repor t - Kocaeli Şehir Hastanesi
repor t - Kocaeli Şehir Hastanesi
APPENDIX C REPORT Submitted to: Report Number APPENDIX C Table of Contents 1.0 FORMS AND QUESTIONNAIRES ............................................................................................................................ 2 Report No. i APPENDIX C 1.0 FORMS AND QUESTIONNAIRES Appendix 1 Questionnaires for the neighbourhood members - At community level Location: Date: Name and Surname of the interviewed person: Occupation: Telephone number : Total Population (approximate number or figures from literature) Household numbers Population Permanent residents Temporary residents Residents at upland meadows (for summer) Other (please indicate) …………………………. Age distribution (approximate number figures from literature) Age groups Population 0-6 7-18 19-35 36-65 65+ TOTAL Eduaction level Estimated or recorded figures Illiterate or never had school school education Literate but never had school education Primary school Middel School High School University Postgraduate Report No. ii APPENDIX C Has the population changed in the settlement over last five years? Increased Decreased Not changed What would be the reason for this…………………………………………………………………………. Are there vulnerable groups? Population Physicaly handicapped Manteally handicapped Woman family head Ver old, living alone Other (please indicate ……… Is any other language other than Turkish spoken in you village/neighbourhood Yes No If yes please fill the table Languages Population .............................. (Please indicate) .............................. (Please indicate) Which religious beliefs do people in your village/neighbourhood have? Religion Muslim Christian Jewish Other……… Approxiamte percentage Whan was your village/neighbourhood established? Can you provide brief history ? .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... Report No. iii APPENDIX C .......................................................................................................................................................... How is the house ownerships status? Owner (%) Renter (%) Relative (without paying rent) (%) Other(%) (Please indicate…………………….) ONLY VILLAGE Are people visiting your village/neighbourhood for reasons other than getting economical income such as for recreation, resting/entertainment (summer houses) except for getting economical income? Yes No ONLY VILLAGE; Are there any seasonal workers come to your village/neighbourhood? Yes No If yes, what kind of job they ……………………………………………………………………………………….. are doing? ONLY for VILLAGE Are there any seasonal workers to go to the other neighbouroods from your village? If yes, what kind of job they are doing and where are they going for? Where they are going Report No. Which job(agriculture, construction etc.) iv APPENDIX C If yes; In village/neighbourhood ; Number of students If not; Numb er of teache rs Students from other villages Where is the closest one? How far away (km)? Number of transported students? Are there primary school? Are there secondary school? Are there high school? In VILLAGE; number of students going for the regional boarding school? ………………………………. Number of students who do not go to the school even if they are being school age? …………………………… Services available in the settlement areas Services Yes No Number Statement Water (well, tap, spring) Electric wiring Waste system (solid waste and waste water) Shop Road Internet Telephone Transportation Community clinic Doctor on call Primary school Secondary school Highschool Mobile education Mosque Graveyard Socially and culturally important places Historical places Main products: Irrıgation Total irrigated area: OTHERs Report No. v APPENDIX C FOR VILLAGE what are the main livelihoods for the village? Sources Approximately % Agriculture Husbandry Forestry Transhumance Turism Construction worker Seasonal husbandry worker Other (please explain: ..............................) FOR VILLAGE landowning Types of landowning Approximate decare Villagers’ property (with deed) For villagers’ usage (without deed) Forage Forest Highland Other (please explain: ..............................) FOR VILLAGE main products produced at village Name of the product Annual amount (ton) Labour condition for the people who are working age? Approximate percentage Labour condition Salaried Seasonal salaried For him/herself (farmer, tradesman etc.) Employer Unemployed Report No. vi APPENDIX C What is the average income for a