Press release Paris, Garage Turenne November 16


Press release Paris, Garage Turenne November 16
16. — 19.
The contemporary
photography fair in Paris
66, rue de Turenne • 75003 Paris
Photo © Peter Sutherland.
Paris, Garage Turenne
November 16 - 19, 2012
Press release
Photo © Peter Sutherland
2012 edition
Press contact Caroline Boudehen
+33 (0)1 43 20 12 13 -
The contemporary
photography fair
in Paris
November 16 - 19
The second nofound photo fair will be held at the Garage Turenne
between November 16th and November 19th 2012
New for 2012: the ‘Found’, a project space that acts as a showcase
for editorial projects and an interface between visitors and art
Interview with Emeric Glayse,
nofound photo fair Art Director
The organizing team
Press visuals
Partners and supporters
Practical information and useful contacts
Press contact Caroline Boudehen +33 (0)1 43 20 12 13 -
The contemporary
photography fair
in Paris
November 16 - 19
nofound photo fair will be back at the Garage Turenne
from November 16th to November 19th 2012
The vocation of nofound photo fair, Paris’ contemporary photography fair, is to bring
together all those involved in the creation of the photographic image by means of a
selection of unique and original creative projects.
Raising the profile of the use of photography
in contemporary artistic practices
Contemporary art galleries are teeming with artists who work through the medium of photography: mixed
media artists, sculptors, performance artists etc… Created in 2011, the nofound photo fair’s aim is to shed
light on the links between photography and contemporary art.
Conceived as a universal exhibition space, the fair chooses its exhibitors from amongst the projects
that have been submitted.
Over the space of four days, the fair takes up residence in the Garage Turenne, a unique venue in
the heart of the Marais district, with 1,400 m2 of glass-roofed display space that imposes few
practical constraints, offering exhibitors tremendous freedom in the work they can exhibit and the way in
which it can be displayed.
A glimpse of the latest developments on the photographic scene
Over the last few years we have seen the development of a new photographic scene of a particularly
dynamic kind, a scene that has grown out of and continues to build itself around the possibilities opened
up by the Internet.
This scene is made up of gallery owners, contemporary art curators, publishers, bookshops, art directors,
agency art buyers… an international community that can participate wherever they live, thanks to the
phenomenon of social networking and websites like nofound.
nofound photo fair provides an opportunity to bring the whole range of players on the photographic
scene together in one place once a year in Paris, during the Semaine de la Photographie.
A forum for debate and artistic collaboration, nofound photo fair offers a glimpse of the latest
developments on the photographic scene both for the benefit of those and in partnership with those who
live and create art on a day-to-day basis.
A promising start - the first ever fair took place in 2011
43 exhibitors came together for the first ever nofound photo fair, including 13 exhibitors from abroad.
The fair got an enthusiastic reception from the press and photography professionals who were particularly
struck by the highly-specialized nature of the fair, the artistic unity of the work on show and the extent to
which it was able to provide a platform for projects on the margins of the traditional marketplace. As a result,
the nofound photo fair has without a doubt become the not-to-be missed diary date for mixed mediaphotography in Paris.
What’s new for nofound in 2012?
Building on the momentum created by the first - and very successful - nofound photo fair, the fair will be back
at the Garage Turenne this year, from November 16th to November 19th.
New for 2012, nofound photo fair will be in Arles from July 2nd onwards, for the opening week of the
Rencontres d’Arles photography festival, by invitation of the Voies Off fringe event.
The 2012 fair is supported by new partners, le prix Photo Levallois (the City of Levallois photography
award), Artprice, and the Mois de la Photo OFF festival, whilst Reporters sans Frontières are to partner
nofound photo fair for the second year running.
Lastly, nofound photo fair has created a new project space, which is both a bookshop specializing in
photography books and portfolios and a visitor information centre: the ‘Found’.
