SHOW INFORMATION ACNP National Clinical Conference
SHOW INFORMATION ACNP National Clinical Conference
SHOW INFORMATION Shepard Exposition Services 603 W. Landstreet Rd. ACNP National Clinical Conference Orlando, FL 32824 Customer Service Phone: (407) 888-9669 Customer Service Fax: (407) 888-2301 Customer Service Email: Event Code: F126781010 October 22-23, 2010 Tampa Convention Center Tampa, Florida BOOTH PACKAGE Items provided in your booth, per exhibitor: 8' High backwall drape, 3' High sidewall drape 7" x 44" Cardstock Identification Sign (1) 6' x 30" Skirted Table - Red (2) Side Chairs (1) Wastebasket Show drape color(s): Aisle carpet color: Blue, Red & White Eclipse (blue & black combination) EXHIBIT SHOW SCHEDULE General Exhibitor Move-in: Thursday, October 21, 2010 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Exhibit Hours: Friday, October 22, 2010 Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:45 AM - 2:45 PM 10:15 AM - 1:30 PM Exhibitor Move-out: Saturday, October 23, 2010 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM Freight Re-route Time: Saturday, October 23, 2010 4:00 PM IMPORTANT DEADLINES Exhibitor appointed contractor notification deadline: Thursday, September 23, 2010 Discount price deadline for all Shepard orders: Friday, October 1, 2010 First day for warehouse deliveries without a surcharge: Thursday, September 23, 2010 Last day for warehouse deliveries without a surcharge: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 First day freight can arrive at show facility: Thursday, October 21, 2010 at 9:00 AM SHIPPING ADDRESSES Advance Shipments Address [Exhibiting Co. Name & Booth Number] Direct Shipments Address c/o Shepard Exposition Services ACNP National Clinical Conference c/o UPSF/Shepard Exposition Services 3717 E Lake Ave Tampa, FL 33610 [Exhibiting Co. Name & Booth Number] ACNP National Clinical Conference Tampa Convention Center 333 S Franklin St Tampa, FL 33602 ALL UTILITY AND ANCILLARY FORMS SHOULD BE FAXED TO THE NUMBER INDICATED ON FORM. PLEASE DO NOT SEND UTILITY AND/OR ANCILLARY FORMS TO SHEPARD. ONLINE ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS Shepard Exposition Services 603 W. Landstreet Rd. ACNP National Clinical Conference Orlando, FL 32824 Customer Service Phone: (407) 888-9669 Customer Service Fax: (407) 888-2301 Customer Service Email: Event Code: F126781010 October 22-23, 2010 Tampa Convention Center Tampa, Florida ***ATTENTION EXHIBITORS*** ONLINE ORDERING FOR SHEPARD SERVICES AVAILABLE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE CONVENIENCE OF ORDERING ONLINE, SIMPLY FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW. 1. Go to 2. Click on 3. Click on ACNP National Clinical Conference 4. Show Information page will be displayed. 5. Log in by entering your email address and password then clicking If you do not have a password, you will need to do one of the following: a. Create a profile with Shepard by clicking and following the prompts. OR b. Get a previously generated password by clicking "Forgot your password?" and following the prompts. 6. Once you log in, you will be prompted to review your profile information. a. If your information is correct, click OR b. If your information is not correct, please click "here" as indicated, update your profile and submit changes. 7. Now you can begin your online ordering experience. Some helpful tips: Use the or buttons to scroll through all your options. Use the button to add an item to your cart, BEFORE proceeding to the next screen. If you need to review a past page, use your menu options at the top of the page. To view your shopping cart, click on If you wish to delete an item from your shopping cart, click be removed. next to the item you want to If you require assistance with your online ordering, please contact our customer service department: Shepard Customer Service (407) 888-9669 PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION Shepard Exposition Services 603 W. Landstreet Rd. ACNP National Clinical Conference Orlando, FL 32824 Customer Service Phone: (407) 888-9669 Customer Service Fax: (407) 888-2301 Customer Service Email: Event Code: F126781010 October 22-23, 2010 Tampa Convention Center Tampa, Florida Discount Deadline: October 1, 2010 Please complete the information requested below and return this form with your orders. You may choose to pay by credit card, check payable to Shepard Exposition Services, or bank wire transfer. However, we require your credit card authorization to be on file before we process your order(s) for service. We will use this authorization to charge your credit card account for any additional amounts incurred as a result of show site orders placed by your representative to include material handling charges for shipments received on your company's behalf and any unpaid balance due for Shepard services. Credits for services will be issued at show site only. WIRE TRANSFER In order to accurately process the transfer of funds from your account, please complete the following information and fax it along with a copy of the wire receipt to the fax number printed on the header of this page. A $50 service charge will be added for processing checks drawn on foreign banks. A $25 service charge will be added for processing U.S. wire transfers. $50 service charge for international wire transfers. The following information must be included on the bank copy of the wire transfer confirmation: Name of show that you are attending Exhibiting company name Booth number Account Name: ACNP National Clinical Conference - Shepard Exposition Services, Inc. Routing Number: 0260-0959-3 SWIFT CODE (US): BOFAUS3N Bank Name: Account Number: Bank of America, Atlanta, Georgia USA 3278494077 SWIFT CODE (INTL): BOFAUS6S If payment is not received by the date shown above, I hereby agree to have the balance owed to Shepard Exposition Services, Inc. charged to the credit card indicated in the next section. CREDIT CARD INFORMATION Type of Card: Credit Card #: Expiration Date: Month Billing Address: Security Code: City, ST, Zip: Name on Card: Authorized Signature: EXHIBITING COMPANY INFORMATION Please fill out the following information: COMPANY NAME: BOOTH # COMPANY ADDRESS: PHONE: CITY, ST, ZIP: FAX: CONTACT NAME: EMAIL: Year SHEPARD TERMS & CONDITIONS Shepard Exposition Services ACNP National Clinical Conference PAYMENT POLICY Show Site Orders: Services ordered at show site will require full payment at the time the order is placed. Purchase orders may not be used in lieu of payment. Regular prices will apply to all show site orders. Floor orders are limited to availability. Third Party Orders: If you contract your work to a display or exhibit house and require services from Shepard, the payment policy stated above applies. Please pass this information on to them. A Third Party Payment form must be completed and submitted three weeks prior to show opening. Invoices: Prior to close of show, an invoice will be prepared and delivered to your booth for your review. Credits will be issued at show site only. If you have any questions, or want to pay your invoice by check or cash, please see our customer service representatives at the service desk on site. Charges: All charges, regardless of amount, must be paid in full by cash, check or credit card. If credit card method is used, please ensure that the card limits are high enough to cover your expected charges. Past Due Accounts: The buyer understands that there will be a 1 1/2% monthly (18% per year) finance charge on past due accounts and agrees to pay all costs incurred by Shepard Exposition Services while endeavoring to collect this account. Outbound Services: All outbound services will be processed on your credit card. A copy of the receipt and invoice will be mailed within 10 days of the close of the show. International Customers: banks. International customers must pay for all services in U.S. funds. A $50 service charge will be added for processing checks or wire transfers drawn on foreign U.S. Wire Transfers: A $25 service charge will be added for processing U.S. wire transfers. Please complete the wire transfer portion of the Payment Authorization form. The credit card portion of the form must still be completed before your order will be processed. Tax Exempt Status: If you are tax exempt in the state where the show is held, a copy of the certificate must accompany your order. Rental Responsibility: All materials are on a rental basis and shall remain the property of Shepard. The customer shall be held financially responsible for any damage to Shepard equipment used by the customer. Price Quotes: Default Colors: Prices quoted are for the duration of the show and include installation, rental, and removal, except where indicated. If skirting and carpet colors are not selected, show colors will prevail. Exchanges and Cancellations: Onsite exchanges and cancellations in orders will be assessed a 100% pick-up fee. DEFINITIONS AND SHEPARD RESPONSIBILITIES The name "Shepard" shall be construed within the meaning of this contract as Shepard Exposition Services, Inc. and its employees, officers, agents, and assigns including any subcontractors Shepard may appoint. The term "exhibitor" refers to any party who contracts for services with Shepard. Shepard shall be responsible only for those services which it directly provides, and hereby agrees to execute its contracted duties in good faith. Shepard assumes no responsibility for any person, parties, or other contracting firms not under Shepard's direct supervision and control. Shepard shall not be responsible for loss, delay or damage due to strikes, lockouts, work stoppages, natural elements, vandalism, acts of God, civil disturbances, power failures, acts of terrorism or war, or any other causes beyond Shepard's reasonable control; or for ordinary wear and tear in the handling of materials. Due to the security and liability requirements, Shepard personnel will unload all vendor materials from the loading docks to the booths. INDEMNIFICATION The exhibitor agrees to indemnify, forever hold harmless and defend Shepard and its employees, officers and agents from and against any and all claims, causes of action, fines, penalties, damages, liabilities, judgments, and expenses on account of personal injury or death, damage to or loss of property or profits arising out of, or contributed to by any of the following: (1) exhibitor's negligent supervision of any labor secured through Shepard or the negligent supervision of such labor by any of the exhibitor's employees, agents, representative, invitees, and/or exhibitor appointed contractor (EAC); (2) exhibitor's negligence, willful misconduct, or deliberate act, or such actions of exhibitor's employees, agents, invitees, representatives, or EACs at the show to which this contract relates, including but not limited to the misuse, improper use, unauthorized alteration or negligent handling of Shepard equipment; or (3) exhibitor's violation of Federal, State or Local ordinance; or violation of show regulations and/or rules as published by the Facility and/or Show Management. CLAIM(S) FOR LOSS AND PAYMENT FOR SERVICES Exhibitor agrees that any and all claims for loss or damage shall be submitted to Shepard prior to the conclusion of the show when alleged loss or damage occurred prior to that time, and in all cases within 30 days of the conclusion of the show. For claim reporting purposes, the "conclusion" of the show shall be construed as the end of the day on which exhibitor must vacate the show site. All claims reported after the 30-day period will be rejected. In no event shall a suit or action be brought against Shepard more than one year after the date that loss or damage occurred. Payment for services may not be withheld. In the event of any dispute between Shepard and the exhibitor relative to any loss or damage claim, the exhibitor shall not be entitled to, and shall not withhold payment for Shepard services as an offset against the amount of the alleged loss or damage. Any claim against Shepard shall be considered a separate transaction and shall be resolved on its own merit. SHEPARD'S LIMITS OF LIABILITY If found liable for any loss or damage, Shepard's sole and maximum liability for loss or damage to exhibitor's materials will be limited to the repair or replacement with like kind and quantity, subject to a dollar amount not to exceed $5.00 (five dollars) per pound based on the weight of the articles for which Shepard specifically acknowledges receipt in writing. Shepard shall in no event be liable for collateral, exemplary, indirect costs or damages, or loss of sales resulting from, or related to, a claim for loss of or damage to material. INBOUND AND OUTBOUND SHIPMENTS Consistent with trade show industry practices, there may be a lapse of time between the delivery of shipment(s) to the booth and the arrival of the exhibitor or his representative. During such time, the materials will be left unattended. Shepard is not, and cannot be, responsible for loss, damage, theft, or disappearances of exhibitor’s materials after same have been delivered to the exhibitor’s booth. Similarly, there may be a lapse of time between the completion of packing and the actual pick up of exhibitor’s materials from the booth for loading onto a carrier. During such time, the materials will be left unattended. Shepard shall not be responsible for loss, damage, theft, or disappearance of exhibitor’s materials before same have been picked up for loading after the show. All materials will be checked at the booth at the time of loading using document(s) submitted by the exhibitor and notations of exceptions to conditions of materials, or piece counts will be made on said document. Shepard assumes no responsibility for loss, damage, theft, or disappearance of exhibitor’s materials after same have been delivered to exhibitor’s appointed carrier or agent for transportatio after the show. Shepard loads materials onto the carrier’s truck under the supervision of the carrier driver who checks and signs for the materials. Shepard assumes no liability for any materials after the carrier assumes custody of materials. If exhibitor’s designated carrier fails to show by the move out deadline after a show, Shepard shall have the authority to route exhibitor’s shipment via an alternate carrier, or return shipment to a local warehouse for disposition at exhibitor’s expense. PACKAGING, CRATES, AND EMPTY CONTAINERS Shepard shall not be responsible for surface damage to loose or uncrated materials, pad-wrapped, or shrink-wrapped materials. Shepard shall not be responsible for concealed damage, damage to carpets in bags or poly, or damage to materials improperly packed. Shepard shall not be responsible for crates and packaging unsuitable for handling, partially assembled, or having prior damage. Affixing “Empty” storage labels to containers is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor or his representative. All previous labels should be removed. Shepard assumes no responsibility for removal or misdelivery of containers with old labels or incorrect information on labels or for loss or damage to materials stored in containers labeled “empty.” Shepard Exposition Services 603 W. Landstreet Rd. ACNP National Clinical Conference Orlando, FL 32824 Customer Service Phone: (407) 888-9669 Customer Service Fax: (407) 888-2301 Customer