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OFFICIAL MEDIA SPONSORS Special: ALUMINIUM 2008 – Fair preview Aleris – Advance to new dimensions in hot rolling of aluminium plate Reed Exhibitions Giesel Verlag GmbH · Postfach 120158 · D-30907 Isernhagen · www.alu-web.de – PVST H 13410 – Dt. Post AG – Entgelt bezahlt OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER SMS Demag – A special type of rolling plant modernisation Volume 84 · September 2008 International Journal for Industry, Research and Application 9 Ultrasonic Testing. Heavy duty short stroke saw. Automatic stacking and packing system. Billet Sawing and Packing Plant Saw with manipulator for offcuts. Visit us at ALUMINIUM 2008 September 23 to 25 Hall 3, Booth No. 3A40 Essen, Germany Leading technology in the aluminum casthouse. There are many benefits in one-stop shopping – even for industrial goods. Reliable, cooperative planning, specifications, which meet exactly your demands and individual service-packages to operate on first-class level throughout the whole lifetime of the plant – this can be realized by one of the most experienced suppliers: Hertwich Engineering. Major benefits Hertwich Engineering is dedicated to leading technology in the aluminum casthouse. We add value by designing integrated turnkey solutions. From melting and remelting to testing and packing. The results are convincing: highest quality of products at lowest cost-of-ownership. This has been proven by numerous plants all over the world. Billet Sawing and Packing Plant The complete line including all auxiliary equipment from one supplier Various configurations and options in order to streamline the plant to the client`s requirement Sophisticated operating system with automatic restarting program, error detection and diagnosis System improve operation and maintenance More than 50 plants installed within 10 years MEETING your EXPECTATIONS HERTWICH ENGINEERING GMBH Weinbergerstrasse 6 5280 Braunau, Austria Phone: +43 (0) 7722 806-0 Fax: +43 (0) 7722 806-122 E-mail: info@hertwich.com Internet: www.hertwich.com EDITORIAL Volker Karow Chefredakteur Editor in Chief Der Countdown zur ALUMINIUM 2008 ist eingeläutet The countdown to ALUMINIUM 2008 has started ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 Der Aufschwung ist vorbei, die starke Konjunktur der letzten Jahre Vergangenheit, erklärte Mitte August eine der fünf „Wirtschaftsweisen“, Beatrice Weder. Ein schwacher privater Konsum, gepaart mit drastisch steigenden Lebensmittel- und Energiepreisen, und ein starker Euro hinterlassen ihre konjunkturellen Bremsspuren: Die deutsche Wirtschaft schrumpfte im zweiten Quartal. Von einer unmittelbar drohenden Rezession in Deutschland zu sprechen wäre allerdings verfrüht. Die Stimmung ist schlechter als die Lage, die eingeleiteten Strukturreformen wirken, das Land steht besser da als manche anderen europäischen Länder. Wie stark der konjunkturelle Knick auf die Aluminiumindustrie durchschlägt, ist derzeit schwer auszumachen. Die nur noch wenige Wochen vor uns liegende ALUMINIUM-Messe wird über die weitere Entwicklung der Branchenkonjunktur näher Aufschluss geben können, wenn sich von den Hüttenbetreibern über die Halbzeugwerke und Gießereien bis hin zu den Weiterverarbeitern die deutsche und internationale Branchenelite inklusive ihrer Ausrüster und Technologiepartner in Essen versammelt. Die Redaktionen dieser Zeitschrift und der metallorientierten Schwesterpublikationen aus dem Giesel Verlag freuen sich schon auf die interessanten Gespräche mit Ausstellern; dabei wird es neben der Diskussion um konjunkturelle und Marktperspektiven natürlich auch um neue technologische Projekte und innovative Entwicklungen gehen. Der Besuch zahlreicher Firmen auf ihren Messeständen ist fest eingeplant. Umgekehrt laden Verlag und Redaktion an den ersten beiden Messetagen ab 17 Uhr zum „Bier & Talk“ auf dem Messestand des Giesel Verlags (2D22). Aussteller und Besucher der Messe, Leser unserer Zeitschriften und die, die es (noch) nicht sind, haben Gelegenheit, mit den Chefredakteuren, Innen- und Außendienstlern des Verlages zu diskutieren, Branchennews und Branchenklatsch auszutauschen oder einfach bestehende Kontakte zu pflegen und neue zu knüpfen – und den Messetag auf diese Weise entspannt ausklingen zu lassen. Beatrice Weder, one of the five economic ‘gurus’ in Germany, explained in mid-August that the upswing has ended and the strong market positions of recent years are in the past. Weaker private consumption, paired with drastically rising food and energy prices and a stronger euro are leaving the skid-marks of harsh braking on commercial activity: Germany’s economy dwindled in the second quarter. It would be premature, however, to speak of an imminent threat of recession in Germany. The mood is worse that the true position warrants, the structural reforms introduced are having an effect, and the country is better off than many others in Europe. How strong an impact the downturn is having on the aluminium industry is at the moment difficult to assess. It will be easier to draw conclusions about the further development of activity in the branch after the ALUMINIUM fair now only a few weeks away, when everyone, from smelter operators to semis producers and foundries, and further processors representing the elite of the branch as well as their suppliers and technology partners, will gather together in Essen. The editors of this journal and its metal-orientated sister publications from Giesel Verlag are already looking forward to interesting discussions with exhibitors, which besides economic and market perspectives, will no doubt also be concerned with new technological projects and innovative developments. Firm plans have already been made for visits to numerous companies on their stands at the fair. Conversely, the publisher and editors invite visitors on the first two days of the fair, from 5.00 p.m. onwards, to ‘Beer & Talk’ at the Giesel Verlag stand (2D22). Exhibitors and visitors at the fair, readers of our journal and those who are not (yet) among them, will have the opportunity for discussions with the Editors in Chief and with those who provide internal and external services for the publisher, to exchange branch news and gossip or simply to renew existing contacts and make new ones – and so to round off their day at the fair in a relaxing way. 3 I N H A LT EDITORIAL Der Countdown zur ALUMINIUM 2008 ist eingeläutet ................... 3 A KT U E L L E S Personen, Unternehmen, Märkte ............................................ 6 WIRTSCHAFT Englischsprachige Artikel: s. nebenstehendes Verzeichnis Aluminiumpreise .............................................................. 10 74/80 Produktionsdaten der deutschen Aluminiumindustrie .................. 12 Emissionshandel darf Aluminiumproduktion nicht weiter verteuern .. 14 SPECIAL: ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU Englischsprachige Artikel: s. nebenstehendes Verzeichnis I.A.S. – Induktive Erwärmung setzt sich weltweit durch ............... 22 Carl Kind – Werkzeugpartner der Strangpressindustrie ................ 24 Siemag – Innovative Transport- und Lagertechnik ...................... 30 O. Junker – Vom Schmelzofen bis zum Profilpaket alles aus einer Hand 32 LOI – Wärmebehandlungsanlagen für hoch belastete Automobilteile 38 110 SAG – Individuelle Werkstofflösungen für breites Anwendungsspektrum 43 ItN – Innovativer Permanentschutz für Masselformen .................. 44 ECKA Granulate – Pulver und Granulate jeder Art und Größe ........ 46 Kasto – Hochleistungsbandsägen für Aluminium ....................... 48 This issue contains an enclosure from DGM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e. V. to which we draw your kind attention. Ebner – Industrieöfen mit Hochkonvektions-Technologie .............. 51 Dienes –Werkzeugsysteme für Längs- und Querteilanlagen .......... 52 BWG – Spitzentechnik für hochwertiges Aluminiumband ................ 56 Eloxalwerk Ehingen – Bearbeitung von Alubauteilen aus einer Hand 72 T E CH N O LO G I E U N D A N W E N D U N G Englischsprachige Artikel: s. nebenstehendes Verzeichnis Neue Bolzengießerei bei Neuman Aluminium ............................. 90 Pezzorgna Armando erweitert Produktpalette um automatische A.T.I.E. – Strangpresswerkzeuge prozesssicher mit Stickstoff kühlen 100 List of advertisers SAG – Komplexe Geometrien in fast porositätsfreier Qualität ....... 104 ABB Switzerland Ltd., Switzerland 113 Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH 23 AE Light Metal Casting GmbH & Co. KG 129 Alcutec Engineering GmbH 127 Aleris Recycling (German Works) GmbH 79 Almax Mori Srl, Italy 101 Almeq Norway A.S., Norway 34 Arno Werkzeuge Karl-Heinz Arnold GmbH 55 Astech Angewandte Sensortechnik GmbH 6 A.t.i.e. Uno Informatica Srl, Italy 45 Bano Recycling Srl, Italy 57 Böhler Edelstahl GmbH & Co. KG, Austria 19 Bruker Quantron GmbH 43/45 Buss AG, Switzerland 15 Buss ChemTech AG, Switzerland 119 BWG Bergwerk- und WalzwerkMaschinenbau GmbH 11 Calderys Deutschland GmbH & Co. OHG 27 Coiltec Maschinenvertriebs GmbH 14 4 Werkzeuglagersysteme ...................................................... 98 Inserenten dieser Ausgabe Otefal – Farbaluminiumbleche für Fassaden ............................ 110 I N T E R N AT I O N A L E B R A N C H E N N E W S .................. 118 V E R A N S TA LT U N G E N / D O K U M E N TAT I O N Termine, Fortbildung ........................................................ 136 Patente ........................................................................ 139 Literaturservice ............................................................... 140 Impressum .................................................................... 161 Vorschau....................................................................... 162 B E Z U G S Q U E L L E N V E R Z E I C H N I S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 S T E L L E N A U S S C H R E I B U N G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 CONTENTS EDITORIAL The countdown to ALUMINIUM 2008 has started ........................ 3 NEWS IN BRIEF People, companies, markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................... 7 ECONOMICS Emission trading must not increase cost of aluminium production .. EU to start anti-dumping probe on Chinese aluminium foil ........... Hydro to seek acquisitions in the second half of 2008 ................. US aluminium can recycling rates hit 6-year high ....................... UC Rusal continues ecological modernisation of its smelters ......... 14 19 19 20 20 S P E C I A L : A L U M I N I U M 2 0 0 8 – FA I R P R E V I E W I.A.S. – Inductive heating establishes itself worldwide ................ 22 Carl Kind – Die partner of the extrusion industry ....................... 24 Siemag – Innovative transport and storage technology................ 30 O. Junker offers the complete production chain for extrusion ........ 32 LOI – Heat treatment furnaces for high-strength car components ... 38 Achenbach – Rolling plant specialist with an extended product line 40 Heavy-duty strapping technology from Signode ......................... 42 ItN – Innovative permanent protection for ingot moulds .............. 44 ECKA Granulate – Powder and granulates of all types and sizes .... 46 Hydro brings climate protection to the focus of its fair presentation .. 48 Gautschi – From furnace equipment to complete casthouses ........ 50 Ebner – Industrial furnaces with high-convection technology ........ 51 Dienes – Tool systems for slitting and cutting machines .............. 52 BWG – Top-class technology for high-grade aluminium strip ......... 56 Italian extrusion and rolling technology in Essen: Almax Mori, ATC, Phoenix International, OMS, Fata Hunter, Presezzi Extrusion, Estral, Bruno Presezzi, Profilglass, Turla, Otefal, Selema ........... 59-68 Autel – New solution for packaging extrusions ......................... 70 ESK Ceramics – Securely adhering casting ladle coatings ............. 70 T E C H N O L O G Y A N D A P P L I C AT I O N Aleris – Advance to new dimensions in hot rolling of aluminium plate 74 SMS Demag – A special type of rolling plant modernisation ......... 80 Vesuvius – A well-established provider of refractory lining services .. 86 New casting line for billets at Neuman Aluminium ..................... 90 Profilglass extends its aluminium semis basis ............................ 92 Pezzorgna Armando extends its product range with automatic die storage systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................. 98 A.T.I.E. – Die cooling with liquid nitrogen . . ............................ 100 SAG – Complex geometries in virtually pore-free quality ............. 104 Otefal – Coloured aluminium sheet for façades ........................ 110 Dantherm – A concept for dioxin and furan abatement .............. 116 C O M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E Aluminium smelting industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ 118 Bauxite and alumina activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ 124 Recycling and secondary smelting . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ 126 Aluminium semis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ 128 On the move. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ 129 Suppliers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ 130 RESEARCH Compes – Die design solutions to avoid weld streaks .................. 132 E V E N T S / D O C U M E N TAT I O N Dates . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ 136 Literature service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ 140 Imprint . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ 161 Preview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ 162 S O U R C E O F S U P P LY L I S T I N G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 J O B A D V E R T I S E M E N T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 Compes Spa, Italy 49 Coperion Hartmann GmbH 83 Dantherm Filtration GmbH 7 Drache Umwelttechnik GmbH 108 Ebner Industrieofenbau GmbH, Austria 18/19 Ecka Granulate GmbH & Co. KG 75 Edimet Spa, Italy 68 EKW Eisenberger GmbH 103 Elster Kromschröder AG 33 ESK Ceramics GmbH & Co.KG 87 Estral Spa, Italy 41 Fata Hunter Spa, Italy 29 Gautschi Engineering GmbH, Switzerland 163 Glama Maschinenbau GmbH 121 Haarmann Holding GmbH 39 Hengen Ingenieurbüro GbR 28 Herrmann + Hieber GmbH 35 Hertwich Engineering GmbH, Austria 2 High Performance Industrie-Technik GmbH, Austria 93 Honsel AG 73 Hydro Aluminium Deutschland GmbH 111 I.A.S. GmbH + Co. KG 50 Innovatherm Prof. Dr. Leisenberg GmbH & Co. KG 53 Inotherm Industrieofen- und Wärmetechnik GmbH 22/31/125 IST Industrieofen + Stranggießtechnik GmbH 131 ItN Nanovation AG 58 Otto Junker GmbH 91 Kasto Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG 26 Kind & Co. Edelstahlwerk 123 Knauf Interfer SE 47 Lechler GmbH 31 LOI Thermprocess GmbH 43 Micro-Epsilon Messtechnik GmbH & Co. KG 9 Micro-Epsilon Optronic GmbH 8 Mifa Aluminium b.v., The Netherlands 30 Novelis PAE, France 107 Oilgear Towler GmbH 51 Omav Spa, Italy 69 O.M.S. Impianti Srl, Italy 71 Outotec GmbH 164 Phoenix International Spa, Italy 25 Bruno Presezzi Spa, Italy 59 Plasmatreat GmbH 40 Presezzi Extrusions Spa, Italy 88 Pyrotek Inc., USA 115 Reed Exhibitions 97 Reisch Maschinenbau, Austria 46 Riftec GmbH 46 S+C Märker GmbH 30 SAG Aluminium Lend, Austria 86 Sapa Holding AB, Sweden (job advertisement) 13 Seco/Warwick S.A., Poland 89 Selema Srl, Italy 63 Shanghai Jieru, PR China 105 Signode System GmbH 77 SMS Demag AG 36/37/81 Spectro Analytical Instruments GmbH & Co. KG 54 SRS Amsterdam BV, The Netherlands 85 Sucden Financial Niederlassung Deutschland 17 Trevisan Cometal Spa, Italy 65 Trimet Aluminium AG 21 Troostwijk BV, The Netherlands 60 Turla Srl, Italy 61 Vesuvius becker & piscantor GmbH 95 Windhoff Bahn- und Anlagentechnik GmbH 109 Zwick GmbH & Co. KG 24 5 AKTUELLES PSI übernimmt 4Production Die PSI AG, Berlin, hat die 4Production AG mit Sitz in Würselen bei Aachen erworben. 4Production hat sich auf die Planung und Steuerung der Prozesse in der Metall- und Papierindustrie spezialisiert. Das Unternehmen zählt zahlreiche internationale Konzerne aus der Stahl-, Aluminium- und Kupferindustrie zu seinen Kunden. 4Production bietet „Metals Supply Chain“-Beratung und -Systemintegration für die optimale Nutzung der Wertschöpfungskette. Zu seinen wichtigsten Produkten für die Aluminiumindustrie zählt die 4Production Suite. Das PSI-Tochterunternehmen Non Contact Measurement with Light Velocity + Length Knowhow-Bündelung in “Metals Supply Chain”-Beratung Metallindustrie begrüßt aktivere Rohstoffpolitik der Bundesregierung %!" ' # )* $( & ' 6 PSI BT nimmt mit dem Branchenstandard PSImetals eine führende Rolle als Anbieter von Produktionsmanagementlösungen in der Stahlindustrie ein. Mit der Integration der 4Production verstärken beide Unternehmen ihr Leistungsangebot und bauen ihre Marktpositionen weiter aus. PSI entwickelt und integriert auf Basis eigener Softwareprodukte komplette Lösungen für das Energiemanagement, unternehmensübergreifendes Produktionsmanagement (Stahl, Automotive, Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, Logistik) sowie Infrastrukturmanagement für Telekommunikation, Verkehr und Sicherheit. N Der von der Bundesregierung vorgelegte Bericht zur aktuellen Situation der Rohstoffversorgung zeigt erste positive Ansätze zur nachhaltigen Verbesserung der Versorgung und des Handels mit Rohstoffen. Der politische Wille, eine aktivere Rohstoffpolitik zu betreiben, sei erkennbar, erklärte jüngst Ulrich Grillo, Präsident der Wirtschaftsvereinigung Metalle (WVM) und zugleich Vorsitzender des Rohstoffausschusses beim Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI). Eine nationale und vor allem eine noch zu formende europäische Rohstoffpolitik müsse sich den handelsund geopolitischen Aspekten der Rohstoffversorgung widmen. Dies gelte für primäre Rohstoffe wie Energie, Erze, Mineralien und Tonerde ebenso wie für sekundäre Rohstoffe (Schrotte, Verarbeitungsreste, Gebrauchsgüter). Die handelspolitischen Fortschritte seit dem BDI-Rohstoffkongress im vergangenen Jahr seien eher ernüchternd. Beim WTO-Beitritt der Ukraine wurde zwar erreicht, dass sich dieses Land verpflichtet, die Exportzölle in einem künftig zu verhandelnden Freihandelsabkommen abzuschaffen. Bis dahin bleiben die Zölle jedoch auf einem für die Unternehmen der NEMetallindustrie prohibitiv wirkenden hohen Niveau. Viele andere Länder, allen voran Russland und China, setzen handels- und steuerpolitische Instrumente aktiv ein, um Material- und Rohstoffflüsse aktiv zu ihren Gunsten zu beeinflussen. Die von der Bundesregierung angekündigte Förderung des effizienten und damit Rohstoff sparenden Materialeinsatzes in der Industrie ist nach Ansicht der WVM von zentraler Bedeutung für ein rohstoffarmes Land wie Deutschland. Allerdings bedürfe es hier kaum zusätzlicher staatlicher Flankierung, denn der effiziente Materialeinsatz erfolge marktgetrieben infolge der Preisentwicklung und des Substitutionsdrucks. Lediglich für Forschung und Entwicklung seien steuerliche oder investive Anreize sinnvoll. Die WVM hofft auf eine anspruchsvolle und ehrgeizige rohstoffpolitische Initiative der EU-Kommission, wie sie von Deutschland im Rahmen der jüngsten Ratspräsidentschaft angestoßen wurde. N ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 Novelis records profit in Q1 of FY 2009 Novelis Inc. reported net income of USD25 million for the first quarter of fiscal year 2009, which ended on 30 June 2008. In the corresponding period a year earlier the company booked a net loss of USD142 million which included a number of non-recurring expenses related to the acquisition by Hindalco. Shipments of flat-rolled aluminium products increased in the first quarter in all of the company’s reported regions except Europe. Total rolled products shipments increased three percent to 777,000 tonnes over the correspond- ing period a year earlier. The primary driver of this increase was strong global demand for aluminium can sheet. This was partially offset by decreases in light gauge and speciality products due to weaker construction markets in North America and Europe. Novelis reported pre-tax income of USD62 million on sales of USD3,103 million for the first quarter, an improvement of USD176 million over the corresponding period a year earlier when it incurred a pre-tax loss of USD114 million on sales of USD2,828 million. N Your Partner for Air Cleaning Systems in Primary- and SecondaryAluminium Industry Sale of QVC shareholding completed Norsk Hydro has completed the sale of its 29.7 percent interest in Qatar Vinyl Company (QVC) to Qatar Petroleum. The transaction represents net proceeds to Hydro of USD136 million (NOK735m). The transaction is expected to result in a gain of approximately NOK100 million to be recorded in the third quarter results. This completes the divestment of Hydro’s Polymers activities. Hydro entered into an agreement to sell its Polymers activities to Ineos in late May 2007, consisting of production facilities in Norway, Sweden and the UK, and the 29.7 percent interest in QVC. The sale to Ineos was completed 1 February 2008, excluding the QVC interest as Qatar Petroleum exercised its pre-emptive right to acquire the QVC ownership interest. N Alufoil expectations remain optimistic Exports of aluminium foil from Europe showed an increase of three percent in the first half of 2008 bucking a general downward trend in sales which showed a decline to 432,800 tonnes from the record level of 452,000 tonnes in the first half of the previous year, according to figures from European Aluminium Foil Association (EAFA). Deliveries inside the EAFA region* dropped by five percent; volumes of thinner gauges mainly used for flexible packaging declined by seven percent and thicker materials used for containers and technical applications were down by two percent. There is optimism that the negative trend is slowing down with figures for the second quarter figure showing a drop of only three percent to 216,000 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 tonnes, against record growth in the previous two years. While the intra EAFA usage dropped by five percent in the second quarter, exports rose by nine percent despite the challenging US Dollar exchange rate. “The overall economic situation means that the general reluctance to consume is an unfortunate fact to which our customers and their customers have to adapt. However, the slight trend recovery in the second quarter underlines the optimism of the European aluminium foil industry for the rest of the year 2008”, commented EAFA President Fred McDonogh. * Armenia, Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, EU15, Hungary, Norway, Russia, Slovenia, Switzerland and Turkey. N You are invited: Aluminium 2008 in Essen 23 - 25 September Hall Galeria Stand G95 Dantherm Filtration GmbH Industriestraße 9 D-77948 Friesenheim www.danthermfiltration.com ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen 23.09. - 25.09.08 Halle 6 / Stand 6E50 Neue Geschäftsführung bei Otto Junker -EPSIL RO O ON ptr ic Gmb ASCOspeed die neue Generation. www.micro-epsilon.de MICRO-EPSILON Optronic GmbH D-01465 Dresden-Langebrück Tel. 035 201 / 729-0 optronic@micro-epsilon.de tionen inne, u. a. als Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung der Maerz Gautschi Industrieanlagen GmbH. 2006 bis 2008 leitete Hans Rinnhofer als Sprecher der Geschäftsführung die Austrian Research Centers in Wien, das größte außeruniversitäre Forschungsunternehmen in Österreich „Wir sind sehr froh, mit Dr. Rinnhofer einen ausgewiesenen Fachmann auf den Technologiegebieten unserer Unternehmernsgruppe gewonnen zu haben. Mit seinen fundierten Marktund Produktkenntnissen und seiner großen internationalen Erfahrung wird er unserem Unternehmen wertvolle neue Impulse für dessen weitere Entwicklung geben“, sagte der Vorsitzende des Junker-Aufsichtsrates Klaus K. Moll. N Energiekrise macht Standort Deutschland attraktiver Der Anstieg der Energiepreise macht den Standort Deutschland für den Mittelstand wieder attraktiver. Knapp jedes vierte mittelständische Unternehmen glaubt, dass die Produktion im Inland gegenüber der Beschaffung in Ländern wie China oder Indien wegen der gestiegenen Transportkosten wieder an Bedeutung gewinnt. Dies geht aus einer aktuellen Umfrage von PricewaterhouseCoopers unter 509 mittelständischen Unternehmen hervor. Der Trend könnte sich verstärken, wenn die Energie- und Rohstoffpreise bis Ende dieses Jahres weiter steigen und sich damit die Logistikkosten erhöhen. Davon gehen neun von zehn befragten Unternehmen aus. Knapp die Hälfte der Firmen erwartet eine Teuerung um mindestens zehn Prozent, gut jedes zehnte Unternehmen hält sogar Preissteigerungen um 30 Prozent und mehr für möglich. Schon heute leidet jeder zweite Mittelständler nach eigener Einschätzung stark oder sogar sehr stark unter den hohen Energiepreisen. Der Anstieg der Energie- und Roh- ALUMINIUM H 15 Jahre Der Aufsichtsrat der Otto Junker GmbH, Simmerath-Lammersdorf, hat Hans Rinnhofer (45) mit Wirkung zum 18. August 2008 zum Vorsitzenden der Geschäftsführung bestellt. Weiterer Geschäftsführer ist Alexander Großhäuser, der nach dem Ausscheiden des früheren Vorsitzenden Gunther Voswinckel seit Ende Mai 2008 die Geschäfte vorläufig alleine geleitet hatte. Rinnhofer ist Österreicher. Er studierte an der TU in Wien Maschinenbau und promovierte 2001 berufsbegleitend. Seine industrielle Laufbahn begann er 1989 im Flüssigbereich der Metallindustrie. Nach einer vierjährigen Tätigkeit in der Voest Alpine Gruppe in Australien trat er 1997 in die RHI-Gruppe ein und hatte dort verschiedene Geschäftsführungsposi- on berührungslos messen MIC Geschwindigkeit Länge Reckgrad stand alone Die Strompreise kennen derzeit nur einen Weg – den nach oben stoffpreise hat die Beschaffung im Mittelstand in den letzten zwölf Monaten im Durchschnitt um 29 Prozent verteuert. Dabei sind die Unternehmen je nach Branchenzugehörigkeit in unterschiedlichem Maße vom Anstieg der Energie- und Rohstoffkosten betroffen. N ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 Wir stellen aus: 23.09. - 25.09.08 ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen Halle 6 / Stand 6E50 Alunorf orders twin-chamber melting furnace from LOI Italimpianti Alunorf GmbH, Neuss, the world’s largest aluminium rolling mill, is investing in highly advanced plant technology for aluminium recycling. As a key component of its plant, Alunorf has selected LOI Thermprocess recycling technology. LOI Thermprocess, an LOI Italimpianti subsidiary, has been awarded a contract to supply a twin-chamber melting furnace. The recycling system will be designed for a capacity of 150 tonnes of molten metal per day, produced entirely from aluminium scrap. Various types of aluminium scrap are to be melted and the molten metal will be used to produce new rolling ingots. LOI Thermprocess equipment was chosen for the project because of its Messung Berührungslose Inlineofil outstanding performance and its environmentally compatible, energy-efficient operation. Contaminated scrap does not require pre-treatment. The integrated waste gas treatment system ensures that pollutants are reliably and effectively combusted. The recycling furnace is equipped with a regenerator system ensuring a high level of waste heat recovery from the waste gas. The cooler, reduced waste gas flow reduces the capital expenditure for the filter system. In addition, the LOI regenerator system rapidly cools the waste gas, improving the environmental compatibility of the plant. The recycling plant is due to be commissioned in the autumn of 2009. N für Dicke, Breite und Pr - Dynamische Messung bei hoher Genauigkeit China tax to cut alloy export China’s exports of unwrought aluminium alloy will probably fall from September on a new tax, which will increase metal supply in the country but cut availability in Asia. Chinese exporters have cancelled booked exports, which may force the overseas buyers to liquidate shorts on the London Metal Exchange hedged for the bookings, a move that would push up LME aluminium prices. Falling alloy exports from China would force buyers in Asia to switch to primary aluminium, which could drive up premiums of the metal, according to analysts and traders. Beijing would impose a 15 percent tax on exports of unwrought aluminium alloy from 20 August, said the Chinese Ministry of Finance. The tax would apply only to those that are exported under normal trade, meaning the alloy is made by local materials. The ministry did not mention those that are exported under tolling and processing trade, a duty-free policy that alloy makers use for importing scrap and exporting up to 30,000 tonnes of alloy ingots per month. Unwrought aluminium alloy nor- ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 - Spezielle Temperaturkompensation mally is made of scrap in China and the production of the alloy is encouraged by Beijing’s policy to use recycled materials. But this year, Chinese smelters increased exports of alloy, which differ from normal alloy ingots and are made of primary aluminium and other metals such as magnesium, silicon and manganese, to take advantage of strong international prices in the face of weak domestic demand. Exports jumped some hundred percent from a year earlier to 113,908 tonnes in June. The exports alarmed Beijing as the government is trying to cut exports in order to cool investment in the energy-intensive aluminium industry, Wang Feihong, senior analyst at Antaike, a state-owned research group, said. He added, smelters would cut alloy output and make more metal after tax on the alloy rose to the same level as primary metal. A trade manager at a large aluminium smelter said he estimated that more than 50,000 tonnes of primary metal would be added to the domestic market each month as alloy exports fell. - Vollautomatisierte Kalibrierung - Traversierbreite bis 6 m - Platinendicke bis 200 mm - Materialtemperatur bis zu 600 °C - Für Aluminium und Stahl - Strahlungsfrei e www.micro-epsilon.d N MICRO-EPSILON Messtechnik 94496 Ortenburg Tel. 0 85 42/168-0 · info@micro-epsilon.de WIRTSCHAFT 10 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 )-67 314--2+- "223832 #%" "$"#" ' '64%63+-772/#2-7-/ <332/#2-7 <#-8-.-:= #2-7 <%6-6-1-2#2-7 <',-(6112/2,"274-+32#2-7 <#-8-2/-/6-72/#2-7.36#03/640+'647 <3223722-2/#2-7 ' #-8-.-:= (-2732#-8-2/(-+0233/2,541-2 ' ',-(611-672+,2/773+-,541-2 ' &33-67 ' $3,-62;32 " ! 330 77-2'-4-1*-6 < !!& " $-6+3676 < 7*6/ -612 %032- : 1 *9/*9/322-,- WIRTSCHAFT Produktionsdaten der deutschen Aluminiumindustrie Primäraluminium Sekundäraluminium Walzprodukte > 0,2 mm Press- & Ziehprodukte** Produktion (in 1.000 t) +/in % * Produktion (in 1.000 t) +/in % * Produktion (in 1.000 t) +/in % * Produktion (in 1.000 t) +/in % * Jun 46,5 7,8 74,5 13,4 164,8 0,7 51,7 8,1 Jul 48,7 8,1 73,1 14,2 167,1 1,5 53,3 9,8 Aug 49,0 8,5 65,6 10,1 164,6 -1,1 51,5 7,2 Sep 47,0 9,8 71,1 7,2 156,7 -2,3 50,2 -1,8 Okt 50,2 13,8 76,0 17,1 170,7 0,4 55,4 6,0 Nov 49,7 18,5 75,0 2,6 155,8 -4,9 53,7 3,1 Dez 52,2 21,9 57,2 -7,1 119,1 -4,1 30,9 -10,6 Jan 08 52,8 28,9 71,1 -2,6 154,3 4,4 51,4 0,6 Feb 49,4 33,0 69,3 -3,8 159,2 2,9 53,1 6,4 Mrz 52,6 26,9 64,2 -17,0 166,2 -6,1 48,4 -11,5 Apr 50,6 21,1 74,0 6,6 175,2 10,9 55,2 16,9 Mai 52,6 13,5 65,2 -10,2 159,3 -4,4 47,4 -6,8 Jun 50,6 9,2 68,4 -8,2 164,0 -0,5 51,6 -0,1 * gegenüber dem Vorjahresmonat, ** Stangen, Profile, Rohre; Mitteilung des Gesamtverbandes der Aluminiumindustrie (GDA), Düsseldorf Primäraluminium Walzprodukte > 0,2 mm 12 Sekundäraluminium Press- und Ziehprodukte ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 Job advertisement Business Area Vice President Production Development Sapa Heat Transfer can look back at a successful year with good profit growth and higher productivity and we have plans for large expansion in the upcoming years. Organic growth, acquisitions and investments in greenfields will help us grow geographically. We also intend to broaden our assortment and integrate further into the value chain of our key business. To enable these plans, we need to strengthen the Business Area Management Team with a Vice President Production Development. This will be a new, global and challenging position, which requires an extremely skilled and experienced person with the right attitude and mindset. Your main focus in this new position, will be to support and challenge our operations in: – Productivity development – Capital expenditure programs – Genesis (Toyota Production Systems) – Safety – People Management The business area management team consists of six people, including Business Area President, to whom you will report. You will have one person, working halftime with Genesis and Health-Safety-Environment, reporting directly to you. Extensive travelling is required, probably around 100 days/ year. The position is preferably based at HQ in Stockholm. Your profile You have comprehensive management experience in the areas of production and operations including those areas listed above. In addition to having a proven track record in those areas, experience from rolling mills and/or from other heavy process industries is an asset. International experience is also vital for the success of this position, thus experience in production outside of Sweden is a must. You need to have excellent skills in English and other language skills are an asset. As a person you are driven, self-motivated and you are keen to deliver results. You have excellent interpersonal skills and you are a strong communicator. You are seen by both your colleagues and your peers as a motivating leader and colleague, as well as being energetic and a good listener. You seek this position because you are someone who wants a challenge, and who wants to work strategically in an exciting international environment. How to apply In this recruitment Sapa Heat Transfer works with Academic Search International. You apply by sending your CV and a cover letter, both written in English, to mats.nordin@academicsearch.se. We need your application as soon as possible and no later than Monday, September 29. If you have any questions, please contact Mats Nordin, Senior Executive Consultant, at Academic Search (+46 707516740 or via e-mail) Sapa Heat Transfer AB www.sapagroup.com Sapa Heat Transfer is a part of the Sapa group, which is owned by the Norwegian company Orkla ASA. Sapa Heat Transfer is one of the worlds leading companies in the production of aluminium heat-exchanger strip for the automotive industry. The Business Area Heat Transfer includes Sapa Heat Transfer AB in Finspång, Sweden, Sapa Heat Transfer Shanghai Ltd, Shanghai, China, Remi Clayes Aluminium, Lichterwelde, Belgium and Sapa Heat Transfer Tube GmbH, Remscheid, Germany. Production plants are located in Finspång, Sweden and Shanghai, China, Value adding in Lichterwelde, Belgium and Remscheid, Germany. We also have a sales joint venture called Norca Heat Transfer in North America. Heat Transfer has a net sales of ca 500 m €, a good profit and around 1 000 employees. Sapa Group has a net sales of nearly 4000 m€ and 15 000 employees. Please read more about Sapa and business area Heat Transfer at www.sapagroup.com WIRTSCHAFT Emissionshandel darf Aluminiumproduktion nicht weiter verteuern J. Clemens, Bonn Ab 2013 werden die Aluminiumunternehmen für ihre Emissionen an relevanten Treibhausgasen, die bei der Produktion von Aluminium entstehen, Emissionsberechtigungen Emissions trading must not increase cost of aluminium production J. Clemens, Bonn Corus Voerde Die europäische Aluminiumindustrie wird, wie von der EU-Kommission vorgeschlagen, ab 2013 in das europäische Emissionshandelssystems einbezogen. Darüber gebe es auf politischer Ebene in Brüssel grundsätzlich keinerlei Differenzen mehr, stellt Stefan Altenschmidt, Wirtschaftsanwalt in der Düsseldorfer Kanzlei Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, im Gespräch für diese Zeitschrift fest. Allerdings kann die Aluminiumbranche seiner Einschätzung nach noch auf gewisse Ausnahmeregelungen hoffen. Sie sollen dafür sorgen, dass insbesondere die Global Player unter den EUUnternehmen im Wettbewerb mit Konkurrenten aus Drittländern, die keinen entsprechenden Klimaschutzanforderungen zu genügen haben, nicht zusätzlich schlechter gestellt werden. Ohne derartige Regelungen seien deutliche Kostensteigerungen über die gesamte Aluminiumindustrie hinweg unausweichlich, betont Altenschmidt. Ob eine solche Entwicklung letztlich die Produktion von Aluminium am Standort Europa insgesamt gefährdet, wird nach seiner Einschätzung insbesondere auch von der weiteren Preisentwicklung am Aluminiumweltmarkt abhängen. Mit der Einbeziehung in den Emissionshandel ab 2013 drohen weitere Kostenbelastungen für die Aluminiumindustrie The aluminium industry is threatened with an additional cost burden with its inclusion in the EU emissions trading scheme from 2013 onwards According to proposals made by the EU Commission, the European aluminium industry will be included in the European Union Emissions Trading System from 2013 onwards. As Stefan Altenschmidt, a lawyer specializing in business matters at the Düsseldorf office of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, pointed out in an interview with this publication, there are basically no longer any differences at a political level in Brussels. However, according n n3 -/ n44-/3 n'/5//33-//3 n 3-6 -/ n+/ n4// n/3 n-33-/ n03 /3 n,4./6/ -/ n!73423// n&23// n*-1/0332 )%',!(-/5/33/.# .$8+./31-4/8"3/4/./3 */8"-7 666//8/ -0// You are welcome to visit us: ALUMINIUM 2008, Essen hall 3, booth H 25 14 to his assessment, the aluminium industry can still hope for certain exemption clauses. These should ensure that in particular the EU businesses that are also global players, and thus have to contend with competitors from third countries that do not have any corresponding regulations concerning climate protection, are not put at an even greater disadvantage. Without such regulations, significant cost increases throughout the whole of the aluminium industry will be unavoidable, emphasizes Altenschmidt. In his opinion, whether such a development eventually puts the whole production of aluminium in Europe at risk will depend in particular on the future development of the price of aluminium on the world market. From 2013 onwards, aluminium companies will have to hand over emissions ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer ECONOMICS Stefan Altenschmidt: „Es kann nicht Sinn und Zweck des Emissionshandels sein, die Produktion von den sauberen europäischen Anlagen in Länder außerhalb Europas mit geringeren Umweltstandards zu verlagern.“ abgeben müssen. Darauf sollte sich die Branche grundsätzlich schon einstellen, rät der Experte. Wesentlich bedeutungsvoller sei für die betroffenen Unternehmen jedoch die Frage, wie sie künftig in den Besitz der Emissionszertifikate gelangen werden. Darüber besteht nämlich auf politischer Ebene derzeit noch keine Einigkeit. Bislang schlägt die EU-Kommission dazu vor, zunächst 80 Prozent der Emissionsberechtigungen von 2013 an kostenlos an die Aluminiumindustrie auszugeben. Als Grundlage für diese Zuteilung sollen die historischen Emissionen des laufenden Emissionshandels-Zeitraums dienen. „Hierzu gibt es allerdings auch noch keine präzisen Festlegungen“, kritisiert Altenschmidt die bestehenden Unsicherheiten. Derzeit macht er jedoch in den politischen Diskussionen die Tendenz aus, dem Kommissionsvorschlag zu folgen. Demnach würde die kostenlose Zuteilung von 80 Prozent der benötigten Emissionsberechtigungen an die Aluminiumunternehmen dann bis 2020 linear bis auf Null verringert. Für den Zeitraum bis 2020 bedeute dies bewusst nur eine Übergangsregelung, stellt die Brüsseler Behörde ausdrücklich fest. Daraus folgt: Nach dem Willen der EU-Kommission erhält die Aluminiumbranche ab 2020 – wie die übrige Industrie © Stefan Altenschmidt: “The raison d‘être of emissions trading cannot possibly be to shift production from clean European facilities to countries outside Europe with less stringent environmental standards.” permits for the relevant greenhouse gases emitted during the production of aluminium. The expert is advising the industry to be prepared for this. Of significantly more importance for the companies concerned, however, is the question of how to obtain carbon credits in future. At present there is still no agreement on this at a political level. Up to now, the EU Commission has been proposing to initially give the aluminium industry 80 percent of the emissions permits free of charge from 2013 onwards. The historic emissions during the current emissions trading period were to act as the basis for this allocation. “However, there are still no precise rules for this” was how Altenschmidt criticizes the current uncertainty. At present, though, he detects a tendency in the political discussions for the Commission’s suggestion to be accepted. This would lead to the free allotment of 80 percent of the required emissions permits to aluminium companies being reduced linearly to zero by 2020. The authorities in Brussels point out specifically that this is deliberately only a transitional arrangement for the time period until 2020. It follows, therefore, that according to the wishes of the EU © ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 WWW.BUSSCORP.COM The leading Mixing Technology for Anode Pastes For over 50 years BUSS Kneader Series KE and CP are the benchmark in reliable and economical compounding of anode pastes. Benefit from the expertise of the market leader. WIRTSCHAFT auch – keine kostenlosen Emissionszertifikate mehr. Vielmehr sind von da an alle benötigten Emissionsberechtigungen in Auktionen oder an der Börse zu erwerben. Doch über diesen Punkt ist sowohl im EU-Parlament als auch im europäischen Rat das letzte Wort noch nicht gesprochen. Die Entscheidung über die Zuteilung der Zertifikate wird nach Ansicht des Experten wesentlich mit darüber bestimmen, welche Auswirkungen die Einbeziehung in den Emissionshandel für die Aluminiumbranche letztlich konkret haben wird. Zumindest warnen die betroffenen Unternehmen in Europa schon jetzt davor, dass sie ohne eine kostenlose Zuteilung ihre globale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit verlören. Auch aus Sicht Altenschmidts handelt es sich hierbei um eine weitreichende Festlegung: Denn im ärgsten Fall wäre die Aluminiumindustrie durch den Emissionshandel doppelt betroffen. Zum einen, weil die Branche ab 2013 selbst mit einbezogen ist, und zum anderen durch den Effekt, dass der Emissionshandel den insbesondere für die Herstellung von Primäraluminium reichlich benötigten Strom deutlich verteuert. Denn auch die Stromproduzenten sind gezwungen, am Emissionshandel teilzunehmen. Sie müssen ab 2013 die von ihnen benötigten Emissionsberechtigungen sogar zu 100 Prozent ersteigern oder kaufen. Dementsprechend seien steigende Strompreise vorprogrammiert, stellt Altenschmidt fest. Er verweist dazu auf eine Ankündigung von RWE, Essen, der zufolge die zusätzliche Belastung durch den Emissionshandel für einen durchschnittlichen Privathaushalt zu höheren Stromkosten in einer Größenordnung von rund 500 Euro im Jahr führen wird. Vor diesem Hintergrund sei zu ermessen, was der Emissionshandel unter dem Strich an Mehrbelastung für die stromintensive Aluminiumindustrie bedeute, verdeutlicht der Experte. Infolgedessen befürchtet er eine Verteuerung der Aluminiumproduktion und -bearbeitung über die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette hinweg. „Die Entwicklung, die sich unterdessen bereits bei Stahlanwendungen zeigt, wird dann auch für Aluminium gelten“, warnt Altenschmidt. Letztlich 16 sei zu erwarten, dass sich der Kostenanstieg bis auf die Endverbraucherebene fortsetzen wird, fügt er hinzu. Ob es allerdings soweit kommen muss, wie es einige „Worst-case“Szenarien an die Wand malen, dass nämlich die Aluminiumherstellung in Europa infolge der Belastungen durch den Emissionshandel insgesamt ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit einbüßt, erscheint Altenschmidt noch fraglich. Dies werde wesentlich mit davon abhängen, wie sich der Weltmarktpreis für Aluminium weiter entwickelt und welche Gewinnspannen unter diesem Aspekt auch hier in Europa weiterhin möglich sind, erläutert er. Derzeit deuten die Zeichen an den Börsen nach seiner Interpretation eher auf steigende Aluminium- und Stahlnotierungen hin. „Insofern mögen es hohe Weltmarktpreise ermöglichen, dass man auch in Europa weiterhin zu auskömmlichen Bedingungen Aluminium produzieren kann“, sagt er. Ausnahmeregelungen unverzichtbar, um Wettbewerbsverzerrungen zu verhindern Wie Altenschmidt zu erkennen glaubt, sieht unterdessen auch die Politik zunehmend die grundsätzliche Tendenz des Emissionshandels, die Produktion in Europa deutlich zu verteuern. Es sei schließlich nicht mehr zu ignorieren, dass eine Schwelle überschritten zu werden droht, an der sich die Belastungen für die betroffenen Industrien als untragbar erweisen. Deshalb werde nun auf politischer Ebene verstärkt überlegt, welche Ausnahmeregelungen für die besonders im internationalen Wettbewerb stehenden Branchen sinnvoll seien. Dazu gehört auch die Variante, die Emissionsberechtigungen über 2020 hinaus weiterhin zu 100 Prozent kostenlos zuzuteilen. Allerdings will sich die EU-Kommission, die sich die Befugnis für derartige Sonderregelungen ausbedingt, damit erst ab 2010 beschäftigen. „Das ist für die betroffenen Industrien jedoch zu spät, weil ihnen so die Planungssicherheit verloren geht“, kritisiert Altenschmidt. Demgegenüber argumentiert die Brüsseler Kommission, dass es schwer werde, © Commission, the aluminium industry – as with other industries – will no longer receive any free carbon credits after 2020. On the contrary, after that the required emissions permits will have to be acquired at auctions or on the climate exchange. The jury is still out on that, however, both in the Parliament and the Council of the EU. In the opinion of the expert, the decision on the allotment of certificates will markedly influence what effects the inclusion of the aluminium industry in the emissions trading scheme actually has on the industry in the end. The businesses in Europe concerned are already warning that they could lose their global competitiveness if there is no free allotment of credits. In Altenschmidt’s opinion, too, there are far-reaching implications because in the worst-case emissions trading would be a double blow to the aluminium industry. Firstly, because the industry itself is included from 2013 onwards and secondly because emissions trading will make electricity, which is needed in large quantities to produce primary aluminium, significantly more expensive because the electricity producers will also be forced to participate in emissions trading. After 2013, they will have to purchase all of the emissions permits they need or buy them at auction. Rising electricity prices are thus pre-programmed, notes Altenschmidt. In this connection he refers to an announcement by RWE, Essen, according to which emissions trading will lead to about 500 euros a year being added to the electricity bill of an average private household. The expert made clear that it is against this background that one should gauge the additional burden that emissions trading will have on the bottom line of the electricity-intensive aluminium industry. As a consequence, Altenschmidt fears there will be a cost increase for aluminium production and processing across the entire value-added chain. “The development that has already manifested itself in the use of steel will then affect aluminium too”, warns Altenschmidt. In the end, he adds, it is to be expected that the cost increase will work its way through to the consumer. © ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 www.sucden.de Your Future in Hedging Sucden. Broker für Futures und Optionen auf Rohstoffe und Financials UÊÊØ Ài`iÃÊ,}Êi>}ÊiLiÀÊÊ Ê>Ê`iÀÊ UÊÊiÀ>ÌÕ}ÊâÕÊi`}}ÊÕ`Ê,ÃÊÊ Ê>>}iiÌ-ÌÀ>Ìi}i UÊÊ"i/À>`}ÊÌÊ-/, Besuchen Sie uns auf der Aluminium 2008. Halle 7, Stand 7H55 Sucden Financial Sucden (UK) Limited Niederlassung Deutschland Haus an der Börse Schillerstr. 15-17 60313 Frankfurt am Main Tel.: +49 (0) 69 26 48 48 0 Fax: +49 (0) 69 26 48 48 200 E-Mail: corporate@sucden.de Web: www.sucden.de WIRTSCHAFT andere Staaten zu überzeugen, ihre Industrien ihrerseits entsprechenden Klimaschutzauflagen zu unterwerfen, wenn Europa für die eigenen Industrien jetzt schon umfangreiche Ausnahmen zulasse. Für Altenschmidt besteht jedoch kein Zweifel daran, dass ein Wettbewerbsgleichgewicht zwischen der europäischen Aluminiumbranche und deren außereuropäischer Konkurrenz erreicht werden muss. Als Alternative zu einer kostenlosen Zuteilung kommen für ihn nur noch politische Lösungen in Betracht: So schlug kürzlich die französische Regierung die Einführung von entsprechenden Importzöllen vor, um die Staaten außerhalb Europas dazu zu drängen, sich selbst strengen Klimaschutzvorgaben zu unterwerfen und ihre Industrien vergleichbar mit den europäischen belasten. Ansonsten müssten sich diese Länder darauf einstellen, dass ihre Produkte zukünftig durch entsprechende Grenzzölle verteuert werden, hieß es dazu aus Paris. Einer solchen WTO-Regelung steht Altenschmidt jedoch äußerst skeptisch gegenüber. Denn so etwas würde nach seiner Ansicht nicht in die bisherige WTO-Systematik passen. Daher sei es sehr schwer, eine solche Regelung durchzusetzen, erwartet er. Darüber hinaus befürchtet er als negative Auswirkung eines derartigen Vorgehens, dass Produktion aus Europa abgezogen werden könnte. „Dann werden voraussichtlich zunehmend Aluminium und Aluminiumteile im außereuropäischen Ausland hergestellt werden. Doch es kann nicht Sinn und Zweck des Emissionshandels sein, die Produktion von den sauberen europäischen Anlagen in Länder außerhalb Europas mit geringeren Umweltstandards zu verlagern“, warnt er. Daher erscheint es ihm sowohl sinnvoller als auch wahrscheinlicher, dass es auf europäischer zu den genannten Ausnahmeregelungen kommen wird. Autor Jürgen Clemens ist Fachredakteur mit den Branchenschwerpunkten Energie, Metalle, Rohstoffe. 18 Altenschmidt has his doubts, though, whether things will actually turn out to be as bad as some worst-case scenarios predict, namely that aluminium production in Europe will lose its competitiveness altogether because of the burdens imposed by emissions trading. This will depend mainly on how the world market price for aluminium develops and what profit margins are still possible in Europe under such conditions, he explains. According to his view of the situation, the signs coming from the exchanges are tending to point to rising prices for aluminium and steel. “In this respect, high world market prices may enable aluminium production to also continue in Europe under adequately favourable conditions”, he says. Exemption clauses essential to prevent distortion of competition Altenschmidt believes there are now signs that politicians are increasingly recognizing the fundamental tendency of emissions trading to make production in Europe significantly more expensive. One can, after all, no longer ignore the fact that one is about to cross a threshold beyond which the burdens for the industries concerned will prove to be unbearable. Increasing consideration is thus now being given at a political level to exemption clauses that would be meaningful for those branches of industry that are particularly exposed to international competition. This also includes an alternative: continuing to allocate emissions permits completely free of charge until beyond 2020. The EU Commission, which stipulates the need for such special provisions, only wants to involve itself with this matter from 2010 onwards. “That will be too late for the industries concerned, however, because it will rob them of planning reliability”, says Altenschmidt critically. On the other hand, the Commission in Brussels argues that it will be difficult to convince other states to subject their industries to corresponding climate protection requirements if Europe is already allowing extensive exemptions for its own industries. There is no doubt as far as Alten- schmidt is concerned that a competitive equilibrium has to be achieved between the European aluminium industry and its non-European competitors. For him, political solutions are the only alternative to allotting credits free of charge: for example, the French government recently proposed imposing corresponding import duties in order to force countries outside Europe to introduce strict environmental protection requirements themselves and subject their own industries to comparable pressures as the European ones. Otherwise, Paris added, these countries would have to be prepared in future to have their products subjected to correspondingly high import duties. Altenschmidt is extremely sceptical, however, about the WTO introducing such a rule. In his opinion, such a move would be out of keeping with the approach hitherto adopted by the WTO. He thus expects it would be very difficult to get such a rule accepted. In addition, he fears that this would have a negative effect and could lead to production being moved away from Europe. “Aluminium and aluminium parts are then likely to be produced increasingly outside the EU. But the raison d‘être of emissions trading cannot possibly be to shift production from clean European facilities to countries outside Europe with less stringent environmental standards”, he warns. Thus it seems to him to be both more sensible as well as more likely that the exemption clauses mentioned above will be introduced at a European level. Author Jürgen Clemens is a trade journalist specializing in the energy, metals and raw materials fields. For subscribers www.alu-archiv.de Knowledge with a lasting impact! ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 ECONOMICS EU to start anti-dumping probe on Chinese aluminium foil The European Commission will soon start an anti-dumping investigation on aluminium foil imports from China, Armenia and Brazil, according to China’s commerce ministry. “The European Commission recently informed us that it has received the complaint from its domestic industry and will start related anti-dumping investigations soon”, said an official from the ministry’s Bureau of Fair Trade for Imports and Exports. “If the European Commission decides to impose anti-dumping duties on aluminium foil imports from China, it could have a strong impact on the Chinese aluminium foil industry“, said an analyst from Beijing. China’s aluminium foil exports have surged in recent years to 320,000 tonnes in 2007, up 78% from a year earlier, according to customs statistics. In 2007 58.4% of China’s aluminium foil exports went to Asia, and 21.6% to Europe. There is a 13% tax rebate for aluminium foil exports, which has en- couraged some producers to export. Meanwhile, demand from the overseas market is also strong because of the reasonable price and high quality of Chinese products. The fabricated aluminium industry has been developing very quickly in recent years and aluminium foil output has been growing rapidly. So far, China consumes most of the aluminium foil production domestically. China produced around 950,000 tonnes of aluminium foil in 2007, up from 740,000 tonnes in 2006. N Hydro to seek acquisitions in the second half of 2008 Hydro hedges very little of its production and does not plan to increase its hedge book in the near future. Hedging production is not desirable given rising input and energy costs. The company prefers direct exposure to the market and uses a model in which around 83% of its production is forward priced for the third quarter of 2008 at USD2,856 per tonne. Hydro cited rising alumina, freight, carbon and caustic soda prices as the reason for the 38% year-on-year drop in profits in the second quarter. The company mitigates some higher costs through long-term contracts, but is also forced to do more business on ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 Hydro Norwegian aluminium producer Norsk Hydro is seeking to make more acquisitions by the end of the year and will continue to invest heavily in organic growth. The company expects aluminium prices to remain strong despite a slackening in demand. a short-term basis. Hydro expects variable costs, excluding alumina and power, to increase by about NOK200250m (USD39-49m) in the second half of 2008 compared with the second quarter. Despite rising crude oil and electricity prices, Hydro keeps its energy costs stable thanks to producing 50% of its electricity as in-house hydroelectricity and buying 50% through long-term contracts until 2015. Hydro now expects a compromise deal over the future ownership of its hydropower plants in early October, after the Norwegian parliament postponed making a decision. The © 19 ECONOMICS future of the company’s hydropower assets was called into question following the government’s green paper on asset ownership in March, according to which two thirds of Hydro’s captive hydropower supply would revert back to government hands in 2022 and the other third in 2050. Profits in the company’s aluminium products division in the second quarter rose by 45% compared with the first quarter, which was attributed to remarkably strong sales volumes in Europe and good performances in high-margin products and good cost control. This strong performance is unlikely to last in the second half of the year due to softening demand. The prospect of aluminium reaching USD4,000 per tonne by the end of the year – a hot topic of debate in the aluminium market at present – is largely speculation, but depends on the extent to which high energy prices are mitigated by the softening global economy. Nevertheless, high prices will continue because of rising energy costs. In anticipation of the potentially softening demand in the second half of the year, managing margins and keeping costs low are key targets for the company. N Alcoa US aluminium can recycling rates hit 6-year high U.S. aluminium can recycling rose by 26,303 tonnes in 2007, raising the recycling rate to 53.8% of cans shipped, compared with 51.6% for 2006. That is the rate‘s largest jump in ten years, and takes it to a six-year high, according to a tally released by the Aluminum Association (AA), the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries and the Can Manufacturers Institute. The rate peaked at 67.9% in 1992 and then fell for the next decade, bottoming out at 50% in 2003. One factor in that decline was an increasing proportion of canned beverages being consumed outside the home. AA and the Can Manufacturers Institute have a joint programme in more than 40 communities that prods households to get their discarded cans into curbside pickup arrangements for recyclables. The trend towards ever thinner aluminium cans may have reached its limit. To a microscopic extent the trend reversed itself in 2007, with a pound of aluminium alloy yielding 34.17 cans as against 34.21 the previous year. N UC Rusal UC Rusal continues ecological modernization of its smelters bers clean over 250,000 m3 of gases and remove dust from reduction cells per hour, and replace 15 foam scrubbers at VgAZ. The technology, which is widely used worldwide, is focused on one of the qualities of alumina, the key raw material for the smelting operations, alPart of the environmental modernization programme – the Bratsk smelter of UC Rusal lowing to adsorb fluorides and tarry substance. Almost 100% of the pollutants are contained and the UC Rusal has commissioned a dry fluorinated alumina is returned back scrubber system at its Volgograd Aluto the process. minium Smelter (VgAZ). This is the The modernization programme at key element of the modernization VgAZ aimed at enhancing the ecologiprogramme at the plant. The new syscal performance of the smelter already tem removes 99.5% of environmenincluded switching all reduction cells tally harmful fluoride and carbonyl to dry anode technology, installing emissions. The investment into the new filters, construction and putting new gas treatment system exceeded into operation of a solid waste yard. USD12m. The new dry gas scrub- 20 By 2009, the whole ventilation system will be reconstructed. Reducing the environmental impact is a key priority for UC Rusal. Since 2000 the enterprises which now make up UC Rusal, have invested over USD1bn in environmental initiatives. From 2007 to 2013 the company will invest USD1.4bn in its ecological optimization. UC Rusal’s modernization programme is being implemented at two of the world’s largest aluminium smelters – Bratsk and Krasnoyarsk plants – as well as at smallerscale production facilities including Irkutsk, Novokuznetsk, Bogoslovsk and Ural smelters. Projects are currently underway there to switch part of production to pre-bake anode technology. This programme should reduce harmful emissions by 35 percent by 2015. N ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 !LUMINIUMISTUNSERE ,EIDENSCHAFT 7IRPRODUZIERENGIE¶ENRECYCELNUND VERMARKTENDAS-ETALLMIT:UKUNFT 42)-%4p!LUMINIUMAUS$EUTSCHLAND UNSAUFDER "ESUCHEN3IE ND# (ALLE3TA 42)-%4!,5-).)5-!' o !LUMINIUMALLEEo%SSEN 4ELEFONo WWWTRIMETDE ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU I.A.S. Induktions-Anlagen und Service GmbH Induktive Erwärmung setzt sich weltweit durch Bei der Warmumformung ist die Erwärmung der Ausgangsform in mehrfacher Hinsicht besonders anspruchsvoll. Da die Temperatur einen wesentlichen Einfluss auf den gesamten Umformprozess besitzt, ist die Temperaturspanne meist eng begrenzt. Darüber hinaus kann für schwierige Aufgaben mit Temperaturfeldern anstatt mit einer gleichmäßig verteilten Temperatur gearbeitet werden – eine Technik, die besonders hohe Ansprüche an die Erwärmung stellt. Letzteres ist bei der Erwärmung von Strangpressbolzen der Fall. Die von I.A.S. entwickelten Erwärmungsanlagen haben die Voraussetzung geschaffen, den Umformprozess mittels eines gezielt einstellbaren Temperaturfeldes im Bolzen so zu steuern, dass einerseits über den gesamten Presszyklus mit maximaler Pressgeschwindigkeit gearbeitet werden kann, andererseits jedoch die aus metallurgischen Gründen vorgegebene Maximaltemperatur in der Umformzone nicht überschritten wird. Im Betrieb zeigt sich, dass dies zu einer signifikanten Produktivitätssteigerung führen kann. Der moderne Anwärmprozess im Presswerk erfolgt heute in zwei Stufen: Zunächst wird der Pressbolzen auf ein Basis-Temperaturniveau erwärmt, anschließend wird ein axiales Block- ()##!)