Events For children Concerts Sports Stage


Events For children Concerts Sports Stage
september | 2009 | TARTU
4.–6.9: XVI Tartu Accordion Festival.
Fifty accordionists from Estonia, a dozen
foreign guests – altogether thousands
of tunes. The aim is not only to give
concerts, but let everyone try accordion
in workshops.
5.–12.9: Estonian theatre festival “Draama 2009” presents to audience the best
theatre from past two years, also guests
from abroad.
5.9: A guided tour to manors in Jõgeva
county. A visit to Tabivere, Luua, Kaarepere, Kuremaa, Jõgeva, Kurista, Vaimastvere and Kärde manors. The tour guide
is Märt Uustalu, MA student at Tartu
University. Departure at 8 from Elva Matkakeskus and 8:30 from the lower parking
grounds of Vanemuine Theatre in Tartu.
Price 250 EEK.
5.9: Tartu autumn exhibition “Pedigree
Animal 2009” in Estonian Agricultural
Museum with a handicrafts fair, museum
programmes and a horse ploughing competition. Opening of exhibitions “Cultivation Tools Through Ages” and “Nature
– Master of Plant Forms”. |
5., 12.9: Re-use store “Berliin” in Genialistid Club. In the re-use store “Berliin” every
Saturday at 12–16 one can in addition
to buying, selling and exchanging also
socialise, drink tea and listen to music.
1.–7.9: Interdisciplinary avant-garde culture festival “Eclectica”. |
12.9: St Mary’s Fair at Town Hall Square and
Küüni Street. Registration of sellers: Meeri., 36 1194; Viivi.Irs@, 36 1195. |
16.9: Science day “Outstanding Jubilarians
– Agriculture Researchers and Country
Life Promoters” in Estonian Agricultural
17.9: Employment law seminar in Hotel
Tartu. At the 4th seminar salary, benefits
and employee’s property responsibility are
discussed. Lecturers Merle Muda and Thea
Treier. Ticket: for free for members of the
NGO PARE, 500 EEK for others.
26.9: Elva Michaelmas Fair in Elva city
centre offers also a cultural programme. |
26.9: “Michaelmas at Raadi” in Estonian
National Museum. |
29.–30.9: Flax Days in Estonian Agricultural
Museum with flax related farm jobs and a
horse-operated flax break. Ticket 55/40 EEK.
Tartu Rock Club welcomes visitors.
Genialistid Club is open again and waits
for special and open people.
In Club Tallinn one can dance to DJ and
live music. |
Club Illusion offers a varied club programme. |
The redecorated Club Atlantis welcomes
visitors on the river bank.
7., 8.9: Political thriller “Nürnberg” in Athena Centre. |
11.9: “A Drunkard Took a Train” in Genialistid Club is based on the cult book “Moscow Petuschi”
by the Russian writer Venedikt Jerofejev. |
For children
2.1– 31.12: All-year-round children’s programmes in Estonian National Museum. Programmes “For Boys about Wood and Timber”,
“Indoor Jobs of a Farm Family”, “Barnhouse
Children”, “Our Home is in Estonia”, “Colourful World”. Introduction to Estonian culture
through conversation, handicraft making,
creative games and songs. Registration at 735
0446 or e-mail |
4.6–1.10: Take part in VVV summer hiking
game in Elva. Participants need to find checkpoints in Elva resort area and on VVV hiking
trails. Prizes for winners, surprises for participants. For free. |
1.9: Wisdom Day “Let’s Show Knowledge”
in front of Tartu Kaubamaja and at Küüni St.
Everyone is welcome to enjoy good music,
discover new and exciting knowledge and eat
Tartu’s longest cake. For free.
5.9: Entrance tests for new dancers of Shaté
in the mirror hall of Miina Härma Gymnasium. Tests for 8–14-year-old dancers take
place on 5 September at 12, for 15–25-yearold dancers on 5 September at 14. Please
take with you training clothes and shoes
(dance sneakers, slippers or soft-heeled
tennis shoes). Information:
16.9–10.10: School weeks in Estonian National Museum. Playful school lessons with
a slate-pencil, ink pot and worksheet at the
permanent exhibition and in workshops.
