Employee Wellness Program - Howard County Public Schools


Employee Wellness Program - Howard County Public Schools
Employee Wellness Program
2015 Annual Report
A Message from the Superintendent
The Howard County Public School System’s Commit To Be
Fit wellness program inspires employees to improve every
aspect of their health and equips them with the resources
they need to succeed. Commit To Be Fit is a key element of
the school system’s strategic plan, Vision 2018, which makes
support for staff and student well-being a priority.
Almost 90 percent of HCPSS employees participate in
the program, and that number continues to grow. Staff
members have access to wellness-related resources, Virgin
Pulse challenges, fitness classes, nutritional cooking
demonstrations, stress management workshops and other
programs that motivate employees to take charge of their
The program bolsters and expands services that support
staff wellness. This report highlights the ongoing wellness
enrichment and the positive returns in health cost
containment produced by Commit To Be Fit.
Board of Education
Christine E. O’Connor
Ellen Flynn Giles
Bess Altwerger, Ed.D.
Ann De Lacy
Sandra H. French
Janet Siddiqui, M.D.
Cynthia L. Vaillancourt
Renee A. Foose, Ed.D.
Vice Chairman
Rachel Lin
Student Member
Employee Wellness Program
Annual Report 2015
Prepared by:
HCPSS Benefits Office
Beverly Davis, CPA
Executive Director, Budget and Finance
Matthew Berkowitz, MBA
Employee Wellness Specialist
Kelsey Brayman, MS, CHES
Jeeni Griffin
Benefits Manager
Employee Wellness Specialist
Dionne Dougall-Bass
Employee Wellness Intern
All smiles at the 2015 Let's Go HoCo, the 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run
that brings together HCPSS staff, students and their families to
celebrate a healthy Howard County.
2015 Employee Wellness Council
Beverly Davis - Chairperson
Employee Wellness
Matt Berkowitz
Employee Wellness
Susan Daly
Denny Moore
Kelsey Brayman
Employee Wellness
Dionne Dougall-Bass
Employee Wellness
Ekere Ekandem Olojola
Food and Nutrition Services
Leslie Bridgett
Student Assessment
Jeeni Griffin
David Ramsay
Student Transportation
Terry Burks
Community Partnerships
Alan Hansen
Melinda Sims
Human Resources
David Brown
Community Use of
School Facilities
Cassandra Miller
Curricular Programs
Lynn Trapuzzano
Custodial Services
Employee Wellness Program
Our mission is to create an environment that supports and celebrates each individual’s lifelong journey toward
optimal physical, emotional, social, intellectual, and mental well-being by providing awareness, education,
motivation, and behavior-change programs.
Our vision is that we begin and end each day with energy and vitality.
Goal 1 – To foster a culture of health and wellness that will keep our employees healthy, reduce risk factors
among our at-risk members, and improve the health of those who already have chronic conditions.
Goal 2 – To encourage and empower our employees to make healthy lifestyle choices.
Goal 3 – To provide a healthy work environment.
The HCPSS COMMIT TO BE FIT Employee Wellness Program is a member of:
Health Enhancement
Research Organization
Employee Wellness Program
Annual Report 2015
Table of Contents
Executive Summary............................................................................................................ 1
Results of the Commit To Be Fit Program......................................................................... 5
Commit To Be Fit Employee Wellness Program.............................................................. 13
Program Offerings.............................................................................................................17
Success Stories and Staff Testimonials..............................................................................25
Appendix A: Employee Incentive Program.......................................................................29
Appendix B: Health and Wellness Expo............................................................................33
The HCPSS Commit To Be Fit wellness program offers a variety of fitness classes to
employees throughout the year at discounted prices.
Executive Summary
Page 1
Executive Summary
The Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) is pleased to present to the Board of Education the Commit To Be Fit Employee
Wellness Program’s fouth annual report – December 2015 marked the completion of the fourth full year of the Commit To Be Fit
program. The Commit To Be Fit program offers employees tools and resources to help with their health, wellness, and financial fitness
and to support their health and wellness, and a healthy activity program to achieve improved health, wellness, and well-being.
Value of an Employee Wellness Program
The HCPSS values its employees and recognizes the importance of supporting their health and wellness. Employees at HCPSS have
one of the most critical jobs in our community – to prepare our youth to become engaged and productive citizens. Therefore, conditions
that affect the health of HCPSS employees also influence the health and learning of the students. Employee health programming aims
to protect the physical and mental health of HCPSS employees that further improves the health of the students. Commit To Be Fit’s
Comprehensive Employee Wellness Program is an initiative by the Board to ensure that employees are offered high quality benefit
programs that are affordable to both employees and the system and are sustainable in the future. Rising health care costs have required
continuous cost containment efforts, such as implementing a comprehensive employee wellness program that benefits employees,
supports our cost containment measures, and improves the health and well-being of the students in HCPSS.
The overall health and wellness of employees is a key driver of health care costs. While health care costs are not avoidable, preventable
illness makes up approximately 80 percent of the burden of illness and 90 percent of all health care costs. Chronic and lifestyle related
conditions account for 75 percent of U.S. health care costs. Increased research and data on workplace wellness programs indicate there
are very real benefits to implementing such programs. Employers whose employees live healthier lifestyles have reduced use of sick
leave, improved work performance, decreased health care costs, increased productivity, and reduced overall costs. Given these facts, the
Board supported management in the development and implementation of a comprehensive employee wellness program.
The Commit To Be Fit Employee Wellness Program allows us to retain employees who participate in the program 1.7 times more than
employees who do not participate. And with the national average turnover cost being $13,500, the program provides a significant cost
savings by retaining valuable employees.
Return on Investment
The HCPSS is pleased to report that the Commit To Be Fit Employee Wellness Program resulted in a 1:17.56 Return on Investment
(ROI) based on total health care cost savings for 2013-2015. More important, the Commit To Be Fit Employee Wellness Program has
saved the Howard County Public School System $6,045,311 in total health care costs during 2013-2015.
More detail on the program results and ROI can be found on pages 7 and 8.
Alignment with Vision 2018
The Commit To Be Fit Employee Wellness Program supports the HCPSS Strategic Plan, Vision 2018: Fulfilling the Promise of
Preparation. The program is aligned with the following goals, outcomes, and strategies:
Every staff member is engaged, supported, and successful.
Families and the community are engaged and
supported as partners in education.
Outcome 2.4:
HCPSS supports staff members’ health and well-being.
