GEAR JAMMER — GAZETTE ™ - American Truck Historical Society


GEAR JAMMER — GAZETTE ™ - American Truck Historical Society
Chartered June 1, 1983
June/August Edition 2015
Volume 105
From the desk of the President:
Greetings! ATHS Pacific Northwest Chapter.
Time is passing by very fast and before we all know it we
will be at our chapter’s truck show in August. All of the officers and board are working hard on the details of the show
and this year should be another great event.
I continue to look forward to hearing from you on ideas to
promote antique trucking in the Pacific Northwest. We are
looking for ideas for fun events throughout the year with or
without our trucks. It would be fun to get together to share
memories or ideas. So let me know your thoughts.
If you have any suggestions for the truck show or if you would like to volunteer for any projects,
please get in contact with myself or any club officer. I know there are a few members preparing
for the trip back to Nationals in Pennsylvania and we can’t wait to hear some great stories. Make
sure you take lots of pictures. I unfortunately can’t make it to Nationals this year, but look forward to next year’s event.
We just had an event at Paccar in Anacortes. There was a good showing of trucks and weather
was kind to us for the event. Once again we would like to thank Paccar for their hospitality. If
you haven’t had the opportunity to attend this event you need to get it on your must do list. We
are looking forward to a fantastic event that Judy Watkins has put together on June 13th at Lemmons Trucking in Longview. Contact Judy for specific details and mark your calendar. It will be
a great event and more details will follow.
Hammer down!
NORTHWEST Chapter 2015-2016 Board of Directors
Vice President:
Secretary/News Letter
Past President:
Regional VP:
Mike Scott
Judy Watkins 360-825-4192
Al Downs
Doug Nichols 360-456-3431
Jack Davis
Kevin Black 858-484-5582
BOARD MEMBERS: Rick Hendrix 206-932-1675
Vaughn Moss 724-290-2492
Art Watkins 360-825-4192
Aaron Kitahara 206-851-4943
Chris Olsen
This is a reminder that our Northwest Chapter has a web site at: Aaron
would like to get feedback from you about the site - what do you like about it, don’t like and what
kind of content would you like to see added to the site. He can be reached at nwchap-
Question : How many members would like to have their newsletter sent be email instead of paper?
If you would like it electronically, contact Al at, he will add you to the growing
list. By the way, there is an added bonus in getting your newsletter via email: the photos are in
color. This is sort of an experiment and we will keep all informed as it goes.
Northwest Chapter
American Truck Historical Society
General membership Meeting Minutes
Meeting date: April-25-2015
Call to order: The general meeting of the NW Chapter of the ATHS was convened at 1:00 PM by President Mike Scott.
41 Members and guests were present
Guests: Judy Watkins introduced Nancy Lemay who welcomed the Chapter to Marymount and shared her
and the family’s appreciation for our support.
Terry Dovre, spoke as the about the Pacific Northwest Truck Museum and the Brooks show Friday night
light show and what a success it was. Other members chimed in as a must see event.
Mike Scott introduced new member Mike Slade
Approval of minutes: Mike asked to waive the reading of the February meeting minutes as they were
previously published in the newsletter. Motion was made by Mark Scott and seconded to waive the minutes
of the meeting. Motion carried.
Treasurer: Doug Nichols reported we had $4,970 approximately with dues still trickling in.
President: No Report
Board and committee reports:
2015 Truck Show: Judy reported that the Tenino High School FFA will handle parking. Three granges
have been lined up to provide various food options this year and yes the pie ladies will be back. Also we
will have 1939 GMC pizza wagon on-site making pies. Judy is still looking for some volunteers; please
contact her for more information. Al and Dave Wester have contacted Kenworth and they are coming. Mike
Meyers has talked to the people at International and Terry Dovre indicated he would try and get a Gersix to
show with the Kenworths. Due to the distance from the front gate to the main area, we are looking for a
people mover type trailer similar to those used at the fairs. Again contact Judy or Mike Scott if you have a
lead on one. Craig Kinnaman brought up some ideas that he would like to see included this year. Follow-up
discussion concluded with the members agreeing that we will arrange parking so we can have a perimeter
fire lane just in case. Craig is going to talk to the local fire district about having some volunteers on site in
case first aid is needed. Since we enjoyed the variety of the military re-enactors at previous shows, Roy
Friss is going to contact them with an invitation. The subject of having a large tow rig again was brought up
and we think we know a guy who could help us out!
