Lynnhaven Road Widening Indian River Rd. / Kempsville Rd


Lynnhaven Road Widening Indian River Rd. / Kempsville Rd
Lake Christopher Board of
and Committee Chairs
Richard Schwarz, President
Karen Cagni, Treasurer
Nicole Capomaggi, Secretary
John Capomaggi, Newsletter
Dick Chipchak, Maintenance
Linda Hayes, Directory
Elias Logothetis, Litter Control
Lana Ponsonby, Social
Sharon White, Landscape,
Neighborhood Watch
Jenny Pfeiffer, Park Attendants
Steve Rogovich, Architecture
Property Manager
Gayle Pinero
The Select Group
2224 Virginia Beach Blvd. Suite 201,
Virginia Beach, VA 23454
Phone: 486-6000 FAX: 486-6988
The Legacy Ads and Info
The Legacy is a bi-monthly on-line
community newsletter of the Lake
Christopher Home Owners Association.
Want ads, For Sales, Lost and Founds,
and small service ads are free to Lake
Christopher Residents.
Business ads are $15 per issue or $75
for six issues for a Business Card size
Call John Capomaggi, 275-9347 for
more information. Deadline for the
next issue is July 10, 2013.
A journal of the Lake Christopher Homes Association
May - June 2013
Update on Road Projects impacting Lake
Lynnhaven Road Widening
About the Project
This project calls for the construction of a four-lane divided roadway from
Centerville Turnpike to Indian River Road. This is the final phase of the
Lynnhaven Parkway projects and will provide a north-south link between
Chesapeake and Virginia Beach. The current portion of Lynnhaven Parkway is
primarily a two-lane road and there is no connection from Indian River Road to
Centerville Turnpike.
Current Status
Most utility relocation work has been completed. The next phase is actual road
construction. A plan for construction advertisement was completed in February
2013. Construction advertisement is scheduled for summer 2013
Indian River Rd. / Kempsville Rd. Intersection
About the Project
The proposed Indian River Road at Kempsville Road Intersection Improvement
features an innovative design. The current configuration of six through lanes on
Indian River Road and four through lanes on Kempsville Road will remain. The
change will be in the ways left turns are made. Left turns are reconfigured as
“Indirect Left Turns” for Indian River Road and “Displaced Left Turns” for Kempsville
Current Status (as of Jan 2013)
Right of Way
Utility Relocation
Street Lights
Winter 2012
Spring 2014
Fall 2015
Spring 2016
Summer 2013
Spring 2014
Fall 2015
Fall 2016
Fall 2016
Fall 2016
Party, Party, Party
By Richard Schwarz
Lake Christopher HOA President
Lake Christopher is fortunate to have a beautiful, clean
lake with three parks where residents and guests can
enjoy the days of summer (and the rest of the year as
well) close to home. Our system of badges allocated to
each residence provides immediate proof of our right to
use the lake and parks. But we are limited in the number
of guests that can join us in the parks at any one time.
Many of you may not be aware that you can use the
parks to hold larger family and friend gatherings or to
celebrate events such as birthdays or anniversaries. Our
parks have even been host to weddings, rehearsals,
graduation parties, baptisms by local churches and other
events. The Virginia Beach Police Department uses our
lake for water training exercises. Any resident in good
standing with the Lake Christopher Homes Assn. is
welcome to host a party at one of the parks. There is a
small refundable deposit for use of the parks, and a
small fee (non-refundable) for parties at the big park
(Christopher Landing) for help in cleaning the PortaPotty that is situated there from Memorial Day weekend
thru Labor Day weekend. Larger parties, over 100
people, must pay for an additional Porta-Potty rental for
their activity.
The information and forms required to reserve one of
the parks are available online at our website, On the site are both
the party permit application form and the party
regulation form. The first form is for describing the
party, including number of attendees, date and time, and
whether alcohol will be consumed. Yes, alcohol is
allowed for private parties but not allowed at all other
times. The second form summarizes the party
information and specifies general regulations such as all
parties must end by 10 PM; no amplified music; no open
fires (if a charcoal barbecue is used, the ashes and hot
coals must be removed from the park), and all party
trash must be removed from the park by the sponsor park trash containers are not to be used for party trash.