Strategy 2.4.1
Strengthen and broaden services to support staff
Goal 3: Families and the Community
Goal 2: Staff
Outcome 3.2:
HCPSS is strengthened through partnerships.
Strategy 3.2.3
Partner with government, community organizations
and businesses to support the well-being of students,
families, and staff members.
Page 2
HCPSS Employee Wellness Council
The success of any initiative depends upon widespread support.
To facilitate this support, an Employee Wellness Council was
established with representatives from various employee groups.
The Employee Wellness Council meets several times throughout
the year to keep current on wellness issues that benefit the program.
Very early on, the Employee Wellness Council developed a vision,
mission, and clear program goals for an employee wellness
Commit To Be Fit Employee Wellness Champions
While the Employee Wellness Council ensures the Commit To
Be Fit program meets employee health and wellness needs and
interests, having support at every school and facility generates
employee engagement. Employees were asked to volunteer as
wellness champions. A wellness champion is a staff member with
a commitment to health that serves as an ambassador for employee
wellness. They volunteer to assist in the delivery, implementation,
and coordination of wellness initiatives at their work location. They
share information, engage friends and colleagues to participate in
wellness programs, and create excitement around leading a healthy
lifestyle. A wellness champion is on the front line of the Commit
To Be Fit Employee Wellness Program.
There are 106 wellness champions – at least one at every school
and location in the HCPSS system.
HealthZones are state-of-the-art measurement kiosks designed
to easily and accurately measure a member’s blood pressure,
weight, and body mass index (BMI). The bio-measurement data
is automatically uploaded to the member’s online portal on the
Virgin Pulse website, where they can easily monitor their progress.
The school system then receives aggregated data which allows the
school system to run key analytics and measure the progress of
employees and the performance of the Commit To Be Fit program.
The Howard County Public School System is happy to report that
there are 81 HealthZones located throughout the school system,
including one at each school and education center, as well as
administrative locations, such as old Cedar Lane, Ridge Road,
Central Office, Building Services, and the Ascend One Building.
Page 3
Commit To Be Fit Program Offerings
Virgin Pulse healthy activity program
Annual Health and Wellness Expo
Onsite fitness classes
Monthly Commit To Be Fit presentations
Weight Watchers
American Red Cross blood drive
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Departmental and school wellness meetings
Fitness center and health-related businesses discounts
There’s a fitness class for everyone. The Commit To Be Fit fitness classes are available to
employees at every age and fitness level.
Page 4
Results of the Commit To Be Fit
Page 5
Results of the Commit To Be Fit Program
Fantastic results were achieved in the fourth year of the Commit To Be Fit program. By the end of 2015, 88 percent of HCPSS benefiteligible employees enrolled in the Commit To Be Fit program (up from 80 percent the previous year). The average steps per day for
Commit To Be Fit participants was 8,892 (up from 8,633 the previous year), considerably more than the 7,000 per day recommended
by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to remain healthy. The measured impact of this activity is equally impressive. At-risk
Commit To Be Fit participants who shifted from a lower level of activity to a higher level of activity totaled 47 percent. In addition,
program data indicates 19 percent of participants lowered their BMI, and 76 percent improved (of the population that could improve)
their blood pressure, thus lowering key risk factor, such as stroke, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and other life-threatening diseases.
The chart below details the growth in employee participation in the Commit To Be Fit program.
Employee Wellness Program Participation At a Glance
Employees enrolled
Members actively earning HealthMiles
Average daily steps
Individuals who achieved the recommended daily steps
Members reaching Level 3 or above
Fitness class participation
Health and financial fitness workshop participation
Average active Weight Watchers participation
*Classes were cancelled due to inclement weather.
**Participation levels for specific programming – such as Weight Watchers – is responsive to interests and needs of the employees.
There were fewer locations offering meetings during 2015.
The number of employees who participate in the
Commit To Be Fit program continues to rise.
Page 6
HCPSS Return on Investment Analysis
The HCPSS and Virgin Pulse have partnered with Benefits Science to perform a Return on Investment (ROI) analysis for the Howard
County Public School System (HCPSS). Benefits Science is a scientific research firm that uses health care data sets to provide analyticsbased solutions to companies and governments.
The analysis was performed using data sets provided by HCPSS health care providers, and included medical plan data, pharmacy benefit
data, and eligibility data from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2015. We also received program enrollment and activity data from
Virgin Pulse covering the period of January 1, 2012, through December 31, 2015.
For purposes of analyzing the impact of the Commit To Be Fit program on HCPSS healthcare expenses, we isolated individuals who
were enrolled in the HCPSS health plan on January 1, 2012; and remained on the plan through July 31, 2015. The population was
segregated into two groups:
Group A:Enrolled in the Commit To Be Fit program and earned at least 20,000 HealthMiles/Points through the data period.
Group B:Not enrolled in the program or enrolled in the program and earned less than 15,000 total HealthMiles/Points through the data
The purpose of this division is to track the advancement of health care expenses over time and better understand the potential impact
the Virgin Pulse program has made on HCPSS health care claims. The population of Group A and Group B were similar in size, gender
ratio, distribution, and claims during 2012, and all participants remained on the health plan throughout both the control (2012) and
measurement periods (2013-2015). We cannot, however, adjust for selection bias which suggests that healthier individuals may elect to
participate in the Virgin Pulse program as compared to less healthy individuals.
When HCPSS invests in the wellness of its employees, it
saves on healthcare costs.
Page 7
In addition to our analysis on the medical and prescription claims of each group, we also identified claims in specific conditions of
chronic illness, such as coronary artery disease, diabetes, and hypertension, as well as mental anxiety, such as stress and depression.
These claims are then compared between the two groups. Finally, we compare out-of-pocket expenses, including co-pays, deductibles,
and coinsurance between the two groups.
The study supported the success of the HCPSS Commit To Be Fit Employee Wellness Program in decreasing claim costs.
Claims for Commit To Be Fit participants were lower each year.
Comparison of Groups over Time — Participants Experience Lower Claims
2012 Medical + Rx PMPM: Group A (participants) claims 0.11% Higher than Group B (non-participants)
2013 Medical + Rx PMPM: Group A (participants) claims 22.95% Lower than Group B (non-participants)
2014 Medical + Rx PMPM: Group A (participants) claims 30.31% Lower than Group B (non-participants)
2015 Medical + Rx PMPM: Group A (participants) claims 17.89% Lower than Group B (non-participants)
Commit To Be Fit Program Return on Investment (ROI)
The Board supported investment in the employee wellness program with a commitment from management to report on program activity,
as well as the return on its wellness investment. The HCPSS is pleased to report that the Commit To Be Fit Employee Wellness Program
resulted in a 1:17.56 Return on Investment (ROI) based on total health care cost savings for 2013-2015. More important, the Commit
To Be Fit Employee Wellness Program has saved the Howard County Public School System $6,045,311 in total health care costs during
2013-2015. Based on industry research, the system can expect the investment in employee wellness to continue to yield positive returns.
