2011 Competition Guide - New York Master Ski Racing
2011 Competition Guide - New York Master Ski Racing
the perfect lift. 100% Natural. 100% Delicious.™ naturevalley.com The Official Natural Granola Bar of the U.S. Ski Team and U.S. Snowboarding ©2010 General Mills PL_GMNESC0008USSAR_Lift.indd 1 6/21/10 12:20:14 PM 2011 USSA ALPINE MASTERS COMPETITION GUIDE On The Cover Keith Thompson - former National Chairman Photo by Heather Black Editor Bill Skinner Contributors Jack Eisenschmid Ryan Fuller Jennifer Kaufman Horst Locher Bill McCollom James McKeon Mark Mirviss Rick Murphy Ann Ozuna Nadine Price Gary Randall Meri Stratton Managing Editor and Layout Jeff Weinman Cover Design Katie Perhai - USSA Image & Design Director Published by U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association PO Box 100 1 Victory Lane Park City, UT 84060 www.ussa.org Follow the U.S. Ski Team at www.usskiteam.com Copyright 2010 by the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the USA by RR Donnelley. Additional copies of this guide are available for $10.00 from USSA Membership Customer Service, 435.647.2666. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS USSA Key Contacts Directory 5 1 7 2 3 2 USSA and the Masters Program An Introduction to the Masters What You Will Need to Compete USSA and the Masters Program Alpine Ski Racing Disciplines Where to Find Information USSA Alpine Membership Programs USSA Insurance Coverage USSA Masters Contacts 8 8 8 9 10 10 11 13 Alpine Masters Champions 15 2010 USSA Alpine Masters National Championship Medalists 2010 USSA Alpine Masters National Combined Medalists 2010 Division’s Cup 2010 Al Sise/Ski Racing Recognition Awards Spyder 2011 U.S. Alpine Masters National Team 16 19 20 20 21 Alpine Masters General Competition Rules 23 Changed and Rules to Remember Race Entry Procedure General Racer Eligibility Unqualified Racers Entry Materials Entry Fees Refunds/Cancellations Entry Limits, Conditions and Invitational Events Foreign Competitors in USSA Alpine Masters Events FIS Declaration for FIS Masters Cup Events USSA Geographic Affiliation General Rules Course Inspection (FIS ICR) Official Training (FIS ICR and USSA Rules) Racing Numbers, bibs (FIS ICR) Official Start Procedure Late Start Completion of Gate Crossing Finish Line Interference (FIS ICR) Binding Release Course Maintenance Protests (FIS ICR and USSA rules) Helmets 24 24 26 Ski-Brakes (FIS and USSA) Competitor’s Obligations Ranking and Placement Masters FIS Points 4 5 29 Event Rules for U.S. and Regional Championships and International Competitions 31 National and Regional Championships and Speed Series General Championship Rules National Championship Seeding Age Classes Running Orders Discipline Regulations Downhill Super G Giant Slalom Slalom Complete FIS Rules/FIS ICR Books Regional and Divisional Rules and Procedures Important Message about Communications International Alpine Masters Rules Eligibility Entries Special USSA Conditions for International Races International License Outside North America Rules and Guidelines for International Licensing Canadian FIS Competitions FIS Athlete Declaration USA Entry Request, FIS Declaration Masters Points Draw Courses Technical Delegate Classification Additional USSA Rules and Procedures for FIS Events Scoring Information Rules for FIS Masters Cup Events 32 32 32 33 36 36 36 37 Major Events 41 USSA Skier’s Edge Alpine Masters National Championships Molecule F Masters National Speed Series FIS Masters Cup Skiers Edge Western Regional Championships Skiers Edge Eastern Regional Championships Summer Fun Nationals 42 44 45 45 47 48 3 6 Divisional Programs and NASTAR 49 Alaska Central Eastern New England New York State Garden State (New Jersey) Southern (SARA) Far West Intermountain Northern Pacific Northwest Rocky Mountain NASTAR for Masters Racers 50 51 52 53 56 57 58 59 61 64 65 68 70 Code of Conduct Entry Card 4 71 74 USSA KEY CONTACT DIRECTORY USSA Member Service (fax 435.647.2052) Member Service Hotline USSA Web Sites 435.647.2666 Sprint Snow News Hotline 435.649.6666 membership@ussa.org www.ussa.org www.usskiteam.com www.ussnowboarding.com National Office (fax 435.649.3613) USSA PO Box 100 1 Victory Lane Park City, UT 84060 435.649.9090 info@ussa.org 435.647.2001 435.647.2004 435.647.2002 435.647.2003 435.647.2006 435.647.2005 435.640.8644 435.647.2019 bmarolt@ussa.org dcoe@ussa.org mlampe@ussa.org svanderlinden@ussa.org kjames@ussa.org scantin@ussa.org clacasse@ussa.org lhamble@ussa.org 435.647.2034 435.647.2070 smetzger@ussa.org rlischer@ussa.org 435.647.2033 435.647.2021 435.647.2025 435.647.2036 435.647.2067 435.647.2035 603.358.6644 435.640.8504 wevans@ussa.org aegger@ussa.org sduffany@ussa.org kavrin@ussa.org bskinner@ussa.org lkeller@ussa.org tmaguire@ussa.org tdelliquadri@ussa.org 435.647.2055 435.647.2016 lbodensteiner@ussa.org nrahn@ussa.org 435.647.2010 435.647.2022 435.647.2076 tkelly@ussa.org mchristiansen@ussa.org ekaram@ussa.org dhaney@ussa.org 435.647.2030 435.647.2037 jweinman@ussa.org aanderson@ussa.org 435.647.2053 435.647.2032 435.647.2014 cclark@ussa.org jdesmond@ussa.org mhenderson@ussa.org Executive Management Bill Marolt, President/CEO Dick Coe, Exec. VP/COO Mark Lampe, CFO Shauna Vanderlinden, Dir. HR/Admin. Kristy James, Executive Assistant Suzette Cantin, USSA Projects Mgr. Chip LaCasse, Special Asst. to the CEO Laurie Hamble, Insurance Coord. Adaptive Sandy Metzger, Adaptive Sports Dir. Robert Lischer, Adaptive Team Mgr. Alpine Walt Evans, National Competition Dir. Anna Egger, Men’s Team Mgr. Sarah Duffany, Women’s Team Mgr. Kate Avrin, NDS Manager Bill Skinner, Masters Manager Lester Keller, Western Reg. Dir. Tim Maguire, Eastern Reg. Dir. Terry DelliQuadri, Rocky/Central Dir. Athletics Luke Bodensteiner, VP Athletics Nancye Rahn, Athletics Coordinator Communications Tom Kelly, VP Communications Margo Christiansen, Comm. Manager Elizabeth Karam, Content Coord. Doug Haney, Alpine Press Officer Competition Services Jeff Weinman, Asst. Ntl. Comp. Dir. Alice Anderson, Ntl. Rankings Coord. Events Calum Clark, VP Events Jen Desmond, Events Project Mgr. Mike Henderson, Sr. Event Mgr. 5 Eric Webster, Grand Prix Tour Dir. Peter Tilton, Director Event Ops Karen Korfanta, Super Series Coord. Tom Johnston, Alpine Tech. Advisor Nick Alexakos, Snowboard Event Mgr. Lindsay Arnold, World Cup Coord. 603.279.0121 435.647.2042 435.714.1376 435.649.9090 435.467.2018 435.647.2072 ewebster@ussa.org ptilton@ussa.org kkorfanta@ussa.org tjohnston@ussa.org nalexakos@ussa.org larnold@ussa.org 435.647.2071 435.647.2077 435.647.2023 435.714.1948 773.636.0482 917.741.8838 435.602.2965 435.647.2092 435.647.2096 435.647.2095 tworthington@ussa.org cherold@ussa.org rflanagan@ussa.org sbrady@ussa.org lkramer@ussa.org amaddock@ussa.org kfleck@ussa.org kklingsmith@ussa.org btatlock@ussa.org jmiller@ussa.org Foundation (Fund Raising) Trace Worthington, VP Foundation Christine Herold, Admin. Assistant Ruth Flanagan, Special Events Dir. Shannon Brady, Major Gifts Manager Lisa Kramer, Major Gifts Manager Alexa Maddock, Major Gifts, Tri-State Kathryn Fleck, Major Gifts, Rockies Kate Klingsmith, Asst Development Dir. Beth Tatlock, Special Events Asst. Jessica Miller , Special Events Coord. Freestyle Todd Schirman, Freestyle Program Dr. 435.647.2080 Cheryl Pearson, Freestyle Program Mgr. 435.647.2068 tschirman@ussa.org cpearson@ussa.org Image Katie Perhai, Image Director Shannon Camp, Content/Video Mgr. 435.647.2064 435.647.2612 kperhai@ussa.org scamp@ussa.org Member Services Sheryl Barnes, Member Services Dir. 435.647.2013 Lois Benevento, Member Services Mgr. 435.647.2017 sbarnes@ussa.org lbenevento@ussa.org Nordic John Farra, Nordic Director Toni Adams, Nordic Program Mgr. 435.647.2063 435.647.2061 jfarra@ussa.org tadams@ussa.org 435.647.2012 435.647.2083 435.647.2086 435.647.2097 435.647.2043 435.647.2082 ajudelson@ussa.org pglass@ussa.org lbennion@ussa.org kbrown@ussa.org emiller@ussa.org vgaylord@ussa.org Sales & Marketing Andrew Judelson, EVP/CRO Peter Glass, Dir. Sales & Marketing Lisa Bennion, Dir. Sales & Marketing Kim Brown, Account Executive Evan Miller, Account Executive Vicky Gaylord, Account Executive Snowboard Jeremy Forster, Snowboarding Dir. 435.647.2079 Abbi Nyberg, Snowboarding Program Mgr. 435.647.2081 jforster@ussa.org anyberg@ussa.org Sport Science & Education Troy Flanagan, High Performance Dir. Jessica Tidswell, Resident PT Jon Nolting, Director Sport Ed Ron Kipp, Sports Ed. Alpine Mgr. Chelsea Steinbach, Sport Ed. Coord. 435.647.2028 435.647.2062 435.647.2078 435.647.2049 435.647.2050 tflanagan@ussa.org jtidswell@ussa.org jnolting@ussa.org rkipp@ussa.org csteinbach@ussa.org 800.TEAM.SKI worldtek@.org Travel Service - WorldTek Travel 24-hour Travel Service 6 Chapter 1 USSA and the Masters Program 2011 Competition Guide www.ussa.org 7 THE ORGANIZATION An Introduction to the Masters Masters are unique among the participants in the most popular snowsport, alpine skiing. Not content to rest upon past successes, masters racers seek to reach their best beyond the public perception of “prime years.” Masters racing is designed for every level of skier ability, from entry level racers through ex-national team members. Masters racing provides the next step for up and coming accomplished skiers who are late bloomers, NASTAR and college racers, ski instructors, former professional racers and even ex-national team members. Masters from ages 18 to over 90 compete on the same runs used for World Cup events. Slalom, giant slalom, super G and downhill are all included in the 200-plus races in this season’s schedule. Masters series are conducted within each of the eight geographic divisions of USSA including Alaska, Central, Eastern, Far West, Intermountain, Northern, Pacific Northwest and Rocky Mountain. Each USSA division has a specific contact person who can provide details on divisional competition programs (see contacts listed later in this chapter). In addition to divisional competition, there are opportunities to compete on a regional, national, and international level. The USSA Alpine Masters Program is just one of the participants in the International Ski Federation’s (FIS) Masters Cup in the U.S., Canada, and Europe. The highlight of the race season in the USA is the USSA Masters National Championships scheduled March 22-26 at Copper Mtn., Colorado. Masters racing offers more than high-quality ski competition. It offers an opportunity to meet, ski and compete with a group of extraordinary individuals from all walks of life. Many of the pioneers of the ski industry compete including ski area developers, 10th Mountain Division alumni, ski equipment and clothing entrepreneurs, former national team members, and honored members of the U.S. Ski Hall of Fame. Masters racing is highly social, and the masters are a friendly group. Of the reasons current masters list for participation, camaraderie is always among the first. Second, of course, is a love of competition. At many events, masters racing is a family affair, where two or three generations compete. What You Will Need to Compete On a local level, masters races are open to athletes 18 years of age or older, with appropriate eligibility, according to USSA rules. A USSA alpine Masters membership is required over the age of 24. Athletes who are 18 to 24 and who hold a USSA Competitor or Student membership may be race in masters races except for the Regional and National masters championships as can USSA Coaches 39 years of age and younger. Some divisions have local memberships as well. New participants may take advantage of temporary weekend memberships, limited to one such membership per participant per season; the cost of a temporary membership will be applied to a full masters membership when purchased. Ski equipment of suitable condition for racing and a helmet are requisite to race masters. The many benefits of USSA alpine masters include: competition in USSA masters races, an annual USSA Alpine Masters Competition Guide with rules, schedules and entry information, local and national newsletters, and a subscription to Ski Racing. For more information, contact USSA or your local series. USSA and the Masters Program Welcome to the USSA. You have joined one of the most fun and exciting sports organizations in the United States. The USSA provides opportunities for athletes to develop their skiing or snowboarding skills in a competitive and educational environment. Use this guide as a roadmap to USSA programs, rules and rankings. The U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association (USSA) is an Olympic sports organization and parent body for the U.S. Ski Team and U.S. Snowboarding. It is driven by a vision to be best 8 in the world in Olympic skiing and snowboarding with an emphasis on building character through personal values. The USSA’s mission is to provide strong leadership that establishes and supports athletic excellence in accordance with the USSA core values. The USSA’s programs provide education, skill development and competition opportunities for young athletes with grassroots USSA club programs up through national teams and the Olympic Winter Games. The USSA provides athletic programs in six unique sports including alpine skiing, cross country, disabled alpine/cross country, freestyle, ski jumping/nordic combined, and snowboarding. Programs are implemented through a national network of over 400 USSA Clubs. The USSA has 30,000 members, including over 22,000 athletes, with over 50,000 fans and donors providing ongoing support. Services provided by the USSA are based around the three “R’s”: rules, races and rankings. Rules are established to ensure a consistent and fair playing field for all athletes. Races, or competitions, are the backbone of the USSA’s programs, providing competitive programs for athletes. Rankings are a means of evaluating performance in competitions to determine advancement on the USSA’s athlete development pipeline, or to assist in determining start positions in specific competitions. The USSA provides educational resources to key constituent groups. Education is provided to athletes, parents, officials, coaches and clubs in areas such as sport technique, fitness and exercise, sport science and sports medicine. The USSA’s new state-of-the-art training and education facility, the Center of Excellence, is open and preparing our athletes for the World Ski Championships and future Olympic Winter Games. The Center of Excellence will allow the USSA to record and distribute best practices to athletes, coaches, clubs, officials and parents. USSA regions and divisions/states are volunteer-run programs which implement USSA programs within small, multi-state geographic areas, including scheduling of divisional competitions, selection of divisional teams and training of competition officials. Local USSA Clubs make up over 400 professional coaching outlets for athletes and logistical support for competitions. USSA clubs, with both professional staffs and local volunteers, are the backbone of the USSA supporting individual athletes and managing most of the USSA’s over 4,000 domestic competitions. USSA Masters Program - Masters race programs are organized by a network of committed volunteers led by a committee called the Masters National Working Group and by a full time USSA staff member designated at the Alpine National Masters Manager. This Competition Guide provides general information about masters ski racing in the U.S. as well as rules and information for competition in masters events abroad. This book is designed with information on national, international, regional and divisional rules and technical information, coaches, officials, and other information of interest to supporters and participants. All USSA members are advised to check with the divisional and USSA regional offices for more information. Alpine Ski Racing Disciplines In the early days of alpine ski racing, athletes competed in only two events: downhill and slalom. Giant slalom was added to the lineup in 1950 and super G in 1983. Downhill and super G are generally grouped together as “speed” events, with slalom and giant slalom grouped as “technical” events. Skiers generally compete in either speed events or technical events, although the trend among U.S. coaches is to develop skiers on a broader base, skiing all disciplines. All race courses must meet strict standards established and monitored by officials of the FIS and USSA. Following is a very brief outline of the alpine ski racing events. For complete and specific rules on each, please obtain a FIS ICR (rulebook) from USSA Membership Customer Service, or see the rules chapter of this guide. 9 Slalom (SL) - Slalom is a timed event requiring the execution of many short, quick turns through two different courses. Slalom is staged in two runs with times added together to determine the final finish order. Often times the top of the first-run finish order is reversed in seeding for the second run, including World Cup competition. The competitors are required to pass between all the gates, alternate red/blue pairs of poles, in sequence down the course. The course is made up of various gate combinations designed to test a skier’s skill and strategy. Giant Slalom (GS) - Giant Slalom is characterized as the discipline that requires the most technical skill; skiers race down the mountain through a faster and more open course than in SL. As in SL, skiers often are seeded in the first run start order by their points ranking. The vertical drop of the course determines the number of gates in a GS course. Giant slalom is staged in two runs with the times added together to determine the final finish order. Downhill (DH) - Perhaps the most exciting event in alpine ski racing is the DH. Racers attempt to record the fastest time during a single run on a course with a minimum number of control gates. Speeds in DH often exceed 70 mph on major courses. The FIS World Cup requires that men’s and women’s courses have minimum vertical drops of 800 meters and 500 meters respectively. Super G (SG) - Super G is the newest of the alpine disciplines combining the elements of speed as in DH while integrating high-speed technical turns as in GS. Super G is contested in a single run format; courses are set utilizing terrain variations with the number of gates being a function of a specific percentage of the vertical drop. International women’s SG courses must provide at least 350 vertical meters while men’s courses must provide at least 500 vertical meters. Where to Find More Information As you continue competitive skiing or snowboarding, you might have questions along the way. The following are helpful resources to guide you on your path to success. USSA Website - www.ussa.org is the best source of member information. Simply click on your sport on the home page. There you will find contact information, criteria and advancement protocol on your sport as well as the latest in national news from your sport. USSA Competition Guide - This handbook is a guide for athletes, parents, coaches and officials that provides a roadmap to USSA programs. Here you can find information on rules and rankings for your sport. Local USSA Club - Over 400 USSA Clubs are the heart of the sport. These organizations have the background and knowledge to help answer most of your questions. Check your local USSA Club for information on schedules and qualifying procedures within your division or state. Regional/Divisional/State Contact - Each region, division and state for your sport has a contact person who can help you answer questions. Your divisional contact appears in the front of this Competition Guide and may also be found at www.ussa.org. USSA National Office - Every USSA sport has full-time staff in the USSA national office in Park City, UT. Contact the office at 435.647.2666 with national membership or ranking questions. For a quicker response, please send an email to the email links found at www.ussa.org. Magazines - USSA members will receive a subscription to their choice of Ski Racing Magazine (both