Hairspray Program - Musical Theatre West
Hairspray Program - Musical Theatre West
MTW General Information Message from the Producer 59th Welcome to HAIRSPRAY, the opening show of our season. We’re delighted to bring you this 2003 Tony Award-winner for Best Musial in a retro look at the ‘60s. We’re especially grateful to Kurt Schulzman and Richard Neri for their support of this show – and to the other very generous anonymous donors. Their support enables us to bring you this Broadway hit with the colorful sets and costumes from the London production. Our 59th season wouldn’t be possible without the underwriting of the Ackerman Family/Evalyn M. Bauer Foundation and Ken and Dottie Reiner. We dedicate this season to Ken Reiner who passed away in September and who has always been Musical Theatre West’s #1 supporter. His love of musical theatre was apparent to all who knew him, and this love was shared with thousands through his generous support of MTW, underwriting numerous shows and past seasons. He and Dottie instituted the REINER READING SERIES, now in its very successful second season and all our productions are rehearsed in the Reiner Rehearsal Hall for which they gave the lead gift. His rich legacy will live on through each production the Reiners continue to sponsor and in every song that is sung on our stage. Truly we have been blest by this amazing, incredible man whose song will always live on in our hearts. If you haven’t subscribed to our 2011-2012 Season, it’s not too late. You can still purchase 4 or 3 show packages and enjoy the wonderful WINTER WONDERETTES in December, the phenomenal talent of Davis Gaines (Phantom of the Opera) as Don Quixote in MAN OF LA MANCHA, a return engagement of the hilarious spoof FORBIDDEN BROADWAY, VOLUME 2 and a very exciting closing show which will be announced shortly and is a recent Tony Award-winning Best Musical. Visit the hospitality table or call the office. Remember, theatre tickets make great holiday gifts and we have gift certificates for any amount you wish. All Musical Theatre West performances begin on time and end with the final curtain calls. To make theater-going a pleasant experience, and as a courtesy to other patrons and the performers, please stay seated until the final curtain call has ended and the house lights have been turned on. BOX OFFICE INFORMATION The Musical Theatre West Box Office is located at 4350 E. 7th Street (on the southwest corner of Ximeno Avenue). Box Office hours are Monday-Friday, 12:00 noon to 6:00 PM. On performance days, the will-call table will be open one hour prior to curtain times in the lobby of the Carpenter Center. For information on tickets, subscriptions, group sales, gift cards and exchanges, call our Box Office at (562) 856-1999 x4. Founded in 1913, represents more than 45,000 actors and stage managers in the United States. Equity seeks to advance, promote and foster the art of live theatre as an essential component of our society. Equity negotiates wages and working conditions, providing a wide range of benefits, including health and pension plans. AEA is a member of the AFL-CIO, and is affiliated with FIA, an international organization of performing arts unions. The Equity emblem is our mark of excellence. Marnos Lelesi President, Board of Directors Board of Directors Bob Dominguez Treasurer/President-Elect Ron Brunner Jim Choura Hank Snapper Kathy McDonnell Exec. Committee At-Large Exec. Committee At-Large Cindy Costello Lucy Daggett Pat DeRouen Barbara Bixby Blackwell ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Secretary Executive Director/Producer Tom Gillespie Lucia Kos Julie Knabe Sarah Sangmeister Bev Cook Guild President Footlighters President Board of Trustees Joe Moore Paul Garman Artistic Director Nancy Gaines Dr. Donald J. Greco Terry Marté Greco Patricia Grisham Shell Grossman Jon Hall Laura Killingsworth Len Lovett Larry Nemirow Shari Nemirow Richard Neri Dottie Reiner Kurt Schulzman Arlene Solomon Madalyne Ursano Joan Wells Community Advisory Council George & Gloria Deukmejian, Beverly O’Neill Co-Chairs Gary DeLong Steve Goodling Randy Gordon Cam Killingsworth Bonnie Lowenthal Jane Netherton Donna Recksen Chris Steinhauser Doris Topsy-Elvord Mike Walter MUSICAL THEATRE WEST •Enriches the cultural life of the community through musical theater; •Preserves musical theater as a unique American art form; •Cultivates and educates the audience of tomorrow through education and outreach programs. 2 General Manager Steven Glaudini Daniel Thomas Production Manager Marketing Coordinator Dir. of Comm. & Public Relations Mary Ritenhour Michael Betts Gigi Fusco Meese Sam Cavanaugh Subscriptions Coordinator Education/Outreach Coordinator Facilities Manager Box Office Assistant Stephanie Pacheco Sari Rose Poll Jim T. Mora Diana Pequeno Chair Don Black Judy McNulty Black Kathryn Baker Campbell Richard Carpenter Howard Davis inside the theater. •Cameras and audio or video recorders may not be used during the performance. •Patrons are discouraged from bringing infants, toddlers and children under the age of five to any regular performance. If children are causing a disturbance to other patrons, house management reserves the right to ask the parent to remove the child from the auditorium. •Every person must have a ticket and seat assignment, regardless of age. MESSAGES/PAGERS/CELL PHONES Doctors or parents wishing to leave an •Please note the nearest exit from your emergency phone number while attend- assigned seat. In the unlikely event of an ing a performance should refer callers to emergency, please walk to that exit. (562) 985-4274 and leave their seat locations with the paging service or LATE SEATING babysitter. As a courtesy to all patrons, As a courtesy to our performing company please turn off all watch alarms, pagers and all of our patrons, late comers will and cellular phones. be seated at the discretion of the house management and may be seated in the nearest available seat, regardless of PLEASE REMEMBER •Smoking is not permitted in the Carpen- your actual seat assignment, until intermission when you may take your regularly ter Performing Arts Center at any time. •Food and beverages are not permitted assigned seat. ACTOR’S EQUITY ASSOCATION (AEA) Thanks for being here, and enjoy the show! Paul Garman Executive Director/Producer LOST TICKETS Replacement tickets will be issued for your lost tickets at the theater beginning one hour prior to your scheduled performance. Present your ID that matches the name on the subscription order at the will-call table, and the box office will issue you replacement tickets. No replacement tickets can be issued at any other time. Box Office Manager PRODUCTION STAFF Director Choreographer Musical Director Stage Manager Assistant Stage Manager Dance Captain Technical Director Lighting Designer Sound Designer Costume Coordinator Wardrobe Supervisor Wigs Provided by Wig Designer Orchestra Contractor Crew Chief Master Electrician Deck Crew Bianca Dominguez Garrett Engberg Ethan Koerner Anthony Murano Lacie Turcott Mike Vivirito Spot Operators Nathaniel Cargill Kristy Mapes Dressers Monique Ayala Briana McClure Ana Molonado Wig Assistant April Metcalf Audition Pianist Julie Lamoureux Program Daniel Thomas Publicity and Cast Photos Ken Jaques Promotional Videography Michael Betts Larry Raben Lee Martino Dennis Castellano Stanley D. Cohen* Mary Ritenhour* Jeremy Lucas* Kevin Clowes Jean-Yves Tessier Julie Ferrin Yolanda Rowell Melanie Clifton-Harvey Wig Boys Byron Batista David Lamoureux Jim T. Mora Cameron Brainard Special thanks to Moonlight Stage Productions and Carlotta Malone for their assistance on this production. MUSICAL THEATRE WEST 4350 East 7th Street, Long Beach, CA 90804-5546; phone (562) 856-1999; fax (562) 856-1997 web site; e-mail Musical Theatre West is a 501(c)(3) California non-profit corporation, Federal Tax ID 95-6100108 27 Paul Garman, Executive Director/Producer presents 59th Season The Broadway Musical Book by MARK O’DONNELL and THOMAS MEEHAN Music by MARC SHAIMAN • Lyrics by MARC SHAIMAN and SCOTT WITTMAN Orchestrations by HAROLD WHEELER • Arrangements by MARC SHAIMAN Based on the New Line Cinema film written and directed by JOHN WATERS Starring JIM J. BULLOCK GWEN STEWART DAVID ENGEL TRACY LORE ERIN WATKINS TODRICK D. HALL LAUREN SMOLKA and introducing VICTORIA MORGAN as Tracy Turnblad BARRY PEARL DEREK KLENA Featuring ANTHONY CHATMON II • KARLA J. FRANKO • CHYKA JACKSON • CHESTER LOCKHART • JEREMY LUCAS KAMILAH MARSHALL • EMILY MITCHELL • TIANA OKOYE • ALLISON PARAISO • JP SARRO NEIL STARKENBERG • CLAY STEFANKI • VERONICA STEVENS • MARCUS TERELL • LAURYN TILLERY NIKKI TOMLINSON • CARLY WIELSTEIN • LOUIS A. WILLIAMS Technical Director Artistic Director STEVEN GLAUDINI Lighting Designer KEVIN CLOWES Sound Designer JEAN-YVES TESSIER Wig Designer BYRON BATISTA YOLANDA ROWELL Stage Manager Assistant Stage Manager STANLEY D. COHEN Musical Director Choreographer Director Costume Coordinator JULIE FERRIN MARY RITENHOUR DENNIS CASTELLANO LEE MARTINO LARRY RABEN Associate Producers RICHARD NERI & KURT SCHULZMAN Youth Performances Underwritten by ARTS COUNCIL FOR LONG BEACH • MARI HOOPER O C T O B E R 2 8 - N OV E M B E R 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 Carpenter Performing Arts Center, Long Beach Hairspray is presen ted by arrangemen t with Music Th eatre In tern ational, 421 W. 54th Street, New York, NY 10019 ~ www.mtish 26 Scenes and Musical Numbers The setting is Baltimore, Maryland, June 1962 ACT ONE Prologue: In and Around the Turnblad Home GOOD MORNING, BALTIMORE Tracy, Ensemble Scene One: The Turnblad Home and the Studios of WZZT-TV THE NICEST KIDS IN TOWN Corny, Council Scene Two: The Turnblad and Pingleton Homes and the WZZT Studios MAMA, I’M A BIG GIRL NOW Scene Three: The WZZT-TV studios I CAN HEAR THE BELLS MISS BALTIMORE CRABS Tracy, Penny, Amber, Edna, Velma, Prudy, Ensemble Tracy, Ensemble Velma, Council Scene Four: Patterson Park High School Scene Five: Patterson Park High School Gymnasium THE MADISON Students Scene Six: The Turnblad Home and the WZZT Studios THE NICEST KIDS IN TOWN (REPRISE) IT TAKES TWO VELMA’S REVENGE Corny, Tracy, Council Link, Tracy, Council Velma Scene Seven: The Turnblad Home and The Hefty Hideaway WELCOME TO THE SIXTIES Tracy, Edna, Dynamites, Ensemble Scene Eight: Patterson Park High School RUN AND TELL THAT Seaweed, Little Inez, Students Scene Nine: The Record Shop BIG, BLONDE AND BEAUTIFUL Motormouth, Company Intermission (fifteen minutes) ACT TWO Scene One: Baltimore Women’s House of Detention THE BIG DOLL HOUSE GOOD MORNING, BALTIMORE (REPRISE) Women Tracy Scene Two: The Har-de-Har Hut YOU’RE TIMELESS TO ME Edna, Wilbur Scene Three: Tracy’s Jail Cell and Penny’s Bedroom WITHOUT LOVE Link, Tracy, Penny, Seaweed, Ensemble Scene Four: The Record Shop I KNOW WHERE I’VE BEEN Motormouth, Ensemble Scene Five: The Baltimore Eventorium (IT’S) HAIRSPRAY COOTIES YOU CAN’T STOP THE BEAT Corny, Ensemble Amber, Council Tracy, Link, Edna, Motormouth, Company 4 Cast of Characters (in order of appearance) Tracy Turnblad Corny Collins Penny Pingleton Edna Turnblad Prudy Pingleton Amber Von Tussle Link Larkin Velma Von Tussle Harriman F. Spritzer Wilbur Turnblad VICTORIA MORGAN DAVID ENGEL* ERIN WATKINS JIM J. BULLOCK* KARLA J. FRANKO LAUREN SMOLKA DEREK KLENA TRACY LORE* JP SARRO BARRY PEARL* Little Inez Principal Seaweed J. Stubbs Gym Teacher The Dynamites CHYKA JACKSON JP SARRO TODRICK D. HALL* KARLA J. FRANKO KAMILAH MARSHALL* EMILY MITCHELL* TIANA OKOYE Mr. Pinky JP SARRO Motormouth Maybelle GWEN STEWART* Prison Matron KARLA J. FRANKO Council Members, Students, Citizens of Baltimore ANTHONY CHATMON II • KARLA J. FRANKO • CHYKA JACKSON • CHESTER LOCKHART JEREMY LUCAS* • KAMILAH MARSHALL* • EMILY MITCHELL* • TIANA OKOYE ALLISON PARAISO • JP SARRO • NEIL STARKENBERG • CLAY STEFANKI VERONICA STEVENS • MARCUS TERELL • LAURYN TILLERY NIKKI TOMLINSON* • CARLY WIELSTEIN • LOUIS A. WILLIAMS *Members of Actors’ Equity Association, the union of professional actors and stage managers in the United States. About HAIRSPRAY HAIRSPRAY was originally a 1988 film written and directed by John Waters, whose previous films were noted both for pushing the boundaries of censorship and film ratings as well as addressing social and cultural issues. HAIRSPRAY was Waters’ most mainstream film and starred Ricki Lake, Divine, Sonny Bono and Debbie Harry. dance-centered plot, it was a natural fit to turn into a musical comedy. After a tryout run at Seatlle’s 5th Avenue theatre, HAIRSPRAY debuted on Broadway in 2002 and ran for over 2,500 performances, winning eight Tony Awards including Best Musical, Outstanding Actor in a Musical for Harvey Fierstein, Outstanding Actress in a Musical for Marissa Jaret Winokur, and Outstanding Featured Actor in a Musical for Dick Latessa. The basic plot of Baltimore teenagers struggling to integrate the Corny Collins Show in the early ’60s was based on the real-life Buddy Deane show. However, the outcome of the Buddy Deane show was quite different: that show was canceled due to backlash from the attempts to integrate the show. The success of HAIRSPRAY onstage led to a new film of the musical version. Released in 2007, HAIRSPRAY was also Waters’ most successful the movie starred John Travolta, Christopher film financially, and because of the music and Walken and Michelle Pfeiffer. The tradition of casting a male to perform Edna Turnblad in drag, going back to the original film, is a reflection of the themes of self-esteem, tolerance and cultural acceptance present in the plot of the show. Among the other actors to fill Edna’s shoes are Michael McKean, Bruce Vilanch and George Wendt. | home delivery: 562.436.3676 | advertising: 562.499.1382 Production photos courtesy of Moonlight Stage Productions 24 5 Cast Profiles JIM J. BULLOCK (Edna Turnblad) Jim J. began his journey with HAIRSPRAY in 2004 playing the Male Authority Figure on BROADWAY and later as the dad, Wilbur Turnblad on the First National Tour/ Broadway. Jim is thrilled to finally have the opportunity to play Edna. Most will remember him for his portrayal of Monroe Ficus on ABC’s “Too Close for Comfort,” as the upper right square on “The New Hollywood Squares” and NBC's “ALF.” Jim J. partnered with Tammy Faye Messner to create the talk show “The Jim J. and Tammy Faye Show.” Other guest appearances include “Roseanne,” “Seinfeld,” “Boogie’s Diner,” “Conrad Bloom,” “Popular,” “The Bold and the Beautiful,”and Nickelodeon's “Ned’s Declassified…” He has worked in film with such noted directors as Blake Edwards in “Switch” and Mel Brooks in the cult classic “Spaceballs.” Jim J. was the recipient of the Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle for his performance in the west coast premiere of WHEN PIGS FLY and appeared offBroadway in the critically acclaimed END OF THE WORLD PARTY. Jim J. is a member of AEA and a proud supporter of the ACTORS FUND OF AMERICA. VICTORIA MORGAN (Tracy Turnblad) Victoria is thrilled to be making her Southern California debut with Musical Theatre West. Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area; Regional credits include Tracy Turnblad in HAIRSPRAY (Leading Actress in a Musical Shellie Award Nomination), Gabby/ Bobbi in CITY OF ANGELS, Joanne in RENT, TiMoune in ONCE ON THIS ISLAND, Ronnette in LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS, Dance Captain in BIG, THE MUSICAL, Parade Performer and Karaoke Host for California Great America. State of Hawaii credits include Holly in THE WEDDING SINGER where she received the Hawaii State Po'okela Award for Best Featured Female in a Musical. Victoria currently studies voice in the Patricia Soria Urbano Studio. She wants to send a special thank you to Mom, Dad, Nani, Rick, Grams, Gramps, as well as Team Awesome for their continued love and support! Now it’s time to eat some breakfast and change the world... BARRY PEARL (Wilbur Turnblad) Celebrating 50 years in show business, Barry just returned from NY after originating the role of Bernie Greenberg in the Broadway production of BABY IT’S YOU! He’s elated to be doing his second show for MTW having assayed the role of Jim Haller in ALL SHOOK UP (LA Ovation Award Nomination). His credits include: Broadway: Debut 1961, BYE, BYE BIRDIE (Randolph), OLIVER! (Fagin’s Boys), A TEASPOON EVERY FOUR HOURS (Bruce), LENNY’S BACK (Lenny Bruce), THE PRODUCERS (Swing). TV: “ER,” “Criminal Minds,” “House.” Series Regular: “CPO Sharkey,” “Superior Court,” “New Love American Style,” Professor Tinkerputt with “Barney, the Dinosaur.” Film: Doody in Paramount’s “Grease.” Awards: Drama-Logue, Santa Barbara Independent Press and San Diego Playbill Awards winner. BFA from Carnegie-Mellon University. Great to be working with old friends Dennis, David, Derek, Lee, Tracy, Gwen, Clay and Larry. Thanks, Steve Paul and the David Moss Agency. Cindy and Poo, IAY. GWEN STEWART (Motormouth Maybelle) Gwen is VERY happy to be back at Musical Theatre West doing HAIRSPRAY! Some of Gwen’s credits include BWY/Regional: RENT (OBC), ALL SHOOK UP (Ovation Award winner Featured Actress), BIG RIVER (NAACP nominee Supporting Actress & Honorary Tony for Best Ensemble), STARMITES, SUDS, AIN’T MISBEHAVIN’, THE WIZ, TRULY BLESSED, AVENUE X, and ABYSSINIA. FILM/TV: “The Goods,” “Love Guru,” “Hook’d Up,” “Down to Earth,” “House,” “24,” “Notes from the Underbelly,” “Related,” “Law & Order: SVU,” “All My Children,” “Strong Medicine,” “Charmed,” “Moesha,” and “The Guardian.” Gwen was honored when asked to sing for the Governor at Gracie Mansion and at the Library of Congress. She has performed on “The Tonight Show,” “David Letterman,” “The Today Show,” “Good Morning America,” and at the Democratic National Convention. All praises to my God. Thanks to my mom who is now my guardian angel. “I’m glad Hairspray has finally come my way; a role that I love, what can I say!” 6 MTW Star Supporters (continued) Alice O`Keefe, Anaheim Lincoln & Patricia Odell, Long Beach Diane Oliver, Glenbrook, NV Patricia Omel, Long Beach Ray & Vickie Orlando, Huntington Beach Martha Osgood, Huntington Beach Carole Owens, Long Beach Tony & Jan Paleno, Villa Park George & Lynn Pardon, Cypress Parker's Lighthouse, Long Beach Roberta Parkes, Los Alamitos Nancy & Andrew Parleto, Los Angeles Pasadena Playhouse, Pasadena Sandra Paskus, Buena Park Doris Patterson, La Canada Flintridge Carl & Lenore Pearlston, Torrance Jack & Barbara Peck, Long Beach Lois & Wayne Pecora, Yorba Linda Fred & Ann Peitzman, Torrance Mary Kay Petersen, Los Alamitos Nancy Phillips, Garden Grove Cynthia Piazza, Signal Hill Riley Pike, Long Beach Dennis & Rosie Pikus, Long Beach Pink's Famous Hot Dogs, Los Angeles Mary Playter, Seal Beach Maurice Pollack, Los Angeles Doyle Powell, Long Beach Gloria Powers, Los Alamitos Mary Prellwitz, Garden Grove Jean Preston, Long Beach The Queen Mary, Long Beach Mary Quigley, West Hollywood Jack & Darlene Quinn, Long Beach Joanne Raynesford, La Palma Verna Rea, Long Beach Leela Reasoner, Long Beach Shary Reed, Seal Beach Ralph & Arlene Rees, Seal Beach Joan Rehnborg, Laguna Beach Mary Lou Reid & John Celentano, Arcadia Sharon C. Reinhart, Huntington Beach Gloria & Harold Ressler, Anaheim C J Reynolds, Long Beach Mildred Reynolds, Long Beach Cecil Rhodes, Long Beach Craig & Ann Rice, Orange Ross Rice, Fullerton Mary Rich, Sue Magee, Yolanda Sandova, Floy Niles, Robin Rouse, Huntington Beach Bonnie Richmond, Irvine Patti Richmond, Long Beach Janet Ritschel, Huntington Beach Julio Rivera, Huntington Beach Robert & Marjorie Rivera, Long Beach Yolanda & Rob Robinson, La Mirada Duane Rose, Long Beach Barry Rosenberg & Herb Nomura, Signal Hill Norbert & Marion Rosenblum, Anaheim Rosie O'Grady's, New York, NY Brenda Ross, Cerritos Josephine Rossello, Long Beach Rossmoor Car Wash, Los Alamitos Deann Roth, Bellflower Ryna H Rothberg, Mission Viejo Toby Rothschild, Westminster Nancy Rowbottom, Fountain Valley June Rubin, Los Alamitos Dale & Erin Rudat, Riverside Diana Rummel, Long Beach Barbara Bernice Rush, Montebello Taro & Masako Saisho, Monterey Park Harry & Maria Saltzgaver, Long Beach San Diego Zoo, San Diego Stephen Sandberg, Long Beach Lauren Sanders, Cypress Santa Anita Park, Arcadia Cynthia Santa Maria, Hacienda Heights Eunice Sato, Long Beach Sawdust Art & Craft Festival, Laguna Beach Jo Ann Sayers, Long Beach Linda Schleiger, Anaheim Marvin Schlezinger, Fountain Valley Hilton & Michelle Schlosberg, Irvine Ron & Betty Schodt, Rancho Palos Verdes R. E. & Mary Lou Schulze, Orange Robert Schureman, Costa Mesa Diana Scott & Stephanie Davis, Long Beach Elizabeth Scott, Long Beach Rosemary Scott, Long Beach