March Minutes - Sewickley United Methodist Church


March Minutes - Sewickley United Methodist Church
March 2010
From The Pastor’s Heart
Paul reminds us in his first letter to
the Corinthians: “Do you know that you are
God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in
you? For God’s temple is holy, and that temple
you are” (1Corinthians 3: 16 & 17b). We are
called to care for God’s temple. It is that calling
that Sandra Lane gave birth to our new Health
and Wellness Ministry. She continues to post
helpful suggestions on the church Web page.
She also coordinates monthly workshops and/
Inside this issue:
I have it, Lou Ann turns on the music and my feet
just don’t seem to do what my head is telling
them to do. The good news is you don’t have a
From the Pastor’s Heart
partner and you don’t have to worry about step-
Ministry of Music
ping on someone’s feet. (Sorry Sandra Dewitt. I
News From Our Lay Leaders
have no idea how I managed to step on your foot
Worship Opportunities
and almost break your foot.) I struggle to relax
News From The Loft
and allow the rhythm to flow. (Is there any way
Ministry and Fellowship
we can slow the music down a bit?)
United Methodist Women
Shut In List
or lectures on interesting and helpful topics so
I have shared in the past how I enjoyed
that we might not only be mindful of our bodies
watching my parents dance. My mom could fol-
District News
but that we might better care for our God given
low my father’s lead with such ease and grace.
College Connection
Their feet would just glide across the dance floor,
Health and Wellness
swaying to the music. The two moved as one. My
Thank You
One of our recent workshops for our
sister, Diana, was able to dance with our dad with
Health and Wellness ministry was “line danc-
the same kind of ease and rhythm as our mother.
Prayer List
Easter Flower Order Form
ing”, taught by Lou Ann Scott. The response
At a wedding reception, I once saw Diana dance
March Calendar
was so overwhelming we decided we would
to “Wipe Out”. I have no idea how she did that
hold monthly line dancing lessons in the down-
without dislocating her hip! I must have been in
stairs social hall.
the other room when God was handing out
I watch in awe at the number of people who are able to watch Lou Ann only once
and are able to put it all together with such joy
and rhythm. And then there is me. You have
heard the term ‘two left feet?’ Just when I think
Even though this dancing thing doesn’t
seem to come naturally, I think I am seeing some
small improvement as I stick to it and practice the
(Continued on page 2)
dances over and over again. (Keep this just between us, this morning I was practicing a few of the steps in the hallway and I looked up and there
was Louie standing at the top of the steps watching. I am sure he was shaking his head in disbelief wondering what my problem was. Now let’s see
there is….the jazz box step, the shuffle, the fan, the Charleston step, kick ball change, left and right vine, heels and toes, the knee pops and you
sway your hips. Then someone commeted that Sandra Lane said, “Oh I have to see Russel do that!”
God invites us to join Him in a dance. And for many that dance doesn’t seem to come very naturally. There are some complicated and complex
steps in God’s dance. Now let’s see, there is…
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind.
You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.
This I command you, to love one another.
If you love me, you will keep my commandments.
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God, in Christ, forgave you.
If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross.
All of those steps (and there are more…many more) don’t always come naturally; in fact, we struggle with many of these dance steps.
We are not alone in our struggle. John Wesley, our founding father, struggled as well. On his journey to the colonies, the ship he boarded encountered a severe storm and he feared for his life. A group of Moravians was also on board and during the storm they peacefully sang hymns. That
night John wrote in his journal, “I have come to save the Indians, but who will save me?” Even as an ordained priest, John Wesley struggled with
his faith and his salvation. His good friend, Peter Bohler, told John: “Preach faith until you have it and because you have, you will preach faith.”
If we are to be good dancers we must persevere. We must not give up. We must practice again and again and again. If we are to be
good and faithful Christians, it takes much perseverance. We must not give up. We must practice…practice...practice…until our Christ likeness
comes naturally. I invite you to come and join our dance lessons. I will try not to step on your foot. The good news is no one is judgmental. Everyone is patient and kind. No one laughs at you. They are most helpful when you struggle. I invite you to come to worship, Bible study, Sunday
School and other faith-enhancing opportunities where you will not have to worry about being judged or laughed at. It is a safe place, where we help
each other when we struggle; when this faith thing seems not to come naturally. We pick each other up and we walk hand in hand, as we dance
with God. The good news for us is when we stumble and fall, God’s grace is always sufficient.