Press contact Caroline Boudehen +33 (0)1 43 20 12 13 -
The contemporary
photography fair
in Paris
November 16 - 19
New for 2012 - Project Spaces
The ‘Found’, showcase for editorial projects
and interface between visitors and art
In this, its second year in existence, nofound photo fair has created a
photography bookshop that will also serve as an information centre
for visitors to the event: the ‘Found’.
nofound has imagined this visitor centre and bookshop as a focal point for all the
information you need to know about nofound photo fair 2012: books, galleries,
artists, photographs.
The Found is a perfect starting point for visitors who wish to have a quick
overview of the event. It is also a meeting place and will play host to a selection
of publishers of photography books who will showcase their latest books and
projects alongside those of Work Is Progress, a newly-established publishing
company which collaborated to the ‘Found’ initiative.
The initial idea and the design for the centre came from Gaëlle Assier in
partnership with newly-established publishing company Work Is Progress.
Gaëlle Assier, currently a project officer and head of communications at Work
Is Progress, has been put in charge of the Found project by nofound photo fair’s
organizing team. Trained as an anthropologist, Gaëlle was always fascinated
by film, the construction of images and the mysterious photographs taken by
explorers. She learnt the tools of her first trade, that of cultural coordinator,
in a museum of science and natural history. She aims to set up meetings and
interfaces between cultural venues and the people who come to visit them through
an approach that combines both scientific and artistic elements.
Gaëlle Assier was involved in the Musée du quai Branly right from the very
start, notably in the organization of guided tours, talks and educational/schools
activities. Later on, she organized the transdisciplinary training programme
for lecturers at the Cité Nationale de l’histoire de l’immigration (the National
Museum of Immigration History), which recounts the history of immigration in
France, principally through the medium of fine art photography.
Her current position at Work Is Progress enables her to much to her delight, is
able to delve into the world of the photography book and return to her old passion
for sharing images, much to her delight.
Press contact Caroline Boudehen +33 (0)1 43 20 12 13 -
November 16 - 19
The contemporary
photography fair
in Paris
Interview with Emeric Glayse,
nofound photo fair Art Director
1- You founded nofound photo fair, a recentlyestablished fair devoted to mixed media and
contemporary photography. How did this
project come about?
nofound photo fair arose out of the
encounter between the nofound blog and
Access&Paradox, the fair for the emerging
art scene in Paris. nofound 2007-2010 was
an online curatorial project dedicated to
contemporary photography where I invited
photographers and artists to present their
most recent work.
contemporary art fair conceived as a forum
for exchange. It is the only fair to have been
an integral part of a UNESCO exchange
Emeric Glayse
curator and founder of New Documents,
nofound photo fair 2012 Art Director.
« The objective
of nofound
photo fair is
to offer a new
approach that
can spark
a different
perspective on
the nature of
photography »
Over the past few years, a highly-dynamic
photography scene centred around the Internet
has begun to spring up: bloggers, contemporary
art gallery owners, art curators, publishers,
bookshop owners, magazine art directors,
art buyers etc who share a common interest
have been able to get together thanks to social
networks and websites like nofound.
This international ‘community’ (or more
accurately, ‘network’) works together on
numerous projects no matter where they are
based and without having an actual physical
meeting place. For example, speaking
personally, of the artists with whom I work
regularly, I have only met about half of them
in person. The objective of nofound photo fair
is therefore to bring all these actors together
around one event.
2- Each year during the month of November,
the Semaine de la Photographie (the Paris
photography week) is the setting for numerous
events in Paris. How does nofound photofair
fit into this week and what does it offer that
is different from that proposed by the other
participants in this week?
After the exhibitors have been chosen, we work
with them on the practical aspects of displaying
their project within the space available to
them. We also take care of the construction of
their stand, which will be made-to-measure.
We are fortunate to have the use of an amazing
exhibition venue, the Garage Turenne, which
boasts display space under a glass roof, offering
us great freedom in the work we can exhibit
and the way in which it can be displayed.