hard copy and electronic), SkiTrax or Snowboarding Magazine to stay informed on sport news. USSA Alpine Membership Programs Masters - USSA masters membership fee is $110. The masters program offers events geographically, providing the opportunity for adult racers (21 years old and older) to compete in age categories leading to the U.S. Alpine Masters Championships. Competitor - The USSA competitor membership is available for $140. Competitors 10 are ranked on the USSA ranking list where appropriate (as an example, USSA Eastern J3 competitors are not ranked). Note: Must be 18 or older and have a masters membership to compete in masters races. Student - The USSA Student membership is available for $90 for athletes 13 and over, who are participating in non-scored, non-advancement competitions. Students are not scored on the USSA ranking list. Student members ages 18 to 24 (based upon age as of Dec. 31 of the competition season) may compete with masters without a Masters membership. Additional Memberships Any USSA member who purchases a second or third membership (i.e. official or coach) is given a discount on the second and subsequent memberships of $35. So, for instance, if you are paying a Masters membership of $110, the Officials’ membership is $25 instead of $60 (a $35 discount on the second membership). Programs USSA alpine competition is organized into general program categories based on the needs of racers at every level. Programs may overlap or be identified differently in some divisions. Racers should check with their local program, or with their divisional/regional office regarding details or exceptions that may apply. The general categories are: Age Classes Age classes are based on age as of Dec. 31 of the competition season. Youth competitor or age-class Ages 12 and under Junior 3 (transition from age-class to seeded racing) Ages 13 and 14 Seeded competition Ages 15 and up Masters racing Ages 18 and up* * Athletes 18 and older may compete in either masters or seeded competition or both, depending on the rules of a specific region. He or she must have both a Competitor and Masters membership in order to participate in both programs. For complete rules on membership requirements for competing in USSA Masters events see Ch. 3 General Racer Eligibility. USSA INSURANCE COVERAGE USSA expects all of its USSA Members to have valid and sufficient primary medical/ accident insurance coverage and to accept full responsibility for understanding the provisions of such coverage as a condition of becoming a USSA member and participating in official USSA training and competition. Such primary coverage must be in effect for the entire term of the membership year in order for the member to have coverage under USSA’s excess accident medical policy. If a member does not have primary excess accident medical coverage, the member is required to complete the Medical Exception Agreement and waive coverage under USSA’s excess accident medical policy. Participants must carry proof of primary insurance and such proof must be available at each event so that prompt medical/hospital care can be authorized, if needed. USSA provides properly registered participants with excess accident medical coverage, as follows: Excess Accident Medical Insurance for Members of Non-Gold Member Clubs Current USSA Members and USSA temporary registrants of a non-Gold Member club have excess accident medical coverage during sanctioned or registered events including official training (as defined by the policy) at such events. Please see http://www.amerspec.com/ussa_cov/ for a detailed description of coverage. Excess Accident Medical Insurance for Members of Gold Member Clubs Current USSA Members, USSA trial participants and USSA temporary registrants of a USSA Gold Member Club have excess accident medical coverage during skiing and snowboarding competition, while training to compete and conditioning to compete in ski and snowboard competition that is supervised by a USSA representative and/or representative of 11 a USSA Gold Member Club, and during club activities that are supervised by a representative of a USSA Gold Member Club. Please see http://www.amerspec.com/ussa_cov/ for a detailed description of coverage including activities that are excluded from the policy. Liability Insurance USSA will provide liability coverage for: • Event Organizers with respect to their ordinary negligence if such is alleged to have arisen in connection with competition in or conduct of sanctioned events (meaning a Schedule Agreement has been executed) and/or activities conducted or approved by USSA (including official training at such event as defined by the policy). Please see http://www.amerspec.com/ussa_cov/ for a detailed description of coverage. • Gold Member Clubs and the members and supervisory staff of such clubs and USSA member coaches and USSA member officials while acting in their capacity as such on behalf of Gold Member Clubs. Such coverage applies during (1) ski and snowboard competition; (2) while training to compete and conditioning to compete in ski and snowboard competition that is supervised by a USSA representative and/or representative of a USSA Gold Member Club; and (3) during club activities that are supervised by a representative of a USSA Gold Member Club. Please see http://www.amerspec.com/ussa_cov/ for a detailed description of coverage. Note: This summary provides a general overview of insurance coverage that applies for USSA members. It is not a complete explanation of all policy provisions or specifics of the policy benefits. No coverage is extended, and no representations are made, other than what is stated in the actual insurance policies. 12 USSA Masters Contacts Field offices and contacts are the closet service point to all USSA members. Contact them for information no local and divisional alpine programs. In cases where there is not a regularly staffed divisional office, the divisional chairperson or volunteer administrator is listed as the contact. USSA National Office Box 100 1 Victory Lane Park City UT 84060 tel 435.649.9090 fax 435.649.3613 info@ussa.org www.ussa.org Sprint Snow News Hotline: 435.649.6666 USSA Alpine Masters National Coordinator Bill Skinner In National Office tel 435.647.2633 fax 435.649.3613 bskinner@ussa.org Alpine Masters Information Contacts FIS Representative FIS Competitor Representative Bob Dart Winter Park Race Dept Box 36 Winter Park CO 80482 tel 970.726.1589 fax 970.726.1690 Anne Nordhoy 4903 Penn Ave Reading PA 19608 tel 610.678.0401 anordhoy@aol.com Alpine Masters National Working Group The Alpine Masters National Working Group is under the Programs Subcommittee of the USSA Alpine Sport Committee. The Masters Working Group governs and promotes alpine masters ski racing. Other responsibilities include • organizing the annual USSA National Masters Championship • coordinating regional masters activities, including regional championships, and • advising and assisting USSA regions and divisions with their masters programs. The working group members are the masters chairs from each division, the FIS masters liaison and the immediate past chair of the working group. They elect a person to be their Chair for a term of two years. Such election to be held at the annual meeting at the National Masters Championships. The FIS masters liaison is appointed by the Chair. Chair: Steve Slivinski, Ketchum, ID (IM) Mark Mirviss Olympic Valley, CA (FW) Jennifer Kaufman, Denver, CO (RM) Amy Lanzel Park City, UT (IM) Ryan Fuller, Minneapolis, MN (CN) Keith McCauley, (past Chair) Bill McCollom, Waitsfield, VT (EA) Rick Murphy, Whitefish, MT (NO) Ann Nordhoy, Reading, PA (FIS liaison) Ann Ozuna, Spokane, WA (PN) Gary Randall, Anchorage, AK (AL) 13 USSA Masters Contacts National Chair Steve Slivinski PO Box 981766 Ketchum ID 83340 tel 208.726.3442 sly@sunvalley.net Alaska Gary Randall 2942 Marston Dr Anchorage AK 99517 tel 907.243.4259 grandall@gci.net Central Ryan Fuller 700 Washington Ave #300 Minneapolis MN 55401 tel 612.501.3268 ryanf1541@yahoo.com Eastern Eastern - Southern Horst Locher PO Box 9 Basye VA 22810 tel 540.856.2860 horst@shentel.net Far West Mark Mirviss 450 Forest Glen Road Olympic Valley CA 96146 tel 530.583.6971 markmirviss@att.net Intermountain Amy Lanzel 8720 Hidden Cove Rd Park City UT 84098 tel 435.649.5751 alanzel@xmission.com Bill McCollom Eastern Masters General Chairman 593 RR 2 Bethel VT 05032 tel 802.234.9561 bmccollom@skiracing.com Northern Eastern - New England Pacific Northwest Rick Murphy 19 Mill Ave Whitefish MT 59937 tel 406.471.1573 rickmurphy14@hotmail.com Nadine Price 580 Blossom St Fitchburg MA 01420 tel 978.342.8141 nprice@ntp-associates.com Ann Ozuna 3403 S Tekoa St Spokane WA 99203 tel 509.455.7944 aozuna@ieway.com Eastern - New York Rocky Mountain Jack Eisenschmid 675 Grand Ave Rochester NY 14609 tel 716.288.4554 eisenschmid@frontiernet.net Eastern - New Jersey Roy Scovill 14 John Henry Dr Montville NJ 07045 tel 201.247.6126 royscovill@yahoo.com 14 Jennifer Kaufman 2616 W 26th Avenue Denver CO 80211 tel 720.855.8427 jenniferkaufman@comcast.net Chapter 2 Alpine Masters Champions 2011 Competition Guide www.ussa.org 15 ALPINE MASTERS CHAMPIONS A summary of medal winners from the 2010 Skiers Edge USSA Masters National Championships held at Sun Valley, ID. Also included are those competitors named to the Spyder 2011 U.S. Alpine Masters Team and honored with the Al Sise /Ski Racing recognition award based on their results from these championships. 2010 USSA Alpine Masters National Championship Medalists Sun Valley, ID March 29 - April 2, 2010 Event Medal Winners Group A/B/D Men Downhill – Feb. 15 Aspen, Colorado Class 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Gold Luke Keenan (PN) Kevin Hendrickson (RM) Doug Smith (RM) Alan Beyer (RM) Erik Klemme (RM) David Luskin (RM) Rauli Karjalainen (IM) Chuck Tower (RM) Leonard Kaufman (RM) Leon Johnson (RM) Silver Fredrik Nilsen (RM) Bernard Vachon (RM) Martin Wiesiolek (RM) John Reinhardt (RM) Ben Letson (RM) David Smith (CN) Chip Ford (RM) George Fesus (RM) Charlie Hauser (RM) Bronze Jonathan Wolf (RM) Charles Fetzer (RM) Bill Tomcich (RM) Michael LeVan (RM) Dan McLaren (RM) Terry Patten (RM) Jim Ruscitto (IM) Steve Slivinski (IM) Wayne Ferguson (EA) Group C Women Downhill - Feb. 15 Aspen, Colorado Class 1 6 7 9 Gold Carly Hedrich (RM) Jeanette Saylor (RM) Dyann Skelton (RM) Sandy Hogan (FW) Silver Laurie Stephens (RM) Victoria Valar (RM) Carol Davis (RM) Group C Woman Super Combined March 31 Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 16 Gold Erika Hogan (IM) Dana Alexandrescu (IM) Jessie McAleer (EA) Carolyn Beckedorff (EA) Lisa Densmore (EA) Victoria Valar (RM) Deborah Lewis (FW) Carol Levine (RM) Nancy Auseklis (IM) Anna Droego (IM) Virginia Reed (IM) Silver Paige Naisbitt (IM) Jennifer Kaufman (RM) Kirstin Kozlowski (PN) Gillain Esson (PN) Andrea Esson (CAN) Linda Crowell (FW) Barbara Settel (EA) Anne Nordhoy (EA) Carolyn Phillips (PN) Bronze Mary Geron (IM) Barb Brumbaugh (EA) Margaret Vaughn (EA) Heidi Flood (IM) Randi Dubois (IM) Carol Davis (RM) Chris Liegl (CN) Group D Men Super Combined March 31 Class 8 9 10 11 12 Gold Victor Roy (IM) Edgar Fenwick (IM) Willi Schmidt (PN) Alphonse Sevigny (EA) Paul Rich (EA) Silver Bob Andree (EA) Bob Sarchett (IM) Haldor Reinholt (EA) Harold Wescott (RM) Drury Cooper (IM) Bronze Bob Dreyer (IM) Wayne Henderson (AK) Lee Kaufman (RM) Charles Evans (PN) Gus Angelos (IM) Group A/B Men Super Combined March 31 Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Gold Matthew Savage (FW) Nathan Schwing (IM) Robin Sarchett (IM) Alex Gadois (EA) Tim Hill (PN) Matt Murphy (IM) Mark George (EA) Silver Carl Rixon (IM) James Thoman (EA) Kevin Hendrickson (RM) Thunder Jalili (IM) Willy Scroggins (PN) Kurt Belden (FW) David Luskin (RM) Bronze Fredrik Nilsen (RM) Mike Shklovski (FW) Louis Moore (EA) Joel Solly (EA) John Campbell (IM) Erik Klemme (RM) Pierre Jeangirard (FW) Group A/B Men Super G - March 31 Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Gold Carl Rixon (IM) Nathan Schwing (IM) Robin Sarchett (IM) James Grossman (IM) William Scroggins (PN) Matt Murphy (IM) Dave Luskin (RM) Silver Jean Rudigoz (IM) James Thoman (EA) Kevin Hendrickson (RM) Alex Gadois (EA) John Campbell (IM) Erik Klemme (RM) Mark George (EA) Bronze Matthew Savage (FW) Andrew Baillargeon (IM) Louis Moore (EA) Joel Solly (EA) Chris Waxwell (PN) Kurt Belden (FW) Pierre Jeangirard (FW) Group D Men Super G - March 31 Class 8 9 10 11 12 13 Gold Victor Roy (IM) Edgar Fenwick (IM) Willi Schmidt (PN) Harold Wescott (RM) Gaetano Demattei (FW) John Droege (IM) Silver Bob Andree (EA) Wayne Henderson (AK) Keith Thompson (IM) Alphonse Sevigny (EA) Drury Cooper (IM) Bronze Bob Dreyer (IM) Bob Sarchett (IM) Lee Kaufman (RM) James Tallackson (IM) Paul Rich (IM) Group C Women Super G - March 31 Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Gold Erika Hogan (IM) Dana Alexandrescu (IM) Jessie McAleer (EA) Carolyn Beckedorff (EA) Lisa Densmore (EA) Victoria Valar (RM) Deborah Lewis (FW) Carol Levine (FW) Nancy Auseklis (IM) Anna Droege (IM) Grace Oaks (CAN) Silver Jenny Badger (IM) Bronze Paige Naisbitt (IM) Jennifer Kaufman (RM) Colleen Thomas (IM) Gillian Esson (PN) Andrea Esson (CAN) Linda Crowell (FW) Barbara Settel (EA) Anne Nordhoy (EA) Carolyn Phillips (PN) Virginia Reed (IM) Ayla Ash (IM) Mary Geron (IM) Barb Brumbaugh (EA) Margaret Vaughn (EA) Heidi Flood (IM) Randi Dubois (IM) Sandy Hogan (FW) Chris Liegl (CN) 17 Group C Women Slalom – April 1 Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Gold Erika Hogan (IM) Dana Alexandrescu (IM) Jennifer Kaufman (RM) Carolyn Beckedorff (EA) Lisa Densmore (EA) Andrea Esson (CAN) Deborah Lewis (FW) Cynthia Berlack (EA) Nancy Auseklis (IM) Anna Droege (IM) Grace Oaks (CAN) Silver Jenny Badger (IM) Bronze Paige Naisbitt (IM) Jessie McAleer (EA) Kathy Hurdcarrillo (EA) Gillian Esson (PN) Margaret Vaughn (EA) Nancy Dreyer (IM) Barbara Settel (EA) Anne Nordhoy (EA) Carolyn Phillips (PN) Kristin Kozlowski (PN) Gina Orozco (EA) Julie Rolfe (FW) Linda Crowell (FW) Randi Dubois (IM) Sandy Hogan (FW) Group D Men Slalom – April 1 Class 8 9 10 11 12 13 Gold Victor Roy (IM) Bob Sarchett (IM) Haldor Reinholt (EA) Harold Wescott (RM) Gaetano Demattei (FW) John Droege (IM) Silver Bob Andree (EA) Wayne Henderson (AK) Lee Kaufman (RM) Carl Pomey (FW) Drury Cooper (IM) Bronze Pepi Neubauer (EA) Chuck Tower (RM) Rich Robertson (PN) Charles Evans (PN) Kristian Berg (PN) Group A/B Men Giant Slalom – April 1 Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Gold Carl Rixon (IM) Nathan Schwing (IM) Robin Sarchett (IM) Thunder Jalili (IM) Tim Hill (PN) Matt Murphy (IM) Pierre Jeangirard (FW) Silver Matthew Savage (FW) James Thoman (EA) Kevin Hendrickson (RM) Joel Solly (EA) John Campbell (IM) Robert Skinner (IM) George Frazier (PN) Bronze Jean Rudigoz (IM) Craig Norton (IM) Daryn Gladstone (EA) Steve Masur (EA) Dennis Wilhelmsen (ND) Kurt Belden (FW) David Luskin (RM) Group D Men Giant Slalom – April 2 Class 8 9 10 11 12 13 Gold Pepi Naubauer (EA) Nick Hudson (IM) Lee Kaufman (RM) Harold Wescott (RM) Gaetano Demattei (FW) John Droege (IM) Silver Bob Andree (EA) Chuck Tower (RM) Willi Schmidt (PN) James Tallackson (IM) Dewey Davidson (PN) Bronze Victor Roy (IM) Wayne Henderson (AK) Haldor Reinholt (EA) Carl Pomey (FW) Paul Rich (EA) Group C Women Giant Slalom – April 2 Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 18 Gold Erika Hogan (IM) Dana Alexandrescu (IM) Jessie McAleer (EA) Carolyn Beckedorff (EA) Lisa Densmore (EA) Andrea Esson (CAN) Deborah Lewis (FW) Carol Levine (RM) Nancy Auseklis (IM) Silver Jenny Badger (IM) Maria Noel (EA) Jennifer Kaufman (RM) Mary Geron (IM) Gillian Esson (PN) Victoria Valar (RM) Linda Crowell (FW) Randi Dubois (IM) Anna Nordhoy (IM) Bronze Paige Naisbitt (IM) Sarah Peshkin (PN) Gina Orozco (EA) Margaret Vaughn (EA) Nancy Dreyer (IM) Rosemary Moschel (IM) Sandy Hogan (FW) 10 11 Anna Droege (IM) Grace Oaks (CAN) Marietta Frinell (FW) Virginia Reed (IM) Carolyn Phillips (PN) Group A/B Men Slalom – April 2 Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Gold Fredrik Nilsen (RM) Craig Norton (IM) Robin Sarchett (IM) Joe Solly (EA) Tim Hill (PN) Kurt Belden (FW) Mark George (EA) Silver Luke Keenan (PN) Mike Shklovski (FW) Louis Moore (EA) Thunder Jalili (IM) Dennis Wilhelmsen (ND) Matt Murphy (IM) Mike Robins (CAN) Bronze Andy Baillargeon (IM) Dayyn Gladstone (EA) Alex Gadbois (EA) John Campbell (IM) Robert Skinner (IM) James Cole (ND) Combined Medalists The age Combined results are awarded based on the lowest total race points score accumulated by a competitor for the three events of slalom, giant slalom and super G. Race points are calculated as the ratio of the competitor’s time to that of the winner, adjusted by a discipline-specific normalization factor set by the FIS which produces a time-based “closeness” ranking that can be compared across events. Because of the time-based scoring formula, competitors must finish all three events to be eligible for the combined. Groups A and B - Men (Age 21-59) Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Gold Luke Keenan (PN) Nathan Schwing (IM) Robin Sarchett (IM) Thunder Jalili (IM) Tim Hill (PN) Matt Murphy (IM) Dave Luskin (RM) Silver Bronze Mike Shklovski (FW) Daryn Gladstone (EA) Joel Solly (EA) John Campbell (IM) Kurt Belden (FW) Pierre Jeangirard (FW) Andy Baillargeon (IM) Silver Jenny Badger (IM) Bronze Paige Naisbitt (IM) Jessie McAleer (EA) Mary Geron (IM) Gillian Esson (PN) Margaret Vaughn (EA) Linda Crowell (FW) Randi Dubois (IM) Anne Nordhoy (EA) Carolyn Phillips (PN) Colleen Thomas (IM) Gina Orozco (EA) Julie Rolfe (FW) Nancy Dreyer (IM) Georgina Suttor (IM) Sandy Hogan (FW) Marietta Frinell (FW) Alex Gadbois (EA) Dennis Wilhelmsen (ND) Robert Skinner (IM) George Frazier (PN) Group C - All Women Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Gold Erika Hogan (IM) Dana Alexandrescu (IM) Jennifer Kaufman (RM) Carolyn Beckedorff (EA) Lisa Densmore (EA) Andrea Esson (CAN) Deborah Lewis (FW) Barbara Settel (EA) Nancy Auseklis (IM) Anna Droege (IM) Jane Cooke (EA) Group D - Men (Age 60 and over) Class 8 9 10 11 12 13 Gold Victor Roy (IM) Wayne Henderson (AK) Lee Kaufman (RM) Harold Wescott (RM) Gaetano Demattei (FW) John Droege (IM) Silver Bob Andree (EA) Chuck Tower (RM) Haldor Reinholt (EA) Carl Pomey (FW) Drury Cooper (IM) Bronze Tom Kronthaler (IM) Nick Hudson (IM) Willi Schmidt (PN) Charles Evans (PN) Kristian Berg (PN) 19 2010 Division’s Cup Rocky Mtn. claims the 2010 Division’s Cup The Division’s Cup is awarded to the division with the best ratio of points scored per competitor start for all races in the national championships. Division teams must consist of at least 10 competitors to be eligible. Rocky sent a small but mighty team. Eastern has been runner up the past 4 years! Division Racers Points/Start Ratio Rocky Eastern Far West Intermountain Pacific NW Northern Alaska Central 17 42 30 85 39 7 5 8 2.214 2.127 1.71 1.641 1.066 2.214 * 1.1 * 0.214* *Below minimum number of 10 racers from Division. 