Nuns Appreciation Day 2014
Nuns Appreciation Day 2014
September 2014 Nuns Appreciation Day 2014 A Mission In Service to Vocations 1 CALENDAR President’s Message I met with John Liston, President of Serra International, when I went to Chicago recently, and in speaking with him I was impressed with his commitment to healing the differences between Serra International and Serra USA Council. John comes from a large family, and told me when they got together there would be more than forty people present. This many members of one family in one location can lead to friction, so he started to learn diplomacy and negotiation at a young age. John Liston graduated from the University of South Carolina, Cum Laude, with a Triple Major in International Business, Human Resource Management, and Entrepreneurship. He then attended Loyola University Chicago, School of Law, where he was on the ABA Negotiation Team and even went to National Semi Finalist in 2011. John has been working with Serra International since 2008 and held a number of positions including planning, marketing and execution of Serra International Conventions. During our conversation, I was impressed with his ideas concerning the future of Serra, and what has been accomplished since USAC and SI have consolidated their offices. One thing they have managed to do was reduce administrative expenses, control discretionary spending by the board and reduce IT expenses. Traveling to Europe, Malaysia and Brazil and throughout the United States, gives him a broad view of the strengths and needs of Serra USA and Serra International. My personal opinion after meeting with him is that he is the type of President Serra needs to move forward. If you get the chance to go the Wichita Regional Conference, October 10 through 12, 2014, you may meet him as he plans to attend. Al Tikwart Jr. President September 10 Regular meeting, Hilton Garden Inn, speaker: John Lusero – Life of Junipero Serra 16 Board Meeting Holy Cross Church – Room #2 at 9:00 AM 24 Regular meeting, Hilton Garden Inn, speaker: Nancy Gibson – District Governor October 8 Regular meeting, Hilton Garden Inn, speaker: Fr. Scott Wallisch – Vocational Director 22 Regular meeting, Hilton Garden Inn, speaker: Abbot Barnabas 26 Priesthood Sunday November 2-8 12 26 National Vocation Awareness Week Memorial Mass – Milburn Country Club Regular meeting, Hilton Garden Inn, speaker: Fr. Daniel Schmitz December 10 Regular meeting, Hilton Garden Inn, speaker: Archbishop Naumann 29 Seminarian/ Parent Mass and Luncheon – Ascension Parish 10:30 A.M. Mass and luncheon A Mission In Service to Vocations 2 Photos by Robert Luchi & Jim Wendling A Mission In Service to Vocations 3 Nuns Appreciation Day By Gene Schreiner A “THANK YOU” to the Serrans and their wives who made possible this special day, dedicated to the Sisters of the Kansas City Metro area. Planning for this event began February 6th where we identified potential team leaders and planned for the new venue location – St. Patrick’s. Since this historically has been a Serra Club of Kansas City in KS event, they took the lead. The team leads and some of their responsibilities were: Gene Schreiner -coordinated this event, sent the Sisters invitations and as Club Treasurer handled deposits and expenses. Lee Crutchfield – Registrar: Lee recorded a ton of information as the 210 Sisters, 53 Serrans along with 39 spouses sent payment for their meals and made donations. He also tracked donation information from businesses and non-Serran contributors. Jim Burns – Check-in Team. Led a team of over 10 Serrans to quickly and accurately check-in the sisters, Serrans and spouses. With Jim’s “Check-in Procedure” each Sister had her name tag and gift within a minute. John Gower – Lead the Drink Team. John has coordinated purchasing, hauling and staffing the bar for all our Kansas City KS Serra Club events for a number of years. He and his team always make the event more fun. This is John’s last event and whoever takes his place has some big glasses to fill. Ken Cosini – Lead the BINGO Team with John Spaniol calling BINGO. No real Catholic social event would be complete without BINGO. Merlyn Albaugh, who usually calls Bingo could not be with us due to his wife’s medical problems. After the BINGO games, Archbishop Naumann lead a short service; with the help of the Little Sisters of the Lamb who sang some beautiful hymns. Larry Volz – Leader of multiple teams: Led the Donations team, was also responsible for getting Stack" Barbecue. Thanks to Jack Stack for supplying dinner at a special price ” Jack Nora Volz – Kitchen Coordinator. Nora made the kitchen run smoothly with the help of the Serran Spouses who volunteered to keep the desserts coming (which were made and donated) and keeping the coffee cups and iced tea glasses full. Carl Gurera – Facilities Coordinator. Since this was the first year at St. Patrick's’ Parish Center; Carl had a big job orientating us to a new venue. A bigger venue was needed since more Sisters are attending and Serrans from all of KC Metro Clubs are now encouraged to