Latino Fall Recap - Undergraduate Admissions
Latino Fall Recap - Undergraduate Admissions
Latino Fall Recap Volume 4, Issue 1 | December 2013 The Council of Latino Admission Volunteers for Education (CLAVE) created this newsletter to give prospective students insight into Latino student life at Northwestern University. Prospective students <3 Northwestern Thousands of students apply to NU and thousands also visit. We asked them, “Why NU?” Here is what they said... “The quarter system will allow me to figure out what field to go into.” “I want to interact with people from all over the world.” “NU has study abroad programs in many countries.” “I’m sold on the opportunity to conduct my own research as an undergraduate.” “The campus is awesome. In addition to beautiful architecture, the overall vibe is positive and welcoming.” “I know that I can build relationships with faculty members - after all, the student to faculty ratio is 7:1.” Inside this issue: 4 Reasons to go to NU 2 El Comienzo 2 National Association 3 of Hispanic Journalists Meet 2 Wildcats 3 Festival LatiNU 4 CLAVE Coordinators 4 ...and more! Below, prospective students visit campus... Hello Prospective Students, We are very excited to know that you are interested in Northwestern! Alianza, the largest Hispanic/Latino student organization on campus, welcomes you. Through Alianza, students unite and support each other & work towards the advancement of an empowered, productive, Hispanic/Latino presence at this institution. Alianza is a cultural, educational, and social programming body which also serves as a vehicle for activism. Northwestern University provides its students with endless opportunities to learn and grow. This includes many extracurricular activities, pre-professional programs, internships, fellowships, undergraduate research and much more. At NU you can “take care of business” and have lots of fun too! You can explore the lakefill, take a trip to Six Flags, enjoy the Mariachi Northwestern, and dance outdoors on Mayfest’s Dillo Day. We hope that you will get to see what we mean :) We wish you the best of luck on your applications and hope that you will join our Alianza family at Northwestern! Sincerely, Darlene Reyes, Alianza President, & Alianza Executive Board 2013-2014 Page 2 1 Latino Fall Recap STRONG LATINO COMMUNITY: Latinos have a strong presence on campus. With student groups like Alianza, Mariachi NU, and Multicultural Greek Life, you’ll be able to stay connected with your Latino roots. 2 BIG POCKETS: NU has an amazing financial aid system! Their goal is to graduate students with little or no debt after 4 years. Don’t be afraid of the large price tag—you will be happily surprised when you receive your financial aid award letter in the mail. 3 SMALL TOWN, BIG CITY: Living in Evanston is a comfortable experience. The small shops, restaurants and overall charm offer a relaxing atmosphere that reminds us of home. However, if you feel the need to see bright lights and city nights, Chicago is just a free shuttle ride away. Nothing compares to Chicago’s stores, attractions, and skyline! Connect with CLAVE! Want to know more about the Council of Latino Admission Volunteers for Education (CLAVE)? Have questions about the admission process or life at NU? Contact any CLAVE team member at their e-mail (page 4) or send a message to! We would be more than happy to answer your questions :) Like us on Facebook @ 4 ULTIMATE BALANCE: At NU, you get an elite education with a Big Ten atmosphere. What else could you want? Our professors are top notch scholars who offer us opportunities for research and with over 480 clubs, it’s easy to become a leader on campus! This was the second year Alianza, The Hispanic/Latino Student Alliance, hosted El Comienzo: The Beginning. The event took place on Sunday, October 13th and was designed as a welcoming event for freshmen. Upperclassmen were there to offer advice, a list of ten “must do” activities and a time capsule. Freshman brought significant, personal, and even silly momentos that represent their start at NU. They put the items in the time capsule which will be unburied their senior year. Time capsule items included the Wildcat Welcome week planner, selfies, pictures of friends during new student orientation, signed tshirts, letters to “future self”, twinkies, NU sunglasses, a Chicago transit card, and much more. What will you put in the time capsule? Volume 4, Issue 1 | December 2013 Page 3 Northwestern’s NAHJ is a student group dedicated to the advancement of Latinos in the news industry. Not only is the NAHJ student chapter the first of its kind, its members (students interested in news, media, and marketing) represent the 6 schools across NU! Recently, NAHJ members toured the Univision Chicago studios with reporter Jazmin Beltran. Another Univision Chicago anchor, Angelica Atondo, also served as NAHJ’s spring speaker. This year, the organization NAHJ members with Univision Chicago reporters has already hosted NAHJ national president Hugo Balta as a speaker, and attended the regional conference in Chicago. Want to be the next Jorge Ramos or Maria Elena Salinas? Then join NAHJ! DULCE CASTANEDA ANTONIO JOSE VIELMA Hometown: Crete, Nebraska School, Major, Year: School of Communication Communication Studies, Sophomore Hometown: Pharr, Texas School, Major, Year: Medill School of Journalism Broadcast Journalism, Sophomore Extracurricular Activities: Marching Band, Alianza, Ballet Folklorico Mexicano de Northwestern, Women’s Residential College Executive Board Extracurricular Activities: Mariachi Northwestern, Quest Scholars