Spring 2011 - Long Island University


Spring 2011 - Long Island University
Vol. 19 Number 1
The Official Newsletter of the C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University
How C.W. Post Is Pushing the
Frontiers of Technology
iPad Central........................................ 3
New Digital Game Design
Master’s Program.......................... 7
Military Friendly Designation ...... 10
Genetic Counseling Lab
Opens .............................................. 14
And the Award Goes To................. 20
In and Around Long Island
University...................................... 23
Message from the Provost
Welcome to the Spring edition of the Post Press newsletter, featuring
a new design and format to showcase exciting developments at the
C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University. Throughout this issue
we will introduce you to members of the C.W. Post community who
contribute to our success: students, faculty, administrators, trustees,
parents and friends, as well as our alumni.
We are proud to be part of Long Island University, one of the
nation’s most comprehensive private institutions of higher
learning, with a diverse student body of more than 24,000. In
keeping with Long Island University’s mission of improving access
and transforming lives, this issue highlights our cutting-edge
technological innovations, including distribution of iPads to all
incoming freshman and transfer students, and the introduction of
“blended learning” graduate programs that combine online learning
with the richness of face-to-face classroom instruction.
In this issue, we describe, with gratitude, the new Joseph, Tita and Don
Monti Genetics and Human Development Laboratory, made possible
through a generous donation from The Don Monti Memorial Research
Foundation, as well as the re-opening of our historic admissions building,
now called Mullarkey Hall. We are also delighted to share news from
elsewhere in the University, including the appointment of Valeda F. Dent
as dean of university libraries and the kickoff of the new capital campaign
at the College of Pharmacy.
C.W. Post – now in its sixth decade – and Long Island University –
in its ninth – are leading the way in providing practical and relevant
education in the digital age.
I hope you enjoy this newsletter and welcome your feedback and
suggestions. I can be reached at provost@cwpost.liu.edu.
Paul Forestell, Ph.D.
Provost, C.W. Post Campus of
Long Island University
Table of Contents
COVER STORY: We’re Thinking in the Cloud
Rita Langdon ’91, ’95 (M.A.)
iPad Central.................................. 3
Gina Bigelow ’83
Stephanie Koithan ’08
Jill Goetz
Rita Langdon
Morgan Lyle
Amanda Rock ’96
Lynn Schlachter
Blended Learning Combines
Online and Classroom Courses... 4
Gaming Lounge Opens................. 5
Website Launch............................................................... 5
Join the Conversation ...................................................... 6
Bob Mitchell
Joe Rogate
Richard Slattery
Lee Weissman
New M.A. in Digital Game
Design & Development............................ 7
Stephen Hausler
Post Press is published twice annually
by the Public Relations Office at the
C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University
720 Northern Boulevard
Brookville, New York 11548-1300
E-mail: pr@cwpost.liu.edu
Phone: 516-299-2333
Web: www.liu.edu/cwpost/news
Mullarkey Hall Renovations .......... 8-9
Military Friendly Designation ................................... 10
Provost Lecture Series: The Stars are Out ..................... 11
Planet Post: Our Eco-Friendly Campus.......................... 12
High-Flying Marketing Campaign ............ 13
Genetics Counseling Lab Opens ............ 14
In the Next Issue of Post Press:
Alumni Reception ....................................17
Featuring faculty research on endangered species,
national security, Egyptian antiquities, human-computer
interaction, childhood obesity and more.
Our Community. Your University ............................... 18-19
Faculty and Staff ...................................................... 20-21
ON THE COVER: Freshman digital art and design
major Adrian Almonte of Freeport, N.Y., used free
software applications from the iPad to design a
company logo, AFX Designs, and create an iPad
edition of The Pioneer student newspaper.
Pride in Our Families ...................................................... 22
iPad is a registered trademark of Apple.
Athletics.................................................24 and back cover
In and Around Long Island University ............................. 23
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We’re Thinking in the Cloud
C.W. Post is pioneering new ways to deliver
education. In the era of cloud computing,
we are at the forefront of providing
students with access to revolutionary
technologies that will send their skills
and marketability skyward. Through the
“Long Island University cloud,” we are
offering unprecedented access to mobile
devices, new software, expanded file
storage and online class instruction.
And Forbes.com confirms this. Long
Island University has been named the
leader in iPad distribution among colleges
and universities. In addition, C.W. Post is
introducing a growing number of
“blended learning” master’s degrees
that allow students to combine traditional
classroom instruction with online
learning. A new graduate program in
Digital Game Design and Development,
the only one of its kind on Long Island,
is providing opportunities to study,
build and play electronic games for a
burgeoning industry. Long Island
University’s brand new website and
popular social networking pages have
transformed the campus’ reach and
enhanced our students’ experience –
seemingly overnight.
Enter the cloud and see for yourself . . .
c.w. post campus • long island university
Long Island University Ranks
First in iPad Distribution
Forbes.com has named Long Island University
“the leader among universities in the U.S.
and probably worldwide” in iPad distribution.
With more than 6,000 of the Apple iPad computer
tablets in the hands of students across
the University, undergraduates at Long Island
University’s six campuses can now download
digital textbooks, access course materials,
conduct research, build presentations and group
projects, take class notes and exams, and communicate freely with professors and peers in realtime and often at significantly reduced cost.
On Campus, iPads are enabling students, faculty
and staff to explore the new frontier of “cloud computing.” This revolutionary technology gives users
instant access to file storage, software applications,
networks and other web-based tools through a
mobile device instead of being tied to a single computer. Each iPad comes pre-loaded with the My LIU
application, special software developed by Long
Island University programmers that lets students
access their academic and financial records, the
course management system and University email.
“With the emerging concept of cloud computing,
we are moving toward ubiquitous access to
knowledge, information and University services,”
said George Baroudi, the
University’s chief information officer and chief business improvement officer.
“It doesn’t matter where
you are when cloud computing. With their iPads,
C.W. Post students have
access to a host of computing services, not just
on campus; not just off
campus – but virtually
above campus.”
The Office of Information
Technology distributed
iPads for free to freshmen
and transfer students
at each Long Island
University campus at the
start of the Fall 2010 and
Spring 2011 semesters
and offered them at
half price to all other
undergraduates in good
academic standing.
