Unified Land Development Code
Unified Land Development Code
CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS FALL, 2011 HANDY DESK REFERENCE WEB VERSION Unified Land Development Code PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 UNIFIED LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 CITY OF LYNN HAVEN, TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT FRONT PAGE PAGE 10 FRONT PAGE NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN 7 CHAPTER SIX 6 CHAPTER FIVE 5 CHAPTER TWO 3 2 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER THREE 4 1 < PREVIOUS 2 Unified Land Development Code TOC1 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE CHAPTER FOUR 8 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 1 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 2.00.01. Purpose 2.00.02. Official Land Use Map 2.01.00. Establishment of Land Use Districts. 2.01.01. Low Density Residential (LDR) 2.01.02. Medium Density Residential (MDR) 2.01.03. High Density Residential (HDR) 2.01.04. Mixed Use (MU) 2.01.05. Commercial (C) 2.01.06. Industrial (IND) 2.01.07. Public/Institutional (P/I). 2.01.08. Neighborhood Commercial (C-1). 2.01.09. Recreation & Open Space (R/OS). 2.01.10. Conservation (CON). 2.01.11. Traditional Neighborhood Development District (TND). 2.01.12. Research Park (RP). 2.02.00. Establishment & Purpose of Overlay Districts. 2.02.02. Community Redevelopment Area Overlay (CRA). 2.02.03. Planned Unit Development Overlay (PUD). 2.02.04. 1911 Historic Plat Overlay (1911 Plat). 2.02.05. Corridor Overlay (CO). 2.03.00. Land Uses Permitted in Each Land Use District. 2.03.01. How to Read the Table of Land Uses. 2.03.02. Table of Permitted Land Uses 2.03.03. Accessory Uses in Each Land Use District. Table 2.03.03. Accessory Structures & Uses. 2.04.00. Sexually Oriented & Body Altering Businesses. 2.04.01. Definitions 2.04.02. Sexually Oriented Businesses 2.04.03. Body Altering Businesses 2.04.04. Distance Limitation - Sexually Oriented Businesses 2.04.05. Distance Limitation - Body Altering Businesses 2.04.06. Sign & Appearance Requirements Sexually Oriented Businesses 2.04.07. Sign & Appearance Requirements Body Altering Businesses 2.04.08. Adult Motion Picture Mini-Theaters Prohibited CHAPTER 2. LAND USE DISTRICTS & PERMITTED USES INDICES 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 1.00.01. Purpose & Intent 1.01.00. Title 1.02.00. Authority 1.03.00. Applicability 1.03.02. Exceptions 1.04.00. City Manager 1.05.00. Interpretations. 1.05.02. Responsibility for Interpretation. 1.05.03. Rules for Interpretation of Boundaries 1.05.04. Rules of Construction 1.05.05. Computation of Time 1.06.00. Documents Referenced 1.07.00. Acronyms & Definitions. FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 21 23 21 22 22 22 26 26 26 26 27 TABLE OF CONTENTS 27 28 NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS 4 Unified Land Development Code TOC2 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 3 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 2.04.09. Application to New Schools, Daycare Centers, & Public Parks 28 2.04.10. Ordinance Not Retroactive; Discontinuance of Nonconforming Use 28 2.04.11. Chapter Not Independently Authorizing Use 28 CHAPTER 3. ENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE PROTECTION. 3.00.01. Purpose & Intent 29 3.00.02. Applicability 29 3.01.00. Flood Damage Prevention. 29 3.01.01. Findings of Fact. 29 3.01.02. Statement of Purpose. 29 3.01.03. Objectives 29 3.01.04. Applicability. 30 3.01.05. Basis for Establishing the Areas of Special Flood Hazard. 30 3.01.06. General Standards. 30 3.01.07. Specific Standards. 31 3.01.08. Standards for Streams Without Established Base Flood Elevation or Floodways. 34 3.01.09. Standards for Subdivisions. 34 3.01.10. Standards for Areas of Shallow Flooding (AO zones) 34 3.01.11. Designation of Floodplain Administrator 35 3.01.12. Floodplain Administrator 35 3.02.00. Environmentally Sensitive Lands Protection. 36 3.02.01. Endangered or Threatened Species Habitats. 36 3.02.02. Wetlands & Shoreline Protection. 36 3.02.03. Development Activities within Protected Zones. 37 3.02.04. Restricted Development Zone. 39 3.02.05. Prohibited Ongoing Activities 41 3.03.00. Wellfield Protection. 42 3.03.01. Purpose & Intent. 42 3.03.02. Applicability. 42 3.03.03. Wellfield Protection Area. 43 3.04.00. Air Quality. 43 3.04.01. Standards. 43 3.04.02. Testing. 43 3.05.00. Historical & Archaeological Resources. 43 3.05.01. Applicability 43 3.05.02. Survey Requirements. 43 CHAPTER 4. SITE DESIGN STANDARDS. 4.00.01. Applicability 44 4.00.02. Design Principles 44 4.01.00. Density & Housing Standards. 44 4.01.01. Density & Housing Types in Residential Districts 44 Table 4.01.01. Density & Housing Types in Residential Districts. 44 Table 4.01.02. Density & Housing Types in Non-residential Districts 45 4.01.03. Appearance Standards for Single-Family Dwellings. 45 4.02.00. Design Standards for All Land Use Districts. 46 4.02.01. Standards for Lot Design. 46 Table 4.02.01(A)2. Standards for Impervious Surfaces. 46 Table 4.02.01(B)4: 1911 Historic Plat TABLE OF CONTENTS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code TOC3 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 4 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 Reconfigurations. 46 4.02.02. Standards for Buildings & Building Placement. 47 Table 4.02.02. Standards for Building Heights & Setbacks. 47 4.02.03. Design Requirements for Development within the CRA Overlay District. 48 4.02.04. Specific Standards for Single Family Attached Development. 48 4.02.05. Design Standards for All Commercial Development. 48 4.02.06. Specific Standards for Neighborhood Commercial (C-1) District. 49 4.02.07. Guidelines for Compatibility Review. 49 4.03.00. Standards for Subdivision Layout & Design. 50 4.03.02. General Standards. 50 4.03.03. Subdivision Lot & Block Design. 50 4.03.04. Requirements for Infrastructure. 51 4.03.05. Requirements for Minor Subdivisions. 51 4.04.00. Standards for Planned Unit Developments (PUD). 52 4.04.02. Design Standards. 52 Table 4.04.02(A). PUD Density & Intensity Standards. 52-53 4.05.00. Standards for Traditional Neighborhood Developments (TND). 53 4.05.01. Purpose and Intent. 53 4.05.03. Land Use Categories & Site Design Standards. 54 Table 4.05.03(A). Land Use Categories for TND. 54 Table 4.05.03(A). Land Use Categories for TND. 55 Table 4.05.03(B). Required Land Use & Site Design Standards for TNDs 56 4.05.04. Accessory Structures (in TNDs). 55 4.05.05. Specific Site Design Standards. 58 Table 4.05.05(A) TND Block Width & Length Standards 58 4.05.06. Appearance Standards for Buildings. 59 4.05.07. Streets & Alleys. 60 Table 4.05.07(C). TND Street Design Standards. 60 4.05.08. Streetscape Requirements. 61 4.05.09. Landscaping & Tree Protection. 62 4.05.10. Signage. 62 4.05.11. Public Open Space. 62 4.05.12. Parking Standards. 63 4.05.13. Public Utilities. 64 4.05.14. Development Plan Requirements. 64 4.06.00. Standards for Landscaping, Buffers, & Tree Protection. 64 4.06.02. Specifications for Landscaping & Vegetation. 65 4.06.03. Buffer Requirements. 66 Table 4.06.03(D). Buffers Along Streets. 67 Table 4.06.03(E). Buffer Standards for Abutting Parcels. 67 4.06.04. Landscaping Requirements for TABLE OF CONTENTS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE 3 2 CHAPTER ONE 4 1 < PREVIOUS 5 Unified Land Development Code TOC4 81 81 81 81 82 82 82 82 83 83 84 84 84 85 85 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 79 79 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 78 79 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 4 69 71 72 73 73 74 74 75 75 76 77 78 INDICES 8 68 TABLE OF OF TABLE CONTENTS CONTENTS 9 67 FRONT PAGE 10 Vehicle Use Areas. 4.06.05. Requirements for Trees & Tree Protection. Table 4.06.05(D). Officially Designated Trees. Table 4.06.05. Landscape Trees & Plants. Figure 4.1: Pedestrian Easement. Figure 4.2: Lot Arrangement. Figure 4.3: Recesses or Projections Figure 4.4 Streetscape Requirements Figure 4.5 Unified Signage Figure 4.6: Buffer “A” Figure 4.7: Buffer “B” Figure 4.8: Buffer “C” Figure 4.9 : Buffer “D” Figure 4.10: Vehicle Use Landscape Area Figure 4.11: Planting for Vehicle Use Landscape Areas Figure 4.12: Tree Protection Zone 4.07.00. Corridor Overlay (CO) Standards. 4.07.01. CO Design Standards. CHAPTER 5. ACCESSORY, TEMPORARY, & SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS 5.00.01. Purpose. 5.01.00. Accessory Uses & Structures. 5.01.01. Home Occupations 5.01.02. Accessory Structures in All Land Use Districts. 5.01.03. Accessory Structures in Residential Land Use Districts. Table 5.01.03(B). Standards for Accessory Structures in Residential Districts. 5.01.04. Accessory Dwellings in Residential Land Use Districts 5.01.05. Dumpsters. 5.01.06. Fences, Hedges, & Walls Table 5.01.06. Fences, Hedges, & Walls. 5.02.00. Temporary Uses & Structures. 5.02.01. Temporary Dwellings 5.02.03. Temporary Uses. 5.03.02. Exempt Signs 5.03.03. Provisionally Exempt Signs Table 5.03.03. Standards for Provisionally Exempt Signs. 5.03.04. Prohibited Signs. 5.03.05. Temporary Signs Table 5.03.05(C). Types of Temporary Signs & Conditions for Placement. Table 5.03.05(D). Standards for Temporary Signs. 5.03.06. Permissible Permanent On-Site Signs. Table 5.03.06(A). Permanent On-Site Signage. 5.03.07. Design Standards for All Permanent Signs. Table 5.03.07(C)(1). Standards for Permanent Signs. Table 5.03.07(C)(2). Building Sign Size, Height, & Number. 5.03.08. Measurement Determinations Table 5.03.08. Measurement Determinations. 5.05.00. Supplemental Standards for 85 86 87 88 88 88 88 90 TABLE OF CONTENTS 90 91 91 91 NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE 2 CHAPTER ONE 3 1 < PREVIOUS 6 Unified Land Development Code TOC5 98 99 99 99 101 101 102 102 103 104 104 105 105 105 105 106 111 112 112 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 CHAPTER TWO 5 97 97 97 98 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 96 96 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 5 93 93 94 94 INDICES 8 92 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 92 92 FRONT PAGE 10 Specific Uses. 5.05.02. Alcoholic Beverage Sales. 5.05.03. Auto Graveyards, Junkyards, Scrap Metal Processing Plants. 5.05.04. Automotive Parts & Mechanical Garages. 5.05.05. Gasoline Service Stations. 5.05.06. Mobile Home Parks. 5.05.07. Religious Facilities. 5.05.08. Daycare, Preschool, & Nursery School. 5.05.09. Public & Private Schools. Table 5.05.09(B). Standards for Public & Private Schools. 5.05.10. Group Homes. 5.05.11. Mixed Use Development Projects. 5.05.12. Outdoor Storage. 5.05.13. Motorized Vehicle Sales (New or Used). 5.05.14. Multi-Family Residential Development in C & IND Land Use Districts 5.05.15. Mini-Warehouse & Self Store Facility 5.05.16. Marinas. Figure 5.1: Façade Area Figure 5.2: Letters or Pictures Figure 5.3: Four Sign Faces Figure 5.4: Three-Dimensional Object Figure 5.5: Sign Height. CHAPTER 6: CONCURRENCY & INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS 6.01.00. Concurrency Requirements. 6.01.01. Purpose & Applicability. 6.01.02. Determination of Concurrency. 6.01.03. Concurrency Requirements. 6.01.04. De Minimis Projects. 6.01.05. Strategies to Rectify Lack of Concurrency. 6.01.06. Proportionate Fair-Share Transportation Mitigation. 6.02.00. Requirements for Potable Water, Sanitary Sewer, & Reclaimed Water. 6.02.01. Requirements for Potable Water. 6.02.02. Requirements for Sanitary Sewer. 6.02.03. Requirements for Reclaimed Water Systems. 6.03.00. Installation of Improvements. 6.04.00. Stormwater Management Requirements. 6.04.02. Applicability and Exemptions. 6.04.03. Standards for Stormwater Management. 6.04.04. Stormwater Management Plan Requirements. 6.05.00. Transportation, Access, & Parking Requirments. 6.05.02. Street Access & Driveway Design Requirements. Table 6.05.02(A). Planned Street Connections. 6.05.03. Bicycle & Pedestrian Ways. Table 6.05.03(B). Bicycle Way Design Criteria. Table 6.05.03(C). Sidewalk Design Criteria. 6.05.04. Visibility at Intersections. 112 112 113 113 114 115 115 TABLE OF CONTENTS 115 117 117 118 118 NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE 2 CHAPTER ONE 3 1 < PREVIOUS 8 125 126 126 128 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 132 132 132 133 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 136 136 136 136 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 138 CHAPTER 9. VARIATIONS FROM ULDC REQUIREMENTS. 9.01.00. Noncoforming Situations. 139 9.01.01. Continuation of Nonconforming Unified Land Development Code TOC6 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 CHAPTER TWO 5 125 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 123 124 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 6 119 122 INDICES 8 118 119/133 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 118 FRONT PAGE 10 6.05.05. Encroachments on Alleys. 6.05.06. Standards for Parking Spaces & Parking Lots. Figure 6.1: Visibility at Intersections. Table 6.05.06(B) Parking Space Requirements 6.05.07. Standards for Loading Spaces. 6.05.08. Design Standards for Off-Street Parking Areas. 6.05.09. Layout of Transportation Facilities. 6.05.10. Standards for Handicapped Access & Parking. 6.05.11. Standards for Motorcycle & Bicycle Parking Spaces. 6.05.12. Change of Use Requirements. 6.05.13. Parking Studies. 6.05.14. Special Parking Districts. 6.05.15. Specific Parking Requirements for Recreational Vehicles. 6.05.16. Standards for Stacking Lanes & Drive-Thru Facilities. Table 6.05.16(B). Stacking Lane Requirements. 6.06.00. Technical Standards. 6.06.01. Potable Water Standards. 6.06.02. Sanitary Sewer Standards. Table 6.06.02(A). Minimum Sanitary Sewer Grades & Velocities. 6.06.03. Storm Water Standards. 6.06.04. Streets Standards. Table 6.06.04(A). Right-of-Way Width & Grades. Table 6.06.04(C). Minimum Pavement Width. Table 6.06.04(E). Sidewalks. CHAPTER 8. COMMISSIONS, BOARDS, & AGENCIES. 8.01.00. Requirements for All Comissions & Agencies. 8.01.01. Appointment. 8.01.02. Attendance. 8.01.03. Officers. 8.01.04. By-laws. 8.01.05. Record of Decisions. Table 8.01.05 (C). Decision-Making Bodies for Variances & Appeals. 8.02.00. Planning Commission. 8.02.01. Establishment. 8.02.02. Membership & Terms. 8.02.03. Roles & Responsibilities. 8.03.00. Boards of Adjustment. 8.03.01. Establishment. 8.03.02. Membership, Terms, & Organization. 8.03.03. Roles & Responsibilities. 8.04.00. Community Redevelopment Agency. 8.04.01. Authority. 8.04.02. Membership, Terms, & Vacancies. 8.04.03. Organization. 8.04.04. Roles & Responsibilities. TABLE OF CONTENTS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE 3 2 CHAPTER ONE 4 1 < PREVIOUS 10 Unified Land Development Code TOC7 140 141 141 142 142 142 142 143 143 143 143 143 144 144 144 144 145 145 145 145 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 140 140 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 140 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 139 140 INDICES 8 9 139 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 139 FRONT PAGE 10 Uses & Structures. 9.01.02. Expansion or Modification of Nonconforming Uses or Structures. 9.01.03. Specific Provisions for Nonconforming Residential Lots of Record. 9.02.00. Variances. 9.02.02. Required Findings for a Grant of Variance. Table 9.02.02. Findings for Grant of a Variance. 9.02.03. Procedures for Variances. 9.02.04. Specific Requirements for Variances in Areas of Flood Hazard. Table 9.02.04(B). Findings Specific to Areas of Flood Hazard. 9.02.05. Specific Requirements for Variances from Subdivision Standards. 9.03.00. Appeals of Administrative Actions. 9.03.01. Applicability. 9.03.02. Time for Filing an Administrative Appeal. 9.03.03. Appeals Specific to Stormwater Management Plans. 9.03.04. Appeals Specific to Concurrency Management. 9.04.00. Administrative Waivers. 9.04.01. Reduction in Required Parking. Table 9.04.01(C). Reduction in Parking. 9.04.02. Wireless Communications. Chapter 10. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES. 10.00.01. Purpose & Intent. 10.00.02. Development Permits & Local Development Orders Required. 10.00.03. Exemptions. 10.00.04. Commencement of Work & Expiration of Development Permits & Local Development Orders. 10.00.05. Fees Required. 10.00.06. Fees for Independent Review of Applications 10.00.07. Certificate of Occupancy. 10.01.00. Application Requirements. Table 10.01.00. Types of Applications & Responsible Parties for Final Review & Decision-Making. 10.01.01. Pre-application Conference. 10.01.02. General Requirements for all Applications. Table 10.01.02. General Development Application Submittal Requirements. 10.01.03. Application for Local Development Orders. Table 10.01.03. Submittal Requirements for Applications for Local Development Orders. 10.01.04. Application for Development Permits. 10.01.05. Submittal Requirements for Site Plans, with or without Supplemental Standards. 10.01.06. Submittal Requirements for PUD & TND Master Plans. Table 10.01.06(C). PUD & TND Master Plan 145 146 146 146 147 147 147 TABLE OF CONTENTS 148 148 NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE 3 2 1 < PREVIOUS 151 151 152 152 153 153 153 154 154 155 156 156 156 157 157 157 157 157 158 158 158 159 159 160 161 161 ORDINANCE # 654. Wireless Telecommunications Code (Cell Towers) 76-1: Definitions 76-1: Applicability & Exceptions 76-3: General Requirements 76-4: Authority of the Dept of Development & Planning 76-5: Administratively Approves Uses 76-6: Special Use Permits 76-7: Buildings or Other Equipment Storage 76-8: Removal of Abandoned Antennas & Cell Sites 76-9: Abandonment of Communication Towers 76-10: Nonconforming Uses 162 163 165 165 170 171 172 175 176 176 178 INDICES 180 Unified Land Development Code TOC8 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 CHAPTER ONE 5 151 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 150 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 10 149 INDICES 8 149 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 148 FRONT PAGE 10 Submittal Requirements. 10.01.07. Submittal Requirements for Stormwater Management Plans. 10.01.08. Submittal Requirements for Preliminary Subdivision Plats. Table 10.01.08(F). Preliminary Plat Requirements. Table 10.01.08(G). Requirements for Improvement Plans. 10.01.09. Submittal Requirements for Final Plats. Table 10.01.09(E). Final Plat Requirements. 10.01.10. Submittal Requirements for Comprehensive Plan Amendments & Amendments to the ULDC. 10.02.00. Notice Requirements. 10.02.04. Published Notice Requirements. 10.03.00. Procedures for Review & Decision-Making. 10.03.01. Review & Compliance Report by TRC. 10.03.02. Procedures for Action by the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). 10.03.03. Procedures for Action by the Planning Commission. 10.03.04. Procedures for Action by the City Commission. 10.04.00. Quasi-Judicial Hearings. 10.04.02. Conduct of hearings. 10.04.03. When Required. 10.04.04. Procedures Regarding Ex Parte Communication. 10.04.05. Order of Presentations. 10.05.00. Construction & Improvements 10.05.01. Compliance with Development Permits & Local Development Orders 10.05.02. Improvement Agreements, Guarantees, & Sureties. 10.06.00. Amendments To Local Development Orders. 10.06.01. Amendments Required. 10.07.00. Enforcement. 10.07.02. Responsibility for Enforcement. 10.07.03. Code Enforcement Procedures Figure 10.1: Subdivision Plat Process. Figure 10.2: TND & PUD Process. Figure 10.3: Site Plan Process. TABLE OF CONTENTS NEXT > CHAPTER 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT 1.02.00. AUTHORITY. This ULDC is enacted pursuant to the requirements & authority of Chapter 163, Part II, F.S., & Chapter 166, F.S. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 < PREVIOUS 1.03.02. Exceptions. Previously approved projects that are identified as exempt from the provisions of this ULDC are exempt only to the extent of the previous approval & are exempt from the provisions of this ULDC only to the extent that such provisions & requirements are inconsistent with prior, unexpired approval. The following general conditions or circumstances are exempt from the provisions & requirements of the ULDC: A. Projects for which a development permit has been lawfully issued, provided: 1. The development permit has not expired prior to the effective date of the ULDC or amendment of the ULDC; 2. The development activity authorized by the development permit commenced on or before the effective date of this ULDC & continues in good faith according to the applicable time limits; & 3. The development activity authorized by the development permit is in accordance with all applicable development permits. B. Work required for public facilities & services & undertaken by an authorized governmental entity or agency within the public right-ofway, as further described below: 1. Work required for the installation of facilities for the distribution or transmission of gas, water, sewer, or telecommunications services; 2. Work required for the purpose of inspecting, repairing, or replacing any existing water or sewer lines, mains, or pipes; & Unified Land Development Code 1 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 1.03.01. Generally. A. The use of any parcel of land, or any structure, or any combination thereof, within the corporate limits of the City shall be in conformance with the requirements of the ULDC. B. All development, which includes redevelopment, shall conform to the standards, criteria, requirements, & procedures of this ULDC. C. A change of use shall conform to the standards, criteria, requirements, & procedures of this ULDC. D. Where a development permit that was lawfully issued prior to the effective date of this ULDC expires, any further development on the site subject to the development permit shall conform to the standards, criteria, requirements, & procedures of this ULDC. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CHAPTER ONE 1.03.00. APPLICABILITY. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 1.01.00. TITLE. This code shall be known as & entitled the “Lynn Haven Unified Land Development Code” & may be referred to herein as the “ULDC.” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 1.00.01. Purpose & Intent. This Unified Land Development Code is hereby adopted & established as the City’s official land development regulations in compliance with the City of Lynn Haven Comprehensive Plan, in order to accomplish the following purposes: A. To promote the general health & welfare; B. Lessen danger from fire; C. Provide adequate light & air; D. Prevent the overcrowding of land; E. Conserve natural resources; F. Provide facilities concurrent with the needs of development for transportation, potable water, sanitary sewerage, parks & recreation, stormwater management,& solid waste disposal; & G. Conserve the value of real estate & encourage the most appropriate use of land within the City. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER SEVEN 1.00.00. GENERALLY. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL PROVISIONS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 1.04.00. CITY MANAGER. The City Manager is the chief administrative official of Lynn Haven. For the purposes of this ULDC, the City Manager is assigned to administer, interpret, & implement the standards, criteria, & procedures of this ULDC. The City Manager may delegate such responsibilities in writing to City staff. Throughout this ULDC, the term “City Manager” is used to indicate the responsibility for specified actions, except where specified actions are reserved or specifically delegated to the building official. In all instances, “City Manager” means the “City Manager or designee.” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER NINE 3. Work required for the purpose of inspecting, repairing, or replacing cables, power lines, utility poles, utility tunnels, or the like. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 < PREVIOUS 1.05.03. Rules for Interpretation of Boundaries. A. The boundaries of the several land use districts as shown on the map entitled, Official Land Use Map, approved & adopted by the City Commission, which map, together with such additions or changes as may be found necessary or advisable from time to time, is hereby made a part of this ULDC. B. All areas within the City which are under water shall be subject to the same regulations as the land use districts which they adjoin. C. Boundary lines between districts adjoining water areas shall be extended in lines to the corporate limits or until they meet the extended lines of other districts. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.05.04. Rules of Construction. The following rules of construction shall be applied in the interpretation of the provisions of this ULDC: A. The word “shall” is mandatory & the word “may” is discretionary; B. Words used in the present tense shall include other tenses; C. Words in the singular shall include the plural, & words in the plural shall include the singular; D. Words denoting the masculine gender shall be construed to include the feminine & neuter; E. The word “person” includes a firm, association, organization, partnership, trust, company, or corporation, as well as an individual; F. The word “owner,” applied to a building or land, shall include any part owner, joint owner, tenant in common, tenant in partnership, joint tenant, or tenant by the entirety, of the whole or of a part of such building or land; Unified Land Development Code 2 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 1.05.02. Responsibility for Interpretation. A. In the event that any question arises concerning the application of regulations, standards, definitions, development criteria, or any other provision of this ULDC, the City Manager shall be responsible for interpretation. In the interpretation of this ULDC, the City Manager shall seek guidance from the comprehensive plan. B. Responsibility for interpretation by the City Manager shall be limited to standards, regulations, & requirements of this ULDC, & shall not be construed to include interpretation of any technical codes adopted by reference in this ULDC. Interpretation shall not be construed to override the responsibilities given to any commission, board, or official named in other sections or chapters of this ULDC. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 1.05.01. Generally. A. Specific provisions of this ULDC shall be followed, in lieu of general provisions that may be in conflict with the specific provision. B. In the interpretation and application of this ULDC, all standards, provisions, & requirements shall be liberally construed in favor of the objectives & purposes of the City & shall not be construed to limit nor repeal any other powers granted under State statutes. C. Where provisions of this ULDC conflict with other regulations, the more stringent restrictions shall be applied. D. Where written text & illustrations are in conflict, the written text shall govern. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 CHAPTER CHAPTER ONE ONE 1.05.00. INTERPRETATIONS. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL PROVISIONS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER THREE 3 2 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 1 < PREVIOUS Accessory structure (Appurtenant structure) means, for purposes of floodplain management, a structure that is located on the same parcel of property as the principal structure & the use of which is incidental to the use of the principal structure. Accessory structures should constitute a minimal investment, may not be used for human habitation, & be designed to have minimal flood damage potential. Examples of accessory structures are detached garages, carports, storage sheds, pole barns, & hay sheds. Accessory use means a use of land or structure or portion thereof customarily incidental & subordinate to the principal use of the land or structure & located on the same parcel with the principal use. Unified Land Development Code 3 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 1.07.00. ACRONYMS & DEFINITIONS. A. List of acronyms. CRA – Community Redevelopment Agency or Community Redevelopment Area (when referring to the CRA Plan) DBH – diameter at breast height EPA – Environmental Protection Agency ERP – Environmental Resource Permit FAA – Federal Aviation Administration FAC – Florida Administrative Code FCC – Federal Communications Commission FDEP – Florida Department of Environmental Protection FDOT – Florida Department of Transportation FEMA – Federal Emergency Management Agency FIRM – Flood Insurance Rate Map FLUM – Future Land Use Map FS – Florida Statutes NGVD – National Geodetic Vertical Datum OFW – Outstanding Florida Water PUD – Planned Unit Development TRC – Technical Review Committee TSM – Technical Standards Manual ULDC – Unified Land Development Code USACOE – United States Army Corps of Engineers B. List of defined terms. Words & phrases shall be construed according to the common & approved usage of the language. Words with specific meaning in this ULDC are defined below. Abutting property means any property that is immediately adjacent or contiguous to, or immediately across any road or public right-ofway from the subdivision. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 1.06.00. DOCUMENTS REFERENCED. A. The Technical Standards Manual, previously referred to as the Concurrency Management System User’s Handbook, referred to herein as TSM. B. The Future Land Use Map (FLUM) as adopted within the Lynn Haven Comprehensive Plan & designated the “Official Land Use Map” in Section 2.00.02. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 1.05.05. Computation of Time. A. Whenever a notice is required to be given, an act to be done, or a certain length of time before any proceeding shall be provided, the day on which such notice is given, or such act is done, shall be counted in computing the time, but the day on which such proceeding is to be had shall not be counted. B. The term “day” means a calendar day. C. The term “month” means a calendar month. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE 10 G. The word “and” indicates that all the connected items, conditions, provisions, or events shall apply; H. The word “or” indicates that the connected items, conditions, provisions, or events may apply singularly or in any combination; & I. The words “either ... or” indicate that the connected items, conditions, provisions, or events shall apply singularly, but not in combination. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL PROVISIONS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN 7 Apartment means 1 or more rooms with private bath & kitchen facilities comprising an independent self-contained dwelling unit not owned in fee simple. Apartment house means any building or part thereof providing more than 2 separate apartments. 6 CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 Applicant means any person applying for or who has been granted a permit to proceed with a project. Aquifer means an underground formation, group of formations, or part of a formation that is permeable enough to transmit, store or yield usable quantities of water. Architect means a person registered and currently licensed to practice architecture in the State. Area of shallow flooding means a designated AO or VO zone on the City’s flood insurance rate map (FIRM) with base flood depths from 1 to 3 feet where a clearly defined channel does not exist, where the path of flooding is unpredictable & indeterminate, & where velocity flow may be evident. Such flooding is characterized by ponding or sheet flow. PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 CHAPTER CHAPTER ONE ONE 5 Appeal means a request for a review of the City Manager’s interpretation of any provision of this ULDC, or a request for a review of the Floodplain Administrator’s interpretation of any provision of the City’s floodplain management regulations. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 CHAPTER SIX Agricultural lands mean those lands in any agricultural use including forestry. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE CHAPTER FIVE Advertising means sign copy intended directly or indirectly to promote the sale or use of a product, service, commodity, entertainment, or real or personal property. INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 Adverse effects means any modifications, alterations, or effects on waters, associated wetlands, or shore lands, including their quality, quantity, hydrology, surface area, species composition, or usefulness for human or natural uses which are or may potentially be harmful or injurious to human health, welfare, safety or property, to biological productivity, diversity, or stability or which unreasonably interfere with the reasonable use of property, including outdoor recreation. The term includes secondary & cumulative, as well as direct impacts. FRONT PAGE 10 Addition (to an existing building) means any walled & roofed expansion to the perimeter of a building in which the addition is connected by a common load bearing wall other than a firewall. Any walled & roofed addition which is connected by a firewall or is separated by independent perimeter load bearing walls is new construction. Areas of special flood hazard means the land in a floodplain within the City which is subject to a 1% or greater chance of being flooded in any given year. Artificial drainage system means any canal, ditch, culvert, dike, storm sewer or other man-made facility which tends to control the surface flow of water. As-built means the construction document with exact location of utilities, rights-of-way & property lines. < PREVIOUS As-built plans means the amended site plans specifying the locations, dimensions, elevations, capacities & capabilities of structures or facilities as they have been constructed. Associated wetland means any wetland that is adjacent or contiguous to waters, or which has a direct hydrologic connection to waters. Base flood means the flood having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year (also called the “100-year flood” & the “regulatory flood”). Base flood elevation means the water-surface elevation associated Unified Land Development Code 4 GENERAL PROVISIONS NEXT > CHAPTER NINE 9 Block means and includes tier or group & means a group of lots existing within well-defined and fixed boundaries, usually being an area surrounded by streets or other physical barriers and having an assigned number, letter, or other name thru which it may be identified. CHAPTER SIX 5 Building means any enclosed or roofed structure for any occupancy or storage. - Accessory building means any building, the use of which is incidental to the main building, & which is placed upon the same lot as the main building. - Building setback means a line parallel to & equidistant from the relevant lot line (front, back, & side) between which no buildings or structures may be erected as prescribed in these regulations. Certificate of concurrency means the certificate issued by the City upon finding that an application for a development permit will not result in the reduction of the level of service standards set forth in the City Plan for public facilities & services. City engineer means an engineer employed by the City & designated as City engineer. CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE CHAPTER TWO 3 2 CHAPTER ONE 4 1 Coastal high hazard area means an area of special flood hazard extending from offshore to the inland limit of a primary frontal dune along an open coast & any other area subject to high velocity wave action from storms or seismic sources. The area is designated on the FIRM as Zone V1 – V30, VE, or V. Commercially developed parcel means a parcel of property used for wholesale or retail purposes on which the property user or employees are engaged in work for which it is intended that compensation be received for goods or services. PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE Clearing means the removal of trees & brush from the land, not including the ordinary mowing of grass. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CHAPTER FIVE 7 Breakaway wall means a wall that is not part of the structural support of the building and is intended thru its design & construction to collapse under specific lateral loading forces without causing damage to the elevated portion of the building or the supporting foundation system. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE CHAPTER SEVEN 8 INDICES CHAPTER EIGHT Board means the Board of Adjustment. TABLE OF CONTENTS 10 Basement means that portion of a building having its floor subgrade (below ground level) on all sides. Beneficial functions of a protected environmentally sensitive area means those functions, described in the conservation element of the City Comprehensive Plan, that justify designating an area as environmentally sensitive. FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN with the base flood. Concurrency management system means the procedures & processes utilized by the City to determine that development permits, when issued, will not result in the reduction of the level of service standards set forth in the City Comprehensive Plan. Curb level means the elevation of the top of the street curb, as officially established by the City. < PREVIOUS Datum means a reference surface used to ensure that all elevation records are properly related. The current national datum is the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929, which is expressed in relation to mean sea level, or the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) of 1988. Deed restriction means the developers’ right to impose restrictive covenants or other such limitations on the sale & use of the property within a subdivision. All restrictions are to be recorded in the records of the Clerk of the Circuit Court & shall be either shown or referenced on the final plat of record. The City shall have no responsibility for ensuring compliance with, or enforcement of, Unified Land Development Code 5 GENERAL PROVISIONS NEXT > 10 CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX 5 1. building; 2. tree removal; 3. temporary use; & 4. demolition. For the purposes of the floodplain management, development means any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including, but not limited to buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavating, drilling operations, or storage of materials or equipment. Local Development Order is a permit that gives the developer the right to commence land clearing & site work, including installation of infrastructure. A local development order will be issued for the following: 1. Development plan approval for planned unit developments (PUD). 2. Preliminary & final plat approval. 3. Minor Subdivision Replat. CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 4 5. Development orders for developments of regional impact, as defined in Section 380.06, F.S. 6. Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) plans. Direct hydrologic connection means a surface water connection which, under normal hydrological conditions, occurs on an average of 30 or more consecutive days per year. In the absence of reliable hydrologic records, a continuum of wetlands may be used to establish a direct hydrologic connection. PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4. Site plans. CHAPTER ONE FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 Permit (or, Development Permit) means a document issued by the City authorizing the applicant to undertake certain activities, including, but not limited to: INDICES 8 Development or development activities means construction, clearing, filling, excavating, grading, paving, dredging, mining, or otherwise significantly disturbing the soil of a site. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER EIGHT Developer means an individual, partnership, corporation, or other legal entity, or agent thereof, who undertakes the activities covered by this ULDC. 9 CHAPTER FIVE Detention means the collection & storage of surface water for subsequent controlled discharge at a rate which is less than the rate of inflow. FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN any such privately imposed restrictions, unless they are included as part of an enforceable development agreement. Discharge or discharge point means the point of outflow of water from a project, site, aquifer, drainage basin or facility. 2 1 < PREVIOUS Drainage facility means the whole or any part of the drainage system. Drainage plan means the detailed analysis required by Sections 6.04.03 & 6.04.04 for each activity described in Section 6.04.02. Drainage system means the system thru which water flows; it includes all watercourses, waterbodies, & wetlands. Dwelling unit means a room or rooms connected together, constituting a separate, independent housekeeping establishment containing sleeping, kitchen, & sanitary facilities. - Accessory - A separate, complete housekeeping unit with a separate entrance, kitchen, sleeping, and complete sanitary facilities, which is an attached or detached extension to an existing single-family structure. - Duplex - A structure containing two separate dwelling units, each of which has independent access. Unified Land Development Code 6 GENERAL PROVISIONS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE CHAPTER TWO 3 2 CHAPTER ONE 4 1 Erosion means the wearing or washing away of soil by the action of wind or water. Existing means the average physical condition of the land and buildings on a site immediately before development or redevelopment commences. Existing construction means any structure for which the start of construction commenced before the effective date of the first floodplain management code, ordinance, or standard based upon specific technical base flood elevation data which establishes the area of special flood hazard, in the City. Existing manufactured home, park or subdivision means a manufactured home park or subdivision for which the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including, at a minimum, the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, & either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads), is completed before the effective date of floodplain management regulations adopted by the City. Expansion to an existing manufactured home park or subdivision means the preparation of additional sites by the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, & either final site grading or pouring of concrete pads). PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 Engineer means a person registered & currently licensed to practice professional engineering in the State. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 Encroachment means the advance or infringement of uses, plant growth, fill, excavation, buildings, permanent structures or development into a floodplain, which may impede or alter the flow capacity of a floodplain. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 Elevated building means a nonbasement building built to have the lowest floor elevated above the natural ground level by means of fill, solid foundation perimeter walls, piling, columns (posts & piers), shear walls, or breakaway walls. INDICES 8 Easement means an interest in land owned by another which entitles its holder to a specific use or enjoyment. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 - Single-family residence means a detached dwelling unit with a room or rooms connected together, constituting a separate, independent housekeeping establishment containing sleeping, kitchen, & sanitary facilities. FRONT PAGE 10 - Multiple-family dwelling - A dwelling on one (1) lot, containing three (3) or more separate dwelling units, having separate or joint entrances, & including the terms apartments, group homes, row houses, condominiums & multiple dwellings. Facade. That portion of any exterior elevation on the building extending from grade to top of the parapet, wall, or eaves & the entire width of the building elevation. Facade, street. The facing wall of a building fronting a street, other than courtyard walls. First story means that part of a building or structure resting on or anchored to piers, foundation, or basement enclosure supporting the first floor joist sills & forming the lower floor level to its ceiling height. Flood or flooding means a temporary rise in the level of any waterbody, watercourse, or wetland which results in the inundation of areas not ordinarily covered by water. GENERAL PROVISIONS For the purposes of floodplain management, Flood or flooding means: < PREVIOUS (a) A general & temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from: (1) The overflow of inland or tidal waters. (2) The unusual & rapid accumulation or runoff of surface Unified Land Development Code 7 NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE CHAPTER TWO 3 2 CHAPTER ONE 4 1 < PREVIOUS Floodplain Administrator is the individual appointed to administer & enforce the floodplain management regulations of the City of Lynn Haven. Floodplain management regulations means Section 3.01.00 of this ULDC & other zoning ordinances, subdivision regulations, building codes, health regulations, special purpose ordinances & other applications of police power which control development in floodprone areas. This term describes Federal, State of Florida, or local regulations in any combination thereof, which provide standards for preventing & reducing flood loss & damage. Floodproofing means any combination of structural & nonstructural additions, changes, or adjustments to properties & structures which reduce or eliminate flood damage to land, water & sanitary facilities, structures, & contents of buildings. PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 Floodplain means any land area susceptible to being inundated by water from any source. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 Flood Insurance Study (FIS) is the official hydrology & hydraulics report provided by FEMA. The study contains an examination, evaluation, & determination of flood hazards. The study may also contain flood profiles, as well as the FIRM, FHBM (where applicable) & other related data & information. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) means an official map of the City of Lynn Haven, on which the FEMA has delineated both the areas of special flood hazard & the risk premium zones applicable to the City of Lynn Haven. INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 waters from any source. (b) The collapse or subsidence of land along a shore of a lake or other body of water as the result of erosion or undermining caused by waves or currents of water exceeding anticipated cyclical levels or suddenly caused by an unusually high water level in a natural body of water, accompanied by a severe storm or by an unanticipated force of nature, such as a flash flood or an abnormal tidal surge or by some similarly unusual & unforeseeable event which results in flooding as defined in paragraph (a) (1) of this definition. Flood Boundary & Floodway Map (FBFM) means the official map of the City of Lynn Haven on which the FEMA has delineated the areas of special flood hazard & regulatory floodways. Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FHBM) means an official map of the City of Lynn Haven, issued by FEMA, where the boundaries of the areas of special flood hazards have been defined as zone A. Floodway means the channel of a river or other watercourse & the adjacent land areas that must be reserved, in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than 1 foot. Floor means the top surface of an enclosed area in a building (including basement), i.e., top of slab in concrete slab construction or top of wood flooring in wood frame construction. The term does not include the floor of a garage used solely for parking vehicles. Floor area ratio (F.A.R.) means a measurement of the intensity of development on a site. The floor area ratio is the relationship between the total floor area on a site & the gross site area. The F.A.R. is calculated by adding together all floor areas of all floors & dividing this total by the gross site area. F.A.R. = Total Building Floor Area/Total Lot Area. Free of Obstruction means any type of lower area enclosure or other construction element will not obstruct the flow of velocity water & wave action beneath the lowest horizontal structural member of the lowest floor of an elevated building during a base flood event. This requirement applies to the structures in velocity zones (V-Zones). Unified Land Development Code 8 GENERAL PROVISIONS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 3 Highest adjacent grade means the highest natural elevation of the ground surface, prior to the start of construction, next to the proposed walls of a building. CHAPTER TWO Historic structure means any structure that is: 2 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER THREE 4 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 Hardship as related to variances from the City’s floodplain management regulations means the exceptional difficulty associated with the land that would result from a failure to grant the requested variance. The City of Lynn Haven requires that the variance is exceptional, unusual, & peculiar to the property involved. Mere economic or financial hardship alone is not exceptional. Inconvenience, aesthetic considerations, physical handicaps, personal preferences, or the disapproval of one’s neighbors likewise cannot, as a rule, qualify as an exceptional hardship. All of these problems can be resolved thru other means without granting a variance, even if the alternative is more expensive, or requires the property owner to build elsewhere or put the parcel to a different use than originally intended. Height of building means the vertical distance to the top plate of the building measured from the curb level, or above the flood elevation if no curb level has been established. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 Group home facility. Homes of 6 or fewer residents which otherwise meet the definition of a community residential home shall be deemed a single-family unit and a noncommercial, residential use for the purpose of local laws and ordinances. Homes of 6 or fewer residents which otherwise meet the definition of a community residential home shall be allowed in single-family or multifamily zoning without approval by the local government, provided that such homes shall not be located within a radius of 1,000 feet of another existing such home with 6 or fewer residents. Such homes with 6 or fewer residents shall not be required to comply with the notification provisions of this section; provided, however, that the sponsoring agency or the department notifies the local government at the time of home occupancy that the home is licensed by the department. INDICES 8 Groundwater means water beneath the surface of the ground whether or not flowing thru known & definite channels. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 Functionally dependent facility or use means a facility which cannot be used for its intended purpose unless it is located or carried out in close proximity to water, such as a docking or port facility necessary for the loading & unloading of cargo or passengers, shipbuilding or ship repair. The term does not include long-term storage, manufacture, sales, or service facilities. FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER SEVEN Frontage means the length of the front property line of the lot, lots, or tract of land abutting a public street, road, highway, or rural right-of-way. 1 1. Listed individually in the National Register of Historic Places, a listing maintained by the Department of Interior, or preliminarily determined by the Secretary of the Interior as meeting the requirements for individual listing on the national register; 2. Certified or preliminarily determined by the Secretary of the Interior as contributing to the historical significance of a registered historic district or a district preliminarily determined by the Secretary to qualify as a registered historic district; 3. Individually listed on a state inventory of historic places in states with historic preservation programs which have been approved by the Secretary of the Interior; or GENERAL PROVISIONS 4. Individually listed on a local inventory of historic places in communities with historic preservation programs that have been certified either: < PREVIOUS a. By an approved state program, as determined by the Secretary of the Interior; or b. Directly by the Secretary of the Interior in states without Unified Land Development Code 9 NEXT > CHAPTER NINE Improvements means the physical changes made to raw land & structures placed on or under the land surface. CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE CHAPTER TWO Lot means the latest fractional part of subdivided lands having limited fixed boundaries, & an assigned number, letter, or other name thru which it may be identified. The word “lot” shall include the words “plot,” “parcel,” or “tract.” - Corner lot means a lot abutting upon 2 or more streets at a street intersection, or abutting upon 2 adjoining & deflected lines of the same street & thereby forming an interior angle of less than 135 degrees. - Depth of lot means the average distance from a street line to the rear of the lot, measured in the mean general direction of the side lot lines. - Double frontage lot means a lot having 2 non-adjoining property lines abutting upon a street. 3 2 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 Limited industrial means the manufacture, predominantly from previously prepared materials, of finished products or parts, including processing, fabrication, assembly, treatment, & packaging of such products, & incidental storage, sales & distribution. This excludes basic industrial processing & custom manufacturing. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 5 Light Trespass means light emitted by a luminaire that shines beyond the boundaries of the property on which the liminaire is located. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 6 CHAPTER FIVE Land surveyor means a land surveyor duly registered & currently licensed in the State. 7 CHAPTER ONE Land means the earth, water, air, above, below or on the surface, & includes any vegetation, improvements, or structures. INDICES 8 Impervious surface means a surface which has been compacted or covered with a layer of material so that it is highly resistant to infiltration by water. The term includes most conventionally surfaced streets, roofs, sidewalks, parking lots, & similar structures. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 CHAPTER EIGHT 10 FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN approved programs. Hotel is an establishment providing, for a fee, transient sleeping accommodations, resort residential rentals (see F.S. 509.242) & customary lodging services, including maid service, the furnishing & upkeep of furniture & bed linens, & telephone & desk service. Related ancillary uses may include but shall not be limited to conference & meeting rooms, restaurants, bars, & recreational facilities. - Lot frontage means the horizontal distance between the side lot lines measured at the point where the side lot lines intersect the street right-of-way. All sides of a lot that abuts a street shall be considered frontage. On curvilinear streets, the arc between the side lot lines shall be considered the lot frontage. - Lot reconfiguration is the reconfiguration of lot lines within an existing plat to create an equal or lesser number of lots. - Rear lot line means the dividing line between 2 tiers of lots in a block; the line separating a lot from an alley or the less important of 2 streets. - Width of lot means the distance between the side lot lines. 1 < PREVIOUS Lowest adjacent grade means the lowest elevation, after the completion of construction, of the ground, sidewalk, patio, deck support, or basement entryway immediately next to the structure. Lowest floor means the lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area (including basement). An unfinished or flood resistant enclosure, used solely for parking of vehicles, building access, or storage, in an area other than a basement, is not considered a building’s lowest floor, provided that such enclosure is not built so as to render the structure in violation of the applicable nonelevation design standards of the City’s floodplain managment regulations. Unified Land Development Code 10 GENERAL PROVISIONS NEXT > Minimum distance means the shortest permissible distance between 2 points. CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER FOUR Mean sea level means the average height of the sea for all stages of the tide. It is used as a reference for establishing various elevations within the floodplain. For purposes of this ULDC, the term is synonymous with the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) or North American Verical Datum (NAVD) of 1988. 2 Mini-warehouse or self-service storage facility means one (1) or more structures containing individual, compartmentalized stalls, lockers or storage spaces with direct, private access for dead storage of personal property. CHAPTER ONE 3 Mean high water line means the intersection of the tidal plane of mean high water with the shore. 1 Multiple occupancy complex means a commercial use, i.e., any use other than residential or agricultural, consisting of a parcel of property, or parcel of contiguous properties, existing as a unified or coordinated project, with a building housing more than one (1) occupant. < PREVIOUS PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 CHAPTER THREE 5 Mean High Water is the average height of the high water over a 19 year period. For shorter periods of observation, it means the average height of water after corrections are applied to eliminate known variations & to reduce the result to the equivalent of a mean 19 year value. The mean high water line along the shores of land immediately bordering on navigable waters is recognized & declared to be the boundary between the foreshore owned by the State in its sovereign capacity & upland subject to private ownership. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 Manufactured home park or subdivision means a parcel (or contiguous parcels) of land divided into 2 or more manufactured home lots for rent or sale. Market value means the building value, which is the property value excluding the land value & that of the detached accessory structures & other improvements on site (as agreed to between a willing buyer & seller) as established by what the local real estate market will bear. Market value can be established by an independent certified appraisal (other than a limited or curbside appraisal, or one based on income approach), Actual Cash Value (replacement cost depreciated for age & quality of construction of building), or adjusted tax-assessed values. Massing is the overall bulk or size of a building or project, its physical volume or magnitude. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 Manufactured home means a building, transportable in one (1) or more sections, which is built on a permanent chassis & designed to be used with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities. The term also includes park trailers, travel trailers, & similar transportable structures placed on a site for 180 consecutive days or longer & intended to be improved property. INDICES 8 CHAPTER FIVE 9 Maintenance means that action taken to restore or preserve the functional intent of any facility or system. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER NINE 10 Lynn Haven City Plan means the Comprehensive Plan adopted by the City Commission pursuant to Ch. 163, Part II, F.S., as such plan may be amended from time to time. FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN Luminaire means a device which emits light or a complete lighting system, including the lamp & fixture. National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) means, as corrected in 1929, a vertical control used as a reference for establishing varying elevations within the floodplain. Natural system means a system which predominantly consists of or uses those communities of plants, animals, bacteria, & other life systems which naturally occur on the land, in the soil or in the water. Neighborhood means a parcel or parcel of land, at least forty (40) acres in size, planned as a whole & containing a mixture of all uses Unified Land Development Code 11 GENERAL PROVISIONS NEXT > CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER THREE CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 3 Occupied means “arranged,” “designed or intended to be used,” & “designed or intended to be occupied.” Owner means the person in whom is vested the fee ownership, dominion, or title of property that is the lawful proprietor. This term may also include a tenant, if, under his lease, he is responsible for the maintenance of the property; provided that the tenant shall always obtain the consent of the person(s) or entity who possesses vested fees in the property. Parcel means a unit of land within legally established property lines. Park shall mean a public open space, usable for passive or active recreation. PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 Open Storage shall include goods, materials & vehicles with current tag & registration. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 Occupant (occupancy) means a commercial use, i.e., any use other than residential or agricultural. For residential purposes, occupant means a natural person who is physically present in a residential dwelling unit in excess of 6 consecutive hours. Each motor vehicle, as defined in Section 26-96 of the City Code, which is parked longer than 6 hours between any part of the dwelling unit & the right-of-way, including those vehicles parked in the right-ofway contiguous to the dwelling lot, shall be presumed to represent a separate occupant of the dwelling & such presumption may be rebutted by clear & convincing evidence. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 North American Verical Datum (NAVD) means a vertical control used as a reference for establishing varying elevations within the floodplain. INDICES 8 New manufactured home park or subdivision means a manufactured home park or subdivision for which the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including at a minimum, the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, & either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads) is completed on or after the effective date of floodplain management regulations adopted in this ULDC. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 CHAPTER SIX 10 New construction means, for purposes of floodplain management, buildings for which the start of construction commenced on or after the effective date of this ULDC based upon specific technical base flood elevation data which establishes the area of special flood hazard in the City. The term also includes any subsequent improvements to such structure. FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN within a Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND). Pedestrian access easement means walkways, usually unpaved, that provide pedestrian passage thru or along a block, running from street to street, or street to alley. CHAPTER TWO 2 Planting strip is an easement or right-of-way between a sidewalk & parking or driving lane. CHAPTER ONE Permanent means designed, constructed & intended for more than temporary use as regulated in this ULDC. 1 Plat means a map or drawing depicting the division of lands & lots, blocks, parcels, tracts, or sites being a complete exact representation of the subdivision & other information in compliance with all applicable sections of the State plat act, Section 177.031, F.S., et seq., & this chapter. < PREVIOUS Pollutant means any substance, contaminant, noise, or man-made or man-induced alteration of the chemical, physical, biological, or radiological integrity of air or water in quantities or at levels which are or may be potentially harmful or injurious to human health or welfare, animal or plant life, or property, or which unreasonably interfere with the enjoyment of life or property, including outdoor recreation. Principally above ground means that at least 51% of the actual cash value of the structure is above ground. Unified Land Development Code 12 GENERAL PROVISIONS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT 1. Built on a single chassis; 6 CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE 3 2 1 < PREVIOUS 4. Designed primarily not for use as a permanent dwelling but as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, travel or seasonal use. Regulatory floodway means the channel of a river or other watercourse & the adjacent land areas that must be reserved, in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than a designated height. Repetitive Loss means flood related damage sustained by a structure on 2 separate occasions during a 10-year period for which the cost of repairs at the time of each such flood event, on the average, equals or exceeds 25% of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred. Residential dwelling unit means a single family home, duplex unit, townhouse unit, apartment unit, condominium unit, or other dwelling unit intended for residential occupancy & which has been assigned an individual & unique address by the U.S. Postal Service. Restaurant, Take-out: Establishment for the sale of prepared food, most of which is consumed off the premises. PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 CHAPTER TWO 3. Designed to be self-propelled or permanently towable; & 5 CHAPTER ONE 2. 400 square feet or less when measured at the largest horizontal projection; FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 CHAPTER SIX Recreational vehicle means a vehicle which is: CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 Public facilities & services means the following public facilities & services for which level of service standards have been established in the City Plan: 1. Potable water; 2. Wastewater; 3. Solid waste; 4. Recreation/open space 5. Storm water management; & 6. Transportation. Public safety & nuisance means anything which is injurious to safety or health of the entire community or a neighborhood, or any considerable number of persons, or unlawfully obstructs the free passage or use, in the customary manner, of any navigable lake, or river, bay, stream, canal, or basin. Reasonably safe from flooding means base flood waters will not inundate the land or damage structures to be removed from the SFHA & that any subsurface waters related to the base flood will not damage existing or proposed buildings. Receiving bodies of water means any waterbodies, watercourses, & wetlands into which surface waters flow. Recharge means the inflow of water into a project, site, aquifer, drainage basin or facility. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 Protected wellhead means those wellheads which supply potable water for public consumption in the City. FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER SEVEN Protected environmentally sensitive area means an environmentally sensitive area designated for protection in the Conservation Element of the City Comprehensive Plan. Restrictive covenants means private regulations recorded with the final plat which limit or otherwise govern the use, intensity, & development patterns of land within a subdivision or parcel of land for a specified time & transfers with the property. Retention means the collection & storage of runoff without subsequent surface discharge to surface waters. Reuse means water which has been treated to allow for irrigation. Riverine means relating to, formed by, or resembling a river (including tributaries), stream, or brook. Roofline means a horizontal line intersecting the highest point or points of a roof. Sediment means solid material, whether mineral or organic, that is in suspension, is being transported, or has been moved from its site or origin by air, water or gravity. Unified Land Development Code 13 GENERAL PROVISIONS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 7 Erect a sign means to construct, reconstruct, build, relocate, raise, assemble, place, affix, attach, create, paint, draw, or in any other way bring into being or establish a sign. It shall not include any such activities when performed as an incident to the change of message, routine maintenance activities when performed as an incident to the change of message, or routine maintenance. 6 Ground sign means a sign that is supported by one (1) or more columns, upright poles, or braces extended from the ground or from an object on the ground, or that is erected on the ground, where no part of the sign is attached to any part of a building. 5 4 3 2 1 < PREVIOUS Harmful to minors means, with regard to sign content, any description or representation, in whatever form, of nudity, sexual conduct, or sexual excitement, when it: 1. Predominately appeals to the prurient, shameful, or morbid interest of minors in sex; 2. Is patently offensive to contemporary standards in the adult community as a whole with respect to what is suitable sexual material for minors; & 3. Taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. 4. The term “harmful to minors” shall also include any non-erotic word or picture when it is patently offensive to contemporary standards in the adult community as a whole with respect to what is suitable for viewing by minors, &, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE CHAPTER THREE Electric sign means any sign containing electric wiring. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 CHAPTER TWO Copy means the linguistic or graphic content of a sign. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE CHAPTER ONE Building sign means a sign displayed upon or attached to any part of the exterior of a building, including walls, windows, doors, parapets, marquees & roof slopes of 45 degrees or steeper. INDICES 8 Accessory sign means a permanent ground or building sign that is permitted under this chapter as incidental to an existing or proposed use of land. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 Sign means any writing, pictorial presentation, number, illustration, or decoration, flag, banner or pennant, or other device which is used to announce, direct attention to, identify, advertise or otherwise make anything known. The term “sign” shall not be deemed to include the terms “building” or “landscaping,” or any architectural embellishment of a building not intended to communicate information. FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER NINE Sedimentation facility means any structure or area which is designed to hold runoff water until suspended sediments have settled. Illuminated sign means a sign which contains a source of light or which is designed or arranged to reflect light from an artificial source including indirect lighting, neon, incandescent lights, backlighting, & shall also include signs with reflectors that depend upon automobile headlights for an image. Marquee means a structure projecting from & supported by a building which extends beyond the building line or property line & fully or partially covers a sidewalk, public entrance or other pedestrian way. Outdoor advertising sign means a permanent ground sign supported by a single metallic pole attached to which is a sign face the bottom of which is at least 20 feet above the ground & which is at least 200 square feet in size. Portable sign means any sign which is manifestly designed to be transported by trailer or on its own wheels, including such signs even though the wheels may be removed & the remaining chassis or support structure converted to an A- or T-frame sign Unified Land Development Code 14 GENERAL PROVISIONS NEXT > 10 9 Sign face means the part of a sign that is or may be used for copy. Sign face area means the area of any regular geometric shape which contains the entire surface area of a sign upon which copy may be placed. Sign structure means any construction used or designed to support a sign. Small announcement sign means a sign or nameplate not more than one (1) square foot in area. 7 Site means any tract, lot or parcel of land or combination of tracts, lots, or parcels of land which are in one (1) ownership, or are contiguous & in diverse ownership where development is to be performed as part of a unit, subdivision, or project. CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER TWO 3 2 CHAPTER ONE 4 1 < PREVIOUS PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 Start of construction, for other than new construction or substantial improvements under the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (P.L. 97-348), includes substantial improvement, & means the date the building permit was issued, provided the actual start of construction, repair, reconstruction, or improvement was within 180 days of the permit date. The actual start means the first placement of permanent construction of a building, including a manufactured home, on a site, such as the pouring of slabs or footings, installation of piles, construction of columns, or any work beyond the stage of excavation or the placement of a manufactured home on a foundation. Permanent construction does not include land preparation, such as clearing, grading & filling; nor does it include the installation of streets &/or walkways; nor does it include excavation for a basement, footings, piers or foundations or the erection of temporary forms; nor does it include the installation on the property of accessory buildings, such as garages or sheds not occupied as dwelling units or not part of the main building. For a substantial improvement, the actual start of construction means the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor, or other structural part of the building, whether or not that alteration affects the external dimensions of the building. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CHAPTER THREE Square means an outdoor public open space whose area is defined by streets or adjacent buildings on at least 3 sides. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE CHAPTER SEVEN 8 INDICES CHAPTER EIGHT Vehicle sign means any sign affixed to a vehicle. Significant adverse effect means any modification, alteration, or effect upon a protected environmentally sensitive area which measurably reduces the area’s beneficial functions as delineated in the conservation element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER NINE Roof sign means a sign placed above the roofline of a building or on or against a roof slope of less than forty-five (45) degrees. FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN & attached temporarily or permanently to the ground. Street means a public thoroughfare, including road, highway, drive, lane, avenue, place, boulevard, & any other thoroughfare that affords the principal means of access to abutting property. - Alley means any street or lane not more than 30 feet in width, whether or not designated as any alley on the official plat of the City. - Arterial means a street designed to carry large volumes of traffic & providing efficient vehicular movement between large areas of the City or Bay County. - Collector means a street carrying traffic from local streets to the major system of arterial streets & highways & including the principal access streets to residential developments. - Cul-de-sac means a local dead-end street having a permanent circular turnaround & only 1 open end providing access to another street. - Marginal access street means a local street having 2 ends, Unified Land Development Code 15 GENERAL PROVISIONS NEXT > CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER SEVEN 7 CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 3 1 < PREVIOUS Subdivider means & includes the term “developer,” his duly authorized agent or representative, & shall include the word “person”; such person being engaged in the subdivision or development of land. Subdivision means the division or re-division of a parcel of land into three (3) or more lots or parcels for the purpose of building development, or, if a new street is involved, any division of a parcel of land. The term “subdivision” includes a re-subdivision, & when appropriate to the context, shall relate to the process of subdividing or to the land subdivided. The term “subdivision” shall also include the replatting of all or any part of an existing plat. PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 Structure means anything constructed, installed, or portable, the use of which requires a location on a parcel of land. For the purpose of floodplain management, Structure means a walled & roofed building, including a gas or liquid storage tank that is principally above ground, as well as a manufactured home. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 Structural alteration means any change in the foundations, walls, interior or exterior columns, beams, girders or other supporting members of a structure, roof or structural covering of the approved type. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE CHAPTER SIX - Street line means the dividing line between a street & the lots abutting on it. - Street vista means a view thru or along a street centerline created by a natural view, the placement of a public monument, use of a building façade or landscaping. 5 CHAPTER THREE - Roundabout means a raised island that is usually landscaped & located at the intersection of 2 streets used to reduce traffic speeds & accidents without diverting traffic onto adjacent residential streets. INDICES 8 - Private street means a street that has not been dedicated to public use but is platted & constructed in accordance with City standards. