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N E W Z E A L A N D ’ S H I G H F I D E L I T Y M A G A Z I N E A Kiwi Yank in San Francisco July–August 1997 John Paul reports from the Stereophile hi-fi show Sunfire Cinema Grand – firing on all five INCREDIBLE SOUND, AFFORDABLE PRICE… FOR MUSIC AND MOVIES! INTRODUCING THE SENSATIONAL NEW POLK AUDIO RT20P Now there’s a Polk Audio speaker for everybody! Over 30 models available – there’s one here for you! 5 year parts and labour warranty Matthew Polk Chairman, Polk Audio The Polk Audio RT20P “Powered Tower” combines reference quality high and midrange detail, with the drama of powered stereo subwoofers. Each cabinet has a 25mm trilaminate dome tweeter and 160mm mid/bass speaker. In a separate sub-enclosure are two 200mm subwoofer drivers, powered by a built-in 100 watt amplifier. The result – a high quality, full range speaker with deep, controlled stereo bass. And all this taking up no more floor space than your average speaker. Said Julian Hirsch of Stereo Review magazine “I cannot recall experiencing such a deep bass response in the same room, under similar measurement conditions, from another full-range speaker system comparable in size and price to the [Polk Audio] RT20P.” Polk Audio RT20P – just one of a superb range that includes… Mini Monitor $399 LSfx Surround Sound $1199 RT3 Bookshelf $499 AB410 In-Wall $399 RT5 Bookshelf $699 AB610 In-Wall $599 RT7 Bookshelf $899 AB505 In-Wall $699 RT8 Floorstanding $999 AB705 In-Wall $899 RT10 Floorstanding $1299 AB805 In-Wall $1399 RT12 Floorstanding $1699 AWM3 All Weather $699 RT16 Floorstanding $1999 RM2000 Satellite $999 RT20P Floorstanding $3999 RM3300 Sat/Subwoofer $1999 RTfx Surround Sound $899 RM5300 Sat/Subwoofer $2699 M3 Surround Sound $599 RM7300 Home Theatre $3999 CS150 Centre Speaker $399 CS200 Centre Speaker $499 CS250 Centre Speaker $599 CS350 Centre Speaker $899 PSW50 Subwoofer $999 PSW150 Subwoofer $1499 PSW300 Subwoofer $1999 AWM5 Commercial $999 SRT Home Theatre sys. $19000 Polk Loudspeakers are available from: Whangarei – Hubands Retravision • Auckland – Eastern Hi-Fi, Link Drive and Newmarket • Hamilton – Lakeland TV and Stereo • Tauranga – Simister Retravision • Whakatane – The Electricity Centre • Rotorua – Eastern Hi-Fi • New Plymouth – Masons Appliances • Palmerston North – Manawatu TV and Sound • Wellington – Absolute Audio and Vision •Christchurch – The Top Hi-Fi Shop • Dunedin – Good Hi-Fi • Cromwell – Gary Anderson Appliances Polk Audio was founded in 1972 by Matthew Polk and George Klopfer. Their dream was to make speakers with the performance of the world’s best and costliest speakers, but at a reasonable price. They did so by applying scientific principles to speaker design and by concentrating solely on the speaker business.That’s why Polk is still known as “The Speaker Specialists”. Today Polk are one of the world’s largest manufacturers of Home and Car loudspeakers and their research and development has yielded over 20 patents for advances in loudspeaker performance and value. Polk speakers have earned high praise from the worlds Hi-Fi press as well as dozens of awards for innovative, high quality design. If you are considering investing in a new pair of speakers or are looking at Home Theatre you really should audition a Polk Audio speaker system. From $399 right up to the $19,000 SRT Home Theatre systems, you won’t find a better speaker for your money. Distributed by Pacific Audio PO Box 9174,Auckland. Phone 0-9-524 8032. Fax 0-9-524 8037 I N T R O D U C I N G The “Sound of the 21st Century ” M i ra g e u sh e r s new The new OM-6 delivers perf e c t millennium with a bre a k t h rough in i ma g in g t h ro u g h it s u n i q u e l y sound technology so radical it will p ro f i le d c ab i n e t d e si g n , t h e revolutionize the way the world famous Mirage PTH™ tweeters, thinks l o u ds p e ak e rs . e x t r a o rd i n a r y n e w mi d- ra n g e Omnipolar® goes beyond bipolar drivers and twin built-in 150 watt to create a tr uly spherical 360˚ p o w e red subwoofers. The result is sound radiation pattern with no outstanding spaciousness, sonic wrap-around distortion. accuracy and unparalleled realism. ab o u t in the THE NEW SHAPE OF SOUND. Distributed in New Zealand by Sound Group Holdings PO Box 33-791, Takapuna Telephone 0-9-415 6680. Facsimile 0-9-415 6683 O N LY FROM MIRAGE! For an expert demonstration please visit: Eastern Hi-Fi, Newmarket, Wairau Park and Rotorua • Hi-Fi Gallery, Napier • Lakeland TV & Sound, Hamilton • Roger Angell, Whakatane • Sound Expression, Wellington • Soundline Audio, Wellington NEWS All the news… A L L T H AT I S H A P P E N I N G I N T H E W O R L D O F H I - F I YA M A H A’ S N E W H O M E THEATRE RANGE MEADOWLARK SINGING The US ra n ge of f l oor- s t a n d i n g time-aligned transmission line spe a kers are n ow in NZ. The Kestrel (pictured) is the entry model, with the Shearw a ter and Heron above. Frontline Audio 0-9-520 4434 Top of the new Yamaha range are the RX-V2092 (pictu red, $2999) and RX-V992 ($1999) receivers, both featuring Do l by Digital. The 2092 has 100 watts in all five channels, mu l ti room / multi-source functi ons with a second remote. The 992 includes five ch a n n els of 80 watts each , with a m a nu a lly opera ted second room s o u rce sel ector. Both inclu de learning rem o tes. SGH 0-9-415 6680. AFFORDABLE THX SPEAKERS Atlantic Technology manufacture what may be the most affordable THX certified speaker system. The System 350 THX is also claimed to be the world’s first threeway THX system. Unique is the THX-certified horizontal cen tre speaker. The 350 THX also fe a tu res powered subwoofers and a narrow tower design for the front and surround speakers (shown on their optional pedestals). At l a n tic Technology, based in the USA, also have a number of smaller home theatre spe a ker systems. Distributed in NZ by Pacific Audio 0-9-524 8032. AudioEnz is published by AudioVideo Publications Limited, PO Box 100-554, North Shore Mail Centre, Auckland 10. Ph 0-9-479 7843. Fax 0-9-478 6303. e-mail editor@audvid.co.nz. Editor is Mike Jones All contents are © copyright 1997 to AudioVideo Publications Limited. 4 DENON’S MONSTER Dolby Digital and THX5.1 in a powerful (210w) package from the Denon AVC-A1 integrated amplifier. Avalon Audio 0-9-638 9000 CYRUS RACKS ’EM UP The Cyrus Ha rk equ i pment rack (right) is a flex i bl e and elegant solution to housing Cyrus components. Up to eight Cyrus components can be stacked, and an optional base (shown) allows free-standing use. The integral cable management system accommodates mains power distribution as well as h aving the capability to contain all i n terconnects and spe a ker cables. Cre s tmore Pty Limited 025-950663 FUTUREPROOF YOURSELF TODAY Why look at buying an “AC-3” ready home theatre receiver when, for a similar price, the Pioneer VSX-D606S comes complete with Dolby Digital AC-3 built-in! Sound is all digital and discrete, channel by channel, to give you the most realistic and dynamic home theatre possible. Pioneer’s Accurate Imaging System of five x 100 watts high power output is absolutely necessary with Dolby Digital, as Dolby Digital features five d i s c rete full-range channels for the most effective surround sound. Available at your Pioneer dealer for less than $2000. Monaco Corporation. PO Box 4399 Auckland. Telephone 0-9-415 7444. Fax 0-9-415 7400 CAL HIGH-PERFORMANCE M U LT I - D I S K Claimed to be the first high - performance mu l ti-disk CD player, the CAL CL-10 holds five disks in a digital servo tra n sport mechanism. D/A convers i on is via Burr-Brown 20-bit convertors , with a HDCD decoding filter. Power Boss power supply regulation is used. You can even hook your PC up to the CL-10 to c u s tomise the perorm a n ce ch a racteristics. Oceania Audio 0-9-849-3114 TDL NFM 1 Replacing the Near Field Monitor is the NFM 1 at $449. Interdyn 0-9-524 8488 WADIA IMPROVED MISSION’S Mi s s i on’s successful 73 series has four updated models. There a re three floors t a n ders , including the bi-wi reable 735i pictu red. Other models inclu de the 734i, a three w ay with a boundary -location de s i gn. The 733i is a two w ay speaker. One boo k s h el f m odel , the 732i fe a tu res the tweeter below the woofer. Cre s tmore 025-950663 PQ Im ports have been apointed exclu s ive agents for the Wadia range of digital components. The range inclu des the single box 850 ($7995) which is said to be sold here at below the US equivalent pri ce . The Wadia 860 (pictured) is $10.995. The flagship of the Wadia range is the Wadia 7 transport and Wadia 27 Decoding Computer at $19,500 and $13,000 respectively. Both ach i eve 22-bit re solution. A unique benefit of Wadia are that they are upgradable – the earliest models can be upgraded to be com petitive with current models. PQ Imports 0-7-886 4149. SHORTS SoundPower Hi - Fi of Auckland have reloc a ted to 110 Ki tchener Road, Mi l ford. The new phone number for reaching Michael Henry of SoundPower is 0-9-489 3692 Audible Valve Technologies valve amplifier is now available in rimu finish at $1399. Ph 025-854 989 Cardas Cables has developed a line of low resonance cables ranging from $130 to $999 for a 1m pair of interconnects, using their “Golden Section stra n d i n g”. Frontline Audio 0-9-520 4434. Ca l i fornia Audio La b s h ave replaced the DX-1 with the DX-2 CD player, with a beefier power supply and improved analog stage. The CL-15 has a Power Boss power supply, Burr Brown 20-bit D/A processor and HDCD filtering. Oceania Audio 0-9-849 3114. Hi-Fi Marketing have appoi n ted Carol Hobday as their new Monster Cable/Car Audio representative. Energy subwoofers include high efficiency Digital Sigma-Delta Modulation amps. SGH 0-9-415 6680. VON SCHWEIKERT VIRTUAL REALITY (VR) SPEAKERS The Virtual Reality (VR) spe a kers from Von Schweikert Re s e a rch are n ow available in New Zealand from Frontline Audio. The entry level VR-3 sports a 10-inch bass driver, a 5.5 inch carbon fibre midrange and rubber damped 1-inch metal dom e t weeter. The VR-4 uses the same midrange and tweeter, but has two 8-inch woofers Bass response is flat to 20Hz. Frontline Audio 09 520-4434 SHURE RETURNS A new version of the S hu re V15 – the V15VxMR has been released. Featu ring a Beryl ium tu bular cantilever and Micro-Ridge stylus, the VxMR is $399. Six other Shure cartridges are also available . Jands Electronics 0-9-366 7021 6 DOL BY DIGITAL F ROM ONK YO Onkyo’s TX-DS838 In tegra features Dolby Digital surround sound processing and dual 