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registration of racist, anti-semitic, hom o
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Pankower Register 2015
The Pankow Register is a project of
[moskito] – Specialist and Network project against right-wing extremism, for democracy and diversity of
the Pfefferwerk Stadtkultur gGmbh.
The project is funded by the Bezirksamt Pankow Berlin, by the state program „Democracy. Diversity.
Respect. Against right-wing extremism, racism and anti-Semitism“ of the Berlin Senate Bureau of Work,
Integration and Women and is also supported by the following donors.
We would like to cordially thank our donors for the funding.
The Pankow Register is part of the Berliner Register ( ).
Pfefferwerk Stadtkultur gGmbH
[moskito] – Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
im Nachbarschaftshaus am Teutoburger Platz
Fehrbelliner Str. 92 | 10119 Berlin
Tel 030 443 7179 | Fax 030 443 83 100 |
Spendenkonto: Pfefferwerk Stadtkultur gGmbH | Verwendungszweck: Pankower Register
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft Berlin AG
IBAN: DE33100205000003066800 | BIC: 10020500/BFSWDE33BER
Berlin, März 2016
Pankower Register 2015
Table of Content
1)What the Pankow Register is about
Classification of incidents
According to what categories are incidents recorded?
W hat content can a report have to be included in the Register?
New developments and continuities in Pankow
A look at the whole District
Incident scenes 11
Incident categories 12
Motives 13
Months 14
3.3)A look at individual neighborhoods
Pankower Chronik 2015
Glossary of right-wing to (neo-)nazist groups and persons
Glossary of right-wing to (neo-)nazist codes, symbols and terms
Central terms in the context of this work 49
1. What the Pankow
Register is about
The Pankow Register was developed in April 2005 as part of the implementation
of the Local Action plan Pankow (LAP). Since then, it is run by the [moskito] –
Specialist and Network project against right-wing extremism, for democracy and
diversity. By now funding is provided by the District Office Pankow and the state
program „Democracy. Diversity. Respect. Against right-wing extremism, racism
and anti-Semitism“.
The aim of the project is to register discrimination and right-wing activities in daily life
beyond criminal liability to provide an accurate picture of the District of Pankow and
to counter (the development of) no-go areas
early on. In the long run, the aim is to work on
a broad societal basis to counter exclusions,
stigmatization, discrimination and right-wing
The deciding criteria for the registration of an
incident is an evident motive that expresses
different forms of so-called group-related hostility towards humans (like racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, transphobia, hostility towards the handicapped and homeless) and/
or generally a right-wing populist, right-wing
extremist to neonzist orientation. In this connection, foundational for judging an incident
is the experience of the affected person.
Cooperation with other Register projects in Berlin
Apart from the work in the district, the networking with other Register projects in Berlin
is an important feature of the work of the
Pankow Register. In Berlin, Register projects
exist in almost all districts. In the city-wide
network common standards were agreed
upon to be able to actually compare the particular analyses for the districts. In addition,
we want to establish a joint public relations
work, i.a., through a joint internet presentation ( and as well to
exchange current analyses.
If you observe an incident, but work in a different district you can report it to the Pankow
Register. We will forward your report to the
corresponding Register.
Pankower Register 2015
Be involved!
For the Pankow Register, the involvement
of as many citizens of Pankow as possible is
of great importance. only what you report
to us, the Specialist and Network project
[moskito] and the contact points, the police
or civil society and antifascist groups, can
be included into the Pankow Register. only
like these incidents and societal conditions
will become known to a greater public.
The whole year the Pankow Register is looking for democratic initiatives, institutions
and projects of civil society that want to
be involved in the network of the Register.
As a public or internal contact point, you
can become part of the Pankow Register.
you can invite us for events and workshops
related to the topic (for instance argumentation trainings) or distribute post cards,
leaflets and stickers of the Pankow Register
in your spaces. If you have any questions
do not hesitate to contact us.
Also, if you want to get active
against exclusion, right-wing
threats and discrimination we
are happy to support you.
[moskito] – Specialist and Network project
against right-wing extremism, for democracy and diversity
2. Classification of incidents
In the following, the work procedures of the Pankow Register are explained. The text
is based on standard procedures developed by the network of Berlin Register projects.
According to what categories are
incidents recorded?
All in all there are seven categories into
which all incidents are classified into. The
first represents all forms that are directed
against persons and that – in the worst case
– threaten the integrity of the body of one
or several persons, which is why this category is called attack. This includes all forms of
assault but also spitting, pushing, jostling or
bottle-throwing. A less severe form of attack
is the category „threat/insult/mobbing“.
It can be directed against people present, but
also against non-present persons or groups
and at first moment does not threaten the
direct integrity of the person. A statement
made in public transport that included that
„we will beat them all up “ directed at people
not of german ancestry for instance is included, but as well the photographing of people
involved in anti-nazi activity.
If incidents are directed against property or
„things“ and when they are criminally liable,
they are classified as property damage. This
includes racist spray-paintings, but also the
damaging of commemoration plates, smeared stumbling stones – for instance, when the
inscription is made unreadable by black paint
– or destroyed windows.
If the incident involves stickers, posters, banners or leaflets, it is classified as propaganda.
This includes clothing, tattoos and the showing of the „Hitler salute“.
If the event involves demonstrations, concerts or info stalls, it is called and classified
an event.
A special form of event and thereby its own
category are oral contributions and written
motions of right-wing extremist and rightwing populist in the local district assemblies
(Bezirksverordnetenversammlung, BVV). They
appear in the category BVV. Furthermore,
there are reports that are classified as internet. Those reports contain content posted
on homepages or Facebook pages and that
are related to Pankow. All further forms and
sorts of reports that cannot be classified in
the aforementioned categories are classified
as other. After a Register report is classified
into a category, the content of the incident is
further evaluated.
What content can a report have to
be included in the Register?
A rough content classification is done according to two topic complexes. The first
complex names all motives that are related
to right-wing extremism/right-wing populism
Pankower Register 2015
and that is a right-wing self-portrayal, that
stickers, slogans, posters etc. from rightwing parties, organizations or groups contain. For a better analysis these depictions
are divided between right-wing extremist
and right-wing populist. Also included in
the first complex is the motive of trivialization/glorification of National Socialism,
which includes all symbols oder statements that express a positive relation to
National Socialism and/or are represent
revisionist statement.
Among others this can be the honoring of
NS-politicians, the denial of the holocaust,
the demand to give back areas in todays
Poland. A third motive in this first topic
complex are all direct and indirect statements or actions with that aim at political
opponents. This can be the destruction of
the windows of an electoral district office
or the photographing of anti-Nazi activists, or a sticker that address political opponents directly.
All incidents that are connected to grouprelated hostility of humans are grouped
into the second topic complex of motives.
The concept of group-related hostility of
humans was developed by Prof. Wilhelm
Heitmeyer and others and denominates
several forms of disintegration, including
the one that exclude people from participation in society or aim to do so.
This includes forms of racism, for instance
anti-Muslism or anti-Ziganist racism. Also
included is anti-Semitism, hostily towards
disabled persons and social chauvinism
for instance in the form of discrimination against homeless people. But also
LGBTIQ*hostility, which means hostility
because of sexual orientation or gender
identity, is included here as a motive. Reports that cannot be classified to the aforementioned motives are classified as other.
3. Conclusion
All in all, the [moskito] specialist and network project against right-wing extremism,
for democracy and diversity registered 241
incidents for the year of 2015 that were
motivated by group-related hostility to humans (Racism, anti-Semitism, Homo-/Transphobia etc.) and that were connected to
a right-wing populist, right-wing extremist
to neonazist orientation. Compared to the
previous year this is an increase of more
than 70 reports (2014: 167). Compared
to 2013 it is a very strong increase. The
increase in incidents in the last years was
due to stronger activity of the NPD and
autonomous nationalists in the north of
Pankow since the summer of 2012. It also
happened because of a pointed, partly racist
mood that developed in Pankow, Berlin and
Germany since the end of 2014 with the
opening of new refugee shelters. It shows
that right-wing extremist orientations, like
racism, are articulated more openly also
in Pankow, leading to threats and attacks.
3.1 New developments and
continuities in Pankow
Over the course of the year the NPD Pankow
KV8 was the leading actor in the right-wing
extremist and neonazist camp of the district.
Apart from the distribution of leaflets into
mailboxes and the posting of stickers, holding assemblies was a central element of
the party‘s politics. The formats of events
were: A city tour, (spontaneous) rallies,
so-called „cleaning actions“ and multiple
assemblies. The assemblies followed a Berlin-wide trend of cooperation between the
regional federation and district federations
to increasingly conduct info stalls together
in different neighborhoods. Already in the
end of 2014, the NPD announced the start
of their election campaign for the Berlin municipal elections of 2016. The multitude of
propaganda actions and a majority of the
events of the NPD Pankow KV8 happened
in this context. It also became evident that
the district federation of the NPD has close
ties to several cliques of neonazis in the
district and also cultivates contacts into
other right-wing parties, for instance the
party „III. Path“. Also, contacts between the
NPD and neonazi structures in the north of
Brandenburg are cultivated. In speeches, the
District head of the NPD often propagates
the unity of the nationalist camp.
At the same time, a „turf war“ could be
observed in Berlin-Buch. When the rightwing populist party „Pro Germany“ held
an assembly this was stormed by neonazis associated to the NPD Pankow. In the
following, organizers ended the assembly.
Also, neonazis, as well associated with the
NPD, again and again tried to threaten and
attack political opponents in vicinity of the
youth festival „vosifa“. In the second quarter
this conflict was the main focus of activities.
The neighborhood remained a central place
for right-wing extremist and neonazist incidents over the course of the year. However,
the developments also show that the NPD
was not capable of having several focus
points of the same intensity at the same
Pankower Register 2015
time. Increasing activity in Blankenburg and
Karow in 2015 led to a slight decrease in
reports from Berlin-Buch compared to 2014.
According to own acounts, the NPD Pankow KV8 conducted several internal trainings besides public events. Those were not
announced publicly and after completion
short reports were published to the party‘s
Facebook page. Most likely those trainings
were primarily ideological schooling‘s during which nationalist and neonazist thinking was spread.
motive. One parent-couple and one of their
children was beaten into the face on the
corner Buschallee/Hansa street by a group
of five for racist reasons. The father was
robbed, too. At the tram stop Buschallee a
man insulted two men in a racist way and
then hit both of them. A pregnant woman
was first insulted in a racist way, then spit
at and ultimately received a kick into her
back. All in all, eight attacks happened in
Independent of the NPD Pankow KV8, most
racist attacks were registered in the Prenzlauer Berg neighborhood, all in all 14 from
33 attacks happened here. These attacks
were often not preceded by longer planning,
but happened from effect or the situation.
In the Weißensee neighborhood similar incidents occured where racism was the main
Bild: Pankower Register
The main localities were Tram lines and
traffic intersections of public transport like
S-bahn train stations of Tram stops. Bottles were thrown, bodily attacks and in one
case urinating on humans did happen with
racism being the main motive. But attacks
on political opponents were also reported in
Prenzlauer Berg. For instance at the brinks of
a HoGeSa assembly people who participated
in counter-protests were attacked by rightwing hooligans. Homophobia as well played
a vital role in the verbal and bodily attack
on a gay couple by a group of soccer fans.
In the Blankenburg neighborhood it became public that homeless people had found
refuge in an abandoned building. From
the third quarter of 2015 the NPD Pankow KV8 took up the issue and started to
openly agitate in an antiziganist/anti-Roma
way against them. They conducted „Hood
patrols“ during which they mostly walked
through the neighborhood in a group of
three and handed out propaganda material
and also held one assembly. The security of
the property every now and then chased
away the homeless. Some affected homeless
people also reported their belongings stolen. The NPD followed a strategical political
strategy in the neighborhood that aimed
at presenting itself as the „caretakers“ of
this perceived problem and while doing so
spreading racist demands.
Also from the third quarter on, apart from
Berlin-Buch and Blankenburg another
neighborhood increasingly became a focus. In Karow an increased presence of
right-wing extremist and neonazist sticker
was observed. While the Register of 2014
only contains seven incidents of this sort
for the neighborhood, this number increased to 35 in 2015. In addition, the NPD
tried to advance a racist mobilization here,
when it became public that in a sports hall
in Karow an emergency shelter for refugees
would be installed. After the announcement
of the decision, this led to three (spontaneous) demonstrations and one vigil. During
the first rally residents standing at the side
applauded the demonstration. 80 to 100
people participated in the second rally.
Here it became obvious that a supportive
and accepting social environment for right-
wing extremist and neonazist orientations
and activities exists in Karow, as much as it
does in Berlin-Buch.
Apart from a multitude of racist leaflets,
broschures, etc., that appeared in the district over the course of the year, several
racist activities were direct directly against
refugee shelters or refugees themself. In
the surrounding area around the container
shelter in Berlin-Buch the toppling of hoardings, racist slogans and bellowing against
security guardsmen as well as assemblies,
insults, the ignition of pyrotechnics and as
well shots on the shelter happened. Attacks with relation to refugees happened
in other neighborhoods as well. In Weißensee a playground was closed for racist
reasons for refugee children and refugees
themselves were attacked. In the Pankow
neighborhood a bomb threat happened and
in the Prenzlauerg Berg neighborhood a man
broke into a refugee shelter and threatened
inhabitants by photographing. In Karow a
(spontaneous) rallye was held and an antiracist banner was removed.
3.2. A look at the whole District
In the following an overview is given about
the reported incidents for the whole District of Pankow. The reports of the register
were broken down into the categories crime
scene, crime motives, crime categories and
crime months.
Pankower Register 2015
Incident scenes
One look at the reported incidents in relations to the individual neighborhood shows
that most incidents happened in Berlin-Buch
with 72 incidents. Compared to last year
this is a slight decrease (2014: 79, 2013:
53). Following are the Pankow (44) and the
Prenzlauer Berg neighborhood (42). Com-
pared to the previous year, the numbers for
Pankow almost show a duplication (2014:
25, 2013: 27). A strong increase can be noticed in Karow, too (2015: 35, 2014: 7). In
Weißensee as well reports doubled (2015:
17, 2014: 8). In Blankenburg twelve incidents happened, while in previous years in
each case only one incident was registered.
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Incident categories
In the year 2015 as well most reports can
be classified into the category „propaganda delict“ (2015: 110). However, compared
to previous years and in relation to other
categories, this category amounts to less
than 50 percent of all reports. Incidents that
are classified as „attacks“ on the contrary
have increased significantly with 33 reports
(2014: 16, 2013: 21). „Threat/insult/mobbing“ as a category also saw an increase
(2015: 38, 2014: 26). A strong increase can
be noted in the number of „events“ from
27 in the year of 2014 to 44. While in the
past reports in this category increased in
election years and with increased campaign
activity of the respective organizations, the
reasons for the increase of incidents in this
category are the multitude of events that
were directed against refugee shelters. The
amount of „property damage“ also rose to
twelve reports (2014: 5, 2013: 14).
Pankower Register 2015
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Addressing the „political opponent“ recorded a slight increase (2015: 29, 2014: 23,
2013: 22). The number of incidents related
to „anti-Semitism“ (2015: 5, 2014: 5, 2013:
4) and „LGBTIQ* hostility“ (2015: 3, 2014:
4, 2013: 3) have stayed at the same level
over the years. However, it must be assumed
that the real number is higher. Two incidents
were classified as belonging to the motive
„social chauvinism“ and one to the category
of „hostility towards the handicapped“.
Strong activity was recorded over the course
of the whole year. A lot of incidents were
registered in the months of May (4) and
June (32), in August (25) and September
(34) and in November (26).
3.3 A look at individual
In this section the Register reports are described for individual neighborhoods in relations to incident category and motives.
Not all neighborhoods are listed because in
Pankower Register 2015
several of them the number of reports is
too low to derive a meaningful analysis of
the situation.
Most incidents in the district of Pankow were
registered in Berlin-Buch with 72 incidents.
Seven of these incidents were classified into
the category „attacks“ and 19 into the category „threat/insult/mobbing“. 50% of the
incidents of the last category mentioned
happened in Berlin-Buch. Another big part
of incidents were „propaganda delicts“ (23).
At the same time, most „events“ in the whole
district happened in the neighborhood with
17 out of 44 events happening here in the
calendar year of 2015. The most important
motive in the reports was „racism“ (2015:
34). „Right-wing self-portrayal“ (2015: 19)
was on second position and „addressing
political opponents“ (2015: 15) was the
third-most often classified motive.
All in all 27 reports here belong to the category „propaganda delicts“. This ammounted
to 63 percent of all incidents in the neighborhood. In addition, three „attacks“ and
five „threat/insult/mobbing“ incidents were
registered. Also, six of all in all 44 events in
the district were conducted in the Pankow
neighborhood. With 21 reports the motive „racism“ was the most important one
and amounted to almost 50 percent of all
reports. It was followed by „right-wing selfportrayal“ (2015: 16), „addressing political
opponents“ (2015: 4) and the „glorification
of National Socialism“ (2015: 3).
Prenzlauer Berg
Most attacks in the whole district happened
in the Prenzlauer Berg neighborhood. The
14 reports for the neighborhood amount to
about a third of all incidents in the district
for this category. Also, nine „threat/insult/
mobbing“ incidents were recorded, which is
the second highest number after the BerlinBuch neighborhood. All in all eleven „propaganda delicts“ were registered. Almost 40%
of all reports had the motive „racism“. After
Berlin-Buch (34) and Pankow (21) Prenzlauer Berg comes third with respect to the
registered incidents with this motive. All
incidents with the motive „anti-Semitism“
were registered here.
With all in all 35 reports a strong increase happened in the neighborhood. In 72
percent of all reports were „propaganda
delicts“. In addition, five „events“ were registered and three „threat/insult/mobbing“
incidents. The most important motives were
„right-wing self-portrayal“ that was evident
in 20 reports and „racism“ which was the
motive in eleven reports.
54 percent of all registered incidents in the
neighborhood were „attacks“ (2015: 8). After Prenzlauer Berg the neighborhood had
the second most „attacks“ of all neighborhoods. In addition, there were seven „propaganda delicts“.
Ten out of 17 incidents had „racism“ as the
motive. Five reports had the motive „rightwing self-portrayal“.
All in all two thirds of all incidents in this
neighborhood were „events“. Out of twelve
reports eight were classified as belonging to
this category with „racism“ being the main
motive (2015: 10). This expresses the antiziganist incitement against Roma and Sinti
in the neighborhood.
4. Pankower Chronik 2015
J anuary 3, 2015 | Toppled hoarding in Berlin-Buch In Berlin-Buch a toppled hoarding was
discovered around 09:00 o'clock. The hoarding
surrounded the area of a future refugee-shelter.