The HCPSS is very pleased to report the positive impact of the Commit To Be Fit Employee Wellness Program on employee health
and the success of the program in generating a positive return on investment in its first, second, third, and fourth year. The ROI and
health care cost savings results are important measures, but they are not the only measures of program success. In this report, employee
program participation and employee feedback is provided, as well as numerous employee wellness success stories, which measure the
program’s success.
The HCPSS offers financial incentives for participation in the program. The savings in health care costs allow the school district to
share the incentives with those employees who participate. After the incentives have been distributed, the program still generates a
positive return on investment. The ROI is 1:1.35 after incentives are paid out. A net savings of $3,468,684 between 2013 and 2015 after
accounting for all expenses and rewards. If productivity savings were included, the ROI would be even greater!
Total Health Care Cost Savings
Net Health Care Cost Savings
After incentives
The Commit To Be Fit Employee Wellness Program continues to generate a positive ROI each year
*Does not include any productivity savings
Page 8
Impact on Claims
Analysis of Preventive Health Visits – Groups A (Participants) & B (Nonparticipants)
The charts below display the improved use of preventative screenings by wellness program participants. Preventative screenings
allow for early detection of illness, which leads to better patient outcomes and lower claims costs.
Group A (Participants)
Group B (Nonparticipants)
In 2015, program participants received their
annual physical at a rate of 1.37 times that of
Group A (Participants)
Group B (Nonparticipants)
In 2015, program participants received their
annual well woman exam at a rate of 1.37 times
that of nonparticipants
Group A (Participants)
Group B (Nonparticipants)
In 2015, program participants received their
mammogram at a rate of 1.32 times that of
Page 9
Impact on Claims
Analysis of Preventive Health Visits – Groups A (Participants) & B (Nonparticipants)
Group A Claims (Participants)
Group B Claims (Nonparticipants)
Group A Members (Participants)
Group B Members (Nonparticipants)
In 2015, program participants had
41% FEWER claims related to
diabetes than nonparticipants
Group A Claims (Participants)
Group B Claims (Nonparticipants)
Group A Members (Participants)
Group B Members (Nonparticipants)
In 2015, program participants had
60% FEWER claims related to
coronary artery disease than
Group A Claims (Participants)
Group B Claims (Nonparticipants)
Group A Members (Participants)
Group B Members (Nonparticipants)
In 2015, program participants had
35% FEWER claims related to
hypertension than nonparticipants
Page 10
Medical and Prescription Claims Trends
Participants who have been active in the Employee Wellness Program since 2012 have experienced lower health
claims costs as compared to nonparticipants of similar sex and age.
The graph above displays comparison of medical and prescription claims for program participants (Group A) versus nonparticipants
(Group B). In 2012 (the control year), Groups A (program participants) and B (nonparticipants) have the same level of claims. When
the two charts are layered on top of each other, you can see the steady increase in Group B (nonparticipants). Group A is trending at
a much healthier pace. Group B has a steeper slope in claims growth than Group A and there is more variation from period to period.
Standard deviation is used to measure, which is an indication of how tight and predictable these claims are. Group B has a higher
standard deviation which makes claims less predictable.
Page 11
The main message at Let’s Go HoCo: have fun and be active!
Page 12
Commit To Be Fit
Employee Wellness Program
Page 13
Commit To Be Fit Employee Wellness
The Commit To Be Fit Employee Wellness Program provides
employees with information, tools, resources, and services to help
create and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Its mission is to create
an environment that supports and celebrates each individual’s
lifelong journey toward optimal physical, social, intellectual,
emotional, and financial well-being by providing awareness,
education, motivation, and behavior change programs. To ensure
Commit To Be Fit follows best practices, the HCPSS participates
in organizations that are leaders in the employer wellness field.
Current Affiliations and Awards
American Heart Association – Gold Award, Platinum
Award, and Worksite Innovation Award
The HCPSS received the American Heart
Association’s Gold Award, Platinum Award, and
the Worksite Innovation Award. The American
Heart Association recognizes organizations that
fulfill criteria, such as offering employees physical
activity support, increasing healthy eating
options at work, and promoting a wellness culture. Requirements
for Gold level achievement are a minimum of 25 employees at
the worksite, as well as implementing at least six of the physical
activity criteria, two of the nutrition criteria, and one of the culture
criteria listed in the application form. Additionally, the Platinum
Award recognizes worksites that demonstrate at least one behavior
change, cost savings outcome, and positive return on investment.
The Worksite Innovation Award recognizes organizations
that developed and implemented an innovative program in the
workplace (such as the Commit To Be Fit program).
Healthiest Maryland Business Award – 2015
In 2015, the HCPSS was recognized as one of the
Healthiest Maryland Businesses by the Maryland
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. This award
represents Commit To Be Fit aligning with national
recommendations for comprehensive worksite wellness and shows
our commitment to employee health and wellness.
Wellness Council of America
The HCPSS is a faculty member of
the Wellness Council of America
(WELCOA). WELCOA has been
helping organizations build world-class wellness programs that
enhance employee health and well-being and also contribute to
organizational outcomes for the past 10 years. WELCOA was
founded on the belief that worksite wellness programs have the
power to change lives and transform organizations. As a measure
for how employee wellness programs achieve results, WELCOA
has created a Well Work Place Checklist.
This checklist has been designed to recognize quality and
excellence in worksite health promotion. The following checklist
focuses on seven benchmarks that are characteristic of results–
oriented programs:
1. Capturing Senior-Level Support
2. Creating Cohesive Wellness Teams
3. Collecting Data to Drive a Result-Oriented Wellness
4. Creating an Annual Operating Plan
5. Creating a Supportive Health Promoting Environment
6. Choosing Appropriate Interventions
7. Carefully Evaluating Program Outcomes
The HCPSS employee wellness program received positive
feedback in several areas of the check list. The Commit To Be Fit
program received excellent remarks on the program structure and
operating methods. The program’s operating plan, which outlines
our goals and direction, was given the best rating that it can
receive. It also received positive remarks for its health promotion
interventions that were offered to employees and their dependents.