24-bit Motorola proce s s ors working toget h er for su rround duties. B&W NZ Ltd 0-3-365 5677 A TAS TE OF I T A LY The increasing i n tern a ti on a l i s ation of the hi-fi market is bringing products from around the world to NZ, including Chario loudspeakers from It a ly. Three ranges, all with real wood finishes, are available from $699 to $18,000. The Syntar 200T is shown at left. Pacific Audio 0-9520 8034. P I N I N FARI NA DESI GN FO R V I D I K R O N Vidikron’s com p act Helios vi deo proj ector inclu des an advanced implem en t a ti on of Texas Instru m en t s’ Di gital Light Processing su b s ys tem and a sleek new chassis by Pininfarina. Sound Group Holdings 0-9-415 6680. P IONEE R’S DOL BY DIGI TAL AMPS Pioneer have release one amplifier and two receivers that include Do l by Digital surround sound. The VSA-E06 a m p l i f i er (pictured) and VSX-D906S receiver also inclu de THX5.1 post processing and Hex mosfet output devices. Both units output five by 100 watts in six ohms. Pioneer’s current range of laserdisc players are all Dolby Digital ready, as they feature an AC-3 output. Monaco 0-9-415 7444. A R C A M H I - F I C O M P O N E N T S Everyone loves an award winner We always knew Arcam hi-fi components were some of the best sounding on the market and Britain’s top hi-fi rev i ewers agree. Here’s a few of the recent reviews and awards they’ve won. Arcam Alpha 7 CD player ($1499) “ Best CD Player of the Year”– What Hi-Fi? Awards issue 96. Arcam Alpha 8 amplifier ($1599) “Best Amplifier of the Year” What Hi-Fi? Awards issue 96. Arcam Alpha 7 amplifier ($1199) five star review What Hi-Fi? Sept 96. Arcam Alpha 9 amplifier ($2399) five star review What Hi-Fi? Oct 96. Arcam Alpha 8 CD player ($2199) five star r ev i ew What Hi-Fi? Sept 96. A rcam Xeta One home theatre amplifier ($3000) “Best home cinema amp” British Federation of Audio 1996. Arcam AV50 home theatre amp ($2799) five star review What Hi-Fi? Aug 97. We could continue extolling the virtues of the superb Arcam Alpha amplifiers, CD players and tuners, but suffice to say, if you’re looking for a superb sounding hi-fi or home theatre system, give the Arcam Alpha series a listen and see how they compare with other leading components – because that’s one comparison we know they can win! 8 Trichord Research Trichord’s philosophy has always been to attain the ultimate in sound quality and musical presentation using the most appropriate and up-todate technology available. “Excellence through innovation.” This has resulted in a range of products which we believe will give you more insight into your musical collection, and more musical satisfaction and enjoyment as a results. Clock 2 upgrade – reduces jitter, smooths harsh glare . . . .$295 Power Supply for Clock 2 upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$195 Digital Output Board improves clarity and dynamics . . . .$795 Analog Interconnects to serve Trichord products . . . . . . .$595 Genesis CD player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2099 Revelation CD player – improved circuitry . . . . . . . . . . .$2599 Pulsar Series One digital-to-analogue convertor . . . . . . .$3999 Digital Turntable transport for Series One DACs . . . . . .$1999 Pulsar Series One optional upgrade power supply . . . . . .$1299 SMITHS SOUND HI-FI HOUSE SoundPower Hi-Fi, 110 Kitchener Road, Milford, Auckland. Ph 09 489 3692 587 Mt Eden Road, Mt Eden, Auckland. Ph 623 2600 Distributed by Transline Audio ph/fax 0-7-578 5211 For more information or a brochure on Trichord products please phone or fax Transline Audio, or call in to The Perfect Tube Companion for your Audio Video System & Pure Tube Preamplifiers Power Amplifiers from VTL TL2.5 and TL5.5 Line Stage Preamps with remote control ST-85 and ST-150 Stereo Amplifiers MB-125 through MB-1250 Signature Monoblock Amplifiers Pictured above: TL5.5 Preamplifier and ST-85 Stereo Amplifier Power & Value for Money Compare the “watts per dollar” of VTL with any other tube amps ST85 – 85 pure tube watts for only $3695 PQ Imports PO Box 607, Tokoroa Phone 0800 33 Hi Fi (0800 33 44 34) Fax 07-886 6851 Email listen@xtra.co.nz Trade and Dealer enquiries welcome NZ AGENTS FOR THREE OF THE BEST… PROAC, VTL, WADIA “The VTL 175 monoblock offers an outstanding combination of sonic and technical virtues at a more than reasonable price… outstanding extension and control… a prescription for long term musical satisfaction.” —Michael Fremer Stereophile June 1997 Music so alive that it touches your soul EUPHONIC EUPHORIA by Jo hn Pa u l The Stereophile Home Theatre and Specialty Audio Show D R A M AT I C D I G I TA L D A F F I N E S S A N D D E L I G H T O ur dear editor applied the silly Japanese technique of temporarily promoting me for this “big overseas assignment”. From my NZ official title of “Headphones Manager and Useless DIY Dogs-Body Writer” to the bloa ted American BS acceptable “Senior Technical Editor ” for AudioEnz Magazine (Wow ! ) , I searched many San Francisco h o tel rooms for sonic ecstasy. Fortunately found it, but not without some agony. DIGITA L VERSATI LE (V IDEO?) DISC WORRIES Keenly ob s erving that the writing said Home Theatre before Specialty Audio on my badge, I figured I better get the hard stuff over with first. My real “d ay ” job involves quite a bit of video, so the first s ch edu l ed seminar titled “Vi deo – Future Formats And Their Effects On Specialty Retail” aroused both my profe ss i onal and hobbyist curiosity. Th ere have been announcem ents from BCL (the TV and Radio Tra n s m i t ter folks), Sky TV and NZ Telecom about assorted digital programme supply. So what we’ll get from them, and what we’ ll find in the shops to deal with all this new stuff is going to be qu i te intere s ting. But at this seminar I found it a bit different than what I think we’d like. For instance, this panel hosted by Mike Fidler who is head of Sony ’s DV D Ma rketing gro u p, featured Joe Ka n e , founder of the Im a ging Scien ce Fo u n d a tion and a major voi ce in WideScreen Review magazine, plus Sherman Langer of Projecta Vision who seemed to proudly wave the Toshiba flag. When qu e s ti on ed, they were all quite non chalant abo ut the DVD movie release encoded geographical zone system. That is, USA and Canada are Region One and use Regi on One DVD discs that requ i re a Region One player wh i ch is n ot com p a tible with Eu rope (Regi on Two) discs or p l ayers. So on out thro u gh to New Zealand/Australia who share our Region Four with the three-quarters of a billion or so largely Spanish speaking folks of Mexico, Central and South America. No probl emo sen or? I theenk we get no beeg Yanqui Ingleesh movies too soon, no? A CHALLENGE A gentleman from a major Mexico City retail firm openly confronted the panel “to try an stop me from going out this afternoon and buying as many Sony, Panasonic or Toshiba Region One DVD players and discs as I can carry in my car to return with tomorrow to sell in my shops!”. The a u d i en ce wildly ch eered him, as the panel waffled and squirmed like thirteen year olds caught with their fingers in dad’s Dolby Pro Logic surround from normal stereo headphones? 10 booze cabinet. A foll ow up comment sugge s ted punters order newest discs via the Net. The panel caused a huge giggle by saying, “software vendors positively wouldn’t be allowed to ship product out of their Regions”. It’s amazing how the Japanese and Yanks have let Ho llywood wind them up so thoro u ghly on their sel f - s erving movie marketing schemes to seriously inhibit a long overdue domestic technological upgrade . I mean, we do need DVD ’cause VHS is so fuzzy and cruddy! Joe Kane then shifted the topic to what I thought would be a safer area. He said he would like to envision the future where we could have relatively inexpensive , if bu i l t in sufficiently large quantities, display devi ces that are just single format but t h oroughly opti m i s ed for very high vi su a l perform a n ce . These could then be used with external input boxes or “outboard scalers” to interpo l a te whatever we want (or can afford) to watch. This maximised simple visual display without on-boa rd signal de-modulation and processing is a smart approach because trying to build a big tube, flat plasma screen , video proj ector or wh a tever with on board compatible capability for NTSC/PAL analogue or digital, DV D stream, Direct satellite reception (A or D), 16 x 9, SVGA com p uter (or high er ) , digital HDTV, optical Wide Area Network feed or whatever else, is simply way too expensive . The current large crop of over $30 kilobuck high grade data projectors that can do most of the above stuff painfully proves this fact. Bet ter to just have a very good basic display device, then use extra little boxes as needed for “whatever” inputs. But the sti n ker to this was the Toshiba man adding, “AV dealers will have to follow the retail computer industry lead in educating customers to accept that they need to frequently purchase ( my italics) hardw a re or sof t w a re upgrades for forthcoming technical improvements.” The Sony guy happily agreed, and an icy co l d shiver ran through my old bones. Call me old fashioned, possums, but I prefer buying something nice then keep- A simple quiz: Atlantic Technology’s new System 350 THX is a. Dolby Digital AC-3 ready b. one of the finest home theatre speaker systems c. one of the finest audiophile speaker systems d. affordable e. All of the above At Atlantic Technologies we had only one goal in mind when we designed our System 350 THX. To create a no-compromise THX speaker system that we’d want to own ourselves. That meant it had to meet some very tough requirements. Performance The System 350 THX had to sound just as good when reproducing music as it did when playing a motion picture. That’s why we created the world’s first 3-way THX speaker system. Aesthetics Each speaker had to fit into virtually any living space. So we used a narrow tower design for the front and surround speakers. This provided for the smallest footprint possible Placement Unlike most THX centre channel speakers, we wanted ours to lie horizontally. And it had to have a tiltable base for added flexibility. Affordability Compared to other THX speaker systems, it had to be affordable. So we made the whole system available for $9000. Including a pair of 200 watt subwoofers. Did we meet our goal? Ask your local Atlantic Technology dealer for a demonstration today. We think you’ll agree that the System 350 THX is one of the finest home theatre systems you’ll ever hear. It will “…rock your world on movies and music, with no apologies and few rivals.”