For the RECOrd Spring 2013
For the RECOrd Spring 2013
F O R T H E RECOrd PUBLISHED BY THE REAL ESTATE COUNCIL OF ONTARIO • SPRING 2013 VOTE IN RECO’S 2013 ELECTION OF DIRECTORS Mark your calendars for RECO’s 16th Annual General Meeting on June 20 New education program to feature rich media and interactivity Registrar’s bulletin covers STIGMA IN REAL ESTATE ADVERTISING COMPLIANCE INCREASES TWO-FOLD WITH STREAMLINED GUIDELINES AND RESOURCES Following a comprehensive advertising review in 2010, which included an examination of a random sampling of more than 3,000 registrant advertisements from across Ontario, the Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO) identified common trends for non-compliance in registrant advertising. With these findings in mind, in September 2011, RECO introduced new advertising guidelines for registrants. The new, streamlined guidelines apply consistently to all forms of advertising, regardless of the medium. To make it easier than ever to create compliant advertisements, RECO also produced an advertising checklist and a multimedia presentation that break down each element of the requirements. To gauge the effectiveness of the streamlined advertising guidelines, RECO conducted a follow-up review in early 2013. The results were very encouraging, with a 135 per cent increase in the rate of compliance. Furthermore, the average number of infractions per advertisement has dropped by 64 per cent. “With advertising being such a crucial part of many registrants’ business development plans, it’s important to double check that what you’re putting out there is compliant with the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act, 2002,” says Deputy Registrar Bruce Matthews. “The advertising guidelines, checklist and multimedia presentation are readily available and should be referenced when planning any sort of advertising activity.” For more information, the advertising guidelines and accompanying resources can be found on MyWeb and on RECO’s website. 2 SPRING 2013 Avoid these most common advertising problems: • 1 6% Brokerage name violations (i.e., brokerage name not present, not clear/prominent or not as registered) • 12% Brokerage designation violations (i.e., word “Brokerage” not present) • 1 0% Violations related to comparative claims about status, performance, etc. • 8 % Individual designation violations (i.e., word “Broker” or “Salesperson” not present) • 7% Violations related to awards REGISTRAR’S BULLETIN COVERS STIGMA IN REAL ESTATE The Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO) has issued a new Registrar’s bulletin explaining how real estate professionals representing both buyers and sellers should approach issues surrounding stigma. The bulletin defines stigma in a real estate context as, “a non-physical, intangible attribute of a property, which may elicit a psychological or emotional response on the part of a potential buyer.” What one person might find completely unacceptable may not be of any concern to another. That’s why real estate professionals are advised to discuss their buyer’s specific needs or requirements and any concerns and issues related to purchasing a property. While there is no legislation or case law in Ontario to suggest that a seller, or their representative, is required to disclose the existence of stigmas to buyers, sellers should seek legal advice if they believe a stigmatizing issue may become a factor in selling the property. Buyers are ultimately responsible for ensuring that the property they are acquiring is suitable for their needs. RECO recommends that the real estate professional and buyer conduct their own investigation, which could include asking direct questions to the seller or their real estate representative. Ultimately, taking a proactive and well-documented approach to stigmatizing issues will minimize risk. Find the bulletin under the Registration tab of MyWeb and RECO’s website. RECO NEEDS YOUR PHYSICAL ADDRESS, PO BOXES NOT VALID FOR REGISTRATION It’s important to remember that the address for service you provide to the Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO) for registration must be a physical address. There are times when RECO may need to deliver documents requiring a signature, such as a legal notice from the Registrar. A numbered post office box is not acceptable. It’s important that RECO has your current address on file. If your address 3 SPRING 2013 for service changes, you must submit a Notice of Address Change form to RECO within five days. The fillable form is available on MyWeb and on RECO’s website for download. NEW EDUCATION PROGRAM TO FEATURE RICH MEDIA AND INTERACTIVITY On August 1st, the Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO) will introduce a new online mandatory continuing education program, but even registrants who have experienced online education before may be surprised by the interactivity it will provide. “Online education has made impressive advances in the past few years,” says RECO Registrar Joseph Richer. “That progress will enable RECO to provide an online program with rich media, useful tools and a high level of interactivity.” Course content will go far beyond basic text, to include audio and visual content, interactive elements and real-world scenarios that will make it easier for registrants to absorb content. Text within courses will be available with voiceover for registrants who learn better by listening. And courses will offer useful tools and guides that registrants can use in their day-today work. “We understand that everybody learns differently, so we’re designing the system to be flexible,” says Richer. “In addition, statistics show that registrants are very open to online learning.” 