Sydney Carter’s folk hymn, Lord of the Dance, written in 1963, is interpreted to be life lived in its fullest abundance, or as Carter defines
it, “the image of all faith.” The stanzas choreograph the life of Christ, with the refrain inviting singers to “Dance then, where you may be.”
Dance, then, wherever you may be;
I am the Lord of the dance, said he.
And I’ll lead you all wherever you may be,
And I’ll lead you all in the dance, said he.
I invite you to dance with me as God leads the way. And the dance goes on….
Anyone wishing to speak to the pastor, is welcomed and encouraged to call. You may reach him at one of the following numbers:
Church Office: (412)741-9430
Pastor’s Office: (412)741-9433
Parsonage: (412)741-9679
Cell Phone: 412-735-5072
E Mail: Pastor Russel has an open door policy. He is available 24/7. If there is an emergency please call the parsonage, regardless of the time. Our website address is:
Pastor Visitation
If you would appreciate a home visit from the pastor, please contact Pastor Russel or sign the sign up sheet in the back of the church. Please
indicate the day and time that you would like the pastor to visit.
Ministry of music
With all of the snow we had last month, I know there were quite a few people without power for a while. The
snow caused havoc for roads and schools (although the kids enjoyed a week off, as did my wife). But as I was home, looking out the window one day, I saw a few birds flying around amid the flurries. I wondered to myself how on earth they
would be able to find any food in all these feet of snow. So, I decided to take it upon myself to get them some. I went and
got a bird feeder, and now I have an aviary in my back yard, which I am enjoying along with the satisfied birds.
On mornings when I am home, I can hear them singing, and their songs sound so wonderful. I kind of imagine them singing songs of
thanks for the food that they have. I see wrens, cardinals, blue jays, and sparrows. I am reminded of God’s promise that He provides for these tiny
creatures, and that He is concerned for them. In describing this, the Bible encourages us by saying that God is all the more concerned for us, as
His children. If these tiny birds can sing joyful songs of thanks, even in a cold and dreary time, then we certainly can, too. And we should, all the
more, for the gift that we have been given. We often think about gifts at Christmas, but during Lent we truly receive God’s ultimate gift of love – the
sacrifice of Jesus. As Jesus prepared to pay that price, his eye was not only on the birds and sparrows of His Creation, but his thoughts and heart
were turned toward us, and the love He had
for us. So even in Lent, though a solemn time
of reflection, we can still sing songs of thanks
and joy for the sacrifice made for us.
N e w s F ro m O u r L ay L e a d e r
Tax Time! Volunteers are available to help many people with tax return preparation.
Volunteers Income Tax Assistance (VITA) helps low- to moderate- income people. A site can be found by calling 1-800829-1040.
Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) helps people aged 60 and older. A site can be found by calling 1-888-227-7669.
In March, we have One Great Hour of Sharing. This special offering supports the operating expenses of UMCOR. It allows 100% of the funds we give for hurricane relief, earthquake relief, and other causes, to be used for the people affected. Please give generously to this important mission.
World Malaria Day is April 25th. Bishop Bickerton is asking congregations to organize an event with a community group before that date to raise
money for Nothing But Nets. If you have ideas and/or the ability to organize such an event, please step up!
InfoServ, the official information service of the UM church will cease telephone support services on April 1st. They will be available by email at
Kim Benjamin, Lay Leader,, 724-457-0692
Worship Opportunities
“The church With Time for You”
Contemporary Worship Time: 8:45 AM
Sunday, March 21
Sunday School: 9:45 AM
5th Sunday in Lent
Traditional Worship: 10:45 AM
A/V Person: Tracey Canfield
Acolytes: Allison Lenhardt and Rachel Boward
Sunday, March 7
3rd. Sunday in Lent
Liturgist: Donna Sawhill
Communion Sunday
Ushers: Bill Ferguson, Jack Morrow, Pat Leiphart and
A/V Person: Warren Kineer
Diane Lally
Acolytes: Grace Rogansky and Nicholas Schlund
Lectionary Readings
Ushers: Carl and Pat Rudy, Wendy Shepherd and
Isaiah 43: 16-21
Mark Benjamin
Philippians 3:4b-14
Liturgist: Pat Leiphart
John 12: 1-8
Lectionary Readings
Isaiah 55: 1-9
Sunday, March 28
1 Corinthians 10:1-13
Passion/Palm Sunday
Luke 3:1-9
The first day of Holy Week commemorated Jesus’ triumphant entry into
the city of Jerusalem. He was met with a crowd waving palm branches
and laying their garments to make a pathway for their king. Following
the blessing of the palms, the children and youth will join in a processional down the center aisle, of laying down palms to the chancel. The
festive joy of the liturgy of the palms will quickly move into the somber
mood of the liturgy of the passion.