Service Email: Event Code: F126781010 THIRD PARTY PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION October 22-23, 2010 Tampa Convention Center Tampa, Florida Discount Deadline: October 1, 2010 The following information must be completed and the form returned to Shepard by the deadline date. Both parties MUST sign this form indicating acceptance; otherwise, request will be denied. When a third party is handling your display and/or paying for any services on your behalf, we will agree to this third party arrangement if the following payment is agreed upon and all signatures are properly completed. By signing this form, both parties agree and understand that the exhibiting firm is responsible for all charges. In the event that the named third party does not make payment by show close, Shepard will be paid by the exhibiting firm on demand at show site. The show site invoice may or may not include any outbound services, such as additional material handling, rigging, and/or shipping charges. SERVICES TO BE COVERED BY THIRD PARTY All services Rental Furniture Carpet Other (please specify): Signage Exhibit Display Rentals Cleaning Material Handling Overhead Rigging/Labor Installation/Dismantling Labor THIRD PARTY INFORMATION COMPANY NAME: COMPANY ADDRESS: PHONE: CITY, ST, ZIP: FAX: CONTACT NAME: EMAIL: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: EXHIBITING COMPANY INFORMATION COMPANY NAME: BOOTH # COMPANY ADDRESS: PHONE: CITY, ST, ZIP: FAX: CONTACT NAME: EMAIL: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: THIRD PARTY CREDIT CARD INFORMATION Type of Card: Credit Card #: Expiration Date: Month Billing Address: City, ST, Zip: Name on Card: Authorized Signature: Security Code: Year Shepard Exposition Services 603 W. Landstreet Rd. ACNP National Clinical Conference Orlando, FL 32824 Customer Service Phone: (407) 888-9669 Customer Service Fax: (407) 888-2301 Customer Service Email: Event Code: F126781010 EXHIBITOR APPOINTED CONTRACTOR October 22-23, 2010 Tampa Convention Center Tampa, Florida Deadline Date: September 23, 2010 Please read the following information entirely prior to signing form and returning to Shepard. Complete this form for each non-official contractor used. Only the official show contractor or the facility may provide building services, utilities, rigging, material handling, cleaning, and furniture rental. As the official show contractor, Shepard will provide all usual trade show services, including installation/dismantling labor, but exhibitors may appoint a nonofficial contractor to provide installation/dismantling labor provided all the following conditions are met: ~ EXHIBITOR must inform Shepard Exposition Services that they have contracted with a non-official contractor by completing this form and returning it by deadline date. If form is not submitted by deadline date, the Exhibitor Appointed Contractor will not be allowed to perform work in the hall except to supervise the official contractor provided labor. ~ The CONTRACTOR hired by the exhibitor must, by the deadline date, provide Shepard with a current Certificate of Insurance with minimum limits of $500,000 property damage per occurrence, $1,000,000 personal injury per occurrence, workers compensation aggregate coverage of $1,000,000 per occurrence, and naming Shepard Exposition Services as additionally insured for the time period of the show (including move-in and move-out days). ~ The CONTRACTOR must abide by the rules and regulations of the show and all pertinent union regulations ~ CONTRACTOR employees must wear approved identification badges at all times while in the work area. Badge will be issued at show site to authorized contractor representatives when all requirements have been met. ~ If the non-official contractor is empowered to incur expense on behalf of the exhibitor, a Third Party Payment Authorization form must be completed and returned to Shepard. The exhibitor agrees that he is ultimately responsible for the cost of all services provided in connection to the exhibitor's booth. ~ The non-official contractor agrees to have evidence, in the booth, that it has a valid authorization from the Exhibitor for services. ~ The non-official contractor must confine its operations to the exhibit area of its clients. No service desks, storage areas or other work facilities will be located anywhere in the facility. Show aisles and public areas are not part of the Exhibitor's booth space. ~ The non-official contractor may not solicit business on the exhibit floor. ~ The non-official contractor must have all business licenses, work permits and insurance required by State and City governments and Facility Management before beginning work, and shall provide Show Management with evidence of compliance. ~ If required, the non-official contractor must be able to provide evidence that it has current and applicable labor contracts and must comply with all labor agreements and jurisdictions. The non-official contractor must not jeopardize the production of the event by any act or practice that would lead to work stoppages, strikes or labor disputes. ~ Non-official contractor employees must wear approved identification badges at all times while in the work area. Badges will be issued at show site, to authorized representatives, when all requirements have been met. The following information must be completed and the form returned to Shepard by the deadline date. Name of Non-official Contractor: Services to be performed: Contact Name: Contact Phone: Fax: Contact Address: Exhibitor's Signature: Exhibiting Company Name: Date: Booth # SIGNATURE SERIES PACKAGES Shepard Exposition Services 603 W. Landstreet Rd. ACNP National Clinical Conference October 22-23, 2010 Orlando, FL 32824 Customer Service Phone: (407) 888-9669 Customer Service Fax: (407) 888-2301 Customer Service Email: Event Code: F126781010 Tampa Convention Center Tampa, Florida Discount Deadline: October 1, 2010 Signature Series - We Make Exhibiting EZ!! Signature Series Packages offer one stop shopping convenience for all of your trade show needs. 100 SERIES PACKAGE 200 SERIES PACKAGE ~ 10'x10' Expo Carpet (Select Color) 50255 (01) Red (13) Teal (06) Black (05) Blue (10) Grey (07) Burgundy ~ 6'Lx42"H Skirted Counter (Select Color) 50047 (01) Red (04) Gold (07) Burgundy (02) Green (05) Blue (10) Grey (03) White (06) Black (13) Teal ~ (2) Padded Stools with Back 50024 ~ Wastebasket 50091 ~ One Time Vacuuming for 100 sq. ft. 47001 ~ 200 lbs. Material Handling* 35030/35010 Qty. 66320 Discount Regular 638.75 830.40 ~ 10'x10' Expo Carpet (Select Color) (01) Red (05) Blue Qty. 66323 300 SERIES PACKAGE (01) Red (05) Blue (13) Teal (10) Grey Qty. Discount Regular 752.00 977.60 Discount Regular 654.35 850.65 Amount 400 SERIES PACKAGE 50255 ~ 10'x10' Expo Carpet (Select Color) (06) Black (07) Burgundy ~ 1 Meter Locking Cabinet (LC3) 66284 ~ Wastebasket 50091 47001 ~ One Time Vacuuming for 100 sq. ft. ~ Up to 200 lbs. Material Handling* 35030/35010 66326 (06) Black (07) Burgundy 50032 ~ 30" Star Base Pedestal Table ~ (2) Padded Arm Chairs 50021 ~ Wastebasket 50091 ~ One Time Vacuuming for 100 sq. ft. 47001 ~ Up to 200 lbs. Material Handling* 35030/35010 Amount ~ 10'x10' Expo Carpet (Select Color) 50255 (13) Teal (10) Grey (01) Red (05) Blue 50255 (13) Teal (10) Grey (06) Black (07) Burgundy ~ 10'x10' New York Booth 66262 ~ Wastebasket 50091 47001 ~ One Time Vacuuming for 100 sq. ft. ~ Up to 200 lbs. Material Handling* 35030/35010 Amount Qty. 66329 Discount Regular 2192.25 2849.95 Amount *Some restrictions may apply - material handling based on standard freight, does not include late to warehouse surcharges, special handling, marshaling yard or other applicable fees. GO GOLD!! Upgrade your package to include 100 sq. ft. of 1/2" Carpet Padding (50009) and Visqueen (50010). $110.00 GO PLATINUM!! Includes the Gold Upgrade plus daily vacuuming and (1) 500 watt electrical drop. $275.00 Subtotal: $ Please complete the following: 7.000% Tax: $ Company Name: Booth #: Amount Due: $ Contact Name: Phone #: Authorized Signature: Signature also indicates you read and accept the Payment Policy and Terms and Conditions. Must order by discount deadline date to receive discounted pricing. Payment Authorization must be completed and returned with order. There are no exchanges or refunds once item has been delivered to your booth. Cancellation must be received 24 hours prior to first exhibitor move-in day. EXPO FURNISHINGS Shepard Exposition Services 603 W. Landstreet Rd. ACNP National Clinical Conference Orlando, FL 32824 Customer Service Phone: (407) 888-9669 Customer Service Fax: (407) 888-2301 Customer Service Email: Event Code: F126781010 October 22-23, 2010 Tampa Convention Center Tampa, Florida Discount Deadline: October 1, 2010 TABLES - ALL DISPLAY TABLES ARE 24" WIDE STANDARD SEATING Red (01) Green (02) White (03) Code Qty. Gold (04) Blue (05) Black (06) Burgundy (07) Grey (10) Teal (13) SKIRTED TABLES Discount Size Color Item Discount Regular Side Chair 60.55 78.70 50021 Arm Chair 66.65 86.65 50024 Stool w/back 78.75 102.40 Code Choose drape color (place color code next to order): Regular Qty. 50020 Amount STANDARD ACCESSORIES Amount 50042 4'L X 30"H 122.75 159.60 50046 6'L X 30"H 143.40 186.40 50050 8'L X 30"H 177.30 230.50 50043 4'L X 42"H 135.80 176.55 50047 6'L x 42"H 177.30 230.50 50051 8'L x 42"H 204.60 50052 4th Side 30" 65.50 266.00 85.15 Code Item Discount Regular 50171 4th Side 42" 65.50 85.15 50091 Wastebasket 18.25 23.75 Tables are 3-sided draped, must order 4th side for all 50094 Floor Easel 35.75 46.50 sides to be draped. Literature Rack 248.65 191.25 50245 Literature rack styles may vary based on location and availability. Code Qty. UNSKIRTED TABLES Discount Regular Size 50040 4'L X 30"H 67.60 50044 6'L X 30"H 79.10 102.85 50048 8'L X 30"H 95.15 123.70 50041 4'L X 42"H 76.05 98.85 50045 50049 6'L x 42"H 8'L x 42"H 95.15 107.00 123.70 Code Qty. Amount Regular Item Discount Regular 50175 Bag Rack 137.35 178.55 50092 50093 Coat Rack 48.80 Garment Rack 137.35 63.45 178.55 Code 139.10 Qty. 4'L X 6"H 40.90 50084 6'L X 6"H 52.15 67.80 50086 8'L X 6"H 66.05 85.85 50083 4'L X 12"H 6'L x 12"H 82.80 107.65 50085 103.05 133.95 Code Item Discount Regular 50087 8'L x 12"H 149.70 50101 50102 Chrome Stanchion Velvet Rope, 7' 40.20 77.60 52.25 100.90 50095 Sign Holder, 22x28 115.15 149.70 53.15 Discount Regular 50076 4'L X 6"H 19.70 25.60 Code Qty. Size 50078 6'L X 6"H 27.60 35.90 50080 8'L X 6"H 35.75 46.50 50077 4'L X 12"H 38.15 49.60 50079 6'L x 12"H 54.55 70.90 50081 8'L x 12"H 66.65 86.65 Amount Qty. Amount SKIRTING OF EXHIBITOR EQUIPMENT-per linear ft. 50058 Sateen Skirting 13.65 17.75 Please choose color from skirted table section. Total Expo Furnishings: $ Please complete the following: Amount Amount 50082 115.15 UNDRAPED RISERS Amount 87.90 RISERS - WOODEN PLANKING, 8" WIDE DRAPED RISERS Discount Size Qty. 7.000% Tax: $ Company Name: Booth #: Amount Due: $ Contact Name: Phone #: Authorized Signature: Signature also indicates you read and accept the Payment Policy and Terms and Conditions. Must order by discount deadline date to receive discounted pricing. Payment Authorization must be completed and returned with order. There are no exchanges or refunds once item has been delivered to your booth. Cancellation must be received 24 hours prior to first exhibitor move-in day. CARPETING Shepard Exposition Services 603 W. Landstreet Rd. ACNP National Clinical Conference Orlando, FL 32824 Customer Service Phone: (407) 888-9669 Customer Service Fax: (407) 888-2301 Customer Service Email: Event Code: F126781010 October 22-23, 2010 Tampa Convention Center Tampa, Florida Discount Deadline: October 1, 2010 EXPO CARPET - 16 OZ. Choose Color: Red (01) Blue (05) Grey (10) Item Discount Regular 50255 10' x 10' 162.15 210.80 50256 10' x 20' 316.15 411.00 50257 10' x 30' 470.20 611.25 50258 10' x 40' 632.35 822.05 Qty. Black (06) Teal (13) Burgundy (07) Amount Variation in dye lot may occur when ordering more than one cut of carpet. SPECIAL CUT EXPO CARPET 50006 Per Square Foot 3.40 4.40 In order to protect special cut carpet during set up, Visqueen will automatically be installed at published rate listed below. Prices quoted above include installation and taping of front edge only. All rental carpet is delivered clean to your booth space, but during setup, carpet may become dirty. Please order cleaning service at least once before show opening. PREMIUM CARPET - 32 OZ., 100% ULTRA CUT PILE WITH ACTION BACK OR JUTE BACKING Choose Color: Red (01) Deep Navy (22) Silver Cloud (18) Item Discount Regular 46001 Rental/sq.ft 4.75 6.20 46003 Rental 1000+/sq.ft 4.05 5.25 46002 Purchase/sq.ft. 10.95 14.25 Qty. Black (06) Charcoal (17) Peacock (32) Amount Minimum 100 sq. ft. is required. No refunds on cancellations. Rental includes installation and removal. Purchase carpet, please fil out Labor Order Form (carpet installation section) to have carpet installed. In order to protect premium cut carpet during set up, Visqueen will automatically be installed at published rate listed below. PADDING & VISQUEEN BOOTH DIMENSIONS Item Discount Regular 50009 1/2" Padding 0.70 0.90 50008 1" Padding 1.40 1.80 50010 Visqueen 0.45 0.60 Qty. Amount What is your booth size (ft.)? X = Total Carpeting 7.00% Tax: sq. ft. $ $ Amount Due: $ Company Name: Booth #: Contact Name: Phone #: Authorized Signature: Signature also indicates you read and accept the Payment Policy and Terms and Conditions. Must order by discount deadline date to receive discounted pricing. Payment Authorization must be completed and returned with order. There are no exchanges or refunds once item has been delivered to your booth. Cancellation must be received 24 hours prior to first exhibitor move-in day. Shepard Exposition Services 603 W. Landstreet Rd. ACNP National Clinical Conference Orlando, FL 32824 Customer Service Phone: (407) 888-9669 Customer Service Fax: (407) 888-2301 Customer Service Email: Event Code: F126781010 SPECIALTY FURNISHINGS/ACCESSORIES October 22-23, 2010 Tampa Convention Center Tampa, Florida Discount Deadline: October 1, 2010 SPECIALTY CHAIRS AND TABLES SHOWCASES 18" H Qty. Discount Item Regular Full View Qty. Amount Quarter View Item Discount Regular Amount 51086 Director's Chair 63.05 81.95 50067 Full View 4' 587.95 764.35 51090 Director's Stool 112.75 146.60 50068 Full View 6' 648.55 843.10 50032 Ped. Table,30" 218.85 284.50 50069 Quarter View 4' 587.95 764.35 51089 Ped. Table,42" 248.55 323.10 50030 50031 Rnd Side Table Sq. Side Table 75.20 75.20 97.75 97.75 50070 Quarter View 6' 648.55 843.10 Colors and styles of showcases may vary depending on location and availability. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS GRID AND GRID ACCESSORIES Size Discount Regular 50236 2'X8' w/legs, each 140.60 182.80 Qty. Qty. Discount Item Regular Amount 50185 Drawing Bowl 30.25 39.35 50237 2'X8' w/o legs, each 105.50 137.15 50098 Refrigerator 394.00 512.20 50242 7-Ball Waterfall 9.70 12.60 50088 8' Upright 18.20 23.65 50089 8' Crossbar 12.10 15.75 Other accessories available, please call customer service for more information. 