GS1 US Foodservice GDSN Attribute Guide
GS1 US Foodservice GDSN Attribute Guide
GS1 US Foodservice GDSN Attribute Guide Version 1.5 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 ABOUT GS1 ® GS1 is a neutral, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the design and implementation of global standards and solutions to improve the efficiency and visibility in supply chains. GS1 is driven by more than a million companies, who execute more than six billion transactions a day with the GS1 System of Standards. GS1 is truly global, with local Member Organizations in 111 countries, with the Global Office in Brussels, Belgium. ABOUT GS1 US™ GS1 US, a member of GS1, is an information standards organization that brings industry communities together to solve supply-chain problems through the adoption and implementation of GS1 Standards. More than 300,000 businesses in 25 industries rely on GS1 US for trading-partner collaboration and for maximizing the cost effectiveness, speed, visibility, security and sustainability of their business processes. ABOUT FOODSERVICE GS1 US STANDARDS INITIATIVE The Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative serves as a strategic effort in which industry trade associations and individual companies may choose to join on a voluntary basis to assist with their company’s adoption and implementation of GS1 Standards. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting or implying an agreement among foodservice companies to adopt or implement GS1 Standards. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting or implying an agreement regarding any company’s prices, output, markets or dealings with customers and suppliers. Nothing herein is inconsistent with the proposition that each participating company must and will exercise its independent business judgment on all standards adoption. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 2 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 PROPRIETARY STATEMENT This document contains proprietary information of GS1 US. Such proprietary information may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed to any other parties for any other purpose without the expressed written permission of GS1 US. IMPROVEMENTS Continuous improvement and changes are periodically made to publications by GS1 US. All material is subject to change without notice. DISCLAIMER Except as may be otherwise indicated in specific documents within this publication, you are authorized to view documents within this publication, subject to the following: 1. You agree to retain all copyright and other proprietary notices on every copy you make. 2. Some documents may contain other proprietary notices and copyright information relating to that document. You agree that GS1 US has not conferred by implication, estoppels or otherwise any license or right under any patent, trademark or copyright (except as expressly provided above) of GS1 US or of any third party. This publication is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. Any GS1 US publication may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. GS1 US assumes no responsibility for and disclaims all liability for any errors or omissions in this publication or in other documents which are referred to within or linked to this publication. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you. Should you or any viewer of this publication respond with information, feedback, data, questions, comments, suggestions or the like regarding the content of any GS1 US publication, any such response shall be deemed not to be confidential and GS1 US shall be free to reproduce, use, disclose and distribute the response to others without limitation. You agree that GS1 US shall be free to use any ideas, concepts or techniques contained in your response for any purpose whatsoever including, but not limited to, developing, manufacturing and marketing products incorporating such ideas, concepts or techniques. This publication is distributed internationally and may contain references to GS1 US products, programs and services that have not been announced in your country. These references do not imply that GS1 US intends to announce such products, programs or services in your country. NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAM AGE In no event shall GS1 US or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the accompanying documentation be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or the results of use of or inability to use such documentation, even if GS1 US has been advised of the possibility of such damages. IAPMO In this publication, the letters “U.P.C.” are used solely as an abbreviation for the “Universal Product Code” which is a product identification system. They do not refer to the UPC, which is a federally registered certification mark of the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) to certify compliance with a Uniform Plumbing Code as authorized by IAPMO. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 3 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Contents 1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................8 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. Who Will Use this Document? ............................................................................................................. 8 Scope of this Document ....................................................................................................................... 8 Background ........................................................................................................................................... 8 Code Lists .............................................................................................................................................. 8 Element and Attribute Naming ............................................................................................................ 9 Cardinality Terminology for Attributes ............................................................................................... 9 2. GS1 US Foodservice Attribute Guidance...................................................................................10 3. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative GDSN Attributes .....................................................11 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 3.8. 3.9. 3.10. 3.11. 3.12. 3.13. 3.14. 3.15. 3.16. 3.17. 3.18. 3.19. 3.20. 3.21. 3.22. 3.23. 3.24. 3.25. 3.26. 3.27. 3.28. 3.29. 100-Gram Product Information (Community Sunrise date of 12/31/14) ........................................ 11 Allergens (attribute 1 of 4) ................................................................................................................. 13 Allergens (attribute 2 of 4) ................................................................................................................. 14 Allergens (attribute 3 of 4) ................................................................................................................. 15 Allergens (attribute 4 of 4) ................................................................................................................. 17 Allergen Relevant Data Provided ...................................................................................................... 19 Are non-sold items returnable? ......................................................................................................... 20 Benefits ................................................................................................................................................ 21 Brand Name ......................................................................................................................................... 22 Catch Weight ....................................................................................................................................... 23 Child Nutrition Label (DEPRECATED AVP Solution) ...................................................................... 24 Child Nutrition Label ........................................................................................................................... 25 Company Name (attribute 1 of 2 for Brand Owner) ......................................................................... 26 Company Name (attribute 2 of 2 for Brand Owner) ......................................................................... 27 Company Name (attribute 1 of 2 for Manufacturer) ......................................................................... 28 Company Name (attribute 2 of 2 for Manufacturer) ......................................................................... 29 Country of Origin ................................................................................................................................ 30 Cube with UoM .................................................................................................................................... 33 Depth with UoM ................................................................................................................................... 34 Drained Weight with UoM ................................................................................................................... 36 Effective Date of Change .................................................................................................................... 37 For More Information (Contact Information) (attribute 1 of 7) ........................................................ 39 For More Information (Contact Information) (attribute 2 of 7) ........................................................ 40 For More Information (Contact Information) (attribute 3 of 7) ........................................................ 41 For More Information (Contact Information) (attribute 4 of 7) ........................................................ 42 For More Information (Contact Information) (attribute 5 of 7) ........................................................ 43 For More Information (Contact Information) (attribute 6 of 7) ........................................................ 44 For More Information (Contact Information) (attribute 7 of 7) ........................................................ 45 Functional Name ................................................................................................................................. 46 ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 4 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.30. 3.31. 3.32. 3.33. 3.34. 3.35. 3.36. 3.37. 3.38. 3.39. 3.40. 3.41. 3.42. 3.43. 3.44. 3.45. 3.46. 3.47. 3.48. 3.49. 3.50. 3.51. 3.52. 3.53. 3.54. 3.55. 3.56. 3.57. 3.58. 3.59. 3.60. 3.61. 3.62. 3.63. 3.64. 3.65. 3.66. 3.67. 3.68. 3.69. 3.70. 3.71. 3.75. 3.76. Global Product Classification (GPC)................................................................................................. 47 Gluten-Free (DEPRECATED AVP Solution) ...................................................................................... 49 Gross Weight with UoM ...................................................................................................................... 50 GTIN ...................................................................................................................................................... 52 GTIN of Next Higher Package Level (NO LONGER IN USE) ........................................................... 55 GTIN of Next Lower Package Level ................................................................................................... 56 Height with UoM .................................................................................................................................. 57 Individual Unit Measures (attribute 1 of 2) ....................................................................................... 59 Individual Unit Measures (attribute 2 of 2) ....................................................................................... 60 Information Provider GLN (attribute 1 of 2) ...................................................................................... 61 Information Provider GLN (attribute 2 of 2) ...................................................................................... 62 Ingredients English (& Spanish optional) (attribute 1 of 5) ............................................................ 65 Ingredients English (& Spanish optional) (attribute 2 of 5) ............................................................ 66 Ingredients English (& Spanish optional) (attribute 3 of 5) ............................................................ 67 Ingredients English (& Spanish optional) (attribute 4 of 5) ............................................................ 68 Ingredients English (& Spanish optional) (attribute 5 of 5) ............................................................ 69 Inner Pack Quantity (No GTIN Assigned) ......................................................................................... 70 Is Item the Base Unit (Lowest Packaging Level) ............................................................................. 71 Is Packaging marked as Returnable? ............................................................................................... 73 Is the Item marked with a Batch/Lot Number? ................................................................................. 74 Is Trade Item Marked As Recyclable ................................................................................................. 75 Is Trade Item Consumer Unit? ........................................................................................................... 76 Is Trade Item An Invoice Unit ............................................................................................................. 77 Is Trade Item An Orderable Unit ........................................................................................................ 78 Is Trade Item A Shipping Unit ............................................................................................................ 79 Item Availability Date .......................................................................................................................... 80 Item in Inner Pack Quantity (No GTIN Assigned) ............................................................................ 81 Kosher Certification (attribute 1 of 2) ............................................................................................... 82 Kosher Certification (attribute 2 of 2) ............................................................................................... 83 Kosher, Organic, Vegan, Halal, Gluten Free, etc. ............................................................................ 84 Links to websites, Images, Documents, Video, Audio Files (attribute 1 of 5) .............................. 87 Links to websites, Images, Documents, Video, Audio Files (attribute 2 of 5) .............................. 88 Links to websites, Images, Documents, Video, Audio Files (attribute 3 of 5) .............................. 89 Links to websites, Images, Documents, Video, Audio Files (attribute 4 of 5) .............................. 90 Links to websites, Images, Documents, Video, Audio Files (attribute 5 of 5) .............................. 91 Manufacturer Expanded Product Description ................................................................................. 92 Manufacturer Product Number (attribute 1 of 2) .............................................................................. 94 Manufacturer Product Number (attribute 2 of 2) .............................................................................. 95 Manufacturer Short Product Description ......................................................................................... 97 Net Content with UoM ......................................................................................................................... 98 Net Weight with UoM ........................................................................................................................ 110 Number of Next Lower Level GTINs ................................................................................................ 114 Nutrition Fact Serving Size & UOM (1 of 2 attributes) ................................................................... 118 Nutrition Fact Serving Size & UOM (2 of 2 attributes) (AVP Solution) ........................................ 119 ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 5 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.77. of 5) 3.78. of 5) 3.79. of 5) 3.80. of 5) 3.81. of 5) 3.82. 3.83. 3.84. 3.85. 3.86. 3.87. 3.88. 3.89. 3.91. 3.92. 3.93. 3.94. 3.95. 3.96. 3.97. 3.98. 3.99. 3.100. 3.101. 3.102. 3.103. 3.104. 3.105. 3.106. 4. Additional Guidance Topics ..................................................................................................... 171 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. 4.7. 4.8. 5. Nutrient Label contents and measures (Calories, Proteins, Fats, Sugars, etc.) (attribute 1 120 Nutrient Label contents and measures (Calories, Proteins, Fats, Sugars, etc.) (attribute 2 123 Nutrient Label contents and measures (Calories, Proteins, Fats, Sugars, etc.) (attribute 3 125 Nutrient Label contents and measures (Calories, Proteins, Fats, Sugars, etc.) (attribute 4 127 Nutrient Label contents and measures (Calories, Proteins, Fats, Sugars, etc.) (attribute 5 129 Nutrient Relevant Data Provided (AVP Solution) ........................................................................... 131 Nutrient Value Derivation (AVP Solution) ....................................................................................... 132 Pack Size Text ................................................................................................................................... 133 Pallet Ti and Pallet Hi (pallet GTIN) (attribute 1 of 2) ..................................................................... 134 Pallet Ti and Pallet Hi (pallet GTIN) (attribute 2 of 2) ..................................................................... 135 Pallet Ti and Pallet Hi (NO pallet GTIN) (attribute 1 of 3) .............................................................. 136 Pallet Ti and Pallet Hi (NO pallet GTIN) (attribute 2 of 3) .............................................................. 137 Pallet Ti and Pallet Hi (NO pallet GTIN) (attribute 3 of 3) .............................................................. 138 Preparation & Cooking Instructions (attribute 2 of 2) ................................................................... 140 Private Label Items ........................................................................................................................... 141 Product Name .................................................................................................................................... 142 Quantity of Next Lower Level GTINs (attribute 1 of 2) .................................................................. 144 Quantity of Next Lower Level GTINS (attribute 2 of 2) .................................................................. 147 Serving Size Text .............................................................................................................................. 150 Serving Suggestions ........................................................................................................................ 151 Servings of the Trade Item Unit ....................................................................................................... 152 Shelf Life (1 of 2 attributes) .............................................................................................................. 153 Shelf Life (2 of 2 attributes) .............................................................................................................. 154 Storage & Usage ............................................................................................................................... 155 Storage Temperature Min. with UoM............................................................................................... 156 Storage Temperature Max. with UoM .............................................................................................. 157 Target Market ..................................................................................................................................... 158 Unit Descriptor .................................................................................................................................. 159 Width with UoM ................................................................................................................................. 169 Hierarchy Information ....................................................................................................................... 171 Pallet Ti/Hi Information ..................................................................................................................... 176 Metric and Imperial Measurements ................................................................................................. 187 Guidance on the population of Ranges using the Minimum and Maximum attribute pairing .. 189 Food & Beverage Extension ............................................................................................................ 191 Items with Returnable Cases ........................................................................................................... 193 Data Synchronization Information Flow ......................................................................................... 194 Downstream Changeability of Data Attributes .............................................................................. 207 Code List .................................................................................................................................... 217 5.1. Allergens (3 of 4) (allergenTypeCode) ............................................................................................ 217 ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 6 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 5.2. Allergens (4 of 4) (levelOfContainment) ......................................................................................... 221 5.3. Child Nutrition Label (nutrientLabelTypeCode) ............................................................................. 221 5.4. Cube UoM (inBoxCubeDimension) ................................................................................................. 222 5.5. Food Composition Database Code ................................................................................................. 223 5.6. For More Information (Contact Information) (attribute 2 of 7) (contactType) ............................. 224 5.7. For More Information (Contact Information) (attribute 4 of 7) (communicationChannelCode) .................................................................................................................... 225 5.8. Global Product Classification (GPC) (classificationCategoryCode) ........................................... 225 5.9. ISO Country Code List ...................................................................................................................... 225 5.10. ISO Country Subdivision Code ........................................................................................................ 233 5.11. Kosher, Organic, Vegan, Halal, Gluten Free, etc. (dietTypeCode) .......................................... 236 5.12. Linear Measures (depth, height, width) .......................................................................................... 237 5.13 Links to websites, Images, Documents, Video, Audio Files (attribute 1 of 5) (typeOfInformation) ....................................................................................................................................... 239 5.14. Manufacturer Part Number (AdditionalTradeItemIdentification/type) ......................................... 241 5.15 Nutrient Label contents and measures (Calories, Proteins, Fats, Sugars, etc.) (attribute 1 of 5) (preparationState) ................................................................................................................................. 244 5.16 Nutrient Label contents and measures (Calories, Proteins, Fats, Sugars, etc.) (attribute 2 of 5) (nutrientTypeCode) .............................................................................................................................. 244 5.17 Nutrient Label contents and measures (Calories, Proteins, Fats, Sugars, etc.) (attribute 3 of 5) (measurementPrecision) ..................................................................................................................... 244 5.18 Nutrient Value Derivation ................................................................................................................. 245 5.19 Preparation & Cooking Instructions (preparationType) ................................................................ 245 5.20 Private Label Items (brandDistributionType) ................................................................................. 247 5.21 Temperature UoM (storageHandlingTemperatureMinimum and storageHandlingTemperatureMaximum) .................................................................................................... 247 5.22 Unit Descriptor (tradeItemUnitDescriptor) ..................................................................................... 248 5.23 Unit of Measure ................................................................................................................................. 249 5.24 Weight UoM (netWeight and grossWeight) .................................................................................... 268 6. Glossary ..................................................................................................................................... 271 7. Document Summary .................................................................................................................. 274 8. Related Documents ................................................................................................................... 275 9. Log of Changes ......................................................................................................................... 276 ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 7 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 1. Introduction This document supplements the GS1 US Foodservice Initiative’s Phase 1 and 2 Attribute Spreadsheets. Those sheets list the Initiative’s implementation of Global Data Synchronisation Network (GDSN) standards. Contained in this document is advice on the implementation and operation of these attributes. This document is in no way normative or definitive and is not a standard. It includes implementation guides for a variety of the more complicated issues encountered when implementing the GDSN attributes as outlined by the Initiative. It seeks to increase consistency and ease of implementation by explaining the standards and providing realworld examples. 1.1. Who Will Use this Document? Business users who are implementing or operating GDSN may use this document to supplement the formal GDSN standards with additional guidance. This document is aimed primarily at business users who need to understand the data content or process standards. Technical users involved with implementation may also find topics of interest. 1.2. Scope of this Document The scope is the data and processes for the synchronization of Trade Items within the GDSN by GS1 US Foodservice Initiative. In this version of the document, the scope is limited to the attributes as defined by the GS1 US Foodservice Initiative, while there are other attributes available in GDSN, they will only be in scope for this document if defined for use by the Initiative. If you need additional training or advice, please contact your solution provider, data pool, or GS1 US. 1.3. Background This document will specifically detail the attributes to be used by members of the GS1 US Foodservice Initiative when populating GDSN. It does not discuss the use of other GS1 Standards or the basic operation and structure of GDSN. These topics are covered in other guidance document. It is understood that the reader or user of this guide is familiar with the content of these other guides. Other guides which should be read prior to reading this guide are: Foodservice Product and Location Implementation Guide GS1 US Foodservice Implementation Guide These guides can be found in the Tools and Resources section of the GS1 US Foodservice website at the following link, 1.4. Code Lists The GDSN Trade Item Document utilizes GS1 defined code lists as well as lists managed externally (e.g. UNCEFACT, ISO). Most code lists used in GDSN are managed outside of the schema due to both frequency of update and requirements that vary between target markets. Normally, these externalised code lists will have a data type of string. There are several externally managed code lists, which are used in several areas of the schema to provide code values. Table 1-1 displays a list of some of these externally managed code lists used: ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 8 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Table 1-1 Externally Managed Code Lists Code List Comments IS0 639-1 Codes for the representation of names of languages. Available for purchase at the following website: ISO 3166-1 Part 1 – Country Codes (Three Digit Format) Available for purchase at the following website: ISO 3166-2 Part 2 – Alpha Country Subdivision. Available for purchase at the following website: ISO 4217 Codes for the representation of currencies and funds. Available for purchase at the following website: 1.5. Element and Attribute Naming All element and attribute names used in the GDSN Schema begin with a lower case. All words that follow in the name are capitalized, or in other words, elements and attributes appear in “camel case”. For example, globalLocationNumber uniqueCreatorIdentification 1.6. Cardinality Terminology for Attributes For data synchronization, attributes have a characteristic which details if the attribute must be populated or not. This characteristic is the attribute’s cardinality. While GDSN has determined the cardinality of the attributes overall, the Foodservice Initiative has determined cardinality over and above that assigned by GDSN. For example if GDSN has assigned an attribute as optional, the Initiative might have determined the attribute might need to be populated for a use case they have. This determination does not prescribe any need or eliminate the ability to required population of any attribute for a data recipient. The cardinality of an attribute is listed in this guide in the description section for each. Cardinality term definitions are provided below. MANDATORY- These attributes are mandatory or core attributes for the GDSN Message. A message cannot be published without these elements. Foodservice Best Practice (Threshold)- The GS1 US Foodservice Initiative recommends these minimum attributes for the GDSN message. A message may not be accepted by a Trading Partner if these attributes are not completed. DEPENDENT- Dependent attributes become GDSN Mandatory based on the population of another attribute, or based on the value populated for another attribute. These dependencies are driven either by validation rule or by invoking a class (or group) of attributes OPTIONAL- These attributes add value to the foodservice supply chain, and consequently may be requested by foodservice data ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 9 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 recipients. If the number of trading partners requesting these attributes increases to the point that they are needed by the majority of the industry, they may become Foodservice Best Practice (Threshold). 2. GS1 US Foodservice Attribute Guidance The following sections provide implementation guidance on those topics that are frequently discussed within the GDSN community. These practices are common to members of the GS1 US Foodservice Initiative in the US target market. Included in this section of the document is information about use of the GDSN attributes, which have been defined for use by the initiative. Included in this document are sections from the GDSN Trade Item Implementation Guide as are relevant to the GS1 US Foodservice Initiative. These sections are current as of the publication of this document. For more guidance and updated references for these and other topics, please refer to the GDSN Trade Item Implementation Guide at this link. The following general implementation topics from the GDSN Trade Item Implementation Guide are included here. They will be interspersed within the general formatting of the document. Populating Net Content Trade Item Unit Descriptors (Building Trade Item Hierarchy) Populating TI/HI Metric and Imperial Measurements Trade Item Weight Trade Item Country of Origin Broker/Distributor Model Variable Measure for Net Content Minimum and Maximum Values Relevant Product Hierarchy Levels & Common Values Dates ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 10 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative GDSN Attributes The document is broken down alphabetically by attribute group. This will provide the ability for look up quickly. This may differ from how a data pool might actually present attributes to a date source for population or to a data recipient for use. 3.1. 100-Gram Product Information (Community Sunrise date of 12/31/14) 1.1.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- productionVariantDescription Data Type- Text (Allows for a language qualifier) (70 Characters) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Optional, should be provided is available Foodservice Common DefinitionUse of this attribute will qualify the attributes populated with nutrient information based on the 100-gram portion size of an item. Different values for this attribute allow for the population of additional sets of attributes in the GDSN Food and Beverage Extension. GDD DefinitionFree text assigned by the manufacturer to describe the production variant. Examples are: package series X, package series Y. 1.1.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance Menu planning systems require nutrient information to provide the level of detail need ed by the menu planners to meet customer and regulatory requirements. These systems rely on a consistent set of values to function correctly. Providing nutrient information against the NLEA serving size can be difficult as the measure can vary from one t ype of item to the next. A consistent approach has been developed to ensure the systems can function properly. This approach is to provide nutrient information against a 100 gram serving of the item. This measure is a weight measure and is used for solids and liquids alike. In GDSN, the recipients need to get not only the NLEA serving size information, but this 100 gram set of information. To accommodate this, the following solution has been derived for use until the GDSN Major Release when a more sophisticated approach can be deployed. This solution has a sunrise date of 12/31/2014, with the data pools having it built and available beginning on 12/31/2013. Use of the attribute productionVariantDescription will allow for the repeating of the entire GDSN Food and Beverage extension. However, not all of that information is needed to meet the 100 gram data need. For the first instance of the attribute the prod uctionVariantDescription value should begin with “SERVING_SIZE”. Then all of the ingredient, nutrient, allergen, etc. should be populated below this value. The second productionVariantDescription value should begin with “100_GRAM”. The only information which need be populated under this value is the nutrient data as all the other information should be the same as for the serving size instance. Normal use of this attribute is still applicable. This approach would simply add the phrase to the beginning of the value. Normally this attribute is used to provide different values for the various variants of an item. For example milk chocolate can have a variant made with cocoa ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 11 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 butter and another made with vegetable oil. ingredient lists and nutrient values. Both are the same product but with dif ferent For the 100 gram data model to be accommodated in this example, population of the productionVariantDescription attribute and lower information might be as follows: productionVariantDescription with a value of “SERING_SIZE_COCOA_BUTTER” with all of the ingredients, allergens, nutrients etc. based on the formula with cocoa butter. productionVariantDescription with a value of “100_GRAM_COCOA_BUTTER” with only the nutrients based on the formula with cocoa butter. productionVariantDescription with a value of “SERING_SIZE_VEG_OIL” with all of the ingredients, allergens, nutrients etc. based on the formula with vegetable oil. productionVariantDescription with a value of “100_GRAM_VEG_OIL” with only the nutrients based on the formula with vegetable oil. A similar approach is used for when information is populated for the drained and non -drained values of an item. For example Tuna packed in water. The manufacturer might choose to provide information for both the drained and non-drained item. Population of the productionVariantDescription attribute and lower information might be as follows: productionVariantDescription with a value of “SERING_SIZE” with all of the ingredients, allergens, nutrients etc. based on the non-drained item. productionVariantDescription with a value of “100_GRAM” with only the nutrients based on the non-drained item. productionVariantDescription with a value of “SERING_SIZE_DRAINED” with all of the ingredients, allergens, nutrients etc. based on the item* when drained of water. productionVariantDescription with a value of “100_GRAM_DRAINED” with only the nutrients based on the item* when drained of water. 3.1.3 Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 12 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.2. Allergens (attribute 1 of 4) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. allergenSpecificationAgency allergenSpecificationName allergenTypeCode levelOfContainment These attributes are in a group and as such can be repeated as a group for as many allergens as need to be detailed. 3.2.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- allergenSpecificationAgency Data Type- Text (70 Characters) GDSN Required- Mandatory (If Class invoked) (Class can be repeated for as many Allergens as need to be reported for the item.) Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice (Threshold) for Food Items Only (Agency should be FDA and Allergens would be the "Big 8" as minimum) Other Allergen Statements are Optional Foodservice Common DefinitionThe regulatory agency name that controls the Allergen definition used. GDD DefinitionAgency that controls the allergen definition. 3.2.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance Agency should be FDA (for the US) and Allergens would be the "Big 8" as minimum. Other Allergen Statements are Optional. When synchronizing outside the US, other allergen type codes and agencies should be populated as required by that target market. While FDA would be the default agency, should an allergen definition from another agency be utilized, that agency should be populated in the attribute. The definition of what each allergen is and the level to which needs to be reported are governed by the allergenSpecificationAgency. 3.2.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 13 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.3. Allergens (attribute 2 of 4) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. allergenSpecificationAgency allergenSpecificationName allergenTypeCode levelOfContainment These attributes are in a group and as such can be repeated as a group for as many allergens as need to be detailed. 3.3.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- allergenSpecificationName Data Type- Text (70 Characters) (Free Text) GDSN Required- Mandatory (If Class invoked) (Class can be repeated for as many Allergens as need to be reported for the item.) Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice (Threshold) for Food Items Only (Agency should be FDA and Allergens would be the "Big 8" as minimum) Other Allergen Statements are Optional Foodservice Common DefinitionName and Version of the regulation or standard to define the allergen GDD DefinitionFree text field containing the name and version of the regulation or standard that contains the definition of the allergen. 3.3.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is the regulation or guidance name and version by which the allergen is defined. As a default for the agency FDA, the following value should be utilized “Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004”. Should an agency other than the FDA be referenced, the applicable regulation for that agency should be referenced. 3.3.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 14 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.4. Allergens (attribute 3 of 4) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. allergenSpecificationAgency allergenSpecificationName allergenTypeCode levelOfContainment These attributes are in a group and as such can be repeated as a group for as many allergens as need to be detailed. 3.4.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- allergenTypeCode Data Type- Code List GDSN Required- Mandatory (If Class invoked) (Class can be repeated for as many Allergens as need to be reported for the item.) Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice (Threshold) for Food Items Only (Agency should be FDA and Allergens would be the "Big 8" as minimum) Other Allergen Statements are Optional Foodservice Common DefinitionCode indicating the type of allergen. GDD DefinitionCode indicating the type of allergen. 3.4.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance The Big “8” which need to be identified are as follows for items traded in the US. The GSDN abbreviation is placed in parentheses for each. Dairy (AM or ML if Lactose) Eggs (AE) Fish (AF) Crustaceans (AC or UM) Tree nuts (AN, TN, or more specifically any of these- SA- almond , SR- brazil nut , SC- cashew , SH- hazelnut , SM- macadamia nut , SP- pecan nut , ST- pistachio , SQQueensland nut, and/or SW- walnut) Peanuts (AP) Wheat (AW, AX, GK, or UW) Soybeans (AY) The definition of what each allergen is and the level to which needs to be reported are governed by the allergenSpecificationAgency. For items traded in Canada, there are 2 additional allergens which need to be identified: Mustard (BM) Sesame Seeds (AS) ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 15 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Optional Allergens include: Sulfites (AU) 3.4.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. 3.4.4. Code List Values There is a list of code values for this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.1 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 16 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.5. Allergens (attribute 4 of 4) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. allergenSpecificationAgency allergenSpecificationName allergenTypeCode levelOfContainment These attributes are in a group and as such can be repeated as a group for as many allergens as need to be detailed. 3.5.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- levelOfContainment Data Type- Code List GDSN Required- Mandatory (If Class invoked) (Class can be repeated for as many Aller gens as need to be reported for the item.) Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice (Threshold) for Food Items Only (Agency should be FDA and Allergens would be the "Big 8" as minimum) Other Allergen Statements are Optional Foodservice Common DefinitionCode indicating the level of presence of the allergen. GDD DefinitionCode indicating the level of presence of the allergen. 3.5.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance The level of containment attribute is a code list, which specifies the degree to which the allergen is present in the item. Current values are CONTAINS, MAY_CONTAIN, and FREE_FROM. These values have specific meanings and should not be confused. CONTAINS is the value to use when an allergen is knowingly included or contained in an item. For example, a candy bar with peanuts, nougat, and chocolate knowingly has peanuts in it. As such, the allergen would be said to CONTAIN peanuts. MAY_CONTAIN is the value to use when an allergen might be present but is not knowingly included. For example, a milk chocolate candy bar is manufactured in a plant, which also manufacturer’s candy bars with Peanuts. While the milk chocolate bar does not have peanuts as an ingredient, it might pick up peanut dust from the air or crumbles from adjacent machinery. As such, the allergen would be said to MAY_CONTAIN peanuts. FREE_FROM is the value to use when it is known that an allergen is not contained in an item. For example, a breakfast cereal, which is made from a series of grains, has been tested or analysed for the presence of Wheat. The analysis has determined that the item does not contain Wheat. As such, the allergen would be said to be FREE_FROM Wheat. It should be noted that the Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative has value signifying that an item does not contain an allergen is of value. The code would denote that an allergen should not be in an item, although analysis has not been conducted to specifically state that the item is free ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 17 OF 282 determined that a “does not contain” specific testing or from the allergen. GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 For example, a can or soda is manufactured in a plant, which only produces this specific flavour of soda. The recipe does not call for nor does the plant ha ndle fish. The manufacturer does not specifically test for the allergen of fish. Since not analysis or testing has been completed for this allergen, it is not possible to state unequivocally that the item is FREE_FROM Fish. The initiative is working to get a “does not contain” code into the GDSN. Once available this guidance will include the value in the above paragraphs 3.5.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. 3.5.4. Code List There is a list of code values for this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.2 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 18 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.6. Allergen Relevant Data Provided 3.6.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- allergenRelevantDataProvided Data Type- Non-Binary Logic Code GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Optional Foodservice Common DefinitionSignifies that all of the allergen data which is required to appear on the label or is relevant to be reported has been populated in the allergen section of the GDSN message. GDD Definition- 3.6.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is an indicator which signifies that all allergen information populated in the GDSN message is complete. The completion of the information is based on what is required to appear on the label and what is relevant to be provided. For example Lactose in Milk, or Peanuts in Peanut Butter- it is not required to be provided on the label for the item as they are inherent in the item Shellfish in Milk- The processing of milk does not mingle or come near shellfish (in most cases) and therefore testing or determination of shellfish as an allergen or irritant is not relevant If this attribute has a value of TRUE, recipients should accept the values in the GDSN message as a complete set of allergen attributes for the item. No other value but TRUE need be passed. There is an AVP solution in place until such time as the GDSN deploys a final solution in a future release. The final solution will mirror the AVP solution for easy migration. 3.6.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 19 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.7. Are non-sold items returnable? 3.7.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- isNonSoldTradeItemReturnable Data Type- Boolean (Yes/No) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Optional Foodservice Common DefinitionIdentifies if a manufacturer or distributor will allow unsold quantities of to be returned. GDD DefinitionIndicates that the buyer can return the articles that are not sold. Used, for example; with magazines and bread. This is a y/n (Boolean) where y equals right of ret urn. This is at least relevant to General Merchandise, Publishing industries and for some FMCG trade item. 3.7.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is an indicator that any product which cannot be sold can be returned. This is independent of product, which has passed its expiration or best by dating. 3.7.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 20 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.8. Benefits 3.8.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- tradeItemMarketingMessage Data Type- Multidescription (Allows for a language qualifier) (1000 characters) Free Text GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionMarketing message associated to the Trade item. GDD DefinitionMarketing message associated to the Trade item. 3.8.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This attribute should be provided if the data source is the Brand Owner. If the data source is not the Brand Owner, this attribute is optional unless the Brand Owner has provided the attribute information to the data source for publication. Benefits may include marketing claims about the product, such as ”Good Source of Calcium”, “Contains No Added Sugar”, “High in Dietary Fiber”, etc. Can be specified in multiple languages through the use of a Language Qualifier. This attribute is a single occurrence field. This means that if there are multiple claims they must be listed as a string separated by a comma. For example, “Low Sodium, High Fiber” A GDSN change request has been approved and will be deployed in a future GDSN release which will provide the ability to specify a marketing message for a specific trade channel (Retail, Foodservice, Healthcare, etc.). This guidance will be update when that solution is deployed. 3.8.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 21 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.9. Brand Name 3.9.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- brandName Data Type- Text (1 to 35 characters) Free Text GDSN Required- Mandatory Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThe most recognizable name to the end user as displayed on the product or its packaging. Ex: Farmer Brown's Choice GDD DefinitionThe recognisable name used by a brand owner to uniquely identify a line of trade item or services. This is recognizable by the consumer. 3.9.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance When a trade item bears no branding, or other identifying brand marks on the packaging, the item is considered to be “unbranded”. For example, the item is pack aged in a plain box bearing only a shipping label. 3.9.3. Other Guidance This field should be populated with the brand name as displayed on the product or its packaging that is most recognizable to the end user. When the end user looks at the package and is asked what the brand is, this is the name to which they would point. Figure 3-1 Brand Name Note: This can also be recognized as trademark of the manufacturer’s product. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 22 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.10. Catch Weight 3.10.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- isPackagingMarkedVariable Data Type- Boolean (Yes/No) GDSN Required- Mandatory Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice (Threshold) Foodservice Common DefinitionAn indicator identifying if the GTIN is not a fixed quantity item. The item can vary by any dimension and is not traded in discrete quantities. GDD DefinitionIndicates that an article is not a fixed quantity, but that the quantity is variable. Can be weight, length, volume. Trade Item is used or traded in continuous rather than discrete quantities. 3.10.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is a Yes or No indicator to describe whether this product is a variable weight or a fixed weight. 3.10.3. Other Guidance This is an indication that the product is not a fixed quantity unit. Fixed quantity units cannot vary in weight, length, volume, count from one instance of the GTIN to another. Variable units can vary. For example, a GTIN for tubing may be sold in variable lengths. The GTIN is specific t o the product, but the length is specified on the order or BOL. See the GS1 General Specifications for GTIN assignment rules for variable trade items. This attribute can be TRUE for several levels of the hierarchy depending on the need and specific manner in which the hierarchy is built. This value is the same for all target markets and trading partners and cannot be different from one to the next. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 23 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.11. Child Nutrition Label (DEPRECATED AVP Solution) This solution is to no longer be used. Please use the solution discussed in section 3.10 3.11.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- doesTradeItemCarryUSDAChildNutritionLabel Data Type- Boolean (Yes/No) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold for Food items only Foodservice Common DefinitionThis attribute has been marked for deletion and should not be used as of October 2012. GDD Definition- 3.11.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This attribute has been marked for deletion and should not be used as of October 2012. 3.11.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 24 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.12. Child Nutrition Label 3.12.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- nutritionLabelType Data Type- Code List GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold for Food items only Foodservice Common DefinitionNo common definition defined GDD DefinitionCode indicating that the trade item is eligible for certain nutritional labelling programs according to a specific regulation 3.12.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance Code list value to denote the presence of the Child Nutrition label on the packaging. Use the code value of “1”. 3.12.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. 3.12.4. Code List Values There is a list of code values for this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.3 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 25 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.13. Company Name (attribute 1 of 2 for Brand Owner) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. brandOwner nameOfBrandOwner 3.13.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- brandOwner Data Type- Numeric (13 digits) GDSN Required- Mandatory Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThe Brand Owner is the organization, which has legal ownership of the item. This is a 13 digit Global Location Number (GLN). GDD DefinitionName of the party who owns the brand of the trade item. Mandatory when brandOwner Party identification is provided. 3.13.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance The Global Location Number (GLN) for the organization who owns the brand. For example, the GLN for Tyson Foods for its Tyson Tasty Bird brand. More information on how to assemble a GLN can be found at To validate the correct check digit, use the following link To determine the owner of a GLN, use the following link 3.13.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 26 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.14. Company Name (attribute 2 of 2 for Brand Owner) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. brandOwner nameOfBrandOwner 3.14.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- nameOfBrandOwner Data Type- Text (1 to 35 characters) Free Text GDSN Required- Mandatory Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThe Brand Owner is the organization, which has legal ownership of the item. This is a 13 digit Global Location Number (GLN). GDD DefinitionUnique location number identifying the brand owner. May or may not be the same en tity as the information provider, which actually enters and maintains data in data pools. 3.14.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is the name of the company that owns the brand. Example- Sysco owns Block and Barrel brand so the value entered for Brand Owner is Sysco. 3.14.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 27 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.15. Company Name (attribute 1 of 2 for Manufacturer) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. manufacturer nameOfManufacturer 3.15.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- manufacturer Data Type- Numeric (13 digits) GDSN Required- If populated, requires the population of nameOfManufacturer. Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThe Manufacturer is the organization, which has the responsibility for manufacturing or producing the item. This is a 13-digit Global Location Number (GLN). GDD DefinitionUnique location number identifying the manufacturer. May or may not be the same entity as the information provider, which actually enters and maintains data in data pools. 3.15.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is the name(s) of the company, which is responsible for the manufacturing process. This field can be repeated as necessary in conjunction with the Manufacturer GLN. 3.15.3. Other Guidance This field should be populated with the GLN and user assigned name that identifies the party who is responsible for the manufacture of the product. This party may not own or be the physical manufacturing plant from which the item has come. The manufacturer name is what is represented on the label. Population of this attribute does not necessitate the open identification of contract manufacturing (third party) partners. Table 3-1 Manufacturer GLN Attribute GTIN Pack Level NameOf Information Provider Information ProviderOf TradeItem Target Market Country Code NameOf BrandOwner brandOwner GLN NameOf Manufacturer Manufacturer GLN EACH 01234567891019 ACME INC ACME INC US ACME INC 00123450000359 ACME INC 00123450000359 PACK 21234567891020 ACME INC ACME INC US ACME INC 00123450000359 ACME INC 00123450000359 CASE 31234567891013 ACME INC ACME INC US ACME INC 00123450000359 ACME INC 00123450000359 ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 28 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.16. Company Name (attribute 2 of 2 for Manufacturer) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. manufacturer nameOfManufacturer 3.16.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- manufacturer Data Type- Text (1 to 35 characters) Free Text GDSN Required- If populated, requires the population of manufacturer (GLN). Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThe Manufacturer is the organization, which has the responsibility for manufacturing or producing the item. This is a 13-digit Global Location Number (GLN). GDD DefinitionDescriptive name of the manufacturer of the trade item. 3.16.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance The Brand Owner should make a decision on how they should populate this attribute. The options they have are to list any and all physical manufacturers or to list themselves as the manufacturer. The manufacturer is the organization, which is responsible for the manufacturing process whether they actually produce the product, or not. This party controls the specifications for the product. This field can be repeated as necessary in conjunction with the Name of Manufacturer. More information on how to assemble a GLN can be found at To validate the correct check digit, use the following link To determine the owner of a GLN, use the following link 3.16.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 29 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.17. Country of Origin 3.17.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- tradeItemCountryOfOrigin Data Type- Code List (3 characters) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThe country code (codes) in which the goods have been produced, manufactured or substantially transformed. In a multi-nationally sourced product, the countries should be listed based on predominance of supply. GDD DefinitionThe country code (codes) in which the goods have been produced or manufactured; according to criteria established for the purposes of application of the value may or may not be presented on the trade item label. (ISO-3166). 3.17.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This information should be a list of the countries on the side of the packaging. If the item is sourced from multiple countries all should be listed. 3.17.3. Other Guidance Trade Item Country of Origin is the country of manufacture, production, or growth where an article or product comes from. When shipping products from one country to another, the products may have to be marked with Country of Origin, and the Country of Origin will generally be required to be indicated in the export/import documents and governmental submissions. In some instances, Trade Item Country of Origin may not be specified on the product. Subsequently, the country code (codes) in which the goods have been produced or manufactured, according to criteria established for the purposes of application of the value, may not be presented on the trade item label. Trade Item Country of Origin can also represent the Country of Origin for goods entirely obtained in a single country or the country in which the last substantial "transformation" of the goods occurred. Transformation is defined as grinding, chopping, or mixing different products/ingredients together to create a new item. For example, let us say the trade item is a pizza. The tomato sauce and dough could be from the US, the cheese from Italy, and the completed pizza made in Canada. Therefore, the Country of Origin would be Canada. Note: The Trade Item Country of Origin code does not represent the Country of Origin of the individual ingredients used to create the end product. Note: European Union (EU 097) is an acceptable Country of Origin for products identified as processed in the European Union. It may or may not meet business or regulatory requirements for country of origination labelling. Note: Trade Item Country of Origin is repeatable. Trade Item Country of Origin - Fresh Produce For fresh produce, Trade Item Country of Origin refers to where the products have been grown and harvested. Country of Origin may have to be listed for all individual items in a package if they have different countries of origin. For example, an eggplant, tomato and pepper pre-packed on a scale can have 3 countries of origin. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 30 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Trade Item Country of Origin - Foodservice Products For Foodservice products, there may be a need to identify the Country of Origin of each individual ingredient. This need may also apply to retail products that are identified between data supplier and data recipient as products with a need to identify the Country of Origin of some or each individual ingredient. Pre-Requisite In certain geographies, local regulations may require that if there are several countries of origin, all countries of origin must be indicated. Manufacturers and Retailers will collaborate to identify these local variations. Manufacturers can provide multiple instances of Country of Origin and Retailers will determine how many instances they will store. When Would I Use This? Trade Item Country of Origin should be provided at the trade item level that is relevant. In some industries (such as food service or Hardlines), trade items are usually identified at the case level only, therefore Country of Origin would apply at the case level. Examples of Country of Origin Example 1 Country of Origin = Italy ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 31 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Example 2: Note: The coffee beans are from Indonesia, Kenya and Ethiopia; the product was processed in Canada therefore the Country of Origin is Canada. 3.17.4. Code List Values The code list used for targetMarketCountryCode is the ISO 3166-1 3-digit numeric code list. There is a list of code values for part of this attribute, which can be found in Section 5. 9 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 32 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.18. Cube with UoM 3.18.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- inBoxCubeDimension Data Type- Numeric (Round up to 3 Decimals) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThe dimensions of an imaginary cube, which can be drawn around the trade item as, defined in the formula of H X W X D (The linear dimensions multiplied to get a cubic result). This only applies to In-box dimensions. Level of Hierarchy applied to- All. Example- Bag of cabbage, Bag of Flour, Broom, Ham Case of Beer. GDD DefinitionThe dimensions, and UoM, of an imaginary cube, which can be drawn around the trade item as, defined in the formula of H X W X D (The linear dimensions multiplied to get a cubic result). This only applies to In-box dimensions. 3.18.2. GS1 US Foodservice Guidance The most common Cube measurement is in Cubic Feet. If the unit is being measured in inches the formula would be: depth X width X height divided by 1728. This should be sent at all hierarchy levels. 3.18.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. 3.18.4. UoM Code List for Cubic Dimensions There is a list of code values for part of this attribute, which can be found in Section 5. 4 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 33 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.19. Depth with UoM 3.19.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- depth Data Type- Numeric (Round up to 3 Decimals) GDSN Required- Mandatory Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThe measurement from front to back of the trade item. Measurements are relative to how the customer normally views the trade item. Needs to be associated with a valid UoM. GDD DefinitionThe measurement from front to back of the trade item. Measurements are relative to how the customer normally views the trade item. Needs to be associated with a valid UoM. 3.19.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance The dimensions values are based on the GS1 Package Measurement Rules. These Rules may differ from the dimensions currently stored in the Trading Partners systems and the Rules should be reviewed. It is common to confuse the measurements of Length, Width, and Height with Width, Depth and Height. 3.19.3. Other Guidance Packaging: Height +UoM, Width + UoM, Depth + UoM Many markets require dimensional data at all levels of packaging. This is used by data recipients for internal planning purposes. Therefore, it is highly recommended that trading partners provide the required by the attributes in question. Note: Markets where data synchronization is just starting to be implemented may have agreements regarding exceptions to this guidance. Please consult your local GS1 Member Organisation, GDSN certified data pool or trading partner. Manufacturers with items that are sold in both Retail and Healthcare (in the same packaging) should provide physical dimensions for their EACH level packaging as required by their retail trading partners. EACH level items published to retailers and populated with calculated dimensions may be rejected by the retailer. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 34 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Figure 3-2 Packaging: Height +UoM, Width + UoM, Depth + UoM EACH level items published to retailers and populated with the value of 0.001 will likely be rejected by the retailer. For manufacturers that have EA level dimensions, it is requested that their accurate measurements be supplied. Note: As with all measurements in GDSN, the attribute consists of a value together with a Unit of Measure (UoM). Note: Height, Width and Depth must all use units of measure appropriate for a Length dimension, such as millimetres, centimetres and metres (for metric system) and inches and feet (for US imperial system). Millimetres and inches are the most common units of measure in use. Important: In the event there is a regulatory framework requiring a particular unit of measure, it is the data recipient’s responsibility to ensure that local regulations are adhered to. Note: Imperial measurements are commonly used in the USA, and metric measurements are normally used elsewhere. The Data Source should provide the measurement system that is required in a specific target market. For more information, please refer to the Metric and Imperial Measurements section. Note: Further general advice on Height, Width and Depth can be found in the GDSN Package Measurement Rules Implementation Guide or the actual GDSN Package Measurement Rules. 3.19.4. Code List Values There is a list of code values for this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.12 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 35 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.20. Drained Weight with UoM 3.20.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- drainedWeight Data Type- Measurement GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Optional, if relevant for the product Foodservice Common DefinitionWeight of an item, normally packed in fluid, when the fluid is removed or “drained” from the item. GDD DefinitionThe weight of the trade item when drained of its liquid. For examples 225 "grm", Jar of pickles in vinegar. Applies to defined bricks of GCI Global trade item Classification Mainly food trade item. Has to be associated with a valid UoM. 3.20.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance Providing information relevant to the item when drained is very useful for items, specifically where the use of the item can be either drained or not drained. This information can help with the menu planning process and values. Some items can have different nutrients and allergens based on if the item is drained or not. To accomplish this, use of the productionVariantDescription attribute can help to detail which set of values applies to the drained item. This will enhance the use of the 100-gram information as well. When using this approach, the term “DRAINED” should be placed at the end of any productionVariantDescription value populated. 3.20.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. 3.20.4. Code List Values There is a list of code values for part of this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.25 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 36 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.21. Effective Date of Change 3.21.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- effectiveDate Data Type- Date (CCYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS) GDSN Required- Mandatory Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionDate on which the master data becomes valid. GDD DefinitionThe date on which the information contents of the master data version are valid. Valid = correct or true. This effective date can be used for initial trade item offering, or to mark a change in the in-formation related to an existing trade item. This date would mark when these changes take effect. 3.21.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This date can be populated by the Information Provider as the current date or any date into the future. Population of a date into the future signifies that the data is not effective for use until that date and recipients should use the currently synchronized data until this date. 3.21.3. Other Guidance This is the date on which the master data becomes valid. This is different from the date when the product is published (initial publication). Upon this date, the master data contained in the message is considered active and ready for use. This allows for product changes to be communicated in advance. Can be used for preloading (future) product data when available….. The date on which the information contents of the master data version are valid, Valid = correct or true. This effective date can be used for initial trade item offering, or to mark a change in the information related to an existing trade item. This date would mark when these changes take effect. Note: if the exact time is not significant, it is normal to send CCYY-MM-DDT00:00:00. Effective Date GDSN Extension/Section Class Name Attribute Name Attribute Definition GDSN Trading Partner Neutral Trade Item Information TradeItemDateInformation effectiveDate The date on which the information contents of the master data version are valid. Valid = correct or true. This effective date can be used for initial trade item offering; or to mark a change in the information related to an existing trade item. This date would mark when these changes take effect. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 37 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Implementation Guidance The Data Recipient should not apply the changes to the item until this date. If for any reason the date is a date in the past, the changes should be immediately applied by the data recipient. Data Recipients may want this date to be a date in the future. This will provide them notice of the change to allow them time to be ready to accept the change. For more information on early notification of future information, see the section on Item Futurization. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 38 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.22. For More Information (Contact Information) (attribute 1 of 7) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. contactType availableTime globalLocationNumber communicationChannelCode communicationNumber targetMarketCountryCode targetMarketSubdivisionCode 3.22.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- contactType Data Type- Code List GDSN Required- Mandatory (If Class invoked) (Class can be repeated for as many Contact Types as need to be reported for the item.) Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThe general category of the contact party for a trade item for example Purchasing. GDD DefinitionThe general category of the contact party for a trade item for example Purchasing. 3.22.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance Specifies the type of contact. If the type of contact is not in the list, choose other. Dependent upon the Contact Type, this group of attributes can be repeated. 3.22.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. 3.22.4. Code List Values There is a list of code values for this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.6 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 39 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.23. For More Information (Contact Information) (attribute 2 of 7) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. 3.23.1. contactType availableTime globalLocationNumber communicationChannelCode communicationNumber targetMarketCountryCode targetMarketSubdivisionCode Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- availableTime Data Type- Free Text (size pending, recommending 70 characters) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThe time that a specific contact for a Trade Item is available for contact. Example "8a -5p EST M-F" GDD DefinitionThe time that a specific contact for a Trade Item is available for contact. 3.23.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This would be left blank if the contact is available 24/7. 3.23.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 40 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.24. For More Information (Contact Information) (attribute 3 of 7) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. contactType availableTime globalLocationNumber communicationChannelCode communicationNumber targetMarketCountryCode targetMarketSubdivisionCode 3.24.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- globalLocationNumber Data Type- Numeric (13 digits) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThe GLN of the contact GDD DefinitionThe Global Location Number (GLN) is a structured Identification of a physical location; legal or functional entity within an enterprise. The GLN is the primary party identifier. Each party identified in the trading relationship must have a primary party Identification. 3.24.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance No guidance available at time of publication. 3.24.3. Other Guidance This is the GLN of the contact as specified in the contactType attribute. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 41 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.25. For More Information (Contact Information) (attribute 4 of 7) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. contactType availableTime globalLocationNumber communicationChannelCode communicationNumber targetMarketCountryCode targetMarketSubdivisionCode 3.25.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- communicationChannelCode Data Type- Code List GDSN Required- If populated, requires the population of communicationNumber. Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionMeans used to communicate with the contact. GDD DefinitionMeans used to communicate with another party. 3.25.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This identifies the type of communicationNumber, e.g. phone, web, email, fax. 3.25.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. 3.25.4. Code List Vales There is a list of code values for this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.7 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 42 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.26. For More Information (Contact Information) (attribute 5 of 7) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. contactType availableTime globalLocationNumber communicationChannelCode communicationNumber targetMarketCountryCode targetMarketSubdivisionCode 3.26.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- communicationNumber Data Type- Text (70 Characters) (Free Text) GDSN Required- If populated, requires the population of communicationChannelCode. Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionNumber or address assigned to a specific means of communication. Example: 609 -5551212 or GDD DefinitionNumber assigned to a specific means of communication. 3.26.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is a phone number, email address or other contact point for the specified contact. 3.26.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 43 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.27. For More Information (Contact Information) (attribute 6 of 7) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. contactType availableTime globalLocationNumber communicationChannelCode communicationNumber targetMarketCountryCode targetMarketSubdivisionCode 3.27.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- targetMarketCountryCode (Contact) Data Type- Code List (3 characters) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThe target market of the contact. GDD DefinitionThe target market code indicates the country in which the information provider will make the GTIN available to buyers. This indicator does not in any way govern where the buyer may re-sell the GTIN to consumers 3.27.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This would be left blank if the contact is for any target market. The US target market code is 840. 3.27.3. Other Guidance This field should be populated with the country in which the contact is valid. In GDSN, the list of the geographical regions or countries is defined by the ISO-3166-1 code system (3-digit numerical code). Note: Many data pools can present the 3-digit numeric country code (e.g. 124 for Canada) as the 2-digit alphabetic code (e.g. CA) to aid usability; therefore, the user may never see the 3-digit numeric codes. Note: This instance of Target Market is in relation to the contactType attribute. 3.27.4. Code List Values The code list used for targetMarketCountryCode is the ISO 3166-1 3-digit numeric code list. The list provided in Section 5.10 is valid as of January 2012. More up to date versions can be obtained from ISO at ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 44 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.28. For More Information (Contact Information) (attribute 7 of 7) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. contactType availableTime globalLocationNumber communicationChannelCode communicationNumber targetMarketCountryCode targetMarketSubdivisionCode 3.28.