June Truck Run to Lemmons in Longview: Judy introduced Wes Hight who is Lemmon Brothers go
to guy who spoke about this being a first for the brothers and agreed with Judy that it should be a fun run.
There are full facilities at Lemmons so if you need a ramp there is one available; Wes described the parking
and site areas, including an area that if anyone needed to leave a rig overnight was secure. For those who
get hungry and don’t pack a lunch, there is a truck stop/restaurant within easy walking distance (1 block).
Trucks that want to convoy can meet others at the Mounts Rd exit off I-5 at 8:00am; Maytown rest area
about 8:30; or the Castle Rock rest area about 9:30. Then onto 80 International way, Longview.
Old business: We have again been invited to put trucks on display in July. 3 trucks would go in on the 1st
and out on the 31st. Rick Hendrix, Duane Cameron, and Chuck Kahler have volunteered their trucks for
New business: No new Business
For the Good of the Order: For those who didn’t attend the February meeting we again congratulated
Gary McCann, Leroy Huston and Terry Hodge for being awarded an ATHS Founders or Golden Achievement award and with it honorary membership in the Northwest Chapter.
Announcements: The tour of the Kenworth Renton plant March 23rd was a great success. 24 members
got a chance to see how the magic happens so to speak. Very interesting and educational to boot. A second
tour for 24 members is being arranged for the Fall of this year. More information to come.
The next General Meeting will be JUNE 20th at Walrath Trucking, starting at 10am. Meeting at noon then
pot luck. Meeting adjourned at 2:10PM.
41 members and guest plus 20
trucks enjoyed good weather
and a great day. More photos in
the end of year edition.
Chapter Board Minutes
Meeting date: _03-07-2015
Call to Order: A regular meeting of the Board of Directors, NWC-ATHS, was held in Lakewood WA on
03/07/2015. The meeting convened at: 10:00 A.M, President Mike Scott presiding.
Members of the Board in attendance were Rick Hendrix, Chris Olsen, Aaron Kitahara , Art Watkins, Vaughn
Moss, Judy Watkins, Mike Scott, Doug Nichols, Al Downs. Members not in attendance were Jack Davis, General members: Roy Friis and Mark Scott.
Approval of Minutes: The secretary distributed copies of the previous board meeting minutes. The minutes of
the January meeting of the NWC-ATHS Board of Directors were read by the board members present. Judy made
a motion to approve. Motion seconded and passed.
Officers Reports:
Vice President: Judy, opened the discussion concerning the possibility of the Northwest Chapter and maybe the
Cascade Chapter making a bid for the 2019 National truck show. Discussion continues. The board is asking the
membership for their take on making a bid. A truck run to Lemmon’s Trucking in Longview is taking shape. The
tentative date will be June 13th, 10am. Our only cost will be for sani-cans. The truck run is part of the effort to be
more inclusive of our members in the southern area of our chapter while providing more social opportunities for
the chapter as a whole.
2015 Truck show coming together nicely. Sani-cans already taken care of. Ice Cream and pie ladies coming
back. We will be acquiring a large event tent for the show this year, just in case. Judy will have sign-up sheets at
next meeting. We are looking for a people mover type trailer to help get people to and from the gate to the show
site. A duties board will be posted at the show so people can see when and where they volunteered to help.
Secretary: Roster was discussed and how to deal with members whose National dues have lapsed. We need to
work on getting correct email addresses so we can notify members in a timely way. Ads for the newsletter are
now offered . 4 times a year for 25$. Judy is working up the particulars.
Treasurer: Doug reported the current treasury balance is $4187. Doug congratulated Judy for getting people to
pay for their truck show ads. 65 people attended the dinner. Only 4 people who reserved dinners failed to show.
Next year Doug wants to have an earlier reservation cut-off to give the Eagles a more timely notice. A number of
hats and buttons were sold at the dinner and will be available at the next meeting as well.
