Support Application - Final Frontiers Foundation
Support Application - Final Frontiers Foundation
C FINAl FRONTI,ERS NTHA ALL FOU,NDATION ~~6 ~oe5~OJ ~Oa~~ (Regd) You have been recommended to us for support by other preachers acquainted with your ministry. In order for u.s to consider offering you monthly financial assistance, we need you to fill in the enclosed application. fu "t6-:J,e.c)10c)~-:>e.> ;6oJ1'dS-:>o ;;)lli60 CSJo lliL6-:>e.> O"cSao L;;S~~eoi53)c,~/:). fu~-:J CSJo ;6~'""0::5-:Jo S"c)a~~d: 28e§;;St5t:SaJc,~ CSt5~~~ ~50t:Soc,. It is not our desire to burden you with details, However it would be difficult, if not impossible for us to arrange for a church or person in America to support you, with out providing them with details on your needs and ministry. g).)~Je.>;6J L;;S~de.>&' eJ"~o,:$)t:J, c)y> @~eJ'>;;S. S"~~Q.))NO fu KJ5of)~ g);:S6~ru ii)~cfu13.:JoC" fui3.:> ;c6;;J6d5:>(6)o/:)ot:5Jt:J @;fu5S" a~~&;;), aA .j5J§rl"~ ;:SS§§rl"~ ~QS~S"CSJ. Please be as thorough as possible, and provide photographs of your family and works if you can, Even photographs of yourself baptizing converts or preaching are helpful. to 13.:J~oaJ;c6;;DSe.> sSJ5(i)n OJOt3~ oJ5.jt5~e.>~ ;c603)oOof)~ ~&e.>J ~~~ <ilit:e.>, g)'3"cS~e.>~ eJ"~;:0J~;6J ~t:5JJ t:5J~d. f;;J£eS e.>J <00 <0c)a~. FINAL FRONTIERS is a missions foundation dedicated to helping national and native preachers reach their own people. We do not make any atlempt to rule over you. If you are approved you are not considered an employee. But rather a friend, who both needs and deserves our support. ~ ~;6e) IQooe5d5:>O"\ ;;so;;s ;c6~a~ ;6.)0J06 ~O~e.>~, 0:;05 ~c)e ;;S;;J6d5:>~ t3(i)ne.:>~ ~~ot:SaJc,;6/:).~oiD ~ ~ NOW ~ 0 ;Q)~Je.>~ @oAS50f)~,g).)~J~ ;illo LSO/:) ecf'~F\fTO ~of) @~S"t5oiD~F\Ot:$o:mfTO;;) g).)o:mJe.>~ ;illo ~d~e§.Je.nfTO qJ" g)0 t:$)CSJo:m. It is not our intention to " Hire" preachers, bou rather to help those who are already serving and living by faith. As God provide, If you are accepted, we encourage you to keep your trust in God, not in us. Support, if given. Usually lasts for a one year period. At that time, you can reapply. Simply by letting us know you wish to continue receiving support. 10oS13.:Je.>~ " @~~" b;6.)~;6t:o c)y> t!3~'i~o S"CSJfTO;;) "g)'3"cS;6o:m" ~oo a~;;) ~;:s S"~~F\ot:5J t:5J~ t;:s~e.>~ a~6 ;6;illo/))JS"e.>e ;;S;;J6d5:>o:m t3diJ;:sa;6~e c)y> @~d5:>0. g).)o:mJ;6J ~o:m @oA~50L);6 ~t:e.> d5:>oa e§oJJ c)y>~ t!30t:$ooCSJ. ~Q"6~o:mrl" ~o:m ;illo ;6;;J6d5:>0 S"c)aj~ ~~ oc~~ t3diJc)a~. a.,s;;. ;c6o;:S~cJ6o:m to ~oSJJso:m a~;;) ~~o CS;;J6d5:>o t3(i)nCSJo:m. @e§oocS~ SJ"ot: to~ To constantly receive support, you are required to submit a quartely report, otherwise the support will end until we hear from you. These reports allow us to verify to those providing your funds, that you are worthy of their The quarterly report wjH be sent to you. £:b6J ~o).)