To reserve a park, download the forms from the website,
attach the appropriate checks (one for the deposit and a
second one for the Porta-Potty) as applicable and drop
off at the address listed on the forms. Questions about
the availability of specific dates can be handled by
phone or email as cited on the forms.
Once the party is approved, a party permit will be issued
to the sponsor and copy given to the park attendants to
monitor the party and adherence to the regulations. If
you are planning a party, book early, as there are at least
20 parties during the summer months. July 4th is the
only unavailable date at the big park because of the
Lake Christopher 4th of July community-wide party held
there. If a party is not held(such as for inclement
weather) and cannot be rescheduled, all checks will be
returned to the sponsor.
Remember, the parks around the lake belong to all of us
– enjoy them.
Post Script: Promoting opportunities for our younger
residents, I would like to mention that Chris Harrison
has started his own lawn care and general maintenance
business. If you need help with your lawn or general
maintenance help around the house, give him a call. He
can be reached at 757-818-5548.
5% Discount for Lake Christopher Homeowners
Specializing in converting Lake Christopher home heating
systems to gas heat.
A Lake Christopher Homeowner
News From the
Bottom of the Lake
Each month from May to September, the Lake
Christopher Garden Club selects a Yard of the
Month .
Recipients for the Month of May are:
Yard of the Month
Luis and Mary Ann Rivera
1725 Lake Christopher Drive
Honorable Mention
Walter and Lisa Saunders
1516 Captains Court
The LCGC meets the first Monday of each
month from September to May with a Pot Luck
Dinner in June. It is open to all residents of
Lake Christopher. It is a great way to meet your
neighbors and to learn about gardening.
If you are interested in joining, please contact:
It appears the rumors of a large sea monster living in
Lake Christopher are indeed false. In April, Lake
Christopher resident Jim Ponsonby caught this
colossal Carp.
Apparently the beast put up quite a fight, but Jim
prevailed in the end. Congratulations!
Susan Martin, President 757-761-0177
Sharon White, Communications Chair 757-286-9375
This undated photo shows “Chris”, the alleged Lake
Christopher sea creature coming up for air at sunset. Most
experts agree the photo is not genuine, or was probably
just a large carp.
From: Sharon White, ABR, GRI, REALTOR
your Neighbor, your Real Estate Professional
Meet Your Neighbors Before you Buy a Home
Veterans Memorial 25th
Anniversary and the
Annual Memorial Day Ceremony
Slated for Monday, May 27
Searching for that “dream home” can be a daunting
task. Today, finding a new place to call home goes
way beyond square footage and number of
bedrooms. Buyers are seeing the importance of
“scoping out the neighborhood”
This is one of the reasons Lake Christopher is so
popular…when buyers come to our neighborhood
they like what they see.
Many agents suggest walking around the block of
the home that buyers are interested in and
especially talking to neighbors who may be outside.
I always tell agents showing my listings in Lake
Christopher to be sure and drive around the lake
and to stop at the parks and beaches to view those
When potential buyers talk to residents they want
to know things like how the schools are, what the
neighborhood is like, crime, emergency response
time, traffic, noise and anything else that may
matter to them They may want to know about any
social gatherings the neighborhood has and
whether there is a Neighborhood Watch. They will
also probably ask about the best restaurants,
churches, schools and shops in the area. All this
information is so important in helping choose just
the right home.
Sharon White, ABR, GRI, REALTOR
William E. Wood & Associates
5308 Indian River Rd Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Listings * Buyer Representation * Relocation
This year’s Memorial Day Ceremony marks the 25th
anniversary of the dedication of the Tidewater Veterans
Memorial. This annual event is held to honor and pay tribute
to the men and women of the armed forces, "who gave their
The formal ceremony is scheduled for Monday, May 27 from
noon to 1 p.m. at the Tidewater Veterans Memorial, located
along 19th Street, across from the Virginia Beach Convention
As part of the opening ceremony, the Virginia Beach Police
Department’s Honor Guard Unit-Rifle Team will provide a 21Gun Salute followed by the Invocation given by chaplain, CDR
Vinson Miller, USN, from Naval Air Station, Oceana. The
National Anthem and America the Beautiful will be performed
by Ngoc Anh Vi of Virginia Beach. Following opening remarks
by the Honorable William D. Sessoms Jr., Mayor of Virginia
Beach, COL Floyd Gilbert, U.S. Army (Retired), will introduce
the keynote speaker, Admiral William E. “Bill” Gortney,
Commander, United States Navy, U.S. Fleet Forces
Command. Admiral Gortney has been serving his country for
more than 36 years.
