November 2015 -


November 2015 -
November 2015
Chairman’s Message
Crime Stoppers USA Financial Corner
Sidebar with the Judge
9-11 Medal Recipients
CSI Honors Judge Carter
Texas Crime Stoppers News
Texas Crime Stoppers Awards
Texas Crime Stoppers Conference Video
Rosedale, California Honors Community Partners
Florida Panhandle Crime Stoppers
Funds Raised at Texas Crime Stoppers Conference
Atlanta Crime Stoppers Holds Blue Jean Ball
Greater New Orleans Crime Stoppers Student Gathering
Kansas Crime Stoppers Association Regional Training
Greater Kansas City Crime Stoppers Fund Raiser
Cado and Boissier City, Louisiana Crime Stoppers
Honors “The Shield”
Grand Rapids Silent Observer Domestic Violence Initiative
Central Indiana Crime Stoppers Shred It Event
Badges and Barbeque
Lexis Nexus
Have You Visited the CSUSA Store?
CSUSA Editor’s Note
Officer Down Memorial Page
John Lamb
Crime Stoppers of
ton County
Bartlesville, OK
Chris Cameron
Kent County Silent
Grand Rapids, MI
Published By:
Vice Chairman
John Koncilja III
Pueblo Crime
Stoppers Inc.
Pueblo, CO
Crime Stoppers USA
207 N. 2nd St.
Muskogee, OK 74401
Fax (918) 683-3355
Past Chairman
K. Scott Abrams
Crime Stoppers of
Racine County
Racine, WI
Charlie Taraboletti,
Estela Quintanilla
K. Scott Abrams
Chris Cameron
Laura Wickizer
James Chambers III
Roseville Community
Crime Stoppers, Inc.
Roseville, CA
The informer is the official publication of Crime stoppers
USA (CSUSA). It is published as a service to Crime
Stoppers programs, law enforcement, valued partners and
sponsors as well as other interested and/or involved
entities. Reproduction for profit in whole or in part is
strictly prohibited without the express permission in
writing to CSUSA beforehand. Unless otherwise indicated,
the content of columnists and contributors reflect the
opinions of the respective writers and not necessarily the
opinions of CSUSA, or its officers or board of directors. All
rights are reserved-CSUSA. Known breaches must be
reported to the Newsletter Editor immediately
Message from the Chairman
Thanksgiving is just around the corner, so I want to take this opportunity to let
everyone know how blessed I have been to have had the opportunity to work
with many of you. It has been an honor and a privilege to learn from many of
you and I thank you for the privilege to have served you these past three
We have been very busy this year, and still have several things in the works.
One project we are working on is a fund raising program to benefit your
programs. We have heard that raising money is tough, and we are all
experiencing it in our own programs. This project will be announced before the end of the year.
We are still working with different departments within the US Government on getting the right to claim
a piece of asset forfeiture monies for your programs when the tip results in a cash seizure. I and several
others will be in Washington DC to discuss this with the House and Senate. Because of the tragedy that
happened in France and the threat of ISIL in the United States, CSUSA member programs are an even
more critical part of National Security. You must see your program as part of the national network. A
tip you may get might be the one that will stop a national security incident from happening somewhere
else in the United States or in your own back yard. I have had conversations with those involved in our
atio ’s security, and all of our programs are looked upon as a vital link to acquiring information. So,
please remember that though we all still get information on local crime; there may be that one tip your
program might get that just might have national importance.
It will also be good for all of your programs to know that we have contracted with Richard Carter for the
next year (2016) for his legal services. But, I am asking that any calls to Richard be made during business
hours in the central time zone please: 0800-500pm. We all have lives outside of Crime Stoppers, and I
am sure Richard would like to enjoy his life without the phone ringing at all hours of the night.
We are curre tly worki g o the we site for CSUSA a d there will e a e er’s o ly area. Whe the
area is completed, it will have tools for your program as well as a contact form for Richard Carter.
I would also like to congratulate the CSUSA Program in the US Virgin Islands for having the fortitude to
keep going and get their program back up and running. Without going into much detail, they had many
issues and they overcame them. The program looks to be stronger because of it.
Lastly, the conference website will be up shortly. When the area is up, please register as soon as you
can for rooms if you wish to stay for the balloon festival.
John D. Lamb
CSUSA November 2015 Newsletter
Crime Stoppers USA $Financial$ Corner
K. Scott Abrams, CPA, CGMA
Update that Checklist ForYour Organization’s Fiscal Year-End
As you may recall in the last issue of The Caller, the $Financial$ Corner article focused on creating and
utilizing checklists for your Crime Stoppers program. Several individuals wanted to know what type of
information may be included i a fi a cial or treasurer’s checklist. With that i
i d, I thought it may be
appropriate to pull out some information shared in previous newsletters about year-end financial
information. These are some good ideas to insert in your financial checklist since many of these are
required from year-to-year.
Below is a checklist of the common items that the majority of our local Crime Stoppers organizations
may follow ensuring they have met the minimum reporting requirements. Most, not all, Crime Stoppers
organizations have December 31 as their fiscal year end. While going through the checklist below,
please modify if your organization does not have December 31 as its fiscal year end.
Common nonprofit year-end checklist items:
 Donors
 If you have ’t do e so already, the year-end is a great time to thank your donors and volunteers
for any support provided during the recent year. It is always a good idea to recognize and
acknowledge every donor regardless of the size of the contribution. However, remember that
any donors making a contribution of $250 or more need a written acknowledgment to claim the
deduction on their personal or business tax return.
 Grants
 If your organization was awarded a grant, the organization should review the grant documents
identifying any and all annual reporting requirements that need to be fulfilled in order to
maintain the grants. Sometimes it is just a matter of submitting your year-end financial
statements, but other grantors require much more stringent reporting processes, particularly if
they are government grants. It is important to keep up-to-date on these filing requirements.
 Internal Revenue Service
 Do you have any employees? If your organization employs any staff members, quarterly
and year end employment reports are due. In addition, a Form W-2 must be provided to
each employee by January 31 and the reporting of this information must be provided to
the IRS (as well as most states) completed by February 28. Also, best practice is to have
employees fill out a new W-4 at the beginning of each year.
 Do you have any vendors? It is the responsibility for the organization to collect vendor
W-9 forms from each vendor before any payments are processed. In addition, a Form
1099 is required to be completed for each vendor for all accumulated amounts paid
throughout the year and provided to each vendor by January 31. Similar to the Form W2, these forms and a summary Form 1098 are required to be filed with the IRS by
February 28.
 Annual IRS Tax Informational Report Form 990. Every organization has a responsibility
to file a report with the IRS either Form 990, Form 990-EZ, or Form 990-N. It is a good
time to verify that your organization is current on filing this important document. The
CSUSA November 2015 Newsletter
Crime Stoppers USA $Financial$ Corner
Tax Informational Report is due on the 15th of the fifth month following the
organizations fiscal year end. Therefore, if your fiscal year and is December 31, your
annual Tax Informational Report is due on May 15. If this document is not filed in a
timely manner, the organization may have its tax-exempt status revoked.
 Annual registration, tax reports or filing required by your state
 Generally, most states require tax-exempt organizations register or file up-to-date documents to
ai tai their operati g status. It is est to check with the state co ptroller’s office or the
department of financial institutions for your state requirements.
 Fiscal Year Budget
 If your Crime Stoppers organization prepares a budget, you should complete this process before
the beginning of the next fiscal year. A budget is a financial roadmap for the next year of your
organization focusing on revenues and expenses, or receipts and disbursements, depending on
how your organization classifies your financial statement items. Having a budget allows certain
ongoing and approved expenditures to take place without having to have a motion to purchase
these budgeted items, such as operating supplies, approved travel, etc. For large expenditure
items or items that exceed budgeted amounts, a formal board approval would be required in
order to proceed in acquiring these items.