The overall evaluation that the HCPSS received was excellent.
HERO Employee Health Management Best Practice
The HCPSS is a member of Health Enhancement
Research Organization (HERO). HERO is a
member-driven coalition of employers, providers,
consultants, academic institutions, and associations
who share in the belief that employee Health
Management is a sound, evidence-based approach to achieving
health improvements for their workers. HERO is a non-profit
organization dedicated to the creation and dissemination of
employee health management national research, policy, strategy,
leadership, and infrastructure.
Page 14
The HERO Employee Health Management Best Practice Score Card is designed to help organizations learn about best practices and
discover opportunities to improve their programs. The scorecard provides a valuable inventory of employee health management best
practices that serve as a checklist of best practices in each area.
Here are some of the highlights from HCPSS’s score on the HERO Employee Health Management Best Practice Scorecard:
• National average (47 percent higher)
• Programs (39 percent higher)
• Strategic Planning (60 percent higher)
• Engagement Methods (68 percent higher)
• Measurement and Evaluation (80 percent higher).
In comparing HCPSS with other employers with 5,000 employees or more, the HCPSS scored 18 percent better than the average. The
scorecard serves as a benchmark of the Commit To Be Fit program and sets a baseline for further improvements to the program.
Commit To Be Fit supports each person’s journey toward
physical, social, intellectual, emotional and financial wellbeing.
Page 15
The vision of Commit To Be Fit is to begin and end each day with energy and vitality.
Page 16
Program Offerings
Page 17
Program Offerings
Virgin Pulse
The Commit To Be Fit program offers the Virgin Pulse Healthy Activity program. Virgin Pulse has helped leading
companies and organizations across the U.S. create motivating and measurable employee health initiatives with their
Pay-for-Prevention™ programs, which promote healthy lifestyles and help employers measure and manage population
health. Their innovative technologies and programs help employers create a culture of health that not only rewards the right
behaviors, but also aligns HCPSS interests and those of HCPSS employees in order to drive down lifestyle-related health care costs.
Virgin Pulse is unique in its ability to provide the HCPSS with solutions rooted in validated data, long-term engagement, and incentives,
which together engage our workforce in becoming healthier. The results can directly and immediately impact the HCPSS’s bottom line
and pay huge dividends in the future.
Program Participation
As of December 2015, HCPSS’s participation far outpaces other Virgin Pulse clients.
• 27 percentage points higher than other employers in our tier (companies of similar size and similar incentives/rewards structure).
• 31 percentage points higher than employers providing educational services.
• 42 percentage points higher than Virgin Pulse’s average book of business.
HCPSS continues to sustain excellent program participation level since inception.
Page 18
Results of the Healthy Activity Program
Based on the results, the Virgin Pulse Healthy Activity program is very popular. The program achieved 88 percent enrollment of
employees by the end of the fourth full year. Participant’s daily average steps were 8,892 per person. Over 73 percent of enrolled
members used their pedometer actively and 71 percent of those individuals achieved their recommended amount of steps per day. Of
the employees that were considered in the overweight and obese categories, an astounding 92 percent of those employees reached Level
3 of activity or higher. The HealthZone was used by 3,187 unique members with a total of 19,760 HealthZone visits.
The extra steps our employees took during 2015 resulted in health and activity shifts. In a sample taken of our population, there was a
58 percent shift of individuals from a state of pre-hypertension to an ideal blood pressure and an 88 percent decrease in hypertension.
The blood pressure metrics for participants showed a 76 percent overall improvement in blood pressure with 84 percent of individuals
maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. In tracking Body Mass Index (BMI), 19 percent of individuals improved and 71 percent
maintained their BMI.
In a recent survey, results showed that as a member’s total annual Health Points increases, so does their perception of HCPSS being a
better place to work.
Additionally, 15 percent of employees who left the HCPSS during 2015 were non-members versus only 8 percent who were. This shows
that employees who participate in the Virgin Pulse program, leave the school system at a much lower rate than those who do participate.
When turnover costs are factored in, the benefit of the Virgin Pulse program extend well beyond the more tangible measures.
Page 19
Health & Wellness Expo
Commit To Be Fit sponsored the 5th Annual Health & Wellness Expo at Wilde Lake High School in May 2016. The event exceeded
expectations by having over 2,800 employees, retirees, and their family members enjoy a day of learning, health screenings, educational
workshops, and fitness sessions from over 100 health and wellness exhibitors.
The Expo featured the following activities:
• Information from local, regional, and national health and wellness organizations; HCPSS health and welfare plan vendors and
financial partners; and Howard County Government agencies
• Health screenings, such as bone density, blood glucose, dental, foot assessment, and heart health and vision screenings
• Wellness services, such as massage, foot reflexology, and acupuncture
• Educational workshops, fitness sessions, and cooking demos
• Farmers’ Market
• Children’s activities, such as the Eric Energy Science Show face painting, and arts & crafts
Employee satisfaction with the Expo, as measured by a survey completed by employees as they left the expo, was 9.47 out of 10. The
exhibitor satisfaction in the event was 9.3 out of 10.
Onsite Fitness Classes
In response to employee requests, Commit To Be Fit offered onsite fitness classes. Onsite fitness classes began at four schools around
the county, offering low-cost, six-week sessions of Zumba, Fit After Forty, PiYo, Pilates, yoga, boot camp, and Barre, with varying
difficulty level for some of them. Approximately 460 fitness classes were held, and nearly 1,000 participants took part in spring, summer,
and fall fitness classes during 2015! An additional 300 participants were involved from 2014 to 2015. Evaluation and feedback from
both instructors and participants were key in scheduling the seasonal classes. Feedback from participant surveys follows:
• “I have absolutely LOVED taking PiYo with Amanda Demeusy. I had no idea what PiYo was at the beginning of last school
year, but I signed up for it because it worked for my schedule, and I have never made a better fitness decision!”
• “The instructor was great about helping us target our individual needs; everything from stretching muscles that were tight from
sitting at a computer to building the arm and core strength I need to pick up my rapidly growing toddler!””
