Society(of(Reproduc/ve(Biologists( and(Technologists((SRBT)
Society(of(Reproduc/ve(Biologists( and(Technologists((SRBT)
Society(of(Reproduc/ve(Biologists( and(Technologists((SRBT)( 2012(Salary(and(Job(Sa/sfac/on( Survey! Arthur T. Chang, Ph.D., HCLD University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX E-mail: Jeremy C. Chang, Ph.D., HCLD Reproductive Biology Associates, Atlanta, GA 1! Acknowledgements Amy E.T. Sparks, Ph.D., HCLD University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA Sangita K. Jindal, Ph.D., HCLD Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Hartsdale, New York Christy S. Davis, B.A. American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Birmingham, AL Ethan S. Jacoby, B.A. University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX 2! 2012(Salary(and(Job(Sa/sfac/on(Survey( • • • • • • • • • • 585!ac(ve!SRBT!members! All!on7line! Anonymous,!one7(me!response!only! Goal!is!to!describe!current!salaries!of!SRBT!members! New!survey!on!job!sa(sfac(on!added!this!year! Survey!posted!online!for!8!week!in!July7August,!2012! Response!was!146/585=25%! According!to!ASRM,!typical!survey!response!rate!is!~12%! Female!responses!=!76!(52%!of!total)! Male!responses!=!70!(48%!of!total)! 3! General(Data( 4! Geographic(Region( 30%! 20%! 18.2%! 19.6%! 14.7%! 10%! 15.4%! 12.6%! 8.4%! 11.2%! 0%! 1.!(WA,!OR,! 2.!(MT,!WY,! 3.!(AZ,!NM,! 4.!(KS,!OK,! 5.!(MS,!AL,! 6.!(VA,!WV,! 7.!(ME,!NH,! CA,!NV,!ID,! UT,!CO,!ND,! TX,!AR,!LA)! IA,!MO,!IL,! GA,!FL,!TN,! IN,!OH,!MI,! NY,!VT,!MA,! AK,!HI)! SD,!MN,!NE)! WI)! NC,!SC,!PR)! KY)! RI,!PA,!CT,! NJ,!MD,!DE)! Total&responses:&143& Responsibili/es(and(Gender( 60! 55! #!Responses! 50! 40! 30! Female! 46! 46! Male! 34! 32! 31! 20! 13! 10! 5! 0! Andrologist( Embryologist( Endocrine(Tech( Total&responses:&146& Lab(Director( 6! Clinic(SeGng:(Directors( 30 27 Male Directors 25 Female Directors 20 16 15 10 5 7 3 5 3 2 3 0 Hospital University Private Blend 7! Clinic(SeGng:(NonJDirectors( 25 21 Male Non-Directors 20 Female Non-Directors 15 13 10 5 5 5 5 2 1 2 0 Hospital University Private Blend 8! Years(of(Experience:(Directors( 16 Male Academic Male Private Practice Female Academic Female Private Practice 14 12 14 10 8 8 6 6 6 5 9 6 4 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 1-5 1 1 6-10 0 1 2 0 0 11-15 Years Experience 1 16-20 >20 9! Years(of(Experience:(NonJDirectors( Male Academic 8 Male Private Practice 7 7 Female Academic 6 Female Private Practice 6 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 7 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 0 0 1-5 2 6-10 0 11-15 Years Experience 16-20 >20 10! Posi/on(and(Educa/on( • • • • Total!responses:!146! Director!responses!=!54.5%! Non7director!responses!=!45.5%! Educa(on:! – M.T.! ! !3.4%! – B.S./B.A.! !24.7%! – M.S.! ! !20.5%! – Ph.D. ! !48.6%! – M.D./D.O.! !2.7%! – D.V.M.!! !0.0%!! 