospects for climatic research and forecasting as they
relate to these levels. It reviews the range of potentially
useful products in the light of recent experience,
examines meteorological and other institutional capacity to utilize fully the potential of forecasting knowledge
and expertise, and assesses the financing issues posed
by strengthening climatic forecasting.
Concepts and Definitions
Natural disasters are an area of multidisciplinary research
and policy analysis. A problem of discourse arises because
basic terms in the language of disaster research and practice seem to be common to the various disciplines but
in fact often reflect subtle differences in conceptualization by natural scientists, social scientists, and practitioners. This problem of discourse is typical of most
development issues (Apthorpe 1984; Harriss 2002). It
is therefore necessary, at the beginning of an investigation that covers the less explored aspects of natural
disasters as an economywide or macroeconomic phenomenon, to state clearly what the authors mean by
the use of specific terms and concepts. The report
seeks to adopt widely accepted definitions of key concepts (hazard, disaster, vulnerability, risk), but this is
not always possible where there is no agreed standard
A natural hazard is a geophysical, atmospheric, or
hydrological event that has potential for causing
harm or loss. Usually, these events are both uncommon and extreme, in the perspective of the range of
natural phenomena such as rainfall, tropical storms,
flooding, and seismic tremor or earthquake. Hence,
there is a need to determine risk. This is understood
to be “a combination of the probability, or frequency, of
occurrence of a defined hazard and the magnitude of
the consequences of the occurrence” (Royal Society
1992: 4).
A natural disaster is the occurrence of an abnormal
or infrequent hazard that affects vulnerable communities or geographic areas, causing substantial damage,
disruption, and perhaps casualties and leaving the affected
communities unable to function normally. From an economic perspective, a disaster implies some combination
of losses, in human, physical, and financial capital, and
a reduction in economic activity such as income generation, investment, consumption, production, and
employment in the “real” economy. There may also be
severe effects on financial flows such as the revenue and
expenditure of public and private bodies (Benson and
Clay 1998). The losses in stocks of capital and inventory and the reductions in short-term economic flows
are sometimes confounded in reporting the costs of disasters.4 Stock losses and short-term flow effects may be
so extreme as to alter the medium-to-longer-term trajectory or development path of an enterprise, region,
or national economy.
Vulnerability is the potential to suffer harm or loss,
expressed in terms of sensitivity and resilience or of
the magnitude of the consequences of the potential
event.5 The sensitivity of economic behavior to a disaster shock is reflected at a macroeconomic or sectoral
level in the deviation of economic aggregates from the
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
trends that were expected without taking the effects of
the event into account. Because economic activity is
sensitive to many influences, including other sources
of shock, in practice it can be difficult to identify precisely the impacts of a specific disaster or disasters.
The primary objective of our studies has been to isolate and understand these short- and long-term consequences of natural disasters.
Resilience is the speed of recovery of economic activity, which may involve repair and replacement of lost
and damaged capital. People seek to cope with shocks
within a range of responses that will not jeopardize their
survival or lifetime aspirations. Communities and formal
public and private institutions seek to manage the effects
of a shock without jeopardizing their envisaged longerterm plans.
The disaster management literature commonly distinguishes between rapid-onset disasters such as storm
surges and earthquakes, which cause immediate loss
and disruption, and slow-onset events, notably drought.
In our empirical investigations of economic consequences, we have found it useful to distinguish hydrometeorological hazards (atmospheric or climatic hazards
and the related riverine and coastal hydrological hazards) from geophysical hazards because of the different
character of the risks involved.6
Hydro-meteorological hazards present threats of varying intensity that are usually recognized at a local or
national level, and there is consequently some form of
adaptation in economic behavior and in the technology
in which capital (productive capital, housing and
habitat, and infrastructure) is embodied. The economic
and the wider social consequences of individual
hydro-meteorological events appear to be susceptible
to investigation for most lower- and middle-income
developing countries. By contrast, potentially catastrophic geophysical hazards may occur very rarely. Even
in high-risk geographic regions, there may have been
no extreme event in living memory or perhaps within
the historical record. Consequently, such hazards pose
quite different problems of risk perception and economic behavior. But a global phenomenon—satellite
television and increasingly widespread availability of
media information—may be changing perceptions of
risk associated with these types of hazard, too.
Method of Investigation
Isolation of the economic impacts of natural hazards
from other internal and external factors poses considerable methodological difficulties. The study adopts an
eclectic approach, employed in previous work by the
authors, that involves the construction of a historical
narrative of disasters for the case study country or
region. Disasters are not treated as “black box” economic shocks. Rather, care is taken to establish, through
close consultation with scientists in relevant fields,
the precise nature of each hazard type, including the
frequency and characteristics of extreme events. A mixture of formal quantitative and qualitative analysis is
employed to examine the economic impacts of natural hazards at an economywide level (Benson 1997a,
1997b, 1998; Benson and Clay 1998). The quantitative investigations are partial, involving a combination of regression analysis, the use of charts to examine
movement around trends, and “before-and-after” comparison of disaster impacts and of forecast and actual
economic performance. The implied null hypothesis
is that there is no direct link between disaster shocks
and the relevant aspect of economic performance. Such
analysis cannot always be definitive, but the results at
least provide a basis for further reflection and investigation. If impacts are not apparent at an aggregate level,
the analysis moves on to consider possible effects within
the composition of the relevant economic indicator. A
qualitative political-economic analysis is also employed
in a complementary way to place quantitative results
within the specific economic and social policy context
of each case study country. Where similar qualitative
results repeatedly emerge from previous and current
studies, this is taken to be preliminary evidence of a
more general finding about the economic consequences
of natural disasters.
The country studies were constrained by the very
limited resources and time available and, in some respects,
by substantial data limitations. Moreover, the deliberately simple methodological approach, which is, after
all, only an extension of the approach typically employed
in looking at a single shock, relied heavily on judgment.
And, most obviously, it was necessary to select the “major”
natural hazard events to be included in the analysis.
For each case study, a country visit was made to collate data and conduct interviews with selected current
and former officials and administrators; representatives
of civil society and private sector managers who had
been involved in specific hazard events; and environmental scientists with direct experience of the country.
Interviewees were also consulted about the selection of
“major” hazard events. Relevant country program officers at the World Bank in Washington, D.C., were contacted and were met, where possible. The case studies
also entailed a review of the available official documentation and the recent literature. As noted in the Preface, local researchers or researchers in the region
contributed to each of the country case studies.
Chapter 2
Disasters and the Macroeconomy
Frederick, both in 1979; Hurricane Allen in 1980; Hurricane Hugo, another Category 4 storm, in 1989; the
cumulative impact of three tropical storms in 1995; and
Hurricane Lenny, also Category 4, in 1999. Hurricane
David directly hit the island and was extremely devastating, having severe environmental and demographic
consequences. Landslides triggered by storms are
common in Dominica and can cause substantial economic damage, as well as potential loss of life.
There are geophysical hazards, too. Although there
has been only one volcanic eruption in Dominica’s
recorded history, the island is now experiencing a period
of increased seismic activity. The risk of volcanic activity remains relatively high, particularly in the south of
the island, where the capital city and most of the key
infrastructure are located.
Dominica’s small, very open economy still relies heavily on a single export crop, bananas, which represented a third of total merchandise export earnings in
1997. Although agriculture’s share of gross domestic
product (GDP) fell from 37 percent in 1977–78 to 20
percent in 1997–98, it remains the main productive
sector and is the principal source of livelihoods. Despite
some growth in the nonagricultural private sector
since the mid-1970s, other private sector activity remains
small. Between 1997 and 1998, manufacturing output
rose from 3.9 to 8.2 percent of GDP, and there has been
promising growth in the offshore financial services industry. Along with tourism, which by the late 1990s
accounted for an estimated 35 percent of external
earnings, these activities have helped meet the substantial deficit in the external visible trade account.
The close association between the fluctuations in
Dominica’s banana exports, the country’s agricultural,
nonagricultural, and total GDP, and the incidence of
severe storms demonstrates the substantial impact that
This chapter explores the overall vulnerability of an
economy to natural hazards. Case study evidence about
the dynamics of vulnerability leads to a more general
discussion of the sources of vulnerability. The macroeconomic impacts of disasters are then reviewed in terms
of short-term and long-term effects. The impacts of
disasters on development strategies are considered, and,
finally, lessons are drawn.
The Dynamic Nature of Vulnerability
The vulnerability of an economy to natural hazards
depends on a complex set of influences. This section
briefly presents evidence from the three country cases,
which typify more general country situations. The cases
highlight the dynamic, rapidly changing sensitivity of
economies to natural hazards in the present era, focusing on the interaction of developmental, economic, and
societal factors with natural hazards. Some common
influences are at work, along with country- and regionspecific factors.7 In addition, in the longer term, climatic
change is altering the frequency and intensity of hazard
events, with implications for the scale and nature of vulnerability. This is an issue that the case study findings
suggest should be explored separately.
Dominica, a small Caribbean island, is susceptible to a
wide range of natural hazards. The most common, most
probable, and historically most significant are extreme
climatic events: tropical storms and hurricanes. The
series of disasters since 1978 includes Hurricane David,
an extreme Category 4 storm with sustained winds in
excess of 210 kilometers per hour, and Hurricane
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
Figure 2.1 Dominica: real annual fluctuations in agricultural, nonagricultural, and total GDP, 1978–99
David and Hurricane
Tropical Storm
Storm Three Storm
Debbie Storms Hortense
Hurricane Hugo
Year-on-year change (percent)
Total GDP
Nonagricultural GDP
Agricultural GDP
Source: Benson and Clay (2001); reprinted from Kreimer, Arnold, and Carlin (2003).
natural hazards have had on the island’s economic performance since 1978, as shown in figure 2.1. The analysis also suggests, however, that the economy is becoming
relatively less sensitive to extreme climatic events. These
shifts in vulnerability to natural hazards are related both
to increasing development and capital investment in the
island and to changes in the structure and composition
of economic activity. The economy was most vulnerable to extreme climatic events in the years 1975–85,
shortly before and after Independence in 1978.8
Beginning in the 1950s, bananas, grown largely by
smallholders, had progressively displaced plantation
tree crops as the principal commodity exported to the
United Kingdom and then to the European Union under
a preferential access agreement. These changes in the
type and structure of production increased the overall
vulnerability of both the agricultural sector and the
wider economy to natural hazards.
Hurricane David and, in rapid succession, Hurricanes Frederick and Allen demonstrated that vulnerability, causing severe damage to banana plantings. Yet
the hurricanes led directly to an increase in the share
of bananas in total agricultural output because banana
cultivation offered a fast, low-investment means of restoring agricultural livelihoods in an assured export market.9
The rapid recovery in export production after Hurricane
Hugo in 1989 again demonstrated the resilience of
the banana economy. In this case, the compulsory
WINCROP banana crop insurance scheme (described
in box 5.1 in chapter 5), which was introduced in 1987–88
by the banana marketing boards of four Windward Island
states, helped encourage replanting of bananas by
offering partial financial protection in the event of a disaster. The dominance of bananas in Dominica, and of
similar monocrop agricultural sectors in other small
island economies, exemplifies a progressive adaptation
to a specific external economic environment and is often
accompanied by institutional innovation.
The wider economy’s vulnerability to natural hazards
has changed over the past two decades as a consequence
of changes in the sectoral composition of GDP—a development accelerated by the World Trade Organization
(WTO) process. From the mid-1990s on, external factors resulted in a decline in export-oriented banana
Disasters and the Macroeconomy
production, as real prices fell and guaranteed preferential access to the European market ended. Counterintuitively, the resulting more diversified agricultural
sector is more sensitive to both natural hazards and
other risks. But agriculture’s share of GDP has been
declining; by 1997 it had dropped to only 19 percent,
half its 1977 level, while manufacturing, tourism, and
financial services grew and increased their share of GDP.
The services sectors are less sensitive to anything short
of a catastrophic event, such as Hurricane David, and
so their growth implies a reduction in the vulnerability of the economy as a whole.
The development of the island’s infrastructure shows
how long-term changes in vulnerability are linked to
overall levels of development and to changes in the
structure and composition of economic activity. Between
1950 and 1978, Dominica was transformed from an
underdeveloped plantation-cum-subsistence colony into
an independent, middle-income economy. Key to this
achievement was rapid development of infrastructure.
Because of the severe financial constraints, this development took place at the lowest possible construction
costs. The investments followed more than 20 years
without any major hurricane impacts. As a result, adequate disaster mitigation was not built into the construction design, and this omission had devastating
consequences when Hurricane David struck.10 All the
key infrastructure systems were devastated. Except for
airports, these systems were again partly disrupted by
Hurricane Lenny in 1999. Their vulnerability to natural hazards now varies, reflecting the amount of hazard
mitigation investment that has taken place and the associated practical and funding issues.11
Dominica is part of the Eastern Caribbean dollar
(EC$) area. The currency is carefully and conservatively
managed by the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB).
That framework of monetary stability reduces financial
uncertainty for the private sector and lessens the potential destabilizing financial impacts of a disaster shock
(see chapter 3).
Most of Bangladesh’s densely settled population of 130
million people lives in the delta of the great Ganges
and Brahmaputra river systems and is at significant risk
from multiple forms of natural hazard. Riverine floods,
tropical cyclones (sometimes accompanied by devastating storm surges), flash flooding, erosion, and drought
have caused severe economic and social disruption
and considerable loss of life in recent decades. Furthermore, Bangladesh is in a zone of very high seismic
A decade of severe disasters began in the mid1960s. In November 1970 a catastrophic cyclone killed
over 300,000 people, and in 1971 came the War of Independence and its aftermath, when 12 million people
were displaced. These events resulted in massive damage
to infrastructure and institutional disruption. The decade
culminated in 1974–75 with a famine linked to extreme
floods, hyperinflation, and a bloody political crisis. These
events created a worldwide perception in the mid-1970s
of Bangladesh as not just a disaster-prone country but,
in the insensitive words of the U.S. secretary of state at
the time, a nonviable “basket case.”
With no further major disasters, the Bangladesh economy recovered rapidly in the late 1970s. Annual growth
of per capita GDP averaged 1.7 percent in the 1980s
and 3.3 percent in the 1990s; the latter rate reflected
both higher GDP growth and declining population
growth. At the same time, the structural composition
of the economy has changed: agriculture’s share of
GDP has declined, while the industrial and services sectors have expanded, resulting in a sharp shift in the
composition of the country’s exports. A gradual process
of structural adjustment and trade liberalization, along
with more disciplined monetary management, resulted
in the 1990s in an inflation rate that stayed in the
single digits and an annual current account deficit below
2.5 percent of GDP. The reforms have also helped increase
private sector development and foreign direct investment (FDI). Fiscal policy has been less successful: the
country has had large fiscal deficits, a low tax-to-GDP
ratio, and relatively poor-quality public spending.
A simple assessment of the sensitivity of Bangladesh’s
economic performance to major disasters, as measured
by fluctuations in GDP and in growth rates of agricultural and nonagricultural sector products, highlights
some key issues:
• In the period 1965–75, extreme volatility in the still
largely agricultural economy was clearly linked to
catastrophic natural disasters.
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
the external and domestic grain trade have also played
a role. As Bangladesh approached self-sufficiency in rice,
internal prices for this national staple displayed reduced
seasonal volatility and moved closer to import parity
price levels with the liberalization of the grain import
trade. After the floods of 1998, large-scale private sector
imports covered the greater part of the temporary food
gap, limiting pressures on prices and public finance (del
Ninno and others 2001).
Investment in structural flood control has been another
factor contributing to increased resilience. Urbanization
is rapidly creating large urban and periurban zones, and
the capital, Dhaka, is becoming a sprawling, minimally
planned megacity with weak, overstretched infrastructure. However, since the severe floods of the late 1980s,
there has been a de facto shift of flood control investment and operations and maintenance (O&M)—the
main area of public expenditure on disaster mitigation—
from rural and agricultural to urban and industrial
protection. These changes in priority have met with
some success. The 1998 floods, of longer duration and
with higher river levels than those of 1987 and 1988,
• With the notable exception of the 1998 floods, major
disasters have led to downturns in the agricultural
sector’s annual rate of growth.
• The short-term impact of disasters on the nonagricultural sector is much less significant, but the longerterm impacts of disasters are not reflected in interannual
fluctuations. If resources are diverted from productive investments to disaster response, the pace and
nature of development will be adversely affected.
• The sensitivity to natural hazards of both the agricultural and the nonagricultural components of GDP
appears to be declining over time, suggesting
greater resilience (figure 2.2).
The improvement in the economy’s resilience is partly
attributable to structural change in the agricultural sector.
Following the 1987 and 1988 floods, a relaxation of
restrictions on private agricultural investment and on
imports of equipment—initially, to encourage recovery—
was associated with a rapid expansion of dry-season
(winter) irrigated rice, displacing highly flood-prone
deep-water rice and jute and carrying a much lower
risk. Increased rice production and liberalization of
Figure 2.2 Bangladesh: real annual fluctuations in agricultural, nonagricultural, and total GDP, financial years
War of
Year-on-year change (percent)
Total GDP
Agricultural GDP
Source: Benson and Clay (2002a); reprinted from Kreimer, Arnold, and Carlin (2003).
Nonagricultural GDP
Disasters and the Macroeconomy
financial stability in the aftermath of subsequent disasters. Remittances by Bangladeshis working abroad have
played an important role in financing economic
growth and in providing postdisaster financial support;
these remittances increased by 18 percent in the financial year that included the 1998 floods. Finally, Bangladesh
has been a leader in developing microfinance for the
rural poor and, more recently, the urban poor. Microfinance had a significant, although still limited, role in
enabling the poor to cope with the costs of the 1998
floods (del Ninno and others 2001). The central bank
was able to protect this important financial sector through
massive refinancing.
did not severely affect the Greater Dhaka metropolitan
area or some secondary towns that had received enhanced
Changes in the composition of productive activity
have also altered the vulnerability of the economy. Rapidly
expanding, export-oriented garment manufacture has
been the primary motor of export growth, as inward
FDI and some local industrialists exploited the trading
niche offered by the Multi-Fibre Agreement (MFA). During
the 1998 floods, there was some disruption of supply
and export chains, but the industry, which was largely
based in urban zones less affected by flooding, proved
resilient. Again, however, it appears that the risks have
changed rather than being simply reduced. The industry’s markets are far from assured and could be lost if there
were a major disaster-related disruption. Manufacturing
in coastal Chittagong is potentially exposed to an extreme
cyclone and storm surge, such as the one in 1991.
Building standards in new industrial and commercial
developments (with short life expectancies) and in rapidly expanding housing largely ignore seismic hazard.
The financial system has seen some major developments too, including important innovations, that
again have strengthened resilience to natural hazards.
After the chaotic hyperinflation that contributed to the
famine of 1974, the government has maintained relative
On current evidence, since around 1999 some countries
in southern Africa have experienced increased economic
volatility linked with climatic variability (figure 2.3).
This apparent increase in vulnerability has occurred
during a period of complex, interacting developments
in the region. Some of these developments have been
positive—for example, the political reintegration of
South Africa and the end of the conflict in Mozambique.
Others are negative, such as the increasing problems
with governance in Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe and
Figure 2.3 Malawi: real annual fluctuations in agricultural, nonagricultural, and total GDP, 1980–2001
Total GDP
Agricultural GDP
Source: Clay and others (2003); reprinted from Kreimer, Arnold, and Carlin (2003).
Nonagricultural GDP
Year-on-year change (percent)
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
the HIV/AIDS epidemic, which undermines capacity
to cope with shocks. Malawi provides an illustration of
these trends.
Malawi, a small, landlocked country, had a population of 10.8 million in 2000. It is one of the poorest
countries in Africa, with per capita GDP of US$170 in
2000. Health and social indicators are among the lowest
anywhere, and Malawi is one of the countries most
severely affected by HIV/AIDS. The loss of human capital and the prevalence of ill health among the economically active population are probably making the
country more disaster-prone.
Malawi still has a largely rural economy; 89 percent
of the economically active population is classified as
rural. Agriculture accounted for about 40 percent of
GDP in 2000, compared with 44 percent in 1980. The
share of agriculture in GDP, which had been declining,
rose again in the 1990s as the industrial sector stagnated
and the public services sector contracted. Export earnings are dominated by agricultural commodities—largely,
rainfed tobacco—making the economy sensitive to climatic variability and commodity price shocks.
Despite internal liberalization and reductions in tariffs, the economy has become relatively less open over
time. Exports as a proportion of GDP declined from 28
percent in 1980 to 24 percent in 2000, and imports as
a share of GDP decreased from 43 to 40 percent.
The main source of natural hazards is climatic variability. The principal food staple, rainfed maize, which
accounts for over 70 percent of energy intake, is extremely
sensitive not just to drought or low rainfall but also to
erratic rainfall during the growing season and to
abnormally high rainfall. There were only two clearly
defined droughts in the 20th century—one associated
with the famine of 1949 and the other in 1991/92, when
maize production fell by around 60 percent. But relatively
unfavorable conditions such as the sparse and erratic
rainfall in 1993/94, the extremely high rainfall in 2000/01,
and locally erratic rains in 2001/02 pose increased food
security threats and wider economic threats to a more
vulnerable, less resilient economy.
Riverine flooding is an annual, relatively predictable
hazard in the southern districts, where population density is lower. Even in 2001, flooding did not have a widespread, catastrophic impact. There are apparently no
other significant natural hazards.
At least six factors are contributing to increasing economic sensitivity in Malawi:
• Unsustainable agricultural practices. The stagnation in
cereal production over more than two decades is a
problem throughout southern Africa (figure 2.4). It
has been linked with failure to follow cropping patterns that maintain nutrient levels and to compensate for lost nutrients with increased fertilizer
applications. Demographic pressures are contributing to the decrease in the size of smallholdings,
but other factors must be invoked to explain why
smallholder farmers are unable to address technical
• Structural change in agriculture. Structural change has
been brought about by deliberate land redistribution
and by economic processes, both of which are influenced by policy. The decades-long marginalization
of the small farmer and the switch in the 1990s toward
encouraging small farmers to take up tobacco production have increased volatility. Meanwhile, attempts
to establish a viable credit system, input supply, and
supportive marketing structure for smaller producers have not been fully effective.
• Institutional weaknesses in agriculture. Institutional
weaknesses reflect the shortcomings of many sectoral
and structural adjustment programs. Previously dominant or monopolistic parastatal marketing, credit,
and input supply organizations have been weakened,
but effective and efficient commercial enterprises
have not emerged to fill the gap. The regional crisis
of 2002 confirms that too little has been achieved.
• Political instability. Since the early 1990s, political
instability and governance problems have weakened the government’s capacity to manage the fiscal
and monetary aspects of shocks (see chapter 3).
• Short-term variability in external aid levels. Donors’
country-specific policies—which are influenced by
political and governance issues, as well as by directly
economic and humanitarian considerations—have
been an important factor in the volatility of public
• The effects of HIV/AIDS on human resources. The effects
of HIV/AIDS are insidious, and although much discussed, they are only gradually being understood,
quantified, and seriously addressed. The loss of human
capital and the incidence of ill health among the
Disasters and the Macroeconomy
Figure 2.4 Southern Africa: cereal production and El Niño events, 1972–99
El Niño
El Niño
El Niño
El Niño
El Niño
El Niño
Cereal production
Year-on-year change (percent)
El Niño
Millions of metric tons
Growth in cereal production
Source: Clay and others (2003).
economically active population are undermining
coping strategies and making the country more disaster-prone (Haacker 2002).
Extreme events such as the 1991/92 drought in
southern Africa (see figure 2.4) and the floods in Mozambique in 2000/01 frequently evoke warnings about the
effects of climatic change. There is as yet no conclusive
evidence that Malawi, southern Africa as a whole, or
other regions of Sub-Saharan Africa are experiencing
either more frequent extreme events or long-term aridification (Hulme and others 2001), but both are anticipated for parts of southern Africa as a consequence of
climatic change (IPCC 2001; Fischer, Shah, and Van
Velthuizen 2002).
Comparison of the Experiences
of the Case Study Countries
The three case study countries demonstrate striking contrasts, not just in their increasing or decreasing vulnerability but also in the changing forms of vulnerability.
These developments belie somewhat simplistic notions
of general and rapidly increasing vulnerability to natural hazards associated with global economic growth
and climatic change. In Bangladesh and Dominica, sensitivity to climate-related hazards seems to have
peaked in the 1970s, but Malawi and some other southern African economies are currently showing increasing sensitivity. By contrast, risks emanating from
geophysical hazards appear to have risen with urbanization and with the growth of the secondary (industrial) and tertiary (services) sectors in both Bangladesh
and Dominica.
Overview of the Factors
Determining Vulnerability
Economic vulnerability is not a static condition that
reflects location-specific environmental hazards. The
scale and nature of the economic impacts of a natural
hazard event depend, as well, on influences that are timespecific. The country studies, and evidence from earlier
case studies, highlight five basic factors that determine
broad macroeconomic vulnerability to natural hazards:
• The type of natural hazard
• The overall structure of an economy, including natural resource endowments
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
The geographic size of a country
• The country’s income level and stage of development
• Prevailing socioeconomic conditions, including the
policy environment and the state of the economy.
Each of these influences is considered in greater detail
in the sections that follow.
There are also other factors affecting vulnerability.
Vulnerability is time-dependent; the country’s stage of
socioeconomic development matters, as does its state
of technical and scientific advancement. For example,
since the early 1990s, considerable advances have
been made in seasonal climatic forecasting for southern Africa and other regions of Sub-Saharan Africa. This
information can be used to inform private and public
decisions on the management of water resources, the
choice of crops, and the level of grain exports and imports,
and these decisions in turn alter the relationship between
climatic variability and economic performance.
The application of technical and scientific developments in economic activity can affect vulnerability. For
example, flood-tolerant cultivars used in deep-water
rice cultivation in South and Southeast Asia have gradually been displaced by shorter-stemmed cultivars that
require more controlled water management (often,
through irrigation) but also permit more intensive production. In Bangladesh this intensification, which is
associated with a switch to dry-season, irrigated, highinput rice, has reduced overall variability in crop production and vulnerability to climatic hazards.
As discussed in the country studies, disaster management, narrowly defined in terms of specific mitigation, preparedness, and postdisaster responses, also
contributes to determining the level and nature of
Another critical factor is environmental change. In
Bangladesh the destruction of the Sundarbans mangrove
forests may affect the impact of cyclones. Upper riparian water management and use may alter the risks of
extreme flooding and the consequences of drought.
Deforestation also probably increases the risks of landslides, which could be triggered by climatic or seismic
events, as seen in Dominica. In Malawi farming practices and social pressures on wasteland and forestland
accelerate soil erosion and increase sensitivity to climatic extremes. Global climatic change could also
alter the frequency and scale of climatic hazards.
Natural Hazards
The inductive nature of case study investigation gives
rise to preliminary findings and hypotheses that need
to be more widely explored. The authors’ earlier study
of drought in Sub-Saharan Africa (Benson and Clay
1998) suggested the hypothesis that vulnerability is
linked in a nonlinear way with development from a simpler economic structure to a more complex one characterized by increasing intersectoral linkages and
integration of financial flows. Further investigations,
reported in this study, lead to a second hypothesis: that
the changing patterns of economic vulnerability differ
for two broad types of hazard—hydro-meteorological
(drought, flood, cyclones, and hurricanes) and geophysical. If that hypothesis is provisionally accepted, it
will have important implications for further investigations and for disaster risk reduction policy.
Hydro-meteorological Hazards
Climatic variability and drought. Both abnormally low
or erratic rainfall (usually characterized as drought) and
abnormally high rainfall are likely to affect agricultural
performance adversely. The effects of abnormally high
rainfall may be less severe but are still serious for a highly
vulnerable rural economy. Drought, in particular, can
cause heavy crop and livestock losses over wide areas,
often affecting several countries simultaneously (the
covariance aspect of disaster risk), as happened in southern Africa in the early 1990s. Extreme climatic events
may persist (auto or serial correlation); in the Sahel, there
is a significant risk of a succession of very dry years. In
southeastern Africa, extreme events occurring within a
well-established, long quasi cycle of drier and wetter
periods lasting approximately a decade may be amplified (as illustrated by drought in the early 1990s and
floods at the turn of the millennium), or they may be
dampened, as with drought in the 1970s. Such quasicyclical phenomena, which modify the potential impact
of an event considered in isolation, have implications
not only for agriculture but also for other waterrelated, hydrologically sensitive sectors of an economy,
such as hydroelectricity and domestic water supply
(Hulme and others 2001).
Disasters and the Macroeconomy
Riverine floods. Abnormally severe flooding is likely to
damage infrastructure and productive capacity, as well
as directly reduce output, particularly by destroying
standing crops and by disrupting economic and social
activity. These effects can be widespread, as in Bangladesh,
or very restricted, as in Malawi.
Tropical cyclones and hurricanes. Tropical storms pose
a considerable threat to human life, especially when associated with storm surges, and can have devastating impacts
on the productive economy. The economic impacts may
be less widespread than those of drought or riverine flood,
but the storms can leave a path of destruction and disruption across a whole region, as in the case of hurricanes
in the Caribbean. Storm impacts are likely to have a localized impact in larger economies (coastal Bangladesh and
the Philippines) but to be overwhelmingly devastating
for smaller economies (Dominica, Fiji, and Montserrat).
Severe storms are likely to be associated with and
intensify localized hazards such as flash flooding and
landslides. This happened with Hurricane David in 1979
in Dominica and Hurricane Mitch in 1998 in Central
America (IFRC 1999).
Geophysical Hazards
Earthquakes can cause widespread destruction of infrastructure and other productive capacity over relatively
large areas. These events have little impact on standing
crops, except for localized losses resulting from landslides. The greatest risk of catastrophic macroeconomic consequences is when the event occurs in a major
urban center or in the metropolis (e.g., Tokyo in
1923). The possibility of such an extreme outcome is,
as with all hazards, in part a function of the economy’s
size; thus, a single volcanic eruption completely disrupted Montserrat’s economy. Volcanic eruptions and
tsunamis also usually have localized direct impacts.
Geophysical and Climate-Related Hazards Compared
The area of danger in a geophysical event is usually
more restricted than for the most extreme climatic events.
The other important difference between climate-related
and geophysical hazards is the form of risk associated
with events likely to cause severe economic impacts. In
Dominica damaging storms have been 5- to 50-year events,
depending on their intensity. The droughts in Malawi and
the extreme floods in Bangladesh during the 1980s and
1990s, which had clear macroeconomic impacts, were
also 5- to 50-year events, according to level of severity.
The recurrent nature of hazards leads to adaptations in
economic and social activities, such as agriculture,
housing, and water supply, at the micro and sectoral levels.
The historical climatological and hydrological records
also allow formal assignment of risks within probability
bands that can be taken into account in larger-scale public
and commercial investment and in production decisions.
These risks, however, are nonrandom and are potentially
subject to quasi-cyclical and secular change.12 Consequently, experiences based on (climatically) relatively
short periods may be profoundly misleading guides to
the formation of expectations.13
By contrast, from the viewpoint of most public and
private investment decisionmaking, geophysical hazards
are to be regarded as random, stochastic events of uncertain and mostly low probability. Extreme geophysical
events, with the potential to cause severe damage and
disruption, are very rare—a 1 percent risk or less in any
year. Even in relatively high-risk zones, the probability
of there having been disastrous events within living
memory or even in the historical record is low. Consequently, until the recent advent of rapid media dissemination of information about events elsewhere, risks had
little effect on private or even public decisions about
the location of activities or about construction standards
for the built environment. Only formal regulation or risk
assessments that are required for internationally funded
investments are likely to introduce risk reduction into
economic decisions. But on a global scale, the disasterrelated costs of geophysical hazards are rising rapidly,
and in countries with a significant risk, the potential cost
is growing exponentially with economic development.
Economic Structure
The interaction between the types of natural hazard risk
to which a country is exposed and the basic structure
of its economy at a particular moment in time plays a
significant role in determining broader macroeconomic
vulnerability. The economic structure is reflected in the
relative importance of the various sectors and subsectors;
in patterns of ownership and systems of production;
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
in intersectoral linkages; and in the role and nature of
productive capital.
Both the Dominica and Bangladesh cases show how
reductions in broad macroeconomic vulnerability are
related to structural change—specifically, to a relative
decline in agriculture, commonly the most vulnerable
sector. Even within the agricultural sector, however, various factors work to determine the precise nature and
level of vulnerability. These include capacity to recover
from a hazard event and the degree of resilience. Banana
producers, for example, can suffer enormous damage
as a consequence of disasters, but their capacity to recover
has been strong, as is seen in the case of Dominica. The
relative importance of different socioeconomic groups
in production can also significantly influence vulnerability, as in Malawi and Zimbabwe (Benson 1998).
Dominica and Zimbabwe provide contrasting examples of the importance of intersectoral linkages in determining hazard sensitivity.14 Some countries have a
high degree of dualism, with a large capital-intensive
extractive sector that features significantly in the trade
account but is weakly linked with other sectors of the
economy. The effects of drought on the macroeconomy
and on the trade account were modest in Zambia in
the 1980s, before the collapse of copper mining, and
in Botswana and Namibia during the 1990s.15
Stage of Development
Economic development is widely understood as a process
of increasing complexity that is reflected in the growing proportion of GDP accounted for by the secondary
and tertiary sectors of the economy. The stage of development of an economy, measured in terms of the degree
of sectoral, geographic, and financial integration,
levels of economic specialization, and government revenue-raising capabilities, is likely to influence vulnerability to natural hazards (Benson and Clay 1998).
Least-developed or simple, less complex economies
are typically perceived as most vulnerable, even
though their absolute losses as a consequence of a particular disaster may be small relative to the levels reported
in developed countries. It is true that because of weak
intersectoral linkages, a high degree of self-provisioning,
and, often, poor transport infrastructure, the multiplier
effects from the immediately affected regions or sectors
through the rest of the economy may be fairly limited,
and much of the cost of relief and rehabilitation may
be met through external grants and concessional assistance. Nevertheless, the physical impact of a disaster
can be severe, causing widespread destruction and sometimes high loss of life, and disasters can exacerbate existing problems of indebtedness and poverty.
But economic growth and development per se may
not reduce vulnerability. In Bangladesh and Dominica,
for instance, development is altering sensitivity to natural hazards rather than reducing it. Poor and socially
disadvantaged groups can become differentially vulnerable.16 Although this much-researched subject is outside the scope of this study, its importance should be
fully acknowledged. Similar patterns may be mirrored
at a macroeconomic level.
An economy at an intermediate stage of development is typically more integrated, sectorally and geographically, than a simple one, and this increases the
multiplier effects of adverse performance in a particular sector or region. For example, climatic hazards may
affect the growing manufacturing sector, as well as the
agricultural and livestock sectors, particularly where,
as is commonly the case, the initial growth of the
manufacturing sector is based primarily on agroprocessing. Meanwhile, the government is likely to meet
a larger share of the costs of relief and rehabilitation
efforts itself rather than rely almost entirely on international assistance (see chapter 3). In such an economy, the financial sector is also likely to have a more
important role in shaping the impact of a natural disaster. Intermediate economies typically have more developed economywide financial systems for the flow of
funds, including small-scale private savings and
transfers, and this diffuses the impact of disasters
more widely. For example, in Zimbabwe following the
1991/92 drought, the transfer of remittances from urban
to rural regions was facilitated by the well-articulated
system for small savings. These transfers not only mitigated the impact of the drought in rural areas but also
spread the effects more widely (Hicks 1993).
In the later stages of development, the relative scale
of the economic impacts of disasters is likely to decline
again, as is suggested by evidence on the reported
costs of disaster damage (e.g., Alexander 1997) and
Disasters and the Macroeconomy
the effects of drought shocks on GDP (Benson and
Clay 1998). In part, this relationship reflects the decline
of the share in GDP of the particularly hazard-vulnerable
agricultural sector, and its decreasing importance as a
source of employment, a provider of inputs to other sectors, and an end-user. More developed economies are
also typically more open and have fewer foreign exchange
constraints, implying that any disaster-related increases
in imports will not displace normal imports. Other
factors that contribute to lower vulnerability include
higher investment in risk reduction, improved environmental management, and lower levels of poverty.
Moreover, a larger share of economic assets is likely to
be held by the private sector and adequately insured
against disaster, and a higher proportion of damage sustained by individual households will be covered by
insurance. Thus, the scale and cost of relief and rehabilitation programs will be limited and less likely to
necessitate a substantial increase in government domestic or external borrowing. Despite all this, a small segment of the affected population may be severely affected
by loss of income, assets, and savings.
Within this broad framework, very small island
economies represent a special case—a point that is illustrated in case studies and is underlined by recent attempts
to develop national indices of vulnerability (see box 2.1).
A cyclone (Hurricane David in Dominica) or a volcanic
eruption (Montserrat) whose impact would be relatively
localized in a larger country can be catastrophic to a small
island country—it can disrupt the whole economy; destroy
much of the transport, power, and communications
networks, as well as productive capacity and social
infrastructure; and precipitate an exodus of human capital. A loss that “would be merely a local transfer in a
larger economy”—for example, the temporary or permanent displacement of markets for a country’s outputs—
could be a devastating setback to a small island economy
(Handmer and Thompson 1997: 15).
2000.) Such factors are contingent, reflecting a range of
dynamic influences. A probably incomplete list includes:
• Domestic macroeconomic policies such as stabilization or structural economic reform programs.
• Medium-term economic and social strategies such as
poverty reduction (see box 2.2).
• Domestic sectoral policies such as those concerned with
food marketing, foreign exchange management, or
stockpiling of cereals—although there is no clear pattern relating to the implications of particular policies.17
• Deliberate changes in policy in response to a disaster—
for instance, to control inflation, encourage reinvestment,
or generate revenue to meet the costs of rehabilitation.
• The external policy environment, to the extent that
it influences the pattern of productive activities and
thus affects underlying vulnerability. In Dominica
banana production has been encouraged by preferential trade arrangements. Malawi is experiencing
deindustrialization as South Africa is reintegrated
into the regional economy.
• Coincidental fluctuations in primary export and
import prices (e.g., of cereals or oil), which may lessen
or exacerbate impacts on the balance of payments
and inflation.
• A country’s significance in specific export markets.
The shift from agricultural to manufacturing exports,
and thus to an apparently less hazard-vulnerable form
of economic activity, may not in fact have reduced
the potential sensitivity to disasters of Bangladesh’s
export earnings.18
• The timing and nature of other shocks, especially
conflict—for example, the independence struggle
in Bangladesh and the war in Mozambique that destabilized Malawi’s transport links and brought an influx
of refugees.
• The incidence of health hazards. The HIV/AIDS pandemic and the resurgence of malaria and tuberculosis are undermining coping strategies, eroding human
capital, and placing potentially considerable strain
on public finances in southern and eastern Africa.
Prevailing Socioeconomic Conditions
The Macroeconomic Impact of Disasters
A myriad of other factors, either coincidental or the
consequence of deliberate public policy, can also act to
dampen or amplify the economic impact of a hazard
event. (For a fuller discussion, see Benson and Clay
The wide range of views on the economic consequences
of natural hazards justifies a careful reexamination of
the theoretical arguments in order to set the context
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
Box 2.1 Measuring vulnerability
Several attempts have recently been made, essentially for purposes of international development policy, to assess countries’ relative vulnerability to natural hazards. The results typically generate a numerical ranking of countries. Attaching a single quantitative number to a country’s vulnerability is an appealing notion. Just as the poverty level provides
an immediate indicator of the likely importance of poverty reduction efforts in a country and the extent to which poverty
factors should be considered and addressed in broader policy, a summary indicator of vulnerability could highlight a
possible need to address vulnerability to natural hazards and perhaps bring risk concerns into the heart of government
The recent flurry of interest in indices of vulnerability to natural hazards is part of a wider attempt to measure the
extent of the vulnerability of individual countries, particularly small states, to external economic shocks. This interest
is partly fueled by the fact that many small states have relatively high levels of per capita income, suggesting their economic strength rather than—as is often the case—economic fragility. The focus on their relative wealth, rather than
on economic stability, has limited these countries’ access to concessional aid resources, generating concern as to whether
they may require differential treatment by the international development community. Vulnerability indices could become
an important determinant of a country’s graduation status within the United Nations and Bretton Woods systems (World
Bank 2002).
The usefulness of vulnerability indices ultimately hinges on their success in capturing meaningful differences in
sensitivity to shocks. The vulnerability indices that have been developed so far have been based on a (sometimes
weighted) range of components designed to capture various aspects of vulnerability, including that relating to natural
hazards. Vulnerability to natural hazards, in turn, has been measured on the basis of some form of historical record of
impacts—for example, total damage from significant disaster events, defined as events causing damage that exceeds
1 percent of gross national product (GNP) over the period 1970–89 (Briguglio 1995); the percentage of the population affected by natural disasters over the period 1970–96 (Atkins, Mazzi, and Easter 2000); or the total number of
natural disasters over the period 1970–96, expressed in relation to total land area (Atkins, Mazzi, and Easter 2000).
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is currently working on a more sophisticated form of vulnerability indicator which incorporates political, social, and economic factors that could influence current and future vulnerability. Even with that more refined measure, the scores and relative ranking of different countries will be approximate,
at best.
Differences in definition, compounded by incomplete and inaccurate data, have resulted in significant differences
in the ranking of countries—although all rankings highlight the apparent special vulnerability of small island economies
to natural hazards. For example, Bangladesh ranked 15th as measured by total damage as a percentage of GNP, 2nd
according to population affected, and 23rd according to total number of disasters relative to land mass. The corresponding rankings for Dominica were 2nd, 13th, and 7th, and for Malawi, 51st, 23rd, and 44th (a tie).