#$* ! &#$# 22 !"!#$ % '''%!#$ % I.A.S. Induktions-Anlagen und Service GmbH Inductive heating establishes itself worldwide Since the introduction of the TEM-Pro Heater concept developed in 1996 by I.A.S. Induktions-Anlagen und Service GmbH, in Iserlohn, Germany, this technique has become established in numerous extrusion plants. In the field of hot forming the heating of the initial form is a particular demanding operation from several points of view. Since temperature has a major influence on the entire forming process, the temperature range is usually closely restricted. Moreover, for difficult jobs it may be necessary to work with temperature profiles Induktions-Bolzenerwärmungsanlage TEM-Proinstead of a uniformly distrib- Heater uted temperature – a technique TEM-Pro Heater induction heating unit for billets which makes particularly great demands on the heating process. accurately as possible in accordance The latter is true in the case of heatwith the material used, the batch ing extrusion billets. The heating units size, the billet dimensions and other developed by I.A.S. make it possible to parameters. As demonstrated by the control the shaping process by means experience of the past few years, this of an appropriately adjustable temis best achieved by a combination perature profile in the billet, in such of gas heating – sometimes but not manner that on the one hand maxinecessarily followed by the hot shear mum extrusion speed can be main– and a multi-zone induction furnace. tained throughout the pressing cycle, During this the basic heating is done but on the other hand the maximum in a conventional multi-zone gas furtemperature in the deformation zone, nace. Fine adjustment of the temperaspecified for metallurgical reasons, is ture then takes place in an induction not exceeded. In practice it has been furnace. found that this can lead to a significant The breakthrough in the aluminincrease in productivity. ium branch took place in 1996 when, A modern extrusion plant heatfor the building of the new 56-MN exing process nowadays takes place in trusion press at the Hannover works, two stages: the extrusion billet is first Alcoa decided to go for the then comheated to a basic temperature level, pletely new ‘TEM-Pro Heater’ offered and then an axial billet temperature by I.A.S. The commissioning of that profile (taper) is produced, which unit at the same time marked the startcompensates for the heat generated by ing point of an extraordinary success deformation in such manner that an story in the aluminium industry. isothermal extrusion process at maxiIn Germany today it can be said mum extrusion speed is achieved. that inductive billet heating has been Ideally, this heating procedure largely accepted. The technique is used should be adjustable flexibly and as by most new plants that have been ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 I.A.S. Seit Einführung des TEM-ProHeater-Konzeptes der in Iserlohn ansässigen I.A.S. Induktions-Anlagen und Service GmbH im Jahre 1996 hat sich diese Technik in zahlreichen Presswerken durchgesetzt. S AML 2 0 0 8 A LPU E M ICN II U – M E S S EAVL O UR MSI CNHI U AM U 2008 – FAIR PREVIEW planned or have begun operating during the past few years. In many cases the heating unit is planned in combination with a gas heating furnace. For such designs I.A.S. collaborates with noted gas furnace suppliers. Meanwhile, exports too have become increasingly important for I.A.S. The sequence of projects shows clearly how the technology, developed in this country, is beginning to make its mark all over the world – at first in Central Europe and later also outside Europe. So far over two-third of the orders for European extrusion plants have been completed. Another point of focus is China, where since 2004 some important concerns have begun investing in modern extrusion technology. The technique will open up export possibilities for Chinese producers. The same also applies in the Gulf Region, where nowadays there are almost as many extrusion plants in operation as there are in Germany. In that region the potential of inductive heating has not nearly been exhausted. I.A.S. also regards Eastern Europe and Russia as promising markets. N temperaturprofil (Taper) erzeugt, das die entstehende Umformwärme derart kompensiert, dass ein isothermer Pressprozess mit maximaler Pressgeschwindigkeit erreicht wird. Dieser Erwärmungsvorgang sollte idealerweise nach Maßgabe von Einsatzmaterial, Losgröße, Bolzenabmessungen und anderen Parametern flexibel und möglichst genau einstellbar sein. Am besten erreicht man dies, wie die Erfahrungen der letzten Jahre belegen, mit einer Kombination von Gaserwärmung – eventuell, aber nicht zwingend, mit nachgeschalteter Warmschere – und einem Mehrzonen-Induktionsofen. Die Grunderwärmung findet hierbei mit einem konventionellen Mehrzonen-Gasofen statt. Die Feineinstellung der Temperatur geschieht anschließend im Induktionsofen. Der Durchbruch in der Aluminiumbranche wurde 1996 erreicht, als sich Alcoa beim Bau der neuen 56MN-Strangpresse im Werk Hannover für den seinerzeit völlig neuen „TEMPro-Heater“ von I.A.S. entschied. Die Inbetriebnahme dieser Anlage war gleichsam der Startpunkt eines au- ßerordentlichen Erfolgsweges in der Aluminiumindustrie. In Deutschland kann man heute von einer weitgehenden Akzeptanz der induktiven Bolzenerwärmung sprechen. Die meisten Neuanlagen, die in den letzten Jahren projektiert bzw. in Betrieb genommen worden sind, nutzen diese Technik. In zahlreichen Fällen werden die Erwärmungsanlagen in kombinierter Ausführung mit einem Gasanwärmofen projektiert. Bei diesen Ausführungen kooperiert I.A.S. mit namhaften Anbietern von Gasöfen. Inzwischen hat bei I.A.S. auch der Export deutlich an Stellenwert gewonnen. Dabei lässt sich an der Abfolge der Projekte deutlich ablesen, wie sich die hierzulande entwickelte Technologie weltweit durchzusetzen beginnt – zunächst in Mitteleuropa und in der Folge auch außerhalb Europas. Bisher wurden mehr als zwei Drittel der Aufträge für europäische Presswerke abgewickelt. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist China, wo seit dem Jahre 2004 einige namhafte Adressen begonnen haben, moderne Strangpresstechnologie zu investieren. © TECHNOLOGY FOR FUTURE CONCEPTS SETTING THE COURSE IN ROLLING MILL MACHINERY Aluminium Rolling Mills · Heavy Metal Rolling Mills · Automation Systems · Rolling Oil Systems · Foil Slitting Machines 23.-25.9.2008 Messe Essen Hall 3 K40 ACHENBACH BUSCHHÜTTEN GMBH Siegener Straße 152 · 57223 Kreuztal Germany ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 23 phone: +49(0)2732/799-0 fax.: +49(0)2732/799-799 e-mail: info@achenbach.de ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 23 www.achenbach.de ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU Diese Technik soll den chinesischen Produzenten Exportmöglichkeiten eröffnen. Dieses Kriterium trifft auch auf die Golfregion zu, in der heute annähernd so viele Strangpresslinien in Betrieb sind wie in Deutschland. In dieser Region ist das Potenzial der induktiven Erwärmung noch nicht annähernd ausgeschöpft. Als einen viel versprechenden Markt sieht man bei I.A.S. weiterhin Osteuropa und Russland an. I.A.S. ist Aussteller auf der ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Halle 6, Stand C30 www.ias-gmbh.de Aluminium-Kongress Aluminium Congress Auch in diesem Jahr wird der Aluminium-Kongress die Messe ergänzen. Organisiert wird er von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Materialkunde (DGM), die im Kongress Center West der Messe Essen Referenten aus Unternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen versammelt hat. Die Vorträge und Präsentationen kreisen um die Themen Automotive, Luftfahrt, Verarbeitung und Werkstoffentwicklung. Der Aluminium-Kongress ist Teil des ICAA Kongresses, der – ebenfalls von der DGM – in Aachen veranstaltet wird. Ein Shuttle-Service wird die beiden Kongresse miteinander verbinden. The Aluminium Congress will again complement this year’s trade fair. The congress is organized by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde (DGM), which brings together speakers from companies and research institutions at the Congress Center West of the Essen Exhibition Centre. The topics should be of interest to the aluminium application sector and deal with aerospace and automotive as well as processing and alloy development. The Aluminium Congress is part of the ICAA Congress, which will be held in Aachen. A shuttle service will link the two events. OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Carl Kind & Co. GmbH Werkzeugpartner der Strangpressindustrie Die unmittelbare Umgebung der Umformzone beim Strangpressen – Aufnehmer, Stempel Matrize bzw. Dorn – gehört zum Arbeitsgebiet des im bergischen Wiehl-Bielstein ansässigen Familienunternehmens Kind & Co. Mit seinem Know-how und seinen Fertigungsmöglichkeiten hat das Unternehmen heute anerkanntermaßen Weltgeltung erlangt. Kind & Co. befasst sich intensiv mit Warmarbeitsstählen für Umformwerkzeuge. Neben der Strangpressbranche gehören auch die Druckgießereien und die Gesenkschmieden zu den Kunden. Nahezu alle in Deutschland in Betrieb befindlichen Strangpressen zählen – in der einen oder anderen Weise – zu den Kunden des Unternehmens, sei es, dass der Aufnehmer in Wiehl gefertigt worden ist, sei es, dass er regelmäßig oder sporadisch in Wiehl gewartet wird. Blockaufnehmer haben sich von der großen „Büchse“ früherer Jahre inzwischen zu einem Hightech-Werkzeug entwickelt. In dem Maße, in dem die Produktivität der Presse gesteigert werden konnte, sind auch die Anforderungen an den Blockaufneh- © 24 Carl Kind & Co. GmbH Die partner of the extrusion industry The area of work in which the family-owned company Kind & Co. in Wiehl-Bielstein, Germany, specialises is the direct surroundings of the deformation zone during extrusion – container, ram, die and/ or mandrel. With its know-how and production facilities the company has now achieved worldwide recognition. The company works intensively on hot-working steels for deformation dies. Besides the extrusion industry, pressure diecasting foundries and die forging businesses are also among its customers. Almost all the extrusion presses operating in Germany are – in one way or another – among the company’s customers, whether because the container was made © ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 www.phoenix-spa.com OKGROUP NEDERLAND PHOENIX ALUMINIUM EXTRUSION DIES PHOENIX GROUP ESSEN ALUMINIUM 2008 VISIT US AT HALLE 1 STAND G15 PHOENIX INTERNATIONAL S.p.A. - Main Ofce: Via Romiglia n. 9 - Factory in Paderno: Via Trento n. 34 25050 PADERNO F.C. (BS) ITALY - Tel.: +39 030-6858300 Fax: +39 030-6858384 - Factory in Verdello: Viale Lombardia n. 18 24049 VERDELLO Loc. ZINGONIA (BG) ITALY - Tel.: +39 035-4816200 Fax: +39 035-4816210 ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU mer gewachsen. Im Aufnehmer sind heute wichtige Funktionen integriert, die für den Betrieb der Strangpresse unerlässlich sind. Um dem Ziel des isothermen Strangpressens nahe zu kommen, hat es sich als notwendig erwiesen, die Temperaturverteilung in der Umformzone über den Mantel zu beeinflussen. Das kann durch lokales Heizen oder Kühlen geschehen. In den Aufnehmerkomponenten sind dazu Heizpatronen und Kühlkreisläufe eingebracht, die in die Pressensteuerung integriert sind. Die Auslegung dieser Temperierung gehört gleichfalls zum Arbeitsbereich von Kind & Co. Auslaufseitig ist der Arbeitsraum der Presse durch die Matrize abgeschlossen. Bei dem formgebenden Werkzeug, das den Prozess besonders stark beeinflusst, teilt man sich die Verantwortung mit den Matrizenherstellern. In den Kompetenzbereich von Kind & Co. gehört die Bereitstellung des optimalen Basiswerkstoffs und die Wärmebehandlung (Härten, Nitrieren). Nicht minder komplexe Anforderungen sind an Stempel und Dorne gestellt, die gleichfalls zum Arbeitsgebiet gehören. Um den hohen Qualitätsstandard aufrechterhalten zu können, erachtet es Kind & Co. als notwendig, die gesamte Produktionskette in der Hand zu behalten. Das beginnt beim Vormaterial, das bei Kind & Co. in einem zweistufigen Schmelzprozess erzeugt wird. Die in einem Induktionsofen erschmolzenen Blöcke werden, je nach den späteren Einsatzbedingungen, durch das Elektro-Schlacke-Umschmelzverfahren (ESU) einem zweiten Schmelzprozess unterzogen, um spezifische Qualitätsmerkmale des Werkzeugstahls hinsichtlich Reinheit und Zähigkeit und Polierbarkeit reproduzierbar herzustellen. Im Jahre 2004 wurde eine weitere Anlage dieser Art für Blockgewichte bis 25 Tonnen installiert. Mit dieser neuen Anlage wurden die Produktionskapazitäten entscheidend erweitert. Auf Schmiedepressen werden anschließend die Ausgangsformen manipulatorgesteuert zu Rund-, Rechteck- oder Freiformschmiedeteilen umgeformt. In diesem Arbeitsgang wird schließlich die spezielle Gefügestruktur (Korngröße, Faserverlauf) erreicht, 26 Neu – das Vortragsforum New – the lecture forum Unabhängig vom Kongress bekommt die ALUMINIUM 2008 erstmals ihr eigenes Vortragsforum. Um die Themen Gießen, Schweißen und Primärproduktion auf der Messe noch weiter zu vertiefen, gestalten die drei Partner der jeweiligen Themenpavillons – die GDM, der DVS-Verlag und die GDMB Gesellschaft für Bergbau, Metallurgie, Rohstoff- und Umwelttechnik – eine Vortragsreihe. Tagesweise stehen unter den Oberthemen Aluminiumherstellung, Aluminiumschweißen und -fügen sowie Aluminiumguss insgesamt 23 Vorträge auf dem Programm. Der Vortragstag zum Thema Guss wird von der ae light metal casting GmbH u. Co. KG, der Thementag Schweißen von der Linde AG unterstützt. Das Vortragsforum befindet sich in Halle 6, der Besuch ist kostenfrei. For the first time, ALUMINIUM 2008 will have a lecture forum of its own, independent of the Congress. In order to treat the subjects of casting, welding and primary production in more depth at the fair, the three partners of the respective theme pavilions – GDM, DVS-Verlag and GDMB (the German Society for Mining, Metallurgy, Raw Materials and Environmental Technology) – are organizing a series of lectures. The programme features a total of 23 lectures grouped under the overall headings of producing, welding and joining, and casting of aluminium, each of which will be dealt with on a separate day. The day of lectures on casting is sponsored by the company ae light metal casting, the welding theme day by Linde AG. The lecture forum is located in hall 6, admission is free. die die überragenden mechanischen Eigenschaften des Stahls ermöglicht. Ihre endgültigen mechanischen Eigenschaften erhalten diese Komponenten in der Vergüterei und Härterei des Unternehmens. Für die individuelle, auf den jeweiligen Verwendungszweck abgestimmte, Wärmebehandlung stehen unterschiedliche Aggregate zur Verfügung. in Wiehl, or because it is maintained regularly or from time to time there. Meanwhile, billet containers have developed from the large ‘sleeves’ of earlier years, to become a high-tech tool. To the extent that it has been possible to increase productivity, the demands made upon the container have increased correspondingly. Today, the container integrates important ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 – M E S S EAVL O UR MSI CNHI U AM U 2008 – FAIR PREVIEW Kind & Co. S AML 2 0 0 8 A LPU E M ICN II U Elektro-Schlacke-Umschmelzanlage für Blöcke bis 25 Tonnen Electro-slag re-melting unit for ingots up to 25 tonnes functions that are essential for the operation of the extrusion press. To approximate to the ideal of isothermal extrusion, it has been found necessary to influence the temperature distribution in the deformation zone by means of the mantle. This can be done by local heating or cooling. For that purpose heating elements and cooling circuits are incorporated in the container components, which are integrated in the press control system. The design of these temperature control means is also part of the work of Kind & Co. On the run-out side the working © Der abschließende Arbeitsgang ist die mechanische Bearbeitung, die durch die teilweise großen Abmessungen und durch die nicht ganz einfache Zerspanbarkeit der zu bearbeitenden Stähle gekennzeichnet ist. Das wesentliche Merkmal ist hier die Individualität der Bauteile, die eine Serienfertigung nicht zulässt. Im Falle der Rezipienten gehören auch ein oder mehrere Schrumpfprozesse zum Fertigungsgang, mit dem die Zwischenund Innenbüchse in den Aufnehmer eingebracht wird. Heute reichen die Geschäftsverbindungen des Unternehmens weit über die deutschen Grenzen bis nach Übersee hinaus. Diese Verbindungen lassen sich nach Einschätzung des Unternehmens in dem Maße weiter ausbauen, in dem sich der Trend zu einer leistungsfähigeren Strangpresstechnik durchsetzt. Besonders groß ist der Modernisierungsbedarf in Osteuropa. Darüber hinaus laufen derzeit in Asien, speziell in China, viele neue Projekte. N !" ! "#$ % &' '"()" $ * % % '+$ +,-- .'/0/01)2 3$ 415-06,70818 &9415-06,7081-:8 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 27 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 27 ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU area of the press is bounded by the die. For the shaping die itself, which influences the process particularly markedly, responsibility is divided with the die manufacturer. The competence field of Kind & Co. includes the provision of the best possible basis material and the heat treatment (hardening, nitriding). Requirements no less complex apply to the ram and mandrels, which also belong to the company’s area of work. To be able to maintain the highest quality standards, Kind & Co. regards it as necessary to keep the entire production chain in mind. This begins with the pre-material, which is produced at Kind & Co. in a two-stage melting process. Depending on the subsequent conditions of use, the ingots melted in an induction furnace are subjected by the electroslag-remelt process (ESR) to a second melting stage in order to produce specific quality characteristics of the die steel related to purity, toughness and polishing properties in a reproducible way. In 2004 a second unit 28 of this type was installed for ingots weighing up to 25 tonnes. With this new unit production capacities were increased substantially. Using forging presses, the initial shapes are then produced by controlled manipulation to give round, rectangular or hammerforged components. Finally, during this working step the special metallurgical structure (grain size, fibrous texture) responsible for the outstanding mechanical properties of the steel is produced. The resulting components are given their final mechanical properties in the company’s heat treatment and hardening workshop. Various aggregates are available for the individual heat treatments needed for the respective applications. The final work step is mechanical machining, which is characterised by sometimes large dimensions and by the not very simple machinability of the steels to be processed. Here, the essential characteristic is the individuality of the components, which precludes series production. In the case of the containers the production procedure includes one or more shrinking processes by means of which the intermediate and inner sleeves are incorporated in the container. Today the company’s business connections extend far beyond the frontiers of Germany. Numerous extrusion plants in Europe and also overseas do business with Kind & Co. In the company’s estimation these relations will extend further, the more the trend towards better extrusion technology becomes established. The need for modernisation is particularly great in Eastern Europe. Furthermore, at present many new projects are under way in Asia, especially in China. Kind & Co. will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 2, Stand C18 www.kind-co.de OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER European Aluminium Award European Aluminium Award Bereits zum sechsten Mal wird auf der Messe der European Aluminium Award „Industrial Design & Engineering“ verliehen. Der renommierte Preis wird vom Aluminium Centrum (Niederlande) in Zusammenarbeit mit der European Aluminium Association (EAA), dem Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie (GDA) sowie der Messe organisiert. Mit den Branchengrößen Alcan, Alcoa, Hydro und Novelis hat der Award auch in diesem Jahr wieder hochkarätige Förderer gefunden. Exklusiver Medienpartner ist der Giesel Verlag mit seinen Branchentiteln ALUMINIUM International Journal, Aluminium Praxis, APT News und APT Aluminium. Die nominierten Produkte in den beiden Kategorien „Industrial“ and „Consumer Products“ werden während der Messe in der Galeria ausgestellt, die Preisübergabe findet am 23. September im Rahmen der festlichen Abendveranstaltung der ALUMINIUM statt. The European Aluminium Award ‘Industrial Design & Engineering’ will be presented at the fair for the sixth time. The renowned prize is organized by the Aluminium Centrum (Netherlands) in cooperation with the European Aluminium Association (EAA), the German Aluminium Association (GDA) and ALUMINIUM 2008. Supported by the flagship companies Alcan, Alcoa, Hydro and Novelis, the award once again enlisted high-calibre sponsors this year. Exclusive media partners are the trade journals of the Giesel Verlag publishing house: ALUMINIUM International Journal, Aluminium Praxis, APT News and APT Aluminium. The products nominated in the two categories ‘Industrial’ and ‘Consumer Products’ will be on display during the fair in the Galeria; the award-giving ceremony will be held on 23 September during the ALUMINIUM evening gala event. ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU Siemag – Innovative Transport- und Lagertechnik für die Aluminiumindustrie Siemag – Innovative transport and storage technology Die in Netphen ansässige Siemag GmbH kann auf mehr als 135 Jahre Erfahrung in der Bergbau-, Förder-, Hütten- und Lagertechnik sowie Logistik blicken. Die Automatisierungstechnik ist im Zusammenhang mit der Entwicklung von Logistiklösungen ein Schwerpunkt der Geschäftstätigkeit. Der Optimierung der Lager- und Siemag GmbH, located in Netphen, Germany, can look back over more than 135 years of experience in the mining, conveyor, smelter and storage technology and logistics sectors. A focal point of its business is automation technology in connection with the development of logistics solutions. When throughput and storage times have to be made shorter in order to make work sequences more efficient and thereby improve the economy of production, optimisation of the store and transport systems plays a central role. Today, Siemag acts as a general contractor for coil-handling and storage systems. Its supply range extends from analysis of the existing situation and the provision of advice on systems, through planning, delivery and assembly, to commissioning of the result. In recent years the automation of store logistics has come to be recognised as particularly important. For Siemag Transportsysteme kommt eine zentrale Rolle zu, wenn es darum geht, Durchlauf- und Lagerzeiten zu reduzieren, Abläufe effizienter und so die Produktion insgesamt wirtschaftlicher zu gestalten. Bei den Anlagen für Coil-Handling und -Lagerung tritt Siemag heute als Generalunternehmer auf. Das Ange- Automatischer Coiltransport im modernisierten Hamburger Hydro-Walzwerk Automatic coil transport at the modernised Hydro rolling mill in Hamburg High Performance Tooling for the Tube Industry Based on 125 years of experience the Schmidt + Clemens Group offers an in-depth of metallurgical consultation for many manufacturing situations. Visit us at the Aluminium 2008 23rd - 25th Sept. 2008 Essen/Germany Stand 1E23 S+C MÄRKER supplies the complete range of extrusion tooling such as container mantles, liners, liner holders, stems, mandrels and dies etc. For this tooling a comprehensive stock of high-quality hot work tool steels is available. The scope of supply is completed by an excellent customer service including developement and re-lining of extrusion containers in the re-lining centre of S+C MÄRKER. S+C MÄRKER GmbH Steel Technologies P.O. Box 11 40 51779 Lindlar Germany 30 Phone: +49 (0) 2266 92-211 Fax: +49 (0) 2266 92-509 E-mail: extrusion@schmidt-clemens.de www.sc-maerker.de s0RECISIONEXTRUSIONWITHTIGHTTOLERANCES FROMMM s,OWORDERVOLUMESTARTINGATKGPER ORDER s#OMPLETELYlNISHEDPRODUCTSPRECISION EXTRUSION#.#MACHININGUPTO MMSURFACETREATMENTANDASSEMBLY s-AXIMUMDESIGNFREEDOMMULTIPLE FEATURESCANBEINTEGRATEDINTOONESINGLE PROlLEDESIGN s)NNOVATIVEPROlLEDESIGNENGINEERINGTO ACHIEVEOPTIMALDESIGN s!CHIEVINGCOSTREDUCTIONSPRECISION EXTRUSIONELIMINATESMACHININGOPERATIONS Hall 3 F-10 -IFA!LUMINIUM"60/BOX .,2#6ENLO4HE.ETHERLANDS 4EL&AX )NTERNETWWWMIFANLEMAILSALES MIFANL ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 S AML 2 0 0 8 A LPU E M ICN II U – M E S S EAVL O UR MSI CNHI U AM U 2008 – FAIR PREVIEW Advertisement www.inotherm-gmbh.de this, Siemag has developed a series of material flow and store management systems which provide the customer with plant technology tailored to his needs. The development of self-navigating, driverless transport vehicles (ACT, Automatic Coil Transporters) is for Siemag an important step towards production with the minimum of personnel. This development supplements corresponding trends on the rolling mill and adjustment sides, so that the customer can now be provided with a modernisation package complete in every respect. When Siemag brought out its ACT system in 1999, users showed a great deal of interest. Since then the system has become a successful alternative to driver-controlled mandrel stack- ers and is used to good effect in both the steel and aluminium industries, among others in the modernised rolling plant of Hydro Aluminium. The advantages of the automatic coil transporter compared with a conventional mandrel stacker can be described as follows: • better transport quality – no damage to the coils, the transport vehicle or the storage equipment • planning reliability thanks to accurate estimation of the transport performance in advance • continuous tracking of the material, thanks to transport control integrated in the overall logistical system • emission-free operation and saving of space thanks to the elimination of fixed structures such as rails or foundations. Against this background, the low operating costs of the ACT very quickly result in economic advantages. Decisive factors in this are the low energy costs, the absence of personnel and the better quality of transport. N botsspektrum reicht von der Ist-Analyse und Systemberatung über die Planung, Lieferung und Montage bis hin zur Inbetriebnahme. Einen besonderen Stellenwert hat die Automatisierung der Lagerlogistik in den letzten Jahren gewonnen. Siemag hat dafür eine Reihe Materialfluss- und Lagerverwaltungssysteme entwickelt, die dem Kunden eine maßgeschneiderte Anlagentechnik bieten. Die Entwicklung der selbstnavigierenden, fahrerlosen Transportfahrzeuge ACT (Automatic Coil Transporters) ist ein wichtiger Schritt auf dem Wege zur personalarmen Fertigung. Diese Entwicklung ergänzt die entsprechenden Trends auf der Walzwerks- und Adjustageseite, so dass dem Kunden heute ein in jeder Hinsicht abgerundetes Modernisierungspaket zur Verfügung steht. Als Siemag 1999 ihr ACT-System vorstellte, war das Interesse der Anwender groß. Inzwischen ist das System eine erfolgreiche Alternative zum fahrergesteuerten Dornstapler und sowohl in der Stahl- als auch in © $ * +&&& ,,11 // / / 00 11 /-- && 22 ..-- /1 --'' -&& 1 3-- & &,,11 3 && & & " " !"#$ % !#& ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 31 , $)')' ! " # $% &' ( )))&&' ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 31 ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU der Aluminiumindustrie erfolgreich im Einsatz – unter anderem im modernisierten Hamburger Walzwerk der Hydro Aluminium. Die Vorteile des automatischen Coiltansporters im Vergleich zum konventionellen Dornstapler sind: • eine höhere Transportqualität, keine Beschädigungen an den Coils, am Transportfahrzeug oder an den Lagereinrichtungen • Planungssicherheit durch genaue Abschätzung der Transportleistungen bereits im Vorfeld • kontinuierliche Materialverfolgung dank einer in die Gesamtlogistik integrierten Transportsteuerung • emissionsfreier Betrieb und Platzersparnis durch den Verzicht auf feste Einbauten wie Schienen oder Fundamente. Vor diesem Hintergrund führen die geringeren Betriebskosten des ACT sehr schnell zu wirtschaftlichen Vor- teilen. Maßgeblich dafür sind vor allem die geringeren Energiekosten, der Wegfall von Personal sowie die höhere Transportqualität. Siemag ist Aussteller auf der ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Halle 3, Stand A40 www.siemag.com OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Otto Junker Group: Vom Schmelzofen bis zum Profilpaket – die komplette Produktionskette des Strangpressens aus einer Hand 32 Otto Junker Group: From melting furnace to packaged sections – the complete production chain for extrusion from a single source itself. At the end of 2007 Junker com“We are on a buying trip and want to bined all these activities in the Otto expand still more in the coming years”, Junker Extrusion business division. said Gunther Voswinckel, then Chairman of the Board of the Otto Junker Among the important acquisitions Group, to this journal two years ago made by Junker in recent years is the at ALUMINIUM 2006. The imminent Swedish industrial furnace specialist fair in 2008 now provides an opporUIT. This has reinforced the group’s tunity for a provisional assessment of extrusion sector in that the company the results of that intention. group can now offer the complete production chain for extrusion techTo describe the supply possibilities nology all from a single source. of the Junker group is no simple matThe Dutch subsidiary Thermcon ter. Even considering the aluminium Ovens, which is now one of the most sector alone, the group’s plant techimportant furnace suppliers in the nology is multifaceted. The company melting context, specializes in © supplies induction melting and casting furnaces, billet heating units (both inductive and gas fired) including handling equipment, and heat treatment units for heating, homogenizing and tempering castings, formats, strips, coils and foils. There are also complete extrusion equipment packages which now include even Automatische Lagerung und Zuführung von Stangen vor der Presse the extrusion press Automatic storage and transport of bars to the extrusion press ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 Otto Junker „Wir befinden uns auf Einkaufstour und wollen in den kommenden Jahren verstärkt expandieren“, sagte Gunther Voswinckel, damals Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung der Otto Junker Gruppe, dieser Zeitschrift vor zwei Jahren auf der ALUMINIUM 2006. Der unmittelbar bevorstehende Messetermin 2008 gibt Gelegenheit, eine vorläufige Bilanz zu ziehen. Die Lieferpalette der Otto Junker Gruppe zu beschreiben, ist nicht ganz leicht. Selbst wenn man sich auf den Aluminiumbereich beschränkt, ist die Anlagentechnik der Gruppe noch immer vielfältig. Das Unternehmen liefert Induktions-Schmelz- und Gießöfen, Bolzenerwärmungsanlagen (induktiv und gasbeheizt) einschließlich Handlingseinrichtungen, Wärmebehandlungsanlagen zum Anwärmen, Homogenisieren und Vergüten von Gussteilen, Formaten, Bändern, Bunden und Folien. Hinzu kommt das komplette Paket an Strangpressausrüstungen, zu dem jetzt auch die Strangpresse selbst gehört. All diese Aktivitäten wurden Ende 2007 zum Geschäftsbereich Otto Junker Extrusion zusammengefasst. Zu den bedeutenden Akquisitionen, die Otto Junker in den vergangenen Jahren getätigt hat, gehört der schwedische Industrieofenspezialist UIT. Er verstärkt den Strangpresssektor der Gruppe in der Weise, dass die Unternehmensgruppe heute in der Lage ist, die komplette © Geben Sie Ihrem Unternehmen einen Energieschub! Auch im globalen Wettbewerb entscheidet die Leistung vor Ort. Schön, dass Sie sich auf die Brennertechnologie von Elster Kromschröder überall und jederzeit verlassen können. Denn in über 60 Ländern finden Sie unseren kunden- und anlagenspezifischen Service. Dadurch haben Sie an jedem Einsatzort den unverzüglichen Zugriff auf das komplette Sortiment und das Fachwissen von Spezialisten. Die Brenner lassen sich aufgrund ihrer modularen Bauweise einfach und schnell warten sowie an unterschiedliche Prozessanforderungen anpassen. Zeitvorteile verschaffen Ihnen ebenfalls leicht verständliche Dokumentationen, praxisgerechte Schulungen sowie Unterstützung bei Inbetriebnahme und Wartung. Sind Sie auf den Geschmack gekommen? Dann fordern Sie weitere Informationen an! Elster GmbH Postfach 2809 49018 Osnabrück T +49 541 1214-0 F +49 541 1214-370 info@kromschroeder.com www.kromschroeder.de ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU Produktionskette der Strangpresstechnik aus einer Hand anzubieten. Auf den Schmelz- und Gießprozess als erste Stufe in der Prozesskette des Strangpressens hat sich die niederländische Tochtergesellschaft Thermcon Ovens spezialisiert, die heute zu den bedeutenden Ofenanbietern auf der Flüssigseite gehört. Den Umfang des Geschäftes charakterisiert ein Großauftrag über fünf stationäre Schmelzöfen und fünf stationäre Warmhalteöfen für ein türkisches Halbzeugwerk, den Thermcon Ovens im Vorjahr buchen konnte. Wenn ein Presswerk heute im Gießereibereich investiert, gehört Otto Junkers mit großer Sicherheit zu den Anbietern. Für die Homogenisierung von Pressbolzen liefert Otto Junker Kammer- oder Herdwagenöfen für die chargenweise Wärmebehandlung. Bei den Kammeröfen wird mit Glühgestellen und Chargiermaschinen die Beschickung der Öfen durchgeführt, so dass gegenüber den Herdwagenöfen Energie gespart wird und die Anlage flexibler arbeiten kann. Da zwischen den Bolzen kein Temperaturausgleich stattfinden kann, werden die Anlagen mit reversierendem Luftstrom ausgeführt. Die Charge wird wechselseitig durchströmt, so dass die Temperaturspreizung in der Charge klein bleibt und lange Ausgleichszeiten entfallen. Für die Trennung der in der Presse benötigten Bolzenlänge vom Aluminiumstrang gibt es grundsätzlich zwei Möglichkeiten: den Bolzen vom erwärmten Strang in einer Warmblockschere abzuscheren oder aber vom kalten Strang mittels einer Säge abzutrennen. Otto Junker bietet beide Systeme an. Die Kaltsägeanlagen haben den Vorteil einer glatten Trennfläche am Bolzen ohne Verformung des Bolzenendes. Es muss jedoch mit Materialverlust aufgrund der Sägeblattdicke gerechnet werden. Warmblockscheren und Kaltsägen sind in der Regel mit StrangrestOptimierungssystemen ausgestattet. Moderne Strangpressen optimieren die Bolzenlänge, um die bestmögliche Nutzung des Auslauftisches zu erreichen. Neuerdings bietet Otto Junker ein System an, das den Stangenrest mit der nachfolgenden Stange durch Reibschweißen verbindet. 34 the melting and casting process as the first step in the process chain. The scope of its business is typified by a major contract for five static melting furnaces and five static holding furnaces for a Turkish semis plant, awarded to Thermcon Ovens last year. Nowadays, when an extrusion plant invests in casting equipment it is more than likely that Junker will be one of the suppliers. For extrusion billet homogenization Junker supplies chamber or hearth wagon furnaces for heat treatment in batches. In the case of chamber furnaces the furnace is loaded by means of annealing frames and charging machines, so that compared with hearth wagon furnaces energy is saved and the plant can operate more flexibly. Since no temperature equalization can take place between the billets, the units are designed with a reversing air flow. Air flows through the charge from both sides in alternation so that the temperature spread in it remains small and long equalization times are not necessary. For cutting the billet lengths required for the press from the aluminium strand there are basically two options: to cut the billets from the hot strand in a hot billet shear, or to cut them from the cold strand by means of a saw. Junker offers both systems. The cold saw option has the advantage of producing a smooth cut surface on the billet without deformation of the billet end, but some material loss must be allowed for because of the thickness of the saw blade. Hot billet shears and cold saws are as a rule equipped with strand residue optimization. Modern extrusion presses optimize the billet length in order to achieve the most effective possibly utilization of the run-out table. Recently, Junker has been offering a system which joins the strand residue to the next bar in line by friction welding. The strands or billets are mainly heated by gas-fired or induction furnaces, or a combination of the two. In gas-fired furnaces active, highconvection heating is also used. Junker is the only plant supplier capable of providing all these systems from a single source and therefore provides competent and objective advice about ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 35 ! " # " $%&'(&' )**+ ,- . / " 012 www.otto-junker-group.com Otto Junker will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 3, Stand D20 the design most suitable for each case. There is no doubt that gas-fired furnaces have clear advantages in relation to energy costs. On the other hand, induction furnaces allow more exact temperature regulation and control, take up less space, and are more flexible. To make the most of the advantages of both systems, it often makes sense to use a combination of both heating methods. The extrusion presses offered by Junker are based on the know-how of the French company Clecim. When the Spanish GIA group took over Clecim in 2006, important designers changed over to Junker. Under the Junker label an independent press programme was created, but so far no reference plants can yet be cited. In contrast, comprehensive references and experience are available in the press run-out sector. In this field the subsidiary company Elhaus has been successfully active for many years. Its run-out systems are now installed in numerous extrusion plants in Europe and the Gulf Region. Recently, Eduard Hueck awarded the contract for the complete run-out system for its 28-MN press, which will begin operating at the end of 2009. The scope of the contract includes the cooling at the exit of the strand, a double puller with flying saw, transverse transport, a stretching bench and a finishing saw with stacking machine. In a Polish extrusion plant Elhaus installed two complete run-out systems Für die Erwärmung der Stränge bzw. der Bolzen werden hauptsächlich gasbeheizte Öfen oder Induktionsöfen eingesetzt oder eine Kombination beider Systeme. Bei den gasbeheizten Öfen wird außerdem die aktive Hochkonvektionserwärmung angewendet. Otto Junker ist als einziger Anlagenbauer in der Lage, all diese Systeme aus einer Hand zu realisieren und damit kompetent und objektiv bei der Auswahl der jeweils günstigsten Ausführung zu beraten. Unstrittig ist, dass der gasbeheizte Ofen in Bezug auf die Energiekosten eindeutige Vorteile besitzt. Für den Induktionsofen sprechen die exakte Temperaturführung und -kontrolle, der geringere Platzbedarf und die höhere Flexibilität. Um die Vorteile beider Systeme zu nutzen, macht es oft Sinn, eine Kombination beider Erwärmungsverfahren anzuwenden. Die Strangpresse, die Otto Junker anbietet, basiert auf dem Knowhow der französischen Clecim. Das Unternehmen verfügt über ein gewachsenes Knowhow bei Pressen im oberen Kraftbereich. Als die spanische GIA-Gruppe 2006 Clecim übernahm, wechselten wichtige Konstrukteure zu Otto Junker. Es entstand unter dem Label von Otto Junker ein eigenständiges Pressenprogramm, von dem allerdings bisher noch keine Referenzanlage zur Verfügung steht. Umfassende Referenzen und Erfahrungen liegen hingegen auf dem Sektor des Pressenauslaufs vor. Hier ist die Tochtergesellschaft Elhaus seit vielen Jahren erfolgreich aktiv. Deren Auslaufsysteme finden sich heute in zahlreichen Presswerken Europas und der Golfregion. Zuletzt erteilte Eduard Hueck den Auftrag über das komplette Auslaufsystem für seine neue 28-MN-Presse, die Ende 2009 in Betrieb gehen wird. Zum Auftragsvolumen gehören die Kühlung am Strangauslauf, Doppelpuller mit fliegender Säge, Quertransport, Reckbank und Fertigsäge mit Stapler. Die Werkzeuganwärmöfen für diese Linie kommen von der Tochter IUT, die zu den führenden Herstellern zählt. Die Stärke von IUT sind Homogenisieröfen für Profilabschnitte. Hier gehören die fünf neuen Ofen der Gutmann Werke in Weißenburg zu den IUT-Referenzen. N !!!"## " – M E S S EAVL O UR MSI CNHI U AM U 2008 – FAIR PREVIEW Elhaus S AML 2 0 0 8 A LPU E M ICN II U Trust ... Solid competence for the aluminum industry. Being able to trust in the expertise and performance of every team member, is the foundation for success. To our customers around the world this means being able to count on a comprehensive offering in the area of aluminum production. From thermal pre-treatment to shaping and refining, we always meet the constantly rising challenges of the market. Whether in new plant construction or revamp projects, our solid process know-how encompasses the complete production cycle, including the integration of the latest electrical engineering and automation solutions. Confidence through performance – SMS metallurgy. Visit us at ALUMINIUM 2008 September 23 to 25 Hall 3, Booth No. 3A40 Essen, Germany MEETING your EXPECTATIONS SMS metallurgy Eduard-Schloemann-Strasse 4 40237 Düsseldorf, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 211 881-0 Fax: +49 (0) 211 881-4902 E-mail: communications@sms-metallurgy.com Internet: www.sms-metallurgy.com ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU LOI Thermprocess – Wärmebehandlungsanlagen für hoch belastbare Automobilkomponenten Zu den besonderen Stärken des Unternehmens zählt nicht zuletzt die Flexibilität, mit denen spezielle Kundenanforderungen auf innovative Weise realisiert werden: z. B. bei der Wärmebehandlung von gegossenen Automobilbauteilen. LOI Thermprocess hat bereits in den 1990er Jahren Anlagen zum kontinuierlichen Wärmebehandeln von gegossenen Automobilkomponenten mit Wasserabschreckung entwickelt und geliefert. Mit neuen Techniken der Wärmebehandlung gelingt es heute, die mechanischen Bauteileigenschaften (Streckgrenze, Bruchdehnung und Zugfestigkeit) zielgerichtet aufeinander abzustimmen. Das Automobil der Zukunft benötigt deshalb Komponenten mit optimalen mechanischen Eigenschaften und mit einem minimalen, gegen Null tendierenden Eigenspannungsniveau. Dieser Zielstellung kommt man mit einer serientauglichen Luftabschreckung näher. Sie verspricht für eine Reihe von Bauteilen eine noch gleichmäßigere Abkühlung über den gesamten Bauteilquerschnitt, als dies mit Polymer möglich ist. Das Abschreckmedium Luft bietet sich zunächst einmal für dünnwandige Strukturbauteile an; heute gelingt es, dieses Konzept auch auf dickwandige Teile wie Zylinderköpfe zu übertragen. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Belte AG hat LOI Thermprocess eine Anlagentechnik entwickelt, die unterschiedliche Abschreckvarianten in einer kontinuierlichen Anlage kombiniert. Es handelt sich hierbei um einen Rollenherdofen in kompakter Ausführung, bei dem Lösungsglühofen und Auslagerungsofen übereinander ange- 38 LOI Thermprocess – Heat treatment furnaces for high-strength automobile components Belte AG Die Aluminiumsparte der in Essen ansässigen LOI Thermprocess kann bei Schmelz-, Gieß- und Wärmebehandlungsöfen auf eine lange und erfolgreiche Geschäftstätigkeit zurückblicken. In den vergangenen Jahren wurden in dieser Zeitschrift immer wieder interessante Anlagen dieses Lieferanten vorgestellt. Wärmebehandlungsanlage für Gussteile mit universellen Abschreckmedien Heat treatment for castings, with universal quench media The aluminium division of LOI Thermprocess in Essen, Germany, can look back over long and successful business activity in the field of melting, casting and heat treatment furnaces. In recent years interesting units by this supplier have often been described in this journal. The particular strengths of the company include the flexibility with which it responds to the special needs of its customers in innovative ways: e. g. in the sector of heat treatment for cast automobile components. Already in the 1990s LOI had developed and delivered various units for the continuous heat treatment and water quenching of cast automobile components. With new heat treatment techniques it is nowadays possible to match mechanical component properties (yield point, elongation at fracture and tensile strength) to one another. The cars of the future need components with optimum mechanical properties and with internal stress levels that are minimal, tending towards zero. This objective is approached by means of an air quenching method suitable for series production. For many components this method promises more uniform cooling over the full cross-section of the components than is possible with the use of polymer. As a quench medium air is particularly suitable for thin-walled structural components, but now the concept is being extended to thickwalled components as well, such as cylinder heads. In collaboration with Belte AG, LOI Thermprocess has developed a plant technology which combines different quench variants in one continuous unit. This is a roller hearth furnace of compact design, in which the solution annealing furnace and the ageing furnace are arranged one above the other. That concept on the one hand saves space, but also offers a series of design advantages. As with the previously usual parallel arrangement of the two furnaces, the loading and unloading station is located at one end. Opposite, at the other end of the furnace are arranged the quench stations – in this case optionally air, polymer or water. To allow the globularisation of the Mg and Si alloying elements cast aluminium components need relatively long treatment times. This demands a corresponding length of the solution annealing furnace. When the loading ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 – M E S S EAVL O UR MSI CNHI U AM U 2008 – FAIR PREVIEW carriers measuring 1.5 m x 1.5 m x 0.8 m, stacked two at a time, move into the furnace they are first heated in the heating zones up to the solution annealing temperature. The maximum furnace space temperature is 600°C. The furnace is gas fired. The circulator fans are built into the sidewalls. The heated components pass through the so-termed holding zones, in which a temperature accuracy of ± 3 K is maintained. In this area only the heat losses have to be made up. Total travel time through the furnace can amount to 60 to 420 min. Throughput performance is 2,500 kg/h. At the furnace outlet are arranged one after the other the air quench and the baths for polymer and water quenching. When the annealed material is to be quenched with air, the racks have to be de-stacked. In the polymer and water baths the two racks on top of one another are immersed together. This has to be done as quickly as possible so that the structural constituents are kept in the dissolved state. The heat given up to the bath is removed by bath cooling equipment so that uniform cooling conditions can be maintained. For air quenching, air is blown onto the racks with their components from both sides and from underneath. To ensure that cooling air flows around the entire content of a rack, the components have to be appropriately arranged in the rack. This can in many cases only be done with racks specially designed for the component in question. The racks with the cooled components then pass into the ageing furnace on the upper level. The cycle time for this furnace transit can certainly be made shorter than for the solution annealing furnace. Depending on the alloy, a higher temperature during artificial ageing can be used to shorten the duration of holding © PROFHAL ALUMINIUM PROFIL BEARBEITUNG GMBH © Ka Kastenhuber K as stte e nh n hu ub b er er W Wergeagentur/Fotodesign We errg ge e ag a ge e n t u r/ r /F F ot o od o de es s ig g n · Tel. Te l. (0 Te 09 9142) 1 4 2) 14 2 ) 20 204 2 0 4 55 558 5 58 Ein Unternehmen der HAARMANN-GRUPPE Dettenheimer Straße 30 D-91781 Weißenburg Tel. +49-(0)91 41-8 55 65-0 www.profhal.de ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 39 ordnet sind. Dieses Konzept ist nicht nur platzsparend, sondern bietet auch eine Reihe konstruktiver Vorteile. Wie bei der bislang üblichen Parallelanordnung beider Öfen befindet sich an einer Stirnseite die Be- und Entladestation. Ihr gegenüberliegend sind am anderen Ofenende die Abschreckstationen – hier wahlweise Luft, Polymer oder Wasser – angeordnet. Gegossene Aluminiumteile benötigen zur globulitischen Einformung der Mg- und Si-Legierungselemente relativ lange Behandlungszeiten. Dies bedingt eine entsprechende Länge des Lösungsglühofens. Wenn die 1,5 m x 1,5 m x 0,8 m großen Ladungsträger, jeweils zweifach gestapelt, in den Ofen eingefahren werden, werden sie zunächst auf Lösungsglühtemperatur aufgeheizt. Die max. Ofenraumtemperatur beträgt 600 °C. Die Ofenanlage ist mit einer Gasbeheizung ausgerüstet. Die Umwälzventilatoren sind in der Seitenwand © PROFHAL entwickelt, fertigt und veredelt hochwertige Aluminium-Profil-SystemKomponenten für unterschiedlichste Anwendungsgebiete. INDIVIDUELLE LÖSUNGEN AUS ALUMINIUM ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 39 www.haarmann-gruppe.de S AML 2 0 0 8 A LPU E M ICN II U eingebaut. Die aufgeheizten Teile durchlaufen die sog. Haltezonen, in denen eine Temperaturgenauigkeit von ±3 K aufrechterhalten wird. In diesem Bereich müssen lediglich die Wärmeverluste ersetzt werden. Die Gesamtdurchlaufzeit durch den Ofen kann insgesamt 60 bis 420 min betragen. Die Durchsatzleistung beträgt 2.500 kg/h. Am Ofenausgang sind hintereinander die Luftabschreckung sowie die Bäder zur Polymer- und Wasserabschreckung angeordnet. Wenn das Glühgut mit Luft abgeschreckt werden soll, müssen die Körbe entstapelt werden. In das Polymer- und in die Wasserbäder werden die beiden übereinander gestapelten Körbe gemeinsam abgesenkt. Das muss möglichst schnell geschehen, damit die Gefügebestandteile in Lösung gehalten werden. Die in die Bäder eingebrachte Wärme wird mit Hilfe der Badkühlung abgeführt, so dass gleichmäßige Abkühlbedingungen beibehalten werden können. Bei der Luftabschreckung werden die Gestelle mit den Bauteilen von beiden Seiten und von unten angeblasen. Damit der gesamte Gestellinhalt gleichmäßig von der Kühlluft umströmt wird, muss die Anordnung im Gestell stimmen. Das lässt sich in vielen Fällen nur mit speziellen Gestellkonstruktionen erreichen, die auf das jeweilige Bauteil abgestimmt sind. Die Körbe mit den abgekühlten Teilen durchlaufen anschließend in der oberen Etage den Auslagerungsofen. Die Taktzeit dieses Ofendurchlaufs kann durchaus kürzer eingestellt sein als für den Lösungsglühofen. Mit höheren Temperaturen während der Warmauslagerung lässt sich – legierungsabhängig – die Haltedauer im Auslagerungsofen verkürzen. Dieser Ofen ist für eine Maximaltemperatur von 300 °C ausgelegt. Am Ausgang des Auslagerungsofens werden die Körbe mittels einer Chargiermaschine auf das Hallenniveau zurückgefördert. N LOI Thermprocess ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU Heat treatment for castings, with water quenching in the ageing furnace. The furnace is designed for a maximum temperature of 300°C. At the exit of the ageing furnace the racks are brought back to floor level by a charging machine. LOI Thermprocess will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 3, Stand K50 www.loi-italimpianti.com OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Achenbach Buschhütten Rolling plant specialist with an extended product line For interested customers the rolling plant specialist Achenbach Buschhütten will be ready at Aluminium 2008 in Essen to discuss with them their future ideas about the production of first-class strips and foils of aluminium. The company’s aluminium rolling plants are the product of experience from more than 250 strip, lightgauge strip and foil rolling mills installed all over the world. The product range includes the most varied plant designs for every conceivable field of application. The performance of Achenbach rolling mills, attested by the large number of reference plants, is based on advantages such as automatic strip feeding, roll cooling to pinpoint accuracy and roll gap measurement, as well as defined roll stabilisation and high-speed roller bearings. The new generation of ‘Optiroll’ automation technology, the Optiroll i2 system, regulates the rolling process at the customer digitally and proactively, and also co-ordinates the entire production sequence in the rolling plant. ‘Optipure’ filtration technology ensures the economical and ecological efficiency of the cooling and lubrication systems used. More than two years ago the company extended © 40 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 BE AT WILL L A SSEN R EST 0 08, E 2 M 50 INIU ALUM L 3 BOOTH HAL F DER IST AU ESSEN L A R EST 20 08, 50 INIUM D ALUM LE 3 STAN HAL ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU its product range with aluminium cutting technology for thin strip and foils. The provision of doublers, separators and slitters in combination with a new plant design has attracted great interest in the market, showing that the strategic decision to do this was correct. Already within the first year a number of leading aluminium rolled product producers in Asia and Europe had opted to adopt Achenbach foil cutting technology. Achenbach Achenbach will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 3, Stand K40 www.achenbach.de OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER The Achenbach product range includes the most varied plant designs for every conceivable field of application From its original pioneering work in strapping technology 95 years ago to its present global scale of operation, Signode is outstanding in the field of packaging technology. Early in 2008 the company achieved another milestone: the 1,000th AK 200 HD 25 head was delivered to Hertwich Engineering in Austria in February 2008. Many AK heads have been installed in the aluminium industry, where they are renowned for their low purchase and running costs, their reliability and the high applied strap tension. Recent equipment sales include orders from the new Quatar smelter and also from the Oman smelter which is fully equipped with AK 200 HD, to mention just some few examples. This heavy-duty strapping head range for Tenax polyester strapping, installed in aluminium smelters all over the world, is being extended with a new model, the AK 200 HDX: this, in response to the Signode non-ferrous specialist team’s observation of a market trend towards heavier billets, up to 685 mm diameter. The company has developed the AK 200 HD head into the AK 200 HDX to operate with Tenax strapping up to 32 mm wide with a breaking 42 strength of up to 18,000 N. A survey has already been conducted in Germany and the Middle East, to identify billet saws that are candidates for conversion to AK 200 HDX 25/32. An average joint strength of 85 percent of breaking strength provides maximum security and creates new opportunities for the replacement of heavyduty steel strap applications, which was pre- The new heavy-duty strapping head – AK 200 HDX viously not possible. Tenax is much tougher than Signode will be an exhibitor steel strap. Compared with a 32 mm at ALUMINIUM 2008 in high tensile steel strap a 32 mm Tenax Essen. strap requires 11.5 percent more enHall 2, Stand C24 ergy to break, and an amazing 18.75 times more energy than standard steel strap. www.signode.com OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 Signode Heavy-duty strapping technology from Signode S AML 2 0 0 8 A LPU E M ICN II U – M E S S EAVL O UR MSI CNHI U AM U 2008 – FAIR PREVIEW SAG – Individuelle Werkstofflösungen für ein breites Anwendungsspektrum Die im Jahre 1992 im Rahmen eines Management-Buyouts gegründete Salzburger Aluminium AG (SAG) ist an einem der traditionsreichsten Aluminiumstandorte der Welt beheimatet – im österreichischen Lend. Die Unternehmensgruppe verfügt über umfassende Erfahrungen sowohl auf dem Werkstoffsektor wie auch in der Verarbeitung. Das Arbeitsgebiet umfasst die Entwicklung von Hochleistungswerkstoffen für zukunftsweisende Lösungen in Aluminium, die Herstellung und Optimierung von qualifizierten Aluminiumkomponenten und die Planung und Lieferung von schlüsselfertigen Anlagen und Produktionslinien. • Aluminium-Gusswerkstoffe („Maxalloy“) als genormte Legierungen in Form von Masseln, die beim Verarbeiter ohne Materialverluste eingeschmolzen werden können • Aluminium-Schmiedematerial („Flowforge“), das im Horizontal-Strangguss hergestellt wird • Aluminium-Fließpressmaterial („Flowform“) in Form von Stangen, Aluminium-Pressbolzen („Tec(X)trusion“). Unter dieser Bezeichnung sind eine Vielzahl von gängigen Strangpresslegierungen, auch solche mit © Bruker Quantron Die Herstellung von Vormaterial für unterschiedliche Verarbeitungsbranchen ist das Arbeitsgebiet der SAG Materials Group. Die vielfältigen Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Aluminium verlangen nach Werkstoffen mit teilweise sehr unterschiedlichen Eigenschaftskombinationen. Die Unternehmen der SAG Materials Group stellen für nahezu alle Anwendungsbereiche den jeweils optimalen Werkstoff zur Verfügung: • Aluminium-Gussplatten („Plancast“) aus AluminiumKnetlegierungen Wir machen Metall zu Qualität... ADVANCED METALS ANALYSIS think for ward Protecting the environment and cutting costs. TCF (Twin-Chamber Furnace)Recycling Plant: melting of contaminated scrap TCF-Process metal circulation system automatic charging equipment integrated control system Visit us! Aluminium 2008 Essen September 23-25, Booth 3K50 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 43 Benefits: easy pouring very safe operation fully automatic operation environmental friendly reliable operation LOI Thermprocess GmbH - Am Lichtbogen 29 - 45141 Essen / Germany Phone +49 (0)201 1891.1 - Fax +49 (0)201 1891.321 info@loi-italimpianti.de - www.loi-italimpianti.com ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 43 speziellen Eigenschaften (z. B. Glänzlegierungen), zusammengefasst • Aluminium-Stromschienen („Superamp“) in Längen bis zu 18 Meter – ohne störende Schweißverbindungen • Thixotrope Aluminiumlegierungen („Thixalloy“), die im halbflüssigen, teigigen Zustand auf modifizierten Druckgießmaschinen verarbeitet werden. In den Unternehmen der SAG Motion Group wird die Werkstoffkompetenz in eine materialgerechte Verarbeitung umgesetzt. Dem Kunden steht auf Wunsch anstatt des Vormaterials ein Bauteil oder sogar ein einbaufertiges Produkt zur Verfügung. Die SAG-Gruppe gewinnt durch die Verarbeitung im eigenen Hause das notwendige Knowhow zur optimalen Werkstoffentwicklung. Die Synergieeffekte nutzen dem Kunden und dem Lieferanten gleichermaßen. Zum Arbeitsgebiet gehören die Nutzfahrzeug- und Automobilindustrie, Luftfahrt, Schienenfahrzeuge, Motorradhersteller und schließlich auch Spezialanfertigungen wie Sondertanks für Spezialfahrzeuge und Kleintransporter, Hydrauliktanks für Autokrane, aber auch Motorrad-Enddämpferrohre, die individuell nach Kundenwunsch zu fertigen sind. Als ein zunehmend interessantes Arbeitsgebiet erweisen sich modifizierte Tanklösungen. SAG entwickelt und fertigt