program booklet - ISNA Canada Convention 2016
program booklet - ISNA Canada Convention 2016
4 2 ND A N N U A L I S N A C A N A D A C O N V E N T I O N PROGRAM BOOKLET M AY 2 0 - 2 2 , 2 0 1 6 / isna.canada @isna_canada @isna_canada 1 W E LC O M E M E S SAG E Dear brothers and sisters, Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. I pray to Allah (SWT) that you and the members of your family are in the best of health and high Islamic spirit. On behalf of the Convention Committee, I am very pleased to welcome you to the 2016 ISNA Canada Annual Convention. The theme of the convention is “Principles of Success – Leading with Love & Faith”. The Convention Program Committee introduced the theme of the convention as follows: “Indeed, Allah Most High has entrusted us humankind with being the stewards of this earth and all that it holds. A recurring theme thereof is the detailing of leadership that when understood and practiced, yields such bounty of peace and love on all micro and macro levels of existence: personal self, familial, social, global, political, environmental, etc.” It added: “Thus the intention of this year’s convention is to come together to learn and remind ourselves of how this can be done, how we can yield this reality in the various areas and roles we find ourselves in, and what determines true success (al-falaah)”. This is a beautiful expression of the high aspirations of young Muslim Canadians who have internalized the true values of Islam. We pray to Allah (SWT) to guide them to assume Islamic leadership and demonstrate its characteristics of love of Allah and His Prophet, strength of character and sense of accountability (amanah). This kind of leadership is a blessing not only for Muslims, but also for humanity at large. The convention program will deal with the various aspects of successful leadership in different spheres of life, as well as more pressing topics such as the Muslim presence in Canada and the new opportunities for dawah, relevance, and also the new challenges facing Muslim Canadians such as the scourge of Islamophobia. Many scholars, with various orientations, have been invited this year to enrich the dialogue. I pray to Allah (SWT) to make this convention a positive and meaningful experience for you and your family members. Wassalamu alaikum. Dr. Mohamed Bekkari Chair - ISNA Canada Convention 2 W E LC O M E M E S SAG E Dear brothers and sisters, and our dearest of all - children and grandchildren, I hope and pray that we all gathered here for this convention in the best of faith and well-being. It always gives me great pleasure, joy, and happiness, to welcome you all to the ISNA Canada Convention. More so, there is a special place in my heart for our youth on whose shoulders this convention is carried. This year’s theme: Principles of Success – Leading with Love & Faith, truly reflects our aspirations, hopes, and advanced outlook on leadership. Allah (SWT) says in Surah Ali-Imran (Chapter 3: Verse 200): اﺻ ِ ُﱪوا َو َﺻﺎ ِﺑ ُﺮوا َو َرا ِﺑﻄُﻮا َوا ﺗﱠﻘُﻮا اﻟﻠﱠ َﻪ ﻟَ َﻌﻠﱠ ُﻜ ْﻢ ﺗ ُ ْﻔﻠِ ُﺤﻮ َن ْ ﻳَﺎ أَﻳﱡ َﻬﺎ ا ﻟ ِﱠﺬ ﻳ َﻦ آ َﻣ ُﻨﻮا O you who have believed, persevere and endure and remain stationed and fear Allah that you may be successful. The meaning behind this verse is profound. Allah (SWT) tells us that if we believe, persevere, endure, remain stationed, and fear Allah (SWT) that we will truly find success. Add to this our Islamic principle of leading with faith and love, then the possibilities of success are truly endless – here in North America and abroad. Allah (SWT) also says in Surah At-Tawbah (Chapter 9: Verse 105): َوﻗُﻞِ ا ْﻋ َﻤﻠُﻮا ﻓ ََﺴ َ َريى اﻟﻠﱠ ُﻪ َﻋ َﻤﻠَ ُﻜ ْﻢ َو َر ُﺳﻮﻟُ ُﻪ َوا ﻟْ ُﻤ ْﺆ ِﻣ ُﻨﻮ َن َو َﺳ ُ َﱰدﱡو َن إِ َ ٰﱃ َﻋﺎ ﻟِﻢِ ا ﻟْ َﻐ ْﻴ ِﺐ َواﻟﺸﱠ َﻬﺎ َد ِة ﻓَ ُﻴ َﻨ ﱢﺒﺌُﻜُﻢ مبِ َﺎ ﻛُﻨﺘُ ْﻢ ﺗَ ْﻌ َﻤﻠُﻮ َن And say, "Do [as you will], for Allah will see your deeds, and [so, will] His Messenger and the believers. And you will be returned to the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, and He will inform you of what you used to do.” May Allah (SWT) give us the guidance and patience to carry on this work. May He (SWT) provide us with the wisdom, intellect, and capacity to lead with love and faith – in our homes, communities, institutions, and all levels of governance. On behalf of the entire convention team, we thank you for spending this weekend with us and hope you have a spiritually uplifting and intellectually enriching experience – all while building community and togetherness, inshaAllah. With warmest regards, Abdalla Idris Ali Executive Director - ISNA Canada 3 VO LU N T E E R ROOM S PO N S O RS HI P SISTERS’ EN TRAN CE BROTHERS’ ENTRANC E BROTHERS’ EN TRAN CE SISTERS’ ENTRANCE HA LL A (GYM) PA RK I N G H A L L B ( M OS Q U E ) BOOKSTORE SO UT H SHE RI DAN WAY VE N U E PHOTO BOOTH HALL D (LIB RA RY) HA L L C (CLASSR OOM) C H I L DRE N’S P ROGRAM FOYE R R E G I ST R ATI O N RE GI ST RAT I ON F IRST AID STATION C HI L D R E N ’ S PROGRAM R E G I ST R AT I O N C HI L D R E N ’ S PROGRAM M A IN E N T RA N C E B AZAA R = ENTRANC E 4 AC K NOWL EDGEMEN T OUR ISLAMIC OBLIGATION TO ESTABLISH JUSTICE REQUIRES THAT WE ACKNOWLEDGE THAT WE ARE ON TRADITIONAL LAND OF A FIRST NATION We acknowledge the Elders and Leaders of the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation as Traditional Custodians, past and present of the land where we live and work. We give honour and respect for their enduring stewardship of this land, and recognize their continuing love and care for the environmental, social, cultural, political and economic fabric of our society. We affirm our shared humanity, our brotherhood and sisterhood, and confirm our mutual responsibilities to one another and the Earth. R AM ADAN MUBA RA K! To our beloved community, our shuyookhs, our donors, our sponsors, our volunteers, our elders, our youth, our board members, our staff, our services providers, our speakers, our past and current leaders: we sincerely appreciate your contribution and support for the community of ISNA Canada and we wish you a wonderful and blessed Ramadan Mubarak and our Ramadan team looks forward to serving you again this year. Visit to keep updated on upcoming Ramadan information. 