a creative and collaborative community


a creative and collaborative community
University of Windsor Alumni Magazine
UWindsor’s Downtown Footprint
Fall 2016
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Dr. Lorne Brandes ’64:
The Fight to Fund a Cancer Killer
Liza and Alexa DiCecco:
An Academic Double Threat
Antioxidant May Protect Against
Age-Related Brain Diseases
Susan Dennard MSc ’09 chases
zombies in Philadelphia
A Creative and Collaborative Community
Investing Today for a Strong Tomorrow
Phase I of the UWindsor downtown
campus opens.
view . fall 2016
Jennifer Ammoscato
Marnie Robillard
Patti Lauzon
Jennifer Ammoscato, Sara Elliott
Kevin Johnson, Elisa Mitton
Kristie Pearce, Alan Wildeman
Tory James, Kevin Johnson,
Kevin Kavanaugh, The Windsor Star
VIEW is published two times per year
by Public Affairs and Communications,
University of Windsor.
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Editorial Correspondence:
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401 Sunset Avenue,
Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9B 3P4
Phone: 519.253.3000 ext. 3240
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view . fall 2016
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dear viewer
As another academic year unfolds at the University of Windsor, two things are apparent on
campus. There is that wonderful, annual feeling of anticipation and optimism among our
students, and there is a continuing change to the physical environment of our campus.
You will find both that spirit and sense of renewal on display in the fall edition of VIEW.
There is the inspiring story of twins Alexa and Liza DiCecco—both Outstanding Scholar
students and both engaged in research. There is the groundbreaking work of PhD candidate
Krithika Muthukumaran who is studying an antioxidant that might provide protection against
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
And the greening of the main campus continues to gather momentum. The David A. Wilson
Campus Commons is replacing a parking lot with a basketball court, performance stage and
meeting and gathering spaces. UWindsor professor emeritus and alumnus David Wilson
generously made a million-dollar donation to make the project possible.
Our two pedestrian thoroughfares, Sunset Avenue and Patricia Road, will be renamed Turtle
Island Walk and Alistair MacLeod Walk, respectively, to recognize the history of First Nations
land on which the university sits, and to honour the late professor, MacLeod, an acclaimed
writer who taught at our university for three decades.
Fall 2016 also marks a time when we are moving into an exciting new chapter of our
university’s history with the emerging downtown Windsor campus. It more closely aligns our
education and scholarly capacity with the community, and is positioning our students in an
environment where they can best discover what their education can mean for their future.
The new address for the School of Social Work and the Centre for Executive and Professional
Education, at the corner of Pitt and Ferry, has positioned students, faculty and staff closer to
the many agencies and services that support communities of need.
Nearby, construction work continues at the site of the historic Windsor Armouries, and
across the road on the site of the former Tunnel Bar-B-Q. This will be the new home of our
School of Creative Arts that is scheduled to open in fall 2017. It puts our students in the heart
of the active downtown arts community.
But, like all of our buildings, they are ultimately about providing the best possible learning
environment for our students.
As Master of Social Work candidate Patrick Hansor told VIEW, the new School of Social
Work is an important part of the “student experience.”
“Architecturally, it’s a masterpiece,” says Hansor. “From the inside, there is a lot of openness
and transparency, which couldn’t be more appropriate for a school of social work … I feel very
much more connected to the U of W.”
VIEW is about providing a snapshot of the countless stories of achievements by our students,
faculty, staff and alumni. It is also an opportunity to update readers about the campus. Yes, the
world is changing. And yes, the University of Windsor is contributing to that change.
Dr. Alan Wildeman
President and Vice-Chancellor
view . fall 2016
Dr. Lorne Brandes ’64
venture capital and the FDA’s blessing, it took DPPE back into a final
According to Forbes, a pharmaceutical company can expect to
trial needed for its approval.
spend $350 million on a new drug before it is even for sale.
Brandes’ book is more than a scientific recounting. It is a unique
Add to this the fact that up to 95 per cent of experimental medicines
and very personal story, full of twists and turns, with an international
studied each year fail to be both safe and effective in human trials, and
cast of characters in the world of cancer research, medical oncology,
it underscores the monumental effort it takes to successfully launch
the pharmaceutical industry, and regulatory agencies (Health Canada
a new drug.
and the FDA).
University of Windsor graduate Dr. Lorne Brandes BSc ’64 knows
Dr. Agnes Klein, Health Canada’s director of the Centre for
firsthand this challenge. In 1999, the pharmaceutical company that had
Evaluation of Radiopharmaceuticals and Biotherapeutics, was actively
funded the breast cancer trial for an anticancer drug he’d discovered
involved in approving DPPE for the first human trials. In the book’s
stopped it cold because of what it perceived as ineffectiveness.
foreword, she wrote, “To say that I saw (Brandes), from the start, as a
Brandes’ new book, Survival: A Medical Memoir (From Drug
‘unique character’ is an understatement.
Discovery To Clinical Cancer Trials), tells
the story of his 23-year odyssey to see his
“I RESEARCHED THE DRUG AND He was passionate and persistent about
his findings on DPPE, his basic and
discovery put into the hands of those he
clinical research, as well as his practice of
hoped to help.
Now retired, he has chronicled the
She calls the book a reminder to
development of the novel antihistamine
physicians, other health care
drug, DPPE, which helped chemotherapy
and even a regulator like me,
drugs cure laboratory mice of cancer while TRIALS DURING A SPAN OF 12
a successful drug is paved
protecting the bone marrow.
all good intentions,
Brandes, MD, FRCPC was a professor
and that, while many active substances
of medicine at the University of Manitoba
never ‘make it’, much new knowledge can be acquired along the way.”
when he sought to take DPPE from the laboratory into human testing.
A 2012 article in Nature Reviews Drug Discovery says the number of
“I researched the drug and then took it through the regulatory
drugs invented per billion dollars of R&D invested has been cut in half
hoops and into early human clinical trials during a span of 12 years,”
every nine years for half a century.
says the alumnus. He started in 1984 and handed it over to BristolBrandes’ book has touched off the discussion once again. Some
Myers Squibb in 1996.
of the findings reported in it were, at the time, widely covered in the
The pharmaceutical company declined to invest any further,
press, including the Winnipeg Free Press, The Globe and Mail, CBC, CTV,
however, after it decided that preliminary results of a major breast
Macleans, U.S. News and World Report, The Wall Street Journal and CNN.
cancer trial didn’t warrant it.
One of the book’s key messages is that a single investigator at a
Brandes’ disappointment turned to elation 18 months later,
single institution taking a drug from the laboratory bench into human
when the stunning discovery was made that women who had received
clinical trials without support from a drug company or clinical trials
DPPE plus chemotherapy survived 50 per cent longer than women
group was both unique and a product of 1990s culture.
who received chemotherapy alone.
Says Brandes: “I do not believe it could happen in 2016 because
“I and everyone else were dumbfounded. It was totally
the ever-increasing layers of institutional bureaucracy and risk-averse
unexpected.” Brandes says.
lawyers that permeate modern-day society would likely prevent any
“While it is not uncommon for drugs to be pulled if the
similar discovery from getting off the ground.
expectations of drug companies are not met, many people felt that,
“It’s a sad reality.”
in the case of DPPE, Bristol-Myers had acted prematurely,” he adds.
A year later, a small Canadian biotech company, YM BioSciences
Survival: A Medical Memoir (From Drug Discovery To Clinical Cancer
Trials) is available in the Campus Bookstore, or may be ordered from
Inc. of Mississauga, rescued the drug. With a combination of luck,
FriesenPress, Chapters/Indigo, Amazon, Kobo and iTunes. n
Opposite: Dr. Lorne Brandes ’64 at the time of his anticancer drug discovery.
view . fall 2016
view . fall 2016
Alexa and Liza DiCecco
Says Alexa: “Working in the lab with the teacher—someone who
If you’re ever invited to the DiCecco house for dinner—study
up. The family is home to engineering graduates and current
knows what they’re doing—you learn a lot really fast.” She spent
students, a midwife and a biochemistry major.
her third year in the lab of chemistry and biochemistry professor
Twin sisters Liza and Alexa DiCecco have risen impressively
Dr. Bulent Mutus studying the effects of excess phosphates in the
to the standard set by their parents and siblings. Liza is in third
water system, which can lead to toxic algae blooms.
year Mechanical Engineering with a Materials Option. Alexa is in
When an algae bloom dies, bacteria sucks up the oxygen around
third year Arts and Science, majoring in biochemistry and minoring
it, leaving “dead spots” in the water, she says. “That affects the
in English. Both are Outstanding Scholar students and both are
organisms in the area. Some algae are more toxic than others, which
engaged in research.
is another issue.
“We’re definitely competitive,” says
While algae blooms can be detrimental, the
Alexa. “Family dinners can have some heated
algae’s ability to consume phosphates could be
academic talk.”
used for good. Part of Alexa’s research looks at
Determination runs through the family.
algae growth on material such as woodchips,
Older brother Sante BASc ’11, MASc ’14
A SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT cotton, and chitosan and their ability to remove
focused on mechanical engineering while
AND THE TEACHERS ARE phosphates in a controlled filtration system.
Robert enrolled in electrical engineering.
Liza worked with engineering professor
Sister Krista is a midwife in Manitoba and their VERY APPROACHABLE.”
Dr. Jill Urbanic on a process for making some
mother was an artist.
three-dimensional printing processes more
“I am just stubborn,” says Alexa. “I don’t like
cost-effective while improving the quality of
to quit. I think we inherited that from my dad.
the final product.
He started on the line at Chrysler and worked his way into management.
“We wanted the objects to be lighter by using less material
We got our creativity from our mom.”
to create them, but still be strong,” explains Liza. Their results
Alexa applied to the Arts and Science program because, “It’s
highlighted flaws in the process that can help subsequent research
definitely one of the rarer combinations and uniquely challenging.”
improve upon it. Liza and Dr. Urbanic presented their findings at the
She enjoys analysis—whether it’s the British poem, “The Wasteland”
American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ (ASME) International
(“It was fun to deconstruct it”), or learning how an organism works,
Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition conference in
(“It’s super challenging but I really enjoy it.”)
Houston, Texas, in 2015.
Liza chose engineering because of her affinity for math and
After earning her undergraduate degree, Liza is considering
physics. “Since I entered the program, I’ve found nothing I don’t
a master’s degree in engineering. “I’m leaning toward getting
like,” she says. “There are a lot of group components, a social
research. I like testing. I almost like too many things since
environment and the teachers are very approachable.”
into the program.”
One of Liza’s co-operative education placements was at the Fiat
the same question, Alexa mirrors her twin’s
Chrysler Automotive (FCA) Windsor Assembly Plant where she was
sure what I want to do after I graduate. I have
part of the quality control team that helped launch the new Pacifica.
going to be hard to narrow it down.”
“I got a lot of hands-on exposure. I feel like I can do anything now.”
While they may not know exactly where they’re headed, the path
The University of Windsor Outstanding Scholars program
there will undoubtedly involve the continuing pursuit of knowledge
transformed both women’s university experiences. Students in the
and efforts crowned with success. n
program receive a scholarship and the opportunity to be mentored
by a faculty member with a focus on research in second year.
Opposite: Liza (l) and Alexa DiCecco
view . fall 2016
PhD candidate Krithika Muthukumaran
A vitamin-like nutrient that exists naturally in young brains has
been shown to prevent the development of Alzheimer’s and
Parkinson’s diseases in laboratory animals, according to new
University of Windsor research.
PhD candidate Krithika Muthukumaran studies the antioxidant
coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) under the guidance of biochemistry professor
Dr. Siyaram Pandey. In her research, she administered CoQ10 to two
populations of rodents—one with an inherited form of Alzheimer’s or
Parkinson’s disease, and one with a degenerative brain disorder that was
triggered by an environmental toxin.
“We found that CoQ10 indeed kept the nerve cells alive and
healthy,” Muthukumaran says. “We also checked to see if any of the
animals developed plaque (lesions on the brain tissue) which is a
symptom of Alzheimer’s, and none of them did.”
In neurodegenerative diseases, the brain’s nerve cells, or neurons,
prematurely die. These neurons are crucial to the health of the brain and
the body.
Cells have the ability to turn antioxidants into energy and also use
them to fight potentially damaging particles called free radicals.
After treating lab rodents with CoQ10, Muthukumaran and
Dr. Pandey sectioned the animals’ brains, counted neurons, and found
healthy cells.
“When we are young, antioxidants that exist naturally in our bodies
keep our neurons healthy and prevent cell death,” says Muthukumaran.
“With age, there is a decline in the levels of these natural antioxidants
and hence the need to find a way to replenish them.”
She says their water-soluble CoQ10 mixture is easily absorbed into
the bloodstream, reaching the brain more efficiently than oil-soluble
mixtures used in previous studies.
“It is hard for drugs to cross the blood-brain barrier, but even at
these low CoQ10 doses it is reaching the brain in sufficient quantities,”
says Muthukumaran. “The great thing about this formulation is that we
just gave the rats and mice a low dosage in their drinking water. There
are no injections or pills required.”
Opposite: PhD candidate Krithika Muthukumaran and Dr. Siyaram Pandey.
Photo Windsor Star.
Muthukumaran and Pandey collaborated with Dr. Jerome Cohen
and the UWindsor Department of Psychology to monitor the mice
for behaviour and motor control because neurons that die due to
Parkinson’s are responsible for hand tremors, loss of automatic
movements, and rigid muscles.
“One of the best aspects of this collaboration was getting to work
with Dr. Jerome Cohen and the psychology department because,
beyond counting neurons, we can prove that these mice are also not
exhibiting symptoms of memory loss or losing control of motor skills,”
she says.
An aging population means that, by 2030, one in five North
Americans will be at least 65 years old. Muthukumaran says this will
likely result in a sharp rise in age-related brain disorders.
“The statistics are so scary, and this is not just about the number
of people being diagnosed, but their caregivers as well. So, it is dire we
quickly find an effective therapy.”
The team will continue this line of research by treating animals with
CoQ10 after they have developed plaque, to test whether it halts or
slows down lesion formation.
“CoQ10 is a non-toxic chemical without negative side effects that
doesn’t accumulate in the body. So, eventually, we’d love for this study to
go to clinical trial,” Muthukumaran says. n
view . fall 2016
The Annual Giving Program provides an opportunity for alumni
and friends of UWindsor to positively impact the lives of present
and future students.
A donation to the University of Windsor:
• Inspires our brightest minds to experience learning at its best
• Provides students with the tools to meet the changing demands
of business, industry and society
• Helps researchers find answers to important global questions
• Helps build state-of-the art facilities where students learn and
which complement our community
Put your inspiration into action
and give to the Annual Giving
Program today!
Visit www.uwindsor.ca/donations
or phone 519-253-3000 ext. 4279 to speak
with Shae Kavanaugh, Co-ordinator,
Annual Giving Program.
Thank you.
view . fall 2016
Get the latest on the Lancers by visiting www.GoLancers.ca
By Elisa Mitton BComm ’05
Stefanie Smith and Corey Bellemore
Windsor Lancer standouts Stefanie Smith and Corey
Bellemore walked away with the top two prizes as
they were awarded the Banner and Olympic Shields
as the University of Windsor Athletes of the Year
for the 2015-16 season.
The duo took multiple honours as part of the Evening
of Excellence, highlighting the accomplishments of the
Windsor Lancers, held in April.
Bellemore established himself as one of the elite
university runners in Canada this year, posting incredible
results in both cross-country and on the track.
During the cross-country season, he helped the men’s
cross country team to a silver medal at the Ontario
championships, finishing seventh overall at the event to
earn OUA all-conference honours. He also finished in the
top 10 individually at the CIS national championships while
guiding UWindsor to a CIS silver medal team finish.
Inside on the track, Bellemore was
sensational, bringing home four medals
at the OUA championships while being
named the overall OUA Track MVP and
helping the Blue & Gold recapture the
OUA championship title. At nationals, he
came up from behind to bring home the
gold in the men’s 600m and 4x800m relay.
He added a third medal in the 1000m and
was named the CIS outstanding performer
of the meet to help the Lancers bring
home their second straight CIS national
championship title.
During the cross-country season,
Smith cruised through the conference
season posting impressive results as
she prepared for both the OUA and CIS
championship meets.
She would go on to earn a bronze medal
at the OUA championships, followed by
another impressive individual bronze medal at the CIS
Championships. Her CIS All-Canadian status in crosscountry also earned her a spot on the Canadian FISU World
cross-country team that competed this past March in Italy.
Moving into the track and field season, Smith continued
to gain momentum and turned in one of the most
impressive three-week performances in school history.
Over a three-week span in January/February, Smith
broke three long-time school records in the 3000m, the
mile and 1500m. It was a feat never before accomplished
by a Lancer and one that included her breaking two of
Lancer legend Missy McCleary’s all-time school records in
the process.
Smith capped off her incredible year at the OUA
provincial championships where she earned another bronze
medal in the women’s 3000m. n
view . fall 2016
Business professor emeritus and million-dollar donor David Wilson gets instruction in operating a backhoe from Chris Weller, president of Alliance
General Contracting.
A million-dollar donation by UWindsor professor
emeritus and Faculty of Business alumnus David Wilson
BComm ’61 is the impetus behind groundbreaking on
a new crossroads and gathering place in the heart of the
University of Windsor’s main campus.
At a naming event in May, UWindsor president Alan
Wildeman announced the David A. Wilson Campus
Commons will replace a former parking lot on Sunset
Avenue with a basketball court, performance stage,
meeting and gathering spots, and new landscaping and
lighting for the enjoyment of the entire campus community.
Professor Wilson’s gift will also support scholarship and
awards endowments.
view . fall 2016
Wilson, formerly chair of the Faculty of Business’
accounting area, has continued to keep close ties with the
university since leaving to become chief executive of the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario, from which
he retired as president in 2001. For his contributions to the
university during and after his teaching years, he received the
Clark Award in 2011.
Wilson is widely recognized for his philanthropy, both at
the University of Windsor and in the wider community.
He was named Outstanding Philanthropist in 2015 by the
Canada South Chapter of the Association of Fundraising
Professionals in recognition of his support of such causes as
both the Big Brothers/Big Sisters national organization, and
the Big Brothers/Big Sisters Windsor Essex agency.
In addition to several endowments and other gifts to
Big Brothers/Big Sisters dating from the mid-1980s to 2014,
Wilson sponsored the creation of the national body’s charitable
foundation. In 2015, he committed the first $300,000 of
a $500,000 donation to the Windsor Essex agency, about
$150,000 of which was used to refurbish its Jefferson Avenue
property, now called the David A. Wilson Park; the $350,000
balance funds an endowment in his name—its earnings will
support in perpetuity the mentoring programs the agency
provides to the Windsor-Essex community.
A portion of Wilson’s gift will honour Dr. Allan Conway,
former dean of the Odette School of Business, and will
support the Professors Jack Freeman and David Wilson
Excellence in Accounting Awards.
A further portion of the funds will be added to the
Isabel and David Wilson Nursing Scholarships Endowment.
“There is a clear, two-part philosophy behind my gifts
to the university and other worthy causes,” Wilson says.
“One is that to the extent you can do so, it’s a joy to give
while you live.
“The other is that every gift is as important as any other
gift, regardless of its size, as long as it is proportionate to
the giver’s means. When people hear about organizations
receiving large gifts, they may think that their gift is no
longer needed. That will rarely if ever be the case. Good
causes will always need broad, continuing support if they
are to successfully serve the community.”
Sunset Avenue, between University Avenue and
Wyandotte Street (pictured above) and which was
closed to traffic in fall 2015, has been christened
Turtle Island Walk.
The section of Patricia Road that stretches from the
Stephen and Vicki Adams Welcome Centre to the Leddy
Library will be now known as Alistair MacLeod Walk.
Turtle Island Walk was chosen in recognition of the
First Nations history of the land on which the University
of Windsor sits. Many indigenous cultures refer to North
America as Turtle Island, and Sunset is where the University’s
Aboriginal Student Centre—known as Turtle Island—was
located until its move to the CAW Student Centre.
There are many references in Aboriginal culture,
including that of the Anishinaabe, to the seven teachings,
each represented by an animal: Truth (the Turtle), Wisdom
(The Beaver), Love (The Eagle), Respect (The Buffalo),
Bravery (The Bear), Honesty (The Raven), and Humility (The
Wolf). Each of the six learning pod seating areas installed on
the walk will be named after one of the teachings.
Dr. MacLeod, a professor emeritus, taught English
and Creative Writing at the university for more than three
decades. MacLeod’s 1999 novel No Great Mischief won
several literary prizes including the 2001 International IMPAC
Dublin Literary Award.
The campus was a vital part of his life and the life of his
family. He passed away in 2014. The walkway will also be a
permanent reminder of the importance of literature and the
humanities to a university, and of the power of creativity and
the written word to guide us on our own personal journeys.
In the fall semester, events will be held to unveil signage
for both walkways.
view . fall 2016
Plant and technology
enhancements related to
the production of the new
Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid—
a vehicle that includes
advance powertrain and
light-weighting technologies
designed in part by
UWindsor students.
“This partnership with
Chrysler ensures that we
are building the vehicles of
tomorrow,” Wynne said.
The ARDC has a
direct role in the product
design and engineering of
nearly every product in
FCA’s portfolio. The facility
conducts a wide range of
research, including extreme
Premier Kathleen Wynne shakes hands with UWindsor President Alan Wildeman after speaking at a funding
weather testing, corrosion
announcement at the University of Windsor-Fiat Chrysler Canada Automotive Research and Development Centre.
control, precision nighttime headlight testing and
A portion of an $85.8 million grant given to FCA
rigorous testing that involves millions of kilometres of road
Canada by the Ontario government will enhance
test simulation.
innovative research at the University of Windsor
“We started with a $30-million investment and today
- Fiat Chrysler Canada Automotive Research and
Development Centre (ARDC).
we are investing over $1 billion at the ARDC,” said Reid
Premier Kathleen Wynne made the announcement on
Bigland LLD ’15, president of FCA Canada. “Today, this is
June 15 during a celebration of the 20-year partnership
Canada’s most sophisticated R&D facility integrated with
between UWindsor and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA)
design, innovation and manufacturing.”
Canada. The automotive industry and academia partnership
The ARDC employs 180 people and nurtures a highly
led to the inception of the ARDC in May 1996, marking the
skilled labour pool of student engineers. More than 500
first of its kind in Canada.
students have been trained at the facility, many of whom have
“Collaboration between academia and industry is at the
become employees of the facility.
heart of innovative clusters around the world,” said UWindsor
Jean-Paul Martins BASc ’12, MASc ’16, a UWindsor
president, Dr. Alan Wildeman. “The University of Windsor is
graduate, was offered a position as a 1D-system simulation
proud of its 20-year partnership with FCA Canada in ARDC,
engineer before he completed his graduate studies in
the country’s largest automotive research centre.”
mechanical engineering.
Wynne said the grant comes from the Jobs and
“There’s a lot of collaboration between groups which
Prosperity Fund. Nearly $17 million will support research
is really nice,” Martins said. “It’s great to be able to take my
and development at the ARDC while $69 million will fund
theoretical knowledge and apply it and know that it’s making
advanced training for the workforce at the Windsor Assembly
a difference in making cars better and safer.”
view . fall 2016
The United Way/Centraide of Windsor-Essex
County has conferred its Youth Changing
Lives Award on Lina Chaker, a senior student
in the communications, media and film
program, in recognition of her volunteer
work establishing a community kitchen at
UWindsor and a community garden.
Chaker is also the focus of a new short
documentary by local filmmaker and UWindsor
alumnus Dan Brown that highlights her work in
helping welcome Syrian refugees to their new home
in the city.