modifizierte Standard-Kraftstofftanks (OEMStandard) für alternative Treibstoffe. Die Tanks können wahlweise als Einzel- oder Kombi- Cockpitträger – Bauteil für Motorräder tanks ausgebildet die HPI GmbH. Darüber hinaus übersein. Je nach Art des verwendeten nimmt SAG Tech die Planung, FertiTreibstoffes kann in den Tank eine gung, Lieferung, Montage und InbeBeheizung eingebaut werden, die triebnahme schlüsselfertiger Anlagen den Kraftstoff auf Betriebstemperatur und kompletter Produktionslinien für vorwärmt bzw. diese Temperatur aufdie eigene Gruppe, aber auch für die rechterhält. Für den Einsatz bei sehr weltweite Aluminiumindustrie. Auf niedrigen Außentemperaturen oder dem Gebiet des Horizontalgießens für spezielle Treibstoffe können die besitzt SAG mit seiner BeteiligungsTanks mit Doppelwand und dazwigesellschaft HPI eine starke Position schen liegender Isolierschicht ausgeim internationalen Maßstab. führt sein. Die SAG Tech Group repräsentiert das dritte Arbeitsgebiet der Gruppe, SAG ist Aussteller auf der indem sie innovative Prozess- und ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Anlagetechnologien zur Verfügung Halle 7, Stand C40 stellt. SAG Tech fasst die Engineewww.sag.at ringaktivitäten der gesamten Gruppe zusammen. Der Geschäftsbereich umfasst die SAG Engineering und OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Innovativer Permanentschutz für Masselformen in der Aluminiumproduktion In der Metallproduktion spielen Trennmittel eine wichtige Rolle. Die Permanentbeschichtungen der Nanocomp MetCast-Reihe MI für Kokillen im Open-moulds-Gießverfahren stellen eine innovative Entwicklung der Firma ItN Nanovation dar, die den permanenten Schutz von Massel-, Pellet- oder Sow-Formen vor Metallschmelze bietet. Auf Basis von nano-keramischen Materialien entwickelt, zeichnet sich Nanocomp MetCast durch eine wesentlich längere Lebensdauer als herkömmlich verwendete Schlichten aus. Die Erfahrungen aus der Praxis zeigen eine Standzeit von vier bis sechs Wo- 44 Innovative permanent protection for ingot moulds in aluminium production Release agents play an important role in metal production. The permanent coatings of the Nanocomp MetCast MI series of ItN Nanovation represent a significant breakthrough in this field. When used in open-mould casting, they provide ingot, pellet and sow moulds with lasting protection from molten metal. The service life of Nanocomp MetCast, developed from a nano-ceramic base material, far exceeds that of conventional release agents. In day-to-day use, the coating exhibits a service life of four to six weeks without requiring any recoating or other maintenance; after this time, only a partial recoating is required to once again achieve the same service life. The coating also features extremely low consumption levels, since a layer thickness of only 5 to 50 μm is required to attain full efficacy. The result is a significant relief within the foundry. Another advantage is the coating’s insensitivity to thermal shock during ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 SAG ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU S AML 2 0 0 8 A LPU E M ICN II U – M E S S EAVL O UR MSI CNHI U AM U 2008 – FAIR PREVIEW chen – ohne jedes Nachschlichten oder sonstige Wartung. Anschließend ist lediglich partielles Nachschlichten erforderlich, um erneut die gleiche Standzeit zu erreichen. Darüber hinaus ist die Beschichtung sehr verbrauchsarm, da sie bereits bei Schichtdicken von nur 5 bis 50 μm voll wirksam ist. Dies alles entlastet die Gießereien deutlich. Ein weiterer Vorteil ist die absolute Unempfindlichkeit gegenüber Thermoschocks beim Gießen, auch in Verbindung mit einer direkten oder indirekten Wasserkühlung. Dank der Nichtbenetzbarkeit und der keramischen Struktur der Beschichtung gibt es keine chemischen Reaktion mit der Schmelze. Nano-keramische Beschichtungen haben einen nachhaltig stabilisierenden Einfluss auf die Prozessqualität und -effizienz. Eine einfache Handhabung mittels Sprühen auf prozesswarme oder vorgeheizte Kokillen lässt die Beschichtung sofort trocknen. Weitere Produktreihen von Nanocomp MetCast für Anwendung auf keramischen Substraten sowie für Gießkokillen im Aluminium- und Messing-Kokillenguss zeigen ähnlich herausragende Eigenschaften. casting – even when combined with direct or indirect water cooling. The non-wettability and ceramic structure of the coating does not permit any chemical reaction with molten material. Nano-ceramic coatings have a long-lasting stabilizing effect on process quality and efficiency. Simply spraying the coating on moulds that are warmed by process heat or preheating allows the coating to dry immediately. Additional product ranges from Nanocomp MetCast for use on ceramic substrates and for casting dies in aluminium and brass permanent mould casting display similar, superior properties. N Bruker Quantron ...mit Q4 TASMAN! CCD Spektrometer für Metallanalyse ItN Nanovation ist Aussteller auf der ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Halle 6, Stand F42 Besuchen Sie uns auf der Aluminium Stand 7C45 www.itn-nanovation.com Bruker Quantron GmbH www.bruker-quantron.com ADVANCED METALS ANALYSIS think for ward OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER EXTRUSION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 25 yearinsthe the spirit of the aluminium® A.t.i.e. Uno Informatica S.r.l. Phone +39 0341 210444 - Fax +39 0341 210808 www.unoi.it - e-mail: sales@unoi.it one, from the customer’s order to the delivery of the finished product; its modules could be also personalized and upgrade basing on customer necessity. Alykè Comunicazione ✓ Orders ce of experiemn extrusion ✓ Real-time connection with SAP® AS400® Navision® ecc... iu in m lu a ® ✓ EMS-CAD (EMS and AutoCAD integration) ✓ Alloys and Castings ✓ Cycles and phases ✓ Working planning and progress ✓ Dies Management ✓ Connection with automatic warehouse for dies ✓ Dies Oven ✓ Press management and optimization ✓ Finish Saw FROM THE ORDER TO THE FINISHED PRODUCT ✓ Ageing Furnaces ✓ Connection with automatic warehouse for profiles ✓ Packing, Weighing, Delivery ✓ Painting, anodizing, wood effect ✓ Thermal Break Extrusion Management System is a modular soft✓ Machining ware, conceived for the ✓ Troubleshooting aluminium extrusion ✓ Maintenance sector. It could manage ✓ Quality both the technological ✓ Die cooling with liquid nitrogen process and the production We will be at: “Aluminium 2008” • Essen, 23-25 September • Stand 6C24 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 45 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 45 ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU ECKA Granulate – Pulver und Granulate jeder Art und Größe ECKA Granulate ist in den drei Leistungsschwerpunkten Legierungs-, Metallpulver- und Anwendungstechnologie zu Hause. Das Unternehmen verfügt über weltweit 18 Produktionsstätten. Das Produktionsprogramm umfasst die Herstellung von NE-Metallpulvern aus den Reinmetallen Aluminium, Magnesium, Kalzium, Kupfer, Zinn, Blei, Zink, Silizium und deren Legierungen. Die Produkte werden als Pulver, Granulate, Fertigmischungen, Masseln und Pellets geliefert. Produziert, be- und verarbeitet werden unter anderem 70.000 Jahrestonnen Aluminium, 19.000 Tonnen Magnesium, 25.000 Tonnen Kupfer. Die Produktionsverfahren umfassen Mahlen und Zerkleinern, elektrochemische Abscheidung, Luft-, Wasser- und Gasverdüsung bis hin zum Granulieren aus der Schmelze, das Schmelzen und verschiedene Recyclingverfahren. Dadurch steht dem Kunden jede Art und Größe von Pulvern und Granulaten zur Verfügung. Die Kunden kommen aus der Automobil-, Elektro-, Elektronik- und chemischen Industrie sowie dem Schiffbau und der Medizintechnik. Innovative Entwicklungen finden sich in den pressfertigen Sintermischungen ECKA Bromix und ECKA Alumix, in Leichtbauwerkstoffen wie „Alulight“, einem neuartigen Werkstoff aus Aluminiumschaum, und ECKA Tix, einem Magnesiumgranulat für Thixomolding-Verfahren. ECKA produziert feines Aluminiumpulver zur Herstellung von Al-Solarpaste, die in der leitfähigen Rückseite von Solarzellen eingesetzt wird. Mit seinen verschiedensten AluminiumVerdüsungstechniken unterstützt das Unternehmen Pastenhersteller © Double-Puller with Flying Saw and Pincer Packaging Systems Tool Handling Equipment (Press-Rest Shear and Tool-Dismantling Press) Billet Saw and Shear Billet Loader … Sonnenbergerstraße 4, A-6820 Frastanz Tel. (+43) 5522 / 51 7 10-0, Fax (+43) 5522 / 51 7 10-13, www.reisch.at 46 ECKA Granulate – Powder and granulates of all types and sizes ECKA Granulate is fully conversant with the three major performance aspects of alloys, metal powder and applications technology. The company has 18 production facilities worldwide. Its production programme includes the production of NF-metal powders from the pure metals aluminium, magnesium, calcium, copper, tin, lead, zinc, silicon and their alloys. The products are supplied in the form of powders, granulates, ready-made mixtures, ingots and pellets. Among other things it produces and processes 70,000 tpy of aluminium, 19,000 tpy of magnesium and 25,000 tpy of copper. Some like it hot ... ...wir schweißen kalt. Qualitativ hochwertige Schweißverbindungen in Aluminium? Wir machen das! ALUMINIUM 2008 Halle 6, Stand 6C18 www.riftec.de ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 The production processes include milling and pulverising, electrochemical deposition, air, water and gas atomisation and granulation from a melt, melting, and various recycling processes. These provide customers with any type and size of powders and granulates. The customers come from the automobile, electrical, electronic and chemical industries and from shipbuilding and medical technology. Innovative developments exist in the ready-for-pressing sinter mixes ECKA Bromix and ECKA Alumix, in lightweight construction materials such as ‘Alulight’, a new type of material made from aluminium foam, and ECKA Tix, a magnesium granulate for the thixomoulding process. ECKA produces fine aluminium powder for the production of Al-solar paste, which is used in the conductive rear sides of solar cells. With its varied aluminium atomisation techniques the company assists paste manufacturers to investigate the effects of powder condition, chemical additions and grain size distribution on the solar paste. For many years ECKA has also been involved in methods for reducing the weight of automobile components. The need for weight and size reduction in vehicle construction provides opportunities for lightweight components made from ECKA aluminium alloy granulates, besides their technical and economic advantages, to bring lasting ecological benefits. ECKA is responding to the growing demand for lightweight components, in particular for automotive engineering, by investing in new melting, atomisation and mixing equipment at its works in Velden. Ecka Granulate will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 2, Stand B60 www. ecka-granules.com #)41%/ 42</ ")',1-. -56 ()4 )1+%+-)4 6) -)156/)-56)4 71( 42&/)0/@5)4 *A4 ,2',9)46-+) 42</) 71( )46-+6)-/) %75 /70-1-70 #-4 &-)6)1 )-1) -16) +4-)46)@571+821()4169-'./71+71( 215647.6-21()4 42</)A&)4(%5!64%1+ 34)55)1 &-5 ,-1 ;74 )46-+71+ .203/)66 &)%4&)-6)6)4 20321)16)1 -1./75-8) &)4=?',)18)4)()/71+ )521()45(74',./)-1)25+4@>)1.74;) -)*)4;)-6)1 71( /):-&-/-6?6 A&)4;)7+)1 9-4 &)- 715)4)1 71()1 %75 ()1 716)4 5',-)(/-',56)14%1',)1 ■ #! ■ ■ "! "" "$! !"$! $74)45', #)4/ ")/ %: -1*29)41%/() 9999)41%/() ! $ " – M E S S EAVL O UR MSI CNHI U AM U 2008 – FAIR PREVIEW Ecka Granulate S AML 2 0 0 8 A LPU E M ICN II U OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen, 23.–25. 09. 2008, Halle 1 – Stand G90 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 47 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 47 ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU Die Forderung zur Gewichts- und Massenreduzierung im Fahrzeugbau bietet für Leichtbauteile aus ECKA Aluminium-Legierungsgrießen die Chance, neben technischen und wirtschaftlichen Vorteilen auch die ökologischen Anforderungen nach- dabei, die Auswirkungen von Pulverbeschaffenheit, chemischen Zusätzen und der Korngrößenverteilung auf die Solarpaste zu untersuchen. Seit vielen Jahren beschäftigt sich ECKA auch mit der Gewichtsreduzierung von Automobilbauteilen. haltig zu erfüllen. Der zunehmenden Nachfrage von Leichtbauteilen, insbesondere im Motorenbau, kommt ECKA mit der Investition in eine neue Schmelz-, Verdüsungs- und Mischanlage im Werk Velden nach. N With even more energy-efficient processes and products in the field of solar technology as well, the Norwegian aluminium concern Hydro intends to reinforce its commitment to climate protection. The approach chosen for this will be explained at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen by Eivind Reiten, Chairman of the Board of Hydro. Recently, Hydro has invested substantially in extending its recycling activities. In the company’s main market area, in Germany, recycling capacities now amount to more than 200,000 tpy. At present recycling furnaces are being built in Hamburg and Rackwitz; in Neuss a furnace began operating in September last year; a recycling centre at Alunorf, the world’s largest aluminium casting and rolling plant operated together with Novelis, is to be approved shortly. Hydro is becoming increasingly involved in solar technology as well, particularly in the production of silicon and wafers and the development of building systems with integrated photovoltaic equipment. In June the silicon disc factory at Norsun, of which Hydro has a share, was opened. At the fair in Essen the concern will present Hydro Hydro brings climate protection to the focus of its fair presentation Hydro is investing substantially in extending its recycling activities information, among other things, about façade lamellae with thin-layer solar cells. In numerous product applications aluminium helps to save energy and CO2 emissions. “At the same time we are working on further upgrading the technology for primary production – which we regard as crucial in order to lessen the ecological footprint of our metal even further”, says Reiten. Since June 2008 Hydro has for the first time in the group been testing electrolysis cells with a current increased to 420 amps. The new HAL4e technology for aluminium production uses raw materials more efficiently and thereby cuts specific emissions. In addition, Hydro is looking into energy recovery, the concentration, precipitation and capture of carbon dioxide from the process gases, and is working on a modernised process control system. Hydro will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 3, Stand A20 www.hydro.com OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Kasto – Hochleistungsbandsägen für Aluminium Kasto Maschinenbau ist ein in fünfter Generation betriebenes, erfolgreiches Familienunternehmen mit den Geschäftsfelder Metallsägetechnik, automatische Lang- und Flachgutlagersysteme sowie Materialhandling. In der Metallsägetechnik ist Kasto ein international anerkannter Marktführer, davon zeugen nicht zuletzt mehr 48 als 130.000 in alle Welt gelieferten Sägemaschinen. Dank der frühzeitig in das Lieferprogramm aufgenommenen Lang- und Flachgutlagertechnik sowie den Einrichtungen für das Materialhandling in Produktion und Metallhandel überstand das Unternehmen auch schwierige Phasen wie jene Krise im Werkzeugmaschinen- bau in den Jahren 1993/1994. Kasto hat Metallsägemaschinen zu hochwertigen Werkzeugmaschinen entwickelt, die sich durch Funktionalität, Leistung und Produktivität auszeichnen. Für das Hochgeschwindigkeitssägen von Leichtmetallen wie Aluminium bietet das Unternehmen die Kastotec- © ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 Kasto ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU der Konzeption wurde auf Stabilität und Führung der Sägeeinheit, eine leistungsfähige Antriebseinheit, Technologie- und Vorschubeinstellung sowie auf die Entsorgung der Späne geachtet. Für die Hochgeschwindigkeitsbearbeitung von Leichtmetallen wurde die Kasto-Baureihe in den Größen AM 4 und AM 5 mit Die KASTOtec AM 4 – für das HochgeschwindigkeitsBandsägen von Aluminium Arbeitsbereichen 430 x 530 mm bzw. 530 x 630 mm für Bandgeschwindigkeiten bis 1500 m/ Bandsägemaschinen mit Aluminimin ausgelegt. Zur Steuerung der Maumpaket an. Sie zeichnen sich durch schine kommt die Sägemaschinengutes Handling, kurze Nebenzeiten steuerung BasicControl zum Einsatz, und hohe Sägeleistungen aus. Bei die über einen Auftragsspeicher für die Eingabe von 98 Längen/StückzahlKombinationen verfügt. Aufgrund der sehr hohen Zerspanungsvolumina beim Aluminiumsägen ist die zuverlässige Entsorgung des großen, ständig anfallenden Spänevolumens wichtig. Dazu säubern zwei Späneräumbürsten das Sägeband von Spänen, wobei der Späneförderer für die großen Mengen Späne ausgelegt ist. Kasto ist Aussteller auf der ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Halle 1, Stand E30 www.kasto.de OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Gautschi – From furnace equipment to complete casthouses Gautschi Engineering, Switzerland, offers a product range from individual items of equipment to complete casthouses. The main products of the company are melting and holding furnaces for casting directly from smelter reduction cells or integrated in remelt lines; ingot casting and stacking machines for foundry ingots, horizontal and vertical casting machines for billets to produce the universal feedstock for remelt, rolled and extruded products; heat treatment furnaces for further treatment. Gautschi has more than 80 years of experience in the design of melting and holding furnaces for light metal which, owing to their robust construction and modern technologies, are in service all over the world. More than 500 furnaces, in the range of 500 kg to 130 tonnes liquid metal capacity, have been installed up to date. The ingot casting/stacking facility produces smelter grade or remelt ingots and automatically packages the aluminium ingots into compact stacks; robot stacking is employed. The ingot casting machine can be operated on a continuous or semi-continuous basis depending on the furnace and metal supply capacity. Robust construction with high precision and modern measuring and control techniques guarantee high quality billets. ‘Airsol Veil’ or the ‘Airglide’ system mould is used. These mould systems are exclusively . :3 ,:37-24 7 04 /9 +2)9 -24 available from Gautschi. Regarding heat treatment furnaces, state-of-the-art design, competent manufacturing and installation, and effective commissioning ensure fulfilment of relevant metallurgical requirements. PLC control systems and industrial computers facilitate the operation of the heat treatment plants and make a fully automatic production possible. Gautschi Engineering will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 3, Stand G50 www.gautschiengineering.com OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER !'($&#% $" &9.24 ! '" 4-; . 3$ #! (6$ #! * $ 53%14 24%14 $ 14 Besuchen Sie uns auf der ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen, Halle 6 Stand 6c30 50 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 S AML 2 0 0 8 A LPU E M ICN II U – M E S SAELVUOMR ISNCIHUAMU 2 0 0 8 – FAIR PREVIEW Ebner Industrieofenbau Industrial furnaces with high-convection technology Industrieöfen mit Hochkonvektions-Technologie The product range of the company Ebner Industrieofenbau, founded just 60 years ago, includes heat treatment furnaces for the steel and also the aluminium and copper industries. Its hood annealing furnaces are first in line, but continuous -throughput furnaces for strips, sheets, plates and tube coils and also chamber furnaces play an important part as well. In general, the name Ebner is associated with the term ‘Hicon’. © Das Lieferprogramm des vor knapp 60 Jahren gegründeten Unternehmens Ebner Industrieofenbau umfasst Wärmebehandlungsöfen sowohl für die Stahl- als auch für die Aluminium- und Kupferindustrie. In erster Linie sind das Haubenglühöfen, daneben spielen Durchlaufglühöfen für Bänder, Bleche, Platten und Rohrbunde sowie auch Kammeröfen eine Rolle. Dabei ist der Name Ebner mit dem Begriff „Hicon“ verbunden. Ebner Ebner Industrieofenbau Ebner Werkstatt in Leonding, Österreich Ebner workshop in Leonding, Austria Hicon steht für „High Convection“ und bedeutet den Einsatz von HochkonvektionsTechnologie, die sich durch eine funktionsspezifische und verlustarme Umwälzung der Ofenatmosphäre, optimierten Medienfluss um die gesamte Charge sowie einen sehr geringen Energieverbrauch dank einer effizienten Isolierung und externer Rekuperatoren für jede Ofenzone auszeichnet. In der Aluminiumindustrie gehört Ebner heute zu den weltweit führenden Spezialisten für Wärmebehandlungsöfen. Das Spektrum reicht von Stoßöfen für das Homogenisieren und Anwärmen von Walzbarren, Kammer-Glühöfen für Aluminiumbunde in Einzel- oder Mehrfachbelegung, Bandschwebeöfen zum kontinuierlichen Glühen von Bändern und nicht zuletzt auch Rollenherdöfen für hochwertige Aluminiumplatten und -bleche in Luftfahrtqualität. Auf dem Sektor der Stoßöfen für Walzbarren gilt Ebner mit bisher mehr als 30 weltweit gebauten Anlagen als Marktführer. Stoßöfen werden eingesetzt zum Homogenisieren und Anwärmen auf Walztemperatur von Walzbarren mit Gewichten bis zu 30 Tonnen und Abmessungen bis zu 8650 mm x 2200 mm x 650 mm. Bei diesen Anlagen erreicht Ebner mit Hilfe der Hicon-Technologie kürzestmögliche Anwärmzeiten mit einer maximalen Temperaturdifferenz von 6°K über die gesamte Charge. © 053,(%(,.5(345$5,10(036&-42(,&+(3!(05,.%.:&-( 5(6(360*(0 &+$.54&+390-( $5(0(3)$4460* 10',5,1010,513,0*!,46$.,4,(360*"$3560* 04(31/2(5(08 5($/%(395,(*(30( 7,(,(+3(0.$*( $0',(0)13'(360*(0 '(3#6-60)5$02$44(0 ,.*($317.(3/%/155+(.)$55(34+(,/ (. 7771,.*($3'((/$,.,0)11,.*($3'( ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 51 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 51 ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU Speziell für Stoßöfen hat Ebner das sogenannte „Pusher Optimisation System (POS)“ entwickelt – ein PCgestütztes mathematisches Modell zur Bestimmung der Temperatur jedes einzelnen Walzbarrens im Ofen. Das System ermöglicht die Einhaltung der korrekten Aufheiz- und Haltezeiten jedes einzelnen Walzbarrens. Das Ergebnis ist nicht nur eine hervorragende Qualität der Walzprodukte, sondern zugleich auch eine optimale Nutzung der Anlage. Ebner Industrieofenbau gehört zu jenen Unternehmen, die frühzeitig erkannt haben, dass es vorteilhaft ist, in wesentlichen Marktregionen durch eigene Produktion vertreten zu sein. Bereits 1987 wagte Ebner den Schritt in die USA. Die Investition in den Wachstumsmarkt China ist ein weiterer, konsequenter Schritt in diese Richtung. Ende 2004 nahm die im österreichischen Leonding ansässige Firma ein neu errichtetes eigenes Werk in China, im Großraum Shanghai, in Betrieb, um die Wachstumsmärkte in Asien zu bedienen. So lieferte Ebner u. a. für die chinesische Nanshan-Gruppe zwei Stoßöfen zum Anwärmen von Walzbarren. Die beiden direkt gasbeheizten HiconStoßöfen zum Homogenisieren und Anwärmen der Walzbarren mit einem Querschnitt von 2100 mm x 610 mm und Längen bis 8,65 m werden von einer gemeinsamen Vorrichtung beschickt und entladen. Die Öfen besitzen eine Kapazität von je 750 Tonnen und fassen jeweils 25 Walzbarren. N ‘Hicon’ stands for High Convection and refers to the use of high-convection technology, which is characterised by function-specific and low-loss circulation of the furnace atmosphere, optimized media flow around the entire charge, and very low energy consumption thanks to effective insulation and an external recuperator for each furnace zone. In the aluminium industry, today Ebner is one of the world’s leading specialists for heat treatment furnaces. The range extends from pusher-type furnaces for homogenising and heating rolling slabs, through chamber annealing furnaces for single- or multiple-charge aluminium coils, floating strip furnaces for the continuous annealing of strips and, not least, also roller hearth furnaces for high-grade aluminium plates and sheets of aviation quality. In the sector of pusher furnaces Ebner, which has so far built more than 30 such plants worldwide, is the market leader. Pusher-type furnaces are used for homogenising rolling slabs that weigh up to 30 tonnes and measure up to 8650 mm x 2200 mm x 650 mm and heating them to the rolling temperature. In these plants, with the aid of Hicon technology Ebner achieves the shortest possible heating times with a maximum temperature difference of 6 K across the whole charge. Specially for pusher furnaces, Ebner has developed the so-termed ‘Pusher Optimisation System’ (POS) – a PC-supported mathematical model for determining the temperature of each individual rolling slab in the furnace. The system makes it possible to maintain the correct heating and holding times for each individual rolling slab. The result is not only outstanding rolled product quality, but at the same time also optimum utilisation of the plant. Ebner Industrieofenbau is among those companies which recognised early on that it is an advantage to be represented with one’s own production facility in important market regions. Already in 1987 the company moved into the United States. The investment in China’s growth market is another, consistent step in that direction. At the end of 2004 the company, located in Leonding, Austria, began operating a newly constructed plant of its own in China, in the Greater Shanghai area, in order to serve the growth markets in Asia. Thus, among other things Ebner has supplied the Nanshan Group in China with two pusher-type furnaces for heating rolling slabs. The two, directly gas-fired Hicon pusher furnaces for homogenising and heating rolling slabs with a cross-section of 2100 mm x 610 mm and lengths up to 8.65 m, are loaded and unloaded by a shared machine. Each furnace has a capacity of 750 tonnes and each can accommodate 25 rolling slabs. Ebner will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 3, Stand H30 www.ebner.cc OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Dienes – Werkzeugsysteme für Längs- und Querteilanlagen Schneidspezialist Dienes darf für sich in Anspruch nehmen, das Längs- und Querteilen von Aluminiumfolien und Dünnband zur Präzisionstechnologie entwickelt zu haben. Wo heute Materialbahnen aus Kunststoff, Papier, Textilien und zunehmend aus Aluminium längs- oder quergeteilt werden müssen, ist das Unternehmen mit seinen Remscheider Tochtergesellschaften Neuenkamp und Johann Krumm mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit als © 52 Dienes – Tool systems for slitting and cutting machines The cutting specialist Dienes can claim to have developed the slitting and cross-cutting of aluminium foils and thin strips into a high-precision technology. Nowadays, where material lines of plastic, paper, textiles and increasingly aluminium as well have to be slit or cross-cut to length, the company with its subsidiaries Neuenkamp and Johann Krumm are very probably called in to supply the tools. Today aluminium foils and this strips are produced and processed by high-productivity units. These plants have integrated the cutting © ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 Dienes ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU Werkzeuglieferant im Gespräch. Aluminiumfolie und -dünnband wird heute auf hochproduktiven Anlagen erzeugt und verarbeitet. Diese Anlagen haben die Schneidoperationen in den kontinuierlichen Prozess integriert. Schneideinrichtungen für Aluminium werden vorwiegend an Rollenschneidmaschinen, Dopplern, Besäumanlagen, Längsteilscheren, Separiermaschinen und Walzgerüsten eingesetzt. Auf diesen Sektoren arbeitet Dienes mit allen namhaften AnlagenScherenschnittmesserhalter bauern eng zusammen, Knife holder für die das Unternehmen drei unterschiedliche Schneidverfahren zur Verfügung stellt: • Der Rasierklingenschnitt ist vor allem für extrem dünne Folien geeignet. Hierbei handelt es sich um einen freien Schnitt. Das Schneidwerkzeug ist eine Klinge, die auswechselbar in einem Messerhalter aufgenommen ist. Die relativ einfache Anordnung ist kostengünstig. • Das Konzept des Scherenschnitts ist gleichfalls für dünne Folien einsetzbar. Das Obermesser taucht hier in die Schneidnuten einer unteren Messerwelle ein. Das zu schneidende Material wird dabei (wie bei einer Schere) zwischen den beiden Schneidkanten des Ober- und Unterwerkzeuges abgeschert. • Beim Rollscherenschnitt handelt es sich um eine stabile Werkzeuganordnung, die auch für dickere Materialien und entsprechend höhere Beanspruchungen geeignet ist. Der Einsatzbereich beginnt bei etwa 400 μm Dicke; für die Folienindustrie ist diese Schnittversion deshalb in den Vorstufen der Folienproduktion – für dünne Bänder – geeignet. Mit dem Verfahren lassen sich auch sehr schmale Streifen erzeugen. Für die verschiedenen Verfahrensvarianten hat Dienes Messerhalter mit einem vielfältigen Zubehör entwickelt. So kommt es im Schneidbetrieb unter anderem darauf an, dass Oberund Untermesser extrem feinfühlig in jeder Richtung positioniert werden können. Man hat dazu eine Reihe von spezifischen Einstellgrößen definiert, die ihrerseits wiederum vom zu schneidenden Material abhängen. Die notwendige Präzision wird mit spielfreien Kugelführungen erreicht. Darüber hinaus hat Dienes die Halter mit zusätzlichen Funktionen ausgestattet, die das Schneidergebnis verbessern, die Rüstzeiten reduzieren helfen und einen störungsfreien Schneidbetrieb sicherstellen. N Metallanalyse mit SPECTROMAXx Wenn Sie mit (zu) hohen Betriebskosten kämpfen - mit SPECTROMAXx können Sie sparen. Weil der neuartige Funkenstand sehr wenig Argon verbraucht. Und weil Sie kaum noch Zeit für die tägliche Wartung benötigen. Sie haben Anforderungen Wir haben die Lösung 54 Profitieren Sie von der Leistungsfähigkeit des Marktführers. Sprechen Sie mit uns und lassen Sie sich informieren, warum Metallanalysatoren von SPECTRO eine Investition in bessere Effizienz und höhere Rentabilität sind. Tel. +49.2821.892-2110, spectro.info@ametek.com, www.spectro.de/maxx Besuchen Sie uns: Aluminium 2008, 23.-25. September, Essen, Halle 2, Stand 2E28 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 simplex.de | 08.08 SPECIAL operations in the process as a whole. Cutting devices for aluminium are mainly used on roller cutting machines, doublers, trimming machines, cut-to-length shears, separators and rolling mills. In these sectors Dienes collaborates closely with all the noted equipment manufacturers, for which the company provides three different cutting methods: • Razorblade cutting is appropriate above all for extremely thin foils. In this case a free cut is made. The cutting tool is a blade held in a blade holder, in which it can be replaced. The relatively simple arrangement is inexpensive. • The concept of shear cutting can also be applied for thin foils. In that case the upper blade plunges into the cutting grooves of a lower blade shaft. The material to be cut is sheared between the cutting edges of the upper and lower tools (as in a shearing machine). • Roll shear cutting is done with a stable tool arrangement, which is also suitable for thicker material and correspondingly higher loads. The useful range begins at about 400 μm, so in the foil industry this cutting version is appropriate in the preliminary stages of foil production, i. e. for thin strips. The method can also be used to produce very narrow ribbons. For the various process variants Dienes has developed blade holders with numerous accessories. For example, in cutting operations the upper and lower blades have to be positioned very sensitively in all directions. A series of adjustment magnitudes has therefore been defined, which in turn depend on the material to be cut. The required precision is achieved with play-free ball guides. In addition, Dienes has equipped the holders with additional functions which improve cutting results, help to reduce fitting times and ensure trouble-free cutting operations. Dienes will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 7, Stand B30 %I NUND!BSTECHEN) $REHENUND'EWI NDEDREHEN) &R² SENUND'EWI NDEF R ² S E N "OHRENUND"OHRSYSTEM E) 3 (!2 +$RI L L Ó ) 7ERKZEUGA UFNA HM EN) 3 PA NNTEC H N IK !2./Ó7ERKZEUGE r)HRZUVERL²SSIGER0ART NERFRHOCHWERTIGEUND AUF+UNDENBEDRFNISSE AUSGERICHTETE0R²ZISIONS WERKZEUGE %INFACHSTE-ONTAGE VERBUNDENMITH¢CHSTER 6IELFALTiVOM3TANDARD WERKZEUGBISZURINDIVIDU ELLEN,¢SUNGiUNIVERSELL EINSETZBARE!2./Ó 7ERKZEUGSYSTEME -EHR)NFO@S ·BERUNSEREGEBHRENFREIE "ESTELL(OTLINE SINDWIR-Oi$O VONi5HRUND &RVONi5HR FR3IEERREICHBAR ;!2./ Ó 'EOMETRIEN= rSPEZIELLFRDIE !LUMINIUMBEARBEITUNG !2./ Ó 7ENDESCHNEIDPLATTEN VOM 3TAN DARDSCHNEIDEINSATZ BIS ZUR INDIVIDUELLEN ,¢SUNG 3PEZIELL ENTWICKELTE 3PANFORMGE 5NSEREN -ESSESTANDFINDEN 3IEIN (ALLE3TANDI OMETRIEN GARANTIEREN OPTIMALEN 3PANBRUCH UNDHERVORRAGENDE:ERSPANUNGSLEISTUNG m. EU ENTWICKELTE 'EOMETRIEN MIT BESTEN 3CHNITTLEISTUNGEN m0 R²ZISIONSGESCHLIFFENE3CHNEIDEINS²TZE m0 OLIERTE /BERFL²CHE SICHERT OPTIMALEN 3PANABFLUSS m( OHE"EARBEITUNGSGENAUIGKEIT m/ PTIMALE 3PANKONTROLLE DURCH HOCHPOSI TIVEN3PANWINKEL %NTWICKLUNG(ERSTELLUNG6ERTRIEB www.dienes.de -ITUNSEREM+NOWHOWUNDDURCHDENPER OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER MANENTEN %INSATZ UNSERER 7ERKZEUGE IN DEREIGENEN&ERTIGUNGBIETENWIR,¢SUNGEN ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 DIE )HRE %RWARTUNGEN BERTREFFEN 6IELFALT IN 7ERKZEUGVARIANTEUND!NWENDUNG WWWARNODE ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU BWG – Spitzentechnik für hochwertiges Aluminiumband Die Firmengründer starteten 1955 mit Ausrüstungen für den Bergbau und die sich entwickelnde Stahlindustrie im Revier. Mit dem aufstrebenden Werkstoff Aluminium kam das Unternehmen erstmalig 1976 in Kontakt. In jenem Jahr erhielt die BWG den Auftrag über eine komplette Anlage für das Werk Grevenbroich der damaligen VAW. Die Reck-, Entfettungs- und Chromatierlinie für Aluminiumbänder war der erste Auftrag für eine komplette Bandprozesslinie, und er diente lange Zeit als Referenz für neue Projekte. Die hervorragende Planlage der Bänder weckte das Interesse weiterer Bandproduzenten. Bis heute wurden mehr als 20 dieser Streck-Richt-Anlagen (Bezeichnung: Levelflex) gebaut. Es waren zunächst vor allem amerikanische Kunden, die diese neue Technik in großem Umfang bestellten. So begann in den 1980er Jahren eine intensive, bis heute andauernde Zusammenarbeit mit der amerikanischen Alcoa. Das Lithographiezentrum für Alcoa Davenport (geliefert 1994) bestand aus einer Entfettungs- und Levelflex-Linie sowie einer separaten Besäum- und Längsteillinie. Daneben entwickelte sich auch die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Kunden VAW erfreulich. Im Jahre 1985 lieferte BWG eine komplette Reck- und Entfettungslinie für das Werk Grevenbroich. 1992 folgte das Lithozentrum II, das die Kapazität des Werkes etwa verdoppelte. Ein besonderer Meilenstein ist das Lithozentrum III für Bandbreiten bis 2100 mm. Diese hochmoderne Anlage mit einer Kapazität von etwa 75.000 Tonnen repräsentiert Spitzentechnik in der Bandbehandlung. Mit dieser Investition ist Hydro eindeutiger Marktführer am schnell © 56 BWG – Top-class technology for high-grade aluminium strip The company BWG Bergwerk- und Walzwerk-Maschinenbau GmbH located in Duisburg is one of the important equipment suppliers for the worldwide aluminium rolling plant industry. Above all when the quality of the strip has to be particularly high, noted processors all over the world turn to BWG technology. In 1955 the founders of the company started with equipment for mining and for the developing steel industry in the area. The company came into contact with the then up-and-coming material aluminium for the first time in 1976. In that year BWG was awarded the contract for a complete plant to go to the Grevenbroich works of the then VAW. The stretch-straightening, degreasing and chromating line for aluminium strip was the first contract for a complete strip process line and it served for a long time as a reference for new projects. The outstanding flatness of the strips awakened the interest of other strip producers as well. So far, over 20 of these stretch-straightening units (known as Levelflex) have been built. It was at first mainly American customers who took up this new technology to a substantial extent. Thus, in the 1980s an intensive collaboration began with Alcoa in America, which has lasted to the present day. The lithography centre for Alcoa Davenport (delivered in 1994) consisted of a degreasing and Levelflex line and a separate trimming and slitting line. In addition, the collaboration with the customer VAW also continued to develop gratifyingly. In 1985 BWG supplied a complete stretching and degreasing line for the Grevenbroich plant. This was followed in 1992 by Lithocentre II, which approximately doubled the capacity of the plant. A particular milestone in Lithocentre III for strip widths up to 2100 mm. This highly modern unit, with a capacity of around 75,000 tonnes, represents the very best available in strip treatment technology. With that investment Hydro has become the clear leader in the rapidly growing market for litho strip. As the material aluminium grew in importance through the 1980s, at BWG it established an independent position of its own alongside the original work sector of ‘steel’. Progressively, the extensive experience accumulated from the steel sector – appropriately modified to suit aluminium – was converted for aluminium processing. More and more often other producers, too, turned © Fotos: BWG Die in Duisburg ansässige BWG Bergwerk- und Walzwerk-Maschinenbau GmbH zählt zu den bedeutenden Ausrüstern der weltweiten Aluminium-Walzwerksindustrie. Vor allem bei besonders hohen Anforderungen an die Qualität des Bandes greifen namhafte Verarbeiter aus aller Welt auf BWG-Technologie zurück. Lithographiezentrum III im Hydro-Werk Grevenbroich (2005) Lithography centre III at the Hydro plant in Grevenbroich, Germany (2005) ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU wachsenden Markt für Lithoband. In dem Maße, in dem der Werkstoff Aluminium in den 1980er Jahre an Bedeutung gewann, konnte er sich auch bei der BWG neben dem angestammten Arbeitsgebiet „Stahl“ eigenständig positionieren. Dabei gelang es immer wieder, die umfangreichen Erfahrungen auf dem Stahlsektor – werkstoffgerecht modifiziert – auf die Aluminiumverarbeitung zu übertragen. Immer öfter griffen auch andere Produzenten auf die BWGTechnologien zurück. Einer neuen Herausforderung sah sich das Unternehmen gegenüber, als Aluminiumbleche zunehmend in der Automobilkarosserie Verwendung fanden. Als Corus Aluminium im belgischen Duffel 2002 eine neue HochleistungsKontiglühe mit Bandvorbehandlung (CALP-Linie) zur Produktion von Aluminium-Karosserieband plante, wurde BWG als Lieferant für die komplette maschinelle Ausrüstung ausgewählt. N Lithographiezentrum für Alcoa Davenport (1994) Lithography centre for Alcoa Davenport (1994) toward BWG technology. The company was faced by a new challenge as aluminium started to be used increasingly for automobile body components. When Corus Aluminium in Duffel, Belgium, planned a new, high-performance continuous annealing line with strip pretreatment (CALP line) for the production of aluminium auto- body strip, BWG was chosen to supply all of the mechanical equipment. BWG will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 3, Stand O30 www.bwg-online.de OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER gy olo ing n ch st ote ot ca n Na ing for Protect your moulds permanently with COMP MetCast The innovative release coating for greater productivity Nanocomp MetCast is the world’s first permanent nano-ceramic release coating – perfectly suited for open-mould casting in metal production. The working principal: applied in a thin layer to the mould, it allows long-term production with excellent process stability. Nanocomp MetCast is insensitive to temperature shock, molten metal and cooling water. Even in continuous production, a MetCast coating holds up for several weeks, after which it merely needs to be reapplied on specific areas. Your benefits: When you choose permanent Nanocomp MetCast coating, you choose unbeatable efficiency for the production process and pass a milestone on the road to achieving an environmentally compatible “white” casthouse. 58 ● Effective separating effect and excellent demoulding properties ● Minimal consumption thanks to its extremely long service life and very thin layer application ● Greater productivity and optimal use of casting plant capacity ItN Nanovation AG Untertürkheimer Straße 25 66117 Saarbrücken, Germany ● Improved quality due to consistent process stability ● Convincing savings of time and expenses when compared to single-use products ● Lasting relief for employees, equipment and the environment Tel.: +49 (0) 681 / 50 01 – 561 Fax: +49 (0) 681 / 50 01 – 499 metcast@itn-nanovation.com www.itn-nanovation.com ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 S AML 2 0 0 8 A LPU E M ICN II U – M E S SAELVUOMR ISNCIHUAMU 2 0 0 8 – FAIR PREVIEW Italian extrusion and rolling technology in Essen Italy is not only one of the countries with the highest concentration of extrusion presses in the world, rolling of advanced aluminium products is also very important. It is not surprising, therefore, that this flourishing market also encourages plant manufacturers to develop advanced equipment for producing aluminium rolled or extruded semi-finished products. Together with some of Italy’s major producers of aluminium semis, many of these companies will be exhibiting at the Aluminium 2008 trade fair in Essen in order to meet their customers from all over the world and present their latest technologies. In the following a summary report. Almax Mori – The ‘butterfly’ experts ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 59 an alliance that benefits from synergies in the commercial and administrative fields but still allows both companies to act independently when it comes to technical development, customer service and tooling manufacture. Looking for a way to improve extrusion press productiv- © Almax Mori Almax Mori Srl was established following the closure of Alcoa Transformazioni’s in-house toolmaking facility in 2004; Alcoa Transformazioni was originally founded in 1965 as Almax Italia. The company had previously worked closely together with Alumat, which was formed in 1993 and also specializes in the manufacture of extrusion tooling. The two companies have thus formed Butterfly die ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 59 ALUMINIUM 2008 – FAIR PREVIEW ity, Almax Mori has developed extrusion tooling with bridges that have an arched shape instead of the usual angular shape. The butterfly-like appearance made finding a name for the new product easy: ‘butterfly die’. The shape of the bridge enables the alu- minium to flow better as a result of reduced friction. This in turn leads to extrusion speeds that are up to 80% higher than those with conventional dies and thus to a marked increase in the productivity of extrusion presses. Almax Mori Srl will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 1, Stand E14 www.alumat.it OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER ATC ATC – ‘Full liner’ for extrusion presses and surface treatment ATC Aluminium Trevisan Cometal is presenting itself as a ‘full liner’ when it comes to plant for the production and surface treatment of extruded profiles. With its ‘Cometal’ brand, the group is particularly active in engineering and manufacturCometal balanced intensive cooling system ing of complete remelting foundries, having also developed a new ‘double chamber’ melting furnace for melting contaminated scrap. Other products are complete extrusion lines, in- cluding extrusion presses. Cometal has developed both back- and front-loading extrusion presses. Regarding vertical and horizontal coating lines, the ‘Trevisan’ brand has confirmed its position as a market leader thanks also to its new self-cleaning booths and the international patents obtained. Autel, a wholly owned subsidiary of Trevisan Cometal, has gained a consistently large share of the market for packing lines and is building on this success by now offering anodizATC will be an exhibitor at ing lines (see ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. article about Hall 3, Stand J50 Autel’s packwww.atccompany.com aging solutions on p. 70). OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER ONLINE AUCTION SALE due to BANKRUPTCY of ALUTEQ B.V. Nobelstr. 24 – 3846 CG Harderwijk (The Netherlands) Aluminium and Metalworking Machines 3 CNC 5-AXIS PROFILE MACHINING CENTERS “Handtmann” PBZ NT 800 AS (‘03/‘02/ ’99), xyz 9150x1100x850 mm, profile 8500x600/400x 300/250 mm, with control “BWO”, laser control “Blum”; 5 CNC VERT. MACHINING CENTERS “Okuma” MX 45 VAF, xyz 760x460x450 mm, 2x “Supermax” YCM-V116A (‘99/’95), xyz 1100x600x630 mm, “Yang” Eagle SMV 1000 (‘98), xyz 1020x510x510 mm, “Victor“ Vcenter 105 (‘98), xyz 1050x560x560 mm, with controls “Okuma”, “Mitsubishi”, “Fanuc”; CNC autom. LATHE “Okuma” LB15 II (‘96), ø 340x1000 mm, with control OSP 7000L; (CNC) sawing machines a.o. “APS”; 2 indexing tables “Kitagawa”; dig. measuring column “Tesa”; micrometers, granite measuring tables, etc.; BIDDING ONLY ON THE INTERNET CLOSING: Thu 11 SEPTEMBER from 2.00 pm VIEWING: Tue 9 September from 10.00 am till 4.00 pm. Photobrochure / Catalogue on our website www.troostwijkauctions.com 60 Omav – Competence from log handling to ageing ovens Omav Spa, located in Rodengo Saiano near Brescia, will take the opportunity in Essen to inform visitors about its complete range of extrusion line equipment, which the company has been producing for over 40 years. Omav’s capabilities cover log handling and everything downstream of the extrusion line as far as the ageing oven. Press feeding lines include gas-fired billet heaters and hot shears. Extrusion handling systems feature various designs of cooling system, such as a water spray with standing wave, spray cooling or air cooling, which are selected in accordance with the customer’s requirements. Omav’s range also includes hot saws and various designs of puller as well as a variety of stretcher designs, finishing saws and stackers. Besides Italy, the company has achieved an excellent reputation in the North American market. This position was recently confirmed by two orders from Kaiser Aluminum Kalamazoo in the USA for two handling systems – one for a 40 MN press and the other for a 60 MN press. In addition, the company is presently working on an order for a handling system for a 50 MN extrusion press for Nanping Aluminium in China. In order to guarantee that customers achieve added value in terms of higher quality, reliability and after- © ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 t Join us a2008 M IU M U L A 2008) ptember (23-25 Se a erm ny Essen, G # 3I60 oth Hall 3, Bo ALUMINIUM 2008 – FAIR PREVIEW sales service, Omav produces everything in Italy and only uses components made in Europe. Omav has recently invested in a new division, Omav Combustion, which is dedicated completely to manufacturing ovens and alumin- ium foundry plants. With this move the company plans to commit more resources to the design and implementation of technological solutions that enable energy consumption to be reduced. Omav will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 3, Stand C60 www.omav.com OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Phoenix International – Simulation helps find right die Phoenix International Spa offers extrusion simulation as a means of ‘closing the loop’ in die-design. Extruders are constantly faced with demands for product performance and productivity, surface quality and profile tolerances. Presses, cooling systems, anodizing and coating equipment are constantly in use in order to achieve an optimal product. The die system plays an important role in extrusion so it needs to be designed carefully. A non-optimized design can negatively influence the profiles produced in terms of temperature, speed and productivity; in the worst case, bad design can lead to deformation or deflection of the die, resulting in profiles with a poor surface finish and unacceptable tolerances. Simulation and technical devices allow the extruder to know exactly what is going to happen to both the profile and the die when a particular design is chosen. It helps find the die that fulfils the extruders’ needs in terms of productivity, profile heating and welding, tolerances and deflection. And it does so without the need for expensive trials. Simulation offers die-makers the opportunity to operate what is effectively a ‘virtual’ press. It allows loading movements, aluminium flow and welding processes to be reproduced from the starting billet through to the profile exiting the die. For example, critical parts can be investigated for a given profile speed and local pressure fields in order to evaluate dimensions and tolerances; temperature distribution checks can be carried out to find overheated zones that can have a negative effect on profile quality; and local pressure analysis also helps investigate profile microstructure in terms of welding quality and grain recrystallization. Phoenix International will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 1, Stand G15 www.phoenix-group.it OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER OMS Impianti Srl from Artegna in northern Italy specializes in the design and construction of complete aluminium extrusion plants. The company’s product range comprises complete billet handling, heating and cutting upstream of the extrusion press. Downstream of the press, OMS’s portfolio is complemented by single, double and triple puller systems with flying cut-off or mobile system, stretcher systems, final gauge tables, stacking and destacking machines. Various ageing systems are also part of OMS’s product range: traditional ageing ovens with low baskets as well as semi-automatic ageing with tall baskets and systems without any baskets. In addition to traditional systems, OMS also offers two automatic and innovative solutions for extrusion plants: the patented FTS system (Fixed 62 OMS OMS – Successful with ‘Moby Dick’ continuous ageing system Translation System) and the patented ‘Moby Dick’ system, which is an automatic continuous-ageing system. Traditional ageing processes normally take 70 to 90 minutes to heat up the profiles and baskets from room temperature together with an ageing time of approx. 4 hours. Such systems require stackers, manipulators, baskets and spacers – all expensive items ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 S AML 2 0 0 8 A LPU E M ICN II U – M E S SAELVUOMR ISNCIHUAMU 2 0 0 8 – that take up space and need constant maintenance. The Moby Dick concept improves the management of the profiles, eliminating the need for baskets, spacers, manipulators and operators; it completely automates the whole operation from the final cut through to packaging. After the final cut, the material is fed in batches and transferred automatically to a powered roll-way lift at the entrance to the oven. Inside the oven there a number of horizontal levels to position and transfer the profiles. Once inside the oven, the profiles move in a transverse direction, following the thermal cycle. After ageing, the profiles are re- moved from the oven by means of an unloading lift. Loading and unloading is continuous, and with it the whole ageing treatment. The system has a thermal efficiency that is 40 to 50% higher than traditional systems. The oven is always at the desired temperature, thus totally eliminating any preheating time. The temperature remains constant, making the treatment more homogeneous on all faces and over the whole length of the profiles. A traditional system complete with basket management has a floor space requirement of approximately 1200 m2, whereas the Moby Dick system only requires approx 800 m2. FAIR PREVIEW Moby Dick can be adapted to all types of plant (old and new) and its height or length can be modified depending on the layout of the plant or customer requirements. Moby Dick has already been installed at major Italian extruders, where it is operating very satisfactorily with fast returns on investment. OMS will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 6, Stand D34 www.omsimpianti.com OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Fata Hunter – Successful supplier to the flat-rolled product sector Italian flat-products technology will be shown in Essen not only by some of the well known plant makers, but also by several rolling mills exhibiting their advanced rolled products. Fata Hunter is one of the most successful suppliers of technologies, engineering and equipment for the aluminium flat rolled products industry. Thanks to its continuous innovation and proven technology, the company has become a preferred supplier worldwide, ensuring outstanding operational flexibility and the capability to provide each customer with © CUT-TO-LENGTH LINE research, innovation, experience aluminium | copper | brass | stainless steel ROTATING SHEAR for scroll cut performances aluminium and alloys | from 0.1 to 3.5 mm till 120 mpm with rotating shear stainless steel | from 0.2 to 5.0 mm till 120 mpm ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 63 advantages special devices cutting accuracy, strip oiling (DOS), absence of scratches and marks, scroll die, quick and precise adjustments of the blades position, fast coil change and easy maintenance strip thickness control, in line strip trimming, in line tension levelling, in line holes detection, vacuum stacker our programme degreasing, coating, tension levelling, slitter, cut-to-length, ingot milling, oiling, trimming, revamping ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 63 a unique combination of in-house technological expertise, production equipment and engineering services for the successful implementation of stand-alone equipment (such as continuous casting lines; cold and foil rolling mills; finishing equipment, like tension and stretcher levelling lines, foil separators, and slitters; and coil coating lines for aluminium and steel) or complete turn-key plants for the manufacture of aluminium flat rolled products. Fata Hunter is a division of Fata Spa, a diversified group of companies active in the field of industrial plant engineering and contracting, fully owned by Finmeccanica Spa, a leading Italian industrial group in the field of advanced technologies. The group is active in aeronautics, helicopters, space and defence. During this year’s exhibition, the company will highlight an order that Fata Spa’s Fata EPC division was awarded by Qatar Petroleum and Hydro Aluminium for engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) of the casthouse and anode baking Fata Hunter ALUMINIUM 2008 – FAIR PREVIEW Twin-roll caster at Otefal plant at the new Qatalum aluminium smelter. Construction works started at the beginning of 2008, and production of the casthouse and the anode baking plant will commence in the latter part of 2009. Qatalum will be the largest-ever new aluminium plant, with a first phase capacity of 585,000 tpy of primary aluminium. Fata Hunter will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 3, Stand G30 www.fatahunter.com OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Presezzi Extrusion Spa is one of the fastest growing manufacturers of extrusion presses. The company developed from a highly specialized manufacturing plant that focused at first on the production of components for rolling mills and extrusion presses, offshore platforms and turbines. Since receiving its first contract for a new 16.5 MN extrusion press in 1993, Presezzi Extrusion, as the division of Bruno Presezzi came to be known, has supplied more than 80 extrusion presses, with capacities up to 65 MN, to important extruders all over the world. Today, Presezzi Extrusion is synonymous with first-class technology coupled with reliability, flexibility and competitiveness. The company’s product range includes direct and indirect presses with loading either at the front or back; ten more presses with capacities ranging from 1,800 to 5,800 tonnes will be built in 2008; including a 25 MN front- 64 Presezzi Extrusion Presezzi Extrusion – Full order book for extrusion presses Final assembly loading press scheduled for installation at the end of this year at a plant in Germany. Current export orders include projects in Brazil (a front-loading 24.5 MN press), China (55 MN), Russia (18 MN), England (18 MN), the USA (a 55 MN back-loading press) and Serbia (an 18 MN back-loading press, for a company that is already operating a 30 MN back-loading press). Presezzi Extrusion has extended its supply capability to include © ALUMINIUM ·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rg automation S.p.A. " )", &%$(#+, # * "'( !$(%, % $!%"$%(#+, # * 888(%45$+%4,"$1%-(%45$+%4 ALUMINIUM 2008 – FAIR PREVIEW the delivery of complete, turn-key extrusion lines by collaborating with specialist suppliers of the various plant components upstream and downstream of the press. If the client wishes to deal with a single supplier, Presezzi Extrusion takes on the lead role in such projects. The company expects to maintain its course of continuous growth in 2008, meeting demand for heavier and more powerful presses from extruders in Europe and the rest of the world. Presezzi Extrusion will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 3, Stand K20 www.presezziextrusion.com OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Estral – From micro to automotive It is not only plant makers from Italy that will be exhibiting in Essen: some Italian extrusion companies will also be there to demonstrate the high technological standards of their products to European and overseas customers. One of these companies is Estral Spa which has been working side by side with its clients to study, develop and produce custom-shaped aluminium extruded profiles. The company started operation in 1974 with a small 6-MN extrusion press. Annual production was 2000 tonnes of profiles with tiny sections, thicknesses down to 0.8 mm (microprofiles of 35 g/m) and narrow dimensional tolerances. Nowadays, Estral is equipped with six extrusion press lines with capacities of 13, 16.5, 20 (two presses), 25 and 45 MN and produces more than 55,000 tpy of high-precision profiles. The company refers to this development as being ‘from micro to automotive’, describing its experience, capabilities and cutting edge technology plant for producing a wide range of sections. The latest extrusion press to be installed is a 45 MN Schloemann frontloading press utilizing 10-12” billets. It produces large profiles with weights of more than 20 kg/m and lengths of up to 18 m, in different alloys, including hard ones. Intensive cooling is achieved using a new system developed by and patented for Estral. The company also engineered the run-out equipment, including a double puller, itself. No baskets are in use from press to truck. In order to meet its customers’ needs, Estral also supplies value-adding services such as anodizing, powder coating, thermal breaks and different mechanical treatments. Estral will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 3, Stand D50 www.estral.it OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Bruno Presezzi Spa is based in Burago Molgora (Milan, Italy) and during its more than 30 year existence it has become a reliable supplier of cores and shells for twin-roll casters worldwide, both in Presezzi patented and traditional configurations. In May 2003 the company started up the first TT1000 continuous casting line at the Profilglass facility in Fano, Italy, based on Presezzi engineering and manufacturing. This first caster was followed by installation of four additional machines of the same size at Profilglass. A further Presezzi twin-roll casting line comprising a TT800 caster is operating at AK Aluminyum in Konya, Turkey. Presezzi recently signed a contract with the Al Hamad Group of Dubai for the supply of engineering, construction, delivery and commissioning of a complete plant for the production of aluminium strip for the Alumill- 66 B. Presezzi Bruno Presezzi – Reliable supplier for twin-roll casters Erection of twin-roll casters at Profilglass tech Gulf greenfield project. When it enters full production in 2009, one of the plant’s main targets will be to increase the initial production capacity in the following two to three years to allow the company to keep pace with future growth in the booming Gulf area. The scope of supply includes two complete twin-roll continuous casting lines comprising melting and holding furnaces with degassing and filtration ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 S AML 2 0 0 8 A LPU E M ICN II U – M E S SAELVUOMR ISNCIHUAMU 2 0 0 8 – equipment, one 4-high cold rolling mill and one annealing furnace. Alumilltech Gulf will produce aluminium strip and cold rolled coils for the civil construction business (roofing profiles, sandwich panels, etc). The casters will be Presezzi type TT600 with rolls having the already well known Presezzi patented configuration. The contract also includes a programme of technical/technological support for a minimum of one year. FAIR PREVIEW Bruno Presezzi will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 3, Stand K20 www.brunopresezzi.com OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Profilglass Spa will be presenting its special products made from thin aluminium strip produced at its own plant in Fano. In just 26 years the company has grown from a small operation producing spacer bars for double glazing to become the world market leader for these and similar thin-walled aluminium products. Moreover, in 2001 the company initiated a programme to install melting, casting and rolling facilities of its own, which not only produce the starting material for further downstream processing, for example into spacer bars, but also produce a range of flat aluminium products for the international market. In 2009, when the current extension is completed with the installation of a new hot- Profilglass Profilglass – Market leader for thin-walled aluminium products The new cold-rolling mill and cold-rolling mill, there will be a substantial increase in the present capacity of 90,000 tpy of rolled aluminium products (see our article about Profilglass on pp. 92-96). Profilglass will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 1, Stand E50 www.profilglass.it OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Turla – Highlighting intensive quenching systems Turla Srl has supplied more than 400 customized handling systems to aluminium extrusion plants all over the world during the past 30 years or more. The family-owned business serves the global extrusion market with all kinds of press-peripheral equipment, from log heating and log saws through to entire finishing lines and including ageing ovens and rack circulation systems. Intensive quenching systems are a speciality of Turla. 