The police is investigating. Source: Schriftliche
Anfrage Abgeordnetenhaus Berlin Drucksache 17/
17661 vom 15.01.2016
January 4, 2015 | NPD leaflets In several mailboxes in Pankow-Heinersdorf leaflets of the
NPD, i. a., with the slogan „Sicherheit durch
Recht und Ordnung" („Safety through Law and
Order“), are found. Source: [moskito] Fach- und
Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für
Demokratie und Vielfalt
bly participants During the departure of participants of the assembly „Against racism – Refugees
welcome in Buch“ six neonazis tried to establish
a threatening scenario at the S-bahn train station Buch by positioning themselves at the main
entrance. No attack happened. When the doors
of the S-bahn were closing a few participants
of the assembly were yelled at with „run away
you girls“. Source: Netzwerk für Demokratie und
Respekt Buch-Karow
J anuary 5, 2015 | NPD stickers Over the course
of the day several stickers of the NPD, i. a., with
the Slogan „DM statt Euro" („DM instead of
Euro“) and „US-Spionage stoppen" („Stop US espionage“), and its youth organization the Young
National Democrats (JN), i. a., with the slogan
„Anders als Du denkst" („Different from what
you think“) or "Hauptstadt-Aktivisten" („Capital city activists“) are discovered and removed
in the Heinersdorf neighborhood. Source: www.
J anuary 7, 2015 | Graffiti painted on fence
Yesterday afternoon at about 14:00 o'clock at
the wooden fence of an un-occupied building in
the Hadlich Street the slogan „Nein zum Heim“
(„No to the shelter“), written in blue paint,
was discovered eight times. The same slogan
in blue color was also discovered in the Flora
Street. Source: Pressemitteilung der Polizei vom
January 7, 2015: Vandalism at the citizens-office of Thorsten Schneider (SPD) The storefront
of a party office was daubed by unknown people
this morning in Pankow. At around 11:30 o'clock
the writings in red paint were discovered at the
front of a multi-family house in the Flora Street.
Apparently the writing was directed against the
housing of refugees as „Nein zum Heim“ („No
the shelter“) was written. Source: SPD Pankow,
Pressemitteilung der Polizei vom 08.01.2015
January 12, 2015 | Tried harassment of assem-
J anuary 12,, 2015 | Fourty counter-protesters at the assembly „Against racism“ in Buch
40 people participated in an assembly titled
„Against racism – Refugees welcome in Buch.
Speeches by the Refugee council Berlin, a professor from Buch and one representative of the
party youth coalition „Neighborhood against the
Right“ were held. On the Facebook page „No
asylum-seekers container village in Buch“ the
assembly and its „migration advocates“, „advocates of foreign infiltration“ and „paternalism“
was called out. This call was followed by about
40 people that positioned themselves at the
scene in front of the antiracist assembly. Among
them were ten known neonazis from Buch and
Pankow. Source: „Pankow Hilft!“
J anuary 15, 2015 | Insults in front of Kaufland
in Berlin-Buch On the early evening three people who were waiting in front of the store were
molested by two young men. The two offenders
tried to provoke the group and were asking without interruption whether they had a problem.
One of the offenders, a known local neonazi,
used his phone trying repeatedly to make facial
pictures. He did not follow the demand not to do
this. Meanwhile the second person continued to
ask whether they had a problem. This was denied
again and again. Then, one of the offenders said
they should leave because otherwise a „beating“ would happen. The aggrieved party pressed
charges with the police. Source: [moskito] Fachund Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für
Demokratie und Vielfalt
J anuary 17, 2015 | Attack on antifascists in
Prenz­lauer Berg On their way home from counter-protests against a hooligan meeting, two antifascists were first provoked and then beaten
Pankower Register 2015
by four neonazis on Greifswalder Street. First,
they insulted the victims with „Shitty ticks“, then
they made the „Hitler salute“. Then, they went
to get reinforcement from the bar „Bierquelle“
and started threatening and beating the victims.
Source: Pressemitteilung der Antifa Nordost vom
J anuary 17 Neonazis and Hooligan meeting in
Prenz­lauer Berg Via Facebook, among others,
Enrico S. had called hooligans from Berlin and
Brandenburg to meet at the S-bahn train station
Greifswalder Street to get to know each other.
On the evening he and a few companions arrived.
Shortly after 20:30 o'clock a bigger group arrived
and security guard bandages were handed out. In
the group of about 70 people there were several
known Neonazis, among others the right-wing
extremist rapper Patrick K alias „Villain051“.
Several Hooligans from Mecklenburg-West Pomerania participated as well in the meeting. Accompanied by police, they were escorted to the
nearby bar „Stumpfe Ecke“. A majority of the
group first stayed outside the bar and was heavily
drunk. Some were very aggressive, covered up
their faces and repeatedly tried to break out of
the police-cordon to attack counter-protesters.
The police was able to suppress these efforts.
About 100 counter-protesters were at the scene.
When the hooligans went into the bar at about
22:00 o'clock, the scene calmed down. Source:
Morgenpost vom 18.01.2015, Neues Deutschland
vom 19.01.2015, Pressemitteilung der Antifa Nordost vom 18.01.2015
J anuary 20, 2015 | Neonazi assembly and tried
interruption of the citizens consultation hours
of the mayor At about 16:30 o'clock about 15
people assembled near the Buch Citizen House
to hold an assembly against the citizens consultation hours of the mayor. The majority of the
participants were neonazis from Buch, among
others Christian Schmidt (District head of the
NPD in KV8 Pankow). After forty-five minutes
the assembly dissolved. When most police was
gone the neonazis reappeared in front of the
Buch Citizen House and tried to get into the citizens consultation hours. Christian Schmidt and
another neonazi went inside the Buch Citizen
House. The police at the scene relegated them of
the property because they had not registered for
the consultation hours and because there was no
free appointment. They were also given an order
to stay away from the house so they assembled
on the sidewalk and commented „Here are the
people“ when the mayor left. Source: Bezirksamt
J anuary 22, 2015 | Antiziganist incident in
Berlin-Buch In connection with a shoplifting
incident in a shopping mall in the Berlin-Buch
neighborhood not only the accused person but
other people with Roma background were determined. They were accused of gang-robbery.
Source: Amaroforo e.V.
J anuary 24, 2015 | NPD leaflets in Heinersdorf
In the Pankow neighborhood the NPD distributed several flyers with the slogan „Sicherheit
durch Recht und Ordnung“ („Safety through Law
and Order“)“ to mailboxes. Source: [moskito]
Fach-und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
January 25, 2015 | City tour of the JN Pankow
Following the motto „Know your hood“ the
youth organization of the NPD, the Young National Democrats organized a city tour through
Pankow. Source: Facebook-Seite der NPD KV8
Pankow vom 26.01.2015
January 30, 2015 | NPD assembly in Buch Friday evening an assembly of the NPD Pankow
KV8 with the title „We want no further asylum
shelters – not in Pankow and anywhere else“
happened. About 30 people followed the call.
A banner with the slogan „Today we are tolerant – tomorrow we will be foreign in our own
country“ of the NPD Berlin was displayed. In a
report of the NPD, published on Facebook, it
was lamented that politicians were working on
the „Volkstod“ and were „piece by piece stealing all identity“. Besides this, a demarcation to
Pegida or Bärgida was voiced and it was said
the NPD Pankow does not want to cooperate
with these movements. Source: [moskito] Fachund Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für
Demokratie und Vielfalt, Facebook-Seite der NPD
KV8 Pankow vom 31.01.2015
J anuary 31, 2015 | Pro Germany leaflets in
Buch Over the course of the day residents in
the Berlin-Buch neighborhood found leaflets
from the right-wing populist party „Pro Germany“ in their mailboxes. The leaflet was entitled
„Invitation for a citizen's hearing“ including the
emblem of the greater district of Pankow. This
could have created the impression of an official
invitation from the district. The seeming „citizens
invitation“ in reality was an assembly of the party
on February 7th. Only when looking more closely
at the leaflet one is relegated to the homepage
of „Pro Germany“ Berlin. The letter-styled leaflet
was signed by Manfred Rouhs. On its back the
leaflet contained racist discuss about refugees.
It was claimed that the majority of refugees only
fled to improve their economic situation. More
deportations and less immigration was also demanded. Source: Netzwerk für Demokratie und
Respekt Buch-Karow
February 5, 2015 | Pro Germany leaflets found
in Citizen House in Buch Several leaflets from
Pro Germany that mobilized for their assembly on February 7th were found and removed.
Source: albatros gGmbH
ended the assembly that was disguised as a citizen's hearing. Source: Netzwerk für Demokratie
und Respekt Buch-Karow
ebruary 6, 2015 | „No to the shelter“ graffiti
In the evening at the back exit of the S-bahn
train station Buch a graffiti with the racist slogan „Nein zum Heim" („No to the shelter“) was
discovered. Source: albatros gGmbH
ebruary 7, 2015 | Pro Germany assembly in
Berlin-Buch In the afternoon the right-wing
populist party „Pro Germany“ held an assembly
at Karower Chaussee in Berlin-Buch. Speakers
included among others Manfred Rouhs who was
organized in several right-wing extremist parties and organizations over the course of his life.
In the speeches, humans who are fleeing were
denied any reasons to do so and racist ressentiments against people were elevated. About 60
people attended the assembly, but attendance
shrank to 25 in a short time. From these 25 remaining assembly participants more than ten
persons were known neonazis from Buch and
Pankow. They displayed a banner of the NPD
Berlin with the slogan „Heute sind wir tolerant
– morgen fremd im eigenen Land“ („Today we
are tolerant – tomorrow we will be foreign in our
own country“). They were ordered to stand at
the side by the police. As a result „Pro Germany“
ebruary 13th NPD assembly in front of
Pankow town hall On Friday evening the NPD
Pankw KV8 held an assembly to commemorate
the bombing of Dresden in front of the town
hall of Pankow. Seven people attended the
event (among others the parties' District head
Christian Schmidt). At around 18:00 o'clock
they lit up candles and displayed a banner with
the slogan „So erfolgt Demokratisierung nach
feiner englischer Art bis heute…“ („That's how
democratization is done in fine english manner
until today ...“) that was signed with VVNP Berlin
(Vereinigte Nationalisten Nordost/Unified Nationalists Northeast). Up to 80 people attended
a counter-protest. Source: [moskito] Fach- und
Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Vielfalt und Demokratie
ebruary 14, 2015 | NS glorifying banner in
Berlin-Buch In the night two passersby at the
S-bahn train station Buch saw a banner with the
slogan „Dresden 1945 - 300.000 Tote – unvergessen" („Dresden 1945 – 300.000 dead – unforgotten“). They called the police. The next day the
banner was not there anymore. Source: [moskito]
Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Vielfalt und Demokratie
ebruary 18, 2015 | Swastika graffiti Around
noon, at the back-exit of the S-bahn train station
Buch a swastika graffiti was discovered. Charges
were pressed with the police. Source: [moskito]
Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Vielfalt und Demokratie
February 19, 2015 | NPD propaganda in mailboxes in Pankow Over the course of the day residents in the Pankow neighborhood discovered
leaflets of the NPD with the slogan „Sicherheit
durch Recht und Ordnung" („Safety through Law
and Order“)“ in their mailboxes. Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Vielfalt und Demokratie
ebruary 20, 2015 | III. Path leaflets in mailF
boxes In the morning residents in Berlin-Buch
discovered leaflets of the small right-wing extremist party „The III. Path“ with the slogan
„Asylmissbrauch stoppen" („Stop the asylum
Pankower Register 2015
misuse“). Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie
und Vielfalt
ebruary 28, 2015 | NPD propaganda in mailF
boxes in Prenzlauer Berg Over the course of the
day residents in Prenzlauer Berg discovered leaflets of the NPD with the slogan „Sicherheit durch
Recht und Ordnung" („Safety through Law and
Order“). Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie
und Vielfalt
the misuse of asylum“) in their mailboxes. Source:
[moskito] Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
arch 1, 2015 | Neonazist commemoration
at the former grave of Horst Wessel At the
former grave of Horst Wessel (former SA-stormfront leader in Berlin) on the St. Marien and the
St. Nikolai cemetery in Prenzlauer Berg, flowers
were laid down and candles were positioned.
Also, a provisional grave stone was laid down.
Horst Wessel became member of the NSDAP and
its storm-front division (SA) in 1926. In 1930
he was shot by a KPD-member and died. His
grave serves as a place of pilgrimage for neonazis.
Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen
Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
arch 5, 2015 | NPD propaganda in mailM
boxes in Blankenfelde Over the course of the
day residents in the Blankenfelde neighborhood
discovered leaflets of the NPD with the slogan
„Sicherheit durch Recht und Ordnung" („Safety through Law and Order“)“. Source: [moskito]
Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
arch 5, 2015 | „Hitler salute“ in front of
SPD office During a meeting of the SPD in
the evening, attendees observes a young man
that was standing in front of the window of
the party's office and was displaying a „Hitler
salute“ into their direction. Alarmed policemen screened the 19-year old at around 19:45
o'clock at the scene. The suspect was let go after the measures. Criminal investigations against
him are under way. Source: Pressemitteilung der
Polizei vom 06.03.2015
arch 5, 2015 | III. Path leaflets in mailboxes
Over the course of the day residents in the Berlin-Buch neighborhood discovered leaflets of the
small right-wing extremist party „The III. Path“
with the slogan „Asylmißbrauch stoppen" („Stop
arch 19, 2015 | Neonazist „Cleaning action“
in Berlin-Buch (1) Neonazis of the NPD Pankow
KV8 and the JN conducted a cleaning-action in
the Schloßpark park in Berlin-Buch. While doing
this, they also distributed leaflets to passersby.
Source: [moskito] Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
arch 23, 2015 | Racist leaflets in mailboxes
Over the course of the day residents in the Buch
neighborhood discovered racist leaflets in the
mailboxes. This included a leaflet of the rightwing populist party „Pro Germany“ with the slogan „Asylmißbrauch stoppen" („Stop the misuse
of asylum“). In the flyer reasons of humans to
flee were denied. Also distributed were leaflets
of the right-wing extremist campaign „Wache
auf - Handeln statt Klagen" („Wake up – Action
instead of lamenting“) with the slogan „Gemeinsam gegen Asylmißbrauch - Berlin wehrt sich"
(„Together against the misuse of asylum – Berlin
defends itself“). Source: albatros gGmbH
arch 25, 2015 | Spontaneous neonazi asM
sembly in Berlin-Buch From 15:00 to about
17:00 o'clock eight heavily drunk neonazis held
a spontaneous assembly in front of the store
„1.000 small things“ in Berlin-Buch. Among
them was a woman. Among others, slogans like
„Wer Deutschland nicht liebt, soll Deutschland
verlassen" („Those who do not love Germany
should leave it“) and „Wir wollen kein Asylantenheim" („We want no asylum shelter“) and other
neonazist slogans were bellowed and shouted.
Partly the „Germany greeting“ wa hinted at.
Source: Netzwerk für Demokratie und Respekt
March 25, 2015 | Neonazist threat In the afternoon a man was threatened by a known local neonazi with the words „Christian Schmidt is
waiting for you“. Christian Schmidt is the District
head of the NPD Pankow KV8. Source: Netzwerk
für Demokratie und Respekt Buch-Karow
arch 25, 2015 | Racist slogan Around noon
the neonazi-rapper Villain051 writes the slogan „No to the shelter“ on the company car of
the Arbeiterwohlfahrt that was parked in front
of the refugee shelter in Berlin-Buch. Criminal
charges for property damage were pressed with
the police. Source: Netzwerk für Demokratie und
Respekt Buch-Karow
arch 25, 2015 | „Open House Day“ of the
refugee shelter in Berlin-Buch Between 11:00
and 16:00 o'clock the Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO),
who is running the new refugee shelter in Berlin-Buch invited residents to an „Open House
Day“. More than 1000 visitors used the opportunity to get an impression of the shelter. On
time at 11:00 o'clock 300 people were waiting
already in front of the entrance to be welcomed
by AWO-personnel, to go together through the
rooms and to get information. Among the visitors were isolated Neonazis, for instance the
neonazi-rapper Villain051 and an activist of the
NPD-Pankow KV8. Also, a group of seven to
eight partly heavily drunk neonazis were standing in front of the entrance. They were wearing
clothing of the right-wing extremist fashions
brand, i. a.,with the slogan „House call“. They
did not enter shelter however, but registered
an assembly in front of the store „1.000 Kleine
Dinge". Additionally, six to seven participants of
the racist „chain-of-lights“, that were directed
against the shelter the end of the previous year
and during which there were open racist statements, were among the visitors. Two women
greeted a man with a hinted-at „German greeting“. Three „middle-fingers“, printed on paper,
were hanging from a balcony facing the shelter.
The inhabitant of this apartment often showed
a „real middle-finger“ in direction of the shelter. Source: Netzwerk für Demokratie und Respekt
March 29, 2015 | Pro Germany stickers discovered Over the course of the day in the Berliner
Street (beginning at S-bahn train station Pankow)
in direction Breite Street as well as on Breite
Street, stickers from the right-wing populist party
„Pro Germany“ were discovered. They contained
the slogan „Asylmissbrauch stoppen!" („Stop
the misuse of asylum“) and were pasted over.
Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen
Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
March 31, 2015 | Info stalls of the NPD Over
the course of the day according to the NPD
Pankow KV8 two different info stalls were conducted. One was undertaken at the town hall
center in the Breite Street and another one on
the Antonplatz square in the Weissensee neighborhood. Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie
und Vielfalt
pril 5, 2015 | III. Path leaflets and stickers
in Buch Over the course of the day residents
in the Buch neighborhood discovered leaflets
of the small right-wing extremist party „The III.
Parth“ in their mailboxes. Also, stickers with the
slogan „Asylmißbrauch stoppen" („Stop the misuse of asylum“) were found in the neighborhood.
Source: DIE LINKE Pankow, albatros gGmbH
April 6, 2015 | NPD leaflets in mailboxes Over
the course of the day residents in the Niederschönhausen neighborhood discovered leaflets
of the NPD with the slogan „Sicherheit durch
Recht und Ordnung" („Safety through Law and
Order“)“ in their mailboxes. Source: [moskito]
Fach – und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
April 9, 2015 | NPD info stall in Karow Between
12:30 and 14:30 o'clock the NPD conducted
an info stall on the piazza in Karow. Three to
four cadres distributed leaflets in front of the entrance of a retail store chain. Source: SPD Pankow
pril 9, 2015 | intimidation by NPD cadres
At around 12:00 o'clock NPD-cadres have
photographed and threatened a visitor and her
grand-child that came to the office of the Senate representative Rainer-Michael Lehman with
unambiguous gestures. The staff was forced to
call the police because the visitor and her grandchild did not dare to leave. After arriving, the
police calmed down the frightened citizen and
the child and escorted them home. Source: SPD
pril 10, 2015 | NPD assembly in front of the
Schönhauser Alle Arcaden shopping mall In the
early evening starting from 18:45 o'clock almost
30 neonazis gathered for an assembly using the
slogan „Stop Gentrification – stop exorbitant
rents and expulsion“ in front of the Schönhauser Allee Arcaden shopping mall. The NPD had
announced to conduct an „nationalist assembly in the heart of left-wing Prenzlauerberg“.