5 TA B L E O F C O N T E N TS WELCOME MESSAGE 2 VENUE 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 5 FEEDBACK 7 THINK GREEN THINK ISNA 8 ACCESS TO ALL 9 CHILDREN’S PROGRAM 10 CONVENTION SCHEDULE: MAIN PROGRAM (HALL A) 12 CONVENTION SCHEDULE: PARALLEL PROGRAM (HALL B, C) 14 BAZAAR 15 ONE-ON-ONE 16 PERFORMANCE ART, TALENT SHOW, TRIVIA CHALLENGE 17 COMPASS 18 MAIN PROGRAM DESCRIPTION 19 PARALLEL PROGRAM DESCRIPTION 30 SPEAKERS BIO 35 SPONSORS 52 6 FE E DBACK Tell us how we did. We'd love to hear from you so we can serve you better. Please complete our survey and enter a prize draw. 7 T H I N K G RE E N THI NK IS NA ISNA Canada continues to practice its Go Green initiative and it’s all about creating a culture of conservation. We need your cooperation to continue to make this a priority in our mosque and in our community. Being mindful of excess waste and consumption is an Islamic tenet we should adhere to. Here are a few tips on how you can follow the Sunnah and Go Green: You’ll find the following throughout the convention venue: COMPOST STATIONS Throw all your leftover food in these bins. RECYCLING STATIONS Use for items marked ‘recyclable’. WATER STATIONS No bottled water sold on site, bring a reusable water bottle! EDUCATIONAL GO GREEN GAMES Play and learn how to become eco-friendly. Use reusable shopping bags instead of plastic bags. Refrain from using plastic bottles and invest in a reusable water bottle. Do not let the tap run unless you’re using it. E-waste contains toxic mercury. So recycle your laptops, cell phones, and other electronics instead of throwing them into the trash. Compost left over food. Install eco-friendly compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) when your older. incandescent bulbs burn out. Go paper free and download the PDF version of the Program Booklet. 8 AC C E S S TO ALL Alhamdulillah, our convention is offering a full range of accessibility services for the third year. Our aim is to promote all members of our community to come out, enjoy and benefit from this special gathering. We are dedicated to the word equity in all its forms and would like to ensure that we promote a welcoming and accessible environment for all members attending this event! We have worked hard to ensure ASL interpretation, designated seating and attendant care are made available for those who require accommodation. We look forward to learning and growing together as a strong, fully represented, and accessible community! 9 C H ILDREN ’S PROGRAM PATHWAY PREPARIN G TO S U C C E S S FO R RAM ADAN The Children’s Program is the go-to attraction reserved for our little attendees ages 4-9. Feel at ease knowing that your child will be laughing and learning their way through our action packed program. Through the combination of arts and crafts, exciting outdoor activities, a martial arts lesson, and a chance to get up-close and personal with exotic animals, there is no way your child will want to be anywhere else. This is the perfect opportunity to get your child prepared and excited for Ramadan as they will be engaged in a variety of activities and experiences that will incorporate the theme of Preparing for Ramadan. Our program is designed to provide children with a safe and educational setting while having fun! We aim to educate the next generation, and with the exciting program we have planned, InshaAllah, we'll do just that. 10 CH I LDREN ’S P ROGRAM S C H E DU L E FRIDAY, MAY 20 1 SESSION AGES 4-5 AGES 6-7 AGES 8-9 6:00PM -10:00PM INTRODUCTION OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES DUAS & STORY INTRODUCTION OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES DUAS & STORY INTRODUCTION OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES DUAS & STORY SATURDAY, MAY 21 1 SESSION AGES 4-5 AGES 6-7 AGES 8-9 10:00AM -12:30PM OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES DUAS & STORY ARTS & CRAFTS ARTS & CRAFTS OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES DUAS & STORY DUAS & STORY ARTS & CRAFTS OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES LUNCH BREAK *Children Must Be Picked up* 2 2:00PM -5:15PM UMMA MARTIAL ARTS STORYTELLING UMMA MARTIAL ARTS STORYTELLING UMMA MARTIAL ARTS STORYTELLING DINNER BREAK *Children Must Be Picked up* 3 6:40PM -10:00PM ENTERTAINMENT MOVIE ENTERTAINMENT MOVIE ENTERTAINMENT MOVIE SUNDAY, MAY 22 1 SESSION AGES 4-6 AGES 7-9 10:00AM -1:30PM INDOOR ACTIVITIES ANIMAL MEET & GREET STORYTELLING ANIMAL MEET & GREET INDOOR ACTIVITIES STORYTELLING LUNCH BREAK *Children Must Be Picked up* 2 3:00PM -5:15PM CARNIVAL ARTS & CRAFTS CARNIVAL ARTS & CRAFTS DINNER BREAK *Children Must Be Picked up* 3 7:00PM -10:00PM AGES 4-5 AGES 6-7 AGES 8-9 INDOOR ACTIVITIES MOVIE INDOOR ACTIVITIES MOVIE INDOOR ACTIVITIES MOVIE 11 10 AM PROG R A M 11 AM 12 PM 1 PM BAZAAR OPENS 12 PM DOORS OPEN Q U R A N R E C I TAT I O N DOORS OPEN Q U R A N R E C I TAT I O N 11:20 AM SH. ALAA ELSAYED & MOHAMED ZEYARA PRINCIPLES OF LEADERSHIP: The Prophet’s Guide 10:30 AM - 12:45 PM ISNA CANADA BUSINESS SESSION 12:30 PM - 1:40 PM LUNCH TALENT SHOW (IN BAZAAR) 12:45 PM HAZEM BATA Leadership in Community Building H A LL 3 PM 1:15 PM JUMA’A 1 AZHAR AZEEZ IN THE SPOTLIGHT: How to Handle Being Muslim Under Scrutiny F R I DAY S AT U R DAY S U N DAY 10:30 AM DR. ALTAF HUSAIN THE YOUNG SAHABAS: Giving Leadership Back to the Youth 2 PM 1:40PM DHUHR M A I N A 4 PM 2:30 PM JUMA’A 2 DR. ALTAF HUSAIN TAKING BACK THE NEIGHBOURHOOD: Rights of Our Neighbour 2:10 PM SHAHINA SIDDIQUI KHADIJA, AISHA, AND BEYOND: Muslim Women Leaders 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM LUNCH & BAZAAR 3:00 PM DR. KEITH NEUMAN Results from the Survey of Muslims in Canada 2016 3:40 PM DENNIS EDNEY The Rule of Law in an Age of Fear 3:00 PM CHIEF R. STACEY LAFORME & ELDER CAT CRIGER RIGHTING WRONGS: Learning & Relationship Building with the New Credit First Nation of Mississauga 3:45 PM TRIVIA CHALLENGE (ROUND 3) 12 6 PM 4:30 PM DR. KATHERINE BULLOCK LEADING WITH A SOFT HEART: The Leadership Style of the Blessed Prophet (SAW) 3:45 PM 4:30 PM IMAM SIRAJ WAHHAJ Leading Ourselves with Love and Faith TRIVIA CHALLENGE (ROUND 3) 5:30PM ASR F R I DAY S AT U R DAY S U N DAY 3:40 PM DENNIS EDNEY The Rule of Law in an Age of Fear 7 PM 6:15 PM DR. JAMAL BADAWI Love as the Cornerstone of Faith and Islam 5:45 PM - 6:40 PM DINNER & BAZAAR 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM DINNER & BAZAAR 8 PM 7:00 PM SH. DAOOD BUTT & AZHAR AZIZ Gardens of Change and Benefit 7:00 PM SHAHINA SIDDIQUI, SH. ALAA ELSAYED RENEWING OUR INTENTIONS: Striving for Success and Seeking Allah’s Pleasure 9 PM 7:50 PM DENNIS EDNEY LEADERSHIP IN ADVERSITY: A Personal Account A 10 PM 9:10 PM DR. JAMAL BADAWI EMPOWERING TIPS: How do you approach issues, concepts, terminology that are discriminatory and harmful? 7:45 PM IMAM MOHAMED MAGID LEADERSHIP AT HOME: Parenting and Nurturing Children 6:40 PM - 8:40 PM PERFORMANCE ART H A LL 9:10 PM IMAM HAMID SLIMI DIVINE WISDOMS: Molding Us for Success 9:00 PM ALL SPEAKERS CLOSING SESSION 10:15PM ISHA 5 PM DOORS OPEN 4 PM PROG R A M 8:45PM MAGHRIB M A I N 10:30 PM - 11:00 PM CLOSING CEREMONY 13 10 AM 11 AM 12 PM PROG R A M 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM 5 PM 6 PM 7 PM H A LL 8 PM 9 PM TRIVIA CHALLENGE 12:45 PM HALL B HASHEM ABDI Game of Mosques 4:20PM HALL C TRIVIA CHALLENGE (ROUND 2) 2:00 PM HALL C COMPASS Entrepreneurial Networking Session (Sign-Up at Registration) 4:30 PM HALL B SH. ALAA ELSAYED Can We Prove God Exists? 