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Nashville-Franklin JULY 2016 NEWSLETTER BENEVOLENT PROTECTION ORDER OF ELKS Exalted Ruler Ed Furbee WOW its July already, I want to thank every member for their participation. Participation occurs on many levels. Just as all of us joined for our own distinct reason we all participate at different levels. Each is important. We have members who no longer live in the area but continue to pay dues here. We also have members who live locally and do not get to enjoy the Lodge as much as perhaps they would like. I, for one, appreciate that they continue their membership because their dues help fund the work we do around here as well as help maintain the fine facility we are blessed to call “home.” We have members who patronize the lounge on a regular basis. Again, we are so fortunate to have a lounge where no one has to volunteer to keep it open. We have a professional staff that takes care of us. So many Lodges do not have what we have. They are not open seven days a week like we are. Think about that, we have a professionally staffed food & beverage operation seven days a week where some Lodge are not even open during the week. I actually was told from visiting Elks of a Lodge that only opens for meetings and special occasions. Thank you to those members who support the lounge. 2016-2017 Officers We have members who work committees. One of the most encouraging things to me this year has been people who have remained in their committee as it is important area to them and to several who have stepped up to help usher us into the future. Members who come to the Board and Lodge meetings are very special to me. As I have said many times the officers have been entrusted with the care of the Lodge however we are still human. I love when members come to Board Meetings to see what is going on. I love that members are taking advantage of the unified e-mail address for the board ( ) to express their thoughts and concerns. Please outnumber the officers in the Lodge Meetings No matter what level you participate at I appreciate the fact you have chosen to be an Elk and to be an Elk here at Nashville-Franklin Lodge #72. Thank you for the privilege you permit me of calling you my Brothers and Sisters Ed Furbee Exalted Ruler Exalted Ruler Chaplain Leading Knight Organist Loyal Knight Trustee 3 year Lecturing Knight Trustee 1 year Secretary Trustee 2 year Ed Furbee - 904-655-4031 Lucia Young - 615-218-1206 Mike Press - 856-465-8811 Gary McBee - 615-202-5509 Christine Clemmens - 615-275-6610 Treasurer John Bruney - 615-739-3142 Esquire ADULT SWIM JULY 23RD CONCERT BY THE POOL - SHOWING Doug Young - 615-828-3760 Inner Guard John Druckenmiller - 856-470-8549 Tiler Kevin Schruer 630-880-1152 Joseph Patrick - 615-972-4130 Robert Blythe - 615-430-4716 Steve Hensley - 615-861-0647 Joe Barbieri - 615-972-5001 Todd Nussey - 615-377-7882 Audit and Accounting YARD SALE Scholarship Kevin Burton 615-394-2915 Membership/Lapsation Board of Directors Indoctrination Ed Furbee 904-655-4031 Investigation Steve Parsons 615-306-3639 Elks National Foundation Steve Parsons 615-306-3639 Children’s Christmas Party Betty Snell 615-974-9838 Family Fun Committee Dana Pansa 615-972-5657 Hoop Shoot Matt Woods 615-604-1351 Veterans Dalton Jordan 615-708-1566 Flag Day Lucia Young 615-218-1206 Memorial Service Christine Clemmens 615-275-6610 Accident Prevention Joe Barbieri 615-972-5001 Drug Awareness - Need Thanks For Giving Chris Nelson 615-574-0537 Second Saturday of the Month This month: Saturday July 9th 8am to 1pm Rain or Shine Non-Member space rental $10.00 Location: lodge Parking Lot Loyal Knight SUMMER 2016-2017 Committee chairs Mike Press Thank You for Your Blood !!! I would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to everyone who signed up and donated. We had 34 brave souls sign up and 28 of us were able to give. That 1 pint that you donated can save up to 3 lives. Plus, summer donations are in higher