~7I" ;6~dS;)~ ~o60'Sa<6<6~ £:b ;)B~6<s g)oJ.dS;)~ ~e;l;6e Bfi1£~e.u oJo~, tbS:J &><sK ~B~~r1" S"<6J~e;lo6o~ OJ"B ;6~dS;)~ O'Ssg~ S"a6~ cm~~ oJ6~O'Sa<6J. In your reports give more details than just where and when you preached. Tell of your converts, difficulties, needs, family, blessings, etc. In otherwords, it should be a testimony of God's working in your life and minisitry. fu B~~, fu6J a")oSoJti> a")S&c, tf'eofJrJOcf' eJeX>~b~ ~b), SfJ~eX>, ~<6;:S6~eX> ~6»oe,)~, e;,J<6eX>, ~6e.J~ OJ"~ ~BofJ fu <6e.J<6 6~~ o>o6;:S- .g)~;6)e.J;6) ~Bo[), CJ"B eJeX>j~ fu ~~e'§~& 10<6& Q~~ <6c~o~;6J XJ.>BJ ~~~g~r1" eoc,<6a;6J. Finally, see to it that your application, testimonty, etc. are translated into English before you send them us, Remember, the application is step one, your approval is step two, finding a chuch or person to sponsor your needs is step three, and step four ( you receiving a check every quarter) depends 011 us receiving quarterlty reports from you. God bless you brother. ~6Joi$)S"oe, -" 1) 2) 3) : fu 6c~;6) fu ~oAS"6~ fu ;:S0J6efu~ ~g:n~~ e.,s <6~~no~ 6JSS ;6oqn~;6)no~ S;6)R"<6:lb. (fu ~e.J;6B B~6,)eX> ~~~r1" oSo~b~ @Q'>coSc dllioti>(6)) e.:> " .....D Q~ti> g:n~J;6) eg)oi$)nos: ~~ Yours for souls, a~~ @~Je.J §"6~ Executive Director a")QSJoSe5~ ~OgO Return the completed application to the one who gave it to' you. ~ ~6~~;6) ~BofJ ~SJ ~f.b<6 OJ"Bs ~Bf'l ~efu<6a;6) I. Attach two passport size photographs here. " Do not staple if possible. ;;l.~\eJ £)) ~lG~6JeJ ~~ f;ft&eJ) @0e50~0~ l.J ..... -. ttached. (6diJt3~ ~~d..e..u t3diJ;6~) Inc] ude as many photograhps of yourself, your family, your house and various ministries as possi ble on the back of each picture or on a seperate piece of paper. Tell about each photograph. Use numbering system for example ~ Photograph 1 (on seperate paper) explanaotion 1 ~ S1'&(?j&~er;, £)),£))~e.n08);0~S(?j £)) rlJ(6t>c6JJ, £)) o)5~6~~ ;608)o~oD £)E;6~ .;)~6-;61;J6&eJ) o)oO);6a~. ~oB f;ft& ~~~r1"~, ~c3 S"f\eic6JJ(?j~r1":O, ~f;ft& 6"e,)J"~ gJ056c6JJeJ) ~diJo~. ~@ol:l~diJ8)c:,;6 £)) gJ056c6JJe..u eio)j~ ;05r1" ~diJ;6a~. Name £)) -t6J :c Name you are called by g:))c6JJJ(?j ~ ~ [)D;6 OJ'>B-t6J : Pastor K.. K Your Age - Birth Date £)) 05diJ;6)J ' &l;6J~l:l : 5:3 Y ars Wife's Name t',3" 6S-t6J : Kata sha Wife Age - Date of Birth c,J"0S 05diJ;6)J - C;3;6J ~ l:l 51 ar .. a rears Children's Name Ages: ~~(?j -t~ 05dSJ<::OS I SlUg II Rah 1 na Rao a 24 "rears '\ 21 years mar Birthday &l;6J5;6c6JJ eel and living se ar"'tely. ill IV V If more space is needed, Write on the reverse side. 8,05" .;)~6-05 ~(?jc6JJ 5"05a~ @oeJ ~~~e~ ~diJ05iilJ~' 2. On a seperate sheet of paper, write you personal statement of faith. This should be in your own words. £)) g)'U".s;6c6JJ~ l'b>BJ ~c3S"f\ei~~ R}>oei~r1" ~dllic6JJ. B