Freshman Carlee Dragon was the first student
to receive a free iPad in Fall 2010. The
childhood education major and C.W. Post field
hockey team member from Bridgewater, N.J.
especially likes the weight off her shoulders –
not to mention her wallet – thanks to digital
downloading of textbooks on the iPads.
“They’re a lot cheaper, and it’s a lot easier than
carrying traditional paper books to class,” said
Dragon, pictured here with C.W. Post Provost
Paul Forestell.
iPUG Unplugged
In November, iPad enthusiasts shared their
experiences at the first meeting of the iPad User
Group, or “iPUG” for short. Gathering in
the Tilles Center Patron’s
Lounge, more than 60
staff traded tips on using the
device, including learning
aids, educational apps to
enhance studies, and
textbook portals to
download discounted
course materials.
At a gathering of the iPUG, Kiichi Takeuchi, (B’04, B’06 M.S.), a student in
the master’s degree program in earth science at C.W. Post and senior
database web developer for Long Island University, demonstrates WiFi file
sharing using the iPad.
c.w. post campus • long island university
“I started using my iPad as
soon as I picked it up,” said
Adrian Almonte, a freshman
majoring in digital arts and
design who created an iPad
edition of The Pioneer, the
C.W. Post student newspaper.
“I can prepare full-scale, professional presentations using a
multimedia design application
I found for free in the Apple app
This Just In…
All incoming
and Transfer
enrolled in Fall
2011 will receive
a free iPad 2.
postpress 3
“The iPad creates
an educational
that will support
the pace of
which will
be driven by
the imagination
of our faculty.”
(continued from previous page)
College 101 instructors are using the iPad to help
students improve their time management skills and
acclimate to college life. “The iPad became an indis-
Professors are integrating the iPad into their classes
in many ways. For his business process course,
College of Management Professor Ling Zhu (pictured)
helps students find e-versions of a required textbook. Students in Associate Professor of Geography
Patrick Kennelly’s “Geographic Information Systems
Applications” course use the device to integrate the
collection, analysis and map display of geospatial
data. “The iPad has numerous functionalities that
we can incorporate into teaching and learning,
including the built-in Global Positioning System
(GPS) receiver and a screen display large enough
for interactive mapping,” said Dr. Kennelly.
- Dr. Jeffrey Kane
Vice President for
Academic Affairs,
Long Island University
4 postpress
pensable resource in connecting my College 101
students to the campus community,” said John
McLoughlin, assistant provost for institutional effectiveness. “By accessing the Internet on the iPad
tablet, my students could indulge their curiosity
about C.W. Post. My class took virtual tours of the
Campus, learned to use the library’s online databases, accessed readings and assignments
through the Blackboard mobile app, and updated
each other weekly on the ‘hottest’ apps for note
taking, time management and studying.”
More iPad and “cloud” initiatives are planned
as the technology becomes more fully integrated
into the curriculum, according to C.W. Post Deputy
CIO Nancy Marksbury. “Advances in technology
keep higher education on its proverbial toes,”
she said. “At C.W. Post, we are ready to support
evolving technologies and ensure our students can
benefit from them.” ■
Business Professor Ling Zhu
Fusing Online and On-campus Learning
Graduate students with work and family responsibilities
have more flexibility than ever before, thanks to C.W.
Post’s new master’s degrees offered in the “blended
learning” format. “We have found a formula that
effectively combines convenience with personal
contact,” said Elizabeth Ciabocchi, associate vice
president for instructional technology and faculty
development at C.W. Post.Programs in accounting,
taxation, nursing education, and library and information
science/school media specialist meet for traditional
classes approximately twice a month and employ
online forums and other web technologies for class
discussions, lectures, assignments and projects.
For more about our blended learning options, visit
Marlene Kellner, a nurse at John T. Mather
Memorial Hospital, takes a mix of online and
in-classroom courses in the blended learning
nursing education program.
c.w. post campus • long island university
New Website:
1.1 Million Hits and Growing!
Since its launch on May 15, 2010, C.W.
Post’s new website at www.liu.edu/cwpost
has received more than a million unique hits,
with most visitors selecting the pages for
undergraduate and graduate academic programs, campus calendars and admissions.
The site features streamlined navigation, fast
links to campus news and FAQs, video profiles
of students, faculty members and staff, a comprehensive search option and direct links
to important sites for prospective students,
parents, alumni and community members.
Managed by Long Island University’s University
Relations division, which includes Marketing
Services and the C.W. Post Office of Public
Relations, the site was upgraded to better
attract and serve the extraordinary diversity of
its users both locally and globally and employ
the latest Web technologies.
C.W. Post home page
Hillwood Opens New Gaming
The Gaming Lounge on the second floor of
Hillwood Commons features Wii, Xbox 360
and Sony PlayStation 3 consoles with 50-inch
LCD monitors. Get Your Game On!
Second Life
Dr. Steven Heim, professor of computer science, has created a
Long Island University “island” at Second Life, the online virtual
world. Using avatars, students can attend classes, visit museums
and interact with other users. Check out the Long Island
University “island” at www.liu.edu/cwpost/secondlife.
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6 postpress
Thousands Flock to C.W. Post Social Networking Sites
More than 5,000 fans follow C.W. Post on Twitter and Facebook, with approximately 61 percent
of them women between the ages of 18 and 24. Our social networking pages provide an interactive venue for gathering and leveraging student feedback and for connecting students, faculty and
staff, parents and alumni. Students use the pages to announce events, share advice and get
answers from C.W. Post staff on a wide range of topics, including open houses, new degree
programs, athletics and Tilles Center tickets. For our current and prospective students from other
countries, such as Canada, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Taiwan and Turkey, these pages
give them up close and personal experience of our campus and serve to raise the Campus’ global
Join the Conversation
Are you one of our FB fans? You can be. “Like” us at
facebook.com/cwpost or facebook.com/cwpostalumni
Follow us to learn about the “tweet” stuff on campus. Sign up now and get
quick bursts of news in 140 characters or less. twitter.com/cwpostliu
Watch videos of C.W. Post students, faculty, staff and alumni in
action! youtube.com/cwpostliu
Receive tutoring and writing assistance in cyberspace through the
C.W. Post Writing Center. Communicate face-to-face with writing
counselors at your computer or mobile device using a web video
cam. Skype name: Cwpwritingcenter
c.w. post campus • long island university
NEW! M.A. in Digital Game Design and Development
Every industry, from education to medicine to the military, employs
sophisticated game play, graphics and storylines. The new 36-credit
M.A. in Digital Game Design and Development – the first degree of its kind
on Long Island – will have you entertaining and educating people in ways
you never thought possible. Classes begin in September.
