A case study for stream restoration: monitoring Juday Creek at the
A case study for stream restoration: monitoring Juday Creek at the
A case study for stream restoration: monitoring Juday Creek at the Notre Dame Warren Golf Course Patrick D. Shirey Ecologist & Project Manager Stream & river restoration = $1B/yr industry Few projects are monitored long term Research goal: improve efficacy of restoration projects by monitoring ecological response March 17th & 18th, 2016 WCD Engineers’ Workshop Funding NSF IGERT NPS George Melendez Wright Fellowship New channel Old channel Land and Water Magazine 1999 Juday Creek Notre Dame, IN Patrick.Shirey@rasmithnational.com 412-265-2729 Web: www.ecologypolicy.com Acknowledgments – 100s of individuals + federal, state, local, and private funding sources have been vital for completing this research Collaborators: Michael Brueseke, Jillian Kenny, & Gary Lamberti Manuscript on ecology portion under peer review (Ecology and Society) Restoration Project Design by J.F. New & Associates Grant support: •USGS Water Resources Grant •Bayer Pre-doctoral Fellowship •National Science Foundation GLOBES IGERT Fellowship (globes.nd.edu) •Notre Dame Center for Aquatic Conservation Fellowship •National Park Service George Melendez Wright Climate Change Fellowship •This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DGE0504495 An interdisciplinary approach to inform ecological restoration & environmental policy: Merging ecology, history, and law Historical Ecology Namekagon River (WI) Policy Review Wild and Scenic Rivers Act Endangered Species Illegal trade in listed plants Informing Ecosystem Management Assisted colonization of endangered species All major U.S. Rivers River segments listed under WSRA Frank W. Preston (1896-1989) trained as a civil engineer apprentice under the surveyor and water works engineer in Loughborough, UK 1916, B.Sc. Civil Engineering, University of London (age 20 with first class honors) 1925, Ph.D. University of London 1927, Founded Preston Laboratories 1950, D.Sc. University of London, for his work on glass technology 1959, sold Preston Laboratories to employees (American Glass Research) Over a million annual visitors enter Moraine State Park (16,000 acres) with the largest human-made lake in Pennsylvania (3,000+ acres) http://www.morainepreservationfund.org/ Ecological restoration - assisting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged, or destroyed (www.ser.org) Recovery Cressy Field, San Francisco Recovery Black River Falls Mine Pre-restoration 1977 http://www.theearthpartners.com/ Post-restoration 1992 Ecological restoration projects attempt to return an ecosystem to a previous historical trajectory “Hard” engineering (B) Jackson and Hobbs 2009 “Soft” engineering (A) The scale and cost of stream restoration varies and can be expensive $20,000-40,000 “soft” stream restoration $100,000-400,000 “hard” stream restoration >$500,000 dam removal, large river restoration Watershed Restoration Efforts & Preventing Degradation Restoration ecology – scientific study of ecosystem response to restoration projects ISI Web of Knowledge® citations “Like solving a puzzle whose pieces themselves change shape, ecologists around the world are developing techniques to restore degraded and exploited ecosystems” The Rise of Restoration Ecology July 31, 2009 Due to lack of monitoring restoration projects, the effectiveness of restoration methods has lagged restoration efforts Review of 78 restoration projects designed to increase stream habitat diversity (Palmer et al., 2010, Freshwater Biology) Increasing macroinvertebrate diversity Unsuccessful (76) Successful (2) Conclusion: If restoration practitioners want to improve stream water quality and quantity, we must address watershed issues first For many ecosystems, an interdisciplinary focus on the watershed may provide additional information to improve restoration efforts 1929 1949 Wolves Elk Elk Willow Willow 1963 2003 Wolves Elk Elk Willow Beschta and Ripple 2006 – Yellowstone National Park – Gallatin River Juday Creek is a 3rd-order tributary of the St. Joseph River that flows through Mishawaka and South Bend in St. Joseph County, Indiana Juday Creek Watershed Notre Dame St. Joseph River Watershed Approximate Land use: 70% Agriculture 15% Urban 13% Forested 1% Wetland Land surveys from 1829 provide Juday Creek watershed characteristics prior to extensive development Much Traditional Ecological Knowledge was lost when most Potawatomi were forcibly removed, except (Leopold) Pokagon Band 63% Mixed-deciduous, oak-hickory forest 37% Wet prairie / marsh habitat in headwaters Michigan City Public Library U.S. General Land Office Surveys Flow Direction (http://www.thekankakeeriver.com) The contemporary policy approach to wetlands is to avoid, minimize and mitigate due to historical losses that impacted water quality 1800s U.S Federal policy on wetlands (1) Impeded land development (2) Created menace to public health (3) Gave advantage to Native American Tribal Governments (4) Discouraged EuropeanAmerican Settlement 1885: “clearing has begun, drainage will follow, and the monotonous usefulness of arable land will supplant this natural botanic garden” Arthur J. Stace (1838-1890) • Professor of mathematics at Notre Dame • St. Joseph County Surveyor (1874-1880) • Poet, littérateur (Vapid Vaporings) • U.S. Commissioner to the 1889 Paris Exposition 1885 Scholastic: “The spot where alone blooms the trailing arbutus, or Mayflower (Epigcea repens) is becoming narrower every season by the same fatality of utilization. Castilleia coccinea and Trillium grandiflorum will be driven this spring from their chosen nook where the woods open upon the marshes of Cottin's (Juday) Creek.” Epilobium angustifolium Fireweed (Indiana listed) Laws encouraged wetland drainage; as early as 1875, Juday Creek was called a State Ditch - earlier maps called it Sheffield Creek (1863) 1980s: Commercial development and ditch maintenance caused further degradation Howard 1907: “A ‘state ditch’ has taken the place of the pretty stream” 1979: Regional mall opens in center of watershed, spurring commercial and residential development in South Bend and Mishawaka suburbs 1980s – 1990s: declines in macroinvertebrates and fish biomass led to a watershed management plan in 1995 Notre Dame Ecology classes record decline of fish in the headwaters (McIntosh & Lodge pers. com.) 1986 – Drainage Board ordered maintenance operations that removed snags, fallen trees, and woody debris 1982 1990 Macroinvertebrate production declines by 78% (Kohlhepp and Hellenthal 1992) South Bend Tribune September 3, 1995 Because of declines in water quality in the 1980s, residents formed the Juday Creek Task Force to develop a watershed management plan Goal 1. Preserve and improve the creek’s population of brown trout and other species to 1986 levels Goal 2. Reduce the frequency and severity of flooding of properties Goal 3. Eliminate stream bank erosion Goal 4. Prevent groundwater contamination Goal 5. Develop a master planning process to address future development Goal 6. Restore sediment movement to natural levels based on agency guidance Goal 7. Reduce E. coli concentrations by 50% Goal 8. Strictly adhere to existing rules and regulations governing creek activities Goal 9. Establish filter strips along both sides of the creek in agriculture areas Goal 10. Preserve and protect the creek’s natural wetlands at current locations http://www.sjrbc.com/docs/resources/watershed_plans/juday_creek.pdf Goal: Monitor the restoration of Juday Creek on ND campus to evaluate efficacy of restoration via new channel construction Unfortunately, many projects are not monitored long term due to a • Lack of funding • Desire to move to new research projects • Project being labeled a success or failure before a complete evaluation Results published after 5 years (Moerke et al. 2004 JNABS) Results after 16 years 1997-2013 are in review with Ecology and Society (Shirey et al.) www.landandwater.com Vol. 42 No. 1 Long-term ecological monitoring of projects is critical for evaluating restoration efficacy Restoration goals: 1) create a self-maintaining stream channel, 2) increase stream habitat diversity, and 3) enhance fish diversity Restoration Design (J.F. New) R1 R2 Abandoned U Warren Golf Course at Notre Dame Stream length 20% increase Tree canopy over stream Eventual 67% increase Pools 6x increase Logs 7x increase Boulders 60x increase Gravel substrate 35x increase Vegetation 20m buffers Construction Cost $200,000 Monitoring Cost <$100,000 Fish Monitoring: sites monitored 1 year before construction of the Warren Golf Course and relocation of Juday Creek and for 16 years Unrestored (U1) Restored (R1) Restored (R2) Unrestored (U2) Abandoned Flow Fish surveys: we blocked a 60 meter section with nets for each site and sampled using multiple-pass sequential depletion Identify, measure, and weigh fish Set block nets at 0m and 100m Multiple pass electrofishing (Zippin 1958; Everhart et al. 1975) Population Estimate using multi-pass electrofishing Trout have decreased to 0 caught in all reaches in 2012 (1 in 2013), but bass have increased in abundance since 2008 Brown trout (Salmo trutta) • Non-native • Introduced circa 1900 (Europe) 95% Confidence Interval Fewer trout Rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris) • Intolerant of silt, pollution • Native More bass Population Estimate