4 SPRING 2013 CONFIRMING IDENTITY Before starting the online program, registrants must declare their identity. Making a false declaration to allow someone else to take the program would be a clear violation of the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act, 2002. RECO will investigate allegations of this nature and take appropriate action, which could include refusal to renew registration. Under the current continuing education program, the RECO Update Course is provided by the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA). OREA offers the course in both classroom and online formats. Last year 46 per cent of registrants chose to complete the course online. Under the new program, RECO will directly administer the update course, along with electives. The content will focus on consumer protection, regulatory matters and current industry issues. Online education will ensure that registrants across Ontario receive consistent education on these crucial topics. For courses that deal with local issues and other non-regulatory aspects of the real estate business, registrants will continue to turn to courses from third-party education providers offered in a variety of delivery formats. “Research shows that technology is essential for success in the real estate industry,” says Richer. “The mandatory program is tightly focused so that those who enjoy in-class interaction can pursue additional learning from third-party providers.” RECO’s new mandatory continuing education program: • • • • • • Focused on consumer protection, regulatory matters and current industry issues Modest cost of $44 for access to all content Convenient access anytime, from anywhere and at your own pace Easy tracking of progress via MyWeb Easy-to-use with visual, audio and interactive elements to enhance learning Two-year transition period For more information about the transition to the new mandatory continuing education program visit RECO NEEDS TO KNOW IF YOUR registration information changes Under the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act, 2002 (REBBA 2002), registered real estate professionals and brokerages are obligated to notify the Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO), in writing, of any material changes to their application information within five days of the occurrence. Material changes include (but are not limited to): • A change of address for the brokerage • A broker of record change • A transfer or termination of a broker or salesperson • A change in a registrant’s address for service, including e-mail address • A criminal charge against a registrant RECO recently updated the registration forms. To avoid delays, be sure to use the latest forms available on MyWeb under the Registration tab or on RECO’s website under the Industry Professional Registration menu. If you have questions related to the forms or process, please e-mail 5 SPRING 2013 Mark your calendars for RECO’s 16th Annual General Meeting on June 20 Can’t attend in person? The Real Estate Council of Ontario’s Questions should be of general (RECO) Board of Directors is pleased interest. Questions related to an to invite you to RECO’s 16th Annual individual, a specific situation or RECO’s AGM will be available for General Meeting (AGM), to be held on regulatory action against a specific real-time streaming. Simply visit Thursday, June 20, 2013 at the Old Mill registrant cannot be addressed at a on June 20th at Inn in Toronto. public meeting. 10 a.m. to connect to the feed. The registration desk will be open at 9 While RECO will make every effort to available on RECO’s website in the a.m. and the meeting will begin at 10 respond to a variety of questions, due days following the AGM. a.m. A light continental breakfast will to time constraints, it is possible be served between 9 and 10 a.m. that not all of the questions can be If you have a question you would like addressed at the meeting. Also, similar brought forward, please submit it to questions will not be repeated. by June 13th. Be sure A recorded version will also be made After the formal business has been conducted, a Q&A session will take to include your full name and the name place. This is an opportunity to Attendees will also have an ask RECO’s Board