More fundamentally, any ranking is sensitive both to the period of analysis and to the type of hazard faced by a particular country. Different types of hazard imply different types of risk. A country might have a high score because of a
single extreme geophysical event with very low probability of recurrence, or a very low score because it has not experienced such an event.
Moreover, each index has been based entirely on historical impact, however defined, and has ignored the dynamic
nature of vulnerability, which demands a forward-looking perspective. The impact of past disasters is significant, and
comparison of hazard events across countries and within countries helps build understanding of the factors contributing
to vulnerability. Past impacts, however, cannot be directly equated with future vulnerability. The nature and scale of
vulnerability, whether viewed in economic or other terms, are themselves highly dynamic and in constant flux, since
human actions continually influence vulnerability, at both the household and macroeconomic levels. The insidious,
progressive effect that the HIV/AIDS pandemic in southern Africa is having on vulnerability to natural hazards, which
was fully exposed only when unfavorable weather triggered a humanitarian crisis in 2002, highlights these issues.
Source: Benson (2003b).
Disasters and the Macroeconomy
Box 2.2 Saying so does not make it so: poverty reduction strategies
During the 1990s, international commitments were made to what eventually became the United Nations Millennium
Development Goals for poverty reduction. The commitment process was initiated in response to the disappointing
outcomes of efforts to reduce poverty in earlier decades. As a consequence, since the late 1990s, preparation of a
poverty reduction strategy paper (PRSP) or a similar policy document has become a major focus of government-donor
dialogue on development strategies. To some extent, poverty reduction has superseded structural adjustment—which
was the focal issue of development policy dialogue in the early 1990s, when the authors’ initial studies were conducted
(Benson and Clay 1998). Clear evidence of this change in priorities toward poverty reduction emerged in the course
of the three country case studies.
At the time of the country investigations in mid-2000, the government of Dominica, a small lower-middle-income
country, had not yet prepared a formal poverty strategy. Some aid officials saw the omission as an obstacle to support
for disaster mitigation. In the aftermath of Hurricane Lenny in 1999, certain donors wanted to support only components of reconstruction that accorded with their poverty reduction priorities—for example, funding repairs to and
hazard-proofing of parts of the vulnerable west coast road in the relatively poorer northern extremities of the island.
In Bangladesh the government published its draft strategy on poverty reduction and development while this study
was in progress. Disaster reduction is not incorporated in any systematic way into the new strategy; as in previous
medium-term planning exercises, it is treated as a separate sector of public action (Bangladesh 2002).
The draft Malawi PRSP is organized around a framework for sustainable improvement in the livelihoods of the rural
poor, and the negative impacts of drought shocks on livelihoods are recognized (Malawi 2001). Before the food crisis
in 2002, however, actions for mitigating drought and climatic shocks were not accorded any priority in the proposed
These cases suggest a potentially unsatisfactory feature of the PRSP process that merits further investigation. Linkages between disasters and poverty receive increasing recognition; indeed, exposure to risk and income shocks,
including shocks emanating from natural hazards, is identified as one of the four basic dimensions of poverty in the
PRSP handbook (Klugman 2002). Nevertheless, evidence from the three country studies suggests that disaster reduction is not being treated as a significant, integrated, cross-cutting priority within the new development strategies. Ways
need to be found to ensure that disaster mitigation and preparedness are mainstreamed within the PRSP framework.
for a presentation of case study findings. This section
reviews the available evidence on the economic impact
of disasters, in both the short and the longer term, primarily as captured in aggregate measures of GDP performance. Disasters may also have implications for
sustainable development more broadly defined, in terms
of livelihoods, human development, and poverty reduction, but investigation of such effects was beyond the
scope of the study.
Theoretical Perspectives
The study is based on the premise that natural hazards
potentially have significant adverse macroeconomic consequences and so require serious consideration by policymakers and decisionmakers. A number of other studies
have also recognized the economywide significance of
natural hazards and the problems they pose for longterm development (see, for example, Jovel 1989;
Anderson 1991; Gilbert and Kreimer 1999; UNDP 1999;
ECLAC and IADB 2000; UNISDR 2002).There has,
however, been little wider appreciation outside the field
of disaster management of the potentially serious implications of natural hazards.
Some economists, in fact, question the adverse effects
of natural hazards and even argue the opposite—that
disasters can be a positive shock:
The development costs of war are greater than the destruction associated with natural disasters, for two reasons.
First, natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, and
earthquakes tend to destroy housing and transport infrastructure, but have less effect on productive capacity and
leave human capital (other than those killed, of course)
intact. Second, as organizational and social capital remains
intact and natural disasters tend to be of relatively short
duration, investment quickly recovers and may even have
a positive multiplier effect on the economy as a whole.
(Stewart and others 2001: 15–16)
This argument relies heavily on a multicountry empirical analysis (Albala-Bertrand 1993) of the impact of
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
single disaster events on overall levels of economic
growth and other broad macroeconomic indicators.
Albala-Bertrand examined the impact of 28 disasters
in 26 countries occurring over the period 1960–79.
He concluded that there are no such things as economic
“national calamities” and that the overall rate of growth
of GDP improves after a disaster.
A theoretical explanation for this apparently contradictory finding is provided by Aghion and Howitt’s (1998)
endogenous Schumpterian model of growth through a
process of creative destruction. In this model, growth is
generated by a random sequence of quality-improving
innovations resulting from research activities (Benson
2003a). Replacement capital is likely to embody technical changes that raise factor productivity and thus competitiveness. A disaster would be the random event that
results in the adoption of such improved innovations.
Thus, each disaster would force an economy upward to
a new, scaled-up version of itself.
In reality, the process is not that simple. Postdisaster investment resources, for instance, are not necessarily additional (see chapter 3), and some technological
advances may occur at the expense of others that were
already scheduled. Moreover, postdisaster reconstruction efforts are not necessarily well planned or carefully orchestrated, and so technological and other
improvements may not occur. Financial capital may
also move its place of business, or fresh FDI may
select other sites, so that the disaster-affected area loses
capital assets to less risky locations. And where factor
mobility exists, there may be loss of human capital
through labor migration.19
A careful reexamination of Albala-Bertrand’s data
set suggests that his findings may not entirely contradict this study’s conclusions on the negative impact of
hydro-meteorological disasters. Most of the countries
that he found to have achieved higher GDP growth in
the two years after a disaster, as compared with the two
years before the event, had experienced earthquakes.
Ten of the 12 countries with lower postdisaster growth
had been affected by other types of hazard (Benson
1994). These contrasting results imply that the net
positive effects reported were largely associated with
geophysical hazards, the potential impacts of which
are somewhat different from those of climate-related
events. Large reconstruction programs may be required
in the aftermath of a geophysical disaster, potentially
creating a construction boom that can last several years,
while agriculture—which in many developing countries is still a major source of livelihoods—is seldom
severely affected by geophysical events. Albala-Bertrand
also treated disasters as isolated, one-off events rather
than as recurring shocks with potentially cumulative
economywide impacts. That is a reasonable assumption for a low-probability event such as an earthquake
or tsunami, but in order to conclude that natural disasters are beneficial for long-term development, it would
at least be necessary to undertake analysis over a
much longer period and to include a careful examination of climatic hazards of relatively frequent occurrence, such as floods in Bangladesh or drought in
southern Africa.
Short-Term Impacts
Disasters commonly cause a short-term decline in
GDP. For example, Charvériat’s study (2000) of 35 disaster events in Latin America and the Caribbean between
1980 and 1996 found that real growth rates fell in the
year of the disaster in 28 of the cases examined and
typically rose sharply in the two succeeding years. This
and other studies have, however, found wide variations in the level of interannual fluctuations in GDP,
reflecting not simply the scale of direct losses but also
other variables at work. In-depth analysis of individual
country experiences is necessary in order to identify the
factors underlying these variations and to understand
the nature of their interplay with natural disasters.
In considering individual countries, it is useful to
distinguish between three groups:
• Very small countries where hazard impacts may be
• Larger countries where substantial areas are directly
affected by individual events
• Larger countries that typically experience individual disasters in a geographically limited area.
Small island economies are particularly vulnerable
to natural hazards. The impacts of hazard events typically show up clearly as interannual fluctuations in
economic performance, as seen in Dominica, Fiji,
and Montserrat. The sensitivity of Dominica’s sectoral
Disasters and the Macroeconomy
economic performance to hurricanes over the period
1978–98 was tested more formally in the case study,
using regression analysis. The analysis confirmed the
negative impact that major hurricanes have had on overall short-term economic performance, although it also
indicated that the effects of hurricanes have become relatively less severe with the decline of agricultural
sector product as a share of GDP. Fiji displays similar
evidence of extreme sensitivity to natural disasters, as
confirmed by regression analysis of sectoral economic
performance from 1971 to 1994 (Benson 1997a).
Montserrat is the extreme case of a hazard-prone
microeconomy. After the devastation of Hurricane Hugo
in 1989, GDP returned to its predisaster level only in
1994. Then, after the volcanic eruption began in 1995,
GDP fell by half over three years. Even these dramatic
figures underestimate the true extent of economic downturn: since the onset of the volcanic crisis, the economy has been sustained only by substantial inflows of
assistance, which have offset to some extent the massive decline in autonomous private sector economic
activity (Clay and others 1999).
In geographically larger countries, the short-term
effects of disasters are discernible when severe natural
disasters affect extensive areas or the whole country.
This was broadly the case in southern Africa in 1991/92.
GDP contracted sharply in every country except Botswana
and Namibia, whose economies are dominated by
mineral exports. The recovery in 1993/94 failed to compensate for the departure from predrought trends before
the next shock occurred in 1994/95. These regional
findings are confirmed by country-level statistical analysis for Malawi and Zimbabwe.
In Bangladesh there is also a clear relationship between
extreme volatility in the economy between 1965 and
1975 and catastrophic natural disasters. The disaster
shocks were compounded by conflict and internal disorder during and after the War of Independence in 1971.
The amplitude of disaster shocks considerably diminished after initial postconflict reconstruction. Reintegration of the economy was completed in the early 1980s,
and subsequent structural transformation of the economy has further reduced vulnerability.
An earlier examination of the Philippines highlights
potential difficulties in estimating the short-term effects
of disasters in a geographically extensive economy.
The Philippines is one of the most hazard-prone countries in the world, experiencing all major types of natural hazard. Because of its large geographic size, however,
individual hazard events (except for droughts) typically
affect only a small part of the country, implying that
their impact may not be reflected in fluctuations in
national economic performance.20 Measurement problems are compounded by the frequent occurrence of
tropical cyclones and extreme floods in some parts of
the country, which makes it difficult to establish a counterfactual (nondisaster) scenario. Indeed, government
accounts of national economic performance refer only
to major disasters. Yet annual losses as a consequence
of tropical storms alone may be equivalent to as much
as a 0.3 percent reduction in GDP growth (Benson
Long-Term Impacts
Theories of development place considerable emphasis
on the roles of capital and labor growth and productivity (see, for example, Solow 1956; Denison 1967).
Capital assets and other resources can be severely
damaged by natural disasters, and the productivity of
undamaged capital and labor can be reduced by associated disruptions of infrastructure and markets. Except
in the case of drought, significant direct capital losses
can result. All major types of disaster (including drought)
can disrupt longer-term investment plans for both physical and human capital, in several ways. Governments
may divert resources away from planned investments
to fund relief and rehabilitation. Public reconstruction
efforts may also be funded through domestic or external borrowing, increasing future debt-servicing payments. Even if disaster-related external assistance is
extended, it may not be entirely additional; instead,
because of some combination of limited donor resources
and constraints on local counterpart funding, it may in
part replace development investment aid flows (see
chapter 3). Other damage may be covered by insurance policies, but even this implies opportunity costs
related to the payment of premiums (see chapter 5).
Some destroyed assets may not be replaced at all. In
the longer term, disasters and related risks can also contribute to economic instability and to an atmosphere of
uncertainty, deterring potential investors.
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
Modeling the long-term impact of disasters. Research
into the effects of natural disasters on longer-term economic growth and development has focused primarily
on the implications of impacts for capital accumulation.
For instance, a study by the International Institute for
Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) modeled the potential impact of disasters in three countries (using the
World Bank’s Revised Minimum Standard Model projection tool) and found that postdisaster financial resource
gaps reduce future growth (box 2.3). Currently, projections of future economic performance and the identification of existing and prospective resources to meet
growth objectives typically do not take into account
the impact of potential disasters.
In a similar vein, Cochrane (1994) explored the important but rarely considered impact of disasters on a
country’s indebtedness. A recursive Keynesian growth
model was used, with disaster shocks introduced in
the form of a reduction in private and public capital and
an increase in government expenditure on emergency
relief. It was assumed that the increased government
deficit would be financed entirely through external borrowing. Cochrane concluded that disasters can lower a
country’s credit rating; increase interest rates on external borrowing, in turn dampening investment and reducing long-term growth; and increase debt stocks.
The empirical reality of ascertaining precisely how
countries have in fact financed relief and rehabilitation
is far from straightforward, however. As described in
chapter 3, a considerable proportion of postdisaster
public reconstruction efforts involves reallocated
resources, but these resources are typically only partly
Box 2.3 Funding rehabilitation: the implications for long-term growth
The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), in conjunction with the World Bank, has developed
a planning tool for incorporating future probabilistic losses resulting from natural disasters into macroeconomic forecasting models and quantifying the implications—in particular, for growth objectives—of various options for financing rehabilitation. In essence, this tool is based on a simple model that focuses on the impact of disaster-related capital
losses on rates of national economic growth.
To illustrate the use of the planning tool and the nature of the findings that it can generate, the IIASA applied it to
three case studies, of Argentina, Honduras, and Nicaragua, under varying assumptions about sourcing of postdisaster
funding. The results clearly demonstrate that the ability to finance losses following a catastrophe is crucial to recovery
and affects how quickly a country can resume its growth path.
In the case of Argentina, it was assumed that all relief and reconstruction financing would be met out of private
consumption and foreign savings and that the country would still achieve its growth projections by making sufficient
financial resources available to replace damaged capital stock and fund needed future investment. The model was used
to estimate the increased government expenditure and import requirements consequent on a disaster and the implied
rise in external debt and decline in private consumption.
The Honduras study considered a situation in which private consumption and foreign savings (external borrowing) are not reliable sources of postdisaster reconstruction and relief funds (in the case of private consumption,
because of the high incidence of poverty). The model forecast the impact of a disaster on the Honduran economy,
assuming no access to foreign assistance to meet reconstruction needs. Under this scenario, investment resources were
diverted into private and government disaster-related consumption, leading to chronic underinvestment. The model
indicated that this would lead to stagnation in future expected economic performance.
Nicaragua, like Honduras, currently depends on external funds to sustain infrastructure investment, including
postdisaster reconstruction. In this case, the impact of decreased economic growth as a consequence of natural disasters was translated into implications for poverty, using a household-level model to supplement the World Bank’s Revised
Minimum Standard Model (RMSM). The results indicated that the inability to finance probable losses would stall or
defeat poverty reduction measures.
The conclusion from the analysis was that risks emanating from natural hazards should be incorporated into economic projections, for three reasons. First, there are high opportunity costs associated with the diversion of scarce
financial resources into postdisaster relief and reconstruction efforts. Second, disasters can wreak havoc on the already
complicated budgetary planning process. Third, disasters place high demands on international aid resources, diverting resources away from development uses (MacKellar, Freeman, and Ermolieva 1999; Freeman and others 2002).
Disasters and the Macroeconomy
reported in official accounts, making it difficult to determine total reallocations or the related opportunity costs.
There are further complications in disentangling the
roles played by disasters and other factors in determining
levels of domestic and external borrowing or of any
monetary expansion.
It is also typically difficult to establish exactly how
much is ultimately spent, even by the public sector, on
postdisaster response. Reconstruction projects are not
necessarily labeled as such and may not correspond
with the needs identified in postdisaster assessments,
as the study of Bangladesh illustrates.
As for the private sector, it is difficult to get much of
a handle on total private expenditure on reconstruction, let alone how it is financed. Aggregate consumption, saving, and lending data reveal very little, as
demonstrated by case studies of Dominica, Fiji, and
the Philippines. Data for some countries with large communities of overseas nationals, such as Bangladesh, do
indicate considerable postdisaster increases in remittances, but how much of this is for consumption and
how much for investment purposes cannot be determined without detailed investigation. Postdisaster private household investment would, anyway, entail
considerable social capital.
These constraints make it extremely difficult to apply
models such as those developed by the IIASA and
Cochrane to draw out the implications of past rehabilitation funding decisions for long-term growth. Nevertheless, the models do indicate ways of planning financial
responses more strategically in the future, through, for
example, the incorporation of probable losses into the
development planning process. These models could
be of significant value in, among other things, determining the appropriate level of external assistance, as
part of planning a more rational, coordinated response.
The IIASA model is currently restricted to RMSMmodeled countries. Many very small countries do not have
RMSM models, implying that partial analysis, building on
the types of statistical method used in this study, would
be required. This approach should give reasonable approximate answers because small economies tend to be
highly open and to have weak intersectoral linkages.
factors for development, there has been little empirical
analysis of the historical evidence on the impact of disasters on long-term growth.21 Benson (2003a) attempts
to address this issue, examining comparative crosssectional data on real GDP performance for 115 countries
over a 34-year period, 1960–93. The results suggest that
countries experiencing a higher incidence of disasters
over the period of analysis tended to achieve lower rates
of growth than countries experiencing fewer disasters.
There are fundamental problems in undertaking such
an analysis. First, countries experiencing a lower incidence of disasters were typically among the more developed countries by the latter half of the 20th century. In
other words, the subset of less developed countries
includes a disproportionate number of more disasterprone countries. So, the finding that slower growth
and higher incidence of disasters are associated may
simply reflect Quah’s (1993) broader finding of a
polarization toward a bimodal distribution, with
countries already at the higher end of the income distribution likely to experience further increases in income.
Second, the pace of growth and the level of development of an economy are obviously not determined by
the incidence of disasters alone, as is clearly demonstrated by the vast body of evidence on other causes of
development, underdevelopment, and economic growth.
Nevertheless, the basic finding, if tentative, of a negative association between disasters and development
at a cross-country level is paralleled by qualitative evidence on differential development within individual
countries. The poorer regions of a country are often
more hazard-prone. Charvériat (2000), for instance,
notes that the northeastern part of Brazil and coastal
areas of Ecuador and Peru are typically poorer than
less hazard-prone parts of the same countries. Kelly and
Khan Chowdhury (2002) note a concentration of poverty
in more hazard-prone districts in Bangladesh. In part,
such patterns reflect differences in opportunities for
growth and development, as determined by the relative risks faced by different communities.22 There is
scope for further research on the differential influence
that various forms of hazard exposure and related risks
may have on regional development.
Empirical evidence. Despite the recent revival of interest
in the significance of environmental and other geographic
Qualitative evidence. The authors, in this and earlier
studies, have adopted a less formal, eclectic approach
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
that combines various forms of partial statistical analysis with other qualitative evidence. An extended country-specific narrative is constructed that includes an
assessment of the effects of a sequence of disasters.
Although no attempt has been made to formally model
or quantify the longer-term impacts of disasters in any
of the three case study countries, there is strong qualitative evidence that disasters have affected the pace and
nature of growth in these and in previously researched
In Dominica disasters appear to have had a ratchet
effect in determining shifts in the structure of the economy. Agricultural sector product and agriculture’s share
in GDP fell successively with each major natural disaster shock, in 1979–80, 1989, and 1995.23
Natural disasters can hamper the pace of investment
in basic infrastructure, with implications for long-term
growth. As the government of Bangladesh recognized
in a memorandum to the Bangladesh Development
Forum, “inadequate infrastructure has been a constraint
on investment in productive activities as well as on utilization of installed capacity” (Bangladesh 2000: 17).
The memorandum notes that electric power interruptions, transport bottlenecks, limitations of port facilities, and so forth are well-known difficulties.24 The fact
that expenditure related to natural disasters has largely
displaced planned capital investment and normal recurrent expenditure must be part of the problem.
Similarly, in the Philippines efforts to improve the
country’s transport systems have been only modestly
successful, and increasing difficulties have been encountered in meeting the social infrastructural needs of the
rising population. An important factor is that a large
proportion of the available public resources earmarked
for such purposes has had to be redirected in response
to calamities (Benson 1997b).
Other case studies provide further glimpses of the
longer-term impacts of disasters on various aspects of
economic life. An example is the loss of human capital
through emigration, as in Dominica after 1979 and
Montserrat since 1995–98.25 Furthermore, the poor
draw on their financial and material savings to cope
with disasters, thus incurring opportunity costs, as is
well documented for droughts in Sub-Saharan Africa.26
This behavior, combined with disaster-related losses of
productive assets, can contribute to the progressive
impoverishment of poor households and communities—
an issue that can be systematically explored only at a
micro level.27
Lessons Learned
Various lessons emerge from this study relating to methodological issues in exploring the potential impact of natural hazards. The evidence also provides some insights
into opportunities for reducing the economic effects of
Complementary Approaches to Impact Assessment
A mixture of quantitative and qualitative analysis has
been used to examine the macroeconomic impacts of
natural hazards. The evidence assembled indicates
that major disasters have both short-term and longerterm impacts for economic growth and development.
This finding has broad policy implications. But such
evidence cannot, by itself, be used directly as a basis
for formulating disaster reduction strategies. Quantitative data are needed to facilitate risk analysis of the
potential financial and economic returns to specific
policy options and measurement of relative opportunity costs in the use of financial resources. At the level
of the individual project (whether for preparedness or
for hazard-proofing), cost-benefit or investment analysis is required.
Nevertheless, the case study approach sheds light
on the factors that determine the nature of vulnerability and the outcomes of specific events. The impact of
a particular event is determined by a complex and changing combination of factors. Thus, outcomes of similar
events are, as the case studies demonstrate, likely to be
significantly different even when separated by only a
few years in time, and single-event analysis is likely to
be an unsatisfactory basis for policy. Detailed, disaggregated, and careful assessments such as those undertaken in this study can generate considerable
understanding of both the forms of vulnerability faced
by an economy and the possibilities for mitigation and
preparedness. They can also provide information that
allows governments and civil society to consider how
Disasters and the Macroeconomy
they can incorporate risk reduction concerns into national
economic strategies and policies and, ultimately, how
to contribute to sustainable development.
The detailed case study approach in the current study
sheds light on the forms that preemptive action might
take by advancing understanding of the complex factors that determine underlying vulnerability so that it
can be appropriately reduced. Cost-benefit analysis and
investment analysis determine the economic efficiency
of individual risk reduction actions. A formal broader
economic planning tool, such as that developed by the
IIASA, provides a means of assessing remaining risk
more broadly by quantifying its potential implications
for economic growth and the requirements for reconstruction funding. Such findings could act as a wakeup call to governments and the international community
to take further preventive action. Models of this kind
can facilitate exploration of the implications of different public choices concerning reconstruction financing
and financial planning for disasters. Thus, the various
approaches are complementary.
But a methodological caveat is in order. The case
study countries were selected purposively; they are all
disaster-prone. The economywide and sectoral analyses undertaken show that in the short term, these
economies are highly sensitive to natural disaster shocks,
the impacts of which are visible in national income
and trade flows and in physical measures of production such as crop yields. The more formal statistical
analysis has quantified the effects of the most extreme
events, where the footprint of a disaster is economywide or impacts are diffused through linkage and multiplier effects. For geographically larger countries,
regional- or provincial-level, as well as national analysis, may be required, particularly where relatively localized natural disasters are a frequent occurrence. An
earlier case study of the Philippines (Benson 1997b)
highlighted the problems of isolating the impacts of disasters and differentiating them from annual fluctuations
in key economic indicators in situations where the
benefits of an entirely disaster-free year cannot be directly
measured, even though nationwide disasters are rare.
Thus, for large countries such as Brazil, Indonesia, and
Nigeria, a more disaggregated regional analysis may be
appropriate. Regional analysis, however, does not take
into account redistributional impacts across provincial
boundaries and may provide an inflated measure of
the national economic cost of a disaster.
Opportunities for Reducing Macroeconomic
Consequences of Disasters
The evidence presented in this chapter suggests that
natural disasters can and often do have negative impacts
on both short-term and long-term growth. But it also
demonstrates striking contrasts, not just in changes in
levels of vulnerability but also in the changing forms of
vulnerability. These developments belie somewhat simplistic notions of a general decline in vulnerability to
natural hazards as an economy grows. Instead, a more
sophisticated perspective needs to be adopted and applied
in undertaking detailed risk assessments from a macroeconomic standpoint.
Using such assessments, risks emanating from natural hazards need to be incorporated into broad development policies and plans. In doing so, a distinction
has to be made between potential short-term and longerterm hazard impacts. In addition, the possible tradeoffs between the two and the interlinkages of impacts
need to be recognized. Sometimes, direct short-term
impacts are severe but recovery is rapid, as is illustrated by the case of banana production in Dominica.
Or, the immediate impacts may be entirely indirect—
for instance involving a reduction in availability of inputs
to industry—but recovery may be slow.
Risk management strategies also need to recognize
that disasters are not a single, homogeneous form of
economic shock. The two broad categories of hazard—
climatic and related hydrological hazards, and geophysical hazards—appear to be associated with different
patterns of economic vulnerability and so entail different options for reducing risk. These differences partly
relate to differences in the probability of occurrence.
Climatic hazards occur more frequently, and it is economically worthwhile (and is recognized as such) to
adapt productive activities—for instance, agricultural
practices—so as to reduce risk. It is also worthwhile to
take appropriate structural and related measures pertaining to the design and location of buildings and other
infrastructure. By contrast, options for reducing vulnerability to geophysical events are largely restricted to
physical structural and locational factors. Given rapid
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
urbanization in many countries and increasing investment in physical infrastructure, the potential importance of such measures cannot be overemphasized.
In addition, risk management strategies should take
into account the challenges and opportunities presented
by increasing trends toward globalization. Globalization has expanded the opportunities for risk diversification, and for nations as a whole, it is probably a positive
trend from a natural hazards perspective, since it may
open up opportunities for smaller enterprises and consumers, as well as larger corporations and governments.
But whether globalization ultimately exacerbates or
reduces the sensitivity of particular economies and of
individual households is a complicated matter that
depends on specific country circumstances, including
public actions to reduce vulnerability (Benson and Clay
Risk management necessarily involves the private sector
as well as the public sector. The private sector should be
encouraged and supported in enhancing its awareness
and understanding of risks posed by natural hazards
and in adopting appropriate risk management tools, both
structural and nonstructural. As part of this process, it is
important to ensure that sufficient investment is made
in risk-mapping, monitoring, assessment, and dissemination and that this information is provided in an easily
understood and usable form. Both the services industries, including financial institutions, and productive sectors should be included in such initiatives.
Postdisaster reconstruction efforts need to be well
planned and carefully orchestrated and should seek to
maximize the economic-structural, technological, and
other improvements that can be made when rebuilding an economy. Currently, the emphasis often seems
to be on restoring the status quo, which is politically
and administratively the easiest approach and satisfies
pressures for rapid recovery. Even where external
resources are involved, direct replacement of a particular road or power facility, or support for the recovery of existing agricultural and industrial activities, may
not require detailed cost-benefit analysis or environmental impact assessments before a project is approved.
Preplanning of changes that could be implemented after
a disaster to reduce future vulnerability could be useful:
the political will for change would already have been
marshaled and preinvestment analysis completed, so
that the changes could be made without jeopardizing
the objective of rapid recovery. This point is discussed
in greater detail in chapter 3.
Finally, lessons drawn from particular disasters
need to be assessed, and action should be taken as appropriate. Disasters can induce policy changes and institutional innovations that are ultimately beneficial, not
only in reducing vulnerability but also in supporting
economic growth and development. Food policy reforms
in Bangladesh were directed at preventing a recurrence
of the 1974 flood-related famine (Clay 1985) and then
containing the financial costs of subsequent floods
(Ahmed, Chowdhury, and Haggblade 2000). The deregulation of agricultural investment after the floods in
1987 and 1988 encouraged the rapid expansion of
disaster-reducing irrigation. The microfinance revolution was in part a response to the 1974 famine (Yunus
1998). These examples take the discussion into the
realm of political economy and serve as a reminder
that an economy is not a purely technical system that
operates through mechanistic responses; there is also
conscious learning, with potentially profound long-term
consequences. An example of such adaptation is the
application of climatic forecasting to reduce the impacts
of climatic variability in southern Africa, as is described
in chapter 4. Another area in which learning is taking
place concerns financial mechanisms for managing risk,
which are taken up in chapter 5.
Chapter 3
Public Finance and Disasters
running down foreign exchange reserves, increasing
levels of domestic or external borrowing, or expanding
the money supply. These financing options, in turn,
have potentially significant knock-on effects. The creation of base money is inflationary. Domestic borrowing exerts upward pressure on interest rates and can
result in a credit squeeze. Foreign borrowing can lead
to an appreciation of the exchange rate, reducing the
price of imports and increasing that of exports, and it
can place future strains on the economy via higher debtservicing costs. Natural disasters can trigger an increase
in interest rates charged on external debt by raising the
risk premiums associated with a country’s assets. The
option of running down foreign exchange reserves is
limited by the size of those reserves and also entails an
appreciation in the exchange rate, with possible associated risks of capital flight and a balance of payments
crisis (Fischer and Easterly 1990).
Disasters can also impose continuing pressures on
public finance to the extent that governments undertake mitigation and preparedness measures. These are
costs that governments in less hazard-prone countries
do not have to bear.
On the positive side, postdisaster investment may
result in high levels of economic activity. Rehabilitation and reconstruction also provide an opportunity for
necessary but neglected repairs and for the upgrading
of facilities. Needless to say, the specific circumstances
in which a major disaster occurs, such as the Bangladesh
floods of 1998, will influence the outcome.
The challenge is to respond to disasters and related
risk in such a way that economic losses and disruption, including fiscal impacts, are minimized, rapid economic recovery is encouraged, poorer and more
vulnerable sectors of society receive priority support
in keeping with poverty reduction strategies, and the
Little, if any, systematic examination has been conducted
of the public finance consequences of natural disasters
and related risk management, except in the narrow context of a single disaster event.28 This chapter seeks to
address the gap. It is based in the first instance on findings and issues raised by the Bangladesh case study.
Natural disasters can have important implications for
public expenditure. Disasters are likely to result in additional expenditure or the partial reallocation of already
committed financial resources (or both), to meet the
costs of repair and rehabilitation of public property
and to provide support to the victims. These actions
may lead to the postponement or abandonment of
planned investments, reductions in the provision of
public services, and deferment of wage and salary
increases and of staff appointments. Implementation
of ongoing projects may be delayed, increasing their
ultimate cost. Such problems can be exacerbated by
additional pressures on administrative capacity in the
aftermath of a disaster.
Public revenue may also be affected. Disasters can
cause government revenue to fall, since lower levels of
economic activity, including possible net declines in
imports and exports, imply reduced direct and indirect tax revenue. Although such losses may be partly
offset by increased flows of official external assistance,
they are unlikely to be entirely compensated for. Publicly owned enterprises may experience disaster-related
losses, placing an additional burden on government
In consequence, a government may face increasing
budgetary pressures that it will be obliged to meet by
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
attainment of longer-term development objectives is not
significantly delayed. This is a tall order.
This chapter examines actual evidence on the
public finance consequences of natural disasters. It is
based, in the first instance, on findings and issues raised
by the Bangladesh case study, but it also draws on evidence from Dominica and Malawi, as well as on previous work by the authors and others. The details of the
Bangladesh, Dominica, and Malawi experiences are documented in the case studies and are summarized in the
The Broad Fiscal Impact of Disasters
Major disasters can have significant budgetary impacts.
Yet when broad fiscal aggregates, such as the central
government’s recurrent and capital expenditure, its revenue, and the budgetary deficit, are examined, disasters are found to have little discernible impact in many
instances. Bangladesh is a case in point: a superficial
review of overall budgetary aggregates in the 1980s and
1990s suggests that major disasters, including the
most extreme floods in 1987, 1988, and 1998 and the
devastating cyclone of 1991, had little impact on central government finances. Total revenue and expenditure increased gradually over the two decades, while
the overall budget deficit remained fairly stable until
the 1998 flood, when it rose markedly.29 Indeed, an
examination of Bangladesh’s overall expenditure and
revenue forecasts and performance suggests that the
public financial impacts of even the 1998 flood were
very limited.
In three other countries examined—Dominica, Fiji,
and the Philippines—it is similarly difficult to discern
much impact of natural disasters on government finances,
apart from annual allocations of small tranches of budgetary resources for use in the event of a disaster. In the
Philippines, for example, budgetary resources are annually allocated to a Calamity Fund, which totaled 0.4 to
0.7 percent of total annual government expenditure and
0.9 to 1.6 percent of discretionary spending over the
period 1991 to 1994 (Benson 1997b). In Fiji budgetary resources to the tune of 2 million Fiji dollars (F$),
or US$1.4 million at the 1994 rate of exchange, have been
earmarked each year for emergency relief activities, with
a further allocation of F$0.1 million set against the emergency transport of water (Benson 1997a). In Bangladesh
the process is less formal, with some disaster-related
expenditure apparently met in part by drawing on existing unallocated resources (block allocations) in the revenue budget.30 In countries that experience localized
disasters such as storms, landslides, and flooding
every year, there is a strong case for such preassignment of funds to meet a substantial share of costs (see
“Financing Hazard-Related Costs” in the “Lessons
Learned” section, below).
The fiscal impact of more sudden disasters may be
obscured by lagged effects. For example, a close examination of the 1988 flood in Bangladesh reveals that
some effects of the disaster were delayed. 31 The
impacts of a disaster with lagged effects are not readily
captured in a statistical analysis or modeled at a highly
aggregated level.
The consistently contrary cases in which fiscal impacts
of disasters are readily discernible are drought-affected
Sub-Saharan African economies. Five of the six economies
compared in Benson and Clay (1998) showed a sharp
increase in government borrowing in response to drought.
The sixth, Zimbabwe, was studied more closely. Over
the period 1980/81 to 1993/94, fluctuations in both
total central government and direct tax revenue generally mirrored overall trends in Zimbabwe’s economic
performance, including drought-related economic downturns. The 1982/83, 1986/87, 1991/92, and 1992/93
droughts all resulted in an increase in the public deficit
(whether foreign grants were excluded or included).
The droughts of the 1980s also led to higher borrowing and lower debt repayment than had been planned,
although the extent of borrowing was apparently constrained by a deliberate government policy of containing the budget deficit.
Malawi experienced near chaos, fiscally, in the period
of the two droughts in the early 1990s. In the context
of violently fluctuating GDP—which fell and recovered twice, in swings of about 10 percent—public
expenditure grew rapidly, rising by 30 percent in real
terms between 1992/93 and 1994/95. Revenue, by
contrast, declined by 9 percent in 1992/93 and again
by 11 percent in 1993/94. The decreases reflected the
effects of drought on exports and imports (other than
emergency food), accentuated by fiscal laxity in an
Public Finance and Disasters
election year. The deficit increased by 23 percent over
three years. Confounding influences were also at
work: the election and the incoming government’s efforts
to honor its commitments, especially to universal free
primary education.
It is unwise to generalize from a small sample. Nevertheless, evidence for low-income African economies
suggests that drought has distinct fiscal impacts. Part
of the explanation may be that the adverse macroeconomic consequences of droughts can be particularly
severe (see chapter 2). Other factors, noted in box 3.1,
may also play a role.
Public resources in a very small economy can be overwhelmed by the sheer scale and duration of a disaster,
as in the extreme case of the British overseas territory
of Montserrat. In 1989 Hurricane Hugo wrecked the
economy’s infrastructure, necessitating massive external assistance for reconstruction until 1994. Then a volcanic eruption that began in 1995 forced 90 percent of
the population to relocate; over 60 percent chose voluntary and officially assisted emigration. The volcanic
crisis resulted in a massive budgetary deficit as revenue and increased expenditure contracted sharply, and
the government lost its financial autonomy.32
Disaggregated Reexamination of Public Finances
A fuller understanding of the fiscal effects of disasters
requires a careful, more disaggregated examination of
individual country experiences. Rather than focusing
on budgetary aggregates, budgetary impacts and related
government responses should be analyzed in the context of overall budgetary performance, recent government policies and budgetary targets, and the structure
of government revenue and expenditure. Indeed, a more
detailed examination of the budgetary impact of disasters begins to reveal a somewhat different picture, as
has been noted in the case of Bangladesh following the
1988 flood.
One key issue is the reallocation of expenditure. Another
is the role of funding sources. In some countries, external assistance finances a significant part of public expenditure, as is discussed in “External Aid,” below.
Because of reallocations of budgetary resources, the
impacts of disasters may be much greater than first
apparent. Country case studies and anecdotal evidence
Box 3.1 Fiscal impacts of drought in Sub-Saharan Africa
The fiscal impacts of disasters are readily discernible in drought-affected Sub-Saharan African economies. The case
studies, by identifying some specific factors underlying these impacts, help inform policies on the financing of disasters, both ex ante and ex post. These factors relate both to the nature of the impact of drought—the region’s principal
type of hazard—and to specific macroeconomic circumstances.
• The macroeconomic impacts of droughts can be particularly severe, directly causing a sharp fall in productive activity. These impacts are exacerbated in economies that are already weak, as are those of many Sub-Saharan African
countries. Recovery may be relatively slow, particularly where strong intersectoral linkages exist between agriculture and other sectors. Unlike types of disaster that cause extensive physical damage, droughts do not trigger a potential postdisaster boost to the economy in the form of increased, largely nontradable, postdisaster construction activity.
• Because public resources are severely limited, less money is available for reallocation, and the limited capacity of
government agencies may restrict ability to absorb costs. These factors effectively make relief and rehabilitation
expenditure more visible by involving additional resources—for instance, in the form of external borrowing or aid.
• Relief and rehabilitation needs associated with droughts are typically very pressing and must be met immediately
if further potential losses, including loss of human life, are to be avoided and if rapid recovery on the return of
favorable rains is to be possible. This urgency puts severe short-term pressures on budgetary resources and creates
a need for additional financing.
• Droughts have a direct impact on the principal source of livelihood for a significant share of the population in SubSaharan Africa. In combination with lower per capita incomes, they can force a large proportion of the population
into dependency on public relief programs.
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
suggest that postdisaster reallocation of resources is
common. The brunt of these reallocations, at least as
they involve financial resources, appears to fall primarily on capital expenditure, which typically is largely
In Bangladesh reallocations occur in most years
because of consistently overoptimistic revenue projections (Rahman and others 2000) and underestimation
of recurrent expenditure. Additional postdisaster-related
pressures on resources then force further reallocation,
as happened in 1998/99.
In Dominica the apparent insensitivity of budgetary aggregates to disaster shocks also partly reflects postdisaster reallocations to support relief and rehabilitation
efforts. Indeed, the practice of reallocating expenditure
in this way is apparently an annual occurrence, with unanticipated expenditure on landslide and storm damage
crowding out routine maintenance.
In Fiji there has been significant redeployment of
resources in the aftermath of major disasters. In early
1993, for instance, Fiji experienced a severe cyclone
(Kina), necessitating a government rehabilitation program that was equivalent to almost a third of the
annual capital budget and 5.3 percent of total allocated expenditure. Nevertheless, the government
remained intent on containing expenditure and accordingly redeployed resources to meet the cyclone-related
costs, holding a special meeting to determine reallocations. As a consequence, total annual expenditure was
only 0.5 percent higher than budgeted. Recurrent operating expenditure, however, increased by 7.1 percent
year-on-year, while capital expenditure fell by 3.4 percent, to around only 75 percent of the original allocation. Some investment projects were suspended, including
a number of small rural projects and a rural road
Malawi’s experience again confirms that fiscal
effects are more extreme when disaggregated. The composition of expenditure, in broad sectoral terms and
between recurrent and development expenditure categories, became extremely volatile in the early 1990s.
There were substantial reallocations of expenditure to
agriculture in drought-affected years.
The Zimbabwe government incurred almost 600 million Zimbabwe dollars (Z$) in additional drought-related
expenditure in 1991/92, equivalent to about 2 percent
of GDP and more than 6 percent of total expenditure.
Yet real expenditure fell by 4.9 percent year-on-year, as
part of broader government efforts to reduce the budget
deficit under a structural adjustment agreement. The
drought apparently forced a change of emphasis in the
public sector investment program, with some planned
projects brought forward and new, previously unplanned
projects introduced.
With a few exceptions, such reallocations are typically poorly documented and cannot be easily quantified. In the Philippines, for example, circumstantial
evidence suggests that postdisaster reallocations are significant, but they often occur within broad budget headings and so are not apparent in published expenditure
There may also be substantial unrecorded reallocations within the recurrent budget. Freeman and others
(2003) suggest that such reallocations are likely to be
relatively limited because a large part of the recurrent
budget (wages, debt servicing, and operational overhead) may be nondiscretionary. But in reality, considerable redeployment in kind (for example, of government
staff, vehicles, and equipment and supplies of drugs and
other items) may occur. According to the Bangladesh
government (Bangladesh 1999a: 5), during the 1998
floods, “the entire civil administration was deployed in
relief operations.” Such reallocations can be even more
difficult to track because funds are often spent under the
same line item—salaries, maintenance of road-building
equipment, and so on. In some cases, reallocation of
recurrent resources is facilitated by the negotiation of
temporary moratoriums on debt servicing.
In many countries, a substantial part of development
expenditure is funded by external assistance but with
a local counterpart funding commitment. If local
funds are not available, aid disbursements are delayed,
as happened in Bangladesh and Dominica, with consequences for non-disaster-related expenditure.