 Financial Records
 Remember the organization has a legal requirement to maintain proper financial
records. Financial statements should be maintained and provided on a periodic basis
accordi g to the orga izatio ’s ylaws.
 If a financial audit or review is required, this should be scheduled and undertaken in the
appropriate timeframe as well.
 Backup your financial records as required in your document retention policy and
These are a few of the common year and items that should be included in your checklist. Of course,
check your own state and locality’s requirements for any additional filing or reporting that may be
required. Particularly with federal and governmental reporting, significant fines or loss of the
organization’s tax-exempt status may occur if the timely and appropriate filing of certain documents is
not maintained. Do ’t let this happe to your orga izatio !
CSUSA November 2015 Newsletter
SIDEBAR with the Judge
CSUSA Director of Legal Services
Necessary Paper
One of the member benefits that CSUSA provides is legal assistance in the
review of subpoenas and other legal pleadings in which Crime Stoppers records
and information is sought by criminal defendants. The review is followed by
comments, suggested responses, and the furnishing of pleadings or statutory and
case law for use in motions to quash or limit the scope of the subpoena. Not all
subpoenas are alike.
If you choose to use this service, you can contact me via text, telephone, or
email. There are some basic procedures that are helpful for you to know: (1) I
need you to send me a copy of the Subpoena, Subpoena duces tecum, Motion to
Compel, or similar document so that I can examine it; and (2) I need to know
whether you are in possession of any documents or information which identifies
or could be used to identify the Crime Stoppers tipster.
I was recently asked to render advice about a Subpoena, and I asked the
person to send me a copy of the subpoena. It was apparently too much trouble
for the perso to sca a d se d e a copy, a d I o lo ger ai tai last ce tury’s
facsimile machine. I made a follow-up inquiry and was told that another attorney
was going to try to prepare a Motion to Quash. I do hope that the other attorney
was given a courtesy copy of the subpoena. Attempting to advise a client or
prepare a response to a legal document without seeing the document is
tantamount to malpractice or incompetent legal counsel.
Dollars and Sense
A Crime Stoppers organization with a new board member with less than one
o th’s e perie ce o the oard of directors was elected to the oard’s
Executive Committee as Treasurer. The newly elected Treasurer informed the
oard’s Preside t that the Treasurer would appoi t his ow Fi a cial Co
members, and insisted that the Crime Stoppers law enforcement coordinator be
on the Committee.
While this may work out just fine, hopefully some of the following concerns were
recognized and at least discussed:
CSUSA November 2015 Newsletter
SIDEBAR with the Judge
 Do the Bylaws allow a Committee Chair to appoint the
members of the Committee?
 How does a person who has been on the board less than one
month and probably attended only one or two meetings know
the members of the board well enough to select Committee
 Does the law enforcement officer who serves as the Law
Enforcement Coordinator really want to be involved in the
financial matters of the corporation, and does the
Coordi ator’s age cy head want the Coordinator involved?
At least the new board member/Treasurer did pass the background check.
Things Are Getting Easier
Usi g the Cri e Stoppers Super CD give to each dues-paid Crime
Stoppers organization annually will become easier. Martin Mamuyac of Crime
Alert in Sacramento, his wife Debby Mamuyac, and volunteer Sharon (a former
FBI analyst) have created a user-friendly topical index which will make it possible
to find the specific items needed when searching the plethora of documents on
the CD. It re i ds e of the joke a out the ooks i the Hard to Fi d Book
Store ot ei g alpha etized 
CSUSA Conference in Albuquerque
This is just a gratuitous plug for e t year’s Co fere ce. I predict that it
will set an all-time attendance record for CSUSA. Everyone who wants to meet
and have a photo-op with Crime Stoppers Founder Gregory Bruce MacAleese will
be there. Greg will come from his current home in The Philippines, and
attendees will flock to the birthplace of Crime Stoppers to see him for the 40th
anniversary of the program. Many Canadians will come down to celebrate and to
see Ca ada’s ative so who was or i Picto , O tario efore ovi g to the
CSUSA November 2015 Newsletter
SIDEBAR with the Judge
USA. The UK will be sending representatives, and I reasonably anticipate other
nations will as well. Make arrangements now before flights and rooms become a
problem. See you all there!
Executive Directors Roster
If anyone can assist by providing us with the following information for our
Crime Stoppers Executive Director Roster, it will be greatly appreciated:
 Mailing address for Jessica Breland of Mobile, Alabama
 Name and contact information for Executive Director of San
Fra cisco’s Bay Area Cri e Stoppers
 Name and contact information for Executive Director of Tyler/Smith
County, Texas Crime Stoppers
 Name and contact information for Executive Director of Los Angeles
Crime Stoppers
 Name and contact information for Executive Director of Crime
Stoppers, Inc. in Bloomington, Minnesota.
CSUSA November 2015 Newsletter
Crime Stoppers USA Awarded the
9/11 Police and Public Safety Commendation Award
At the 2015 IACP Conference in Chicago, 23rd of October, 2015, Crime
Stoppers USA was the first civilian organization to be awarded the 9/11
Police and Public Safety Commendation Award. This was awarded
based on the work that the Crime Stoppers USA board and our member
programs have done fighting violent crime and terrorism.
John Lamb CSUSA Chairman and Jay
Grant – Secretary General of the
Airport and Seaport Police
The 9/11 Award program began in 2007 in honoring Superintendent
Fred V Morrone of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
Police Department. The inaugural 9/11 medals were awarded to the
police officers who lost their lives on September 11, 2001 and
presented to the Superintendent of the Port Authority of New York and
New Jersey Police Department and the Commissioner of Police of the
New York Police Department in New York City in 2012. The committee
continues to honor those who have distinguish themselves and are
selected for being among the best for their work or projects fighting
terrorism and serious crime.
The 9/11 Police & Public Safety Commendation Medal is awarded to the
leader of an authority, an operation or project that exemplifies extraordinary performance and
outcomes in fighting terrorism and serious crime. The recipients of the award in 2015 are:
Los Angeles Airport Police Department
Chief Pat Gannon
Chicago O’Hare & Midway International Airports
Richard Edgeworth, Chief of Public Safety & Security Officer –
David Mertz, Supervisory Special Agent, FBI – O’Hare/Midway
Mike Dacey, Chief of Emergency Management – O’Hare/Midway
Kathleen Petrowsky, TSA, Federal Security Director – O’Hare
Crime Stoppers USA
John Lamb, Chairman
Project Griffin
Donald Randall, MBE – Project Griffin National Executive Board
Adrian Leppard, Commissioner, City of London Police
David Roney, Superintendent, National Counter Terrorism Security Office
CSUSA November 2015 Newsletter
CSI Honors Judge Richard Carter
Judge Richard Carter (Ret) was honored at the38th Annual CSI Training Conference in Toronto,
Canada on September 30, 2015, receiving the 2015 President’s Award from Crime Stoppers
International! It is quite an honor, recognizing his hard work and diligence for many years in
Crime Stoppers overall and specifi cally with Crime Stoppers International after having served as
Executive Director and as Legal Advisor for many years.
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
Texas Crime Stoppers has exciting news!!
We have expanded our team and we would like to welcome Doug Brodie as our latest member of the Texas Crime
Stoppers team here at the Offi ce of the Governor. We're very excited to have Doug with us!!!
“Who ya gonna call?” Everyone knows the answer is “Ghostbusters”. But if the
concern is not ghosts, but instead is grants, program certifi cation, training or eGrants,
then who ya gonna call?The answer is, Doug Brodie, Program Specialist, with Texas
Crime Stoppers. A di verse range of areas, which are being fi ltered through a diverse
range of experience. If the answer is not at the tip of a fi nger, or on the end of a tongue,
but rather is hidden in a folder or a binder, the intention is to quickly fi nd and provide
the ans wer. So, if the need is to solve a problem, clarify a question, or just chew the
fat…send a card, letter, email or call. Look forward to being of service.