Wayne & Kathe Searcey, Costa Mesa Gail Sebring, Huntington Beach Natalie Sellers, Los Alamitos Carol Senske, Long Beach Irene & Stewart Shapero, Fullerton Gwendolyn Shaw, Torrance Ray & Sandra Sherrard, Huntington Beach B-J Sherwin, Rancho Dominguez Kathleen Sherwin, La Mirada John & Carol Shupek, Whittier Harriet Slifka & Cynthia Slifka Damoth, Whittier Carroll Smith, Cathedral City Darlene Smith, Westminster Larry & Pam Solig, Huntington Beach Don & Sally Sorenson, Long Beach Nancy & Mark Speizer, Long Beach Barry Spencer, Torrance Pat & Craig Spievak, Long Beach Jackie & Frank Spiziri, Long Beach Diana Spooner, Lakewood Judy & Ray Steele, Cameron Park Terry Stephenson, Seal Beach Frank & Robin Stirling, Rancho Palos Verdes Daryl Stokes, Buena Park Charlene Strawbridge, Lakewood Joyce Striewig, Long Beach Georgene & John Stringer, La Mirada Pauline Strong, Long Beach Peggy Strople, Beverly Stunden, Long Beach Vickie & Jim Sullos, Long Beach Robert & Eleanor Sundstrom, Cypress Betty Sunofsky, Long Beach Superior Plants, Gardena Donna Sutton, Santa Ana Judith Tatom, Irvine The Brea Improv, Brea The Wine Country, Signal Hill Mary Thoits, Long Beach Elizabeth Thomas, Long Beach Wayne and Joan Thyden, Carson Carol Tielsch, Rancho Mirage Mike & Bev Tilson, Cypress Dennis Tinseth, La Mirada Michael Tom, Temecula Andy Tomenchuk, San Clemente Charles & Charlotte Tomlinson, Long Beach Tom's Tire Performance Center, Signal Hill Barbara & Jay Tone III, Corona Del Mar Phyllis Toombs, Huntington Beach Phyllis Totri, Newport Beach Simon Trench, Costa Mesa Ken Trossen, Long Beach Maureen Udelf, Garden Grove Stella Ungar, Long Beach USS Midway Museum, San Diego Lisa Viets, Long Beach Vintage Cinema, Los Angeles Kathleen & Jerry Waletzko, Garden Grove Richard Walker, Long Beach Jerry Miller & Gail Wassell, Long Beach Winifred Waters, Long Beach Eva Watrous, Long Beach Michael & Sheila Watson, Long Beach Stanley & Ruth Weaver, Long Beach Margaret Webb, Dana Point Patricia Weideman, Lakewood Scott & Rebecca Weimer, Buena Park Jay & Sandra Weiss, Marina Del Rey James & Betty Jo Wells, Long Beach Don & Betty Whitacre, Huntington Beach Beth Widmark, Long Beach Virginia Wilky, Long Beach Carol Willcut, Long Beach Robert & Maralys Wills, Santa Ana Helen Wilson, Garden Grove Randy & Julie Wilson, Lakewood Arnie Winer, Newport Beach Gwen and Mahlon Woirhaye, Whittier Darrell & Norma Woodruff, Montrose Julie Wooldridge, Long Beach Eileen Wright, Tustin Mitch & Joyce Wybenga, Bellflower Robert Wynn, Long Beach Yard House, Long Beach Rudy & Shirley Zitny, Anaheim FOR MORE INFORMATION ON HOW TO GET INVOLVED WITH OUR DONOR PROGRAMS PLEASE CALL (562) 856-1999 x227. The Official Restaurant of MT W Opening Nights FORBIDDEN CITY 6380 E. Pacific Coast Highway #A Long Beach 90803 • 562.951.3500 23 MTW Star Supporters (continued) Bobby Van's Steakhouse, New York, NY Graham & Mary Bothwell, Pasadena Robert & Jacquelyn Bowman, San Dimas Robert Boyd, San Gabriel Gary & Vicky Breese, Lomita Gerald & Iona Bresnahan, Westminster James & Margaret Brewer, Anaheim Karen Briggs, Long Beach Oliver & Lisa Brooks, Lakewood Doug & Judy Brown, Roseville Matt Browning, Los Angeles Kathleen Brunner, Long Beach Bucci's, Emeryville Brooks Burkhalter, Long Beach John Butchko, Costa Mesa Tom & Susan Buttera, Huntington Beach Sharon Butterfield, Orange Cabrillo Music Center, Thousand Oaks Café un deax trios, New York, NY Shirley Callan, Long Beach Robert Campbell, Huntington Beach Blanche Cannady, Long Beach Diana Carroll, Seal Beach Carole Carson, Scottsdale, AZ Theodore Carter, Long Beach Valerie & Robert Carter, Lakewood Joan & George Casares, Seal Beach Ken & Norma Casford, Whittier Pat & Chuck Cassaday, Long Beach Center Theatre Group , Los Angeles Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts Sakae & Bilin Chang, Laguna Beach Leonard Chartier, Long Beach Jacquelyne Childs, Lakewood Andrew Choy, Seal Beach Ivan & Emily Chronister, Long Beach City National Grove of Anaheim, Anaheim Richard Clemons, Laguna Beach Cloud Mover Day Spa, Huntington Beach Harriet Clouse, Whittier The Clubhouse at Anaheim Hills Golf Course Charlotte Cochrane, Los Alamitos Michael Cohn, Rancho Palos Verdes Edward Conrad, Lakewood Peggi Correia, Fountain Valley Creative Cakery, Long Beach D' Aquino Winery, Duarte Allie Daniels, Paramount Henrietta Daniels, Long Beach Greg & Ann Davis, Buena Park Mrs Monte Davis, Long Beach Kee De Boer, Los Alamitos Dorothy Deatherage, Long Beach Gwen and Ruel Del Castillo, Irvine Lilian Dendrinos, Huntington Beach Maryan Derry, Long Beach Miles & Dolores Devine, Long Beach William Dickinson, Santa Ana Rosemarie Dicsko, VISTA Donna M. Dietz, Seal Beach Susan Dill, Huntington Beach Gloria Dollins, Downey Jerry Donevant, Seal Beach Doris Donohoe, Long Beach Joanne Echevarria, Lakewood Barbara Eckert, Seal Beach Kathy & Bill Edwards, Long Beach El Portal Restaurant, Pasadena Elements Kitchen, Pasadena Kathleen Elkins, Seal Beach Donna English, Lakewood Robert & Terry Erickson, Seal Beach Barbara Fehrenbach, Coto De Caza Joyce & Hayley Feldman, Long Beach Gabriel & Ernestine Fernety, Long Beach Gloria Ferry, Huntington Beach Edward Ficarra, Long Beach Terry and Elizabeth Fiskin, Long Beach Mary Ann Fitzpatrick, Long Beach Tibor & Charl Foki, Long Beach Tim & Janet Foley, Rancho Palos Verdes Kinde Forgy, Long Beach Sara Forster, Los Alamitos Barbara Foster, San Pedro Jackie Francis, San Clemente La Moyne Freed, Long Beach Bernice Friedland, Seal Beach Janice & Clarence Fuqua, Seal Beach Barbara Gallegos, Huntington Beach Miriam Garland, Long Beach Jennifer Garner, Hacienda Heights Lynn & Nanci Gee, Long Beach Geffen Playhouse, Los Angeles Ruth Gerber, Newport Beach Alex& Georgia Gilderman, Huntington Beach Mike Gillespie, Nancy Glenn, Long Beach Ron & Sandra Glickman, Westminster David & Dorothy Glynn, Long Beach Goldstar Events, Altadena Golf N' Stuff, Norwalk Gary & Becky Goltra, Bellflower James & Susan Good, Yorba Linda Shirley & Arthur Gottlieb, Long Beach Margaret Gould, Los Altos Tom Griep, Los Angeles Robert & Joan Gross, Long Beach Warren & Dee Gruenig, Dana Point Craig Gump, Santa Ana Sharon & Lynn Hamilton, Seal Beach Ralph & Mary Hand, Long Beach Patty Hansen, Long Beach Mary Hanson, Whittier Donald & Carol Hardwick, Newport Beach Beverly Harris, Whittier Iris Harris, Whittier Joyce C. Harris, Long Beach Marion Harrison, Huntington Beach Arline M. Harsh, Bellflower Dr. Ronald & Sylvia Hartman, Lakewood William and Mary Hawk, Pasadena Betty Healy, Long Beach Donna Heckenlaible, La Mirada Mel Heckman, Huntington Beach Richard & Monica Heckman, Westminster Chuck & Nancy Hegelheimer, Long Beach Bernard & Jeane Hein, Garden Grove Cynthia Heistand, Los Angeles Eleanore Helvin, La Mirada Barbara Hennessy, Long Beach Jordan Hermansader, Long Beach Craig & Diana Herron, La Habra Heights Cheryl and Raymond Hiland, Long Beach Ron & Grace Hinders, Torrance Richard Hochberg, M.D., Long Beach Chris Hogan, Long Beach Sandra Hollandsworth, Long Beach Bonnie Hopper, Rochester, NH Hornblower Cruises and Events, San Diego Robert and Viola Hoting, Long Beach The House of Blues Anaheim, Anaheim Dr. Glenn & Joyce Howard, Long Beach Heidi Hummel-Grant, Westminster Joseph Hunt, Long Beach Huntington Beach Art Center, Huntington Beach The Huntington Beach Playhouse Jack & Mary Jo Huntsinger, Long Beach In-Out-Burger, Irvine iO West, Hollywood George & Gwyneth Irwin, Seal Beach Island Packers, Ventura J & L Jewelry, Long Beach Kathleen Jardine, Brea Becky Jenks, Seal Beach David & Barbara Joel, Long Beach John Anson Ford Theatres, Los Angeles Judy Johnson, Long Beach Maryn Kaczorowski, Long Beach Steve & Shirley Kahn, Seal Beach Ruth Padway Kaller, Seal Beach Wallace Kaneshiro, La Palma Teachers of Los Angeles Unified School District, Cypress Betty Keller, Long Beach Joseph Kelly, Long Beach Sam & Donna Kelly, Garden Grove John Kendall, Seal Beach Mary Keown-Watkins & David Watkins, Laguna Beach Mr. & Mrs. Keys, Long Beach Bud & Merna Klecker, Garden Grove Shirley Klein, Long Beach Ted & Barbara Klein, Long Beach Philip & Vera Klinkert, Long Beach Max Klotzsche, Orange Lauren Knapp, Garden Grove Cordell & Janet Krabbenhoft, Anaheim Don Krokus, Signal Hill 22 James & Theresa Kruger, Palos Verdes Estates Sharon & Arnold Kushner, Rolling Hills Estates Harry & Linda Kusuda, Cerritos La Jolla Playhouse, La Jolla Robert & Eleanor Lake, Los Angeles Cynthia LaMotte, Huntington Beach Hank & Bonnie Landsberg, Sierra Madre Bob & Audrey Langslet, Long Beach Dorothy Lantz, Long Beach Karen Larson, Costa Mesa David & Mary Ann Lebow, La Mirada Karen & Larry Lee, Long Beach David Leib, Irene Leib, Lakewood Carl Leong, Whittier Lois Levine, Westminster Robert & Hannah Levine, Los Alamitos Charles Lewis, Laguna Woods Gary Lewis, Laguna Woods Robert & Linda Lewis, Anaheim Joe & Chris Libeu, Long Beach William Linder, Long Beach Joan Lindsey, Long Beach Long Beach Museum of Art, Long Beach Long Beach Playhouse, Long Beach Dr. & Mrs. James Loos, Long Beach Nicki Lopez, Orange Barbara Lopp, Long Beach Los Angeles Philharmonic Association Los Angeles Dodgers Los Cerritos Center, Cerritos Barbara & Manuel Loureiro, Long Beach Gay Lovins, Cerritos Richard & Darlene Lunde, Los Alamitos Chic & JoAnn Lundgren, Long Beach Richard & Shirley Lyddon, Long Beach Beverly Lyon, Long Beach Janice Lysiak, Orange Jack & Kathy Lythgoe, Fullerton Bob & Pat Maguglin, Long Beach John & Marianne Malloy, Long Beach Rosie Maloof, Long Beach Guy Martin, Long Beach Kathy Massanet, Long Beach Judy Mattson, Long Beach James McClure, Santa Ana Douglas McConaghy, Los Alamitos McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Restaurant, Los Angeles William McDonald, Long Beach Warren McElroy, Signal Hill James & Ann McKown, Anaheim Arthur & Evelyn Meacham, Long Beach Medieval Times, Buena Park Darlene Mee, Long Beach Barbara Metzger, Whittier Robert & Joan Meyer, Long Beach Clarice Elaine Miller, Westminster Phyllis Miller, Long Beach Roberta Miller, Cypress Historic Mission San Juan Capistrano Alan & Joann Miyamoto, Torrance Dick & Joan Moe, Rolling Hills Estates Art & Barbara Moncrief, La Mirada Aura Monfort, Seal Beach Linda Monsen, Long Beach Annie Morales, Long Beach John T. Moriarty, Long Beach Dian Morris, Long Beach Sherill & Cathy Moses, La Mirada Jim & Joy Mullen, Long Beach Edward & Enette Murachver, Long Beach Bruce & Pamela Murray, Seal Beach Leonard & Joalyn Mushin, Cerritos Music and Arts, Cypress Music Theatre International, New York, NY MUZEO, Anaheim Keith Myers, Fullerton Dennis Nakamura, Artesia Ralph Nantais, Long Beach George & Dolores Nason, Long Beach Robert & Cheryl Nay, Chino Hills Margaret Nerio, Huntington Beach Newport Landing, Newport Beach Joe & June Nichols, Buena Park Barbara Noble, Los Alamitos Diane & Phillip Norris, Lakewood Esther & Robert Nugent, Lakewood Betty Jo Shane O`bleness, Seal Beach Cast Profiles DAVID ENGEL (Corny Collins) A longtime Musical Theatre West favorite, HAIRSPRAY marks David's 12th show on this stage in productions such as CRAZY FOR YOU, THE FULL MONTY, THE PRODUCERS, and LA CAGE AUX FOLLES. He is most noted for creating the role of Smudge in the original New York production of FOREVER PLAID and its holiday follow-up PLAID TIDINGS. And now you can actually watch David and his fellow original Plaids in FOREVER PLAID: THE MOVIE on DVD...FINALLY!!! Mr. Engel has appeared on Broadway in PUTTING IT TOGETHER, SEUSSICAL: THE MUSICAL and in the original Broadway production of LA CAGE AUX FOLLES. Thank you to Paul Garman and Steve Glaudini for all the great opportunities to play here. And thanks to Larry Raben for casting me in this show!!! David dedicates his performances in HAIRSPRAY to the memory of Denise Dales, the person who ignited the theatrical fire inside of him. TRACY LORE (Velma Von Tussle) NY & National Tour: PETER PAN staring Cathy Rigby (Mrs. Darling). Regional: Musical Theatre West: THE WEDDING SINGER (Angie), THE PRODUCERS (Hold Me, Touch Me), ALL SHOOK UP (Sandra-Ovation nominee), THE FULL MONTY (Vicki), ME & MY GIRL (Jacqueline), THE WILL ROGERS FOLLIES (Betty); 3-D Theatricals: PETER PAN (Mrs. Darling), THE DROWSY CHAPERONE (Drowsy); Moonlight Productions: HAIRSPRAY (Velma), GUYS & DOLLS (Adelaide), ME & MY GIRL (Jacqueline), Reprise: CAROUSEL (Mrs. Mullin), Music Theatre of Wichita: THE DROWSY CHAPERONE (Drowsy), THE WILL ROGERS FOLLIES (Betty); South Coast Repertory: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC (Quintet); CLO of South Bay Cities: CINDERELLA (Queen), CRAZY FOR YOU (Irene); Cabrillo Music Theatre: 42ND STREET (Dorothy Brock), HAPPY DAYS (Mrs. Cunningham); Sacramento Music Circus: BRIGADOON (Meg); Norris Center: THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE (Mrs. Meers). Other regional credits include CHICAGO (Velma-AriZoni Award), COMPANY (Joanne), THE WIZARD OF OZ (Witch), INTO THE WOODS (Witch). Member of Musical Theatre Guild and Actors’ Equity. Thank you Paul, Steve, Larry, Dennis and Lee! DEREK KLENA (Link Larkin) Derek is honored to be making his Musical Theatre West debut in HAIRSPRAY! He is currently a junior at UCLA, and has grown up performing throughout Southern California. He recently has been a part of the “For the Record” series at Show at Barre in Los Feliz. Regional: GLORY DAYS (Will) – Lillian Theater, HAPPY DAYS (Richie Cunningham), CINDERELLA (Prince) – Cabrillo Music Theater; JOSEPH… (Joseph) IVTL Award – Performance Riverside; HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL (Troy), BIG RIVER (Huck) IVTL Award– Candlelight Pavilion. He was a finalist in the 2010 LA’s “Next Great Stage Star,” and a contestant sent to Hollywood Week in Season 9 of American Idol. Derek will be making his NY debut in the new Off-Broadway revival of CARRIE, THE MUSICAL in January 2012. Heartfelt thanks to Steve, Paul, Larry, Dennis, Lee, KSR, Rachel Rothman, MET 2, Center Stage and his many mentors, family and friends for their constant support. ERIN WATKINS (Penny Pingleton) Erin feels incredibly blessed to make her L.A. debut with this amazing company! She is a recent graduate of the University of Northern Colorado with a B.A in Musical Theater. Past credits include Logainne in …SPELLING BEE, Tina Denmark in RUTHLESS! THE MUSICAL, Little Red in INTO THE WOODS, and a personal favorite: missionary carrying coffee tray in GUYS & DOLLS. Love to family, friends, and Scott, and a HUGE thanks to MTW, Beth Malone, and Stage 9. Even musical theater can be hip. Follow us online. 7 MTW Star Supporters (continued) Arthur Murray Dance Studio, Long Beach Kamran Assadi, Long Beach Jeff Austin, Canoga Park Terry & Diane Beeman, Anaheim Teresa & Dr. Edward Behnke, M.D., Whittier Carol Bellmaine, Long Beach Jan & Tom Binckes, Huntington Beach Bud Bisbee, Long Beach Marilyn Bittle, Long Beach G. C. Brafford, Santa Ana Linda Brayton, Long Beach Pat & David Brinker, Buena Park Linda Brown, St. Louis, MO Cathryn Campbell, Long Beach Brenda Carpenter, Long Beach Grace Carroll, Long Beach Dayvee Carrothers, Lakewood Joyce Carter, Long Beach Terry Clarke, San Juan Capistrano Duane Clizbe, Fullerton Bill & Sharon Coleman, Long Beach The Comedy and Magic Club, Hermosa Beach Barbara Cotler, Long Beach Claire Davis, Culver City Roxann Davis, Seal Beach Paul Diego, Long Beach Tom Larson & Don Donan, Lakewood Ronald & Janice Dong, Los Gatos Patricia Dowd, Long Beach Marylou Dunn, Long Beach Barbara Eckert, Seal Beach Stephanie Enright, Rolling Hills Pat Estrellas, Anaheim Brian & Kathy Evans, Long Beach Larry Ewaska & Gary Naramore, Long Beach Sandra & Gerry Facon, Long Beach Barbara Farr, Rancho Palos Verdes Barnett Feldman, Long Beach Beverly Findley, Torrance Roy & Gladys Flair, Long Beach Dave & Barbara Flanders, Yorba Linda M. Lynn Forrester & In Memory of Bob Baier, Seal Beach Tord & Nancy Fuhrman, Long Beach Arnold & Cherie Gamboa, Anaheim Lydia Gamboa, Pico Rivera Charles Garcia, Rossmoor Doris Garvin, Costa Mesa James & Dolores Gibson, Lakewood Robert & Phyllis Goodwin, Long Beach Allegra Gordon, Fullerton Phylis Gordon, Huntington Beach Joyce Govin, Huntington Beach The Greek Theatre, Los Angeles Marvell Gum, Long Beach Paul Gutierrez, Long Beach Don & Barbara L. Hall, Lakewood Evelyn Halus - Vocal Therapy and Technique, Los Angeles Ann Hanson, Long Beach Charles R. Hart, Jr. Family, Los Angeles Van Hartley, Huntington Beach Jack Hasama, San Pedro Marilyn Hauser, Long Beach Robert Hedley, Long Beach Jane Hendrixson, La Habra Chris Henry, Long Beach Diane Herriges, Orange Ron & Charlyn Hoover, Long Beach Dale & Johanne Huffaker, Cathedral City Dale Hurtubise, Long Beach Bill & Kathleen Johnson, Long Beach Bob Jones, Long Beach Dr. Eric & Nancy Kaplan, Long Beach Nancy Kasabali, Huntington Beach Dr. Keith G. Kato, Alta Loma Dr. Kay & Arleen Kawahara, Montebello Beth Keely, Cerritos Raymond & Eleanor Kelso, Long Beach Bill & Yvonne Kirkendall, Garden Grove Irena Kohn, Long Beach Ann & James Kresl, Long Beach Walt & Lois Kuencer, Long Beach Michael Lelesi, Buena Park Martin Levitt, Jamie Smith & Bea Frankel, Upland Bob & Betty Lindgren, Long Beach Joe & Natalie Lissak, Lakewood Jerome & Flora Loeb, Long Beach Long Beach Ballet Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra David Makima, San Diego Bob & Carolyn Maney, Long Beach Tom & Elaine Marks, Long Beach Leslee Martin, Los Alamitos Allen & Emily McAuley, Huntington Beach McKenna's on the Bay, Long Beach Ruth McLeod, Palm Desert Gerald McManigal, Santa Barbara James & Carolyn McManigal, Carmichael Glenn & Billie McNeal, Long Beach Ralph Mindess & Jane Rice-Mindess, Los Alamitos Harry & Liz Minor, Long Beach Murad, Inc, El Segundo Ron & Kara Nelson, Long Beach Susie Newman, Lakewood Michael & Sharron Nott, Long Beach Wallace O`Leary, Fallbrook Edward & Elizabeth Ogle, Orange Ronald & Kay Owens, San Clemente Pageant of the Masters, Laguna Beach Eric Peterson, Bellflower Frances Pianelli, Long Beach Suzanne Doyle Powell, Long Beach William & Gail Quan, Whittier Erin Quigley, Los Angeles Dick and Carol Ramseyer, Seal Beach Skip & Lorna Rowland, Long Beach Thomas & Joy Rybolt, Huntington Beach Megan Salisbury, Long Beach Bea Schneider, Seal Beach Schooner or Later, Long Beach Keith & Susan Schulberg, Long Beach Iris Schutz, Long Beach David & Donna Schwien, Seal Beach SeaWorld San Diego, Sheraton Hotel, Los Angeles Bob & Kandice Sherwood, Long Beach Ralph & Jan Simonian, Long Beach Cheryl Smith, Orange Dick & Kathleen Smith, Laguna Niguel Doris Soriano, Westminster Miriam Strickler, Huntington Beach Dr. Michael & Hilda Sugarman, Fullerton John & Lin Sumpter, Long Beach Catherine Terry, La Habra Heights Ethel & Sam Tesser, Seal Beach Tina Tessina, Long Beach Jacqueline Thacker, Long Beach Thomasina Thomson, Long Beach Sheryl Troeger, Seal Beach Bob & Pat Turansick, Long Beach Ultrazone Laser Tag, Sherman Oaks Christine Uriu, Rancho Palos Verdes Utopia Restaurant, Long Beach Bette Van Rossum, Long Beach Kenneth & Sharon Varden, South Pasadena Alden & Lucy M. Wadleigh, Fredonia, AZ William Weingartner, Long Beach Linda Watson Wheeler Family, Long Beach Jann Whisenant, Los Alamitos Arthur White, Westminster Loyd and Ginnie Wilcox, Long Beach Becky & Roger Wyatt, Seal Beach Karen Wyrick, Long Beach Ron & Gene Yaffee, Seal Beach Richard & Mary Zern, Long Beach Patricia Zieg Horn, Long Beach CHORUS Norma Abu-Dayyeh, Long Beach Alamitos Bay Yarn Co., Long Beach Jack & Marie Alanen, Long Beach Joy Aldrich, Dana Point Grace Alexander, Long Beach Donald Allen, Buena Park Terry Anderson, Long Beach Sharon & Dirk Aoto, Seal Beach Jerry Arnold & Gene Ross, Montebello Harold & Dorothy Ashworth, Anaheim Beverly August, Long Beach Genevieve & Peter August, Kealakekua, HI Avi Resort and Casino , Laughlin, NV Rob & Marilynn Bachmann, Lakewood Jeanne Badgley, Long Beach Carole Ball, La Mirada Sue Baltazar, Anaheim Albert & Vicki Barilla, Long Beach Ed Barwick, Long Beach Elinore Bates-Petoletti, Seal Beach Roger & Jacque Bauer, Long Beach Paula Bawden, Lakewood Walter & Sharon Beedle, Fullerton Claire Beekman, Long Beach Janice Belk, Huntington Beach Bella Hair Designers, Los Alamitos Yolanda Flora Benavidez, Long Beach Blanche Benisek, Los Alamitos Norman & Nikki Benson, Signal Hill Kay Berg, Long Beach Kenneth & Jackie Berger, Long Beach Margaret Berger, Long Beach Robert Bermingham, Arcadia Mary Betzner, Long Beach Dana Bialowas, Fullerton Francis & Judy Billedeaux, Fullerton Bixby Knolls Car Wash, Long Beach Anne Black, Long Beach Shirley Black, Seal Beach Alanna Blaney, Hermosa Beach Cast Profiles TODRICK D. HALL (Seaweed J. Stubbs) Todrick is stoked to return to the Musical Theatre West family. Best known as a