Monthly Commit To Be Fit Presentations
The Commit To Be Fit program offered many educational opportunities for employees in four different categories each month: healthy
cooking, financial fitness, stress reduction and management, and health and nutrition. Commit To Be Fit also offered Retirewise®
workshops (through MetLife), which is a complimentary retirement education series that offers the tools needed to clarify retirement
goals and how to take action. During 2014, 940 employees attended monthly presentations on a variety of health and financial fitness
topics. This was a 87 percent increase in attendance over the previous year. These presentations were offered at times to accommodate
second shift employees as well as regular daytime employees. The following educational sessions were offered:
Seasonal Eating
Thinking Outside the Lunchbox
Investing 201
Prepare to Care
Healthy Nutrition on the Go
Know Your Numbers
Need for a Will
Mental Health
Detoxifying Foods
403b – Voya
Cyber Security
Hydrate for Health
Self Defense
Back Pain
Brain Boosting Food
Good Sleep, Better Health
Summer Slaws
Page 20
A sampling of feedback from Commit To Be Fit presentations
• “Very informative and engaging, seems truly invested in
• “Learning more about my finances and ways to invest
lowers my stress levels immensely!”
• “Thank you! I love learning about new healthy eating!
Realistic and NOT overwhelming or intimidating”
• “Made me more aware of the benefits of organic items”
• “Loved the samples and recipes”
• “Loved the exercises to prevent and help headaches – they
can be done anywhere, anytime”
• “Great information with practical application”
Flu Shots
The Commit To Be Fit program offered flu shots to HCPSS
employees onsite in October of 2015. A total of 1,771 employees
were immunized in five flu clinics held around the county –
Central Office, Centennial, Howard, Long Reach, and Reservoir
high schools. Flu shots help reduce use of medical care/sick leave;
decrease upper respiratory illness; reduce work absenteeism due to
upper respiratory illness, and decrease the number of doctors visits
that take teachers away from their schools.
Weight Watchers
Commit To Be Fit partnered with Weight
Watchers to offer employees onsite monthly
Weight Watchers meetings.
Nearly 300
employees participated in Weight Watchers Online and Monthly
Pass Memberships. There were nine Weight Watchers onsite
meetings held at schools around the county with six more schools
scheduled to come on board with onsite meetings. Over the course
of the year, those who were actively participating lost a total of
1,138 pounds!
American Red Cross Blood Drive
The Commit To Be Fit program administers American
Red Cross blood drives at HCPSS locations. Blood drives
during 2015 were held at multiple times throughout the
year with 41 units of blood collected.
Page 21
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
The HCPSS recognizes that employees are able to perform their
best work when they are free of distractions or worries resulting
from personal or family concerns. The Employee Assistance
Program (EAP) provides free, confidential help to staff and their
family members who struggle with issues that may interfere
with work or family responsibilities. Services, provided through
GuidanceResources®, are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
via a toll-free nationwide number.
Employees and family members can receive up to six counseling
sessions (including assessment, follow-up and referral services)
per person, per episode, per year.
Departmental and School Wellness Meetings
Commit To Be Fit staff scheduled onsite meetings at schools and
departments to expand employee engagement. These meetings
inform employees of the Commit To Be Fit wellness programs and
provide the opportunity for one-on-one questions from employees.
Meetings have been held with Food and Nutrition Services,
Facilities, Custodial, Building Services, and Transportation along
with elementary, middle, and high schools.
Fitness Center Discounts
The Commit To Be Fit program works with the Partnership
Office to expand health and wellness partnerships for employees.
The program succeeded in expanding the discounts available to
employees at many of the local gyms and fitness centers throughout
Carroll and Howard counties. There were four additional
partnership created including, The Central Y of Maryland, Mélong
Ling, Columbia Nutrition, LLC, and Axis Sport Performance. A
listing of health and wellness partners can be found in Appendix A.
Key Components of Health Promotion for Staff
• Education and Awareness: Provision of workshops,
classes, and information on common health issues for school
staff members such as healthy lifestyle behaviors, eating,
physical activity, and injury prevention.
• Making Physical Activity Accessible: Opportunities to
integrate physical activity in the school day such as walking,
jogging, or yoga programs.
• Focus on Healthier Eating: Access to healthy options for
staff to eat and drink throughout the school day.
• Weight Control Programs & Nutrition Programs: Support
and resources provided such as assessment of current diet and
goal setting to eat healthier. Resources provided can include
meal planning, education on healthy foods, and weight checkins.
Key Components of Health Promotion for Staff (continued)
• Immunization: Provision of immunization for common illnesses found in the school environment such as the flu.
• Biometric Health Screening: Periodic screening for blood pressure, blood cholesterol, blood sugar, body mass index, bone
density scans, mammography, and other health indicators with advice on appropriate follow-up medical treatment.
• Personal Health Assessment: assists staff members in establishing personal health improvement goals.
• Stress Management Strategies: Provision of workshops, information, and counseling on how to manage stresses specific to the
school environment and how to balance work and family.
• Care Management: Care management programs that offer condition-specific education and information to help employees
understand their disease better and take a more active role in controlling it. These programs, along with the sound advice of
physicians, provide employees with the support to take charge of their health.
• Tailor Activities to Needs: Ongoing assessments and surveys of the staff wellness plan to update and improve its effectiveness.
In 2015, the Commit To Be Fit employee wellness program worked with Fit2Order to bring health and wellness to staff and families of
students who attend the HCPSS.
On November 18, 2015, Fit2Order presented Serenity Flow Yoga in Honor of Breast Cancer Warriors. Over 50 people attended the
gentle yoga class to honor those with breast cancer. Sessions during 2016 have scheduled.
FIT Family Night is a new program that began in January of 2016. It is a two-hour event that encourages healthy living. Parents and kids
exercise side by side. Kids enjoy nutritious snaking and a dance party, while parents learn key lunchbox strategies to pack wholesome
and tasty lunches kids will love. Exercising includes yoga, karate, Zumba, and boot camp. This program began on January 12th with
Atholton ES, and as of June 1, 2016, 28 schools throughout the HCPSS have held a FIT Family Night event with over 1,400 students
and parents participating.
FIT Family Night is the newest addition to the Commit To Be Fit
Page 22
Families getting fit together are a great way to boost social and emotional well-being and
relieve stress.
Page 23
Boot Camp at Top Tier was one of over 100 fitness classes offered to staff
through the Commit To Be Fit Employee Wellness Program during 2015.
Page 24
Success Stories and
Staff Testimonials
Page 25
Success Stories — Staff Testimonials
The success of the Commit To Be Fit program is highlighted in
personal success stories as well as school stories. Below are some
of the success stories.
Leslye Schweizer, Customer Service Technician, Central Office
About two and half years ago, my husband and I were looking
through the benefits booklet to decide on our health care package.
He asked me “Babe, do you realize your employer pays you to
exercise and be healthy? Why have you not signed up with the
Commit To Be Fit Program?” I didn’t think too much about his
question then, but it would continue to haunt me for months after.