2010 Al Sise/Ski Racing Recognition Awards Outstanding USSA Alpine Masters Named Best performance awards are given to the two most outstanding U.S. alpine masters racers based on their performances at the national championships (male and female) and are designated The USSA Al Sise/Ski Racing Recognition Award winners. These awards are determined by a vote of the national chairpersons or designated representatives from each of the divisions. This year’s winners of the Outstanding USSA Alpine Masters Sise Awards were Victor Roy (8 Intermountain) and Anne Droege (10 Intermountain). Victor Roy 20 Anne Droege SPYDER 2011 U.S. ALPINE MASTERS NATIONAL TEAM The Spyder team is selected based upon a total of world cup points accumulated by each competitor for the three events of slalom, giant slalom and super G (i.e. 1st in GS [25], 2nd in SL [20] and 3rd in SG [15] would be a combined total of 60 points). Ties will be broken by best single result, then second best result, then third best result and finally by race points, using the lowest total race points if the tied competitors finished the same races in the combined event otherwise by best (lowest) points result. Men’s Classes Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Name Division Hometown Carl Rixon Nathan Schwing Robin Sarchett Joel Solly Tim Hill Matt Murphy David Luskin Victor Roy Wayne Henderson Lee Kaufman Harold Wescott Gaetano Demattei John Droege IM IM IM EA PN IM RM IM AK FW RM FW IM Sun Valley, ID Sun Valley, ID Sun Valley, ID Colden, NY Bend, OR Sun Valley, ID Breckenridge, CO Morgan, UT Anchorage, AK Kalispell, MT Graham, WA Olympic Valley, CA Sun Valley, ID Women’s Classes Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Name Division Hometown Erika Hogan Dana Alexandrescu Jessie McAleer Carolyn Beckedorff Lisa Densmore Margaret Vaughn Deb Lewis Barbara Settel Nancy Auseklis Anna Droege Virginia Reed IM IM EA EA EA EA FW EA IM IM IM Sun Valley, ID Park City, UT Lexington, MA Wellesley, MA Hanover, NH Wakefield, MA Mammoth, CA Cazenovia, NY Sun Valley, ID Sun Valley, ID Sun Valley, ID 21 22 Chapter 3 Alpine Masters General Competition Rules 2011 Competition Guide www.ussa.org 23 RULES AND ENTRY PROCEDURES In order to offer a schedule of events consistent across the nation, the masters have adopted a set of rules for participation, conduct, and course setting. As you will note, these rules set some very specific standards. This is designed to convey the same message to Masters and potential Masters everywhere, not unlike the idea that a Big Mac is a Big Mac, weather you buy it in Montana, or Moscow. Alpine masters racing is subject to the current FIS International Ski Competition Rules (ICR), USSA rules, and alpine masters rules as specified in this handbook. These rules are to be used to conduct all USSA sanctioned events from the USSA Skier’s Edge Alpine Masters National Championships and regional championships to local competitions. The following lists important new, changed or emphasized rules, procedures and other information highlighted for attention. Changed and Rules to Remember • Helmets manufactured for ski racing are required in all USSA DH, SG, GS and SL races. See later in this chapter for specific information. • Participants who are 18 to 24, and who hold a Student or Competitor membership, may race in Masters events except for Regional and National Championships. USSA Coaches may race Masters events if 39 years of age or younger, except for Regional and National Championship events in which a Masters membership is required. To race in Championship events, racers must hold a Masters membership and be at least 21 years of age. Temporary memberships are not valid at Regional or National Championships. • The second run start order for Regional and National Championships will be reverse first five places, then by order of first run finish within age classes. • USSA Masters equipment rules conform to the FIS Masters equipment rules. USSA recommends that competitors in USSA Masters events compete on equipment designed for the particular discipline (DH, SL, GS, SG) but does not make any recommendations in regards to ski length. • The maximum recommended height of anti-vibration plates for all competitors for FIS and USSA Masters events is 50 mm. • The maximum recommended boot sole thickness for all competitors for FIS and USSA Masters events is 45 mm. Ski boot height is measured from internal heel sole to outside base of sole, including all hard and soft parts. • Athletes must carry primary medical insurance for USSA membership. • Racers at Regional Championships named to Regional teams must be from hosting region to be named. Easterners to East Team, Westerners to West Team, Central may chose one or the other not both. Race Entry Procedure General Racer Eligibility In order to participate in any USSA sanctioned competition, athletes must be members of USSA. To participate in USSA masters events, athletes must: • be at least 21 years old and hold a USSA Masters membership, or, • be 18 to 24 and hold a USSA Student or Competitor membership, or, • be 39 and under and hold a USSA Coaches membership, or • be at least 18 years old and purchase a temporary USSA membership which is good for one event (generally one weekend of racing). This membership option can be purchased only one time per season. To compete in Regional or National Championship events athletes must hold a USSA Masters membership. 24 Possession of the USSA card is essential to compete. It certifies your eligibility to enter sanctioned races. And the sanction of races (official calendaring by FIS and/or USSA) is the only assurance that events will be run according to the rules of FIS and USSA and in compliance with the requirements of those governing organizations. The responsibility for confirming the race organizer’s acceptance of an entry belongs to the entrant. USSA strongly encourages, but does not require, race organizers to notify racers whose entries have not been accepted. National events require qualification criteria that must be achieved for entry eligibility. Refer to specific rules from your state, division or region. Unqualified Racers Under FIS (ICR) 603.4.9.4 the race jury may exclude racers from competition. Competition regulations provide that to race in a U.S. or regional championship as a master, you must meet these criteria: 1. Be a competitor age 21 or over by Dec. 31 in the current competition season. 2. One of the following; a. U.S. citizen; b. Non-citizen who has already taken out first papers for citizenship; c. Non-citizen “permanently” domiciled” in the U.S.; d. Citizen of a foreign country with which USSA has a reciprocity agreement regarding USSA Masters National Championships. Foreign competitors must sign the current USSA waiver and release of liability form. Foreign competitors will select a regular division which will be entered in their membership record. However, the USSA application must include the country of their citizenship which will also be entered in their membership record. e. All participants (athletes, course setters and jury members), including foreign participants, in non-FIS sanctioned USSA events, must be members of USSA in the appropriate USSA category. This is a risk management issue and needs to be strictly controlled. Every participant must have either a temporary or full season membership. Entry Materials Entries to masters races should be made according to the race organizer’s specific instructions or on a copy of the USSA entry card, printed in the Appendix at the back of this competition guide. These entry cards should be copied and used throughout your season. The masters entry card differs from the format used for other USSA events, and is designed for ease of use and clarity of information for racers and organizers. Please copy and use the provided cards. When filling out the entry cards, write clearly with ballpoint pen. Be sure that all the information you provide is readable. Be especially careful with your USSA number. This is the seven-digit number that appears on your membership card. If your number doesn’t have seven digits, it’s the wrong number. Check your card. Be sure to include both day and night time phone numbers, as event organizers may need to contact participants in the evening hours. Send the completed entry information to the address listed under race contact for that event listed in the schedules chapter within the entry deadline and with the entry fee. Note: Some divisions have different entry procedures for their races. Check each division’s requirements set out in the divisional section of this guide. Entry Fees Entry fees must accompany all entries unless otherwise specified by that division, see Ch. 6. Entry fees for some divisions include head tax to offset the expenses of the division. Refunds/Cancellations (National/Regional/Divisional) It is every racer’s responsibility to inform the race organization, in advance, of their 25 withdrawal from or inability to attend a competition. Race organizers, on their part, are obliged to refund most fees for competitions which must be cancelled. When conditions are questionable, racers should contact the host organization to confirm if the event will be taking place as scheduled. Masters divisional and state websites are also good resources for this information. Check the Regional and Divisional programs chapters of this Guide. Entry Limits, Conditions and Invitational Events In order to control and organize the sport, National, Regional and Divisional competition committees may impose entry restrictions and requirements on various events. Please note the later sections of this guide for more information. Race organizers and competition juries may limit the number of entries in the interest of fairness, as is provided for in the rules. All other limitations and conditions on entries proposed by the organizers must be clearly stated on their application for calendaring, must be approved by the appropriate USSA competition committee in advance, and must be published sufficiently in advance, so that all USSA competitors are properly advised. Foreign Competitors in USSA Alpine Masters Events All foreign participants (athletes, course setters and jury members) in non-FIS sanctioned USSA events must be members of USSA in the appropriate USSA category. This is a risk management issue and needs to be strictly controlled. Every participant must have either a temporary or full season membership. In National events, foreign competitors may compete as “Special Guests” subject to honorary awards, but these competitors may not medal in any event, unless there is a reciprocal agreement in place. FIS Declaration for FIS Masters Cup Events All athletes, regardless of national affiliation, must complete a FIS Declaration for events on the FIS International Calendar, including FIS Masters Cup events in the U.S. and out of country. This must be done before the competition and the form must be sent to Bill Skinner at the USSA national office. USSA Geographic Affiliation A racer shall race for the division/region in which he or she resides. The choice (designation) of which division a racer registers in should be based on where the racer spends the greatest part of his or her ski season. The designation must be made at the start of the season, and must be abided by the racer for the entire season. Any conflicts must be resolved before participation; contact the divisional office. A racer is expected to compete in at least two events within his or her designated division in order to represent this division at national events. Requests for in-season changes of affiliation must be made in writing to USSA membership. Such in-season changes may result in loss or default of regional/divisional qualifying status. General Rules Course inspection (FIS ICR) The FIS and USSA rules pertaining to course inspection will be strictly enforced by the competition jury. Inspection procedures will be announced and posted in advance and whenever conditions may require changes. Instructions of the race jury must be followed. Competitor inspection of a USSA SG shall be according to the rules for inspection of GS. The jury may decide that more than one hour is required for inspection. Competitors should expect to be sanctioned for infractions of inspection or training procedures and may be sanctioned for serious violations. Coaches may be disciplined for violation of procedures on their part, losing their credentials for the meet or further meets, and penalties may be applied against a coaches’ team. It is a racer’s right and responsibility to inspect the course according to the rules and the instructions of the jury. 26 Generally, it is requested that racers follow general course inspection principles, which include that side slipping inspection should be done outside the racing line, that there is no high speed skiing in the race area, and no shadowing of the course is permissible. Official Training (FIS ICR and USSA rules) Official training for DH events and USSA masters SG events is an integral part of the competition, and all entrants are required to participate according to the competition jury’s direction. Competitors must strictly respect the instructions of the competition jury. USSA masters SG events are highly recommended by the Masters Committee to include training. The training course should be similar to the intended race course(s); “skiing at speed” with timed interval starts may be substituted for an actual course set. All course protection shall be in place for the training run(s), which will be run as per DH training. Racing numbers, bibs (FIS ICR) Competitors must carry their official start numbers during inspection. Bibs must be worn during official training. Bibs shall not be modified in any way. The penalty for breach of these rules is for the athlete to be sanctioned. At awards ceremonies which immediately follow a race, award winners shall wear the bibs of the race and appropriate competition clothing if so requested by the organizers. Official Start Procedure GS, SG, DH: Ten seconds before the start the starter will tell the racer: “ten seconds”. Then five seconds before the start he will count “5, 4, 3, 2, 1” and then give the command “go”. The racer may start within the interval from 5 seconds before to 5 seconds after the command “go”. A start more than 5 seconds early is a false start and subject to sanction. SL: When the course is clear the starter gives the racer the warning, “ready”, and a few seconds later the start signal “go”. The competitor must start within 10 seconds after this start signal. Late Start A competitor will be sanctioned for appearing late for his or her start). Race juries at masters races may waive this rule and allow the competitor to start later in their class or at the end of the start order. Completion of Gate A competitor will be disqualified if he/she fails to cross the (gate) line between the inside and outside poles of the gate with both ski tips and both feet. A racer who is clearly disqualified for missing a gate may not continue further through the course. Violations can result in sanction. Racers who were disqualified or who DNF in the first run of a SL or GS are not permitted to forerun the second run of the race. In the event a pole has been knocked out (removed from its vertical position) and not replaced, the competitors ski tips and both feet must pass across the original gate line as defined by marking in the snow. Crossing Finish Line The finish line must be crossed on both skis or on one ski or with both feet in case of a fall in the immediate finish area. In this case the time is taken when any part of the competitor’s body or equipment stops the timing system (FIS ICR 615.3). Interference (FIS ICR) If a competitor feels that he or she has suffered from interference on the course, he or she must stop immediately and ski out of the course and request a provisional rerun from any jury member or jury advisor, explaining the specific problem and location. The jury will give immediate instruction. The jury will determine the validity of the claim in a subsequent meeting, according to the rules relating to reruns. Grounds for interference include blocking 27 of the course by an official, a spectator, an animal, or other obstruction; blocking of the course by a fallen competitor who did not clear the course soon enough; objects in the course such as a lost ski pole or the ski of a previous competitor; activities of the first aid service which obstruct the racer; absence of a gate knocked down by a previous competitor and not promptly replaced; other similar incidents beyond the will and control of the competitor, which cause significant loss of speed or a lengthening of the racing line and subsequently affect the competitor’s time; malfunction of the timekeeping system; interruption of a DH run by an official in a “yellow zone” . Binding Release A binding release occurring more than two gates above the finish in SL or GS or one gate in DH shall be considered a “clear disqualification”. Racers may not continue on the course. Juries may waive this rule in advance. A racer may not accept outside help in any form during a race. A racer may finish a race on one ski from the last gate to the finish in GS and SL. Course Maintenance Although race organizers are responsible for proper course preparation, competition juries may require racer assistance in the preparation of the course should conditions warrant. Protests (FIS ICR and USSA rules) If a racer protests the decision of a race official, he or she must submit a written protest and post a bond of an amount determined by the competition jury. If the protest is denied, the bond is forfeited. If the racer appeals this jury decision to USSA authority, an additional bond must similarly accompany the appeal. Appeals of jury decisions at FIS events must first be made to USSA. Helmets Helmets designed and manufactured for the particular discipline of ski racing being contested are required for all competitors and forerunners in all USSA events and official training. Helmets must bear a CE mark and conform to recognized and appropriate standards such as CEH.Din 1077, ASTM F2040, SNELL S98 or RS 98. Helmets must cover the head and ears. Helmets with spoilers or edges that stick out are not permitted. Protective features integral to the discipline being contested, such as chin guards on slalom helmets are permitted. USSA does not specify nor recommend nor make any warranties as to the fitness for use of any particular ski helmet design or brand name. USSA undertakes no responsibility, liability or duties to any competitor in connection with the requirement that helmets be utilized. It is the sole responsibility of the competitor to select an appropriate helmet for accident protection in ski racing. Caution: Age and use affect the protective qualities of all safety helmets. Some older helmets and any helmets that have been damaged either in a racing fall or from other impact may no longer provide sufficient protection – even if there are no visible indications of damage. Ski-brakes (FIS and USSA) Regardless of the height of the anti-vibration plates within these limits, ski brakes which are functional with the actual ski/plate/binding in use are required and are the responsibility of the respective producers and the athletes. Any and all ski brakes used by competitors in all events, including masters events, must be functional and comply with all FIS requirements related thereto. Competitor’s Obligations Competitors are obligated to make themselves familiar with the appropriate FIS Rules and must comply with the additional instructions of the organizing committee and the jury. Additionally, sanctions may be taken by the Jury against competitors behaving themselves in an unsportsmanlike manner towards members of the organizing committee officials and the public. A copy of the official FIS, International Ski Competition Rules (“Blue Book”) can be 28 obtained from the USSA membership department. Ranking and Placement Within each of the eight USSA divisions, masters racers compete against members of their own age class for individual awards. Most divisions also have a season-long competition for an overall winner. In New England, masters compete for the Sise Cup, while in the Intermountain division, the Jans Cup is the masters grail. Outside divisional lines, masters may compete in regional championships. These events do not take past results into consideration, and allow for interdivisional rivalries to add to the excitement. Masters events do not contribute to a national points list. Most masters use the national championships results as a basis for national comparison. Masters races are therefore considered non-scored events. On a per event, and interdivisional basis, points are frequently assigned based upon old World Cup (scoring top-15) values, within each masters class. Such accrual is used for determination of finish place, combined awards, and seeding. Team captains representing each division may take racers individual points average into consideration for seeding at national and regional events. Old World Cup Scoring (top 15) Place 1 2 3 4 5 Points 25 20 15 12 11 Place 6 7 8 9 10 Points 10 9 8 7 6 Place 11 12 13 14 15 Points 5 4 3 2 1 Masters FIS Points FIS Masters points are calculated by taking the average of the two best results in FIS Masters Cup races in the previous year. Masters points are calculated on three separate scores in each of the three age groups; A, B, and C. Different points are calculated for GS and SL. GS Points may be used for seeding SG and DH. Draw is made according to FIS masters points in each age group. A first seed of up to the 15 best competitors, regardless of nationality, will be drawn. The remaining competitors will start in order of their FIS masters points. Competitors without FIS masters points will be drawn and placed within the last seed within each group. 