During the assembly, among others, Sebastian
Schmidtke (Head of the NPD Berlin) and Chris-
Pankower Register 2015
tian Schmidt (District head Npd Pankow) held
speeches. 800 to 1000 people protested loudly
against the assembly. Some isolated eggs and
spaetzle were thrown in the direction of the NPD
assembly. From windows residents held posters
with „colorful instead of brown“ or „nazis out“
slogans. Source: Tagesspiegel, Morgenpost, RBB,
Prenzlberger Stimme
pril 11, 2015 | „Limited Booze Boys“ conA
cert in Prenzlauer Berg On the occasion of the
fifth anniversary of the metal club „Blackland“
in the Prenzlauer Berg neighborhood the band
„Limited Booze Boys“ had an appearance. Their
longstanding guitarist Henning Haydt was part
of the neonazi scene of Jena in the 1990s. He
was investigated in relations to the „National
socialist underground“ (NSU). Additionally other
members of the band have been spotted wearing
right-wing symbols and the fashion brand „Thor
Steinar“, that is popular in the right-wing scene
as it plays with neonazist codes. Also, statements
from members of the Band show a right-wing extremist orientation. The bass-guitar player of the
group wrote on Facebook: „The criminal politicians want to extinguish the German people and
the white race and because they are too coward
to do it themselves they call the murder-gangs
from across the whole world to come to Europe“.
Source: indymedia
pril 16, 2015 | NPD leaflets in mailboxes
In the morning residents of the Berlin-Buch
neighborhood discovered leaflets of the NPD in
their mailboxes. Among others they contained
the slogan „Criminal foreigners out“ and „We
are not the welfare office of the world“. Source:
albatros gGmbH, [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie
und Vielfalt
pril 20, 2015 | Attack on security guard in
front of future refugee shelter in Berlin-Buch
Three unidentified men have spit at and attacked
two security guards in front of the construction
site of a future refugee shelter in the Buch neighborhood. Around 20:00 o'clock the four staffers
of the age from 25 to 33 heard loud screaming
at the hoarding in the Groscurth Street. Three
men were yelling racist slogans and „Sieg Heil“.
They repeated this several times and demanded
the staffers to come in front of the fence and
engage in a fight. Not answering the provoca-
tions the security guards told the trio to leave
the area. Then, one of the men tried in vain to
open the hoarding and while doing so spit at
two staffers. His accomplice threw a bottle over
the fence and hit a 28-year old staffer at the
ear. In the following, the group that can be classified as belonging to the right-wing extremist
scene withdrew. They left several leaflets at the
fence. The police is investigating to find the offenders. Source: Pressemitteilung der Polizei vom
21.04.2015, Berliner Zeitung
pril 20, 2015 | NPD assembly in Berlin-Buch
On the birthday of the former National Socialist
dictator Adolf Hitler the NPD Pankow KV8 held
an assembly in the Karower Chausse in the Buch
neighborhood. For the time period of about
12:00 o'clock to 18:00 o'clock for a start only
four neonazis were manning the info stall and remained among themselves. The group grew over
the course of the afternoon to a maximum of ten
persons, consisting of people from the local social environment of the NPD in Berlin-Buch and
a few neonazi cadres from the neighborhood.
The assembly was direct against the move-in of
refugees into the shelter in Buch, but did not
resonate with the population. Among others, a
banner with the slogan „Asylantenheime? Nein
Danke!" („asylum shelter? No thanks!) was displayed. Source: Netzwerk für Demokratie und
Respekt Buch-Karow
pril 21, 2015 | Insult of a security guards in
front of future refugee shelter In the afternoon
the security guards were mobbed and insulted
by several neonazis from the neighborhood.
Around 22:00 o'clock three neonazis appeared
again and threatened the securities announcing
they would return with a bigger group. The police was called. Source: Netzwerk für Demokratie
und Respekt Buch-Karow
pril 23, 2015 | Swastikas in window glasses
An unidentified man damaged the glass storefront of a bakery in Prenzlauer Berg at around
22:20 o'clock. A passersby observed the suspect
near the S-bahn train station Schönhauser Allee
how he was scribbling two swastikas into the
window glasses of the store, apparently with a
stone. At this point the witness called the police.
The suspect fled before the arriving of the police.
The police is investigating. Source: Pressemitteilung der Polizei vom 24.04.2015
pril 23, 2015 | Neonazi activities during
the move-in into the new refugee shelter
in Berlin-Buch In the morning around 10:00
o'clock three known local neonazis positioned
themselves in front of the shelter and started
to photograph voluntary supporters. With the
arrival of the first refugee moving into the shelter
the neonazis photographed them too and published the picture on the Facebook page of the
NPD Pankow KV8 as well as on the Facebook
page „Kein Aslyanten- Container-Dorf in Buch"
(„No asylum-seekers container village in Buch“).
With time the group grew to ten people. Around
13:00 o'clock the police sporadically ordered individuals to leave, criminal charges because of
the publication of the pictures were pressed. In
the afternoon two residents showed the middle-finger to security guards. Around 16:00
o'clock two neonazis with a megaphone walked
into the direction of the shelter. Around 17:30
o'clock some sort of flash-mob took place, the
group grew to 20 people that assembled in front
of Getränke-Hoffmann at Karower Chaussee. An
assembly was held in front of the refugee shelter.
The police did not intervene. Source: Netzwerk
für Demokratie und Respekt Buch-Karow
pril 24, 2015 | NPD rally in Berlin Buch
Around 18:30 o'clock about 30 people assembled in front of the Norma supermarket in the
Bruno-Apitz Street. With time the number grew
to 50 people. They had followed the call of the
NPD and were protesting against the move-in
of refugees into the new shelter in Berlin-Buch.
Banners with the slogans „Asylantenheime? Nein
Danke! („asylum-seekers homes? No thanks!“),
„Heute sind wir tolerant - morgen fremd im eigenen Land" („Today we are tolerant – tomorrow we will be foreign in our own country“)
or „Keine weiteren Asylantenheime in Berlin
und Brandenburg" („no further asylum-seekers
homes in Berlin and Brandenberg“). Among the
attendees were neonazi cadres belonging to the
NPD Pankow and the NPD Berlin. In addition,
non-organized nazis from the Buch neighborhood and their social environment participated.
Uwe Meenen (NPD Pankow), a staffer of European parliament member Udo Voigt (NPD),
Christian Schmidt (NPD Pankow) and Jens I.
(NPD Lichtenberg) held speeches. About 100
people participated in the counter-protest with
the motto „refugees welcome in Buch and
Karow“ and marched in a short route through
the center of the Buch neighborhood. Source:
Berliner Zeitung, Netzwerk für Demokratie und
Respekt Buch-Karow
April 28, 2015 | Suspension of the use of playground for racist reasons In the proximity of
the Art Academy Berlin-Weißensee, about 400
meters from the refugee shelter in the Bühring
Street a private playground was closed to children from the shelter. Due to the „intensive use“
by the kids a barrier band was set up and the
children were told they could not play here because it was private property. Residents reported
that not complaints about noise were behind
the measure, but the presence of the children.
Source: taz vom 28. 04. 2015
pril 28, 2015 | III. Path leaflets in mailboxes
Over the course of the day residents in the Berlin-Buch neighborhood discovered leaflets of the
right-wing-extremist party III. Way“ i. a., with
the slogan „Asylmißbrauch stoppen" („Stop the
misuse of asylum“) in their mailboxes. Source:
albatros gGmbH
pril 29, 2015 | Racist E-mails to supporter
associations Over the course of the month April
several supporter associations of the loose welcome-network „Pankow helps!“ received racist
e-mails. I. a. it was spoken of „masses of humans
(…) of advancing Africans“ against whom Europe
had to „defend“ itself. It was also written of „culturally and religiously foreign Arabs and Blacks“
that are „led into our country“. At the same time,
statements from members of the right-wing populist party AfD were cited. The mails were signed
by different people. However, it is suspected that
one writer is behind these racist e-mails. Source:
Willkommensnetzwerk „Pankow Hilft!"
pril 30, 2015 | Homophobic insult In the
evening around 22:45 a security guardsmen
was called a „faggot“ at the subway station
Eberswalder Street after he tried to hold off
a drunk man that wanted to squeeze into the
overcrowded subway. Source: Register Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg
pril 30, 2015 | NPD leaflets in mailboxes In
the morning residents of the Blankenburg neighborhood discovered leaflets of the NPD with the
slogan „Sicherheit durch Recht und Ordnung"
(„Safety through Law and Order“)“) in their mail-
Pankower Register 2015
boxes. Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie
und Vielfalt
stroller. Source: ReachOut - Opferberatung vom
ay 2, 2015 | Insult of security guardsmen
of the Refugium Buch Around 23:30 o'clock
the security guardsmen of the refugee shelter
Refugium Buch were, i.a. insulted in a racist way.
Source: AWO Mitte
ay 4, 2015 | NPD stickers Over the course of
the day NPD stickers were found in Bleicheroder
Street in the Pankow neighborhood, i. a.,with
the slogans „Das Boot ist voll" („The boat is full“)
and „Natürlich Deutsch" („Of course German“).
Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen
Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
May 4, 2015 | Anti-refugee graffiti in Heinersdorf Over the course of the day in the Heinersdorf neighborhood an anti-refugee graffiti
with the slogan „Nein zum Heim" („No to the
shelter“) was discovered. Source:
ay 4, 2015 | NPD sticker Over the course of
the day in the Heinersdorf neighborhood several stickers of the NPD, i. a., with the slogans
“Stoppt den US-Terror" („Stop the US terror“),
„Heimreise statt Einreise" („Homeward journey
instead of entry“) and „Mehr Geld für Oma statt
für Sinti und Roma" („More money for grandma
instead of Sinti and Roma“) as well as stickers
from the youth organization Young National
Democrats (JN) were discovered and removed.
May 4, 2015 | Insult and attack of security
guardsmen of the Refugium Buch In the night
from the 3rd to the 4th of May three persons
were shaking the fence of the refugee shelter
in Berlin-Buch. The alarmed security guardsmen
at the scene were insulted, i. a., in a racist way
and were grappled through the fence. When the
police arrived the offenders had already disappeared. Source: AWO Mitte
May 4, 2015 | Racist insult and attack Around
15:00 o'clock a family with a one-year old children were insulted in a racist way by a 47-year
old women and a 47-year old men in the Heyn
Street. The woman was pushed so heavily
that her kid slipped through her arms into the
ay 4, 2015 | Racist rumor in Berlin-Buch
In the neighborhood of Berlin-Buch the rumor
that a supermarket chain hat to close their store
at the Schlosspassage at the previous weekends at some times because refugees stole and
consumed food and drinks was spread following May 4. The rumor held on for a time and
was spread also on the Facebook page „Kein
Asylanten - Container Dorf in Buch" („No asylum-seekers container village in Buch“ where
racist comments were articulated openly. Three
days later the management of the store issued
a statement saying that the rumor was not true.
Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen
Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
ay 5, 2015 | NPD stickers Over the course
of the day residents in the Französisch Buchholz
neighborhood discovered leaflets of the NPD
with the Slogan „Sicherheit durch Recht und
Ordnung" („ („Safety through Law and Order“)“)
in their mailboxes. Source: [moskito] Fach- und
Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für
Demokratie und Vielfalt
ay 5, 2015 | NPD stickers on a showcase in
Karow Over the course of the day NPD stickers
were discovered on the showcase of the neighborhood center at the tower. Source: albatros
May 7, 2015 | Raid of apartments of members of a right-wing extremist music band In
the early morning around 06:00 o'clock police
officers searched several objects in Berlin. They
were investigating four men of the right-wing
extremist scene that were under suspicion to
have produced music with content containing
incitement of the people. The three main accused were members of the neonazi hip-hop
formation „A3Stus". In their songs, i. a.,, hatred
against Jews is propagated. In one song lien it
says: „The protocols are written, nothing is real
anymore. The wise men of Zion had their way.
We must stand together against the pest“. In the
district of Pankow one object in the Kastanienallee in Prenzlauer Berg as well as a clubhouse
in the Schönerlinder Street in the neighborhood
of Berlin-Buch. Further raids were conducted in
the Dierhagener Street in Hohenschönhausen, in
the Orion Street in Bernau, also raided was one
object in Velten (Oberhavel) and one in Wandlitz. The police found extensive evidence, for
instance 113 CDs and two PC-towers that were
confiscated for further analysis. Additionaly, the
police confiscated a throwing knife, a not-registered air-gun and a not-registered air-pistol,
forbidden pyrotechnics and three ampule's that
apparently contained amphetamines. Source:
Berliner Zeitung vom 07.05.2015, Pressemitteilung der Polizei vom 07.05.2015
May 7, 2015 | Ignition of pyrotechnics in the
proximity of the Refugium Buch A resident
and two security guards of the refugee shelter
in Berlin-Buch heard several lout cracking noises
that were described as „noises typical of New
Years eve“ and alarmed the police. While the
noises the two securities saw two men and a
little later three men on Karower Chaussee. The
called police could not investigate any traces of
the offense at the scene. Source: Pressemitteilung
der Polizei vom 07.05.2015
ay 8, 2015 | NPD assembly in front of Soviet
memorial In the afternoon in the time period between 14:00 and 15:00 o'clock the NPD
Pankow KV8 held an assembly in front of the soviet memorial in Berlin-Buch. It was registered
using the motto „70 Jahre Befreiungslüge"( „70
years of the liberation lie“). Todays neonazist
view of history was expressed. Banners with slogans like„Nun halten wir die Wacht für euch!
Nationalistische Jugend Berlin" („Now we on
watch for you! Nationalist Youth Berlin“) as well
as "08. Mai 1945 Wir feiern nicht - Deutsche
befreit Euch, denn Wahrheit macht frei" („8th
of May 1945: We are not celebrating – Germant
free yourself, because truth makes free“) were
displayed. In addition to this, a war flag of the
Reich in the colors black-white-red was waved.
About ten neonazis were attending, mainly
from the Buch neighborhood and a few from
the citywide NPD Berlin. Speakers included
the Head of NPD Berlin Sebastian Schmidtke.
The assembly had no resonance in the population. 150 residents of the Buch neighborhood
participated in a commemoration assembly for
the liberation from National Socialism at 17:00
o'clock. Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie
und Vielfalt
May 9, 2015 | Insult of a security guardsmen of
the Refugium Buch In the night from the 9th to
the 10th of May a group of people, consisting of
five people approached the refugee shelter. From
the group security guardsmen were insulted as
„Scheiß Kanake" (shitty wog“) and otherwise offended multiple times. Source: AWO Mitte
ay 13, 2015 | Racist e-mails to supportM
er associations Over the course of the day
several supporter-associations of the loose
welcome-network „Pankow Hilft!“ („Pankow
helps!“) received again racist e-mails. In a racist
way it was lamented why Germany was taking
in Muslims and it was speculated about a „collapse“ of social security system in the case that
„so many million uneducated Arabs and Blacks“
would get asylum. Source: Willkommens­netzwerk
"Pankow Hilft!"
ay 13, 2015 | Racist flyers On the afternoon
flyers with the title „Kanaken raus!" („wogs
out!“) on lamp posts surrounding the S-bahn
train station in the Blankenburg neighborhood
were discovered and removed. Source: [moskito]
Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
ay 13, 2015 | NPD stickers Around noon
isolated NPD stickers, i. a., with the slogan
„Nicht nur Bäume haben Wurzeln. Auch Menschen brauchen Heimat" (Not only trees have
roots. People as well need a home“) were discovered and removed. Source: [moskito] Fachund Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für
Demokratie und Vielfalt
ay 17, 2015 | Racist attack in Weißensee
In the evening two young men were attacked
in a racist way by a 31-year old. Around 21:20
o'clock the offender went after the aggrieved
party at the Tram stop Buschallee. He threw a
jacket on one and subsequently hit him with the
flat hand into his face. While doing so he made
racist statements. In the following the offender
went to the other side of the street and hit a
second person suddenly into the neck and kicked
the person with his feet in the shoulder area.
Here as well the offender made racist statements.
The police arrested the offender at the Tram stop
Falkenberger Chaussee and began with investigations. Source: Tagesspiegel vom 18.05.2015
Pankower Register 2015
ay 19, 2015 | Racist insult and throwing
of brick stones Three 30-, 44, and 53-year old
men were offended in a racist way and had two
brick stones thrown their way around 16:30
o'clock in the Brixener Street by two unidentified people. Source: ReachOut - Opferberatung
vom 19.05.2015
ay 19, 2015 | NPD flyers On the later afM
ternoon in the Pankow neighborhood, among
others in the Galenus Street and in the proximity
of the S-bahn train station isolated NPD flyers
with the slogan „Grenzen dicht! Asylbetrüger
raus!" („Close the borders! Asylum betrayers
out!“) were discovered and removed. Source:
[moskito] Fach- und Netzwerk­stelle gegen Rechts­
extremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
ay 21, 2015 | NPD info stall in NiederM
schönhausen In the afternoon the NPD conducted an info stall in the Niederschönhausen
neighborhood. Six to ten neonazis stood at the
corner Hermann-Hesse Street/Wald Street and
distributed right-wing extremist propaganda.
They were picked up by a VW van when they
left the scene. Source: Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
ay 24, 2015 | Insult and attempted attack
after commemoration assembly On their way
from a commemoration assembly in Berlin-Buch
two attendees were insulted with, i. a., the words
„Du alte linke Sau" („You old left pig“) and subsequently pushed. The attacked could not cause
any damaged due to his alcoholized condition
and could be pushed back. Source: Netzwerk für
Demokratie und Respekt Buch-Karow
ay 24, 2015 | Disruption and threatening of
the commemoration assembly for Dieter Eich
During the assembly for the commemoration of
Dieter Eich in the Berlin-Buch neighborhood,
which was attended by 60 people, a disruption
was caused by a 50- to 60-year old man. When
attendees wanted to go back to the S-bahn train
station Buch a group of six neonazis, among others, Christian S. photographed and mobbed the
attendees from two sides. Source: Netz­werk für
Demokratie und Respekt Buch-Karow, EAG
May 29, 2015 | NPD propaganda at the fence In
the later afternoon a resident of the Berlin-Buch
neighborhood discovered a NPD-membership
form that was attached to a fence. At the same
time, the „Fest of neighbors“ took place in the
Citizen House of Buch. Source: [moskito] Fachund Netz­werkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für
Demokratie und Vielfalt
June 2, 2015 | Neonazist stickers on SPD district office (1) In the morning staffers of the District office of the SPD Pankow discovered stickers from the youth organization of the NPD, the
Young National Democrats (JN) at the window
glass. Source: SPD Pankow (Kreisgeschäftsstelle)
June 2, 2015 | leaflets in mailboxes In the afternoon residents of the Pankow neighborhood discovered leaflets of the NPD, i. a., with the slogan
„D-Mark statt Euro-Pleite" („D-Mark instead of
Euro-crash“) in their mailboxes. Source: [moskito]
Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
June 2, 2015 | NPD stickers Around noon at
12:00 o'clock isolated NPD stickers were discovered between Berliner Street and the S-bahn
train and subway station Pankow were discovered and removed. Source: [moskito] Fach- und
Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für
Demokratie und Vielfalt
J une 3, 2015 | Neonazist graffiti in Berlin-Buch
In the night from the 2nd to the 3rd of June
two graffiti with the slogans „Fuck Antifa“ were
sprayed in the neighborhood Berlin-Buch. One
Graffiti was sprayed to the childrens Club „The
cube“, another was found at the Buch Citizen House. Source: Netzwerk Spiel/Kultur e.V.,
Bürgeramt Pankow
J une 4, 2015 | Racist scribbling in Berlin-Buch
In the afternoon around 15:30 o'clock a scribbling with the slogan „Nein zum Heim" („No
to the shelter“) was discovered on the wall of
a retail store chain in the Bruno-Apitz Street in
the Berlin-Buch neighborhood. Employees of
the store were informed about it. Source: DIE
LINKE. Pankow
June 5, 2015 | Neonazi attack in Berlin-Buch
Around 21:00 o'clock a 32-year old woman
was beaten by a neonazi in the Franz-Schmidt
Street in Berlin-Buch. The 32-year old woman
had asked the neonazi, who was accompanied
by a woman, to stop photographing people in
the Café of the citizens center. Source: ReachOut
- Opferberatung
J une 9, 2015 | Racist attack on taxi-driver A
taxi driver was insulted in a racist way and then
beaten in the night from the 9th to the 10th of
June. According to the testimony of the 66-year
old driver he all of a sudden received a punch
at the heard from and was insulted in a racist
way from a passenger when he reached the
apparent destination of the ride. The offender
escaped without paying the fare. The taxi-driver
suffered small head-injuries. The police is investigating. Source: Pressemitteilung der Polizei vom
10.06.2015, Berliner Zeitung
J une 10, 2015 | Threatening of assembly
partici­pants In the evening about six Neonazis
(among others, Christian Schmidt) have photographed the arrival of participants of an event
in the Buch Citizen House dealt with the neonazi situation in Berlin-Buch. In the following the
heavily alcoholized neonazis sat down directly in
front of the Buch Citizen House. One participant
pressed charges with the police that arrived 50
minutes after being called for photographing him.
