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MN 55904-3710
Olmsted County Attorney Mark Ostrem announces that a complaint has been filed in
Olmsted County District Court charging Steven Mark Zelich, age 54, of West Allis,
Wisconsin, with counts of murder in the first degree, intentional murder in the second
degree and unintentional murder in the second degree while committing a felony
The charges stem from the discovery of two female bodies in suitcases along a rural
Wisconsin road on June 6, 2014. The ensuing investigation by law enforcement from
multiple agencies in Wisconsin and Minnesota with assistance of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation identified one of the females as Laura Jean Simonson, age 37, who had
been reported missing out of Lakeville, Minnesota in November 2013. The other female
was identified as Jenny M. Gamez, age 19, from Oregon. The evidence developed
during the investigation indicated that Laura Simonson was killed in a hotel in
Rochester, Minnesota on November for 2,2014.
Zelich is currently in custody in Wisconsin having been charged by complaint in
Walworth County, Wisconsin, with two counts of Hiding a Corpse and in Kenosha
County, Wisconsin, with counts of First Degree Intentional Homicide and Hiding a
Zelich is pending trial in Kenosha County scheduled to begin January 25, 2016 and is
not expected to appear in Olmsted County District Court until the resolution of the
criminal proceedings in Wisconsin.
State of Minnesota
County of Olmsted
District Court
3rd Judicial District
Prosecutor File No.
Court File No.
State of Minnesota,
8011 W. Lincoln Ave #1
West Allis, WI 53219
The Complainant submits this complaint to the Court and states that there is probable cause to believe
Defendant committed the following offense(s):
Charge: Murder -1st Degree - Premeditated
Minnesota Statute: 609.185(a)(1), with reference to: 609.185
Maximum Sentence: Life Imprisonment
Offense Level: Felony
Offense Date (on or about): 11/03/2013
Control #(ICR#): 14027144
Charge Description: On or about November 2 or 3, 2013, within the County of Olmsted, Steven Mark
Zelich did wrongfully, unlawfully and feloniously cause the death of a human being, to-wit: Laura Jean
Simonson, with premeditation and with intent to effect the death of the person or another.
Charge: Murder - 2nd Degree - With Intent-Not Premeditated
Minnesota Statute: 609.19.1(1), with reference to: 609.19.1(1)
Maximum Sentence: 40 years in prison
Offense Level: Felony
Offense Date (on or about): 11/03/2013
Control #(ICR#): 14027144
Charge Description: On or about November 2 or 3, 2013, within the County of Olmsted, Steven Mark
Zelich did wrongfully, unlawfully and feloniously causes the death of a human being, to-wit: Laura Jean
Simonson with intent to effect the death of that person or another, but without premeditation.
Charge: Murder - 2nd Degree - Without Intent - While Committing a Felony
Minnesota Statute: 609.19.2(1), with reference to: 609.19.2(1)
Maximum Sentence: 40 years in prison
Offense Level: Felony
Offense Date (on or about): 11/03/2013
Control #(ICR#): 14027144
Charge Description: On or about November 2 or 3, 2013, within the County of Olmsted, Steven Mark
Zelich did wrongfully, unlawfully and feloniously cause the death of a human being, to-wit: Laura Jean
Simonson, without intent to effect the death of any person, while committing or attempting to commit a
felony offense other than criminal sexual conduct in the first or second degree with force or violence or a
drive-by shooting.
The Complainant states that the following facts establish probable cause:
Your complainant is a licensed peace officer employed by the Rochester Police Department. In that
capacity your Complainant has reviewed the police reports relating to Steven Mark Zelich, the abovenamed defendant, and the allegations contained therein. Based upon that information, your complainant
believes the following to be true and correct. On November 22, 2013 Laura Jean Simonson, DOB 03/29/1976, was reported as a missing person by
her sister in Farmington, MN. Laura Simonson had not been seen since November 2, 2013. Detective Sgt.
Hollatz, Farmington Police Department, worked on the missing person investigation of Laura Simonson.