Disasters also have longer-term impacts that extend
beyond the crisis year, again squeezing non-disasterrelated expenditure. Some reconstruction projects may
not begin for months or even years after an event. Measurement of the longer-term impacts of disasters on
patterns of expenditure is again hindered by reporting
practices. Disaster-related projects are often not reported
as such, as was seen in Bangladesh after the 1998 floods.33
Public Finance and Disasters
Attributing expenditure to a particular disaster can be
complicated because some infrastructure may have
already been in a state of disrepair, as in Dominica immediately before Hurricane David in 1979.34 In some
instances, the upgrading of services in the course of
reconstruction exacerbates measurement difficulties.
Nevertheless, it remains important to ascertain how
much disasters cost in order to inform strategies and
policies on optimal risk management, including
appropriate forms and levels of financial risk transfer.
The impact of a disaster on government revenue depends
in part on the structure (including the relative importance) of taxation and other forms of government revenue. In Bangladesh a substantial part of government
revenue is generated from import earnings, and the revenue base has become more resilient to natural hazards since the early 1980s as a result of changes in the
country’s principal sources of foreign exchange (see
chapter 2). In Dominica the insensitivity of local revenue to natural disasters in part reflects the absence of
direct taxation on agricultural production, which is particularly sensitive to natural hazards, and the relative
unimportance of export taxes, which since 1979/80
have accounted for less than 1 percent of local revenue. The yield on general consumption taxes will fall
markedly only if widespread personal income losses
occur—an exceptional outcome observed only in extreme
cases such as the 1990s volcanic crisis in Montserrat.
Postdisaster changes in taxation can also affect
levels of revenue. To address the economic consequences
of natural disasters, a government may offer certain tax
reductions as an incentive to economic recovery, or it
may increase taxation to meet additional disaster-related
expenditure. Some governments choose both courses
of action, as happened in Bangladesh following the 1988
and 1998 floods.
The available evidence suggests that when fiscal changes
are made, there is often some attempt to achieve greater
equity and support those hardest hit. In Fiji an existing
tax exemption on farming income was extended for
another five years following two cyclones in 1985, partly
in recognition of the particular difficulties faced by
cane farmers (Benson 1997a). In the aftermath of the
1982/83 drought in Zimbabwe, a temporary 5 percent
drought levy was imposed on all individuals except those
in the lower tax brackets (Benson 1998). After the 1986/87
drought, Zimbabwe introduced a 2.5 percent surcharge
on company taxes for the tax year April 1987 to March
1988 to help finance drought-related expenditure. Other
efforts target particular industries, as in Fiji, where, following two hurricanes in 1985, tax payable on reinsurance premiums remitted overseas was waived to assist
recovery in the insurance industry.
Decisions on postdisaster fiscal changes are often
made rapidly, with little time for analysis. Yet such issues
require careful retrospective analysis in order to
inform future decisions. It is also important to explore
in greater detail the impacts of disasters on different
types of tax, with the aim of understanding how the
overall sensitivity of the tax structure to disasters and
other economic shocks can be reduced and what are
the income distributional impacts of tax changes.
More in-depth analysis of the effects of disasters on other
sources of government income would also be useful.
Finally, it should be borne in mind that disasters may
affect the timing of tax payments. Disasters can disrupt
the smooth inflow of revenues through the year, perhaps
creating increased bunching of inflows and necessitating greater short-term borrowing, as in Bangladesh in
Policy Context
The budgetary impact of disasters also needs to be
understood in the context of prevailing government
policies and priorities. Pursuit of various budgetary
goals can play a role in obscuring the impact of disasters. As noted above, increased disaster-related expenditure may be offset by cutbacks elsewhere. The declining
fiscal deficit in Bangladesh in the flood years 1987/88
and 1988/89, for instance, reflected deliberate efforts
to reduce the fiscal deficit following the 1979 oil price
shock and the collapse of international jute prices in
the early 1980s. In fact, in the prevailing policy environment, which typically emphasizes careful budgetary management (perhaps partly because it may be an
aid conditionality), natural disasters are often more
likely to force reallocation of monies than substantial
increases in expenditure.
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
Monetary objectives also influence budgetary outcomes. The Bangladesh government deliberately made
only modest use of deficit financing in the aftermath of
the 1988 flood, with the objective of keeping the expansion of domestic credit and broad money supply
within the desired limit. In consequence, spending for
the year on the Annual Development Program (effectively, capital and some recurrent expenditure) was
almost 20 percent lower than budgeted, despite floodrelated expenditure.35 Such policies can delay rehabilitation and curtail other investments, contributing to
lower long-term rates of growth (see chapter 2).36
Disasters themselves can trigger changes in policy
that affect budgetary outcomes. Temporary adjustments
in fiscal or monetary policy are one response, but disasters may also prompt more fundamental changes
that have longer-term budgetary implications. Following the 1987 and 1988 floods, for example, the government of Bangladesh embarked on deregulation of
private agricultural investment. This shift in policy
had a direct impact on production and, because of the
government’s active involvement in the food economy,
on public finances in 1989/90 and beyond.37
Reporting and Accounting Practices
Budgetary reporting practices can obscure the impact
of a disaster. The Bangladesh government’s method of
reporting, which is unusual in several respects, makes
it less likely that the public accounts will reveal the full
extent of the impact of disasters on public finance. The
quasi-fiscal deficit of the central bank is not yet recognized as part of the public deficit, even though the central Bangladesh Bank absorbs effective losses on
subsidized credit programs that the financial sector is
obliged by the government to offer and even though it
counterguarantees the government’s external borrowing.38 Analyzing the performance of the Bangladesh government’s separate Food Account is difficult, as budgetary
reporting does not cover stock changes.
More generally, it is not easy to obtain information
about the impact of disasters on autonomous and
semiautonomous government agencies. Information
concerning public enterprise finances and transfers to
and from such agencies may not be included in government financial statistics or budget estimates—as was the
case in Dominica. In exploring the impact of disasters
on public sector enterprises, it is important to consider
all such enterprises rather than make assumptions about
likely impacts. For instance, the impact of the 1991/92
drought in Malawi and Zimbabwe was not confined to
agricultural parastatals but affected utilities and transport parastatals as well.39
External Aid
It is widely believed that the international community
responds to disasters by increasing assistance, particularly in the form of emergency relief and food aid. This
has given rise to concerns about moral hazard, in the
sense that “provision of post-disaster assistance creates
disincentives for recipient countries to ensure the physical protection of their assets through disaster prevention and mitigation measures” (Freeman and others 2002:
35). But is disaster-related assistance really additional?
The response by donors to a particular disaster needs
to be seen in the context of their normal noncrisis
activity. Aid typically provides support for development,
including investment and (as case studies confirm)
elements of recurrent spending associated with projects. In some policy contexts, bilateral donors and international financial institutions provide broader
programmatic and budgetary support. When a subsequent disaster shock puts pressure on the country’s
public finances and creates foreign exchange difficulties, an appropriate crisis response is low-cost, rapidly
disbursing, additional financial aid that is focused on
meeting the direct costs of disaster response and counteracting the recessionary effects of the shock. The appropriate balance of aid instruments, including food aid
and other relief supplies, depends on the precise
nature of the shock and the circumstances of the affected
country. Both governance and the sheer scale of the
assistance required can influence donor decisions. In
some cases, it is not feasible to provide all assistance in
the form of financial aid to the government; direct emergency relief through international and nongovernmental organization (NGO) channels may be required (Benson
and Clay 1998).
The case studies for Bangladesh, Dominica, and
Malawi considered external assistance only in terms of
Public Finance and Disasters
aggregate commitments and disbursements and the
related fiscal and macroeconomic implications. The findings are consistent, despite very different country circumstances. In all three countries, external aid has been
the main source of funding for development. In lowincome Bangladesh and Malawi, external assistance also
supports social safety nets directly through the provision of food aid and indirectly via poverty reduction
activities of NGOs. In Malawi aid also finances small
farmer inputs. Aside from emergency assistance in
1979/80 following Hurricane David, lower-middleincome Dominica has received development project aid
and programmatic support in response to export earnings shortfalls and in the context of stabilization and
adjustment policies.
The available data suggest that disasters have little
impact on trends in aid flows in these countries. Many
donors appear to respond to disaster crises by reallocating resources and bringing forward commitments
under existing multiyear country programs and budget
envelopes. Reflecting these practices, total aid commitments do typically increase in the year of, or immediately following, a major disaster. Reallocations can
be an appropriate way of responding, in the sense that
they involve a lesser administrative burden than the
negotiation of fresh aid commitments. By the same token,
however, development spending, which is largely aid
supported, tends to fall as aid and counterpart local
funds are shifted to emergency assistance. The reallocated resources are typically not made good subsequently; instead, aid commitments fall back after the
crisis, with total aid receipts in line with longer-term
After a disaster, a substantial gap often opens up
between projected and actual aid disbursements, reflecting management constraints such as procedural difficulties, procurement delays, and lack of local counterpart
finance. (These same problems can also delay disbursement of development aid.) But rapid disbursement
of food aid commitments, in particular, may be vital;
even relatively short delays can prejudice postdisaster
agricultural recovery and cause food system–related
financial pressures, as in Bangladesh in 1989 and Malawi
in 1993.
Aid flows are also strongly influenced by other considerations, such as changing donor views on governance
and wider policy priorities. The requirement to demonstrate acceptable internal rates of return resulted in underinvestment in storm-proofing of port facilities in Dominica;
the potential cost of storm damage had not been adequately factored into the calculations (see note 34).
More recently in Dominica, some donors’ preference for
investing in poorer areas increased the difficulty of obtaining coordinated funding for protecting economically
key sectors of the island’s coastal road network.
Some of these policy decisions were unfortunately
timed. At the time of the 1992 drought in southern
Africa, bilateral development aid to Malawi had been
frozen because of human rights abuses, and this exacerbated the financial effects of the drought. After a
considerable surge in pre-Independence colonial aid
to Dominica in 1978, the newly independent country
was beset with governance problems and poor financial management. Most donors and international agencies had not established effective working relations with
Dominica when its most extreme 20th century disaster, Hurricane David, struck in 1979. In 1974 the United
States halted food aid to flood-affected, famine-stricken
Bangladesh because of a breach of the U.S. trade embargo
on Cuba.
These are not just old issues. Donor-related difficulties over governance and poor financial management
delayed the commitment of emergency assistance to
Malawi in the lead-up to the 2002 food crisis. The first
famine deaths in Malawi since 1941 were reported in
2002 (Devereux 2002; IDC 2003). Low-income countries are at their most vulnerable, financially and economically, to a disaster shock when there are problems
of governance and poor fiscal and monetary management. The international community needs to be especially alert to a potential disaster in such circumstances.
Is Reallocation an Appropriate Solution?
As described above, disasters can trigger considerable
reallocation of budgetary resources. Such reallocations
help limit overall levels of expenditure and, thus, any
widening of fiscal deficits. On one level, such actions
would appear beneficial, minimizing some of the potential adverse, longer-term impacts of disasters such as
increases in public sector borrowing and monetary
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
expansion, and perhaps satisfying aid conditionalities
regarding the size of budget deficits. To some extent,
reallocations may also be a natural choice. Some planned
expenditure cannot go ahead because of the damage
and disruption created by a disaster, effectively releasing resources for reallocation.
Ideally, the reallocation of funds after a disaster should
occur through a formal process, in the context of a careful strategic review, rather than on an ad hoc basis or
via across-the-board restrictions on flows of funds to
spending agencies. This, in turn, requires that procedures be in place preventing the transfer of funds.
Donors, for their part, respond to disasters by reallocating funds as a rapid, practical expedient, working
within an overall country aid program. This is rationalized as drawing on commitments to projects that are
not performing well. But the point about the need for
a formal and, in this case, joint review process holds
here too.
A number of further conditions then need to be satisfied to ensure that reallocations are rational and costeffective. These are discussed below, with illustrative
evidence from Bangladesh.
1. A clearly defined and applied policy framework. Ideally, reallocations should be carefully planned to minimize
disruption to and delays in the attainment of key policies
and goals. A clear understanding of the implications of
particular decisions for the achievement of longer-term
goals and objectives is essential. That, in turn, requires
well-functioning planning and control instruments linked
to carefully defined, achievable objectives and outcomes,
as well as a system for prioritizing individual projects
(see point 2). In reality, however, planning processes are
often weak, particularly where government capacity is
limited, hindering rapid, appropriate decisionmaking in
the immediate postdisaster context.40
2. A system of prioritization of individual investment
projects. The development budget, including most public
capital investment, often bears the brunt of postdisaster reallocation of resources. Ideally, any reallocations
should entail the movement of resources away from
lower-priority projects. For such a process to be implemented rapidly and effectively, projects already need
to have been ranked according to priority.
In Bangladesh certain “core” projects are indeed given
priority under the Annual Development Plan (ADP).
This practice informally goes back at least to the mid1970s, and a formal core investment program was introduced in 1983. In practice, the system does not appear
to function particularly well. Following the 1987 and
1988 floods, available funds were basically spread more
thinly across existing projects instead of allocations to
individual projects being adjusted according to priority. After the 1998 floods, funding allocations to particular projects were adjusted according to priority, but
they were determined not on a long-term strategic basis
but depending on the projects’ stage of implementation (that is, whether they had been approved) and
whether they received external aid.
Such problems may well be generic, a recurrent feature of budgeting practice. Writing about responses to
shortfalls in budgetary resources more generally,
Foster and Fozzard (2000: 18) comment on a tendency for across-the-board cuts to be made “on the
grounds that this is ‘fairer’ to the various spending agencies and easier to apply.”41
There is some evidence suggesting that social sectors may come off particularly badly in postdisaster reallocations. For example, the available data on budgeted,
revised, and actual allocations for the flood year 1998
in Bangladesh suggest that social sectors, particularly
health, population, and family welfare, fared poorly.
This pattern seems to run counter to the stated objectives and pro-poor policies of many governments.
3. Up-to-date, reliable information on the current availability of resources. Good accounting and monitoring systems are needed to provide timely information on the
financial status of line agencies and the availability of
resources, including external assistance, in the aftermath
of a disaster. Immediate analysis is also required of the
likely impact of disasters on future flows of public revenue, again including pledges and flows of external assistance, both on a monthly basis and for the remainder
of the budget year. In reality, many countries may have
problems satisfying this condition. In the three case study
countries, information on actual revenue and expenditure becomes available only after considerable delay.
In fact, Foster and Fozzard (2000: 17) find that virtually all developing countries operate a cash accounting system in which transactions are registered only after
payment has been made. This makes it difficult to obtain
a clear picture of outstanding liabilities and payment
Public Finance and Disasters
arrears at any given time, and thus of the resources available for reallocation after a disaster. Problems can be
exacerbated where donors deal directly with line agencies in a country and the ministry of finance is not
informed about postdisaster assistance.
4. Up-to-date and reliable information on the demand
for resources. Information is also needed on the impact
of disasters on planned spending and the new expenditure requirements they generate. Timely production
of comprehensive and accurate damage assessments is
essential, together with proper appraisals and reliable
cost estimates of postdisaster rehabilitation and reconstruction projects.
Preliminary damage assessments are often produced relatively rapidly after a disaster. These assessments, however, are commonly problematic. In 1991
the Economic Commission for Latin America and the
Caribbean (ECLAC) developed a formal methodology
for assessing damage, and the ECLAC is working in conjunction with the ProVention Consortium to promote
its wider use (ECLAC and IDNDR 1999).42 But many
governments, particularly outside the ECLAC region,
still do not apply comprehensive guidelines in estimating
losses. This lack of guidance can result in nonscientific
sampling procedures and incorrect valuation of damage.
There are also often gaps and discrepancies in coverage. Damage assessments are typically undertaken by
a range of government and other agencies, each with
its own concerns, and so some impacts may go unreported. Moreover, as in Bangladesh following the 1998
floods, and in Dominica in 1999 after Hurricane
Lenny, there is typically no considered reassessment of
losses once a situation has stabilized, and no final loss
figure is produced.
A comparison of the 1988 and 1998 floods in
Bangladesh highlights the benefits of fuller assessment, as well as the critical need for standardized guidelines for reporting disaster damage. The coverage of
impacts was still somewhat arbitrary in the 1998 assessment, but the consequences of the floods were more
closely examined, providing a better understanding of
the effects of the disaster and creating the opportunity
for improved risk management in the future. The
Bangladesh authorities also made more information
available for external assessment, so that the management of the 1998 crisis was a more transparent process.
5. Good information on the broader macroeconomic
impact of disasters. Government and other economic
decisionmakers face considerable uncertainty in responding to a disaster and planning appropriate, cost-effective
interventions. They have to consider not only the kind
of direct assistance required but also the resources available to the government and, underlying this, issues such
as the most appropriate fiscal and monetary policies.
There are inevitably tradeoffs, and the relative benefits
and costs of various options have to be considered. For
example, should a government expand credit availability
to support productive recovery, or tighten monetary
growth to stem possible disaster-related inflationary
pressures? The answer will depend on prevailing circumstances, which means that accurate, reliable, upto-date information is needed on many aspects of
economic performance (which themselves may be
affected by the disaster), as well as on the direct costs
of the disaster. In reality, it is difficult to obtain such
information, and expectations of economic performance
may be revised substantially in the months succeeding
a disaster, as in Bangladesh in 1998–99 and Malawi
in 2001–02.
To conclude, the conditions under which decisions
on postdisaster reallocations of budgetary resources
are made are likely to be far from ideal; indeed, disasters can result in budgetary chaos and confusion. Where
disaster-related expenditure occurs regularly, resources
should be specifically earmarked for postdisaster response
as part of the annual budgetary process, and efforts
should be made to ensure that appropriate mitigation
and preparedness measures are properly funded and
undertaken. Failure to do this constitutes poor budgetary planning and management. This discussion of reallocation processes and of the extent to which various
preconditions are likely to be satisfied is also further
evidence of the need for financial risk transfer instruments that can help meet the cost of larger rehabilitation programs, alleviating some of the pressure on
budgetary resources following a disaster.
In fact, the time frame for budget preparation, execution, and finalizing of accounts is typically three years.
Preparation starts perhaps a year or more before the
budget year, but even this may not be enough. So,
there may be insufficient time to analyze and adequately
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
address the impacts of a disaster, even in the budget
for the succeeding year.43
Risk Reduction Activities
In seeking to manage risk, a government needs to explore
the precise nature and forms of vulnerability. On the
basis of this analysis, it should develop an appropriate,
integrated risk strategy that covers various aspects of
vulnerability and draws on a range of responses (regulatory, fiscal, investment, and strategic policy). A system
of monitoring is also required to explore the vulnerability implications of particular policies and expenditure decisions and modify them as appropriate.
Some elements of a strategy do not require substantial financial resources; others may. Even if the funds
required are modest, budgeting is invariably very tight,
with many demands competing for limited funds. Accordingly, the implementation of a risk strategy ideally requires
a long-term budgetary framework to ensure that
longer-term goals are not repeatedly subordinated to
shorter-term, perhaps populist, spending decisions.44
Fozzard and others (2001) observe that in reality, even
countries with a tradition of five-year plans have not
been successful in integrating these development plans
with the annual budget. There is, however, at least increasing recognition of the need to capture the long-term
implications of current spending decisions more generally, making for a more strategic approach that would
benefit agendas that generate longer-term benefits,
such as the promotion of risk reduction measures.45
In the meantime, current evidence suggests that in
many countries expenditure on structural mitigation
may be lower than is economically justified. In Dominica
public expenditure on disaster mitigation and preparedness was relatively low, at least until the 1990s.46
An Organization of American States (OAS) study provides examples from a retrospective analysis of infrastructure damaged by disaster, illustrating how small
incremental increases in initial investment costs would
have avoided far higher postdisaster repair costs.47
It is difficult to obtain more precise data on levels of
expenditure for disaster mitigation and preparedness
measures such as hazard-proofing of infrastructure, construction of physical defenses, scientific monitoring and
forecasting, creation of early-warning systems, preparation of emergency plans, and stockpiling of food,
drugs, and relief supplies. Funding for such activities
is often contained within overall budgetary allocations
to individual departments. These departments are given
only loose directives about their preparedness and
mitigation responsibilities, and relevant measures and
actions are not necessarily clearly labeled. Thus, it is
nearly impossible to ascertain with any accuracy the
total amounts spent on mitigation and preparedness.
This lack of data has further policy implications because
it is more difficult to present a possible case for maintaining or increasing expenditure if the current level of
spending is not known.48
The fact that governments and donors typically do
not report expenditure on mitigation and preparedness suggests that such spending has low political priority. Measurement can be a problem, particularly where
a risk reduction measure is included as a small component of a project rather than entailing dedicated projects that are clearly identifiable as mitigation or
preparedness. Examples are cyclone-proofing or earthquake-proofing buildings as part of a school building
project and drought-proofing a water supply. Other initiatives in areas such as poverty reduction, agricultural
extension, and microfinance can also contribute to reducing vulnerability, and this further complicates any attempt
at calculating spending. Aggregate expenditure on
mitigation and preparedness, even on dedicated projects, is rarely, if ever, reported in annual public accounts.
The nature and level of recurrent expenditure also
have implications for vulnerability. Many countries,
including the three case study countries, have a dual
budgeting system under which recurrent and investment expenditure plans are the responsibilities of different ministries, or of separate departments within
the ministry of finance. Mitigation is sometimes perceived as involving major structural investment projects and so is of little concern to those preparing recurrent
budgets. Yet levels of recurrent expenditure in particular areas, most obviously operations and maintenance (O&M), have substantial implications for
vulnerability. Badly maintained infrastructure can increase
vulnerability to natural hazards and postdisaster costs.
In Bangladesh the high costs of rehabilitation following the 1987 and 1988 floods and the 1991 cyclone
Public Finance and Disasters
partly reflected inadequate O&M and poor past investment planning. Inadequate O&M has been a major constraint on the effective functioning of flood control,
drought, and irrigation infrastructure as well, despite
huge capital investments.
Indeed, it is widely held that expenditure on O&M
is too low in most developing countries.49 Greater integration of recurrent and capital budgets, as embodied
in the medium-term expenditure framework (MTEF;
see note 45), would be beneficial in this regard, helping to tie mitigation objectives into the recurrent budget.
If risk management concerns were more fully integrated
into the project cycle, this could influence both the levels
of expenditure on O&M and the design standards for
construction of infrastructure. The road network in
Dominica, which is vulnerable to coastal storm damage
as well as to annual flooding and landslides, exemplifies these issues (see chapter 2).
Long-Term Policy Consequences of Disasters
To what extent do successive disasters thwart the attainment of long-term policy goals? Country case evidence
suggests that disasters have had some effect but that it
may be difficult to demonstrate clearly. In Bangladesh
poverty reduction is widely acknowledged as the
country’s central development challenge (see, for example, Bangladesh 2002; World Bank 2002). Successive
governments have attached high priority and devoted
considerable resources to poverty reduction, focusing
on economic growth and human resource development
as the main ways of achieving this goal. Disasters,
however, have played a role in thwarting the attainment
of targets and have hindered efforts to develop the country’s infrastructure. As demonstrated above, disasterrelated expenditure displaces planned investment and
normal recurrent expenditure. In Dominica, too, disaster spending has displaced planned investment by
creating more urgent needs, although it is difficult to
measure the precise impact on the overall level of capital expenditure.50 Efforts to improve the efficiency of
the Philippines’ transport systems are reported to have
been only moderately successful because a large part of
the available resources has been redirected in response
to calamities, with knock-on implications for the pace
of improvement of rural transport linkages.51
Other disaster legacies include increased indebtedness, which has potential long-term development implications, primarily relating to the opportunity cost of
future debt-servicing and repayment costs.52 Disasters
can exacerbate external debt pressures to the extent that
they destroy infrastructure and other assets funded with
outstanding external loans.53
The financial effects of disasters can have long-term
implications for broader economic policy. In Dominica
these severe budgetary effects have been a factor in the
adoption of major reforms. In the aftermath of Hurricane David, Dominica undertook certain reforms
under a program supported by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). A subsequent structural adjustment
program (SAP) in 1986/87 sought to address the problem of slow recovery from the 1979–80 disasters and
the effects of later storm damage on exports. There was
further pressure for adjustment following the 1995 storms.
But on some occasions disasters have been used as
an excuse for fiscal problems partly attributable to other
causes, thus deflecting pressures for policy change. In
Zimbabwe the 1991/92 drought was in part blamed
for difficulties which in fact were the result of the government’s SAP that had been adopted in the previous
year. Such tactics are potentially dangerous, perhaps
buying a government and other interested parties time
but implying that efforts to address other underlying
causes of budgetary difficulties might be postponed.
More positively, the existence of Zimbabwe’s SAP ensured
that an effective macroeconomic monitoring system was
already in place, providing early indications of the additional economic difficulties that emerged as a consequence of the drought (Benson 1998).54
Lessons Learned
The primary lessons to be drawn from the analysis of
the interaction between public finance and disasters
concern budgetary analysis and reporting, options for
financing hazard-related costs, and governance.
Analyzing and Reporting Budgetary
Impacts of Disasters
This chapter has shown that a disaggregated approach
to exploring the public finance impacts of disasters, and
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
better documentation of expenditure on all aspects of
risk management and postdisaster response, would
aid public decisionmaking.
A superficial review of broad fiscal aggregates is
likely to be hugely deceptive, in that it suggests that even
severe disasters have very limited budgetary consequences. The initial attempt in this study to explore more
closely the budgetary effects of disasters and related decisionmaking implies a somewhat different picture. Disasters were found to have significant narrowly fiscal
impacts in the short and longer terms and broader implications for development. They caused widespread—if
largely nontransparent—immediate and interannual reallocations of funds by governments and aid donors. Disaster responses can and do crowd out other expenditure.
In all the countries studied so far by the authors, it
was impossible to ascertain actual levels of expenditure on either postdisaster responses or mitigation and
preparedness. Expenditure is made from a number of
budget lines held by various departments and levels of
government and is often not explicitly identifiable as
disaster related. These limitations of fiscal reporting lead
to several specific recommendations.
1. Expenditure on disasters and other related risk
reduction activities should be measured more explicitly. Spending on mitigation and preparedness needs to
be properly reported. Risk management measures, however, take many forms and cut across virtually all sectors of government. It is not proposed that dedicated
funds should be established for such purposes but,
rather, that relevant activities and related expenditure
be tagged so that total expenditure in this area can be
estimated. Spending levels could then be assessed in
relation to government risk reduction policies and goals.
2. Improved information on the fiscal impact of disasters is required. This will help ensure the adoption of
appropriate mitigation measures in the design of new
projects and the implementation of dedicated structural
projects, where necessary. More broadly, it will facilitate
the integration of risk management concerns into mediumand long-term economic and financial planning.
Careful and detailed review of the fiscal implications of individual disasters would also help identify
appropriate postdisaster policy responses. The reasons
underlying any failure to reach planned targets would
be more transparent—which is ever more pertinent,
given stagnant aid resources and increasingly stringent
donor conditionality. Such reviews could provide a useful
input into policy on taxation and other forms of revenue generation in a postdisaster situation.
3. As part of efforts to improve information, attempts
to finalize disaster loss figures would be helpful. It would
also be useful to tag postdisaster relief and reconstruction funding. Currently, postdisaster assessments produced in the turmoil and disruption immediately
following an event are rarely revised, and actual relief
and rehabilitation activities may not directly correspond
with those identified as required immediately after a
4. Finally, for longer-term consideration, the sensitivity of revenue generation to disasters and the effects
that different forms of revenue raising, such as indirect
taxes or school fees, have on affected groups in a postdisaster situation are also issues for fiscal policy.
Financing Hazard-Related Costs
Policies on the future funding of postdisaster relief and
reconstruction would benefit from better information
on the impact and cost of disasters. Many countries lack
any explicit policy on financing postdisaster response,
beyond making some relatively minor annual budgetary allocations for use in the event of a disaster. Instead,
they implicitly rely on postdisaster reallocations to meet
a large share of relief and rehabilitation costs, without
exploring the long-term developmental implications
of the various funding options (reallocation, borrowing, insurance, and so on). In many developing countries, it is assumed that additional external assistance
will be forthcoming in the aftermath of a disaster, although
the reality is somewhat less straightforward (see
“External Aid,” above). Such approaches to the financing of disaster relief and rehabilitation constitute poor
planning. Moreover, in many countries, because of the
escalating cost of disasters, they may not be sustainable in the long term without causing significant economic damage. Better information on the costs and
impacts of disasters is required in order to persuade policymakers to change existing practices. Emerging realization of these facts has at least triggered increased
interest in alternative ways of financing disaster costs,
as described in chapter 5.
Public Finance and Disasters
In countries experiencing localized disasters, such
as storms, landslides, and flooding, almost every
year, there is a strong case for the annual preassignment of funds to meet a substantial share of relief and
rehabilitation costs, as well as for mitigatory measures.
Annual budgetary allocations help strengthen financial planning and fiscal discipline. But such allocations, by themselves, may not be the most cost-effective
strategy. When disasters do not occur, the contingency
provisions may well be dissipated in wasteful, lastminute, unplanned supplementary allocations to various expenditure heads. By making budgetary allocations
for use in the event of disaster, governments are also
raising the general level of budget expenditure or
squeezing planned allocations to programs.55 Moreover, contingency funds of this nature are unlikely to
be adequate in the event of a major disaster, particularly where the same budget line is required for other
Longer-term disaster contingency reserves that are
rolled over from year to year raise different problems.
These reserves can be held either domestically or abroad,
ideally in highly liquid accounts allowing immediate
access to funds. Such accounts, however, offer only a
5 to 6 percent rate of return, compared with the 16
percent rate of return frequently attributed to investment in development projects, an alternative use of
resources (Freeman and others 2003). In theory, annual
contributions to contingency reserves should be equal
to annual expected losses, depending on the risk the
fund is designed to cover. But, Freeman and others
argue, the time required to accumulate a sufficient
fund would be so long that the fund would not effectively protect against large events occurring in the first
years of accumulation. In addition, there may be political difficulties in keeping up adequate commitments
and protecting accumulated funds if there is a long run
of disaster-free years. Instead, hazard-prone countries
need to undertake analysis to determine optimal bundles of financing options. They should consider all
possible instruments and the funding needs raised by
more extreme events and by more frequently occurring lesser events (see box 2.3 and chapter 5). They
should also try to determine appropriate forms of mitigation and preparedness and adequate levels of funding for them.
Postdisaster reconstruction should be better planned,
incorporating mitigation needs, as well as being consistent with development objectives. An option for governments experiencing frequent, large-scale disasters
would be to preplan possible reconstruction and rehabilitation programs on the basis of a series of disaster
scenarios and, within those, to identify critical projects
that should receive priority in the allocation of funds
after a disaster. These exercises should also seek to identify key areas of capital and recurrent expenditure that
must be protected in a crisis. Possible policy options,
such as specific fiscal changes and monetary measures,
could be explored through scenarios to develop guidelines for responding to disasters. The guidelines could
be presented in the form of computer simulations.
For improved financial management of disasters, it
is also necessary to look at how the frequency of hazards and the magnitude of their consequences may
change over time. The main factors likely to affect occurrence are global climatic change and more localized
environmental changes. In Bangladesh the costs of urban
flood protection, including drainage and continuous
protection against erosion, are inevitably rising, but
the rethinking of the rural disaster reduction strategy
points to the possibility of less costly, more localized
solutions in the future. The effects of climatic change,
and how these effects will interact with the dynamics
of land and water use, also need to be taken into account.
In Dominica the decline of agricultural exports makes
protection of communications infrastructure, which is
essential to the services sector, increasingly important.
In Malawi evidence of increased sensitivity to climatic
variability resulting from a number of factors, including the wider HIV/AIDS pandemic, will require a rethinking of financing for information systems.
Donors and civil society organizations draw attention
to the critical role of good governance, which includes
a transparent and accountable fiscal regime. The countries studied were certainly most vulnerable to natural
disasters during periods of conflict and weak governance characterized by extreme uncertainty and insecurity, as in Bangladesh from 1969 to 1975 and Dominica
in 1978–80. Governments were ineffective in managing
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
relief, and public finances were chaotic and plagued by
corruption. Dominica’s case is relatively straightforward;
the country returned to more disciplined fiscal management during the 1980s. In Malawi the government’s
failure, since the early 1990s and despite democratization, to manage the fiscal and monetary aspects of shocks
has contributed to increased sensitivity to disasters. But
such a simple, generalized explanation of failure is too
facile, and it gives those working to ensure good governance a means of escaping responsibility.
There are other influences on vulnerability, and there
are things that can be done within a country and
internationally to reduce vulnerability, even if serious
problems of governance persist. In Bangladesh the Ministry of Finance slowly, and not without reverses, established a more stable budgetary envelope and, with the
central Bangladesh Bank, achieved more disciplined
monetary management in the 1980s and 1990s. The
government allowed, and sometimes actively encouraged, the growth of microfinance institutions, with much
support from international donors. Such developments
eventually contributed to reduced sensitivity to disasters. Nevertheless, political instability continues, and
micro-decisionmaking within the government remains
severely compromised by short-term rent-seeking behavior (Sobhan 1998).
Chapter 4
Information on Natural Hazards
and Disaster Reduction
disruption, was suffered by port facilities, coastal roads,
and other infrastructure that still had little protection
against wave action in a severe storm. The risks were
understood, but funding constraints had curtailed
protective measures.
The case studies also provide evidence that weaknesses in the systems that generate and disseminate
information on natural hazards and their likely effects
have been a factor in the potential for extreme natural
events to become social and economic disasters. The
floods in southwest Bangladesh in 2000 and, notably,
the 2002 food crisis in Malawi and in the wider southern African area are recent examples.
An organizing framework is required to make sense
of these experiences with good and bad practice. This
chapter therefore considers the usefulness of the international public goods concept in explaining sources of
weakness in hazard information systems. Research
into global climatic processes and forecasting of the
likely weather on regional and smaller scales are classic examples of public goods. The case studies shed light
on the applicability of the public-good framework but
also highlight situations in which it breaks down, as
when there is rivalry among users of information (for
example, between countries that share a river system).
Information on natural hazards plays a key role in the
management of disaster risk. This chapter employs the
conceptual framework of international public goods to
explain sources of weakness in hazard information
systems. It considers provisionally, on case study evidence, whether funding of hazard information for developing countries, as an international and national public
good, is adequate.
Information and Public Action
The availability of good-quality, trustworthy data is a
necessary condition for effective management of natural disaster risk. Evidence from the case study countries provides clear examples of how strengthening of
information systems and the application of information
in risk management have reduced the economic and
human suffering inflicted by extreme events.
The cyclone warning system in Bangladesh is widely
recognized as a successful instance of disaster reduction. The meteorological forecasts are able to provide
earlier and more precise advice on imminent storms.
This information has been translated into warnings,
with increasing effectiveness (notably in 1997), allowing precautionary evacuations of at-risk people to
shelters and of livestock to protective mounds.
In Dominica reassessment of the coastal protection
levels required to minimize damage and economic disruption from wave action during severe hurricanes is
reflected in the more limited impacts of recent storms.
In 1999 Hurricane Lenny, a Category 4 storm, caused
limited damage to infrastructure that had been reinforced or constructed to higher specifications in the
1990s—for example, the sea defenses in the capital,
Roseau. By contrast, costly damage, causing extended
Hazard Information as a Public Good
The generation and dissemination of scientific information on natural hazards would appear to be a classic example of a public good.57 If a good’s benefits are both nonrival
and nonexcludable, the good is a pure public good.
A good’s benefits are nonrival when one agent’s consumption or use of the good does not detract in the
slightest from the consumption opportunities of other
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
users of the same unit of good. Nonexcludability requires
that no one can be excluded from the use or consumption of a good once it has been provided. Theoretically,
“where benefits are non-rival, it is inefficient to exclude
anyone who derives a positive benefit, because consumption
to more users creates benefits that cost society nothing”
(Kanbur, Sandler, and Morrison 1999: 61). But the provision of a good is inherently problematic: institutions can
restrict access, and there is an incentive to free-ride, which
cannot be prevented. In practice, goods may not exhibit
either nonrivalry or nonexcludability in a pure form. Nevertheless, information on environmental hazards and environmental change (i.e., changes in hazard risk) is generally
regarded as being a public good.
Meteorological information on tropical storms is close
to the theoretical paradigm case of a public good. Such
information typically includes climatic risk assessments,
which may be the annualized probability of a storm above
a specified wind speed or the probable levels and intensities of wave action associated with specific wind speeds.
Forecasts are the other typical products—real-time information on the likely spatial range, duration, and intensity of a storm when it is threatened or actually happening.
Both types of information have made important contributions to reduction of disaster risk in Bangladesh and
Dominica, as shown in the case studies.
A public good may be international, regional, or
national, depending on the potential spread of benefits.
Some hazard information is country-specific (e.g., assessment of landslide hazard risk in Dominica). An example
of a regional public good (RPG) is a tropical storm warning in the Caribbean. The El Niño–Southern Oscillation
(ENSO) is a phenomenon with global consequences, and
information on it is being explicitly generated and disseminated as an international public good (IPG). Even
where programs are country-centered, benefits may
spill over to others; for example, seismic monitoring in
India registers events that occur in Bangladesh.
Practically, the World Bank (2001) has found it useful
in considering IPGs to distinguish between two categories of activities:
• Core activities that aim to produce public goods
• Complementary activities that prepare countries to
consume the IPGs that core activities make available
while at the same time creating valuable national
public goods (NPGs).
Public choice analysis suggests that different IPGs
are likely to require different funding arrangements.
These arrangements will depend on the extent to which
IPGs are pure public goods and on the practicalities of
exclusion and country financial capacity (Sandler 2002).
Grant funding may be required for the generation of core
IPGs, and complementary activities that are largely country-specific are appropriately funded by governments,
to the extent that NPGs are involved. NPGs may justify
and more easily allow the use of traditional countrybased aid instruments, including loan finance (Ferroni
and Mody 2002). The level of aid funding for IPGs is
difficult to estimate precisely, but it is currently at least
10 percent of official development assistance (ODA),
and the share is generally agreed to be increasing.58
Nonexcludability is a common source of problems
with coordination and financing because of the incentive to free-ride (Ferroni and Mody 2002). All countries
benefit from an IPG (in the case of an RPG, all countries in the region benefit), and all should contribute to
the costs of provision. But there are problems of valuation, and also differences in ability to pay, as reflected
in the experiences of the case study countries.
Climatic Forecasting in Southern Africa
Global climatic processes, especially the forcing mechanisms that underlie variability and climatic change, are
the subject of intense investigation. The El Niño–Southern Oscillation phenomenon is widely regarded as a key
indicator of global processes, providing a basis for longlead forecasting (Stockdale and others 1998; Zebiak
1999). This research is widely regarded as generating
an international public good. International coordination takes place through the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), and the findings and predictions of
a substantial number of forecasting models are regularly and openly reported—for example, by the International Research Institute for Climate Prediction (IRI)
at Columbia University, New York.
In southern Africa, the close association between El
Niño events and the regional droughts in 1982/83,
1991/92, and 1994/95 provided the impetus for the
development of regional long-lead or seasonal forecasting (see figure 2.4). By 1997/98, a formal process
Information on Natural Hazards and Disaster Reduction
for consensus-based long-lead forecasting had emerged,
managed through the Southern African Regional Climate Outlook Forum (SARCOF) and involving national
meteorological agencies from all the Southern African
Development Community (SADC) countries (Thomson, Jenden, and Clay 1998). The process was funded,
to begin with, as part of a wider global initiative to
strengthen regional climatic forecasting. SARCOF
forecasts rely heavily on forecasts from global models
that also strongly reflect the behavior of ENSO. Additional detail takes account of regional topography. During
the 1997/98 El Niño, conditions in the closer southern
Indian Ocean were locally influential, resulting in higherthan-anticipated rainfall in some countries, especially
Malawi and much of Mozambique. Much less well understood oceanic-atmospheric interactions in the Indian
and South Atlantic Oceans are now recognized as important influences on rainfall patterns and have become
the focus of internationally supported research (Spencer,
Slingo, and Davey forthcoming).
The precision of SARCOF forecasts is still very limited; broad probability bands are assigned to zones that
encompass parts or the whole of several countries.
The forecasts are difficult to downscale and are imprecise as to the risks of erratic rainfall patterns that are
critical to crop performance.59 But the greater attention now paid to forecasting and weather monitoring
throughout the season ensures that scientific data on
a 10-daily basis are more rapidly available to inform
assessment and decisions. Global climatic developments are also closely watched, and assessments are
quickly disseminated through the Internet. A real problem is that decisionmakers would like very clear predictions (“This climatic event will lead to this pattern
of weather in the coming months”), particularly when
food security depends on good crop-growing conditions. The reality is that because of the complexity of
weather patterns and impacts, forecasts often have to
reflect a lack of certainty. For example, in 2002, as a
food crisis affected six southern African countries, forecasters indicated the high probability of a moderate El
Niño event and then confirmed its occurrence. However, there was great uncertainty about what this might
mean for the 2002/03 wet season and whether it would
continue. In effect, the models are saying that decisions
about an already difficult food security situation have
to be taken in circumstances of more than usual
uncertainty about rainfall.
The international effort to understand and predict
global climatic processes is a pure public good. The generation of this public good has been extended through
international support to regional forecasting as an RPG
in southern Africa and elsewhere in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Because of the wider consequences of food security crises
in the region, the international community finds itself
with a contingent responsibility to respond, and regional
forecasting in Sub-Saharan Africa therefore continues
to be a core IPG activity. The effectiveness of these efforts,
however, depends on decisionmakers’ capacity to use
this information at the country level and below.
