Southern DigeSt


Southern DigeSt
July 2011
News and Reminders
Dates to Remember
SAC Meeting
Wednesday, July 13
4:30 p.m.
Main Campus Student Center
SCCSC Meeting
Thursday, July 14
5:00 p.m.
Main Campus Student Center
Dean’s Excursion
Tennessee Riverboat Scenic Cruise
Saturday, July 16
3:00 p.m.
Deadline to pre-pay July 11
Graphing Calculator Workshop
Monday, July 18
3:00-4:00 p.m.
Main Campus Room 221
Congratulations and Good Luck
Presidential Award Recipients
Hallerin Hilton Hill Delivers
Entertaining and Inspirational
Commencement Address
Additional award winners include:
South College’s 2010-2011 graduation was held
on Saturday, June 25, at the Tennessee Theatre.
South College wishes each of the 186 graduates
the best in future endeavors. We hope each one
will keep in touch and come back to visit.
Those attending this year’s commencement
were treated to an entertaining and uplifting
message by well-known radio and television
personality Hallerin Hilton Hill. “Triple H,” as
he is known to his many fans, encouraged the
graduates to look at the possibilities in their lives.
Congratulations to all the students who were
recognized for outstanding achievements at
Graduation on June 25. The student selected to
receive the prestigious Presidential Award for
outstanding scholarship, service, and leadership
was Allan O. Williams, Jr. He is very deserving
of this honor.
Outstanding Perseverance, Attitude and
Performance Award – Alan Williams
Imaging Sciences Outstanding Student Award – Darin Pratt
Legal Studies Outstanding Student Award – Kristin Pickett
Bachelor’s in business Administration Outstanding Student Award – Kristen Knight
Stress Management Workshop
Thursday, August 4
10:00 a.m.
Main Campus Room 245
Hallerin Hill demonstrates several ways to look at life
as the keynote speaker at the 2011 commencement
Through a personal account, he demonstrated
the principle “if you can do this, you can do that!”
Mr. Hill suggested graduates look at life through
three different lenses: eyeglasses to get a clear
perspective of things in life; a magnifying glass
to see the details of a situation; and binoculars to
see life in the long-run, focusing on what is ahead.
“Remember,” he summarized, “if you can do this,
you can do that.”
You are the Key to Success!
Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice Outstanding Student Award – Jennifer Ramsey
Physical Therapy Assistant Outstanding Student Award – Rebecca Norris Medical Assisting Pursuit of Excellence Award – Mary Conroy
Outstanding Nursing Student Award – Ashley Williams
Outstanding Science Student Award –
Evan Hewgley
Distinguished Teaching Award –
Shiv Dhar
Distinguished Service Award –
Barbara Brimi
Thirteen Graduates Achieve
4.0 GPA
The following students earned a Medal of
Honor for maintaining a 4.0 grade point average
throughout their academic career: Jessica Bishop,
Melissa Carpenter, Sharon Coleman, Leo Cooper,
Christa Findley, Proscha Harris, Dacia Maxwell Hix, Carrie Johnson,
Kristen Knight, Christina McNally, Rebecca Norris, Timothy Sexton, and
Craig William.
Dr. Shiv Dhar Receives the 2011 Distinquished
Teaching Award
The Distinguished Teaching Award recognizes outstanding classroom
effectiveness, professionalism, and dedication. Dr. Shiv Dhar, chemistry
professor and member of the science department faculty, was selected as the
2011 recipient of this award. Dr. Dhar is the first repeat winner, having also
received this honor in 2006. Students nominations are the first step in the
selection process. Then faculty members who have taught at South College
for at least two quarters are asked to select from the list of top nominees.
Other 2011 nominees were: Mr. Gary Cooper, Science; Ms. Gay Dunlap,
General Studies; Ms. Anne-Marie Ippolito, General Studies; Mr. Jim
Hollingsworth, Business/Accounting; and Dr. Ed Michaud, Physician
Assistant Studies. Congratulations, Dr. Dhar!
Distinguished Service Award Presented to Ms.
Barbara Brimi
In recognition of her outstanding institutional, professional, and
community service, Ms. Barbara Brimi was selected as the third recipient
of South College’s Distinguished Service Award. Ms. Brimi is the vice
president for institutional effectiveness and student services. In presenting
the award, Executive Vice President Dr. Kim Hall praised Ms. Brimi’s
willingness to help at all times and her efforts in the recent move to the
Parkside Campus. She is truly deserving of this honor.
Alpha Beta Kappa (ABK) Welcomes New Members
Alpha Beta Kappa National Honor Society is a nationally recognized
organization with established chapters in nearly every state in the nation.
