The Wave Eductor
The Wave Eductor
Wave Eductor and Its Potential Use in Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Larry Yin, Alan F. Blumberg, Thomas H. Wakeman III, Jon K. Miller, Raju V. Datla Stevens Institute of Technology, Castle Point on Hudson, Hoboken, NJ 07030 1-201-294-2205 The Vision A good way to harvest wave energy is to use an energy concentration system with a large number of cheap energy collection devices spreading out at sea converting the wave forcing into a certain form and passing it to a single, well-protected point where the joined energy is converted all together. The energy collection devices should be simple and lasting - like the floating glass bottles - to survive the ocean. The idea of concentration takes advantage of the space of an open sea to win in economy by scale. Frequency (rad/s) Wave Height (cm) Flowrate (gpm) Effectiveness Coefficient 2.856 5.42 2.3 x 10-2 0.96 x 10-4 3.491 7.02 4.4 x 10-2 0.93 x 10-4 4.189 6.67 5.5 x 10-2 1.89 x 10-4 4.654 5.14 5.1 x 10-2 1.67 x 10-4 5.236 4.68 2.1 x 10-2 1.47 x 10-4 The realization of this vision lies in the invention of the wave eductor and its application in an adapted Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) system. The wave eductor, based on the working principle of an eductor, pumps water running on wave energy at no cost. The whole device is in one piece without any moving parts. Groups of wave eductors, replacing the mechanical pumps, feed an OTEC power plant with cold and warm water from different depths, as the collection of the kinetic and potential energy spread out in the waves to build up water thermal energy in the OTEC heat exchangers for a centralized conversion into electricity. From another perspective, the replacement with wave eductors in the OTEC would turn the power consumption in water pumping, about 40% of the gross output, into additional sales. The Wave Eductor The concept of wave eductor is using waves to drive a submerged funnel (or a combination of funnels), to make it oscillate in the alongaxis direction, repeatedly creating low pressure at the narrower sections due to the periodically accelerated internal flow, thereby sucking in water through the opening on the wall at the narrowest part from a joined suction tube. The pump needs no pistons, no valves, no sealing, and no lubrication - a structure of simplicity. Test Results Model Scale Performance Prototype Scale Performance The Adapted OTEC Power Plant The seawater systems of such a plant are modified to accommodate the use of wave eductors. The altered plant is close-cycle (CC), deploying two wave eductor groups at locations where the wave conditions are statistically good, one group supplying cold water from a deep depth to its condensing units and the other supplying warm water from the surface to its evaporating units. The suction tubes (A) are in parallel, connected to a large-diameter outlet pipe (B) through an interface. The outlet pipe (B) connects to the outlet side of the heat exchanging units (HX) within the plant housing, while a similar inlet pipe (C) connects to the inlet side of the heat exchanging units (HX). The other end of the inlet pipe (C) runs out to the point of suction, either at 1000 m deep off the shelf or just below the surface in the vicinity. The heat exchanging units are located below the water level to avoid elevation head β in the holds of a plant ship below the draft line for the offshore scenario and in an underground structure by the coast below the lowest tidal level for the onshore scenario. The piping is all underwater as well, through ship hulls or through drilled tunnels under sands or rocks. The other CC-OTEC components β turbines, working fluid circuit and so on β remain the same, except that the heat exchangers should be customized to minimize pressure drop, which is not hard in a shell and tube heat exchanger design. At last, the wave eductors should be placed to a depth of at least 60 m to prevent negative environmental impact for discharging water[2]. Wave Eductor Model Model Setup For proof of concept, a 3-D printed, small-scale wave eductor model of a symmetric double-funnel design and with arbitrary dimensions was tested in April 2013 in the wave tank at Stevens Institute of Technology. The model was set up in a heaving operation mode with a cylinder buoy on top and was moored by a tension spring and an anchoring weight. Each test was under monochromatic waves of a particular frequency generated by a wave maker by the end of the tank. The model was allowed all six degrees of freedom but only heaving displacement was recorded. Instantaneous wave amplitude was measured by a wire on the side. Red dye was put into the clear suction tube for observation of the flow. In all the tests, the colored water moved up the tube in a pulsed manner, rushing forward twice over one wave period (due to the double-funnel design), before it entered the wave eductor and was discharged out of the funnel mouths. The whole tube of colored water, including the dye that attached to the inner tube wall, was emptied within minutes. Calculations are made to estimate the required number of wave eductors and the required suction pressure for a traditional 10-MW CCOTEC plant. To simplify the calculation, the flow in all