Old Business: Left over buttons and magnets from past shows will be made available to the members at a discounted price. Roy will continue to handle name tag orders. Name tag order form available via email and will be
in the next newsletter.
New Business: Judy is working on a 2016 calendar to celebrate our chapter and as a fundraiser for projects like
the tee-shirts. Those who are interested should send her a picture of the truck you would like to see included.
Good of the Order: 2nd tour of Kenworth Renton Plant now is forming. Expect fall date. Possible run to
Ravensdale in Sept. Shop tours developing, one for sure in the Olympia area. Further details to come. Valley
Freightliner open house more info coming.
Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 11:50AM. Next meeting May 9th at Kipparts Korner show site.
Brothers Jack, Gus and William Mack built their first successful vehicle in 1900: a 24-horsepower, 13-passenger
bus with a 4-cylinder engine. Named the Manhattan, the bus carried sightseers around Brooklyn’s Prospect Park
for eight years and racked up a million miles of service before being retired.
KENWORTH Renton plant tour
Even though we couldn’t take
photos on the line, the tour was
one to remember. A second tour
for 24 members is forming now
for sometime in the fall 2015.
These photos were taken in the display
area at the end of the tour
From popular mechanics 1942
News from around the ATHS
Excerpts from the Long Island Chapter’s “Tired Iron” newsletter, Denis Ryan
“The ATHS National Convention and Antique Truck Show will be held in seven weeks, but according to the
ATHS website, all four host hotels are now full, and two other nearby hotels are also sold out. The national has just
reserved a block of 30 rooms in the newly refurbished Motel 6, but who knows how long that will last. Pre-registrations
received after May 8 can pick up their packets at the show. Pre-registration will be accepted on site in York on Tuesday, May 26 and Wednesday, May 27. Once the show begins on May 28, you will have to pay the daily $10.00 admission fee.”
“ATHS Executive Director Don Bretthauer called me (Denis Ryan) last month to ask a few questions about our chapter and tell me of some of the ideas he has planned as a way to try to improve and in-crease membership in local
chapters. Some of the ideas Don has are, to implement restrictions on the number of year’s chapter officers can
remain in their positions. This is to prevent chapter meetings and functions from be-coming routine and boring for
the members, due to the same officers doing the same thing year after year. He feels new officers could bring in
new and fresh ideas to keep the chapters lively and more enjoyable.”
“Another idea of his is to have chapters hold shorter business meetings and add some other type of activities at meetings, such as speakers or events, in an attempt to avoid having members become bored with just the usual busi-ness
talk, and hopefully increase membership at meetings.” ( NW Chapter President Mike Scott has had the same idea
concerning meetings and will be working toward the goal of less bore more stroke or something like that..)
Information from the Pacific Northwest Truck Museum
Scott Smith 2016 National Convention Chairman. “Forge Your Own Trail to Oregon” is the official theme
for the 20116 show in Salem. 2016 magnets and Buttons are now on sale as well as a nice selection of
commemorative buttons each with a different classic truck grill surrounded by the Salem 2016 logo. Contact Terry Dovre at 503-312-0039 for details.
Speaking of Terry, he reports: Thanks to Pat Russell of All American Toy Trucks for donating not one but
two model trucks for our 2015 Brooks Truck Show. One of the trucks was designed for the ladies in mind.
A single drive tractor with a flatbed trailer and yes it’s pink. The second is a three axle flatbed truck with
the Garrett Freight logo on it. Pat thinks there should be a competition between the gals and the guys to see
who sells more tickets. Your choice $10.00
The museum has a new donation: The Stewart-Stiles trucking family has donated a restored Model T Ford
panel truck painted in their livery.
From our Chapter to the North The Cascade Chapter
July 25-26: The Concrete Fly-In Our trucks are appreciated, so we
need to get several displayed this year.
If you have information on other shows or any questions, please feel free to
contact me: by email or by phone at: (360) 661 -5888
Hereis the address to the Chapter Facebook Page:
Tentatively scheduled Sept 12-13: Cascade Chapter Fun Run and campout, Winthrop, Washington.