29 30 Chapter 4 Event Rules for U.S. and Regional Championships and International Competitions 2011 Competition Guide www.ussa.org 31 U.S. MASTERS NATIONAL AND REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS AND SPEED SERIES General Championships Rules 1. Technical delegates for USSA Alpine Masters National Championships will be nominated in consultation with the national alpine masters working group chair and the appropriate USSA representative. The TD cannot compete in the event. 2. FIS/USSA course specifications apply as modified in this section. SG and DH races must be held on homologated courses. 3. A divisional representative may be appointed by the national alpine masters working group. The representative must approve proposed trails and slopes to be used by areas proposing or selected to hold USSA Alpine Masters National Championships. 4. Each course setter must have proven experience with masters events wherein he/she has displayed a complete understanding of the philosophy of masters racing and has set courses within these specifications and requirements in the past. 5. Qualified masters racers entered may set courses. 6. Major emphasis must be placed on course preparation and conditioning installation of hill protection. 7. Course setters should set appropriate, legal, rhythmical, and challenging courses which test technical skills and not racers’ nerve. Course setters should meet with the TD regarding specifications. 8. The jury is responsible to ensure that course setters do their work correctly. 9. If the course set is not acceptable to the jury, it may be reset by an appointee of the masters working group. 10. Whenever possible the SG event should not be held on the same hill as the DH after the DH has been run. This is intended to prevent those running the DH having an unfair advantage over those who did not. National Championship Seeding Classes could have up to 50 participants. Due to the wide range of abilities within each class, four seeds need to be established. (Realizing the smaller classes will have fewer racers per seed; it’s easier to establish one set of criteria for all classes). 1st seed Criteria Racer must have proven results to “place in the top three”. National race experience is assumed. 2nd seed Criteria If several (2-3) of the top racers falter, this racer “has results to place in the top three”. 3rd seed Criteria Racer has results “to place in the top half of this (national) field”. 4th seed Criteria Racer has no national experience or “proven results to meet the prior seeds”. Age Classes Current definitions of masters classes, for the purpose of awarding U.S. and regional medals, are as follows for men and women. Class is determined by racer’s age as of Dec. 31 of the current competition season. Racers may only race in their own age group. 32 U.S. & Regional Championship Age Classes Class 1 Ages 21-29 (1981-89) Class 2 Ages 30-34 (1976-80) Class 3 Ages 35-39 (1971-75) Class 4 Ages 40-44 (1966-70) Class 5 Ages 45-49 (1961-65) Class 6 Ages 50-54 (1956-60) Class 7 Ages 55-59 (1951-55) Class 8 Class 9 Class 10 Class 11 Class 12 Class 13 Class 14 Ages 60-64 (1946-50) Ages 65-69 (1941-45) Ages 70-74 (1936-40) Ages 75-79 (1931-35) Ages 80-84 (1926-30) Ages 85-89 (1921-25) Ages 90 & over (1920 and earlier) Age Class Groupings Group A Men’s Classes 1-4 Group C Women’s Classes 1-12 Group B Men’s Classes 5-7 Group D Men’s Classes 8-13 Running Orders For national and regional events, the following running orders shall apply. 1. When all competitors are run on the same course or when there are two courses (division may be by group A/B and D/C, or split between classes so there are a fairly even number of racers on each course) with the following running order: 2. When there are separate races for each group, the running order shall be by class from oldest to youngest in each race. 3. When there are two courses, division may be by groups A/B and C/D or split between classes so there are a fairly even number of racers on each course with running order as in 1 above. 4. Second run running order in class will be reversed top five in class then by order of first run finish for rest of class. Discipline Regulations Downhill 1. All DH races must be held on courses which have been FIS or USSA homologated prior to the event and which have been approved by the masters working group chairman or appointed representative. Schedule agreements cannot be executed in the absence of homologation numbers for that course and discipline. 2. Course conditioning should be smooth and firm for the full course width and all outside areas where a racer might go offline. 3. Choppy bumps, ruts, etc. should be removed before race training begins and after training and prior to the race. Competitors may be required to pack and side slip the course when necessary, at the discretion of the jury. 4. Course setter guidelines: a. Set a rhythmic and challenging course that tests a racer’s technical skills. b. Speeds in excess of 70 mph are discouraged. 5. Vertical drop (VD)/Number of direction changes (DC) Min. VD Max VD All Classes 400 m 700 m There is no specific number of direction changes required, only the number needed for visibility from one gate to the next and to aid racers with anticipation of line. 6. Safety requirements: a. Ski brakes will be used on all skis; no straps. b. Helmets are required for official training and racing. See Ch 2 for more information. c. The TD and other members of the jury have the right and duty, after the first or subsequent training runs, to propose for jury decision, the exclusion from further participation, those competitors who do not demonstrate the ability to complete the course in racing fashion 33 or whose personal safety appears endangered because they do not measure up to the difficulties of the course. Competitors who snowplow, side slip, or make SL or GS turns between gates in order to slow down, shall not be deemed to be completing the course in racing fashion. Racers who enter and who are subsequently excluded by the jury will not be entitled to receive entry fee or lift ticket refunds. 7. Official Training: a. DH training should be so organized as to permit maximum timed training runs. All racers must have the opportunity to take a minimum of two official training starts on the course prior to race day. If two training runs are not possible, the race may be changed to a SG. b. The jury shall have the power to declare that the 2nd training run may count as the race if conditions on race day require race to be cancelled. c. All competitors must start in one of the two official training runs. d. The training schedule will be established and distributed to all competitors. It is desirable to schedule training for men and women by age groups. e. A starter shall control the training starts. f. The entire course shall be monitored by course officials with radio communication during all training periods. g. All hill protection shall be in place for all training runs. h. The masters working group shall determine at the time of sanction approval, whether nor not a two-run DH is appropriate for that event. Two-run DHs are not encouraged. At the running of the event, the Jury shall have the power to change to a two-run DH if appropriate. Super G 1. All SG races must be held on courses which have been FIS or USSA homologated prior to the event and which have been approved by the masters working group or its appointed representative, as suitable for masters competition. Schedule Agreements cannot be executed in the absence of homologation numbers for that course and discipline. 2. Terrain should be preferably undulating and rolling. Skillful use of the terrain is important. Preparation should be the same as DH. 3. Vertical drop (VD)/Number of direction changes (DC) Min. VD Max VD # DC All Classes 300 m 450 m 7% - 10% of VD Number of gates counts changes in direction only. 4. Course setter guidelines: a. Set a rhythmic and challenging course that tests a racer’s technical skills. b. Set as in the DH section above. c. A SG should present a variety of long and medium turns which a good adult racer can ski aggressively. d. The line must not be set in the fall-line of the slope. The course should include some turns which can be made in a tuck and some that cannot. Guidelines for direction change are: - On steeps (up to 90 degrees) - On medium slopes (30-60 degrees) - On flats (minimum turns with emphasis on gliding skills). 5. Pre-race inspection/training: a. Whenever possible, the course should be set the day before the race or training run. b. Careful course inspection is an extremely important aspect of SG for all racers. 34 Inspection shall be according to the rules of GS. Competitors should be allowed to study the course the day before the race and on the morning of race day. The jury may decide if more than one hour should be required for inspection. c. A training run for masters SG is highly recommended, although not mandatory. If a training run is scheduled by the race organizers, it becomes mandatory for all competitors. In a case of a force majeure, the jury will allow a competitor to race who has been prevented from making a scheduled training run. d. All hill protection shall be in place for the training runs which shall be run the same as for DH training. 6. Safety requirements: a. Ski brakes will be used on all skis; no straps. b. Helmets are required for official training and racing. See Ch 2 for more information. Giant Slalom 1. All GS races should be held on courses which have been FIS or USSA homologated prior to the event. Courses must have been approved by the masters working group or its appointed representative, as suitable for masters competition. 2. Course conditioning should provide smooth, firm snow. A very wide line must be prepared. 3. Men and women shall make two runs, using a separate course for each run. Men and women may run on the same course or divided as outlined in the Running Order section. 4. The second run start order will be as follows: a. All racers will start within class in order of first run results. Racers must always race within their own age class. b. Those competitors who wish to make a second run after a first run DSQ or DNF, may do so at the discretion of the jury. Their second run shall be taken in class order after all qualified racers in their class have completed their second run. The second run shall not count in any way in the discipline or combined results. 5. Course setter guidelines: a. Set a rhythmic and challenging course that tests racers’ technical skills. b. Stay off of the fall line using the terrain and avoiding a complexity of gates. c. Gate patterns should emphasize skill in making round turns, avoiding wiggles, blind traps and jam turns. e. Gate widths should be large, near FIS maximums. f. The course should demand changes in rhythm, speed, and adaptability through terrain changes. 6. Vertical drop (VD)/number of direction changes (DC): Min. VD Max VD # DC Men A & B 250 m 350 m 11% - 15% Men D and Women C 200 m 300 m 11% - 15% 7. Safety requirements: a. Ski brakes will be used on all skis; no straps. b. Helmets are required for official training and racing. See Ch 2 for more information. Slalom 1. Courses must have been approved by the masters working group or its appointed representative, as suitable for masters competition. 2. Course conditions should be hard, but not icy, with chemical use as needed. 3. Course preparation should try to ensure race conditions remain the same for all competitors from first to last, and that consistent conditions remain within age classes. 4. A SL race must always consist of two runs, each on a different course. A separate race must 35 be run for each group. 5. Course setter guidelines: a. Set a rhythmic and challenging course that tests a racers technical skills. b. Stay off of the fall line. c. Gate patterns should demand rounded turns, not abrupt gymnastic turns. Look for changes in speed, rhythm, turn radius. d. Avoid blind traps leading to jammed turns. e. Gate width should be near FIS maximums. f. The course should demand memory skills, but avoid a forest of meaningless gates. g. The maximum distance between two gates is 13 meters. 6. Vertical drop (VD)/number of direction changes (DC): Min. VD Max. VD # DC Men A and B 100 m 220 m 30-35% VD (+- 3) Men D and Women C 100 m 200 m 30-35% VD (+- 3) 7. The second run start order will be as follows: a. All racers will start in order of first run results. Racers must always race within their own age class. b. Those competitors desiring a second run after a first run DSQ or DNF, may do so at the discretion of the jury. The second run shall be taken after all the qualified racers in their class have completed their second runs. The second run shall not count in any way in the discipline or combined results. 8. Safety requirements: a. Ski brakes will be used on all skis; no straps. b. Helmets are required for official training and racing. See Ch 2 for more information. b. Although not required, head, face, and body protection is recommended. Complete FIS Rules/FIS ICR Books Competitors and coaches are responsible for knowledge and proper observance of the FIS ICR as appearing in the latest edition of the rule book (2002) and in the annual ‘Precisions’. Further excerpts from the FIS rules are not reprinted here, as they appear in the ICR book, but the complete rules are just as applicable as those specifically noted in this chapter of the alpine Competition Guide. Copy of the new ICR may be purchased at or through USSA’s membership customer service hotline at 435.647.2666. Regional and Divisional Rules and Procedures Each region and division (and state programs in the East) also have additional rules and procedures which apply. Please consult the regional sections for information on these in your area. Particularly note membership requirements in divisional or state organizations and participation requirements for selection to divisional and regional teams and quotas. Important Message about Communications Communication between alpine offices and competitors is one of the most important parts of your programs. Please make certain that you will be kept informed of USSA national, regional, divisional, state and local correspondence throughout the year. Much of this information is provided in this Competition Guide. 36 INTERNATIONAL MASTERS RULES In addition to the divisional alpine masters programs and the USSA Alpine Masters National Championships, masters racers can find even more competition in the FIS Masters Cup events. This series includes approximately twenty races held in Europe and North America. Eligibility Entries are limited to men and women over 30 years old by Dec. 31, of the competition season, who are members of their FIS national ski association. Competitions in November and December are considered part of the following year. Age Classes Men Group A Group B Women Group C 30-34=1; 35-39=2; 40-44=3; 45-49=4; 50-54=5 55-59=6; 60-64=7; 65-69=8; 70-74=9; 75-79=10; 80-84=11; 85-89=12 All women are group C with age classes the same as above. Entries The number of entries from each country is not limited, except U.S. entries may be limited at races in the U.S. Entries must be received by the organizing committee at least 24 hours before the draw (one week is strongly recommended), except as noted for U.S. entries. Late individual entries may be accepted only at the discretion of the organizing committee. The official representation of each national ski association must ensure that each competitor is in possession of a valid membership issued by that association. A quota system, the same as for the Nationals, will be used for U.S. entries in International events if field size is limited. Ski Length Rules for FIS Masters Races Specifications as to the length and the radius of the skis are changed to be recommendations. Exception: The ski length in super G may not be less than Men 185 cm and Ladies 180 cm. See the current FIS Specifications for Competition Equipment rules for specific information. Special USSA Conditions for International Races You must have a valid USSA Masters membership to enter FIS Masters Cup events and you must also comply with FIS and USSA requirements specific to international competitions. International License Outside North America According to the FIS ICR, to be eligible to enter and compete in international ski events, a competitor must have a specific membership issued by his or her own national ski association. In the USA, this is referred to as an ‘International License’. Members are considered licensed to the extent that their entries are managed by USSA. An athletes declaration, and entry request and waiver must be filed with USSA for eligibility to International events. Entrants are advised that entry request and waiver forms do not gain entry to the event, but merely serve to notify USSA of a request to add the competitors name to the entry list. Applications for entry must still be submitted to the race organizer. Rules and Guidelines for International Licensing Rules and guidelines for international licensing are reviewed anually. Interested athletes or coaches should contact the competition services manager at 435.647.2030 and/or their respective competition director for rules and guideline criteria along with application forms. Canadian FIS Competitions For FIS races in Canada, international licensing is deemed to be in order when entries are made by USSA staff or properly named team captains, and this licensing is limited to the specific races so entered. 