Link to a copy of the printed finding aid
Link to a copy of the printed finding aid
This document is from the Cornell University Library's Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections located in the Carl A. Kroch Library. If you have questions regarding this document or the information it contains, contact us at the phone number or e-mail listed below. Our website also contains research information and answers to frequently asked questions. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections 2B Carl A. Kroch Library Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 Phone: (607) 255-3530 Fax: (607) 255-9524 E-mail: PROD Archival LON NYCV85-A206 FIN ID NYCV85-A206 1 record in AMC + Campbell, Harry Earle, collector. Family papers, 1790-1964, 1849-1964 (bulk) 4.2 cubic ft. Search NYCV-NIC Summary: Discharge and other papers of James Hann Campbell of the 50th Pennsylvania Volunteers; deeds for land in Fox Township, Sullivan Co., Pennsylvania, 1866-1912; historical data on Shunk and Clairton, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, by H. E. Campbell; family letters, 1904-09; photographs of Campbell, Ferguson, Hoagland, and Wilcox families in Allegheny, Bradford, and Sullivan Counties in Pennsylvania, and Delaware and Yates Counties in New York; copies of surrogate's records and documents, 1790, on estates of Anthony McMillen, a sea captain, and his wife. Also, a family album and many loose photographs mostly of family, some of lumbering at Shunk; clippings, pamphlets, and over 1000 postcards. Indexes: Box list; partial item list. Described in REPORT OF THE CURATOR AND ARCHIVIST, 1962-66. Cite as: Harry Earle Campbell, Collector. Family Papers, #2371. Department of Manuscripts and University Archives, Cornell University Libraries. PROD Archival Record 1 of 1 LON NYCV85-A206 Search NYCV-NIC 1. Campbell, James Hann. 2. McMillen, Anthony. 3. Campbell family. 4. Ferguson family. 5. Hoagland family. 6. Wilcox family. 7. United States. Army. Pennsylvania Volunteers, 50th. 8. Lumbering. 9. Real property, Exchange of. 10. Allegheny County (Pa.) 11. Clairton (Pa.) 12. Shunk (Pa.) 13. United States-History--Civil War, 1861-1865. 14. Albums. 15. Deeds. 16. Photoprints. 17. Postcards. RGPN: 2371 ID: NYCV85-A206 JUN DCF: a CC: 9554 2 3 1987 - -- PROC: p <. - -.- -- - - - - -- - - -- ----- ------ -- - ~- ~ -- -_. ,- -E£~~~ - _~ d-~C;:;'1j~- = -~-t -------- .- -~(Jjt4~d!)----~-- --- ~ - - .- - - =qtCfi~;'Ad ~~4~--1~~-~~~~ - -_ __ __ ~~=(ii'J ---7~;~";5'MA{~~~~T= ~~_.s= (j£')__ ~- -;- - -'I C--':,= ~ __~ -- ::,,-~__~_ - _ ___£,_?.L~2 _ ~~ ~_~_(. - ~Mk-~_/j--3~~~, ./ ----- - --------- - - --- - - - -- --- - - - - --- ---- - -- --- --- ------ - - - -- -- - - --- -- - - -- - -- -- --- - -- - - - ( ------ ---.- --- - -- .. i , #2371 f FamUy Reoords,1849-1964. Contents of Box 3, labelled "Photographs 20 photographs of the Campbell family of the Hoagland family of the Ferguson family' of the Brown family, 5, photographs of ,Shunk, Pa. 16 misc. photographs and Miscellaneous:" and property " 4 photographs 9 photographs 4 photpgraphs 3 souvenir pamplDlets, Shunk Schooi, Dist. #1, Fox Township, 3 programs from BuclaiellUniversity Pa.. Sullivan- County, " , - 1 book Marrial'!eMemorial and Weddinl'!Souvenir, Harry E. tampbell, July 23, 1917" Plttsburl'!h Sunday Post, Ju e 16, 1912, with marked picture of Helen Brown ~hlet - Centennial Program 1842-1942 The Elizabeth Baptist Church (Pa.) postcard of Elizabeth, Pa., 1920's . 2 pamphlets of Clairton (Pa.) Silver Anniversa,ry,1947 I£S "Shunk, Sullivan Co~, Pennsylvania: a Sh~rt History and Pictures" by Harry E~ Campbell,Nov. 11,.1964 I£S notes O.P A. 'by'Har17 E. Campbell 1948,' ',!:2 history I gas coupons, of items' removed N.B. -Mr. of Clairton .' , Dutes(?) . won by Edgar Carlton from box of meda.!s Campbell's with Gillingham, . Feb. 18, , 1945 6 med!ils, 1908-1910 3 . conversation arrangement of Campbell photogl'!!-phshas been retained. , ,~ - --- - - -- - - 6. Yates County Chronicle, PennYan, New York March 7, 1888 Campbell fS (We had bound vol. of this newspaper so James B. obituary was clipped from page 2 and left in the box~ while rest of newspaper wasdiscarded.) 7/64 lID ~ ~ tI All photographs left with the collection: A photograph album - 78 photographs Shunk, Pennsyl.ania. 183 Loose Photographs: 78 Campbell 23 photographs doughta1ing 7 9 family I: of friends, family and sc..n~s 'around rw:f~:~J( photographs of James Brooks and descendants Campbell of Yates (1807-1888), his wife Nellie County, New York. photographs of Henry Williams Campbell (1794-1894), Morrison and descendants of Yates County, New York. his wife Abigail ~ c ~ ~ 8 E 9 i ~ ~ f'" ;.. ~ Ferguson family ,. photographs ~ 24 Hoagland 3 Hunter 1 photograph and Wilcox family family :c row photographs CD ~ ,. photographs :< 8 7 15 8 - G. A. R. 