5:45 PM - 6:40 PM DINNER & BAZAAR 6-7 PM DINNER & BAZAAR 7:00 PM HALL B FIYYAZ JAAT ALLAHUMA BALIGHNA RAMADAN 5 Ways to Make This Ramadan the Best Ramadan 10 PM 9:10 PM HALL B DR. ALTAF HUSAIN Cheaters Never Prosper… Or Do They? 7:45 PM HALL C MYNA OPEN SPACES 8:45PM MAGHRIB 3:00 PM HALL B MOHAMED ZEYARA An Attitude of Gratitude 5:30PM ASR 2:10 PM HALL B SH. ABDALLA IDRIS ALI Fiqh Q&A LUNCH & BAZAAR 11:20 AM HALL B SH. ABDALLA IDRIS ALI & DAWOOD ZWINK Halal Principles & Opportunities 1:40PM DHUHR DOORS OPEN (ROUND 1) DOORS OPEN S U N DAY S AT U R DAY F R I DAY BAZAAR OPENS 12 PM 7:00 PM HALL C B ,C 9:10 PM HALL C DENNIS EDNEY Q&A 10:15PM ISHA PAR A LLE L 14 We invite you to visit our baazar and explore the diversity in your Muslim community. This year we have a selection of vendors whose goods range from classically styled clothing, delicious food and a flight simulator. SHOPPING HOURS Friday: 12PM to 10PM • Saturday & Sunday: 10AM to 10PM VENDORS Beaver Tails • East Meats West • Hero Burger • Abdullah Kitchen • Baayoun IT solution • Tea & Smoothie Corner ISNA Bookstore • Dawanet • Ansar Financial • SMILE • HCI • Compass • GDM • MYSL • Mirage Decor • Dkir by Hug-Yo • IO Fashions • RJS Designers • RHMA Fashions • Blue Crescent School • Versaonline Ghazal Boutique • Sunlife Financial • Sabuleil Poetry • Desjardins Financial • Al Manarat Heights • Alqamees Inc Jeddah Trading • Ufly Simulator Inc. • Style for Syria • S&M Florals/MARZ Decor and Design • Bak2bak Al-Otrojah Qur'an Institute • Jilbaab • Bazaar Outlet • Islamic Online University • ADVANCED Healing Centre Fashion Caravan • Jewelry Corner • Allstate Insurance of Canada • Fairy Boutieq • La Main Dans La Main Mercy Mission Canada • GTA Academy • Tru • Oil of Wellness • Vintern • Princesses Lyala & Leyana Hijab Style Mary Kay • Adding Fun 2 Fitness • Exquisite Expressions • and many more! Prizes • Giveaways • Raffles 15 One-on-One So you’ve attended the convention lectures, and now you have questions. You’d like some personalized guidance and advice. Not sure where to turn? Our special 10-minute One-on-One session allows you to meet with convention speakers to confidentially discuss your questions and concerns. Sign-ups will occur at the registration booth on a same-day basis. First Come First Serve • Space is Limited 16 REGISTER AT ISNACANADACONVENTION.CA SATURDAY MAY 21ST • 12:30PM IN BAZAAR Performance Art Be entertained by spectacular story-telling, nasheed & spoken word artists SATURDAY MAY 21ST · 6:40 PM (HALL A) 17 18 M A I N H A LL PROG R A M FR I DAY, M AY 20 T H , A 20 1 6 1:15pm Juma’a 1 AZHAR AZEEZ In the Spotlight: How to Handle Being Muslim Under Scrutiny (Khutbah) A message of motivation and guidance for Muslims struggling with the scrutiny, ignorance, and discrimination they have to experience or be on guard for, at the hands of others. Even if it has not happened to you, you see it happening to fellow Muslims and humanity around you. How does one not become so overwhelmed from the constant stimulus around us, the demand to renounce things associated to us, the need to deal and respond to all the injustice and harm inflicted on so many? It is crushing. How does one keep from running away from it all? 2:30pm Juma’a 2 DR. ALTAF HUSAIN Taking Back the Neighbourhood: Rights of Our Neighbour (Khutbah) How do we break out of the individualistic and isolating worldview and culture around us, to reach out to those immediately around us with genuine concern and good conduct? What are the rights of our neighbours upon us and how do we fulfill them in a practical and genuine way? What are the virtues and benefits of caring towards the circle of neighbours around you, spiritually and socially? Striking the balance between being helpful and being intrusive or annoying is also key, as well as being careful not to be preachy or develop a superior attitude. Rather, we should treat them well as human beings through principles of love and faith. 19 M A I N H A LL PROG R A M FR I DAY, M AY 20 T H , A 20 1 6 6:15 - 7:00PM DR. JAMAL BADAWI Love as the Cornerstone of Faith and Islam Love is the foundation of having a relationship with Allah (SWT), and the foundation of how we deal with ourselves, others, and the whole of creation. This session will discuss the ways in which we can make this realization as Muslims and implement it in our lives. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was the embodiment of leading with faith, love, respect, compassion, and mercy. People were drawn to Islam and professed the faith because of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)'s character and ethical leadership. Through studying examples of the Prophet (SAW)'s compassion and love, we can derive ways in which to make love the cornerstone of our interaction with Allah (SWT) and the rest of creation - not only when it is easy, but more importantly, when it is most challenging. 7:00 - 7:45PM SH. DAOOD BUTT & AZHAR AZEEZ Gardens of Change and Benefit In Chapter 13, Verse 11, Allah (SWT) says, "Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves." The responsibility to bring about change begins on an individual level, though we often hold our leaders accountable for poor conduct and stagnation. This session will provide an opportunity for us to reflect on our internal state and ask difficult questions concerning our own hearts. How do we begin changing ourselves first and foremost, in order to bring about external collective change? 20 M A I N H A LL PROG R A M FR I DAY, M AY 20 T H , A 20 1 6 7:45 - 8:45PM IMAM MOHAMED MAGID Leadership at Home: Parenting and Nurturing Children Parents are the cornerstone of one’s upbringing. This is where all the greatness begins. So how do we lead our families to success? This session will look at the role of parents in providing guidance, advice, and being present in the family unit - especially in the presence of technology, friends, and outside influences. What are the priorities and wisdoms which we should all be aware of as current or potential parents? 9:10 - 10:00PM DR. JAMAL BADAWI Empowering Tips: Approaching issues, concepts, and terminology that are discriminatory and harmful. How do we deconstruct the propaganda, terminology, and media that influence reality? Once we define, identify, and educate ourselves to understand what the issues are, then we can constructively and effectively know how to approach such phenomenons or incidents. What is the correct way to respond? How do we best respond to questions, statements, or themes found in society? 21 M A I N H A LL PROG R A M SATU R DAY, M AY 21 S T , A 20 1 6 10:30 - 11:20AM DR. ALTAF HUSAIN The Young Sahabas: Giving Leadership Back to the Youth In the Islamic tradition and especially in the seerah, there is a strong and amazing legacy of the young companions around the blessed Prophet Muhammad (SAW). This is especially interesting to notice in the first Makkan years of Islam. What were some of the characteristics of the young sahabah (male and female) around the Prophet (SAW) throughout his messengerhood? How did the blessed Prophet (SAW) interact and nurture the youth around him? What were some of the responsibilities that were entrusted with the youth sahabah and how was it that they were granted or carried through their responsibilities? What lessons and reflections can we bring forth and revive in our communities? 