to - Punjabi Community Health Services
to - Punjabi Community Health Services
November 2007 Community Health Centre has created an E-ZINE Newsletter to allow service providers and Punjabi community partners to interact and stay connected, while simultaneously reducing paper usage. In this issue 1. Message from the Executive Director 2. Jeewan Parivartan 3. PCHC - Diversity and Inclusivity Workshop 4. Human Endeavour, and Much more….. Our Mailing Address: P.O.Box 38670 Brampton West Postal Outlet Brampton, ON, L6Y 4W5 905.301.2978 Email: Punjabi Community Health Centre participates in Diversity and Inclusivity Workshop organized by Central West LHIN. Central West – LHIN organized a workshop on November 8, 2007 to enhance community engagement with diverse communities in the effort to build equity of access to quality health services. Over 100 participants enthusiastically discussed their experiences of working collaboratively so that culturally competent health services could be delivered to diverse communities. See presentation of PCHC and pictures on page 3 A Message from the Executive Director Central West LHIN needs to be congratulated because it has taken upon itself to spearhead a dialogue between health care providers so that they can learn from each other and provide services in a culturally competent manner. The forum generated discussion around how health services could be delivered to ethno-culturally diverse communities. The key note speaker set the stage by challenging the audience to examine how services are currently delivered and how they can deliver these services in a more culturally competent manner. The four presenters outlined how their agencies are delivering services. They shared with the audience how changes have been made at the service delivery level and how their agencies are still continuously refining their service delivery. There seemed to be a lot of excitement amongst the participants who talked about how partnerships can be developed amongst agencies and diverse communities. The discussion also centred around what culturally competent strategies could agencies adopt. There is hope and optimism that: 1. funding will be allocated so that innovative ways of delivering culturally competent services could be developed in one of the most ethno-culturally diverse regions in the province. 2. central west LHIN will hold the health care providers accountable so that they provide culturally competent services to their clients. Baldev Mutta Page 2/11 Jeewan Parivartan, jIvn pirvrqn, jIvn pirvRtn These Pages Are Dedicated To Our Seniors bzurg~ n`l huMdy durivh`r nUM smJx v`sqy j`xk`rI| EsIN ies j`xk`rI nUM hr mhIny ih@isE~ iv@c vMf ky quh`fy q@k phuMc`dy h~| ikRp` krky ies nUM hr mhIny pVHo| bzurg~ pRqI durivh`r dI pUrI h@d nUM j`xn` sMBv nhIN hY| auh jo ies durivh`r d` iSk`r huMdy hn ho skd` hY hyT ilKy k`rn~ krky d@sx` hI n` c`huMdy hox j~ d@s hI n` skdy hox: • • • • • • • • • • • • igE`n dI kmzorI j~ Ewogq` ijs iv@c w`dE`Sq d` Koh j`x` j~ EYlzImErS`iml hn srIrk durlbq` j~ Ewogq` pVHn-ilKx, B`S` j~ siBE`c`rk ruk`vt~ ijhVIE~ ik iksy sUcn`, somy j~ sh`ry nUM phuMc krn qoN rokdIE~ hn sm`ijk j~ BUgoilk ie@klq` durivh`r krn v`ly qy inrBrq` (B`vn`qimk, srIrk j~ E`riQk) bdl` lYx j~ C@f dyx d` fr iksy sMsQ` iv@c Byjy j`x d` fr iksy b`hrI dKlEMd`zI d` fr (Eqy Ez`dI qy k`bU d` Kusx`) wkIn Koey j`ey j`x d` fr Srm Eqy klMk ivE`h Eqy pirv`r dI mh@qq` d` inSc` pirv`r/B`eIc`ry dI S`K nUM k`iem r@Kx d` db`E| som`: EbwUs E`P Alfr Eflts - knyf` dy inE~ ivB`g v@loN z`rI kIqI geI ie@k q@Q~ dI sUcI E`m sUck Eqy Kqry dy icMn durivh`r Eqy ExgihlI dy sUck srIrk durivh`r • • • • • • • • • • aud`sI, fr, iPkr j~ by aumIdI Byd Bry zKm ijvyN ik k@t, l`s, sVy d` inS`n, soz c@lx iPrn qy p`bMdIE~ aus qrH~ dy zKm ijsdy iviKE`n leI auic@q sbUq n` hovy v`r v`r if@gx` iel`j krv`aux iv@c dyrI krn` KopVI nUM cot, v`l pu@tx dy sbUq jbrdsqI K`x` KuE`aux` p@kV dy inS`n, sbUq hovy ik ivEkqI nUM hlUixE~ igE` hY r@sI j~ pytI (bYlt) dy inS`n cld`... Presentation delivered by Baldev Mutta at the Diversity and Inclusivity Workshop on November 8, 2007 organized by Central West LHIN. Mission Statement PCHC The Punjabi Community Health Centre will serve the Peel community through community development, culturally appropriate service delivery, partnership with other organizations, research and asset inventories, developing resources and volunteers from within the community, consulting and promoting diversity, and through community outreach. Cultural Appropriate Service Delivery – PCHC Perspective SERVING DIVERSE COMMUNITIES November 8, 2007 Baldev Mutta Executive Director 1. History of PCHC • Started as a Community Development project in July 1990 • Incorporated in October 1995 • PCHC is 17 years old and already we have left our mark on history – Numerous Research