Students who earn a baccalaureate degree with a minimum grade point
average of 3.75 and who are in good standing with the college are considered
for membership. During the June 25 graduation ceremonies, South College’s
Sigma chapter of ABK recognized the following graduates who accepted
the invitation to join the chapter: Jamie Angel, Brittany Duryea, Malgorzata
Eitenmiller,Tanya Fry, Mary King, Kristen Knight, Chrissandra Measley,
Jennifer O’Neal, Michael Sellers, Elizabeth M. Smith, Matthew Stalcup,
and Stephanie Winter. Additionally, two faculty members were elected to the
society: Dean of Business Chip Bailey and General Studies faculty member
Gay Dunlap. Congratulations to all!
Graphing Calculator Workshop
A one-hour workshop will be offered at the Main Campus, Room 221,
on Monday, July 18. The workshop will cover basic instruction on operating
a TI-83/84 calculator. If interested in attending please contact Ms. Dunlap
(251-1725; to sign up by July 15.
April Dugan receives P.E.O. Grant
Congratulations to April Dugan, recipient of a Project for Continuing
Education (PCE) grant awarded by the S Chapter of the Philanthropic
Educational Organization (P.E.O) for women sisterhood. Dugan was
selected as the South College S Chapter candidate and was presented with
the grant by the chapter’s PCE Grant Chair, Joy Johnson. A single mother
of one young daughter, Dugan is enrolled in the Elementary Education
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program. The grant will help her
with her college and associated
living expenses. South College,
Dugan and all previous winners,
appreciate the P.E.O. sisterhood
for its support of women returning
to school after an absence. In
addition to PCE grants, the P.E.O.
Grant Chair Joy Johnson (left) and Chapter
sisterhood also provides low-interest
President Jeannine Mitchell congratulate
educational loans to qualified women, 2011 grant recipient April Dugan.
international peace scholarships,
and scholarships for advance study. For more information, please
contact Dean Hillegas (293-4539;
Dean’s Excursion – Tennessee Riverboat Sightseeing
Cruise – July 16
Please join us on the Dean’s Excursion! Guests will board the Star
of Knoxville Riverboat for a 90-minute trip along the Tennessee River,
beginning in Downtown Knoxville. The cruise, which begins at 3 p.m. on
Saturday, July 16, includes a captain’s narration of the history of riverboats,
Knoxville and the Tennessee River. The boat will offer views of the
University of Tennessee, Knoxville skyline and gorgeous homes along the
route. Snacks and refreshments will be available during the cruise from the
boat concession stand. Group rates are available $16.75 for 10-19 passengers;
$15.75 with group of 20 or more. Pre-paid ticket sales (cash only) are due by
5 p.m. July 11 to Ms. Ridgeway (251-1822) Main Campus second floor. All
students, faculty, staff, family and friends are welcome!
Stress Got You Down
Attend a Stress Management Workshop to be held on Thursday,
August 4, Main Campus Room 245, at 10:00 a.m. The facilitator will be
Ms. Ridgeway. Please RSVP by August 2 to Ms.Ridgeway (251-1822 and
South College Policy Regarding Children on Campus
In order to maintain an academic environment and protect their safety,
children are not allowed in South College classes, labs, or libraries. When
supervised and on approved occasions, children are allowed in the student
centers and in offices (Admissions, Financial Aid, etc.). Students should
not bring their children to campus and leave them in the student centers or
have them sitting outside a classroom when the student is in class.(Student
Handbook-Student Conduct Standards and Regulations: page 43-# 19) Congratulations Study Break Prize Winners
Spring Quarter prize winners are: Brittany Anez, William Bozeman,
Dwight Burrey, Ginger Clark, Aleesha Cooper, Kimsey Cooper, Daren
Durham, Cristie Hamil, Jeffrey Hamner, Lauren Handel, Jennifer
Hendrick, Veronica Manmudov, Maddison Matlock, Britney McCarter,
Meredith McGill, Raul Munoz Jr., Stacey Pollock, Debbie Schickel, Kristina
Smiley, Theo Stephens, Heather St. John, Kelsey Walter, Kristen Watkins,
Amanda Wiggins, and Chris Woolard. Please pick-up your prize from Ms.
Ridgeway (251-1822) Main Campus second floor by July 30.
PTA Program – Summer Interview Dates
Interview dates for the Physical Therapist Assistant Program are July
5 and 19, August 2, 16, and 30, and Sept. 13 from 9 a.m. - noon. For
eligibility requirements and to schedule an interview, please call Ms. Nash
(251-1839) or Ms. Griffin (251-1840). Interviews will only be scheduled
after an appointment is made.
ICE: “In Case of Emergency” Cell Phone Plan
A Cambridge, England, paramedic started a grass roots plan in 2005
for all cell phone users to enter “ICE” information into their cell phones.