'encampment grouy:,from Post No. 91 Canton, Pennsyl'l'"') vania - taken at Gettysburg,Pa. in 1904. ~ photographs of Harry Earle Campbell at Bucknell University, Lewisburg, ~. photographs of the first permanept home of Charles (Virden) Mullan in Waterloo, Iava. III and America 2 ~ ,. '" of Shunk, Pennsylvania (bui1ding$and lumbering operations) ~ CD photo~s miscellaneous ,. ~ photographs. ,. :< Miscellaneous =i :c Items: ~ t"') 3 picture post cards 5 tiny pocket almanacs ~ 2: 1"'1 . l' 1 5 13 tiny pocket calendar trade '. ...:..t,~ l ,',_f ' .., ICr o ~ . ~ cards Grand A~ ~ "< .-; ~ c:n of the Republic medals and misc. tokens in a small black box.~ 1 !> ...... ~ "" \,1'1 ~ ~ 7/64 ND~ - - -- - --- Harry Earle Campbell, Collector and Compiler. Family Records. " ~ ~ Pamphlets: 1. "Views of Camp Life at the famous Chickamauga - Chattanooga National ParC" 26 pp. 2. ~ c: "Dedication of the Pennsylvania Memorial at Vicksburg, Mississippi, March 24, 1906;" 14 pp. 3. " ~ - -Souvenir - Reunion of the 50th Regt. P. V. V. Inf. at Montrose, n Pennsyl-() ~ vania. Seibtemb~r 2, 1902." 19 pp. 4. ~ "Genealogy of William Molyneux and Descendants Molyneux Pardoe, Sioux City, Iowa. 63 pp. down to 193enby George 9 i ~ n 5. "Pioneering with Sullivan County Pioneers"by many authors. The Endicott Printing Co., September 1, 1953. 45 pp. Printed by ~ f"" ~ 6. "Sullivan County IndustriesThen and Now"by many authors. Printed by Th~ Endicott Printing Co., April 20, 1954. 58 pp. ~ :z: r- 7. "Historic Hodge - Podge Past and Pr >sent Pioneer Mafers of Sullivan Co~ History"by many authors. (Harry Earle Campbell a contributor). Printe~ by the Tioga Publishing Co., Owego, New York, May 10, 1955. 114 pp. ~ Book - History of the Fiftieth Regiment, Penna. Vet. Vols. 1861 -65 by Lewis Crater. Coleman Printing House, Reading, Pa., 1884. 138 pp. (For Distribution?) Newspapers: 1. The Sullivan Star, SkUnk, Pa. April 10, 1905 June 8, 1905 March 15, 1906 r- m N~wspaper card made. 2. The Clairton Progress, Clairton, Pa. June 19, 1947 - Clairton Sivler Jubilee Anniversary FAition. (5 sedtions) This neswpaper retaineddwit~_t~~ collection. 3. The Canton Independent - Sentinel, Canton, Pa. November 30, 1950 - l50th Anniversary of the founding of the borough of Canton. (6 sections). This newspaper retained with the collection...h 1-..1 . U-L .,3 .Ll r r T," ~ U Industrial School News, Scotland, Pa. June 23, 1904 - left in the bottom The Daily of the box. News, McKee sport, Pa. July 2, 1947 ::L _ only the front page of each October 20, 19411 Left in the bottom, --- of th~ box. - -- 7~4 ~ ~ Additional items received fromHarry Ear:JeCampbell, Nov. 30, 1964: 2 Post Card Albums containing approx. 1125 post cards; approx. 525 in one ~ album and apprax. 570 post cards in the other album: 1 VQ1. Univ. buildings a~ campus scenes around the country. 2nd. vol. buildings, so~nes, comic cards fro~~.ot of all ovp.r the country. Loose on shelf~ ~-J'-I7.tA-4LJ.>< 39 Pamphlets :fxmgthe <\mcy Historical Society and Museumof History, Muncy, Pa.; ~ .'" ~ "Now and Then",; a quarterly April 1951 July 1951 Oct. 1951 Jan. 1952 April 1952 July 1952 Oot. 1952 Jan. 1953 April 1953 Oct. 1953 Jan. 1954 April 1954 July 1954 Oct. 1954 Jan. 1955 July 1955 Oct. 1956 A". i.i. f~'oui. Jan. 1957 April 1957 April 1958 July 1958 Oct. 1958 Jan. 1959 April 1959 July 1959 Oct. 1959 Jan. 1960 April 1960 July 1960 .Jan. 1961 April 1961 July 1961 Oct. 1961-Jan.1962 April 1962 July 1962 Oct. 1962 Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Val. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. IX X X X X X X X X X X X XI XI XI XI XI ~. XI XI XII XII XII XII XII XII XII XII XII XII XIII XIII XIII XIII XIII XIII XIV No.. 12 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 NO...1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 5 No. 10 and biOgraphy:. ~ ~ n (2 copies) Official Official ~ 9 ~ ~ t~ ~ ,., ~ :: rIII ~ ,., :< 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Publication Publication No. 6 No. 7 acc~ssion. N.D~ 12/11/64 -- - -- - - - - N ~ c 1.' 2! No. 11 No. 12 No. J No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 N8. 8 No. 9 No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No.4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 1 Index July 1954-Apr. 1957 Vol. XI Index Oct. 1957-July 1960 Vol. XII Added to the original magazine of history