1/4" PERFBOARD & VELCRO TACK BOARD 8' High backwall drape 3' High sidewall drape SPECIAL DRAPERY BACKGROUNDS - Per linear foot Must be approved by show management. Item Discount Regular 4'X8' Vert., 1/4"holes 189.75 246.70 189.75 246.70 20.10 50104 6" Hooks (12) 31.25 40.65 15.85 50060 4' X 8' Horz. 190.35 247.45 50061 4' x 8' Vert. 190.35 247.45 50073 8' High 15.45 50074 3' High 12.20 Amount Minimum 4' panel rental required. Blue (05) Black (06) Qty. 50061 4'X8' Horz., 1/4"holes Regular Red (01) White (03) 50064 50065 Discount Choose Color: 50065 50064 Item Lin. Ft. Grey (10) Burgundy (07) Amount Total Specialty Furnishings/Accessories: $ 7.000% Please complete the following: Amount Tax: $ Amount Due: $ Company Name: Booth #: Contact Name: Phone #: Authorized Signature: Signature also indicates you read and accept the Payment Policy and Terms and Conditions. Must order by discount deadline date to receive discounted pricing. Payment Authorization must be completed and returned with order. There are no exchanges or refunds once item has been delivered to your booth. Cancellation must be received 24 hours prior to first exhibitor move-in day. EXECUTIVE FURNITURE Shepard Exposition Services 603 W. Landstreet Rd. ACNP National Clinical Conference Orlando, FL 32824 Customer Service Phone: (407) 888-9669 Customer Service Fax: (407) 888-2301 Customer Service Email: Event Code: F126781010 October 22-23, 2010 Tampa Convention Center Tampa, Florida Discount Deadline: October 1, 2010 COMFORT SEATING/OTTOMANS Qty. Item Discount Regular Amount SOM LSM OCB SOC LSC CHC Key West - Black 742.95 SOM 571.50 LSM 506.65 658.65 OCB 415.35 539.95 Lisbon - Charcoal Leather SOC 751.20 LSC 677.55 976.55 880.80 CHC 497.85 647.20 MPS Memphis MPS 537.65 698.95 MPC 381.50 Astro 699.60 462.50 Newport 495.95 SOQ CHQ SED 1899.50 LSD 652.50 848.25 CHD 359.35 467.15 Miscellaneous Seating SO1 648.05 OCU 399.15 518.90 OCW 780.65 1014.85 194.45 252.80 OCY SOQ CHQ 909.50 601.25 1461.15 SED MPC LSD SO1 OCU OSA OTP CHD OCY OCW 842.45 Ottomans OSA 309.30 402.10 OTP 344.65 448.05 OTM 385.90 501.65 OTH 117.80 153.15 OTD 109.00 141.70 OTM OTH OTD COCKTAIL, END TABLES & LAMPS Qty. Discount Item Regular Amount C1E C1F C1C C1M E1E E1F E1C E1M Cocktail Tables C1E 273.95 356.15 C1F 250.40 325.50 C1C 257.75 335.10 C1M 250.40 325.50 End Tables E1E 257.75 E1F 234.20 304.45 E1C 241.55 314.00 216.50 281.45 E1M 335.10 LA1 LA2 Lamps LA1-floor lamp 153.20 199.15 LA2-table lamp 153.20 199.15 Subtotal $ Floor orders are subject to availability. Substitutions may be provided without prior notification. Please complete the following: 7.000% Tax: $ Amount Due: $ Company Name: Booth #: Contact Name: Phone #: Authorized Signature: Signature also indicates you read and accept the Payment Policy and Terms and Conditions. Must order by discount deadline date to receive discounted pricing. Payment Authorization must be completed and returned with order. There are no exchanges or refunds once item has been delivered to your booth. Cancellation must be received 24 hours prior to first exhibitor move-in day. EXECUTIVE FURNITURE Shepard Exposition Services 603 W. Landstreet Rd. ACNP National Clinical Conference Orlando, FL 32824 Customer Service Phone: October 22-23, 2010 Tampa Convention Center Tampa, Florida (407) 888-9669 Customer Service Fax: (407) 888-2301 Customer Service Email: Event Code: F126781010 Discount Deadline: October 1, 2010 CONFERENCE TABLES Qty. Discount Item Regular Amount CF2 CE2 CE1 CF1 Geo Tables - 29" High CE2 (60"L) 418.35 543.85 CF2 (60"L) 403.60 524.70 CE1 (42"L) 288.70 375.30 CF1 (42"L) 273.95 356.15 Graphite Nebula - 29" High CB2 (6'L) 450.75 586.00 CB3 (8'L) 546.45 710.40 CB1 (42"RND) 369.70 480.60 CB1 CB2 6'L CB3 8'L Mahogany - 29" High CC6 (6'L) CC7 (8'L) 418.35 515.50 543.85 670.15 CC8 (10'L) 820.40 1066.50 CC5 (42"RND) 369.70 480.60 CG1 CC6 6'L CC7 8'L CC8 10'L Miscellaneous Conf. Table - 29" High CG1 (42"RND) 386.80 297.55 CONFERENCE CHAIRS Qty. Item Discount Regular OTO Amount SC9 Panton OTO 441.85 574.40 SC9 194.45 252.80 Luxor - Black Leather XC3 362.35 471.05 XC2 393.25 511.25 418.35 543.85 XC1 Altura - Black Crepe XC6 322.60 419.40 XC5 354.95 461.45 385.90 501.65 XC4 SC3 SC2 XC5 XC6 Brewer XC4 SC2 172.30 224.00 172.30 224.00 XC1 XC2 XC3 SC3 Miscellaneous Chairs SC8 160.55 208.70 SC1 184.15 239.40 SC4 184.15 239.40 SC6 225.40 293.00 SC8 SC1 SC4 SC6 Floor orders are subject to availability. Substitutions may be provided without prior notification. Please complete the following: Subtotal $ 7.000% Tax: $ Company Name: Booth #: Contact Name: Phone #: Amount Due: $ Authorized Signature: Signature also indicates you read and accept the Payment Policy and Terms and Conditions. Must order by discount deadline date to receive discounted pricing. Payment Authorization must be completed and returned with order. There are no exchanges or refunds once item has been delivered to your booth. Cancellation must be received 24 hours prior to first exhibitor move-in day. EXECUTIVE FURNITURE Shepard Exposition Services 603 W. Landstreet Rd. ACNP National Clinical Conference Orlando, FL 32824 Customer Service Phone: October 22-23, 2010 Tampa Convention Center Tampa, Florida (407) 888-9669 Customer Service Fax: (407) 888-2301 Customer Service Email: Event Code: F126781010 Discount Deadline: October 1, 2010 BAR TABLES Qty. Item Discount Regular Amount 36" Round x 42" High VTN 250.40 325.50 VTM 250.40 325.50 VTN VTM VTK VTJ VTF VTC WTJ WTF 30" Round x 42" High VTK 241.55 314.00 VTJ 241.55 314.00 VTF 273.95 356.15 VTC 241.55 314.00 WTJ 306.35 398.25 WTF 337.30 438.50 BARS Qty. Discount Item Regular Amount BR1 BRC Martini Bars - 47" High BR1 1403.65 1824.75 BRC 4040.20 5252.25 BAR STOOLS Qty. Discount Item Regular Amount BS1 BS2 BS3 Ohio - Chrome, 31" High BS3 184.15 239.40 BS2 184.15 239.40 BS1 184.15 239.40 Banana - Chrome, 30" High BST 247.45 321.70 BSS 247.45 321.70 BSS BST BSC BSD Oslo - 30" High BSD 257.80 335.15 BSC 257.80 335.15 BSL BCE BSN Miscellaneous BSL (29"H) 195.90 254.65 BSN (29"H) 278.40 361.90 BCE (32"H) 228.30 296.80 Subtotal $ Floor orders are subject to availability. Substitutions may be provided without prior notification. Please complete the following: 7.000% Tax: $ Amount Due: $ Company Name: Booth #: Contact Name: Phone #: Authorized Signature: Signature also indicates you read and accept the Payment Policy and Terms and Conditions. Must order by discount deadline date to receive discounted pricing. Payment Authorization must be completed and returned with order. There are no exchanges or refunds once item has been delivered to your booth. Cancellation must be received 24 hours prior to first exhibitor move-in day. EXECUTIVE FURNITURE Shepard Exposition Services 603 W. Landstreet Rd. ACNP National Clinical Conference Orlando, FL 32824 Customer Service Phone: (407) 888-9669 Customer Service Fax: (407) 888-2301 Customer Service Email: Event Code: F126781010 October 22-23, 2010 Tampa Convention Center Tampa, Florida Discount Deadline: October 1, 2010 CAFÉ TABLES Qty. Discount Item Regular Amount 36" Round x 29" High ZTP 232.70 302.50 ZTN 232.70 302.50 ZTM 232.70 302.50 XTP 313.70 407.80 XTN 313.70 407.80 313.70 407.80 XTM ZTP - 36" ZTK - 30" ZTN - 36" ZTJ - 30" ZTM - 36" XTP - 36" XTK - 30" XTN - 36" XTJ - 30" XTM - 36" 30" Round x 29" High ZTK 209.15 271.90 ZTJ XTK XTJ 209.15 288.70 288.70 271.90 375.30 375.30 XTF 318.10 413.55 XTF - 30" STACKING & UTILITY SEATING Qty. Discount Item Regular Amount Stacking Chair, 37" High CS8 CS9 111.95 145.55 111.95 145.55 CS8 SY1 CS9 DF1 Altura - Black Crepe SY1 201.80 262.35 DF1 299.00 388.70 PRODUCT DISPLAY, FILES, REFRIGERATORS, & TRAINING ROOM FURNITURE Qty. Item Discount Regular Product Display Amount PEDESTALS COLOR SIZE PDF Graphite 24"Lx24"Dx36"H Graphite PDF 403.60 524.70 PDH Graphite 24"LX24"DX42"H PDH 418.35 543.85 PDK Graphite 30"LX30"DX42"H PDK 450.75 586.00 PDL Black 24"LX24"DX42"H PDL 461.00 599.30 BC6 344.65 448.05 BC7 337.30 438.50 ET1 344.65 448.05 ET2 344.65 448.05 BC6 BC7 ET1 ET2 CP5 PO3 PO1 WD2 L27 R1Q PDL Training Room CP5 403.60 524.70 PO3 483.10 628.05 PO1 306.35 398.25 WD2 354.95 461.45 306.35 398.25 CO4 Lateral Files L26 L27 CO4 427.20 555.35 403.60 524.70 L26 Refrigerator R1Q 281.35 365.75 Floor orders are subject to availability. Substitutions may be provided without prior notification. Please complete the following: Subtotal $ Tax: $ Company Name: Booth #: 7.000% Contact Name: Phone #: Amount Due: $ Authorized Signature: Signature also indicates you read and accept the Payment Policy and Terms and Conditions. Must order by discount deadline date to receive discounted pricing. Payment Authorization must be completed and returned with order. There are no exchanges or refunds once item has been delivered to your booth. Cancellation must be received 24 hours prior to first exhibitor move-in day. Shepard Exposition Services 1531 Carroll Drive, NW ACNP National Clinical Conference Atlanta, GA 30318 Exhibit Solutions Sales Phone: 404-720-8652 Exhibit Solutions Sales Fax: 404-720-8757 Customer Service Email: Event Code: F126781010 EXHIBIT SOLUTIONS BOOTH RENTALS October 22-23, 2010 Tampa Convention Center Tampa, Florida Discount Deadline: October 1, 2010 EXHIBIT BOOTH RENTALS Code Qty. Description Discount Regular Amount Code Qty. Description The San Diego Discount Regular Amount The Los Angeles 66250 10' x 10' 2364.00 3073.20 66259 10' x 10' 1569.20 2039.95 66251 10' x 20' 3879.35 5043.15 66260 10' x 20' 2909.55 3782.40 66252 10' x 30' 7273.85 9456.00 66261 10' x 30' 4394.60 5713.00 The New York The Chicago 66253 10' x 10' 2273.10 2955.05 66262 10' x 10' 2060.95 66254 10' x 20' 3182.30 4137.00 66263 10' x 20' 4030.95 5240.25 66255 10' x 30' 4318.25 5613.75 66264 10' x 30' 5940.35 7722.45 66256 10' x 10' 2679.25 The Salt Lake City 1454.75 1891.20 The Saint Louis 66265 1266.85 10' x 10' 1646.90 Salt Lake City The Las Vegas 66268 66269 8480.10 11024.15 The Phoenix 10' x 10' 2667.05 3467.15 20' x 20' Island Saint Louis Las Vegas The Detroit 66257 10' Truss Unit 6055.50 7872.15 Phoenix The Memphis 66258 10' Pop-up Please choose color: □ 1151.70 Black (06) Detroit 1497.20 □ Blue (05) The Savannah 66266 20' Pop-up Please choose color: □ 3158.10 Black (06) 4105.55 □ Blue (05) The Providence 66267 2m Tabletop Please choose color: □ 545.55 Black (06) Memphis 87.56"H x 118"W Savannah 87.56"H x 217.75"W 709.20 □ Blue (05) Providence 59.375"H x 73"W All Exhibit Booth Rentals include installation/dismantling and graphic panels as shown (not all booths have graphic panels). Prices quoted are for print-ready graphics. If graphics submitted are not print-ready, additional fees may apply. Please contact the Exhibit Solutions Department with any questions you may have at 404-720-8652. Please fax completed form to Exhibit Solutions Department at 404-720-8757. Please complete the following: Company Name: Booth #: Subtotal $ 7.000% Tax: $ Contact Name: Phone #: Authorized Signature: Amount Due: $ Signature also indicates you read and accept the Payment Policy and Terms and Conditions. Must order by discount deadline date to receive discounted pricing. Payment Authorization must be completed and returned with order. There are no exchanges or refunds once item has been delivered to your booth. Cancellation must be received 24 hours prior to first exhibitor move-in day. EXHIBIT SOLUTIONS ACCESSORIES Shepard Exposition Services 1531 Carroll Drive, NW ACNP National Clinical Conference Atlanta, GA 30318 Exhibit Solutions Sales Phone: 404-720-8652 Exhibit Solutions Sales Fax: 404-720-8757 Customer Service Email: Event Code: F126781010 October 22-23, 2010 Tampa Convention Center Tampa, Florida Discount Deadline: October 1, 2010 ACCESSORIES Code Qty. Description Discount Regular Amount Showcases 66270 Quarterview Please choose color: 66271 Triangular Please choose color: 66272 842.55 □ 769.85 □ Square Please choose color: Black (06) Black (06) 909.25 □ Black (06) 1095.30 □ White (03) 1000.80 □ Quarterview Showcase Triangular Showcase Square Showcase RC1 RC2 RC3 White (03) 1182.05 □ White (03) Reception Counters 66274 RC1 Please choose color: 66275 RC2 Please choose color: 66276 1807.15 □ 666.75 □ RC3 2349.30 Chrome (CH) Black (06) 1448.70 □ Wood (W) 866.80 □ White (03) 1883.30 Computer Stands 66285 CS1 842.55 1095.30 66286 CS2 491.00 638.30 Literature and Product Display 66277 Gondola 446.10 □ 579.95 66278 GL1 Black (06) □ White (03) 788.00 1024.40 66279 GL2 745.60 969.30 66280 LS1 237.95 309.35 66281 LS2 157.50 204.75 Please choose color: CS1 CS2 GL1 GL2 Gondola Locking Cabinets 66282 LC1 Please choose color: 66283 LC2 Please choose color: 66284 624.35 □ 757.70 □ LC3 Please choose color: Black (06) Black (06) 460.70 □ Black (06) 811.65 □ White (03) LS1 985.00 □ LS2 White (03) 598.90 □ White (03) LC1 - 1 meter wide Please fax completed form to Exhibit Solutions Department at 404-720-8757. LC3 LC2 - 1.5 meters wide Please complete the following: Company Name: Booth #: Subtotal $ Contact Name: Phone #: 7.000% Tax: $ Authorized Signature: Amount Due: $ Signature also indicates you read and accept the Payment Policy and Terms and Conditions. Must order by discount deadline date to receive discounted pricing. Payment Authorization must be completed and returned with order. There are no exchanges or refunds once item has been delivered to your booth. Cancellation must be received 24 hours prior to first exhibitor move-in day. UNION JURISDICTIONS FOR TAMPA, FLORIDA To assist you in planning for your participation in this upcoming exposition, we are certain you will appreciate knowing in advance that union labor may be required for certain aspects of your exhibit handling. To help you understand the jurisdiction the various unions have, we ask that you read the following: EXHIBIT INSTALLATION AND DISMANTLING Currently we have an agreement with the Local IATSE Union to provide labor for display erection and dismantling. Full time employees of the exhibiting companies, however, may set their own exhibits without assistance from this local. Any labor services that may be required beyond what your regular full time employees can provide, must be rendered by the Union. Labor can be ordered in advance by returning the Display Labor form, or at showsite, at the service desk. Proof of full time employment status may be requested by the Union Steward of any personnel working in your booth. MATERIAL HANDLING Exhibitors may hand-carry their own materials into the exhibit facility. The use or rental of dollies, flat trucks and other mechanical equipment, however, is not permitted. Shepard Exposition Services will control access to the loading docks in order to provide for a safe and orderly move-in/out. Only full time employees of the exhibiting company will be allowed to hand-carry items. Shepard Exposition Services will handle unloading or reloading at the dock of any and all contracted carriers. TIPPING Shepard Exposition Services requests that exhibitor do not tip our employees. They are paid at an excellent wage scale denoting a professional status, and we feel that tipping is not necessary. This applies to all employees. Any request for such should be brought to the attention of a Shepard representative at the service desk or correspondence may be directed to the attention of the General manager at the local office address. SAFETY Standing on chairs, tables, or other rental furniture is prohibited. This furniture is not engineered to support your standing weight. Shepard Exposition Services cannot be responsible for injuries or falls caused by the improper use of this furniture. If assistance is required in assembling your booth, please order labor on the Display Labor order form and