a p t i ' a it::. h • 3. Ori-a seperate sheet of paper, write your testimony regarding your salvation expeJience, baptism and call to ministry_ Also have your wife write her salvation testimony. £);,/:S) 6!ooSeJe.;:s g)Q";:S~, &>05~ eJ"~;6J~' a~~ ~O)SJ ~ex>o)eJe.;:s g)Q";:S~c6J KJo5J ~-a S"F\e§~ ~ LW"dSn~. @eJ"'R .fu c,J"6S 6~~ oil5dlli iJo~~eJe6J K:>50~ LW"dSn~- enclos.ed. 4. List your monthly budget and needs, and the amounts, and any sources of income y u urrently have, if you are supported by another organization or religious denomination, we encourage you to seek any needed support form your leaders. FINAL FRONTIERS supports only independent preachers', 09t those answerable to or claimed by another board or organization. .fu ~eJ;65 @cr>dlJ~, o)SdlJ~eJ LoS~t?!:'3c6J LW"dlJ08. ~-a ~eC\J" ;::50~ oo:;po ;6';s£dlJ~ SJo06;:$)c6J Cfut:eJ O'lJoSJ O[)dlJ~6iSoe.. ;&~, £:b/:S), .fu C\J"dlJSJeJ ~oo SJo06 ;6';s£dlJ~ @68",jjt>oS6t:S:>6~. os,.. ~;:S6 ®,,0e3dlJ6,j ;60~, ~ g:)J~c6J e300 ;60~& ;6oeJoQ~ e3~ ;6~~OL6, ~o)!:'3JeJSJ O'lJoL6;& ;6';s£dlJ~ t3dSnc6J. NO SUPPOJ:t fr J: aep y ne en ly work' ng s pastor. No fixed in com, 5. What type of ministry do you have? (Pastor, missionary, evangelist, slum rural tribal etc.) Give as much information as you can regarding your work. Remember, people will be considering what you write as a determination on supporting you. Give them as much detail for support. .fu/:S) ~ 6!:'3~;:S ~o) t3dSnt:S:>C\Jd./:S)? (oJo~/:S)/i'lJ g:)J~;:se[]", ;illW"§SJ~[]", ;;)c6J!:'3eJe.;:S_PO~;6))eJ&, ~~eJ&, g"ot: l?Sa~~eJes6) .fu/:S) 8.t:S:>J g)o)6~eJ;fu eJ~ .fuSJ ;6~dlJ~ t3dSn o)~ ~gdlJ~ ~Q"6~e.dllio~c6J. !:'3~!:'3 £)~;:s~cl .;)~6-o) g)o)6~ex> o[)dSJ~6iSXeJ/:S). ortb of I' d'an money ab5sn for ~ nday w rshi ., i hur' -' 0 O' , s rv eels • offerngs will be i dollars church m er I eus s "ac a 1y who wil week._ 6. Do you have any other Jobs that you work to earn a living? If SQ, what is it, and how much time does it take every week? cfu6:> a.,~j~ ;6)0)'>.9 iJ'fJ&~bJ, ~N"gc6 S"~!3J c::)o~ ;6oiJ d))~;6) "§ e.J'>Q))O t:SJ t:SJN'd6:>? No. Full ime r d ja ;;S;6)en ~~c6 a$t:SJc6c:l c::)C~, @d5J'> ;;6;6)~ S"O!3J O)'>o~c6!3J her. 7. Are you actively and constantly involved in training others for the ministry? Give explanation. cfu6:> ;6)0)".9 iJ'fJ S"~!3J ~~6:>~;6) ~BJtS:J adllib& :OoiJKd2~N'dO"? g)'fJBo~~. y 'Ill vi 9 t' y. to oke ar in 0' r Qutr.e en ministr" as 8. What are the name of ministers you have trained or helped to train and where do they serve? Do you maintain contact with them? How often? cfu6:> ;6)0)".9 iJ'fJ& ~eJtS:J ~wJc6O)"B ~~, g)'fJO~en O)"a~&a~(,.c ;;):oa~t:SJ~5", O)'>B& cfu ;6oeJoe;S eJ"oe;S'fJ~~~;6) e [)d));;S6C:So~. 