Why had I not signed up? How hard could it be? How silly of
me to not sign up since part of my daily routine for years now has
included walking our dogs; however, I was not getting any credit
for all these steps. Plus, who wouldn’t like $500 to be healthy?
On March 6, 2014 the light bulb went on. I had gained weight
over the years while not doing much for myself. I always gave
time for my family and others, but what about me? There were
parts of me that I didn’t even like anymore and I was always tired.
It was time to make a positive change for ME. No more diet pills,
crazy diets, gym memberships and home equipment that didn’t get
used. I pulled out my Virgin Health Miles pedometer from my
desk drawer that I had received several years back. The package
was still unopened. It was so easy to set up my account and I was
so excited! Here we go, girl. I knew I needed to weigh myself and
take my blood pressure to get a true starting point, and I dreaded
that. Oh Lord, help me. I basically had a heart attack when that
horrific number showed up on the scale. Oh boy! I had some
serious work to do. My blood pressure numbers weren’t that great
either. I was not healthy! Even though I was very uncomfortable
and frustrated with myself during those tell-tale minutes, I gave
myself a quick pep talk and decided to NOT look back. Today was
the beginning of something wonderful!
I wore my pedometer and started easily earning 7,000 steps daily,
and after a few weeks was earning 12,000. Before I knew it, my
steps increased to 20,000. I’d park further away than I normally
would in any parking lot, take the stairs, use the restroom farther
away from my desk, and walk during lunch and after work, too.
Plus, I started eating much healthier at breakfast and packed little,
nutrient-rich, colorful meals to eat throughout the day. I was
learning so much about healthy living while attending the classes
that our Wellness Program offers. The cooking classes were
awesome and my family and friends loved the recipes. I even
made the recipes for my co-workers and brought them in to share.
Even better, I earned Health Miles for attending these classes. A
win-win! It was exciting to watch my progress and that of others,
too. It really kept me motivated. By the end of my first three
weeks, I weighed myself. I lost three pounds and it was so easy.
From that point forward I had the “bug” and never looked back!
I was so excited with my progress that I asked my friend Brenda if
she wanted to join me at the end of our workday to walk. Having
a buddy really holds you accountable and pushes you to succeed,
and she and I have been doing this regularly for several years now
– rain or shine.
Since my initiation, I’ve lost 30 pounds and have been able to keep
them off. My life has totally changed for the better. Most days I
earn 20-30,000 steps. Two days a week I take a Yoga and Zumba
class offered through our Wellness Program. You can’t beat the
price of these classes and the instructors are incredible! If you can,
exercising after work really helps you unload and reload before
going home to start your second shift!
This program has affected me and my family’s lives in a
tremendously positive way. My husband and I now walk every
night when I get home from work (after walking with Brenda first,
of course). It’s a great time for the two of us to talk about our day
and reconnect. I’ve also taught him how to eat/cook healthier.
We also drink lots of water, sleep better, walk daily, and laugh
regularly. And, my seasonal sinus infections have completely
ceased. How awesome is that? Life is great!
I am so fortunate to have this program available to me! It has
truly changed my life. Thank you for providing me with a path
to healthy living. If you haven’t done so already, sign up NOW!
Aren’t you worth it? YES, YOU ARE!
Page 26
Brenda Finkle, Specialist Technology Trainer, Central Office
In January 2013, I realized that I had slowly put on 25 lbs over
a few years, and I really needed to make a change. I was feeling
tired, my energy level was low, and I didn’t think I had the energy
to make that change. The Commit To Be Fit program offered some
simple tools that got me started. I joined Weight Watchers, wore
my tracking device daily, and started walking. At first I pushed just
to hit the suggested 7,000 steps per day. But they say do something
for 21 days, and it will become a habit. I think it took me a little
longer than that, but soon it became part of my daily routine. I
started looking for ways to build more steps into my day, such as
parking my car further from the door, using the bathroom furthest
from my desk, and walking before work, during lunch, and in the
evening. I even have a co-worker, Leslye, who was walking every
day after work, so I started to walk with her.
Then I took advantage of some of the other Commit To Be Fit
offerings. I signed up for Zumba and Yoga classes. I attended some
of the Healthy Cooking Seminars. My husband enjoyed the lighter
meals I was cooking from these seminars and the Weight Watchers
program. This, along with the hikes we were now taking on the
weekends, led to weight loss for him as well. Our department
started to have monthly competitions. The motivation was a
definite drive in getting more steps per day, and it got more people
moving which made more walking buddies for me.
I have found that the key is to keep it up. It’s easy to skip a day
or two, but get right back to it. If I miss a few days of walking,
I notice my energy level drop and I just don’t feel right. Have a
walking buddy. I’ve been walking with Leslye for three years now.
We keep each other motivated, we’ve met our weight goals, and
I’ve gained a great friend in the process.
Page 27
Tami Dockendorf, Para Educator,
Gorman Crossing Elementary School
This past November, I turned 40. As women, we are encouraged
to get a mammogram at 40 or before if you have a history of
cancer in your family. I feel like I never have time to make doctor
appointments, much less go to them, so I thought that maybe I
would go over the summer when school is out. Then I saw I could
earn 1,000 points to get the mammogram. With that incentive, I
decided I might as well. At least it would get me closer to the next
level and possibly cash in my pocket! I booked the appointment,
went and had the screening, came home and went about my normal
life....until I received the phone call saying that I needed to come
back in. They had seen something unusual on the scan. Scared, I
went back to have another scan, and then an ultrasound, and then
another mammogram, and then was told I should meet with a
breast cancer specialist. There was a mass that by their definition
was abnormal. I met with the doctor who looked at all my tests
and then told me I was at a bigger risk due to my mother having
ovarian cancer. I didn’t even know breast and ovarian cancer was
connected! The next step was to get a biopsy. I was terrified now!
I had the procedure, which was frightening and painful. It seemed
to take forever to get the results, but I was one of the lucky ones
to get a benign diagnosis. Although I had bruising for days and
many sleepless nights, the outcome was one of relief and renewal.
I made it a point at that moment to put better habits in place and to
take control of my health. Although I was sort of thinking about
doing the mammogram in the beginning to get a baseline, the real
motivator was the points from Virgin HealthMiles, as silly as that
may seem. Now I realize, I wouldn’t be as healthy and as educated
about breast cancer as I am now. Please, please, I encourage you,
too, to stay on top of your health and those important appointments
those doctors tell us to have. It could save a life, and if nothing
else, earn you points!