finalist on “American Idol” or from one of his many viral YouTube videos, Hall is no stranger to the theatre. His credits include THE COLOR PURPLE on Broadway, MEMPHIS, HAIRSPRAY at the Hollywood Bowl, THE RADIO CITY CHRISTMAS SPECTACULAR, and DISNEY’S BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. Hall would like to thank God, his Mom, his family, Savage Agency, Bloc Agency, Sheena, Blair, Ashley, Pat Carthel, Liz & Bernie for their love and support. Special thanks to Steve and Larry for this for this awesome opportunity. This performance is dedicated to my Grandma Ethel, may she watch proudly from somewhere over the rainbow. LAUREN SMOLKA (Amber Von Tussle) Musical Theatre West Debut! Lauren spent this past summer playing Amber Von Tussle at Moonlight Stage Productions, and is ecstatic to be appearing in HAIRSPRAY again with many of those same performers. Past favorite credits include, RAGTIME (Evelyn Nesbit); ALL SHOOK UP (Miss Sandra); ASSASSINS (Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme); THE WIZARD OF OZ (Wicked Witch of the West). Other credits include: LITTLE WOMEN with Centre Stage Academy (Aunt March); CHICAGO at Citrus College and HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL at the Candlelight Pavilion. Lauren was chosen as a top 20 finalist to compete in The Valley’s Got Talent. Aside from holding the title as Miss Southern California Regional, she is currently attending Azusa Pacific University where she is earning a BA in Theatre. Lauren would like to thank her family and friends, who continue to love and support her in everything she does. - Philippians 4:13 CHYKA JACKSON (Little Inez) Chyka was born on September 12, 1990 and is from Claremont. She was first bitten with the entertainment bug at the young age of 5, after having her first voice recital, and she never looked back. Chyka attended a performing arts high school where she was introduced to the world of musical theater. After graduation, she attended The American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA) where she attained a Bachelor in Fine Arts. Chyka is versed in vocal music, dance and theater. Soon after graduating, Chyka was blessed with the opportunity to perform in HAIRSPRAY at the Hollywood Bowl alongside greats such as: Jerry Mitchell, Harvey Fierstein, Corbin Bleu, Nick Jonas and many more. Chyka is very excited to reprise her role as Little Inez here at Musical Theatre West. JP SARRO (Male Authority Figure) JP is excited to be making his Musical Theatre West debut! Regional: HAIRSPRAY (Theatre By the Sea), MAN OF LA MANCHA (Theatre By the Sea), TALES FROM HOLLYWOOD by Christopher Hampton (Critic’s Pick: L.A. Times and Backstage West), THE ODD COUPLE (Oscar Madison), CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF, URINETOWN, THE SECRET GARDEN, William Shakespeare’s AS YOU LIKE IT, BORN TIRED (Official Selection: Eugene O’Neill Festival). Film/TV: “Top Gearheads,” “Our Show” (Dir. Larry Charles), “Party City,” “Unusual Suspects,” “Garage Band.” Love to Nicole, Mom and Dad! KARLA J. FRANKO (Female Authority Figure) Karla is returning to MTW, having first appeared in NEVER GONNA DANCE in 2006, where she played Miss Tattersol. Recent credits include WHITE CHRISTMAS (Martha Watson) at Cabrillo Music Theatre, EVITA at Broadway at the Gardens, SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN (Dora Bailey) at Performance Riverside, URINETOWN (Miss Pennywise), and ANNIE (Candlelight). She has choreographed over 30 shows and boasts that her claim to fame was that she was director Larry Raben’s first choreographer! Her mid-life career change to teaching has her adjuncting in the two areas of her passion…theatre arts and religion/philosophy. She is Founder/Artistic Director of Standing Room Only, a youth and community performing arts training organization affiliated with Victor Valley College in the High Desert. For mom…forever my biggest fan. 20 9 Cast Profiles ANTHONY CHATMON II (Ensemble) Anthony is jumping with joy to be making his MTW debut with this amazing cast and team of HAIRSPRAY. He was recently at PCPA doing HAIRSPRAY and working with Stephen Schwartz on his American Premiere of MY FAIRYTALE. Other shows include: WEST SIDE STORY, LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS, A CHORUS LINE and FOOTLOOSE. He will be receiving his BFA in Musical Theatre this spring from UC Irvine and will be seen this winter in UCI’s production of HELLO AGAIN. He would like to his parents, granny, sisters, Dennis, Myrona, Gary and everyone at MTW for making this all possible. CHESTER LOCKHART (IQ) Chester Lockhart is absolutely giddy to be making his MTW debut! Theatre: ALL SHOOK UP (3-D Theatricals), HAIRSPRAY, MISS SAIGON, & OKLAHOMA! (Moonlight), BRIGADOON (Fullerton Civic Light Opera), A CHRISTMAS CAROL (Welk Resort). TV/Film: “In Time” (20th Century Fox), “Victorious” (Nickelodeon). Chester is so grateful for the wonderful friends and family that support him and for YOU for supporting the arts! WERK! JEREMY LUCAS (Sketch) AEA/SAG/AFTRA. Aaron - CHICAGO (International Tour), Action - WEST SIDE STORY (50th Anniversary Cast - 5th Avenue Theatre, Fullerton CLO, Central City Opera), Emcee - CABARET (McCadden Theatre), Philip - LITTLE BLACK VEIL (Ruby @ Complex), Rohde - THREE SISTERS (Gene Bua Theatre), Tig - BALM IN GILEAD (Sunset/Gardner Stages); Award Nominations: CHICAGO (Ovation-Best Choreographer), A BUG, FROG, DOG, LOG, & AESOP (Artistic Director Achievement-Best Actor); Film/TV: IMDB him! Co-Founder: Jaxx Theatricals, Inc. ( Thanks: MTW for this exhilarating return to the stage and YOU for supporting live theatre! Dedications: Jules, Joe, JETS, Dawg, Mamamia, Coca-Coley, & Auntie M. KAMILAH MARSHALL (Dynamite) Kamilah just finished touring this summer supporting GLEE’s Matthew Morrison. Theatre Credits include Broadway: The Original Broadway Cast of HAIRSPRAY (Dynamite), RENT (Joanne) and Disney’s THE LION KING at The Pantages Theatre. Marshall has backed up Bette Midler as a Staggering Harlette on tours of the U.S. and Australia as well as a two-year run at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. Marshall can be heard on the soundtrack of “Sex and the City 2.” Her debut solo album, Gypsy Moonshine is available on iTunes. Kamilah thanks her friends and family for supporting and much love to her husband. MTW Star Supporters (continued) Dwayne & Karen Larson, Long Beach Richard & Barbara Lederer, Long Beach Don & Beverly Lohmeyer, Laguna Hills Long Beach Opera, Long Beach Long Beach Symphony Orchestra, Long Beach Pamela Mah, Long Beach Burt & Norma Marter, Long Beach Ted & Mary May, Lakewood Lavonne McQuilkin, Long Beach Meredith Meals, Long Beach Scott & Mary Mighell, Long Beach Scott Mighell & Vicky O`Rear, Shreveport Duane & Dona Morris, Westminster Jane Netherton, Long Beach Robert & Janet Osborn, Balboa Island John & Antoinette Palazzo, Placentia Murray Palitz, Long Beach Carolyn Powers, Long Beach George & Beverle Ray, Cerritos Dr. S.T. Stagg III & Anne Relph, Laguna Beach Larry & Sande Rice, Long Beach Shirley Rich, Long Beach Jaime Nemirow Rideaux, Seal Beach Jackie Riegel, Laguna Beach Dennis & Diane Schmitz, Long Beach Ted & Shirley Schnee, Lakewood Securitas Security, Anaheim Jim & Lisa Sinsheimer, Huntington Beach In Memory of Jerry G. Smith, Glendale Jean Bixby Smith, Long Beach Patricia Smith, Montebello Bill & Bonnie Stoeppelman, San Pedro Janet Sugawara, Cerritos Kathy Terry, Cypress Doris Topsy-Elvord, Long Beach Dr. & Mrs. Richard Wigod, Long Beach Wynne Wilson, Long Beach FEATURED ROLE Mary Baker, Los Alamitos Carole Berkner, Long Beach Pam Bloxham, South Gate Richard Boberg, Rolling Hills Estates Virginia Bolten, Seal Beach Bernice Bornstein, La Habra Lois Bourgon, Manhattan Beach Phyllis Bowles, Anaheim Barry & Dianne Bradfield, Lakewood Michelle Brenner, Huntington Beach Broadway LA, Los Angeles Adele Brown, Seal Beach Brian Alan Brown, Long Beach Karen Brown, Trabuco Canyon Mary Butts, Huntington Beach Shirley & Michael Callan, Long Beach Catie Campion, Long Beach Sam Cavanaugh, Fullerton Myrna Chessmore, Long Beach Beverly Culbertson, Long Beach S. L. Curtis, Long Beach Jake & Judy De Ruyter, Long Beach Gary & Dawna DeLong, Long Beach Robert & Tamara Dienstag, Seal Beach Jack & Judy Elder, Long Beach Jannis Faller, West Covina Martha Fierce, Lakewood Brad Fitzgerald, San Pedro Nancy Fuller, Long Beach Maxine Gallagher, Redondo Beach Karen Gallagher-Dennen, San Juan Capistrano Janet & William Gerhardt, Long Beach Joanna Ginsberg, Long Beach Willie & Carmen Goffney, Long Beach Rose Marie Gomez, Long Beach Mary Griley, Long Beach John & La Vonne Hamilton, Long Beach John & Elizabeth Hancock, Long Beach Louise Healow, Kirkland, WA Jaclyn Tilley Hill, Long Beach Hilton Hotels, Emeryville Hotel Current, Long Beach The Hyatt Regency Orange County, Garden Grove Eleanor Johnson, Long Beach Sharon Kinard, La Mirada Bob & Ilse Kirste, San Pedro Mary Lou Klar, Long Beach John & Joan Knight, Long Beach Wilann Korth, Long Beach Maria La Grass, Lakewood Reno Littman, Palm Desert Barbara Litton, Ventura Joyce Lodato, Cypress Marlene Madsen, Seal Beach Gail Mandell, Seal Beach Cynthia Martin, Aliso Viejo Michael & Dorothy McDermott, Long Beach John Wolczenski & Cheryl McNulty, Long Beach EMILY MITCHELL (Dynamite) Emily Mitchell is delighted to be performing in HAIRSPRAY again after having performed in the Broadway Company Production. Emily has shared the stage with musical greats such as Gladys Knight, Debbie Allen, Tony Bennett, and her favorite past productions include HAIR, DREAMGIRLS, AIDA, AIN’T MISBEHAVIN’, and GODSPELL. She holds a Masters Degree in Musical Theatre from San Diego State University, is an educator at the Orange County High School of the Performing Arts, and a director with The Arts and Learning Conservatory. She is blessed to have a wonderful fiancé, and amazing family and friends who have supported her every step of the way! TIANA OKOYE (Dynamite) Tiana is honored to do her first show with Musical Theatre West. She is a third year musical theater student at UCLA where she has performed in RENT and ELEKTRA. Tiana has also trained at the CAP21 Musical Theater program in New York. Outside credits include vocal recordings at Abbey Road Studios in London and Capitol Records in Hollywood. She has performed in the Candlelight Pavilion’s productions of 42ND STREET and HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL as Taylor McKessie. Tiana would like to thank her mother, Lauren, and father, Christian, for their enduring support and those supportive friendships developed along the journey! 10 19 Anonymous, Yorba Linda Tally Mintie, Long Beach Musical Theatre Guild, Los Angeles Bill & Mary Lou Nicolai, Long Beach Norris Center for the Performing Arts, Rolling Hills Estates Shirley & John Nyquist, Long Beach Beverly & William O`Neill, Long Beach Richard Odle, Long Beach Roxanne Patmor, Long Beach Don & Brenda Penrod, Long Beach Wayne & Yolanda Perry, Torrance Carolyn Pryor, Cypress Lynette Rausch, Long Beach Rejuve Nation, Long Beach Peggy Reno, Bowie, MD Judy Robertson, Long Beach Frederich Roos, Cerritos Helene Rose, Long Beach Robin Rouse, Aliso Viejo Robert & Mary Pat Sabol, Long Beach Mary Seneker, Long Beach Ethel Severson, Long Beach Betty Shaw, Long Beach Brad & Judy Silverman, Trabuco Canyon Myrna & Leonard Simon, Long Beach Dave & Cindy Skovgard, Long Beach Clara Smith, Los Alamitos Dianna Srock, Roseville, MI Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stahl, Long Beach Joseph & Gwenn Steins, Los Angeles Pat Stubbs, Seal Beach Christine Swanson, Arcadia Daniel Thomas, Long Beach Bryan Graulich & Leslie Tinarro, Lakewood Kathy Verdugo, La Habra Lorraine Ward, Long Beach Paul & Margie Weiss, Huntington Beach The Westin Long Beach, Long Beach Kay Wittmack, Dana Point Daryl & Mary Anne Wozniak, Long Beach Jerry Wulk, Long Beach UNDERSTUDY Katrina Abbott, San Diego Seymour & Reva Alban, Long Beach American Cinematheque, Los Angeles Janet Anwyl, Huntington Beach Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach Musical Theatre West Star Supporters Musical Theatre West gratefully recognizes the following donors who have helped us support our mission this past season. (Those listed have contributed $50 or more between September 1, 2010 and August 31, 2011) HONORARY LIFETIME PATRONS Charles & Mary Hanson, Whittier Beverly Harris, Whittier GUARANTOR Ackerman Family/Evalyn M. Bauer Foundation, Long Beach Arts Council for Long Beach Carpenter Performing Arts Center, Long Beach Musical Theatre West Footlighters Fred & Charlene Gamm, Huntington Beach Musical Theatre West Guild Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Ken & Dottie Reiner, Long Beach BENEFACTOR Kathryn Baker Campbell, Huntington Beach Howard & Elaine Davis, Long Beach Estate of Sara Wenkle Kaplan Mary Ellen Kilsby, Claremont Long Beach Press Telegram Seaside Printing, Long Beach Arlene Solomon & Sidney Schulman, Long Beach Virginia M. Waters Trust SPONSOR Steven Moyer, Aloha Restaurants, Irvine Patti Beckman, Irvine Bradford Portraits, Costa Mesa Cindy Costello, Long Beach Forbidden City, Long Beach Gazette Newspapers, Long Beach Dr. Donald J. Greco & Terry Marté Greco, Long Beach Amanda & Jon Hall, Long Beach Don & Julie Knabe, Cerritos Lucia Kos, Long Beach Craig & Deborah McManigal, Ontario Joe & Edna Moore, Hacienda Heights Richard Neri & Kurt Schulzman, Long Beach Wagner Kitchen and Bath Design Center, Long Beach Joan Wells, Long Beach Dr. Sandy & Susanna Witzling, Long Beach CELEBRITY Anonymous Ann Tyler Allen, Long Beach Don & Judy McNulty Black, Seal Beach Barbara Blackwell, Long Beach Steve & Frances Conley, Cupertino Patricia J. DeRouen, Cypress Dr. Wayne & Karen Freeman, Long Beach Lenore Garman, Laguna Beach Paul Garman, Laguna Beach Anne & Denne Goldstein, Encino Patricia Grisham & George Kent, Reno, NV Sheldon & Shell Whitney Grossman, Huntington Beach Liz Handley, Long Beach Bill & Pauline Henry, Santa Monica Mari Hooper, Long Beach Keesal, Young, & Logan, Long Beach Len & Tommye Lovett, Long Beach Judith Matsen, Buena Park Ron & Lorie Moran, Long Beach Larry & Shari Nemirow, Seal Beach Edward Parker, Los Angeles Peter & Marian Pincombe, Long Beach Patricia Price, Mammoth Lakes Doug, Cathy & Tess Richie, Long Beach Jacquelyn Riegel, Laguna Beach Earl Shea, Seal Beach Marc & Sybil Tamaroff, Huntington Beach Don & Marlene Temple, Long Beach David & Myra Weiss, Whittier STAR Anonymous James Allen, Bellflower Tom & Donna Bennett, Long Beach Jim & Kellie Bieber, San Clemente Rosemarie Boll, Cerritos Kozell & Sally Boren, Long Beach James & Liz Breslauer, Long Beach Bunim-Murray Productions, Van Nuys Allen B. Cagle, MD, Whittier Jim & Melanie Choura, Lakewood Cecil & Beverly Cook, Long Beach Gary & Judy Cooper, Long Beach Lucy Daggett, Long Beach Bob & Janice Dominguez, Long Beach Bob & Nancy Foster, Long Beach Janice Foster, Long Beach Carlos & Esperanza Garcia, Hacienda Heights Mel & Gary Gerber, Laguna Niguel Thomas & Susan Gillespie, Long Beach Dr. Robert & Susan Green, Lakewood Jerry & Jean Green, Long Beach Stuart & Adrienne Green, Long Beach Mary Lu Hauser, Long Beach Chris & Michele Hoff, Huntington Beach Jim & Marjorie Howard, Hacienda Heights Jet Blue Airways, Long Beach Gene & LeAnn Johnson, Long Beach Carole Jones, Long Beach Laura Killingsworth, Long Beach Betty Anne Kirkpatrick, Long Beach Nancy Koblensky, Los Alamitos Mike & Janis Krantz, Long Beach Louise Lakoff, Long Beach Alexander & Marnos Lelesi, Long Beach Latoria Liams, Long Beach Mel & Marian Locke, Hacienda Heights Long Beach Convention & Visitors Bureau Dave & Judi McMahon, Long Beach Richard & Gigi Fusco Meese, Long Beach Rita Michener, Long Beach John Montgomery, Whittier Terry & Irene Mulholland, Lakewood Kenneth & Sherrill Overfield, Long Beach Susan Rose, Long Beach Lesley Scheller, Long Beach Janice & Bary Schlieder, Long Beach Robert Sciortino, Long Beach Seaport Village, Avalon Ken & Cheryl Simpson, Orange Ann Sines, Long Beach Hank & Marcia Snapper, Long Beach Bob & Donna Sobel, Long Beach Jacques & Sally Sopkin, Newport Beach Henry & Julia Taboada, Long Beach Garrett & Marjorie TeWinkle, Seal Beach Judge Judith A. & Leo Vander Lans, Long Beach Avalee Ann Wagner, Long Beach Betty Webster, Signal Hill KC Wilson, Laguna Beach Dr. & Mrs. George Wong, Jr., Westminster Arch & Janet Young, Long Beach LEADING ROLE Robert & Cynthia Adams, Irvine Advanced Wellness Center, Long Beach Claudia Albert, Garden Grove Jeff Asher, Encino Balboa Bay Club, Newport Beach Linda Barnett, Anaheim Robert & Donna Betts, Long Beach Shari Bischof, Huntington Beach Margo Bishop-Kluth, San Clemente Dr. Myron J. & Paula Bloom, Long Beach Robert & Marty Bolling, Seal Beach David & Virginia Bousquet, Fullerton Ron Brunner, Long Beach Richard & Martha Bushnell, Mission Viejo Patricia & Glenn Carey, Fullerton Roxane Carvajal, Long Beach Joseph & Kathleen Casanova, Long Beach Craig & Sharon Chidester, Reno, NV Mark & Lisa Cochrane, Long Beach Dale Barnett & Norma Cowles, Huntington Beach Gary Delong, Long Beach Janice DeRouen, Cypress George & Gloria Deukmejian, Long Beach Jerome & Donna Dominguez, Seal Beach Eva Dover, Mission Viejo DR. PHIL Show, Hollywood Jack & Dawn Duncan, Long Beach Kinde Durkee and John Forgy, Long Beach Judith Edson, Long Beach Barry & Pam Ehrreich, Huntington Beach Sam Elias, Santa Monica Ronald & Alice Enyeart, Sedona, AZ Farmers & Merchants Bank, Long Beach Flowers by Vickie, Long Beach Claus & Cheryl Fuerth-Marx, Long Beach Ned & Barbara Gaylord, Long Beach Karin Gill, Lakewood Michael Grant, Long Beach John & Anna Guerriero, Hacienda Heights William & Sheila Hanley, Long Beach In Memory of Larry Hansell, Seal Beach Mae Hansell, Seal Beach Ken & Sue Hawkes, Whittier Michael & Diane Henshall, Long Beach Mrs. John Higginson, Long Beach Sue Holleman, Bridgewater, NJ Marjorie Holmes, Long Beach Hotel Vitale, Long Beach Colleen Johnson, Long Beach Michael Repp & Joe Justo, Long Beach Leslie & Aaron Kern, Seal Beach KI Aesthetics, Irvine Rose Marie Kimmerle, Long Beach Gary & Rebecca Kirkpatrick, Sherman Oaks John & Joan Knight, Long Beach Patricia Kono, Seattle, WA The Laguna Playhouse, Laguna Beach Cast Profiles ALLISON PARAISO (Brenda) Allison is thrilled to be performing again with MTW. Credits include CAROUSEL (Reprise!), Long Beach Symphony Orchestra’s HOLIDAY CELEBRATION, MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS (MTW), KISS ME, KATE (CCPA), and SMOKEY JOE’S CAFÉ (CCPA), and many benefit shows such as: S.T.A.G.E. (AIDS benefit), Broadway In The Park (MTW), Broadway Under the Stars (Reprise!), Children’s Hospital of Orange County and St. Jude’s. She also has been a part of Mt. SAC’s Repertory Dance Company for three years, in which she was invited to perform in the gala of the American College Dance Festival, and took first place at the 13th annual Dance Under the Stars (Palm Desert). Much thanks to Lee, Mummy, and Henry, of course! Xoxo NEIL STARKENBERG (Fender) Neil is a graduate from Cal State Fullerton with a BFA in Musical Theatre and is so grateful to be a part of such an amazing show and cast. Recently seen as Link in HAIRSPRAY at The Moonlight Amphitheater, THE WEDDING SINGER at MTW, Michael in SMOKEY JOE’S CAFÉ, or Roger in RENT, and Monty in VIOLET at CSUF. He’s performed with Earth, Wind and Fire and The Steve Miller Band at the Honda Center and various shows at The Disneyland Resort. Thanks to my family, and friends for all their support. Enjoy! CLAY STEFANKI (Brad) Clay is thrilled to be making his Musical Theatre West debut with such an amazing cast and show. Clay's recent credits include: Moonlight: HAIRSPRAY (Brad, u/s Link), OKLAHOMA! (Dream Curly), 42ND STREET, GUYS & DOLLS; Cabrillo Music Theatre: WHITE CHRISTMAS; Other: CABARET (Cliff), and ANYTHING GOES. Clay is a graduate of UCLA Ray Bolger Musical Theatre Program. Special thanks to friends, family, and teachers for all their support, as well as the HAIRSPRAY production team for this great opportunity. VERONICA STEVENS (Tammy) Veronica is ecstatic to be joining the Musical Theatre West family with HAIRSPRAY. Previously seen in HAIRSPRAY at the Moonlight Amphitheatre this summer, some of her favorite credits include THE PRODUCERS as a Producer Babe, CRAZY FOR YOU as Mitzi, A CHORUS LINE as Judy Turner and 42ND STREET. To my family and friends, I love you all and enjoy the show! MUSICAL THEATRE WEST •Enriches the cultural life of the community through musical theater; •Preserves musical theater as a unique American art form; •Cultivates and educates the audience of tomorrow through education and outreach programs. Musical Theatre West is a California 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation and all donations are tax-deductible. 