2008 has confirmed the company’s excellence in this technology, achieved through years of cooperation with the most important producers of aluminium profiles for industrial, automotive and aerospace applications. Turla offers three types of intensive quenching system, thus ensuring that the complete range of alumin- ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 67 ium extruded products can be properly treated: the intensive air quench model Q-A is used for soft alloys and small-to-medium sized profiles; the intensive air/water model Q-AH is designed for soft and hard alloy bars and medium-to-large sized profiles; the intensive standing wave quench model Q-SW is ideal for hard alloys, heavy bars and large profiles. This year, Turla has supplied two combined intensive quenching units for handling systems for a 27 MN and a 55 MN press to a leading extrusion company in Turkey. The two Q-AHSW systems have the following features: total length: 10 m (27 MN) and 13 m (55 MN); manufactured completely in stainless steel; air supply to upper hood with three independent fans that permit electronically adjustable flow; water spray lines distributed 360° around the profile/bar section. The water flow in every line is completely adjustable through PLC-controlled proportional valves; standing wave with adjustable wave height to optimize the treatment of various bars and profiles. Combined systems like these provide Turla’s clients with the maximum production flexibility, permitting proper quenching of even the most difficult solid bars and heavy profiles for use in the most challenging applications. Turla will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 3, Stand I60 www.turla.it OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 67 ALUMINIUM 2008 – FAIR PREVIEW Otefal – Specialist producer of coated aluminium strip and plate minium composites with a polythene core. The fire-resistance of the material coupled with its strength and recyclability are important competitive criteria. (see article about Otefal on pp. 110-114). Otefal will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 3, Stand N20 www.otefalgroup.com Otefal Otefal Spa is a specialist producer of powderand liquid-coated aluminium strip and plate, mainly for architectural applications. The company supplies the well established DMAX product range. Pre-lacquered aluminium sheet finished with PVdF lacquer, such as DMAX, is becoming increasingly more popular than alu- Continuous coating line OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Selema – Slitting line specialist Selema specializes in the design and construction of slitting lines for coiled aluminium strip that are characterized by high cutting accuracy, reduced burring, scratch-free handling and perfect winding. The company also supplies strip coating lines for use with liq- uid and powder coatings. These lines feature simultaneous coating on both sides of the strip, continuous production and the shortest times for colour changes. Tension levelling lines and cut-to-length lines complement the Selema product portfolio. Selema will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 6, Stand A20 www.selema.com adnord.it OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER International Exhibition on Technologies for the Recovery and Recycling of ferrous and non ferrous metals, Environmental quality and Energy efficiency recovery scrap recycling technologies equipments energy environment 3 rd edition 2 nd-4 th April 2009 Garda Exhibition Centre - Montichiari - Brescia - Italy Organizing Secretariat: Edimet SpA, Via Brescia 117 25018 - Montichiari (Brescia) - Italy Ph. +39 030 9981045 Fax +39 030 9981055 info@metalriciclo.com www.metalriciclo.com 68 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 Always in the forefront in extrusion system since 1952 With the complete control over the entire extrusion process, has reached excellent levels in quality, safety and reliability. Our results make us a referent point throughout the world. As a leader, we are even more committed to quality, safety and reliability…a virtuous circle with a well defined scope: offer an adequate solution to each request. OMAV S.p.A. - Via Stacca, 2 - 25050 Rodengo Saiano (Brescia) Italy - TEL. +39.030.6816.21 - FAX +39.030.6816.288 www.grafocom.it IUM 2008 IN M U L A Visit us ber 2008 m te p e S 5 23–2 oth: 3C60 Hall: 3 Bo ALUMINIUM 2008 – FAIR PREVIEW Autel – New solution for packaging extrusions The packaging of extruded sections has taken on new importance for several reasons. For example, the cost of packaging is often almost as much as the cost of extrusion, primarily due to labour requirements. In addition, the ergonomic problems related to repetitive motions, bending and stooping are no longer acceptable in developed industrialised countries. Furthermore, profiles are often damaged during transit due to inadequate packaging. Improvements have been made to a wide range of ‘traditional’ fully automatic packaging lines for aluminium extrusions, designed and built for wrapping profiles and forming them into larger packages or bundles. These systems are standard in Europe and are beginning to be adopted in American plants and throughout the industrialised world. Many customers require interleaving of plastic or paper between the sections for protection. The cost of providing this service may be deceptively high, due to the time loss and ergonomics of unrolling the paper and cutting it to length. To optimize this step Autel, a group member of ATC Aluminium Trevisan Cometal, uses a paper stretcher device, where the operator can preset the quantity and length of the sheets needed for the interleaving. Spiral wrapping systems require that groups of sections be tightly bound together before wrapping; otherwise the spiral wrap will not hold together. Older systems require the operators to assemble the group manually and wrap one or both ends with tape to hold it tight. To eliminate this step and further speed up the operation, a package tightening group has been developed and installed on the loading benches of the packing line. In response to the ‘traditional’ spiral wrapping of aluminium sections, Autel has developed a new system for bagging single aluminium sections, termed ‘Blistal’. Each section is placed between two sheets of film and individually sealed on both sides. The innovative system offers several advantages: high speed, less consumption of the plastic material, superior section protection, and two-colour packing with logo. Some applications require protection of extrusions until they are actually installed and ready to use, such as in many construction applications where damage may occur after initial installation. A common solution has been the use of ‘peelable’ films applied to critical section surfaces. How- ever, traditional application machines are slow and complicated to adjust properly. In response, Autel has applied new technology (termed ‘Tailormatic’) to this concept to improve its practicality. Tailormatic is characterized by an increased feeding speed, a protective film cutting system, automatic learning and motor-driven film coil positioning. Summary Brand new, totally automated lines have recently been installed at extruders’ sites with several of these packing options combined in one single, large system, where the leading feature is the high degree of automation driven by a single operator in charge of managing the line’s operation. These solutions allow the plant to offer any kind of packing solution by using the different sections of one single central system. That is the future of packaging for aluminium. Autel will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 3, Stand J50 www.atccompany.com OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER ESK Ceramics – Securely adhering casting ladle coatings ESK Ceramics is unveiling a newly developed coating for aluminium casting at ALUMINIUM 2008. It adheres securely to metal substrates, reliably separates the melt from the substrate, and is easy to apply. At the same time, it is environmentally friendly and reduces handling costs. The newly developed water-based ‘EKamold Cast-M’ coating forms an effective release layer wherever molten aluminium comes into contact with metal. One example is the application to casting ladles. For the first time ever, foundries can use a coating that can be easily applied and 70 adheres securely to metal substrates, the company says. The suspension ensures that the castings have highquality surfaces. At the same time, it increases the lifetime of the tools, reduces the effort required for application and slashes energy costs. The new coating forms a smooth, long-lasting protective layer on the surface of the casting ladle, which is not wetted by molten metal – the melt simply rolls off the casting ladle like water off a leaf. It reliably separates the hot aluminium melt from the substrate and ensures that the end product is not contaminated with dissolved foreign matter. The oxide skin too, which rapidly forms on the surface of the hot aluminium, does not stick to the ladle – it is clean after each casting. EKamold Cast-M is water-based and does not pollute the environment with harmful or toxic emissions. Unlike oil-based coatings, it does not burn off noxious fumes and is generally clean to handle during application and cleaning. Water-based coatings also have another advantage: EKamold Cast-M is so viscous that it can be applied by brush. Alternatively it can be diluted with water and then sprayed on. A newly developed binder makes the dried coating so firm that it does not chip off even when applied in ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 ESK ALUMINIUM 2008 – MESSEVORSCHAU up with a brush. EKamold Cast-M is also easy to handle after casting: it can be easily washed off with water. This contrasts with traditional coating materials, which must be removed by a labour-intensive process of sand-blasting or cleaning in chemical baths. The new suspension features low Quick and easy recoating of a hot casting ladle with ESK‘s EKamold Cast-M suspension for metal substrates thermal conductivity, and therefore the melt maintains its temperature for longer very thick layers, giving it a long life. in the casting ladle. That means that a Moreover, the coating thickness is lower melt temperature can be used not critical, and accidental variations in the production shop. Moreover, in thickness can be tolerated within more time is available for casting. This wide limits. If the coating is damaged, makes it unnecessary to heat the melt it is easy and inexpensive to repair. back up to the correct temperature in Holes or cracks can be easily touched the holding furnace. There is no risk of overheating. According to ESK, the early experiences from foundries show that the life of the protective coating has been increased to several times that of traditional coatings, and can withstand several casting cycles. ESK’s experts will give detailed reports of the operational results obtained with EKamold Cast-M. At its booth in Essen, ESK will be presenting a casting ladle treated with the new coating. Furthermore, the company will present its complete range of high-performance ceramic products for aluminium casting. ESK Ceramics will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Galeria, Stand G10 www.esk.com OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Eloxalwerk-Ehingen & Eloxalwerk Weil der Stadt Automotive Eloxalwerk Bearbeitung von Aluminiumbauteilen aus einer Hand Eloxalwerk-Ehingen und Eloxalwerk Weil der Stadt Automotive haben sich darauf spezialisiert, Aluminiumwerkstücke für den jeweils geplanten Einsatz von ihrer besten Seite zu zeigen. Quasi unter einem Dach finden hier Veredelungsprozesse wie vollautomatische Wärmebehandlung, mechanische Bearbeitung (CNC-Fräsen und Bauteilemontage) sowie die Oberflächentechniken Waschen, Beizen, Konversionsbeschichten (WBK), Eloxieren und Pulverbeschichten – inklusive der dekorativen Oberfläche „Decoral Design“ – statt. Dieser vom Eloxalwerk Weil der Stadt angebotene „Automotive Workflow“ reduziert deutlich den Aufwand für Logistik 72 und Fertigung, verkürzt den Fertigungsprozess und schützt am Ende auch die Umwelt. Der Auftraggeber hat statt drei Ansprechpartner nur einen, der das Projekt begleiten und bis zur Serienreife zur Seite stehen kann. Veredelt werden in Ehingen und Weil der Stadt die unterschiedlichsten Teile: von dünnwandigen Strukturbauteilen bis zu Motorblöcken für den Automobilbereich, Aluminiumblechlegierungen und Hydraulikteile für die Luftfahrt, Maschinenbaukomponenten wie auch Fassadenbleche und Fensterprofile. Dass auch die optimalen Behandlungsparameter für neu eingehende Aluminiumbauteile in individuellen Versuchen erarbeitet werden, zählt bei den Eloxalwerken zum Service. Eine besondere Pulverbeschichtung kommt im Eloxalwerk-Ehingen zum Einsatz. AluminiumProdukte, die im Sichtbereich verbleiben, können ganz nach Wunsch mit einer dekorativen Oberfläche, dem „Decoral-Design“ versehen werden: zum Beispiel Aluminium-Fensterläden in Holzoptik, Fassadenpaneele in Steinoptik oder auch Fantasiemuster. Geeignet ist diese Pulverbeschichtung für den Innen- wie auch Außenbereich. Eloxalwerk-Ehingen und Eloxalwerk Weil der Stadt Autmotive sind Aussteller auf der ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Halle 2, Stand B36 www.eloxalwerk.de OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 W ir f auf Ihrreuen uns en Bes uch! 23.25 Alumin . Sept. i n H aium ‘08 St an d l l e 3 3E30 100 Jahre HONSEL. Ein Motor des Fortschritts. 1908 bis 2008: Seit einem Jahrhundert produziert Honsel hochwertige Erzeugnisse aus Leichtmetall. Heute sind wir führender Zulieferer von Komponenten und Systemlösungen aus Aluminium und Magnesium für Motor, Getriebe, Fahrwerk und Karosserie von PKW und Nutzfahrzeugen. Aber auch andere Branchen vertrauen auf unsere Kompetenz und traditionelle Innovationskraft. Mit Standorten in sechs Ländern auf zwei Kontinenten sind wir weltweit aktiv. Und wir nehmen jede Herausforderung an. Sicher auch in den nächsten 100 Jahren. www.honsel.com A member of HONSEL INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION Photo: Airbus For major aircraft manufacturers, Aleris is among the top three suppliers The new 160” rolling mill at Aleris Koblenz exceeds all expectations Photos: Aleris Advance to new dimensions in hot rolling of aluminium plate Alfred Haszler, President of Aleris Rolled and Extruded Products in Europe: “With this investment in the new rolling mill we have moved somewhat ahead of the competition.” The new hot rolling mill of Aleris Aluminium Koblenz GmbH has been in operation since the beginning of this year. With its technological features it is the most 74 modern that exists in the field of hot rolling today. The plant not only eliminates existing production bottlenecks, but also enables still better qualities and new types of products. According to Alfred Haszler, President of Aleris Rolled and Extruded Products in Europe, the 160” rolling mill lays the foundations for a successful future. The idea behind it is Aleris’ intention to expand in the field of aluminium aviation products and to strengthen further the company’s market position in that globally orientated business characterised by ever-increasing competition. Although the new 160” rolling mill is neither the largest nor the widest of its type, with its twin-drive of 2 x 7000 kW and a torque of 4278 kNm it is the world’s most powerful hot rolling mill for aluminium plates. Compared with the previous 148” mill, it has around twice the drive power and torque. This opens new possibilities for the production of aviation plates, in relation to plate thickness and metallurgical properties. It was necessary to invest in a new rolling mill because the drive system of the existing 148” mill had aged and was from time to time responsible for production interruptions for one reason or another. At the time, discussions with the engineers of SMS Demag made clear that modernisation of the drive and gear systems would not be enough. From the beginning Aleris wanted to have a twin drive instead of the old pinion gear unit, in order to drive the upper and lower rolls separately, and to back this up with sufficient installed power. For the existing 148” mill this drive train would be oversized and it would not have been possible to use the associated power. “In the end we decided for a ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 Photo: SMS Demag TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION The 160’’ rolling mill in production 10 January 2008: Alfred Haszler and Hartmut Schauerte, State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, commissioning the new 160’’ rolling mill complete new rolling mill, in order to benefit from a series of further advantages: a capacity increased by 10,000 tonnes and the particular ability to deform the material all the way through thickness”, explains Haszler. The important point here is that with the large pass reductions made possible by the more powerful drive, deformation can reach down into the core of the rolling slab and plates 250 mm thick or more no longer have a quasi-cast structure in the middle, with correspondingly inferior characteristic values in relation to fatigue, porosity, toughness, etc. Besides the metallurgical advantages there are also operational benefits, since with pass reductions up to a third greater achieved by the 160” mill (compared with its predecessor), the same rolling speed produces the desired final thickness more rapidly. © The Key to New Technologies Competence from raw material to engineered components! ECKA ® Standard Powder Products: Aluminium, Magnesium, Copper, Bronze, Brass, Lead, Tin, Solder/Brazing Alloys. Ready-to-press blends: ECKA Alumix®: Ready-to-press blends for light weight sintered structural parts. Light weight materials: ECKA® Alloys: Al-primary foundry alloy ingots. Al- Master alloy ingots. ECKA® Aluminium: Al-alloy, pre- and master alloy powders. Al-powders for high performance PM-Materials and parts. ALUMINIUM 2008 7th World Trad Fair & Conference 23.-25. September 2008 Exhibition Centre Essen · Germany Hall: 2 · Booth: 2B60 Alulight® : Metal foam products based on aluminium and magnesium powders for semifinished and finished products. Hydrostatically pressed profiles: Bars, tubes and wire based on aluminium and magnesium powders. ECKA TIX: Magnesium alloy powders and granules for Injection Molding. CONTACT: ECKA Granulate GmbH & Co. KG Kaiserstraße 30 D-90763 Fürth Germany Tel.: (+49) (911) 9747-0 Fax: (+49) (911) 9747-365 Mepura Metallpulvergesellschaft m.b.H. Lachforst 2 A-5282 Ranshofen Austria Tel: (+43) (7722) 62216-0 Fax: (+43) (7722) 62216-11 Alulight International GmbH Lachforst 4 A-5282 Ranshofen Austria Tel: (+43) (7722) 64564-620 Fax: (+43) (7722) 64564-610 non ferrum Metallpulver Gesellschaft m.b.H. & Co. KG P.O. Box 11 A-5113 St. Georgen bei Salzburg Austria Tel: (+43) (6272) 2919-0 Fax: (+43) (6272) 8439 E-Mail: info@ecka-granules.com Internet: www.ecka-granules.com E-Mail: office@mepura.at Internet: www.ecka-granules.com E-Mail: office@alulight.at Internet: www.alulight.com E-Mail: nonferrum@ecka-granules.com Internet: www.ecka-granules.com ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 75 TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION New 160’’ Mill Quarto 3,900 8 to 800 180 ~ 1,175 ~ 1,750 ~ 60,000 2 x 7,000 4,278 Previous 148’’ Mill Mill type Width (mm) Thickness (mm) Max. speed (m/min) Work roll diameter (mm) Backup roll diameter (mm) Max. load (kN) Drive power (kW) Torque (kNm) Quarto 3,600 8 to 600 180 920 1,525 45,000 6,640 2,450 in order to produce uniform and porefree thick plates as required, for example, for tooling and moulding. Slabs 800 mm thick are not yet cast at present, but on the existing remelt slab widths up to 2600 mm are already being cast and widths up to 3000 mm are envisaged. To process these also demands a powerful rolling mill with corresponding drive forces and torques. In practical operation since the beginning of the year it has been demonstrated that the rolling mill more than fulfils every expectation. “The run-up phase to maximum power took place without problems and already by April it was evident that the target quantity had been exceeded by more than 650 tonnes. It is already clear that in two to three years the plant will be able to produce around 10,000 tonnes more than the planned 160,000 tonnes”, says Haszler. Table: Comparison of performance data of the old and new hot rolling mills in Koblenz Greater focus on market for thick aircraft plate “In this way we deform the metal almost as if it were being forged. We can work it all the way through thickness even in the case of very thick plates, The mill offers the possibility of usand so produce properties at the core ing a new rolling technique, the sowhich were previously unattainable”, termed ‘Snake Rolling’. With this stresses Haszler. method Aleris aims to intensify the deformation even more, so as to imThe new technology has already prove the fatigue properties of aviabeen experimentally investigated at tion plates still further. Snake rolling the Corus Research Centre in Ijmuiis the outcome of extensive research den, which Aleris too can use owing and development work by Aleris and to a long-term agreement, and is being involves shear deformation in which prepared for large scale application in the top and bottom sides of the materithe 160” mill. According to Haszler the al are deformed by different amounts. result is an improvement of fatigue properties by up to 50 percent, besides producing properties that are uniform throughout the cross-section. There are also significant improvements in other properties, such as toughness. Another novel feature associated with the new rolling mill is its larger rolling gap of 800 mm. In future Aleris will be casting and rolling even larger slabs, Aleris supplies brazing products for various heat exchangers For a long time Koblenz has been a specialised works in which, above all, aviation and brazing products are made. No more standard goods or building products. Production is divided between aviation plates, with an annual capacity of 60,000 tonnes, and clad brazing coils (mainly for heat exchangers), of which around 75,000 tonnes are produced. The remaining 25,000 tonnes are divided between commercial plates for special applications: for tooling and moulding, for silo and tanker vehicles, and armour plates. In addition, many distributors are supplied. The particular focus at Koblenz is on the production of aluminium plates for aircraft design, and further growth is expected to take place mainly in this demanding sector. Around two-thirds of the 60,000 tonnes go directly to aircraft manufacturers, and one third to tier 1 suppliers and distributors. Aleris supplies the three largest manufacturers Boeing, Airbus and Embraer. For the major aircraft manufacturers Aleris is among the top 3 suppliers. In recent years the market for aircraft plates has changed substantially. According to Haszler’s estimate, New rolling technology further improves material properties 76 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION There ist particular focus at Koblenz on the production of aluminium plate for aircraft for the rolling process and the equipment connected with them. The general market perspectives in the aircraft industry are positive. The market is growing dynamically, even though delivery delays of the Airbus A 380 long-haul aircraft created some uncertainty in the market. Nevertheless, the aviation branch expects air new players are appearing mainly in the segment of thin (up to 100 mm) and narrow (up to 2000 mm) plates. “In that segment there are already a number of suppliers”, he says, “but for dimensions above those the hurdle to entry is high”. This applies to approval by aircraft manufacturers and the associated technological requirements traffic to double by 2026, freight carriage will grow substantially, demand for cost efficiency and environmental protection will increase and will enhance the growth of the aircraft industry. Branch experts consider that by 2026 the demand for new aircraft will increase by around 25,000. One-third of that alone will go to replace older aircraft, not least because of increasing pressure due to the drastic rise in fuel prices. Small economical downturns will not change that basic trend. Aluminium plates and sheets are used for wings, fuselages, structural components and floor beams, for which stringent material specifications and approval criteria exist. Above all wings, spars and floors are made from thick aluminium plates. They are machined from the solid plate, so as to have as few joints as possible, i. e. to produce monolithic structures. Wide and long sheets and plates will reduce the number of components in an aircraft. © ! " $ # (%& ' # !"" ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 ) ! ! *+, -. $ /01 23/40 2 * 5 # 637 0/3 /7 30 $5 637 0/3 /7 387 59 : : 77 TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION In contrast to many of its competitors Aleris has no machining centres of its own. Near end shape manufacturing is limited to sawing plates and sheets close to their final dimensions, for example wing plates, which are cut to trapezium shape. “In the long term, however,” says Haszler, “it may become more interesting for us to go more into further fabrication.” One aspect of this may be greater value added and another that customers are reluctant to become involved in dealing with the scrap generated during machining. But since the scrap is becoming more valuable all the time as the price of aluminium increases, it makes sense to do machining in-house and set up a ‘closed-loop’ recycling system, particularly since with the recycling centres operated by Aleris in Europe and the USA know-how and logistics are already existing. The development of alloys with further improved properties is especially important in the aircraft industry. In Koblenz at present over 100 different alloys are produced. For example, work is currently in progress on a new generation of aluminium-magnesiumscandium alloys in order to develop an alternative to composites for the fuselage. Compared with classical aviation alloys AlMgSc alloys are lighter, weldable, and they can be produced by conventional manufacturing. Further investments carried out in Duffel and Koblenz Looking at the plant in Koblenz also entails a glance towards Duffel – the Aleris rolling plant in Belgium. “Koblenz and Duffel constitute a linked production facility and we regard the two locations as a single plant producing in combination”, explains Haszler. At Duffel, following the investments made a year ago commercial plate production has increased to around 10,000 tonnes and brazing products are also made. When the 148” mill from Koblenz starts operating there after extensive modernisation, even more will be produced. At the same time this will relieve the bottlenecks in the Koblenz plant for those products. The mill should be set up in December this year and it will begin regular 78 The 148’’ rolling mill will be installed at the Aleris plant in Duffel in December 2008 operation in the spring of 2009. The investment programme in Duffel, costing around 42 million euros, is hardly less extensive then in Koblenz but it also in part involves modernisation and infrastructural measures. The production capacity in Duffel amounts to a total of 260,000 tonnes of aluminium plates and coils, and in 2008, when 220,000 tonnes were produced, that capacity was not quite used to the full. Around a third of the products are commodities, along with approximately 60,000 tonnes of autobody sheet, clad brazing sheet and other special products for the automotive industry. For plate production a further shed started operating in Duffel in 2007. Among other things, the shed is equipped with a modern stretcher from SMS Meer, an Ebner horizontal furnace for heat treatment and a plate furnace from Junker for annealing and ageing. Aleris paid around 45 million euros for its 160” hot-rolling mill and a further 10 million euros for auxiliary equipment. This concerns a homogenising furnace also supplied by Ebner for rolling slabs, which at Aleris are separately homogenised before preheating – first because of the long times involved and secondly because when homogenising, the temperature has to be close to the melting temperature. In addition a casting station for wide slabs was put up, and an additional segment was added to the horizontal furnace in order to provide the necessary capacity. In this furnace the first few zones, which serve for heating up, are gas-fired whereas the holding zones are electrically controlled to achieve a closer temperature tolerance. Furthermore one of the three stretchers was strengthened for thicker plates, testing equipment for the laboratory was purchased and because of the larger slabs the crane capacity was also increased. Finally, a quench was installed in a second, smaller continuous-horizontal furnace, so that in Koblenz not only sheets but also thin plates can be quenched. With all those investments Haszler considers that Aleris Rolled Products in Europe is well equipped for the future. “The project is the highlight and expression of our long-term market strategy. Although new rolling plants have appeared in Asia and some Third Countries and will continue to do so, for decades we have held a leading position in the world market with our technologically high-grade products and processes. With this investment in the new rolling mill we have moved somewhat ahead of the competition, as with our previous investments.” Aleris will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 3, Stand B40 www.aleris.com OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 FlüssigAluminium ... das schnellere Aluminium Aleris Recycling (German Works) GmbH Aluminiumstraße 3 D-41515 Grevenbroich Postfach (P.O. Box) 100 634 D-41490 Grevenbroich T +49(0)2181-16 45-0 F +49(0)2181-16 45-100 www.aleris-recycling.com recycling@aleris.com Wir stellen auf der ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen aus – vom 23. – 25.09.2008 Halle 3 Stand 3B40 Photos: SMS Demag TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION Rolling the first plate on the 160“ mill A special type of rolling plant modernisation B. Rieth, Meerbusch Problems with an ageing drive system, a collaboration between an innovative equipment manufacturer and an open-minded operator, and at the end, two winners – that, in brief, is the story of how the most efficient and powerful hot-rolling mill for aluminium has smoothly started operating and, besides enlarging the product range, is increasing the rolling capacity of the two European Aleris plants in Koblenz and Duffel. At the time, the motive for the modernisation was the existing 148” rolling mill at Aleris Aluminium Koblenz GmbH. This had been delivered in the early 1960s to the then Kaiser Aluminium in Koblenz and during the next decades served as a roughing stand for the rolling of aluminium plates and strips. The rolling mill made its successive owners Kaiser, Hoogovens Aluminium, Corus Aluminium and finally Aleris one of the leading suppliers of plates for the aviation industry, with a large market share among renowned aircraft manufacturers such 80 as Airbus, Boeing and Embraer. Technological changes in aircraft engineering brought ever more strict requirements in many respects: new alloys, closer dimensional tolerances and thicker plates for the production of structural components meant that the loading of the 148” mill was constantly increasing. To an increasing extent the load limits were becoming more evident, and these could not be overcome even by a number of rebuilding measures – during which for example, in the 1980s the two-stage drive was refurbished and provided with two additional motors. In 2004 the decision was made to install a complete new main drive system, whose characteristics would satisfy every need. To be able to satisfy the growing demands of the market with suitable products in the future as well, Aleris worked out a schedule of requirements containing the following measures as the most important objectives of the rolling plant modernisation: • The rolling mill design should be such that at a relatively slow rolling speed at high torque, large reductions per pass are possible in order to deform the material more intensely and reduce porosity, and also to improve the toughness and fatigue properties of aircraft plates. • A more powerful gear unit should be fitted, in order to transmit higher torques. • The drive should be converted to a twin-drive system to enable separate powering of the upper and lower rolls, in order to later to implement the ‘Snake rolling’ technology originally developed by Corus Aluminium and promoted by Aleris as a forwardlooking process. • The roll gap should be enlarged to allow initial pass of thicker and wider rolling slabs. • The roll diameter should be increased in order to improve the gripping behaviour. • The rolling forces should be increased. Plans for the implementation of this schedule of requirements were made in close collaboration between the engineering staff of Aleris and SMS Demag. After all, they knew one another ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION through the partial reconstructions of earlier years, which led to great mutual trust between them. On the basis of its detailed knowledge of the rolling plant SMS Demag first submitted various proposals to Aleris and thereby indicated how, as an equipment builder, it could envisage such an extensive revamp. “In Aleris we found a customer which, for its part, was prepared to listen to our technical staff and their proposals”, remembers Michael Schäfer, Head of the Aluminium Product Sector at SMS Demag. The result of every alternative considered was always the same: the drivetrain could be strengthened, but the existing 148” mill still remained the limiting factor. It became clear that not just the drive, but also the mill itself had to be larger, in other words a new one was needed. The ultimate solution lay in the concept of a new 160” rolling mill combined with a new and more powerful drive train. However, this raised two new problems: first the financing, and second the installation of the substantially larger and heavier mill in the existing plant as a whole, without appreciably affecting the production flow. In this respect too SMS Demag emerged as an innovative partner for Aleris: well acquainted with the © The 148” mill in operation. Preparatory work on the foundations for the new drive train Keine DVD der SMS Demag vorhanden? Bitte gleich anrufen: +49 (0)511 7304 148 oder E-Mail an: BSchaefer@giesel.de Is the DVD from SMS Demag missing? Please phone: +49 (0)511 7304 148 or send an e-mail to: BSchaefer@giesel.de ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 81 TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION situation not only at the Aleris plant in Koblenz but also at its plant in Duffel, SMS Demag developed a concept according to which the existing 148” mill would not be scrapped, but instead, after thorough overhaul and modernisation, used to replace the old two-high roughing stand in Duffel and would therefore enable new and extended production possibilities for that location. As regards the installation of the new mill in Koblenz, SMS Demag was in a position to apply its many years of experience in the relocation of pre-assembled rolling mills, which had already been tried and tested many times, for example at Outokumpu and Salzgitter. The new 160” rolling mill The new mill is the result of a commercial and technological decision between the operator Aleris and the equipment manufacturer SMS Demag. “Although in terms of plate width it is not the largest in the world, it is nevertheless certainly the most powerful hot-rolling mill for plates in terms of the thickness of the rolling slabs, the rolling force and the torque that can be transmitted”, comments Schäfer. Its size alone sets new standards: the roll housing of the 4-high stand has an overall height of 13 m and weighs 355 tonnes. To improve the gripping behaviour the diameter of the work rolls has been made 1175 mm, with 1750-mm back-up rolls. This makes them much larger than those of the old 148” mill, at 920 and 1525 mm respectively. The larger roll gap enables slabs 800 mm thick to be rolled. In addition, the enlargement of the rolling width from the previous 3600 mm to 3900 mm in future has advantages for the production of wider and thicker aluminium plates for the aviation industry, to enable monolithic structures to be made in order to have fewer joints and to reduce weight. But the new mill achieves truly new dimensions with its rolling force increased by 33 percent to 60 MN in combination with a drive power of 2 x 7000 kW and a torque transfer capability of 2 x 5000 kNm, taking into account the permissible overload factors. These characteristics make it by far the most powerful hot-rolling mill for alumin- Erection of one of the 160”-mill rolling stands ium plates currently existing In detailed respects too, the mill has anywhere in the world. At the same various innovative features compared time it fulfils the declared aim of subwith its predecessor: this concerns, stantially better deformation through for example, the arrangement of the thickness during rolling as the prereqhousing roller tables with hydraulic uisite for improving the metallurgical fine-adjustment from below. In comproperties. In this connection Aleris bination with the hydraulic roll gap sees realistic possibilities for offering setting which also acts from below, the market new products in future, flexible conditions that can in each both as monolithic plates and ‘multicase be optimised are made available clad’ strips for heat exchangers. for adapting the pass line. In view of Almost incidentally, just a few the high proportion of clad brazing weeks after commissioning another coils also rolled on the same stand advantage emerged, namely that the this possibility is important for Aleris. larger reductions per pass have reWith their wipers the housing roller sulted in appreciably greater throughtables extend as far as the rolls. Their put performance from which Aleris horizontal adjustability provides the can now expect plate production customers with almost every possibilto increase by a further 10,000 tpy. ity of manipulation for optimising the rolling process. Besides the sophisticated mechanical equipment, the SMS Demag supply included the electrical and automation systems, the supply of media for transport to the installation site, and of course assembly and commissioning. Transport, assembly and commissioning – three logistical master-performances Loading a rolling stand at the Hilchenbach works 82 Before its delivery the new mill was pre-assembled at the workshops of SMS in Hilchenbach, which © ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 &$'&,%!%/+),*!&% *)-! + *. 0.&)$+ *!*&)0&,)*,**,* &')!&% &%-0* . + 0&, % +& ')&, ')!$)0 #,$!%!,$ #,$!% % '+&" )&$ ,%#&!% +& !% & + #+)�*!* ##* '%,$+!##0&)$ %!##0#!#*%+#+&+ ')& ,+&%&$!#%&-##!%!-!,##0'++&$+0&,) )(,!)$%+*,)/')+*'#%%!$'#$%+&$'#+'#%+*&) !%!-!,#')&***+'*,'+&&$$!**!&%!%,!#'#%+*% ')&**&$'&%%+*&)+ $)"+')&,&%1%&)&,) ,*+&$)*&%1%+ )&, ')+%)* !'!*&,)**,)%+ +0&, %)#0&%...&')!&%&$ !*!+,*++ #,$!%!,$!%**% )+&+ &'+$) ##+% TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION speeded up final assembly on site by several weeks. After dismantling into transportable structural groups, within two weeks respective four-day transport operations were carried out to move the two halves of the housing on special vehicles along roads with many bends, down to the Rhine valley 150 km away. The highlight of the transport operation was crossing the Rhine on heavy-load floating pontoons, since none of the nearby bridges over the Rhine would have been able to support the individual load of up to 510 tonnes made up by the roll housing weighing 355 together with the weight of the 22-axle special transporter. Transport was planned a year in advance and proved to be the largest such operation in the history of SMS Demag. Aleris’s demand for the shortest possible and reliably timed interruption of production due to the installation of the new rolling mill could only be met by dividing the whole process into two annual closures, which take place traditionally around Christmas in Koblenz. Reconstruction phase 1: Already while production was in progress, the preliminary work for installing the new motors and drive system began in May 2006. Without interfering with production, a foundation pit was made behind the old drive, in which the new motors and the drive were assembled on a movable foundation block. The new drive system was also tested in shadow operation while production was in progress. During the closure at the end of Plug & work: simulation of the rolling process at SMS using the original control panels 2006, the old drive train was demolished and the foundation adapted in only 17 working days instead of the planned 18. This included new sideguides and new roller tables. Then, the new drive system with its foundation block was moved to its final position where the previous motor had been before. After this, the drive spindles were fitted and the new main drive was operated with the old 148” mill. To avoid any risk to the latter during the year until its demolition, the new drive had to be temporarily throttled. Particularly difficult was the reinforcement of the foundations of the existing mill for later accommodation of the new, substantially heavier mill. This was done by means of a special, high-pressure injection process in which liquid concrete was injected under high pressure into pre-drilled boreholes and reinforced with a steel core. Sliding the 1,250 tonne 160”-mill rolling stand into its final position 84 Reconstruction phase 2: However, the greatest challenge for all those involved was the assembly of the new rolling mill and the subsequent commissioning of the equipment as a whole. The reason for this was Aleris’s demand that there should be no extension of the scheduled 21-day closure and for the rolling personnel there should not be any major changes in operator interface. The only way to satisfy these requirements was to operate the new and old rolling mills in parallel. “To fulfil that requirement we had to create extensive infrastructure and organisational means, to an extent that hardly any other company could manage”, stresses Hendrik Langer, Head of the Hot-Rolling Mill Design and Construction Unit and at the same time responsible technical project manager of SMS Demag for this major contract. Still during the operation of the 148” rolling mill, which was already being driven by the new drive train, the assembly of the new 160” mill including all the mechanical and electric components went ahead immediately next to the existing rolling mill, on a previously built provisional foundation. The new mill was tested mechanically, electrically and hydraulically and then run in ‘shadow operation’ at the same time as the old mill still in production. This enabled all the functions of the new rolling mill to be optimised under realistic production conditions before the actual commissioning. Great support, which ultimately also enabled the commissioning time to be made shorter, was ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION provided by the company by integrating the ‘X-Pact’ system developed by SMS Demag into the overall electrical system of the equipment. At the end of the preparatory work the actual ‘hot phase’ of reconstruction began: the old machine was stopped and the 148” mill dismantled. The next exciting step was again to move the mechanically and electrically completely pre-assembled 160” mill to its final location. With the help of special crane and transport systems the total weight of 1250 tonnes was raised and moved into position over a distance of 20 metres. Connection of the millimetrically accurately pre-assembled pipes for the supply of media was then a routine matter. “The reward for all the efforts made by our customer’s and our own personnel was that we were able to start operating again a day earlier than agreed”, says Langer. That this was no short-term fluke has since been amply demonstrated by Aleris. Already within the first week after restarting, full-scale production was achieved, and since then the company foresees a planned capacity 10,000 tonnes per year larger than that originally specified. In summary, Michael Schäfer comments: “With the delivery of the 160” mill we have demonstrated not only our ability to build heavy rolling plants, but again, our experience in the creation of a modernisation plan and its problem-free implementation.” The reconstruction in Duffel will result in a substantial capacity boost and an improvement of product properties, for example by virtue of better strip profiles. In future the plant in Duffel will be able to take over from Koblenz the production of thinner plates for commercial applications, which will in turn leave additional capacities free in Koblenz for heavygauge aircraft plates. Extended possibilities in Duffel Author The previous 148” rolling mill from Koblenz is being modernised by SMS Demag and in part provided with new components. These include new electric and automation systems. The mill is being inspected and overhauled with a view to many more years of operation. Probably in the spring of 2009 the revamped mill will begin operating again at the Aleris Aluminium Duffel B.V. plant in Belgium. It will replace the present two-high roughing mill in the existing 1+ 3 hot-rolling configuration. Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Rieth is a marketing specialist and freelance technical journalist. As proprietor of Marketing Xpertise Rieth in Meerbusch, he advises equipment partners of the NF metals semis industry on marketing-related matters. Phone +31 (0)20 693 5209 Fax +31 (0)20 693 5762 SMS Group will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 3, Stand A40 www.sms-demag.com Mail info@srsamsterdam.com Web www.srsamsterdam.com OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Aluminium 2008 Essen Halle 1 · Stand E55 TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION Vesuvius – A well-established provider of refractory-lining services to the aluminium industry Vesuvius Construction and Installation (VCI), based in Sheepbridge near Chesterfield, England, is a well-established provider of refractory-lining services for furnaces in the aluminium, cement, iron and steel industries. The company is part of the linings business within the Industrial Processes Division of Vesuvius, a world leader in the development, manufacture and marketing of high performance ceramics and refractory products. VCI is closely linked to two other enterprises within the linings business – the UK’s monolithic refractories manufacturing plant at Sheepbridge, and an R&D facility in Barlborough. VCI offers the full package of refractory lining/relining services to the aluminium industry; the company is able to provide innovative solutions 86 Photos: Vesuvius UK-based Vesuvius Construction and Installation offers advanced monolitic refractories and innovative installation services, which together speed up furnace relines and provide enhanced refractory performance. The R&D section with a wide range of mixers and blenders as well as a large brick press based on an in-house research and development facility. VCI’s ability to supply an advanced range of cementfree refractories guarantees a faster furnace dry-out period and a speedy return to production, with all its financial advantages. The customer can obtain a detailed cost analysis, a site installation record and an indication of day-by-day expenditure. The enterprise has a permanent staff of 16, although employment can reach as high as 100, depending on the size and scope of relining contracts. VCI provides a comprehensive monolithic relining service, based on a range of specialized machines including remote-controlled ‘robotic’ wrecking units, a variety of shotcreting pumps and low cement gunning equipment. Central to the company’s success is the use of advanced refractories, including the ‘Triad’ range of ‘no-cement’ castable materials. These can be cast or pumped behind formers, or shotcreted into place. Such refrac- ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 Visit us at ALUMINIUM 2008 from September 23 to 25 in Essen, Galeria G10 tories contain little or no water, so are characterized by rapid dry-out; they require no curing and are not susceptible to contamination. The Triad products also exhibit very good strength properties, especially hot crushing strength. Other advantages include minimal mixing intensity, good adherence to worn linings, and a minimum shelf life of 12 months. Hot repair versions are available. The Triad materials also include a grade which provides permeable ventilation channels with voids of less than one micron. This refractory is said to be ideal for aluminium contact areas. Also included in the list of products is ‘Aluguard’, which contains an additive that prevents wetting and penetration in aluminium furnaces. There are several different Aluguard specifications, including one for AlSi alloys. Pumping systems VCI’s success is also based on the development of specialized pumps and nozzles tailored to the properties of the range of advanced refractories. In Surgun low-cement gunning materials, the necessary water is added into the stream of dry refractory through a ported circumferential injection ring. This mode of application is particularly suited to lining upper walls. At least 80% of shotcreting by VCI is evolving toward this new technology using Surgun machines, developed especially for use with low-cement materials. These machines employ a special patented nozzle, in which the refractory is combined with water as it exits the machine. The procedure provides the same high-specification installed properties associated with shotcreting, but provides greater flexibility on site, because the equipment is smaller. The shotcreting technique, which is virtually dust-free when using low-cement refractories, provides properties similar to a cast lining. However, it also gives the rapid installation rates associated with gunning methods, with the possibility of 40 tonnes in one shift. In the shotcreting method, SurShot castable refractory is mixed with an activator as it leaves the nozzle of the machine so that it can be sprayed in place. Monolithic refractory production Adjacent to VCI’s facility at Sheepbridge is the Vesuvius monolithic refractory production plant. The entire facility, which includes batching, mixing and packing, is computer-controlled. The arrangement is linked to management software and is under the supervision of a Scada system. The control is such that the R&D department can, from its offices some 15 km distant, make changes to formulations, with an instant response from the batching plant. The raw materials – which may include bauxite, tabular and white fused alumina, cement, chammote, etc – are held in silos or two-tonne-capacity tote bins. The central batching plant creates a single raw © ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 EKamold® Cast-M REVOLUTIONARY COATING FOR THE CASTING INDUSTRY • Adheres securely to metal substrates such as casting ladles • Provides reliable separation of the melt and substrate • Its high resistance permits highly durable coatings • Optimum handling thanks to ease of application and uncomplicated cleaning • Ensures high-quality castings and is environmentally compatible For more details see www.esk.com / foundry TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION rial and for lining ladles. The spacious three-bay monolithic production facility employs 80 people. Research and development Part of the R&D equipment is this electron scanning microscope each tote bin containing the required materials is transferred to Eirich mixers or a wet mixing plant. In the case of dry mixes, the material is conveyed to a new £250,000 bagging system. This, simultaneously, weighs a charge, makes a plastics bag, fills it, seals the top and transfers the bag to a palletizing unit. The material processed in the wet mixing plant is finally extruded, cut to length, wrapped in polythene film and boxed. A typical product in this category is Blu-Ram HS, a refractory used as a furnace ramming mate- www.grafocom.it 08/08 material stock which improves traceability and reduces inventory. Central to the batching process are the tote bins, each of which carries a wireless ‘RF’ tagging system. Such tote bins are filled with raw materials from the silos and the grade of each constituent is written to the RF tag. Further tote bins, each bearing a specific recipe on its tag, are then loaded into the system, where they travel through the plant, stopping off at the appropriate tote-bin-loaded dosing stations to compile a batch of product. Finally, The R&D facilities at Barlborough, Derbyshire, are part of the Industrial Process Division. As such, they serve the refractory linings business throughout Europe. Overall, the extended Vesuvius organization has no fewer than seven major R&D centres in the USA and Europe. Employing 25 people, the UK resource undertakes work on flow-control products, including those concerned with sliding gates and stoppers for ladles; foundry products and materials; fused silica, and refractories for the lining and construction business. The section works closely with a similar R&D facility in Betsville, Ohio, to pool knowledge and avoid duplication of effort. The programme is application orientated. The teams within the facility work closely with product development sections, sales and end-users. A substantial amount of work is concerned ALUMINIUM 2008 HALL3 Stand K20 September 23-25 WE MAKE BIG MACHINES TO PRODUCE PERFECT SHAPES OUR LIFE FOR PERFECT SHAPES Thanks to the experience of our designers and the use of highly sophisticated programs, we carry out and supply solid, reliable extrusion presses and with extreme simplicity of use in order to optimise operating performances. We offer various levels of control: only for the press, for the entire extrusion line. We can also perform complete mechanical, hydraulic, electrical revamping operations. Get in touch with us, we will be very proud to become your partner! Galleria Piazza Marconi, 7/D - 20059 Vimercate (MI) - ITALY PRESEZZI EXTRUSION S.p.A. 88 Tel. +39 039 635011 - Fax +39 03963501220 www.presezziextrusion.com - info@presezziextrusion.com ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION with used refractory products in a bid to understand wear mechanisms and reasons for failure. In the context of refractory investigations and development, the laboratories are well equipped. Amongst the resources are the following: • Pilot plant facilities, including a very wide range of mixers and mills, of varying capacity • Crushers and screening equipment • Gunning test facilities for trial of materials • Slag-attack testing rigs • High-temperature furnaces (1,760°C) • Programmable curing ovens (600°C) for drying out monolithic materials • Gunning nozzle test facilities • Programmable 800 tonnes Laecis brick press • Wide range of testing rigs for refractory investigation and development, including those for apparent porosity, bulk density, cold crushing strength, cold modulus of rupture and modulus of elasticity • High temperature testing equipment, including versions for assessing hot modulus of rupture, creep of refractories under load and thermal expansion in air or in a gaseous atmosphere • Optical microscopes and a scanning electron microscope used for failure investigation and development projects • A comprehensive range of analytical equipment, including Leco units for determining N2 and C, an automated ARL 8480 XRF analyser, and facilities for X-ray diffraction. Innovative approach As shown, Vesuvius Construction and Installation has several strengths, last but not least an innovative range of shotcreting machines and ancillary plant and an equally-advanced selection of low and ultra-low cement castables. The combination of application expertise and specialized refractories provides significant down-time savings in the relining of furnaces, due to reduced dry-out times. According to Vesuvius, a reduction of two days in downtime can save as much as £260,000 in a cement plant relining project. Proportionate gains are the rule in aluminium applications. The third strength is the ready availability of an advanced R&D facility, geared to the introduction of ever-more advanced refractory systems and their application in furnace relining projects. Vesuvius will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 3, Stand L30 www.vesuvius.com OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 TECHNOLOGIE UND ANWENDUNG Neue Bolzengießerei bei Neuman Aluminium Die Anlage produziert in der ersten Ausbauphase bis zu 10.000 Jahrestonnen Pressbolzen. Mit der Lieferung, Montage und Inbetriebnahme wurde die Firma HPI in Ranshofen beauftragt. Mitentscheidend für die Vergabe an HPI war das spezielle Schmelzofenkonzept. Es erlaubt ununterbrochenes Gießen, häufigen Legierungswechsel bei präziser Legierungszusammensetzung, das Schmelzen von Langschrott und in der weitern Ausbaustufe von Spänen, Dünnschrott und Krätze sowie die Reparatur und Wartung des Schmelzofens bei Aufrechterhaltung einer reduzierten Produktion. Abnehmer sind das eigene Presswerk sowie die zur Neuman-Gruppe gehörenden Aluminiumschmieden. Um für den unterschiedlichen Bedarf an Bolzendurchmessern (von 45 bis 203 mm) gerüstet zu sein, wurde eine horizontale Stranggussanlage gewählt. Der Vorteil dieser Technologie ist, dass kostengünstig und flexibel von kleinen bis großen Durchmessern alles auf einer Maschine kontinuierlich gegossen werden kann. Die wichtigsten Anlagenteile entlang des Produktionsablaufs sind die Schrottchargiermaschine, der Schmelz-/Gießofen, das Rinnensystem, die Stranggussanlage mit fliegender Säge, der Durchlaufhomogenisierungsofen, die Kühlstation, die Ultraschallprüfanlage und der Verpackungsplatz. Bei Projekten für eine komplette Schmelzlinie liegt der Vorteil für den Kunden darin, dass er nicht nur eine hoch moderne Anlage ersteht, sondern gleichzeitig erprobtes Prozess-Knowhow im Bereich der Kokillentechnologie sowie in der Hochlaufphase einkauft. Dadurch verlief die Inbetriebnahme reibungslos und Neumann 90 – kann die Anlage mit einem Mann pro Schicht sehr wirtschaftlich