11! Job(Coverage( 80%! 70.6%! 54.5%! 60%! 45.5%! 40%! 20%! 12.6%! 0%! Embryologist! Andrologist! Endocrine!lab! technologist! Total&responses:&143& Lab!director! 12! Employment( Per!diem!(less! than!20!hours! per!week);! 2.8%! Part7(me!(20! to!39!hours! per!week);! 8.3%! Full7(me! (equal!to!or! greater!than! 40!hours!per! week);!88.9%! Total&responses:&144& 13! The(best(descrip/on(of(your(job(/tle:( Entry7level! tes(ng!(<!3!yr! experience);! 0.7%! Researcher;! 4.9%! Mid7level! tes(ng!(≥!3!yr! experience);! 9.1%! Administrator;! 1.4%! Lab!director;! 52.4%! General!or! technical! supervisor;! 31.5%! Total&responses:&143& 14! Do(you(do(independent(consul/ng( offJsite?( Permission! unknown;! 20.1%! Yes;!30.6%! Not!permimed;! 15.3%! Permimed,!but! not!doing;! 34.0%! Total&responses:&144& 15! Job(Loca/ons(:(Number(of(Lab(s)( Not! applicable;! 6.8%! Three!or!more! IVF!labs;!9.6%! One!IVF!lab;! 71.9%! Two!IVF!labs;! 11.6%! Total&responses:&146& 16! Main(IVF(Lab(Affilia/on( Not! applicable;! 3.4%! Other;!3.4%! University7 based!IVF! program;! 13.8%! University7 based,!but! private! prac(ce! (blend);!6.9%! Private! prac(ce!IVF! program;! 60.0%! Hospital7based! IVF!program;! 12.4%! Total&responses:&145& 17! Number(of(years(of(experience(you( have(working(in(human(IVF,(( andrology,(endocrine(tes/ng,(etc.( 175!years;! 7.7%! 6710!years;! 16.9%! 11715!years;! 11.3%! Greater!than! 20!years;! 46.5%! 16720!years;! 17.6%! Total&responses:&142& 18! Number(of(years(you(have(been( with(your(current(employer:( Greater!than! 20!years;! 12.6%! 16720!years;! 14.0%! 11715!years;! 16.8%! 175!years;! 30.8%! 6710!years;! 25.9%! Total&responses:&143& 19! Number(of(years(you(have(had(your( current(job(/tle((including(years( with(former(employers):( Greater!than! 20!years;! 22.4%! 175!years;! 25.2%! 6710!years;! 14.7%! 16720!years;! 19.6%! 11715!years;! 18.2%! Total&responses:&143& 20! 20%! 0%! Total&responses:&145& Not!applicable! 73.8%! PGD/PGS! 94.5%! Oocyte! Cryopreserva(on! 80%! Embryo! Cryopreserva(on! 85.5%! MESA,!PESA! 95.2%! 89.0%!91.0%! 93.8%! Tes(cular!Biopsy! 60%! Sperm!Func(on!Tes(ng! Semen! Cryopreserva(on! Semen!Analysis! IUI! 100%! ART!(IVF,!ICSI,!GIFT)! Procedures(your(IVF(program(offers( 81.4%! 84.1%! 48.3%! 40%! 3.4%! Number(of(Fresh(Oocyte(Retrievals((NonJ Donor(and(Donor,(Including(Satellite(Pa/ents)( Greater!than! 2000;!2.1%! 100171500;! 2.1%! 150172000;! 2.7%! Not!applicable;! 5.5%! Less!than!100;! 14.4%! 60171000;!8.9%! 5017600;!4.8%! 1017200;!28.1%! 4017500;!6.2%! 3017400;!13.0%! 2017300;!12.3%! Total&responses:&146& 22! Fresh(IVF(Cases(per(Year(Divided(by(the( Number(of(FullJTime(Embryologists( Greater!than! 200;!6.5%! Less!than!25;! 4.3%! 26750;!10.9%! 1767200;!8.0%! 1517175;!7.2%! 51775;!14.5%! 1267150;! 21.7%! 1017125;! 10.9%! Total&responses:&138& 767100;!15.9%! 23! Overall(Annual(Base(Salary(Range((in(USD)( $300,001!7!$350,000! 0%! $275,001!7!