- Doug
Anyone who was interested in the pre -conference event being held the night before the c onference begins in Brownsville, please see
the details above.
If you have additional questions please email .
If you haven't registered for the conference yet it's not too
late. Head to the Texas Crime Stoppers
websit e for more
conference details and how to register.
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
21st Annual Texas Campus Crime Stoppers Conference Odessa, TX
Conference Registration Fee:
$140 - Novem ber 1 to Decem ber 15
$180 - Decem ber 16 to February 21
$200 - Onsite Registration
Hotel Information:
MCM Grande FunDom e Hotel
6201 E. Business I
-20 O dessa, TX
$99/night +tax (includes breakfast)
Overfl ow hotel details on the Texas Crime Stoppers
To ma ke reservations, call (432) 550
website .
-5107 and tell them you are with
Odessa Crime Stoppers
to get the group rate. Room s are available on a fi rst come, fi rst serve basis.
Please note: It is highly encouraged that you book your rooms as soon as possible due to
the limited number of available hotel rooms as a result of the increase in oil and gas
business in the area.
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
Submit your Texas Best Award Nominations for the
21st Annual Texas Campus Crime Stoppers Conference now!
The Texas Best Awards are designed to highlight the year's very best, amongst the
Campus Crime Stoppers programs, within each designated category. To find out more
about those categories please click here.
To submit a nomination please click here to fill out the form.
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
J.B. Sm it h is now a part of t he Texas Crim e St oppers Council! J.B. began his law enforcem ent
career and service t o t he Lufkin com m unit y in 1995. During t his t im e he has served as pat rol
officer, com m unit y police officer, crim e prevent ion
specialist , t raining coordinat or/ inst ruct or, and
det ect ive. He serves as t he Crim e St oppers
coordinat or for Crim e St oppers of Lufkin, I nc. His
cont act inform at ion can be found on t he Texas Crim e
St oppers websit e.
Social Media Matters!
This is a friendly rem inder t o follow Texas Crim e St oppers on Facebook! !
Is your local Crime Stoppers program using social media as a tool to reach out to your community?
If not, you may be interested to know that Facebook itself has 1 Billion+ users and is a fantastic way to
share information about your program and direct people to your website!
Contact us if you'd like to know more about how social media can help your program!
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
Texas Crime Stoppers and the Texas Crime Stoppers Council would like to
thank the Cameron County Crime Stoppers organization for hosting us the
27th Annual Crime Stoppers Conference in Brownsville!
Pat Moshfeghian
Mehdi Moshfeghian
Rodolfo Revuelta
Joe Mendoza
David Hinojosa
Omar Lopez
Jaime Ochoa
D. Jesus Hinojosa
Scot Sweitzer
Mario Tobias
Hector Sosa
Servando Cruz
Rodrigo Almanza
Felix Espinosa
Rudy Coronado
Carlo Hernandez Jr
Joel Gallegos
Gilbert Cisneros
Mathew Walker
Jorge Hernandez
Nicolas Cordova
Rosie Chavez
Robert Aviia
Oscar Sanchez
Raul Maldonado
Eric Flores
Thanks to Kirk Stowers (Corpus Christi Crime Stoppers)
for this video of our time in Brownsville!
Click here to view the video
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
Office of the Governor
Texas Crime Stoppers Council
27th Annual
Texas Crime Stoppers Conference
October 22, 2015
Brownsville, Texas
CSUSA November 2015 Newsletter
Productivity Award 2014
Greatest Dollar Recovery/Most Cases Cleared
Population less than 25,000
Pampa/Gray County Crime Stoppers, Inc.
Productivity Award 2014
Greatest Dollar Recovery/Most Cases Cleared
Population 25,001-50,000
Lamar County Crimestoppers, Inc.
Productivity Award 2014
Greatest Dollar Recovery
Population 50,001-100,000
Pharr Crime Stoppers, Inc.
Productivity Award 2014
Greatest Dollar Recovery/Most Cases Cleared
Population 100,001-150,000
Odessa Crime Stoppers, Inc.
Productivity Award 2014
Greatest Dollar Recovery/Most Cases Cleared
Population 150,001-200,000
Crime Stoppers of Midland, Inc.
Productivity Award 2014
Greatest Dollar Recovery/Most Cases Cleared
Population 200,001-250,000
Waco Crime Stoppers, Inc.
CSUSA November 2015 Newsletter
Productivity Award 2014
Most Cases Cleared
Population 250,001-350,000
Amarillo Crime Stoppers, Inc.
Productivity Award 2014
Greatest Dollar Recovery
Population 250,001-350,000
Laredo Crime Stoppers, Inc.
Productivity Award 2014
Greatest Dollar Recovery/Most Cases Cleared
Population 500,001-1,000,000
Crimestoppers of El Paso, Inc.
Productivity Award 2014
Greatest Dollar Recovery/Most Cases Cleared
Population more than 1,000,000
Safe City Commission
Newsprint Competition 2014
Best Crime of the Week
**Odessa Crime Stoppers, Inc.**
Newsprint Competition 2014
Best General Newsprint
**Crime Stoppers of Midland, Inc.**
Radio Competition 2014
Best Special Production/Public Service Announcement
**Laredo Crime Stoppers**
CSUSA November 2015 Newsletter
Radio Competition 2014
Best Crime of the Week
**Waco Crime Stoppers, Inc.**
Television Competition 2014
Best Special Production/Public Service Announcement
**Corpus Christi Crime Stoppers, Inc.**
Television Competition 2014
Best Crime of the Week
**Wichita Falls Crime Stoppers, Inc.**
Best Website 2014
**Wichita Falls Crime Stoppers, Inc.**
Innovative Publicity Award 2014
**Crime Stoppers of Beaumont, Inc.**
Coordinator of the Year 2014
**Mario Cavazos**
**McAllen Crime Stoppers, Inc.**
Board Member of the Year 2014
**Rene Duffy**
** Waco Crime Stoppers, Inc.**
CSUSA November 2015 Newsletter
Texas Crime Stoppers Conference
Brownsville, Texas Video
Click on the link below to view video:
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
Rosedale, California Honors Community Partners
Every year the city of Rosedale takes the time to thank everyday
people who have made a difference in the community by volunteering
at different departments and non-profit organizations throughout the
years. The fire department, the police department and crime
stoppers were just some of those who honored its citizens for all the
work they do to make their city a better place to live.
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
Panhandle Crime Stoppers, Inc.
P.O. Box 36235
Panama City, FL
2015 - Issue 009-15
General Membership Meeting
Tuesday October 13th, 2015
12:00 Noon
Bay County Sheriffs Office
Multi Purpose Room
Meeting Program
No Solicitation or Handouts
Panhandle Crime Stoppers monthly
meetings are sponsored by various
companies within our community. It is
their way of showing support for our
mission. In order to show our
appreciation it is our policy that there will
be no other handouts or solicitations at
these events. We appreciate your
observing this policy.
Update on Upcoming Crime Stopper
Lunch Menu
Pot Roast Carrots & Potatoes
Mash Potatoes
Dinner Roll
Purpose of Panhandle Crime Stoppers, Inc. shall be to
assist Law Enforcement Agencies with information on
Unsolved Crimes, Wanted Persons, and other Criminal
Activity that has been unavailable through normal
investigative methods; to assist students through
Campus Crime Stopper Programs; to promote
Community involvement in ALL aspects of Law
Enforcement; to promote Community Offensive against
Crime; to motivate the Public to cooperate with Law
Enforcement Agencies; and to reward such cooperation.
Panhandle Crime Stoppers, Inc. makes available to Law
Enforcement support in the form of Program Flyers,
Crime Scene Tape, Wanted Fugitive Ads, Posters,
Billboards, etc. Funded by the Office of the Attorney
General Crime Stoppers Trust Fund. Norm Gulkis-Editor
Rules Change Hearing
Notice of Proposed Rule regarding the proposed
amendments to 2A-9.002 and 2A-9.003 of the
Florida Administrative Code.