“One Home” includes narration by Lina
Chaker’s father, Ahmad Chaker, who co-founded the
Syrian Canadian Council. “One Home” was also
a semi-finalist in TVOntario’s Short Doc Contest.
UWindsor student Lina Chaker received the Youth Changing Lives Award from
the United Way.
Elizabeth Dillon and her award-winning professor, Jason Kiernan.
On the first day of class each term, UWindsor nursing
professor Jason Kiernan wears a Tim Hortons t-shirt
and tells his students, “I’m wearing this shirt because
I see myself as your employee. You’re paying me
to teach you about cancer. Therefore, between this
moment now and the final exam, I work for you. So you
tell me what you need and I’m here to deliver it.”
It was that personal—and personable—approach
that led nursing student Elizabeth Dillon to nominate her
professor for the Council of Ontario University Programs in
Nursing (COUPN) teaching award. In April it was announced
that he’d won the honour.
Kiernan expressed surprise, given his somewhat
neophyte teaching status. “I’m really new to the world
of academia. I would like to think that I’m doing things a
little avant-garde, a little unorthodox, and that students are
responding positively to that.
“The COUPN Award is about the highest honour I could
receive, because it’s where my heart is. I genuinely enjoy
taking difficult material and making it fun, digestible and easy
to learn. So getting something like this means the world to me.
It validates everything that I believe in and am trying to do.”
He says that his approach to teaching is “to entertain.
I am fascinated by how people can watch a movie or listen
to a song once, and have it stick in their brain. And I ask
myself, ‘why can’t teaching and instruction have that same
kind of adhesive quality?’”
Consequently, his teaching style is “very loud, very
vocally dynamic. I tell lots of jokes. Lots of jokes. There’s
a performance aspect: I occasionally stand on furniture.
I move around incessantly. And, I use a lot of multimedia
in my presentations—clips from YouTube or Google
videos—and use video editing software to personalize
them for the class.”
If that’s not enough to keep his students’ attention,
he employs a very realistic green-screen spider to crawl
over the classroom’s projector screen.
Kiernan brought nearly 20 years of experience as a
nurse and nearly nine as a nurse practitioner to his 2012
appointment as a lecturer. He cites the motto, “the highest
form of scholarship is a publication in the peer-reviewed
journal of the youthful mind.”
The award was one of eight conferred by the
council, focusing on four key areas: excellence in
teaching, innovation in research, student excellence
and partnership support.
view . fall 2016
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view . fall 2016
Photo courtesy of Amanda Plavich Photography.
Susan Dennard MSc ’09 always thought she’d research and write
for a living. But, in just a few short years, her subject matter
changed from halibut in the Canadian Arctic to zombies in
Philadelphia during the last half of the 19th century—with some
wildly successful and unexpected results.
Dennard has reeled in excellent reviews and sales for her Something
Strange and Deadly series, and her latest work, Truthwitch (Witchland Series,
Book 1), which debuted at #4 on the New York Times bestseller list.
Susan Dennard MSc ’09
The author has come a long way from small-town Georgia where she
was born.
Dennard majored in English literature in her freshman year at
the University of Georgia, but soon switched to science and took an
introductory course with Dr. Aaron Fisk while he was still teaching there.
When he came to Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research
(GLIER), he recruited the Georgia native as a grad student.
“She was an excellent student who had a broad range of interests and
skills that you don’t always find in science students,” says Fisk, who studies
Arctic food webs and ecosystems. “I always knew that she’d be successful
at whatever she chose to do.”
While a student here, she travelled to Cumberland Sound on the south
end of Baffin Island to study the catch-per-unit effort of a commercial
halibut fishery there. She published an article about her research in the
academic Ice Journals of Marine Science.
“Cold,” she replies when asked what the experience was like. “It was fun
though. I had never done anything quite so hard-core. And working with the
Inuit was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.”
Besides a master’s degree, Dennard also found a spouse in Windsor.
She met Sebastien Jaeger, an automotive engineer originally from France,
at a GLIER party.
She says that she “thought I would devote my life to saving the world
from overfishing.” Instead, the two moved to Germany in 2009 to follow his
career. During this time, she first pursued her literary aspirations. They have
since returned to her native U.S.
“I always wanted to write a book, but I didn’t know how,” Dennard
says of her foray into authorship. “I was a little naïve when I started and
I thought it might be fairly easy. So, I wrote a book and it was terrible.
But you have to write a book in order to learn how.”
Her second stab was a little more successful. She pitched Harper
Collins Something Strange and Deadly—the story of a 16-year-old girl in
Philadelphia whose brother is kidnapped by rancid corpses who refuse to
stay dead. The publisher agreed to a three-book series, a deal listed on one
literary blog as one of the top six-figure young adult book deals of 2010.
“A lot of it is luck and timing,” Dennard said of the book, set in 1876
against the backdrop of the Centennial Exhibition, the first American World’s
Fair. “I pitched the right idea to the right editor at just the right time.”
Dennard went on to complete three more books in the series,
A Darkness Strange and Lovely, Strange and Ever After and A Dawn Most
Wicked. She is working on the next book in the The Witchlands series,
Wind Witch.
Even though she’s no longer working as a scientist, she has no
regrets about the path she chose and, in fact, said her time at UWindsor
contributed to her success.
“I became a very disciplined worker,” she says. “A lot of it comes
down to self-motivation and just getting it done, sitting down and doing the
work. I write all day now. And, there’s a certain amount of creative thinking
required in science.”
These days, the author says she spends most of her time writing or
teaching aspiring authors. “I also enjoy long walks on the beach—no joke!
Tidal pools are always fun to marine biologists.” n
view . fall 2016
The University of Windsor has recast
its strategic research priorities into
four Grand Challenges: Healthy
Great Lakes; Viable, Healthy and Safe
Communities; Sustainable Industry;
and Understanding Borders. These
Grand Challenges are based on our
geographic location and our historic
research strengths. Collectively, they
define us and tell the external world our
aspirations and goals.
Campus communities across North
America face common safety challenges.
One in four women will experience rape or
attempted rape before she graduates. We
know that male and female students care
about this issue but don’t know what they
can do to help.
The University of Windsor’s Bystander
Initiative is working towards a campus
that rejects sexually aggressive behaviour
and empowers students to “do the right
thing.” Our research demonstrates that
embedding sexual assault prevention
education workshops in academic courses
increases students’ confidence in speaking
up against behaviours that support sexual
assault. The initiative enhances their
capacity to take action to interrupt a sexual
assault before it happens.
UWindsor’s Downtown Footprint
On a chilly day in November 2012, a crowd gathered in front of the
same building where reporters, editors and printers had churned
out thousands of editions of The Windsor Star newspaper for
more than a century. They weren’t waiting for that day’s edition,
Instead, the mix of students, staff, faculty and administrators
celebrated as the Star’s publisher, Marty Beneteau, handed over the
building’s keys to University of Windsor president, Dr. Alan Wildeman.
It was not the first, but the most symbolic step in realizing the
university’s vision of launching a downtown campus. This site—the
corner of Pitt and Ferry Streets—would be where the School of Social
view . fall 2016
Work and the Centre for Executive and Professional Studies (CEPE)
would relocate.
“This is a place that has documented and communicated much of the
history of Windsor-Essex,” the president declared. “We will preserve the
exterior and it will become a place for us where people forge new lives,
and grow their education.
“It’s going to stay a big part of this community and new stories will be
told out of here.”
Three years later, in the fall of 2015, a sensationally transformed
building opens its doors and embraced its new role. Not only was it the
university’s newest academic learning facility. It was also the flag proudly
planted in the city’s core that marks UWindsor’s rightful place in the
revitalization of the Windsor downtown.
The university is investing a total of $75 million in the city core.
In addition to what is now referred to as the Pitt Ferry building, it is
drastically reimagining the Major F.A. Tilston Armoury, erected in 1902,
which will house the School of Creative Arts, and the old Tunnel Bar-B-Q
site where students will study filmmaking in a brand-new facility.
When completed, these moves will bring more than 1,000 students
and faculty to the downtown. This will “breathe fresh life into the city’s
urban core, and revitalize and strengthen each of our programs of study,”
says Wildeman.
Response to the ambitious plan included a 2013 Globe and Mail article
that praised the university’s commitment to being a community leader
and infusing the downtown with fresh blood.
“Behind the depot,” the article noted, “a former city parkette is
set to become a performance space for student and community use,
complementing city ambitions to reconnect public spaces to a spectacular
waterfront that lies 7.6 metres below street grade.
“In another nod to connections, Mr. (sic) Wildeman broke from
past practice with a pledge to exclude food services from the renovated
buildings—an open invitation to business to invest in coffee shops and
other retail activity on nearby streets.”
Wildeman commented in the article that, “We recognize the
downtown is where we have the home of the symphony, the art gallery
and the theatres and all the social agencies. It lets us fulfill what is part
of our strategic plan, which is to create one of the most exciting learning
environments we can.”
For the School of Social Work, the downtown relocation means
opportunities to expand its programs, attract more students, provide welltrained graduates to the profession, and build upon inter-disciplinary and
inter-professional program opportunities.
One year after the move into the Pitt Ferry Building, about 600
people work and study there. What was once a dark interior with winding
hallways, many tiny offices and a basement devoted to a massive press,
bears little resemblance to the new facility.
Light streams into an open-air atrium in the main entrance through
massive windows. This space is dominated by a unique, three-storey
staircase and made welcoming with modern seating areas, and a fireplace.
To the left are two high-tech, glass-walled classrooms—divisible
classrooms that offer flexibility and are wired for simulcast to allow for
distance learning. Each looks out over the Heritage Courtyard, a relaxing
outdoor area where students can gather to chat.
Several multi-purpose seminar and breakout rooms are available
in the building for PhD cohorts, group meetings and projects, small
workshops and gatherings. Some of the spaces are available to the public
to promote community engagement.
An interviewing suite provides an opportunity for students to practise
fundamental interviewing/counselling techniques in social work. The third-floor boardroom boasts a spectacular view of the Detroit
skyline through towering glass walls. It opens out to a rooftop terrace
augmented with green space.
It was CS&P Architects who faced the daunting mission of bringing
a century old building up to modern standards while still paying respect
to its past. For example, the very delicate façade of the Pitt Ferry
view . fall 2016
accessibility; housing and mental health outcomes; Aboriginal health
and safety; and research on poverty. Over the years, it has established
strong partnerships with such leading community and Windsor-Essex
organizations as the Windsor Symphony Orchestra, the Art Gallery of
Windsor, the Children’s Aid Society and St. Clair College.
Community University Partnership (CUP) is the school’s awardwinning program that has involved hundreds of students in field practica
as a means to address well-being, mental health, and socioeconomic
issues. These efforts have had significant results including six
neighbourhoods engaged in programming, representing 1,497 individual
housing units and improved health and mental health indicators among
residents. Crime has been reduced in target neighbourhoods including a
drop in violence against women.
The downtown relocation means closer proximity to these agencies
and user groups. This allows students and faculty to work with mental
health services in new and innovative ways to provide far greater access
for the community.
The Centre for Executive and Professional Education (CEPE) is the
other major tenant of the Pitt Ferry Building.
Since 2001, more than 1,000 people have graduated from its programs,
which not only draws interest from local professionals who wish to
upgrade their qualification, but also on a national and international level.
Patick Hansor, Master of Social Work student.
building required careful handling to ensure it survived the monumental
transformation happening within. And it did with flying colours.
In fact, this was a major factor in the university receiving the 2016
Built Heritage Award from the City of Windsor last March.
For Patrick Hansor, a Master of Social Work candidate at the time of
publication, the transformation of the Pitt Ferry building has been nothing
less than stunning.
“I love it! Architecturally, it’s a masterpiece,” he says. “From the inside
there is a lot of openness and transparency, which couldn’t be more
appropriate for a school of social work.”
Hansor, who plans to pursue his PhD after gaining some relevant
experience, says that he migrated his research work from the Leddy
Library to the new building. “It is a good place to think and it puts me in
the mood to do some good work.”
He adds that, “the MSW Working Professionals program that I’m
enrolled in was originally held off campus, so we had very little need to
visit the university proper. Now, with the new building, I feel very much
more connected to the U of W. I know where to go during my professors’
office hours, where the social work librarian is, and where to find the
program administrators. For me, it is a very important part of the student
The School of Social Work is a leader in such areas as developing
theory and interventions for addiction, bullying, disabilities and
view . fall 2016
Melissa Yue Li, at left, and Anita Bondy of the Centre for Executive and
Professional Education (CEPE).
CEPE offers Master’s programs in: Social Work; Management;
Engineering; Education; Medical Biotechnology; Applied Computing;
Actuarial Science; and Applied Economics and Policy.
CEPE’s relocation provides three significant benefits:
• Expanded space and efficient scheduling
• Technological advances that promote effective learning—including
distance learning in real-time for the busy professional—through
classrooms wired for simulcast lectures.
• Broader programming and extended reach. The new facility will allow
CEPE to broaden its staff, enhance current programming and expand
its offerings as well as the number of individuals it serves.
Dr. Ram Balachandar, vice provost, International Development, and
executive director of CEPE, “enables the university and CEPE to extend
our reach into the community by facilitating the delivery of expanded
continuing education programming in Windsor-Essex, including within
the fields of business, education, engineering, and health sciences.
“The university has a demonstrated strength in educating
professionals in our degree programs, and this building, and our
expanding professional development programming, which can now be
offered complements this rich history.” Balachandar adds that CEPE
looks forward to leveraging novel classroom design, the integration of
cutting-edge technology, and collaborative breakout spaces to provide
professional learners with a great learning experience.
The Social Work and CEPE move comprised Phase One of the
downtown campus.
In September 2017, Phase Two will be unveiled: the opening of the
Armouries building, home to the School of Creative Arts’ (SOCA) music
and visual arts programs. Across the street will be the new SoCA building,
which will house a multimedia studio, film production studios and large
“making” labs where students will create with metal, wood, and other
Overall, this will translate into an infusion of another 500 students,
staff and faculty to the area.
More than a year before it opens, this part of the downtown campus
project has already drawn keen attention. As with the Pitt Ferry building,
the challenge of peeling away the old to make room for the new while
retaining its sense of history and place in the community is not a small one.
Once again, CS&P Architects Inc. took up the gauntlet. The
building was stripped back to a shell with two-foot walls, which
provided a solid base from which to work. The concrete floor was
broken up to dig another 11 feet down to create a basement that runs
the length of the Armouries. It will allow for a 150-seat recital hall in
the south end, a critical component for the music program.
The end result of the construction will be open, airy and conducive
to collaboration—a theme that underpins the entire downtown campus’
reason for being.
Peter Whatmore, senior vice-president for Southwestern Ontario at
CBRE Ltd., a commercial real estate services firm, predicted in that 2013
Globe and Mail article that, “When the university gets fully established and
you have activity on the street, it will drive other activities.
“Like any downtown, it needs feet on the street and needs to feel and
look safe to people who would say ‘I would like to spend my money here.’”
And, that’s exactly what TD Bank did in June 2015 when bank
officials announced a gift of $850,000 to enhance, revitalize and expand
the urban green space as part of the university’s vision for the Armouries
building and the former Greyhound bus depot which was also purchased
as part of the campus.
Mark Chauvin BSc ’77, BComm ’79, MBA ’80, TD’s group head
and chief risk officer, said that plans call for the former Chatham Street
Parkette to be revitalized “into a vibrant green space” with benches, trees,
shrubs and a portable stage.
The downtown campus isn’t even fully realized and it’s already
a game changer—bringing together the university and the greater
community for the better good of all.
The Pitt Ferry building will be part of the “Doors Open Ontario”
event, which showcases the buildings, natural spaces, infrastructure
and cultural centres that shape and define our communities across
the province. The event is free to the public. “Doors Open Ontario”
Date: Sept. 24-25, 2016
Time: 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Location: 167 Ferry Street
view . fall 2016
Annual Giving Program 2016-17
From left, Ashton Racovitis, Marian Wright and Bill Wright.
view . fall 2016
For Marian Lockwood Wright’s 80th birthday, her
son, Bill Wright BA ’70, LLB ’73 presented her
with something very special—but it was UWindsor
students who really lucked out.
Bill established the Marian (Lockwood) Wright
Nursing Scholarship, an annual award for a nursing
student in Year 2, 3 or 4, based on academic achievement
and financial need. Preference is given to a student who
supports their community through volunteering.
Marian, a retired registered nurse who focused on
community nursing, is a spry and spirited 90-year old
today, who can reflect back proudly on a service career
that touched many lives.
“I remember one day, while I was working at HôtelDieu Grace Healthcare, a young girl ran in from a house
across the street to tell me her mother was having a baby.
So, I grabbed the medical kit and followed her back to do
the delivery.”
Times may have changed when it comes to house
calls, but the importance of providing help remains an
important constant.
“The scholarship was established to commemorate
my mother’s milestone birthday,” says Bill. “We appreciate,
first-hand, the impact our nurses have in our community
and what better way to honour a retired nurse than to
help support future nurses. It is important to support
students and when I had the opportunity to do so and
honour my mom, it was an easy choice.”
Third-year Nursing students Ashton Racovitis and
Regina Yuen are two of the scholarship’s recipients.
Yuen was an active member of the Mayor’s
Youth Advisory Committee, a member of the Lancer
cheerleading squad, Students Orienting Students, the
University of Windsor Nursing Society, and the University of
Windsor Students’ Alliance (UWSA). She is also a recipient of the
2014 Mayor’s Youth Leadership Award and a UWSA scholarship
for her community involvement.
“I was honoured to receive the Marian (Lockwood) Wright
Nursing Scholarship,” she says. “It was extremely appreciated, not
only because it would help financially, but it also meant my hard
work paid off as the scholarship was based on the merits
of academic ability and activism in the community.”
Yuen says what a pleasure it was to meet the donors who have
contributed to her academic success. “I felt so fortunate to have
not only received the scholarship, but to have also met such lovely
people that care about the nursing profession and the future of
students. It was truly an experience that I will never forget.”
Racovitis says that, “As a student and proud Lancer, I know,
first-hand, the benefits of donations and how these investments
impact our time in and outside of the classroom.
“It drives us to excel in our studies and provides us the chance
to give back to our community. The receipt of this scholarship
allowed me to be involved in extra-curricular activities, such
as UWSMRS – Student Medical Response Service, where I am
a crew chief.”
The scholarship was established as part of the University of
Windsor Annual Giving Program (AGP), which also funds such
other campus initiatives as research equipment, library books and
enhanced classrooms.
“The Annual Giving Program perfectly reflects the goals and
mission of the Alumni Association—to raise funds that have a
positive impact on the UWindsor student experience,” says Shae
Kavanaugh, who co-ordinates the program. “A heightened and
positive student experience correlates directly with engaged
alumni who have positive feelings for their alma mater.”
The Annual Alumni and Friends Phonathon is an important
part of the AGP’s success. The phonathon begins in September,
when student callers reach out to thousands of UWindsor alumni.
Donations of any size are appreciated.
The success of the program depends on participation,
says Kavanaugh. “Whatever you are able to contribute, every
dollar makes a difference in the lives of UWindsor students and,
ultimately, strengthens their connection with their alma mater.”
Whether a donation is earmarked towards scholarship
support, Lancer athletics, or faculty and departmental needs
and priorities, “your donations go far beyond the dollar value,”
says Racovitis. “They are a testament to your belief in a postv
secondary education that puts students first.” n
• V
olunteer or become a member of our Alumni Association Board
of Directors
• Hire UWindsor graduates
• B
e proud UWindsor ambassadors within your network of friends
and family; within your organization; within your community
• S
tay in touch and updated with your alma mater:
• Attend UWindsor reunions, events and receptions
• M
ake a tax-deductible donation to UWindsor’s Annual
Giving Program
Please visit www.uwindsor.ca/view to see the 2015-16 Donor
Roll in the Fall 2016 online edition of the magazine.
The Ontario Government will provide two dollars for
every dollar donated to graduate scholarships.
• Ontario Graduate Scholarships are available to
Masters and PhD students in any field of study.
• Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarships in
Science and Technology support students
studying in Science and Technology disciplines.
Gifts of any size qualify for the matching funds.
A donation of $5,000 will generate a one-time
$15,000 named scholarship.
Scholarship support at any level can make a
significant impact on a student’s education.
For more information on
establishing or contributing to a
scholarship, contact Lindsay Doerr
at lindsay.doerr@uwindsor.ca or
call 519-253-3000 ext. 4144
view . fall 2016
• Support scholarships and bursaries
• Enable students to present their research at national conferences
• Support student participation in competitions
• Enrich student development programs
• Fund financial market labs and experiential learning opportunities
1. NEW! Interac online payments: You can now use your debit card
to make a donation when you use our online donation form.
• Allow the Leddy Library to keep pace with the need for online
digital resources (digital journals and digital images of rare books
and archival materials)
• Help equip and upgrade nursing, computer and science labs
• Bring prominent guest lecturers to campus
• Enhance resources and equipment needs for student-athletes
• Fund important alternative energy research
• And much more!
2. Credit Card: VISA, MasterCard, American Express
3. Personal cheque made payable to the University of Windsor
4. Cash: Visit us on the third floor of Essex Hall, Room 336
5. Payroll deduction for UWindsor employees
6. Monthly pension deduction for UWindsor retirees
David A. Wilson
Stephen and Vicki Adams
$100,000 - $499,999
Dr. Nicholas Krayacich and
Jennifer Jones
Estate of Eleanor Catherine
Estate of Marie M. (Chauvin)
$50,000 - $99,999
Craig Boyer and Julianne
Bernarda C. Camello-Doctor
and Antonio P. Doctor
Krishan and Asha Duggal
Estate of John C. Beer
Mary Hatch
$20,000 - $49,999
Dante J. Capaldi
Jerome S. Cohen
Dr. Paul V. DeMarco
Estate of Geraldine Fay
Elisabeth Kanasy
Dr. Michael and Mineko A.
Megan and Roy Lum
Michael and Margaret
Bulent Mutus
Catherine Quinlan
$10,000 - $24,999
Al Cameron
Estate of Ernest Waddell
Estate of Shirley Robinson
Estate of Tracy Kyne
E. Peter Farmer
Anne Forrest
Jamie Haggarty
Michael and Margaret
Camillo La Civita
Veronika A. Mogyorody
Alan Wildeman and Debra
$5,000 - $9,999
Gary and Sandra Beecroft
Mr. Justice John and Norma
Christina DeMarco
Dr. James Anthony DeMarco
Jean DeMarco
Jerry DeMarco and Anne Bell
J. Dan DeMarco
John DeMarco
Paula DeMarco
Robert DeMarco
Dr. Thomas DeMarco
Fraser Godfrey and Terry
Estate of Raymond Martin
Jack L. Freeman and Maxine
Michael Krause
Rev. Frank and Jean Lee
Tzy-Ping Lin
Mathew J. Lori
Ed and Pat Lumley
Gregory Monforton
Anna and Jack Moore
Meg and Thomas C. Peddie
Jude Rodrigues
John W. Spellman
Bill and Rochelle Tepperman
Maryhelen Tso
Bruce Tucker
Rosemary A. Venne
Roy Verstraete
Dr. Maria Zorzitto
$2,500 - $4,999
Chris and Erin Briggs
Allan Conway
Carole Curtis
Gordon W. Drake
Mary Louise Drake
Mina Grossman-Ianni
Robert O. Gutwein
Dr. Cindy M. Hutnik
Michael and Heather Kuhn
Jim Letwin
Patrick McCarthy
view . fall 2016
Richard A. Peddie
Christopher Peltier
John Purcell and Kathy
Steven and Shari Radovich
Bob Sellars
Charlene Y. Senn
John H. Simpson
Daniel and Jacqueline
David L. Strelchuk
Gary Travis
Chantal Vallee
Aida M. Van Wees
Sheila Wright
$1,000 - $2,499
Susan A. Adam-Metzler and
Kurt Metzler
Sandra and Tony Aversa
William E. Baylis
Diane L. Beattie
Norbert Becker
Marion Bernath
Niharendu Biswas
Benjamin Bordoff
Helena M. Borges
Pierre J. Boulos
Jane Boyd
Dan Brannagan
Annette Bridgeman
Brian E. Brown
Andrew and Elaine Buckstein
Allan Bush
Jeffrey and Diletta Casey
Lynda Casey
Stephen M. and Barbara L.