Country-specific forecasts can alert international and
national agencies and civil society to the need for precautionary measures to safeguard food security and
water supplies, and they can reduce the cost of potentially financially destabilizing crisis measures. The study
of Malawi has confirmed the value of forecasts at a country level and the need for complementary activities,
but it has also highlighted problems (as discussed above)
that at present limit the value of forecasts. Currently,
only some commercial farmers are able to respond to
more specific seasonal forecasts. Smallholders lack the
technical options and resources to modify significantly
their choice of crop, seed variety, or traditional planting practices. These differences in capacity to exploit
information have implications for income distribution
and poverty. Pressures for cost recovery at a national
level could result in a focus on product development
and dissemination as “club goods” for those with the
incentive and ability to pay. The use being made of climatic forecasting is promising, but institutional strengthening, technical capacity building, more systematic
application of current scientific knowledge, and investment in data and equipment are needed.
The World Bank, using IDA credits, has invested in
the development of climatic forecasting in Malawi, following closely the distinction between core and complementary activities (Clay and others 2003).60 This was
done within the wider context of supporting the strengthening of the national meteorological agency. The limitation of this approach is that forecasting has a high
proportion of recurrent fixed costs, posing a problem
of sustainability. In Malawi these costs are well beyond
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
the level of expenditure funded by the central government. Meanwhile, the possibilities for cost recovery in
providing relatively generalized information are severely
limited. In such a situation, a cost-benefit calculation
is required to indicate whether this IPG and complementary activities at the country level should be continuing priorities for international support.
Although it is difficult to assign a robust value to climatic forecasting for southern Africa, qualitatively its
potential usefulness is clear. Efforts to strengthen climatic forecasting and the associated dissemination activities have:
• Provided a process for scientific consensus
• Integrated and strengthened meteorological systems in the region
• Established systems for closer monitoring and reporting of weather throughout the year
• Identified priorities for further research to improve
forecasting ability
• Created systems for assessing climatic risk that can
feed into decisionmaking processes.
The strengthening of forecasting systems is yielding
improved real-time data on rainfall and on weather more
generally that can inform decisionmaking after a crisis
has begun. So far, however, benefits in the shape of
demonstrable improvements in decisionmaking have
yet to be reaped.
The financial costs attributable to the whole forecasting effort for southern Africa are around US$5 million, spread across services and research institutions
within and outside the region. There is a large fixedcost element in sustaining climatological monitoring
capacity, and forecasting at the national level is a joint
product whose costs are difficult to isolate. These
costs, however, are modest compared with the economic
costs imposed by climatic variability in the region, which
are estimated to be equivalent to at least US$1 billion
a year. Even a small reduction in losses through improvements in public decisions on food system management
and in private risk management would justify both
past and continued investment in better forecasting.61
Although long-lead forecasting is still in its infancy,
climatic research is making rapid progress. Regional climatic forecasting needs to be sustained as a learning
process. Scientists need to understand and then attempt
to respond to more specific information requirements,
and public and private users need time and, probably,
assistance to understand how climatic information can
improve risk management.
Tropical Storms
The case studies of Bangladesh and Dominica offer examples of the uses of forecasting and risk assessment in
dealing with risks from hurricanes, cyclones, and
other tropical storms.
Cyclone protection became an intermittent priority for
official donors and international NGOs in response to
specific extreme events. After the 1970 cyclone in
Bangladesh, in which at least 350,000 lives were lost,
the Bangladesh Red Crescent managed programs for
cyclone shelter construction, with increasing success.
Although 140,000 people lost their lives in the May
1991 cyclone, 340,000 were evacuated and were housed
in purpose-built shelters and public buildings. In May
1997 a similar cyclone claimed fewer than 200 lives,
and 1 million people were evacuated to shelters (IFRC
2002). Since 1991, cyclone shelters have been designed
for multipurpose use, mainly as schools (with budgetary implications for O&M). Even so, underprovision
of shelters persists. For that reason, and because the
buildings are in multiple use, the principle of nonrivalry is compromised. Mitigation investments and
humanitarian aid, unless provided at levels that saturate demand (so that they become a free good) are private goods, subject to rivalry and excludability, and
this situation raises intense problems of competitive
access. Institutional arrangements are required to ensure
that the poorest are not excluded (Pantelic and others
A critical factor in the success of cyclone protection
is the considerable progress that has been made in coastal
cyclone warning since the devastating storm of May
1991. Meteorological observation of storms by remote
sensing has become, in effect, an internationally funded
public good. The complementary cost of using this information is relatively modest, and an institutional vehicle has been found to undertake the task.63 Cyclone
Information on Natural Hazards and Disaster Reduction
protection has been facilitated by the gradual emergence
of large NGOs that provide further institutional support to affected communities, including the poorest, in
crisis situations.
Tropical storm warnings in the Caribbean region have
been progressively strengthened. The region benefits from
its proximity to the United States, the lead nation in official support for forecasting as a public good. In addition,
commercial media and Internet-based communication
have come to provide real-time information on storm risks.
But, as the unpredicted course of the destructive Hurricane Lenny demonstrated in 1999, even the most advanced
prediction models may be found wanting.
The recurring damage to Dominica’s key infrastructure highlights deficiencies in risk assessment that are
only slowly being remedied. Following independence
in many Caribbean states, wider regional arrangements for scientific research on strengthening disaster
management are emerging under the auspices of the
OAS, supported with international and bilateral (U.S.)
financial and human resources. These projects have contributed to enhancing scientific hazard assessment and
monitoring. For example, concerns about sea-level
rise in the Caribbean Sea and the absence of reliable
benchmarks have highlighted the past lack of sea-level
and wave monitoring within the region. Dominica itself
has no capacity to undertake such monitoring independently. Consequently, only qualitative assessments
of the coastal sea conditions associated with the
impact of individual storms, including Hurricane Lenny
in 1999, are available. To provide benchmarks for determining the effects of climate change, the OAS has
launched a regional program for sea-level monitoring,
supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).64
Failures in the Provision of Information as a
Public Good
Examples from Bangladesh, Dominica, and southern
Africa highlight how rivalry and exclusiveness undermine the public-good character of forecasting and information provision.
Transnational River Systems
Riverine flood warning in Bangladesh is still primitive
and provides very limited advance warning. Bangladesh
effectively received only a 24-hour warning, in the form
of “rivers at danger level” advice, from its upper riparian neighbor, India, at the time of the 2000 floods in
southwestern Bangladesh. On Bangladesh’s part, river
modeling, which is crucial for risk assessment, began
to be seriously undertaken only in 1989, under the
Flood Action Plan. Even this work has been restricted
by the attempt to model only for Bangladesh, which
contains the larger part, but not all, of the Brahmaputra-Gangetic delta system.65
This weakness partly reflects very restricted regional
cooperation in meteorology and the monitoring of hydrological systems. The long-running dispute over the use
of the Farakka Barrage upstream in India to control the
flow of the Ganges River illustrates the problems that
arise when the assumption of nonrivalry in consumption of information does not hold.
The floods in Mozambique in 1999–2000 highlighted
similar problems with hazard warnings between upper and
lower riparian countries. There are indeed externalities
in water use and control, but the generation and regional
dissemination of knowledge on hydro-meteorological
systems can help address the problem of significant externalities and provide a basis for cooperation.
Geophysical Hazards
The Bangladesh and Dominica case studies reveal the
difficulties in ensuring that an adequate system of monitoring is established and sustained for geophysical hazards. The problem appears to stem from the typically
low probabilities of severe or catastrophic events. The
issues have to do with awareness of hazard risk and
understanding of the appropriate risk management
response to hazard assessment.
Bangladesh. All of Bangladesh lies within a high earthquake risk region. Minor tremors are common, and
one of the most extreme earthquake events ever
recorded—a quake in 1897 that registered 8.8 on the
Richter scale (RS)—had its epicenter in the nearby Shillong Plateau in the Indian state of Meghalaya. The
1950 Assam earthquake brought huge sediment loads
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
into the Brahmaputra River, raising the river bed for a
number of years (which probably contributed to the
serious floods in the mid-1950s) and creating large areas
of new alluvial land in the Meghna estuary.
Assessment of earthquake hazard in Bangladesh has
been relatively neglected. This again reflects an institutional failure at a regional level to provide scientific
information on a serious natural hazard as a public
good.66 The historical record implies an average of more
than one extreme (RS 7.0+) event every 50 years. But
the fragmentation of seismic monitoring systems in 1947
and again in 1971, as political boundaries changed,
left Bangladesh with little monitoring capacity—a single
seismographic station—and so unable to triangulate the
epicenter of tremors. The danger was highlighted in
February 2001, when a tremor of RS 4.2 was identified
by Indian sources as being centered in northeast
Because of the low awareness of seismic hazard and
of weaknesses in enforcing building regulations, little
regard has been given to earthquake-proofing during
the rapid urban expansion that has been going on
since the late 1980s. Earthquake-proofing has been
undertaken, however, in major internationally funded
construction projects such as the Jamuna Bridge and
the Ashuganj fertilizer factory.
Reinterpretations of the causes of the 1897 Meghalaya earthquake show the challenges in undertaking relatively accurate risk assessment in the region, which
may have large buried faults. On the positive side, the
recent Gujarat earthquake in western India, which was
extensively reported and shown on television in
Bangladesh, appears to have transformed attitudes within
the government and civil society about earthquake
hazard. This has implications for public expenditure on
seismic monitoring and risk assessment as public goods.
Incorporating earthquake resistance into design
will increase investment costs for public and private
construction of key infrastructure and commercial property. (The insurance option for managing risks is discussed in chapter 5.) Decisions on the tradeoffs between
costs and variability would be better informed if improved
risk assessment were publicly available.
Dominica. Institutional issues have to be addressed in
ensuring adequate support for monitoring volcanic
hazards in Dominica. Scientific hazard monitoring and
information dissemination have been organized in the
Caribbean area at a regional level in ways that reflect
colonial history. For seismic-volcanic monitoring,
Dominica contributes to and relies on the Seismic
Research Unit (SRU), based in Trinidad.67 There is a
convention of extreme caution in making potentially
sensitive information available, at least in those former
European colonies that have not had a tradition of
open government. The centralized authority in colonial
times had a general responsibility—a contingent liability, in insurance terms—in the event of a disaster, and
nonexclusion of potential beneficiaries is still seriously
qualified by administrative reluctance to make information available.
Dominica is seismically extremely active. The SRU
successfully monitored volcanic alerts in the 1970s and
1980s and initiated risk assessment and risk-mapping
activities. When, however, a new volcanic alert began
in September 1998, the monitoring arrangements
were found not to have been properly maintained and
also to be inadequate, given that an alert has occurred
almost every decade. The monitoring network had to
be refurbished as well as enhanced, with additional
emergency external support, to provide the appropriate level of seismic monitoring. This suggests that the
SRU network was insufficiently funded to enable it to
conduct enhanced crisis monitoring.
The way the 1998–99 alert was handled raises the
difficult but important issue of how scientific information should be disseminated to the wider public to ensure
that both public and private sector institutions make
rational decisions about natural hazard risk. Despite
previous alerts, a volcanic emergency plan had to be
specially prepared. Emergency exercises were carried
out, but little precise information was made publicly
available on the nature and extent of the risks. There
was considerable uncertainty in the private sector and
among civil society organizations about the precise
nature and level of risk, how the crisis might evolve,
and the appropriate responses. The result was a confused range of reactions. For example, some insurance
companies temporarily stopped taking on new business
in the southern part of the island, a few declined to
renew existing annual policies, and others continued
to provide coverage. But positively, and presumably as
Information on Natural Hazards and Disaster Reduction
a result of the experience gained in this crisis and the
example of the continuing volcanic eruption in Montserrat, the SRU has begun to make its risk assessments
widely and freely available, both on the Internet and
through public meetings.
The gap between formal science and the perspectives
of most of those making public and private decisions
is highlighted by the problem of giving an objective
assessment of the risks of a volcanic eruption in ways
that can be easily understood (box 4.1). If the experts
draw attention to a nonzero risk but an eruption does
not occur, or is “unfulfilled,” the general public may
misinterpret the warning as a false alarm. Similar
issues arise with respect to all categories of hazard risk
because decisionmakers want clear predictions.
Findings and Conclusions
There are several recurring issues relating to the generation and use of information on natural hazards as a
public good.
1. The public-good framework is helpful in clarifying issues for further consideration. The distinction
between core and complementary activities is especially
useful in distinguishing between the generation and the
Box 4.1 Evidence-based volcanology: application of Bayes’ rule to the situation in Dominica in 1998
Bayes’ rule provides a formula for updating estimations of the relative odds of scenario A and an alternative scenario
B, given new evidence about either or both scenarios.
The formula for the new (or posterior) odds is:
Pr (scenario A | evidence) Pr (scenario A) . Pr (evidence | scenario A)
Pr (scenario B | evidence) Pr (scenario B) Pr (evidence | scenario B)
where Pr (evidence | scenario) is the conditional probability of seeing the evidence given the scenario occurs, and the
ratio of the two conditional probabilities in the above expression is referred to as the likelihood ratio of the evidence.
Pr (scenario A) / Pr (scenario B) expresses our prior odds (or belief) and is sometimes referred to as the base rate.
(As exemplified in some notorious law cases, ignoring the base rate can lead to fallacious conclusions about the correct weight to attribute to evidence.)
In the case of Dominica, where a local earthquake swarm started in 1998:
• Scenario A might be the hypothesis that there will be an eruption within a short interval (e.g., the next six months).
• Scenario B would be the hypothesis that no eruptive activity will occur in the next six months.
The prior odds ratio,
Pr (eruption) / Pr (no_eruption)
might be estimated from the information that the last eruption in Dominica was about 685 years ago (SRU 2000) and
that there have been three eruptions on the island in the past 1,200 years. From the latter information, the current
likelihood of an eruption in any six-month period might be estimated as about 1 in 800, on average. (This estimate
could be reduced if we had reason to believe that the chance of observing an interval of 685 years or longer is unusual
in the distribution of eruption intervals for Dominica.) So, for present purposes, the prior odds of an eruption (in any
six months) might be estimated at 1/800, or, in betting terms, about 799 to 1 against.
If a seismic crisis has already begun, we should now use Bayes’ rule to estimate
new_odds = prior_odds * likelihood_ratio
where the second factor is a ratio of likelihoods that can be derived from additional information about volcano-seismic
crises and eruptions in Dominica. There have been eight seismic crises in Dominica in the past 50 years (before the present episode) and at least 12 in the past 200 years, none of which resulted in an eruption. So, extrapolating over the past
685 years, there might have been between 40 and 110 such noneruption seismic crises, and perhaps more. If 75 is used
as an average estimate, the equivalent “false alarm” probability is about 0.05 in any one six-month period.
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
Box 4.1 Evidence-based volcanology: application of Bayes’ rule to the situation in Dominica in 1998 (continued)
Almost all strong eruptions are preceded by some form of seismic activity, which would be detectable by modern
instruments, suitably deployed. Assuming that there is no more than a 2 percent chance of not detecting precursory
seismic activity before the next eruption in Dominica,
Pr (seismic_crisis | eruption) = 0.98
then the likelihood ratio, calculated as
Pr (seismic_crisis | eruption)
Pr (seismic_crisis | no_eruption)
is approximately 0.98/0.05 = 19.6, and
new_odds (eruption) = 1/800 * 19.6 ‡ 1/41
or, in betting terminology, 40 to 1 against an eruption in the next six months. Even at the much lower noneruption
crisis rate implied by the known 12 episodes in 200 years, the new odds would still be about 24 to 1 against an ensuing eruption.
So, even though a notable volcano-seismic crisis has started in Dominica, it is still extremely unlikely, solely on the
basis of the evidence that an earthquake swarm has begun, as considered here, that there will be an eruption in the next six
months. The numbers can be reworked for other forecast periods, and other evidence—such as the duration, intensity, or seismic characteristics of the events involved, or separate independent indicators such as changes in geothermal conditions—might cause us to modify the probability of this particular episode being a unfulfilled alarm.
These low odds for an eruption can be contrasted with a view that is commonly expressed under such circumstances. As noted above, almost all sudden-onset volcanic eruptions we know about have some form of detectable precursory seismic activity, and, making allowance for incomplete knowledge, we might guess that this happens in at least
98 out of 100 eruptions of volcanoes of the type found in Dominica. Thus, the equivalent odds of there being no
detectable seismic activity before an eruption are less than 1/50 (Pr ~ 2 percent)—a “statistic” of such low probability
that it leads many people to believe, mistakenly, that an eruption must be almost inevitable once an earthquake swarm
develops under a volcano. (In evidential matters, this is an example of what is known as the transposed conditional,
or the prosecutor’s fallacy.)
Source: Derived from Aspinall and others (2002).
dissemination of information or knowledge. Dissemination is often not a pure public good because forecasts or hazard assessments can be provided to restricted
2. Information is most likely to be generated where
the hazard is recognized as a global issue. Developed
countries are taking the lead in generation of information and promotion of its use, as an international public
good. This is most obvious for climatic variability and
extreme weather events such as tropical cyclones.
3. Geophysical hazards are a more uncertain area.
The funding of basic research, a core activity, seems
not to be in question—again, because of the risks posed
in developed countries. Hazard risks, however, are
region- or even country-specific, and so the provision
and dissemination of information is more often a national
public good that is relevant to land use regulation and
building standards. Furthermore, unless a disaster has
occurred recently, the status of hazard monitoring and
the use of information in risk management are likely to
be the accidental consequences of history.
4. Public funding of hazard monitoring and dissemination is worthwhile, although precise cost-benefit calculations are difficult. The case studies suggest that there
are considerable potential benefits but that they are
not smoothly distributed. Costs are relatively modest
but are largely recurrent. The combination of patterns
of benefits and costs makes for difficulties in sustaining national funding in countries with severe budgetary constraints.
5. The use of information is apparently unsatisfactory
in many cases. This has partly to do with the probabilistic
Information on Natural Hazards and Disaster Reduction
nature of the information generated by scientific research
and monitoring (see box 4.1), and it raises a series of
• What forms of information are appropriate to make
available to various stakeholder groups?
• How can scientific information be disseminated
in an easily understandable form?
• How should scientific information be used, and
what are the implications of its use, bearing in
mind that it will be probabilistic and thus difficult to take into account?
• What role should scientists play in informing the
general public and other stakeholders directly
about natural hazard risk and uncertainty?
6. In relation to crisis-affected Malawi and to southern
Africa more generally, there is a need to avoid creating
excessive expectations. Put simply, “At this time, weather
forecasts can prompt governments and international
agencies to move to a higher level of preparedness, but
cannot effect significant changes in production.” 68
7. There are encouraging examples of improved practice. The concerns about global climatic change have
contributed to ensuring interest in climatic processes
and funding of research on them. Progress in using information to reduce the impacts of tropical storms is impressive. There is evidence, too, of institutional learning
about the need to ensure wider dissemination of information, such as seismic risk assessments in the Caribbean.
Chapter 5
Financing the Cost of Future Disasters
instruments, thus offering investors a way of diversifying
capital market risk.
The potential advantages of risk transfer mechanisms
• A reduction in postdisaster pressure on fiscal and
external balances
• Increased government control over the financing of
disasters, possibly including the immediate and timely
availability of funds69
• Greater capacity for a government to set its own priorities in the management of relief and rehabilitation
• Increased transparency in the delivery of relief and
reconstruction funding
• Promotion of mitigation, by making provision of
mechanisms conditional on particular structural measures being in place or by offering discounts where
they are.
An increase in public insurance, in whatever form,
may also stimulate more extensive and fuller private
In developed countries, there are well-established
markets for insurance against a wide range of hazards,
including the major natural hazards of floods, droughts,
cyclones, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. Newer
hedging instruments are also gaining some popularity.
Weather derivatives have been written on indices of
earthquake intensities, temperature levels, cumulative
precipitation over a specified period, and wind speed.
Some catastrophe bonds have been issued in the United
States and Japan.
In some developing countries, some basic form of
insurance is often necessary to secure formal sector
loans. In Dominica, for example, such policies are
required for obtaining mortgages and must cover all
natural hazards, including windstorms and volcanic
risk. In many other developing countries, catastrophe
Historically, there has been heavy reliance on aid to meet
disaster-related relief and reconstruction costs in the
developing world. But today, global aid flows are stagnant, while the annual cost of disasters is increasing.
Global climate change could imply a further rise in the
incidence and cost of natural disasters. Questions are
therefore beginning to be asked about alternative ways
of meeting disaster-related costs. This chapter reviews
some ideas and options that are being explored, and in
some cases applied, relating to risk transfer tools and
their potential relevance and scope for application to
developing countries.
Risk Transfer Tools
Risk transfer mechanisms shift financial risk from one
party to another. The two basic tools for catastrophic risk
are insurance and instruments for spreading risk directly
to the capital market. An insurance policy provides cash
payouts in the aftermath of a disaster in return for the payment of monthly ex ante premiums; insurance companies, in turn, redistribute their risk to global reinsurers.
Over the past five years, novel instruments, entailing some
form of hedging transaction in the capital market, have
been developed in response to dramatic increases in the
cost of insurance and reinsurance, with an entrepreneurial push from New York investment bankers. Weather derivatives involve automatic and immediate payouts (typically
available within 72 hours) on the occurrence of a predetermined trigger event, irrespective of the scale or nature
of damage. Catastrophe bonds provide attractive payments to investors, but if the specified catastrophe occurs,
the principal or interest (or both) on the bond is reduced
or even canceled. Performance of these new mechanisms
is largely uncorrelated with that of other capital market
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
insurance has to be purchased separately and is often
not specifically required in order to secure loans. The
availability of business interruption insurance and agricultural insurance is also typically severely restricted.
Fire and hail insurance for commercial farmers and
agribusiness is generally available from the markets, but
securing multiperil crop insurance is often difficult
except where it is provided under government schemes.
Overall, it is estimated that less than 1 percent of the
losses from natural disasters is insured in the world’s
“poorest” countries (Freeman and others 2002: 2).
In the developed world, most insurance is taken out
by the private sector. Governments the world over typically retain all risks associated with their investments,
including those relating to natural hazards. Whereas
governments in richer nations have the resources to
absorb risks by adjusting internal funds, their counterparts in many developing countries frequently do
not. Instead, these governments often take the view that
if a disaster occurs, international assistance will be forthcoming and that financial risk transfer mechanisms are
not required. In reality, this may not always be the
case, nor does this approach guarantee the best response
in terms of speed or of a government’s ability to determine the allocation of reconstruction funds. Moreover,
aid resources are finite, and natural disasters are placing increasing demands on them. The evidence summarized in chapter 3 suggests that there is little
additionality in aid over the medium term, and so disaster assistance largely diverts funds from development.
As a consequence of these factors, there has been a
recent growth of interest in exploring ways to support
developing countries in gaining greater access to international risk transfer markets. This chapter briefly explores
the potential obstacles to greater coverage. It then reviews
some solutions that have been pursued to overcome these
obstacles and explores the use of risk transfer mechanisms in loss reduction. The discussion draws, in particular, on evidence from the three country studies.
Potential Obstacles
The main obstacles to coverage of disaster risk in
developing countries are affordability, demand, determination of parametric insurance triggers that do not
require direct verification of loss, and the structure of
the insurance industry. Each is taken up in turn in this
The current and future affordability of any risk transfer scheme and the related issue of price instability are
immediate and obvious potential constraints on
greater insurance coverage, particularly in developing
countries where opportunity costs are higher. (Because
of the lower capital stocks in these countries, insurance premiums compete with the potentially higher
returns to investments as a use for resources.)
Catastrophe insurance premiums can be several times
higher than the actuarially determined expected losses
(Froot 1999). This reflects the high variance associated
with expected loss. An insurer needs to have sufficient
capital to support the risk underwritten and to be able
to meet claims should the most extreme event covered
Because of their high transaction costs, capital
market instruments are even more expensive than
insurance—perhaps twice as expensive, according
to some estimates (Swiss Reinsurance Company 1999).
Consequently, these instruments have been primarily purchased by reinsurers to add to their higherlevel capacity, increasing their ability to provide
coverage against very high losses resulting from extreme
The cost of insurance is negotiated annually (unlike
the case of most capital market instruments), and so
rates fluctuate widely, often reflecting the annual
global scale of bills incurred by the industry rather
than more localized factors. In 1992, for example, premiums rose three- or fourfold when Hurricane Andrew
generated record claims. Volatility in rates is particularly high in some regions, such as the Caribbean, where
some 80 to 85 percent of gross property insurance premiums are transferred to reinsurers. Any fluctuations
in reinsurance costs, whether caused by local, regional,
or global factors, are passed directly on to insurees in
the region. Country-specific risk factors seem to come
into play only when local risks are perceived to be
particularly high—often, after disasters occur in quick
Financing the Cost of Future Disasters
Uptake of available risk transfer mechanisms offered in
a particular market depends on demand—that is, willingness and ability to pay—and demand depends in
part on the cost (price) of the instruments. The extent
of risk aversion, which is often partly determined by
subjective factors, also influences demand. In addition, income levels play a role in determining demand
for private insurance, and budgetary constraints affect
demand for public insurance.70
In developing countries, willingness to pay may be
influenced by expected flows of external assistance in
response to future disaster events. Some observers see
a problem of moral hazard in this regard because the
international community accepts a contingent liability
in a postdisaster situation. As noted by Freeman and
others (2002: 35), “Insurance is only an effective tool to
reduce risk if the party concerned is willing to pay for
the insurance. In the case of catastrophes and developing countries, this party would be the affected poor countries that currently rely on post-disaster assistance.”
Postdisaster assistance is often highly concessional, while
catastrophe insurance is expensive. Freeman and
others estimate, for instance, that for Honduras, insurance for flood and storm risk for all events occurring less
frequently than once in 10 years would cost US$100
million annually. They conclude that the only reason the
government of a poor country might seek to take out
insurance would be an anticipated reduction in the availability of timely postdisaster external assistance.
Private sector demand for insurance in developing
countries is also apparently low, at least as measured by
the volume of insurance actually written. Businesses, as
well as private homeowners, may require insurance in
order to access financial loans, but the extent to which
some form of catastrophe coverage has to be included
varies among countries, in part depending on awareness
and understanding of levels of hazard risk. Low levels
of coverage in part reflect lower per capita incomes and
perhaps cultural attitudes as well (World Bank 2002).
In addition, willingness to pay in the private sector may
to some extent reflect expectations about likely government postdisaster assistance. Government grants may
be available to reconstruct homes and businesses, whether
in a direct form or indirectly (for instance, through tax
breaks, loan deferrals, and write-offs), reducing the
perceived need for private businesses and homeowners
to secure their own coverage.
The rapid expansion of microcredit programs has
given rise to an important new category of at-risk institutions, with large portfolios of potentially highly vulnerable clients. Considerable refinancing requirements
for microcredit were borne by the Bangladesh Bank as
lender of last resort after the 1998 floods. That disaster, which threatened to destabilize the country’s highest-profile initiative in poverty reduction, has generated
considerable interest in incorporating insurance into
microcredit. Some large microcredit providers, such as
BRAC and the Grameen Bank, could emerge as significant insurance providers. But, as Brown and Churchill
(1999) state, “[F]or mass, covariant risks that occur frequently in the same region, such as floods in Bangladesh,
the cost of (reinsurance) coverage will likely be prohibitively high.” These insurance portfolios will require
continued acceptance of contingent liability by the
Bangladesh Bank and aid donors. Another possibility
might be some form of risk-pooling arrangement with
microcredit institutions in other parts of the world, effectively spreading risks geographically.
Determination of Parametric Insurance Triggers
Derivatives, or parametric insurance, are intuitively appealing. Payouts can be fast and need not be dependent on
the completion of lengthy damage assessment procedures.
These instruments do require a careful assessment of
the nature of the hazard faced, however, including sufficient high-quality historical data to enable computation of probabilities and thus the rate of premium charged.
To be economically sensible, the trigger event must be
highly correlated with economic losses, and this requires
some understanding of the relationship between types
of risk and socioeconomic vulnerability—for example,
how a particular hazard would affect the production of
specific crops (box 5.1).
Commercial, large-scale agriculture is a well-established
insurance user, as confirmed by the three country case
studies. The challenge is to find simple instruments with
low transaction costs for smallholders that require minimal direct verification. The World Bank has undertaken
initial investigations of the scope for providing support to governments to develop such instruments. It has
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
Box 5.1 Insuring banana growers against disaster: the WINCROP scheme
Windward Islands Crop Insurance (1988) Ltd. (WINCROP) insures growers of export bananas against damage by
“windblows” and tropical storms. The scheme, which covers the entire export crop in Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia,
and St. Vincent and the Grenadines, is owned by the banana marketing organizations in the four countries. In 1999
there were over 12,900 active growers producing 131,000 metric tons, for an average of about 10 tons per grower.
The WINCROP scheme only provides coverage against a small proportion (20 percent) of losses, but since own
labor and delivery often form a large part of the cost of production, payouts are sufficient to enable growers to rehabilitate their plantations quickly. Collection of premiums is simple, and payment is assured, since all growers for
export are obliged to market through the organizations, which deduct at source. Verification of losses is also easy, as
the scheme only covers one crop against one hazard, with known probability of incidence, intensity, and impact on
the crop. Losses are assessed by a 5 percent physical survey of affected growers to obtain the proportion of damaged
plants. The benefit is based on 75 percent of average deliveries over the preceding three years and a value per plant of
about 25 percent of delivery price. The verification system is not strictly the same as those involving parametric insurance, but it is similar.
The scheme does entail problems of covariant risk because the geographic spread of risks is insufficient. For instance,
in 1999, although claims were made against 16 loss events, almost 90 percent of the claims were settled against a single
event, Hurricane Lenny, which caused damage to several islands. Furthermore, reserves are not adequate to cover the
part of the liability that has not been underwritten. Premium income is, on average, too low because of covariant risk.
The premiums reflect the low incomes of the producers and the political difficulty of setting adequate rates. There is
partial reinsurance, but it is constrained by costs and, again, by premium income.
WINCROP has been unable to extend coverage to other crops or to other businesses on behalf of banana growers.
There are legislative restrictions, and the rates quoted by reinsurers have been discouraging. The scheme’s monocrop
focus could ultimately threaten its viability, as declining banana exports and a squeeze on grower profitability create
pressures to keep premiums below a level adequate for covering payouts and the operational costs of the scheme, and
as the ratio of overhead rises because of falling exports.
also explored the potential for provision of some form
of parametric weather insurance to individual farmers
and associated traders.
In Bangladesh, however, there are great practical
difficulties in defining a trigger event. Flooding in
Bangladesh is hugely complex; it cannot be measured
simply by the amount of rainfall at particular weather
stations or by river flow or depth. Drought insurance,
too, poses complex problems. The rapid expansion of
irrigation may invalidate the attempt to infer losses from
historical data. Bangladesh exhibits considerable agrohydrological complexity, and even within relatively small
areas there are likely to be large numbers of both losers
and gainers from interacting weather and hydrological
conditions. Furthermore, enormous problems having
to do with landholding titles, sharecropping, and extreme
fragmentation hamper verification and determination
of entitlements to compensation. Some of these problems, in particular relating to the determination of trigger events, exist in many other countries as well.
In Malawi it would be practically too difficult to establish a trigger event for payouts to smallholders. The sensitivity of smallholder agriculture to climatic variability
is extreme and may be increasing, and there is considerable variability in rainfall patterns within the country. Maize, the staple crop, is sensitive to low rainfall but
also to erratic or excessive rainfall. These relationships
require further agro-meteorological research. Liberalization of grain markets has been poorly carried out,
and market imperfections pose risks to food security.
At present, smallholder food production, much of it
for own consumption, is being partially sustained by
programs of free targeted inputs. Efforts are also going
into strengthening social safety nets. With the ability
to pay low, and cost recovery prospects minimal, it would
be difficult to distinguish parametric insurance from
postdisaster relief. Even the data on agricultural production have been discredited. These are, for the moment,
unpromising conditions in which to look for a simple
alternative risk-spreading mechanism.
Financing the Cost of Future Disasters
Overall, these experiences suggest that the most
promising circumstances are when the hazard is readily measured (i.e., is of a known intensity), insurance
is specific to a crop or a livelihood activity, and cost
recovery is simple, transparent, and assured. Good governance is a factor that will determine the transparency
and credibility of any public scheme with widespread
Structure of the Insurance Industry
Successful insurance requires both that risk is spread
and that insurers are sufficiently capitalized to bear
potential claims. The country case studies revealed potential structural constraints, which may well be common
to other developing countries as well.
In Dominica and in the wider Caribbean area, there
are concerns about the efficiency and underlying strength
of the insurance industry, relating to the proliferation
of property and casualty insurance players in the region.
There is apparently strong competition for property
insurance, motivated by the desire to capture reinsurance commission revenues. The widespread competition for direct fees, however, discourages primary
domestic insurers from accumulating reserves and,
together with tax disincentives on the sector, results in
a high-dividend-paying industry, high dependence on
foreign reinsurance, and continued fractionalization.
The sharp rise in reinsurance premiums in recent
years has led to higher commissions, attracting even
more insurers and agents into the Caribbean market. A
World Bank report (1998b: 20) states that “the proliferation of small insurers is cause for concern regarding
efficiency . . . but even more regarding safety. Are these
small companies sufficiently capitalized for the 15% of
the risk they retain? Are they sufficiently careful in choosing reinsurers that can be relied upon to pay up their
85% share? Regulation in this sector needs to be substantially strengthened . . . .” The report suggests, among
other things, that tougher standards, including an ability to cover maximum probable losses consistent with
international industry practice, are needed if domestic
companies are to improve their safety, particularly given
the stochastic nature of catastrophic events. To this
end, the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) has
reviewed the regulatory framework of the insurance
industry in the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States
(OECS) and has drafted new insurance legislation aimed
at providing disincentives to small players and encouraging amalgamation across countries.
Creative Solutions
The preceding list of potential obstacles to increased
uptake of risk transfer mechanisms in developing countries, on both the demand and supply sides, contains
few surprises. Many of the problems are well recognized, and various ways of overcoming them have
been tried. Some of these involve initiatives on the part
of particular private sector interests to obtain coverage
at more favorable prices. In other cases, governments
and international organizations, in particular the World
Bank, have sought to promote increased utilization of
risk transfer mechanisms and so provide alternative
sources of disaster financing (as has been discussed
above in relation to weather derivatives).
In the private sector, one of the more common
responses to the high cost of insurance premiums has
been to establish disaster reserves. In some countries,
governments deliberately encourage this development
through tax breaks. Some governments also make annual
budgetary allocations to some form of calamity fund,
which could at least limit budgetary reallocations in
the event of a disaster. For countries experiencing localized hazards every year, such practices are highly prudent, helping to strengthen broader financial planning
and fiscal discipline.71
Logically, a related measure is to try to purchase insurance for losses only in excess of a particular level, or
for a specific layer of coverage (that is, for losses exceeding $x but not for losses over $y, where x is less than
y). In years of more severe disaster, substantially larger
resources may be required, beyond the scope of calamity
funds, but by covering restricted levels of loss themselves, businesses or governments can secure some
reduction in premiums. Some larger and special-risk
categories in the Caribbean, such as power utilities, have
been unable to obtain full, affordable insurance in recent
years. Some of them have therefore voluntarily devised
high self-insurance deductibles, seeking insurance only
against higher levels of loss (World Bank 2000).
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
Risk-spreading within a group is another solution,
and one that has been tried or at least explored in various guises. For example, members of the Caribbean
Hotel Association have created a risk management
firm for their own exclusive use. It is based on a probable maximum loss (PML) profile of members’ properties which indicated that risks were sufficiently diversified
to allow a regional insurance company to survive a 1.3
percent probability of a major storm. In Dominica, however, the historical record suggests a substantially higher
incidence—at least a 4 percent a year probability of a
direct hit by a Category 4 hurricane.
Also in the Caribbean area, as described in box 5.1,
banana growers’ organizations in four countries have
pooled risk from storms through the Windward
Islands Crop Insurance (WINCROP) scheme, which is
extremely important in providing a risk-spreading mechanism for the growers. The success of group or club
solutions such as WINCROP suggests a model for microcredit organizations: the scheme is transparent to members, and the group addresses the problem of moral
hazard by obliging all to participate and by exerting peer
pressure. But WINCROP is a highly context-specific
mechanism that is confined solely to wind damage to
bananas, and extension of coverage to a wider range of
risks has proved difficult.
There has been debate about the creation of a more
general regional risk management tool for the Caribbean
area, possibly involving some form of contingent funding. In a recent initiative, the World Bank developed a
proposal for the East Caribbean that favors an intercountry insurance-pooling arrangement. The arrangement would aim to utilize reinsurance and risk-financing
resources more effectively by reaping economies of scale
and improving capacity to accumulate and retain capital reserves. In the earlier years of the pool, its full capitalization would require guarantee financing, a
contingent line of credit for quick disbursement from
a multilateral institution, or, alternatively, a long-term
bond issue in the capital markets.
Other efforts to help promote insurance have involved
support to governments to establish some form of mandatory insurance, as in Turkey after the Marmara earthquake.72 Several countries are also reported to have
expressed an interest in establishing some form of mandatory catastrophe insurance that would involve pools
supplemented by various insurance and capital market
Promoting Mitigation
Risk transfer mechanisms can be used to help promote
risk reduction—that is, to modify the behavior of
those insured. As noted in IADB (2001: 11), “insurance is an important part of risk management strategy,
and should be promoted not for its own sake, but because
it can be a powerful tool to promote risk awareness
and enforce risk mitigation measures.”
The issuance of catastrophe insurance policies can
be made conditional on the implementation of specific
loss reduction measures and on adherence to building
and land use zoning codes. Catastrophe coverage may
be required before a business or home loan can be
obtained, to ensure that the loan can be paid off in the
event of damage to or destruction of the business or
property. Weather derivatives also indirectly encourage actions to minimize losses. If the trigger event occurs,
those covered will receive payouts regardless of levels
of loss, and thus it is in their interest to minimize
In reality, the record on the use of insurance in promoting risk reduction is rather disappointing. In
Bangladesh, for example, premium reductions are currently not formally offered for measures to reduce
risk, although reductions can be negotiated case by
In Dominica catastrophe coverage (covering all natural hazards) is mandatory for securing a mortgage. A
differential premium structure also exists to some extent,
with at least some companies offering discounts for
hazard-proofing. More widespread discriminatory pricing practices, in Dominica and the Caribbean area at
large, are discouraged by low retention of risk combined
with the reinsurance industry’s blanket-pricing policy.
Large geographic areas are placed in the same PML category, “without regard for the topographical features
and structure resistance distinctions propounded by
regional and international experts” (World Bank 2000:
57–58). Meanwhile, individual insurance companies are
reported as fearing that significant premium discounts
for their better-protected risks cannot be balanced by
Financing the Cost of Future Disasters
surcharging poorer risks (OAS 1996). That being so,
insurance companies (with one notable exception)
typically follow the reinsurance lead—in effect, doing
little to promote hazard mitigation in the region.73 More
widespread discriminatory premium pricing would
require comprehensive hazard-mapping, as well as
inspections, to determine the vulnerability of individual properties. Fiji is an apparent exceptional case
among developing countries because of its relatively
high rate of cyclone insurance coverage in urban areas.74
To date, insurance and capital market instruments
have played a relatively small role in the transfer of risk
in developing countries. Risk transfer mechanisms seem
to work best at middle-range risk frequencies (World
Bank 2002). High-frequency hazards require annual
allocations of funds to meet their anticipated consequences, as well as mitigation and preparedness
efforts. At the other extreme, there is probably little
demand for insurance against geophysical events that
are likely to occur centuries apart. There is certainly
merit, however, in exploring the potential scope for
the increased use of risk transfer mechanisms for welldefined hazards in the middle-risk range, such as extreme
tropical storms, especially in view of the significant pressures that such disasters can place on government, donor,
and private resources. Indeed, interest in financial risk
transfer mechanisms is growing as appreciation of the
potential benefits increases.
A larger challenge that is just beginning to be addressed
is how to make insurance and related instruments available to the poor. Insurance is being explored as a
means of protecting local-level saving and microcredit
schemes, such as those run by NGOs in Bangladesh.
Perhaps the starting point for microcredit insurance is
coverage against idiosyncratic shocks such as ill health
and the death of the borrower. The covariant risk associated with natural hazards makes refinancing of losses
difficult to avoid, and continued acceptance of contingent liability by public bodies and aid organizations will
be required. This is especially so where a microcredit
scheme is already expanding with the support of concessional or grant funds from aid sources. There is also
considerable scope for greater use of risk transfer tools
in promoting mitigation.
Some practical obstacles have to be overcome
before insurance coverage can be increased substantially. In a number of developing countries, there is a
need to reform the structure and the legal and regulatory framework of the insurance industry, including
removal of barriers to entry. The cost of insurance has
to be both affordable and stable. At the same time, insurers must remain sufficiently capitalized to bear any losses,
which will require detailed scientific information on
current and future risks. This is certainly a challenge,
given the uncertainty about the precise implications of
climatic change for the incidence and severity of hazards and the evidence on increasing vulnerability, as in
Malawi. And making insurance available to the poor is
not simply a matter of affordability; there are administrative and legal problems, too, involving, for example,
land titles.
The case of Montserrat, although extreme, serves as
a reminder that international insurers can withdraw at
short notice should the perceived risks become too great.
The insurance sector is a for-profit business, not a provider
of a public good. In addition, globalization is changing
risks but not necessarily reducing them.75
In view of all the obstacles, creative solutions need
to be sought and tested. Application of some combination of tools for different layers of loss coverage is a
possible way forward. The bundling of various types of
hazard under one contract could also reduce premium
rates to the extent that better-understood risks such as
cyclones are bundled with less well understood ones
(e.g., earthquakes). In some situations, as in rural Malawi,
more conventional administrative, publicly funded, subsidized livelihood programs and safety nets are still the
appropriate way to tackle growing vulnerability and
provide basic food and health security.