During the course of the investigation, Det. Sgt. Hollatz learned that Laura Simonson was involved in the
BDSM lifestyle. Det. Sgt. Hollatz sent out a Minnesota Bureau Criminal Apprehension (BCA) Crime Alert
regarding Laura Simonson's disappearance. On November 29, 2013, Farmington police learned from an employee at the Microtel Hotel in Rochester,
Olmsted County, MN that they received the BCA Crime Alert about Laura Simonson and had checked their
hotel records and saw that Laura Simonson had rented a room in her name at their hotel on November 2,
2014. The hotel advised that Laura Simonson and an unknown white male checked into the Microtel at
12:17pm on November 2, 2013. The room was paid for in cash. The room registration listed a 2012 Ford
Escape with License Plate # 814-SYZ. This vehicle registration was not on file in Minnesota and a check
was later done on all states and that license plate did not come back on file anywhere. On November 3,
2013, the unknown white male came to the front desk alone and checked out of the room. Hotel personnel
did not see Simonson at any time on Sunday. Det. Sgt. Hollatz learned during his investigation from a friend of Laura Simonson's that Laura Simonson
had been chatting on line through her email address of with an email address of The friend provided Det. Sgt. Hollatz information he found online that appeared to be an email address belonging to Steven Zelich from Milwaukee,
WI. Det. Sgt. Hollatz investigated further and learned that that email address was associated with Steven
Mark Zelich, DOB 10/29/1961, from 8011 West Lincoln Avenue #1 in West Allis, WI. West Allis is a suburb
of Milwaukee. It was determined that there were numerous chat conversations between Laura Simonson and Zelich in
September and October 2013. Laura Simonson indicated she wanted to be a slave and Zelich indicated
that he was a slave master looking for a slave. The chat conversation between Laura Simonson and Zelich
were consistent with BDSM. The chat string included conversations about Zelich picking up Laura
Simonson on November 2, 2013 at 11:00am at Akin Elementary School in Farmington, MN. Akin
Elementary is approximately 3-4 blocks from Laura Simonson's mother's residence where Laura
Simonson had left her van. From the online conversations Zelich had instructed Laura Simonson not to bring much property as she
would not need much. Zelich gave Laura Simonson a list of things he wanted her to do before he would
meet with her. Zelich told Laura Simonson to liquidate her property including two vans. Zelich told Laura
Simonson to sell her belongings, drop them in donation boxes or to put them in the trash. Laura Simonson
told Zelich she was having difficulty liquidating her vans and she offered to drive her van to his location and
scrap it there. Zelich told her that he did not want the van at his location and continued, “No need for the van
to be anywhere around here.” Zelich told Laura Simonson that if she could not sell the van that she should
scrap it for cash. Zelich also told Laura Simonson not to renew her driver’s license because she would
have no need for it and not to pay a ticket she had gotten telling her there was no need to take care of it. Zelich also told Laura Simonson to close her Facebook account and other on-line accounts including her account. At one point Laura Simonson asked Zelich if she can disappear from everything
forever and completely and Zelich tells her, “Yes, you will be.” Zelich also instructed Laura Simonson to tell
nobody of their plans to meet including her mother. Finally, Zelich instructed Laura Simonson to bring her
ID, birth certificate, cash and phone with her. Zelich told Laura Simonson it was a long drive for him from Milwaukee and that they would stop at a hotel
off the highway on their way back to Milwaukee. Zelich told Laura Simonson he would not have a way to
contact her once he left Milwaukee and to be sure to be at the meet location as agreed upon. Laura
Simonson asked Zelich if she could text him when he was on the way to pick her up and he said no. Zelich
told Laura Simonson that she had a three bag limit on what she could bring with her and that she should
walk to the school near her mother’s house with her bags. The night before they were scheduled to meet
Zelich gave Laura Simonson specific instructions on being hairless (pubic) and painting her fingernails and
toenails hot pink because he liked that color. Laura Simonson’s friend told investigators that the night
before Laura Simonson was last seen he saw her putting pink nail polish on her fingers and toes. Det. Sgt. Hollatz obtained video from the front desk of the Microtel in Rochester from November 3, 2015
showing Zelich checking out of the hotel by himself. The video from November 2, 2013 had been
overwritten and was no longer available. Captain Waddell, West Allis Police Department, confirmed that
the male in the video surveillance was Zelich. Zelich had over seventeen years experience as a police
officer having served a police officer for the West Allis Police Department. Det. Sgt. Hollatz requested
West Allis Police go to Zelich's address to assist in the missing person investigation to see if Laura
Simonson was there. In January 2014 a West Allis Police Officer went to Zelich’s apartment and spoke
with Zelich to see if Laura Simonson was there. Zelich admitted he had met Laura Simonson through a
social network and allowed the officer inside his apartment to see if Laura Simonson was there. In February 2014 the Federal Bureau of Investigation offered to assist in the missing person investigation.