Notice of Proposed Rule regarding the proposed
amendments to 2A-9.002 and 2A-9.003 of the
Florida Administrative Code.The Application
Booklet includes a multitude of “unwritten” rules,
such as the limitation regarding the purchase of
program specialty items, which have not been
properly promulgated as required by FSS 120
nor are referenced by an existing statute or
Florida Administrative Code. Additionally, you
cannot amend a rule by reference only.
“Amendments must set out the amended rule in
full in the same manner as required by the State
Constitution for laws.”
Facs was well represented at this hearing with
approximately 8 organizations attending.
The final rule as published should not effect our
operation.“Promotional materials” means
approved items of tangible personal property
that are given away or otherwise distributed to
promote a particular crime stoppers
organization, as approved by the Department of
Financial Services.
Text “pctips”
October 13, 2015
Panhandle Crime Stoppers is proud to
announce their third annual fund raising
"BIKE and BOIL". This Police-escorted
scenic motorcycle ride will begin and
end at Harley-Davidson of PCB on the
morning of May
21st, 2016.
The ride will be
followed by a
delicious low
country boil.
This boil is
done on an
cooker. It has
potatoes and
corn on the
cob for an allin-one pot meal.
Our Bike & Boil is a family friendly event.
For more information call Rusty
Back From The War
Our Crime Fighting Dolphin is really a Crime
Stopper and helps law enforcement catch
Crooks. He has been to far away places and
was held as a prisoner in a dark & damp
place . His Doctor says that he will be able to
attend the Cops & Kids celebration on
Saturday October 17th, 2015 at
Arnold High School I0:00 am - 2:00pm
Come join your local Law Enforcement,
Military, Community Crime Fighters and
Emergency Services as they celebrate on
building positive relationships with our
communities youth. Get a chance to meet up
close and personal with local law
enforcement officers and see their static
Activities include:
* Displays of police vehicles, helicopters,
boats, and equipment
* Police K-9 Demonstrations
* Sheriff's Office mounted posse
*FHP Roll-Over simulator
* Chance to WIN a NEW bike, IO bike
* Child ID Program
* FREE hotdogs and soft drinks
* FREE Cops N' Kids T-Shirt (while
supplies last
The Bay County Sheriff's Office, working
with the Department of Homeland Security,
concluded a week long investigation with a
search warrant at a residence at 520
Richard Jackson Boulevard on Panama City
Beach, officials wrote in a news release.
BCSO narcotics investigators received a
Crime Stopper's tip and developed
information that a large scale
methamphetamine distribution ring was
active out of that residence. As a result of the search, approximately
fourteen ounces of methamphetamine and a
shotgun were seized.
Austin Spence, 31, a transient, was
charged with possession of
methamphetamine, and possession
of a firearm by convicted felon.
Brandon Belser, 25, of the 2600
block of E. Baldwin Road, was
charged with possession of
Christopher Nunery, 34, of the
1300 block of Texas Avenue, Lynn
Haven, was charged with
possession of methamphetamine
with intent to distribute, and
possession of ammo by a convicted felon.
Kimberly Lamon-Pastick, age 44,
of 8803 S. Holland Road, was
charged with trafficking in
methamphetamine, possession of
marijuana, and possession of drug
The Black Box - BUSTED
August 2015
Tip Calls
Jan Tip Calls
Motorcycle Raffle at Bike and Boil
Panhandle Crime Stoppers will raffle off a
1988 Harley-Davidson custom built Heritage
Softail Classic. The bike was generously
donated by board member Bill Hudson
(former president) and his son Jim Hudson.
The bike is a rebuilt dream. Equipped with
an air-cooled, 45-degree, V-twin engine
manufactured from 1984 by HarleyDavidson for the company's motorcycles.
The Evolution engine (Evo) has been
rebuilt and has 5000 miles on the rebuild.
Coupled with a Baker 5-speed transmission,
"Widow Maker" jockey shift, Carlini design
"Evil Knuckle" handle bars, Rhinehart
Racing exhaust, Corbin saddle, Grateful
Dead "Steal Your Face" themed custom
paint, and every chrome accessory available
this is every bikers second ride dream
Tickets will be $20.00 each or 6 for $100.00.
Drawing will be held May 21st, 2016 at the
Bike and Boil.
Ms. Rosemary’s 100th
Despite all that we put her through
and the pressures of Crime Stoppers
Miss Rosemary keeps on “tickin”. Her
100th birthday was celebrated at
Panhandle Crime Stoppers last
meeting. Sheriff Frank McKeithen
Swore her in as a special deputy. She
is the oldest working deputy in the
state of Florida. She attends regular
and executive board meetings
whenever possible and provides
uplifting guidance as the Chaplain for
Panhandle Crime Stoppers.
Funds Raised at Texas Crime Stoppers Conference
On October 22, 2015, during the Texas Crime Stoppers Conference in Brownsville, Deputy
Aaron Soliz of Zapata Crime Stoppers received word that his home had burned and was a
total loss. He ended the conference along with four other Zapata Crime Stoppers board
members and the Coordinator, Chief Ray Del Bosque. The Crime Stoppers Governor’s
Council Chair, Jorge Gaytan, gave permission for pictures of his home to be shown to
p cipants on the next day, during
the last day of the conference. A
was taken amongst his
fellow crime stoppers law
enforcement coordinators and
board members and within minutes,
$2,200.00 was raised to help Deputy
Soliz cope with his misfortune.
Deputy Soliz and the other
members of Zapata Crime Stoppers
stayed through the end of the
conference in order to receive their
tes and rec
on of their program.
training c
The Crime Stoppers state office is se ng up an announcement on the Texas Crime
Stoppers official website asking for d
ons and
ng up an account to allow other
members who may not have been able to end the conference to donate to Deputy Soliz,
was begun to see if threats he had received
so he may rebuild his home. An inve
from cartel members while carrying out his du es with the Zapata County Sheriff’s
Department, had had anything to do with the fire.
Imagine going to home to nothing—no clothes, no furniture, no earthly possessions. The
of money for Deputy Soliz is just another example of the close knit crime
stoppers community in Texas stepping up to help someone who is in dire need.
CSUSA November 2015 Newsle er
Atlanta Crime Stoppers Holds Blue Jean Ball
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
Atlanta Crime Stoppers Holds Blue Jean Ball
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
Atlanta Crime Stoppers Holds Blue Jean Ball
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
Atlanta Crime Stoppers Holds Blue Jean Ball
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
Greater New Orleans Crime Stoppers Hosts Teen Peace Conference
As an outgrowth of our Teen Ambassadors Against Crime and our Safe School
Hotline, CRIME STOPPERSGNO hosted our first annual Teen Peace Congress on
Saturday, October 24th sponsored by First NBC Bank. The goal of this event was
to empower teens to take a look at some of the root causes of violent crime and to
share their views with elected officials and
criminal justice leaders on what resources would
help our community to change the culture of
violence and apathy. One part of the discussion
was how we can "flip the script" and start
reporting what we see. Change from Snitching to
Reporting. The action steps suggested by the
teens will be sent to our newly elected governor
for consideration in his blueprint for dealing with
teens and violence. It was a wonderful day and as our beloved Board Chairman
Caryn Rodgers stated: "We saved lives today". The event hosted almost
200 diverse teens from area high schools representing over 55 schools and they
gave back words of wisdom and requests for our political leaders to help us change
the culture of violence. You heard students from public - inner city
schools, uptown private schools and other parishes sharing their thoughts, concerns
and hopes for the future each respecting the other's view. Our Teen
Ambassadors Against Crime students served as table moderators and learned the
importance of the moderator role. The day ended with the McDonogh High
School 35 brass band "second lining" the students out, all with lots of smiling faces
and high fives! The teens even thanked us for putting on the forum and asked for
more in the future.