After the formal ceremony and fly-over, a separate brief
ceremony will take place behind the memorial, in the
Veterans Memorial Park, to recognize veterans whose names
have been inscribed on brick pavers and added to the park
since last fall.
This event is free and open to the public. Military personnel,
their families and all citizens are invited to participate. Citizens
who would like to place an American flag (provided) around
the base of the memorial are encouraged to arrive before the
ceremony. The flags will remain in place for one week. For
more information, contact Floyd Gilbert at (757) 467-6435 or
Barbara Morrison at (757) 572-2053.
The Tidewater Veterans Memorial stands in tribute to
veterans of all wars and current military personnel. Six years
under design and construction, it was completed in 1988 and
has received awards for design and public art. The memorial
is located on 19th Street across from the Virginia Beach
Convention Center. The Veterans Memorial Park, dedicated
to those service members who honorably served their
country, is behind the memorial
Curbside Collection of Yard
Waste and Trash:
City of Virginia Beach Yard Debris
Collection Services
This service is provided on your normal collection day,
and does not require a work order. Residents may place
yard debris at curbside for collection by the City as
 Tree limbs should be no more than 4 feet long
and 6 inches in diameter
 Placed in piles not to exceed 4 x 4 x 4 feet
 One pile, generated from each house, will be
collected on each collection day.
 Smaller yard debris, such as grass and leaves (no
dirt, rocks, mulch or root balls), should be bagged
in securely-tied clear plastic bags not to exceed 25
lbs. per bag
 Up to 25 bags will be collected
While tree limbs from pruning are collected at the
curbside, tree removal debris is not collected at the
curbside. However, it can be collected through the yard
debris container program, provided each piece is no
larger than 6 inches in diameter.
Please note that any work done by private contractors
must be disposed of by the contractor.
Residents are urged to place yard debris, as well as
waste and recycle containers, outside of the drainage
flow line (a few inches away from the curb) to keep
the drainage flow line clear and avoid neighborhood
Moreover, City code specifies Trash and Recycle
containers have to be at the street by 7:00 a.m. the day
of collection, but no earlier than 5:00 p.m. the day
before. Trash and Recycle containers must be removed
from the street after collection on the day of collection.
Neighborhood Watch
Definition: Neighborhood Watch is a program
where a group of people living in the same area
want to make their neighborhood safer by working
together and in conjunction with local law
enforcement to reduce crime and improve their
quality of life
Benefits of Neighborhood Watch
to Lake Christopher
Reduced crime
Builds community pride and spirit
Allows us to help ourselves and others in our
Greater sense of security, responsibility and
personal control
Creates a better quality of life
Citizens become the extra ‘eyes and ears’ needed
in our neighborhood
Promotes a ‘neighbor helping neighbor’
We have a successful, active Neighborhood Watch
in Lake Christopher.
You are being kept informed of pertinent data and
information via email from your Block Captains,
who have generously volunteered their time.
Important Numbers to Keep
Police Non Emergency # 757-385-5000
Emergency * always call 911
City Wide Security 757-312-9911
Crime Division Officer Leta Kreiger, is our liaison
for Neighborhood Watch. I work directly with her to
keep you informed. Officer A. Jeffrey is our liaison
with the 4th Precinct. Together they provide
valuable information to us regarding Crime Activity
and helpful data.
Sharon White
Lake Christopher
Neighborhood Watch Coordinator
Revised and approved September 2, 2008
 Lake Christopher Parks are for the exclusive use
of Lake Christopher homeowners, renters, and
their accompanied guests. No more than 4 guests
under the age of 18 are permitted, unless prior
approval is obtained from the Park Staff Committee
 All users of the parks are responsible for their
own safety and are fully responsible for their own
actions and consequences thereof. All facilities and
equipment are to be used "AT YOUR OWN RISK".