Network, Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity, Inc., National Association of Hispanic Journalists Advice for Prospective Students: Find an upperclassman, academic advisor, professor, or faculty member who you can relate to and feel comfortable with— ask them questions about how to navigate the university. There are many opportunities at Northwestern and mentors can help guide you in the right direction once you start talking about your interests and goals. They can serve as resources, and they can also inspire you to become a better version of yourself. Advice for Prospective Students: Reach out to upperclassmen for anything and everything from choosing classes and professors to getting connected with different student organizations Favorite Thing About NU: I love how passionate everyone is about their activities. They find meaning and purpose behind their individual involvement and contributions to the Northwestern community and beyond. Students make sure that what they do makes a difference. Favorite Thing About NU: Northwestern will really prepare you for life after graduation. There are so many opportunities to develop your personal and professional skills, not to mention the great network that you will become a part of by attending NU. Additionally, we get the best of both worlds with a small town like Evanston and a world-class city like Chicago within our reach. Volume 4, Issue 1 | December 2013 Page 4 The rhythmic beat of Latin music could be heard on the first floor of Norris, inviting students to walk up the stairs and enjoy Festival LatiNU, an event celebrating the Hispanic Heritage Month at Northwestern. The 13th annual celebration, organized by Alianza and sponsored by Hispanic/Latino Student Affairs, drew more than 200 students and community members to the Norris Louis Room. Flags from Latin American countries lined the room, edible arrangements featuring Mexican tamarind candies served as centerpieces, and colorful lights bouncing off the stage contributed to the festive atmosphere. The program featured five different groups representing six different styles of dance and music from all regions of Latin America. A professional Mariachi kicked off the event, greeting guests as they arrived and took their seats. A dance group from Latin Rhythms studio in Chicago performed to bachata music, a style of dance that originated in the Dominican Republic, and later taught salsa lessons to participating audience members. A “plenero” performing group highlighted traditional Puerto Rican song and dance, and for the first time ever, Brazilian samba dancers complete with drums and elaborate sequined headdresses joined the lineup. The high energy rhythm by the beat of the drums prompted audience members to form a conga line and dance around the room. Meet the CLAVE Coordinators! Above, NU samba parade Email us to hear about our personal, student perspective of Northwestern :) XIOMARA CONTRERAS EDGAR VAZQUEZ Freshman Sophomore School of Communication— McCormick Communication Studies School of Engineering— Favorite thing about NU: LIZET ALBA Sophomore School of Communication— Communication Studies Favorite thing about NU: There is ALWAYS a fun event, activity, or program happening on campus. It’s impossible to be bored! Email me at... Lizet.Alba2012@ Computer Science It's small enough that I can find a home base and big enough that I can meet various people with various aspirations. GIOVANNI DELGADO Email me at… Senior xiomaracontreras2017@ Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences— Favorite thing about NU: History, Spanish Favorite thing about NU: The campus! It offers beaches, beautiful buildings, green space, and access to Chicago. Email me at... GiovanniDelgado2014 The people –they are nice, interesting, and contribute a lot to the diverse campus. Email me at... edgarvazquez2012 Volume 4, Issue 1 | December 2013 Page 5 Ballet Folklorico Mexicano de Northwestern: Ritmo De Mis Ancestros The Ballet Folklorico Mexicano de Northwestern was founded in 2012 by Wildcats who wanted to increase awareness, appreciation, and celebration of Mexican culture on campus. They have already performed for the Spanish department, Deering Days, the Evanston library, and the Mariachi NU variety show. “Our goal this year is to raise funds to purchase additional dresses so that we can perform regional Mexican dances,” said member Laura Delgado. “I’m excited to work on new routines and even more excited to meet the new dance members!” ‘Cats Study Abroad Did you know that about a third of NU students study abroad? Students choose from over 130 programs across the world! They can study abroad for a quarter, 2 quarters or even a year! Here are a few Latinas who are studying abroad this year. Talia Romo... Is a Junior in the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences where she studies sociology. She is currently studying abroad in Seoul, South Korea at the Ewha Womans University. Lucy Diaz... Is a Junior in the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences where she studies psychology and pre-med. She is currently studying abroad in Sevilla, Spain. Maria Alejandra Cordova… Is a Junior in the School of Communication where she studies communication studies. She is currently studying abroad in Barcelona, Spain. Maria de Jesus Vela… Is a Junior in the School of Communication where she studies communication studies. She is currently studying abroad in Barcelona, Spain. As shown in picture, she’s also touring Europe. To learn more about studying abroad at NU visit
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