Want to play a game? Go to:
To view our video, download a free QR code app on your smart phone and then scan the bar code above
or visit www.liu.edu/cwpost/game.
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With its brick and stone exterior, slate roof and distinctive turret, the undergraduate admissions
office (formerly called College Hall) has always been a treasured landmark at the C.W. Post
Campus. A year and a half since its renovation, C.W. Post’s gateway building is now attracting
more visitors than ever before.
8 postpress
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admissions building boasts a modernized
office for the admissions team, with
new waiting areas and meeting rooms,
and an energy-efficient heating and
cooling system. The building has
hosted more than 9,000 visitors since
its makeover. Prospective students and
their parents visit for monthly Enrollment
Services Days and mini-open houses,
formerly held elsewhere on campus.
Mullarkey Hall lobby
High school guidance counselors
are invited to attend conferences in the
building, and campus tours leave from
the lobby.
The 80-year-old building was originally
the home of Adelaide Close Riggs,
daughter of Marjorie Merriweather Post,
who sold her estate to Long Island
University in 1954. Mrs. Post, who lived
Thomas F.X. Mullarkey
Tess Mullarkey
across the courtyard in the 59-room
mansion today known as the Winnick
Renamed Mullarkey Hall in 2009, the
House administration building, was the
daughter of Charles William Post,
founder of the Post Cereal Company.
The refurbished building was dedicated
Oct. 16, 2009, as Mullarkey Hall, in honor
husband, the late Thomas F.X. Mullarkey,
former vice chairman of the Long Island
University Board of Trustees. ■
FROM LEFT: Chancellor Tess Mullarkey with sons Thomas Jr.,
Robert and Roger
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C.W. Post Named
2011 Military-Friendly School
Citing the University’s assistance with tuition costs,
college credit for military training and on-campus services
for veterans, “G.I. Jobs,” a veteran-owned publication
for former service members, has named C.W. Post a “Military
Friendly School.” The 2011 Military Friendly Schools list recognizes
the top 15 percent of colleges, universities and trade schools
that are welcoming America’s veterans as students. Long Island
University’s Brooklyn and Rockland Campuses were also named to
the list.
The new C.W. Post Office of Veteran and Military Affairs, headed
by Adam Grohman ’00, a boatswain’s mate in the Coast Guard
Veterans Day ceremony outside the Hillwood Commons
Reserve, helps veterans access their G.I. Bill benefits and obtain colflagpole
lege credit for education and training they received while in service.
The new student organization, Veterans and Students United, provides a network for former members of the military and
a framework for veteran and non-veteran students to interact. The Semper Fi Endowed Scholarship, for veterans who
served in Iraq or Afghanistan, is made possible by local business executive and World War II veteran Martin Kramer.
Iconic World War I Bond Posters
Bragging Rights
In honor of
Veterans Day,
the Hillwood
Art Museum
presented a
display of rare
posters from
World War I
the public to
buy bonds to
support the
Laurie Norton Moffatt, director and CEO More than 40
of the Norman Rockwell Museum, and
stirring images
Thomas Pulling.
of Joan of Arc,
Lady Liberty and fearless American soldiers graced
the walls of the art gallery located in Hillwood Commons. First shown at the Smithsonian American Art
Museum in Washington, D.C., the posters are from
the private collection of Long Island University Trustee
Thomas Pulling, grandson of R.C. Leffingwell, assistant secretary of the treasury during World War I.
• The College of Management has been recognized for the
fourth consecutive year by The Princeton Review as one of the
best colleges in the country to earn an AACSB-accredited
Master of Business Administration degree, with a listing in the
Princeton Review’s “The Best 301 Business Schools: 2011
Edition” reference guide.
10 postpress
• The C.W. Post Symphonic Band, under the direction of
Dr. James McRoy, will perform at Carnegie Hall on April 26,
2011, sharing the stage with Stadtjugendmusik Winterthur, a
concert band from Switzerland and the Kasukabe Kyoei Wind
Orchestra of Japan.
• New graduates of the Palmer School of Library and Information Science earned an average starting salary of $57,261 –
the highest in the nation – according to a survey published in
the October 15, 2010 issue of Library Journal.
• The Nassau County chapter of the American Red Cross
honored C.W. Post as a “Partner in Preparedness” at its
annual Red & White Dinner Dance last spring. For nearly a
decade, C.W. Post has served as one of only three collegebased disaster relief centers in the New York metropolitan
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Norman Steinberg
Suzanne Phillips
Joseph Warren
Adam Segal
The Stars Are Out
Provost Lecture Series
Features Leading Experts
The 2010 Provost Distinguished Lecture
Series featured Grammy-nominated pianist
David Holzman (pictured) as well as experts in
film and television, national security, whales,
and human relationships with pets. Presenters
included Hollywood screenwriter Norman
Steinberg, who has penned screenplays
for “Blazing Saddles” and “My Favorite Year”
and serves as the Parsons Family University
Professor in Television Production and head of
Long Island University’s Brooklyn Campus’ TV
Writers Studio and its M.F.A. in Writing and
Producing for Television; Adam Segal, the Ira
A. Lipman senior fellow for counterterrorism
and national security studies at the Council on
Foreign Relations; clinical psychologist and
C.W. Post adjunct faculty member Suzanne
Phillips, author of a popular blog on couples
therapy; and Stony Brook University marine
biologist Joseph Warren. ■
At piano, David Holzman
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Planet Post: Our Eco-Friendly Campus
C.W. Post Student Turns Trash into Trend-Setting Fashion
Diane von Furstenberg is known for the wrap
dress. Yves Saint Laurent for putting women in
“power suits.” Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel for the
iconic little black dress.