participate. Robert Luchi – Photographer Lead. Dr. Luchi, assisted by, Dick Shaw, and Jim Wendling are responsible for the photos which can be seen on our website, and in our newsletter. Frank Schuchardt – Communications Lead. Frank created the brochures, promoted the event in the newsletter and provided word processing skills when needed. (Continued on page 8) A Mission In Service to Vocations 4 Serra News Holy Spirit has started “First Friday Adoration” On the first Friday of each month starting from 11:00 A.M. until 12:00 P.M Holy Spirit will be holding a Holy Hour for vocations. It starts with a procession of the Holy Sacrament, Divine Mercy Chaplet (you will be given a card with all the prayers), private adoration, a prayer of Benediction. Then Eucharist Blessing, divine praises and finally a closing Hymn. It would be nice if Serra Club of KC in KS made a showing. A Trip to Mundelein is coming up October 30—31. If you want to sign up please get in touch with Bill Myers for details. Adopt a Seminarian Program A new list of Seminarians will be coming out this month, so we are asking our members to adopt a Seminarian. Those who have adopted in the past found it to be an uplifting experience and enjoyed writing and even getting together with the Seminarian they adopted when in the same place. Give it a try, make a new friend. A Mission In Service to Vocations 5 MASS AND DINNER IN MEMORY OF DECEASED SERRANS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 Place: Milburn Country Club 7501 West 69th Street Overland Park, KS. Arrival: 5:00 PM Mass: 5:30 PM Social Period: 6:15 PM (cash bar) Dinner: 7:15 PM Cost: $37.50 per person Menu: Mixed Green Garden Salad with Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Black Olives and Red Peppers, served with Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing Rolls and Butter Twice Baked Potato and Broccoli with Carrots Dessert: Vanilla Ice Cream with Chocolate Sauce, Whipped Cream and a Cookie Entrée (choice of one per person): Chicken Marsala OR Filet of Tipalia --------------------------cut and mail-------------------------------------------------------------------------Please mail this reservation along with your check payable to Serra Club of KCK (Widows of Deceased Serrans are guests of the Club) Mail to: Tom Waris, 4961 W. 132nd Terrace, Leawood, Ks. 66209 Please print the names of those attending: 1.__________________________________2._______________________________ Check one: Chicken Marsala OR ______ Check one: Chicken Marsala OR ______ Filet of Tilapia ______ Filet of Tilapia ______ No. of Reservations ________at $37.50 per person = Total Check $__________ (RESERVATION DEADLINE, NOVEMBER 7, 2014) A Mission In Service to Vocations 6 Please keep the following people and their families in your prayers Lyette Schuchardt – wife of Frank Royce Bounds Bud Schaefer Al Bukaty Dr. Jim Pretz Roger Meador Ralph Richardson Bill Myers Phil Jensen Dave Boone Mary Lou Albaugh – Wife of Merlyn Father Mike Scully, O.F.M. Capuchin Dave Setter Joe Scaletty - deceased brother of Paul Scaletty Pam Molnar – mother of late seminarian Matty Molnar Jo Anne Skip - wife of deceased Serran Skip Priest and Seminarians Birthdays Rev. Thomas Rev. Michael Rev. Francis Rev. Dennis Rev. Edward Kearns Zoellner. OSB Horvat Wait Hays September September September September September 5 6 7 7 8 1934 1949 1932 1946 1931 Rev. Rev. Rev. Bro. Rev. John Mark Raymond Timothy Matthew Cordes Mertes May McMillian Francis September September September September September 17 18 18 19 21 1950 1956 1965 1988 1962 Rev. Brian Rev. Blaine Rev. Robert Rev. Duane Klingele Schultz, OSB Hasenkamp Reinert, OFM Cap. September September September September 13 17 17 17 1975 1933 1937 1949 Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Roderic Richard George Kenneth Giller, OSB McDonald Klasinski Kelly September September September September 26 26 30 1 1934 1960 1925 1953 Wheeler Alba September September 8 1994 27 1981 Seminarians Adam Keith Wilczak Chadwick September September 6 1983 8 1993 Dean Gerard 7 A Mission In Service to Vocations (Continued from page 4) There were many other Serrans and their spouses who worked on the teams. We only have room to name the leads but give our thanks to all the unidentified helpers. Each year we want to make this event better. With the help and donations that come from the other KC Metro Clubs, this has been our biggest year so far. So thanks to all of the Kansas City Serrans and their Spouses. Block out Sunday August 16, 2015 on your calendar and plan to attend the 2015 “Religious Sisters Appreciation Day”. The clubs and Serrans helped with making this event a fun day for the sisters. *Archdiocese of Kansas City, KS Serra Club of Kansas City in KS – Host and Lead Serra Club of Johnson County, KS Serra Club of Atchison, KS *Diocese of Kansas City/St. Joseph Serra Club of Kansas City, MO Serra Club of Southeast Kansas City, MO Frank Schuchardt 9705 Benson Street Overland Park, KS 66212-4035 8 A Mission In Service to Vocations
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