Christian Schmidt filed a counter-charge in reaction to this. Source: Bündnis “Gemeinsam gegen
J une 11, 2015 | Attack on festival preparation In the evening around 20:30 four neonazis
threatened people preparing the festival „vosifa“ in the Berlin-Buch neighborhood. First, the
offenders photographed all people at the scene
and yelled at them. They, however, did not answer the provocations of the neonazis. Then, a
neonazi threw a bottle which caused hand-tohand fighting. The alarmed police took the personal information of the people preparing the
festival. Source: vosifa
June 12, 2015 | Pro Germany leaflets in mailboxes In the afternoon residents discovered
Pro Germany flyer, i. a., with the slogan „Aslymißbrauch stoppen" („Stop the misuse of asylum“) in their mailboxes. Source: SPD Pankow
June 12, 2015 | Threatening of festival participants In the evening around 20:00 o'clock
groups of participants who had attended the
youth festival „vosifa“ were again and again
threatened by a group of neonazis when they left
the area. The group of offenders photographed
smaller groups on their way home, escorted
them into the S-bahn train, mobbed them and
then left at the S-bahn station Karow. The group
of offenders then drove back to the S-bahn station Buch and again threatened smaller groups
on their way home. The group consisted of five
to six men. Source: SPD Pankow
J une 13, 2015 | Strassenfeger-vendor mobbed
in the subway In the evening around 20:45
o'clock in the S-bahn train line 2, shortly before
arriving at Schönhauser Allee station, a vendor
of the Strassenfeger magazine was mobbed repeatedly by a young man. Among others the
words „Get out, you stink“ were articulated. The
offender only stopped when asked by another
passenger to stop the mobbing. Source: [moskito]
Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
J une 13, 2015 | Threatening of festival participants In the evening festival participants who
were threatened and mobbed on their way home
were threatened by neonazis at the S-bahn train
station Berlin-Buch. When a small group came to
the platform, Christan S. who was already on the
platform, start calling people on the phone. As a
result three to four other Neonazis armed with
gloves and bottles arrived and starting mobbing
the group. The offenders entered the S-bahn
train together with the group and left it at the
Blankenburg station. Source: vosifa
J une 13, 2015 | Insult and „Hitler salute“ near
a rally Near an antifascist rally a heavily drunk
man between the age of 50 and 55 mobbed
participants and showed the „Hitler salute“.
Three to four other, heavily alcoholized men of
the same age joined him and also started mobbing. The police pushed them away and escorted
them out of sight. Source: [moskito] Fach- und
Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für
Demokratie und Respekt.
J une 13, 2015 | Pro Germany assembly at
Storkower Street In the afternoon around 15:00
o'clock the right-wing populist party „Pro Germany“ held an assembly with five participants.
The party wanted to protest against the newly
created refugee shelter and conduct a „citizens
hearing“. The Head of the Party Manfred Rouhs
and the District Heard for Pankow Bento Moto-
Pankower Register 2015
pa held speeches. The assembly in the Storkower
Street was called off due to strong rain after half
an hour and had no resonance with the local
population. About sixty people participated in
a counter-protest. Source: Willkommensnetzwerk
„Pankow hilft!"
June 13, 2015 | NPD stickers Over the course
of the day several NPD stickers where discovered
and removed in the Heinersdorf neighborhood.
The stickers were carrying, i. a., the slogans „Mehr
Geld für Oma statt für Sinti und Roma" („More
money for grandma instead of Sinti and Roma“),
„Heimreise statt Einreise" („Homeward journey
instead of entry“) and „Asylflut stoppen“ („Stop
the asylum flood“). Source:
J une 13, 2015 | NPD stickers Over the course of
the day isolated NPD stickers, i. a., with the slogan „Asylflut stoppen“ („Stop the asylum flood“)
and „Inländerfreundlichkeit" („Native friendly“)
were discovered and removed in the Berlin-Buch
neighborhood. Source:
J une 13, 2015 | Racist bawling at the fence
of Refugium Buch In the night from between
22:00 o'clock and 03:00 o'clock repeated racist
brawling happened at the fence of the refugee
shelter in Berlin-Buch. Source: AWO Mitte
J une 14, 2015 | NPD leaflets in mailboxes
Over the course of the weekend residents in the
Karow neighborhood discovered NPD leaflets, i.
a., with the slogan „Sicherheit durch Recht und
Ordnung" („Safety through Law and Order“) in
their mailboxes. Source: SPD Pankow
J une 14, 2015 | Pro Germany leaflets in mailboxes Over the course of the weekend residents
in the Berlin-Buch neighborhood discovered
leaflets of the right-wing populist party „Pro
Germany“, i. a., with the slogan „Asylmissbrauch
stoppen!" („Stop the misuse of asylum!“) in their
mailboxes. Source: albatros gGmbH
J une 14, 2015 | NPD leaflets in mailboxes
Over the course of the weekend residents of the
Hanns-Eisler Street in the Prenzlauerberg neighborhood discovered NPD leaflets, i. a., with the
slogan „Nein zu Asylmißbrauch" („No to the misuse of asylum“) in their mailboxes. Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netz­werkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
J une 16, 2015 | Antiziganist incident in
Pankow A man from Romania went to the
Sparkasse bank branch in Pankow to open an
account. He had insufficient knowledge of German, which is why he was accompanied by a
German supporter. First, the Sparkasse employee
claimed that because of his insufficient knowledge of German he could not understand the
details of the contract. When the supporter said
that she could translate she was asked whether
she was a sworn-in translator. In the meantime
the employee asked other employees of the bank
two times how she should react. Then, the man
and his supporter were asked for their ID. With
the ID the bank employee went to the branch
manager. Then, the branch manager explained
to them that the Berliner Sparkasse generally did
not accept Romanian IDs because they have been
betrayed with them in the past. Romanian ID's
were deemed not forgery-proof. Reacting to the
supporter saying that this is discrimination the
branch manager said it was not racist because he
would accept Romanian passports. In a later call
to the Sparkasse hotline the supporter was told
there is no general rule regarding the non-acceptance of Romanian ID's. Source: Amaroforo e.V.
J une 16, 2015 | Arrest for scribbling of rightwing extremist symbols Around noon a man
was temporarily arrested in the Pankow neighborhood because he was suspected legitimately
to have scribbled several unconstitutional and
islamophobic slogans on a bus shelter and to
have placed stickers with right-wing content to
several other bush stops. Preceding the arrest
was an observation which happened at around
12:00 o'clock in the Wollank Street. Furthermore, the 50-year old man is suspected and has
partly confessed to have committed 118 politically motivated criminal offenses over the course
of several years, including the use of the symbols
of unconstitutional organizations, incitement of
the people and property damage through the
spraying of forbidden national socialist symbols.
Investigators of the department to combat rightwing extremist offenses obtained a court-order
to raid the apartment of the arrested in Mariendorf and confiscated evidence in the form of
several hundred stickers with right-wing motivated contents. After being processed for identification, which includes the taking of fingerprints and pictures, the man was let go. Source:
Pressemitteilung der Polizei vom 17.06.2015
J une 17, 2015 | Right-wing extremist band
T-shirt A man with the band T-shirt of the group
„Screwdriver“ crossed the Prenzlauer Allee/corner Ostsee Street with his dog. The singer of the
band is seen, i. a., as a founder of the right-wing
extremist music network „Blood and Honour“.
Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen
Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Respekt
J une 18, 2015 | Neonazist „cleaning action
in Berlin-Buch (2) Over the course of the day
several neonazis carried out a „cleaning action
in Berlin-Buch. According to their own statement on the Facebook page of the NPD Pankow
KV8 they wanted to clean „the brown heart of
Berlin“ from „leftist propaganda“ and „skeevy
leftists stickers and graffiti“. Source: [moskito]
Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
Das war erst der Anfang! Widerstand jetzt"
(„Robin Hood. This was only the beginning! Resistance now!“) was sprayed on a nearby wall.
Source: Karow Live
J une 18, 2015 | Anti-Antifa Sticker at the
JUP Over the course of the day staffers from
the „Independent Youth Center Pankow – JUP
e.V.“ discovered a neonazist sticker with the slogan „Destroy antifa groups“ at their door and
removed it. Source: JUP e.V.
J une 23, 2015 | NPD and III. Path stickers In
the later afternoon several stickers of the NPD,
i. a., with the slogan „Heimreise statt Einreise"
(„Homeward journey instead of entry“), and
from the right-wing extremist party „III. Path“,
i. a., with the slogan „Asylmißbrauch stoppen!"
(„Stop the misuse of asylum!“) were discovered
and removed on Breite Street in the Pankow
neighborhood. Source: [moskito] Fach- und
Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für
Demokratie und Vielfalt
J une 24, 2015 | NPD info stall in Wilhelmsruh
An info stall of the NPD was conducted in the
Wilhelmsruh neighborhood near the S-bahn train
station in the morning between 10:00 and 12:00
o'clock. All in all about six neonazis manned the
stand, they were supported by Jens from the
NPD-Lichtenberg. Source: [moskito] Fach- und
Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechts­extremismus, für
Demokratie und Vielfalt
J une 27, 2015 | Swastika graffiti at Schlosspark gate Over the course of the day a swastika
graffiti was discovered at the main door of the
Schlosspark Buch. Also, the slogan „Robin Hood.
J une 29, 2015 | NPD stickers on SPD citizens
office In the morning staffers of an SPD citizens
office in the Karow neighborhood discovered
NPD stickers, i. a., with the slogan „Arbeit –
Freiheit – Vaterland" („Work – Freedom – Fatherland“). Source: Bürgerbüro Rainer-Michael
Lehmann (SPD)
J une 30, 2015 | NPD assembly in Berlin-Buch
In the afternoon from 16:00 o'clock on the NPD
held an assembly with the motto „Freedom of
expression also for Germans – Stop professional
bans!“) in front of a retail chain store in the Bruno-Apitz Street. About 20 participants showed
up, Sebastian Schmidtke (Head of the NPD Berlin), Christian Schmidt (District head of the NPD
Pankow) and Jens Irgang (NPD Lichtenberg) held
speeches. After roughly two hours the assembly
ended. Source: [moskito] Fach – und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie
und Vielfalt
J une 30, 2015 | Neonazist stickers on an SPD
District office (2) In the morning staffers of the
District office of the SPD Pankow discovered
stickers from the „Free Forces Neukölln“ next
to the office door. Source: SPD Pankow (Kreisgeschäftsstelle)
July 1, 2015 | Racist attack in Weißensee In
the morning a family of four became victim of a
racist attack. According to their testimony, the
four were on their way to their accommodation
when they stopped at the red pedestrian light
Buschalle/corner Hansa Street. All of a sudden
five men stormed from a nearby Café towards
the family yelling racist slogans. Without apparent reason the attackers beat the 42-year old
father and his 41-year old wife. The eleven-year
old daughter also received a punch. The two
adults suffered graze wounds from the assault,
the girl left the incident with a bruise. One of
the offenders grabbed a breast-wallet with a bit
cash, a mobile phone and personal documents.
The offenders escaped into a small restaurant
where two of them were arrested by alarmed
policemen. The 24- and 36-year old men were
handed over to the intelligence services of the
Pankower Register 2015
State Office of Criminal Investigation. The other
unidentified could escape. Source: Pressemitteilung der Polizei vom 01.07.2015, Tagesspiegel vom
J uly 3, 2015 | NPD leaflets in mailboxes Over
the course of the day residents of the Karow
neighborhood discovered leaflet of the NPD, i.
a., with the slogan „Sicherheit durch Recht und
Ordnung" („ („Safety through Law and Order“)!“)
in their mailboxes. Source: albatros gGmbH,
[moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
J uly 5, 2015 | Attack on homeless person In
the evening around 19:30 o'clock homeless people were attacked in the Prenzlauer Berg neighborhood. In the proximity of the S-bahn train
station Storkower Street two heavily drunk men
approached the homeless. First, the aggrieved
party was mobbed, then insulted. Then, the offenders tried to threaten them. In the end the
offenders sprayed pepper-spray in the direction
of the aggrieved party and tried to throw a beer
bottle towards them. In a brawl one offender,
who was wearing a heavy ring, tried to hit one
victim with a punch. That was only partly successful. The offender then tried to choke one
victim and put them in a choke hold. The victim
could fend this off and the attackers left the area.
Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen
Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
July 6, 2015 | Identity-ists leaflet and scratched
window glasses at the office of a Representative from DIE LINKe Berlin Over the course
of the day staffers of the office of the Representatives Breitenbach, Möller, Wolf (DIE LINKE
Berlin) discovered leaflets of the „Identity-ists“ in
the mailbox. Six days before the window glasses
were deliberately scratched by unidentified offenders. The intelligence services of the police
are investigating. Source: Abgeordnetenbüro Breitenbach, Möller, Wolf (DIE LINKE Berlin)
July 13, 2015 | JN stickers Over the course of
the day residents of the Karow neighborhood
discovered stickers of the Young National Democrats (JN) in front of the Rober-Haveman high
school. Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie
und Vielfalt
July 14, 2015 | Anti-Semitic statement In the
morning the audio tour „Jewish Histor(ies) in
Prenzlauer Berg“, developed by the „Working
group historical-political education“ (AKHiPoBil)
was presented to the public. Before the start of
the event an anti-Semitic statement of a passersby occured after he had read the leaflet of the
project when he asked members of the working
group whether they had already paid their taxes. When asking for clarification the man said:
„Well, Jews don't have to pay taxes in Germany
if they can prove up to the 10th generation that
their ancestors have experienced disadvantages
through the Holocaust“. Further he addresed the
two staffers saying: „You must be Jewish guessing
from the way you are trying to twist my words“.
He left with the word „You are a dumb Jew“.
Source: Recherche- und Informationsstelle Antisemitismus - RIAS
J uly 14, 2015 | „Black crosses“ in Berlin-Buch
and Karow In the evening residents in the Berlin-Buch and Karow neighborhood discovered
„black crosses“. Those „black crosses“ represent
an action of neonazis to point to alleged violence
of foreigners towards Germans. The police was
called and the crosses were taken away. Source:
SPD Pankow
J uly 15, 2015 | NPD leaflets and stickers in
Weißensee In the last days residents discovered
stickers and leaflets of the NPD with the slogan
„Sicherheit und Ordnung" („Safety and Order“)
in the Hansa Street and its surroundings. Stickers
of the NPD were also seen on posters of the police. Source: Familienzentrum Hansastraße
J uly 19, 2015 | Racist attack in Weißensee
Around 20:45 o'clock a 35-year old men was
first insulted in a racist way by a 46-year old
man and then beaten in the Bizet Street. Source:
ReachOut - Opferberatung
July 23, 2015 | „Hitler salute” next to a demonstration In the evening an antifascist demonstration to point to the racist attacks in the area
happened in Weißensee. At the height of the bar
„To the pasta wood“ a person showed a „Hitler
salute“ towards the participants of the rally and
then went into the bar. A group was watching the demonstration from the distance. One
person was wearing a T-shirt with the imprint
„­HoGeSa" („Hooligans gegen Salafisten“, „Hooligans against Salafists"). Source: Antifa Nordost
J uly 23, 2015 | Racist insult and threat next
to a demonstration During a demonstration in
Weißensee in the evening a participant pressed
charges with the police for racist insults and
threats. The 24-year old reported to officers
that he was at first insulted from two men from
the balcony of a house in the Buschallee. Later
he was threatened with a baseball bat by one of
the men. The policemen then checked the two
32- and 37-year old suspects. Apparently, they
were waiting for the reactions of the officers on
the sidewalk. According to first investigations
both were alcoholized. The officers confiscated
the baseball bat as evidence. The intelligence
service of the State Office of Criminal Investigation took over the investigation. According to
the Tagesspiegel the suspects are right-wing extremists from the spectre of the „Reich citizens“.
Source: Tagesspiegel, Pressemitteilung der Polizei
vom 24.07.2015
of the 28-year old. He could be arrested again
shortly after by officers from a police squadron.
The group continued their way to the stadium.
Shortly after called in officers also arrested the
37-year old for liberation of an arrested person
temporarily. Both men got a stadium ban and
were released after being processed for identification. The police is investigating for charges
of assault, insult and the liberation of prisoners.
The injured 48-year old was hospitalized. His
injuries made a surgery necessary. Source: taz,
Tagesspiegel, Pressemitteilung der Polizei vom
J uly 23, 2015 | NPD stickers Over the course
of the day NPD stickers, i. a., with the slogan
"Heimreise statt Einreise" („Homeward journey
instead of entry!“) were discovered in the Buch
neighborhood. Source: albatros gGmbH
J uly 24, 2015 | Homophobic attack after a soccer game Next to a soccer game in Prenzlauer
Berg in the evening an incident happened where
a homosexual couple was first insulted and then
seriously injured. According to hitherto existing
knowledge the two 37- and 48-year old men
were walking the sidewalk on Schönhauser Allee at 18:25 o'clock holding hands. Here, they
encountered a group of around 20 people that
were walking into the other direction. It was
partly wearing fan-clothing and on their way to
a soccer game at Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn stadium.