11:20 - 12:20PM SH. ALAA ELSAYED & MOHAMED ZEYARA Principles of Leadership: The Prophets Guide Throughout our history, the esteemed Prophets have been given to us by our Creator as our highest legacy of character, faith in Allah (SWT) and both personal and communal conduct. It is from them we can learn the greatest lessons of personal growth, purpose, leadership, and success. We have seen Prophets both achieve the highest levels of success as well as pass through incredibly difficult and demanding trials. Their lives, experiences, and character have been preserved for us to draw important morals and lessons from, in order to succeed in all aspects of our own lives. How do we identify and implement those lessons in a practical way, to lead through faith and love? 22 M A I N H A LL PROG R A M SATU R DAY, M AY 21 S T , A 20 1 6 2:10 - 3:00PM SHAHINA SIDDIQUI Khadija, Aisha, and Beyond: Muslim Women Leaders Lady Khadija (RA) was of noble descent: an exceptionally intelligent, successful business woman who was the first person to become Muslim after the Prophet (SAW) received revelation. Lady Aisha (RA) narrated the largest collection of ahadeeth, was principled, strong, and vocal about her opinions. Lady Aasiya (RA) was the first martyr to have died for the sake of Allah (SWT). Umm Salamah (RA) was a master in the Arabic language, extremely learned in Islamic law, took part in many battles, and was known to give the Prophet (SAW) sound advice. Strong female leadership is central to Islamic history and provides enriching lessons from which we can draw insight and wisdom. In today's hyper-sexualized society where women are often valued for their physical appearance, it is time to return to the first principles in understanding the role of female leadership in Muslim societies, both historically and presently. 3:00 - 3:40PM DR. KEITH NEUMAN Results of the Nationwide Poll of Canadian Muslim Opinion Environics Institute conducted an inaugural national survey in 2006 exploring the relationship between Canadian Muslims and the Canadian society-at-large. In April 2016, Environics released the findings of a survey in partnership with several Muslim and non-Muslim organizations to update this important research and find out how Muslims in this country are faring almost a decade later. The results and findings are a critical and useful tool to understand how our collective Muslim community thinks and feels, how they view their future in this country and the issues and concerns they are facing. As we seek to nurture and become principled leaders in our community, this survey sheds light on important directions and purposes we can plan towards. 23 M A I N H A LL PROG R A M SATU R DAY, M AY 21 S T , A 20 1 6 3:40 - 4:30PM DENNIS EDNEY The Rule of Law in an Age of Fear We have spent much of the last decade and a half witnessing the excess of state power that followed 9/11- from the roundup of Muslim immigrants, mass surveillance and religious profiling to Guantanamo, drones and torture. We have all bought into the phrase “War on Terror”. It is an inaccurate term, a rhetorical device, a cynical manipulation of the public’s horror after 9/11. The phrase has no more legal or practical meaning than would a war on cancer or poverty. Western policy makers should work to highlight the good things around the world instead of the never ending pessimism related to the Islamic world. This session will highlight how the vast majority of Muslims share the common global aspirations to modernize their societies, achieve middle class living standards and lead peaceful productive and fulfilling lives, as well as discuss the rule of law in an age of fear. 4:30 - 5:20PM DR. KATHERINE BULLOCK Leading with a Soft Heart: The Leadership Style of the Blessed Prophet (SAW) As a principled and true leader, the Prophet (SAW) was never unavailable. Whether it was ensuring that the poor and needy were taken care of, protecting himself and his family from threats of persecution and violence, or dealing with slanderous insults and rumours, the Prophet (SAW) was an exceptional leader. But perhaps the most inspiring quality of the Prophet (SAW)'s leadership was his ability to be loving, compassionate, and merciful even to his enemies above all else. Is it possible to be a person of compassion, mercy, and love in line with the sunnah of the beloved Prophet (SAW) in this day and age? With the violence and fitna plaguing our world, this session presents the opportunity to reflect and connect with our sacred history in developing strategies to spread love and mercy among one another. 24 M A I N H A LL PROG R A M SATU R DAY, M AY 21 S T , A 20 1 6 9:10 - 10:00PM IMAM HAMID SLIMI Divine Wisdoms: Molding Us for Success There are a number of obligatory acts, sunnan, and recommended acts in the Islamic tradition which are, in effect, training us human beings to be able to aspire to elevate ourselves and accomplish great things; materially and spiritually. The meanings and purpose of these actions parallel the practices encouraged in the "professional" world. So what are the advices and practices in Islam and the Prophetic teachings that build the aspects required for successful leadership; focus, vision, time management, frameworks of how to make decisions. This session connects the aspects of practice of faith with the ability to be a good leader, connecting faith with success. 25 M A I N H A LL PROG R A M SU N DAY, M AY 22 N D , A 20 1 6 10:30 - 12:45PM ISNA Business Session In keeping with ISNA’s tradition, in this session, the ISNA Canada Annual Report of 2015 will be discussed. Please make plans to attend this important session. Members may view the electronic copies of the Annual Report including the audited financial statements in advance at 12:45 - 1:30PM HAZEM BATA Leadership in Community Building How does a community develop a purpose and plan to proactively strengthen themselves individually and collectively towards that purpose? What is the role of leadership - particularly with respect to Mosques - when trying to impact the greater community? Are our places of worship fulfilling their obligations to women, children, families, and the greater society? Is enough thought being placed on strategic planning and developing a vision that our community can grow and strive from? Foresight, patience and endurance are needed to persevere towards a collective goal in a productive manner, and a certain manner of intelligent community collaboration and synergy. What are the matters we need to plan for our communal health, and how? 26 M A I N H A LL PROG R A M SU N DAY, M AY 22 N D , A 20 1 6 3:00 - 3:45PM CHIEF R. STACEY LAFORME AND ELDER CAT CRIGER Righting Wrongs: Learning and Relationship Building with the New Credit First Nation of Mississauga The Canadian Muslim community, to remain faithful to the divine injunction of enjoining justice ('adl), cannot ignore the historical and current injustices brought to the Indigenous peoples by colonization and centuries of successive immigration, as well as their fundamental contributions to the essential character of this country. The ISNA Canada headquarters is located on the historic and traditional land of the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation which is part of the larger Anishinabe group of First Nations. This session will provide an opportunity to learn about the history and truth of this land directly from their Chief - R. Stacey LaForme. Elder Cat Criger, Chaplain at the University of Toronto - Mississauga, from the Cayuga, Turtle Clan of the Six Nations Haudenosaunee or People of the Longhouse, will provide a traditional opening for the session. 