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 CHAPTER EIGHT 10 - Minor street means a local street, the primary function of which is to provide access & service to abutting properties. This includes access & service to residential, business, industrial, & public uses. FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN both of which connect with the same street, but having other streets intersecting between its ends. Substantial damage means damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its before damaged condition would equal or exceed 50% of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred. This term also includes “repetitive loss structures” as defined herein. Substantial improvement means any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement of a structure, the cumulative cost of which equals or exceeds 50% of the market value of the structure before the “start of construction” of the improvement. This term includes structures that have incurred “substantial damage” regardless of the actual repair work performed. This term does not, however, include any repair or improvement of a structure to correct existing violations of State of Florida or local health, sanitary, or safety code specifications, which have been identified by the local code enforcement official, prior to the application for permit for improvement, & which are the minimum necessary to assure safe living conditions. This term does not include any alteration of a historic structure, provided that the alteration will not preclude the structure’s continued designation as a historic structure. Substantially improved existing manufactured home parks or subdivisions is where the repair, reconstruction, rehabilitation or improvement of the streets, utilities & pads equals or exceeds Unified Land Development Code 16 GENERAL PROVISIONS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE Variance means cause to change, diversify, or modify an existing designation. For the purpose of floodplain management, a Variance is a grant of relief from the requirements of the City’s floodplain management regulations. CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FOUR 3 Water & community water means any & all water on or beneath the surface of the ground or in the atmosphere. It includes the water in any watercourse, waterbody, or drainage system. It also includes diffused surface water & water percolating, standing or flowing beneath the surface of the ground, as well as coastal water. Water body means any natural or artificial pond, lake, reservoir, or other area with a discernible shoreline which ordinarily or intermittently contains water. Waterbody or surface waterbody means any natural or artificial pond, lake, reservoir, or other area which ordinarily or intermittently contains water & which has a discernible shoreline. Water’s edge & wetland’s edge means the edge which shall be determined by whichever of the following indices yields the most landward extent of waters or wetlands: PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 CHAPTER THREE 5 Water or waters means & includes, but is not limited to, water on or beneath the surface of the ground or in the atmosphere, including natural or artificial watercourses, streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, or diffused surface water & water percolating, standing, or flowing beneath the surface of the ground. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 Volume means occupied space, measured in cubic units. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 CHAPTER FIVE Vegetation means all plant growth, especially trees, shrubs, vines, ferns, mosses, & grasses. INDICES 8 Trade service establishment means an establishment for sales, service or repair of articles, goods, & materials; these establishments include, but are not limited to, household appliances, auto & tire supply, electrical store, plumber, radio & electronics, landscaping, sign painter, & tool sharpener. Unit means that part of a multiple occupancy complex housing 1 occupant. Used means & shall include “arranged,” “designed or intended to be used,” & “designed or intended to be occupied.” TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 Temporary means designed, constructed, & intended to be used for a limited duration. FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER EIGHT 50% of the value of the streets, utilities & pads before the repair, reconstruction or improvement commenced. Swale means a natural or man-made drainage pathway. 1. The boundary established by the average annual high water mark; 2. The landward boundary of hydric soils; or CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 3. The landward boundary of wetland vegetation, based on the wetland vegetation index. 1 < PREVIOUS Watercourse means any natural or artificial channel, ditch, canal, stream, river, creek, waterway or wetland thru which water flows in a definite direction, either continuously or intermittently, & which has a definite channel, bed, banks, or other discernible boundary. Watercourse includes specifically designated areas in which substantial flood damage may occur. Water surface elevation means the height, in relation to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929 or the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) of 1988, of floods of various magnitudes & frequencies in the floodplains of coastal or riverine areas. Waters of the State means water including, but not limited to, rivers, lakes, streams, springs, impoundments, wetlands, & all other waters or bodies of water, including fresh, brackish, saline, tidal, surface, or underground waters. Unified Land Development Code 17 GENERAL PROVISIONS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT 3. Areas identified by the state natural areas inventory. 8 Yard means an open space that is unoccupied & unobstructed & that lies between a principal or accessory building or buildings & the nearest lot line. (See Figure 1.1) INDICES Figure 1.1. Yards REAR LOT LINE 7 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE REAR YARD 6 5 SIDE YARD SIDE YARD SIDE LOT LINE BUILDING LINE FRONT YARD CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 - Front yard means an open, unoccupied space on a lot facing a street, extending across the front of the lot between the side lot lines & from the outermost surface of the main building to the front lot line, with the minimum distance between the front lot line & the main building line, as specified for the district in which the lot is located. PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE FRONT LOT LINE FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 CHAPTER SIX BUILDING LINE CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER SEVEN 2. Areas within the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, as authorized by USC Section 404, Clean Water Act or USC Section 10, River & Harbor Act. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 1. Areas within the dredge & fill jurisdiction of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) as authorized by Chapter 403, Florida Statutes (F.S.). FRONT PAGE 10 Wetlands means those areas saturated by surface water or groundwater at a frequency & duration sufficient to support, & that under normal circumstances do support, a dominance of vegetation adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands covered under this chapter shall include the following: - Rear yard means a yard extending across the full width of a lot & lying between the rear property line of the lot & the nearest wall of the main building. - Side yard means an open space between the side of a building & the adjacent lot line extending the full length of the building from front to back. GENERAL PROVISIONS NEXT > < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 18 CHAPTER 2. LAND USE DISTRICTS & PERMITTED USES ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT 2.01.00. ESTABLISHMENT OF LAND USE DISTRICTS. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.01.01. Low Density Residential (LDR). The LDR land use district is designed to provide a location for single-family detached units. The maximum density is less than five (5.0) units per acre. Uses identified in Tables 2.03.02 & 2.03.03 are allowable, as well as customary residential accessory development that is incidental to the principal residential use of the lot. CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 2 CHAPTER ONE 5 2.01.02. Medium Density Residential (MDR). The MDR land use district is designed for single-family detached units & multiple family developments. Uses identified in Tables 2.03.02 & 2.03.03 are allowable, as well as customary residential accessory uses incidental to the residential uses on site. The minimum density is 4 dwelling units per acre, & the maximum density is 10 units per acre. Allowable uses include single-family attached, single-family detached, & multiple-family development in a variety of housing types. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.01.03. High Density Residential (HDR). Allowable uses include multiple family developments in a variety of housing types, & mobile home parks. The minimum density allowable is 8 units per acre & the maximum density allowable is 20 units per acre. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.01.04. Mixed Use (MU). The MU land use district is designed for residential, commercial, & public/institutional development, as well as a mixture of residential uses & non-residential uses. For residential-only projects, the maximum residential density is 10 units per acre. Allowable uses are specified in Section 2.03.02, Table of Permissible Uses. Professional offices, services, & commercial uses shall be subject to supplemental development & design standards. Any project that combines uses with residential units may be allowed residential densities up to 20 units per acre, subject to supplemental development & design standards. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.01.05. Commercial (C). The C land use district is designed to provide for various types of retail, office, trade service establishments, & professional service uses. Allowable uses are specified in Section 2.03.02, Table of Permissible Uses. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 6 CHAPTER CHAPTER TWO TWO ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 2 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 2.00.02. Official Land Use Map. Land use districts for the City of Lynn Haven are hereby established & declared to be in effect upon all land & water areas included within the boundaries of each district as shown on the “Future Land Use Map of Lynn Haven, Florida.” This map is on file in City Hall. INDICES 8 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 2.00.01. Purpose. It is the purpose of this section to describe the uses of land that are allowable within the City of Lynn Haven. In order to accomplish this purpose, all land within the City is divided into districts by the Lynn Haven Comprehensive Plan (Plan) & depicted on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) contained within that Plan. The allowable uses are described generally within the Future Land Use Element of the Plan & more specifically in Section 2.03.00. FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER SEVEN 2.00.00. GENERALLY. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.01.06. Industrial (IND). The IND land use district is designed for light industrial, trade, & service activities, including industrial support services, such as administration, business & professional offices, & water-dependent & water-related commercial & industrial uses. Allowable uses are specified in Section 2.03.02, Table of Permissible Uses. LAND USE DISTRICTS & PERMITTED USES ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ < PREVIOUS 2.01.07. Public/Institutional (P/I). The P/I land use district provides land for civic, educational, governmental, cultural, & recreational purposes. Public & private schools & religious facilities are considered allowable uses within this district, as specified in Section Unified Land Development Code 19 NEXT > 2.03.02, Table of Permissible Uses. 10 2.01.08. Neighborhood Commercial (C-1). The C-1 land use district is intended to provide areas for multiple-family residential up to 8.0 units per acre & low-intensity commercial uses that primarily offer goods & services to nearby or surrounding residential areas. All C-1 uses must be located on a collector or arterial roadway, unless specifically included in an overall plan of development. FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 2.01.09. Recreation & Open Space (R/OS). The R/OS land use district is intended to provide a location for land devoted to public or private parks & recreation facilities. The types of parks & facilities include passive parks & open spaces, activity-based parks & recreation areas, & publicly-owned recreation facilities. CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE 4 CHAPTER THREE 2 CHAPTER ONE 3 CHAPTER CHAPTER TWO TWO ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.01.12. Research Park (RP). The RP land use district is designed to promote water dependent development that is technology-based thru the collaboration of universities, industry & government. The research park shall be developed with water-dependent research & light high-tech industry facilities & recreational & commercial working waterfront uses. These facilities include docks, wharfs, lifts, wet & dry marinas, boat ramps, boat hauling & repair facilities, commercial fishing facilities, & other support structures over the water, except boat construction facilities. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.02.00. ESTABLISHMENT & PURPOSE OF OVERLAY ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ DISTRICTS. 2.02.01. Generally. A. The purpose of overlay districts is to provide a means of modifying the site design requirements applicable to the underlying land use district(s). B. The City of Lynn Haven hereby establishes the following overlay districts: 1. Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) 2. Planned Unit Development (PUD) district 3. 1911 Historic Plat Overlay (1911 Plat) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 2.01.11. Traditional Neighborhood Development District (TND). The TND land use district is designed to promote orderly, compact growth thru a mixture of residential, commercial, public & institutional uses, as further provided in Section 4.05.00, Traditional Neighborhood Development Districts. Densities & allowable uses are contained in Table 4.05.03(B). FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 2.01.10. Conservation (CON). The CON land use district is designed to protect environmentally sensitive areas, as identified in the Conservation Element of the Comprehensive Plan. The environmentally sensitive areas include wetlands, floodways & floodplains, unique habitats, lakes, & waterbodies. Allowable uses are limited to passive (resource-based) recreation, boardwalks, walking trails & similar uses as further provided in Table 2.03.02, Table of Permissible Uses. INDICES 8 CHAPTER FOUR ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER NINE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.02.02. Community Redevelopment Area Overlay (CRA). 1 A. The CRA overlay district is established to preserve & promote the historic downtown area of Lynn Haven, as well as adjacent residential lands. B. The boundaries of the CRA overlay district are described in the Community Redevelopment Area Plan for the City of Lynn Haven (CRA Plan) & shown on the Future Land Use Map. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.02.03. Planned Unit Development Overlay (PUD). < PREVIOUS A. The PUD overlay district is established for innovative development projects that include compatible uses & related public facilities. These developments shall be unified by a master development plan, as further described in Section 4.04.00. B. The PUD overlay district may be used to within the following Unified Land Development Code 20 LAND USE DISTRICTS & PERMITTED USES NEXT > CHAPTER TEN FRONT PAGE 10 land use districts: 1. Low density residential; 2. Medium density residential; 3. High density residential; 4. Mixed use; 5. Commercial; & ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Industrial CHAPTER EIGHT 2.02.05. Corridor Overlay (CO). 8 B. The CO district consists of parcels with frontage on Highway 77 south of 17th Street to the southern city limit boundary. C. Commercial parcels within this overlay shall comply with the standards & criteria of the land use district in which it is proposed, Section 4.02.05, the additional standards set forth in 4.07.00, & all other applicable standards. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER CHAPTER TWO TWO 2 1 2.03.01. How to Read the Table of Land Uses. A. Within the following table the letter “P” indicates that the land use is permissible, subject to compliance with the standards of the land use district. B. The letter “S” indicates that the use is permissible, subject to compliance with the standards of the land use district, & the supplemental standards specified for the use. Supplemental standards are contained in Section 5.05.00. C. The letter “R” indicates that the use is permissible, subject to approval by the Community Redevelopment Agency within the CRA District for the use. Design Requirements for redevelopment within the CRA Overlay District are contained in Section 4.02.03. D. An empty cell indicates the use is prohibited. E. Any use that is not identified in Table 2.03.02 is prohibited, unless it is found to be substantially similar by the City Manager. 1. A requested use shall be considered substantially similar when the characteristics of the requested use are equivalent in type, intensity, degree, or impact when compared to a use named in Table 2.03.02. Characteristics to be considered include characteristics such as, but not limited to, the following: a. Typical hours of operation; b. Use of outdoor storage; c. Trip generation rates; d. Generation of noise, light pollution, odor, smoke, electromagnetic interference, or vibration; & e. Customary activities associated with the use. 2. The administrative interpretation shall be subject to appeal, as set forth in Chapter 9. <See Attached Charts - Following this page> ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ < PREVIOUS 2.03.03. Accessory Uses in Each Land Use District. A. The letter “P” indicates the use is permissible as an accessory use subject to compliance with the standards for accessory uses set forth in Section 5.01.00. B. Some uses are permitted by right as indicated in Table 2.03.02. Where a specified use in a specified land use district has an empty cell in both Table 2.03.02 & Table 2.03.03, the use is prohibited. Unified Land Development Code 21 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CHAPTER ONE 2.03.00. LAND USES PERMITTED IN EACH LAND USE DISTRICT. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 A. The CO district standards are designed to improve views from Highway 77 & improve the function of the transportation corridor. INDICES CHAPTER SEVEN 9 A. This overlay is the geographic area created by the original, 1911 plat of the City of Lynn Haven. B. Residential lots within this overlay shall be developed in accordance with the standards provided in Section 4.02.01. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER NINE 2.02.04. 1911 Historic Plat Overlay (1911 Plat). LAND USE DISTRICTS & PERMITTED USES NEXT > CHAPTER TEN Table 2.03.02. Table of Permitted Land Uses. <See Attached Chart - Following this page> FRONT PAGE 10 C. Accessory uses also include any structure or use normally & customarily incidental to the permitted use. D. Accessory uses shall be included in the total impervious surface calculations for the lot or parcel. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ < PREVIOUS P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Accessory dwelling, such as care- P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Accessory dwelling unit CHAPTER ONE 1 P = Permissible accessory structure CHAPTER CHAPTER TWO TWO 2 Land Use Districts CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE 3 LDR PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 P HDR MDR P 5 P MU P P C taker quarters or park ranger housing Bus or transit stop Children’s playhouse Detached garage Docks, boathouses, boat lifts, boat davits, piers, seawalls or boardwalks Dumpsters, screened Fences, hedges, and walls Home occupation Recreation facilities, such as parks, tennis courts, and golf courses Storage buildings, utility buildings, greenhouses, tool sheds Swimming pools 6 P IND P P P/I P P 7 Table 2.03.03. Accessory Structures & Uses. CHAPTER SEVEN C-1 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 CHAPTER SIX RP CELL TOWER ORDINANCE CHAPTER FIVE R/OS 8 INDICES CHAPTER EIGHT CON P TND P 9 P Table 2.03.03. Accessory Structures & Uses. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER NINE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.04.00. SEXUALLY ORIENTED & BODY ALTERING BUSINESSES. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.04.01. Definitions. For the purposes of this Section 2.04.00, the following definitions shall apply: “Adult bookstore,” “adult video store,” or “adult novelty store” means an establishment which sells, leases or rents adult material for any form of consideration, unless the adult material is accessible Paragraph continues on Page 25>> Unified Land Development Code 22 LAND USE DISTRICTS & PERMITTED USES NEXT > PUD 1911 PLAT CRA CO Hwy. 77 TND CON R/OS RP C-1 P/I S IND HDR S C MDR S MU LDR Uses RESIDENTIAL USES P P P P P P P S S P P P P P PUBLIC/INSTITUTIONAL Boarding homes P P P P Boat ramp or dock P P P P Colleges P P P Daycare, preschools, nursery schools S S S P P P Essential utilities P P P P P P P Fraternal organizations or private clubs Government services, including public works yards, utility facilities, emergency services High school, public P S S S Hospitals P P P P P P S S S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S P P P P P P P Middle schools, public Parks, public P P Libraries, public Nursing & convalescent care facilities P P P P P P P P P Primary schools, public S S S P P S P Private schools S S S P P S P Religious facilities S S S S P P P S Financial Institutions P P P Medical & Dental offices, outpatient clinics P P P Professional services P P P P Vocational schools, trade, secretarial, or professional; music, dancing & dramatic arts P P S P OFFICE P P P P P P COMMERCIAL Auto repair Alcoholic beverage establishments P R* S Auditoriums, stadiums, sports areas P P Auto washing P P P Automotive parts & mechanical garages S P P P S S Commercial entertainment establishments, including theaters, ballrooms, bowling alleys & other games & sports P P P P Commercial printing (offset press newspaper, book binding) P P P P P P Drive thru facilities Dog kennels without outdoor runs S P P Funeral parlors or mortuaries P P P Gasoline service stations S S S Hotels or motels, resort residential P P Landscape nurseries P P Large scale discount stores P Marina S S P P P < PREVIOUS R* P P P P S S S Manufactured/Mobile home sales Mini-storage facilities R* PR* S PCode Unified Land Development 23 P NEXT > As provided by approved development plan, based on the underlying district. Multiple Family Units including duplex Single family residential, detached S S As permitted by the underlying land use district. Mobile Home Parks As permitted by the underlying land use district - Except where denoted. Group Home 1911 PLAT PUD As provided by approved development plan, based on the underlying district. CRA PR* P PR* P P Recreation, indoor commercial Recreation, outdoor commercial P P P P P P P P P P P P Restaurants P P P P P Retail commercial P P Shopping centers P Trade service establishments P Veterinary hospitals & clinics P P P P P P P P P INDUSTRIAL Auto graveyards, junk yards, scrap metal processing plants S Boat hauling & repair P P Commercial fishing facility P P High-tech industry (water dependent research) P P Industrial plants & assembly P Industrial, water related P Lumberyards P Outdoor storage S S Research facility P P P R* As permitted by the underlying land use district - Except where denoted. Parking Lot Personal service establishments As permitted by the underlying land use district. Manufactured/Mobile Home Sales CO Hwy. 77 TND S CON S R/OS Motorized vehicle sales RP P C-1 S P/I IND Mini-storage facilities MU C HDR MDR LDR Uses NOTE: R* means that the commercial use is allowed only with the approval of the Community Redevelopment Agency within the CRA Overlay District (See Sec. 4.02.03). PR* means prohibited. LAND USE DISTRICTS & PERMITTED USES < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 24 NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER CHAPTER TWO TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 25 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 only by employees & the gross income from the sale or rental of adult material comprises less than twenty (20%) percent of the gross sales of the store or less than ten percent (10%) of the individual items publicly displayed at the establishment as stock in trade. “Adult club” means any place of business or commercial establishment that permits, suffers or allows individuals for consideration in their service to customers or in a performance for customers on more than 3 days in a 60 day period to display or expose “specified anatomical areas” or permits, suffers or allows individuals for consideration to wear any covering, tape, pastries or other device that simulates or otherwise gives the appearance of the display or exposure of any “specified anatomical areas.” “Adult materials” means any one or more of the following: (a) Books, magazines, periodicals, or other printed matter or photographs, films, motion pictures, video cassettes, slides or other visual representations or recordings, novelties & devices, which have, as their primary, or dominant theme, matter depicting, illustrating, describing or relating to “specified sexual activities” or less than completely & opaquely covered “specified anatomical areas” or (b) Instruments, devices, or paraphernalia which are designed for use in connection with “specified sexual activities.” “Adult motion picture theater” means a commercial establishment or place of business operating, in whole or in part, within an enclosed building or a portion or part of an enclosed building or an open-air theater designed to permit viewing by patrons seated in automobiles or other seating provisions for any form of consideration, film, video or any other visual material or method which has, as its primary or dominant theme, matters depicting, illustrating or relating to “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas” for observation by patrons thereof & includes any hotel or motel, boarding house, rooming house or other lodging which for any form of consideration advertises the presentation of such film material. For the purposes of this Section, an adult motion picture theater includes an adult arcade, an adult motel, & an adult motion picture booth. “Adult motion picture mini-theater” means a commercial establishment or place of business operating, in whole or in part, within an enclosed building or a portion or part of an enclosed building designed to permit viewing by patrons for any form of consideration, film, video or other visual material or method which has as its primary or dominant theme matters depicting illustrating or relating to “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas” for observation by patrons thereof including an adult arcade or adult motion picture booth, & so constructed that any patron viewing such material or method is not at all times fully visible from the neck to the kneecap by other patrons & the management. “Body altering business” shall mean such uses as shall be included in Section 2.04.03. “Body piercing establishment” means a commercial establishment or place of business at which the body or skin of a human being is pierced, or which holds itself out to the public as a place where such body piercing can be purchased or arranged. The use of a mechanized, pre-sterilized, ear-piercing system that penetrates the outer perimeter or lobe of the ear or both is exempt from this definition. “Public park” shall mean & include those recreational facilities owned by the State of Florida, the City of Lynn Haven, or any park or recreational facility so designated by the City of Lynn Haven. “School” means a public, private or parochial elementary, middle, or high school. “Sexually oriented business” shall mean such uses as shall be included in Section 2.04.02. “Specified sexual activities” shall mean: LAND USE DISTRICTS & PERMITTED USES NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER CHAPTER TWO TWO CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER THREE 3 2 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 1 < PREVIOUS 2.04.04. Distance Limitation - Sexually Oriented Businesses. No sexually oriented business shall be located nearer than two thousand five hundred (2,500) feet of a school; one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet to any other sexually oriented business; or one thousand (1,000) feet to any (i) public park, (ii) daycare, or (iii) the nearest right-of-way line of the corridor or boundary of the CRA. Such distance shall be measured by radial spacing as follows: (i) in the case of another sexually oriented or adult business, by measuring from the nearest corner of the sexually oriented or adult business building or on-premises freestanding sign associated with such business building to the nearest corner of the other sexually oriented or adult business building or on-premises freestanding sign associated with such business building; lii) in the case of a school, daycare, or public park by measuring from the nearest corner of the sexually oriented business building or on-premises freestanding sign associated with such business building to the nearest boundary of the school, daycare, or public park parcel; (iii) in the case of the Corridor or CRA, by measuring from the nearest corner of the sexually oriented business building or on premises freestanding sign associated with such business building to the nearest right-of-way line of the Corridor or boundary line of the CRA. In all such measurements, building projections, eaves or overhangs shall be excluded. In the case of a sexually oriented business operated outside a building, measurement shall be from the closest place of such operation. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.04.05. Distance Limitation - Body Altering Businesses. No body altering business shall be located nearer than two thousand five hundred (2.500) feet of a school; one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet to any other body altering business; or one thousand (1.000) feet to any (i) public park, (ii) daycare, or (iii) the nearest Unified Land Development Code 26 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 2.04.03. Body Altering Businesses. The following uses are declared to be body altering businesses: (1) Body Piercing Establishment. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) Tattoo Establishment FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 2.04.02. Sexually Oriented Businesses. The following uses are declared to be sexually oriented or adult businesses: (1) Adult Book. Video or Novelty Store. (2) Adult Motion Picture Theater. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (3) Adult Club. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 (a) Human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal; (b) Acts of human masturbation, sexual intercourse or sodomy; (c) Fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttock or female breast; (d) Sadism or masochism including bondage. “Specified anatomical areas” shall mean: (a) Less than completely & opaquely covered: (1) Human genitals, pubic region; (2) Buttock; & (3) Female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola; & (b) Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely & opaquely covered. “Tattoo establishment” means a commercial establishment or place of business at which the skin of a human being is marked by piercing in or otherwise applying coloring matter so as to form indelible or lasting marks or figures, or which holds itself out to the public as a place where such tattooing can be purchased or arranged. “Corridor” means that Highway 77 Corridor Overlay District as that term as defined in the ULDC. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ LAND USE DISTRICTS & PERMITTED USES NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER CHAPTER TWO TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS 2.04.07. Sign & Appearance Requirements — Body Altering Businesses. All new body altering businesses shall comply with the following sign & appearance requirements: (1) All Signs shall be flat building Signs; no other signs are permitted. (2) The amount of allowable Sign Face Area shall be one square foot of Sign Face Area per linear foot of Frontage of said Premises to a maximum of twenty-five (25) square feet. (3) No (i) merchandise or (ii) pictures or advertisements of the sexually oriented or adult products, services or entertainment on the premises shall be displayed in building glass areas, windows, or any area where they can be viewed from a Street. (4) Building Signs attached to a window are prohibited. A single, one square foot Sign may be placed on the door to state hours of operation & admittance to adults only. A single, three square foot Sign containing, only the word OPEN may be placed in a window. (5) All freestanding, on-premises, & outdoor signs are prohibited. All capitalized terms used in this Section shall have the meanings ascribed in the ULDC, as amended from time to time, which ordinance shall apply to the extent not inconsistent with this section. Unified Land Development Code 27 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 2.04.06. Sign & Appearance Requirements - Sexually Oriented Businesses. All new sexually oriented businesses shall comply with the following sign & appearance requirements: (1) All Signs shall be flat Building Signs; no other signs are permitted. (2) The amount of allowable Sign Face Area shall be one square foot of Sign Face Area per linear foot of Frontage of said Premises, to a maximum of twenty five (25) square feet. (3) No (i) merchandise or (ii) pictures or advertisements of the sexually oriented or adult products, services or entertainment on the premises shall be displayed in building glass areas, windows, or any area where they can be viewed from a street. (4) Building Signs attached to a window are prohibited. A single, one square foot Sign may be placed on the door to state hours of operation & admittance to adults only. A single, three square foot Sign containing only the word OPEN may be placed in a window. (5) All freestanding on-premises, & outdoor signs are prohibited. All capitalized terms used in this Section shall have the meanings ascribed in the ULDC, as amended from time to time, which ordinance shall apply to the extent not inconsistent with this section. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 right-of-way line of the corridor or boundary of the CRA. Such distance shall be measured by radial spacing as follows: (i) in the case of another body altering business by measuring from the nearest corner of the body altering business building, or on-premises freestanding sign associated with such business building, to the nearest corner of the other body altering business building or on-premises, freestanding sign associated with such business building; (ii) in the case of a school, daycare, or public park, by measuring from the nearest corner of the body altering business building, or on-premises, freestanding sign associated with such business building to the nearest boundary of the school, daycare, or public park parcel; (iii) in the case of the Corridor or CRA, by measuring from the nearest comer of the body altering business building, or onpremises, freestanding sign associated with such business building to the nearest right-of-way line of the Corridor or boundary line of the CRA. In all such measurements, building projections, eaves or overhangs shall be excluded. In the case of a sexually oriented business operated outside a building measurement shall be from the closest place of such operation. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ LAND USE DISTRICTS & PERMITTED USES NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER CHAPTER TWO TWO CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER THREE 3 2 CHAPTER ONE 4 1 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 2.04.10. Ordinance Not Retroactive; Discontinuance of Nonconforming Use. Except as provided hereafter, the provisions of this chapter shall not be construed to be retroactive & any existing, sexually oriented or body altering business, which conformed to the regulations in effect when such sexually oriented or body altering business was established, shall not be rendered illegal by the adoption of this Section or amendments to this Section provided however, that any sexually oriented or body altering business, whether pre-existing or hereafter established, that is: (1) Voluntarily or involuntarily discontinued, vacated, closed or abandoned for a period of ninety (90) days in any one hundred twenty (120) day period, or (2) Has a voluntary or involuntary change of beneficial ownership in any degree (including transfer of stock in a corporation owning such business) after the effective date of this Section or any provision of this Section, as amended, which would make such business illegal but for this Section, or (3) Is increased, enlarged or extended in any way after the effective date of this Section or any provision of this Section, as amended, which would make such business illegal but for this Section, except to effect a change to a conforming use, shall immediately & fully comply with this Section, even if such business must cease operation, in order to comply. If two or more sexually oriented or body altering businesses are within one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet radial spacing of one another & otherwise in a permissible location, the sexually oriented or body altering business which was first established & continually operating at a particular location is the conforming use & the later established sexually oriented or body altering business(es) is/are nonconforming. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 2.04.09. Application to New Schools, Daycare Centers, & Public Parks. Where a sexually oriented or body altering business is located in conformity with the provisions of this chapter, the subsequent locating of a school, daycare center, or public park within the prohibited distances, prescribed in this chapter, shall not be construed to cause such designated use to be in violation of this chapter. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 2.04.08. Adult Motion Picture Mini-Theaters Prohibited. Adult motion picture mini-theaters are prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or cause or permit to be operated an adult motion picture mini-theater. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER FOUR ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.04.11. Chapter not independently authorizing use. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to permit the establishment or maintenance of any sexually oriented or body altering businesses not otherwise permitted by the other Sections of this ULDC or any other applicable law. LAND USE DISTRICTS & PERMITTED USES NEXT > < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 28 3 CHAPTER 3. ENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE PROTECTION. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.00.02. Applicability. All new development & redevelopment shall be designed to ensure protection of areas designated as floodplains, environmentally sensitive lands, wetlands, or wellfields. No permit for development shall be issued by the City that is not consistent with the provisions of this chapter. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.01.00. FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER CHAPTER THREE THREE CHAPTER TWO 3 2 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.01.02. Statement of Purpose. It is the purpose of this section to save lives, promote the public health, safety, & general welfare & to minimize public & private losses, due to flood conditions in specific areas by provisions designed to: A. Restrict or prohibit uses which are dangerous to life, health, safety, & property due to water or erosion hazard, or which result in damaging increases in erosion or in flood heights or velocities; B. Require that uses vulnerable to floods, including facilities which serve such uses, be protected against flood damage throughout their intended life span; PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 B. These flood losses are caused by the cumulative effect of obstructions in floodplains causing increases in flood heights & velocities, & by the occupancy in flood hazard areas by uses vulnerable to floods or hazardous to other lands which are inadequately elevated, flood proofed, or otherwise unprotected from flood damages. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 5 A. The flood hazard areas of the City are subject to periodic inundation which results in loss of life & property, health & safety hazards, disruption of commerce & governmental services, extraordinary public expenditures for flood protection & relief, & impairment of the tax base, all of which adversely affect the public health, safety, & general welfare. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 6 CHAPTER FOUR 3.01.01. Findings of Fact. 7 CHAPTER ONE INDICES 8 3.00.01. Purpose & Intent. The purpose of this chapter is to safeguard the public health, safety, & welfare by ensuring the longterm protection & preservation of environmentally sensitive natural resource systems. Application of the provisions of this chapter shall result in development that will reduce the adverse impacts on the hydrologic functions of wetlands, natural systems, habitats, water quality, shorelines, marine life, & coastal resources. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER EIGHT 3.00.00. GENERALLY. C. Control the alteration of natural floodplains, stream channels, & natural protective barriers which are involved in the accommodation of floodwaters; D. Control filling, grading, dredging, & other development which may increase erosion or flood damage; & E. Prevent or regulate the construction of flood barriers which will unnaturally divert floodwaters or which may increase flood hazards to other lands. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 3.01.03. Objectives. The objectives of this section are to: A. Protect human life & health & to eliminate or minimize property damage; B. Minimize expenditure of public money for costly flood control projects; < PREVIOUS C. Minimize the need for rescue & relief efforts associated with flooding & generally undertaken at the expense of the general public; D. Minimize prolonged business interruptions; Unified Land Development Code 29 ENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE PROTECTION NEXT > 10 G. Ensure that potential home buyers are notified that property is in a flood hazard area. CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 A. New construction & substantial improvements shall be designed or modified & adequately anchored to prevent flotation, collapse, or lateral movement of the structure resulting from hydrodynamic & hydrostatic loads, including the effects of buoyancy. B. Manufactured homes shall be anchored to prevent flotation, collapse, or lateral movement; methods of anchoring may include, but are not limited to, use of over-the-top or frame ties to ground anchors. This standard shall be in addition to & consistent with applicable State requirements for resisting wind forces. C. New construction & substantial improvements shall be constructed with materials & utility equipment resistant to flood damage. D. New construction or substantial improvements shall be constructed by methods & practices that minimize flood damage. CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 3 1 < PREVIOUS E. Electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing, air conditioning equipment, & other service facilities, including duct work, shall be designed &/or located so as to prevent water from entering or accumulating within the components during conditions of flooding. F. New & replacement water supply systems shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the system. PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 3.01.06. General Standards. In all areas of special flood hazard, all development sites including new construction & substantial improvements shall be reasonably safe from flooding & meet the following provisions: FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 3.01.05. Basis for Establishing the Areas of Special Flood Hazard. The areas of special flood hazard identified by the FEMA in its FIS for the City, dated June 2, 2009, with accompanying maps & other supporting data, & any revision thereto, are adopted by reference & declared to be a part of this ULDC. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 3.01.04. Applicability. This section shall apply to all areas of special flood hazard within the jurisdiction of the City. TABLE OF CONTENTS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 CHAPTER CHAPTER THREE THREE F. Help maintain a stable tax base by providing for the sound use & development of flood prone areas in such a manner as to minimize flood blight areas; & FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN E. Minimize damage to public facilities & utilities such as water & gas mains, electric, telephone & sewer lines, roadways, bridges & culverts located in floodplains; G. New & replacement sanitary sewage systems shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the systems & discharges from the systems into floodwaters. H. Onsite waste disposal systems shall be located & constructed to avoid impairment to them or contamination from them during flooding. I. Any alteration, repair, reconstruction, or improvement to a building that is in compliance with the provisions of this section shall meet the requirements of new construction, as contained in this section. J. Any substantial alteration, repair, reconstruction or improvements to a building that is not in compliance with the provisions of this section shall be undertaken only if said noncomformity is not furthered, extended or replaced. K. When proposed new construction & substantial improvements are partially located in an area of special flood hazard, the entire structure shall meet the standards for new construction. L. When proposed new construction & substantial improvements are located in multiple flood hazard risk zones or in a flood hazard Unified Land Development Code 30 ENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE PROTECTION NEXT > ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER CHAPTER THREE THREE CHAPTER TWO 3 2 CHAPTER ONE 4 1 2. All buildings located in A zones may be flood-proofed in lieu of being elevated, provided that all areas of the building components, together with attendant utilities & sanitary facilities below the base flood elevation are watertight with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water, & use structural components having the capability of resisting hydrostatic & hydrodynamic loads & the effect of buoyancy. 3. A professional engineer or architect, licensed in the State of Florida, shall certify that the standards of this subsection are satisfied using the FEMA Floodproofing Certificate. Such certification, along with the corresponding engineering data, & the operational & maintenance plans, shall be provided to the Floodplain Administrator. C. Enclosures Below the Lowest Floor (elevated buildings). New construction or substantial improvements of elevated buildings that include fully enclosed areas formed by foundation & other exterior walls below the lowest flood elevation shall be designed to preclude finished living space & designed to allow for the entry and exit of floodwaters to automatically equalize hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls. PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 1. All new construction or substantial improvement of any commercial, industrial, or nonresidential building (including manufactured home) shall have the lowest floor, including basement, elevated no lower than one (1) foot above the level of the base flood elevation. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 B. Nonresidential construction. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 A. Residential construction. All new construction or substantial improvement of any residential building or manufactured home shall have the lowest floor, including basement, elevated no lower than one (1) foot above the base flood elevation. Should solid foundation perimeter walls be used to elevate a structure, there must be a minimum of two (2) openings on different sides of each enclosed area sufficient to facilitate automatic equalization of flood hydrostatic force, in accordance with standards of Section 3.01.07(C)(1)(c) below. INDICES 8 3.01.07. Specific Standards. In all areas of special flood hazard where base flood elevation data have been provided, as set forth in Section 3.01.05, the following provisions are required in addition to those set forth in Section 3.01.06: TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 CHAPTER EIGHT 10 FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN risk zone with multiple base flood elevations, the entire structure shall meet the standards for the most hazardous flood hazard risk zone & the highest base flood elevation. 1. Designs for complying with this requirement shall be certified by a professional engineer, licensed in the State of Florida, or meet the following minimum criteria: a. Designs shall provide a minimum of 2 openings having a total net area of not less than 1 square inch for every square foot of enclosed area subject to flooding. b. The bottom of all openings shall be no higher than 1 foot above adjacent interior grade (which must be equal to or higher in elevation than the adjacent exterior grade); & < PREVIOUS c. Openings may be equipped with screens, louvers, valves, or other coverings or devices provided they provide the required net area of the openings & permit the automatic flow of floodwaters in both directions. 2. Fully enclosed areas below the lowest floor shall be solely used for parking of vehicles, storage, & building access. Access to the enclosed areas shall be the minimum necessary to allow for parking of vehicles (garage door) or limited storage of maintenance equipment used in connection with the premises (standard exterior Unified Land Development Code 31 ENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE PROTECTION NEXT > door) or entry to the living area (stairway or elevator); & CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE 2. All manufactured homes placed or substantially improved in an existing manufactured home park or subdivision that are not subject to the provisions of Section 3.01.07 D(1) above, shall be elevated so that: CHAPTER SEVEN 3. The manufactured home shall be securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system to resist flotation, collapse, & lateral movement. 5 4. In an existing manufactured home park or subdivision on which a manufactured home has incurred substantial damage as the result of a flood, any manufactured home placed or substantially improved shall meet the standards of Section 3.01.07(D)(1) above. 5. All recreational vehicles placed on site shall either: 4 a. Be fully licensed & ready for highway use (a recreational vehicle is ready for highway use if it is on its wheels or jacking system, is attached to the site only by quick disconnected type utilities & security devices & has no permanently attached additions); or b. Meet all the requirements for new construction, including anchoring & elevation requirements of this section, or PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE CHAPTER CHAPTER THREE THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO c. Be on the site for fewer than 180 consecutive days. 2 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER FIVE 6 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 b. The manufactured home chassis is supported by reinforced piers or other foundation elements of at least an equivalent strength, of no less than 36 inches in height above grade & securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system to resist flotation, collapse, & lateral movement. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 CHAPTER SIX a. The lowest floor of the manufactured home is elevated no lower than 1 foot above the level of the base flood elevation; or INDICES 8 1. All manufactured homes placed or substantially improved on individual lots or parcels, outside of an existing manufactured home park or subdivision, in a new manufactured home park or subdivision, in expansions to existing manufactured home parks or subdivisions, or in substantially improved manufactured home parks or subdivisions, shall meet all the requirements for new construction, be elevated on a permanent foundation to the base flood elevation, & be securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system to resist flotation, collapse, & lateral movement. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 D. Standards for manufactured homes & recreational vehicles. FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER EIGHT 3. The interior portion of such enclosed area shall not be partitioned or finished into separate rooms. 1 < PREVIOUS E. Floodways. Located within areas of special flood hazard established in Section 3.01.05 are areas designated as floodways. Since the floodway is an extremely hazardous area, due to the high velocity of floodwater which carries debris, potential projectiles, & has significant erosion potential, the following provisions, in addition to those set forth in Section 3.01.07(A) thru (D) shall apply: 1. Prohibit encroachments, including fill, new construction, substantial improvements, & other developments within the regulatory floodway unless certification, with supporting technical data, by a professional engineer, licensed in the State of Florida, is provided thru hydrologic & hydraulic analyses performed in accordance with standard engineering practice demonstrating that encroachments shall not result in any increase in flood levels during an occurrence of the base flood discharge. 2. All new construction & substantial improvements shall comply with all applicable flood hazard reduction provisions of this ULDC. Development activities within the regulatory floodway that increase the base flood elevation may be allowed, provided that the applicant first applies, with the community’s endorsement, for a conditional FIRM revision & receives the approval of FEMA. Unified Land Development Code 32 ENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE PROTECTION NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER CHAPTER THREE THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 33 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 3. Prohibit the placement of manufactured homes, except in an existing manufactured home park or subdivision. A replacement manufactured home may be placed on a lot in an existing manufactured home park or subdivision provided the anchoring standards of Section 3.01.06(B), the elevation standards of Section 3.01.07(A), & the encroachment standards of Section 3.01.07(E)(1) are met. 4. When fill is proposed within the regulatory floodway, in accordance with a permit issued by the Florida Department of Health, the development permit shall be issued only upon demonstration by appropriate engineering analysis that the proposed fill will not increase the water surface elevation of the base flood, in accordance with Section 3.01.07(E)(1). F. Coastal high hazard areas. Located within the areas of special flood hazard established in Section 3.01.05 are areas designated as coastal high hazard areas. These areas have special flood hazards associated with wave wash; therefore, the following provisions, in addition to those set forth in Section 3.01.07 (A) thru (D) shall apply: 1. All buildings shall be located 50 feet landward of the reach of a mean high tide. 2. All new construction & substantial buildings in Zones V1-V30, VE & V (with BFE) shall be elevated so that the bottom of the lowest supporting horizontal member of the lowest floor (excluding pilings or columns) is located no lower than 1 foot above the base flood elevation level, with all space below the lowest supporting member open so as not to impede the flow of water. Open latticework or decorative screening may be permitted for aesthetic purposes only & shall be designed to wash away in the event of abnormal wave action & in accordance with Section 3.01.07(F)(7). 3. All new buildings or structures shall be securely anchored on pilings or columns. 4. All pile & column foundations & structures attached thereto shall be anchored to resist flotation, collapse, & lateral movement, due to the effect of wind & water loads acting simultaneously on all building components. Water loading values shall equal or exceed the base flood. Wind loading values shall be in accordance with the Florida Building Code, current edition adopted by City. 5. A professional engineer or architect, licensed in the State of Florida, shall develop or review the structural design, specifications, & plans for construction & shall certify that the design & methods are in compliance with the provisions contained in Section 3.01.07(F) (2), (3), & (4) above. 6. There shall be no fill used as structural support. Noncompacted fill may be used around the perimeter of a building for landscaping & aesthetic purposes, provided the fill will wash out from storm surge, thereby rendering the building free of obstruction, prior to generating excessive loading forces, ramping effects, or wave deflection. The Building Official shall approve design plans for landscaping & aesthetic fill only after the applicant has provided an analysis by a professional engineer, licensed in the State of Florida, which demonstrates that the following factors have been fully considered: a. Particle composition of fill material does not have a tendency for excessive natural compaction; b. Volume & distribution of fill will not cause wave deflection to adjacent properties; & c. Slope of fill will not cause wave run-up or ramping. 7. Latticework or decorative screening shall be allowed below the base flood elevation (lowest floor) provided they are not part of the structural support of the building & are designed so as to break away, under abnormally high tides or wave action, without damage to the structural integrity of the building on which they are to be used & provided the following design specifications are met: a. No solid walls shall be allowed; & b. Material shall consist of lattice or mesh screening only. ENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE PROTECTION NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER CHAPTER THREE THREE 3 2 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.01.09. Standards for Subdivisions. Subdivisions shall meet the following standards: A. All subdivision designs shall be consistent with the need to minimize flood damage. B. All subdivisions shall have public utilities & facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical, & water systems, located & constructed to minimize flood damage. C. All subdivisions shall have adequate drainage provided to reduce exposure to flood hazards. D. Base flood elevation data shall be provided for subdivision plat applications & manufactured home parks which have at least 3 lots. PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 3.01.08. Standards for Streams Without Established Base Flood Elevation or Floodways. Located within the areas of special flood hazard established in Section 3.01.05, where small streams exist but where no base flood data have been provided or where no floodways have been provided, the following provisions apply: A. No encroachments, including fill material or structures, shall be located within areas of special flood hazard, unless certification by a professional engineer, licensed in the State of Florida, is provided, demonstrating that the cumulative effect of the proposed development, when combined with all other existing & anticipated development, will not increase the water surface elevation of the base flood more than one (1) foot at any point within the City of Lynn Haven. The engineering certification should be supported by technical data that conforms to standard hydraulic engineering principles. B. New construction or substantial improvements of buildings shall be elevated or flood-proofed to elevation established in accordance with Section 3.01.07(C). INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 8. If aesthetic latticework or screening is utilized, such enclosed space shall not be designed to be used for human habitation, but shall be designed to be used only for parking of vehicles, building access, or limited storage of maintenance equipment used in connection with the premises. 9. Prior to construction, plans for any buildings that will have latticework or decorative screening shall be submitted to the Building Official for approval. 10. Any alteration, repair, reconstruction or improvement to a structure shall not enclose the space below the lowest floor, except with latticework or decorative screening, as provided for in Section 3.01.07(F)(7) & (8) above. 11. Prohibit the placement of manufactured homes, except in an existing manufactured home park or subdivision. A replacement manufactured home may be placed on a lot in an existing manufactured home park or subdivision provided the anchoring standards of Section 3.01.07(F)(4) & the elevation standards of Section 3.01.07(F)(2) are met. G. Adequate drainage paths around structures shall be provided on slopes to guide water away from structures. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ < PREVIOUS 3.01.10. Standards for Areas of Shallow Flooding (AO zones). Located within the areas of special flood hazard established in Section 3.01.05 are areas designated as shallow flooding areas. These areas have special flood hazards associated with base flood depths of 1 to 3 feet where a clearly defined channel does not exist & where the path of flooding is unpredictable & indeterminate. Therefore, the following provisions, in addition to those set forth in Section 3.01.06, shall apply: A. All new construction & substantial improvement of residential buildings in all AO Zones shall have the lowest floor, including basement, elevated above the highest adjacent grade, at least as high as the depth number specified in feet on the flood insurance rate map. If no flood depth number is specified, the lowest floor, Unified Land Development Code 34 ENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE PROTECTION NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER CHAPTER THREE THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS 3.01.12. Floodplain Administrator. The Floodplain Administrator shall have the following roles & responsibilities: 1. Review permits to assure sites are reasonably safe from flooding; 2. Review all development permits to assure that the permit requirements of the City’s floodplain management regulations have been satisfied; 3. Require copies of additional Federal, State of Florida, or local permits, especially as they relate to Chapters 161.053; 320.8249; 320.8359; 373.036; 380.05; 381.0065; & 553, Part IV, Florida Statutes, be submitted along with the development permit application & maintain such permits on file with the development permit; 4. Notify adjacent communities, the Florida Department of Community Affairs – Division of Emergency Management – NFIP Coordinating Office, the Northwest Florida Water Management District, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, & other Federal &/or State of Florida agencies with statutory or regulatory authority, prior to any alteration or relocation of a watercourse; 5. Assure that the flood-carrying capacity within the altered or relocated portion of any watercourse is maintained; 6. Verify & record the actual elevation (in relation to mean sea level) of the lowest floor (A-Zones) or bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the lowest floor (V-Zones) of all new & substantially improved buildings, in accordance with Section 3.01.07(A) & (B) & Section 3.01.07(F)(2-4), respectively; 7. Verify & record the actual elevation (in relation to mean sea level) to which the new & substantially improved buildings have been flood-proofed, in accordance with Section 3.01.07(B); 8. Review certified plans & specifications for compliance. When flood-proofing is utilized for a particular building, certification shall be obtained from a registered engineer or architect certifying that all areas of the building, together with attendant utilities & sanitary facilities, below the required elevation are water tight with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water, & use structural components having the capability of resisting hydrostatic & hydrodynamic loads & the effects of buoyancy, in compliance with 3.01.07(B). In Coastal High Hazard Areas, certification shall be obtained from a registered professional engineer or architect that the building is designed & securely anchored to pilings or columns, in order to withstand velocity waters & hurricane wave wash. Additionally in Coastal High Hazard Areas, if the area below the lowest horizontal structural member of the lowest floor is enclosed, Unified Land Development Code 35 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 3.01.11. Designation of Floodplain Administrator. The City hereby appoints the Building Official to administer & implement the provisions of the City’s floodplain management regulations & is herein referred to as the Floodplain Administrator. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 including basement, shall be elevated at least 2 feet above the highest adjacent grade. B. All new construction & substantial improvement of nonresidential buildings shall: 1. Have the lowest floor, including basement, elevated above the highest adjacent grade as high as the depth number specified in feet on the flood insurance rate map. If no flood depth number is specified, the lowest floor, including the basement, shall be elevated at least 2 feet above the highest adjacent grade; or 2. Together with attendant utility & sanitary facilities, be completely flood-proofed to or above that level to meet the floodproofing standard specified in Section 3.01.10(B)1. 3. Adequate drainage paths around structures shall be provided on slopes to guide water away from structures. 4. Fully enclosed areas below the lowest floor that are subject to flooding shall meet the non-elevation design requirements of Section 3.01.07(C). ENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE PROTECTION NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN 3.02.00. ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE LANDS PROTECTION. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER CHAPTER THREE THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 < PREVIOUS 3.02.02. Wetlands & Shoreline Protection. A. Wetlands protection zone. 1. There is hereby created a wetlands protection zone in which special restrictions on development apply. 2. The boundaries of this zone shall be the most landward extent of the following: a. Areas within the dredge & fill jurisdiction of the FDEP; Unified Land Development Code 36 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 A. Purpose, intent, & applicability. 1. It is the purpose of this section to provide standards necessary to protect the habitats of species, both flora & fauna, of rare, endangered, threatened, or special concern status in the City (called “listed species”). 2. It is the intent of this section to require that an appropriate amount of land be set aside to protect the habitat of listed species. 3. Areas subject to the standards of this section are identified in the Conservation Element of the Plan as habitat for listed species. B. Habitat management plan. 1. A habitat management plan shall be prepared as a prerequisite to the approval of any development proposed on a site containing areas subject to this section. 2. The habitat management plan shall be prepared by an ecologist, biologist or other approved professional. The plan shall; a. Document the presence of listed species; b. Calculate the land needs of the listed species that may be met on the development site; & c. Recommend appropriate habitat management plans & other measures to protect the listed species. 3. The development plan for a site subject to this section shall substantially conform to the recommendations in the habitat management plan. 4. Where land in a proposed development is to be preserved as habitat of listed species, such land shall be adjacent to existing viable habitat, a significant wetland system, floodplain, or wildlife corridor. 5. If such lands are not adjacent to the development site, land to be set aside shall be of such quantity & quality as to provide viable habitat, as documented in the study required in Section 3.02.01(B)(2). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CHAPTER ONE 3.02.01. Endangered or Threatened Species Habitats. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 it may be done so with open wood lattice & insect screening or with non-supporting breakaway walls that meet the standards of Section 3.01.07(F)(7) & (8); 9. Interpret the exact location of boundaries of the areas of special flood hazard. When there appears to be a conflict between a mapped boundary & actual field conditions, the Floodplain Administrator shall make the necessary interpretation. The person contesting the location of the boundary shall be given a reasonable opportunity to appeal the interpretation, as provided in the City’s floodplain management regulations; 10. When base flood elevation data & floodway data have not been provided in accordance with Section 3.01.05, the Floodplain Administrator shall obtain, review & reasonably utilize any base flood elevation & floodway data available from a Federal, State of Florida, or any other source, in order to administer the provisions of the City’s floodplain management regulations; 11. Coordinate all change requests to the FIS, FIRM & FBFM with the requester, State of Florida, & FEMA, & 12. Where Base Flood Elevation is utilized, obtain & maintain records of lowest floor & floodproofing elevations for new construction & substantial improvements, in accordance with Sections 3.01.07(A) & (B), respectively. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE PROTECTION NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER CHAPTER THREE THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 37 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 B. Certain activities are presumed to have an insignificant adverse effect on the beneficial functions of protected environmentally sensitive zones. Notwithstanding the prohibition in 3.02.03(A), these activities may be undertaken unless it is shown by competent substantial evidence that the specific activity would have a significant adverse effect on the protected environmentally sensitive area. C. Wetlands protection zones. The following uses & activities are presumed to have an insignificant adverse effect on wetlands protection zones: 1. Scenic, historic, wildlife, or scientific preserves; 2. Minor maintenance or emergency repair to existing structures or improved areas; 3. Cleared walking trails having no structural components; 4. Timber catwalks and docks 4 feet or less in width; 5. Commercial or recreational fishing or hunting, & creation & maintenance of temporary blinds; 6. Cultivating agricultural or horticultural products that occur naturally on the site; 7. Constructing fences where no fill activity is required & where navigational access will not be impaired by construction of the fence; 8. Developing an area that no longer functions as a wetland, except a former wetland that has been filled or altered in violation of any rule, regulation, statute, or this section. a. The developer shall demonstrate that the water regime has been permanently altered, either artificially or naturally, in a manner to preclude the area from maintaining surface water or hydroperiodicity necessary to sustain wetland structure & function. b. If the water regime of a wetland has been artificially altered but wetland species remain the dominant vegetation of the area, the City Manager shall determine the feasibility of restoring the altered hydrology. c. If the wetland may be restored at a cost that is reasonable in relation to benefits to be derived from the restored wetland, the developer shall, as a condition of development, restore the wetland & comply with the requirements of this section. 9. Developing a wetlands stormwater discharge facility or treatment wetland in accordance with State permits. D. Shoreline protection zones. The following uses & activities are presumed to have an insignificant adverse effect on shoreline FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 A. Generally. Except as expressly provided in this section, no development activity shall be undertaken in a protected environmentally sensitive zone. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 CHAPTER ONE 3.02.03. Development Activities within Protected Zones. INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 1. A developer may obtain a determination of the boundaries of a protected environmentally sensitive zone. 2. The developer shall submit the request for determination of boundaries in writing by certified mail or hand delivery to the regulatory agencies. 3. The request shall, at a minimum, set forth; a. An adequate description of the land; b. The nature of the developer’s right to ownership or control of the land; & c. Other information needed to make the determination. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE 10 b. Areas within the jurisdiction of the USACOE ; & c. Areas identified by the Florida Natural Areas Inventory. B. Shoreline protection zone. 1. There is hereby created a shoreline protection zone in which special restrictions on development apply. 2. The shoreline protection zone boundary shall be located thirty (30) feet landward of the mean high water line. C. Request for determination of boundaries. ENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE PROTECTION NEXT > protection zones: CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN 8 5. Timber catwalks, docks, & trail bridges that are less than or equal to 4 feet wide, provided that no filling, flooding, dredging, draining, ditching, tilling or excavating is done, except limited filling & excavating necessary for the installation of pilings; 6. Commercial or recreational fishing, hunting, trapping, & creation & maintenance of temporary blinds; 7 7. Constructing fences where no fill activity is required & where navigational access will not be impaired by construction of the fence; & 8. Developing a wetlands stormwater discharge facility or treatment wetland, in accordance with State permits. E. Water dependent activities. 