One will learn about the history of school
children’s clothing, the material of their
schoolbags and other activities done at
school besides studies. Programme suits the
first stage of basic school. Registration at
735 0446 or 735 0425, or e-mail |
5.9: “Unforgettable Melodies 2” in Ulila
summer garden with Kuldne Trio, night
dance marathon and a ticket game. Ticket
75/50 EEK, up-to-10-year olds for free.
Live music in Big Ben Pub.
15.9: Oliva and Foltz from France: “OverCross” in Vanemuine Concert Hall. The
duo performs classical music and jazz and
improvises. |
Live music in Pub Ristiisa.
18.9: Opening concert of Vanemuine
Symphony Orchestra in Vanemuine
Concert Hall by Indrek Leivategija (cello)
and Vanemuine Symphony Orchestra. |
25.9: Greek religious male choir music is
performed in St John’s Church by Estonian
National Male Choir, conductor Achilleus
G. Chaldaeakes (Greece). |
Live music evenings in Õlletare.
Live music nights on Fridays and Saturdays
in Kotka Kelder.
A joyful programme is offered by Püssirohukelder every night. |
Party nights with a DJ or live music on
Wednesdays and Thursdays in Trehv.
Dance nights with live music in Pub Mägra
Maja. |
4.8–2.9: Tartu open championships in
petanque on the ground of Anne Youth
Centre. Participation fee 50/25 EEK.
5.9: Basketball and football camp of
the sports club Duo in A. Le Coq Sports
House. All 6–14-year old ball game fans
are welcome. For free. Registration at the
e-mail |
5.9: 3rd event of Liivima Riding Club’s
showjumping contest in Saksa Riding
Complex in Sirgu village, Luunja municipality. For free.,
5.–6.9: 20th Fred Kudu Memorial Contest at
Tamme Stadium. The goal is to maintain the memory of Fred Kudu, a renowned Estonian decathlon coach, continue the decathlon tradition in
Estonia and introduce decathlon to children and
parents. Information at. 5380 8994 or e-mail ulvi. |
12.–13.9: “Luunja Harness 2009” in Saksa Riding
Complex in Sirgu village, Luunja municipality.
For free. | ,
20.9: 12th Tartu Cycling Marathon.
26.9: Tartu city health day “Walk on Foot!” at
Town Hall Square and Küüni St. For free. |
cover: Tartu Art College | print: Paar
This calendar has been compiled by the Department of Culture of Tartu City Government on the basis of information present on the website on 23rd August. The compilers are not responsible for any possible changes made by the event organisers.
1.1–31.12: Tartu City Museum’s permanent
exhibition “Dorpat. Jurjev. Tartu” depicts the
oldest city in the Baltic States from ancient
times until today. Ticket 20/5, for free on last
Friday of each month; tour in Estonian 60, in
other languages 120 EEK.
1.1–31.12: Exhibition “200 Years of Old
Anatomical Theatre” in the Museum of Tartu
University History is dedicated to the 200th
anniversary of Old Anatomical Theatre and
introduces its construction as well as researchers who have taught, worked and studied
there. School classes can order tours and
register for physiology experiments. Ticket
15/5 EEK. |
13.1–31.12: Nostalgic exhibition “Tartu Comb
Factory 90” in Tartu City Museum introduces
everyday objects from the Soviet period. With
a museum ticket.
20.2–20.9: At the exhibition “Future is Born
Today. Progressive Art in ESSR 1958–1968”
in the Exhibitions House of Tartu Art Museum
conflicts of the era are reflected in the works
by Efraim Allsalu, Albert Anni, Herald Eelma,
Albert Eskel, Juta Eskel, Alo Hoidre, Richard
Kaljo, Avo Keerend, Elmar Kits, Luulik Kokamägi, Nikolai Kormašov, Raivo Korstnik, etc.