3 pea 1) Joseph R e a e wor ing j. ) Mura as pastors in Adhr 'dhar. 3) GOp! Red y. Praeh and their name are es .. n"'v' ng contact with than 9 Where did you study the Bible and who trained you for your ministry? Give Oetails. fu~ @!)a>;S.) ;J!f,?:,.c, @~S~o~CV"~? ;J.;5~ ~eJC$.:) ~~JCV"tsO gj.;5otille:>&' ~~d5:>OSot:Soc,. Bible c 11ag at K~ki ada. 10. What works have you been involved with in the past and where? fu~ ~e.;5o& [,Jab OS;S.)a>, ;J!f,?:,.c,!f,?trS' ~~CV"tsO gj.;5otille:>&' ~~d5:>OS0iSo&. used to w rk as teaCher i i a p iv ta ~ hoal. 1I. Give details regarding your current ministry. 1§S~~till fu~ ~dfu~;Sd. 10<5 ~gn1~ ~d5:>ot,. Pastor "1£ a local Baptist ch rch., 12.'What countries do you serve in and what tribes do you work with? 1 £n6:J ~~ O~;;.)))eJ8', ~~ (;3O~eJ ~OS ~<S<6J §"<6~f\o~~~6:J ? i Q 13. How many souls have you personally led to Christ in your life? This past year? This past month? £n6:J 8,Oe§<So~ oJ:QJ.. ~e}JeJ<6J o!ot:)i\J"6:J ? xe§ ~o<Se§cJ0;;,)))8' ~~ ? xe§ ~eJ8' oJ~ ? 263 so _ 97' t h last year and 8 in la~t 14. What percentage of those you win to Christ also receive baptism? £n6:J o!ot:);6 OJT>58' ~oc56:J, ~oe§ ~e};;.))) eJC~~J;;.))) ~Oei\J"6:J ? 95% vere ba tize • mo'nt . 15. Do you work alone or; with other preachers? Give details. £:nOJ a.,!3&o t:,~i3d$)Jt:S:>~0" ? ~!3 ~eiOJe)& !3e)~ ~;oi3d$)Jt:S:>~O" ? g)~5oi:Soe. Alone. J 6. How many churches have you helped to start in your life? £:n ~g)eioe <0~ ;6Joeic6 ;:SO<\:D~e)c6:> ~~oDN"OJ ? 2 ew chur hes. 17. Are all your children Christians and have they been baptized? If not please explain £:n ~~e)o66Jo ~~aC\JO ? 2JO~;:SJ,~ ~ot)N"O'> ? a;o.;sG ~6~~w g)~5oi:Soe. Yes~ 01' are 'hrist ana and h ...ptized. 18. Do you grow your own food or are you able to purchase it ? fu @~d;fu.)~ ;6oeotil§"otSXJ" ? No - ~i 1 11 e3s §"~tSO" ? od eha se our . s ro '. he ' ocal market. 19, Though you will not be employed by us, are you willing to acknowledge in print and when asked by visitors, that you receive support from FINAL FRONTIERS? ;&;fu.) ~S:> c6~dS:J;fu.) adlli<6o~S"~<6.:D, fudJ lwo~~tS.sS;fu.)n" ~<66 19"oe5dS:J0J c6o~& s~~ i>c6adlli<6~n", @oAS50w, ~;fu.)J~ tS5Jotil wo5§ o[}"&:JtSO" ? yes 20. What is your house made of? Draw a diagram of the inside. fu ~e;Q ~~ ~5J0;6a:Je<6e ? &;6[) e.J"r\~ wl~;fu.) Acfm;fu.). ba ch d shed - i th bambo s d alm' eave on it s r,oof. 21. What is a typical daily schedule for you? ... your wife? fu dms& fu e.J"dS amS& e<6iSdS .0 @J"dlli~ . vi i tation. v i.s·· lng nearby v illag s 22. What are your favourite foods? Describe a typical meal. fus:> @~So~ l~~Sd~<6 @~6;fu.) ~~e5 ? fudJ ~c6J§,,~ ~c6Jo<6S @~d;fu.)~ ru50w g)6S50~;fu.). Rice and v get ble curries. If there is any more information you feel would be helful to us in finding a sponsor for you, please include it as well. 