 The use of all playground equipment is restricted
to children 12 years old and under.
 Children under 10 years old must be directly
supervised by a resident at least 12 years old.
 Residents under 18 years old must be
accompanied by a Legal Guardian between 8:00
P.M. and 8:00 A.M.
 No alcoholic beverages are permitted, unless
advance written approval is obtained from the Park
Security Committee Chair.
 No glass containers of any type are permitted.
 Persons using the facilities shall remove or
properly dispose of their trash.
 The feeding of waterfowl and other wildlife in any
park or in the lake is prohibited.
 No pets of any kind are allowed at any time.
 No open fires are permitted unless advance
written approval is given by the Parks Staff Chair.
 After sunset, all parks are closed to people under
age 18, except under the direct supervision and
responsibility of a resident at least age 18.
 Everyone using the parks shall conduct
themselves civilly, so as not to infringe on or disrupt
 Inappropriate or dangerous behavior, or not
adhering to these rules, may result in the use of all
the parks being revoked.
 Boats, sailboards and other watercraft shall be
launched and removed from the lake parks only at
the ramps provided.
 There is a 72 hour limit on mooring of watercraft at
the Common Areas; the boat is to be properly
secured to include, but not limited to, requiring that
all sails be taken down and furled or removed while
the boat is left unattended. In no case will a boat be
left overnight at a common area park with its sails
hoisted. Failure to comply will result in the boat
owner being asked to remove the boat or the boat
may be removed, without notice by the association,
from the park at the owners’ expense.
 Anchoring (vice permanent mooring at a
permanent mooring) in the lake of any unattended
boat is prohibited at any time. Failure to comply will
result in the boat being removed from the lake at
the owners’ expense. For the sake of this rule,
anchoring is defined as using a temporary bottom
holding device to hold a boat in position. Mooring is
defined as using a permanently installed fixed
mooring system of sufficient weight and strength
needed to keep a boat in a fixed position during
storm conditions with wind speeds in excess of 60
 The Board has designated the safe areas for
mooring. To install or use any mooring in the
common Lake area, the homeowner must first apply
to the Board. If all requirements for mooring
construction, liability, etc. are met and there is
appropriate space, the Board may grant approval
for placement and use of the mooring.
 Only electric motors rated no higher than 45 lbs.
thrust are permitted.
Patient Aide Home Care Inc. 24/7
The Virginia Underground Utility Damage
Prevention Act, or "Miss Utility Law", requires
that Miss Utility be called 48 hours in advance
of planned excavation work to allow time for
marking, that the marks be respected and
protected, and that excavation be completed
For your safety and to minimize disruptions to
utility services you need to call Miss Utility to
have any utility lines that might be in the area
of your work marked so you can avoid
damaging them or possibly injuring yourself. A
representative from each utility company with
service that might be affected by your work
will mark the approximate location of their
underground lines.
There is no charge for this service!
Even if you are replacing an existing fence post
or mailbox, there may be a utility line very
near that you should know about.
Failure to notify Miss Utility before you dig
could make you liable for the cost of any
repairs should you damage a utility service.
CALL 811 or 1-800-552-7001
Paid advertising by:
Sharon White, ABR, GRI, Realtor
William E. Wood & Associate Realtors
5308 Indian River Road
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Listings * Buyer Representation * Relocation
Tallwood Sports Camp
All camps are run by Tallwood Varsity Coaches
Date: Session #1 - June 17-20 (Mon.-Thur.)
Time: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. (8:30 check in)
Ages: Rising 3rd – 8th Grade
Price: $85 for a session if registered by
June 3rd,
$90 a session June 4th—Camp date.
Discounts: Multiple Camps - $5 off each week
Family - $5 off each family member
$160 for two students—one week
Details: Each camper will choose a specific sport
each session.
Camp Registration Form
is found on the
Tallwood High School Website
Any questions please e-mail
Camp Director
Charles Richardson
Session #1
Have You Ever Seen One Of These?
Upcoming Events
July 4th
May 20th
Monthly HOA Board
This means the street cleanup responsibility is ours.
With winter gone and spring cleanup in full swing, there
are plenty of debris at the curb. It’s certainly no fun and
the less pine cones and debris we have to pick up the
better. Unfortunately, the debris doesn’t just blow down
the street to become someone else’s problem – it
remains our problem.