On 7.8–13.9 also a project „ESSR Tourist Art
Voucher 1958–1968“. |
12.5–31.12: At the permanent exhibition
“Hortus Athleticus” in Estonian Sports Museum
visitors can try their skill and strength at
rope-pulling and cycling simulators, search
information from a computer, take part in
a virtual Olympic journey, read old sports
newspapers, listen to music, etc. Possibility of
ordering a guided tour. Ticket 25/20, family 65
EEK. |
10.6–6.9: Exhibition “Future of the Past AD
2009” in Morgenstern Hall of Museum of
Tartu University History is dedicated to the
15th anniversary of the NGO Tartu Renovators
Club and displays the achievements of club
members. Ticket 15 EEK. |
11.6–31.10: Exhibition about Tartu county
song festivals in 1926–1940 in Song Festival Museum. Tartu has been a city of song
festivals over years. Our song festivals that
grew into national events were born here. The
exhibition introduces four Tartu county song
festivals that took place during the first independence years. With a museum ticket.
4.8–4.9: Exhibition of paintings by Tõnu Kilusk
in Tsink Plekk Pang. |
7.8–13.9: Satellite project of the exhibition
“Progressive Art in ESSR 1958–1968” in the
Exhibitions House of Tartu Art Museum. Travel
pictures including architecture and nature
images are an independent theme in Estonian
art of the 1960s. |
8.8–4.9: Exhibition-sale of paintings by
Meiu Münt in Tartu Creative Economy Centre
(Kalevi 13). At first sight the depicted clothes
and objects do not seem to have a double
meaning, but everything has another side
– the visible hides more important things. |
10.8–24.9: Exhibition “Over the Water” in the
Finnish Institute shows paintings by the artists
grouping Black Swan. |
13.8–12.9: Exhibition “Lembit Lepa’s Ex Librises. Portraits of Estonian Writers” in Tartu
Oskar Luts Home Museum.
14.8–6.9: “Lost Objects Corner” – acrylic
paintings by Riin Liivamäe in Tampere House.
Wandering in one’s memories and thoughts
one can find many great things: a childhood,
summer and sun, gravel in one’s shoe and ripe
August berries. For free.
18.9–25.10: Urmas Viik’s personal exhibition
in the Exhibition House of Tartu Art Museum.
1.2–31.12: Estonian National Museum’s permanent exhibition “Estonia. Land, People,
Culture” depicts everyday life and holidays of
Estonians from peasant times to modern days.
Ticket 10/8/5 EEK, for free on Fridays.
11.11–19.12: Permanent exhibition “To Every
Doorstep in Sunshine and Rain. Estonian
National Post Office 90” in Estonian National
Museum introduces the work of Estonian Post
Office in different eras and displays Estonian
stamps from 1918 until today. |
26.3–27.9: Exhibition „Without Struve There
Would Be No Satellite TV“ in the Museum
of Tartu University History is dedicated to the
International Astronomy Year and shows the
most important steps on the road leading to
space travels, satellite TV and GPS. The exhibition is accompanied by a study programme
“Changing Starry Sky” for basic schools that
can be ordered since 15 April. Ticket 15 EEK. |
6.4–1.10: Exhibition “Printed Pictures and
Letters. Estonian National Museum’s Posters”
in Estonian National Museum gives an overview of exhibitions and other events in the
museum over 100 years. |
13.4–20.12: Exhibition “Raadi Through Ages”
in Raadi Water Tower introduces the area
on the border of Tartu city and county. As a
manor Raadi has been a centre of culture and
economy for a long time. |
14.4–28.12: Exhibition “Folk Costumes via
Mail – on Stamps and Postcards” in Estonian
National Museum displays artist Mari Kaarma’s
works based on the museum’s collections. |
8.5–20.9: Exhibition „Textile in a Hanseatic
Town” in Tartu City Museum displays for
the first time textile findings from medieval
rubbish bins which give information about
medieval textile production and trade. It is
possible to order a museum lesson for kindergartens and primary schools. Ticket 20/5 EEK,
for free for students of Tartu general education schools. |
16.5.2009–15.5.2011: Open-air exhibition “Us
in This Land” in Raadi manor park
31.5–31.12: Kaie Kal’s paintings exhibition
“Oh, Dear!” in Tartu Toy Museum. The exhibition of animal-themed works celebrates the
museum’s 15th birthday. Kaie Kal is known as
the studio designer of ETV’s children’s programmes “Buratino” and “Let’s Meet at Tom’s
Place”. With a museum ticket. |
15.4–1.11: Exhibition “People’s Museum.