Joanna Del Giudice’s claim to fashion fame? Fully
wearable, attractive garments crocheted out of
garbage bags, plastic shopping bags and VHS
and cassette tapes.
For her senior honors thesis, Del Giudice, a 21year-old art education major from Centereach,
N.Y., created wearable art – 10 outfits made
entirely out of items that most people throw in the
trash on a daily basis. Her collection includes a
variety of pieces and styles, including a metallic
vest made out of two VHS tapes, a black strapless
dress and zigzag belt made from a trash bag and
VHS tape, a metallic shawl made from four
cassette tapes, a yellow and red circle skirt made
from 65 “Shop Rite” bags and a stunning red
corset made from 40 plastic bags.
Joanna Del Guidice
“I love to see people’s reaction when they see it,” she said. “At first glance you can’t tell they are made
out of plastic.” She added that her fashions were created to inspire people to think about recycling
in new ways. “My project goes beyond the need to reduce, reuse and recycle. It’s reimagining – upcycling, transforming and giving something old, new life.”
GREEN Highlights
C.W. Post is reducing electric bills
through its new 10-kilowatt solar power
generator installed in September at the
Facilities Services building in partnership
with National Grid. Pictured is Bill Kirker,
director of facilities services.
The Sustainability Committee, under
the leadership of Geology Professor Scott
Carlin (pictured), is promoting sustainable
practices such as recycling and composting
throughout the campus community.
C.W. Post is offering 10 new undergraduate courses in sustainability that will
change the way you think about our
planet. Explore clean energy, economic
stability and resource conservation. Learn
from experts in biology and ecology,
ancient history and modern technology,
international business and Wall Street,
public education, journalism and the
visual arts. Courses will be offered from
June 27 to July 28 at a tuition discount.
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Planes, Trains and Automobiles:
C.W. Post’s High-Flying Marketing Machine
On the rails, the roads and in the air this
summer, the message will be everywhere:
C.W. Post is the place where graduate
students can “Learn to Earn.” Created by
Long Island University’s Marketing Services
team, the outdoor advertising campaign has
placed the C.W. Post brand prominently at
Long Island Bus, Hempstead
the ballpark, on train platforms, the sides of
buses, and even high in the sky! More
specifically, C.W. Post’s ads, with their
distinctive color palette and instantly recognizable tableau, will be positioned behind
home plate at Citi Field; the platforms of the
Long Island Rail Road; the tails and sides
Long Island Rail Road platform, Mineola
of MTA Long Island buses; and on banners
flying from airplanes in the skies over Long
Island beaches. The ads will increase traffic
to C.W. Post’s revamped website at
Broadway Mall, Hicksville
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New Genetic Counseling Lab Expands Options
For Students and Their Future Clients
Thanks to a generous donation of $500,000 from The Don Monti Memorial Research Foundation,
the C.W. Post Campus dedicated the Joseph, Tita and Don Monti Genetics and Human Development
Laboratory last fall. The state-of-the-art genetics/
embryology lab serves students in our new master’s
degree program in genetic counseling as well as
students in our biology, biomedical sciences and
forensic science programs.
As genetic testing becomes more widely available
and patients gain unprecedented access to information about birth defects and the potential for
medical problems, the need for genetic counselors
has risen dramatically. Graduates of the new
master’s program, one of only a handful of such
degree programs nationwide, will be steeped in the
scientific, clinical and psychological aspects of
genetic counseling and be prepared to help their
At the dedication of the Monti Lab: (BACK, FROM LEFT: clients make informed decisions regarding risks
Dr. Jeffrey Kane, vice president for academic affairs, Long
and gene therapies for a range of disorders and
Island University; Edward Travaglianti, chairman, Long
illnesses, including Down syndrome, cystic fibrosis,
Island University board of trustees; Dr. David Steinberg,
sickle cell anemia, cleft palate, spina bifida and
president, Long Island University; Arthur J. Saladino and
various heart ailments and cancers.
Richard Monti, co-chairmen of The Don Monti Memorial
Research Foundation Board. FRONT: Dr. Katherine
Hill-Miller, dean, C.W. Post College of Liberal Arts and
Sciences; Bhuma Krishnamachari, director of C.W. Post
Genetic Counseling; Caroline Monti Saladino, president,
and Danielle Faria, executive vice president of The Don
Monti Memorial Research Foundation.
14 postpress
“I believe my parents and my brother would be very
pleased that our Foundation is focusing on education, which is such an important component in the
war against cancer,” said Foundation President
Caroline Monti Saladino, whose brother, Don
Monti, died of cancer at the age of 16. The Don
Monti Memorial Research Foundation is the
premier organization dedicated to cancer research,
education, fellowship and patient care in the Long
Island/tri-state area.
FROM LEFT: Nobel Laureate James Watson with C.W. Post
genetic counseling students at the annual dinner of The Don
Monti Memorial Research Foundation’s Ball of the Year.
From left: Calvin Chan of Canada; Melanie Charles, parttime coordinator, Genetic Counseling Program; Virginia
Sack of New York, Amanda Brosseau of Kansas; and Veena
Ganesh of Nigeria.
In acknowledging the gift from the Monti
Foundation, Long Island University President
Dr. David J. Steinberg said, “We are deeply grateful
to the Foundation for advancing this exciting
medical discipline, which is bringing new resources
to patients and families in the fight against
debilitating birth defects and inherited conditions.”
BETTER BY DEGREES: New Academic Programs at C.W. Post
• M.A. in Digital Game Design and
• M.S. in Genetic Counseling
• M.S. in Clinical Laboratory Sciences
• M.S.W. with Concentration in Forensic
Social Work
• Online M.S.W. with Concentration in Child
and Family Welfare
• Blended Learning M.S. Degree Programs in
Accountancy, Taxation, Nursing Education
and Library and Information Science/School
Library Media (online and in-classroom
• B.F.A. in Theatre Arts with Concentration in
Musical Theatre
c.w. post campus • long island university
100% Recycled
The Class of 2011 will be wearing graduation gowns made of 100%
post-consumer recycled plastic, enough to keep 30,000 water bottles out
of a landfill. Manufactured by Virginia-based Oak Hall Cap & Gown, the
GreenWeaver gowns are made of fabric spun from molten plastic pellets.