The success of insurance and risk transfer options
assumes a favorable financial environment in which
transparency is the norm and there is confidence that
contracts will be honored and that continuing arrangements will not be prejudiced by short-term political
considerations and rent-seeking behavior. Institutional stability is required so that insurance and other
schemes can be expanded and tested in practice. These
preconditions raise more general issues of governance.
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
Developing country governments need to acknowledge explicitly that a decision not to make risk management a priority issue is a policy stance on the handling
of risk in society and the economy (Freeman and others
2002). At first glance, it might appear that in the event
of a disaster, additional external assistance will be forthcoming. As this study has shown, however, ultimately
disaster-related external assistance may not be additional but instead may displace funding for development. Moreover, the costs of disasters are rising, while
aid resources are, at best, stagnant. Governments need
to be persuaded to take a medium-term perspective on
appropriate risk management, including financial planning for future catastrophes.
Chapter 6
Findings of the Study and Implications
for Policy and Research
encourages adaptation in economic and social activity.
Historical climatological and hydrological records allow
formal assignment of risk to inform investment and production decisions that are then likely to favor less hazardous locations and risk-spreading and to encourage
disaster mitigation. Geophysical hazards, by contrast,
are mostly low-probability, seemingly random events,
and their risks are often almost wholly discounted. Yet
these risks need to be recognized in highly exposed
countries and regions because their potential costs are
rising exponentially with economic development.
3. Within the timescale of this study (20–35 years),
environmental change has not had a discernible
impact on hazard risk, as measured by the frequency
and intensity of extreme events likely to have severe
economic consequences. In particular, the widely anticipated effects of global climatic change are not yet apparent in the hazard data.
4. The vulnerability of a country to natural hazards
is determined by a complex, dynamic set of influences
relating to factors such as economic structure, stage of
development, and prevailing economic and policy
conditions. Where vulnerability has been reduced,
this improvement can be linked to appropriate investments in disaster mitigation and favorable developments
in the structure of the economy, in production technologies, and in the wider economic and domestic policy
environment. Similarly, negative trends, notably the
increasing sensitivity of southern Africa to climatic variability (encompassing not just drought but also erratic
rainfall, extremely high rainfall, and related floods),
reflect a complex mix of factors.
5. Catastrophic events can induce conscious responses,
relating to technical progress, policy changes, and institutional innovations, that may ultimately increase an
economy’s resilience.
The broad objective of this study has been to increase
understanding of the wider economic and financial
impacts of natural disasters through the detailed
analysis of three countries. Factors that determine the
vulnerability of hazard-prone economies have been
described, opportunities for improving the management
of risk have been noted, and obstacles that inhibit the
adoption of such measures have been identified. This
final chapter reviews the findings of the study and
their policy implications and highlights areas that merit
further investigation.
The findings from the study are broken down into the
macroeconomic consequences of natural disasters, their
budgetary impacts, the contribution of hazard information generation and dissemination in reducing the
effects of disasters, and options for the financial transfer of risk.
Broad Macroeconomic Consequences of Disasters
1. Major natural disasters can and do have severe
negative short-run impacts. Disasters, especially when
they occur frequently, also appear to have negative longerterm consequences for economic growth, development,
and poverty reduction, although these effects are more
difficult to isolate and quantify.
2. The two broad categories of hazard—hydrometeorological and geological—are associated with distinct patterns and forms of economic vulnerability, in part
reflecting differences in their frequency of occurrence.
The recurrent nature of hydro-meteorological hazards
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
Budgetary Impacts
In view of the lack of existing research data on the
fiscal consequences of disasters, these impacts, including effects on public expenditure and revenue, were
carefully examined.
1. Natural disasters can create significant budgetary
pressures, with potential narrow fiscal impacts in the
short term and wider long-term implications for development.
2. The behavior of broad fiscal aggregates such as
total recurrent and capital expenditure, revenue, and
the budgetary deficit can be misleading because it may
suggest that disasters have little discernible impact.
(Drought, however, does have severe impacts on the
macroeconomic performance of economies largely dominated by agriculture, as is seen in low-income SubSaharan Africa.) The apparent general insensitivity to
hazards reflects the successful efforts of many countries to remain within already established budgetary
envelopes. Disasters often result in widespread, if largely
nontransparent, immediate and interannual reallocations of resources.
3. Reallocation is the primary fiscal response to a disaster. The study found that:
• The brunt of financial reallocations appears to
fall primarily on capital expenditure and social
• There may be considerable in-kind reallocation of
human and physical resources within recurrent
• With a few exceptions, reallocations are typically
poorly documented and cannot be easily quantified.
• The conditions under which decisions on postdisaster reallocations of budgetary resources are
made are usually far from ideal.
4. In all eight countries studied by the authors (see
chapter 1), it has been impossible to ascertain actual
levels of expenditure on mitigation and preparedness
or on postdisaster response.
5. The available data on external assistance suggest
that disasters have little impact on trends in total aid
flows. Many donors appear to respond to disaster
crises by reallocating resources and advancing commitments within existing multiyear country programs
and budget envelopes.
The Contribution of Information
to Disaster Reduction
1. The international public good framework is helpful for exploring the issues surrounding the generation
of knowledge and the dissemination of information
about hazard risks.
2. Knowledge is most likely to be generated, and
monitoring to be sustained, where the hazard is recognized as a global issue, as is the case for climatic variability and extreme weather events such as tropical
cyclones. The adequacy of information on geophysical
hazards is less assured because the risks are regional or
even country-specific. This is especially so where no
disasters have occurred recently.
3. There are encouraging examples of improvements
in the use of hazard information. Concerns about
global climatic change have helped ensure interest in climatic processes and funding of research on them. Progress
in reducing the impacts of tropical storms is impressive. There has been institutional learning about the need
to ensure wider dissemination of information.
4. Nevertheless, the use of scientific information in
public and private sector risk assessment is unsatisfactory in many cases. This has partly to do with the
probabilistic nature of the information generated by scientific research and monitoring. For example, there is
a danger of creating excessive expectations about the
precision and potential uses of climatic forecasting,
specifically in relation to crisis-affected southern Africa.
At this time, weather forecasts can prompt governments
to move to a higher level of preparedness but cannot
effect significant changes in agricultural production.
Risk Transfer
1. Insurance and capital market instruments have
played a very small role to date in the ex ante transfer
of catastrophic risk in developing countries, despite
increasing interest in these mechanisms.
2. There are potentially significant obstacles to greater
coverage in a number of developing countries, in part
relating to affordability, attitudes toward risk, and the
current structure of the insurance industry.
3. The record on the use of insurance in promoting
disaster mitigation appears rather disappointing in many
developing countries, with a few notable exceptions.
Findings of the Study and Implications for Policy and Research
Policy Implications
The findings from the study have implications for national
development and macroeconomic policies, public
finance, the generation and use of information, and the
financing of disaster costs. A precondition for improvement in all these areas is good governance.
National Development Policy and the Macroeconomy
Natural hazards warrant more serious consideration in
the formulation of national economic policies and strategies. Risk assessments should be made from a broad
macroeconomic standpoint, exploring areas of both sensitivity and resilience. Assessments should seek to understand the underlying factors determining vulnerability,
including the potentially complex and dynamic interlinkages between various influences and the scope for
risk reduction. Vulnerability has to be assessed according to the particular type of hazard.
1. Regular assessment of hazard risk is required to
ensure that risk management strategies are appropriate.
From a macroeconomic perspective, vulnerability can
shift quickly, particularly in countries experiencing rapid
growth and socioeconomic change, including urbanization.
2. For geographically large countries, where nationwide disasters are rare, regional analysis is potentially
more appropriate than country-level analysis for understanding vulnerability and designing relevant policies.
3. Management of natural hazard risk should be integrated into the broad development process, as part of
the determination of priorities, policies, and strategies.
This requires an assessment of vulnerability from a
macroeconomic perspective that distinguishes between
potential short- and longer-term impacts and takes
into account knock-on or multiplier effects. Special
efforts need to be made to minimize any adverse impacts
of disasters on priority policy areas, such as poverty
reduction (see box 2.2).
4. Risk management necessarily involves the private
sector and civil society, as well as the public sector. The
private sector should be encouraged and supported in
enhancing its understanding of natural hazard risks and
adopting appropriate risk management tools. Both structural and nonstructural measures may be required.
As part of this process, there should be adequate investment in risk-mapping, monitoring, assessment, and dissemination, and information should be provided in an
easily understood and usable form (see “Knowledge and
Information as Public Goods,” below). Services sectors, including financial institutions, as well as productive sectors, should be included in initiatives to
promote adequate risk management.
5. Postdisaster reconstruction needs to be better
planned and carefully orchestrated to exploit potential
organizational, technological, and other improvements that could be made in rebuilding an economy
while keeping priority development objectives on track.
Governments should consider preplanning possible
reconstruction and rehabilitation programs on the basis
of disaster scenarios and, within that, identifying critical projects that should receive priority in postdisaster funding. There is a case for exploring economic policy
options through disaster scenarios that include the likely
effects of fiscal changes and monetary measures in order
to develop guidelines for policymakers in responding
to disasters (see “Public Finance,” below).
6. National or economywide disaster impacts, including total financial losses, should be reassessed as a matter
of course 12 to 18 months after an event. This task might
be undertaken as part of an end-of-project report for a
recovery loan or in a paper for consideration at an annual
consortium or roundtable meeting.
7. Lessons learned from particular disasters need to
be understood and, where necessary, acted on. Disasters can induce policy changes and institutional innovations that are ultimately beneficial, not only in reducing
vulnerability but also in supporting economic growth
and development.
Public Finance
Expansion of the government budget may be appropriate as a disaster response where aggregate demand
is likely to be depressed by the impacts of the disaster.
This is most obviously so for a drought shock. But the
domestic and international sources of funding for
additional public expenditure have to be carefully and
explicitly considered to avoid crowding out private sector
demand, and financially destabilizing and inflationary
pressures need to be guarded against. Where a disaster
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
causes great damage, which might quickly stimulate a
reconstruction boom, but disruption of economic activity is limited, a more cautious approach, largely reliant
on temporary reallocations, is indicated.
1. A disaggregated approach should be taken in reviewing the public finance implications of disasters.
2. Postdisaster reallocations, disaster relief expenditure, and rehabilitation spending need to be closely
monitored and reported. In particular, the consequences
for income distribution of such decisions need to be
carefully assessed and the implications for pro-poor
policies analyzed.
3. Postdisaster reallocation of budgetary resources
should be made through a formal process, in the context of a careful strategic review. Four elements are
required to ensure that the process is rational and costeffective: a clearly defined and applied policy framework; an already established system of prioritization for
investment projects; up-to-date and reliable information on the current demand for and availability of
resources; and a considered assessment of the broader
macroeconomic impact of the event.
4. Better documentation of expenditure on all aspects
of ex ante risk management is needed, together with
data on the postdisaster response and the results of
macroeconomic vulnerability assessments. This information will help inform governments and the international community about appropriate spending levels on
mitigation and preparedness and areas that might be
underfunded (or overfunded). Relevant activities and
related expenditure should be tagged.
5. Risk management concerns need to be integrated
with the annual budgetary process and appropriately
reflected in the allocation of financial resources.
6. Where disaster-related expenditure occurs regularly, the use of predesignated calamity funds should
be explored.
7. Greater use of financial risk transfer instruments
is required to help meet the cost of larger rehabilitation
programs, alleviating some of the pressure on budgetary resources.
8. Because of a combination of limited administrative capacity, the effects of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, and
exceptionally severe budgetary constraints, Sub-Saharan
African governments may require special support in
planning for and dealing with the consequences of
disasters. Low-income countries in general are at their
most vulnerable, financially and economically, to disaster shocks when there are problems of governance
and poor fiscal and monetary management. The international community needs to be especially alert to potential disaster in such circumstances.
Knowledge and Information as Public Goods
As in all areas of public action, the availability of goodquality, trustworthy data is a necessary condition for
effective management of natural disaster risk. The generation of knowledge about hazards and the sustaining
of global and regional information systems bearing on
risks must be international priorities. The international community should also concern itself with the
adequacy of funding and the quality of complementary programs for risk monitoring and dissemination
of information in both low-income and extremely hazardvulnerable middle-income countries. Special attention
should be given to the risk exposure of poor people
and communities. On the country level, risk information, as a national public good, should be identified as
a thematic issue in periodic public expenditure reviews.
1. Natural hazard risks require regular (perhaps five
times a year) reappraisal because of the interacting influences of socioeconomic and environmental change on
2. Much more can be done to make better use of scientific information on natural hazards in setting public
policy at the country, regional, and international
levels. This is illustrated by examples of climatic forecasting, volcanic hazard monitoring, and riverine
flood warning.
3. Some recommendations can be made for increasing the usefulness of climatic forecasting:
• Forecasting should be focused on climatic variability more broadly, not just drought. This requires
more research, downscaled to zonal levels, and
intraseasonal timescales.
• More specific information should be derived from
real-time monitoring on the weather situation as
it evolves. This would be of value to those user
groups that can quickly modify their actions, such
as commercial farmers and managers of food security stocks and water resources.
Findings of the Study and Implications for Policy and Research
• Greater agronomic-meteorological collaboration
would help national and international institutions
make more effective use of forecast information
in their food security and agricultural support
• More rapid reporting of intraseasonal variability
would help enable faster responses to an evolving situation.
4. Volcanic hazard assessment has a strongly regional
and national focus and so lacks an international institutional framework comparable to that for meteorological issues. International assessment of the adequacy
of regional and national monitoring systems is required,
along with, perhaps, supervision.
5. Flood hazard warnings for major regional river
systems pose special problems. Such information is
not an international public good because of the potential tradeoff between the interests of stakeholders in different parts of the river system. Some recent disasters
have highlighted weaknesses in monitoring and hazard
warning, especially failure to include both upper and
lower riparian levels. International efforts to ensure
development of the knowledge base on hazards in major
river systems need to be sustained. Special efforts are
required to strengthen regional cooperation, as well as
cooperation at the national level between central and
provincial authorities.
6. Hazards that are likely to be entirely within a country, especially geophysical hazards, landslides, and flash
flooding, require separate attention because national
hazard information systems in developing countries are
likely to be underfunded.
7. Governments in geophysical high-risk zones should
be encouraged to develop hazard plans that include ex
ante risk reduction measures, preparedness, and postdisaster reconstruction scenarios.
Financing Future Disaster Costs
Governments need an appropriate risk management
strategy that includes ex ante financial planning for
future disasters over an 8–10-year time horizon, beyond
the normal medium-term planning period of 3 to 5
years. Disaster-related external assistance for immediate relief or reconstruction cannot be assumed to be
additional, and the strategy should seek to extend the
basis of funding. In some situations, more conventional
administrative, publicly funded, and subsidized programs to protect livelihoods and provide safety nets
are still the appropriate way to tackle extreme and possibly growing vulnerability. This protection is likely to
be part of the provision of basic food and health security by government and civil society organizations, with,
as appropriate, international support. Some specific suggestions can be made for achieving a wider funding basis
for meeting disaster costs.
1. The increased use of risk transfer mechanisms for
well-defined hazards, particularly in the middle-risk
range, should be promoted. Efforts to design initiatives
and instruments that would support greater uptake
should be continued.
2. The application of a combination of mechanisms
for different layers of loss coverage is likely to be constructive. Options for risk sharing should be considered as one of the potential mechanisms.
3. Strategies for insurance should be used to promote
risk reduction more effectively. For example, the issuance
of insurance policies for buildings and equipment or
for business interruption should be made conditional
on the implementation of specific loss reduction measures and on adherence to building and land use zoning
codes. Premium discounts could be offered for betterprotected risks. Insurance providers and governments
(the latter through legislation and promulgation of landzoning and building codes) have complementary roles
to play.
4. Fresh initiatives to make insurance and related
instruments available to poor households and communities are needed and should be actively encouraged
and appropriately supported by governments and international institutions. It should be recognized that the
central bank or donors may have to accept some form
of contingency liability. Options for risk-pooling arrangements with other microcredit institutions, perhaps across
borders, should be explored.
Good Governance
Many of the policy recommendations in this chapter fit
within the broader framework of initiatives to promote
good governance. There is clear evidence that weaknesses in governance have contributed to heightened
Understanding the Economic and Financial Impacts of Natural Disasters
vulnerability to disasters. Four aspects of good governance are highlighted that would contribute to disaster reduction:
• Efficient and accountable public sector institutions,
including strong public expenditure management
systems—for example, better reporting of relevant
expenditure and postdisaster reallocations, and
enhanced capacity to respond effectively and efficiently to disasters while also protecting priority areas
of government spending
• “Good” policymaking, which includes taking natural hazard risks into account in policy and strategy
formulation and seeking to reduce vulnerability at
both microeconomic and macroeconomic levels
• Predictability of policies through long-term commitment to mitigation and preparedness, including
investment in and maintenance of structural mitigation measures, sustained expenditure on scientific monitoring and forecasting, and continued
commitment to an optimal bundle of mechanisms
for transfer of financial risk
• Elimination of corruption (or, more realistically,
curtailment of rent-seeking behavior) via, for example, the introduction and enforcement of appropriate land use and building codes.
Directions for Future Research
It was recognized at the outset that this study would be
investigating a complex and multifaceted subject and
would probably highlight many areas worthy of further,
separate examination outside its own scope. The study
has, indeed, identified several such areas, as outlined
Macroeconomics of Disasters
Three methodological approaches are commonly used
to investigate the macroeconomic impacts of natural
disasters: narrative case studies, quantitative modeling, and cross-sectional statistical analysis. Given their
strengths and limitations, these approaches should
be regarded as complementary rather than alternative
ways of exploring the complex consequences of natural disasters.
An extremely worthwhile project would be to try to
integrate these different approaches into an exemplary
investigation for a highly disaster-prone country that
would explore the longer-term economic and poverty
implications of hazard vulnerability. For such an investigation to be feasible within a realistic budget and
time frame, relatively good time-series data on hazards, income distribution, poverty, and the economy
would have to be already available. The study would
need to be able to draw on substantial intellectual investments in exploring longer-term development and poverty
processes at both the microeconomic and macroeconomic levels. If the relative strengths of different computable models for exploring future disaster scenarios
are to be compared, these models would also need to
be available for use.
The implications of disasters for poverty include
not only direct impacts on affected people and communities but also effects transmitted through the impacts
of disasters on the wider economy. Further research is
needed that combines both micro-socioeconomic and
macroeconomic analyses. More specifically, investigations should include:
• Analysis of the regional or provincial impacts of natural hazards in geographically larger countries and
how these impacts are felt in the national economy
• Analysis of the medium- to longer-term impacts of
geophysical events, extending up to several decades
beyond particular events, to explore to what extent
and in what ways such shocks may have positive
effects and to support efforts to ensure that any potential benefits are maximized
• Examination of the implications of deregulation
and globalization for levels and forms of vulnerability, the sectors and socioeconomic groups that require
particular support, and potential opportunities that
could be exploited for economic gain.
Public Finance
The budgetary impacts of natural disasters are complex and multifaceted, and this study has only begun
to scratch the surface. A number of areas are worthy of
further investigation. In many cases the findings
would help support broader initiatives to promote and
sustain good governance and to manage natural disasters
Findings of the Study and Implications for Policy and Research
more effectively. The suggested subjects for further
research are:
• Real-time studies of a government’s response to a disaster, documenting how key decisions are made and
how the crisis is handled through the recovery
phase and drawing lessons for future occasions.
This proposal is similar to the “learning support office”
concept developed for humanitarian operations by
ALNAP (2002).
• Detailed analysis of the budgetary impacts of disasters in Sub-Saharan Africa to explore why the fiscal
impacts of such disasters are more readily discernible
there than in other countries, in order to support
improved fiscal management of climatic variability.
• Detailed investigation of the impact of disasters on
autonomous and semiautonomous agencies. Improved
knowledge and understanding of such impacts, which
are not apparent in central government budgetary
reports, are important for the establishment of financially sustainable public risk management policies.
• Analysis of risk management at provincial and local
government levels to explore the balance between
the cost of responsibilities and the availability of
funds, as well as the implications for regional disparities in the standards and level of provision of services and infrastructure.
• Examination of the relationship between disasters
and aid flows, exploring the extent to which postdisaster response entails additional aid resources, the
distribution of resources between relief and rehabilitation needs, and the effectiveness and efficiency of
financial instruments such as the IMF’s compensatory financing facility and the European Commission’s (EC’s) post-Stabex, Cotonou, supplementary
grants, as compared with conventional project-type
relief and rehabilitation assistance.
Information and Disaster Reduction
The benefits and costs of knowledge generation for each
of the main types of natural hazard deserve fuller
investigation. The object is to determine priority information areas for support as international public goods
that advance global poverty reduction goals and developing country priorities. The recommended studies
• Review of the adequacy of support for research on
and monitoring of natural hazards as a requisite
part of every country poverty reduction strategy or
• Review of the patchy performance of recent efforts
to strengthen national information systems, especially through external technical cooperation. This
review could provide a better basis for international
• More systematic research into the relationship between
climatic variability and economic performance, especially the performance of the rural economy in lowincome countries. The research should cover
relationships, in southern Africa and probably SubSaharan Africa, between crop performance and
weather conditions—not only drought, but also erratic
rainfall and very high rainfall. Climatic change is
expected to bring increased rainfall to some areas,
and the consequences are not necessarily unambiguously beneficial. Such investigations are therefore needed to better inform assessments of the
consequences of global climatic change on both
regional and country levels.
Financing Future Disaster Costs
Insurance and capital market instruments have played
a relatively small role to date in the transfer of risk in
developing countries. There is merit in continuing to
explore the possibilities for their greater use, particularly in view of the significant pressures that such disasters can place on government, donor, and private
resources and, ultimately, on sustainable development.
Topics for research include:
• The potential scope for increased use of risk transfer mechanisms for well-defined hazards in the middlerisk range, such as extreme tropical storms
• Ways of making insurance and related instruments
available to the poor, with attention to the role of
microfinance institutions.
Appendix A
Dominica: Natural Disasters and Economic
Development in a Small Island State
The study of Dominica focuses on hazard events since
Independence in 1978. During this period, the country has experienced major hurricanes, tropical storms,
and a landslide. A volcano alert has been in place since
The Commonwealth of Dominica is a small, lowermiddle-income Caribbean island state with an estimated
population of 76,000, 30 percent of whom were estimated in 1996 to be living at or below the poverty line.
There is a long-established pattern of net out-migration.
The island is of volcanic origin and is the most mountainous of the eastern Caribbean islands, with dense
vegetation, very high rainfall, and many narrow,
deeply incised river valleys and steep ridges. Slopes of
30 degrees or more are found in at least 60 percent of
the island. Reflecting this topography, most of the population and infrastructure is concentrated on the coast
and is vulnerable to strong winds and high seas. Dominica
is a member of various regional organizations created
to promote cooperation in trade and economic development. Preferential trading arrangements for bananas
with the United Kingdom and the European Union have
been a significant factor in the island’s development.
Layou River Valley landslide in March–November 1997,
can have substantial socioeconomic impacts, as well as
the potential for loss of life. Although there has been
only one volcanic event in Dominica’s recorded history, the island is now in a period of increased seismic
activity. The risk of volcanic activity is relatively high,
particularly in the south, where 20 percent of the population lives, and there is a related risk of earthquake.
Droughts, storm surges, floods, bush fires, and tsunamis
have been regarded as lesser hazards, but any of these
could assume major proportions if physical conditions
or social activity altered levels of vulnerability.
There is much uncertainty about natural hazard risks,
which need to be regularly reappraised. For example,
Hurricane Lenny caused extensive unexpected damage
in 1999 when the storm tracked west to east, 150
miles from the island. No hazard warnings were issued
because the “normal” approach is from the east, and at
the distance involved, a hurricane would not “normally”
affect Dominica.
Natural Hazards and Disasters
since Independence in 1978
The scope of this study does not extend to natural hazards as part of continuing geophysical processes. The
analysis does, however, explore some aspects of the environmental impact of natural hazards and the possible
effects of environmental and global climate change on
vulnerability, because of the economic and financial
Dominica’s increasingly important ecotourism sector
is closely tied to its image as the “Nature Isle of the
Caribbean,” with a wealth of flora and fauna, rich marine
biodiversity, an expanse of forest area, and surface
evidence of its volcanic origins. This environmental
Environmental Impacts of Natural Hazards and
Global Climate Change
Dominica lies well within the Atlantic hurricane belt, and
the most common and historically most significant of the
natural hazards facing it are tropical storms and hurricanes. Since 1978, the island has suffered the damaging effects of seven hurricanes—three of them Category
4 storms with sustained wind speeds in excess of 210
kilometers per hour—and three tropical storms. The most
extreme disaster event since 1978 has been Hurricane
David, in 1979. Landslides are common and, like the
resource wealth is vulnerable to natural hazards. Hurricane David damaged an estimated 5 million trees, and
studies indicate that species populations have taken 20
years to recover from its impact. Hurricanes and tropical storms can also accelerate erosion, damaging beaches
and reefs. Human activity—for example, forestry management practices or the excavation of deltaic sites for
building materials—may increase the vulnerability of
environmental assets to natural hazards. There are also
concerns that a rise in global air and sea temperatures
in the Caribbean Basin could substantially damage the
marine environment and give rise to more frequent
and more powerful hurricanes. Environmental change
in the short term may be so small as to be barely perceptible, but over a period of several decades, the cumulative effects could be considerable.
Enhanced environmental monitoring is needed to
obtain robust baseline data and to measure the precise
ecological impacts of natural hazards and climatic change
on resources such as forests and fauna and thus provide the impetus for measures to reduce vulnerability.
In the meantime, according to expert advice, there are
measures that need to be taken—for example, in relation to forestry management—to reduce the vulnerability of important environmental assets to future
hurricanes and storms.
Dominica has a small, very open economy that is still
heavily reliant on a single export crop, bananas, which
represented a third of total merchandise export earnings in 1997. Although the agricultural sector’s share
of GDP fell from 37 percent in 1977–78 to 20 percent
in 1997–98, it remains the main productive sector and
is the principal source of livelihoods. Despite limited
growth in other private sector activity since the mid1970s, the private sector remains small. Between 1977
and 1998, manufacturing output rose from 3.9 to 8.2
percent of GDP, and there has been promising growth
in the offshore financial services industry. Along with
tourism, which by the late 1990s accounted for an
estimated 35 percent of external earnings, manufacturing and financial services have helped meet the substantial deficit in the visible external trade account.
Appendix A
Economic Performance and Natural Hazards
Analysis of annual fluctuations in Dominica’s agricultural, nonagricultural, and total GDP alongside the incidence of major disasters demonstrates the important
impact of natural hazards on the island’s economic
performance since 1978 (see figure 2.1). This influence is confirmed by the results of a more formal regression analysis. The combined impact of Hurricanes David,
Frederick, and Allen in 1979 and 1980 was particularly
devastating because of the already weak economy, the
scale of physical damage and disruption, and the resulting budgetary pressure. Real GDP plummeted by 17
percent in 1979, while agricultural sector output alone
fell by 32 percent in that year and by another 2.1 percent in 1980. Hurricane David was a significant factor
in forcing the country into a structural adjustment
program (SAP) that was aimed at achieving a sustainable rate of economic growth, lower unemployment,
better living standards, and strengthened fiscal and balance of payments positions. Relatively high rates of
growth between 1986 and 1988, averaging 7 percent
per year, reflected the success of the SAP, as well as rapid
increases in banana prices and in volumes of exports
and high levels of aid flows. But Hurricane Hugo in September 1989 destroyed about 70 percent of banana production, and an unfavorable shift in the exchange rate
reduced the value of banana exports. Overall, GDP fell
year-on-year by 1.1 percent in 1989, with agricultural
GDP alone dropping by 14.6 percent. (Nonagricultural GDP rose by 4.4 percent.) The visible trade
deficit increased to the equivalent of 38.5 percent of
GDP. During the 1990s, GDP growth averaged 2.4 percent a year, the weaker performance reflecting difficulties in the banana industry and adverse weather
conditions. The continued growth of GDP was attributable to compensatory expansion of the manufacturing and service sectors and to the reduced share of
agriculture in GDP.
Economic Development Strategies
Among the world’s countries, Dominica is one of the
most vulnerable to both natural hazards and other external shocks. It is vitally important that risk reduction
become an integral part of policies for achieving social
and economic stability. This is true, as well, for other
Dominica: Natural Disasters and Economic Development in a Small Island State
similar small island developing states. Achieving risk
reduction remains one of Dominica’s biggest challenges.
Since before Independence, Dominica’s government has emphasized economic diversification away
from banana production within the agricultural sector
and into nonagricultural sectors, with the aim of creating a more resilient economic structure. There has
also been explicit recognition, notably following Hurricane David, of the vulnerability of the one-crop economy to natural hazards. In practice, however, there is
little evidence that this vulnerability has been addressed.
Hurricane David, in fact, furthered the shift into banana
production: the government did not actively promote
diversification through such measures as incentives, and
bananas offered a quick, low-cost way to restore agricultural production and export income. Banana production continued to be profitable through the 1980s,
and during this period the government did not explore
potential opportunities for developing the services sector
and diversifying within the manufacturing sector.
The declining profitability of bananas in the 1990s
forced a reexamination of the composition of the agricultural sector. Yet there is still no clear-cut growth strategy, and the risks from natural hazards are still not being
effectively taken into account in the formulation of
economic strategies and policies. The same is true for
the Caribbean region in general. This shortcoming needs
to be addressed; the evidence from Dominica indicates
real scope for reducing the structural vulnerability of
the economy provided that the opportunities are grasped.
The reduced importance of the agricultural sector in the
economy has helped lessen the impact of recent storms,
and the burgeoning international financial services sector
could play a significant role in reducing vulnerability
to hazards. More information and analysis on the economic and financial impacts of natural hazards would
be helpful in integrating risk reduction concerns into
medium- and long-term economic and financial planning and would thereby contribute to sustainable growth.
Sectoral Impacts
The macroeconomic analysis shows that not all sectors
and subsectors of the Dominica economy have been
equally vulnerable to natural hazards. The study explored
in more detail the effects on the principal productive
and commercial sectors of the economy. Critical factors in reducing economic impacts at the sectoral level
include action to build disaster mitigation features into
facilities and to spread risk through insurance. The protection of key infrastructure is vital.
Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries
Around half the population of Dominica is still directly
dependent on agriculture. Damage to agricultural production and markets therefore affects the welfare of the
majority of the population immediately and deeply. The
dominant crop, bananas, is especially sensitive to damage
from winds of 40 miles per hour or more, and even the
fringe impacts of less severe storms can cause serious
damage. Nevertheless, a number of factors have combined to reinforce the concentration on banana production, to the exclusion of other crops that could
significantly reduce the overall sensitivity of Dominica’s
agricultural sector to natural hazards. Banana production levels can be restored quickly, with replanting,
within 6 to 9 months following a complete loss of the
crop; a compulsory insurance scheme for banana producers has returned farmers only about 20 percent of
the value of lost production; and there has been an
assured export market. The livestock sector is small and
reasonably resilient, although meat imports increase
temporarily following storm damage. The fishing sector,
by contrast, is highly vulnerable and is slow to recover.
Although fishing is declining, it is important in a diverse
economy and provides the main livelihood of many
poor families.
Manufacturing, Tourism, Construction,
and International Financial Services
Although the manufacturing sector grew by an average
7.1 percent a year between 1977 and 1999, in 2000
the government still regarded it as being in an embryonic state, heavily concentrated as it was on coconutbased soap and detergent production. (Soap and
dental products overtook bananas in 1996 as the largest
merchandise export in value terms.) Natural disasters
are not seen as a major constraint on growth in the sector,
although some individual products may be sensitive to
weather conditions. There is some evidence of effective
risk management measures (e.g., higher construction
standards for the Dominica Coconut Products Ltd. jetty,
to withstand storms). A major failure in risk management is inadequate business insurance coverage.
Expansion of tourism has been a central thrust of
Dominica’s development strategy for the past 20 years.
Assessing natural hazard impacts and drawing lessons
for the future for this sector are therefore particularly
important. Hurricane David had a devastating impact
on tourism, halting its growth for five to six years. Infrastructure investment following the hurricane, including measures to protect cruise ship facilities, was helpful
in supporting rapid growth from the late 1980s on and
in reducing vulnerability. But underinsurance is still a
problem, especially with the occurrence of an extreme
event such as Hurricane David, and it is of particular
concern in a sector composed entirely of locally owned
sole proprietorships and partnerships. Uncertainty about
hazard risks—for example, of a volcanic eruption or
an earthquake affecting the strongly tourism-focused
businesses in the south—may make for difficulties in
securing insurance coverage and investment funding.
The massive increase in the growth of the cruise ship
business suggests that tourism may now be more sensitive to the impact of natural hazards on the wider
Caribbean tourism market.
Construction is the one industry in which disaster brings
increased activity, but there is no evidence of a general
postdisaster construction-led boom. This may reflect
Dominica’s reliance on imported building materials.
Since the mid-1990s, the government has sought to
make Dominica an offshore financial center, and the
financial services sector has grown rapidly. Although
reduction of vulnerability was not a factor in the government’s decision to promote this sector, financial services are likely to be largely unaffected even by major
disaster events. Continued expansion of the sector should
therefore bring about a further reduction in broad economic vulnerability.
Infrastructure and Buildings
Between 1950 and 1978, Dominica was transformed
from an underdeveloped plantation-cum-subsistence
colony into an independent, middle-income economy.
Key to this achievement was rapid infrastructure
Appendix A
development. Given the severe financial constraints,
construction costs were kept as low as possible. The
investment took place following more than 20 years
without any major hurricane impacts. Under these circumstances, adequate hazard-proofing was not provided, and when Hurricane David struck, the
consequences were devastating.
Following Hurricane David, there was wider interest in reducing vulnerability by incorporating more effective mitigation measures into design and construction.
Since then, substantial, but uneven, progress has been
made in reducing vulnerability in all areas of infrastructure and building. Although some investments have
been exemplary, financial constraints and an emphasis
on restoring facilities to normal use as quickly as possible after a disaster have meant that initial construction,
repair, and restoration work has often not incorporated fully effective hazard-proofing features. The
long-term effect has been higher overall costs and
increased pressure on limited resources. The rehabilitation cost of major storms since 1979 is estimated at
EC$380 million (US$140 million), at 1999 prices, equivalent to EC$18 million per year, with around EC$10
million per year for key infrastructure.
The history of the deepwater port at Woodbridge Bay,
which was built between 1974 and 1978, highlights the
value-for-money case for designing new infrastructure
and buildings to withstand hurricane damage. An internal rate of return of 13 percent was achieved by substantially scaling down the original design, even though
there was evidence of a high risk of storm conditions
potentially far more damaging than were provided for
in the sea defenses incorporated within the port
design. Rehabilitation costs following the damage caused
by Hurricane David were equivalent to 41 percent of
the original costs. Had the original structure been built
to withstand a Category 4 hurricane, the initial investment costs would have been only 11 percent higher.
Because of continued financial pressure, hazard risk
again seems to have been underestimated in the
expansion of the port. The case raises awkward questions in relation to economic analysis.
Most of Dominica’s road system runs along the narrow
coastal strip, very near the shore, rendering it potentially highly vulnerable to storm damage. Other key
infrastructure networks—telecommunications, electric
Dominica: Natural Disasters and Economic Development in a Small Island State
power, and water distribution—run alongside the
road and are similarly vulnerable. The record of investment in constructing sea defenses to protect this infrastructure and in building roads to more robust standards
is patchy. In places, there have been some exemplary
investments that incorporate higher storm-resistance
specifications, but elsewhere the road system remains
highly vulnerable. The apparent slow progress in providing sea defenses partly reflects the scale of investment financing required and partly a lack of donor
coherence. Piecemeal projects focus on particular coastal
sections—perhaps reflecting different donor priorities
such as overall economic development or targeting of
poorer geographic areas—and involve different design
and construction processes. All three key public utility
systems were devastated by Hurricane David and were
partially disrupted by coastal damage from Hurricane
Lenny in 1999. The vulnerability of this infrastructure
to natural hazards now varies, reflecting the degree of
mitigation investment that has taken place and the associated practical and funding issues.
External Accounts
The links between disaster shocks and export earnings
are clear and direct; the links with imports are more
inferential. Dominica has typically had a real trade deficit
equivalent to 12–13 percent of GDP. In some years, the
deficit has been much higher, reflecting variability in
export levels and postdisaster surges in imports—notably,
of building materials, equipment, and food. The declining trend in banana export earnings since about 1989
has reduced the sensitivity of the trade account to disaster shocks. Despite the loss of banana earnings in
1995–96, total export earnings increased because of the
growth in earnings from soap and detergent products
and from relatively resilient nonfactor services such as
offshore banking and tourism. The shift shows how
the nature of an economy’s sensitivity to natural disaster shocks can change rapidly. Governments and international organizations need to take account of this and
regularly reappraise their disaster response policies. For
example, arrangements for buffering the effects of natural disaster shocks have focused on compensating
for loss of primary commodity export earnings. Easily
accessible mechanisms for countering shocks in other
sectors may now be equally important.
Disaster-related increases in capital inflows following hurricane years have typically overcompensated
for downward pressures on the trade account and have
contributed to reconstruction investment.
Investment and Domestic Consumption
It is difficult to discern evidence of the effect of natural disasters on total investment or consumption in
Dominica except in the aftermath of Hurricane David
in 1979. Then, the scale of both losses and reconstruction
funds created an opportunity to replace and update
much of the island’s infrastructure and commercial
and productive capital, following years of inadequate
maintenance and limited investment. Gross domestic
investment increased by almost 25 percent year-on-year
in 1979 and by over 65 percent in 1980, but it fell by
over 25 percent the following year. The falloff in private investment from 1981 on was marked, suggesting
that once repairs had been completed, the hurricane
may have deterred new investment. Subsequent hurricanes have not led to any comparable infusion of reconstruction capital.
Nevertheless, the World Bank attributes the relatively
high level of consumption volatility in the Caribbean
region as a whole to the fact that, in the face of high
vulnerability to a range of external shocks, countries
are not spreading their risks optimally, despite having
relatively well-developed financial systems. The Bank
concludes that financial and insurance markets need
to be developed further, through, among other means,
closer harmonization within the region’s financial and
insurance markets, strengthening of securities markets,
pension reform, and the more efficient transfer of risks
to the international market.
Financial Aspects
The study examined how natural disasters affect financial systems and how private and public financial institutions cope with the associated pressures.
Banking and Credit Institutions
Banking and credit systems can help spread risk in
disaster-prone countries. Natural disasters place pressure on banking and credit institutions as money is withdrawn, loan repayments are deferred or defaulted on,
and increased credit is sought to finance uninsured rehabilitation costs and disruptions in income flows. In
extreme cases, the outcome may be the collapse of part
of the banking sector. Dominica has no national central bank; rather, the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
(ECCB) conducts monetary policy for the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), supervises and
regulates commercial banks in the member states, and
is lender of last resort (although it has never been
called on in this capacity). Dominica itself has five commercial banks, one national bank, a rapidly growing
network of credit unions, and several nonprofit bodies
involved in loans and credit.
The available data suggest that natural disasters
have had relatively little overall effect on Dominica’s
banking and credit sector. Nevertheless, the sector’s limited and fragmented ability to spread and transfer risk,
not only in Dominica but also in the Caribbean region
in general, is a serious concern, and measures are
being explored to address the problem. Within the
OECS, some services are being initiated that will facilitate risk-sharing as banks in the regions shift increasingly into syndicate lending. There has also been some
discussion about the establishment of a jointly owned
lending subsidiary that could diversify across territories and fund loans that are too large for individual
banks. In Dominica banks and credit institutions are
seeking to reduce risk exposure by limiting agricultural lending, but this may make postdisaster recovery
more difficult.
The rate of inflation has remained low over the past 20
years and, with one exception, natural disasters have had
only a limited effect on it. The exception was Hurricane
David, following which the food index alone was reported
to have increased by over 45 percent between 1978 and
1979. Dominica’s reliance on imports for most construction materials may have helped constrain postdisaster price hikes. Legislation allows prices to be fixed
Appendix A
for some essential products, but it is not clear whether
this law has been applied.
Insurance and Other Risk Transfer Mechanisms
Dominica’s insurance industry is relatively well
developed in comparison with that in many other
developing countries. There is, however, a major problem of underinsurance, partly reflecting the high and
volatile cost of insurance in the Caribbean region.
About 80 to 85 percent of gross property insurance
premiums in the region are transferred to reinsurers;
any fluctuations in reinsurance costs, whether local,
regional, or global in origin, are passed on directly to
those paying the premiums. Premium rates typically
increased three- to fourfold between the 1970s and
2000, although they fluctuated considerably year by
year. Data on underinsurance specific to Dominica are
not available, but it is estimated that 25 to 40 percent
of dwelling stock in the Caribbean region is uninsured,
and much of the insured dwelling stock may be underinsured. Use of business interruption policies is also
very low, perhaps as little as 5 percent. Insurance of
public property is almost certainly limited by budgetary constraints.
The proliferation of insurance players in the Caribbean,
some of them very small, has led to concerns about the
efficiency and, more important, the safety of the insurance industry. New insurance legislation to be enacted
by OECS members aims to address some of the main
concerns, through disincentives to small insurance players, incentives to encourage amalgamation of insurance
operators, and regulations on minimum levels of share
capital required for registration. The World Bank has
also recommended that companies and households in
the region establish reserve funds to finance uninsured
disaster losses. In addition, for a number of years now,
regional and international organizations have been
discussing the creation of some form of regional risk
management tool, such as an intercountry insurancepooling arrangement.