Jan Ciborowski
Anna Clark
Joan T. Dalton
Beth A. Daly and Dr. Jeff
Anne Daniel
Justin W. de Vries
Robert and Bonita Drago
Pasquale and Carol A.
Henk Dykhuizen
Janice L. Elder
Helen and Steve Govette
Mary E. Ewasyshyn
Anthony N. Ezeife
Patricia Fagan
Dennis and Janet Fairall
Fedela Falkner
David Fisher
Simone R. Fisher
Douglas and Randi Fox
Mary Margaret Fox
John Friedrichsen and Tracy
Sander Grieve
John and Carol Harcarufka
David A. Harris and Maria
Mike Havey
Glenna Hemphill
Kai Hildebrandt
Myron Hlynka
Michael C. Houston
Judith Humphrey
M.H. Ingram
Michael Ini-Abasi
Mary Janigan and Tom
Kevin Johnson and Martina
Mohammed Khalid
Edward King
David and Anna Kirby
Kyle and Kara Kootstra
Robert E. Krivoshein
Heather Krohn
Marvin H. Kurz
Erika Kustra
Rita and Claudio LaCivita
Diane Landry
Apollonia Lang Steele
Patricia Lauzon and Mark
Josh and Kim Leeman
Victoria E. Lehman
Brett Lumley
Jaimie M. Loaring and Hugh
J. MacIsaac
Michael J. MacKay
Anita MacLeod
Nancy MacSporran
Rowland Collinge Marshall
Michael J. McKeever
Marg A. McKillop and Bill
Ronald Melvin
Mr. Justice Harry Momotiuk
Martin Morf
Jim J. Morris
John R. Mountain
John and Charlene Murray
John H. B. Nederpelt
Margaret Nelligan and David
Madam Justice Mary Jo and
Brian Nolan
Wes and Dianne Paisley
Gurupdesh Pandher
Kathy and Mark Pfaff
Ronald G. Pfaff
Barbara L. Rapley
Rev. Canon John Riddle
Christine A. Riley
Mr. Justice Steven Rogin
Katherine Roth and Maurice
Angela and Michael
Anne Safranyos
Andrew and Vivian Sanfilippo
Brenda Schreiber
Michael J. Scime
Michael J. Shalhoub
Jang Singh
Lois Smedick
Sherrianne Smith
Nanci and Walter Soderlund
Harvey T. Strosberg
John Sutcliffe
Craig Sutton
Lynn Teahan
Drs. Roger and Audrey
Cheryl D. Thomas
Gilles Vallee
Lionel R. Walsh
Alan Wright and MarieJeanne Monette
William and Jean Wright
John and Mary Yuan
$500 - $999
William H. Abbott
Suhuyini H. Abudulai
Imran Ahmad
Brigitte Ala
Dana Allen
Brian and Penny Allen
Matthew R. Alter
Aris Anaghostopoulos
Ali Muslim Bin Aqeel
Peter Joseph Arpin
Reem Bahdi
Adam J. Bain
Bob Bain
Vladimir and Audrey Bajic
Barbara and Peter Barone
Tom Bass
Jeanne D. Beaudoin
Dawn Benson
Anita Berecz
Kathryn Bernard
Jeff Berryman
Jeffrey Betterley
Rudy A. Bianchi
Mickey Marier
Dean Blain
Giuseppe and Teo Bonasso
John Boots
F. Wayne and Purita Bristow
Iris E. Brown
M. Douglas Brown
Lori Buchanan
Charles W. Burge
Christopher R. Busch and
Christopher Hickman
David Butcher
Brian S. Buttrey
Anne Marie (Blum) Campbell
Andre Capaldi
Peter W. G. Carey
Kim A. Carpenter-Gunn
Jeffrey B. Carson
Barbara J. Caruso
Stanley B. Cassin
Gino Castellan
Camille Cecchin
Mary T. Chick
Brenda and Dino Civiero
Christine and Matthew
John and Nadine Condon
James H. Cooke
Peter Corio
Fabio Costante
Mary Jane M. Coxon
2016-17 Annual Giving Program
Dr. Jamie Crawley
Cathy A. Crowley
Emilie O. Cushman
Esther N. Daniel
Deborah Dayus
John K. Devlin
Veronica Didoszak
Ryan Donally
Howard S. Douglas
Aileen and Alan Dresser
Mike Drouillard
Fiona Du
Kenneth W. Dunbar
Christine Dupont
Vincent Duronio
Robert Eeuwes
Michael and Sarrah Fisher
Ronald G. Fisher
William and Anna Fisher
Thomas E. Foster
Jaimie Fox
Bruce J. Frazer
Laurie Freeman-Gibb
Celesta Gaba
Michael Gibala
Jeremie R. Gobbo
Anna M. Godo
Robert Govaerts
Noelle Grace
Geoffrey Graham
Kerry Gray
Daniel Green
Drew S. Gunsolus
Hillery Guttman
Alex and Diane Gyemi
Mary Jo Haddad
H. Vilh Hansen
Vanessa B. R. Harnish
Michael J. Harrington
John Purcell and Kathy
Dennis and Judy-Lynn
Philip Heil
Ryan J. Henderson
Anna Herhalt
John M. Herhalt
Francine A. Herlehy
Sherrill L. Hext
James Higginson
Cathy A. Hoffman
Jeffrey P. and Sherri Hoffman
Maxine A. Holder-Franklin
Elizabeth Smythe Hoyle
John and Corneila Huschilt
Judy Inch
David Inglis
Mary H. Jacko
Heidi and Dale Jacobs
Orville F. James
Nancy Jammu-Taylor
Marica Janisse
Glen F. Jennings
Kaye Johnson
Betsy Kane and Philippe
Austin J. Kennedy
Elias and Antoinette Khayat
Fred P. Khoury
David Kiss
Mr. Justice Lawrence J. Klein
Margaret M. Knapp
Nestor and Catharine
James E. Larocque
Roger C. and Elia Lauzon
Mark Leach
Brett J. Ledger
Peeter A. Leis
Charles W. Leonhardt
Ruben and Cecile Lim
Jack Logan
Jerry and Andrea Longmuir
Sarah D. Maccarone
M.Gillian MacKay
Colin and Cathryn Mackel
William R. MacKenzie
Michael Mackinnon
Diana Mady Kelly
Donald G. Malcolm
Heather A. Malcolm-Kiss and
Andrew Kiss
Marilee Marcotte and Marc
Lucia Yiu
Steven B. and Susan A. Mayo
Monique and Ryan Diotte
Marg McCaffrey Piche
Timothy McCormick
Kathleen McCrone
Kevin P. McGuire
Kristy McLean and Michael
Gerry McPhail
Michael McTeague
James J. Messina
Alan and Heather Metcalfe
John R. Meyer
Denis and Martha Moher
Linda L. Molnar
Mary and Richard Moriarty
Andrew Moukled
Mohamed Murtadi
Bob Newman
Ernest W. Ng
Elizabeth A. Oakley
Steve O’Connell
Chris E. O’Gorman
Sandro L. Orlando
Bradley A. Ouellette
David and Alonna Palmer
Victoria Paraschak
Alan R. Parnell
Linda and Larry Patrick
Jim and Heather Peterson
Mark R. H. Pfaff
Dathathry T. Pillay
Trevor Pittman
John and Marga Pomponio
Erika D. Pozzuoli
Heather Pratt
Janet C. Prudham
Tina Pugliese
Thomas J. Puskas
Joseph and Katherine
Thomas Raffoul
Erika Rebello
Stephen C. Roberts
Lama Sabbagh
Mike and Angela Safranyos
Mehrdad Saif
Geri Salinitri
Timothy Samson
Robert and Barbara Saul
Paul J. Schlosser
Alan Scoboria and Myrna
Terry Sefton
Jeremy Shell
Judith Ohlmann
K. W. Michael Siu
Jeffrey and Estelle Slopen
Trevor K. Smith
Meredith Smye
Anne W. Snowdon
Eugene E. Somerville
Dr. Andrea Steen
Voy T. and Boguslawa
Nalini and Tim Stewart
Lorna (Lorie) Stolarchuk
John Stout
Martina M. Stvan
Brian Suta
Maria L. Tambakis
Keith Taylor and Barbara
Marium C. Tolson-Murtty
Lynn and Edward Tomczyk
Nick Torchetti
Brian and Cynthia Trudell
Gregg Turner
Dr. Jennifer Valente
Monica and Adrian
van den Hoven
Shirley P. Van Nuland
Jennifer C. Vieira
Santokh Virdy
Brenda Vrkljan
Blase and Sheilagh Wasser
Michael V. Watters
Janine Weir and Richard
Robert Weir
David Wills
Anne and Clare
James H. Wittebols
Theresa Wunder
Orson Yee
Mike Ziebarth
Kerri and Jason Zold
$250 - $499
Barry D. Adam
Majid Ahmadi
David M. Amato
David Andrews
Donald E. Arpin
Natalie Atkin
David A. Avard
Nadia Azar
Kevin Babkirk
Sandra Baker
Patricia Balkwill
Michael J. Balogh
Terry Banjavcic
Pearce Bannon
Steven Banyai
Betty Barrett
Paul Beach
Daniella A. Beaulieu-Scarano
and Luciano Scarano
Yvonne A. Bennett
Walter M. Benzinger and
Iuna Tomasini
Eva Bernachi
William J. Bies
Mansell and Anita Blair
Tim D. Blondeel
Paul Boin
Sherri Bolt
Dianne M. Bondy
Matthew W. Borowiec
Ken Bradford
Mary Brannagan
Rosemary S. Briscoe
Deborah J. Brooks
Terence P. Brown
David and Anna Maria
Peter R. Burrell
Katharine Byrick
Mary Louise Byrne
John and Marilyn Callahan
Anthony A. Campagna
Susan M. Campeau
John F. Cappucci
Jeramie C. Carbonaro
Jennifer G. Carey
John and Ted Carron
D. Rosemary Cassano
Danny A. and Rita Castellan
Nino Cervini
Lynn Charron
Timothy R. Child
See-Tho William Chng
M. Ciampa
Joseph and Mary Ann Cimer
Gwen and Tom Clark
Enio Coletti
Cheryl Collier
Olga Coulter
Penny Craig
Floro Culmone
Darryl and Yvonne Currie
Patrick J. Curtis
Shaoye Dai
Vera A. Danculovic
Andrew C. Dashper
James Dawson
Christine De Santis
Tyrone Deacon
Mr. Justice Lloyd C. Dean
Gina Delicata
Delmore Photography
Marcello DeLuca
Jackie Denko
Anita and Pat Denomme
Dan and Brenda Devin
Dietrich, Lucier and Craig
Mr. Justice Dino DiGiuseppe
Richard and Marilyn Dinham
Kae Ann DiPietro
Sam Doher
Donna D. Dordevski
Mona Dosen
Janice Drakich
Sherry Dugal-Nevin
Minota Dundas
Samiran Dwivedi
Ron Dymond
John F. and Mary A. Ellis
William E. Everitt
Christie Ezeife
Janice and Tony Facecchia
Rolf Falkenberg
George D. and Diane T.
Elizabeth Felet
Janet D. Finlay-Clark
Michelle Fitzgerald
Kevin Flood
John H. Franks
Robert Fraser
Gregory W. Frederick
John and Marie Guthrie
Margaret A. Garabon
Crystal and Alexander
Timothy S. Garvey
Brett Gaskell
Ruth-Ann Gerrard-Hickey
John and Joanne Gibbs
Jared and Laura Ginter
Larry A. Glassford
O.J. Gleeson
Daniel A. Gosselin
Jill Grant
John M. Gray
James L. Gretes
Gemma G. Grey-Hall
Jenifer Gritke
Mary Guttmann
Daniel Gyetvai
Roger Gyles
Frederick F. Hafner
Rosemary Halford
Bev Hamilton
Gisele C. Harrison
Craig E. Hebert
Ernie and Wendy Hehn
Gillian Heisz and Andrew
Paul D. Herage
J. Michael Hickey
Carl Hiltz
Mr. Tony Hitchcock
Lucas and Erin Hodgson
Lorie and Peter Hoehne
Charles E. Hogg
Dionne C. Hogg
Richard and Mona May
Susan Holbrook
Richard T. Holland
Laura and Scott Hope
Beth and Greg Horsburgh
Robert D. Howe
Linda Hoy
Cheslie Hunt
Mohammed T. Hussain
Bruce and Lois Jacobs
B. C. Janik
Frank Alexander Jeney
Jody E. Johnson
Jennifer and George
Purna Kaloni
Daniel and Lisa Katzman
Werner H. Keller
Linda Kennedy
Sherry Ketterer
Mercedes Ann Kieswetter
Jane Ku
Andrew Kuntz
Lisa S. Labute
Maurice G. LaMarre
Chris and Enza Lanoue
Phuc Hong Michael Le
Larry and Helen LeDuc
Ashley Lemay
Peter W.R. Lemon
Philip W. Lesperance
Ian Levstein
Eva Lewis
Carol B. Libby
Margaret Liddle
Scott W. Linnell
Monty Logan
Robert P. Lombardo
Ginetta (Gina) Lori Riley
Martin F. Lowman
Drew R. Macaulay
Craig D. MacKay
Cecelia Mac-Smith
Jelena and Franco Magliaro
Susan Malcolm
Gary Malloy
John and Barbara Manera
Rachelle Marchand
George Marino and Nancy
Meaghan Marten
Lori Marzinotto-Spyropoulos
and Vassili Sypropoulos
Theresa Mayer
Brian Mazer
Neil and Cheryl McBeth
James McGinlay
Patricia McKay
Karen H. McKechnie
Susan A. McKee
S. McMahon
Virginia McRae
Paul and Mary Meanwell
Karl G. Melinz
Linda Menard-Watt
Lydia Miljan
Alice Miller
Win V. Miller
Giancarlo Mincone
Robyn K. Molyneau
Karen Momotiuk
Gerald and Shirley Monforton
Greig and Mary Mordue
A. Sandy Morgan
Scott Morgan
Kathleen A. Moriarty
Greg F. Mosey
Sheila E. Mosley
Brian R. Mutterback
Ermes D. Muzzin
Abby Nakhaie
James Naumovich
John J. Navarrete
Masoud Negad and Jeannine
Barbara Niewitecka
Brian and Catherine Nikota
Noel Painting
Nicole A. Noel
Michael B. Nolan
Megan O’Brien
R.T. O’Callaghan
Barbara E. O’Neill
Robert Orr
Marion Overholt
Mike and Irene Paraschak
Leonard E. Parent
Stephanie A. Parent
Jasbir K. Parmar
Ken Passa
Lawrence T. Patrick
H. Richard Patterson
Ross Paul and Jane E.
Pavlovic Family
Lawrence R. Pazner
Mariano Pe Benito
Marsan and Clodelle Pe
Bill Pearson Jr.
Jamie B. Pepper
Thien T. Phan
Donna Piccinin-Craig
Bernard E. Plant
Alicia M. Pomeroy
Marga and John Pomponio
Mr. Lucian Pop
Curtis Pope
Brenda Porter
Chris Porter
Carol Prier
Barbara A. Priest
Janis E. Radford
Elizabeth A. Ramsden
Chitra Rangan
Gary and Janice Rankin
Vivien Ray-Mailloux
Gilles B. Raymond
Laurence R. Raymond
Jim Reaume
Stephanie and Alan Reaume
John A. Regier
Heidi Reinhart and Robert
Mary-Ann and Tom Rennie
Frank Ries
Georgia Risnita
Mary E. Robb
Michael T. Robert
David L. Robins
Gord Robinson
Michael Robinson
K. Roland
John Ropac
Carolyne Rourke
April F. Roy
Ron Runstedler
Lisa Ruttle-Maavara
Kimberly Sackfie
Alison Samson
Lido Sandre
John H. Sarnovsky
Zora Savic
Mark W. Sazio
Patrick T. Schiller and
Theresa Degelder
Dave Scott and Tina Dixon
Kevin M. Scott
Denise M. Seguin
Jerry Seguin
Rahul Shastri
Raymond L. Shaw
Nancy M. Siew
Katherine and Adam Simon
Carl G. Smith and Ann N.
Denise L. Spadotto
Janee J. Stallard-Cogliati
Ellen Starkiss
Joe and Nancy Stasko
Dennis J. Staudt
Ihor and Anne Stebelsky
Walter and Milda Stechyshyn
Brian J. Steer and Suzanne
M. Bouliane
Jim Stevens
Hong Su
Barbara Sullivan
Louise R. Summerhill
John M. Susko
Donald E. Swanson
George and Maddie
David Tanovich
Brian Taylor
Robin Toffolo and Michael
Madeline S. Tonelli
Carla Tonucci
Elizabeth A. Tornabene
Remi Tosti and Kelly Tosti
Cindy A. Tracey
Sarah Tregaskiss
Evelyn and Raymond
Mark A. Trudell
Harold P. Unroth
Sandy Van Zetten
Adam N. A. Vasey
Helen Vasilic
Andy Vasily
Drew Verdam
Donna and John Virban
view . fall 2016
Pearl J. Voinaroski
Dr. Laura Voltic
Chau L. Voo
Christopher L. Wainscott
Dr. Candice A. Wakulich
Ms. Marie M. Walker
Christopher Waters
Raymond Watt
Susan A. Waymouth
Gary F. Wegener
Gary J. Weir
Gary Westfall
Christopher and Janine
Teresa B. Whiteside
Christopher and Sandy
Leo-Andre Whyte
Mark J. Wilk
Joanne Wills
David and Miriam Wilson
Lloyd and Michelle Wright
Charlene M. and Shawn
E. Yates
Martha B. Young
Danilo Zannier and
Margaret Zannier
Bernice Zub
Colleen M. Zubyck
$100 - $249
John A. Abbott
Jack E. Abbruzzese
Nada Abuzaid
Raymond Adkin
Richard A. Adler
Robert Adourian
Jeanette D. Ainslie
Dan, Moniqu, Xandre and
Mea Aitken
Robert C. Ajersch
Mary E. Alexander
Stephen Alexander
Jerry Alexis
Heather B. Allan
Katherine and Craig Allan
Antonia Allevato
Pat Allevato
Bill and Sylvia M. Allison
D. Miller Alloway Jr.
Jennifer A. Almeida
Mohammed Amin
Bernard P. Amlin
Leslie A. Amlin
Roy C. Amore
Jo-Anne Amyotte
Hugh Anderson
John and Jean Anderson
Sandy L. Anderson
Bill Anderson
Peter and Shirley Antaya
Peter J. Archambault
Shawn R. Archer
Danish M. Arif
Vera I. Arkell
Louise Armstrong
Marjorie A. ArmstrongStassen
Francis B. Arnaldo
Wesley G. Arthur
Juhachi Asai
John Ascott
Ian A. Aseltine
Brent and Kelly Ashby
Vanessa Ashton
Geoffrey W. Astles
Michael J. Atkins
Daniel W and Erin Atkinson
Bram Atlin
Paul M. Atras
Judith Atwood
Anita and Siu-Hung Au
Brian M. Austen
David and Dorothy Badregon
Kenneth C. Bahen
Ray Bailey
Linda L. Balazs
Michael Balo
Avik U. Banerjee
Roderick Banks and Pearl
Maria D. Bannon Turvey
Michael J. Barichello
Cindy Barrett
C. Fred Barth
Ewa M. Barycka
Claude L. Bastien
Maunzer Batal
Susan Baxter
Jonathon Bayley
Judy Beale
Lauren G. Beale
Robert W. Beattie
Lawrence A. Beck
Wendy Bedard
Randy and Katherine
Lamont C. BeGole
Elizabeth M. Behrens
Jean-Paul A. Belanger
Mark R. Belanger
Mark A. Belchuk
Brian H. Bellaire
Larry F. Bellis
Oluwatosin O. Bello
Winfred G. Benedict
Theresa M. Beneteau
Ivan and Susan Benko
Adrian G. Bennett
Randolph and Elizabeth
Ms. George V. Bernik
Joseph Bevacqua
Lewis Bevan
Patricia A. Bezaire
Judith Binder
Fred Birnbaum
Michael E. Biro
Gerald J. Black
John F. Black
Matthew Blain
John Blanken
Barry Blay
Antoinette S. Blunt
Mary J. Bodfish
M. Theresa Boland
Stephen C. Bolton
Peter and Marj Bond
Salvadore and Yvonne Bondi
Daniel N. Bondy
Douglas and Marjorie Bondy
Patricia Bondy
Paulette M. Bondy
Richard and Karen Bondy
Rosaire Bondy
Chandra L. Boon
Veronica A. Boretsky
Judy and David Bornais
Gloria Bortolin
Elizabeth J. Bower
Helen W. Bowie
Beverley J. Boyes
Donna J. Boyle
Frank J. Bradacs
Beverley A. and George
Mark C. Bradt
Megan C. Bragg
Douglas and Jean Branch
James D. Bricker
Donald and Molly Briggs
John Brkljacic
David and Frances
Marten H. Brodsky
David S. Brombal
Doug N. Brombal
Angela Brooks
Robert J. Brooks
Wessel Brouwer
Jalynn R. Brown
John and Helen Brown
Marianne Brown
Kevin A. Bruce
Patricia A. Brunelle
Don and Monika Bruner
Susanne and Dwayne
Joel G. Brush
Michael A. Bull
view . fall 2016
Roy and Joyce Bull
Joseph Raymond Buncic
Jason M. Burdon
John Burkhart
Mathew and Carly Burkhart
Pamela R. Burkhart-Badiuk
Brian and Jill Burnie
Denis Burns
Michael D. Burt
Bruce E. Burton
Heather A. Busby Biltcliffe
Dennis Buset
John and Diane Busser
Jordan L. Butcher
Donald B. Butler
Joan M. Butler
Murray Butler
Julia and John Byrne
Peter T. Bziuk
Marie E. Cadotte
Cathy Callaghan
Berrington Campbell
Gord Campbell
Gregory A. Campbell
Jacqueline T. Campigotto
Dante P. Capaldi
Stephen and Kristine Carey
Susan P. and Richard S.
Leonardo and Gioia Caro
James F. Caron
J. Patrick Caron
Cristovao Carreira
Hugh J. Carroll
Patricia Carter
Joe Carty
Craig R. Cavanagh
Kelley Cavanagh
Lucille Cecillon
Samuel and Karen Ceman
Judy M. Chaif Simko
Marisa and Aaron Chambers
Frank and Katherine Chan
Mary Lou Chapman
Grace Chau
Prad M. Chaudhurri
Elena Chernyak
Khalil E. Chidiac
Patrick D. Childerhose
Yoon and Jennifer Chin
Eddi Chittaro
Sang K. Choi
Dennis Choptiany
Alan K. Chun
Christopher J. Church
Brian Churchmack
Myroslav T. Chwaluk
Carlo Cimetta
Brian Ciuciura
Christopher J. Clark
Heather J. Clark
John Clark
Kathryn Clark
Richard H. Clifford
Andrew Coates
Connie Colautti
Wilfred J. Collacott
Mary Collinson
William G. Colvin
Doug and Susan Connolly
Terrance F. Connoy
Gerry Cooper
M. Caroline and John
Ryan M. Coristine
John Cormack
Christopher, Lindsay and
Audra Corneal
Joan and Robert Cornwall
William J. Cotnam
Marie M. Coughlin
C. Bruce Cowen
Fred N. Cowlin
Raymond A. Cox
Brenda L. Coxon
James Coyle
Lee A. Craig
Jarrod Crapper
Ken P. Crich
William L Crosby
George and Donna Crowell
Barry M. Cullen
Dubravko Culumovic
Lisa Cunningham
Raymond J. Curran
James D. Currie
Edith A. Curtin
Anthony E. Cusinato
Elsa A. Cusinato
Michael Czura
Denis DaDalt
James G. and Wendy E.