'ag)so~, to~ ;6~d))<6n 3cfu>c>JOBs ~~CfuoF\ot:5J 3\g§ti g);6ti<6ne,)J ~~;6 e,;6J.03:Jde:J "@~d))~tit.Soc,. eed your suppo.t. If you have any special needs, let us know. [f you are approved for suppor~, do not be ashamed to teU us of any needs thaL arise in your fami ly or ministry, and as you send in reports, include photographs whenever possible. If you need a camera, please inform us. to @~S~ @;;5;66€ie:J rDBo~ o)]o~ ee:JJ0c, ~<6n to~ ;6~d))<6n 3d)) :atiQ))o~;6 ~C;e:J. to ~~oz) o))Bc:&> 1J;6&:a @;;5;66<6ne:J ~gnQ§o i'0l'U~d~oC" ~ ~ ~ 0 €j~d))~tit.Soc,. to B~~e:J& bE;6~ i;Jo&e,)J e3g§~6t:5oc,. to~ sillO" rI":a, i;JoeS i9cfu>woe:a rI"~ ~olli ~ry>JbJ 3d))Xe:J<6n. Each time you take patt in starting a new church. please inform us. In addition, tell us how many you converted and baptized si nee your last letter to us. If you start a church with the hel p of another preacher who is also supported by FINAL FRONTIERS please tell us it was done together, so that church is not counted twice. It is important that we be able to report the number of churches that have been started accurately. to6:> @"~ ;00C\X><6nl6J ~~ot:5J;6~cil e[)d))~6~oc,. to6:> ~€i~e:J l6Joc, ~ ~e:J;;56~ ~:ad. @€iJe:Jl6J ti~O~0J"6:>. ~og§o))o5 aJl'~;6JoiD ff)oo50J"f1' e[)d))~6t:5;,'Sa;6). e..,~~~ 0)]0 ;,'Se:J;6 ;6~d))<6n Ooo6:Jt:5J~ o))5c:m~ 1J;,'S~~~ ~e:Ji'0, jJcQ§;6 ;6oq))<6nl6J ~~o~;6 dbde,), ;6oqn<6ne:J ;6o~S ~tiX~oc:> ~~~o, ~~~<6nri" @ g)~d))<6n 0)]013:1 8[)d))~6t.S05al6J. I know this application will seem a burden to you, but it will make the task of raising funds for you much easier and more successful. Please complete and mail it to me as quickly as possible. If you cannot complete the entire form, do as much as you can, but remember, it will be harder to help you without complete information. ~ 6tiw<6:J ~Bot:5JeJ §"o€i ~~~;6jJc. to~ <0o€i ;6~d))<6n 3cfu>eJS:J 'aQ ~og§Cfuo e~cil.JoF\ot:5Jl6J. 6~~ e.;> ..... ~ to6:> ~Bo~ <00e§ e§~tirl" ~o~;6 @oe§ g§~tirl" to~ ;6~d))~C;Xe:J<6n. ~Bot:5JeJ~ ~~~;6 c>JO~~ g)c,~ gnF\[)(6g) ~Bot:5oc,. so~, ~B g);;5ti<6ne,)J e3~a to~ ;6~d))<6n 3cfu>eJ ~~;6)~ rDB~oc,. e.;> --" ~ Do not hesitate to recommend others for support. If possible, provide them with an application. to~ €j[)~;6 1J;,'S~e:J~ SJt>e" 6tiW~l6J 'a~J c>J05~ SJt>d i'0~6<6:J 3~ ~Q§J~o~oc,. God bless you in your labors for Him. Pray for us as we pray for you. Until He returns. remain your faithful friend and prayer partner. aOd:>::) OJ"~~ ~6~tSS ::)g:n~~;5 fu l-a.;»;i) a~6 2J~rI" eg)ot'iJ;6J rI"~. @dS:>;5 ~6Fl~t'iJJ ~tSso~o:ill ;;to:ill fu lU60D l§Jo6ot'iJ;5e.n~, fu6:J c6.Jo lU60D lo7>6o~o~. Q Q ~ ~e.n (""> a~::) ~~& ''1' fu g)~j ~J..