37 FIS Athlete Declaration (FIS ICR) All athletes wishing to participate in internationally sanctioned races must complete the FIS Athlete Declaration form and submit this to their national federation before they can be licensed, entered or participate in FIS competitions of any kind. USA Entry Request, FIS Declaration USSA masters wishing to compete internationally must complete an FIS declaration and submit an entry request with signed declaration to the USSA masters office, a minimum of three weeks prior to departure from the USA. Acknowledgement of entry and/or documentation verifying licensing and authorizing self-representation will be returned prior to departure. Masters Points Only FIS masters points are valid for consideration. FIS masters points are calculated by taking the average of the two best results in FIS Masters Cup races achieved the previous year. Masters points are calculated for each competition according to three separate rankings in each of the three groups; A, B and C. Points will be calculated separately for SL and GS competitions. GS points are also valid for SG and DH. Draw The draw is made in the various age classes. A first seed of up to the best 15 competitors within each age class present, regardless of nationality, will be drawn. The remaining competitors start in order of their FIS Masters points. Competitors without FIS Masters points will be drawn and placed in the last seed within each age class. Courses It is recommended that GS races be held in a single run and SL in two runs (See USSA Additional Rules and Procedures for special U.S. provisions). All competitions are to be held on a FIS homologated course, with the following vertical drop specifications: Slalom All Categories Min. 120 m Max 180 m Giant Slalom A group Min 250 m Max 350 m B and C group Min 200 m Max 300 m Super G All groups Min 300 m Max 400 m Two courses with different characteristics and different start and finish points must be prepared, allowing contemporary or simultaneous carrying out of the races for group A on one course and group B and C together on another. Should this not be possible, the races may be held on one single course, provided the start and vertical drops differ. In principle, older groups shall always have priority, except when the jury decides otherwise, due to bad weather or other special difficulties. Further, group C (women) always has priority. The start intervals for men and women aged 75 and older (ICR art. 621.10) will not be shorter than one minute. The starting order for the second run shall continue to apply to each age class (reverse first five). Technical Delegate The organizing committee must reimburse the expenses of the FIS technical delegate, according to FIS regulations. All other rules and subsequent precisioning are according to the current International Ski Competition Rules (ICR) except where there are specific ICR Masters regulations. Classification The organizing committee at each race must establish a classification for groups A, B and C 38 for the FIS masters points and for each five-year age class for awards. Immediately following the competition, race results must be sent to: Dr. Harald Herbert, Bachinggasse 6a, A-6370 Kitzbuhle, Austria. Additional USSA Rules and Procedures for FIS Events 1. All U.S. racers entering FIS Masters Cup events shall have a current USSA masters membership. Racers must enter using the same name that appears on their USSA masters membership in order to qualify. 2. For information contact USSA Alpine Masters National Coordinator Bill Skinner (435.647.2633) or for specific event information contact Anne Nordhoy (610.678.0401). 3. For entries to foreign events, please see preceding under ‘Entries’ heading, earlier in this chapter. 4. Entries to U.S. FIS Events - see “USA Entries” earlier in this chapter. 5. No additional international license is required for entry into FIS International Masters events. Further, no special payment or registration is necessary for scoring into the FIS Masters Points Lists. You must have signed the FIS Athlete Declaration and been given a FIS number by USSA prior to competition. 6. GS events in the U.S. will normally consist of two runs. Total combined time for scoring will be used unless decided otherwise by the jury. Scoring Information Rules for FIS Masters Cup Events 1. All of the races on the calendar may be scored for the FIS Masters Cup. 2. Each racer’s best nine results will be counted in scoring for the FIS Masters Cup in his or her age class. 3. Each racer must score in at least six results to be classified in the FIS Masters Cup series in his or her age class. 4. In case of ties, placing will be determined by totaling FIS points in the results scored for the FIS Masters Cup series. 5. If early season events are cancelled, they may be rescheduled during the last week of February. 6. Points are scored by places according to the former World Cup formula. 39 40 Chapter 5 Major Events 2011 Competition Guide www.ussa.org 41 SKIER’S EDGE ALPINE MASTERS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS The 2011 USSA Alpine Masters National Championships will be held March 22-26 at Copper Mtn. CO. This year’s championships will include four events, Super Combined (SC), SG, GS and SL. There will be a separate DH Championship race held March 19-20 at Ski Cooper, CO. Qualification All entrants must be valid USSA alpine masters members no later than Jan. 15, 2011. Each division determines qualification for the national championships based upon differing criteria. See your divisional section for national championship criteria. Registration 1. Complete a single entry card for all events in which you wish to compete. 2. Write one check for all events in which you wish to compete, made payable to: Copper Mtn. Resort. 3. There is a $10 late fee for entries after Feb. 25, 2011. 4. Submit entry cards and payments to your divisional contact - not the site. Note: All Eastern sub-divisions entries will go to the New England Region. Please submit in writing to Bill McCollom as noted in the New England section (do not call) of this guide. 5. If you wish to attend and fail to notify your division, or missed the quota, call your divisional contact for over-quota information. 6. The Masters Committee has established the following policy for cancellations: Masters must cancel two weeks prior to the event for a full refund. Masters who cancel within the two week period are not entitled to a full refund; refund percentages are at the discretion of the host area. Masters who cancel due to emergencies, or recent (within the cancellation period) injury, may be subject to a $20.00 service fee by the host area. Quotas SC/SG/GS/SL Quotas Quotas have been determined based upon the following method for SG, GS and SL (300 available entries). A guaranteed 15 slots to each USSA division and 20 to Canada, and 50 additional slots to the hosting division. The remaining 140 slots are allocated among divisions according to divisional membership count as of May 1, 2010. Division Slots Alaska 15 Central 22 Eastern 57 Far West 28 Intermountain 32 Northern 17 Pacific Northwest 30 Rocky 79 Canada 20 Over/Under Quota Divisional contacts will report total entries received by Feb. 15, 2011 and divisional contacts are to forward actual entries and fees to Bill Skinner at the USSA office. Any remaining open slots will be awarded to waiting list entrants according to a divisions total membership percentage. 42 Schedule of Events Monday March 21 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 3-6 p.m. Seed Meetings National Committee Meeting Racers Meeting Registration Copper Station Copper Station Copper Station Copper Station Tuesday March 22 8-10 a.m. 8 a.m. 8:15-9:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 5:15 p.m. Registration Lift Open for Racers SG Inspection Super Combined SG Super Combined SL Welcome Reception C/D groups C/D groups C/D groups C/D groups Copper Station Super B Lift Rosi’s Run Rosi’s Run Rosi’s Run TBD A/B groups A/B groups A/B groups A/B groups Copper Station Super B Lift Rosi’s Run Rosi’s Run Rosi’s Run TBD All groups C/D groups C/D groups A/B groups A/B groups Copper Station Super B Lift Rosi’s Run Rosi’s Run Rosi’s Run Rosi’s Run TBD Wednesday, March 23 8-10 a.m. & 3-5 p.m.Registration 8 a.m. Lift Open for Racers 8:15-9:15 a.m. SG Inspection 9:30 a.m. Super Combined SG 1:30 p.m. Super Combined SL 4:30 p.m. Après Party Thursday, March 24 8-10 a.m. 8 a.m. 8:15-9:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 12:15-1:15 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Registration Lift Open for Racers SG Inspection Super G SG Inspection Super G Après Party Friday, March 25 8-10 a.m. 8 a.m. 8:15-9:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Registration Lifts Open for Racers Course Inspections Slalom GS Après Party All groups A/B groups C/D groups Copper Station Super B Lift Bittersweet/Rosi’s Bittersweet Rosi’s Run TBD Saturday, March 26 8-10 a.m. 8 a.m. 8:15-9:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10 a.m. 6 p.m. Registration Lifts Open for Racers Course Inspections Slalom GS Banquet All groups C/D groups A/B groups Copper Station Super B Lift Bittersweet/Rosi’s Bittersweet Rosi’s Run Conference Center Note: Schedule subject to change. Send entries to Division Chairman before Jan. 31, 2011. 43 Fees Super Combined Super G Giant Slalom Slalom Banquet Lift Ticket $60 $50 $45 $45 $40 $40 Please prepay to guarantee a seat. Purchase lift tickets at registration Information Contact Copper Mountain Resort E: competition@coppercolorado.com T: 970.968.2318 ext. 45708 Lodging Information Lodging is available within walking distance to racehill and awards functions. The closest rooms will go fast! Ask for rooms at East Village. Copper Mountain Reservations at 866.837.2996. To receive special group rates, you must identify our group affiliation when making reservations. Use the group code, “3GJ9WR”, and group name, “USSA Alpine Masters National Championship”. MOLECULE F - MASTERS NATIONAL SPEED SERIES The 2011 Masters National Speed Series to be held in six divisions, with fourteen events. Season long awards will be presented to overall fastest lady, younger man (59 and under) older man (60+) with custom belt buckles going to the top three season long age class winners. This series will give those Masters with a taste for speed the opportunity to crown the Masters National Speed Champions. See the fall Masters Newsletter for complete details. Molecule F National Speed Series Jan. 22-23 Feb. 4 Feb. 11 Feb. 11-12 Feb. 19-21 Feb. 26 Feb. 28 - Mar. 2 Mar. 12 Mar. 19-20 Mar. 31 Mammoth, CA Mammoth, CA Park City, UT Sugarbush, VT Aspen, CO Schweitzer, ID Soldier Mt., ID Okemo, VT Ski Cooper, CO Copper Mt. CO 2SG SG SG DH/SG SG/DH 2SG 2DH SG 2DH SG (Finals) Entry Contacts Entries should be sent to hosting division - check their websites under links at www.ussa. org > Masters. For Nationals and Regional event see info under “Major Events” USSA web site. 44 FIS MASTERS CUP Schedule Date Sept. 17 Sept. 19 Dec. 4-5 Dec. 11-12 Dec. 18-19 Jan. 7-9 Jan. 15-16 Jan. 22-23 Feb. 5-6 Feb. 18-20 Feb. 22-26 March 11-13 March 19-20 April 8-9 Site Valle Nevado, CHI La Parva, CHI Abetone, ITA Kaprun, AUT Innsbruck, AUT /Serre Chevalier, FRA Fugen, AUT Bischofswiesen, GER Veysonnaz, SUI Megeve, FRA Valnord, AND (Criteriun) Piancavallo, ITA Pec pod Snezkou, CZE Sestriere, ITA (Finals) Disciplines SG SL SL/GS 2SG SL/GS SL/GS/SG SL/GS GS/SL SL/GS SG/GS/SL SL/GS/GS/SG SL/GS/SG SL/GS SL/GS Schedule subject to change. Contact Bill Skinner at USSA or FIS Masters Committee representative Anne Nordhoy T: 610.678.0401 E: anordhoy@aol.com for updated information before making travel plans. REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS The 2011 Skier’s Edge Regional Championships are open to masters competitors from all regions of the USA and Canada. The combined class winners will be named to the Regional Team and receive an embroidered jacket signifying their membership. Regional Team members must be from the host geographic region; East or West. Central members may decide between the two regions, not both. The criteria for the team is the same as selection for the Spyder Nationals Team. Total old style World Cup points, ties decided by best result, then next best and finally race points. Skier’s Edge Western Regional Championships Mammoth Mtn, CA Feb. 3-6, 2011 Farwest Division will be hosting the Skier’s Edge Western Championships in 2011. Mammoth a hot bed of ski racing is welcoming all Masters to their premier venues. The field size will be limited to the first 200 entered competitors. Entries will not be accepted without full payment. Entries are due into the Mammoth Mtn. Race Dept. on or before Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2011. Entries received after the Jan. 28 deadline will be charged a $15 late fee. No refunds after Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2011, 5 p.m. unless proper notification to Mammoth Race Department. All refunds due to injury must be received within 5 days after final race, Feb. 7, 2011. Registration Online at www.alpinereg.com or mail payment and entry card to: Mammoth Mtn. Race Dept. Box 24, # 1 Minaret Rd. Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546 T: 760.934.0642 E: racedepartment@mammoth-mtn.com You must have a USSA membership to compete, no temporary memberships for Regionals. 45 Schedule Thursday, Feb. 4 Friday, Feb. 5 Saturday, Feb. 7 Sunday, Feb. 8 Super G A/B Super Combined C/D Super G C/D Super Combined A/B GS A/B SL C/D Banquet SL A/B GS C/D Fees SC SG GS & SL, per race Competitors lift tickets $50 $40 $35 $46/person/day, multi day tickets available Over 65 years of age and older $23 Lodging Discounted rooms are available at the Mammoth Mountain Inn. Call 1.800.Mammoth and mention “Masters Western Regionals February 2010” when making the reservation. Book online at www.mammothmountain.com/Lodging/ use the link at the bottom of the lodging page : group ID 11434, password 37002884. Mammoth Lakes Visitors Bureau, www.visitmammoth.com for additional lodging. 46 Skier’s Edge Eastern Regional Championships Okemo Mtn., VT March 3-6, 2011 Back by popular demand, Okemo Mountain will once again host the 2011 Skier’s Edge Eastern Masters Championships on March 4-6. Despite the threat of bad weather, last year’s Eastern Championship event drew record numbers, and a similar turnout is expected this year. The popularity of Okemo is due to its professional race organization, as well as the long undulating terrain, good snow, and free-flowing courses. The 2011 schedule of events will mirror that of 2010 with SG training on Thursday, the Championship SG race on Friday morning, followed by a one-run slalom, which will be combined with the SG race for the SC championship. The SG and super combined will count toward the overall Eastern Championships scoring, along with the SL and GS. The slalom race will be held on Saturday (with separate A/B and C/D courses) and the GS will wrap things up on Sunday. Awards parties will follow each event and will include the usual array of food, video, prizes and raffles. The results for the Easterns will once again be included in the yearlong scoring for the New England Masters Series. Schedule Thursday, March 3 Friday, March 4 Saturday, March 5 Sunday, March 6 SG training $40 SG race $60 (SG only) Super combined (SG plus one-run SL) $80 (SG and SC) Racers may sign up for just the SG, if they won’t want to participate in the super combined. Awards party 4 p.m. location TBA SL (A/B and C/D courses) $50 Awards party 4 p.m. location TBA GS $50 Final awards following races at base lodge Entries to Sign up online at www. nemasters.org or Masters Race Secretary, 77 Okemo Ridge Rd, Ludlow VT 05149 Race Contact Bill McCollom T: 802.234.9561 E: bmcollom@skiracing.com E: racing@okemo.com Lodging Okemo 800.786.5366 - mention you will be attending the Eastern Championships to receive discounted rates. Slopeside lodging available at reasonable rates. 47 SUMMER FUN NATIONALS Mt. Hood, OR July 22-24, 2011 22nd annual event - join the fun! www.SummerFunNationals.com Each summer Masters racers and their families have found the ultimate advantage for keeping those old ski legs in shape for racing combined with training and fun. Half way between last season and next, the Summer Fun Nationals is the event to keep on your summer calendar. There are camps that have daily entry as well as weeklong camps, to meet every racer’s needs. Add in the opportunity to check out all next season’s race equipment at the tech/ demo centers in Government Camp, host to a ski racer’s paradise in the summer. This is truly Masters Ski Racing at its Best! Summer race training at Mt. Hood is often a family affair. Racers are welcome to enter their children who hold current USSA memberships in the races. If warranted, some children’s classes may be grouped together. The weekend kicks off with a Welcome Party in Government Camp, the village where all the summer action is centered. Saturday starts early on Palmer Glacier with a GS race followed by an elaborate BBQ/Awards party with lots of food, beer, awards and prizes. On Sunday there is the traditional SL race followed by another awards party. Other awards include the PUTZI CUP for the fastest man and fastest woman in SL, the Atomic Skier of the Year, and the Skoch Memorial Cup for the combined class winners. Check the website for the latest information on schedules, lodging, camps, entry forms etc. at www.SummerFunNationals.com Get your race entry in early. No day of race entry. Schedule Friday, July 22 3-6 p.m. Saturday, July 23 6-6:45 a.m. 6:30 a.m. 7 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m. 7 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 2 p.m. Sunday, July 24 Booster Strap Welcome Party and racer check-in At the Brew Pub in Government Camp Late check-in at Timberline Day Lodge Ticket window opens discount for racers Lifts open - 2 one mile chair rides 1st run GS - Palmer Snowfield BBQ/Awards Party - Timberline Day Lodge Lifts open - 2 one mile chair rides 1st Run SL - Palmer Snowfield Awards - Timberline Day Lodge Airport Portland, OR (PDX) Distance to Mt. Hood: 60 miles. Entry Fees Whole weekend - $125 (includes BBQ), Saturday only - $85, Sunday only - $55. Entries Payable/Sent To Online at www.SummerFunNational.com or Masters Summer Fun Race, 3624 Lois Dr, Hood River OR 97031 Further Information www.SummerFunNationals.com for lodging, race camps, entry forms, results, sponsors and more. Meri@SummerFunNationals.com or call 541.490.5888 for more specifics. 