18 11 Cast Profiles Production Staff Profiles MARCUS TERELL (Ensemble) (2000 Robby Award for Best Director), and the Los Angeles Premiere of MY FAVORITE YEAR for the Musical Theatre Guild. Steven was honored to receive the 2004 Ovation Award for Best Actor in a Musical for his portrayal of John Adams in 1776, a role he recently recreated last summer at MTW and was honored with a Backstage Garland Award. He thanks Larry, Dennis, Lee, Paul, Stan, Mary, the tireless MTW staff, and this phenomenal cast and crew of HAIRSPRAY. (Pasadena Playhouse), RADIO GIRL, JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH (Goodspeed Musicals), WICKED (Pantages Theatre), PHANTOM OF THE OPERA (OCPAC), HELLO, DOLLY!, CABARET, CINDERELLA, FIDDLER ON THE ROOF, BREAKING UP IS HARD TO DO, THE PRODUCERS (Ogunquit Playhouse), SWEENEY TODD, BORN TO ROCK with Jake Simpson, and NEW YORK’S FINEST, Leading Men of Broadway with Ace Young, Levi Kreis and David Burnham. LAURYN TILLERY (Ensemble) KEVIN CLOWES (Technical Director) Kevin is happy to be working on his 71st production with Musical Theatre West. Over the years, his duties have included Set Designer, Technical Director, Master Carpenter, Lighting Designer. In addition to MTW, Kevin has worked as a Technical Director for McCoy-Rigby Entertainment, Stagelight Family Productions and spent five seasons with CLO of South Bay Cities. Kevin is instructor of Scene Design and Technical Production at Fullerton College. Thanks, Paul. We did it again. NIKKI TOMLINSON (Lou Ann) JEAN YVES-TESSIER (Lighting Designer) Originally from Montreal, Jean-Yves has designed musical productions in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Toronto as well as numerous architectural, corporate events and dance concerts. Most recently Jean-Yves lit the world premiere of Roger Bean’s SUMMER OF LOVE and Crystal Cruises latest production show I WRITE THE SONGS. JeanYves is also resident lighting designer for Performance Riverside. He would like to thank his amazing wife and their three boys for their love, creativity and support. MELANIE CAVANESS (Properties) HAIRSPRAY marks Melanie’s 24th production as co-prop (tart) mistress with MTW. Some of her favorite shows (and cast and crew) include THE FULL MONTY, RAGTIME, and THE PRODUCERS. She has had the pleasure of codesigning properties for THE ANDREWS BROTHERS and the premiere of SUMMER OF LOVE for MTW, and most recently GUYS & DOLLS for The Norris. Melanie would like to thank her husband Bill for enduring all of her long hours away from home; Gretchen, her “partner in crime” and Mary for allowing her this wonderful outlet to create! Marcus Terell has toured worldwide and been featured on a number of nationally televised competitions (FOX'S “American Idol,” MTV'S “Making the Band 4”). Most recently he was featured on NBC'S “America's Got Talent” where he placed among the Top 40 with a live, at-home audience of over twelve million viewers! Marcus is excited to make is Musical Theater West debut with HAIRSPRAY and hopes to return to the stage in the near future. Lauryn Tillery is so grateful for the opportunity to perform in HAIRSPRAY here at MTW!!! Favorite credits include GUYS & DOLLS (Sarah Brown), THE WIZARD OF OZ (Scarecrow), and THE WALL (Ensemble). She also has performed at an AIDS benefit for Jamie Lee Curtis. She is a member of Gregg Russell’s “Tapsounds Underground” as well as Sarah Reich’s “Tap con Sabor.” Recently, Lauryn performed and taught in San Jose, Costa Rica with “SoleVita Dance Company” under the direction of Joelle Martinec. B.A. drama from Ithaca College. Thanks to God, Mom, Dad, friends, and family, including my one here at Musical Theatre West. Proud AEA, SAG, AFTRA & The Actors’ Network member. Theater: THE REAL LOVE (Pasadena Civic/Supreme Master TV), GUYS & DOLLS (Hollywood Bowl), PIPPIN (Mark Taper), JOSEPH… (National Tour, incl. Pantages), HAIRSPRAY, GYPSY, MY FAIR LADY (Sacramento Music Circus). Film/TV/Commercial: “Eagleheart” (Cartoon Network/Adult Swim), “Attack of the Show,” “X-Play” (G4 Network), “Date Night” (20th Century Fox), Rapunzel in Capital One spot, Miller Liteguard. Other: Universal Studios Japan, Walt Disney World, Holland America Cruise Lines, Six Flags, co-owner of Tinseltone Carolers. BA in Musical Theater from U. Northern Colorado. Thank you KSR & MTW! • CARLY WIELSTEIN (Shelley) Carly Wielstein is thrilled to be returning to the Musical Theatre West family as Shelley. Originally a classical ballerina, Carly is a graduate from California State University Fullerton’s acclaimed B.F.A. Musical Theatre program. Some of Carly’s favorite roles include: Lucy (YOU’RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN), Maureen (RENT) and her recent Musical Theatre West debut as Rumpleteazer (CATS). Carly would like to thank her beautiful friends for their constant support; Mom, Dad, Chelsea, and Eric for their incredible love; and her precious Lance for his endless best friendship, thank you for showing that life would be “like a week that’s only Mondays without love!” LOUIS A. WILLIAMS (Ensemble) Louis has performed DON GIOVANNI, THE DAUGHTER OF THE REGIMENT, GHOSTS OF VERSAILLES and SALOME with the Opera Theatre of St. Louis, RAGTIME with the St. Louis Black Repertory Theatre, WEST SIDE STORY with Arrow Rock Lyceum Theatre and in MUNY seasonal productions. He is a founding and current member of Ashani Dances in Seattle, WA. Louis received a BFA in Dance from Webster University’s Department of Dance (minor: Speech Communication). He has also studied at the Krupinski Academy of Dance and on scholarship at The Ailey School, Dance Theatre of Harlem and River North Chicago Dance Company. DonÊt miss the next Sunday March 11, 2012 7:00 PM University Theatre 562.856.1999 x4 REINER READING SERIES performance! 12 GRETCHEN MORALES (Properties) Hairspray marks the 24th show that Gretchen has had the pleasure of coordinating and designing props for MTW. It has been a great honor to have worked on such awesome MTW productions as RAGTIME, THE ANDREWS BROTHERS, SWEENEY TODD, MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS, SUMMER OF LOVE and most recently THE WEDDING SINGER. Gretchen is currently working at Cypress Community College as a prop instructor, designing last semester’s ROMEO AND JULIET and more recently THE WEDDING SINGER. Never ending thanks to Melanie, the co-prop JULIE FERRIN (Sound Designer) HAIRSPRAY marks Julie’s 57th show with MTW, and she is designer for these productions. honored to be part of the family. Julie most recently designed FLEETWOOD MACBETH with the Troubadors at STANLEY D. COHEN (Stage Manager) the Falcon Theatre, THE WIZARD OF OZ with 3D Theatri- Stanley is excited to return to MTW where he previously cals and GUYS AND DOLLS at the Norris Theatre. Julie is has stage managed CATS, SWEENEY TODD, SILK currently getting ready for the upcoming PETER PAN tour STOCKINGS and PAJAMA GAME. Stan is the production starring Cathy Rigby. Ms. Ferrin is President of Sound stage manager for Moonlight Stage Productions in Vista. Advice, LLC, a sound design, engineering and rental com- Highlights have included HAIRSPRAY, MISS SAIGON, pany. Please visit Thank OKLAHOMA!, CATS, 42ND STREET, LES MISÉRABLES, you for supporting the arts and keeping theatre alive. WEST SIDE STORY, ANNIE GET YOUR GUN, THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, CABARET, KISS ME, KATE, SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN, and YOLANDA ROWELL (Costume Coordinator) It’s great to be back for another season with MTW. The RAGTIME. Other credits: THE FULL MONTY, GUYS & stage has been an important part of my life for over 45 DOLLS (San Diego Musical Theatre); THE HISTORY BOYS, years. Although my theatrical experience started on the A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC (Cygnet Theatre). He thanks Larry, stage, as a child, I have been in the wardrobe realm for Lee, Dennis, Steve, Paul and Mary for the wonderful the last 25 years. I have had the good fortune to work experience. with some talented designers, many fine actors, and a host of knowledgeable production staff members throughout MARY RITENHOUR (Assistant Stage Manager) Southern California. Theatre groups have included FCLO, Mary started working with Musical Theatre West as the Performance Riverside, Musical Theatre of South Bay, Properties Mistress for ANNIE in 1989. Since 1997 she McCoy Rigby, The Welk Resort and 3D Theatrical. Life is has served as the Assistant Stage Manager on each MTW good. I would like to thank my family and friends for production. Of the 92 shows she’s been a part of she’s being such an important part of my work and my life. seen a wide array of musical comedy, but she counts CHILDREN OF EDEN, SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN, RAGTIME and THE FULL MONTY among her favorites. Mary is currently BYRON J. BATISTA (Wig/Hair/Makeup Designer) HAIRSPRAY (Hollywood Bowl, Moonlight Amphitheatre, accepting bribes to keep from making public some of the First National Tour), LES MISÉRABLES (Hollywood Bowl), I stories she’s heard over the years. If this applies to you LOVE LUCY, LIVE! (Greenway Court), JEKYLL AND HYDE and you’re short on cash, anything pumpkin will do. (Sturgis Center), BABY, IT’S YOU, STORMY WEATHER 17 Production Staff Profiles LARRY RABEN (Director) Larry returns to MTW after previously directing THE WEDDING SINGER, NEVER GONNA DANCE, THE THING ABOUT MEN, and I LOVE YOU, YOU’RE PERFECT, NOW CHANGE. He won the LA Ovation Award for Best Direction for SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN (Cabrillo Music Theatre). He recently directed the world premiere of Tony winner Joe DiPietro’s FALLING FOR EVE Off-Broadway at The York Theatre and SUNSET BOULEVARD (Gateway Playhouse). He authored and directed RODGERS & HART & HAMMERSTEIN for Reprise!. A founding member of Coyote StageWorks in Palm Springs, he directed GREATER TUNA (Desert Star Award Best Direction) and A TUNA CHRISTMAS. Other credits: THE PRODUCERS (Gateway Playhouse), SWEET CHARITY in Buenos Aires (Best director Ace nominee), BARK! (Inland Empire Award Best Direction), ALWAYS…PASTY CLINE (Welk), and THE VELVETEEN RABBIT (Promenade Theatre New York). He was the assistant director on the original NY production of FOREVER PLAID and has directed numerous regional and international stagings as well as PLAID TIDING. He directed and co-authored HOLLYWOOD’S HEYDAY (Welk) and MOTOWN AT THE TWILIGHT (Canadian Tour). Proud member of SDC and Actors Equity Association. Thanks Steve Glaudini and Paul Garman. LEE MARTINO (Choreographer) Lee is very happy to be back at MTW where she has choreographed SUMMER OF LOVE, ALL SHOOK UP, GUYS & DOLLS and many more. Recent credits: LIFE WITHOUT MAKEUP starring Rita Moreno for Berkeley Repertory Theatre, LIFE COULD BE A DREAM (McCoy Rigby, The Laguna Playhouse and The Hudson Theatre) KISS ME, KATE, Reprise Theatre Company, FALLING FOR EVE for The York Theatre Company in Manhattan, Jenny Craig’s national TV commercial featuring Jason Alexander, NBC’s “Shall We Dance on Ice” featuring Broadway dancers and Olympic Ice Dance teams, animated feature films “Alpha and Omega in 3D,” and “The King And I.” Lee has choreographed many shows and industrials including shows for Ford Motor Company, Disney International, Buena Vista Entertainment, Universal Studios and HarleyDavidson. Benefit work includes: Actor’s Fund, Los Angeles S.T.A.G.E., What a Pair and Help is on the Way (San Francisco). Lee has won Four Los Angeles Ovation Awards, including this year’s for CAROUSEL, three Los Angeles Drama Critics Awards and several BackStage Garland Awards. Lee is a member of SDC. Many Thanks to Larry, Dennis, a wonderfully talented cast and crew and the MTW Family, especially Paul, Steve and Mary. DENNIS CASTELLANO (Musical Director) Dennis looks fondly on his long relationship with Musical Theatre West since his first production of GYPSY back in the 1980s. Other projects here at the Carpenter Center include CATS, THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE, THE KING AND I and ME AND MY GIRL. During the summer months, Dennis musically directs for the Sacramento Music Circus. Credits there include THE PRODUCERS, ANNIE GET YOUR GUN, FUNNY GIRL, SPAMALOT, SWEENEY TODD, RAGTIME, CRAZY FOR YOU and LA CAGE AUX FOLLES. Other recent credits include ORDINARY DAYS (West Coast premiere), PUTTING IT TOGETHER, A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC and SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITH GEORGE for South Coast Repertory; JOSEPH…, THE FULL MONTY, THE BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS and THE SOUND OF MUSIC for the Civic Light Opera of South Bay Cities; and MY FAIR LADY, ANNIE, GREASE, THE UNSINKABLE MOLLY BROWN and GUYS & DOLLS for McCoy/ Rigby Entertainment. Dennis heads the Music Theatre program at UC Irvine and is very proud of his students working on the musical theatre stages of Broadway and the nation’s regional theatres. PAUL GARMAN (Executive Director/Producer) Paul began his association with Musical Theatre West in 1963 as a performer when the company was known as Whittier Civic Light Opera. He continued performing throughout high school and at UCLA. He has served as producer for Musical Theatre West since the mid-1970s. Prior to that he served seven years as the company's President. Of the 164 Musical Theatre West major productions, Paul has been involved with all but 16, producing over 120 of them. Through his guidance and leadership Musical Theatre West has grown from an amateur community organization to a nationally respected regional theater group, entertaining over 60,000 patrons annually and garnering critical acclaim and numerous awards. In 2007 the organization was presented with the L.A. Drama Critics’ Circle Award for Sustained Excellence in theater and has won numerous L.A. Stage Ovation awards over the years. Paul received the Arts Community Leadership award from the Arts Council for Long Beach in 2002 and Arts Education Hero of the Year Award from the Carpenter Performing Arts Center in 2008. He has been inducted into the La Serna High School Hall of Fame and was honored as Distinguished Alumni of Whittier by the Whittier Historical Society. His key passion remains the cultivation of new works for the musical stage and introducing young audiences to musical theater. STEVEN GLAUDINI (Artistic Director) Steven is thrilled to be on the wonderful team at Musical Theatre West. For five years Steven served as the Executive Director/Producer of Performance Riverside, a nonprofit professional theatre company in the Inland Empire. Under his leadership he brought wide acclaim to his venue with his varied show selections and along the way won several awards, chiefly the 2004 L.A. Stage Alliance Ovation Award for Best Musical for his production of 1776. Steven had spent the two years prior to joining the MTW family as an Equity Agent for KSR in Studio City. Steve also is an award-winning director and sites these shows as favorites: MTW’s recent hits ANNIE with Andrea McArdle, LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS, THE PRODUCERS (Two 2009 Ovation Awards), ALL SHOOK UP (2008 Ovation Nomination for Best Musical and Best Director), THE FULL MONTY, THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE, and THE PAJAMA GAME. Other favorites include: HAIRSPRAY, MISS SAIGON, CATS, LES MISÉRABLES (2008 San Diego Theatre Critic’s Circle Award for Best Director), WEST SIDE STORY (2007 San Diego Theatre Critic’s Circle Award for Outstanding Resident Musical), A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC, CABARET, TRIUMPH OF LOVE, COMPANY, CHILDREN OF EDEN (2003 Robby Award for Best Musical and Best Director), SWEET CHARITY, SHE LOVES ME, CAROUSEL 16 „Keep the music playing.‰ In September, Musical Theatre West and the Long Beach arts community as a whole lost one of their most ardent supporters in Ken Reiner. We are tremendously grateful to the following who have made donations to Musical Theatre West in KenÊs memory: Diane Booth Lois Bourgon Howard & Elaine Davis Francis A. France & Joanne M. France Paul Garman Wesla Kerr Laura C. Killingsworth Alexander & Marnos Lelesi Gigi Fusco Meese MDI Manufacturing & Design John Montgomery Bill Schwartz Dr. & Mrs. Ralph M. Simonian Clint Stickney Don & Marlene Temple Daniel Thomas Gary Udell, Inc. Wahl Corporation Lorraine Ward In addition to being a lover of music and theater, he was a brilliant man in so many other ways. Read more about some of his amazing accomplishments here: We cannot begin to express our gratitude to Ken and Dottie for their love and support over the years. 13 Help us build a foundation for the future of MTW. MTW PRODUCER’S CLUB A For a $2,000 annual donation to the MTW Producer’s Club, members receive: • Become a charter member of the • MUSICAL THEATRE WEST LEGACY SOCIETY Reserved paid parking in the Carpenter Center lot Access to the members-only Producer’s Club lounge before performances and during intermission • “White-Glove” service from the MTW Box Office, including VIP exchange privileges, waiving of service fees, and additional special discounts on the best seats in the house! If Musical Theatre West has been an important part of your life, you can help create this same experience for future generations by including us in your estate plans. Leaving a bequest will ensure that musical theater remains a vital part of the Southern California arts community. The Musical Theatre West Legacy Society honors individuals who, by including MTW in their longrange financial and estate plans, choose to create a personal legacy and help to ensure MTWÊs financial strength for future generations. Gifts include bequests via a will or living trust, life insurance and retirement plan assets. Future plans can include gift annuities and charitable trusts as well. These gifts may entitle you to an estate tax deduction equal to the amount of the gift, thus reducing your taxable estate. In most instances federal estate tax regulations place no limit on the amount of your estate tax deduction for qualifying gifts, thus encouraging bequests made to a charitable cause such as MTW. MUSICAL THEATRE WEST EXPERIENCE LIKE NO OTHER. • Paul Garman’s concierge service, arranging tickets to Broadway shows and theatre happenings in Los Angeles • Exclusive “Behind-the-Scenes” events (recent events included a private table reading of World Premiere of Summer of Love ) • Invitations to Meet-the-Cast dinners and Opening Night parties Interested in becoming a member of Musical Theatre West’s most exclusive club? Please call Executive Director/Producer, Paul Garman at 562.856.1999 x227 Whatever the size of your estate, a bequest allows you to determine how your assets will be disbursed after your lifetime. A charitable gift to Musical Theatre West through a bequest may also reduce probate costs and increase the assets you leave to your loved ones. If you have remembered Musical Theatre West in your estate plans and wish to be honored as a member of the Legacy Society, please contact Paul Garman at (562) 856-1999 x227 so your name can be added to the growing list of patrons who are joining the Legacy Society. "MTW has made a positive impact on our lives and the lives of our family and friends for the past 30 years. What better way to create a legacy of enjoyment for generations of our family then to make sure that MTW is here for them as well." - Joe and Edna Moore MTW PRODUCER’S CLUB 2011 MEMBERS Legacy Society donations will help ensure the maintenance and expansion of MTW facilities, the continued quality of our mainstage productions, and fuel the growth of our Youth Education and Outreach programs. MUSICAL THEATRE WEST LEGACY SOCIETY CHARTER MEMBERS Cindy Costello • Lucy Daggett • Don & Lenore Garman Paul Garman• Sheldon & Shell Whitney Grossman Dr. Frances Grover •Sara Wenkle Kaplan Len & Tommye Lovett • Cheryl A. McNulty John Montgomery • Joe & Edna Moore • Ken & Dottie Reiner Helene Rose • Virginia Waters • Jerry Wulk 14 Bill & Pauline Henry Mary Ellen Kilsby Betty Anne Kirkpatrick Len & Tommye Lovett Rita Jensen Michener Joe & Edna Moore Larry & Shari Nemirow Richard Neri & Kurt Schulzman Ken & Dottie Reiner Jacquelyn Riegel Arlene Solomon & Sidney Schulman Earl Shea Joan Wells Don & Judy McNulty Black Allen Cagle Kathy Baker Campbell Cindy Costello Howard & Elaine Davis Jim & Nancy Gaines Lenore Garman Paul Garman Denne & Anne Goldstein Robert & Susan Green Frances