* PO Box 9174, Newmarket, Auckland Phone 0-9-524 8032 Fax 0-9-524 8037 “A THX system that looks good in a living room and sounds great with any program material? Who wouldn’t want it?” — Home Theater Technology October 1995 ing it for a long time. We agonise about the high-end audio “m erry go ’round”, but high-end goodies don’t become obsolete trash in mere months like so mu ch computer stuff does. And these jokers want the AV (and high-end? Ha!) retailers to imit a te computer stores, as Toshiba-man added, “shift their strategic methods for selling the newer technologi e s”. I really don’t like the drift of this daffiness. Is their next stra tegy “u s e - by date” play inhibit encoding? BEST SOUND Obviously the options with DVD are discon certi n g. But one fe a ture that I hope (and pray) will happen with DVD is the Academy for the Advancement of Hi gh End Audio backed plan for higher quality audio using 24-bit word length at 96kHz sampling. In the Ca n orus room they played master dub excerpts via a Nagra D, 2 4-bi t / 9 6 kHz machine for the new Stereophile Gershwin Rh a p sody disc through the excellent Focus Audio Model 88 spe a kers . The sound was very clearly naturally more open and cleanly superior to many other nearby quality loaded rooms. My second taste of the higher capac i ty format was in the Waveform Aco u s tics room with their Mach 17 “egghead” speakers tri-amp’d via their Bryston built electronic crossover into Cl ayton Audio Cl a s s A monoblocks. With a John Ma rk s - en gineered Nagra D recording of a choral group in an overly reverberant church, I was amazingly transported to that less than perfect but The Plinius/Ariel Acoustic room – the new Ariel 8t driven by a Plinius SA-250 aco u s tically frighteningly real venue. In d ividual voi ces were incredibly easy to pick and I was soon lusting for the “f a i r, petite” lead soprano. But first, I had to strangle that ever present star- complex ten or who sustains long and dramatically over- enunciates du ring en s em bl e . Si m p ly superb vocal realism. Continuing with extra bits and such, Sony demonstra ted their Di rect Stream Digital (DSD) mastering and archiving format against conventional 16 bit/44.1 kHz and 24 bit/96 kHz sys tem s . The Sony system is a basic 64-times normal CD rate (2.8224 mb) delta sigma (differen ce between samples) sys tem that of fers tri ck options in that the high rate datastre a m , John Paul with the Pope (Gene Pope of Pope Music) 12 easily mass stored on Digital (video) Betacam (46Gb capacity) or hard drive , can also be manipulated around the music signal in va rious ways to provi de su peri or down - converted conventi onal 16 bi t - 4 4 . 1 kHz CD. This is apparen t ly similar to the Meridian 518 Processor noise-shaping ro utines wh i ch optimise bits for most relevant use within a given music signal. A piano, bass and drums trio playing an extended spacey intro into Ken ny Dorhams’ Blue Bossa (happily I’m on very familiar terri tory here, so trust me!) was the sample piece played from their black boxes. Regular 44.1kHz portrayed a decent typical studio quality recording over the n i ce , big Sony SS-M9 spe a kers . The 24/96 was massively, heaps better, more open, det ai led , relaxed, clean and natural. Nex t , the DSD was pretty similar to the 24/96 but to my ears had better transient attack, and openness with even more “l ook into” the band definiti on and set-up ambi en ce. Magnificent! The Sony demonstra tor said they didn’t use the Nagra favo u red dCS 902 A/D 24-bit convertors played in other rooms and they weren’t sure the 24 bit Apogee convertors used here were the Cello-modified types. So it’s somewhat chalk and cheese. Though a big ear opener was the massaged DSD stream down converted to regular 44.1 wh i ch sounded pretty damn good compared to the conventional 44.1 version. Sony-man tried steering the audience by saying they believed it to be better than 24/96 but after a few more run AV details and specifications Dolby Pro Logic Surround for home theatre AC-3 ready – 5.1 channel external decoder input built-in High power discrete amplifiers for front and centre channels: 130W + 130W in stereo mode 100W left, centre and right, plus 30W + 30W surround in Dolby Pro Logic mode 32-station FM/AM random preset memory tuning Ten analog inputs Four composite and four S-Video inputs Four composite and four S-Video outputs Programmable and PreMemory remote control The b est of both w orlds… Conventional wisdom will tell you that a well-specified home theatre receiver cannot also be a good music stereo amplifier. Conventional wisdom is wrong. The Denon AVR-2600 proves that you can have the best of both worlds by being a remarkable stereo amplifier that – at the flick of a button – adds all the enthralling excitement you could wish for from home theatre. The Denon AVR-2600 – possibly the only AV receiver worth listening to music through. It genuinely gives the best of both worlds. Simply superb sound The AVR-2600 is too new to have reviews avaulable, but its predecessor – the closely related AVR-2500 – received these glowing plaudents: “…the AVR=2500 is today’s best [NZ$••••] receiver… simply blew away the other recievers (and the panalists) with its powerful, clear sound”—Home Theater Technology “We’ve spent more time with this receiver than any other in recent memory, and with good reason – the sound is simply unbelivable… if you’re in he market for a [NZ$•••] receiver, you can do no better than the AVR2500.”—Home Theater Technology “The sound from the Denon was… clean, powerful and dynamic”—Stereophile Guide to Home Theater Proudly imported by Avalon Audio Corporation, 587Mt Eden Road, Auckland. Ph 0-9-638 9000. Fax 0-9-638 8888 throughs of each version, I know my own, and think the general preferred consensus, was DSD, 24/96, “m a s s a ged DSD” and quite poorly distant, old standard 44.1 CD. SPOILED ROTTEN The bi ggest thing after these three sess i ons for me, was that anything played on standard old formats, no matter how expensive and elaborate, couldn’t begin to compare. Re a lly! Even the punchy loud Wilson Grand Slamms with huge Audio Re s e a rch valve monoblocks still lacked that inner detail, clarity and clean attack that the higher bit systems accurately pres en ted. Likewise, re s pect a ble set-ups from Audio Physic, Cabasse, Audio Artistry Beethoven, MBL, Von Schweikert and others . So sorry. Vinyl or CD source , va lve or solid state, once you get a taste treat of the “fresh” higher bit/sample ear food , a ll el s e is processed, plastic, frozen junk food. Heard that before? They were right. The real higher bit/sampling stuff from this day forw a rd has seriously got me, to quote a favourite jazz title, captured delightfully “Bet ween The Thigh s”. Whether it becomes 24-bit at 88.2 kHz “old compatible” or 96 kHz shouldn’t be a huge worry as digi - m avens say bits are cheap and back w a rd or forward conversion tricks are easy enough. The main thing is that it just gets happening before DVD bit redu ction sys tems su ch as Do l by Digital AC-3 (5.1) become de-facto acceptable for music. Who said vinyl was dead – there was plenty of interest at the show So while the digital dilemma con ti nu e , i t’s sweet to recall that the best sound at the show naturally came from live breathing (wetware) performing musicians in the Tara Labs and the NHT rooms. Special credit to Ken Ka n tor who mic’d a harp s ichordist, or electric guitarist, or vocalist in room 1040 and let you monitor that live direct feed over his NHT 3.3’s in ad jacen t room 1041. I’m sure many ears were opened up to the mys terious black art of microph one placem ent as their auditi oning parameters changed. REALITY BITES It appears that DVD has to succeed to Best sound at the show 14 give music loving audiophiles better recorded sound. And if judged by many industry statements, it’s going to be Home Theatre that’ll make it happen. But the sad fact is that there were some superb looking and sounding displays at this show that offered much better sound reproduction than yo u’ll hear in probably 98% of EnZed, Yank or UK commercial theatres and virtually all were playing Hollywood dip-stick action boom, blast and bang movies. Quite often during demo’s they turned the sub-woofers way up, “sour- ro u n d s”(sic) too high, and centre dialogue to headache inducing, ear splitting levels. In the big Cell o / Vi d i k ron/Fa ro u d a room they po l i tely presented the picture differences from Waterworld laser disc versus (the su perior) DV D. They then let us be shot full of holes from all directions by (the superior) DTS (Digital Theatre Sound) machine-gun bullets which seemed to hurt more than the Dolby Digital AC-3 (5.1) bullets. Ouch! Forget approx i m a tely $80,000 US, I’m not inclined to spend $8 NZ to see Kevin Costrate (sic) get shot up in the local Hoyts! It just seems silly that with a paying, presumably soph i s ti c a ted and knowl ed geable audience, on trade days no less, that McIntosh Labs with B&W Speakers, M&K, JBL, Ma rtin-Logan, Carver and several other decent brands co u l d n’t play music or “n on - ex p l oding” adult drama movies. Th ere were very bri ef t a s tes of the Eagle’s Hotel California, and Clapton Unplugged but there weren’t any of the widely available music con cert, fine opera and ballet The alphabet according to Musical Fidelity X-Cans X-DAC Class-A Headphone amplifier X-10D HDCD DAC Class-A line buffer Musical Fidelity have redefined the alphabet with the X-Series of components. Highly reviewed and remarkably affordable components to improve your hi-fi system. Audition today! A&V Holdings. PO Box 40-160, Auckland. Ph 0-9-358 4100. Fax 0-9-358 4900 The harmonised forces of both craftsmanship and technology can be clearly seen in Castle Acoustic’s lineup. Every model, from the humblest to the mightiest is presented in a hand-finished, precisionengineered enclosure with a choice of nine beautiful real wood veneered finishes. Castle offers more than just a beautiful sound, rather it furnishes a choice of top performance loudspeaker systems with a lasting quality more than skin deep. A&V H O L D I N G S PO Box 40-160, Auckland 10 Ph 0-9-358 4100 Fax 0-9-358 4900 CASTLE SEVERN CASTLE AVON CASTLE HARLECH $1799 $2495 $3495 standard veneers standard veneers standard veneers Many finishes are available ex-stock. Some veneers attract a slightly higher price. Your Castle dealer can show you the