of Directors opportunity to meet with RECO’s and management questions Directors and management before about programs, services and and after the meeting. We hope industry issues. you can join us. 6 SPRING 2013 of your brokerage. Vote in RECO’s 2013 ELECTION OF DIRECTORS Voting in RECO’s Election of Directors is now open and will remain open until 4:30 p.m. on May 16, 2013. Voting instructions were issued via e-mail in early April by Computershare, the company responsible for the election process. Instructions included a unique voter control number, necessary to complete the voting process, and a website link to login and vote. Voting is being conducted online only. For questions related to the voting process or if you have misplaced your unique voter control number, please contact: Shirley Tom, Computershare 416-263-9594 HERE ARE YOUR CANDIDATES Below are profiles of each of the candidates running in the 2013 Election of Directors. The content contained in the candidate profiles was supplied by each candidate. Region 1 ROBERT JOSEPH BUCKLER, Salesperson, Thornhill Century 21 Heritage Group Ltd., Brokerage E-mail: Years Registered: 2.5 Area(s) of expertise, committee experience (RECO, real estate, other), additional comments: I have been in the real estate industry for almost ten years, initially focused on condominium management. As a residential Realtor® now specializing in condominium sales, and through my consulting firm, Beredan Management & Consulting Inc., I provide a variety of condominium consulting services. To my knowledge, I am the only Realtor who serves as a Court-Appointed Administrator for condominium corporations where I replace the Board of Directors to rehabilitate a troubled condominium community back to health. In addition, I provide services to condominium developers, management companies, and owners, as well as answer condominium questions from my Realtor colleagues. I have and continue to volunteer in many industry-related committees, most recently being appointed to two Work Groups and the Expert Panel of the government’s Stage 2 Review of the Condominium Act. I am also an OREA instructor for the Property Management course, teach Condominium Law for the Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario and have developed and delivered course curricula for many years. I am seeking election on the RECO Board again this year to work on behalf of Realtors in two areas: 1. T o ensure that the RECO’s new professional development approach benefits Realtors so that we are better equipped to provide the highest quality service to our clients; and 2. W ith the shift to more condominium transactions than ever before, I would like to utilize my experience and knowledge to help RECO address the changing marketplace so we are better able to prepare consumers when they move into their condominium. I hope that I can count on your support. If you have any questions about my election platform, please feel free to contact me. SAM DHILLON, Broker, Brampton AJ Lamba Realty Group Inc., Brokerage E-mail: Years Registered: 12 Chairperson – Parent Teacher Council – Derry West Village P.S. Area(s) of expertise, committee experience (RECO, real estate, other), additional comments: Chairperson for Health & Safety Committee @ Torpharm Inc. I have held following positions in the past Broker of Record for AJ Lamba Realty Group HOWARD DRUKARSH, Broker, Toronto Right At Home Realty, Inc., Brokerage E-mail: Years Registered: 29 we created the business model and strategic plan to grow the company from no salespeople in 2004 to over 2300 today. I also sit on the Board of Directors of the company. Chairperson – Parent Teacher Council – James Potter P.S. Chairperson for Social Committee @ Torpharm Inc. Area(s) of expertise, committee experience (RECO, real estate, other), additional comments: Toronto Real Estate Board – Member of Arbitration/Hearing Committee -2006/2007 Habitat For Humanity, Toronto I have been a member of the Chair’s Advisory Council since 2011. The membership includes senior business people from the real estate industry as well as other fields whose role is to contribute to the Board of Directors strategic plan and advise in an independent manner the direction the charity is pursuing. Royal LePage/Johnston & Daniel Division I was a member of the marketing committee responsible for the rebranding of the Johnston & Daniel brokerage (1995) after being acquired by Royal LePage. Member of Communication Committee – 2006/2007 Member of Arbitration/Mediation Committee – 2008/2009 Right At Home Realty, Inc., I am a co-founder of this brokerage. With my late business partner Arthur Bartram 7 Volunteer at local temple for last 15 years Toronto Real Estate Board-Annual General Meeting-Panel Discussion (2008) I was invited to participate with national real estate companies executives on the future of the industry. SPRING 2013 Region 1 continued IRENE GOODMAN, Broker of Record, Toronto Regency Park Realty Limited, Brokerage