Patricia M. Dale
Jack F. Dalgleish
Robert A. Dalley
John Daly
Paul D’Amico
Russell and Diane Daniels
Hilda F. Davenport
Pearl and Roderick Davies
Shannon N. Davis
Margaret A. Davison
Jo-Ann M. Dawe
Anne Dawson
Elizabeth Dawson
Salvatore De Mare
Kim T. Deane
Valentin Dejan
Remo Del Col
Franco F. Del Papa
Nadine Deleury McKay
D. Jeffrey and Anne Dello
Kandace and Joe Demarce
Annette L. Demers
Patrick M. Dennis
Paul T. Dertinger
Roland C. Deschamps
Kathryn A. Deshaies
Martin W. Desjardine
Nelson F. Deslippe
Luigi and Elena DiFazio
Julie C. Di Ponio-Roy
Steven E. Diakowsky
Joseph Dibatista
Gino DiCarlo
Aldo and Laura DiCarlo
Bob Dick
John F. Diederich
Aldo Dinardo
Trevor and Shannon Dinham
Jeffrey A. Dinsmore
Santino DiPasquale
Edward A. Dixon
Jess Dixon
Mildred Dmowski
Michael Doi
Josh Dorion
James M. Douglas
Kenneth Michael Downes
John N. Driedger
Ken Driedger
Paul and Shirley Driedger
Barbara Drouillard
Ed Drouillard
Mary A. Dryden
Catherine Duboisson
Dale F. Dudley
Andrew M. Duffy
Elizabeth C. Dufour
Roger B. Dufour
Michael J. Dufresne
Doreen Dulmage
Rocky Dundes
Gary S. Dunlop
Robert and Shirley Dunlop
Connie and T. D. Duong
Raymond S. Dupuis
Dwayne E. Durocher
Joseph and Kay Durocher
Philip Dutton and Lisa
Mike D. Dwyer
Carmen R. Eaton
Nosakhare O. EdebiriErhabor
Terry Edgar
Sarah E. Edwards
Adrian Egbers
Jacqueline Eisenberg
Timothy Elcombe
Fred Eldridge
Wendy Elliott
David and Barbara Ellis
Robert and Elizabeth Ellis
Bruce and Nancy Elman
Lawrence L. Emmert
Maureen Engli
Shervin Erfani
Antonietta R. Esposito
Mervin C. and Marilyn
Estate of Aniela (Nellie)
Brian D. Etherington
Joe Evans
J. Fairley
Brendan M. Falkner
Barbara E. Faria
Frazier A. Fathers
Mark Fathers
Dorothy M. Faulkner
Angela Ferrante
Cathy and Craig Ferry
Mitchell and Terri Fields
Douglas A. Fillion
Carol A. Finch
Donald F. Finlay
Ed and Katherine Fischer
Elizabeth Fisher and Wendy
Janet and Len Flaming
Dianna Flannery
Karen A. Fleming
Michael and Mary Fletcher
Dr. Robert Flewelling
Nancy J. Flickinger
Alan C. and Frances Flint
Kirsten Fogg
John and Nancy Foglia
John J. Fontaine
Scott Forbes
Carl R. Ford
Janice E. Forsyth
David J. Fortin
Margaret Foster
Allan Fotheringham
Susan Fox
Walter V. Francic
Theresa E Francis
Lisa M. Fransen
Robert and Bonnie E. Fraser
Gerald and Bettie Fraser
Julian and Jody Fraser
Victoria Frederick
Steven and Pamela
Scott T. Frew
Sharyn B. Frieman
Maureen and John Friest
Michael C. Frost
Peter O. Fuerth
Tom Fulton
John and Gail Furlan
Robert W. Gabinet
Ronald P. Gagel
Janis L. Gage
Jane E. Gagnon
Rodney A. Gagnon
Frank Galati
Meredith A. Galbraith
Amy Gamet
Robert S. Garbula
Gregory Gare
Bill Garrett
Joanne N. Gatti Greene
Armand Gaudette
John R. Gauthier
William G. Gawley
Dennis T. Gazarek
Mary-Ellen Gazarek
Tina Gelinas
Iva Gentcheva
Trevor Georgie
Vincent Georgie
Denise C. Ghanam
Frank Giblin
Susan Gibson
Patricia M. Giesler
Paul J. and Jocelyn
John and Mary Gilbride
Calum Gillespie
Mark and Mary Ann Girard
Kimberly M. Glossop
Desiree Gobbo
Kyle W. Goettl
Neil and Mary Gold
Noel F. Goldhawk
Aubrey A. Goldstein
Ruth E. Goldstein
Jim Gomes
H. Bruce Goodbrand
Lorretta (Lorrie) Goos
John F. Gorham
Martin M. Gorski
Krystyna G. Gorzelska
Elizabeth Gowanlock
Gerald R. Graham
William T. Graham
Josephine Grant
Brian P. Gray
Leroy L. Gray
Thomas J. Grayson
Aldo Greco
Janet Green
Kevin J. Greenwood
Florence M. Grondin
Lorraine Grondin
Judy Grossutti
Gerry Guindon
Gurpal S. Guram
John and Marie Guthrie
Christopher and Dawn
Andrew M. Hahn
Christopher C. Hales
Mildred B. Hall
Bill Hallett
Jim and Lee Ann Halpin
Valerie Hamel
Donald I. Hancock
Danielle M. L. Handsor
Forrest C. Bud Hansen
Jens Hanson
Michael Harber
Eric Harbottle and Merry
Madeleine Harden
Jaynelle Harding
Gail D. Hargreaves
Frances J. and Ralph
Drew Harvie
Ida Hary
Ali A. Hassan
Cliffie R. Hasson
Bill Haust
Gary and Barb Havens
Marie A. Hawkins
Jeanne D. Hays
D. Heath
Denise M. Hebert
Donna I. Henderson
Jonathan Hendricks
Gregory J. Hengl
Terry Henry
Nick Herberholz
Alan E. Herron
Douglas R. Hertz
Jeffrey J. Hewitt
Frank and Gloria Hidi
Linda and John Higgins
Timothy J. Hilborn
Charles M. and Mary Hillier
Diane and Gord Hillman
Pamela G. Hines
Brenda L. Hobson
Mr. Justice Peter B. Hockin
Keven and Laurie Hockley
Shelley Black and Charles
Brian Hodgson
Jim and Karey Hogan
Richard and Kelly Hogan
Margery J. Holman
George R. Holovaci Jr.
Gary Robert Hong
August T. Horvath
Murray B. Howard
Gary G. Howell
Anna Marie Hranka
Peter Hrastovec
Andrew Hubberstey
Peter P. Hudec
Joseph E. Huggins
Heather Hunt
June C. Hurley
Syed M. Hussain
Mary Jane Hutchinson
Dorothy A. Huynh
Jerry and Cathy Hyatt
Iole M. Iadipaolo
Teresa M. Jaffray
Lena Janosik
Nicole M. Jeffreys
Jane E. Jennings
Draga and Wendy Jichici
Frank Jimmy
Karl Jirgens
Howard P. Jobin
Carl Johannsen
Linda M. Johnson
Ralph H. Johnson
Pamela A. Johnston Hornby
Richard G. Johnston
Thomas E. Jones
Richard Jovanovski
Gloria M. Jung
Rebecca A. Kacaba
Susan Kacaba
John and Angeline Kaiser
Gerjon Kalaci
Jasminka Kalajdzic
Debbie Kane
Peter F. Kappel
Linda Kardum
Diane L. and S. Karnay
Donald L. Kasta
Wanda Keeling-Walter
Chuck and Angela Kelly
Larry Kelly
Kathleen M. Kelm
Elizabeth J. Kendall
Deborah F. Kennedy
Judy L. Kennedy
Francis W. Kennette
Michael G. Kenney
Ryan Kenney
Kenji and Claire Kenno
Darlene Kenny
Nick and Marilyn Keren
Claude R. Kerr
Stephen J. Kerr
Alan Kester
Judy L. Keys
Samira Khalid
Saad I. Khan
B. T. Khouw
Suzette R. Killen
Barbara E. Kingdon
Fred Kingston
Jason Kinnear
Peter G. Kirby
Ilias Kiritsis
Alfred and Debbie Klassen
Brian Klunder
Matthew Gervais and Blaire
Rosalind and Ray Knight
Shirley Knight
Christopher G. Knowles
Kevin W. Kobelsky
Martin H. Kochen
Gary and Jane Komar
Stanley and Colette Korosec
Thomas A. Kosnik
Joseph J. Kostroman
Michael Koutros
Frank Kovacic
Katherine Koven
Paul Kozak
Kenneth J. Krapf
Lucjan Krause
Eric M. Kraushaar
Donald and Christine
Christopher R. Kruba
Diane M. Kruger
Ingrid D. Kruger Taylor
Geri Kubicki
Victor J. Kubicki
R. Kyryliuk
Jan T. Laba
David L. LaBute and Gina M.
Mark S. Lacasse
Wanda F. Lacey
Lisa M. Lafond
Mitch Lalonde
George P. Lan
Lenore K. Langs
Anna Lanoszka
Roger and Carol Lanoue
Lisa S. Laredo
Frederick K. Larkin
Kim Lassaline
John E. Latouf
Len Laurin
Michael J. Lavelle
Margaret Lawrence and
Lawrence Ellsworth
Christopher M. Lawton
Sarah Lazarovic and
Benjamin Errett
Joan E. Leach
Catherine G. Leatherdale
Thomas G. LeClair
Arthur L. Lee
Brent Lee and Beverley
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
James Legeret
Lawrence H. Leigh and
Wendy Leigh
Carmen E. Lemieux
Frank Lemire
Joseph E. Leonard and Honi
R. Huyck
Susan Leonard
Susan I. Leslie
Wayne R. Lessard
Charlene E. M. Lester
Dennis and Janine Levadoux
Gerald Levine
Ken M. Lewenza
Jay D. Lewis
Bob and Sally Lewis
Trevor and Victoria Lewis
Angela Liburdi
Randall B. Litchfield
Melissa M. Little
Phyllis Lockrey
Lawrence and Patricia
Janette L. Long
Lisa Lortie
Armand J. and Cathy Losier
Robert W. Love
Sheri Lowrie
Arie Lubienietzky
Brooke V. Ludolph
Felix C. Luppke
Tri D. Ma
Grace Macaluso
Cara Macanuel
C.L.B. MacDonald
Cheryl A. Macdonald
John and Dihah MacDonald
Philip A. Macdonald
Shavaun I. MacDonald
Maureen MacKay
Steven G. MacKinnon
Sandra J. MacLean
Tracy MacLeod
Borden D. MacMillan
Loris Macor
Robert D. MacPherson
Donald C. MacTavish
Brij Madaan
John A. Mahood
Lucy A. Maitland
Constance Mak
Ruth F. Malenda
Jacqueline R. Malette
Sara Malik
Susan M. Malloch
Elena Maltseva
Mark P. Mamer
Julie L. Man
Ronald M. Manchen
Harry G. L. Mancini
Cathy M. Manias-Fiddler
Karin P. Manley
George S. Mann
Bruce Manson and Debi
Ilija Maodus
Uriel Marantz
Robert Marchand and
Michelle Charette
Aaron and Carolyn Marcotte
Barbara and Vincent
Brian A. Marcotte
Leo B. Marentette
Simon Mariani
Luciana B. and Daniel J.
Catherine A. and Harvey
James E. Martin
Stephanie C. Martini
Allison and Wayne Martins
Stephen N. Mason
Kevin A. Masse
Randolph J. Masters
Daniel M. Masterson
Kevin B. Masterson
Sally J. Mastromonaco
Lina-Marie Mastronardi
George Mather
B.J. Matheson-Bodnar
Robert R. Maybouer
Katie Mazzuca
James and Claire McAllister
Sheila A. McCabe
Tina McComb
Susan C. McCracken
Heather M. McCurdy
Charles E. McDonald
John McDonald
Marci McDonald and Clair
Sarah and Robert McElwain
Thomas S. McFarlane
Elizabeth A. McHugh
Mary L. McKeen
Georgina M. McKenney
John McKeown
Grace McLaren
Ross M. McLeod
Stephanie and George
Lily and James McMorine
Jennifer McMullen
Edward A. McNabb
Christine McNeil
Wmoloki S. McPherson
William M. McRae
David C. McWha
Kathy J. Meloche
Sherry Menard
Tracy M. Menard
Jose L. Menendez
Jane and Antonio Meriano
Richard Merlo
George Merrett
Karen Metcalfe
Michelle Miglietta
Cathy Milec
Linda T. Miller
Richard M. Miller
Loretta and David Millinoff
Delores J. Millman
K. Milne
Vaughan Minor
Jack Mintz
Kawsar Mirdha
Anne Misner
Elizabeth M. Mitchell
Mary Mitchell
Elisa A. Mitton
Roman M. Mleczek
Julie Mollins
John Monahan and Michael
Lance J. Montigny
Kenneth I. Moon
Jim and Dianne Moore
Christopher and Mary
Andre and Marisa
Antonio Morga
Roberta Morgan
Daniel M. Moriarty
Janet Morrice
Judith A. Morris
Judith Morsink
Gene Moscicki
Garvin S. Moses
Rolf W. Mueller
Michael Mugan
Mwila C. Mulenga
Terry Mulligan
Angus M. Mumby
Johnny Murer
Kevin D. Murphy
Lisa A. Murray
Sharon Murray
Ronald H. Mutton
Michael A. Naccarato
Eugene J. P. Nadeau
Alessandro and Joyce L.
Gediminas A. Namikas
Barclay C. Nap
Kirk Narain
Alessandro V. Nardone
John J. Nassr
Brad Nathan
Lorri M. Neil-Conte
Eric W. Neill
Jim Nelson
Sandra E. Neposlan
Cary Sze-Cheuk Ng
Oliver K. T. Ng
David Q. Nguyen
Helen Ngwube
Jim Nicell
Lucas Nyarko
Mr. Maureen C. Nye
Milan Mitch Obradovic
Susan M. O’Brien
Paul D. Ocheje
Kevin J. O’Connor
Diane L. O’Dell
Elizabeth Ogilvy
Joyce and Bernard
Marcel M. O’Gorman
Timothy and Norma
Christie OkonkwoMackenzie and Scott
Sally S. Olczak
Sandra Ondracka
Olivia K. Oppong
Lisa S. Osak
Janet and Ken Ouellette
T M. Ouellette
Barbara W. Owen
David M. Owen
David S. Owen
Jerry Owen
Gerri and Vincenzo Pacecca
John E. Pageau
Theodore and Denise
Jane Panet
Elaine A. Panikkar
Michel R. Pardal
Barbara Pare
Gino P. Parisotto
Barbara M. Parrott
Edward W. Paschin
Aida Pasha
Angela J. Pastorius
Raj Patil
Anna Patterson
J. Kathryn Patterson
Barbara P. Paul
Joe Pavelich
John and Carolyn Pawley
Hilary G. Payne
Margaret A. Payne
Karyn L. Pellatt-Caron
John Peloso
Patricia A. Peloso
Jo Ann Percy
Carol Perkes
Robin Perry and Marcia
Susanne Peters
Mary and J. Charles
Johnny Peto
Jason and Heidi Petro
Michelle (Mazak)
Edward E. Petryshyn
Joanne and Craig Pettipiece
Richard C. Pettit
Silvio Pettovel
Ronald Pfaff8
Allan J. Phomin
Mirela Pilaf
Marc and Karen Pillon
Val Pistor
Dawn W. Pocock
Elaine and Yves Poirier
Donna R. Pollock
Donald G. Poole
Daniel R. Portelance
Judith M. and Ronald Potter
Richard Pound
Rosalyn M. Power
Lily Powis
Danielle Price
Leonard J. Price
Trevor and Anita Price
Dave Prpich
Joe M. Prsa
Marcin Pulcer
Murray and Gwen Purdy
Sabaa Kingsley Arlo Quao
Stuart M. Quick
Bernard V. Quinlan
Catherine Quinn-Boroski
Kenneth Rachner
Victor Radovich
M. Rafiquzzaman
Charles M. Ramin
Willard Ramjass
Glenn Ramsumair
R. G. Randall
Stephen P. Randall
Yuxiang (Tony) Rao
Donald J. Raper
Jeffrey G. Rau
Tim E. Ray
Ray R. Refcio
Christopher D. Reid
Justin A. Reid
Wayne and Kathryn Reid
Deborah and Dan Reiner
Daniel Reisler
Debbie A. Remekie-Maxey
Gregory Renaud and Nora
Jeannine M. Renaud
Sheena J. Renwick
Adriana J. and George
William C. Reynolds
Andrew Richter
Debbie and Rick Rickeard
David Riddick
Ronald R. Rivait
Patricia A. Rivard
Victor P. Rivest
Anthony Rizzetto
Blake C. Roberts
James D. Robertson
Judith Robertson
BettyJean and Donald
Kyle R. Robinson
Rob Robinson
Graeme Robson
William J. Roddy
Walter and Yvonna
Thomas A. Root
Janet Rosenbaum
Peter and Ann Roth
Sean B. Rourke
Michael and Mary Rovers
Peter A. Rozitis
Dino Rubli
Linda Ruccolo
Diane L. Russell
Robert Russell
Pasquale Russo Jr.
Bridget L. Ryan
Kevin B. Ryan
Elizabeth A. Sabara
Stephen Sabina
Kiran Sah
Srinivas R. Sampath
Gagandeep K. Sangha
Naaila Sangrar
Susanne C. Sauve
Kevin Savard
Josephine Savoni
Francis Scarpaleggia
Linda Scheer
Kathy Schepanowski
Francine and Greg
Reuben L. Schnayer
Susanne M. Schulthies
Tracy Schulz
Margaret Scott
Brad Pinter and Lori ScottPinter
Cordell S. Seaby
Beverly and Robert Searcy
Linda A. Seewald
Stuart and Suzanne Selby
Susan Sellick
Mary Senese
Fred F. Shady
Leo Raymond Shapiro
Stefan Sharon
Stuart and Sandra Shaw
Richard Shelson
Lillian Shery
Wai Y. Shiu
Kathleen and David
Gurkiran Sidhu
Eve Sigfrid
Mark A. Sikich
Jorge A. Silva Alvarenga
Paulo Silva and Lauren Bale
John Simes
Lyla Simon
David S. Sinasac
Matthew C. Sinclair
Sarah Sirk
Samuel A. Sisco
Kevin J. Sisk
David Slates
Jerry Slavik
Nicole Anderson
Clayton Smith
David Mackie Smith
Dave Smith
Kenneth G. Smith
Lois J. Smith
Robin Smith
Gemma E. Smyth
Eleanor Snelgrove
Walter C. Soderlund
Lynda and Vince Sollazzo
G. Stan and Peg Soteros
Gino Sovran
Dino Spagnuolo
Krista Spagnuolo
James Sparrow
Rodney A. Speers
John M. Speirs
Natalie C. Spoozak
William and Lynne Spragg
Deborah R. Squires
Ernest J. St. Denis
Catherine A. St. Louis
W. Earl Stadder
John E. Staley
Glenn M. Stannard
Mike Stasko
Rudolph J. Stavinga
Michael D. and Adele Stebila
Lillian Steele
Michael B. Steer
Millie Steer
view . fall 2016
Sandra Stein
Maurizio Stellato
Paul W. Stewart
Douglas and Kathleen
Louis J. Stokes
David M. Stone
David S. Stoute
Joan Stoute
John and Paulette Strang
Melissa D. Strange
Irvin Strathman
Pauline Strong
David L. Robins and Sharon
R. Strosberg
Wenkun Su
Miro F. Suga
Sheila M. Sullivan
Chad A. Sutherland
Mark Swain
Tatha Swann
Maryellen Symons
Magdalena Szecsei
Darlene J. Szecsei-Albano
and Giuseppe Albano
Yvette C. Sztorc
Antal B. Szullo
Matt G. Tales
Eric A. Tamm
Kavi Tanna
Karl D. Tanner
Jacob Tarach
Mark Tarbush
Janis and Gregory Taylor
Dany M. Theberge
Suzanne F. Thibeault
Donald R. Thibert
Shama S. Thomas
Marsha M. Thompson
Robert and Ellen Thorton
Jacob and Bernadette Thun
Frank and Patricia Tilban
Anastasia Timakis
Lisa C. Timperio
Lynn Tisdale
Nicholas Toltl
Andrew D. Toms
Christopher G. Tortorice
Andrea Toth
Shelagh M. Towson
Rhys Wyn Trenhaile
Alan and Susan Trenhaile
Lisa M. Tripp
Sandra Trott
Hing H. A. Tsang
Oliga Tserakhava
N. Turdaliev
Jefferey D. Turner
George S. Turton
Debbie L. and James Tyler
Christopher S. Urban
Marilyn Ursulak
Genevieve Ustrzycki
Jay Vaghela
Paul Valentine
Laura J. Van Dam
Joanne L. Van de WieleKimura
Lisa Van Espen
Peerke H. Van Stam
Eric S. Vandenbroucke
Leonard Varrasso
Gary A. Varsava
Marilyn L. Vasey
Patrick M. Versage
Carey R. Vigneux
Nicole Vignone
Mark Wacyk
Rafael W. Wagner
Maureen M. and Bryan C.