Studies to Our Credit – Innovative Service Programs • Integrated Holistic Approach – Sound Theoretical Foundations • Culturally Appropriate Services • Interventions soundly ingrained in Community Development Baldev Mutta Punjabi Community Health Centre Page 3 Page 4 4 Theoretical Formulations which drive PCHC 1. Culturally appropriate service delivery vs. culturally sensitive service delivery 2. Will consumers come to the professionals or will professionals reach out to consumers 3. Are services client centered or agency centered 4. Partnership between community and PCHC (sustainability) Baldev Mutta Punjabi Community Health Centre Difference Between Culturally Appropriate and Culturally Sensitive Service • Within culturally appropriate work, clients have a world view and professionals need to adjust their philosophy, way of work and service delivery to suit their clients’ needs • Within culturally sensitive work, clients adjust their worldview and help seeking behaviours to suit the service delivery arrangements and intervention modalities of the professionals Baldev Mutta Punjabi Community Health Centre Page 5 Reaching Out to the consumers • • Staff do not expect the clients to come to the agency Staff is authorized and empowered to reach out to clients in a creative manner – Abused women have been reached and interviewed at home, coffee shops, doctors offices and grocery shops – Staff is accessible via cell phones Baldev Mutta Punjabi Community Health Centre Agency centered vs. client centered • Agency centered approach: – – • What time does the agency open and close? Interventions are determined by agency Client centered approach – – Client is in charge of the outcome and interventions are adjusted to suit the needs of the client The convenience of the client is what drives the intervention • • • Baldev Mutta Meeting times Parenting sessions E.g. Foodbank Punjabi Community Health Centre Page 6 Sustainability 1. PCHC is grounded in the Punjabi community a) Relations with media b) Relations with the private sector c) Relations with the religious institutions Baldev Mutta Punjabi Community Health Centre How services are delivered? Sistering Program SAHARA Men’s Group Phase I SAHARA Men’s Group Phase II Client Client Husband Wife & & Children Children SAHARA Women’s Group Children’s program Couple’s counselling (After Phase I) Fathering Program Couple’s Seminars Parenting Group Program SAHARA Senior’s Group Integrated Holistic Model Baldev Mutta Punjabi Community Health Centre Page 7 PCHC Program Streams Three Streams Domestic Violence And Addictions Program Culturally Appropriate Interventions Health Promotion Projects Baldev Mutta Punjabi Community Health Centre DV and AP Parenting Counselling Program Group Programs DV And AP Sistering Baldev Mutta Couples Program Punjabi Community Health Centre Page 8 Health Promotion Projects Hep C Mental Health Reducing Tobacco Use Kidney Disease Diabetes Breast Cancer Heart Health Stroke HIV/AIDS Baldev Mutta Punjabi Community Health Centre Culturally Appropriate Intervention Food Bank Research Resource Development Translation Culturally Appropriate intervention Media TV, Radio Baldev Mutta Gambling Counselling Volunteer Resources Punjabi Community Health Centre Page 9 Mailing and Office Address PCHC Mailing Address: P.O.Box 38670 Brampton West Postal Outlet Brampton, ON, L6R 0C7 PCHC Office Address: 11730 Airport Road Brampton, ON, L6R 0C7 Phone: (905) 301-2978 Fax: (905) 840-2004 Email: Baldev Mutta Punjabi Community Health Centre __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 10/14 11/14 12/14 The Sistering Group Program The Sistering Group consists of 2 mentors, Gurjit Bains and Neena Pelia, and six young female mentees. Gurjit is a secondary school teacher who works in Brampton, and Neena is a Public Health nurse who works in secondary schools in Brampton and Caledon. The mentees are six fabulous and bright 14-15 year-old girls who all reside in the Region of Peel. Together, the group meets once a month to discuss important issues identified by the girls and to have some fun! Each session, consists of a 2 hour group discussion, followed by lunch, and then a “fun” activity chosen by the girls. The group’s first session was held on Sunday, August 12 and since then, the group has met monthly for two more Sundays. Topics discussed thus far include: diversity, racism, gangs, cliques, high school life, alcohol and drugs, body image, self-esteem, nutrition and healthy relationships. The girls have been to Demetries for dessert, Yorkdale for shopping, and most recently, Sega Playdium. Both mentors and mentees have had a lot of fun and get along great as a group. The group will meet once more in November and than have a wrap-up celebration in December as Neena gets for maternity