PDF Document maunal_for_airmatic_capper
PDF Document maunal_for_airmatic_capper
ZAMBELLI ENOTECHs.r.l. Via dell'Artigianato Z.A. - 36043 Camisano Vicentino - VI - Italy tel. O444-7L94O2 fax O444-7L9423 www.zambellienotech.it info@zambellienotech.it INDEX 1) G E N E R AILN D I C A T I O N S 2) T D E N T T F I C A TO| O NH E M A C H T NCEO M P O N E N T S FT 3) M A C H I N IED E N T I F Y I NEGQ U I P M E N T 4') SAFETYSTANDARS 5) SETTING U P- I S T R U C T I OFNO RU S E 6) SPAREPARTS 7) G E N E R ATLE R M SO F S A L E 1) GENERALTNpTCATTONS Firstof all we thankyou for buyingone of our products.Our companyis manufacturi ng wine-prod ng equipmentfor smalI ucingand g rape-processi and mediumsizewineriessince1888. when creatingour items,we alwaystry to ensurethey are practicaland safe to use,of good qualityand long lasting;to keep them this way, pleasereadthe manualcarefully. L'Air-Matic is a crown-capscorkerfor crowncaps 426 and A29 and for plasticmushroomcorks;it's adjustablein height,with the possibility to cork small,mediumand big bottles.the modelsof corkingmachineare manufactured in paintedversionor in stainless steel IMPORTANT: The Manufacturer'Zambelli Enotech declines all responsibility for failure to respect the instructions given in our manualor improperuse of the machine.lf you are not sure about some operation, ask the Manufactureror authorizedDealerfor advice. 2l |NDENTTF|CATION OF THE MACHTNECOMPONENTS A) HANDLE B) H O L E SF O RI N S E R T I OAND J U S T A B LI N EH E I G H T C) LEFTLEVER D) F I X E DB O D Y e) AIR-COM PRESSED CONNECTION F) M O B I L EH E A D G) HOLDERBOTTLE H) LEVELOF SUPPORT r) r) R E C O R D A B LFE EET L) BOTTLEHOLDER M) HEAD CORKING N) PLEXIGLASS PROTECTION o) P L E X I G L A SHSI N G E P) RIGHTLEVER a) P N E U M A T ICCY L I N D E R INDENTIFYIN LG ABEL S) GRIPHANDLEIMPLANTATION HOLDERBOTTLE G R r PH A N D L EB L O C K T NHGE A D( F ) r) G R r PH A N D L EB L O C K T NHGE A D( F ) R) Antr"Mi6tue xxx i{Ax 5 BAR *** $ *** MAx 3 gAR *** € r cSBuG* sso 2 MANM €S. I HAN} USEOSUGATTON !I u - vERprLtcHTUNGr{ir a HA$De Ij e abugaa6x uso & ? f'rAltos ti F - tITlUSiF. T9llQUqS L:S ? t'lAllrts ,l IDENTIFICAZIONE MACCHINA COMPONENTI @, 0) 0 o 0 CI 0 t ltt- \:/ PARTE FRONTALE PARTE RETRO 4) SAFETYSTANDARS lmproperuseandma.intenance maycausedamageto personor things.To avoidpossible accident,carefully followthe safetystandards: 1) INSTRUCTTON MANUAL: lf you losethe manualyou can orderany anothercopy from "ZambelliEnotechsrl"via dell'Artigianato 36043- CamisanoVicentino(Vi)ltaly tel. 0444ft19402 - fax.0444n rc423 e-mailinfo@zambellienotech. it 2) USE: do notallowuseof thecorkingmachineby children, unauthorized persons, or personswho do notknowhow to useit. 3) MOVEMENTS: happensin sure way appealingthe corkingmachine throughthe handle(A) (La manigliaviene fornitasmontatadentro la confezione.) 4) POStTtONtNG oncearrangedthe corkingmachineon one level surface,youwillproceedto eventuallevelling of the sameone regulatingthe feet(l) in casethe corking machinewas notperfecfly supporting on all4 feet. 5 ) C O NN E C T T ON C OMP R E S S AI R regulatethe compressor of qauqeon the pressure indicated on adhesive (K) placeson the cylinde(e). connectthe hoseof entrancefromthe compressor to the connection (E)of thecorkingmachine. At thispointtry to actionthe corkingmachinewhen emptypullingat thesametimethe two levers(C)and(p) to be sureof all resultsin order. - 5) SETTTNG UP- TNSTRUCTTON FORUSE 1 ) PR OT E C T T ON the protection(N) must be in verticalpositiontowards down, if it resultstoo much loose,claspthe dice places on the hinge.