demand so we did a mo' better job. The Red Cross said that 28 usable pints way exceeds their expectations for a group who has only donated once before. So again, we did a mo' better job. We are shooting to have another drive on the first viable Saturday in January so save that blood. Thank you again to everyone who stuck it out (no pun intended) and helped to save lives. That is the true meaning of Brotherly Love Fraternally, Mike Press Loyal Knight We Your Need Help !!! ATTENTION OLD AND NEW MEMBERS!!! We have a Committee that need Chairperson Drug Awareness But if you are interested in any of the other committees please contact chairperson they will be very happy to hear from you. Committee’s Continue……. Suitcase Committee Stacy Whitson 615-275-9709 Website Mike Press 856-465-8811 Public Relations/Social Media Ed Furbee 904-655-4031 Pool Entertainment Committee Manny Mueller 615-319-4880 Sickness and Distress Gina Cossey 615-293-2827 Decoration Committee Maxine Cox 615-373-8953 Joann Harper 615-373-2998 Please contact any chairpersons if you are interested in volunteering KENTUCKY LINEMAN July 30 - 7:30 to 11:00pm Need a Notary??? Contact Christine Lodge Secretary 615-275-6610 Leading Knight Lucia Young I want to start off by thanking all of the officers and members who helped make this years Flag Day at The Lotz house a big success. This was our first year there but hopefully not Thursday Nights - 7pm our last. Special thanks to Brothers J.T. Thompson and Robert Blythe the rest of the Bring a Team or Join a Team staff for going out of their way to make us feel welcome. They provided tables, a podium and lovely refreshments for In the Lounge us. A big Thank you to Commander David Pratt and the fellow VFW members who assisted us again this year by carrying the flags and preforming the narration. Thanks also to Steve Parsons, Joe Barbieri, Cindy Deal, Rusty Culp and Steve Lineberry. I appreciate all of your help more than words can say. I also want to thank everyone who participated in the yard sale. We did not have as big a turnout as I had hoped but we did have some sales and we made $60.00 for a Soldiers Child. We will have a sign-up sheet in the lounge for next months sale on July 9th. If you have any questions you can E-mail at or call me at 615-218-1206 Fraternally, Lucia Young, Esteemed Leading Knight, As we enter into summer we are reminded that we as members are fortunate to have a beautiful pool and supporting locker rooms for all of us to enjoy. It is important that we treat this area as it is our own. As a courtesy to your fellow members we respectfully ask that everyone adhere the following: 1. Close umbrellas when they are not in use. There is a cost to providing umbrellas f for your comfort and enjoyment. Open umbrellas are vulnerable to wind that at times will pick them up and damage or destroy them. 2. Please flush the toilets after use. And please ensure your children to do the same. 3. Guests must be signed in and accompanied by members at all times. 4. Pickup your trash before leaving the pool area. Return anything you may have taken from the lounge including ashtrays, buckets, and coolers. 5. Discourage your children from running and horseplay in the pool areas. This is a matter of both safety and respect to your fellow members. 6. Do not bring alcohol from outside onto the premises. This includes drinks and any food that is infused with alcohol. 7. Drink responsibly. 8. Do not leave cigarettes butts on the concreate. Do not toss cigarette butts into the yard. 9. Do not bring glass containers into the pool area. 10. Be respectful of your fellow member concerning portable music devices. These simple rules are intended to bring a more pleasurable experience for all members. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Have a great summer. Adopt-A-Highway Did you know when you turn on Oak Meadows from Royal Oaks we have a sign with our Lodge name on it. “Lets Keep our piece of Highway Clean” Every Friday Night 7pm in the lounge Monday Night at 7pm in the Lounge NASHVILLE ROLLERGIRLS JULY 16, 2016 Secretary Desk: Christine Clemmens Hello Fellow Lodge Members and Friends, Summer is in full swing and it is HOT!!! Please be safe: stay hydrated and wear sunscreen. We have 10 new candidates going through the process and should be fully initiated by the end of July. That is exciting news! Because we have many new members joining the Lodge, we have instituted a new process in order to provide a safe environment. You may be asked to show your member ID when entering the Lodge or pool area. Please do not be insulted or irritated, as this new process is for your safety. Your children will be issued membership cards for entry into the Lodge or pool area as well. If your child does not have a membership card, please email me at secretary.elks72@comcast and request one. For your information: Your membership card is not just a card for entry into a Lodge meeting. This card gives you access your home Lodge, our pool and other Lodges. If you have lost your membership card, please let me know so I can issue you a new one. Member Statistics as of April 1st to present; we have initiated 13 new members affiliate 1, and Reinstated 3. We currently still have 72 delinquent members. I will be posting the names of the delinquent members for your review. If you know any of these members, please reach out to them and find out why? We would like to know if it is for health or financial reasons. We are here to make our Lodge and members strong participants. If someone says, “I love God”, but hates a fellow believer, that person is a liar; for if we don’t love people we see, how can we love God, whom we cannot see? And He has given us this command: Those who love God must also love their fellow believers. If you have any questions or concerns, I am here to help. Please contact me at the email listed above or text me at 615-275-6610 be sure to tell me who you are. See you at the Lodge, Christine Clemmens, Lodge Secretary 1 John 4:20-21 (NLT) Need a Notary??? Contact Christine Lodge Secretary 615-275-6610 01 Jefferson, Cornelia Kariott, Thomas J Mueller, Patrick Riggin, Jeffrey T Watson, Ricky 02 Becker, Frank H O'Malley, Robert A Zager, Jack 03 Clemmens, David Dodson, William John Stevens, Pamela B 04 Lapham, Jeffrey 06 Bruney, John W Chambers, David 07 Thompson, John T 08 Huddleston, Terry Robinson, W Leon 10 Freeman, Jeff 12 Burress, H Dwayne Shimshack, Julie 13 Grant, John A Scarborough, William R 14 Kinnamon, James M 15 Burton, Kevin D Mc Ginley, James E Roof, Todd Jason Rowlen, Robert A 16 Owen, Jesse E 17 Coutras, Malvina Green, Margaret Lawson, Derek S 18 Martens, Joseph McCaleb, Kirk Smigelski, Daniel 20 Cheney, Elena 20 21 22 23 25 29 Townes, Richard R Chiasson, Darrell Louis Moreschi, Timothy Damirian, Mojgan McCabe, Charles E Hewitt, Fredrick J Mann, Chester D July 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 Hillenglade Pool Party 3 4 5 Board Meeting 6:30pm in Board Rm 6 Texas Hold’em in the Lounge 7pm 7 Trivia 7pm in the Lounge 8 9 Karaoke 7pm in Lounge 10 11 Bingo 7pm in Lounge 12 No Lodge Mtg 13 Texas Hold’em in the Lounge 7pm 14 Trivia 7pm in the Lounge 15 16 Nashville Karaoke 7pm in Rollergirls Lounge 17 18 Bingo 7pm in Lounge 19 Board Meet- 20 Texas ing 6:30pm in Hold’em in the Board Rm Lounge 7pm 21 Trivia 7pm in the Lounge 22 23 Karaoke 7pm in Pool Concert Lounge Rolling Stones 24 25 Bingo 7pm in Lounge 26 Lodge Meeting 7pm 28 Trivia 7pm in the Lounge 29 30 Karaoke 7pm in Kentucky Lounge Lineman 31 27 Texas Hold’em in the Lounge 7pm Nashville-Franklin Elks Lodge 72 485 Oak Meadow Dr. Franklin, TN 37064 RETURN SERVICE REQUEST NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S POSTAGE PAID FRANKLIN, TN PERMIT NO. 98 Contact Us Christine Clemmens Lodge Secretary/ Newsletter Editor text me at 615-275-6610 Steve Lineberry Club Manager at 615-591-5664 485 Oak Meadow Drive Franklin, TN 37064 Visit us on: Facebook Twitter