Mount Shasta Project - Althea Gray | Human Potential Healer


Mount Shasta Project - Althea Gray | Human Potential Healer
Mt. Shasta Project
A Mission From The Heart
Mount Shasta Project
Help For The Planet - Calling Those Who Are Called
Mt. Shasta, CA
September 18th - 22nd
Welcome to the Mt. Shasta Project
Althea Gray
Contact Althea
Register Now
For Payment Information Click Here
Mt. Shasta Project
The Lore of Mt. Shasta
Mount Shasta is an imposing 14, 179 ft. Volcano in northern
California. It has been the sacred home for many Native
American tribes for thousands of years. It is one of the 7
sacred mountains in the world.
The legend of the mountain includes stories of angels, spirit
guides, UFO's, Inter- terrestrials, and Ascended Masters.
Lemurians live in an inter-dimensional city Telos (also called
the Crystal City of Light of the Seven Rays).
It is believed that the people of Telos are descendents of ancient
Lemurians who lived 4,500,000 BC to 12,000 BC. They were an
advance race who came from other glalaxies such as Sirius and
Alpha Centauri. Telos is an Argathan network of 100 cites.
Shamballa is the seat of Government.
Adamos is the Ascended Master and High Priest of Telos.
If you want to find the s e cre ts of the Unive rs e , think in te rms of e ne rgy,
fre que ncy, and vib ration." N icolas T e s la
Work beyond the Mayan Calendar
The world has changed, in case you did not notice. We will not go back to where we were.
"Change cannot happen by looking through the same old lenses." We are witnessing the
greatest transition in the history of human kind. We are birthing a new life and a new
world. We are responsible both collectively and individually for how we want our world
to be. What and how "we vibe" together will make the critical difference.
Some of you were called long ago to be Sacred Space Keepers on earth. Your presence
alone increases the frequencies on this planet. You facilitate change where ever you
go. As you change, others change around you. You know who you are.
The Shasta Project
Mt. Shasta Project
This Project calls those who:
Know that they are here to be of service at this time.
Need Help in calibrating yourself to the new Earth
The Mount Shasta Project Involves:
Connection to and Channeling Higher Masters in Mount Shasta and beyond for
transmission of critical information that will help the world. This information will be
published as a booklet and be part of an ongoing Blog. The group will be the
Author. Cooperation and Group empowerment will emphasized. This information will be
published around the world. You will be taught how to channel and how to dowse for ley
lines, portals, dimensions which will help you connect.
Amping Up Your Own Frequencies so that you are better transmitters of Higher
frequencies. You will experience an Ascension Ceremony using the Ascension Chair. This
ceremony was created by Aurelia Louise Jones at the behest of the Ascended Masters. The
ceremony is an a chemical process which deepens your Ascension Process, aligns you with
the I AM presence, aligns you with the Planetary Hierarchy. The Ascension Chair is a
Atomic Accelerator which will increase your frequency to a pure white flame.
A Fifth Dimensional Elixir of Gold is served afterwards. St. Germain, Serabis Bay, Adama
(high priest of Telos) will oversea the ceremony.
You will experience other dimensions using the Trinity Table.
Create An Earth Stabilizer. Placement will be dowsed a correctly placed in Mt. Shasta.
Carefully Chosen To Assist You In Your Process
Mt. Shasta Project
Detailed Bio In Registration Packet
Paxton Robey
Key Note Speaker at the 2013 American Society of
View Paxton's Website
Althea Gray
International Healer, Teacher, Public Speaker, founder
of Professional Healers & Professional Clearers
Visit Althea's Website
Gary Plapp
Former Aerospace Research Engineer, Nasa-Ames
Research Center - 40 years Dowser
Creator of the Scalar Photon Ring
Visit Gary's Website
Michael Barnett
Medium, founder of The Blue Turtle Academy for
Creative &
Spiritual Development: Empowering
Women, Liberating Men, and
Mt. Shasta Project
Encouraging Children to
develop their spiritual gifts.
Google: BlueTurtleMichaelBarnett
Victoria Lee
Ambassador to Mt. Shasta and the City of Telos
(Lemuria). Founder of Mt. Shasta Light Publishing &
Telos Ascension Facilitator
17 Year Spiritual Practice, Trained Kundalini Yoga &
Jivamukti Yoga Instructor, Sat Nam Rasayan
Mount Shasta Program September 18 - 22
Wednesday September 18th
Travel Day /getting everyone to Mount Shasta Resort
Air Port shuttle / Mt Shasta Shuttle Co.
Mt. Shasta Project
Thursday September 19
Morning Meditation
Introduction to the Shasta Project
Talk by Facilitators
Learn how to Channel and Listen Within
Learn to Dowse /use maps/ L rods/ wands/ pendulums
Learn how to find Portals, Ley Lines, Vortices
All participants will receive their own dowsing rods and pendulums.
How to Use the Scalar/Photon Ring (these will be available for order)
Meeting at Victoria's Home
Ascension Chair/Ascension Ceremony
Friday September 20
Morning Meditation
10 AM/ Full Day Trip to Sacred Sites
Placement of Earth Stabilizer
Packaged Lunch out on the field.
Free Evening
Saturday September 21
Morning Meditation
Sharing of Messages
Integration Sessions
Trinity Table Sessions
Free Time
Evening Costume Party
Come as your favorite High Frequency Being/ ET's ,Unicorns and Faerie's are Welcome
Or, come as yourself.
Sunday/ Departure September 22
Mount Shasta Resort
Mt. Shasta Project
Make Your Reservations Now Ask for Mount Shasta Project
Mount Shasta Resort
Phone: 530-926-3030
Web site:
View the web site. Decide on your accommodations. Discounts can be found on other
If you wish to share your room, contact Althea. Some suites accommodate 5 to 6 people.
Make your reservations as soon as you register for the event to assure your room.
Airport & Shuttle
Medford Airport from the north 1 1/2 hrs on Interstate 5 to Mt. Shasta
Airport Shuttle
Shasta Shuttle
Let me know your flights in advance so that we can enjoy group rates.
Depending on your flights and the number of participants, I will organize 2 or 3 shuttles in
one day. Those arriving after 6 p.m.will have to find their own transportation.
If there are more than one of you arriving after, 6 p.m. you can organize a car pool or work
directly with Shasta Shuttle. If you are arriving after 6 p.m., there is NO shuttle. Contact
Joa at He may be able to organize a car pool for you.
Medford Airport to Mt. Shasta Resort
20 Day Advance Resv
... one way
... $171
... taxi price
... round trip
... $308
... 10%
of f
... one way
... $154
... 10%
of f
... round trip
... $274
... 20%
of f
... one way
$171+$20 = $191/2=
... $95
... -44%
of f
... one way
$171+$40 = $211/3 =
... $70
... -59%
of f
... one way
$171+$60 = $231/4 =
... $58
... -66%
of f
Mt. Shasta Project
or more Passengers
... one way
$171+$80 = $251/5 =
Register Now
Thank you !
Contact Althea Gray, 505 983 9582 Email:
Visa, Master Card, Checks, Pay Pal accepted.
A detailed program packet will follow your registration.
Space is limited. Register Early
Cost: $875
Those who pay in full by August 5 pay $850.00
Payment Plan: Deposit $400 July 22, Balance Due $475 August 22
Payment Plan : July 22 $300, August 12 $200, August 28 $200, Balance due September 9 $225
Those who use this payment plan pay $925 instead of $875
Refund Policy: Full Refunds before August 18
No refunds after that date
Thank you for Being a Part of this important Project ~
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Althea Gray | Address | Santa Fe | NM | 87502

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