1. Designated water dependent activities that are otherwise prohibited may be allowed if the developer shows: a. The public benefits of the activity substantially outweigh the adverse environmental effects on a wetland area; & 5 b. No practicable alternative to placement in the protected environmentally sensitive zone exists. CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER CHAPTER THREE THREE 3 c. New riprap or similar structures, not including seawalls, bulkheads or the like, not exceeding 50 feet of shoreline; CHAPTER TWO 2 e. Performance of maintenance dredging for 10 years from the date of the original permit. Thereafter, performance of maintenance dredging so long as less than 10,000 cubic yards of material is removed; CHAPTER ONE a. Projects not exceeding 10,000 cubic yards of material placed in or removed from watercourses, water bodies, or wetlands; 1 g. Construction of foot bridges & vehicular bridges; b. Dockage or marinas where dock length does not exceed 25% of the width of the water body and containing less than 1 slip per 100 feet of shoreline. All docks & slips shall be at least 100 feet from any federal navigation project; PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 2. The following are permitted water dependent activities: FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE CHAPTER SIX 4. Clearing of shoreline vegetation to create walking trails having no structural components, not to exceed 4 feet in width; INDICES CHAPTER FIVE 3. Clearing of shoreline vegetation waterward of the water’s edge, so as to provide a corridor not to exceed 15 feet in width, of sufficient length from the shore to allow access for a boat or swimmer to reach open water, & landward of the water’s edge so as to provide an open area not to exceed 25 feet in width. One (1) additional such corridor may be cleared for every full 100 feet of frontage along the water’s edge above & beyond the first 100 feet; TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 2. Minor maintenance or emergency repair to existing structures or improved areas; FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER NINE 1. Scenic, historic, wildlife, or scientific preserves; d. Installation of buoys, aids to navigation, signs, & fences; f. Installation of subaqueous transmission & distribution lines for water, wastewater, electricity, communication cables, oil, or gas. Lines may be entrenched in (not exceeding 10,000 cubic yards of dredging), laid on, or embedded in bottom waters; h. Replacement or widening of bridges on pilings or trestles where the effects of pollutants discharged into open waters are minimized; & ENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE PROTECTION i. Construction of artificial reefs. < PREVIOUS 3. The water dependent activity shall be designed, constructed, maintained & undertaken in a way that minimizes the adverse impacts on the beneficial functions of the affected environmentally sensitive zone. Unified Land Development Code 38 NEXT > CHAPTER CHAPTER THREE THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 1 < PREVIOUS d. Compensatory mitigation shall not be the basis for approving a project that could not otherwise be approved. e. A developer of a compensatory mitigation plan shall grant a conservation easement under Section 704.06, F.S., on the newly purchased, created, enhanced, or restored environmentally sensitive lands to protect them from future development. f. Compensatory mitigation shall be based on the Uniform Wetland Mitigation Assessment Method provided in Chapter 62-345, Florida Administrative Code. 2. Wetlands. Compensatory wetland mitigation shall require that the amount of wetlands purchased, created, enhanced, or restored is large enough to ensure that the amount of wetlands destroyed or degraded shall be completely & successfully replaced. The minimum replacement ratio for destroyed wetlands shall be two to one (2:1). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.02.04. Restricted Development Zone. A. Generally. There is hereby created a restricted development zone adjacent to each protected environmentally sensitive area. This zone shall encompass all land within twenty (20) feet of the boundary of the protected environmentally sensitive zone. B. Development activities. 1. All development in a restricted development zone shall be designed, constructed, & maintained to avoid significant adverse effects on the adjacent environmentally sensitive zone. 2. The acreage within a protected environmentally sensitive zone Unified Land Development Code 39 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 2. Development that encroaches on the shoreline protection zone shall not be located: a. On unstable shorelines where water depths are inadequate to eliminate or minimize the need for offshore or foreshore channel construction dredging, maintenance dredging, spoil disposal, filling, beach feeding, & other river, lake, & channel maintenance activities; b. In areas where there is inadequate water mixing & flushing; or c. In areas which have been identified as hazardous, due to high winds or flooding. 3. Access roads, parking lots, & similar structures shall be located on upland sites. 4. Nondeveloped portions of the shoreline protection zone that are damaged during construction shall be restored or replaced thru replanting of vegetation; restocking of fish, shellfish, & wildlife; reestablishment of drainage patterns; & the like. To the maximum extent possible, the restored areas shall match their prior ecological functioning. G. Mitigation. 1. Generally. a. Compensatory mitigation, by which environmentally sensitive lands are purchased, created, enhanced, or restored to compensate for the loss of such lands, is required whenever a special use is allowed under Section 3.02.03(E). b. The purchased, created, enhanced, or restored environmentally sensitive land shall be of the same type as that destroyed or degraded and shall be located in the same sub-drainage basin or in the same ecosystem. c. Where lands are purchased or created for the purpose of mitigation, the first priority for location of these lands shall be within the City limits. FRONT PAGE 10 F. Design standards for special uses. In addition to the standards listed in 3.02.03(C) thru (E), the following standards apply to special uses allowed in the protected environmentally sensitive zones: 1. The development of special uses allowed in a shoreline protection zone shall be designed to: a. Allow the movement of aquatic life requiring shallow water; b. Maintain existing flood channel capacity; & c. Ensure stable shoreline embankments. ENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE PROTECTION NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER CHAPTER THREE THREE 6 2. Limiting the removal of vegetation to the minimum necessary to carry out the development activity; 3. Expeditiously replanting denuded areas; 4. Stabilizing banks & other unvegetated areas by siltation & erosion control measures; 5 4 3 2 1 < PREVIOUS 5. Minimizing the amount of fill used in the development activity; 6. Disposing of dredged spoil at specified locations in a manner causing minimal environmental damage; 7. Constructing channels at the minimum depth & width necessary to achieve their intended purposes, & designing them to prevent slumping & erosion & allow revegetation of banks; 8. Dredging wetlands at times of minimum biological activity to avoid periods of fish migration & spawning, & other cycles & activities of wildlife; & PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE CHAPTER TWO 1. Maintaining natural drainage patterns; FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 CHAPTER ONE c. Other reasonable protective measures necessary to prevent significant adverse effects on a protected environmentally sensitive zone may be required. The factual basis of the decision to require the measure shall be stated as a finding in the written record. Protective measures may include, but are not limited to: CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 b. The developer shall completely restore any portion of a protected environmentally sensitive zone damaged during construction. Complete restoration means that the damaged area shall, within two (2) years, be operating as effectively as the natural system did prior to being destroyed; & INDICES 8 a. Wherever possible, natural buffers shall be retained between all development & all protected environmentally sensitive zones. If a natural buffer does not exist, an equivalent buffer shall be created. The size of the buffer shall be a minimum of 30 feet in width. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 may be used to determine the total allowable units or square footage of development that will be allowed on a site containing all or part of such a zone. This development potential may be transferred from the protected environmentally sensitive zone to the restricted development zone or beyond. Allowable development potential shall not, however, be transferred from without the area encompassed by the restricted development zone & protected environmentally sensitive zone to within such area. 3. The following special design standards apply within restricted development zones adjacent to wetlands protection zones: 9. Designing, locating, constructing, & maintaining all development in a manner that minimizes environmental damage. 4. The following special design standards apply within restricted development zones adjacent to shoreline protection zones: a. All development shall be set back greater than or equal to the landward boundary of the shoreline protection zone; b. Total impervious surface including, but not limited to, buildings, houses, parking lots, garages, accessory buildings, driveways, pools, & walkways is limited to 90% of the land area of the entire site; c. The development shall leave a minimum of 10% of the site as trees, shrubs, or other natural vegetation, or replace existing trees at a minimum ratio of two to one (2:1); d. Point source & nonpoint source discharges are prohibited, except for stormwater, which may be discharged only if it meets the following minimum standard: 1. Stormwater discharges shall include an additional level of treatment equal to 50% of the treatment criteria specified in the rules of the appropriate water management district, & shall provide off-line retention or off-line detention with filtration of the first one-half (½) inch of runoff of the total amount required to be treated. Unified Land Development Code 40 ENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE PROTECTION NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER CHAPTER THREE THREE 4 j. Septic tanks shall not be located closer than 150 feet from the boundary of the shoreline protection zone. If septic tanks are allowed, there shall be no more than 2 septic tanks per 1 acre of land; k. Where wet moorage is offered for boats which have holding facilities for sewage, or where other recreational vehicles are allowed to stay overnight, then pumpout, holding, or treatment facilities shall be provided by the developer for sewage & other wastes, including bilge, contained on vessels & vehicles. The facilities shall be conveniently available to all vessels & vehicles; l. If no natural vegetation exists, strips of buffer vegetation shall be planted between development activities & the shoreline protection zone. Buffers shall be composed of native plant species; m. Marinas & other appropriate developments shall post the following signs where they are readily visible to all users of the development: 1. Regulations pertaining to handling & disposal of waste, sewage, or toxic materials. 3 2 1 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 i. If dredging changes the littoral drift processes & causes adjacent shores to erode, the developer shall periodically replenish these shores with the appropriate quantity & quality of aggregate; FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 h. Any spoil that results from dredging shall be disposed of at upland sites & stabilized within thirty (30) days, unless the spoil is causing turbidity or other problems, in which case the developer shall stabilize the spoil immediately; CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 g. Any dredging shall be conducted at times of minimum biological activity to avoid fish migration & spawning, & other cycles & activities of wildlife; INDICES 8 f. Any channels constructed shall be of a minimum depth & width capable of achieving the intended purposes. Sides of channels shall reflect an equilibrium shape to prevent slumping & erosion & to allow revegetation; TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 e. Siltation & erosion control measures shall be applied to stabilize banks & other unvegetated areas during & after construction. Sediment settling ponds shall be installed for stormwater runoff, prior to the creation of any impervious surfaces. For lots or parcels that are cleared, silt screens shall be placed between the construction site & the water body to prevent erosion & siltation; FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER NINE 2. If the City or any State agency has a stormwater rule which is stricter than this standard, then the stricter rule or combination of rules shall apply. 2. Regulations prohibiting the use of vessel toilets while moored unless the toilets are self-contained or have an approved treatment device. 3. Regulations prohibiting the disposal of fish or shellfish cleaning wastes, scrap fish, viscera, or unused bait in or near the development. 4. Appropriate messages relating to local ecological concerns, e.g., manatee protection. n. A marina shall include boat launch facilities, unless the applicant can demonstrate that providing such facilities is not feasible or it is determined that the ramp would be excessively damaging to the aquatic environment; o. Marinas shall have adequate restroom facilities, in compliance with local health board regulations; & ENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE PROTECTION p. Garbage receptacles shall be provided & maintained by the marina operator at several locations convenient to users. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ < PREVIOUS 3.02.05. Prohibited Ongoing Activities. The following standards apply to post-development activities taking place within any restricted development zone or protected environmentally sensitive Unified Land Development Code 41 NEXT > CHAPTER NINE C. Handling & storage of fuel, hazardous & toxic substances, & wastes. 1. Developments where fuel or toxic substances will be stored, transferred, or sold shall employ the best available facilities & procedures for the prevention, containment, recovery, & mitigation of spillage of fuel & toxic substances. Facilities & procedures shall be designed to prevent substances from entering the water or soil, & employ adequate means for prompt & effective cleanup of spills that do occur. CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE 3. Storage or disposal of all types of wastes is prohibited on shorelines. D. Prohibited uses. The long term storage of equipment or materials, & the disposal of wastes shall be prohibited. E. Fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides. 6 5 1. Fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides shall not be applied in a protected environmentally sensitive zone, except for projects conducted under the authority of Sections 373.451 – 373.4595, F.S., & governmentally authorized mosquito control programs. 2. Fertilizers, pesticides, & herbicides used in restricted development zones should be applied sparingly & at appropriate rates & time intervals. 4 G. Pumpout, holding, & treatment facilities for wastes from mobile sources. H. Sewage, solid waste, & petroleum waste generated by vessels or vehicles on the site shall be properly collected & disposed of. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER CHAPTER THREE THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 3.02.06. Deer Point Lake Reservoir Protection Zone. Reserved. 1 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE F. Spray vehicles. Vehicles used for mixing or spraying chemicals are prohibited from withdrawing water directly from waters. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 CHAPTER FOUR 7 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE CHAPTER SEVEN 2. No toxic or hazardous wastes or substances shall be stored in outdoor containers. INDICES 8 B. Clearing. Absent an amendment to the development order, no person shall clear more vegetation than was permitted for the original development. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 CHAPTER EIGHT 10 A. Point source & non-point source discharges. Absent an amendment to the development order, point source & non-point source discharges shall continue to meet the standards applicable to the original development. FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN zone: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.03.00. WELLFIELD PROTECTION. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.03.01. Purpose & Intent. A. The purpose of wellfield protection standards is to safeguard the health, safety, & welfare of the citizens of the City. This is accomplished thru ensuring the protection of the principal source of water for domestic & industrial use. The availability of adequate & dependable supplies of good quality water is of primary importance to the future of the City. Therefore, standards are described in this section with the intent of protecting both the quantity & quality of the potable supply. B. It is further the intent of this section to control development in & adjacent to designated wellheads to protect water supplies from potential contamination. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ < PREVIOUS 3.03.02. Applicability. The land uses listed below are prohibited within the wellhead protection area. Existing prohibited land uses within the wellhead protection area shall be considered nonconforming uses pursuant to Section 9.01.01: A. Landfills. B. Activities that require the storage, use, handling, production Unified Land Development Code 42 ENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE PROTECTION NEXT > CHAPTER NINE 10 D. Wastewater treatment plants, percolation ponds, & similar facilities. E. Mines. F. Excavation of waterways or drainage facilities which intersect the water table. 9 G. Drainage wells & sinkholes for stormwater disposal where recharge is into potable water aquifers. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.03.03. Wellfield Protection Area. B. No development activities shall take place within the 200-foot zone of exclusion surrounding new wells. INDICES 8 A. All new wells supplying potable water for public consumption in the City shall be required to establish a 200-foot zone of exclusion immediately surrounding the new wells. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER EIGHT C. Feedlots or other concentrated animal facilities. FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN or transportation of restricted substances: agricultural chemicals, petroleum products, hazardous/toxic wastes, industrial chemicals, medical wastes, etc. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER FIVE 3.04.01. Standards. A. To protect & enhance the air quality of the City, all sources of air pollution shall comply with rules set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency (Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40) & the FDEP. B. No person shall operate a regulated source of air pollution without a valid operation permit issued by the FDEP. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 3.04.02. Testing. Air pollution emissions shall be tested & results reported, in accordance with techniques & methods adopted by the FDEP & submitted to the State. These tests shall be carried out under the supervision of the State & at the expense of the person responsible for the source of pollution. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 3.05.01. Applicability. During review of the building permit application, the City will determine whether or not the proposed development is in an area of historical or archaeological significance as listed on the state master site file &/or the City’s comprehensive listing of historical & archaeological resources. CHAPTER CHAPTER THREE THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER FOUR 3.05.00. HISTORICAL & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES. PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 CHAPTER SIX 3.04.00. AIR QUALITY. 1 3.05.02. Survey Requirements. A. Should it be determined that the proposed development is located on a site of historical or archaeological significance, the developer is required to have the site surveyed by a competent authority from any of the area colleges, universities, or junior colleges (e.g., Gulf Coast Community College, University of West Florida, Florida State University, etc.). B. Should historical or archaeological resources be unearthed during development, construction, renovation, excavation, etc., the developer shall notify the City immediately & development shall stop for a reasonable period of time to be determined by the City so that a survey of the historical & archaeological resources can be conducted by a competent authority. The results of the survey will then be presented to the City to determine how development should proceed. ENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE PROTECTION NEXT > < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 43 CHAPTER 4. SITE DESIGN STANDARDS. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.00.00. GENERALLY. 4 CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX 5 4.00.02. Design Principles. Development design shall first take into account the protection of natural resources, as set forth in Chapter 3. All development shall be designed to avoid unnecessary impervious surface cover; to provide adequate access to lots & sites; & to avoid adverse effects of shadow, glare, noise, odor, traffic, drainage, & utilities on surrounding properties. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR 4 4.01.01. Density & Housing Types in Residential Districts. Residential development in the following land use districts shall comply with the standards set forth in Table 4.01.01 for maximum density & housing type. Density is total dwelling units per acre whether the units are single-family or multi-family. CHAPTER THREE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4.01.00. DENSITY & HOUSING STANDARDS. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER TWO FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 A. No building or other structure shall be constructed, installed, erected, or altered, except in compliance with the site design & development standards set forth in this ULDC. B. Where an overlay district applies to a site, the standards for that district shall apply, in addition to the standards of the underlying land use district. C. In addition to standards for all development within a land use district, supplemental standards for specific uses are set forth in Section 5.05.00. Such supplemental standards shall apply in addition to the standards of the land use district & overlay district, if applicable, in which the development is located. D. Where conflict arises between standards required in a land use district, in an overlay district, by supplemental standards, or by other legally binding document, the following rules shall be used in the application of standards: 1. Where an unexpired City-approved site plan or unexpired Cityapproved development agreement issued prior to the effective date of this ULDC, court order, or other legally binding document which authorizes development applies to the site, the standards in the legally binding document shall apply. 2. In all other situations, the stricter standard shall apply. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 4.00.01. Applicability. The purpose of this chapter is to provide design standards applicable to all development activity within the City. FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER FIVE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 4.01.01. Density & Housing Types in Residential Districts. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Land Use Maximum Permissible Housing District Density Type ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (d.u. per acre) Low Density (LDR) Less than 5 units Single-family detached ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 Medium Density 4.0 to 10.0 units (MDR) Single-family detached Group home Duplex Multiple-family High Density 8.0 to 20.0 units (HDR) Group home Duplex Multiple-family Mobile home parks Traditional Neighborhood See Table Development 4.05.03(B) (TND) Single-family detached Group home Duplex Multiple-family CHAPTER ONE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITE DESIGN STANDARDS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ < PREVIOUS Planned Unit Development Based on the (PUD) underlying land use district ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unified Land Development Code 44 NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT 8 CHAPTER SEVEN 7 CHAPTER SIX 6 CHAPTER FIVE 5 CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 Mixed Use (MU) up to 10.0 for • Single-family detached residential only • Duplex uses • Multiple-family uses up to 20.0 for • Units above commercial mixed use projects uses (see Sec. 5.05.11) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Neighborhood Up to 8.0 Commercial (C-1) uses • Multiple-family, including duplex • Units above commercial TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 Land Use Maximum Permissible Housing District Density Type ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (d.u. per acre) FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER ONE Table 4.01.02. Density & Housing Types in Nonresidential ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Districts ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.01.03. Appearance Standards for Single-Family Dwellings. PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 45 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 Unified Land Development Code CELL TOWER ORDINANCE A. Applicability. To promote consistency within residential neighborhoods in the City, the following architectural & aesthetic standards shall apply to all single-family residences in the City within any land use district, except as follows: 1. Mobile home parks 2. Any other single-family residence located in a subdivision which is subject to covenants & restrictions which regulate exterior appearance & aesthetics when such covenants apply to all lots within the subdivision. Such subdivisions shall be deemed to be similar in appearance & are therefore exempt from the requirements of this section. B. Architectural & aesthetic standards. 1. Roof. a. The roof shall have a minimum overhang of 12 inches. b. The roof pitch shall be equal to or greater than the roof pitches of the majority of homes in the surrounding neighborhood, but not less than 4 inches of rise for every 12 inches of run. c. The roof covering shall consist of asphalt shingles, tile, slate, wood shakes, wood shingles, or any other roof covering that appears on the majority of homes in the surrounding neighborhood. 2. The electric meter box shall be permanently affixed to the singlefamily residence. 3. Exterior steps, if any, shall be permanently affixed to the foundation or a façade stem wall. 4. Foundation. a. Each single-family residence shall have a permanent foundation or permanent enclosure around the perimeter of any elevated home that presents a clean, uncluttered appearance. A permanent foundation may include break-away walls, when required in flood areas pursuant to the provisions in Chapter 3. b. Any wheels, tongue, or other transportation apparatus shall be removed or enclosed. c. The foundation & finished architectural elevation shall be substantially similar in appearance to the foundation & finished architectural elevations of residences in the surrounding neighborhood. 5. Each single-family residence shall have a minimum width of thirty-three (33) feet at the narrowest point, excluding any attached screened room, garages, carports, or utility areas. 6. Siding. a. Each single-family residence shall have siding material consisting of brick, stucco, stone, wood shingles, masonry, a vinyl covering, or any other material that appears on the majority of homes in the surrounding neighborhood. b. This provision does not require a residence’s siding to be INDICES < PREVIOUS *See also Section 5.05.11. SITE DESIGN STANDARDS NEXT > constructed from certain materials, only that the siding has the appearance of such material. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.02.00. DESIGN STANDARDS FOR ALL LAND USE DISTRICTS. CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE Table 4.02.01(A)2. Standards for Impervious Surfaces. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Land Use District Maximum Impervious Surface Ratio for Lots (%) Maximum Floor Area Ratio (%) CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 3. Where cluster development is proposed under unified development control in a PUD, the calculation of impervious surface shall apply to the entire site & shall not be applied to individual lots within the development site. 4. Lots in residential districts shall be designed to comply with the maximum density allowed in the Comprehensive Plan for each land use district, except that lots within the 1911 Plat shall meet the specifications as provided in Section 4.02.01.B. 5. When calculations of residential density result in fractional units, the fractional units shall not be counted. B. Specific requirements for the 1911 Historic Plat Overlay District (1911 Plat). The minimum lot area within the LDR district in the 1911 Plat is 15,000 square feet. The minimum lot width is 75 feet. A single-family dwelling may be constructed on a lot with less than 15,000 square feet in area & less than 75 feet lot width in any land use district under the following conditions: 1. Front & side setbacks for a residential unit shall be met. 2. If the parcel consists of any single lot or any odd number of lots which are contiguous & in a particular block & which were platted & recorded in official records of the County, prior to January 14, 1975, & which were assessed in the County tax rolls as a single lot or an odd number of contiguous lots as of January 14, 1975, based on the reconfiguration of odd numbers of lots, as shown in Table 4.02.01(B)4. 3. Lots within the 1911 Plat that have property frontage along an alley shall have a minimum lot area of 13,500 square feet. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 CHAPTER ONE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 LDR 55 MDR 60 HDR 65 MU 75 Assigned for each individual category C 85 100 IND 70 50 P/I 65 100 C-1 60 50 R/OS 50 50 CON 5 5 TND Per approved master Per approved plan master plan CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 CHAPTER SIX ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 A. General Standards. 1. Except as specifically provided in this ULDC, no lot existing at the time of adoption of this ULDC shall be reduced, divided, or changed so to produce a lot or tract of land which does not comply with the density requirement of Section 4.01.01. 2. The impervious surface ratio is calculated by dividing the total of all impervious surfaces on the lot by the total lot area. Water bodies are impervious surfaces. The standards for impervious surfaces are set forth in Table 4.02.01(A). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 4.02.01. Standards for Lot Design. FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER EIGHT ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITE DESIGN STANDARDS Table 4.02.01(B)4: 1911 Historic Plat Reconfigurations. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Assessed no. of lots as of 1/14/1975 Maximum buildable lots Minimum Lot Area (Sq. Ft.) Minimum Lot Width 7,500 11,250 11,250 50’ 75’ 75’ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ < PREVIOUS 1 3 5 1 2 3 Unified Land Development Code 46 NEXT > ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 Maximum buildable lots Minimum Lot Area (Sq. Ft.) Minimum Lot Width 11,250 11,250 75’ 75’ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 9 4 5 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR CHAPTER THREE 3 2 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 5 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 6 INDICES 7 A. Generally. All development shall be on a recorded, platted lot that meets all standards set forth in this ULDC. B. Standards for setbacks. 1. The minimum yards required in this section for each & every building existing at the time of the adoption of this ULDC, or for any building hereafter erected or altered, shall not be encroached upon or reduced, except as specifically set forth in this section. Shrubbery, mailboxes, driveways, retaining walls, fences, curbs, & planted buffer strips shall not be construed to be encroachments of yards. 2. No part of any yard created by the setback standards & required in connection with any building, structure, or use by this ULDC shall be considered to be part of a required yard for any other building, structure, or use. 3. The clear visibility requirements set forth in Section 6.05.04 shall be maintained for all corner lots. 4. Access across waterfront setbacks is described in Chapter 3, Section 3.02.03(D). C. Exceptions to the required minimum setback for existing residential infill lots. 1. Where there are existing adjacent buildings, the front yard setback shall be an average of the depth of the yards on the same block face. 2. In no case shall the required front yard setback be greater than twenty-five (25) feet. D. All setbacks shall be measured at the shortest distance from the exterior building wall to the property line. Eave overhangs shall not be included as a main part of any building, provided, however, that no eave overhang shall exceed 3 feet & shall not be less than 8 feet from ground level. E. Measurement of building height. 1. Building height shall be measured from the height of the curb, or from the mean ground level if no curb level has been established, to the top plate of the building. 2. Calculation of maximum height shall not include appurtenances or attachments such as chimneys, elevator shafts, antennas, decorative architectural features, steeples, air conditioning equipment enclosures, cupolas, weather vanes, & other similar minor building features. All appurtenances or attachments which are exempt for purposes of calculating the maximum height shall not be habitable. 3. The following structures shall not be subject to height limits: telecommunications towers, flagpoles, radio towers, & Cityowned water towers. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS 8 CHAPTER TWO 4.02.02. Standards for Buildings & Building Placement. 9 CHAPTER ONE Assessed no. of lots as of 1/14/1975 FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN Table 4.02.01(B)4: 1911 Historic Plat Reconfigurations (Continued). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 4.02.02. Standards for Building Heights & Setbacks. 1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Minimum Setback (ft.) Land Use District Maximum Building Height Front LDR MDR HDR MU C IND P/I C-1 R/OS CON 30’ 20’ 7’ 40’ 25’ 5’ 50’ 25’ 5’ 50 25’ 5’ 50’ 10’ 0’ 100’ 25’ 10’ 100’ 0’ 0’ 3 40’ 0’ 0/10 30’ 20’ 7’ No buildings are permitted. Side Side, Adjacent to Sreet. Rear WaterFront V-Zone 30’ 50’ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ < PREVIOUS 10’ 10 10’ 10’ 10’ 10’ 0’ 10’ 10’ 25’2 25 20’ 20’ 0’ 10’ 0’ 20’ 25’ Unified Land Development Code 47 SITE DESIGN STANDARDS NEXT > ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 Minimum Setback (ft.) Land Use District Maximum Building Height Front TND Per approved master plan. PUD Per approved master plan. Side Side, Adjacent to Sreet. Rear WaterFront V-Zone ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN Table 4.02.02. Standards for Building Heights & Setbacks (continued). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 Heights above 50 feet to a maximum of 100 feet are permissible, provided that a proposal for increased heights above 50 feet include increased setbacks of at least 1 additional foot for each additional foot in height, and shall protect water views when applicable. In addition, there shall be a demonstrated public benefit, such as common open space, scenic views, plazas, or courtyards. 2 3 The rear yard setback shall be increased by 5 ft. for every 10 ft. in height above 20 ft. When adjacent to residential land uses per the FLUM, the side yard setback shall be 10 ft. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER NINE 1 CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR CHAPTER THREE 3 2 1 A. A single-family attached dwelling unit is contiguous to adjacent units by a common wall. A zero setback standard shall apply to the property line where the common wall is located. B. There shall be at least 2 but not more than 6 units in 1 building. C. Each single-family attached dwelling unit shall have a direct entrance to the outside, & shall not open to a common lobby, hallway, foyer, or other similar space. D. Where all lots, parcels, & dwelling units are under common ownership, there shall be a management plan to demonstrate unified control & management of common areas & facilities. E. Where single-family attached dwelling units are to be located on individually owned lots, the site shall be platted, according to the subdivision regulations set forth in Section 4.03.00, except that: 1. Street widths shall be the same as provided for TND street widths in Section 4.05.07(C); & 2. Only 1 connection to an abutting street or streets shall be required for subdivisions of 50 or fewer single-family attached units. F. There shall be provisions for a management plan for any common areas & facilities. G. Sidewalks or pedestrian paths shall be provided to connect buildings, parking lots, open space, & common areas. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 CHAPTER ONE 5 4.02.04. Specific Standards for Single-Family Attached Development. Single-family attached development shall comply with the standards & criteria of the land use district in which it is proposed. The additional standards, set forth in this section, shall apply to all single-family attached development. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 A. New construction & redevelopment projects within the CRA Overlay District shall comply with the “Storefront Design Guidelines” adopted by the Community Redevelopment Agency. B. The following commercial uses are allowed only with the approval of the Community Redevelopment Agency within the CRA Overlay District: 1. Auto repair; 2. Auto washing; 3. Drive-thru facilities; & 4. Trade service establishments. C. The minimum off-street parking requirement for a restaurant without a drive-thru in the CRA Overlay District is 1 space per 300 square feet of gross floor area. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 4.02.03. Design Requirements for Development within the CRA Overlay District. INDICES 8 CHAPTER SIX ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITE DESIGN STANDARDS 4.02.05. Design Standards for All Commercial Development. The design standards set forth below apply to all commercial development. < PREVIOUS A. Mechanical equipment, electrical meter & service components, & similar utility devices, whether ground level, wall mounted, or roof mounted, shall be screened from view from public rights-of-way thru Unified Land Development Code 48 NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE 1. All exterior lighting shall be shielded & directed such that there is no direct illumination of adjacent residential properties. 2. Exterior lighting shall comply with at least one of the following: a. Lighting fixtures shall be full cut-off fixtures which directs light & blocks upward illumination; 4 b. Lighting fixtures & poles shall not exceed 22 feet or the height of the highest roofline of the building(s) within the site, whichever is greater. CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO F. Commercial subdivisions shall be exempt from the requirements provided in Section 4.03.03(A)(3), 4.03.03(B)(4), & 4.03.04(B)(11). 2 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 one of the following methods: 1. Where equipment is at ground level, screening may be provided thru landscaping sufficient to block the view from public rightsof-way. 2. Where brick, wood, or masonry materials are used to screen the equipment or devices, the materials shall be the same as the predominant exterior building materials for the principal building on the site. B. Street level retail uses with sidewalk frontage shall provide an entrance to the building from the sidewalk, in addition to any other access that may be provided to the building. C. Accessory uses & structures shall be integrated into the overall design of the site to ensure that visual & other impacts of these uses are fully contained or enclosed and out of view from adjacent properties and public streets. These uses & structures shall be designed to blend with the principal building thru the use of color, building materials, & architectural features, to ensure that no attention is attracted to the functions by the use of screening materials that are different from, or inferior to, the principal material of the building & landscape. The following are examples of accessory structures: 1. Loading docks; 2. Truck parking; 3. Outdoor storage; 4. Utility meters; 5. HVAC equipment; 6. Dumpsters (See Section 5.01.05); & 7. Other similar service functions. D. Brick, wood, or masonry materials shall be used for building facades facing the street. E. Exterior Lighting Standards. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.02.06. Specific Standards for Neighborhood Commercial (C-1) District. A. Retail centers shall be less than 30,000 square feet in building area. B. Each structure shall have siding material consisting of brick, stucco, stone, wood shingles, masonry, a vinyl covering, or any other material that appears on the majority of structures in the surrounding neighborhood. CHAPTER ONE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.02.07. Guidelines for Compatibility Review. 1 < PREVIOUS A. Any proposed development shall be reviewed for compliance with the compatibility standards set forth in this section, except for the following: 1. Any single-family detached residence; 2. Minor subdivisions; and 3. Non-residential buildings with a gross floor area of 5,000 square feet or less. B. Building dimensions, including both height & footprint; C. Building location & orientation compared to the typical development pattern in the neighborhood; D. Extent & location of parking, whether surface or structured Unified Land Development Code 49 SITE DESIGN STANDARDS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN 4.03.01. Purpose. The purpose of these subdivision regulations is to: A. Provide for the orderly, economic, & safe development of land & urban services & facilities; B. Promote the public health, safety, morals, & general welfare of residents of the City; C. Ensure equitable handling of all subdivision plats by providing uniform procedures; & D. Place the cost of improvements against those benefiting from their construction. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER SIX 5 CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 4.03.03. Subdivision Lot & Block Design. 1 < PREVIOUS A. Blocks. 1. The lengths, widths, & shapes of blocks shall be determined with due regard to: a. Provision of adequate building sites suitable to the special needs of the type of use contemplated. b. Need for convenient access, circulation, control, & safety of street traffic. c. Limitations & opportunities of topography. 2. Block lengths shall not exceed 1,320 feet & shall not be less than 400 feet. 3. Pedestrian mid-block crossings, not less than 10 feet wide, shall be required in all blocks exceeding 600 feet in length & where the block is adjacent to, or across from, a school, playground, shopping, transportation, or other community facilities. B. Lots. 1. Every lot shall have a minimum of 20 feet in width, measured at the road frontage. 2. Lot areas & setbacks shall conform to the requirements of the land use district. 3. Planned unit developments & traditional neighborhood developments shall not be required to meet the provisions of this section (See Sections 4.04.00 & 4.05.00). 4. Where double frontage or reverse frontage lots are created, the access to such lots shall be from the street with the lower functional designation. 5. Side lot lines shall be approximately at right angles to the right-of-way line of the street on which the lot fronts. Unified Land Development Code 50 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE A. All subdivisions of land into three (3) or more parcels within the corporate limits of the City of Lynn Haven shall be subject to the design requirements of the land use district in which the subdivision is proposed & the design requirements specifically for subdivision layout set forth in Section 4.03.00. Procedures for preliminary plats & final plats are set forth in Chapter 10. B. Land subject to flooding shall be limited to approved uses & Improvements, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3. C. Subdivision of land into 2 parcels, platting of a previously unrecorded lot, or adjustments of lot lines are subject to the provisions, set forth in Section 4.03.05. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CHAPTER FIVE 4.03.02. General Standards. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 4.03.00. STANDARDS FOR SUBDIVISION LAYOUT & DESIGN. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 parking; E. Intensity of proposed development, as compared with the intensity of surrounding development; F. Density of proposed development, as compared with the density of surrounding development; G. Potential impacts from outdoor activities & gathering places, such as noise or lights; & H. Location of site features that may have a negative impact on the surrounding area, such as dumpsters, security lights, or recreation facilities. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITE DESIGN STANDARDS NEXT > ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR CHAPTER TWO 3 2 CHAPTER ONE 4 1 < PREVIOUS 4.03.05. Requirements for Minor Subdivisions. A. Minor subdivisions shall include splitting land into 2 parcels, platting a previously unrecorded lot, or adjustments made to existing lot lines. B. Such minor subdivisions are exempt from the requirement to submit a preliminary plat & improvement plans. Applications for a minor subdivision shall only require a final plat for the purpose of recording the lot or lots as configured. C. A minor subdivision shall result in a lot or lots that comply with the density, dimension, & other design requirements of this ULDC. D. Where a lot line adjustment occurs, it shall not create a nonconforming situation with regard to a lot or any structures located on a lot. E. Minor subdivisions shall not be approved for the same property granted a minor subdivision within the prior twelve (12) months. F. Minor subdivisions shall not be approved for the same owner’s property within 200 feet of property granted a minor subdivision Unified Land Development Code 51 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 A. Generally. 1. Every subdivision developer shall be required to install improvements in accordance with specifications set forth in Chapter 6, & as may be supplemented by standards & specifications established by the City Commission. 2. All utilities, including water, sewer, reuse, electrical, gas, telephone, cable, etc., shall be routed underground or provided by wireless means. No above-grade utility routings are allowed. B. Improvements. The following basic utilities shall be provided to each lot within a subdivision as provided in Chapter 6: 1. A source of electric power. 2. A telephone service cable. 3. Central potable water. Each lot shall have & maintain central water service meeting City standards & provided at the developer’s or property owner’s expense. 4. Central sanitary sewer. Each lot shall have and maintain central sanitary sewer service meeting City standards & provided at the developer’s or property owner’s expense. 5. Lines for delivery of reclaimed water to each lot, in compliance with Technical Standards Manual. Fire hydrants or fire protection shall be provided as required by the National Fire Prevention Code. Fire hydrant systems shall be installed & made usable prior to any combustibles being brought onto the construction site. 6. Streets & sidewalks designed & constructed for public use, according to the standards & requirements of Chapter 6. 7. Street signs, markers, & traffic signs & signals to control & circulate traffic within the street pattern shall comply with the Florida Uniform Manual of Traffic Control Devices, published by the FDOT. 8. Street & common area lighting meeting City standards & provided at the developer’s or property owner’s expense. Decorative lighting is preferred. Lighting required for safety shall be located to avoid obstruction between the light fixtures & the area to be illuminated. 9. Drainage & stormwater management facilities, designed & constructed, according to the standards & requirements of Chapter 6. 10. Utility apparatus, such as pumps, valve boxes, switching boxes, & back-flow devices, placed above ground shall be screened, according to the standards set forth in Section 4.06.00. 11. Parks & recreation dedication, consistent with the adopted level of service standard. 12. Bicycle & pedestrian ways. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER THREE 4.03.04. Requirements for Infrastructure. SITE DESIGN STANDARDS NEXT > within the prior twelve (12) months. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 2 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 4.04.01. Generally. A. Purpose. It is the purpose of the planned unit development overlay (PUD) to provide flexible land use & design regulations & to permit planned diversification & integration of uses & structures. The PUD is designed to: 1. Promote more efficient & economic uses of land; 2. Lower development & building costs by permitting smaller networks of utilities & streets & the use of more economical building types & shared facilities; 3. Provide for open spaces & common areas & provide usable & suitably located recreation facilities within the development; 4. Allow the controlled development of land uses most suitable to the proposed site & surrounding neighborhoods; &, 5. Allow clustering or other innovative designs to protect sensitive environmental areas within the proposed site. B. Applicability. 1. A proposal for a PUD overlay district shall be an entirely voluntary procedure. 2. The minimum area of a PUD overlay district shall be 2 acres. 3. The PUD overlay district shall be permissible within the following land use districts, except the 1911 Plat overlay district. a. Low density residential b. Medium density residential c. High density residential d. Commercial e. Mixed Use f. Industrial 4. Each PUD shall comply with the uses that are permitted within the underlying land use district, as identified in Chapter 2, Table 2.03.02. C. Ownership. 1. An application shall be filed by the owner or by the authorized agent of all property included in a PUD project. 2. In the case of multiple owners, the approved final development plan shall be binding on all owners. 3. Common property in a PUD is a parcel or parcels of land, together with the improvements thereon, for the shared use & enjoyment of the owners & occupants & the general public. a. When common property exists, the ownership of such common property may be either private or public, & satisfactory arrangements shall be made for the improvement, operation, & maintenance of such common property & facilities, including private streets, drives, service & parking areas, & recreational & open space areas. b. A statement of the legal instruments that will be created to provide for the management of such common properties & facilities shall be included in the approved final development plan. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER TWO 4.04.00. STANDARDS FOR PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (PUD). CHAPTER ONE 4.04.02. Design Standards. 1 A. Density & intensity standards. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 4.04.02(A). PUD Density & Intensity Standards. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Density Residential Non-Residential Gross Density (maximum) Density based on the underlying Land Use District Maximum ISR based on the underlying Land Use District ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITE DESIGN STANDARDS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ < PREVIOUS Open Space 20% of gross acreage (minimum) Lot Dimensions None ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ None ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unified Land Development Code 52 NEXT > ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 4.04.02(A). PUD Density & Intensity Standards (continued). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Density Residential Non-Residential 10 Front 9 Conform to the minimum front yard requirements for the district in which the PUD project is located Rear 15 feet Side 15 feet Yards, Internal Distances between structures & yard requirements for structures within the planned unit development shall be determined on an individual basis ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER EIGHT See Table 4.02.02 structures for maximum building height per district ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Height, accessory structures 20 ft. Building 50% of gross site area coverage 25 ft. 6 Accessory structures Accessory structures may be allowed within the side and rear yards & shall meet the setback requirements established for the PUD. Buffer A properly maintained landscaped separation strip, at least fifteen (15) feet in width, shall be provided along all property lines and along all perimeter streets serving the project. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 B. Open space & recreation. Usable open spaces, plazas, & recreation areas provided within a PUD shall be evaluated based on the sufficiency of such areas to: 1. Provide appropriate recreational opportunities; 2. Protect sensitive environmental areas; 3. Conserve areas of unique beauty or historical significance; 4. Provide structure to neighborhood design; & 5. Provide compatible & cooperative relationships between adjoining land uses. C. Access. Every dwelling unit or other use permitted in a PUD should have access to a public street, either directly or by way of a private road built to City standards, pedestrian way, court or other area which is either dedicated to public use or is a common area guaranteeing access. Permitted uses are not required to front on a dedicated public street. D. Infrastructure. 1. Off-street parking, for bicycles & other vehicles, as well as cars, shall be provided, as required by Section 6.05.00. 2. The minimum construction requirements for streets or roads, sidewalks, water & sewer facilities, other utilities, reuse water systems, & stormwater drainage shall be in compliance with the subdivision requirements in the Technical Standards Manual. 3. The PUD development plan shall include adequate public facilities to serve the proposed project, either on-site or off-site. PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE Waterfront & Additional setbacks along the waterfront shall be V-Zone required, as set forth in Table 4.02.02 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER FIVE 50% of gross site area ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 CHAPTER SIX ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 Bulk (maximum) Height, 30 ft. for single-family primary structures structures See Table 4.02.02 for maximum building height per district INDICES 8 CHAPTER SEVEN ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER NINE Yards, Perimeter FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITE DESIGN STANDARDS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ < PREVIOUS 4.05.00. STANDARDS FOR TRADITIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENTS (TND). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.05.01. Purpose & Intent. Unified Land Development Code 53 NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR 4 2 1. A TND shall be located within the TND land use category on the FLUM. 2. The uses within the TND shall be proposed by the applicant & shall be consistent with the TND land use category in the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The level of service standards for transportation, water, sewer, stormwater management, & parks & recreation shall be met by the TND as a whole. B. Relationship to the ULDC. 1. A TND shall be processed in the same manner as a PUD. 2. Where there are conflicts between the requirements of this section with other sections of the ULDC, the TND requirements shall apply. C. Size. 1. The minimum acreage for a TND is 40 acres. 2. The maximum acreage for a TND is 320 acres. 3. Tracts of land larger than 320 acres may be proposed for TND projects. Each 320 acre portion of the tract shall be designed as a complete TND. D. A TND may be located adjacent to a major arterial, but shall not be bisected by a major arterial. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 A. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 4.05.02. Generally. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 A. It is the intent of the City to provide opportunities for property owners & developers to achieve creative & innovative site design. The traditional neighborhood development (TND) standards are intended to be consistent with concepts of new urbanism. These concepts allow the development of land uses including residential, professional office, retail, recreation, open space, & civic uses within close proximity to one another. B. The purpose of TND standards is to develop neighborhoods with the following characteristics: 1. Each designated neighborhood shall have identifiable centers & edges; 2. Mix of uses, including residential, commercial, civic, & open space in close proximity to one another within the neighborhood; 3. Mix of housing styles, types, & sizes, from apartments over storefronts to single-family homes with yards, to accommodate households of all ages, sizes, & incomes; 4. Integration of parks & public spaces into each neighborhood; 5. Building appearance that reflects typical architectural design of Northern FL & that enhances the visual character of the neighborhood; 6. Prominence for civic buildings; 7. Interconnection of street networks, sidewalks, & bikeways; 8. Small lots; & 9. Accessibility of lots to retail & recreation by non-motorized means. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.05.03. Land Use Categories & Site Design Standards. A. Land use categories. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER ONE Table 4.05.03(A). Land Use Categories for TND. 1 Permissible Uses Building Characteristics Residential Mixture of types, styles & densities Home occupations allowed, as per Section 2.03.03 of this ULDC Location ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ May choose to concentrate densities in central locations or along edges SITE DESIGN STANDARDS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ < PREVIOUS Neighborhood Maximum 10,000 sq. ft. per Commercial: building Neighborhood scale retail Maximum 3,000 sq. ft per shopping, unit. restaurants, Within ¼ mile of 90% of residents Adjacent to squares or plazas; Unified Land Development Code 54 NEXT > ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Permissible Uses Building Characteristics Location entertainment, office uses & personal services Single use or a combination of uses wthin a building Located at corners concentrated in centers rather than strips Community Commercial & Workplaces: Maximum of 6,000 sq. ft. per building for community centers; where multiple TNDs are proposed up to ten acres of the community commercial development may be in a single center to exceed 6,000 sq.ft, but not more than 50,000 sq.ft. No outdoor storage; no storage of bulk items or hazardous materials. No offsite impacts of glare, noise, fumes, odor, vibration, particulate matter or fire hazards. Located on contiguous lots & Multiple TNDs may have a community center located to serve an area within ½ mile of 90% of the residents; one community center (up to 10 acres) may be located on the perimeter of a TND at an arterial. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 FRONT PAGE 8 INDICES 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER NINE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER TEN Table 4.05.03(A). Land Use Categories for TND (continued). CHAPTER SEVEN Recreation & Use for a building related to Public Open park use to consume no Space: Active more than 10% of a lot. or passive Pedestrian or bicycle recreation uses trails that link to other public open space & recreational sites. One square, plaza or other public space near the center of each 40 acres. CHAPTER FIVE 5 CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ B. Use categories & site design standards. The uses within the TND shall be proposed by the applicant, consistent with the allowable uses described within this section. The required uses & design standards for each use are shown in the following table: < See Following Chart - Next Page > PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE Place at street termination, squares or plazas FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 Civic: Social, Use architectural institutional or details to establish Mass Assembly: or enhance visual Community quality of the neighborhood buildings, design government offices, evacuation shelters, schools, mass assembly, religious facilities, clubhouses; & emergency facilities CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 CHAPTER SIX ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER THREE 2 CHAPTER ONE 3 CHAPTER TWO ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FOOTNOTES: See Section 4.05.05 Types of public open space may include green space, parks, playgrounds, plazas or squares. Heights up to 150 feet may be permissible. A proposal for increased height above 100 ft. shall include increased setbacks, provision & protection of water views, & a demonstration of a specific publiic benefit in exchange for the additional height. Increased setbacks shall be, at least, 1 addtional foot for each foot in height above 100 feet. View protection shall include maintaining water views at the terminus of streets that end at the water, as well as maintaining water views from common areas within the development. Water views are considered available when at least 50% of the view area is clear of obstruction. Public benefits may include common open space on the waterfront, public access to the water, & scenic views. 4 The setback may be reduced to 5’ only if site specific building plans are provided that address adequate off-street parking & no 3rd party utility conflicts with City Utilities. 5 An applicant with residential uses over ground floor commercial uses may be allowed less than the minimum land allocation, if at least 20% of the dwelling units are multifamily. 1 2 3 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 < PREVIOUS 4.05.04. Accessory Structures (in TNDs). A. Generally. 1. Accessory structures & accessory dwelling units shall not exceed 40% of the total square feet of the principal structure. 2. Customary & usual accessory structures may include: garages, pavilions, arbors, workshops, studios, or storage buildings & accessory dwelling units, either singly or in combination. Accessory structures, other than pools, shall be limited to rear yards, provided that such structures are 5 feet or more from the rear or side property line. Pools are permissible on single-family & multiple-family lots, Continued on Page 58>> Unified Land Development Code 55 SITE DESIGN STANDARDS NEXT > < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 56 NEXT > 5 Civic, Social, Institutional, or Mass Assembly 50 20 10 5 1.0 FAR 1.0 FAR .5 .5 0 0.5 FAR 0.6 FAR Maximum Minimum 0 Maximum Impervious Surface 5 75 75 75 (%) each use as a whole 90 90 75 Maximum (%) per lot Floor Area Ratio 11 5 3 Minimum Density (Dwelling Units per Acre) BTZ BTZ N/A N/A 3 10 N/A N/A 0 0 10 0 BTZ BTZ Side 0 0 5 Side Front BTZ BTZ BTZ Front N/A 154 154 204 154 Rear 201 204 20 4 Rear (feet) BTZ=Building to Zone1 Minimum Setbacks AVERAGE RESIDENTIAL DENSITY (the average residential density shall include civic, commercial, & residential land uses as a whole. 10 15 0 Workplace Recreation & Public Open Space2 20 0 Neighborhood Commercial 20 35 5 70 70 50 80 Overall COMMERCIAL, NON-RESIDENTIAL 55 3 Duplex & attached single-family Apartments & Condominiums 10 35 Minimum Maximum Land Land Allocation Allocation (%) (%) Single-family detached RESIDENTIAL, Overall Land Use Table 4.05.03(B). Required Land Uses and Site Design Standards for TND N/A 254 254 254 54 Alley Rear With 254 254 25 4 Alley Rear With N/A Proposed buildings shall not exceed 250% of the height of adjacent existing buildings; or may have one (1) additional story, up to a maximum of 100 feet. Additional height may be possible. See Note 3. Proposed buildings shall not exceed 150% of the height of adjacent existing buildings; or may have one (1) additional story, up to a maximum of 100 feet, except that single-family and duplex structures shall not exceed 40 feet. Additional height may be possible. See Note 3. Maximum Building Height ____________________________________ FOOTNOTES: CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 ____________________________________ PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 CHAPTER ONE Ordinance #2006-857 June, 2008 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 See Section 4.05.05 Types of public open space may include green space, parks, playgrounds, plazas, or squares. 3 Heights up to 150 feet may be permissible. A proposal for increased height above 100 feet shall include increased setbacks, provision & protection of water views, & a demonstration of a specific public benefit in exchange for the additional height. Increased setbacks shall be at least one (1) additional foot for each foot in height above 100 feet. View protection shall include maintaining water views at the terminus of streets that end at the water, as well as maintaining water views from common areas within the development. Water views are considered available when at least fifty (50) percent of the view area is clear of obstruction. Public benefits may include common open space on the waterfront, public access to the water, & scenic views. 4 The setback may be reduced to 5’ only if site specific building plans are provided that address adequate off-street parking & no 3rd party utility conflicts with City Utilities. 5 An applicant with residential uses over ground floor commercial uses may be allowed less than the minimum land allocation if at least twenty (20) percent of the dwelling units are multi-family. 2 FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER SIX 1 SITE DESIGN STANDARDS NEXT > < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 57 CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX 5 4.05.05. Specific Site Design Standards. A. Block design. 1. Blocks in a TND shall meet the following standards: CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE Table 4.05.05(A). TND Block Width & Length Standards. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 < PREVIOUS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Block Width Block Length Maximum 400’ 800’ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Pedestrian easements. a. For blocks over 500 feet in length, one public crosswalk or pedestrian access easement, not less than 10 feet wide shall be provided. The crosswalk or pedestrian easement shall be located near the center & entirely across the full width of the block. The purpose of this crosswalk or pedestrian easement is to provide access to schools, playgrounds, shopping centers, transportation, & other community facilities, as shown in Figure 4.1. b. Blocks with more than 3 attached structures shall have a shared pedestrian access easement to the rear yards. c. Where single-family residential structures are attached, there shall be no more than 6 attached units on a single block face. B. Lot design. 1. There is no minimum lot area or lot width required for lots in a TND. 2. The design of a TND shall include a variety of lot sizes, considering lot area, lot width, & lot depth. (See Figure 4.2 for an example of lot arrangements.) 3. All lots shall have frontage on a street, public square, or other public open space. 4. Any lots fronting a public square or public open space shall have access to an alley at the rear of the lot. 5. Lot widths should create a relatively symmetrical street cross section that reinforces the public space of the street as a simple, unified public space. 6. Rear alleys shall be provided where lots are less than sixty (60) Unified Land Development Code 58 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 provided that such structures shall comply with the setbacks pertaining to the principle structure. 3. Accessory structures shall be included in the impervious surface calculations for the lot. B. Nonresidential. 1. The following nonresidential accessory structures are permissible. Such structures shall be placed within a side or rear yard. Access to these accessory structures shall be from an alley. In no event shall these uses be visible from the public right-of-way, other than an alley: a. HVAC equipment; b. Loading docks; c. Outdoor storage; d. Trash containers; e. Truck parking; & f. Utility meters & other similar service functions. 2. Drive-thru service windows & stacking lanes are prohibited between the principal building & the public street. C. Accessory dwelling units shall meet the following design standards: 1. No more than one accessory dwelling shall be permitted on a single residential lot. 2. An accessory dwelling unit shall not be constructed prior to the construction of the principal dwelling unit. 3. The accessory dwelling shall be under the same ownership as the principal dwelling. 4. Exterior construction materials will be the same as, or substantially similar to, those used on the principal dwelling. 5. An accessory dwelling unit shall be permissible within the principal dwelling unit as provided in Section 5.01.04 (A). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER FIVE Continued from Page 55<< SITE DESIGN STANDARDS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE 5 CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR CHAPTER THREE 4 A. The architectural features, materials, & articulation of the façade of a building shall be continued on all sides visible from a public street. The decorative facing shall consist of brick, masonry, stone, or wood. B. The front façade of the principal building of any lot in a TND shall face onto a public street, public square, or other public open space. 3 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4.05.06. Appearance Standards for Buildings. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 feet in width. C. Build-to-Zone (BTZ). 1. The purpose of a build-to-zone (BTZ) is to locate the building façade close to the street or sidewalk. 2. Building façades along a block face should be aligned to form a street edge that defines a comfortable public space with sufficient width for people to walk, to provide a formal landscape using street trees & furnishings, & to allow for the construction of canopies, roofs, or balconies that create shade & shield pedestrians from rain. 3. A BTZ shall be established on the development plan or plat. Once established & approved, all development shall comply with the BTZ location. a. The BTZ shall be a minimum of zero feet & a maximum of 20 feet from the property line. A minimum of 75% of the primary building façade shall be located at the BTZ. b. A BTZ may be established more than 20 feet from the property line, only when site constraints such as existing trees or significant geologic features require it. Where the BTZ is greater than 20 feet, the front yard area shall be landscaped to provide shade for pedestrians & to establish the street edge. 4. Open porches or outdoor cafes may extend beyond the BTZ & up to the right-of-way line. 5. Arcades, awnings, balconies, galleries, & projecting signs may extend beyond the BTZ, & into the right-of-way, provided that the following design standards are met: a. The minimum height above the right-of-way shall be 10 feet from the bottom edge of the structure to the paved surface or the sidewalk. b. There shall be 6 feet of unobstructed sidewalk width & land area for any required landscaping. c. There shall be no overhang beyond the outer edge of the sidewalk or street curb. 6. Where residential units are constructed to the minimum of the BTZ, the level of the 1st floor shall be raised above the level of the street to provide privacy & visual separation. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ C. Each principal building on a site shall have clearly defined, highly visible entrances featuring at least one of the following: 1. Arcades; CHAPTER TWO 2. Arches; 2 3. Awnings; 4. Porticos; 5. Cupolas; CHAPTER ONE 6. Galleries; 7. Overhangs; 1 8. Porches; 9. Colonnades; 10. Recesses or projections (see Figure 4.3); SITE DESIGN STANDARDS 11. Raised corniced parapets over the door; 12. Architectural details (such as tile work & molding) which are integrated into the building structure & design; & < PREVIOUS 13. Integral planters or wing walls that incorporate landscaped areas or places for sitting. Unified Land Development Code 59 NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR 3 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER TWO 4 2 2. The circulation system will provide the following interconnections: a. Among uses within a neighborhood; b. Between multiple TNDs; & c. With the external transportation network. PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 B. Layout. 1. The circulation system shall be designed to: a. Secure the view of prominent natural vistas or a created vista as a termination point or gateway to another area; b. Provide a complete range of streets & roads, sidewalks, motorized & non-motorized trails & alleys that allow users to select various routes; c. Provide an alternative to trips by motorized vehicle only; d. Use on-street parking & streetscape to separate the driving lanes from pedestrians on sidewalks or trails; e. Include traffic roundabouts, squares, or plazas within the system. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 A. A circulation system shall be designed for each neighborhood development & shall include streets, sidewalks, pedestrian easements, & pedestrian & bicycle trails. This circulation system will be based, to the extent possible, on a grid type network connecting all uses & areas. Properties that cannot achieve a grid network due to waterfront locations may include circle drives & limited cul-desac streets. Cul-de-sacs are only permissible when the view of the water at the terminus of the street is maintained. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 CHAPTER THREE 4.05.07. Streets & Alleys. INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 D. Corner buildings shall have corner entrances whenever possible. E. The ground floor of all buildings shall be designed to encourage & complement pedestrian activity by the use of windows & doors arranged as follows: 1. Not less than 60% of the total surface area of the front facade shall be public entrances and windows, including retail display windows, for nonresidential uses. 2. Windows shall be transparent, not mirrored or tinted dark. 3. Solid walls shall not exceed 20 feet in length. 4. Street level retail uses with sidewalk frontage shall provide an entrance to the building from the sidewalk, in addition to any other access that may be provided to the building. F. Where a residential lot contains a front facing garage, the garage shall be setback a minimum of 4 feet behind the front lateral of the principal structure. G. Buildings shall be compatible, based on similarities in height, density, dimensions, & orientation. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Arterial roadways may be located adjacent to a TND, but shall not bisect the TND. C. Design guidelines. The following design standards are provided to guide the establishment of street types, pavement widths, sidewalks, & rights-of-way. Minor deviations from this table may be allowed as long as they are consistent with generally accepted TND guidelines. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 4.05.07(C). TND Street Design Standards. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Elements: 1 Main Streets (feet) Street Design Standards Boulevards Neighborhood (feet) Streets (feet) Neighborhood Lanes (feet) Alleys (feet) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max Min. Max R-O-W Range 60 80 70 80 50 60 40 55 14 24 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITE DESIGN STANDARDS No. of Travel Lanes 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ < PREVIOUS Width of Lane 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 10 11 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unified Land Development Code 60 NEXT > Table 4.05.07(C). TND Street Design Standards (continued). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER TEN Neighborhood Lanes (feet) Alleys (feet) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max Min. Max ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ No. of Parking Lanes 2 2 1 2 1 0 0 ___________________________________________________________________ Parallel Parking Lane 8 10 8 9 8 8.5 8 8 0 0 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Diagonal Parking Lane 17 18 17 18 NA NA NA NA NA NA ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 Sidewalks Both sides Both sides Both sides One side None Required Sidewalk Width ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 8 5 8 6 5 6 0 0 CHAPTER SEVEN NA 6 10 6 10 6 8 4 5 6 10 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Planting Strip 6 10 6 6 5 6 0 0 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Curb Radius 15 10 15 10 6 10 No curb required ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Design Speeds (mph) 25 25 30 15 25 15 20 15 20 CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 < PREVIOUS 4.05.08. Streetscape Requirements. The following elements shall be provided along all streets (see Figure 4.4 for example): A. Street trees. 1. Trees shall be planted at average intervals of 35 feet on center, using existing trees, where possible. 