Laurie Collins, 2nd Grade Teacher, Jeffers Hill Elementary School
My success story is short and sweet. I started walking around my school building (Jeffers Hill) for steps to get points and help lose
weight. I’ve roped fellow colleagues into joining me (with positive peer pressure, of course!). Sometimes we have an entourage of up
to 15 making laps around the school, which is usually on Wellness Wednesdays when we are in workout gear! People walk in and see
us walking, drop their stuff and join us! It is AWESOME! And it’s so fun to catch up with coworkers I don’t always get to see, and very
motivating to be greeted by friendly, happy, walkers in the morning!
Commit To Be Fit fosters a culture of health and wellness for
the nearly 90 percent of HCPSS employees who participate and
empowers them to make healthy lifestyle choices.
Page 28
Appendix A:
Employee Incentive Program
Page 29
Employee Incentives Program Health, Fitness, and Wellness
39 Minute Workout
Curves Fitness
4920 Waterloo Road, Suite A
3900 Ten Oaks Road
Ellicott City, MD 21043
Glenelg, MD 21737
Body Image Therapy Center
Domino Fitness
8940 Old Annapolis Road, Suite E
5773 Flagflower Place
Columbia, MD 21045
Columbia, MD 21045
Body Shapers, LTD
Fairway Hill Golf Club
7801 Windrow Court
5100 Columbia Road
Elkridge, MD 21075
Columbia, MD 21044
BodyWise Physical Therapy and Wellness
Feet First Sports
9881 Brokenland Parkway, #103
6420 Freetown Road, #130
Columbia, MD 21046
Columbia, MD 21044
Boot Camp Girl
Finesse in Training
PO Box 142
1702 Transportation Blvd.
Lisbon, MD 21765
Crofton, MD 21114
Brick Bodies Fitness Services, Inc.
Fit To You, LLC
212 W. Padonia Road
P.O. Box: 930
Timonium, MD 21093
Jessup, MD 20794
Bring it! Fitness, LLC
Fitness 19
1383 Platinum Drive
6030 Marshalee Drive
Eldersburg, Maryland 21784
Elkridge, Maryland 21075
Columbia Association (CA)
Fitness Together
10221 Wincopin Circle
3570 St. John’s Lane, Suite 108
Columbia, MD 21044
Ellicott City, MD 21042
Columbia CrossFit Cove
Freedom Group Fitness
7175 Oakland Mills Drive, Suite M
1950 Dickenson Road, Suite B
Columbia, MD 21046
Eldersburg, MD 21784
Columbia Jazzercise Fitness Center
Gold's Gym International
9221 Rumsey Road, Unit 5
8271 Gateway Overlook Drive
Columbia, MD 21045
Elkridge, MD 21075
Page 30
Employee Incentives Program Health, Fitness, and Wellness
Ground Control
MUSA Tae Kwon Do
9130 Red Branch Road
13340 Clarksville Pike
Columbia, MD 21044
Highland, MD 20777
Halo Day Spa
My Gym Children's Fitness Center
8205 Snowden River Parkway
8890 Centre Park Drive
Columbia, MD 21043
Columbia, MD 21045
Haven on the Lake
One For All Dance Academy
10275 Little Patuxent Pkwy.
9691-L Gerwig Lane
Columbia, MD 21044
Columbia, MD 21046
Inside Out Performance, LLC
Pamela Sabatiuk, Licensed Massage Therapist
10840 Guilford Road, Suite 403
13410 Clarksville Pike
Annapolis Junction, MD 20701
Highland, MD 20777
Krav Maga Maryland, LLC
Physicians Weight Loss Centers
8865 Stanford Boulevard, Suite 141
6945 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia, MD 21045
Columbia, MD 21045
Longevity Mediacal Spa
Pump It Up Of Elkridge
8600 Snowden River Parkway, Suite 307
7184 Troy Hill Dr
Columbia, MD 21045
Elkridge, MD 21075
Marriottsville Acupuncture
Quest Fitness
2509 Painted Sunset Drive
10045 Baltimore National Pike
Ellicott City, MD 21042
Ellicott City, MD 21042
Maximum Fitness
Salvere Health and Fitness
6822 Oak Hall Lane
8640 Guilford Road, Suite 208
Columbia, MD 21045
Columbia, MD 21046
Medifast Weight Control Centers
Still Point Spa
5655 Sterrett Place
12451 Clarksville Pike
Columbia, MD 21044
Clarksville, MD 21029
Move and Change
Team Irving Fitness
6811 Old Waterloo Road
Elkridge, MD 21075
Page 31
Employee Incentives Program Health, Fitness, and Wellness
The Salt Sanctuary of Maryland
6020 Meadowridge Center Drive Suite T
Elkridge, MD 21075
Tocar Spa
10025 Governor Warfield Parkway, Suite 215
Columbia, MD 21044
Weight Watchers
7185 Columbia Gateway Drive
Columbia, MD 21046
Winners of the 2nd Annual Dr. Foose Wellness Challenge enjoy lunch with Dr. Foose,
board members, and administration.
Page 32
Appendix B:
Health and Wellness Expo
Page 33
Health and Wellness Expo 2016
The following demos and workshops were offered during the 2016 Health and Wellness Expo
Auxiliary Gym
Fitness Demos
Cardio Club)
Barre Sculpt
(Coreworks Fitness
HIIT Insanity Live
(Michelle Rosenfeld)
Boot Camp
Basic Self Defense
Martial Arts)
Room 139
Cooking Demos
Room 220
Room 222
Room 224
Room 226
“Volunteering Does
the Body Good”
(Volunteer Center
Ho Co)
“What You Need to
Know to Support
Weight Watchers
“Student Loan
(Horace Mann)
“Brain Training”
(Brain Training of
Intolerances and
“Christine Kline, RD)
Sleep: What is it?,
Why do we need
it?, How to get it.