house?....................................................TL ONLY for VILLAGE what is the price of the lands based on for a decare? ............... - ............TL Are there any people in the village worked for a construction job before? Yes No If yes, what kind of construction job? ………………………………………… In VILLAGE; are there any people in the village familiar with below jobs? 1. Engineer 8. Heavy machine operater 2. Cookery 9. Heavy vehicle driver 3. General worker 10. Brickmason 4. Road repair 11. Administartor 5. Teacher, guide, translater 12. Welder 6. Logger 13. Driver 7. Security 14. Other................................... Yes Do you have any idea about the proposed project? No If yes, when and how? .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... What kind of information do you know about the project? ............................................................................................................................................................................. ......................................................................................................................................... Do you need much more information about the project? Yes No What kind of information do you need about the project? What kind of impacts that you expect from the construction phase of the project? (Physical, social, infrastructure noise, dust etc) What kind of impacts that you expect from the hospital after the construction completed? (crowdedness, change of the land values, infrustructue, noise, health opportunities, change of the social structure, increase of tradesmen) Report No. vii APPENDIX C Photo Template no Photograph 1 Place Description Tavşantepe Roads from Tavşantepe to the Project area 2 Tavşantepe Roads from Tavşantepe to the Project area. 3 Tavşantepe A School close vicinity to the Project area 4 Bekirdere A School close vicinity to the Project area Report No. viii APPENDIX C 5 Yeşilova A School close vicinity to the Project area 6 Arsenal Area TOKİ buildings 7 Arsenal Area Military remainings 8 Arsenal Area Military remainings Report No. ix APPENDIX C 9 Arsenal Area Military remainings 10 Arsenal Area Green field 11 Arsenal Area Project Area 12 Arsenal Area Project Area Report No. x APPENDIX C 13 Tavşantepe 14 Gündoğdu 15 Picnic area 16 Picnic area Report No. xi APPENDIX C 17 Gündoğdu 18 Tavşantepe 19 Tavşantepe 20 Tavşantepe Report No. xii APPENDIX C 21 Tavşantepe 22 Tavşantepe 23 Tavşantepe 24 Tavşantepe Report No. xiii APPENDIX C 25 Tavşantepe 26 Tavşantepe 27 Tavşantepe Report No. xiv APPENDIX C 28 Gündoğdu 29 Gündoğdu 30 Gündoğdu 31 Gündoğdu Report No. xv APPENDIX C 32 Gündoğdu 33 Yeşilova 34 Yeşilova 35 Yeşilova Report No. xvi APPENDIX C 36 Yeşilova 37 Bekirdere 38 Tavşantepe 39 Yeşilova Report No. xvii APPENDIX C 40 Kadın Sosyal Yaşam Merkezi 41 Tavşantepe 42 Gündoğdu 43 Tavşantepe Report No. xviii APPENDIX C 44 Tavşantepe 45 28 Haziran 46 Bekirdere Report No. xix APPENDIX C FGD Ques. Form FOCUS GROUP QUESTIONNARE FORM March 2015 Place: Focus Group: Date: (Information about the project are given to the audinecce before the meeting) Issues What do you think about the project will affect the public services, infrastructure of your village positively or negatively? Positive impacts Negative impacts Road, transportati on School, education Health Report No. xx Suggestions for incrase the positive ones and decrease impacts of the negative ones APPENDIX C Issues Positive impacts Negative impacts Services like electricty, water, internet Waste, waste water, sewerage What do you think about the project will affect the sources of income, employment of your village positively or negatively? Report No. Welfare level, impacts on salaries Impacts on the income of trademen Impacts on current livelihoods (beehives) Impacts on employmen t oppurtunitie xxi Suggestions for incrase the positive ones and decrease impacts of the negative ones APPENDIX C Issues Positive impacts Negative impacts s Any change on the prices of the houses Construction phase: What do you expect about the project will affect the quality of your life, positively or negatively? Report No. Noise, traffic, crowdenes s, social change Operation phase: Harmony of outside workers (construction phase) Crowdenes s results from the (operation phase) xxii Suggestions for incrase the positive ones and decrease impacts of the negative ones APPENDIX C Issues Positive impacts Negative impacts Suggestions for incrase the positive ones and decrease impacts of the negative ones patients Construction