leave! _____________________________________________________________________ Parenting Sessions at Lancaster Public School and Malton Gurdwara Lancaster Public School Parenting session was organized by Jo-Ann Brick at the Lancaster Public school on November 15, 2007. This was second in the series of three parenting sessions. Malton Gurdwara On November 4, 2007, a parenting session was held at Malton Gurdwara and about 50 parents and about 80 children did attend the program. The topic for children was “define how one could become a successful student”. The children participated very lively in the discussion. The parents segment consisted of discussing how we can discipline our children and the importance of teaching them discipline between 0 to 6 years of age. The discussion centred on why 0 to 6 years of age is important and what does the current research talk about. Everyone is welcome to attend this monthly parenting session, which is held on the first Sunday of every month from 2:00 Pm to 4:00 PM at Malton Gurdwara. 13/14 Human Endeavour activities in November 2007 Civic Hero Award Noor Din, the founder and executive director of Human Endeavour received the Civic Hero Award 2007 from the City Council of Vaughan on 19th November 2007. Computer Literacy & Inter Generational Relationship Building Proposal of a mobile computer lab by Human Endeavour was approved by Service Canada in November. The project aims at reducing the isolation of seniors by introducing them to computer technology and the wealth of information available on the net. The other objective of the project is to encourage a meaningful and beneficial communication between seniors and younger generations by teaching the seniors computer skills and making communication and skill/knowledge sharing more easier. Program will be officially launched in January 2008. Integrating Communities: Seniors Wellness Programs in Vaughan & Markham The South Asian and Tamil seniors programs are running regularly with the emphasis on active and healthy living and maintaining independence. Vaughan seniors members participated in the presentations about Seniors Safety Issues and Protection, held at the City of Vaughan Council Chambers. Aging at Home: A public forum was held with Sandi Pelly, Senior Community Engagement Consultant of Central LHIN to discuss “Aging at Home” strategy . Emergency Planning Vaughan members also had an information session with the Emergency Planning department of City of Vaughan. Official Launch of Tamil Seniors Wellness Program: Tamil Seniors this month stayed busy with practicing their performances and activities for the official launch of the program that will take place on December 8th, 2007 with Honorable Michael Chan – Minister of Citizenship and Immigration. 14/14 Launch of Partnership with Punjabi Virsa Art and Culture Academy Punjabi Virsa Arts and Culture Academy is a non-proft organization that works for the promotion of the Punjabi culture. Human Endeavour partnered with them to open a new and accessible location for the Punjabi community living in York Region. The classes will take place every Saturday (5-7 pm) and every Sunday (2-4 pm) in Vellore Village Community Centre. 2nd Annual Diversity Workshop in Vaughan Community Equity and Diversity Committee of City of Vaughan organized this workshop. Noor Din ED of Human Endeavour is a member of the committee. The mission of the committee is to “Promote understanding and respect among the various racial, cultural, ethnic, religious and community groups”. Several workshops were organized on discuss various issues faced by communities. Human Endeavour led the discussion on “City’s Role in employment and economic development for newcomers”. New Horizon Program: Creating economic opportunities for South Asian community Human Endeavour delivered a community workshop in Scarborough to introduce community to home based businesses. A Career Workshop with Royal Bank Insurance department was also organized to explore the employment opportunities. “Moms & Tots” program Human Endeavour in partnership with Ahmadiyya Muslim Community runs a school readiness program for children aged between 2-6 years every Thursday. Amandeep Kaur from PCHC delivered a presentation to the moms on the benefits of healthy and balanced nutrition for the whole family. Parenting Sessions in Vaughan The parenting sessions are taking place in Vaughan on an ongoing basis. The session takes place on the second Sunday of every month from 1:45 to 4:00 pm. Next session is on Dec 9th. Computer Trainings: The training takes place twice a week at Pierre Berton Resource Library and the timing is from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. This program is free of cost. Contact Human Endeavour at 416-726-3252 or send email to for more info on its programs