$300,000! $250,001!7!$275,000! 1%! 1%! $225,001!7!$250,000! 3%! Greater!than! $350,000! 1%! Less!than!$25,000! 1%! $25,001!7!$50,000! 4%! $200,001!7!$225,000! 6%! $50,001!7!$75,000! 15%! $175,001!7!$200,000! 8%! $150,0017!$175,000! 14%! $75,001!7!$100,000! 21%! $125,001!7!$150,000! 11%! Total&responses:&144& $100,001!7!$125,000! 14%! 24! Bonuses(or(Incen/ves(in(the(Past(12( Months(and(Amount( $20.1K!to!25K;! 0.0%! $25.1K!to!30K;! 3.5%! Greater!than! $30K;!6.9%! None;!38.2%! $15.1K!to!20K;! 5.6%! $10.1K!to!15K;! 6.3%! $5.1K!to!10K;! 12.5%! $2.6K!to!5K;! 13.2%! Total&responses:&144& Less!than!or!equal! to!$2.5K;!13.9%! 25! 6.3%! 0%! Total&responses:&143& Other! 40%! Training/career! development!paid!by! employer! 6.3%! Recogni(on/award!by! employer! 20%! Flexible!work!hours! Extra!vaca(on!days! 60%! None! NonJMonetary(Rewards(in(the(Past( 12(Months( 51.0%! 37.8%! 20.3%! 1.4%! 26! How(are(bonuses(determined(at(your( clinic/company?((choose(all(that(apply)( 50%! 39.3%! 40%! 30%! 27.9%! 28.7%! Mee(ng!individual! goals/objec(ves! Mee(ng!group/ team!goals/ objec(ves! 31.1%! 20%! 10%! 0%! Achieving!financial! performance!(clinic! revenue/profit)! Total&responses:&122& Other!Methods! (Please!specify):! 27! 40%! 18.4%! 22.7%! 11.3%! 0.7%! Total&responses:&141& Other! 76.6%! Tui(on!reimbursement! 89.4%! Vaca(on!(paid!(me!off)! 45.4%! Over(me! 62.4%! Bonus! 53.2%! 57.4%! Profit!sharing! Liability!insurance!coverage! under!the!prac(ce!insurance! policy! Re(rement!plan!(401k,!403b,! etc)! Matching!re(rement! contribu(ons! 0%! Childcare!assistance! 20%! Long!term!care!insurance! Life!insurance! 60%! Vision!insurance! 80%! Dental!insurance! 100%! Health!insurance! Benefits(Received((Overall)( 81.6%! 53.9%! 48.2%! 27.0%! 5.0%! 28! Conference / Membership Tuition Reimbursement Hospital Based Clinic (w/Blend) Paid Vacation Overtime Bonus Profit Sharing Retirement Matching Retirement Liability Insurance University Based Clinic Childcare Long-Term Care Life Vision Dental Health Benefits Received Private Clinic 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 29! Does(your(employer(pay(for(your( professional(society(memberships?( No;!23.1%! Yes;!76.9%! Total&responses:&143& 30! Are(you(able(to(a_end(professional( mee/ngs?( No;!3.4%! Yes;!96.6%! Total&responses:&145& Allowance(for(A_ending( Professional(Mee/ngs(and(Amount( Greater!than! $5K;!5.5%! None;!21.4%! $2.6K!to!5K;! 24.8%! Less!than!or! equal!to! $2.5K;!48.3%! Total&responses:&145& 32! Annual(Paid(Vaca/on(Days( Less!than!6! days;!2.8%! 1!week;!1.4%! 2!weeks;! 14.1%! More!than!4! weeks;!20.4%! 3!weeks;! 23.2%! 4!weeks;! 38.0%! Total&responses:&142& 33! OffJsite(consul/ng(allowed?( 30 27 25 25 Director Non-director 20 20 17 15 10 10 10 12 6 5 0 Yes, Doing Yes, Not Doing Not Allowed Unknown 34! Lab(Directors(and(Geography( 6! WA,!OR,!CA,!NV,! ID,!AK,!HI! 5! MT,!WY,!UT,!CO,! ND,!SD,!MN,!NE! 4! 