phase: Impacts on sheltering and retreat Operation phase: How do you want to informed? What do you know about the project? Report No. xxiii APPENDIX C Leaflet used for social site study Report No. xxiv APPENDIX C Report No. xxv APPENDIX C Questionnare for stakeholders STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT FORM April 2015 To whom it may concern, Kocaeli Integrated Health Campus Project is based on a Public Pritvate Partnership investment model with high bed capacity. According to the international standards, environmental and social impacts of the project need to be studied. Under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Nilay Çabukkay, social impact assessment studies will be conducted by interviewing of the stakeholders in Kocaeli between April 17-22, 2015. It is an essential for such a study to take your institutions opinion. Thank you for your cooperation. Place: Date: Institution: Person to be seen: Proffesion: Report No. APPENDIX C No Institutio ns Head of institution Relevant Person Contacts Adres: Karabaş Mah. Rauf Orbay Sokak No: 16 41018 İzmit/KOCAELİ Kocaeli Valisi Hasan Basri GÜZELOĞLU 1 Kocaeli Valiliği Özel Kalem Müdürü Erhan DÜNDAR 2 3 4 5 Kocaeli Büyükşehi r Belediyesi İl Sağlık Müdürlüğ ü İlçe sağlık müdürlüğ ü İzmit İlçe Belediyesi Report No. Belediye Başkanı İbrahim Karaosmanoğl u Tel: 322 14 80 Yatırım İzleme ve Koordinasyon Başkanlığı’nda n sorumlu Vali Yardımcısı Osman SARI İmar Ve Şehircilik Daire Başkanlı ğı Osman Günler Çevre Koruma Ve Kontrol Dairesi Başkanlığı Necmi Kahraman İl Sağlık Müdürü Uzm. Dr. Mürsel DURMAZ Fax: 331 44 18 Adres: Kadıköy Mh. Turan Güneş Cd. No:98 41040 İzmit Telefon: 0(262) 321 33 90 Fax: 0(262) 324 07 96 E-posta: Web: Karabaş Mah.Salim Dervişoğlu Cad No:80 41040 İzmit / Kocaeli 0262 318 10 01 / 9 hat Tel: (0262)318 10 00/1805 Tel : (0262)331 36 96 /331 83 91 Adres: Kemalpaşa mah. İnönü Cad. No:74 (Eski Adliye Binası) İzmit/KOCAELİ. Tel : +90 (262) 321 10 36 Faks:+90 (262) 322 24 43 Telefon: 0 262 311 12 15 Fax:2623111543 İlçe Sağlık Müdürü Dr.HARUN ARSLAN Belediye Başkanı Dr. Nevzat DOĞAN EMLAK VE İSTİMLAK MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ Havva AÇIKGÖZ Adres: Yahya Kaptan mah. Akkavaklar cad.No:7/1, 41000 İzmit, Kocaeli Ömerağa Mah. Abdurrahman Yüksel Cad. No:9 Belsa Plaza A Blok İZMİT Tel: 0 262 3180000 / 510 Fax: 0 262 318 0040 APPENDIX C E-Posta: Çevre Koruma ve Kontrol Müdürlüğü Recep BARIŞ Adres: Kocaeli Fuarı İçi – Ekolojik Ev – İzmit / KOCAELİ 6 Kocaeli Kent Konseyi Tel: +90 (262) 325 97 86 Fax: +90 (262) 321 76 24 E-Posta: info@kocaelik Web: kocaelikentkon Tel: 0 262 3180000 / 1620 E-Posta: BAŞKAN ABDULLAH KÖKTÜRK YÜRÜTME KURULU FEYZULLAH OKUMUŞ / Kocaeli Büyükşehir Belediyesi Genel Sekreter Yardımcısı ENVER DÜZ/ Kocaeli Valiliği Ab İl Koordinatörü TURGAY YILMAZ /Kocaeli Yükseköğrenim Derneği (Kyöd) Başkanı PROF. DR. SİNAN ÖZBEK/ Kocaeli Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Bölüm Başkanı AYHAN ZEYTİNOĞLU/ Kocaeli Sanayi Odası Başkanı DR. FATİH AKBULUT /Doğu Marmara Kalkınma Ajansı Genel Sekreteri TOLGA OK / Kocaeli İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası Başkanı SELÇUK ÇAKIR / Kocaeli Atlı Spor Kulübü Başkanı NURHAYAT GÜLDÜREN / Genç İş Adamları Derneği Başkanı DOÇ. DR. SONER ŞAHİN /Derince Eğitim Ve Araştırma Hastanesi Başhekimi İSMAİL HAKKI YILDIRIM /Kadıköy Mahale Muhtarı AV. EMEL CEYLAN BALCIOĞLU /Kocaeli Kent Konseyi Kadın Meclisi Başkanı 8 Gündoğdu Mahallesi Muhtarı Çetin Ersoy 0533 334 49 25 9 Tavşantepe Muhtarı Efe Bey 0536 492 1230 Yeşilova Muhtarı Selahattin Kural 0530 327 5082 Gündoğdu Muhtarı Çetin Bey 0533 334 4925 10 11 Muhtarlıkl ar 13 28 Haziran Muhtarı Mukadder Bey Bekirdere Muhtarı Adnan Bey 14 Malta Muhtarı Mustafa Bey 15 Kocaeli Üniversitesi 12 Üniversite ler 16 Report No. Gebze Teknik Üniversitesi 0532 700 0430 0538 776 1404 0535 671 8060 Kocaeli Üniversitesi Umuttepe Yerleşkesi 41380, Kocaeli Tel: +90 (262) 303 10 00 / Fax: +90 (262) 303 10 33 P.K141 41400 Gebze/KOCAELİ Tel:+90 (262) 605 10 00 Faks:+90 (262) 653 84 90 APPENDIX C Kocaeli Aile Hekimleri Derneği 17 STK 18 Report No. Kocaeli Tabip Odası Başkan: Banu Hopancı DEMİRCAN Adres: YENİŞEHİR MAH. ARDA SOK. NO:39/2 İZMİT KOCAELİ 41050 TÜRKİYE Web: Cumhuriyet Mah. Çoruh Sok. No: 10 Plaj Yolu İzmit / Kocaeli / Türkiye (0262) 226 29 09 -10 (0262) 226 29 25 Golder Associates (Turkey) Ltd. ŞTI Hollanda Cad. 691. Sok. Vadi Sitesi No:4 Yıldız 06550 Ankara Turkey T: +90 312 4410031
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