On March 10, 2014, a Wisconsin Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) agent and an FBI Agent
interviewed Zelich at his residence. Zelich was shown a photograph of Laura Simonson. Zelich admitted
meeting Laura Simonson on-line but denied ever meeting her in person. He claimed he did not even know
what state Laura Simonson lived in and had never spoke to her on the phone. Zelich confirmed the chats
that he and Laura Simonson had online and claimed it was a fantasy-based BDSM relationship and that he
had no intent to meet Laura Simonson. . Zelich stated that he works a lot of hours and never leaves the city
or state. Zelich provided a DNA sample to the investigators. On June 6, 2014, two female bodies were found in separate suitcases on a country road in rural Walworth
County, WI in the Town of Geneva. Investigators observed that there were obvious signs of decomposition
indicating both decedents had been deceased for a long period of time. One of the females was positively
identified as Laura Simonson initially by her tattoos and confirmed at autopsy by dental records. The body
in the other suitcase was later identified as a missing female from Oregon named Jenny M. Gamez, DOB
04/09/1993. Both of the female bodies were naked and bound with rope. Laura Simonson had a rope
wound around her neck multiple times and tied. Laura Simonson also had a red ball gag in her mouth.
Laura Simonson’s hands were behind her body. Jenny Gamez’s hands were tied behind her back with
rope. The Wisconsin Crime Lab determined that the ropes used to bind Laura Simonson and Jenny
Gamez were the same type of rope made of natural fibers, of the same diameter and had the same
whippings to secure the ends of the rope. On June 7, 2014 the Dr. Linda Biedrzycki, Waukesha County Medical Examiner, performed an autopsy on
the body of Jenny Gamez determining that the cause of death of Jenny Gamez to be due to airway
obstruction and neck compression during restraint. The medical examiner observed that Jenny Gamez had
pink fingernails and toenails. On the same day an autopsy was performed on the body of Laura Simonson
determining that the cause of death to be due to airway obstruction and neck compression during restraint
caused by a ligature around the neck and a ball gag in the mouth. The Wisconsin Crime Laboratory took DNA samples from the ropes that had bound both women. The
laboratory determined that male DNA was found inside a knot in the rope used to bind Jenny Gamez’s
hands; Zelich was identified as the source of the DNA. Wisconsin authorities began to work with Minnesota authorities and because Laura Simonson was last
confirmed being seen at the Microtel in Rochester, MN, the Rochester Police Department became involved
assisted by the BCA and the WI DCI with the execution of a search warrant at the Microtel in Rochester.
The BCA Crime Scene Team processed the room and located several items of blood evidence in room
322. Those items were collected and taken to the BCA crime laboratory for analysis. DNA testing done on
samples taken from the carpet of Room 322 contained a mixture of DNA where Laura Simonson could not
be eliminated as a contributor of the DNA although 99.8% of the general population could be eliminated. On June 25, 2014, it was determined that a search warrant would be conducted at Zelich's residence and
that he would be taken into custody. During a search of Zelich’s apartment various items were seized
including two suitcases containing sex toys and BDSM items. Two pairs of handcuffs were found in the
suitcases. DNA swabs were taken from each of the handcuffs. The BCA crime lab conducted DNA testing
on the swabs taken from the handcuffs. On April 14, 2015 the BCA determined the DNA swabs from one of
the handcuffs was a mixture of three or more individuals and Zelich and Laura Simonson could not be
excluded from being possible contributors. However, the lab report stated that 98.0% of the general
population could be excluded as being contributors. Investigators interviewed Zelich after he was arrested. After being confronted with the DNA evidence found
on the rope from Jenny Gamez’s body Zelich admitted being responsible for the deaths of both women.