Grover Jon & Amanda Hall Liz Handley 15 Help us build a foundation for the future of MTW. MTW PRODUCER’S CLUB A For a $2,000 annual donation to the MTW Producer’s Club, members receive: • Become a charter member of the • MUSICAL THEATRE WEST LEGACY SOCIETY Reserved paid parking in the Carpenter Center lot Access to the members-only Producer’s Club lounge before performances and during intermission • “White-Glove” service from the MTW Box Office, including VIP exchange privileges, waiving of service fees, and additional special discounts on the best seats in the house! If Musical Theatre West has been an important part of your life, you can help create this same experience for future generations by including us in your estate plans. Leaving a bequest will ensure that musical theater remains a vital part of the Southern California arts community. The Musical Theatre West Legacy Society honors individuals who, by including MTW in their longrange financial and estate plans, choose to create a personal legacy and help to ensure MTWÊs financial strength for future generations. Gifts include bequests via a will or living trust, life insurance and retirement plan assets. Future plans can include gift annuities and charitable trusts as well. These gifts may entitle you to an estate tax deduction equal to the amount of the gift, thus reducing your taxable estate. In most instances federal estate tax regulations place no limit on the amount of your estate tax deduction for qualifying gifts, thus encouraging bequests made to a charitable cause such as MTW. MUSICAL THEATRE WEST EXPERIENCE LIKE NO OTHER. • Paul Garman’s concierge service, arranging tickets to Broadway shows and theatre happenings in Los Angeles • Exclusive “Behind-the-Scenes” events (recent events included a private table reading of World Premiere of Summer of Love ) • Invitations to Meet-the-Cast dinners and Opening Night parties Interested in becoming a member of Musical Theatre West’s most exclusive club? Please call Executive Director/Producer, Paul Garman at 562.856.1999 x227 Whatever the size of your estate, a bequest allows you to determine how your assets will be disbursed after your lifetime. A charitable gift to Musical Theatre West through a bequest may also reduce probate costs and increase the assets you leave to your loved ones. If you have remembered Musical Theatre West in your estate plans and wish to be honored as a member of the Legacy Society, please contact Paul Garman at (562) 856-1999 x227 so your name can be added to the growing list of patrons who are joining the Legacy Society. "MTW has made a positive impact on our lives and the lives of our family and friends for the past 30 years. What better way to create a legacy of enjoyment for generations of our family then to make sure that MTW is here for them as well." - Joe and Edna Moore MTW PRODUCER’S CLUB 2011 MEMBERS Legacy Society donations will help ensure the maintenance and expansion of MTW facilities, the continued quality of our mainstage productions, and fuel the growth of our Youth Education and Outreach programs. MUSICAL THEATRE WEST LEGACY SOCIETY CHARTER MEMBERS Cindy Costello • Lucy Daggett • Don & Lenore Garman Paul Garman• Sheldon & Shell Whitney Grossman Dr. Frances Grover •Sara Wenkle Kaplan Len & Tommye Lovett • Cheryl A. McNulty John Montgomery • Joe & Edna Moore • Ken & Dottie Reiner Helene Rose • Virginia Waters • Jerry Wulk 14 Bill & Pauline Henry Mary Ellen Kilsby Betty Anne Kirkpatrick Len & Tommye Lovett Rita Jensen Michener Joe & Edna Moore Larry & Shari Nemirow Richard Neri & Kurt Schulzman Ken & Dottie Reiner Jacquelyn Riegel Arlene Solomon & Sidney Schulman Earl Shea Joan Wells Don & Judy McNulty Black Allen Cagle Kathy Baker Campbell Cindy Costello Howard & Elaine Davis Jim & Nancy Gaines Lenore Garman Paul Garman Denne & Anne Goldstein Robert & Susan Green Frances Grover Jon & Amanda Hall Liz Handley 15 Production Staff Profiles LARRY RABEN (Director) Larry returns to MTW after previously directing THE WEDDING SINGER, NEVER GONNA DANCE, THE THING ABOUT MEN, and I LOVE YOU, YOU’RE PERFECT, NOW CHANGE. He won the LA Ovation Award for Best Direction for SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN (Cabrillo Music Theatre). He recently directed the world premiere of Tony winner Joe DiPietro’s FALLING FOR EVE Off-Broadway at The York Theatre and SUNSET BOULEVARD (Gateway Playhouse). He authored and directed RODGERS & HART & HAMMERSTEIN for Reprise!. A founding member of Coyote StageWorks in Palm Springs, he directed GREATER TUNA (Desert Star Award Best Direction) and A TUNA CHRISTMAS. Other credits: THE PRODUCERS (Gateway Playhouse), SWEET CHARITY in Buenos Aires (Best director Ace nominee), BARK! (Inland Empire Award Best Direction), ALWAYS…PASTY CLINE (Welk), and THE VELVETEEN RABBIT (Promenade Theatre New York). He was the assistant director on the original NY production of FOREVER PLAID and has directed numerous regional and international stagings as well as PLAID TIDING. He directed and co-authored HOLLYWOOD’S HEYDAY (Welk) and MOTOWN AT THE TWILIGHT (Canadian Tour). Proud member of SDC and Actors Equity Association. Thanks Steve Glaudini and Paul Garman. LEE MARTINO (Choreographer) Lee is very happy to be back at MTW where she has choreographed SUMMER OF LOVE, ALL SHOOK UP, GUYS & DOLLS and many more. Recent credits: LIFE WITHOUT MAKEUP starring Rita Moreno for Berkeley Repertory Theatre, LIFE COULD BE A DREAM (McCoy Rigby, The Laguna Playhouse and The Hudson Theatre) KISS ME, KATE, Reprise Theatre Company, FALLING FOR EVE for The York Theatre Company in Manhattan, Jenny Craig’s national TV commercial featuring Jason Alexander, NBC’s “Shall We Dance on Ice” featuring Broadway dancers and Olympic Ice Dance teams, animated feature films “Alpha and Omega in 3D,” and “The King And I.” Lee has choreographed many shows and industrials including shows for Ford Motor Company, Disney International, Buena Vista Entertainment, Universal Studios and HarleyDavidson. Benefit work includes: Actor’s Fund, Los Angeles S.T.A.G.E., What a Pair and Help is on the Way (San Francisco). Lee has won Four Los Angeles Ovation Awards, including this year’s for CAROUSEL, three Los Angeles Drama Critics Awards and several BackStage Garland Awards. Lee is a member of SDC. Many Thanks to Larry, Dennis, a wonderfully talented cast and crew and the MTW Family, especially Paul, Steve and Mary. DENNIS CASTELLANO (Musical Director) Dennis looks fondly on his long relationship with Musical Theatre West since his first production of GYPSY back in the 1980s. Other projects here at the Carpenter Center include CATS, THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE, THE KING AND I and ME AND MY GIRL. During the summer months, Dennis musically directs for the Sacramento Music Circus. Credits there include THE PRODUCERS, ANNIE GET YOUR GUN, FUNNY GIRL, SPAMALOT, SWEENEY TODD, RAGTIME, CRAZY FOR YOU and LA CAGE AUX FOLLES. Other recent credits include ORDINARY DAYS (West Coast premiere), PUTTING IT TOGETHER, A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC and SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITH GEORGE for South Coast Repertory; JOSEPH…, THE FULL MONTY, THE BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS and THE SOUND OF MUSIC for the Civic Light Opera of South Bay Cities; and MY FAIR LADY, ANNIE, GREASE, THE UNSINKABLE MOLLY BROWN and GUYS & DOLLS for McCoy/ Rigby Entertainment. Dennis heads the Music Theatre program at UC Irvine and is very proud of his students working on the musical theatre stages of Broadway and the nation’s regional theatres. PAUL GARMAN (Executive Director/Producer) Paul began his association with Musical Theatre West in 1963 as a performer when the company was known as Whittier Civic Light Opera. He continued performing throughout high school and at UCLA. He has served as producer for Musical Theatre West since the mid-1970s. Prior to that he served seven years as the company's President. Of the 164 Musical Theatre West major productions, Paul has been involved with all but 16, producing over 120 of them. Through his guidance and leadership Musical Theatre West has grown from an amateur community organization to a nationally respected regional theater group, entertaining over 60,000 patrons annually and garnering critical acclaim and numerous awards. In 2007 the organization was presented with the L.A. Drama Critics’ Circle Award for Sustained Excellence in theater and has won numerous L.A. Stage Ovation awards over the years. Paul received the Arts Community Leadership award from the Arts Council for Long Beach in 2002 and Arts Education Hero of the Year Award from the Carpenter Performing Arts Center in 2008. He has been inducted into the La Serna High School Hall of Fame and was honored as Distinguished Alumni of Whittier by the Whittier Historical Society. His key passion remains the cultivation of new works for the musical stage and introducing young audiences to musical theater. STEVEN GLAUDINI (Artistic Director) Steven is thrilled to be on the wonderful team at Musical Theatre West. For five years Steven served as the Executive Director/Producer of Performance Riverside, a nonprofit professional theatre company in the Inland Empire. Under his leadership he brought wide acclaim to his venue with his varied show selections and along the way won several awards, chiefly the 2004 L.A. Stage Alliance Ovation Award for Best Musical for his production of 1776. Steven had spent the two years prior to joining the MTW family as an Equity Agent for KSR in Studio City. Steve also is an award-winning director and sites these shows as favorites: MTW’s recent hits ANNIE with Andrea McArdle, LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS, THE PRODUCERS (Two 2009 Ovation Awards), ALL SHOOK UP (2008 Ovation Nomination for Best Musical and Best Director), THE FULL MONTY, THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE, and THE PAJAMA GAME. Other favorites include: HAIRSPRAY, MISS SAIGON, CATS, LES MISÉRABLES (2008 San Diego Theatre Critic’s Circle Award for Best Director), WEST SIDE STORY (2007 San Diego Theatre Critic’s Circle Award for Outstanding Resident Musical), A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC, CABARET, TRIUMPH OF LOVE, COMPANY, CHILDREN OF EDEN (2003 Robby Award for Best Musical and Best Director), SWEET CHARITY, SHE LOVES ME, CAROUSEL 16 „Keep the music playing.‰ In September, Musical Theatre West and the Long Beach arts community as a whole lost one of their most ardent supporters in Ken Reiner. We are tremendously grateful to the following who have made donations to Musical Theatre West in KenÊs memory: Diane Booth Lois Bourgon Howard & Elaine Davis Francis A. France & Joanne M. France Paul Garman Wesla Kerr Laura C. Killingsworth Alexander & Marnos Lelesi Gigi Fusco Meese MDI Manufacturing & Design John Montgomery Bill Schwartz Dr. & Mrs. Ralph M. Simonian Clint Stickney Don & Marlene Temple Daniel Thomas Gary Udell, Inc. Wahl Corporation Lorraine Ward In addition to being a lover of music and theater, he was a brilliant man in so many other ways. Read more about some of his amazing accomplishments here: We cannot begin to express our gratitude to Ken and Dottie for their love and support over the years. 13 Cast Profiles Production Staff Profiles MARCUS TERELL (Ensemble) (2000 Robby Award for Best Director), and the Los Angeles Premiere of MY FAVORITE YEAR for the Musical Theatre Guild. Steven was honored to receive the 2004 Ovation Award for Best Actor in a Musical for his portrayal of John Adams in 1776, a role he recently recreated last summer at MTW and was honored with a Backstage Garland Award. He thanks Larry, Dennis, Lee, Paul, Stan, Mary, the tireless MTW staff, and this phenomenal cast and crew of HAIRSPRAY. (Pasadena Playhouse), RADIO GIRL, JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH (Goodspeed Musicals), WICKED (Pantages Theatre), PHANTOM OF THE OPERA (OCPAC), HELLO, DOLLY!, CABARET, CINDERELLA, FIDDLER ON THE ROOF, BREAKING UP IS HARD TO DO, THE PRODUCERS (Ogunquit Playhouse), SWEENEY TODD, BORN TO ROCK with Jake Simpson, and NEW YORK’S FINEST, Leading Men of Broadway with Ace Young, Levi Kreis and David Burnham. LAURYN TILLERY (Ensemble) KEVIN CLOWES (Technical Director) Kevin is happy to be working on his 71st production with Musical Theatre West. Over the years, his duties have included Set Designer, Technical Director, Master Carpenter, Lighting Designer. In addition to MTW, Kevin has worked as a Technical Director for McCoy-Rigby Entertainment, Stagelight Family Productions and spent five seasons with CLO of South Bay Cities. Kevin is instructor of Scene Design and Technical Production at Fullerton College. Thanks, Paul. We did it again. NIKKI TOMLINSON (Lou Ann) JEAN YVES-TESSIER (Lighting Designer) Originally from Montreal, Jean-Yves has designed musical productions in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Toronto as well as numerous architectural, corporate events and dance concerts. Most recently Jean-Yves lit the world premiere of Roger Bean’s SUMMER OF LOVE and Crystal Cruises latest production show I WRITE THE SONGS. JeanYves is also resident lighting designer for Performance Riverside. He would like to thank his amazing wife and their three boys for their love, creativity and support. MELANIE CAVANESS (Properties) HAIRSPRAY marks Melanie’s 24th production as co-prop (tart) mistress with MTW. Some of her favorite shows (and cast and crew) include THE FULL MONTY, RAGTIME, and THE PRODUCERS. She has had the pleasure of codesigning properties for THE ANDREWS BROTHERS and the premiere of SUMMER OF LOVE for MTW, and most recently GUYS & DOLLS for The Norris. Melanie would like to thank her husband Bill for enduring all of her long hours away from home; Gretchen, her “partner in crime” and Mary for allowing her this wonderful outlet to create! Marcus Terell has toured worldwide and been featured on a number of nationally televised competitions (FOX'S “American Idol,” MTV'S “Making the Band 4”). Most recently he was featured on NBC'S “America's Got Talent” where he placed among the Top 40 with a live, at-home audience of over twelve million viewers! Marcus is excited to make is Musical Theater West debut with HAIRSPRAY and hopes to return to the stage in the near future. Lauryn Tillery is so grateful for the opportunity to perform in HAIRSPRAY here at MTW!!! Favorite credits include GUYS & DOLLS (Sarah Brown), THE WIZARD OF OZ (Scarecrow), and THE WALL (Ensemble). She also has performed at an AIDS benefit for Jamie Lee Curtis. She is a member of Gregg Russell’s “Tapsounds Underground” as well as Sarah Reich’s “Tap con Sabor.” Recently, Lauryn performed and taught in San Jose, Costa Rica with “SoleVita Dance Company” under the direction of Joelle Martinec. B.A. drama from Ithaca College. Thanks to God, Mom, Dad, friends, and family, including my one here at Musical Theatre West. Proud AEA, SAG, AFTRA & The Actors’ Network member. Theater: THE REAL LOVE (Pasadena Civic/Supreme Master TV), GUYS & DOLLS (Hollywood Bowl), PIPPIN (Mark Taper), JOSEPH… (National Tour, incl. Pantages), HAIRSPRAY, GYPSY, MY FAIR LADY (Sacramento Music Circus). Film/TV/Commercial: “Eagleheart” (Cartoon Network/Adult Swim), “Attack of the Show,” “X-Play” (G4 Network), “Date Night” (20th Century Fox), Rapunzel in Capital One spot, Miller Liteguard. Other: Universal Studios Japan, Walt Disney World, Holland America Cruise Lines, Six Flags, co-owner of Tinseltone Carolers. BA in Musical Theater from U. Northern Colorado. Thank you KSR & MTW! • CARLY WIELSTEIN (Shelley) Carly Wielstein is thrilled to be returning to the Musical Theatre West family as Shelley. Originally a classical ballerina, Carly is a graduate from California State University Fullerton’s acclaimed B.F.A. Musical Theatre program. Some of Carly’s favorite roles include: Lucy (YOU’RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN), Maureen (RENT) and her recent Musical Theatre West debut as Rumpleteazer (CATS). Carly would like to thank her beautiful friends for their constant support; Mom, Dad, Chelsea, and Eric for their incredible love; and her precious Lance for his endless best friendship, thank you for showing that life would be “like a week that’s only Mondays without love!” LOUIS A. WILLIAMS (Ensemble) Louis has performed DON GIOVANNI, THE DAUGHTER OF THE REGIMENT, GHOSTS OF VERSAILLES and SALOME with the Opera Theatre of St. Louis, RAGTIME with the St. Louis Black Repertory Theatre, WEST SIDE STORY with Arrow Rock Lyceum Theatre and in MUNY seasonal productions. He is a founding and current member of Ashani Dances in Seattle, WA. Louis received a BFA in Dance from Webster University’s Department of Dance (minor: Speech Communication). He has also studied at the Krupinski Academy of Dance and on scholarship at The Ailey School, Dance Theatre of Harlem and River North Chicago Dance Company. DonÊt miss the next Sunday March 11, 2012 7:00 PM University Theatre 562.856.1999 x4 REINER READING SERIES performance! 12 GRETCHEN MORALES (Properties) Hairspray marks the 24th show that Gretchen has had the pleasure of coordinating and designing props for MTW. It has been a great honor to have worked on such awesome MTW productions as RAGTIME, THE ANDREWS BROTHERS, SWEENEY TODD, MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS, SUMMER OF LOVE and most recently THE WEDDING SINGER. Gretchen is currently working at Cypress Community College as a prop instructor, designing last semester’s ROMEO AND JULIET and more recently THE WEDDING SINGER. Never ending thanks to Melanie, the co-prop JULIE FERRIN (Sound Designer) HAIRSPRAY marks Julie’s 57th show with MTW, and she is designer for these productions. honored to be part of the family. Julie most recently designed FLEETWOOD MACBETH with the Troubadors at STANLEY D. COHEN (Stage Manager) the Falcon Theatre, THE WIZARD OF OZ with 3D Theatri- Stanley is excited to return to MTW where he previously cals and GUYS AND DOLLS at the Norris Theatre. Julie is has stage managed CATS, SWEENEY TODD, SILK currently getting ready for the upcoming PETER PAN tour STOCKINGS and PAJAMA GAME. Stan is the production starring Cathy Rigby. Ms. Ferrin is President of Sound stage manager for Moonlight Stage Productions in Vista. Advice, LLC, a sound design, engineering and rental com- Highlights have included HAIRSPRAY, MISS SAIGON, pany. Please visit Thank OKLAHOMA!, CATS, 42ND STREET, LES MISÉRABLES, you for supporting the arts and keeping theatre alive. WEST SIDE STORY, ANNIE GET YOUR GUN, THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, CABARET, KISS ME, KATE, SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN, and YOLANDA ROWELL (Costume Coordinator) It’s great to be back for another season with MTW. The RAGTIME. Other credits: THE FULL MONTY, GUYS & stage has been an important part of my life for over 45 DOLLS (San Diego Musical Theatre); THE HISTORY BOYS, years. Although my theatrical experience started on the A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC (Cygnet Theatre). He thanks Larry, stage, as a child, I have been in the wardrobe realm for Lee, Dennis, Steve, Paul and Mary for the wonderful the last 25 years. I have had the good fortune to work experience. with some talented designers, many fine actors, and a host of knowledgeable production staff members throughout MARY RITENHOUR (Assistant Stage Manager) Southern California. Theatre groups have included FCLO, Mary started working with Musical Theatre West as the Performance Riverside, Musical Theatre of South Bay, Properties Mistress for ANNIE in 1989. Since 1997 she McCoy Rigby, The Welk Resort and 3D Theatrical. Life is has served as the Assistant Stage Manager on each MTW good. I would like to thank my family and friends for production. Of the 92 shows she’s been a part of she’s being such an important part of my work and my life. seen a wide array of musical comedy, but she counts CHILDREN OF EDEN, SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN, RAGTIME and THE FULL MONTY among her favorites. Mary is currently BYRON J. BATISTA (Wig/Hair/Makeup Designer) HAIRSPRAY (Hollywood Bowl, Moonlight Amphitheatre, accepting bribes to keep from making public some of the First National Tour), LES MISÉRABLES (Hollywood Bowl), I stories she’s heard over the years. If this applies to you LOVE LUCY, LIVE! (Greenway Court), JEKYLL AND HYDE and you’re short on cash, anything pumpkin will do. (Sturgis Center), BABY, IT’S YOU, STORMY WEATHER 17 Musical Theatre West Star Supporters Musical Theatre West gratefully