the necessary ladders and tools will be provided. LABOR ORDER FORM Shepard Exposition Services 603 W. Landstreet Rd. ACNP National Clinical Conference Orlando, FL 32824 Customer Service Phone: (407) 888-9669 Customer Service Fax: (407) 888-2301 Customer Service Email: Event Code: F126781010 October 22-23, 2010 Tampa Convention Center Tampa, Florida Discount Deadline: October 1, 2010 INSTALLATION & DISMANTLING LABOR ESTIMATE AND QUESTIONNAIRE Please complete the following: Are you requesting this labor for assembling your hanging sign? □ Yes □ No How many laborers will you require? _______ Installation _______ Dismantling Date of installation: _____________________________ Requested start time: ________________ Date of dismantling: ____________________________ Requested start time: ________________ I will need Shepard Supervised Labor for (please check one): □ Installation Code □ Dismantling Item Qty. I will need Exhibitor Supervised Labor for (please check one): □ Both Install/Dismantle Discount Sup. Fee Regular Est. Hours ____ Est. Hours ____ □ Installation Amount Code Qty. □ Dismantling Item □ Both Install/Dismantle Discount Regular 68066 ST 66.25 86.15 30% ** 68060 ST 66.25 86.15 68067 OT 99.50 129.35 30% ** 68061 OT 99.50 129.35 68068 DT 132.50 172.25 30% ** 68062 DT 132.50 172.25 **Supervisory fee is 30% of total cost or $60, whichever is greater. Amount Exhibitor Supervised Labor Shepard Supervised Labor (Exhibitor not present) Dismantle: 68063/68064/68065 Sup install: 68069 Sup dismantle: 68073 Labor Hours ST - Straight time: OT - Overtime: Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Monday-Friday, 6:00 PM - Midnight; all day Saturday and Sunday DT - Double time: All other hours and holidays If you are shipping carpet to the show and require Shepard to install it for you, please complete the following: Exhibitor-Owned Carpet Installation/Dismantling 68080 SQ. FT. 1.00 1.30 68079 MINIMUM 132.50 172.25 Please note: ft. x ft. = Booth size: Carpet install date/time: _________________________ Subtotal $ - Hours are based on estimates, you will be invoiced for actual time incurred. - Requested times are not guaranteed and are based on availability. N/A Tax: $ Amount Due: $ - Minimum one hour will be charged. Additional time will be billed in in half-hour increments. SHEPARD SUPERVISION INFORMATION Please complete this section if you have chosen Shepard to supervise your installation and/or dismantling. Inbound Freight Information Outbound Freight Information Carrier Company Name: # of pieces: Weight of Shipment: Is shipment? □ Crated □ Uncrated Tracking/Pro #: Estimated arrival date: Shipment to arrive at: □ Warehouse □ Show site Carrier Company Name: Deliver Shipment To: Address: City, ST, Zip: Type of Service (air, van line, ground, etc.): If for any reason your shipment is not picked up by your carrier, please choose one of the following options: Set-up Information for Installation Force freight through preferred carrier: Send shipment back to Shepard warehouse: Please check all that apply and provide information where requested. Booth Size: Services You Have Ordered x ($400 min. fee) (please check all that apply) Forklift required? □ Yes □ No □ Electrical □ Furniture □ A/V Equipment Carpet is? □ owned □ rented from Shepard □ Booth Cleaning □ Telephone/Internet Carpet padding? □ Yes □ No Electrical Information: Drawings are? □ Faxed to Shepard □ Shipped w/exhibit crates □ Electrical should go under the carpet (diagram is attached) □ Electrical drawings are attached On-site Exhibitor Contact Information Name: Hotel: Arrival date/time: Departure date/time: Please complete the following: Phone #: □ Electrical drawings are with exhibit in crate number □ Electrical drawings were sent to the official contractor Company Name: Contact Name: Authorized Signature: Signature also indicates you read and accept the Payment Policy and Terms and Conditions. Booth #: Phone #: Must order by discount deadline date to receive discounted pricing. Payment Authorization must be completed and returned with order. Orders cancelled without 24-hour notices will be charged a one (1) hour cancellation fee. GROUND RIGGING/FORKLIFT RENTAL Shepard Exposition Services 603 W. Landstreet Rd. ACNP National Clinical Conference Orlando, FL 32824 Customer Service Phone: (407) 888-9669 Customer Service Fax: (407) 888-2301 Customer Service Email: Event Code: F126781010 October 22-23, 2010 Tampa Convention Center Tampa, Florida Discount Deadline: October 1, 2010 GROUND RIGGING FORKLIFT RENTAL DO NOT USE THIS FORM FOR MATERIAL HANDLING SERVICES. Please complete the following: # of pieces to be spotted Requested date/time: Heaviest piece to be spotted (times are not guaranteed) Description of work to be performed: Code Qty. Item Description Discount Regular Amount FORKLIFT RENTAL - UP TO 5,000 LB CAPACITY 35028 Straight-time Hourly Rental 209.90 272.75 35039 Overtime Hourly Rental 255.60 332.25 35067 Double-time Hourly Rental 301.00 391.25 Discount Regular Code Qty. Item Description Rate structure includes lift and (1) operator only. Minimum crews are based on scope of work and area jurisdiction. Amount Additional labor and groundmen will be billed at the hourly rate. FORKLIFT RENTAL - UP TO 10,000 LB CAPACITY 35029 Straight-time Hourly Rental 419.80 545.75 35049 Overtime Hourly Rental 511.25 664.75 35069 Double-time Hourly Rental 602.00 782.50 Discount Regular Code Qty. Item Description Amount FORKLIFT RENTAL - UP TO 20,000 LB CAPACITY 35035 Straight-time Hourly Rental 629.70 35066 Overtime Hourly Rental 766.85 997.00 35070 Double-time Hourly Rental 902.95 1173.75 OT - Overtime: DT - Double time: The minimum charge for labor and equipment is one (1) hour. Labor and equipment thereafter is charged in half (1/2) hour increments. 818.50 Orders cancelled without 24-hour notices will be charged a one (1) hour cancellation fee. CRANE RENTAL AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST ST - Straight time: PLEASE NOTE: Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Monday-Friday, 6:00 PM - Midnight; all day Saturday and Sunday All other hours and holidays RIGGING LABOR RATES Code Qty. Item Description Discount Regular Amount 35085 Straight-time Hourly Rate 82.81 107.65 35086 Overtime Hourly Rate 124.38 161.70 35099 Double-time Hourly Rate 165.63 215.30 Discount Regular Code Qty. Item Description RIGGERS AND MATERIAL HANDLERS PER MAN HOUR 35087 Straight-time Hourly Rate 66.25 86.15 35100 Overtime Hourly Rate 99.50 129.35 35101 Double-time Hourly Rate 132.50 172.25 PLEASE NOTE: The minimum charge for labor and equipment is one (1) hour. Labor and equipment thereafter is charged in half (1/2) hour increments. RIGGING FOREMAN LABOR PER MAN HOUR Amount Orders cancelled without 24-hour notices will be charged a one (1) hour cancellation fee. Subtotal $ Please complete the following: N/A Tax: $ Amount Due: $ Company Name: Booth #: Contact Name: Phone #: Authorized Signature: Signature also indicates you read and accept the Payment Policy and Terms and Conditions. Must order by discount deadline date to receive discounted pricing. Payment Authorization must be completed and returned with order. There are no exchanges or refunds once item has been delivered to your booth. Cancellation must be received 24 hours prior to first exhibitor move-in day. SIGN ORDER FORM Shepard Exposition Services 603 W. Landstreet Rd. ACNP National Clinical Conference Orlando, FL 32824 Customer Service Phone: (407) 888-9669 Customer Service Fax: (407) 888-2301 Customer Service Email: Event Code: F126781010 October 22-23, 2010 Tampa Convention Center Tampa, Florida Discount Deadline: October 1, 2010 SIGNS, BANNERS AND ACCESSORIES Code Qty. Description Discount Regular Amount Code Qty. Standard Foamcore Signs, Single-sided Description Discount Regular 70009 Vertical, 22" x 28" 134.00 174.20 70065 grommets, per sq. ft.-Vertical 16.95 22.05 70010 Horz., 22" x 28" 134.00 174.20 70071 grommets, per sq. ft. - Horizontal 16.95 22.05 70011 Vertical, 28" x 44" 207.65 269.95 70066 Pockets, per sq. ft. - Vertical 18.20 23.65 70012 Horz., 28" x 44" 207.65 269.95 70072 Pockets, per sq. ft.- Horizontal 18.20 23.65 70025 Meterboard, 39" x 90.75" 412.85 536.70 Replacement ID Sign - Cardstock Accessories Blank Foamcore, 4'x 8' Velcro, per ft, min. 5 ft. 70017 70021 Amount Vinyl Banners with Digital Printing 36.35 47.25 2.40 3.10 70004 7" x 44" Horz. 40.00 52.00 Sign prices are based on customer supplying print-ready graphics in the requested format (see below). Please complete the following: Subtotal $ 7.000% Company Name: Booth #: Tax: $ Contact Name: Phone #: Amount Due: $ Authorized Signature: Signature also indicates you read and accept the Payment Policy and Terms and Conditions. Must order by discount deadline date to receive discounted pricing. Payment Authorization must be completed and returned with order. Graphic files/requests must be received by discount deadline date to qualify for discounted prices. There are no exchanges or refunds once sign has been ordered and processed. SIGN SUBMISSION INFORMATION Please follow these requests, so Shepard can provide the highest of quality signs for your show. File Submission Media Artwork Dimensions & Color Specifications ~ CD-ROM ~ All artwork submitted should be created at 100% actual size ~ Email attachment (4 mgs or smaller only) or in 10% reduction increments (please indicate scale used) ~ FTP (.zip compression), call for FTP information ~ Specify target colors as PMS C or U, and send us 100% accurate When sending disks, please label them with the following: proofs with your disk. (Color variations may occur due to output devices.) Exhibitor Co. Name, Booth #, Show Name, Show Date Acceptable Software & Formats Other Graphic Services Available ~ Adobe Illustrator (AI/EPS), InDesign, Photoshop & Acrobat ~ Artwork/graphic design serivces (70067) ~ Files should be formatted in high-resolution quality, 100-300 dpi ~ Logo reproduction (70052) ~ Vector-based artwork preferred with fonts converted to outline ~ Special artwork mounting (70069) Please note: If customer-provided graphic files are not to exact specifications/requirements, a design-time surcharge will apply. SHEPARD LOGISTICS SERVICES Shepard Exposition Services 1531 Carroll Drive, NW ACNP National Clinical Conference Atlanta, GA 30318 Shepard Logistics Phone: 888-568-8858 Shepard Logistics Fax: 404-720-8733 Shepard Logistics Email: Event Code: F126781010 October 22-23, 2010 Tampa Convention Center Tampa, Florida COMPLETE THIS FORM ONLY IF YOU ARE SHIPPING YOUR EXHIBIT MATERIALS BY SHEPARD LOGISTICS SERVICES EXHIBIT MATERIALS TRANSPORTATION INBOUND PICK UP LOCATION INFORMATION SHIPPING INFORMATION ▪ Payment Authorization form must be on file to pick up as charges will be Items to be shipped Number of Pieces included on your show services invoice. Est. Weight Requested Pick Up Date: Crates Hours of Operation: Cartons (cardboard) Cases/Trunks (fiber) (color) Company Skids/Pallets Address Carpet (color) Other Total Pieces (City) □ (State) (Zip) Total Wt. $ Declared Value Available at exhibitors' expense at the rate of $1.00 per $100.00 of value declared. Minimum charge of $10.00. SHIP TO Size of largest piece: I will be shipping to the WAREHOUSE (Company Name, Booth #) ACNP National Clinical Conference c/o UPSF/Shepard Exposition Services 3717 E Lake Ave Tampa, FL 33610 □ Loading Dock Residential L Yes W □ No Inside Pick up H Lift Gate __________ Inside Delivery _______ Special Instructions: OUTBOUND SHIPPING INFORMATION October 13, 2010 Warehouse Deadline Date □ I will be shipping to SHOW SITE c/o Shepard Exposition Services I would like to schedule Outbound Transportation. Please provide me with a □ Material Handling Agreement at show site for my shipping instructions and signature. So we may deliver your Outbound Material Handling Agreement and labels, please complete the following information. Ship to Address: (Company Name, Booth#) ACNP National Clinical Conference Tampa Convention Center 333 S Franklin St Tampa, FL 33602 Contact Name: Phone: Deliver By Date: October 21, 2010 Delivery date: Number of labels: Special Instructions: TYPE OF SERVICE - Choose One Next Day Air 2nd Day Air TRANSPORTATION CHARGES Service via Air Transportation is charged based on Dimensional weight or Actual weight whichever is greater. Charges for transportation services provided by Shepard shall be billed to the Credit Card on file. Type Card Standard Ground ending in (last 4 digits) Other (Truck Load, Specialized) FAX COMPLETED FORM TO 404-720-8733 A REPRESENTATIVE FROM SHEPARD LOGISTICS WILL CONFIRM RECEIPT OF YOUR EXHIBIT TRANSPORTATION REQUEST. Please complete the following: Exhibiting Co. Name: Contact Name: Email: Authorized Signature: Booth #: Phone #: Fax #: Signature indicates you have read and accept the Payment Policy and Terms and Conditions. SHIPPING LABELS ACNP National Clinical Conference ADVANCE SHIPPING ADDRESS LABELS R U S H ADVANCE WAREHOUSE TO: (EXHIBITING CO. NAME) Booth #: c/o UPSF/Shepard Exposition Services 3717 E Lake Ave Tampa, FL 33610 Delivery Hours: M-F, 8-4:30 PM For: ACNP National Clinical Conference First day freight can arrive w/o a surcharge: R U S H ADVANCE WAREHOUSE TO: (EXHIBITING CO. NAME) Booth #: c/o UPSF/Shepard Exposition Services 3717 E Lake Ave Tampa, FL 33610 Delivery Hours: M-F, 8-4:30 PM For: ACNP National Clinical Conference First day freight can arrive w/o a surcharge: September 23, 2010 September 23, 2010 Last day freight can arrive w/o a surcharge: Last day freight can arrive w/o a surcharge: October 13, 2010 October 13, 2010 DIRECT TO SHOW SITE SHIPPING ADDRESS LABELS R U S H DIRECT TO SHOW TO: (EXHIBITING CO. NAME) Booth #: C/O: SHEPARD EXPOSITION SERVICES Tampa Convention Center 333 S Franklin St Tampa, FL 33602 For: ACNP National Clinical Conference MUST NOT BE DELIVERED PRIOR TO: October 21, 2010 @ 9:00 AM R U S H DIRECT TO SHOW TO: (EXHIBITING CO. NAME) Booth #: C/O: SHEPARD EXPOSITION SERVICES Tampa Convention Center 333 S Franklin St Tampa, FL 33602 For: ACNP National Clinical Conference MUST NOT BE DELIVERED PRIOR TO: October 21, 2010 @ 9:00 AM HANGING SIGN SHIPPING LABELS ACNP National Clinical Conference HANGING SIGN SHIPPING ADDRESS LABELS HANGING SIGN: If you have a sign or anything (truss, etc.) that has been approved to hang from the ceiling, send it to the advance shipping warehouse address. Hanging items must be identified and readily available since they are installed first, before the show floor becomes encumbered by freight. R U S H ADVANCE WAREHOUSE HANGING SIGN TO: (EXHIBITING CO. NAME) Booth #: c/o UPSF/Shepard Exposition Services 3717 E Lake Ave Tampa, FL 33610 Delivery Hours: M-F, 8-4:30 PM For: ACNP National Clinical Conference First day freight can arrive w/o a surcharge: R U S H ADVANCE WAREHOUSE HANGING SIGN TO: (EXHIBITING CO. NAME) Booth #: SHEPARD EXPOSITION SERVICES 3717 E Lake Ave Tampa, FL 33610 Delivery Hours: M-F, 8-4:30 PM For: ACNP National Clinical Conference First day freight can arrive w/o a surcharge: September 23, 2010 September 23, 2010 Last day freight can arrive w/o a surcharge: Last day freight can arrive w/o a surcharge: October 13, 2010 October 13, 2010 MATERIAL HANDLING AUTHORIZATION Shepard Exposition Services 603 W. Landstreet Rd. ACNP National Clinical Conference Orlando, FL 32824 Customer Service Phone: (407) 888-9669 Customer Service Fax: (407) 888-2301 