the piping or tubing is considered steady and turbulent as with an averaged flow rate and the flow in the suction tubes is regarded identical. All the design parameters are based on the best available benchmark values mostly from literature[3-8]. OFFSHORE Deep Water Pipe A Condenser Evaporator Condenser Evaporator A B C Total Heat Transfer Duty (kW) 665,271 635,964 665,271 635,964 Flow Rate (m3/s) Flow Rate (gpm) 27.7 439,100 52.8 837,600 27.7 439,100 52.8 837,600 A 0.243 0.243 0.243 0.243 B 5.5 5.5 1.6 1.6 C 3.9 4.6 1.6 1.6 A 100 100 100 100 B 100 100 500 500 C 1000 20 3123 500 B 1 1 7 18 C 1 2 7 18 Num of HX Groups in Parallel 4 4 4 4 A 1.49 2.28 2.39 3.25 B 1.17 2.22 1.97 1.46 C 2.32 1.59 1.97 1.46 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 A 0.79 1.61 1.90 3.16 B 0.14 0.21 1.88 1.08 C 1.57 0.01 11.00 0.97 Head Loss due to Density (m) 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 Head Loss in HX (m) 2.75 1.75 2.75 1.75 Req. Num of Wave Eductors 400 500 250 350 7.48 x 104 3.92 x 104 2.00 x 105 7.58 x 104 B Pipe Diameter (m) By analysis[1], the suction pressure of the wave eductor is 1 2π·1 + π·2 π·1 β π·2 π=π ππ tan π½ 6 π·22 2 π2π ππ‘ 2 βπ π·1 π·2 4 π·1 β π·2 2 ππ ππ‘ C HX 2 Pipe Length (m) where π·1 is the diameter at the funnel mouth, π·2 the diameter at the funnel sprout and π½ the funnel inclining angle. π is the density of the surrounding water. π is the heaving displacement. π is an effectiveness coefficient accounting for the energy loss in the internal flow and the consequence of neglecting the motions other than heaving. It is found that the velocity squared term, the second in the bracket, dominates the overall suction pressure, whereas the acceleration term plays a minor role but causes the difference between the two consecutive pulses of suction flow, one stronger and one weaker as observed. The flow in the suction tube is studied by standard pipe flow analysis and is fitted with observation to obtain the effectiveness coefficients for this particular model. The model is scaled up for a typical wave condition with scaling ratio 19.14, a response amplitude operator (RAO) 1.136 (from the test) and effectiveness coefficient 10-4. The prototype scale suction tube is 243 mm in diameter and 700 m in length with smooth inner surfaces. The mean suction pressure is projected to be 714 Pa and the mean flow rate is 0.0312 m3/s, or 495 gpm. HX Num of Pipes in Parallel HX HX B C A B A C Mean Velocity (m/s) Mean Velocity in HX (m/s) Head Loss in piping/tubing (m) B C ONSHORE B C HX HX Req. Suction Pressure (Pa) Adapted Seawater Systems Estimates by Scenarios Off course, the nature of the ocean waves makes it hard to provide the sought-after base-load electricity. Yet, this can be remedied by installing a stand-by mechanical pump in a separate outlet pipe, which is short, to guarantee operation when the waves are too weak. On the other hand, ocean wave energy, in general, is more reliable than solar or wind. Model Test Proof of Concept The performance of wave eductor can be significantly improved. The funnel ratio - the cross-section area ratio between funnel mouth and sprout - can be easily raised to attain a larger suction pressure. The altered geometry brings about changes mostly in system added mass and damping coefficient, which can be compensated by reducing weight or modifying the water plane area of the buoy to ensure that the system natural frequency is tuned to the dominant wave frequency. The tension spring and the anchoring weight used in the model set-up could be entirely removed in exchange for a shared mooring system for group deployment, provided that the buoyancy is balanced by additional weight and the rope is replaced by a rigid connection. Furthermore, great interest would be to study the wave eductor optimal geometry, since the low value of the effectiveness coefficient resulted from an arbitrary design suggests a large margin for growth. To summarize, the wave eductor, with a simple and integral structure, is proved to be a working device, able to pump water with wave forcing by creating pulsed suction flow. The analysis offers strategies for optimization, which, together with further research, could greatly elevate the pumping performance. In conclusion, a CC-OTEC power plant adapted to the use of wave eductors is projected to require less than 1000 wave eductors based on the demands of a traditional 10-MW OTEC plant - an acceptable number given the low cost of the novel pump. The projection sets a design goal for the wave eductor to achieve a suction pressure on the order of 105 Pa, which is reachable considering its high customizability and the potential increase in effectiveness with further research. Finally, bear in mind that the adapted power plant that meets the requirements would have a net output of about 16 MW. References Yin, L. (2013). Physical analysis of a wave eductor. Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, Masterβs thesis. Nihous, G. C., & Vega L. A. (1991). A review of some semi-empirical OTEC effluent discharge models. OCEANS 1991, Honolulu. Vega, L. A. (2012). Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion. Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, Springer, 7296-7328. 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