( O) 2 ) P O S tT tON tN G complywith the instructionsalreadyindicatedin the safetystandards. 3) OPERATTONS CORKING 4) MOBTLE HEADREGULATION 5) HOLDER BOTTLEREGUI.ATION 6 ) C O R KIN GC R OWN CAP 8 ) R E P L A C ET H E C OR K IN G HEAD regulatethe gauge (see the safety standards),at this points must be regulatedthe mobile head (F) in the appropriatedpositionto second to the height of botfle, leavingtroughthe top of botfle and bell one space of 2t4 cm approximately. unscrewpartiallythe pins (T) and (S) and then movethe head(F) up or downdependingon the requirement, insurethat the pins places on the head (F) goes perfectly on the holesfor insertion(B). Therefore proceedto blockthe pins (T) and (Sj. regulatethe headerthen proceedto centerthe botfle.in case the neck of bottlewas not perfecilyalignedwith the bell( M ) . For make this, unscrewpartially the pin (R) and then regulatethe "BOTTLE HOLDER' (L) looseningbefore the dice (G),blockall withthe pin (R) positionthe cap underthe bell (M). This last one will remain connectedby means of the magnetplaceon it; positionthe botileand pullingat the same time the two levers(C) and (p). At the end of the corkingreleasethe two levers;repeat the operationfor everyonebotfles. unscrewthe corkinghead (M) in clockwiseand screwinq that one in substitution in anticlockwise. ' (a) pue(g) srenelo/vqoql euq '6ur1rocol paecoJd nof 'uaq1 oues eLll 6ur11nd le lllrur ' (urc {geleurxordde) Z peeq 6ur4oc pue dec aql Jo do1 eq1 qbnorl eceds perroc e s! ereql leql palnsse '(11\)peaq OuqroceL{} 'eliloq qlrv\epoq eql Ipcepad buulueC'/v\olsI Fulssa.rd aql Jo qlnou eql uo uorlrsodleclpa^ur dec eq1uorysod s)uo3 l/\|oouHSnyu StIS\fld uol gNtyuoc tvnrN3n3 (6 r IT U) c) T m g tE :- - o 7 O PARTI 6)SCHEMA RICAMBIO 7) GENERALTERMSOF SALE TRASPORT at the buyer'sexpense no complaintsare acceptedmore than COMPLAINTS: eightdaysafterreceiptof the goodsand no returnsare by us and sentcarriagepaid. acceptedunlessauthorized The goodstravelat the Customer's own risk. RESERVES: for breakagesor damage we do not acceptresponsibility dueto applications or usesotherthanthosefor whichthe goodsare intended,norfor use not complyingwiththeir capacityandflow rate. The guaranteedoes not cover malfunctions and faults due to wearof partsthat are,on accountof theirnature, subjectto wear,or in caseswherethe partshavebeen dismantled,temperedwith or repaired outside our premises. GUARANTEE: our products are accuratelytested, inspectedand guaranteed for 12 mouths from delivery. Our is limitedto the replacement responsibility of any parts that may be foundto be faultyaftercarefulexamination on our premisesor on the Customer'spremises, chargingtransportandlabourcosts. DISPUTES: the competent courtis the Courtof Vicenza. TECHINICAL DATA: the dataprovidedin thismanualarefor the purposeof information and arenotbinding.The companyreserves the rightto makealterations to production withoutprior notice.
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