3! 2! 2! 2! 3!3! 2! 1! 1! 1!1!1!1! 3! 3! 3! AZ,!NM,!TX,!AR,! LA! 2! 2! 2! 2! 2!2! 1!1!1!1!1! 1! 1! 1!1! 2! 1!1!1!1! 1! 1!1! KS,!OK,!IA,!MO,! IL,!WI! 1! 1! 1! MS,!AL,!GA,!FL,! TN,!NC,!SC,!PR! 0! >$350K! >$300K!7!$350K! >$275K!7!$300K! >$250K!7!$275K! >$225K!7!$250K! >$200K!7!$225K! >$175K!7!$200K! >$150K!7!$175K! >$125K!7!$150K! >$100K!7!$125K! >$75K!7!$100K! VA,!WV,!IN,!OH,! MI,!KY! ME,!NH,!NY,!VT,! MA,!RI,!PA,!CT,! NJ,!MD,!DE! 35! NonJDirectors(and(Geography( 8! WA,!OR,!CA,!NV,! ID,!AK,!HI! 7! MT,!WY,!UT,!CO,! ND,!SD,!MN,!NE! 6! 5! AZ,!NM,!TX,!AR,! LA! 4! 4! 3!3! 3! 3! 2! 2! 1! 2!2! 2! 1! 2! KS,!OK,!IA,!MO,! IL,!WI! 2! 1! 1!1! 1!1! 1! 1! 1! 1!1! 1! 1! 1! MS,!AL,!GA,!FL,! TN,!NC,!SC,!PR! 1! 1! 0! >$200K!7!$225K! >$175K!7!$200K! >$150K!7!$175K! >$125K!7!$150K! >$100K!7!$125K! >$75K!7!$100K! >$50K!7!$75K! >$25K!7!$50K! VA,!WV,!IN,!OH,! MI,!KY! ME,!NH,!NY,!VT,! MA,!RI,!PA,!CT,! NJ,!MD,!DE! 36! Lab(Director(Degrees( B.S.,!USA! (grand7 fathered);! 9.8%! M.D./D.O.,! USA;!2.4%! M.S.,!USA! (grand7 fathered);! 9.8%! Ph.D.,!USA;! 61.0%! Ph.D.,!Foreign;! 17.1%! Total&responses:&82& 37! Lab(Director(Creden/als( 100%! 80%! 60%! 79.2%! 48.1%! 40%! 20%! 16.9%! 20.8%! 14.3%! T.S.!(ABB)! C.C.!(ABB)! Other! 0%! H.C.L.D.!(ABB)! E.L.D.!(ABB)! Total&responses:&77& 38! Lab(Director(OnJsite/OffJsite( Other;!8.5%! On7site!part7 (me!(20!to!39! hours!per! week);!11.0%! On7site!full7 (me!(More! than!or!equal! to!40!hours! per!week);! 80.5%! Total&responses:&82& 39! Lab(Director(Par/cipa/on(in(Lab( Coverage(&(Weekend(Rota/on( Other;!1.2%! No;!8.5%! Yes;!90.2%! Total&responses:&82& 40! Are(you(a(Lab(Director(onJsite(at( another(IVF(lab?( Full7(me!(Equal! to!or!less!than! 40!hours!per! week);!10.6%! None;!63.8%! Part7(me!(20739! hours!per! week);!25.5%! Total&responses:&47& 41! Number(of(Total(Labs(Direc/ng( (Including(OffJSites)( 4!Labs,!7.5%! 5!Labs,!2.5%! 3!Labs,!12.5%! 1!Lab,!37.5%! 2!Labs,!40.0%! Total&responses:&40& 42! Survey(Data(Analysis( • • • • 89%!are!employed!full7(me! Data!presented!is!for!full7(me!respondents!only.! Part7(me!data!is!available!upon!request.!! University!and!hospital7based!prac(ces!are! represented!by!the!academic!category.! 43! • Data!was!categorized!(e.g.!director,!non7director)! • Average!income!±!SEM!and!Median!per!category! is!presented! • Average!income!derived!from!midpoint!of!each! salary!range!(e.g.!income!response!of!$50,001!7 $75,000!was!recorded!as!$62,500.50)! • Salaries!less!than!$25,000!was!not!included!in! analysis!(none!in!this!year)! • Salaries!greater!than!$350,000!were!recorded!as! $350,001,!the!most!conserva(ve!average.! 44! PhD(Lab(Director! $168,304!±!$6,043!(n=56),!Median!$162,501! 20 16! 15 >$350K >$275K - $300K 0 >$50K - $75K >$75K - $100K >$100K - $125K >$125K - $150K >$150K - $175K >$175K - $200K >$200K - $225K >$225K - $250K >$250K - $275K >$300K - $350K 45! 0! 1! 0! 1! 0! 2! 5 5! 7! 7! 8! 9! 