2014 - Catholic Charities
2014 - Catholic Charities
CATHOLIC CHARITIES USA/LAURA SIKES 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Providing Help & Creating Hope, Serving People of All Faiths in 102 Communities Since 1920. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE: 839-41 Asylum Avenue, Hartford, CT 06105 • Phone 1-888-405-1183 Fax (860) 548-1930 • www.ccaoh.org Dear Friends of Catholic Charities, support in responsible parenting, healthy relationships and economic stability, As we celebrate another year of services to those in need, we thank you once again for your generous support of our mission. Consider a snapshot of what we have accomplished together in the past year “to care for the least of our brothers and sisters”: I 312 refugees escaping religious, economic and political persecution were resettled, I 469 seniors were assisted with support services to remain independent and selfsufficient in their homes and communities, I Residential and Support Services for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities welcomed three new individuals. I The Archbishop’s Emergency Assistance Fund provided basic human needs support to 240 individuals/families, I More than 5,000 families were provided with food and other emergency assistance, I Served 10,00 children and adults with mental health counseling benefiting over 22,000 family members, I 172 children were successfully prepared to transition to kindergarten, As Pope Francis has encouraged us to help those less fortunate, you are shining examples of his call to action. Your continued concern for your neighbors in need gives us the resources we rely upon to bring relief to so many in our locations in Hartford, Litchfield and New Haven Counties. Thank you again for your thoughtfulness and hard work on our behalf. I Helped 1,433 individuals overcome barriers to employment, I 30 individuals received services through our Adoption program, I Served 800 fathers in the Fatherhood program, providing Lois M. Nesci Chief Executive Officer COVER PHOTO: CATHOLIC CHARITIES USA/LAURA SIKES. INSIDE PHOTOS: COURTESY OF CCAOH. DESIGN: WHMEDIA, INC. CC2 • Annual Report • 2014 • Catholic Charities Ms. Marie Abate Actex Publications Aetna Foundation, Inc. Mr. James Alber Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Alcorn Ms. Patricia H. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Victor Alleva Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Amos Mr. Carl A. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Angiletta Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin Antisdale Dr. Yusra Anwar Commissioner Mike Aresco Mrs. Amy Arias-Camison Ms. Marilyn Askenazer and Mr. Bradley Korth Asylum Hill Congregational Church Mr. Luca Atanasio Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Atkins Mr. Timothy J. Austin Mr. Jamie R. Axson Ms. Filomena Ayala Mr. Daniel Bailey Mr. and Mrs. James W. Barber Ms. Donna Barnes Mr. Richard Barnes Barnes Group Foundation, Inc. Barnes Group Inc. Ms. Latoya Barnett Ms. Nancy Barnum Mr. Robert G. Barrow Mr. David Barry and Ms. Linda Atkins Ms. Melinda Baumgartner Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Bazinet Mr. Howard J. Begley, Jr. Mrs. Patricia S. Behan Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Bellemare Ms. Sarah D. Berard Mr. and Mrs. William Bergenty Ms. Toni R. Berlandy Mr. Kyle J. Bernier Mr. and Mrs. David J. Berrill Ms. Virginia Bezzini Mr. Thomas Bienemann Ms. Marie Biggins Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bishop Mr. Eric J. Bisighini Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Blake Mr. Barry Bloom Mr. Frederick M. Bohlen Ms. Janice A. Bonazelli Mr. Gregory D. Bond Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Bonee Ms. Kathryn J. Bonyai Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Bouvier Mrs. Barbara G. Bowen Ms. Patricia Bowen Mr. John S. Brancati Mr. Phillip Braun Ms. Karen Brender Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Brennan Dr. and Mrs. Harry C. Briggs Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Brodeur Mrs. Linda Brouard Ms. Suzette Brown Ms. Ann P. Bruchansky Mr. and Mrs. Gene F. Bruyette Bruyette Family Foundation Ms. Patricia Brynga Mr. Samuel J. Buczek Mrs. Bonita Burke Mrs. Catherine M. Burns Mrs. Elizabeth B. Burns Mr. Thomas Butler Ms. Frances Calzetta Reverend Thomas B. Campion Ms. Noreen M. Cannamela Mr. Jere A. Carangelo Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Carey Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Caron Mr. Richard B. Carroll Mr. Stephen Carter Carter Chevrolet Co., Inc. Mr. Michael P. Cass Ms. Lois Catalde Mr. and Mrs. Gregory G. Cataldo Catholic Charities USA Catholic Daughters of the Americas Mrs. Sylvia J. Cato Mr. Peter Cellucci Mr. Peter Chambers Mr. Biau-Hung Chang Mr. John Chapman Mrs. Carol N. Chiappinelli Mr. Normand P. Chouinard Church of St. Helena Mrs. Patricia G. Cicero ANNUAL GIFTS Mr. James J. Clark Ms. Linda J. Cleary Mr. Barry Coburn Mr. Frederick J. Cogswell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Colavecchio Denise W. Coley, Psy.D. Ms. Margaret F. Collins Mrs. Lillian G. Comboni Community Health Network Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Compolattaro Mr. John Condon Mrs. Mary R. Condon Connecticut Community Foundation CT State Council of the Knights of Columbus Mrs. Stephania S. Conrad Ms. Cynthia Constantinople Mr. and Mrs. Matthew G. Conway The Honorable Barbara A. Coppeto Mr. Eugene A. Coppola Mr. and Mrs. James Corbalis Mr. and Mrs. Gary Corliss Mr. Christopher Correia Mr. Dorvalino Correia Ms. Maria Correia James G. Cosgrove, CPA Ms. Heather Costa Dominion Employee Giving Program Donald and Beverly Waters Family Fund Dotopia Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William