Kathryn Roszak’s Danse Lumière presents D A NCE O N C ENTER New Works by Women Choreographers Join us for the second in a new series of dance performances, highlighting contemporary ballets by women, featuring: Photo by Elizabeth Opalenik Dalia Rawson Lissa Resnick Kathryn Roszak Shahrzad Khorsandi Sunday 26 April 2015 @ 2:00 pm Osher Studio • 2055 Center Street Downtown Berkeley In the Arts Passageway at Berkeley Central Just a half block down from Shattuck Ave. and BART Dalia Rawson brings her Ballet San Jose trainees to perform Remembering Rain, inspired by the California drought, with music by Max Richter. Lissa Resnick, a choreographer with L.A. roots, will show a new version of Mulholland Drive, originally created in and around the canyons above Los Angeles. Kathryn Roszak will show her Romeo and Juliet pas de deux, in addition to Reverse Flow, and City Noir with a jazz score. Acclaimed for its “intelligent, finely crafted dance theater”, Danse Lumière is the first dance company to perform in the Osher Studio at Berkeley Central, which also serves as base for both the company and its dance classes. With Danse Lumière's performances, training program, and this dance series, the company has put professional dance on the downtown Berkeley map. TICKETS Chris Conroy Photography Shahrzad Khorsandi will show a new version of Chai-khooneh (Teahouse), plus a new solo. Persian dance has been outlawed by Iran for the past three decades, and Shahrzad both preserves tradition and creates contemporary Persian ballets. Advance tickets: $25 General, $20 Seniors/Students (Children 12 & under, $15) Seating is limited. Advance purchase recommended (includes small service fee): or by phone at 1-800-838-3006. Tickets also at the door: $30 General, $25 Seniors/Students (Children $20) For further info: 510-233-5550 ▪ Kathryn Roszak's Danse Lumière ▪ Dance on Center ▪ ▪
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Now Kathryn Roszak’s Danse Lumière presents the first s...