10 NonJDoctorate(Lab(Director! $155,209!±!$21,785!(n=12),!Median!$137,501! 5 4 3! 3 2! 2 1! 1! 1! 1 0! >$225K - $250K >$250K - $275K >$275K - $300K >$300K - $350K >$350K 0! >$50K - $75K >$75K - $100K >$100K - $125K >$125K - $150K >$150K - $175K >$175K - $200K >$200K - $225K 0! 46! 0! 0! 0! 0 4! Lab(Supervisors! $90,001!±!$3,983!(n=40),!Median!$87,501! 10! 6! 10 0! 1! 0! 2! 0! 0 21! 25 20 15 5 ≤$25K >$25K - $50K >$50K - $75K >$75K - $100K >$100K - $125K >$125K - $150K >$150K - $175K >$175K - $200K 47! Tes/ng(Personnel! $65,278!±!$7,733!(n=9),!Median!$62,501! 6 5! 4 2! 2 0 1! 1! 0! 0! >$125K $150K >$100K $125K >$75K - $100K >$50K - $75K >$25K - $50K ≤$25K 48! Embryologist! $96,154!±!$6,496!(n=26),!Median!$87,501! 15 11! 10 5 >$175K - $200K 0 ≤$25K >$25K - $50K >$50K - $75K >$75K - $100K >$100K - $125K >$125K - $150K >$150K - $175K >$200K - $225K 49! 1! 0! 1! 2! 1! 0! 5! 5! Andrologist! $79,167!±!$30,046!(n=3),!Median!$62,501! 2 1 >$150K - $175K >$100K - $125K >$125K - $150K >$75K - $100K 0 ≤$25K >$25K - $50K >$50K - $75K 0! 0! 0! 0! 1! 1! 1! 50! Embryologists/Andrologists! $83,553!±!$6,416!(n=19),!Median!$87,501! 10 8! 8 6 5! 4 3! 2 0 0! 1! 2! 0! >$150K - $175K >$125K - $150K >$100K - $125K >$75K - $100K >$50K - $75K >$25K - $50K ≤$25K 51! Embryologist/Andrologist/Endocrine( Technologist! $75,001!±!$5,590!(n=10),!Median!$87,501! 8 6! 6 3! 4 2 0 0! 1! 0! >$100K - $125K >$75K - $100K >$50K - $75K >$25K - $50K ≤$25K Note:&&No&responses&for&Endocrine&Tech&only&and&Andrologist/Endocrine&Tech& CombinaDon&& 52! Lab(Director(and(Gender! Male!$168,751!±!$6,661!(n=41),!Median!$162,501!! Female!$157,408!±!$11,249!(n=27),!Median!$137,501! 15 12! Male Director (All Degrees) Female Director (All Degrees) 10 8! 6! 6! 5 5! 5! 5! 3! 3! 3! 4! 2! 3! 1! 1! 1! 0 >$350K >$300K - $350K >$275K - $300K >$250K - $275K >$225K - $250K >$200K - $225K >$175K - $200K >$150K - $175K >$125K - $150K >$100K - $125K >$75K - $100K >$50K - $75K 53! Director(and(Clinic(SeGng( Academic!$161,501!±!$10,456!(n=25),!Median!=!$162,501! Private!$168,605!±!$7,820!(n=43),!Median!=!$162,501! 15 12 Academic Director Private Director 10 4 5 5 4 5 6 7 6 5 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 0 >$350K >$300K - $350K >$275K - $300K >$250K - $275K >$225K - $250K >$200K - $225K >$175K - $200K >$150K - $175K >$125K - $150K >$100K - $125K >$75K - $100K >$50K - $75K 54! Directors(1J10(yr(Experience( Academic!$143,751!±!$6,250!(n=4),!Median!=!$137,501! Private!$181,251!±!$10,297!(n=8),!Median!=!$175,001! Academic!Director!1710!yr!Experience! Private!Director!1710!yr!Experience! 4! 3! 3! 3! 3! 2! 1! 1! 1! 1! 0! >$225K!7!$250K! >$200K!7!$225K! >$175K!7!$200K! >$150K!7!$175K! >$125K!7!$150K! >$100K!7!$125K! 55! Directors(11+(yr(Experience( Academic!$164,881!±!$12,309!(n=21),!Median!=!$162,501! Private!$165,715!±!$9,300!(n=35),!Median!=!$162,501! 10! 