the 1-22-4 Penny Press


the 1-22-4 Penny Press
Penny Press
JANUARY 22, 2004
Tax Increases Just Not Necessary
We've Got Lots Of Money
Editor’s Note: We are getting tired
of hearing Assemblyman Bob Beers’
views on taxes and the Nevada economy distorted by everybody who has
a column in a liberal newspaper
and some who have liberal columns
in conservative newspapers. So, we
decided give him the space and let
him make his own case. He’s running for the State Senate in District
6 and we will be glad to extend this
invitation to his opponent, who happens to be on the public payroll.
it’s not new, and one has to wonder
how we have managed this far – 50
years of doubling in size every 15
years – without requiring record
tax increases more frequently (the
previous record tax increase was in
the 50s, when the first sales tax was
Even more amazing are all the
new services our government has
initiated over this same period:
Two new welfare programs in the
past 5 years alone, giving monthly
cash to people who adopt
The well-appointed Sawyer
Building in Las Vegas
Dozens more new buildings in
Carson City
2nd highest average pay for local
government employees
as they show up.
Because new residents start paying taxes as soon as they move here,
our revenue growth has kept pace
with our economic growth (economic growth is equal to our population
growth, plus inflation).
So the idea that we “need to
increase taxes to keep up with
Nevada’s growth” is just not true,
All this, without a major tax though it may be correct to say we
need to increase taxes to keep up
increase. How is this possible?
Free health care for the poor,
Easy. New residents start paying with all the expansion of governwith benefits per recipient 30% rich- taxes the moment they move here, ment services that we have started.
er than California
Last year, if we had not increased
and generally well in advance of
A law school, medical school their using government services.
taxes at all, our state general fund
Special To The Penny Press
and dental school
From the first pull of a slot revenue was projected to grow at the
Roomfuls of $200/hour lawyers machine handle, the first tank of same rate as our population growth
A central premise of last year’s
gasoline, the first month’s rent or plus inflation – a rate just over 11%.
record tax increase was that we to fight Yucca Mountain
Advancing our public school mortgage payment, the first piece With the record tax increase, we
needed to raise taxes to keep up with
our growth. Certainly, Nevada’s teachers to 15th highest average of clothing purchased, etcetera, new pumped the increase in state revenue
Nevadans are paying taxes as soon
growth is big – and undeniable. But compensation of 51 states
Continued on page 2
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See Editorial Page 6
Penny Wisdom
Democracy is the recurrent
suspicion that more than half
of the people are right more
than half the time.
−E. B. White
Beers: It's Never Enough For Some Taxlovers
Now we find out that sales tax
revenue is growing twice as fast as
up to 33%, a 300% increase over the we had anticipated, meaning the
rate Nevada’s economy is growing. state’s revenue will very likely grow
You’d think that would satisfy beyond the 300%-of-standard mark
the expansionists, but it did not.
set by the legislature. Yet the expanContinued from front page
sionists say there still isn’t enough
The answer is for voting
Nevadans to very, very carefully
quiz their candidates this year, and
find out if they subscribe to the
extreme expansion philosophies of
the majority of current legislators,
and vote accordingly. We certainly
can’t afford to continue the way
we’ve been going.
Las Vegas Motor Speedway Super Late Model Champ Chuck Trickle qualifies at the Bullring in September of last year.
This years's season is almost here. See story on page 14
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Publisher and Editor:
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The Penny Press is published weekly by
5010 Productions, Inc. All Contents © Penny Press 2003
Contributing Editors:
George Harris
Al Thomas
Doug French
Bill Here
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Air Travelers, ACLU: Welcome To World Of Insidious Background Checks
Special To The Penny Press
The American Civil Liberties
Union – which recognizes nine
of the first ten amendments in the
Constitution, that section known as
the Bill of Rights – is in something
of a huff, as are a growing number
of airline passengers, over new and
intrusive security checks that will be
instituted over the next few months.
Travelers have learned that
Administration – the same federal
agency that is deliberately dragging
its feet to prevent pilots from flying
armed and providing a last line of
aircraft security – will begin testing
the new system soon. This invasive
system will “color code” passengers, and could be accessing such
things as credit history and medical
records to do it, according to published reports.
Known as CAPPS II (Computer
Assisted Passenger Pre-Screening),
this program will require airline passengers to provide ticket agents with
their name, address, telephone number, and date of birth. This information will serve as something of
a gateway to all sorts of personal
data. A lawyer for the ACLU in
Washington D.C., Katie Corrigan, is
very unhappy about this.