recognizes the following donors who have helped us support our mission this past season. (Those listed have contributed $50 or more between September 1, 2010 and August 31, 2011) HONORARY LIFETIME PATRONS Charles & Mary Hanson, Whittier Beverly Harris, Whittier GUARANTOR Ackerman Family/Evalyn M. Bauer Foundation, Long Beach Arts Council for Long Beach Carpenter Performing Arts Center, Long Beach Musical Theatre West Footlighters Fred & Charlene Gamm, Huntington Beach Musical Theatre West Guild Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Ken & Dottie Reiner, Long Beach BENEFACTOR Kathryn Baker Campbell, Huntington Beach Howard & Elaine Davis, Long Beach Estate of Sara Wenkle Kaplan Mary Ellen Kilsby, Claremont Long Beach Press Telegram Seaside Printing, Long Beach Arlene Solomon & Sidney Schulman, Long Beach Virginia M. Waters Trust SPONSOR Steven Moyer, Aloha Restaurants, Irvine Patti Beckman, Irvine Bradford Portraits, Costa Mesa Cindy Costello, Long Beach Forbidden City, Long Beach Gazette Newspapers, Long Beach Dr. Donald J. Greco & Terry Marté Greco, Long Beach Amanda & Jon Hall, Long Beach Don & Julie Knabe, Cerritos Lucia Kos, Long Beach Craig & Deborah McManigal, Ontario Joe & Edna Moore, Hacienda Heights Richard Neri & Kurt Schulzman, Long Beach Wagner Kitchen and Bath Design Center, Long Beach Joan Wells, Long Beach Dr. Sandy & Susanna Witzling, Long Beach CELEBRITY Anonymous Ann Tyler Allen, Long Beach Don & Judy McNulty Black, Seal Beach Barbara Blackwell, Long Beach Steve & Frances Conley, Cupertino Patricia J. DeRouen, Cypress Dr. Wayne & Karen Freeman, Long Beach Lenore Garman, Laguna Beach Paul Garman, Laguna Beach Anne & Denne Goldstein, Encino Patricia Grisham & George Kent, Reno, NV Sheldon & Shell Whitney Grossman, Huntington Beach Liz Handley, Long Beach Bill & Pauline Henry, Santa Monica Mari Hooper, Long Beach Keesal, Young, & Logan, Long Beach Len & Tommye Lovett, Long Beach Judith Matsen, Buena Park Ron & Lorie Moran, Long Beach Larry & Shari Nemirow, Seal Beach Edward Parker, Los Angeles Peter & Marian Pincombe, Long Beach Patricia Price, Mammoth Lakes Doug, Cathy & Tess Richie, Long Beach Jacquelyn Riegel, Laguna Beach Earl Shea, Seal Beach Marc & Sybil Tamaroff, Huntington Beach Don & Marlene Temple, Long Beach David & Myra Weiss, Whittier STAR Anonymous James Allen, Bellflower Tom & Donna Bennett, Long Beach Jim & Kellie Bieber, San Clemente Rosemarie Boll, Cerritos Kozell & Sally Boren, Long Beach James & Liz Breslauer, Long Beach Bunim-Murray Productions, Van Nuys Allen B. Cagle, MD, Whittier Jim & Melanie Choura, Lakewood Cecil & Beverly Cook, Long Beach Gary & Judy Cooper, Long Beach Lucy Daggett, Long Beach Bob & Janice Dominguez, Long Beach Bob & Nancy Foster, Long Beach Janice Foster, Long Beach Carlos & Esperanza Garcia, Hacienda Heights Mel & Gary Gerber, Laguna Niguel Thomas & Susan Gillespie, Long Beach Dr. Robert & Susan Green, Lakewood Jerry & Jean Green, Long Beach Stuart & Adrienne Green, Long Beach Mary Lu Hauser, Long Beach Chris & Michele Hoff, Huntington Beach Jim & Marjorie Howard, Hacienda Heights Jet Blue Airways, Long Beach Gene & LeAnn Johnson, Long Beach Carole Jones, Long Beach Laura Killingsworth, Long Beach Betty Anne Kirkpatrick, Long Beach Nancy Koblensky, Los Alamitos Mike & Janis Krantz, Long Beach Louise Lakoff, Long Beach Alexander & Marnos Lelesi, Long Beach Latoria Liams, Long Beach Mel & Marian Locke, Hacienda Heights Long Beach Convention & Visitors Bureau Dave & Judi McMahon, Long Beach Richard & Gigi Fusco Meese, Long Beach Rita Michener, Long Beach John Montgomery, Whittier Terry & Irene Mulholland, Lakewood Kenneth & Sherrill Overfield, Long Beach Susan Rose, Long Beach Lesley Scheller, Long Beach Janice & Bary Schlieder, Long Beach Robert Sciortino, Long Beach Seaport Village, Avalon Ken & Cheryl Simpson, Orange Ann Sines, Long Beach Hank & Marcia Snapper, Long Beach Bob & Donna Sobel, Long Beach Jacques & Sally Sopkin, Newport Beach Henry & Julia Taboada, Long Beach Garrett & Marjorie TeWinkle, Seal Beach Judge Judith A. & Leo Vander Lans, Long Beach Avalee Ann Wagner, Long Beach Betty Webster, Signal Hill KC Wilson, Laguna Beach Dr. & Mrs. George Wong, Jr., Westminster Arch & Janet Young, Long Beach LEADING ROLE Robert & Cynthia Adams, Irvine Advanced Wellness Center, Long Beach Claudia Albert, Garden Grove Jeff Asher, Encino Balboa Bay Club, Newport Beach Linda Barnett, Anaheim Robert & Donna Betts, Long Beach Shari Bischof, Huntington Beach Margo Bishop-Kluth, San Clemente Dr. Myron J. & Paula Bloom, Long Beach Robert & Marty Bolling, Seal Beach David & Virginia Bousquet, Fullerton Ron Brunner, Long Beach Richard & Martha Bushnell, Mission Viejo Patricia & Glenn Carey, Fullerton Roxane Carvajal, Long Beach Joseph & Kathleen Casanova, Long Beach Craig & Sharon Chidester, Reno, NV Mark & Lisa Cochrane, Long Beach Dale Barnett & Norma Cowles, Huntington Beach Gary Delong, Long Beach Janice DeRouen, Cypress George & Gloria Deukmejian, Long Beach Jerome & Donna Dominguez, Seal Beach Eva Dover, Mission Viejo DR. PHIL Show, Hollywood Jack & Dawn Duncan, Long Beach Kinde Durkee and John Forgy, Long Beach Judith Edson, Long Beach Barry & Pam Ehrreich, Huntington Beach Sam Elias, Santa Monica Ronald & Alice Enyeart, Sedona, AZ Farmers & Merchants Bank, Long Beach Flowers by Vickie, Long Beach Claus & Cheryl Fuerth-Marx, Long Beach Ned & Barbara Gaylord, Long Beach Karin Gill, Lakewood Michael Grant, Long Beach John & Anna Guerriero, Hacienda Heights William & Sheila Hanley, Long Beach In Memory of Larry Hansell, Seal Beach Mae Hansell, Seal Beach Ken & Sue Hawkes, Whittier Michael & Diane Henshall, Long Beach Mrs. John Higginson, Long Beach Sue Holleman, Bridgewater, NJ Marjorie Holmes, Long Beach Hotel Vitale, Long Beach Colleen Johnson, Long Beach Michael Repp & Joe Justo, Long Beach Leslie & Aaron Kern, Seal Beach KI Aesthetics, Irvine Rose Marie Kimmerle, Long Beach Gary & Rebecca Kirkpatrick, Sherman Oaks John & Joan Knight, Long Beach Patricia Kono, Seattle, WA The Laguna Playhouse, Laguna Beach Cast Profiles ALLISON PARAISO (Brenda) Allison is thrilled to be performing again with MTW. Credits include CAROUSEL (Reprise!), Long Beach Symphony Orchestra’s HOLIDAY CELEBRATION, MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS (MTW), KISS ME, KATE (CCPA), and SMOKEY JOE’S CAFÉ (CCPA), and many benefit shows such as: S.T.A.G.E. (AIDS benefit), Broadway In The Park (MTW), Broadway Under the Stars (Reprise!), Children’s Hospital of Orange County and St. Jude’s. She also has been a part of Mt. SAC’s Repertory Dance Company for three years, in which she was invited to perform in the gala of the American College Dance Festival, and took first place at the 13th annual Dance Under the Stars (Palm Desert). Much thanks to Lee, Mummy, and Henry, of course! Xoxo NEIL STARKENBERG (Fender) Neil is a graduate from Cal State Fullerton with a BFA in Musical Theatre and is so grateful to be a part of such an amazing show and cast. Recently seen as Link in HAIRSPRAY at The Moonlight Amphitheater, THE WEDDING SINGER at MTW, Michael in SMOKEY JOE’S CAFÉ, or Roger in RENT, and Monty in VIOLET at CSUF. He’s performed with Earth, Wind and Fire and The Steve Miller Band at the Honda Center and various shows at The Disneyland Resort. Thanks to my family, and friends for all their support. Enjoy! CLAY STEFANKI (Brad) Clay is thrilled to be making his Musical Theatre West debut with such an amazing cast and show. Clay's recent credits include: Moonlight: HAIRSPRAY (Brad, u/s Link), OKLAHOMA! (Dream Curly), 42ND STREET, GUYS & DOLLS; Cabrillo Music Theatre: WHITE CHRISTMAS; Other: CABARET (Cliff), and ANYTHING GOES. Clay is a graduate of UCLA Ray Bolger Musical Theatre Program. Special thanks to friends, family, and teachers for all their support, as well as the HAIRSPRAY production team for this great opportunity. VERONICA STEVENS (Tammy) Veronica is ecstatic to be joining the Musical Theatre West family with HAIRSPRAY. Previously seen in HAIRSPRAY at the Moonlight Amphitheatre this summer, some of her favorite credits include THE PRODUCERS as a Producer Babe, CRAZY FOR YOU as Mitzi, A CHORUS LINE as Judy Turner and 42ND STREET. To my family and friends, I love you all and enjoy the show! MUSICAL THEATRE WEST •Enriches the cultural life of the community through musical theater; •Preserves musical theater as a unique American art form; •Cultivates and educates the audience of tomorrow through education and outreach programs. Musical Theatre West is a California 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation and all donations are tax-deductible. 18 11 Cast Profiles ANTHONY CHATMON II (Ensemble) Anthony is jumping with joy to be making his MTW debut with this amazing cast and team of HAIRSPRAY. He was recently at PCPA doing HAIRSPRAY and working with Stephen Schwartz on his American Premiere of MY FAIRYTALE. Other shows include: WEST SIDE STORY, LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS, A CHORUS LINE and FOOTLOOSE. He will be receiving his BFA in Musical Theatre this spring from UC Irvine and will be seen this winter in UCI’s production of HELLO AGAIN. He would like to his parents, granny, sisters, Dennis, Myrona, Gary and everyone at MTW for making this all possible. CHESTER LOCKHART (IQ) Chester Lockhart is absolutely giddy to be making his MTW debut! Theatre: ALL SHOOK UP (3-D Theatricals), HAIRSPRAY, MISS SAIGON, & OKLAHOMA! (Moonlight), BRIGADOON (Fullerton Civic Light Opera), A CHRISTMAS CAROL (Welk Resort). TV/Film: “In Time” (20th Century Fox), “Victorious” (Nickelodeon). Chester is so grateful for the wonderful friends and family that support him and for YOU for supporting the arts! WERK! JEREMY LUCAS (Sketch) AEA/SAG/AFTRA. Aaron - CHICAGO (International Tour), Action - WEST SIDE STORY (50th Anniversary Cast - 5th Avenue Theatre, Fullerton CLO, Central City Opera), Emcee - CABARET (McCadden Theatre), Philip - LITTLE BLACK VEIL (Ruby @ Complex), Rohde - THREE SISTERS (Gene Bua Theatre), Tig - BALM IN GILEAD (Sunset/Gardner Stages); Award Nominations: CHICAGO (Ovation-Best Choreographer), A BUG, FROG, DOG, LOG, & AESOP (Artistic Director Achievement-Best Actor); Film/TV: IMDB him! Co-Founder: Jaxx Theatricals, Inc. ( Thanks: MTW for this exhilarating return to the stage and YOU for supporting live theatre! Dedications: Jules, Joe, JETS, Dawg, Mamamia, Coca-Coley, & Auntie M. KAMILAH MARSHALL (Dynamite) Kamilah just finished touring this summer supporting GLEE’s Matthew Morrison. Theatre Credits include Broadway: The Original Broadway Cast of HAIRSPRAY (Dynamite), RENT (Joanne) and Disney’s THE LION KING at The Pantages Theatre. Marshall has backed up Bette Midler as a Staggering Harlette on tours of the U.S. and Australia as well as a two-year run at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. Marshall can be heard on the soundtrack of “Sex and the City 2.” Her debut solo album, Gypsy Moonshine is available on iTunes. Kamilah thanks her friends and family for supporting and much love to her husband. MTW Star Supporters (continued) Dwayne & Karen Larson, Long Beach Richard & Barbara Lederer, Long Beach Don & Beverly Lohmeyer, Laguna Hills Long Beach Opera, Long Beach Long Beach Symphony Orchestra, Long Beach Pamela Mah, Long Beach Burt & Norma Marter, Long Beach Ted & Mary May, Lakewood Lavonne McQuilkin, Long Beach Meredith Meals, Long Beach Scott & Mary Mighell, Long Beach Scott Mighell & Vicky O`Rear, Shreveport Duane & Dona Morris, Westminster Jane Netherton, Long Beach Robert & Janet Osborn, Balboa Island John & Antoinette Palazzo, Placentia Murray Palitz, Long Beach Carolyn Powers, Long Beach George & Beverle Ray, Cerritos Dr. S.T. Stagg III & Anne Relph, Laguna Beach Larry & Sande Rice, Long Beach Shirley Rich, Long Beach Jaime Nemirow Rideaux, Seal Beach Jackie Riegel, Laguna Beach Dennis & Diane Schmitz, Long Beach Ted & Shirley Schnee, Lakewood Securitas Security, Anaheim Jim & Lisa Sinsheimer, Huntington Beach In Memory of Jerry G. Smith, Glendale Jean Bixby Smith, Long Beach Patricia Smith, Montebello Bill & Bonnie Stoeppelman, San Pedro Janet Sugawara, Cerritos Kathy Terry, Cypress Doris Topsy-Elvord, Long Beach Dr. & Mrs. Richard Wigod, Long Beach Wynne Wilson, Long Beach FEATURED ROLE Mary Baker, Los Alamitos Carole Berkner, Long Beach Pam Bloxham, South Gate Richard Boberg, Rolling Hills Estates Virginia Bolten, Seal Beach Bernice Bornstein, La Habra Lois Bourgon, Manhattan Beach Phyllis Bowles, Anaheim Barry & Dianne Bradfield, Lakewood Michelle Brenner, Huntington Beach Broadway LA, Los Angeles Adele Brown, Seal Beach Brian Alan Brown, Long Beach Karen Brown, Trabuco Canyon Mary Butts, Huntington Beach Shirley & Michael Callan, Long Beach Catie Campion, Long Beach Sam Cavanaugh, Fullerton Myrna Chessmore, Long Beach Beverly Culbertson, Long Beach S. L. Curtis, Long Beach Jake & Judy De Ruyter, Long Beach Gary & Dawna DeLong, Long Beach Robert & Tamara Dienstag, Seal Beach Jack & Judy Elder, Long Beach Jannis Faller, West Covina Martha Fierce, Lakewood Brad Fitzgerald, San Pedro Nancy Fuller, Long Beach Maxine Gallagher, Redondo Beach Karen Gallagher-Dennen, San Juan Capistrano Janet & William Gerhardt, Long Beach Joanna Ginsberg, Long Beach Willie & Carmen Goffney, Long Beach Rose Marie Gomez, Long Beach Mary Griley, Long Beach John & La Vonne Hamilton, Long Beach John & Elizabeth Hancock, Long Beach Louise Healow, Kirkland, WA Jaclyn Tilley Hill, Long Beach Hilton Hotels, Emeryville Hotel Current, Long Beach The Hyatt Regency Orange County, Garden Grove Eleanor Johnson, Long Beach Sharon Kinard, La Mirada Bob & Ilse Kirste, San Pedro Mary Lou Klar, Long Beach John & Joan Knight, Long Beach Wilann Korth, Long Beach Maria La Grass, Lakewood Reno Littman, Palm Desert Barbara Litton, Ventura Joyce Lodato, Cypress Marlene Madsen, Seal Beach Gail Mandell, Seal Beach Cynthia Martin, Aliso Viejo Michael & Dorothy McDermott, Long Beach John Wolczenski & Cheryl McNulty, Long Beach EMILY MITCHELL (Dynamite) Emily Mitchell is delighted to be performing in HAIRSPRAY again after having performed in the Broadway Company Production. Emily has shared the stage with musical greats such as Gladys Knight, Debbie Allen, Tony Bennett, and her favorite past productions include HAIR, DREAMGIRLS, AIDA, AIN’T MISBEHAVIN’, and GODSPELL. She holds a Masters Degree in Musical Theatre from San Diego State University, is an educator at the Orange County High School of the Performing Arts, and a director with The Arts and Learning Conservatory. She is blessed to have a wonderful fiancé, and amazing family and friends who have supported her every step of the way! TIANA OKOYE (Dynamite) Tiana is honored to do her first show with Musical Theatre West. She is a third year musical theater student at UCLA where she has performed in RENT and ELEKTRA. Tiana has also trained at the CAP21 Musical Theater program in New York. Outside credits include vocal recordings at Abbey Road Studios in London and Capitol Records in Hollywood. She has performed in the Candlelight Pavilion’s productions of 42ND STREET and HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL as Taylor McKessie. Tiana would like to thank her mother, Lauren, and father, Christian, for their enduring support and those supportive friendships developed along the journey! 10 19 Anonymous, Yorba Linda Tally Mintie, Long Beach Musical Theatre Guild, Los Angeles Bill & Mary Lou Nicolai, Long Beach Norris Center for the Performing Arts, Rolling Hills Estates Shirley & John Nyquist, Long Beach Beverly & William O`Neill, Long Beach Richard Odle, Long Beach Roxanne Patmor, Long Beach Don & Brenda Penrod, Long Beach Wayne & Yolanda Perry, Torrance Carolyn Pryor, Cypress Lynette Rausch, Long Beach Rejuve Nation, Long Beach Peggy Reno, Bowie, MD Judy Robertson, Long Beach Frederich Roos, Cerritos Helene Rose, Long Beach Robin Rouse, Aliso Viejo Robert & Mary Pat Sabol, Long Beach Mary Seneker, Long Beach Ethel Severson, Long Beach Betty Shaw, Long Beach Brad & Judy Silverman, Trabuco Canyon Myrna & Leonard Simon, Long Beach Dave & Cindy Skovgard, Long Beach Clara Smith, Los Alamitos Dianna Srock, Roseville, MI Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stahl, Long Beach Joseph & Gwenn Steins, Los Angeles Pat Stubbs, Seal Beach Christine Swanson, Arcadia Daniel Thomas, Long Beach Bryan Graulich & Leslie Tinarro, Lakewood Kathy Verdugo, La Habra Lorraine Ward, Long Beach Paul & Margie Weiss, Huntington Beach The Westin Long Beach, Long Beach Kay Wittmack, Dana Point Daryl & Mary Anne Wozniak, Long Beach Jerry Wulk, Long Beach UNDERSTUDY Katrina Abbott, San Diego Seymour & Reva Alban, Long Beach American Cinematheque, Los Angeles Janet Anwyl, Huntington Beach Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach MTW Star Supporters (continued) Arthur Murray Dance Studio, Long Beach Kamran Assadi, Long Beach Jeff Austin, Canoga Park Terry & Diane Beeman, Anaheim Teresa & Dr. Edward Behnke, M.D., Whittier Carol Bellmaine, Long Beach Jan & Tom Binckes, Huntington Beach Bud Bisbee, Long Beach Marilyn Bittle, Long Beach G. C. Brafford, Santa Ana Linda Brayton, Long Beach Pat & David Brinker, Buena Park Linda Brown, St. Louis, MO Cathryn Campbell, Long Beach Brenda Carpenter, Long Beach Grace Carroll, Long Beach Dayvee Carrothers, Lakewood Joyce Carter, Long Beach Terry Clarke, San Juan Capistrano Duane Clizbe, Fullerton Bill & Sharon Coleman, Long Beach The Comedy and Magic Club, Hermosa Beach Barbara Cotler, Long Beach Claire Davis, Culver City Roxann Davis, Seal Beach Paul Diego, Long Beach Tom Larson & Don Donan, Lakewood Ronald & Janice Dong, Los Gatos Patricia Dowd, Long Beach Marylou Dunn, Long Beach Barbara Eckert, Seal Beach Stephanie Enright, Rolling Hills Pat Estrellas, Anaheim Brian & Kathy Evans, Long Beach Larry Ewaska & Gary Naramore, Long Beach Sandra & Gerry Facon, Long Beach Barbara Farr, Rancho Palos Verdes Barnett Feldman, Long Beach Beverly Findley, Torrance Roy & Gladys Flair, Long Beach Dave & Barbara Flanders, Yorba Linda M. Lynn Forrester & In Memory of Bob Baier, Seal Beach Tord & Nancy Fuhrman, Long Beach Arnold & Cherie Gamboa, Anaheim Lydia Gamboa, Pico Rivera Charles Garcia, Rossmoor Doris Garvin, Costa Mesa James & Dolores Gibson, Lakewood Robert & Phyllis Goodwin, Long Beach Allegra Gordon, Fullerton Phylis Gordon, Huntington Beach Joyce Govin, Huntington Beach The Greek Theatre, Los Angeles Marvell Gum, Long Beach Paul Gutierrez, Long Beach Don & Barbara L. Hall, Lakewood Evelyn Halus - Vocal Therapy and Technique, Los Angeles Ann Hanson, Long Beach Charles R. Hart, Jr. Family, Los Angeles Van Hartley, Huntington Beach Jack Hasama, San Pedro Marilyn Hauser, Long Beach Robert Hedley, Long Beach Jane Hendrixson, La Habra Chris Henry, Long Beach Diane Herriges, Orange Ron & Charlyn Hoover, Long Beach Dale & Johanne Huffaker, Cathedral City Dale Hurtubise, Long Beach Bill & Kathleen Johnson, Long Beach Bob Jones, Long Beach Dr. Eric & Nancy Kaplan, Long Beach Nancy Kasabali, Huntington Beach Dr. Keith G. Kato, Alta Loma Dr. Kay & Arleen Kawahara, Montebello Beth Keely, Cerritos Raymond & Eleanor Kelso, Long Beach Bill & Yvonne Kirkendall, Garden Grove Irena Kohn, Long Beach Ann & James Kresl, Long Beach Walt & Lois Kuencer, Long Beach Michael Lelesi, Buena Park Martin Levitt, Jamie Smith & Bea Frankel, Upland Bob & Betty Lindgren, Long Beach Joe & Natalie Lissak, Lakewood Jerome & Flora Loeb, Long Beach Long Beach Ballet Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra David Makima, San Diego Bob & Carolyn Maney, Long Beach Tom & Elaine Marks, Long Beach Leslee Martin, Los Alamitos Allen & Emily McAuley, Huntington Beach McKenna's on the Bay, Long Beach Ruth McLeod, Palm Desert Gerald McManigal, Santa Barbara James & Carolyn McManigal, Carmichael Glenn & Billie McNeal, Long Beach Ralph Mindess & Jane Rice-Mindess, Los Alamitos Harry & Liz Minor, Long Beach Murad, Inc, El Segundo Ron & Kara Nelson, Long Beach Susie Newman, Lakewood Michael & Sharron Nott, Long Beach Wallace O`Leary, Fallbrook Edward & Elizabeth Ogle, Orange Ronald & Kay Owens, San Clemente Pageant of the Masters, Laguna Beach Eric Peterson, Bellflower Frances Pianelli, Long Beach Suzanne Doyle Powell, Long Beach William & Gail Quan, Whittier Erin Quigley, Los Angeles Dick and Carol Ramseyer, Seal Beach Skip & Lorna Rowland, Long Beach Thomas & Joy Rybolt, Huntington Beach Megan Salisbury, Long Beach Bea Schneider, Seal Beach Schooner or Later, Long Beach Keith & Susan Schulberg, Long Beach Iris Schutz, Long Beach David & Donna Schwien, Seal Beach SeaWorld San Diego, Sheraton Hotel, Los Angeles Bob & Kandice