48 Chapter 6 Divisional Programs and NASTAR 2011 Competition Guide www.ussa.org 49 ALASKA MASTERS Schedule Date Jan. 8 Jan. 29 Feb. 26 Feb. 27 Mar. 5 Mar. 12 Mar. 26 Location Alyeska Alyeska Alyeska Alyeska Alyeska Alyeska Alyeska Dis GS GS SL SL GS SL SL Start noon noon noon noon noon noon noon Entry $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 The Alyeska Ski Club offers the only masters racing program in Alaska. We invite all skiers 21 years old and over to come train and race with us. Our program caters to skiers of all levels. Our membership ranges from Masters National Champions to first time racers. Many of our USSA Masters members also race in the Junior Racing Program events with races scheduled at both Mt. Alyeska and in Juneau at Eagle Crest Resort. Out-of-division racers with appropriate USSA alpine masters membership are always welcome to enter. See the Alpine Competition Guide, or www.ussa.com for schedule, locations, and contacts. Weather and conflicts sometimes cause cancellations or rescheduling of races. Be sure to check for changes with either the organizer or the Alaska Masters representative. Races There are eight Masters races scheduled this season, four GS, four SL Races. The series is sponsored by Alaskan Brewing Company, so join in for some fun and great awards from our sponsor. We invite visiting masters to drop in and ski with us. Entry Registration and check-in is on the day of the race from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. We encourage racers to call the hotline prior to each race to check for any schedule changes, which may occur due to weather or hill conditions T: 907.783.2160 (option 4). Download race entry forms from the Alaska Division website and submit with the entry fee. Late entries may be accepted, check with the organizer. Training Alyeska Ski Club conducts a large Masters training program for all skill and age levels. ASC also conducts special training camps for masters. The training season usually begins the first weekend of December and continues through March. Entries and further information For an updated training and race schedule and to get more information on Alaska Masters check us out at ASC website, look for Masters: www.alyeskaskiclub.org. For additional information concerning training, races and events schedules contact Alyeska Ski Club at T: 907.783.2160 (option 4). Other questions can be directed to Gary Randall T: 907.234.9561 E: grandall@gci.net 50 CENTRAL MASTERS Schedule Date Dec 11-12 Dec 18-19 Jan. 8 Jan 15-16 Jan 21-23 10 a.m. Jan. 29-30 12 a.m. Feb 5 Feb 12-13 Mar 19-20 Location Dis Wild Mountain 2SL/2GS Afton Alps 2SL/2GS Buck Hill SL/SL Mount LaCrosse, WI 2SL/2GS Central Masters Championships Marquette Mountain, MI SG/2GS/2SL Buck Hill 2SL/2GS Afton Alps GS/GS Granite Peak 2SL/2GS Spirit Mountain 3GS/2SL Schedule subject to change. Additional race info on the web at www.midwestmasters.org The Midwest Masters Racing Series is organized by the Midwest Alpine Ski Association. We invite all competitors to come and race with us. Visit our website at www.midwestmasters. org for current schedule information, pricing and upcoming events. All races take place in the Greater Midwest Area. We would like to thank our sponsors for their continued support. Fees Lift tickets are not included in race fees. For current race schedules, fees and membership dues check our website at www.midwestmasters.org. All competitors must have a valid USSA Masters membership. General Race Series Rules and Information All participants must be 18 years of age or older. Racers are governed by the USSA and FIS rules. Complete rules can be found in the “USSA Alpine Competition Guide”, “Masters Competition Guide” or online at www.ussa.org. The Race Director will administer any exceptions to the USSA or FIS rules. The Race Director determines the total number of events and the location of individual races. Cancellation of a race due to weather or ski area closing will be honored. Check the website or Hotline if a cancellation seems likely. It is the member’s responsibility to check for cancellations. In the event of a cancellation, if possible, the race will be rescheduled. If a race cannot be completed due to timing issues or other problems the race will be postponed and rescheduled, if possible. To the greatest extent possible, race courses are set by experienced officials to ensure safe, challenging, and fun events. Unless snow removal requires otherwise, course inspection is to be completed by side slipping outside the race line (or outside of the course as snow conditions warrant). No high speed skiing within the race arena or shadowing of the course is allowed during inspection or competition. It is the responsibility of all participants to assist with course maintenance. Second runs will be reset or redressed at the Race Directors discretion. For a complete set of rules visit www.midwestmasters.org. Registration Pre-registration is recommended through www.midwestmasters.org, or by arriving early to any race venue on race day and bringing your USSA license with you. 51 Qualifying Process for Masters Nationals Qualifying: Our annual Central Masters Championships held in Marquette, MI are used for Nationals qualification. Quota slots will be selected according to World Cup Points earned within each age group, only if the age group has 3 or more participants. If the age group only has one participant, 21 points will be awarded. If the age group only has two participants, 21 points will be awarded to the first place finisher and 16 points to the second place finisher. Tie breaking will be based on the number of races in which individuals have participated. National participants from previous year’s Masters Nationals events (SG, GS and SL only not Speed Nationals) will be able to use their points earned in addition. We will count your three best race results, regardless of discipline. We will 2-SL and 2-GS qualifying - 4 total. The Midwest Masters Board with help from other USSA Central contributors will determine future race sites for the Nationals qualifier. Automatics: You may be an automatic qualifier if you receive a medal at the previous year’s Masters Nationals. This will carry over to next year’s Nationals only. Discretionary Picks Up to 10% of the quota slots may be awarded discretionary picks of the Division Chairperson. Selection will be based on place points (if available) or by abilities. Any USSA Masters member that wants to go to Nationals not qualifying under quota may be put on a wait list, by contacting the Central Coordinator. If you do not contact, you will not be put on the wait list. If you do not qualify under quota, don’t worry, you have a very good chance of going from the wait list. Only current USSA members will be calculated in for qualification. Non-members can participate with a Temporary USSA Membership and will be calculated in for qualification when they become a full USSA Masters Member. Note: All Masters Racers wanting to participate in the Masters Nationals need to participate in the National Qualifier. Nationals and Central Championship Entries to Midwest Masters Nationals Registration, 1869 Deer Hills Trail, Eagan MN 55122-2252 Primary Contact: Ryan Fuller (on behalf of Midwest Masters) T: 612.501.3268 E: ryanf1541@yahoo.com Secondary Contact: Ashley Mitchell (current Midwest Masters Program Director) E: program director@midwestmasters.org T: 651.315.5685 EASTERN MASTERS In the East there are masters series in New England, New York, PA/NJ, and SARA. Racers must hold a USSA masters membership. The Eastern Masters Committee governs masters racing in the East. Chairman USSA Eastern Region Alpine Office Bill McCollom Tim Maguire - Director 593 RR 2 39 Central Square, Suite 304 Bethel, VT 05032 Keene, NH 03431 T: 802.234.9561 T: 603.358.6644 E: bmccollom@skiracing.com E: tmaguire@ussa.org Eastern Alpine Masters Committee Jim McKeon, Fred Dieffenbach, Steve Foley, Alex Gadbois, Horst Locher, Nadine Price, , Roy Scoville, Kim Wolff, Greg Gill, Daron Gladstone, Jack Eisenschmid, Stacey Weston and Derek Griggs. 52 NEW ENGLAND MASTERS SKIING www.nemasters.org Schedule Date Event/Location Dis Start Dec. 17-18 Sugarbush Warren, VT GS/SL 10 a.m. Jan. 8 Gunstock Guilford, NH SL 10 a.m. Jan. 9 Waterville Valley, NH SL 10 a.m. Jan. 15-16 Middlebury, VT SL/GS 10 a.m. Jan. 17 Bunny Bertram Suicide 6, VT SL 10 a.m. Jan. 21 Stratton, VT SG 10 a.m. Jan. 22 Janeway Cup Stratton, VT GS 10 a.m. Jan. 23 Stratton, VT SL 10 a.m. Jan. 28-29 Gibson Cup Cranmore, NH GS/SL 10 a.m. Jan. 30 Cranmore, NH dualGS 10 a.m. Feb. 5-6 Ragged Mtn. GS/SL 10 a.m. Feb. 7-10 Speed Camp Sugarbush, VT SG/DH 10 a.m. Feb. 11 Legends DH Sugarbush, VT DH* 10 a.m. Feb. 12 Sugarbush, VT 2SG* 10 a.m. Feb. 13 Sugarbush, VT SC 10 a.m. Feb. 26 Hochgebirge Cannon, NH SL 10 a.m. Feb. 27 Pat’s Peak, NH GS 10 a.m. Mar. 4 NE Regionals Okemo, VT SG/SC 10 a.m. Mar. 5 NE Regionals Okemo, VT SL 10 a.m. Mar. 6 NE Regionals Okemo, VT GS 9:30 a.m. Mar. 11 Sise Cup Finals Mt Snow, VT SG 9:30 a.m. Mar. 12 Sise Cup Finals Mt Snow, VT GS 9:30 a.m. Mar. 13 Sise Cup Finals Mt Snow, VT Dual SL 9:30 a.m. Mar. 27-31 National Championships Sun Valley DH/SG/GS/SL Subject to change. Please check the website for changes. * DH and first SG will be part of the Molecule F Speed Series. Entry/Lift $50 $50 $50 $50 $60 $50 $50 $50 $50 $55 $50 tba tba tba tba $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 New England Masters Skiing, Inc. is a non-profit corporation, which administers the Sise Cup Series. This series offers a season-long schedule of races and awards prizes to the overall best male and female racer, as well as age class champions using a modified World Cup scoring system. Awards and social gatherings are held after each race as well. The Sise cup enters its 38th season of competition. Board of Directors President: Nadine Price Vice President: Fred Dieffenback Secretary: Kim Wolff Treasurer: Steve Foley Other members:Stacey Weston, Greg Gill, Derek Griggs, Daryn Gladstone, Alex Gadbois and Bill McCollom. For Information Contact Executive Director: Jim McKoen 1378 Colonial Dr. Rutland, VT 05701 C: 802.558.8557 E: director@nemasters.org President: Nadine Price, 272 Lookout Road, Pittsfield, VT 05762 T: 802.746.8850 E: nprice@ntp-associates.com 53 Membership Requirements A New England Masters annual fee of $25 is required in addition to USSA Masters membership. New England Masters will honor a USSA temporary membership for one weekend only. Temporary membership forms can be downloaded and are available from NEMS and from the USSA Eastern Office. Those intending to enter a race using a temporary membership should pre-register by contacting the race host or NEMS Executive Director, Jim McKeon. Entry Fees, Procedures and Deadlines Entries will be made on separate USSA masters entry forms for each race, and mailed with individual race fees (a separate check for each event entered please) to be received at the race site on or prior to the Wednesday preceding the race. Telephone, fax and late entries may not be accepted and are subject to late fees. Late entries are subject to a late fee of at least $10 at the discretion of the organizing area. Areas will return entry fees or tear up check, if notice that the racer is unable to attend is received by the area organizer prior to 4 p.m. on the day preceding the race. Should entries exceed organizer’s quota, New England Masters will determine eligibility. Competitors should check the New England Masters website www. nemasters.org if there is any question about whether the race will be held. Check out www.nemasters.org for updates and online registration! Race Jury and Course Specifications Race rules shall be those of the FIS except as modified by USSA, the USSA Alpine Masters National Working Group and New England Masters Skiing, Inc. Courses shall meet the standard requirements for Masters FIS competition. New England Masters Skiing Inc. shall make the final decision on any rules, appeals or questions relative to the competition. Scoring The Sise Cup overall and class results are determined by scoring the individuals’ best nine races. Scoring by class Scoring for overall 10 points for 1st 100 points for 1st 8 for 2nd 80 for 2nd 6 for 3rd 60 for 3rd 4 for 4th 50 for 4th 2 for 5th 45 for 5th, etc. through 1 for 30th If two or more racers are tied after their nine best races are counted, then the tie will be broken by whoever has the most firsts, then seconds, then thirds of the scored nine races. If still tied then the tie will be broken by going to each racers tenth best result, then eleventh and so on until the tie has been broken. If still tied after all race finishes are counted, then they shall remain tied. Eastern Division USSA Alpine Masters National Championships Selection Procedures 1. All Eastern Divisional entries will be ranked within class using the New England Masters Sise Cup points as a basis. Those who are not active participants in the Sise Cup Series will be assimilated into the ranks on the basis of recommendations from competitor’s respective state masters series chair. 2. The first cut will be to eliminate those individuals who have not raced in any USSA sanctioned races in season 2010-11 through Feb. 2, followed by those who have raced in only one such race, two such races, and three such races. 3. If more cuts are needed, the last person in the ranking in his or her age group with the most entrants will be eliminated except for classes with fewer than five entrants. In the event 54 the class numbers are the same, the cuts will begin with the youngest class and proceed accordingly. 4. If further elimination is necessary, the procedure described in 3 (above) will be repeated. 5. The Eastern Masters Committee reserves the right to assign a very limited number of slots at its own discretion, in order to take care of any special situations. National Championships Quota and Scheduling See Ch. 5 for specific details on entry fees and for the eastern quota to the Alpine Masters National Championships. Masters entering the National Championships must mail an individual USSA masters entry form for each event and one check for all events entered. National Championships Entries Must be received by Jan. 31, 2011 to Bill McCollom, 235 Gills Rd, Bethel VT 05032 T: 802.234.9561 Event Entry Contacts Attitash, Corey Madden, Events/Racing Manager, Attitash Ski Resort, Route 302, PO Box 308, Bartlett NH 03812 T: 603.374.2615, F: 603.374.1960 Bromley, Bromley Outing Club, Race Secretary, PO Box 775, Manchester Center VT 05255 T: 802.824.6498 Cannon Mtn, Franconia Ski Club, Race Secretary, PO Box 462, Franconia NH 03580 T: 603.823.7106 Cranmore, Kathy Badger, CMR Race Secretary, 38 E Shore Dr, Silver Lake NH 03875 T: 603.367.8278 Crotched Mtn., Kate Weston, Masters Race Secretary, PO Box 204, Francestown NH 03043 Gunstock, Gunstock Ski Club, Laurie Osudrowski, 7 Serenty Ln, Meredith NH 03253 T: 603.279.7822 Killington, Masters Race Secretary, Alpine Training Center, Killington VT 05751 T: 802.422.6797 Loon Mtn, Loon Ski Club, Race Secretary, PO Box 609, Lincoln NH 03251 T: 603.726.7578 Middlebury, Middlebury Ski Club, Race Secretary, PO Box 815, Middlebury VT 05753 T: 802.388.4356 Okemo, Masters Race Secretary, 77 Okemo Ridge Rd, Ludlow VT 05149 T: 802.228.1483 Pico Mtn, Race Secretary, Pico Ski Club, PO Box 341, Rutland VT 05702 T: 802.422.6993 Ragged Mtn, RMST, PO Box 234, Manchester NH 03105 T: 603.472.5678 Stratton, Race Secretary, Stratton Mtn. School, Box 141, Stratton VT 05155 T: 802.297.1886 or T: 802.867.4191 Suicide Six, Woodstock Ski Runners, Race Secretary, PO Box 171, S Pomfret VT 05067 T: 802.457.2971 Sugarbush, Danielle Hampton, Masters Race Administrator, Sugarbush Resort, 1840 Sugarbush Access Rd, Warren VT 05674 T: 802.583.6818 2010 Sise Cup Results Class Winners 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Men Ben Green Scott Wheeler Rick Cesati Alex Gadbois Lane Partridge Mark George Hans Truckenbrod, Women Katie George Kerry Brennan Jessie McAleer Carolyn Beckedorff Julia Horgan Margaret Vaughn Johanne Gosselin 55 8 9 10 11 12 13 Bill Brennan Steve Foley David Britton Alphonse Sevigny Duffy Dodge Adelbert Ames Dee Larsen Pam Jezukawicz Roberta Britton Jane Cooke Alice Pepper Overall Final Standings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ben Green Luke Hiebert Mark George Alex Gadbois Rick Cesati Maxime Masse Terrence Fogarty Vladimir Krylov Adam Weiss Steve Masur 820 points 800 602 600 527 490 450 361 307 306 Jessie McAleer Carolyn Beckedorff Katie George Margaret Vaughn Lisa Marien Lisa Densmore Nadine Price Patti Lane Stacey Weston Kerry Brennan 900 points 860 760 485 460 430 426 359 358 310 Overall SL and GS Champions SL GS Mark George Luke Hiebert Carolyn Beckedorff Carolyn Beckedorff 2010 New England Masters Team Trophy Results 1 Comets 860 points (won on tie breaker) Bryan Reimer, Vlad Krylov, Mark George, Jessie Beck, David Strang, Katie George, Stacey Weston, Steve Foley, George Merrill 2 Hot Like Fire 860 points 3 Hockey Burgers 800 points NEW YORK STATE MASTERS Schedule Date Dec. 19 Jan. 2 Jan. 8 Jan. 9 Jan. 23 Jan. 29 Jan. 30 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 Feb. 19 Feb. 20 Feb. 25 Feb. 26 Mar. 4-6 Mar. 22-268 Location Brantling Swain Holiday Valley Holimont Bristol Toggenburg Greek Peak Hunt Hollow Labrador Song Song Bristol Swain Okemo, VT Copper Mtn. CO Dis Start 2 SL 9:30 GS/SL 9:30 2 SL 9:30 2 GS 9:30 2 GS 9:30 2 SL 9:30 2 GS 9:30 2 GS 9:30 GS/SL 9:30 2 SG 9:30 GS/SL 9:30 2SG 9:30 GS/SL 9:30 Eastern Regional Championship National Championship Note: The above schedule of races has been confirmed, however situations may exist that change the date and time of the scheduled race. It is strongly recommended that the racer confirm the time and date prior to traveling to the venue in case of a schedule change. The most current information will be on our website www.nymasters. org. Also, the races will start at the time listed above. This means the first racer will be out of the starting gate at the published time. It is suggested that each competitor plan on arriving at the area typically one hour in advance of the start times, especially if they have not pre-registered. 56 The New York series continues to have many advantages for its members to participate. In addition to having access to some of the best courses and race crews in the North East, we also continue to have the two race format that allows for everyone to get plenty of competitive runs, and still have time at the end of the day to free ski, or get an early start on the après race activities. The 2011 schedule will consist of 26 races, 12 GS, 10 SL, and 4 SG. Also the schedule here is subject to change; check www.nymasters.org for up to date information. This year we will continue to have a single point of contact for all race registrations Nancy Fella, the Race Administrator will collect all entries. As always, registration ahead of the event makes it much easier for those who run the races. We will also be looking for volunteers to run some of the races, so anyone interested please contact Jack or Jim. A temporary USSA masters membership is always available at the race registration table for the event for those who do not have a current USSA license. Come on out and join us in our 36th year of New York State Masters Ski Racing. See you on the slopes. 2010 New York Masters Series Overall Winners 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Men Jim Thoman Joel Solly Pepi Neubauer Lou Moore Bob Andree Doug Paul Kevin O’Donahue Jim Spillane Eddie Linsler Ward Melville Woman Angela Schneurch Amy Patterson Alison Rodman Barb Brumbaugh Barb Settel Marie-Eve Noel Laura Moats New York Masters Contacts Jack Eisenschmid, Chair, 57 Merriman St, Rochester NY 14607 T: E: eisenschmid@frontiernet.net Jim Spillane, Co-Chair, 7606 Zephyr Heights, Victor NY 14564 T: E: jim.a.spillane@sprint.com Mark Sertl, Treasurer, 7 Brookwood Rd, Rochester NY 14610 T: E: msertl@rochester.rr.com Nancy Fella, Race Administrator, 59 Astor Dr, Rochester NY 14610 T: E: fellanj@aol.com 585.750.4469 585.230.7422 585.482.3977 585.385.6871 GARDEN STATE (NJ) MASTERS Schedule The Garden State schedule was not ready at press time. Please contact Roy Scovill T: 973.299.2981 for information. Eligibility Any male or female resident of New Jersey, member of a NJ Ski Council Club or NJ Ski Race Association, who holds a USSA Alpine Masters or Student membership, is eligible to compete for the series awards. However, all races are open to all USSA Masters members age 21 and older. Scoring Masters points will be based on the fastest man and fastest women on the course for their respective categories. Final standings will be based on a racer’s best three results, which must include at least one each of SL and GS. 57 Awards: The Governors Cup will be presented to the man and woman having the best score. The Cup is shared by the winners for one year before being awarded to the following year’s winners. The Governors Cup Series is designated the NJ GS (although one SL race will be counted) Championships. Individual Men’s and Women’s Cups will be awarded to winners of this race (combined times). Racers must compete in at least three races to be considered for these awards. Masters Race Contacts Hidden Valley Ski Club, Race Secretary, PO Box 443, Vernon NY 07462 T: 973.764.6161 Mountain Creek Ski Team, Race Secretary, PO Box 1154, McAfee NJ 07428 T: 973.827.2000 Entries No telephone entries. Send payment with your entry and timing card, due one week before the event. There is no late registration fee. Limited field, enter early. Fees listed are per day. Masters Information Contact Roy Scovill, 14 John Henry Dr, Montville NJ 07045 T: 973.299.2981 SOUTHERN (SARA) MASTERS Schedule Date Region Dec. 27 Blue Ridge Dec. 28 Blue Ridge Dec. 29-30 Southern Jan. 23 Blue Ridge Jan. 29-30 Blue Ridge Feb. 5-6 Blue Ridge Feb. 12-13 Southern Feb. 26-27 Southern Feb. 27 Blue Ridge Location Bryce Resort, VA Bryce Resort, VA Sugar Mtn. Winterplace, WV Snowshoe, WV Wintergreen, VA Sugar Mtn. Timberline, WV Bryce Resort Dis GS SL SL/GS GS SL/GS SL/GS SL/GS GS/SL SL Start 12:30 p.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 12 p.