However, he claimed the deaths of the women were accidental. During the interview Zelich stated that he first met Jenny Gamez on line about three years earlier on when she was 16 years old. They stopped talking but then re-connected on
when Jenny Gamez contacted him about two years later. Zelich and Jenny Gamez made an agreement to
meet and Zelich admitted that Jenny Gamez thought that she was going to stay with Zelich permanently.
Jenny Gamez had told a friend in Oregon that she was moving to Milwaukee to live with family and learn
welding. The friend also said the Jenny Gamez closed her Facebook account before leaving for
Milwaukee. Zelich stated that Jenny Gamez flew from Oregon to Milwaukee in August 2012 and that he picked her up.
Zelich stated he took her to a motel in Kenosha, WI arriving at the motel on a Friday where he paid cash for
the room. The hotel was over three times as far away from the airport as it was to drive to Zelich’s
apartment. Zelich admitted he no intention of having Jenny Gamez live with him. Zelich stated that he and
Jenny Gamez participated in BDSM sessions on both Friday and Saturday nights in the motel room which
included bondage. Zelich said he used rope, a gag ball and a blind fold on Jenny Gamez during the
sessions. Zelich said that a session would last for 1-2 hours. Zelich said on Sunday morning, the day they were
scheduled to check out, Zelich admitted he blindfolded Jenny Gamez, handcuffed her hands behind her
back and secured a ball gag in her mouth. When he was asked if he could have used a rope to tie Jenny
Gamez’s hands behind her back Zelich said that he could have but was not positive. Zelich said that he
wrapped a rope around Jenny Gamez’s neck as part of the session and did something he called "breathplay." Zelich described tightening and loosening the rope on Jenny Gamez's neck which would cause her to
stop breathing for a short time. Zelich said this was a "high-end maneuver" and he knew how dangerous it
was. Zelich admitted he did not use “safe words” during breath play with Jenny Gamez despite the fact that
“safe words” are a common feature in the BDSM community. Zelich said that Jenny Gamez was kneeling
on the floor next to the bed and her upper body was lying on the bed during the breath play session. Zelich
admitted the breath play was very exciting and arousing to him. Zelich said that he tightened the rope on
Jenny Gamez's neck and she died. Zelich said he knew Jenny Gamez was dead because she defecated
on the floor and he saw her take one last "death breath." Zelich said after Jenny Gamez died he was scared and panicked. He admitted he did not make any efforts
to resuscitate Jenny Gamez, he did not check her pulse, did not perform any first aid or CPR. According to
interviews with the West Allis Police Department Zelich had repeated CPR training during the seventeen
years’ experience he had as a police officer. Despite claiming Jenny Gamez’s death was an accident
Zelich did not summon rescue personnel to assist her or to report her death. Instead Zelich stated he
decided to remove Jenny Gamez’s body from the motel room so nobody would know what happened.
Zelich emptied Jenny Gamez’s suitcase and put her body inside. Zelich put all the luggage on a luggage
cart including the suitcase that contained Jenny Gamez and loaded it all into his car. Zelich left the hotel and
went back to his residence. Zelich said that he brought the suitcase with Jenny Gamez’s body into his
apartment. He said he removed the shelves and drawers from his refrigerator and took her body from the
suitcase and placed her into his refrigerator. Zelich believed he had Jenny Gamez's body in his refrigerator
until January or February of 2014. Zelich stated that when he removed her from the refrigerator he placed
her into some garbage bags and placed her back into the suitcase and eventually placed the suitcase
containing her body into the trunk of his car. Zelich admitted to meeting Laura Simonson on a BDSM website called in August of 2013
and had been chatting with her in Yahoo chats, as well. Zelich stated that he and Laura Simonson shared a
common interest in BDSM. Zelich believed that Laura Simonson wanted a long-term relationship. Zelich
admitted he wasn't looking for a long term relationship because he could not afford it and did not have a
big enough apartment. Zelich admitted having on-line conversations with Laura Simonson until he met with
her in November, 2013 in Minnesota. Zelich said he gave Laura Simonson a "list" of things to accomplish before he met her. Zelich said that he
probably gave Jenny Gamez a similar list of “different duties” to perform before they met in person but
could not recall the specific details. Zelich said that list was "fantasy-based" but Laura Simonson had
completed the list. Zelich said that he drove his car to Minnesota on a Saturday and picked up Laura Simonson at an