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- targetMarketSubdivisionCode (Contact) Data Type- Code List GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThe target market subdivision of the contact. GDD DefinitionThe Code for country sub-division definition used to indicate the geo-political subdivision of the target market (=country). 3.28.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This would be left blank if the contact is for all of the target market subdivisions. For the Target Market US, this would be a state or a territory. 3.28.3. Other Guidance This field should be populated with the country subdivision in which the contact is valid. In GDSN, the list of the geographical regions or countries is defined by the ISO-3166-2 code system. Note: This instance of Target Market is in relation to the contactType attribute. 3.28.4. Code List Values The code list used for targetMarketSubdivisionCode is the ISO 3166-2 code list. The list provided in Section 5.11 is valid as of January 2012. More up to date versions can be obtained from ISO at ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 45 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.29. Functional Name 3.29.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- functionalName Data Type- Multidescription (Allows for a language qualifier) (1 to 35 characters) GDSN Required- Mandatory Foodservice Best Practice- Mandatory part of GDSN base message set. Foodservice Common DefinitionThis attribute will typically be used to communicate the ‘commodity’ (product family), such as "Tomato" or "Cookie Dough" GDD DefinitionDescribes use of the product or service by the consumer. Should help clarify the product classification associated with the GTIN. The schema uses common library component as shown in the GDD Max Size field. For the business requirements for item, please use the specific definition of this data type and field, 1-35. 3.29.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is the generally accepted category this item resides within. A recipient may concatenate the values in Brand Name, Sub-Brand, Functional Name, and variant to provide a more rounded product description. For example, a Tenderloin Steak might be listed as "meat". "seafood". Tiger Shrimp might be listed as 3.29.3. Other Guidance This field should be populated with the ‘commodity’ (product family) description, such as "thoracic drain catheter" or "coronary stent". This attribute should not include brand names, sizes, or similar item specific characteristics or descriptive names. It answers the question: What does the product do? This attribute can be repeated for each language used. For example, in Canada, it can be sent in both French and English. The attribute is not intended to be a detailed description or specification. For this reason, a maximum of 35 characters can be communicated. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 46 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.30. Global Product Classification (GPC) 3.30.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- classificationCategoryCode Data Type- Code List (10 characters) GDSN Required- Mandatory Foodservice Best Practice- Mandatory part of GDSN base message set Foodservice Common DefinitionGPC Code required for the Global Registry. Ex: 10000447 is the GPC code for paper towels GDD DefinitionGlobal EAN.UCC classification category code. Unique, permanent 10-digit key. 3.30.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. 3.30.3. Other Guidance The Trade Item contains a primary product classification, which is the GS1 Global Product Classification (GPC). It also allows for additional product classifications, e.g. country or industry specific classifications, for the purpose of mapping. The GPC schema provides a four tier hierarchy including Segment, Family, Class and Brick. There are also Attribute Types and Values under the brick for further classification of an item. Table 3-2 Product Classification Hierarchy Level Definition Example Segment An industry segment or vertical. Food, Beverages and Tobacco Family A broad division of a segment. Milk, Butter, Cream, Yogurt, Cheese, Eggs and Substitutes Class A group of like categories. Milk and Milk Substitutes Brick Categories of like products. Milk and Substitutes Perishable The GPC brick code is mandatory in the GDSN and is sent in the classificationCategoryCode field in the Catalogue Item Notification (CIN) message (e.g., 10000025 - Milk/Milk Substitutes (Perishable)). The CIN message also enables the sending of GPC attribute types and values associated with a Brick. GPC Brick Attribute Types and Values provide additional descriptive granularity for a GPC Brick for example: Core Attribute Value Code Core Attribute Value Description 20000123 Level of Fat Claim Core Type Value Code Core Attribute Value Description 30002967 LOW FAT ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 47 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 For more information on GPC, please refer to the GPC Basics Website at: This field should be populated with the GS1 Global Product Classification (GPC) Brick Level Code, which uniquely classifies the product – a requirement for the Global Registry. For more information on product classification in the trade item, refer to the GDSN Trade Item Implementation Guide Overview. 3.30.4. Code List Values There is a list of code values for this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.8 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 48 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.31. Gluten-Free (DEPRECATED AVP Solution) This solution is to no longer be used. Please use the attribute dietTypeCode. 3.31.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- isTradeItemGlutenFree Data Type- Boolean (Yes/No) GDSN Required- Extended AVP Section Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Common DefinitionThis attribute has been marked for deletion and should not be used as of October 2012. GDD Definition- 3.31.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This attribute has been marked for deletion and should not be used as of October 2012. The attribute dietTypeCode in the kosher section of this document should be used with the value of FREE_FROM_GLUTEN. 3.31.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 49 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.32. Gross Weight with UoM 3.32.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- grossWeight Data Type- Numeric (Round up to 3 Decimals) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionUsed to identify the gross weight of the trade item. The gross weight includes all packaging materials of the trade item. At pallet level, the trade item Gross Weight includes the weight of the pallet itself. For example, "200 grm", value - total pounds, total grams, etc. Has to be associated with a valid UoM. GDD DefinitionUsed to identify the gross weight of the trade item. The gross weight includes all packaging materials of the trade item. At pallet level, the trade item Gross Weight includes the weight of the pallet itself. For example, "200 grm", value - total pounds, total grams, etc. Has to be associated with a valid UoM. 3.32.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This would be the sum of the net weight of the product plus the tare weight of the packaging. 3.32.3. Other Guidance This field should be populated with the measurement of the gross weight of an item, including all packaging, as defined in GDSN Package Measurement Rules. Similar to dimensional data, gross weights are important to the supply chain but more important at the upper levels of packaging (CASE and PACK) and less important at the EACH level of packaging. Data providers are encouraged to provide actual weights for the CASE level of their hierarchy and calculated weights for lower levels of packaging. Obviously, actual weights are preferred if they are available. Manufacturers with EACH level items that are sold in both Retail and Healthcare (in the same packaging) should provide physical weights for their EACH level packaging as required by their retail trading partners. EACH level items published to retailers and populated with a calculated weight may be rejected by the retailer. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 50 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Figure 3-3 grossWeight +UoM Attribute GTIN Child Parent Pack Level QuantityOfNext LowerLevelTrad eItem GrossWeight Calculation And UOM EACH 03133200112611 n/a 21234567891020 n/a .1 LB 5/50=.1 PACK 21234567891020 03133200112611 31234567891013 50 5 LB 20/4=5 CASE 31234567891013 21234567891020 n/a 4 20 LB Actual Note: As with all measurements in GDSN, the attribute consists of a value together with a Unit of Measure (UoM). Note: Gross Weight (and any optional weight-related attributes such as Net Weight) must all use units of measure appropriate for a Weight dimension. Important: In the event there is a regulatory framework requiring a particular unit of measure, it is the data recipient’s responsibility to ensure that local regulations are adhered to. Note: imperial measurements are commonly used in the USA, and metric measurements are normally used elsewhere. The Data Source should provide the measurement system that is required in a specific target market. For more information, please refer to the Metric and Imperial Measurements section. Note: Further general advice on Gross Weight can be found in the GDSN Package Measurement Rules Implementation Guide or the actual GDSN Package Measurement Rules. Validation Rule for Gross Weight For a physical trade item, a validation rule is in place to assist recipient’s downstream processes. Processes such as movements of partial shipping units, self-checkouts, etc. require gross weight information at all levels of a hierarchy. This ensures that the information is available for those processes. 3.32.4. Code List There is a list of code values for part of this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.25 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 51 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.33. GTIN 3.33.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- globalTradeitemNumber Data Type- Number (14 digits) GDSN Required- Mandatory Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThe Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is the standard 14-digit number used to identify individual trade items. GDD DefinitionEAN.UCC numbering structures will be used for the identification of trade items. All of them will be considered as 14-digit Global Trade Item Number (GTIN). Must be present to enable data to be presented to trade item catalogue. Must be submitted by the own er of the data (who may be the original manufacturer, the importer, the broker or the agent of the original manufacturer). This field is mandatory within the Global Data Synchronization work process. 3.33.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is the 14-digit GTIN assigned by the Brand Owner, not necessarily the manufacturer, to the product level being described with the attributes (i.e. case, pack). GTINs may be assigned at all packaging levels where applicable. For example, a distributor or operator may assign the GTINs for their Private label products. More information on how to assemble a GTIN can be found at To validate the correct check digit, use the following link To determine the owner of a GTIN, use the following link 3.33.3. Other Guidance The Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is the standard number used to identify individual trade items. This is represented in a 14-digit field in GDSN. GTIN Allocation Rules must be followed for all packaging levels for each product in healthcare, including the base, intermediate, display, and shipping units. For more information, please refer to the GS1 General Specifications (available from your local GS1 Member Organisation). Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs) uniquely identify items that are traded (Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, etc.) in the Supply Chain. Integrity of these numbers throughout the item’s lifetime is a key to maintaining uniqueness for manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, hospitals, regulatory bodies and other supply chain stakeholders. A change to one aspect, characteristic, variant or formulation of a trade item may require the allocation of a new GTIN. Brand Owners who hold the specifications of a healthcare item must properly allocate and maintain their GTINs to enable trading partners to distinguish products effectively for regulatory, supply chain and patient safety concerns. In the hierarchy example shown in Figure 2-1, each level would be identified by a specific GTIN. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 52 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Figure 3-4 GTIN Hierarchy Example Each Pack / Inner Pack Case Pallet Note: For more information on Packaging Hierarchy, refer to the GDSN Packaging Type, Packaging Material, Platform Type guidance. GTIN in a Database The GS1 US Foodservice Initiative recommends that when a GTIN is stored in a database that it should be represented using 14 digits. GDSN requires a 14 digit GTIN and documentation is available to educate manufacturers on how to convert various GTIN formats that are represented in barcodes to the GTIN-14 (adding leading zeros). GTIN Allocation Rules It is recommended for Foodservice that GTIN allocation take into account the different levels of packaging for sale of the product. Foodservice users should note that GTIN allocation rules specify that GTINs should be assigned to all levels of packaging that could be priced ordered or invoiced and may want to consider their supply chain model and/or regulatory requirements while they are assigning GTINs to products. Some products may only be sold in cases by manufacturers but are distributed in their intermediate packaging and consumed by customers in the each packaging. And regulators in some markets (including the US FDA and Global Harmonization Task Force - GHTF) have expressed that unique identifiers will be required at all levels of packaging in their markets. It is recommended that GTIN allocation consider the primary refrigeration state of the product. When a product is regularly marketed in both chilled and frozen states, then two GTINs should be allocated for the product, one for each refrigeration state. Note: For more information please refer to the GS1 General Specifications (available from your local GS1 Member Organization) Note: For more information about Foodservice GTINs refer to the Foodservice GTIN Allocation Rules at Processing Any Length GTIN® as a 14-Digit Number This section is intended to guide a software development organization in its implementation of the ® GTIN specifically when processing GTINs that are less than 14 digits. Your applications produce data, which other systems consume. This data may require the GTIN to be stored or transmitted as a 14-digit number (i.e., GDSN, EDI using the qualifier UK). It is therefore recommended that the GTIN value be “right justified” in the field and the remaining positions be filled with pad zeros (see below). Take caution that since many databases do not allow numeric data to start with a zero, the GTIN field is recommended to be formatted as text. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 53 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 GTIN-8 appearing as an EAN-8 Original GTIN Padded GTIN 12345670 00000012345670 8-digit GTIN padded with six zeros GTIN-12 appearing as a UPC-A or UPC-E Original GTIN Padded GTIN 314141999995 00314141999995 12-digit GTIN padded with two zeros GTIN-13 appearing as an EAN-13 Original GTIN Padded GTIN 0314141999995 00314141999995 13-digit GTIN padded with one zero ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 54 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.34. GTIN of Next Higher Package Level (NO LONGER IN USE) This attribute is to no longer be used. This message set including this information is no longer in use. 3.34.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- parentGTIN Data Type- Numeric (14 digits) GDSN Required- Dependent (Based on level of Hierarchy) Foodservice Best Practice- Dependent (If Applicable) part of GDSN base message set. Foodservice Common DefinitionThis process which used this attribute has been marked for deletion and should not be used as of October 2012. GDD Definition- 3.34.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This attribute has been marked for deletion and should not be used as of October 2012. 3.34.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 55 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.35. GTIN of Next Lower Package Level 3.35.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- childGTIN Data Type- Numeric (14 digits) GDSN Required- Dependent (Based on level of Hierarchy) Foodservice Best Practice- Dependent (If Applicable) Part of GDSN base message set. Foodservice Common DefinitionThis is the GTIN of the trade item for the product packaging level immediately below this item. For example if this item is a pack or case, the each GTIN would be populated here to signify it as the packaging level below. Required for all packaging levels other than the lowest or base level. GDD DefinitionA particular Global trade item Number, a numerical value used to uniquely identify a trade item. A trade item is any trade item (trade item or service) upon which there is a need to retrieve pre-defined information and that may be planned, priced, ordered, delivered and or invoiced at any point in any supply chain. In this context, the GTIN for the current item which is a child item of another item. 3.35.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance If this GTIN is for a Case of 6 cans of Green Beans, you would enter the GTIN for the single #10 can here (If assigned a GTIN at that level). If this GTIN is the case level and there is no each or pack level, this attribute will be blank. If this is populated, the attributes quantityOfChildren and totalQuantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem must also be populated. 3.35.3. Other Guidance This field should be populated with the definition of the hierarchy within which the GTIN is a part. The childGTIN is the GTIN of the trade item for the product packaging level immediately below the GTIN upon which it is populated. It is not populated on the lowest level of the hierarchy. For example if this item is a pack or case, the each GTIN would be populated here to signify it as the packaging level below. This field is required to be populated on all but the lowest or base packaging level. It is important to note that a trade item with a Trade Item Unit Descriptor of EACH is not allowed to have a child GTIN. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 56 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.36. Height with UoM 3.36.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- height Data Type- Numeric (Round up to 3 Decimals) GDSN Required- Mandatory Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThe measurement of the height of the trade item. The vertical dimension from the lowest extremity to the highest extremity, including packaging. At a pallet level, the trade item Height will include the height of the pallet itself. Business Rules: Measurements are relative to how the customer normally views the trade item. Needs to be associated with a valid UoM. GDD DefinitionThe measurement of the height of the trade item. The vertical dimension from the lowest extremity to the highest extremity, including packaging. At a pallet level, the trade item height will include the height of the pallet itself. Business Rules: Measurements are relative to how the customer normally views the trade item. Needs to be associated with a valid UoM. 3.36.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance The dimensions values are based on the GS1 Package Measurement Rules. These Rules may differ from the dimensions currently stored in the Trading Partners systems and the Rules should be reviewed. It is common to confuse the measurements of Length, Width, and Height with Width, Depth and Height. 3.36.3. Other Guidance Packaging: Height +UoM, Width + UoM, Depth + UoM Many markets require dimensional data at all levels of packaging. This is used by data recipients for internal planning purposes. Therefore, it is highly recommended that trading partners provide the required by the attributes in question. Note: Markets where data synchronization is just starting to be implemented may have agreements regarding exceptions to this guidance. Please consult your local GS1 Member Organisation, GDSN certified data pool or trading partner. Manufacturers with items that are sold in both Retail and Healthcare (in the same packaging) should provide physical dimensions for their EACH level packaging as required by their retail trading partners. EACH level items published to retailers and populated with calculated dimensions may be rejected by the retailer. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 57 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Figure 3-5 Packaging: Height +UoM, Width + UoM, Depth + UoM EACH level items published to retailers and populated with the value of 0.001 will likely be rejected by the retailer. For manufacturers that have EA level dimensions, it is requested that their accurate measurements be supplied. Note: As with all measurements in GDSN, the attribute consists of a value together with a Unit of Measure (UoM). Note: Height, Width and Depth must all use units of measure appropriate for a Length dimension, such as millimetres, centimetres and metres (for metric system) and inches and feet (for US imperial system). Millimetres and inches are the most common units of measure in use. Important: In the event there is a regulatory framework requiring a particular unit of measure, it is the data recipient’s responsibility to ensure that local regulations are adhered to. Note: Imperial measurements are commonly used in the USA, and metric measurements are normally used elsewhere. The Data Source should provide the measurement system that is required in a specific target market. For more information, please refer to the Metric and Imperial Measurements section. Note: Further general advice on Height, Width and Depth can be found in the GDSN Package Measurement Rules Implementation Guide or the actual GDSN Package Measurement Rules. 3.36.4. Code List There is a list of code values for part of this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.13 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 58 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.37. Individual Unit Measures (attribute 1 of 2) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. individualUnitMinimum individualUnitMaximum 3.37.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- individualUnitMaximum Data Type- Numeric (Round up to 3 Decimals) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice (Threshold) Foodservice Common DefinitionThe maximum or largest size of the individual unit inside the lowest level of packaging expressed as a measurement. GDD DefinitionThe maximum or largest size of the individual unit inside the lowest level of packaging expressed as a measurement. 3.37.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This attribute refers to the lowest level packaging or product un-packaged which may or may not have an assigned GTIN. This attribute is used to describe the size and not the quantity for this level. Values expected should be ounces, pounds, kilos, etc.; not count, pieces, sets or etc. This particular attribute should be the lowest size of the individual unit. 3.37.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. 3.37.4. Code List There is a list of code values for part of this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.27 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 59 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.38. Individual Unit Measures (attribute 2 of 2) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. individualUnitMinimum individualUnitMaximum 3.38.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- individualUnitMinimum Data Type- Numeric (Round up to 3 Decimals) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice (Threshold) Foodservice Common DefinitionThe minimum or smallest size of the individual unit inside the lowest level of packaging expressed as a measurement. GDD DefinitionThe minimum or smallest size of the individual unit inside the lowest level of packaging expressed as a measurement. 3.38.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This attribute refers to the lowest level packaging or product un-packaged which may or may not have an assigned GTIN. This attribute is used to describe the size and not the quantity for this level. Values expected should be ounces, pounds, kilos, etc.; not count, pieces, sets or etc. This particular attribute should be the largest size of the individual unit. 3.38.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. 3.38.4. Code List There is a list of code values for part of this attribute, which can be found in Section 5. 27 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 60 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.39. Information Provider GLN (attribute 1 of 2) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. informationProvider nameOfInformationProvider 3.39.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- informationProvider Data Type- Numeric (13 digits) GDSN Required- Mandatory Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionCombination of this field (GLN) + GTIN + target market uniquely identifies a set of attributes for a trade item. The data owner is not necessarily the source of the data, but has the responsibility to provide and maintain the data in the catalogue. This field is mandatory within the Global Data Synchronization work process. GDD DefinitionCombination of this field (GLN) + GTIN + target market uniquely identifies a set of attributes for a trade item. The data owner is not nec essarily the source of the data, but has the responsibility to provide and maintain the data in the catalogue. This field is mandatory within the Global Data Synchronization work process. 3.39.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is the GLN for the data source. This GLN may not be the same as the brand owner, specifically in case of private label brands. This is the GLN for the provider of the product information, which may or may not be the GTIN owner. More information on how to assemble a GLN can be found at To validate the correct check digit, use the following link To determine the owner of a GLN, use the following link 3.39.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 61 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.40. Information Provider GLN (attribute 2 of 2) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. informatiopnProvider nameOfInformationProvider 3.40.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- nameOfInformationProvider Data Type- Text (1 to 35 characters) Free Text GDSN Required- If populated, requires the population of information provider (GLN). Foodservice Best Practice- Mandatory part of GDSN base message set. Foodservice Common DefinitionName of the party who owns the trade item data. . GDD DefinitionName of the party who owns the data. Name of the information provider on the trade item. Mandatory when informationProvider is provided. 3.40.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is the name for data source. 3.40.3. Other Guidance This is the name and GLN of the company or entity publishing the product information. For most situations, this will be the manufacturer and the GLN will be the GDSN key for routing messages to and from the manufacturer via the GDSN messaging system. Some manufacturers may designate a single GLN as their GDSN “mailbox” to publish all their GDSN data. Others may use multiple GLNs and publish data by division or region. Note: See GDSN Trade Item Implementation Guide for more information regarding uses of these attributes in different manufacturing environments including contract manufacturing. Examples Other Uses for the attribute “Name of Information Provider” This section contains examples of how the attributes NameOfInformationProvider and InformationProvider can be used to satisfy various manufacturing scenarios including contract manufacturing. These attributes contain the GLN and user assigned name that identifies the party, which is providing the GDS message for the product. The Information Provider may, or may not, be the brand owner or the manufacturer. The Information Provider is providing a message for the item based on how the item is traded between the Information Provider and its downstream trading partners. See examples below. This example covers a “company A” who owns a manufacturing plant where they make blue widgets. They control the manufacturing process, and the physical manufacturing of the product. In this example, the “company A” would be populated as the manufacturer. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 62 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Example 3-3 Blue Widgets where “company A” controls the manufacturing process 4. Package 5. Description 14. 28. 42. 15.Case 29. Box 43.Each 6. GTIN 16. 31234567891102 17. 30. 21234567891105 31. 44. 01234567891101 45. 7.Product Description Short 18. Blue Information 8. Provider GLN 19. 32. 20. Blue 33. Blue 34. 47. 48. Brand 10.Owner GLN 22. 35. Manufacturer 12. GLN 36. 26. 39. Company 37. 50. 40. 53. Company 0123456000018 52. 51. 27. 31234567891102 A 41. 21234567891105 A Company 0123456000018 54. A GTIN Company 0123456000018 A Manufacturer 13. Company 0123456000018 A 0123456000018 38. A 25. Company 23. A 49. 11.Brand Owner 0123456000018 24. A Company 0123456000018 Widget 21. Company 0123456000018 Widget 46. Company 0123456000018 Widget Information 9. Provider 55. 01234567891101 A For its red widgets, “company A” contracts with “company B” to physically manufacture the product. The product specifications are controlled by “company A” even though ‘company B” runs the manufacturing plant. “Company A” is listed on the packing as the manufacturer. In this example, “company A” would be populated as the manufacturer. Example 3-4 Red Widgets where “company A” contracts with “company B” to manufacture, but “company A” controls the manufacturing process 56. 65. 77. 89. Package 57. Description 66.Case 78. Box 90.Each 58. GTIN 67. 20123459874443 79. 10123459874446 91. 00123459874449 Product 59. Descriptio n Short Information 60. Provider GLN Information 61. Provider Brand62. Owner GLN 63. Brand Owner Green 68. Widget 69. 0123456000018 70. Company 71. A 72. Company 0123456000018 74. 73. A 75. 0123456000018 76. Company Green 80. Widget 81. 0123456000018 82. Company 83. A 84. Company 0123456000018 86. 85. A 87. 0123456000018 88. Company Green 92. Widget 93. 0123456000018 94. Company 95. A 96. Company 0123456000018 98. 97. A 99. 0123456000018 100. Company Manufacturer 64. GLN Manufacturer A A A For its purple widgets, “company A” contracts with “company B” to manufacture the product under “company B’s” brand name. The product specifications and physical manufacturing process are controlled by “company B”. “Company B” is listed on the packing as the manufacturer. In this example, ‘company B” would be populated as the manufacturer. Example 3-5 Purple Widgets where “company A” contracts with “company B” to manufacture and “company B” controls the manufacturing process 101. 110. 122. 134. Package 102. Description 111. Case 123.Box 135. Each 103. GTIN 112. 20123459874436 124. 10123459874439 136. 0123459874432 Product 104. Descriptio n Short Information 105. Provider GLN Information 106. Provider Brand107. Owner GLN 108. Brand Owner Green 113. Widget 114. 0123456000018 115. Company 116. A 117. Company 0123456000018 119. 118. A 120. 0222222000013 121. Company Green 125. Widget 126. 0123456000018 127. Company 128. A 129. Company 0123456000018 131. 130. A 132. 0222222000013 133. Company Green 137. Widget 138. 0123456000018 139. Company 140. A 141. Company 0123456000018 143. 142. A 144. 0222222000013 145. Company Manufacturer 109. GLN Manufacturer B B B For its orange widget, ‘company A” purchases the product from ‘company C”. In this example, “company A” acts as a distributor of “company C’s”’ orange widget. The packaging states that ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 63 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 “company C” is the manufacturer. In this example, “company C” would be populated as the manufacturer, with “company C’s” GLN, and also as the Brand Owner. Example 3-6 Orange Widgets which ‘”company A” purchases from “company C” and distributes 146. 155. 167. 179. Package 147. Description 156. Case 168. Box 180. Each 148. GTIN 157. 20123459874559 169. 10123459874552 181. 00123459874555 Product 149. Descriptio n Short Information 150. Provider GLN Informatio 151. n Provider Brand 152. Owner GLN 153. Brand Owner Manufacturer 154. GLN Manufact urer Green 158. Widget 159. 0123456000018 160. Company 161. A 162. 0111111000015 163. Company 164. C 165. 0111111000015 166. Company Green 170. Widget 171. 0123456000018 172. Company 173. A 174. 0111111000015 175. Company 176. C 177. 0111111000015 178. Company Green 182. Widget 183. 0123456000018 184. Company 185. A 186. 0111111000015 187. Company 188. C 189. 0111111000015 190. Company ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 64 OF 282 C C C GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.41. Ingredients English (& Spanish optional) (attribute 1 of 5) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. ingredientStatement ingredientSequence ingredientName countryOfOrigin fishCatchZone 3.41.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- ingredientStatement Data Type- Multidescription (Allows for a language qualifier) (5000 characters) Free Text GDSN Required- If populated, requires the population of ingredientSequence. Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold for Food items only Foodservice Common DefinitionA free form text field used to convey the list of ingredients of the product. The order of population of the list will be required by the target market into which the item is being sold. For example in the US, it is required that the list should appear in the order as it would printed on the label from largest to smallest in order of containment in the item. GDD DefinitionInformation on the constituent ingredient make-up of the product specified as one string. 3.41.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance For non-food items, this can be populated independent from the Ingredient Sequence, Ingredient, Country of Origin (ingredient), and/or Fish Catch Zone. 3.41.3. Other Guidance The Food & Beverage Extension facilitates the exchange of a structured list of individual ingredients as well as an ingredient statement (one text field). The latter is incorporated to facilitate all those trading partners that currently are not able to break down the list of ingredient per ingredient. The breakdown of the ingredient list per ingredient however is mandatory in case there is a need to enable: structured searches specification of information per ingredient (for instance the content percentage and /or country of origin) ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 65 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.42. Ingredients English (& Spanish optional) (attribute 2 of 5) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. ingredientStatement ingredientSequence ingredientName countryOfOrigin fishCatchZone 3.42.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- ingredientSequence Data Type- Integer (12 Characters) GDSN Required- If populated, requires the population of ingredientStatement. Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice (Threshold) for Food items only Foodservice Common DefinitionNumber signifying the order of the ingredient. Target Market Regulations may specify the specific order of these ingredients. For example from highest concentration to lowest concentration. GDD DefinitionInteger (1; 2; 3…) indicating the ingredient order by content percentage of the product. (major ingredient = 1; second ingredient = 2) etc. 3.42.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is the ingredient sequence as is normally found on the package label. 3.42.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 66 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.43. Ingredients English (& Spanish optional) (attribute 3 of 5) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. ingredientStatement ingredientSequence ingredientName countryOfOrigin fishCatchZone 3.43.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- ingredientName Data Type- Text (70 Characters) (Free Text) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice (Threshold) for Food items only Foodservice Common DefinitionText field indicating one ingredient or ingredient group (according to regulations of the target market). Ingredients include any additives (colorings; preservatives; e -numbers; etc.) that are encompassed. GDD DefinitionText field indicating one ingredient or ingredient group (according to regulations of the target market). Ingredients include any additives (colorings; preservatives; e -numbers; etc.) that are encompassed. 3.43.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is the ingredient name as listed on the package label. 3.43.3. Other Guidance The Food & Beverage Extension facilitates the exchange of a structured list of individual ingredients as well as an ingredient statement (one text field). The latter is incorporated to facilitate all those trading partners that currently are not able to break down the list of ingredient per ingredient. The breakdown of the ingredient list per ingredient however is mandatory in case there is a need to enable: structured searches specification of information per ingredient (for instance the content percentage and /or country of origin) ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 67 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.44. Ingredients English (& Spanish optional) (attribute 4 of 5) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. ingredientStatement ingredientSequence ingredientName countryOfOrigin fishCatchZone 3.44.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- countryOfOrigin Data Type- Code List (3 Characters) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold (food items only) Foodservice Common DefinitionCode indicating the country of origin of the ingredient. GDD DefinitionCode indicating the country of origin of the ingredient (ISO-3166). 3.44.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This field is recursive. predominance. If more than one country of origin they should be listed in order of 3.44.3. Other Guidance This is the country of origin of the actual ingredient not of the overall trade item. It is specified against the ingredient attribute. 3.44.4. Code List Values The code list used for countryOfOrigin is the ISO 3166-1 3-digit numeric code list. The list provided in Section 5.10 is valid as of January 2012. More up to date versions can be obtained from ISO at ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 68 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.45. Ingredients English (& Spanish optional) (attribute 5 of 5) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. ingredientStatement ingredientSequence ingredientName countryOfOrigin fishCatchZone 3.45.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- fishCatchZone Data Type- Text (70 Characters) (Free Text) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThe sea zone from which the seafood in the trade item was caught. GDD DefinitionThe sea zone from which the seafood in the trade item was caught in. 3.45.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This field is recursive. If more than one catch zone they should be listed in order of predominance. 3.45.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 69 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.46. Inner Pack Quantity (No GTIN Assigned) 3.46.