Where was Corrigan, and where
were all the other critics of this new
program, when federal legislation
was passed that requires background
checks and personal information on
firearms buyers, and law-abiding
citizens who want to obtain concealed pistol licenses? Where was
the outrage, or even the concern,
about the privacy rights of millions
of Americans whose only crime is
that they’ve wanted to exercise the
constitutional right of gun ownership?
The right to bear arms is a
civil right, recognized by the U.S.
Constitution’s Second Amendment
and specifically delineated as an
individual right by the constitutions
of most states. Air travel enjoys no
such constitutional protection, yet
the howls of anguish about invasiveness from the ACLU – which claims
through some tortured logic that the
right to bear arms is some sort of
“collective” right – are all over the
concern of people buying a lousy
airplane ride.
For years, non-gun owners have
wondered why their fellow citizens who do own firearms were so
offended at having to submit to
a background check. After all, the
reasoning went, if gun owners have
nothing to hide, what’s the problem?
Now airline travelers and the ACLU
have suddenly discovered what the
problem is. Gun owners, like rape
victims, feel violated. Yet, we’ve
essentially been advised repeatedly
in condescending tones, the rape is
inevitable so “relax and enjoy it.”
The ACLU contends that this
new security system could become “a
real nightmare.” You want a genuine
nightmare? Try being the guy whose
gun purchase was denied because he
was mis-identified by the National
Instant Check System (NICS) as a
convicted felon. Try being the man
whose vengeful ex-wife or girlfriend
falsely accuses him of domestic violence and obtains a restraining order
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against him, thus turning him into
an instant federal felon for having a
shotgun with which he hunts ducks.
Try being the single mother who,
terrified of an abusive ex-husband
or boyfriend (who typically ignore
restraining orders), suddenly finds
herself having to endure a waiting
period and background check before
she can buy a gun to protect herself
and her children.
Every day in this country, some
poor citizen becomes a victim of a
regressive gun law. Those people
frequently turn to such organizations
as the National Rifle Association or
Second Amendment Foundation for
help, because the ACLU won’t lift a
finger – other than the middle one,
perhaps – about their plight.
Gun owners have been told in
patronizing terms that “If it saves the
life of one child,” they must be willing to submit to insidious, guiltyuntil-proven-innocent requirements
to exercise a right. Perhaps the ACLU
and millions of offended airline travelers ought to be reminded that “If
it saves one high rise building or a
plane load of passengers” they ought
to also just shut up, sit back, enjoy
the wand rape, and allow the airlines
to snoop into their private lives.
Or, perhaps we ought to get
together and change things.
Dave Workman is senior editor of Gun
Week, a publication owned by the Second
Amendment Foundation. A former member
of the NRA Board of Directors, he is also
communications director for the Citizens
Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear
Commentary: George Harris
Wark, Brezny And
It took me a while to stop
laughing when I read Erin Neff’s
“Political Notebook” in the RJ this
morning(January 11). So, MGM
Mirage is starting to “piss off” Joe
Brezny by polling the voters in
Senate District 6? He’d better be
careful, or they’ll stop funding his
paycheck, and I’d bet when Beers
wins Brezny will be looking for a
new job.
For the record, I have known
Bob Beers for over a decade, and
I don’t know that he’s ever called
a press conference in his life. I’m
pretty sure the only “talk radio”
Beers has been on is Alan & Heidi’s
show at KXNT, and it’s been a long
time since I’ve heard him there.
Beers doesn’t chase press, it chases
him. He is thoughtful, intelligent,
and has no hidden agendas, so the
media frequently seeks him out for
comment. He certainly didn’t ask
the Las Vegas Mercury to make him
its “Man of the Year” for 2003.
The real story here is how this
MGM poll rings a death knell for
Rawson’s campaign, even this early,
what’s even funnier is Alan Feldman
saying anything they’ve done can’t
be seen a statistically accurate, come
‘on Alan your a gamer...from craps
to blackjack everything you guys do
is statistically accurate that’s how
you make your money, and let’s face
it your just pissed off that you’ve
backed a lame horse.
Consider that early last fall, my
longtime friend and fellow Defender
of Nevada Jerry Dorcheck did a
poll showing Beers with a 21-point
lead over Rawson. This is no big
surprise, as poll after poll has shown
voters are angry with legislators who
backed the Perkins-Guinn tax hikes
(that’d be Rawson) and proud of leg-
islators who stood up to the big-government public employee-legislators
(that’d be Beers).
Weeks after Dorchecks poll,
Rawson campaign manager Steve
Wark sent out a letter over Rawson’s
signature to members of Rawson’s
church who live in Senate District
6. This letter claimed that Beers
worked against the Protection of
Marriage at the 2002 Republican
State Convention. The full story is
online at -- the short story is that
Beers supports and has always supported the Protection of Marriage
amendment. Wark’s accusations
were bogus, and having mailed
them over Rawson’s signature, early
enough for the press to determine
their falsity, will likely go down as
the largest campaign management
blunder of this decade.