Estonian National Museum 100” in Estonian
National Museum. |
30.5–31.10: Exhibition “Estonian Fashion
Designers for Barbie” in Tartu Toy Museum.
Barbie who celebrates her 50th birthday this
year has always been up-to-date and inspired
many fashion designers. The exhibition
displays doll clothes designed by Estonian
fashion designers (Anu Kaelussoo, Hanna
Korsar, Kirill Safonov, Kriss Soonik, Kristina
Tatarinova, Kristina Viirpalu, Lee Reinula, Lilli
Jahilo, Mariana Kolesnik, Maru, Tiina Talumees,
Tiiu Roosma, Triinu Pungits, Vassilissa and
Ksenia Jedomskihh). With a museum ticket. |
4.6–1.10: Exhibition of model dinosaurs by
Raul Lunia in Tartu University Geology Museum displays creatures who ruled 170 million
years ago. Ticket 10/5 EEK. |
5.6–27.9: Exhibition “Beautiful and Useful”
in Estonian Sports Museum. All exhibited
applied art objects are related to sports – they
have been awarded as prizes or have been
inspired by a specific sports event. The oldest
items are decorative leatherwork produced
in the 1930s in Eduard Taska’s workshop and
in the 1950s in ESSR Art Fund’s factory. Ticket
15/10 EEK. |
1.7–7.1: Exhibition of badges made by Heinar
Ivanov in Tartu City Museum. 29 May 2010
marks the 370th anniversary of signing
the charter of Tartu goldsmiths guild. The
exhibition of precious metal items from the
museum’s collections celebrates this occasion.
With a museum ticket. |
4.7–4.10: “Ultima memoria – the Last Memory” in Estonian National Museum introduces valuable Estonian heritage. One of the
purposes is to draw attention to problems
related to architectural heritage, such as the
ignorance of owners and insufficient information activities by heritage protectors. | www.
18.2–31.10: Barbie Exhibition in Tartu Toy
Museum. The heroine of the exhibition, Barbie
Millicent Roberts celebrates her 50th birthday
this year. With a museum ticket. |
7.8–30.9: “Ahhaa, vigurvändavärk!” in the
shopping centre Lõunakeskus is an exhibition
offering for the whole family activities between science and entertainment: one can do
trampoline jumps and view exhibits from the
collections of Ahhaa. In addition handicraft
workshops and on Sundays a science theatre.
Ticket 50/45/40, family 130 EEK.
16.3–30.9: At the exhibition “Carpe diem!”
about everyday life in the Antique era in the
Art Museum of Tartu University one can see
artworks that used to adorn Greek sanctuaries and their surroundings, try on Antique
clothing, ask an oracle, build a temple on a
computer and travel to Ancient Greek places.
Ticket 25 EEK. |
2.9–17.1: Tour at the exhibition “Long Story,
Short Boy or from a Slate-Pencil to a Digital
Pen” in Postal Museum of Estonian National
Museum. One can explore the interesting
pencil world, watch films on pencil production and making of the world’s biggest pencil.
Registration at 730 0775. |
4.2–31.12: Shadow exhibition in Tartu Toy
Museum has in its focus shadows and their
use in silhouette art, scissor cuts and shadow
theatre. With a museum ticket. |
Exact and constantly
updated information at
A Athena Centre
BA Botanical Gardens
BB Big Ben Pub
PM Estonian Postal Museum
RM Estonian National Museum
SM Estonian Sports Museum
G Genialistid Club
L Lille Youth House
RG Rael Artel Gallery
Ri Ristiisa Pub
Sh Café Shakespeare
SI Tartu Department
of Finnish Institute
ST Suudlevad Tudengid
TM Tampere House
J St John’s Church
TK Tartu Artists House
KM Tartu Art Museum
LM Tartu City Museum
M Tartu Toy Museum
LR Tartu Oskar Luts City Library
AM Museum of Tartu University History
Au Tartu University main hall
RK Tartu University Library
VA Tartu University
Old Anatomical Theatre
ZM Tartu University Zoology Museum
TS Tiigi Community House
Tr Pub Trehv
VK Vanemuine Concert Hall
VS Vanemuine Theatre Big House
W Café Wilde
ÜK University Café