John G. Walker
Justin J. Walsh
Rubina Waqar
John R. Warbick
Paul D. Warkentin
Alden H. Warner
Rafid M. Warsalee
James J. and Constance
Judith A. Watson
Scott G. Watson
R. Michael Watt
William and Jeanette
Cindy L. Webb
Norman J. Webster
John P. Weir
P.L. Weir
Marc Weisz
Helmut Welker
Jacqui West
Sara Wharton
Doug Wheelock
Theresa Whelan
Gloria M. White
Jane White
David Whitfield
Wayne and Shirley Whitfield
Dean Whittier
Lee N. Whitwell
Nancy and John Whyte
Sandra Wieland
Carol A. Wiens
Michael K. Wilcox
Ed and Constance Wilkinson
Frances A. Williams
Jason D. Williams
Don and Cathy Wilson
Kenneth R. Wilson
Parry Wilson
Wayne F. Wilson
Ramsey Windsor
Gavin L. Wolch
Gunther Wolf
Martha K. Wolfe
Althea M. Wong
Kai S. Wong
Leial and James Wood
Roland F. Wood
Jason and Melissa Woodrow
William R. Woodward
Heather I. Wright
Miriam Wright
Shi Jing Xu
Diana Yanik
William K. Yee
Marilyn K. Yeung
Thomas Yoder
David L. Yott
Grant P. Youdelis
Sung Hyun and Wansoo
Prasad and Rusy Zachariah
Mr. Justice Carl and Vicky
Nader G. Zamani-Kashani
Carmen Zannier
Lia Zannier
Raul Zarate
Jon P. Zavitz
Earle F. Zeigler
Michael Ziter
Arthur and Betty Zittlau
Mira and Vedran Zjalic
Thomas Znotins
Joyce E. Zuk
$1 - $49
P. Carlo and Nancy Abati
Hira Abdul Ghani
Russlan A. Abouhassan
Donna Abraham
Janice A. Acland
Mary and Anthony Aczel
George D. Adamidis
Patricia Adams
Jamie N. Adjetey-Nelson
Rosa M. Afonso
Christine Ahern
Fayaz M. Ahmed
Sabbir Ahmed
Yiliya Aireti
David G. Aitken
Rameez R. Akhtar
Muhammad Akhter
Audrey Akins
Suraj Akolkar
view . fall 2016
Rosa F. Alam
Syeda S. Alam
Michael Alatopulos
Sari Albert
Christina V. Alcena
Geoffrey and Amanda Alchin
Ann W. Alexander
David W. Alexander
George Alexander
Arteya L. Alexis
Salman A. Ali
Edward A. Alice
Abedalrhman Alkhateeb
Sara Al-Kudady
George B. and Dorothy Allan
Jean M. Allen
Ethel I. Allison
Mirella Allison
Brianne M. Allsop
Christina Allsop
Adam R. Almeida
Denise Als
Kathy Altman
Raymond B. Altman
Margaret Alton
Mazhar Alvi
Donald G. Ames
Barry L. Amos
Cornelia Anderson
Brenda R. Andreatta
Monica L. Andreatta
Selina Andrello
Laura Andreozzi-Chorney
and David W. Chorney
Catherine V. Andrew
Maria Antinucci
Tanya E. Antoniw
Aleksandar Apostolovski
Karla I. Arauz
Helen Arbour
R. Scott Archer
Nadia M. Ardizzi-Tarsitano
Tony Ardovini
Abu M. F. Arif
Shirley I. Armour
Andrew Armstrong
The Arnaut Ricciardi Family
Arushi Arora
Isaac I. Asemota
Edward Ashitei
Wayne T. Ashley
Serena Askar
Akan Askim
George Asprakis
Paula and Vince Asschert
Elaine Astles
Kevin and Melinda Astridge
Tracey B. Atin
Julie L. Atkinson
Erika G. Auer
P. Dawn Augustine
Angela S. Au-Yeung
Glynnice V. Avery-Cappellani
Helen Avigan
Diane Demers Awram
Talin Awrham
Dorothy A. Baby
Bernadette and Dr. Godfrey
Cynthia S. BadmanWallstedt
Eugene Baggio
Ashley Bailey
William J. Baird
Diane E. Baker
Stanley E. Balakowski
Derrick J. Ballard
Estephanie Ballow
Lorna P. Baltrusiunas
Sara Bandehbahman
Mirjana Banicevic
Cecilia M. Bannon
Ali Barakat
Charles W. Barclay
Lana Barei
Leo F. Barei
James and Ruth Barlow
Jane Barlow
Kevin R. and Marian E.
Gerald Barnes
Melissa Barnes
Stephen Barnier
Chad G. Barrette
Rachelle M. Barrette
Matthew Barry
Alphonse J. and Diane L.
Maria L. Bastien
Ryan D. Bastien
Victoria R. Batters and Paul
J. Oliver
Angela Bavetta
Gillian Baxter
Samantha J. Baxter
Wayne Baxter
Donald Beaudoin and Ann E.
Sarah Beaudoin
Barb Beaulieu
Claire Bebbington
Roger F. C. Beckley
Bryan and Joanne Bedard
Adam R. Bednarick
Megan C. Bednarick
Natalie Beer
Edward A. Beharry
Gurpreet S. Behniwal
Manfred and Carole
Nina T. Belanger
Rene J. Belanger
Julie M. Belanger-Hogan
Michael D. Bell
Sally Bell
Victor R. Bellaire
George Benak
Blanche Beneteau
Marcella (Karaczyn)
Amanda S. Bennett
Gregory Bennett
Katia Benoit
B. Lynn Benoit
Patricia A. Benson
Caitlin L. Beresford
Christine Beresford
Kimberly S. Beresford
Natalie N. Bergeron
Fay C. Berlie
Batoul Berri
Silvano and Mary Bertoni
Joseph F. Bertotti
Heather Beselaere
Diane J. Bezaire
Jacklyn R. Bezaire
Marlene Bezaire
Maureen L. Bezaire
Helen J. Biales
Barbara A. Bidner
Elisa Bietola
John Bietola
Barbara Biggar and Richard
Mary M. Bilek
Denise H. Billinghurst
David M. Bird
Mary Bird
Paul and Karen Bisson
Debarshi Biswas
Chris Bitove
Lori S. Black
Tyler Blais
Fred Blowes
William P. Blum Jr
David W. Bobier
Iqbal J. Boga
Richard J. Bogl
Maynard Boldes
Andrew N. Bonato
Angela P. Bondy
Corrie L. Bondy
Janice Bondy
John H. Bondy
Joseph R. Bondy
Carlo N. Boniferro
Arthur T. Bonsignore
Arthur and Barbara
Dean Boose
Pauline M. Bornais
Janet B. Borrowman
Amanda Borysowytsch and
Paul LaRocque
Adam G. Bosnyak
Elizabeth M. Boston
Heather N. Boswell
Bob Bouchard
Mary Ann Boucher
Lorraine J. Bourdeau
Donald G. Boutette and Rita
I. Boutette
Audrie M. Bouwmeester
Dana Boyd
Elizabeth M. Boyd
Mark Brackon
Pearl A. Bradd
Stacy-Ann L. Braham
J. Elaine. Breault
Jo-Anne Brecka
Ryan A. Brelich
Mary S. Brennan
Thomas C. Brennan
Jordan T. Brescacin
Suzanne and David
Joan Brescia
Domenic and Marcella
Loretta N. Briden
Anna Maria and Frank
Raymond F. Brien
Carol J. Briglio
Daryel D. Brisebois
Elizabeth G. Bristow
Gayle Broad
Thomas E. Broderick
Mary R. Bromley
H. Wayne Brooks
Maria Broser
Frederick J. Brown
Graham T. Brown
Jaclyn R. Brown
Judy A. and John Brown
Kimberly E. Brown
M. Catherine Brown
Michael R. Brown
Scot A. Brown
Donna M. Brownell
Susan M. Bruce
James J. Brunet
Mel R. Brunet
Tim and Ann Marie Brunet
Frank and Margaret
Mona G. Bryan
Phil and Sharon Bryan
Beth Bryant
Douglas Bryant
Lucy Buccella
Kevin Buchanan
Glyn and Tracie Buck
Catherine M. Buckley
Dorothy Bulat
Tamera Bull
Lisa M. Bullock
James N. Bunsch
David K. Burdett
Paul and Suzanne Burener
Mary Kaye Burger
Michele H. Burger
Linda L. Burgess
Catherine J. Burgoyne
Kelly Burke
Lisa and Michael Burke
Patricia J. Burke
Stephanie Burlein-Hall and
Eric G. Hall
James D. Burns
Brian Burtt
James Preston and Michelle
Donnalee M. Butcher
Haroon Butt
Muneeb A. Butt
Francis A. Buttaccio
Jane Buttery
Curt D. Bynoe
Reni A. Caccamo
Stephen K. Cadeau
Haley E. Cadwallader
Vanessa A. Cain
Bernard J. Callaghan
Ralph Callen
Tami Callender
Christina M. Campagna
John Campagna
Dan Campana
Teresa Campanaro
Carolyn D. Campbell
Kenneth and Tammy
Roger Campbell
Sheldon and Susan
Tracey L. Campbell
John Campigotto
Sonia Campozi
Lorraine Cantin
Man M. Cao
Giuseppe Cappiello
Tony Cappucci
Gerry and Valeri Cappussi
Terry J. Caputo
Jennifer M. Caradonna
John and Maria Cardillo
John Carlan
Jean R. Caron
Marnie A. Caron
Karen Carpenter
Eric L. Carr
Nancy M. Carr
Warren N. and Diana J. Carr
Maria G. Carranza
The Carriage House Bridge
Alexandra N. Carson
Marcella E. Carson
Donnavan G. Carter
Laura Carter
Roberto and Rosa Caruso
Kristen Casalena
Elizabeth and Evan
Lori Catenacci
Rosemary Cattai
Kelly A. Caverly
Stephen Cecile
James A. Ceman
Enrique Chacon
Randy A. Chaimbrone
Samar G. Chaker
Julie J. Chambers-Hebert
Chi-Huen C. Chan
Patrick Chan
John Chan
Margaret Fellows Chan
Ivor A. Chandler Sr.
Maryanna P. L. Chang
Joanne R. ChapmanBeauvais
Laurie M. Chappell
Paul A. Charbonneau
Anthony M. Charlito
Cassandra A. Chase
Gurpreet S. Chattha
Fatima M. Chaudhry
Melissa J. Chausse
Maria Chauvin
Che Chen
David W. Chen
Qingwu Cheng
Victoria Chernoukhova
Shui-Yuen Cheung
Mankirat S. Chhabra
Henry Chia
Richard C. Chiarcos
Patrick J. Chiarelli
David J. Chiesa
Spyros Chionos
Kevin G. Chisholm
Pamela J. Chittim
Fredrick F. C. Chiu
Joan Chivot
Rajaa Chmaissany
Karen P. Chomniak
Mamun Chowdury
Geoffrey C. Church
Royal R. Church
Linda Ciavaglia
Mike and Valerie Ciavaglia
Lily Ciganovic
Nadia M. Circelli
Janet D. Claridge
Morgan J. Clark
Ed and Ruth Clark
Steven W. Clark
Christine M. and
Christopher J. Clarke
Margaret Clarke
Lloyd Clayton
Barbara Clemenhagen
Walter J. and Marina
Bryan and Amy Clement
Dorothy M. and Gerald
James D. Coates
Tracey and Rocco Coco
Donald G. Coghill
Cheryl A. Colborne
David R. and Sharon Cole
Marty Cole
Martin A. Coles
Claudine M. Collard
Brian and Pauline Colldock
Sharon Colman
Onorio Colucci
Colette R. Colussi
James F. Comiskey
Rosemari Comisso
Judith Cond
Anna Conflitti
Marilyn J. Conforzi
Charles and Janice
James A. Conlon
Carmelina Connor
Antonio Conte
Lucia Conte
Paul W. Conway
Dave and Antoinette Cook
John Darwin Cooper
Stacy-Lyn and Bradly Corlett
John Corsetti
Penelope C. Coughlin
Sherrilyn L. Coulter
Sarah L. Coutts
Angie E. Ireland
Isabel Cowan
Jennifer L. Cowan
Kimberley J. Cowan
Joseph C. Cowley
Patrick C. Cowley
Stephanie M. Cox
Joseph O. Cozzolino
Wendy L. Cragg
John B. Craig
Mary Craig
Rochelle C. Craig
Jo-Ann B. Crane-Rodrigues
Gordon Crawford
Ian and Marleen Crawford
Robin Criag
Bosiljka Crnokrak
Anne S. Cropley
Gayle M. Cross
Christine A. Crouch
Lindsay L. Croxall
Judy Cruickshank
J. Allan Cruickshanks
Paul Crutchley
Eleonora M. Csepregi
Mira Cucuri
Lingyan Cui
Isobel and Gerry Culliton
Sam S. Culmone
Bill Cumming
Robert H. Cunningham
Mark Curran
James Curry
Philomena and Licinio Curti
Erin and Scott Curtis
Valery and Silvano Cvecich
Carol A. Cyphery
Alyssa E. Cyrenne
Melisa Cziraky
Kazimierz A. Czubernat
Frank D’Agnillo
Salvatore Dagostino
Stephen L. Daigle and
Suzanne C. Konyha
Kimberly A. Daigneau
Monira Dali
Joseph Dallal
Michael D’Aloisio
Karen and Dave Dalpe
Joan F. Daly-Bertoia
Jerome A. Damore
John D’Amore
Kevin Damphouse
Adam C. D’Andrea
Carmela Danese
John L. Danesi
Francesca J. D’Anna
Wafa J. Danner
Gregory J. Danyluk
Gerald W. Darcie
Christopher J. Darmanin
Giastino D’Ascanio
Felicia Davis
Maureen F. Davis
Eliadah Dawit
Andromeda S. Dean
Thomas H. Dearie
Andrew Debenedictis
Thomas and Melissa Debevc
Anna Maria Decia-Gualtieri
Brian S. Deegan
Jim and Diane Defoe
Jason R. and Jessica L.
Mary DeGoey
Rick E. DeJong
Jennifer D. Dekievit
Loredana Del Duca
Cathy L. Demars
Lisa M. Demers
Edward Denduk
Joseph Deneau
Jiayan Deng
Douglas and Sandra
Susan Dennison
John P. Denniston
Dorothy C. Denomme
Mark Denunzio
Michael Denunzio
Gary and Linda Denys
Stephen J. Denys
Marie Desimini
Patricia Desjardins
J. Lloyd and Bernice
Michael L. Deslippe
Patricia A. Desmarais
Mario F. Desouza
Irma E. Desroches
Claire M. DesRosiers
David and Mary Ellen Devlin
Seyyed Hamid Dezfoulian
Ishtmeet Dhillon
David B. D’hondt
Stephen M. Di Clemente
Paolo Di Menna-Aiello
John DiBiase
Melissa and Amanda
Frank and Linda DiCarlo
David G. Dick
Kenneth J. Dick
Brian and Denise Dickie
Nadia A. DiDomenico
Noah Diesbourg
M. Liz Dietrich
Diana DiGirolamo
Brendan J. Dills
Christopher S. Diloreto
Michael and Vickie DiLuca
Jane C. Dim
Meghan Dimmick
Anna and Tony Dinunzio
Bart DiPasquale
Rosalia DiPasquale
Dora DiRezze
Michael T. Distefano
Anne DiTomasso
Tom D. Dixon
Mira Dobric
Patricia A. Donison
John N. Dorner
Jeffery and Elizabeth Dow
Mary Anne Dowell
Michael Dowrich and Fran
Paul C. Doyle
Renee J. Doyon
Diane Dragasevich
Melinda J. Drake
Anne-Marie Drapeau
Randolph A. Drexler
Abe Driedger
Bill Driedger
Bernadette R. Drogosz
James S. Drouillard
Nelson F. Drouillard
Nicole Drouillard
Sarah L. Drouillard
Vera Drude
Shevon D’Silva
Stacey Duarte
J. L. Chuck Ducharme
Matthew Ducharme
Wayne E. Ducharme
Colleen A. Duffy and George
P. Hayes
Ivanna R. Dugal
Rajiv Duggal
Robert A. Dunlop
James I. Dunn
Stephen Dunn
Matthew D. Dunnet
Richard J. Du Perron
Rita Dupon
Nancy Dupuis
Eric S. Duquette
James B. Dureno
Rita Dwornik
Della A. Dyck
Beth Dykeman
Sheila Eagen
Alan W. Easton
Hannah E. G. Eberhard
Irene M. and Paul D.
Collins N. Ebo
Jo-Anne M. Ediger
Marlene D. Edmondson
Sharon C. Edwards
Michael J. Egan
Leroy K. Eid
Laurie Eisenberg
Hesham El Ganzouri
Wael El Saghir
Ramy Eljawhary
Carrey L. Emery
John F. Emery
Kenneth and Rita Enns
Susan M. Enns
Walter and Hilda Enns
Joan L. Epp
Samina and Esha
Nancy C. Esposito
Mary E. Ewer
Davide L. Faccenda
Katie Facecchia
Kyla L. Fair
Trevor J. Fairlie
Nick W. Falk
Margaret L. Fanella
Patricia Fantin
Peter R. Farah
Yasamin A. Faraj
Michael F. Farquhar
Mary Ann L. Fathers
Giulio Fattore
John and Margaret Faust
Virfilio and Fermina
Patricia Fawcett
Frank C. Fazio
Karin K. Fedak
Michael I. Fernando
Michael-Anthony Ferrato
Christopher J. Ferris
Kerri Ferris
Dayna Ferrone
Scott and Catherine Fettes
Clare S. Fiaschetti
Robert Fick
Wayne Figgins
Mary Jane Finn
Mike Fiorito
Peter Firla
Don and Brenda Fischer
Beverly J. Fish
Karen Fisk
Christine S. Fitchett
Sandra Fitzgerald
Larry Fitzhenry
Henry D. Flaming
Charles W. Flatley
Margo Flewelling
Ryan Flynn
John N. Foglia
Joseph and Kristen Foglia
Kathryn J. Foley
J. Luc M. Forand
Allison L. Ford
James and Sallie Ford
Kim Ford
Wendy L. Foresto
Stephanie A. Forget
Andrea J. Formicola
Donald B. Forsey
Waltraud E. Forster
Sergio Forte
Justin Fortier
Jennifer L. Foster
David and Janis Foy
Kirsten Francescone
Louis E. Frangakis
Alan J. Frank
Nicola S. Franklin
Edith F. Frankum
Catherine Fraser
Cynthia L. Freeman
Douglas D. Freeman
Kathy M. and Frank
Shane Freeman
Shelley M. Freeman
Jennifer Friedl
Michelle Friesen
Jacqueline L. Friest
Susan E. Friest and Larry
Brian Fry
Kolleen M. Fuerth
Christine and James
Judy E. Funkenhauser
Florence Fynn
Felicia F. Gabriele
Maria L. Gabriele
Jelena Gacesa
Blair Gagne
Gary and Heidi Gagnier
Shelley D. Gainham
Jane and Donald Gall
Lori Gallagher
Loretta O. Gallo
Ian and Kathy Galloway
Yan Gao
Arkajyoti Garai
Gregory D. Garant
Kelly A. Garbe
Linda Garbutt
Linda Gardener
Kevin Gardiner
William R. Gardiner
Yvonne D. Gardiner
Agatha M. Gare
Andy Garlatti
Joan M. and John Garside
Anton J. Gartshore
David A. Gatt
Karthik R. Gattikoppula
Tong H. Gau
Roch E. Gaudet
Stephen D. Gaull
Debbie Gauthier
Janet J. Geffs
Patricia Gehl
Sandy Dean
Geraldine General
Diane Genest
Qin Geng
Frances A. Georgeff
Stephanie Germack
Patricia Gertsakis
Pierre L. Gervais
Agarjot Ghuman
Maria Giampuzzi
Sarah and Christopher
J. Gibb
Baillie Gibson
Kimberly M. Gibson
David W. Gifford
Christine Gignac
Nancy J. Gignac
Tracie-Lynn M. Gignac
Keith D. Gilbert
Olga P. Gill
Sarbpreet S. Gill
Peter O. Gilmore
Sonia Giovanatto
Robert M. Gipson
Elaine M. Girard
Raymond and Jeanne Girard
Liza and Bill Girard
Sandra G. Girardin
Richard H. Giroux
Alisa Giroux-Souilliere
Morena Gjecovik
Tyler Gladman
James G. Glasier
Brynelle E. Glover
Angelina Godin
Evan Gold
Magaret A. Gold
Pamela J. Gold
Michael W. Golden
Colleen L. Golightly
Kofi Gomez
Christine A. Goodchild
Margot Goossens
Deb Goulding
Donna Goulet
Sumeet Goutam
Stephanie Gower
Nicholas F. Grabowski
Sandra Grado
Meredith L. Grainger
James and Joyce Gratto
Ann and Wilfred Gravel
Branch L. Greaves
Renee and Jason Grech
Angela A. Green
Mary E. Green
Melanie A. Greiner
Catherine M. Grgicak
Annette Grier
Leslie A. Griesinger
Danny J. Grignion
Michael J. Grohs
Claire M. Grondin
Lorraine Grondin
Dale E. Groombridge
Ajeet K. Grover
Ivan J. Grubich
Christine A. Gudas-Murphy
Deyzi E. Gueorguieva
Tristan Guerrero
Peng Guo
Shuzhen Guo
Archana Gupta
Siddhim Gupta
Gurman S. Guram
Laura M. Gusba
Linda Guy
Maxine E. Guyitt
Donna Gwyther
Mark J. Gyurcsik
Sylvia Haak
Gudrun Haas
Hachem Hachem
Mckenney A. Hackett
Wilda M. and George
Marilyn L. and Omer L.
Andrew E. Haggert
Fatme Haidar
C. Kim Hall
Linda Hall
Elizabeth A. and Robert
Linda P. Hallinan
Joseph Hamelin and Lisa M.
Michelle D. Hamelin
Susan E. Hamer
Sandra and Kevin Hamilton
Thomas M. Hamilton
Dalia N. Hamza
Dolores Handsor
Michele E. Handsor
James A. Haney
Shafqat Hanif
Bassam Hanna
Glenn D. Hanselman
Robert G. Hanson
Indra Hardeen
Anita L. Harder
Mary L. Hargreaves
Robert and Melinda Harmos
Jeremy R. Harness
Mary C. Harper
M. Connie Harrington
Brian K. Harrison
Grant D. Harrison
Gregory J. Harrison
Ian and Janet Hart
Leonard W. Hart
Katharina Hartig
Marilyn A. Harvey
Cathy Harwood
Seyed Mohammad Hashemi
Marissa Hatt
Gordon W. L. Hau
Brad Haughey
Allison D. Hawkins
Brent A. Hayman-Abello
James J. Hayward
Lisa M. Hazel
B. Gail Heald-Taylor
Janice L. Hearn
Mary R. Heath
Ronald G. Hebert
Camilla J. Heckadon
Violet R. Hecnar
Jo Ann C. Heil
Linda and Bruce C.
Ruth A. Henault
Brian Hendel
M. Lynne Hendershot
C. Linda Henderson
Donald R. Henderson
R. Garry Henderson
Thomas A. Henderson
Gay L. Heney
Sharon and Gary Henrich
Brian T. Henry
Ryan C. Henry
Mary Anne L. Hensman
Donna L. Hered
Katherine L. Hicks
Gerald A. Higgins
William J. Hill
Constance C. Hillgartner
Connor W. Hillman
Lynne and Jeffrey Hillman
Martin and Leah Hills
Meghan Hines
Norbert Hirth
Shelley J. Hlymbicky
James K. H. Ho
Winona J. Hoad
Lila Mae M. Hobbs Smyth
Debbie A. and Robert
Lisa M. Hodgins
Orval W. Hodgkin
Marny L. Hodgkins
Jean Hodolich
Maralyn H. Hoffman
Joy A. and Bill Hogarth
Mary L. Hogg
Caru Hong
Susan M. Hoo
Jessica E. Hopkins
Joanne M. and Kelly A.
