HERNIAS Prof. Dr. M. Süphan ERTÜRK Definition A hernia is an abnormal protrusion of the contents of an anatomical cavity through a congenital defect or weakened region in its wall. Frequency • Groin – Indirect inguinal – Direct inguinal – Femoral • • Incisional Ventral 75% 60-65 % 15 % 5% 10 % 10 % – Epigastric – Umbilical – Spigelian • Others – – – – – – Hiatal Lumbar Obturator Perineal Sciatic Peristomal 5% Etiology • Congenital defects • Enlarged foramen • Loss of tissue strength and elasticity • Trauma • Increased intra-abdominal pressure Structures of a hernia • Hernial orifice • Hernial sac • Hernial content • Hernial coverings Descriptive terms - Reducible: The hernia contents can be pushed back (return) into the abdomen spontaneously or manual pressure. - Irreducible: The hernia cannot be pushed back. - Incarcerated - Strangulated contents Descriptive terms - Complete - Incomplete - SlidingRichter’s hernia - Maydl’s hernia - Littre’s hernia Surgical Anatomy, Skandalakis Indirect inguinal hernia • Indirect inguinal hernia passes through the internal ring and traverses the inguinal canal. • It may extend into the scrotum (complete hernia). Current Surg Diagn & Treatm, Lange Indirect inguinal hernia - Most common type of hernia in both men and women (5 to 10 times more common in men than in women). - Approximately 5% of men develop an inguinal hernia during their life. - A pediatric inguinal hernia is almost always indirect and is more common on the right (60% right, 30% left, 10% bilateral). - Bilateral indirect inguinal hernia occurs in up to 10% of patients. - Potential indirect hernias - Undescended testis, - Testis in the inguinal canal - Testicular or spermatic cord hydrocele. Direct inguinal hernia •It occurs in the floor of the inguinal canal because of an acquired weakness in fascia transversalis. •The abdominal structures protrude through the Hesselbach’s triangle into the posterior wall of the inguinal canal. •The hernia rarely descends into the scrotum. •Direct hernias are seen Current Surg Diagn & Treatm, Lange Femoral hernia • A femoral hernia develops through an enlarged femoral ring. • Femoral ring – femoral vein – inguinal ligament – lacunar ligament – pectineal ligament (Cooper) Surgical Anatomy, Skandalakis Femoral hernia • Because the neck of a femoral hernia is narrow, incarceration and strangulation are frequent (30-40%). • Femoral hernia is more common in women (1/3 of all groin hernias) than in men (2% of all groin hernias). However, inguinal hernia is more frequent both in men and in women than femoral hernia. • Femoral hernias are related to physical exertion and to pregnancy Diagnosis History - Most hernias produce no symptoms until the patient notice a lump or swelling in the groin. - Some patients may describe a sudden pain and bulge while lifting, coughing or straining (physical activity). - The mass may be intermittantly present and may be painful. - In general, direct hernias produce fewer symptoms than indirect inguinal hernias and are less likely to become incarcerated or strangulated. Diagnosis . Physical examination - A mass may be visible, and its size may depend on its position. - The mass may be tender, may be reducible with gentle pressure, and bowel sounds may be audible. - The mass may be small or nonpalpabl but may become palpabl with coughing and straining. - Differentiation between direct and indirect hernia on examination is difficult, and is of little importance since most groin hernias should be treated surgically. Diagnosis .. Radiology – Plain films – Upper GI series – Contrast medium enema, – Herniography (to demonstrate peritoneal outpouchings) – US and CT may be helpful. Umbilical hernia • Umbilical hernias occur at the umbilicus. • It occurs 10 times more often in women than in men. • The defect is common in children, but is usually (95%) obliterated spontaneously. • In adults, umbilical hernias are often associated with increased intra-abdominal pressure (ascite, pregnancy, obesity, large intra-abdominal tumor). Epigastric hernia • It develops through a defect in the linea alba above the umbilicus. • About 20% of epigastric hernias are multiple Current Surg Diagn & Treatm, Lange Incisional hernia • Incisional hernia is the most common type of ventral hernia. • It results from poor wound healing in a previous surgical incision. • Common etiologic factors: poor surgical technique, wound infection, wound hematoma, advanced age, obesity, malnutrition, increased postoperative abdominal pressure (ileus, ascites, pulmonary complication). Spigelian hernia They are most commonly seen where the linea semicircularis (linea linea arcuate) crosses the semilunaris (line of Spiegel). Obturator hernia It is a herniation through an obturator foramen. With abduction, extension or internal rotation of the knee, it may cause a pain along the obturator nerve which is referred to as Howship-Romberg sign. It is more frequent in elderly women and is difficult to diagnose. Lumbar hernia • Superior lumber triangle (Grynfeltt) • Inferior lumber triangle (Petit) Current Surg Diagn & Treatm, Lange Perineal hernia Perineal hernias occur in the pelvic floor usually following surgical procedures such as: • abdomino-perineal resection • perineal prostatectomy • pelvic exenteration Sciatic hernia Sciatic hernia is very rare and consists of of herniation intra-abdominal contents through the greater sciatic foramen Peristomal hernia It develops around the site of an intestinal ostomy Diaphragmatic hernias • Esophageal hiatus • Posterolateral (Bochdalek) • Anterior (Morgagni, Larrey) İnsan Anat Atl, Sobotta
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