Our panel included:
NOPD Lt. Nick Gernon, US Atty. Kenneth Polite, New Orleans DA Leon
Cannizzaro, Orleans Parish Public Schools Assistant Superintendent Michelle
Blouin-Williams, New Orleans Criminal Court Judges Robin Pittman, Tracey
Flemings- Davillier and Keva Landrum-Johnson, New Orleans
Councilmembers LaToya Cantrell and Nadine Ramsey and 5 US Marshals
attended. Darlene Cusanza, President and CEO for Crimestoppers emceed.
Perhaps one of the most impressive moments was when a young man stated that it
truly is a cultural problem, not just specific to our area and that we need to hold
this type of program across the country. The common theme of respect for each
other came through and for teens to better understand and build trust with not only
the police, but the criminal justice system.
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
Greater New Orleans Crime Stoppers Hosts Teen Peace Conference
A one question poll was asked of the group:
What would teens ask our new Governor to provide in order to stop the culture of
Below are some of the answers provided:
Several students asked that more programs like the one held today be held!
More prevention programming like Crime Stoppers
Opportunities for youth to be heard
Educate on crime prevention, not just after the fact.
More money into education, less money into jail
More activities for kids such as after school
Invest in recreational programs, mentorships,
mental health services and crime prevention
Decrease poverty and increase in safety in areas of
Instill TRUST by being in the community
Make it harder for us to have access to illegal guns
Make stricter punishment for violators.
Stiffer Gun Control
Work to do something about drugs - gang violence, drug trafficking, guns in our
Keep Children involved in other things besides violence
Promote awareness of the roots of the problem
Improve the schools so they can foster non- violent environment
The last question was:
What can I do TODAY as a teen to help change the culture of violence in our
Answers included:
SPEAK UP was mentioned many times. This was the purpose of promoting the
resource of Crime Stoppers, but also the individual responsibility we have as
citizens and people, to help by reporting what they know and helping the police.
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
Greater New Orleans Crime Stoppers Hosts Teen Peace Conference
start a program in high schools to inform people of the effects of violence crime.
Have a program like today's program.
Be a positive influence in my community.
Not be afraid to speak about violence.
Speak to your peers and be a good role model.
Fix gun laws and have more things for teens to do instead of resorting to violence.
Report what I know to help!
Always speak up and be the leader.
Spread awareness and not be easily influenced
Become President one day and eliminate drugs
Not be afraid to speak up and share what we learned here today from the others
Making good choices and that all starts with you.
Be a role model to younger kids
Encourage people and friends to do the right thing and know the consequences of
breaking the law
Promote better ideas at school
Practice alternatives to violence on a regular basis
Practice what you preach, promote love and kindness, be the change you wish to
see, open mindedness and provide opportunities to people
Preach against the culture of violence
Below is a quote from one of the participants who represented the "Youth
Empowerment Project":
‘ Today Alexander Collins and I attended the 1st Annual
Crime Stoppers
Youth Peace Congress at McDonogh 35 Senior High
School. Alexander
immediately began engaging with the sponsors as
students. Alexander was actively involved in
the discussions and when he gave Kenneth Allen Polite,
the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of
Louisiana, his opinion and views on the
unequal distribution of law enforcement manpower in the City of New
Orleans, the US Attorney ran to him and gave him his card and invited him to
a sit down meeting. It was a great event with a lot of good feedback from the real
stakeholders in the fight against crime, our youth. "
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
Kansas Crime Stoppers Association Hosts Regional Training Event
Kansas Atorney General Derek Schmidt provided the
Keynote Address to the Kansas Crime Stoppers Associaion
on Monday, October 26th. The group hosted regional
training for Crime Stoppers Region 9 programs in Nebraska,
Missouri, Oklahoma, and Kansas on Sunday through
Tuesday, October 25th through the 27th in Emporia, Kansas,
the home of race driver, Clint Bowyer. While most
atendees came from Kansas, people represented programs
as far away as Flint, Michigan.
Schmidt, a naive of Independence, Kansas, wished the Royals well in the World Series, and asked the group to recall
1985 – the last ime the Royals won the World Series, and also the year the State of Kansas started its Kansas Bureau of
Invesigaion in what would now be called meager quarters with just a handful of staff on only basic forensic equipment.
Schmidt complimented Kansans for supporing local police because they believe the personal responsibility maters. He
said that’s what crime stoppers is all about – you don’t just wait for someone in a uniform to come and help, but rather
you act as the eyes and ears of your community and get involved in making it safer.
Four members of the Crime Stoppers USA Board of Directors were in atendance – at-large member Kevin Boehm,
Region 1 Director Elaine Cloyd, Region 8 Director Margaret Jones, and Region 9 Director Charlie Tarabolei. Chairman
of the Juncion City, Kansas program Rick Rogers presented ways of resurrecing a struggling program; Elaine Cloyd and
Charlie Tarabolei had informaion on how to keep your program
from being caught unaware – focusing on items such as Robert’s Rules
of Order, By-laws, and items drawn from the news of programs in the
region that had found themselves in court or in the news. Shawnee
County District Atorney told the group how his county uses the grand
jury process to move cases more quickly through the court system by
using Kansas laws that give prosecutors the ability to bypass the
preliminary hearing stage of trying a case, and the possible
postponements that it can bring with it.
The Kansas Crime Stoppers Associaion always incorporates a banquet
and fund-raising recepion into its training schedule. The event serves as a fund-raiser for two Crime Stoppers
scholarships that are awarded each year to students in schools with an acive scholasic crime stoppers program.
Associaion Chairman, Patrick Ropp kept the schedule moving with all of the presentaions and presenters had to be
flexible because some presenters, such as Reired Judge, Richard Carter had to change their schedule at the last minute
and were unable to atend.
The Allen County Crime Stoppers in Iola, KS has applied to host regional training next year. The KCSA will vote on the
proposal during their next quarterly meeing.
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
Greater Kansas City Crime Stoppers Fund Raiser
Once again our 19th annual “Party at Arrowhead” was a success!
Held on October 24, about 300
attendees enjoyed a night of music, food, drink and a live auction benefitting the Crime Stoppers
program of Greater KC. Some incredibly timely auction items including KC Royals autographed bats
and balls, vacations trips to Florida and Sedona, AZ and a private lunch with 2-Time Hall of Fame KC
Chief’s QB Len Dawson (who was in attendance) helped raise a record net of $68,647.91!
Our table
sponsors and food vendors included:
Jazz Louisiana Kitchen
Zarda BBQ
Baby Cakes
Nick and Jake’s
QuikTrip Kitchens
Popeye’s Chicken
McCormick’s Distillery
Hallbrook Law Firm
El Ranchero
Fun House Pizza
We also appreciate the support of our law enforcement partners who contribute our live auction
“baskets” each year and enjoy the friendly competition as they try to “one
-up’ each other.
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
710 KEEL News and the CL Bryant Show Presents “Supporting the Shield:
Honoring Our Heroes” Live Event
The public wa s invited to join 710 KEEL Radio , the CL Bryant
Show and Caddo and Bossier Parish Crime Stoppers,
in a
special event “Supporting the Shield: Honoring Our Heroes,”
from 2-5 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 25, 2015 in downtown
Shreveport’s F estival Plaza.
“Supporting the Shield: Honoring Our Heroes”
was a free
community event held to honor and celebrate all the service
men and women who wear the uniform, including law enforcement officers, firefighters
and military members , stand on the front lines and sacrifice their lives every day to
keep citizens safe and defend their freedom.
H osted by KEEL Morning Show hosts Robert J. Wright and Erin McCarty,
the event
recognize d all ho norees and their families with a lineup of notable speakers, includin g
special guest Lt. Col. Allen West, talk show hosts C.L. Bryant and Moon Griffon
appearances by Shreveport Mayor Ollie Tyler and Bossier City Mayor Lo Walker.