betrieben werden. Die zweite Ausbauphase zur Erhöhung der Produktion ist bereits in Planung. konnte vom ersten Tag an voll produzieren. Durch die vollautomatisierte, kontinuierliche Produktionsweise – Schmelzen, Gießen, Durchlaufhomogenisieren und Ultraschallprüfen New casting line for billets at Neuman Aluminium complete casting line, the advantage of this co-operation for the customer is that he will not only receive state-ofthe-art equipment, but also rely on existing process and technology knowhow. The result was a short and successful commissioning period leading to production quality right from the first day on. Due to the continuous production process – remelting, casting, homogenising and ultrasonic test- Since the beginning of this year a new casting line for billets has been operating at Neumann Aluminium Austria. The new line was built because Neumann wants to remelt the scrap coming from the own forging and extrusion operations and, in this context, generate added value for the semi-finished goods in-house. The equipment was designed to produce extrusion billets up to 10,000 tonnes per year in the first phase of operation. The contract was awarded to HPI in Ranshofen, Austria, for the engineering, manufacturing, delivery, installation and commissioning. Crucial for this decision was the process design concept of HPI which allows continuous casting, frequent change of alloy at precise alloy composition, remelting of long scrap and, in a further expansion, remelting of chips, thin scrap and dross, and repair and maintenance works during upkeep of a reduced production. Customers for the billets are the captive extrusion plant and the forging companies of the Neumann group. To satisfy the production needs for a dimensional variety of billets with diameters ranging between 45 to 203 mm, the decision was taken to use a horizontal casting machine. This technology is beneficial as it allows an economical and flexible production from small to big diameters in a continuous process on one machine. The most important parts of the equipment are the scrap charging machine, the combined remelt and casting furnace, the launder system, the horizontal casting machine with a flying saw, the continuous homogenising furnace, the cooling station, the ultrasonic testing facility for the inspection and a packing station. When talking about projects for a HPI Seit Anfang 2008 ist bei Neuman Aluminium Austria die neue Bolzengießerei in Betrieb. Wichtigster Auslöser für die Investition war, die im Konzern anfallenden Schrotte aus den Press- und Schmiedevorgängen selbst umzuschmelzen und die sich daraus ergebende Wertschöpfung im Hause zu halten. Ultraschallprüfanlage mit Durchlaufhomogenisierungsofen im Hintergrund Ultrasonic testing facility with continuous homogenising furnace in the background ing in one sequence – the equipment can be operated by one person per shift in a very efficient way. The second phase, means the expansion of the capacity, is already being planned. Neuman Aluminium will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 1, Stand F07 www.neuman.at OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER HPI will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 7, Stand C40 www.hpi.at OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 We understand Aluminium Plants for Rolled Products Pusher Type Furnace: Reheating and Homogenising of Rolling Slabs Horizontal Heat Treatment Line: Solution Heat Treatment and Quenching of Aluminium Plates Chamber Furnaces: Ageing, Annealing, Homogenising and Cooling of Products like Strip Coils, Foil Coils, Slabs and Plates Come and see us in Essen, Germany, from September 23-25, 2008: Hall 3, Booth D20 www.otto-junker-group.com Multi Chamber Melting Furnace: Recycling of Contaminated Aluminium Scrap TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION Profilglass extends its aluminium semis basis B. Rieth, Meerbusch Motivated by a market with development potential, in the short time since its foundation by the Paci brothers in 1982 Profilglass has developed thanks to continual new investments to become a special operation in particular for the manufacture of spacer bars and decorative sections for double glazing. With an output of 20,000 tpy the company is the world market leader for these special products, which are sent to customers in 85 countries and account for about 90 percent of its export turnover. To provide a better indication of such a quantity of thinwalled sections, they would cover a distance of 600 million metres, or 15 times the circumference of the Earth. Photos: Profilglass In only 26 years the company Profilglass, established in Bellocchi di Fano to the north of Ancona in Italy, has grown from a small operation producing spacer bars for double glazing, to become the world market leader for these and similar thin-walled aluminium products. Moreover, in 2001 the company set in motion the building of melting, casting and rolling facilities of its own, which produce not only the starting material for further downstream processing, for example into spacer bars, but also produce a range of flat aluminium products for the international market. In 2009, when the current extension by a new hotand cold-rolling mill is completed, the present capacity of 90,000 tpy of rolled aluminium products will be increased substantially. Spacer bars for double glazing are made in 250 different forms The spacer bars, in around 250 different versions, are produced from rolled aluminium strips 0.20 mm thick by roll forming. The special equipment needed for this, which besides 20 rollforming machines also includes special coating units, has from the beginning been designed, constructed and continually developed further by the company’s own engineers. The company serves other special applications with the production each year of around 10,000 tonnes of thin-walled, welded aluminium tubes, labelled as ‘Eurotubi’, which are proc- essed further for example to make ski sticks. In the last year Profilglass focused its investments and projects on aluminium flat rolled products. Discs from 100 to 1350 mm in diameter for the pressing of cooking pans, traffic signs, lighting and parabolic mirrors, amounting to a further 12,000 tpy, are another important market for Profilglass. For this, five fully automatic cutting lines with a total capacity of 250,000 discs per day are in use. The product range is supplemented by aluminium Coils and Strips from 12 mm to 1650 mm width (30,000 tpy) with 8 slitting lines, Sheets and Plates in the dimension range up to 1650 mm wide and 6100 mm long for various applications (20,000 tpy) with 5 cut to length lines. Tread plates, stucco, degreasing material, tension levelled material and triangle production complete the wide range of products in the alloys 1xxx, 3xxx, 4xxx, 5xxx series that Profilglass is able to offer to the European market. On a built area which has grown originally from 7,000 m2 to the present 200,000 m2 the company, with around 500 employees, is currently producing 80,000 tonnes per year of aluminium semis and finished products. In 2007 its turnover was 240 million eu- The Profilglass factory in Bellocchi di Fano. At the left is the site for the new hot-rolling mill. 92 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 ros, an increase of about 70 percent in only two years. The company’s customers have been extended from the building sector to manufacturers of consumer goods, electric appliances and automotive components. Slightly less than half of its turnover comes from the domestic market, the remainder being exported all over the world. Early on, Profilglass recognised that a time-flexible and qualitatively reliable supply of rolled aluminium strips for the production of its end products demanded the establishment of its own semis basis. Besides independence from the supply market, this would in particular ensure the required product quality. In several construction stages this led to the creation of a melting plant and casthouse, which besides primary aluminium, processes mainly aluminium scrap. The construction of a rolling operation with cold-rolling mills and cutting lines, begun in 2001, now enables Profilglass itself to produce some of the aluminium strips it needs. These range from 12 to 1650 mm in width, in the thickness range 0.080 to 6 mm, and are supplied as thin strips, strips, sheets, and shapes such as discs and triangles. Strips, which for capacity-related reasons or because of limitations of the existing equipment Profilglass was hitherto unable to produce itself, were previously bought in as hotrolled strip and then processed further for the company’s own needs. From this process a close collaboration with the Egyptian company Egyptalum developed. As the leading producer of primary aluminium in the Near East (capacity 500,000 tpy), Egyptalum has played an important part in the development of Profilglass. As part of this, Profilglass has been the exclusive agent for Egyptalum products in Italy. A provisional final construction stage of the plant in Bellocchi will be reached in 2009, when a new hot- and coldrolling mill will boost the present capacity of 90,000 tpy at first by a further 50,000 tpy. Among other things this unit will enable the production of alloys which cannot be made with the roll-casting equipment currently in use. Casthouse The first, smaller melting furnaces and casting machines from local manufacturers, used in the company’s early days, now serve for the production of pre-products such as T-bars, ingots and sows for further processing by the company itself. Motivated by rising demand for finished products, the melting equipment and casthouse have continually been extended. After Profilglass had achieved positive results with the roll-casting process, it was decided to build five more units of the same type. These were constructed by the Italian plant supplier Bruno Presezzi. The first three lines, installed between 2003 and 2006, are being followed by two more, which will begin operating in September 2008. Profilglass will then operate a total of six strip casting units. In this process the molten aluminium solidifies in the gap between two casting rolls, one above the other and rotating under a power. These rolls have a diameter of 970 mm, a barrel length of 1900 mm, and are pressed together with a force of 2,200 tonnes. After edge milling the width of the cast strips ranges from 800 mm minimum to 1700 mm maximum. The © ) !*+ ,'$$-$. %/0 $ "# %&$' ($' '' ! ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION leading to the lowest possible metal loss. The metal movement also evens the temperature in the bath, leading to lower metal surface temperature which has a positive impact on melt rate, fuel consumption, metal oxidation, and on the hydrogen pick-up of the metal. Bruno Presezzi Rolling plant Twin-roll caster 94 capacity of 64 tonnes, a melting rate of 7 tonnes per hour, and an annual output of 32,000 tonnes. Besides reliability, the prime consideration for selecting the furnace was the highest possible melt rate along with minimal metal loss, which is known to account for the greatest part of operating costs if the design is inferior. For that reason the Thermcon furnace keeps the surface temperature of the melt low and the flames a safe distance away from the melt. The furnace is equipped with electromagnetic stirrers, which makes it possible to charge thin-walled scrap into the moving metal heel. The metal movement in the furnace submerges the charged material immediately, This photo: Thermcon thickness is from 3 to 8 mm, as a rule 5.5 mm. The original design casting speed of 6 m/min has meanwhile been reduced to 4 m /min, utilizing a drive power of 2 x 75 kW, with which the best results have been obtained until now. After casting and edge milling, the strips are wound into coils of maximum weight 13 tonnes at a maximum diameter of 2000 mm. Compared with their predecessors, who were equipped with analog thickness controls, the two new casting machines will have a digital thickness control system with which in combination with roll bending an even more accurate strip profile should be achieved. The introduction of twin-roll casting for the production of cast aluminium strips demands the use of modern and particularly reliable melting and holding furnaces, since the continuous strip-casting process does not allow any interruptions and therefore requires a reliable and continuous supply of molten aluminium. Two strip casting lines at a time are in each case supplied by a tilting melt furnace and two holding furnaces. For the construction of the two new casting lines No. 5 and 6 Profilglass decided to get a tilting melt furnace from Thermcon, a member of the Otto Junker Group, which will start operating in autumn 2008. The reverberatory furnace is equipped with regenerative burners, and is designed for a At the time when it built the first stripcasting unit, Profilglass invested in its first cold-rolling mill to reduce the cast strips to their final thickness. This first mill was modernised in 2001 by the Italian rolling plant manufacturer Mino, to make it capable of meeting stricter demands for productivity and strip quality. At present Mino is commissioning a further cold-rolling mill, which will roll the cast, 6-mm thick strips in several passes down to a minimum of 0.080 mm. This opens up a new market segment for Profilglass: thin strip as ‘fin stock’ and ‘foil stock’. The new, 4-high non-reversing cold-rolling mill is equipped with the most modern actuators and controls available on the market today, for example for automatic flatness and thickness control to ensure the closest tolerances. It rolls strips up to 1650 mm wide at a speed of up to 1000 m/ min. The plant is fully automated. To ensure the highest productivity, roll change takes place automatically. The same applies to coil handling, © Tilting melt furnace ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 UK engineered casthouse furnace technology partners in performance Vesuvius UK Limited 2 Midland Way, Central Park, Barlborough Links, Derbyshire, S43 4XA, England Tel: + 44 (0) 12 46 57 17 00 www.vesuvius.com TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION including spool preparation. For the intermediate and final annealing of the cold-rolled coils, a number of chamber furnaces from Otto Junker are in use. Behind the cold-rolling mills, several straightening, slitting and cutto-length machines are in operation. These enable flexible adaptation of the needs of the company’s own further processing to wide-strip rolling. In addition, the requirements of outside downstream processing customers can be met, rapidly and flexibly. Opening new markets with an alternative production route For Profilglass, in many respects 2009 will bring a development step into a new era as an aluminium strip manufacturer. At present, construction and building measures are progressing at appointed equipment suppliers and at the company’s land in Bellocchi for a new production route with the steps: DC casting of rolling ingots – ingot scalping – hot rolling – cold rolling. The capacity of this plant will at first be 50,000 tpy. The aim of the new plant, among others, is to produce aluminium strips of alloy groups such as 1xxx and 5xxx, which cannot be made on the strip-casting units and have therefore previously been bought from outside. With the new rolling facilities Profilglass targets for a main thickness range from 0.5 to 1 mm, i.e. strips for heat exchangers, fin stock, The new Mino cold-rolling mill foil stock, multilayer pipes, food containers and suchlike. Plate production too will be extended further, for example with tread plates. Since after its commissioning the plant will be subject to a detailed report, here only a brief outline of the equipment ordered will be given, which is to be delivered by the end of 2008: • The DC slab caster, producing rolling ingots 5.50 x 1.80 x 0.52 m, will be supplied by the Italian company Almec. • The ingot scalper will also be Italian made. • Otto Junker of Germany is supplying the directly gas-fired pusher-type furnaces with a central charging and clearing machine. This will mainly be used for homogenising the rolling slabs, with a cycle time of 20 to 25 hours. • Mino in Italy will supply a single stand-4-high hot rolling mill for strip width up to 1.700 mm. • Mino will also supply the 4-high, non-reversing cold rolling mill for strip widths up to 1650 mm. Like the mill currently being commissioned, this mill too will have the most modern automation equipment. • The shear lines are being supplied by Salico, Italy. When the above plant begins operating, Profilglass, as a family-run company, will have a planned production output of around 130,000 tpy and a planned turnover of more than 350 million euros, and will therefore have entered a range of rolled aluminium production previously dominated mainly by large, multinational companies. Besides this, the company will make resolute efforts to extend further the market position it has achieved in the sector of thin-walled aluminium sections. Author Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Rieth is a marketing specialist and freelance technical journalist. As proprietor of Marketing Xpertise Rieth in Meerbusch, he advises equipment partners of the NF metals semis industry on marketing-related matters. Profilglass will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 1, Stand E50 www.profilglass.it Otto Junker annealing furnaces for cold-rolled coils 96 OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 '.(()(%'*# /'"*# $ *# "), ) $$%+) %$$- '%*!)- $%"% $ $- $,$*$$- ),%'! $ &)#'(((($ ,,,"*# $ *##((%# '$ (' $() )*) %$")'%$ ')$' TECHNOLOGIE UND ANWENDUNG Pezzorgna Armando erweitert Produktpalette um automatische Werkzeuglagersysteme Die derzeit 3.000 Strangpresswerkzeuge werden auf zwei Strangpressen (16 MN und 27 MN) eingesetzt. Die Matrizen werden automatisch im Hochregallager eingelagert und entnommen, wobei eine chaotische Einlagerungssystematik rechnergesteuert zur Optimierung des verfügbaren Lagerraumes angewandt wird. Das Hochregallager darf mit eine Bauhöhe von 9 m, einer Breite von 4,60 m und einer Länge von 15 m als kompakt gelten. Die flachliegend eingelagerten Matrizen haben einen Durchmesser von max. 300 mm und eine Tiefe Einzelzeichnung des Entnahmegeräts zum Werkzeug-Hochregallagersystem von PA Die-O-Matic Detailed illustration of PA’s Die-O-Matic recovery unit for the die high-rise rack store system 98 Pezzorgna Armando extends its product range with automatic die storage systems Since July 2007 Pezzorgna Armando s.r.l. (PA), located near Mantua in Italy, has been working on a contract from one of its best Italian customers to plan, deliver and install its first fully automatic storage system for extrusion dies. The ‘Die-O-Matic-3000’ die storage system developed by PA is a classical, high-rise rack storage system with a rack-serving unit for 3,000 extrusion dies, which can even be extended later on with modules, using the same recovery unit, for up to 6,500 storage places for extrusion dies. The storage system was delivered in May. Figures: Pezzorgna Armando Seit Juli 2007 wickelt die in der Nähe von Mantova, Italien, ansässige Pezzorgna Armando s.r.l. (PA) den Auftrag eines ihrer besten italienischen Kunden zur Projektierung und Lieferung bzw. Installation ihres ersten vollautomatischen Lagersystems für Strangpressmatrizen ab. Das von PA entwickelte Werkzeuglagersystem “Die-O-Matic-3000” ist ein klassisches Hochregal-Lagersystem mit Regalbediengerät für 3.000 Strangpresswerkzeuge, das modular auch nachträglich, mit demselben Entnahmegerät, auf bis zu 6.500 Lagerplätze für Strangpressmatrizen erweitert werden kann. Im Mai wurde das Lagersystem nun ausgeliefert. PA-Lagersystem Die-O-Matic PA storage system Die-O-Matic The currently available 3,000 dies are used on two extrusion presses (16 MN and 27 MN). The dies are automatically stored in and recovered from the high-rise rack store, using a chaotic store-placement system computer controlled to optimize available storage space. With a height of 9 m, a width of 4.60 m and a length of 15 m, the high-rise store is comparatively compact for its size. The dies, stored in flat layers, have maximum diameter 300 mm, maximum depth 200 mm and maximum individual weight 220 kg. The PA system can also be designed at any time for larger and heavier dies, and is moreover suitable for much larger item numbers. At present another automatic storage system for up to 20,000 dies is on PA’s order books for delivery in May 2008. The cycle time for the recovery (or placement in store) of an extrusion die by the recovery unit is less than one minute. This ensures high plant availability, with around 60 double working operations per hour and short store placement and recovery times, achieved by travel speeds up to 40 m/ min along the Y-axis, 30 m/min along the X-axis and, with combined travel of the rack-serving unit, up to 20 m/min. All drives are frequency-regulated and the entire plant is equipped with highquality components and controlled by a Siemens Simatic S7 SPS system. The delivery by PA includes not only the frame and support structure of the high-rise rack store, the rackserving unit and the recovery/placement device, but also the full range of software and programming for all the plant’s cycles and automatic operations. The control system enables the storage and recall of the following individual cycles and parameters: • individual die number for each extrusion die, with all its historical data, • classification category (flat, chamber, etc.) of each extrusion die, • brief designation of the die and its use, • die status: ready for use, being etched, in use on a press, before or after nitriding, due for correction, etc., • customer article number (for the associated section), • name of the customer for whom the die was designed, • date when the die was last used, ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION and tonnage extruded, • date when the die was made, • press allocation for each die (including multiple fitting), • linear section weight and number of apertures, • diameter and thickness of the die, • die weight, • supplier of the extrusion die in each case. Further data, which may be important and appropriate depending on the customer’s needs, can also be recorded. The databank-based analysis and evaluation of the statistical data, times of use, number of times used, etc., can be displayed at any moment. The die databank can also be linked to DXF- or DWG-data from Autocad or other CAD/CAM systems. The main advantages of automated die storage systems are: • Improved storage conditions – the dies are stored cleanly and in clearly assigned positions, which improves availability by eliminating search times. • Greater die availability compared with manual storage systems; no maintenance of floor-level transporters is needed, and personnel costs are saved. • Back-tracing of the die’s use, since all its historical movement data are on record; this makes the life cycle of each die transparent. • Compared with conventional storage system with manual placement or recovery, less space is occupied. • Substantially © von max. 200 mm bei einem max. Stückgewicht von 220 kg. Das PA-System ist jederzeit auch für größere Abmessungen und Gewichte auslegbar und eignet sich auch für deutlich größere Stückzahlen. Zur Auslieferung im Mai 2008 ist derzeit ein weiteres automatisches Matrizenlagersystem für bis zu 20.000 Werkzeuge im Auftragsbestand von PA. Die Zykluszeit für die Entnahme (oder Einlagerung) eines Strangpresswerkzeuges mit dem Entnahmegerät beträgt weniger als eine Minute. Dadurch ergibt sich eine hohe Anlagenverfügbarkeit bei circa 60 Doppelspielen je Stunde und schnelle Einlager- und Entnahmezeiten, die mit Verfahrgeschwindigkeiten in YAchse bis zu 40 m/min, in X-Achse bis zu 30 m/min und in Kombinationsfahrt des Regalbediengeräts bis zu 20 m/min realisiert werden. Alle Antriebe sind frequenzgeregelt, die Gesamtanlage ist mit Qualitätskomponenten und einer SPS von Siemens Simatic S7 ausgerüstet. Zum Lieferumfang von PA zählen nicht nur die Rahmen- und Ständerstruktur des Hochregallagers, das Regalbediengerät und die Entnahme/Einlagervorrichtung, sondern auch der gesamte Software- und Programmierumfang für alle Zyklen und Automatikabläufe der Anlage. Die Steuerung erlaubt die Erfassung und das Abrufen der folgenden Einzelzyklen bzw. Parameter: • Individuelle Werkzeugnummer zu jedem Strangpresswerkzeug mit allen historischen Daten. • Klassifikationskategorie für jedes Strangpresswerkzeug (Flach-, Kammer- usw.). • Kurzbezeichnung des WerkAnsicht der Wabenzeugs und Verund Ständerwendungsrahmenstruktur des Werkzeug-Lagersystems zwecks. Die-O-Matic • Werkzeugstatus: einsatzbereit, View of the honeycomb and support-frame structure of the DieO-Matic die storage system zum Beizen, im ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 Einsatz an Presse, vor bzw. nach dem Nitrieren, zur Korrektur usw. • Kunden-Artikelnummer (für das dazugehörende Profil). • Name des Kunden, für den das Werkzeug eingeschnitten wurde • Letztes Einsatzdatum der Matrize, gepresste Tonnage. • Herstelldatum der Matrize • Pressenzuordnung für jede Matrize (auch Mehrfachbelegung). • Lineares Profilgewicht und Anzahl der Durchbrüche. • Durchmesser und Dicke des Werkzeugs. • Gewicht der Matrize • Lieferant für das jeweilige Strangpresswerkzeug. Darüber hinaus können weitere Daten, die je nach Kundenerfordernis wichtig und sinnvoll sind, aufgenommen werden. Die datenbankmäßige Analyse und Auswertung der Statistikdaten, Einsatzzeiten, Verwendungsanzahl usw. können jederzeit visualisiert werden. Auch eine Verknüpfung der Werkzeugdatenbank mit den DXF- oder DWG-Daten aus Autocad oder anderen CAD/CAM Systemen ist vorbereitet. Die Hauptvorzüge automatisierter Werkzeug-Einlagerungssysteme bestehen aus: • Verbesserte Lagerbedingungen: Die Werkzeuge lagern sauber und eindeutig zugeordnet, das verbessert die Verfügbarkeit, es entfallen Suchzeiten. • Erhöhte Matrizenverfügbarkeit gegenüber manuellen Einlagerungssystemen, die Wartung für Flurförderzeuge entfällt, Personalkosten werden eingespart. • Rückverfolgbarkeit des Werkzeugeinsatzes aufgrund vollständiger Erfassung aller historischer Bewegungsdaten; dadurch wird der Lebenszyklus jeder Matrize transparent. • Gegenüber konventionellen Lagersystemen mit manueller Einlagerung/Entnahme wird weniger Platz benötigt. • Deutlich reduzierte Unfallgefahr durch Entfall des manuellen Werkzeughandlings vor allem bei schweren Matrizen. • Erheblicher Rationalisierungseffekt durch automatisierte © 99 TECHNOLOGIE UND ANWENDUNG Abläufe; das führt zur Einsparung von Personalkosten. Zur Zeit erfolgt die Erfassung der Werkzeug-Artikelnummer noch manuell, jedoch arbeitet PA bereits an einem automatisierten System auf Basis von Barcodes. Der Einsatz entsprechender Scanner ist zuverlässig und beschleunigt die Erfassung bei Ein- oder Ausgabe der Werkzeuge; er eliminiert die Gefahr von Fehlerfassungen oder Fehlbuchungen im Datenbestand. Das System zur automatisierten Einlagerung von Strangpresswerkzeugen kann sowohl im Gebäudeinnern als auch im bewitterten Außenbereich (isoliert) aufgestellt werden. Mit eigenem Service und Kundendienst stellt PA darüber hinaus auch in Deutschland die umfassende Verfügbarkeit und Unterstützung derart hoch komplexer Systeme bei Kunden und damit höchste Verfügbarkeit des automatischen Werkzeuglagersystems sicher. N Seitenansicht mit isolierter Eindeckung für Außenaufstellung (Ausgabe innen) Side view, showing the isolating covering for an exterior installation (with recovery from the inside) reduced risk of accidents, due to the elimination of manual die handling, especially in the case of heavy dies. • Substantial rationalisation effect thanks to automated sequences, leading to a saving of personnel costs. At present the die article number is still recorded manually but PA is already working on a barcodebased automatic system. The use of corresponding scanners is reliable and speeds up the recording when the dies are put into store or recovered, so eliminating the risk of erroneous recording or erroneous registration in the database. The automatic extrusion die storage system can be set up either indoors, or in the open (isolated). With its own servicing and customer care facilities, PA also ensure that in Germany too, customers benefit from comprehensive availability and support for such highly complex systems, and therefore maximum utility of the automatic die storage system. Pezzorgna Armando will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 1, Stand F70 www.pasrl.it OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER N5 Nitrogen Strangpresswerkzeuge prozesssicher mit Stickstoff kühlen Viele Strangpresswerke wenden bereits Stickstoff als Kühlmedium zum Kühlen austretender Profile bzw. der Strangpresswerkzeuge an. Oft werden auch nur Ringkanäle im Pressenmaul zur Inertisierung der Atmosphäre und damit zur „Verschönerung“ der Profiloberfläche eingesetzt. Allen bekannten und existierenden Anwendungen dieser Art gemeinsam ist jedoch, dass die Durchflussmengen, die Temperaturen und sonstigen Einstellungen mehr oder weniger zufällig gewählt werden. Von einer prozesssicheren Zuordnung von definierten Kühlparametern zu einem spezifischen Aluminium-Strangpressprofil ist die Praxis derzeit noch weit entfernt. Das Softwarehaus A.T.I.E. Uno Informatica aus Italien hat gemeinsam mit Messer Group, Krefeld, nun eine prozesssichere und innovative Regelung für diese © 100 N5 Nitrogen Die cooling with liquid nitrogen Many extruders already use nitrogen to polish the sections emerging from the press. They often use a ring at the entrance of the press to provide an inert atmosphere in order to enhance the appearance of the extrusion’s surface. In all such cases, the use of a ring at the entrance of the press results in flows, temperatures and other parameters that are not fixed, but depend on the personal experience of the operator. This is because section cooling parameters are inherently uncertain. Together with the Messer Group in Germany, A.T.I.E. Uno Informatica in Italy has developed a new, safe and innovative system – called ‘N5 Nitrogen’ – for managing this process. This system will be introduced jointly by both companies at the ALUMINIUM 2008 Exhibition in Essen. Based on the well-proven Incal technology (Messer Group), liquid nitrogen is injected onto the die, which has to be channelled in accordance with the specific design. To apply this new technology it is absolutely essential to use dies designed as illustrated in Fig. 2. An important innovation in the N5 Nitrogen system is that the cryogenic valve, which controls the nitrogen flow, is managed by a PLC independently and separately, and the system takes into account the temperatures of the billets and the sections (emerging from the press), which are determined by pyrometers, and uses them to enable the operator to regulate the process. There is an independent PLC, © ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 # "% !#$%"&& ( ' TECHNOLOGIE UND ANWENDUNG der Ein- und Austrittstemwhich controls the die cooling with peratur geregelt (und auch liquid nitrogen: it regulates the nitronachgeregelt); alle Eingen flow as a function of the temperastellungen und Parameter tures at the entrance and exit of the werden prozesssicher aufpress. Each setting and parameter for gezeichnet und profilspezithe section currently being produced fisch in der Profilrezeptur is recorded to enable the operator to gespeichert. Eine einmal retrieve the optimum data set for prooptimierte Struktur von ducing the same section again on the Daten für ein Profil ist jebasis of previous successful results. derzeit wiederholbar. Using N5 Nitrogen the extruder Ergebnis des Einsatzes can increases the extrusion speed sigvon N5 Nitrogen sowie der nificantly due to die cooling optimizaOptimierung der Werktion, resulting in a consistent increase zeugkühlung durch diese of productivity. N5 Nitrogen also optiAnwendung ist die Erhömizes the extrusion parameters on the hung der möglichen Pressbasis of the temperature of the section geschwindigkeiten für ein emerging from the press. Working in Profil und damit – nachhalthis way allows the extrusion speed to tig und prozesssicher – die be increased more and more while the Erhöhung der Produktivität. temperature so permits. Es erfolgt eine Optimierung In an extrusion plant in Italy (Proder Strangpressparameter ferall Srl) N5 Nitrogen has been sucAbb. 1: A = ohne Kühlung der Matrize B = mit Ringmaulkühlung C = mit aktiver Insitu-Werkzeugkühlung in Abhängigkeit der tatcessfully in operation for a year. N5 sächlichen Temperaturen Nitrogen intervenes actively and dyFig. 1: A = without die cooling; B = with ring cooling; C = with active in-situ die cooling am austretenden Profil. Die namically in the press operation (as Strangpressgeschwindigdo Cadex, Midis or Picos) and sets the keit wird dynamisch weiter erhöht, parameters so that the net yield of the Aufgabenstellung kreiert, die „N5 wenn die Austrittstemperatur dies press is consistently improved. Nitrogen“ heißt und im September zulässt. auf der ALUMINIUM 2008 dem The use of N5 Nitrogen can imIn einem italienischen Presswerk Fachpublikum vorgestellt wird. prove extrusion productivity more efin Italien (Proferall Srl) ist diese neue fectively than using simple optimizaTechnologie seit einem Jahr erfolgtion software such as Cadex or Picos, Auf der bewährten Incal-Technologie reich im Einsatz. N5 Nitrogen greift because for the first time, the system von Messer basierend, wird flüssiger dabei aktiv und dynamisch in die beuses the reduced die temperature as Stickstoff in die radialen Kanäle der stehende Pressensteuerung (wie Caa control and regulation parameter. entsprechend vorbereiteten Matrize dex, Midis, Picos ) ein und übersteuert With this system the die life too is ineingebracht. Voraussetzung für den die dort festgelegten Parameter – mit creased, because of optimized cooling. erfolgreichen Einsatz dieser Technodem Resultat nachhaltiger Steigerung In addition the yield is improved since logie sind entsprechend vorbereitete der Nettoausbringung. surface imperfections on the sections Strangpressmatrizen ähnlich der Dar(extrusion defects such as heat streams stellung in Abb. 2. Mit N5 Nitrogen kann die Proor pickups) are reduced significantly. Neu an der „N5 Nitrogen“-Techduktivität des Strangpressens weiter nologie ist, dass alle Durchflussmenerhöht werden, als dies nur gen-Regelventile der Kühlung automit vorhandenen Opmatisiert in eine separate speichertimierungen wie programmierbare Steuerung (SPS) Cadex, Midis eingebunden sind, worin die mittels oder Picos Thermofühlern ausgelesenen Ist-Daalleine ten der Bolzentemperatur und der mögProfilaustrittstemperatur in die neue lich Steuerung übernommen und ausgewertet werden. Das Herzstück dieser neuen Technologie ist die eigene SPS, die die Steuerung dieses Unterprozesses „Kühlen des Werkzeugs mit flüssigem Stickstoff“ selbsttätig übernimmt: Automatisch wird die Zufuhr von Abb. 2: Matrize mit radial eingebrachten Kühlkanälen für flüssigen Stickstoff flüssigem Stickstoff in Abhängigkeit Fig. 2: Die with radial cooling channels for liquid nitrogen 102 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION Abb. 3: Für den Einsatz von N5 Nitrogen vorbereitete Strangpresswerkzeuge Fig. 3: Extrusion die prepared for the use of the N5 Nitrogen system Abb. 4: Screenshot der Steuerung von A.t.i.e. Uno Informatica (Beispiel) With N5 Nitrogen the parameters defined during the various operations are completely independent of the particular operating team involved, and any quality variation due to modification of the cooling can easily be traced. N Fig. 4: Screenshot of the A.T.I.E. Uno Informatica control system (example) wäre, denn erstmals wird die tatsächlich durch die Kühlung aktiv reduzierte Profilaustrittstemperatur als Steuerungsparameter dynamisch eingesetzt. Gleichzeitig wird durch die optimierten Kühlstrategien auch die Lebensdauer der Strangpresswerkzeuge sowie die Ausbringung erhöht und zugleich die Profiloberflä- © Bitte besuchen Sie uns auf der Aluminium 2008 in Essen, Halle 4 Stand 4B04 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 103 TECHNOLOGIE UND ANWENDUNG che verbessert. Pickups, Pressflöhe, Warmstreifen und andere Pressfehler gehen tendenziell deutlich zurück. Die Kühleinstellungen sind auch über Jahre hinweg unabhängig von der Bedienermannschaft stabil einstellbar und Qualitätsveränderungen aufgrund von Veränderungen der Kühlparameter enger eingrenzbar. A.T.I.E. Uno Informatica ist Aussteller auf der ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Halle 6, Stand C24 Abb. 5: Darstellung der N5 Nitrogen integrierten Steuerung für das Stickstoffkühlen von Strangpresswerkzeugen www.unoi.it Fig. 5: Illustration of the N5 Nitrogen integrated control system for the cooling of extrusion dies with nitrogen OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Thixoforming – komplexe Geometrien in fast porositätsfreier Qualität Lösungen aus einem Guss C. Eder, Lend Aufgrund des immer größer werdenden Kostendrucks streben Automobil- und Nutzfahrzeughersteller Lösungen an, bei denen sich komplexe Geometrien in NetShape-Qualität ohne nachfolgende mechanische Bearbeitung realisieren lassen. Hierbei bietet sich das Thixocasting-Verfahren der SAG Thixalloy Components an. Beim Thixocasting wird ein entsprechend behandeltes Vormaterial in den Fest-Flüssig-Bereich erwärmt und mittels einer handelsüblichen Kaltkammer-Druckgussmaschine vergossen. Durch den geringeren Flüssiganteil (mit geringerer Erstarrungsschrumpfung) im Vergleich zum herkömmlichen Druckgussverfahren und durch die laminare Formfüllung können Bauteile mit komplexen Geometrien in nahezu porositätsfreier Qualität realisiert werden. Dadurch eignet sich das Verfahren ausgezeichnet für Schweißanwendungen, Oberflächen- und Sicherheitsteile. Vor dem eigentlichen Gießprozess muss ein für das Verfahren geeignetes Vormaterial bereit stehen. Die SAG Thixalloy Components kooperiert hierbei eng mit ihrer Schwestergesellschaft SAG Aluminium Lend, die intensiv an der Entwicklung von © 104 Thixoforming – complex geometries in virtually pore-free quality Solutions in one casting step C. Eder, Lend Because of continually increasing cost pressures, automobile and commercial vehicle manufacturers are looking for solutions by means of which complex geometries can be obtained in net-shape quality without subsequent mechanical machining. A possibility for this is provided by the thixocasting process offered by SAG Thixalloy Components. In thixocasting an appropriately treated pre-material is heated to the solid-liquid range and cast using a conventional cold-chamber pressure diecasting machine. Due to the small liquid proportion (and consequent low shrinkage on solidification) compared with ordinary Abb. 1: Komplette LuftfederungsBaugruppe für Audi aus dem Hause SAG Fig. 1: Complete air-spring structural group for Audi, from SAG Photo: SAG pressure diecasting, and thanks to the laminar filling of the mould, components with complex geometries can be made in virtually pore-free quality. Thus, the process is eminently suitable for welding applications, good surfaces and safety-relevant components. Before the casting process itself a pre-material suitable for the method is required. In this regards SAG Thixalloy Components collaborates closely with its sister company SAG Aluminium Lend, which works intensively on the development of new alloys. The per-material is produced in a horizontal continuous-casting unit in which, during the casting stage, electromagnetic stirring takes place so that growing dendrites are broken up and form nuclei in the melt. This produces the necessary globulitic structure needed for the thixocasting process. The bars produced in this way are then processed to make billets (of length according to the shot weight), heated in an inductive heating unit up to the optimum solid-liquid condition and pressed. In principle any aluminium © ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 TECHNOLOGIE UND ANWENDUNG neuen Legierungen arbeitet. Die Herstellung des Vormaterials geschieht in einer Horizontalstranggussanlage. Während des Abgusses erfolgt eine elektromagnetische Rührung, wodurch sich bildende Dendriten abscheren und zu Keimen in der Schmelze führen. Dadurch bildet sich das benötigte globulitische Gefüge aus, das für den Thixogussprozess benötigt wird. Die so produzierten Stangen werden anschließend zu Bolzen (Länge je nach Schussgewicht) verarbeitet und in einer induktiven Erwärmungsanlage in den optimalen Fest-Flüssig-Zustand erwärmt und verpresst. Prinzipiell sind alle Aluminiumlegierungen verarbeitbar, die ein ausreichend großes Erstarrungsintervall aufweisen, um eine prozesssichere Wiedererwärmung in den Fest-Flüssig-Übergangsbereich zu gewährleisten. Reine Metalle und naheutektische Legierungen sind beim Thixoforming nicht verarbeitbar, da diese kein bzw. nur ein sehr kleines Erstarrungsintervall aufweisen. Standardlegierungen für den Thixoforming-Prozess sind die Legierungen AlSi7Mg0,3 (TX630) und AlSi7Mg0,6 (TX650). Diese Legierungen können durch entsprechende Wärmebehandlungen an die benötigten Anforderungen des Kunden angepasst werden. Thixogeformte Bauteile zielen insbesondere auf die Substitution von Stahlschmiedeteilen, auf Strukturschweißungen und druckdichte Schweißverbindungen (z. B. Luftfederung, bis 90 bar Berstdruck). Durch das Thixogießverfahren werden deutliche Gewichtsersparnisse bei gleichzeitig guten mechanischen Eigenschaften erzielt – hier ist vor allem die Bruchdehnung zu erwähnen. Die heute am meisten verwendeten Legierungen für den Einsatz im Thixoguss sind die Legierungen AlSi7Mg0,3 (A356) bzw. AlSi7Mg0,6 (A357). Neue Legierungen gehen in Richtung naturharte Legierungen („Maxxalloy“ AlMg5Si), die keine bzw. eine geringe nachfolgende Wärmebehandlung benötigen, um die geforderten mechanischen Eigenschaften zu gewährleisten. Aufgrund der nur im sehr geringen Ausmaß auftretenden Porosi- 106 täten beim Thixoguss sind thixogeformte Bauteile sehr gut schweißbar und mit hohen Drücken belastbar. Ein aktueller Anwendungsfall ist die Luftfederung des aktuellen Audi A6. Auch für Anwendungen mit hohen Anforderungen an die Optik und an die Korrosionsbeständigkeit, ist das Thixoverfahren bestens geeignet. Durch die geringe Porosität und Lunkerneigung lassen sich komplexe Bauteile in Net-Shape-Qualität mit hohen mechanischen Festigkeiten realisieren. Diese Gussteile lassen sich ohne aufwendige Nacharbeit mit den herkömmlichen Verfahren wie Galvanik, Nass- und Pulvertechnologie beschichten. In verstärktem Maße werden bei den OEMs Lösungen angestrebt, bei denen sich durch das verwendete Verfahren Kostenersparnisse ergeben, zum Beispiel durch geringere mechanische Nacharbeit. Hierfür bietet sich wiederum Thixocasting an, mit dem einerseits durch die Net-Shape-Fertigung das Ausmaß der nachfolgenden Bearbeitungsschritte reduziert werden kann und anderseits die Abb. 2: Heckklappenscharnier Fig. 2: Rear hood hinge hohen mechanischen Forderungen an das Bauteil erfüllt werden können, wie dies von der SAG Thixalloy Components beim Heckklappenscharnier des neuen Volvo C70 umgesetzt wurde. Durch Thixoforming kann das komplex ausgebildete Bauteil in einem Produktionsschritt ohne zusätzliche aufwendige Schweißverbindung hergestellt werden. Die wesentlichen Vorteile im Gegensatz zum herkömmlichen Druckguss sind die laminare Formfüllung mit geschlossener Fließfront. Damit wird die Einbringung von Luft und Trennmitteln in das Gussstück vermieden, wodurch im Bauteil keine bzw. fast keine Porositäten und Einschlüsse auftreten. Durch die © alloy can be processed provided that it has a solidification interval wide enough to allow reliable heating to the solid-liquid transition range. Pure metals and alloys of near-eutectic composition cannot be used for Thixoforming, since they have no, or only a very narrow solidification range. Standard alloys for the Thixoforming process are the alloys AlSi7Mg0.3 (TX630) and AlSi7Mg0.6 (TX650). These alloys can by adapted to the customer’s requirements by appropriate heat treatment. Thixoformed components aim above all to replace forged steel components for structural welds and pressure-tight weld joints (such as air-springs with bursting pressure up to 90 bar). The thixocasting process allows substantial weight savings at the same time as good mechanical properties, particularly in relation to elongation at fracture. The alloys most widely used nowadays for thixocasting are AlSi7Mg0.3 (A356) or AlSi7Mg0.6 (A357). New alloy development is moving in the direction of naturally hard alloys (‘Maxxalloy’ AlMg5Si), which need no, or only little subsequent heat treatment in order to ensure the necessary mechanical properties. Thanks to the very low porosity in thixocastings, thixoformed components can be welded very successfully and will withstand high pressures. A current application case is the air-spring system of the present Audi 6. For applications with high demand in relation to appearance and corrosion resistance as well, the thixo-process is again best suited. Thanks to low porosity and tendency to form cavities, complex components of net-shape quality with high mechanical strengths can be made. The resultant castings can be coated by conventional methods such as electroplating, wet-coating and powdercoating technology without elaborate and costly preparatory work. Increasingly, OEMs are looking for solutions by virtue of which cost savings can be achieved by the method used, for example because less mechanical finishing work is needed. Thixocasting is again ideal for this, since on the one hand net-shape © ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 novelis-annonce-presse-a4.qxp 29/07/2008 17:14 Page 1 Novelis PAE us at Visit M 2008 INIU ALUM Essen Hall 3 Booth 0 M5 The supplier of choice Make your winning move by picking the best in casthouse technology We supply: Continuous strip roll casters DC slab casters In-furnace metal treatment system In-line degassers and filtration units After-sales services For more information on our product range and services: JUMBO 3C® and 3CM® - AUTOPAK IRMA - ALPUR® - JETCLEANER PDBF - CFF Contact our experienced team NOVELIS PAE Centr’Alp - BP 24 - 38341 Voreppe Cedex - France Tel: +33 4 76 57 87 58 - Fax: +33 4 76 56 65 39 pae.marketing@novelis.com www.pae.novelis.com TECHNOLOGIE UND ANWENDUNG Abb. 3: Herkömmliches Gefüge und geeignetes Gefüge für die thixotrope Verarbeitung Fig. 3: Conventional structure and structure suitable for thixotropic processing laminare Formfüllung ergibt sich zudem eine wesentlich höhere Standzeit des Werkzeuges aufgrund der geringeren Erosionsbelastung gegenüber der turbulenten Strömung beim herkömmlichen Druckguss. Ein weiterer Vorteil beim Thixogießen ist, dass sich, durch den teilfesten Zustand des Materials, dieser Anteil bei der Erstarrung des Gussteils in der Form keine Phasenumwandlung mehr erfährt, wodurch das Volumendefizit, das bei der Erstarrung auftritt, wesentlich geringer ist. Durch eine Nachspeisung unter Druck während der Resterstarrung wird die Lunkerbildung fast vollständig verhindert. Gegenüber dem Druckguss wird das vorhandene Gefüge bereits durch die Vormaterialherstellung und die Erwärmung in den teilflüssigen Bereich festgelegt. Die Größe und Form der festen Phase ändert sich auch während der Resterstarrung nicht mehr. Die Mikrostruktur ist gegenüber dem Druckguss nahezu unabhängig von lokalen Unterschieden der Erstarrungsbedingungen, zum Beispiel der Wanddicke. production reduces the subsequent machining steps needed and on the other hand the components have excellent mechanical properties, as demonstrated by SAG Thixalloy Components with the rear hood hinge for the new Volvo C70. By thixoforming, this complex component is produced in a single production step with no additional, costly weld joints. Compared with conventional pressure diecasting the essential advantages of the method are laminar mould filling with a closed flow front. This avoids the incorporation of air and parting agent in the casting, so that the component contains no, or almost no porosity and inclusions. Thanks to the laminar mould filling the life of the die is also substantially increased, because of lower erosion compared with that produced by the turbulent flow during ordinary pressure diecasting. A further advantage of thixocasting is that due to the partially solid condition of the material, this fraction does not undergo any further phase trans- C D C D m u i m n u i i min f or Alucm assttiinngg Drache umwelttechnik 108 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION formation in the mould while the casting is solidifying, so that the volume deficit produced during solidification is much smaller. Cavity formation can be prevented almost completely by top-up feeding under pressure during the solidification of the residue. Compared with pressure diecasting the structure obtained is already established by the preparation of the per-material and the heating to the partially liquid range. The size and shape of the solid fraction no longer changes even during residual solidification. Compared with pressure diecasting the microstructure is virtually independent of local differences of the solidification conditions, such as wall thickness. In summary, the following criteria apply in the case of thixocasting applications: • no components with low quality requirements • large wall thickness differences can be produced • high design complexity and integration of functions • pressure-tightness thanks to low porosity • thermal treatments: good welding properties, heat treatment • high surface quality demands are satisfied • thixocasting can in particular replace or reduce the following processes: mechanical machining, forging, precision casting, gravity diecasting, vacuum pressure diecasting • replacement of joined sheets and extruded components thanks to integration. Author Christian Eder, Research and Development, SAG Thixalloy Components. SAG Aluminium Lend will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 7, Stand C40 Zusammenfassend lassen sich folgende Kriterien für Thixocasting-Anwendungen festhalten: • keine Teile mit geringen Qualitätsanforderungen • große Unterschiede in den Wanddicken realisierbar • hohe Komplexität der Konstruktion und Integration von Funktionen • Druckdichtigkeit durch porenarme Qualität • thermische Behandlungen: hohe Schweißeignung, Wärmebehandlung • Hohe Anforderungen an die Oberfläche • Thixocasting kann insbesondere folgende Prozesse substituieren: mechanische Bearbeitung, Schmieden, Feinguss, Kokillenguss, VakuumDruckguss • Ersatz von gefügtem Blech und Strangpressteilen durch Integration. Autor www.sag.at OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER Christian Eder, Forschung und Entwicklung, SAG Thixalloy Components. Transport Systems ! Anodes ! Ladles ! Oven charging Windhoff Bahn- und Anlagentechnik GmbH Hovestr. 10 · D-48431 Rheine · Phone: +49 5971 58-0 Fax: +49 5971 58-209 · railway@windhoff.de · www.windhoff.de ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 109 TECHNOLOGIE UND ANWENDUNG DMAX von Otefal Farbaluminiumbleche für Fassaden Moderne Coil-Coating-Anlagen sind über 200 m lang und können Aluminiumbänder bis zu 3 mm Dicke und im Standardbereich bis zu 1600 mm Breite lackieren, in speziellen Fällen sogar bis zu 2300 mm Breite. Die Bänder durchlaufen verschiedene Stationen bis hin zu einer bis zu vierschichtigen Decklackierung mit bis zu vier Einbrennungen in verschiedenen Lacksystemen. Die Oberflächenlackierung erfolgt meist im Walzenauftragsverfahren für Flüssiglacke wie PVdF. Einige Anlagen verarbeiten auch Pulverlacke im CC-Verfahren, die in höheren Lackschichtdicken appliziert werden können und dennoch nachträglich abkantbar sind. Beide Systeme haben Vor- und Nachteile, die je nach Endanwendung des Produktes und nach den Qualitätsanforderungen abgewogen werden müssen. Im Bereich der hochwertigen Fassadenelemente (Kassetten, Panels) etablieren sich mehr und mehr solide vorlackierte Aluminiumbleche © 110 DMAX by Otefal Coloured aluminium sheets for façades The product concept is a simple one: you take solid aluminium strips of a grade particularly suitable for façades such as the alloy AA 5754, AlMg3, uses the roller application method to paint it continuously in a strip lacquering unit and then, after stoving the lacquer, cut it up into sheets. The pre-lacquered sheets can be bent through the recommended bend radii without cracking or flaking off the lacquer – an advantage compared with the traditional method, in which the blank sheets are first bent and only then surface finished (e. g. by piecemeal lacquering). Increasingly, pre-lacquered aluminium sheets finished with PVdF-lacquers – such as the DMAX product range by Otefal – are gaining popularity compared with aluminium composites with a polythene core. The fire-resistance of the material, its strength and re-usability are important competition criteria for this. Modern coil-coating plants are more than 200 metres long and can paint aluminium strips up to 3 mm thick and up to 1600 mm wide in the standard range, and even up to 2300 mm wide in special cases. The strips pass through various stations until they have been given a covering coating with up to four layers, stoved up to four times, using a variety of lacquer systems. Surface lacquering is carried out mainly by the roller application method in the case of liquid lacquers such as PVdF. Some units also process powder lacquers by the CC method, which can be applied in thicker coatings but can yet be subsequently bent. The two systems each have advantages and disadvantages, which must be evaluated depending on the end application of the product and the quality demands. In the area of high-grade façade elements (cassettes, panels) solid, pre- Otefal Das Produktkonzept ist einfach: Man nehme solide Aluminiumbänder in einer besonderen Fassadenqualität wie der Legierung AA 5754, AlMg3, lackiere sie im Walzenauftragsverfahren kontinuierlich auf einer Bandlackieranlage und schneide sie nach dem thermischen Einbrennen des Lackes zu Blechen. Die vorlackierten Bleche sind mit den empfohlenen Biegeradien abkantbar, ohne dass der Lack reißt oder gar abplatzt – ein Vorteil gegenüber dem traditionellen Verfahren, bei dem die blanken Bleche zunächst abgekantet und erst abschließend oberflächenveredelt werden (z. B. durch Stücklackierung). Zunehmend etablieren sich vorlackierte Aluminiumbleche in PVdF-Lackierungen – wie die DMAX-Produktreihe von Otefal – gegenüber Aluminium Composites mit einem Kern aus Polyethylen. Brandverhalten, Materialsteifigkeit und Wiederverwertbarkeit sind dabei wichtige Wettbewerbskriterien. Objekte, die mit DMAX-Fassadenblechen verkleidet wurden: das Hotel Le Crystal de la Montagne in Montreal … Examples of buildings clad with DMAX façade sheets: hotel Le Crystal de la Montagne in Montreal … lacquered aluminium sheets 2 and 3 mm thick painted with PVdF lacquers, which have meanwhile given good service as ideal exterior façades in all climatic zones, are becoming more and more widely accepted. This is happening in competition with the previously worldwide-dominant aluminium composites whose standard grade consists of aluminium coversheets each only 0.5 mm thick (like an aluminium veneer) with a core of usually 3-mm polyethylene (LDPE). The sandwich structure of aluminium composites gives exceptionally flat, decorative plates which, however, consist three-quarters of plastic and only a quarter of aluminium. This combination leads to certain technical and qualitative consequences of which building contractors and even architects are often unaware: • This applies, for example, to their fire behaviour: polyethylene burns with a bright flame. In accordance with the relevant DIN 4102 standard (now EN 15301) building materials containing PE are classified in category B2 (combustible, © ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 Besuchen Sie uns: Aluminium 2008 Halle 3, Stand A20 Ewig jung und stark und schön bleiben? Ein Traum für uns. Für Aluminium aber ist er Wirklichkeit: Es lässt sich immer und immer wieder bei gleicher Qualität recyceln.Es ist ein erneuerbarer Rohstoff, den auch künftige Generationen noch nutzen können, in unendlich vielen Anwendungen. Hydro ist Aluminium. Wir sind stolz, dieses erstaunliche Metall herzustellen, zu verarbeiten und einzuschmelzen - für ein immer neues Leben. www.hydro.com TECHNOLOGIE UND ANWENDUNG in 2 und 3 mm Dicke in PVdF-Lackierungen, die sich mittlerweile seit Jahrzehnten in allen Klimazonen als ideale Außenfassaden bewährt haben. Das geschieht im Wettbewerb zu bisher weltweit noch dominierenden Aluminium Composites, die als Standardqualität aus je nur 0,5 mm dicken Aluminium-Deckschichten (wie Aluminium-,,Furnier“) mit einem Kern von üblicherweise 3 mm dickem Polyethylen (LDPE) bestehen. Die Sandwichfertigung der Aluminium Composites führt zu äußerst planen, dekorativen Platten, die allerdings zu drei Vierteln aus Kunststoff und nur zu einem Viertel aus Aluminium bestehen. Diese Kombination führt zu einigen technisch-qualitativen Konsequenzen, die Bauherren und selbst Architekten kaum bekannt sind: • Das gilt zum Beispiel für das Brandverhalten: Polyethylen brennt mit heller Flamme. Nach der relevanten DIN 4102 (jetzt EN 15301) werden Baustoffe aus PE der Kategorie B2 (brennbar, leicht entflammbar) eingestuft. Damit sind sie für Hochhausfassaden in Deutschland (über 22 m Höhe) nicht zugelassen. Die Industrie hat darauf mit der Entwicklung von Aluminium Composites reagiert, die einen Kern aus nicht brennbaren mineralischen Stoffen wie Aluminiumhydroxid enthalten. Damit wird die Brandstoffklasse A2 erreicht, die angesichts der Brandproblematik die einzige Qualität sein sollte, die unbedenklich empfohlen werden kann. Allerdings haben sich in der Branche weltweit inzwischen etwa 100 Composites etabliert, die fast alle lediglich PE als Kern einsetzen oder bestenfalls schwer entflammbar, aber noch immer brennbar sind. Hier müssen Gesetze wie die Hochhausrichtlinie in Deutschland auch international gefordert werden. • Ein wichtiger Aspekt ist die Materialsteifigkeit: 4 mm dicke Aluminium Composites sind sehr steif, stabil und dennoch relativ leicht. Sie sind als Glattbleche für sichtbare Befestigungen oder als „infill panels“ geradezu ideal in Bezug auf ihre statischen Werte. Wenn jedoch allseitig eine Abkantung zu Kassetten erfolgt, müssen die Panels rückseitig eingefräst werden, um eine Abkantung von 90 Grad zu ermöglichen. Dann verbleibt im Kantbereich nur 0,5 mm dickes Aluminium, an dem die Kassetten in die Unterkonstruktion eingehängt werden. Die verbleibende Stabilität ist dann natürlich im Vergleich zu 2 oder gar 3 mm dickem, erst recht abgekantetem, solidem Aluminiumblech deutlich niedriger. Das gilt besonders, wenn bei Composites Standardlegierungen der Gruppe AA 3000 statt der wesentlich stabileren Legierung AA 5754 für solide Aluminiumbleche eingesetzt werden. • Nicht zu vernachlässigen: das Recycling. Aluminium, auch vorlackiertes, ist ein hoch werthaltiger Rohstoff, der sich problemlos recyceln lässt. Das ist bei Altmaterial aus Aluminium Composites mit einem dominantem Kunststoffanteil wesentlich schwieriger, vor allem in Ländern, in denen noch kein funktionsfähiges, flächendeckendes Recyclingsystem aufgebaut ist oder wo es logistische Hindernisse gibt. © … sowie das America’s Cup Building in Valencia … … and the America’s Cup Building in Valencia … 112 easily flammable). Accordingly, they are not approved for high-rise building façades (over 22 m high) in Germany. The industry reacted to this by the development of aluminium composites containing a core of incombustible mineral materials such as aluminium hydroxide. This conferred the fire-resisting material category A2 which, from the fire standpoint, is the only grade that can be recommended without reserve. However, in the branch worldwide approximately 100 different composites have been developed, almost all of which use PE as the core or in the best cases are difficult to ignite, but are still combustible. In this connection laws such as the high-rise building regulations in Germany must also be insisted upon internationally. • An important aspect is the rigidity of the material: aluminium composites 4 mm thick are very rigid, strong, yet relatively light. In terms of their static values they are ideal for visible fastenings or as ‘infill panels’. But when they are bent on all sides to form cassettes, the panels have to be milled on the back in order to allow bending through 90°. Then, in the bend area there remains aluminium only 0.5 mm thick, on which the cassettes are suspended in the substructure. Naturally therefore, compared with solid aluminium sheet 2 or even 3 mm thick and already correctly bent, the residual strength is considerably lower. This applies particularly when, instead of the substantially stronger alloy AA 5754 used for solid aluminium sheets, standard alloys of the AA 3000 group are used in the composites. • Not to be disregarded is the recycling aspect. Even when pre-lacquered, aluminium is a valuable secondary raw material that can be recycled without problems. With aluminium composite scrap with a dominant plastic proportion this is substantially more difficult, especially in countries where there is not yet any effective, widespread recycling system or where there are logistical obstacles. These three outlined drawbacks of aluminium composites can of course be overcome with technical effort and the associated costs. An attractive new option is the use of solid coloured aluminium 2 or 3 mm thick for © ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 To power your operation while lowering consumption we provide you with stable highly efficient electrical energy supply, distribution and conditioning. To increase employee productivity and engineering efficiency, we offer you powerful control systems. To improve dynamic performance and reduce power losses, we provide high-tech Visit our b 8 inium 200 2 at Alum ooth 1D 9 drive systems. To increase furnace productivity and save energy, utilize our most effective electromagnetic stirrers. To ensure environmental compliance, reduce product standard deviation and increase production, apply our expert and optimization solutions. Maximize the return on project investment through our vast knowledge, know-how and extensive experience. Using quality ABB products helps you achieve industry leading productivity. Visit us at www.abb.com/aluminium TECHNOLOGIE UND ANWENDUNG DMAX-Vorzüge auf einen Blick DMAX – advantages at a glance • Perfekte Planität durch Einsatz von streckgerichtetem Aluminiumband • Hohe Materialdicke des Trägermaterials (2 bis 3 mm) für hohe Festigkeit • PVdF-Beschichtung in 2 bis 4 Schichten • Glanzgrad PVdF typisch 35 Einheiten, ausgewogenes Farbsortiment in uni und metallic. • Perfect flatness due to the use of stretch-straightened aluminium strip • High material thickness of the support material (2 to 3 mm) for high strength • VdF coating in 2 to 4 layers • Typical PVdF gloss 35 units, in a balanced colour choice of unior metallic finishes. Diese drei skizzierten Handicaps von Aluminium Composites können natürlich mit technischem Aufwand und entsprechenden Kosten überwunden werden. Eine attraktive neue Option ist die Verwendung von solidem, 2 und 3 mm dickem Farbaluminium für die Fassadentechnik. Nach der Devise: Warum ein kompliziertes, aus drei Schichten bestehendes Produkt herstellen, wenn man ein etwas dickeres Aluminiumblech einsetzen kann, das von vornherein die erwünschten Kriterien erfüllt und das sich nach neuen Investitionen in größere und breitere Coil-Coating-Anlagen der Industrie mit entsprechenden integrierten Bandricht-Vorrichtungen neuerdings als interessanter Wettbewerber präsentiert. Eine speziell für den Fassadenbau entwickelte Alternative sind DMAXFassadenbleche der italienischen Otefal. Hier wurde ein Produkt entwickelt, das allen Ansprüchen im Fassadenbau gerecht wird und folgende Eigenschaften aufweist: • Hochfeste Legierung AA 5754 in … und das rho Messezentrum in Mailand … and the rho trade center in Milan 114 2,0, 2,5 oder 3,0 mm Dicke. Die Legierung ist korrosions- und sogar seewasserbeständig und weist eine besonders hohe zulässige Spannung auf. • Diese Legierung (auch vorlackiert) ist als „nicht brennbar“ in der normenmäßig höchstmöglichen Kategorie A1 eingestuft, also auch für Hochhäuser in Deutschland geeignet. • Mit dem Dickenbereich von 2,0 bis 3,0 mm können bei Abkantungen zu Kassetten mit breiten Seitenstegen stabile Großkassetten hergestellt werden, ohne dass die vier Eckenbereiche nochmals genietet und verstärkt zu werden brauchen. Windlasten bis zu 5,4 kN/m2 sind mit entsprechender rückseitiger Aussteifung realisierbar. • Das Recycling der vorlackierten DMAX-Bleche ist einfacher und lukrativer, als das meist bei Schrotten aus Aluminium Composites mit deren dominantem Kunststoffanteil möglich ist. Vollständig solide DMAX-Fassadenbleche in dekorativen PVdF-Lackierungen sind daher eine interessante Alternative für Bauherren und Architekten. Inzwischen gibt es mindestens vier namhafte Hersteller von 2 mm dickem soliden CoilCoating-Farbaluminium am Markt, die den Bekanntheitsgrad dieser technischen Alternative weiter erhöhen werden. N façade technology. One may ask: why use a complex product consisting of three layers, when one can use a somewhat thicker aluminium sheet which satisfies the desired criteria from the start and which, after new investment in larger and wider coil-coating units, has recently presented industry equipped with appropriate integrated strip straightening machinery with an interesting competing material. An alternative specially developed for façade construction are DMAX façade sheets produced by the Italian company Otefal. Here, a product has been developed which satisfies every requirement for façade construction and has the following characteristics: • High-strength alloy AA 5754 in thicknesses of 2.0, 2.5 or 3.0 mm. The alloy resists corrosion, even by sea water, and withstands particularly high permitted stresses. • This alloy (even when pre-lacquered) is classified as ‘non-combustible’ and is therefore in the highest possible category A1 and accordingly approved for high-rise building construction in Germany. • Using the thickness range of 2.0 to 3.0 mm, bending can be used to produce cassettes with wide lateral webs, i.e. large and strong cassettes, without having to re-rivet and reinforce the four corner areas. With appropriate stiffeners on the back, wind loads of up to 5.4 kN/m2 can be resisted. • The recycling of the pre-lacquered DMAX sheets is simpler and more profitable than is usually possible with aluminium composite scrap with its dominant plastic fraction. Thus, solid DMAX façade sheets with decorative PVdF lacquers are an interesting alternative for building contractors and architects. At least four noted manufacturers of 2 mm thick solid coil-coating coloured aluminium have appeared on the market, and that will further increase awareness of this technical alternative. Otefal S.p.A. will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 3, Stand N20 www.otefalgroup.com OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION A concept for dioxin and furan abatement in the aluminium industry Dioxins and furans are considered the most toxic substances and are suspected to be highly carcinogen. Once being in the focus of the public for emitting these substances a company may face mostly emotional discussions bearing the potential of severe damage of the image of the entire industry. Certainly, dioxins and furans represent quite stable chemical compositions and threaten public health. However, their emission can be controlled by comparably simple countermeasures. There are several basic elements which may form dioxins and furans, such as: carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O) and halogens (Cl, F) which can be found in scrap impurities like plastics and fluxes. To create dioxins and furans some minimum conditions are required: simultaneous occurrence and formation temperature. The formation of dioxins and furans mainly takes place within a temperature window between 350°F and 800°F. There are other conditions, which promote the formation of dioxins and furans, like the catalytic effect of metallic dust in the gas, but this is of minor importance in the context of this article. It is to be noted that the mentioned temperature window leads to the conclusion that the main potential for the formation of dioxins and furans is not located in the furnace as there usually are temperatures much above this window. The main formation can be expected downstream in the off gas flow. Avoiding any of the above mentioned preconditions represent a possible approach to inhibit the formation of dioxins and furans. That means the occurrence of at least one of the precursors or the formation environment has to be suppressed. These measures are referred to as primary measures. However, this is academical as most of the precursors are contained in the primary materials for the production. 