Sunday, March 14
4th Sunday of Lent
One Great Hour of Sharing Special Offering
And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to
love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8 (NIV)
Acolytes: Quinn Boyle and Felicity Moffett
Ushers: Greg Lane, Carole Ford, Roger Thomas and
Join United Methodists everywhere by participating in this
special offering that supports UMCOR’s vital work. Your gifts
to One Great Hour of Sharing lay the foundation for UMCOR
to seek justice and mercy for suffering people everywhere.
Lent is the season of repentance, self-examination, and
awareness of the hurts of the peoples of the world. One Great
Hour of Sharing calls the Church to share the goodness of life
with those who hurt.
Bill Kuriger
Liturgy of the Palms
Luke 19:28-40
Psalm 118: 1-2, 19-29
Liturgy of the Passion
Isaiah 50: 4-9a
Daylight Savings Time Begins
Philippians 2: 5-11
A/V Person: Lou Ann Scott
Luke 22:14-23:56 or Luke 23: 1-49
Acolytes: Grant Lane and Bo Lenhardt
Ushers: Linda Flaherty, John Emmert, Kandace Kramer and
Holy Week Worship Schedule
Jason Herman
Holy Thursday Service @ 7:00 PM at SUMC
Lectionary Readings
Joshua 5: 9-12
Good Friday Service, place to be announced.
Easter Sunrise Service @ 6:30 AM at Sewickley Cemetery
2 Corinthians 5: 16-21
Easter Worship Services @ 8:45 AM (Contemporary) and 10:45
AM at Sewickley (Traditional)
Luke 15: 1-3, 11b-32
United Methodist Church
“Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here to watch his
woods fill up with snow”.
Robert Frost –
SNOW – defined as precipitation within the Earth’s atmosphere in the form of crystalline water ice, consisting of a multitude of snowflakes that fall
from clouds. Well, knowing what it is does not make it any easier to deal with, does it? A few days ago, a woman who lives down the street
stepped onto her front porch and stood there contemplating the thickly-falling snow. She then looked skyward, thrust up her fist and screamed
“Just stop it!” She then went back into her house, no doubt feeling better for having expressed her feelings about the weather.
January 24 – The entire worship service was devoted to the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. Prayers were offered for those who perished and all
who survived.
Proverbs 3:27 advises us “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due when it is in your power to do it”. That thought was in the hearts and
minds of the congregation as we lit candles and came forward to place special offerings to help those in need.
January 31 – The Secret Pal Program began. After filling out a short form, participants brought a small wrapped gift for their secret pal on each of
the four Sundays in February. On Sunday, February 28th, the names of the “pals” were revealed – an innovative way to make new friends and to
enjoy the fellowship of other members.
To honor Black History Month, each of the bulletins in February featured a prominent name among those who have contributed to their ministry.
February 11 – I certainly cannot forget the Turkey Dinner. It was, again, a tremendous success and the turnout was great, in spite of the bad winter weather. The diners were delighted with the food and the camaraderie. I know of no other group of people anywhere who can put together an
event like this except our own Methodists. Everyone works so hard, but it is like a well-tuned machine, with each person knowing his or her job and
making it appear seamless. Once again, great work! Thanks to Pam and Roger for their leadership.
February 14 – Valentine’s Day! I am sure I spotted a few heart-shaped balloons in the sanctuary. Keith Murphy, from Bethany House, gave the
sermon and spoke of “rewards in place of awards”. After the worship service, a luncheon, with cake and ice cream, was held in the Simpson Room
to honor John Emmert on his 65th birthday. The room filled up quickly with those who wanted to honor John (and to dig into all the delicious food).
February 17th – Following our Ash Wednesday tradition, a dinner to commemorate the beginning of Lent was held in collaboration with the AME
Zion Church in their fellowship room. Each of the following Lenten Dinners between now and Easter will be hosted by a different Church committee.
Kris and Mike Swaney recently returned from a cruise in South America. We’re glad to see them back and to hear they had a wonderful time.
See you next month -
3/1 Bob Yant, 3/3 Meg Mayo, Bill Ferguson and Andrew Sacco, 3/4 Tonya Bollman, 3/6 Justin Vickery,3/7 Sara Boward 3/8 Jalen
Foster, 3/9 Doug Resler, 3/11 Luca Peluso,3/13 Jason Herman, 3/15 Tom Barwell, 3/23 Sebastian Cymbalak, 3/24 Steve
Grossarth and 3/27 Savannah and Ciara Resler and Brittany Hetzell.