Bill Horne
David S. Hornstein
Robert V. Horodniczy
view . fall 2016
Md.Muyeed Hossain
Mohammad I. Hossain
Allan J. Hotchkiss
Donald W. Hotchkiss
Carol A. Hough
Mike Houlahan
Rick Houston
Victoria L. Houston
K. Shelley Hoye
Robert and Marisa Hrvatin
Xuelai Hu
Bunny Hubbard
Joseph F. Hueglin
Theresa A. Hughes
Katharine A. Hungerford
Julie C. Hunt Gibbons
Martin Hunt
Katherine A. Hunter
Pat Hunter
Paul G. Hunter
Laurie A. Hurst
Sabrina H. Hussain
Lynn M. Hutchinson
Shannon E. Hutson
Bradley D. Hymers
Franco N. Iacobacci
Maria D. Iacobelli
Peter Iacovone
Teresa and Carlo Iandolo
Sheema Inayatulla
Mona G. Incitti
Stephen G. Inglis
Gregory Ioanidis
Wayne B. Irschick
Irma I. Isaac
Shayla Islam
Bilal H. Itani
Rev. David T. Jack
William A. Jacko
Atiba M. Jackson
Niesje H. Jackson
Harold Le Boeuf and
Shirley Jackson
Joanne L. Jacobs
Mary Jacques
M. June James
R.Craig and Frances James
Richard P. Janik
Albert and Stephanie
Michel P. Janisse
Mary M. Janzen
Barb Jaques
Robert and Maureen Jaques
Lily Jasinskas
Alina Jaworski-Sobiesiak
William and Jan Jean
Henry V. Jedlinski
Honoree Jennings
Margaret I. Jennings
Roberta A. Jennings
J. Alan Jessup
Dan Perz and Gwen Jeun
Lawrence W. Jeun
Shirley Jeun
Wendy Jewell
Nitharshan Jeyakumar
Keith Y. Jim
Giulia H. Jimenes
Bette John
Nancy E. Johns
Allan Johnson
Deana Johnson
Sonia Johnson
Theresa Johnson
Matthew T. Johnston
Dusty J. Johnstone
Khadige Jomaa
Elizabeth Jones
Frances P. Jones
Victor T. Jones
Najma Jose
Andrea Kadis
Joseph J. Kadman
Joseph Kairouz
Roseanne Kalabric
Dzana Kalajdzic
Meral Kaloti
Supreet S. Kalsi
Sandeep Kamat
Cassian Kan
Amanda L. Kanters
Morton Kaplan
Rahul Kapoor
Vesna Kaps
Kamal Kariazine
Scott W. Kariunas
Mohammed A. Kashem
Bala Kathiresan
Gurwinder Kaur
Abdul-Karim Kawsara
Dan R. Kearns
John P. Keating
Patricia A. Keenan
Terence A. Keenleyside
Fraser B. Kegel
Jack Kehl
Judith M. Keightley
Gord and Linda Keirl
Ashley M. Kellam
Gregory T. Keller
Liette Keller
Carol M. and Kenneth Kelly
Margaret E. Kelly
Maria and Mike Kelly
Dave T. Kemp
Richard Kendrick
Kathleen and R. Lloyd
Sandra Kennelly
Ellen Kenney
Geoffrey E. Kenney
Robert A. Kenney
Ellen F. Kenny
John D. Kent
Lawrence P. Keogh
Pamela Keppie
Don Kerr
Catherine Kessel
Josette M. Kett
Clare E. Kettlewell
Joey Khalil
Michael Khan
Muhammad Ali Khurshid
Muharem Kianieff
Geoffrey and Mary Kidd
Jason Kiernan
John J. Kigar
Jaimie L. Killingbeck
Brian Kim
Donna C. Kimball
Darlene H. Kindiak
Lisa Kiritsis
Patricia A. Kisil
David J. Kitka
Diane L. Kitowski
Tom and Sophia Klaras
Jane Klassen
Colleen Klein
Dr. Morrie Kleinplatz
Donna J. Knight
Ian L. and Nicole Knowles
Mark R. Knowles
Terrence J. Knuckle
Akira Kobasigawa
R. John Kominar
Elizabeth R. Kominek
Dorothy M. Konyha
Jim Kourelias
Roula and Paul Kourounis
Karin and William Kouvelas
Elyse Kovacs
Giselle M. Kovary
John and Heather
David A. Kraus
Yiannnakis and Maria
Arun Krishnamurti
Ann V. Kristo
Justin D. Kritikos
Deepesh Kumar
Lynne J. Kuntz
Marijean L. Kuntz
Kenneth J. Kupisz
Anthony J. Kurecka
Martina Kusi-Mensah
Shirley and Arthur Kussner
Angela and Sam Kustra
Jennifer L. Kuta
view . fall 2016
Martin R. Lachapelle
Trudy M. Ladanchuk
John H. Ladouceur
Paul L. Ladouceur
Jerome P. and Judy Lafaive
Celeste M. Laforet
Debra L. Laforet
Julie Laforet
Monika Lage
Dipesh Lakhani
John C. Laliberte
Shawn D. Laliberte
Mary Jane Lally
Mark Lalonde
Mary C. Lalonde
Patricia A. Lalonde
Lyle E. Lalonge
Man-ho D. Lam
Angela Y. Lambing
Ghislain L. Lamothe
Robert F. Landgraff
Carolyn J. Langan
Joseph G. Langlois
Michelle Langlois
Paul Langlois
Renee Langlois
Rochelle Langlois
Erica A. Langpeter Moir
Christopher W. Lanigan
Edward K. Lanktree
Emmanuel Y. and Carol
R. Larbi
David J. C. LaRose
Jason Larsen
Dale Larson
Heidi J. Lasi
John D. Laurie
Amy L. Lauzon
Denis and Heidi Lavoie
Eng Kiat Law
Leda Law
Shaun Le Conte
Jo-Ann D. Leake
Dana Leavitt
Daniel G. Lebedyk
Melissa A. Leblanc
Kenneth Lee
Roy R. Lee
Laurie A. Leeming
Lilian E. Lee-Shanok
Laura J. Lehmann
Michael and Claudette
Laura J. Lemmon
Melissa A. Lemos
Christopher Bastable and
Susanne LendvayBastable
James F. Lenkner
John R. Lennox
Vincent J. Lepore
Patricia A. Lescinsky
Joy Lesperance
Carman K. Leung
Jasmine Levedoux
Jocelyne S. Levesque
Justin L. Levesque
Gerard and Simone
Batya Levy
Jack S. Levy
Jo-anne M. Lewicki
Shaina A. Lewin-Wright
Lisa M. Lewis
Peter J. Leyser
Chun Li
Jennifer H. Li
Jiaolong Li
Yang Li
Xinqing Liao
Evangelos Liasi
Candice L. Lidstone
Lynda A. Lieberman
Gloria J. Lilley
Sylvia M. Lindquist
Alan F. Lindsay
Lois A. Lindsay
Patty Lingley
Linda Linnell
Aislinn A. Liolli
Joseph A. Lischeron
Oxana Liszczak
Sheri Little
Jing Liu
Lisa A. and Gregory
Brian and Marg Lochhead
Stephen J. Loeb
Colin Loebach
Nirmalathevy Logaraj
Joseph Lok
Donna M. Long
Donna M. Longmoore
Jessica M. Longmoore
Andrea Longmuir
Gary K. and Marilynne
Ashton L. Loop
Wayne Louie
Shelley and Marc Lovell
Sharon and Christopher
Livia and Les Lucas
Julian Luciani
Bonnie J. Lucier
Heather Lucier
Samantha D. Lucifora
Darren Luck
Richard M. Lumley
Robert O. Lumley
Meighan E. Lung
Yonghui A. Luo
Giuseppina R. Luomala
Diane Luu
Son Ly
Meaghan C. Lyon
Jane K. Lyons
Kathy G. Lyons
Peter J.and Bev MacAulay
John Maccarone
Ann H. MacDonald
Gordon D. Macdonald
Patricia MacDonald
Ray F. MacDonell
Janet M. Maceroni
Scott A. MacFarlane
Mairi E. MacGregor
Todd L. MacIntyre
Lee F. MacIsaac
Merle MacIsaac
Julia C. MacKellar
Wendy-Anne MacKenzie
Christine Mackie
Karen J. MacKinnon
Lorraine MacLachlan
Beverley A. MacLeanLindsay
Kelly and Shane MacLeod
Lianne S. MacMillan
Gerald E. Maddocks
Sneha Madur
Lynn E. Magda
Daniel and Rebecca-Lynn
Ashish Mahajan
Omer M. Mahmoud
Mary F. Mahovilich
Jeanine L. Mailloux
Natalie C. Mailloux
Terry Main
Dianne M. Maing
George Mak
Aderonke O. Makinde
Lisa M. Malenfant
Eric K. Mallat
Elaine Karapasovski
Claudia M. Mancini
Donna Mancini
Lisa M. Mancini-Polidori
Verne A. Mandolesi
Lena L. Mangoff
Dale L. Manias
Grace M. Manias
Tamara and Dave Manicom
John G. Mann and Sandra
Donald and Gianna
Christopher and Maria
John R. Marchenkowsky
and Lisa J. Sutton
Christopher A. Marco
Toni Marcon-Stewart
Geoffrey A. Marcoux
Jason and Melissa
Frederick Marentette
Jean-Paul W. Marentette
Monique J. Marentette
Mary E. Marentette-Hitchins
Anna Marin
Cornelia Marin
Jovan Marin
Alexandra Markakis
Alisen C. Wells
Kelly A. Markham
Stan J. Markiewicz
Robert Markovich
Anna L. Marro
Cynthia C. Marshall
Annette L. Martin
Dr. Helen Martin
Lisa M. Martini
Francesca S. Martino
Frances Martino-Soulliere
Bernardete Marujo
Wanda M. Marusic
Edmondo Masciarelli
Anderson Mascoll
Robert J. Masino
George A. Mason
Rosemary A. Massara
Denise M. Masse-Tetreault
Brian W. Masters
Linda Mastronardi
Tracy A. Mastronardi
Chido P. Masvosva
Jojo P. Mathai
Nigel Mathew
Philip A. Mathia and Diane
Michael J. Matteis
Kaitlyn Matthew
Theresa A. Matthys
Janet Maxwell
Friedrich and Marion May
Albert Mayer
Carly N. Mayhew
Kevin A. Maynard
Kelsi J. Mayne
David Mayo
Ian P. Mayo
Amir Mazinani
Judy McAdam
William and Sandra
Christine D. McAllister
Robert and Margaret
Jeffrey and Theresa
Peter McBean
Emily M. McBride
David C. McCaffery
Laurie A. McCaffrey
Arnot and Marcia McCallum
David A. and Linda
Janet D. McCarron
Thomas and Barb McClurkin
Janet M. McConnell
Patricia McConville
Peter McCormack Jr.
Linda R. McCormick
Charlene M. McCree
Angela E. McCuaig
Patrick and Kathleen
Dana J. McCullough
Peter McCullough
Gary and Sharon McDonald
Vinicio McDonald
Dennis J. McDonnell
Scott A. McDowall
Donald McFadden
Linda J. McFadden
Jeff H. McFalls
Patti McGarroch
E. Christine McGirr
Shawn P. McGovern
Kathleen McGowean
Shirley and John McGuin
Barbara J. McGuire
Iris McGuire
Kimberly D. McGuire
Marie T. McGuire
Kevin McHugh
Shannon M. McHugh
Julie M. McIntyre
Kieran McKenzie
Michael and Diane McKinley
Connie A. and William
Jean E. McLaughlin
Shealyn McLaughlin
Andrew R. McLean
Charles W. McLean
Robert B. McLean
Donald W. McLeod
Charlene McMahon
Dawn L. McMahon
Nancy McMahon
Kaye McMann
Stephanie A. McMath
Kathy McMillan
Ian F. McMullan
Terry W. McNally
Allan McNamee
Elaine T. McNeil
Theodore R. McNicol
Cindy McPhedran
Nancy A. McPherson
Rachel McRae
Malcolm D. McTaggart
Jackie McVittie
Richard Medd
Stephanie J. Medeiros
Lori Medved
Paul Medved
Anil K. Mehta
Mahesh M. Mehta
Alisia Meilach
Jenny Melatti
Joe Mele
Robert J. Mellon
David A. Meloche
Thomas E. Meloche
Jim and Lori Menard
Michael C. Mendler
Emidio and Angela Menna
Michael Merau
Mary S. Mercer
Susan Meretsky
Rob Merrit
Philip and Betty Mersch
Alisa M. Metcalfe
Alexander J. Meyer
Brian A. Meyer
Melissa A. Michael
John D. Mihalo
David M. Milani
Daria Milenkovic
Carolyn Millar
Jan E. Millard
A. Therese Miller
Brian Miller
Marilyn and Gary Miller
Robert J. Miller
Rosa Miller
Sapphire Miller
Stephanie M. Kelly
Craig C. Milliken
James A. and Patty A.
John Minos
Henry Minton
Maria A. Miranda
Frederick W. Mitchell
Barbara D. Mitchell-Scott
and Peter Scott
Brittany L. Mitchinson
Caroline C. Mitias
John Moceri
Kay Moderwell
Barbara D. Modesto
Nancy Mognon
Zainab Mohammed
Hassan J. Mohamud
Rosemarie Moher
Lillian G. Mokievski-Zubok
Paul L. Monforton
Maureen A. Monk
Nicholas M. Montagano
Nina C. Montaleone
Alex Moodrey
Kenneth C. Moon
Alexus Moore
Lucille Moore
Kunal Mor
Blake H. and Deborah Ann
Kathleen V. Moreland-Layte
Karly L. Morgan
Lynda and Jim Morgan
Sammy M. Morgan
John F. and Denise Morneau
Patricia Morneau
Kelly C. Morris
Kristen and Jason Morris
Lisa K. Morris
David J. Morrison
Karen Morrison
Paula M. Morrison
Richard J. Morrison
Kevin W. Morse
Mara Morson
Lawrence M. Moskovic
S. Mosmann
Sally A. Moulton-Graham
Rami K. Mousa
Roger A. Mousseau
Mohsen Movaseghi
Ernest and Diane Mulcaster
Bernard J. Mulhern
Bryan and Marianne
Bernadette M. Mullen
Kimberly J. Munro
Robert A. Munro Sr.
Tara L. Munro
Maria and Vince Muoio
Ann Murphy
Ivana S. Murphy
Paul and Lorraine Murphy
Barbara Murray
Charles Murray
David C. Murray
Stephen and Lisa Murray
John and Karen Murtagh
Tina N. Muscedere
Soiba Musheer
Ida M. Mushid Tshombe
Nancy A. Musson
Patrick M. Muzyka
Chantelle J. Myers
John P. Mysak
Janet K. Nagorsen
Robert Nairn
Vera Najdovska
Marlen A. Nalkranian
Timothy A. Namespetra
Jennifer R. Nantais
Kimberly A. Nantau
Karen J. Narduzzi
Mena R. Nargi
Craig Nash
Pauline M. Nash
Cyrus Nava
Federica Nazzani
Raymond E. Neal
Aakor K. Neequaye
Simona M. Negulescu Ioica
Erin E. Neil
Rabih Neouchi
Beth Nesbitt
Howard S. Neubauer
Ian C. Neubauer
George T. Ng
Hung-Chee Ng
Quoc T. Nguyen
Rosalba Nicello
Susan L. Nicholas
Donald H. Nicholson
Virginia Nicol
Domenic N. Nicoletta
Wioletta Niemasik
Fred G. Nixon
Gary L. Nixon
Lisa M. Noble
Ms. Heather Nodello
Andrew J. Norris
Mr. Justice Saul and Nancy
Stephen J. Nuspl
Chito D. Nwafulume
Beverlea J. Oag
Raymond Obeid
Alexandra Obradovich
David S. O’Brien
Joseph T. O’Brien
Kelly S. O’Brien
Donald V. O’Connell
Anne O’Connor
Ellen O’Donnell
Meghan T. O’Donnell
Robert Ogryzek Sr.
Samson K. Ogundimu
Chibuzo O. Okoye
Emily J. Oldenburg
Ms. Debbie Olivastri
Joseph L. and Lisa Olivastri
Rosemarie H. Olivero
Nancy Olivieri
Carol A. O’Mara
Mary O’Neail
Celeste L. O’Neil
Brian J. O’Neill
James V. O’Neill
Stephanie Onorato
Kelechi U. Onuoha
Barbara R. Ormond
Shelly L. O’Rourke
Louise V. Orr
David J. Orshinsky
Kirk Ouellette
Mary Ann Ouellette
Jane and John Oulton
Christina J. Ourchane
Shona E. Outridge
Pamela U. Ovadje
Jennifer Oviedo
Loriann Owen
Kristyn Owers
King-Solomon Owusu
Louis L. Ozbolt
Ruan L. Pablo
Italo D. Pacitti
Cheryl and Carmen
Deepak Pal
Mrinal Pal
Larry F. Palazzi
Giuseppe W. Palazzolo
Swaroop Palit
Blair E. Palmer
Rosamund Palmer
Frank Palumbo
Yazhuo Pan
Venkata Pavan Kumar
Dawn M. Paniccia
Carmine Pannunzio
Kelly Paolini
Angela M. Papas
George Papas
Brenda J. Papp
Danielle Y. Paquette
Angela M. Paradis
Stephanie A. Paraschak
Virindar Parasram
Carlen Pare
Susan G. Pare
Karen Pare-Ross
Rocco Parete
Harvinder Parhar
Joseph and Cynthia M.
Paula M. Parish
Jack W. Parker
Richard Parnell
David D. Paron
Laurel C. Parson
Judith N. Pascoe-Wong
Muhammad Humza Pasha
Amar Bahadur Patel
Dushyant P. Patel
Martinkumar S. Patel
Clifton and Margarita
Dario Pavia
Mary E. Pavlinak
Richard A. and Margaret
Miguel C. Pe Benito
June Pearce
Kristie B. Pearce
Sharon M. and Larry
Anna Pedri
Ming Pei
David and Brenda Pelka
Peter H. Pelletier
Linda A. Pelshok
Angie Penev
Aidong Peng
Gary J. Penner
Christopher and Leeanne
Joan K. Pepper
Conrad A. Perl
David B. Perry
Valeria Perry
Karl J. Peterson
Dennis J. Petras
Michael G. Petrunik
Walter R. Petryshyn
Brenda L. Phaneuf
Sandra S. Phelps
Rachel Philipose
Barbara Phinney
Pauline A. Phipps
Selina, Anne and Anthony
Lora A. Piccinin
Michelle E. Pickett
Richard Piec
Beth Piet
Marianne I. Pieters
Preston A. Pieters
Ann Pietrangelo
Carol A. Pillon
Yvonne M. Pilon
Robert R. Pinciuc
Meaghan N. Pinkerton
Lynda Pinnington
Christine L. Pinsonneault
Joseph Pintur
Joseph and Antonietta
Pirillo Sr.
Hassan A. Pirnia
Rosetta Pisciuneri
Olivia L. Plain
Steve D. Platz
Louis E. Pocock
Ivan Pocrnic
Chris P. Podolinsky
Donald L. Pohlman
Mary Jo Policella
Joe P. Politi
Linda A. and Michael
Mary T. Poole
Vera Potocek
Kelly L. Potter
Dan Power
William P. Power
Michael S. and Susan E.
Laura Pratt
Tyler M. Pratt
Kimberly A. Pray
Julia Prevost
Paul Pribojan
Joshua B. Price
Jason A. Principe
Leanna M. Prior
Catharine A. Proctor
Anam Pugganwala
Les J. Pulchinski
Preston G. Punga
Marianna Pupulin
Stephanie Pusic
Muhammad B. Qamar
Lizhu Qian
Shenghua Qian
Martina Quaggiotto
Rosa and Livio Quaggiotto
Luc M. Quenneville
Therese A. Quenneville
Janet L. Quinlan
Stephen E. Quinlan
Brenda A. R. Quinn
David H. Quirt
Wayne A. Racine
Roman J. Radojewski
Buvanendran Rajaratnam
Susan F. and Evan Ralyea
Frank Ramacciato
Anas Ramadan
Supriya Ramesh
Kendra Ramsay
Carol A. and David A.
Lorie L. Ranieri
David V. Raniga
Dan Rankin
Dorothy and Nick Rapaich
Idalia H. Rappe
Elizabeth A. Rasanen
Cheryl Ratte
Nancy A. Ravenhorst
Kaushik Ray
Edward M. Raymond
Bradley W. Raymont
Anthony P. Rea
Barbara A. Reaburn
Robert H. Readman
Douglas R. Reaume
Christine A. Reber
Mary Recine
Carol Reddam
Paul Redmond
Jennifer L. Reed
Rosalind M. Regehr
Christopher P. Reid
Michael L. Reid
Breno Renan
Hannah S. Renaud
James J. Renaud
Richard and Marie Renaud
Roland Renaud
Judy and Steve Repmann
Al and Rina Resendes
Stephanie F. Rhea
Christine M. Riberdy
Paul Finlayson and Danielle
Emmanuelle Richez
Michelle (Pitre) Richling
Dr. Iris Richter
Glenn W. Rideout
Vern Riediger
Virginia M. RiedmanDangler
James R. Rigamonti
Thomas J. Rindlisbacher
Kerri Ringrose
Nora M. Riou
Branko Rip
George and Althea Risden
Christy Ritchie
Kathy L. Rivadeneira
Richard J. Rivard
Francis X. Rivest
Joseph and Sandra Rizzetto
Nicole Robert
Jack W. Robertson
Jane Robertson
Lisa Robertson
Janine and Daniel Robillard
Roger R. Robineau
Jesse J. Robinet
Susan Robinet
Brian P. Robinson
Marlee L. Robinson
Rachel M. Robinson
Rosemary A. Robinson
Barbara Robson
Gary P. and Emily Rocheleau
Tim and Sue Rodd
Martin I. Rodger
Sheila H. Rodger
Michelle M. Rodrigues
Charlene Roe
Marlene and David Roelens
Bruce E. Rogers
Giovanna Roma
J. Owen Romagnoli
Sam Romano
Franklin B. Rosar
Wanda Rosicki
David Ross
Lisa M. Rouillard
Kathryn Rousseau
Charles K. Rowland
Anupam Roy
Lucille A. Roy
Anthony J. Ruccolo
William and Nancy Ruch
Kaziu F. Rudzinski
Lorenzo Rufo
A. June Rummerfield
Joseph and Paulette Rupert
Mrs. Lynda M. Rush
Nevi M. Rusich
Susan I. Rusk
Kimberly L. Ruston
Victor Ruszczak
Will and Katherine Ruttinger
Lora L. Ruttle-Moser
Anne M. and Tom Ryan
Timothy S. Rye
Elizabeth Ryzer
Wendy L. Sadai
Andrew J. Saddy
Michelle T. Sadler
Dina M. Salinitri
Nick J. Salomone
Achint Salopal
Vincenzo Salvati
Samvedan Sandhu
Julie A. Sando
Geraldine C. Sandre
Robert and Patricia Sanford
Lori Anne Santamaria
Michael Sapardanis
Madhulika Sareen
Maja Sarenac
John P. Sarlo
Ramachandran and
Thanaluxmy Sasitharan
Nicole D. Sassine
Samuel J. Sasso
Barry C. Saunders
Jeanne Y. Sauro
Lorri and Mark Sauve
Marina Savic
Joseph Savoni
Adam B. Sawatzky
Peter C. and Hilde Swatzky
Alan E. Sawtell
Norman Saxon
Nicole M. Sbrocca
Candice Schachter
Gisela Schartner
Jerry Schen
William and Marlene
Jeremy and Sharon Schisler
Karen and Tim Schisler
Nick and Anne Schisler
Rosemary Schisler
Chris Schnurr
Catherine E. and Charles
Joseph M. Schrey
Diane L. Schroeder
Lisa M. Schuman
Elizabeth J. Schweitzer
Paul Scobie
Jeffrey J. Scott
Ross and Charlene Scott
Michael R. Sear
Mary-Alice Searles
Laya Sebastian
Barbara Piccinin
Jennifer G. Seedu
Christopher A. Seguin
Michael L. Seicean
Robert and Amanda Seke
Bipanjit K. Sekhon
Deborah A. Selkirk
James B. Sellan
Sheila M. Sellar
Olga D. Semple
Ms. Mary Sennett
Nick Serio
Matthew J. Shaheen
Darryl F. Shannon
Shawn M. Sharkey
Heather I. Sharp
Julie C. Shaw
Katherine H. and Robert
B. Shaw
Glorianna C. Shearme
Akbar A. Sheikh
Khadija Sheikh
Dorothy Shephard
Robin and Carol Shepherd
Pierre R. Sheridan
Christopher G. Sherrer
Vanessa M. Shields
Celina (Seto) Shoji
Kathryn J. Shouldice
Joanna K. Shultz
Amny M. Shuraydi
Salman M. Siddiqui
Jaspreet S. Sidhu
Rupreet S. Sikand
Mark L. Sikich
Brian Simard
Pennie S. Simkins
Patricia D. Simone
Peter and Annette Simone
Glen R. Simpson
Julie W. Simpson
Magda N. Simpson
John Sinasac
Amanda K. Sinclair
Lisa Sinclair
Mandeep Singh
Navpreet Singh
Saurabh Singh
John A. Singleton
Dobrila Sisic
Al and Jasna Sivell
Danielle S. Skene
Jeanette A. Skinner
Toby C. Sklash
Josephine Skuza
Shawn M. T. Slade
Richard Slama
Patricia M. and Lyle Sloan
Michael Sloboda
Dennis J. Smart
Michael Smiles
Amanda A. Smith
Arlene and Donald Smith
Brenda Smith
Cathy M. Smith
Colleen and Gerald Smith
Frederick D. Smith
Gloria J. Smith
Jamie C. Smith
Jason D. Smith
Jessica M. Smith
Richard Smolen
Linda M. Sneddon
Robert and Josie F. Sobocan
Paul Sobol
Katherine Sokolowski
Michael Sokolowski
Monica Sokolowski
Sophia Sokolowski
Richard Solcz
Carol Solet
Evelyn M. Somer
Wilma L. Sonneveld-Wright
Lalit Sood
Varinder K. Sood
Winifred I. Sookdeo
Lisa A. Soulliere
Kyle A. Sousa
Cecil C. Southward
Frank A. Spadini
Marnie L. Spence
Serina A. Spence
Rita Sperduti
Janet G. Spiers
Ronald A. Spina
Gloria A. Sprague
Niranjana Srikantha
Lynn M. Srokosz
Lucia S. and John W. St.