~~6, fu liJog;;J" j~""~6:J6 Bro. Jon els ego~ ;;)e5fuj Executive DiJreclo~ aJ~§JoSe5i5 ~tSg5 Your application, detailed information, occasional letters and datailed quarterly reports will give us the information we need to write and print your story. This will aid us in finding a sponsor for you and assist us in finding sponsors for other preachers around the world. On their behalf.... THANK YOu. fu cstS~~, g)~tSo:ille.u, fu ;;)e)j6 6SJS~e)), fu ~OJ"~ ~~ ::)gj,)~~;5 ~6~ o:ill\9~D, fu~ j;0£dS:>o:ill ;5dfu~~, S";6J~e.u ~oC0 OJ"6::) ~;i)fi";6J~~ c6.J0~ joJ<>~6oD fu ~~& @~~e')~ &oCSo~... TESTIMONY OF CHINTHAPALLI VENKATA RAO h I, Chinthapalli Venkata Rao working as a pastor in the state of Andhra Pradesh. My parents are very staunch believers of Lord Kri~hna one of the famous Hindu gods in India. I used to work as a woodcutter in the forest and every day I will bring some wood to the towns and villages to sell the people. This is my routine duty. I will go in the morning and will return evening with firewood and I sell it on next day. Like this I am earning some thing to feed myself. My parents were also used to sell firewood at their home. Some times the forest guards will check our firewood and impose some fine for taking it to the villages. They know me very weB because regularly I will give some bribe for them. So by seeing me they will never stop but for other fire woodcutters they would stopped and create problems. Like this every thing is going well. One day one of the forest guard handed over me a Christian tract. I do not know it is a tract but I think it is some kind of advertisement paper, so I took it to my home and read it. Next day the forest guard asked me whether I have read the tract or not. I said I have gone through it but not able to understand about Jesus whom they mentioned in the paper. The forest guard invited me to his home, he is living in a town. So if I need to go to his home one day my work will stop. I drag on this issue for two months and then one fine morning I went to his home. That day is a Sunday. I have not noticed it. He invited me to follow with him to the church. I went along with him and it is first time for me to enter a church. Inside the church every thing is new to me. People with good dress politely wished every one. Up to that movement I thought Christians are untouchables. After attending the church my impression was gone. I like them very much. Slowly I got good acquaintance and friendship with the forest guard. One day I attended a meeting in the church and I accepted Christ at the time of invitation. After some time I was get married to the forest guard sister. They liked me very much and after marriage they asked me to stop firewood cutter business and my wife's parents and brother sent me to study Bible training. After fmishing Bible training I returned to my village and started preaching the word of god. First I led seven woodcutters to Lord Jesus and then three people working in the forest guard office to Christ. God blessed me in many ways. Slowly the number of people I led to Christ is increasing day by day. Please pray for me.