The objective of nofound photo fair is to offer
something a little different to visitors to the
Paris photography week, a new approach
that can spark a different perspective on the
nature of contemporary photography and
raise the profile of the use of photography in
contemporary artistic practices.
3- After the success of the first nofound photo
fair in 2011 at the Garage Turenne, the fair
will be back at this venue between November
16th and November 19th 2012. What will be the
highlights of this second fair?
This year, nofound gets going in July, with a
first event in Arles. We’ll be there from July
2nd to July 7th, by invitation of the Voies Off
fringe event. This will allow us to really make
the most of this very exciting moment in the
photography calendar and to offer a taste of
what’s to come in the fair in the shape of David
Evrard’s solo show and the special ‘showcase
for editorial projects’ space.
November’s programme of exhibitions and
events will once again be highly-specialized
and of the highest quality, providing a place
for projects that are perhaps on the fringes of
the established disciplines.
This year we will also be opening a new space,
the ‘Found’, which is both a bookshop and a
visitor information centre.
nofound photo fair is designed to be a universal
exhibition space. Exhibitors are chosen on a
project-by-project basis. They must detail what
they intend to do on their application to appear
in the fair - an installation, a themed exhibition,
a solo show etc., along with a list of artists.
Press contact Caroline Boudehen +33 (0)1 43 20 12 13 -
The contemporary
photography fair
in Paris
November 16 - 19
The organizing team
Emeric Glayse - Exhibition curator
After some time spent at internationally-renowned contemporary art
galleries, Emeric directed the Mycroft art gallery in Paris. Since 2008, he
has started to work as an independent curator, specialising in contemporary
He collaborates on a regular basis with galleries, museums, publishers,
NGOs, foundations and photography festivals such as the Rencontres
d’Arles. Founder of the nofound blog, he is in charge of the artistic direction
of nofound photo fair, the contemporary photography fair in Paris.
Contact : +33 (0)6 88 16 41 77
Yann Perol - Art director, in charge of exhibitors
An art critic and independent curator, Yann manages the FOG gallery
- formerly named TheWindow41 - a gallery dedicated to emerging artists.
Contact : +33 (0)6 77 15 55 01
Sébastien Boland - General manager, in charge of logistics
Sébastien has been creating and organizing events related to Design,
Fashion and Contemporary Art for almost 20 years.
Contact : /+33 (0)6 75 09 75 49
Nathalie Lucet - General coordination
An artistic agent, Nathalie is the head of the ‘Art dans la ville’ association,
and the initiator of numerous art exhibitions in partnership with the City
of Paris.
Contact : /+33 (0)6 20 33 07 17
Press contact Caroline Boudehen +33 (0)1 43 20 12 13 -
The contemporary
photography fair
in Paris
November 16 - 19
Press visuals
Overview, Acte2Galerie, Vincent Fournier © nofound photo fair 2011
Will McBribe, Dust, Berlin & London © nofound photo fair 2011
Thomas Mailaender (background), Cyril Hatt (foreground) Galerie Bertrand
Grimont © nofound photo fair 2011
Terry Richardson, Morel books, London © nofound photo fair 2011
Galerie TPTP, Paris © nofound photo fair 2011
Lina Scheynius, New Documents © nofound photo fair 2011
Press contact Caroline Boudehen +33 (0)1 43 20 12 13 -
The contemporary
photography fair
in Paris
November 16 - 19
Partners and supporters
Reporters sans frontières (RSF, Reporters Without Borders) is an international NGO
that aims to defend press freedom. For the second year running, Reporters Sans Frontières
is partnering the nofound photo fair and has invited a guest gallery which is active in a part
of the world where press freedom remains elusive.