Customer Service Email: Event Code: F126781010 October 22-23, 2010 Tampa Convention Center Tampa, Florida SHIPMENT INFORMATION Please complete the following information: □ Advance Warehouse We plan to ship to: We plan to ship on (date): Our materials should arrive on (date): Carrier Name: Pro #: Origin of Shipment (city, state): Please indicate number of pieces and the estimated weight: # of Pieces Weight Description □ Direct to Show Site Crates Cartons Cases Carpet Please provide a contact name and number for any questions Shepard may have Miscellaneous in regards to this shipment: Total Weight Name: Phone: MATERIAL HANDLING RATES AND ESTIMATE WORKSHEET SHIP WITH SHEPARD LOGISTICS AND RECEIVE A 10% DISCOUNT ON MATERIAL HANDLING WITH Signature Series Shipping. To set up your Signature Series Shipping, please call 888-568-8858, or complete the Shepard Logistics Order Form included in this manual. Signature Series Shipping does not apply to shipments considered small package, local or shipments over 10,000 lbs. Roundtrip SLS shipping is required to qualify for Signature Series Shipping . COMPUTATION OF MATERIAL HANDLING SERVICES The following services, whether used completely, or in part, are offered as a package. When recording weight, round up to the next 100 lbs. For example: 285 lbs. = 300 lbs./100 lbs. = 3 X RATE = $ Amount or minimum charge, whichever is greater. Signature Series Material Handling Standard Material Handling Description Price Direct Shipments to Showsite Weight $81.90 $122.75 $106.50 Crated Uncrated Special Handling 35030 / 35033 35043 35038 Total Description Price Direct Shipments to Showsite Weight $110.75 $96.00 Crated Uncrated Special Handling 35390 / 35395 Advance Shipments to Warehouse Pieces $73.75 35391 / 35399 35394 / 35402 Advance Shipments to Warehouse $79.50 $103.25 Special Handling Crated Special Handling 35036 35393 / 35397 35392 / 35401 $88.40 $115.00 Crated 35010 / 35013 Overtime Specialized Carrier Shipment (small packages under 50 lbs.) $44.20 $88.40 Each carton Min. per shipment Total Overtime: 30% fee for every overtime application 30% 35048 35045 RATES ARE PER 100 LBS. WITH A 200 LB. MINIMUM For credit card payments, please complete the payment authorization form. Any additional overtime charges will be invoiced at Subtotal $ show site and are subject to change pending move-in/move-out schedule. Tax: $ N/A We understand that your calculation is only an estimate. Invoicing will be calculated from actual certified weight ticket or reweigh Amount Due: $ ticket on inbound material handling receiving report. Adjustments will be made accordingly. Any adjustments to charges must be made at show site. Single pieces weighing more than 5000 pounds CANNOT be accepted at the warehouse.Loose, easily damaged, uncrated, or blanket-wrapped shipments should be shipped directly to the show site. If you have any questions about material handling, please contact Shepard Customer Service department. Please complete the following: Company Name: Contact Name: Authorized Signature: Booth #: Phone #: Shepard Exposition Services is authorized to perform material handling services on behalf of the exhibiting company named above. Signature also indicates you have read and accept the Payment Policy and Terms and Conditions, sign and return to Shepard. Payment Authorization must be completed and returned with Material Handling Worksheet. Other charges may apply, please review Material Handling Information form included in this manual. Shepard Exposition Services 603 W. Landstreet Rd. Orlando, FL 32824 Customer Service Phone: (407) 888-9669 Customer Service Fax: (407) 888-2301 Customer Service Email: Event Code: F126781010 MATERIAL HANDLING INFORMATION ACNP National Clinical Conference October 22-23, 2010 Tampa Convention Center Tampa, Florida MATERIAL HANDLING INFORMATION & ADDITIONAL CHARGES SPECIAL HANDLING Rate as shown on Material Handling Authorization Form The standard material handling applies to shipments that can be readily handled off or onto a truck using a conventional forklift or pallet jack equipment without rehandling. A special handling charge applies if your shipment requires extra labor for stacking or unstacking containers on a truck (cubic loading), tarping or untarping freight or containers, or rigging pieces for loading or unloading on a truck or from the ground, or other circumstances requiring the rehandling of materials. 30% 35301 OVERTIME Surcharge: Based on show move-in/move-out schedule and/or late driver check-in, an overtime surcharge per occurrence applies to shipments handled at show site during overtime hours. Your advance warehouse shipments may be received during straight time, but due to scheduling conflicts beyond Shepard's control may be moved into the exhibit hall on overtime. Any additional overtime charges will be invoiced at show site and are subject to change pending movein/move-out schedules. Handling times will be documented on shipping documents. Drivers picking up outbound shipments will be sequenced for loading ONLY after a bill of lading is submitted to the Shepard Service Desk AND the driver has checked in. 25% 35003 Surcharge: LATE SHIPMENTS A surcharge will apply to shipments not arriving within the published dates (refer to Show Information page for dates) for advance warehouse or arriving on show site after show opening. Rate as shown on Material Handling Authorization Form UNCRATED SHIPMENTS An additional charge of 50% (or as stated on Material Handling Authorization page) of the applicable material handling charge at the time of delivery shall be charged for all loose, uncrated, or unprotected shipments received at the show site docks. The charge is a one-time charge that includes both move-in and move-out of the show, and is based on the weight of the shipment handled. 15% 35004 OFF-TARGET DELIVERIES Surcharge: For targeted shows (exhibitors who received/requested a Targeted Date/Time), a surcharge will apply if shipment is not delivered (or carrier has not checked in) during assigned target date/time. $8.00/CWT 35041 Surcharge: PADDED VAN DELIVERIES A padded van surcharge applies to van line carriers that transport freight at cubic displacement rates, operate a non-standard dock height equipment, require freight on the truck to be unloaded in a specific order or orientation, or require that freight on the truck be moved to unload the actual delivery. Maximum $25.00 MARSHALING YARD Surcharge: 35250 Where Shepard Exposition Services as the show contractor must lease space for marshaling yard operations because no space is provided by the facility, Shepard may charge a fee per shipment processed through the marshaling yard. $25.00 per forklift load REWEIGH OF SHIPMENTS Surcharge: 35282 An additional charge per forklift load will be applied to shipments that have to be reweighed at the dock due to the lack of a certified weight ticket, or an incorrect or understated weight on a delivery document. 35105 $10.00 per piece, Minimum $40.00 Surcharge: EMPTY CRATE STORAGE A charge per crate, carton or skid applies when Shepard handles the storage and return of empties from a shipment not received by Shepard and therefore not subject to material handling charges. $10.50 per envelope ENVELOPE DELIVERIES Surcharge: During show hours at the show facility, a charge will apply to receiving and delivering envelope packages to your booth. 35007 SECURED STORAGE Surcharge: $.80/sq. ft., Minimum $20.00 Min. one-hour labor fee for each trip 35400 Only Shepard personnel have access to secured storage. A minimum one-hour material handler charge at show rates will apply each time material is handle to or from storage. There is no charge to return materials to your booth at the close of the show. ACCESSIBLE STORAGE Surcharge: Based on applicable Labor rate (refer to labor order form). 35166 Accessible storage will be accessible during the show, but not necessarily by exhibitors. There will be no charge to return material to the booth at the close of the show. WAREHOUSE STORAGE Shipments arriving at the warehouse more than 30 days ahead incur storage fees. Transportation of freight to the warehouse after the show at the exhibitor's request incurs "return to warehouse" (RTW) fees and storage fees. Return to Warehouse Service Fee $20.00 per CWT, Minimum $400.00 Surcharge: (crated materials only, uncrated materials will not be accepted at warehouse) Storage per month MOBILE SPOTTING FEE Surcharge: Surcharge: $10.00 per CWT, Minimum $100.00 $150.00 round trip 35005 35006 35106 Vehicles operated by exhibitors may be allowed on the exhibit hall floor for loading or unloading, if Shepard determines such activity to be operationally feasible and safe. All vehicles operated on the exhibit hall floor must be escorted by Shepard personnel. In such cases, a MOBILE SPOTTING FEE will be charged. All local fire marshal rules and regulations apply. Please call customer service for details. If you have any questions about material handling, please contact Shepard Customer Service department. MATERIAL HANDLING 101 Shepard Exposition Services ACNP National Clinical Conference MATERIAL HANDLING Q&A What is material handling (also referred to as drayage)? What is the difference between material handling and shipping? Material handling is the process of unloading your freight from your shipping carrier, either at the warehouse or show site, delivering it to your booth, storing your empty containers (empties) if required, returning of your empties at the close of show, and then reloading your freight back onto your shipping carrier. Shipping is the process of carrying your shipment from your location, pick-up area to it's destination and also the process of returning your shipment back to your location after the close of the show. Material handling begins at the time your shipment arrives to the docks (please refer to "What is material handling?" for the full definition.) What is the definition of "freight"? Any exhibit materials that are shipped or delivered to the advance warehouse or show facility via shipping carrier, POV, or delivery truck. Do I need to order a fork lift to unload or reload my freight? No, please do not order a forklift for unloading/reloading of your materials. What is a "certified weight ticket"? What does CWT mean? A printed weight ticket from a scale certified or inspected by a government authority such as the Dept. of Agriculture, indicating the date weighed, the weight of the shipment and the vehicle ID of the unit being weighed. CWT is an acronym for Century Weight, therefore it means per 100 lbs. IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT ADVANCE SHIPMENTS IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT DIRECT SHIPMENTS What are advance shipments? All shipments that are addressed to the advance warehouse address (please refer to "Advance Warehouse" shipping labels included in this manual). What are direct shipments? All shipments that are addressed directly to the exhibit facility (please refer to "Direct to Show" shipping labels included in this manual). Shepard will begin accepting your shipments 30 days prior to first show open day (date may vary depending on show schedule). Shipments must arrive during exhibitor move-in times only. Do not ship direct to show site in advance. If delivery cannot be guaranteed to arrive during exhibitor move-in, shipment must go to advance warehouse. The warehouse will receive shipments Monday-Friday, 8:00am - 4:00pm, excluding holidays. Shipments must arrive by advance warehouse deadline date to avoid a late surcharge. (Please refer to the "Show Information" page included with this manual for deadline date.) Crates, cartons, skids, fibercases, and carpets can be accepted at the warehouse, but DO NOT ship crates weighing over 5,000 lbs., loose/uncrated shipments and/or machinery to warehouse. You must ship those items direct to show site. All shipments must have a bill of lading or delivery slip indicating number of pieces and weight. Certified weight tickets required. All shipments must have a bill of lading or delivery slip indicating number of pieces and weight. Certified weight tickets required. Crates weighing over 5,000 lbs. or loose/uncrated shipments must be shipped direct to show site to arrive during exhibitor move-in times. All shipments must be prepaid, no collect on delivery shipments will be accepted. SIGNATURE SERIES SHIPPING How can I make shipping my show materials easier? Signature Series Shipping will make it easier, and here's why: All shipments must be prepaid, no collect on delivery shipments will be accepted. MATERIAL HANDLING CHARGES What determines how much I'm charged? Charges are based off the weight from your inbound weight ticket included with your shipment. How do I calculate material handling charges? Material handling services, whether used completely, or in part, are offered as a package. When recording weight, round up to the next 100 lbs. For example: 285 lbs. = 300 lbs./100 lbs. = 3 X RATE = $ Amount or minimum charge, whichever is greater. Will there be any additional charges? Additional charges may apply. Please review the Material Handling Authorization and Material Handling Additional Services forms included in the manual for all applicable fees. SPECIALIZED CARRIER (SMALL CARTON CARRIER) What are specialized carrier shipments? Shipments that arrive via small package carrier such as FedEx Express Service, UPS small package service or DHL small package service AND do not have a certified weight ticket included with shipment. This applies to packages weighing under 50 lbs. How do I calculate my specialized carrier shipment? Charges for specialized carrier shipments are based on per carton, per delivery. Example: I'm shipping 3 packages via FedEx, how much will I be charged? 3 x per carton rate = $ amount charged (plus any additional fees that may apply) Please be advised that your whole shipment may not arrive to its destination at one time. Therefore you may be charged per each delivery, and minimum charges may apply. CRATED~UNCRATED~SPECIAL HANDLING What are CRATED materials? Materials delivered that are skidded or in a container that can easily be unloaded/reloaded with no special handling required. What are UNCRATED materials? Materials delivered that are loose, pad-wrapped or unskidded without proper lifting bars and/or hooks. What is SPECIAL HANDLING? Shipments delivered that require extra labor for stacking or unstacking containers on a truck (cubic loading), tarping or untarping freight or containers, or rigging pieces for loading or unloading on a truck or from the ground, or other circumstances requiring the rehandling of materials. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Receive a 10% discount off of material handling rates (restrictions apply). Worry-free shipping to and from your show. Priority Empty Service - priority of empty return at the close of show Volume discounted shipping rates Charges will be billed to your show invoice-one less invoice/bill to keep track of. No driver wait fees. LIABILITY INSURANCE What is and why would I need liability insurance? Accidents happen, therefore, most show organizers and facilities require liability insurance. Please refer to your booth contract for exact minimums required. Please make sure your materials are covered from the moment they leave your company location to the time they return after the close of the show. If applicable, included in your manual is information and an application for liability insurance and booth coverage can also be purchased to protect your valuable exhibit materials. OUTBOUND SHIPMENTS You must complete a Shepard Material Handling Agreement (MHA) for all outbound shipments. A MHA will be distributed at show site if all services have been paid in full, or you can request one at the customer service desk. Upon completion of packing and labeling of your materials, complete the bill of lading with all required information, and return to customer service. If you have questions on how to complete your bill of lading, please ask a Shepard customer service representative located at the customer service desk. If you are NOT using the designated shipping carrier, you must call your carrier with pick-up information. If your carrier fails to pick up your shipment, Shepard will either reroute your freight through the carrier of our choice or return to the local warehouse (whichever is indicated on your MHA). Utility Services American College of Nurse Practitioners October 20-24, 2010 Exhibit Dates:October 22-23, 2010 The Tampa Convention Center is pleased to be hosting your event. We want to do everything possible to make your participation profitable and rewarding. We believe you will appreciate our personal touch to customer service and find our Exhibit Service Department personnel, to be very helpful. The following service forms are available at the Tampa Convention Center website: Advertising Network Audio Visual Catering Cleaning Computers Electric Food & Beverage Internet Plumbing/Air Security Telephone Please submit all order forms to the TAMPA CONVENTION CENTER as soon as possible. In order to receive the INCENTIVE DISCOUNT RATE, your order with full payment must be received or post-marked on/before September 28, 2010. The TCC Service Desk will be located in the Exhibit Service Center area during your event to assist with inquiries. If you should need any assistance before your event, please call the main number 813-274-7761 (800-426-5630 toll #). SERVICE ORDER FORMS: Orders must be received prior to the to the cut off date with full payment enclosed in order to receive the incentive discount rate. FORMS OF PAYMENT: Company check, cash, money order, Visa, MasterCard, or American Express. NO BILLING OR PERSONAL CHECKS ACCEPTED. BADGING: All exhibitors are required to wear an exhibitor badge when on Tampa Convention Center property. PARKING: Parking on the loading dock or inside the Center (except for loading or unloading) is prohibited; violators will be ticketed and/or towed at owner’s expense. Parking is available in TCC’s garage and at several more parking garages and lots within a two block area of TCC. DOLLIES: Dollies (with labor) may be rented on site. Please check at the decorator’s service desk or with a TCC Ambassador. CHILDREN: No one under 16 is permitted in the hall or on the dock during the move-in/out. FOOD AND BEVERAGE SAMPLING: Prior written approval from the Show Management must be given. Please contact Show Management for details. NO OUTSIDE FOOD OR BEVERAGE IS ALLOWED INTO THE BUILDING. Our Cafes and Restaurants will be open throughout the show hours. VEHICLE(S) DISPLAYED: Show Management must be contacted for approval. Battery cables must be disconnected, gas tanks must be taped shut or locked and cannot contain more than 1/4 tank of fuel. Fueling or de-fueling shall not be done on TCC premises. Visqueen must be placed under all vehicles parked directly on TCC carpet and terrazzo tile. Keys to vehicles must be left on-site with the decorator, Show Management or TCC Security. SMOKING: TCC complies with the Florida Clean Indoor Air Act. There is no smoking inside the facility. DELIVERIES: Packages and freight are NOT accepted by TCC prior to the first move-in day of the show. Address the shipment to the contracted decorator with the name of the event, booth name and number. FIRE MARSHAL: Please contact Show Management for any enclosed (or double decked) booths. All exits, hallways and aisles must be kept clear and unobstructed at all times. Materials used in exhibits must be flame-retardant and are subject to inspection by the Tampa Fire Marshal (The Fire Marshal may request that certification accompany items). All straw, hay or live evergreen trees are prohibited. PROHIBITED: compressed flammable gases, flammable or combustible liquids, and hazardous chemicals and materials (acetylene, hydrogen, propane, butane, pesticides, herbicides, poisons, gasoline, kerosene, cleaning solvents, and other petroleum-based materials). Helium balloons may be permitted provided Show Management approval is granted and TCC guidelines are followed. Adhesive-backed decals and stickers are not allowed inside the building. TCC SERVICE DESK: Any questions about TCC services please call (813) 274-8511. TAMPA CONVENTION CENTER ELECTRIC SERVICE ORDER 333 S. Franklin St. Tampa, Florida 33602 PHONE Exclusive Service Provided by Tampa Convention Center FAX 813-274-7761 Email: 813-274-7859 1-800-426-5630 SEE REVESE SIDE FOR RATE, PAYMENT POLICIES, AND REGULATIONS Event Name/Date(s) _______________________________________________ Booth #: ____ Standard ___ Island ___ Company/Organization: ________________________________ Contact Person: _______________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ City ______________ State ___ Zip: _________ Phone: __________________________ Fax: ____________________ E-mail: ___________________________________ INCENTIVE RATE STANDARD RATE $ 75.00 $ 95.00 $115.00 $112.50 $142.50 $172.50 $195.00 $245.00 $325.00 $455.00 $292.50 $367.50 $487.50 $682.50 20 Amps 30 Amps 60 Amps 100 Amps Labor Required (1 Hour Minimum) $305.00 $325.00 $455.00 $565.00 $457.50 $487.50 $682.50 $847.50 Straight time = 7am-11pm 7days a week Overtime = 11pm-7am 7days a week $ 45.00 $ 90.00 $ 67.50 $135.00 24-hour service QUANTITY AMOUNT (double rate) 120 Volts 0-500 Watts (5 Amps) 501-1000 Watts (10 Amps) 1001-2000 Watts (20 Amps) 208 Volts Single Phase (Requires 1 hr. labor) 20 Amps 30 Amps 60 Amps 100 Amps 208 Volts Three Phase (Requires 1 hr. labor) Lighting Equipment - see Computer and Audiovisual Form. Additional Equipment & Services 3-Wire Ground 25 ft extension cord Power Strip Q-taps Ceiling Drops (per drop) $ 25.00 $ 25.00 $ 10.00 $150.00 $ 37.50 $ 37.50 $ 15.00 $225.00 $0.00 $0.00 Tax Exempt $0.00 $0.00 A scaled floor plan must accompany orders showing locations of electrical outlets, connections, and lighting equipment for all Island booths, single/three phase electric orders, and orders not located at the back of the booth. Orders will not be processed unless accompanied by required floor plans with full payment. SUB-TOTAL SALES TAX (7%) TOTAL FORM OF PAYMENT PAYABLE TO THE CITY OF TAMPA Check Cash Account Number: Visa MasterCard TCC USE ONLY AMEX Exp. Date Date Received Amount Paid Balance Due Name (Please Print) Date Processed Cardholder Signature Processed By I also authorize charging any unpaid balances to my credit card. Page of To receive incentive rates, payment and floor plans must be received 21 days prior to the first day of show. TCC (10/09) Deadline: September 28, 2010 Deadline: September 28, 2010 Electric Service Instructions Complete the Order Form and retain a copy for your records. Mail or fax a copy of the Order Form and FULL PAYMENT to: CITY OF TAMPA/TAMPA CONVENTION CENTER ATTN: Exhibit Services Department 333 S. Franklin Street Tampa, FL 33602 Fax: 813-274-7859 MATERIAL & LABOR: Outlets will be located at the rear of the booth. Labor and material required to place outlets in a location other than the back of the booth will be charged a minimum of one hour at the hourly rate. Minimum of 1hr charged for installation for booths with extensive power needs. To determine power requirements, check the UL listing on the back of all equipment. All island booths and all 208V require a minimum of 1-hour labor and a scaled floor plan. 3. 4. Rate Policy INCENTIVE RATES require that Order Forms, floor plans, AND full payment MUST be received a Minimum of 21 CALENDAR DAYS PRIOR to the first day of show. STANDARD RATES will apply after the deadline. Outlets will be located at the rear center of the booth. Additional labor is required to place outlets in a location other than the back of the booth and on orders requiring outlets in a specific location. Orders requiring 24-hour service are charged DOUBLE RATE. Rates include equipment rental. Equipment not returned to the service desk within one hour of show closing will incur additional charges. 5. Rates are for the entire show. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Cancellation Policy Notification of cancellation of services MUST be postmarked in writing a MINIMUM of 14 days prior to the first scheduled show date to receive a full refund, less a $50 administrative fee. No refunds will be given for services installed and not used. The Center will not refund overpayments, except sales tax, in amounts less than $15.00, unless specifically requested in writing. There will be a $25 service charge on all returned checks. Payment Policy 100% payment (in U.S. currency ONLY) must accompany each order. Make Company, certified, or cashier’s check payable to the City of Tampa/Tampa Convention Center. No Personal checks, please. Credit Cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, and AMEX. Electric services not received must be reported to the Service Desk PRIOR to the show opening in order to receive any refund. Payment for additional on-site materials/labor is due when service is rendered. If by any reason of any default on the part of the TCC lessee or exhibitor hereunder, it becomes necessary to engage an attorney, the TCC lessee or exhibitor agrees to pay all costs, expenses and attorney’s fees expended or incurred by the City/TCC in connection therewith. The City/TCC will not be responsible for strikes, accidents, fires, acts of God, terrorism or delays beyond its control. Upon check-in, with a personal and/or company credit card, a Credit Card Authorization Form must be completed and will be kept on file until the close of the event for unanticipated charges. Electrical Regulations for Temporary Wiring of Booths and Exhibits Electricity will be turned on 30 minutes prior to show opening and turned off within 30 minutes after show closes. All motors over 3 horsepower MUST have magnetic starters and disconnecting switch furnished by exhibitor. No exhibitor shall make any electrical installation, nor shall he make any electrical connection of any appliance or equipment to the building electrical system. Wall, column and permanent building utility outlets are not part of booth space and are not to be used by exhibitors, unless specified otherwise. Surge Protectors are recommended for computers and other sensitive equipment. All electrical connections to the building electrical system or extension thereto shall be made by the electrical contractor and/or building electricians. Extensions to the building electrical system shall be made by three-wire flexible cord, Type SO or equal, in lengths so arranged that there will be no more than one coil, 2 feet in diameter, of excess cord. No single lighting circuit shall exceed 2,000 watts at 120 volts. Exhibits requiring larger lighting connection must be wired with its own fuse or circuit breaker panel, capable of receiving 120-208 volt three wire feed. No cord shall be run across any space where subject to traffic, unless the cord is encased in a protective cover, specifically approved for the purpose. It is the exhibitor responsibility to tape down cords or incur labor charges to ensure public safety. The TCC is authorized to cut floor coverings to permit installation of service, unless otherwise directed. Termination of extensions to the building electrical system shall be in assemblies specifically approved for the purpose by the Electrical Inspection Section. All electrical equipment or appliance connected to the building electrical system or extension thereto in booths or displays shall be: (1) listed and labeled by a Nationally Recognized Standard Testing Laboratory, (2) specifically approved by the Electrical Inspection Section, and (3) all equipment must be properly tagged and wired with complete information as to type of current, voltage, phase, cycle, horsepower, etc. No electrical equipment shall be attached to or supported from booth dividers. Permanently installed wiring on all booths or displays shall be encased in an approved metal raceway. Where flexibility is necessary, such as between booth sections and at connection points to the building electrical system or supply points. Type SO cord or equal, in lengths not to exceed six feet, equipped with approved attachment plugs may utilized. Special built displays must have electrical wiring accessible for inspection and trouble shooting at all times. They must be accessible from side or rear and not solidly built in. All splices and terminations shall be made in an approved metal enclosure. There shall be no exposed live metal parts. All flexible cords shall be three wires, Type SO or equal, unless such cord is a component part of an assembly, which is specifically approved. No two wire extension cords are allowed. All Exposed, non-current carrying metal parts of the electrical installation shall be effectively grounded. No electrical equipment or appliances, which under normal operating conditions attain a surface temperature in excess of 90 degrees C or 194 F, shall be mounted on or supported from any combustible material, unless separated therefrom by a substantial non-combustible material. Lighting fixtures or other appliances or equipment equipped with other then Type SO cord its equal will be accepted, provided the complete assembly, including the cord, is listed and labeled by a National Recognized Standard Testing Laboratory. Use of open clip sockets, latex or lamp cord wire, duplex or triplex attachment plugs in exhibits is prohibited. The exhibitor is responsible for all electrical equipment and is totally responsible for any liability involving the same. Motors over ¾ horsepower must have a switch with overload protection or fuse protection. Before show breaks on the final day, stop your machinery in dismantling position, as power cannot be turned on again. In addition, this will help to avert any possible personal injury. The City/TCC will not be responsible for voltage fluctuations or power failure. TAMPA CONVENTION CENTER TELEPHONE SERVICE ORDER 333 S. Franklin St. Tampa, Florida 33602 PHONE (813) 274-7761 1-800-426-5630 FAX (813) 274-7859 Exclusive Service Provided By Tampa Convention Center EMail:TCC.ExhibitServices@ SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR RATE, PAYMENT POLICIES, AND REGULATIONS. Event Name Exhibitor Name Address Address Phone Booth #: City ( ) State - Booth Size: Standard ___Island ___ Dates From: To: Authorized Person E-mail Fax ( Zip ) - Basic Service: Includes a touch-tone, single-line instrument, connector cord, local, and credit card calls, Phone instrument must be checked out from the TCC Service Desk during move-in hours. A $50 fee will be assessed for all instruments not returned to the TCC Service Desk at the close of show. Incentive Standard QUANTITY AMOUNT Rate Rate $229.00 $343.50 $0.00 Basic Service Line Enhanced Services Call Forward $5.25 $7.50 $0.00 Call waiting $5.25 $7.50 $0.00 Voice Mail $25.00 $30.00 $0.00 $425.00 $755.00 $0.00 ISDN Line (21 day advance notice required) ISDN Usage Additional Charges and Services: For each long distance service line, a $30.00 connection fee will be charged. Also, a one-time $100.00 deposit is required for all long distance (including 800 and toll call service), if paying by check. Unused portions of any deposit will be refunded approximately 45 days after the close of show. PRICE $30.00 $33.00 Long Distance Service Connection Fee Line Relocation QUANTITY AMOUNT Sub-Total *Communication Service Tax (14.99%) Long Distance Deposit (required if paying by check) Long Distance Call Charges (all taxes included) TOTAL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Material and Labor: Phone lines will be located at the rear of the booth. A scaled floor plan must accompany all island booth orders showing location(s) of phone line termination. Orders will not be processed unless accompanied by required floor plans. FORM OF PAYMENT PAYABLE TO THE CITY OF TAMPA TCC USE ONLY Check T Cash T Account Number: Visa T MasterCard T AMEX T Exp. Date: Date Received Amount Paid Balance Due Name (Please Print) Date Processed Cardholder Signature Processed By I also authorize charging any unpaid balances to my credit card. Postmarked Date *Communication Service Tax Include: State Portion: 9.17% - Local Portion: 5.82% To receive Incentive rates, orders must be postmarked 21 days prior to the first day of show. TCC01 (10/05) Deadline: September 28, 2010 Deadline: September 28, 2010 Telephone Service Instructions Complete the Order Form and retain a copy for your records. Mail or fax a copy of the Order Form and FULL PAYMENT to: CITY OF TAMPA/TAMPA CONVENTION CENTER ATTN: Exhibit Services 333 S. Franklin Street Tampa, FL 33602 Fax: 813-274-7859 Rate Policy 1. ADVANCE RATES require that order forms, floor plans, AND full payment MUST be postmarked a Minimum of 21 CALENDAR DAYS PRIOR to the first day of show. FLOOR RATES will apply after the deadline. Purchase orders are not acceptable in lieu of payment. 