Well, Wark’s losing the bestfunded Republican Legislative primary in the history of the state,
Earlene Forsythe’s ‘01 bid for
Assembly District 37, might edge
it out.
The truth is there is very little
difference between Beers’ politics
and Rawson’s politics, except in
the area of taxing and spending,
where Rawson is completely out of
step with Nevada voters. The Wark/
Rawson strategy so far has been to
count on voters forgetting the tax
plunder committed against them last
year, and instead misdirect them by
hinting Beers secretly supports the
homosexual agenda.
Now comes the MGM’s poll,
which shows Beers still crushing
Rawson. Wark’s deceptive letter has
had two months to take root, but has
proven barren. Apparently the voters
in Senate District 6 just aren’t buying Wark’s baloney, and neither are
we. That’s the real story.
RR: Hello, I’m calling from
UNLV Rebel Radio. Would you like
to donate money to help out student
run radio on campus?
B: I’m sorry, I’ve just written
out a check for $20,000 for the
State government due to new taxes
meant for education and services
of that kind. If you want some of
that money you should call or write
Carol Harter or Kenny Guinn to
request some funds. We aren’t giving out charity anymore.
RR: Well why don’t you write a
letter to George Bush?
B: George Bush hasn’t increased
my business taxes or my personal
income taxes, he’s not costing me
any money, he’s not making it hard
for me to operate a business or financially impossible to give to charity.
RR: Oh, well, umm, thanks,
we’ll keep you on file, good bye.
It’s nice that those at Rebel
Radio have been awakened as to the
effects of interventionism and have
now heard first hand what happens
when the government targets “big
evil businessmen.” Charity is the
first thing to go. Whereas my dad’s
company normally contributed to all
sorts of things in the course of a year
donations will now be restricted to a
couple of charities concerning fire-
fighters and policemen.
This is just the first of many
“unforeseen” consequences of the
new taxes, many more will follow
and they will all be just as, or even
more, tragic and dire and this first
one. Let this stand as a reminder,
while the government may collect
more money in the short run, the
long run effects will be terrible and
will either require total repeal or
more legislation which will only
serve to compound the problem.
Commentary: Alexander Marriot
I’ve just heard an amusing story
from my dad who owns and operates
a small consulting business in Las
Vegas. It concerns a call for donations from certain representatives
from my future undergraduate alma
mater, UNLV and the response they
received from my dad’s business
partner. I will represent this phone
conversation as a dialogue below
with B representing my dad’s business partner and RR representing the
student calling from UNLV Rebel
Radio for money.
Commentary: Pat Choate
The United States is losing
its manufacturing capacity. These
losses are reaching a tipping point,
where even greater losses, coming
even faster are possible.
Already, the U.S. will import
almost $400 billion more goods this
year than it exports, by that, creating
a major drag on future U.S. economic growth.
Another result is that the U.S.
has lost 2.7 million good-paying
manufacturing jobs since the sum-
mer of 2000. The majority of these
displaced workers are ending up in
jobs that have few benefits and less
pay. Many of these people cannot
find work anywhere, at any wage.
Beyond trade and jobs, manufacturing matters to America for other
vital reasons. Manufacturing growth,
for instance, spawns more additional
expansion than any other economic
sector. Each $1 of final manufacturing output creates another $1.43 in
related manufacturing and business
services such as finance, construction, and transportation.
The reverse, of course, is also
true. A decline in manufacturing
results in a contraction in those related activities. Manufacturing matters
because U.S.-based manufacturers
are responsible for two-thirds of all
private Research and Development
done in the United States.
This R&D ripples through the
economy as innovations that lead to
new products, new production, and
new jobs. But when manufacturers
move their factories offshore, most
companies also move their R&D,
as well.
For example, dozens of U.S.
companies that have shifted their
factories to China are now relocating their R&D there.
Manufacturing matters for it
provides a fifth or more of the total
gross product of states such as the
Carolinas. Replacing the income
produced by manufacturing would
require states such as California to
create $165 billion of new economic
activity annually. New York would
have to create $77 billion and Texas
$93 billion.
The manufacturing base of those
and other states were created over
the past two centuries.
Replacing such large economic
contributors overnight, even over a
decade, is virtually impossible.
Manufacturing also matters to
America because manufacturers pay
30 to 40 percent of all corporate
taxes collected by the federal, state,
and local governments.
The current decline in state and
local revenues in the United States
can be traced largely to the concurrent decline of U.S. manufacturing.
In sum, manufacturing matters
to the people of the United States
for it helps produce the taxes we
pay, the jobs we need, the goods we
consume, and the weapons we use
for our national defense.