Indistinguishable in color, feel or fit, each of the eco-friendly gowns is made
from approximately 23 plastic bottles. More than 1,300 students are
expected to participate in commencement exercises on Friday, May 6.
For information visit www.liu.edu/cwpost/commencement
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Long Island Women’s Institute Hosts Panels with
Women Leaders in Business and News
In recent months the Long Island Women’s Institute (LIWI) of C.W. Post, now in its 20th year, hosted
a panel discussion with prominent
women executives, community
agency leaders and journalists from
Long Island to inspire and
educate local women. A February
panel on “Long Island’s Power
Women” featured Roslyn Goldmacher,
president and CEO of the Long
Island Development Corporation;
Judith Beckman, president of the
Association of Financial Service
Professionals; Sharon Edison, principal at Metropolitan Refunds;
Sharon Newman, owner of
Envelopes.com; and Phyllis Hill
FROM LEFT: Roslyn Muraskin, Sharon Edison, Roslyn Goldmacher,
Slater, principal of Hill Slater Inc.
Phyllis Hill Slater, Judith Beckman, Sharon Newman
In March the Women’s Institute
hosted a panel, “Women Reporting the News: Telling It Like It Is,” with Newsday columnists and editors
Jamie Herzlich, Valerie Kellogg ’91, and Carrie Mason-Draffen. “This trio of opinion leaders brought
vast expertise and invaluable perspective on the challenges facing small businesses, the volatile real
estate market and other subjects making headlines on Long Island,” said Professor Roslyn Muraskin,
director of the Long Island Women’s Institute.
For information, visit www.liu.edu/cwpost/women.
Retired Executives Mentor M.B.A. Students
In New Global Connections Program
Former business executives and international CEOs are
mentoring students from China, India and other countries who
are pursuing the Master of Business Administration at
C.W. Post as part of the new “Global Connections Partnership
Program.” The retirees attend C.W. Post’s acclaimed Hutton
House Lectures, a non-credit adult enrichment program.
George Haralampoudis (B’56), an international import/export
executive, advises an M.B.A. student on global business.
16 postpress
Retirees participating in the program, which kicked off earlier
this year, offer their international business expertise each week
with students who gather in Lorber Hall. Because federal law
restricts international students’ ability to work off campus, this
program will give them invaluable networking opportunities
and exposure to U.S. business customs and enhance their
preparation for the workplace. The program was conceived
by Long Island University Trustee Edward Shorin and is coordinated by Dr. Kay Sato, assistant provost of the School
of Continuing Education and director of the Hutton House
Lectures, and Dr. Jessica Hayes, assistant provost for
international student services.
c.w. post campus • long island university
C.W. Post Takes Long Island to the City
Alumni Reception
Rob Arning ’84, keynote speaker and
vice chair - market development, KPMG
LLP with his brother Mark Arning ’78,
senior vice president & general auditor,
New York Life Insurance Company.
College sweethearts Gina Bigelow ’83
and Greg Bigelow ’82 with former New
York Giant Alan Steinfeld ’82 take in the
cityscape on the Sports Club terrace.
Ronald Guggenheim ’72, Mary Chung ’79,
Al Kahn ’84, H’05, and Harry Chung.
Tom Esposito ’86, Football Coach and Director
of Athletics Bryan Collins, new men’s head
basketball Coach Chris Casey and Mark Verdi ’99.
c.w. post campus • long island university
Danielle Apfelbaum ’08, ’10 and
2009 valedictorian
Kaitlyn McKenna catch up
at the reception.
Where could you
find the producer
of “Teenage
Mutant Ninja
Turtles,” a New
York Giant-turnedfinance executive,
a top auditing firm
executive and a
recent C.W. Post
valedictorian at the
same party? They
were at the annual
Alumni Reception,
held in June at the
New York Athletic
Club, where
recent graduates
rubbed elbows
with successful
alumni for a
gathering that
numbered more
than 300.
included Long
Island University
Trustee Alfred R.
Kahn ’84, H’05,
chairman and
CEO of 4Kids
Alan Steinfeld ’82,
a player for the
New York Giants
and Kansas City
Chiefs before
launching a career
in finance; Robert
Arning ’84, vice
chair – market
development at
KPMG, which
sponsored the
reception with the
C.W. Post Alumni
Association; and
Kaitlyn McKenna,
the Class of 2009
valedictorian, now
a law student
interning at the
U.S. District Court.
postpress 17
Our Community.
Your University.
Center for Community Inclusion
The Center for Community Inclusion, led by Associate Professor of Special Education Kathleen Feeley, is hosting several
programs that give students in our special education and
speech-language programs hands-on experience in serving
community members with developmental disabilities.
Psychology Doctoral Students Aid 9/11
First Responders and Families
C.W. Post clinical psychology doctoral students have joined
with Tuesday's Children, an organization comprising relatives
of those killed in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, to offer
mental health counseling to first responders who worked in
lower Manhattan in the aftermath of the attacks. The students,
under the direction of Dr. Thomas Demaria, founder of the C.W.
Post Community Trauma Response Team, provide counseling
and referrals in health and wellness, financial management and
career guidance. The program is supported by a $1 million
grant secured by U.S. Rep. Peter King.
The campus’ clinical psychology doctoral program has a long
history of working with Sept. 11 families. This year, C.W. Post
students were again invited on the New York Fire Department's
twilight cruise for 9/11 family members to provide psychological
Speech-language pathology and audiology major Kian Lyons
teaches children with disabilities to ride bicycles at the Lose the
Training Wheels program, co-sponsored by the Down Syndrome
Advocacy Foundation and the C.W. Post Center for Community
The center is hosting workshops for autistic children and their
siblings, with funding from the Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for
Autism. The center also sponsors “Lose the Training Wheels,”
a national program by the Down Syndrome Advocacy Foundation that provides adaptive equipment and staff to teach
youths with Down syndrome or autism to ride bicycles and
build self-confidence. For more on the Center for Community
Inclusion, visit www.liu.edu/cwpost/cci.
18 postpress
Clinical psychology doctoral student Matthew Liebman plays the
piano for children of 9/11 victims in the Great Hall.
support. In December, the Psychological Services Center
hosted a holiday party in the campus’ Great Hall, attended by
more than 60 family members, including victim’s children and
grandchildren who were born the year of the attacks.