116 (HCl, HF), which are not addressed by There is a limited chance by blendthe afterburner. ing different scrap qualities in order Another proven technology is the to keep the entrainment of impurities removal of dioxins and furans from within an acceptable limit. The other the gas by means of dry absorption. approach is to keep the temperature Additives are injected into the offoutside the formation window. As the gas upstream the baghouse. Many remelting process mostly is a batch aluminium furnaces are already operation with the temperature reequipped with such a device in order peatedly passing the formation winto reduce acidic emissions by means dow it is almost impossible to realize of lime hydrate. Actually, the lime the required conditions. hydrate already is capable to reduce It has to be concluded that these primary measures of avoiding the formation conditions do not lead to the desired result with affordable efforts and focus needs to be taken on secondary Fume gas cleaning for an aluminium melting furnace measures. also dioxins and furans, admittedly to This means to accept the formation a limited extend. Consumption can of dioxins and furans, but undertake be estimated with approx. 10 lbs per appropriate counter-measures for tonne of molten aluminium. eliminating them properly. The efficiency with regards to the Continuing the considerations of dioxin/furan abatement can excelthe formation temperature require lently be improved by additional use e.g. an afterburner that could guaranof activated carbon or lignite coke. tee continuous high temperatures to This usually is realized either by destroy the candidates. But these high separate injection or by a pre-mixed temperatures can hardly be dealt with additive introduced by a single injecby a regular baghouse. Consequently, tor. A reduction of dioxins and furans the temperature has to be brought of more than 90% can be achieved by down, which means passing the foradding 5 to 20% by weight of activated mation window. The gas has to be carbon to the additive. A further benquenched down as fast as possible to efit of the activated carbon of lignite minimize the re-formation. Considercoke is the effective removal of mering the above conclusion that dioxins cury from the off gas. and furans are most probably created Dry absorption is a temperature downstream the furnace, the heat sensitive process. Generally, the effitreatment finally has to cover all the ciency decreases with higher tempergas volume, which will lead to big afatures. Especially, when considering terburners with the correlated investpossible condensation in the offgas ment and running costs, mainly for of aluminium remelters this conflicts energy. A further aspect to consider with the offgas treatment process. To is the suppression of acidic emissions ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 Photos: Dantherm A. Hellwig, Friesenheim TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION overcome this dilemma recycling the additive collected in the baghouse may be an option. This enhances the efficiency even at elevated temperatures and the abatement of dioxins and furans achieves efficiencies in the high nineties, too. In some cases the consumption of additives, and therefore also of the residuals can be cut by half. A great advantage of the dry absorption is the simultaneous abatement of dioxins, furans, mercury and acidic compounds in a single process step. The obvious disadvantage is the generation of contaminated residuals to be disposed off. A possibility could be to find a local partner in the industrial neighbourhood processing lime based materials at high temperatures (e. g. cement kilns) which might be able to use the material. is assumed to be 6,000 hours per year. The calculation is shown in the table. It is obvious that disposal costs represent the major portion of the operation costs. Here is a big potential for reduction finding synergies with other industry sectors, which may reuse the material. It needs to be noted that also afterburner systems cause these costs as those systems require additive injection in order to eliminate acidic compounds from the offgas. Summary er does not address acidic compound in the gas, but they usually are also limited in most operating permits. In this case an additional lime injection system is required, also producing residuals. The dry absorption process is a simple alternative for many applications. Actually, most baghouses installed for aluminium furnaces already are equipped with an injection system. They may be easily modified. The system offers a simultaneous removal of acidic compounds, dioxins and furans as well as even mercury from the emissions. There is a low additional energy demand. However, the absorption operates at low tempera- Under consideration of the preconditions favouring the formation of dioxins and furans taking into account the demands of operational requirements mainly two diFinancial Figures oxin/furan abatement technoloThe following figures should be congies: afterburner sidered as a simple rule of thumb and with quench and shall give a preliminary idea about the dry absorption. cost of ownership of a dry absorption Both technoloinstallation. gies have their The capital investment to install pros and cons. a brownfield gas cleaning system is Afterburner approx. USD15 per installed actual systems have the cubic foot per minute (acfm). This inobvious advancludes a pre-separator for coarse partage that they ac- Dry absorption fume gas cleaning with heat recovery in an aluticles, the injection and recirculation tually destroy di- minium melting furnace system, the baghouse, fan and clean oxins and furans gas ductwork. tures. A smart process design needs by pyrolysis. However, the precurThe running costs comprise costs to consider this. Main cost factor is sors are not removed from the gas for additives (USD0.005 per 1,000 the production of residuals. stream. So there is a residual risk of acfm) and energy demand (4.0 HP per The optimal selection of one of reformation downstream the system. 1,000 acfm), comprising main fan, filthese systems depends on individual As dioxins and furans probably form ter cleaning and additive dosing and conditions and the specific application downstream the furnace the entire recirculation. to be equipped. Dantherm Filtration gas volume needs to be treated. To Exemplary estimation for a 50,000 as the world’s number 2 supplier of that extend the inherent high energy acfm installation: the following evaludust collectors having installed more consumption may become an issue. ation is based on cost for electrical than 35,000 units has gained experiThe temperature is kept high, which power of USD0.05 per kWh and landence with both systems and is capable reduces the risk of condensation infill costs of USD100 per tonne of disto handle both processes. Dantherm side the offgas system. The afterburnposed material. Annual operation time Filtration also provides solutions for other applications in the primary and Investment 50,000 acfm x 15 USD/acfm USD750,000 secondary aluminium industry. Yearly operating cost Additives Energy consumption Disposal ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 50 kacfm x 0.005 USD/kacfm x 360,000 min/y USD90,000 50 kacfm x 4 HP/kacfm x 0.75 kW/HP x 6,000 h/y x 0.05 USD/kWh USD45,000 approx. 1.000 tpy x 100 USD/t USD 100,000/t Author Dipl.-Ing. Arndt Hellwig, International Sales Manger, Dantherm Filtration GmbH, Friesenheim, Germany. 117 CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E Rio Tinto Alcan Aluminium smelting industry aluminium industry has been highly welcomed by local industrialists, in contrast to the Awaso Bauxite Mine where bauxite is being extracted, processed and shipped to UK for the British Aluminium Co. (Baco). The Ghana integrated aluminium industry concept envisages mining bauxite deposits at Hyinahin in the Ashanti Region and Kibi, in the Eastern Region. Ghana government looks at power for mothballed smelter China to build smelter in Trinidad China will help build a USD400m aluminium smelter in Trinidad’s southern region. However, Prime Minister Patrick Manning did not say when construction would start or how many tonnes of aluminium would be produced yearly. Trinidad would run the factory using its vast resources of natural gas. The smelter would be built close to Pitch Lake, the world’s largest natural asphalt reservoir. Environmentalists who successfully lobbied against another smelter two years ago have filed an injunction against the project. This project would be located roughly 20 miles from where Alcoa Inc. had planned to build a USD1.5bn smelter. Manning had rejected Alcoa’s plans based on complaints from local residents about air and water pollution. Tatas and Nalco to join hands for aluminium plant in South Africa India’s second largest aluminium maker, National Aluminium Co. Ltd (Nalco) and the Tatas are all set to ink a joint venture agreement for a USD3bn aluminium smelter and power plants in South Africa. In the proposed joint venture, Tata Group through Tata Africa will have a 49% stake, while Nalco will hold the remaining equity. Tata Africa would carry out the project. Tata Group has already given in-principle approval of the for the project and expects to sign an MoU with Nalco. However, the project is 118 still quite a distance away, as Nalco has yet to get government approval for it. As per the plans of the company, the smelter plant of 500,000 tpy will be set up at Richards Bay (Port) and power will come from a 1,250 MW plant up at Mpu-malanga. However, the question arises, if spending close to Rs100bn in South Africa is a viable proposition, since most of the aluminium produced through the joint venture would not be for India, which already has an excess supply of aluminium. Nalco, which is in the midst of a USD1.2bn expansion plan to be completed in December, also has similar plans for Indonesia, Iran and Saudi Arabia. An MoU already signed with the Indonesian government would set up a 500,000 tpy aluminium smelter and a 1,250 MW captive power plant with investment to the tune of Rs140bn. Ghana government seeks new partner Barely two weeks after buying the remaining 10% shares of Alcoa in Volta Aluminium Co. Ltd (Valco) for USD2m, the government is searching for a new strategic investor to partner it in running the aluminium smelter. Companies that have already expressed interest in the operations of Valco already refine bauxite and will help government to update its concept of an integrated aluminium industry. The country’s bauxite would be mined, refined and processed to near-end or end products in Ghana. Ghana’s concept of an integrated The government of Ghana is now studying the option of building a captive coal-fired power plant for its idled Valco smelter. The 200,000 tpy plant has traditionally relied for power on the Volta River hydro-electric power system, which has led to multiple closures in recent years depending on water levels and pricing. The most recent attempt to revive it, with the help of then minority shareholder Alcoa, foundered in the first quarter of 2007. Anglesey Aluminium plant fights back after blaze The fire at the Anglesey Aluminium Metals plant near Holyhead in June caused a four-hour power shutdown to allow fire fighters to tackle the blaze. It knocked out one potline and left another at two-thirds capacity. The situation was close to disaster for the 540 jobs as extended loss of power caused aluminium to solidify in the smelter pots and so dealt a fatal blow to the plant. Despite avoiding a worst-case scenario, the potlines that run through the smelters were affected. Experts are now working to restore around 50 pots on the first 158 pots production line before moving to line two. No stand-downs have been called for and extra staff has been drafted in from all over the world to return the plant to full production; that will take at least four months, according to an update from Kaiser Aluminum, which is a 49% minority partner in the 145,000 tpy plant. The majority owner and operator is Rio Tinto Alcan. The smelter’s fu- ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E ture is in doubt due to its failure to secure a power deal beyond 2009. Kitimat modernization project for Bechtel Rio Tinto Alcan has awarded a contract to Bechtel, worth approx. USD200m, to conduct the complete engineering, procurement and construction management of the planned USD2.5bn Kitimat modernization project in British Columbia, Canada. The project would increase production capacity at the smelter by 40%, taking it up to 400,000 tpy. Bechtel received an initial contract in June 2007 for preliminary engineering, feasibility and construction pre-work activity which has already begun. It will have construction site offices in Kitimat as well as engineering offices in both Vancouver and Montreal. Final Rio Tinto Board approval of the Kitimat modernization project is expected before end of 2008. The project would upgrade the existing 54-year old smelter using state-of-the-art AP technology, and increase capacity by 125,000 tonnes using hydroelectric power from Rio Tinto Alcan’s Kemano power station. It would also reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 40% per year. First metal from the modernized smelter is expected in 2011. Out of one hand: Aluminium Fluoride Plants Pitch Melting Plants Green Anode Plants HTM Plants Nalco seeks to buy Tajik Aluminum to double capacity National Aluminium Co, India’s second-biggest producer of the metal, is seeking to buy a majority stake in Tajikistan-based Tajik Aluminum Co. to more than double capacity as prices rise to a near record. Nalco plans to spend USD9.4bn to expand in India as well as to set up factories in Indonesia, South Africa and Iran to tap lowcost power, abundant gas and cheap labor. Nalco may supply alumina to Tajik from its mines in India. Nalco produces 1.6m tpy of alumina, more than twice the quantity needed to feed its 345,000 tpy smelter at Orissa. National Aluminium’s proposal to buy a 51% stake in Tajik is being considered by the Tajikistan government. Tajik Aluminum, Central Asia’s only producer of aluminium apart from Eurasian Natural Resources Corp.’s smelter in Kazakhstan, produced 413,800 tonnes and accounted for 75% of the country’s exports in 2006. We engineer your plant Dubal-L&T to double capacity of Orissa smelter project Dubai Aluminium (Dubal) and Indian conglomerate Larsen & Tubro want to double the capacity of their proposed aluminium smelter in Orissa state to 440,000 tpy. The revised proposal has to be cleared by the Orissa state government before a fresh MoU can be signed. The capacity increase takes the project cost to Rs240bn (USD5.6bn), from Rs 215bn. The project also includes a 3m tpy © ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 Hohenrainstrasse 10; CH-4133 Pratteln 1; Switzerland +41 (0) 618 256 462; info@buss-ct.com; www.buss-ct.com 119 CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E refinery and 1,000 MW captive power plant. It has been granted a bauxite prospecting licence for the Sijimalli and Kuturmalli deposits in the Kalahandi and Rayagada districts, with estimated reserves of around 250m tonnes. Bauxite-rich Orissa plans to raise its production of alumina and aluminium to 6.5m tpy respectively 1m tpy in the next three years. Columbia Falls to idle potline and axe up to 160 jobs Columbia Falls Aluminum Co. LLC plans to lay off up to half of its workforce and shut one potline at its Columbia Falls, Montana, primary aluminium smelter by the end of the month. Columbia Falls, wholly owned by Glencore International AG, blamed the high cost of energy and of raw materials. Open-market price quotes for power through spring 2009 are as high as USD110 per MWh. The Columbia Falls facility, which came online in 1955, has total capacity of 180,000 tpy but is operating only three of five potlines, producing primary aluminium in sheet and T-bar. Each potline has a capacity of 35,000 tpy. By the end of the month, the company will shut one potline and is considering closing a second at some point in the future. The plant employs about 340 people, of which some 225 are members of the Aluminum Workers Trades Council. The company posted the names of 124 hourly workers to be laid off starting on 21 July. The list of salaried workers will be posted in the near future, which would translate to anywhere between 120 and 160 jobs. Vedanta starts trials at 250,000 tpy smelter in Orissa Vedanta Aluminium, a subsidiary of Vedanta Resources, has started trial production at its 250,000 tpy aluminium smelter at Jharsuguda, Orissa state. This takes Vedanta Resources’ total capacity to almost 700,000 tpy, overtaking Hindalco as the largest aluminium producer in India. Hindalco produced 477,726 tonnes in the fi- 120 nancial year 2007/08. Nalco is India’s third largest aluminium producer with a capacity of 345,000 tpy. Vedanta’s other smelters include the 350,000 tpy Balco at Korba in the eastern state of Chhattisgarh, and the nearly 100,000 tpy Malco in South India. The smelter currently operates on bought-out power from the Orissa state grid, and produces LME-grade aluminium. The Jharsugada smelter produces aluminium ingot and plans also to produce billets, wire rod and other value-added aluminium products by March 2009. It is due to roughly double its capacity by the start of the next financial year on 1 April 2009. Vedanta has also started work on another 600,000 tpy brownfield aluminium smelter at Korba at the Balco site as well as on a 600,000 tpy greenfield smelter at Asansol in West Bengal. The company expects to reach its target of 1m tpy of aluminium capacity by the start of the next financial year, when the second phase of the Jharsuguda smelter is commissioned. US sanctions dampen Nalco’s Iranian smelter plans The USA’s economic sanctions on Iran are jeopardising Nalco’s plans to set up a 310,000 tpy smelter in Iran, because global consultancy firms are not willing to provide services there. The state-owned Indian company received only one bid after it floated a global tender to appoint a consultant for a techno-economic feasibility study for the project. Nalco’s senior officials blamed the tension between the USA and Iran crises. Consultancy companies also feel that they may lose business from American companies if they take up projects in Iran. The only bid received by Nalco for the consultancy was from Fata Hunter of Italy. The same company had also worked on setting up a cold rolling mill for Nalco in Orissa. Nalco floated the tender for the Iran project on 20 April, setting last date for submissions as 20 May, but then extended this to 2 July. The company will have to retender and ‘hope for the best’. In a joint venture with Iran’s Aluminium Pars Hanza Co. (Alpha), which is promoted by Kerman Development Organisation, the project involves setting up a 310,000 tpy aluminium smelter with associated power plants, which will be gas fired. Nalco is interested in setting up smelter projects at locations where energy is cheap, as power accounts for over 40% of the cost of smelting © Yunnan Aluminium in 2nd half 2008 power costs to rise USD15m China’s Yunnan Aluminum expects its production costs to rise by 100m yuan (USD14.7m) in the second half of the year due more expensive electricity tariffs. According to the recent announcement from the Development and Reform Commission of Yunnan province, Yunnan Aluminium’s electricity price jumped from 0.37 to 0.41 yuan per kWh as from 1 July, increasing power costs by 500 yuan for each tonne of aluminium produced. The 100m yuan cost rise more than erases the company’s net profit of 77.3m yuan in the first quarter of the year. In June, China’s central government announced that the average electricity tariff will rise by 0.025 yuan per kWh as from 1 July in an attempt to stem losses at power generation companies which must pay higher coal costs. The average production cost for aluminium producers in China is around 18,000 yuan (USD2.647) per tonne now. Yunnan Aluminium, located in the southern province of Yunnan, is a major aluminium producer in China. It produced 404,000 tonnes of primary aluminium in 2007 and is building an 80,000 tpy aluminium sheet and strip rolling mill and a 40,000 tpy aluminium alloy rod mill. The company plans to accelerate construction of the sheet and strip mill and the alloy rod mill in an attempt to add value downstream. It has also started construction of its 800,000 tpy alumina refinery at its subsidiary Wenshan Aluminium in Wenshan county, Yunnan province in June 2008. ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E aluminium. If the project materialises, Nalco will ship alumina from its Indian refineries to the Iranian smelter to produce metal. Suriname establishes new aluminium company Officials have disclosed that the Suriname government plans a new stateowned aluminium company aimed at advancing the industry. Minister of Natural Resources and Energy, Gregory Rusland, presented a proposal to the government to establish the entity. However, the Council of Ministers has yet to approve these plans. Rusland said that he is opting for a new company, which would partner with either BHP Billiton or Alcoa/Suralco or with both multinationals together, to develop the bauxite deposits in the Bakhuys Mountains in West-Suriname. The Suriname government is aiming for an integrated aluminium industry in West Suriname, including hydro-power facilities and a smelter. Negotiations with the joint venture partners BHP and Alcoa/Suralco have so far failed to produce an agreement on this issue. According to Mr Rusland, the two mining companies seem only interested in mining the bauxite in West Suriname for processing in the Paranam refinery several hundred miles east. Asked whether the government could finance the establishment of its own aluminium company, the minister disclosed that production of the West Suriname deposits will cost some USD800m. An international consultancy bureau is currently making an assessment of the existing infrastructure in the mining area, including roads and bridges as well as a rail track and port facilities. The government hopes to sign an agreement as soon as possible to develop the West Suriname deposits, since current deposits in East Suriname will be depleted by 2010. The government is also starting talks with other interested parties, as months of negotiations with BHP and Alcoa/ Suralco have not yet produced any positive results. BHP and Alcoa eye smelter build in Suriname The Suriname government has entered into talks with Alcoa Inc. and BHP Billiton to build an aluminium smelter and hydroelectric dam, as the South American country wants to generate more revenue downstream from its prosperous bauxite industry. The cost and size of the potential smelter was not disclosed, but in March 2007 the country was seeking investors to build a 250,000 tpy smelter. The country is home to Suriname Aluminum Co. LLC (Suralco), a bauxite miner and alumina producer majority owned by Alcoa World Alumina & Chemicals, a 60:40 joint venture between Alcoa and Australia’s Alumina Ltd. Suralco owns 55% of the 2.2m tpy Paranam alumina refinery in the country; the other 45% is held by an affiliate of BHP At the beginning of 2005, Suralco completed a 250,000 tpy expansion at Paranam, bringing the operation to its current capacity. Chinese interest in Valco smelter A delegation from China’s Datang Company Ltd visited Volta Aluminium (Valco) plant to start talks about building a 1,200 MW power plant for the aluminium smelter. Datang is one of the foreign strategic partners that Valco has contracted to assist it realise Ghana’s integrated aluminium industrialisation goals. The 1,200 MW plant, to be powered by coal, could cost about USD1.2bn. Strategic partners from China, India, Norway and Brazil are also supporting Valco to put up the plant. The first phase of the projected power plant, estimated to produce 600 MW, would start in October 2008. The whole project would take 24 months Jinneng reduces output at Shanxi smelter Shanxi Jinneng Group New Oriental Aluminium Co., which operates the sixth-largest aluminium smelter in China’s Shanxi province, has reduced output because of power shortages. The government ordered the company to cut electricity usage at its 80,000 tpy plant. Production losses would depend on how long the outage lasts. Jinneng brings total smelting capacity affected by power shortages in the northern China province to about 5% of national output. Aluminium reached a record LME price two days ago after a venture of Aluminium Corp. of China Ltd, the nation’s largest producer, first said the government had cut power. China’s 122 aluminium market will turn into a deficit from an expected surplus if the production loss reaches 250,000 tonnes. Smelters in Shanxi may have shuttered as much as 120,000 tonnes of aluminium-making capacity, out of a total annual capacity of 1.08m tonnes. Power shortage in China, the world’s largest aluminium producer, may spread to Henan and other provinces from Shanxi. Henan and Shanxi have a combined capacity of 4m tpy or 22% of China’s total. Aluminium for delivery in three months on the London Metal Exchange rose to a record USD3,327 per tonne on 7 July. The spot price gained USD19, or 0.6%, to trade at USD3,164 per tonne. Prices have rallied 31% this year after power shortages in China and South Africa curbed output. Electricity now accounts for between 30 and 40% of the operating costs for aluminium smelters. Reduced output affects Shanxi Huaze Aluminum and Power Co., the Aluminum Corp. venture in Shanxi, with a capacity of 280,000 tpy, and Shanxi Guanlu Co. with two smelters in the northern China province with a combined capacity of 330,000 tpy. Prior to the power shortages China’s aluminium production was expected to rise 19% to 15m tpy in 2008, while demand will gain 20% to 14.76m tonnes. ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E to complete. Since all the five potlines at Valco required only 350 MW for full production, the surplus power will be fed into the national grid. The second phase would produce an additional 600 MW to feed the bauxite mines and the alumina refinery at Nyinahin and Kyebi. The excess power would be exported to Togo, Benin and Burkina Faso. The power plant for Valco would mark the start of the realisation of the integrated aluminium industry and the country’s industrialisation process. Alcoa Inc., Pittsburgh, has reached a longterm power deal that will allow it to restart a third potline at its Wenatchee, Washington, aluminium smelter in 2012. The new 17-year agreement with the Chelan County Public Utilities District begins when the existing contract expires in 2011. The Wenatchee smelter has a nameplate capacity of 184,000 tpy and is currently operating at approx. 100,000 tpy. The new power deal will enable output to increase to 142,000 tpy starting in 2012. The contract will provide Alcoa with electricity equal to 26% of output from the Rocky Reach and Rock Island dams in exchange for the company paying 26% of the cost of producing and delivering the power, plus other costs. Alcoa will pay an estimated USD22.9m of an USD89m capacity reservation charge within 30 days of signing, with the balance deferred as long as the plant continues to run three potlines, according to the contract. The company would pay additional penalties if the Wenatchee smelter shuts down before 2028. Alcoa has been forced into the open market for power there, where local costs have risen to as much as USD2,000-4,000 per MWh during peak-use periods. Including new agreements in Quebec, Alcoa now has some 75% of its smelting production under long-term, competitive power supply. About 25% of the company’s smelting production uses self-generated power. First aluminium ready for export Sohar Aluminium’s first shipment of 21 tonnes of standard ingots has been loaded aboard a Mersk feeder ship, ready for export to Hong Kong. It is the first export of locally produced metal since the Sohar smelter © ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 W W W . K I N D - C O . C O M Alcoa gets 17-year power deal for Washington smelter Competence in Tool Steel Traditional tool steels and innovative developments From steel melting to ready to use tooling From design to project integration Experience for more than 100 years Kind & Co., Edelstahlwerk, KG Bielsteiner Straße 128 – 130 D-51674 Wiehl Telefon +49 (0) 22 62 / 84-0 Telefax +49 (0) 22 62 / 84-175 info@kind-co.de CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E began operations on 11 June 2008 and is yet another major milestone for the state-of-the-art facility located at Sohar Industrial Estate. In December 2008, all 360 cells should be fully operational. Of its annual 350,000 tonnes, the company will export some 140,000 tonnes from Sohar Industrial Port. The remaining 210,000 tonnes will be sold to local companies that have created a new downstream alumin- ium industry. Sohar Aluminium has already commitments for 68,000 tpy from two downstream partners – SAG and Oman Aluminum Processing Industries Ltd. There is also an MoU with another local company, Future Cables, to purchase 30,000 tpy. All three companies will fabricate products from Sohar’s liquid metal, including electrical rods, cables and conductors. N AOS Bauxite and alumina activities Metallica Minerals doubles bauxite resource at Pisolite Hills Metallica Minerals Ltd subsidiary Cape Alumina has doubled its estimated resource at Pisolite Hills project to 100m tonnes of in situ bauxite on the Weipa bauxite plateau of western Cape York, Queensland. A valuable aspect of the new resource estimate is the even better average beneficiated grade, which improved to 53.5% total Al2O3, and the lower average low temperature reactive silic at 7.4%. Pisolite Hills bauxite is suited for blending feed to low temperature Bayer process refineries in China. CBA starts operations at Miraí bauxite project Brazil’s aluminium producer Companhia Brasileira do Aluminio (CBA) has started operations at its Miraí bauxite project in southeast Brazil’s Minas Gerais state. All of the equipment has been tested and it’s all going well. It was said that the plant would enter a rate of normal production in the 124 second half of July. Construction was delayed by strong demand, not only in Brazil, but also around the world, for equipment, labour and metallic structures to set up mining projects. As a result, the Miraí project was delayed by about 5 months. Miraí required a USD150m investment, and all of its output will be sent to CBA’s aluminium facility in São Paulo state. After four construction phases of 1.25m tpy each the plant will be able to process and treat up to 5m tpy of bauxite. CBA is aiming for primary aluminium production of around 570,000 tpy by 2009, which would be equivalent to an increase of over 20% in capacity compared with 2007. The company produces 1.2m tpy of bauxite from its Poços de Caldas operation and 1.5m tpy from its Itamarati de Minas site, both located in Minas Gerais state. The aluminium producer also has plans to develop another bauxite deposit, Barro Alto, located in Brazil’s Goiás state, and aims to clarify the project’s details by the end of this year. Barro Altohas reserves of 20m tonnes of bauxite. CBA, part of Brazilian conglomerate Votorantim, has no plans to sell bauxite from its projects to third parties. Vedanta awaits go-ahead for 3.6m tpy alumina expansion Vedanta Aluminium is waiting for official approval to go ahead and expand its Lanjigarh alumina refinery in Orissa, India, to 5m tpy, from 1.4m. The brownfield expansion will need secure bauxite sources, but Vedanta requires Supreme Court permission to start mining at its allocation in the Niyamgiri hills, close to the refinery. The refinery itself also requires environmental clearance from the government. Vedanta is asking permission to mine at the Niyamgiri hills via Indian-listed subsidiary Sterlite Industries, after the Supreme Court earlier turned down Vedanta on the grounds that environmental breaches by an overseas-listed company would be more difficult to pursue. Access to the Niyamgiri mines is crucial for the expansion. The Lanjigarh refinery is running at only half its capacity because of bauxite supply problems. It buys bauxite from Balco’s mines in the neighbouring state of Chhattisgarh, but the quantity is insufficient. Also, the Lanjigarh plant was originally designed to refine bauxite from Orissa, and cannot adequately refine Balco’s ore. Consequently Balco has not been able to produce LME grade aluminium at its smelters in Korba because of the low purity of alumina supplied from Lanjigarh. Chalco’s 700,000 tpy alumina project approved Aluminium Corp. of China (Chalco) has obtained National Development and Reform Commission approval for a 700,000 tpy alumina project at its Zhongzhou Branch. The project will raise Zhongzhou Branch’s alumina capacity to around 3m tpy, from 2.1m tpy. The 700,000 tpy is only nominal design capacity: real production could reach about 1m tpy. Construction will take ten months and will start as soon as Chalco approves it. Chalco’s Zhongzhou Branch based in ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E Jiaozuo city in central China’s Henan province is a major alumina producer with 2m tonnes in 2007. Guinea government removes Alcoa from CBG operations The government of Guinea said that an interim management committee will take over the operations of Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinee SA (CBG) from Pittsburgh-based Alcoa Inc. The committee would run CBG until March 2009, Reuters reported. The management agreement with Alcoa had not met the government’s expectations. CBG, the world largest bauxite exporter, is owned 49% by the Guinea government and 51% by Halco (Mining) Inc. Halco is a holding company in which Rio Tinto Alcan has a 43% stake and Alcoa World Alumina and Chemical, a joint venture between Alcoa and Alumina Ltd, Victoria, Australia, holds 45%. CBG aims to produce a record 13.5m tonnes of bauxite in 2008, up from 12.5m tonnes in 2007, when strikes and political unrest hurt output. 8 Costs up for Alcoa’s Brazil bauxite and alumina projects Costs at Alcoa’s Alumar alumina refinery expansion and Juruti bauxite project in Brazil have grown as much as 67% since January, said joint venture partner Alumina Ltd. Alcoa and Alumina own 60:40 of Alcoa World Alumina & Chemicals (AWAC), which expects to make first shipment from its Juruti bauxite project in the third quarter of 2009. Project costs have risen to USD2bn for AWAC due to increased costs in infrastructure, construction and labour, a rising Brazilian Real and a delayed construction schedule from unseasonal wet weather and low contractor productivity. The Juruti mine is expected to supply initially 2.6m tpy of bauxite towards the expanded capacity at the Alumar alumina refinery. AWAC owns 54% of the Alumar refinery, which is due to add 2.1m tpy of capacity to reach 3.5m tpy by mid-2009. Costs for the refinery’s expansion have risen 25%, taking AWAC’s share to USD1.62bn. The statement also said the company has committed undrawn debt facilities of some USD400m, and will review during the second half of 2008 the most appropriate way to fund its share of this increased capital expenditure. Yunnan Aluminium to raise 1bn Yuan in bond sale Yunnan Aluminium Co., China’s fourth-largest producer of the light metal, plans to sell 1.06bn yuan (USD155m) of bonds to fund a new plant and to repay bank loans. The bonds are for six years. China’s National Development and Reform Commission approved an application by the metal producer to build an 800,000 tpy alumina plant in Wenshan, Yunnan. The project will start © ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 - . ! " "# $ %!"# & ' ! ! & * ! - #". / "898'8 R "=II? NN/<I LQRWKHUP $ ; #<;=>?@9 /F<GHIJ=;KKG?NGG#I /OF<GHIJ=;KKG?NGG#K Q # !!! # CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E China and Japan in Vietnam’s USD460m alumina deal Vinacomin, Vietnam’s largest coal producer, has signed a contract with a Chinese company to build a USD460m alumina plant in the Central Highlands. Vinacomin signed an Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) deal with China Aluminium International Engineering Co. (Chalieco) in mid-July. Chalieco is the engineering arm of Aluminium Corp. of China Ltd (Chalco), China’s largest nonferrous metal company and would build the plant within two years. The alumina plant, projected to turn out 600,000 tpy of alumina, is part of the bauxite and aluminium complex in the central highland province of Lam Dong, 300 kilometres (190 miles) northeast of Ho Chi Minh City. Vietnam began building its first bauxite and alumina complex, the USD490m Tan Rai plant in 2006, but a lack of money and domestic power shortages forced the plant developers to skip aluminium production in the complex. Chalieco has placed an order with Marubeni Corp. under which the Japanese firm would support and provide advice on legal and procurement issues on the project. Vinacomin would start negotiations in the fourth quarter for another EPC contract to build the Nhan Co. alumina plant in the same Lam Dong complex, also to produce 600,000 tpy of alumina. Vietnam’s bauxite ore reserves are estimated at between 5.6bn and 8.3bn tonnes, the world’s third-largest after Guinea and Australia, and mostly unexploited. Vietnam needs to invest about USD15.6bn in major bauxite and alumina refining projects by 2025, to make use of its vast and bauxite ore reserves, most of them in the Central Highlands coffee belt. In May, the government said it would allow Alcoa Inc. to own up to 40% of a major alumina mining and refining project in the central highland province of Dak Nong. 126 Alunorte’s third expansion startup on schedule The start-up of the third expansion at the Alunorte alumina plant in northern Brazil’s Pará state is on schedule. The expansion will take alumina production capacity at Alunorte to 6.3m tpy from 4.4m tpy. The first alumina production from the third expansion is expected in the third quarter of 2008. Hydro has a 34% stake in the Alunorte refinery, while Brazilian miner Vale has a 57% share in the plant. Vale and Hydro signed an MoU in July 2007 to develop a new alumina plant, which will also be located in Pará state. The plant will have an initial capacity of 1.85m tpy, with potential to expand up to 7.4m tpy, the companies said at that time. Hydro will have a 20% share in the new refinery. Mytilineos signs 10-year alumina supply deal with Glencore Greek aluminium producer, Aluminium SA, a subsidiary of Mytilineos Group, has signed a deal worth USD2bn to sell Glencore more than 5m tonnes of alumina over a ten-year period. The alumina will be exported to Europe, Africa and Asia, which will add significant value to Greek bauxite. N Recycling and secondary smelting Hydro production in 2013. Yunnan Aluminium will also build a 1.8m tpy bauxite mine in Wenshan and a power plant for the project. Battling Brock seeks expansion abroad Brock Metals is seeking to further expand its sales abroad to counter the manufacturing downturn in the UK, with an increased focus on special high grade zinc alloys. As a small participant in an increasingly consolidated global market, zinc and aluminium alloys producer Brock faces challenges from the downturn in the automotive industry, one of the company’s largest customers. Brock produces around 2,500 tpm of zinc alloy and 1,000 tpm of aluminium alloys for the diecasting industry, employing around 60 people at the company’s plant near Birmingham, one of the traditional industrial heartlands of Britain. Brock’s exports have increased steadily to 65% of its production, and will move towards at least 80 to 90% within the next two to three years. This is inevitable, given that the UK market for zinc diecasting alloys has now dropped to around 8,000 to 10,000 tonnes, compared with around 30,000 to 35,000 tonnes a few years ago. Rising energy and transportation costs, unfavourable exchange rates, stricter health and safety regulation and environmental legislative pressures are hurting British manufacturing the most. Brock’s management is pleased with the relationship it has built with CZP since the Russian company acquired it from Alumasc Group. Keane’s appointment as managing director, together with investment from CZP, has injected a new lease of life into the company’s operations, © ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E with several modernisation projects at the plant completed or underway. Cost explosion jeopardises German secondary aluminium industry Rising costs are jeopardising the secondary aluminium industry, according to VAR, the association of the aluminium recycling industry in Germany. The cost of recycling aluminium has increased by 40 to 50% since last year, but further rises are expected. Rising energy costs are of particular concern: the oil price has risen by 98% in the past twelve months, and the price of gas and electricity is expected to increase again in the Autumn. The market will pay €1,800 per tonne for 226 alloy but its production costs some producers €1,900 because of the higher price of scrap and energy. That’s a loss of €100 per tonne. Market participants argued they have little option but to pay the higher energy prices as all suppliers have increased their charges, and existing contracts are subject to price increases. Energy is not the only cost that is increasing for aluminium recyclers: it is silicon too, and silicon is quite important. The prices of silicon and magnesium, both of which are used to make aluminium alloy, have increased by 60% and 132% respectively in the past six months. Aluminium recyclers were finding the squeeze on margins increasingly difficult and now wonder how they can pass on these increased costs. Commissioning of HPI remelting plant at Neuman Aluminium The first complete remelting plant of the HPI (High Performance Industrietechnik GmbH) company has started successfully at Neuman Aluminium in Marktl, Austria. This remelting plant recycles as much as possible of the in-house aluminium scrap to make extrusion billets for internal use in Neuman’s extrusion and forging de- partments. The new remelting plant has a capacity of 10,000 tpy in the first phase. Alcoa selects top 10 aluminium scrap suppliers Alcoa Materials Management listed ten recyclers as its top aluminium scrap suppliers, based on quality, volume, performance and related standards. The citations went to American Iron & Metal, Montreal; David J. Joseph, Cincinnati; Metal Conversion, Mansfield; Newco Metals, Pendleton; OmniSource, Fort Wayne; Service Aluminum, Ellicott City; Shapiro Sales, St. Louis; Smelter Service, Mount Pleasant; State Metal Industries, Camden; Weiner Iron & Metal, Pottsville. Alcoa Materials Management buys scrap for extrusions, foil, mill products and primary smelting. Criteria for selecting candidates include: scrap volume; scrap value/savings to Alcoa; quality; proximity to Alcoa plants; dealer growth and im- © aus: ellen Wir st IUM 2008 IN ALUM Essen, in 2008, 5. 09. C 08 2 – . 3 2 d 6 Stan Halle "')-#+1)%-0%-&0%)1 -)-)-','#)$)+)3-)-)- .+#-&)-#-&%-0%)- ,.+#)+,#&.+#-'( %-#+0,)-)0,)-&03$#&- #'(#%,.--0%(#)+#$+ #3&0,'0-#%%#)-'0-#% %#)-,#%()-%().&3)(( +#)+)#3/0).,- "')-#+"*% #-#,-' %)-%,,))-)-#-&.+#- ,#)--#-%#++##)-)-'.#)- .--+#-&.+#-,#-#,- !)&4),#-3 - #2 #)+)-'#+%0%,$(& #+%0%,$(& CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E including some outlays already made, for environmental countermeasures in East Sparta. The smelter residue, known as salt cake, creates heat and bad odours when it comes in contact with underground liquids. The potential also exists for health problems if certain substances are produced by the chemical reactions and get into the air. That issue seems to have been laid to rest by recent tests. Measurements by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency showed no significant emissions of the most worrisome possibilities: benzene, pxylene and toluene. proving scrap product; number of Alcoa plants supplied; timely delivery; dealer safety programme; environmental compliance; and ISO 9000. Aluminium alloy producer SNR cuts 45 jobs French aluminium alloy producer Société Nationale de Révalorisation (SNR) has made 45 employees redundant, brushing aside rumours that it will shut. SNR has two plants in France, which have total capacity of 40,000 tpy of aluminium alloy: 25,000 tpy at Premery and 15,000 tpy at St Arnoult. The manager dismissed talk in the secondary aluminium market that the plants are under threat. They will remain open and in production, he says, though he would not give current production or other details. Republic has promised to pay for gas extraction wells and monthly flights over the landfill to obtain thermal images of heat patterns. Underground temperatures at the landfill were measured as high as 195°F (90°C) last year. Republic has told shareholders it is trying to obtain reimbursement for some of the East Sparta costs from unidentified third parties, presumably whichever smelters sent the salt cake. Republic recently became a key player in the garbage industry’s consolidation, seeking to buy one of its competitors while trying to prevent its own takeover by another. N Aluminium semis Richards & Jerrom, the UK-based aluminium ingot producer, is due to bring a new furnace online in August. This is a sloping hearth furnace with a holding chamber and an afterburner, which can melt 100 tonnes of scrapped vehicle engines per day. Over 20 tpd of aluminium will be acquired. The new furnace will replace the current one to comply with all nvironmental requirements. Richards & Jerrom may be able to increase the furnace’s capacity in the future. The company is independently run by the founding directors, brothers Michael and Peter Richards. Hydro Richards & Jerrom builds new 100 tpd furnace EUROPE Norsk Hydro to cut workforce at Raufoss Norsk Hydro ASA is to reduce the size of its workforce at the Raufoss car parts plant in central Norway, after orders fell by 15% in the second half of the year from the first. Secondary smelter waste is proving costly for hauler Alcan Packaging to invest in packaging plant in Czech Republic Republic Services Inc. has set aside another USD34m pretax for landfill difficulties in East Sparta, Ohio, caused by chemical reactions with 600,000 tonnes of waste from secondary aluminium smelters. It is the third such charge taken by the Fort Lauderdale, Florida-based garbage collector since the start of 2007. Republic has now earmarked a total of USD79.3m, Alcan Packaging, a division of Rio Tinto Alcan, will invest €17m (USD27m) in the Central European packaging market. Alcan Packaging will build a flexible packaging facility in the Novy Bydzov area, in the Czech Republic, to supply the developing food market. The new plant will focus primarily on the production and printing of high quality rotogravure flexible packag- 128 ing. It should start up operation in the fourth quarter of 2009 and employ 100 people in the first phase. AMERICA BMW taps Novelis to provide aluminium sheet for new SUV Germany’s BMW AG has picked Novelis Inc. to supply aluminium sheet for hoods on the automaker’s new X6 crossover sport utility vehicle (SUV). The Atlanta-based aluminium producer boasts of supplying aluminium sheet for a range of BMW models in the United States and Europe, including the 3 Series, 5 Series and 7 Series, in addition to the X5 and Z4. The X6 is yet another landmark vehicle from BMW; Novelis was chosen to supply its advanced aluminium sheet for the vehicle’s hood. Aluminium for vehicles manufactured in the U. S. ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E On the move Romanian aluminium producer Alro has appointed Zvi Eldar as head of sales. Kaiser Aluminum Corp. has appointed Melinda C. Ellsworth to the position of Vice President and treasurer. She replaces Dan Rinkenberger, who was appointed Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer earlier this year. UC Rusal has appointed of Sergey Borovik as the CEO of Armenal, Armenia. Mr. Borovik was previously the Managing Director of the UC Rusal Ural Foil Mill. Georgy Avetikyan, who was previously the CEO of Armenal, has been appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors at the plant. Jack Miller, President of Sapa North America Extrusions has been elected to the Board of Directors of The Aluminum Association. Professor Vittorio de Nora passed away. He was 96 years old. comes from Novelis plants in Oswego, New York, and Kingston, Ontario. Alcoa looking to fly higher with aerospace and energy Alcoa’s downstream group will continue to move away from automotive investments and into more profitable sectors, such as aerospace and energy exploration. Over the past two years Alcoa’s Engineered Products and Solutions Group, had abandoned USD300m worth of non-strategic positions, most of which were in the automotive segment. Alcoa bought into in aerospace expansions in investment casting and in fasteners, which in part has allowed to move the portfolio from being 40% automotive sales in 2003 to 20% by the end of 2008. Aerospace now represents 35% of the Engineered Products and Solutions Group’s portfolio. Despite concerns about temporary softness, Alcoa is still looking to grow its aerospace segment. Both Boeing and Airbus say they will increase single-aisle production as well as ramp up the dual aisle 787 and A380. Another market that the company is ‘excited’ about is the energy sector, where Alcoa supplies industrial gas turbines and equipment for oil and gas exploration, among other products. Alcoa also is starting to see increased activity in the United States. Power generated by natural gas in the U.S. increased 20% from 2008 over 2007 and 66% over 2006. The company also is investing on the exploration side of gas and oil. JW Aluminum finishes upgrade JW Aluminum Co., Mount Holly, South Carolina, has completed a USD10m upgrade programme at its manufacturing plant in Jackson, Tennessee. The project begun shortly after JW Aluminum bought the facility in May 2007 from Rollex Aluminum LLC and improved nearly every area of the plant, including investments © advanced engineering in light metal casting Wir gießen Innovation Die ae group ist ein erfolgreicher Zulieferer von montagefertigen Aluminium-Druckgussteilen und Komponenten, vor allem für die Automobilindustrie und deren Systemlieferanten sowie für die Luftfahrtindustrie. Von unseren Kunden sind wir auch als Entwicklungspartner anerkannt. An sieben Standorten in Deutschland, Polen und den USA liefern rund 1600 Mitarbeiter wirtschaftliche und fertigungssichere Lösungen. Qualifiziertes Projekt- und Prozessmanagement schafft zufriedene Kunden. Forschung und Entwicklung legen die Grundlage für innovative Produkte. Motivierte und qualifizierte Mitarbeiter schaffen die Basis für stetiges Wachstum. [ ae light metal casting gmbh & co kg | Am Kreuzweg, D - 99834 Gerstungen Tel.: +49(0)3 69 22 - 35 - 0 , Fax: +49(0)3 69 22 - 35 - 1 44 | www.ae-group.de ] ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 Aluminium in Essen 23.-25.09.2008 Halle 2 | Stand B42 129 CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E in melting, casting, rolling, finishing and painting. The company said the plant has already shipped the first direct current (DC)-based lithographic sheet, and is producing high-quality coated products. In addition, Jackson has produced fin stock and automotive sheet, and has made internal reroll for high-quality DC converter foil over the past few months. representatives with any questions about existing orders. Aleris will close permanently its rolling mill facility at Cap-de-laMadeleine in Quebec, following an orderly shut down of all remaining activities at the facility. Aleris closes Cap-de-la-Madeleine facility Hydro’s Extrusion Americas unit recently expanded production capabilities and capacity at its facility in Guaymas, Mexico. Two new CNC lathes and a cutoff machine allow the plant to produce custom-fabricated parts for industries such as automotive and alternative power generation. The CNC lathes from HAAS Automation are fully programmable. Each has a maximum turning capacity of 10.3 x 20 inches (262 x 508 mm) and bar capacity of up to 2 inches (51 mm) so they are flexible and can be adjusted to run almost any size product. The cutoff machine performs cut- Aleris Light Gauge Products, a business unit of Aleris International, has declared force majeure and ceased operations at its Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec aluminium rolling mill facility. Operations there ceased on 2 July with the lockout of the unionised production workforce, which had been working without a contract since the previous collective bargaining agreement expired on 1 February. Customers are encouraged to contact their normal sales and customer service Suppliers ABB wins USD113 million smelter order in India ABB has won orders worth USD113m from Vedanta Aluminum Ltd to provide automation and power products, systems and solutions for a greenfield expansion of an aluminium smelter plant in Jharsuguda, in the eastern state of Orissa, India. ABB will supply 24 sets of high-power diode rectifier systems for four aluminium potlines. “ABB automation and electrical systems will become the manufacturing backbone of this smelter plant”, said Tom Sjoekvist, head of ABB’s Automation Products division. The expansion will double the smelter’s production capacity of aluminium ingots, rods and rolled products. ABB’s scope of supply also includes a new 400/220 kV switchyard, a highperformance process control system with fibre optic current sensors as well as an MicroSCADA control system for the power distribution network, substation switching bays, power and station transformers. 