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9 a.m. The entry fees for each race will be $ 25 Open to USSA members who hold a valid master membership. Masters racing provides the next step up for NASTAR racers, recreational racers who would like to be in a higher level of ski racing. New participants may take advantage of temporary weekend memberships, limited to one such memberships per participant per season, however the cost of temporary weekend memberships ($25) will be applied to a full masters membership when purchased (please see www.ussa.org). Masters from other regions who hold valid membership are welcome to participate in any SARA races. The races are held in Virginia, West Virginia and North Carolina. SARA Masters Area Contacts and send entries to Bryce Resort, Horst Locher, Bryce Resort, PO Box 3, Basye VA 22810 T: 540.856.2121 x228 E: skischool@bryceresort.com Canann/Timberline Resort, Debbie Larch, 5 Kimeric Ln, Cross Lanes WV 25313 T: 340.776.7040 E: debsnowqueen@aol.com Snowshoe Resort, Bryan Hoos T: 304.572.5958 E: skidad1060@cox.net Sugar Mtn, Gunther Jochl, Sugar Mountain, PO Box 369, Banner Elk NC 28604 T: 828.898.4521 ext. 224 E: gjochl@skisugar.com Wintergreen Resort, Chris Shepard, Wintergreen Ski Team, PO Box 112, Nellysford VA 22958 T: 804.325.8282 E: skirace@wintergreenresort.com 58 SARA Masters Contacts SARA Master Chair, Horst Locher, Bryce Resort, PO Box 3, Basye VA 22810 T: 540.856.2121 x228 E: horst@shentel.net FAR WEST MASTERS Schedule Date Dec. 4-5 Dec. 18-19 Jan. 7 Jan. 8-9 Jan. 21-23 Feb. 3-6 Feb. 21-24 Feb. 26-27 Feb. 28 Mar. 12-13 Mar. 22-26 Apr. 2-3 Apr. 13-17 Location Event Mammoth Mtn. Dave McCoy Squaw Valley Heavenly Viva Italia Cup Sierra at Tahoe Mammoth Mammoth Regionals Mammoth Northstar Squaw Valley Squaw Valley Bernard Cup Copper Mtn. CO Nationals Mt. Rose McKinney Cup Mammoth Season Finals Dis Entry 3GS $25 2SL $25 SL/SL $25 SL/SL $25 5SG $35 SC/SG/GS/SL (chap. 5) 3DH 3GS $25 SG $35 SL/SL/GS $25 SC/SG/GS/SL (chap 5) SL/GS $25 2DH/2SG/1GS/1SL TBA Entry fee is per day and does not include lifts. Start times vary at each race location. Check in at registration to obtain start time. The Far West Masters Series Ski racing is open to competitors who are members of USSA, holding a master’s membership or those who purchased a weekend temporary race membership at race registration for up to two weekends per season. The race schedule includes high quality competitions held throughout the Sierras on most weekends from the beginning of December through April. Masters from other regions who hold valid membership are welcome at the Far West Masters races. Be sure to check the Far West web page which can be accessed through www.ussa.org and click Alpine Masters, or go directly to www.farwestmasters.org. Membership Requirements A USSA masters membership or temporary membership is required in order to compete in any Far West masters race. A Far West Masters membership is strongly encouraged at a cost of $20. Far West Masters membership benefits include a permanent stretch bib, tracking of points for the season awards, newsletters and eligibility to compete for a place as part of the Far West contingent to the Masters National Championships. Contact Mark Mirviss at markmirviss@att.net or better yet, go to www.farwestmasters.org for Far West and USSA membership applications. Age Categories Far West Masters are divided into five-year age categories. USSA “Middles” may enter class 20 although USSA points are not awarded. There is also an optional “Open Seed” available for the top ten men and top five woman based on first run performance. Entry Fees, Procedures and Deadlines Race registrations should be mailed so as to arrive at the race organizer a minimum of one week prior to race date, using the Far West Masters entry cards. Entries received at the race site later than five days before the race will be considered as a late entry, and may be disallowed or be subject to a “late entry fee” at the discretion of the organizing area. Late Registration should be avoided and may not be accepted at some areas. Late entry fee is a minimum of $5 per race. Telephone entries without fees will not be accepted; they must 59 be resubmitted as late entries. Cancellation Policy Race sites will follow a torn check policy for cancellation of race events, and for no-shows provided the competitor has notified the race department of cancellation no later than a day before the race series commences. Otherwise, race entries shall be forfeited. Exceptions will be allowed in the event of injury. A separate check must be submitted for each race/event. The Far West Masters is also beginning on line registration this year. Details regarding on line registration will follow on our website. Start Order Start order will be determined by age class and random draw within the age class. Second run start order is also by class, but in reverse order of finish of the first run. Racers who are late at the start will run after all racers of the class which is currently starting upon their arrival. DSQ’s and DNF’s may run at the end of their class for the second run if conditions permit. Open Seed: there will be an Open Seed for both women and men. The fastest five women and fastest ten men, regardless of age, will have the option to run in an Open Seed for the second run. The Woman’s Open Seed will run after Class 50 Woman and the Men’s Open Seed will run after the Class 50 Men. Open Seed qualifiers may choose not to run in the Open Seed and will then run their second run in their respective age class. The vacated space in the Open Seed will not be filled. Awards for the race and the season will be awarded in the Open Seed classes. Other Race Rules The rules governing masters competitions shall be those of the FIS, except as modified by USSA, the USSA Alpine Masters Committee and Far West Masters Series ski racing. Course Specifications All race courses shall meet the standard requirements for USSA Masters or Masters FIS competitions. In addition, all courses will be conducted on FIS homologated venues. USSA Alpine Masters National Championships Requirements for Nationals are masters membership in both Far West and USSA, and either four race starts in the 2011 season by Jan. 31st or six race starts in the 2010 season. Deadline for delivery of applications to the Far West President is Jan. 31, 2011. If quotas are exceeded, selection will be based on previous performances, season standings and overall contribution to the Far West Masters Program. Training Opportunities Many of the ski areas in California and Nevada offer training opportunities for adults. Masters programs at Squaw Valley and Alpine Meadows are open every day from early December through early April. Mammoth Mountain has the largest and most competitive program in Far West. Sugar Bowl, Mount Rose and Northstar also have well-established programs. Check with the race departments listed below for details. Typical daily clinics include 2-3 hours of gate training with coaching and a similar amount of time free skiing with coaches while working on drills to improve technique. Video is often included. Discounts are often available with the early purchase of season passes, or ticket books of five or more. There are also a number of special programs offered, e.g. Mammoth Mountain has an excellent Masters Race Camp the week preceding our first races in early December. Division Contacts Mark Mirviss, President T: 530.583.6971 or markmirviss@att.net Marcie Pettigrew, Membership T: 310.546.2172 or T: 760.924.5883 Ski Area Contacts Alpine Meadows Race Dept, PO Box 5279, Tahoe City CA 96145 T: 530.581.8234 (training available) Heavenly Valley Ski Resort Race Dept, c/o Rick Buxton, PO Box 2180, Stateline NV 89449 60 T: 775.586.7000 ext. 6208 (training available) Mammoth Mountain Race Dept., PO Box 24, Mammoth Lakes CA 93546 T: 760.934.0642 (training available) Mt. Rose Ski Area, Rees Palermo, PO Box 428, Verdi NV 89439 T: 775.345.6709 (training available) Sierra at Tahoe, Competition Dept. 1111Sierra at Tahoe Rd. Twin Bridges, CA T: 530.659.7453 Squaw Valley Race Services, PO Box 2007, Olympic Valley CA 96146 T: 530.581.7188 (training available) Sugar Bowl Ski Area, PO Box 5, Norden CA 95724 T: 530.426.6747 (training available) Northstar at Tahoe, PO Box 129, Truckee CA 96160 T: 530.562.2472 (training available) INTERMOUNTAIN MASTERS Schedule Date Jan. 8-9 Jan. 14-16 Jan. 22-23 Feb. 3-6 Feb. 11-13 Feb. 25-27 Feb. 28 - Mar. 2 Mar. 4-6 Mar. 11-13 Mar. 19-20 Mar. 22-26 Apr. 7-10 Event Location Jans Cup Snowbasin, UT Skoch Cup Sun Valley, ID Cowboy Classic Snow King, WY Western Regionals Mammoth, CA Pendleton/Lortiz Cup Park City, UT Joint event IM/NO Big Sky, MT Ken Corrock DH Soldier Mtn, ID Jans Cup Wolf Mtn, UT Jans Cup/Finals Snowbasin, UT National DH Ski Cooper, CO Nationals Copper, CO Joint w/PNSA Champs Mt. Bachelor, OR Dis 2S SG/GS/SL 2GS SC/SG/GS/SL SG/SL/GS SGtr/2SG/1SG* 2DHtr, 2DH 2GS/SL SG/GS/SL trDH/DH SC/SG/GS/SL SGtr/2SG/GS/SL *Changes and additions will be posted online www.intermountainmasters.org The Intermountain Masters (IMM) program is organized by the Intermountain Masters Committee in accordance with the rules of the FIS, USSA, and the Intermountain Masters Bylaws. The program is open to athletes aged 18 years or older who are members of USSA and who hold a Student, Competitor or Masters membership. Temporary memberships will be available at individual races. Out of Division master’s racers are encouraged to enter Intermountain races online. Entry Procedures, Fees, and Deadlines 1. NEW this season is online registration. To set up account, enter races and updates, please go to www.intermountainmasters.org. Entry deadlines will be noted at online registration. 2. Racers not able to enter online, entries and payments (except for Regionals and Nationals) may be mailed to: Intermountain Masters, PO Box 982244, Park City UT 84098. Please mail early to be included on start list. 3. If you must pay day of race, please bring a check already made out for correct amount payable to Intermountain Masters. 4. Entry fees will be $30 per GS and SL race and $40 for SG and DH races. For Regionals and Nationals see Ch 5. Start lists will be created and viewable online in the new online program, then posted at the place of registration at 8:15 a.m. Racers should check start lists for errors and notify check-in person prior to 8:25 a.m. 61 Online cancellations will not have credit cards charged. Schedule changes, updates and cancellations will be at www.intermountainmasters.org. Please check back frequently. Entry Problems T: 541.490.5888 or entries@intermountainmasters.org Regionals and Nationals entries - see Ch. 5. Race Bibs 1. Intermountain issues permanent bibs used a permanent racer identifier for all regular intermountain races. It is the responsibility of each racer to keep the bib in good condition, bring to each race, and wear the bib for racing purposes as per USSA rules. 2. New racers with full USSA membership and an online account may be issued permanent bibs at the beginning of the season. 3. Out of Division guest may email in advance, their request to use their own division bib number. If that number is acceptable by the race registrar, the racer may use it. If it is not acceptable a temporary bib/number will be issued and available for pickup at racer checkin prior to 8:25 a.m. race day. For start list and result purposes the number, while showing 3 digits will be listed as 4 digits (i.e. 1345). 4. Intermountain Bib numbers will be used for entry/racing with or without presence of the actual bib. 5. Temporary racers will be issued temporary bibs at each event until they are issued a permanent bib. 6. Temporary bibs must be returned after the racer’s last race of the weekend. A deposit may be required for the use of a temporary bib. 7. The overall top five women and top ten men are awarded special bibs to wear. See “Top Women and Men race Bibs” section below. Seeding Seeding within classes will be by random draw among those entries received by the entry deadline. Second run seeding will be by order of finish within class. Conditions permitting as determined by the TD and/or race organizer, competitors with a first run DNF or DSQ will be permitted to run the second run at the end of their respective class. Super Seed This elite seed will be comprised of the top ten male finishers overall from the first run, and if those competitors choose to run, they will be run in reverse order of finish (10th place to 1st) after class 7 men. Those who choose to compete in the Super Seed will not be awarded class awards. However twenty national points will be awarded to all Super Seed finishers. Running Order Women Class 14 then Men Class 13 followed by Women in Class 10 and older, then men in Class 10 and older, followed by women Class 9 and younger in descending class order, followed by men Class 9 and younger in descending class order. Series Scoring Each season, the Intermountain Masters series will be scored by World Cup points and awarded overall and in each age class at every race. Awards will be given to the top three men and women in each age class. A competitor’s standing will be based on his/her best results in up to one half of the total number of races held during the season, rounded up. Top Men and Women Race Bibs Red bibs (numbered 1 through 5) for women and yellow bibs (numbered 1 through 10) for men are awarded to the overall top five women and top ten men of the prior season to worn the next season. Bibs must be returned at the season end and will be reassigned to the next year’s season overall winners. The bib numbers for the 2010-11 season are as follows: 62 1 Thunder Jalili 2 Bob Skinner 3 Craig Norton 4 Rick Slabinski 5 Victor Roy Men - Yellow 6 Mike McGurl 7 Mike Falk 8 Bill Skinner 9 Ben Yurga 10 Don Sears Women - Red 1 Dana Alexandrescu 2 Jenny Badger 3 Deb MacKenzie 4 Amy Lanzel 5 Donna Allen Alpine Masters National Championships Quota slots for the National Championships and the National Speed Championships will be selected according to the World Cup point earned within age class groups. Scoring is based on a year-round system from Feb. 1 of one year to Jan. 31 of the next year. For the National Championships, competitors can use their best results in up to 60% of the races run to calculate their points. For the National Speed Championships, competitors can use their best results in up to 60% of the DH, SG, and GS races run to calculate their points. Tie breaking will be based on the number of races in which individuals have participated. Up to 10% of the quota slots may be awarded at the discretion of the Division Chairman with the approval of the IMM masters committee. Selection will be based on seed points (if available) or by ability. Entries must be submitted to Division Chair, Amy Lanzel with full payment of entry fees for all races entered. One check is recommended. The payment must be received no later than Jan. 31, 2011. Amy Lanzel, 8720 Hidden Cove Rd, Park City UT 84098 T: 435.649.5751 alanzel@xmission.com. See Ch. 5 for details. Internet Email is the preferred form of communication - entries@intermountainmasters.org. Results and schedules, including changes and cancellations when possible, will be posted on the website www.intermountainmasters.org. Masters Committee Committee meetings are open to everyone and all racers are welcome to attend. Details on how to become a committee member are in the IMM bylaws. For detailed information on IMM racing refer to the IMM bylaws or contact Amy Lanzel, Chair: 8720 Hidden Cove Rd, Park City UT 84098 T: 435.649.5751 E: alanzel@xmission.com Training Opportunities Bogus Basin, ID - Training begins early December with free skiing outside the gates. Gate training is expected to start mid-December through March. Contact: Craig Hopper: craighopper@hotmail.com Jackson, WY - For training opportunities in Jackson contact Bridger Call at JH Ski Club T: 307.413.7034 Park City, UT - The Park City Masters Race Team invites all USSA membership holders to join them for a day or week of training in the Olympic and World Cup, Eagle Race Arena. Training is available Monday-Friday starting in mid-November and goes through the end of March. A typical session starts at 9 a.m. and includes gate running, technical free skiing drills, and video ending at 3 p.m. The Park City Mountain Resort is offering this program to USSA members for one day or five days. Season training passes are available for the day program, and for the night program (2 evenings a week). For more information contact the Park City Ski School T: 435.647.5423 or Bill Skinner T: 435.647.2633. For Lodging call T: 800.222.7275. Snowbasin, UT - For information on the Snowbasin Masters program call Rauli Karjalainen T: 801.876.2321, or Bob Chambers T: 801.399.2337. 63 Sun Valley, ID - The Sun Valley Ski School Master’s Race clinic runs 11 weeks from the beginning of December through mid-March. It is geared to all ages of advanced to expert skiers. Meeting weekdays at 9 a.m., and running for three hours per day, the program concentrates on technique and tactics to improved skiing ability through race training. The daily routine includes free skiing coaching/ analysis followed by gate training for the balance of the session. Special SG training is offered once a week at 8 a.m. for an hour of training on a full length SG course. A number of different season programs are offered to customize your training needs and availability. The coaching staff comes from the Sun Valley Ski and Snowboard School, and the Sun Valley and Hailey junior ski teams. Check pre-season with the Sun Valley Ski and Snowboard School for costs and more information T: 208.622.2248. For lodging call Sun Valley Resort T: 800.786.8259. Soldier Mountain, ID - There will be a DH Training camp the Monday prior to the Soldier Mountain DH Series. Cost will be $60 including lift ticket. Coaches are Ken Corrock, and former USSA National Masters champion Scott Curtis. Wolf Mountain, UT - Contact Keith Rounkles T: 801.668.8844 E: keithrounkles@comcast.net NORTHERN MASTERS Schedule Date Jan. 14-16 Jan. 22-13 Jan. 21-23 Feb. 3-6 Feb. 25-26 Mar. 12-13 Mar. 22-26 Description Skoch Cup Cowboy Classic Elderdaze Western Regionals Speed Fix Lookout Nationals Site Sun Valley Snow King 49 Degrees N Mammoth, CA Big Sky, MT Lookout Pass Copper Mtn., CO Event SG, GS, SL GS/GS SGtr, 2SG, SG SG, GS, SL, SC trSG/3SG GS/SL SC, SG, GS, SL Northern Masters Alpine Racing (NMAR) consists of skiers from Montana, the Western Dakotas, NW Wyoming, and Northern Idaho. Blessed with wonderful terrain but sparse population, Northern always welcomes racers from other divisions to participate in its events at no additional fee. Northern is blessed with a variety of resorts that all have western hospitality and low crowds in common. Entries Pre-registration is encouraged. To avoid a late registration penalty, notify us by email, phone or letter of your intention to participate E: rickmurphy14@hotmail.com T: 406.471.1573 or 19 Mill Ave. Whitefish MT 59937. Please enclose all necessary information: Name, Sex, DOB, Bib #, Address & Phone # and Event. You may also register the morning of the race between 8 and 9 a.m., subject to a $5 late fee. Checks should be made out to “Northern Masters”. The fees are as follows: GS and SL $25, SG $35. Northern racers also pay a yearly membership fee of $25. Pre-registrants may cancel without any penalty including day of race. Northern membership is not required for any new or guest racer, however, membership is required for any non-USSA racer who wishes to compete beyond their initial race. Out-of -District USSA Masters racers are always welcome at Northern events without additional charge beyond registration. USSA membership (or temporary membership) is required for all Northern USSA sanctioned events. A Northern Masters liability waiver and/or host mountain liability waiver is also required prior to race start. Scoring Race scoring for the NO races is normally in 10-year classes; class 1 being 21-29, etc. At joint or USSA events the standard 5-year brackets apply. The Northern and joint events listed 64 above count towards the year-end by-class awards in the division. Race results, scoring and Division news are given on the NO website, www.northernmasters. org, and by email. If you would like to be included on our email list please send your contact information to E: rickmurphy14@hotmail.com. USSA Masters Nationals Northern members who wish to compete in Masters Nationals at Cooper Mtn. need to mail entry info and entry fees to Rick Murphy by Feb. 15, 2011. Training Opportunities Gate training with coaching and friendly competition is available throughout