9! Academic!Director!11+!yr!Experience! Private!Director!11+!yr!Experience! 8! 6! 4! 4! 5! 4! 2! 2! 5! 6! 4! 2! 2! 2! 3! 3! 2! 1! 1! 1! 0! >$350K! >$300K!7!$350K! >$275K!7!$300K! >$250K!7!$275K! >$225K!7!$250K! >$200K!7!$225K! >$175K!7!$200K! >$150K!7!$175K! >$125K!7!$150K! >$100K!7!$125K! >$75K!7!$100K! >$50K!7!$75K! 56! Lab(Supervisor(and(Gender! Male!$100,001!±!$6,284!(n=14),!Median!$100,001!! Female!$84,616!±!$4,869!(n=26),!Median!$87,501! 20 16 Male Supervisor 15 Female Supervisor 8 10 5 5 5 2 1 2 1 0 >$200K - $225K >$175K - $200K >$150K - $175K >$125K - $150K >$100K - $125K >$75K - $100K >$50K - $75K >$25K - $50K 57! NonJDirector(and(Clinic(SeGng( Academic!$98,864!±!$10,103!(n=22),!Median!=!$87,501! Private!$87,501!±!$4,837!(n=34),!Median!=!$87,501! 20! Academic!Non7Director! Private!Non7Director! 15! 15! 9! 10! 7! 5! 1! 7! 3! 2! 4! 3! 1! 1! 2! 1! 0! >$200K!7!$225K! >$175K!7!$200K! >$150K!7!$175K! >$125K!7!$150K! >$100K!7!$125K! >$75K!7!$100K! >$50K!7!$75K! >$25K!7!$50K! !≤$25K! 58! NonJDirectors(1J10(yr(Experience( 8! Academic!$78,126!±!$9,375!(n=8),!Median!=!$75,001! Private!$77,084!±!$7,820!(n=12),!Median!=!$87,501! Academic!Non7Director!1710!yr! Experience! 6! 6! Private!Non7Director!1710!yr! Experience! 4! 3! 3! 2! 2! 2! 2! 1! 1! 0! >$150K!7!$175K! >$125K!7!$150K! >$100K!7!$125K! >$75K!7!$100K! >$50K!7!$75K! >$25K!7!$50K! !≤$25K! 59! NonJDirectors(11+(yr(Experience( Academic!$110,715!±!$14,225!(n=14),!Median!=!$87,501! Private!$93,182!±!$5,915!(n=22),!Median!=!$87,501! 10! 9! Academic!Non7Director!11+!yr! Experience! Private!Non7Director!11+!yr! Experience! 8! 6! 4! 4! 5! 6! 2! 4! 1! 1! 2! 2! 1! 1! 0! >$200K!7!$225K! >$175K!7!$200K! >$150K!7!$175K! >$125K!7!$150K! >$100K!7!$125K! >$75K!7!$100K! >$50K!7!$75K! >$25K!7!$50K! !≤$25K! 60! Bonus! Lab!Director!$14,236!±!$1,593!(n=47),!Median!$12,550! Non7Director!$6,004!±!$1,000!(n=36),!Median!$3,800! 25! 21! 23! Director!Bonus!(All!Degrees)! Non7Director!Bonus!(All!Degree)! 20! 15! 12! 10! 6! 10! 9! 8! 7! 5! 9! 6! 5! 4! 5! 1! 1! 0! >$30K! $25.1K!7!$30K! $20.1K!7!$25K! $15.1K!7!$20K! $10.1K!7!$15K! $5.1K!7!$10K! $2.6K!7!$5K! ≤$2.5K! None! 61! OffJSite(Directors( Off7site!directors:!26!responses! 46%!visit!off7site!labs!at!least!once!a!month! 73%!do!hands7on!consul(ng! 92%!do!QA!consul(ng! 62%!are!paid!directly! 31%!are!paid!as!a!corpora(on! 62%!have!liability!insurance!covered!by!the! off7site!program! • 81%!have!nego(ated!with!on7site!employer!to! work!off7site!during!regular!hours! • • • • • • • 62! OffJSite(Lab(Director(Annual(Salary( 40%! 32.0%! 30%! 24.0%! 20.0%! 20%! 16.0%! 8.0%! 10%! 0%! >$100K! 7!$125K! >$75K!7! $100K! >$50K!7! $75K! >$25K!7! $50K! ≤$25K! Total&responses:&25& 63! Percentage(of(OffJSite(Compensa/on(to( the(Overall(Lab(Director(Compensa/on( 41750%;! 11.5%! Less!than! 10%;!26.9%! 31740%;!7.7%! 21730%;! 11.5%! 10720%;! 42.3%! Total&responses:&22& 64! OffJsite(Lab(Director:(how(ocen(do( you(visit(the(offJsite(lab(s)?