From the group the couple was insulted by a 28year old. Shortly after he hit repeatedly punched
the face of the 48-year old so he was seriously
injured. In the meantime his partner ran towards
police officers who were registering a car crash in
the vicinity of the event and called for help. The
alarmed police officers moved in, temporarily
arrested the 28-year old and alarmed the firefighters. Then, a 37-year old friend of the arrested pulled him from the officers and pushed them
aside, which resulted in the temporarily escape
July 24, 2015 | Racist attack in a snack bar In
the night one man that remained unidentified
rioted in front of a snack bar in the Prenzlauer Berg neighborhood and insulted the owner
with racist slogans. After hitherto existing investigations, the man had previously misbehaved
at around 22:00 o'clock in a nearby bar in the
Greifswalder Street. According to witnesses he
threw a bottle through the room, wanted to
steal another bottle and hit the arm of a 28-year
old employee. The unidentified, who was described as alcoholized and as wearing „BFC Dynamo“ fan clothing, then left the bar and started
to insult the 46-year old owner of the snack
bar in a racist way. In the course of the rioting
is accused of having thrown stools in direction
of the window glasses and into the direction of
the own and his employees. While doing so he
is reported to have hurt hist hand lightly. After
kicks against the window glasses were also not
sucessful, the rioter reportedly collected stones
from the track bed of the tram and threw it at
the snack bar. This caused damage at the glasses
of the front door. Expressing further racist insults
and the threat to „burn down“ the bar the suspect sould fled before the arrival of the police.
The police is investigating. Source: Tagesspiegel,
Pressemitteilung der Polizei vom 25.07.2015
July 26, 2015 | Racist insult and threat A 27year old woman was harassed, insulted and
threatened in a racist way around 19:30 o'clock
in the Prenzlauer Berg neighborhood. While she
was eating food she had brought, three men approached her, sat down next to her and started
their tirade. The attacked ultimately fled un-injured and escaped the offenders. The police is
investigating. Source: Pressemitteilung der Polizei
vom 27.07.2015
Pankower Register 2015
J uly 28, 2015 | NPD stickers Over the course
of the day NPD stickers were discovered in the
Karow neighborhood. Source: [moskito] Fachund Netz­werkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus,
für Demokratie und Vielfalt
J uly 29, 2015 | NPD leaflets in mailboxes Over
the course of the day residents of the Weißensee neighborhood discovered leaflets of the
NPD with the slogan „Sicherheit durch Recht
und Ordnung" („Safety through Law and Order“)
in their mailboxes. Source: [moskito] Fach- und
Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechts­extremismus, für
Demokratie und Vielfalt
the proximity of the S-bahn train station Schönhauser Allee in the Prenzlauerberg neighborhood
and removed. Source: EAG
July 31, 2015 | Racist notes in mailboxes Over
the course of the morning residents discovered
isolated notes with racist content on and in their
mailboxes. They were speaking of an „Asylumseeker-lobby“, „prosperity aspirants“ and „asylum-liars“ and that the rising number of refugees
represents a „foreign infiltration“. In the last
paragraph it was allegedl that refugees are getting too much money because the amount they
receive have been approximated the amount of
Hartz-IV benefits. Source: albatros gGmbH
ugust 1, 2015 | Bomb threat in Refugee
shelter Around 15:00 o'clock an unidentified
person called the refugee shelter in the Pankow
neighborhood and threatened to bring a bomb
into the shelter. The police investigated. Source:
Schriftliche Anfrage Abgeordnetenhaus Berlin
Drucksache 17/ 17661 vom 15.01.2016
August 3, 2015 | Anti-Semitic stickers In the
night from the 2nd to the 3rd of August different
stickers with right-wing extremist content were
discovered in the Greifswalder Street in the Prenzlauerberg neighborhood and removed. On sticker motive pictured sheep with long noses. The
sheep have a black hat and long temple locks. It
also included the writing „Jews dumb“ and „Israel
dumb“. Also, an anti-antifa sticker with the slogan
„Antifa-action: suicide against nazis“ was discovered. In addition to this, a few stickers carried the
slogan „Warum redet ihr von Nazis, ihr Meinungsfaschisten" („Why are you talking about nazis, you
opinion-fasicsts“). Source: Antifa Nordost
ugust 4, 2015 | Anti-Antifa sticker Over the
course of the day several stickers with the slogan
„Love Football - Hate Antifa" were discovered in
ugust 4, 2015 | Right-wing extremist stickA
ers Over the course of the day residents in the
Mühlen Street and the Berliner Street in the
Pankow neighborhood discovered stickers of
the „Movement new order“ and removed them.
Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen
Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
ugust 5, 2015 | Racist graffiti in Pankow
At noon around 13:00 o'clock a racist graffiti
with the slogan „Asylanten go home" („asylum-seekers go home“) was discovered at the
corner Brenner Street/Schönhauser Alle in the
Pankow neighborhood. According to the police
around 14:00 o'clock a graffiti with the same
content in the Berliner Street and around 18:45
o'clock another on the facade of a house in the
Mühlen Street was discovered and reported.
All three graffiti were written with red paint.
Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen
Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt;
Pressemitteilung der Polizei vom 06.08.2015
August 6, 2015 | Racist graffiti at JUP In the
morning residents of the Pankow neighborhood
discovered that that the slogan „Not Refugees“
was sprayed on the independent Youth Club JUP
in the Flora Street. Source: JUP e.V.
ugust 7, 2015 | Racist attack at the S-bahn
train station Pankow In the night a racist attack happened in the Pankow neighborhood.
According to the police a 33-year old Maroccan
was approached at around 22:10 o'clock from a
group and was asked whether he spoke English.
When he denied and said he only spoke Arabic
his opponent is reported to have said exactly this:
„Get out you shitty Arab, out of our country!“.
Then, the insulted wanted to confront him, in
German. The suspect then started to attack the
33-year old with punches and kicks. Even though
the attacked could sidestep the attack at first he
was injured lightly. Another man from the group
could pull the man away. While the suspect
went to the next bar with his buddies the young
Moroccan alarmed the police. When it arrived
the suspect flew. The State Office of Criminal Investigation is investigating. Source: Tagesspiegel,
Pressemitteilung der Polizei vom 08.08.2015
ugust 12, 2015 | Refugee-supporter atA
tacked while handing out leaflets In the night
three men have attacked a refugee-supporter
at around 01:00 o'clock. The 19-year old distributed together with companions leaflets with
pictures of suspected refugee-shelter opponents
into the mailboxes of apartment houses in the
Walter-Friedrichs Street as the police reported.
While doing so he was pushed to the ground
and held there by three men known to the police. His companions withdrew from the scene
and called the police. The officers took hold of
the three thugs and charged them with serious
assault. But investigations are also under way
against the activist who was lightly injured at his
arm. Because the leaflet contained the faces of
suspected refugee-shelter opponents, a violation
of the copyright law could be charged. Source:
Morgenpost vom 12.08.2015, Pressemitteilung
der Polizei vom 12.08.2015
August 17, 2015 | Swastika and SS-runes at
the S-bahn train station Pankow Over the
course of the day swastikas and ss-runes were
discovered on the advertisement walls inside the
S-bahn train station Pankow. They were painted
with a marker with gold color. Source: EAG
ugust 17, 2015 | NPD stickers Over the course
of the day residents of the Karow neighborhood
discovered NPD stickers and removed them.
The stickers were carrying, i. a., the slogan „Das
Boot ist voll" („The boat is full“), „Geld für Oma
statt für Sinti und Roma" („Money for grandma
instead of for Sinti and Roma“), „US Bombenterror" („US bombing terror“) or „Asylflut stoppen" („Stop the asylum flood“). Source: [moskito]
Fach- und Netz­werkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
attacked and hurt with a racist motivation by
an unitentified man shortly after the stop Prenzlauer Allee in the Tram line M2. Just when the
34-year old went to stay between the two the
man stopped kicking. Source: ReachOut - Opferberatung vom 18.08.2015
August 17, 2015 | Rassistischer Angriff in Tram
M2 Gegen 23:30 Uhr wird eine 39-jährige Frau,
die in Begleitung einer 34-jährigen Freundin ist,
kurz nach der Haltestelle Prenzlauer Allee in
der Tramlinie M2 aus rassistischer Motivation
von einem unbekannten Mann angegriffen und
verletzt. Erst als die 34-Jährige sich dazwischen
stellt, hört der Mann auf zu treten. Source:
ReachOut - Opferberatung vom 18.08.2015
ugust 17, 2015 | Racist attack in Tram M2
At around 23:30 o'clock a 39-year old women,
accompanied by a 34-year old female friend was
ugust 18, 2015 | Rassistischer Angriff in Tram
M2 Gegen 23:30 Uhr wurde eine 39-jährige
Frau, die in Begleitung einer 34-jährigen Freundin ist, kurz nach der Haltestelle Prenzlauer Allee
in der Tramlinie M2 aus rassistischer Motivation
von einem unbekannten Mann angegriffen und
verletzt. Erst als die 34-Jährige sich dazwischen
stellte, hörte der Mann auf zu treten. Source:
ReachOut - Opferberatung vom 18.08.2015
August 20, 2015 | NPD info stall in Berlin-Buch
Over the course of the day the NPD conducted an info stall at the corner Wiltberg Street/
Walter-Friedrich Street in Berlin-Buch. Racist
propaganda against refugees was distributed.
Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen
Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
ugst 21, 2015 | III. Path sticker discovered
and removed Over the course of the day residents in the Pankow neighborhood discovered
stickers of the small right-wing extremist party
„III. Path“ and removed them. The stickers were
found in the Berliner Street and in the adjoining streets and were carrying, i. a., the slogan
„Kriminelle Ausländer raus" („Criminal foreigners
out“). Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie
und Vielfalt
ugust 22, 2015 | Racist insult in Buch Two
security guardsmen of a refugee shelter were
insulted in the Buch neighborhood. According
to them, around 02:30 o'clock four men and
a woman demanded to use a path through the
property of the refugee shelter in the Groscurth
Street. When the two 23- and 27-year old security guardsmen refused this, they were insulted in
a racist way by the five people. The group could
leave the scene before the arrival of the police
without being identified. Source: Pressemitteilung der Polizei vom 22.08.2015
ugust 22, 2015 | Urinating on children In
the evening around 21:45 o'clock two men
entered the S-bahn ring train S41 at the sta-
Pankower Register 2015
tion Landsberger Allee in the Prenzlauer Berg
neighborhood. When they saw a small family
they expressed racist insults against the family.
Words like „Asylumseeker riffraff“, „master race“
and „Heil Hitler!“ were spoken. According to information from the federal police, the men demanded of the family to leave Germany immediately. Also, the „Hitler salute“ was displayed and
the family was spit at. Then, one of the offenders,
Christoph Sch. (32), took down his pants and
urinated on the children. Christoph Sch. is a neonazi from Neukölln who is known to the police
and has a criminal record. On August 3rd he
had participated in a Bärgida assembly where he
was noticed for aggressive behavior while being
in the company of neonazi-hooligans. Several
riders called the police. When the two men left
the train at the S-bahn station Frankfurter Allee
in the Friedrichshain neighborhood they were
arrested by federal police. An alcohol test of the
two men at the age of 32 and 37 showed they
had 1,79 and 2.31 per mill. They are being investigated for racist insults and assault. Source:
Tagesspiegel vom 25.08.2015, Berlin rechtsaußen
vom 31.08.2015, Thüringer Allgemeine Zeitung
vom 02.09.2015
August 23, 2015 | NPD stickers Over the course
of the day NPD stickers were discovered at the
S-bahn train station Pankow and removed. They
were carrying, i. a., the slogan "Asylflut stoppen"
(„Stop the asylum flood“).
August 23, 2015 | NPD stickers Over the course
of the day residents of the Karow neighborhood
discovered stickers of the NPD and removed
them. Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie
und Vielfalt
„Deutschland den Deutschen" („Germany for the
Germans“) and „Stefan, wir müssen kämpfen für
unser Land. Die müssen alle raus" („Stefan, we
need to fight for our land. They must all leave“).
Before they had assembled at a nearby late-night
shop. Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle
gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und
August 24, 2015 | Neonazist writing and swastika graffiti In the evening around 22:00 o'clock
a neonazist writing with the slogan „White Power“ and a swastika were discovered in an underpass between the Tram and the S-bahn train
station Greifswalder Street in the Prenzlauer Berg
neighborhood and then removed. Source: Antifa
ugust 26, 2015 | Racist slogans in the streets
Around 23:30 o'clock a group of four men ran
through the Berliner Street and was yelling racist
slogans like „Scheiß Kanaken" („Shitty wogs“),
August 26, 2015 | Right-wing extremist parol
through Blankenburg (1) Over the course of
the day neonazis patrolled through the Blankenburg neighborhood. In their self-proclaimed
„Hood-patrol for safety, law and order“ they
went to an abandoned building. In the future it
is planned that homeless people will live there,
which is interpreted by the neonazis as „Roma
and Sinti“. With their patrol they want to make
those people fear them. At the same time, they
put up stickers, i. a., with the slogan „Go Home
Kanacke" („Go home whog“) and put leaflets
into mailboxes, i. a.,with the slogan „Asylflut
stoppen" („Stop the asylum flood“) or „Sicherheit durch Recht und Ordnung" („Safety through
Law and Order“). Source: [moskito] Fach- und
Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für
Demokratie und Vielfalt
August 28, 2015 | Burglary at refugee shelter
In the Prenzlauer Berg neighborhood an unidentified person did break into a refugee shelter and
produced pictures of it. Source: Schriftliche Anfrage Abgeordnetenhaus Berlin Drucksache 17/
17661 vom 15.01.2016
August 29, 2015 | NPD stickers Over the course
of the day stickers of the right-wing extremist
party NPD were discovered in the Karow neighborhood and removed. Among other slogans
they contained the slogans „Kindergärten statt
Asylantenheime" („Kindergardens instead of asylum-seekers homes“), „Kriminalität bekämpfen,
Grenzen sichern" („Fight crime, secure the borders“), and „Asylflut stoppen" („Stop the asylum
flood“). Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie
und Vielfalt
ugust 29, 2015 | NPD assembly in front
of public pool Around noon between 12:00
and 14:00 o'clock the NPD Pankow KV8 held
an assembly in front of the public pool in the
Wolfshagener Street. The motive was to make a
statement against alleged „foreign infiltration“.
In 2013 the pool had to be evicted on one day
because of fighting between youths. The neonazis were interepreting this incident in a racist way
and took it as the occasion to hold an assembly
two years later. Thirteen neonazis followed the
call. Christian Schmidt (District head of the NPD
Pankow), Jens Irgang (NPD Lichtenberg) and
Aileen Rokohl (NPD Barnim-Uckermark) held
speeches. In addition, several neonazis from
the Berlin-Buch neighborhood participated in
the event. 120 protested in a counter-assembly following the motto „No hood for nazis“
against the present neonazis. Source: [moskito]
Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt, Antifa Nordost
vom 30.08.2015, Tagesspiegel vom 29.08.2015,
Prenzlberger Stimme vom 30.08.2015, Ost:Blog
vom 30.08.2015
ugust 30, 2015 | Right-wing extremist paA
trol through Blankenburg (2) Again right-wing
extremists patrolled through the Blankenburg
neighborhood over the course of the day. In their
self-proclaimed „Hood patrol for Safety, Law
and Order“ they moved again to an abandoned
building. In their self-proclamation it says they
want to „educate (…) about the illegal gypsy
house“. Among other things stickers withx the
slogan „Refugees not welcome“ were posted.
Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen
Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
asylum-seekers homes“) or „Geld für Oma statt
für Sinti und Roma" („Money for grandma instead of for Sinti and Roma“). Source: [moskito]
Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
ugust 30, 2015 | NPD poster Over the course
of the day a poster of the right-wing extremist
party NPD was discovered on a recycling glass
container in the Karow neighborhood. It was carrying the slogan „Wir arbeiten - Brüssel kassiert"
(„We are working – Brussels is cashing in“). Also,
stickers with the slogan „Nein zum Heim - wir
wollen keine Asylanten" („No to the shelter – we
don't want asylum-seekers“) were discovered.
Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netz­werkstelle gegen
Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
eptember 1, 2015 | NPD stickers Over the
course of the day stickers of the right-wing extremist party NPD were discovered in the Karow
neighborhood and removed. They were posted,
among other locations at the S-bahn train station
and for instance on several bus stops. The stickers were carrying, i. a., the slogans „Kindergärten
statt Asylantenheime" ('Kindergardens instead of
eptember 3, 2015 | III. Path leaflets in mailS
boxes Over the course of the day residents in the
Berlin-Buch neighborhood discovered leaflets of
the right-wing extremist party „III. Path“ in their
mailboxes. Among others they were carrying the
slogan „Aslymißbrauch stoppen" („Stop the misuse of asylum“). Source: albatros gGmbH
eptember 5, 2015 | NPD and neonazis stickS
ers Over the course of the last days severeal NPD
and neonazi stickers were found in the Karow
neighborhood and removed. Among others they
were carrying the slogan "Das Boot ist voll" („The
boat is full“), "Grenzen sichern" („Secure the borders“) or "Unseren Helden gedenken" („Commemorate our heroes“). Source: [moskito] Fachund Netz­werkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für
Demokratie und Vielfalt
eptember 6, 2015 | Homophobic insult and
beating In the morning around 07:00 o'clock
two men were first insulted and then beaten in
the Prenzlauer Berg neighborhood. According to
their testimony, they were walking the Bornholmer Street, holding hands when they were first
insulted in a homophobic way by four unidentified people. The two 43- and 53-year old men
did not answer the insults and tried to walk their
way. This, however, was not successful as the
group started to punch them. The older man suffered injuries in his face and on the shoulder. The
younger man's face was injured as well. In the
following the thugs apparently fled in direction
Pankow. Paramedics brought the two injured to
a hospital that they could leave again after an
ambulant treatment. The intelligence services of
the police have taken over investigations. Source:
Pressemitteilung der Polizei vom 06.09.2015
eptember 7, 2015 | NPD assembly in BlankS
enburg In the afternoon around 16:15 o'clock
about twelve neonazis on the intersection Krugstege/Bahnhof Street. Their assembly was directed against an abandoned building and future
acccomodation for homeless people, which they
interpreted as „Roma and Sinti“. They displayed
banners with the slogan „Einmal Deutschland
Pankower Register 2015
und zurück" („One time to Germany and back“)
and „Heute sind wir tolerant - morgen fremd im
eigenen Land" („Today we are tolerant – tomorrow we are foreign in our own land“). Jens Irgang
(NPD Lichtenberg) and Christian Schmidt (District head of the NPD Pankow KV8) and mainly
neonazis from Buch were attending. The assembly did not resonate with the local population
and was over after roughly one and a half hours.
Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen
Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
September 9, 2015 | NPD and neonazist stickers Over the course of the last days several stickers of the NPD, the „Identitiy-ists“ or „No to the
shelter“ stickers were discovered in the Karow
neighborhood and removed. Source: [moskito]
Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
eptember 9, 2015 | Right-wing clothing
brands On the Jürgen-Kuczinsky square in the
Weißensee neighborhood five men around the
age of 40 were seen. At least one of them was
wearing a Thor-Steinar shirt. Source: [moskito]
Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
eptember 10, 2015 | AfD info stall on the
Panke fest This weekend the Panke fest took
place in the Pankow neighborhood. The party
„Alternative for Germany“ was present with an
info stall and distributed their at times rightwing populist leaflets. Source: [moskito] Fachund Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für
Demokratie und Vielfalt
eptember 11, 2015 | Islamophobic graffiti In
the afternoon residents of the Weißensee neighborhood discovered an islamophobic scribbling
at the bus stop Buschallee/Hansa Street. The
scribbling was written with a black edding marker on the bus schedule and was well readable.