Email: Years Registered: 34 Area(s) of expertise, committee experience (RECO, real estate, other), additional comments: I have earned my FRI designation. As I take our business very seriously and have 34 years experience, I feel I have much to bring and share with the idea of enhancing our position as realtors. I considered real estate as my profession and enjoyed the various aspects of the business. I would like to ‘make a difference’ and would welcome the opportunity to serve as a director. I have been a member of the Toronto Real Estate Board in good standing since 1979 and opened my own brokerage in 1989. HARJIT SINGH KHALSA, Salesperson, Toronto Homelife Superstars Real Estate Limited, Brokerage E-mail: Years Registered: 11 Area(s) of expertise, committee experience (RECO, real estate, other), additional comments: MASOOD KHAN, Broker, Mississauga Re/Max Legacy Realty Inc., Brokerage E-mail: Years Registered: 32 Area(s) of expertise, committee experience (RECO, real estate, other), additional comments: Since 1980, other than selling Real Estate on full time basis, I have also served and still serving the membership in various capacities at RECO, TREB, OREA, MREB and other organizations, few present and previous portfolios are listed to give you an idea of my volunteer services. Address on MLS listing was one of my proposals to the industry. *Member – RECO’s Discipline and Appeals Committee under REBBA 2002 for the past 6 years *Member – RECO Discipline and Appeals Committee under By-Law No. 10 *Vice-Chair – TREB’s Professional Standards Hearing Committee, also served as a member of Ethics Committee *Director – MREB, Chair Political Affairs Committee, also served Ethics, Arbitration, Membership committees RAJINDER LALL, Broker of Record, Toronto Sector Realty Inc., Brokerage E-mail: Years Registered: 10 Experienced (24+ years) IT professional, Entrepreneur, selling Residential and Commercial Real Estate since 2002. Administrator of a big brokerage (570+agents) and very well known among local Realtors as an Information resource, Career coach and a Problem solver. Knowledge, Hard work, Honesty, Professionalism and Creative thinking are what you can expect in everything that he does. He helps local food banks and other social organizations in creating awareness, fund-raising and technical know-how. This highly mobile, connected, tech-savvy and knowledgeable individual is very well suited for a high level position in professional organization that RECO is. *Vice-Chair – City of Mississauga’s public vehicle committee (two terms/6 years) *Chair – Canada Day Committee of South Asians *Chair – Canadian Association of the Pakistani Media (owner Eastern News, Canada) *Founder – Talent Search International *President – Canadian Film Producers Inc. *Chair – Credit Ridge Resident Association *Director – St. John Ambulance *Member – Skydome Advisory Committee *Vice-Chair – Trillium Hospital Public Advisory Committee *President – Rate Payer’s Association of Ward-06, Mississauga (15 years) *Co-Chair – Teacher-Parent Association of Hazel McCallion School *Director – Block Parents Association of Ontario *Director – Canadian Helping Arms (raised funds for Hospitals, shelter, earthquake and tsunami victims) ***City of Mississauga honoured with a street name “Khan Crescent”, recipient of Queen’s Jubilee Medal, TREB’s Civic Service Award, City of Mississauga’s Civic Award (3 times), International Volunteer Award, Crime Prevention Award *SRES and Member of National Association of Realtor (NAR), *ABR and Member of Real Estate Buyer’s Agent Council (REBAC), a division of NAR, and *Real Estate Institute of Canada Candidate 2013 Area(s) of expertise, committee experience (RECO, real estate, other), additional comments: Present Experiences and Achievements: *Broker/Owner of Sector Realty Inc., Brokerage, *Ten years of experience in Real Estate Sector, BRYAN LAW, Broker of Record, Mississauga Prodigy Realty Corporation, Brokerage E-mail: Years Registered: 20 Past Experiences and Achievements: *President of a Manufacturing Sector Corporation (3 and ½ Years), *President of a Mortgage Corporation (1 Year), *Vice-President of a Manufacturing Sector Corporation (1 and ½ Year), *Supervisor experience in a Manufacturing Sector Corporation (4 Years), and *Humber College Graduate-1991 (Industrial Maintenance Mechanic) Professional Experience >Specialized in commercial leasing and residential brokerage since 1994 >Certified Instructor of OREA Real Estate College, 2005 – Present Area(s) of expertise, committee experience (RECO, real estate, other), additional comments: My goals: >To provide better service to members. >To promote members’ professionalism to the public. >To lobby for better business environment for members. >To better use of the resources of RECO to serve both the public and members. 