possibilities laser discs seen or heard. These could’ve been simply wonderful, and incidentally demonstrated higher domestic acceptability for any of these state of the art Hom e Theatre systems. Instead it was the same old shit you see, painfully hear, and oh boy, golly-wowie, feel in the ch e a po app l i a n ce and discount rack system/TV stores. Arnie and Bruce bel ong there rattling the ref rigera tors and equaliser lights. Not in a serious music l oving hobbyists situation where , ye s , we like to hear small differences in things that do not “re a l i s ti c a lly ” ex p l ode every fif teen minutes. If I’d paid the admission fee, I wo u l d ’ve exploded till they refunded my money. Dear Home Theatre Ven dors, Please, G ROW UP! (End of bitching. We now return to our regularly scheduled music pro gramme). WORTH MENTIONING Plinius demonstra ted their amps and new M-16 rem o te pre-amp and M-14 phono units with the slim Aerial 8t speakers, which are a tall, thin side-firing woofer version of the widely acclaimed Aerial 10t’s. Peter Thomson with importer Victor Goldstein got an appreciably better sound in their small room than many others in similar strife. An interesting aside is that I was drawn into the Alon By Acarian with Cary Audio Designs room by some very nice sounding vintage Miles Davis playing over high efficiency Acarian Lotus SE speakers powered by Ca ry SE valve amps. I started chatting about the Miles re-releases with some guy and after a few moments he noti ced my “ i n ternational” badge and spontaneo u s ly offered “of all the solid state amps, I like the NZ Plinius amps best for my speakers”. I then checked his badge and it was Carl Ma rch i s o t to spo uting this! He’s de s i gn ed the highly respected Alon spe a kers and been instrumental in some of the better Dahlquist designs past. I asked him if I could pass that powerful endorsement on, and he said “Yes, yes, please do.” NAD had a misera ble small room with a noisy air- conditi on er, too much static product with too many spotlights all doing nothing useful. But they opened my ears with their magical 2.2 Digital Room Correction System. Four Mo torola DSP 56002 engines fed by 20 bit, 64x DeltaSigma conversion puts the equivalent of over 600 band-pass filters into actively compensating standing waves, early reflections, f lutter echo and left right spe a kers plus dual sub-woofer (.2) imbalance s . Turning the air conditioning off and playing some old time gut-bucket blues and romantic symphony piece s , they made a pair of small pricey Celestion Ki n gstons go from ho-hum small speaker, mostly two dimensional “n i ce” up to an honest wow ! What a three dimensional clear, clean, deep and wide, practically wraparound soundfield! I said that they had finally come up with an actual solution to Lshaped listening room s . And NAD owner Peter Lyngdorf laughed and said “Ya, true. And ve can make a matched pair vith a Klipschorn and a Kingston too!” It was more huge an improvement than the earl i er menti on ed 24-bit/96 kHz over regular 16/44.1. Actu a lly, h aving both the high bit rate/sampled sources with this very fancy room correction together You don’t have to die to go to heaven conrad-johnson It just sounds right The passage to audio perfection California Audio Labs Q u a l i t y Yo u C a n H e a r For more information and the name of your nearest dealer, contact Oceania Audio Ltd, PO Box 41-085 Auckland. Phone 0-9-849 3114. Fax 0-9-849 3307. Email sales@oceania-audio.co.nz 16 – Get real – GET Onkyo Home Theatre Onkyo TX-DS838 advantages • Non-negative feedback power amplifier for the front channels with dual inverted Darlington circuitry • Tangible evidence of Onkyo’s commitment to bring you unmatched home-theatre flexibility. Gold-plated inputs, eight pre-out outputs, seven pairs of heavy duty multi-way speaker binding posts and three digital inputs (AC-3 RF/optical/ coaxial) to bypass the receivers analog-to-digital stage • TX-DS838 on-screen displays define simplicity. The three main displays overlap so you don’t get lost in a labyrinth. The intuitive, selfexplanatory menu’s lead you by the hand to help you set up your surround sound system. • Unlike receivers that have 20-bit devices labouring with 24-bit devices, the dual 24-bit Motorola processors work harmoniously together Onkyo’s TX-DS838 Integra would have to be one of the most exciting Dolby Digital AC-3 products released this year. Hot on the heels of Onkyo’s TXD-S939 (“The King of Hollywood”), this product will impress. Its ease of use and stunning performance makes it a must for the Dolby AC-3 connoisseur. Built for performance, the TX-DS838 is guaranteed to knock your socks off! So for an unforgettable experience talk to your local Onkyo dealer: Whangarei Barrells 100% • Auckland Soundline • Auckland Mt Albert TV • Hamilton Lakeland TV • T auranga Jim’s Music Room • Gisborne Chris Fenn Hi-Fi • Napier The Hi-Fi Gallery • Napier The Sony Centre • Wanganui DA Morrisons • Palmerston North Manawatu TV & Sound • Palmerston North Savells Sound Centre • Wellington Soundline • B lenheim Herkt Retravision • Nelson Feedback Audio • Motueka Reliance Retravision • West Coast Ellery’s Home Appliance Centres • Christchurch Soundline • Ashburton Smith & Church • Dunedin Selectrix • Central Otago Andersons Distributed in New Zealand by B&W Loudspeakers (NZ) Ltd PO Box 22-049, Christchurch Ph 0-3-365 5677. Fax 0-3-365 7219 would be, perhaps, awesomely beyond superb. Though back on earth, this also suggests the clever question of whether it’s better to simply have a flash top range, say $20,000 spe a ker and try to get it singing sweet ly in the room , or is it bet ter to have a very good $10,000 spe a ker and drive it t h ro u gh the $10,000 NAD 2.2 DSP box ? Based on the NAD’s absen ce of added co l o u rations or arti f acts and it’s inherent magic tricks, I’d take the latter option in a flash. I’m re a lly sch eming on getting this. [Along with your $100k “s m a ll” Cello sys tem, which you mentioned is only about $99,829.53 away!—Ed.] Speaking of Celestion Ki n gstons, in a nearby room Celestion featured new models from famed designer of the excellent SL series Bob Smith. Models A1, A2 and A3 are all elegant balances of smoothness, clarity, power handling, dispersion, low distortion etc. And, they all sound very, very good too, especially at their re a s onable prices. I’d say these and the Jo s eph Audio RM7’s and RM22’s were the best sounding affordable products at the show. The little Joe’s with a kevlar cone and the small floor tower with an aluminium cone, both using a silk dome tweeter really sang true on some Billie Holiday and rock and ro ll that reviewer Ma rtin Colloms supplied. MC and I both agreed the music presentation was subtly changed with Shun Mook discs (three) shuffled atop the RM22’s. I say save your money, you can break the top surface waves with stacked and trimmed cork drink coa s ters or even a lightweight paperback book. Try it? Bryston amps were displayed with American co-import PMC (Professional Mon i tor Company) UK made transmission line spe a kers. Although their ATC s o u rced midrange and tweets sounded simply great via the Brystons, the very solid, tight tra n s m i s s i on line bass seemed mis-timed or lagging in PRAT against the rest of the music. But interestingly, after about 10 or 15 minutes this perception seems to go away. In c i dentally, I noti ced Brys ton’s internal build quality is as ti dy and tech n i c a lly gorgeous, less the gold trim, as the fine audio jewell ery from FM Acoustics, Jad i s , YBA, and other stratos priced goodies. Audio Note had a reel to reel deck playing what I thought was some 50’s Louis Armstrong through the Avantgarde Acoustic Uno horn system. It was an older recording with hiss, and some modulation noise (leading edge fuzz), and limited bass, 18 The NTX flat panels on display – not Maggies! but still very lively, immed i a te and cl e a n . The room was way too small for the horn drivers to integrate properly, so you heard too much of the mid or tweet horn depending on wh et h er you were standing or sitting. Their other room with their basic starter sys tem gets my worst sound at the show. That is, after the many way too loud home theatre set-ups. This small system with an integra ted amp, basic vinyl deck, non-descript CD player and high efficiency spe a kers re a lly needs some serious co l o u ration adjustments and distortion fixes or else should be put right back alongside $199 rack systems. Epos and Creek had a decent set-up with the new Epos 12’s and 30’s displayed. The 30 looks and sounds like a re-tuned Epos 25 which I’m not yet certain is for the better or worse. Kevin Voeck s , de s i gn er of many better Sn ell spe a kers, presented his Revel d’Appolitto type pair plus active crossover and amplified sub-woofer system in a very well set-up larger suite. Classy jazz singer Joe Williams from a Tel a rc disc in a Krell p l ayer was wonderfully right there in the room with us. Very impressive. I was immediately taken with the highest qu a l i ty valve amp-like midrange smoothness with tuneful and tight bass plus sweet open highs from the excellent big Pass Aleph single-ended amp driving a pair of Vanders teen Model Fives. Probl em here is that the Vandy 5 has an in-built active bass section, so I only heard the Pass mids and highs, but a lovely sound nonetheless! I visited here again twi ce , once with my own discs, and once when I fo ll owed what I thought was an excell en tly played live acoustic guitar wafting up a corri dor. My own wi dely auditi on ed discs sounded gre a t , and the fine “u n - l ive” g u itar was from a John Williams V PI ’d vinyl. Remember my “other room better sound” essay? I’d give this a “100% Pass!”