Happy Birthday to One and All!
M i n i s t ry a n d F e l l ow s h i p
Our March Salad Luncheon is Thursday, March 4th. Please have your salad donations at the church no later than
10:30 am the morning of the 4th. Thank you for helping make these Salad Buffet Luncheons such a success with
your donations.
The Grange will have a pancake and buckwheat cake breakfast every second and fourth Saturday during the months
of January, February, March and April. Breakfast is served from 7:00 am—11:00 am. Menu will also include sausage,
coffee and juice. Adults are $5.00 and Kids under 10 are $2.00
UMC Summer Camps
Seems too early to be thinking about summer camps, but some of them fill up fast!
Our Nurture Committee has raised money to help cover the costs of camp. There will hopefully be
$100 or more available per child, depending on how many attend.
The websites for Camp Allegheny, Wesley Woods, and Jumonville have the schedules, age ranges,
costs, and more information on financial aid. You can register online or through the mail. Also, you
can contact the camping registrar at 800-886-3382, ext. 232 or Please see
Kim Benjamin for a form for the kids to fill out to apply for the stipend or a camp registration form.
Lenten Dinner Series March 2010
March 7—Lenten Dinner—Bola and Willie Nicholson
Save the date! Second Annual SUMC
Street Carnival will be Saturday, July 24,
2010. Rain Date: Saturday, July 31, 2010
Africa Night
Host: Liturgist—Hot Dog Buffet
Coordinator: Diane Lally
Dinner starts at 5:00 pm and Program at 6:00 pm
March 14—Honduras Mission Team
Host: Trustees—Beef Ziti Casserole
Coordinators: Pat and Bill Ferguson
Dinner starts at 5:00 pm and Program at 6:00 pm
March 21—Bible Bowl—Youth and Adult Sunday School
Host: Music Ministry—Sloppy Joes
Coordinators: Kim and Mark Benjamin
Our Church is very busy,
which means so is the
building! If you would like
to reserve our facilities for an
event, meeting or outside
group, please remember to
stop by the office and fill out
a “Facilities Request or Reservation Form”. They are the pretty green forms
located in the inbox marked “Facilities Request
Form” After the form is filled out, it will need to
be approved by the Trustees and then your event,
meeting, or outside group will be put on the calendar. The office will notify you that your request
has been approved. Thanks The Church Office
Dinner starts at 5:00 pm and Program at 6:00 pm
March 28—Love Feast—Pastor Russel
There is a need for a team of people who are willing
to download hymns (and other items) on the laptop
and operate the computer at the 10:45 A.M. Traditional Worship Service so that the hymns may be
projected on the screens. We are looking for a team
of at least four people so that each volunteer will be responsible for
one Sunday a month. If you are willing to be a part of this muchneeded ministry, please contact the pastor.
Coordinators: Nancy Shuluga and Willie and Bola Nicholson
Dinner starts at 5:00 pm and Program at 6:00 pm
March 1, 2010: in the Parlor, we will be discussing the book “The Red Tent” by Anita
Diamant. This is a fictionalized account of the
life of Dinah, the daughter of Jacob. An interesting take on the biblical accounts of Jacob
and his twelve sons!
Please mark your calendars for our Annual
Church Picnic on June 6th. We will be
updating the picnic plans in the next few
issues of the Church’s newsletter.
On April 5, 2010 we will meet at the home of Donna Bell (please
RSVP to Donna so she knows how many people will be coming!)
We will be discussing “The Glass Castle” by Jeanette Walls. This
is a wrenching and powerful memoir about a family and their
unique parenting styles.
Don’t Forget Liturgist Breakfast Meeting is
scheduled for Saturday, March 27th at 8:30 am.
May 18, 2010: in the Parlor
We will be taking a look at the classic “To Kill a Mockingbird” by
Harper Lee. If you need a copy of this one, please let Maggie know
– we can borrow them from the high school! A well told story of life
in Alabama in the 1930s – a coming of age tale set against the
backdrop of the Jim Crow South. All book club meetings will start
at 7 pm.
Children’s Church – a Big Thank You to all those
who have been leading our children in weekly Children’s Church. We are now signing up volunteers
for April through June. Please consider participating in this important ministry. Contact Maggie (412749-0994 or if you
are able to sign up for a day.