ICE, which stands for “in case of emergency,” is to assist emergency
personnel in contacting the families of people who are injured and unable to
communicate. In 2003 almost a million U.S. emergency room patients could
not provide contact information due to incapacitation. When critical medical
information is unavailable after an accident, it can be a matter of life and
death. Emergency medical providers recommend people have more than one
ICE contact listed as ICE1, ICE2, ICE3 etc. Some cell phones now feature
an ICE place already listed in its contact section. Update your phone today!
QEP Tip 61 from Mr. Houston: Writing Across the
Curriculum Coordinator
Taking the Heat of Criticism
The author, Pat Conroy, and the lyricist-playwright-musician, Stephen
Sondheim, are both writers of some note, praised by peers and public alike.
However, both claim that the reviews they most appreciated were the brutal
criticisms received in their formative years. Early on, both were confronted
by mentors who blasted them for shoddy writing and challenged them
to write more carefully and much more honestly. Done right, the college
experience will also seem to be a series of criticisms and challenges. That’s
the way it should be. If gold stars and A’s were not the exception, the effort
to improve would become unnecessary. Consequently, achieving success in
college can be stressful. However, neither writer would have found success
without those critics who pared excesses here and prodded laxity there.
Most writing is a humbling experience because we’re exposing our limits to
those who might recognize our failures. But, writing is also an opportunity
for seeing our real potential—if we learn to listen to the helpful criticism of
others, like our demanding teachers and our honest, unflattering peers.
PA Student is Commissioned into the Navy
Congratulations to
Joshua Stone, a first-year
graduate student in the
School of Physician
Assistant Studies, who
was commissioned an
ensign in the U.S. Navy.
Joshua has dreamed of
this day for as long as he
can remember, continuing
his family’s tradition of
Dr. Don Yager (left) administers the oath of office for
military service. His father the U.S. navy to ensign Joshua Stone.
was a naval officer and
a physician assistant who retired after 22 years of service. His grandfather
was also in the military serving in the U.S. Army during WWII. Joshua
was given the oath of office in the auditorium of the Parkside Campus
with family, faculty and classmates present. The oath was administered by
Dr. Don Yager, director of clinical services, who is currently a lieutenant
commander and active reservist with the Naval Operational Support Unit
in Knoxville. Upon graduation from the School of Physician Assistant
Studies, Ensign Stone will attain the rank of lieutenant junior grade and will
be transferred to active duty. Ensign Stone received word of his selection
after applying for a commission in the US Navy and healthcare scholarship
SAC Says Thanks!
On June 2, SAC members
Allison Fox and April Dugan
prepared and distributed almost
200 ‘thank you’ treat packages to
all of the South College faculty and
staff members. One faculty member
wrote, “I am so appreciative of the
South College students who care
and think about us”. A special
SAC memebers (l-r) April Dugan and Allison
thank you goes out to Allison and
April for all their hard work. It was Fox present end-of-the-year “thank you”
packages to faculty and staff.
very much appreciated.
Car Wash Supports Children’s Hospital
On Saturday, May 21, the Ed Wise Physician Assistant Student Society
held a car wash at the Hardee’s restaurant on Western Avenue. Hardee’s
supported the event by presenting participants with free turkey burger
coupons. Donations were accepted, raising $471.26. A percentage of the
proceeds went to Children’s Hospital and the balance will be used by the
society to support other fund raising events.
Next SCCSC Meeting Set for July 14
The South College Community Service Club (SCCSC) will meet at 5
p.m. on Thursday, July 14, in the Main Campus Student Center. The
club will finalize the summer project: either Adopt a Stream or packing
food for the FISH-Pantry. At the last meeting Anna Wilson was elected
membership chair, replacing Chris Davis who is not attending summer
quarter. In addition to Anna, the other officers are: June Mitchell, president;
Tracy Webb, vice president; and Walter DeFrancis, secretary-treasurer. The
advisors are Ms. Morgan and Ms. Brimi. SCCSC welcomes new members;
any member of the South College community is eligible to join.
Did you know? The 2011-2012 Academic Calendar is already available and is posted on
both the faculty and student portals.