3:45 - 4:30PM Trivia Round 3 The Trivia Challenge is back for its third consecutive year at our annual convention! In this session, the Winning Team from Friday vs. the Winning Team from Saturday will face off on the main stage! The prize? Season passes to Canada's Wonderland! 27 M A I N H A LL PROG R A M SU N DAY, M AY 22 N D , A 20 1 6 4:30 - 5:20PM IMAM SIRAJ WAHHAJ Leading Ourselves with Love and Faith Be good to yourself, be kind to yourself, be real with yourself, look after yourself. The power of personal vision and development is the foundation towards any kind of success or change. Our health, personal development, and purpose are all encompassed in this vision. The first commandment of change was perfecting our internal character – focusing on our internal state and character will allow our sound belief to translate into action. How do we lead ourselves with love and faith? And what areas and aspects of our identity and life does this affect? 7:00-7:50PM Panel with SHAHINA SIDDIQUI AND SH. ALAA ELSAYED Renewing Our Intentions: Striving for Success and Seeking Allah’s Pleasure What is true success? Once we know what that is, it will colour the outcome and goals of all our struggles and efforts in the fields of social justice, relationships, and personal decisions. An act begins with an intention. Thus, renewing our intentions will lead our actions and efforts to the best outcomes. Intentions and actions are within our capacity to determine, however, the results and outcomes are from Allah (SWT). Pursuing the best actions in the best way, whilst having trust in Him (SWT) regardless of the outcome, is truly succeeding. Ultimately, it is the pleasure of Allah (SWT) that we seek. How is this accomplished? Are we truly able to practice tawakul (full reliance on Allah SWT)? Have we prepared ourselves spiritually, emotionally, and mentally before putting our intentions into motion? How do we truly find success through the daily challenges that sometimes seem insurmountable? What are the principles of success and how do we lead with love and faith? 28 M A I N H A LL PROG R A M SU N DAY, M AY 22 N D , A 20 1 6 7:50 - 8:40PM DENNIS EDNEY Leadership in Adversity: A Personal Account This session will provide a personal account of Mr. Dennis Edney’s personal and professional journey after committing to be Omar Khadr’s lawyer. 9:00 - 10:00PM ALL SPEAKERS Closing Session In conclusion, all our respected speakers will be asked to provide closing remarks and reminders for us to benefit from, inshaAllah! 10:30 - 11:00PM Closing Ceremony After an enlightening weekend that insha’Allah uplifted your mind, body and soul, we welcome you to a special presentation to conclude the 42nd Annual ISNA Canada Convention. Taking place Sunday evening after Isha salah at the south end of the ICC property, this is a closing ceremony that cannot be missed! 29 PA R A LLE L FR I DAY, PROG R A M M AY 20 T H , H A LL B ,C 20 1 6 7:00 - 7:45PM TRIVIA SESSION (ROUND 1 - YOUTH) Hall C The Trivia Challenge is back for its third consecutive year at our annual convention! This session will be the first of three scheduled this weekend and will showcase the youth brothers’ team vs. the youth sisters’ team! 7:45 - 8:45PM OPEN SPACES Hall C Attendees would begin by making a list of issues they would like to discuss. In the past, these have ranged anywhere from gender relations to mental illnesses to current events. The attendees would then split into small groups to discuss whichever topics were most popular. 9:10 - 10:00PM DR. ALTAF HUSAIN Cheaters Never Prosper… Or Do They? Hall B This is an associated lecture to the previous workshop. It will emphasize that the right path is often the more difficult one, but that it is always the better one to take in the long run. 30 PA R A LLE L SATU R DAY, H A LL PROG R A M M AY 21 S T , B ,C 20 1 6 11:20 - 12:20PM SH. ABDALLA IDRIS ALI & DAWOOD ZWINK Halal Principles & Opportunities Hall B What are the principles of Halal and is zabiha and Halal the same thing? How important is Halal as a spiritual obligation? How does Halal relate to food safety concerns and requirements? Are Halal certification standards changing in Canada or the global market? Does Halal have any value for Canadian exports? Can Halal play a role in the perceived value of the Muslim Presence in Canada? Are there any issues in Canada about the udhiya/qurbani of Eid ul-Adha? 2:10 - 3:00PM Fiqh - Q&A SH. ABDALLA IDRIS ALI Hall B A gender-segregated session, offering the opportunity to learn and ask questions in a comfortable setting. 3:00 - 3:40PM MOHAMED ZEYARA An Attitude of Gratitude Hall B This is an associated lecture to the previous workshop. It discusses the importance of maintaining gratitude and a connection to Allah (SWT) in times of happiness and success. 31 PA R A LLE L SATU R DAY, H A LL PROG R A M M AY 21 S T , B ,C 20 1 6 4:20 - 5:20PM TRIVIA SESSION (ROUND 2 - ADULTS) Location: Hall C The Trivia Challenge is back for its third consecutive year at our annual convention! This session will be the second of three scheduled this weekend and will showcase the adults brothers’ team vs. the adults sisters’ team! 9:10 - 10:00PM DENNIS EDNEY Q&A with Dennis Edney Hall C A Question & Answer opportunity with Mr. Dennis Edney following his main session talk. 32 PA R A LLE L SU N DAY, PROG R A M M AY 22 N D , H A LL B ,C 20 1 6 12:45 - 1:30PM HASHEM ABDI Game of Mosques Hall B This is a workshop on leadership. It will involve groups working together to build model mosques. 2:00 - 5:00PM COMPASS: Entrepreneurial Networking Session Hall C Learn from a panelist of successful entrepreneurs who will share their personal stories about how they conceived their vision, the steps they took to get to where they are now, and the challenges they overcame along the way. The session includes a Q&A component where participants will break into small groups as speakers make the rounds, being available for any questions you may have. Finally, we conclude with an opportunity for everyone to socialize and network amongst themselves — don’t forget your business cards! 