2. Trees shall be selected using Table 4.06.05 of the ULDC. 3. Where rights-of-way are provided on both sides of the street, the trees shall be provided on both sides. Trees may be staggered on alternate street-sides. 4. Street medians shall be landscaped with understory trees, shrubs, & plants; landscaped areas may include public art or architectural features. B. Sidewalks. 1. The sidewalk shall conform to the standards shown in Table 4.05.07(C). 2. Sidewalks shall be constructed within the right-of-way. 3. Sidewalks may meander where required to save existing natural features or vegetation. 4. All sidewalks shall be paved. C. Planting strip. 1. Planting strips shall be provided as shown in Table 4.05.07(C). 2. A planting strip (easement or right-of-way) shall be provided for streetlights, street trees, & street furnishings adjacent to the sidewalk. 3. The planting strip may also contain the following: a. Outdoor seating; b. Bicycle parking; c. Trash cans; d. Newspaper vending machines or newsstands; e. Water fountains; f. Public art; or g. Kiosks. 4. Street furniture within the utility strip shall be designed to complement the predominant architectural style of principal Unified Land Development Code 61 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 CHAPTER ONE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 CHAPTER SIX 7 Pedestrian Easement (Optional) CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 5 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES CHAPTER EIGHT Boulevards Neighborhood (feet) Streets (feet) TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 Street Design Standards Main Streets (feet) FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER NINE Street Elements: SITE DESIGN STANDARDS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 buildings, based on materials, color, architectural period, & architectural design features. D. Parking strip. 1. Each street shall have a parking strip as shown in Table 4.05.07(C). 2. The parking strip shall be provided adjacent to the driving lanes. Parking may be either parallel or diagonal. E. Lighting. 1. The maximum height of decorative lighting shall be 22 feet. 2. The maximum spacing for street lights shall be 75 feet. 3. Exterior lighting for parking areas & building security shall be shielded & directed to avoid direct illumination of adjacent properties. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 < PREVIOUS 4.05.10. Signage. A. Signs shall meet the design standards set forth in this section in addition to the sign standards in the ULDC. B. Signs shall be consistent with the style, color, material, & finish of the principal buildings on the site. C. Signs shall include the predominant color of the building, with no more than 3 different colors allowed on the sign face. D. Any freestanding or ground-mounted sign shall be located perpendicular to the street. E. Multiple tenant buildings or shopping centers shall have a unified sign design (see Figure 4.5). F. Lighting for signs shall be shielded to avoid lighting which is directed toward motorists or which directly illuminates adjacent properties. G. The maximum height of freestanding or ground-mounted signs is 12 feet. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 A. Tree protection. 1. Tree protection standards set forth in Section 4.06.05 of the ULDC are applicable to a TND development. 2. Within a TND, required open space & required streetscape shall be counted toward meeting the minimum requirements for landscaping & buffering. B. Buffers. 1. Buffers shall be used on the perimeter of the TND along roadways, according to the standards established in Section 4.06.00. 2. Buildings shall be setback a minimum of 30 feet from any lands designated as Conservation on the Future Land Use Map, in order to provide a protective buffer adjacent to environmentally sensitive lands. 3. Existing vegetation, other than prohibited plants, shall be retained in any required buffer area. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 CHAPTER ONE 4.05.09. Landscaping & Tree Protection. 4.05.11. Public Open Space. A. Public open spaces shall be those areas that can be used for play, recreation, social, or cultural activities. These uses shall include both active & passive recreation sites. Retail recreation shall not be counted toward the public open space requirement. B. Public open space within the TND shall be an integral part of the neighborhood rather than an isolated element. 1. Open space, public parks, & civic uses shall be connected to each other & to residential areas thru the use of sidewalks, pedestrian easements, or trails. 2. A public park, playground, plaza, or square shall be located within one-fourth (¼) mile of 90% of the residential properties. 3. Parks, plazas, squares, & pedestrian easements shall be located to provide transitions between dissimilar uses. C. Permitted uses of public open space include the following: Unified Land Development Code 62 SITE DESIGN STANDARDS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE 5 4.05.12. Parking Standards. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 1. Conservation of natural, archaeological, or historical resources; a. Existing healthy, native forests, provided that the area is a minimum of one (1) contiguous acre; b. Scenic vistas such as shorelines, bodies of water, or other features, particularly those that can be seen from public roads; c. Prime agricultural lands of, at least, 5 acres contiguous area; or d. Open fields & meadows, wetlands, or wildlife corridors. 2. Walking or bicycle trails that connect the open space to residential areas & other public spaces; 3. Parks, playgrounds, plazas, or squares; 4. Active recreation uses are permissible, provided such uses meet the following standards: a. The recreation area may contain play fields, restrooms, concession stands, or bleachers, but shall not exceed seventy (70) percent of the total open space; b. The recreation uses shall be located outside any designated conservation areas; c. Impervious surfaces within the recreation area shall not exceed 5% of the designated recreation area; d. Lighting shall be shielded & directed to avoid illumination of adjacent properties; e. Parking areas may include up to 50% grass or other stabilized, dust free, unpaved surfaces, provided that all driveways & aisles shall be paved; & f. Paved parking areas shall be designed with pervious pavement, turf block, or other similar materials. D. A golf course shall not be included within calculations of required public open space. A golf course is permissible, provided that it is located at the perimeter of the TND. E. Landscaped medians, private yards, planting strips, & stormwater facilities shall not be included within calculations of required public open space. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 < PREVIOUS 1. Parking areas shall be located on the street & in side & rear yards. Parking lots shall not abut street intersections, public squares, parks, or occupy lots which terminate a street vista. 2. Handicapped parking shall be allowed between the front façade & the abutting street. 3. The minimum number of parking spaces shall be determined thru a parking study, prepared pursuant to the requirements of Section 6.05.13 of the ULDC. The parking study shall document the parking needs of buildings & uses to be served by the parking lot, including documentation of pedestrian access. 4. The number of parking spaces shall not exceed the parking standard set forth in Section 6.05.06 of the ULDC. 5. Parking & loading areas shall comply with the design guidelines set forth in Section 6.05.00 of the ULDC. 6. Parking lots shall be landscaped, as provided in Section 4.06.04 of the ULDC. 7. Parking garages may be constructed, provided that the structure complies with the building appearance standards set forth in Section 4.05.06. 8. Shared parking areas shall comply with the requirements of Section 6.05.13(C). B. Bicycle parking. 1. Bicycle parking facilities shall be provided for all public, civic, commercial, office, other nonresidential, & mixed use buildings at one (1) space per 10,000 square feet of building area. 2. Facilities shall be designed to allow each bicycle to be secured against theft. 3. Facilities shall be designed & installed to resist removal. 4. Facilities shall be designed & installed to resist damage by rust, Unified Land Development Code 63 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 CHAPTER ONE A. Vehicle parking. SITE DESIGN STANDARDS NEXT > CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR 4 2 1 4.06.00. STANDARDS FOR LANDSCAPING, BUFFERS, & TREE PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 A. Unified control. A TND requires unified control of the development site. Unified control requirements are as follows: 1. All land included in the TND shall be under single ownership, or if under multiple ownership, a joint application for site plan & land use amendment shall be submitted. 2. The master development plan, once approved by the City, shall be binding on all current & future owners. 3. Responsibility for unified control may be assigned to an individual or an entity such as a homeowners’ association, provided that proposed homeowners’ association documents are submitted demonstrating that appropriate controls are in place following transfer of management responsibility. 4. Common property in a TND includes a parcel or parcels of land, together with the improvements thereon, for the shared use & enjoyment of the owners & occupants &/or the general public. When common property exists, the ownership of such common property may be either private or public, & satisfactory arrangements shall be made for the improvement, operation, & maintenance of such common property & facilities, including private streets, drives, service & parking areas, & recreational & open space areas. Proposed legal instruments that will provide for the management of such common properties & facilities shall be submitted with the application for a land use amendment & site plan approval. Approval of the site plan shall include the condition that such documents are properly recorded. B. Master development plan requirements. 1. A master development plan shall accompany the application for a land use amendment to TND. The master development plan shall comply with the requirements set forth in Chapter 10 of the ULDC. 2. The master development plan shall demonstrate compliance with the standards & criteria set forth for TNDs. Minor deviations from the standards, set forth in this section, are permissible only where necessary to address physical conditions of the site. 3. Upon approval of the TND, the site design & development standards of the master development plan control all future development & use within the TND. 4. Building permits & public improvements shall not be authorized or installed for any TND until final approval has been granted for the land use change, including approval of the master development plan. 5. Amendments. Procedures for modifications to an approved TND are set forth in Section 10.06.00 of the ULDC. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 4.05.14. Development Plan Requirements. INDICES 8 A. Central water & central sewer are required for a TND. B. Cable, electric, & telephone lines shall be installed underground or located within alleys. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 CHAPTER ONE 4.05.13. Public Utilities. FRONT PAGE 10 corrosion, or vandalism. 5. Facilities shall accommodate a range of bicycle shapes & sizes & allow easy locking without interfering with adjacent bicycles. 6. Facilities shall be located so as not to interfere with pedestrian or vehicular movement. 7. Bicycle parking may be shared by tenants occupying 1 building. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITE DESIGN STANDARDS PROTECTION. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.06.01. Generally. < PREVIOUS A. Applicability. 1. Any residential development for which a development order must be granted shall meet the requirements of this section. Unified Land Development Code 64 NEXT > CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR 4 2 1 < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 65 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 A. Generally. All landscaped areas required by this section shall consider the following general elements: 1. Integrate the proposed development into existing site features thru consideration of existing topography, hydrology, soils, & vegetation. 2. Integrate the functional elements of the development plan, particularly the drainage systems & internal circulation systems for vehicles and pedestrians, into the landscaping plan. 3. Minimize potential erosion thru the use of ground covers or any other type of landscape material that aids in soil stabilization. 4. Preserve & use existing native vegetation to meet landscaping requirements. 5. Enhance the visual environment thru the use of materials that achieve variety with respect to seasonal changes, species of living material selected, textures, colors & size at maturity. 6. Consider the aesthetic & functional aspects of vegetation, both when initially installed & when the vegetation has reached maturity. 7. Newly installed plants shall be placed at intervals appropriate to the size of the plant at maturity, & the design shall use short-term & long-term elements to satisfy the general design principles of this section over time. 8. Enhance public safety & minimize potential negative impacts. 9. Provide windbreaks, channel wind, & increase ventilation within the site. 10. Maximize the shading of streets & vehicle use areas. B. Landscape plants & vegetation. A combination of trees, shrubs, & groundcover materials will be selected from the list in Table 4.06.05 to satisfy the landscape buffer & vehicular use landscaping requirements of this section. 1. Preservation of native vegetation. a. The native shrubs & ground cover occurring on the site may be used to satisfy the landscape buffer & vehicular use landscaping requirements of this section provided that the desired screening effect is maintained according to the landscape illustrations in Figures 4.6 thru 4.9. b. Existing trees, other than prohibited species, which are 4 inches DBH or larger, may be counted toward meeting the requirements for trees to satisfy the requirements of this section. 2. Forty (40) percent of the total number of new individual plants used to satisfy the requirements of Section 4.06.02 shall be selected from the recommended native species in Table 4.06.05. 3. The remaining 60% of the landscape material shall be composed of native or other species, except those species listed as “Prohibited plants” in Section 4.06.02(B)(4). 4. Prohibited plants. The following plants shall not be installed as landscape material: a. Chinaberry b. Kudzu c. Mimosa d. Popcorn tree (Tallow Tree) 5. If the landscape designer or developer requests plant material that is not listed in Table 4.06.05, it shall be the designer’s responsibility to demonstrate that the requested material meets the specifications required within Section 4.06.02 & is suitable for the climate & location. C. Installation of plants. 1. All plants shall be healthy & free of diseases & pests, & shall be selected from the list of approved species in Table 4.06.05. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 CHAPTER ONE 4.06.02. Specifications for Landscaping & Vegetation. FRONT PAGE 10 2. All nonresidential developments shall comply with the requirements of this section for landscaping, buffers, & tree protection. B. Exemptions. All lots or parcels of land used for a single-family residence shall be exempt from all provisions of the regulations in Section 4.06.00. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITE DESIGN STANDARDS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 2. Plants shall be installed during the period of the year most appropriate for planting the particular species. If compliance with this principle requires that some or all of the landscaping be planted at a time after the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the developer shall post a performance bond sufficient to pay the costs of the required, but not yet installed, landscaping before the certificate shall be issued. 3. Landscaping shall be protected from vehicular & pedestrian encroachment by means of raised planting surfaces, depressed walks, curbs, edges, or wheel stops. 4. Landscaping shall not interfere, at or before maturity, with power, cable television, or telephone lines, sewer or water pipes, or any other existing or proposed overhead or underground utility service. 5. Mulches shall be a minimum depth of 2 inches; plastic surface covers shall not be used. 6. All plants shall be Florida No. 1 or better, as identified in Grades & Standards for Nursery Plants, FL Department of Agriculture. a. Canopy trees shall be a minimum of 4 inches DBH & 6 feet in height. A minimum planting area of 400 square feet shall be provided for each canopy tree. No planting strip shall be less than 10 feet in width. b. At the time of installation, understory trees shall be at least four (4) inches DBH in size & 6 feet in height. Understory trees shall be planted with a minimum planting area of 200 square feet. The minimum planting width within a planting strip shall be 6 feet. Multi-stem trees shall be at least 6 feet in height, but shall not be required to meet the minimum DBH requirement. c. Shrubs shall be planted at intervals of no less than 3 feet measured on center nor greater than 5 feet measured on center. Installed height of shrubs shall be at least 18 inches. If a continuous hedge is required, the shrubs shall be installed in a double-staggered row. d. All plants shall be installed according to industry-accepted horticultural standards. D. Maintenance of landscape materials. 1. All required plants shall be maintained in a healthy, pest-free condition. Maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, watering, tilling, fertilizing & spraying, mowing, weeding, removal of litter & dead plant material, & necessary pruning & trimming. 2. All landscaped areas shall be provided with an appropriate irrigation system that conforms to the Technical Standards Manual. 3. Required landscape materials that become diseased or die shall be replaced not later than 3 months following the loss of the plant. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.06.03. Buffer Requirements. A. Purpose. A buffer zone is a landscaped strip along parcel boundaries that serves as a buffer between incompatible uses, between land use districts, as an attractive boundary of the parcel or use, and as a buffer between structures & the waterfront or shoreline of waters of the state. B. Applicability. Parcels within a PUD or a TND shall meet the requirements as specified in Section 4.04.00 and Section 4.05.00. C. Generally. 1. The width & degree of vegetation required depends on the nature of the adjoining streets & uses. These buffer standards are set forth in Table 4.06.03(D) & 4.06.03(E). 2. The planting requirements for buffer zones are set out in Figures 4.6 thru 4.9 & illustrate the number of plants required per 100 linear feet. 3. To determine the number of plants for each 100 linear feet or portion thereof, divide the length of each side of the property requiring a buffer by 100 & multiply by the number of plants shown in the illustration. 4. Buffering for mixed use developments shall be based on the more intense use in the building or cluster of buildings. For example, Unified Land Development Code 66 SITE DESIGN STANDARDS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE 4 Arterial Collector Local ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Low density residential C Medium density residential C High density residential C Mixed use C Commercial B Public/Institutional C Industrial D Neighborhood commercial C Recreation/Open space A Conservation N TND B A B A C A B A B A B A D D B A A A N N As provided in Section 4.05.09 ___________________________________________________________________ N = No buffer required 2. Arterial & collector streets are shown in the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan. They include the following: a. Arterials include: SR 77, CR 389 (portion), SR 390 (portion) & Transmitter Rd. b. Collectors include: CR 390 (portion), CR 389 (portion), Jenks Avenue, & Baldwin Rd. E. Standards for abutting parcels. 1. The standards of this section shall be applied between abutting parcels as shown in Table 4.06.03(E). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 4.06.03(E). Buffer Standards for Abutting Parcels. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Buffer Standards ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER THREE 2 CHAPTER ONE 3 CHAPTER TWO Proposed Devlpmnt LDR MDR PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 Proposed Use CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 Abutting Street ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR Table 4.06.03(D). Buffers Along Streets. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 where a commercial use and residential use are combined either in a building or a cluster of buildings, the buffer shall be selected based on the proposed commercial use. The buffer requirements shall be applied to the perimeter of the site; these requirements do not apply between buildings or uses on the same site. 5. No accessory structures, garbage, trash collection points, receptacles, or parking shall be permitted in any required landscape area. This does not prohibit a combination of compatible functions such as passive recreation, landscaping, & drainage facilities, provided the visual screening effect is maintained. D. Standards for abutting streets. 1. The standards in Section 4.06.02 shall be applied along abutting streets as shown in Table 4.06.03(D) below. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Adjacent or Abutting Land Use District HDR MU C P/I IND R/OS CON TND ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ LDR MDR HDR MU C P/I IND C-1 R/OS CON TND N A B B C C D B N A A A B B C C D B N B B B A B C C D A B B B B B A A B C A A B C C C A A A B A B C C B B B B A B A B C D D D D C C A D D D B B B B A A A A N B B B A A A A D N N B N N N N N N N N N N Buffers shall be provided along the perimeter of the TND as provided in Section 4.05.00 ________________________________________________________________ N = No buffer required 1 < PREVIOUS Buffers A – D are shown in Figures 4.6 thru 4.9. 2. Buffers between adjacent nonresidential uses may be averaged. The calculation of an average buffer shall be based on the width of the buffer at each end & at two (2) points that are one-third (1/3) of the distance from the end point of the line. In no case shall a buffer be less than five (5) feet in width. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.06.04. Landscaping Requirements for Vehicle Use Areas. A. All vehicle use areas containing more than 1,000 square feet shall be landscaped, in accordance with Figures 4.10 & Unified Land Development Code 67 SITE DESIGN STANDARDS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 68 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 A. Conditions for tree removal. 1. It is the intent of this section to minimize the removal of protected trees. a. The developer shall take reasonable measures to design & locate the proposed improvements so that the number of protected trees to be removed is minimized. b. No historic, specimen, champion, or heritage tree shall be removed from a site, except as expressly granted in Table 4.06.05(D). 2. One or more of the following conditions shall be demonstrated by the developer, prior to issuance of a tree removal permit: a. A permissible use of the site cannot reasonably be undertaken unless specific trees are removed or relocated. b. The tree is located in such proximity to an existing or proposed structure that the safety, utility, or structural integrity of the structure is materially impaired. c. The tree materially interferes with the location, servicing, or functioning of existing utility lines or services. d. The tree creates a substantial hazard to motor, bicycle or pedestrian traffic by virtue of physical proximity to traffic or impairment of vision. e. The tree is diseased, insect ridden, or weakened by age, abuse, storm or fire & is likely to cause injury or damage to people, buildings, or other improvements. f. Any law or regulation requiring the removal. B. Exempt activities. The following uses & activities shall be exempt from the tree protection requirements provided in Section 4.06.05. 1. Tree removal by authorized communication, water, sewer, electrical, or other utility companies; or, federal, State, County or City agencies; or, engineers or surveyors working under a contract with such utility companies or agencies, provided that the removal is limited to those areas necessary for: a. maintenance of existing lines or facilities; b. construction of new lines or facilities, in furtherance of providing utility service to its customers; &, c. the activity is conducted so as to avoid any unnecessary removal; & d. in the case of aerial electrical utility lines, the area is necessary to achieve safe electrical clearance, as specified by the National Electrical Safety Codes. 2. All pruning & trimming shall be done, in accordance with National Arborist Association Standards. 3. Written notice of the tree removal shall be provided to the City five (5) days prior to the removal, except that when the removal is needed to restore interrupted service under declared emergency conditions, no prior notice is required. 4. Clearing of rights-of-way for existing or new roadway rights-of- CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 4.06.05. Requirements for Trees & Tree Protection. INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 4.11. Figure 4.10 identifies the areas of landscaping that may be counted toward fulfilling the vehicle use area landscaping requirement. B. Proportional amounts of landscaping shall be provided for fractional areas. C. Landscaping shall constitute twenty percent (20%) of vehicle use areas. Landscaping as shown in Figure 4.11 shall be provided for every 4,800 square feet of paved parking & access area. D. Wherever the principal structure on a site abuts a vehicle use area on the same site, a buffer zone between the vehicle use area & the principal structure shall be provided. The required plant materials per 100 linear feet of building shall be 1 understory or small street tree & 5 shrubs. The plant material may be ground planted or placed in planter boxes or large planters. If ground planted, the buffer zone will count towards the 20% vehicle use area requirement. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITE DESIGN STANDARDS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN Table 4.06.05(D). Officially Designated Trees. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Designated Trees CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR CHAPTER THREE 3 2 CHAPTER ONE 4 1 Historic: Historical interest & value to the City Commission City because of the location or historical association with the ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ community 1 Specimen: Based on type, size, age or City Commission ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ other relevant criteria Champion: Largest of its species within State Division the State or United States of Forestry, or the American Forestry Assn. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Heritage: DBH of at least thirty (30) inches, or circumference of 7 feet, 10 inches, whichever ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ dimension is less. PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 Value Officially Designated By ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CHAPTER TWO ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 way, provided that the rights-of-way are: a. for existing roadways that are built, in conformance with City standards; or b. for new roadways that will be built, in conformance with City standards. i. To qualify for the exemption for new roadways, the developer shall post a bond, letter of credit, cash, or other security guaranteeing the repair or replacement of the roadways in accordance with Section 10.05.00. ii. The width of the path shall not exceed the right-of-way width standards for each type of roadway established by the City. 5. All commercial nurseries, botanical gardens, tree farms & grove operations for those trees & sites which were planted or managed for silvicultural or agricultural purposes, or for the sale or intended sale in the ordinary course of business. 6. During emergencies caused by hurricanes or other natural disasters, the City Manager may suspend these tree protection regulations. C. Protected trees. Protected trees shall include all trees listed in Table 4.06.05 that are a minimum of 8 inches DBH. D. Historic, specimen, champion, & heritage trees. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ No historic, champion, heritage, or specimen tree shall be removed without a finding by the City Manager that the tree is a hazard or that it is not economically or practically feasible to develop the parcel without removing the tree. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1The City Commission shall hold a public hearing, with due notice given to the owner of the tree, prior to the official designation. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 < PREVIOUS E. Replacement trees. 1. Trees removed pursuant to Section 4.06.05(A) shall be replaced at the expense of the developer. 2. Each removed tree shall be replaced with new trees having a total DBH equivalent to that of the removed tree. 3. Single-trunk replacement trees shall be a minimum of 2 inches DBH & a minimum of 6 feet overall height. 4. A replacement tree may be a tree moved from 1 location to another on the site. 5. If the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the City Manager that the site cannot accommodate the total number of required replacement trees as a result of insufficient planting area, the applicant shall provide either a monetary contribution to the tree Unified Land Development Code 69 SITE DESIGN STANDARDS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 70 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 protection & related expenses trust fund or plant the excess trees at a City-approved location within the City limits. If the monetary contribution is the selected option, the amount of such contribution shall be determined as follows: a. For every 2 inches DBH, or fraction thereof, of required replacement trees, the contribution shall be equal to the retail value of a planted 2 inch DBH nursery grown laurel oak tree. b. The retail value shall be calculated by taking the average of the median current wholesale price, published by North Florida nurseries, for a container grown, balled & burlapped, 2 inch DBH laurel oak tree, multiplied by 2. c. The retail value shall be recalculated & adjusted annually on October 1. 6. Any replacement tree, planted for credit, which dies within 1 year of planting, shall be replaced by a tree with a minimum of 4 inches DBH at the time of planting. 7. Removed protected trees shall be replaced using a tree listed in Table 4.06.05. F. Street trees. 1. The developer shall plant, within 5 feet of the property line within a residential development, 1 shade tree for every 50 linear feet of right-of-way. 2. Except where property on 1 side of the right-of-way is not owned by the developer, the trees shall be planted alternately on either side of the street. 3. Trees planted within a space of 15 feet of either side of overhead or underground utilities shall be selected from the approved small tree list in Table 4.06.05. 4. The trees shall be a minimum overall height of 6 feet to 8 feet at the time of planting. 5. Trees which can be planted in areas 15 feet or more from either side of overhead or underground utilities, or on the opposite side of the street from the overhead or underground utilities, shall be selected from the approved list of canopy trees in Table 4.06.05 & shall be at least 8 feet in height at the time of planting. 6. Trees shall be installed, according to industry accepted horticultural standards. 7. Existing trees & native tree species that need less water & maintenance are preferred. 8. Street Trees shall be selected from the list of Small Trees in Table 4.06.05. G. Tree protection zone. 1. To ensure the health & survival of protected trees that are not to be removed, the developer shall avoid the following kinds of tree injuries during all development activity: a. Mechanical injuries to roots, trunk, & branches; b. Injuries by chemical poisoning; c. Injuries by grade changes; d. Injuries by excavations; & e. Injuries by paving. 2. A circular tree protection zone shall be established around each protected tree as follows: a. If the drip line (see Figure 4.12) is less than 6 feet from the trunk of the tree, the zone shall be that area within a radius of 6 feet from the trunk of the tree. b. If the drip line is more than 6 feet from the trunk of the tree, but less than 20 feet, the zone shall be that area within a radius of the full drip line around the tree. c. If the drip line is 20 feet or more from the trunk of the tree, the zone shall be that area within a radius of 20 feet around the tree. 3. Barricade for tree protection zone. a. Prior to the commencement of construction, the developer shall enclose the entire tree protection zone with a fence or similar barrier. SITE DESIGN STANDARDS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN Table 4.06.05. Landscape Trees & Plants. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Canopy Trees Understory Trees Small Street Trees** CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR CHAPTER THREE 3 2 1 < PREVIOUS Ashe Magnolia Crab Apple Crape Myrtle Flatwoods Plum Fringe Tree Glossy Privet Hawthorns Hoptree Loquat Myrtle Oak Red Buckeye Rusty Blackhaw Silky Camelia Silverbell Wax Myrtle Yaupon Holly Unified Land Development Code 71 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 CHAPTER ONE 5 American Beech* American Holly* Cabbage Palm* American Snowbell* Cucumber Tree* Blue Beech* Florida Elm* Catalpa* Live Oak* Cherry Laurel* Mockernut Hickory* Chinquapin* Pignut Hickory* Dahoon Holly* Red Bay* Dogwood* Red Maple* Fringetree * Shumard Oak* Hop Hornbeam* Southern Magnolia* Pagoda Dogwood* Sweet Gum* Redbud* Sycamore* Red Mulberry* Tupelo Gum* River Birch* Winged Elm* Sassafras* Yellow Popular* Service Berry* Bald Cypress Silverbell* Eastern Red Cedar Sparkleberry* Laurel Oak Sourwood* Pecan Crabapple Southern Red Cedar Crape Myrtle Water Oak 1 Fringe Tree, Chinese Ash, White Goldenrain Tree Basswood Hawthorn Cedar, Atlantic White Hornbeam Cottonwood Loquat Cypress, Pond Magnolia, Oriental Loblollybay 1 Pear, Bradford Maple, Florida Plum, American Mulberry, Red Plum, Wild 1 Oak, Post Rusty Blackhawk 1 Oak, Southern Red 1 Oak, Swamp Chestnut 1 Oak, White Palm, Pindo Persimmon Pine, Longleaf 1 Sweetbay Tupelo, Water 1 Walnut, Black FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CHAPTER FIVE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 b. Posts shall be wooden, or similar material, measuring 1 ½ inches by 3 ½ inches. c. Posts shall be implanted in the ground deep enough to be stable & with at least 3 feet visible above ground. d. The protective posts shall be placed not more than 6 feet apart & shall be linked together by a rope or chain. 4. Permitted activities within the tree protection zone. a. Tunneled utility lines may be placed beneath tree roots, in order to protect feeder roots, rather than trenched. b. Trenching by authorized utilities shall be allowed except where the trees are historic, specimen, champion or heritage trees, which will be tunneled. c. Placement of sod or other ground covers, & the preparation of the ground surface for such covers, will be permitted. 5. Prohibited activities within the tree protection zone: a. All development activities except those specifically permitted by the City shall be prohibited within the tree protection zone provided for any protected trees, including any construction of buildings, structures, paving surfaces, & stormwater retention or detention ponds. b. All temporary construction activities shall also be prohibited within tree protection areas, including all digging, storage of construction materials, & parking of construction vehicles. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITE DESIGN STANDARDS NEXT > CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER TEN 1 7 Saw Palmetto Spicebush Stiff Cornel Dogwood Sweetpepper Bush Sweetshrub Walter Viburnum Conradina Creeping Blueberry Dwarf Gray Willow Partridge Berry Rosemary Trailing Arbutus Witch Alder Witch Hazel Shade tree **(Typical height at maturity is 18 feet or less) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 CHAPTER SIX Figure 4.1: Pedestrian Easement. STREET CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR CHAPTER THREE 2 STREET EET 1 STR CHAPTER ONE 3 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 CHAPTER TWO GREATER THAN 500 FEET LONG 5 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE CHAPTER SEVEN Blue Stem Palm Florida Anise Florida Azalea Hammocksweet Azalea Mountain Laurel Oakleaf Hydrangea Piedmont Azalea Pineland Hibiscus Possumhaw Viburnum INDICES 8 Shrubs Groundcovers ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 *____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Native Trees & Plants Native Shrubs & Groundcovers ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER NINE • To Qualify as a Protected Tree: Canopy trees shall be a minimum of eight (8) inches DBH Understory trees shall be a minimum of four (4) inches DBH < PREVIOUS PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN PATH (10 FEET MINIMUM WIDTH) PUBLIC CROSSWALK OR PEDESTRIAN ACCESS EASEMENT Unified Land Development Code 72 SITE DESIGN STANDARDS NEXT > ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 4.2: Lot Arrangement. CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT 7 CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR CHAPTER THREE 2 CHAPTER ONE 3 ET STRE STREET MINIMUM 200 FEET, MAXIMUM 400 FEET EXAMPLE OF LOT ARRANGEMENTS ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 4.3: Recesses or Projections PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 STREET FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 5 REAR ALLEYS SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE LOTS ARE LESS THAN 60 FEET WIDE INDICES 6 CHAPTER TWO STREET CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER SEVEN MINIMUM 400 FEET, MAXIMUM 800 FEET FACADE PROJECTION FACADE RECESS 1 FACADE PROJECTION SITE DESIGN STANDARDS EXAMPLE OF FACADE RECESSES OR PROJECTIONS NEXT > < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 73 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR CHAPTER THREE 3 2 CHAPTER ONE 4 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 4.5 Unified Signage UNIFIED SIGN DESIGN 1 < PREVIOUS PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER TWO Figure 4.4 Streetscape Requirements SITE DESIGN STANDARDS EXAMPLE OF UNIFIED SIGN DESIGN FOR MULTIPLE TENANT BUILDINGS OR SHOPPING CENTERS Unified Land Development Code 74 NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 SITE DESIGN STANDARDS < PREVIOUS NEXT > Unified Land Development Code 75 CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 SITE DESIGN STANDARDS < PREVIOUS NEXT > Unified Land Development Code 76 FIGURE 4.9: LANDSCAPE BUFFER “D” 8.0 CANOPY TREES 6.0 UNDERSTORY TREES 24.0 SHRUBS CHAPTER TEN 8 INDICES CHAPTER EIGHT TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER NINE 60 FEET WIDE CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER FIVE FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 CHAPTER SIX 50 FEET WIDE 7.0 CANOPY TREES 6.5 UNDERSTORY TREES 27.0 SHRUBS 5 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 40 FEET WIDE 1 8.0 CANOPY TREES 7.0 UNDERSTORY TREES 30.0 SHRUBS 30 FEET WIDE SITE DESIGN STANDARDS 7.0 CANOPY TREES 8.0 UNDERSTORY TREES 38.0 SHRUBS < PREVIOUS NOTE: THESE ARE REQUIRED PLANT MATERIALS FOR 100FOR LINEAR FEET. MATERIALS 100 LINEAR Unified Land Development Code 77 FEET. NEXT > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 4.10: Vehicle Use Landscape Area 10 CHAPTER NINE PARKING PARKING areas between parking and drives count BUILDING corners count More than 5 feet Less than 3 feet Minimum 3 feet Maximum 3 feet AREAS ELIGIBLE TO BE COUNTED TO MEET VEHICLE USE AREA LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER THREE 3 2 CHAPTER ONE 4 1 < PREVIOUS Figure 4.11: Planting for Vehicle Use Landscape Areas PLANT KEY CANOPY UNDERSTORY PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR _________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE CHAPTER EIGHT DRIVE INDICES 7 Maximum 5 feet TABLE OF CONTENTS 8 CHAPTER SEVEN covered areas excluded 9 CHAPTER SIX FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN Buffer does not count GROUNDCOVER SHRUBS SITE DESIGN STANDARDS VEHICLE USE AREA LANDSCAPING: CLASS A Unified Land Development Code 78 NEXT > ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX 5 TREE PROTECTION ZONE FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER FIVE Figure 4.12: Tree Protection Zone ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS 4.07.01. CO DESIGN STANDARDS. A. Entryways. 1. At least one public entrance shall be located facing Highway 77 & connected to Highway 77 by a pedestrian sidewalk. Such entrance may be to tenants spaces other than the primary tenant. B. Facades. 1. To improve the view from Highway 77 large, undifferentiated wall surfaces shall be avoided. 2. Building facades visible from Highway 77 shall be articulated with recesses & projections. See Figure 4.3. Recesses & projections shall be a minimum of 1 foot in depth and a minimum of 3 feet long within each 100 feet of facade length. 3. Building facades facing Highway 77 shall include a minimum of 3 of the following design elements along no less than 60% of their length: a. Arcade b. Raised cornice parapets over the doors c. Decorative light fixtures d. Medallions e. Decorative landscape planters or window flower boxes f. Awnings/canopies, located over door or windows g. Clock or bell tower h. Clear glass display window(s) that cover at least 20% of one facade or 30% of 2 facades i. Overhanging eaves extending out from the wall at least 3 feet with a minimum 8 inch fascia j. Architectural details other than those listed above, which are Unified Land Development Code 79 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4.07.00. CORRIDOR OVERLAY (CO) STANDARDS. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ SITE DESIGN STANDARDS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER CHAPTER FOUR FOUR CHAPTER THREE 3 2 1 G. Transit Facilities. 1. Developments greater than 100,000 square feet shall designate a minimum 100 square foot area on the site plan as a transit stop, if requested by the Bay Town Trolley. PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 CHAPTER ONE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 integrated into the building & overall design, such as artwork, decorative tile work, or decorative columns/pilasters. 4. All building facades visible from Highway 77 other than the facade facing Highway 77 shall include a minimum of 2 of the above design elements listed in Section 4.07.01(B)(3) along no less than 40% of their length. C. Roof treatment. 1. Variations in roof lines shall be used to add interest & reduce the massing of buildings. Roof features shall be in scale with building mass. 2. At a minimum of 2 locations, the roof edge or parapet shall include a vertical change of a minimum of 3 feet from the dominant roof design. At least 1 such change shall be located on the facade facing Highway 77. D. Seasonal sales shall not occupy any required parking spaces, parking lot aisles, or required landscaping buffers or areas. E. Access management. 1. New curb cuts shall be minimized. New developments shall provide vehicular access to adjacent vacant parcels, & if possible, to developed parcels, by means of connected parking lots, shared driveways, cross-access easements, or other interparcel connections. 2. Stub-outs & other design features shall be provided that make it visually obvious that the abutting properties will be tied in to provide cross-access. 3. Siting of buildings shall take into consideration the relationship of the site to adjacent buildings & internal street systems & driving aisles to promote interconnectivity between adjacent land uses. Separation of buildings by internal streets or driving aisles may be required to promote connectivity & promote pedestrian orientation. F. Prohibited Uses. 1. The following uses are prohibited in the CO district: a. Outdoor sale of motorized vehicles b. Sale of mobile/manufactured homes SITE DESIGN STANDARDS NEXT > < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 80 5.00.00. GENERALLY. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER CHAPTER FIVE FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 < PREVIOUS 5.01.02. Accessory Structures in All Land Use Districts. Accessory structures may be located on a parcel, provided that the following requirements are met: A. There shall be a permitted principal structure or use on the parcel, located in full compliance with all standards & requirements of this ULDC. B. Accessory structures shall be included in all calculations of impervious surface & stormwater runoff. Unified Land Development Code 81 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 5 5.01.01. Home Occupations. It shall be unlawful to operate, conduct, or maintain any business or trade in any area whatsoever within the corporate limits of the City which has been or may hereafter be used for residential purposes, except home occupations, as provided in this section. A home occupation is a business occupation conducted entirely in a dwelling unit. All home occupations shall comply with the following standards: A. Employees of the home occupation shall be limited to the residents of the dwelling in which the occupation is located. B. The use of the dwelling unit for the home occupation shall be clearly incidental & subordinate to its use for residential purposes, & shall not change the residential character of the structure. C. Not more than 25% of the floor area of the dwelling unit shall be used in the conduct of the home occupation. D. There shall be no change in the outside appearance of the building or premises or other visible evidence of the conduct of such home occupation. E. No home occupation shall be conducted in any accessory building. F. No internal or external alterations which are inconsistent with the residential use or character of the dwelling shall be permitted. G. No traffic shall be generated by such home occupation in greater volumes than would normally be expected in a residential neighborhood. The basis for evaluating traffic generated shall be the latest edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation Handbook. H. Any need for parking generated by the conduct of such home occupation shall be met off the street & other than in the required front yard, except for the driveway. I. Parking of commercial vehicles used in the conduct of the home occupation shall be limited to 1 such vehicle. This limitation shall include any vehicle necessary to the business conducted as a home occupation. Notwithstanding this provision, the following vehicles are prohibited from parking: a vehicle with a motorized cooling unit; & vehicles with a gross vehicle weight exceeding 10,000 pounds. J. No equipment or process shall be used in such home occupation which creates noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odors, or electrical interference detectable to the normal senses at the property line. In the case of electrical interference, no equipment or process shall be used which creates visual or audible interference in any radio or television receivers off the premises, or causes fluctuations in a line voltage off the premises. K. A home occupation shall be subject to all applicable city occupational licenses & other business taxes. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 5.01.00. ACCESSORY USES & STRUCTURES. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 5.00.01. Purpose. It is the purpose of this section to regulate the installation, configuration, & use of accessory structures, & the conduct of accessory uses, in order to ensure that they are not harmful either aesthetically or physically to residents & surrounding areas. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 CHAPTER ONE 10 FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER 5. ACCESSORY, TEMPORARY, & SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACCESSORY, TEMPORARY, & SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS NEXT > 9 CHAPTER TEN 5.01.03. Accessory Structures in Residential Land Use Districts. A. Accessory structures shall be those permitted structures as listed in Section 2.03.03. B. Accessory structures shall meet the standards set forth below: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 5.01.03(B). Standards for Accessory Structures in Residential Districts. ___________________________________________________________ Design Standards Residential Land Use Districts ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Front (feet) N/A N/A N/A N/A Side (feet) 7 5 5 5 Rear (feet) 7 5 5 5 Side, adjacent ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ to street (feet) 10 10 10 10 7 Maximum Rear Yard Coverage (%) 30 40 40 40 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER CHAPTER FIVE FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 < PREVIOUS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.01.04. Accessory Dwellings in Residential Land Use Districts. Accessory apartments, including guesthouses & helper quarters, shall be permissible in compliance with the following standards: A. An accessory dwelling inside the principal residential building shall comply with the following standards: 1. An accessory dwelling shall not be construed to be located within a principal building when it is connected to the principal residential building only by a breezeway or roofed passageway; 2. No more than 1 accessory dwelling shall be permitted; 3. An accessory dwelling shall not be permissible within a nonconforming principal residential building; 4. An accessory dwelling shall not be permissible where a variance or waiver is necessary, in order to allow the accessory dwelling; 5. An accessory dwelling inside a principal residential building shall not have a separate exterior entrance; & 6. An accessory dwelling shall not occupy more than 25% of the total livable floor area of the principal residential building. B. One free-standing accessory dwelling unit may be built in the rear of the principal building or combined with a garage. C. A free-standing accessory structure shall not exceed one-half (½) the total square footage of the primary structure. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.01.05. Dumpsters. A. All placement & use of dumpsters & garbage containers shall fully comply with the requirements of this section, in addition to Chapter 54 of the Code of Ordinances. Where there is any conflict between standards set forth in this section & standards, set forth in Chapter 54, the more restrictive standard shall apply. B. A dumpster shall be required for all multifamily development of 8 or more units. C. A dumpster shall be required for the following specific uses regardless of gross floor area: restaurants, grocery stores, & convenience stores. D. A dumpster shall be required for all development within MU, C, IND, C-1, or P/I where the total gross floor area of all buildings on the site is 2,000 or more square feet. Unified Land Development Code 82 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 % of Primary Structure 50% 50% 50% 50% ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CHAPTER ONE Maximum Height (feet) 25 25 25 25 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE CHAPTER SEVEN 8 INDICES CHAPTER EIGHT Minimum Setbacks LDR MDR HDR MU ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER NINE 10 FRONT PAGE C. Accessory buildings shall be permitted only in side & rear yards & shall not abut the front yard setback of an adjacent property. D. Accessory buildings shall conform to the setback requirements in Section 4.02.02, except as provided in Section 5.01.03(B). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACCESSORY, TEMPORARY, & SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER CHAPTER FIVE FIVE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER TWO 4 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 E. Multifamily development of less than 8 units or development in MU, C, IND, C-1, or P/I that is less than 2,000 square feet of gross floor area may provide either a dumpster or individual garbage containers. F. Dumpsters shall meet the following standards: 1. Dumpsters shall be located on a paved surface of sufficient size to accommodate the dumpster. 2. The dumpster location shall be easily accessible for pickup. 3. Dumpsters shall be located to the rear or side of the principal building. 4. Dumpsters shall not be located within any required buffer area, landscaped area, including parking lot landscaping, or stormwater management area. 5. Dumpsters shall be screened as follows: a. All 4 sides shall be screened. b. Screening shall be in the form of evergreen trees & shrubs, or a solid wooden or masonry fence. Plants shall be planted in a double-staggered row to form a continuous hedge, & shall be planted to allow the installation of a gate for access. c. Trees & shrubs shall comply with the specifications for landscaping materials set forth in Section 4.06.02, except that shrubs shall be a minimum of 4 feet in height at the time of planting. Trees shall be selected from the list of understory trees & shall be planted a maximum of 8 feet apart, on center, as required in Section 4.06.02(D). d. A gate shall be provided for access. e. Dumpsters shall be set back from any adjacent property designated or used for residential purposes a minimum of 30 feet. 6. Dumpsters shall be located a minimum of 20 feet from the exterior wall of a building, unless a closer distance is acceptable based on the fire rating of the wall & approved by the City. G. Garbage containers shall meet the following standards: 1. Containers shall be of a size & type approved by the City. 2. A stable, firm, & level surface shall be provided, both in the permanent location & the pickup location. 3. Containers shall be located to the rear or side of the principal building, except when moved to the front for pickup. 4. Containers shall be screened from view from adjacent properties & the public right-of-way. Screening may be provided by shrubs planted in a double-staggered row on 3 sides or by a wooden or masonry enclosure on 3 sides. 5. Containers shall not be located in any required buffer area, landscaped area, including landscaped parking lots, or stormwater management area. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.01.06. Fences, Hedges, & Walls. All fences, hedges, or walls erected, placed or altered shall conform to the following regulations: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 1 Table 5.01.06. Fences, Hedges, & Walls. _________________________________________________________ 1 Yards : Residential Non-Residential Maximum Height Maximum Height _________________________________________________________ Front 4 ft. Rear & side 8 ft. 4 ft. for all districts except IND 8 ft. for all IND 8 ft. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Corner: Fences shall not interfere with the visibility triangle as required in Section 6.05.04. ACCESSORY, TEMPORARY, & SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Materials: Open wire fabric Wood, open picket design Rot & termite resistive < PREVIOUS Open weave construction ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Measured the length of the required setback line. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unified Land Development Code 83 NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 5.02.01. Temporary Dwellings. No garage or outbuilding shall be erected for residence purposes in any residential district, except during the course of construction, on the same site a tent, temporary building, recreational vehicle, or mobile home may be allowed. A temporary dwelling shall comply with the following standards: A. A temporary use permit shall be obtained for a temporary dwelling. 1. Such permit shall be valid for 90 days; 2. The 90 day permit may be renewed every 90 days up to a total of 1 year, provided that the permittee is actively constructing a residential dwelling unit on the same lot for which the permit is acquired. B. The temporary dwelling shall include separate sanitary facilities & separate electric service from the principal structure that is under construction. C. The temporary dwelling shall be placed to comply with required setbacks applicable to the district in which the permit is granted. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER EIGHT 5.02.00. TEMPORARY USES & STRUCTURES. This section establishes the regulations regarding temporary uses & structures. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER CHAPTER FIVE FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 84 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 5.02.03. Temporary Uses. A. Construction activity shall comply with the following: 1. During the course of construction, the applicant shall provide off-street parking facilities within the construction site to accommodate parking of any motor vehicles operated by any person transacting any business with, providing services or delivering materials to the site of construction. Alternative parking facilities may be authorized pursuant to an approved construction site management plan, as set forth below. 2. For construction projects & developments that will exceed 60 days, with the exception of single family homes, the Building Official shall require an approved detailed construction site management plan, prior to the issuance of a building permit or during the process of completing any active or inactive construction or demolition project. The construction site management plan shall at a minimum provide specific information outlining where all construction worker parking, construction equipment, material storage & temporary structures will be located on the site under construction or on nearby properties. Additionally, traffic routes to & from the site, pedestrian safety barriers & fencing shall be included on the construction site management plan & shall be identified for approval. The construction site management plan must also show the location of acceptable construction loading & unloading areas. B. Model Homes. The City Manager may, after preliminary plat approval, authorize a temporary use permit for model home units in subdivisions, residential portions of planned unit developments, mixed use developments, or TND’s, subject to the following provisions: 1. Duration. Such temporary permits shall not exceed one year in duration, but shall be renewable annually for a total of 3 consecutive years. In considering renewal of a temporary permit, the City Manager shall evaluate the impact of the model home units on the surrounding developing neighborhood. If the City Manager determines that the model home units are having an undesirable impact on the neighborhood, due to increased noise, light, glare, activity or for a violation of any special condition placed upon the operation of model home units by the temporary use permit, the temporary permit shall not be renewed. 2. Location. Any model home unit site issued a temporary permit shall be immediately identified by a sign affixed to the property, prior to the sale of any abutting lot or dwelling unit to a person other than the operator of the model home unit. Such sign shall be in CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 CHAPTER ONE 5.02.02. Special Events. (Reserved) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACCESSORY, TEMPORARY, & SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS NEXT > Number of Model Home Units 3 units 5% of approved dwelling units (rounded to the nearest whole number) CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE 3 2 1 < PREVIOUS 5.03.01. Generally. A. It is the intent of this section to establish requirements for the placement, installation, & maintenance of signs, in order to preserve & protect the health, safety, welfare, & general well-being of the community’s citizens. Sign requirements are intended to: 1. Protect motorists from visual distractions, obstructions, & driving hazards; & 2. Protect & enhance the aesthetic & visual qualities of the physical environment by requiring that signage be designed as an integral part of the site & principal structure. B. Signs shall contain no message that is harmful to minors. C. Signs & sign structures shall meet the requirements of the building & electrical codes adopted by the City. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.03.02. Exempt Signs. The following signs are exempt from the sign regulations in this section: A. Legal notices and official instruments. B. Holiday lights & decorations. C. Religious displays. D. Signs designed or located so as to be invisible from any street or adjoining property. E. Signs necessary to promote health, safety, & welfare, & other regulatory, statutory, traffic control, or direction signs erected on public property. F. Public warning signs to indicate the dangers of trespassing, swimming, animals, or similar hazards. G. Signs carried by a person. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 CHAPTER TWO 5 CHAPTER ONE 6 5.03.00. SIGNS. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 7 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 8 4. Use as office. Although residential sales & presentations may be undertaken at a model home unit, the operator of the model home unit shall have a primary office in a properly zoned area & not in a residential development or the residential section of a planned development. The model home shall be used primarily for demonstrating the type of units offered in the subdivision. 5. Parking. Permanent, hard-surface parking shall not exceed that normally provided for other residential structures of the same type in the same residential development or residential planned development. The location & use of any temporary parking shall be approved by the City Manager. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 9 CHAPTER SIX __________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER CHAPTER FIVE FIVE CHAPTER TEN Number of Approved Dwellings 1 to 50 51 or more FRONT PAGE 10 accordance with the provisions of Section 5.03.00, & shall clearly identify the site as a model home unit. 3. Number. The maximum number of model home units allowed in any one development is limited as follows: __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.03.03. Provisionally Exempt Signs. The following signs are exempt from the requirement that a permit be obtained, provided that the sign is placed & constructed, according to the standards in Table 5.03.03 below. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 5.03.03. Standards for Provisionally Exempt Signs. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Type of Sign Standards __________________________________________________________________________________________ Decorative flags Limited to a celebration, convention, or & bunting commemoration of significance to the entire community. Limited to a time period authorized by the City Manager. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Identification signs Two (2) sq.ft. or less in area. No individual letters, symbols, logos, or Unified Land Development Code 85 ACCESSORY, TEMPORARY, & SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS NEXT > CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER CHAPTER FIVE FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 86 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 Merchandise Shall be located behind storefront windows. displays Shall contain no moving parts & No flashing lights. _______________________________________________________ Signs incorporated Only permissible when the sign identifies into machinery or advertises only the product or service or equipment by dispensed by the machine or equipment. a manufacturer or distributor _______________________________________________________ Vehicle signs Limited to vehicle bumpers. _______________________________________________________ Works of art Limited to murals, statues, paintings, that do not designs, or other decorative features or constitute structures designed to attract attention, but advertising that contain no names of occupants, business, or product identification, trademark, logo, address, or other commercial message _______________________________________________________ 5.03.04. Prohibited Signs. A. The following signs are expressly prohibited: 1. Signs that are in violation of the building code or electrical code adopted by the City. 2. Any sign that does or will constitute a safety hazard. 3. Any sign mounted on a roof top or portion of a roof. 4. Blank temporary signs. 5. Signs with visible moving, revolving, or rotating parts or visible mechanical movement of any description or other apparent visible movement achieved by electrical, electronic, or mechanical means, except for traditional barber poles. 6. Signs with the optical illusion of movement by means of a design that presents a pattern capable of giving the illusion of motion or changing of copy. 7. Signs with lights or illuminations that flash, move, rotate, scintillate, blink, flicker, or vary in intensity or color except for time-temperature-date signs, unless the interval of such movement or other change in the sign is 10 seconds or more & such sign is located outside of the Lynn Haven Main Street Core Area, defined generally as Ohio or Florida Avenue between 5th Street & 14th Street, & more specifically, as defined by the Lynn Haven Main Street Program. 8. Strings of light bulbs used on commercially developed parcels for commercial purposes, other than traditional holiday decorations. 9. Signs, commonly referred to as wind signs, consisting of one or more banners, flags, pennants, ribbons, spinners, streamers or captive balloons, or other objects or material fastened in such a manner as to move upon being subjected to pressure by wind. 10. Signs that incorporate projected images, emit any sound that is intended to attract attention, or involve the use of live animals. 11. Signs that emit audible sound, odor, or visible matter such as smoke or steam. 12. Signs or sign structures that interfere in any way with free use of any fire escape, emergency exit, or standpipe, or that obstruct any window to such an extent that light or ventilation TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 CHAPTER ONE 10 Memorial signs Shall be cut into any masonry surface on or tablets, & the building, or names of buildings Shall be constructed of bronze or other & dates of noncombustible materials & attached to erection the surface of a building. ________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN designs in excess of two (2) inches in vertical or horizontal dimension. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACCESSORY, TEMPORARY, & SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER CHAPTER FIVE FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS 5.03.05. Temporary Signs. Temporary signs are allowed throughout the City, subject to the standards set forth in this section. A. A temporary sign may be a ground or building sign, but shall not be an electric sign. B. Any temporary sign not complying with the requirements of this section (5.03.00) is illegal & subject to immediate removal by the City. The cost of removing an illegal temporary sign shall be the responsibility of the owner of the sign. C. Temporary signs & the general conditions for such signs are described in Table 5.03.05(C). Unified Land Development Code 87 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 is reduced to a point below that required by any provision of this section or other ordinance of the City. 13. Signs that resemble any official sign or marker erected by any governmental agency, or that by reason of position, shape or color, would conflict with the proper functioning of any traffic or signal or be of a size, location, movement, content, color, or illumination that may be reasonably confused with or construed as, or conceal, a traffic control device. 14. Signs that obstruct the vision of pedestrians, cyclists, or motorists traveling on or entering public streets. Nothing shall obstruct visibility at intersections, as defined in Section 6.05.04. 15. Nongovernmental signs designed to resemble governmental signs that use the words “stop,” “look,” “danger,” “caution,” “yield,” or any similar word, phrase, or symbol. 16. Signs within 10 feet of public right-of-way or within 100 feet of traffic control lights, that contain red or green lights that might be confused with traffic control lights. 17. Signs that are of such intensity or brilliance as to cause glare or impair the vision of any motorist, cyclist, or pedestrian using or entering a public way, or that are a hazard or a nuisance to occupants of any property because of glare or other characteristics. 18. Signs that contain any lighting or control mechanism that causes unreasonable interference with radio, television or other communication signals. 19. Searchlights used to advertise or promote a business or to attract customers to a property. 20. Signs that are painted, pasted, or printed on any curbstone, flagstone, pavement, or any portion of any sidewalk or street, except house numbers and traffic control signs. 21. Signs placed upon benches, bus shelters or waste receptacles, except as may be authorized in writing pursuant to Section 337.407, F.S., or as authorized by the City Manager. 22. Signs erected on public property, or on private property, such as private utility poles, located on public property, other than signs erected by public authority for public purposes. 23. Signs erected over or across any public street, except as may otherwise be expressly authorized by this section, & except governmental signs erected by or on the order of the City Manager. B. Certain vehicle signs are prohibited as described below: 1. Vehicles signs which have a total sign area in excess of 10 square feet & meeting the following locations: a. When the vehicle is parked for more than 60 consecutive minutes within 100 feet of any street right-of-way; & b. When the vehicle is visible from the street right-of-way that the vehicle is within 100 feet of. 2. When the vehicle is not regularly used in the conduct of the business advertised on the vehicle, the use of the vehicle for display of a vehicle sign is prohibited. A vehicle used primarily for advertising, or for the purpose of providing transportation for owners or employees of the occupancy advertised on the vehicle, shall not be considered a vehicle used in the conduct of the business. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACCESSORY, TEMPORARY, & SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS NEXT > ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 5.03.05(C). Types of Temporary Signs & Conditions for Placement. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Conditions ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 Business Identification Permissible only when the business has no permanent sign(s). Limited to a period of not more than 60 days, or until installation of permanent signs, whichever shall occur first. Construction Limited to 60 days prior to the beginning of actual construction of the project identified by the construction sign. If construction is not initiated within 60 days after the sign is placed, or if construction is discontinued for a period of more than 60 days, the sign shall be removed. Grand Opening Displayed for a period not to exceed 14 days within the first 3 months that the occupancy is open for business. Real Estate Displayed on the property which is for sale, lease, or rent. Special or Temporary Event Only to announce or advertise such temporary uses as fairs, carnivals, circuses, revivals, sporting events, flea markets, or a public, charitable, educational or religious event or function. The sign shall be removed within 5 days after the special event is concluded. The total time period shall not exceed 60 days. FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN Type CHAPTER NINE INDICES 8 Removal is required when construction is completed & at the time the C.O. is issued. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 CHAPTER EIGHT ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER SIX 4 D. Temporary signs shall conform to the standards, set forth in Table 5.03.05(D) below. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 5.03.05(D). Standards for Temporary Signs. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER TWO 3 2 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER THREE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Standards Residential Districts (sq. ft.) PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE CHAPTER FOUR 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CHAPTER CHAPTER FIVE FIVE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE CHAPTER SEVEN ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Non-Residential districts (sq. ft.) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ LDR MDR HDR ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ No.of signs 2 2 4 Individual 1sign area, maximum 6 6 6 Aggregate sign area, maximum 10 10 16 Maximum height (feet) 8 8 8 Spacing N/A N/A N/A 1 Unlimited 64 100; or 1 per 10 feet of property frontage, whichever is smaller 10 100 ft. between signs on the same parcel Real estate signs for multiple lots shall not exceed 32 square feet. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.03.06. Permissible Permanent On-Site Signs. A. Permissible signs include the following: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACCESSORY, TEMPORARY, & SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS Table 5.03.06(A). Permanent On-Site Signage. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ < PREVIOUS Permissible Signs Criteria ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Non-Residential Land Use Districts ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unified Land Development Code 88 NEXT > Sign Types Ground signs Building signs See Sections 5.03.07 & 5.03.08. See Sections 5.03.07 & 5.03.08. CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER CHAPTER FIVE FIVE 5 CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 3) Flags a. Shall be limited to not more than 3 flags or insignias of governmental, religious, charitable, fraternal, or other organizations on any 1 parcel of land; & b. The maximum distance from top to bottom of any flag shall be 20% of the total height of the flagpole, or in the absence of a flagpole, 20% of the distance from the top of the flag or insignia to the ground. 4) Utility signs a. Shall be limited to public utility signs that identify the location of underground utility lines & facilities, high voltage lines & facilities, & other utility facilities & appurtenances; b. Shall not exceed 6 feet in height; & c. The sign face shall not exceed one square foot. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 a. Limited in area to 4 square feet; b. Shall only provide directions to motorists regarding the location of parking areas & access drives; & c. Shall not be counted as part of an occupancy’s allowable sign area. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 2) Directional ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 a. Only on developed, nonresidential parcels; b. Shall only display numerical information in an easily comprehensible way; c. Shall be kept accurate; d. May be a ground or building sign & subject to the regulations applicable to such signs; & e. Counted as part of an occupancy’s allowable sign area. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 1) Time-temperature- date FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER ONE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE < PREVIOUS Residential Land Use Districts Signs at entrances to a. One (1) sign is permitted at only one residential developments (1) entrance into the development from each abutting street. b. The sign may be a single sign with two (2) faces of equal size or may be two (2) single-faced structures of equal size located on each side of the entrance. Instead of 2 signs at the entrance, however, a multifamily development may be allowed one (1) sign at the entrance and one (1) wall sign on a building. c. No face of the sign shall exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in size. d. Illumination shall be in a steady light only. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signage for permissible non-residential uses (See Section 2.03.02 for list of uses) a. Each such parcel may have 1 free- standing sign per street frontage. The maximum size shall be 16 square feet. The maximum height shall be 8 ft. b. Each use may have 1 wall sign per building. The maximum size shall be 32 square feet. c. The criteria for directional, flags, & utility signage for nonresidential land use districts shall apply with these non- residential uses. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unified Land Development Code 89 ACCESSORY, TEMPORARY, & SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS NEXT > 9 CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER CHAPTER FIVE FIVE CHAPTER FOUR PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 3 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 4 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 5 5.03.07. Design Standards for All Permanent Signs. A. Generally. All permanent signs shall comply with the design, construction & location standards in this section. B. Placement standards. 1. A building sign shall project no more than 4 feet perpendicularly from the surface to which it is attached. 2. The combined area of permanent & temporary signs placed on or behind windows shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the total window area at the same floor level on the side of the building or unit upon which the signs are displayed. 3. Signs located within a clear visibility triangle shall conform to the requirements of Section 6.05.04. 4. Supports for signs or sign structures shall not be placed in or upon a public right-of-way or public easement, except under the terms of a lease between the owner of the easement or right-ofway & the owner of the sign. 5. No ground sign shall project over a public right-of-way. 6. All signs over pedestrian ways shall provide a minimum of 7 & one-half (7½) feet of clearance. 7. All signs over vehicular ways shall provide a minimum of 13 & one-half (13½) feet of clearance. 8. A building sign shall not extend beyond any edge of the surface to which it is attached, nor disrupt a major architectural feature of the building. C. Size, number, & spacing for permanent on-site signs. 1. Ground signs. The permissible number, area, spacing, & height of permanent accessory ground signs for each multiple occupancy complex & each occupant not located in a multiple occupancy complex shall be determined according to the following tables: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 6 CHAPTER THREE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 CHAPTER TWO Mixed Use Land Use District a. A development within the MU that is solely residential shall meet the signage criteria for residential land use districts. b. A development within the MU that is solely commercial shall meet the signage criteria for nonresidential land use districts. c. A development within the MU that is a combination of residential & nonresidential uses shall provide a master signage plan as part of the application for a local development order. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER NINE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 CHAPTER ONE FRONT PAGE 10 TND & PUD Land Use Districts a. A master signage shall be approved by the City Commission, as part of the Master Plan; b. The maximum height of freestanding signs shall be 10 feet; c. All signs expressly prohibited by Section 5.03.04 shall be prohibited within the TND or PUD; & d. The design and style of signage shall be integral to the design & style of the TND or PUD. Table 5.03.07(C)(1). Standards for Permanent Signs. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Sign Number, Area, Spacing, & Height _________________________________________________________ 2 Frontage No. of on a Public Signs R.O.W. (ft.) Allowed Total Sign Area (sq.ft.) Maximum Sign Area for Individual Signs (sq. ft.) Minimum Distance from Side Property Line (feet) Minimum distance from other permanent sign on site (feet) Maximum Height (feet) _________________________________________________________ 1 Less than 50 50 – 99.9 100- 199.9 200–299.9 300-399.9 400 or more 1 1 1 1 2 3 24 32 70 70 72 96 24 32 70 70 72 96 10 15 20 50 50 50 N/A N/A N/A N/A 100 100 18 18 18 18 18 18 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Building signs shall comply with the standards in the following table: ACCESSORY, TEMPORARY, & SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS NEXT > < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 90 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 5.03.07(C)(2). Building Sign Size, Height, & Number. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 10 Standard Per Building Side Total Sign Area 10% of each façade area; or, 200 sq.ft., whichever is smaller Per Occupant 20% of each façade area; or, 200 sq.ft., whichever is smaller Per Building Side 20% of each façade area; or 200 sq.ft., whichever is smaller ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX 5 3 3 Maximum Height Building height up to 20 ft. Building height between 21 ft. & 100 ft. 18 ft. 18 ft. A single building sign is allowed above 18 feet on each side of the building ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Building signs for multiple occupancy complexes constructed or remodeled after December 11, 1990, shall conform to an approved sign format. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.03.08. Measurement Determinations. The measurement of signs shall comply with the standards in the following table: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 5.03.08. Measurement Determinations. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Area Measurement ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Distance between signs Minimum required distance between signs shall be measured along the street right-of-way from the closest parts of any two (2) signs. Façade area Shall be measured by determining the area within a 2-dimensional geometric figure coinciding with the edges of the walls, windows, doors, parapets, marquees, & roof slopes of greater than 45 degrees that form a side of a building or unit. (See Figure 5.1) Sign area The area of a sign shall be the area within the smallest square, rectangle, parallelogram, triangle, circle or semicircle, the sides of which touch the extreme points or edges of the sign face. Letters or pictures Where a sign is composed of letters or pictures attached directly to a façade, window, door, or marquee, & the letters or pictures are not enclosed by a border or trimming, the sign area shall be the area within the smallest rectangle, parallelogram, triangle, circle or semicircle, the sides of which touch the extreme points of the letters or pictures. (See Figure 5.2) Two (2) sign faces Where 2 sign faces are placed back to back on a single sign structure, & the faces are at no point more than 3 feet apart, the area of the sign shall be counted as the area of 1 of the faces. Four (4) sign faces Where 4 sign faces are arranged in a square, rectangle, or diamond, the area of the sign shall be the area of the 2 largest faces. This type of sign shall be counted as 2 signs. (See Figure 5.3) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 Number of Signs INDICES 8 CHAPTER CHAPTER FIVE FIVE 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER NINE Single Occupancy Structure ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN Multiple Occupancy Complexes or Building CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 CHAPTER ONE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACCESSORY, TEMPORARY, & SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ < PREVIOUS Three-dimensional Where a sign is in the form of a three-dimensional objects object, the area shall be determined by drawing a Unified Land Development Code 91 NEXT > ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 5.03.08. Measurement Determinations (continued). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Area Measurement CHAPTER NINE square, rectangle, parallelogram, triangle, circle or semicircle, the sides of which touch the extreme points or edges of the projected image of the sign and multiplying that area by 2. The projected image is that image created by tracing the largest possible 2-dimensional outline of the sign. (See Figure 5.4) Number of Signs In general, the number of signs shall be the number of noncontiguous sign faces. Multiple noncontiguous sign faces shall be counted as a single sign if all the sign faces are included in the geometric figure used for determining the sign area. Sign Height The height of a sign shall be measured as the vertical distance from the finished grade at the base of the supporting structure to the top of the sign, or its frame or supporting structure, whichever is higher. (See Figure 5.5) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 INDICES CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER CHAPTER FIVE FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 2 1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ < PREVIOUS 5.04.00. (Reserved) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.05.00. SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARDS FOR SPECIFIC USES. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.05.01. Generally. A. This section sets forth standards for specific uses that are permissible subject to supplemental standards. Uses permissible subject to these supplemental standards are identified by the letter “S” in Table 2.03.02. B. Where there is a conflict between a standard applicable to the land use district in which the use is located or an applicable overlay district and the supplemental standards set forth below, the more restrictive standard shall apply. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 Multiple frontages a. If a building has frontage on two (2) or more streets, each frontage shall be separately considered for the purposes of determining compliance with the provisions of this section. b. The permitted sign area for one (1) frontage shall not be combined with that permitted on another frontage to increase the permitted sign area on 1 frontage. c. No ground sign on one right-of-way shall be closer than 100 feet to a sign on another right-of-way, measured as the sum of distances measured continuously along the rights-of-way thru common points. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 CHAPTER TWO ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER EIGHT 10 FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.05.02. Alcoholic Beverage Sales. A. No person shall sell or offer for sale to the public any liquor, wine, beer or other alcoholic beverages at any place in the City, except in C land use districts. B. Requirements for the sale of alcoholic beverages are set forth in Section 6-26, et seq. of the City Code of Ordinances. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.05.03. Auto Graveyards, Junkyards, Scrap Metal Processing Plants. A. Junkyards, automobile graveyards, or scrap metal processing plants shall be operated only within the IND land use district. B. Fences, walls, or hedges. 1. Screening shall be required so that the junkyard, automobile graveyard, or scrap metal processing plant shall not be visible from the main traveled way of the highways, streets, & roads within the City. 2. The site shall be enclosed on any boundary which abuts a residentially designated area & on any boundary abutting a City street by a sight-proof fence of not less than 8 feet in height. 3. Such screen shall be constructed & maintained of a uniform material composed of vegetative plantings, fences, or wall. Unified Land Development Code 92 ACCESSORY, TEMPORARY, & SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER CHAPTER FIVE FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS 5.05.05. Gasoline Service Stations. A. A gasoline service station is permissible in the MU, C, & IND land use districts, subject to the district standards & the supplemental standards set forth in this section. B. The term “gasoline service station” includes convenience stores with gas pumps, & establishments that provide the following accessory uses, in addition to gas pumps: fast food restaurants, drive-thru restaurants, groceries, sundries, supplies for the traveling public, food, & beverages. C. Access requirements for gasoline service stations: 1. Access shall be from a collector or arterial street. 2. Access shall be a minimum of 100 feet from a street intersection as measured at the intersection of the street centerlines. D. Gasoline service station pump islands shall be set back a minimum of thirty (30) feet from any property line. E. Underground storage tanks shall be designed, located, & monitored in full compliance with State requirements. Evidence of such compliance shall be provided to the City. F. Oil drainage pits & hydraulic lifts shall be located as follows: 1. Such uses shall be within an enclosed structure. 2. Such uses shall be set back a minimum of 50 feet from any property line. G. Gasoline service stations located within 100 feet of any property designated for residential uses shall meet the following standards: 1. The buffer shall be 2 times the buffer that is otherwise required by Section 4.06.03. 2. A masonry, wood, or solid fence shall be required on any side or rear property line that is within 100 feet of any property in a Unified Land Development Code 93 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 5.05.04. Automotive Parts & Mechanical Garages. A. Automotive parts establishments & mechanical garages shall be in an enclosed building. B. No junk automobiles shall be maintained on any property by any person licensed to conduct a lawful business unless in an enclosed building. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 4. The fence, wall, or screen shall be of a uniform color. 5. The use of tin roofing, corrugated roofing, or similar materials is expressly prohibited. 6. Vegetative screening a. If vegetative screening is to be used for such fence or wall, the planting area shall be within a greenbelt strip not less than 20 feet wide where it adjoins another lot line, and not less than 10 feet wide where it adjoins the street line. b. The greenbelt shall be composed of at least 1 row of deciduous or evergreen trees & a double-staggered row of shrubs (See Buffer D in Section 4.06.03). c. The greenbelt shall be constructed with an adequate irrigation system & maintained. d. Should the owner or operator of a junkyard fail to maintain the greenbelt in the manner required by this section, the City Manager shall have the right to require that permanent screening be installed in its place. C. Minimum lot size. The minimum lot area shall not be less than 20,000 square feet nor larger than 200,000 square feet. D. Setbacks. No junk automobiles or vehicles that are beyond economical repair or any other junk or scrap of whatsoever character shall, at any time, be located for storage, dismantling, or for any other purpose within: 1. seventy-five (75) feet of any residential district; 2. fifty (50) feet of the front street line; 3. thirty (30) feet of any side street line; or 4. thirty (30) feet of any other property line of the lot or parcel of land to be so used. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACCESSORY, TEMPORARY, & SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER THREE 3 2 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER CHAPTER FIVE FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 1 < PREVIOUS 5.05.07. Religious Facilities. A. Religious uses & facilities are permissible in the P/I land use district, subject to the standards of that district. B. Religious uses & facilities are permissible in the LDR, MDR, HDR, & MU districts subject to the standards of those land use districts & the supplemental standards of this section. C. The primary use for a site developed for religious uses is worship. Worship is a form of religious practice with its creed & ritual. D. Uses & activities other than worship shall be considered accessory uses & shall be clearly ancillary to the primary use. Such uses & activities shall be limited to religious instruction (such as “Sunday School,” Bible school, or similar instruction or study typically associated with the religion); offices to support the establishment; child or adult day care, subject to the standards of Section 5.05.07(G); private academic school, subject to the standards of Section 5.05.07(H); fellowship hall, with or without a kitchen, subject to the standards of Section 5.05.07(I), (which may be known as a community center, activity hall, or life center); & individual meeting spaces. E. All accessory uses are subject to the following requirements: 1. The accessory use shall be owned & operated only by the owner of the primary use. 2. The facility housing the accessory use shall meet all local, State, or federal standards. 3. The owner of the primary use shall obtain any licenses required to conduct the accessory use. Any approval of the accessory use shall be contingent upon receipt of all licenses. 4. Audio amplification systems, including, but not limited to, telephone loudspeakers or paging systems, shall be located to ensure that they cannot be heard on adjacent properties. Unified Land Development Code 94 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 5.05.06. Mobile Home Parks. A. The location of 5 or more individual mobile home units on 1 parcel shall constitute a mobile home park. B. Mobile home parks shall be constructed only in HDR land use districts. The density shall be a maximum of 13 & a half (13½) units per acre. C. A master site plan shall be submitted showing the layout of the mobile home spaces, streets, & all required utilities. D. Mobile homes shall be located in compliance with the uniform fire safety standards. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 residential land use district. The fence shall be a minimum of 6 feet in height, but not more than 8 feet in height. 3. The decorative or finished side of the fence shall face outward. H. Drive-thru lanes for restaurants or car wash facilities associated with the gasoline service station shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from any property designated for residential uses. Distance shall be measured from the outermost edge of the drive-thru lane to the property line of property designated for residential use. I. Dumpsters shall not be located within 50 feet of property designated for residential use. J. All exterior lighting shall be directed & shielded to avoid direct illumination of adjacent properties. K. Audio amplification systems, including, but not limited to, telephone loudspeakers or paging systems, shall be located to ensure that the sound cannot be heard on adjacent properties. L. Any repair services shall be provided only within an enclosed building. M. Vehicle parts, supplies, damaged parts, or other materials & supplies shall be stored within an enclosed building. N. Canopies over gas pumps or pump islands shall meet the setback requirements for the land use district in which they are located. O. The sale of vehicles is prohibited on the gasoline service station site & any adjacent right-of-way. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACCESSORY, TEMPORARY, & SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER CHAPTER FIVE FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 95 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 5. All outdoor activities shall occur no earlier than 8:00 a.m. & no later than 10:00 p.m. 6. All exterior lighting shall be directed or shielded to avoid illumination of adjacent properties. 7. Outdoor play or activity areas shall be no closer than 50 feet from property designated for residential use, as measured to the nearest residential property line. F. The following activities shall be prohibited in association with religious uses: retreat centers; overnight lodging facilities or other temporary sleeping quarters; & any use not specifically identified as an allowable accessory use. Notwithstanding the prohibition of overnight lodging, One (1) residential dwelling unit may be provided as a parsonage, subject to the standards of Section 5.05.07(J). G. Child day care, adult day care, preschool, or child nursery uses are allowable accessory uses subject to the following standards: 1. The total floor area allocated to the child day care, adult day care, preschool, or nursery uses shall not exceed 10% of the total gross floor area on the site. The calculation of total floor area allocated to the uses shall be cumulative & shall include all child day care, adult day care, preschool, nursery facilities, & related mechanical & support facilities. 2. An off-street drop-off area for persons served by the facility shall be provided. H. Private academic schools are allowable accessory uses subject to the following standards: 1. The total floor area allocated to the school shall not exceed 20% of the total gross floor area on the site. The calculation of total floor area allocated to the school shall include all components of the school: classrooms, school library, school offices, teacher work areas, & the like, including related mechanical & support facilities. 2. An off-street drop-off area for persons served by the facility shall be provided. I. A fellowship hall is an allowable accessory use subject to the following standards: 1. Dining, including dining open to the public as a “soup kitchen,” is permitted between the hours of 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 p.m., provided: a. The owner of the religious use ensures that meal recipients remain on the site except during travel to & from the fellowship hall; & b. No consideration or value of any kind is given, directly or indirectly, in exchange for the meal. 2. The total floor area allocated to the fellowship hall, including related mechanical & support facilities, shall not exceed 20% of the total floor area on the site. J. One (1) residential dwelling unit is allowable to serve as a parsonage, subject to the following standards: 1. The minimum lot area for the dwelling unit (“parsonage lot”) shall be 7,500 square feet. The parsonage lot shall be used exclusively for the dwelling unit, & shall not include any primary or other accessory use allowable on the site. The parsonage lot shall not be used for any support activity to the primary or accessory uses, such as outdoor play areas, storage, or parking, other than as specifically provided in Section 5.05.07(J)(5) & (6) below. 2. The maximum lot coverage for the parsonage lot shall be 35%. 3. Two parking spaces shall be provided within the parsonage lot. 4. The maximum building height on the parsonage lot shall be 35 feet. 5. The parsonage lot may contain children’s outdoor play equipment, in a size & quantity typical of a single-family residential use. 6. The parsonage lot may contain a residential swimming pool, fully enclosed, & attached to the dwelling. K. A specific parking plan shall be provided. This plan shall identify ACCESSORY, TEMPORARY, & SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER CHAPTER FIVE FIVE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE 3 2 1 5.05.08. Daycare, Preschool, & Nursery School. A. Day care centers shall provide proof of compliance with State standards. B. Playgrounds shall be provided in a size & type required by State standards. The following additional standards shall apply: 1. The playground shall be located in the rear yard. Where site characteristics prevent location of a playground in the rear yard, & adequate space is available in the side yard, a playground may be located in the side yard. Location of a playground in the front yard is prohibited. 2. The playground shall be fully fenced. The fence shall meet the standards set forth in Section 5.01.06. 3. The playground shall be located no closer than 50 feet to any adjacent property designated as a residential land use district. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 CHAPTER ONE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 the primary use & each accessory use proposed on the site. The parking plan shall indicate the hours of operation & peak times of use (parking demand) for the primary use & each accessory use on the site. The parking standards for the primary use & each accessory use shall be identified, based upon Section 6.05.06. The parking plan may include reduced or shared parking. If reduced or shared parking is proposed, the parking plan & supporting data shall clearly indicate that differing peak use & associated parking requirements shall not result in a parking deficiency on the site. The parking plan shall indicate areas designated for overflow parking during times of extraordinary use (such as festival or holiday periods). L. For religious uses that exceed 10,000 square feet in total floor area, excluding the parsonage, if any, the minimum setback from any residential property line that is otherwise required shall increase 5 feet for each 2,000 square feet, or portion thereof, over 10,000 square feet. M. Temporary portable Sunday school classrooms. The City Manager may authorize a temporary use permit for temporary portable school classrooms in the P/I land use district when the religious facility is in the process of permitting permanent facilities: 1. Duration. Such temporary permits shall not exceed 1 year in duration, but shall be renewable annually for a total of 3 consecutive years. In considering renewal of a temporary permit, the City Manager shall evaluate the impact of the portable classrooms on adjacent properties. If the City Manager determines that the temporary classrooms are having an undesirable impact on adjacent property due to increased noise, light, glare, activity or for a violation of any special condition placed upon the operation of classrooms by the temporary use permit, the temporary permit shall not be renewed. 2. Number. The maximum number of temporary portable classrooms allowed in any one religious facility is 3. 3. Size. The total square footage of all the temporary portable classrooms combined shall not exceed 6,000 square feet. 4. Use. No accessory use may be conducted in the temporary portable classrooms. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.05.09. Public & Private Schools. A. Schools shall be constructed as provided by State law. B. The following site design standards are required: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ < PREVIOUS Table 5.05.09(B). Standards for Public & Private Schools. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Development Feature Standard Minimum site area 5 acres Minimum lot width 200 feet Access requirements Arterial or Collector Road Drop-off and pickup areas Designed and located away from residential areas Separated from parking areas Located on the school site & not within a public right-of-way. ___________________________________________________________________ Unified Land Development Code 96 ACCESSORY, TEMPORARY, & SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER CHAPTER FIVE FIVE 5 5.05.10. Group Homes. A. Group homes in residential districts containing six (6) or fewer residents, as determined by State law, shall be treated the same as any other residential unit. B. All other forms of group homes, assisted living facilities, & nursing & convalescent care facilities, shall be permissible, as provided within Table 2.03.02. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.05.11. Mixed Use Development Projects. Mixed use development projects containing both residential uses with commercial, professional office, & public/institutional uses may include residential densities of up to 20.0 units per acre provided the following standards are met. CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 4 2 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER FOUR Permissible Use 1 < PREVIOUS Minimum (% of gross land area) Maximum (% of gross land area) Location Requirements ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Residential 45 None Professional office & commercial None 45 Parks, recreation, & open space 10 None None Located less than 300 ft. from an arterial or collector road PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE A. Use. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 As required by State law & City standards for commercial sites ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 Stormwater Drainage Facilities INDICES 8 th Parking Requirements Pre-K – 8 grade: 1 space per employee, based on maximum staffing Plus 1 space for each 3 auditorium seats High Schools 1 space per 3 students in addition to employee & auditorium th parking as provided for pre-K – 8 grade facilities ___________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 Outdoor recreation areas Setback a minimum of 75 feet from any property designated or used for residential purposes, as measured from the nearest property line. Fully enclosed by a fence meeting the requirements of Table 5.01.06. Directed & shielded to avoid illumination of adjacent properties, as measured at the property line ___________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER EIGHT Table 5.05.09(B). Standards for Public & Private Schools. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ None ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ B. All projects containing more than 50,000 square feet of building area shall be mixed use projects. C. Maximum building height shall be as provided in Section 4.02.02. Taller buildings within any project shall provide a step-down from taller buildings to shorter buildings to provide height transition between buildings on-site and adjacent land uses as applicable. 1. Structures along the boundary of a project shall not exceed 1 & a half (1½) times the height of any single-family detached unit within 25 feet of the mixed use project site. 2. Structures along the boundary of a project shall not exceed 2 & a half (2½) times the height of any other single-family detached unit within 50 feet of the mixed use project site. D. Massing. 1. All buildings over 50,000 square feet shall be multistory buildings. 2. Buildings over 50,000 square feet in area shall use architectural features to create a sense of scale that is compatible with adjacent land uses. These features shall include: a. Clear, un-tinted windows along the building façade located at intervals of not more than 20 feet; Unified Land Development Code 97 ACCESSORY, TEMPORARY, & SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER CHAPTER FIVE FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 1 < PREVIOUS 5.05.13. Motorized Vehicle Sales (New or Used). Motorized vehicle sales established for new or used vehicles are permissible in the C & IND land use districts, subject to the standards for the district & the supplemental standards set forth in this section. A. Motorized vehicle sales establishments may sell, rent, or lease vehicles, including recreational vehicles, motor vehicles, & watercraft that are currently licensed. B. Motorized vehicle sales establishments shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from any property designated for residential use. C. All areas for display or sale shall be provided with a paved, or stabilized, dust free surface. Areas used for display or sale of vehicles shall not include any parking spaces required to meet the standards of Section 6.05.06. D. Mechanical repairs, body, & paint repairs are permitted as an accessory use to facilities providing new or used vehicles, watercraft, & recreational vehicle sales. Such repairs shall only be conducted within an enclosed building which meets all applicable federal & State requirements, including health, safety & fire prevention regulations. E. All property lines adjacent to vehicle displays shall have installed a permanent guardrail, fence, or parking block to prevent vehicles from accidentally rolling from the display area. F. The owner of the vehicle sales establishment shall prepare a plan & inventory for the safe storage of flammable or hazardous materials to be stored or used on the property. The plan shall provide for the prevention, containment, recovery, & mitigation of spilled fuel or other hazardous material. The inventory shall be submitted to the City prior to the building permit approval, listing the type, quantity, & location of these materials. The inventory shall be kept current pursuant to direction provided by the City. G. Vehicles, signs, banners, tents, or other items shall not be stored, parked, displayed, or otherwise placed on public rights-ofUnified Land Development Code 98 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 1. Where landscaping is proposed as screening, a buffer “D” shall be required, as set forth in Section 4.06.03. 2. Where a fence or wall is proposed, the fence or wall shall be solid & either wooden, or masonry, a minimum of six (6) feet in height, & a maximum of eight (8) feet in height. B. Stored materials shall not exceed the height of the fence. C. Outdoor storage of parts & materials shall be maintained in a neat & orderly manner. D. Outdoor storage shall include goods, materials, & vehicles with current tag & registration. E. The storage area shall be maintained in a stabilized, dust-free surface. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 A. Outdoor storage shall be fully screened from view from adjacent properties & from public rights-of-way by a fence, wall, or landscaping. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 5.05.12. Outdoor Storage. INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 b. Covered entrances; & c. Use of building materials and architectural details to create visual interest for each 100 feet of building frontage. d. Visual interest may also be created thru the use of: i. Staggered frontage of the building ii. Recessed doors and windows iii. Awnings or canopies iv. Varied facades from building to building along the street frontage E. Compatibility of the project with the surrounding land uses shall be as provided in Section 4.02.07. F. The nonresidential portion of mixed use projects shall front on & take access from an arterial or collector road. G. Maximum ISR as provided in Section 4.02.01. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACCESSORY, TEMPORARY, & SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS NEXT > CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER THREE 3 2 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER CHAPTER FIVE FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 1 < PREVIOUS 5.05.16. Marinas. A. A marina is permissible in the C, IND, PI, & TND land use districts, subject to the district standards & the supplemental standards set forth below. B. A marina shall provide parking for boat trailers or vehicle-trailer combinations. Fifty (50) percent (%) of the required off-street parking vehicles may be replaced with parking for vehicle-trailer combinations. C. A marina may provide sale of fuel & oil for watercraft, sale of parts & supplies for watercraft, sale of prepared, packaged food & beverages for personal consumption, sale of personal safety equipment, sale of bait, sale of fishing equipment & wet storage for boats in the C, IND, PI, & TND districts. Dry storage may be provided in the C, IND, & PI districts. D. Construction of a new marina, expansion of an existing maUnified Land Development Code 99 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 5.05.15. Mini-Warehouse & Self Store Facilities. A. Mini-warehouse or self-service storage facility, provided such facility complies with the following: 1. Use shall only be for dead storage of personal property not otherwise prohibited herein. 2. There shall be no: a. Commercial wholesale or retail sales; auctions; garage sales; flea markets, except for sales conducted, pursuant to 677.210 Florida Statutes; b. Servicing, repair, fabrication of motor vehicles, boats, trailers, lawn mowers, appliances or similar equipment; c. Operation of any power tools, spray-painting equipment, table saws, lathes, compressors, welding equipment, kilns or other similar equipment; d. Establishment of a transfer storage business; or e. Any use that is noxious or offensive because of odors, dust, noise, fumes or vibrations. 3. There shall be no storage of flammable liquids or other dangerous materials or chemicals, or storage of animals. 4. Such facility shall be completely enclosed & climate controlled within 300 feet of a public road. 5. There shall be no activity, including, but not limited to, band practice, which causes the assembly of people not using the facility for dead storage. 6. No facility or part thereof shall be used as a dwelling. 7. There shall be no unlawful use of a facility or part thereof. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 5.05.14. Multi-Family Residential Development in C & IND Land Use Districts. A. Multifamily residential development may be allowed within C & IND land use districts in compliance with the standards of this section. B. The maximum density is twenty (20) units per acre. C. The proposed development shall demonstrate compliance with the compatibility standards in Section 4.02.07. D. The proposed development shall provide a demonstrated public benefit as required by the Comprehensive Plan. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 way at any time. H. All exterior lighting shall be directed or shielded to avoid illumination of adjacent properties. I. Audio amplification systems, including, but not limited to, telephone loudspeakers or paging systems, shall be located to ensure that they cannot be heard on adjacent properties. J. All outside storage & loading areas shall be fully screened from view from adjacent properties & the public right-of-way. Screening may be landscaping or enclosure by a wooden, masonry, or solid fence. Where landscaping is provided, the landscaping shall be a minimum of buffer “C” meeting the standards set forth in Section 4.06.03. Where a fence is provided, the fence shall be a maximum of 6 feet in height. The finished side shall face outward. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACCESSORY, TEMPORARY, & SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER CHAPTER FIVE FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 rina, or renovation of an existing marina shall comply with the following standards: 1. All docks & structures erected over or in the water shall be confined to the area adjacent to the uplands forming a part of the marina. 2. Parking & dry-storage shall be placed on uplands outside of any environmentally sensitive lands described in Section 3.02.00. 3. Any permissible channels shall be of a minimum depth & width capable of providing access to the marina. 4. Design & construction of the marina, associated docks, piers, &/or boardwalks shall maintain natural water circulation & the free flow of water. 5. No piers, docks, or other facility shall be located so as to interfere with navigation. 6. Wetlands & grass beds shall be avoided. 7. Construction materials & processes shall minimize environmental impacts & shall be the best technology available. 8. Where fuel or other hazardous substances will be stored, handled, or sold, the marina shall provide facilities & procedures for the prevention, containment, recovery, & mitigation of spilled fuel or other hazardous substance. Facilities & procedures shall be designed to prevent substances from entering the water or soil, & shall include adequate means for prompt & effective cleanup of any spills that occur. 9. Fueling facilities shall be located as far as possible from the shoreline. Permanent docking is prohibited along the portion of the pier containing fuel pumps & fueling equipment. 10. Stacked dry storage shall only be permissible within an enclosed building. 11. Facilities for engine repair shall be within an enclosed building. E. Any marina which provides mooring for vessels for livingaboard purposes shall comply with the following standards: 1. The vessels used for habitation shall have sewage holding facilities. 2. The marina shall provide pump-out, holding, & treatment facilities. 3. A dumpster shall be provided, in compliance with the design, location, & screening requirements set forth in Section 5.01.05. 4. The marina shall have public restrooms with facilities for bathing. F. Proof of permits or exemptions from applicable State & federal regulatory agencies shall be provided to the City. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACCESSORY, TEMPORARY, & SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS NEXT > < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 100 Figure 5.1: Façade Area. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX TYPICAL BUILDING WITH ROOF SLOPE LESS THAN 45 . 4 FACADE AREA EXAMPLES ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE Figure 5.2: Letters or Pictures 1 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE CHAPTER FOUR 5 TYPICAL BUILDING WITH ROOF SLOPE STEEPER THAN 45 . FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 TYPICAL BUILDINGS WITH FLAT ROOFS FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER CHAPTER FIVE FIVE Figure 5.1: Facade Area. ACCESSORY, TEMPORARY, & SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS AREA OF GEOMETRIC < PREVIOUS AREA OF SIGN WITH LETTERS OR PICTURES ATTACHED DIRECTLY TO A WALL, WINDOW, DOOR, ETC. (WITHOUT A BORDER) Unified Land Development Code 101 NEXT > ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN SIGN AREA OF SIGN WITH FOUR FACES CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 LENGTH CHAPTER CHAPTER FIVE FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 Figure 5.4: Three-Dimensional Object PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 CHAPTER ONE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER SIX Figure 5.3: Four Sign Faces WIDTH ACCESSORY, TEMPORARY, & SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS SIGN AREA, THREE DIMENSIONAL OBJECT < PREVIOUS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unified Land Development Code 102 NEXT > ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER CHAPTER FIVE FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER ONE Figure 5.5: Sign Height. SIGN HEIGHT ACCESSORY, TEMPORARY, & SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS NEXT > < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 103 6 CHAPTER 6: CONCURRENCY & INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS 10 6.00.00. GENERALLY. This chapter sets forth the requirements regarding provisions of public facilities & requirements to ensure that public facilities are available when needed to provide service to development. In addition, the Technical Standards Manual contains detailed requirements regarding construction standards & methodology for calculating concurrency. FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 < PREVIOUS 6.01.02. Determination of Concurrency. A. Certificate of Concurrency. 1. A Certificate of Concurrency shall be required simultaneous with the issuance of a local development order. 2. Fees for the concurrency review determination & the Certificate of Concurrency shall be established by the City Commission to pay for the cost of administration & management based on the type & size of development. The City shall establish the fees by resolution & may amend the fee schedule from time to time by resolution. 3. If a development will require more than 1 local development order, the issuance of the Certificate of Concurrency shall occur prior to the issuance of the initial local development order. 4. A Certificate of Concurrency shall automatically expire simultaneously with the expiration of the local development order to which it applies. 5. If a time extension is granted prior to the expiration of a local development order, then the accompanying certificate of concurrency shall be automatically renewed for the length of the time extension. B. In order to obtain a Certificate of Concurrency, at least 1 of the following conditions must be satisfied: 1. The necessary public facilities & services are in place at the time the development permit is issued; 2. The development permit is issued subject to the condition that the necessary public facilities & services shall be in place when the impacts of the development occur; 3. The necessary public facilities & services are under construction at the time the development permit is issued; 4. The necessary public facilities & services are guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement, pursuant to Section 163.3220 thru 163.3243, F.S.; or 5. The necessary public facilities & services are the subject of a binding executed contract between the City & a contractor which provides for the commencement of the actual construction of the required facilities or the provision of services within 1 year of the issuance of the development permit. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unified Land Development Code 104 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 A. Purpose. The provisions of this section ensure that public facilities & services needed to support proposed developments are available concurrent with the impacts & consistent with the adopted level of service standards. A Certificate of Concurrency shall be required, prior to the issuance of any local development order. B. All development shall meet the adopted level of service standards for the following public facilities & services: 1. Potable water; 2. Sanitary sewer; 3. Solid waste; 4. Recreation & open space; 5. Stormwater management; 6. Transportation; & ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. (Reserved for Schools). FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 6.01.01. Purpose & Applicability. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 6.01.00. CONCURRENCY REQUIREMENTS. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 CHAPTER ONE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS NEXT > 6.01.03. Concurrency Requirements. CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 6.01.05. Strategies to Rectify Lack of Concurrency. Where an evaluation of concurrency shows that the proposed development cannot meet the level of service standards, the following methods shall be considered, in order to meet the concurrency requirement: A. A plan amendment shall be adopted which lowers the adopted level of service standard for the affected facilities & services to a standard that can be met by the proposed development. B. A renegotiated binding contract (as set forth in Section 6.01.02(B)(5)) shall be adopted. < PREVIOUS PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 6.01.04. De Minimis Projects. A. If a proposed development relates to land use of such a low intensity as to have a de minimis effect, if any, upon the level of service standards set forth in the City Plan, the development shall be exempt from concurrency review. 1. A development permit for any single-family dwelling addition to a single-family dwelling, or the erection of accessory structures shall be deemed a de minimis project. 2. Less than 500 square feet utilized for nonresidential purposes shall be deemed de minimis. 3. Where the average daily traffic is not more than 0.1% (?) of the maximum volume adopted as the level of service standard, the project shall be deemed to have a de minimis transportation impact. The average daily traffic shall be based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation Handbook. B. A Certificate of Concurrency shall be issued for the de minimis development. C. Although de minimis development is exempt from the concurrency review process, the City shall calculate the demand created by the development & subtract it from the existing capacity for public facilities & services. __________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 B. Sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, & potable water. 1. The concurrency evaluation shall compare the available capacity to the demand of the proposed development. 2. The available capacity shall be determined by adding together: a. The total of the existing capacity, if any; & b. The total future capacity of any proposed construc tion or expansion that meets the requirements of Sec tion 6.01.02. C. Parks & recreation. 1. The concurrency evaluation shall compare the available capacity to the demand of the proposed development. 2. The available capacity shall be determined by adding together: a. The total of the existing capacity, if any; & b. The total future capacity of any proposed construc tion or expansion that meets the requirements of Sec tion 6.01.02. D. Schools. (Reserved) __________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 2. The level of service shall be based upon existing roads, including any proposed improvements to those roads, meeting the minimum requirements for concurrency, set forth in Section 6.01.02. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 CHAPTER ONE 10 1. The evaluation for a Certificate of Concurrency shall compare the adopted level of service standards established by the City Plan for the impacted roads with the proposed traffic volume. The proposed traffic volume shall be based on a traffic study. FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN A. Transportation. C. A renegotiated enforceable development agreement (as set forth in Section 6.01.02(B)(4)) shall be adopted. D. A different funding source shall be committed to the provision of the necessary facilities & services. Unified Land Development Code 105 CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS NEXT > __________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.01.06. Proportionate Fair-Share Transportation Mitigation. CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 < PREVIOUS D. Minimum Requirements for Proportionate Fair-Share Transportation Mitigation. Notwithstanding Section 6.01.05 of the ULDC, an applicant for development may choose to satisfy all transportation concurrency requirements by contributing or paying proportionate fair-share transportation mitigation only under the following conditions: 1. The proposed development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan & the ULDC. 2. The City’s 5-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements (CIP) in the Capital Improvements Element includes transportation improvements that, upon completion, will fully mitigate for the additional traffic generated by the proposed development. 3. If the City of Lynn Haven’s CMS indicates that the capacity of the transportation improvement set forth in the CIP has already been consumed by the allocated trips of previously approved development, or the CIP does not reflect the transportation improvement needed to satisfy concurrency, then the provisions of 6.01.06(D) (4) shall apply. 4. The City may choose to allow an applicant to satisfy transportation concurrency through the proportionate fair-share mitigation by contributing to an improvement that, upon completion, will fully mitigate for the additional traffic generated by the proposed development but is not contained in the CIP as follows: a) The City Commission votes to add the improvement to the CIP no later than the next regularly scheduled update of the CIP. To qualify for consideration under this section, the proposed improvement must be determined to be financially feasible, pursuant to Section 163.3180(16)(b)1, F.S., consistent with the Comprehensive Plan & ULDC. The term financial feasibility under this section means that additional contributions, payments or funding sources Unified Land Development Code 106 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 C. Exclusions. Proportionate fair-share transportation mitigation does not apply to a multiuse development of regional impact (DRI) using Proportionate Fair-Share under Section 163.3180(12), F.S., or to developments exempted from concurrency as provided in the Comprehensive Plan, in other applicable land development regulations, &/or pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 163.3180, F.S., governing de minimis, onsite roadway improvements, or offsite improvements otherwise required by the ULDC for non-deficient roadway segments. Any development asserting de minimis status may be required to provide the City such a traffic study whenever the status is not readily apparent. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 B. Applicability. Proportionate fair-share transportation mitigation shall apply to all applicants for development in the City of Lynn Haven that have been identified as having a lack of capacity to satisfy transportation concurrency on a transportation facility governed by the City of Lynn Haven’s Concurrency Management System (CMS), including transportation facilities maintained by FDOT & other jurisdictions that are relied upon for concurrency determinations. INDICES 8 CHAPTER ONE 9 A. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to describe the method whereby the impacts of development on transportation facilities can be mitigated by the cooperative efforts of the public & private sectors, to be known as proportionate fair-share transportation mitigation, as required by & in a manner consistent with Section 163.3180(16), F.S. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER NINE 10 F. The development may be proposed in phases. Approval of the Certificate of Concurrency shall be limited to the phase or phases that meet the concurrency requirements. FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN E. The proposed development shall be modified to achieve concurrency through reduction in the amount of development & reductions in the resulting impacts of the proposed development. CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 107 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 are reasonably anticipated during a period not to exceed 10 years to fully mitigate for the impacts of the proposed development on transportation facilities. b) If the funds allocated for the CIP are insufficient to fully fund construction of a transportation improvement required by the CMS, the City may enter into a Binding Proportionate Fair-Share Agreement with the applicant pursuant with these regulations or, as a condition of development approval, authorize construction of that amount of development on which the fair-share is calculated for which the proposed proportionate fair-share mitigation will, in the opinion of the City or governmental entity maintaining the transportation facility, significantly benefit the impacted transportation system. Criteria governing this opinion include whether the proposed transportation improvements that would constitute proportionate fair-share mitigation are to be contained in an adopted short or long range transportation plan or program of the City, TPO, FDOT, or local or regional transit agency. Proposed improvements not reflected in an adopted transportation plan or program that would significantly reduce access problems, congestion & trips, or increase mobility in the impacted transportation system, such as new roads, additional right of way, service roads, operational improvements, improved network development, increased connectivity, roadway drainage, or transit oriented solutions, may also be considered at the discretion of the City. Any improvement or improvements funded by proportionate fair-share mitigation must be adopted into the long-term schedule of capital improvements at the next regularly scheduled update of the long-term schedule of capital improvements. 5. Any improvement project proposed to meet the developer’s fair-share obligation must meet design standards of the improved facility’s maintaining agency. E. Intergovernmental Coordination. Pursuant to policies in the Intergovernmental Coordination Element of the City of Lynn Haven Comprehensive Plan & applicable policies in Bay County TPO programs (such as the Unified Work Program, Transportation Improvement Program, Project Priorities, 2030 Long Range Transportation Plan, etc.), as amended, the City shall coordinate with affected jurisdictions, including FDOT & Bay County regarding mitigation to impacted facilities not under the jurisdiction of the City. An interlocal agreement may be established with other affected jurisdictions for this purpose. F. Application Process. The proportionate fair-share transportation mitigation shall be governed by the following procedures: 1. Upon determination of a lack of capacity to satisfy transportation concurrency, the applicant for development shall be notified in writing of these proportionate fair-share mitigation regulations. 2. Prior to submitting an application for proportionate fair-share mitigation, a pre-application meeting shall be held to discuss eligibility, application submittal requirements, potential mitigation options, & related issues. If the impacted facility is on the Strategic Intermodal System (SIS), then FDOT will be notified & invited to participate in the pre-application meeting. 3. Eligible applicants shall submit an application to the City Manager that includes an application fee of $575 & the following: a) Name, address, & phone number of owner(s), developer & agent; b) Property location, including parcel identification numbers; c) Legal description and survey of property; d) Project description, including type, intensity, & amount of development; e) Phasing schedule, if applicable; f) Description of requested proportionate fair-share mitigation method(s); CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 “Based upon the cumulative number of trips from the proposed development expected to reach roadways during peak hours from the complete build-out of a stage or phase being approved, divided by the change in the peak hour maximum service volume (MSV) of roadways resulting from construction of an improvement necessary to maintain the adopted level of service, multiplied by the construction cost, at the time of developer payment, of the improvement necessary to maintain the adopted level of service.” PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 g) Estimated value of the proposed fair-share mitigation pursuant to this section; & h) Copy of concurrency application. 4. The City Manager shall review the application & determine that the application is sufficient & complete. If an application is determined to be insufficient, incomplete, or inconsistent with the general requirements of this section, then the applicant will be notified in writing of the reasons for such deficiencies within 30 business days of submittal of the application. If such deficiencies are not remedied by the applicant within 90 business days of notification, the City Manager shall deny the application. The City Manager may grant an extension of time, if requested in writing from the applicant, not to exceed 90 business days to cure such deficiencies, provided that the applicant has shown good cause for the extension & has taken reasonable steps to affect a cure. 5. Pursuant to Section 163.3180(16)(e), F.S., proposed proportionate fair-share mitigation for development impacts to facilities on the SIS requires the concurrence of FDOT. In such event, the applicant shall submit evidence that FDOT concurs with the proposed proportionate fair-share mitigation. 6. Within 90 business days from the date at which the application is deemed sufficient, complete, & eligible, the City Manager shall evaluate the application pursuant to these regulations & thereafter shall notify the applicant in writing whether the proposed proportionate fair-share mitigation application has been approved, approved with conditions, or denied. A copy of the notice shall be provided to FDOT for any proportionate fairshare mitigation proposed on a Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) facility, as well as any other FDOT facility. The Certificate of Concurrency will be issued according to Section 6.01.06(H). In addition to the initial application fee specified in 6.01.06(F)(3), the applicant shall reimburse the City for all fees including, but not limited to, legal & engineering, expenses & internal costs incurred by the City in determining the proportionate fair-share mitigation authorized herein. Appeals of the decisions of the City Manager, pursuant to this section, shall be made pursuant to the procedures specified in Section 9.03.04. G. Methodology for Determining Proportionate Fair-Share Transportation Mitigation. The following shall describe the methodology to determine proportionate fair-share transportation mitigation: 1. Proportionate fair-share mitigation for concurrency impacts may include, without limitation, separately or collectively, private funds, contributions of land, & construction & contribution of facilities, & may include public funds, if the use of public funds is authorized by the City Commission. 2. A development shall not be required to pay more than its proportionate fair-share. The fair market value of the proportionate fair-share mitigation for the impacted facilities shall not differ among the forms of proportionate fair-share mitigation. 3. The methodology to be used by the City Manager to calculate an applicant’s proportionate fair-share mitigation shall be as provided for in Section 163.3180(12), F.S., as follows: CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS OR < PREVIOUS Proportionate Fair-Share = [(Development Tripsi-Available Capacityi)/Service Volume Increasei] x Cost of Roadway Segment Improvementi Unified Land Development Code 108 NEXT > Where: CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 109 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 Costi = Adjusted cost of the improvement to segment “i”. Cost shall include all improvements & associated costs, such as design, rightof-way acquisition, planning, engineering, inspection, & physical development costs directly associated with construction at the anticipated cost in the year it will be incurred. 4. The term “cumulative” used above includes only those trips from the stage or phase of a development being considered in the application. The trips expected to reach the failing roadway for this calculation are those identified in the development’s traffic impact analysis. All assumptions used in the proportionate fair-share calculation should be consistent with those used by the City in its CMS. 5. For the purposes of determining proportionate fair-share mitigation, the City shall determine improvement costs based upon the actual cost of the improvement as obtained from the Capital Improvements Element, the CIP, the TPO Transportation Improvement Program, or the FDOT Work Program. Where such information is not available, improvement cost shall be determined using one of the following methods: a) An analysis by the City of costs by cross section type that incorporates data from recent projects & is updated annually. In order to accommodate increases in construction material costs, project costs shall be adjusted by the inflation factor established by the United States Department of Commerce; or b) The most recent issue of FDOT Transportation Costs, as adjusted based upon the type of cross section (urban or rural), locally available data from recent projects on acquisition, drainage, & utility costs, & significant changes in the cost of materials, due to unforeseeable events. Cost estimates for state road improvements not included in the adopted FDOT Work Program shall be determined using this method in coordination with the FDOT District. 6. If a proposed form of proportionate fair-share mitigation is other than financial, then the value of the proportionate fair-share mitigation improvement shall be determined using one of the methods provided in this section. 7. If the fair market value of an alternative form of fair-share mitigation is less than the total proportionate fair-share obligation as determined above, the applicant must pay the difference. The City may accept forms of proportionate fair-share mitigation that exceed the actual values calculated above, but the City shall not compensate an applicant for proportionate fair-share mitigation that exceeds the applicant’s fair-share mitigation obligation. 8. If land or right-of-way dedication is proposed as a form of proportionate fair-share mitigation, the value of the land or right of way shall be the fair market value established by an independent appraisal approved by the City at the time of the application & at no expense to the City. The applicant shall supply a survey & legal description of the land or right of way & a certificate of title or title search of the land to the City, at no expense to the City, along with the application, & shall, at closing, deliver clear title by warranty deed to the City & title insurance for the fair market value of the interest CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 Service Volume Increasei = Service volume increase provided by the eligible improvement to roadway segment “i” per Section 6.01.06(D); INDICES 8 Available Capacity = Number of trips available on roadway segment “i” before a deficiency, per the long-term Concurrency Management System, is triggered. If the roadway is already deficient, there is no available capacity. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 CHAPTER ONE 10 FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN Development Trips = Those trips from the stage or phase of development under review that are assigned to roadway segment “i”. CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 110 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 conveyed in form & through an underwriter acceptable to the City. Prior to purchase of acquisition of any real estate or acceptance of donations of real estate intended to be used for the proportionate fair-share mitigation, public or private partners should contact FDOT for essential information about compliance with federal law & regulations. H. Certificate of Concurrency for Proportionate Fair-Share Transportation Mitigation. Upon approval of an application for proportionate fair-share transportation mitigation, the following requirements shall apply: 1. Notwithstanding the concurrency requirement of the City’s comprehensive plan & ULDC, upon approval of an application for proportionate fair-share transportation mitigation, the City shall issue to the applicant a Certificate of Concurrency acknowledging concurrency for transportation facilities, conditioned upon the agreed to proportionate fair-share mitigation, required by this Section. Proportionate fair-share mitigation shall be reflected in a legally binding mitigation agreement executed by the City & the applicant. The agreement shall set forth the terms of the mitigation, including such issues as the amount, nature, & timing of donations, construction, or funding to be provided by the developer, & any other matters necessary to effectuate mitigation, in accordance with this Agreement. The mitigation agreement shall specify the amount & timing of any transportation impact fee credits that will be provided by the local government, as required by state law. 2. If the applicant fails to apply for a building permit within 12 months of the date of the Certificate of Concurrency, then the certificate & the approval of the application for proportionate fair-share mitigation shall be considered null & void, & the applicant will be required to reapply. The City Manager may grant an extension of up to an additional 12 months, if requested in writing by the applicant, showing good cause for the extension. 3. Payment of the proportionate fair-share mitigation funds are due in full, prior to issuance of the final development order or recording of the final plat & shall be nonrefundable. If the payment is submitted more than 12 months from the date of the issuance of the Certificate of Concurrency, then the proportionate fair-share mitigation shall be recalculated at the time of payment based on the best estimate of the construction cost of the required improvement at the time of payment, pursuant to Section 6.01.06(G), & adjusted accordingly. 4. If an applicant enters into a binding agreement or receives a development order which requires road improvements as a condition of development approval, such improvements must be completed prior to issuance of a building permit or a final plat approval. Alternatively, a presentment bond or irrevocable letter of credit in a form acceptable to the City & issued by a bank or surety with a high credit rating, payable to the City & sufficient to ensure the timely completion of improvements, may be accepted by the City Manager. 5. Dedication of land or right-of-way for facility improvements to the City as proportionate fair-share mitigation must be completed prior to issuance of a building permit or a final plat approval. 6. Any requested change to a development project, subsequent to a development order, may be subject to additional proportionate fair-share mitigation to the extent the change would generate additional traffic that would require mitigation. In such event, the applicant for development must submit an application, pursuant to these regulations. 7. Applicants may submit a letter to withdraw from the proportionate fair-share mitigation at any time prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Concurrency. The application fee & any associated advertising costs to the City will be nonrefundable. 8. The City may consider joint applications for proportionate fair-share mitigation to facilitate collaboration among multiple CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 applicants on improvements to a shared transportation facility, & may coordinate with other jurisdictions on proportionate fair-share mitigation through interlocal agreements. I. Appropriation of Fair-Share Revenues. At the time the proportionate fair-share transportation mitigation funds are received pursuant to these regulations, the proportionate fairshare transportation mitigation funds shall be deposited as follows: 1. Proportionate fair-share mitigation funds shall be placed in the appropriate project account for funding of scheduled improvements in the CIP, or as otherwise established in the terms of the Certificate of Concurrency, or condition of development approval. At the discretion of the City, proportionate fair-share revenues may be used for operational improvements prior to construction of a project from which the proportionate fair-share contribution was derived. Proportionate fair-share mitigation funds may also be used as the 50% local match for funding under the FDOT Transportation Regional Incentive Program (TRIP). 2. In the event a scheduled facility improvement is removed from the CIP, the revenues collected for its construction may be applied toward the construction of another improvement within that same corridor or sector which in the discretion of the City, would mitigate the impacts of development. 3. Where an impacted regional facility has been designated as a regionally significant transportation facility in an adopted regional transportation plan, as provided in Section 339.155, F.S., the City may coordinate with other impacted jurisdictions & agencies to apply proportionate fair-share mitigation & public contributions & seek funding for improving the impacted regional facility under the FDOT TRIP. Such coordination shall be ratified by the City through an interlocal agreement that establishes a procedure for earmarking of the developer’s contributions for this purpose. J. Impact Fee Credit for Proportionate Fair-Share Transportation Mitigation. The following requirements shall apply regarding impact fee credits & proportionate fair-share transportation mitigation: 1. Proportionate fair-share mitigation shall be applied as a credit against any applicable City transportation impact fees only when a transportation facility has a segment for which the City transportation impact fee is being applied. Credits will be given for that portion of the applicant’s transportation impact fees that would have been used to fund the improvements on which the proportionate fair-share mitigation is calculated. If the proportionate fair-share mitigation is based on only a portion of the development’s traffic, the credit will be limited to that portion of the impact fees on which the proportionate fairshare mitigation is based. 2. Impact fee credits for the proportionate fair-share mitigation will be determined when the transportation impact fee obligation is calculated for the proposed development. If the applicant’s proportionate fair-share mitigation is less than the development’s anticipated road impact fee for the specific stage or phase of development under review, then the applicant or its successor must pay the remaining impact fee amount to the City, pursuant to the requirements of City’s impact fee ordinance. 3. The proportionate fair-share mitigation is intended to mitigate the transportation impacts of a proposed development at a specific location. As a result, any road impact fee credit, based upon proportionate fair-share mitigation for a proposed development, cannot be transferred to any other location. (Or- CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS dinance No. 867, 1-9-07) __________________________________________________________________________________________ < PREVIOUS 6.02.00. REQUIREMENTS FOR POTABLE WATER, SANITARY SEWER, & RECLAIMED WATER. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.02.01. Requirements for Potable Water. Unified Land Development Code 111 NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN 6 6.02.03. Requirements for Reclaimed Water Systems. All subdivisions shall include reclaimed water irrigation systems including storage, pumping, & distribution improvements in compliance with FDEP regulations. __________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER THREE 3 2 CHAPTER ONE 4 1 A. After grading is completed & approved & before any base is applied, all of the underground work (water mains, gas mains, etc., & all service connections) shall be installed completely & approved throughout the length of the road & across the flat section. B. The developer shall provide street lighting at not more than 400 feet intervals & at all street intersections. Type & location of streetlights shall meet the requirements set forth in the Technical Standards Manual. C. Street markers & traffic signs installed by the developer shall meet the requirements, set forth in the Technical Standards Manual. If street markers & traffic signs are to be installed by the City, the developer will reimburse the City for the cost of materials & labor to install the signs. D. Easements. 1. Easements for utilities, where required, shall be at least 20 feet wide & shall be centered on rear or side lot lines, where practical. 2. Drainage easements, if required, shall be platted to a width of the basin, swale or ditch plus 15 feet, or a minimum of 20 feet for piped systems. 3. Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainageway, channel, or stream, a storm water easement or drainage right-of-way shall be provided that conforms to the requirements of state regulatory agencies & the City. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.04.00. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 CHAPTER FOUR 6.03.00. INSTALLATION OF IMPROVEMENTS. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX __________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 6.02.02. Requirements for Sanitary Sewer. A. All development shall be connected to a public sanitary sewer system. B. For infill development in areas where a sanitary sewer system is not available, individual septic systems may be used. C. If a sanitary sewer pumping station exists in an area to be developed, the developer will be charged the prorated cost of the pumping station or will defray the cost of enlarging the station as required to handle the additional sewage flow. D. Refer to the Technical Standards Manual for design & construction standards. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 A. All development shall be properly connected with a community or public water supply system that is adequate for both domestic use & fire protection. B. Water supply systems. 1. The sizes of water mains, the location & types of valves & hydrants, the amount of soil cover over the pipes, & other features of the installation shall conform to the specifications of the American Water Works Association & the Technical Standards Manual. 2. The size of water mains may be enlarged to provide future service for other development. The initial cost of oversizing will be borne by the applicant. 3. Crossing of existing paved streets shall be bored, unless otherwise directed by the City. C. Fire hydrants. (Refer to the Technical Standards Manual.) __________________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS 6.04.01. Generally. It is the intent of this section to provide standards to: < PREVIOUS A. Protect the quantity & quality of groundwater & surface water; B. Perpetuate recharge into the groundwater system; Unified Land Development Code 112 NEXT > C. Reduce erosion loss of valuable top soils & subsequent sedimentation of surface water bodies; & CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT 6 2. Construction of less than 500 square feet utilized for nonresidential purposes & deemed de minimis by concurrency regulations. CHAPTER FIVE 4 3 4. A Declared Emergency. a. This section shall not be construed to prevent the doing of any act necessary to prevent material harm to or destruction of real or personal property as a result of a declared emergency, including, but not limited to, fire, infestation by pests, hazards resulting from violent storms or hurricanes, or when the property is in imminent peril & the necessity of obtaining a permit is impractical & would cause undue hardship in the protection of the property. b. A report of any such emergency action shall be made to the City Manager by the owner or the person in control of the property upon which emergency action was taken as soon as practicable, but no more than 10 days following such action. Remedial action may be required by the City. PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE CHAPTER FOUR 3. Maintenance of the drainage system by City personnel. 