It consisted of the slogan „Islam raus“ („Islam
out“). Source: Haus der Jugend-Bunte Kuh e.V.
eptember 11, 2015 | NPD mailboxes action
In the morning residents from the Berlin-Buch
neighborhood discovered leaflets of the NPD in
their mailboxes, i. a.,with the slogan „Asylbetrug
macht uns arm" „Asylum betrayal is making us
poor“). Source: albatros gGmbH
September 11, 2015 | Kick in the S-bahn In
the night, around 001:00 o'clock at the S-bahn
station Schönhauser Allee, a neonazi kicked a
passenger, who was leaving the train, fiercely
against his shinbone with steel bar-reinforced
shoes. Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie
und Vielfalt
September 11, 2015 | Neonazi stickers Over
the course of the day neonazi stickers of the
NPD, i. a., with the slogan „Millionen zuerst
für das eigene Volk" („Spend millions first on
your own people“), the JN, i. a., with the slogan
„Sag was du denkst“ („Say what you think“),
the „III. Path“, i. a., with the slogan „Ausländer
raus" („Foreigners out“) as well ass „No to the
shelter“ and „Identity-ists“ were discovered and
removed. Source: www.hass­
September 12, 2015 | NPD stickers Over the
course of the day NPD stickers, i. a., with the
slogan „Millionen zuerst für das eigene Volk"
(„Spend millions first on your own people“)
were discovered and removed in the Heinersdorf
neighborhood. Source:
eptember 12, 2015 | Right-wing clothing on
firefighter fest During a firefighter fest in the
Pankow neighborhood a person wearing a T-shirt
of the right-wing rock band „Landser“ was seen.
Also, when the son of a person was praised on
the fest the following remark was made „Most
importantly he is a German boy“. Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netz­werkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
September 12, 2015 | Racist graffiti Over the
course of the day racist writing were discovered in the Pankow neighborhood and partly
painted over. In the vicinity of the S-bahn train
station Pankow several writings saying „No Muslime" („No Muslims“), „No muslime here" („No
Muslims here“) or „No Islam here" („No islam
here“) were found. One writing was changed to
„No Racism“ which was changed again to „Yes
racism“ shortly after. In addition, one writing
with the slogan „No Imigration - Bürgeraufstand - Merkel raus" („No immigration – citizens uprising – Merkel out“) and „Milliarden für
Wirtschaftsflüchtlinge und 5 Euro für Hartz4"
(Billions for economic refugees and five euros
for HartzIV“) was discovered on the CDU office.
On a glass container in the Mühlen Street the
slogan „Asylpack raus" („Asylum vermin out“)
was discovered. In the same street several isolated stickers of the „Compact“ magazine that can
be classified as belonging to the New Right, were
discovered. Source: EAG, tivolotte Mädchenclub,
[moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
over the course of the day. With their self-proclaimed „Hood patrol for Safety, Law and Order“
they wanted to march to an abandoned building.
While doing this, they were stopped by the police and had to stop their patrol. Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netz­werkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
eptember 13, 2015 | Threat on the way home
A young woman was insulted as being a „shitty
tick“ and then threatened with the announcement of getting „stabbed“ by an unidentified
man on her way home in the Granitz Street.
Source: ReachOut - Opferberatung
eptember 14, 2015 | NPD and right-wing
stickers In the last days several stickers of the
NPD as well as from a right-wing soccer camaraderie „Legion Germania“ was discovered in
the Karow neighborhood and removed. Source:
[moskito] Fach- und Netz­werkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
September 14, 2015 | NPD leaflets in mailboxes Over the course of the day, residents from the
Heinersdorf neighborhood discovered NPD leaflets in their mailboxes. Headings in the leaflets
were, i.a. „Asylbetrug macht uns arm" („Asylum
betrayal is making us poor“) or „Asyl ist kein
Menschenrecht" („Asylum is no human right“).
Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen
Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
eptember 14, 2015 | Racist stickers In the
last days again and again racist stickers were
discovered in the vicinity of the subway station
Vineta Street situated in the Pankow neighborhood were discovered and removed. One sticker
motive displayed apes and giraffes alongside the
slogan „go back to your home“. Another motive
carried the slogan “No way you will not make
Germany home". The stickers were replaced in
short time, but also removed again fast. Also, in
vicinity of the Panke fest on Breite Street stickers with the slogan “Refugees are not welcome”
were discovered. Source: [moskito] Fach- und
Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für
Demokratie und Vielfalt
September 16, 2015 | Neonazi patrol through
Blankenburg (3) Again right-wing extremists patrolled through the Blankenburg neighborhood
September 19, 2015 | Push into the train rock
bed Saturday night around 0:20 o'clock two
men were pushed into the train rock bed by a
youth-group at the S-bahn train station Prenzlauer Alle in the Prenzlauer Berg neighborhood.
One of the victims was apparently visually handicapped and suffered serious head-injuries. The
group escaped with the ring-train in direction
Gesundbrunnen. The federal police is investigating. Source: Berliner Kurier vom 22.09.2015
eptember 19, 2015 | Threat by neonazis in
front of Pankow town hall In the night around
23:14 o'clock a man (beginning 20's) was threatened by two known neonazis in the vicinity of the
Pankow townhall in the Pankow neighborhood.
They first started a casual conversation at the
Tram stop, when all of a sudden the atmosphere
changed and they asked „Are you a leftist?“ and
said „For this alone he deserves a beating“. Then,
they told that „nationalist Germans“ are being
laid off because of their beliefs and that this
is „shitty“. The insulted man entered the next
tram, the two neonazis remained at the station.
Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen
Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
eptember 19, 2015 | Racist statements in
Berlin-Buch In the evening racist statements
were expressed and it was threatened to commot criminal offenses against a refugee shelter
in the Berlin-Buch neighborhood. The police is
investigating. Source: Schriftliche Anfrage Abgeordnetenhaus Berlin Durcksache 17/17661
September 20, 2015 | Mobbing and attack in
Weißensee Around noon at about 12:30 o'clock
a person was first insulted and then attacked
in the Weißensee neighborhood. The attacked
person was on a walk to Weiße lake and went
from Ostsee Street crossing Schön Street towards
Kreuzpfuhl. On the way to Kreuzpfuhl the person
heard a man (about 35-years old) yelling loudly.
The mobbing person was saying sentences like
„...they have now decided to islamize Germa-
Pankower Register 2015
ny...“ and further racist statements. The affected
person then told the man to stop this racist nonsense. In the following the person was insulted
as „traitor of the Germans“, „Vote animal“ and
the offender hit the affected person. When the
affected person withdrew a bit and started to
take pictures of the attacker, he mobbed and
attacked the person again. The attacker tried a
kick to the chest, but did not hit well. Then,
he demanded the handing over of the mobile
phone, something that was not successful also
because of the presence of a third person – an
old lady. The attacker was wearing a blackwhite-red shield emblem on his chest. Source:
indymedia vom 20.09.2015
eptember 21, 2015 | Neonazist „cleaning acS
tion“ in Berlin-Buch (3) Over the course of the
day neonazis of the NPD conducted a self-proclaimed „cleaning action“ in the Berlin-Buch
neighborhood and distributed NPD leaflets.
Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen
Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
eptember 24, 2015 | Neonazi patrol through
Blankenburg (4) Again right-wing extremists patrolled through the Blankenburg neighborhood
over the course of the day. With their self-proclaimed „Hood patrol for Safety, Law and Order“,
the neonazis wanted to walk again towards an
abandoned building. Their own proclamation
they claimed that mobbing and muggings had
increased. Also, they wanted to distribute pepper spray to women. Talking to a local clergyman
they wanted to convince him of their propaganda. The pastor, however, denied all rumors that
the right-wing extremists tried to spread. To
circumvent eventual police controls and a ban
of their assembly the neonazis had brought pullovers to put over their NPD shirts if necessary.
Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerk­stelle gegen
Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
eptember 25, 2015 | NPD info stall in Karow
Around 15:30 o'clock the NPD conducted an
info stall in the Karow neighborhood. Three neonazis distributed leaflets to passersby. Source:
[moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
eptember 27, 2015 | Racist insult and mobS
bing in the Tram Around 13:00 o'clock a man
mobbed and insulted to people affected by racism
in the Prenzlauer Berg neighborhood. The two
affected people had entered the tram at the stop
Greifswalder Street/corner Danziger Street and
had jostled the man most likely unintentionally.
However, he immediately reacted very aggressive
with „Shut up“, „Get out of my country“, and
„Shut up, we are in Germany here“. The affected
people did not react to the mobbing. Nobody in
the tram reacted to the incident and the offender left the tram at the Huseman Street station.
Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen
Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
September 28, 2015 | NPD and neonazis stickers In the last days different NPD stickers and as
well stickers with other neonazist content were
discovered in the Karow neighborhood and removed. Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie
und Vielfalt
eptember 28, 2015 | Anti-Semitic chants in
the Tram In the evening around 21:20 o'clock a
group of five to ten passengers started anti-Semitic chants in the Tram M4 at the height Greifswalder Street in the Prenzlauer Berg neighborhood. Among others the text line from a song of
the nazi band „Kommando Freisler“ was intoned:
„In Buchenwald, in Buchenwald, we are killing
the jews“. The reaction of most passengers was
embarrassed silence, most likely to the behavior
of the group. Source: Recherche- und Informationsstelle Antisemitismus (RIAS)
eptember 28, 2015 | Neonazist graffiti on
pedestrian bridge Over the course of the day
residents discovered a neonazist graffiti written
with paint on the pedestrian bridge that was
spanning the autobahn between the Blankenburg and Französisch Buchholz neighborhood.
The slogan read „Deutschland den Deutschen"
(„Germany to the Germans“). Source: [moskito]
Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
September 29, 2015 | Neonazist graffiti on the
Woelckpromenade In the morning residents of
the Weißensee neighborhood discovered neonazist graffiti in the Woelckpromenade Street.
They consisted of the slogan „NSU“ and were
decorated with swastikas. Among others the
graffiti were put on street signs. The police was
informed. Source: Bunte Kuh e.V.
eptember 30, 2015 | Racist insult and bottle
thrown Around 02:00 o'clock a man was insulted in a racist way in Bornholmer Street by three
men that remained unidentified. The 26-year old
received a headbutt and had a bottle thrown his
way. Source: ReachOut - Opferberatung
ctober 3, 2015 | NPD assembly in front of
the Rathaus Center In the morning, between
11:00 and 12:00 o'clock the NPD held an assembly with roughly eight people attending in
front of the Rathaus Center in the Pankow neighborhood. Speakers included Christian Schmidt
(District head of the NPD Pankow KV8) and
Uwe Meenen (NPD Berlin). NPD flags, one
black-white-red flag and a banner of the youth
organization of the NPD with the slogan„Nun
halten wir die Wacht für euch! Nationalistische
Jugend Berlin" („Now we are on watch for
you! Nationalist youth Berlin“) were displayed.
Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen
Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
„Maria statt Scharia" („Maria instead of sharia“),
„Kindergärten statt Asylantenheime" („Kindergarten instead of asylum-seekers homes“), „Das
Boot ist voll" („The boat is full“) or „Kriminalität
bekämpfen! Grenzen sichern!" („Fight crime! Secure borders!“). Source: Netzwerk für Demokratie
und Respekt Buch-Karow
ctober 3, 2015 | Pyrotechnics and neonaO
zist statements in Berlin-Buch In the night
neonazist statements were shouted in front of
the refugee shelter in the Berlin-Buch neighborhood. Additionally the hoard was shaken. Source:
Schriftliche Anfrage Abgeordnetenhaus Berlin
Durcksache 17/17661 vom 15.01.2016
ctober 6, 2015 | Racist insult and escape of
dog Around 23:20 o'clock a man walked along
Buschallee Weißensee and was insulted from a
man unknown to him in a racist way. Then, the
man send his dog after the affected person. The
attacked person could escape into the corridor
of a house and was not injured. The police is
investigating. Source: Pressemitteilung der Polizei
vom 07.10.2015
ctober 8, 2015 | NPD and neonazist stickers
In the Heinersdorf and Weißensee neighborhood
isolated NPD stickers and stickers of the rightwing internet platform „Recht und Wahrheit“
(„Law and Truth“) were discovered and removed.
ctober 10, 2015 | NPD stickers in Karow
In the last days different NPD stickers as well
as stickers with other neonazist content were
discovered in the Karow neighborhood and
removed. The stickers contained slogans like
ctober 11, 2015 | Disturbance of a welO
come-tournament in Berlin-Buch Over the
course of the day a welcome-tournament between teams from the AWO Refugium Buch (refugee shelter), the SG Blau-Weiß Buch e.V, the SV
Karow 96 e.V., the SV Buchholz e.V., the soccer
players of the JFE K14, the SJC Buch and the SPD
Pankow was held on the site of the SG Blau-Weiß
Buch e.V. Already in the morning known Neonazis, among others, from the NPD Pankow arrived
at the sport site and photographed players and
visitors. After the arrival of the police they left
the property. After the police had left, about
20 partly alcoholized, aggressive people from
the social environment of the NPD assembled
in front of the gate. They followed and threatened some people and photographed car license
plates and chilled neighbors from entering the
associations property. Children and adolescents
were visibly frightened of the bellowing neonazis
in front of the gate. Only when the police was
called again and ordered them to leave a safe
way home was possible. Source: SPD Pankow
ctober 11, 2015 | NPD and „Identity-ists“
stickers in Karow Over the course of the day
different stickers from the NPD and the „Identity-ists“ were discovered in the Karow neighborhood and removed. Among others, they were carrying the slogan „Islamists not welcome“. Source:
Netzwerk für Demokratie und Respekt Buch-Karow
ctober 14, 2015 | NPD rally in Berlin-Buch
In the evening the NPD Pankow KV8 held a rally through the Berlin-Buch neighborhood. They
marches a short route from the shopping mall to
the Buch Citizen House and back. Uwe Meenen
(NPD LV Berlin), Jens Irgang (NPD Lichtenberg)
and Christian Schmidt (NPD Pankow KV8) held
speeches. In front of the Citizen House they had
to dim the megaphone they had with them and
talk quietly. Source: EAG
October 19, 2015 | NPD and „Identity-ists“
stickers in Karow Over the course of the day
Pankower Register 2015
different stickers from the NPD and the „Identity-ists“ were discovered in the Karow neighborhood and removed. Among others, they were
carrying the slogans „Islamists not welcome",
„Asylflut stoppen" (Stop the asylum flood“), and
„Einmal Deutschland und zurück." („One time
to Germany and back“). Source: Netzwerk für
Demokratie und Respekt Buch-Karow
ctober 21, 2015 | Neonazis at the Citizens
Forum in Buch In the evening the regularly held
Citizens Forum Buch with several panelists was
held under the title „How do we help refugees
in Buch with integration? The event was well visited with roughly 250 people attending. At the
beginning of the event also neonazis entered the
hall, five of them remained in the room for the
whole event. Other neonzis stayed in front of the
building. Among the one who were inside was
Christian Schmidt who also spoke one time, but
did not have any resonance from visitors. Christian Schmidt made pictures during the event
even though this was explicitly forbidden by the
organizers of the event and posted them on the
Facebook page of the Npd Pankow KV8. Another statement by a neonazi was commented by
several people in the hall with the words „That is
not true“. The police was at the scene with several officers. Source: MBR & [moskito] Fach- und
Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus
ctober 22, 2015 | Bank notes with double
sig-runes Over the course of the day bank notes
were discovered in a store in the Prenzlauer Berg
neighborhood that contained the slogan „Weg
mit Merkel“ („Away with Merkel“) and a double sig-rune. A criminal complaint was filed because of the notes. Source: [moskito] Fach- und
Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für
Demokratie und Vielfalt
ctober 27, 2015 | Racist insult inside Café
Stilbruch In the early evening an older woman
insulted a person inside Café Stilbruch in the
Prenzlauerberg neighborhood in a racist way.
Even though the Café was not open two older people entered the locality and complained
about a banner that had been flying in front of
the independent youth center JUP ev. They demanded to talk to the chef. When the addressed
person answered that there is no chef and that
they could talk about it with the person, the
older woman replied that the addressed person
was not a German which she claimed to be able
to see. She said she would not talk to her. After
this statement she was asked to leave the Café.
Outside the woman was yelling alone and spit at
the glasses of the Café. Source: JUP e.V.
ctober 27, 2015 | NPD mailbox insertion
Over the course of the day residents of the Berlin-Buch neighborhood received leaflets of the
NPD into their mailboxes. The leaflets contained
the slogan „Nächstes Asylantenheim in Buch!"
(„Next asylum-seekers home in Buch!“). Source:
albatros gGmbH
ctober 28, 2015 | Neonazi patrol through
Blankenburg (5) Again right-wing extremists patrolled through the Blankenburg neighborhood
over the course of the day. Three neonazis again
walked in what they described as „Hood patrol“
to an abandoned building and distributed leaflets of the NPD. One person was wearing a red
jacket with the Slogan „NPD - sozial geht nur
national" („NPD – social only works national“).
Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netz­werkstelle gegen
Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
ctober 31, 2015 | Right-wing clothing brand
In the early afternoon a man was seen in the
Karow neighborhood who was wearing a pullover of the fashion brand „Thor Steinar“. The
brand is popular with neonazis and is playing
with right-wing symbols. Source: [moskito] Fachund Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für
Demokratie und Vielfalt
ovember 2, 2015 | NPD and neonzist stickers
in Karow Over the course of the day different
stickers of the NPD and the right-wing internet
platform „Recht und Wahrheit" („Law and Truth“)
were discovered in the Karow neighborhood and
removed. Source: Netzwerk für Demokratie und
Respekt Buch-Karow
November 3, 2015 | Graffiti on memorial of
Julius Fucik Over the course of the day, residents
of the Pankow neighborhood discovered that
the memorial for Julius Fucik in the Bürgerpark
was smeared with slogan. It read „Anti-Asylanten-Front" („Anti-asylum-seekers front“). Source:
Wahlkreisbüro Stefan Liebich, Die.Linke
ovember 6, 2015 | NPD info stall in BerN
lin-Buch Around 14:40 o'clock the NPD Pankow
KV8 set up an info stall in the Berlin-Buch neighborhood. Among others, a poster with the slogan
„A good homeward journey“ was posted. Several
neonazis handed out leaflets. Source: [moskito]
Fach- und Netz­werkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
November 9, 2015 | Bärgida rally in Prenzlauer
Berg In the evening around 20:25 o'clock the
racist rally of Bärgida started at Alexanderplatz
and marched past Kollwitzplatz, the Knaack
Street, the Prenzlauer Allee and ended at S-bahn
train station Prenzlauer Allee. Around 21:45 the
rally of about 60 to 70 people dissolved. About
the same number of people were protesting
against it. Source: NoBärgida, Jusos, Unterstützungskreis Straßburger Straße
November 10, 2015 | AN-Berlin stickers Over
the course of the day residents of the Karow
neighborhood discovered stickers with the slogan „Left fascists have names and addresses –
AN_Berlin and removed them. Source: [moskito]
Fach- und Netz­werkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
November 10, 2015 | NPD and „Identity-ists“
stickers in Karow Over the course of the day different stickers of the NPD and the „Identity-ists“
were discovered in the Karow neighborhood and
removed. Among others, they were carrying the
slogan „Islamists not welcome", „Das Boot ist
voll" („The boat is full“) or „Geld für Oma statt
für Sinti und Roma" („Money for grandma instead of for Sinti and Roma). Source: Netzwerk
für Demokratie und Respekt Buch-Karow
ovember 17, 2015 | Spontaneous NPD rally in
Karow (1) In the evening around 20 neonazis rallied for a spontaneous demonstration of the NPD
Pankow KV8 in the Karow neighborhood. Speakers included Christian Schmidt (District head of
the NPD Pankow KV8). A banner with the slogan
„Heute sind wir tolerant - morgen fremd im eigenen Land" („Today we are tolerant – tomorrow we
are foreigners in our own country“) was displayed.