Sherwood, Long Beach Ralph & Jan Simonian, Long Beach Cheryl Smith, Orange Dick & Kathleen Smith, Laguna Niguel Doris Soriano, Westminster Miriam Strickler, Huntington Beach Dr. Michael & Hilda Sugarman, Fullerton John & Lin Sumpter, Long Beach Catherine Terry, La Habra Heights Ethel & Sam Tesser, Seal Beach Tina Tessina, Long Beach Jacqueline Thacker, Long Beach Thomasina Thomson, Long Beach Sheryl Troeger, Seal Beach Bob & Pat Turansick, Long Beach Ultrazone Laser Tag, Sherman Oaks Christine Uriu, Rancho Palos Verdes Utopia Restaurant, Long Beach Bette Van Rossum, Long Beach Kenneth & Sharon Varden, South Pasadena Alden & Lucy M. Wadleigh, Fredonia, AZ William Weingartner, Long Beach Linda Watson Wheeler Family, Long Beach Jann Whisenant, Los Alamitos Arthur White, Westminster Loyd and Ginnie Wilcox, Long Beach Becky & Roger Wyatt, Seal Beach Karen Wyrick, Long Beach Ron & Gene Yaffee, Seal Beach Richard & Mary Zern, Long Beach Patricia Zieg Horn, Long Beach CHORUS Norma Abu-Dayyeh, Long Beach Alamitos Bay Yarn Co., Long Beach Jack & Marie Alanen, Long Beach Joy Aldrich, Dana Point Grace Alexander, Long Beach Donald Allen, Buena Park Terry Anderson, Long Beach Sharon & Dirk Aoto, Seal Beach Jerry Arnold & Gene Ross, Montebello Harold & Dorothy Ashworth, Anaheim Beverly August, Long Beach Genevieve & Peter August, Kealakekua, HI Avi Resort and Casino , Laughlin, NV Rob & Marilynn Bachmann, Lakewood Jeanne Badgley, Long Beach Carole Ball, La Mirada Sue Baltazar, Anaheim Albert & Vicki Barilla, Long Beach Ed Barwick, Long Beach Elinore Bates-Petoletti, Seal Beach Roger & Jacque Bauer, Long Beach Paula Bawden, Lakewood Walter & Sharon Beedle, Fullerton Claire Beekman, Long Beach Janice Belk, Huntington Beach Bella Hair Designers, Los Alamitos Yolanda Flora Benavidez, Long Beach Blanche Benisek, Los Alamitos Norman & Nikki Benson, Signal Hill Kay Berg, Long Beach Kenneth & Jackie Berger, Long Beach Margaret Berger, Long Beach Robert Bermingham, Arcadia Mary Betzner, Long Beach Dana Bialowas, Fullerton Francis & Judy Billedeaux, Fullerton Bixby Knolls Car Wash, Long Beach Anne Black, Long Beach Shirley Black, Seal Beach Alanna Blaney, Hermosa Beach Cast Profiles TODRICK D. HALL (Seaweed J. Stubbs) Todrick is stoked to return to the Musical Theatre West family. Best known as a finalist on “American Idol” or from one of his many viral YouTube videos, Hall is no stranger to the theatre. His credits include THE COLOR PURPLE on Broadway, MEMPHIS, HAIRSPRAY at the Hollywood Bowl, THE RADIO CITY CHRISTMAS SPECTACULAR, and DISNEY’S BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. Hall would like to thank God, his Mom, his family, Savage Agency, Bloc Agency, Sheena, Blair, Ashley, Pat Carthel, Liz & Bernie for their love and support. Special thanks to Steve and Larry for this for this awesome opportunity. This performance is dedicated to my Grandma Ethel, may she watch proudly from somewhere over the rainbow. LAUREN SMOLKA (Amber Von Tussle) Musical Theatre West Debut! Lauren spent this past summer playing Amber Von Tussle at Moonlight Stage Productions, and is ecstatic to be appearing in HAIRSPRAY again with many of those same performers. Past favorite credits include, RAGTIME (Evelyn Nesbit); ALL SHOOK UP (Miss Sandra); ASSASSINS (Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme); THE WIZARD OF OZ (Wicked Witch of the West). Other credits include: LITTLE WOMEN with Centre Stage Academy (Aunt March); CHICAGO at Citrus College and HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL at the Candlelight Pavilion. Lauren was chosen as a top 20 finalist to compete in The Valley’s Got Talent. Aside from holding the title as Miss Southern California Regional, she is currently attending Azusa Pacific University where she is earning a BA in Theatre. Lauren would like to thank her family and friends, who continue to love and support her in everything she does. - Philippians 4:13 CHYKA JACKSON (Little Inez) Chyka was born on September 12, 1990 and is from Claremont. She was first bitten with the entertainment bug at the young age of 5, after having her first voice recital, and she never looked back. Chyka attended a performing arts high school where she was introduced to the world of musical theater. After graduation, she attended The American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA) where she attained a Bachelor in Fine Arts. Chyka is versed in vocal music, dance and theater. Soon after graduating, Chyka was blessed with the opportunity to perform in HAIRSPRAY at the Hollywood Bowl alongside greats such as: Jerry Mitchell, Harvey Fierstein, Corbin Bleu, Nick Jonas and many more. Chyka is very excited to reprise her role as Little Inez here at Musical Theatre West. JP SARRO (Male Authority Figure) JP is excited to be making his Musical Theatre West debut! Regional: HAIRSPRAY (Theatre By the Sea), MAN OF LA MANCHA (Theatre By the Sea), TALES FROM HOLLYWOOD by Christopher Hampton (Critic’s Pick: L.A. Times and Backstage West), THE ODD COUPLE (Oscar Madison), CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF, URINETOWN, THE SECRET GARDEN, William Shakespeare’s AS YOU LIKE IT, BORN TIRED (Official Selection: Eugene O’Neill Festival). Film/TV: “Top Gearheads,” “Our Show” (Dir. Larry Charles), “Party City,” “Unusual Suspects,” “Garage Band.” Love to Nicole, Mom and Dad! KARLA J. FRANKO (Female Authority Figure) Karla is returning to MTW, having first appeared in NEVER GONNA DANCE in 2006, where she played Miss Tattersol. Recent credits include WHITE CHRISTMAS (Martha Watson) at Cabrillo Music Theatre, EVITA at Broadway at the Gardens, SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN (Dora Bailey) at Performance Riverside, URINETOWN (Miss Pennywise), and ANNIE (Candlelight). She has choreographed over 30 shows and boasts that her claim to fame was that she was director Larry Raben’s first choreographer! Her mid-life career change to teaching has her adjuncting in the two areas of her passion…theatre arts and religion/philosophy. She is Founder/Artistic Director of Standing Room Only, a youth and community performing arts training organization affiliated with Victor Valley College in the High Desert. For mom…forever my biggest fan. 20 9 MTW Star Supporters (continued) Bobby Van's Steakhouse, New York, NY Graham & Mary Bothwell, Pasadena Robert & Jacquelyn Bowman, San Dimas Robert Boyd, San Gabriel Gary & Vicky Breese, Lomita Gerald & Iona Bresnahan, Westminster James & Margaret Brewer, Anaheim Karen Briggs, Long Beach Oliver & Lisa Brooks, Lakewood Doug & Judy Brown, Roseville Matt Browning, Los Angeles Kathleen Brunner, Long Beach Bucci's, Emeryville Brooks Burkhalter, Long Beach John Butchko, Costa Mesa Tom & Susan Buttera, Huntington Beach Sharon Butterfield, Orange Cabrillo Music Center, Thousand Oaks Café un deax trios, New York, NY Shirley Callan, Long Beach Robert Campbell, Huntington Beach Blanche Cannady, Long Beach Diana Carroll, Seal Beach Carole Carson, Scottsdale, AZ Theodore Carter, Long Beach Valerie & Robert Carter, Lakewood Joan & George Casares, Seal Beach Ken & Norma Casford, Whittier Pat & Chuck Cassaday, Long Beach Center Theatre Group , Los Angeles Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts Sakae & Bilin Chang, Laguna Beach Leonard Chartier, Long Beach Jacquelyne Childs, Lakewood Andrew Choy, Seal Beach Ivan & Emily Chronister, Long Beach City National Grove of Anaheim, Anaheim Richard Clemons, Laguna Beach Cloud Mover Day Spa, Huntington Beach Harriet Clouse, Whittier The Clubhouse at Anaheim Hills Golf Course Charlotte Cochrane, Los Alamitos Michael Cohn, Rancho Palos Verdes Edward Conrad, Lakewood Peggi Correia, Fountain Valley Creative Cakery, Long Beach D' Aquino Winery, Duarte Allie Daniels, Paramount Henrietta Daniels, Long Beach Greg & Ann Davis, Buena Park Mrs Monte Davis, Long Beach Kee De Boer, Los Alamitos Dorothy Deatherage, Long Beach Gwen and Ruel Del Castillo, Irvine Lilian Dendrinos, Huntington Beach Maryan Derry, Long Beach Miles & Dolores Devine, Long Beach William Dickinson, Santa Ana Rosemarie Dicsko, VISTA Donna M. Dietz, Seal Beach Susan Dill, Huntington Beach Gloria Dollins, Downey Jerry Donevant, Seal Beach Doris Donohoe, Long Beach Joanne Echevarria, Lakewood Barbara Eckert, Seal Beach Kathy & Bill Edwards, Long Beach El Portal Restaurant, Pasadena Elements Kitchen, Pasadena Kathleen Elkins, Seal Beach Donna English, Lakewood Robert & Terry Erickson, Seal Beach Barbara Fehrenbach, Coto De Caza Joyce & Hayley Feldman, Long Beach Gabriel & Ernestine Fernety, Long Beach Gloria Ferry, Huntington Beach Edward Ficarra, Long Beach Terry and Elizabeth Fiskin, Long Beach Mary Ann Fitzpatrick, Long Beach Tibor & Charl Foki, Long Beach Tim & Janet Foley, Rancho Palos Verdes Kinde Forgy, Long Beach Sara Forster, Los Alamitos Barbara Foster, San Pedro Jackie Francis, San Clemente La Moyne Freed, Long Beach Bernice Friedland, Seal Beach Janice & Clarence Fuqua, Seal Beach Barbara Gallegos, Huntington Beach Miriam Garland, Long Beach Jennifer Garner, Hacienda Heights Lynn & Nanci Gee, Long Beach Geffen Playhouse, Los Angeles Ruth Gerber, Newport Beach Alex& Georgia Gilderman, Huntington Beach Mike Gillespie, Nancy Glenn, Long Beach Ron & Sandra Glickman, Westminster David & Dorothy Glynn, Long Beach Goldstar Events, Altadena Golf N' Stuff, Norwalk Gary & Becky Goltra, Bellflower James & Susan Good, Yorba Linda Shirley & Arthur Gottlieb, Long Beach Margaret Gould, Los Altos Tom Griep, Los Angeles Robert & Joan Gross, Long Beach Warren & Dee Gruenig, Dana Point Craig Gump, Santa Ana Sharon & Lynn Hamilton, Seal Beach Ralph & Mary Hand, Long Beach Patty Hansen, Long Beach Mary Hanson, Whittier Donald & Carol Hardwick, Newport Beach Beverly Harris, Whittier Iris Harris, Whittier Joyce C. Harris, Long Beach Marion Harrison, Huntington Beach Arline M. Harsh, Bellflower Dr. Ronald & Sylvia Hartman, Lakewood William and Mary Hawk, Pasadena Betty Healy, Long Beach Donna Heckenlaible, La Mirada Mel Heckman, Huntington Beach Richard & Monica Heckman, Westminster Chuck & Nancy Hegelheimer, Long Beach Bernard & Jeane Hein, Garden Grove Cynthia Heistand, Los Angeles Eleanore Helvin, La Mirada Barbara Hennessy, Long Beach Jordan Hermansader, Long Beach Craig & Diana Herron, La Habra Heights Cheryl and Raymond Hiland, Long Beach Ron & Grace Hinders, Torrance Richard Hochberg, M.D., Long Beach Chris Hogan, Long Beach Sandra Hollandsworth, Long Beach Bonnie Hopper, Rochester, NH Hornblower Cruises and Events, San Diego Robert and Viola Hoting, Long Beach The House of Blues Anaheim, Anaheim Dr. Glenn & Joyce Howard, Long Beach Heidi Hummel-Grant, Westminster Joseph Hunt, Long Beach Huntington Beach Art Center, Huntington Beach The Huntington Beach Playhouse Jack & Mary Jo Huntsinger, Long Beach In-Out-Burger, Irvine iO West, Hollywood George & Gwyneth Irwin, Seal Beach Island Packers, Ventura J & L Jewelry, Long Beach Kathleen Jardine, Brea Becky Jenks, Seal Beach David & Barbara Joel, Long Beach John Anson Ford Theatres, Los Angeles Judy Johnson, Long Beach Maryn Kaczorowski, Long Beach Steve & Shirley Kahn, Seal Beach Ruth Padway Kaller, Seal Beach Wallace Kaneshiro, La Palma Teachers of Los Angeles Unified School District, Cypress Betty Keller, Long Beach Joseph Kelly, Long Beach Sam & Donna Kelly, Garden Grove John Kendall, Seal Beach Mary Keown-Watkins & David Watkins, Laguna Beach Mr. & Mrs. Keys, Long Beach Bud & Merna Klecker, Garden Grove Shirley Klein, Long Beach Ted & Barbara Klein, Long Beach Philip & Vera Klinkert, Long Beach Max Klotzsche, Orange Lauren Knapp, Garden Grove Cordell & Janet Krabbenhoft, Anaheim Don Krokus, Signal Hill 22 James & Theresa Kruger, Palos Verdes Estates Sharon & Arnold Kushner, Rolling Hills Estates Harry & Linda Kusuda, Cerritos La Jolla Playhouse, La Jolla Robert & Eleanor Lake, Los Angeles Cynthia LaMotte, Huntington Beach Hank & Bonnie Landsberg, Sierra Madre Bob & Audrey Langslet, Long Beach Dorothy Lantz, Long Beach Karen Larson, Costa Mesa David & Mary Ann Lebow, La Mirada Karen & Larry Lee, Long Beach David Leib, Irene Leib, Lakewood Carl Leong, Whittier Lois Levine, Westminster Robert & Hannah Levine, Los Alamitos Charles Lewis, Laguna Woods Gary Lewis, Laguna Woods Robert & Linda Lewis, Anaheim Joe & Chris Libeu, Long Beach William Linder, Long Beach Joan Lindsey, Long Beach Long Beach Museum of Art, Long Beach Long Beach Playhouse, Long Beach Dr. & Mrs. James Loos, Long Beach Nicki Lopez, Orange Barbara Lopp, Long Beach Los Angeles Philharmonic Association Los Angeles Dodgers Los Cerritos Center, Cerritos Barbara & Manuel Loureiro, Long Beach Gay Lovins, Cerritos Richard & Darlene Lunde, Los Alamitos Chic & JoAnn Lundgren, Long Beach Richard & Shirley Lyddon, Long Beach Beverly Lyon, Long Beach Janice Lysiak, Orange Jack & Kathy Lythgoe, Fullerton Bob & Pat Maguglin, Long Beach John & Marianne Malloy, Long Beach Rosie Maloof, Long Beach Guy Martin, Long Beach Kathy Massanet, Long Beach Judy Mattson, Long Beach James McClure, Santa Ana Douglas McConaghy, Los Alamitos McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Restaurant, Los Angeles William McDonald, Long Beach Warren McElroy, Signal Hill James & Ann McKown, Anaheim Arthur & Evelyn Meacham, Long Beach Medieval Times, Buena Park Darlene Mee, Long Beach Barbara Metzger, Whittier Robert & Joan Meyer, Long Beach Clarice Elaine Miller, Westminster Phyllis Miller, Long Beach Roberta Miller, Cypress Historic Mission San Juan Capistrano Alan & Joann Miyamoto, Torrance Dick & Joan Moe, Rolling Hills Estates Art & Barbara Moncrief, La Mirada Aura Monfort, Seal Beach Linda Monsen, Long Beach Annie Morales, Long Beach John T. Moriarty, Long Beach Dian Morris, Long Beach Sherill & Cathy Moses, La Mirada Jim & Joy Mullen, Long Beach Edward & Enette Murachver, Long Beach Bruce & Pamela Murray, Seal Beach Leonard & Joalyn Mushin, Cerritos Music and Arts, Cypress Music Theatre International, New York, NY MUZEO, Anaheim Keith Myers, Fullerton Dennis Nakamura, Artesia Ralph Nantais, Long Beach George & Dolores Nason, Long Beach Robert & Cheryl Nay, Chino Hills Margaret Nerio, Huntington Beach Newport Landing, Newport Beach Joe & June Nichols, Buena Park Barbara Noble, Los Alamitos Diane & Phillip Norris, Lakewood Esther & Robert Nugent, Lakewood Betty Jo Shane O`bleness, Seal Beach Cast Profiles DAVID ENGEL (Corny Collins) A longtime Musical Theatre West favorite, HAIRSPRAY marks David's 12th show on this stage in productions such as CRAZY FOR YOU, THE FULL MONTY, THE PRODUCERS, and LA CAGE AUX FOLLES. He is most noted for creating the role of Smudge in the original New York production of FOREVER PLAID and its holiday follow-up PLAID TIDINGS. And now you can actually watch David and his fellow original Plaids in FOREVER PLAID: THE MOVIE on DVD...FINALLY!!! Mr. Engel has appeared on Broadway in PUTTING IT TOGETHER, SEUSSICAL: THE MUSICAL and in the original Broadway production of LA CAGE AUX FOLLES. Thank you to Paul Garman and Steve Glaudini for all the great opportunities to play here. And thanks to Larry Raben for casting me in this show!!! David dedicates his performances in HAIRSPRAY to the memory of Denise Dales, the person who ignited the theatrical fire inside of him. TRACY LORE (Velma Von Tussle) NY & National Tour: PETER PAN staring Cathy Rigby (Mrs. Darling). Regional: Musical Theatre West: THE WEDDING SINGER (Angie), THE PRODUCERS (Hold Me, Touch Me), ALL SHOOK UP (Sandra-Ovation nominee), THE FULL MONTY (Vicki), ME & MY GIRL (Jacqueline), THE WILL ROGERS FOLLIES (Betty); 3-D Theatricals: PETER PAN (Mrs. Darling), THE DROWSY CHAPERONE (Drowsy); Moonlight Productions: HAIRSPRAY (Velma), GUYS & DOLLS (Adelaide), ME & MY GIRL (Jacqueline), Reprise: CAROUSEL (Mrs. Mullin), Music Theatre of Wichita: THE DROWSY CHAPERONE (Drowsy), THE WILL ROGERS FOLLIES (Betty); South Coast Repertory: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC (Quintet); CLO of South Bay Cities: CINDERELLA (Queen), CRAZY FOR YOU (Irene); Cabrillo Music Theatre: 42ND STREET (Dorothy Brock), HAPPY DAYS (Mrs. Cunningham); Sacramento Music Circus: BRIGADOON (Meg); Norris Center: THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE (Mrs. Meers). Other regional credits include CHICAGO (Velma-AriZoni Award), COMPANY (Joanne), THE WIZARD OF OZ (Witch), INTO THE WOODS (Witch). Member of Musical Theatre Guild and Actors’ Equity. Thank you Paul, Steve, Larry, Dennis and Lee! DEREK KLENA (Link Larkin) Derek is honored to be making his Musical Theatre West debut in HAIRSPRAY! He is currently a junior at UCLA, and has grown up performing throughout Southern California. He recently has been a part of the “For the Record” series at Show at Barre in Los Feliz. Regional: GLORY DAYS (Will) – Lillian Theater, HAPPY DAYS (Richie Cunningham), CINDERELLA (Prince) – Cabrillo Music Theater; JOSEPH… (Joseph) IVTL Award – Performance Riverside; HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL (Troy), BIG RIVER (Huck) IVTL Award– Candlelight Pavilion. He was a finalist in the 2010 LA’s “Next Great Stage Star,” and a contestant sent to Hollywood Week in Season 9 of American Idol. Derek will be making his NY debut in the new Off-Broadway revival of CARRIE, THE MUSICAL in January 2012. Heartfelt thanks to Steve, Paul, Larry, Dennis, Lee, KSR, Rachel Rothman, MET 2, Center Stage and his many mentors, family and friends for their constant support. ERIN WATKINS (Penny Pingleton) Erin feels incredibly blessed to make her L.A. debut with this amazing company! She is a recent graduate of the University of Northern Colorado with a B.A in Musical Theater. Past credits include Logainne in …SPELLING BEE, Tina Denmark in RUTHLESS! THE MUSICAL, Little Red in INTO THE WOODS, and a personal favorite: missionary carrying coffee tray in GUYS & DOLLS. Love to family, friends, and Scott, and a HUGE thanks to MTW, Beth Malone, and Stage 9. Even musical theater can be hip. Follow us online. 7 Cast Profiles JIM J. BULLOCK (Edna Turnblad) Jim J. began his journey with HAIRSPRAY in 2004 playing the Male Authority Figure on BROADWAY and later as the dad, Wilbur Turnblad on the First National Tour/ Broadway. Jim is thrilled to finally have the opportunity to play Edna. Most will remember him for his portrayal of Monroe Ficus on ABC’s “Too Close for Comfort,” as the upper right square on “The New Hollywood Squares” and NBC's “ALF.” Jim J. partnered with Tammy Faye Messner to create the talk show “The Jim J. and Tammy Faye Show.” Other guest appearances include “Roseanne,” “Seinfeld,” “Boogie’s Diner,” “Conrad Bloom,” “Popular,” “The Bold and the Beautiful,”and Nickelodeon's “Ned’s Declassified…” He has worked in film with such noted directors as Blake Edwards in “Switch” and Mel Brooks in the cult classic “Spaceballs.” Jim J. was the recipient of the Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle for his performance in the west coast premiere of WHEN PIGS FLY and appeared offBroadway in the critically acclaimed END OF THE WORLD PARTY. Jim J. is a member of AEA and a proud supporter of the ACTORS FUND OF AMERICA. VICTORIA MORGAN (Tracy Turnblad) Victoria is thrilled to be making her Southern California debut with Musical Theatre West. Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area; Regional credits include Tracy Turnblad in HAIRSPRAY (Leading Actress in a Musical Shellie Award Nomination), Gabby/ Bobbi in CITY OF ANGELS, Joanne in RENT, TiMoune in ONCE ON THIS ISLAND, Ronnette in LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS, Dance Captain in BIG, THE MUSICAL, Parade Performer and Karaoke Host for California Great America. State of Hawaii credits include Holly in THE WEDDING SINGER where she received the Hawaii State Po'okela Award for Best Featured Female in a Musical. Victoria currently studies voice in the Patricia Soria Urbano Studio. She wants to send a special thank you to Mom, Dad, Nani, Rick, Grams, Gramps, as well as Team Awesome for their continued love and support! Now it’s time to eat some breakfast and change the world... BARRY PEARL (Wilbur Turnblad) Celebrating 50 years in show business, Barry just returned from NY after originating the role of Bernie Greenberg in the Broadway production of BABY IT’S YOU! He’s elated to be doing his second show for MTW having assayed the role of Jim Haller in ALL SHOOK UP (LA Ovation Award Nomination). His credits include: Broadway: Debut 1961, BYE, BYE BIRDIE (Randolph), OLIVER! (Fagin’s Boys), A TEASPOON EVERY FOUR HOURS (Bruce), LENNY’S BACK (Lenny Bruce), THE PRODUCERS (Swing). TV: “ER,” “Criminal Minds,” “House.” Series Regular: “CPO Sharkey,” “Superior Court,” “New Love American Style,” Professor Tinkerputt with “Barney, the Dinosaur.” Film: Doody in Paramount’s “Grease.” Awards: Drama-Logue, Santa Barbara Independent Press and San Diego Playbill Awards winner. BFA from Carnegie-Mellon University. Great to be working with old friends Dennis, David, Derek, Lee, Tracy, Gwen, Clay and Larry. Thanks, Steve Paul and the David Moss Agency. Cindy and Poo, IAY. GWEN STEWART (Motormouth Maybelle) Gwen is VERY happy to be back at Musical Theatre West doing HAIRSPRAY! Some of Gwen’s credits include BWY/Regional: RENT (OBC), ALL SHOOK UP (Ovation Award winner Featured Actress), BIG RIVER (NAACP nominee Supporting Actress & Honorary Tony for Best Ensemble), STARMITES, SUDS, AIN’T MISBEHAVIN’, THE WIZ, TRULY BLESSED, AVENUE X, and ABYSSINIA. FILM/TV: “The Goods,” “Love Guru,” “Hook’d Up,” “Down to Earth,” “House,” “24,” “Notes from the Underbelly,” “Related,” “Law & Order: SVU,” “All My Children,” “Strong Medicine,” “Charmed,” “Moesha,” and “The Guardian.” Gwen was honored when asked to sing for the Governor at Gracie Mansion and at the Library of Congress. She has performed on “The Tonight Show,” “David Letterman,” “The Today Show,” “Good Morning America,” and at the Democratic National Convention. All praises to my God. Thanks to my mom who is now my guardian angel. “I’m glad Hairspray has finally come my way; a role that I love, what can I say!” 6 MTW Star Supporters (continued) Alice O`Keefe, Anaheim Lincoln & Patricia Odell, Long Beach Diane Oliver, Glenbrook, NV Patricia Omel, Long Beach Ray & Vickie Orlando, Huntington Beach Martha Osgood, Huntington Beach Carole Owens, Long Beach Tony & Jan Paleno, Villa Park George & Lynn Pardon, Cypress Parker's Lighthouse, Long Beach Roberta Parkes, Los Alamitos Nancy & Andrew Parleto, Los Angeles Pasadena Playhouse, Pasadena Sandra Paskus, Buena Park Doris Patterson, La Canada Flintridge Carl & Lenore Pearlston, Torrance Jack & Barbara Peck, Long Beach Lois & Wayne Pecora, Yorba Linda Fred & Ann Peitzman, Torrance Mary Kay Petersen, Los Alamitos Nancy Phillips, Garden Grove Cynthia Piazza, Signal Hill Riley Pike, Long Beach Dennis & Rosie Pikus, Long Beach Pink's Famous Hot Dogs, Los Angeles Mary Playter, Seal Beach Maurice Pollack, Los Angeles Doyle Powell, Long Beach Gloria Powers, Los Alamitos Mary Prellwitz, Garden Grove Jean Preston, Long Beach The Queen Mary, Long Beach Mary Quigley, West Hollywood Jack & Darlene Quinn, Long Beach Joanne Raynesford, La Palma Verna Rea, Long Beach Leela Reasoner, Long Beach Shary Reed, Seal Beach Ralph & Arlene Rees, Seal Beach Joan Rehnborg, Laguna Beach Mary Lou Reid & John Celentano, Arcadia Sharon C. Reinhart, Huntington Beach Gloria & Harold Ressler, Anaheim C J Reynolds, Long Beach Mildred Reynolds, Long Beach Cecil Rhodes, Long Beach Craig & Ann Rice, Orange Ross Rice, Fullerton Mary Rich, Sue Magee, Yolanda Sandova, Floy Niles, Robin Rouse, Huntington Beach Bonnie Richmond, Irvine Patti Richmond, Long Beach Janet Ritschel, Huntington Beach Julio Rivera, Huntington Beach Robert & Marjorie Rivera, Long Beach Yolanda & Rob Robinson, La Mirada Duane Rose, Long Beach Barry Rosenberg & Herb Nomura, Signal Hill Norbert & Marion Rosenblum, Anaheim Rosie O'Grady's, New York, NY Brenda Ross, Cerritos Josephine Rossello, Long Beach Rossmoor Car Wash, Los Alamitos Deann Roth, Bellflower Ryna H Rothberg, Mission Viejo Toby Rothschild, Westminster Nancy Rowbottom, Fountain Valley June Rubin, Los Alamitos Dale & Erin Rudat, Riverside Diana Rummel, Long Beach Barbara Bernice Rush, Montebello Taro & Masako Saisho, Monterey Park Harry & Maria Saltzgaver, Long Beach San Diego Zoo, San Diego Stephen Sandberg, Long Beach Lauren Sanders, Cypress Santa Anita Park, Arcadia Cynthia Santa Maria, Hacienda Heights Eunice Sato, Long Beach Sawdust Art & Craft Festival, Laguna Beach Jo Ann Sayers, Long Beach Linda Schleiger, Anaheim Marvin Schlezinger, Fountain Valley Hilton & Michelle Schlosberg, Irvine Ron & Betty Schodt, Rancho Palos Verdes R. E. & Mary Lou Schulze, Orange Robert Schureman, Costa Mesa Diana Scott & Stephanie Davis, Long Beach Elizabeth Scott, Long Beach Rosemary Scott, Long Beach Wayne & Kathe Searcey, Costa Mesa Gail Sebring, Huntington Beach Natalie Sellers, Los Alamitos Carol Senske, Long Beach Irene & Stewart Shapero, Fullerton Gwendolyn Shaw, Torrance Ray & Sandra Sherrard, Huntington Beach B-J Sherwin, Rancho Dominguez Kathleen Sherwin, La Mirada John & Carol Shupek, Whittier Harriet Slifka & Cynthia Slifka Damoth, Whittier Carroll Smith, Cathedral City Darlene Smith, Westminster Larry & Pam Solig, Huntington Beach Don & Sally Sorenson, Long Beach Nancy & Mark Speizer, Long Beach Barry Spencer, Torrance Pat & Craig Spievak, Long Beach Jackie & Frank Spiziri, Long Beach Diana Spooner, Lakewood Judy & Ray Steele, Cameron Park Terry Stephenson, Seal Beach Frank & Robin Stirling, Rancho Palos Verdes Daryl Stokes, Buena Park Charlene Strawbridge, Lakewood Joyce Striewig, Long Beach Georgene & John Stringer, La Mirada Pauline Strong, Long Beach Peggy Strople, Beverly Stunden, Long Beach Vickie & Jim Sullos, Long Beach Robert & Eleanor Sundstrom, Cypress Betty Sunofsky, Long Beach Superior Plants, Gardena Donna Sutton, Santa Ana Judith Tatom, Irvine The Brea Improv, Brea The Wine Country, Signal Hill Mary Thoits, Long Beach Elizabeth Thomas, Long Beach Wayne and Joan Thyden, Carson Carol Tielsch, Rancho Mirage Mike & Bev Tilson, Cypress Dennis Tinseth, La Mirada Michael Tom, Temecula Andy Tomenchuk, San Clemente Charles & Charlotte Tomlinson, Long Beach Tom's Tire Performance Center, Signal Hill Barbara & Jay Tone III, Corona Del Mar Phyllis Toombs, Huntington Beach Phyllis Totri, Newport Beach Simon Trench, Costa Mesa Ken Trossen, Long Beach Maureen Udelf, Garden Grove Stella Ungar, Long Beach USS Midway Museum, San Diego Lisa Viets, Long Beach Vintage Cinema, Los Angeles Kathleen & Jerry Waletzko, Garden Grove Richard Walker, Long Beach Jerry Miller & Gail Wassell, Long Beach Winifred Waters, Long Beach Eva Watrous, Long Beach Michael & Sheila Watson, Long Beach Stanley & Ruth Weaver, Long Beach Margaret Webb, Dana Point Patricia Weideman, Lakewood Scott & Rebecca Weimer, Buena Park Jay & Sandra Weiss, Marina Del Rey James & Betty Jo Wells, Long Beach Don & Betty Whitacre, Huntington Beach Beth Widmark, Long Beach Virginia Wilky, Long Beach Carol Willcut, Long Beach Robert & Maralys Wills, Santa Ana Helen Wilson, Garden Grove Randy & Julie Wilson, Lakewood Arnie Winer, Newport Beach Gwen and Mahlon Woirhaye, Whittier Darrell & Norma Woodruff, Montrose Julie Wooldridge, Long Beach Eileen Wright, Tustin Mitch & Joyce Wybenga, Bellflower Robert Wynn, Long Beach Yard House, Long Beach Rudy & Shirley Zitny, Anaheim FOR MORE INFORMATION ON HOW TO GET INVOLVED WITH OUR DONOR PROGRAMS PLEASE CALL (562) 856-1999 x227. The Official Restaurant of MT W Opening Nights FORBIDDEN CITY 6380 E. Pacific Coast Highway #A Long Beach 90803 • 562.951.3500 23 Cast of Characters (in order of appearance) Tracy Turnblad Corny Collins Penny Pingleton Edna Turnblad Prudy Pingleton Amber Von Tussle Link Larkin Velma Von Tussle Harriman F. Spritzer Wilbur Turnblad VICTORIA MORGAN DAVID ENGEL* ERIN WATKINS JIM J. BULLOCK* KARLA J. FRANKO LAUREN SMOLKA DEREK KLENA TRACY LORE* JP SARRO BARRY PEARL* Little Inez Principal Seaweed J. Stubbs Gym Teacher The Dynamites CHYKA JACKSON JP SARRO TODRICK D. HALL* KARLA J. FRANKO KAMILAH MARSHALL* EMILY MITCHELL* TIANA OKOYE Mr. Pinky JP SARRO Motormouth Maybelle GWEN STEWART* Prison Matron KARLA J. FRANKO Council Members, Students, Citizens of Baltimore ANTHONY CHATMON II • KARLA J. FRANKO • CHYKA JACKSON • CHESTER LOCKHART JEREMY LUCAS* • KAMILAH MARSHALL* • EMILY MITCHELL* • TIANA OKOYE ALLISON PARAISO • JP SARRO • NEIL STARKENBERG • CLAY STEFANKI VERONICA STEVENS • MARCUS TERELL • LAURYN TILLERY NIKKI TOMLINSON* • CARLY WIELSTEIN • LOUIS A. WILLIAMS *Members of Actors’ Equity Association, the union of professional actors and stage managers in the United States. About HAIRSPRAY HAIRSPRAY was originally a 1988 film written and directed by John Waters, whose previous films were noted both for pushing the boundaries of censorship and film ratings as well as addressing social and cultural issues. HAIRSPRAY was Waters’ most mainstream film and starred Ricki Lake, Divine, Sonny Bono and Debbie Harry. dance-centered plot, it was a natural fit to turn into a musical comedy. After a tryout run at Seatlle’s 5th Avenue theatre, HAIRSPRAY debuted on Broadway in 2002 and ran for over 2,500 performances, winning eight Tony Awards including Best Musical, Outstanding Actor in a Musical for Harvey Fierstein, Outstanding Actress in a Musical for Marissa Jaret Winokur, and Outstanding Featured Actor in a Musical for Dick Latessa. The basic plot of Baltimore teenagers struggling to integrate the Corny Collins Show in the early ’60s was based on the real-life Buddy Deane show. However, the outcome of the Buddy Deane show was quite different: that show was canceled due to backlash from the attempts to integrate the show. The success of HAIRSPRAY onstage led to a new film of the musical version. Released in 2007, HAIRSPRAY was also Waters’ most successful the movie starred John Travolta, Christopher film financially, and because of the music and Walken and Michelle Pfeiffer. The tradition of casting a male to perform Edna Turnblad in drag, going back to the original film, is a reflection of the themes of self-esteem, tolerance and cultural acceptance present in the plot of the show. Among the other actors to fill Edna’s shoes are Michael McKean, Bruce Vilanch and George Wendt. | home delivery: 562.436.3676 | advertising: 562.499.1382 Production photos courtesy of Moonlight Stage Productions 24 5 Scenes and Musical Numbers The setting is Baltimore, Maryland, June 1962 ACT ONE Prologue: In and Around the Turnblad Home GOOD MORNING, BALTIMORE Tracy, Ensemble Scene One: The Turnblad Home and the Studios of WZZT-TV THE NICEST KIDS IN TOWN Corny, Council Scene Two: The Turnblad and Pingleton Homes and the WZZT Studios MAMA, I’M A BIG GIRL NOW Scene Three: The WZZT-TV studios I CAN HEAR THE BELLS MISS BALTIMORE CRABS Tracy, Penny, Amber, Edna, Velma, Prudy, Ensemble Tracy, Ensemble Velma, Council Scene Four: Patterson Park High School Scene Five: Patterson Park High School Gymnasium THE MADISON Students Scene Six: The Turnblad Home and the WZZT Studios THE NICEST KIDS IN TOWN (REPRISE) IT TAKES TWO VELMA’S REVENGE Corny, Tracy, Council Link, Tracy, Council Velma Scene Seven: The Turnblad Home and The Hefty Hideaway WELCOME TO THE SIXTIES Tracy, Edna, Dynamites, Ensemble Scene Eight: Patterson Park High School RUN AND TELL THAT Seaweed, Little Inez, Students Scene Nine: The Record Shop BIG, BLONDE AND BEAUTIFUL Motormouth, Company Intermission (fifteen minutes) ACT TWO Scene One: Baltimore Women’s House of Detention THE BIG DOLL HOUSE GOOD MORNING, BALTIMORE (REPRISE) Women Tracy Scene Two: The Har-de-Har Hut YOU’RE TIMELESS TO ME Edna, Wilbur Scene Three: Tracy’s Jail Cell and Penny’s Bedroom WITHOUT LOVE Link, Tracy, Penny, Seaweed, Ensemble Scene Four: The Record Shop I KNOW WHERE I’VE BEEN Motormouth, Ensemble Scene Five: The Baltimore Eventorium (IT’S) HAIRSPRAY COOTIES YOU CAN’T STOP THE BEAT Corny, Ensemble Amber, Council Tracy, Link, Edna, Motormouth, Company 4 Paul Garman, Executive Director/Producer presents 59th Season The Broadway Musical Book by MARK O’DONNELL and THOMAS MEEHAN Music by MARC SHAIMAN • Lyrics by MARC SHAIMAN and SCOTT WITTMAN Orchestrations by HAROLD WHEELER • Arrangements by MARC SHAIMAN Based on the New Line Cinema film written and directed by JOHN WATERS Starring JIM J. BULLOCK GWEN STEWART DAVID ENGEL TRACY LORE ERIN WATKINS TODRICK D. HALL LAUREN SMOLKA and introducing VICTORIA MORGAN as Tracy Turnblad BARRY PEARL DEREK KLENA Featuring ANTHONY CHATMON II • KARLA J. FRANKO • CHYKA JACKSON • CHESTER LOCKHART • JEREMY LUCAS KAMILAH MARSHALL • EMILY MITCHELL • TIANA OKOYE • ALLISON PARAISO • JP SARRO NEIL STARKENBERG • CLAY STEFANKI • VERONICA STEVENS • MARCUS TERELL • LAURYN TILLERY NIKKI TOMLINSON • CARLY WIELSTEIN • LOUIS A. WILLIAMS Technical Director Artistic Director STEVEN GLAUDINI Lighting Designer KEVIN CLOWES Sound Designer JEAN-YVES TESSIER Wig Designer BYRON BATISTA YOLANDA ROWELL Stage Manager Assistant Stage Manager STANLEY D. COHEN Musical Director Choreographer Director Costume Coordinator JULIE FERRIN MARY RITENHOUR DENNIS CASTELLANO LEE MARTINO LARRY RABEN Associate Producers RICHARD NERI & KURT SCHULZMAN Youth Performances Underwritten by ARTS COUNCIL FOR LONG BEACH • MARI HOOPER O C T O B E R 2 8 - N OV E M B E R 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 Carpenter Performing Arts Center, Long Beach Hairspray is presen ted by arrangemen t with Music Th eatre In tern ational, 421 W. 54th Street, New York, NY 10019 ~ www.mtish 26 MTW General Information Message from the Producer 59th Welcome to HAIRSPRAY, the opening show of our season. We’re delighted to bring you this 2003 Tony Award-winner for Best Musial in a retro look at the ‘60s. We’re especially grateful to Kurt Schulzman and Richard Neri for their support of this show – and to the other very generous anonymous donors. Their support enables us to bring you this Broadway hit with the colorful sets and costumes from the London production. Our 59th season wouldn’t be possible without the underwriting of the Ackerman Family/Evalyn M. Bauer Foundation and Ken and Dottie Reiner. We dedicate this season to Ken Reiner who passed away in September and who has always been Musical Theatre West’s #1 supporter. His love of musical theatre was apparent to all who knew him, and this love was shared with thousands through his generous support of MTW, underwriting numerous shows and past seasons. He and Dottie instituted the REINER READING SERIES, now in its very successful second season and all our productions are rehearsed in the Reiner Rehearsal Hall for which they gave the lead gift. His rich legacy will live on through each production the Reiners continue to sponsor and in every song that is sung on our stage. Truly we have been blest by this amazing, incredible man whose song will always live on in our hearts. If you haven’t subscribed to our 2011-2012 Season, it’s not too late. You can still purchase 4 or 3 show packages and enjoy the wonderful WINTER WONDERETTES in December, the phenomenal talent of Davis Gaines (Phantom of the Opera) as Don Quixote in MAN OF LA MANCHA, a return engagement of the hilarious spoof FORBIDDEN BROADWAY, VOLUME 2 and a very exciting closing show which will be announced shortly and is a recent Tony Award-winning Best Musical. Visit the hospitality table or call the office. Remember, theatre tickets make great holiday gifts and we have gift certificates for any amount you wish. All Musical Theatre West performances begin on time and end with the final curtain calls. To make theater-going a pleasant experience, and as a courtesy to other patrons and the performers, please stay seated until the final curtain call has ended and the house lights have been turned on. BOX OFFICE INFORMATION The Musical Theatre West Box Office is located at 4350 E. 7th Street (on the southwest corner of Ximeno Avenue). Box Office hours are Monday-Friday, 12:00 noon to 6:00 PM. On performance days, the will-call table will be open one hour prior to curtain times in the lobby of the Carpenter Center. For information on tickets, subscriptions, group sales, gift cards and exchanges, call our Box Office at (562) 856-1999 x4. Founded in 1913, represents more than 45,000 actors and stage managers in the United States. Equity seeks to advance, promote and foster the art of live theatre as an essential component of our society. Equity negotiates wages and working conditions, providing a wide range of benefits, including health and pension plans. AEA is a member of the AFL-CIO, and is affiliated with FIA, an international organization of performing arts unions. The Equity emblem is our mark of excellence. Marnos Lelesi President, Board of Directors Board of Directors Bob Dominguez Treasurer/President-Elect Ron Brunner Jim Choura Hank Snapper Kathy McDonnell Exec. Committee At-Large Exec. Committee At-Large Cindy Costello Lucy Daggett Pat DeRouen Barbara Bixby Blackwell ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Secretary Executive Director/Producer Tom Gillespie Lucia Kos Julie Knabe Sarah Sangmeister Bev Cook Guild President Footlighters President Board of Trustees Joe Moore Paul Garman Artistic Director Nancy Gaines Dr. Donald J. Greco Terry Marté Greco Patricia Grisham Shell Grossman Jon Hall Laura Killingsworth Len Lovett Larry Nemirow Shari Nemirow Richard Neri Dottie Reiner Kurt Schulzman Arlene Solomon Madalyne Ursano Joan Wells Community Advisory Council George & Gloria Deukmejian, Beverly O’Neill Co-Chairs Gary DeLong Steve Goodling Randy Gordon Cam Killingsworth Bonnie Lowenthal Jane Netherton Donna Recksen Chris Steinhauser Doris Topsy-Elvord Mike Walter MUSICAL THEATRE WEST •Enriches the cultural life of the community through musical theater; •Preserves musical theater as a unique American art form; •Cultivates and educates the audience of tomorrow through education and outreach programs. 2 General Manager Steven Glaudini Daniel Thomas Production Manager Marketing Coordinator Dir. of Comm. & Public Relations Mary Ritenhour Michael Betts Gigi Fusco Meese Sam Cavanaugh Subscriptions Coordinator Education/Outreach Coordinator Facilities Manager Box Office Assistant Stephanie Pacheco Sari Rose Poll Jim T. Mora Diana Pequeno Chair Don Black Judy McNulty Black Kathryn Baker Campbell Richard Carpenter Howard Davis inside the theater. •Cameras and audio or video recorders may not be used during the performance. •Patrons are discouraged from bringing infants, toddlers and children under the age of five to any regular performance. If children are causing a disturbance to other patrons, house management reserves the right to ask the parent to remove the child from the auditorium. •Every person must have a ticket and seat assignment, regardless of age. MESSAGES/PAGERS/CELL PHONES Doctors or parents wishing to leave an •Please note the nearest exit from your emergency phone number while attend- assigned seat. In the unlikely event of an ing a performance should refer callers to emergency, please walk to that exit. (562) 985-4274 and leave their seat locations with the paging service or LATE SEATING babysitter. As a courtesy to all patrons, As a courtesy to our performing company please turn off all watch alarms, pagers and all of our patrons, late comers will and cellular phones. be seated at the discretion of the house management and may be seated in the nearest available seat, regardless of PLEASE REMEMBER •Smoking is not permitted in the Carpen- your actual seat assignment, until intermission when you may take your regularly ter Performing Arts Center at any time. •Food and beverages are not permitted assigned seat. ACTOR’S EQUITY ASSOCATION (AEA) Thanks for being here, and enjoy the show! Paul Garman Executive Director/Producer LOST TICKETS Replacement tickets will be issued for your lost tickets at the theater beginning one hour prior to your scheduled performance. Present your ID that matches the name on the subscription order at the will-call table, and the box office will issue you replacement tickets. No replacement tickets can be issued at any other time. Box Office Manager PRODUCTION STAFF Director Choreographer Musical Director Stage Manager Assistant Stage Manager Dance Captain Technical Director Lighting Designer Sound Designer Costume Coordinator Wardrobe Supervisor Wigs Provided by Wig Designer Orchestra Contractor Crew Chief Master Electrician Deck Crew Bianca Dominguez Garrett Engberg Ethan Koerner Anthony Murano Lacie Turcott Mike Vivirito Spot Operators Nathaniel Cargill Kristy Mapes Dressers Monique Ayala Briana McClure Ana Molonado Wig Assistant April Metcalf Audition Pianist Julie Lamoureux Program Daniel Thomas Publicity and Cast Photos Ken Jaques Promotional Videography Michael Betts Larry Raben Lee Martino Dennis Castellano Stanley D. Cohen* Mary Ritenhour* Jeremy Lucas* Kevin Clowes Jean-Yves Tessier Julie Ferrin Yolanda Rowell Melanie Clifton-Harvey Wig Boys Byron Batista David Lamoureux Jim T. Mora Cameron Brainard Special thanks to Moonlight Stage Productions and Carlotta Malone for their assistance on this production. MUSICAL THEATRE WEST 4350 East 7th Street, Long Beach, CA 90804-5546; phone (562) 856-1999; fax (562) 856-1997 web site; e-mail Musical Theatre West is a 501(c)(3) California non-profit corporation, Federal Tax ID 95-6100108 27