5 CHAPTER THREE 1. Any maintenance, alteration, use, or improvement to an existing structure not changing or affecting quality, rate, volume, or location of surface water discharge. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX C. Exemptions. The following development activities are exempt from the storm water management plan requirements: CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 A. Applicability. 1. In addition to meeting the requirements of this ULDC, the design & performance of all storm water management systems shall comply with all FDEP requirements, including models accepted by FDEP. 2. In all cases, the strictest of the applicable standards shall apply. 3. The City shall condition final development orders to restrict the commencement of development activity until all applicable stormwater permits from the FDEP have been issued. B. Timing of submittal and approval. Unless exempted, pursuant to Section 6.04.02(C), a storm water management plan shall be submitted & approved before: 1. A plat is recorded or land is subdivided; 2. An existing drainage system is altered, rerouted, deepened, widened, enlarged or obstructed; or 3. Development is commenced. INDICES 8 6.04.02. Applicability & Exemptions. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 __________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER SEVEN D. Alleviate downstream flooding hazards. __________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER TWO 6.04.03. Standards for Storm Water Management. 2 A. Storm Water management plans shall demonstrate that the proposed development or activity has been planned & designed & will be constructed & maintained to meet the standards contained within the Technical Standards Manual. CHAPTER ONE B. Maintenance. 1 1. The systems maintained by the owner shall have adequate easements to permit the City to inspect &, if necessary, to take corrective action should the owner fail to properly maintain the system. 2. Before taking corrective action, the City shall give the owner written notice of the nature of the existing defects. < PREVIOUS 3. If the owner fails within 30 days from the date of the notice to commence corrective action or to appeal the matter to the City, the City Manager may take corrective action, the cost of which shall become a lien on the real property until paid. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Unified Land Development Code 113 CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS NEXT > CHAPTER NINE 9 1. The storm water management plan shall, when appropriate, contain maps, charts, graphs, tables, photographs, narrative descriptions & explanations, & citations to support references. 2. The storm water management plan shall be prepared by a professional engineer, licensed in the State of Florida. B. The storm water management plan, if separate from the construction plan & or preliminary plat, shall contain: 1. The name, address, & telephone number of the owner/ developer; CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER TWO 3 2 3. A description of all watercourses, water bodies, & wetlands on or adjacent to the site or into which surface waters flow. Information regarding their water quality & the current water quality classification, if any, given them by the FDEP shall be included; 4. Groundwater levels, including the seasonal high water table (SHWT) elevation for design of wet & dry detention & retention facilities. The SHWT is defined as the highest average depth of soil saturation during the wet season in a normal year. Methods to determine the SHWT are either through direct physical measurements or indirectly by estimation of soil saturation through inspection & evaluation of the soil profile by a trained soil scientist; & PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE CHAPTER FOUR 5 4 CHAPTER ONE 1. The direction, flow rate, & volume of flow of surface water runoff under predevelopment conditions; 2. The location of areas on the site where surface waters collect & percolate into the ground; CHAPTER THREE CHAPTER FIVE C. The existing environmental hydrologic conditions of the site & of receiving waters & wetlands shall be described & mapped where appropriate, including the following: FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 3. The location with reference to such landmarks as major water bodies, adjoining roads, railroads, subdivisions, or other major geographic features. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX 2. The legal description of the property; & INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER EIGHT 10 A. It is the responsibility of an applicant at the time the site plan application is submitted to include in the plan sufficient information for reviewing officials to evaluate the environmental qualities of the affected area, the potential & predicted impacts of the proposed activity on affected waters, & the effectiveness & acceptability of these measures proposed by the applicant for reducing adverse impacts. FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN 6.04.04. Storm Water Management Plan Requirements. 5. A description of the topography, soils, vegetation, & location of the floodplain. D. Proposed alterations of the site shall be described & mapped where appropriate, including: 1. Changes in topography; 2. Areas where vegetation will be cleared or otherwise killed; 3. Areas that will be covered with an impervious surface & description of the surfacing material; 1 4. The size & location of buildings or structures; & 5. Proposed drainage facilities. E. Predicted impacts of the proposed development on existing conditions shall be described & mapped where appropriate, including: CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS 1. Changes in water quality; < PREVIOUS 2. Changes in groundwater levels; 3. Changes in the extent of flooding on the site & upstream & downstream from it. Floodways, floodplains, adjacent streams Unified Land Development Code 114 NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE 3. Areas of the site to be used or reserved for percolating water into the ground, including a prediction of the impact on groundwater quality; 4. A plan for the control of erosion & sedimentation, which specifies in detail the type & location of control measures, the stage of development at which they will be put into place or used & provisions for the maintenance of them; & 5. Any other information which is necessary for an evaluation of the proposed development. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.05.00. TRANSPORTATION, ACCESS, & PARKING REQUIREMENTS. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 6.05.01. Generally. This section is provided to establish standards & requirements for the transportation system, including streets, bicycle ways, sidewalks, off-street parking, & loading areas. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.05.02. Street Access & Driveway Design Requirements. A. Street arrangement & layout. 3 1. The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade, & location of all streets shall be consistent with the existing street network. PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE CHAPTER TWO 5 2. Detention & retention areas, including plans for the discharge of contained waters, maintenance plans, & logical predictions of water quality in the detention & retention areas; FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 1. The channel, direction, flow rate, volume, & quality of surface water that will be conveyed from the site, with a comparison to predevelopment conditions; CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 F. All components of the drainage system & any measures for the detention, retention, or infiltration of water or for the protection of water quality shall be described & mapped where appropriate, including: INDICES 8 5. Impact on vegetation. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 4. Impact on wetlands; & FRONT PAGE 10 & impoundments cannot adversely impact the off-site storage & conveyance capabilities of the watercourse. More specifically, the system may not cause a net reduction in flood storage within a 10 year floodplain, except for structures elevated on pilings or traversing works, & these works shall cause no more than a one-foot increase in the 100 year floodplain elevation immediately upstream & no more than one tenth (1/10th) of a foot increase 500 feet upstream. Compensating storage can be provided outside the 10 year floodplain ; 2. The arrangements of streets shall either: a. Provide for the continuation or appropriate projection of existing planned or platted streets in surrounding areas; or 2 b. Conform to a plan for the neighborhood approved or adopted by the City to meet a particular situation where topographical or other conditions make continuance or conformance to existing streets impracticable. CHAPTER ONE 3. Table 6.05.02(A) provides street connection design alternatives. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 < PREVIOUS Table 6.05.02(A). Planned Street Connections. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Existing Conditions Design __________________________________________________________________________________________ Abuts or contains an existing or proposed arterial street a. Marginal access streets; or b. Reverse frontage with screen planting contained in a nonaccess reservation along the rear property line; or c. Other treatment as may be necessary for adequate protection of residential properties & to afford separation of through & local traffic. Unified Land Development Code 115 CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS NEXT > _________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 6.05.02(A). Planned Street Connections (continued). __________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE Thirty (30) lots or more adjacent to an existing or platted existing subdivision a. At least 2 entrance streets into the proposed subdivision; or b. A connecting street through the subdivision Adjacent to an undeveloped area a. Two (2) entrances. b. At least 1 proposed street shall terminate at a boundary line of the undeveloped area, unless it is a gated community. c. A temporary turning circle shall be required at the end of that street or streets with an outside diameter of 120 feet. This requirement may be waived if the traffic pattern of the subdivision contains more than 1 exit to an existing road. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 1. Proposed streets shall extend to the boundary lines of the tract to be subdivided where such an extension is necessary to connect with streets in an existing, platted, or planned subdivision. 2. Reserve strips controlling access to streets shall be prohibited, except where their control is definitely required in the City, under conditions approved by the City. 3. Minor streets shall be so laid out that their use by through traffic will be discouraged, except to provide connectivity between subdivisions. 4. A cul-de-sac or local dead-end street shall not exceed 1,000 feet in length, and shall have at the closed end a turnaround with an outside roadway diameter of at least 80 feet & a street property line diameter of at least 120 feet. The cul-de-sac shall be paved at a minimum of 80 feet, leaving no islands. 5. Half streets shall be prohibited. If an existing half-width public or other right-of-way easement is parallel & contiguous with the boundary of a proposed subdivision, the other half-width right-ofway shall be dedicated to the proposed subdivision. 6. No street shall intersect any other street at less than 90 degrees. 7. Property lines at street intersections shall be rounded with a minimum radius of 35 feet, or where truck traffic is permissible, a minimum radius of 50 feet. 8. Street jogs with centerline offsets at less than 125 feet are prohibited. 9. A tangent at least 100 feet long shall be introduced between the reverse curves on arterial & collector streets. < PREVIOUS PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 CHAPTER ONE 5 B. The street layout of a subdivision shall conform to a plan for the most advantageous development of adjoining areas & the entire neighborhood. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 CHAPTER FIVE 7 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE CHAPTER SEVEN INDICES 8 A street approximately parallel to, & on each side of, such right-of-way, at a distance suitable for the appropriate use of the intervening land for park purposes in residential districts, or for commercial or industrial purposes in the appropriate districts. Such distances shall also be determined with due regard for the requirements of approach grades & future grade separations. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 Borders on or contains a railroad right-of-way or limited access highway right-of-way FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER EIGHT Existing Conditions Design __________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. When connecting street lines deflect from each other at any 1 point by more than 10 degrees, they shall be connected by a curve with a radius adequate to ensure a safe sight distance. 11. Vertical clearance over subdivision roadways shall be a minimum of 15 feet. Unified Land Development Code 116 CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS NEXT > D. Minimum street pavement width. 10 1. Street pavement widths shall not be less than that which is shown in the Technical Standards Manual. CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 3 2. If street markers & traffic signs are to be installed by the City, the developer will reimburse the City for the cost of materials & labor to install the signs. 3. No street names shall be used which will duplicate or be confused with the names of existing streets. 4. Street names shall be subject to the approval of the City Manager. G. Street lighting. 1. The developer shall provide street lights at least 1 every 400 feet & at all intersections. 2. The street lights shall meet the requirements, set forth in the Technical Standards Manual. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.05.03. Bicycle & Pedestrian Ways. A. Generally. 1. Bicycle & pedestrian ways shall be considered during the planning & development of transportation facilities, including the incorporation of such ways into State, regional, & local transportation plans & programs. 2. Bicycle & pedestrian ways shall be established, in conjunction with the construction, reconstruction, or other change of any state transportation facility, & special emphasis shall be given to projects in or within 1 mile of an urban area. 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 6.05.03(A)(1) & (2) above, bicycle & pedestrian ways are not required to be established, provided that justification is provided to demonstrate that: PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 1. Street markers & traffic signs shall meet the requirements set forth in the Technical Standards Manual. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 F. Street names, markers, & signs. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 E. Street Grading. All streets & roads shall be graded so that pavements & sidewalks can be constructed to the required cross section, as provided in the Technical Standards Manual. INDICES 8 3. The developer shall provide permanent FDOT type concrete curbs with integral concrete gutters depending on the type curb used on all streets, except alleys. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 CHAPTER THREE 2. Pavement width excludes curbs or concrete retainers. FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN C. Right-of-way (R.O.W.) requirements. Street R.O.W. widths shall not be less than the standard set forth in the Technical Standards Manual. a. Their establishment would be contrary to public safety; CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE b. The cost would be excessively disproportionate to the need or probable use; or 1 c. Other available means or factors indicate an absence of need. B. Bicycle way access & connectivity. 1. Facilities should connect traffic generators & should be located along a direct line, convenient for users. 2. Bicyclists should have equal access to all streets. 3. Within a neighborhood, links should be considered through culde-sacs, making use of greenways, utility rights-of-way, & other open ways. 4. Bicycle ways shall be designed as shown in Table 6.05.03(B). CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 6.05.03(B). Bicycle Way Design Criteria. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ < PREVIOUS Street Type Bike Lane Measurement Width (ft) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Without parking Five (5) Measured from the left side Unified Land Development Code 117 NEXT > ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 6.05.03(B). Bicycle Way Design Criteria (continued). Street Type Bike Lane Measurement Width (ft) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 stripe to face of the curb With parking Four (4) Measured from the edge of pavement to motor vehicle travel lane Bicycle parking Thirteen (13) lane Combined bike lane & parking lane _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ One-way streets The lane shall be placed on the right side of the street, except where a bicycle lane on the left will decrease the number of conflicts. CHAPTER SEVEN Design Speeds Where traffic speeds are 45 mph or greater, the minimum lateral separation from motor vehicles is 6 feet. Location Bicycle lanes shall be placed between the parking lane & the motor vehicle traffic lane. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 _________________________________________________________________________________________ C. Sidewalks. 1. Sidewalks shall be installed on both sides of all streets. 2. Sidewalks shall be installed in all subdivisions in all common areas. 6 3. Time for installation: a. Residential developments shall have up to 2 years to install all sidewalks. b. Commercial developments shall install all sidewalks immediately. 5 CHAPTER FOUR ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 6.05.03(C). Sidewalk Design Criteria. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 Criteria Standard ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Location Both sides of all interior streets & along adjacent roadways. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER THREE 2 CHAPTER ONE 3 CHAPTER TWO Minimum width 5 feet. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4. All sidewalks shall be installed in accordance with specifications, set forth in Table 6.05.03(C) & the requirements of the Technical Standards Manual. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX Bicycle lanes are always one-way facilities, marked as such, & carry traffic in the same direction as adjacent motor vehicle traffic. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE CHAPTER FIVE 8 Direction INDICES CHAPTER EIGHT _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER NINE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alternative 6 feet with heavy travel of pedestrian traffic. width _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.05.04. Visibility at Intersections. No construction or planting which would interfere with traffic visibility shall be maintained in any land use district within 14 & one half (14.5) feet of the intersection of the curb lines at street corners. This shall not apply to fences or shrubbery not more than 2 feet in height on private property. See Figure 6.1 for an illustration of the visibility at intersections. (Ordinance 905) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 < PREVIOUS 6.05.05. Encroachments on Alleys. No encroachments of any kind, fixed or movable, shall extend into any existing recorded alley. However, where buildings in the commercial or industrial district are separated by an alley, the buildings may be connected by an overhead bridge, walkway, or boardwalk, as long as such structures provide not less than 16 feet between the underside of the bridge & the mean ground level of the alley. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.05.06. Standards for Parking Spaces & Parking Lots. A. Generally. 1. Applicability. Off-street parking facilities shall be provided for all development within the City. The facilities shall be maintained as long as the use exists which the facilities were designed to serve, Unified Land Development Code 118 CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT Limit of clear sight CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX CHAPTER FIVE 4 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 Use Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirement Required 1 Notes Bicycle Spaces CHAPTER TWO ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER THREE Table 6.05.06(B). Parking Space Requirements. PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 CHAPTER FOUR C. Figure 6.1: Visibility at Intersections. INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 except where equivalent parking or loading space is provided, in accordance with the provisions of this section. 2. Computation. a. When determination of the number of off-street spaces required by this ULDC results in a fractional space, the fraction of one-half (½) or less may be disregarded, & a fraction in excess of one-half (½) shall be counted as 1 parking space. b. In stadiums, sports arenas, churches, & other places of assembly in which those in attendance occupy benches, pews, or other similar seating facilities, or which contain an open assembly area, the occupancy shall be based on the maximum occupancy rating established by the fire inspector. c. Gross floor area shall be the sum of the gross horizontal area of all floors of a building measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls. B. Number of parking spaces required. Table 6.05.06(B) specifies the required minimum number of off-street automobile & bike parking spaces, & notes describing any special requirements. 1 RESIDENTIAL: (1) Single-family †Resident parking spaces may be tandem. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) Cluster/multifamily development: Resident parking* Studio: 1 space/unit 1 bedroom: 1.5 spaces/unit 2, 3 or more bedrooms: 2.0 spaces/unit 0.10 per required space *Resident parking spaces may be tandem. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Visitor parking† < PREVIOUS 1 and 2 bedrooms = 2 spaces/unit† 3 or more bedrooms = 0 3 spaces/unit† 0.25 space/unit, up to a maximum of 40 visitor spaces †On-street parking provided in accordance with the dimensions required for parallel spaces may count toward visitor parking require- ments. These spaces shall be located within the maximum distances specified in Section 6.05.08. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unified Land Development Code 119 CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS NEXT > Table 6.05.06(B). Parking Space Requirements (continued). Use Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirement Required 1 Notes Bicycle Spaces ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 Boarding homes 1 space/bedroom FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 0 Dormitories 1 space/3 beds 0.25 per required space CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX (4) Mobile home parks: Resident parking* 2 spaces/unit 0.25 per spaces required parking space Visitor parking† *Resident parking may be tandem. 0.25 spaces/unit †On-street parking provided in accordance with the dimensions required for parallel spaces may count toward fulfilling visitor parking requirements. These spaces shall be located within the maximum distances specified in Section 6.05.08 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (5) Uses located in commercial shopping 1 space/250 sq. ft. centers of gross floor area 0.10 per required parking space ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMERCIAL & SERVICE USES LOCATED INDEPENDENTLY: (6) Auto repair 1 space/200 sq. ft. of gross floor area 2 5 CHAPTER FOUR 3 CHAPTER TWO (8) Auto service stations 2 spaces plus 4 for each service bay 2 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ *No bicycle spaces required if facility stall has no on-site attendants. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 (10) Barbershops or 2 spaces for each 0.10 per beauty parlors barber chair or each required beautician station space ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (11) Banks, savings & loans 1 space/350 sq. ft. 0.10 per of gross floor area required parking space ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 CHAPTER ONE (7) Auto sales 1 space/400 sq. ft. of gross floor area 2 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (9) Auto washing 2.5 spaces/washing 2* CHAPTER THREE CHAPTER FIVE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 *Developer shall submit a a parking study. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 Determined pursuant to a parking study.* _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 CHAPTER SEVEN 9 (3) Housing for the elderly TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER NINE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (12) Funeral parlors or mortuaries 1 space/4 chapel 0 seats ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (13) Hotels, motels 1 space per unit plus 2 per office 0 (14) Lumberyards, nurseries 1 space/250 feet of gross floor area for retail sales plus 1 space per 1,000 square feet of outdoor area devoted to displays and storage 2 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Mini-Warehouse 1 space per 1,000 sq. ft. 0 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (15) Offices: Administrative, business & professional 1 space/300 sq. ft. of 0.10 per gross area required parking space ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS Government 1 space/200 sq. ft. of gross floor area ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ < PREVIOUS (16) Restaurants: 1 space/250 sq. ft. of 0.10 per Take out restaurants gross floor area required parking ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unified Land Development Code 120 NEXT > Table 6.05.06(B). Parking Space Requirements (continued). CHAPTER NINE Required 1 Notes Bicycle Spaces ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 9 8 All other restaurants 1 space/100 sq. ft. of 0.25 per gross floor area required parking space ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (17) Retail, general (i.e., 1 space/300 sq. ft. of department stores, gross floor area markets, etc.) 0.10 per required parking ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (18) Retail, furniture & 1 space/500 sq. ft. of 0.05 per appliances gross floor area required parking space ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ EDUCATIONAL: (19) Elementary & junior high schools 2 spaces/classroom 5.00 per parking space* *Bicycle spaces for required teachers & visitors should be separate from spaces for students. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (21) Colleges 0.5 space/faculty member & employee, plus 1 space/3 students 0.50 per required parking space HEALTH SERVICES: (22) Convalescent & 1 space/4 beds nursing homes 1 space/500 square feet of gross floor area 0.5 per required parking space (23) Medical & dental offices & clinics, veterinary hospitals & clinics 0.05 per required parking space ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 space/180 sq. ft. of gross floor area ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE 3 2 1 (24) Hospitals 1.75 spaces/bed 0.05 per required parking space ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDUSTRIAL: (25) Manufacturing 1 space/750 sq. ft. of gross floor area devoted to manufacturing 0.10 per plus the required parking required for square footage parking devoted to other uses space ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (26) Research & development Determined pursuant to *Developer shall submit a a parking study. parking study* ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 CHAPTER TWO 5 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 1.00 per required parking space CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 (20) Senior high schools 1 space/faculty member & employee, plus 1 space/6 students INDICES CHAPTER EIGHT Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirement TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER SEVEN Use FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (27) Warehouse 1 space/1,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area for the first 20,000 sq.ft. devoted to warehousing + the required parking for sq. ft. devoted to other uses. 1 space/2,000 sq. ft. for the second 20,000 sq. ft. 1 0.05 per space per 4,000 sq. ft. of required floor area in excess of parking 40,000 sq. ft. space ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (28) Arcades, games; 1 space/100 sq. ft. of 0.20 per dancehalls or exhibition gross floor area required halls 1 space/4 seating spaces parking space ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (29) Bowling alleys, 4 spaces/alley plus 2 for 0.20 per billiard halls each billiard table plus required required parking for other parking uses on the site space ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (30) Commercial stables 1 space/5 horses 0.10 per boarded on site required parking space ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS (31) Driving ranges (golf) 1 space/tee plus required 0.10 per parking for any other uses required on the site parking space ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ < PREVIOUS (32) Golf courses 6 spaces/hole plus (regulation) required parking for any other uses on the site 0.10 per required parking space ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unified Land Development Code 121 NEXT > Table 6.05.06(B). Parking Space Requirements (continued). Use Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirement Required 1 Notes Bicycle Spaces ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 (33) Miniature golf 3 spaces/hole plus 0.10 per required parking for any required other uses on the site parking space ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 Multiscreen 1 space/3 seats plus 5 spaces for employees ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MISCELLANEOUS: (39) Auditoriums 1 space/4 seats or 1 space/45 sq. ft. of 0.10 per gross floor area where required there are no fixed seats parking space ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (40) Religious facilities & 1 space/4 seats within other places of public the main auditorium or, 0.10 per assembly if there are not fixed required seats, 1 space/45 sq. ft. parking of gross floor area within space the main auditorium ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (41) Fraternal 1 space/300 sq. ft. 0.10 per organizations or plus 1.5 spaces/bedrm required private clubs parking space ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (42) Day care, 1 space/staff member + 0.25 per *Dropoff facilities shall be preschools, 1 space/5 children or 1 required designed to accommo- nursery schools space/10 children if parking date a continuous flow of adequate dropoff facilities space passenger vehicles to load are provided* & unload children safely. The adequacy of dropoff facilities proposed shall be determined by the City Manager based on standard traffic safety principles. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (43) Model home 3 spaces/model home + 1 space/salesperson*† 0 *Salesperson space may be a vacant garage space in the model home. †On-street parking adjacent to the site’s frontage may count toward fulfilling required parking if doing so does not produce a shortage of residential parking or obstruct traffic. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (44) Utilities Determined pursuant to a *Developer shall submit a parking study* parking study. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (45) Libraries 1 space/500 sq. ft. of 0.20 per gross floor area required parking space ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (46) Handicapped Pursuant to Americans parking with Disabilities Act 0 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 The maximum number of required bicycle parking is ten (10) spaces. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ < PREVIOUS PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 (38) Theaters, movies: 1 space/2 seats plus 5 0.10 per Single screen spaces for employees required parking space ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 5 (37) Health club 1 space/150 sq. ft. of 0.25 per †Swimming pool shall be gross floor area† required counted as floor area. parking space ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 6 CHAPTER FOUR ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (36) Tennis, handball, & 2 spaces/court plus racquetball facilities required parking for 0.25 per additional uses on the required site parking space ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 CHAPTER ONE 0.25 per required parking space INDICES 8 (35) Skating rinks 1 space/100 sq. ft. of gross floor area TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 CHAPTER EIGHT (34) Parks (public or Determined pursuant to a *Developer shall submit a private) parking study. parking study* ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.05.07. Standards for Loading Spaces. A. Generally. In order to ensure safety on public rights-of-way, spaces shall be provided to accommodate off-street loading & unloading. B. Spaces required. 1. Schools, hospitals, nursing homes & other similar institutional Unified Land Development Code 122 CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS NEXT > CHAPTER NINE 3. Offices & financial institutions shall be exempt from providing a loading space for the first 5,000 square feet of gross floor area; thereafter, each office or financial institution shall provide 1 loading space for 5,001 square feet up to 75,000 square feet of gross floor area, or fraction thereof, & 1 space for each additional 25,000 square feet. 4. Retail commercial, service, road service & commercial entertainment uses shall provide 1 space for the first 10,000 square feet of gross floor area, & 1 space for each additional 20,000 square feet. CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX 5 1. Loading spaces shall be located on the property served & shall not extend into the public right-of-way. Loading spaces shall have direct access to a public street or alley & include sufficient off-street maneuvering space so that no vehicular backing onto or from a public street is required. 2. The standard off-street loading space shall be 10 feet wide, 25 feet long, provide vertical clearance of 15 feet, & provide adequate area for maneuvering, ingress & egress. a. The length of 1 or more of the loading spaces may be increased up to 55 feet if full-length tractor-trailers must be accommodated. CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER THREE CHAPTER FOUR ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.05.08. Design Standards for Off-Street Parking Areas. 4 3 2 A. Location. 1. Except as provided in this section, all required off-street parking spaces & the use they are intended to serve shall be located on the same parcel. PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE b. Developers may install spaces that are larger than the standard, but the number of spaces shall not be reduced. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 C. Location & design standards. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 CHAPTER FIVE 5. Industrial uses shall provide 1 space for every 10,000 square feet of gross floor area. INDICES 8 2. Auditoriums, gymnasiums, stadiums, theaters, convention centers & other buildings for public assembly shall provide 1 space for the first 20,000 square feet of gross floor area or fraction thereof, & 1 space for each additional 100,000 sq. feet. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 CHAPTER EIGHT 10 FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN uses & multifamily residential uses of 3 or more stories shall provide 1 loading space or bay for the first 100,000 square feet of gross floor area or fraction thereof & 1 space for each additional 100,000 square feet or fraction thereof. 2. The City may approve off-site parking facilities, as part of the parking required by this section if: a. The location of the off-site parking spaces will adequately serve the use for which it is intended. The following factors shall be considered: i. Proximity of the off-site spaces to the use that they will serve. Off-site parking shall be provided within 500 feet of the principal entrance thereto, measured along the most direct pedestrian walkway. CHAPTER ONE ii. Ease of pedestrian access to the off-site parking spaces. 1 < PREVIOUS iii. Whether or not off-site parking spaces are compatible with the use intended to be served, e.g., off-site parking is not ordinarily compatible with high turnover uses such as retail. b. The location of the off-site parking spaces will not create: 1. Hazards to pedestrians; 2. Hazards to vehicular traffic; 3. Traffic congestion; 4. Interference with access to other parking spaces in the vicinity; or Unified Land Development Code 123 CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS NEXT > CHAPTER NINE a. Resident parking: 200 feet. b. Visitor parking: 250 feet. c. Distances shall be measured from a dwelling unit’s entry to the parking space. 8 d. Where a stairway or elevator provides access to dwelling units, the stairway or elevator shall be considered to be the entrance to the dwelling unit. e. For purposes of measuring these distances, each required parking space shall be assigned to a specific unit. 4. Parking areas shall have direct access to a public street or alley & include sufficient off-street maneuvering space so that no vehicular backing onto or from a public street is required. CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX 2. Parallel parking spaces shall be a minimum of 8 feet wide & 22 feet long. If a parallel space abuts no more than 1 other parallel space, & adequate access room is available, then the length may be reduced to 20 feet. 3. Tandem parking spaces shall be a minimum of 9 feet wide & 20 feet long. 4. A standard motorcycle parking space shall be 4 & one-quarter (4 ¼) feet wide & nine & one-quarter (9 ¼) feet long. 4 5. Spaces for handicapped parking shall be the size specified in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. 6. Each parking space shall include a wheel stop when facing an obstruction, including, but not limited to, stormwater facilities & landscaping. PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER FOUR 5 1. Standard parking spaces shall be a minimum of 9 feet wide & 20 feet long. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CHAPTER FIVE B. Dimensions. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES CHAPTER EIGHT 9 3. All parking spaces required by this section for residential uses shall be located no further than the following distances from the units they serve: TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER SEVEN 10 c. The property owner supplies a written agreement, approved in form by the City attorney and to be recorded, assuring the continued availability of the off-site parking facilities for the use they are intended to serve. The written agreement shall be subject to approval by the City Commission. FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN 5. Detriment to any nearby use. 1 < PREVIOUS 6.05.09. Layout of Transportation Facilities. A. Generally. Pedestrian circulation facilities, roadways, driveways, & off-street parking and loading areas shall be designed to be safe & convenient, according to nationally accepted professional standards such as those of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). B. Specific requirements. 1. Parking & loading areas, aisles, pedestrian walks, landscaping, & open space shall be designed as integral parts of an overall development plan & shall be properly related to existing & proposed buildings. 2. Buildings, parking and loading areas, landscaping & open spaces shall be designed so that pedestrians moving from parking areas to buildings & between buildings are not unreasonably exposed to vehicular traffic. 3. Landscaped, paved, & gradually inclined or flat pedestrian walks shall be provided along the lines of the most intense use, particularly from building entrances to streets, parking areas, & adjacent buildings. Pedestrian walks should be designed to discourage incursions into landscaped areas, except at designated crossings. 4. Each off-street parking space shall open directly onto an aisle Unified Land Development Code 124 CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN 8. No parking space shall be located so as to block access by emergency vehicles. C. Construction standards. 1. All parking & loading areas shall be constructed according to the standards & specifications set forth in the Technical Standards Manual. 2. All parking shall be surfaced with a hard, dustless material, & properly drained. 3. All driveways shall be paved from property line to the street. 6 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER THREE 4 A. Motorcycle. A portion of the parking spaces required by this section may be designated as exclusively for motorcycle parking, if the following conditions are met: 1. The City recommends that the spaces be so designated, based upon projected demand for them & lessened demand for automobile spaces; 2. The City approves the recommendation & the designated spaces are shown on the final development plan; 3. The designated spaces are suitably marked & striped; & 3 4. The designation does not reduce the overall area devoted to parking so that if the motorcycle spaces are converted to automobile spaces the minimum requirements for automobiles are met. PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE CHAPTER FOUR 6.05.11. Standards for Motorcycle & Bicycle Parking Spaces. 5 CHAPTER TWO 6.05.10. Standards for Handicapped Access & Parking. Any parking area to be used by the general public shall provide suitable, marked parking spaces for handicapped persons subject to the Florida Disabilities Act. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 7. Parking spaces for all uses, except single-family & two-family residences, shall be designed to permit entry & exit without moving any other motor vehicle. INDICES 8 6. The design of parking areas shall be based on a definite & logical system of drive lanes to serve the parking & loading spaces. A physical separation or barrier, such as vertical curbs, may be required to separate parking spaces from travel lanes. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 5. Aisles and driveways shall not be used for parking vehicles, except that the driveway of a single-family or two-family residence shall be counted as 1 or more parking spaces for the dwelling unit, based upon the dimensions of the driveway. FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER NINE or driveway that, except for single-family & two-family residences, is not a public street. B. Bicycle. 2 1. The City shall maintain a list of approved bicycle parking facilities. Other bicycle parking devices may be used, if it is established to the satisfaction of the City Manager that the standards in Section 6.05.11 (B)(2) below are met. 2. The rack or other facility shall be: CHAPTER ONE a. Designed to allow each bicycle to be supported by its frame; 1 b. Designed to allow the frame & wheels of each bicycle to be secured against theft; c. Designed to avoid damage to the bicycles; d. Anchored to resist removal & solidly constructed to resist damage by rust, corrosion, & vandalism; CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS e. Designed to accommodate a range of bicycle shapes & sizes & to facilitate easy locking without interfering with adjacent bicycles; < PREVIOUS f. Located to prevent damage to bicycles by cars. g. Consistent with the surroundings in color & design & be Unified Land Development Code 125 NEXT > incorporated whenever possible into building or street furniture design; j. Located as close to the principal entrance of the building as practicable; & k. Located to provide safe access from the spaces to the rightof-way or bicycle lane. CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN B. Increase in requirements, based on a parking study. 1. The number of required parking spaces may be increased by the City, if a parking study demonstrates that the proposed use would have a parking demand in excess of the requirements in Table 6.05.06(B). 2. The City may require the developer to provide a parking study, as described in Section 6.05.13, when the City Manager presents preliminary data indicating that an increase in the number of parking spaces may be warranted. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.05.13. Parking Studies. CHAPTER FIVE 4 2. An analysis of the extent to which a transportation system management program or the use of alternative forms of transportation lessen the parking requirement. CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER THREE 1. Estimates of parking requirements based on recommendations in studies such as those from ULI, ITE, or the Traffic Institute, & based on data collected from uses or combinations of uses which are the same or comparable to the proposed use. Comparability shall be determined by density, scale, bulk, area, type of activity, & location. The study shall document the source of data used to develop recommendations. B. Standards for parking studies. 3 2 1. To avoid requiring more parking spaces than are actually needed to serve a development, the City may defer or reduce the provision of some portion of the required off-street parking spaces, if the conditions & requirements of this section are satisfied. 2. As a condition precedent to obtaining a partial deferral or reduction by the City, the developer shall show any one or more of the following: a. A parking study, as described in Section 6.05.13, indicates that there is not a present need for the deferred or reduced parking. b. Public transportation satisfies transportation demands for a portion of the users of the facility that corresponds to the amount of parking sought to be deferred or reduced. 1 < PREVIOUS PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 CHAPTER FOUR A. Generally. A parking study, when required by this section, shall include, but not be limited to: FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 A. The number of off-street parking or loading spaces shall be increased to meet the requirements of this chapter, if the City finds that an increase in floor area, seating capacity, or other factor controlling the number of parking or loading spaces required by this ULDC causes the site not to conform to this ULDC. INDICES 8 6.05.12. Change of Use Requirements. TABLE OF CONTENTS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX i. Located so as not to interfere with pedestrian movements; 10 FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN h. Located in convenient, highly-visible, active, well-lighted areas; c. The developer has established or will establish an alternative means of access to the use that will justify reducing or deferring the number of parking spaces sought to be deferred or reduced. Alternative programs that may be considered by the City include, but are not limited to: 1. Private & public car pools & van pools; 2. Charging for parking; 3. Subscription bus services; Unified Land Development Code 126 CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN 7. Establishment of a transportation coordinator position to implement car pool, van pool, & transit programs. d. The percentage of parking spaces sought to be deferred or reduced corresponds to the percentage of residents, employees, & customers who regularly walk, use bicycles & other nonmotorized forms of transportation, or use mass transportation to come to the facility. CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 2 1 < PREVIOUS PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 3 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 4 a. A deferred or reduced parking plan shall: b. Be designed to contain sufficient space to meet the full parking requirements, shall illustrate the layout for the full number of parking spaces, & shall designate which are to be deferred or reduced. c. Not assign deferred spaces to areas required for landscaping, buffer zones, setbacks, or areas that would otherwise be unsuitable for parking spaces because of the physical characteristics of the land or other requirements of this section. d. Include a landscaping plan for the deferred parking area. e. Include a written agreement with the City that one year from the date of issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, the deferred spaces will be converted to parking spaces that conform to this section at the developer’s expense, based on the parking study. f. Shall include a written agreement that the developer will cover the expense of a traffic study to be undertaken by the City Manager to determine the advisability of providing the full parking requirement. 4. When authorized by the City, upon a preliminary finding that the parking is inadequate, but not sooner than 1 year after the date of issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the development, the City shall undertake a study to determine the need of providing the full parking requirement to satisfy the proven demand for parking. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 5 3. If the developer satisfies one or more of the criteria in Section 6.05.13(B), the City may approve a deferred or reduced parking plan submitted by the developer. The number of parking spaces deferred or reduced shall correspond to the estimated number of parking spaces that will not be needed because of the conditions established. INDICES 6 CHAPTER THREE CHAPTER NINE 6. Ride sharing; or f. Transportation demand management. 7 CHAPTER TWO e. Transportation system management. 8 CHAPTER ONE 5. Capital improvement for transit services; TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 4. Flexible work-hour scheduling; FRONT PAGE 10 5. Based upon the study & the recommendations of the City Manager, the City shall determine if the deferred spaces shall be converted to operable parking spaces by the developer or retained as deferred parking area. 6. The developer may, at any time, request that the City approve a revised development plan to allow converting the deferred spaces to operable parking spaces, or to permanently reduce the number of required spaces. C. Standards for joint use parking. The City shall authorize a reduction in the total number of required parking spaces for 2 or more uses jointly providing off-street parking, when their respective hours of need for maximum parking do not normally overlap. Reduction of parking requirements because of joint use shall be approved if the following conditions are met: 1. The developer submits sufficient data to demonstrate that hours of maximum demand for parking at the respective uses Unified Land Development Code 127 CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER SEVEN 7 CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE CHAPTER TWO 2. For development proposed in these districts, the City may allow the developer to pay a fee, in lieu of providing some or all of the spaces required by this chapter. a. The fee shall be a one-time, nonrefundable fee per parking space avoided, paid to the City, prior to the issuance of a development order. b. The amount of the fee shall be determined by the City & shall be equal to the land acquisition, construction, & maintenance costs of parking spaces that are deferred by this provision. c. These fees shall be used by the City solely for the purchase, construction, operation, & maintenance of parking or transit facilities serving the area of the development. 3 3. The City may, at the time of accepting the fee, enter into an agreement with the developer to construct or provide parking or transit facilities. 4. If public parking facilities are currently available, 25% of the minimum parking requirements may be satisfied by these facilities, provided that the business: PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 1. The Community Redevelopment Area Overlay District is hereby designated a special parking district. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 A. The City may designate special parking districts where parking or transit facilities may be provided by the City, thus lessening the demand for onsite parking. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX 6.05.14. Special Parking Districts. 5 CHAPTER ONE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 3. Owners or developers of 2 or more properties submit a legal agreement approved in form by the City Attorney guaranteeing the interconnection of the properties via contiguous parking areas. The reduction in parking shall be equal to the space required for the interconnecting driveway. The agreement shall be subject to approval by the City Commission. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 2. The developer submits a legal agreement approved by the City Attorney guaranteeing the joint use of the off-street parking spaces, signed by all property owners involved, as long as the uses requiring parking are in existence & there is not a conflict of traffic between the uses that would result in a violation of the minimum standards of this ULDC, or until the required parking is provided elsewhere, in accordance with the provisions of this ULDC. The agreement shall include provision for maintenance of the parking facility. FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER EIGHT do not normally overlap. a. Has designated employment, seating or patronage capacity of 25 persons or more; b. Is located on the same side of the block & not separated by a major street or thoroughfare; 2 1 < PREVIOUS c. Is located within 500 feet of the business; & d. Pedestrian access between the business & the parking facility is provided. 5. No parking space shall be allocated to more than 1 business unless the time of use does not overlap. 6. Businesses using public parking as part of its required parking facilities shall pay a fee to the City for maintenance costs of the parking spaces that are deferred by this section. B. Historic preservation exemption. The preservation of any property that has been placed on the local register of historic places, or that is located in a historic district & contributes to the historic character of the district, shall be grounds for a grant, by the City, of a reduction in the parking requirements of up to 50% of the standards shown in Table 6.05.06(B). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unified Land Development Code 128 CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE 6.05.16. Standards for Stacking Lanes & Drive-Through Facilities. 9 A. All uses & facilities providing drive-up or drive-thru service shall provide stacking lanes, in compliance with the standards of this section. B. Banks & financial institutions shall provide stacking spaces according to Table 6.05.16(B). A bypass lane shall be provided. CHAPTER SEVEN No. of Drive-Through Total Number of Vehicles ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lanes Accommodated 1 6 2 10 Each additional lane 2 additional vehicles accommodated ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ C. All other uses with drive-up or drive-thru facilities shall provide a minimum stacking space to accommodate 8 vehicles. A bypass lane shall be required. D. Stacking lanes shall not be located within a designated delivery area or area designated for loading spaces. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.06.00. TECHNICAL STANDARDS. 5 6.06.01. Potable Water Standards. All water mains will have a bare copper “Number 12” wire running parallel to all water piping & shall be wrapped or tied at intervals of 20 feet or less. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.06.02. Sanitary Sewer Standards. 4 A. Minimum sanitary sewer grades & velocities shall be designed, according to the Table 6.06.02(A) below: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 6.06.02(A). Minimum Sanitary Sewer Grades & Velocities. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO Pipe Size - Inches Grade - Percent ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER FIVE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX Table 6.05.16(B). Stacking Lane Requirements. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 6 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER EIGHT ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 CHAPTER ONE FRONT PAGE 10 6.05.15. Specific Parking Requirements for Recreational Vehicles. It shall be unlawful for any person to park or store any recreational vehicle which is commonly used for living or sleeping purposes, whether it is used or not, upon any lot, piece or parcel of land in the City, except in regularly licensed parks, unless such recreational vehicle is kept entirely within a backyard & not used for living or sleeping purposes. 8 0.40 10 0.25 12 0.15 15 0.15 18 0.12 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 21 0.10 1. Minimum velocity shall be 2 feet per second at one-half (1/2) full flow. 2. Any crossing of existing paved streets will be bored unless otherwise directed by the City. 3. All pumps shall meet the requirements, set forth in the Technical Standards Manual. 1 < PREVIOUS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.06.03. Stormwater Standards. A. Swale means a natural or man-made drainage pathway, which if man-made, has a top width to depth ratio of the cross section equal to or greater than 6 to 1 or side slopes equal to or greater than 3 feet horizontal to 1 foot vertical, & has a grade as flat as the topography & design conditions will allow, & only contains contiguous areas of standing or flowing water following the occurrence of rainfall or flooding, & is planted with vegetation suitable for soil stabilization, stormwater treatment, & nutrient uptake. Unified Land Development Code 129 CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE 9 1. Ensure that after development, runoff from the site does not flow onto private property, unless it approximates the rate of flow, volume & timing of runoff that would have occurred following the same rainfall under existing conditions &, to the extent practicable, predevelopment conditions; 2. Maintain the natural hydrodynamic characteristics of the watershed; 3. Protect or restore the quality of groundwater & surface water; CHAPTER SEVEN 7. Prevent increased flooding & damage that results from improper location, construction, & design of structures in areas which are presently subject to an unacceptable danger of flooding; 8. Protect natural fluctuating levels of salinity in estuarine areas; & CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE 3 2 1 C. Design standards. To ensure attainment of the objectives of this chapter & to ensure that the performance standards will be met, the design, construction, & maintenance of drainage systems shall be consistent with the following standards: 1. Channeling runoff directly into water bodies shall be prohibited. Instead, runoff shall be routed through swales & other systems designed to increase time of concentration, decrease velocity, increase infiltration, allow suspended solids to settle, & remove pollutants. If feasible, perforated pipe shall be used for infiltration purposes in situations where piping is necessary. 2. Unless permitted, natural watercourses shall not be dredged, cleared of vegetation, deepened, widened, straightened, stabilized, or otherwise altered. Water shall be retained or detained before it enters any natural watercourse, in order to preserve the natural hydrodynamics of the watercourse & to prevent siltation or other pollutions. 3. The area of land disturbed by development shall be as small as practicable. Those areas which are not to be disturbed shall be protected by an adequate barrier from construction activity. Whenever possible, natural vegetation shall be retained & protected. 4. No grading, cutting, or filling shall be commenced until erosion & sedimentation control devices have been installed between the disturbed area & water bodies, watercourses, & wetlands. 5. Land which has been cleared for development & upon which construction has not commenced shall be protected from erosion by appropriate techniques designed to revegetate the area. 6. Sediment shall be retained on the site of the development. 7. Wetlands & other water bodies shall not be used as sediment traps during development. < PREVIOUS PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 CHAPTER TWO 9. Minimize injury to flora & fauna & adverse impacts to fish & wildlife habitat. 5 CHAPTER ONE 6. Protect the beneficial functioning of wetlands as areas for the natural storage of surface waters & the chemical reduction & assimilation of pollutants; FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 5. Protect groundwater levels; CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX 8 INDICES CHAPTER EIGHT 4. Ensure that erosion during & after development is minimized; TABLE OF CONTENTS 10 FRONT PAGE B. Performance standards. Stormwater management plans shall demonstrate that the proposed development or activity has been planned & designed & will be constructed & maintained to meet each of the following standards: 8. Erosion & sedimentation facilities shall receive regular maintenance to ensure that they continue to function properly. 9. Artificial watercourses shall be designed, considering soil type, so that the velocity of flow is low enough to prevent Unified Land Development Code 130 CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT 8 13. Although the use of wetlands for storing & purifying water is encouraged, care must be taken not to overload their capacity, thereby harming the wetlands & transitional vegetation. Wetlands shall not be damaged by the construction of detention ponds. CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 < PREVIOUS PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 a. For offline systems, the first one-half (1/2) inch of storm water runoff shall be retained & for online systems, the first one (1) inch of storm water runoff shall be retained. b. Detention with filtration, with a safety factor of 2, may be used only in special applications, when approved by the City. The following are required for dry retention, infiltration & underdrained systems, 2 foot of clearance above the seasonal high water table (SHWT), a maximum percolation rate of twenty (20) inches per hour, as determined by a double ring infiltrometer (DRI) test & a safety factor of 2. c. All storm water discharge facilities shall have sediment controls & skimming devices. d. The beneficial use of existing wetlands that need hydrologic restoration can be implemented, pursuant to Subsection 62-25-042, FAC, Permit Requirements for Wetland Storm Water Discharge Facilities & other FDEP regulations (62-40, 62-610 & 62-611, FAC). e. Storm water reuse is encouraged & design criteria & guidelines are located in Chapter 62-346 F.A.C. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CHAPTER ONE 14. Pollution Control (Quality). CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 12. Retention & detention ponds shall be used to retain & detain the increased & accelerated runoff which the development generates. Water shall be released from detention ponds into watercourses or wetlands at a rate & in a manner approximating the natural flow which would have occurred before development. INDICES CHAPTER SEVEN 11. Intermittent watercourses, such as swales, shall be vegetated. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 10. Vegetated buffer strips shall be retained in their natural state, as specified in Chapter 3, along the banks of all watercourses, water bodies or wetlands. The maximum width of the buffer shall be sufficient to prevent erosion of the banks, provide access to the water body & allow for periodic flooding without damage to the structures. Design criteria & guidelines for vegetated natural buffers are located in Chapter 62-346 F.A.C. FRONT PAGE 10 erosion. Guidance criteria for flow velocity are located in Chapter 63-346 F.A.C. & Chapter 10 of the FDOT Drainage Manual regarding lining velocities. Additional velocity criteria include flow over bare ground (2.5 to 3.0 fps), in open channels (3 fps) & in pipes (5 fps). 15. Flood Control (Quantity). a. At a minimum, facilities shall be provided to attenuate a storm event of critical duration so the post development stormwater off-site peak discharge shall be no greater than the predevelopment rate. The 2 & 25 year frequency storm events shall be analyzed for the 1, 2, 4, 8, 24 hour durations to determine the storm event of critical duration. Design rainfall distributions for these facilities shall be obtained through a statistical analysis of historical long term rainfall data or from acceptable sources. b. At a minimum, facilities should be provided to route & accommodate the 100 year storm. c. At a minimum, facilities should be provided to attenuate a storm event of critical duration so the post-development stormwater rate in downstream reaches shall be no greater than the pre-development rate in downstream reaches. Guidance criteria for detention facility sizing are located in Chapter 62346 F.A.C. d. Methods for determining the time of concentration are located in Chapter 62-346 F.A.C. e. Methodologies for calculating peak discharge are located in Unified Land Development Code 131 CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS NEXT > Chapter 62-346 F.A.C. CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE 6.06.04. Streets Standards. 7 A. Street profile grades shall not be less than 0.1 percent or a maximum of the percent grade shown in Table 6.06.04(A), with due allowance for reasonable vertical curves. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 6.06.04(A). Right-of-Way Width & Grades. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX 5 Arterial 150 3% Collector 100 4% ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Local residential 60 4% B. The minimum paved shoulder width is 5 feet, when designated as a bike lane or intended to accommodate bicycle travel. C. Minimum Pavement Width. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 6.06.04(C). Minimum Pavement Width. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE CHAPTER TWO 3 2 CHAPTER ONE 4 1 Arterial 64’ 36’ Collector 64’ 36’ Single-family residential n/a 22’ Multifamily residential n/a 22’ Cul-de-sac n/a 80’ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Turnaround diameter n/a 80’ D. Street Grading. 1. All streets & roads shall be graded so that pavements & sidewalks can be constructed to the required cross section, as provided in the Technical Standards Manual. 2. The roadway base minimum elevation (above seasonal high water) is 12 inches. a. Where roadway base elevations do not meet this standard, the developer shall be required to warrant that portion of the roadway that does not meet the standard for a period of two (2) years before it can be dedicated to the City. b. After the second year, representatives of the City & the developer will conduct a joint inspection of the portion of the roadway for structural or material defect. c. If no structural or material defects exist, the roadway shall be dedicated to the City. < PREVIOUS PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE Street Classification 4 lane 2 lane ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Width Width FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CHAPTER FIVE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Type Feet Grade CELL TOWER ORDINANCE CHAPTER SEVEN ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 18. The bottoms of dry detention & retention areas shall be sodded, & this shall be taken into consideration, when calculating percolation rates. However, the City may exempt an area from this requirement, if the City determines that the area would be better served without sodding. 19. The use of drainage facilities & vegetated buffer zones as open space, recreation, & conservation areas shall be encouraged. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 17. The banks of detention & retention areas shall be sodded & sloped at a gentle grade, 4 feet horizontal to 1 foot vertical, or less, into the water as a safeguard against drowning, personal injury, or other accidents; to encourage the growth of vegetation; & to allow the alternate flooding & exposure of areas along the shore as water levels periodically rise & fall. FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER EIGHT 16. Runoff from parking lots shall be treated to remove oil & sediment before it enters receiving waters. 3. If any structural or material defect is found, it will be verified by an independent third party who is an expert in that field. 4. If a defect is determined to exist, the developer shall correct it prior to consideration by the City of the dedication. Unified Land Development Code 132 CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN FRONT PAGE 10 5. Where streets are constructed adjacent to existing electric transmission lines or over gas transmission lines, the nearest edge of the pavement shall be a minimum of 100 feet from any transmission line structure & all grading for the street shall be done in a manner which will not disturb the structure or result in erosion endangering the structure. In the case of electric transmission lines, the clearance from the pavement to the nearest conductor shall meet the requirements of the National Electrical Safety Code. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 Table 6.06.04(E). Sidewalks. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Criteria Standard ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER CHAPTER SIX SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 1 At driveways, a minimum thickness of 4 inches with woven wire fabric reinforcement shall be required. After the 1or 3 year period has passed, the undeveloped lots shall have sidewalks from property line to property line, a minimum of 4 inches thick with woven wire fabric reinforcement. Slope Slope toward the street with one quarter (1/4) inch per 12 inches slope. Expansion joints Shall meet FDOT standards. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 6.1: Visibility at Intersections PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 Driveway crossings FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 Not less than four (4) inches thick. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 Construction INDICES 8 CHAPTER SEVEN Minimum strength 2,500 pounds per square inch. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER NINE E. Sidewalks. CONCURRENCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS NEXT > < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 133 CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT 8 CHAPTER CHAPTER SEVEN SEVEN 7 CHAPTER SIX 6 CHAPTER FIVE 5 CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 134 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE Unified Land Development Code INDICES < PREVIOUS TABLE OF CONTENTS 7 FRONT PAGE PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 9 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 10 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER 7. (RESERVED). RESERVED NEXT > CHAPTER 8. COMMISSIONS, BOARDS, & AGENCIES. CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER THREE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 3 A. The Planning Commission shall select a chairman in April of each year from those members appointed by the City Commission. B. The Community Redevelopment Agency officers shall be as designated in Section 8.04.00. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.01.04. Bylaws. The organization & procedure of each commission, board or agency, its meetings, method of handling appeals, & other related matters shall be in conformity with the provisions of applicable state law. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.01.05. Record of Decisions. A. Any decision made by a commission, board, or agency shall be recorded & entered into the minutes of the respective body. B. All meetings of a commission, board, or agency shall be open to the public, & all records of the meetings shall be public records. C. Decisions on variances & administrative appeals shall be made as shown in Table 8.01.05(C). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 8.01.03. Officers. Each commission, board, or agency shall select such officers as required to conduct its meetings, except where the ULDC specifically requires selection of officers. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 8 8.01.02. Attendance. A. The absence of any member of a commission, board, or agency from 3 consecutive regular meetings of the body shall constitute the removal of that person from the body, unless excused by the commission or agency. B. An excused absence is one excused by the commission, or agency by motion & vote duly entered upon the minutes. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 8.01.01. Appointment. A. Regular appointments to all commissions, boards, & agencies shall be made by the City Commission. B. Any vacancy on a commission, board, or agency created by unexcused absences shall be filled by a replacement appointed by the City Commission. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 8.01.00. REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL COMMISSIONS & ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ AGENCIES. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 CHAPTER SEVEN 10 8.00.00. GENERALLY. A. The City Commission has established the commissions, boards, and agencies identified in this chapter for the purpose of implementing the provisions of the ULDC. B. All procedures pertaining to matters before the commissions, boards, & agencies are set forth in Chapters 9 & 10 of this ULDC. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 8.01.05 (C). Decision-Making Bodies for Variances & Appeals. CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Board of Adjustment Planning Commission City Commission County Circuit Court -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULDC Provisions for: • ISR • Landscape (area & plant materials) • Dimensional requirements • Subdivision regulations D A A Areas of flood hazard D A A Administrative decisions D A A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Denials of a certificate of concurrency R Actions regarding storm water management plans R COMMISSIONS, BOARDS, AND AGENCIES D -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < PREVIOUS D -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R = Recommendation D = Decision A = Appeal of decisions Unified Land Development Code 135 NEXT > ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.02.00. PLANNING COMMISSION. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER CHAPTER EIGHT EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER TWO 3 2 CHAPTER ONE 4 1 < PREVIOUS PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 A. Regular membership. 1. The Planning Commission shall consist of 7 members. 2. Each regular member shall be a resident of the City. B. In addition to the above members, 1 nonvoting member shall be appointed from the Bay County School Board. This member shall be the person appointed by the School Board to attend those meetings at which the Planning Commission considers an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan that, if approved, will increase the residential density on property that is the subject of an application. C. Terms of office. 1. Each member shall be appointed to a 4 year term. A member shall not serve more than 2 consecutive terms. 2. Any vacancy in membership shall be filled for the unexpired term of the vacancy by the City Commission, pursuant to the same procedure followed in the appointment of the previous member. 3. The City Commission shall have the authority to remove any member of the Planning Commission at will. 4. All members shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in connection with their official duties. D. Organization. 1. The Planning Commission shall elect its chairman from among the regular members. 2. The term of the chairman shall be 1 year, & he/she shall be ineligible to succeed themself. 3. The Planning Commission shall determine the schedule & time of meetings; this meeting schedule shall be provided to the City Commission. E. Quorum & voting. 1. Four (4) members shall constitute a quorum. 2. The Planning Commission, to take any action authorized by this section, shall have the concurring vote of 4 members. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 8.02.02. Membership & Terms. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 A. The City Commission hereby establishes the City Planning Commission (referred to as the “Planning Commission”) to be governed by the provisions of Chapter 163, F.S., as well as the provisions set forth in this ULDC. B. The Planning Commission shall be the “local planning agency” with all the duties & responsibilities, as provided in Section 163.3174, F.S. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER THREE 8.02.01. Establishment. 