To date, there has been limited use of insurance as a
mechanism for promoting mitigation through differentiated premiums to reflect lower risks on strengthened land and buildings. More widespread discriminatory
premium pricing would be valuable, but it would require
Dominica: Natural Disasters and Economic Development in a Small Island State
comprehensive hazard mapping and inspection of individual properties.
Public Finance
Since Independence in 1978, one of the Dominican government’s objectives has been to strengthen and stabilize public finances by exercising tighter control on
spending and by increasing revenue. Balancing the budget
has nevertheless been difficult; the high costs of providing an infrastructure and public services network to
a small and dispersed population, together with the costs
implied by Dominica’s extreme vulnerability to natural
hazards, place huge burdens on the country’s limited
resources, and it has been difficult to balance the budget.
The government’s ability to increase the money supply
to reduce public debts is strictly limited by the ECCB,
which is responsible for monetary policy across the OECS.
Aid and other foreign funding have contributed significantly to both capital and recurrent expenditure; taxes,
for example, accounted for only around 60 percent of
total revenue between 1978/79 and 1997/98.
Aggregate budgetary figures suggest that disasters
have had little impact on public finances except following the most extreme events, such as Hurricane
David. Until the 1990s, expenditure on mitigation and
preparedness also appears to have been low. In reality
(although this is largely unrecorded), the costs of
meeting more urgent needs in the aftermath of disasters have tended to displace planned investment, and
the extent of the necessary reallocations has been exacerbated by the absence of any calamity reserve fund.
Over time, cumulative reallocations and disaster-related
damage to and destruction of public infrastructure and
other facilities have had an adverse effect on the pace
and nature of physical and economic development,
making it more difficult to attract and sustain new productive investment. Against this background, it is essential that the budgetary impacts of disasters be measured
more explicitly and that risk reduction concerns be built
into medium- and long-term economic and financial
planning. In this way, a more rational response to risk
and disasters will be possible, including more soundly
based reallocation decisions and better targeting of external assistance.
External Assistance
External assistance accounts for a large proportion of
the Dominican government’s public capital spending
and for some current expenditure. Although there has
been considerable short-term variability in total aid
flows, no discernible trends are visible for the period
since Independence. Disaster-related aid is often received
some time after the event, and to some extent, aid provided in the aftermath of a disaster is diverted from nondisaster-related projects. Apart from Hurricane David,
which was severe enough to attract widespread international publicity, aid levels have not altered significantly in response to public expenditure pressures
following natural disasters.
Social Issues and Poverty
At the household level, poverty is the single most important factor determining vulnerability to natural hazards.
This vulnerability reflects housing quality (location,
building materials used, and failure to provide adequate
support for low-cost housing in the aftermath of disasters); the primary sources of household income for poor
people; limited financial resources; and lack of access
to risk-spreading mechanisms. Despite the importance
of issues of social vulnerability and the impacts of natural hazards at the household and community levels,
there has been little research to date on this subject in
Dominica. These issues need to be better understood
so that a risk management strategy can be developed
that addresses the special vulnerability of poor households and recognizes that poverty can be caused or exacerbated by natural disasters.
Several highly vulnerable economic sectors are particularly important to the livelihoods and incomes of
poor households. A large number of extremely small,
marginal producers are involved in the banana industry, which has given many poor households a means of
reestablishing their incomes following disasters. The
compulsory insurance scheme, however, disproportionately benefits the larger producers. Huckstering—
trade between Dominica and nearby islands—is an
important part of the informal labor market and is typically undertaken by women, often from poor rural
households. It is highly vulnerable to natural hazards,
but no insurance coverage is available for huckster consignments. Fishing, which is pursued by some of the
country’s poorest households, is another extremely vulnerable sector, but the evidence shows that little has
been done to recompense or rehabilitate households
affected by disasters. On the positive side, there is increasing recognition of the importance of tackling vulnerability to natural hazards as part of a poverty reduction
agenda for the region, and the government has determined that further investigation into the nature of poverty
in Dominica is needed.
Disaster Management
Considerable progress has been made over the past 20
years in Dominica’s state of preparedness for natural disasters. The 1996 National Disaster Plan is a substantial
and detailed document that focuses on disaster preparedness and immediate postdisaster responses. Lead
responsibility for the plan and for disaster preparedness
lies with the Ministry of Communications, Works, and
Housing. Individual government departments are responsible for undertaking postdisaster impact assessment,
and donors interested in supporting particular aspects
of relief approach the relevant ministry.
The National Disaster Plan, however, largely overlooks long-term mitigation and prevention issues and
measures for addressing economic impacts and promoting economic recovery. Overall, there does seem to
be a good awareness of disaster issues, but the generalized concern and commitment have not been translated into a coherent overall strategy for disaster reduction.
Such a strategy would need to include or use information that has not been available so far: comprehensive
and robust assessments of potential physical damage and
of macroeconomic and social impacts; mitigation and
preparedness plans; implementation plans to support
affected groups; and a comprehensive rehabilitation
plan. It would require consultation with local stakeholders and NGOs and cooperation with regional bodies
and funding agencies.
Experience in Dominica and in the wider region suggests that a high-level interdepartmental task force, well
supplied with resources and given the responsibility for
Appendix A
disaster management, would be more effective both in
a crisis and in planning for future disasters than the
existing department-based arrangements.
Environmental assessment of hazards poses particular problems for small developing countries. Concerns
about the growing exposure to risks highlight the need
for increased assessment and monitoring and for provision of clear and accessible information about hazard
risk. Dominica has no capacity to undertake this effort
independently. The necessary regional approach is
now emerging in work being done under the auspices
of the OAS, with international funding and expertise.
A particular cause for concern in Dominica’s disaster mitigation and management arrangements is that
the opportunities for promoting highly cost-effective
hazard-proofing by setting appropriate design and construction standards have not been grasped. Regional
civil engineering experts have estimated that spending
1 percent of a structure’s value on hazard-proofing measures can reduce the probable maximum loss from hurricanes by, on average, one-third. Currently, however,
Dominica has no formal building code. The island’s
infrastructure remains vulnerable to tropical storms;
land use planning is weak; and there is evidence that
as recently as 1996 new housing was built without
adequate anchoring of roofs to walls.
Conclusions and Policy Implications
A number of key conclusions emerged from the country study:
• Considerable uncertainty and unpredictability are
attached to natural hazards. Hurricanes may not
follow established patterns, causing unforeseen
damage, and a series of disasters may strike after a
long period of calm. Regular reappraisal of risks is
• The economy’s vulnerability is constantly changing,
reflecting changes both in the levels of development
and capital investment in the island and in the
structure and composition of economic activity. Measures can be taken to reduce the structural vulnerability of the economy. Greater integration of hazard
risks into medium- and long-term economic and
financial analysis and planning could substantially
Dominica: Natural Disasters and Economic Development in a Small Island State
reduce the economy’s vulnerability to natural hazards and contribute to sustainable growth.
• In the immediate aftermath of a disaster, the public
and private sectors face choices between pursuing
rapid recovery and seeking reductions in longer-term
vulnerability. Similar choices arise in determining the
quality and standard of development investments.
In Dominica, with its limited public and private
resources, and in the absence of the necessary political impetus or financial incentives for investment
in mitigation and changes in land use, the emphasis
has been on quick recovery and least-cost investment. But the opportunities for reducing vulnerability must be seized. Improved information on the
budgetary impact of disasters is needed to facilitate
the cost-effective allocation of resources and to emphasize the importance of integrating hazard concerns
into medium- and long-term planning.
• The unsatisfactory levels and forms of hazard risk
information available in Dominica hinder effective
risk-averting decisionmaking. Urgent action is needed
to ensure sufficient investment in monitoring, assessment, mapping, and dissemination activities. There
is also a need for clear and accessible public information. Achievement of these information objectives
for a small island economy like Dominica will require
regional and international cooperation.
• There are wider implications for other small island
states. The vulnerability of a small, open economy
can alter rapidly, reflecting the significance of external factors. In considering appropriate disaster mitigation measures, it is important to recognize the
physical characteristics underlying the island’s
economy and society. Fostering less vulnerable
areas of economic activity and strengthening key
infrastructure will help ensure long-term sustainable
growth and minimize disaster impacts. Much more
needs to be done in the Caribbean region as a whole
to spread and reduce hazard risks through insurance and other financial risk transfer mechanisms.
Donor agencies can also secure better returns to investments in disaster mitigation by undertaking more
joint programs and having certain agencies take the
lead on particular projects, rather than working in
parallel, and by supporting regional solutions and
reducing micromanagement of some projects.
Appendix B
Bangladesh: Disasters and Public Finance
percent of Bangladesh’s population is classified as poor
and about 34 percent as living in extreme poverty. These
people typically live and work in the areas most at risk
from natural disasters. At the household level, poverty
is still the single most important factor determining vulnerability to hazards.
It is difficult to make robust, quantitative assessments
of the probable levels of risk associated with the main
natural hazards in Bangladesh. Some reasons are:
• The exceptional complexity of the natural environment in the country
• The obvious limitations of historical data
• Environmental changes, some recorded and others
so far only identified as possible consequences of
global climatic change
• Human activity in Bangladesh and the immediate
region, which is possibly altering the likelihood of
specific events as well as, more obviously, the associated effects.
Current understanding of the risks of extreme, catastrophic events, and the problems of assessment, varies
widely according to the particular hazard.
This appendix, which summarizes a study on natural
disasters and public finance in Bangladesh, focuses
mainly on the period since 1980. During that time,
five major disaster events triggered national and international emergency responses. The study uses available
data to examine movements around trends and to
compare economic performance (forecast and actual)
before and after disasters, and it places these findings
in the economic and social policy context of Bangladesh.
It breaks new ground in that, although the immediate
emergency and short-term budgetary implications of
individual natural disasters have been much studied,
this is the first investigation of the recurrent longer-term
aspects of disaster risk, which are particularly relevant
for disaster-prone countries.
Natural Disasters and Hazard Risk in Bangladesh
Bangladesh is one of the most disaster-prone countries
in the world. Most of its large, densely settled population of 130 million people is at significant risk from
more than one form of natural hazard. In terms of area
and number of people directly affected, impact on economic activity, and damage or destruction of assets,
the types of disaster that have been most important
since Independence in 1971 are exceptionally widespread riverine flooding, severe tropical cyclones and
associated coastal storm surges, river bank erosion,
and drought. Official estimates are that 139,000
people were killed during the 1991 cyclone and that
31 million were directly affected by the 1998 floods.
Rapid-onset flash flooding, tornadoes, and landslides
are frequent causes of more localized, but intense, human
suffering and loss. Severe earthquakes have been rare
but are a potentially catastrophic hazard. Around 50
River Flooding
Four extreme flooding events have occurred over the
past 30 years, in 1974, 1987, 1988, and 1998. Very
high floods in 1976 and 1984, although less severe than
the extreme events in height, maximum flow, and proportion of the country’s area inundated, caused widespread suffering and loss and elicited an international
emergency response. The implied annual risk of an
extreme flood is a high 10 to 20 percent. Historical
data on heights and flows for the major rivers are of
doubtful quality and are available only for one station
on the Ganges (in operation since 1934) and for one
station on the more unstable and recently more threatening Brahmaputra River (since 1956). The 1950 Assam
earthquake upset the flow of the Brahmaputra, and the
course of the Jamuna section of the river continues to
move westward. Massive upper-riparian interventions
have been made in neighboring countries since 1950—
so far, mostly for the Gangetic system—and the potential impacts were highlighted by the floods of 2000,
the worst in 80 years in southwestern Bangladesh.
Cyclones and Storm Surges
A record of more than 100 years exists for storm tracks
and approximate intensities of storms in the Bay of
Bengal. At least 14 very severe storms affected Bangladesh
during that time, implying an annual risk of over 10
percent. Clusters of storms, such as the six major storms
that affected Bangladesh between 1960 and 1970, can
occur within the otherwise random series. So far, there
is no evidence of changes in the frequency or intensity
of storms in the Bay of Bengal. If, however, mean sea
level were to rise, that would increase the expected severity of impact of a cyclone and the associated storm surge.
Human intervention, including deforestation in the Sundarbans and the network of often poorly maintained
embankments, may alter the incidence of impacts.
Bangladesh lies within a high-risk region. Minor tremors
are common, and one of the most extreme events, an
1897 earthquake that measured 8.8 on the Richter scale,
had its epicenter in the nearby Shillong Plateau of the
Indian state of Meghalaya. Because of the inadequacies
of the available data, local assessments provide only
highly tentative risk-zoning within the country, and only
in map form.
The estimation of risks and their likely impacts on the
basis of historical data is likely to yield seriously inaccurate results. There have been seven reported droughts
in Bangladesh since 1971, an implied frequency of one
almost every fourth year. Such repeated reports of drought
suggest widespread problems of lower-than-average
Appendix B
rainfall, causing moisture stress and limiting crop growth.
Drought as a disaster category, however, should be
restricted to extreme, uncommon events. Furthermore,
agriculture may now be less sensitive to rainfall variability within a wider range than previously because of
the rapid spread of irrigation and the emergence in the
late 1990s of irrigated boro (dry-season) rice as the main
crop. However, the consequences of draw-down of the
water table in an exceptionally dry year might imply
both a different seasonal pattern and overall intensity
of impacts on agriculture, other water-intensive activities, and human water supply. Finally, there are the
potential impacts of climatic change, which could lower
the risk of extremely low annual rainfall patterns that
have historically caused agricultural drought.
River Bank Erosion
Erosion of river banks is a continuous, rather than intermittent, problem that can be predicted with some accuracy. The high level of risk makes insurance of assets or
production impracticable. The most effective mitigation measure is strict land use zoning, but this is currently unenforceable. Consequently, both NGOs and,
more recently, the government, through the National
Water Management Plan of 2001, have moved toward
supporting microscale protection and nonstructural
Flash Flooding
Flash flooding is an annual phenomenon, and there is
considerable scope for predicting the areas of likely incidence and the timing of floods. This would involve combining geographic information system (GIS) data, local
ground confirmation, and real-time information on rainfall and river levels and would require international
cooperation to communicate and assess information at
least daily.
Tornadoes and Line Squalls
Tornadoes and line squalls are a common, localized phenomenon, traditionally associated with the Bengali New
Year in April. The risks are potentially computable in
Bangladesh: Disasters and Public Finance
terms of risk-zoning and expected frequency, making
insurance of assets a possibility.
Impact of Major Disaster Shocks on Bangladesh’s
Economic Development
Since Independence, Bangladesh’s economy has achieved
impressive rates of growth. In the late 1970s, it recovered rapidly from the devastating effects of natural
disasters, war, and famine that marked the years
1970–75. The average real annual growth rate of GDP
was 4.2 percent in the decade 1980–90 and increased
to 5 percent in the decade 1990–2000. Average
annual growth of per capita GDP rose from an average
of 1.7 percent in the 1980s to 3.3 percent in the
1990s, reflecting both higher GDP growth and declining population growth. At the same time, there has
been a change in the structural composition of the economy: agriculture’s share of GDP has declined, while the
industrial and service sectors have expanded, resulting in a sharp shift in the composition of the country’s
exports. A gradual process of structural adjustment and
trade liberalization, along with more disciplined
monetary management, resulted in maintenance of a
single-digit inflation rate in the 1990s and an annual
current account deficit of less than 2.5 percent of
GDP. The reforms have also helped increase private
sector development and foreign direct investment. Fiscal
policy has not been so successful: a World Bank
report points to large fiscal deficits, a low tax-to-GDP
ratio, and relatively poor-quality spending.
Several features of Bangladesh’s economy are particularly relevant for the public finance impacts of disasters:
• Because of the high level of public sector involvement in the economy, the government ultimately
bears a substantial share of any disaster-related losses.
• High reliance on imports for industrial development and production and the large proportion of
government revenue generated from import earnings
mean that the performance of imports and exports
and the availability of foreign exchange are important determinants of the amount of resources available to the government. The export base remains
narrow and therefore vulnerable to external shocks.
The shift from agricultural to manufacturing exports
may not have reduced the vulnerability of export
earnings to natural disasters. For example, as the
world’s primary jute producer, Bangladesh was a
price-setter, even in times of disaster. By contrast, as
a ready-made garment manufacturer, it faces severe
competition. Disruption of production results in loss
of export revenue and overseas markets. The level
of foreign exchange reserves has periodically emerged
as a critical issue, in part because of its vulnerability
to natural hazards and other shocks.
• External assistance has helped fund a major share of
public investment (and, by implication, of total investment) and meet the country’s large trade gap, and it
has contributed significantly to postdisaster relief and
• The ratio of debt to GDP has been growing (from
6 percent in 1973 to 47 percent in 1998) because
fiscal debts have been financed through borrowing. Any further growth in domestic borrowing—
for example, as a result of disaster-related budgetary
difficulties—would lead to pressure for cuts in discretionary areas of recurrent spending and then,
potentially, to cuts in programs for postdisaster
Natural Disasters and Macroeconomic Performance
Some highlights emerge from a simple assessment of
the sensitivity of Bangladesh’s economic performance
to major disaster, as measured in terms of fluctuations
in agricultural, nonagricultural, and total GDP:
• In the period 1965–75, there was extreme volatility
in the economy, clearly linked to catastrophic natural disasters as one destabilizing influence.
• Major disasters, with the notable exception of the
1998 floods, have led to a downturn in the agricultural sector’s annual growth rate.
• The impact of disasters on the nonagricultural sector
appears much less significant, although the longerterm impacts are not reflected in interannual fluctuations. If resources are diverted from productive
investment to disaster management, the pace and
nature of development will be adversely affected.
• The sensitivity to disasters of both the agricultural
and the nonagricultural components of GDP appears
to be declining over time, suggesting greater resilience.
Of course, the economic impacts do not reflect the
severity of disasters in terms of loss of life and human
Impacts of Disasters on Public Finance: Budgetary
Process and Performance
Public finances are highly centralized in Bangladesh;
in the mid-1990s, the central government accounted
for about 97 percent of total revenues and 93 percent
of public spending. The following analysis is restricted
to central government operations.
The movements of broad budgetary aggregates—
revenue expenditure, development spending, central
government revenue, and the budget deficit—in the
period since 1981 suggest that disasters have had little
impact on central government finances. Revenue expenditure, development spending, and central government
revenue have risen gradually over the period. The
overall budget deficit remained fairly stable until the
1998 flood, when it rose markedly. Closer analysis of
expenditure and sources of finance, however, gives a
rather different picture.
The budgetary process. Responsibility within the central government for public finance planning, allocation, and monitoring is shared by a number of
government departments. Procedures in place for tracking and controlling total annual public expenditure
(equivalent to US$3 billion) have not provided the clear
lines of responsibility and delegation necessary to
respond effectively to disaster shocks. For example, the
distinction between revenue expenditure and capital
spending is somewhat artificial; revenue projections
and expenditure forecasts have typically been overoptimistic; and under the existing financial reporting systems, public accounts tend to underestimate the full
effect of disasters on public finance. Changes now under
way to improve monitoring of spending should facilitate more cost-effective reallocation of resources, provided that there is also a clear system for prioritizing
Development spending. The Annual Development Plan
(ADP) is the basic instrument for public capital investment
planning and implementation, covering expenditure
Appendix B
allocations against specific central government projects,
as well as the investment projects of public enterprises
funded with government and foreign aid contributions.
ADP spending has increased over time, and foreign aid
accounts for a declining but significant share of its expenditure (on average, 45 percent between 1980/81 and
1998/99). Over the same period, actual expenditure
averaged 89 percent of the ADP budget, with little apparent linkage between the incidence of disasters and the
ratio between actual and budgeted spending. The tendency to underspend reflects factors such as project
delay (due in turn to counterpart funding constraints),
staff shortages, complex bureaucratic and procurement procedures, delays in land acquisition, conflicting conditionalities set by donors, and poor monitoring.
Delays lead to cost increases and greater exposure to
natural hazards, since unfinished projects are more vulnerable to damage.
Over time, the composition of the ADP has changed.
Investment in roads, water, and sanitation has assumed
increased importance. When cutbacks have been necessary, agriculture, rural development, water resources,
and infrastructure have generally been spared as far as
possible, with the social and industrial sectors taking
the largest cuts. The fact that disasters have not forced
a significant increase in spending on the ADP suggests
that they have instead led to reallocation of resources
or to delays in ongoing projects. If that is happening,
it is important that reallocations be made in a way that
minimizes their long-term developmental impact.
This will require:
• A clearly stated and applied policy framework linked
to defined and achievable objectives
• A sound method for prioritizing projects
• Reliable information on resource availability, and full
and accurate damage assessments
• Proper evaluation of postdisaster rehabilitation and
reconstruction projects.
The basic medium-term strategic planning tool for
capital spending in Bangladesh has been the five-year
plan. A three-year rolling plan was introduced in 1991/92.
ADP projects are examined for their compatibility with
the strategic plans and for their cost, technical quality,
and economic viability. But the composition of the
ADP may also reflect political pressures, the availability of external assistance, and donor priorities. Heavy
Bangladesh: Disasters and Public Finance
dependence on aid has, not surprisingly, led to less government control of a development vision.
Effective reallocation of resources depends on a clear
ranking of projects according to level of priority. In theory,
“core” projects have been given priority under the ADP.
A formal core program of projects was introduced in
1983, but the practice was already informally in place
in the mid-1970s. In that early period, priority was
accorded to quick-yielding projects and to those in
advanced stages of completion. Among sectors, agriculture (in particular, labor-intensive, small-scale drainage
schemes) and resource exploration projects were favored.
Draining and dredging of small rivers and canals took
precedence over work to control major rivers, and smallscale irrigation projects were preferred over large-scale
ones. In reality, rather than lower-priority projects
being targeted for spending reductions, across-the-board
cuts were generally used to restrain expenditure.
No specific guidelines for prioritization were provided in the formal core projects system introduced in
1983. The criteria for selection included stage of completion, production and employment potential, level
of donor support, and links with other projects. In the
late 1980s, the World Bank found that these priorities
were being reflected in the composition of the ADP but
were not being applied effectively in determining preferential access to funds. Following the 1987 and 1988
floods, available funds were again spread more thinly
across existing projects rather than being allocated to
priority projects. With the introduction of three-year
rolling plans, core projects are now designated for priority funding, and other projects are assigned rankings. Despite this, the World Bank’s assessment is that
more consistent use of objective criteria based on an
economic rationale is needed to set expenditure priorities between and within sectors. Only by strengthening this area of public and financial planning can the
government be confident that the development projects actually undertaken represent the best value for the
public good and for longer-term growth and income.
Donors who play a large part in project design have a
responsibility for helping to secure improvements in
this area.
Revenue budget. Since 1987/88, the revenue budget has
typically accounted for more than half of total central
government spending. Gradual budget increases have
reflected rising nondiscretionary expenditure on pay
and debt servicing, which together make up almost half
of total revenue spending. Despite budget growth, some
nondiscretionary spending areas covered have been consistently underfunded. Commentators have highlighted,
in particular, low levels of expenditure on operations
and maintenance (O&M). Discretionary expenditure
is by definition more vulnerable to cutbacks, including
cuts in the wake of natural disasters.
Surprisingly, growth in the revenue budget has not
been substantially higher in disaster years. Disasterrelated expenditure seems to have been met within the
existing budget envelope by drawing on unallocated
resources (e.g., to meet needs for agricultural subsidies)
and through diversion from other uses—for example,
through redeployment of government staff. The real and
underlying implications of disasters for revenue
spending can therefore be understood only with the
help of more detailed knowledge of decisions taken at
the time of a disaster.
Government revenue. Bangladesh’s revenue structure is
very weak. Total revenue averaged only 6.9 percent of
GDP in the 1980s and 9.3 percent in the 1990s. External grants and loans have supplemented revenue, increasing the total available by an average 40 percent in the
1990s. Tax revenue has accounted for the largest part
of total revenue, and there is an overwhelming dependence on indirect taxes, particularly import duties.
Between 1992/93 and 1997/98, income tax accounted
for only 15 percent of tax revenue.
The available evidence suggests that natural disasters have had little impact on aggregate tax performance.
Examination at a finer level of detail shows, however,
that adjustments have been made. In response to the
1987 and 1988 flooding, the government increased
some taxes to meet the additional costs of disaster aid
while at the same time reducing the tax burden on other
parts of the economy to stimulate growth and aid recovery. Since the late 1980s, various measures, such as the
introduction and subsequent extension of a value-added
tax, have been taken to enlarge the tax base and reduce
exemptions. It is widely agreed that the government still
needs to increase its tax revenue, perhaps to 13–14 percent of GDP. But higher reliance on taxes to fund public
expenditure implies greater tax losses as a result of disasters if there is no change in tax composition. This
would have consequences for alternative financing
requirements and place further pressures on expenditure. Longer-term tax reforms in Bangladesh, therefore,
need to aim at reducing the overall vulnerability of tax
revenue to disasters, as well as increasing revenue.
Funding the government deficit. Since Independence,
Bangladesh has run large, but gradually declining, public
expenditure deficits. In recent years, the costs of funding the deficit have been rising, with increasing
reliance on higher-cost domestic debt instruments rather
than foreign assistance. Time-series statistics show no
discernible relationship between disaster shocks, on the
one hand, and patterns of expenditure and funding
sources, on the other, although there is some evidence
of lags in the impact of shocks on public finance.
Major Flood Disasters and Public Finance
Performance: The Floods of 1987, 1988, and 1998
It is worth highlighting some of the public finance impacts
of the most extreme recent floods, in 1987, 1988, and
1998, and some aspects of the government’s response.
A comparison between forecast and actual annual
revenue and expenditure suggests that the flood crises
had limited effects on public finances. The government sought to limit the budgetary impact of the floods.
Domestic revenue was augmented by the introduction
of specific measures to increase tax revenue (although
there were also targeted fiscal measures to assist recovery), and action was taken to contain revenue spending. Actual figures for revenue, expenditure, and the
budget deficit were relatively close to budget.
The main adverse public finance impacts of the flood
crises are seen in ADP expenditure, which was substantially lower than budgeted, in part reflecting the
government’s usual practice of relying on the ADP to
bear cutbacks in total expenditure. In the case of the
floods of 1987 and 1988, the limited availability of local
currency resources also constrained the scope of the
ADP and may have led to underutilization of donor
funding. In all the flood years, the introduction of floodrelated reconstruction and protection projects placed
Appendix B
additional pressure on the resources available for planned
projects. The substantial pledges of foreign aid were
critical to the recovery programs, but notwithstanding
the generosity of donors, there was a lag between the
commitments and the availability of funds in the ADP
budget. The system for reallocating resources from lowerto higher-priority projects was applied more effectively
following the 1998 floods than in the aftermath of the
1987 and 1988 floods. Expenditure on rural development and institutions and on transport increased as a
result of the reallocations, reflecting efforts to repair and
rehabilitate damaged infrastructure. Reductions were
made in spending on health, population, and welfare,
in line with the tendency to reduce spending on social
sectors in the aftermath of disasters. Given the priority
accorded to social sectors in the poverty reduction strategy, such reallocations need to be carefully considered
because they may be inappropriate.
Two important consequences of the 1987 and 1988
floods were (a) a comprehensive review of flood policy
by the government of Bangladesh and the international
community, and (b) deregulation of private agricultural
investment, which quickly led to more investment in
lift irrigation and rapid growth in rice production.
A key difference between the earlier major floods and
the one in 1998 was that in the more recent crisis, much
more detailed information was available to assist planning, and management of the crisis was more transparent. The consequences of the 1998 floods were more
closely examined within Bangladesh than was the case
with the floods a decade earlier, and this greater
understanding offered an opportunity to mitigate and
manage more effectively the future effects of natural hazards. The experience of these flood crises highlights
the need for standardized guidelines to assist with disaster damage assessment and reporting. The 1998 floods
again exposed the uncertainties of postflood forecasting and the need for a full reassessment 18 to 24 months
after the disaster (box B.1).
The Food Account and Food Operations
A distinctive feature of Bangladesh’s public finances is
the maintenance of a separate set of food accounts for
public sector operations. The origins lie in the post–World
Bangladesh: Disasters and Public Finance
Box B.1 Uncertainties in postdisaster economic forecasting in Bangladesh
Following the 1998 flood in Bangladesh, some adjustments were made to annual economic forecasts for the year.
Before the flood, there had been a sense of optimism, at least on the part of the government, that a high rate of growth
would be sustained. The government had forecast an annual GDP growth rate of 6.3 percent for 1998/99 (Bangladesh
1999b). Other goals included containment of the inflation rate at 5 percent, the rebuilding of reserves to US$2 billion,
and a budget deficit held to 5.3 percent of GDP. The 1998 floods had a devastating impact on these plans. Total losses
to output and infrastructure were estimated at US$2 billion (Bangladesh 1999b), equivalent to 6 percent of 1997/98
GDP, and agricultural activities were disrupted. Rehabilitation costs were estimated at US$1.5 billion (UNDP and
Bangladesh 1998).
The government rapidly announced a series of measures intended to address the macroeconomic implications of
the floods. These included pledges of balance of payment and other forms of external assistance, as well as steps by
the government to raise revenue and reduce expenditure. Revised economic forecasts, released in October–November
1998 by the World Bank (1998a) and the International Monetary Fund, that took these measures into account estimated a GDP growth rate of 3.3 percent, an 8 percent rate of inflation, and year-end foreign reserves of US$1.7 billion.
Revised forecasts for 1998/99 released in April 1999 by the government were more optimistic, suggesting higher GDP
growth (3.8 percent) and better visible trade performance than had been previously forecast.
Actual economic performance was even better than expected, with a growth rate of 4.9 percent. This outcome was
primarily attributable to a record postflood crop of dry-season, irrigated boro rice and a bumper wheat crop. Agricultural
output expanded by 4.8 percent in real terms, reflecting producer response to losses to the aman (main-monsoonseason) rice crop and a comprehensive program of agricultural rehabilitation. The volume of foodgrain production
was 5.6 percent higher than in the preceding year, compared with a preflood projection of only 2.4 percent and initial postflood assessments of a 10 to 11 percent decline in output. Construction activity, boosted by the rehabilitation
process, showed an annual growth rate of 8.9 percent. Recovery was less rapid in certain other sectors, particularly in
the nonagricultural processing subsectors of manufacturing. Import growth was lower than had been expected in the
aftermath of the flood, and foreign remittances increased more than anticipated. Export growth, however, was much
lower than forecast, and foreign exchange reserves fell to US$1,525 million in fiscal year 1999, the equivalent of only
2.3 months of imports. Annual inflation stood at 8.9 percent.
War II ration system and the country’s historical reliance
on food as commodity aid. In this study, our focus was
on exploring (a) the extent to which food operations
are related to disaster management and (b) whether a
separate food account helps insulate public accounts
(especially the development component) from damaging volatility, or whether it would now be preferable to
incorporate the food account into the budget and
apply conventional accounting practices.
Our conclusion is that food operations are an important, even essential, part of disaster management and
poverty alleviation in Bangladesh. This is illustrated by
the clear association between major natural disasters
and foodgrain off-take or use of public supplies, both
for sale (monetized) and for direct distribution (nonmonetized). In the case of grain sales, the link is clearest for the 1984, 1987, and 1988 floods and the 1991
cyclone. Monetized operations played no role in the
government’s response to the 1998 floods because private imports and nonmonetized distribution together
kept domestic prices from moving above import parity
prices. The direct distribution of food has become the
key instrument in the government’s disaster response,
with peaks in direct distribution following all of the
country’s major disasters.
As to whether a separate food account remains a helpful means of managing public food operations, our conclusion is that there would be an advantage in properly
incorporating food into the budget; food operations
now represent a smaller share of public expenditure and
revenue, and there are already close links between
food operations and other budgets. Furthermore, financing of public food operations has become more complex over time. Adopting resource-based accounting
would offer greater transparency and facilitate financial planning and budgetary control.
External Aid
External aid has been a major source of finance in
Bangladesh, totaling US$38 billion (in real 1999/2000
prices) between 1980/81 and 1999/2000. External loans
and grants flow directly to the government and publicly owned bodies, as well as through NGOs. The government categorizes aid as project aid (which largely
appears as approved development activities under the
ADP), food aid received in kind for relief or development, and commodity aid (a residual category that
includes balance of payments support). During the
1970s, food and commodity aid were the largest categories of external assistance, but in the 1980s, project
aid emerged as the primary form of planned aid, accounting by 1999/2000 for 89 percent of total commitments
and 81 percent of total disbursements.
There has typically been a substantial gap between projected aid and actual expenditure, reflecting factors such
as procedural difficulties, changes in project staff, procurement delays, and lack of local resources for counterpart financing. In 1998/99 total aid commitments rose
by 46 percent, but disbursements increased by only 22
percent. The available data suggest that many donors have
responded to disaster crises by reallocating resources and
bringing commitments forward. Foreign aid commitments
have typically increased in the year of, or immediately
following, a major disaster but have fallen sharply in the
following year. Food aid commitments have generally
peaked rapidly in response to major disasters. Project aid
has tended to drop in disaster years, as aid is shifted to
more quickly available emergency assistance, and this can
delay the progress of ongoing projects and the start of new
ones. This aspect of the relationship between disasters and
foreign aid warrants further investigation.
A large, although highly variable, amount of aid now
flows via NGOs rather than directly to the government.
Data suggest that, in the period immediately following
a major disaster, at least a quarter of all aid is channeled
through NGOs, some of which operate as both funding
and operational organizations and also support smaller
NGOs with funding. NGOs have, in effect, established
a parallel structure for international support for disaster relief and rehabilitation (R&R). Available evidence
on the aid response to the 1998 floods confirms heavy
involvement by NGOs in R&R; most of this involvement
Appendix B
represented additional funding for R&R and additional
overall expenditure. The developing role and importance of aid channeled through NGOs, and issues of
coordination and of the information basis for aid action
and allocation, also merit further investigation.
Public Agencies and Financial Institutions
Although this study is focused on central government
operations, other important bodies are involved in public
finance operations, and natural disasters also affect them.
Local Governments
Government in Bangladesh remains highly centralized. Local governments lack substantial sources of revenue of their own, and local investment is so reliant on
central funding that decisions on its allocation and priorities have been influenced by the central authority.
This, in turn, has led to unequal access to services. The
Fifth Five-Year Plan envisaged extensive decentralization of policies, but little practical action has been taken,
despite the transfer of some major urban flood prevention responsibilities to local agencies. A fuller exploration of the implications of disasters for local
governments would be helpful.
State-Owned Enterprises
There is extensive state ownership of industrial and trading enterprises in Bangladesh. Profits from these enterprises could in principle be an important source of
nontax revenue. In practice, state-owned enterprises
(SOEs) have generally had persistent and mounting
losses, placing a continuing burden on public resource
management. Disasters may have contributed to the
poor performance of SOEs, and assessments of the full
public cost of disasters need to include the impact on
SOEs and the knock-on effects on public finance.
Financial Institutions
Despite a financial liberalization policy and increased
private sector activity, the public sector continues to be
substantially involved in the financial sector. The long
Bangladesh: Disasters and Public Finance
history of subsidized credit, loan amnesties, and debt
restructuring has imposed heavy costs on the budget—
although there is a lack of transparency as to the precise level of public support to the banking system
following disasters. A major shift in policy in response
to disasters took place after the 1998 flood. Although
agricultural credit was increased significantly in 1998,
it was also made clear that payments on existing loans
would be deferred but no longer waived, as they had
been during the floods of the 1980s. Case studies, perhaps focusing particularly on banks specializing in agriculture and industry, are required to investigate the
impacts of disasters on financial institutions and the lessons to be learned.
Microfinance Institutions
Microfinance institutions (MFIs) were pioneered in
Bangladesh in 1976. Currently, more than 1,000
NGOs operate microfinance programs, and there is substantial public sector involvement, through government
departments, public agencies, and banks, as part of a
broad strategy for tackling poverty. MFIs can play a very
constructive role in poverty reduction efforts, but they
are vulnerable to damaging liquidity problems in times
of disaster. Further analysis is needed to explore ways
of improving their resilience to disasters, while maintaining responsible attitudes toward debt repayment
and ensuring access to credit to those most affected by
Disaster Mitigation, in the Long and Short Term
The government of Bangladesh and the international
community have made substantial investments in disaster mitigation and preparedness, focused historically
on flood protection, drainage, and irrigation. This emphasis reflects a strategy first applied when Bangladesh’s
population and economy were almost entirely rural. The
objective was to protect and encourage agricultural development and, in particular, to promote self-sufficiency
in foodgrains. A multipurpose approach was taken, with
the aim of mitigating the effects of all four main disaster types. The cyclone protection strategy for high-risk
coastal areas at the time of the cyclones in the 1960s,
1970, and 1991 was based on the construction of safe
areas and solidly built community shelters. Many people
survived the 1991 cyclone by taking refuge in public
buildings. The evacuation strategy was even more successful when a cyclone of similar intensity struck in May
1997; only 100 fatalities occurred. The strategy now is
to design and rehabilitate cyclone shelters for multipurpose use, mainly as schools.
Rethinking the Strategy for Mitigation
and Preparedness
Inherited strategies have been reviewed in the light of
social and economic transformation (population shifts
from rural to urban areas, and the increased economic
importance of industry and services compared with agriculture) and of a critical evaluation of the effectiveness
of the strategy following the floods of the 1980s and
1990s. The new (2001) strategy for water management gives priority to protection of concentrations of
people and high-value assets in urban and periurban
areas against extreme floods, cyclones, and river erosion. The strategy for rural areas is still being formulated, but coastal areas are a priority. Overall, there is a
fresh emphasis on a more decentralized approach, on
the involvement of disaster-prone communities themselves, and on disaster preparedness. The strategy that
seems to be emerging would be more financially realistic. Central government investment requirements are
reduced, and the otherwise unbridgeable gap between
O&M requirements and revenue budget resources is
addressed by introducing a policy of beneficiary responsibility and cost contributions to help meet O&M costs.
These necessary radical changes pose major challenges
for the government and for civil society.
Land Use Controls and Building Regulation
The most effective mitigation strategy against all major
hazards, drought excepted, is strict land use zoning and
building regulation. Because of social pressures, no serious attempts are being made to restrict the use of highly
vulnerable rural areas for economic activity or human
occupation. The need for controls in urban areas is
well understood. Urban planning directorates, such as
the Dhaka and Chittagong Improvement Trusts, were
given the responsibility for regulating the siting and
method of construction of buildings. The trusts, however, have been unable to carry out this task because of
massive problems of governance. Instead, the response
of the government has been to provide protection through
structural measures, such as embankments and, in coastal
storm surge areas, cyclone shelters. Building regulation,
particularly in relation to seismic hazard, has been an
issue of mounting concern. Serious risk was taken into
account in the design of, for example, the Jamuna Bridge
in the late 1980s, and a seismic zone map was incorporated into the national building code in 1993. Further investigation is needed into the hazard risk posed
by the rapidly expanding stock of domestic and communal buildings in the main urban areas.
Decisions on Rehabilitation and Reconstruction
A potential problem in the aftermath of disasters is that
in the haste to fast-track assistance, new projects are not
properly designed or appraised. The opportunity costs
of investments in terms of other investment forgone
are not considered. It may be entirely appropriate to
review investment priorities, but care should be taken
to ensure that disaster-related projects do not displace
other high-priority activities in the ADP that are more
viable and affordable, as well as necessary for supporting long-term growth.
Financing Future Disaster Costs: Insurance
and Risk-Spreading
Historically, in Bangladesh and in other countries, there
has been heavy reliance on donor funding to meet
disaster-related costs. Donor resources are now declining globally, and countries are beginning to explore
alternative ways of meeting these costs. The World Bank
has been at the forefront in helping to develop and
apply appropriate risk transfer mechanisms to cushion
against costs related to natural disasters. Mechanisms
under consideration typically involve some form of
market-based insurance, entailing a large share of reinsurance in order to transfer risks to the international
market. Various insurance methods might apply, including conventional catastrophe damage insurance and
Appendix B
more innovative tools, such as weather derivatives
and catastrophe bonds.
In Bangladesh it is useful to distinguish between localized hazards, which affect one or another part of the
country each year, and more severe, less frequent disasters. Costs relating to the former are met (largely on
an ad hoc basis) from the revenue budget. There is a
strong case for allocating more preassigned funds for
this purpose. The World Bank has suggested establishing a disaster sinking fund in the revenue budget, financed
from regular appropriations and external financing. Surplus funds in any particular year could be used to
build up reserves.
In years of more severe disasters, resources beyond
the means of the government are required. Financial
risk transfer mechanisms could potentially play a major
role in helping manage costs and spread related expenditures over time. At present, there is little use of even
conventional catastrophe insurance by either the public
or the private sector. Total annual insurance premiums
amount to only US$0.61 per capita; natural hazard coverage, which is not included in basic fire and allied policies, is much less. A significant increase in hazard
insurance would require structural reform of the
insurance industry to be viable. At present, the industry is highly regulated and is almost entirely domestic.
Furthermore, a full 50 percent of reinsurance has to be
placed with the state-owned reinsurer. Flood or weather
index–based insurance may present insuperable problems in Bangladesh because of the practical difficulties
in defining appropriate trigger events and determining
entitlement to compensation. Initially at least, there may
be more scope for insuring assets—agricultural machinery, commercial buildings, and so on—in urban and
rural areas.
A possibility, because of the moral hazard issue that
has dogged all credit programs, is to build some form
of highly subsidized insurance into formal, already subsidized, lending. Microcredit is a possible priority area
for, at least, pilot schemes. If there were even a partial
insurance element in the contract, this might encourage, when losses occur, an orderly response based on
an entitlement to refinancing, rather than a damaging,
disorderly collapse in recovery rates.