using triple pass electrofishing Mottled sculpin and Johnny darter have experienced a delayed response to the restoration (disturbance) Johnny darter (Etheostoma nigrum) Mottled sculpin (Cottus bairdi) The Juday Creek fish community shifted from introduced trout to native bass in these reaches Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) – • mathematical tool for examining “distance” between communities • points nearest one another are more similar than points distant Creek chub Blacknose dace Brown trout Rainbow trout Mottled sculpin Johnny darter White sucker 1997 1998 2004 2008 Rock bass Largemouth bass Green sunfish Smallmouth bass 2013 We don’t have evidence to suggest temperature is a factor in fish shift, but periods of low discharge could be a factor July average temperature °C FTP = Final Temperature Preferrendum (% of summer) UILT = Upper Incipient Lethal Temperature (% of summer) Habitat surveys: The percent of fine sediments has increased in both restored reaches Three sediment cores were taken from each reach The cores were wetand dry-sieved Ten size fractions were obtained (63µm-16mm) Unrestored: no change Restored: increase in fine sediment Coarse-scale surveys: Habitat changed in unrestored reaches due to recruitment of large wood from fallen trees (storm event in 2008) Large Woody Debris Volume (m³/100m) U1 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 R1 Storm events add wood R2 U2 1997 prerest. 1997 postrest. 1999 2000 Year 2001 2002 2011 Risk of not engaging with policymakers: not informing stream managers of habitat importance of large wood to fish community Indiana – logs equated with trash Recruited by storm 2009 logs removed under Indiana Drainage Law by County Surveyor 2011 Shirey et al. in draft Do residents want to continue to see rock bass and smallmouth bass? If goal is to improve stream habitat, our monitoring highlights the importance of incorporating ecology into state law and local policy Indiana – logs equated with trash Michigan U.P. – logs create habitat 2009 logs removed under drainage law 2011 - Fish biomass declined 59% Issue of aesthetics and educating public on perceptions of ‘natural’ Evaluating Law & Policy: The Indiana Drainage Law (Title 36, Article 9, Chapter 27) is both antiquated and progressive (Shirey et al. in draft) progressive antiquated Watershed landowners pay for stream maintenance Disproportional benefit to agriculture (subjective) $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $ Quick removal of invasives $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ Tax on those “benefited” $ $ $ $ $$$ $$ $ Mowing vegetation is counter to most BMPs “Maintenance” Photos from Elkhart River Restoration Association website Requires trash removal Removing “obstructions” Do Indiana residents want to manage the majority of their streams as ditches? Land use restrictions (ordinance) require bioswales, detention basins, and setbacks to reduce nonpoint source pollution Goal 5. Develop a master planning process to address future development ✔ Design Firms: HOK (Landscape Arch.) Intuition and Logic (stormwater system) http://intuitionandlogic.com Cost ~$5m with 10% cost savings over traditional system (gray infrastructure) So what? Why do we care? Land values are tied to water quality (see Braden et al. 2008) Bowman Creek, South Bend, IN Like watersheds in Western PA, challenges remain for getting landowners to cooperate with Best Management Practices Not achieving Goal 3. Eliminate stream bank erosion ✕ Not achieving Goal 9. Establish agriculture filter strips ✕ Lessons learned from monitoring the fish community response to a reach-scale stream restoration Monitored Juday Creek to inform efficacy of fish habitat restoration Pre-restoration 1997 Post-restoration Reviewed existing law and policy – Indiana Drainage Law Indiana Code § 36-9-27 e.g., Removing “obstructions” 2007 2013 Identified a need for putting results in context with history 1829: 37% wetland 2000: <1% wetland Collaborators: Michael A. Brueseke, Jillian B. Kenny, Gary A. Lamberti The challenges in restoring stream ecosystems can be addressed by improving watershed management approaches Implement Long-term Monitoring Adapt Management Approach Conduct Restoration Project Inform Management Practices A case study for stream restoration: monitoring Juday Creek at the Notre Dame Warren Golf Course Patrick D. Shirey Ecologist & Project Manager March 17th & 18th, 2016 WCD Engineers’ Workshop Collaborators: Michael Brueseke, Jillian Kenny, & Gary Lamberti Contact: Patrick.Shirey@rasmithnational.com Desk: 412-265-2729 Web: www.ecologypolicy.com Funding NSF IGERT NPS George Melendez Wright Fellowship Juday Creek Notre Dame, IN