M.B.A. Students Raise More Than $30,000 for Charity
Each year, students in Management Professor David Jalajas’
class in “Organizational Behavior” are given the choice of analyzing a firm or completing a project that benefits the community. In the Fall 2010 class, all of the students chose the
community service option and, by applying the skills and
knowledge acquired in the course, they raised a record
c.w. post campus • long island university
FROM LEFT: Michael Towers, Imtiaz Insanally, Madeleine Brooks,
Danielle Moran, M.B.A. students raised funds for St. Francis Hospital.
Dr. June Smith (third from right) with students Erika Steil, Jahnissi
Ardia, Tarmo Kirsimae, Melissa Locke and Lori Ross, in African village.
$31,482 for nine causes. The top recipient was Operation
Smile, which provides plastic facial surgery for children in
developing nations. Other student teams raised money for such
organizations as Ronald McDonald House, Drug-Free
Massapequa, Friends of Hempstead Plains and the Heart
Center at St. Francis Hospital.
of the 1994 genocide. They were led by Dr. June Smith, an
associate professor in the Department of Counseling and
Development, who spearheaded The Rwanda Project.
Student Volunteers Build Homes in Mexico
In February 2010, C.W. Post clinical psychology doctoral
students led workshops for students, parents and teachers at
Roosevelt Children’s Academy, Long Island’s first charter
school, in Roosevelt, N.Y., on such topics as “Integrating Art in
Discussing Feelings with Your Child,” “Reducing Test Anxiety”
and “Managing Parent Stress.” In addition, C.W. Post education majors observed classes and produced a video that was
presented at the C.W. Post Conference of ElementarySecondary Teaching & Learning in December.
During winter break, 13 C.W. Post student volunteers visited
Tijuana to help local residents build houses and apartments as
part of the 10th annual Builders of Hope trip, organized by the
Education and Psychology Students Teach and Learn
at Long Island’s First Charter School
The C.W. Post Newman Catholic Parish in Tijuana with Father Ted Brown.
Newman Catholic Parish, the Roman Catholic student organization
at C.W. Post, under the auspices of Esperanza International.
During the weeklong stay, students dug trenches, put in the
foundation, poured the floors, and built the cement walls of
houses for families in need. They also visited an orphanage and
a health care clinic.
Counseling Students Assist Victims of Post-Traumatic
Stress in Rwanda
Farther afield, nearly two dozen graduate students from the
C.W. Post Department of Counseling and Development traveled
to Rwanda last summer to meet and assist survivors
c.w. post campus • long island university
Jennifer Paretta, a C.W. Post M.S. in Adolescence Education
major, with Lashea Bouknight, a student at Roosevelt Children’s
Academy Charter School. A new partnership between the two
schools offers educational experiences for C.W. Post students and
workshops for Roosevelt students, faculty and parents.
postpress 19
And the Award
Goes To…
Spotlight On…
Patrick Aievoli, associate professor of
art and founding director of the Interactive
Multimedia Arts program, received Long
Island Business News’ “Fifty or So
Around 50 Award.” Professor Aievoli
was honored along with several other
Long Islanders for their leadership in
business, commitment to community
mentoring and support for the Island’s nonprofit organizations.
Egyptologist Bob Brier, senior research fellow and a leading
world expert on mummies, appeared on CNN, the Today
Show, NBC Nightly News and several other primetime shows
to discuss the looting of antiquities at Cairo’s Egyptian
Museum in the wake of Egypt’s massive protests.
Dr. Anne Burns, associate
professor of mathematics,
won third place at the 2011
Joint Mathematics Meeting,
held in New Orleans, for her
digital artwork “Circles on
Orthogonal Circles.”
Dr. Willie Hiatt’s translation
of a text on Andean peoples,
previously available only in
Spanish, has been named
an “Outstanding Title” by
“Choice,” a publication of the
American Library Association.
Dr. Hiatt is an assistant
professor of history.
Dr. A. Scott McGowan, senior
professor of education and
former chair of the Department of
Counseling and Development,
was honored by the American
Counseling Association as an
ACA Fellow for his significant
and unique contributions in
professional practice, scientific
achievement and teaching.
Seung Lee (on right),
professor of art, received the
prestigious “Best International
Korean Artist of 2010” award
during a ceremony at the
Korean Art Festival.
Dr. James Vacca, chair of the Department of Special Education
and Literacy, assistant professor of education, and director of
the CASE program, received a 2010 Child Abuse and Neglect/
Family Violence Volunteer/Professional Award from the Suffolk
County Advisory Committee on Child Protection and the
Suffolk County Task Force to Prevent Family Violence.
20 postpress
Bob Brier is interviewed by CNN’s Mary Snow.
Chris Casey, former assistant
men’s basketball coach at St.
John’s University, has been
named head coach of the C.W.
Post men’s basketball team.
Ronald S. Edwards, former
human resources director
at New York Health and
Network, and Boys and Girls
Harbor, Inc., has been
appointed human resources
officer at C.W. Post.
Amy J. Gaimaro, an instructional technology faculty member
at Molloy College and Nassau Community College, has been
appointed instructional designer for the Long Island University
Office of Academic Affairs. Gaimaro will partner with faculty
who wish to incorporate technology in their teaching.
c.w. post campus • long island university
Spotlight On…
Long Island University Appoints
Deans for Library and Health
Long Island University’s Vice President
of Academic Affairs Dr. Jeffrey Kane
is pleased to announce the appointment
of two new academic deans at the
C.W. Post Campus:
Dr. Maryann Clark, former acting dean and
professor at Seton Hall’s School of Graduate
Medical Education, is now dean of the School
of Health Professions and Nursing at the
Benjamin Moore
Dr. Jessica Hayes, former director
of residence life and international student services, has been appointed
assistant provost for international
student services.
Dr. Gregory S. Hunter, director of
the Ph.D. in Information Studies
program, testified before Congress
on the need for government agencies to make simplifying recordkeeping a higher priority. Dr. Hunter
also is director of the Archives and
Records Management advanced
certificate program at the Palmer
School of Library and Information
Dr. Harvey Kushner, chairman of the
Criminal Justice Department and
author of the “Encyclopedia of
Terrorism,” continues to appear on
several primetime shows, including
Geraldo and final shows of Larry King
Live, about terrorist activities in
airports and New York City. His new
course on terrorism, which he taught
during the summer, winter and weekend sessions, was filled to capacity.