The Penny Press Tips Its Cap To:
All those folks in Iowa who spent their valuable time listening to the various Democratic candidates and then turning out in reasonably large numbers
at the caucuses to select the final nominee so he can get creamed by George
Bush next November. Actually, we're only half-kidding. Anybody who participates in the process is doing something more than those who don't even if
it is a futile gesture this time around.
Sheriff Bill Young who, asked by the Review Journal to grade his first year in
office gave himself a "C". Actually, we think the grade is a bit higher but it's
high time we had a Sheriff who does not think of himself as the Lord High
The Penny Press Sends A Bronx Cheer
And A Bouquet of Weeds To:
Barbara Walters for saying the following on the air interviewing Jayson
Williams: "There were four or five guns in the house…most people don’t have
any guns in the house…certainly not four or five…” What planet does she
live on?
Becky Behnen for still not complating her bail-out deal by Harrahs. She's
exiting the casino business screwing the same people she screwed while in it.
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From The Publisher...
No English? Not Much Success In America
This is the editorial which is almost guaranteed to get weak- In general, the Spanish-speaking market is not a particukneed, intellectually dishonest, politically correct types to larly upscale market. Yes, they have some buying power. A
call us racists.
study by the Arbitron radio rating people says, for example,
that Spanish speaking listeners spend the most money
But somebody in the Southwest needs to say this and it on children’s clothing, infant’s clothing, athletic shoes and
might as well come from us.
clothing, telephone services and groceries.
If the actual policy of the Clark County School District is
as written, we are not condemning thousands of Spanish
speaking youth to lifetimes of minimum wage jobs.
That policy says that in order for a student to get a standard
high school diploma, one must take and pass 4 credits of
high school English as well as pass the Nevada proficiency
exam. One would presume—and this may or may not be a
stretch—that in order to pass four credits of English, and the
proficiency exam, one must first speak English.
Yes, if you’re Nike, AT&T, Von’s and Wal-Mart, you probably
want to reach that market.
If, on the other hand, you’re selling new homes, financial
planning services, new cars, mutual funds and AT&T stock,
you may want to consider a report from the US Census
bureau that 56.5% of Mexican immigrants in the United
States earn less than $25,000 a year as opposed to only
30.7% of the rest of the US population.
We are certainly not denigrating the work ethic of the
Assuming that is true, we will eventually help the Hispanic Mexican immigrants. In fact, a separate census study
youth who attend our schools to achieve the American shows that household income is a bit higher than individual
dream in spite of those who—in the guise of making sure income but, again, that is because of larger households with
they “keep their culture” and avoid assimilation—would have more than two earners.
them dependent on the largesse of the government and
those who presume to dole that largesse out in exchange But it is time to sort reality from political correctness.
for votes.
This is the United States of America. The language we speak
Because, like it or not, if you wish to be successful in this is English. In general, someone from Oklahoma can undercountry, you probably have to learn to speak the language stand what someone from California is trying to say (unless
of the country—English.
of course, that someone is the Governor of California).
If you look at every group which has ever come to this country identified as a group—the Irish, the Jews, the Italians,
the Chinese, the Japanese, the Vietnamese—they all learned
to speak English within a generation and have excelled ever
If you want to get ahead in this country, you learn English.
Even California’s governor did, after a fashion.
If we stand in the way of allowing immigrants to learn
English than we are condemning them to being dependant
on government assistance or at least to lead less affluent
lives than their neighbors.
So why do we have a double standard where — and let’s
not kid ourselves here, the proper term is not “Hispanic” but
“Mexican”— immigrants are concerned?
We have nothing against foreign language media, we have
nothing against anybody who chooses not to learn the lanIf you are in the media, you hear all kinds of wonderful guage of our country.
things about the Spanish-speaking market. You hear that
the numbers are large, they have buying power and that But, we better not be spending tax dollars to graduate
people who cannot speak English from our schools and then
they are devoted radio listeners.
wondering why they can’t seem to make more than $25,000
Unfortunately, like most sales pitches, they leave out a few a year.
facts. It is important to look at all of the numbers available
as opposed to just the sales pitches.
Commentary: Doug French
“I can’t give you
smaller government”
Governor Kenny Guinn spoke to
the Southern Nevada Chapter of the
National Association of Industrial
and Office Properties (NAIOP) on
Thursday morning last. His speech
attracted the largest crowd in NAIOP
breakfast meeting history. And, given
that he was speaking to a crowd of
400 or so businessmen and women,
one would think that the governor
would have downplayed his role in
raising taxes. Not hardly.
“I can’t give you smaller government,” the Governor said, “we’re
growing too fast.” That statement
captures the essence of Guinn’s
message. In his view, for the real
estate business to grow and thrive,
government must first get bigger.