Congratulations to the 2011-2012 Student Advisory
Students recently elected to serve on the 2011-12 Student Advisory
Committee (SAC) are: Kimberly Brown, April Dugan, Ben England,
Amanda Fitch, Allison Fox, Staci Garner, Elizabeth Green, Paula Hamner,
Pearlie Haulbrook, Herbert Hicks, Heather Keck, Kirsten Lay, Maggie
Maze, Deborah Mitchell and Jacob Sherrod. Rhiannon Bain and Lindsey
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Burgess will continue to be the SAC representatives from the Physician
Assistant Studies program. Congratulations to all! The first meeting is
scheduled for Wednesday, July 13, at 4:30 p.m. in the Main Campus Student
Center. Members are asked to contact Dean Hillegas (293-4539; chillegas@ by Monday, July 11, to accept or decline the position and
to confirm attendance at the meeting.
and is in effect at all times that the student is present on campus or is on a
class field trip. This includes class times, laboratory hours, study days, final
examinations, or visits to the campus for any reason. Students failing to
adhere to the college dress code will be asked to leave campus and will
be counted absent for any class time missed. Don’t miss class because of
inappropriate clothes!
Dress Code Reminder
Quote of the Month
To determine appropriate attire, please refer to the South College dress
code included in every syllabus and published in the South College Student
Handbook. The dress code is applicable to all students, day or evening,
“Certain flaws are necessary for the whole. It would seem strange if old friends
lacked certain quirks.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - German writer,
pictorial artist, biologist, theoretical physicist, and polymath (1749 – 1832).
Academic Services and Assistance Programs Available
Math Tutoring
Math Tutoring for the Summer Quarter
will begin on July 11. Schedules will be
confirmed and posted on bulletin boards in
the Student Centers on that date. Any student
interested in becoming a math tutor may
contact Ms. Dunlap (251-1897; gdunlap@ For additional help you
can go to, a website
which is complimentary with your textbook.
Worksheets are also available to reinforce Math
concepts covered in the classroom. Please see
Ms. Dunlap for assistance if you are interested in
obtaining any of these useful resources.
Tutoring-Other Subjects: (A&P,
Chemistry, Legal Studies)
Did you know that tutors are available for more
than Math and English? If you are struggling
with a class, please talk with your instructor and/
or seek a tutor for further assistance. To request a
tutor, complete a “Tutor Request Form” (available
from Ms. Ridgeway, Main Campus second floor)
or have your instructor complete a “Tutor Referral
Form” and submit the completed form to Ms.
Ridgeway. Every effort will be made to connect
you with a tutor in your subject area. For more
information, contact Ms. Ridgeway, Student
Activities Coordinator (251-1822; jridgeway@
Psychology Tutoring
Ms. Harold will provide tutoring and
assistance with psychology research and
writing. Hours are Tuesday and Thursday
from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Main Campus
Room 221. For more information you may
contact Ms. Harold (251-1893; rharold@
Writing Lab Hours
“Review, Renew, and Refresh”
Main: 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and
1:30-4:30 p.m.
Student Counseling Services
All students are welcome to visit the Writing
Lab during the following hours for help with
any writing assignment. Writing Lab tutoring
times will begin on July 5, 2011. Writing lab
locations are West Campus Library and Main
Campus Room 222.
Main: 9:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Main: 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Main: 1:30-4:30 p.m. and 4:00-5:00 p.m.
West: 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
West: 4:30-6:00 p.m.
If these hours don’t work for your schedule,
contact Ms. Watts (West Campus Room
222; 251-1892) for additional tutoring times
by appointment. Students are also welcome
to send writing assignments via e-mail to Ms.
Watts ( and Mr.
Houston (
We do not proofread, but we can help you plan,
write, and revise any assignment. Please note:
if an instructor advises a student to make use of
the Writing Lab, the student is required to do so. A
student may request a signed WL form after each
visit as verification.
A study skills session covering note-taking,
test-taking, time management and additional
topics will be scheduled after interest is
determined. To register for a session, contact
Ms. Ridgeway (251-1822; jridgeway@
If you are having a problem that interferes
with your ability to cope with school and other
obligations in your life, Student Counseling
Services are available to currently enrolled
students. Appointments may be made with
Dean Hillegas (293-4539; chillegas@ to meet with South
College’s counselor, Ms. Bryne, LCSW.
Services for Students with
If you are a student with a disability, please
contact Dean Hillegas (293-4539; chillegas@ to discuss your situation.
As soon as you determine your Summer
Quarter schedule, make an appointment
with Dean Hillegas in order to arrange
accommodations. All requests should be
made one month prior to the beginning of the
quarter in order to finalize accommodations.
*Any current student who received
accommodations for the spring quarter and
needs accommodations for the summer quarter,
must contact Dean Hillegas.
South College is an equal opportunity college, open to any qualified individual without regard to race, religion, sex, age, color, national or ethnic origin, or disability. Pursuant to all applicable federal anti-discrimination laws and
regulations, South College does not discriminate against any of the protected categories of individuals in the administration of policies, programs, or activities. This non-discriminatory policy includes admission policies, loan
programs, employment practices, and all other college-administered programs.
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