33 PA R A LLE L SU N DAY, PROG R A M M AY 22 N D , H A LL B ,C 20 1 6 4:30 - 5:20PM SH. ALAA ELSAYED Can We Prove God Exists? Hall B In a world that is quickly becoming less and less religious, believing in God has begun to be seen as less 'intellectual' than atheism. This lecture will address these claims head-on, exploring some of the philosophical, logical, and scientific arguments for the existence of God. 7:00 - 7:50PM FIYYAZ JAAT Allahuma Balighna Ramadan - 5 Ways to Make This Ramadan Your Best Ramadan. Hall B The most wondrous and beloved month of Ramadan approaches once again, and we are wondering if we have prepared ourselves properly. We want to strive to give Ramadan it's due, to increase ourselves in closeness and awareness of Allah, and to benefit and succeed in all aspects of our lives. For a month full of mercies, reward, closeness and transformative impact, here are 5 simple steps that you can follow to make this the most beautiful Ramadan yet! 34 S H . S PE A KE R B I OS A B DA LL A I D R I S A LI Shaykh Abdalla Idris Ali is a well-known North American Muslim public speaker, Imam, and community leader. Shaykh Abdalla’s academic background combines both International Relations from the University of Toronto as well his Islamic knowledge in the areas of tafseer, shariah, and counselling. As a community leader, he served as the ISNA President for 5 years and as the ISNA Canada Islamic School principal for over a decade, where he was integral in implementing Islamic and Arab studies syllabuses for elementary and junior high students. He is currently a board member on the Board of Trustees for the Islamic Teaching Center and North American Islamic Trust. Additionally, he serves on the Board of Advisors of the American Muslim Council and was a past-Board member of the Council of Islamic Schools in North America. Shaykh Abdalla is currently the Executive Director of ISNA Canada, where he holds weekly tafseer classes, and contributes monthly to ISNA Lanterns – ISNA Canada’s online publication. He lives with his family in Oakville, Ontario. Visit: ISNA Lanterns – Sh. Abdalla Idris Ali ( 35 S H . A L A A E L SAY E D Shaykh Alaa worked as Vice-President of Business Development for an international company and during this time, he placed first in the 1992 Bermuda Triathlon. He has studied for his Bachelors in Shari'ah and has earned a scholarship from the Shari'ah Academy. Sh. Alaa has also received his ijāzah of Quran recitation and was on the board of directors of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth. He is a member of the Canadian Council of Imams and the Director of Internal & External Affairs for Mercy Mission World, as well as the Director of Religious Affairs at ISNA Canada. His contagious smile is always on his face and can brighten up anyone’s day. Visit: Sh. Alaa Elsayed ( 36 D R . A LTA F H USA I N Dr. Altaf Husain holds a doctoral degree from the Howard University School of Social Work. His research interests include the integration of immigrant and refugee families, in the United States. He serves as Executive Assistant for Academic Affairs in the Office of the Provost at Howard University and is a double alumnus of Case Western Reserve University in Ohio. Among other positions, Dr. Altaf is a former two-term national president of the Muslim Students Association, an executive committee member of the Muslim Alliance in North America, and a board member of the Peaceful Families Project - dedicated to the prevention of domestic violence. He is currently serving as the Vice-President of ISNA (US). A well-loved community builder speaker, Dr. Altaf lives in North Virginia with his wife Mona, and their two sons ‘Omar and Ahmed. Visit: Lectures of Dr. Altaf Husain ( 37 S H AY K H DAOO D B UT T Shaykh Daood Butt was born and raised in Montreal, Canada. He has always had a desire to learn and teach Islam. Following secondary studies, he obtained a degree in Automotive Technology and was nominated amongst Canada's Top Graduates of 2002. During this time, he studied with local Imams and was hired as an Imam and Qur'an instructor at a local mosque. He went on to study at the Islamic University of Madinah for seven years, during which he completed a Diploma in Arabic Language followed by a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theology and Islamic Da'wah from the Faculty of Da'wah and Usool Ad-Deen in 2010. Upon returning to Montreal he was involved in various Da'wah activities including giving lectures and khutbahs in English, French, and Arabic, as well as being an instructor with Al-Kauthar Institute. He has always been especially interested in youth related programs and is quick to develop a rapport with them. With an eagerness to continue learning Islam, Shaykh Daood is currently pursuing a Master of Arts Degree in Islamic and Other Civilizations at the International Islamic University in Malaysia. He is a jack of all trades, and enjoys cars, perfume, sunglasses, and most of all, playing with his daughter. Visit: Sh. Daood Butt – Youtube ( 38 I M A M H A M I D S LI M I Dr. Hamid Slimi is the Imam, Resident Scholar, and Founder of Sayeda Khadija Centre. He has been serving as an Imam, Chaplain, Educator and Consultant in Canada for over 18 years in different religious and educational institutions. Dr. Slimi's traditional and academic speciality is in Islamic Studies and Law as well as Comparative World Religions. In addition to the traditional degrees known as Ijazah, he holds two Masters Degrees with High Honors in both disciplines from Morocco and the U.S. and a Ph.D. in Islamic Law from the U.K. He received both his traditional and academic learning in Morocco and attended other renowned institutions and universities in other parts of the world. Dr. Slimi lectures mainly in English, French and Arabic, and had his own weekly TV Show which he has been airing all over Canada and other countries continuously for over four years. Imam Hamid is known for his tireless community work and interfaith leadership. Visit: Official Website of Dr. Hamid Slimi ( 39 I M A M S I R A J WA H H A J Imam Siraj Wahhaj is the Imam of Masjid Taqwa in New York, and is well known among Muslims in North America as a dynamic speaker and tireless supporter of good causes. He accepted Islam in 1969, received Imam training at Ummul Qura University of Makkah in 1978, and went on to become a national and international speaker on Islam. Imam Wahhaj has been Vice President of ISNA U.S. in 1997 and has served on Majlis Ash-Shura since 1987. He is a past member of ISNA's Planning Committee and has served as a member of the Board of Advisors for NAIT from 1989-1993. He is also a member of the Board of Advisors for the American Muslim Council. Imam Wahhaj has appeared on several national television talk shows and interviews especially about his anti-drug campaigns. He received high praises from the media and NYPD for initiating anti-drug patrol in Brooklyn, New York in 1988. Among other achievements, Imam Wahhaj was the first person to give an Islamic invocation to the United States Congress. Official Website of Imam Siraj Wahhaj ( 40 D R . K ATH E R I N E B U LLOC K Dr. Katherine Bullock completed her Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of Toronto, in 1999. She has taught and lectured on Islamic Civilisation and Middle East politics in California and Toronto. Her most recent appointment is with the University of Toronto, where she has been teaching a course entitled “The Politics of Islam” since 2002. Currently, she is President of The Tessellate Institute, a non-profit research institute, and also of Compass Books, dedicated to publishing top-quality books about Islam and Muslims in English. She was the editor of the American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences from 2003 - 2008, and the Vice-President of The Association of Muslim Social Scientists (North America) from 2006 2009. Her publications include: ‘Muslim Women Activists in North America: Speaking for Ourselves’ and ‘Rethinking Muslim Women and the Veil: Challenging Historical and Modern Stereotypes’ which has been translated into French and Turkish. Originally from Australia, she lives in Mississauga with her husband and children. She embraced Islam in 1994. 