. Paradigm featured their new built-in amp/cro s s over active systems, but I can’t tell you much about them because they were only playing in a Hoon (sic) Theatre set-up (Tom Cruise, Mission Impossible (my dilemma too!)). Th ey could cert a i n ly go loud and their ti dy “s m a ll” new active 15” sealed sub-woofer easily goes down to an earthquaking 14Hz. N XT flat spe a ker panels were hanging and playing pleasant background music in a small room and I got jumped by Mission big cheese Henry Azima for mentioning “they sounded similar to Ma ggi e s”. He firmly poi n ted out that Ma ggies are still point sources, while he emphasised the NXTs are random and totally diffuse radiators. More later. CONTINUING INTEREST Other mags will report other things, but I reckon the DVD daffiness and possible high bit/sample and DSP delights were the show’s most significant bits (sic). One other thing is, MBL of Germany, the makers of some thoro u ghly gor geous and unique electronics and speakers are looking for a bona-fide (stockist) NZ dealer. Just don’t mention the war! EXCLUSIVE PA RA D I GM DEALERS: WHANGAREI Hubands Retravision 0-9-430 0019 Video Magazine’s Home Theater System of the Year D A R G AV I L L E Hubands Retravision 0-9-439 7174 O R E WA Hibiscus Coast TV 0-9-426 5494 AUCKLAND AudioVideo International Grand Prix Product of the Year Rockit Electronics 0-9-624 1385 M ATA M ATA Innes Retravision 0-7-888 7458 THAMES Sound&Vision Critics’ Choice Award The Sound Shack 0-7-868 6768 TA U R A N G A Guinness Appliances 0-7-578 3678 H A M I LT O N The Listening Post 0800-80 44 34 “Phenomenal...Highly Recommended!” - Don Keele, Audio Magazine TOKOROA The Listening Post 0-7-886 4149 “Skin Tingling...Truly Topnotch.” - Julian Hirsch, Stereo Review H AWK ES BAY The Listening Post 0800-80 44 34 PAL M ER S TO N NO R T H Leader & Watt 0-6-359 3395 & 0-7-356 5123 WA N G A N U I “Outstanding...I Surrender...” - Greg Petan, Audio Adventure “Extraordinary...Bravo Paradigm!” - Andrew Marshall, Audio Ideas Guide Leader & Watt 0-6-345 2700 LEVIN The Sound Centre 0-6-368 5879 Leader & Watt 0-6-368 3726 WELLINGTON Amplifier Consultants 04-478 6669 CHRISTCHURCH The Listening Post 03-377 7299 TIMARU Express Sounds 03-686 0262 ith years of design expertise and a state-ofthe-art in-house R&D facility, Paradigm engineers and acousticians set out to build the world’s finest speakers, re g a rdless of cost! The result is Paradigm Re f e rence… electrifying and eminently satisfying high-end speaker systems that bring you closer than ever to the live event! W And, while this stunning performance heightens the sheer enjoyment of music, it is equally important for the best in home theater sound, especially now with the arrival of digital AC-3 and DTS. We invite you to visit your nearest Au t h o r i s e d Paradigm Re f e rence Dealer and experience this astonishing new re f e rence standard in music and home theater sound for yourself! THE ULTIMATE IN HIGH-END PERFORMANCE FOR MUSIC AND HOME THEATER™ C o nt a ct D ou g Th om as at P O B OX 468 SI LV E R D A L E Ph 025 723 989, Fax 0-9-426 5883 Studio/20 Studio/60 Studio/80 Studio/100 AC-3 is a trademark of Dolby Labs, DTS is a trademark of Digital Theater Systems. Esprit/BP Bipolar Eclipse/BP LCR-450 Bipolar Left/Center/Right CC-450 Center Channel ADP-450 Surround Servo-15 Subwoofer For more information visit your nearest Authorised Pa radigm Re f e re n c e Dealer or contact Doug Thomas at: Audio Technologies New Zealand Limited, PO B ox 468 Si l ve rdale. Phone 025-723 989. Fax 0-9-426 5883 website: www.paradigm.ca SYSTEMS by M i k e Jo n e s A musical AV system? PROMISES FULFILED BY DENON AND KEF I try to regularly pop into my local hi-fi stores to see the new equipment and talk to the guys on the floor about wh a t’s hot. Around two ye a rs ago I was in Auckland’s Smiths Sound, where manager Phil McIsaac was waxing enthusiastic about a Denon AV receiver. One of the things I’ve learned about Phil is that, when he says a piece of hi-fi gear is good, then it is. So wh en Phil to l d me that the Denon AVR-2500 was an excellent amplifier that just happened to also be a Dolby Pro Logic receiver, I was all ears. I immediately made a mental note to look up that receiver with a view of including it in AudioEnz. Call me backward, call me slow, call me what you will, but it was two ye a rs until I 20 finally got around to doing something about it – only to find that the 2500 had just been replaced by the Denon AVR2600. (Th ere still are some 2500’s aro u n d at the time of writing, at attractive prices). So the 2600 it was to be. I approach ed Paul Webb, the general manager of Denon and KEF importer Avalon Audio for a music based system that could also be used for home theatre. Paul supplied the Denon DCD-1015 CD player ($799), Denon’s AVR-2600 Do l by Pro Logic receiver ($1899) and KEF’s C35 loudspe a kers ($1099). System price was $3797. Denon’s 1015 was a strong contender on release a year or three back (we reviewed it in Au d i o Vi d e o), and it still holds up nicely. Everyone ack n owledged that the receiver and speakers could benefit from a better CD player than the 1015, but it was inclu ded primari ly to keep the system price down. The centrepiece of the sys tem was the AVR-2600 receiver. I understand that it is very similar to the older 2500, but with a bit more power (130 watts in stereo mode; 100 watts across the front and 30+30 watts to the rear in surround mode), plus it’s labell ed as “AC-3 ready”. All this means is that you can later plug a Dolby Digital decoder into the 2600. From the viewpoint of convenience the 2600 is a winner. It has plenty of inputs and outputs for both audio and video components and includes a delightful learning rem o te contro l , wh i ch also controlled the Denon 1015 CD player. After l iving for years with non-remote ampli- f i ers, I co u l d n’t believe how nice it was to have everything work from the one remote. This is luxury! Launching the music into my room was the KEF C35 loudspe a kers. A shortish floor standing spe a ker (737mm high), the C35’s have a single Uni-Q driver tow a rd s the top of the front baffle. KEF’s Uni-Q drive units have a tweeter placed in the centre of the woofer cone. This should improve the sound dispersion from the spe a ker, compared to a conventional (tweeter above woofer) arrangement. Put it all together in my lounge and h ow did it sound? Very good, in fact. As a system it allowed me to en j oy my music without getting in the way. I listen to a very wide variety of music – probably aro u n d 20–30 CDs per week – and need to be able to hear the music and feel the em o ti on in my music. This I was able to achieve through this system. As suggested, the CD player was the we a kest link – spending more money would solve that! For home theatre use I hoo ked the Denon 2600 up to my Energy bipole/dipole surround spe a kers and watched (and listened) to a couple of movies, including The Long Kiss Goodnight, Fried Green Tomatoes and the opening of Star Trek 6, and TV sound. The 2600 portrayed and projected voices clearly (surely the most important aspect of a movie is the dialogue, not the thumps and crashes of action movies), but with plenty of power for action. So, a success for the Denon/KEF system. Pick of the three – the AVR-2600. th e b e s t . .. he be .. March ’97 731 731 731 731 731 731 May ’95 731 731 731 731 August ’95 732 733 733 733 Awards ’96 733 Highly Recommended May ’95 734 734 734 734 734 May ’95 735 . . . j u s t g o t b e t t e r. . . S l i s t e n E a n R d I i E b e S l i e v e . . . Crestmore Pty Ltd PO Box 99-111, Newmarket, Auckland Tel:025-950-663 Fax:0-9-579 6228 http://www.mission.co.uk available from: Barrells 100% 0-9-430 0098 • Stereo World 0-9-630 1204 and 0-9-631 5130 • Paul Money Hi-Fi 0-9-638 8555 • The Audio Consultant 0-7-843 8436 • Audio Reflection 0-7-578 7956 • Mason Appliances 0-6-757 5749 • DA Morrison Electric City 0-6-345 3949 • Moore Appliances 0-7-378 7020 • Associated Radio 0-4-473 5403 • The Top Hi-Fi Shop 0-3-365 2041 TO THE MAX b y M a x C hri s to f fe rs e n Buying power in bulk AMPS, AMPS AND MORE AMPS Q uestion: name a home audio product available tod ay which wasn’t available 10 years ago. (Hint – it’s not CD players!) Answer: Multi-channel amplifiers. Today’s mu l ti - channel amps are a sign of the times. In the 70s who needed one – in fact in the 80s who needed one? In the 90s with the growth of home theatre and mu l ti - room sys tem s , the ti m e for the single chassis, multi -cha nnel amp has come. The convenient design make the multich a n n el amp the equ iva l ent of the multiCD player – but what’s even better is knowing that the com p act de s i gn actu a lly m a kes for cost effective power whether yo u’re starting from scra tch or adding on to an existing system. Demand for multi-channel amplifiers has been growing, but only recently have multi-channel amplifiers been manufactured with real gut-shaking power output. Reading through magazines devoted to the modern “audio-video lifestyler” suggests that the multi-channel amp is the 90’s panacea to all audio ills from reducing cluttered rack space to providing a novel way of powering multiple room systems. Take your pick – but the reasons to buy a multi-amp are gro u n ded in solid hom e theatre theory. Traditional good home theatre practi ce suggests all amplifiers should sound the same ac ross all five (or seven) channels leading to a seamless integration of the multi-channel surro u n d sound-field. And with the advent of Do l by Digital and DTS surround – the new theory says all amplifiers should not only sound the same, they should have the same output power as well. That leaves the home theatre (or multiThe multi-channel amp enthusiast also room) enthusiast with three choices: needs to be su re that the amp will power a) buy an all-in-one processor-amp (all not on ly current, but future applicati on s . amps on board) Some multi-channel amps are a big investb) buy a rack of same-brand amplifiers ment and users better be sure that five c) buy a single chassis multi-channel amp channels of amplification is enough! (all amps on board) While more than five ch a n n els may be Multi-channel amps sound good in the high-end of home theatre, i t’s worth theory and the convenience of the thinking ahead. approach is undeniable, they offer re a l practical benefits as well: BUYING IN BULK 1) less rack space The multi-channel amp equ a tion is 2) less cost (than buying separates) based on a simple equ a tion: buy in bulk! 3) less chance of amp mis-matches If you buy a good quality two channel amp 4) fewer power plugs! (than multiple why not go to five! The ben efits are obviamps) ous and using a do llar per watt ra tio conMulti-channel amps are also conve- firms it’s good value for money! nient for those who already own a procesIt seems it’s one of those too good to be sor-amp (with pre - o uts) who want more true stories – why didn’t they always make muscle but don’t want to upgrade to an multi-amps? Well nece s s i ty is the mother entirely new unit. A simple patch to the of i nvention and the modern trend new amp and more tow a rds multiple power – just add channels for home The Rotel is a genuinely t h e a tre (or music) is soundtrack! The re a s on to evidence of smart buy a