elementary school in Farmington, MN as they had agreed upon. Zelich said that he got to the elementary
school and she wasn't there initially. Zelich admitted that he deliberately left his smart phone at home but
had no good explanation for why he did this. Zelich stated he drove around a bit and found Laura Simonson
walking towards the school with 3-4 pieces of luggage including suitcases and a duffel bag. When Zelich
met up with Laura Simonson, he did not say anything to her about only spending the weekend together. Zelich said they drove on the freeway to a hotel but didn't remember the name of it or where it was but when
shown a receipt for the hotel he confirmed that they stayed at the Microtel. Zelich admitted that he
deliberately provided incorrect license plate and vehicle information on the hotel registration form claiming
that “the hotel doesn’t need to know.” Other than walking over to the pizza place next door to get a pizza to
take back to the room, Zelich said that he and Laura Simonson did not leave the hotel. On Saturday night
they had a BDSM session in the hotel room. Zelich said the session lasted for 1-2 hours. During the
session he performed bondage on Laura Simonson and they also had physical contact which included
kissing and touching. Zelich said that Laura Simonson was naked during the sessions but he was wearing
clothes. Zelich said that on Sunday morning they woke up and showered. After showering they engaged in another
BDSM session. Zelich said that he was fully clothed and Laura Simonson was completely naked. He said
that this was all part of the control. This session started around 7 or 8 AM. Zelich said that the sessions with
Laura Simonson were more intense than the sessions with Jenny Gamez. Zelich said on Sunday morning,
he fitted Laura Simonson with a ball gag in her mouth, taped her wrists and ankles together with two-inch
wide black tape, blindfolded her and handcuffed her hands behind her back. Zelich said that he restrained
Laura Simonson more than he restrained Jenny Gamez and said that he "man-handled" Laura Simonson.
Zelich said that he was excited and aroused during the session and he "enjoyed it". Zelich said that during
the Sunday session, Laura Simonson was kneeling on the right edge of the bed nearest the bathroom wall
and her knees were on top of the bed. Zelich said that Laura Simonson‘s feet and shins were hanging off
the edge of the bed. Zelich said that he began to perform "breath play" on Laura Simonson while she was
fitted with the BDSM equipment. Zelich admitted that he did not use “safe words” with Laura Simonson to
stop the activity. He said he stood behind her and first performed breath play by pinching her nose shut
multiple times. Zelich admitted that he continued with the breath play by placing his hands on her neck.
Zelich said he then continued with the breath play by taking a rope and wrapping it around Laura
Simonson's neck two or three times and tightening the rope with his hands more than one time. Zelich said
that during the tightening and loosening of the rope, Laura Simonson's breathing was affected. Zelich said
that he tightened the rope with more pressure and for longer durations than he did with Jenny Gamez. He
said that he continued the breath play on Laura Simonson and while he was tightening the rope, Laura
Simonson fell onto the hotel room floor. Zelich saw that she was not breathing and tried to pick her up and
place her on the bed. As he was picking her up he saw that Laura Simonson had defecated on the floor
and knew that she was dead. Zelich said he panicked and it brought back memories of what happened to
Jenny Gamez. Zelich said he recalled asking himself what he should do. He said he did not perform CPR
on Laura Simonson and did not call the police or the rescue squad. Zelich said he removed the handcuffs
but left the ball gag in Laura Simonson’s mouth and the rope around her neck. Zelich said he put Laura
Simonson’s body into one of her suitcases. He then went down and retrieved the hotel luggage cart and
placed all of the luggage on the cart including the suitcase that contained Laura Simonson's body and
loaded it all into his white Saturn car and drove back home. Zelich explained to investigators that he kept
Laura Simonson's body in the suitcase in the trunk of his car because it was cold outside. Zelich stated
months later he took Jenny Gamez’s body out of the refrigerator and put her body in garbage bags and put
her back in the suitcase that that he brought her home in and put her in the trunk of the car with Laura
Simonson. Zelich said he drove around with the bodies in the trunk of his vehicle and would spray
deodorizer when the smell of the dead bodies became noticeable. Zelich was eventually forced to dump
the bodies because while at work one day, a coworker complained of the smell coming from his vehicle.