Insurance coverage against losses in the event of a
disaster can be developed and applied successfully only
Bangladesh: Disasters and Public Finance
if the government and people of Bangladesh are convinced of its merits. Thus far, additional external assistance appears to have been available to meet the costs
of disasters. But this study has shown that ultimately,
disaster-related external assistance is very largely not
additional but displaces funding for development.
Main Preliminary Findings and Policy Options
• Major disasters have had clearly demonstrable negative macroeconomic impacts on Bangladesh. The
relative severity of the impacts has diminished considerably since the 1970s, largely because of structural change in the economy. Agricultural output is
more resilient, nonagricultural sectors are more important and are less severely affected, and trade liberalization and integration of food markets are reducing
price effects.
• There have been improvements in disaster response
by the government, donors, and civil society. Still,
some reorganization of public finance reporting (e.g.,
on food operations) would help clarify and perhaps
improve budgetary practice.
• Handling of the 1998 floods by the government of
Bangladesh and by NGOs was better than in earlier
disasters. Foreign aid was substantial and timely.
Improved assessments of losses helped.
• The aggregate effects of disasters on public finance
have been progressively contained. The response,
however, has largely involved reallocations of budgeted spending to relief, often by cutting expenditure across the board without regard to the effects
on longer-term economic growth. Development projects funded through the ADP have been particularly
• There is increasing recognition of the need to reflect
policy objectives such as poverty reduction in the
development of strategies for disaster management
and mitigation.
• Investment planning and project prioritization need
to be strengthened. Disaster mitigation should be
part of project design. Increased expenditure on O&M
could be a cost-effective means of reducing disaster
• Much foreign aid has involved reallocating and
bringing forward commitments, rather than providing additional funding. There have been shifts
from project aid to food and commodity aid, and
concern that some donors have followed their own
project priorities rather than considering wider
• Newer forms of spreading the financial costs of disasters, including disaster-earmarked contingency reserves
and market-based instruments for risk-spreading,
merit further consideration. Risk-spreading could
safeguard more public finance resources for development and also strengthen microfinance operations,
which have a key role in the poverty reduction
• There is a need for better assessment of natural hazard
risk, including that from earthquakes, and for strengthened regional cooperation.
Research Implications
• The consequences of the 1998 floods were much
more closely examined than was true of the floods a
decade earlier, and this helped mitigate and manage
the effects. There is a need for agreed on and generally adopted guidelines covering postdisaster and
mitigation assessments. This is a task for Bangladesh.
• Further economic research into natural disasters
would be valuable. The use of regression analysis to
quantify the short-term impacts of disaster shocks
on national accounting aggregates could be applied
to public finance and external assistance. It would
also be useful to extend quantitative economic investigations to consider the public expenditure and
revenue implications of disaster shocks.
• The specific focus of future investigations of disaster impacts should be on the composition of public
expenditure to identify key areas of capital and recurrent expenditure that need to be protected, as well
as areas where additional spending is needed to assist
immediate crisis management, recovery, and disaster mitigation.
• The full cost of disaster impacts should embrace
public enterprises and agencies and public finance
operations. Case studies are needed to explore this
area more fully because a useful composite analysis
is not possible with the limited data available.
• A full inventory of aid from all external donors and
agencies and of the ways they assist following disasters would be a useful contribution to the integration
of disaster reduction into longer-term development
Appendix B
strategy. The classification of types of aid also needs
to be updated.
• Natural hazards are extremely complex. State-of-theart scientific and technical advice is needed to make
sense of many issues. A review of the adequacy of
support for research on and monitoring of hazard
vulnerability is desirable.
Appendix C
Malawi and Southern Africa: Climatic
Variability and Economic Performance
Malawi’s 2002 Food Crisis: How Might Better
Climatic Forecasting Have Helped?
The study summarized here was undertaken between
November 2001 and July 2002. It focused on climatic
variability and the usefulness of climatic information
in southern Africa and included a country study of
Malawi. The study area was chosen because of the
reported progress in seasonal climatic forecasting, the
attention given to the El Niño phenomenon, and concern about long-term climatic change.
Malawi is a small, landlocked country in southern
Africa with an estimated population of 10.8 million in
2000. It is one of the poorest countries in Africa;
about 65 percent of the population is below the national
poverty line, and 28 percent is in extreme poverty.
Health and social indicators are among the lowest in
Africa. Infant mortality in 2000 was 134 per 1,000
live births, compared with an average of 92 for SubSaharan Africa. Average life expectancy (now 37 at
birth) is declining as a result of HIV/AIDS, which in
1999 affected 16 percent of the adult population and
31 percent of women in antenatal care. Adult literacy
is under 60 percent, and only 78 percent of children
attend school. Agriculture accounted for some 40 percent of GDP in 2000; its share of GDP has been increasing since the early 1990s as a result of industrial
stagnation and the contraction of the public service
sector. About 89 percent of the economically active
population is classified as rural. Malawi is heavily
dependent on maize, which is the main food staple and
in a normal year probably accounts for about threequarters of the population’s calorie consumption. Export
earnings are dominated by tobacco (61 percent), tea
(9 percent), and sugar (8 percent). This dependence
on rainfed crops makes Malawi vulnerable to variations
in rainfall and temperature, as well as to commodity
price shocks.
The 2002 food crisis in Malawi, which was emerging
during the time of the study, highlights both the
important potential gains that good climatic forecasting offers, in terms of managing the risks associated with
climatic variability, and the problems that need to be
overcome to develop and make full, effective use of
meteorological monitoring and forecasting in the region.
It provides a highly relevant starting point for examining the linkages and issues at the heart of the study.
The impetus for improving drought risk management
at a regional level for southern Africa—an effort involving regional bodies, national governments, and the international community—stemmed from the droughts of
1991/92 and 1994/95. By 1997/98, a formal process
for consensus-based, long-lead or seasonal climatic forecasting had emerged, managed through the Southern
African Regional Climate Outlook Forum (SARCOF).
Within Malawi, the Department of Meteorological Services was providing 10-day bulletins on rainfall, temperature, and sunshine for the meteorological stations
under its control. Despite this progress, the meteorological input into anticipating and assessing the scale of
the emerging crisis seems to have been limited. SARCOF’s
forecasts were for above-average rainfall in the region in
2000–01 and for broadly average rainfall in 2001–02.
Because the overriding concern in the region has traditionally been the risk of drought, the potential negative
impacts of higher-than-average rainfall were not recognized. Policy decisions taken in Malawi were therefore
predicated on a normal or favorable climatic outlook
and on what turned out to be an overoptimistic view of
the likely maize crop. In apparently favorable conditions,
a poverty reduction scheme that provided all small-scale
subsistence farmers with a minimum package of seeds
and fertilizer was halved in order to reduce public expenditure. As a result, many farmers were unable to respond
to the early onset of the main rains, and this contributed to reduced production. Furthermore, on the
advice of the IMF, and with World Bank agreement,
Malawi sold two-thirds of its strategic grain reserve,
which in 2000 was near capacity, to reduce its debt.
The decision was taken prematurely, while planting
was still under way and the size of the maize crop was
uncertain. In the event, crop yields were low, with dangerous consequences for food security, and the government had to make replacement purchases of grain that
wiped out the savings from the sales.
The 2002 crisis was the outcome of many factors, of
which climate was only one. But a better understanding of agro-meteorological relationships, reliable crop
production data, and less generalized climatic forecasts for informing economic and food security decisions would undoubtedly have helped avoid some of
the extreme consequences of the low crop yields.
There was apparently little understanding of how fragile
Malawi’s society and the economy had become, and there
was insufficient appreciation of the sensitivity of the
maize and tobacco crop to weather conditions throughout
the season and the damaging effect of erratic rainfall levels.
In the region at large, an overconcentration on the risks
of drought was in evidence, leading to “undue confidence,” given the highly generalized forecasts of average
or above-average rainfall. Because of financial and human
resource constraints, data collected from meteorological
stations within Malawi were not analyzed and interpreted to draw out the agro-meteorological linkages or
permit the closer monitoring of weather on a local
basis throughout the growing season. This more
robust data monitoring is essential in order to assess
and deal with the vulnerability of the important smallholder agricultural sector.
As the 2002 crisis demonstrates, major benefits can
be derived from strengthening climatic forecasting regionally and at the country level. Using evidence up to the
late 1990s, this study:
• Reassesses the economic consequences of climatic
variability in the light of experience such as the El
Niño event in 1997/98
Appendix C
• Takes stock of the current capacity of climatic forecasting and of progress in research to review the range
of potentially useful outcomes
• Examines the institutional capacity and financing
issues that arise if effective use is to be made of strengthened forecasting ability.
Climatic Variability, Agriculture, and Economic
Performance in Southern Africa
The droughts of 1991/92, 1994/95, and 1997/98 were
all associated with El Niño events. Climatologists have
established a highly significant relationship between the
El Niño–Southern Oscillation phenomenon (ENSO)
and interannual variations in rainfall in southern Africa.
(See note 3 in chapter 1 for an explanation of ENSO
and related events.) But it is not a simple canonical
relationship: not every El Niño event brings low rainfall, and in some years extremely low annual rainfall is
not clearly linked to El Niño events. Much less well
understood oceanic-atmospheric interactions in the
Indian and South Atlantic Oceans are now recognized
as important influences on rainfall patterns.
Cereal production, especially maize production, is
central to food security in southern Africa. It is also
highly sensitive to drought and to climatic variation
more generally. In a crisis, ensuring maize supply is
likely to take priority over other trade considerations
and in public spending decisions. So, it makes sense to
look first at the impact of climate on cereal and maize
production and how that affects the economies of southern Africa. South Africa is by far the largest agricultural
producer in the region, accounting for 64 percent of
cereal production and 62 percent of maize production
during the period 1993–98. Cereal production in South
Africa and the rest of the region is correlated, generally
moving in the same direction.
The relationship throughout the region between
volatility of production and climatic events is striking.
But the pattern is more complex than one in which a
drought caused by El Niño results in low crop yields.
Different sequences in drought impacts at the country
level—some of them ahead of El Niño–linked droughts—
are reflected in year-to-year changes in maize yields and
in agricultural GDP. In 1997/98 the risks associated with
the strong El Niño event led climatologists to forecast
Malawi and Southern Africa: Climatic Variability and Economic Performance
severe drought in southern Africa and very low crop
yields. In fact, although regional crop yields were lower
than normal, the rainfall associated with oceanic activity in the Indian Ocean resulted in more favorable conditions in countries in the north of the region, and crop
yields were higher than had been anticipated by scientists using only El Niño–based models. The conclusion
we draw from this is that total rainfall is a better explanatory variable than ENSO for analyzing crop yield variations. Obviously, there are other important factors.
Nevertheless, focusing on rainfall and output makes for
better understanding of the consequences of climatic
variability historically and in the future, with implications for food security and economic policy.
Drought has been commonly seen as the main climate issue in the region. The recent disastrous floods in
Mozambique, however, and the role that the extremely
high rainfall in 2000/01 played in the lead-up to the food
crisis of 2002, have highlighted the risks associated with
high rainfall. Plotting annual cereal and maize outputs
against the southeastern African rainfall index suggests
that outputs plateau at rainfall levels about 15 percent
above the mean levels for 1960–90. Above that, there
is increased probability of reduced production. A parallel analysis for Zimbabwe showed a similar pattern.
In Malawi, which is at the northern margin of the climatic region, there was no significant relationship between
crop yields and either the regional rainfall index or ENSO
variables. There was, however, a link between crop yield
and country-specific rainfall levels for the critical month
of February, rather than for the year. Our conclusion is
that climatic forecasting and early-warning systems need
to give more attention to the likelihood of extremely high
rainfall events and that localized monitoring and agrometeorological interpretation of data are needed to reflect
the significant variations between and within countries
in the region and to inform critical decisions.
The wider economic impacts of droughts in the region
largely reflect multiplier and linkage effects from the
agricultural sector and are felt in the subsequent year
with a lag of 6 to 12 months.
Costs of Climatic Shocks
As is the case with most natural hazard risks, the livelihoods most affected when disaster strikes are those of
the poorest in the population. The clearest impacts of
drought are on cereals and especially on production of
and trade in maize. The extreme 1991/92 drought
reduced maize production by 10 million metric tons,
and it cost US$1 billion in cereal losses at import
parity prices and US$500 million in the actual logistical costs of importing cereal into affected southern
African countries. There were also severe wider impacts
on GDP and the agricultural sector of at least double
this magnitude over 12 months. The climatically less
severe 1994/95 drought involved costs of US$1 billion
in cereal losses because of higher prices in a tighter international cereal market. The 1997/98 El Niño event
caused significant but less serious losses. The effects of
the 2002 crisis are beyond the scope of the study, but
the development of another El Niño has led to emergency cereal import costs that exceeded losses in 1997/98.
Costs of this scale require action at the national, regional,
and international levels to prepare an economic strategy and to coordinate aid policy. The value of climatic
forecasting lies in offering early evidence of enhanced
risk of a major shock and in anticipating the costs and
the scale of measures that may be needed at the national
and regional levels.
Climatic Variability and the Malawi Economy
Periods of below-average or erratic rainfall were less
extreme and less general in their effects in the 1970s
and 1980s than in the 1990s. The droughts of 1991/92
and 1993/94 had very severe impacts on agriculture in
Malawi, and in particular on the smallholder sector,
which accounts for the largest share of maize production. Maize production declined by around 60 percent
in 1991/92, to the equivalent of only 45 percent of average production levels in the previous five years. High
and well-distributed rainfall, combined with policies
for assisting smallholders, resulted in a bumper maize
crop and a record tobacco crop in 1992/93. To avoid
the producer disincentives that might result from these
very high yields, Malawi’s Agricultural Development
and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC) made record
purchases (over 375,000 metric tons) of maize, adding
to the financial pressures on the government. But in
1993/94, following low and erratic rainfall in key growing areas, maize production again fell sharply. In 1994/95,
when South Africa and Zimbabwe were affected by low,
poorly distributed rainfall, Malawi’s agriculture
largely recovered. These zonal differences in the pattern and timing of drought impacts in 1994 and 1995
highlight important climatic variations both within the
country and regionally. In 2000/01, following exceptionally high rainfall and widespread flooding, maize
production fell by 30 percent and tobacco was down
16 percent.
The wider economic consequences of drought in a
Sub-Saharan African economy like Malawi’s include
direct impacts on agriculture and on other productive
sectors that rely on water, such as hydroelectricity, as
well as indirect multiplier relationships. The overall
pattern of drought impacts on public finances in Malawi
has been broadly consistent with standard expected
patterns. Drought severely reduced agricultural production toward the end of one financial year, and the
financial effects of relief and recovery assistance followed in the next financial year. Flawed or problematic data have made it difficult to undertake in-depth
sectoral or wider economic analysis of the effects of
climatic shocks or to isolate the effects of drought. Nevertheless, the evidence suggests that Malawi’s economy
was among the most sensitive to drought shocks of any
in the region.
Before the 1991/92 drought, there were signs of
improvement in the economy, with export revenue
rising and public expenditure falling. In 1991, however, the combined effects of several factors—the refugee
and trade impacts of the Mozambique conflict; increasing political difficulties within Malawi that temporarily halted nonrelief development aid; and the extreme
drought in 1991/92—resulted in a near-chaotic budgeting situation. Public expenditure rose by 30 percent
in real terms between 1991/92 and 1994/95, and the
rate of inflation jumped from 12.5 percent in 1990/91
to 75 percent in 1994/95. Fiscal measures, combined
with better agricultural performance, led to a temporary stabilization in 1995/96 and 1996/97. Nevertheless, public finances in Malawi have continued to be
volatile. Upward pressures on expenditure have
intensified in recent years. Foreign aid levels, on which
development funding depends, have been influenced
by political and governance issues, as well as by economic and humanitarian considerations, and this has
Appendix C
been a factor in Malawi’s relatively unstable public
Climatic Variability in Southern Africa and the Links
to Wider Climatic Processes
At a general level, the effects of destabilizing climatic
hazards are increasingly well understood and predictable,
but there are still important gaps in our knowledge. The
study examined climate variability and links to wider
global processes in the light of recent research and events
in the study area.
In the predominantly semiarid southern African region,
rainfall varies significantly from year to year, with a pronounced seasonal cycle. The rainy season generally
extends from October–November to April, reaching a
peak between December and February. Rainfall distribution during the rainy season is variable, depending
on the interplay between tropical and midlatitude weather
systems and convective variability. As a result of increased
temperatures and higher water evaporation rates, future
global climate change is likely to alter short-term climatic variability and change rainfall patterns, reducing
water availability. Rainfall during the peak of the wet
season is likely to increase, but with offsetting decreases
in the drier months. Both droughts and floods may
become more likely, but uncertainty will be greater.
Fluctuations in seasonal rains are linked to regional
sea surface temperatures and the global ENSO phenomenon. The links between ENSO and the regional
weather system are robust and are relatively well understood. Models can predict ENSO up to a year in advance,
and, using that information, useful predictions of southern African rainfall can be made at lead times of up to
five months. During El Niño events, southeastern Africa
is likely to experience a 50–60-millimeter shift toward
drier conditions. During La Niña events, models show
above-normal rainfall in southeastern Africa for all
rainy season months except February. By contrast, equatorial eastern Africa is likely to experience relatively
wetter periods during El Niños and relatively drier phases
associated with La Niñas. The severity of the impacts
depends on the specific pattern of an extreme ENSO event.
Climatic zones, of course, do not follow national boundaries: Malawi lies between the core zones of southeastern and equatorial eastern Africa, increasing the difficulties
Malawi and Southern Africa: Climatic Variability and Economic Performance
of climate forecasting for that country. Moreover, it is
changes in the distribution of rain during the wet season
associated with El Niño events, rather than total rainfall amounts, that are crucial to understanding agricultural impacts. These changes are complex and difficult
to predict, limiting the precision of forecasts.
ENSO is not the only factor that affects rainfall in
southern Africa; regional sea surface temperatures and
topography are also important. Predictions of sea surface temperatures of the Indian and Pacific Oceans are
used to produce seasonal forecasts for South Africa, and
South Atlantic temperatures also help shape atmospheric circulation. Despite advances in forecasting capability, for some areas of southern Africa predictability,
or the “skill” of the forecast, may still be relatively low.
Certainly, there are complex relationships that go beyond
the influence of El Niño that need to be taken into
account in reviewing the potential and actual roles of
climatic forecasting.
As noted, drought has been seen as the main climatic
hazard. This is reflected in the importance accorded to
drought management in macroeconomic policy and in
the institutional arrangements for disaster management.
But more recent events, including the 2002 food crisis
in Malawi, have highlighted other important climate
• Erratic rainfall, particularly an extended halt in
rains at the critical flowering time, can considerably
reduce crop yields, even if total annual or seasonal
rainfall is at or near normal. Food security implications are particularly serious if there is excessive
dependence on a single crop, such as maize. Further investigation is needed into the extent and frequency of the phenomenon of midseason dry spells.
With increasing cultivation of marginal lands, a useful
climatic-forecasting product would be a probability
assessment of the likelihood of an erratic rainfall pattern and the risk of extended dry periods. Are extended
dry periods at critical points in the growing season
closely linked to below-average overall rainfall, or
are there other influences on the short-term distribution of rainfall?
• Extremely high rainfall can also reduce crop yields
through flooding, or perhaps because of reduced solar
radiation as a result of more extensive and denser
cloud cover. Cloud cover is not regularly monitored
in terrestrial meteorology, so this effect can be confirmed only by correlating remote-sensing and
agronomic data. Excessive rainfall also disrupts infrastructure and communications, with associated costs.
• The emphasis on drought risks is understandable,
given the devastating effect of drought. It has, however, led to a perhaps undue concentration on and
oversimplified interpretation of the impact of El Niño
events on southern Africa’s climate, and to an assumption that if drought is not a prospect, the agricultural season will be good. As another example, a water
management strategy in southern Africa focused on
building up capacity to ensure adequate flows in the
dry season; in 2000, emergency releases from overfull reservoirs then exacerbated downstream flooding in Mozambique.
• Households and the national food system are operating within increasingly narrow margins because of
socioeconomic pressures—demography, the HIV/AIDS
pandemic, and economic adjustment. They are potentially more fragile and more sensitive to erratic intraseasonal distribution of rainfall, which is difficult to
In summary, drought remains the most likely source
of food crisis and climate-related economic shock. Nevertheless, it is now clear that the food system, the
livelihoods of the poor majority of the largely rural population, and the wider economy are sensitive to any
destabilizing climatic risks. In these circumstances, the
value of well-coordinated work, supported by adequate
resources, to improve understanding of the evolving
weather situation and build climatic-forecasting
capacity for the region is clear.
Climatic Forecasting
There has been considerable progress toward better integration and strengthening of meteorological systems
within the Southern African Development Community (SADC). SARCOF now provides a formal process
for consensus-based, long-lead or seasonal climatic forecasting. The SARCOF forecasts rely heavily on forecasts
from global statistical models (which partly reflect the
behavior of ENSO), with additional details from national
meteorological services. They are made seasonally, in
September for October–December and for January–
March, with the January–March forecast reassessed in
December. SARCOF provides forecasts in three broad
probability bands for below-normal, near-normal, and
above-normal total rainfall for the relevant periods, and
forecasts are shown for spatial zones with similar rainfall response.
The precision of SARCOF forecasts is still very
limited, and probabilities are more difficult to assign
for zones farther away from the core areas of southeastern Africa. For example, in the 2001/02 forecasts,
the assigned probabilities varied between 20 and 60
percent, with about a 40–50 percent probability for
the most likely outcome band. The forecasts are difficult to downscale and are imprecise as to the risks
of erratic rainfall patterns that have a critical effect on
crop performance. Implicitly, the focus has continued to be on the risk of major drought. The greater
attention now paid to forecasting and monitoring
weather through the season, however, ensures that scientific data on a 10-daily basis are more rapidly available to inform assessment and decisions. Global climatic
developments are also closely watched, and assessments are quickly disseminated through the Internet.
A problem is that decisionmakers would like very clear
predictions (“This climatic event will lead to this pattern of weather in the coming months”), particularly
when food security depends on good crop-growing
conditions. The reality is that because of the complexity of weather patterns and impacts, forecasts often
have to reflect uncertainty. For example, forecasters
identified a high probability of a relatively weak El
Niño event toward the end of 2002, but there was great
uncertainty about what this might mean for the 2002/03
wet season. In effect, the models were saying that decisions about an already difficult food security situation had to be taken in circumstances of more than
usual uncertainty.
Although it is difficult to place a robust value on climatic forecasting, qualitatively its usefulness is clear.
Climatic forecasting work has:
• Provided a process for scientific consensus
• Integrated and strengthened meteorological systems in the region
• Established systems for closer monitoring and reporting of weather throughout the year
Appendix C
• Identified priorities for further research to improve
forecasting ability
• Created systems for assessing climatic risk that can
feed into decisionmaking.
This study has not assembled complete costing for
forecasting work. The financial costs attributable to
the whole forecasting effort for southern Africa are around
US$5 million, spread across services and research
institutions within and outside the region. These costs
are modest compared with the economic costs imposed
by climatic variability in the region, which are estimated
to be at least US$1 billion a year. Regional climatic
forecasting needs to be sustained as a learning process.
Although long-lead forecasting is still in its infancy, climatic research is making rapid progress—for example,
toward including the oceanic influences of the Indian
and South Atlantic Oceans in forecasting models. An
important point is that the benefits are not confined to
the region. The private sector, the international donor
community, and financial institutions are all involved
in managing the effects of climatic variability.
The ultimate test of the usefulness of information is
whether and how it is used, and with what results. A
survey of potential and actual users of forecasts, undertaken as part of the study, has confirmed the value of
forecasting. First of all, country-specific forecasts can
alert international and national agencies and NGOs to
the need for precautionary measures to safeguard
food security and water supplies and to reduce the cost
of crisis measures, which could be financially destabilizing. But the survey also highlighted problems that
at present limit the value of forecasts. For example,
the spatial scale is often not detailed enough; there is
insufficient detail about the distribution of rainfall
within the wet season; information about the start and
end of the rains is needed; there needs to be sufficient
time to respond to forecasts; and users would like more
information about the accuracy of past forecasts. At
present, only some commercial farmers are able to
respond to more specific seasonal forecasts. Smallholders lack the technical options and resources to
modify significantly their choice of crop, seed variety,
or traditional planting practices. The use being made
of climatic forecasting is promising, but considerable
institutional strengthening and technical capacity building, more systematic application of current scientific
Malawi and Southern Africa: Climatic Variability and Economic Performance
knowledge, and investment in data and equipment
are still required.
Conclusions and Recommendations
The findings that emerge from the study of Malawi and
southern Africa pertain to the interplay between climatic variability, agriculture, and economic performance;
the value and limitations of climatic forecasting; and
the need for better information on climate. Recommendations are proposed as appropriate.
Climatic Variability, Agriculture,
and Economic Performance
The agriculture and economies of southern Africa are
highly sensitive to climatic variability—more so than had
been recognized. The 2002 food crisis underscored the
vulnerability of the region, and especially the rural poor,
to food insecurity resulting directly from climatic
instability and shocks, and not just drought.
The intense impact of droughts between 1981/82
and the mid-1990s led to a too-narrow preoccupation
with drought at the expense of the broader problem of
climatic variability. But agricultural performance is
also sensitive to rainfall 25 percent or more above
average and to intraseasonal variations in the distribution of rain. Agriculture in the region is likely to perform best when annual rainfall is within a 90 to 120
percent band of long-term mean total rainfall. High rainfall, as well as drought, should signal the need for
increased concern about regional food security.
Both El Niño and La Niña are important influences. An
increased risk of an extreme El Niño event should put
the region on the alert for a possible drought and a
related food crisis, particularly in countries near the core
of the southeastern African climatic region. But El
Niño events alone are not good predictors of agricultural performance; the floods and the poorer agricultural year in 2000/01 were associated with a La Niña
event. Countries to the north of the region are more sensitive to erratic intraseasonal rainfall distribution than
to relatively rare low-rainfall or drought years. Climatic variability at the country and subregional levels
needs closer monitoring.
Southern African agriculture is becoming more sensitive
to climatic shocks. There is evidence of increasing volatility in agricultural indicators such as maize yields and
in macroeconomic performance. Factors contributing
to this fragility include:
• Unsustainable agricultural practices. Cereal production is stagnating due to failure to follow cropping
patterns that sustain soil nutrient levels or to increase
fertilizer applications to compensate for the effects
of intensified land use and environmental degradation.
• Structural change in agriculture. A shift in production
to smallholders has not been accompanied by sufficiently successful efforts to establish a viable credit
system, provide support in the form of seeds and
other inputs, and create a supportive marketing structure for smaller producers.
• Institutional weaknesses that constrain smallholder
agriculture and contribute to food insecurity and malnutrition.
• Political instability in the region.
• Foreign aid that has been influenced by political and
governance issues, as well as by directly economic
and humanitarian needs.
• The effects of HIV/AIDS on human resources, which
are insidious but are so far largely unquantified.
Climatic change may affect the area’s hazard risk.
Although there is as yet no conclusive evidence that
the region is becoming drier or is suffering more frequent extreme climatic events, both are anticipated as
consequences of global climatic change. A fuller
understanding of the environmental and socioeconomic
consequences of variability is needed in order to isolate the forms of climate change and their implications.
Climatic Forecasting and How to Increase
Its Usefulness
There is an urgent need to reduce vulnerability to climate variability and the threat posed by climate change. Critical to
achieving reduction in vulnerability is improvement in
the information that forms the basis for decisions at all
levels, from smallholders to national and international
bodies. The study looked at what has been achieved and
what remains to be done and asks whether climatic forecasting should be a priority for international aid and for
the use of scarce human resources within southern Africa.
Among the findings are the following:
• Efforts to improve regional forecasting and provide
better frameworks for disseminating information are
• The costs of forecasting (presently estimated at around
US$5 million for long-term forecasting for southern
Africa) are modest compared with the very high
economic losses caused by climatic variability. Even
a small reduction in losses through improvements
in public decisions and private risk management justifies investment in strengthening forecasting.
• Although there is no doubting the usefulness of
forecasting, there is some disappointment about what
has been achieved so far. The discovery of El Niño
effects created unrealistic expectations about the
power and precision of forecasting; the full extent of
the increasing sensitivity of the region’s agricultural
economy to variability in general, rather than just to
drought, had not been appreciated; and although
users can see the value of forecasting, their ability to
respond is often limited.
Forecasting needs to be focused on climatic variability
more broadly. This requires more research, downscaled
to zonal levels and intraseasonal timescales.
More specific information about the evolving weather situation would be useful to specific groups such as water
system managers, commercial farmers, and public institutions and NGOs working with small farmers.
Closer agronomic-meteorological collaboration is needed
to help national and international institutions make
more effective use of forecast information in their decisions, including decisions on food security and agricultural support.
Appendix C
More rapid reporting of variability would facilitate quicker
responses to an evolving situation.
More systematic research is needed into the relationship
between crop performance and erratic and very high rainfall.
Information and Public Action
Poor-quality information was an important factor contributing to the 2002 food crisis in Malawi and perhaps
in southern Africa at large. Weaknesses in statistical data—
meteorological, agricultural, and economic—which hampered this study, have become more serious during an
extended period of budgetary near-chaos in Malawi and
underfunding of statistical and scientific information
systems. The HIV/AIDS epidemic may also be eroding
the human resources needed for this work.
The availability of good-quality, trustworthy data is a
necessary condition for effective management of natural disaster risks (and indeed, in all areas of public action). Strengthening and sustaining information systems as a public
good in low-income countries has to be an international
Much remains to be done to make better use of climatic
information in public policy at the country, regional, and
international levels. As soon as there is evidence of an
enhanced risk of an extreme event, the international
community, as well as SADC countries, must use the
available information to prepare for aid policy discussions and to develop economic strategies for the countries involved. The experience of the 1991/92 drought
led to greater efforts to ensure food security, assess the
need for humanitarian aid, and prepare for wider economic and financial consequences, but the 2002 crisis
demonstrated that the situation is not yet satisfactory.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
1. See, for example, Atkins, Mazzi, and Easter (2000) and the
authors’ case studies for Fiji (Benson 1997a) and Montserrat
(Clay and others 1999).
2. Despite the considerable literature on disasters in Bangladesh,
that country is not exceptional. The public finance dimension
had received little attention except for official postdisaster assessments of individual events such as the floods in 1998.
3. An El Niño event is a periodic warming of the surface waters
in the equatorial zone of the central and eastern Pacific that is
linked to a reversal of the normal ocean currents within the
Pacific. There are teleconnections or associations between El
Niño (and the obverse—a La Niña event) and abnormal weather
worldwide (Stockdale and others 1998; Zebiak 1999). One such
association, especially when an El Niño is intense or sustained,
is an increased risk of low and erratic rainfall across much of
southern Africa (Clay and others 2003).
4. For example, an official assessment of the costs of the 1998
floods in Bangladesh aggregated capital losses such as damage
to infrastructure with rice crop losses. An assessment of Hurricane Lenny in Dominica in 1999 included costs of physical
damage and reductions in income from small-scale fisheries.
This practice is quite general: the widely cited estimates of disaster-related “direct damage” in the Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT) of the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology
of Disasters (CRED) include crop losses (reductions in the flow
of agricultural output), along with damage to stocks of assets
such as infrastructure and housing (IFRC 2002).
5. There is no generally accepted definition of vulnerability
beyond recognition of sensitivity and resilience as component
aspects (Alexander 1997).
6. Although there is no accepted term covering both atmospheric
(or climatic) and hydrological hazards, World Disasters Report
2002 uses the term “hydro-meteorological” to characterize events
resulting from atmospheric and oceanic processes that are
recurrent, widespread, and dynamic, under the influence of
global climatic change (IFRC 2002).
7. The case studies are discussed in more detail in appendixes
A, B, and C and are documented in full in the separate case study
8. Other broadly comparable countries made a more rapid but
similar transition, leaving Dominica the least developed of the
former British Caribbean island colonies.
9. Because bananas are highly sensitive to damage from winds
of 40 miles per hour or more, even the fringe impacts of less
severe tropical storms can cause serious damage. Smallholders
are ill equipped to bear heavy losses because of their limited assets
and lack of access to credit. Recovery of banana plantations, however, takes only 9 to 12 months, even when crops are totally
devastated. So, where finance for replanting is available and
marketing channels are not disrupted, bananas are highly resilient.
By contrast, production of copra, Dominica’s other major commercial crop in 1979, took three to four years to recover.
10. Most of Dominica’s road system runs along the narrow coastal
strip very near the shore, rendering it highly vulnerable to storm
damage. Other key infrastructure networks—telecommunications,
electricity, and water transmission and distribution—run alongside the road and are similarly vulnerable.
11. The deepwater port at Woodbridge Bay, built between 1974
and 1978, illustrates the value-for-money case for designing new
infrastructure and buildings to withstand hurricane damage.
12. Formally, hydro-meteorological hazards are determined by
highly complex, chaotic climatic processes, as illustrated by the
well-known El Niño–Southern Oscillation.
13. The base period for climatic analysis is 30 years (currently,
1961–90). A much longer run of data is required to assess
climate-related risks. Two examples from case study countries
illustrate the potentially costly consequences of expectations
formed on the basis of short-term experiences. In Dominica,
which had not experienced a direct hit from a Category 3 or
more hurricane for over 40 years prior to 1979, there was widespread underestimation of the levels of storm-proofing required
in buildings and infrastructure. In southern Africa the decision
rules established in the relatively wetter 1970s for managing
water levels in Lake Kariba failed to provide sufficient reserves
to prevent the 1991/92 drought from disrupting electric power
supplies to Zimbabwe (Benson and Clay 1998).
14. Manufacturing and exports of coconut-based soap products,
encouraged by a Caribbean Community and Common Market
(CARICOM) agreement, increased during the 1990s in Dominica.
The destruction of coconut trees and reductions in yield as a
consequence of a hurricane in 1995 had little impact on manufacturing production. By then, a substantial share of copra
was being brought in from overseas because of high domestic
prices and Dominica’s very limited production. By contrast, in
Zimbabwe during the early 1990s, strong intersectoral linkages
transferred the impacts of the agricultural sector’s increased
vulnerability to drought to the rest of the economy.
15. The governments of Botswana and Namibia have had sufficient resources of their own to finance substantial relief programs, reflecting the importance of the extractive mining sectors
in both countries (Drèze and Sen 1989; Thomson 1994).
16. Socioeconomic change related to development can lead to
the breakdown of traditional familial support, declines in traditional ways of life and the associated coping measures, and the
increased occupation of more hazardous land. These processes
are in part associated with urbanization. Increased provision of
infrastructure and services may also alter vulnerability and even
heighten it. For instance, construction of arterial roads from rural
to urban areas can shift cropping patterns away from loweryielding and less marketable but more hazard-tolerant, traditional
crops and toward more marketable but higher-risk crops. Kelly
and Khan Chowdhury (2002) explore these issues for Bangladesh.
17. The gradual integration and deregulation of food markets
in Bangladesh have helped reduce the macroeconomic effects
of major disasters. By contrast, the deliberate rundown of
maize stocks in Malawi in 2001 proved highly costly, partly
because the private sector had failed to respond to previous
deregulation. The export of maize stocks by Zimbabwe before
the 1991/92 drought offers an uncomfortable parallel. In Fiji
sugar reserves have been used to maintain export earnings and
prevent loss of export markets in the aftermath of natural disasters (Benson 1997a).
18. Bangladesh faces severe global competition in the export of
ready-made garments. By contrast, it was the world’s primary
jute producer and, as such, was a price setter on the international market. Disruption to the production of ready-made garments could result not only in the direct loss of export revenue
but also in the loss of markets overseas.
Notes to Chapter 2
19. Case study evidence for Dominica and Montserrat indicates
that both capital and labor mobility are realities in the Caribbean
20. Preliminary investigations for Indonesia, when it was being
considered as a possible country case for this study, similarly
indicated that it might be difficult, because of the country’s physical size, to isolate on a national scale the effect of disasters that
had a large provincial impact.
21. Some of the environmental and geographic factors studied
are climate, location (coastal or landlocked), availability of natural resources, agricultural productivity, and incidence of disease (see, for example, Diamond 1998; Gallup and Sachs 1999).
22. For example, farmers in more hazard-prone ecosystems of
Bangladesh, Vietnam, and other South and Southeast Asian countries have been less well placed to take advantage of higheryielding but less hazard-tolerant strains of rice (Catling 1994;
Hossain, Bose, and Chowdhury 2001). Similarly, some combination of greater incidence of natural hazards and (related) higher
incidence of poverty can influence the choice of location of investments. In Vietnam, for instance, this choice is contributing to
widening regional disparities, as some more hazard-prone regions
have received disproportionately small shares of both private
and public investment and external assistance (Benson 1997c).
23. The postdisaster shift out of agriculture is explained by a
combination of a gradual reduction in larger-scale production
(because of failure to invest fully in replacement), a movement
of smallholders into employment in other sectors, and, following Hurricane David in 1979, off-island migration. Hurricane
David resulted in the temporary exodus of almost 20,000 people,
equivalent to about a quarter of the predisaster (1978) population. Among those who left were many school-age children,
and 20 years later, the population had still not recovered to its
1978 level. The fisheries sector in Dominica, which provides
livelihoods for many poor families, contracted with each major
disaster. Capital losses are high in every major storm, and some
fishermen, lacking insurance, fail to replace damaged boats and
24. Writing a decade earlier, Khan and Hossain (1989: 144)
also concluded that “inadequate infrastructural facilities constitute a serious obstacle to the economic and social development
of Bangladesh” and that “the physical infrastructure is in urgent
need of rehabilitation and expansion” (181).
25. The continuing volcanic crisis in Montserrat provides an
extreme example of the long-term impacts of a disaster. The
present eruption, which began in 1995, has had a devastating
impact on the economy, with serious implications for the island’s
Notes to Chapters 2 and 3
medium- and long-term development. Most of Montserrat’s administrative, commercial, and industrial facilities have been destroyed,
and the crisis has forced fundamental changes in the economic
structure. It has also had serious ramifications for financial
institutions, precipitating high rates of default on outstanding
loans. The economy will not be viable in either the short or the
medium term without large-scale subsidies from the United
Kingdom. At the individual level, Montserratians have faced loss
of livelihoods and of other assets, including savings. Demographic effects have also been massive; over 50 percent of the
residents have left. The country has been fragmented by mass
migration and relocation, and community and household
structures have broken down (Clay and others 1999).
26. In Zimbabwe, for instance, goats are often kept as a form of
savings to pay for secondary education. In the aftermath of the
1991/92 drought, a number of households were forced to sell
their goats to sustain short-term levels of consumption, with
implications for longer-term investment in human capital (Hicks
27. This process of pauperization is well documented—for example, in drought-prone areas in the Ethiopian highlands (Devereux, Sharp, and Amare 2002).
Chapter 3
28. The authors have so far been unable to identify any other
in-depth retrospective analysis of disasters and public finance,
apart from single-event studies.
29. For example, despite the 1988 floods, Bangladesh’s overall
budget deficit for 1988/89 was actually lower than had been originally projected. Total revenue was higher, both relative to budgeted figures and compared with actual revenue in all earlier
years during the 1980s. Meanwhile, recurrent expenditure on
public food operations, via the Food Account, and on the revenue budget (effectively, all recurrent expenditure) was only marginally higher than budgeted, despite increased flood-related
30. The block allocations, which are comparatively new, are substantial and increasing. For example, in the 1998/99 budget they
totaled 11.2 billion taka (Tk), or 7 percent of the total gross revenue budget. Of this, Tk 5.3 billion was allocated for unexpected
31. The most serious pressures on the separately administered
Food Account were not felt until 1989/90, when stocks were
rebuilt. Meanwhile, revenue was boosted by the introduction of
additional measures to counteract the budgetary impacts of the
floods, including the imposition of a 6 percent surcharge on
income tax; the collection of an additional surcharge of 5.1 percent on excise duties on certain items; deduction of a 4 percent
relief and rehabilitation levy from dividend and interest incomes
on balances in savings and fixed-deposit accounts; and a levy
of 4 percent on telex and telephone bills. Expenditure on the
Annual Development Program (ADP) was almost 20 percent
lower than budgeted, despite flood-related expenditure, implying that spending on some projects was much lower than planned.
32. Before the eruption, Montserrat had a resident population
of 12,000 in an area of 100 square kilometers. It was a middleincome country, with GDP per capita of US$3,600 in 1994. In
1997 revenue receipts (excluding budgetary assistance in the
form of a special grant) totaled only 59 percent of the 1993–94
average, and only 35 percent of the figure for 1998. Meanwhile,
government expenditure increased by 56 percent in real terms,
despite a decline in population. As a consequence, Montserrat
became the recipient of budgetary support for the first time since
1981. According to British government procedures, if an overseas territory receives budgetary aid on a regular basis, or is likely
to do so, the finances of that territory must come under the supervision and, in effect, control of the secretary of state for international development. Accordingly, as a direct consequence of
the volcanic crisis, the island’s government lost any semblance
of financial independence (Clay and others 1999).
33. For instance, according to a UN damage assessment undertaken in the wake of the 1998 flood in Bangladesh, US$186
million was required for the repair of damage to roads and
highways alone, yet the 1999/2000 ADP contained no projects
in this sector whose titles indicated that part or all of the expenditure was intended to address damage resulting from the
34. In Dominica capital investment projects relating to postdisaster rehabilitation and reconstruction are typically not
identified as such in annual budget statements. But a large part
of the increase in capital expenditure between 1983/84 and
1985/96—that is, up to seven years after Hurricane David—
could be attributed to major road investment projects necessitated in part by the hurricane. Part of this increase in capital
expenditure would have been required in any case to make up
for years of inadequate maintenance and low investment.