The reason for the rally was the confiscation of
the sports hall at the Hohen Feld by the LaGeSo to accomodate refugees there in the future.
At the fringes of the NPD demonstration about
50 people applauded the speeches and the rally.
Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen
Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Respekt
ovember 17, 2015 | Conspiracy theorist
graffiti Over the course of the day conspiracy
theorist graffiti containing the slogan „BRD =
Firma“ („Federal Republic of Germany – Corporation“) were discovered on several house walls.
Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen
Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Respekt
ovember 17, 2015 | Wilful removal of antiN
racist banner In the evening, a five person crew
tried to remove an antiracist banner with the
slogan „Kein Mensch ist illegal" („No human is
illegal“) in the Prenzlauer Berg neighborhood.
The banner was on the wall of a squat. The offenders were caught in the act and chased away.
Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen
Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Respekt
ovember 18, 2015 | NPD rally in Karow (2)
In the early evening around 18:00 o'clock 80 to
100 people gathered at the intersection Achilles
Street/corner Bucher Chaussee to participate for
a demonstration of the NPD Pankow KV8 that
was registered short-term. Around 18:30 o'clock
the rally was set in motion. Speeches were held
by Aileen Rokohl (NPD KV Uckermark-Barnim),
Sebastian Schmidtke (NPD LV Berlin) and Christian Schmidt (NPD Pankow KV8). Rougly 60
people participated in a counter-protest holding
banners with the slogan „Flüchtlinge willkommen in Buch und Karow" („Refugees welcome in
Buch and Karow“). Source: [moskito] Fach- und
Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für
Demokratie und Respekt
ovember 20, 2015 | Spraying-over of anN
ti-racist posters Over the course of the day it
was discovered that anti-racist posters in the
Pankow neighborhood had been sprayed over
with blue paint. Also, a graffiti with the slogan
„Merkel raus“ („Merkel out“) of the same color
were seen in the vicinity of S-bahn train and
subway station Pankow. Source: EAG; [moskito]
Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
ovember 20, 2015 | Discrimination and
threat in the S-bahn In the evening around
19:00 o'clock a man (about 30-years old) entered the S8 S-bahn train at the Pankow station
and mobbed a fellow passenger with the words
„I have a bald head, I am for Germany“. When
the addressed passenger remained very calm the
Pankower Register 2015
man mobbed other passengers and threatened
to „gas them in Ausschwitz“. He also hinted at
a „Hitler salute“. A woman was insulted in a
racist way when she was called „Shitty fitschi“
and when saying she was destroying Germany.
Another passenger who then intervened was
threatened with „I stab you and will hit your
head with a bottle“. Then, further passengers
intervened. They tried to calm down the offender and called on him not to use violence. The
offender quickly left at the next station (S-bahn
train station Schönhauser Allee). Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Respekt
ovember 21, 2015 | NPD vigil (1) with subN
sequent spontaneous rally in Karow (3) In
the evening the NPD held a vigil in the Karow
neighborhood with about 15 neonazis participating. The reason was the upcoming opening
of emergency shelter in a sports hall at Hohen
Feld. Among others, a banner with the slogan
„Einmal Deutschland und zurück" („One time to
Germany and back“), NPD posters and an NPD
flag were displayed. After the vigil, the neonazis
conducted a spontaneous rally through the Berlin-Buch neighborhood. Source: [moskito] Fachund Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für
Demokratie und Respekt
ovember 22, 2015 | NPD vigil (2) in Karow In
the afternoon the NPD held a vigil in the Karow
neighborhood with about 20 neonazis attending
the event. The reason was the upcoming opening of an emergency shelter in the sports hall at
Hohen Feld. They displayed a banner with the
slogan „Heute sind wir tolerant - morgen fremd
im eigenen Land" („Today we are tolerant – tomorrow we are foreigners in our own country“).
Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen
Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Respekt
ovember 22, 2015 | Swastika graffiti in the
Mühlen Street At noon residents of the Pankow
neighborhood discovered a swastika graffiti at the
walls of the refugee shelter in the Mühlen Street.
Unidentified people had sprayed the 50x50 centimeter big graffiti with blue paint. The police is
investigating. Source: Pressemitteilung der Polizei
vom 22.11.2015
hood security guardsmen insulted homeless
people from Romania that were present in an
abandoned building. The securities threatened
to take away the men's belongings. Source: Amaroforo e.V.
ovember 23, 2015 | Antiziganist incident
in Blankenburg In the Blankenburg neighbor-
ovember 24, 2015 | Removal of antiracist
banner In the evening three people wilfully
removed an anti-racist banner with the slogan
„Was ist wichtiger? Leben retten oder Sportunterricht - Refugess you are welcome" („What
is more important? Saving lives of sport eduction – Refugees you are welcome“). The banner
was hanging in the Karow neighborhood close
to a sports hall that had become an emergency
shelter for refugees. Source: [moskito] Fach- und
Netz­werkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für
Demokratie und Vielfalt
ovember 25, 2015 | Tried blockade of the
arrival of refugees. In the evening six neonazis
tried to prevent the arrival of refugees in the
Karow neighborhood by trying to block a Street.
The refugees were awaited in the sports hall at
Hohen Feld that had been re-modeled to be an
emergency shelter. The security guardsmen of
the new shelter informed the police in time and
the buses waited until their arrival. The police
pushed the present neonazis to the site so the
arriving people had unobstructed access to the
shelter. The right-wing extremists made pictures
of supporters, who were present at the shelter
and insulted them. Source: [moskito] Fach- und
Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für
Demokratie und Vielfalt
November 25, 2015 | III. Path leaflets in mailboxes Over the course of the day residents of the
Berlin-Buch neighborhood discovered leaflets of
the right-wing extremist party „III. Path“ in their
mailboxes. Source: albatros gGmbH
November 26, 2015 | BüSo info stall at S-bahn
train station Pankow Over the course of the day
the „Civil rights movement Solidarity BüSo held
an info stall at the S-bahn train station Pankow.
The BüSo is a sectarian organization that partly
expresses anti-Semitic and right-wing extremist
orientations. Source: EAG
November 27, 2015 | NPD stickers Over the
course of the day isolated NPD stickers, i. a.,
with the slogans „Einmal Deutschland und zu-
rück" (One time to Germany and back“), „Grenzen sichern" („Secure borders“), were discovered
and removed. Source:
ovember 28, 2015 | Smearing of AWO-RefuN
gium in Berlin-Buch In the night from Friday to
Saturday the AWO-Refugioum, a refugee shelter in Berlin-Buch was smeared repeatedly. The
graffito's were directed against the refugees and
carried the slogan „Raus mit Euch" („Out with
you“). A criminal complaint was filed with the
police. Source: AWO Mitte
three the packaging of a Döner after the two.
Source: Recherche- und Informationsstelle Antisemitismus (RIAS)
ovember 28, 2015 | Shooting-alike sounds
near shelter in Berlin-Buch In the night residents of a refugee shelter in the Berlin-Buch
neighborhood heard a person that had a pistol-styled object in both hand and was aiming
in the direction of a person. Then, several shotlike hushed sounds happened. The next day a
whole in the exterior shutter of a window was
discovered. Source: Schriftliche Anfrage Abgeordnetenhaus Berlin Durcksache 17/ 17661 vom
ovember 28, 2015 | NPD info stall in BlankN
enburg The NPD conducted an info stall in the
Blankenburg neighborhood. Racist information
material, i. a.,with the slogan „Asylflut stopen"
(„Stop the asylum flood“) was distributed.
Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen
Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
ovember 28, 2015 | Anti-Semitic insults in
the U2 in Prenzlauer Berg In the early Saturday morning of November 28, four alcoholized
men entered the U2 subway at Senefelderplatz
station in direction Pankow. Shortly after, the
group started to complain in a racist way that
two people were talking in English. After one
of them asked in German what their problem
was, the response was: „You and your Jewish
friend are the problem“. While getting up, shortly before the subway station Schönhauser Allee, the German-speaking person asked „what
would be problematic if we would be Jews?“
After this, one of the group of four approached
the two, who were already standing at the door,
in a threatening and aggressive way. The English-speaking person offered the group to get
out to talk about again. While the doors where
closing the man answered that he had no obligation to offer „dirty Jews“ and application and
ovember 30, 2015 | Right-wing clothing
brand In the morning a man (26- to 29-years old)
was seen in the Prenzlauer Berg neighborhood
wearing a pullover of the fashion brand „Thor
Steinar“. Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie
und Vielfalt
ovember 30, 2015 | Racist comments on
Facebook page In the comments section of the
Facebook page of the news magazine „Karow
live“ racist comments were posted in the months
of November, but as well in the previous months.
Among the ones writing is also Christian Schmidt
(District head of the NPD Pankow KV8) as well
as other neonazis and racists that had spread
hate against people and incited people in a racist way against the opening of a refugee shelter in Berlin-Buch in the previous year. In the
current racist comments refugees were denied
their reasons to flee. Also, refugees were flatly criminalized, Roma and Sinti were called the
Z-word, neonazist demonstrations of the NPD
were openly advertised, etc. Source: [moskito]
Fach- und Netz­werkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
ecember 2, 2015 | NPD info stall in BlankD
enburg Over the course of the day the NPD Berlin, as part of an assembly tour through different
neighborhoods of Berlin, conducted a series of
events. Around 13:45 o'clock their route stopped
at the S-bahn train station Blankenburg. Previous
stops had been Britz, Tempelhof, after the event
they moved on to Marzahn. In Blankenburg they
propagated racist hate with the announcement
that eventually a shelter for refugees will be
opened. While doing this, they carried a banner
with the slogan „Das Boot ist voll - Asylbetrüger
abschieben!" („The boat is full – deport asylum
betrayers!“). Sebastian Schmidtke, Head of the
NPD Berlin, held a speech. After about 45 minutes the assembly was over. Source: [moskito]
Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
ecember 6, 2015 | Threat with racist moD
tivation in the Tram M4 Four to five fans of
the soccer club BFC Dynamo Berlin prevented
Pankower Register 2015
a person to enter the Tram M4 at the ThomasMann Street station because of his skin color.
The affected person tried to enter the Tram with
his bike and was prevented from doing so from
the BFC fan group. A verbal exchange happened.
The affected person did not answer provocations
and waited for the next Tram. Source: [moskito]
Fach- und Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
December 7, 2015 | Antiziganist incident in
Blankenburg About 50 people from Romania
were expelled from the compound of an abandoned casern in the Blankenburg neighborhood
by security guardsmen. Two tons were installed
on the area so now the site is under surveillance
all the time. Source: Amaroforo e.V.
lamophobic graffiti with the slogan „Islam raus“
(„Islam out“) was discovered on the seat of a
bus stop shelter. Source: [moskito] Fach- und
Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechts­extremismus, für
Demokratie und Vielfalt
ecember 7, 2015 | Antiziganist insult in
Prenzlauer Berg A staffer of a pension in the
Prenzlauer Berg neighborhood that is housing a
Romanian family threw their mail on the ground
and said „Gypsies, get out!“ Source: Amaroforo
ecember 7, 2015 | III. Path leaflet in mailboxD
es Over the course of the day residents of the
Berlin-Buch neighborhood discovered leaflets of
the right-wing extremist party „III. Path“ in their
mailboxes. Source: albatros gGmbH
ecember 8, 2015 | NPD assembly in BerD
lin-Buch In the early evening around 17:00 and
17:45 the neonazist party NPD held an assembly
with the motto „Überfremdung stoppen" („Stop
foreign infiltration“) in the Berlin-Buch neighborhood. Rougly 30 people participated, mostly
coming from the neighborhood. They displayed
a banner with the slogan „Heute sind wir tolerant - morgen fremd im eigenen Land" („Today
we are tolerant – tomorrow we are foreigners
in our own country“), distributed racist leaflets
that targeted refugees. Also, a banner with the
slogan „Schluß mit dem staatlich finanziertem
Linksextremismus!" („End the financing of leftwing extremism by the state!“) was displayed.
Speaking was Christian Schmidt (District head of
the NPD Pankow KV8). Source: [moskito] Fachund Netz­werkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für
Demokratie und Vielfalt
ecember 9, 2015 | Islamophobic graffiti in
Weißensee Over the course of the day, an is-
December 9, 2015 | Right-wing graffiti On a
wall in the vicinity of the S-bahn train station
Pankow, the slogan „Antifa“ was painted over
with the Slogan „Leftist fascists“. Source: [moskito] Fach- und Netz­werkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
ecember 17, 2015 | Neonazis and NPD stickD
ers in Karow In the last days neonazist and Npd
stickers were discovered in the Karow neighborhood and removed. The NPD stickers were carrying, i. a., the slogans “Asylflut stoppen" (Stop
the asylum flood“) or „Heimreise statt Einreise"
(„Homeward journey instead of entry“). One
sticker had the slogan „Antifa Gruppen zerschlagen" („Destroy Antifa groups“) and was referring to the neonazist internet page „widerstand.
info“. Source: SPD Pankow; [moskito] Fach- und
Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, für
Demokratie und Vielfalt
ecember 30, 2015 | Neonazist stickers
found in Karow In the last days several neonazist stickers were discovered. They were, i.
a., from the right-wing extremist party NPD,
the small neonazist party „III. Path“ or from a
loose group of autonomous nationalists „AN_
Berlin“. Slogans were „Asylflut stoppen" (Stop
the asylum flood“), „Antifa-Banden-zerschlagen" („Break up Antifa gangs“), „Linksfaschisten
haben Namen und Adressen" („Leftist fascists
have names and addresses“), „Härtere Strafen für
Kinderschänder" („Harder punishment for child
molesters“), „Einmal Deutschland und zurück"
(One time to Germany and back“) among many
others. Source: [moskito] Netzwerkstelle gegen
Rechtsextremismus, für Demokratie und Vielfalt
4. Glossary
4.1. Glossary of right-wing to (neo-)nazist groups and persons
■ Autonomous Nationalists (AN)
is not always clear whether the Kaiser Reich
Is a self-name of a wing of action-oriented,
or the Third Reich is meant. Consequently,
violence-ready young men and women in the
the movement denies the Federal Republic
right-wing extremist scene. They propose an
of Germany any right to exist. It also denies
openly neo-nazist worldview which implies
the Holocaust. The different adherents to the
the glorification of National Socialism and the
movement propose at times crude conspiracy
advocacy for a new „National Socialism“. Part
theories. The actions of the movement of
of their practical work is „Anti-Antifa-work“.
Reich-citizens are mainly directed against
Often, autonomous nationalists accuse the
the state-apparatus, its bureaucracy and its
NPD of conformance with the political system.
representatives. However, several threatening
However, at least in Berlin there is a close
letters of islamophobe content were sent to
relationship between the NPD and the AN. The
Berlin mosques in 2012. In the same year one
AN profit from the structures of the NPD and
member of the movement was arrested for
supports it in election campaigns. Characteristic
possession of explosives in Neukölln.
for the AN is their orientation towards the leftwing autonomous scence in regard to clothing, ■ The III. Path
appearance and symbols. Black clothing,
The „III. Path“ (the Third Path) is a small
hoodies and base caps are dominating. English
neonazist party that was founded in September
slogans and hardcore music are stylistic devices
2013 in Heidelberg. Founding members of
of the AN, too.
the party like the former NPD functionary
Klaus Armstroff are at times known from other
■ Citizens-movement Pro Germany/Pro Berlin
extreme right organizations. The program of
The right-wing populist party Pro Germany
the party is oriented to demands from the
had their first public appearance in Pankow
right-wing extremist scene, that believes
in 2006 with their regional offshoot Pro
having to counter a perceived looming threat
Berlin. Back then, they supported the citizens‘
of „Volkstod“ (dissappearing of the German
initiative against the building of a mosque by
people) and to demand privileges for Germans.
the Ahmadiyya-congregation. Since 2008 she
By now the party is also active in Berlin: In
has barely had only public appearances. 2011
March 2015 a local chapter was founded.
the party tried to campaign before the elections
In the following months first asylum-hostile
with propaganda activities. While doing so
leaflets appeared in Buch, Hellersdorf, Marzahn
they focused on anti-Muslim propaganda. For
and Pankow. Since May 2015 the party has
instance, this meant warning of an „islamization
organized so-called „law workshop“ for their
of the German society“. Further, the party
members to prepare them for conflicts with
demanded the deportation of „criminal
law enforcement and justice. The Brandenburg
foreigners“ and positioned itself against the
chapter is headed today by Maik Eminger,
building of mosques. During the last elections
whose brother André Eminger is mired into the
for the Berlin house of representatives, they
achieved 1,1 percent of the vote. In 2012 Pro
Berlin did not appear in Pankow.
■ The Identity-ists
Several loosely connected groups that can
■ Movement of „Reich“citizens“
be collated to the New Right are named as
The so-called „movement of Reich-citizens“
„the identity-ists movement“. The movement
was founded in the eighties. It is represented
developed first in France in the form of the
in Berlin with several small groups, furthermore
Bloc Identitaire, since October 10th , 2012
the movement organized „big events“ in the
the movement exists in Germany, too. Its
capital. Die Reich-citizens believe that the
brand sign is the Greek letter Lambda, black
Third Reich continues to exist, however, it
on yellow background. The Ideology of the
Pankower Register 2015
identity-ists builds on ethno-culturalist and
was convicted to lifelong imprisonment in the
folkish racism. According to the movement free
Nuremberg processes. After his suicide, he
„folks“ have unchangeable cultural identities
became a martyr of the right-wing extremist
that are threatened by immigration of people
scene. Yearly, on the anniversary of hist death,
from allegedly other „civilizations“/“cultural
right-wing extremists all over Germany try to
areas“. „Islamization“ and „multiculturalism“
hold demonstrations and do actions.
are perceived to be the biggest threat to
German/European culture, according the ■ Young Nationaldemocrats (JN)
identity-ists. They want to fight against this.