41 M O H A M E D ZE YA R A Based in Toronto, Canada, Mohamed Zeyara is a youth advisor, film maker, and mostly known for his online educational and motivational videos. Most of his knowledge is acquired from the 8 years of experience living in Gaza City during his adolescence. His videos have been watched by millions of Muslims and non-Muslims across the world inspiring youth with motivational and inspiring stories. He completed his Pre-Medical Sciences and is currently on his path to finishing his Medical Degree. 42 I M A M M O H A M E D M AG I D Imam Mohamed Hagmagid is a Sudanese-born American who came to the United States in 1987. He attained his religious education in various Islamic disciplines as a Resident Scholar at Al-Medina Institute. Currently serving as the Executive Director of the All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS), Imam Magid helped establish exemplary religious services for Muslim communities across the nation to emulate. He has much experience serving the nation-wide Muslim community as ISNA's East Zone representative and as ISNA Vice President prior to his election in September 2010 as ISNA President. Imam Magid has a long history of commitment to public service through organizations, such as The Peaceful Families Project, Annual Twinning of Mosques and Synagogues, Fairfax Faith Communities in Action, Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington Assembly and the Buxton Interfaith Initiative and part of his work there includes shaping a partnership with Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk. Both men were recognized as "Washingtonians of 2009" for building bridges between their faith communities. Imam Magid also continues to counsel the Muslim community through his regular contributions to ISNA's magazine, Islamic Horizons, as well as a speaker of discussions on issues facing the Muslim American community. 43 A ZH A R A ZE EZ Azhar Azeez was born in Hyderabad, India and moved to the U.S. in 1995. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance from the prestigious Osmania University, a Master’s Degree in business administration (MBA), and is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Islamic Studies. For 12 years he worked for major U.S. corporations such as General Electric, American General Life, and Capital One. He currently serves as the Senior National Director of Islamic Relief USA which is one of the largest Muslim charities in the world. He is a member of the ISNA Executive Council since 2002 and was elected as the vice president of ISNA twice in 2010 & 2012. He was elected as the President of ISNA in 2014. He is the past President of the North Texas Islamic Council which represents 35 Islamic Organizations in Dallas/Fort worth area. He is also the founder and the past President of the Islamic Association of Carrollton, Texas, one of the largest mosques in the suburbs of Dallas, TX. He is a public and a motivational speaker who travels regularly around the U.S. for various local, regional, and national Islamic organizations. He has made several media appearances and interviewed by many local and national TV stations, newspapers, magazines, and radio programs. He is married with two kids and currently resides in Dallas, TX. 44 D R . JA M A L BA DAW I Dr. Jamal Badawi is the Director of the Islamic Information Foundation, a member of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) Fiqh Council, and is the author of a number of books and articles on Islam. Egyptian by birth, he obtained his Ph.D. in Business Administration, and is a professor of Management at Saint Mary University in Halifax. Dr. Jamal is an expert speaker in Christian-Muslim dialogues, and has lectured extensively in North America and abroad. He is also active in journalism and broadcasting. He has had a series of programs concerning Islamic belief and practices shown on Canadian television throughout the world. 45 S H A H I N A S I D D I Q U I Shahina Siddiqui moved to Winnipeg, Manitoba from Pakistan. While in Pakistan she attended St. Joseph College at the University of Karachi where she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree with a major in English honours and Philosophy. Shahina is the Founder and Executive Director of the Islamic Social Services Association based in Winnipeg. She served as volunteer executive director for ISSA-- USA and Canada from 1999 to 2003. She continues to serve as president and volunteer executive director of ISSACanada. She is also the Chair of Islamic History Month Canada. Shahina is active in the community as a member of the RCMP Commissioner’s National Advisory Committee on Diversity as well as the RCMP Commanding Officers’ Diversity Committee, D-Division in Manitoba. She has also served with several NGOs and community organizations in Winnipeg. In addition to her work with various organizations, Shahina contributes as a freelance writer, spiritual counsellor, and public speaker. 46 C AT C R I G E R Cat Criger is an Aboriginal Elder, Traditional Teacher and Mentor from the First Nations People. He is Cayuga (Guyohkohnyoh), Turtle Clan from the Six Nations Haudenosaunee or People of the Longhouse. Cat has been working as a Traditional Teacher and Healer for more than 20 years in the Native and multi-cultural community in Canada, the USA, England and Wales. He was taught in the old way, working for many years with the guidance of an Aniishnawbe Elder (Zaawawagaabo) and other First Nations Elders in Canada and the USA, and was taught to do traditional ceremonies, teachings, circles, one to one work and to help all people to 'walk in a good way' though life. Presently he holds the position of Traditional Elder for UTSC, UTM, UT Med Sciences, UT Faculty of Law and the Indigenous Education Network at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. He is a Traditional Teacher at First Nations House U of T, and standing Elder for the Council for Aboriginal Initiatives for the U of T. He was also a recent recipient of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal for his work in the community speaking to diversity, equity, respect for women, anti-racism and anti-oppression. In his spare time Cat is a NCCP competitive archery coach, astronomer, artist, hiker, kayaker, participates in extreme sports when possible, is pursuing a degree in photography, volunteers at children's day care and enjoys spending time with his family and kittens. 