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- quantityOfInnerPack Data Type- Integer GDSN Required- Use only if NO Inner Pack GTIN has been assigned. Populate on the Case GTIN. Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold (According to GDSN Rules) Foodservice Common DefinitionWhere a GTIN is not assigned to an inner pack, this number denotes the number of inner packs contained in a GTIN. Expressed at the lowest hierarchy level above the inner pack. GDD DefinitionIndicates the number of next lower level trade items contained within the non -GTIN assigned innerpack. 3.46.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This attribute is only populated when there is at least one physical packaging level below this GTIN but a GTIN is not assigned to this lower level. This attribute reflects the number of immediate next lower level packages that are contained in this GTIN 3.46.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 70 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.47. Is Item the Base Unit (Lowest Packaging Level) 3.47.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- isTradeItemABaseUnit Data Type- Boolean (Yes/No) GDSN Required- Mandatory Foodservice Best Practice- Mandatory part of GDSN base message set. Foodservice Common DefinitionAn indicator identifying if the packaging level is the lowest level of an item's hierarchy. This level cannot have any lower levels. GDD DefinitionAn indicator identifying the trade item as the base unit level of the trade item hierarchy. This is y/n (Boolean) where y indicates the trade item is a base unit. 3.47.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is the lowest level of packaging, which is published. 3.47.3. Other Guidance This is an indication that this GTIN (product hierarchy level) is the lowest level in the hierarchy and as such, there will be no child GTINs below this GTIN. This attribute can and must be always TRUE for the lowest level of the hierarchy, note there may be multiple trade items at the lowest level of an item hierarchy. This value is the same for all target markets and trading partners and cannot be different from one to the next. Figure 3-6 Example Responses for a Two-Level Hierarchy Attribute GTIN Consumer Unit Orderable Unit Invoice Unit Despatch Unit Base Unit FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE Pack Level EACH 01234567891019 FALSE Optional and Item Specific CASE 31234567891013 FALSE Optional and Item Specific ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 71 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Figure 3-7 Example for a Three-Level Hierarchy Attribute GTIN Consumer Unit Orderable Unit Invoice Unit Despatch Unit Base Unit Pack Level EACH 01234567891019 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE Optional and Item Specific PACK 21234567891020 FALSE Optional and Item Specific CASE 31234567891013 FALSE Optional and Item Specific Important: Due to the support given by GDSN to the Order-to-Cash cycle in multiple industries which are mature in their use of GDSN, which rely heavily on the use of these Boolean attributes, GS1 has defined these attributes to be Mandatory, i.e. Required. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 72 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.48. Is Packaging marked as Returnable? 3.48.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- isPackagingMarkedReturnable Data Type- Boolean (Yes/No) GDSN Required- Mandatory Foodservice Best Practice- Mandatory part of GDSN base message set. Foodservice Common DefinitionIdentifies if the packaging is marked that it can be returned to the source. Such packaging would then be reused or recycled for reuse in packaging other items. GDD DefinitionTrade item has returnable packaging. This is a yes/no (Boolean) where yes equals package can be returned. Attribute applies to returnable packaging with or without deposit. 3.48.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This refers to the packaging for this GTIN level, and not the product itself. This is the empty shipping container, primarily. For Chicken in a tote, the tote is returnable so the value here would be YES. 3.48.3. Other Guidance This is an indication that the product has a mark(s), which specify that the packaging is returnable. A value of TRUE provides that the packaging can be returned to the manufacturer for reuse or recycling (based on the type of packaging); this attribute can be TRUE for several levels of the hierarchy depending on the need and specific manner in which the hierarchy is built. This value is the same for all target markets and trading partners and cannot be different from one to the next. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 73 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.49. Is the Item marked with a Batch/Lot Number? 3.49.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- hasBatchNumber Data Type- Boolean (Yes/No) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best PracticeFoodservice Common DefinitionIdentifies if an item is marked with a batch or lot number. GDD DefinitionIndication whether the base trade item is batch or lot number requested b y law, not batch or lot number requested by law but batch or lot number allocated, or not batch or lot number allocated. A batch or lot number is a manufacturer assigned code used to identify a trade item's trade item on batch or lot. Differs from Serial Number, which is a manufacturer assigned code during the trade item on cycle to identify a unique trade item. 3.49.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is not the actual batch number, but an indication that there is a Batch or Lot number on the item or its packaging. 3.49.3. Other Guidance This attribute will identify if a GTIN is marked with a batch or lot number. This is only an indication that the batch or lot number is on the package not a report of the actual Batch number itself. Should actual numbers be needed, the user needing these should refer to the packaging or to transactional messages for them. If the packaging level is marked with lot or batch information then the value for the pack level should be set to “TRUE” ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 74 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.50. Is Trade Item Marked As Recyclable 3.50.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- isTradeItemMarkedAsRecyclable Data Type- Boolean (Yes/No) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best PracticeFoodservice Common DefinitionIdentifies if a package level is marked with an indicator signifying the item can be recycled. GDD DefinitionTrade item has a recyclable indication marked on it. This may be a symbol from one of many regional agencies. 3.50.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is an indicator that the product is marked as being recyclable. 3.50.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 75 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.51. Is Trade Item Consumer Unit? 3.51.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- isTradeItemAConsumerUnit Data Type- Boolean (Yes/No) GDSN Required- Mandatory Foodservice Best Practice- Mandatory part of GDSN base message set. Foodservice Common DefinitionAn indicator signifying this packaging level is packaged and marked to cross a consumer point of sale. GDD DefinitionIdentifies whether the current hierarchy level of a trade item is intended for an ultimate consumption. For retail, this trade item will be scanned at point of sale. At retail, this data is commonly used to select which GTINs should be used for shelf planning and for front end POS databases. This value reflects the intention of the Information Provider, which may not necessarily be reflected by the retailer. 3.51.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This indicator is populated when this GTIN level is marked so as to be processed across a point of sale system for sale to an end user. 3.51.3. Other Guidance This is an indication that the product is intended for ultimate consumption. This attribute can be TRUE for several levels of the hierarchy depending on the need and speci fic manner in which the hierarchy is built. This value is the same for all target markets and trading partners and cannot be different from one to the next. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 76 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.52. Is Trade Item An Invoice Unit 3.52.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- isTradeItemAnInvoiceUnit Data Type- Boolean (Yes/No) GDSN Required- Mandatory Foodservice Best Practice- Mandatory part of GDSN base message set. Foodservice Common DefinitionAn indicator identifying the item packaging level may appear on an invoice. This level may or may not be the shipping unit. GDD DefinitionAn indicator identifying that the information provider will include this trade item on their billing or invoice. This may be relationship dependent based on channel of trade or other point to point agreement. This is y/n (Boolean) where y indicates the trade item is an invoicing unit. 3.52.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This indicator is populated when this GTIN level can appear on an invoice from the Information Provider to the recipient. This value may be one value when the GTIN is shipped from the Manufacturer to a Distributor, and a different value when shipped from a Distributor to an Operator. This is due to the fact that it is intended to be representative of the relationship. 3.52.3. Other Guidance This is an indication that this GTIN (product hierarchy level) will appear on invoices. This attribute can be TRUE for several levels of the hierarchy depending on the need and specific manner in which the hierarchy is built or too whom the product information is sent. This value can be different across target markets and trading partners. Note: Must be true for at least one GTIN in the packaging hierarchy. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 77 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.53. Is Trade Item An Orderable Unit 3.53.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- isTradeItemAnOrderableUnit Data Type- Boolean (Yes/No) GDSN Required- Mandatory Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice (Threshold) Foodservice Common DefinitionAn indicator identifying the item packaging level is orderable. This level may or may not be the shipping unit GDD DefinitionAn indicator identifying that the information provider considers this trade item to be at a hierarchy level where they will accept orders from customers. This may be different from what the information provider identifies as a despatch unit. This may be a relationship dependent based on channel of trade or other point-to-point agreement. This is y/n (Boolean) where y indicates the trade item is an ordering unit. 3.53.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance Is this packaging level the orderable level? Normally, this is YES if the level is the case. 3.53.3. Other Guidance This is an indication that this GTIN (product hierarchy level) will be accepted in the ordering process. This attribute can be TRUE for several levels of the hierarchy depending on the need and specific manner in which the hierarchy is built or to whom the product information is sent. This value can be different across target markets and trading partners. Note: Must be true for at least one GTIN in the packaging hierarchy. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 78 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.54. Is Trade Item A Shipping Unit 3.54.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- isTradeItemADespatchUnit Data Type- Boolean (Yes/No) GDSN Required- Mandatory Foodservice Best Practice- Mandatory part of GDSN base message set. Foodservice Common DefinitionAn indicator signifying this packaging level is a shippable level. This level may or may not be the ordering unit. GDD DefinitionAn indicator identifying that the information provider considers the trade item as a dispatch (shipping) unit. This may be relationship dependent based on channel of trade or other point-to-point agreement. This is y/n (Boolean) where y indicates the trade item is a dispatch unit. 3.54.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This indicator is populated when this GTIN level is shippable from the Information Provider to the recipient. This value may be one value when the GTIN is shipped from the Manufacturer to a Distributor, and a different value when shipped from a Distributor to an Operator. This is due to the fact that it is intended to be representative of the relationship. 3.54.3. Other Guidance This is an indication that this GTIN (product hierarchy level) is the level at which shipments will be made. This attribute can be TRUE for several levels of the hierarchy depending on the need and specific manner in which the hierarchy is built or too whom the product information is sent. This value can be different across target markets and trading partners. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 79 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.55. Item Availability Date 3.55.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- startAvailabilityDateTime Data Type- Date (CCYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS) GDSN Required- Mandatory Foodservice Best Practice- Mandatory part of GDSN base message set. Foodservice Common DefinitionIndicates when the product is available for sale from the manufacturer. (Initial population is for current or future date.) GDD DefinitionThe date (CCYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS) from which the trade item becomes available from the manufacturer, including seasonal or temporary trade item and services. 3.55.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is the date when orders can first be placed. 3.55.3. Other Guidance Indicates when the product is available for sale from the supplier. This is different from the date when the product is published (initial publication). Can be used for preloading (future) product when available… The date (CCYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS) from which the trade item becomes available from the supplier, including seasonal or temporary trade item and services. Note: if the exact time is not significant, it is normal to send CCYY-MM-DDT00:00:00. startAvailabiltyDateTime GDSN Extension/Section Class Name Attribute Name Attribute Definition Implementation Guidance GDSN Trading Partner Neutral Trade Item Information TradeItemDateInformation startAvailabilityDateTime The date (CCYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS) from which the trade item becomes available from the supplier; including seasonal or temporary trade item and services. Guidance will be provided once the GDS SMG Clarifies the use of this attribute. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 80 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.56. Item in Inner Pack Quantity (No GTIN Assigned) 3.56.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- quantityOfNextLevelTradeItemWithinInnerPack Data Type- Integer GDSN Required- Use only if NO Inner Pack GTIN has been assigned. Populate on the Case GTIN. Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionWhere a GTIN is not assigned to an item in the inner pack (inner pack may or may not have a GTIN assigned), this number denotes the number of items contained in the inner pack GTIN. Expressed at the lowest hierarchy level above the item. GDD DefinitionIndicates the number of non-GTIN assigned each or inner pack of next lower level trade items within the current GTIN level. 3.56.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This attribute is the quantity of lower level packages or product un-packaged below the Inner Pack Quantity (No-GTIN assigned). This attribute would be a value of "1" if the quantity of lowest level packaging or product un-packaged varies or is not guaranteed. 3.56.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 81 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.57. Kosher Certification (attribute 1 of 2) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. dietCertificationAgency dietCertificationNumber 3.57.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- dietCertificationAgency Data Type- Text (60 Characters) (Free Text) GDSN Required- If populated, requires the population of dietCertificationNumber. Foodservice Best Practice- Optional, but may be Foodservice Best Practice Threshold by some data recipients Foodservice Common DefinitionName of organization defining the requirements for diet claims GDD DefinitionName of organization defining the requirements for diet claims 3.57.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance If populating the Agency, Diet Type Code (Phase 1 attribute) must also be populated. 3.57.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 82 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.58. Kosher Certification (attribute 2 of 2) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. dietCertificationAgency dietCertificationNumber 3.58.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- dietCertificationNumber Data Type- Text (60 Characters) (Free Text) GDSN Required- If populated, requires the population of dietCertificationAgency. Foodservice Best Practice- Optional, but may be Foodservice Best Practice Threshold by some data recipients Foodservice Common DefinitionIdentification given to the trade item by the certification organization defining the requirements for diet claims. (Not all certification Agencies issue certificate numbers) GDD DefinitionIdentification given to the trade item by the certification organization defining the requirements for diet claims. 3.58.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance If populating the Agency, Diet Type Code (Phase 1 attribute) must also be populated. 3.58.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 83 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.59. Kosher, Organic, Vegan, Halal, Gluten Free, etc. 3.59.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- dietTypeCode Data Type- Code List (recommended 60 Characters) GDSN Required- Mandatory (If Class invoked) (Class can be repeated for as many Diet Types as need to be reported for the item.) Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold for Food items Only Foodservice Common DefinitionCode indicating the diet type for which the product is suitable. (The KOSHER value should only be selected if the Trade Item has been certified Kosher by a Kosher certification agency.) GDD DefinitionCode indicating the diet the product is suitable for. 3.59.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is for food products only. This attribute is recursive so that all diet types can be specified. Currently, additional information on further detail of the diet type, such as Dairy, or Meat as a subset of Kosher, is not available. A code list attribute is being added in the GDSN Major Release 3.x (in 2016) to assist with further defining the diet type. The attribute name is yet to be assigned but will be referenced when available. Some of the values to be added for the US market are: For Kosher o Meat o Fish o Dairy o Pareve o Kosher for Passover For Vegetarian o Ovo o Lacto o Pesca o Lacto-Ovo o Lacto-Ovo-Pesca For FREE_FROM_GLUTEN, this refers, in the US, to items which contain less than or equal to 20mg/kg of gluten. If the gluten content is higher than 20mg/kg, then the value can not be populated as the item is not considered to be gluten free. The FDA rule also requires foods with the claims “no gluten,” “free of gluten,” and “without gluten” to meet the definition for “gluten-free. There are many potential issues in labeling foods as "vegetarian" or "vegan." The following points are a starting point for discussion. For more information, contact The Vegetarian Resource Group (VRG). Note that VRG does not certify products, but can share results of polls, research, and anecdotal opinions of consumers. Vegetarian food does not contain meat, fish/seafood, fowl, or other ingredients that involve killing such as gelatin, chicken broth, animal rennet, or carmine. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 84 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Vegan food is vegetarian food that does not contain meat, fish/seafood, fowl, eggs, dairy, honey, or any other ingredients from an animal, which may or may not involve killing such as vitamin D3 derived from lanolin from sheep’s wool, L-cysteine from duck feathers, or beeswax. In America, historically vegetarians may have eaten eggs; but in certain other cultures eggs are not considered vegetarian. On college campuses which tend to be diverse, a clear definition of vegetarian foods should be used. If eggs are included, this should be clearly indicated. Vegetarian foods should be cooked separately from non-vegetarian foods (separate grills, for instance). The following are aspects all trading partners should take into consideration. 1. Like those that keep Kosher, vegetarian and vegan individuals may make different choices. But food manufacturers should stick to the strictest definition. For examples of data on a few different opinions, see 2. If you label a product as “vegetarian” or “vegan”, then you should know the sources of the micro-ingredients and processing aids, which should all be vegetarian or vegan. Here are some ingredient issues to look at: For example, though there are different opinions on the sugar question (some sugar companies process cane sugar through a bone char in order to decolorize the sugar), if you are labeling a product “vegetarian” or “vegan,” you should use organic sugar or another sugar you know is not processed with animal bone char. 3. Today, many foods are processed and contain questionable micro-ingredients and processing aids. For example, see Ingredients and their sources can change. The list of ingredient sources is dependent on manufacturer information and mistakes can easily be made. Companies needs to be careful not to substitute non-vegetarian or non-vegan ingredients in products labeled as “vegetarian” or “vegan.” 4. Vegetarian and vegan products should have clear labeling of ingredients. If an ingredient can be vegetarian or not, indicate on the label that the ingredient is vegetarian when it is, such as sugar or monoglycerides. 5. As vegetarians and vegans have more information and there are new products, the expectations of vegetarian and vegan products will evolve. FOR MANUFACTURERS The following are aspects manufacturers should also take into consideration. 1. Manufacturers are meeting the needs of people who may eat one vegetarian meal per week up to strict vegetarians and vegans. See 2. Companies that produce vegetarian foods should have a section on their website which lists sources of ingredients for the vegetarian foods. 3. If you are unsure of an ingredient or processing aid, don’t use it or don’t label the product “vegetarian” or “vegan.” 4. In an ideal world, vegetarian foods would be manufactured separately from non-vegetarian foods. This is often not practical. Today, there should be strict cleaning of equipment as you ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 85 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 would if kosher products are prepared on the same equipment as non-kosher products or dairy-free products/products without nuts are made on the same equipment manufacturing foods with dairy or nuts. And there should be disclosure on the package and website so the consumer can make his/her own decision. FOR OPERATORS: The following are aspects operators should also take into consideration. 1. Operators are meeting the needs of people who may eat one vegetarian meal per week up to strict vegetarians and vegans. See 2. Operators should have clear disclosure and labeling of all items and details about preparation (for example if a separate grill used). This information and a list of all ingredients should be easily accessible in the dining hall and on-line. 3.59.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. 3.59.4. Code List Values There is a list of code values for this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.12 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 86 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.60. Links to websites, Images, Documents, Video, Audio Files (attribute 1 of 5) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. typeOfInformation uniformResourceIdentifier fileFormatName fileName fileEffectiveStateDateTime 3.60.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- typeOfInformation Data Type-Code List GDSN Required- Mandatory (If Class invoked) (Class can be repeated for as many external files as are available for the item.) Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice (Threshold) Foodservice Common DefinitionCode identifying the type of information contained in the file. Example: Product Image, MSDS Sheet, Instructions Sheet, etc. GDD DefinitionCode identifying the type of information contained in the file. Example: Image of product label. 3.60.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This attribute specifies the type of file (image) which can be found a t the link being provided in the attribute uniformResourceIdentifier. The primary types to be used are: OUT_OF_PACKAGE_IMAGE- For images of the product when removed from packaging such as styled or plated images. PRODUCT_IMAGE- For images of the product typically in packaging PRODUCT_LABEL_IMAGE- For images specifically of the label or labels for the product SDS- For links to any Safety Data Sheets for the product WEBSITE- For links to any specific websites for the product For specific GS1 US Foodservice guidance on imaging, please review the Product Images Application Guideline ( 3.60.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. 3.60.4. Code List Values There is a list of code values for part of this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.14 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 87 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.61. Links to websites, Images, Documents, Video, Audio Files (attribute 2 of 5) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. typeOfInformation uniformResourceIdentifier fileFormatName fileName fileEffectiveStateDateTime 3.61.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- uniformResourceIdentifier Data Type- Text (512 Characters) (Free Text) GDSN Required- Mandatory (If Class invoked) (Class can be repeated for as many external files as are available for the item.) Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThe URL link for the external file. The file can be an image, docume nt, website, video or audio. Simple text string that refers to a resource on the internet. GDD DefinitionSimple text string that refers to a resource on the internet, URIs may refer to documents, resources, people … 3.61.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is the location on or link to the internet where the information can be found. For specific GS1 US Foodservice guidance on imaging, please review the Product Images Application Guideline ( 3.61.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 88 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.62. Links to websites, Images, Documents, Video, Audio Files (attribute 3 of 5) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. typeOfInformation uniformResourceIdentifier fileFormatName fileName fileEffectiveStateDateTime 3.62.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- fileFormatName Data Type- Text (10 Characters) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThe name of the file format. Examples: PDF, JPEG, BMP GDD DefinitionThe name of the file format. Examples: PDF, JPEG, BMP 3.62.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This attribute specifies the format name of the file (image) which can be found at the link being provided in the attribute uniformResourceIdentifier. The primary types to be used with the appropriate type of information attribute value are: OUT_OF_PACKAGE_IMAGE- JPG, TIFF PRODUCT_IMAGE- JPG, TIFF PRODUCT_LABEL_IMAGE- JPG, TIFF SDS- JPG, TIFF, DOC, PDF WEBSITE- Not applicable For specific GS1 US Foodservice guidance on imaging, please review the Product Images Application Guideline ( 3.62.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 89 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.63. Links to websites, Images, Documents, Video, Audio Files (attribute 4 of 5) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. typeOfInformation uniformResourceIdentifier fileFormatName fileName fileEffectiveStateDateTime 3.63.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- fileName Data Type- Text (70 Characters) (Free Text) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThe file name for this image. GDD DefinitionThe name of the file that contains the external information. 3.63.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This attribute specifies the name of the file (image) which can be found at the link being provided in the attribute uniformResourceIdentifier. This name, when used for an image of the product, should follow the GDSN Image Standard guidance for naming ( For specific GS1 US Foodservice guidance on imaging, please review the Product Images Application Guideline ( 3.63.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 90 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.64. Links to websites, Images, Documents, Video, Audio Files (attribute 5 of 5) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. typeOfInformation uniformResourceIdentifier fileFormatName fileName fileEffectiveStateDateTime 3.64.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- fileEffectiveStartDateTime Data Type- Date (CCYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThe date from which this file can be used for this trade item . GDD DefinitionThe date this image is the current image for this trade item. 3.64.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This attribute specifies the date/time when the file (image) which can be found at the link being provided in the attribute uniformResourceIdentifier can begin to be used by the recipients of the GDSN Message. For specific GS1 US Foodservice guidance on imaging, please review the Product Images Application Guideline ( 3.64.3. Other Guidance fileEffectiveStartDateTime GDSN Extension/Section Class Name Attribute Name Attribute Definition Implementation Guidance External File Link External File Link fileEffectiveStartDateTime The date this image is the current image for this trade item. This is the date when the link can begin to be used by the recipient in their business processes as defined by the other attributes in the External File Class. When the link contains several files, this date refers to the individual file, which is listed in the fileName attribute. When the link is to a website a start date are optional, but may be used to signify when the site is available for use. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 91 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.65. Manufacturer Expanded Product Description 3.65.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- additionalTradeItemDescription Data Type- Multidescription (Allows for a language qualifier) (1 to 350 characters) Free Text GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Optional Foodservice Common Definition1 to 350 character medium product description with limited or no abbreviations or acronyms. GDD DefinitionAdditional variants necessary to communicate to the industry to help define the product. Multiple variants can be established for each GTIN. This is a repeatable field, e.g. Style, Colour, and Fragrance. The schema uses common library component as shown in the GDD Max Size field. For the business requirements for item, please use the specific definition of this data type and field, 1-350. 3.65.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance An unabbreviated description of the product. This field allows up to 350 characters of information. This attribute can be repeated as necessary. On a go forward basis, it is recommended that manufacturers not duplicate other attribute values in the description. 3.65.3. Other Guidance This field should be populated with the brand owner's description of the product, which will assist in further detail of what the item is. This description should not contain any abbreviations or character reductions. The field can contain up to 350 characters. It is paired with a language identifier. This allows the population of the description in multiple languages as it appears in those languages. Technology partners serving healthcare are requested to assist their manufacturer customers to make their best descriptions available to the industry. Most customer systems have 40 or fewer characters available to describe products and many customers will use offline systems to store longer descriptions to assist with deciphering abbreviated short descriptions, if necessary. Providers in some markets who have tested GDSN have shared that their internal descriptions are often built taking information from various internal and external sources and that they won’t be loading manufacturer description directly to their production systems. Description are often “assembled” from various sources and are built to internal specifications that include custom abbreviations, clinical shortcuts, latex indicators, search terms and all varieties of internal rules meant to assist users to find items. Providers request that manufacturers provide the richest description in this 350 character field so that it may be used as a resource when building their internal descriptions. It is not necessary to repeat information that may already be included in the Brand and Functional Name fields but it is understood that some repetition may be unavoidable. Ideally, descriptions should be item specific containing characteristics of the item that will differentiate the item from a similar product from the same category. Size, colour, count, and net content are important differentiators that could be included in rich descriptions. Important: Manufacturers are encouraged to improve their description over time and should provide the best possible descriptions in their initial data load. However, if manufacturers still ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 92 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 have work to do to improve their descriptions, this should not be considered a barrier to implementation. Figure 3-8 Multiple Languages of Descriptions across Target Markets ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 93 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.66. Manufacturer Product Number (attribute 1 of 2) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. AdditionalTradeItemIdentification/type AdditionalTradeItemIdentificaiton/value 3.66.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- AdditionalTradeItemIdentification/type Data Type- Code List GDSN Required- If populated, requires the population of additionalTradeItemIdentification/value. Foodservice Best Practice- Optional Foodservice Common DefinitionManufacturer's Part Number. An additional method for identifying the item (besides the GTIN) that can be populated. This might be a vendor's item number or manufacturer's GDD DefinitionType of the identification system that is being used as an alternative to the Global Trade Item Number. 3.66.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is the source of the additional item identification (SKU, Product ID, etc.). If the identification is the supplier's internal product identification number select SUPPLIER_ASSIGNED. If it is the distributor's internal product identification number or select DISTRIBUTOR_ASSIGNED. This field can be repeated as necessary in conjunction with the Additional Trade Item Identification Value. 3.66.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. 3.66.4. Code List Values There is a list of code values for this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.15 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 94 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.67. Manufacturer Product Number (attribute 2 of 2) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. AdditionalTradeItemIdentification/type AdditionalTradeItemIdentificaiton/value 3.67.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- AdditionalTradeItemIdentification/value Data Type- Text- Free 4Text (80 Characters) GDSN Required- If populated, requires the population of additionalTradeItemIdentification/type. Foodservice Best Practice- Optional Foodservice Common DefinitionManufacturer's Part Number. An additional method for identifying the item (besides the GTIN) that can be populated. This might be a vendor's item number or manufacturer's GDD DefinitionAlternative means to the Global Trade Item Number to identify a trad e item. 3.67.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance Most of the time this will be the SUPPLIER_ASSIGNED as there is a many to one relationship between the DISTRIBUTOR_ASSIGNED and the GTIN, unless the distributor is the brand owner for the GTIN. This field can be repeated as necessary in conjunction with the Additional Trade Item Identification Type. 3.67.3. Other Guidance While the GTIN is the primary identifier for a product, these two attributes provide a way to communicate other identifiers for the product. Values populated might be a vendor's item number, manufacturer's catalogue number or the country drug code. This attribute provides a method for identifying the item, which might have been used prior to adoption of GS1 standards (legacy) and used as a cross reference. Population is accomplished by choosing the AdditionalTradeItemIdentification/type from a code list. The list helps to classify the type of code, which is being expressed. With the Type chosen, the actual value, code, or number is populated in the AdditionalTradeItemIdentification/value attribute. Many buy side participants today are using the manufacturer’s part number (or some form of it) as the key field in their ordering and management systems, many more are using the vendor’s part number for the same item. Manufacturers should note that the communication of their part number is critical to the matching process that will need to occur downstream for your customers to properly assign your GTINs to their master files. Manufacturers are encouraged to include their own (not their distributor’s) part number associated with their items and should include any dashes, slashes, periods, and special characters that are used in order to give their trading partners the most available information to perform their necessary matching exercises. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 95 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Table 3-7 Additional Trade Item & Identification Type Attribute GTIN Trade Item Unit Descriptor Pack Level EACH Additional Trade Item Identification Type 01234567891019 Additional Trade Item Identification Value BASE_UNIT_O SUPPLIER_ASSIGNED T-9102 R-EACH PACK 21234567891020 PACK_OR_IN SUPPLIER_ASSIGNED T-9102 NER_PACK CASE 31234567891013 CASE SUPPLIER_ASSIGNED T-9102 Important: Manufacturers should populate their manufacturer part number using the “SUPPLIER_ASSIGNED” type as illustrated in the chart above. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 96 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.68. Manufacturer Short Product Description 3.68.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- descriptionShort Data Type- Multi-description (Allows for a language qualifier) (1 to 35 characters) Free Text GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common Definition35 character short product description GDD DefinitionA free form short length description of the trade item that can be used to identify the trade item at point of sale. The schema uses common library component as shown in the GDD Max Size field. For the business requirements for item, please use the specific definition of this data type and field. 3.68.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance Abbreviated product description, which would appear on Invoices, BOL, POS, etc. 3.68.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 97 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.69. Net Content with UoM 3.69.