2. Rates include equipment rental. 3. A $50.00 charge per telephone instrument will be assessed for instruments damaged or not returned 4. Prices are for the entire show. Cancellation Policy 1. Notification of cancellation of services MUST be postmarked in writing a MINIMUM of 14 days prior to the first scheduled show date to receive a full refund, less a $50 administrative fee. 2. No refunds will be given for services installed and not used. 3. The Center will not refund overpayments, except sales tax, in amounts less than $15.00, unless specifically requested in writing. 4. There will be a $25 service charge on all returned checks. Payment Policy 1. 100% payment (in U.S. currency ONLY) must accompany each order. Make company, certified, or cashier’s check payable to the City of Tampa/ Tampa Convention Center. No personal checks, please. Credit Cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, and AMEX. 2. Telephone Service not received by exhibitor must be reported to the Service Desk PRIOR to the opening of the event to receive a refund. 3. Payment for additional on-site materials/labor is due when service is rendered. 4. If by any reason of any default on the part of the TCC lessee or exhibitor hereunder, it becomes necessary to engage an attorney, the TCC lessee or exhibitor agrees to pay all costs, expenses and attorney’s fees expended or incurred by the City/TCC in connection therewith. The City/TCC will not be responsible for strikes, accidents, fires, acts of God, terrorism or delays beyond its control. 5. Upon check-in, with a personal and/or company credit card, a Credit Card Authorization Form must be completed and will be kept on file until the close of the event for unanticipated charges. General Information 1. Customer should pick-up telephone instrument(s) and dialing instructions at the Service Desk. 2. At the close of the event, all phone lines will be de-activated, and all telephone instruments MUST be returned to TCC Service Desk to avoid additional billing. 3. The Tampa Convention Center is not responsible for equipment incompatibility with services ordered. TAMPA CONVENTION CENTER INTERNET SERVICE ORDER 333 S. Franklin St. Tampa, Florida 33602 PHONE Exclusive Service Provided by Tampa Convention Center FAX 813-274-7761 Email: 813-274-7859 1-800-426-5630 SEE REVESE SIDE FOR RATE, PAYMENT POLICIES, AND REGULATIONS Event Name/Date(s) _______________________________________________ Booth #: ____ Standard ___ Island ___ Company/Organization: ________________________________ Contact Person: _______________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ City ______________ State ___ Zip: _________ Phone: __________________________ Fax: ____________________ E-mail: ___________________________________ INTERNET INFORMATION Notes: • • • TCC provides an INTERNET connection with one 15-foot long Cat5 cable. Computers must have an Ethernet Card installed. All equipment is rental equipment only and must be signed out at the TCC Service Desk during move-in. A $250.00 charge will be assessed for Internet access device not returned to the Service Desk within one hour of show closing. A scaled floor plan must accompany all island booth(s) orders showing internet line termination. Labor and material required to relocate outlets will be charged a minimum of one hour at the hourly rate. All standard connections are assigned via DHCP; if you require a STATIC IP ADDRESS, please submit your request 14 days before event date. TCC cannot guarantee multiple IP Addresses not ordered in advance. INTERNET Incentive Rate (One connection) Speed 2.0M / 2.0M Internet Drop $ 750.00 $ 100.00 $ 75.00 $ 25.00 $ 75.00 $ 100.00 Additional Connections 8 Port Hub* 15 Foot Cat5 Cable each * Cat5 Under Carpet (scaled floor plan required) * Technical Support (one hour minimum) * Additional hours or portion of an hour will be Charged at $100/hr * Items that are taxable ( Internet Drop is non-taxable) Standard Rate (One connection) Quantity $1,125.00 $ 150.00 $ 112.50 $ 37.50 $ 112.50 $ 150.00 Tax Exempt Amount $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SUB-TOTAL $0.00 SALES TAX (7%) $0.00 TOTAL $0.00 Special Instructions: FORM OF PAYMENT PAYABLE TO THE CITY OF TAMPA Check Cash Account Number: Visa MasterCard TCC USE ONLY AMEX Exp. Date Date Received Amount Paid Balance Due Name (Please Print) Date Processed Cardholder Signature Processed By I also authorize charging any unpaid balances to my credit card. To receive incentive rate, payment must be received 21 days prior to first show day. TCC (10/09) Deadline: September 28, 2010 Page of I n t e r n e t S e r v i c e O r d e r Instructions Deadline: September 28, Complete the Order Form and retain a copy for your records. Mail or fax a copy of the Order Form and FULL PAYMENT to: CITY OF TAMPA/TAMPA CONVENTION CENTER ATTN: Exhibit Services Department 333 S. Franklin Street 2010 Tampa, FL 33602 Rate Policy 1. INCENTIVE RATES require that order forms AND full payment MUST be received a Minimum of 21 CALENDAR DAYS PRIOR to the first day of show. STANDARD RATES will apply after the deadline. 2. Rates include equipment rental. 3. Rates are for the entire show. Cancellation Policy 1. Notification of cancellation of services MUST be postmarked in writing a MINIMUM of 14 days prior to the first scheduled show date to receive a full refund, less a $50 administrative fee. 2. No refunds will be given for services installed and not used. 3. The Center will not refund overpayments, except sales tax, in amounts less than $15.00, unless specifically requested in writing. 4. There will be a $25 service charge on all returned checks. Payment Policy 1. 100% payment (in U.S. currency ONLY) must accompany each order - Company, certified, or cashiers check payable to the City of Tampa/Tampa Convention Center. No personal checks, please. Credit Cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, and AMEX. 2. Internet Service not received by exhibitor must be reported to the Service Desk PRIOR to the opening of the event to receive a refund. 3. Payment for additional on-site materials/labor is due when service is rendered. 4. If by any reason of any default on the part of the TCC lessee or exhibitor hereunder, it becomes necessary to engage an attorney, the TCC lessee or exhibitor agrees to pay all costs, expenses and attorney’s fees expended or incurred by the City/TCC in connection therewith. The City/TCC will not be responsible for strikes, accidents, fires, acts of God, terrorism or delays beyond its control. 5. Upon check-in, with a personal and/or company credit card, a Credit Card Authorization Form must be completed and will be kept on file until the close of the event for unanticipated charges or additions to the equipment ordered. General Information Customer should report to Service Desk at least four hours prior to show opening to schedule internet installation. Failure to schedule installation may result in loss of INTERNET privileges, with no refund. At the close of the event, all INTERNET lines will be de-activated and equipment must be available for IT to pick up . The Tampa Convention Center is not responsible for exhibitor equipment incompatibility with services ordered. A rate quoted for all connections cover bringing the service to the booth in the most convenient manner and does not include equipment or special wiring. 6. A $250.00 charge per internet connection will be assessed for equipment damaged or not available for pickup within one hour of show closing. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tampa Convention Center Exhibitor Booth Layout Event:______________ Booth Name: __________________ Booth Number________ All booths larger than a 10 x 10 require a floor plan. To use: *Bold lines to indicate the outline of your booth. *Indicate x and y dimensions for placement of power, phone, water and internet, etc. *Include dimensions *Mark the adjacent booth numbers or aisle numbers. *Note overhead drops. Back of Booth (Indicate Adjacent Booth or Aisle)________ Feet Indicate Adjacent Booth or Aisle Number: _______ Indicate Adjacent Booth or Aisle Number: _______ Y Feet Feet F 0’ 10’ 0’ ‘X’ X Island Booths require a scaled floor plan with dimensions. CREDIT CARD CHARGE AUTHORIZATION In addition to advance payment, we require all exhibitors to provide a credit card authorization for additional labor or services to be rendered. Please complete the information requested below and return this form with you orders** Mail To:Tampa Convention Center Attn: Service Desk 333 S. Franklin Street Tampa, Florida 33602 For Additional Information Call: 813-274-8511 813-274-7859 fax Booth Number: _________________________ Event Name: ________________________ Show Dates From: __________ To:________ Exhibitor Name: Telephone #: . Address: Suite #: . City: State: Print Name: Signature: Zip Code: _______________________. . CREDIT CARD INFORMATION Payment options are: MasterCard Visa American Express Account Number: Expiration Date: Cardholder’s Signature: ____________________________________________________________. Please Print Clearly the Following Information: Cardholder’s Name: . Cardholder’s Billing Address: . Driver’s Identification (State/Number): . **For your convenience, we will use this authorization to charge your credit account for any additional amount incurred as a result of show-site orders placed by your representative. These charges will include labor and material handling. (10/06) Deadline: September 10, 2010 LEAD RETRIEVAL ORDER FORM Contact Information (Please Print or Type Clearly) Booth Number: ___________________ Contact: __________________________________________________ PLEASE PLACE Company Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ YOUR ORDER Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ONLINE!! City: _________________________________State: ___________ Zip: ____________Country: _____________ Tel: ____________________________________________ Fax: _______________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Onsite Contact ________________________ Mobile Phone _________________________________________ Order Online Order by Mail Mail completed form: 11208 Waples Mill Rd. Suite 112 Fairfax, VA 22030 (703) 995-1800 (phone) (703) 818-9177 (fax) Advance By: 9/10/10 Standard After: 9/10/10 Quantity Total Lead Retrieval Options: DirectLead™ Mobile Handheld [DMH] DirectLead™Terminal [DT] $290 $255 $340 $305 ________ ________ $________ $________ $100 $25 $75 $75 $95 $150 $30 $95 $105 $95 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ Total: $________ Accessories: Wireless Thermal Printer [WTP]* Keyboard Rental [KEY] ** Booth Delivery [BOOTH] ** Custom Lead Qualifiers [CC] (complete Page 2) Post Show Data Conversion [EXCEL] ** (If you need leads converted to Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet – sent via email) *For use with DirectLead™ Mobile Handheld only ** For use with DirectLead™ Terminal only Payment Method: Visa MasterCard Checks made payable to: J. Spargo & Associates, Inc. American Express Check Card Number: ________________________________________ Total: $_________ Exp. Date: __________ Name on Card: ___________________________________ • • • • • • Cancellation of order is subject to a $50.00 administrative fee. No refunds after October 7, 2010. You will be charged up to $2,500.00 for any unit(s) damaged or not returned. Units must be picked up at the Lead Retrieval Counter. No credit issued for unit(s) not picked up. Please allow 1-3 business days to receive confirmation of order. Signature: ___________________________________________________________ All equipment is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor during the rental period. The rental period ends 1 hour past the close of the posted exhibit hall hours. Equipment damaged or not returned is subject to an additional charge up to $2,500.00. This charge may be imposed, with out further notice, to the credit card on file. Your signature authorizes your credit card to be charged for the total payment due. JSA reserves the right to charge the correct amount if different from the total listed above. Your order must be submitted on or prior to the discounted deadline to receive the discounted rate. Please check the box and sign that you have read and understood the terms of this agreement. ____________________________________ CUSTOMIZED LEAD QUALIFIERS ORDER FORM Company Name: ____________________________ Contact Name: _____________________________ Booth #:___________________________________ Please type or clearly print your Custom Lead Qualifiers below. Qualifiers are limited to 18 characters per line. Sample Lead Qualifiers Custom Lead Qualifiers ♦ Send Brochure Before After ♦ Add to Mailing List 1. ♦ Have Sales Rep Call 2. ♦ Have Tech Rep Call 3. ♦ Immediate Interest 4. ♦ Need Demonstration 5. ♦ Send Price List 6. ♦ Send Proposal 7. ♦ Purchasing Authority 8. ♦ Current Customer 9. ♦ Distributor 10. ♦ Reseller 11. ♦ End User 12. ♦ Government 13. ♦ Corporate / Civilian 14. ♦ > 5K Budget 15. ♦ 5 - 10K Budget 16. ♦ 10 - 25K Budget 17. ♦ 25 - 50K Budget 18. ♦ 50K Budget 19. 