If government doesn’t get bigger,
or heaven forbid shrinks, real estate
developers won’t do any business
because businesses that are looking
to buy buildings insist on having a
lot of government. I wish I could tell
you that I thought he was kidding.
“I could shrink government over the
next three years,” Guinn said, “but
you wouldn’t like it.” No, he wasn’t
There are three primary reasons
that Nevada’s population has grown
tremendously over the past twenty
years; and having a big, fat government is not one of the reasons. First,
gambling is legal here and the richest generation of people in history
are; either in their prime earning
years or are retiring and thus have
the time and the money to feed the
state’s primary business. Second, the
weather here for 10 months of the
year is spectacular. People enjoy not
having to scrap the frost off of their
car windows on January mornings.
Third, Nevada is (or used to be) a
low tax state. Read any material
from the Chamber of Commerce, or
the many magazines that select Las
Vegas as a great place to do business: this state is touted for its low
If businesses sought out hightax areas for which to locate, they’d
be flocking to Taxassachusetts, or
California, or Kansas. Instead, businesses from those states are moving
here. Businesses don’t want more
government because government
damages the economy. Paying more
in taxes not only robs private enterprise of precious capital, but government then uses the money to
hire bureaucrats to make life miserable for businesspeople by enforcing
endless amounts of regulation that
further taxes those businesses.
Guinn admitted in his speech
that government doesn’t do things as
well or as efficiently as private enterprise. Guinn told the NAIOP audience; “developers can build buildings cheaper than [the state] can.”
To emphasize that point, Guinn told
a story about a 10,000 square foot
building in Carson City, that the
state owns and has invested $6 to $7
million in. Plus, the building has no
Guinn talked about how he has
fast-tracked southern Nevada highway projects by hiring private sector appraisers and other real estate
professionals making the point that
state government could have never
moved the project as fast by itself.
Yet, Kenny Guinn insists that we be
burdened with a bigger government,
and that we’ll like it to boot.
What’s he need the money for?
Forty-one (41) new schools, according to the Governor, must be built
in the next two and half years. Ah
yes, when in doubt, throw out the
school-funding card. More government so we can have more schools.
Bigger government so we can have
bigger schools. Guinn admits that
government isn’t as good as the private sector in providing services, so
why does the state school monopoly
Guinn talked about being “forward thinking” in his speech and
the idea that we must “look beyond
tomorrow morning.” Governor, that
is exactly what we’re doing here—
looking beyond tomorrow morning.
All of us are scared to death that
we will wake-up in five, or ten, or
twenty years with a bloated government and an economy in shambles.
Guinn and the legislature have started a snowball of government waste
rolling down a hill growing larger at
every turn. It must be stopped now.
But, Guinn doesn’t want any-
thing stopped. He told the audience “you don’t want a person [in
the legislature] who votes ‘no’ on
everything.” “Let’s vote in reasonable people,” the governor said, “not
people who will always vote ‘no’ or
always vote ‘yes’.” I think we know
what the governor means by reasonable people. Trust me, we don’t
want Guinn’s reasonable people in
the legislature.
Guinn mentioned at the beginning of his NAIOP speech that he
had spoken with 21 kindergarteners
the previous day. Is it possible that
he gave the same speech? The real
estate crowd was very polite and
positive toward the governor. With
real estate transfer taxes being doubled at the last legislature, one would
think that the crowd would have
been more hostile. However, real
estate developers are at the mercy
of government everyday. They can
accomplish nothing unless government—local or state—blesses it first.
Thus to survive, developers develop
cozy relationships with government
and certainly don’t want to make
those at the top mad.
However, it is those 21 kindergarteners that will be most harmed
by the Guinn government increase.
If the trend that Guinn started continues, when those kids are looking
for jobs in 15 years, they may have
to go somewhere else—unless of
course they aspire to a career in government work.
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Jan.??= FAO Schwarz Toy Store in the Forum Shops in
Caesars Palace is closing, due to bankruptcy. Will re-open
with new owners, after renovations, in June.
Jan.??= Coast Casinos starts their new slot club card which
will be good at all their casinos; Orleans, Suncoast, Gold
Coast and Barbary Coast.
Jan.??= Amazing Jonathan Show grand re-opening - Golden
Jan.??= Construction begins on the new 296-room Tower.
Completion is for December,2004 - Green Valley Ranch
Jan.??= Hard Rock Hotel closing Baby’s nightclub for major
renovations. Re-opening in June, 2004.
Jan.??= McCarran Airport will start using radio frequency
tags on all checked luggage. The tags will be read by
screening machines as the bags travel on the conveyor
belts to the correct plane and ensure that each bag meets
security requirements.