8.02.03. Roles & Responsibilities. The Planning Commission shall have all the powers, duties, & responsibilities as follows: A. Those powers, duties & responsibilities, as set forth in Chapter 163, F.S. to: 1. Prepare, or cause to be prepared, the Comprehensive Plan or Comprehensive Plan amendments; 2. Make recommendations to the City Commission on the Comprehensive Plan or Comprehensive Plan amendments; 3. Hold at least one public hearing on the proposed Comprehensive Plan or Comprehensive Plan amendment. 4. Recommend any changes to the Comprehensive Plan as may be required, including preparation & recommendation of periodic changes to the Comprehensive Plan, in accordance with Section 163.3191, F.S. B. Review proposed changes to the ULDC, codes, or any amendments & make a recommendation to the City Commission, as to the consistency of the regulations with the Comprehensive Unified Land Development Code 136 COMMISSIONS, BOARDS, AND AGENCIES NEXT > ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.03.01. Establishment. The Board of Adjustment (Board) is hereby established. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER CHAPTER EIGHT EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE 4 3 A. To hear & decide appeals when it is alleged that there is an error in any order, requirement, or decision made by the City Manager, in the enforcement of the following provisions of the ULDC: 1. Impervious surface ratios; 2. Landscape requirements for planting areas & plant materials; 3. Dimensional requirements; & 4. Subdivision requirements. B. Hear & decide appeals when it is alleged there is an error in any requirement, decision, or determination made by the Building Official in the enforcement or administration of Section 9.02.04. C. Hear and decide appeals & requests for variances from the requirements of Section 9.02.04, areas of flood hazard. D. To authorize, upon appeal in specific cases, such variances from the terms of this ULDC as will not be contrary to public interest where, owing to the special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions would result in unnecessary hardships, so that the spirit of this ULDC shall be observed & substantial justice done. PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 8.03.03. Roles & Responsibilities. The Board of Adjustment shall have the following roles and responsibilities: FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 A. Membership. The Board shall consist of 5 members. B. Terms of office. Each member shall be appointed for a term of 3 years & shall not serve more than 2 consecutive terms. C. Organization and procedures. The organization & procedures of the Board, its meetings, method of handling appeals & other related matters shall be in conformity with the provisions of applicable state law. D. Quorums & voting. 1. A quorum shall consist of 3 Board members. 2. The Board, to take any action authorized by this section, shall have the concurring vote of 3 members. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 CHAPTER FOUR 8.03.02. Membership, Terms, & Organization. CHAPTER THREE CHAPTER NINE 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS 8.03.00. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. FRONT PAGE 10 Plan. C. Review & recommend approval or denial of local development orders to the City Commission, excluding plats reviewed according to Section 10.03.01(B), alternative preliminary plat review for plats of 3 to 50 lots; D. Hear appeals of denial of Certificates of Concurrency & make a recommendation to the City Commission. E. Other duties as described by City ordinance or policy. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE E. Other duties as described by City Ordinance or policy. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 < PREVIOUS 8.04.00. COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.04.01. Authority. Pursuant to Chapter 163, Part III, F.S., & adopted by Resolution 2004-05-35, there is hereby created an agency to be known as the Lynn Haven Community Redevelopment Agency (Agency). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.04.02. Membership, Terms, & Vacancies. A. The Agency shall consist of the Lynn Haven City Commission. B. The term of membership shall be commensurate with the terms of office served by each City Commissioner & the Mayor. C. A vacancy occurring during a term shall be filled in the same manner as provided for filling a vacancy in the term of the Mayor or other members of the City Commission. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.04.03. Organization. The following members shall serve as officers of the Agency: Unified Land Development Code 137 COMMISSIONS, BOARDS, AND AGENCIES NEXT > A. The Mayor shall serve as chair; and B. The Vice-Mayor shall serve as vice-chair. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER CHAPTER EIGHT EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 A. The Community Redevelopment Agency shall have the powers as provided under Part III of Chapter 163, F.S., with exception of the power reserved to the City Commission, as set forth in Section 163.358, F.S. B. The Community Redevelopment Agency shall have the following additional roles & responsibilities with respect to this ULDC: 1. To hear, consider, & make recommendations to the City Commission regarding amendment of the text of the Comprehensive Plan pertaining to growth & development within the CRA Overlay District; & 2. To hear, consider, & make recommendations to the City Commission regarding amendment of the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan for properties within the CRA Overlay District. FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER ONE 8.04.04. Roles & Responsibilities. COMMISSIONS, BOARDS, AND AGENCIES NEXT > < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 138 CHAPTER 9. VARIATIONS FROM ULDC REQUIREMENTS. 10 9.00.00. GENERALLY. The purpose of this chapter is to provide mechanisms for obtaining relief from the provisions of this ULDC where hardship would otherwise occur. There are 2 ways that potential relief from hardship is addressed: relief through requirements regarding nonconforming development; &, potential relief through the grant of a variance from the design standards of this ULDC. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER CHAPTER NINE NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE 5 CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS 9.01.03. Specific Provisions for Nonconforming Residential Lots of Record. A.The minimum lot area, as specified in this ULDC for any residential land use district, shall not apply to lots upon which buildings existed prior to the adoption of this ULDC. B. The use of an attached single-family home in an area designated for low density residential land use shall not be considered a nonconforming situation as described in this Chapter; provided that (i) the subdivision or lot was platted prior to the adoption of Unified Land Development Code 139 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 6 9.01.02. Expansion or Modification of Nonconforming Uses or Structures. A. No existing building, structure or premises shall be changed, reconstructed, extended or structurally altered in any manner or used for any purpose not consistent with the provisions of this ULDC or any other applicable law. B. Such nonconforming use shall not be enlarged, increased or extended or occupy a greater area of land than at the time of the adoption of this ULDC. C. If such nonconforming use shall be discontinued for a continuous period of 180 days, every future use of such premises shall be in conformity with the provisions of this ULDC. D. A nonconforming structure may be repaired when such structure is partially destroyed or damaged, provided that the costs of repair or replacement are less than fifty (50) percent of the value of the structure, based on the appraised value as assessed by the County Property Appraiser. E. Any nonconforming building or structure, which has been destroyed fifty (50) percent or more by fire, explosion, act of God or the public enemy, may not be continued, except in conformity with this ULDC. F. Where the nonconformity is solely due to either the impervious surface ratio or the stormwater management system, structural additions may be made under the following conditions: 1. The proposed addition is less than 20% percent of the existing square footage, or less than 500 sq. ft, whichever is less; 2. The addition is not within the required setbacks or buffers; 3. No additional offsite discharge of stormwater is created; & 4. No additional parking spaces are required. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 7 A. Subject to the provisions in Section 9.01.00, the use of land or buildings existing on the date of enactment of this ULDC shall be allowed to continue, if such use is otherwise lawful. B. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the ordinary & routine maintenance & repair of nonconforming structures. C. Existing prohibited land uses within the wellhead protection area shall be considered nonconforming uses as established in Section 3.03.02. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 8 9.01.01. Continuation of Nonconforming Uses & Structures. The lawful use of a building, structure or premises, existing at the time of the adoption of this ULDC, may continue although such use does not conform to the provisions of this ULDC. INDICES 9 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 9.01.00. NONCONFORMING SITUATIONS. FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ VARIATION FROM ULDC REQUIREMENTS NEXT > this ULDC, & (ii) such attached single-family home existed or was under construction prior to the adoption of this ULDC. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER CHAPTER NINE NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 < PREVIOUS PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 Variance Findings A. The proposed variation does not constitute a change in the districts shown on the Official Land Use Map; B. Special conditions & circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved & which are not applicable to other lands, structures, or buildings in the same land use district; C. The special conditions & circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; D. Granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by the ULDC to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same land use district; E. Literal interpretation of the provisions of the ULDC would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by others in the same land use district under the terms of the ULDC & would work unnecessary & undue hardship on the applicant; F. The variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or structure; G. The grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent & purpose of this ULDC & that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare; H. Is not based on economic circumstances; & I. That the variance, if granted, is based on the findings required by this section. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 Table 9.02.02. Findings for Grant of a Variance. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 9.02.02. Required Findings for a Grant of Variance. In considering variations from the terms of this ULDC, the grant of a variance shall be based on an affirmative response for each of the following: TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 9.02.01. Generally. A. Where there are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships involved in carrying out the strict adherence to this ULDC, an application for a variance from the ULDC requirements may be made to the City, using the procedure established in Section 9.02.03. B. Requests for variances from the ULDC will be reviewed based on the required findings, as set forth in Section 9.02.02. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER ONE 9.02.00. VARIANCES. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9.02.03. Procedures for Variances. A. Any person requesting a variance from the terms of this ULDC shall make formal application to the City on forms provided by the City Manager. B. The appropriate fee, as established by the City Commission, shall accompany the application. No portion of the fee shall be refunded whether the request is withdrawn by the applicant, denied or granted by the City. C. Any variance or modification granted shall be recorded & entered into the minutes of the Board of Adjustment setting forth the reasons for granting the variance. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9.02.04. Specific Requirements for Variances in Areas of Flood Hazard. A. Generally. 1. Variances may be issued for the repair or rehabilitation of historic structures upon a determination that the proposed repair or rehabilitation will not preclude the structure’s continued designation as a historic structure & the variance is the minimum to preserve the historic character & design of the structure. 2. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Board of Adjustment Unified Land Development Code 140 VARIATION FROM ULDC REQUIREMENTS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER CHAPTER NINE NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 Table 9.02.04(B). Findings Specific to Areas of Flood Hazard. 1. The danger that materials may be swept onto other lands to the injury of others; 2. The danger to life & property due to flooding or erosion damage; 3. The susceptibility of the proposed facility & its contents to flood damage & the effect of such damage on the individual owner; 4. The importance of the services provided by the proposed facility to the community; 5. The necessity of the facility to a waterfront location, in the case of a functionally dependent facility; 6. The availability of alternative locations, not subject to flooding or erosion damages, for the proposed use; 7. The compatibility of the proposed use with existing & anticipated development; 8. The relationship of the proposed use to the comprehensive plan & floodplain management program for that area; 9. The safety of access to the property in times of flood for ordinary & emergency vehicles; 10. The expected heights, velocity, duration, rate of rise & sediment transport of the floodwaters & the effects of wave action, if applicable, expected at the site; & 11. The costs of providing governmental services during & after flood conditions including maintenance & repair of public utilities & facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical, water systems, & streets & bridges. C. Variances shall not be issued within any designated floodway, if any increase in flood levels during the base flood discharge would result. D. Upon consideration of the factors listed in this section, & the purposes of this ULDC, the Board of Adjustment may attach such conditions to the granting of variances as it deems necessary to further the purposes of this ULDC. E. Variances shall only be issued upon a determination that the variance is the minimum necessary, considering the flood hazard, to afford relief; & in the instance of a historical building, a determination that the variance is the minimum necessary so as not to destroy the historic character & design of the building. F. Variances shall only be issued upon showing of good & sufficient cause, a determination that failure to grant the variance would result in exceptional hardship, & a determination that the granting of a variance will not result in increased flood heights, additional threats to public safety, extraordinary public expense, create a nuisance, cause fraud on or victimization of the public, or conflict with existing local laws or ordinances. G. Any applicant to whom a variance is granted shall be given written notice specifying the difference between the base flood elevation & the elevation to which the building is to be built & stating that the cost of flood insurance will be commensurate with the increased risk resulting from the reduced lowest floor elevation. H. The Building Official shall maintain the records of all appeal actions & report any variances to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, upon request. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE 10 or any taxpayer may appeal such decision to the County Circuit Court. B. Required Findings. In passing upon such applications, the Board of Adjustment shall consider all technical evaluations, all relevant factors, all standards specified in other sections of this ULDC, & the factors listed in Table 9.02.04(B). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ VARIATION FROM ULDC REQUIREMENTS 9.02.05. Specific Requirements for Variances from Subdivision Standards. < PREVIOUS A. Applicability. A variance may be granted in any particular case where the subdivider can reasonably show that strict compliance to the subdivision standards will or could cause unnecessary hardship. Unified Land Development Code 141 NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER CHAPTER NINE NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE 9.03.00. APPEALS OF ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 4 1 < PREVIOUS 9.03.01. Applicability. Any person may file an appeal when it is alleged that there is error in any order, requirement or decision made by the City in the application or interpretation of this ULDC. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9.03.02. Time for Filing an Administrative Appeal. A. An applicant appealing an Administrative Decision, under the terms of this section, shall make formal application to the City & shall pay a fee, as established by the City Commission. No portion of the appropriate fee shall be refunded whether the request is withdrawn by the applicant, denied or granted by the City. B. An application for consideration of an appeal of an Administration Decision shall be filed with the City Manager within 30 days of the decision that is the subject of the Administrative Appeal. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE CHAPTER FOUR 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 B. Procedures. 1. An application for any such variance may be made in writing by the subdivider at the same time the preliminary plat is filed for consideration, in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 10. a. Such application shall state fully all facts relied upon by the subdivider, & shall be supplemented with maps, plans or other additional data which may aid the Board of Adjustment in the analysis of the proposed project. b. Such application shall be considered at the next regular meeting held by the Board of Adjustment. 2. The plans for such development shall include any covenants, restrictions or other legal provisions necessary to guarantee the full achievement of the proposed plat. 3. The fees to be paid for each application for a variance shall be established by the City Commission. C. Grant of a Variance. 1. A variance may be granted if: a. It is in reasonable harmony with, & does not offend, the intent & purpose of this section; b. It is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; c. The issuance of the variance will not unreasonably alter the essential character of the neighborhood; & d. Granting the variance will not be contrary, or substantially detrimental, to the public good, welfare, or interest. 2. In addition, the required findings in Section 9.02.02 shall be used in making a determination to grant or deny the request for a variance. 3. Once granted, a variance shall be effective as follows: a. A variance shall expire when the development order expires, if the project is not constructed; b. A variance issued for a vacant property shall expire at the end of 5 years if it is not used; or c. A variance tied to a development order or permit, once constructed, shall run with the property. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9.03.03. Appeals Specific to Storm Water Management Plans. A. Any person aggrieved by the action of any official charged with the enforcement of the Storm Water Management Plan (Section 6.04.00) shall have the right to appeal the action to the City Commission with a recommendation from the Planning Commission to approve or deny the appeal. B. Appeals may be filed for the following: 1. Disapproval of a properly filed application for a permit; 2. Issuance of a written notice of violation; or 3. An alleged failure to properly enforce this chapter in regard to a specific application. C. The Appeal shall be filed in writing within 20 days of the date of official transmittal of the final decision or determination to the applicant & shall state clearly the grounds on which the Appeal Unified Land Development Code 142 VARIATION FROM ULDC REQUIREMENTS NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER CHAPTER NINE NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX 5 CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 9.04.01. Reduction in Required Parking. A. A reduction of required parking spaces may be allowed by the City Manager when the reduction would result in: 1. The preservation of a protected tree with a trunk of 12 inches DBH or greater; or 2. The preservation of native shrubs &/or ground cover in a quantity exceeding the minimum requirements of Section 4.06.02. B. The reduction in required parking may be granted only if it will prevent the removal of a protected tree or native vegetation that is located within the area of the site designated as a vehicular use area. C. The following reduction schedule shall apply: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 9.04.00. ADMINISTRATIVE WAIVERS. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 A. A notice of appeal specifying each & every ground in support of granting the Certificate of Concurrency shall be submitted by the applicant to the City Manager within 20 days from the date of the written denial of the Certificate of Concurrency. B. The City Manager shall schedule the appeal to be heard at a Planning Commission & City Commission meeting, & shall transmit to the City Commission all papers constituting the record for which the action appealed from was taken. C. The City Manager shall notify the applicant in writing of the date, time, & location of the Planning Commission & City Commission meeting at which the appeal shall be heard. D. During the appeal proceeding, the applicant may appear in person or be represented by an agent or attorney. E. Applicants may be required to assume such reasonable costs as the City Commission may determine by ordinance, in setting fees to be charged for appeals. F. The applicant shall have the burden of proof to establish by the presentation of competent substantial evidence to the Planning Commission & City Commission that: 1. There was an error in the technical determinations made by the City to deny the Certificate of Concurrency; or 2. One or more of the conditions in Section 6.01.02 are satisfied that the necessary public facilities & service will be available concurrent with the impact of the development. G. Before rendering a decision regarding issuance of a certificate of concurrency, the City Commission shall make specific findings that the certificate of concurrency satisfies Sections 9.03.04(F)(1) or (2). H. Action taken by the City Commission to affirm, reverse, or modify the administrative decision to deny the Certificate of Concurrency shall be documented in writing in the form of a resolution signed by the chairman or vice-chairman, specifying the grounds therefore. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 9.03.04. Appeals Specific to Concurrency Management. A denial of a Certificate of Concurrency may be appealed by the applicant to the City Commission. FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER FIVE is based. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 9.04.01(C). Reduction in Parking. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Required Parking Reduction of Required Parking Spaces (No.) Spaces Allowable ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 to 4 0 5 to 9 1 10 to 19 2 20 or above 10% of total number of spaces maximum reduction regardless of number of trees or percentage of native vegetation preserved VARIATION FROM ULDC REQUIREMENTS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ < PREVIOUS 9.04.02. Wireless Communications. See Section 76-5 of the City of Lynn Haven Code of Ordinances for administrative actions pertaining to Wireless Communications. <Located Behind Chapter 10 of this Book> Unified Land Development Code 143 NEXT > 10 Chapter 10. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER CHAPTER TEN TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER THREE 3 2 CHAPTER ONE 4 1 < PREVIOUS PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 10.00.02. Development Permits & Local Development Orders Required. A. A development permit or local development order shall be required in conformance with the provisions of this ULDC prior to the commencement of any development activities. B. A development permit shall be required for the following activities: 1. Land clearing or modification; 2. Tree removal, & construction of any building or structure; 3. Installation of utilities, streets, driveways, drainage systems, building systems (electrical, gas, mechanical, or plumbing), accessory structures; & 4. Any other construction, reconstruction, site improvements, or modifications to the land or water on a site. C. A local development order shall be required prior to initiating construction for any of the activities authorized by the following: 1. Final development plan for planned unit development (PUD); 2. Final development plan for traditional neighborhood development (TND); 3. Preliminary & final subdivision plats; 4. Replat or reconfiguration; 5. Site plan; 6. Site plan for development subject to supplemental standards; 7. A change of use to food service uses, medical uses, uses that require an increase in parking spaces, or uses that require concurrency review; & 8. Development orders for developments of regional impact as defined in Section 380.06, F.S. D. No development permit shall be approved unless all required local development orders necessary to the development activity proposed in the development permit application have first been approved. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 10.00.01. Purpose & Intent. This chapter sets forth the procedures for receiving, reviewing, & rendering decisions on applications for development permits, local development orders, & amendments to this ULDC & to development permits & orders. Procedures for appealing decisions & seeking variation from the standards of this ULDC are set forth in Chapter 9. It is the City’s intent that the procedures, set forth in Chapter 10, shall be followed, in order to seek approval for any development. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER FOUR 10.00.00. GENERALLY. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.00.03. Exemptions. See Section 1.03.02 for a list of activities that are exempt from the requirement to obtain a local development order, prior to submission of an application for a development permit. The following activities are subject to specific requirements: A. Storm water management plan requirements, as set forth in Section 6.04.02(C); & B. Tree removal permits, as set forth in Section 4.06.00. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.00.04. Commencement of Work & Expiration of Development Permits & Local Development Orders. A. Commencement of work based on a development permit or a local development order shall be initiated within 1 year from the date the order is issued. B. The development permit or a local development order shall expire if work does not commence within 1 year from the date of issuance. C. Where a project is initiated under the development permit or a local development order, it may continue as long as the building and inspection process continues. D. Where activity toward completion of a project under a development permit or a local development order ceases for a period exceeding 6 months, the development permit or local development order shall be considered void. No further activity shall be undertaken until a Unified Land Development Code 144 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES NEXT > CHAPTER CHAPTER TEN TEN CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FOUR ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 10.01.00. Types of Applications & Responsible Parties for Final Review & Decision-Making. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Party Responsible for Final Review & Decision-Making 4 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Type of Application City City ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Manager Commission Site plan for development, with or without supplemental standards X Preliminary & final subdivision plats X PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE CHAPTER THREE 10.01.00. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS. The table below summarizes the final decision-making authority for the issuance of development permits & local development orders. FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 5 the only demonstration that the use & occupancy of land or buildings are in compliance with the requirements of this ULDC. A Certificate of Occupancy shall be received by the property owner, prior to the use or occupancy of land or buildings. When a change of use occurs, as set forth in Section 10.00.02(C)(7), a new Certificate of Occupancy shall be required. This section shall not be construed to apply to the transfer of ownership or the change of occupants, except as provided in Section 10.00.02(C)(7). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 6 CHAPTER FIVE 10.00.07. Certificate of Occupancy. A Certificate of Occupancy is 7 CHAPTER TWO INDICES 8 10.00.06. Fees for Independent Review of Applications. The City is authorized to enter into a contract with persons who have expertise necessary for the review of an application or a specific technical aspect of an application. The costs of such review shall be paid by the applicant. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 10.00.05. Fees Required. A. All appropriate fees shall be paid at the time an application for development review is submitted. B. No portion of the appropriate fee shall be refunded, whether the request is withdrawn by the applicant, denied or granted by the City. C. Permit fees shall reflect the cost of administration & management of the permitting process. D. The fee schedule may be amended from time to time by the City Commission. E. The City Commission shall establish a prorated fee schedule, specific to storm water management plans, based upon the relative complexity of the project. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER NINE new permit is issued. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PUD master plan & land use overlay1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 TND master plan & plan amendment1 X Amendments to local development orders X ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER ONE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Tree Removal Permit X Minor amendments to development permits X ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Large Scale Comprehensive Plan & FLUM Amendment X Small Scale Development Amendment (FLUM) X Amendment to the ULDC X ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ < PREVIOUS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unified Land Development Code 145 NEXT > 1 Both the TND & the PUD are processed as ordinances. CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER CHAPTER TEN TEN CHAPTER THREE 3 2 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 1 < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 146 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 A. Name, address, & phone number of the owner. B. Name, address, & phone number of the agent, if applicable. C. A legal description of the land to be occupied by such construction, including dimensions of the lot. D. Survey. E. Appropriate fee or fees as established by the City. F. Proof of ownership for all lands within the proposed project or use. G. A vicinity sketch showing existing land uses, future land use map designations, public facilities, streets & roads, north point, scale, & date. The sketch shall be referenced to easily recognizable physical features. H. Requirements for Areas of Flood Hazard. The following information shall be submitted when a proposed project is located within a flood hazard area, as established in Section 3.01.05. 1. Elevation in relation to mean sea level of the proposed lowest floor (including basement) of all buildings; 2. Elevation in relation to mean sea level to which any nonresidential building will be floodproofed; 3. Certificate from a registered professional engineer or architect that the nonresidential floodproofed building will meet the floodproofing criteria in Section 3.01.07; & 4. Description of the extent to which any watercourse will be altered or relocated as result of proposed development. 5. For projects in V-zones, elevation in relation to mean sea level of the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the lowest floor & provide a certification from a professional engineer or architect indicating that they have developed or reviewed, or both, the structural designs, specifications & plans of the construction & certified that they are in accordance with accepted standards or practice in Coastal High Hazard Areas. 6. During construction within a flood hazard area, the following elevations & certifications shall be submitted: a. Upon placement of the lowest floor or floodproofing by whatever construction means or upon placement of the horizontal structural members of the lowest floor, whichever is applicable, it shall be the duty of the permit holder to submit to the Building Official whichever document is applicable, as built, in relation to mean sea level: i. A certification of the NGVD or NAVD elevation of the lowest floor, ii. A floodproofed elevation, or iii. The elevation of the lowest portion of the horizontal structural members of the lowest floor. iv. Such certification shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of a registered land surveyor or professional engineer & certified by such surveyor & engineer. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 Table 10.01.02. General Development Application Submittal Requirements. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 10.01.02. General Requirements for all Applications. All applications for a development permit or a local development order shall be made to the City Manager on forms furnished by the City. All development applications shall contain, at a minimum, the information shown in Table 10.01.02. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 10.01.01. Pre-application Conference. A. A Pre-application Conference may be requested by any person proposing development within the City of Lynn Haven. A Preapplication Meeting to review City requirements is encouraged but not required. B. The Pre-application Conference shall be scheduled with the Technical Review Committee (TRC) to occur at the next regular meeting date of the TRC. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER EIGHT ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES NEXT > CHAPTER CHAPTER TEN TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER FIVE 5 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS Site plan drawn to scale showing the nature, location, C Engineering calculations, including traffic calculations & the requirements for a Storm Water Management Plan. D Third party permits, as applicable (FDEP, FDOT, USACOE, County). E Tree survey & landscape plan (Section 4.06.00). F Concurrency calculations (Section 6.01.02). G Erosion control. H For new construction, include drawings to scale or dimensions shown for the following plans, including specifications: dimensions, & elevations of the area in question, existing or proposed structures, fill, storage of materials, drainage facilities, utilities & the location of such items. 1. Floor plan; 2. Front, side, & rear elevation plans; 3. Utility plan; & PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 4 Requirements listed in Section 10.01.02. B FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 A CELL TOWER ORDINANCE CHAPTER SIX Table 10.01.03. Submittal Requirements for Applications for Local Development Orders. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 CHAPTER FOUR 10.01.03. Application for Local Development Orders. An application for a local development order shall include, but may not be limited to, the following: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 v. When floodproofing is utilized for a particular building, the certification shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of a professional engineer or architect & certified by such engineer & architect. b. Any work undertaken prior to submission of the certification shall be at the permit holder’s risk. c. The Building Official shall review the floor elevation survey data submitted. d. Deficiencies detected by such review shall be corrected by the permit holder immediately & prior to further progressive work being permitted to proceed. e. Failure to submit the survey or failure to make the corrections required hereby shall be cause to issue a Stop Work Order for the project. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Wetlands locations. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.01.04. Application for Development Permits. All development activity shall require issuance of a permit by the City. Each development permit shall include the following information: A. Tree removal permit. Permit applications for the removal, relocation, alteration, or replacement of trees, as regulated in Section 4.06.05, shall be submitted as part of development plans for subdivisions, PUD & TND master plans, & site plans. A separate application for a permit is required only where the tree removal or site clearing is separate from any other development activity. 1. The application shall include a written statement indicating the reasons for the requested action & the following: a. Location of all existing or proposed structures, improvements, & site uses, properly dimensioned in reference to property lines, setback, & yard requirements in spatial relationship; b. Proposed changes, if any, in site elevations, grades & major contours; c. Location of existing proposed utility services; d. Location & identification of all trees (common or botanical name) which are a minimum of 8 inches in diameter measured at Unified Land Development Code 147 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES NEXT > CHAPTER CHAPTER TEN TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER THREE 3 2 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 1 < PREVIOUS Table 10.01.06(C). PUD & TND Master Plan Submittal Requirements. 1. Concept Plan. Prior to submitting a formal application for development plan approval, the developer shall submit a concept plan to the TRC to include: a. A legal description of the parcel; b. An area map showing adjacent property owners & existing uses within 300 feet of the parcel; & c. A sketch plan drawn approximately to scale, showing the proposed use, conceptual design & layout of buildings, proposed vehicle & pedestrian rights-of-way & open space areas. 2. Preliminary Development Plans. The applicant shall present the preliminary development plan, along with the appropriate fee, to the City Manager. Maps & graphic illustrations shall be drawn at the required scale. The application shall include the information set forth in Section 10.01.03, as well as the following information in written & graphic form: a. A discussion of the compatible relationship of the proposed development to the planned unit or traditional neighborhood development concept & adjacent land uses; b. A description of the physical characteristics of the proposed development, including total acreage, number of dwelling units, Unified Land Development Code 148 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 10.01.06. Submittal Requirements for PUD & TND Master Plans. A. An application for concept plan approval shall be filed along with an application to amend the Future Land Use Map. B. The proposed amendment to the Future Land Use Map shall be processed, as required by State law. C. The master plan for either a PUD or a TND shall be submitted as shown in Table 10.01.06(C). A complete master plan consists of a concept plan, a preliminary development plan, & a final development plan. See Section 10.06.00 regarding requirements for amendments to development orders, including master plans for PUDs & TNDs. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 10.01.05. Submittal Requirements for Site Plans, with or without Supplemental Standards. A. All commercial, industrial, & multifamily site plans shall be submitted in compliance with the requirements of Section 10.01.03. B. Additional plans, documents, or reports that are necessary to support the application shall be submitted. Such plans, documents, or reports shall include, but are not limited to, parking studies or environmental impact studies. Requirements for parking studies are set forth in Section 6.05.13. Requirements for environmental impact studies are set forth by regional, state, & federal agencies with jurisdiction & in Chapter 3 of this ULDC. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 DBH on the site within 30 feet of the buildable area, designating the trees to be retained, altered, removed, relocated, or replaced. Smaller trees to be retained may also be shown by the applicant to assist the City Manager in determining replacement requirements. Groups of trees in close proximity may be designated as “clumps,” “forests,” or “dense tree cover” with the estimated number & type of trees noted. Only those trees to be removed, altered, relocated, or replaced shall be named (common or botanical name) on the site plan; e. Tree information required in Section 10.01.04(A)(1)(d) shall be summarized in legible form on the plan & shall include the reason for the proposed alteration, removal, relocation, or replacement; f. Applications involving developed properties may be based on drawings showing only that portion of the site directly involved and adjacent structures & landscaping on natural growth incidental thereto; & g. For trees that are to be saved or retained, include a statement of how these tree areas are to be protected during construction & landscaping operations. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES NEXT > CHAPTER CHAPTER TEN TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS 10.01.07. Submittal Requirements for Storm Water Management Plans. Storm Water Management Plan submittal requirements are set forth in Section 6.04.04. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.01.08. Submittal Requirements for Preliminary Subdivision Plats. Preliminary plat submittal shall address the following items: A. The construction plans shall be submitted to the City Manager, according to the established schedule. B. An application containing the information required by Section 10.01.03. Unified Land Development Code 149 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 dwelling unit density by land use category, impervious surface ratios, minimum dimensional standards, lot size, yard & spacing requirements, & amount & location of common open space; c. Agreements, provisions, covenants, & other assurances governing the ownership, development, use, maintenance, & protection of all areas of the proposed development; d. A general statement of the proposed development schedule; e. A preliminary development plan showing the location, proposed use & height of all buildings; the quantity of each proposed use; the location of all parking & loading areas, with ingress & egress drives thereto; the location & proposed development of all common open spaces; the location of all existing or proposed site improvements, including drains, culverts, retaining walls & fences; the location & size of all signs; & the location & design of street parking lighting, landscaping & buffers; f. The location & availability of all utilities & the location of easements; g. A map or transparent overlay showing existing topographical contours of the proposed project; & h. General architectural features & the appearance of all building types. 3. Final Development Plans. The final development plan shall be in basic compliance with the preliminary development plan & conform to all the conditions, as adopted by the City Commission & provisions of this ULDC. The final development plan shall be submitted as required by the City for recording. The final development plan shall include the following information: 1. A statement of the number of acres, dwelling units, & net density by type of land use, including minimum standards proposed for floor area, lot size, & yard & spacing requirements; 2. A specific statement of the development schedule; 3. A detailed statement of agreements, provisions, & covenants which govern the ownership, development, use, maintenance, & protection of the development in any common or open space; 4. A brief summary indicating the total acreage of the project; the total acreage in residential use, commercial use, common open space, recreational area, parking lots & access ways; & the number of dwelling unit density; 5. Definitive maps & other graphic illustrations: i. The location & name of existing & proposed streets & the location of pedestrian walkways & bicycle paths; ii. The location, size & type of all buffers; iii. The location and dimensions of all easements; iv. The location & dimensions of all lots; v. A complete engineering plan for all utilities & drainage; vi. The location of all buildings, structures, facilities & amenities, including parking lots & access ways in the project; vii. The location of off-street parking & loading facilities; & viii. The location & use of existing & proposed public, semipublic or community facilities, including areas proposed to be dedicated or reserved for community or public use. 6. A definitive drawing showing general architectural features & the appearance of representative building types; & 7. A phasing plan, if proposed. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES NEXT > CHAPTER CHAPTER TEN TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 150 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 Preliminary plats shall be drawn to scale & shall include the following: 1. The name of the proposed subdivision which shall not duplicate or closely approximate the name of any other subdivision in the City. 2. Certification of registered civil engineer & the land surveyor who prepared the plat. 3. Legal description of the property, which is so complete that from it, without reference to the plat, the starting point and boundary can be determined. The description should reference the sectiontownship-range as applicable. If in a land grant, the plat will so state that fact. The initial point in the description shall be to the nearest government corner or other recorded and well established corner. Section lines & 40 acre section lines occurring in the platted land shall be indicated by lines drawn upon the plat with appropriate words & figures. 4. A vicinity sketch drawn to scale showing all adjacent existing subdivisions & their names, the tract lines of acreage parcels of land, & all street & alley lines immediately adjoining the proposed subdivision, & between it & the nearest highway or thoroughfares. The sketch shall be referenced to easily recognizable physical features. 5. The boundary lines, accurate in scale, of the tract to be subdivided. Recording or survey discrepancies of adjoining or referenced tracts are to be shown in detail. 6. The location, widths, & names of all existing or platted streets or roads & all easements within & immediately adjacent to the tract & other important features such as watercourses, railroad lines, etc. 7. Existing sewers, water mains, culverts with pipe sizes, other underground structures & utilities within & immediately adjacent to the tract. 8. The names & recording date (plat book & page) of adjoining subdivisions. 9. Contours with intervals of 1 foot, or as needed for clarity, referenced to USGS NGVD Datum. 10. The layout & widths of proposed streets, easements, lot lines, lot numbers, block numbers & proposed lots. 11. Proposed front yard building setback & all other setback lines. 12. All parcels of land intended to be dedicated to or reserved for FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CHAPTER ONE Table 10.01.08(F). Preliminary Plat Requirements. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 C. Payment to the City for all legal fees, advertisement, & engineering fees anticipated by the City Manager to be charged to the City for payment of legal, advertisement, & engineering services to be performed, as a result of plat approval & construction of the subdivision. 1. The City Manager shall ascertain the anticipated legal & engineering fees after consulting with the City Attorney & the City Engineer. 2. If the legal, advertisement, or engineering fees collected by the City are in excess of those actually charged the City, the subdivider shall be entitled to a refund of the excess fee. 3. If the legal, advertisement, or engineering fees collected by the City are insufficient to pay those actually charged the City, the subdivider shall pay the deficiency to the City, upon written request of the City Manager. D. Draft protective covenants whereby the subdivider proposes to regulate land use in the subdivision & otherwise protect the proposed development. Such covenants shall be consistent with & conforming to the goals, objectives & policies of the Comprehensive Plan, if applicable. E. A draft of any agreements for services which the developer wishes to enter into with the City. F. The preliminary plat shall comply with the requirements set forth in Table 10.01.08(F). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES NEXT > CHAPTER CHAPTER TEN TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS 10.01.09. Submittal Requirements for Final Plats. The final plat shall incorporate all changes, modifications, & revisions required; otherwise it shall conform to the approved preliminary plat. A. The final plat shall be drawn in compliance with State law & City requirements. B. The developer shall submit a written application, appropriate fees as established by the City Commission, & the final plat which complies with Chapter 177, F.S. no later than 1 year after the date of approval of the preliminary plat, or it will be considered void unless an extension is requested by the subdivider & granted, in writing, by the City Commission. C. Protective covenants, if proposed, in a form for recording. D. Other certificates, affidavits, endorsements, or deductions, as may be required by the City in the enforcement of these regulations. E. The final plat shall comply with the provisions set forth in Table 10.01.09(E). F. A minor subdivision meeting the requirements of Section Unified Land Development Code 151 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 1. Plans & profiles of each proposed street & sidewalk at a horizontal scale of 50 feet or less to the inch & vertical scale of 5 feet or less to the inch, with tentative grades indicated; including plans, profiles & proposed sanitary sewers, also storm water sewers, if required, with grades & sizes indicated. 2. Typical cross sections of each proposed street & sidewalk, including private streets, at a horizontal & vertical scale of 5 feet or less to the inch, showing the width of pavement, the location & width of sidewalks when installed, & the location of the utility main. 3. A complete grading plan. 4. A minimum of 2 benchmarks, not more than 1,500 feet apart. Benchmarks shall not be required at closer intervals than 600 feet. 5. Drainage plans & calculations in compliance with the stormwater level of service standard in the Comprehensive Plan. The plans shall include all necessary calculations & documentation demonstrating the adequacy of the proposed facilities. Proof of compliance with the rules & regulations of state & federal regulatory agencies shall be submitted with the improvements plan. 6. Construction plans of all water, sewage, pumping, & treatment systems shall include a layout of piping system detailing line size, material, & what the line is carrying. a. Mechanical plans for water & sewage pumping stations & water & sewage treatment plants shall, at a minimum, include a plan of the facilities in two sections. b. Electrical plans shall include wiring routes & a line diagram & any control system diagrams. c. Structural plans, where necessary, shall include foundation plans, detail of concrete steel, & slab & wall thicknesses. d. Plans of sewer package plant, if applicable, shall include landscaping & physical buffering to include security. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 Table 10.01.08(G). Requirements for Improvement Plans. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 public use; to be reserved in the deeds for the common use of property owners in the subdivision, or to be reserved for the common ownership of property owners in the subdivision; with the purposes, conditions, or limitations of such dedication or reservation indicated. 13. Borings with existing & maximum water table elevations at least every 500 feet along roadway. 14. Postal addresses will be obtained from the City Manager. 15. Location of sites, if any, for multifamily dwellings, shopping centers, banks, offices, hospitals, cemeteries, recreational areas, churches, industry, or other nonpublic uses exclusive of singlefamily dwellings. 16. Site data, including number of residential lots, typical lot size, & acres in parks, etc. G. Improvement plans shall be submitted along with the preliminary plat & shall include the information set forth in Table 10.01.08(G). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES NEXT > 4.03.05 shall submit the items marked by *. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER CHAPTER TEN TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER TWO 3 2 CHAPTER ONE 4 1 < PREVIOUS 10.01.10. Submittal Requirements for Comprehensive Plan Amendments & Amendments to the ULDC. In addition to the information required in Section 10.01.02, all applications for amendments to the Comprehensive Plan or this ULDC shall include the information set forth in this section. A. A description of the proposed amendment, with specific citations to the Comprehensive Plan or ULDC sections proposed for amendment. Where the proposed amendment is only to the Future Land Use Map, the application shall describe the existing & proposed Future Land Use Map categories. B. Supporting information to fully justify the proposed amendment. C. For amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, documentation of anticipated impacts & any proposed mitigation of such impacts. D. A detailed statement describing consistency of the proposed amendment with the Comprehensive Plan. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 1.* Primary control points, approved by the City, or descriptions & “ties” to show control points, to which all dimensions, angles, bearings, & similar data on the plat shall be referred. 2.* Tract boundary lines, rights-of-way lines of streets, easements, & other rights-of-way, & property lines of residential lots & other sites, with accurate dimensions, bearings, or deflection angles, & radii, arcs, & central angles of all curves. 3.* Name & right-of-way width of each street or other right-of-way. 4.* Location, dimensions, & purpose of any easement. 5.* Number to identify each lot or site. Postal addresses as assigned by the City shall be indicated on each lot. 6. Purpose for which sites, other than residential lots, are dedicated or reserved. 7.* Minimum building setback lines on all lots & other sites. 8.* Location & description of monuments. 9. Names or record owners of adjoining unplatted land. 10. References to recorded subdivision plats of adjoining platted land by record name, date, & number. 11.* Certification by licensed surveyor certifying to the accuracy of the survey & plat. 12.* Certification of title showing that the applicant is the landowner. 13. Statements by the owner dedicating streets, rights-of-way & any sites for public use. 14.* Title, scale, north arrow, & date. 15. Location & size of proposed sanitary sewer lines, water mains, & package sewage plants. 16.* Maximum high water level where platted areas abut to, or contain lakes, rivers, or permanent ponding basins. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE 10 CHAPTER THREE Table 10.01.09(E). Final Plat Requirements. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.02.00. NOTICE REQUIREMENTS. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.02.01. Generally. A. Notice shall be required for the following types of applications: 1. Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan; 2. Amendments to this ULDC; 3. Sites plans; 4. Variances; 5. Administrative appeals; 6. PUD & TND final development plans; & 7. Preliminary or final subdivision plats. B. Notices for amendments to the Comprehensive Plan & amendments to this ULDC shall comply with the requirements of State law. C. All required notices shall contain the following information: 1. The name of the applicant. 2. The location of the property for which development approval is sought. Unified Land Development Code 152 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES NEXT > CHAPTER CHAPTER TEN TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE 5 CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS 10.03.01. Review & Compliance Report by TRC. A. Preliminary plat review. 1. The TRC will review the preliminary plat & prepare a report documenting the compliance of the application & preliminary plat with the standards & criteria of this ULDC. 2. Following receipt of the TRC report, the City Manager shall submit the preliminary plat, the application, & the compliance report to the Planning Commission, with a recommendation for approval, denial, or revisions of the preliminary plat. 3. The application, supporting materials, & the recommendation of the Planning Commission shall be forwarded to the City Commission for action. B. Alternative preliminary plat review for plats of 3 to 50 lots. 1. Instead of the procedure in Section 10.03.01 (A), following receipt of the TRC report, the City Manager may submit the preliminary plat, the application & the compliance report directly to the City Commission for action with a recommendation for approval, denial or revisions of the preliminary plat, provided the development does not impact the Capital Improvements Element. 2. The City Manager will determine the development does not impact the Capital Improvements Element when: a. Strategies to rectify lack of concurrency, implemented in Section 6.01.05, are not required & b. Proportionate Fair-Share Transportation Mitigation, implemented in Section 6.01.06, is not required. C. Final plat review. 1. The TRC shall review the final plat & prepare a compliance Unified Land Development Code 153 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 10.03.00. PROCEDURES FOR REVIEW & DECISION-MAKING. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 10.02.04. Published Notice Requirements. A. The City shall publish a notice in a newspaper of general circulation in Bay County. B. The notice shall contain the information set forth in Section 10.02.01. C. The notice shall comply with all requirements of State law regarding size & placement in the newspaper. D. The costs of publishing such notice shall be paid by the applicant. Payment of such costs shall be made prior to scheduling any required public hearing. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 10.02.03. Mailed Notice Requirements. Notice for public hearings for variances & establishment or amendment of overlay district boundaries shall be mailed to abutting property owners within 100 feet of the subject property. Such mailed notice shall be completed by the applicant & proof of such notice shall be provided to the City, prior to the public hearing, in the form of an affidavit or certificate of mailing from the Post Office. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 10.02.02. Posted Notice Requirements. A public notice sign shall be posted on the property (that is identified in the application) regarding the proposed change or development. A. The sign shall be located in a manner to ensure that it is clearly visible on each portion of the subject property that fronts on a roadway. 1. The sign & notice shall contain the information set forth in Section 10.02.01(C). 2. Failure to place, maintain, or replace the sign shall not affect the jurisdiction of the reviewing board or decision-making entity to consider the application or the validity of any resulting decision. B. The City shall post a notice in a conspicuous place at City Hall. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE 10 3. The nature of the approval sought by the applicant. 4. The date, time, & place of any applicable public hearings on the application. D. Except as required in Section 10.02.01(B), notice shall be provided a minimum of 15 days before the applicable public hearing. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES NEXT > CHAPTER CHAPTER TEN TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS 10.03.02. Procedures for Action by the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). A. The CRA shall hold a public hearing on matters pertaining to an application within the Community Redevelopment Area. B. The CRA shall recommend approval, approval with conditions, or denial of the application to the City Commission. The City Commission may take action on the same application during the regular meeting at which the CRA hears & recommends an action. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.03.03. Procedures for Action by the Planning Commission. A. Compliance reports submitted to the Planning Commission shall contain proposed findings regarding consistency of the application with the goals, objectives, & policies of the Comprehensive Plan & with the requirements of the ULDC. B. Review of preliminary subdivision plats reviewed according to Unified Land Development Code 154 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 report to document the consistency of the final plat with the preliminary plat & with the requirements of this ULDC. 2. For plats of 2 to 50 lots, the City Manager shall submit the final plat, the application, & the compliance report to the City Commission with a recommendation for approval, denial. or approval with conditions. 3. For plats greater than 50, the City Manager shall submit the final plat, the application, & the compliance report to the Planning Commission with a recommendation for approval, denial, or approval with conditions. 4. The application, supporting materials, & the recommendation of the Planning Commission shall be forwarded to the City Commission for action. D. PUD & TND master plan review. 1. The TRC shall meet with the applicant to review the concept plan prior to consideration of a preliminary development plan. 2. Preliminary development plan review. The TRC shall review applications for compliance with Sections 4.04.00 & 4.05.00, as applicable, & prepare a report documenting compliance of the application & preliminary development plan with the standards and criteria of this ULDC. The compliance report shall be forwarded to the Planning Commission for review & recommendation. The application, supporting materials, & the recommendation of the Planning Commission shall be forwarded to the City Commission for action. 3. Final development plan review. The TRC shall review the final development plan & prepare a report documenting the consistency of the final development plan with the preliminary development plan and with the standards & criteria of this ULDC. The compliance report shall be forwarded to the Planning Commission for review & recommendation. The application, supporting materials, & the recommendation of the Planning Commission shall be forwarded to the City Commission for action. E. Site plan review, with or without supplemental standards. 1. The TRC shall review site plans for compliance with the applicable standards set forth in the ULDC & prepare a report documenting its findings. 2. When the site plan does not comply with the requirements of the ULDC, the applicant may provide additional information or resubmit a revised site plan. The TRC shall review the revised plan at its next regular meeting & prepare a revised compliance report. 3. The TRC shall forward the compliance report, with recommendations of the TRC for approval, denial, or approval with conditions, to the Planning Commission for review at the next available meeting. 4. The application, supporting materials, & the recommendation of the Planning Commission shall be forwarded to the City Commission for action. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES NEXT > CHAPTER CHAPTER TEN TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS 10.03.04. Procedures for Action by the City Commission. A. Preliminary plat review. 1. The City Commission shall hold a public hearing on the preliminary plat, according to the published schedule. 2. After receiving the City Manager’s recommendation for subdivisions reviewed, according to Section 10.03.01(B) or the Planning Commission’s recommendations, the City Commission shall act to approve or deny the preliminary plat. 3. The City Commission may require modifications, changes, & revisions of the plat as it deems necessary to protect the health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience, & general welfare of the community. 4. If the preliminary plat is not approved by the City Commission, the reasons for such action shall be recorded in the proceedings & transmitted to the applicant within 15 days. B. Final plat review. 1. The City Commission shall take action on the final plat at a public meeting, according to the published schedule. 2. If the plat is approved, the City Commission shall sign the plat, & the subdivider shall then record it with the County within 30 days or the approved plat shall be considered void. 3. The subdivider shall, immediately upon recording, furnish the City Manager with a reproducible copy, original linen or Mylar, of the recorded plat & 2 prints. Failure to furnish such copies Unified Land Development Code 155 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 Section 10.03.01(A). 1. The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the preliminary plat, according to the published schedule. 2. The subdivider or his representatives shall appear before the Planning Commission at the public hearing, in order to answer questions concerning the preliminary plat. 3. The report of the Planning Commission shall be submitted to the City Commission, according to the published schedule. C. Review of final subdivision plats reviewed according to Section 10.03.01(A). 1. The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the final plat, according to the published schedule. 2. The subdivider or his representatives shall appear before the Planning Commission at the public hearing, in order to answer questions concerning the final plat. 3. The report of the Planning Commission shall be submitted to the City Commission according to the published schedule. D. Review of PUD & TND master plans shall be in compliance with the requirements set forth in the ULDC. 1. Preliminary development plan review. a. The Planning Commission shall consider the proposed preliminary development plan at a public hearing. b. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission shall forward the preliminary plan & application to the City Commission with a recommendation to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the preliminary development plan. 2. Final development plan review. a. The Planning Commission shall consider the proposed final development plan at a public hearing. b. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission shall forward the final development plan & application to the City Commission with a recommendation to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the preliminary development plan. E. Site plan review, with or without supplemental standards. 1. The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing to review the site plan application. 2. The Planning Commission shall vote to recommend approval, approval with conditions, or deny the application & shall forward the plan & recommendation to the City Commission for final action ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES NEXT > CHAPTER CHAPTER TEN TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE 3 2 CHAPTER ONE 4 1 < PREVIOUS 10.04.00. QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARINGS. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.04.01. Generally. A. A quasi-judicial hearing shall be scheduled when all required reports & procedures have been completed. A quasi-judicial hearing shall not be scheduled until an applicant has paid all outstanding amounts. B. A quorum of the decision-making entity shall be present. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.04.02. Conduct of hearings. A. The hearing shall be conducted in a manner to protect the due process rights of the applicant and affected parties. B. All testimony presented by the applicant, any affected party, any witness for a party, or the staff (other than legal advice given by the City attorney) shall be given under oath. C. The applicant, any affected party, & the staff may cross-examine any person presenting information at the hearing. D. An electronic record shall be made of the hearing. E. Members of the general public may provide comment during the hearing. If a member of the general public desires his or her testimony to be considered as potential competent substantial evidence, such person shall be placed under oath & subject to cross-examination. F. The decision-making entity may question the applicant, other parties, witnesses, & the City staff at any time during the hearing. G. The decision-making entity shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the matters under consideration. The decision shall be based upon competent substantial evidence presented during the hearing. H. The decision-making entity shall enter a written order which contains findings of fact & conclusions of law in support of its decision. I. The decision-making entity’s written order shall be transmitted & Unified Land Development Code 156 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 shall be grounds for refusal to issue building permits for the lots within the plat. C. Minor subdivision review 1. The City Commission shall take action on the final plat at a public meeting, according to the published schedule. 2. If the plat is approved, the Mayor shall sign the plat, & the subdivider shall then record it with the County within 30 days or the approved plat shall be considered void. 3. The subdivider shall, immediately upon recording, furnish the City Manager with a copy. Failure to furnish such copies shall be grounds for refusal to issue building permits for the lots within the plat. D. PUD/TND preliminary development plan review. 1. The City Commission shall hold a public hearing for the purpose of determining whether or not the preliminary development plan should be approved. 2. If, after the public hearing, the City Commission approves the preliminary development plan, the developer shall then submit his final development plan within 12 months of the date of approval of the preliminary development plan. 3. For good cause shown, the City Commission may, at its discretion, extend the time in which to file the final development plan for up to 6 months. E. PUD/TND final development plan review. The City Commission shall consider the proposed final development plan at a public hearing according to the published schedule. The City Commission shall approve, deny, or approve with conditions the final development plan. F. Site plan review, with or without supplemental standards. The City Commission shall hold a public hearing to review the site plan application and take action to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES NEXT > CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 1 < PREVIOUS 10.05.00. CONSTRUCTION & IMPROVEMENTS. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.05.01. Compliance with Development Permits & Local Development Orders. Prior to the consideration of the final subdivision plat, final PUD development plan, or TND development plan by the City Commission, the person desiring such approval shall have completed all the necessary improvements in accordance with City specifications. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.05.02. Improvement Agreements, Guarantees, & Sureties. In lieu of the immediate installation of the required improvements, the developer may do one of the following: A. File an irrevocable letter of credit conditioned to secure the construction of the required improvements in a satisfactory manner & within a time period specified by the City Commission, such period not to exceed 1 year. The irrevocable letter of credit shall be executed by a surety company authorized to do business in the state & having a resident agent in the City. No such letter of credit shall be accepted unless it is enforceable by or payable to the City in a sum equal to the cost of constructing the improvements as estimated by the City Manager & unless its form, the surety thereon & the conditions thereof are approved by the City Attorney. B. Deposit with the City, or place in escrow cash, an irrevocable letter of credit, a cashier’s check, or a certified check in an amount equal to the cost of constructing the improvements, as estimated by the City Engineer. The City Manager may release portions of this security deposit as the work progresses to his satisfaction. The City Manager shall require that the amount on Unified Land Development Code 157 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 10.04.05. Order of Presentations. The following order of presentations shall be followed: A. Presentation by the City Manager of a compliance report regarding the pending application. B. Presentation by the applicant of evidence supporting the application. The applicant shall bear the burden of demonstrating that the application should be granted. C. An affected party is entitled to present evidence opposing the application. D. Public comment. E. Rebuttal by the City Manager, any affected party, & the applicant. F. Conclusion of the evidentiary portion of the hearing. G. Closing arguments by the City Manager, any affected party, & the applicant. H. Deliberation by the decision-making entity. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 10.04.04. Procedures Regarding Ex Parte Communication. A. A member of a decision-making entity shall not willfully participate in an ex parte communication regarding a pending application. B. All ex parte communications are presumed prejudicial, unless the approximate date & general substance of the ex parte communication is disclosed at the beginning of the quasi-judicial hearing at which the decision-making entity considers the pending application. C. The City may rebut the presumption of prejudice by demonstrating the absence of any actual prejudice to any party challenging the validity of a decision-making entity’s decision on the basis of ex parte communications. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 CHAPTER EIGHT 10 10.04.03. When Required. Quasi-judicial hearings shall be required for review of the following applications: A. PUD & TND preliminary & final development plans; B. Site plans with or without supplemental standards; & C. Preliminary plats. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE CHAPTER CHAPTER TEN TEN filed with the City Clerk, as part of the official records of the City. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES NEXT > CHAPTER CHAPTER TEN TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 10.07.00. ENFORCEMENT. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 A. A proposed increase in the amount of approved impervious surface of 5% or more; B. A proposed increase in the approved density of development (may also require an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan); C. A proposed decrease in the approved open space of 5% or more; D. A modification in the approved design concept, such as a substantial change in relationships among land uses, addition of a land use category not in the approved site plan or PUD or TND master plan, a substantial change in traffic pattern or points of ingress or egress; E. A modification in building location that affects required setbacks; F. A modification to the number of City required parking spaces; G. A modification in the landscaping or buffering that changes the approved dimensions of the buffer or the number of plants. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 10.06.01. Amendments Required. Changes to an approved local development order, as defined below, shall require specific approval of an amendment to a site plan, PUD master plan, TND master plan, or subdivision plat. The approval of an amendment shall follow the same procedure as the original approval. All applications shall demonstrate compliance with the required standards set forth in this ULDC. The following situations shall require consideration of an amended local development order: CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES 8 10.06.00. AMENDMENTS TO LOCAL DEVELOPMENT ORDERS. Any deviation or changes affecting conformity with this ULDC made in any plans prepared & to be used in construction without obtaining approval shall be grounds for revoking the building permit theretofore issued. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 deposit shall always be equal to or exceed the estimated cost of completing the improvements. Upon the City’s acceptance of the improvements, the developer shall post a 1 year maintenance bond or irrevocable letter of credit. The amount of the maintenance bond shall be determined by the City Manager, based on the cost of construction of the improvements. When all improvements have been made & accepted, the amount of the maintenance bond/ irrevocable letter of credit will normally be 10% of the amount of the improvements. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 10.07.01. Generally. 1 < PREVIOUS A. Any development activity that is commenced without prior approval of a storm water management plan or is conducted contrary to an approved stormwater management plan, as required by this ULDC, shall be deemed a public nuisance & may be restrained by injunction or otherwise abated in a manner provided by law. B. Any violation of any of the provisions of a development permit or local development order shall constitute a violation of this ULDC. C. Additional Prohibited Conditions. The following conditions are prohibited on improved property & are declared nuisances: 1. Any refuse of a height of more than 1 foot. 2. Any underbrush that exceeds 1 foot in height. 3. Any unfit or unsafe dwelling or structure. 4. Any weeds which exceed 1 foot in height. 5. Any luminaire which causes a light trespass that disturbs the owner(s) or person(s) inhabiting a neighboring residence. Investigation & enforcement of violations of this subsection shall be only upon written complaint signed & submitted by the aggrieved complaining party on a form acceptable to the City. 6. Any residential dwelling unit that does not: i. contain a minimum of 200 square feet of living space for each occupant thereof. For purposes of this subsection, living space Unified Land Development Code 158 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES NEXT > CHAPTER CHAPTER TEN TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 10.07.03. Code Enforcement Procedures. All code enforcement activities & procedures shall be carried out, as set forth in the City Code of Ordinances. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 10.07.02. Responsibility for Enforcement. The Building Official shall issue building permits & Certificates of Occupancy, inspect buildings & premises with reference to compliance with this ULDC, & generally enforce the provisions of this ULDC. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE 10 does not include unheated areas, bathrooms, closets, halls, storage, or utility space, & similar areas not used for living, sleeping, eating or cooking, & ii. contain a minimum of 1 flush water closet, 1 lavatory basin, & 1 bathtub or shower for each 5 occupants thereof. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES NEXT > < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 159 Figure 10.1: Subdivision Plat Process. Preliminary Plat & Construction Plans Planning Commission Public Hearing1 Approve City Commission Public Hearing1 Approve with changes Issue Local Development Order Issue Local Development Order Deny Final Plat Planning Commission Public Hearing 1 Improvements completed & accepted by the City City Commission Public Hearing Approve Needs Revision 30 Days to Record Plat Return to Preliminary Plat Process Deny Quasi-judicial procedures shall be used for Public hearings for preliminary plats. NEXT > < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 160 Figure 10.2: TND & PUD Process. Pre-Application Conference [Optional] [10.01.01] TRC Planning Commission & City Commission TRC Concept Plan [10.01.06] TRC Planning Commission & City Commission Preliminary Development Plan [10.01.02 & 10.01.03] Quasi-Judicial Hearing Procedures TRC Planning Commission City Commission CRA1 Final Development Plan [10.01.06] Figure 10.3: Site Plan Process. TRC Planning Commission City Commission CRA1 Submit Application [10.01.03/10.01.06] Note: CRA reviews where application is within the CRA District. Both Public hearings may be held at the same meeting, but requires the CRA to make a decision, prior to a decision by the City Commission. CRA approval of a commercial use described in Section 4.02.00 must be received, prior to the Planning Commission’s consideration of the application. 1 NEXT > < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 161 CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LYNN HAVEN, FLORIDA: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Communication Cell Sites & Antennas Regulations. CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 < PREVIOUS Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is to establish general guidelines for the siting of wireless Communications Cell Sites & antennas. The goals of this ordinance are to: (1) protect residential areas & land uses from potential adverse impacts of Cell Sites & antennas; (2) encourage the location of Cell Sites in nonresidential areas; (3) minimize the total number of Cell Sites throughout the community; (4) strongly encourage the joint use of new & existing Cell Sites as a primary option rather than construction of additional single-use Cell Sites; (5) encourage users of Cell Sites & antennas to locate them, to the extent possible, in areas where the adverse impact on the community is minimized; (6) encourage users of Cell Sites & antennas to configure them in a way that minimizes the adverse visual impact of the Cell Sites and antennas through careful design, siting, landscape screening, & innovative camouflaging techniques; (7) enhance the ability of the providers of telecommunications services to provide such services to the community quickly, effectively, & efficiently; (8) consider the public health & safety implications of Communication Cell Sites; &, Unified Land Development Code 162 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 (1) the City Commission seeks to preserve & enhance the positive aesthetic qualities of the built environment in the City of Lynn Haven; & (2) there exists a demand for the construction of new Communication Cell Sites in the City of Lynn Haven; & (3) it is in the public interest to accommodate the need for Communication Cell Sites while promoting & requiring co-location of existing & new communication Cell Sites & the use of existing buildings & structures as the primary option rather than construction of additional Cell Sites; & (4) it is necessary to protect residential areas & land uses from potential adverse impacts of Communication Cell Sites & to minimize adverse visual impacts of Communication Cell Sites through careful design, siting, landscape screening, & innovative camouflaging techniques; & (5) it is necessary to adopt the following amendments to the Comprehensive Plan & Land Development Code of the City of Lynn Haven to reflect recent changes in technology & federal regulations for such Cell Sites; & (6) the City Commission has determined that the provision for Communication Cell Sites in limited areas within the City of Lynn Haven would be consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan & would further the public’s health, safety & welfare. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 ORDINANCE NO. 654 “AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATION CODE, ARTICLE IV, ENTITLED LAND USE DISTRICTS, BY ADDING A NEW SECTION 76, ENTITLED “WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS CELL SITES & ANTENNAS”; PROVIDING DEFINlTIONS; PROVIDING FOR PERMITTED LOCATIONS; PROVIDING CONDITIONS FOR PERMITTED USES, ACCESSORY USES, & SPECIAL USES; PROVIDING FOR PERMITS & LEASE AGREEMENTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER; & PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL CELL TOWER TOWER ORDINANCE ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 Section 76-1: Definitions. As used in this ordinance, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below: (A) “Accessory Equipment Building” means any building, cabinet or equipment enclosure constructed for the primary purpose of housing the electronics, backup power, power generators & other free standing equipment associated with the operation of Antennas. (B) “Alternative support structure” means man-made structures, except Cell Sites, including, but not limited to, building, power poles, trees, clock towers, bell steeples, light poles, water towers & similar alternative-design mounting structures which allow for attachment of antennas that camouflage or conceal the presence of antennas. (C) “Antenna” means any exterior transmitting or receiving device mounted on a Cell Site, building or structure & used in communications that radiate or capture electromagnetic waves, digital signals, analog signals, radio frequencies (excluding radar signals), wireless telecommunications signals or other communication signals. The types include: (1) “Dish or parabolic” which is used for point-to-point communications. (2) “Dual-polarized (or cross-polarized)” which eliminates the ‘top-hat’ configuration of panel antennas by keeping the thin antennas very close to the mount. (3) “Panel” which is a sectorized antenna unit (pointed in three directions) commonly used in cellular & PCS systems & which can resemble plastic or glass light casings, such as seen on street lights, standing on their ends. Panel antennas are getting smaller, some appearing like florescent lights standing on their ends. (4) “Whip” which is an omnidirectional antenna that is a very thin element pointing up or down from its mount. (D) “Antenna Support Structure” means a facility that is constructed and designed primarily for the support of Antennas, which include the following types: (1) “Guyed Tower” - a tower that is supported in whole or in part by guy wires and ground anchors or other means of support, in addition to the superstructure of the tower itself; (2) “Lattice Tower” - a tower that consists of vertical and horizontal supports and crossed metal braces, which is usually triangular or square in a cross section; (3) “Monopole” - a tower of a single-pole design; (4) “Camouflaged Structure” - a structure designed to support antennas & designed to blend into the existing surroundings. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE 10 (9) avoid potential damage to adjacent properties from Cell Site failure through engineering & careful siting of Cell Site structures. In furtherance of these goals, the City of Lynn Haven shall give due consideration to the City of Lynn Haven’s Comprehensive Plan, zoning (now referred to as Future Land Use) map, existing land uses, & environmentally sensitive areas in approving sites for the location of Cell Sites & antennas. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Privately owned amateur radio & citizens band antennas’ support structures shall be exempt from this ordinance. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (E) “Backhaul network” means the lines that connect a provider’s Cell Sites to one or more cellular telephone switching office, & / or long distance providers, or the public switch telephone network. (F) “Camouflaged” means a structure designed to support one or more antennas, but designed to unobtrusively blend into the existing surroundings, disguised so as to not have the appearance of a Cell Site. Such Site shall be consistent in size & scale with the type of object it is designed to resemble. Where the reviewing authority has the option of varying setback requirements if the Cell Site can be integrated into existing or proposed structures, the test for interpreting whether a Cell Site is integrated should be whether the Cell Site truly resembles the structure in question, not whether it functions exactly like the structure in question (for example, a Cell Unified Land Development Code 163 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 164 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 Site mount designed to look like the light standards existing on a site, but without any light fixture attached). (G) “Cell Site” means any mount, structure or tower, greater than 15 feet in height, that is designed and constructed primarily for the purpose of supporting one or more antennas for telephone, radio & similar communication purposes, including self-supporting lattice Cell Sites, guyed Cell Sites, or monopole Cell Sites. The term includes radio & television transmission Cell Sites, microwave Cell Sites, common carrier Cell Sites, cellular telephone Cell Sites, alternative tower structures, & the like. The term includes the structure & any support thereto. (H)“Collocation” means when more than one FCC licensed Provider uses an Antenna Support Structure to attach Antennas. (I) “Commission” means the City of Lynn Haven Commission of the City of Lynn Haven, Florida. (J) “Existing Structures” means any lawfully constructed manmade structure, including, but not limited to, Antenna Support Structures, buildings, utility structures, light poles, clock towers, bell towers, steeples, water towers & the like, which allow for the attachment of Antennas. (K) “FAA” means the Federal Aviation Administration. (L) “FCC” means the Federal Communications Commission. (M) “Guyed Cell Site’’ means a communication mount that is supported, in whole or in part, by guy wires and ground anchors. (N) “Height” means, when referring to a Cell Site or other structure, the distance measured from the finished grade of the parcel to the highest point on the Cell Site or other structure, including the base pad and any antenna. (O) “Manager” means the City Manager of the City of Lynn Haven or his designee (P) “Monopole Cell Site” means a communication Cell Site consisting of a single pole, constructed without guy wires & ground anchors. (Q) “Mounts” are the structures or surface upon which antennas are mounted There are four types: (1) “Ground-Mounted” which are mounted on the ground, i.e.: (a) “Guyed Tower” is a monopole or lattice tower that is tied to the ground or other surface by diagonal cables. (b) “Lattice Tower” is a type of mount that is self-supporting with multiple legs & cross-bracing of structural steel. (c) “Mast” is a thin pole that resembles a light standard or a telephone pole. The dual-polarized (or cross-polarized) antenna is usually deployed on a “mast.” (d) “Monopole” is a thicker mount than a mast that is selfsupporting with a single shaft of wood, steel or concrete. A monopole is generally structurally acceptable up to 200 feet in height AGL (above ground level), above that it’s structural integrity is challenged by wind & deflection. (2) “Roof-Mounted” which are mounted on the roof of a building. (3) “Side-Mounted” which are mounted on the side of a building (4) “Structure-Mounted” which are mounted on a structure other than a building. (R) “Macrocell” are usually used in remote areas where they may have their own power source from diesel or propane power supplies. (S) “Microcell” are the smaller, shorter Cell Sites used to serve smaller areas & often located within right-of-ways. (T) “Pre-existing Cell Sites & Pre-existing Antennas” mean any Cell Sites or antennas for which a building permit or special use permit have been properly issued, prior to the effective date of this ordinance, including permitted Cell Sites or antennas that have not yet been constructed, so long as such approval is current & not expired. (U) “Provider” means an FCC licensed communications company. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE NEXT > CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 1 < PREVIOUS Section 76-3. General Requirements. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect, construct in place, place or reerect, replace, or repair any Cell Site without first making application to the City’s Department of Development & Planning & securing a Development Order approving said activity. (A) Accessories. Accessory buildings or structures to Communication Cell Sites shall not include offices, long-term vehicle storage, outdoor storage, broadcast studios, except for temporary emergency Unified Land Development Code 165 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER CELL TOWER ORDINANCE ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 Section 76-2: Applicability & Exceptions. (A) Cell Sites & Antennas. (1) New: All new Cell Sites or antennas in the City of Lynn Haven shall be subject to these regulations, except as provided in Sections 76-2 (B) thru (H), inclusive. (2) Existing: Any Cell Site which existed & was maintained in good order on the effective date of this Ordinance, & which does not conform to the provisions of this ordinance, is declared nonconforming. Such nonconforming Cell Sites may be legally maintained & continued in use for a period ending on September 25, 2003. On or before such date & time, all nonconforming Cell Sites shall be brought into compliance with the provisions of this ordinance or be removed by such date & time. (B) Amateur Radio Station Operators/Receive Only Antennas. This ordinance shall not govern any Cell Site, or the installation of any antenna, that is under seventy (70) feet in height & is owned & operated by a federally-licensed amateur radio station operator or is used exclusively for “receive only” antennas. (C) Expansion, Modification or Extension of Preexisting Cell Sites or Antennas. Other than the requirements of the FCC & applicable building and safety codes, preexisting Cell Sites & preexisting antennas shall not be required to meet the requirements of this ordinance, unless they are expanded or extended in height or otherwise modified in outer dimensions, in which case said modifications must be made in compliance with this ordinance. On or before September 25, 2003, all nonconforming Cell Sites shall be brought into compliance with the provisions of this ordinance or be removed by said date. (D) AM Array. For purposes of implementing this ordinance, an AM array, consisting of one or more Cell Site units & supporting ground system which functions as one AM broadcasting antenna, shall be considered one Cell Site. Measurements for setbacks & separation distances shall be measured from the outer perimeter of the Cell Sites included in the AM array. (E) Direct Broadcast, Etc. Antennas which receive direct broadcast satellite service, video programming services via multipoint distribution services, which are one meter or less in diameter in residential zones & three meters or less in diameter in nonresidential zones, shall not be required to meet the requirements of this ordinance. (F) Customer Premises Equipment. Telecommunication equipment on the premises of a telecommunication customer for the use of the occupants of the premises are not subject to the requirements of this ordinance. (G) Mobile Stations. Equipment which is not fixed & ordinarily moves, such as the end user’s equipment, e.g. wireless telephone, is not subject to the requirements of this ordinance. (H) Temporary Cell Site. Short-term event, post-disaster relief, etc. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FRONT PAGE 10 (V) “Temporary Antenna Support Facility” means a facility that is designed & constructed to serve, on a temporary basis, as a means of supporting Antennas & is used typically to provide emergency wireless communications service or to provide wireless communications service to special events. (W) “Search Ring” means a geographic area in which a Provider’s Antenna is intended to be located to serve the Provider’s coverage area. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 166 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL CELL TOWER TOWER ORDINANCE ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 purposes, or other structures or uses which are not needed to send or receive transmissions. Transmission equipment shall be automated to the greatest extent economically feasible to reduce traffic & congestion. Where the site abuts or has access to a collector street, access for motor vehicles shall be limited to the collector street. All buildings & support equipment shall comply with Section 76-7 & with the then applicable Land Use Regulations. (B) Additional Antennas. Any additional antennas, receipt or transmission dishes, or other similar receiving or transmitting devices proposed for attachment to an existing Communication Cell Site shall require review in the same manner as the existing Cell Site was originally approved. The intent of this requirement is to ensure compliance with the structural integrity, visual aesthetics, radiation standards & other standards established herein for locating Communication Cell Sites upon which additional antennas, communication dishes, etc., are to be installed. The application for approval to install additional antennas, dishes or other similar receiving devices shall include certification from a Florida-registered structural engineer, or other professional accepted by the City indicating that the additional device or devices installed will not adversely affect the structural integrity of the Communication Cell Site mount. A visual impact analysis shall be included as part of the application for approval to install one or more additional communication devices to an existing Cell Site. (C) Aesthetics/Camouflage. Cell-Sites & antennas shall meet the following requirements: (1) Cell Sites shall either maintain a galvanized steel finish, be subject to any applicable standards of the FAA, or be painted a neutral color so as to reduce visual obtrusiveness. Depending on location, additional screening may be required. (2) At a Cell Site, the design of the buildings & related structures shall, to the extent possible, use materials, colors, textures, screening, & landscaping that will blend them into the natural setting & surrounding buildings. (3) If an antenna is installed on a structure other than a Cell Site, the antenna & supporting electrical & mechanical equipment must be of a neutral color that is identical to, or closely compatible with, the color of the supporting structure, so as to make the antenna & related equipment as visually unobtrusive as possible. (D) Aircraft Hazard. Communication Cell Sites shall not encroach into or through any established public or private airport approach path as established by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Each application to construct a Communication Cell Site shall include proof of application for approval from the FAA & shall be submitted with each application for a Communication Cell Site. Based upon the location or height of a proposed Communication Cell Site, the City may require a statement of no objection from the Bay County/Panama City International Airport. A development order for an approved Communication Cell Site shall not be issued until FAA approval is obtained. (E) Bond for Performance, Maintenance &/or Removal upon Default. Together with its application for approval for the construction & use of a Cell Site, applicant must provide proof, acceptable to the City Manager, that it will provide a Performance Bond, upon final approval of its site permit, either in cash or by insurance policy issued by a properly licensed insurance company, duly authorized to do business in the State of Florida, Bay County, & the City of Lynn Haven. Said Bond shall be for an amount as to whether tower is collapsible within its own footprint; method of demolition; what special safety precautions will be necessary; & landfill disposal fees determined by this Code. (1) The amount that would be required to perform emergency maintenance on the Cell Site facility, upon the failure of the applicant to provide ordinary & necessary maintenance requested by the CELL TOWER ORDINANCE NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 167 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 City, plus, (2) The amount that would be required to safely take down, remove, & legally dispose of the Cell Site mount, all buildings, electrical paraphernalia, & other improvements related to the operation thereof, upon failure of the applicant to duly remove said Cell Site as otherwise provided in this ordinance, But which shall not, in the aggregate, exceed fees in Appendix A. The requirement for this bond shall be continuing in nature during the term of the permit & any extensions thereof & may be revised from time to time during the term & any extensions of the applicant’s permit, then taking into consideration reasonable adjustments for the original objectives of the bond, plus any modifications thereto. Should said bond be allowed to lapse or for any reason become unsecured, then, at the election of the City, the applicant’s permit may be revoked by the City, & the applicant shall be required to cease use of the facilities immediately. Further, should the applicant fail to cure said defect(s) within 10 days, the Bond shall be payable to the City of Lynn Haven, & the City may exert its rights to a lien against applicant’s other properties for any other expenses, costs & attorney’s fees incurred, in addition to the amount of said bond. (F) Building Codes: Safety Standards: Inspections. (1) Codes. To ensure the structural integrity of Cell Sites, the owner of a Cell Site shall ensure that it is maintained in compliance with standards contained in applicable state or local building codes & the applicable standards for towers that are published by the Electronic Industries Association, as amended from time to time. (2) Inspections. The City Manager, at the expense of the applicant, may require periodic inspection of Communication Cell Sites to ensure structural integrity. Such inspections may be required as follows: (a) Monopole Cell Sites - at least once every 10 years; (b) Self-Support Cell Sites - at least once every 5 years; (c) Guyed Cell Sites - at least once every 3 years, inspections shall be conducted by properly licensed engineers selected by the City & licensed to practice in the State of Florida. The results of such inspections shall be provided to the City Manager. (3) Removal. If, upon inspection, the City of Lynn Haven concludes that a Cell Site fails to comply with such codes and standards and constitutes a danger to persons or property, then upon notice being provided to the owner of the Cell Site, the owner shall have thirty (30) days to bring such Cell Site into compliance with such standards. Failure to bring such Cell Site into compliance within said thirty (30) days may constitute grounds for the removal of the Cell Site or antenna at the owner’s expense. (G) Certification by Specialized Engineers Required. All applications for construction of a Communication Cell Site shall be submitted & accompanied by certifications, which include the information serving as the basis for such certifications & certified by a State of Florida Licensed Professional Engineer, specializing with expertise in each area required by the City, including, but not limited to, structural soundness, electrical, radio communication facilities, & operational compliance, at the conclusion of the construction by an engineer having those qualifications. The applicant must provide an independent certification for each category of construction & installation by one so licensed & specialized. (H) Clustering. Placement of more than one Communication Cell Site on a land site is required & may be located as close to each other as technically feasible, unless it can be affirmatively shown to be impossible from a practical standpoint & for reasons other than expense, certified by the Applicant’s engineer duly licensed in the speciality, causing the impossibility of clustering & provided Cell Site failure characteristics of the Communication Cell Site on the site will not result in multiple Communication Cell Site failures, based on the certification of the applicant’s engineer, in the event that one CELL TOWER ORDINANCE NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 168 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 Communication Cell Site fails or will not present unacceptable risk to any other Communication Cell Site on the site. (I) Collocation, Multiple Antennas and Cell Site Plan. The City of Lynn Haven requires the users of Cell Sites & antennas to colocate multiple users on each Cell Site & to cluster Cell Sites within close proximity of each other, unless it can be affirmatively shown to be impossible from a practical standpoint & for reasons other than expense, certified to by Applicant’s engineer, duly licensed in the speciality causing the impossibility of collocation or clustering. To this end, users are required to submit future Location Plans which disclose future planned sites for additional Cell Sites &/or collocations. Applicant Users should submit a single application for approval of multiple Cell Sites, collocation sites, &/or multiple user mounts. In such event & when possible, the application shall be given priority in the review process & a height bonus, not to exceed 20 feet per additional user. (J) Fencing & Landscaping. (1) An 8-foot fence or wall, as measured from the finished grade of the site, shall be required around the base of a Communication Cell Site. The fence shall set back a minimum of 10 feet from the base of the Communication Cell Site. The required fence or wall may include an appropriate anti-climbing device. (2) Landscaping, consistent with the requirements of this code, shall be installed around the entire perimeter of the fence. Additionally, trees, at least 8 feet in height at planting, & planted at intervals sufficiently close to afford full screening within 2 years, shall be planted around the entire perimeter of the fence. Landscaping may be required around the perimeter of the fence & around any or all anchors or supports, if deemed necessary to buffer adjacent properties. The City Commission may require landscaping, in excess of the requirements of this code, if it determines that additional landscaping is necessary to ensure compatibility with adjacent land uses. (K) Franchises. Owners &/or operators of Cell Sites or antennas shall certify that all franchises required by law for the construction &/or operation of a wireless communication system in the City of Lynn Haven have been obtained & shall file a copy of all required franchises with the City Manager. (L) High Voltage & “No Trespassing” Warning Signs. (1) If high voltage is necessary for the operation of the Communications Cell Site or any accessory structures, “HIGH VOLTAGE - DANGER warning signs shall be permanently attached to the fence or wall & shall be spaced not more than 40 feet apart. (2) ‘NO TRESPASSING” warning signs shall be permanently attached to the fence or wall & shall be spaced not more than 40 feet apart. (3) The letters for the “HIGH VOLTAGE - DANGER” & “NO TRESPASSING” warning signs shall be at least six inches (6”) in height. The two warning signs may be combined into one sign. The warning signs shall be installed at least five feet (5’) above the finished grade of the fence. (4) The warning signs may be attached to freestanding poles, if the content of the signs might be obstructed by the landscaping requirements imposed pursuant to this ordinance. (M) Hurricane Evacuation Routes. Communication Cell Sites shall not be constructed at a height & location that, in the event of Cell Site failure, the Cell Site may totally or partially block or impede any road or street designated as a hurricane evacuation route. (N) Inventory of Existing Sites. Each applicant for an antenna and/ or Cell Site shall provide to the City Manager an inventory of its existing Cell Sites, antennas, or sites approved for Cell Sites or antennas, that are either within the jurisdiction of the City of Lynn Haven or within one mile of the border thereof, including specific CELL TOWER ORDINANCE NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 169 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 information about the location, height, & design of each Cell Site. The Manager may share such information with other applicants applying for administrative approvals or special use permits under this ordinance or other organizations seeking to locate antennas within the jurisdiction of the City of Lynn Haven, provided, however that the Manager is not, by sharing such information, in any way representing or warranting that such sites are available or suitable. (O) Lighting. Artificial lighting of Communication Cell Sites shall be limited to mandatory safety lighting required by county, state, or federal regulatory agencies possessing jurisdiction over Communication Cell Sites. For each Communication Cell Site requiring lighting, the applicant shall seek FAA approval of a dual lighting system. Security lighting around the base of a Communication Cell Site may be provided if such lighting does not aversely affect adjacent property owners. If required, shielding may be necessary. (P) Measurement. For purposes of measurement, Cell Site setbacks & separation distances shall be calculated & applied to facilities located in the City of Lynn Haven irrespective of municipal & county jurisdictional boundaries. (Q) Monopoles, Communications Dishes Prohibited. Unless specifically authorized by the City Commission, communications dishes may not be installed upon multiple Communication Cell Sites. (R) Noninterference. Each application for conditional use to allow construction of a Communication Cell Site shall include either a preliminary or a certified statement that the construction of the Communication Cell Site (including reception & transmission functions) will not interfere with the usual & customary transmission of radio, television, & other service enjoyed by adjacent (residential & nonresidential) properties. In the event that only a preliminary statement is submitted with the application, a final, certified statement of noninterference shall be provided & approved by the City, prior to the issuance of a Development Order. The statement shall be prepared by an engineer or architect licensed to practice in the State of Florida. If any reasonable complaints or allegations of interference are raised by adjacent (residential & nonresidential) properties, the City, at the expense of the applicant, may require an inspection of the Communication Cell Site. The applicant shall be required to correct any confirmed complaints or allegations of interference. Applicants failing to correct problems may be subject to having their approval revoked & the Communication Cell Site removed, at the applicant’s expense. (S) Not Essential Services. Cell Sites & antennas shall be regulated & permitted pursuant to this ordinance & shall not be regulated or permitted as essential services, public utilities, or private utilities. (T) Public Notice. For purposes of this ordinance, any special use request, variance request, appeal of an administratively approved use or special use shall require public notice to all abutting property owners & all property owners of properties that are located within the corresponding separation distance, in addition to any notice otherwise required by the Lynn Haven Code & Florida State Statutes. (U) Radiation Standard. All Communication Cell Sites shall comply with the “then-current” standards of the Federal Communications Commission for non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (NIER) & electromagnetic fields (EMF), including the American National Standard Institute’s (ANSI) public safety standards with regard to human exposure on affected properties. Each conditional use application for a Communication Cell Site shall include preliminary or certified documentation or such statement from a Florida registered electrical engineer or other professional accepted by the City, indicating compliance with these public safety standards. The City may hire a consultant to evaluate the required NIER, EMF, or ANSI documentation. The fee charged by the consultant shall be paid by the applicant. In the event only a preliminary statement is submitted CELL TOWER ORDINANCE NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 4 1 < PREVIOUS Section 76-4: Authority of the Department of Development & Planning. The Department, in conjunction with the Public Works Department of the City, shall: A. Provide review of the construction methods & means of installation proposed to be used by the Applicant for its backhaul network to be located within the City’s lands & rights-of-way; B. Provide review of the proposed Routes & Depths of connection to be used by the Applicant, for its backhaul network within the City’s lands & rights-of-way; & C. Calculate the Construction Fee(s) & Costs to be paid by the Applicant for construction within the City’s lands & rights-of-way through which the Applicant’s backhaul network shall operate. Unified Land Development Code 170 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 with the application, a final, certified statement will be provided & approved by the City, prior to the issuance of a development order. The City shall have the right, but not the obligation, to evaluate the Cell Site once a year to monitor compliance with the above standards, such monitoring to be conducted at the applicant’s expense. (V) Setback. Unless otherwise provided, all Communication Cell Sites shall comply with the following setback standards: (1) All Communication Cell Sites not related to roof mounted communications use shall have setbacks from all property lines equal to one hundred & twenty (120) % of the height of the proposed structure. This setback provision may be waived or modified by the City Commission, in its discretion, provided the applicant submits a certified, signed & sealed statement from a Florida registered professional structural engineer which demonstrates the Cell Tower’s design; Cell Sites, related to roof mounted communications’ use, need only satisfy building setbacks for the zoning district, in which the Cell Site is located. This less stringent setback provision is in recognition of the FCC’s PRB-1 preemption for amateur radio communications. (2) In cases where the Cell Site is not related to roof mounted communication’s use, the fall radius, one hundred & twenty percent (120%) of the Cell site height or other approved design fall radius, shall not encroach upon existing off-site structures or adjacent (residentially designated) property. (3) The base of the Communication Cell Site must be separated from the nearest boundary of any residential zoning district by a minimum distance equal to the greater of: (i) 500 feet, or (ii) a distance in feet determined by multiplying the height of the Cell Site by a factor of 3. (4) The distance of any guy anchorage or similar device shall meet the same setbacks, as otherwise required in that zoned district. (5) All accessory buildings or structures shall meet the minimum yard requirements for the respective zoning district in which they are located, but not less than 25 feet from any property line adjacent to an arterial or collector roadway or 10 feet from any other property line. (W) Signs & Advertising. The use of any portion of a Communication Cell Site for signs or advertising purposes must meet the requirements of the City’s Sign Ordinance. (X) State or Federal Requirements. All Cell Sites must meet or exceed current standards & regulations of the FAA, the FCC, & any other agency of the state or federal government with the authority to regulate Cell Sites & antennas. If such standards & regulations are changed, then the owners of the Cell Sites & antennas governed by this ordinance shall bring such Cell Sites & antennas into compliance with such revised standards & regulations within six (6) months of the effective date of such standards & regulations, unless a different compliance schedule is mandated by the controlling state or federal agency. Failure to bring Cell Sites & antennas into compliance with such revised standards & regulations shall constitute grounds for the removal of the Cell Site or antenna at the owner’s expense. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 171 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 Section 76-5. Administratively Approved Uses. (A) General. The following provisions shall govern the issuance of administrative approvals for Cell Sites & antennas. (1) The City Manager may administratively approve the uses listed in this Section. (2) Each applicant for administrative approval shall apply to the City Manager providing the information set forth in Sections 76-4 of this ordinance & a nonrefundable fee as established by resolution in Appendix A for the costs of site plan review of the application. (3) The City Manager shall review the application for administrative approval & determine if the proposed use complies with this ordinance. (4) The City Manager shall respond to each such application within forty-five (45) days after receiving it by either approving or denying the application. (5) In connection with any such administrative approval, the City Manager may, in order to encourage shared use, recommend waiver of any zoning district setback requirements in Section 76-6 or separation distances between Cell Sites in Section 76-6 by up to fifty (50) %, if justified by use of camouflaged mounts, monopoles, or collapsible mounts, & so long as the same does not endanger the public in the event of mount failure. (6) In connection with any such administrative approval, the City Manager may, in order to encourage the use of monopoles, administratively allow the reconstruction of an existing Cell Site to monopole construction. (7) If an administrative approval is denied, the applicant shall file an application for a special use permit, pursuant to Section 76-6, prior to filing any appeal that may be available under the Zoning Ordinance. (B) “List of Administratively Approved Uses”. The following uses may be approved by the City Manager after conducting an administrative review: (1) City Property. Antennas or Cell Sites located on property owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the City of Lynn Haven provided a license or lease authorizing such antenna or Cell Site has been approved by the City of Lynn Haven. (2) Industrial. Locating a Cell Site or antenna, including the placement of additional buildings or other supporting equipment used in connection with said Cell Site or antenna, in industrial zoning district. (3) Existing Structures. Locating antennas on existing structures or Cell Sites consistent with the terms of subsections (a) & (h) below: (A) Antennas on existing structures. Any antenna which is not attached to a Cell Site may be approved by the City Manager as an accessory use to any commercial, industrial, professional, institutional, or multifamily structure of 8 or more dwelling units, provided: (i) A Cell Site which is modified or reconstructed to accommodate the collocation of an additional antenna shall be of the same Cell Site type as the existing Cell Site, unless the City Manager allows reconstruction as a monopole. TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 If the Applicant considers any work demanded of it to be outside reasonable requirements, or if it considers any decision or ruling of the City to be unreasonable, it may file a written protest within ten (10) days of the written instruction of the Department, with the City Manager, stating clearly & in detail the Applicant’s objections & the reasons therefor. Unless the Applicant shall file such written protest with the City Manager within such ten (10) day period, it shall be deemed to have waived all grounds for such protest & to have accepted the requirements, decision or ruling of the Department as just & reasonable & as being within the scope of the Applicant’s obligations under this ordinance. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS Section 76-6, Special Use Permits. (A) General. The following provisions shall govern the issuance of special use permits for certain Cell Sites or antennas by the City Manager, when recommended by the Technical Review Committee (TRC) & Planning Commission & approved by the Mayor & City Commission: (1) If the Cell Site or antenna is not a permitted use under Section 76-4 of this ordinance or permitted to be approved administratively pursuant to Section 76-7 of this ordinance, then a special use permit shall be required for the construction of a Cell Site or the placement of an antenna in all zoning districts. (2) Applications for special use permits under this Section shall be subject to the procedures & requirements of the Land Development Regulations, except as modified in this Section. (3) In granting a special use permit, recommended by the Planning Commission & approved by the City Commission may impose conditions to the extent they conclude such conditions are necessary to minimize any adverse effect of the proposed Cell Site on adjoining properties. (4) Any information of an engineering nature that the applicant submits, whether civil, mechanical, or electrical, shall be certified Unified Land Development Code 172 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 (ii) Height. (a) An existing Cell Site may be modified or rebuilt to a taller height, not to exceed twenty (20) feet over the Cell Site’s existing height, to accommodate the collocation of an additional antenna, but not to exceed a maximum height of this ordinance. (b) The height change referred to in subsection (iii)(a) may only occur one time per communication Cell Site. (c) The additional height referred to in subsection (iii)(a) shall not require an additional distance separation as set forth in Section 76.6. The Cell Site’s premodification height shall be used to calculate such distance separations (iii) Onsite location. (a) A Cell Site which is being rebuilt to accommodate the collocation of an additional antenna may be moved onsite within fifty (50) feet of its existing location. (b) After the Cell Site mount is rebuilt to accommodate collocation, only one mount may remain on the site. (c) A relocated onsite Cell Site shall continue to be measured from the original Cell Site location for purposes of calculating separation distances between Cell Sites pursuant to Section 76-6. The relocation of a Cell Site hereunder shall in no way be deemed to cause a violation of Section 76-6. (4) Mixed Use. New Cell Sites in nonresidential zoning districts. Locating any new Cell Site in a nonresidential zoning district, other than industrial or commercial, provided a Florida licensed professional structural engineer certifies the Cell Site can structurally accommodate the number of shared users proposed by the applicant; the City Manager concludes the Cell Site is in conformity with the goals set forth in regulation; the Cell Site meets the setback requirements in Section 76-6(B)(4) & separation distances in Section 76-6(B)(5); & Cell Site meets the following height and usage criteria: (a) for a single user, up to ninety (90) feet in height: (b) for 2 users, up to one hundred twenty (120) feet in height; & (c) for 3 or more users, up to one hundred fifty (150) feet in height. (5) Locating any alternative Cell Site structure in a zoning district other than industrial that in the judgment of the City Manager, in conformity with the goals set forth in this ordinance. (6) Installing a cable microcell network through the use of multiple low-powered transmitters/receivers attached to existing wireline systems, such as conventional cable, telephone, or electrical wire supports, or similar technology that does not require the use of Cell Sites. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 173 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 by a Florida licensed engineer, subject to the certification requirements of Section 76-3(G). (5) An applicant for a special use permit shall submit the information described in this Section & a nonrefundable fee as established by resolution of the City Commission in Appendix A. (B) Cell Sites. (1) Information required. In addition to any information required for applications for special use permits pursuant to the Land Development Regulations, applicants for a special use permit for a Cell Site shall submit the following information: (a) Five sets of scaled site plans clearly indicating the location, type & height of the proposed Cell Site, on-site land uses & zoning, adjacent land uses & zoning (including when adjacent to other municipalities), Comprehensive Plan classification of the site & all properties within the applicable separation distances set forth in Section 76-6, adjacent roadways, proposed means of access, setbacks from property lines, elevation drawings of the proposed Cell Site & any other structures, topography, parking, & other information deemed by the City Manager to be necessary to assess compliance with this ordinance. (b) Legal description of the parent tract & leased parcel (if applicable). (c) The setback distance between the proposed Cell Site & the nearest residential unit, platted residentially zoned properties, & unplatted residentially zoned properties. (d) The separation distance from other Cell Sites described in the inventory of existing sites submitted & shall be shown on an updated site plan or map. The applicant shall also identify the type of construction of the existing Cell Site(s) & the owner/ operator of the existing Cell Site(s), if known. (e) A landscape plan showing specific landscape materials. (f) Method of Fencing, & finished color &, if applicable, the method of camouflage & illumination. (g) A description of compliance with Sections 76-3 & all applicable federal, state or local laws. (h) A notarized statement by the applicant as to whether construction of the Cell Site will accommodate collocation of additional antennas for future users. (i) Identification of the entities providing the backhaul network for the Cell Site(s) described in the application & other cellular sites owned or operated by the applicant in the municipality. (j) Maps or drawings depicting communication coverage areas for the cell site. (2) Factors Considered in Granting Special Use Permits for Cell Sites. In addition to any standards for consideration of special use permit applications, pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance, the Planning Commission shall consider the following factors in determining whether to issue a special use permit, although the Planning Commission may waive or reduce the burden on the applicant of one or more of these criteria if the Planning Commission concludes that the goals of this ordinance are better served thereby: (a) Height of the proposed Cell Site; (b) Proximity of the Cell Site to residential structures & residential district boundaries; (c) Nature of uses on adjacent & nearby properties; (d) Surrounding topography; (e) Surrounding tree coverage & foliage; (f) Design of the Cell Site, with particular reference to design characteristics that have the effect of reducing or eliminating visual obtrusiveness; (g) Proposed ingress and egress; & (h) Availability of suitable existing Cell Sites, other structures, or alternative technologies not requiring the use of Cell Sites or structures, as discussed in Section 76-6(B)(3) of this CELL TOWER ORDINANCE NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 174 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 ordinance. (3) Availability of Suitable Existing Cell Sites, Other Structures, or Alternative Technology. No new Cell Site shall be permitted unless the applicant demonstrates to the reasonable satisfaction of the City that no existing Cell Site, structure or alternative technology (that does not require the use of Cell Sites or structures) can accommodate the applicant’s proposed antenna. An applicant shall submit information requested by the City related to the availability of suitable existing Cell Sites, other structures or alternative technology. Evidence submitted to demonstrate that no existing cell site, structure or alternative technology can accommodate the applicant’s proposed antenna may consist of any of the following: (a) No existing Cell Sites or structures are located within the geographic area which meet applicant’s engineering requirements. (b) Existing Cell Sites or structures are not of sufficient height to meet applicant’s engineering requirements. (c) Existing Cell Sites or structures do not have sufficient structural strength to support applicant’s proposed antenna & related equipment. (d) The applicant’s proposed antenna would cause electromagnetic interference with the antenna on the existing Cell Sites or structures, or the antenna on the existing Cell Sites or structures would cause interference with the applicant’s proposed antenna. (e) The fees, costs, or contractual provisions required by the owner, in order to share an existing Cell Site or structure or to adapt an existing Cell Site or structure for sharing are unreasonable. Costs exceeding new Cell Site development are presumed to be unreasonable. (f) The applicant demonstrates that there are other limiting factors that render existing Cell Sites & structures unsuitable. (g) The applicant demonstrates that an alternative technology that does not require the use of Cell Sites or structures, such as a cable microcell network using multiple low-powered transmitters/receivers attached to a wireline system, is unsuitable. Costs of alternative technology that exceed new Cell Site or antenna development shall not be presumed to render the technology unsuitable. (4) Setbacks. The following setback requirements shall apply to all Cell Sites for which a special use permit is required; provided, however, that the City may reduce the standard setback requirements if the goals of this ordinance would be better served thereby: (a) Cell Sites must be set back a distance equal to at least one hundred & twenty percent (120%) of the height of the Cell Site from any adjoining lot line. (b) Guys & accessory buildings must satisfy the minimum zoning district setback requirements, provided, however, not closer than 25 feet from any property line & adjacent to an arterial or collector roadway or 10 feet from any other property line. (5) Separation. The following separation requirements shall apply to all Cell Sites & antennas for which a special use permit is required; provided, however, that the City may reduce the standard separation requirements if the goals of this ordinance would be better served thereby. (a) Separation from off-site uses/designated areas. (i) Cell Site separation shall be measured from the base of the Cell Site to the lot line of the off-site uses &/or designated areas as specified in Table 1, except as otherwise provided in Table 1. (ii) Separation requirements for Cell Sites shall comply with the minimum standards established in Table 1. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE NEXT > 10 Table 1: Off-site Use/Designated Area Single-family or duplex residential 1 unit; Low and Medium Densities Separation Distance 300 feet or 300% height of Cell Site whichever is greater Vacant residential land & which is either platted or has preliminary subdivision plan approval which is not expired 300 feet or 300% height of Cell Site2 whichever is greater 9 200 feet or 200% height of Cell Site whichever is greater Existing high-density residential 200 feet or 200% height of Cell Site units greater than duplex units whichever is greater Non-residentially zoned lands or nonresidential None; only setbacks apply uses 1 8 Includes modular homes & mobile homes used for living purposes. Separation measured from base of Cell Site to closest building setback line. 3 Includes any unplatted residential use properties without a valid preliminary subdivision plan or valid development plan approval & any multifamily residentially zoned land greater than duplex 2 CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER FIVE 5 4 Lattice Guyed Monopole 75 Ft in height or Greater Lattice 5,000 5,000 1,500 Monopole Less than 75 Ft in Height 750 Guyed 5,000 5,000 1,500 750 Monopole 75’ in Height 1,500 or Greater 1,500 1,500 750 Monopole Less than 75’ in Height 750 750 750 750 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 < PREVIOUS (6) Security fencing. Cell Sites shall be enclosed by security fencing not less than 6 feet in height & shall also be equipped with an appropriate anti-climbing device, provided; however, that the City may waive such requirements, as it deems appropriate. (7) Landscaping. The following requirements shall govern the landscaping surrounding Cell Sites for which a special use permit is required; provided; however, that the City may waive such requirements, if the goals of this ordinance would be better served thereby. (a) Cell Site facilities shall be landscaped with a buffer of plant materials that effectively screens the view of the Cell Site compound from property used for residences. The standard buffer shall consist of a landscaped strip as identified in the landscape portion of the Ordinance outside the perimeter of the compound. (b) In locations where the visual impact of the Cell Site would be minimal, the landscaping requirement may be reduced or waived. (c) Existing mature tree growth & natural land forms on the site shall be preserved to the maximum extent possible. In some cases, such as Cell Sites sited on large, wooded lots, natural growth around the property perimeter may be sufficient buffer. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 76-7. Buildings & Other Equipment Storage. (A) Antennas Mounted on Structures or Rooftops. The equipment cabinet or structure used, in association with antennas shall comply Unified Land Development Code 175 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE CHAPTER FOUR Table 2: Existing Cell Sites - Types ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 (b) Separation distances between Cell Sites. (i) Separation distances between Cell Sites shall be applicable for & measured between the proposed Cell Site & preexisting Cell Sites. The separation distances shall be measured by drawing or following a straight line between the base of the existing Cell Site and the proposed base, pursuant to a site plan, of the proposed Cell Site. The separation distances (listed in linear feet) shall be as shown in Table 2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 CHAPTER SIX ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDICES CHAPTER EIGHT ____________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER NINE Vacant unplatted residential lands3 FRONT PAGE CHAPTER TEN ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS Section 76-8. Removal of Abandoned Antennas & Cell Sites. Any antenna or Cell Site that is not operated for continuous period of six (6) months shall be considered abandoned, & the owner of such antenna or Cell Site shall remove the same within ninety (90) days of receipt of notice from the City notifying the owner of such abandonment. Failure to remove an abandoned antenna or Cell-Site within said ninety (90) days shall be grounds to remove the Cell Site or antenna at the owner’s expense. If there are two or more users of a single Cell Site, then this provision shall not become effective until all users cease using the Cell Site, unless such continued use should be considered impractical from a financial & public safety standpoint. The City, upon default of a user, may use the Bond required under Section 76-3(E), either to continue maintenance or to remove the abandoned Cell Site. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 76-9. Abandonment of Communication Towers. (A) Compelling Public Interest. The Commission finds & declares that, because of the national public policy of ensuring that the wireless communications industry and its evolving new technologies are accommodated notwithstanding the undesirable effects that communication sites may have on the aesthetics of communities & neighborhoods, there is a compelling public interest in ensuring that communication towers are promptly disassembled, dismantled, & removed once they are no longer being used. Further it is found that there is substantial risk that towers may cease being used in large numbers, if there is a concentration or consolidation of competitors within the industry or if even newer technologies arise, obviating the need for towers. (B) Abandonment. In the event the use of any Cell Site has been discontinued for a period of ninety (90) consecutive days, the Cell Site shall be deemed to be abandoned. Determination of the date Unified Land Development Code 176 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 with the following: (1) The cabinet or structure shall not contain more than 400 square feet of gross floor area or be more than 8 feet in height. In addition, for buildings & structures which are less than 65 feet in height, the related unmanned equipment structure, if over 100 square feet of gross floor area or 6 feet in height, shall be located on the ground & shall not be located on the roof of the structure. (2) If the equipment structure is located on the roof of a building, the area of the equipment structure & other equipment & structures shall not occupy more than 30 % of the roof area. (3) Equipment storage buildings or cabinets shall comply with all applicable building codes. (B) Antennas Mounted on Utility Poles or Light Poles. The equipment cabinet or structure used in association with antennas shall be located in accordance with the following: (1) In commercial or industrial districts, the equipment cabinet or structure shall be no greater than 8 feet in height or 400 square feet in gross floor area. The structure or cabinet shall be screened by an evergreen hedge with an ultimate height of 8 feet & a planted height of at least 36 inches. In all other instances, structures or cabinets shall be screened from view of all residential properties which abut or are directly across the street from the structure or cabinet by a solid fence 8 feet in height or an evergreen hedge with an ultimate height of 8 feet & a planted height of at least 36 inches. (C) Antennas Located on Cell Sites. The related unmanned equipment structure shall not contain more than 400 square feet of gross floor area or be more than 8 feet in height, & shall be located, in accordance with the minimum yard requirements of the zoning district in which located. (D) Modification of Building Size Requirements. These requirements may be modified by the City Manager in the case of administratively approved uses or by the Planning Commission & in the case of uses permitted by special use to encourage collocation. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 CHAPTER ONE 1 < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 177 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 of the abandonment shall be made by the City Manager, who shall have the right to request documentation &/or affidavits from the Cell Site owner/operator regarding the issue of site usage. Failure or refusal for any reason by the owner/operator to respond within twenty days to such a request shall constitute prima facie evidence that the communication site has been abandoned. Upon a determination of abandonment (& notice thereof to the owner/ operator of the site), the owner/operator shall have an additional ninety (90) days within which to: (i) reactivate the use of the site or transfer the site to another owner/operator who makes actual use of the site within the ninety (90) day period, or (ii) dismantle & remove the Cell Site. At the earlier of ninety (90) days from the date of abandonment without reactivation or upon completion of dismantling & removal, any special exception &/or variance approval for the original Cell Site shall automatically expire. (C) Duty to Remove Abandoned Cell Sites. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (B), upon abandonment of a communication site & the failure or refusal by the owner/operator to either reactivate the site or dismantle & remove it within ninety (90) days, the following person or entities (the “responsible parties”) shall have the duty jointly & severally to remove the abandoned site: (1) The owner of the abandoned Cell Site (&, if different, the operator of the abandoned Cell Site); (2) The owner of the land upon which the abandoned Cell Site is located; (3) The lessee, if any, of the land upon which the Cell is located; (4) The sublessee or sublessees, if any, of the land upon which the tower is located; (5) Any communication service provider who or which by ceasing to utilize the tower or otherwise failing to operate any of its transmitters or antennas on the Cell Site for which it leased space or purchased the right to space on the cell site for its transmitters or antennas & such ceasing or failure to utilize the Cell Site in fact caused the Cell Site to become abandoned; (6) Any person to whom or entity to which there has been transferred or assigned any license issued by the Federal Communications Commission & under which the Cell Site owner/ operator operated the Cell Site. (7) Any person or entity (or their respective parent or subsidiary, or managing partner or general partner), which has purchased or acquired, through merger or otherwise, all or a substantial portion of the assets of the Cell Site owner or operator. The abandoned Cell Site shall be removed on or before the ninetieth day after receipt by the responsible party or parties of a notice from the City Manager ordering its removal. The duty imposed by this paragraph shall supersede & otherwise override any conflicting provision of any contract, agreement, lease, sublease, license, franchise or other instrument entered into or issued on & after the effective date of this ordinance. (D) Enforcement. The City Manager shall take such actions from time to time as are necessary or useful to enforce the duty & requirements imposed by this subsection, & in the course of enforcement, the City Manager may avail himself of any one or more of the following: (1) Proceedings to enforce this subsection may be brought before the Code Enforcement Board in the manner allowed by general law & the City Code. (2) Proceedings to enforce this subsection may be brought before the Circuit Court in the 14th Judicial Circuit of Florida, & in such proceedings, the City shall be entitled to all remedies at law & in equity, including (but not limited to) injunctive relief. Further, upon a determination that a defendant has violated a CELL TOWER ORDINANCE NEXT > CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER THREE CHAPTER TWO 3 2 CHAPTER ONE 4 1 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 Section 76-10. Nonconforming Uses. (A) No Expansion of Nonconforming Use. All Sites that are constructed, & antennas that are installed, in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, shall not be deemed to constitute the expansion of a nonconforming use or structure. (B) Preexisting Cell Sites. Preexisting Cell Sites shall be allowed to continue their usage as they presently exist. Routine maintenance (including replacement with a new Cell Site of like construction & height) shall be permitted on such preexisting Cell Sites. New construction other than routine maintenance on a preexisting Cell Site shall comply with the requirements of this ordinance. (C) Rebuilding Damaged or Destroyed Nonconforming Cell Sites or Antennas. Notwithstanding Section 76-9, bona fide nonconforming Cell-Sites or antennas that are damaged or destroyed less than 50% may be rebuilt without having to first obtain administrative approval or a special use permit and without having to meet the separation requirements specified in Section 76-6(B)(4) & 76-6(B)(5). The type, height, & location of the Cell Site onsite shall be of the same type & intensity as the original facility approval. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 INDICES 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 FRONT PAGE 10 duty or requirement of this subsection, the Court shall award reasonable attorneys’ fees & costs to the City, including fees & costs incurred by the City on appeal. (3) Upon directive by the City Manager, the City may withhold from any person or entity in violation of this subsection all future development permits and otherwise may refrain from processing any applications by the violator for approval of any zoning changes, special exceptions, variances, site plans, subdivision plans, plats, developments of regional impact, substantial deviations from DRI development orders, substantial changes to planned developments right of way utilization permits, building permits, cable television franchises (or renewals thereof or amendments thereto), or any other City regulatory permits or approvals. (4) The City may remove the Cell Site using the funds or surety bonds, if any, deposited under Section 76-3(E) by the responsible parties & thereafter initiate judicial proceedings against the responsible parties for any portion of the cost not covered by the deposited funds or surety bonds. If the responsible parties include the owner of the land on which the abandoned Cell Site is or was located, such portion of the cost shall be assessed against the land, & the City may file a lien thereon. The lien of the assessment shall bear interest & shall have priority & be collectable at the same rate and in like manner as provided under Florida law & the City Code for special assessments. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Building permits to rebuild the facility shall comply with the then applicable building codes & shall be obtained within (90) days from the date the facility is damaged or destroyed. If no permit is obtained or if said permit expires, the Cell Site or antenna shall be deemed abandoned as specified in Section 76-9. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 76-11. Severability. The various parts, sections & clauses of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be severable. If any part, sentence, paragraph, section or clause is adjudged unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CELL TOWER ORDINANCE Section 76-13. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect 2-24-99. NEXT > Section 76-12. Repealer. Any ordinance or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 178 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER FOUR 4 2 1 PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 5 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 6 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 7 ATTESTED: /s/ John B. Lynch, City Manager-Clerk INDICES 8 CITY OF LYNN HAVEN, FLORIDA, a Municipal Corporation. /s/ Walter T. Kelley, Mayor TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 CHAPTER ONE 10 FRONT PAGE PASSED, APPROVED & ADOPTED at the regular meeting of the City Commission of Lynn Haven, Florida, this 24th day of February, 1998. CELL TOWER ORDINANCE NEXT > < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 179 CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER FIVE 5 CHAPTER FOUR 4 CHAPTER THREE 3 CHAPTER TWO 2 1 < PREVIOUS Unified Land Development Code 180 FRONT PAGE PLANNING DEPT. WEBSITE 6 FUTURE LAND USE MAP - 2011 7 CELL TOWER ORDINANCE 8 Not available at this time. INDICES 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS 10 CHAPTER ONE INDICES INDICES NEXT > HOME Marina Bay Dr Oa Fay Dr kK l Rd nol Bay Breeze Dr CITY OF LYNN HAVEN BAY COUNTY, FL ADOPTED FUTURE LAND USE MAP 2011 Cashel M Little Dirt Rd ara Dr Harlan Shope Rd Hi gh wa y2 32 FLUM - Designation W 1st St W 2nd St Ln w illo ke Mt H Margaret Cir College Blvd Harvard Blvd Radcliff Ave Tech Dr w Ter Pierson Dr owvie Mead Huntington Ridge Rd Graham Ln Allie Ln ve A e in L y Bylsma Cir Ba NOTE: CONSERVATION LAND USE ALONG BAY IS AT LEAST 30 FEET IN DEPTH FROM THE MEAN HIGH WATER MARK. Richardson Rd 34th E 39th St e rF Pipe Dr Maynard Dr E 39th St Dr ADOPTED FUTURE LAND USE MAP 2011 St AS AMENDED THROUGH JULY, 2011 le d an Ch ± Quick Ln ing Av e Pipeline Rd on ag Green Tree Pl dW t oa yD wn Dr m m Ta A St Re Ormond Ave dT ail S Br Country Lake Dr Amanda Cir B St E Orlando Rd Altha Ave ie S t St tlin Lin Cai 0.5 0.75 1 St ad Blvd F St Transmitter Rd Arden Ave Debra Blvd Glenview Ave Sequoia Ave Cocoa Ave Marlboro Ave Wakulla Ave f La Altha Ave Hyde Ave N East Ave Headland Ave Sarasota Ave Selma Ave tte e ay Rd E Baldwin Rd Whitehe ds ey C St 0 0.1250.25 Jos Sarasota Ct Colte H r St y Ln Hale a w igh ore S t Alva Thomas Rd Ashm 1 3 y2 G St Bradenton Ave Azalea Way Evelyn Ave WATER Albert Way Mill Bayou Rd Ln Gaines St fly Camryns Xing Wood St Hiland Dr Canal St PARCELS a Sarasota Pl Alamo St Canal Ave Pipeline Rd Recreation Dr er La Mesa Ave Clearview Ave Brannon Rd Hilltop Ln Willow Hill Rd Garrison Rd E 43rd St Happy Trl Orchard Wood Rd Long St r Ci ew Brookins Rd Bartow Ave ROADS Barber St d W Orlando Rd 77_CORRIDOR Ferris St Cato Rd Santa Anita Dr Blue Grass Ln Belmont Blvd Saratoga Pl Carla Ln Aberdeen Loop Highway 389 Rd Waterford Dr Willow Way Derby Woods Dr Britton Rd aii A ve Haw Thurso Rd Inverness Rd ss Grady St ll R Ro s Willow Ridge Rd Kirkwell Ave Syracuse Ave Indian Springs Rd Hi oo d Cherry Ridge Rd Hall Ave Wilson Ave Harrison Ave Woodmere Dr Highway 77 Pineridge Dr Fairmont Dr Briarcliff Rd Malone Dr LH_CRA Corbin Rd Inv Brookins Rd E 34th Pl Azalea Ct Haney Technical W Orlando Rd Ta Sh Bay Tree Rd Alamo St E Baldwin Rd Oak Forest Dr ne Sutherland Ct l orne P Hawth Wilson Ave State Ave Florida Ave t il C sa Overlay District Mc Call Rd Wakulla Ave Rosemont Dr Camelot Cir Fox Ridge Rd E Highway 390 Hillcrest Dr S Talon Ct Token Rd 0 way 39 W High Wood Valley Rd LH_CITY_LIMITS r r St Foxmoor Ln Jenks Cir D ley Meadow St nt 1911_PLAT Grants Mill D nn s Mo Cir Floridian Pl Briarwood Pl Brooke Ln Bay Haven r Dolphin Rd Raintree Pl MILL BAYOU TND E 39th Plz t or Marin Dr E Pierson Dr W Pierson Dr Paton Ln Macdonald Dr N Haven Cir Alaska Ave Texas Ave Glencoe Dr Rhett Pl ll Ct Argy E Pine Forest Dr Kirkwell Ave E 40th Ct E 37th Plz E 34th St olyo W Delaware Ave Texas Ave Wyoming Ave Colorado Ave Mississippi Ave Louisiana Ave Arkansas Ave Scarlett Blvd Illinois Ave Kimberly Dr E 40th Pl ea Oakwood Dr Longwood Cir E 40th Plz Heath-strasse Pl W 33rd Pl Token Rd E 24th St Peyton Way W 34th Ct Dr Coronado Pl Harrie W 34th Pl Landings Dr E 39th St lea Jackson Way Lakeridge Dr dow RECREATION Picadilly Ln E 26th St Osprey Cir Mea Camryns Ct Aza d tR or rp Ai Stanford Rd Carrie Ln PUBLIC Gaines St Hawks Landing Blvd Saint Andrews Blvd Lawton Ct Lori Ln MOBILE HOME PARK E 43rd St E 37th St W Baldwin Rd Lanny Ln Ct E 25th St Krystal Ln Caithness Ln Pic tto Palme ke rel C Jenks Ave t W 26th St Cottonwood Cir Havenwood Ct Ashlee Way W 39th St Liddon Pl S Highway 77 Bradley Cir Johnson Dr Alexander Dr Tuscany Rd W 28th Pl Petty Dr Solano Rd Pisa Dr Genoa Cir Ereno Ct Enveti Ct Becora Ct Bradford Cir Jason Dr E 24th St e Dr 34th Pl n Xi Pentland Rd Bell Cir Floyd Dr Capri Dr Dundee Ln b m Ti Mary Louis Venetian Way Iowa Ave Wisconsin Ave Michigan Ave d eR idg Moore Dr s er Ct MIXED USE Aberdeen Pkwy tl e Sh g dr Mallory Dr Porter Dr W oo Brently Cir Napoli Rd Torino Way Milano Rd Calabria Rd Leeann Cir Sommer Cir d an Andrews Rd Candlewick Cir Candlewick Dr Sutherland Rd Blvd Monty Cir Iowa Ave Wisco nsin A ve Illinois Ave Minnesota Ave Indiana Ave Pennsylvania Ave Ohio Ave Georgia Ave Alabama Ave Georgia Ct Geralo Ln Redbird St W Peachtree Dr Kristanna Dr Country Club Ct Georgia Ave Georgia Ave 0 39 hw Hig W Missouri Ave Montana Ave Wisconsin Ave Alabama Ave Virginia Ave Kentucky Ave Carolina Ave Vermont Ave Massachusetts Ave Rhode Island Ave ay Business Park Dr Judy Cir Shamrock Ln Echo Ln Erno St LOW DENSITY RES 12th St Bay Pond Ln Christopher St r Fe rest Dr Fox Run riar Cindy Ln Sparrow St E 9th St n L ol Brook Fo Wildridge Rd Tammy St Lynnwood Ln MOWAT MIDDLE SCHOOL E 14th Ct E Amy St Mowat School Rd W 19th Ct Pattho Ln Goose Bayou Rd Vista Ln Virginia Ave Connecticut Ave Connecticut Ave New Jersey Ave New Jersey Ave eC Bowman Ln E 15th St E 19th St HIGH DENSITY RES MEDIUM DENSITY RES E 12th St Rita St Ct or ir Misty Ln Tennessee Ave Carolina Ave Maryland Ave Sh enb Pinetree Ln W 18th St W 19th St N E 18th St W 18th St Gre Bingoose Ln W 18th St E 17th St Chelsea Ln Ap Davis Dr E 13th Plz E 16th St W 17th St E 10th Ct E 13th St nzie Vista Ln W 18th St W 17th St W 16th St Wateroak Dr cke Pinetree Rd Seagull Ln W 17th St E 9th St Ma Schooner Ln Sandy Ln W 17th St W 15th St E 14th St t Ter r Maine Ave dD New Hampshire Ave oo Ln N Shore Rd set Dr E 13th St st S view Sun d yw E 11th St INDUSTRIAL rl fT uf Ba E 9th St E 10th St E 12th St W 14th St W 16th St E 11th St hur Bl oo E 10th St E 9th St Am u iftw W 10th St W 13th St W 15th St Sydney Ln E 8th St E 9th St CONSERVATION Emory St Lob Lolly Ln W 9th St W 12th St Trinity St Lake Dr E 8th St W 11th St W 13th St W 16th St E 7th St Judson St yo Beachcomber Dr E 6th St W 8th St W 12th St Ln Judson St RESEARCH PARK DEVELOPMENT OF THIS 950-ACRE PARCEL SHALL BE SUBJECT TO FLUE POLICY 3-2, MILL BAYOU TND LAND USE CATEGORY Ba Maryland Ave N Harbour Dr E 5th St Kay W 7th St W 11th St N Shore Rd Coral Dr E 4th St Sewanee St t r W 4th St NEIGHBORHOOD COMM Washington St E 3rd St W 5th St W 8th Cir ur D W 3rd St ay C NB Kentucky Ave Missouri Ave W 4th St Lee St E 2nd St New York Ave W 3rd St W 6th St Sallie Mae Dr Country Club Dr COMMERCIAL Dr W 2nd St W 4th St Arth r ay D B North Florida Ave Montana Ave Carolina Ave Highway 77 1 Miles D St T St E Baldwin Rd Eagle Ln E Orlando Rd Bay County GIS Division, March 2010, fy05\LH\Maps\LH_FLU_22x34.mxd dac This GIS data is not a legal representation of the features depicted; any assumption of the legal status of this data is hereby disclaimed.