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- netContent Data Type- Numeric (Round up to 3 Decimals) GDSN Required- Must be populated if isTradeItemAConsumerUnit is populated as YES Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThis is the size or total of trade item contained by a package usually as claimed on the label (i.e. 10 lbs. of potatoes in a bag or 2 each for watermelons in a case) GDD DefinitionThe amount of the trade item contained by a package, usually as claimed on the label. For example, Water 750ml - net content = "750 MLT”; 20 count pack of diapers, net content = "20 ea.” In case of multi-pack, indicates the net content of the total trade item. For fixed value trade items, use the value claimed on the package, to avoid variable fill rate issue that arises with some trade item which are sold by volume or weight, and whose actual content may vary slightly from batch to batch. In case of variable quantity trade items, indicates the average quantity. 3.69.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance The total declared weight, volume or content on the package. This field can be repeated to accommodate several values as necessary. This attribute may be required by some trading partners for their individual business practices. 3.69.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. Populating Net Content This field should be populated with the amount of the trade item contained by a package, usually as claimed on the label. As with all measurements in GDSN, the attribute consists of a value together with a Unit of Measure (UoM). For example, Water 750ml - net content = "750 MLT"; 20 count pack of diapers, net content = "20 ea.” In case of multi-pack, indicates the net content of the total trade item. For fixed value trade items, use the value claimed on the package, to avoid variable fill rate issue that arises with some trade item which are sold by volume or weight, and whose actual content may vary slightly from batch to batch. In case of variable quantity trade items, indicates the average quantity. Buy side trading partners will rely on netContent to determine the count of contents in the EACH level of a hierarchy. This is the field where manufacturers will communicate how many products will be found when the Base level of packaging is opened, for example, netContent will indicate: How many gloves are included in a box? How many gloves are included in a pouch (for surgeon’s gloves?) How many sponges are included in a sleeve? How many tests strips are included in a vial? How many ML of solution in a reagent How many cotton balls in a package ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 98 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 How many fasteners in a bag How many tongue depressors in a package Figure 3-9 NetContent +UoM The importance of the netContent field to successful healthcare implementation of GTIN and GDSN cannot be underestimated. Typically, the netContent will show the count, or the weight, or the volume of items inside the EACH level of packaging. It is this area of the standard where trading partners may experience some challenges in their implementations because without the benefit of a standard, current trading relationships are sometimes based on the netContent value and may need to be modified to utilize the GTIN as the item identifier in a transaction. The recommendation from US Department of Defense and the Global Healthcare GDSN pilots and implementations in healthcare indicate that data suppliers should populate netContent at the EACH level for items within categories where the number of UNITS in the EACH is meaningful to the data receiver (gloves, test strips, bandages, etc...). The meaningful population of this field is critical for trading partners to accurately cross reference and build a standardized hierarchy in their business systems. Note: The rules for assigning Net Content are found in various sections of the GDSN Trade Item Implementation Guide. NetContent is communicated utilizing a combination of two fields (netContent and netContent Unit of Measure – GDSN counts this as a single “attribute”). The GDSN supports the communication of netContent at multiple levels of packaging. It is important to note that netContent can be stated at multiple levels, but must be stated in terms of the pack level that is being discussed. Therefore, if a manufacturer chooses to publish netContent at multiple levels they should be careful not to publish EACH level content at the CASE level of their hierarchy. Note: The GDSN will support the communication of multiple netContent values per trade item, and this practice is implemented in a number of countries. However, some countries may define that during their initial implementations manufacturers focus on populating ONE netContent value and ONLY at the EACH (Consumer) level. Note: To reduce confusion, GDSN Work Groups from other industries have recently reduced the number of available Units of Measure to reference in the netContent UOM values. Manufacturers are requested to utilize the “UNIT” Unit of Measure to illustrate the quantity or count of individual items in the EACH level package as illustrated in the charts above. Suitable Units of Measure are available in the system for communicating netContent for contents measured by weight and volume. It is possible to use “EACH” as a UOM for netContent, for example. Some early implementers found that using netContent to communicate “how many EACH are in an EACH” could cause confusion in healthcare for some markets as the industry migrates to the standard. For UOM that communicate values other than item count (fluid content in ounces or millilitres, for example), precise UOM should be referenced. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 99 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Note: Refer to Populating Net Content for more Information on this topic, particularly how it is dealt with in other industry sectors. Bear in mind that some Healthcare items are sold to retailers, for use in in-store pharmacies or, where regulations permit, for direct retail sale in the store. This section describes how to populate net content in the GS1 Global Data Synchronisation Network (GDSN). Definition of Net Content is the total amount of the trade item contained by a package, usually as claimed on the label. For example if a consumer trade item is a 6 pack of 4oz. applesauce the net content of this consumer trade item is 24 oz. (see additional examples in Section 0). Important: The procedures in this section became effective on 30-June-2007. Suppliers now have the ability to send more than one value for the net content in GDSN. For more information on the sunrise date refer to the GDSN Net Content Implementation Bulletin which is located on the GS1 website at: Currently in GDSN many solution providers and data pools only allow one value to be sent for the net content attribute. Manufacturers will determine the value to be sent. Retailers may need to perform a conversion in their company to meet their system requirement needs. Pre-requisites Manufacturers must have capability and may provide all net content declarations on the consumer level package. Retailers will determine which of the multiple net content declarations received from the manufacturer they require. In certain geographies, local regulations do not require net content below a specific size to be declared on the consumer package. Manufacturers and Retailers will collaborate to identify these local variations Where mandated legally, manufacturers must provide the net content unit of measurement designated for use in consumer price comparison. This locally regulated net content unit of measurement is to be communicated in the “Price Comparison” attribute fields to ensure regulatory compliance. When Would I Use This? Important: The procedures in this section are not effective until 30-June-2007 when GDSN will have ability to send more than one value for the net content. When a consumer level package carries multiple declarations of net content, manufacturers may be able to provide all declarations provided. At minimum, where only one net content declaration exists, one net content will be communicated. For consumer level products that are comprised of components with different units of measure and sold as single consumer unit “1” is to be used to convey that the net content is one consumer unit. The recommendation is to use count, each, or unit as the unit of measure for these products. These three expressions of unit of measure have the same meaning. Certain geographies require by law that specific net content units of measurement be used for “consumer price comparison” purposes. Manufacturers and retailers will collaborate to identify these regulatory needs. In these circumstances, the consumer price comparison field may in fact duplicate a value contained in the net content field, so both may carry it. How to Implement Multiple Net Content Units of Measurement Multiple units of measurement for net content is determined from the information contained on the consumer label (based on the default front) as defined in Section 6 of the GS1 General Specifications 10 (available from your local GS1 Member Organisation). ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 100 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Note: A complete listing of all GS1 Member Organisations is available on the GS1 website at Net Content value and unit of measurement is repeatable without limit. Multiple Net Content declarations may result from: The use of 2 measurement systems on the package, imperial and metric. Where both are provided, they must be equivalent values as declared on the package (see example 2) A combination of weights and volumes on the package Usage information about the product A product that is a “kit” such as pest control kit (see example 8) Any or all combinations of the above Other important rules to remember when working with Multiple Net Content Units of Measurement: All Multiple units of measurement are equally important. There is no principal, secondary, or tertiary, etc. ranking. Therefore the sequence in which multiple net content declarations are provided is irrelevant – any sequence is acceptable. It is not mandatory to send more than one net content When the consumer unit contains products with uncommon units of measurement or different products expressed as each – it is recommended to use one count, one each, or one unit. All declared net contents by the manufacturer must comply with GTIN allocation rules ( Net Content vs. Net Weight Many companies interchange the attributes net content and net weight. These attributes are not the same in all instances. For example, a box of tea bags that contains 18 tea bags and has a net weight of .82 ounces will have a net content of 18 count. However, a bag of candy that has a net weight of 12 ounces will have a net content of 12 ounces. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 101 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Examples of Multiple Net Content The following section illustrates several examples of Multiple Net Content Example 1: Vitamins Net content = 300 count Figure 3-10 Vitamin Example Example 2: Shampoo Net content = 13 fl oz Net content = 384 ml Figure 3-11 Shampoo Example ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 102 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Example 3: Ice-cream Bars Net content = 18 fl oz Net content = 532 ml Net content = 6 count Figure 3-12 Ice Cream Example N4ote: To illustrate how this might work for the data receiver, imagine the receiver wants to know not only how many bars are in the Item but also how big each bar is. Net Content always reflects the total content for the Item identified by the GTIN, never a sub-division of it. The data receiver receives 18 fl oz, so they need to divide the count = 6 to get 3 fl oz per bar, not as 6 x 18 = 108 fl oz. To calculate the volume of each bar, the data receiver should divide the Net Content (in volume) by the Net Content (in count): □ Imperial: 18 fl oz. / 6 = 3 fl oz. per bar □ Metric: 532 ml. / 6 = 88.7 ml. per bar ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 103 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Example 4: Water Ice Net content = 464 ml Net content = 8 count Figure 3-13 Water Ice Example Example 5: Yogurt Net content = 9 lb Net content = 4.080 kg Net content = 24 count Figure 3-14 Yogurt Example ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 104 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Example 6: Laundry Detergent Net content = 300 FL OZ Net content = 2.34 Gal Net content = 8.87L Net content = 96 loads Figure 3-15 Laundry Detergent Example Example 7: Bathroom Tissue Net content = 225 Sq Ft Net content = 20.9m2 Net content = 1800 sheets Net content = 9 rolls Figure 3-16 Bathroom Tissue Example ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 105 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Example 8: Pest Control When trade item contains products with uncommon UOMs or different products expressed in eaches Net content = 1 Count Figure 3-17 Pest Control Example Example 9: Concentrated Orange Juice For concentrated orange juice in a 950 ml package, the consumer is supposed to add 6350 ml of water to make 7600 ml of juice. (Comparison price is by Swedish law calculated based on the measurement after preparation.) Net Content: 950 MLT Price Comparison Content: 7600 MLT Price Comparison Content Type: READY_TO_DRINK. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 106 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Figure 3-18 Concentrated Orange Juice Example Variable Measure for Net Content A trade item may contain a variable net content for one measure (e.g. count varies between 12 and 18 pieces) but be fixed for another measure (e.g. weight is always 11 kilograms). When 4this happens, the recommendation is to populate net content with both measures (using an average value for the variable measure) and to ensure that the isTradeItemAVariableUnit flag is marked as TRUE. This will satisfy the system need for information. All of the trade item’s description fields (such as descriptionShort, TradeItemDescription, invoiceName, and AdditionalTradeItemDescription) may include the terms used by the supplier to describe the range for that variable measure. Note: Where the variable measure is a weight, the Gross and Net Weight values should be the average weight. Note: This best practice should be followed for any GTIN (any level of the item hierarchy) where there is a variable measure concern. Note: Net Content is normally only populated at the consumer unit level. When applying the following examples to a non-consumer unit, the net content values may not be populated. If net content is not populated the guidance around the other attributes should be followed. Note: While it is not specifically noted in the examples below, should the GTIN have a variable count and also have a child GTIN, then the average count should also be used in the quantityOfNextLowerGTIN. Variable for One Measure Example 1 A trade item which is a case of chicken which has a consistent weight, but variable count of 12 to 18 pieces would have the following information populated: netContent: 15 PCS; 11 Kg netWeight: 11 Kg isTradeItemAVariableUnit: TRUE grossWeight: 11.2 Kg ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 107 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Description Fields: “…12-18 Count…” Figure 3-19 Variable in Count 18 Count 12 Count Example 2 A trade item which is a case of cheese which has a consistent count, but variable weight of 10 to 12 Kilograms would have the following information populated: netContent: 11 Kg; 6 Ea netWeight: 11 kg isTradeItemAVariableUnit: TRUE grossWeight: 11.2 Kg Description Fields: “…10-12 Kilo…” Figure 3-20 Variable in Weight 10 Kg 12 Kg Variable for more than one measure Example 1 A trade item which is a case of chicken with a variable weight of 10 to 12 kilograms and count of 12 to 18 pieces would have the following information populated: netContent: 15 PCS; 11 Kg ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 108 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 netWeight: 11 Kg grossWeight: 11.2 Kg isTradeItemAVariableUnit: TRUE Description Fields: “…12-18 Count…” AND “…10-12 Kilos…” Figure 3-21 Variable in Both Measures 18 Count 12 Count Net Content Validations Data providers should check with their Data Pool for specific validations related to the netContent field. The GDSN system will validate to assure that if the “ isTradeItemAConsumerUnit” Boolean attribute is set to TRUE then the data provider will be required to provide a netContent value. For many items in healthcare, the data providers will default their response to the isTradeItemAConsumerUnit Boolean attribute to FALSE, but should consider populating the netContent value as a service to their trading partners especially for items where UNIT values apply. FAQ: Should manufacturers fill netContent with 1 for Consumer level items where multiple units are not included (single syringe or catheter, for example) OR should receiver assume a 1 if netContent is not populated? Answer: It depends upon what the package says, if the package declares a net content, then the netContent attribute should be published 3.69.4. UoM Code List for Contents There is a list of code values for part of this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.24 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 109 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.70. Net Weight with UoM 3.70.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- netWeight Data Type- Numeric (Round up to 3 Decimals) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionUsed to identify the net weight of the trade item. Net weight excludes any packaging materials and applies to all levels but consumer unit level. For consumer un it, Net Content replaces Net Weight (can then be weight, size, and volume). Has to be associated with a valid UoM. GDD DefinitionUsed to identify the net weight of the trade item. Net weight excludes any packaging materials and applies to all levels but consumer unit level. For consumer unit, Net Content replaces Net Weight (can then be weight, size, and volume). Has to be associated with a valid UoM. 3.70.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance Net weight of the product. Does not include tare weight. In the case of a variable weight product, this would be the average weight. It is recommended that this be populated at all levels of the published hierarchy. 3.70.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. How to Calculate the Net Weight? There are three examples of simple hierarchies: Pallet Case Each with packaging at all three levels. The examples show how to calculate the Net Weight and the Gross Weight at all three levels. Note: Net Weight excludes packaging at all levels. This means the packaging of the lowest level GTIN is excluded from the net weight of all levels of GTINs. The difference between the Gross Weight and Net Weight at any level in the Trade Item Hierarchy is therefore the total weight of packaging at all levels up to and including that level. When Would I Use This? Net weight is optional on all levels of the hierarchy. It may be requested by data recipients in specific target markets or industries. For some products, the net weight and the net content may be the same value: for example, a 200 gram bag of chocolates. Note: Net Content can be expressed in any valid unit of measure, including weight, volume, or count, and so on. Where Net Content is not expressed as a weight, data sources may wish to send a Net Weight, although the standard does not require this. Note: It is up to the data source to decide when to use net weight. This guideline is intended to describe how to calculate the data value. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 110 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Note: If a data source declares multiple Net Contents, there will be no impact to Net Weight. Example in Metric Measure – Net Content Expressed as Weight For the each, there is a Net Content of 200g and packaging weighing 470g. For the case, there is 0.5 kg of extra packaging, in addition to the packaging on the Eaches. For the pallet, there is 24 kg of extra packaging, in addition to the packaging on the Cases and Eaches. GTIN Trade Item Unit Descriptor Total Quantity Of Next Lower Level Trade Item 07612345678924 Pallet 07612345678917 07612345678900 Net Measurement Net Content Net Weight Net Weight UoM Gross Weight Gross Weight UoM 96 230.4 KG 843.84 KG Case 12 2.4 KG 8.54 KG Each n/a 670 GR 200 Net Content UoM Gross Measurement GR Example in Metric Measure – Net Content Expressed as Volume For the each, there is a Net Content of 500 ml (which weighs 427g), and packaging weighing 25g. For the case, there is 0.8 kg of extra packaging, in addition to the packaging on the Eaches. For the pallet, there is 30 kg of extra packaging, in addition to the packaging on the Cases and Eaches. GTIN Trade Item Unit Descriptor Total Quantity Of Next Lower Level Trade Item 05012345678924 Pallet 05012345678917 05012345678900 Net Measurement Net Content Net Weight Net Weight UoM Gross Weight Gross Weight UoM 168 573.888 KG 771.888 KG Case 8 3.416 KG 4.416 KG Each n/a 452 GR 500 Net Content UoM Gross Measurement ML Example in Imperial Measure – Net Content Expressed as Weight For the each, there is a Net Content of 1 pound and packaging weighing 0.2 pounds. For the case, there is 1 pound of extra packaging, in addition to the packaging on the Eaches. For the pallet, there is 50 pounds of extra packaging, in addition to the packaging on the Cases & Eaches. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 111 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 GTIN Trade Item Unit Descriptor Total Quantity Of Next Lower Level Trade Item 40012345789005 Pallet 10012345789004 00012345789007 Net Measurement Net Content Net Weight Net Weight UoM Gross Weight Gross Weight UoM 100 1000 LB 1350 LB Case 10 10 LB 13 LB Each n/a LB 1.2 LB 1 Net Content UoM Gross Measurement LB Example in Metric Measure – Net Content Expressed as an Each (Television) For the each, there is a Net Content of 1 EA (the television set) which weighs 15 kg, and packaging weighing 2.5kg. For the case, there is 3 kg of extra packaging, in addition to the packaging on the Eaches. For the pallet, there is 15 kg of extra packaging, in addition to the packaging on the Cases and Eaches. GTIN Trade Item Unit Descriptor Total Quantity Of Next Lower Level Trade Item 07612345543239 Pallet 07612345543222 07612345543215 Net Measurement Net Content Net Weight Net Weight UoM Gross Weight Gross Weight UoM 10 300 KG 395 KG Case 2 30 KG 38 KG Each n/a 15 KG 17.5 KG 1 Net Content UoM Gross Measurement EA Example in Imperial Measure – Net Content Expressed as an Each (Hair Dryers) For the each, there is a Net Content of 1 EA (the hair dryer), and packaging weighing 0.5 pounds. For the case, there is 1 pound of extra packaging, in addition to the packaging on the Eaches. For the pallet, there is 15 pounds of extra packaging, in addition to the packaging on the Cases and Eaches. GTIN Trade Item Unit Descriptor Total Quantity Of Next Lower Level Trade Item 00012345357916 Pallet 00012345234569 Case Net Measurement Net Content Net Weight Net Weight UoM Gross Weight Gross Weight UoM 100 200 LB 515 LB 4 2 LB 5 LB ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 Net Content UoM Gross Measurement PAGE 112 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 00012345123214 Each n/a 1 EA 1 LB Example in Imperial Measure – Net Content Expressed as Usages (Detergent) For the each, there is a Net Content of 96 Usages (washes of detergent) which weighs 10 pounds, and packaging weighing 0.5 pounds. For the case, there is 1 pound of extra packaging, in addition to the packaging on the Eaches. For the pallet, there is 15 pounds of extra packaging, in addition to the packaging on the Cases and Eaches. GTIN Trade Item Unit Descriptor Total Quantity Of Next Lower Level Trade Item 20012345500019 Pallet 10012345500012 00012345500015 Net Measurement Net Content Net Weight Net Weight UoM Gross Weight Gross Weight UoM 48 1920 LB 2127 LB Case 4 40 LB 44 LB Each n/a 10 LB 10.5 LB 96 Net Content UoM Gross Measurement Z52 Note: Z52 is the code for "Usage" 3.70.4. UoM Code List for Weights There is a list of code values for part of this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.25 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 113 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.71. Number of Next Lower Level GTINs 3.71.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- quantityOfChildren Data Type- Integer GDSN Required- Dependent (Based on level of Hierarchy) Foodservice Best Practice- Dependent (If Applicable) part of GDSN base message set. Foodservice Common DefinitionThis is the actual number of the unique child items contained in this item. Ex: If the item is a variety pack with 3 different children with specific quantities for each, this field would be 3. If the item is a case of one flavor of sauce bottles, this field would be 1. GDD DefinitionValue indicates the number of unique next lower level trade items contained in a complex trade item. A complex trade item can contain at least 2 different GTINs. 3.71.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is only populated where a child GTIN is assigned. This value is the total number of Child GTINs immediately below this GTIN. If a case contains 4 bottles of one flavor of a sauce, this value is 1. If a case contains 6 bags each of 2 types of brown sugar (12 total bags), this value is 2 3.71.3. Other Guidance This is only populated where a child GTIN is assigned. This value is the total number of Child GTINs immediately below this GTIN. If a case contains 4 bottles of one flavor of a sauce, this value is 1. If a case contains 6 bags each of 2 types of brown sugar (12 total bags), this value is 2 ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 114 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.72. Nutrient Database Number (1 of 3 attributes) (AVP Solution) 3.72.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- uSDANutrientDatabaseNumber (AVP solution) Data Type- Integer GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Optional Foodservice Common DefinitionFor items where a NLEA panel is not required for an item, this attribute allows for the population of the USDA’s Nutrient Database Number. This number provides a set of nutrient information based on the item, e.g. salt. When this number is populated, the recipients should not expect to receive nutrient information in GDSN GDD DefinitionThis is an AVP attribute and will be sunset with the deployment of the GDSN Major Release in 2016 as it will be moved into the Food Beverage Composition attributes 3.72.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is only populated when a GTIN is not required to carry nutrition information on the packaging, e.g. salt, sugar, etc. These items can point to the USDA’s Nutrient Database ( The manufacturer can provide the relevant number from the database in lieu of providing the nutrition information in the GDSN message. If a number is populated here, recipients should not expect to receive nutrient information in the nutrient label contents area. 3.72.3. Other Guidance No guidance at the time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 115 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.73. Nutrient Database Number (2 of 3 attributes) (Future Solution) 3.73.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- foodBeverageCompositionDatabaseCode (to be deployed in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016) Data Type- Code GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Optional Foodservice Common DefinitionFor items where a NLEA panel is not required for an item, this attribute allows for the population of the USDA’s Nutrient Database Number. The value provided is the value for the USDA as the agency for which the foodBeverageCompositionCode is relevant. GDD DefinitionA code depicting and agency which manages a food composition database that applies to regulatory nutrition information for example the Government of Canada. 3.73.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is only populated when a GTIN is not required to carry nutrition information on the packaging, e.g. salt, sugar, etc. These items can point to the USDA’s Nutrient Database ( The manufacturer can provide the code for the USDA to denote that the value populated for the attribute foodBeverageCompositionCode is from the USDA’s Nutrient Database. 3.73.3. Other Guidance No guidance at the time of publication. 3.73.4. Code List Values There is a list of code values for this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.5 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 116 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.74. Nutrient Database Number (3 of 3 attributes) 3.74.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- foodBeverageCompositionCode (to be deployed in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016) Data Type- Test GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Optional Foodservice Common DefinitionFor items where a NLEA panel is not required for an item, this attribute allows for the population of the USDA’s Nutrient Database Number. The value provided is the actual number or code as listed in the nutrient database. GDD DefinitionA value assigned by the agency for the lookup of food composition information that applies to regulatory nutrition information e.g. R851011, 3.74.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is only populated when a GTIN is not required to carry nutrition information on the packaging, e.g. salt, sugar, etc. These items can point to the USDA’s Nutrient Database ( The manufacturer can provide the relevant number from the database in lieu of providing the nutrition information in the GDSN message. If a number is populated here, recipients should not expect to receive nutrient information in the nutrient label contents area. 3.74.3. Other Guidance No guidance at the time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 117 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.75. Nutrition Fact Serving Size & UOM (1 of 2 attributes) 3.75.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- servingSize Data Type- Numeric (Round up to 3 Decimals) GDSN Required- If populated, requires the population of preparationState. Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold for Food items only Foodservice Common DefinitionMeasurement value specifying the Nutrition Fact serving size in which the information per nutrient has been stated. Example: Per 100 grams. GDD DefinitionMeasurement value specifying the serving size in which the information per nutrient has been stated. Example: Per 100 grams. 3.75.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is the serving size as listed in the NLEA panel on the package. Many NLEA Panels have a text string for the serving size, for example, 16.9 fluid ounces (500ml). This attribute is a measurement attribute consisting of a numeric values and a unit of measure. The information provided should be the value in front of the parenthesis. Using the example given, the numeric value would be 16.9 and the unit of measure would be fluid ounces (FO). The full text string is populated in the attribute householdServingSize (see section 3.86 for more detail) In an upcoming release, this attribute will be made repeatable. This will allow for the population of an instance of this attribute in grams. Until this deployment, an AVP solution will be put in place. This AVP is only for use when the serving size is not populated in grams. The AVP attribute is servingSizeWeight. 3.75.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. 3.75.4. Code List There is a list of code values for part of this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.2 7 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 118 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.76. Nutrition Fact Serving Size & UOM (2 of 2 attributes) (AVP Solution) 3.76.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- servingSizeWeight (AVP Solution) (Sunrise December 31, 2013) Data Type- Numeric (Round up to 3 Decimals) GDSN Required- AVP Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold for Food items only Foodservice Common DefinitionMeasurement value specifying the Nutrition Fact serving size in which the information per nutrient has been stated. Example: Per 100 grams. GDD DefinitionAVP Solution to be handled in a future release of GDSN. 3.76.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is the weight of the serving size in grams. Having a value for the serving size in grams will assist the menu planning systems to be able to calculate the nutrient values for menu items being created. If servingSize is not populated with a value in grams, then the temporary attribute servingSizeWeight must be provided, and be in grams. This attribute is a temporary solution until such time as the GDSN can deploy a change to the servingSize attribute making it a multiple occurrence attribute allowing for more than one value to be provided. When the GDSN deploys the change to servingSize, this attribute will be sunset. 3.76.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. 3.76.4. Code List Values There is only one value to utilize with this attribute. It is MGM which is the GDSN value for milligrams. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 119 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.77. Nutrient Label contents and measures Proteins, Fats, Sugars, etc.) (attribute 1 of 5) (Calories, This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. preparationState nutrientTypeCode measurementPrecision percentageOfDailyValueIntake quantityContained For each preparationState specified, the remaining attributes can be repeated as a group for each nutrient to be detailed. If a nutrient is not on the NLEA Pane l, it is not to be denoted in the item message in relation to that set of information. There are some products where nutritional values are inherent. The USDA maintains some average values which may be represented. For those nutrients, the values may not be represented on the NLEA panel. A process has being developed to also provide 100-gram relevant nutrient data. This process is awaiting a deployment schedule from the Technical Advisory Committee. For each item the attribute productVariantDescription would be utilized, until the GDSN major release provides a permanent solution, to identify the variant type for the information being provided. This value would begin with SERVING_SIZE, or 100_GRAM. All of the nutrient information can be repeated under this attribute. • 1st instance- “SERVING_SIZE” – • 2 nd Population of actual serving in serving size instance- “100_GRAM” – Population of 100 grams in serving size When a manufacturer needs to use the variant attribute to denote other variant information it is further recommended • To start the variant name with “SERVING_SIZE” or “100_GRAM” followed by the variant name • Any other information over and above nutrient values which is different from one variant to the next. Use of this approach allows for the specification of other information against the variant being described- Ingredients, Allergens, Marketing Claims, etc. • Only populate nutrient information against the 100_GRAM instance. All other information should be placed on the SERVING_SIZE instance. • 100-gram data should be optional to populated for processed food items based on the item and a business need of the community ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 120 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 • 100-gram data is needed for FOOD ITEMS ONLY • Food Items with USDA or FDA default values do not need 100-gram to be populated 3.77.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- preparationState Data Type- Code List GDSN Required- Mandatory if servingSize or householdServingSize and Nutrient Information are populated. Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold for Food items Only Foodservice Common DefinitionSignifies if the nutrient information refers to the prepared or unprepared state of the item. GDD DefinitionCode specifying whether the nutrient information applies to the prepared or unprepared state of the product. 3.77.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance Allows Nutrient Information to be populated for the unprepared and the prepared state. The NLEA Panel Information can only exist once for a GTIN and preparation state combination . Information should be populated at the lowest GTIN in a hierarchy. 100-gram data will be able to be shared using GDSN once the new process is approved by the Technical Advisory Committee and the Leadership Team. The codes of UNPREPARED and PREPARED should be used as follows: – UNPREPARED nutrient information applies to items in the state in which they are sold • • – Examples – Includes: Cake Mix, Drink Mix, Box Cereal, Soda, Candy Bar (Ready-ToEat items) – Excludes: Cake made from the Cake Mix, Drink made from the Cereal in a bowl with Milk Mix, All items, required to carry nutrient values, should have a set of values for UNPREPARED PREPARED nutrient information applies to items in a prepared state using the preparation instructions • • Examples – Includes: Cake made from the Cake Mix, Drink made from the Cereal in a bowl with Milk – Excludes: Cake Mix, Drink Mix, Box Cereal, Soda, Candy Bar Mix, Some items, where provided by the manufacturer, might have a set of values for PREPARED ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 121 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.77.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. 3.77.4. Code List There is a list of code values for part of this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.16 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 122 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.78. Nutrient Label contents and measures Proteins, Fats, Sugars, etc.) (attribute 2 of 5) (Calories, This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. preparationState nutrientTypeCode measurementPrecision percentageOfDailyValueIntake quantityContained For each preparationState specified, the remaining attributes can be repeated as a group for each nutrient to be detailed. If a nutrient is not on the NLEA Panel, it is not to be denoted in the item message in relation to that set of information. There are some products where nutritional values are inherent. The USDA maintains some average values which may be represented. For those nutrients, the values may not be represented on the NLEA panel. A process has been developed to also provide 100-gram relevant nutrient data. This process is awaiting a deployment schedule from the Technical Advisory Committee. For each item the attribute productVariantDescription would be utilized, until the GDSN major release provides a permanent solution, to identify the variant type for the information being provided. This value would begin with SERVING_SIZE, or 100_GRAM. All of the nutrient information can be repeated under this attribute. • 1st instance- “SERVING_SIZE” – • 2 nd Population of actual serving in serving size instance- “100_GRAM” – Population of 100 grams in serving size When a manufacturer needs to use the variant attribute to denote other variant information it is further recommended • To start the variant name with “SERVING_SIZE” or “100_GRAM” followed by the variant name • Any other information over and above nutrient values which is different from one variant to the next. Use of this approach allows for the specification of other information against the variant being described- Ingredients, Allergens, Marketing Claims, etc. • Only populate nutrient information against the 100_GRAM instance. All other information should be placed on the SERVING_SIZE instance. • 100-gram data should be optional to populated for processed food items based on the item and a business need of the community ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 123 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 • 100-gram data is needed for FOOD ITEMS ONLY • Food Items with USDA or FDA default values do not need 100-gram to be populated 3.78.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- nutrientTypeCode Data Type-Code List GDSN Required- Mandatory (If Class invoked) (Class can be repeated for as many nutrients as need to be reported.) Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice (Threshold) for Food items Only Foodservice Common DefinitionCode identifying the food component being described. (From the INFOODS List) GDD DefinitionCode from the list of the INFOODS food component tagnames identifying nutrients contained in the product. 3.78.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance Population of Nutrients is based on the NLEA. If a Nutrient is on the NLEA Panel, it should be populated in the message. This includes Nutrients listed with a zero value. When populating 100-gram data, all relevant nutrients should be populated. Use of generic INFOODS codes is recommended. For this list, please refer to the current INFOODS Guideline Nutrient Codes document available at 3.78.3. Other Guidance The field Nutrient Type Code (Food and Beverage Nutrient class) refers to the nutrient's tag name ( As part of this data, a quantity and measurement value is also required. Definitive unit supplied along with the tag name supersedes traditional GDS UOM pick list. From a consistency and systems point of view, it would probably be easier to use the tag name so that all users apply the same unit of measure for the nutrient specified (important for smaller users where systems may not have flexibility). A guide has been developed to help reduce the number of INFOODS Codes to a minimum generic set. This will help to reduce the confusion and implementation of this codeset. The guide can be found in the GS1 US Foodservice Tools and Resources website section at The guide is named INFOODS Guideline Nutrient Codes. 3.78.4. Code List Values There is a list of code values for part of this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.17 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 124 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.79. Nutrient Label contents and measures Proteins, Fats, Sugars, etc.) (attribute 3 of 5) (Calories, This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. preparationState nutrientTypeCode measurementPrecision percentageOfDailyValueIntake quantityContained For each preparationState specified, the remaining attributes can be repeated as a group for each nutrient to be detailed. If a nutrient is not on the NLEA Panel, it is not to be denoted in the item message in relation to that set of information. There are some products where nutritional values are inherent. The USDA maintains some average values which may be represented. For those nutrients, the values may not be represented on the NLEA panel. A process has been developed to also provide 100-gram relevant nutrient data. This process is awaiting a deployment schedule from the Technical Advisory Committee. For each item the attribute productVariantDescription would be utilized, until the GDSN major release provides a permanent solution, to identify the variant type for the information being provided. This value would begin with SERVING_SIZE, or 100_GRAM. All of the nutrient information can be repeated under this attribute. • 1st instance- “SERVING_SIZE” – • 2 nd Population of actual serving in serving size instance- “100_GRAM” – Population of 100 grams in serving size When a manufacturer needs to use the variant attribute to denote other variant information it is further recommended • To start the variant name with “SERVING_SIZE” or “100_GRAM” followed by the variant name • Any other information over and above nutrient values which is different from one variant to the next. Use of this approach allows for the specification of other information against the variant being described- Ingredients, Allergens, Marketing Claims, etc. • Only populate nutrient information against the 100_GRAM instance. All other information should be placed on the SERVING_SIZE instance. • 100-gram data should be optional to populated for processed food items based on the item and a business need of the community ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 125 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 • 100-gram data is needed for FOOD ITEMS ONLY • Food Items with USDA or FDA default values do not need 100-gram to be populated 3.79.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- measurementPrecision Data Type-Code List GDSN Required- Mandatory (If Class invoked) (Class can be repeated for as many nutrients as need to be reported.) (will be made optional in the next GDSN Major Release) Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice (Threshold) for Food items Only, when the value is LESS_THAN (in GDSN Major Release 3.x deploying 2016, this will be made optional and can only have the one value provided at that time) Foodservice Common DefinitionDenotes the level of accuracy of the specific nutrient's information being provided GDD DefinitionCode indicating whether the specified nutrient content is ex act or approximate. 3.79.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance The measurement precision is to quantify the measurement given for the nutrient. Current values are APPROXIMATELY, EXACT, and LESS_THAN. These values will help users determine the level of precision in the nutrient’s measurement. On the NLEA Panel, some nutrients may be listed as not a significant source of that nutrient. For these nutrients, it is recommended to populate the measurementPercision with LESS_THAN. The DVI and/or quantityContained would be populated with the value as stated in the USDA or FDA regulation. This is a temporary solution until a work request can be added to GDSN to have a code value for “NOT_A_SIGNIFICANT_SOURCE_OF”. For 100-gram data, precision of measurement for a nutrient can be expressed out to 3 decimals. It is recommended to specify the appropriate measurementPrecision code. It is only necessary to provide this attribute when the value being populated with the v alue of LESS_THAN. Other values are not required for packaging and therefore should not be required for GDSN . In the GDSN Major Release 3.x (to be deployed in 2016), this attribute will be reduced to optional. For the Foodservice initiative, when this happens it is only necessary to populate this value when it should be LESS_THAN. 3.79.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. 3.79.4. Code List Values There is a list of code values for part of this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.18 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 126 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.80. Nutrient Label contents and measures Proteins, Fats, Sugars, etc.) (attribute 4 of 5) (Calories, This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. preparationState nutrientTypeCode measurementPrecision percentageOfDailyValueIntake quantityContained For each preparationState specified, the remaining attributes can be repeated as a group for each nutrient to be detailed. If a nutrient is not on the NLEA Panel, it is not to be denoted in the item message in relation to that set of information. There are some products where nutritional values are inherent. The USDA maintains some average values which may be represented. For those nutrients, the values may not be represented on the NLEA panel. A process has been developed to also provide 100-gram relevant nutrient data. This process is awaiting a deployment schedule from the Technical Advisory Committee. For each item the attribute productVariantDescription would be utilized, until the GDSN major release provides a permanent solution, to identify the variant type for the information being provided. This value would begin with SERVING_SIZE, or 100_GRAM. All of the nutrient information can be repeated under this attribute. • 1st instance- “SERVING_SIZE” – • 2 nd Population of actual serving in serving size instance- “100_GRAM” – Population of 100 grams in serving size When a manufacturer needs to use the variant attribute to denote other variant information it is further recommended • To start the variant name with “SERVING_SIZE” or “100_GRAM” followed by the variant name • Any other information over and above nutrient values which is different from one variant to the next. Use of this approach allows for the specification of other information against the variant being described- Ingredients, Allergens, Marketing Claims, etc. • Only populate nutrient information against the 100_GRAM instance. All other information should be placed on the SERVING_SIZE instance. • 100-gram data should be optional to populated for processed food items based on the item and a business need of the community ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 127 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 • 100-gram data is needed for FOOD ITEMS ONLY • Food Items with USDA or FDA default values do not need 100-gram to be populated 3.80.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- percentageOfDailyValueIntake Data Type- Numeric (Round up to 3 Decimals) GDSN Required- If populated, requires the population of nutrientTypeCode. Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice (Threshold) for Food items only Foodservice Common DefinitionThe percentage of the recommended daily intake of a nutrient as recommended by authorities of the target market. Is expressed relative to the serving size and base daily value intake. This attributes is expressed as a number with an implied unit of measure of percent. GDD DefinitionThe percentage of the recommended daily intake of a nutrient as recommended by authorities of the target market. Is expressed relative to the serving size and base daily value intake. 3.80.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance If nutrient type code is populated, then at least one of the percentage or the quantity contained must be populated. This percentage can be populated alone or with the quantity of the nutrient. This percentage is based on the NLEA Panel for NLEA information. As such, the number can be rounded according to the FDA Guidelines. For 100-gram data, this information is not necessary as 100-gram information is meant for menu planning and would only be the quantity contained. 3.80.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 128 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.81. Nutrient Label contents and measures Proteins, Fats, Sugars, etc.) (attribute 5 of 5) (Calories, This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. preparationState nutrientTypeCode measurementPrecision percentageOfDailyValueIntake quantityContained For each preparationState specified, the remaining attributes can be repeated as a group for each nutrient to be detailed. If a nutrient is not on the NLEA Panel, it is not to be denoted in the item message in relation to that set of information. There are some products where nutritional values are inherent. The USDA maintains some average values which may be represented. For those nutrients, the values may not be represented on the NLEA panel. A process has been developed to also provide 100-gram relevant nutrient data. This process is awaiting a deployment schedule from the Technical Advisory Committee. For each item the attribute productVariantDescription would be utilized, until the GDSN major release provides a permanent solution, to identify the variant type for the information being provided. This value would begin with SERVING_SIZE, or 100_GRAM. All of the nutrient information can be repeated under this attribute. • 1st instance- “SERVING_SIZE” – • 2 nd Population of actual serving in serving size instance- “100_GRAM” – Population of 100 grams in serving size When a manufacturer needs to use the variant attribute to denote other variant information it is further recommended • To start the variant name with “SERVING_SIZE” or “100_GRAM” followed by the variant name • Any other information over and above nutrient values which is different from one variant to the next. Use of this approach allows for the specification of other information against the variant being described- Ingredients, Allergens, Marketing Claims, etc. • Only populate nutrient information against the 100_GRAM instance. All other information should be placed on the SERVING_SIZE instance. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 129 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 • 100-gram data should be optional to populated for processed food items based on the item and a business need of the community • 100-gram data is needed for FOOD ITEMS ONLY • Food Items with USDA or FDA default values do not need 100-gram to be populated 3.81.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- quantityContained Data Type- Numeric (Round up to 3 Decimals) GDSN Required- If populated, requires the population of nutrientTypeCode. Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice (Threshold) for Food items only Foodservice Common DefinitionMeasurement value indicating the amount of the specific nutrient being described relative to the serving size. GDD DefinitionMeasurement value indicating the amount of nutrient contained in the product. Is expressed relative to the serving size. 3.81.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance If nutrient type code is populated, then at least one of the percentage or the quantity contained must be populated. This quantity can be populated alone or with the percentage of the nutrient. This quantity is based on the NLEA Panel for NLEA information. As such, the number can be rounded according to the USDA or FDA Guidelines. For 100-gram data, the number should be as precise as possible and can be denoted out to 3 decimal places. As a measurement field, a unit or measure is required to accommodate the actual numeric quantity. This measure should be the same as is printed in the NLEA panel. For example, the numeric portion might be 15 and the unit of measure might be grams to denote 15 grams of a nutrient. The actual Unit of Measure abbreviation which is used for the NLEA panel might be different from the abbreviation used in the GDSN Message. Please consult the Unit of Measure code list for the appropriate value. 3.81.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. 3.81.4. Code List Values There is a list of code values for part of this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.24 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 130 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.82. Nutrient Relevant Data Provided (AVP Solution) 3.82.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- nutrientRelevantDataProvided (AVP Solution) (Sunrise December 31, 2013) Data Type- Non-Binary Logic Code GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Optional Foodservice Common DefinitionSignifies that all of the nutrient data which is required to appear on the label or is relevant to be reported has been populated in the allergen section of the GDSN message. GDD Definition- 3.82.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is an indicator which signifies that all nutrient information populated in the GDSN message is complete. The completion of the information is based on what is required to appear on the label and what is relevant to be provided. For example Baby food is not required to provide a value for Trans Fat, however other foods do. If this attribute has a value of TRUE, recipients should accept the values in the GDSN message as a complete set of nutrient attributes for the item. No other value but TRUE need be passed. There is an AVP solution in place until such time as the GDSN deploys a final solution in a future release. The final solution will mirror the AVP solution for easy migration. 3.82.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 131 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.83. Nutrient Value Derivation (AVP Solution) 3.83.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- nutrientValueDerivation (AVP Solution) (Sunrise December 31, 2013) Data Type- Code Value GDSN RequiredFoodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold for Food items only Foodservice Common DefinitionA code signifying how the nutrients have been derived. GDD Definition- 3.83.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance Menu planners are tasked with developing menu items and determining the nutrient information for the item. When accomplishing this task, the planners utilize the information provided by the manufacturer. As they review and check their values, they balance what they have derived against the manufacturer’s values. If the values do not line up, or there is a discrepancy in the values, the planner will need to determine the source of the discrepancy and resolve it. By knowing how the manufacturer’s values were derived will aid in this research. If one instance of nutrientTypeCode is provided, this attribute must be populated. 3.83.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. 3.83.4. Code List Values There is a list of code values for part of this attribute, which can be found in Section 5. 19 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 132 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.84. Pack Size Text 3.84.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- shippingContainerContentsDescrption Data Type- Text- (70 Characters) Free Text- Repeatable GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThe contents as described/printed on the outside of the shipping container. Provided for GTINs, which are packaged, to ship. GDD DefinitionThe contents of the shipping container as described on the outside of the shipping container. 3.84.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance Typically, this is the case level. However, this should be populated at any hierarchy levels designed as a shipping unit, whether the Information Provider ships that level or not. 3.84.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 133 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.85. Pallet Ti and Pallet Hi (pallet GTIN) (attribute 1 of 2) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. quantityOfCompleteLayersContainedInATradeItem quantityOfTradeitemsContainedInACompleteLayer 3.85.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- quantityOfCompleteLayersContainedInATradeitem Data Type- Integer GDSN Required- Use only if a Pallet GTIN has been assigned. Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold (According to GDSN Rules) Foodservice Common DefinitionFor Pallet level GTINs, this denotes the number of layers on the pallet. GDD DefinitionThe number of layers of the base trade item found in a trade item. Does not apply to the base trade item unit. 3.85.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance Do not use this attribute unless you have assigned a GTIN to the pallet level of the hierarchy and the pallet is an orderable and invoice unit of measure. This is only populated on the Pallet GTIN. 3.85.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. Tip on Attribute Names An easy way to remember which attribute to use is: "If the attribute name contains the words "Per Pallet" the attribute should NEVER be used when synchronizing the Pallet GTIN. A Pallet GTIN should always use the "Contained in a" attributes." ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 134 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.86. Pallet Ti and Pallet Hi (pallet GTIN) (attribute 2 of 2) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. quantityOfCompleteLayersContainedInATradeItem quantityOfTradeitemsContainedInACompleteLayer 3.86.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- quantityOfTradeItemsContainedInACompleteLayer Data Type- Integer GDSN Required- Use only if a Pallet GTIN has been assigned. Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold (According to GDSN Rules) Foodservice Common DefinitionFor Pallet level GTINs, this denotes the number of next lower level GTINs in each layer of the pallet. GDD DefinitionThe number of trade items contained in a complete layer of a higher packaging configuration. Used in hierarchical packaging structure of a trade it em. Cannot be used for trade item base unit. 3.86.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance Do not use this attribute unless you have assigned a GTIN to the pallet level of the hierarchy and the pallet is an orderable and invoice unit of measure. This is only populated on the Pallet GTIN. 3.86.3. Other Guidelines No additional guidance available at time of publication. Tip on Attribute Names An easy way to remember which attribute to use is: "If the attribute name contains the words "Per Pallet" the attribute should NEVER be used when synchronizing the Pallet GTIN. A Pallet GTIN should always use the "Contained in a" attributes." ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 135 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.87. Pallet Ti and Pallet Hi (NO pallet GTIN) (attribute 1 of 3) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. quantityOfTradeItemsPerPallet quantityOfLayersPerPallet quantityOfTradesPerPalletLayer 3.87.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- quantityOfTradeItemsPerPallet Data Type- Integer GDSN Required- Use only if NO Pallet GTIN has been assigned. (Non-GTIN Logistics Unit Extension) Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionFor Pallet information, where a pallet GTIN is not assigned, the total number of highest level GTINs on the pallet. This is only populated at the highest non-Pallet GTIN when there is no pallet GTIN. GDD DefinitionThe number of trade items contained in a pallet. Only used if the pallet has no GTIN. It indicates the number of trade items placed on a pallet according to manufacturer or retailer preferences. 3.87.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is the most frequently used attribute for pallet TI/HI for the foodservice industry. This would be the configuration of a full pallet of one product. The attribute would the total number of shipping containers for a pallet. This is also only used when there is one and only one pallet configuration. If there is more than one, GTINs need to be assigned to each one and the other attributes should be used. These are populated on the highest non -Pallet GTIN in the hierarchy. 3.87.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. Tip on Attribute Names An easy way to remember which attribute to use is: "If the attribute name contains the words "Per Pallet" the attribute should NEVER be used when synchronizing the Pallet GTIN. A Pallet GTIN should always use the "Contained in a" attributes." ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 136 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.88. Pallet Ti and Pallet Hi (NO pallet GTIN) (attribute 2 of 3) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. quantityOfTradeItemsPerPallet quantityOfLayersPerPallet quantityOfTradesPerPalletLayer 3.88.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- quantityOfLayersperPallet Data Type- Integer GDSN Required- Use only if NO Pallet GTIN has been assigned. (Non-GTIN Logistics Unit Extension) Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold (According to GDSN Rules) Foodservice Common DefinitionFor Pallet information, where a pallet GTIN is not assigned, the total number of layers on the pallet. This is only populated at the highest non-Pallet GTIN when there is no pallet GTIN. GDD DefinitionThe number of layers that a pallet contains. Only used if the pallet has no GTIN. It indicates the number of layers that a pallet contains, according to manufacturer or retailer preferences. 3.88.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This would be the number of layers for a full pallet, for example, the FS industry predominately uses the GMA 48 x 40 pallet, of one product. The attribute would the total number of layers for a pallet or the "HI". These are populated on the highest non-Pallet GTIN in the hierarchy. 3.88.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. Tip on Attribute Names An easy way to remember which attribute to use is: "If the attribute name contains the words "Per Pallet" the attribute should NEVER be used when synchronizing the Pallet GTIN. A Pallet GTIN should always use the "Contained in a" attributes." ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 137 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.89. Pallet Ti and Pallet Hi (NO pallet GTIN) (attribute 3 of 3) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. quantityOfTradeItemsPerPallet quantityOfLayersPerPallet quantityOfTradesPerPalletLayer 3.89.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- quantityOfTradeItemsPerPalletLayer Data Type- Integer GDSN Required- Use only if NO Pallet GTIN has been assigned. (Non-GTIN Logistics Unit Extension) Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold (According to GDSN Rules) Foodservice Common DefinitionFor Pallet information, where a pallet GTIN is not assigned, the total number of highest level GTINs in each layer on the pallet. This is only populated at the highest non -Pallet GTIN when there is no pallet GTIN. GDD DefinitionThe number of trade items contained on a single layer of a pallet. Only used if the pallet has no GTIN. It indicates the number of trade items placed on a pallet layer according to manufacturer or retailer preferences. 3.89.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is the number of shipping containers (highest level GTIN) per layer on the pallet, for example the FS industry predominately uses the GMA 48x40 pallet. The attribute would be the total number of products per layer of the pallet or the "TI". These are populated on the highest non-Pallet GTIN in the hierarchy. 3.89.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. Tip on Attribute Names An easy way to remember which attribute to use is: "If the attribute name contains the words "Per Pallet" the attribute should NEVER be used when synchronizing the Pallet GTIN. A Pallet GTIN should always use the "Contained in a" attributes." ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 138 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.90. Preparation & Cooking Instructions (attribute 1 of 2) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. preparationType preparationInstructions 3.90.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- preparationType Data Type- Code List GDSN Required- If populated, requires the population of preparationInstructions. Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice (Threshold) for Food items Only Foodservice DefinitionA code specifying the technique used to make the product ready for consumption. For example: baking, boiling. GDD DefinitionA code specifying the technique used to make the product ready for consumption. For example: baking, boiling. 3.90.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance Different preparation instructions can be specified for each type such as Microwaving, Baking, and Frying. 3.90.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. 3.90.4. Code List There is a list of code values for part of this attribute, which can be found in Section 5. 20 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 139 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.91. Preparation & Cooking Instructions (attribute 2 of 2) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. preparationType preparationInstructions 3.91.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- preparationInstructions Data Type- Multi-description (Allows for a language qualifier) (2500 characters) Free Text GDSN Required- If populated, requires the population of preparationType. Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice (Threshold) for Food items only Foodservice Common DefinitionTextual instruction on how to prepare the product before serving. For Bulk or Ready To Use Items, the value of "N/A" should be populated GDD DefinitionTextual instruction on how to prepare the product before serving. (2500 Characters) 3.91.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance Can be specified in multiple languages through the use of a Language Qualifier. 3.91.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 140 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.92. Private Label Items 3.92.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- brandDistributionType Data TypeGDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Optional- Provide if needed Foodservice Common DefinitionA code defining PRIVATE_LABEL. that an item has RESCTRICTED_DISTRIBUTION or is GDD DefinitionAny restrictions imposed on the Trade Item on how it can be sold to the consumer. 3.92.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance Using this attribute will allow the supplier to signify to the recipient that the trade item is a restricted or private label item. Knowledge of this will allow the trading partners to better manage the data shared between them. In many cases, the recipi ent may have the ingredient, allergen, nutrient information, or other information. With this code, the recipient can handle the GTIN differently than a national brand by referencing their own information as opposed to expecting the information to be supplied through GDSN. The code value of PRIVATE_LABEL_DISTRIBUTION will not be available until the GDSN Major Release 3.x is deployed in 2016. Until that time, the value of RESTRICTED_DISTRIBUTION should be used. 3.92.3. Other Guidance No guidance available at the time of publication. 3.92.4. Code List There is a list of code values for part of this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.21 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 141 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.93. Product Name 3.93.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- tradeItemDescription Data Type- Multidescription (Allows for a language qualifier) (1 to 178 characters) Free Text GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionA descriptive name of the product. GDD DefinitionThis field has a language qualifier, 1-178. 3.93.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance Product name should provide additional information to what is populated in the short product description and should include the short product description without abbreviations. Can be specified in multiple languages through the use of a Language Qualifier. 3.93.3. Other Guidance The product description field, tradeItemDescription is concatenated from the four attributes listed below. If an attribute is left blank or not defined, the product description exists only of attributes populated. While two of the four attributes are designated as optional, since they may or may not exist, it is widely recognized that most information providers will seek to provide values for all of these attributes so as to provide a product description that is as accurate as possible. The structure for the product description is: Brand MANDATORY Sub Brand OPTIONAL Functional Name Variant MANDATORY OPTIONAL Example 1: • Brand = ACME • Sub Brand = “NULL” Product Description: • Functional Name = Salad Dressing ACME Salad Dressing Italian Regular • Variant = Italian Regular Example 2: • Brand = Unbranded • Sub Brand “NULL” Product Description: • Functional Name = Plant Unbranded Plant Tropical • Variant = Tropical Example 3: ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 142 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 • Brand = Mission • Sub Brand = Stick It Product Description: • Functional name = notes Mission Stick It notes yellow • Variant = yellow ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 143 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.94. Quantity of Next Lower Level GTINs (attribute 1 of 2) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. totalQuantityOfNextLevelTradeItem quantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem 3.94.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- totalQuantityOfNextLevelTradeItem Data Type- Integer GDSN Required- Dependent (Based on level of Hierarchy) Foodservice Best Practice- Dependent (If Applicable) part of GDSN base message set. Foodservice Common DefinitionRegardless of the GTIN, this attributes denotes how many units are at the next level of the hierarchy below this GTIN. GDD DefinitionThis represents the Total quantity of next lower level trade items that this trade item contains. 3.94.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This value is the total amount of next level units in this GTIN. This value is not tied to the attribute childGTIN. If a case contains 4 bottles of one flavor of a sauce, this value is 4. If a case contains 6 bags each of 2 types of brown sugar (12 total bags), this value is 12. Where there is only one GTIN at the next level of the hierarchy (one Child GTIN), then totalQuantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem and quantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem WILL be equal. Where there is more than one GTIN at the next level of the hierarchy (one Child GTIN), then totalQuantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem and quantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem WILL NOT be equal. Bottle of Bar-B-Q sauce (EACH) Case of 4 bottles of Bar-B-Q sauce (CASE) 06141417777773 16141417777770 totalQuantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem N/A 4 quantityOfChildren N/A 1 childGITN N/A 06141417777773 quantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem N/A 4 Attribute Name GTIN ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 144 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Bag of Light Brown Sugar (EACH) Bag of Dark Brown Sugar (EACH) Case of 6 bags of Light Brown Sugar and 6 bags of Dark Brown Sugar (CASE) 06141413333331 06141414444449 06141415555557 totalQuantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem N/A N/A 12 quantityOfChildren N/A N/A 2 childGITN N/A N/A 06141413333331 quantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem N/A N/A 6 childGITN N/A N/A 06141414444449 quantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem N/A N/A 6 Attribute Name GTIN One Can of Regular Soda (EACH) One Can of Diet Soda (EACH) Pack of 6 Regular Sodas (PACK) Pack of 6 Diet Sodas (PACK) Case of 3 SixPacks of Regular Sodas and 1 Six-Pack of Diet Sodas (CASE) 00614141444441 00614141555550 00614141666669 00614141777778 26141413333335 totalQuantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem N/A N/A 6 6 24 quantityOfChildren N/A N/A 1 1 2 childGITN N/A N/A 00614141444441 00614141555550 00614141666669 quantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem N/A N/A 6 6 3 childGITN N/A N/A N/A N/A 00614141777778 quantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 Attribute Name GTIN 3.94.3. Other Guidance This is the total quantity of child items contained in this trade item. This is summed across all child GTINs contained in the item. For most kitting hierarchies this attribute will be populated with a “1” as most kitting hierarchies only contain one unique GTIN. This attribute is designed for use with complex hierarchies containing multiple unique GTINs at a lower level of the hierarchy For example: A pack level GTIN contains 2 each level GTINs, a pair of scissors (with an actual quantity of 3), and a roll of tape (with an actual quantity of 30). The totalQuantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem would be 33, being the total of 3 for the scissors GTIN plus 30 for the tape GTIN. If the pack level were a surgical kit with multiple unique GTINs within the KIT, then this attribute is the quantity of each unique GTIN in the kit. The GDSN guide healthcare is made possible because of the voluntary contribution of the community and individuals who dedicate their time to sharing best practices. The guide will be updated as additional implementation best practices are identified or changes to the standard warrant it. For additional information on local implementation of the GDSN in healthcare contact your GS1 Member Organisation or GDSN certified data pool. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 145 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 This field should be populated with the total quantity of all child GTINs contained in an item. For simple hierarchies where there is only one child GTIN, the values populated in: QuantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem … will be the same as the value in totalQuantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem As shown in the hierarchy examples, this attribute communicates the number of all of the “EACH’s in a “PACK” or the number of all of “PACK’s in a “CASE”. In combination with the Parent/Child references, this attribute allows the data receiver to construct the product hierarchy from the published information. Table 3-8 Simple Hierarchy Example Package of one dozen Lancets (EACH) Box of 10 packages of Lancets (PACK) Case of 12 boxes of Lancets (CASE) 06141413333331 16141413333338 26141413333335 totalQuantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem N/A 10 12 quantityOfChildren N/A 1 1 childGITN N/A 06141413333331 16141413333338 quantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem N/A 10 12 Attribute Name GTIN ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 146 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.95. Quantity of Next Lower Level GTINS (attribute 2 of 2) This section provides guidance for a Global Data Dictionary (GDD) attribute, which is a part of a group of attributes. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. totalQuantityOfNextLevelTradeItem quantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem 3.95.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- quantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem Data Type- Numeric (Round up to 3 Decimals) GDSN Required- Mandatory Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionFor each child GTIN, this attributes denotes how many units of that child are at the next level of the hierarchy below this GTIN. GDD DefinitionThe number of next lower level trade item that this trade item contains. 3.95.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is only populated where a child GTIN is assigned. This value is the total amount of next level units in this GTIN. This value is tied to the attribute childGTIN and is specific to that GTIN. If a case contains 4 bottles of one flavor of a sauce, this value is 4. If a case contains 6 bags each of 2 types of brown sugar (12 total bags), this value is 6 Where there is only one GTIN at the next level of the hierarchy (one Child GTIN), then totalQuantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem and quantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem WILL be equal. Where there is more than one GTIN at the next level of the hierarchy (one Child GTIN), then totalQuantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem and quantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem WILL NOT be equal. Bottle of Bar-B-Q sauce (EACH) Case of 4 bottles of Bar-B-Q sauce (CASE) 06141417777773 16141417777770 totalQuantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem N/A 4 quantityOfChildren N/A 1 childGITN N/A 06141417777773 quantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem N/A 4 Attribute Name GTIN ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 147 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Bag of Light Brown Sugar (EACH) Bag of Dark Brown Sugar (EACH) Case of 6 bags of Light Brown Sugar and 6 bags of Dark Brown Sugar (CASE) 06141413333331 06141414444449 06141415555557 totalQuantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem N/A N/A 12 quantityOfChildren N/A N/A 2 childGITN N/A N/A 06141413333331 quantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem N/A N/A 6 childGITN N/A N/A 06141414444449 quantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem N/A N/A 6 Attribute Name GTIN 3.95.3. Other Guidance This field should be populated with the actual quantity of each child GTIN contained in an item. For simple hierarchies where there is only one child GTIN, the values populated in: QuantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem …will be the same as the value in: totalQuantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem As shown in the hierarchy examples, this attribute communicates the number of “EACH’s in a “PACK” or the number of “PACK’s in a “CASE”. In combination with the Parent/Child references, this attribute allows the data receiver to construct the product hierarchy from the published information. This is the actual quantity of child items contained in this item. This is specified for each childGTIN For example: A pack level GTIN contains 2 each level GTINs, a pair of scissors (with an actual quantity of 3), and a roll of tape (with an actual quantity of 30). The totalQuantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem would be 3 for the scissors GTIN and 30 for the tape GTIN. If the pack level were a surgical kit with multiple unique GTINs within the KIT, then this attribute is the quantity of each unique GTIN in the kit. Examples of Product hierarchy attributes above based on 3 pack factors: each, pack, case This is the actual number of unique child GTINs contained in an item. This is not to be confused with the total number of pieces (netContent) which are actually in this GTIN. For most kitting hierarchies this attribute will be populated with a “1” as most kitting hierarchies only contain one unique GTIN. This attribute is designed for use with complex hierarchies containing multiple unique GTINs at a lower level of the hierarchy. For example: A pack level GTIN contains 2 each level GTINs, a pair of scissors (with an actual quantity of 3), and a roll of tape (with an actual quantity of 30). The quantityOfChildren would be 2. If the pack level were a surgical kit with multiple unique GTINs within the KIT, then this attribute is the number of unique GTINs in the kit. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 148 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 This field should be populated with the actual number of unique child GTINs contained in an item. This is not to be confused with the total number of pieces (netContent) which are actually in this GTIN. For many product hierarchies in the healthcare indu stry this attribute will be populated with value “1” as many product hierarchies in the healthcare industry only contain one unique GTIN. This attribute is designed for use with complex hierarchies containing multiple unique GTINs at a lower level of the hierarchy (kits, for example). See Section 3.71 for Complex Hierarchy examples. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 149 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.96. Serving Size Text 3.96.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- householdServingSize Data Type- Text (70 Characters) (Free Text) GDSN Required- If populated, requires the population of preparationState. Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice (Threshold) Foodservice Common DefinitionA free text field containing the serving size text as it appears on the unit's packaging , typically found within the nutrition facts box. GDD DefinitionFree text field specifying the household serving size in which the information per nutrient has been stated. Example: Per 1/3 cup (42 g). 3.96.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This the serving size as listed in the NLEA panel on the package. Many NLEA Panels have a text string for the serving size, for example, 16.9 fluid ounces (500ml). This attribute is the full text string from the NLEA panel. The information provided outside the parenthesis is populated in the attribute servingSize. (See section 3.76 for more detail) 3.96.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 150 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.97. Serving Suggestions 3.97.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- servingSuggestions Data Type- Multidescription (Allows for a language qualifier) (1000 characters) Free Text Multidescription (Allows for a language qualifier) (1000 characters) Free Text GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold for Food items only Foodservice Common DefinitionMeasurement value indicating the amount of the specific nutrient being described relative to the serving size. GDD DefinitionFree text field for serving suggestion. (1000 characters) 3.97.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This attribute should be provided if the data source is the Brand Owner. If the data source is not the Brand Owner, this attribute is optional unless the Brand Owner has provided the attribute information to the data source for publication. Can be specified in multiple languages through the use of a Language Qualifier. 3.97.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 151 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.98. Servings of the Trade Item Unit 3.98.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- numberOfServingsPerPackage Data Type- Integer (10 Characters) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold for Food items only Foodservice Common DefinitionThe total number of recommended servings contained in the package. Can be specified at any packaging level. GDD DefinitionThe total number of servings contained in the package. 3.98.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is the number of servings per package as calculated by the manufacturer. All values entered are approximate values and are based on recommended values from the manufacturer. Actual values may vary based on actual usage and measures by the end user. Currently, this attribute is an integer and as such does not allow for any decimal values. There is a GDSN change in process to allow this attribute to be specified with a decimal. This will be in a future GDSN release. Until this release, it is recommended that the manufacturer round down their value. This will ensure that the recipient can realize the number. 3.98.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 152 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.99. Shelf Life (1 of 2 attributes) The section describes the attributes used to provide the number of days of shelf life available to the recipient of the item when purchased from the Information Provider. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. minimumTradeItemLifeSpanFromTimeOfProduction minimumTradeItemLifespanFromTimeOfArrival These attributes are grouped for purposes of this document, and can be provided independent of each other based on the guidance below. To meet the Foodservice Threshold, at least one of these two attributes should be provided 3.99.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- minimumTradeItemLifespanFromTimeOfProduction Data Type- Integer (4 digits) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold to provide this attribute or minimumTradeItemLifespanFromTimeOfArrival Foodservice Common DefinitionIndicates the minimum shelf life of the product from the time of production. GDD DefinitionThe period of day, guaranteed by the manufacturer, before the expiration date of the product, based on the production. 3.99.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance The number of days from production until the expiration date. This number signifies the minimum number of days a recipient can expect to have on a trade item they receive. This date is based upon the production date. The recipient will need to be provided the production date through a transactional piece of information, e.g. Bill of Lading (BOL), Advance Ship Notification (ASN), Commercial Invoice, etc., or physically printed on the packaging. Where this date appears is at the manufacturer’s discretion. It is understood that not every route an item may be shipped along will have the same transit time. To account for this, this number is a minimum not an exact number or a maximum. 3.99.3. Other Guidance Indicates the minimum shelf life of the product from the time of production. This is the minimum number of days from the day of production until the product can no longer be used. The actual production date must be provided in communications from the manufacturer (such as packaging, Advanced Shipping Note (ASN), Bill Of Lading (BOL), etc.) Minimum number of days is based on an average in the manufacturer’s system. Since the data is a minimum and not an exact, the lowest denominator approach is recommended. While the attribute can have one value for all recipients (Trading Partner Neutral), it can also have different values for each recipient (Trading Partner Dependent). Your data pool can provide detail on how to provide Trading Partner Dependent data using their system. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 153 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.100. Shelf Life (2 of 2 attributes) The section describes the attributes used to provide the number of days of shelf life available to the recipient of the item when purchased from the Information Provider. This table displays all of the attributes in this group. It is recommended to review all the attributes in the group for the best guidance. minimumTradeItemLifeSpanFromTimeOfProduction minimumTradeItemLifespanFromTimeOfArrival These attributes are grouped for purposes of this document, and can be provided independent of each other based on the guidance below. It is recommended to provide one of the two attributes listed for each item. To meet the Foodservice Threshold, at least one of these two attributes should be provided 3.100.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- minimumTradeItemLifespanFromTimeOfArrival Data Type- Integer (4 digits) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold to provide this attribute or minimumTradeItemLifespanFromTimeOfProduction Foodservice Common DefinitionIndicates the minimum shelf life of the product from the date of arrival. GDD DefinitionThe period of days, guaranteed by the manufacturer, before the expiration date of the trade item, based on arrival to a mutually agreed to point in the buyers distribution system. Can be repeatable upon use of GLN. 3.100.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance The number of days from arrival at the recipient until the expiration date. This number signifies the minimum number of days a recipient can expect to have on a trade item they receive. This date is based upon the date of receipt. It is understood that not every route an item may be shipped along will have the same transit time. To account for this, this number is a minimum not an exact number or a maximum. 3.100.3. Other Guidance Indicates the remaining shelf life of the product from the date of arrival. This is the minimum number of days from the day of arrival until the product can no longer be used. Minimum number of days is based on an average in the manufacturer’s system. Since the data is a minimum and not an exact, the lowest denominator approach is recommended. While the attribute can have one value for all recipients (Trading Partner Neutral), it can also have different values for each recipient (Trading Partner Dependent). Your data pool can provide detail on how to provide Trading Partner Dependent data using their system. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 154 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.101. Storage & Usage 3.101.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- consumerUsageStorageInstructions Data Type- Multidescription (Allows for a language qualifier) (1000 characters) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionExpresses in text the storage and usage instructions of a product. GDD DefinitionExpresses in text the consumer storage and usage instructions of a product which are normally held on the label or accompanying the product. This information may or may not be labelled on the pack. Instructions may refer to a suggested storage temperature, a specific storage requirement or a reference to environment or duration. Examples include: “Refrigerate After Opening”, “Consume within 4 days” “Keep Out Of Direct Sunlight” ,”Store at an Ambient Temperature”, “Store in a Clean, Cool, Dry Place”, “Store Away From Sunlight, Strong Odours and Chemicals”, “Keep in a Clean, Cool, Dry and Odourless Place Away From Direct Sunlight and Freezing Temperatures”, “Keep in a Clean, Cool, Dry and Odourless Place Away From Direct Sunlight”, “Before opening store at + 5°C+ 30°C”, “After Opening Keep Refrigerated (+5°C) and Consume Within 48 hours”, “Drink Chilled”, “Store in a Cool Dry Place”, “Refrigerate After Opening. Can Be Kept in the Fridge For 3 Months”. 3.101.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance Can be specified in multiple languages through the use of a Language Qualifier. 3.101.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 155 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.102. Storage Temperature Min. with UoM 3.102.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- storageHandlingTemperatureMinimum Data Type- Numeric (Round up to 3 Decimals) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThe lowest storage temperature for the trade item. Release as enhancements to this group) (More work coming in next GDSN If supplier has a range, it should be populated If supplier only has a recommended temperature, this should be populated in both max and min. This type of population should be interpreted as a recommended temperature for storage. GDD DefinitionThe minimum temperature at which the trade item can be stored. This uses a measurement consisting of a unit of measure and a value. 3.102.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is the minimum or coldest temperature that a GTIN should be stored at. If you have a product that should be stored at -10 degrees F. to 0 degrees F., the storage temperature Minimum would be -10 degrees F. 3.102.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. 3.102.4. UoM Code List for Temperatures There is a list of code values for part of this attribute, which can be found in Section 5. 22 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 156 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.103. Storage Temperature Max. with UoM 3.103.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- storageHandlingTemperatureMaximum Data Type- Numeric (Round up to 3 Decimals) GDSN Required- Optional Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThe highest storage temperature for the trade item. (More work coming in next GDSN Release as enhancements to this group) If supplier has a range, it should be populated If supplier only has a recommended temperature, this should be populated in both max and min. This type of population should be interpreted as a recommended temperature for storage. GDD DefinitionThe maximum temperature at which the trade item can be stored. This uses a measurement consisting of a unit of measure and a value. 3.103.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is the maximum or warmest temperature that a GTIN should be stored at. If you have a product that should be stored at -10 degrees F. to 0 degrees F., the storage temperature Maximum would be 0 degrees F. 3.103.3. Other Guidance No additional guidance available at time of publication. 3.103.4. UoM Code List for Temperatures There is a list of code values for part of this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.2 2 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 157 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.104. Target Market 3.104.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- targetMarketCountryCode Data Type- Code List (3 characters) GDSN Required- Mandatory Foodservice Best Practice- Mandatory part of GDSN base message set. Foodservice Common DefinitionThe country in which the item is intended to be sold. In GDSN, the list of the geographical regions or countries is defined by the ISO-3166-1 code system. The value used is the 3-digit numerical code. Ex: The Target Market country code for the United States is 840 GDD DefinitionISO 3166-1 format 3-digit numerical; following AIDC guidelines. This information drives data synchronization rules linked to global/local, local status. Combination of this field +GTIN+GLN uniquely identifies a set of attributes or a trade item. This is a repeatable field. This field is mandatory within the Global Data Sync hronization process. 3.104.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance If the Target Market is USA, then the value is 840. 3.104.3. Other Guidance This field should be populated with the country in which the item is intended to be sold. In GDSN, the list of the geographical regions or countries is defined by the ISO-3166-1 code system (3-digit numerical code). Note: Many data pools can present the 3-digit numeric country code (e.g. 124 for Canada) as the 2-digit alphabetic code (e.g. CA) to aid usability; therefore the user may never see the 3-digit numeric codes. Note: This instance of Target Market is in relation to the entire trade item. 3.104.4. Code List Values The code list used for targetMarketCountryCode is the ISO 3166-1 3-digit numeric code list. There is a list of code values for part of this attribute, which can be found in Section 5. 10 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 158 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.105. Unit Descriptor 3.105.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- tradeIemUnitDescriptor Data Type- Code List (2 Characters) GDSN Required- Mandatory Foodservice Best Practice- FS Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThe attribute tradeItemUnitDescriptor is used to describe the GTIN packaging level. Ex: Does the GTIN refer to an each, inner pack, case, or a pallet? Choose from the code list provided. GDD DefinitionDescribes the hierarchical level of the trade item. 3.105.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance This is the packaging level assigned to the GTIN. In Foodservice, this is commonly an each or a case. 3.105.3. Other Guidance The attribute tradeItemUnitDescriptor is used to describe the GTIN hierarchy level. Hierarchy is used to establish a link between different levels of a product logistical chain. Another term for item hierarchy is item containment. Item containment provides a method of identifying the contents of a GTIN that is a packaging hierarchy rather than a consumer unit. This can occur multiple times depending upon the number of levels in the hierarchy. Important: The GS1 standards currently provide wide definitions of each Trade Item Unit Descriptor. This Guideline suggests narrower definitions as guidance, which, it is believed, would bring a greater degree of consistency to the usage of Trade Item Unit Descriptors. These definitions have been approved by Change Request # 07-000017. Implementation of these definitions will be in conjunction with an upcoming GDSN maintenance release in Q3 or Q4 2007. Important: All components of each potential level of packaging must already be defined in order to be used in Item Containment. Each level in the item hierarchy must be identified with a GTIN and a trade item unit descriptor to be sent in GDSN. Important: Please be aware that some changes to the codes available for Trade Item Unit Descriptor are under discussion. Some codes may be withdrawn, including MULTIPACK, PREPACK, PREPACK_ASSORTMENT. Others are under consideration for withdrawal. Although these codes are still supported in the GDS Network today, participants may wish to consider transition to the codes listed in this topic, especially PALLET, CASE, PACK_OR_INNER_PACK and BASE_UNIT_OR_EACH. If changes are agreed, they will be rolled out in future releases of the GDSN Standards, and this document will be updated accordingly when the changes are deployed. Pre-Requisite GTINs must be registered in the GS1 Global Registry to build the item hierarchy. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 159 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 When Would I Use This? The trade item unit descriptor is a mandatory attribute in the GDSN CIN. This attribute is also used to define what level of the item hierarchy an attribute is relevant at. For example tradeItemCountryOfOrigin is relevant for the product hierarchy level of “Each” Before creating a publication the manufacturer will use the trade item unit descriptor to create the parent/child GTIN relationship. Child GTIN is a reference to the GTIN of the next lower level of trade item that is contained in the item hierarchy. How to Implement Trade Item Unit Descriptors The following information is provided in Table 3-9: Name and Abbreviations of Trade Item Unit Descriptors (commonly used by some of the trading partners) Description of the Trade Item Unit Descriptor Parents – provides guidance of the trade item unit descriptors that can be a parent of a lower level GTIN when the item hierarchy (link) is created. Parent Instances – Indicates if a GTIN could have one or more than one parent GTIN Children – provides guidance of the trade item unit descriptor that can be a child of a higher level GTIN when the item hierarchy (link) is created Children Instances – indicates if the GTIN contains a single instance of a GTIN or several unique GTINs Table 3-9 Trade Item Unit Descriptors Note: Debate still exists within the GDSN community regarding the definitions and consistent use of this attribute across the community. The above guidelines provide interim guidance until a revised standard is created. A recommendation is for the GDSN community to sponsor a GSMP Change request to form a Work Team and develop a recommendation. Note: ½ or ¼ pallet are terms typically used in European markets (see Section, Example 3. 1. tradeItemUnitDescriptor 2. (PL) Pallet xml code =PALLET (CA) Case xml code =CASE (PK) Pack / Innerpack xml code =PACK_OR_INNER_PACK Description A unit load that contains a single GTIN that is not display ready. Includes box pallet A standard trade item shipping unit. Includes a ½ or ¼ pallet and a ½ or ¼ box pallet May be a logistical unit between a case and each, may or may not be barcoded, that contains a single instance of a GTIN OR a consumer unit that contains a single of a lower level GTIN 3. Parents 4. Parents Instance 5. Children 6. Children Instance None N/A DS, CA, PK, AP(SP), EA Single MX, PL, DS, CA Multiple DS,CA, PK, AP(SP) EA Single MX, PL, DS, CA, PK, AP(SP) Multiple PK, AP(SP) , EA Single ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 160 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 1. tradeItemUnitDescriptor 2. Description 3. Parents 4. Parents Instance 5. Children 6. Children Instance PL, MX , DS, CA, PK, AP(SP) Multiple None N/A that is typically barcoded (EA) Each xml code =BASE_UNIT_OR_EACH The lowest level of the item hierarchy intended or labelled for individual resale. Includes multi-pack Examples of Trade Item Unit Descriptors (EA) Each/Base Unit Example 1– simple each – a single box of cereal Example 2- Complex each- (example components have been barcoded) An each consisting of four of the same exact canisters of peanuts. Example 3 – complex each (example components have NOT been barcoded) An each with three white tee shirts sold in a single pack An each of three pack of sport socks. A box of hot cocoa that contains10 envelopes An each that is a variety that may consist of 3 potato chips, 2 pretzels, and two corn chips (exact variety may change per pack). (AP) Assorted Pack / Mixed Pack/Setpack: (TO BE DELETED IN Major Release 3.x being deployed in 2016) All components of the pack typically have their own separate scannable bar codes physically attached. Example 1– consumable pack (also described as a bundle pack) – Acme sells a bundle pack consisting of three canisters of potato chips. Each canister is a different flavour. The bundle pack has an overwrap that has a unique bar code that represents the three pack. The canisters that are the components of the bundle pack are physically bar coded with the GTIN that represents a single canister for each different flavour. Example 2 – non-consumable pack (most commonly described as a shrink-wrap or inner pack) Acme shampoo companies packs six of its 500 ml shampoo bottles, each with a unique GTIN to represent a different scent, in a non-bar coded plastic overwrap, and then packs three of these 6 packs into a standard cardboard container (PK) Pack: All components of the pack typically have their own separate scannable bar codes physically attached. Example 1– consumable pack (also described as a bundle pack) – Acme sells a bundle pack consisting of three of the same canisters of potato chips. The bundle pack has an overwrap that has a unique bar code that represents the three pack. The canisters that are the components of the bundle pack are physically bar coded with the GTIN that represents a single canister. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 161 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Example 2 – non-consumable pack (most commonly described as a shrink-wrap or inner pack) Acme shampoo companies packs six of its 500 ml shampoo bottles in a non -bar coded plastic overwrap, and then packs three of these 6 packs into a standar d cardboard container. Example 3 – three of the same size and colour tee shirts that are normally sold individually are overwrapped and carry a unique bar code that represents the three pack. Each tee shirt inside the bundles pack is in a poly bag that has a physical bar code representin g each single tee shirt. Example of a PK as a parent of a PK – 3 bars of the same soap are overwrapped and have a unique bar code that represents the bundle pack (PK). 4 of these bundle packs are put in a shipping sleeve (PK) that is not barcoded, and two sleeves are packed in a case. (CA) Case Example 1 – Acme 1 litre orange juice bottles are packed in a standard 24 -pack configuration within a cardboard case Example 2 – Acme intravenous fluid bags are packed in a standard 12-pack configuration within a plastic returnable tote. Example 3– 24 eaches of a single hammers in one unit Example 4 – 12 eaches of a single hat in one unit (DS) Display / Shipper / Mixed Case/ Prepack: (TO BE DELETED IN Major Release 3.x being deployed in 2016) Example 1 – Acme distributors offers their five best selling products in a ready to set up cardboard display, which is designed to be set up at store entrances. Example 2 – Acme Tea Company offers a variety pack of different flavours of their iced tea within the same shipping container. This mixed case can be used by retailers to stock their shelves, or offered directly to consumers for purchase. Example 3 – a counter top display of lipsticks and nail polish Example 4 – 10 small, 20 medium and 20 large white tee shirts are packed in one case. (PL) Pallet: Example 1 – While buyers may order in smaller quantities if they wish, Seller offers its Acme soap powder in standardized pallet quantities of 100 cases 10 TI/10 HI per pallet which optimizes their logistical efficiency. Example 2 – Acme dairy offers its 1-gallon milk containers in a standardized roll cart fixture that contains 96 gallons. (MX) Mixed Mod : (TO BE DELETED IN Major Release 3.x being deployed in 2016) Example 1 – Manufacturer offers a configuration that consists of several of its related products; brooms, mops, brushes and cleansers as a “spring cleaning end cap”. Only one end cap fits on the shipping platform. Examples of Item Hierarchies Example 1 PALLET that contains a child GTIN of BASE_UNIT_OR_EACH Assumption: A unit load that is not “display ready” and contains a single instance of an each. Table 3-10 Trade Item Unit Descriptors Example 1 ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 162 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 1. tradeItemUnitDescri ptor PL EA 2. Descripti on 3. GTIN 4. tradeItemIdentificationOfNextLow erLevelTradeItem (GTIN) 5. quantityOfNextLowerLevelTrad eItem 6. quantityOfChild ren (different GTIN) 72 kitchen paper packets 1.313E+13 3.133E+12 72 1 Kitchen paper packet 3.133E+12 X X X X = not applicable Figure 3-22 Trade Item Unit Descriptors Example 1 ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 163 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Example 2 PALLET that contains BASE_UNIT_OR_EACH a child GTIN of CASE that contains a Child GTIN of Assumption: A unit load that is not “display ready” and contains a single instance of a case. The case contains a single instance of an each. Table 3-11 Trade Item Unit Descriptors Example 2 1. tradeItemUnitDescriptor 2. Description 3. GTIN 4. tradeItemIdentificationOfN extLowerLevelTradeItem (GTIN) 5. quantityOfNextLo werLevelTradeIte m 6. quantityOfChildre n (different GTIN) PL 240 Cases 23041090004821 13041090004824 240 1 CA 12 jars of baby food 13041090004824 03041090004827 12 1 EA 1 jar of baby food 3041090004827 X X X X = not applicable Figure 3-23 Trade Item Unit Descriptors Example 2 ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 164 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Example 3 PALLET that contains a child GTIN of CASE (1/2 pallet) that contains a Child GTIN of BASE_UNIT_OR_EACH Assumption: a Unit load that contains two ½ pallets that are wrapped and shipped as one unit. Case (1/2 pallet) contains a single instance of an each. Table 3-12 Trade Item Unit Descriptors Example 3 tradeItem UnitDescript or Description GTIN tradeItemIdentificatio nOfNextLowerLevelT radeItem (GTIN) quantityOfNextLow erLevelTradeItem quantityOfChil dren (different GTIN) PL 2 half pallets 13265474396026 13265474396019 2 1 CA (half pallet) 288 oil bottles 13265474396019 3265471024086 288 1 EA 1 oil bottle 3265471024086 X X X X = not applicable Figure 3-24 Trade Item Unit Descriptors Example 3 Each half pallet is stretch-wrapped separately, so the half pallets can be handled easily Each upper red pallet supports just one half Lower red pallet supports both halves ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 165 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Example 4 PALLET that contains a child GTIN of DISPLAY_SHIPPER that contains a two unique child GTINs of PACK_OR_INNER_PACK. Each PACK_OR_INNER_PACK contains a single instance of a child GTIN of BASE_UNIT_OR_EACH. Assumption: A unit load that is not “display ready” and contains a single instance of a display case. Display case contains multiple instances of a pack. Each Pack contains a single instance of an each. Table 3-13 Trade Item Unit Descriptors Example 4 tradeItemUnitDescriptor Description GTIN tradeItemIdentificatio nOfNextLowerLevelT radeItem (GTIN) quantityOfNextLowerLev elTradeItem quantityOfChildren (different GTIN) PL 8 display cases 08714789157818 08714789152516 8 1 25 packs toothpaste A x 2 08714789121871 25 20 packs toothpaste B x 2 08714789121857 20 08714789121895 15 20 toothbrushes A 08714789110530 20 20 toothbrushes B 08714789110554 20 DS 15 packs toothpaste C x 2 08714789152516 5 PK 2 toothpaste A tubes 08714789121871 08714789119601 2 1 Toothpaste A tube 08714789119601 X X X 2 toothpaste B tubes 08714789121857 08714789119625 2 1 Toothpaste B tube 08714789119625 X X X 2 toothpaste C tubes 08714789121895 08714789119649 2 1 EA Toothpaste C tube 08714789119649 X X X EA Toothbrush A 08714789110530 X X X EA Toothbrush B 08714789110554 X X X (Consumer Pack) EA PK (Consumer Pack) EA PK (Consumer Pack) X = not applicable Note: Figure 3-25 is the picture of the display shipper (DS) and the Pallet (PL) would contain a total quantity of 8. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 166 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Figure 3-25 Trade Item Unit Descriptors Example 4 Example 5 MIXED_MODULE that contains four unique child GTINs of PACK_OR_INNER_PACK. Each PACK_OR_INNER_PACK contains a single instance of a child GTIN of BASE_UNIT_OR_EACH. Assumption: A unit load that is “display ready”. Table 3-14 Trade Item Unit Descriptors Example 5 tradeItemUnit Descriptor MX Description 252 packs chocolate A x 5 GTIN 7622200996162 tradeItemIdentificationOf NextLowerLevelTradeIte m (GTIN) quantityOfNextLowe rLevelTradeItem quantityOfChildre n (different GTIN) 4 7622400900594 252 100 packs chocolate B x 4 7622400931093 100 80 packs chocolate C x 4 7622400931079 80 80 packs chocolate D x 3 7622400968679 80 5 chocolate bars A 7622400900594 3045140105502 5 1 4 chocolate bars B 7622400931093 3045140280803 4 1 4 chocolate bars C 7622400931079 7622400893124 4 1 3 chocolate bars D 7622400968679 7622400730894 3 1 EA Chocolate bar A 3045140105502 X X X EA Chocolate bar B 3045140280803 X X X EA Chocolate bar C 7622400893124 X X X EA Chocolate bar D 7622400730894 X X X PK (Consumer Pack) PK (Consumer Pack) PK (Consumer Pack) PK (Consumer Pack) X = not applicable ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 167 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Figure 3-26 Trade Item Unit Descriptors Example 5 3.105.4. Code List There is a list of code values for this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.23 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 168 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 3.106. Width with UoM 3.106.1. Basic Information GDD Attribute Name- width Data Type- Numeric (Round up to 3 Decimals) GDSN Required- Mandatory Foodservice Best Practice- Foodservice Best Practice Threshold Foodservice Common DefinitionThe measurement from left to right of the trade item. Measurements are relative to how the customer normally views the trade item. Needs to be associated with a valid UoM. GDD DefinitionThe measurement from left to right of the trade item. Measurements are relative to how the customer normally views the trade item. Needs to be assoc iated with a valid UoM. 3.106.2. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance The dimensions values are based on the GS1 Package Measurement Rules. These Rules may differ from the dimensions currently stored in the Trading Partners systems and the Rules should be reviewed. It is common to confuse the measurements of Length, Width, and Height with Width, Depth and Height. 3.106.3. Other Guidance Packaging: Height +UoM, Width + UoM, Depth + UoM Many markets require dimensional data at all levels of packaging. This is used by data recipients for internal planning purposes. Therefore, it is highly recommended that trading partners provide the required by the attributes in question. Note: Markets where data synchronization is just starting to be implemented may have agreements regarding exceptions to this guidance. Please consult your local GS1 Member Organisation, GDSN certified data pool or trading partner. Manufacturers with items that are sold in both Retail and Healthcare (in the same packaging) should provide physical dimensions for their EACH level packaging as required by their retail trading partners. EACH level items published to retailers and populated with calculated dimensions may be rejected by the retailer. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 169 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Figure 3-27 Packaging: Height +UoM, Width + UoM, Depth + UoM EACH level items published to retailers and populated with the value of 0.001 will likely be rejected by the retailer. For manufacturers that have EA level dimensions, it is requested that their accurate measurements be supplied. Note: As with all measurements in GDSN, the attribute consists of a value together with a Unit of Measure (UoM). Note: Height, Width and Depth must all use units of measure appropriate for a Length dimension, such as millimetres, centimetres and metres (for metric system) and inches and feet (for US imperial system). Millimetres and inches are the most common units of measure in use. Important: In the event there is a regulatory framework requiring a particular unit of measure, it is the data recipient’s responsibility to ensure that local regulations are adhered to. Note: Imperial measurements are commonly used in the USA, and metric measurements are normally used elsewhere. The Data Source should provide the measurement system that is required in a specific target market. For more information, please refer to the Metric and Imperial Measurements section. Note: Further general advice on Height, Width and Depth can be found in the GDSN Package Measurement Rules Implementation Guide or the actual GDSN Package Measurement Rules. 3.106.4. UoM Code List for dimensions There is a list of code values for this attribute, which can be found in Section 5.13 of this document. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 170 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 4. Additional Guidance Topics 4.1. Hierarchy Information Manufacturers send data to data pools in streams of packaging levels that are tied together using hierarchy information stored in the Parent/Child and Quantity attributes. Family relationships along with netContent information will allow trading partners to build informative and structured hierarchies utilizing standardized information. Today, many buy side participants include netContent quantities in their “standard” hierarchies and utilize netContent counts in their ordering. Figure 3-28 Trade Item Hierarchies For the supply chain to arrive at a standardized item master, it is important that the Parent, Child, Quantity of Next Lower Level and netContent attributes be populated accurately and in a consistent manner. Currently, different trading partners may be storing information in a variety of ways for the same product. The product pictured above may currently be represented in business systems as a: CASE of 1,000 gloves (ordered 1,000 EACH at a time) BOX of 100 gloves (ordered in increments of 10 BOXES) CASE of 10 BOXES of gloves (ordered in increments of 1 CASE) After standards are applied, the hierarchy for this item could be stored as a: CASE of 10 EACH (100 UNITS) Ordered using the GTIN of the CASE or Ordered using the GTIN of the EACH (in increments of 1 or 10 depending on the trading relationship) Buyers will still be able to calculate their costs at the individual glove, but will need to do so using the multiplier provided in the netContent of the EACH. Current EDI and ordering practices may include cross references, multipliers and/or packaging factors that help trading partners to agree that an order received is in line with the expectations of the buyer and in the terms of the seller. Trading partners will need to assure that they transition smoothly to standardized hierarchies by exercising caution as they migrate to GTINs in their ordering. The next few attributes are used to describe the hierarchy of trade items. They show how a CASE contains PACKS, which in turn contains EACHES. It is through the communication of Parent/Child ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 171 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 and related quantity attributes that data receivers are able to construct the correct hierarchy from the data sent by suppliers. An accurate packaging hierarchy is the foundation for effective data synchronization and manufacturers should take great care to assure that their hierarchies are reflected correctly. 4.1.1. Two-Level Hierarchy Figure 3-29 illustrates a simple two-level hierarchy including the attributes and values necessary to correctly communicate the hierarchy: Figure 3-29 Two-Level Hierarchy Attribute GTIN Child Parent QuantityOfNext LowerLevel TradeItem netContent and UOM Quantity of Children TotalQuantityOf NextLowerLevel TradeItem Pack Level EACH 01234567891019 n/a 31234567891013 n/a 500UN n/a n/a CASE 31234567891013 01234567891019 n/a 4 n/a 1 4 Packaging string: CA of 4 EA (500 UN 4.1.2. Three-Level Hierarchy Figure 3-30 illustrates a three-level hierarchy including the attributes and values necessary to correctly communicate the hierarchy: ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 172 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Figure 3-30 Three-Level Hierarchy Attribute GTIN Child Parent QuantityOfNext LowerLevel TradeItem netContent and UOM Quantity of Children TotalQuantityOf NextLowerLevel TradeItem Pack Level EACH 01234567891019 n/a 21234567891020 n/a 1 UN n/a n/a PACK 21234567891020 01234567891019 31234567891013 50 n/a 1 50 CASE 31234567891013 21234567891020 n/a 4 n/a 1 4 Packaging string: CA of 4 PK of 50 EA 4.1.3. Complex Hierarchy Figure 3-31 illustrates a more complex but typical hierarchy where the lowest GTIN in the hierarchy is assigned at a low level (dispensing unit) and the hierarchy includes multiple packs / inner packs. The attributes and values required to correctly communicate this hierarchy are included below the chart: ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 173 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Figure 3-31 Complex Hierarchy Attribute GTIN Child Parent Pack Level QuantityOfNext LowerLevel TradeItem netContent and UOM Quantity of Children TotalQuantityOf NextLowerLevel TradeItem EACH 01234567891019 n/a 21234567891020 n/a 5 mg n/a n/a PACK 21234567891020 01234567891019 13041090004824 24 n/a 1 24 PACK 13041090004824 21234567891020 31234567891013 7 n/a 1 7 31234567891013 13041090004824 n/a 3 n/a 1 3 CASE Packaging string: CA of 3 PK of 7 PK of 24 EA (5 mg) A diagram is available in Section 3.71, which demonstrates a hierarchy through the pallet level for manufacturers who desire to assign GTINs at the pallet level. Note: In GDSN, hierarchies are always described from the largest item (e.g. case) to the smallest (e.g. each). When published, the Data Source publishes the highest parent item in the hierarchy, and the data pool automatically includes this item and all smaller child items within it, down to and including the lowest level of the hierarchy. Note: For further information on Building Trade Item Hierarchies, please see the section on Trade Item Unit Descriptors (Building Trade Item Hierarchy). 