Additional guests include d U.S. Congressman John Fleming, Bossier Parish Sheriff
Julian Whit tington, Desoto Sheriff Rodn ey Arbuckle and representatives from the
Caddo Parish Sheriff’s office , with a closing prayer by Rev. James A. McMenis, pastor of
Word of God Church .
Live music w as provided by The Pack, a local cover band comprised of law
enforcement officers . Additional music guests include d Huntington High School Band
and singer Meredith Landry Johnson.
Allen West
CSUSA November 2015 Newsletter
Louisiana Congressman, Dr. Fleming
710 KEEL News and the CL Bryant Show Presents “Supporting the Shield:
Honoring Our Heroes” Live Event
Caddo and Bossier
CSUSA November 2015 Newsletter
Louisiana Crowd
Silent Observer’s “Love Does Not Hit” Campaign
Since October was Domestic Violence Awareness Month and people all across the
country were asked to focus on preventing and ending domestic violence in their
communities, Silent Observer released a wanted poster on October 7, 2015titled “Love
Does Not Hit” highlighting24 people with Domestic Violence warrants and asked the
community to contact Silent Observer anonymously as to their whereabouts. Within two
days, seven of the featured offenders had been picked up by police. By the end of the
campaign on October 30, 16 of the 24 individuals featured were picked up on their
warrants due to tips from the community.
Gauging from the number of hits and likes Silent Observer received on their Facebook
page (over 200 new likes), it is clear that community support for this project was
overwhelming. This sends a clear message that the community will not tolerate domestic
violence in any form and wants to ensure the abusers stand accountable for their actions.
Silent Observer initiated this project to bring awareness of the Domestic Violence issue in
the hopes that through due process, the victims and the families who have been affected
would see justice and closure.
Domestic violence is a crime of passion typically inflicted by a person the victim has come
to love and trust. Domestic violence occurs to people from all walks of life, despite class
or geographical location. Law Enforcement’s response to domestic assault is a priority
due to the potential that the assaults and injuries will become more severe over time.
Domestic Violence victims are typically reluctant to seek help due to fear of retaliation,
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
Silent Observer’s “Love Does Not Hit” Campaign
loss of income, loss of a lifestyle or friends. To the victims, these reasons are real and
legitimate. When the victim of domestic abuse comes forward, the community and law
enforcement need to take the allegations seriously and make efforts to protect the
victim’s and to keep the offender from re-offending. Silent Observer welcomes calls from
those who wish to be the voice of those that cannot speak for themselves and encourages
those who know someone that is a victim of domestic violence to call and report it.
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
AARP Presents Crime Stoppers of Central Indiana’s Fall Community Shred-it Day
Crime Stoppers of Central Indiana
Steve DuBois – Director/Coordinator
Crime Stoppers of Central Indiana held their biannual Community Shred-it day on October 24 th,
2015. Five locaions in Central Indiana were used to help the community reduce idenity thet,
recycle electronics, and learn more about AARP’s Fraud Watch Network.
The event had three components, the first was shredding personal documents
for ciizens. Each ciizen was asked to give a $5 per box donaion to Crime
Stoppers of Central Indiana for this service. The event was set up as a drive thru
style event. Shred-it Corporaion donated 13 trucks and their support staff to the
event. Volunteers consisted of Crime Stoppers board members, police explorers,
Ciizens Academy graduates, and Ciizen Alliance members. Each volunteer
removed boxes of personal documents from vehicles and then placed them in bins which were
then lited onto the Shred-it trucks. All shredding was handled by Shred-it personnel.
The second component was electronics recycling. Technology Recyclers took all
electronics but we concentrated on computer, cell phone, and digital electronics
to remind the public that all these devices keep personal data and must be
recycled with care as to avoid compromising the user’s personal informaion.
Technology Recyclers does not reuse hard drives, or cell phones but crushes them
and then recycles the metals with the device.
The third component was AARP’s sponsorship of the event. AARP paid a
sponsorship fee to place their name on the event and to give out informaion on
their new Fraud Watch Network. Over a thousand packets of AARP informaion
were handed out during the event. AARP was touted in the media as the event
sponsor and was given addiional value from social media exposure and
exposure on Crime Stoppers of Central Indiana’s website.
Three of the sites have local TV staions as their media sponsors, live interviews before and during
the event helped make this event one of the biggest fundraisers for Crime Stoppers of Central
Indiana. Local media personaliies stood side by side with volunteers helping at the event. Over
$25,000 was raised during the 3 hour event. In all the event was an overwhelming success and
the next one is planned for April of 2016.
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
Tulsa Crime Stoppers hold
Badges and Barbecue Fund Raiser
For several years in a row the Tulsa Crime Stoppers has held a barbecue contest to raise funds for their
program. This year the event was held October 29 at
Avi on Jones Airport. There were
more contestants than last year and the compe
was fierce and a large crowd joined to eat. Tickets
were $75.00 and a silent au
was also held. This year’s event was held at the Jones Airport in Jenks.
There were barbecue crews from all across law enforcement.
School Resource Officers – First Time
Tulsa PD
Tulsa PD Bomb Squad
CSUSA November 2015 Newsletter
Tulsa Crime Stoppers hold
Badges and Barbecue Fund Raiser
CSUSA November 2015 Newsletter
Tulsa Crime Stoppers hold
Badges and Barbecue Fund Raiser
CSUSA November 2015 Newsletter
Transparent data sharing to support
your community policing efforts.
By providing the public with a community crime mapping application like RAIDS Online,
your agency can easily alert the public about recent criminal activity. RAIDS Online
provides transparency and improves communication between the public and law
enforcement through this online, free application. By allowing law enforcement to
provide these services to the public at no cost through RAIDS Online, it reduces any
barriers for law enforcement to use public crime mapping as a crime reduction
strategy. RAIDS Online integrates seamlessly with your agency’s existing Crime
Stoppers tips software.
For additional information, please contact:
Mark A. Lindsay, LexisNexis | Risk Solutions
385.226.3692 Mobile
LexisNexis and the Knowledge Burst logo are registered trademarks of Reed Elsevier Properties Inc., used under license. Other products and services may be trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective companies. Copyright © 2015 LexisNexis.
By Charlie Taraboletti
If you were fortunate enough to have attended the outstanding
training conference in Austin, TX you probably noticed that the
Crime Stoppers USA board members were wearing shirts with the
CSUSA logo. Some wore long-sleeved shirts while others wore
long-sleeved shirts. Well you can have your own just like them
and a whole lot more.
Crime Stoppers USA branded items are available to you, your
board members, and the general public through a link online at Crime Stoppers USA worked with
MACCO Promotions to set up the online store (at no cost to
CSUSA) to make the items
available to you.
What better way to “warm up” a
call on a potential supporter for
your next fund-raiser than with a Crime Stoppers branded coffee mug.
Maybe let them know that their help is “key” to your program’s
success. Do it with a Crime Stoppers Key Chain, or just “cut” through
all the clutter with a pocket knife.
By wearing your brand, you say to everyone you meet that you support
the goals and mission of not only your local Crime Stoppers program
but also those of Crime Stoppers USA. There are hoodies, T-Shirts, and ball caps (two styles of camo
plus the distinctive CSUSA blue). Men’s and women’s sizes plus youth sizes are available for members
of your family or for the board members that are part of your scholastic program.
Just go to You’ll find the link on the home page, just a little below the
banner ad for TNT’s Cold Justice. By the way, the network continues to run public service
announcements telling people to call 1-800-222-TIPS with their information and that all calls are
Promote your program everywhere you go. As traffic to
store warrants, new items will be added, so check back
frequently. Macco can also design special items for your
Crime Stoppers Program.
CSUSA November 2015 Newsletter
Thanks for taking the time to read this edition of “The Informer”. The publication serves several
purposes, but one of the most important purposes is to let you know about the successes of Crime
Stoppers programs throughout the country that are members of Crime Stoppers USA.