F. Dow III Ms. Clare Dowd Ms. Julia Drake Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Drezek Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dudzinski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Duncan Dr. Dana Dunne and Dr. Michael Dunne Ms. Linda C. Durfee Ms. Anne Durkin Mr. Kevin M. Dwelley East Coast Septic Service, LLC Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ellis, Jr. Employees of Stanley Weisen, Inc. Mr. Martin V. Espinola Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Evans Ms. Marilyn D. Every Mr. Gregory Famularo Farmington Bank Farmington Bank Community Foundation, Inc. Farmington Pediatrics Mr. Michael Farrell Mr. Thomas Farrish Ms. Linda Farthing Mr. Harry M. Gorman Mr. and Mrs. James C. Gorman Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gostic Ms. Jean A. Graney Mr. and Mrs. William C. Graustein Graustein Memorial Foundation Mr. R. Nelson Griebel Mr. and Mrs. William B. Grothaus Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gueble Mrs. Suzanne M. Gueble Mr. and Mrs. John J. Haffey III Ms. Alice Hagan Mr. and Mrs. James O. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hamilla Mr. Thomas Hamilton Mr. Bernhard Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Harding Mrs. Lynn M. Harris Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hartnett Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Haussler Mr. and Mrs. Gerard O. Haviland Ms. Carole A. Hawes Reverend and Mrs. William W. Hawley Mr. James Hawxhurst Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. John A. Costello Mrs. John F. Costigan Reverend George Couturier Mr. Gerald M. Crotty Mr. Mark W. Crump Mr. Sal Cruz Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Cunningham Mrs. Helen M. Cutarelli Reverend Frederick Cwiekowski, S.S. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Paul Czapla Mr. Joseph J. Czapski, Jr. Ms. Catherine R. Czaraneski Mr. Gregory Czerkawski Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Dahill, Jr. Mr. Frederick F. Dalton Reverend Monsignor Charles W. Daly The Honorable and Mrs. John A. Danaher III Mrs. Jeanne Dandrow Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Danek, Jr. Ms. Mary Ann Daukas Mr. Norman Davis Mr. Wayne L. Davis Attorney and Mrs. William R. Davis Mr. Gregory M. Dean Mr. Frank DeBenigno Mr. Ernest J. DeFrancesco Mr. Charles L. DeGeorge Mr. Mariano Degregorio Mr. John Deitelbaum DeKeyser Family Charitable Fund Ms. H.M. Delohery Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Dempsey Mr. Waldemar Demusz Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Dennehy, Jr. Mr. Craig DeNovellis Mrs. Jean DeNovellis Mrs. Concetta C. DeRoehn Mrs. Dolores Di Meo Deacon and Mrs. Mario Di Rienzo III Mr. Angel Diaz Mr. Nicholas J. DiCorleto Dr. and Mrs. Leo J. DiStefano Mr. J. Burke Doar Ms. Kelly Dolan Ms. Amanda M. Faticone Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Federowicz Mrs. Ann M. Feeley Mr. Stephen M. Feiler Fichman Eye Center Mr. George Fields Mr. John J. Fields Sister Elizabeth Fischer RSM Ms. Pam FitzGerald Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. John L. Flannery Mr. Francis Fleming Attorney and Mrs. John R. Flores Attorney and Mrs. Garrett S. Flynn Mrs. Mary C. Flynn FM Global Foundation Leonard Forner, M.D. Mrs. Lillian M. Fox Mr. Richard A. Fracasso Miss Janice R. Frank Mr. Paul Frank Franklin Trust Federal Credit Union Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frask Mr. and Mrs. Virgil J. Gabel Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gaffney Mr. Ralph J. Gagliardi Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Gagnon Michael Galanos Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Gallo Mr. Michael Gancarz Mrs. Kathleen L. Gangell Mr. Thomas M. Gannon Mr. Joel T. Garcia Mrs. Barbara Jean Garofalo Ms. Janice D. Gauthier Gerace & Associates Ms. Michelle M. Giacomi Mr. Steven R. Gilkey Mr. and Mrs. John Paul Gill Giosa & Brown Pulmonary Associates LLC Give Back Foundation Mrs. Alice Gleba Reverend John S. Golas Mr. Joseph Golino Mrs. Dawn G. Hearne Mr. Norman P. Hebert Mrs. Sharon Danaher Henry Mr. William P. Herdegen III Mr. Walter Hermann Mr. Michael Hess Mr. Paul Hewitt Mrs. Cynthia Bresson Higgins Mr. Paul Hijeck Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Hladek Mrs. Dolores Hoctor Ms. Michelle M. Hoehn Holy Cross High School Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Hopkins Mr. Brian M. Horgan Mr. C. Hornish Ms. Merle Levy Hornstein Mr. Thomas Howe Ms. Chris Hubersberger Mr. Sean M. Hughes Ms. Cheryl A. Hulbert Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Iampietro IBM Immaculate Heart of Mary ING Foundation International Healthcare, LLC Mrs. Miriam S. Ithier Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Jachym Attorney and Mrs. Jay W. Jackson Jacob L. Reiss Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James G. Jakielo James W. Hodson Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. John E. Janco Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Johnson, Jr. Mr. Winston B. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. William J. Jordan Dr. Patricia Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Juergens Mr. and Mrs. James F. Juhas Mr. George Kan Mr. John P. Kavanagh Mr. Philip F. Kelly, Sr. Ms. Susan Kelly CC3 • Annual Report • 2014 • Catholic Charities Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. Kelmar Reverend Paul F. Kenefick Ms. Joan Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kiely Ms. Amy C. Justice and Mr. Joseph T. King Ms. Nellie Kinyua Kirsten and Oz Griebel Family Fund Mr. John Kissko Ms. Theresa M. Knies Knights of Columbus Ms. Laura Kohanski Ms. Charlotte G. Koskoff Mr. Ed Kowal Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Kowalski Ms. Diane Kozieradzki Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Kreitzer Mr. Stephen Krok Ms. Colleen Kruger Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Kunkel Mr. Gary Labrec Mr. Francis P. Laffin Reverend George G. Laliberte Mr. and Mrs. David A. Lamenzo Mr. Angelo LaMonica LaMonica's Restaurant Reverend Roland M. LaPlante Mr. Paulo Laranetto Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LaRussa Ms. Mary Lathrop Reverend James F. Leary Elizabeth Leete, Esq. Leete, Kosto & Wizner, LLP Mr. and Mrs. David Lemkuil Mrs. Jean M. Lena Mr. James Lescoe Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Leveille Mr. and Mrs. Alan Levesque Ms. Marie Levy Ms. Jennifer Lewis Ms. Bettina Lindquist Ms. Lauren Lis-Mullins Ms. Saundra M. Liuzzo Mr. John A. Livingstone Mr. and Mrs. John T. Livingstone Mr. and Mrs. John Lo Monte Mr. Santo A. LoBrutto Mr. Michael J. Loin, Sr. Mr. Michael J. Loin, Jr. Mr. Peter Lombardo Mr. Kenneth A. Lonczak Mr. Thomas X. Lonergan Mr. Richard A. Loretz Mr. James Lovelace Mr. Jay F. Luby Ms. Pam Lucas and Mr. John Nealon Ms. Madonna Lutka Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Lyskowski Mr. Peter H. MacDonald and Ms. Kimberly A. Knox Mr. Joseph Mack Ms. Mary C. Magri Mr. Thomas Mahar Mr. and Mrs. Michael Maher Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Maher Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah F. Mahoney Ms. Jane Maloney Mr. Joseph Malsky Mr. Anthony Marciniak Mr. Stephen Marra Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Marshall Miss Irene A. Marzec Mrs. Susan Masse Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Mastella Mr. Christopher Matt Ms. Jean B. Mauro Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. May Ms. Susan C. Mayer Mr. and Mrs. George Mazaitis Mazda of Manchester Mr. Joseph T. Mazza Ms. Sara A. Lourie and Mr. Matthew McCaffrey Mrs. Claire McCarthy Mr. Michael J. McCormack Ms. Karen E. McCormick McCourtney Family 2003 Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Ms. Sheila W. McCoy McDonald Family Trust Mr. and Mrs. E. Merritt McDonough Mrs. Florence K. McGarthy Mr. and Mrs. Christopher McGoldrick Mr. Thomas E. McGowan Mrs. Sally Ann McGurkin Mrs. Nancy Mchugh Mr. Adam J. McLaughlin Ms. Brenda M. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Scott McPhee ANNUAL GIFTS (continued) Mrs. Michelle Melander Mr. Michael Mercugliano Meriden-Wallingford Council of Catholic Women Middlesex United Way Mr. James Miller Ms. Meagan S. Mirkovich Ms. Patricia Mitchell Philip H. Monagan, Esq. Mrs. Ann Marie Monahan Ms. Kathleen Montano Mr. Peter Monti The Honorable John W. Moran Mr. Joseph Moran Ms. Vilija Moran Ms. Genevieve M. Morello Mr. Victor Morganthaler and Ms. Kelly A. Cusson Mr. Paul M. Morneault Mr. and Mrs. John R. Morrison Mrs. Patricia A. Morrison Mr. Daniel P. Mulcahy Ms. Judith M. Mulkern Mr. James Mullarkey and Ms. Sharon Hennessey Mr. J. Ricardo Munoz Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murphy Ms. Carolyn Milazzo and Mr. Stephen G. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy Mr. Thomas A. Murphy Mr. William E. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Murray III Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Muska Mr. David Muth Mr. Robert Nadeau Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Namnoum, Jr. Mr. David E. Nanzig Mr. and Mrs. Greg Narajka Mr. Edward Navickas Mrs. Joan Navickas Ms. Lois M. Nesci Mr. Joseph L. Nespor Mr. Gary A. Nester Network for Good New Britain Council of Catholic Women Mr. and Mrs. James D. Newton Thu Nguyen Mr. Norman Noel Northern Trust Charitable Giving Program Deacon and Mrs. Donald E. Norton Attorney and Mrs. Paul T. Nowosadko Mrs. Jayne Nunes Dr. and Mrs. James E. O'Brien Mr. Thomas J. O'Brien Mrs. Lorraine S. O'Callaghan Mrs. Marianne L. O'Connell Mr. Edward W. O'Connor Mrs. Patricia Free O'Connor Mr. Philip O'Connor Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. O'Hara Mr. and Mrs. John R. O'Hare Ms. Barry O'Laughlin Mr. Max O'Mara Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Oneglia Mr. Michael O'Neil Ms. Jane M. O'Neill Mr. James Orsillo Mr. William J. Ortwein, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Pabich Ms. Sandra Palace Deacon Robert M. Pallotti Ms. Lucia Palmieri Mr. William J. Pape II Mrs. Barbara Parina Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo A. Parla Dr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Pavano III Payless ShoeSource Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Peach Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Pelletier Mr. Allan Pencz Mrs. Gloria Pereira Mr. and Mrs. John Perkins Mr. Joseph Perkowski Mr. Leonard Peters Mrs. Mary Petock Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Petrokaitis Ms. Helen Marie Phelan Miss Mary Agnes Phelan Ms. Katherine Piascik Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Pietrcollo Mr. and Mrs. James W. Pilgrim Mr. Antonio Pinto Pitney Bowes Mrs. Henrietta H. Platt Ms. Karen B. Plummer Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Porth Mr. Thomas W. Prete Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Quigley Ms. Lynn P. Quigley Ms. Linda C. Rakiposki Dr. Shyamala Raman Ms. Sara A. Ramsbottom Ray Scott Smith, DMD, PC Mr. James P. Reagan Real Estate Management Company, Inc. Ms. Lauren Redd Mr. Kenneth J. Reed Reverend Monsignor John D. Regan Ms. Lavina Reilly Mrs. Mary Louise Reilly Mr. Corey E. Rekow Dr. and Mrs. Howard L. Reuben Mr. James P. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds Ms. Peggy Richard Mrs. Beverly Riiska Mr. John Riley Mrs. Eleanor M. Rinaldo Mr. Mark Ringes Mrs. Margaret M. Rioux Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Riso, Jr. Mr. Gordon F. Robinson Ms. Beverly Rochette Mr. William E. Rodgers Mrs. Janet Rodrigue Ms. Sandra Rodrigue Mrs. Rosa Rodrigues Mr. Kenneth Romano Ms. Janet Romanowicz and Mr. George A. Nurisso Reverend Jeffrey V. Romans Most Reverend Peter A. Rosazza Mrs. Pamela Rose Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Rossitto Dr. Eugene S. Rotatori Ms. Jennifer Rowland Ms. Angela Ruggiero Ms. Margaret Rusnock Mr. Daniel J. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Ryan Sachs & Proto, LLC Saint Paul Church Mrs. Carol L. Sampson Mr. Raymond Sanchez Mr. Joseph J. Sangiovanni Mrs. Lorette Santa Barbara Mr. Eduardo Santos Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Satalino Mr. Robert H. Saunders III Mr. Joseph J. Savage Mr. Stephen Savulak Ms. Rosemarie Sayers Mrs. Mary R. Scalici Mr. and Mrs. William F. Schaller, Jr. Mr. Mark B. Schenher Mr. Frank Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. Sydney T. Schulman Mr. Mark Scussel Mr. and Mrs. Edmund M. See Mr. Stephen Selby Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shea Mr. Ronald F. Shea Mr. John F. Sheehan Mrs. Eleanor S. Sheehy Mr. and Mrs. Randy Shepherd Mrs. Doris S. Shepperd Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Shimkus, Sr. Ms. Noreen A. Shugrue and Mr. Kevin Kenzenkovic Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. Mr. James R. Simons Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Sinicrope Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sisk Mr. Stephen Six Mrs. Maureen A. Slattery Mr. David A. Smith Mrs. Karin Smith Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith Ms. M. Elaine Smith Dr. and Mrs. Norman E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Sorensen Mrs. Camilla Newhouse Sorenson South Windsor Lions Club Mr. Frank J. Spano Mr. Raymond P. Spurgas St. Bridget Parish St. Brigid Church Ms. Megan Stahlman Mrs. Rachel Stanley Stanley Black & Decker Mrs. Annabelle J. Stanziale Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stasiukevicius Mr. Dennis J. Stoddard Mr. Thomas J. Stoecklin Ms. Mary M. Suess Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Sullivan Ms. Katherine F. Sullivan Ms. Millie Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Sullivan Ms. Catherine Sweezy Ms. Cristin Sweezy Symetra Ms. Ellen Marie Talbot Ms. Mary P. Tartaglia Deacon and Mrs. Robert P. Tartaris Mr. Adam Taus Dr. Daniel M. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor The Aero All-Gas Co. The Benevity Community Impact Fund The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven The John G. Martin Foundation The United Illuminating Company The United Illuminating Company Foundation The Valley Community Foundation The WATR Sunshine Fund Thomas J. Satalino, CPA Mr. and Mrs. John F. Tilki Mr. and Mrs. William K. Tobin Mr. and Mrs. William L. Tobin Ms. Ruth Tomford Torrington Savings Bank Mr. Gregory Totire Transformer Technology, Inc. Trash-Away, Inc. Mr. Frank J. Travisano Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tremper Ms. Marylou Tripp Mr. Joseph J. Troiani Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. Truscinski Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Trusz Mrs. Mary F. Tucker Mr. Robert Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Twomey United Technologies Corporation UnitedHealth Group Mr. Brian J. Vadney Ms. Theresa Vailette Valley United Way, Inc. Ms. Christine Valluzzi Mr. Tom Van Schaich Mr. John VanOrmer CC4 • Annual Report • 2014 • Catholic Charities Ms. Karen E. Vasko Mr. William Velms Mr. Michael Verrengia Ms. Mary Ellen Vincenzo Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Vine Vine Products Manufacturing Company Mr. and Mrs. David Vogler Mr. Allan Vollmer Ms. Jennifer Volpe Mr. and Mrs. Chad W. Wable Mrs. Pauline F. Wallace Ms. Patricia B. Walsh Mr. Andrew Walther Ms. Maureen Walther Mr. John D. Warwick Ms. Claretha Washington Mr. and Mrs. Donald Waters Mr. Jonathan P. Waters Webster Bank, N.A. Mr. Robert Wechsler Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Whalen Mrs. Lori Leavitt Wheeler Mrs. Christina White Ms. Rosamond S. White Mr. Mark Whitney Mrs. Doris Wickham Mr. John D. Wiedemer Wiggles and Giggles Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Wildman Mr. William H. Wills Ms. Eleanor Wilson Ms. Helena Witkowski Andrew L. Wizner, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Wolf Mrs. Jennifer Wolfberg Mr. Stephen Wood Mr. Michael T. Woods Mrs. Pamela W. Woodward Ms. Diane Wynne Mr. and Mrs. Mario J. Zangari Mrs. Rosalie Zanoni Mr. David J. Zawilinski Reverend George F. Ziezulewicz Ms. Annalisa J. Zinn Mr. and Mrs. Amedeo Zovich Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Zupkus GIFTS IN MEMORY OF Mary B. Andrighetti Ms. Janice D. Gauthier Ms. Mary M. Suess Robert F. Behan Mrs. Patricia S. Behan Patricia Bisighini Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Bisighini The Blake Family Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Blake Carmelo "Carmen" M. Botticello Society of Antique Modelers Chapter 7 Mr. Allan Vollmer Elizabeth (Bette) Boyle Ms. Patricia H. Allen Hall Memorial Middle School colleagues of Carolyn Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jennings Sara A. Lourie and Mr. Matthew McCaffrey Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. May Mrs. Florence K. McGarthy Mrs. Marianne L. O'Connell Rocco and Angelina Brancati John S. Brancati John G. Cleaver, Jr. Ms. Linda C. Durfee Mr. William E. Murphy Ms. Beverly Rochette Mr. John D. Warwick Maurice L. Condon Mrs. Mary R. Condon Grace Burkett Danaher Mrs. Sharon Danaher Henry Katherine and Alfred Daukas Ms. Mary Ann Daukas Nancy A. Droney Mrs. Mary F. Tucker Mr. Robert Tucker Susanne Fracasso Mr. Richard A. Fracasso Robert and Gertrude Frank Miss Janice R. Frank Reverend Kenneth J. Frisbie Brian M. Horgan Stanley Gleba Mrs. Alice Gleba Nicholas M. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Johnson, Jr. Mika Juozokas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Duncan Ms. Cheryl A. Hulbert Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Kreitzer Mr. and Mrs. Randy Shepherd R. Scott Smith, DMD Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stasiukevicius Tracy Weagle & Family Lori Leavitt Wheeler & Family 2013 HELP & HOPE BREAKFAST Lorna Luby Mr. Jay F. Luby Charlotte Lynch Ms. Cathy L. Starr Jane Maccarone Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Brennan Rev. David M. McDonald Ms. Eleanor Wilson George A. McKitis Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tremper Ruth S. Murphy Barnes Group Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Stephania S. Conrad Mr. and Mrs. Virgil J. Gabel Mr. and Mrs. David Lemkuil Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo A. Parla Ms. M. Elaine Smith Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Trusz Richard W. O'Connor Mrs. Patricia Free O'Connor Gregory Paleologos Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Johnson, Jr. Stefano Palmieri Lucia C. Palmieri Jennie L. Patchen Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. Hayes Joseph Pereira Mrs. Gloria Pereira Lucy Przybyloski Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Atkins Jane and Jack Regan Reverend Monsignor John D. Regan Vic Ritz Mr. David Muth John Edward Scalici Mrs. Mary R. Scalici Fred Slattery Mrs. Maureen A. Slattery Bion R. Smith Elder and Sis Higgins Cynthia and Charles Higgins Ms. Marilyn D. Every Mrs. Edward Thomas Mrs. Kathleen L. Gangell Joan Velms Mr. William Velms Joel Whelan Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Compolattaro Jacqueline Wood Mr. Stephen Wood ENDOWMENT Estate of Josephine M. DiFazio GIFTS IN HONOR OF 6th grade CCD Class at Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Woodbridge Mrs. Eleanor S. Sheehy Installation of Archbishop Leonard P. Blair The Amos Family The Hubersberger Family The Vogler Family Eileen R. Burns Mr. John VanOrmer Nicholas Buscetto's 70th Birthday Ms. Bettina Lindquist Crane Family Mr. Michael Farrell Kathy Danaher's birthday Mrs. Sharon Danaher Henry 71st Anniversary of Wedding Day of Grace and John Danaher, Jr. Mrs. Sharon Danaher Henry Leo DiStefano's Birthday Mrs. Amy Arias-Camison Mrs. Concetta C. DeRoehn Mrs. Cindy Evans Dr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Pavano III Mrs. Pamela Rose Mrs. Rachel Stanley Mrs. Christina White Mrs. Jennifer Wolfberg 50th wedding anniversary of Kieran and Margaret Egan Ms. Patricia Brynga Mrs. Nancy Mchugh Carol Gourlie's Birthday Mrs. Susan Masse Evelyn Kruk's 90th Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Edward Paul Czapla Patrick J. Johnson, Jr. Ms. Lois M. Nesci William J. Jordan Employees of Stanley Weisen, Inc. Sr. Lou Kelly SM Mr. Philip F. Kelly, Sr. Elizabeth Leete Ms. Pam Lucas and Mr. John Nealon Archbishop Henry J. Mansell Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo A. Parla Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Peach Mary Panzeri Mr. and Mrs. James W. Pilgrim Norma Pelletier Ms. Margaret F. Collins Sr. Jewel Renna, C.N.D. Ms. Brenda M. McLaughlin Mary Santaniello's birthday Ms. Karen Brender Webster Bank, N.A. Presenting Sponsor Aetna, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Alcorn Mr. Anthony J. Amenta Amenta/Emma Architects, P.C. Mr. Carl A. Anderson Mr. Andrew G. Andrews Mr. Constantine G. Andrews Mr. Robert M. Annon, Jr. Apex Pharmacy & Home Care Center, LLC Arcadis/O & G Program Management Archdiocese of Hartford Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Artale Bank of America Cheryl A. Barnard, Ph.D. Mrs. Cynthia Basil Howard Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Bayer Mr. Brien F. Beakey Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bermel Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Bonee Boston Mutual Life Insurance Company Bradford Portraits Dr. and Mrs. Harry C. Briggs Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Byrne Mr. and Mrs. John F. Byrnes Mr. and Mrs. William J. Callahan Ms. Frances Calzetta Mr. Matthew W. Cambi Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Camilleri Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Campbell Reverend Thomas B. Campion Mr. Richard P. Caporaso Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Carbray, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Carey Mr. John C. Carmon Carmon Community Funeral Homes Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Carr Karen Jansen Casey, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory G. Cataldo Cathedral of St. Joseph Ms. Melanie J. Cecarelli and Mr. Michael O. Smith Mr. Michael Cenci Mrs. Diana Colcord Connecticare, Inc. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. Connecticut State Council of the Knights of Columbus Cooney, Scully and Dowling Corporate Design Professionals LLC Reverend George Couturier Mrs. Judith Craig Mr. William H.W. Crawford IV Mr. Michael C. Culhane Mr. James Culkin Mr. Christopher M. Dadlez The Honorable and Mrs. John A. Danaher III Mr. Damien Davis Delta-T Group Hartford, Inc. Mr. Antony J. DeSorbo East Catholic High School Mr. Robert Emma Mr. Simon Etzel Mr. James W. Fanelli The Fanelli Family Charitable Fund Philip J. Fanning, Esq. Farmington Bank Community Foundation, Inc. Mr. Robert V. Fay Mr. Stephen M. Feiler Mr. William J. Fiocchetta Ms. Pam FitzGerald Attorney and Mrs. John R. Flores Mrs. Mary C. Flynn Foundation for the Advancement of Catholic Schools Mr. Jerry Franklin Ms. Linda Fredrickson Mr. and Mrs. John J. Galiette Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Garilli Mr. John N. Giamalis Reverend John S. Golas Mrs. Suzanne M. Gueble Mr. Pierre H. Guertin Thomas A. Gugliotti, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Gerard O. Haviland Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hickey Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Myles N. Hubbard Ms. Cynthia Huveldt ING Mr. Paul D. Irvine Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Jason, Jr. Mr. Winston B. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. William J. Jordan KBE Building Corporation Paul Kelly, M.D. Peter G. Kelly, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. Kelmar Reverend Eugene M. Kilbride Ms. Petina A. Killiany Knights of Columbus Michael E. Kozlik, Esq. KPMG LLP Ms. Colleen Kruger Mr. Mark A. Kucia Mr. Francis P. Laffin LaRosa Building Group Mr. James A. LaRosa Mr. Robert N. LaRosa Mr. John Larson Mr. Peter Leblanc Letter Concepts, Inc. Ms. Diane Lipes Ms. Lorna Little Mr. and Mrs. John T. Livingstone Mrs. Sally Louro Mr. Brian G. Maloney Malta House of Care - Waterbury, Inc. Manning & Napier Advisors, LLC The Manning & Napier Foundation Inc. Most Reverend Henry J. Mansell, D.D. Marconi Enterprises LLC Mr. Stephen Marra Mr. Shaun Mathews Attorney and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Matrullo Mr. and Mrs. Antonio J. Matta Mr. and Mrs. John Mattingly, Jr. May, Bonee & Walsh McCarter & English, LLP Reverend Monsignor John J. McCarthy Mr. John M. McCormick Mr. E. Merritt McDonough, Jr. Mr. Adam J. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Vincent K. McMahon The Vince & Linda McMahon Family Foundation, Inc. Ms. Jennifer Mendenhall Mercy Community Health, Inc. MetroHartford Alliance Mr. Christopher A. Montross Reverend James M. Moran Mr. D. Bradley Morse Mr. John Motley Mrs. Jennifer Murnane Mutual of America Life Insurance Company National Investment Services, Inc. Mr. Doug Nelson Ms. Lois M. Nesci Newfield Construction, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Newton Northwest Catholic High School Attorney and Mrs. Paul T. Nowosadko Mr. Richard O'Brien Mr. Thomas J. O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. O'Connor Office for Catholic Social Justice Ministry Office of the Diaconate Ms. Katrina Olson Omar Coffee Company CC5 • Annual Report • 2014 • Catholic Charities Mr. David Oneglia Mr. Stephen F. Page Deacon Robert M. Pallotti Mr. John J. Patrick, Jr. Pavarini North East Construction Co., Inc. Ms. Helen Marie Phelan Jeffrey C. Pingpank, Esq. Ms. Linda A. Poltorak PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Mr. Kenneth L. Przybysz Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Quigley Real Estate Management Company, Inc. Mrs. Keyne Reid Dr. Pamela Reid Reid & Riege, P.C. Mrs. Carol Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds Ms. Peggy Richard Rockville Bank Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Janet Rodrigue The Rojas Law Firm Reverend Jeffrey V. Romans Most Reverend Peter A. Rosazza Saint Francis Care Saint Mary's Hospital Saint Paul Church Ms. Carrie L. Samperi Ms. Marilyn Santos Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Satalino Thomas J. Satalino, CPA Mr. Joseph J. Savage Reverend Philip J. Sharkey Mr. Ronald F. Shea Ms. Colleen Sheridan The Simon Konover Company Mrs. Carol Sisco Ms. Denise Smith Mr. James C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith Mr. Tyler Smith Smith Edwards McCoy Architects Mr. and Mrs. Bernard G. Smyth Reverend Francis Snell Southern Sun Asset Management Sprint St. Agnes Family Center St. Anthony St. John the Evangelist St. Mary's Church St. Rita Mr. Patrick J. Staffaroni Stanley Wiesen, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Starkowski Ms. Judith Stonger Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Conrad A. Thamm The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. The Health Consultants Group LLC Mr. Kyle Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Torello Torrington Advisory Board U.S. Bancorp U.S. Trust/ Bank of America N.A. United Bank United Technologies Corporation University of Saint Joseph Waterbury Advisory Board Mr. and Mrs. Ned Wentworth Wentworth-DeAngelis, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gregg C. Wershoven Ms. Nancy Wheeler Whittlesey & Hadley, P.C. WHMedia, Inc. Mr. John Wilson Mr. Thomas Wilson Yale New Haven Health System Visit us online anytime www.ccaoh.org GOLF DONORS 2013 Rockville Bank Foundation, Inc. Presenting Sponsor Mr. Anthony J. Amenta Amenta/Emma Architects, P.C. Apex Pharmacy & Home Care Center, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Artale Ms. Marilyn Askenazer and Mr. Bradley Korth Cheryl A. Barnard, Ph.D. Attorney and Mrs. Frank Berall Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bermel Mr. Robert N. Blomberg Mr. Michael Brett Briggs Industries, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Harry C. Briggs Business Electronics, Inc. CapTrust Advisors, LLC Carmon Community Funeral Homes Cohen and Thomas Cooney, Scully and Dowling Reverend George Couturier Mr. William H.W. Crawford IV Ms. Mary F. Crean Mr. Michael C. Culhane Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Danek, Jr. Mr. Garrett Delehanty Mr. Antony J. DeSorbo Mr. Robert Emma Family Optometric Care, P.C. Mr. Robert V. Fay Deacon Dennis R. Ferguson Ms. Laura A. Ficks Attorney and Mrs. John R. Flores Mr. and Mrs. John J. Galiette Mr. Stuart Gold Dr. Edward Goldenberg Mrs. Suzanne M. Gueble Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hall Hartford Federal Credit Union Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Haverty, Jr. Intensive Education Academy, Inc. JHM Financial Group, LLC Mr. Winston B. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. William J. Jordan Jo-Ryu Security Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kell Korth Engineering, LLC Mr. Francis P. Laffin LaRosa Building Group Mr. James A. LaRosa Mr. Robert N. LaRosa Letter Concepts, Inc. Ms. Betty M. Madden Mr. and Mrs. Michael Maher Manning & Napier Advisors, LLC The Manning & Napier Foundation Inc. McBride Wayside Furniture & Carpet Co. Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Greg F. Mendoza Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Monroe Mrs. Marie D. Moore Mr. John Motley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murphy Mutual of America Life Insurance Company National Investment Services, Inc. Mr. Doug Nelson Net-Mark Associates Northwest Catholic High School Attorney and Mrs. Paul T. Nowosadko Mr. Thomas J. O'Brien Office of the Diaconate One Stop Business Centers, Inc. Mrs. Dorothy Paleologos Deacon Robert M. Pallotti Pepin Associates Mr. Austin Perkins Mr. Glenn Pinckney Jeffrey C. Pingpank, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Quigley Real Estate Management Company, Inc. Reinhart Partners, Inc. Dr. Pamela Reid RhumbLine Advisers Limited Partnership Ms. Peggy Richard RJ Industries Mrs. Janet Rodrigue Rooney Blomberg Group at Morgan Stanley Mr. J. Francis Ruimerman Saint Dunstan Church Saint Mary's Hospital Mr. Marino Santarelli Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Satalino Mr. Stephen Schott Mr. Aaron Scott Reverend Philip J. Sharkey Mr. Ronald F. Shea Mrs. Doris S. Shepperd Attorney and Mrs. Charles Shimkus, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Shimkus, Sr. Shimkus, Murphy & Lemkuil, Inc. Shimkus, Murphy and Rosenberger, P.C. Southern Sun Asset Management Ms. Heidi Spencer St. Rita Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Stanek, Jr. Stanley Wiesen, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Sullivan Taplin, Canida & Habacht, LLC Tcherno Enterprises, LLC The John W. Gross Company Attorney Dominick J. Thomas, Jr. Thomas J. Satalino, CPA Torrington Advisory Board Torrington Council of Catholic Women Torrington Savings Bank UBS Realty Investors LLC United Bank University of Saint Joseph W.B. Mason Waterbury Advisory Board Webber & Webber Webster Bank, N.A. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Weis IV Whittlesey & Hadley, P.C. Williams Service Center Mr. John Wilson Woodard & Curran Yarde Metals Mr. and Mrs. William Zielenbach Zingarella LLC FOUNDATIONS & GRANTS Aetna Foundation, Inc. Aetna, Inc. Asylum Hill Congregational Church Barnes Group Foundation, Inc. Beatrice Fox Auerbach Foundation Fund Community Health Network Foundation Connecticut Community Foundation Connecticut Council of Family Service Agencies Catholic Charities USA Dotopia Foundation Farmington Bank Community Foundation, Inc. FM Global Foundation Giveback Foundation Hartford Foundation for Public Giving ING Foundation Jacob L. Reiss Foundation James W. Hodson Family Fund Kids' Education Fund Kirsten and Oz Griebel Family Fund McDonald Family Trust Meriden Foundation Moses Stern Memorial Fund Neighbor to Neighbor Lifeline, a partnership of the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven & United Way of Greater New Haven Payless ShoeSource People's United Community Foundation Silicon Valley Community Foundation Sovereign Bank Foundation Swindells Charitable Foundation, Bank of America, Trustee The Children First Foundation The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven The Community Foundation of Northwest Connecticut The Elisha Leavenworth Foundation The Hartford The Hartford Larrabee Fund Association The John G. Martin Foundation The Marjorie Moore Charitable Foundation, Bank of America, Trustee The Melville Charitable Trust The Nutmeg Foundation The United Illuminating Company Foundation Theodore P. Mader Foundation Valley Community Foundation William and Jean Graustein Fund Hoffman Auto Group Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Hopkins Hot Tomato's Mr. and Mrs. Myles N. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. Kelmar Marco Polo Ristorante Milano's Salon & Day Spa Mohegan Sun Mr. Richard Napolitano Ms. Lois M. Nesci Ms. Luisa E. Noujaim Mr. Prisco Panza Pasticceria Italia Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Quigley Mrs. Keyne Reid Republic Gastropub/ Mill Restaurant Group Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds Ristorante Francesco's & Lounge San Carlos Hotel Servpro Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Shimkus, Sr. Six Flags New England Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith Mr. and Mrs. Conrad A. Thamm The Fitness Center at Saint Francis Care Center for Health The Health Consultants Group LLC Torrington Advisory Council University of Saint Joseph Wampanoag Country Club Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Weis IV Mr. Mark Wiles Woodard & Curran Wood-n-Tap Zingarella LLC EMPLOYEE GIVING CAMPAIGNS Aetna Employee Giving Campaign American Express Charitable Fund AT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign Bank of America United Way Campaign Bristol-Myers Squibb Employee Giving Program Dell Giving - YourCause, LLC Dominion Employee Giving Program Dotopia Foundation GE United Way Campaign IBM Employee Charitable Giving Campaign ING Charitable Giving Program J.C. Penney Corporation, Inc. Employee Engagement Fund KBR Community Matters Campaign Middlesex United Way Pitney Bowes Employee Involvement Fund Travelers Community Connections TRUiST United Health Group Employee Giving Campaign United Illuminating Employee Giving Campaign United Way Combined Federal Campaign United Way Connecticut State Employees Campaign United Way of Allegheny County United Way of Butler County United Way of Coastal Fairfield County