The Sierra-Nevada Chapter invites all those returning from the National show in York or interested to
attend their annual show June 6th 1320 Scheels Dr. Sparks Nevada (corner of I-80 and Sparks Blvd). Their
theme a Tribute to The Evolution of the Trucking Industry. (775)771-0901 or (775) 741-7621 or (775) 7471063
The Federal Big Six
On a recent trip to Hood River Oregon, my wife
Debi and I took the Hood River excursion train that
runs from downtown Hood River east to the town of
Parkdale. Very enjoyable train trip, even had a true
switch back in the line. One of the first things I saw
when we got off the train was a 1928 Federal Big
Six logging truck loaded with logs on display off to
the side under a shed roof. The name Federal
stirred a distant memory having to do with my
grandfathers early trucking days as well as curiosity
of the name “Big Six”. When we got home I did
some research and found an article by Jerry Rolland titled “The Federal Story” and what follows is
condensed from that article and other sources as it pertains to the Big Six.
“Lower cost per ton mile”. The Federal Motor Truck Company’s trucks were well thought of and still are
by oldsters in trucking and transport who can recall Federal's heydays and the popularity of the outfit's
vehicles. Like the Studebaker and the Hudson perhaps in passenger cars, the Federal was a make that
"dad", "Uncle George" or "Cousin Harry" once had, especially in families with a background in trucking,
transport or cartage. (To this statement, you can add my grandfather and his brother who pooled their
money and bought a 1918 when they returned home to Canada from WW1).
Federal turned to an interesting engine in 1928 for the fast (40 mph) Federal Big Six. The choice was
one of Continental's new ohv "K" series engines developed for heavy duty truck and coach service. Federal selected a 20R for the Big Six, a 3 ¾” x 5” 318 cu in engine with an output of 84 hp at 2,200. This
engine was the first of many K series Continentals to go under the hoods of Federals. The largest engines Federal used were supplied by Waukesha. The 7½ tonner - Model X8, the company's heaviest
truck - was powered by 5x6-in 4-cylinder Waukesha in the mid 1920s (though with the option of a Continental R series engine <100 hp) and pneumatic tires by 1931.
With these, customers had the choice of a 501 cu in R series output of 139 hp and 385 ft lbs torque at
1,200 rpm, or a 517 cu in Waukesha offering 133 hp and 400 ft lbs torque at a low, low 700 rpm. Basically, the Continental R was a "high speed" engine for highway service while the Waukesha was a
"lugger" with steam-like torque for slow-speed "pull".
A new approach to braking was the built-in or integral 2-cylinder Westinghouse compressor for four
wheel air braking, an improvement on the 1928 Big Six with its two-wheel brakes, which were mechanical aided by a Westinghouse vacuum booster. With better braking and more power, the Big Six's rating
was increased to "4-5-tons" and a good deal more when used as a tractor where air brakes simplified
trailer hookups.
Speaking of brakes, heavier Federals of the 1920s and the 1930s embodied a curious "emergency"
braking detail which could be used in conjunction with the more conventional service brake setup, which
was mechanical initially, then hydraulic and of course also by air. Federal's "emergency" consisted of a
large diameter cast iron drum (up to 4½ x 4½ ins) which was mounted on the nose of the axle pinion
gear, reacting out to the wheels through the shafts. The idea was to reduce braking strains on the driveline, particularly the U-joints, and to make braking as "direct" as possible in an approach short of putting
the shoes inside the drums at the wheels.
Bought by a company named Napco in 1953, operations were moved to Minneapolis and the last truck
was built in 1959.
Interesting fact: Freightliner approached federal in 1953 about building freightliners in the Federal plant.
After some internal conversation, Federal determined the Freightliners all aluminum cab and specialized
construction wouldn’t adapt well to Federal’s facilities and production methods, so they took a pass.