multi-channel engaging amp all round – I thinking and real comes down to world responses actually found myself answering a simple from manufacturers question. to the demands of putting on familiar CDs Can I get con s i sAV in the home. tent amplifier sound My first multiagain and again and output power channel amp was a with flexibility in Yamaha MX35 2/4 use from any other amplifier configura- channel amp, it was indicative of the AV tion? thinking of the time, with minimal power Before buying a multi-channel amp and only 4 channels. purchasers might consider: Later I had the NAD 906 home – wh a t a) power output vs cost a great little amp, again maybe underpowb) flexibility ered, but it had three sep a ra te tra n s formc) am I adding power on to an existing ers and was bridgeable – a good design and amp-processor? a worthy addition to home theatre systems d) am I bi-amping? (more about that which needed a kick-up in the power later) stakes. AMPING IT UP IN THE 90S So now it’s the late 90s. Home theatre is the buzz word in the market and the n eed for better proce s s ors , bet ter spe a kers and bigger amps is high. Enter the Rotel THX RB 985 five chann el amplifier, at five chan n els x 100 watts, the beefiest multi-channel amp I had tried. Frankly – I liked the Ro tel from the m i nute I got it out of the box. It’s simple, 22 Diamond 7.3 Monaco Corp. PO Box 4399, Auckland Ph 0-9-415 7444. Fax 0-9-415 7400 clean fascia, no-fuss design and beefy trannie (visible thro u gh the top panel vents) filled me with confiden ce that Ro tel had got it right. At 100 watts per channel (40 amp peak) it is a robust amp perfect for most domestic home theatre systems. Typically the Ro tel had a clean and engaging sound – and I enjoyed using the amp in my system as a music-only amplifier. The Rotel is a genu i n ely en ga ging amp all round – I actually found myself putting on familiar CDs again and again just to hear the mid-range shading it brought out on my CDs that I hadn’t noticed before. a normal (if beefy) two channel amp, with But home theatre is why you get the nothing on the front except a small joule Ro tel and it fired all five channels com- meter, satin smooth aluminium finish and prising my JBL L5 main, JBL Control 5 not even a power button, the Su n f i re is, centre s , JBL dipole surrounds and two well… eccentric. BSR passive subwoofers. Typically with a Bob Carver design, That’s a lot of spe a kers to feed and the there’s alw ays something a little “u n conRo tel was bright and chirpy and keen to ventional” under the hood. This time it’s show off – you could hardly call this a not switch ed mode power su pp ly (a l a the lethargic amp! controversial Mt As always, familiar series) but a nifty scenes with hu ge Sunfire is possibly the best n ew devi ce that Bob dynamic swi n gs from calls a “tracking sounding audio home vi deo were used to down converter” test the amp’s muscle (…sounds a little theatre multi-channel – the low end intro to like the “flux capaciIndepen d en ce Day tor” in Back to the amplifier yet produced will test the best of Future) which is at amps and it sure testthe heart of the 200 ed the Rotel with the unit’s front panel red watt output power. clipping indicators telling me the amp’s red The Su n f i re has been designed with a line had just been crossed. unique feature – the Cinema Grand feaTo be fair, the volume level at the safety tu res two pairs of outputs for con n ecting c ut - off point was louder than any normal the main speakers to a current and voltage listening environ m ent and I do u bt that in s o u rce – the remaining channels are all normal viewing they would engage. The voltage source. Ro tel is best suited to systems that need The idea is that current source provides the extra beef and users who are not a tu be like warmth and the vo l t a ge source abusers! the mu s cle nece s s a ry for bo t tom end (for Safe to say though, that a home trial bi-amping purposes), which is exactly should be used to see how the amplifier what I did first. I was keen to see what the tonal balance and the real world listen i n g Su n fire would do with two ch a n n els feedlevel works at your place . Overall – gre a t ing my top end of my Infinity Ka ppa 8’s value for money at $1599 – but still the and the other two channels feeding the Rotel left me wondering what the big boys bottom end bass. could do. Was it the best performance I have ever Enter 200 watts of f ive channel mu s cl e h ad from my Ka ppa 8’s? Prob a bly. Th ere’s courtesy of the Sunfire Cinema Grand. I’d no do u bt that something special is going l ong been taken with Su n f i re cre a tor Bob on with the Su n f i re – more bottom end, Carver – having owned a Carver amp for smooth mid-ra n ge and the same “gra n dm a ny years – and now the new cre a tion ness” feel of the big Plinius or NAD amps f rom Bob’s latest com p a ny was about to which I had used before. get a run at my place. But there is something odd about the The quite exqu i s i te looking Su n f i re Sunfire – put it down to the designer’s aim Cinema Grand amplifier ($5195) bellies its of producing an amplifier that produces m a s s ive specs – looking all the world like the best of both solid state and tube sound 24 traits and it’s like the Su n f i re has its foot firmly in neither one camp or the other. But you will be blown aw ay by the Su n f i re’s ability to go real deep while retaining a silky sweet smooth top end. Stunning stuff which makes one yearn for a pair of ribbon tweeters! But what about home theatre – after all if was going to retain this configuration with four of the five Su n fire amps driving only my Ka ppas I would need another Sunfire to power the rear channels! Could the Su n f i re handle the impedance loads of my Kappa 8s in bi-wire mode – with the centre ch a n n el as well? A simple question with a simple answer – no. At 200 watts per channel you would think this would be enough to power almost anything but I managed to shut the Su n f i re down briefly thro u gh its pro tection circuits while the volume level was high again on Independence Day. But the Su n f i re did what it was designed to do – it went harder and longer than any other multi-amp and the protection cut in. Carver’s Sunfire amp is special – possibly the best sounding audio home theatre multi-channel amplifier yet produced. Be sure to give the Su n f i re time to warm up over several days and stand back – you won’t forget it easily. HOME THEATRE BONUS But the bonus for home theatre users is that they can now plan ahead – for those who started early on, we all wish multichannel amps were around – we could have started with a solid base and built from there instead of cobbling together whatever amps were lying around. Th a t’s the differen ce ten years has on you! In the 90s multi-amps are in demand and you can bet that all manufacturers will soon have one in the product range. Watch this space. Affordable high-end (brought to you by Interdyn) ROTEL RB 985THX 5-Channel Power Amplifier RRP $1599 “For: Great value; maximum muscle for minimum money. Against: Nothing. Verdict: Turns your listening room into the local Empire on a budget” What Hi-Fi? RA 970BX Integrated Amplifier RRP $799 “The RA-970BX was stable and powerful, with huge headroom that allowed it to swing realistic dynamics” Hi-Fi World RCD 930AX Compact Disc Player RRP $499 “Worthy of comparison with seriously high-end players, the new Rotel entry level CD player… will doubtless find itself the cheapest component in many a high-performance hi-fi system. An indisputable CD best buy” Australian Hi-Fi Best Buys RC 970BX mk2/RB 970BX mk2 pre/power Amplifiers RRP $449/$649 “Uncomplicated styling, good sounds and the ability to grow with your system—Rotel’s affordable pre- power combination gives a true five star show” What Hi-Fi RCD 970BX Compact Disc Player RRP $999 “…should certainly be on the auditioning list of anyone with this kind of money to spend” What Hi-Fi RA 920AX Integrated Amplifier RRP $449 “The bottom line is that the Rotel RA 920AX has its ri vals thoroughly beaten if you just want to enjoy listening to music” What Hi-Fi TDL RTL 2 Floor-Standing Speakers RRP $1099 “…a very attractive and listenable speaker at a most attractive price. It is well worth hearing if you are in the market for a compact, top-notch speaker system that won’t bankrupt you or dominate your home decor” Stereo Review RTL 3 Floor-Standing Speakers Concertino An appreciation of music and a love of violin making gave rise to the birth of Sonus Faber. Franco Serblin devised the idea to create a speaker cabinet as an instrument which amplifies sound, not merely a container for it. His inherited knowledge and study of violin construction suggested the use of precious woods. Each batch of Italian walnut is scrupulously chosen, dried naturally for two years and stabilised in a kiln. Once the wood is perfectly seasoned, each plank is cut into staves. The tongue and groove staves are then joined, sealed and the final structure shaped, smoothed and varnished. Every Sonus Faber speaker is in essence a hand-made one-of-a-kind. To own such a speaker is a reflection of impeccable taste. RRP $1599 “Their twin bass/midrange drive units and reflex transmission line design, capable of handling 120W, ensure that bass is retrieved from 20,000 fathoms deep. And it’s tight and controlled. Regardless of how complex the music becomes, the TDL’s agility and fast response means they always keep abreast of event” What Hi-Fi PRO-JECT Pro-Ject 1.2 Turntable (includes Ortofon OM10 cartridge) RRP $499 “Able to suppress surface noise to almost inaudible levels…will get you re-exploring your record collection, then reward you by letting you hear plenty you never noticed before” What Hi-Fi Pro-Ject 2 Turntable (includes Ortofon OM10 cartridge) RRP $699 “This deck’s strongest point is its musical coherence and the sense of sheer rightness about the sound” Hi-Fi World Pro-Ject 6.1 Turntable (includes Pro-Ject 4 cartridge) RRP $999 “…a sparkling performer, digging deep into a records grooves and bringing out truckloads of detail” What Hi-Fi Awards For more information please contact I n t e rnational Dynamics. PO Box 109-317, Newmarket, Auckland. Ph 0-9-524 8488. Fax 0-9-524 8674. Mobile 025-798 260 or 025-237 9505 Concerto For an information pack please contact I n t e rnational Dynamics PO Box 109-317, Newmarket, Auckland. Ph 09-524 8488. Fax 09-524 8674. Mobile 025-798 260 or 025-237 9505 …AND NOW TO THE LEFT b y Ll o yd M a co mb e r The world