Why our problem? Most of the leaves and yard debris
at the curb are washed along the curb into the storm
drain system – right into our lake! Once in the lake they
decompose, promoting the growth of algae when it
warms in spring and summer.
While we do take the time and expense to put ecofriendly chemicals into the lake to control the algae, the
decomposing leaves are still not healthy for the fish and
waterfowl that inhabit the lake.
When you are out cleaning off the lawn, please take a
few extra minutes to clean up the leaves and yard
debris by the curb. If you live near a storm drain take
the time to keep it clear of leaves. Our lake benefits
everyone in the community. If we can keep the leaves
and yard debris out of the lake we will continue to
enjoy one of the best lakes in Virginia Beach.
July 22nd
Monthly HOA Board
Memorial Day
The picture shows the LEGO® version of a Street
Sweeper. Rumors persist that the City of Virginia Beach
actually has a real one, but these rumors are
unconfirmed. Even if true, the lone sweeper might
appear on the streets of Lake Christopher once or twice
a decade.
Community Picnic
June 24th
Monthly HOA Board
Helpful Links:
City of Virginia Beach – Video of Proposed Hybrid
Continuous Flow Intersection at Indian River &
Kempsville Roads:
Who to call for what:
Architectural Guidelines and Requests:
Party Permits:
History Corner
This month we feature the Huron design. The
Huron was one of four floor plans available during
the initial phase of Lake Christopher in 1975.
The homes on Ships Landing are the original
models, representing the four plans available at
the time. These are an Ontario, a Tahoe, a Lucerne,
and a Huron. The graphics on this page are
fragments from the original 1975 marketing
brochure I obtained.
In 1975 you could have a Huron built for just
$44,400. For additional cost you could opt for a
fireplace, and appliances such as a washer, dryer,
self-cleaning oven, two refrigerator sizes and even
a trash compactor!
Of course, lakefront lots were available at
additional cost.
Over the years many Huron owners have modified
their homes to incorporate the original atrium
courtyard into the indoor living space.
In fact, just four Lake Christopher Huron’s retain
their original atrium courtyard separating the
house from the garage. The next time you go for a
walk through the community, see if you can find
History Corner
Lake Christopher History:
Remembering Times Past
by Sharon White
Lake Christopher Resident
When I was a little girl growing up on Kempsville
Road, Lake Christopher did not exist.
It was the Osmont Dairy Farm. My home was
where the Holloman and Brown Funeral Home is
now located. My parents had our house built in
1946, back then, Kempsville Road was just two
lanes with wide, deep drainage ditches on each
The Osmont Farmhouse still stands - it is at the
end of Still Harbor Lane, but is not a part of Lake
Christopher. Because it was zoned Agriculture, that
zoning is “grandfathered” and the owners still have
sheep there. Around Easter you can go see the
baby lambs frolicking in the enclosed field.
The Osmont Dairy Farm had huge pastures full of
cows. They surrounded the house and Dairy. Back
behind the pastures were dense woods… where
part of Lake Christopher and Brigadoon now are.
There was an oyster shell covered road leading to
the dairy…you reached it before you got to the
house. The milk delivery trucks would leave early
each morning, except for Sundays, before sunrise.
We would only see them returning in the afternoon.
Please share your history stories ,
pictures or brochures! Contact the
editor at:
The Dairy was fascinating to us neighborhood
kids…we all lived in houses facing Kempsville
Road…there were no subdivisions then. We would
go over after the trucks returned and Mr. Osmont
would give us Chocolate Milk to drink…what a
treat! Sometimes Mrs. Osmont would see us there
and bring over home baked cookies. Mr. and Mrs.
Osmont had no children so they doted on us. Our
parents wouldn’t let us go over but about once a
week though so we wouldn’t make nuisances of
When we got older, we would ride horses back into
the woods the Osmont’s owned….there were dirt
paths all through them. What a fun time we had!
We still took advantage of the chocolate milk and
cookies though…we never got too old for that.
July 4th Picnic!
The Lake Christopher
Independence Day Picnic
will be held on Thursday,
July 4th at Christopher
Landing Park
See the website for
details and ticket