Arthur J. St. Pierre
M. Hazel St. Pierre
Valerie St. Pierre
John Stamatakos
view . fall 2016
Yuriy Stamov
Clementa Stan
Cristian Stancu
Kimberly J. Stanley
Anastasios Stavropoulos
Elaine Steel
John W. Steel
William C. and Glynis Steel
Scott Steele
Peter Steeves
Gillian M. Stefanczyk
Etna Stefani
Nikola Stefanovski
Vladimir Stefanovski
Joseph M. Steiner
Brett Stephenson
Roula Stergianis
Linda and David Sterling
Monica J. Sterling
Colleen G. Stevens
James Stevenson
Linda L. Stevenson
Elizabeth M. Stewart
Gregory A. Stewart
Rachel Reynolds
Ruth Stewart
Carol P. Steyn
Melissa A. Storino
Jill and Matthew
Michael and Mary Stuart
Walter B. Studak
Jeffrey T. Suchak
Sheena M. Sukarukoff
Shagufta K. Sultan
Don and Christine
Xiaomei Sun
Susan R. Sutherland
Jamie Suthers
Katelyn E. Sutton
Nichole M. Swain
Chris and Sharon Swart
Michael R. Swinton
Angele A. Sylvester
Nancy J. Synnott
Jason Szydlowski
Marijke Taks
Nasib and Aida Talia
Mridushyam Talukdar
Michael A. Tang
Robert J. Tarantini
David Tarcia
Renee J. Targachoff
Laura J. Tarver
Monica J. Taylor
Teresa M. Taylor
Jennifer D. Tebbens
Alison J. Templer Teran
Gustaaf N. Ternoey
Dan F. Tesolin
Caroline M. Theriault
Jeffrey A. Theriault
Mary Louise Thibert
Barbara and Don Thomas
Christine M. Thomas
Mark L. Thomas
Tracey L. Thomas
Zelda B. Thomas
Bruce W. Thompson
Gordon H. Thompson
Marion R. Thompson
Mark Thompson
Scott Thorpe
Matthew W. Thrasher
Gregg M. H. Thurlbeck
Yuan Tian
Celine A. Ticknovich
Ms. Jaclyn Tiefenback
Dawn M. Tiessen
Hugo and Linda Tiessen
Darren and Maylin Tiessen
Elizabeth A. and Joseph
E. Allan Timmins
Ting Yuen Tjiong
Kuo K. Tjong
William Tkach
Sarah Tkaczuk
Hameem M. Toaha
Barrie and Jay J. Tober
Settimo and Deborah Tocco
John C. Todesco
Lou D. Todon
Luigi G. Tomaselli
Miroslav Tomoski
Jennifer Toohey
David Torchia
Enzo Torcoletti
Romina Tortola
Miroslav J. Tot
Alex Toth
Dr. Anne Toth
Trevor Tovell
Ken Towers
Lisa Trakilovic
Daniel V. Tramontozzi
Bob Tran
Carol A. Tremblay
Marianne S. and Scott
Valla Treuman
Ryan Treverton
Rein J. Triefeldt
Herschal H. Trivedi
Patsy Trombley
Alison S. Trottier
Gerald D. Tryloff
Oliga Tserakhava
Mary P. Tuck
Keith A. Tucker
Ken Tumak
Sabina Tunea
Shari M. Turcotte
Christine and Jeff Turner
Jeffrie A. Turner
William J. Turner
Alice H. Tyler
Sherra R. Tytgat
Md Jashim Uddin
Mary M. Ulch
Milivoje M. Uljarevic
Jerry Ulman
Laurie A. Ure
Leanne (Nadjiwon) Urso
Richard J. Valenciuk
Mark Van Bekkum
Dawna M. Van Boxmeer
Amy L. Van Delinder
Pearl H. Van Geest
Ronald and Mary Van
Mary I. Van Noggeren
Ed Van Veen
Carrie VandeBovenkamp
Marcia Vanderheyden
Kevin J. Vandolder and
Christine M. Beaudin
Nanda G. Vangala
Mary Ann Vangel
Nancy J. Vanner
Roland M. Vardon
Carmela Vasile
Ms. Nada Vasilic
Mireille M. Vegso
Eliathamby Venugopalan
Mary Verbeek
Karen and Marc Verhoeve
Brenda E. Verkoeyen
Matteo Verrilli
Christopher S. Vertz
Janko Veselinovic
David Vial
Thomas Vida
Nikolina Vidakovic
Sarah Villella
Paula L. and Nicolino
A. David Vojvodin
Wendy D. Gatis Volpe
John F. Von Heyking
Joel S. Vosburg
Kyle Voy
Steven and Bertha Vrablik
Denise M. Vriesacker
Jerry R. Vriesacker
Michael Wachna
Donald R. Wadsworth
Christian de Keresztes and
Jodie Waisberg
Maureen M. and Bryan C.
Vicky A. Walker
Camille C. Wallace
Catherine Walling
Ruth Waltman
Casey Wang
Chao Wang
Junke Wang
Paul H. Wang
Xiao Wang
Yeqiang Wang
Kristen D. Ward
Ron Ward
Scott A. Warnez
Angela and Timothy
Margie Warren
Andrew F. Wasilewski
Margaret R. Wassell
Jordan J. Wasylyk
Diane L. Watson
Donna and Robert Way
Christopher J. Webb
Deborah C. Weeks
Arthur and Madelyn
Amy A. Weinz
Gary F. Weir
Susan L. Weldon
Jin Wen
Jaon West
Matheson West
Steve K. West
David J. Weston
Mark J. Wheatley
Ms. Debra White
J. Brian White
Michael White
Michelle White
Paul J. White
Steven and J. Brooke White
Judith M. Whiting
Ronald W. Wieleba
Peter J. Wigle
David Wilcox
Letitia Wilcox
Dennis F. Wilkes
Julie M. Wilkin
Rich Will
Art Williams
Dave Williams
Nancy Williams
Scott R. Williams
Margaret E. Willis
Victoria R. Wills
Michael and Wilma Willson
Dana D. M. Wilson
Mary C. Wilson Thomas
Melinda M. Wilson
Norah Wilson
Shirley Wilson
Suzanne M. Wilson
Janet and Michael Wilton
Kenneth R. Winch
John A. Winchester
Diane L. Winsborough
Janet E. Winter
Don Winterton
Janice L. Wirch
Jadwiga Wojcik
Mark M. Wolfe
Daniel Wolicki
Kevin B. Wood
Kristopher A. Wood
Sarah Woodruff Atkinson
Glenda L. Wootton
Bonnie Wortley
Heather L. and William J.
Denise A. Wright
John-Paul J. Wright
Kelly Wright and Matthew
Paul L. Wright
Dandan Wu
Christopher D. Wybenga
Katherine Wyonch
Chunyi Xia
Rajiv Yadav
Aditya Yalamarthy
Kwok C. Yan
Arthur H. Yanamoto
Wai Ling Yee
Jingyu Yi
Anthony Yim
Yanhua Yin
Pak Leung B. Yip
David B. Young
Aaron H. Yu
Wei Yuan
Dennis J. Yurke
Marco Zaccagnini
Carolyn M. Zahorak
Christopher S. Zahorak
Taphim T. Zaman
Kristopher J. Zanatta
Daniel J. Zangari
Susan Zanin
Christopher B. Zappio
Christopher Zelezney
Ed Zemla
Chi Zhang
Pusheng Zhang
Ruoxuan Zhao
Shuzhen Zhao
Jing Zhou
Chao Zhu
Lawrence P. and Eldred Zilli
Paula R. Zimmer
Joanna Ziter
Dragutin Zokvic
Patrizia Zonta
Christopher R. Zurczak
John Zuschlag
Legacy gifts, usually made through wills and insurance plans, are directed by the donor following much care and consideration and often reflect
a life of dedication to the University of Windsor. Thanks to all members of the Legacy Circle who have honoured this institution and its students
with a planned gift.
Stephen & Vicki Adams
Barbara J. Amyot
Aniela (Nellie) Anderson*
Mary Ayris
Anthony S. Batulis
John C. Beer*
Sandra Bell
Linda G. Bunn
Kenneth Calmenson
Bernarda Camello-Doctor
Man Cao
Marilyn L. Catania
Peter G. Cathcart
William W. Churchill
Olga Delvecchio
Robert & Bonnie Drago
Mary Louise Drake
E. Peter Farmer
Mary Fox
Gerald & Miriam Freed
Pasquale J. & Janet E.
Gordon Giddings
Janice O. Goldman
Geraldine Fay Graham*
Austin J. Gravelle
Tom Gray
Mina Grossman-Ianni
Bill Hallett
Howard J. Haskings
view . fall 2016
Richard & Donna Hassard
Martha Horsburgh
Paul Huschilt
Graeme Hutchinson
Leo Anthony Innocente
Sushil & Christine Jain
Muriel Kassimatis
Saulius Kizis
Tracy Kyne*
Camillo La Civita
Suzanne W. Lesa
Susan C. Lester
Carol B. Libby
Paul J. Liut
Peter Lucas
Raymond Martin*
Marilyn Mason
Kathleen E. McCrone
Marg McKillop
Ian & Sandra McLeod
George A. McMahon
Tullio Meconi
Ronald Melvin
Linda Menard-Watt
Austin Mousseau
Nancy J. Nicholson
R. T. O’Callaghan
Alan & Diana Orman
Ernest Paliy
Graham & Carol Reader
Erika Rebello
Shirley Robinson*
Joseph C. Saso
Douglas Schwegel*
Anne Sclater
Nancy Siew
Harry Sigal
Mark & Mary Ann Simpson
Jean Sonnenfeld
Lynn Teahan
Mary Louise Thibert
Robert Thornton
Marie M. (Chauvin) Tizzard
Robert Tschanz
Kenneth J. Van Meer
Ernest Waddell*
Carol Ann Walcott
Eleanor Catherine Wallace*
Yolande M. Gertrude
Joyce Weingarden*
Bruce White
Anne M. Winterbottom
Sheila Wright
Phyllis Zin
Each year, programs across campus receive gifts that are greatly
appreciated, yet whose value is difficult to quantify.
Gifts in-kind are items such as those the School of Dramatic Art may
receive that bring real authenticity to a University Players production.
These are the specialized electronics equipment or software that enables a
project in a technical program to go forward. Other gifts may fulfill needs
for a varsity team, the Odette School of Business, the Paul Martin Law
Library or even a group of graduate students whose project takes them into
a remote corner of our planet.
$5,000 - $9,999
$250 - $499
Marcel Mancini
Kevin Currie
$1,000 - $2,499
$100 - $249
George and Kimberly King
Cyndra MacDowall
Colchester Ridge Estate
Sprucewood Shores
Estate Winery
$500 - $999
Randy Bowers
Bruce Tucker
$500,000 - $999,999
RBC Foundation
$100,000 - $499,999
Ferro Technique
The Toldo Foundation
$50,000 - $99,999
C.S.T. Consultants Inc.
NTR Developments Inc.
Windsor Endowment for
the Arts
$20,000 - $49,999
UFCW Union - Local 459
Walter J. Blackburn
Community Programs
$10,000 - $19,999
ADR Chambers
Alpine Construction
Bimm Marketing Agency
Blake, Cassels &
Graydon LLP
The Jackman Foundation
Windsor Family Credit Union
Windsor Machine Group
Windsor University Faculty
$5,000 - $9,999
A Breast or Knot
Arizona Community
D’Amore Construction
(Windsor) Ltd.
Friends U. of Windsor
Invitational BasketBall
Honda Canada Foundation
MAHLE Industries Inc.
Multicultural Council of
Windsor & Essex County
Muriel Kassimatis -Strategic
Charitable Giving
Norton Rose Fulbright
Ontario Professional
Engineers Foundation
for Education
Sellick Equipment Limited
Sovran & Associates
Unifor Local 200
Union Gas, A Spectra Energy
Victorian Order of
Nurses Windsor Essex
Endowment Foundation
$2,500 - $4,999
Avaya Canada Corp.
Enwin Utilities Limited
FCCP Ontario Education
Istituto Italiano Di Cultura
Jewish Community
Endowment Fund of
Maxims Limited Partnership
MDP Holdings
MEDA Limited Engineering &
Technical Services
Miller Thomson LLP
Polonia Centre
St. Anne’s French Immersion
Catholic School
Vito Tocco Anal Cancer
Waterloo Region Law
Windsor Port Authority
Windsor Utilities
$1000 - $2,499
11 AM Coffee Club
1256414 Ontario Inc.
981337 Ontario Inc.
Alexa Translations
Bank of Montreal - BMO
Financial Group
Bartlet & Richardes LLP
Becker, ElZein and
Associates Ltd.
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Buzek Chiropractic
Professional Corporation
C.U.P.E. Local 1393
Carizon Family and
Community Services
Cassels Brock & Blackwell
Cogeco Cable Canada Inc
Criminal Lawyers’
Danbree Corporation
De Francesca Law Office
Professional Corporation
Deighton Associates Limited
Enterprise Rent A Car
Canada Foundation
Everworks Inc.
Flex-N-Gate Canada Co
Foyston, Gordon & Payne Inc.
Friday Knights Hockey Club
Giovanni Caboto Club
Harold G. Fox Education Fund
Hutchinson Charitable FundStrategic Charitable Giving
Journey Air Ltd.
Kaya Birth Ltd.
LexisNexis Canada
Loop, Schauer, Chapman &
Associates LLP
Marilyn & Joseph Bolton
Charitable Fund
McDonald’s Restaurant
McTague Law Firm LLP
Ontario Power Generation
Pape Salter Teillet LLP
Private Giving Foundation
Renaud Partners LLP
Rotary Club of Windsor Roseland
Rotary Club of Windsor
Foundation Fund
Sigma Chi Canadian
Stantec Consulting Ltd.
TD Insurance Meloche
Team Varsity Sales Inc.
The Canadian Salt Company
The Guarantee Company of
North America
The Insolvency Institute of
The Rotary Club of Chatham
Service Fund
Torkin Manes LLP
TPI Enterprises Inc.
Valiant Corporation
Walter Kindiak Fund Strategic Charitable Giving
Windsor Essex County
Association of Realtors
Windsor Factory Supply
Windsor Mold Group
Windsor Police Services
$500 - $999
2861 RCEME Army Cadet
Baron Insignias Ltd.
BASF Canada Inc.
Bereskin & Parr LLP
Brulene Inc.
Canadian Tire Associate
Store #199
Canadian Union of Public
Compressed Gas
Technologies Inc.
Consulting Engineers of
Dr. David Piche Chiropractic
Professional Corporation
Dr. Marshall Dentistry
Professional Corporation
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin
Gowling Lafleur Henderson
Halford Foundation Strategic Charitable Giving
Hull & Hull LLP
Karl Arvai Professional Corp
KPMG Management Services
Manor Windsor Realty Ltd.
Manufacturing & Engineering
Matachewan Consolidated
McChip Resources Inc.
Ontario Registered Music
Teachers Association
Prince George Native
Friendship Centre Society
Reliance Comfort Limited
Reliance Home Comfort
SAE International
SK Law Management Inc.
Sun Life Financial
The Essex Terminal Railway
The Morris & Beverly Baker
The Toy Box Early Childhood
Education Centre
University of Windsor
Students’ Alliance
Victor H. Vogel Professional
Windsor and District Labour
Windsor/Essex County
Sports Foundation
WorkHorse Lifestyle
$250 - $499
1413496 Ontario Inc.
941042 Ontario Ltd.
Bristow Global Media Inc
Buddies Eatery & Tap Inc.
Cambridge KIA
Canadian Machinery Movers
of MI Inc.
Davenport Law Group
El-Turk Group Inc.
G & J Cement Work Limited
Haddad Morgan & Associates
HBPO Canada
Human Kinetics Canada
Integrated Operations
Services, LLC
Koskie Minsky LLP
Lakeside Bakery Deli and
Lamoureux, Gauthier
Professional Corp.
LaSalle Sabres 2002
Liqui-Force Services
Manulife Financial
MCO Partners Professional
MHPM Project Leaders
Miller Canfield LLP
Motor City Community Credit
Mousseau DeLuca
McPherson Prince LLP
Network Technical Services
Northridge (Wright’s) Dairy
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt
Paul S. Ziter Medicine
Professional Corporation
Phaneuf Enterprises Inc.
POI Business Interiors
Reaume Chevrolet
Refine Fitness Studio
Roth Mosey & Partners LLP
Southland Travel Ltd.
Symatron Corporation
TD Wealth
The JC & G Mennell
Charitable Giving Fund
The Law Society Foundation
Tourism Windsor Essex
Pelee Island
Tuesdays with Books
Book Club
WeirFoulds LLP
Wunder Corporate
Service Inc.
$100 - $249
1109014 Ontario Limited
C.U.P.E Local 543
Capaldi Corporation
Department of Political
German-Canadian Business
& Professional Association
Green Cup Inc.
Hydro One Networks Inc.
My Tribute Gift Foundation
Pro Rich Seeds Inc.
Sprucewood Shores Estate
SSS Gracanica Choir
United Way Sudbury &
Windsor University Retirees’
World Mechanical
Contracting (2015) Inc.
$50 - $99
Stephen Barnier
Bell Canada
Dr. F.P. Fernando Corporation
Faculty of Nursing
GECDSB - Special Education
Giglio Enterprises Limited
Mackenzie Investments
McGill-Queens’s University
Michael E. Garfin
Professional Corporation
Siksay & Fraser
Silver Ambassadors
Telus Community Affairs
United Way of Peel Region
Windsor Curling Club
Seniors Association
Windsor Tool Golf League
view . fall 2016
Visit www.uwindsor.ca/alumni
John Renaud BComm ’01
Michael Bates BHK ’95, MBA ‘04
Jean Wright BA ’71, BEd ‘72
Anna Godo BASc ’86, MASc ‘90
Ken Alexander BPA ’87, LLB ‘92
P.J. Dupuis BComm ‘05
Trevor Georgie MBA ‘11
Clara Howitt BA ’90, MEd ’98, PhD ‘09
Mark Lefebvre BFA ‘88
Tamara Lopez BA ’04
Melissa Lyons MBA ‘92
Beth Oakley BA ’90, BEd ’98, MEd ‘05
Celso Oliveira BHK ’08, MBA ‘14
Gordon Orr BA ‘89
Beth Ann Prince BA ‘91
Jake Rondot BHK ‘02
Andrew Ward BScN ‘04
Dr. Alan Wildeman
President, University of Windsor
Richard Corneil
Principal and Chief Administrator,
Assumption University
Dr. Gordon Drake
President, Canterbury College
Moussa Hamandani
President, Student Alliance of the
University of Windsor
Amin Saaei
President, Graduate Student Society
Dr. Ed King MA ’61, BEd ’76, MA ’91
President, Organization of Part-time
University Students
September marks the beginning of the academic year.
It’s the time many of us exit vacation mode and return to the
business of work, home and school. September is an exciting
time for the Alumni Association, when we proudly welcome
new students to our campus.
We understand how important those first few months
can be—and how quickly that first semester seems to fly by.
We hope students—as well as faculty, staff and alumni—can
join us in celebrating our UWindsor pride.
Our annual Alumni Weekend, Sept. 29 until Oct. 2, will kick off with “Spirit Day”,
which includes a free grab n’ go breakfast at the Welcome Centre. The weekend also
features an Arts Café event with talented UWindsor artists and a “Mini-U” with a morning
lecture followed by lunch in the Ed Lumley Centre for Engineering and Innovation. We
hope everyone takes the opportunity to wear blue and gold and cheer on our Lancer
football team at Alumni Field. The weekend will conclude with the Alumni Sports Hall of
Fame Induction Ceremony and Awards Presentations.
You can find out more by visiting www.uwindsor.ca/alumni. Don’t forget to tweet
or post your photos on social media to show everyone your UWindsor spirit!
As I complete my term as Alumni Board of Directors president, I want to thank all
of my fellow board members and the alumni office staff for making this experience such
a rewarding one. I’m proud of the work we have done on strategic planning, updating
our constitution and by-laws, creating new events, and the introduction of new alumni
engagement tools such as the 10,000 Coffees Platform.
I know that I leave the board in the capable hands of Vice-president Jean Wright and
I look forward to serving as past president.
To all our new students—best of luck in your studies! Your time here will stay with
you for life. To all of our proud UWindsor alumni, I look forward to seeing you both on
and off-campus in the months to come. Go Lancers!
Tanja Collet-Najem
University of Windsor Faculty
Sue Williams BHK ’85, MHK ‘88
William Wright BA ’70, LLB ‘73
Raed Kadri BASc ’09
Patti Lauzon BA ’07
view . fall 2016
President, Alumni Association
Visit www.uwindsor.ca/alumni for event details. Contact alumni@uwindsor.ca,
519-971-3618 or use the online update form at www.uwindsor.ca/alumniupdate.
Thursday – Spirit Day – Paint
the Campus Blue and Gold
Grab N’ Go Breakfast on
Friday – Arts Café and
Welcome Reception
Saturday – “Mini-U” – morning
lecture and lunch
Lancer Football game
Sunday – Alumni Sports Hall
of Fame – Sponsored by MBNA
For details and event
registration, please visit
Details will be sent by email.
Ambassador Auditorium
5 pm reception; program at
6 pm. Attendees can register
at www.uwindsor.ca/alumni
*Please note: dates and venues subject to change.
24Windsor Law Class of ’01
15th Reunion Dinner
Windsor Law Class of ’06
10th Reunion Dinner
October 2016
1Windsor Law Class of ’71
45th Reunion Dinner
Windsor Law Class of ’76
40th Anniversary Reunion
22Windsor Law Class of ’86
30th Anniversary Reunion
29Windsor Law Class of ’81
35th Anniversary Reunion
or information on
Law reunions, contact
Karen Momotiuk, BA ’93, LLB ’96
519-253-3000, Ext. 2920
LinkedIn is the online meeting place for professionals to connect and interact with
their colleagues and peers, as well as alumni and friends from their alma mater.