8 Volunteering Experience >President of Association of Canadian Lease Auditors, 2004 – Present >Education Committee Member of OREA, 2006 – 2007 >President, Real Estate Broker Owners Association of Ontario, 2005-2006 >Director, Mississauga Board of Chinese Professionals and Business, 1999-2004 Professional Designations >MVA-Residential, REI, CLA Education >Bsc, LLM SPRING 2013 Region 1 continued CECILIA LUU, Broker of Record, Toronto Gold Mountain Realty Inc., Brokerage E-mail: Years Registered: 9.5 Downsview Toastmaster Club – 2012-2013 – Spring Conference Workshop: Best Ambassador in Action – Vocal Mobility Toastmasters Club – 2012 – 2013 March Shelter Box – Ambassador 2012-2013 Area(s) of expertise, committee experience (RECO, real estate, other), additional comments: Rotary Club of Etobicoke – International Committee – 2012 – 2013 TREB – Education Committee (Past) Davenport Liberal Association – Fundraising Committee (Past) + Vice-President Committee (Past) Rotary Club of Toronto – Membership Committee (Past) Queen’s Park Toastmaster Int’l Club – Area Governor (Past) BRIAN MADIGAN, LL.B, Broker, Toronto Re/Max West Realty Inc., Brokerage E-mail: Years Registered: 8 Area(s) of expertise, committee experience (RECO, real estate, other), additional comments: Real estate broker, commercial and residential, real estate litigation advisor, expert witness, venture capitalist and educator, approved RECO Education Provider (Disclosure Laws), Continuing Education Developer and Instructor (Agreement, Chattels and Fixtures, Surveys, Boundaries and Adverse Possession, Competition Law, Family Law, Estate Planning, Risk Management, Liability under law of Torts), published over 2,600 articles on real estate for the consumer emphasizing ethical practice by real estate practitioners, developed independent comparative performance index for real estate; served as mediator and ALVARO A. MALLARINO-CRUZ, MBA, Salesperson, Toronto Your Choice Realty Corp., Brokerage E-mail: Years Registered: 2 Years 4 Months Area(s) of expertise, committee experience (RECO, real estate, other), additional comments: Alvaro Mallarino-Cruz is a recognized Real Estate professional, investor and entrepreneur with a strong financial background spanning over 15 years. Alvaro’s involvement with the Real Estate industry dates from 2005 when Alvaro saw and realized investment opportunities in multiplex units in Toronto. LAWRENCE (LOU) MCDONALD, Salesperson, Port Perry Century 21 Wenda Allen Realty, Brokerage E-mail: Years Registered: 3 Current (+3- 1976 – 1978) Area(s) of expertise, committee experience (RECO, real estate, other), additional comments: Working as full-time Realtor – last 3 years (plus 3 year previous – 1976 –1978) arbitrator in real estate matters; accepted as expert witness by Superior Court of Justice in Ontario related to professional standards under REBBA 2002; graduated Osgoode Hall Law School 1974; practiced law in Toronto for 25 years, commercial and negligence litigation, professional discipline experience as advocate, prosecutor and chair, professional liability experience; over 1,000 court appearances including Superior Court of Justice and Ontario Court of Appeal; closed over 5,000 real estate transactions; served on Board of Public Hospitals, Foundations and Chairman of Investment Committees for publicly funded pension plans, advisor to Insurers underwriting corporate governance policies; previously Speaker, Canadian Bar Association, Lecturer, Law Society of Upper Canada, Instructor Bar Admission Course; Director, numerous non-profit organizations. As a member of the RECO Board, I would encourage professionalism, foster education, permit accredited specialization, allow personal incorporation of real estate practices. Please confirm your commitment by exercising your right to vote! Alvaro’s previous experience includes several years of employment in the Corporate Finance and Strategic Consulting groups at Ernst & Young and Deloitte & Touche in Toronto. Alvaro provides an exemplary service not only as a Realtor but also as consultant and advisor to investors and homeowners. In addition, Alvaro assists other realtors in reaching out to a more sophisticated consumer base through the use of digital media including web, mobile and social networks. Alvaro’s interest in contributing to RECO stems from his passion about Real Estate and his belief that creativity and hard work are key success factors in this dynamic industry. Alvaro has a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering, holds a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Toronto, and is a CFA charterholder (Chartered Financial Analyst) Coordinated, Organized and Chaired Committees for National Company Attended International Committee meetings in Canada, USA and Germany Recruited, Vetted and Signed up over 50 Automotive Retailers in Ontario and Canada (including execution of complex legal documents and contracts) Strong Oral and Written Communication Skills Strong Computer Skills (Excel, Work, PowerPoint, Internet) Excellent Time Management and Negotiation Skills Strong Business Acumen – Over 35 years of Business Experience – Retail and Wholesale Strong abilities in establishment of goals and action plans Worked many years in Management position for International Companies (e.g. BMW Group Canada, General Motors of Canada, Mazda Canada) Able to meet deadlines Ran Small Business Enterprise as General Manager and Equity Partner for 5 years Held District Manager positions involving Dealer Networks (Ontario & Western Canada) STEVEN SCHMEISER, Broker, Thornhill Homelife/Bayview Realty Inc., Brokerage E-mail: Years Registered: 25 Strong meeting organization and presentation skills Strong Business Writing skills (letters, documents and contracts) Drafted and Published many policy and procedure manuals etc. Active broker and Manager of successful Real Estate office and career development trainer. Area(s) of expertise, committee experience (RECO, real estate, other), additional comments: I truly have a passion for our business and my objective is to continue the quality representation of the Real Estate Industry on the Board of Directors, and promote the interest of Realtors, to find a balance between our industry and consumers by bouncing ideas around and being receptive to others. Member and Vice Chair of Arbitration Committee at the Toronto Real Estate Board 9 SPRING 2013 Region 1 continued RICHARD SILVER, Salesperson, Toronto Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, Brokerage E-mail: Years Registered: 33 2009 – 2011: Member of the MLS and Technology Council at The Canadian Real Estate Association Area(s) of expertise, committee experience (RECO, real estate, other), additional comments: 2011 – Present: Member of Global Business and Alliances Committee at the National Association of REALTORS 2012 – 2013: Past President, The Toronto Real Estate Board 2009 – Present: Member of REBAC Advisory Council at the National Association of REALTORS 2011 – Present: Member of the Electronic Signatures Task Force at The Ontario Real Estate Association 2011 – 2012: President, The Toronto Real Estate Board 2009 – 2011: Director of the REALTORS Care Foundation, Province of Ontario 2004 – Present: Director, The Toronto Real Estate Board 2013 – 2015: Current Member of the MLS and Technology Council at The Canadian Real Estate Association ROBERT SOPRONEY, Salesperson, Mississauga Re/Max Realty Enterprises Inc., Brokerage E-mail: Years Registered: 38 Miss. R.E. Board Investigation/Hearing Panel (1995-2000) Miss. R.E. Board Director 1998/99 Area(s) of expertise, committee experience (RECO, real estate, other), additional comments: Miss. R.E. Board Chairman of Operations, Chair Social Committee, Member of Nomination, Web Design Committee (MREB) Public Vehicle Advisory Committee – Vice-Chair (City of Mississauga) – 3 Terms (9 Years) When elected, expect duties to be carried out in a precise, conscientious manner. No Disappointments! Member of RECO’s Discipline and Appeals Committee (Since 2000) A VOTE FOR ROBERT SOPRONEY INSURES A VOICE IN RECO FOR YOU! TREB Hearing panel (10 years) SHELLY SRIVASTAV, Salesperson, Markham Premier Matrix Realty Ltd., Brokerage E-mail: Years Registered: 1 2. A Chartered Accountant in Ontario, Canada, a Certified Public Accountant from Colorado, USA & a Chartered Accountant from India 3. Excellent knowledge of various accounting & other computer softwares Area(s) of expertise, committee experience (RECO, real estate, other), additional comments: 4. Serving as Treasurer on an Executive Committee since 2011 5. Serving as Secretary on another Executive Committee 1. 18 years of experience in Accounting, finance, audit & Taxation A volunteer for Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario’s annual Tax clinic. SCOTT CHRISTOPHER WEBSTER, Broker, Toronto Sutton Group-Associates Realty Inc., Brokerage E-mail: Years Registered: 10 As the full time managing broker with Sutton Group-Associates Realty Inc. downtown Toronto I understand the issues face by salespeople each and every day. When elected I will bring a common sense approach to solving these ongoing challenges and will act as a strong advocate for change. I envision a RECO that promotes the highest levels of skill and professionalism from its members while creating a business culture that allows members to thrive in our changing business landscape. In my humble opinion, clarity is the key to understanding and this is an area where I feel RECO can improve. I intend to explore new processes and procedures at RECO that will improve clarity and help ensure that members are able to stay in compliance with REBBA 2002. I believe that RECO needs new ideas and a fresh perspective and that is exactly what I intend to bring once elected. Area(s) of expertise, committee experience (RECO, real estate, other), additional comments: 2011 – PRESENT, Toronto Real Estate Board Professional Standards Review Panel 2013 – PRESENT, Real Estate Council of Ontario Finance Committee 2010 – PRESENT, Manager of Sutton Group-Associates Realty Inc. Region 2 ANN FORBES ARNDT, Broker, Hamilton HomeLife