130 More custom fabrication, growth potential at Guaymas plant ABB has already supplied rectifier systems for phase one of the Jharsuguda plant expansion in 2007/08. When phase two will be complete in 2009, Vedanta’s total smelting capacity will be approx. 1,7m tpy, making it one of the largest integrated aluminium producers in the world. GE gets USD500m equipment deal for Abu Dhabi smelter General Electric Co., Fairfield, Connecticut, has signed a USD500m contract to supply equipment to power a new Emirates Aluminium (Emal) processing complex under construction in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The smelter, being built at Al Taweelah, Abu Dhabi, will use natural gas as its primary fuel. GE Energy will provide Frame 9FA gas turbines, C7 steam turbines, heat-recovery steam generators and condensers. The power plant will have a capacity of more than 2,000 MW of electricity. The facility is being built in two phases. The initial 700,000- tpy phase, begun in early 2007, is scheduled to-length and chamfering operations simultaneously. It has increased Hydro’s output from 150 to 600 pieces per hour for an automobile engine mount used by one of the Big Three Detroit automakers. The machines are also being used to fabricate parts for solar collection systems used at commercial power-generation facilities. The Guaymas plant is located 385 miles south of Phoenix, where Hydro operates an aluminium extrusion and drawn-tube manufacturing facility that provides raw material for Guaymas as well as serving a diverse customer base throughout the West. The Guaymas facility covers 90,000 square feet and employs 228 employees in three shifts. MIDDLE EAST New Oman cable producer to sign off-take deal with Sohar Oman Aluminium Processing LLC (Oapil), a newly established joint ven- for completion in 2010; the second phase will lift the smelter’s capacity to 1.4m tpy. Emal is a joint venture between Dubal and Mubadala Development Co. PJSC, the investment vehicle of the government of Abu Dhabi. Vimetco completes upgrade of Alro cold rolling mill Vimetco NV, has announced the commissioning of Alro’s cold rolling mill in Slatina, Romania, following a USD4.8m investment to modernize the unit. The enhancements, which were implemented together with Fata Hunter, will double the mill’s processing capacity to 36,000 tpy and also improve the quality of flat rolled products such as sheets and coils. The mill has been running at full capacity since the end of April. Gheorghe Dobra, General Manager of Alro SA, said: “The revamping of the cold rolling mill marks an important step in increasing the capacity of our flat rolled products operations in Slatina. We look forward to seeing the positive results of the upgrades in due course.” ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 CO M PA N Y N E W S W O R L D W I D E ture, signed an agreement covering the purchase of hot metal as feedstock from the new Sohar Aluminium (Sohal) smelter. The 350,000 tpy smelter which has just come on stream is a joint venture between Oman Oil, the Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority and Rio Tinto Alcan. It is the centrepiece of a strategy to develop a significant aluminium processing hub in the Persian Gulf country. The smelter has committed to supply up to 60% of its production to local manufacturers. It is 51% owned by Oman Cables Industry and 49% by Takamul Investment Co., an offshoot of Oman Oil. The aluminium supply deal will run for 10 years and will cover the needs of Oapil, which plans to develop a 48,000 tpy rod mill. USD100m aluminium rod facility to be built in Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Basic Industries Corp. (Adbic) and Midal Cables Ltd, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of aluminium rod and conductors, have signed an MoU aimed at the joint establishment of an aluminium rod plant in Taweelah, Abu Dhabi, with combined investment of approx. USD100m. The MoU was signed early in July. Using state of the art equipment imported from Europe and the US, the plant will manufacture 150,000 tpy of aluminium rod that will be converted locally into other value-added products or supplied as feedstock to other downstream industries, with the balance to be exported. Molten aluminium metal for the project will be sourced from the new 700,000 tpy Emirates Aluminium (Emal) smelter currently under construction at Taweelah in Abu Dhabi. The plant will be ready to receive the first batch of molten metal from the Emal smelter and commence commercial production in 2010. Adbic is an industrial development and investment company created to facilitate the expansion of sustainable industrial activity in Abu Dhabi through the development of industrial clusters, the first such model in the UAE. Midal Cables, which has over 30 years’ experience in this field, will provide the technology and expertise for the project as well as investment capital. N The Author The author, Dipl.-Ing. R. P. Pawlek is founder of TS+C, Technical Info Services and Consulting, Sierre (Switzerland), a new service for the primary aluminium industry. He is also the publisher of the standard works Alumina Refineries and Producers of the World and Primary Aluminium Smelters and Producers of the World. These reference works are continually updated, and contain useful technical and economic information on all alumina refineries and primary aluminium smelters of the world. They are available as loose-leaf files and/or CD-roms from the Aluminium-Verlag, Marketing & Kommunikation GmbH in Düsseldorf as well as by online ordering via www.aluweb.de (Alu-Bookshop) from Giesel Verlag GmbH. Industrieofen + Stranggieß - Technik GmbH Bachstr. 51 D-46149 Oberhausen / Germany + 49 (0) 208 62914-0 www.ist-engineering.de Competence and Experience in Modern Furnace Technology I S T - Your Competent Partner Engineering, Supervision, and Turn-key Projects for Melting / Casting Furnaces and DC Casting Machines Visit us: ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen, hall 6 A46 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 131 RESEARCH How to obtain quality profile surfaces Die design solutions to avoid weld streaks P. A. Bevilacqua Fazzini, St. Bellotti, M. Rompato; Italy As everyone knows, this is the age of light metals and nowadays extruded aluminium sections are used in many different fields (e. g. automotive, architecture and components). Consequently, the quality standards demanded are continually becoming stricter. The customer’s demand for ‘perfect sections’ compel extrusion die makers to analyze process defects and look for design solutions that minimize imperfections. Good extrusion product quality is based on the satisfaction of five basic requirements: 1. good surface finish 2. good transverse and longitudinal weld seams (the latter only in hollow shapes) 3. conformity with the specified mechanical properties 4. conformity with the specified section dimensional tolerances 5. product integrity. If even one of these requirements is missed, the extrusion is considered out of specification and rejected. Many variables affect the extrusion process and it is therefore difficult to establish the causes of a production defect. Furthermore, some parameters are interdependent and if one is changed, others too will change and in turn still others will be affected. In practice a ‘domino effect’ takes place, making it difficult to determine the relation between cause and effect, because the same imperfection can be produced by from different combinations of variables. In the present case study the focus is on the surface damage associated with the longitudinal weld seams produced when hollow shapes are 132 Fig. 1: A clear central streak, illustrating a typical fault in an extruded section formed. The streaks (Fig. 1) that appear on sections after post-extrusion processes (cooling and anodizing) are the problem. These imperfections are caused by metallurgical phenomena that arise at longitudinal weld seams. During extrusion the aluminium phase is always solid (superplastic condition) and union between the aluminium flows is assured by a solid welding mechanism. To obtain a good joint the mean stress must reach values such that the grains come closer together than 2 to 3 nm; this distance in fact permits electrons from adjacent atoms to be shared, and a good metal-to-metal weld bond is therefore formed. Many parameters influence this mechanism: the material (alloy composition, temperature, flow stress, strain and strain rate), welding chamber geometry and dimensions, hydrostatic pressure and contact time of the flows, etc. Obviously, solid welding is accompanied by many phenomena, such as change of grain orientation and dimensions, formation of micro cracks, Mg2Si precipitation zones and β-AlFeSi accumulation points which create regions with different metallurgical composition (Fig. 2). The surface streaks appear because these areas react to post-extrusion processes in a different way. Many people have studied longitudinal welding paying attention only or predominantly to the mechanical characteristics, while underestimating the aesthetic problem. In reality the two are directly connected, because metallurgical homogenization guarantees good mechanical Compes This report is the summary of a survey by Compes s.p.a. R&D office in collaboration with Pandolfo Alluminio. The aim of this study was to develop die design solutions for the production of extruded sections without longitudinal weld streaks. Fig. 2: Under the microscope areas of different metallurgical composition are clearly visible properties and a perfect surface. The literature mentions various ‘weld criteria’ (e. g. Donati-Tomesani {1}, Akeret {2}, Piwnik-Plata {3}, Burqui-Huber {4}, Maier {5}, Jo-Lee-Kim {6}) that should ensure good longitudinal welding if they are satisfied. All these rules are correct, but too complex to be used in everyday die design, because they are based on production process data (for example aluminium flow stress or pressure on the die surface). However, a single parameter recurs in every criterion: the mean stress on the aluminium in the welding chamber. Thus, it can be said that if the hydrostatic pressure in the welding chamber increases, the weld quality is better and the profile streaks disappear. The aim of the present research was to verify this proposition and find design solutions that ensure a hydrostatic pressure increase, therefore leading to sections without streaks. Research plan The first step was to identify a die project in which the extrusions were affected by longitudinal welding streaks. Pandolfo Alluminio supplied a continuous façade section (Fig. 3) affected by this problem and experimental data about two different die designs (one called ‘Original’ and the other called the ‘Remake’, in which the welding chamber height is increased by 10 mm). © ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 www. alu-bookshop.de EINSCHLÄGIGE FACHLITERATUR AUSSCHLIESSLICH RUND UM NE-METALLE ALLES AUS EINER HAND SUCHEN, FINDEN, BESTELLEN Giesel Verlag GmbH Postfach 120158 D-30907 Isernhagen Tel. +49 511 7304-122 Fax +49 511 7304-157 www.giesel.de · vertrieb@giesel.de RESEARCH Fig. 3: Continuous façade section chosen for the study Fig. 4: On the left, the longitudinal weld streak on the ‘Original’ section is clear; on the right, the line on the ‘Remake’ section is less visible, but still present On the basis of the ‘Original’ project a number of new die designs were developed: • ‘Pear web’ (the central web was designed as ‘pear’ shaped) • ‘Blade web’ (the central web was designed as ‘blade’ shaped) • ‘New chamber’ (the welding chamber profile was modified) • ‘Convergent’ (ports and welding chamber form a convergent pipe) • ‘High chamber’ (the welding chamber height was increased Process parameters Billet temperature 450°C Equipment temperature 450°C Main ram velocity 9.72 mm/s Material equipment H13 Tab. 1: Process parameters used for simulations by 20 mm) • ‘Divergent’ (ports and welding chamber form a divergent pipe) • ‘Eight webs’ (the central web was replaced by two webs). All these geometries were tested with FEM simulation software (Tab. 1) to understand the project behaviour and to measure the mean stress in the welding chamber. The hydrostatic pressure value is calculated as the average of point measurements (considering one point every 5 mm in each direction). The standard deviation is used to estimate the pressure distribution in the welding chamber: it is uniform, if the variable tends towards zero. Results At first sight (Tab. 2) it is clear that only three versions show an Die version Mean stress increase in welding chamber Standard mean stress, while all the othMPa Δ% deviation ers produce the opposite effect. Original 220.51 16.20 The ‘Remake’ version results in a Remake 221.76 +0.6 15.63 slight mean stress increase (0.6%) Pear web 218.77 -0.8 16.48 which is not enough to eliminate Blade web 218.73 -0.8 13.55 the streak. This was demonstratNew chamber 228.81 +3.8 15.51 ed by extrusion tests: on a section Convergent 218.94 -0.7 14.06 extruded with the ‘Original’ die, High chamber 234.00 +6.1 16.89 the weld streak is clear; on one Divergent 216.98 -1.6 14.33 produced with the ‘Remake’ die, Eight webs 213.06 -3.4 16.09 the streak is not so pronounced, but is still present (Fig. 4). Tab. 2: Mean stress simulation results 134 Metallurgical analyses too confirmed this evolution: in the second extrusion there is a lower concentration of precipitation (Fig. 5). The ‘High chamber’ design is the best, in fact increasing the pressure by 6%. Looking at the FEM images (Fig. 6) it can be seen that there is the same colour shade for ‘Original’ and ‘Remake’, but the ‘High chamber’ design produces a more intensely coloured result. The other successful design was the ‘New chamber’, because the pressure is increased substantially (+3.8%) (Fig. 7) and because the distribution is more homogeneous (the standard deviation decreases). From the structural point of view the simulation results show that the maximum stress does not undergo significant changes. As expected, a higher displacement is found in designs where the mandrel anchorage has been modified (‘New chamber’ and ‘Divergent’: the central web is longer; ‘Remake’ and ‘High chamber’: the central web is shorter). The ‘Eight webs’ solution gives no advantage: the data are in line with the other designs. The working die temperature was the same for all the tests. To check the results a new die design (called ‘Verify’) was developed, which is a fusion between the ‘High chamber’ and ‘New chamber’ versions. The FEM results agree with those expected: the mean stress increased by 11% (value: 243.77 MPa, standard deviation: 15.35), the temperature and maximum stress were about equal and the displacement was the highest measured. Unfortunately, experimental data about the last design (‘Verify’) are not yet available at the time of writing. Conclusions In conclusion it can be said that the mean stress in the welding chamber increases if its volume increases. In addition, if the welding chamber volume increases, so also does the contact time between the aluminium flows (another parameter that occurs in various ‘weld criteria’) and this ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 RESEARCH Fig. 5: Under the microscope the ‘Original’ section (on the left) shows more precipitation compared with the ‘Remake’ section (on the right) helps to improve the situation. In other words, to obtain sections without weld streaks the welding chamber must be sufficiently large. The drawback is that the mandrel displacement is then greater, and this may lead to fatigue or die life problems. The other important result is that the ‘Eight webs’ design was useless because the mean stress decreased, producing two lines instead of one on the section surface. In reality, with this die design the aluminium flows change completely, and it is therefore impossible know, by the use of simulations, if the metallurgical phenomena would be different and the lines might disappear. This research raises a new question: what happens if the welding chamber pressure is homogeneous? Is the longitudinal welding better? Or is this parameter not relevant? Bibliography Fig. 6: From left to right the mean stress increases: the blue shade is always more full Fig. 7: In the ‘New chamber’ design (on the right) the colour tone is higher compared with the ‘Original’ (on the left) ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 K. Laue, H. Stenger, ‘Extrusion’, 1981, American society for metals T. Sheppard, ‘Extrusion of aluminium alloys’, 1999, Kluwer Academic Publishers {1} L. Donati, ‘Modellazioni FEM e verifiche sperimentali di processi di estrusione di leghe di alluminio per la determinazione delle caratteristiche meccaniche delle saldature e della qualità superficiale’, 2004, Università politecnica delle Marche {1} L. Donati, L. Tomesani, ‘Simulation of welding conditions in porthole die extrusion’, 2002, Amst conference; published on ‘Advanced manufacturing systems and technology’ (N. 437) {1} L. Donati, L. Tomesani, ‘The prediction of seam welds quality in aluminium extrusion’, 2004, Journal of materials processing technology {1} L. Donati, L. Tomesani, ‘Evaluation of a new finite element method (FEM) criterion for seam welds quality prediction in aluminum extruded profiles’, 2004, Proceedings: eighth international aluminum extrusion technology seminar. (Vol. II), Aluminum Extruders Association {2} R. Akeret, ‘Extrusion welds – quality aspects are now center stage’, 1992, Proceedings: fifth international aluminum extrusion technology seminar. (Vol. I), Aluminum Extruders Association {3} M. Plata, J. Piwnik, ‘Theoretical and experimental analysis of seam weld formation in hot extrusion of aluminium alloys’, 2000, Proceedings: seventh international aluminium extrusion technology seminar. (Vol. I), Aluminum Extruders Association {4} Bourqui, A. Huber, C. Moulin, A. Brunetti, Alcan, M. Plata, Y. Krähenbühl, MTD, ‘Improved weld seam quality using 3d fem simulation in correlation with practice’, 2002, The first EAA extruders division congress {5} B. Meier, „Werkzeuggestaltung und Werkstofffluss“, 1989, in: Journal „Baumyartner“ ed. „Strangpressen“ DGM Informationsgesellschaft {6} H. H. Jo, C. S. Jeong, S. K. Lee, B. M. Kim, ‘Determination of welding pressure in the non-steady-state porthole die extrusion of improved al7003 hollow section tubes’, 2003, Journal of materials processing technology (N. 139) {6} H. H. Jo, S. K. Lee, S. B. Lee, B. M. Kim, ‘Prediction of welding pressure in the non-steady state porthole die extrusion of al7003 tubes’, 2002, International journal of machine tools and manufacture (N. 22) Authors Eng. Pietro Alfredo Bevilacqua Fazzini, Co.m.p.es SpA, Italy Eng. Stefano Bellotti, Co.m.p.es SpA, Italy Eng. Marco Rompato, Pandolfo Alluminio SpA, Italy Compes will be an exhibitor at ALUMINIUM 2008 in Essen. Hall 3, Stand K30 www.compes.com OFFICIAL MEDIA PARTNER 135 V E R A N S TA LT U N G E N AMB – Internationale Ausstellung für Metallbearbeitung 9 to 13 September 2008, Stuttgart, GER AMB, the highly traditional exhibition for the metal working and processing industry, will be held for the first time in 2008 at the new Stuttgart trade fair centre next door to Stuttgart airport with the support of the German Engineering Federation (VDMA) and the Association of German Machine Tool Manufacturers (VDW). Exhibitors from all over the world will present their products and services on an area of 105,200 m2 in nine exhibition halls divided into special sections. The fair is an ideal place to socialize international business relations in the following areas: metal cutting machine tools, physiochemical process machine tools, precision tools, measuring systems, quality assurance, robots, tooling systems, tool handling systems, software and engineering, as well as parts, components and accessories. Further information: Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH Tel: +49 (0)711 18560 0 info@messe-stuttgart.de www.messe-stuttgart.de 11. Aachener Dienstleistungsforum 10. bis 11. September 2008, Aachen Das Forum steht unter dem Motto „Industrielle Dienstleistungen: Differenzierend – Modularisiert – Preiswürdig“ und bietet eine Kombination aus Fachtagung und Fachmesse. In zahlreichen Vorträgen (u. a. Wert- und Preisorientierung interner Dienstleistungen am Beispiel der Instandhaltung; Alunorf GmbH) werden Teilnehmern praxisnahe Informationen zum Thema wettbewerbsfähiger und effizienter Dienstleistungen vermittelt. Darüber hinaus werden dem Publikum im Rahmen einer Messe intelligente Lösungen durch ausstellende Firmen präsentiert. Weitere Infos: Forschungsinstitut für Rationalisierung e. V. an der RWTH Aachen Tel: +49 (0)241 47705 246 dienstleistungsforum@fir.rwthaachen.de www.fir.rwth-aachen.de risierung des Gefüges können Werkstoffe heute nicht maßgeschneidert entwickelt werden. Die Metallographie bzw. die Materialographie, die der ganzen Bandbreite der modernen Werkstoffe gerecht wird, liefert diese Charakterisierung. Konstruktion und Fertigung, Prüfung und Qualitätssicherung, Forschung und Schadensanalyse brauchen dieses Werkzeug, um qualitative und quantitave Aussagen über die Werkstoffeigenschaften zu erhalten. Die Methoden und Geräte entwickeln sich ständig weiter. Die jährliche Metallographie-Tagung mit ihrer umfassenden Ausstellung ist der Schauplatz der Neuerungen und der Treffpunkt der Metallographen, die sich über neueste Erfahrungen austauschen. Weitere Infos: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e. V., Niels Parusel Tel: +49 (0)69 75306 757 metallographie@dgm.de www.dgm.de/metallographie Werkstoffkompetenz in NRW 17. bis 18. September 2008, Rheinbach Die Veranstaltung präsentiert neue Ansätze und realisierte Produkte aus verschiedenen Werkstoffwelten. In den Vorträgen und anhand der gezeigten Exponate wird das Anwendungspotenzial neuer Werkstoffe dargestellt, das Spannungsfeld Werkstoffe und Nachhaltigkeit beleuchtet sowie spezielle Werkstoffe für innovative Produkte vorgestellt. Das Thema Verbundlösungen steht ebenfalls auf dem Plan. Renommierte Firmen wie Bayer Material Science und die SGL Group haben ihre Teilnahme zugesagt. Darüber hinaus sind u. a. vertreten: das Fraunhofer-Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Angewandte Materialforschung IFAM (Bremen), das Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen. Das Programm findet sich unter www.werkstoffkompetenz.de. Weitere Infos: Werkstoffzentrum Rheinbach GmbH Tel: +49 (0)2226 169810 nfrais@werkstoffzentrum.de www.werkstoffkompetenz.de 42. Metallographie-Tagung 11th Intl Conference on Aluminium Alloys 17. bis 19. September 2008, Jena 22 to 26 September 2008, Aachen, GER Ohne eine professionelle Charakte- More than 500 participants are ex- 136 pected to attend the ICAA11 conference. Anyone related to science and research in aluminium and its alloys or applying and developing conventional and/or advanced technologies and applications will be present to discuss most recent results and new developments. The traditionally strong link to the industrial community is established by the Aluminium 2008 fair held in parallel in Essen where new products and technologies will be presented on an industrial scale. The ICAA11 covers both areas – fundamental science and established technologies, also expressed by the excellent keynote presentations from both areas. It offers a unique insight into global development and current focus on aluminium research and technology, including indepth understanding of conventional and advanced aluminium alloys and related processes. Further information: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e. V. Tel: +49 (0)69 75306 747 icaa11@dgm.de www.dgm.de/icaa11 5. BMBF-Forum für Nachhaltigkeit 23. bis 25. September 2008, Berlin Forschung für Nachhaltigkeit ist Innovationstreiber. Ob in der Produktion, bei der Verteilung und Nutzung von Gütern, im Verkehrswesen, bei der Bereitstellung und Verwendung von Energie – überall wird versucht, mit geringeren Umweltbelastungen einen größeren Nutzen für den Menschen zu erwirtschaften. Ziel des 5. BMBF-Forums ist die Stärkung der Zusammenarbeit von Politik, Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft zur Schaffung nachhaltiger Innovationen. Im Fokus stehen Diskussionen über den aktuellen Forschungsstand, über die Zusammenarbeit von Politik, Wirtschaft und Forschungsgemeinden sowie über zukünftige Forschungsprioritäten. In rund 40 Sessions und Workshops beschäftigen sich über 400 Teilnehmer mit Projekten, Ideen und Herangehensweisen und deren Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Weitere Infos: VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Tel: +49 (0)211 6214 665 info@fona.de www.fona.de © ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 ER PARTN IAL MEDIA – Entg t AG Dt. Post 0– H 1341 elt beza hlt OFFIC Expertengespräche D-30 58 · 1201 BWG 907 Isern hage .alun · www web. PVST de – 2008 itung Special mbearbe iniu Alum Prozess denAus kun WG:: BWG is zu nis ndn ungen tänd rstä vers n Lös en che isch zifis ezif spe erzii perz Prop e eader duct rang ea l lead t ket arke ar pro pr Mar ndss its tend te exte for ady ead Ready ts co:: R tco etco met me pr duc Vim ng pro iing ding and man m dem 4 g Gmb Postf H· ach 2008 April 84 · lication Volume and App Research Industry, nal for l Verla l Jour Giese iona Internat Die Chefredaktion ist für Sie da, diskutiert mit Ihnen über die Branche, beantwortet Fragen und hat ein offenes Ohr für Wünsche und Anregungen . . . nik: ormtech 2007" Umf form "Um schau Rück stoffe: undwerk iete mikn Verb Keramik nsfreie Korrosio Ko ik:: echn rflächent 8 08 Obe n 200 nose Farbprog tronik: Elek ffe für Werksto ilsensorik mob Auto Int Wir tsc haf t · on ern ati hn Te c hz ale Fac eit sch rif t ung m wäärrm w he herrw ch e Blec ukhtiv native n aft ern Koend Altter nsc Wis ik · le Schnel s Ap 8 0 2 | 00 8 0 r i l 2 rgang h 5. Ja agen GmbH 07 Isernh lt Verlag | D-309 t bezah Giesel 120158 Entgel ch AG | Postfa | Dt. Post PVST ALU IU MIN CES RO M P ND S A Fe bru PRO DUC EC T T HNO LOG Y Espressobar ickkel Nick Ni l/N l/N hl/ ah tah sta : Edels 20 08 ary Special en is asis Hochof Bas l-B Neuer Nickelurgie e auf Metall Schäum is der ie falzpre trie ustr Inddus Kaiserp litik und reic h eich Klimapo Bauber hl im Edelsta eb.de etall-w www.m 4/ 2008 … und dazu einen Espresso? Cappuccino? Oder etwas Erfrischendes? gen GmbH 7 Isernha t Verlag · t bezahl Giesel h 120158 D-3090 · Entgel Postfac· Dt. Post AG PVST ction: constru Aircraft chines jet ma Water OR INF M AT T • IN IVE ERN ONA AT I INF L • LUE NTI AL als: Materi Matrix Metalposites Com l gy: hn logy Techno Process d ssistedent ment Laser-a placem fiber hlt elt beza 47 • Entg : Preview JEC Giesel Verlag GmbH • tsche n • Deu 2008 12 Postfach 01 58 • Post AG • PVST H 419 hage 07 Isern 309 C and MC s:: SM es: tes osite comp ncede g i n n Adiva enb Ser gang | ung ckl twi ten duk Pro Kunden We & bau eug rkz A t no lmos 01|08 Aus dem BMC mits liim 8 01 | 0 20 08 u uaarryy Fe brru e sMem ..... 2 eiz: Swis h ............................ Schw istisc zeugbau Werk ............. 4 ist optim quium .............. 7. Kollo nft .............. 2008 6 mit Zuku s World ........... .............. Work Solid Diego .............. in San eldorf Düss .............. 300 v 2008 haben 9 Über ‚Excellenc Finale .............. 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Leite und VWn-Fertigu sind unter Handeln zu befähigen t t gesams Element ‘ gute arbei rbeiterisw sen, zeug- s ttrode Dr. D n Rech Re arbeit i htige gen ge zu Mita ion ion‘ ern tiges tige nisat bau ist baus nd her nbau und cher elder i ation lne Miund Praxiswis olg Team T amar wich “, so iter sfeld ent & men keitsf einze itserf ten so man nach chsle Tätiggkeit animieren Arbe ein sehr enden Orga Managem en was Berei zu lt, und end ...... 27 angestrebZiel das Fach den chten ist“, flicht .............. undd as Hänsel, pflich zu für der ‚Lern en der npfli gut gefülsucht dringäften, was benp ebe hias ebend rnehmen das darstellt.durch Nebe Neb N vertr ve ags Matt Maatthi aufve hlagg im Rahm ultur‘ ehBetrieb Arbeitskr den nochin es Kauf nes aussc das Unte Unterneh en-K eines eine rbeiter ng in mit n te In ‚Kaiz Mita indu neue anderem urdaten gilt. rrschhte... 8 .... es für rdss dard Einb .............. .............. ließen und behe tänd ist, „die anda ndunter Konjunkt . 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Diese Tech rupp au weni senK Thys 6 Werkzeugb en. D n Bolze g un wend g für Zeitun eitung & An Bearb geht im und Kaiz räfte arbeit ter Fachkwie Team fizier quali Konzepten -how mit das Know elsweise Ohne n, beispi zu nutze sss schlu ell Anzeigen RK aktu MWE für FOR 2/2008: z 2008 26. Mär inium Seit Toren ltmeister um allwe Fußb alles Bei der dreht sich sind das das ft sie scha Tore, e. Wer er sie: die der Suppder Gegn in Salz e öfter als , wird Welt Rund e kickt Ende die , ins Eckig Ob am aft siegt ter. nsch Beim meis Man wiss. deutsche als unge en sind ist mehr Fußballtor men In rneh von Bau Unte hlagbar. stesche unsc deut h fast der Welt jedoc Stadien alltore aus n n, gefer Fußb viele ion, uktio ukti dukt von hen heuter Prod n wie deutscheAluminium auer o. Hasp tigt aus n Toreb oder deutsche Löhr des per, de Schä s rtstun 1 bei Inhalt 3. Juni aller Art n au vo im B Nr. kstoff der Wer Alum ter meis Welt ■ en ist 35 Jahr 2006 200 e 6| Ausgab gang | 11. Jahr ffe Werksto reie Legie l.3 s Duffe bleif Toren Neue von Coru en rung . ukte Prod 25.000 motive entwag . . . 12 Auto Spor . .... baut r. . . . Audi de nde faktu erfen : Die den werfe manu oupé n . . . . . . 13 n für die umw alien TT-C malie Audi Generatio n Ihnen 0 Normu nach DIN-, au 25.00 biete te zwei Wir truktion Kons - 4 ..... rform bauteile Supe inium 4 pp Alum ..... aft Philiweiter . . Aircr ndiert expa Nord l Artike ahl von Werkzeugb rm. el-No ast alle und he Auswenn fast 100 %ige inie und Stein Form zu r stehe ezu ndichtlVDIundOberfläc itätsr Lage nahe enfre nfreu . . . 15 utet Kund . . . . rem unde Qual . .ISO-, . . unse bede Neue AL 631 GSB n: dri Sie e für n.d hr me alie ist orm Da l-n ine ste ste In le höch t. Das iduel berei gbarkeit, enz. d indiv bauen Effizi elle und Verfü n eit und spezi n und esselichk tigen entwickeln t Strangpr n feier ? Wir Sie benö . . . 24 alien hen.alienSie. in BerliBeste Norm Norm FZS für e für riges diese e Mark 20jäh stark Metav Vorschau zeigt neue . . . . 6 h ... nbac . . . . . Kalte sägen von ..7 Band ng ..... beitu Bear rädern ttierinium Alum stellt Brike . . . . . . . 8 .. er Rößn vor. . . . . e press el – Die Stein alien l Norm Steine technik von Füge ruck ....9 AG n . Fon ninge hwen en-Sc 24 Villing . D-780 +49 7720. ny Germa Essen, ber, ter Eind. . . . . . . . 22. Septem e . Leich 20. – Einzig zeitung” niete ik von . . . 10 Blind Messe ielle niettechn . . . . . “Offiz Stanz . . . . . . . ob : Delta Henr eißen . . . . . . 10 +++ tschw ius. Punk eb. de v Fron von lu-w Spot w.a lu ww +++ zu aus Holz lltor Fußba n ein 35 jahre mten te vor t stam man ch, brach Mark adba : ASP) chen dort hatte Tore hengl (Foto r zuvo den deuts eden, siia Mönc ebau aus. sia t. Jahre ruier Borus gerät er aus Schw konst äftigSp Sport Spiel er von ein paar Torjäg ution im für die zten mit schon Aluminium besch ll en, 1971 Revol eter rlich Torfa allerset Anbi aus kleine dem rt Laum ger gefähSeitdem allen Fußb der sche nach ch mit dem Herbe löste eine Deut t n. erst fast Stadien ware dami ladba sich auf Fall und die ten heng löste Zeit alltor : , view ie Gebu -Fußblberg in e GmbH inium wski, m Profil AP-Inter Alum am Böke thistoinium r Kano g Alum schlu ern ch. Spor Ing. Lotha Sapa hrer Dipl.ladba s erinn äftsfü heng 1971: allfan . . . . .15 Gesch Mönc Fußb 3. April der ..... ldorf und rt.”” wert. Düsse an den Schluss ssia riker hrwe noch vor en Mehr Boru er sich kurz hen n Kund den im seine inium Da fiel g zwiscch und Werdein und der bietet von MöncWerkstoff. gnun ladba en undaus Alum zu Fall Revolution “Sapa Bege plätz von 1:1 all ten . cht heng Tore das Tor kleine leich 2 tigten enaus. Mönc beim Stand im Fußb ss Welt Seite gefer tes Gewi wie en eine tebau des PfostSieg tzung Brem aus Holz lität, leich arkeit mach tgerä nicht , Spannschuern Fortse n ent Spor Stabi re Haltb Aluminium wege mit einem wurTor, aberper Kopf her, sond en Lage equipmnents Da Spiel gewertet ladheld fort h länge stoff mer 1. Die n s das g und üblic Fallrückzie Holzpfost und > hand atic compo Werk Num t sich 9 inium für ierun ausgereiftedie bruch Bremen Mönchengsetzcher ! te Kon> autommachines nts zur ktion oder ng setz ten den u!311 in Gast conds und Alum für bsdi ein morsdie gesam Konfe bis hin zur t RBB tert CNC icklu mical man eleme Torba ein millise > g 3 aus iel. en weil und im econo rrsch erläu Entw > in ht auf Toref!6!â!N eht issmenf kein neuRisik > weldin de, ging most method! rung n Tore behe te“, verst unur schweCo. KG von > the brach keine sten Spielnicht erste tik, zusam te Positive ing & Bolzen JW0Jttv tion ■ctivity bach Logis te Prozessket Uwe der 18inium evtusz konn en, die fasten t produ n AluHBS näch nf! e GmbH trasse , die struk iter weni kt fristig en werd n. Der nd System ankel-S Alumggepresste er und te beim Wpmv inium gesam iebsle > highes jojvn!Jo erpun kunKurz RBB trieb ern auch Vertr Felix-W 1 Dachau Alum mvn Mittl roche stran Schw ie n 511-0 ert trie aufge 0als sond aus RBBbei Den D-8522 Indus in 511-10 filen es Tor wurde abgebger Herb arer, sich[49] (8131) eit bilde nungsgps!uif!B ltech (8131) hen Jahre Phone [49]mpro haltb den Hoff. tätigk Zeich ProProfi der fo.com zwisc übernimmt n Partie miniu häfts er Torjä n 62 te Fax tqbqfs! hbs-in inium chen in ittlero.com Gesc bach ische ische ile ist das als Minu post@ Bran m Glad Alum scheid EntVermbs-inf el und pezif cbm!Ofx en, inzw der 88. RBB sten rund um dens Mittlerwe auf mehr 80 www.h Hand Wall ive n Laum dlich und te in n le. als iposit Jahre Uif!Hmp säge schie nik aus profi rogramm unge Aluminimehr hat die letzten al 2006 alt, brach Leist unter ■ Band der Terti ltige esste Eifel duktp Profile fürachsen. .dee lung vielfä ggeprioium.d er usinium wick im ersten stran 2.500 g deter angew -alum lumin et icklung der Neua das chen w.rbb inuinofil. r.rbb-a mark Been Herauch t. Bran ing Cont www Entw in , der gisch er den uft . umpr esetz hous deroil ionen er en Zustrate pn fortg , der tz the „Vonturm tellig poor der ng hat Misslnen verka auf zeuge und inglkonstrukt Absan in xt/d t marit zweis beiratiotiert ongo Werk g nd rn nof aschi credi Profi sraten profi the der level eitun Ache jojvrichtu Sägem ert sich jetzt ickand ng tz and wach the Bearb bau, bmvn cialstellu ice reich entri mit EntwtrielUmsa ein guten for ased n,risk hinen /bqu Serv akonz und the finan ng. incre uktio Masc xxx the indus und nung eiten r icklu have Prod ktpla rung und Kasto weltw Kreissägemnoder allgem econseine ty and Entw kets von Proje erunhalb ellen ialisi ngs-rtain iorating Margin Steue hat den - und RBB Inner garantiert ler Tech Spez of unce nktur lung, are. Miss fier deter ents. für Band konju weitere Anarbeitu ere sation ined men. en von lopm furth ler Softw rgani einen qualigeh e rema to sond deve schin übernom ce-O Durc t tiefer et insbe omic Servi ab sofor Missler-Sä nd. s und ents have cted e-Pak l, Auto logie iten, gen lopm are expe pressnahm Möbe deveund Kasto Service für und Ausla .de ichke Über iche Band n mögl Branchen chnik die e, but r increasingcurrent as im In- www.kasto wurzierte die Medizinte und e stabl he, sst sämtl für hinen unde er the South umfa aschinen ickelt branc hohe em e, masc motiv die Solar ge aufcom an im long inues. sägem neu entw und ell 7, was lich the cont are exCS4 er spezi Auftragsla . Ledigure 200 en 2007 Hydro, tze Missl aschine isiert Rahm Umsä turn markets year year de diees, von . Im u stabil en die down sägem “The al year for tural guten rican for the ium pric Kreis Peripherie Nivea to bleib struc mk. ngektor allgemeinAme iV results min zurüc exception deren }ÃÌ i sweeping in a strea any d ` high alu ons risiBaus r der icklung en dem ÃÌ}Õ soli ÌiÀi hinte with entw mach resulting comp er ivi }iÃÊ1ÌÜVÕ}ÊÕ and ÕÌi ced häfts s &AX operati iiÊ oun ÌÕ}ÃvB BÌëÀ` iÀ Gesc schaffen die seit einem and changesaluminiumfor furth n ÃV ann iÃ]Êià `ÊLiÌiÊ`iÊ Ê+Õ>Ì iÀÌ]ÊâÕÛ ing Zu the steige dem iÀ° tinu LLDEE Ìâ en ViÊÛ Û>ÌÛ ro TALLD N lined ON essiv ioned now has le, bal META EFON conÊiÀÃÌi `Ê-iÀÛ iV Ê«ÀiÃÜ Mas`ÊiÊ ÀÊ«iÌiâÊÕ ELEF IGME rnehm 4EL 4ELEFO 6. glo r Hyd Ns 4 OENIG iÌÊÛ ÀiLÊÕ Üi~Ì e für und 7ÀÊà Unte Jahr progr KOEN GEN NGE WKOE B À}i RING rua well-positHydro cial musc HRINGE WWK iÊ6iÀÌ âiÃV e from firm preis n WWW WW in 200 ÌÊÎx by th. ,AUC ALL omiÀÊ>`ÊÊ`À DEEsW Õ}]Ê` DE halbe inium der LME sten. 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A cappuccino? Or a cool refreshment? Official newspaper for Offizielle Messezeitungen zur Aluminium Aluminium 2008 Überall dort, wo die Branche ist. Und wo Sie sind: in Ihrem Hotel, am Flughafen, im Shuttlebus, an den Eingängen . . . und natürlich an unserem Stand! Comprehensive Everywhere where the industry is. And where you are: in your hotel, at the airport, in the shuttle bus, at the entrances... and of course at our booth. ......... ch.de | | .tarts www Nr 1 Nr. 1 Jahr 8 | 1. 200 März Expert discussions Stud ng Weldi m ist miniu ce Servi immt s gie übern Kasto Technolo er Missl für RBB Alu l M tiona ydro H xcep AnDe 2007 for year steelllltt t aufge gu VOLLE know-how, focussed expertise In addition: textbooks, technical publications, CDs, loose-leaf collections. 69 28-0 Gebündeltes Fachwissen Come and visit us! Hall 2, D22 CKS HEE mËËCCH /BEEERRm /B EINDRU 9 f!6!â!Nbsdi!311 usz Wpmvnf!JW0Jttv mvnjojvn!Joevt tqbqfs!gps!uif!B Uif!Hmpcbm!Ofx jvnofxt/dpn xxx/bqubmvnjo ed ro on end merg ilHyd te a were ities create Stato, marking Anticipa rican ysts toil to ber 2007 stone anda Anal h Ame and k Nort 1 Octo tal mile o into 3 Wea Dem com inium fundamen ing Hydr Alum form aluminium ions trans posit in 2008 er solid business purebred 4 s Pow with l, a Seal pany, of its three Meta Alco in each Aluminiumucts and s sDeal Indu areas inium Prod Tata 2007, ng and India Alum 5 Boei year and unce Anno Energy. the full dem tries ure For aluminium tonnes, t Vent , on ary Join s prim 3.5 milli from 2006 g Take by New rose percent, by stron 6 Rio Tinto s to Build or ten mainly After a dip sure n a. lter late Mea drive in Chin s in O Sme SALC Hydr of the M IUM !LUMIN ON ON !LU R NV ERE ER OXIIERE %LOX CHTEN "ESCHI CEO t and Presiden ve): Hydro Reiten (abothe d le, Eivin now has ro cial musc “Hyd finan and necessary base asset position.” g et stron mark anothertion in d to post ump pecte with cons ntina exyear, and in Arge nd seven ening. ed th ned weak arou et grow inium price gthe gthen Brazil to grow stren followent is US mark d in alum prices autopecte ket segm in the remain de2008 nts d, for the and 2007, in early curtailme percent. outlook is mixe in Dem cted to her with and for and n The market again lead uctio h Africa et dem the US is expe This, toget expected in r, could . Mark ed. ing proda, Sout Hydro ex-to . motive softening e the outpress US dolla rts and put of 2008 products in weak a in ChinAmerica. ptions ly ouse is with market whilpean mara weak ased impo pean marfor flatis casth cted to rema US Europe l supp of South these disru Euro and motiveh Euro incre in the pe the expe meta perto dem on is Auto for Euro tly et t two ure pects primary first half umption look Mark ucts in ok for ins flat. and Sout to press ct umpt: in cons to be abou outlo marimpa during the prod recover sligh e cons men to ket rema in Asia lower y Be gins. sion 8 overall rolled Com to expected ased modets expected2008, whil expected tricit at least nally , but extru demand The are mark ? Elec et cts a . 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Ann Con to 2007 ances 19 Adv Und außerdem Fachbücher, CD’s, Lose-Blatt-Sammlungen . . . with e nces tanc Adva 20 d reluc tche “swi rs” moto CTS TRA CON R Besuchen Sie uns! Halle 2, D22 12– es Pag Giesel Verlag GmbH Postfach 120158 D-30907 Isernhagen · Germany Tel. +49 511 7304-122 Fax +49 511 7304-157 www.giesel.de · vertrieb@giesel.de . FlyMYP_D BWH EVENTS Wire China 23 to 26 September 2008, Shanghai Given the success of the previous two editions – Wire China 2006 attracted 615 exhibitors, among which 271 were international exhibitors – as well as the era of strong demand in wire and cable and great opportunities along with the fast growing wire and cable industry in East China, the 2008 wire China fair will continue to be an indicator of the latest trend in China’s wire and cable industry. Further information: Messe Düsseldorf Tel: +49 (0)211 4560 466 kehrerf@messe-duesseldorf.de wire@messe-duesseldorf.de 17th Aachen Colloquium ‘Automobile and Engine Technoloy’ 6. bis 8. Oktober 2008, Aachen, GER The Aachen Colloquium has become the largest automotive and engine technology congress in Europe and the increasing number of participants shows the existing interest of the automotive and supplier industry. In 2007, the organizers welcomed 1,800 participants from 25 countries. The congress will provide a wide range of technical presentations addressing current challenges of the vehicle and powertrain industry. Programme related test vehicles, prototypes and aggregates from participating companies and institutions will be presented on the ika test track. The technical exhibition is the second essential part of the Aachen Colloquium. The traditional banquet in historical buildings of Aachen will offer culinary and musical delights. Further information: Tel: +49 (0)241 80 256 00 www.aachener-kolloquium.de Aluminium-2008 / Alumico 8 to 10 October 2008, Moscow, RU The event is dedicated to the entire spectrum of the global aluminium industry and will provide an overview of the production, processing, manufacturing and products. It offers the opportunity to suppliers of raw materials, plant machinery, equipment, semi-finished and finished products and services to present their latest equipment, technologies, and innovations. New products for the aerospace, automo- 138 tive, transportation, construction, packaging, electronics and other enduser industries will also be in focus. For companies with direct interests in the Russian aluminium technology and products market, the exhibition offers a good opportunity to meet real buyers face to face and to promote real business relations. Further information: MVK Intl Exhibition Co. Tel: +7 495 995 0595 info@mvk.ru www.alumico.ru Materialica 14. bis 16. Oktober 2008, München Materialica ist die internationale Fachmesse für Werkstoffanwendungen, Oberflächen und Product Engineering. Innovative technologische Entwicklungen sind entscheidende Faktoren für internationales Wachstum sowie globale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Neue Technologien brauchen zudem den branchen- und prozessübergreifenden Dialog. Nur so entwickeln sich aus neuen Ideen marktreife Innovationen. Das stellen insgesamt sieben Fachkonferenzen vom 14. bis 16. Oktober 2008 auf dem Gelände der Neuen Messe München unter Beweis. Über 100 Experten aus Industrie und Wissenschaft referieren über Leichtbau, Materialund Produktinnovationen, neueste Herstellungs- und Verfahrensweisen, Beschichtungs- und Klebtechniken, Nanotechnologie, Technologietransfer und Einsatzmöglichkeiten sowie über aktuelle Forschungserkenntnisse aus den verschiedensten Bereichen des Product Engineerings. Parallel dazu findet die Materialica 2008 statt, auf der internationale Aussteller ihr Leistungsprogramm präsentieren. Weitere Infos: Neue Messe München Tel.: +49 (0)89 322 991 22 beatrix.hoefer@munichexpo.de www.materialica.de Fortbildung Ermüdungsverhalten metallischer Werkstoffe, 29. Sept. bis 1. Okt. 2008, Siegen DGM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e.V., Tel: +49 (0)69 75306 757, np@dgm.de, www.dgm.de Kleben – Grundlagen, Technologie, Anwendungen, 29. Sept. bis 1. Okt. 2008, Ismaning IFF GmbH, Tel: +49 (0)89 969989 0, seminar@iff-gmbh.de, www.iff-gmbh.de Lager optimieren, 30. Sept. bis 1. Okt. 2008, Regensburg OTTI Ostbayer. Technologie-Transfer-Institut, Tel: +49 (0)941 29688 36, christa.bollinger@otti.de, www.otti.de Zarges Sachkundigen-Seminar für Leitern, Tritte und Fahrgerüste, 7. Oktober 2008, Berlin; 8. Oktober 2008, Gera Zarges GmbH, Tel: +49 (0)881 687 203, www.zarges.de Effektive Arbeitsvorbereitung für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen, 8. bis 9. Oktober 2008, Linz; 18. bis 19. November 2008, Regensburg OTTI Ostbayer. Technologie-Transfer-Institut, Tel: +49 (0)941 29688 36, christa.bollinger@otti.de, www.otti.de Schweißtechnische Problemfälle, 14. bis 15. Oktober 2008, Braunschweig DGM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e.V., Tel: +49 (0)69 75306 757, np@dgm.de, www.dgm.de Europäische Werkstoffnormung, 16. Oktober 2008, Ismaning/M. Beuth Verlag GmbH, Tel: +49 (0)30 2601 2518, info@beuth.de, www.beuth.de/seminare ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 PAT E N T E Patentblatt Juli 2008 Sputtertarget aus einer Al-Legierung und Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung. Kabushiki Kaisha Kobe Seiko Sho, Kobe-shi, Hyogo 651-8585, JP; Kobelco Research Institute, Inc., Kobe-shiHyogo 651-0073, JP. (C23C 14/34, EPA 1932940, EP-AT: 14.11.2007) Verfahren zur Herstellung eines plattierten Al-Ti-Verbundmaterials sowie Verwendung eines derartigen Verbundmaterials. Trierer Walzwerk GmbH, 54295 Trier, DE. (B23K 20/04, PS 102 58 943, AT: 17.12.2002) Verfahren zur Herstellung von Flugzeugstrukturelementen aus Al-Si-MgLegierung. Alcan Rhenalu, Courbevoie, FR. (C22F 1/05, EP 1 143 027, EP-AT: 03.04.2001) Al-Cu-Dünnfilmsputterprozess mit hohem Durchsatz auf einem schmalen Kontakt-Via. International Business Machines Corp., Armonk, N.Y., US; Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba, Kawasaki, Kanagawa, JP; Qimonda AG, 81739 München, DE. (H01L 21/285; C23C 14/18, PS 699 37 317, EP 0954015, EP-AT: 21.04.1999) Nach dem Heißtauchverfahren mit einer Legierung auf Zn-Al-Basis beschichtetes Stahlprodukt mit hervorragender Biegebearbeitbarkeit und Herstellungsverfahren dafür. Nippon Steel Corporation, Tokyo 100-8071, JP. (C23C 2/06, EPA 1930463, EP-AT: 01.09.2005) Nanokohlenstoff/Aluminium-Verbundwerkstoff, Herstellungsverfahren dafür und Plattierungsflüssigkeit zur Verwendung bei dem Verfahren. Nissan Motor Company Ltd, Kanagawa-kuYokohama-shi, Kanagawa 221-0023, JP; Koura, Nobuyuki, JP. (C25D 15/02, EPA 1930481, EP-AT: 16.06.2006) Elektrolysezelle für die Herstellung von Aluminium mit Vorrichtungen zum Verringern des Spannungsabfalls. Alcan International Ltd, MontrealQuebec H3A 3G2, CA. (C25C 3/16, EPA 1927679, EP-AT: 22.11.2006) Elektrolyt zur galvanischen Abscheidung von Aluminium aus aprotischen Lösungsmitteln in einer Galvanisiertrommel. Aluminal Oberflächentechnik GmbH & Co. KG, 56412 Montabaur-Heiligenroth, DE. (C25D 3/44, EPA 1927680, EP-AT: 29.11.2006) Oberflächenbehandlungsverfahren für mit Flussmittel hartgelöteten Aluminium-Wärmetauscher. Nippon Paint Co., Ltd., Osaka, JP; Denso Corp., Kariya, Aichi, JP. (F28F 13/18, PS 60 2005 001 592, EP 1624274, EP-AT: 27.07.2005) ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 Verfahren zum Beschichten von Aluminium- und Magnesium-Druckgusskörpern mit einer kataphoretischen Elektrotauchlackierungsschicht und mit diesem Verfahren hergestellte Aluminium- und Magnesium-Druckgusskörper. Benseler Sachsen GmbH & Co. KG, 09669 Frankenberg, DE. (C25D 11/18, PS 100 25 643, AT: 24.05.2000) Beizverfahren und Beizprodukt für Aluminium. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, 40589 Düsseldorf, DE. (C23G 1/22, OS 10 2004 004 140, AT: 28.01.2004) Glänzende Beschichtungen für Aluminium- oder Stahloberflächen und deren Herstellung. Daimler AG, 70327 Stuttgart, DE. (C23C 30/00, OS 10 2007 004 570, AT: 30.01.2007) Verwendung einer Eisen-Chrom-Aluminium-Legierung mit hoher Lebensdauer und geringen Änderungen im Warmwiderstand. ThyssenKrupp VDM GmbH, 58791 Werdohl, DE. (C22C 38/18, OS 10 2007 005 154, AT: 29.01.2007) Aluminium-Oberflächenbearbeitungsprozess und Aluminium-Verbundwerkstoffmaterial. Jatco Ltd, Fuji, Shizuoka, JP. (C23C 8/36, OS 10 2008 004 883, AT: 17.01.2008) Form aus einer Kupfer-Aluminium-Legierung zum Herstellen von Flaschen. Saint-Gobain Emballage, Courbevoie, FR. (C03B 9/48, PS 698 24 483, EP 0879796, EP-AT: 19.05.1998) Einteiliger Stahl-Aluminium-Ring für eine mittels Wirbelstrom betätigte Reibkupplung. Horton, Inc., Roseville, Minn., US. (F16D 27/112, PS 698 27 237, EP 0960289, EP-AT: 11.02.1998) Zelle für die Aluminium-Herstellung mit drainierfähiger Kathode. Moltech Invent S.A., Luxemburg/Luxembourg, LU. (C25C 3/08, PS 698 37 966, EP 0996773, EP-AT: 07.07.1998) Verfahren zum Reinigen und Wiedereinschmelzen von in feiner Form vorliegenden verunreinigten Leichtmetallen und Leichtmetall-Legierungen. Magontec GmbH, 46240 Bottrop, DE. (C22C 3/00, PS 101 28 335, AT: 12.06.2001) Verfahren zur Herstellung von Blechen oder Blechteilen aus Leichtmetall sowie Kraftfahrzeugbauteil aus Magnesium oder eine Magnesiumlegierung. Volkswagen AG, 38440 Wolfsburg, DE. (B21C 35/03, OS 10 2007 002 322, AT: 16.01.2007) Runde Aluminium-Grillpfanne für HolzKohle-Grill/Gasgrill. Holczinger, Jürgen, 88444 Ummendorf, DE. (A47J 37/07, GM 20 2004 009 404, AT: 14.06.2004) Verfahren zum Leichtmetall-Legierungs-Sintern. Schwäbische Hüttenwerke Automotive GmbH & Co. KG, 73433 Aalen, DE. (C22C 1/04, EP 1 709 209, EP-AT: 26.11.2004) Chromfreie Konversionsbehandlung von Aluminium. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, 40589 Düsseldorf, DE. (C23C 22/78, PS 594 03 473, EP 0700452, EPAT: 17.05.1994) Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Spritzgießen von Leichtmetall. Kabushiki Kaisha Kobe Seiko Sho, Kobe, Hyogo, JP. (B22D 17/30, PS 600 35 147, EP 1046445 (86) EP-AT: 19.04.2000) Chromfreies Verfahren zur No-rinse Behandlung von Aluminium und seinen Legierungen sowie hierfür geeignete wässrige Badlösungen. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, 40589 Düsseldorf, DE. (C23C 22/36, PS 595 02 263, EP 0754251, EP-AT: 31.03.1995) Leichtmetall-Gussteil. DRM Druckguß GmbH, 36179 Bebra, DE. (F16S 5/00, GM 202 20 492, AT: 19.04.2002) © Verfahren zur Herstellung einer inerten Anode zur Herstellung von Aluminium in einer Schmelzflusselektrolysezelle. Aluminium Pechiney, Voreppe, FR. (C25C 3/12, EP 1 601 820, EP-AT: 10.03.2004) Drehtrommelofenwerke zum Aufschmelzen von Aluminium, mit Sortierung und Rückgewinnung von Schlacke. Hitech S.r.l., Nocera Inferiore, IT. (F27D 3/14, PS 603 14 780, EP 1608926, EP-AT: 30.12.2003) Wärmebeständige Magnesium-Gusslegierung. Aisin Seiki K.K., Kariya, Aichi, JP. (C22C 23/02, PS 60 2004 009 260, EP 1526188, EP-AT: 05.08.2004) ALUMINIUM veröffentlicht unter dieser Rubrik regelmäßig einen Überblick über wichtige, den Werkstoff Aluminium betreffende Patente. Die ausführlichen Patentblätter und auch weiterführende Informationen dazu stehen der Redaktion nicht zur Verfügung. Interessenten können diese beziehen oder einsehen bei der Mitteldeutschen Informations-, Patent-, Online-Service GmbH (mipo), Julius-Ebeling-Str. 6, D-06112 Halle an der Saale, Tel. 0345/29398-0 Fax 0345/29398-40, www.mipo.de Die Gesellschaft bietet darüber hinaus weitere „Patent“-Dienstleistungen an. 139 LITERATURSERVICE Verfahren zur Herstellung von Gussteilen aus Leichtmetall-Legierungen mit Kühlung vor dem Pressen. Process Conception Ingenierie S.A., Meudon, FR. (C22F 1/04, EP 1 213 367, EP-AT: 16.11.2001) Magnesium-Legierung mit verbesserter Kombination der mechanischen Eigenschaften und des Korrosionsverhaltens. Acrostak Corp., Winterthur, CH. (C22C 23/06, EPA 1835042, EP-AT: 18.03.2006) Verfahren zur Herstellung von Calciumaluminaten ausgehend von Aluminiumschlacken-Rückständen. Alcan International Ltd., Montreal, Quebec, CA; 31025273 Quebec Inc., Quebec, CA. (C04B 35/44, PS 694 15 033, EP 0720592, EP-AT: 19.09.1994) Zusammensetzung und Verfahren zur Behandlung von Magnesiumlegierungen. Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, FR. (C23C 22/57, EP 1 390 565, EP-AT: 31.05.2002) Deckfolie für eine Blisterpackung. Glaxo Group Ltd, Greenford, Middlesex UB6 ONN, GB; Alcan Technology & Management Ltd., 8212 Neuhausen am Rheinfall, CH. (B32B 15/16, EPA 1928654, EP-AT: 26.09.2006) Verbundprofil mit einem Tragkörper aus Leichtmetallwerkstoff sowie einem Profilband und Verfahren zum Herstellen des Verbundprofils. Alcan Technology & Management AG, Neuhausen am Rheinfall, CH. (B60M 1/30; B21C 23/22, PS 10 2005 004 547, AT: 31.01.2005) Verfahren zur Herstellung eines aus einem Verbundwerkstoff hergestellten Formwerkzeugs. Alcoa Inc., Pittsburgh, PA 15212-5858, US. (B32B 15/08, EPA 1928653, EP-AT: 25.09.2006) Sputtertarget aus einer Al-Ni-La-Legierung und Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung. Kabushiki Kaisha Kobe Seiko Sho, Kobe-shi,Hyogo 651-8585, JP; Kobelco Research Institute , Inc., Kobe-shiHyogo 651-0073, JP. (C23C 14/34, EPA 1923479, EP-AT: 14.11.2007) Aktiviertes Erdalkalimetall, insbesondere Magnesium, zur Herstellung von Organo-Erdalkalimetall-Verbindungen. Chemetall GmbH, 60487 Frankfurt am Main, DE. (C07C 29/70, EPA 1924542, EP-AT: 01.09.2006) Bordstück aus Metall für Fensterbänke. Hermann Gutmann Werke GmbH, 91781 Weißenburg, DE. (E06B 1/70, GM 202 20 306, AT: 18.04.2002) Profil für eine Stoßstange eines Fahrzeuges, Haltewerkzeug und Rohrprofil dafür sowie Verfahren zur Herstellung des Profils. Alcan Technology & Management AG, Neuhausen am Rheinfall, CH. (B60R 19/18, OS 10 2006 062 294, AT: 27.12.2006 Verbundprofil und Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Verbundprofils. Alcoa Aluminium Deutschland, Inc., 58642 Iserlohn, DE. (E06B 3/263, EPA 1932998, EP-AT: 08.12.2006 Auflageprofil für Fensterbänke o. dgl. Aleris Aluminium Vogt GmbH, 88267 R. Coquard, M. Loretz, D. Baillis Conductive Heat Transfer in Metallic/Ceramic Open-Cell Foams Advanced Engineering Materials 2008, 10, No. 4, pp. 323-337 During the last decade, solid foams which are characterized by a relatively high porosity (> 80%), have known a strong development. Indeed, they allow envisaging a substantial improvement of the performance of standard materials in numerous technological fields. Notably, metallic and ceramic foams exhibit thermal, mechanical and exchange properties, which make them very interesting in lots of applications requiring multifunctionality. To illustrate this, we can cite a non-exhaustive list of functions for which they are usually used: ultra light panels, energy absorbing structures, heat dissipation media, electrodes for electric battery, ultra-sound deflector, carrying structure for catalyst, medical prosthesis, heat exchanger. In most of these applications, the knowledge of the thermal transport properties is of primary importance for the dimensioning of the structures. At ambient temperature, the heat transfer in solid foams is dominated by thermal conduction. To quantify the magnitude of heat conduction, one generally uses the effective conductivity kc which implies that the two-phase material behaves like a homogeneous conductive medium. This assumption is rigorously valid when the size of the pores is much lower than the dimensions of the materials, which is the case in solid foams. The effective conductivity depends on the porosity of the foam, 140 Vogt, DE. (E06B 1/70, GM 20 2008 004 379, AT: 28.03.2008) Vorrichtung zum Fügen von mindestens zwei Bauteilen aus artverschiedenen Werkstoffen. Hydro Aluminium Deutschland GmbH, 51149 Köln, DE. (B23K 20/12, GM 20 2005 021 318, AT: 28.04.2005) Gießform zur Herstellung eines Kastenkolbens. Mahle GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart, DE. (B22D 15/02, PS 500 14 483, EP 1218130, EP-AT: 21.03.2000) Al-Kunststoff-Fenster mit Klebebandfixierung. Hermann Gutmann Werke AG, 91781 Weißenburg, DE. (E06B 3/30, EPA 1 923 532, EP-AT: 28.09.2007) Gebauter, flüssigkeitsgekühlter Kolben. Mahle International GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart, DE. (F02F 3/00, EPA 1922478, EP-AT: 02.09.2006) Kühlschmierstoff für die wässrige Zerspanung von aluminiumlegiertem Magnesium. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, 40589 Düsseldorf, DE. (C10M 133/00, OS 10 2007 004 325, AT: 23.01.2007) Strangpressen mit Abschrecken von Aluminiumlegierungen vom Typ 6020. Alcoa Inc., Pittsburgh, PA 15212-5858, US. (C22F 1/04, EPA 1926838, EP-AT: 30.08.2006) Verfahren zur Herstellung von MetallMatrix-Verbundwerkstoffen. Mahle GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart, DE. (B22D 17/00, PS 50 2004 004 318, EP 1680246, EP-AT: 16.10.2004) the morphology of the material and on the properties of the two-phases. It is particularly difficult to estimate in solid foams due to the complexity of the geometry encountered and to the large difference between the thermal conductivity of fluid and solid phases. 11 figs., 2 tables, 26 sources. ALUMINIUM 9 (2008) Werkstoffe, Aluminiumschaum S. Hirsekorn, U. Rabe, D. Bruche, J. Maurer, W. Arnold, N. Grov, T. Kinzler Prüfung von Nicht-Eisen-Metall-Druckgusskomponenten. Detektion und Bewertung oberflächennaher Porosität mit Hochfrequenzultraschall MP Materials Testing 50 (2008) 4, S. 206-215 Im Automobilbau werden zunehmend Druckgusserzeugnisse aus NE-Metallen als Sicherheitsbauteile eingesetzt, die zu 100% zerstörungsfrei geprüft werden müssen. Auch zur kostengünstigen Optimierung der Herstellungsprozesse sind vor einer Bearbeitung zerstörungsfreie Prüfungen der Gussteile erforderlich. Prozessbedingt weisen Druckgussteile innere Volumendefizite (Poren und Lunker) auf. Diese können abhängig von ihrer Lage im Bauteil sowie von der Art, Beschaffenheit und Beanspruchung (zum Beispiel statische oder dynamische Belastung) des Bauteils Auswirkungen auf Festigkeit, Druckdichtheit und Oberflächenbeschaffenheit haben. Zur Detektion ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 LITERATURE SERVICE und Charakterisierung fertigungsbedingter Poren und Lunker in oberflächennahen Zonen (0,5 bis 2 mm Tiefe) von Druckgussteilen komplizierter Form wurde ein Verfahren mit hochfrequenten Ultraschallrückstreusignalen entwickelt. 17 Abb., 1 Tab., 23 Qu. ALUMINIUM 9 (2008) Materialprüfung G. Müller, J. Böhmert, F. Bergner, K. van Ouytsel, I. Dolbnya Investigation of the Damage around a Crack Tip in Metals using Small Angle X-Ray Scattering MP Materials Testing 50 (2008) 4, pp. 191-198 Structural materials, such as ferritic and austenitic steels and aluminium alloys, as used in the nuclear and aircraft industry, are subjected to external stresses which may lead to the nucleation of cracks. The damage zone ahead of a crack tip introduced as a result of static deformation was investigated in an Al-2024 and Al-6013 alloy, and in a 10 CrMo9 10 reference steel by means of small angle X-ray scattering. A robust parameter, the anisotropy parameter, describing the damage region was developed. Further damage parameters were explored. The data, supported by electron microscopy investigations, point to large oriented dislocation networks. Finite element calculations show a good correspondence in the shape and size of the damage zone. 10 figs, 2 tables, 24 sources. ALUMINIUM 9 (2008) Werkstoffe, Aluminiumschaum S. Sayer, V. Ceyhun Influence of Pin Structure on Micro-structure and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded AA 6063 (AlMgSi 0.5) Aluminum Alloy MP Materials Testing 50 (2008) 5, pp. 259-263 In this study, AA 6063 (AlMgSi0.5) aluminium alloy plates were welded by a solid state welding procedure, friction stir welding (FSW). The influence of pin structure on the microstructure of the weld region and the mechanical properties of the joints were studied. It has been seen that the helical structure on pinscrew has an effective role on the formation of a zigzag line in the weld region. While rather long and uninterrupted zigzag lines in the weld region are obtained when right helical pinscrew is used, left helical pinscrew gave rise to shorter zigzag lines. While the zigzag line has no effect on the mechanical properties of the as-welded joint, heat treatment after the welding (PWHT) procedure seriously affects the strength of the joint due to the zigzag line formed in the weld region. The mechanical strength decreases with right helical pinscrew in PWHT, whereas, left helical pinscrew causes an increase in mechanical strength. 