Join the University of Windsor Alumni LinkedIn group at www.uwindsor.ca/linkedIn.
Stay Connected!
Have you updated your contact information?
The Alumni Affairs and Donor Communications office sends invitations to
events and UWindsor updates via email. Sign up with your current email
to receive invitations and the monthly Alumni eNews. For event updates visit
uwindsor.ca/alumni for information and to register.
Visit www.uwindsor.ca/alumni/update to update your email
and home address.
view . fall 2016
The Alumni Affairs and Donor Communications office wants to be sure you receive important information about the
University of Windsor’s upcoming alumni events and current projects. To communicate with you in a timely and efficient
manner, we need to have your most updated email address and contact information.
We are holding several alumni events in the coming year and we invite alumni to these gatherings through an email
invitation. We also send out Alumni eNews, our electronic newsletter, each month.
Be sure to update your information. You can do this easily online at www.uwindsor.ca/alumni. Just click on
“Update Your Information” on the upper, left-hand side.
Chris Renaud with his son John Renaud BComm ’01
Peter Steeves BSc ’86, Jim Atkinson
Windsor Mayor Drew Dilkens BComm ’96, JD ’11
Paul Schlosser MBA ’13, Ben Parent MBA ’13, Benjamin Iannetta MBA ’13
Aaron Simms BComm ’09, Naudia Banton BA ’97, Rawl Banton BA ’04
Susan Friest BA ’79, Lynda Morin
view . fall 2016
George Kokich BA ’62,
“On Truality: A Forgotten
Idea About The Source of All
Creation,” www.truality.ca.
David Wilson BComm ’61,
Outstanding Philanthropist
Award, Association of
Fundraising Professionals
Canada South Chapter.
Kathryn Bernard BSc ’76,
head, special bacteriology,
National Microbiology
Laboratory, Winnipeg, Man.
Distinguished Microbiologist
Award, Canadian College of
Microbiology, April ’16.
Mark Fedikow BSc ’75,
MSc ’78, president, North
American Nickel Inc.,
Vancouver, B.C.
Marnie Fleming BA ’77,
Governor General’s Award
in Visual and Media Arts,
March 23, ’16, Ottawa, Ont.
John Luxat PhD ’72, NSERC/
UNENE industrial research
chair in nuclear systems,
director, Centre for Advanced
Nuclear Systems, McMaster
University, Hamilton, Ont.
Veronika Mogyorody BA ’73,
2016 3M National Teaching
Fellowship, Society for
Teaching and Learning in
Higher Education, June ’16,
London, Ont.
Susan Paterson BSc ‘79,
BSc ‘80, BScN ‘92, certified
nurse midwife, St. Vincent
Midwife Center, Anderson, Ind.
Thomas Porter BA ’74,
LLB ’78, Clark Award recipient,
May 10, ’16, Windsor, Ont.
To update your info, visit: www.uwindsor.ca/alumniupdate
Email: alumni@uwindsor.ca
Call: 519-971-3618 or toll free 1-888-561-5551
Shelley Fellows BSc ’89,
MBA ’92, VP operations and
co-owner, Radix Inc.,
ATHENA Award, Business
Excellence Awards, April 20,
’16, Windsor, Ont.
Peter Scherer BA ’74,
BEd ’77, CEO, Grape Vine
Tours Inc., Kingsville, Ont.
David Fulcher MBA ’80,
advisor, DEF Enterprises
dba, Marietta, Ga.
Jerry Udell BA ’71, LLB ’74,
Distinguished Service Award,
Ontario Bar Association,
April 20, ’16, Toronto, Ont.
Graham Haigh BA ’08,
community sport facilitator,
Richmond Olympic Oval,
Richmond, B.C.
Gregory Walsh BA ’79,
MA ’84, assistant director,
records management & IT
policy, Old Dominion
University, Norfolk, Va.
Brent Anderson BComm ’89,
players services co-ordinator,
Casino Rama, Rama, Ont.
Tracie Berekoff Stock BSc ’88,
executive consultant, Rodan
and Fields, LaSalle, Ont.
Antoni Cimolino BFA ’84,
DHum ’04, Order of Canada
recipient, Dec. 2015,
Ottawa, Ont.
Denise Dwyer LLB ’89,
assistant deputy minister,
leadership and learning
environment division,
Ministry of Education,
Toronto, Ont.
Laura Estill BA ’05, 2016
Arts & Humanities fellowship,
Texas A&M University,
College Station, Texas.
John Jedlinski BComm ’84,
LLB ’90, partner, Shibley
Righton LLP, Windsor, Ont.
Scott Kolody BComm ’82,
“D” division commanding
officer, Royal Canadian
Mounted Police, June 27, ’16,
Winnipeg, Man.
Robert MacKenzie MA ’83,
The Hired Gun and Agape:
Heaven & Earth, Dark Matter
Press ’15, Kingston, Ont.
Shirley Magee BScN ’89,
doctor of nursing practice,
Stormont Vail HealthCare
Inc., Topeka, Kan.
Joseph Mancina BComm ’87,
treasurer, CFO, City of
Windsor, Windsor, Ont.
Kenneth McLean BASc ’86,
senior manufacturing
engineer, Fitbit Inc., San
Francisco, Calif.
Nancy Merrill JD ’88,
partner, Merrill, Long &
Company, Nanaimo, B.C.
Mary Parent BScN ’85,
after-hours administrator,
Windsor Regional Hospital,
Windsor, Ont.
William Poulos LLB ’87,
barrister, William Poulos
Law Office, Kingston, Ont.
Helga Reidel BComm ’82,
BEd ’93, CEO, EnWin
Utilities, April 4, ’16,
Windsor, Ont
Lorri Sauve BHK ’86,
program director, Shelldale
Better Beginnings Better
Futures, Guelph, Ont.
John Savage BComm ’83,
MBA ’86, Cypher Systems
Group, Believe Windsor
Essex Award, Business
Excellence Awards,
April 20, ’16, Windsor, Ont.
Richard Seguin MA ’83,
general manager, Ontario
Greenhouse Vegetable
Growers, Leamington, Ont.
Antoinette Seymour BA ’84,
archivist, The College of
The Bahamas, Nassau,
New Providence, Bahamas.
Mary Wilk BA ’86, BScN ’96,
MScN ’09, St. Clair College
Alumni of Distinction Award,
April ’16, Windsor, Ont.
Duane Bratt BA ’91, MA ’92,
professor, Mount Royal
University, Calgary, Alta.
Sophia Chisholm BComm ’96,
member, The Windsor
Police Services Board,
Windsor, Ont.
view . fall 2016
Daniel Drouin BHK ’94,
MHK ’99, plant manager,
Lear Corporation,
Montgomery, Ala.
Timothy McCormick BHK
’98, MHK ’00, JD ’05,
Lexpert’s 2015 Rising Stars:
Leading Lawyers Under 40.
Allison Hawkins BCU ’99,
partner, Hawkins & Co.,
Accounting Professional
Corp., Small Company of the
Year, Business Excellence
Awards, April 20, ’16,
Windsor, Ont.
Cheryl McLean BA ’97,
LLB ’00, justice of the
peace, April 6, ’16,
Barrie, Ont.
Adam Hughes BA ’90,
CIO, Peel District School,
Mississauga, Ont.
John Jenner BComm ’90,
VP finance, Electrozad
Supply Company Limited,
Mid Size Company of the
Year, Business Excellence
Awards, April 20, ’16,
Windsor, Ont.
Marc Joffe BA ’91, publisher,
development director,
JustPremium, Amsterdam,
North Holland, Netherlands.
Nancy Johns BFA ’90, owner,
Nancy Johns Gallery &
Framing, Windsor, Ont.
Jennifer Jones BA ’91,
director, Global Board,
Rotary International,
Windsor, Ont.
Kristen Kreibich BA ’92,
safety advocate, Fiat
Chrysler Automobiles,
Auburn Hills, Mich.
Tanya Kuzmanovic BA ’96,
MA ‘00, freelance writer,
Tek Communications,
Oakville, Ont.
Grant Larsen BComm ’90,
MBA ’92, president,
DigitalECP Inc., Oshawa, Ont.
Brett Lumley BHK ’93,
BEd ’94, Bob Boucher Award,
Canadian Interuniversity
Sport (CIS) men’s track and
field coach of the year,
Toronto, Ont.
view . fall 2016
Christopher Ross BComm
’90, salesperson, Knoll Inc.,
Toronto, Ont.
Kadey Schultz LLB ’99,
Lexpert’s 2015 Rising Stars:
Leading Lawyers Under 40.
Lesly Temesvari PhD ’93,
associate dean for graduate
studies and research,
Clemson University College
of Science, Clemson, S.C.,
July 1, ’16.
Christina Wallace BSc ’98,
BA ’99, MA ’01, CEO,
co-founder of SpellBound,
2016 International
Digital Publishing Form
Innovation Award.
Erin Armstrong BMus ’07,
BEd ’15, directed the
Windsor Symphony
Orchestra’s performance of
“La Boheme”, Windsor, Ont.
Charles Bain BA ’07, MA ’09,
BEd ’14, Rare Birds:
Forgotten Aircraft of the
Second World War, Fonthill
Media, Oxford, UK.
Michelle Baker BSc ’06,
sr. policy advisor, Office of
the Premier of Ontario,
Toronto, Ont.
Erin Bourdeau BComm ’04,
marketing manager,
3M Canada Company,
London, Ont.
Allison Burnett BA ’09,
MA ’13, curator, Shelburne
County Museum, Shelburne, N.S.
Rebecca Bush LLB ’01,
Lexpert’s 2015 Rising Stars:
Leading Lawyers Under 40.
Jennifer Charron BEd ’07,
director, recruitment
services, Lucas Professional
Search Group, Young
Professional of the Year,
Business Excellence Awards,
April 20, ’16, Windsor, Ont.
Rochelle Dickenson BA ’02,
instructor, Mohawk
College of Applied Arts
& Technology (Fennell
Campus), Hamilton, Ont.
Ryan Flannagan BA ’00,
associate VP, student
experience, University of
Windsor, Windsor, Ont.,
July 1, ’16.
Megan Fryer BHK ’08,
occupational therapist, Henry
Ford Hospital, Detroit, Mich.
Carly Griffin BSc ’05,
PhD ’11, medical science
liaison, Lundbeck Canada,
Montreal, Que.
Karen Hennessey LLB ’04,
Lexpert’s 2015 Rising Stars:
Leading Lawyers Under 40.
Mohammad Hossain
MEng ’03, deputy project
director, Info Sarker Project,
BCC, ICT Division, Dhaka,
Ryan Jacobs JD ’03,
Lexpert’s 2015 Rising Stars:
Leading Lawyers Under 40.
Jeanette Janzen Jones
BFA ’02, assistant,
programming, special
events, Union, Toronto, Ont.
Rebecca Kacaba LLB ’06,
Lexpert‘s 2015 Rising Stars:
Leading Lawyers Under 40.
Raja Khan BA ’09, sales and
marketing co-ordinator,
Bestway Group, Lahore,
Kun Hui Lai BSc ’07,
pharmacist, The Medicine
Shoppe, Lamont, Calif.
Sunita Mahant LLB ’05
Lexpert’s 2015 Rising Stars:
Leading Lawyers Under 40.
Tracy McIntosh BA ’06,
program officer, Department
of Immigration, Refugees
and Citizenship Canada,
Ottawa, Ont.
Neil Palesh BComm ’09,
practical experience
specialist, CPA Alberta,
Edmonton, Alta.
Stephanie Pouget Papak
BA ’06, BEd ’07, MA ’12,
curator, Amherstburg
Historic Sites Association,
Amherstburg, Ont.
Sundeep Sandhu LLB ’06,
Lexpert’s 2015 Rising Stars:
Leading Lawyers Under 40.
Clinton Smit BComm ’07,
insurance broker, account
executive, Programmed
Insurance Brokers,
Belle River, Ont.
Jay Strosberg LLB ’01
Lexpert’s 2015 Rising Stars:
Leading Lawyers Under 40.
Corey Thompson MA ’01,
Alcohol in the Writings of
Herman Melville: “The Ever
Devilish God of Grog”,
McFarland Publishers ’15,
Jefferson, N.C.
Jordan Wasylyk BComm ’06,
MBA ’08, media relations and
communications manager, FCA
US LLC, Auburn Hills, Mich.
Peter Wilson BHK ’07,
chiropractor, owner,
Collaborative Health Group,
Collingwood, Ont.
Emmanuelle Zeesman
BFA ’03, played Auntie Em,
Broadway national tour of
Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “The
Wizard of Oz”, New York, N.Y.
Lucas Gareri JD ’14,
junior estates associate,
Toronto, Ont.
Nour Hachem Fawaz BA ’10,
project manager, St. Clair
College of Applied Arts &
Technology, produced
“Because It’s 2016” video,
Windsor, Ont.
Anutaj Kaur Atwal BASc ’11,
technical inside sales,
Rittal Systems Ltd.,
Mississauga, Ont.
Carr Hatch JD ’10, lawyer,
Thomson, Rogers LLP,
Toronto, Ont.
Paige Baillargeon BScN ’14,
clinical educator, VON,
London, Ont.
Zain Ismail BComm ’12,
manager of innovation and
partnerships, Leamington
District Memorial Hospital,
Leamington, Ont.
Melissa Bishop BHK ’10,
BEd ’11, female athlete of the
year, 11th Annual WESPY
awards, March 28, ’16,
Windsor, Ont.
Lisa Brooking BScN ‘10,
Orillia’s 2015 athlete of the
year, Feb. 8, ‘16, Orillia, Ont.
Kyle Devine BSW ’12,
president, Devine Personnel
Inc., New Business of the
Year, Business Excellence
Awards, April 20, ’16,
Windsor, Ont.
Loren Dillane BHK ’11,
MHK ’13, sport and
education programmer,
Richmond Olympic Oval,
Richmond, B.C.
Joshua Ewener BA ’13,
employee relations officer,
Government of Nova Scotia,
Halifax, N.S.
Cardinal Fomradas MSW ’11,
examination writer,
Bachelor’s category,
Association of Social Work
Suresh Ganesan MEng ’15,
design engineer, MEDA
Limited Engineering
& Technical Services,
Windsor, Ont.
Wei Jiea Leong BA ’12,
assistant secretary, Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, Putrajaya,
Dhruv Majumdar BCS ’14,
senior systems
administrator, Fusion
IT Solutions, Edmonton, Alta.
Robert McMann BA ’13, MA
’15, development analyst,
MDB Insight, Hamilton, Ont.
Matthew McNear BA ’14,
BEd ’15, greenhouse
supervisor, Platinum
Produce, Blenheim, Ont.
Shawna Partridge MA ’15,
Rule of Seconds, Latitude
46 Publishing, Sudbury, Ont.
Mercedes Phalavong BScN ’11,
director of care, Amica at
Windsor, Windsor, Ont.
Heather Phillips BComm ’14,
office manager, K.S. Crowder
Enterprises, Essex, Ont.
Carol Reader BA ‘13, BA ‘15,
Clark Award recipient,
May 10, ’16, Windsor. Ont.
Christopher Reaume
BMath ’12, actuarial analyst,
Willis Towers Watson,
Southfield, Mich.
Nicole Sassine BHK ’11,
BEd ’12, Dennis Fairall
female track & field award,
11th Annual WESPY awards,
March 28, ’16, Windsor, Ont.
Victoria Billingsley BA ‘63,
April 17, ‘16, McGregor, Ont.
Paul Schlosser BComm ’11,
MBA ‘13, customer success
manager, Pareto Business
Group, Windsor, Ont.
Brian Brenn LLB ‘81,
Sept. 27, ‘15, Surrey, B.C.
Olumide Sosanya
BComm ‘11, business
analyst, Ply Gem Canada
Inc., Calgary, Alta.
Mustafa Suria BComm ‘15,
financial analyst, Enercare
Inc., Markham, Ont.
James Taylor BComm ‘12,
founder, The Collectors Inc.,
Mississauga, Ont.
Korissa Williams BComm’15,
female basketball award,
11th Annual WESPY awards,
March 28, ‘16, Windsor, Ont.
Mary Ellen Bokesch DNA ‘68,
Jan. 4, ‘16, Barrie, Ont.
Dana Brezzi BA ‘94, April 3, ‘16,
Chatham, Ont.
Keith Broadbent BA ‘75,
June 29, ‘16, Windsor, Ont.
Donna Brooks BA ‘73,
April 4, ‘16, Windsor, Ont.
Lawrence Buckborough BA ‘54,
July 8, ‘16, Windsor, Ont.
Lawrence Burchell BA ‘63,
July 8, ‘16, Windsor, Ont.
Norma Chantler BA ‘80,
March 24, ‘16, Windsor, Ont.
John Cole BA ‘60,
Feb. 15, ‘12, Ottawa, Ont.
Ned Colovic BPE ‘76,
BEd ‘77, May 28, ‘16,
Windsor, Ont.
Stefani (Blak) McMahon
BA ‘12, and Alexander
McMahon, May 7, ‘16,
Windsor, Ont.
Sharon Cooper Moore
CBA ‘91, Sept. 16, ‘15,
Windsor, Ont.
Nicole Carder BA ‘03, BEd
‘04, and David Carder, a son,
Beau David Wayne, Dec. 18,
‘15, Windsor, Ont.
Tariqul Chowdhury BA ‘08,
and Jinnatun Nisa, a son,
Arzan Bin Tariq, May 11, ‘15,
Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Tariqul is a financial analyst,
Diamond Traders,
Chittagong, Bangladesh.
In Memoriam
Douglas Armstrong DM ‘64,
MBA ‘66, BA ’91, May 26, ‘16,
Windsor, Ont.
Richard Evans BA ‘57,
Dec. 20, ‘15, Windsor, Ont.
Rita Fetter BA ‘66,
Feb. 4, ‘16, Windsor, Ont.
Robert Field MBA ‘73,
Aug. 7, ‘13, Inglewood, Ont.
Pierre Gagne BA ‘73,
BEd ‘74, Dec. 28, ‘15,
Windsor, Ont.
Theresa Georges
DTE ‘73, BA ‘74, BEd ‘74,
MEd ‘79, April 24, ‘16,
Leamington, Ont.
Bernice Gignac BA ‘70,
March 5, ‘16, Windsor, Ont.
Robert Hanson BA ‘65,
June 16, ‘16, Windsor, Ont.
view . fall 2016
Jonathan Hastie BA ‘03,
Feb. 1, ‘16, Toronto, Ont.
Jerry Musyj BA ‘69, May 3,
‘16, McGregor, Ont.
Leo Samson BA ’47,
June 5, ’16, Windsor, Ont.
Betty Hellwig DPN ‘76,
June 17, ‘16, Toronto, Ont.
John Naccarato BA ‘72,
June 22, ‘16, Windsor, Ont.
Gary Hillman CBA ‘72,
Sept. 11, ‘15, Windsor, Ont.
Cynthia Nicholas
LLB ‘82, May 19, ‘16,
Scarborough, Ont.
George Sheehan BSc ’85,
BSc ’87, BCS ’96,
March 5, ’16, Windsor, Ont.
Mary Holmes BComm ‘71,
Jan. 5, ‘16, Windsor, Ont.
Garnet Hornick BA ‘63,
Feb. 21, ‘16, Leamington, Ont.
Richard Hornsey BA ‘62,
MA ‘66, Dec. 20, ‘15,
Windsor, Ont.
Erna Janzen BA ‘74,
Nov. 12, ‘11, Leamington, Ont.
Cynthia Lauwereys
BSW ‘11, Nov. 10, ‘14,
Wallaceburg, Ont.
Anna Marie Ljulj BA’77,
Feb. 20, ‘16, Windsor, Ont.
Anthony Lopes CBA ‘71,
Feb. 1, ‘16, Windsor, Ont.
Louise Love BComm ‘88,
April 4, ‘13, Bolton, Ont.
Kenneth Magowan BA ‘60,
June 18, ‘16, Windsor, Ont.
Jerome Malone BA ‘65,
MA ‘68, March 10, ‘16,
Windsor, Ont.
Leo McArthur BComm ‘59,
Jan. 11, ‘16, King City, Ont.
Ann McKeown BA ‘59,
April 30, ‘16, Toronto, Ont.
Robert Michalik BA ‘69,
April 15, ‘16, Windsor, Ont.
Joachim Mueller BA ‘74,
BEd ‘75, Jan. 19, ‘16,
Windsor, Ont.
Thomas Muldoon BA ‘71,
MEd ‘75, May 29, ‘16,
Tecumseh, Ont.
view . fall 2016
Ted Shiner BSc ’66, MSc ’67,
May 19, ’14, Oshawa, Ont.
Vartan Ohanessian
BComm ‘61, April 7, ‘13,
Toronto, Ont.
Marina Sionov BScN ‘86,
Feb. 14, ’16, Royal Oak,
Peter Oprica BA ‘64,
Oct. 8, ‘15, Kitchener, Ont.
Lonnie Smith BComm ’86,
June 28, ’16, Watford, Ont.
Monica Pare BA ‘90,
Jan. 31, ‘16, Windsor, Ont.
Dennis Solet BA ’73,
BEd ’73, DTE ’73, Feb. 2, ’16,
Windsor, Ont.
Howard Pawley LLD ‘93,
Dec. 30, ‘15, Windsor, Ont.
Geraldine Payne
MA ‘62, Sept. 16, ‘14,
Camlachie, Ont.
Ronald Stephen BA ’58,
MEd ’79, March 20, ’16,
Windsor, Ont.
Bertram Stevens BA 78,
MA ’80, March 24, ’16,
London, Ont.
Helen Stevens BA ’79,
MA ’81, June 17, ’16,
London, Ont.
Donal Stone BA ’60, MA ’78,
May 22, ’16, Windsor, Ont.
Norman Thibert BA ’46,
June 19, ’16, Windsor, Ont.
Ronald Truant BA ’72,
BComm ’74, BCO ’74,
Feb. 16, ’16, Windsor, Ont.
Jennifer Vieira LLB ’05,
July 12, ’16, Toronto, Ont.
Gwyneth Watts BA ’79,
BA ’80, BEd ’81, Feb. 21, ’16,
Windsor, Ont.
John Pichelli LLB ‘75,
May 30, ‘13, Burlington, Ont.
Dr. Trevor Price MA ‘67,
University Professor,
Political Science,
July 7, ‘16, Windsor, Ont.
Donald W. Reynolds
BA ’48, April 30, ’16,
Windsor, Ont.
Franko Ritosa BA ’84,
March 2, ’16, Windsor, Ont.
Alexander Rivard BA ’55,
Oct. 24, ’13, Tilbury, Ont.
Robert Robertson BA ’96,
March 22, ’16, Windsor, Ont.
Michael Rohrer BA ’94,
May 26, ’16, Windsor, Ont.
Chris Rusnak BA ’98,
Dec. 31, ’15, Windsor, Ont.
Darryl Sabo BA ’76,
BEd ’77, April 11, ’16,
Windsor, Ont.
Weekend classes held
in Peel Region, Oshawa
and Windsor.
School of Social Work
Photo: Edwin Tam
Ontario Universities’ Fair
September 23-25, 2016
Metro Convention Centre
UWindsor Fall Open House
November 5, 2016
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Due date : 06/15/2016
Designer : Jordane Bellavance
Hamelin-Martineau Inc. • 505, boul. de Maisonneuve O, Bureau 300 • Montréal (Québec) H3A 3C2 • T : 514 842-4416 C : jordane@hamelin-martineau.ca