The Young National Democrats (JN) are the
They understand themselves as protectors
official youth-organization of the National
of German/European culture. However, with
Democratic Party of Germany (NPD). The
the contruction of people into own-group
JN avows to the party program of the NPD
and foreign-group, societal hierarchies and
and represents also a neonazist ideology.
inequalities are constructed and legitimized, so
However, with regard to content and actions
parts of the population are discrminated against
the appearance is more aggressive than that
and excluded. The identity-ists propose classic
of the NPD. Also the connections to the
islamophobe, racist and democracy-hostile
violent neonazi scene are even more evident
positions. Here connecting points arefound
than those of the NPD. Founded in 1969 and
to PEGIDA and in Berlin to an even bigger
according to the statutes of the NPD the JN is
amount to Bärgida. The movement regularly
an „integral part“ of the party. With the JN, the
participates in Bärgida demonstrations with
NPD is the only neonazist party with a relevant
several persons and flags.
ree Camaraderie‘s
■ The National Democratic Party of Germany
Free Camaraderie (Freie Kameradschaft) is
a self-designation for small active neonazist
The National Democratic Party of Germany
action groups. They represent a very dynamic
(NPD) is the oldest neonazist party in Germany.
and action-oritented scene. The groups act
It was founded in November 1964. Today the
independently and are party-independent, too,
party is the most modern and successful righteven if lots of groups have close ties to the
wing party in Germany. It represents a folkish
NPD. They also assemble using the terms Free
nationalism as well as revisionist, antisemitic,
Forces or National Resistance.
racist and homophobe positions. The head of
the party is Holger Apfel. All in all the NPD
■ Free Net/Free Net Pankow
has 5,900 members (as of February 2012).
The Free Net consists of internet forums
On January 1st, 2011 the right-wing extrimist
operated by autonomous nationalists with
German Folks Union DVU joined the NPD.
chapters in lots of cities. Dominating topics are
During the elections for the Berlin House of
mostly anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism in
Representatives the party got 2,0 percent of
the form of a folkish critique of capitalism and
the vote in the district of Pankow.
the re-designation of german aggressors into
victims of the allied forces. Slogans like „the ■ National Socialists
protection of the environment is homeland
The self-designation originally depicted a poliprotection“ and „death penalty for child
tical school that has developed already at the
molesters“ can be found there, too. Using
end of the 19th century. Originally this was unthe label, actions of autonomous nationalists
derstood as a „third way“ between nationalism
take place all over Germany again and again.
and socialism. However, it was given distincIn 2011 several posters signed by Free Net
tion by the National Socialist Party of Germany
Pankow (FNP) have appeared in Pankow.
(NSDAP) and its inhuman and fascist ideology
and the responsibility for the genocide of mil■ Rudolf Heß
lions of people. Oriented to the organizational
Was the proxy person and close personal
form of the Storm troops (SA) the Action Front
confidant of Adolf Hitler. He flew to England
of National Socialists (ANS) was founded in
in 1941 and was arrested there. Post-1945 he
the 70s and forbidden in 1983. Today, sever-
al groups from the spectre of the autonomous ■ Ring of National Women (RNF)
nationalists call themselves National Socialists.
Founded in 2006, the Ring of National Women (RNF) is the women‘s organization of the
■ Horst Wessel
National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD).
Host Wessel (1907-1930) was an SA-Stormfront
The task of the RNF is the recruitment and the
leader in Berlin. After his death Horst-Wesselpolitical organization of female symphatizers.
Song that was composed by him became the
The focus of the organization is on topics that
party song of the NSDAP. Already in 1922 he
seem to be „womens topics“ . This mirrors the
was part of the Bismarck Youth of the German
stereotyping of women‘s gender roles and the
National Folk Party (DNVP) and participated
view of the woman as the „reproductive force“.
in attacks on political opponents. In 1926 he
became a member of the NSDAP and their
■ Tønsberg
Storm troops and was active among other in the
Named after the Norwegian city of the same
districts of Prenzlauer Berg and Friedrichshain.
name, the Tønsberg is a clothing store that
From 1928 on Wessel became a leading cadre
exclucively sells the controversial brand Thor
of the SA. In January 1930 Wessel was shot by
the KPD-member Albrecht Hoehler and died.
After his death, he was stylized a „martyr“ of ■ T
hor Steinar (TS)
National Socialism and put forward as the ideal
The clothing brand Thor Steinar was founded
by the known neonazi Axel Kopelke. The
assortment of Thor Steinar is not limited
■ Right-wing/Right ideology
to clothing, but includes accessories and is
The term „right-wing“ means for once a pooriented to fashion trends. The combination
litical-organizational spectre of parties and
of different runes in the Thor-Steinar logo
groups, but also stands for a political belief
was under juridic pressure for years because it
or orientation. „Right-wing“ is a general term
combines two runes (Tyr-rune and Gibor-rune/
that contains several ideologies, among other
woolfs hook) that were used during National
beliefs about a natural inequality of man, of an
Socialism. In 2008 higher instances decided
ethnically homogeneous people, the approval
that the public display of the logo can or should
of hierarchic and authoritarian relationships
not be prosecuted. Thor Steinar stands for a
and, the respective exclusion of people who do
„right-wing chic“ and thereby serves to show
not fit into this worldview (for instance migthe position and identity of its users.
rants, homosexuals, homeless people). Rightwing orientations often go along with a trivilialization of National Socialism.
■ Right-wing populism
Right-wing populists advocate for authoritarian concepts of politics. However, right-wing
populism is more a political strategy than
closed ideology. The aim of this strategy is
to spread authoritarian and right-wing ideas.
Characteristic of it are the orchestration of the
breaking of taboos, demanding radical solutions and a tendency to conspiracy theories.
Central to right-wing populism is that „corrupt elites“ are made responsible for the problems of „ordinary people“. The opponents of
right-wing populism can be state apparatuses,
corporations, parties or lobby organizations.
The concept of „people“ implicitly or explicitly means an ethnically pure community.
Bild: InSight Blog | CC-BY
Pankower Register 2015
4.2. Glossary of right-wing to (neo-)nazist codes, symbols and terms
Numeric codes and abbreviations are popular methods among neonazis to decrypt inhuman terms
and contents that could otherwise be prosecuted criminally. Mostly (but not exclusively) numbers
express the corresponding letters of the alphabet.
8 = HH = Heil Hitler
itler salute
The eighth letter is the H, consequently 88
During National Socialism the Hitler salute was
means HH which stands for „Heil Hitler“. This
a binding salutation that symbolized the strong
greeting is widely used in the neonazi scene
personality cult of the time. Besides the raising
and was already used by postwar National Soof the right arm with stretched out flat hand
cialists. It is applied in the names of bands and
„Sieg Heil“ or „Heil Hitler“ was spoken. Today
organizations, in scribblings, desired car licence
the Hitler salute is criminally liable in Germany.
plates or as a greeting in letters and internet
he rune of life
The so-called rune of life, also called rune of
■ Anti-Antifa
man, was taken from Germanic mythology and
The term describes efforts of neonazist groups
over-delivery and was given a new meaning in
to build a threatening potential against alleged
National Socialism. From a folkish perspective,
political opponents like antifascists, actors of
this rune was re-interpreted as a man with
civil society, members of democratic parties,
widely stretched-out arms and as a symbol of
unionists but also journalists, by spying, publife and of force. It was used on the emblems
lishing personal data and by partly assaulting
of several national socialist organizations like
the NS-womanhood, the German pharmacy
association, the sanitary services of the Hitler
■ Division 88
youth and the „spring of life“ (Lebensborn)
The 88th Infantery Division was a large military
project. Today the rune is still used in
formation of the Wehrmacht. Also, through the
neonazist circles, for instance, as an element
often-used numerical code 88 (see 88) the letof decoration of in birth announcements of
tering „Division 88“ is often put on pullovers,
pertinent newspapers.
T-shirts, through tattoos or else.
he war flag of the Reich
■ Swastika
The war flag of the Reich was the official
From Asian and European early history the
war flag of the armed forces of the German
swastika is known as the sun wheel. It is a symReich in the time from 1871 to 1945. Seven
bol of salvation and of a lucky turnaround. Ladifferent versions came to use. Today the flag
ter it was introduced in Germany as a symbol
of the Kaiser Reich is used by neonazist groups
for supposedly Aryan blood („For the purity of
because the distribution and the display of
blood“). Since the beginning of the 20th centhe war flag used by National Socialism (with
tury the swastika has served folkish groups as
a swastika) is a criminal offense. During the
an expression of aggressive nationalism and
Weimar Republic the war flag of the Kaiser
anti-Semitism. In 1920 the NSDAP adopted
Reich was used by right-wing groups and
the swastika as the party‘s official symbol and
organizations. The use of this version of the flag
it was hence used in the national flag of natiis mostly tolerated by authorities today.
onal socialist Germany. Today the swastika is a
banned symbol.
■ Runes
Runes are old Nordic and Germanic signs that
■ HH
to some extent characterize tones and/or symSee the entry to „88“
bols. During National Socialism runes were
used to construct a Germanic-Aryan line of tra-
dition. That is why the use of runes is widely
spread in the neonazist scene of today, mostly
without historical reference or folkish interpretation. It is used in the logos of right-wing to
neonazist bands and organizations, in tattoos,
by fashion brands like „Thor Steinar“ and to threaten people. Due to their use during National
Socialism some runes are classified as hostile to
the constitution and a criminal offense after §
86a StGB.
socialist Shield Squadron (SS). The SS was responsible for concentration and extermination
camps and its „elite-unit“, the Waffen-SS conducted countless war crimes at the front and
in areas occupied by Germany. The use of the
SS rune is a criminal offense. The (double) sig
rune is popular in the neonazist scene, but because of its legal designation is sometimes used
in a modified way, for instance with the display
in the form of a flash with an arrow pointing
to the ground. Often the „S“ in the names of
right-wing extremist bands or organizations is
displayed in the form of sig rune.
lack Sun
The black sun is a symbol that was used by
the national socialist „Shield Squadron“ (SS). It
consists of twelve victory runes connected to- ■ Black-white-red
gether in ring-form and can also be described
Black-white-red were the colors of the German
as twelve-arm swastika. The black sun is an imReich from 1871 until 1919 and as well the coportant substitute-symbol that is used instead
lors of national socialist Germany. Mostly the
of the swastika and as a recognition-symbol.
iron cross or the swastika was added to the flag
(see War flag of the Reich).
■ Sieg Heil
(see Hitler salute)
■ Walhalla
In Germanic mythology Walhalla is the place of
■ The Sig rune, double sig rune, SS rune
fallen fighters. This mythology was used for the
The sig rune is seen as a symbol of victory and
soldierly death cult during National Socialism.
military power. The sig rune was used in the
The promise to „get to Walhalla“, to get to the
folkish youth movement and in the private
„Reich of Germanic ancestors“, had a unique
„Freikorps“ militias after World War I. During
importance particularly for SS-units. Through
National Socialism the single sig rune served
this all but religious promise of luck SS-unit
as the symbol for the so-called Young German
were motivated to show a greater determinatiFolks, that organized the supervision of ten- to
on and readiness to make sacrifices. Especially
sixteen-year olds. After the ban of this organithe SS-leader and later Minister of Interior of
zational sign, the single sig rune is now a crithe Reich, Heinrich Himmler propagated the
minal offense after § 86 a StGB when used in a
adoption and functionalization of Germanic
way that is not meant in an apparent way and
myths. Even today neonazis use the term „Walwithout doubt as resistance to national socialist
halla“ for a spiritual justification of their ideoorganizations and the fighting its ideology. The
logy. Concretely, they alllude to their alleged
double sig rune was the symbol of the national
Germanic ancestry.
Further information about right-wing codes and symbols can be found at:
Pankower Register 2015
5. Central terms in
the context of this work
nti-muslism racism/Islamophobia
developed with the emergence of Christianity.
Similarly to antisemitism, anti-Muslim racism
The hostility to Jews because of economic
is not a phenomenon of modernity, but has
motives (14th century) was situated in early
roots in Europe that can be traced back to the
capitalism and the increasing importance
development of christianity. Consequently,
of the monetary economy. The modern
people of Islamic faith were and are still victims
anti-Semitism (19th century) developed in
of exclusion, discrimination and persecution.
interplay with foundational societal change.
After the terrorist attacks from Septeber 11th,
Modern anti-Semitism is a general term that
2001 in the USA anti-muslism racism has risen
sees anti-Semitism as consisting of different
again to broad acceptance. Particularly rightforms. These forms are the racist and folkishwing populist parties use anti-Muslim racism
nationalist anti-Semitism, the capitalist and
for their political goals. While doing so they
anti-capitalist anti-Semitism and the conspiracy
can resort to old enemy images that already
theory anti-Semitism. After the liberation from
developed in medieval age. This sterotypical
National Socialism (1945) the to-date relevant
perception of Islam connects it to idleness,
secondary anti-Semitism developed. With the
unrestricted passion, greed for power, hunger
declaration of the state of Israel the Israelfor possession and violence. This stands in
hostile antisemitism came into being.
contrast to the self-perception of Christian
culture. The Islamic culture was and still is seen
* Shoa (verbal for „destruction“, „big catastrophe“) is the
as one monolithic and non-changing culture
Hebraic term for the systematic mass murder of about
of „the others“. Since mid-20th century five
six million Jews and the European population of Jewish
stereotypical characteristics are attributed: that
ancestry during National Socialism. Shoa is used as a
of the rich oil-sheik that one is dependant on,
synonym to the term holocaust that originates from
that of the violent terrorist, that of the fanatic
Greek and means „completely burned“ or „fire victim“.
fundamentalist , that of the migrant who is
is uneducated and lastly the Muslim woman ■ Discrimination
who is oppressed and uneducated. After the
(Social) Discrimination means a groupSeptember 11 attacks, a new scenario of threat
specific disadvantagement or devaluation
was created that sees the „civilized Western
of groups or individuals. This is carried out
according to features like origin, skin color,
world“ in serious danger by rogue nations and
language, political or religious beliefs, sexual
the „axis of evil“. This culminates in the talk of
orientations, gender or handicap. Foundational
a „clash of civilizations“.
is the distinction and the valuation of a group
by societal forces. Affected by discrimination
■ Anti-Semitism
are groups that do not match certain societal
The sweeping rejection of Jews and Judaism
ideas. In German society the dominant and
is understood as anti-Semitism. Antisemitism
important features are to the day being white,
has expressed itself and still does in the
male, heterosexual, healthy, being productive,
christian etc. Humans who deviate from these
persecution and expulsion to efforts of
features are often affected by discrimination.
extinction of the Jewish peoples. It culminated
A structural discrimination of societal groups
during National Socialism in the Shoa*, the
is given when this is built into the structure
systematic murder of six million jews. However
of society. This is for instance the case with
antisemitism is no phenomenon of modernity,
patriarchal society (the rule of men) that
but can be traced 2500 years back in time.
systematically and structurally excludes women
Antisemitism is a general term for different
from many parts of society.
expressions of hostility towards Jews: The
Christian antagonism to Jews (1st century)
■ Group-related hostility towards humans
Group-related hostility towards humans serves
as a general term that integrates all hostile orientations towards humans of different origin
or differing lifestyles. The term encompasses
the following elements: Racism, anti-Semitism,
heterosexism, Islamophobia, devaluation of
homeless people and defamation of the longterm unemployed. Thus group-related hostility towards humans describes ideologies of
inequality. The same worth and the integrity
of specific groups in society is questioned. It
is a complex of discriminations that point to
the fact that several orientations often occur
simultaneously or in interplay. Group-related
hostility towards humans is expressed particularly among neonazis. They see themselves as
„master-race“, which means humans of higher
worth. In extreme cases this ideology serves to
legitimate the murder of allegeded „inferior“
nazism implies an ideology of inequality in its
most extreme form. Antisemitism and racism
are central aspects of this ideology. The aggressive hostility towards „othered“ people is
coupled with an aggressive nationalism. Neonazis represent a folkish nationalism, which
means they determine who can be a member
of the „folk collective“ (Volksgemeinschaft).
This ideology means neonazis do not respect
life. Hence, the murder of humans is the practice of this deeply inhuman ideology. National
Socialism and important leader of the NS (for
instance Rudolf Heß) are glorified as part of
neonazism. The NS-war crimes and the holocaust are denied or also glorified.
Following the example of National Socialism,
neonazism is longing for an authoritarian leader-system. This means all have to bow to a
strong hierarchy and follow the orders of a „leader“. Corresponding to this, human rights (like
the freedom to hold elections, of the press, of
assembly, of expression) are denied.
■ Homophobia/Heterosexism/Transphobia
Homophobia or Heterosexism encompasses ■ Racism
different forms of social exclusion and devaRacism describes a system anchored deeply in
luation, verbal and bodily violence, economic,
society that is built on different, clearly recojuridic and social discrimination and ignorance
gnizable groups of humans. Arbitrary, existing
towards gay-lesbian ways of living and loving.
or non-existing, claimed or real biological feaTransphobia is understood as the discriminatitures are used for this distinction, for instance
on of people who have changed their gender
skin color, skull form, blood etc. Then, negative
or are not easily classified in the gender binary
biological and/or cultural traits are attributed
of men – woman. Particularly during National
the so-distinguished groups („races“, cultures,
Socialism, gays, lesbians and transpeople were
folks, ethnicity). For instance, during coloniapersecuted and about 7500 homosexuals were
lism and to some extent up until today, Africans
murdered. Even today the defamation and asare described as wild, brutal, dumb and emosault of people occurs because of their homotional-childish. The created pictures are then
sexuality. Up until the year 19992 the World
used as a legitimation for differing access to
Health Organization listed homosexuality as a
resources, rights and symbolic-cultural belondisease.
ging/participation and portrays this as „just“.
One example of this is the extra-ordinary high
* Trans: Transgender is a general term for people who
quote of migrants that visit schools for handicapped children due to structural mechanisms
break out of classic social gender roles. Transsexuality
of selection.
is given when a human cannot be classified clearly as
belonging to the male or female sex, but sees himself/
herself as a member of the other sex and tries to bodily ■ Right-wing/Right-wing ideology
The term right-wing in this context denomiconform to the desired sex.
■ Neonazism
An ideology that has a clear positive references
to National Socialism is called neonazism. This
reference is seen in slogans like „NS now“ or
the demand to build a „Fourth Reich“. Neo-
nates a political-organizational spectre of parties and groups, one one side, on the other
it stands for a political belief of orientation.
„Right-wing“ is a general term that encompasses different ideologies, for instance ideas
of natural inequality among humans, of an
Pankower Register 2015
ethnic homogenous populace, the approval of
hierarchic and authoritarian conditions and the
corresponding exclusion of people that do not
fit into this worldview (for instance migrants,
homosexuals, homeless people). Right-wing
orientations often go along with relativization
or justification of National Socialism.
ight-wing populism
Right-wing populist mostly stand for authoritarian concepts of politics. However, right-wing
populism is more a political strategy than a
closed worldview. The aim of this strategy is
to further authoritarian and right-wing orientations. The staged breaking of taboos, the demanding of racial solutions and the tendency
towards conspiracy theories are characteristic.
Central to right-wing populism is that „corrupt
elites“ are made responsible for the problems
of „ordinary people“. The enemy of right-wing
populism can be state apparatuses, corporations, parties or lobby organizations. The concept of „people“ implicitly or explicitly means
an ethnically pure community. Characteristic of
the right-wing populism in the last years was
the propagation of anti-Muslim racism that expresses itself for instance in protests against the
building of mosques. With respect to abortion,
the promotion of marriage and family, but also
in their education-politics, right-wing populist
positions are similar to those of the conservatives.