( More!than! once!a!week;! 3.8%! Once!a!week;! 3.8%! Twice!a! month;!11.5%! Other;!53.8%! Once!a! month;!26.9%! Total&responses:&26& 65! OffJSite(Lab(Director(Services(Provided( 92.3%! 100%! 80%! 60%! 73.1%! 61.5%! 40%! 20%! 7.7%! 0%! Hands7on!technical! Hands7off!technical! Quality!assurance!&! support! support! regulatory! compliance! Total&responses:&26& Other! 66! As(an(offJsite(Lab(Director,(are(you(paid:( Through!some! other! arrangement;! 7.7%! Directly;! 61.5%! As!a! corpora(on;! 30.8%! Total&responses:&26& 67! Liability(insurance(covered(by(the(offJsite( IVF(program's(policy?( Other;!3.8%! Yes;!61.5%! No;!34.6%! Total&responses:&26& 68! Amount(of(Insurance(Coverage(Provided( by(the(OffJSite(IVF(Program( Other;!0.0%! Not!applicable;! 27.3%! Unknown;! 31.8%! Less!than!$1! million!USD;! 9.1%! $1!to!5!million! USD;!31.8%! Greater!than!$5! million!USD;! 0.0%! 69! As(an(offJsite(Lab(Director,(do(you(have( to(pay(your(own(liability(insurance?( Yes;!25.0%! No;!75.0%! Total&responses:&24& 70! Amount(of(SelfJPay(OffJSite(Liability( Insurance((per(1(Million(Dollars(of(Policy)( 20! 19! 15! 10! 5! 1! 1! 1! 1! $194! $600! $4,000! $6,000! 0! N/A! Note:&All&4&entries&were&writeFin&amount;&total&responses:&23& 71! OffJSite(Lab(Director(Contract(with( Annual(Compensa/on( Other;!7.7%! No;!19.2%! Yes;!73.1%! Total&responses:&26& 72! Requirement(of(OffJSite(Lab(Director( Du/es(not(to(Conflict(with(FullJTime(OnJ Site(Lab(Director(Du/es( Yes;!36.0%! No;!64.0%! Total&responses:&25& 73! OffJsite(Lab(Director(du/es(are(known(to(your( fullJ/me(onJsite(lab(and(you(have(nego/ated( regular(work(hours(for(offJsite(work?( No;!19.2%! Yes;!80.8%! Total&responses:&26& 74! Job(Sa/sfac/on(Survey( • New!in!2012! • 5!short!ques(ons! • Goal!is!to!obtain!the!overall!job!sa(sfac(on! status!of!SRBT!members! 75! Has(your(salary(changed(in(the(past(12( months?( Increased! Increased! 10725%;!9.9%! >25%;!1.4%! Increased! <10%;!37.6%! Decreased! >25%;!1.4%! No!change;! 46.1%! Decreased! 10725%;!0.7%! Total&responses:&141& Decreased! <10%;!2.8%! 76! How(do(you(feel(about(your(current(job( security?( Unstable;! 10.0%! Very!secure;! 37.1%! Stable;!52.9%! Total&responses:&140& 77! Overall,(how(do(you(like(your(current( job?( A!limle!bit! disappointed,! 9.2%! Very! dissa(sfied;! 2.8%! Very!sa(sfied;! 27.0%! Neutral;!14.9%! Sa(sfied;! 46.1%! Total&responses:&141& 78! How(do(you(feel(about(the(current(job( market(for(clinical(reproduc/ve(biologists( and(technologists?( Bad!shape;! 7.2%! Stable;!45.3%! Good;!47.5%! Total&responses:&139& 79! How(would(you(es/mate(the(clinical( reproduc/ve(laboratory(job(market(trend( in(the(next(five(years?( Fewer!job! openings!and! poorer!pay! scale;!20.9%! No!significant! change;!51.1%! More!job! openings!and! bemer!pay! scale;!28.1%! Total&responses:&139&
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