It doesn’t matter whether the program you represent covers a major metropolitan area or if you represent
a small community or county and consider yourself fortunate to get 30 tips a year. Your board has
chosen to belong to CSUSA. Your board does the same type of things other boards do. You hold fundraisers, you provide a means for the public to give law-enforcement anonymous information on crime or
fugitives in your community, and you cultivate relationships with media outlets. Scholastic programs
often find a unique way of motivating students to do the right thing and help make their school or their
community a safer place.
Please share your good ideas. Let others know about what your board does well and what is unique to
your location. Send a copy of your “press clippings”, stories published online by area media, or just
write something about your recent fund-raiser and attach some pictures to an e-mail. Send your
information either to Charlie Taraboletti at or to Estella Quintanilla at You may just see your program in a new light.
CSUSA November 2015 Newsletter
Mot or Officer Michael Kern
Olat he Police Depart m ent , KS
EOW: Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Heart at t ack
Sergeant Sean Renfro
Jefferson Count y Sheriff's Office, CO
EOW: Sat urday, January 3, 2015
Cause of Deat h: St ruck by vehicle
Det ect ive John Scot t St evens
Ocean Count y Prosecut or's Office, NJ
EOW: Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
Police Officer Craig Chandler
Balt im ore Cit y Police Depart m ent , MD
EOW: Friday, January 9, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Vehicle pursuit
Direct or of I nvest igat ions John Ballard Gorm an
Mississippi Gam ing Com m ission, MS
EOW: Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire ( Accident al)
Assist ant Chief Carl Borderlon
Ball Police Depart m ent , LA
EOW: Sat urday, January 10, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Heart at t ack
Sergeant Charles Kerry Mit chum
Loxley Police Depart m ent , AL
EOW: Monday, January 26, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
Correct ions Officer V Christ opher Davis
Texas Depart m ent of Crim inal Just ice, TX
EOW: Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
Pat rolm an Roger O'Dell
Town Creek Police Depart m ent , AL
EOW: Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Heart at t ack
Correct ions Officer V Eligio Garcia
Texas Depart m ent of Crim inal Just ice, TX
EOW: Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
Deput y Sheriff Rodney Condall
Orleans Parish Sheriff's Office, LA
EOW: Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Heart at t ack
Deput y Chief St even Bonano
New York Cit y Police Depart m ent , NY
EOW: Sat urday, January 17, 2015
Cause of Deat h: 9/ 11 relat ed illness
Det ect ive Michael St arret t
Jacksboro Police Depart m ent , TN
EOW: Friday, January 30, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
Lieut enant C. Scot t Travis
Bullit t Count y Det ent ion Cent er, KY
EOW: Thursday, March 5, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Heart at t ack
Trooper Nicholas Dees
Oklahom a Highway Pat rol, OK
EOW: Sat urday, January 31, 2015
Cause of Deat h: St ruck by vehicle
Police Officer Brennan Rabain
Prince George's Count y Police Depart m ent , MD
EOW: Sat urday, March 7, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
Police Officer I I I Siegfred D. R. " Dove" Mort era
Guam Police Depart m ent , GU
EOW: Sat urday, February 14, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Heart at t ack
Deput y U.S. Marshal Josie Wells
Unit ed St at es Depart m ent of Just ice - Unit ed
St at es Marshals Service, US
EOW: Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Capt ain Neville St anley Kealii Colburn
Honolulu Police Depart m ent , HI
EOW: Monday, February 23, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Heart at t ack
Deput y Sheriff Johnny Gat son
Warren Count y Sheriff's Office, MS
EOW: Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
Special Agent William Sheldon
Unit ed St at es Depart m ent of Just ice - Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearm s and Explosives, US
EOW: Monday, March 2, 2015
Cause of Deat h: 9/ 11 relat ed illness
Police Officer Burke Rhoads
Nicholasville Police Depart m ent , KY
EOW: Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
Det ect ive Terence Avery Green
Fult on Count y Police Depart m ent , GA
EOW: Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Pat rolm an George S. Nissen
St one Park Police Depart m ent , I L
EOW: Thursday, March 12, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Assault
Police Officer Robert Wilson, I I I
Philadelphia Police Depart m ent , PA
EOW: Thursday, March 5, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Trooper Donald R. Fredenburg, Jr.
New York St at e Police, NY
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
EOW: Friday, March 13, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Heart at t ack
Police Officer Darryl Wallace
Clayt on Count y Police Depart m ent , GA
EOW: Sunday, March 15, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
Lieut enant Richard Woods
Pell Cit y Police Depart m ent , AL
EOW: Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Heart at t ack
Pat rolm an Adrian Arellano
El Paso Police Depart m ent , TX
EOW: Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Mot orcycle accident
Police Officer Alex Yazzie
Navaj o Division of Public Safet y, TR
EOW: Thursday, March 19, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Police Officer Michael Johnson
San Jose Police Depart m ent , CA
EOW: Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Trooper Trevor Casper
Wisconsin St at e Pat rol, WI
EOW: Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
Police Officer David Lee Colley
Mont gom ery Police Depart m ent , AL
EOW: Sat urday, April 4, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
Police Officer Jared Forsyt h
Ocala Police Depart m ent , FL
EOW: Monday, April 6, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire ( Accident al)
Police Officer Juandre Gilliam
Jeaneret t e Police Depart m ent , LA
EOW: Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Vehicle pursuit
Corporal Scot t R. Thom pson
Manchest er Township Police Depart m ent , NJ
EOW: Friday, April 10, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Heart at t ack
Police Officer Michael Villarr eal
Pearsall Police Depart m ent , TX
EOW: Sunday, April 12, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
Deput y Sheriff Gil Dat an
Coos Count y Sheriff's Office, OR
EOW: Monday, April 20, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Accident al
Det ect ive Brian Raym ond Moore
New York Cit y Police Depart m ent , NY
EOW: Monday, May 4, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Lieut enant Eric A. Eslary
Ligonier Township Police Depart m ent , PA
EOW: Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
Sergeant Greg Moore
Coeur d'Alene Police Depart m ent , I D
EOW: Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Det ect ive Paul J. Koropal
Allegheny Count y Dist rict At t orney's Office I nvest igat ive Division, PA
EOW: Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Heart at t ack
Police Officer Liquori Tat e
Hat t iesburg Police Depart m ent , MS
EOW: Sat urday, May 9, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Police Officer Benj am in Joseph " BJ" Deen
Hat t iesburg Police Depart m ent , MS
EOW: Sat urday, May 9, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Reserve Deput y Sonny Sm it h
Johnson Count y Sheriff's Office, AR
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
EOW: Friday, May 15, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Police Officer Richard Mart in
Houst on Police Depart m ent , TX
EOW: Monday, May 18, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Vehicular assault
Det ect ive Kerrie Orozco
Om aha Police Depart m ent , NE
EOW: Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
I nspect or Robert Jam es Bowling
Nort h Carolina Division of Mot or Vehicles License
and Theft Bureau, NC
EOW: Thursday, May 21, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
Deput y Sheriff Michael Brandle
Jefferson Count y Sheriff's Office, OH
EOW: Thursday, May 21, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Heart at t ack
Trooper Taylor Thyfault
Colorado St at e Pat rol, CO
EOW: Sat urday, May 23, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Vehicular assault
Pat rolm an Jam es Bennet t , Jr.