Please e-mail errors, omissions and additions to:
Listen To America's Most
Respected Commentator
On Las Vegas' Most
Respected Radio Station
Weekdays at 5:30am,7:30am,Noon, 5:53pm
When You Need To Know
Commentary: Albert Thomas
One of the great “secrets” of successful
people is discipline and it doesn’t make any difference whether it is manufacturing, processing,
servicing or investing in the stock market.
Before you can have that discipline you
must have a successful plan and stick with it. If
the method you use does not work or results in
smaller profits it should be abandoned and a better one found. For the average investor the plans
laid out by Wall Street do not work and over the
long run you will lose money. Actually you will
make a very small percentage, but the return will
be mitigated due to ongoing inflation. The great
majority of investors believe that an annual return
of 10% or more is to be expected when actually it
is much less and there will be periods when there
will be almost no return at all.
Returns can be increased greatly if the investor will learn not to follow the 3 great lies of
Maul Street. They are Buy and Hold, Dollar Cost
Average and Do Research. These lies have been
told so often that they have become conventional
During 1998 and 1999 the price appreciation
was fantastic. If you check back in history you
will find this was an aberration. Folks still think
that was “normal”. The actual norm is about 16
to 18 year periods of bull markets followed by
bear markets with many 4 year cycles of ups and
downs with that 16-year time frame.
Think back to 2000, 2001 and 2003. During
that time did your broker ever call to tell you to
sell? About 98% of brokerage company recommendations were to Buy. Many folks lost 50%
to 80% of their savings. That alone should have
turned on the light bulb in your head that either
these guys are stupid or they are lying to you.
There is a “secret” to investing and it is
one word – Sell. You must have to discipline to
remove yourself from losing positions. During
the worst part of that 3 years we saw many stocks
drop 50 to 90% and other companies go out of
business. It you have placed a limit to the amount
of loss you would take you would have a lot more
money today. Why do you want to wait for your
stocks to drop 30, 40, 50% or more when you
could have placed an Open Stop Loss Order with
your broker to sell you out if your stock dropped
below a certain price? Maybe 10%, hopefully not
20%, but even that is better than a huge loss.
In many cases brokers try to talk you out of
selling, but your discipline will require you to
be firm. You must protect your money; insist on
protection of your investments.
Copyright Albert W. Thomas All rights reserved.
Author of “If It Doesn't Go Up, Don’t Buy It!”www.mutualfundmagic.comcomments
Welcome to the Psychic Corner with VISOR
Week of January 22, thru 28, 2004
Happy Chinese New Year! The Year of the Monkey starts on January 22nd, promising a year of
nutty Monkey energy, parties, good times and (yes, indeed!) is monkeying around. The whole world
will be curious, funny and ready for love -- so get ready for YOUR Year of the Monkey
Mar. 21- April 20
A break in the action gives you the chance to shop around for a better deal. Now that you know how bad
things can get, take steps to prevent it from happening again.
Apr. 21- may 21
You are moving very fast even as others or applying the brakes. Free yourself from a destructive cycle while
you can do so with honor; while your group can and will profit from whatever you learn.
May 22-June 21
You all have been over stimulated, but at last you can use some of the data. As you start a new direction
aches and pains vanish in favor of positive distractions. The best medicine is available without a prescription.
June 22-July 22
Courage is about staring down your fear and making it work for you or even your away. It is time that you
speak those lines that you’ve rehearsed for so long. Formerly inaccessible people admire you for taking chances.
July 23-Aug 22
You’re not alone yet, but the time could come unless you develop greater sensitivity. What’s good for one may
not be the best thing for others? Anyway, other will want the floor right now let them have there chances.
Aug. 23 -Sept. 23
This time and place belong to everyone and Sharing your clues and keys with people that should be further
along than they are. Pay invoices promptly to keep the economy in motion.
Sept. 24 -Oct. 23
Consequences are inevitable, but not eternal so be careful for what is to be. Once you pay your dues, this club
offers a new level of privilege (sort of speak). And for all of those who won’t let you grow is more pitiful than
Oct. 24 - Nov. 22
It is so true that traditional adversaries find much common ground between them. Keep what are all personal
asides out of a productive business discussion. Your greatest gain would be to view this as an educational
Nov. 23 -Dec. 21
When you take the right pathway walk with your head up and feel your body swing back into its correct alignment. What Mother Earth is telling you is true, vivid stories through the soles of your feet. You’re confident
enough to be subtle.
Dec. 22 - Jan. 20
When the feeling is right, you don’t care about ceremony. One of your favorite ways of appreciating quality is
by rolling up your sleeves and working with it. The final stage is just a stepping-stone to your next project.