Amnesty International: Letters for AI cases can be found in the
Simpson Room. Please include a prisoner of conscience in your
letter writing – you can take a form letter and sign and send it, OR
use that letter as a guide to write your own. There are currently
letters on behalf of Sing Chanthakoummane, a prisoner in Laos, as
well as petitions to PA Congress concerning House Bill 1996 and
Senate Bill 1110, both of which concern application of the death
penalty in Pennsylvania. Any questions? See Maggie Wilkinson!
BUNKO IS BACK Save the date of April 24th,
for BUNKO. Anyone wishing to contribute an
auction basket, round prize or would like to bring
a snack, please contact Alisa Lenhardt at or call 412-741-6200.
The SUMC Relay for Life team will be hosting a
fundraiser lasagna dinner on March 6, 2010. Cost
is $8 for adults and $4 for children. See Lou Ann
Scott for tickets. Aimee Scott is SUMC’s Relay For
Life team leader. If you are interested in being on the team and
walking in the relay, please let Aimee (724-630-9034) or Lou Ann
Scott know. Also, if you can make a pan or two of lasagna and/or
brownies for the dinner, please let Aimee or Lou Ann know.
Seeking Members of Class 2010—As of this time we have only two
college graduates for 2010, they are Brianna Wilkinson and Thomas
O’Donnell. We also have two High School graduates, Amanda Yant
and Brianna Pflugh. If your student is part of the Class of 2010,
please tell the church office or a member of the library committee.
Thank You.
Lunch with the Easter Bunny
The Youth would like to invite the congregation to
lunch with the Easter Bunny, Sunday, March 28, 2010
(Palm Sunday) after our traditional service. A love
offering will be collected and proceeds will go to the
Youth’s Retreat. Come one, come all and enjoy a
kid friendly meal and get your picture taken with the
Easter Bunny. All guests can sign up on the sheet in
the back of the sanctuary.
As an Easter Mission Project, the
Outreach Committee will be collecting
NEW underwear for the children of
Bethany House from March 7th
through March 28th. We need a wide
range of types and sizes to fit boys
and girls ranging from infants to teenagers. You can bring your donation to the church office or place in
the designated basket in the sanctuary. Contact Barb Bower, or any
member of the Outreach Committee, if you have questions.
U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t Wo m e n
We will hold our March meeting on Sunday, the 14th, following the regular worship service. A light
lunch will be served. We plan to have a service project assembling kits for UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief). Look for details in the Sunday bulletins prior to our meeting.
Now that the Turkey dinner is over, rummage sale items may be placed in the potato room in the
church basement. The Rummage Sale will be May 7 & 8.
The Pittsburgh District UMW will hold a Mission Study Day on Saturday, March 20 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at First Bethel
United Methodist Church in Bethel Park. The study leader is Linda Kurtz Beher, who is the author of the 2009-2010 mission study
book, “The Beauty and Courage of Sudan: Why a Dream of Peace is Possible.” The cost is $8.00,which includes lunch, and the
deadline for reservations is March 15. Contact Gerry Czado at 412-901-9798 for further information.
World Day of Prayer—A global, ecumenical movement of INFORMED PRAYER and PRAYERFUL ACTION
will be held at Triumph Baptist Church in Sewickley on March 5 at 1:00 pm. For this event we will need 3 dozen
cookies and 3 dozen little sandwiches. If you can make this donation, please contact Sylvia Basjec at 724-2663169.
Focus this year is Cameroon and the saying is “Let everything that has breath praise God”. The women of
Cameroon tell us, "In the Cameroonian context, people praise God even in and especially during difficult
times in their lives. This is because ,generally, we consider life to be God’s greatest gift to us. As long as one
has breath, there is hope. So we sing in the hope that things will be better."
In this statement, we become aware of the inseparable connection and creative interplay between two key
words of the theme: breath and praise. While the mechanisms will vary among all the species that inhabit the
earth, nonetheless, everything that is alive breathes.
Mostly we do not notice our breathing until we have difficulties. Then we say, “I need to catch my
breath.” When we sing, we use our breath to make music. When we are in acute pain, we cry out. Whatever
sound we make, it is linked to our breath, to our very life, which is a gift from God. In English, the word praise
has its root in the verb to prize, to value. Our sisters from Cameroon remind us that with every breath we
renew the gift of life, and for this we praise God. For more information about a World Day of Prayer service
near you, please contact your National Committee.
Shut In List
Please….Write our Shut Ins and Keep them
in your prayers:
Grace Scott
Bette Sechler
Nancy Taylor
Margaret Schwoegel
Gil Anderson
Jim Phipps
Dorothy Wachtel
Lois Churchill
Anne Phipps
Helen Lent
Ed Gleason
Mel Gittens
Francis Kowzyha
Viola McCoy
Pat Bridgen
Bob Wright
If you would like to send a card to any of the
people listed above, contact the church office
at 412-741-9430 for their address.