of ECM Records SECOND LINE NEEDED! T i red of listening to your ever predictable album co llection? In need of s om ething more than just Miles, Mozart or those Moods collections? If your musical interests fall into the broad net of jazz, classical or world mu s i c , then m ay I interest you in the aural and vi su a l landscape that is ECM Records. peter Le s ter Bowie (I Only Have Eyes For You), a sense of ambience and space is evident around every recording. THE MUSIC MANFRED’S THE MAN Since 1969, those who have cared to listen have fo llowed the works borne from a Munich record com p a ny con cerned alw ays with rigorous quality control. Musician, producer, company director and founder of ECM Records, Manfred Eicher, launched ECM (Edition of Contemporary Music) without any regard for the (still) standing conventional notions of commerciality. Eicher’s background as production assistant at nu m erous orch e s tral and chamber music sessions held him in good s te ad for his peculiar approach to recording. Eicher’s knowledge and attention to detail from recording classical en s em bles was translated to the even small er en s embles playing jazz music which were to form the basis for many early ECM productions. ECM Records first release was Ma l Waldron’s Free at Last. Recorded in November ’69, the album was released in limited edition and pressed on the highest-quality vinyl. It sold out in quick time, with sales proceeds financing its production. And so ECM Records was put on the map. Today, some 600 titles later, p lus an ever increasing number of titles in its New Series, ECM Records touches all corners of the jazz, classical and world music idioms. TAKING TH E P LU NGE It was 10 years ago in a second hand record shop that I stumbled upon my first en co u n ter with an ECM album. It was by trumpet/flugelhorn player Kenny Wheeler. The cover was pink and I could only guess that the music was jazz. I didn’t buy the album, but I committed its strong, austere cover artwork to memory. Over the next few ye a rs , as my apprec iati on of jazz music grew, it was inevi t a bl e that I would come ac ross other albums from the same stable. My growing interest in the drums led me to pick up one su ch album fe a tu ring dru m m er ex tra ordinaire, Peter Erskine. After examining the album’s liner notes I decided to take a punt. Not surprisingly, the cover art work was conspicuous by its simple yet striking de s i gn. The album was Ma rc Jo h n s on’s Bass De s i re s, a quartet of expansive and considered modern jazz mu s i c . With this album, I had made inroads into a subset of jazz music that was as attractive and stimu l a ting on the inside as it was on the outside. I was hoo ked . ECM DISTINCTION The signature sound of any ECM work, which sets it apart from most any other record house, is the silent and inky bl ack backdrop to the musicians. This recording environment that Eicher has developed so consistently well over the years has been instrumental to all ECM productions. Whether it’s the solo aco u s tic guitar of Ralph Towner (Solo Concert), the jazz s t a n d a rds Keith Jarrett’s Trio (St a n d a rd s Vols 1 & 2), or the brass fantasy of tru m- 26 In the mid ’80s, and as a celebration of ECMs 15th birthday, the first Works series of ten albums were released. The artists represented were musicians who had been working with ECM since early days. The Americans included the distinctively different pianists Chick Corea and Keith Jarrett, guitarist Pat Metheny, vibraharpist Gary Bu rton , mu l ti - i n s tru m en t a list Ralph Towner and drummer Jack De Johnette. An o t h er fe a tured artist of the Works series was Brazilian multi-instrumentalist Egberto Gismonti. The remaining three artists, bassist Eberhard Weber, saxophonist Ja n Garb a rek and electric guitarist Terje Rypdal were Scandinavian or German. As introductions, the Works series is a suitable way of covering the 15 year span of each artist. Alternatively, consider my own selecti on of favourites, and albums wh i ch may act as en co u raging transitional steps for those already listening to other forms of jazz, classical and world music. ACOUSTIC JAZZ Keith Jarrett St a n d a rds albums are excell ent first stops for those already died i n - t h e - wool jazz standards lovers. Jarrett, that love him or hate him pianist with a tendency to grunt and moan is joi n ed by double-bassist Gary Pe acock and dru m m er Jack DeJohnette in a series of albums based THE HEART OF GOOD HI-FI pictured: Advance 170 Luxman • NAD • Pioneer • Ambience • Papworth • Siltech • Dynaudio • Martin Logan • California Audio Labs • Wharfedale • Dali• Jamo Trichord CD mods • Speaker kits Loudspeaker repairs • Home Cinema 25 Portage Road, New Lynn, Auckland Ph 0-9-827 1220. Fax 0-9-826 0302 I ntroducing the new Alpha range from Arcam – the latest in a long line of high performance, British engineered tuners, The Only People Capable of Improving Upon The CDV-1...Just Did! Dynaco’s new CDV-2’s lavish use of custom-made polypropylene signal capacitors and close tolerance resistors suggest extraordinary parts quality, while a rear panel switch enables the user to bypass the laboratory-grade ALPS volume control, assuring maximum sonic purity with a wider variety of audio systems. Of course, we’ve retained those features which made the CDV-1 a perennial best-seller. A pair of American-made, industrial quality tubes deliver sweet-yet-detailed treble response, tight, powerful bass and midrange performance that approaches perfection. The CDV-2 will convey your favourite music with a sound so palpable, so three-dimensional, you’ll actually believe you can reach out and touch the artists! – all for only $1495. The Dynaco CDV Pro adds HDCD processing and is only $1995. Reviews of these are other Dynaco hi-fi components are available by request. And hire purchase of Dynaco hi-fi is available. If music is an important part of your life, you owe yourself a CD player this good. Distributed and serviced by Feedback Enterprises Ltd Ph/Fax 0-3-548 4068 or Ph/Fax 0-3-547 6012. web: www.voyager.co.nz/~pepsi/index.htm Auckland Charisma Audio Ph 0-9-478 6448 Wellington 0-4-388 2347 Nelson Feedback Audio Ph 0-3-548 4068 CD players and integrated amplifiers. Sleekly redesigned. More powerful. Easily upgradable. Give them a listen and see how they compare with other leading components. Because that’s one battle we know we can win. Proudly imported by Avalon Audio Corporation Limited 587 Mt Eden Road, Auckland. Ph 0-9-638 9000. Fax 0-9-638 8888 27 a round those jazz standard s . Con s i der St a n d a rds Vols 1 and 2 and St a n d a rds Live for their own ren d i ti ons of classics. My own personal favo u ri tes are the Bi ll Evans Tri o - i n s p i red albums led by exWeather Report, Steps Ahead and recent Steely Dan dru m m er Peter Erskine. If your wish, a f ter a hard day at the of f i ce, is to recline before some soothing jazz piano trio music, t h en look no furt h er than any of these albums. Together the trio of Erskine, double-bassist Palle Daniel s s on and pianist John Tayl or are masters of th ei r own trade. Th eir colla bora ti on on all three a l bums (You Never Know, Time Bei n g, As It Is) is a con s i s tent and su ccessful one. ELECTRIC JAZZ Aco u s tic, el ectric guitar and mando l i n player John Abercrombie has a long established career record with ECM. For my money, notable works include the series of a l bums wh i ch see Aberc rom bie joi n ed by acoustic bassist Marc Jo h n s on and drummer Peter Erskine on albums Current Events and Abercrombie/Johnso n / Erskine of the Arts, fe a tu res with two recent albums, Zig Za g and Musica De Sob revivencia. Eg berto Gismon ti, and his own brand of traditi onal European inspired jazz and the sounds of the ra i n forest, is well sampled in the 1984 Wo rk s seri e s album, featuring tunes from from 1978–81. CLASSICAL – ECM NEW SERIES double live set Travels is a worthwhile snapshot of Metheny’s early works and his ever developing guitar/guitar synth sound. Metheny ’s ECM albums are without the l a tin reinforcem ents so prom i n ent on the recent albums for Geffen records. WORLD MUSIC For those familiar with the perc u s s i on rich world music featured in Auckland’s Radio bFMs Audible World programme, try the self titled Oregon album WEB WATCH f rom 1983, or the The ECM web page can be found at later Crossing http://www.ecmrecords.com/ album. Oregon’s sound is the peralbums. Al s o, the same trio are joined by fect union of e a s t - m eet s - west instrumensaxoph onists Mi chael Brecker on Getting tal mu s i c . Lon g time ECM recording arti s t There and John Surman on November. Ralph Towner plays guitars and keyboards, Now with Geffen Records, Pat while the late Colin Wa l cott adds his disMetheny ’s first albums were with ECM. tinctive percussion and sitar. From around 1976, the young Metheny Possibly the most hauntingly beautiful began his recording career with the album album featuring music of the east is Zakir Bright Si ze Li fe with bassist Jaco Pastoriu s Hussain’s 1987 album Making Music. Percusand drummer Bob Moses. From 1980 sionist and tabla player Hussain is joined by came As Fa lls Wichita, So Falls Wichita fellow Pakistani Hariprasad Chaurasia on Fall s, a startling co llection of tunes aided flute s , John Mc L a u ghlin on aco u s tic guitar by keyboardist and main aid, Lyle Mays, and Jan Garbarek on saxophones. and perc u s s i onist Nana Va s con celos. The Am ong the scores of albums fe a tu ring Norwegian saxophonist Jan Garbarek, two which appeal for their integration of western and eastern instrumentation, a re I Took Up The Runes and Visible World. As well as show casing Garbarek’s icy and eerie tenor and soprano sax playing, I Took Up The Runes introdu ces popular Fren ch dru m m er Manu Katche (more known for his work with Peter Gabriel and Sting). Both albums are possibly the easiest approaches into the often sharp and soaring call of Garbarek’s saxophones. Brazilian guitari s t / p i a n i s t / compo s er Eg berto Gismonti, who visited Wellington’s s h ores for last ye a rs In ternati onal Festiva l 28 From the late 1970’s, Ma n f red Eicher recognised the releva n ce of modern composers like Steve Reich and John Adams. An en co u n ter with Estonian composer Arvo Part persuaded Eicher to cre a te the ECM New Series. Consequ en t ly, Part was the first artist to feature in this brand series with his album Tabula Rasa. The New Series looks not on ly to work s of tod ay, but also music reaching back