Zelich said he had no particular reason for the location that he chose to dump the bodies and just drove
around at night and dumped the bodies. He was not exactly sure where he was at. On June 26, 2014 Investigator Riggott, Rochester Police Department, and Special Agent Gibson, FBI,
continued with the interview of Zelich. Investigators discussed with Zelich that Laura Simonson's death was
a mirror image of Jenny Gamez’s death. Riggott asked Zelich if he had any BDSM sessions with any other
persons between his activity with Jenny Gamez and Laura Simonson and he said he had not. It was
brought to Zelich's attention that he knew the actions that he did with Jenny Gamez led to her death but yet
still arranged to meet with Laura Simonson and do the exact same thing. Zelich acknowledged that he may
have been subconsciously thinking about how the sessions were the same with Jenny Gamez and Laura
Simonson but he denied planning this out. Investigator Riggott questioned Zelich about when he went to
pick up Laura Simonson and saw that she had followed his list of things to complete, showing up with her
possessions how was he going to handle explaining to her that he was not taking her with him. Investigator
Riggott advised Zelich that he knew in his mind the whole time he was with Laura Simonson that he could
not take her back to Wisconsin because he already had a dead woman in his refrigerator. Zelich said he
figured he would talk to Laura Simonson about it as they were packing up to leave the hotel and that he
would just take her back to Farmington. A forensic examination of Zelich’s computer seized during the search of his apartment revealed that on
June 4, 2014 the night he claimed to have disposed of the two bodies near Geneva, WI Zelich was
communicating with another woman named “Petra,” about becoming a “torture slave … with no limits, no
Complainant requests that Defendant, subject to bail or conditions of release, be:
(1) arrested or that other lawful steps be taken to obtain Defendant's appearance in court; or
(2) detained, if already in custody, pending further proceedings; and that said Defendant otherwise
be dealt with according to law.
Complainant declares under penalty of perjury that everything stated in this document is true and
correct. Minn. Stat. § 358.116; Minn. R. Crim. P. 2.01, subds. 1, 2.
Travis Riggott
Police Officer
101 4th Street SE
Rochester, MN 55904-3761
Badge: 2348
Electronically Signed:
11/20/2015 08:47 AM
Olmsted County, Minnesota
Being authorized to prosecute the offenses charged, I approve this complaint.
Prosecuting Attorney James S. Martinson
Chief Deputy
151 4th Street SE
Government Center - 3rd Floor
Rochester, MN 55904
(507) 328-7600
Electronically Signed:
11/20/2015 08:41 AM
From the above sworn facts, and any supporting affidavits or supplemental sworn testimony, I, the Issuing Officer, have
determined that probable cause exists to support, subject to bail or conditions of release where applicable, Defendant’s arrest
or other lawful steps be taken to obtain Defendant’s appearance in court, or Defendant’s detention, if already in custody,
pending further proceedings. Defendant is therefore charged with the above-stated offense(s).
THEREFORE YOU, THE DEFENDANT, ARE SUMMONED to appear on ________ ___, _____ at _____ AM/PM
before the above-named court at 151 Fourth Street SE, Rochester, MN 55904 to answer this complaint.
IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR in response to this SUMMONS, a WARRANT FOR YOUR ARREST shall be issued.
To the Sheriff of the above-named county; or other person authorized to execute this warrant: I order, in the name of the State
of Minnesota, that the Defendant be apprehended and arrested without delay and brought promptly before the court (if in
session), and if not, before a Judge or Judicial Officer of such court without unnecessary delay, and in any event not later than
36 hours after the arrest or as soon as such Judge or Judicial Officer is available to be dealt with according to law.
Execute in MN Only
Execute Nationwide
Execute in Border States
Since the Defendant is already in custody, I order, subject to bail or conditions of release, that the Defendant continue to be
detained pending further proceedings.
Bail: $
Conditions of Release: This complaint, duly subscribed and sworn to or signed under penalty of perjury, is issued by the undersigned Judicial Officer
as of the following date: November 20, 2015.
Judicial Officer
Debra A Jacobson
Judge of District Court
Electronically Signed: 11/20/2015 09:11 AM
Sworn testimony has been given before the Judicial Officer by the following witnesses:
State of Minnesota
I hereby Certify and Return that I have served a copy of this Warrant
upon the Defendant herein named.
Signature of Authorized Service Agent:
Steven Mark Zelich