What does your new Pontiac G8 have in common with the Federal Motor Truck Company of Detroit, which
produced its last vehicle for the U.S. marketplace in 1959? Answer on page 9
JUNE 6-7 Olympic Peninsula Antique Tractor &
Engine Assoc. Tractor Pull & Engine Show
Port Orchard Airport
TRUCK RUN to Longview -Lemmon's
Trucking. Info: 360-825-4192
June 13
ATHS Columbia Basin Chapter Vintage
Truck show. Richland. Leonard Stecker,
June 13 - 14 Deming Log Show
MEET Antique Power land Brooks, OR
June 27 - 28
Pot luck, General Meeting, Truck shine Walrath Trucking starts at 10am. Meeting
at noon
Buckley Log Show
Special Truck Show committee meeting
at show site
July 11-12
ELMA Tractor Show has MOVED
No longer at Elma. 11E John’s Creek Dr,
July 18-19
AUG 22-23
Antique Powerland, Brooks, OR.
AUG 29
Annual Lemay Car show at Lemays
Marymount Event Center. NWATHS event
Aug 29-30
Lucky Collector Auction at Mary
mount Event Center
Sept 12
Chapter Board Meeting @ Mike’s
Lakewood shop
Sept 19
Northwest Chapter Truck show in
conjunction with the Harvest Swap
Meet—Chapter meeting at noon in
the Historical Bldg. Southwest Wa.
Fairgrounds Chehalis
Nov 7
Chapter Board Meeting Mike’s
Nov 14
Fall General potluck/lunch meeting
– Walrath Trucking. Starts at 10am.
Meeting starts at noon
The answer is that Martin L. Pulcher, who
founded Federal as Bailey Motor Truck in 1910,
did so three years after he also founded Oakland
which was a fore runner to Pontiac.
Vancouver Island Chapter ATHS
Truck Show Duncan B.C. Cam 1-250-7432213 or Ed 1-250-743-7818
Judy, 360-825-4192
If you know of an event and you would like to have it
listed, just call or email Al at and he will
get it listed here.
This space could be yours. Business card
size ads are now available at a price of $25 for
4 issues of the newsletter . If you would like to
place an ad or want more information contact Al
Downs newsletter editor at
For Sale:
CLARKE: MULTI PURPOSE MILL/DRILL/LATHE 110volt, mill/drill 1/2 HP, lathe 3/4
HP, speed from 430 rpm to 2000rpm Good condition, with stand and tools Asking
$750, all offers considered. Sandy Olson, 360 871 1207, cell 360 908 3344
1934 Chevy 1 Ton Dump Truck. Good shape. Washington title, Extra Cab, Widow
Frame, Hood, Radiator Shell, Headlights. $2,000. OBO Cash Only, NO CHECKS,
Call DAVE 253 631 7623
1973 Peterbilt / sleeper/ 1693 cat
Colleen Moss is selling all trucks owned by Mick Moss. Call her at: 253-8450800
Protech Headache rack $150 Drop deck $300.00
1966 Pete 358 318 4x4 trans Aluminum Frame Wet kit $3500 OBO Jeff 206-387-7089
`37 International Dump truck `34 Ford 1 1/2 ton
`51 White single axle
`75 Pete Cony. 1692 + Retarder
`55 KW Low mount 220, torsion
`56 KW Cabover CSE 220, torsion
`71 International 1300 1ton 4x4
Jim Christofferson 815-2501
Two 3.3 x 24 Tractor tires, 1 new $125.00 1 used with tube
$40.00 Tony Splane 360-856-4984
F5 Ford Flatbed 1950
KB8 International Flatbed 1948
John Kooy 425-754-7747
26 ton T parts Freightliner rear ends, air ride John Goetz 425-327-2020
13 speed transmission, great shape #12513 $750.00
Steve 360-661-0529 (cell) or 360-424-4895 (home)
$10K or best offer 253-948-8769
Jim McMullen 360-661-3115
Teens MACK A/B Radiator cap. Scott Russell 360-951-1280
I need a frame mounted exhaust bracket from a mid 50's to mid 60's Kenworth. It would be
about 151/2" long by 4" wide at the frame end by 5" tall at the frame end. They had 3 bolts securing it to the frame and 2 bolt holes to hold up the exhaust pipe under it. They are kind of
wedge shaped. Please contact Tom @ (253)720-6928 Thank you.
If you would like to have a want add or sale add in the next newsletter but didn’t get it on the Shoppers
liost that goes around at the meeting, just call or email Al at 253-988-4359 or and he
will get it listed here.