Grace Steup
Marjorie Wright
district news
Pittsburgh District United Methodist Men’s Annual Bowlathon will be held Saturday, March 13th, at 2:30 pm at Pine Plaza Lane
and Sunday, March 14th, at 1:45 pm at AMF Mt. Lebanon.
The Bowlathon is designed to raise funds for your church and Pittsburgh District agencies and camperships through bowlers securing
sponsors. This is a WIN for your church or its groups, as 25 percent of your sponsorship moneys stay with your church. A WIN for
three church camps, twelve campers can have $100.00 towards costs of camp, eight agencies,
Meals for Millions and the Western PA UMM conference, all of whom will benefit from these sponsorships. Cost is $10.00 per Bowler, which includes 3 games of bowling and shoe rental.
2010 Spring Sessions District Lay Speaking Ministries—Sundays, March 7, 21 and
April 11 at South Ave. UMC, 733 South Ave. Wilkinsburg. You can register through the
Pittsburgh District Office at 412-281-7152 and the cost to attend is $15.00.
College Connection
Please send cards of encouragement, gifts, or gift cards to: Gretchen Lally
Birthday: October 22, 1988
Age: 21
Year at University:
Junior at Villanova University in Philadelphia
International Business
Gretchen Lally
Villanova University
250 Springmill Road
Villanova, PA 19085
Email Address:
Gum: Any Sugarless
Candy: Dark chocolate
Color: Orange
Candle Scent: Vanilla
Place to Shop: Target or Starbucks
h e a lt h A N D W E L L N E S S M I N I S T RY
Upcoming Events with the Health and Wellness Ministry
Understanding the Mechanics of Sitting has been rescheduled for March 15th.
Regardless of if you sit at your job or not, this lecture is for you. Please join us to
learn more about the basic mechanics of sitting and how to slouch/sit properly while
protecting your back. Let me know if you will attend via email to or sign the sheet in the back of the church.
Line Dancing will be on March 22nd. Come and join us for fun, laughter and
exercise (doesn’t feel like it) as we dance our way to health. Dance experience
not needed, just a willingness to have fun!
Lenten Retreat of Renewal, Saturday, March 13, 2010 This is a day of renewal that each one of
us should experience. We will spend the day at the Sewickley Heights Borough Building, nestled in
the woods of Sewickley Heights Park. This program is designed for any age and fitness level. Cost
will be $30/person.
Schedule for the Day—
9:30-10:00am– Welcome and opening prayer
10:00-12:00noon- Yoga and TaiChi sampler
12:00-12:45- Healthy Pot Luck Luncheon
12:45-2:45- Labyrinth Walk ( to learn more, visit the website
2:45-3:30- Prayer Circle/Meditation/Closing
Extended Session for Couples
3:30-4:30- Marriage Encounter Moment
Please sign up early on the sheet in the back of sanctuary or speak to Sandra Lane.
T h a n k yo u f ro m m e m b e r s a n d F r i e n d s
Turkey Dinner Thanks
Dear SUMC Youth Members,
Thanks for making the 62nd Annual Sewickley United Methodist Church Turkey
Dinner a success! Your providing service in setting up the tables was very much appreciated, and it helped us to once
again allow our patrons to enjoy the best community feast in the Quaker Valley!
Your gift of service was a wonderful way to support the Sewickley U.M. Church and our efforts to
make a positive impact on the community through hospitality. We are personally grateful for the care and attention
with which you approached your responsibilities and for the positive attitude and pleasant demeanor you displayed
throughout the whole project. You certainly helped make the experience fun for all of us!
Thank you for making a wonderful tradition even more enjoyable and for being a valuable part of the
S.U.M.C. Team!
Sincerely Yours, Roger and Pam
Dear Members and Supporters of the Sewickley United Methodist Church,
On behalf of all 22 team leaders of the 62nd Annual S.U.M.C. Turkey Dinner Committee, we
thank all of our fellow members and supportive friends who worked to bring our wonderful community tradition to fruition again this year. More than 83 individuals helped prepare and serve the February 11th dinner and many more acted as ambassadors for the event, providing support as boosters and
ticket sellers. And, of course, we cannot forget our patrons! We sold all of our tickets by Thursday
morning, notwithstanding the record snow and downed power lines – 600 tickets to members, friends
and fellow citizens! We certainly appreciate the support that such a volume of diners brings and the
great fellowship that results!