Macro Realty Inc., Brokerage E-mail: Years Registered: 23 Board of Directors (2007 – 2011) Area(s) of expertise, committee experience (RECO, real estate, other), additional comments: Governance Task Force/Committee (Member 2010-2011) President (2011) Finance Committee (Member in 2007 and 2010-2012, Chair 2010) My background and experience within organized real estate and other volunteer organizations has given me a solid basis to be an effective Director. It is important to listen to all stakeholders and take different viewpoints and ideas into consideration. I look forward to being an active participant in the discussions that determine the strategic direction of RECO. The following is a list of some of my committee experience: Membership Area Representation Committee (Member 2007 – Present, Chair 2007-2009) Ombudsman Task Force (2009) OREA Legal Resource Committee (2012) I have completed all the OREA Leadership courses. Please feel free to email or call me if you would like further information regarding my experience or if you have any questions. I would welcome the opportunity to talk with you. REALTORS® Association of Hamilton-Burlington: 10 SPRING 2013 Region 2 continued PETER HOFFMAN, Broker, London Royal LePage Triland Realty, Brokerage E-mail: Years Registered: 37 Currently completing my first term as a RECO Director. At RECO I chair the Finance Committee and the Premium Stabilization Committee. In addition I have sat on the Insurance Committee. Area(s) of expertise, committee experience (RECO, real estate, other), additional comments: Volunteering: Throughout my long career I have been actively involved in organized real estate. Some professional highlights include: having been an OREA instructor for licensing and Brokerage courses; elected in 1994 as President of the London and St. Thomas Association of Realtors (LSTAR) after serving or a number of years as Director; chaired and/or participated in virtually all of LSTAR’s committees and task forces; recipient in 1998 of LSTAR’s Outstanding Service Award; sat on the OREA Finance Committee. Professionally: In 1990 along with my then business partner opened our independent real estate brokerage which has steadily grown to 5 locations in Middlesex, Elgin and Oxford Counties. As co-owner of Royal LePage Triland Realty I am proud to be affiliated with our entire team of 275 professional salespeople. Personal: I live in Old South London with my wife Sue and mini golden doodle puppy. Enjoy golf and reading and proud of my two sons, both well established in their chosen careers. After three years of steady learning as a RECO Director, I now seek reelection and feel that I will be able to contribute even more with the experience I have gained. Region 3 PEGGY BLAIR, Salesperson, Ottawa Royal LePage Team Realty, Brokerage E-mail: Years Registered: 3 Area(s) of expertise, committee experience (RECO, real estate, other), additional comments: I was a lawyer for 30 years and have a doctorate in law. A Harvard-trained negotiator, I taught Property Law at the University of Ottawa as well as Mediation/Negotiations at Queens before becoming a realtor. I served as the Senior Legal Counsel and Director of Legal Services to a non-profit organization with 165,000 members (the Canadian Medical Association). In that capacity, I provided advice to a national board as well as a number of sub-committees on a wide range of matters including Codes of Conduct and Ethics, and the fiduciary responsibilities of board members. I am very familiar with the challenges involved in the management of a non-profit organization. I taught courses in Legal Ethics and Advocacy as an instructor in the Law Society of Upper Canada’s bar admission course. I have also trained negotiators (lawyers and others) in interest based negotiations. I was a trainer on contract to the UN in Serbia, where I trained judges in human rights issues. I am a former member of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal and sat for a number of years as a Senior Adjudicator and later Deputy Chief Adjudicator in the Indian Residential Schools process. I am highly experienced in interpreting legislation, and have been a policy advisor to the Senate, various Parliamentary Standing Committees, the Privy Council Office and the Royal Commission on Aboriginal peoples. I have been named as one of Canada’s leading lawyers in Lexpert every year since 1996, even though I no longer practice law. Since joining Royal LePage, I have organized and hosted a number of successful seminars on real estate in cooperation with TD Canada Trust. I developed, produced and hosted a show on real estate on Rogers TV this past fall and winter called Ottawa Experts: Real Estate. I am regularly interviewed by the media about real estate matters in Ottawa. I have a strong social media presence and am a published author. Because of my legal experience and background, I have a unique perspective to bring to the Board as we deal with the challenges ahead. JODY