through the centuries. Many artists featured are well known out s i de of their work with ECM – com posers John Adams and Steve Reich, musicians Gidon Kremer, and the allmale vocal group The Hilliard Ensemble. Al re ady establ i s h ed artists on ECM for their contributions in the jazz idiom, Keith Jarrett and Jan Garb a rek both feature in the New Series. Ja rrett, notably for his J. S . Bach Goldberg Variations and Well Tempered Klavier series and Garbarek with The Hi lliard Ensemble in the seemingly unlikely album Officium f rom 1993. In Officium, Garb a rek adds his saxophone voi ce , in an appropri a tely restra i n ed fashion, to the vocal layers of The Hilliard’s, in European ecclesiastical music largely from the 14th and 15th centuries. Despite its app a rent mismatch of instrumentation, Officium has earned ECM significant recogn i ti on worldwi de both with the critics and the public. With any lu ck I’ve managed to intere s t some readers in starting their appreciation of the ECM label. The world of ECM can provide many a musical treat. Intro and Credo loudspeakers Your Naim specialist is: Shore Hi-Fi, Auckland 0-9-486 4494 • The Audio Consultant, Hamilton 0-7-843 8436 • Sound Advice, Hastings 0-6-877 8875 • The Real Music Co, Wellington 0-4-385 8353 • Living Sound, Nelson 0-3-546 8363 • The Top Hi-Fi Shop, Christchurch 0-3-365 2041 • Express Sounds, Timaru 0-3-686 0262 • Sight & Sound, Dunedin 0-3-474 0443 You can spend !more money! but you cannot buy better electronics. Classé Audio’s devotion to the creation of audio products of impeccable quality is an approach that an audiophile magazine recently called “a combination of art and science (that) exemplifies the best that high-end has to offer.” Classé Audio has a worldwide reputation for unsurpassed musical performance, reliability, consistency and overall musical balance. Classé Audio products are now available in New Zealand and backed by one of NZ’s leading audio distributors. Audition them today at leading hi-fi stores. Von Schweikert Research Virtual Reality (VR) Speakers “This [VR-4] must be one of the most comprehensive and most complete speakers on the market”—HiFi and Music Magazine Sep 96 “These speakers [VR 4.5s] encourage me to learn…about music, about taking joy all over again in music. I can’t imagine a higher recommendation”—Fi Magazine Feb 97 “The VR-4s are the finest loudspeakers I have had the pleasure of hearing…I’m buying the review pair”—Positive Feedback Vol 5 No 6 Hear the full-range VR-4 loudspeaker that reviewers say outpoints the Wilson Watt/Puppy 5, yet costs less than one-third of its price. Bass response flat to 20Hz, impedance 6 ohms, sensitivity of 90dB. A rear ambience tweeter ensures true 3D sound staging and unrivalled imaging. The full-range VR-3 (flat to 26Hz) about which SoundStage said “an outright steal…seek these speakers out…the best value in high-end audio today” is also available for audition. For further information contact Peter at Frontline Audio. Ph (09) 520-HIFI (09 520 4434) or e-mail peterl@iconz.co.nz For more information please contact Sound Group Holdings, PO Box 33-791, Takapuna Ph 0-9-415 6680. Fax 0-9-415 6683 29 THE ROAR FROM THE CROWD Mail bag YOUR CORRESPONDENCE CLEANUP TIME Editor, I must take issue with the su gge s ti on s of Andrew Fox re: record cleaning with “Down to Earth” (or any detergent for that matter) [AudioEnz March 1997] Years ago I spent an intere s ting day with the people at Ni t ty Gritty. Their chemist showed me electron micro s cope pictu res of records that had been cl e a n ed with various different methods and then played 500 times each. They had before and after pictures which clearly showed the varying degrees of damage to the groove walls afterwards. I asked specific ally abo ut the tap water and detergent method as many people had a s ked about this. He pointed out that detergents break down the plasticisers in the vi nyl, making it more brittle. Su b s equent playing will chip off parts of the modulations (especially higher fre- quencies) he showed me the ph o togra ph s proving this. Also noted was the ch l orine (bleach) present in most tap water and the effects that it has on the records. Having been shown the dra m a tic deterioration caused by such methods I feel that it is vital to warn your readers of these facts before they inadvertently damage and shorten the life of their precious vinyl collections. Ni t ty Gritty have developed Pu re 2, their record cleaning fluid so that it maintains the correct pH of the vinyl, does not attract and bind con t a m i n a n t s , cleans off the “mold release compound” without harming in any way the vinyl. It is this careful scientific analysis that has been apprec i a ted by serious collectors the world over, and by those who simply must have their vi nyl maintained in the best possible way for future generations to apprec i a te the rich history available on vi nyl (such as the US Congress Library and The Smithsonian Institute). Remember that you can buy Pure 2 fluid at a very re a s on a ble price and use it to clean records (using An d rew’s met h od, sans the water) even if you do not own a vacuum cleaning machine. At the cost of less than a dozen LP’s I consider a Ni t ty Gritty to be an essential part of a ny vi nyl co llectors gear, as no doubt do you and Charles Thompson. May the force (stylus that is) be with you! Paul Quilter PQ Imports Paul Quilter is the Nitty Gritty Importer. His suggestion to use the Pure 2 fluid instead of wa ter and detergent is an excellent idea. Both Charles Thomson and I own and use Nitty Gritty reco rd cleaning machines and can recommend them to vinyl collectors. – the bottom line in bass True low bass from America’s famous subwoofer manufacturer! From the high performance VA-Series (from $895) to the critically acclaimed F-1800RII ($4495) there are eight different Velodyne models to choose from. Velodyne subwoofers incorporate features found on no other brand, such as High Gain Servo which analyses the signal 3500 times a second to ensure clean, powerful sound without distortion. Find the Velodyne that’s right for you – whether it’s an 8” or 18”, 100 watts or 1000. Call for a brochure and review kit and the name of your nearest dealer PO Box 31-552, Milford, Auckland Phone 0-9-486 0666. Fax 0-9-486 0660 Mobile 025-769 890 or 021-769 890 30 DON’T FLUFF ABOUT! You may miss out on this rare opportunity to purchase some very serious Pioneer Reference Series audiophile componentry at some very silly prices. Available exclusively from New Zealand’s number one Pioneer hi-fi specialist – Paul Money Hi-Fi 5 Y E AR WA R R A N T Y A-91D REFERENCE INTEGRATED AMP Originally $4000 cash$795 cash Miller & Kreisel The M&K subwoofer range is the result of 22 years experience in designing and manufacturing high quality subwoofers. With eight different models available M&K have a high performance subwoofer to suit every application and budget. M&K subwoofers have built-in high performance amplifiers ensuring a dynamic powerful sound. M&K subwoofers are extremely flexible with signals accepted by either speaker or RCA input, and all M&K subwoofers feature built-in variable crossover and adjustable level allowing seamless integration into your system. Continuous power output 150W x 150W 4 ohms (20Hz–20kHz, 0.05% THD). Built-in D/A convertor. 29.9kg F-93 Replacement for the multi-award winning F-91 tuner. Simply the best available at this price. Digital Direct Decoder Synthesiser Tuner for greatly reduced distortion and wide dynamic range REFERENCE DIGITAL SYNTHESISER TUNER Originally $2000 cash$595 cash CT-95 3-HEAD CASSETTE DECK WITH DOLBY S Originally $3000 “Eats other high-end decks for breakfast” 5 out of 5 – What Hi-Fi?. “Way beyond the standards of ordinary cassette decks. The CT-95 is the most lucid, transparent and realistic deck I can recall.” – Hi-Fi Choice cash$795 cash M&K VX-7ii $999 8-inch long-throw driver, 50 watts RMS 270mmH x 350mmW x 270mmD “(The) VX-7ii produces an amazing depth of bass from a modestly-sized box” Hi-Fi Choice May 1996 C-72 REFERENCE PREAMPLIFIER Originally $3000 Programmable AV learning remote, 5 audio inputs and 5 video inputs, insulated power transformer with two-power supply design, shortest possible path circuit design, high-gain phono preamp cash$495 cash M&K V-75ii $1299 M-90 REFERENCE POWER AMPLIFIER 200W + 200W Originally $4500 200W + 200W continuous power output (8 ohms, 0.03% THD), twin-mono design with separate left and right channels and separate power supplies, direct input for CD, 22.6kg cash$1495 cash PAUL MONEY HI FI 12-inch long-throw driver, 75 watts RMS “…it’s a subwoofer with attitude, bass-heavy but speedy and musical too” Highly recommended What Hi-Fi? Oct1995 “There’s just one word to describe the M&K V-75 performance – stunning. The bass is plentiful, tight and pronounced.” Best Buy What Home Video August 1995 PAUL MONEY HI FI PHONE (09) 63 88 555 PH (09) 63 88 555 83 VIEW RD MT EDEN OPEN 7 DAYS YOUR HOME THEATRE SPECIALISTS Italian Masterpieces Chario is one of the oldest Italian speaker manufacturers, beginning operations in 1975. Both the quality and styling of Chario loudspeakers has put the company among the top handful of European speaker manufacturers. Chario’s reputation is built on two foundations: the highest sound quality, resulting from superb acoustical engineering, plus the stunning real wood finishes on all Chario loudspeakers. Chario offers three loudspeaker ranges. The Ac a d e m y range is one of the design achievements of the 1990s. It’s four superb speaker models are sculpted from solid walnut. The attractively priced Hi pe r Academy – the perfect match range takes the know-how acquired between technology and aesthetics – from the Academy range, and places it truly extraordinary loudspeakers into decidedly original cabinets. It also includes home theater models. So does the Syntar range, which is a perfect rationalisation of Chario know-how and designed for the more budget conscious. Chario loudspeakers are newly available in New Zealand, distributed by an established hi-fi importer with the back-up you demand. Three ranges, 21 models attractively priced from $699 to $19,000, all with real wood finishes. Listen to these It a l i a n Low price and excellent performance characterise the Syntar range. masterpieces today. The Syntar 200T shown The Hiper range includes both superb stereo speakers, and carefully matched and styled home theatre speakers PO Box 9174, Newmarket, Auckland Phone 0-9-524 8032 Fax 0-9-524 8037