Artprice is the world leader in the field of art market statistics relating to valuing and art
sales, with over 27 million records and auction results covering 495,000 artists. Artprice
Images® offers unlimited access to the largest record of art market data in the world, an
online library containing 108 million images and reproductions of works of art from 1700
to the modern day, described by specialists in the relevant field. Artprice is continually
updating and adding to its databases with information from 4,500 auction houses. It
issues a constant stream of information and advice relating to trends in the art market
for the main press agencies and 6,300 specialist magazines and publications throughout
the world. Advertising published on Artprice reaches 1,400,000 members. It is now the
foremost Place de Marché Normalisée® (standardized marketplace) in the world for
buying and selling works of art at a fixed price or at auction.
Since it began in 2008, Photo Levallois has consolidated its position as a festival that is
open to new developments in photography without favouring any one artistic tendency over
another - all with a view to reaffirming diversity and richness of artistic expression in this
field. The programme of events and exhibitions gives pride of place to the younger generation
of photographers and aims to encourage the interplay and exchange of ideas between
different creative fields. Both internationally-known artists and amateur photographers are
The Voies Off fringe event of the Rencontres d’Arles photography festival plays
host to a major programme of artistic events and is especially committed to providing a
platform for upcoming artistic talent. Each year, the festival is the occasion for the awarding
of the Voies Off prize, which is given to an artist in recognition of their clarity of artistic
vision and the power of the inner truths revealed by their work. Held from July 2nd to July 7th
2012, the 17th Festival highlights photography from Scandinavia and that of the students of
the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Photographie photography school.
Since its inauguration in 1994, the month-long Mois de la Photo-OFF festival has sprung
into life every other November, running alongside the Mois de la Photo month-long festival
in Paris. Remaining true to its artistic aims and vocation, the Mois de la Photo-OFF festival
is without doubt a trailblazer amongst photography festivals. Over the years, it has been able
to attract a wide cross-section of the public and is now firmly-established as a very successful
event. The festival organizes a range of eclectic itineraries in the French capital, taking in
art galleries, different creative spaces and out-of-the-ordinary places, demonstrating the
wonderfully rich, diverse ways in which the contemporary photography scene finds its
Foam Magazine is an international photography magazine. The magazine serves as an
exhibition space that embraces every aspect of photography from documentary to fashion,
from contemporary to historical, from world famous photographers to young talent. Published
quarterly by Foam and Vandejong Amsterdam, Foam Magazine keeps Foam abreast of rising
talents. Each issue presents eight portfolios around a single theme. Each autumn we publish a
double issue with the theme, Talent. Young and undiscovered photography talent is given the
opportunity to submit work for international publication.
Press contact Caroline Boudehen +33 (0)1 43 20 12 13 -
The contemporary
photography fair
in Paris
November 16 - 19
Practical information
nofound photo fair will welcome you from November 16th to 19th, 2012
during the Photography Week in Paris
At Garage Turenne - 66 rue de Turenne - 75003 Paris
Press / Professionnal Access (upon presentation of a business card) Friday, November 16th, 2012, 3pm to 6pm
Private opening (by invitation only)
Friday, November 16th, 2012, from 7pm
Open to the public
Saturday 17th, Sunday 18th and Monday 19th, 11am to 8pm
Fare: 5 euros
Métro : Stations ‘Saint-Paul’ (line 1) or ‘Chemin Vert’ (line 8)
Bus : Stations ‘Turenne’ (line 29), ‘Place des Vosges’ (line 96) or ‘Saint Claude’ (lines 25, 60)
Taxi : Station ‘Saint-Paul’, across the street from 10 rue de Rivoli
Velib : Station #3002 ‘Saint Gilles’
At the heart of the Marais district, a few steps away from the Centre Pompidou (Beaubourg) and
the Maison Européenne de la Photographie, and a 15-minute walk from the Grand Palais.
Postal address
28 rue du Pont Louis-Philippe - 75004 Paris, FR
ph: +33 (0)9 81 12 40 95
Exhibitors enquiries
Emeric Glayse -
Yann Perol -
General enquiries
Nathalie Lucet -
mob: +33 (0)6 20 33 07 17
Press enquiries
Caroline Boudehen -
+33 (0)1 43 20 12 13
Follow nofound photo fair online !