We plan to bring our 63rd S.U.M.C. Annual Turkey Dinner to the community again next year
and look forward to working with you all once more.
Pam & Roger Wright, Co-Chairs
Dear Congregation Members:
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generosity to Pittsburgh Seminary.
Your recent gift of $500 toward the Annual Fund to support Student Aid is very much appreciated.
Thanks to your support, we are able to offer our students increased scholarships, maintain our
outstanding library collections, provide significant Continuing Education programs and encourage religious scholarship. Our important work of training men and women for careers in ministry would not
be possible without your partnership.
I appreciate your encouragement and support. God bless you in all your endeavors.
Gratefully yours, William J. Carl III (Pittsburgh Theological Seminary)
(Continued on page 12)
Thank You for all of the birthday cards and for coming to my 65th birthday
John Emmert
T h a n k Yo u ( c o n t i n u e d )
Dear Friends,
This letter is to acknowledge your contribution to the Bethany House Academy. The check in
the amount of $180.00, dated January 17, 2010, was received and recorded at the United Methodist
Church Union office on January 24, 2010 and deposited in the Bethany House Academy Operating Account.
The role of the Bethany House Academy as a respected community service provider is to provide children and youth with healthy, productive, and positive choices. This gift will enable us to provide education enhancements for the children and youth and also provide employment opportunities
for adults and youth from the neighborhood.
On behalf of Keith Murphy, Executive Director, Don Kirk, Chair and the other members of the
Bethany House Academy Board of Directors, and the United Methodist Church Union, our sincere
thanks for this wonderful expression of generosity.
Gratefully, Larry P. Homitsky President
Thank you to the Boy Scouts and Scouters who participated in the Candle Ceremony at the February
Worship Service. The Boy Scout program is all about each boy who enters the program that grows up
to be a good citizen, a good neighbor and a responsible individual that we can depend upon at any time.
We thank the adults who came forward for the ceremony; they are the leaders that helped the boys
to grow. It was once said; “It takes a community to raise a child,” this has been true in the Scouts for the
last 100 years.
Our Scout Oath and Scout Law have survived the test of time and still are the guidelines of every Scout.
The Scout Oath instills the ideals of duty to God and country, duty to other people and duty to oneself.
A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave,
clean and reverent. This law has been my guide from my youth throughout my adult life and has never let
me down.
We thank God for the Boy Scouts of America, so we can continue to build good men and women for
our future.
Submitted by,
Warren R. Kinneer
Thank you so much for the many cards, gifts, and greeting for my birthday. I am
blessed in so many ways because of the gift of you. Pastor Russel
P r ay e r L i s t
Jackie’s Family
Tyler and Darcy Sharpless
Jolee Boarder
Kathy Johnson
Marianne Schaefer
Todd Johnson
Grace Scott
George Bell
Joseph Family
Linda S
Family of Greg and Elise Boros
Anne Kaliden
Elizabeth S
Chris Bloom
Family of Ray Kellar
Family of Callie Sullenberger
Jean Blue
Louis Kifer
Ellen Thompson
William John Brenneisen
Lynn Kohlemyer
Michelle Thippert
Kelly Crowley
Frannie Kowzyha
Dorothy Wachtel
Dan and Beth
Beth Kriever
Hariette Kosie Williams
Joy Faas
Onna White
Myrna Fuster
Alice Lindsey and Family
Robert Wright
John Gardom
Little Tarl
Barry Yant
Edward Gleason
Sara McCullough
The Middle East Conflict
Andrew Gills
Sharon McNamara
Carol Gilmore
Jennifer McCloskey
Claudia Grogan
Viola McCoy
Bethany Grubb
Candy Boward Grudovich
Dee Minnemeyer
Shirley Guerrie
Family of Doug Mouzon
Gourdet Family
Donal Harbrism
Zachary Pappert
Eddie Harden
Anne Phipps
Bradley Harden
Jim Phipps
Darlene Hargenrader
Pamphile Family
Lil Harper
Helen Rice
Ethan Henry
Tom Savulchak
Michelle Hippert
Gary Schick
Courtney Hollingsworth
Ben Schlund
Jessica Houser
Jack Schubert
Rebecca Houser
Packy Scimio
Friends and Family Serving in Harms
Way: Nathan Dickey, Dustin Jones,
Bobby Vigne.
Names will stay on the prayer list for two
weeks, unless otherwise noted to the
church secretary.
E a s t e r F l ow e r O r d e r F o r m
Easter Flowers Order Form 2010
Orders Due by Sunday, March 21, 2010
Please mail to: SUMC, 337 Broad St., Sewickley PA 15143
Mail with payment.