Judy's "Short
Stack" Corner
We had a great turn out for the Lemay's General Meeting. Even with the confusion when we arrived, we
still had a wonderful day together. Nice Trucks and wonderful fellowship. I spoke with Stacey regarding
next years Meeting at the Lemay's facility. We will be back to our normal meeting room in the cafeteria.
We will also have the choice to park on the lawn area or park where we were this last time. Thanks to all
who stepped in to help with the set-up and tear-down of the meeting.
Due to no room for the Volunteer List to be placed out for sign-ups for August Show, I"M ASKING OUR
May 9th-BOARD MEETING at Kiperts Korner Feed: Meeting will start at 10:00. This will be an
important meeting working on our upcoming August Show.
May 28th-31st-National Convention: May everyone have a safe and enjoyable travel to the Convention....Will be looking forward to hearing about all the great times shared in York, PA.
June 13th-Lemmon's Truck Run (Longview, WA.)
June 13th —Lemmon's Truck Run ( Longview, WA.) This is a new spot for our Chapter to recog-
nize some of our members in the south end of the state. I have worked with Lemmon's Trucking
and have secured a nice place to show off our trucks and meet new people. The convoy meeting spot
is at 8:00am, Mount Rd exit, then onto Maytown Rest Area around 8:30ish, heading down to the Castle
Rock Rest Area around the 9:30 final destination 80 International Way. If you will need to off-load trucks
from a trailer, it needs to be done at the Fibre Way facility, one block from event. Any questions please feel
free to call...... The event will start by 10:00 and finish around 3:00-4:00. Lemmon's facility is at 80
International Way, Longview, WA.
REMINDER: There will be SIGN-UP sheets for Volunteers to help at our August 8th Truck Show.
They will be 2 hour blocks of time. For our Chapter to have a great show, it take GREAT VOLUNTEERS..........
June 20th —Walraths Trucking Inc. We look forward to having a BIG turn out for this General meeting. This is the last meeting before our Truck Show in August. We will be discussing many issues and your
input is necessary for a successful show. Please try to make this meeting!! We will be discussing many
issues and your input is necessary for success. It is a Pot Luck this year, so a reminder, when we have a potluck, please be kind enough to bring something to share... Feel free to bring a couple items.....
Future Forecast on upcoming Events:
In November at Walrath's the Chapter Members pick the next years (2016) Feature Truck. The deadline to
turn in your Picture and one page letter to Judy is Oct. 31st.
Other notes: We need donations of items towards the Raffle at our meetings and our Truck Show. We will
also have a Silent Auction again at our August Show. Every bit helps....
When attending our Gatherings and Events, please invite a Family Member, Neighbor or Co-Worker , the
more the merrier....
Judy Watkins V. P 360-507-7718
WA. 98022
3016 Cinkovich St Enumclaw,
2015 DUES
2015 DUES
Annual NORTHWEST CHAPTER DUES are $10 per calendar year and are due prior to
March 1 of each year. I hope you feel you got something worthwhile out of your Chapter
membership this past year and I encourage you to continue your membership for 2015.
Please remember there are two membership structures in ATHS, National and Chapter.
NATIONAL DUES of $45 ($55 Family) payable directly to ATHS National Headquarters in
Kansas City, Missouri and you are billed directly by them. You must be in good standing with
National ATHS for your Chapter membership to be active.
If a 14 above your name appears on the mailing label it indicates you need to renew your chapter
membership. If a 15 or greater appears above your name, you have paid your membership for
those respective years. Comp indicates a complementary copy is being sent to you and Hon
represents Honorary Chapter Membership (no yearly dues).
Go find your checkbook NOW and write a check for $10 payable to NORTHWEST CHAPTER
ATHS and send to:
Northwest Chapter ATHS
9633 65th Lane SE
Olympia 98513
Include your name and address as well as an email address . Email will help us keep you better informed of the chapter activities.
9121 9th Ave Ct E
Tacoma, WA. 98445
It’s that time of the year! Check your mailing label. If a 14 appears above your name on the address label, according to our records, you need to pay your 2015 dues by March 1, 2015.
NOTE : You must be a current member of the ATHS in order to be a Chapter member.