United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut United Way of Central Massachusetts United Way of Connecticut, Inc./2-1-1 United Way of Greater New Haven United Way of Greater Waterbury United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey United Way of Greater Portland United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley United Way of Meriden and Wallingford United Way of Milford United Way of the National Capital Area United Way of Naugatuck & Beacon Falls United Way of Northwest Connecticut United Way of Pioneer Valley United Way of Rhode Island United Way of Southeastern Connecticut United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania United Way of Southington United Way of West Central Connecticut United Way of Western Connecticut United Ways of New England Valley United Way Voya Foundation MATTHEW 25 DONORS FEDERAL, STATE & LOCAL AGENCIES Access Health CT Child Health and Development Institute of Connecticut City of Hartford City of Milford City of Meriden City of New Britain City of New Haven City of Waterbury City of Waterbury, Waterbury Development Corporation, Fiscal Agent Capital Workforce Partners Connecticut Community Care, Inc. North Central Area Agency on Aging State Education Resource Center/CT Parent Information & Resource Center GOLF 2013 GIFTS-IN-KIND Ally Program Headquarters Ansonia Advisory Council AR Networking and Data Systems Arthur Murray Dance Studo Back East Brewery Company Bank of America Bartaco Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bermel Bloomfield Discount Liquors Bob's Discount Furniture Charitable Foundation, Inc. Bradford Portraits Mr. and Mrs. William M. Brown Budget Printers Ms. Linda Carvahlo Mr. and Mrs. Gregory G. Cataldo CBS Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. D&D Travel Services, Inc. De Vars-Phillips Florist & Antiques Mr. and Mrs. Mark Douglass Effie's Place Restaurant, LLC Element New York Times Square West Mr. Daniel J. Falotico Mr. Robert V. Fay First & Last Tavern Fourth Wall Restaurants Ms. Liz Furse Mr. Joseph Gianni Gillette Ridge Wine & Spirits Glastonbury Hills Country Club Golf Club of Avon Hartford Restaurant Group Hartford Stage Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hickey Cherish the Children Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Cobb Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Cobb Ms. Joan B. Keating-McKeon and Mr. Michael P. McKeon Ms. Jean Lam State of Connecticut, Court Support Services Division State of Connecticut, Department of Children and Families State of Connecticut, Department of Developmental Services State of Connecticut, Department of Education State of Connecticut, Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services State of Connecticut, Department of Social Services State of Connecticut, Office of Early Childhood U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children & Families, Office of Family Assistance U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children & Families, Office of Refugee Resettlement U.S. Department of Homeland Security CC6 • Annual Report • 2014 • Catholic Charities Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McCormack Mr. and Mrs. John R. Morrison Office for Black Catholic Ministries Ms. Sally Scully Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Sullivan Ms. Eileen M. Templeton Please know that we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of our donor listings. If we missed your name, please accept our apologies and call us at 860-728-2569 or email jromanowicz@ccaoh.org so that we can correct this error. Operating Revenues & Support for the year ended June 30, 2014 Grants from Government Agencies 15,863,168 United Way 958,036 Archdiocese of Hartford 2,449,022 Contributions and Private Grants 1,129,952 Program Service Fees 5,383,498 Fundraising 370,778 Other 87,828 Interest and Dividends 26,462 Total Operating Revenues & Support 26,268,744 Operating Expenses for the year ended June 30, 2014 Program Services Management and General 21,668,651 4,029,394 Fundraising 268,826 Development 222,728 Total Operating Expenses 26,189,599 Hartford Marriott Downtown 200 Columbus Blvd. Hartford, CT 06103 Help & Hope Benefiting children in need throughout Hartford, Litchfield & New Haven Counties BREAKFAST Friday, December 12th at 7:30 A.M. See www.ccaoh.org Special Thanks to Our Presenting Sponsor: Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Hartford is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2014 Previous Help & Hope Award Recipients: Gerry Amodio Church of the Assumption Parish of Woodbridge Jenefer C. Berall JoAnn T. Briggs Kevin J. Budds Josephine Byrne Peter G. Carey Connecticut Light & Power Reverend W. Vincent Cronin Michael C. Culhane Christopher M. Dadlez Reverend Henry R. Dery Diaconite Wives and Widows Robert M. Ellis Mary C. Flynn John J. Galiette Reverend Joseph C. Gengras Arthur and Elizabeth Godbout Family Foundation Jean and William Graustein Myles N. Hubbard Arturo Iriarte Patrick J. Johnson, Jr. Knights of Columbus Francis P. Laffin Most Reverend Henry J. Mansell, D.D. Reverend David M. McDonald John R. Morrison Ruth and Thomas Murphy and Family Stephen F. Page Theresa and Leonardo Parla Most Reverend Peter A. Rosazza Elba Cruz Schulman Ronald F. Shea Patricia R. Shimkus Linda S. Smith Lloyd Smith P. Joseph Smyth Judith Stonger R. Lorraine Vozzo Patricia J. Weis Susan G. Zielenbach Help & Hope Awards Congratulations! Rose Alma Cataldo For her innovative leadership and devotion to the mission Deacon Arthur L. Miller For his passionate care and devotion to the mission Torrington Advisory Council For its volunteer leadership and generosity 839-841 Asylum Avenue, Hartford, CT 06105-2801 • www.ccaoh.org