Housing Aut horit y of New Orleans Police
Depart m ent , LA
EOW: Sunday, May 24, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Police Officer Rick Silva
Chehalis Police Depart m ent , WA
EOW: Thursday, June 18, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Assault
Officer Gregg " Nigel" Benner
Rio Rancho Police Depart m ent , NM
EOW: Monday, May 25, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Police Officer Sonny Kim
Cincinnat i Police Depart m ent , OH
EOW: Friday, June 19, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Sergeant I ris Janet t Sm it h
Mississippi Depart m ent of Correct ions, MS
EOW: Monday, May 25, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
Police Officer Daryle Holloway
New Orleans Police Depart m ent , LA
EOW: Sat urday, June 20, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Police Officer Toure Heywood
Georgia St at e Universit y Police Depart m ent , GA
EOW: Thursday, May 28, 2015
Cause of Deat h: St ruck by vehicle
Trooper Eric K. Chrism an
Kent ucky St at e Police, KY
EOW: Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
Trooper Ant hony Raspa
New Jersey St at e Police, NJ
EOW: Sat urday, May 30, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
Sergeant Christ opher Kelley
Hut t o Police Depart m ent , TX
EOW: Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Vehicular assault
Deput y U.S. Marshal Zacarias Toro
Unit ed St at es Depart m ent of Just ice - Unit ed
St at es Marshals Service, US
EOW: Sunday, June 14, 2015
Cause of Deat h: 9/ 11 relat ed illness
Sheriff Ladson O'Connor
Mont gom ery Count y Sheriff's Office, GA
EOW: Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Vehicle pursuit
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
Sergeant Korby Kennedy
San Angelo Police Depart m ent , TX
EOW: Thursday, June 25, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Mot orcycle accident
Police Officer David Joseph Nelson
Bakersfield Police Depart m ent , CA
EOW: Friday, June 26, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Vehicle pursuit
Police Officer Sean Michael Bolt on
Mem phis Police Depart m ent , TN
EOW: Sat urday, August 1, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Correct ional Officer Gregory Dale Mit chell
Georgia Depart m ent of Correct ions, GA
EOW: Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Accident al
Police Officer Thom as LaValley
Shreveport Police Depart m ent , LA
EOW: Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Pat rolm an John Jam es Wilding
Scrant on Police Depart m ent , PA
EOW: Sunday, July 12, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Fall
Det ect ive Brent L. Hanger
Washingt on St at e Pat rol, WA
EOW: Thursday, August 6, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Heart at t ack
Correct ions Officer Tim ot hy Davison
Texas Depart m ent of Crim inal Just ice, TX
EOW: Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Assault
First Lieut enant Art hur A. Green, I I I
Michigan Depart m ent of Nat ural Resources, MI
EOW: Sunday, August 9, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aircraft accident
Police Officer Vernell Brown, Jr.
New Orleans Police Depart m ent , LA
EOW: Friday, July 17, 2015
Cause of Deat h: St ruck by vehicle
Deput y Sheriff Craig St ephen Whisenand
Tazewell Count y Sheriff's Office, I L
EOW: Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
Sergeant Scot t Lunger
Hayward Police Depart m ent , CA
EOW: Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Sergeant Joseph Abdella
Det roit Police Depart m ent , MI
EOW: Friday, August 14, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Heart at t ack
Deput y Sheriff Delt on Daniels
Marlboro Count y Sheriff's Office, SC
EOW: Sat urday, August 1, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
Deput y Sheriff Carl Howell
Carson Cit y Sheriff's Office, NV
EOW: Sat urday, August 15, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
Deput y Sheriff Darren H. Gofort h
Harris Count y Sheriff's Office, TX
EOW: Friday, August 28, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Det ent ion Officer Tronoski Jones
Harris Count y Sheriff's Office, TX
EOW: Thursday, August 20, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Heart at t ack
Sergeant Miguel Perez- Rios
Puert o Rico Police Depart m ent , PR
EOW: Monday, Sept em ber 7, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Senior Trooper St even Vincent
Louisiana St at e Police, LA
EOW: Monday, August 24, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Lieut enant Roy McLaughlin
Yonkers Police Depart m ent , NY
EOW: Thursday, Sept em ber 10, 2015
Cause of Deat h: 9/ 11 relat ed illness
Sergeant Peggy Vassallo
Bellefont aine Neighbors Police Depart m ent , MO
EOW: Monday, August 24, 2015
Cause of Deat h: St ruck by vehicle
Deput y Chief John P. McKee
Cit y Universit y of New York Depart m ent of Public
Safet y, NY
EOW: Sat urday, Sept em ber 12, 2015
Cause of Deat h: 9/ 11 relat ed illness
Police Officer Henry Nelson
Sunset Police Depart m ent , LA
EOW: Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Trooper Joseph Cam eron Ponder
Kent ucky St at e Police, KY
EOW: Sunday, Sept em ber 13, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Trooper Jam es Mat t hew Bava
Missouri St at e Highway Pat rol, MO
EOW: Friday, August 28, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
Deput y Sheriff St even " Bret t " Hawkins
Harrison Count y Sheriff's Office, MO
EOW: Sunday, Sept em ber 13, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Heart at t ack
Trooper Chad H. Wolf
Michigan St at e Police, MI
EOW: Friday, August 28, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Mot orcycle accident
Deput y Sheriff Dwight Darwin Maness
McHenry Count y Sheriff's Office, I L
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
EOW: Monday, Sept em ber 14, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Deput y Sheriff Richard Allen Hall
Chat ham Count y Sheriff's Office, GA
EOW: Wednesday, Sept em ber 16, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
Sergeant Eric Meier
Crawford Police Depart m ent , NY
EOW: Thursday, Sept em ber 17, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Heart at t ack
Trooper Kyle D. Young
Verm ont St at e Police, VT
EOW: Thursday, Sept em ber 17, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Dut y relat ed illness
Police Officer Kevin Jerm aine Toat ley
DeKalb Count y Police Depart m ent , GA
EOW: Sat urday, Sept em ber 19, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
Trooper Nat han- Michael William Sm it h
Virginia St at e Police, VA
EOW: Monday, Sept em ber 21, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
Deput y Sheriff Bill Myers
Okaloosa Count y Sheriff's Office, FL
EOW: Tuesday, Sept em ber 22, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter
Deput y Sheriff Rosem ary Vela
Madison Count y Sheriff's Office, TN
EOW: Monday, Sept em ber 28, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
Police Officer Gregory Thom as Alia
Forest Acres Police Depart m ent , SC
EOW: Wednesday, Sept em ber 30, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Police Officer Ant hony Lossiah
Cherokee I ndian Police Depart m ent , TR
EOW: Tuesday, Oct ober 6, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Dut y relat ed illness
I nvest igat or St even Mart in Sandberg
Ait kin Count y Sheriff's Office, MN
EOW: Sunday, Oct ober 18, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Det ect ive Randolph A. Holder
New York Cit y Police Depart m ent , NY
EOW: Tuesday, Oct ober 20, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Park Ranger Jam es Marvin Wallen, Jr.
Ham ilt on Count y Parks and Recreat ion
Depart m ent , TN
EOW: Sunday, Oct ober 25, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
Deput y Const able Jeffrey Radford
Bell Count y Const able's Office - Precinct 3, TX
EOW: Wednesday, Oct ober 28, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
EOW: Tuesday, Novem ber 10, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Read m ore:
Police Officer Daniel Scot t Webst er
Albuquerque Police Depart m ent , NM
EOW: Thursday, Oct ober 29, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
ht t p: / / www.odm search/ year/ 2015# ixzz3rDq
Sergeant William Karl Keesee
Texas Depart m ent of Public Safet y - Texas
Highway Pat rol, TX
EOW: Thursday, Oct ober 29, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
Police Officer Bryce Hanes
San Bernardino Police Depart m ent , CA
EOW: Thursday, Novem ber 5, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Vehicular assault
Police Officer Daniel Neil Ellis
Richm ond Police Depart m ent , KY
EOW: Friday, Novem ber 6, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Gunfire
Police Officer St acy L. Case
Colum bia Police Depart m ent , SC
EOW: Sat urday, Novem ber 7, 2015
Cause of Deat h: Aut om obile accident
Chief of Police Darrell L. Allen
Marlin Police Depart m ent , TX
CSUSA November 2015 Newsleter