(Howard Lung and
“Do I Need This Test
and Other Questions
to Ask the Doc”
(Steve Diener, MD)
“Eat Healthy,
Reduce Waste, and
Fight Hunger”
(Hungry Harvest)
“Got A Good
Gut? Probiotics &
(Simplified Wellness
For You)
Management: How
Does Your Wheel
(Mélong Ling)
“Common Gastrointestinal Diseases &
(Gastro Center of
Weight Watchers
“Student Loan
(Horace Mann)
Air Frying - The
Alternative to a
Deep Fat Lifestyle
Vietnamese Vegan
Summer Rolls
Keynote Speaker
“Power of the Pause: Mindfulness for Educators”
Mim Senft, CWWS, GBA, AAI, RYT
Self Myofascial
Release (SMR)
(CrossFit PCR)
(Jazzercise Columbia
Fitness Center)
Pilates Mat
(Coreworks Fitness
“Serenity Flow:
Alternative Therapy
for Cancer Patients
& Survivors”
DIY Hummus - So
Easy, So Healthy, So
(Mim Senft)
Farro and Wild Rice
Page 34
List of Exhibitors from the 2016 Health and Wellness Expo
1st Choice Chiropractic
Advanced Hearing Group
Alzheimer’s Association
American Diabetes Association
American Heart Association
Awaken Wellness
AXA Advisors
Be The Match/American Red Cross
BodyWise Physical Therapy & Wellness
Bone Density Screening
Brain Training of Maryland
Breezy Willow Farm
Brickhouse Cardio Club
Camp Inclusion, Inc.
Capital Digestive Care/Maryland
Digestive Disease Center
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield
Center for Vein Restoration
Chesapeake Urology Associates
Clear Captions
Coalition of Geriatric Services (COGS)
College Savings Plans of Maryland
Columbia Association
Columbia Nutrition LLC
ComPsych Corporation
Coreworks Fitness Studio
Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of
Dabbs Rehab Center of Maryland
Delta Dental of Pennsylvania
Dr. Park Acupuncture
Express Scripts
Freestate Happy Wanderers Walking
Gastro Center of MD/Cascades
Endoscopy Center
Page 35
Green Valley Marketplace
Greenway Farms
HC DrugFree
Healthy Howard
Hometown Harvest
Horace Mann
Howard Community College
Howard County Center for Lung and
Sleep Medicine
Howard County Department of Citizen
Howard County Department of Fire and
Howard County Direct Primary Care
Howard County Education Federal
Credit Union
Howard County General Hospital
Howard County Health Department
Howard County Library System
Howard County Mental Health
Howard County Recreation and Parks
Howard Education Association of
Retired Teachers (HEART)
Hungry Harvest
Hypnosis Columbia
IO Workshop-Mélong Ling (Yoga Art
Jazzercise Columbia Fitness Center
Lisa Farley Acupuncture and Zero
Maple Lawn Eye Care Center
Maryland Insurance Administration
Maryland University of Integrative
Maryland Vein Professionals
Massage Envy
MetLife Premier Client Group of the
Morrison Chiropractic, P.A.
MotionLife Chiropractic & Acupuncture
NAMI Howard County
National Family Resiliency Center
Nationwide Retirement Solutions
Navia Benefit Solutions
Neighbor Ride, Inc.
Overeaters Anonymous
PFLAG Columbia - Howard County
Physical Therapy First
Pivot Physical Therapy
Planmember Services/Paladin Advisor
Pong’s Orchard
Revive Physical Therapy
Righttime Medical Care
Road Runner Sports
Roundhouse Krav Maga
Sacred Healing Hands Wellness Studio
Saint Agnes Hospital
Salvere Health and Fitness
Sarah McCracken Acupuncture
Scoop & Paddle Ice Cream Company
Signature OB/GYN
Simplified Wellness for You
Standard Insurance Company
Teladoc, Inc.
The Boot Camp Girl LLC
The Serenity Center
The Y in Central Maryland Dancel
Family Center
Van Dyke & Bacon Shoes
Vein Centers of America
Virgin Pulse
Vision Service Plan (VSP)
Voya Financial Advisors, Inc.
We Promote Health
Weight Watchers
Wight Tea Co
WKD Karate 4 Girls
Women Heart
Young Living Essential Oils
Screenings and Services Offered at the 2016 Health and Wellness Expo
Acupuncture – Auricular (ear only)
•Awaken Wellness
•BodyWise Physical Therapy
& Wellness
•Sarah McCracken Acupuncture
Blood Drive
•American Red Cross
Blood Glucose Screening
•St. Agnes Hospital
•Howard County Direct Primary Care
Blood Pressure
•HCC EMS/Nursing Students & Faculty
•Howard County Direct Primary Care
•Howard County General Hospital
•St. Agnes Hospital
Skin Assessment
•Medifast Weight Control Center of
Body Mass Index (BMI)
•Howard County General Hospital
•Howard County Direct Primary Care
Bone Density
•Advanced Radiology Services
Bone Marrow Matching
•Be The Match
Breast Examination
•Health Care Imaging
Carotid Ultrasound
•Brajesh Kumar Lal, MD
Chair Massage
•Awaken Wellness
•Face Place Day Spa
•The Healing Temple
•Massage Envy
•Theresa Symonds
Chinese Pulse Diognosis
• Dr. Park Acupuncture
•St. Agnes Hospital
Cooking Demos
•Allspice Hospitality
•Health Promotion on Call
•Michelle’s Kitchen
Dental Health
•Howard County Dental Association
Foot Reflexology
•Sole Healing
Hands Only CPR
•Howard County Fire & Rescue
•HCC Nursing Students & Facility
•Advanced Hearing Group
Heart Attack Prevention
• Dr. Susheel Sharma, MD
Heart Attack Risk Assessment
• Dr. Susheel Sharma, MD
Page 36
Screenings and Services Offered at the 2016 Health and Wellness Expo (continued)
•Brain Training of Maryland
Pain/“Ask the Physical Therapist”
•BodyWise Physical Therapy and
•Pivot Physical Therapy
•Revive Physical Therapy
Reiki Demo
•Sacred Healing Hands Wellness Studio
Page 37
Skin Assessment
•Sponsored by CareFirst BlueCross
•Massage Envy
Stability & Movement
•1st Choice Chiropractic
•Morrison Chiropractic
Vision Basic Visual Acuity; Glaucoma
Screenings by:
•Maple Lawn Eye Care Center
Spinal Screenings
•1st Choice Chiropractic Center
•Dabbs Rehab Center
•Morrison Chiropractic
Vein Assessment
•Center for Vein Restoration
•Maryland Vein Professionals
•Vein Clinics of America
Zero Balancing
•Lisa Farley
10910 Clarksville Pike, Ellicott City, MD 21042 • 410-313-6600 • www.hcpss.org
The Howard County Public School System does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, religion, physical or mental disability, age, gender, marital status, or sexual
orientation in matters affecting employment or in providing access to programs. For more information, contact the Equity Assurance Office of the Howard County Public School System at
10910 Clarksville Pike, Ellicott City, MD 21042 or call 410.313.6654.