7 figs., 1 table, 14 sources. ALUMINIUM 9 (2008) Metallkunde, Reibrührschweißen E. Solórzano, M.A. Rodriguez-Perez, J.A. de Saja Thermal Conductivity of Cellular Metals Measured by the Transient Plane Sour Method Advanced Engineering Materials 2008, 10, No. 4, pp. 371-377 Cellular metals combine the advantages of a metal (strong, hard, tough, conductive both electrically and thermally, etc) with the functional properties of a foam (lightweight and adjustable properties by selecting the density). Because of this, metal foams are interesting in a number of engineering applications such as structural panels, energy absorption devices, acoustic damping panels, compact heat exchangers, etc. Particularly, the thermal transport properties of metal foams are attractive in a wide collection of applications, from thermal insulation to heat transfer, being also important for the later processing of the metal matrix, for instance in the thermal treatments of the base alloy. In the last 10 years the fabrication routes to produce aluminium foams have been deeply studied and continuously improved. Never- ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 theless, these materials are often non homogeneous materials, characterized by a density gradient related to both the presence of an outer skin and the presence of internal defects (big pores, wide cell-size distributions, fractured cell walls and cell-wall corrugations and misalignments. These deviations from homogeneity affect the physical properties and as a consequence an important aspect of aluminium foaming technology is to have experimental techniques able to characterise the in-homogeneity. 7 figs., 2 tables, 26 sources. ALUMINIUM 9 (2008) Werkstoffe, Aluminiumschaum A. Karaaslan, I. Kaya, H. Atapek Tensile Strength and Impact Toughness of an AA 7075T6 Alloy. Effects of Aging Temperature and Time During Retrogression Treatment MP Materials Testing 50 (2008) 5, pp. 256-258 In this study retrogression and aging treatment have been applied to the samples of an aluminium alloy AA 7075-T6. The retrogression treatment has been performed with different temperatures and times and then aging treatment has been applied at 130°C for 12 hours. By determining the effects of the retrogression treatment temperatures and times on the samples, the microstructral and also mechanical changes in AA 7075-T6 alloy have been examined. All microstructures have been investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Additionally, the mechanical properties have been determined by the notched impact test and the tensile test. 3 figs., 1 table, 8 sources. ALUMINIUM 9 (2008) Werkstoffe, Metallkunde K.-D. Liss, A. Stark, A. Bartels, H. Clemens, Th. Buslaps, D. Phelan, L. A. Yeoh Directional Atomic Rearrangements During Transformations Between the α- and γ-Phases in Titanium Aluminides Advanced Engineering Materials 2008, 10, No. 4, pp. 389-392 Phase transitions and their attendant atomic rearrangement processes in polycrystalline substances are most important for tailoring the physical properties of modern engineering materials. Multiphase alloys, such as γ-TiAl based intermetallics possess distinguished mechanical properties depending on their thermo-mechanical treatment history and thus their microstructure. Not surprisingly, both fundamental and industry-related research has been undertaken to find optimal process parameters. As these metallurgical investigations are often obtained off-situ, little is known about the kinetics of the phase transition, nor the path of atomic rearrangements. Here we report on novel, in-situ time resolved 2D diffraction and microscopy measurements which were conducted at elevated temperatures. The transition from α2-Ti3Al to γ-TiAl has been followed in both reciprocal and real space and is found to appear homogeneously over the bulk and to occur through an oriented rearrangement of atoms. At higher temperatures, the transition reverses and starts to grow slowly and stepwise from the grain boundaries into irregular shapes which impinge leading to grain refinement. 3 figs., 24 sources. ALUMINIUM 9 (2008) Metallkunde, Zweistofflegierungen Y. Boonyongmaneerat, C. D. Dunand Ni-Mo-Cr Foams Processed by Casting Replication of Sodium Aluminate Preforms Advanced Engineering Materials 2008, 10, No. 4, pp 379-383 The casting replication method, where a liquid metal is infiltrated in a bed of space-holder powders which are subsequently removed by dissolution, has been used primarily for aluminium and magnesium foams, because the low melting points of these metals allows the use of inexpensive salts with high water solubility, such as NaCl. There is interest in using the replica- © 141 LITERATURSERVICE tion casting method for metals with higher melting temperature with greater strength at ambient and elevated temperature. In particular, Ni-base superalloy foams are attractive for applications where creep, oxidation and corrosion resistance are needed together with a low density and high specific area, e.g. for structural applications in engines, and as catalyst support and heat exchangers. However, creating Ni-superalloy foams by casting replication necessitates a space-holder material with high melting point and chemical inertness with the melt. These requirements are usually incompatible with that of high solubility in aqueous Solutions needed for easy removal, so that to date no such material has been identified in the metallic foam literature. 5 figs., 20 sources. ALUMINIUM 9 (2008) Werkstoffe, Aluminiumschaum diative properties of dispersed media. Some of them consider the porous structure equivalent to a random arrangement of particles of given shapes and use the Mie theory or the geometric optics laws. Other methods are based on reflectance and transmittance measurements of the medium and use the inverse method. Finally, another approach consists in realising Monte Carlo simulation at the local microscopic scale and taking into account the complex morphology of the porous medium. If, in these former studies, the architecture of the porous medium was taken from a model shape, recent studies use the real structure re-construction using the X-ray tomography technique. However, Monte Carlo simulations in tomographed samples require a huge computational effort, and should be restricted to the study of some Special aspects such as the detailed effect of the architecture. 8 figs., 9 tables, 19 sources. ALUMINIUM 9 (2008) Th. Fiedler, A. Öchsner, I.V. Belova, G.E. Murch Recent Advances in the Prediction of the Thermal Properties of Syntactic Metallic Hollow Sphere Structures Advanced Engineering Materials 2008, 10, No. 4, pp. 361-365 Metallic hollow sphere structures (MHSS) are a new group of cellular metals characterized by easily reproducible geometry and therefore consistent mechanical and physical properties. Well-known advantages of cellular metals are their excellent ability for energy adsorption, good damping behaviour, sound absorption, excellent heat insulation and a high specific stiffness. The combination of these properties opens a wide field of potential multi-functional applications. The high thermal insulation capability of hollow sphere structure has been addressed in a US Patent by Schneider and coworkers. Baumeister and colleagues investigated the linear thermal expansion coefficient of corundum based hollow sphere composites (HSC) using thermomechanical analysis. They found that the thermal behaviour of HSC is mainly governed by the epoxy resin. Lu and Kou conducted a comprehensive numerical and experimental study based on unit cells of homogeneous hollow sphere structures. However, only automatically generated finite element meshes were used. This approach does not allow the consideration of different material combinations. 8 figs., 30 sources. ALUMINIUM 9 (2008) Werkstoffe, Metallkunde M. Loretz, E. Maire, D. Baillis Analytical Modelling of the Radiative Properties of Metallic Foams: Contribution of X-Ray Tomography Advanced Engineering Materials 2008, 10, No. 4, pp. 352-360 Solid foams and notably metallic and ceramic foams exhibit thermal, mechanical and exchange properties that make them very interesting in various applications such as burners, electrodes for electric battery, high temperature spatial insulation, heat exchangers, etc. In most of these applications, the knowledge of the thermo-physical properties is of primary importance for the dimensioning of structures. However, these properties, and especially the radiative properties, are directly related to the foam microstructure. In order to optimize the thermal efficiency of such materials it is thus necessary to understand how the microstructure affects the radiative properties. It is particularly difficult to estimate radiative heat transfer in solid foams due to the complexity of the architecture in these materials. Several methods are used to predict the ra- Werkstoffe, Aluminiumschaum B. Rieth SMS Meer – A broad product range for the aluminium industry ALUMINIUM 84 (2008) 7/8, S. 50-54 Within the SMS Group, one of the world’s leading metallurgical plant engineering concerns, the SMS Meer is mainly known for tube and section rolling plants and forging aggregates. Besides such equipment directed at the needs of the steel industry, the company supplies a wide range of highly specialized equipment for many processing steps in the aluminium and copper industries. In all these fields of activity SMS Meer has a store of experience accumulated over years from the construction of numerous plants. By continual innovation the company has developed into the world market leader for most of its products. This also applies in the aluminium sector, in which it is successfully active as a competent partner for the planning, engineering, production, assembly, commissioning and servicing of equipment for melting through to semis production. In this, the company’s aim is always to supply the customer with a plant that gives him competitive advantages. The article is supplemented with an interview with Joachim Schönbeck, Member of the Board of SMS GmbH and President of the Board of SMS Meer GmbH, explaining the company’s strategy and market prospects. 7 photos. ALUMINIUM 9 (2008) Strangpressen Horizontal-Stranggussanlage zur Herstellung von Walzbarren und Plattenvormaterial ALUMINIUM 84 (2008) 7/8, S. 55 Eine Neuentwicklung der HPI High Performance Industrietechnik ermöglicht es, großformatige Querschnitte durch horizontalen Strangguss herzustellen. Auf dem „SuperSizeCaster“ können im Einzelstrangverfahren großformatige Querschnitte wie Walzbarren, Stromschienen und Plattenvormaterial gegossen werden. Die wesentlichen Vorteile dieser Technologie sind unter anderem: große Flexibilität, geringe Kokillenkosten, da nur eine Kokille benötigt wird (plus eine Ersatzkokille), hervorragende Geradheit der Barren, da diese quasi schwebend bewegt werden. Artikel dt./engl. 2 Fotos, 1 Tab. ALUMINIUM 9 (2008) Walzen Für Schrifttum zum Thema „Aluminium“ ist der Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie e.V. (GDA) der kompetente Ansprechpartner. Die hier referierten Beiträge repräsentieren lediglich einen Ausschnitt aus dem umfassenden aktuellen Bestand der GDA-Bibliothek. Die von der Aluminium-Zentrale seit den dreißiger Jahren kontinuierlich aufgebaute Fach-Bibliothek wird duch den GDA weitergeführt, ausgebaut und auf die neuen Medien umgestellt. Sie steht allen Interessenten offen. Ansprechpartner ist Dr. Karsten Hein, E-Mail: karsten.hein@aluinfo.de 142 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 International Journal for Industry, Research and Application How do your products and services come to appear every month in the list of supply sources, on the internet – www.Alu-web.de – and in the annual list of supply sources published by ALUMINIUM ? � � � Please mark the main group relevant to you ❑ Smelting technology ❑ Rolling technology ❑ Extrusion ❑ Foundry Indicate the sub-group and/or key word (if necessary, ask us for the list of key words) _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Enter your text, not forgetting your on-line address: Line 1: ............................................................................................................................................ 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LIEFERVERZEICHNIS 1 Smelting technology Hüttentechnik 1.1 Raw materials 1.2 Storage facilities for smelting 1.3 Anode production 1.4 Anode rodding 1.4.1 Anode baking 1.4.2 Anode clearing 1.4.3 Fixing of new anodes to the anodes bars 1.5 Casthouse (foundry) 1.6 Casting machines 1.7 Current supply 1.8 Electrolysis cell (pot) 1.9 Potroom 1.10 Laboratory 1.11 Emptying the cathode shell 1.12 Cathode repair shop 1.13 Second-hand plant 1.14 Aluminium alloys 1.15 Storage and transport 1.1 Rohstoffe 1.2 Lagermöglichkeiten in der Hütte 1.3 Anodenherstellung 1.4 Anodenschlägerei 1.4.1 Anodenbrennen 1.4.2 Anodenschlägerei 1.4.3 Befestigen von neuen Anoden an der -stange 1.5 Gießerei 1.6 Gießmaschinen 1.7 Stromversorgung 1.8 Elektrolyseofen 1.9 Elektrolysehalle 1.10 Labor 1.11 Ofenwannenentleeren 1.12 Kathodenreparaturwerkstatt 1.13 Gebrauchtanlagen 1.14 Aluminiumlegierungen 1.15 Lager und Transport Open top and closed type baking furnaces 1.1 Raw Materials/Rohstoffe Raw Materials / Rohstoffe ALUMINA AND PET COKE SHIPUNLOADERS Contact: Andreas Haeuser, ha@neuero.de Offene und geschlossene Ringöfen 1.3 Anode production TRIMET ALUMINIUM AG Niederlassung Düsseldorf Heinrichstr. 155 D-40239 Düsseldorf Tel.: +49 (0) 211 / 96180-0 Fax: +49 (0) 211 / 96180-60 Internet: www.trimet.de Anodenherstellung RIEDHAMMER GmbH D-90332 Nürnberg E-Mail: goede.frank@riedhammer.de Internet: www.riedhammer.de see Storage facilities for smelting 1.2 1.2 Storage facilities for smelting Lagermöglichkeiten i.d. Hütte FLSmidth MÖLLER GmbH Haderslebener Straße 7 D-25421 Pinneberg Telefon: 04101 788-0 Telefax: 04101 788-115 E-Mail: moeller@flsmidth.com Internet: www.flsmidthmoeller.com Kontakt: Herr Dipl.-Ing. Timo Letz Automatische Feuerungssysteme see Storage facilities for smelting 1.2 RIEDHAMMER GmbH D-90332 Nürnberg E-Mail: goede.frank@riedhammer.de Internet: www.riedhammer.de Abgasbehandlung Conveying systems bulk materials Förderanlagen für Schüttgüter (Hüttenaluminiumherstellung) FLSmidth MÖLLER GmbH Internet: www.flsmidthmoeller.com see Storage facilities for smelting 1.2 Unloading/Loading equipment Entlade-/Beladeeinrichtungen FLSmidth MÖLLER GmbH www.flsmidthmoeller.com see Storage facilities for smelting 1.2 144 Anodenanschlägerei Auto firing systems Exhaust gas treatment Outotec GmbH Albin-Köbis-Str. 8, D-51147 Köln Phone: +49 (0) 2203 / 9921-0 E-mail: aluminium@outotec.com www.outotec.com 1.4 Anode rodding ALSTOM Norway AS Tel. +47 22 12 70 00 Internet: www.environment.power.alstom.com Hydraulic presses for prebaked anodes / Hydraulische Pressen zur Herstellung von Anoden LAEIS GmbH Am Scheerleck 7, L-6868 Wecker, Luxembourg Phone: +352 27612 0 Fax: +352 27612 109 E-Mail: info@laeis-gmbh.com Internet: www.laeis-gmbh.com Contact: Dr. Alfred Kaiser Removal of bath residues from the surface of spent anodes Entfernen der Badreste von der Oberfläche der verbrauchten Anoden GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH Hornstraße 19 D-45964 Gladbeck Telefon 02043 / 9738-0 Telefax 02043 / 9738-50 Transport of finished anode elements to the pot room Transport der fertigen Anodenelemente in Elektrolysehalle Hovestr. 10 . D-48431 Rheine Telefon + 49 (0) 59 71 58-0 Fax + 49 (0) 59 71 58-209 E-Mail info@windhoff.de Internet www.windhoff.de ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS 1.4.1 Anode baking Anodenbrennen Anode charging Anodenchargieren SERMAS INDUSTRIE E-Mail: sermas@sermas.com see Casting Machines 1.6 Anode storage Anodenlager SERMAS INDUSTRIE E-Mail: sermas@sermas.com see Casting Machines 1.6 1.4.2 Anode clearing Anodenschlägerei Separation of spent anodes from the anode bars Trennen von den Anodenstangen SERMAS INDUSTRIE E-Mail: sermas@sermas.com see Casting Machines 1.6 SIGNODE® SYSTEM GMBH Packaging Equipment Non-Ferrous Specialist Team DSWE Magnusstr. 18, 46535 Dinslaken/Germany Telefon: +49 (0) 2064 / 69-210 Telefax: +49 (0) 2064 / 69-489 E-Mail: g.laks@signode-europe.com Internet: www.signode.com Contact: Mr. Gerard Laks Stopinc AG Bösch 83 a CH-6331 Hünenberg Tel. +41/41-785 75 00 Fax +41/41-785 75 01 E-Mail: interstop@stopinc.ch Internet: www.stopinc.ch Fixing the nipples to the anodes by casting in Befestigen der Nippel mit der Anode durch Eingießen SERMAS INDUSTRIE E-Mail: sermas@sermas.com see Casting Machines 1.6 IMPERIAL-OEL-IMPORT Bergstraße 11, D 20095 Hamburg Tel. 040/338533-0, Fax: 040/338533-85 E-Mail: info@imperial-oel-import.de Clay / Tonerde TRIMET ALUMINIUM AG Niederlassung Düsseldorf Heinrichstr. 155 D-40239 Düsseldorf Tel.: +49 (0) 211 / 96180-0 Fax: +49 (0) 211 / 96180-60 Internet: www.trimet.de Degassing, filtration and grain refinement Entgasung, Filtern, Kornfeinung 1.5 Casthouse (foundry) Gießerei HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH Maschinen und Industrieanlagen Weinbergerstraße 6, A-5280 Braunau am Inn Phone +437722/806-0 Fax +437722/806-122 E-Mail: info@hertwich.com Internet: www.hertwich.com INOTHERM INDUSTRIEOFENUND WÄRMETECHNIK GMBH Konstantinstraße 1a D 41238 Mönchengladbach Telefon +49 (02166) 987990 Telefax +49 (02166) 987996 E-Mail: info@inotherm-gmbh.de Internet: www.inotherm-gmbh.de OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 Drache Umwelttechnik GmbH Werner-v.-Siemens-Straße 9/24-26 D 65582 Diez/Lahn Telefon 06432/607-0 Telefax 06432/607-52 Internet: www.drache-gmbh.de Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Dross skimming of liquid metal Abkrätzen des Flüssigmetalls GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Dross skimming of the melt Abkrätzen der Schmelze ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 Sistem Teknik Ltd. Sti. DES San. Sit. 102 SOK No: 6/8 Y.Dudullu, TR-34775 Istanbul/Turkey Tel.: +90 216 420 86 24 Fax: +90 216 420 23 22 E-Mail: info@sistemteknik.com Internet: www.sistemteknik.com Metal treatment in the holding furnace Metallbehandlung in Halteöfen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Transfer to the casting furnace Überführung in Gießofen GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Drache Umwelttechnik GmbH Werner-v.-Siemens-Straße 9/24-26 D 65582 Diez/Lahn Telefon 06432/607-0 Telefax 06432/607-52 Internet: www.drache-gmbh.de Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Windhoff Bahn- und Anlagentechnik GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Transport of liquid metal to the casthouse Transport v. Flüssigmetall in Gießereien GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 MARX GmbH & Co. KG www.marx-gmbh.de see Melt operations 4.13 E-Mail: sermas@sermas.com see Casting machines 1.6 Windhoff Bahn- und Anlagentechnik GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Furnace charging with molten metal Treatment of casthouse off gases Ofenbeschickung mit Flüssigmetall see Equipment and accessories 3.1 Schmelz-/Halte- und Gießöfen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Bone ash / Knochenasche 1.4.3 Fixing of new anodes to the anodes bars Befestigen von neuen Anoden a. d. Anodenstange Melting/holding/casting furnaces GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Behandlung der Gießereiabgase Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 145 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS 1.6 Casting machines Gießmaschinen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 Pig casting machines (sow casters) Masselgießmaschine (Sowcaster) Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 343 Chemin du Stade 38210 Saint Quentin sur Isère Tel. +33 (0) 476 074 242 Fax +33 (0) 476 936 776 E-Mail: sermas@sermas.com Internet: www.sermas.com Heat treatment of extrusion ingot (homogenisation) see Storage facilities for smelting 1.2 Rolling and extrusion ingot and T-bars Formatebehandlung (homogenisieren) Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Formatgießerei (Walzbarren oder Pressbolzen oder T-Barren) Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 IUT Industriell Ugnsteknik AB see Extrusion 2 HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 see Billet Heating Furnaces 1.5 HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 Wagstaff, Inc. 3910 N. Flora Rd. Spokane, WA 99216 USA +1 509 922 1404 phone +1 509 924 0241 fax E-Mail: info@wagstaff.com Internet: www.wagstaff.com 1.8 Electrolysis cell (pot) Sawing / Sägen Elektrolyseofen Calcium silicate boards Calciumsilikatplatten Promat GmbH – Techn. Wärmedämmung Scheifenkamp 16, D-40878 Ratingen Tel. +49 (0) 2102 / 493-0, Fax -493 115 verkauf3@promat.de, www.promat.de Pot feeding systems Beschickungseinrichtungen für Elektrolysezellen HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 146 Tapping vehicles Schöpffahrzeuge GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Dry absorption units for electrolysis exhaust gases Trockenabsorptionsanlage für Elektrolyseofenabgase ALSTOM Norway AS Tel. +47 22 12 70 00 Anoden Transporteinrichtungen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 Anodenwechselmaschine GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Anode transport equipment Vertical semi-continuous DC casting / Vertikales Stranggießen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Anode changing machine Internet: www.environment.power.alstom.com Horizontal continuous casting Scales / Waagen Elektrolysehalle T.T. Tomorrow Technology S.p.A. Via dell’Artigianato 18 Due Carrare, Padova 35020, Italy Telefon +39 049 912 8800 Telefax +39 049 912 8888 E-Mail: gmagarotto@tomorrowtechnology.it Contact: Giovanni Magarotto Crustbreakers / Krustenbrecher GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 Horizontales Stranggießen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 1.9 Potroom FLSmidth MÖLLER GmbH www.flsmidthmoeller.com see Storage facilities for smelting 1.2 GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 HF Measurementtechnology HF Messtechnik OPSIS AB Box 244, S-24402 Furulund, Schweden Tel. +46 (0) 46-72 25 00, Fax -72 25 01 E-Mail: info@opsis.se Internet: www.opsis.se 1.11 Emptying the cathode shell Ofenwannenentleeren Cathode bar casting units Kathodenbarreneingießanlage E-Mail: sermas@sermas.com see Casting machines 1.6 1.15 Storage and transport Lager und Transport HUBTEX Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 8 D-36041 Fulda Tel. +49 (0) 661 / 83 82-0 Fax +49 (0) 661 / 83 82-120 E-Mail: info@hubtex.com Internet: www.hubtex.com ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS 2 Extrusion Strangpressen 2.1 Extrusion billet preparation 2.1.1 Extrusion billet production 2.2 Extrusion equipment 2.3 Section handling 2.4 Heat treatment 2.5 Measurement and control equipment 2.6 Die preparation and care 2.7 Second-hand extrusion plant 2.8 Consultancy, expert opinion 2.9 Surface finishing of sections 2.10 Machining of sections 2.11 Equipment and accessories 2.12 Services 2.1 Pressbolzenbereitstellung 2.1.1 Pressbolzenherstellung 2.2 Strangpresseinrichtungen 2.3 Profilhandling 2.4 Wärmebehandlung 2.5 Mess- und Regeleinrichtungen 2.6 Werkzeugbereitstellung und -pflege 2.7 Gebrauchte Strangpressanlagen 2.8 Beratung, Gutachten 2.9 Oberflächenveredlung von Profilen 2.10 Profilbearbeitung 2.11 Ausrüstungen und Hilfsmittel 2.12 Dienstleistungen Billet heating furnaces Öfen zur Bolzenerwärmung www.otto-junker-group.com OTTO JUNKER GmbH Jägerhausstr. 22 D – 52152 Simmerath Phone +49 2473 601 0 Fax +49 2473 601 600 E-Mail info@otto-junker.de Contact Mr. Teichert / Heat Treatmant Plants Dr. Menzler / Extrusion Plants Mr. Donsbach / Foundry Plants OTTO JUNKER (UK) LTD. Kingsbury Road, Curdworth UK - SUTTON COLDFIELD B76 9EE Phone +44 1675 470551 Fax +44 1675 470645 E-Mail info@otto-junker.co.uk Contact Mr. Hall IUT INDUSTRIELL UGNSTEKNIK AB Industrivägen 2 SE - 438 92 Härryda Phone +46 301 508000 Fax +46 301 30479 E-Mail office@iut.se Contact Mr. Berge 2.1 Extrusion billet preparation Pressbolzenbereitstellung SIGNODE® SYSTEM GMBH Packaging Equipment Non-Ferrous Specialist Team DSWE Magnusstr. 18, 46535 Dinslaken/Germany Telefon: +49 (0) 2064 / 69-210 Telefax: +49 (0) 2064 / 69-489 E-Mail: g.laks@signode-europe.com Internet: www.signode.com Contact: Mr. Gerard Laks ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 Hot shears / Warmscheren OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 2.1.1 Extrusion billet production Am großen Teich 16+27 D-58640 Iserlohn Tel. +49 (0) 2371 / 4346-0 Fax +49 (0) 2371 / 4346-43 E-Mail: verkauf@ias-gmbh.de Internet: www.ias-gmbh.de Pressbolzenherstellung Billet transport and storage equipment Bolzen-Transport- u. Lagereinricht. SERMAS INDUSTRIE E-Mail: sermas@sermas.com See Casting Machines 1.6 2.2 Extrusion equipment Strangpresseinrichtungen MARX GmbH & Co. KG www.marx-gmbh.de see Melt operations 4.13 Sistem Teknik Ltd. Sti. DES San. Sit. 102 SOK No: 6/8 Y.Dudullu, TR-34775 Istanbul/Turkey Tel.: +90 216 420 86 24 Fax: +90 216 420 23 22 E-Mail: info@sistemteknik.com Internet: www.sistemteknik.com Billet heating units Anlagen zur Bolzenerwärmung OTTO JUNKER GmbH Oilgear Towler GmbH Im Gotthelf 8 D 65795 Hattersheim Tel. +49 (0) 6145 3770 Fax +49 (0) 6145 30770 E-Mail: info@oilgear.de Internet: www.oilgear.de SMS Meer GmbH Schloemann Extrusion Ohlerkirchweg 66 D-41069 Mönchengladbach Tel. +49 (0) 2161 / 3500 Fax +49 (0) 2161 / 3501667 E-Mail: info@sms-meer.com Internet: www.sms-meer.com see Extrusion 2 Billet transport and storage equipment Bolzen Transport- und Lagereinrichtungen OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 SMS Meer GmbH see Extrusion equipment 2.2 147 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS Extrusion / Strangpressen Homogenising furnaces Homogenisieröfen OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 Section cooling Profilkühlung OTTO JUNKER GmbH IUT Industriell Ugnsteknik AB OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 see Extrusion 2 Press control systems Pressensteuersysteme Oilgear Towler GmbH see Extrusion Equipment 2.2 SMS Meer GmbH see Extrusion equipment 2.2 Temperature measurement Temperaturmessung Packaging equipment Verpackungseinrichtungen H+H HERRMANN + HIEBER GMBH Fördersysteme für Paletten und schwere Lasten Rechbergstraße 46 D-73770 Denkendorf/Stuttgart Tel. +49 (0) 711 / 9 34 67-0 Fax +49 (0) 711 / 3 46 0911 E-Mail: info@herrmannhieber.de Internet: www.herrmannhieber.de Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH + Co. KG Stadtseestraße 12 D-74189 Weinsberg Tel. +49 (0) 7134 / 52-220 Fax +49 (0) 7134 / 52-222 E-Mail intralogistik@vollert.de Internet www.vollert.de SMS Meer GmbH see Extrusion equipment 2.2 Section saws Profilsägen OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 SMS Meer GmbH see Extrusion equipment 2.2 Section store equipment Profil-Lagereinrichtungen SMS Meer GmbH see Extrusion equipment 2.2 Puller equipment Heating and control equipment for intelligent billet containers Ausziehvorrichtungen/Puller OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 Heizungs- und Kontrollausrüstung für intelligente Blockaufnehmer SMS Meer GmbH see Extrusion equipment 2.2 MARX GmbH & Co. KG www.marx-gmbh.de see Melt operations 4.13 H+H HERRMANN + HIEBER GMBH Fördersysteme für Paletten und schwere Lasten Rechbergstraße 46 D-73770 Denkendorf/Stuttgart Tel. +49 (0) 711 / 9 34 67-0 Fax +49 (0) 711 / 3 46 0911 E-Mail: info@herrmannhieber.de Internet: www.herrmannhieber.de KASTO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG Industriestr. 14, D-77855 Achern Tel.: +49 (0) 7841 61-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 7841 61 300 kasto@kasto.de / www.kasto.de Hersteller von Band- und Kreissägemaschinen sowie Langgut- und Blechlagersystemen 2.3 Section handling Profilhandling SIGNODE® SYSTEM GMBH Packaging Equipment Non-Ferrous Specialist Team DSWE Magnusstr. 18, 46535 Dinslaken/Germany Telefon: +49 (0) 2064 / 69-210 Telefax: +49 (0) 2064 / 69-489 E-Mail: g.laks@signode-europe.com Internet: www.signode.com Contact: Mr. Gerard Laks 148 Could not find your „keywords“? Please ask for our complete „Supply sources for the aluminium industry“. E-Mail: Schwichtenberg@giesel.de ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS Transport equipment for extruded sections Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH + Co. KG see Packaging equipment 2.3 Section transport equipment Profiltransporteinrichtungen OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 Transporteinrichtungen für Profilabschnitte H+H HERRMANN + HIEBER GMBH Fördersysteme für Paletten und schwere Lasten Rechbergstraße 46 D-73770 Denkendorf/Stuttgart Tel. +49 (0) 711 / 9 34 67-0 Fax +49 (0) 711 / 3 46 0911 E-Mail: info@herrmannhieber.de Internet: www.herrmannhieber.de OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 see Billet Heating Furnaces 2.1 Custom designed heat processing equipment Kundenspezifische Wärmebehandlungsanlagen Sistem Teknik Ltd. Sti. see Billet Heating Furnaces 2.1 Homogenising furnaces Homogenisieröfen SMS Meer GmbH see Extrusion equipment 2.2 Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH + Co. KG see Packaging equipment 2.3 2.4 Heat treatment Wärmebehandlung Nijverheidsweg 3 NL-7071 CH Ulft Netherlands Tel.: +31 315 641352 Fax: +31 315 641852 E-Mail: info@unifour.nl Internet: www.unifour.nl Sales Contact: Paul Overmans Stackers / Destackers Stapler / Entstapler OTTO JUNKER GmbH IUT Industriell Ugnsteknik AB see Extrusion 2 HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 OTTO JUNKER GmbH IUT Industriell Ugnsteknik AB see Extrusion 2 BSN Thermprozesstechnik GmbH Kammerbruchstraße 64 D-52152 Simmerath Tel. 02473-9277-0 · Fax: 02473-9277-111 info@bsn-therm.de · www.bsn-therm.de Ofenanlagen zum Wärmebehandeln von Aluminiumlegierungen, Buntmetallen und Stählen Annealing furnaces Glühöfen SMS Meer GmbH see Extrusion equipment 2.2 see Equipment and accessories 3.1 Extrusion Stretching equipment Reckeinrichtungen 2.5 Measurement and control equipment Strangpressen OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 Mess- und Regeleinrichtungen Extrusion plant control systems OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 see Billet Heating Furnaces 2.1 Heat treatment furnaces Presswerkssteuerungen Wärmebehandlungsöfen INOTHERM INDUSTRIEOFENUND WÄRMETECHNIK GMBH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 SMS Meer GmbH see Extrusion equipment 2.2 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 OTTO JUNKER GmbH IUT Industriell Ugnsteknik AB see Extrusion 2 SMS Meer GmbH see Extrusion equipment 2.2 149 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS 2.6 Die preparation and care Werkzeugbereitstellung und -pflege Die heating furnaces 2.10 Machining of sections Profilbearbeitung Processing of Profiles Profilbearbeitung Ageing furnace for extrusions Auslagerungsöfen für Strangpressprofile IUT Industriell Ugnsteknik AB see Extrusion 2 Werkzeuganwärmöfen IUT Industriell Ugnsteknik AB see Extrusion 2 MARX GmbH & Co. KG www.marx-gmbh.de see Melt operations 4.13 Tensai (International) AG Extal Division Steinengraben 40 CH-4051 Basel Telefon +41 (0) 61 284 98 10 Telefax +41 (0) 61 284 98 20 E-Mail: tensai@tensai.com see Billet Heating Furnaces 2.1 2.11 Equipment and accessories Ausrüstungen und Hilfsmittel Sistem Teknik Ltd. Sti. see Billet Heating Furnaces 2.1 Nijverheidsweg 3 NL-7071 CH Ulft Netherlands Tel.: +31 315 641352 Fax: +31 315 641852 E-Mail: info@unifour.nl Internet: www.unifour.nl Sales Contact: Paul Overmans Inductiv heating equipment Induktiv beheizte Erwärmungseinrichtungen Am großen Teich 16+27 D-58640 Iserlohn Tel. +49 (0) 2371 / 4346-0 Fax +49 (0) 2371 / 4346-43 E-Mail: verkauf@ias-gmbh.de Internet: www.ias-gmbh.de Nijverheidsweg 3 NL-7071 CH Ulft Netherlands Tel.: +31 315 641352 Fax: +31 315 641852 E-Mail: info@unifour.nl Internet: www.unifour.nl Sales Contact: Paul Overmans 2.12 Services Dienstleistungen Haarmann Holding GmbH see Die preparation and care 2.6 Extrusion dies Strangpresswerkzeuge Haarmann Holding GmbH Karmeliterstraße 6 D-52064 Aachen Telefon: 02 41 / 9 18 - 500 Telefax: 02 41 / 9 18 - 5010 E-Mail: info@haarmann-gruppe.de Internet: www.haarmann-gruppe.de Hardening technology Härtetechnik Haarmann Holding GmbH see Die preparation and care 2.6 Could not find your „keywords“? Please ask for our complete „Supply sources for the aluminium industry“. 2.7 Second-hand extrusion plant Gebr. Strangpressanlagen Qualiteam International/ExtruPreX Champs Elyséesweg 17, NL-6213 AA Maastricht Tel. +31-43-3 25 67 77 Internet: www.extruprex.com 150 E-Mail: Schwichtenberg@giesel.de ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 Rolling mill technology Walzwerktechnik Casting equipment Rolling bar machining Rolling bar furnaces Hot rolling equipment Strip casting units and accessories Cold rolling equipment Thin strip / foil rolling plant Auxiliary equipment Adjustment devices Process technology / Automation technology Coolant / lubricant preparation Air extraction systems Fire extinguishing units Storage and dispatch Second-hand rolling equipment Coil storage systems Strip Processing Lines 3.0 Rolling mill technology Walzwerktechnik SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft Eduard-Schloemann-Straße 4 D-40237 Düsseldorf Telefon: +49 (0) 211 881-0 Telefax: +49 (0) 211 881-4902 Internet: www.sms-demag.com E-Mail: communications@sms-demag.com Geschäftsbereiche: Warmflach- und Kaltwalzwerke Wiesenstraße 30 D-57271 Hilchenbach-Dahlbruch Telefon: +49 (0) 2733 29-0 Telefax: +49 (0) 2733 29-2852 Bandanlagen Walderstraße 51/53 D-40724 Hilden Telefon: +49 (0) 211 881-5100 Telefax: +49 (0) 211 881-5200 Elektrik + Automation Ivo-Beucker-Straße 43 D-40237 Düsseldorf Telefon: +49 (0) 211 881-5895 Telefax: +49 (0) 211 881-775895 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 Gießanlagen Walzbarrenbearbeitung Walzbarrenvorbereitung Warmwalzanlagen Bandgießanlagen und Zubehör Kaltwalzanlagen Feinband-/Folienwalzwerke Nebeneinrichtungen Adjustageeinrichtungen Prozesstechnik / Automatisierungstechnik Kühl-/Schmiermittel-Aufbereitung Abluftsysteme Feuerlöschanlagen Lagerung und Versand Gebrauchtanlagen Coil storage systems Bandprozesslinien Melting and holding furnaces Schmelz- und Warmhalteöfen Gautschi Engineering GmbH Geschäftsbereich Aluminium Konstanzer Straße 37 Postfach 170 CH 8274 Tägerwilen Telefon +41/71/6666666 Telefax +41/71/6666688 E-Mail: aluminium@gautschi-engineering.com Kontakt: Stefan Blum, Tel. +41/71/6666621 LOI Thermprocess GmbH Am Lichtbogen 29 D-45141 Essen Germany Telefon +49 (0) 201 / 18 91-1 Telefax +49 (0) 201 / 18 91-321 E-Mail: info@loi-italimpianti.de Internet: www.loi-italimpianti.com Gießanlagen Walzbarrenbearbeitung Band saws / Bandsägen SMS Meer GmbH Ohlerkirchweg 66 D-41069 Mönchengladbach Tel. +49 (0) 2161 / 3500 Fax +49 (0) 2161 / 3501667 E-Mail: info@sms-meer.com Internet: www.sms-meer.com Slab milling machines Barrenfräsmaschinen Metal filters / Metallfilter Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Filling level indicators and controls Füllstandsanzeiger und -regler 3.1 Casting equipment 3.2 Rolling bar machining Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 OTTO JUNKER GmbH SMS Meer GmbH see Rolling bar machining 3.2 3.3 Rolling bar furnaces Walzbarrenvorbereitung BSN Thermprozesstechnik GmbH see Heat Treatment 2.4 Homogenising furnaces see Extrusion 2 Homogenisieröfen Wagstaff, Inc. Do you need more information? see Casting machines 1.6 Melt purification units Schmelzereinigungsanlagen E-Mail: Schwichtenberg@giesel.de ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 151 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 OTTO JUNKER GmbH IUT Industriell Ugnsteknik AB see Extrusion 2 3.4 Hot rolling equipment Spools / Haspel Warmwalzanlagen see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6 SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de Internet: www.achenbach.de Hot rolling units / complete plants Warmwalzanlagen/Komplettanlagen Annealing furnaces Glühöfen EBNER Industrieofenbau Ges.m.b.H. Ruflinger Str. 111, A-4060 Leonding Tel. +43 / 732 / 68 68 Fax +43 / 732 / 68 68-1000 Internet: www.ebner.cc E-Mail: sales@ebner.cc Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 OTTO JUNKER GmbH IUT Industriell Ugnsteknik AB see Extrusion 2 see Equipment and accessories 3.1 SIEMAG GmbH Obere Industriestraße 8 D-57250 Netphen Tel.: +49 (0) 2738 / 21-0 Fax: +49 (0) 2738 / 21-1299 E-Mail: info@siemag.com Internet: www.siemag.com Coil transport systems Bundtransportsysteme Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH + Co. KG see Packaging equipment 2.3 Windhoff Bahn- und Anlagentechnik GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 schwartz GmbH see Heat treatment 2.4 Drive systems / Antriebe Bar heating furnaces SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 3.5 Strip casting units and accessories Bandgießanlagen und Zubehör Cores & shells for continuous casting lines Cores & shells for continuous casting lines Bruno Presezzi SpA Via per Ornago 8 I-20040 Burago Molgora (Mi) – Italy Tel. +39 039 63502 229 Fax +39 039 6081373 E-Mail: aluminium.dept@brunopresezzi.com Internet: www.brunopresezzi.com Contact: Franco Gramaglia Barrenanwärmanlagen Revamps, equipments & spare parts for continuous casting lines EBNER Industrieofenbau Ges.m.b.H. see Annealing furnaces 3.3 Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Revamps, equipments & spare parts for continuous casting lines SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 Rolling mill modernisation Walzwerksmodernisierung OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 Roller tracks Twin-roll continuous casting lines (complete lines) Rollengänge Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 Do you need more information? E-Mail: Schwichtenberg@giesel.de 152 Bruno Presezzi SpA Via per Ornago 8 I-20040 Burago Molgora (Mi) – Italy Tel. +39 039 63502 229 Fax +39 039 6081373 E-Mail: aluminium.dept@brunopresezzi.com Internet: www.brunopresezzi.com Contact: Franco Gramaglia Twin-roll continuous casting lines (complete lines) Bruno Presezzi SpA Via per Ornago 8 I-20040 Burago Molgora (Mi) – Italy Tel. +39 039 63502 229 Fax +39 039 6081373 E-Mail: aluminium.dept@brunopresezzi.com Internet: www.brunopresezzi.com Contact: Franco Gramaglia ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS 3.6 Cold rolling equipment Kaltwalzanlagen Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de Internet: www.achenbach.de BSN Thermprozesstechnik GmbH see Heat Treatment 2.4 Mainzer Landstrasse 16 D-60325 Frankfurt am Main Tel.: +49 69 97 16 81 48 Fax: +49 69 97 16 82 00 E-Mail: juhani.aittola@pesmel.com Internet: www.pesmel.com Coil transport systems Bundtransportsysteme Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH + Co. KG see Packaging equipment 2.3 Heating furnaces / Anwärmöfen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 OTTO JUNKER GmbH IUT Industriell Ugnsteknik AB see Extrusion 2 Windhoff Bahn- und Anlagentechnik GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 Cold rolling units / complete plants Kaltwalzanlagen/Komplettanlagen SIEMAG GmbH Obere Industriestraße 8 D-57250 Netphen Tel.: +49 (0) 2738 / 21-0 Fax: +49 (0) 2738 / 21-1299 E-Mail: info@siemag.com Internet: www.siemag.com Vits Systems GmbH Winkelsweg 172 D-40764 Langenfeld Tel.: +49 (0) 2173 / 798-0 Fax: +49 (0) 2173 / 798-244 E-Mail: mt@vits.de, Internet: www.vits.com SIGNODE® SYSTEM GMBH Packaging Equipment Non-Ferrous Specialist Team DSWE Magnusstr. 18, 46535 Dinslaken/Germany Telefon: +49 (0) 2064 / 69-210 Telefax: +49 (0) 2064 / 69-489 E-Mail: g.laks@signode-europe.com Internet: www.signode.com Contact: Mr. Gerard Laks SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 Process optimisation systems Prozessoptimierungssysteme Drive systems / Antriebe Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Coil annealing furnaces Process simulation Bundglühöfen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 Prozesssimulation SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 Hier könnte Ihr see Equipment and accessories 3.1 www.vits.com see Cold rolling equipment 3.6 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 BezugsquellenEintrag stehen. Rufen Sie an: Tel. 0511 / 73 04-148 Beate Schaefer SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 Revamps, equipments & spare parts Revamps, equipments & spare parts Bruno Presezzi SpA Via per Ornago 8 I-20040 Burago Molgora (Mi) – Italy Tel. +39 039 63502 229 Fax +39 039 6081373 E-Mail: aluminium.dept@brunopresezzi.com Internet: www.brunopresezzi.com Contact: Franco Gramaglia 153 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS Roll exchange equipment Walzenwechseleinrichtungen Trimming equipment Besäumeinrichtungen see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6 Heating furnaces Anwärmöfen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 INOTHERM INDUSTRIEOFENUND WÄRMETECHNIK GMBH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH + Co. KG see Packaging equipment 2.3 Windhoff Bahn- und Anlagentechnik GmbH see Anode rodding 1.4 SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 3.7 Thin strip / foil rolling plant Feinband-/Folienwalzwerke see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6 Rolling mill modernization Walzwerkmodernisierung see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6 Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de Internet: www.achenbach.de SIGNODE® SYSTEM GMBH Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de Internet: www.achenbach.de Slitting lines-CTL Längs- und Querteilanlagen Packaging Equipment Non-Ferrous Specialist Team DSWE Magnusstr. 18, 46535 Dinslaken/Germany Telefon: +49 (0) 2064 / 69-210 Telefax: +49 (0) 2064 / 69-489 E-Mail: g.laks@signode-europe.com Internet: www.signode.com Contact: Mr. Gerard Laks Coil annealing furnaces Vits Systems GmbH Winkelsweg 172 D-40764 Langenfeld Tel.: +49 (0) 2173 / 798-0 Fax: +49 (0) 2173 / 798-244 E-Mail: mt@vits.de, Internet: www.vits.com Thin strip / foil rolling mills / complete plant Feinband- / Folienwalzwerke / Komplettanlagen SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 Bundglühöfen see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6 Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 OTTO JUNKER GmbH Strip shears see Extrusion 2 Bandscheren Revamps, equipments & spare parts Revamps, equipments & spare parts Bruno Presezzi SpA Via per Ornago 8 I-20040 Burago Molgora (Mi) – Italy Tel. +39 039 63502 229 Fax +39 039 6081373 E-Mail: aluminium.dept@brunopresezzi.com Internet: www.brunopresezzi.com Contact: Franco Gramaglia see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6 see Equipment and accessories 3.1 Rolling mill modernization schwartz GmbH see Cold colling equipment 3.6 SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 154 www.vits.com see Thin strip / foil rolling plant 3.7 Walzwerkmodernisierung Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de Internet: www.achenbach.de ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS 3.9 Adjustment devices Adjustageeinrichtungen Process control technology Prozessleittechnik Strip flatness measurement and control equipment Bandplanheitsmess- und -regeleinrichtungen Sheet and plate stretchers Blech- und Plattenstrecker SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 SMS Meer GmbH see Rolling bar machining 3.2 Unitechnik Cieplik & Poppek AG D-51674 Wiehl, www.unitechnik.com ABB Automation Technologies AB Force Measurement S-72159 Västeras, Sweden Phone: +46 21 342000 Fax: +46 21 340005 E-Mail: pressductor@se.abb.com Internet: www.abb.com/pressductor Cable sheathing presses Kabelummantelungspressen Wagstaff, Inc. see Casting machines 1.6 Strip thickness measurement and control equipment SMS Meer GmbH see Rolling bar machining 3.2 Banddickenmess- und -regeleinrichtungen Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de Internet: www.achenbach.de Cable undulating machines Kabelwellmaschinen ABB Automation Technologies AB Force Measurement S-72159 Västeras, Sweden Phone: +46 21 342000 Fax: +46 21 340005 E-Mail: pressductor@se.abb.com Internet: www.abb.com/pressductor SMS Meer GmbH see Rolling bar machining 3.2 Transverse cutting units Querteilanlagen SERMAS INDUSTRIE E-Mail: sermas@sermas.com See Casting Machines 1.6 Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de Internet: www.achenbach.de SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 3.11 Coolant / lubricant preparation Kühl-/SchmiermittelAufbereitung Rolling oil recovery and treatment units Walzöl-Wiederaufbereitungsanlagen 3.10 Process technology / Automation technology Prozesstechnik / Automatisierungstechnik 4Production AG Produktionsoptimierende Lösungen Adenauerstraße 20, D-52146 Würselen Tel.: +49 (0) 2405 / 4135-0 info@4production.de, www.4production.de SIEMAG GmbH Obere Industriestraße 8 D-57250 Netphen Tel.: +49 (0) 2738 / 21-0 Fax: +49 (0) 2738 / 21-1299 E-Mail: info@siemag.com Internet: www.siemag.com ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 Hier könnte Ihr BezugsquellenEintrag SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 Filter for rolling oils and emulsions Filter für Walzöle und Emulsionen stehen. Rufen Sie an: Tel. 0511 / 73 04-148 Beate Schaefer Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de Internet: www.achenbach.de 155 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS Rolling oil rectification units Filtering plants and systems Walzölrektifikationsanlagen Filteranlagen und Systeme 3.17 Strip Processing Lines Bandprozesslinien Colour Coating Lines Bandlackierlinien Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de Internet: www.achenbach.de Dantherm Filtration GmbH Industriestr. 9, D-77948 Friesenheim Tel.: +49 (0) 7821 / 966-0, Fax: - 966-245 E-Mail: info.de@danthermfiltration.com Internet: www.danthermfiltration.com www.bwg-online.com see Strip Processing Lines 3.17 Lithographic Sheet Lines 3.14 Storage and dispatch Lagerung und Versand SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 Mainzer Landstrasse 16 D-60325 Frankfurt am Main Tel.: +49 69 97 16 81 48 Fax: +49 69 97 16 82 00 E-Mail: juhani.aittola@pesmel.com Internet: www.pesmel.com Lithografielinien see Cold rolling units / complete plants 3.6 www.bwg-online.com see Strip Processing Lines 3.17 Stretch Levelling Lines 3.12 Air extraction systems Abluft-Systeme Exhaust air purification systems (active) Abluft-Reinigungssysteme (aktiv) Streckrichtanlagen SIEMAG GmbH Obere Industriestraße 8 D-57250 Netphen Tel.: +49 (0) 2738 / 21-0 Fax: +49 (0) 2738 / 21-1299 E-Mail: info@siemag.com Internet: www.siemag.com www.bwg-online.com see Strip Processing Lines 3.17 Strip Annealing Lines 3.16 Coil storage systems Bandglühlinien Bundlagersysteme Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH Siegener Str. 152, D-57223 Kreuztal Tel. +49 (0) 2732/7990, info@achenbach.de Internet: www.achenbach.de SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft see Rolling mill Technology 3.0 www.bwg-online.com see Strip Processing Lines 3.17 SIEMAG GmbH Obere Industriestraße 8 D-57250 Netphen Tel.: +49 (0) 2738 / 21-0 Fax: +49 (0) 2738 / 21-1299 E-Mail: info@siemag.com Internet: www.siemag.com Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH + Co. KG see Packaging equipment 2.3 Strip Processing Lines Bandprozesslinien BWG Bergwerk- und WalzwerkMaschinenbau GmbH Mercatorstraße 74 – 78 D-47051 Duisburg Tel.: +49 (0) 203-9929-0 Fax: +49 (0) 203-9929-400 E-Mail: bwg@bwg-online.de Internet: www.bwg-online.com Could not find your „keywords“? Please ask for our complete „Supply sources for the aluminium industry“. E-Mail: Schwichtenberg@giesel.de 156 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 Foundry Gießerei Work protection and ergonomics Heat-resistant technology Conveyor and storage technology Mould and core production Mould accessories and accessory materials Foundry equipment Casting machines and equipment Handling technology Construction and design Measurement technology and materials testing Metallic charge materials Finshing of raw castings Melt operations Melt preparation Melt treatment devices Control and regulation technology Environment protection and disposal Dross recovery Gussteile 4.2 Heat-resistent technology Feuerfesttechnik Refractories 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 Arbeitsschutz und Ergonomie Feuerfesttechnik Förder- und Lagertechnik Form- und Kernherstellung Formzubehör, Hilfsmittel Gießereianlagen Gießmaschinen und Gießeinrichtungen Handhabungstechnik Konstruktion und Design Messtechnik und Materialprüfung Metallische Einsatzstoffe Rohgussnachbehandlung Schmelzbetrieb Schmelzvorbereitung Schmelzebehandlungseinrichtungen Steuerungs- und Regelungstechnik Umweltschutz und Entsorgung Schlackenrückgewinnung Cast parts 4.6 Foundry equipment Gießereianlagen Casting machines Gießmaschinen 4.7 Casting machines and equipment Gießereimaschinen und Gießeinrichtungen Feuerfeststoffe Promat GmbH – Techn. Wärmedämmung Scheifenkamp 16, D-40878 Ratingen Tel. +49 (0) 2102 / 493-0, Fax -493 115 verkauf3@promat.de, www.promat.de OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 see Equipment and accessories 3.1 Molten Metall Level Control 4.3 Conveyor and storage technology HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 Förder- und Lagertechnik Ostra Hamnen 7 SE-430 91 Hono / Schweden Tel.: +46 31 764 5520, Fax: +46 31 764 5529 E-Mail: info@precimeter.com Internet: www.precimeter.com Sales contact: Jan Strömbeck Solution annealing furnaces/plant Lösungsglühöfen/anlagen Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH + Co. KG see Packaging equipment 2.3 4.5 Mold accessories and accessory materials ERNST REINHARDT GMBH Postfach 1880, D-78008 VS-Villingen Tel. 07721/8441-0, Fax 8441-44 E-Mail: info@ernstreinhardt.de Internet: www.Ernst-Reinhardt.com Wärmebehandlungsöfen Mould parting agents Kokillentrennmittel see Foundry equipment 4.6 Flussmittel Solvay Fluor GmbH Hans-Böckler-Allee 20 D-30173 Hannover Telefon +49 (0) 511 / 857-0 Telefax +49 (0) 511 / 857-2146 Internet: www.solvay-fluor.de ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 see Casting machines 1.6 Heat treatment furnaces Formzubehör, Hilfmittel Fluxes Wagstaff, Inc. see Billet Heating Furnaces 2.1 Schröder KG Schmierstofftechnik Postfach 1170 D-57251 Freudenberg Tel. 02734/7071 Fax 02734/20784 www.schroeder-schmierstoffe.de 157 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS Melting furnaces 4.8 Handling technology Schmelzöfen Handhabungstechnik Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH + Co. KG see Packaging equipment 2.3 Manipulators Manipulatoren SERMAS INDUSTRIE E-Mail: sermas@sermas.com See Casting Machines 1.6 4.9 Construction and Design Konstruktion und Design THERMCON OVENS BV see Extrusion 2 ALERIS Recycling (German Works) GmbH Aluminiumstraße 3 D-41515 Grevenbroich Telefon +49 (0) 2181/16 45 0 Telefax +49 (0) 2181/16 45 100 E-Mail: recycling@aleris.com Internet: www.aleris-recycling.com Pre alloys / Vorlegierungen Büttgenbachstraße 14 D-40549 Düsseldorf/Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 211 / 5 00 91-43 Fax: +49 (0) 211 / 50 13 97 E-Mail: info@bloomeng.de Internet: www.bloomeng.com Sales Contact: Klaus Rixen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 METALLHANDELSGESELLSCHAFT SCHOOF & HASLACHER MBH & CO. KG Postfach 600714, D 81207 München Telefon 089/829133-0 Telefax 089/8201154 E-Mail: info@metallhandelsgesellschaft.de Internet: www.metallhandelsgesellschaft.de HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 Recycling / Recycling 4.11 Metallic charge materials Metallische Einsatzstoffe Scholz AG Am Bahnhof D-73457 Essingen Tel. +49 (0) 7365-84-0 Fax +49 (0) 7365-1481 E-Mail: infoscholz@scholz-ag.de Internet: www.scholz-ag.de Aluminium alloys Aluminiumlegierungen TRIMET ALUMINIUM AG Niederlassung Gelsenkirchen Am Stadthafen 51-65 D-45681 Gelsenkirchen Tel.: +49 (0) 209 / 94089-0 Fax: +49 (0) 209 / 94089-60 Internet: www.trimet.de see Equipment and accessories 3.1 MARX GmbH & Co. KG Lilienthalstr. 6-18 D-58638 Iserhohn Tel.: +49 (0) 2371 / 2105-0, Fax: -11 E-Mail: info@marx-gmbh.de Internet: www.marx-gmbh.de TRIMET ALUMINIUM AG Niederlassung Harzgerode Aluminiumallee 1 06493 Harzgerode Tel.: 039484 / 50-0 Fax: 039484 / 50-100 Internet: www.trimet.de Holding furnaces Warmhalteöfen 4.13 Melt operations Schmelzbetrieb METALLHÜTTENWERKE BRUCH GMBH Postfach 10 06 29 D-44006 Dortmund Telefon +49 (0) 231 / 8 59 81-121 Telefax +49 (0) 231 / 8 59 81-124 E-Mail: al-vertrieb@bruch.de Internet: www.bruch.de METALLHANDELSGESELLSCHAFT SCHOOF & HASLACHER MBH & CO. KG Postfach 600714, D 81207 München Telefon 089/829133-0 Telefax 089/8201154 E-Mail: info@metallhandelsgesellschaft.de Internet: www.metallhandelsgesellschaft.de 158 OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 Heat treatment furnaces Büttgenbachstraße 14 D-40549 Düsseldorf/Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 211 / 5 00 91-43 Fax: +49 (0) 211 / 50 13 97 E-Mail: info@bloomeng.de Internet: www.bloomeng.com Sales Contact: Klaus Rixen Wärmebehandlungsanlagen Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 see Billet Heating Furnaces 2.1 see Equipment and accessories 3.1 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS Heat treatment furnaces Wärmebehandlungsanlagen 4.16 Control and regulation technology Flue gas cleaning Rauchgasreinigung Steuerungs- und Regelungstechnik Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 HCL measurements HCL Messungen HERTWICH ENGINEERING GmbH see Casthouse (foundry) 1.5 OPSIS AB Box 244, S-24402 Furulund, Schweden Tel. +46 (0) 46-72 25 00, Fax -72 25 01 E-Mail: info@opsis.se Internet: www.opsis.se Dantherm Filtration GmbH Industriestr. 9, D-77948 Friesenheim Tel.: +49 (0) 7821 / 966-0, Fax: - 966-245 E-Mail: info.de@danthermfiltration.com Internet: www.danthermfiltration.com 4.18 Dross recovery Schlackenrückgewinnung OTTO JUNKER UK see Extrusion 2 see Equipment and accessories 3.1 4.17 Environment protection and disposal Umweltschutz und Entsorgung 4.19 Cast parts / Gussteile 4.14 Melt preparation Schmelzvorbereitung Dust removal / Entstaubung OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 Degassing, filtration Entgasung, Filtration Drache Umwelttechnik GmbH Werner-v.-Siemens-Straße 9/24-26 D 65582 Diez/Lahn Telefon 06432/607-0 Telefax 06432/607-52 Internet: http://www.drache-gmbh.de Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 NEOTECHNIK GmbH Entstaubungsanlagen Postfach 110261, D-33662 Bielefeld Tel. 05205/7503-0, Fax 05205/7503-77 info@neotechnik.com, www.neotechnik.com TRIMET ALUMINIUM AG Niederlassung Harzgerode Aluminiumallee 1 06493 Harzgerode Tel.: 039484 / 50-0 Fax: 039484 / 50-100 Internet: www.trimet.de Do you need more information? E-Mail: Schwichtenberg@giesel.de Melt treatment agents Schmelzebehandlungsmittel Gautschi Engineering GmbH see Casting equipment 3.1 4.15 Melt treatment devices Schmelzbehandlungseinrichtungen OTTO JUNKER GmbH see Extrusion 2 Metaullics Systems Europe B.V. Ebweg 14 NL-2991 LT Barendrecht Tel. +31-180/590890 Fax +31-180/551040 E-Mail: info@metaullics.nl Internet: www.metaullics.com ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 5 Materials and Recycling Werkstoffe und Recycling Alu-web.de der ALUMINIUMBranchentreff. Haben Sie schon Ihren Basiseintrag bestellt? Nein, dann sofort anrufen: 0511/73 04-142 Stefan Schwichtenberg Granulated aluminium Aluminiumgranulate ECKA Granulate Austria GmbH Bürmooser Landesstraße 19 A-5113 St. Georgen/Salzburg Telefon +43 6272 2919-12 Telefax +43 6272 8439 Kontakt: Ditmar Klein E-Mail: d.klein@ecka-granules.com 159 LIEFERVERZEICHNIS 6 Machining and Application Bearbeitung und Anwendung Machining of aluminium Joining / Fügen Aluminiumbearbeitung KGaA Haarmann Holding GmbH Henkel siehe Prozesse für die Oberflächentechnik 6.1 see Die preparation and care 2.6 6.1 Surface treatment processes Prozesse für die Oberflächenbehandlung Pretreatment before coating Vorbehandlung vor der Beschichtung siehe Prozesse für die Oberflächentechnik 6.1 Thermische Beschichtung Adhesive bonding / Verkleben Ausrüstung für Schmiedeund Fließpresstechnik Hydraulic Presses Hydraulische Pressen LASCO Umformtechnik GmbH Hahnweg 139, D-96450 Coburg Tel. +49 (0) 9561 642-0 Fax +49 (0) 9561 642-333 E-Mail: lasco@lasco.de Internet: www.lasco.com Henkel KGaA Thermal coating Henkel KGaA D-40191 Düsseldorf Tel. +49 (0) 211 / 797-30 00 Fax +49 (0) 211 / 798-36 36 Internet: www.henkel-technologies.com 6.3 Equipment for forging and impact extrusion Berolina Metallspritztechnik Wesnigk GmbH Pappelhain 30 D-15378 Hennickendorf Tel.: +49 (0) 33434 / 46060 Fax: +49 (0) 33434 / 46701 E-Mail: info@metallspritztechnik.de Internet: www.metallspritztechnik.de Henkel KGaA siehe Prozesse für die Oberflächentechnik 6.1 8 Literature Literatur Technikcal literature Fachliteratur Taschenbuch des Metallhandels Fundamentals of Extrusion Technology Giesel Verlag GmbH Verlag für Fachmedien Ein Unternehmen der Klett-Gruppe Rehkamp 3 · 30916 Isernhagen Tel. 0511 / 73 04-122 · Fax 0511 / 73 04-157 Internet: www.alu-bookshop.de. 6.2 Semi products Anodising / Anodisation Henkel KGaA Halbzeuge Wires / Drähte Technical journals Fachzeitschriften siehe Prozesse für die Oberflächentechnik 6.1 Cleaning / Reinigung Henkel KGaA siehe Prozesse für die Oberflächentechnik 6.1 DRAHTWERK ELISENTAL W. Erdmann GmbH & Co. Werdohler Str. 40, D-58809 Neuenrade Postfach 12 60, D-58804 Neuenrade Tel. +49(0)2392/697-0, Fax 49(0)2392/62044 E-Mail: info@elisental.de Internet: www.elisental.de Could not find your „keywords“? Please ask for our complete „Supply sources for the aluminium industry“. E-Mail: Schwichtenberg@giesel.de 160 Giesel Verlag GmbH Ein Unternehmen der Klett-Gruppe Rehkamp 3 · 30916 Isernhagen Tel. 0511 / 73 04-122 · Fax 0511 / 73 04-157 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 IMPRESSUM / IMPRINT International ALUMINIUM Journal 84. Jahrgang 1.1.2008 Redaktion / Editorial office Dipl.-Vw. Volker Karow Chefredakteur, Editor in Chief Franz-Meyers-Str. 16, 53340 Meckenheim Tel: +49(0)2225 8359 643 Fax: +49(0)2225 18458 E-Mail: vkarow@online.de Dipl.-Ing. Rudolf P. Pawlek Fax: +41 274 555 926 Hüttenindustrie und Recycling Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Rieth Walzwerkstechnik und Bandverarbeitung Verlag / Publishing house Giesel Verlag GmbH, Verlag für Fachmedien, Unternehmen der Klett-Gruppe, Postfach 120158, 30907 Isernhagen; Rehkamp 3, 30916 Isernhagen, Tel: 0511/7304-0, Fax: 0511/7304-157. E-mail: Giesel@giesel.de Internet: www.alu-web.de. 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Oktober 2008 Anzeigenschluss: 17. September 2008 Redaktionsschluss: 16. September 2008 Date of publication: 2 October 2008 Advertisement deadline: 17 September 2008 Editorial deadline: 16 September 2008 Abonnement-Bestellung Subscription-Order Ja, wir möchten die Zeitschrift ALUMINIUM ab sofort zum Jahresbezugspreis von EUR 285,- inkl. Mehrwertsteuer (Ausland EUR 289,-) und Versandkosten abonnieren. Das Magazin erscheint zehn Mal pro Jahr. Das Abonnement kann mit einer sechswöchigen Frist zum Bezugsjahresende gekündigt werden. Yes, we want to subscribe to ALUMINIUM. The rate is EUR 289.00 per year incl. postage. Outside Europe US$ 375.00 incl. surface mail, air mail plus US$ 82.00 The magazine is published ten times a year. Cancellations six weeks prior to the end of a subscription year. Name / name Firma / company Anschrift / address Umsatzsteuer-Ident.-Nr. / VAT Reg.-No. Datum / date Unterschrift/Signature Fax: +49 (0) 511 73 04 157 162 ALUMINIUM · 9/2008 Gautschi™ Furnace & casting Furnace & casting systemssystems for the aluminium industry •Melting and Holding Furnaces •Casting Systems •Heat Treatment Plants •Process Control Equipment •Casthouse Auxilliaries •Integrated Plant Design •Modernisation & up-grading •Engineering Services •Project Management •After Sales Services Pusher Type Furnaces Gautschi Engineering GmbH Konstanzer Str.37 8274 Taegerwilen Switzerland Tel. +41-71- 6666 666 Fax +41-71- 6666 677 www.gautschi-engineering.com info@gautschi-engineering.com ! ! ! !& "!! ! ! "!! #! & !"& ! %! ! & (! #!& " ! "! ! $ ! ! " !& ! !& !$ ! " "!! !! ! &&! " " " ! ) !& ! ! "! ! ! ! ! ! & "!! $ ""!& ! ! ! !$ " ! ! ! " ! ! ! ! & " ' "!! ! # " !& ! ! ! " ! & ! ! !&#! !!&"!! " !& ! $! " !! # !! "! "!! $& !!