Dr. Steven Liebling’s paper “Dual
Jets from Binary Black Holes,”
co-authored with two Canadian
astrophysicists, was published in the
August 20 edition of the journal
Science. His research was funded in
part by the National Science Foundation and performed on a computer
cluster at C.W. Post and supercomputers at other locations.
Benjamin Moore, acting dean for
the School of Visual and Performing
Arts, narrated “The Night Before
Christmas” during a performance by
the famed Boston Pops Orchestra at
Tilles Center.
Dr. Panos Mourdoukoutas, chairman of the Economics Department,
gave a presentation titled “The
Prospects for Exiting the Crisis: U.S.,
Europe and Japan” at the Institute of
Democracy, a think tank in Athens,
C.W. Post Campus. Dr. Clark oversees
bachelor’s and master’s programs in clinical
laboratory sciences, cytotechnology, forensic
science, health information management,
medical biology, nursing, nutrition, radiologic
technology and social work.
Frank Olt, professor of art and director
of the ceramics program at the C.W.
Post Campus of Long Island University,
was named one of the 50 most
followed professors on Twitter.
Valeda Frances Dent has been appointed
dean of University Libraries and oversees the
University research library, which serves
27,000 students and more than 600 full-time
Lynne Schwartz, associate director
for counseling services, has assumed
additional responsibilities as coordinator of the new Post Parent and Family
Raymond Gordon, former assistant
director of residential life at Sacred
Heart University, has been appointed
director of residence life.
faculty members across six campuses
and five international sites. Dean Dent was
previously associate university librarian for
research and instructional services at Rutgers
University and head of the reference division
at the Hunter College Library.
Ray Gordon
c.w. post campus • long island university
postpress 21
Pride in Our
Victoria DiBenedetto ’06, associate director for the
C.W. Post Au Pair program, and Anthony Pizziatolla,
an audio visual technologist in C.W. Post Conference
Services, were married
on September 24 at
St. Agnes Cathedral in
Rockville Centre. A
reception followed at
the North Ritz Club in
Syosset. The couple,
both C.W. Post
graduates, met in
2003 at Homecoming.
Danielle Larice ’05, ’09
(M.P.A.), senior administrative assistant in the
Admissions Office,
married Dominic Gruosso
on October 8 at St.
Patrick’s Roman Catholic
Church in Glen Cove.
FROM LEFT: Keara Hayes, Elena Marie Mendoza, Daniel McLoughlin,
Alexandra Schubeck, Matteo Parrinello
Andraes Alexander ’99 (M.B.A.), assistant dean in
the College of Management, and wife Jada welcomed
the arrival of Isabella Grace on July 16, 2010. Isabella
weighed 6 pounds and 14 ounces.
Isabella Grace
Kati-Ann Ashworth, clerical assistant in the School
of Continuing Education and Jonathan Mauchan, an
assistant with the C.W. Post Baseball coaching staff,
were married on February 25 at the Fox Hollow
Country Club in Woodbury.
Jennifer Pozo, assistant director of Conference
Services and Auxiliary Services and commencement
coordinator, and husband Daniel celebrated the arrival
of Cristian Arturo Pozo on October 26, 2010. Cristian
weighed 7 pounds 11 ounces and was 20 inches.
Cheuk Liu B’05, systems
associate in the Information
Technology Department, and
wife Susan B’04 welcomed
daughter Katelyn Ann on October 4, 2010. Katelyn weighed
6 pounds and 10 ounces.
Katelyn Ann
Frances “Rusty” Harten,
director of forensic sciences,
and wife Kathryn traveled to
China to adopt Kerrianne
Kangcao on September 15,
2010. The 2-year-old is a
welcome addition to the family,
which also includes 12-yearold daughter Caroline.
22 postpress
Kate Howlett, director of alumni relations, and her
husband Brian Howlett are the proud parents of
daughter Shea Marie Howlett, born on December 9,
2010. Shea Marie weighed 6 pounds and was 18 ¼
inches long.
Shea Marie
Dr. Jessica Hayes ’96, ’02 (M.S.), assistant provost
for international student services, and husband John
Hayes ’96 welcomed Keara Riley Hayes on April 2,
2010 at Winthrop University Hospital. Keara weighed
5 pounds and 10 ounces and was 19 ½ inches. Both
parents are C.W. Post alumni.
John McLoughlin, assistant provost for institutional
effectiveness, and wife Suzanne ’99 welcomed son
Daniel Bennett on January 10, 2010 at St. Charles
Hospital in Port Jefferson. Daniel was born 8 pounds
and 8 ounces and was 20 ¼ inches long. Daniel’s big
sister Ava was born on May 14, 2008.
Ivana Lagana, associate director of international
student services, gave birth to son Matteo Alessandro
Parrinello on April 27, 2010 at North Shore University
Hospital in Manhasset. Matteo weighed 10 pounds
and was 22 inches. Ivana’s husband Fabio
Parrinello also is a C.W. Post alumnus.
Fernando Mendoza, associate director of student life
and leadership development, and wife Sarah, assistant
director of international student services, welcomed
daughter Elena Marie Mendoza on January 12, 2010 at
Winthrop University Hospital. Elena weighed 6 pounds
and 8 ounces and was 19.5 inches.
Anne Schubeck ’02, director of the Au Pair
Program, and husband Andrew, welcomed daughter
Alexandra Anne on October 16, 2009 at Winthrop
University Hospital. Alexandra weighed 7 pounds and
7 ounces and was 21 ½ inches.
c.w. post campus • long island university
In and Around
the University
C.W. Post is a campus of Long Island University, one of the largest
and most comprehensive private universities in the United States.
Westchester, Rockland Graduate
Campuses Merge
Long Island University has merged the program offerings
and resources of its two Hudson Valley campuses,
the Rockland Graduate Campus and the Westchester
Graduate Campus, to better meet the region’s educational needs. The merger will offer students unprecedented convenience, giving them access to educational
opportunities, facilities and services on both sides of
the Hudson River. Students now will have 70 academic
programs from which to choose. Some areas of study
will continue to be offered exclusively at one campus,
but options will enable students to take some courses
at the sister campus.