Name: _________________________________________________________________________Phone Number: ________________________
Cash Amount: _______ or Check # _________ Total Amount Enclosed: _____________
Indicate below what type of plant you will order:
6 1/2” Pot Mum @ $ 8.00 ea.
Colors: Yellow White Purple
# of Plants: ________
6 1/2” Pot Easter Lilies @ $10.00 ea.
Color: White—1 stem, 3 blooms & up
# of Plants: ________
6 1/2” Pot Hyacinths @ $9.00 ea.
Colors: White Pink Blue
# of Plants: ________
6 1/2” Pot Tulips @ $9.00 ea.
Colors: Assorted Colors
# of Plants: ________
Dedications will be printed in the Easter Sunday’s Bulletin and May Newsletter.
In Honor of: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
In Memory of:__________________________________________________________________________________________
Given by: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
In Honor of: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
In Memory of:__________________________________________________________________________________________
Given by: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
In Honor of: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
In Memory of:__________________________________________________________________________________________
Given by: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Do you wish to keep plant (s)? Yes
If you do not wish to keep the plant, we will give it to a person on our Shut In list. . If you would like to give the plant to a particular shut-In, please
list his/her name here. _____________________________________________________________________________
M a rc h 2 0 1 0
Worship 8:45 am
Book Club Meeting
Youth Group, 7pm
@ 7:00 pm
AA , 8 pm
Luncheon @ 11
Youth Lock In
Sunday School @
9:45 am
Bible Study
9:30 am
Bible Study
7:00 pm
Rehearsal, 6:00 pm
NOW Chair Mtg @
9:30 am
Bible Study
9:30 am
Bible Study
7:00 pm
Rehearsal 6:00 pm
Bible Study
9:30 am
Bible Study
7:00 pm
Rehearsal 6:00 pm
Bible Study
9:30 am
Bible Study
7:00 pm
Traditional Worship
10:45 am
Confirmation Class
9:45 am
Lenten Dinner, 5 pm
Lenten Program, 6pm
Trustee @ 6:30 p
Youth Group 7pm
Finance @ 7:00 p
AA 8 pm
Council @ 8:00 p
Daylight Savings Time
UMW Meeting @ Noon
Confirmation Class
9:45 am
Lenten Dinner, 5 pm
Lenten Program,6pm
Girl Scout Meeting
Youth Group 7pm
Confirmation Class
9:45 am
Lenten Dinner, 5 pm
Lenten Program, 6pm
Confirmation Class
9:45 am
Lenten Dinner, 5 pm
Lenten Program, 6pm
AA 8 pm
H & W Lecture @
Youth Group 7pm
AA 8 pm
Youth Group 7pm
AA 8 pm
Bible Study
9:30 am
Bible Study
7:00 pm
Rehearsal 6:00 pm
8:00 pm—8:00 am
Lasagna for Life
Dinner, 6:00 pm
Mah Jongg Lunch
Hand Bells 6:15
Children's’ 6:30
Chancel 7:30
Congregate Feeding 11:00 am
HB @ 6:15
H & W Retreat
Offsite @ 9:30 am
WPA History and
Archives Meeting @
10:00 am
Children's @ 6:30
CC @ 7:30
HB @ 6:15
Children's @ 6:30
CC @ 7:30
HB @ 6:15
Children's @ 6:30
CC @ 7:30
Cadette Troop Mtg
11:00 am
Liturgist Breakfast
8:30 am
Sewickley United Methodist Church
Broad and Thorn
Sewickley, PA 15143
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Sewickley , PA
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Sewickley United Methodist Church
Broad and Thorn
Sewickley, PA 15143
Phone: 412-741-9430
Sewickley United Methodist Church is a faith
community that meets in the building with the clock tower,
which stands at the entrance to the village.
Our motto is: “The Church with Time for You.”
In a world that knows hostility, we give time for
hospitality, community, and fellowship.
In a world that knows aimless searching, we give time
for spiritual development.
In a world that knows idols, we give time to creatively
worship the God of love.
In a world that knows ignorance, we give time to hear and
learn the biblical story.
In this world God loves, we seek to be followers of Jesus, the
one who gave His life to demonstrate trust, hope, and love.
We’re on the Web
As we use the gift of time to meet on Sundays for education
and worship, we invite you to meet with a community that gathers
under the clock to pay attention to the One whose love is ever timeless.
Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.
Contemporary Worship 8:45 a.m.
Worship: 10:45 a.m.
Worship: 9:45 a. m. (Summer)