Jan. 21 -Feb. 19
The Lunar New Year brings many changes for all to bear. For once, it pays to be ahead of schedule. Your ideas
tumble out, fresh and funny. Your laughter has the power to change the world.
Feb. 20-Mar. 20
After your big score your fellow associates recognize your qualities as if for the first time. The stars cast your
new maturity in the best possible light.
A little over two years ago, some Las Vegas businessmen
brought Parnelli Jones over to the studios of a radio station
I used to own to do some radio commercials for a product
they invented called Rollgard...
Keep in mind, that having owned the official radio station of the Las Vegas Motor
Speedway, I had a lot of friends in common with Parnelli and we started talking
about the product.
He saw my truck outside, a 1999 4 Wheel Drive Ford F-150 (since sent to truck
heaven), and arranged for the owners of the company to install Rollgard on the
truck, telling me that I really had to have it. Said it would make the truck handle
like a Corvette.
That was in August of 2001.
I now have the distinction of having driven almost 150,000 miles in three big
trucks that were Rollgard equipped.
I was impressed then and I’m so impressed now that I own stock in the company
that makes Rollgard.
Parnelli knows trucks,
driving and suspensions and he was
Simply put, Rollgard
makes any big truck
with leaf springs handle like a high performance sports car.
For less than $400. Here’s the F-150. We put about 50,000
miles on it with Rollgard
The F-150 has been
replaced with a 2002 4-Wheel Drive Ford Excursion. That’s
the biggest, heaviest production passenger vehicle sold in the
United States. The SUV Nazi’s hate it, but they don’t live on Mt.
Charleston and have to deal with 10 feet of snow every year. I
love it and Rollgard tamed that beast on the highway as well as
Yes, the Excursion is big. With Rollgard, it is very well behaved! the winding mountain roads.
Rollgard looks simple, but is based on solid scientific principles as
applied by a race car designer to fix some of the faults inherent in truck based vehicles with high centers of gravity.
They lower the center of gravity of a truck or SUV and restore your ability to steer without making constant corrections.
With Rollgard, the truck or SUV goes where you point it. It keeps your rear wheels flat on the ground and you don’t sway in
your track. This means that you can drive at normal speeds safely on the interstate and you are much less likely to roll over
in the event of a sudden maneuver. It raises your margin of error.
Rollgard fits on any vehicle which uses leaf springs, take about 30 minutes to install and cost $395.
But, because the company which manufactures Rollgard is here in Las Vegas, you
can buy it direct and save. In this ad is a coupon for $100 off the price AND free
installation in the Rollgard shop, here in Las Vegas.
If you have any questions about Rollgard, you can call me, Fred Weinberg, at my
office, 702-740-5588
If I’ve done a good job selling you, call Rollgard at 312-6124 and tell them you want
one installed as soon as they can. You’ve got nothing to lose because there is a 30day money back guarantee, no questions asked.
Bring In this ad and get $100 off
Rollgard and Free Installation!
Offer Good To January 31, 2004
Southern Nevada Dodge Dealers To Sponsor Showdown At Bullring March 6
Special To The Penny Press
The Southern Nevada Dodge
Dealers will sponsor the showdown at the Bullring at Las Vegas
Motor Speedway March 6 as part of
NASCAR weekend.
The event, known as the Southern
Nevada Dodge Dealers Showdown,
will feature a 100-lap Super Late
Model race, 30-lap IMCA Modified
feature, 25-lap Legends Cars race,
25-lap Thunder Roadster race and
40-lap Mechanix Wear Speed Truck
“We are extremely happy that
the Southern Nevada Dodge Dealers
have decided to become even
more involved in the events at Las
Vegas Motor Speedway,” said Chris
Powell, LVMS general manager.
“This marks the second straight year
the area dealers have been a sponsor
of this event at the speedway, and
we hope this relationship continues
to grow.”
The Southern Nevada Dodge
Dealers will bring the Dodge City
display to the Bullring for the event
and display most of the new line of
Dodge vehicles.
“We are delighted to be involved
with this event,” said Ted Chapman,
area representative for the Southern
Nevada Dodge Dealers. “Speaking
on behalf of my fellow dealers, we
think this is a natural fit for our
The Southern Nevada Dodge
Dealers include Chapman Dodge,
Tom Saitta’s Dodgeland USA,
Desert Dodge, Towbin Dodge and
Integrity Dodge.
Spectator gates open at 4:30 p.m.
Qualifying is set for 4:45 with racing
at 5:45.
General admission is $11 for
adults, $9 for senior citizens/ military personnel and $4 for children 612. Children five and under are free.
Admission to the Stockyard is $36
per vehicle (up to four people).