LAVOIE, Broker, Nepean Royal LePage Team Realty, Brokerage E-mail: Years Registered: 8 In addition Mr. Lavoie was a member on the Advertising Guidelines Task Force at RECO which worked to simplify the advertising guidelines used today. He currently sits on the Education Review Sub Committee which revamped the Continuing Education System while keeping it affordable and accessible to all registrants. Area(s) of expertise, committee experience (RECO, real estate, other), additional comments: Mr. Lavoie began his career as a real estate salesperson in 2005 and is currently registered as a real estate broker. He has the distinction of winning the Award of Excellence consistently since 2009 and is currently in the top 3% of Royal LePage agents in Canada. Jody is also an active volunteer who has served as a member on the MLS, Arbitration, and Technology Committees at the Ottawa Real Estate Board. Jody Lavoie was first elected to RECO’s Board of Directors in 2010. He has served as Vice Chair and as a member of RECO’s Audit and Governance Committees, and is currently on the Insurance, Education and Finance Committees. SUE TALLEN, Broker, Kingston Royal LePage ProAlliance Realty, Brokerage E-mail: Years Registered: 28 Area(s) of expertise, committee experience (RECO, real estate, other), additional comments: I believe my experience and my commitment to the real estate profession make me a good candidate for the position of a Director at RECO. I was licensed as a Sales Representative in 1985 and obtained my Broker’s License in 1989. I am an active member of the Kingston and Area Real Estate Association and have served on my local board since 1992. I started as a Director and served as president of the Kingston Board in 2004 and 2010. 11 Jody Lavoie is looking for re-election to continue the progress that he has made over the last 3 years. I have chaired the following committees for the Kingston and Area Real Estate Association; Discipline Committee, Arbitration Committee, Finance Committee, Attendance/Liaison Committee, MLS Task Force, Royal Bank and Kingston and Area Real Estate Association Charity Golf Committee and I am currently Chair of the Political Affairs Committee. I served as a Provincial Director for Eastern Ontario on the Ontario Real Estate Association Board of Directors in 2007 and 2008. During my term I was a member of the Finance Committee and the Legal Resources Committee and I chaired the Communication Committee. Since completing my term as a Provincial Director I have served on the Education Committee, Standard Forms Committee and Arbitration Committee at the Ontario Real Estate Association. I have enjoyed representing my fellow Salespeople and Brokers and will continue to be your voice at RECO. I want to hear your issues and be part of a resolution to making change if needed in our profession. I would welcome your comments and invite you to contact me. SPRING 2013 BROKER OF RECORD CORNER RESPONSIBILITY TO REVIEW EMPLOYEES’ APPLICATIONS REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THEY ARE PAPER OR ONLINE As a broker of record you’re not just accountable for your own actions but you’re also accountable for the actions of your staff. To ensure the brokerage complies with the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act, 2002 (REBBA 2002) brokers of record must confirm the applications, including registration renewals, their registrant employees submit to the Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO). It’s important to note that it doesn’t matter whether the forms are submitted electronically or on paper—your obligation is the same. This includes verifying continuing education requirements, whether the registrant has gone through a bankruptcy, or if they have been convicted of an offence under any law. “By double-checking the information that registrants submit to RECO, brokers of record play an important role in upholding integrity in the real estate industry,” says Deputy Registrar Brian Schlotzhauer. “The importance of that role applies equally to electronic submissions.” For more information, refer to the Registrar’s Bulletin entitled Broker of Record, available at Do you have any comments or inquires about For the RECOrd newsletter? Please send them to: Real Estate Council of Ontario 3300 Bloor Street West Suite 1200, West Tower Toronto, Ontario M8X 2X2 Tel: 416-207-4800 Toll-Free: 1-800-245-6910 Fax: 416-207-4820 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Real Estate Council of Ontario 3300 Bloor Street West, Suite 1200, West Tower, Toronto, Ontario M8X 2X2 PM #40041338 Disclaimer: While RECO makes every effort to ensure that the information in this publication is current and accurate, RECO does not warrant or guarantee that it will be free of errors. The information contained in this publication is not intended to cover all situations. It is general information only and users/readers are encouraged to seek their own independent advice for particular fact situations.