47 K E ITH N EU M A N Keith Neuman, Ph.D. was appointed in November 2011 as the inaugural Executive Director of the Environics Institute. Keith's previous role at Environics was as Group Vice President responsible for the research company's Public Affairs and Environment-Energy research practice areas, providing leading-edge public opinion research in such areas as energy and environment, natural resources, health care, municipal services, justice, transportation, social policy and Aboriginal issues. Since the 1980s, Keith has conducted a wide range of public opinion and social research projects for public, private and non-profit sector organizations, with leading research firms in Toronto, Halifax and Ottawa. Keith holds a Ph.D. in Social Ecology from the University of California, and holds the credential of Certified Marketing Research Professional (CMRP). He is a frequent media commentator on social trends and public opinion. 48 D E N N I S E D N E Y Originally from Dundee, Scotland and completed his L.L.B. (hon) in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, His legal practice has focused on criminal law, constitutional law and human rights law. He is listed as counsel in various reported cases, including various appearances before the Supreme Court of Canada. He his also given leave to file an amicus brief before the U.S. Supreme Court in the landmark case of Rasul v. Bush. In 2004, he was appointed as Foreign Attorney Consultant by the U.S. Pentagon to participate in the defence of Mr. Omar Khadr, a young Canadian, detained in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. As a co – recipient of the 2008 National Pro Bono Award, he was honoured for his work in the following passage: “The significance of Mr. Edney’s commitment is based not only on the tremendous energy, time and personal resources spent advocating on Mr. Khadr’s behalf, but also based on the complexity of the litigation, which was argued before Canadian and U.S. courts and military tribunals. His commitment in the face of potential personal repercussions of representing an unpopular case is a testament to the finest traditions of the legal profession. The fruits of his labour have not only increased access to justice for one individual but impacted human rights the world over”. 49 C H I E F R . S TAC E Y L A F O R M E Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation R. Stacey LaForme is the newly elected Chief of the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation (MNCFN). Born and raised on MNCFN, Chief LaForme worked as an iron worker before being elected to council in 1999. Chief LaForme has participated in a number of committees and boards throughout his 14 years as a Councillor including MNCFN’s Pan Am Secretariat (PAGS). As chair of the PAGS committee Chief LaForme was instrumental in raising the profile of all First Nations as MNCFN was recognized as the first ever, Host First Nation of the Pan/Parapan Am Games. Chief LaForme is committed to increasing involvement and communication between council regardless of residency. His dedication to the land, history, language and culture of the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation are helping guide his First Nation toward a prosperous future. A noted author of books and poetry, one of Chief LaForme’s poems, Remember, is engraved in the Veterans Memorial, while others have been featured in the short film, Sacred Trust, and at Fort York in Toronto. He has five children and is happily married to his wife, Tara. 50 H A ZE M BATA , E SQ., LL . M . Hazem Bata is the secretary general of Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). Bata is a lawyer and activist making outstanding contributions to the American Muslim community. He holds a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from West Virginia University School of Law and a Master of Laws (LL.M) from Washington University in Saint Louis. He practiced law in Florida and was a partner in Bata & Associates, P.A. working in real estate development and business law. Prior to joining ISNA, he served as Operations Manager for Bank of America where he managed the Mortgage Resolution Team (MRT). Bata previously served as an executive council member of the Islamic Center of Morgantown for several years while in West Virginia. He was a legal intern with the Arab-American AntiDiscrimination Committee (ADC) and was active with various other American Muslim organizations in Florida. He also served as executive director of the Orlando chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Orlando) from 2008-2009. 51 52 53 Muslim Seniors Circle Halton/Peel SENIORS HELPING SENIORS WE ARE · Men and women age 55 and over · We meet on the first Friday of the month after salat al Jum’a to socialize and learn from invited speakers · We organize healthy activities like walking and badminton · We promote an active social and physical lifestyle for our members · Our meetings are held at the Islamic Centre of Canada (ISNA) Join us for fellowship, food and learning Admission is free for everyone age 55 and up Visit us: 54 55 56 57 58 Unique Islamic Children’s Books I . “But her arms os are ripe, ng ossing shra, cr when the ma icles…” said Bu en pops e neat,” ngo tree. Th pies, mango ar es n ma e tre ngo all thos very ow oothies, ma “I think to grow my o sm ke mang want would them and ma I’d pick The Forever Tree َﺷ َﺠ َﺮ ُة اﻟ ُﺨﻠْﺪ ñ vñ í s _î í í í ï íèé í a |î Õï éíïñ Ë î gí mÉí sli í î íâñ í slñm íÌÖ íÖñ Éí k[ ïh íè»u í éí ñ }Ì É t î s ï× íå ñ bí í ÌÖ í uï í í Éí s ïÖ í kí í íèsl8î f ñ sÎï í <í í í iñ ï {æÉí îg8 ñ íslkñ ïvî ñd î híB í Ös< ñ sHÌm` ñ íèæ í ñ }Ì B í í » #ê q íè ï sb ï í sÌÕï <a »Bñ sHÌí î ï vñ í »sÖsj ï s`{ í íè Ïs ###Bñ sHÌ aa Hussein Written by Asm ñ î sj É%mo S>í Ç English/Arabic od Heather Greenwo Illustrated by êmi<Ë$íÖí 26SKSDRV SHLW VH D VW DWW K WH KH0 0DDVM VMLG LG DW WKH 0\) 0 \)LUV LUVW% W% 0DVM LG 0 LUVW%RR 0\)\) NRI6KD LUVW% RRNRI V 2SSRVSH LWH V Available at ISNA Bookstore or visit our website to order www. SS B PA KS OO Compass Books publishes age-appropriate educational and fictional books about Islam and Muslims in English. Schools and public libraries appreciate our work for adding multicultural diversity to their collections. We also publish dual language children's books that are valued by parents and teachers (English/Arabic). We publish Canadian authors/illustrators and are an independent publishing house based in Ontario. Where possible we support local printers. COM ï Ö Ôèk:Öí % 59 60 OUR CONVENTION IS MADE POSSIBLE BY THE GENEROUS SUPPORT OF OUR SPONSORS AND DONORS. WE ACKNOWLEDGE AND APPRECIATE THEIR GENEROSITY AND CONTINUED CONTRIBUTION. 61 ISNA Canada Centre 2200 South Sheridan Way Mississauga, Ontario L5J 2M4 (905) 403-8406 / isna.canada @isna_canada @isna_canada