Pit gates open at 2p.m. Admission
to the pits is $20 for NASCAR members and $25 for non-members.
NASCAR weekend includes
the UAW-DaimlerChrysler 400
NASCAR Nextel Cup Series race
March 7, Sam’s Town 300 NASCAR
Busch Series race March 6 and the
World of Outlaws March 4 and 5.
A. I believe that associations are
a necessary evil to maintain our
property values. I don’t, however,
agree with their scare tactics. My
association wrote me and said that
I was in violation of the CC&R’S
because I didn’t have a tree in my
front yard. Well, I read every page
(all 87 of them) of the CC&R’S and
nowhere was the word “tree” mentioned. The letters and threats didn’t
stop so I went around the association
representative and went directly to
the Board Of Directors at the next
meeting. The letters stopped.
Remember, the Board Of Directors
are your neighbors. You voted them
in and they want your vote.
Homestead before a creditor records
his judgment. The state legislature
periodically increases the amounts
of protection. You are automatically covered to the higher amounts
without obligation. Judgement liens
recorded before you’ve recorded
your Homestead Declaration will
attach to the house. Loans or debts
secured by the property (mortgages, etc.) are not covered by homestead exemption. Unpaid taxes, back
child support or alimony also are
not covered by homestead exemption. When a contractor puts labor
or materials into repairs or improvements on your property, and you do
not pay him, homestead will not protect against his mechanic’s lien.
Insist these defects be remedied
before you complete the purchase.
As far as tracking down the person
who sold you the property, GOOD
LUCK! He’s probably in Tahiti
spending your money.
Real Estate: Blaze Winslow
Editor’s Note. Blaze Winslow is a
long-time Las Vegas Realtor who
has graciously agreed to answer
questions phoned, faxed, or emailed
to the Penny Press. Since the residential market in Las Vegas is so hot
and this is what he specializes in,
we thought this would be a chance
for our readers to get their questions
answered easily.
Q. Do you think this is a good
time to buy a new home? Robert
& Judy B.
A. That depends on your situation.
If you’re comfortable with your current mortgage payment, then consider this. Take the equity you have in
your present home, consider today’s
lower interest rates, and determine
what your new mortgage payment
will be. Your Realtor should be able
to come up with a ballpark figure in
just a few minutes. If you feel more
comfortable calling a lender, then by
all means do so. Just don’t forget to
add in any new association fees and
possible Sid’s. (more on SID’s later)
If your total new payment is close
to what you’re paying now then I
would go for it.
Q. What are the benefits of homesteading? Bob & Sandy W.
A. The underlying policy of Nevada
Homestead law is to provide a place
for your family where you can reside
and enjoy the comforts of a home
environment, free from worry and
anxiety that your home may be taken
away from you by the demands of
your creditors. If someone sues you
and obtains a judgment against you
as a result of unpaid medical bills,
Q. Are associations really neces- charge card debts, accidents, missary? Mine keeps threatening me fortune, mismanagement, etc., the
about petty things such as “my creditor can record a Judgment Lien
garbage can is visible from the against any real property you own.
street”. Gosh! The garbage was Filing a Declaration of Homestead
picked up in the morning and we should provide protection for your
removed the can as soon as we got principle residence up to the statutory
maxim if you record a Declaration of
home from work. Bill & Babs S.
Q. We purchased a For Sale by
Owner property and after the last
snowstorm we discovered the roof
leaks. Is there anything we can
A. Yes there is. Get it fixed. I don’t
mean to make light of your situation
but that’s a cold, hard fact. So many
people think they are getting such
a deal when they buy “for sale by
owner” that they are blinded by the
thought of “what a great deal this
is”. I insist all my clients order a
home inspection and a roof certification before purchasing a home. (a
roof certification is NOT the same
as a home inspection) Professional
home inspectors can see things that
we (including myself) cannot see.
Q. Why do I have to pay all these
closing costs? Debra L.
A. Closing costs have to be paid
and someone and either the buyer or
the seller, has to pay them. Closing
costs are usually distributed between
the buyer and the seller “as is customary in Clark County and the state
of Nevada.” There are some costs
& fees that are negotiable however.
Recording fees, escrow fees, discount points, home warranty programs, administrative fees, are just a
few. You must remember that if the
buyer is getting a VA loan, you will
also pay all their closing costs. This
is mandated by law.
Q. What are SID’s? Fromage W.
A. SID’s (Special Improvement
Districts) are a fee charged to a
homeowner, by the city, to help pay
for the development of the community. Don’t forget to add your SID
fee when calculating your monthly
mortgage payment. These fees are
usually billed quarterly and YES,
you must pay them. Call an accountant to find out what type of tax
write-off you are entitled to and call
an attorney to find out what can happen if you don’t pay them.