35. The figure of 20 percent should be put in context. Actual
ADP expenditure is, in any case, typically lower than planned;
over the period 1980/81 to 1998/99, it averaged 89 percent of
the budgeted amount.
36. In the particular case of Bangladesh following the 1988 flood,
the World Bank commented that “while this is a prudent approach,
it is not necessarily desirable in all situations, particularly when
(as at present) domestic demand is stagnant, the inflation rate
is declining, the banking system has adequate liquidity, and there
are substantial donor resources available to assist in flood rehabilitation that are likely to be under-utilized because of shortages of local funds. In this situation, increased deficit financing
can be helpful to the economy, provided that the government is
prepared to take subsequent measures to increase revenues and
restrict expenditures so that the economy does not overheat”
(World Bank 1989: para. 2.19).
37. In 1988 the government of Bangladesh lifted restrictions on
the import and manufacture of agricultural pumping equipment,
encouraging an accelerated expansion of private investment in
lift irrigation and an associated rapid growth in production, especially in output of boro (dry-season) rice. The benefits of this
expansion were particularly noticeable in terms of agricultural
resilience in the aftermath of the 1998 floods.
38. The accounting treatment of bonds for investment, recapitalization, and replacement of nonperforming loans is also ambiguous. Foreign aid is shown as a receipt for financing the ADP, but
the loan component of aid is not included in public debt
(World Bank 1996). A further issue concerns the practice of cash
accounting, in which any internal transactions go unreported.
39. The Electricity Commission of Malawi (ESCOM) incurred
losses as a consequence of the drought because tariffs did not keep
pace with inflation. Nonpayment also peaked in the crisis year of
1992. The National Railways of Zimbabwe ran a deficit in 1992/93
owing to increased operating costs as a direct consequence of the
drought-related import program that, among other impacts, obliged
it to hire wagons from South Africa and elsewhere (EC 1993).
40. In Bangladesh the basic medium-term planning exercise is
the five-year plan. A three-year rolling plan was introduced in
fiscal 1991, with the terminal year of each plan coinciding with
the first year of the next. The two types of plan are used as the
basis for drawing up the ADP. Projects within the ADP are
examined in terms of their compatibility with these plans, as
well as their cost, technical quality, and economic viability, but
political pressures and the availability of external assistance for
particular activities also play a role. Thus, development priorities may already be compromised before the occurrence of a
disaster. Problems are exacerbated by the slow process of formalizing budgetary allocations and reallocations; postdisaster
expenditure is sometimes undertaken before it has been formally
approved. Some flexibility (varying among ministries) in the use
Notes to Chapter 3
of funds is permitted, again potentially contributing to a deviation away from stated objectives in the wake of a disaster.
41. Foster and Fozzard continue: “Unfortunately, such indiscriminate cuts ignore spending priorities and the differing composition of expenditure, particularly as regards non-discretionary
items. Where a substantial proportion of sector expenditure is
dedicated to payroll, as in the case of the social sectors, cuts on
discretionary items are likely to be more severe than in the sector
with a smaller payroll component. In all sectors, cuts will be
directed at consumables. In some cases this will mean that staff
continue to be paid although they lack the basic materials necessary to deliver services. Investment projects are another common
target of cuts in expenditure, leading to the postponement of
projects or the failure to meet commitments with donors for the
financing of internal contributions” (2000: 18).
42. The ProVention Consortium is “a global coalition of governments, international organizations, academic institutions, the
private sector and civil society organizations dedicated to increasing the safety of vulnerable communities and to reducing the
impact of disasters in developing countries” (from the ProVention Website, www.proventionconsortium.org/index.htm; accessed
November 5, 2003).
43. In Bangladesh the budgetary difficulties resulting from the
1988 floods made it exceptionally difficult to prepare the budget
for the fiscal year 1989/90 because of the implied additional
financial demands and the uncertainties created by the crisis.
At one point during the preparation of the 1998/99 budget, it
was even suggested that there would be a deficit in the revenue
(recurrent) budget, implying no surplus—or resources—for
the ADP. The ADP had to be reworked again and again as priorities and estimates of the available budgetary envelope changed.
44. As Foster and Fozzard (2000: 12) state, “The budget cycle
needs to be nested within a longer term policy and planning process,
which provides a clear link from planning to the allocation of
resources . . . an annual budget is too short a time frame for addressing development priorities, which require sustained implementation of policies and reforms over a medium to long term period.”
45. Fozzard and others (2001) report that many OECD governments have already introduced a medium-term expenditure
framework (MTEF) and that a number of developing countries
are also embarking on this process. The MTEF consists of a topdown resource envelope consistent with macroeconomic stability and explicit strategic priorities; a bottom-up estimate of
the current and medium-term costs (both recurrent and investment) of existing and new policies, which are also reviewed to
verify their consistency with overall government priorities and
Notes to Chapter 3
spending limits; and an iterative decisionmaking process that
matches these costs with the available resources.
46. In 1999, 20 years after Hurricane David had inflicted severe
damage, and almost a decade after the first comprehensive sea
defense protection plan was completed, Hurricane Lenny again
exposed the inadequacies of sea defenses and the vulnerability
of the road network and other infrastructure along the coast.
47. The study demonstrates the potential benefits of structural
mitigation through a retrospective analysis of public and private projects in the Caribbean that have suffered damage from
tropical storms. One project examined was the deepwater port
in Dominica, which was constructed by the government to handle
banana exports more efficiently and to lower the handling costs
of imports. A year after completion of the facility, Hurricane
David struck, causing reconstruction costs equivalent to 41
percent of the cost of the original port. The study estimated that
had the original facility been built to a higher standard, able to
resist Category 4 hurricanes (an option rejected on grounds of
cost), investment costs would have been only about 12 percent
higher (Vermeiren, Stichter, and Wason 1998).
48. Bangladesh is arguably a notable exception, at least to the
extent that considerable public resources have been invested in
flood control under the highly interventionist flood control,
drainage, and irrigation (FCDI) strategy launched in the 1960s.
It is difficult, however, to estimate total spending on disasterrelated activities, other than in terms of the substantial proportion of development expenditure absorbed by the water resources
sector. Furthermore, the proportion of FCDI accounted for by
disaster reduction is difficult to isolate. Expenditure on mitigation of other hazards, most obviously earthquakes, may be far
too low from an economic perspective.
49. There is “a significant bias toward capital expenditures, driven
by governments which perceive the current coverage of services
and infrastructure to be inadequate and the expansion of service
networks as a priority. . . . One of the results of this capital bias is
to reduce the funds available for O&M, leading to inadequate funding of service provision and the gradual degradation of capital
investments and the quality of public services” (Fozzard and others
2001: 46). The project bias of aid toward additionality favors investing in new physical and human resource development rather than
making up for inadequate recurrent spending.
50. The Dominica government states that “the fiscal burden [of
natural disasters] has been significant necessitating the diversion of scarce resources from programmed activities” (Dominica
2000: 4). To achieve one of its principal goals of economic diversification, the government has placed particular emphasis on the
provision of infrastructure to support growth in agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism. The weak infrastructure base has been
consistently identified as a critical constraint on the pace of development, limiting the country’s ability to attract and sustain new
productive investment. Part of this weakness relates to the continuing vulnerability of the internal transport and communication network to adverse weather systems, necessitating expenditure
to rehabilitate roads in the aftermath of storms. The indirect fiscal
impact of disasters has been an additional factor contributing
to limited government saving and restricting the availability of
counterpart financing. The lack of counterpart financing is
reported to have “led to the non-implementation or the deferral of important projects in the social sector, notably in housing, water and sewerage” (Dominica 1998: 24).
51. The strains that the Philippines’ rising population places on
the country’s ability to provide sufficient classrooms and other
social infrastructure have been exacerbated by the damage inflicted
by natural hazards. Indeed, the National Physical Framework Plan,
1993–2022, lists this damage and the consequent redirection of
resources (which in turn hampers the implementation of other
infrastructural projects), as one of six key issues and concerns in
the development of infrastructure (Philippine NLUC 1992).
52. In the Philippines the 1990 earthquake and the 1989–90
drought were reported to have contributed to a 6.7 percent
increase in total external debt in 1990 and a 22.4 percent increase
in debt owed to official creditors alone (Ernst & Young 1991).
An examination of the impact of the mid-1980s drought on external borrowing in six Sub-Saharan African countries revealed that
the growth rate in total debt stocks accelerated during the year
of most severe drought in five of the six (Benson and Clay 1998).
The exception, Zimbabwe, had been pursuing a deliberate
long-term policy of debt reduction.
53. The Japanese Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund (OECF)
extended a loan to the Philippine government for the construction of rural roads in northern Luzon that were subsequently damaged by typhoons (Benson 1997b). Such loans
cannot be canceled.
54. By 1991, Zimbabwe’s economy had failed to meet certain
extended SAP targets, most notably falling 0.6 percentage point
below the target GDP growth rate. Some commentators believed
that the economy was unlikely to meet target performance indicators in 1992, either, and by the end of 1991 the government
was beginning to warn of adverse short-term conditions as an
unavoidable part of the structural adjustment process. The subsequent drought certainly impeded the progress of adjustment, and a number of the original economic targets for 1992
and 1993 were not achieved. In particular, the drought hampered
efforts to reduce the budget deficit (and thus to reduce domestic borrowing) and to restructure the civil service and parastatal
bodies. As a consequence, the expected domestic supply-side
response to the reform program, which was critical to its success, was partly curtailed. But the drought was retrospectively
seen by the Zimbabwe government, as well as by the World
Bank and the IMF, as the principal cause of the economic difficulties experienced in 1992, rather than as a factor exacerbating
existing problems. Cynics might even argue that the drought provided a convenient scapegoat for the country’s economic difficulties, allowing the IMF and the World Bank, which were keen
for a “success” story of adjustment, to continue to hold up Zimbabwe as a potential triumph. Meanwhile, the drought enabled
the Zimbabwe government to sustain the reform process by avoiding a large decline in public support (Benson 1998).
55. John Roberts, Overseas Development Institute, personal
communication, February 2003.
56. General contingency reserves are often used to meet the cost
of any public sector wage increases negotiated during the year.
Chapter 4
57. Recent important theoretical and policy contributions to
the subject include Kaul, Grunberg, and Stern (1999) and Ferroni
and Mody (2002). The work by Cornes and Sandler (1996) is
widely regarded as the fullest statement of the theoretical
framework on which these discussions are based.
58. The World Bank (2001) estimated total annual average aid
commitments during the period 1995–98 at US$5 billion for
core IPG and US$11 billion for complementary activities,
yielding a total of US$16 billion. On a narrower basis, te Velde,
Morrissey, and Hewitt (2002) estimated total annual average IPG
commitments during 1996–98 as US$9 billion, the equivalent
of 9 percent of ODA.
59. The spatial scale of forecasts is often not detailed enough,
and there is insufficient detail about the distribution of rainfall
within the wet season. Information about the start and end of
the rains is needed. There also needs to be sufficient time to
respond to forecasts. Finally, users would like more information about the accuracy of past forecasts.
60. The International Development Association (IDA) grants
concessional assistance to low-income countries. It and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) make
up the World Bank.
Notes to Chapters 3 and 4
61. For example, there is a large gap between import and
export parity prices for cereals in the landlocked countries of
southern Africa. Failure to recognize the increasing risks of an
impending poor production season has resulted in decisions to
run down national food security stocks of maize, necessitating
costly imports as replacement stocks. This happened in Zimbabwe in 1991 and in Malawi in 2001. Liberalization of internal and external markets for cereals shifts part of the
decisionmaking to the private sector. If the private sector misjudges the situation, governments and the international community face the contingent liability of ensuring food security
and preventing famine at almost any cost.
62. Even more problematic than the shelter program has been
the construction and maintenance of the network of coastal
embankments to mitigate the effects of storm surges. There can
be, for example, rivalry between rice producers, mostly small
farmers, and large-scale shrimp producers, who sometimes breach
the embankments to admit saline seawater, thus jeopardizing
the protective function of the works.
63. In 2001 the government of Bangladesh contributed 56 percent of the recurrent operational costs (totaling US$460,000)
of the Cyclone Preparedness Program managed by the Bangladesh
Red Crescent. The International Federation of Red Cross and
Red Crescent Societies covered the remainder (IFRC 2002).
64. Monitoring units have been installed, one in each participating country. Such a project raises problems of sustainability,
and trust funds amounting to US$50,000 have been agreed on
for the maintenance of each unit. In the light of the damage suffered by some units during Hurricane Lenny, further expenditure will be required to improve storm resistance (information
derived from www.cpacc.org).
65. As yet, there are no models that integrate real-time meteorological information for upstream areas in India to predict
flood hazards in Bangladesh. Warnings depend on direct
assessments by dam and river engineers that go through official
channels within India and are then passed on to authorities in
lower riparian Bangladesh (Chapman and Rudra 2002).
66. Since 1967, three national risk zone maps have been produced for Bangladesh. The latest (1993) version is reproduced in
Benson and Clay (2002a: map 3). Local geologists acknowledge
the tentative nature of these assessments, which are based on the
inadequate available data. In addition, visual inspection suggests
that the latest Bangladesh map is inconsistent with the seismic
hazard map produced in India for neighboring West Bengal State.
67. The SRU is an autonomous entity within the University of the
West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad. Its core funding
Notes to Chapters 4 and 5
is provided by Trinidad and Tobago; 20 percent of the funding
comes from Barbados, and 30 percent comes from six other jurisdictions: Antigua, Dominica, Montserrat, St. Lucia, St. Vincent
and the Grenadines, and St. Kitts and Nevis. Additional funds
are obtained from specific contracts such as that for providing
seismic monitoring for Netherlands overseas territories. The SRU
has faced pressures to reallocate core staff to university teaching (Clay and others 1999). The islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe, between which Dominica is sandwiched, are part of the
French national monitoring system and are not in the same
seismic network as Dominica. The U.S. territories rely on the
U.S. Geological Survey. The Caribbean Disaster Emergency
Response Agency (CDERA), an organization that supports disaster preparedness and disseminates information, is confined
to the former U.K. colonies and the remaining U.K. overseas
territories. The OAS, which supports disaster mitigation and loss
reduction, does not include European overseas territories.
68. H. Alderman, lead human resource economist, Africa Region,
World Bank, personal communication, November 2002.
Chapter 5
69. Insurance payouts can be made in as little as 24 hours after
a disaster if the adjusters can be organized quickly.
70. The law of demand states that the lower the price of a product, the greater the amount demanded. The position and shape
of a consumer’s demand curve—that is, the amount of a product
demanded for a given price—will depend on ability to pay, as
determined by the financial resources at the consumer’s command,
and on willingness to pay, as determined by the utility (satisfaction or need fulfillment) derived from consumption of a particular quantity of a good. Demand curves for all consumers in a market
can be aggregated to produce a market demand curve showing
the total amount consumers would like to purchase at each price.
71. For example, the World Bank (1998b) recommended complementary actions by both the public and the private sectors
to help overcome problems relating to the safety of insurance
coverage in the Caribbean region. Companies and households
in the region should be encouraged to establish financial reserves
to supplement insurance and cover uninsurable losses. Governments should consider the establishment of reserve funds
that could be drawn on for infrastructure repairs. The OAS has
similarly recommended both incentives and requirements for
the creation of financial reserves in the Caribbean region.
72. The World Bank is providing a contingent credit line to a
compulsory earthquake insurance scheme established in certain
areas of Turkey in the wake of the 1999 Marmara earthquake.
The credit line provides initial capitalization of a newly created
insurance pool, ensuring its financial solvency should an earthquake occur while funds are being accumulated.
73. The one apparent exception, United Insurance, has actively
promoted structural mitigation. Premium discounts of up to 40
percent are available for retrofitted commercial properties, with
reductions of 17 to 25 percent for retrofitted domestic properties. The program, which was officially introduced only in
1997, has already achieved impressive results. The average cost
of claims on affected risks following Hurricane Jose in Antigua
in 1999 was equivalent to 10 percent of the total sum insured
but to only 4.75 percent of the sum insured in the case of retrofitted projects. Although the program was not intended as a marketing tool, it has generated new clients for the company in
Antigua. But although United has considered making its mitigation program mandatory for all its insurees, as the sole company offering such a scheme it has concluded that, on balance,
it would probably lose clients if it did so.
74. This coverage was estimated by an insurance industry
spokesperson at about 90 percent of businesses (including factories) and 18–20 percent of households in 1996. The securing
of mortgages is conditional on the acquisition of cyclone insurance, which can be obtained only on presentation of a certificate confirming compliance with the 1985 National Building
Code. Even then, the system may break down in a softer
market. As of early 1996, the Fiji insurance market had become
highly competitive following record profits in the previous
(disaster-free) year. This attracted new entrants who were rumored
to be demanding no cyclone-proofing certification for issuing
cyclone insurance policies.
75. Following an escalation in August 1997 of Montserrat’s
continuing volcanic crisis, international insurers suddenly canceled most insurance policies on the island. Because the small
economy was a marginal part of their business, they could
exit with little impact on their overall portfolios. With the
cancellation of insurance policies, mortgaged assets immediately assumed a zero value, resulting in the effective collapse
of the country’s only building society, the locally registered
Montserrat Building Society, and this had multiplier impacts
throughout the economy, as well as severe societal effects (Clay
and others 1999).
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Boxes, figures, and notes are indicated, respectively, by b, f, and n following the page number.
irrigation to reduce effects, 28, 102n37
food policy reforms, 28, 84–85
garment manufacturing, 13, 100n18
information dissemination as damage reduction method, 43
flood warnings, 43, 47, 104n65
risk zone maps, 104n66
infrastructure damage and reconstruction, 12, 38–39
insurance in
parametric weather insurance and defining of trigger
event, 56
promoting risk reduction measures, 58
land use controls, 87–88
microcredit programs and microfinance institutions, 13, 42,
55, 87
poorer regions more hazard-prone, 25
postdisaster reconstruction, 25, 88
private expenditure on, 25
public finance and impact of disasters on, 30, 82–84, 99n2,
deficit financing, 102n36
expenditure and reallocation, 32, 83, 89, 101n31, 102nn40
& 43
local governments, 86
major floods and, 84, 89
policy context for, 33–34
reallocation as appropriate response, 36–37
reporting and accounting practices, 34
state-owned enterprises, 86
taxation and revenue, 33, 83–84
research implications for, 89–90
risk transfer tools and, 55
selection as country for study, 4
soil erosion, 79–80
tornadoes, 80–81
trade embargo violation by, effect of, 35
vulnerability to natural hazards, 11–13, 15
economic growth and development’s effect on, 18
public finance and, 42
ranking, 20b2.1
War of Independence in, 11
Bangladesh Bank, 55
Bayes’ rule applied to 1998 volcano situation in Dominica, 49,
49b4.1, 51
accounting. See reporting and accounting of government
adaptation, 6, 17, 28
Africa. See Malawi and southern Africa; Sub-Saharan Africa;
specific countries
agricultural sector
Bangladesh, 11–12, 34
Dominica, 9–10, 26, 70
insurance and, 54, 55
Malawi and southern Africa, 14, 97
See also cereal production in Malawi and southern Africa
aid flows. See external aid
Albala-Bertrand, J. M., 22
Antigua and hurricane insurance, 105n73
Argentina reconstruction financing, sources of, 24b2.3
balance of payments and inflation, 19
as chief crop of Dominica, 9, 18, 70, 73, 75
quick recovery after disaster, 10, 99n9
WINCROP banana crop insurance, 10, 55, 56b5.1, 58
Bangladesh, 79–90
agricultural sector, 11–12, 34
building standards, 13, 48, 87–88
cyclones, 11, 46–47, 80
shelters, 46, 87
damage assessment after flood, 37, 101n33
deficit of government, 84
disaster reduction strategy and, 41, 43, 87–89, 103n48
earthquakes, 47–48, 80
economy of, 11–13
fluctuations as affected by natural hazards, 12, 12f2.2, 23,
postdisaster forecasting, 85bB.1
external aid for, 34–35, 86, 89
financial institutions, 86–87
financial system, 13
floods and droughts, 11–12, 17, 79–80
assessment of costs of, 37, 99n4
flash flooding, 80
information dissemination as damage reduction method,
43, 47
economic reaction to natural disasters, 23, 100n15
effects of drought on, 18
poorer regions more hazard-prone, 25
regional analysis as appropriate for, 27
budgetary consequences of disasters. See public finance
building standards
Bangladesh, 13, 48, 87–88
Dominica, 11, 72–73, 76
Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM)
agreement, 100n14
Caribbean Hotel Association, 58
cash accounting of developing countries, 36–37
catastrophe bonds, 53
catastrophe insurance. See insurance
Central America and hazard damage, 17
See also specific countries and types of hazards
Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED),
cereal production in Malawi and southern Africa, 14, 15f2.4,
92, 97, 104n61
climate change, 16, 51
disaster planning and, 41
effect not apparent in hazard data, 61
effect on Dominica, 70
climate-related hazards
See also hydro-meteorological hazards
compared with geophysical hazards, 17, 61
multi-sector effects of, 18
climatic forecasting, 44, 64–65
See also information dissemination on natural hazards
in Bangladesh, 46
in Southern Africa, 16, 44–46, 51, 62, 95–97, 97–98
climatic variability, 16, 61, 93–95, 97
Cochrane, Harold C., 24, 25
coconut-based soap products from Dominica, 100n14
conflicts and vulnerability levels, 19, 23
See also specific countries for wars and independence struggle
construction. See building standards
copra from Dominica, 99n9, 100n14
corruption, elimination of, 66
cyclones, 17
See also tropical storms
Bangladesh, 11, 16, 46–47, 80
shelters, 46, 87
warning system, 43, 46
Fiji insurance for, 105n74
Philippines, 23
damage assessments, requirements for, 37, 101n33
definitions, 5–6
deforestration in Dominica, 16
derivatives, 55
weather derivatives, 53
developed vs. less developed countries
catastrophe insurance and, 54
likelihood of disasters and, 25
risk management’s priority, 60
Dhaka (capitol of Bangladesh), 12, 13
disaster management, 16
See also risk management
Bangladesh, 103n48
Dominica, 76
disaster preparedness
See also risk management
Bangladesh, 87
costs, 29, 30, 37, 38
Dominica, 75
for localized disasters, 41, 65
domestic policies and impact of natural hazards, 19
Dominica, 69–77
agricultural sector, 9–10, 26, 71
bananas. See bananas
building standards, 11, 72–73, 76
catastrophe insurance required for mortgages, 53, 58
climate change, impacts of, 70
construction industry, 72
currency situation of, 11
damage assessment after disaster, 37
disaster reduction strategy and, 41, 76
earthquake risk, 69
economy of, 9–11, 70–72
fluctuations as affected by natural hazards, 10, 10f2.1,
22, 70
risk reduction and diversification of, 10–11, 18, 41,
70–71, 100n23
emigration as result of disaster, 26, 100n23
environmental impacts of natural hazards in, 69–70
external accounts of, 73
external aid for, 34–35, 75
financial institutions, 74
hurricanes and tropical storms, 9, 17, 47, 69
coastal protection against waves, 43, 47
impacts of natural hazards on, 22–23, 69–70
inflation, 74
information dissemination improvements needed, 77
infrastructure, damage and evolution of, 11, 72–73, 99n10
insurance in, 53, 57, 58, 74–75
investment and domestic consumption, 73
landslides, 9, 16, 69
manufacturing sector, 9, 11, 71–72
policy implications of study on, 76–77
postdisaster reconstruction projects, 101n34, 103n47
private expenditure on, 25
poverty, 75–76
reduction strategy for, 21b2.2
public finance and impact of disasters, 30, 75
expenditure and reallocation, 32, 103n50
long-term policy consequences for, 39
taxation and revenue, 33
selection as country for study, 4
soil erosion, 70
tourism industry, 9, 11, 69, 70, 72
volcanic activity, 9, 69
Bayes’ rule applied to 1998 situation, 49, 49b4.1, 51
monitoring and alerts, 48–49
vulnerability to natural hazards, 9–11, 15, 17
economic growth and development, effect on, 18, 76
ranking, 20b2.1
droughts. See floods and droughts
earthquakes, 17
Bangladesh, 80
hazard assessment for, 47–48
Dominica’s risk of, 69
Turkey and contingent credit line for compulsory earthquake
insurance, 105n72
Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB), 11, 57, 74, 75
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
(ECLAC), 37
economic losses
See also macroeconomic impact of disasters; specific countries
increases between 1950s and 1990s, 3
later reassessment of, 63
stage of development and, 18–19, 61
structure of economy as factor, 17–18, 61
ecotourism. See tourism in Dominica
Ecuador’s poorer regions more hazard-prone, 25
El Niño events, 15, 44, 92–93, 95, 97, 99n3
El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), 44, 45, 92–93, 95, 99n12
emigration as result of disaster, 26, 31, 100n23
empirical analysis of impacts of disasters, 25
further research needs, 26
environmental change, 16, 61
disaster planning and, 41
due to natural hazards, 69–70
expenditure and reallocation, 31–33, 62
Bangladesh, 32, 83, 89, 101n31, 102nn40 & 43
improved systems needed for, 39–40, 64
policy implications for, 64
export markets, 19, 73
See also specific crops (e.g., bananas)
external aid, 14, 23, 34–35, 62, 65
for Bangladesh, 86, 88, 89
for Dominica, 75
expected aid and demand for risk transfer tools, 55
for southern Africa, 97
Bangladesh, 11, 13, 28
Malawi, 14, 35, 43, 91–92
cyclone insurance, 105n74
impacts of natural hazards on, 22–23, 100n17
private expenditure on reconstruction, 25
public finance and impact of disaster, 30
expenditure and reallocation, 32
taxation and revenue, 33
financial institutions
Bangladesh, 86–87
Dominica, 74
financial services industry
Dominica and offshore services, 9, 11, 70
promoting risk management, 63
financial system
See also public finance
Bangladesh, 13
Dominica, 11, 74
Zimbabwe, 18
findings of study, 61–62
fire insurance, 54
floods and droughts
Bangladesh, 11–12, 17, 79–80
damage assessment after flood, 37, 99n4
flash flooding, 80
information dissemination as damage reduction method,
43, 47
irrigation to reduce effects, 28, 102n37
climatic variability and, 16
Dominica, 69
government finance and, 30–31, 63
Malawi, 14, 15, 17, 30, 92–93, 95
Philippines, 23
riverine floods, 17, 47
warning system problems, 65
Sub-Saharan Africa
climatic forecasting in, 44–46, 51, 62, 95–97
fiscal impact of, 31b3.1, 62
water management and, 16
Zimbabwe, 18, 30, 101n26
food aid, 35, 85, 89
food shortage. See famine
forecasting. See climatic forecasting
foreign aid. See external aid
foreign exchange reserves, 29
future disasters, financing costs of, 53–67
See also insurance; risk transfer tools
creative solutions for, 57–58
demand as issue, 55, 105n70
future research needs, 67
potential obstacles to, 54–57, 62
promoting risk reduction, 58–59
future research needs, 66–67
on Bangladesh, 89–90
garment manufacturing in Bangladesh, 13, 100n18
geophysical hazards, 17
See also specific type (e.g., earthquake, volcano, etc.)
compared with climate-related hazards, 17, 61
defined, 6
economic vulnerability associated with, 27, 61
information dissemination about, 47–49, 50, 62, 65
global climate change. See climate change
globalization and risk management, 28, 62
aspects of good governance, 65–66
public finance and, 41–42, 66
government borrowing. See public finance
government risk premiums elevated due to disasters, 29
hail insurance, 54
health hazards. See specific illnesses (e.g., HIV/AIDS)
hedge instruments, 53
HIV/AIDS, 14–15, 19, 20b2.1, 98
insurance for flood and storm risk, 55
reconstruction financing, sources of, 24b2.3
human rights abuses and external aid flow, 35
Hurricane Allen (1980), 9, 10
Hurricane Andrew (1992), 54
Hurricane David (1979)
assistance following, 35
banana production and, 10
damage caused by, 9, 11, 69, 70
economic impacts of, 71, 72, 73
emigration following, 100n23
localized hazards associated with, 17, 19
reforms in Dominica following, 39, 70, 71
Hurricane Frederick (1979), 9, 10
Hurricane Hugo (1989), 9, 10, 23, 31, 70
Hurricane Jose (1999), 105n73
Hurricane Lenny (1999)
assessment of costs of, 37, 99n4
damage caused by, 9, 11, 43, 73, 103n46
poverty reduction strategies following, 21b2.2
unpredicted, 47, 69
WINCROP claims arising from, 56b5.1
Hurricane Mitch (1998), 17
hurricanes, 17
See also specific hurricane or country
coastal protection against waves, 43, 47
hydro-meteorological hazards, 16–17, 99n12
See also specific type (e.g., drought, hurricane, etc.)
defined, 6, 99n6
economic vulnerability associated with, 27, 61
information dissemination on, 44
IIASA. See International Institute for Applied Systems
indebtedness of country and impact of natural disasters, 24
index of vulnerability, 20b2.1
India’s failure to warn Bangladesh of impending flood, 47,
Indonesia and regional analysis, 27, 100n20
inflation in Dominica, 74
information dissemination on natural hazards, 43–51
See also climatic forecasting; specific countries
Bayes’ rule applied to 1998 volcano situation in Dominica,
49, 49b4.1, 51
country-specific, 44, 45, 62
failure in provision of, 47–49, 77
findings and conclusions about, 49–51
future research needs, 67
geophysical hazards and, 47–49, 50, 62
international coordination of, 44, 50, 62, 65, 77
transnational river systems and, 47, 65
public action and, 43
public funding for monitoring and dissemination, 50
as a public good, 43–44, 49–50, 62, 64–65, 104n58
reallocation of public funds requiring current, reliable
information, 36–37, 62
setting public policy, need for, 64
study findings on, 62
infrastructure and impact of disaster, 11, 12, 38–39, 72–73,
insurance, 53–54
affordability of, 54, 59
Bangladesh, 88
demand for, 55
determination of parametric insurance triggers, 55–57
Dominica, 74–75
effectiveness in promoting risk reduction, 58, 62, 65, 74
Fiji, 105n74
future research needs, 67
microcredit programs and, 55, 59, 88
Montserrat, withdrawal from, 59, 105n75
recommendations for, 65
risk transfer tools and, 53–54, 59
self-insurance with high deductibles, 57
structure of industry, 57
international aid. See external aid
International Development Association assistance to lowincome countries, 104n60
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA),
24, 24b2.3, 25
International Monetary Fund (IMF) support to
Dominica, 39
international public goods (IPGs), 44, 104n58
International Research Institute for Climate
Prediction (IRI), 44
irrigation controls. See floods and droughts
island economies and vulnerability, 19, 20b2.1, 77
See also specific island nations (e.g., Dominica, Fiji, etc.)
short-term impacts and, 22–23
lagged effects of disasters, 30, 32–33
landslides in Dominica, 9, 16, 69
La Niño events, 97
large countries. See size of country
less developed countries. See developed vs. less developed
lessons learned
macroeconomic impact of disasters and, 26–28
policy changes based on, 63
public finance impact of disasters and, 39–42
local governments in Bangladesh, 86
localized disasters
See also specific types (e.g., landslides and floods)
analysis on regional level appropriate for, 27, 62, 63, 88
forecasting on regional level, 46, 47, 50, 65
poorer regions more hazard-prone, 25
predisaster allocation of funds for, 41
reserves established for, 57
long-term impacts of disasters, 23–26
distinguishing from shorter-term impacts, 27, 63
empirical analysis of, 25
further research needs, 26
modeling of, 24–25
public finance and, 32, 39
qualitative analysis of, 25–26
further research needs, 26
study findings on, 61
macroeconomic impact of disasters, 9–28
Bangladesh, 81–82, 89
complementary approaches to impact assessment, 26–27
Dominica, 70
findings of study on, 61
future research needs on, 66
lessons learned on methodological issues, 26–28
long-term impacts, 23–26
national development policy and, 63
opportunities to reduce, 27–28
reallocation requirements for information on, 37
short-term impacts, 22–23
structure of economy and stage of development, 17–20
theoretical perspectives, 21–22
vulnerability and, 9–17
See also vulnerability
maize, 56, 92, 93–94, 100n17, 104n61
Malawi and southern Africa, 91–98
cereal production, 14, 15f2.4, 92, 93, 104n61
climate forecasts, value of, 45–46, 51, 95–97
climatic variability and, 93–95
drought, 16, 17, 30–31, 92–93, 95
economy of, 13–14
fluctuations as affected by natural hazards, 13f2.3, 23,
El Niño events and, 45
external aid for, 14, 34–35
famine, 14, 35, 43, 91–92
floods, 17, 93
government finance and impact of disasters, 30–31
HIV/AIDS in, 14–15
information and public action needs, 98
parametric weather insurance and defining of trigger
event, 56
political instability, 14
poverty reduction strategy for, 21b2.2
public finance and impact of disasters
expenditure and reallocation, 32
governance and, 42
planning for climatic variability and, 41
public sector enterprises affected by disasters, 102n39
selection as country for study, 4–5
study recommendations for, 97–98
subsidized livelihood programs and safety nets for rural
population, 59
vulnerability to natural hazards, 13–15
ranking, 20b2.1
manufacturing sector
Bangladesh, 13, 100n18
Dominica, 9, 11, 71–72
meteorological hazards. See hydro-meteorological hazards
method of investigation, 6–7
MFA (Multi-Fibre Agreement), 13
microcredit programs, 55, 59, 65
in Bangladesh, 13, 42, 87, 88
economic impacts of natural hazards on, 22–23
emigration as result of disaster, 26
government finance and impact of disasters, 31, 101n32
volcanic activity on, 17, 31, 100n25
withdrawal of insurance industry from, 59, 105n75
moral hazard concerns about external aid, 34, 55
El Niño events and, 45
flooding, 95
failure to share information downstream, 47
Multi-Fibre Agreement (MFA), 13
economic reaction to natural disasters, 23, 100n15
effects of drought on, 18
national disaster impacts
information systems and needed improvements, 65
later reassessment of, 63
natural disasters, defined, 5
natural hazards, 16–17
See also specific type or country
defined, 5
socioeconomic conditions and, 19
Nicaragua reconstruction financing, sources of, 24b2.3
Nigeria and regional analysis, 27
nonexcludable benefits of a good, 43–44
nonrival benefits of a good, 43–44
objectives of study, 3–4
operations and maintenance (O&M). See infrastructure and
impact of disaster
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), 57, 74, 75
Organization of American States
study on infrastructure damage from disaster, 38
support for scientific research on disaster management, 47,
parametric insurance, 55–57
Peru’s poorer regions more hazard-prone, 25
economic reaction to natural disasters, 23, 27
private expenditure on reconstruction, 25
public finance and impact of disaster, 30
expenditure and reallocation, 32, 103n51
external borrowing, 103nn52 & 53
transport system improvements reduced due to disaster
response, 26, 39
of disaster preparedness, 65
of postdisaster reconstruction efforts, 28, 41, 63
policy context for public finance decisions, 33–34
policy framework for reallocation of funds, 36
policy implications of study, 63–66
postdisaster reconstruction efforts, 22, 24–25
See also specific countries
financial resource gaps, effect of, 24, 24b2.3
planning for, 28, 41, 63
public finance and, 29, 32–33, 40–41, 55, 101n34
technical advances as result of, 22
poverty reduction
climate forecasts, value for, 45
strategy paper (PRSP), 21b2.2
vulnerability to natural hazards and, 19, 21b2.2, 63
Dominica, 75–76
preferential trade agreements for bananas, 10, 11
prioritization of investment projects for reallocation of funds,
36, 102n41
private sector
expenditure on reconstruction by, 24b2.3, 25
demand in developing countries, 55
reserves established to cover, 57
risk management and, 28, 63
ProVention Consortium, 37, 102n42
public finance, 29–42
See also specific countries
borrowing necessary to meet disaster costs, 29
broad impact of disasters for, 30–34
disaggregated examination of implications, 29, 64
disaster contingency reserves, 41, 64, 104n56
expenditure and reallocation, 31–33
policy implications for, 64
external aid. See external aid
future research needs, 66–67
governance and, 41–42, 66
for hazard monitoring and dissemination, 50
improved systems needed for, 39–40, 62, 64
implications of disasters for, 29–30, 62
long-term policy consequences for, 39
policy context for, 33–34, 63–64
reallocation, whether appropriate course of action, 35–38
reporting and accounting practices for, 34, 102n38
improved systems needed for, 64
reallocation requirements, 36–37
revenue and taxation, 33, 83–84
risk reduction activities and, 38–39
study findings on, 62
subsidized livelihood programs and safety nets for rural
population, 59
public sector enterprises affected by disasters, 34, 57, 73, 102n39
See also infrastructure and impact of disaster
qualitative analysis of disaster impacts, 25–26
further research needs, 26
rainfall patterns, 45, 92–93, 94–95
See also climatic variability
rapid-onset events, defined, 6
reallocation. See expenditure and reallocation
reconstruction. See postdisaster reconstruction efforts
recurrent disasters, 3
regional disasters. See localized disasters
reinsurance, 54, 58, 59, 88
reporting and accounting of government finance, 34, 102n38
improved systems needed for, 39–40, 64
reallocation requirements, 36–37
risk reduction activities not reported, 38
reserves for disaster contingency financing, 41, 64, 104n56
resilience, 61
of Bangladesh, 12
defined, 6
in Bangladesh, 12, 16
flood-tolerant cultivars for, 16, 100n22
risk management
assessment of hazard risk for, 63
cyclone warning system, 43, 46
disaster mitigation and preparedness, 87–89
developing countries
ignoring priority of, 60
planning over longer time period, 65
Dominica’s need for, 70
economic decisions and, 17, 19
insurance’s effect on promoting, 58, 62
integrated into broad policies and strategies, 63, 66,
private sector involvement in, 28, 63
public finance and, 38–39
spreading of risk, 58, 65, 89
strategies to suit types of disasters, 27–28, 41
risk transfer tools, 53–54, 59, 62, 64
See also insurance
Bangladesh, 88
Dominica, 74–75
future research needs, 67
recommendations for, 65
rival benefits of a good, 43–44, 104n62
riverine floods. See floods and droughts
SARCOF. See Southern African Regional Climate Outlook
secondary effects of disasters, need to study, 3
Seismic Research Unit (Trinidad), 48, 104n67
selection of countries for study, 4, 27
constraints on, 6–7
self-insurance with high deductibles, 57
shelters from cyclones, 46
short-term impacts of disasters, 22–23, 61
distinguishing from longer-term impacts, 27, 63
size of country
economic reaction to natural disasters and, 22–23, 27
regional approach to analysis. See localized disasters
small islands. See island economies and vulnerability
slow-onset events, defined, 6
small islands. See island economies and vulnerability
social sectors and impact of public fund reallocation after
disaster, 36
socioeconomic conditions and impact of natural hazards, 19,
55, 100n16
soil erosion, 16
Bangladesh, 79–80
Dominica, 70
South Africa and cereal production, 92, 94
South America. See specific countries
Southern African Regional Climate Outlook Forum (SARCOF),
45, 95–96
Sub-Saharan Africa
See also Malawi and southern Africa; other specific countries
(e.g., Botswana, Zimbabwe, etc.)
climatic forecasting in, 44–46, 51, 62, 95–97
external borrowing due to drought, 103n52
fiscal impact of drought in, 31b3.1
special support for, 64
taxation and government revenue in Bangladesh, 33, 83–84
technical advances as result of disaster, 22
terminology, 5–6
tornadoes in Bangladesh, 80–81
tourism in Dominica, 9, 11, 69, 70, 72
See also export markets
embargo violation by Bangladesh, 35
external accounts of Dominica and, 73
preferential agreements for bananas, 10, 11
transnational rivers and failure to share information about,
47, 65
tropical storms, 46–49
See also cyclones; hurricanes
Philippines, 23
warning systems for, 44, 62, 69
Turkey and contingent credit line for compulsory earthquake
insurance, 105n72
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),
development of vulnerability indicator, 20b2.1
United Nations Millennium Development Goals,
volcanic activity, 17
Bangladesh, 11
Dominica, 9, 69
monitoring and alerts, 48–49
international monitoring needed for, 65
Montserrat, 17, 31, 100n25
comparison of case study countries and, 15
defined, 5–6, 99n5
dynamic nature of, 9–15, 17
measuring of, 20b2.1
overview of factors determining, 15–17, 61
poverty reduction and, 19, 21b2.2, 63
war. See conflicts and vulnerability levels; specific country
warning systems
for cyclones and tropical storms, 43, 44, 46, 47, 69
for floods, 43, 47, 65, 104n65
wave protection from hurricanes and tropical storms, 43, 47
weather derivatives, 53
WINCROP (Winward Islands Crop Insurance) banana crop
insurance, 10, 55, 56b5.1, 58
World Bank
assistance to low-income countries, 104n60
climatic forecasting in Malawi and, 45–46
on consumption volatility in Caribbean region, 73
on deficit financing in Bangladesh, 102n36
parametric weather insurance investigations by, 55–56
risk transfer mechanisms encouraged by, 57, 105n71
study of insurance industry, 57
World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 44
Zambia and effects of drought, 18
cereal production, 94, 104n61
goats sold to survive in, 101n26
government borrowing related to, 30
small savings system used to mitigate effects of, 18
economic reaction to natural disasters, 23
public finance and impact of disasters for, 103n54
debt reduction policy of, 103n52
expenditure and reallocation, 32
taxation and revenue, 33
Other Disaster Risk Management Series Titles
Managing Disaster Risk in Mexico: Market Incentives for Mitigation Investment
Managing Disaster Risk in Emerging Economies
Building Safer Cities: The Future of Disaster Risk
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Telephone: 202-473-1000
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ISBN 0-8213-5685-2