Northern Division. Big Sky: weekday mornings beginning mid-Dec., contact Fran Noel E: fnoel@onemain.com Whitefish Mtn Resort: Rick Murphy T: 406.471.1573 E: rickmurphy14@hotmail.com Information Contacts Division Chair: Rick Murphy, 19 Mill Ave, Whitefish MT 59937 T: 406.471.1573 E: rickmurphy14@hotmail.com PACIFIC NORTHWEST MASTERS Schedule Date Jan. 1-2 Jan. 8-9 Jan. 21-23 Feb. 3-6 Feb. 19-20 Feb. 23-27 Mar. 5-6 Mar. 12-13 Mar. 18-22 Mar. 22-28 Apr. 7-10 Location Snoqualmie Crystal Mountain 49 Degree N Mammoth Alpental Schweitzer Mt Hood Ski Bowl Lookout Pass Stevens Pass Copper Mtn. CO Mt Bachelor Race Kickoff Off Classic Rosenquist-Vala Elderdaze Western Regionals Over The Hill Don Brooks Memorial Skiyente Cup Outlaw Rendezvous Osborne-Grage Nationals PNSA Championships Event(s) GStr/GS 3GS SGtr/3SG SC/SG/GS/SL 3SL GStr/SGtr/2SG/GS/SL SL/GS GS/SL SLtr/SL/GS/2SG/SC SC/SG/GS/SL SGtr/2SG/GS/SL PNSA Overview PNSA hosts races throughout the Pacific Northwest, from January to April. Race in as few or as many races as you like. There is a points competition per gender and age category each racer in their category gets points for finish position. Awards are given out at the PNSA Championships at Mt. Bachelor, OR in April. PNSA Goal We welcome all levels of skiers, from skiers looking to challenge themselves through racing, to the most avid ski racer who attends every event they can. Our goal is to have fun, ski with and meet new friends while improving one’s ski racing skills. Your goal is to bring a friend to a race and spread the word about Masters Racing! Race Entries 1. Online registration at www.pnsamasters.org. To get to online registration, click in the Online Registration column for the race you’re entering 2. Mail entry fees and entry cards to the Race organizer so that it arrives one week before the race date. See back of this handbook for a copy of the entry card or get one from our website www.pnsamasters.org. Calling or emailing the race organizer is NOT considered pre-entering a race. All races but the PNSA Championships (Mt. Bachelor) will allow 65 same-day entry, but expect to pay a Late Fee. 3. Entry Fees: Our entry fees for GS and SL races are $27; for SG the fees are $37. The PNSA Championships, the Western Region Championships and U.S. National Championships each have their own fee schedule. Those fees are set based on their cost structure. Check www.pnsamasters.org or the Masters Handbook for fee information. USSA/PNSA Membership Requirements Racers must have a current USSA Masters Competition Card. This must be shown at time of race sign in. A temporary, or “day-of-race” membership, can be purchased at the race site. Helmets Racers must wear a ski helmet in ALL events. Things Masters Should do to Help Out Course setting and tearing down • Setting: ferrying poles, wrenching gates. • Preparation: slipping wide - not just down your line; slipping during the race for other racers. • Tearing down: wrenching gates, pulling poles. Courtesy • Thank the volunteers that support our races; gate keepers, registrations, starters, time keepers. It means a lot to them and that may mean they will come back to support more of our races. • If you see something that you feel could be improved, please contact one of our PNSA Masters’ Committee with that information. Let’s carry the message back to the race organizers. Sponsors World Cup Skier Services, Bellevue, WA. Custom Boot Service, Seattle, WA. Contacts PNSA website: Please go to www.pnsamasters.org for information such as schedules, contacts, web links and race results. Visit it often for race information changes. PNSA Chair: Ann Ozuna, C: 509.993.2283 or T: 509.455.7944 E: aozuna@ieway.com Race Schedule Coordinator: Knut Olberg T: 206.714.4522 E: norski@msn.com Email Communication: Merilyn Moss T: 206.524.7800 E: moss@halcyon.com. Contact Merilyn if you need an address, phone number or email address of a PNSA member or race coordinator. Temporary License/Bibs: Carolyn Phillips T: 360.663.2602 E: carolyn@bjwhite.net New Racers: Peter Christian T: 425-883-4770 E: gm@bearcreekcc.com Nationals and Regionals: See Chap. 5 of this book Crystal Mt: Rodger Lawton, 3808 6th Ave NW, Olympia, WA 98502 C: 360.970.1118 E: cmac@cmacskiracing.com 49 Degrees North: Masters Entry: 49 Degrees North, PO Box 166, Chewelah WA 99109. Race Contact FAST Attn Jim Holcomb, Box 166, Chewelah WA 99109 T: 509.251.9383 E: fast@ski49n.com Lookout Pass: Lookout Pass Ski Area, PO Box 108, Wallace ID 83873. Race Contact: Casey Hatfield, Mt Manager. E: casey@skilookout.com W www.skilookout.com Mt Bachelor, PNSA Championships: Entries in advance only - online or mailed (must be received by deadline). NO day of race entries. Mail to: PNSA Masters Race Administrator, 563 SW 13th St, Suite 201, Bend OR 97702. Inquiries: E: raceinfo@mbsef.org W: www.mbsef.org Check under Events (Calendar) for race announcement, entry form and online entry availability. 66 Mt. Hood Meadows: Skiyente Ski Club, Diane Hicks, 12512 SE Stark #B, Portland OR 97223 T: 503.253.5086 Schnee Vogeli Ski Club: Rogers, PO Box 249, Government Camp, OR 97028, T: 503.789.0104 E: edrskier@msn.com Schweitzer Mt: SARS Masters, Ann Ozuna, 3403 S Tekoa St, Spokane WA 99203 T: 509.455.7944 E: mastersrace@sars.net www.sars.net. Stevens Pass: SPAC and Penguin Ski Club, Race Administrator E: raceadmin@spacracing.com W: www.spacracing.com Summit at Snoqualmie/Alpental: Summit Race Dept. PO Box 1068, Snoqualmie Pass WA 98068 T: 425.434.6729 E: raceandevents@summiti90.com Dave Beckwith - Snow Sports Director E: dbeckwith@summiti90.com Karter Riach: kriach@summiti90.com PNSA Masters Training Opportunities Central Alpine Race Team: 2901 266th Ave SE, Sammamish WA 98075. Head Coach Gary Wilke T: 425.308.7837. Weekends at Crystal/Summit Central http://ullr.com/cart/cart.htm. Crystal Mt: Rodger Lawton, 3808 6th Ave NW, Olympia, WA 98502 T: 360.459.4400 or C: 360.970.1118 E: cmac@cmacskiracing.com Schweitzer Mt. SARS Masters: Ann Ozuna, South 3404 Tekoa St, Spokane WA 99203 T: 509.455.7944 E: aozuna@ieway.com. Wed./Thur. and weekend training available. See www.sars.net under masters for current info. Summit at Snoqualmie/Alpental: Dave Beckwith - Snow Sports Dir., Summit Race Dept, PO Box 1068, Snoqualmie Pass WA 98068 T: 425.434.6729 E: raceandevents@summiti90.com or dbeckwith@summiti90.com. or kriach@summiti90.com Mt Bachelor: MBSEF Masters/Adult Training Program: Tues. - Fri., Sun., holidays Mon., (Sat. starting mid-March), 9 a.m. - noon, late Nov. - late April. Full season, 20 day, 10 day and drop-in programs available. Contact: MBSEF at T: 541.388.0002 or E: mbsef@mbsef.org, Greg Timm at E: gtimm@empnet.com or T: 541.385.7853. Stevens Pass: The SPAC Masters Racing program starts early Jan. and continues for 8-10 weeks. Training will be offered on Thur. evenings and Fri. afternoons only. 16 training sessions are possible from January through March 2009 . See the SPAC website for access to the most current information, www.spacracing.com. Lyons Ski School: Masters Training Program is designed for Master racers and other adults interested in the challenge of ski racing. Includes directed free skiing, drill and gate training. Coaching by Dave Lyon with additional coaching and support by guest coaches. January and February Thur. 6:30 -8:30 p.m. See the Lyons website for current information, www.lyonskischool.com. 67 ROCKY MOUNTAIN MASTERS Schedule Date Dec. 4 Dec. 18 Jan. 9-10 Jan. 21-23 Jan. 29-31 Feb. 3-6 Feb. 19-21 Feb. 26-27 Mar. 12-13 Mar. 19-26 Apr. 9 Location Copper Mtn. Loveland Winter Park Keystone Vail Mammoth, CA Aspen Ski Cooper Loveland Ski Cooper/Copper Loveland Discipline GS SL GS/SL 2DH/2SG/GS SL/GS/2SG SC/SG/GS/SL Regional Champs 2SG/2DH Championships trDH/2DH 2SL Masters Nationals Finale SG/GS/SL 1 run Schedule is preliminary and subject to change. Check in time 7:30-8:30 a.m. on race day. Start times at 10 a.m. unless otherwise posted at registration, or contact our website for update information. Rocky Mountain Masters The Rocky Mountain Masters program tours all of the major ski areas in Colorado, making participation a must for any vacationers from other regions. All Masters racers nationwide are cordially invited and welcome to join us for a race weekend if you are planning a ski vacation in Colorado. We are operated by a volunteer Board of Directors and have developed many unique features that make our program easy and rewarding to participate in. • All four alpine ski-racing disciplines on full length FIS homologated courses (check out our schedule you speed freaks, many DH races w/ even more training!) • NEW this year - the Colorado Speed Series. A series designed to include all the RMM speed events and a few of the Town Downhills held at venues around Colorado. Stay tuned for more details! • Also new this year - race entry fee discounts for first time racers and referral benefits for members that introduce new racers to RMM • Automated race registration via our website www.rmmskiracing.org • Elite class that recognizes the top racers across all age classes • Sportage system that applies a handicap based upon age, allowing older racers to effectively compete against the young racers for hardware • Door prizes at awards ceremonies in addition to medals based on results • Benefits for members such as great deals on equipment and clothing • Classified section for members only for buying and selling race gear • Great deals on lift tickets Masters racing in Colorado has become more competitive in recent years, with many resorts offering fantastic training opportunities. Most of these offer full season programs, punch cards and daily rates to accommodate our out-of-state guests. With both early season weekend training, and mid-week sessions available throughout the season, there just aren’t any excuses not to pick up modern techniques demanded by today’s newest equipment. Some of the areas offering Masters training include: Aspen, Breckenridge, Copper Mountain, Eldora, Keystone, Loveland, Vail and Winter Park. Our goal is to make it easy and fun to ski race and train in Colorado. Check out our website for details at: www.rmmskiracing.org or www.ussa.org click alpine masters for national information. 68 Our mailing address is: Rocky Mountain Masters, c/o Stacey Estelle, 6501 Perry Park Boulevard, Larkspur, CO 80118. Check out our website for training and race information at: www.rmmskiracing.org or www.ussa.org click alpine masters for national information. Race Registration Registration for our races is easy, go to www.rmmskiracing.org and click the Race Registration link. Our automated system will walk you through our online race registration process. Whether you’re a full-time RMM membership holder, an out-of-state USSA masters member, or a new participant, you are welcome to join us. Registration closes at 5 p.m. on the Thursday before each race weekend. Please be sure to check our website for any changes to schedule, discipline or venue. Fees Fees for the 2011 season are: SL and GS, $25 per race; SG, $40 for two races held on one day; DH $60 per two races held on one day. DH training is mandatory and priced at $25 per day. RMM member fees are $30 for the season. Additional Contact Information Rocky Mt Masters Divisional Chair, Jennifer Kaufman, 2626 W 26th Ave, Denver CO 80211 T. 720.855.8427 E. Jenniferkaufman@comcast.net. 69 NASTAR FOR MASTERS Nature Valley NASTAR race venues provide Masters racers with an opportunity to compete and train at more than 125 resorts in North America. The NASTAR program utilizes a handicap system so that participants can compete against their peers, friends and family members across the country without racing on the same racecourse on the same day. Friends & family members can also create teams and compete against other friends/family teams and participants can score points for their team by racing at any of the 125 NASTAR resorts. This is accomplished by establishing a National Standard for all races. The National Standard is the Par Time or the “0” handicap which every racer competes against when they race Nature Valley NASTAR. The “0” handicap is set each year at the Nature Valley NASTAR National Championships by the fastest racer. World Cup Champion and US Ski Team member, Steve Nyman, was the fastest racer at the National Championships last spring so this winter participants will be racing against Steve’s time each time they race NASTAR. Former U.S. Ski Team star and four-time Olympian AJ Kitt also established his handicap at the National Championships (1.98 handicap) and as Nature Valley NASTAR’s traveling pacesetter, AJ will compete against pacesetters from each Nature Valley NASTAR resort at sanctioned Regional Pacesetting Trials during December and January. These events provide resort pacesetters with an opportunity to establish their own certified NASTAR Handicap against the Par Time or “0” handicap set by Nyman. Pacesetters that earn certified handicaps at the Regional Pacesetting Trials use their handicaps to set the Par Time at their local Nature Valley NASTAR course and in turn give each participant that races a handicap. The handicap is a score that is used to award NASTAR medals and to place participants in an ability division within their age group. The handicap is simply the difference between the participant’s race time and the Par Time expressed as a percentage. It’s easier than it sounds - if a participant earns a 15 handicap, they are 15% behind Steve Nyman or the Par Time. NASTAR will also host two Nature Valley NASTAR Open events which will serve as early season qualifiers for the Nature Valley NASTAR National Championships. The fastest male and female racers from each Open event will earn a complimentary entry to the National Championships. The Open events will also include a race clinic with AJ Kitt. Check the NASTAR.com website for more details. Developed by SKI Magazine in 1968, NASTAR (NAtional STAndard Race) is the largest recreational ski and snowboard race program in the world. Since the program’s inception, more than 6 million racer days have been recorded. Our mission is simple - to provide a fun, competitive and easily accessible racing program that, through the development of a handicap system, allows racers of all ages and abilities a means to compare their race results to other competitors across the country regardless of when and where they race. 70 CODE OF CONDUCT Membership in the United States Ski and Snowboard Association is a privilege, not a right. All USSA members (athletes, coaches, and officials) when participating in any USSA activity must agree to conduct themselves according to USSA’s core values of Team, Loyalty, Integrity, Respect, Perseverance, and Accountability and abide by the spirit and dictates of this Code of Conduct. All members must agree to comport themselves in a sportsmanlike manner, and are responsible for their actions while attending or participating in all USSA activities (including but not limited to camps, competitions, and projects). Sportsmanlike conduct is defined as, but is not limited to: respect for competition officials, resort employees, and the skiing and snowboarding public, respect for facilities, privileges and operating procedures, the use of courtesy and good manners, acting responsibly and maturely, refraining from the use of profane or abusive language, and abstinence from illegal or immoderate use of alcohol and use of illegal or banned drugs. While participating in any USSA activity: 1. USSA members shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the International Ski Federation Statutes, the United States Olympic Committee Bylaws, the USSA Bylaws, and the USSA Code of Conduct. 2. USSA members shall conduct themselves at all times and in all places as befits worthy representatives of the United States of America, the United States Olympic Committee, USSA, their region, division, state or club and in accordance with the best traditions of national and international competition. 3. USSA members are responsible for knowledge of and adherence to competition rules and procedures. Members are also responsible for knowledge of and adherence to the rules and procedures of the USSA national teams, camps or other projects when participating in such. 4. USSA members shall maintain high standards of moral and ethical conduct, which includes self-control and responsible behavior, consideration for the physical and emotional wellbeing of others, and courtesy and good manners. 5. USSA members shall abide by USSA rules and procedures while traveling to and from and participating in official USSA activities. 6. USSA members shall abstain from illegal and/or immoderate consumption of alcohol. Absolutely no consumption of alcohol is permitted for those individuals under the age of 21. Members under 21 years of age shall not participate in gatherings involving consumption of alcohol unless it is an official USSA or event organizer function. 7. No USSA member shall violate the customs, travel or currency regulations of a country while traveling with a USSA group or on a USSA ticket. 8. No USSA member shall commit a criminal act. 9. No USSA member shall engage in any conduct that could be perceived as harassment based upon gender, age, race, religion or disability. 10. USSA members will avoid profane or abusive language and disruptive behavior. 11. USSA members agree to abide by anti-doping rules and procedures established by WADA, USADA, and/or FIS. Failure to comply with any of the above provisions may lead to disciplinary action by the appropriate team or competition leader. Disciplinary action may include: • Removal from the team trip or training camp. 71 • Suspension from training and/or competition. • Elimination of coaching, travel, and other benefits. • Forfeiture of USSA membership. USSA is committed to principles of fairness, due process and equal opportunity. Members are entitled to be treated fairly and in compliance with USSA’s Bylaws, policies and procedures. Members are entitled to notice and an opportunity for a hearing before being prevented from participating in protected competition as that term is defined by the USOC Bylaws. Information on the processes for grievances, suspensions and appeals is available at www. ussa.org. Nothing in this Code shall be deemed to restrict the individual freedom of a USSA member in matters not involving activities in which one could not be perceived as representing USSA. In choices of appearance, lifestyle, behavior and speech while not representing USSA, competitors shall have complete freedom, provided their statements and actions do not adversely affect the name and reputation of the USSA. However, in those events where one is representing or could be perceived as representing USSA, USSA demands that its members understand and agree to behave in a manner consistent with the best traditions of sportsmanship and USSA’s core values. Last revised May 18, 2008 72 Purchase a bronze, silver or gold medal to be displayed at the Center of Excellence and directly contribute to the Team's training and athletic equipment costs. Seth Wescott, © Getty Images Your support now will help train USSA athletes in their quest for victory. Donate Today. http://medals.ussa.org 73 74 Fee Paid $ For organizer use Date Rec’d Comments Location Date of Race Name of Race Email State Age Class USSA # Telephone Mailing Address City Date of Birth Sex M F First Name USSA MASTERS ENTRY CARD Last Name DH SL GS SG Discipline (circle) Zip Club (if any) Bib# 75 Fee Paid $ For organizer use Date Rec’d Comments Location Date of Race Name of Race Email State Age Class USSA # Telephone Mailing Address City Date of Birth Sex M F First Name USSA MASTERS ENTRY CARD Last Name DH SL GS SG Discipline (circle) Zip Club (if any) Bib# 76 Fee Paid $ For organizer use Date Rec’d Comments Location Date of Race Name of Race Email State Age Class USSA # Telephone Mailing Address City Date of Birth Sex M F First Name USSA MASTERS ENTRY CARD Last Name DH SL GS SG Discipline (circle) Zip Club (if any) Bib#