Riverhead Campus to Graduate
Fourth Class
Long Island University at Riverhead’s commencement
ceremony will be held on May 10 at Giorgio in
Baiting Hollow. The class of 2011 includes more than
60 graduates from the M.S. programs in education and
homeland security management. In addition, the
University at Riverhead will graduate its first class from
the baccalaureate program in childhood education.
Fifteen students will receive their bachelor’s degree
from the campus founded in 2006.
Campus Fosters
Students in Counseling
Professor Paul Ciborowski’s
“Multicultural Diversity” class
(pictured) visited the Selden
Mosque to learn more about
Muslim culture on Long
Island and how they can better serve Muslim members
of the community in their future careers as counselors.
In addition, one of Brentwood’s recent counseling
graduates, Chris Polley ’08 (M.S. in School Counseling),
appeared on HGTV’s House Hunters International
purchasing a home in Tokyo, Japan.
Brooklyn Campus
Long Island University’s Arnold & Marie Schwartz
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is celebrating
its 125th anniversary with a series of special events
and the kickoff of a $12.5 million capital campaign.
Since its founding in 1886, the former Brooklyn College
of Pharmacy has graduated more than 20,000 people,
including such luminaries as Herbert J. Conrad, former
president of Roche Pharmaceuticals; Dr. Louis
Lemberger, one of the scientists who discovered
Prozac; Dr. Muhammed
Majeed, founder of
Sabinsa Corporation, a
global manufacturer of
alternative therapies;
and Dr. Howard Murad,
one of the nation’s
leading authorities on
skin care.
In Memoriam
Billy Taylor, a pianist,
composer and famous jazz
artist, passed away December
12, 2010 at age 89. He
was Tilles Center for
Performing Arts’ first
Rose Tilles Professor from
Julian Mates, professor of
English and founding dean
of the School of Visual and
Performing Arts, passed
away July 17, 2010.
Photo: Christopher Dodrill
Celik Parkin, professor of management in the College of Management,
retired December 31.
Seth Magot, associate professor
in the Department of Computer
Science/Management Engineering
and the Palmer School of Library
and Information Science, retired
August 31.
Howard J. White, associate vice
president for labor relations and
equal opportunity employment,
retired May 1. The retired Army
lieutenant colonel served three
tours of duty in Vietnam and helped
establish affirmative action in the
armed forces under President
Jimmy Carter.
Donald L. Ungarelli, dean of
University libraries and alumnus of
C.W. Post’s second graduating class,
the Class of 1960, retired in May.
He was instrumental in building the
University library system into a premier repository of knowledge and
center of research and has returned
to the full-time faculty to share his
unparalleled knowledge with a new
generation of students.
c.w. post campus • long island university
Robert Manheimer, dean of the
College of Education and Information
Sciences and an associate professor of
education since 2001, will retire this
summer. The former superintendent of
schools for the Jericho School District,
Dr. Manheimer served as dean of the
School of Education and Palmer School
of Library and Information Science
during his tenure at C.W. Post. He will
return to the faculty after a sabbatical.
David Roll, professor in the
Psychology Doctoral Program
retired August 31.
Bridget Szerszynski, executive
assistant in the Office of the Provost,
retired August 1.
Barbara Kane, certification officer,
Office of Records and Registration,
retired February 17.
postpress 23
Lacrosse Aims for
The two-time defending NCAA champion men’s
lacrosse team started its 2011 season ranked No. 1 in
the country and determined to win an unprecedented
third consecutive Division II national title. Coach John
Jez’s team has dominated the opposition, going
undefeated in its first seven games and outscoring
opponents 99-26. The women’s team opened the
season ranked No. 3 nationally and won its first two
Other Post Pride Moments:
• Stefan Bonneau and Janea Aiken
were the men’s and women’s East
Coast Conference Basketball Players
of the Year, and both were selected
for the Daktronics All-Region First
• Cornelia Hanes set a new school
record with a time of 23.73 seconds
in the 50-meter freestyle race at the
NCAA swimming championships in
• Assistant baseball coach Dick
Vining, the head coach of the
Pioneers for 28 years and the first
college baseball coach in New York
State to win 700 games, will be
inducted into the American Baseball
Coaches Association’s Hall of Fame.
• Women’s swimming, coached by
Maureen Travers, has a collective
GPA of 3.58, the best of any Division
II women’s swimming team in the
country. The field hockey team,
coached by Raenee Savin, had the
second-best GPA in the country,
• Four cross-country runners were
named Academic All-Americans by
the U.S. Track & Field and Cross
Country Coaches Association:
Christian Altamura, Raymond
Coyle, Vince Giambanco and
Joseph Lasher.
• Men’s lacrosse team won the James
Ace Adams Sportsmanship Award
from the US Lacrosse Men’s Game
Collegiate Officials Committee.
24 postpress
c.w. post campus • long island university
When commuters in Hartford,
Conn. need to know the traffic
conditions on local highways,
they tune in to Olessa
Stepanova, the on-camera
traffic reporter for Eyewitness
News this Morning on WFSB.
A veteran of NY1 and News 12
Long Island, Stepanova
graduated Magna Cum Laude
from C.W. Post in 2006 with a
B.F.A. in electronic journalism.
“I learned the skills I needed
for my career at C.W. Post, and
landed my first position through
a job fair on campus,” she said.
“Attending C.W. Post put me
on the road to success.”
C.W. Post’s 110,000 alumni
are successful in every field.
Learn more at
The men’s and women’s
basketball teams are the 2011
East Coast Conference
Champions! The women’s
team, led by Head Coach
Deirdre Moore, won its ECC
title game at Bridgeport 69-66
on March 6. Later that day, the
men’s team, led by first-year
coach Chris Casey, defeated
Bridgeport 68-64. As conference champs, both teams
won automatic bids to the
NCAA Division II championship
tournament – the first since
2001 for the women and since
2009 for the men. Both teams
bowed in the opening round
at Bentley.
Pictured: C.W. Post junior, Stefan Bonneau
Photo: Bob Mitchell