9/10/10 9/10/10 20. J. Spargo & Associates, Inc. 11208 Waples Mill Road, Suite 112, Fairfax, VA 22030 Phone: 703-995-1800 Fax: 703-818-9177 Email: ORDER ONLINE: $75.00 $105.00 Deadline: October 8, 2010 400 Mile Crossing Blvd. Rochester, N. Y. 14624 Ph: 1-888-RENT CMI Fax: 585-424-1913 Exhibitor Audio Visual Equipment Rental Order Form ***Please Mail Or Fax to: Eric Kretschman - 1-585-424-1913*** American College of Nurse Practitioners October 20-24 , 2010 - Tampa, Forida Exhibitor Information Exhibitor: Billing Address: City: Booth Number: ZIP: State: Rental Equipment Quantity Description Before 10/ 08/10 After 10/08/10 Total Video/Computer Equipment 1/2" VHS VCR Player/Recorder DVD Player 20" TV/VCR Combo Unit 27" TV/VCR Combo Unit 27" TV/VCR/DVD Combo Unit 32" LCD/HDTV 17" Flat LCD Display 20" Flat LCD Display Wall Mount for LCD Display 43" Plasma Display (includes table/floor stand and 7 watt speakers) 43" Plasma Display 84" Floor Stand (black) 50" Plasma Display (includes table stand and 7 watt speakers) 50" Plasma Display 84" Floor Stand (black) 2500 Lumen Projector 4500 Lumen Projector 6' Tripod Screen with Black Skirt 8' Tripod Screen with Black Skirt Desk Top Computer (please specify requirements) Laptop Computer Wireless Keyboard & Mouse Printer $112.50 $187.51 $225.00 $250.00 $300.00 $550.00 $250.00 $300.00 $70.00 $1,100.00 $150.00 $1,320.00 $150.00 $1,125.00 $1,500.00 $50.00 $60.00 $562.50 $562.50 $60.00 $120.00 $135.00 $225.00 $270.00 $300.00 $360.00 $660.00 $300.00 $360.00 $84.00 $1,320.00 $180.00 $1,620.00 $180.00 $1,350.00 $1,800.00 $60.00 $72.00 $675.00 $675.00 $72.00 $144.00 Portable Stereo CD/Cassette Deck $87.50 $105.00 Portable Sound System (60 watts per channel) $125.00 $150.00 Audio Equipment Wireled Microphone (lavalier / hand held) CIRCLE ONE $62.50 $75.00 Wireless Microphone (lavalier / hand held) CIRCLE ONE $300.00 $360.00 Computer Tabletop Speakers (7 watts) $40.00 $48.00 Flipchart w/pad $62.50 $75.00 54'' Projection Stand with black skirt (for TV/Monitor) $40.00 $48.00 Display Easel $25.00 $30.00 Miscellaneous Equipment Labor (beyond normal set-up) $65.00 (per hour) Equipment Total *** Advance Orders Due By 10/08/10 *** Delivery/Pick-up ***Prices are based on rental for all show days / call for single day quotes*** TOTAL* * If paying by credit card, please be sure to include a Credit Card Authorization Form. CMI Communications 400 Mile Crossing Blvd. Rochester, NY 14624 1-888-736-8264 Credit Card Authorization Form Event Name/Order Number: Booth Number (if applicable): Card Holder Information Company Name: Name on Card: Cardholder Billing Address: City: State: Telephone: Email Address: Zip: Payment Authorization Card Type: Visa MasterCard Card Number: American Express Exp.Date: Card Identification Number: Please reference the picture on the right for the location of this number on your card. (Visa, MasterCard: 3 digits on back, AMEX: 4 digits on front) I wish to authorize the purchase of services/merchandise from CMI Communications using this Credit Card Authorization Form. I agree that I will pay for this purchase and indemnify and hold CMI Communications harmless against any liability pursuant to this authorization. I understand that my signature on this form will serve as authorized signature on the credit card charge slip. This authorization is valid for a period of one (1) year. ALL INFORMATION IS CONFIDENTIAL _____________________________ _________________________________ __________________ Print Name Signature Date Submitting This Form Directions: Please print this page, fill in all required information above, and fax to CMI Communications at 585424-1913, or mail to 400 Mile Crossing Blvd. Rochester, NY 14624. TAMPA CONVENTION CENTER CLEANING SERVICE ORDER 333 S. Franklin St. Tampa, Florida 33602 PHONE Exclusive Service Provided by Tampa Convention Center FAX 813-274-7761 Email: 813-274-7859 1-800-426-5630 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR RATE, PAYMENT POLICIES, AND REGULATIONS Event Name/Date(s) _______________________________________________ Booth #: ____ Standard ___ Island ___ Company/Organization: ________________________________ Contact Person: _______________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ City ______________ State ___ Zip: _________ Phone: __________________________ Fax: ____________________ E-mail: ___________________________________ NOTE: The Tampa Convention Center is the exclusive booth-cleaning contractor. No other cleaning service will be allowed on the exhibit floor. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CLEAN BOOTHS. ALL RATES BASED ON GROSS BOOTH AREA (space purchased) VACUUMING BOOTH CARPET: One Time Only ………..………………Incentive $.25 sq.ft. first day of show Daily (all show days)………………......Incentive $.25 sq.ft. all show days Standard $.30 sq.ft Standard $.30 sq.ft Booth Size (Gross Sq. Ft.) ___________ X Rate ___________ x No. Days______ SHAMPOOING BOOTH CARPET: One Time or Daily……………………… Incentive $.35 sq. ft. = 0.00 $_________________ = 0.00 $_________________ Standard $.40 Booth Size (Gross Sq. Ft.) ___________ X Rate ___________ x No. Days______ PORTER SERVICE: (1) Periodic policing of exhibit area includes emptying wastebaskets during all show hours. Service performed every 2 hours. Incentive $35 per day Standard $45 per day x _______ Days = $_____________ (2) Special booth cleaning, other than during show hours at $20 per hour (1 hour minimum) please provide instructions below. Incentive $20 per hour Standard $30 per day x _______ Est. Hours = $ ____________ Days Instructions and Date(s) for special booth cleaning: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tax Exempt SUB-TOTAL $ SALES TAX (7%) TOTAL $ FORM OF PAYMENT PAYABLE TO THE CITY OF TAMPA Check Cash Account Number: Visa MasterCard 0.00 0.00 0.00 TCC USE ONLY AMEX Exp. Date Date Received Amount Paid Balance Due Name (Please Print) Date Processed Cardholder Signature Processed By I also authorize charging any unpaid balances to my credit card. Page of To receive incentive rates, payment and floor plans must be received 21 days prior to the first day of show. TCC (10/09) Deadline: September 28, 2010 Deadline: September 28, 2010 Cleaning Service Instructions Complete the Order Form and retain a copy for your records. Mail or fax a copy of the Order Form and FULL PAYMENT to: CITY OF TAMPA/TAMPA CONVENTION CENTER ATTN: Exhibit Services Department 333 S. Franklin Street Tampa, FL 33602 Rate Policy 1. INCENTIVE RATES require that order forms AND full payment MUST be received a Minimum of 21 CALENDAR DAYS PRIOR to the first day of show. STANDARD RATES will apply after the deadline. 2. All rates include equipment rental. 3. Daily services are calculated for all show days. One time service is provided first day of show opening. Cancellation Policy 1. Notification of cancellation of services MUST be postmarked in writing a MINIMUM of 14 days prior to the first scheduled show date to receive a full refund, less a $50 administrative fee. 2. The Center will not refund overpayments, except sales tax, in amounts less than $15.00, unless specifically requested in writing. 3. There will be a $25 service charge on all returned checks. Payment Policy 1. 100% payment (in U.S. currency ONLY) must accompany each order - Company, certified, or cashiers check payable to the City of Tampa/Tampa Convention Center. No personal checks, please. Credit Cards accepted: Visa, MasterCard, and AMEX. 2. Cleaning Service not received by exhibitor must be reported to the Service Desk PRIOR to the opening of the show day for which services should be rendered. 3. Payment for additional on-site materials/labor is due when service is rendered. 4. If by any reason of any default on the part of the TCC lessee or exhibitor hereunder, it becomes necessary to engage an attorney, the TCC lessee or exhibitor agrees to pay all costs, expenses and attorney’s fees expended or incurred by the City/TCC in connection therewith. The City/TCC will not be responsible for strikes, accidents, fires, acts of God, terrorism or delays beyond its control. 5. Upon check-in, with a personal and/or company credit card, a Credit Card Authorization Form must be completed and will be kept on file until the close of the event for unanticipated charges. Plant/Floral Order Form Deadline Date: Two Weeks Prior Fax order to: (954) 337-3369 Sunfloral Roots for American Business PO Box 2778, Apopka, FL 32704 Phone (954) 288-9091 ~ Fax (954) 337-3369 Email: Event Name: Company Name: Address: Phone Number: Payment method: □ Company Check No: Credit Card Number: Card Holder Name: Fresh Arrangements Requests/Comments Circle Selection: One-Sided/All Around Small arrangement (12") Large arrangement (24") Bud vase or 4” Flowering Plant *Eco-alternative Flowering Plants Event Location: Booth number: City, State & Zip: E-mail: □ Credit card (Visa/Mastercard/AMEX) Expiration Date: Verification No.: Signature: Rate Seasonal Tropical $80 $100 $20 Requests/Comments Quantity Total $100 $150 $25 Rate Quantity Total Flowering plant (seasonal) $30 Green tabletop plant (6")*Eco-friendly alternative $25 Bromeliad (6")*Eco-friendly alternative to fresh floral $30 Orchid (6") *Eco-friendly alternative to fresh floral $35 Bubble bowl/Decorative basket (business card/candy dish) $25 Green Plants - Rental Circle Selection Rate Quantity Total Small vine (6”) Pothos/Ivy/Fern $27 Large vine (8”) Pothos/Ivy/Fern $33 2 foot plant (10") Arboricola/Ficus Bush $39 3 foot plant (10") Spathiphyllum/Croton $45 4 foot plant (10") Palm/Ficus $55 5 foot plant (12") Palm/Ficus $65 6 foot plant (14") Palm/Ficus $95 7 foot tree & up - call for quote & availability Starting at $130 Miscellaneous Circle Selection Rate Gourmet Fruit Basket Small $125 Medium $175 Large Golf track - 9ft (includes 2 putters & 6 golf balls) SunSational Package (two 4ft plants & 2 flowering plants) SuniDaze Package (one each of 2ft, 3ft & 4ft plants) Sub-Total $ Tax (6.5%) $ Quantity Total $250 $225 $155 $120 Delivery Fee $10 Total $ To ensure availability and advance rates, orders must be received two weeks prior to the event. A cancellation fee will be assessed if notification is received less than 24 hours pior to the published move in date and time. Please contact us for a complete copy of terms and conditions. TAMPA CONVENTION CENTER FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICE ORDER 333 S. Franklin St. Tampa, Florida 33602 PHONE FAX 813-274-7779 Exclusive Service Provided by ARAMARK 813-274-7854 1-800-426-5630 SEE REVESE SIDE FOR RATE, PAYMENT POLICIES, AND REGULATIONS Event Name/Date(s) _______________________________________________ Booth #: ____ Standard ___ Island ___ Company/Organization: __________________________On-Site Contact Person Cell: ___________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ City: ______________ State: ___ Zip: _________ Phone: __________________________ Fax: ____________________ E-mail: ___________________________________ 1 Dozen 1 Dozen 1 Each 1 Each 1 Each 1 Dozen 1 Dozen STANDARD RATE $39.00 $36.00 $250.00 $200.00 $300.00 $39.00 $39.00 1 Gallon 1 Gallon 1 Each 1 Each 1 Each $58.00 $48.00 $100.00 $3.50 $3.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1 Case 10 Case 1 Each 1 Each $108.00 $120.00 $450.00 $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bakeries, Sweets & Assorted Snacks Assorted Pastries, Muffins and Bagels w/condiments Assorted Whole Fresh Fruit Display of Sliced Fruit (serves 25) Display of Vegetable Cruites (serves 25) Display of Cheese Tray w/crackers (serves 25) Assorted Cookies, Blondies or Brownies Assorted Candy Bars QUANTITY AMOUNT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Beverages Coffee (3 gallon minimum) TAZO Assorted Hot Tea (3 gallon minimum) Refrigerated Water Cooler Tower (inclds. two 5 gal jugs) Bottled Water Assorted Sodas Beer Domestic Beer* (by the case) Imported Beer* (by the case) Domestic Beer Keg* (est.160/12oz servings)+ Imported Beer Keg* (est.160/12 oz servings)+ Daily Delivery Fee 10% Show Fee (If Applicable) SUB-TOTAL Surcharge (24%) Tax Exempt Sales Tax (7%) TOTAL $25.00 $25.00 $0.00 $25.00 $6.00 $2.17 $33.17 +Kegs are a special order and can only be ordered with four business days notice. *A bartender is required to dispense all alcoholic beverages at the rate of $150.00 for the first two hours and $50.00 per hour after. Attendants are available by request to assist serving in your booth at the rate of $125.00 for the first two hours and $35.00 per hour after. FORM OF PAYMENT PAYABLE TO ARAMARK– TCC Check Cash Account Number: Visa MasterCard TCC USE ONLY AMEX Exp. Date Name (Please Print) Date Received Amount Paid Balance Due Date Processed Cardholder Signature I also authorize charging any additional balances to my credit card. TCC (12-09) Processed By Page of Food & Beverage Booth Service Instructions Complete the Order Form and retain a copy for your records. Mail or fax a copy of the Order Form and FULL PAYMENT to: ARAMARK – Tampa Convention Center Catering Sales 333 South Franklin Street Tampa, FL 33602 This Exhibitor Order Form should be filled out with order as soon as possible. Any order submitted less than five (5) business days will be subject to a 10% show fee. All menu items are subject to applicable Florida sales tax and 24% service charge. Full payment is required in advance and can be made by company check payable to ARAMARK, or by Visa, MasterCard or American Express credit cards. ACNP National Clinical Conference Tampa Convention Center October 22-23, 2010 Tampa, Florida EXHIBITOR INSURANCE PROGRAM EXHIBITOR GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE (REQUIRED) Show Management requires that all exhibitors carry Commercial General Liability Insurance with limits of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 aggregate. Show Management and the venue shall be named as Additional Insured. This insurance must be in force during the lease dates of the event: October 22-23, 2010 Our insurance: ● Protects exhibitors who do not have Commercial General Liability Insurance or who do not want to use their own insurance ● Protects foreign exhibitors whose insurance will not pay claims brought in U.S. courts ● Cost is $100 per exhibiting company - regardless of booth size. ● We also offer 6 month and 12 month coverage for exhibitors attending multiple shows ShowDown® EXHIBITOR EVENT CANCELLATION INSURANCE This is an optional program that John Buttine Inc offers to exhibitors. This program covers your expenses to attend a show (airfare, hotel rooms, etc). This insurance: ● Protects against loss of incurred expenses in the event of an Event's cancellation, relocation, postponement, or curtailment ● Covers the extra cost to get key staff or equipment to the show site in event of weather-related travel delays, sickness, death of immediate family of even jury duty ● Pays for loss related to damage of booth equipment and show-related products and displays ● Policy includes loss due to power outage at exhibition site There are three limit options: $10,000, $25,000, and $50,000 and the cost ranges from $250 to $750 per event. IT'S EASY TO APPLY… ● Go to to complete our online applications ● We accept Visa or MasterCard ● Deadline to apply for these insurance programs is: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 QUESTIONS? Please Contact: Buttine Underwriters Purchasing Group, LLC Attn: Kendra Reilly Phone: 212-697-1010 ext.49 Email:
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