4.1.4. Complex Hierarchies (Multiple Unique Products per Hierarchy) When a trade item contains more than one kind of trade item inside it, a single parent will have more than one child GTIN, and the attributes QuantityOfChildren and TotalQuantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem become important to understanding the contents of the kit. In simple hierarchies, these two fields are populated with values of “1”. In complex hierarchies, they reflect the count of unique GTINS and their associated quantities. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 174 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Figure 3-32 Complex Hierarchy Table 3-15 Complex Hierarchy example for childGTIN Scissors (EACH) Roll of Tape (EACH) Box of Bandages (EACH) First Aid Kit (PACK) Pack of 10 First Aid Kits (PACK) Case of 12 packs of First Aid Kits (CASE) 0614141777777 3 06141415555557 0614141444444 9 0614141333333 1 1061414133333 8 2061414133333 5 N/A N/A N/A 10 12 N/A N/A N/A 3 1 1 N/A N/A N/A 0614141444444 9 0614141333333 1 1061414133333 8 N/A N/A N/A 6 10 12 childGITN N/A N/A N/A 0614141555555 7 N/A N/A quantityOfNextLowerLeve l N/A N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A childGITN N/A N/A N/A 0614141777777 3 N/A N/A quantityOfNextLowerLeve l N/A N/A N/A 1 N/A N/A Attribute Name GTIN totalQuantityOfNextLower 9 LevelTradeItem quantityOfChildren childGITN quantityOfNextLowerLeve l TradeItem TradeItem TradeItem ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 175 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 4.2. Pallet Ti/Hi Information Ti/Hi is a concept used to describe how product is stacked on a pallet. The "TI" is the number of cartons on a layer, and the "HI" is the number of layers of cartons on a pallet. The TI/HI for the example pallet displayed in Figure 3-33 would be 10x4. Figure 3-33 TI/HI Example TI - Number of Cartons on a layer = 10 HI - Number of layers = 4 This section explains how to populate attributes describing how a trade item is palletised or otherwise prepared into a unit load (also sometimes known as a logistics unit). One of the most common forms of unit load is the pallet, used for transportation and storage purposes. Some companies use a GTIN to identify a standard pallet (or other unit load) of a product as a Trade Item in its own right (i.e. it is priced, ordered and/or invoiced). Other companies who have a product that only exists in a single unit load format (“palletization”) may choose to send the palletization information associated with the highest level of the product hierarchy, typically a case. 4.2.1. Pre-Requisites The supplier supplies the trade item in a standardised layout in a unit loa d (e.g., on a pallet). There are two ways to send data about logistics units: 1. The parties involved in the GDSN data synchronisation (data source, data recipient, and their respective data pool(s)) should have the capability to support the attributes for GTIN Logistics Units. Note: This is expected, as the attributes are in classes commonly used throughout GDSN. 2. If the parties mutually agree to trade at a level below the logistics unit, then the parties involved in the GDSN data synchronisation (data source, data recipient, and their respective data pool(s)) may choose to have the capability to support the optional extension for Non-GTIN Logistics Units. Note: This latter capability is optional in GDSN. Without this capability, only a reduced range of attributes may be synchronised for Non-GTIN Logistics Units. 4.2.2. When Would I Use This? The data source intends to send unit load (“palletization”) information in a consistent way in accordance with the GS1 Data Alignment standards. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 176 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Data receivers will be able to integrate unit load information into their system without human intervention. 4.2.3. How to Populate the Key TI/HI Attribute Step 1 – Decide whether you can use non-GTIN logistics unit or GTIN logistics unit 1. If a standard logistics unit configuration is ordered, invoiced, or priced, a GTIN needs to be assigned to it. 2. If there are multiple standard logistics unit configurations available for a synchronized item within a target market, a GTIN needs to be assigned to each configuration whether it is ordered, invoiced, or priced or not. 3. Today there are two prevalent business practices for obtaining information when there is only one standard logistics unit configuration in a target market: a. At the logistics unit level when a GTIN is assigned to the logistics unit b. At the “case” level when a GTIN is not assigned to the logistics unit There are additional attributes that need to be added to support this “case” level processing Step 2 – Select the relevant attributes Terminology GTIN logistics unit (also – wrongly – called GTIN pallet): A logistics unit that is identified by a GTIN. This GTIN is allocated to the logistics units itself. Non-GTIN logistics unit (also – wrongly – called Non-GTIN pallet): a logistic unit that is not identified by a GTIN. It is actually identified by no Trade Item identifier. Attribute Selection Table 3-16 shows the data attributes, which are used to synchronise logistics unit information. The two options: where the logistics unit is also a Trade Item identified by a GTIN where the logistics unit is not also a Trade Item and therefore has no GTIN - use different attributes. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 177 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Table 3-16 Data Attributes Used to Synchronise Logistics Unit Information 191. Business requirement 192. Data Attribute Name Used for GTIN 193. Logistics Unit Data Attribute Name Used for Non-GTIN Logistics Unit 194. The data must be attached to the highest level identified with a GTIN. Quantity Of Trade Items Contained197. In A Complete Layer Quantity Of Trade Items Per Pallet Layer 195. † 198. layers per logistics 199. unit Quantity Of Complete Layers Contained 200. In A Trade Item Quantity Of Layers Per Pallet 201. † Quantity Of Next Lower Level Trade 203. Item Quantity Of Trade Items Per Pallet 204. logistics unit gross 205. weight Gross Weight 206. Logistics Unit Gross Weight 207. logistics unit height208. Height 209. Logistics Unit Height 210. logistics unit depth 211. Depth 212. Logistics Unit Depth 213. logistics unit width 214. Width 215. Logistics Unit Width 216. stacking factor 217. * Stacking Factor 218. Logistics Unit Stacking Factor 219. Gluten 220. * Pallet Terms And Conditions 221. ‡ 224. ‡ 222. “cases” per layer 196. “cases” per logistics 202.unit platform type † 223. * Pallet Type Code Pallet Terms And Conditions Pallet Type Code Note: Although in most cases, the highest level below the logistics unit may be a case (CA), it may alternatively be another level such as display (DS). * Note: The Stacking Factor, Pallet Terms and Conditions and Pallet Type Code are optional. For a particular Trade Item: Either: they may be unvarying for this Trade Item – if so, they should be passed as master data, populated with the normal values for the Trade Item; Or: they may vary for each transaction, for example if there is no “normal” platform used for this Trade Item – if so, they should be passed in the Despatch Advice / Advanced Shipping Notice, and not as master data. Note: When trade item information does not contain the weight and dimensions of the shipping platform then the Pallet Type Code should be populated with Code 27 - Platform of Unspecified Weight or Dimension: The highest level of the hierarchy is being shipped on a shipping platform of unknown dimensions or unknown weight. The platform weight or dimension may differ within the same shipment. All other values including null would indicate that the weight and dimensions include the shipping platform. Note: Data sources should use only the attributes for the option, which applies to the GTIN hierarchy. However, in order to help the transition from past practice, data receivers should not validate for receiving only the appropriate attributes for the selected option. This is because if a supplier transitions a product from non-GTIN logistics units to GTIN logistics units, to enable continuous synchronisation with existing customers, there is often an interim period when only some customers can use the appropriate data attributes. During this interim period, data sources may be required to send the data in both levels of the hierarchy (i.e. logistics and the next lower level e.g. case). The data recipient should take the attributes at the first (highest) level of the hierarchy they can process. Note: When using the Non-GTIN Logistics Unit option, if one of the following is populated then all must be populated Logistics Unit gross weight Logistics Unit Depth Logistics Unit Height Logistics Unit Width ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 178 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Logistics Unit Stacking Factor Pallet Terms and Conditions Pallet Type Code Quantity Of Layers Per Pallet Quantity Of Trade Items Per Pallet Layer Note: attribute names in the GS1 Global Data Dictionary (GDD) and in formal technical documentation are formatted in “camel case" as described in Section 1.5, Element and Attribute Naming All element and attribute names used in the GDSN Schema begin with a lower case. All words that follow in the name are capitalized, or in other words, elements and attributes appear in “camel case”. For example, globalLocationNumber uniqueCreatorIdentification . 4.2.4. Examples In these examples, the level below the logistics unit is always referred to as a “case”. Although in most cases, the highest level below the logistics unit may be a case (CA), it may alternatively be another level such as display (DS). Example 1 A hierarchy in which the highest level of the hierarchy (here a pallet) is identified by a GTIN The product is a 200g jar of Nescafé Gold coffee, packed in cases of 12 jars. The cases are palletised: 8 cases per layer and 4 layers per pallet. The GTINs are: jar EA 3033718207536 case CA 3033710218738 pallet PL 3033711078317 In GDSN this is published at the highest level of the item hierarchy: GTIN = 3033711078317 ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 179 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Table 3-17 Example 1 Information Data Attribute Name sample Value (sent for the pallet GTIN 3033711078317) 225. cases per layer226. Quantity Of Trade Items Contained In A Complete 227. Layer 8 228. layers per logistics 229.unit Quantity Of Complete Layers Contained In A Trade 230.Item 4 231. cases per logistics 232.unit Quantity Of Next Lower Level Trade Item 233. 32 234. logistics unit gross 235. weight Gross Weight 236. 299.88 kg 237. logistics unit height 238. Height 239. 984 mm 240. logistics unit depth 241. Depth 242. 1200 mm 243. logistics unit width 244. Width 245. 800 mm 246. stacking factor 247. * Stacking Factor 248. 1 249. platform terms 250. & conditions * Pallet Terms And Conditions 251. <not used> 252. platform type 253. * Pallet Type Code 254. 11 [Pallet ISO 1 – 1/1 EURO Pallet 255. Standard pallet with dimensions 80 X 120 cm.] * Please note: the Stacking Factor, Pallet Terms And Conditions and Pallet Type Code are optional. For a particular Trade Item: Either: they may be unvarying for this Trade Item – if so, they should be passed as master data, populated with the normal values for the Trade Item; Or: they may vary for each transaction, for example if there is no “normal” platform used for this Trade Item – if so, they should be passed in the Despatch Advice / Advanced Shipping Notice, and not as master data. Example 2 An example in which the highest level of the hierarchy (here a pallet) is not identified by a GTIN The product is a 200g jar of Nescafé Gold coffee, packed in cases of 12 jars. The cases are palletised: 8 cases per layer and 4 layers per pallet. The GTINs are: jar EA 3033718207536 case CA 3033710218738 pallet <no GTIN> In GDSN this is published at the highest level of the item hierarchy: GTIN = 3033710218738 ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 180 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Table 3-18 Example 2 Information Data Attribute Name sample Value (sent for the case GTIN 3033710218738) cases per layer Quantity Of Trade Items Per Pallet Layer 8 layers per pallet Quantity Of Layers Per Pallet 4 cases per pallet Quantity Of Trade Items Per Pallet 32 pallet gross weight Logistics Unit Gross Weight 299.88 kg pallet height Logistics Unit Height 984 mm pallet depth Logistics Unit Depth 1200 mm pallet width Logistics Unit Width 800 mm stacking factor Logistics Unit Stacking Factor 1 pallet terms & conditions Pallet Terms And Conditions 2 [Exchange pallet] platform type Pallet Type Code 11 [Pallet ISO 1 - 1/1 EURO Pallet Standard pallet with dimensions 80 X 120 cm.] Example 3 ¼ or ½ Pallets on Pallet The product is a Perrier 8*25 cl multi-pack, packed in cases of 3. The cases are palletised: 54 cases per half pallet and 2 half pallets per pallet. The GTINs are: 8 bottles EA 03179730107834 case CA 03179730107888 half pallet CA 03179730107765 pallet PL 03179730107758 ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 181 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Table 3-19 Example 3 (Part 1) Information Data Attribute Name (sent for GTIN 03179730107758 (the pallet GTIN)) sample Value half pallets per layer Quantity Of Trade Items Contained In A Complete Layer 2 layers per logistics unit Quantity Of Complete Layers Contained In A Trade Item 1 half pallets per logistics unit Quantity Of Next Lower Level Trade Item 2 logistics unit gross weight Gross Weight 1018 kg logistics unit height Height 1771 mm logistics unit depth Depth 1013 mm logistics unit width Width 1268 mm stacking factor Stacking Factor 1 platform terms & conditions Pallet Terms And Conditions 2 (Exchange Pallet) platform type Pallet Type Code 12 [Pallet ISO 2 Standard pallet with dimensions 100 X 120 cm.] Table 3-20 Example 3 (Part 2) Information Data Attribute Name (sent for GTIN 03179730107765 (the half pallet GTIN)) sample Value case per layer Quantity Of Trade Items Contained In A Complete Layer 6 layers per half pallet Quantity Of Complete Layers Contained In A Trade Item 9 case per half pallet Quantity Of Next Lower Level Trade Item 54 half pallet gross weight Gross Weight 488,875 kg half pallet height Height 1607 mm half pallet depth Depth 634 mm half pallet width Width 1013 mm stacking factor Stacking Factor 1 platform terms & conditions Pallet Terms And Conditions 2 (Exchange Pallet) platform type Pallet Type Code 19 [Pallet 60X100 cm Pallet with dimensions 60 X 100 cm.] ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 182 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Figure 3-34 Example of half-pallet GTIN 03179730107765 Each half pallet is stretch-wrapped separately, so the half pallets can be handled easily Each half pallet base supports just one half pallet of product A full-size pallet base supports a pair of half-pallets Example 4 Multiple Configurations – GTINs Assigned to Each Configuration The product is a 200g jar of Nescafé Gold coffee, packed in cases of 12 jars. The cases are palletised in two different ways, for different distribution channels. In the first configuration, there are 8 cases per layer and 4 layers per pallet. In the second configuration, there are 10 cases per layer and 6 layers per pallet. The GTINs are: jar EA 3033718207536 case CA 3033710218738 pallet configuration 1 PL 3033711078317 pallet configuration 2 PL 3033711078324 In GDSN this is published at the highest level of each item hierarchy: once for GTIN = 3033711078317 and once for GTIN = 3033711078324 ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 183 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Table 3-21 Example 4 (Part 1) Information Data Attribute Name sample Value (sent for the pallet GTIN 3033711078317) cases per layer Quantity Of Trade Items Contained In A Complete Layer 8 layers per logistics unit Quantity Of Complete Layers Contained In A Trade Item 4 cases per logistics unit Quantity Of Next Lower Level Trade Item 32 logistics unit gross weight Gross Weight 299.88 kg logistics unit height Height 984 mm logistics unit depth Depth 1200 mm logistics unit width Width 800 mm stacking factor * Stacking Factor 1 platform terms & conditions * Pallet Terms And Conditions <not used> platform type * Pallet Type Code 11 [Pallet ISO 1 - 1/1 EURO Pallet Standard pallet with dimensions 80 X 120 cm.] ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 184 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Table 3-22 Example 4 (Part 2) Information Data Attribute Name sample Value (sent for the pallet GTIN 3033711078324) cases per layer Quantity Of Trade Items Contained In A Complete Layer 10 layers per logistics unit Quantity Of Complete Layers Contained In A Trade Item 6 cases per logistics unit Quantity Of Next Lower Level Trade Item 60 logistics unit gross weight Gross Weight 547.28 kg logistics unit height Height 1422 mm logistics unit depth Depth 1200 mm logistics unit width Width 1000 mm stacking factor * Stacking Factor 1 platform terms & conditions * Pallet Terms And Conditions <not used> platform type * Pallet Type Code 12 [Pallet ISO 2 Standard pallet with dimensions 100 X 120 cm.] * Please Note: the Stacking Factor, Pallet Terms And Conditions and Pallet Type Code are optional. For a particular Trade Item: Either: they may be unvarying for this Trade Item – if so, they should be passed as master data, populated with the normal values for the Trade Item; Or: they may vary for each transaction, for example if there is no “normal” platform used for this Trade Item – if so, they should be passed in the Despatch Advice / Advanced Shipping Notice, and not as master data. Example 5 Moving from example 2 to example 1. From Non GTIN logistics units to GTIN logistics units. In this scenario, the original publication occurred at the case level GTIN = 3033710218738 (Section, Example 2). Now the manufacturer has decided to trade at the pallet level, perhaps because they created another logistics unit configuration. Because there will then be two concurrent logistics unit configurations, the manufacturer will need to assign GTINs to the pallet level for each configuration (Example 4). The recommended process is as follows: 1. Assign a GTIN and create a record for the new pallet, indicating the existing case as the Next Lower Level GTIN 2. Publish a new item to the retailer for the new configuration, publishing at the pallet level 3. Send a Change for the existing case record, removing the non-GTIN logistics attributes 4. The retailer now has two publications, one at the pallet level and the other at the case level 5. The retailer will need to send a positive CIC for the new pallet configuration and a rejected CIC for the case configuration 6. The supplier can later send a Publication delete for the case if it is no longer offered to the retailer ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 185 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 7. The records can contain the appropriate ordering true/false flags, depending upon the configuration and the retailer Note: This process is designed to avoid sending a Delete message, which might be confusing to the data receiver. Note: The technical details of how this is achieved using standard messages between data pools within the GDSN is more complex. For further details, users may also obtain advice from their home Data Pool and/or from any GS1 Member Organisation. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 186 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 4.3. Metric and Imperial Measurements In trade, most countries use the metric system of measurements, but some prefer the imperial system of measurements. This guideline illustrates how such measurements should be passed in GDSN. 4.3.1. Pre-Requisite The data source provides information on a trade item in more than one target market with more than one measurement system. In each target market, the data source has determined which measurement system is required. Note: Please refer to the GDSN Package Measurement Rules which is located on the GS1 website at: Note: Most commonly, the US-imperial measurement system is used in the USA; the metric system is most commonly used in other target markets; the final decision rests with the data source. 4.3.2. When Would I Use This? For all global measurement attributes (listed in Scope section 4.3.3), Data Sources require the ability to send either ,metric or imperial measurements, depending on the Target Market. For each Target Market, there will be only one value, as determined by the Data Source. The Data Source should provide the measurement system that is required in a specific target market. Important: In the event there is a regulatory framework requiring a particular unit of measure, it is the data recipient’s responsibility to ensure that local regulations are adhered to. 4.3.3. Attributes in scope The data source in each target market can provide only one value for weights, dimensions and temperatures. The following attributes, as relevant to the GS1 US Foodservice Initiative, represent a sample of where this would apply. There are other applicable attributes in GDSN, which are not part of the initiative. depth grossWeight height quantityContained servingSize storageHandlingTemperatureMaximum storageHandlingTemperatureMinimum width 4.3.4. Business Rules Suppliers may use any valid unit of measure (UOM) and it is up to their trading partners to convert the UOM between increments within a measurement system (e.g. millimetres versus centimetres, pounds versus ounces, or inches versus feet). Note: For those attributes that have code lists specified in the Business Message Standard, always use a valid value from the code list specified. Note: For more information, please refer to the GDSN Package Measurement Rules – located on the GS1 website at: ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 187 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 If a Data Source uses the same measurement system for the same attribute in more than one Target Market, then the Data Source must take care to ensure that values are consistent (e.g. if sending Depth to both France and Germany in the metric system, it is acceptable to send 100 mm to one and 10 cm to the other). Important: The GTIN allocation rules must always be followed. For those attributes which do not change when a trade item crosses a border between a “metric” country and an “imperial” country, such as handling temperatures, it is expected that the data source would take care to ensure approximate consistency between the two measurement systems. This cannot be validated by the Network, so it remains the responsibility of the data source to ensure this happens. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 188 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 4.4. Guidance on the population of Ranges using the Minimum and Maximum attribute pairing 4.4.1. Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative Guidance When populating data where there is a Minimum and Maximum set of values, these attributes should be populated with the lower limit in the minimum and the upper limit in the maximum. However, not all situations have a range for the information being reques ted. When there is a "Range of Values", the lower value is populated in the Minimum Value Field and the higher value is populated in the Maximum Value Field. When there is a "Less Than or Up To a Value", the Minimum Value Field is left null and the Maximum Value Field contains the upper limit value. When there is a "Greater Than or No Less Than Value", the Minimum Value Field contains the lower limit value and the Maximum Value Field is left null. When there is a "Single or Recommended Value", the same value is populated in the Minimum Value Field and the Maximum Value Field. 4.4.2. Other Guidance When populating data where there is a Minimum and Maximum set of values, these attributes should be populated with the lower limit in the minimum and the upper limit in the maximum. However, not all situations have a range for the information being requested. The table below gives guidance as best practice on how to populate. Information Type Available Range of Lowest to Highest Less Than a Value Greater Than a Value Single or Recommended Value Populated In Value Minimum Values Field Lowest Value Maximum Values Field Highest Value Minimum Values Field Leave Null Maximum Values Field Highest Value Minimum Values Field Lowest Value Maximum Values Field Leave Null Minimum Values Field Single Value populated in both fields Maximum Values Field 4.4.3. Examples A trade item has a storage temperature range of -5 F to 36 F. Since there is a range, both Minimum and Maximum values would be populated and would be different. Attribute Value UoM storageHandlingTemperatureMaximum 36 F storageHandlingTemperatureMinimum -5 F A trade item has an individual unit size of no more than 5 oz. Since the value is a less than value, only Maximum value would be populated. Attribute individualUnitMaximum Value 5 UoM oz individualUnitMinimum ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 189 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 A trade item has an order quantity of no less than 12. Since the value is a greater than value, only Minimum value would be populated. Attribute Value orderQuantityMaximum orderQuantityMinimum 12 A trade item has a recommended deliver to distribution centre temperature of 25 F. Since there is no range, both Minimum and Maximum values would be populated and would be the same. Attribute Value UoM deliveryToDistributionCenterTemperatureMaximum 25 F deliveryToDistributionCenterTemperatureMinimum 25 F ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 190 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 4.5. Food & Beverage Extension This section describes how some of the fields in the Food & Beverage (F&B) Extension should be populated. The Food & Beverage is intended to be used by trading partners in both the Food Service as well as the Food Retail sector. 4.5.1. Pre-Requisite The F&B extension is based on the presumption that manufacturers / brand owners have assigned GTIN’s to the lowest level in the trade item hierarchy. Please be aware that even if the lowest level trade item is not marked with a barcode symbol it can still have a GTIN assigned to it. It is common practice within the Foodservice industry that the lowest level trade item (consumer unit) is not marked or assigned a GTIN. Determining the ‘lowest level’ of a product hierarchy is not always easy. The GTIN allocation rules say that any product that is priced or ordered or invoiced at any point in any supply chain is called a trade item and should have a GTIN assigned. For example, even if a manufacturer sells only Cases of 6 catering tins of beans (and not the individual tins), if a distributor may break the case down and sell on individual tins to Food Service operators then both the case and the tin would require GTINS (even if the Operator is not scanning barcode symbols). Within the Foodservice Industry it is common practise, that the lowest level of a product hierarchy may still be higher than the unit which is consumed (eaten, drunk) by the end consumer. For example, a manufacturer sells a case/carton containing 4 lasagnas to a Food Service Operator. The individual lasagna's are not marked or assigned a GTIN. Therefore, in this example all attributes will be provided at the case/carton level. Note: National authorities regulate the detailed information about the content and characteristics of food. Examples of information classes affected by such regulations are Health Claims, Ingredients, and Nutrients. The party providing food product information is expected to know and comply with the statutory regulations of the target market for which the item information is intended. 4.5.2. When Would I Use This? Companies that typical use the extension are (but not limited to): Manufacture of Food Products and Beverages Wholesale Trade and Commission Trade, Except of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles Retail trade, Except of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles, Repair of Personal and Household goods Hotels and Restaurants The information exchanged describes the: Food components (‘ingredients”) itself Food components that might cause an allergic reaction Nutrients Diets in which the product fits Microbiological characteristics Physiochemical characteristics Issues related to preparing the product. Serving size and other serving related issues Yield of the product after preparation Techniques applied to preserve the product ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 191 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Applicable certification information The applicable marketing information The applicable nutritional and health claims The link to additional information 4.5.3. Food & Beverage Ingredient Class and Ingredient Statement The following section describes the Food & Beverage attributes and extensions. Naming conventions follow the standards described in Section 1.5, Element and Attribute Naming All element and attribute names used in the GDSN Schema begin with a lower case. All words that follow in the name are capitalized, or in other words, elements and attributes appear in “camel case”. For example, globalLocationNumber uniqueCreatorIdentification . Extension names are as follows: Food & Beverage Ingredient Class – Food&BeverageIngredient Ingredient Statement – ingredientStatement The Food & Beverage Extension facilitates the exchange of a structured list of individual ingredient as well as an ingredient statement in one text field. The latter is incorporated to facilitate all those trading partners that currently are not able to break down the list of ingredient per ingredient. The breakdown of the ingredient list per ingredient however is mandatory in case there is a need to enable: structured searches specification of information per ingredient (for instance the content percentage and /or country of origin) Food & Beverage Allergen Class and Allergen Statement Extension names are as follows: Food & Beverage Allergen Class – Food&BeverageAllergen Allergen Statement – allergenStatement The Food & Beverage Extension facilitates the exchange of a structured list of individual allergens as well as an allergen statement in one text field. The latter is incorporated to exchange the allergy statement in exactly the same wording as displayed on the product label or other applicable regulations dictate Nutrient Type Code and Unit of Measure The field Nutrient Type Code (Food and Beverage Nutrient class) refers to the nutrient's tag name ( As part of this data, a quantity and measurement value is also required. Definitive unit supplied along with the tag name supersedes traditional GDS UOM pick list. From a consistency and systems point of view, it would probably be easier to use the tag name so that all users apply the same unit of measure for the nutrient specified (important for smaller users where systems may not have flexibility). ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 192 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 4.6. Items with Returnable Cases This section describes how information on items with returnable cases would be provided. It primarily focuses on the hierarchy and GTIN levels which might be communicated through GDSN. Each level would have attributes populated to describe it and its relation to other levels of the hierarchy. 4.6.1. When Would I Use This? This approach would be used to help describe the different hierarchies used when returnable assets are assembled. Returnable assets are pieces of an item, primarily packaging or shipping items, which are used in the shipping, storage, or other handling of the item but should be returned to the manufacture for reuse in future instances of the item. Examples of Returnable assets are crates, totes, bins, dollies, etc. 4.6.2. Examples The following is an example diagram of a bag in box dairy product. The item is a bladder of milk. The GTIN assigned to het bladder is a base level (zero level). This bladder can be shipped in several styles of packaging: A returnable crate, a disposable box, or the disposable box in a returnable crate. Each of these layers can be given a new base level GTIN (zero level) as they are considered individual ordering levels, in this example. Then as other levels of the hierarchy are built, they are assigned GTINs built off of the appropriate zero level by changing the packaging indicator and the check digit (denoted with a “C”). Figure 35- Returnable asset hierarchy example ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 193 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 4.7. Data Synchronization Information Flow In Foodservice, industry has several different partners who move product from the source or manufacturing location through to the consumer. It is important to understand how product data should flow from one partner to the next along the way. Knowing where the data came from and which pieces of information can be altered from the original message is important to understand how the information can be utilized. The following section provides guidance as to how information should flow and which pieces of information can be altered along the way. The information provided here is guidance on the best practice for product information flow. By trading partner agreement, data can flow from one party to another even though not listed. For example if a Manufacturer and an Operator agree, product information can flow between the two even if the item is purchased and physical received from another party. It is important to note that as this is not best practice, it should not be expected practice. It is only accomplished through a specific arrangement between both parties outside of the GDSN Messaging structure. 4.7.1. Partner Naming Terms Defined The following are naming terms used in this section. Understanding these terms will help the reader to follow along with the diagrams and text. Manufacturer For this section, the term Manufacturer applies to any party who manufacturers or otherwise produces a product. A Manufacturer is a sender of GDSN dat. Unless they receive product information via GDSN from its upstream partners, in which case they will also need to be a receiver of GDSN Data. Distributor For this section, the term Distributor applies to any party who provides product from a manufacturer to a buyer. This party is also referred to as a Buyer. A Distributor is both a receiver and a sender of GDSN data. The Distributor’s process and systems should allow synchronization of product information for a GTIN from multiple sources. Reconciliation of the multiple sets of product information should occur upon receipt by the Distributor’s systems. Distributor specific supply chain attributes may be changed and a Distributor “standard” record should be created/designated. See Section 4.8 for the list of attributes which a Distributor can change. A copy of the original GDSN attributes published should always be maintained. Re-Distributor For this section, the term Re-Distributor applies to any party who provides product from a Distributor to a buyer. This party role can be performed by a Distributor or a Manufacturer (who is not the initial Manufacturer of the product). This party is also referred to as a Buyer. A Re-Distributor is both a receiver and a sender of GDSN data. The ReDistributor’s process and systems should allow synchronization of product information for ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 194 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 a GTIN from multiple sources. Reconciliation of the multiple sets of product information should occur upon receipt by the Re-Distributor’s systems. Re-Distributor specific supply chain attributes may be changed and a Re-Distributor “standard” record should be created/designated. See Section 4.8 for the list of attributes which a Re-Distributor can change. A copy of the original GDSN attributes published should always be maintained. Broker For this section, the term Broker applies to any party who acts as a sales agent for a product. A Broker is a receiver of GDSN data. The Broker’s process and systems should allow synchronization of product information for a GTIN from multiple sources. Reconciliation of the multiple sets of product information should occur upon receipt by the Broker’s systems. A copy of the original GDSN attributes published should always be maintained. Co-op/ Buying Group For this section, the term Co-op/Buying Group applies to any party who provides product buying as an aggregate service for a collection or group of buyers. A Co-op/Buying Group is a receiver of GDSN data. The Co-Op/Buying Group’s process and systems should allow synchronization of product information for a GTIN from multiple sources. Reconciliation of the multiple sets of product information should occur upon receipt by the Co-Op/Buying Group’s systems. A copy of the original GDSN attributes published should always be maintained. Operator For this section, the term Operator applies to any party who buys product to provide product to a consumer either directly or through the use of Stores. This party is also referred to as a Buyer. An Operator is a receiver of GDSN data. Unless they send product information via GDSN to their stores or business units, in which case they will also need to be a sender of GDSN Data. The Operator’s process and systems should allow synchronization of product information for a GTIN from multiple sources. Reconciliation of the multiple sets of product information should occur upon receipt by the Operator’s systems. A copy of the original GDSN attributes published should always be maintained. Store For this section, the term Store applies to any party who provides product directly to a consumer. This party is usually the retail outlet of an operator. A Store will only need to be a receiver of GDSN data if their Operator utilizes GDSN to share its product information via GDSN. 3rd Party Service Provide For this section, the term 3rd Party Service Provider applies to any party who provides the ability to store, manipulate, and/or share product information. A 3rd Party Service Provider is a receiver of GDSN data. 4.7.2. GDSN Product Information Flow ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 195 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Information Flow The following is a chart depicting product information flow from one party to the next. The blue line between the parties is the GDSN itself. Guidance on Information Flow GDSN encourages product information to flow along the same pathways as the buying and selling of the product. The information contained in the GDSN message has elements which can be used to enhance the buying process. Hence the selling side is titled the Data Supplier and the Buying side is titled the Data Recipient. For example some of the attributes can have one value based on the buying relationship between Party A and Party B, then a different value when Party B sells the same product to Party C. 4.7.3. Product Information Flow For Foodservice- Basic 2 Party Manufacturer(s) sells national branded products to an Operator. Information Flow The following is a chart depicting product information flow from one party to the next. The blue line between the parties is the product information flow including the GDSN itself. The red line between the parties is the physical product flow The green line between the parties is the order/PO flow The dashed purple line between the parties is non-GDSN product information flow Guidance on Information Flow This scenario is the basic flow of product and product information from one side of the supply chain to the other for Manufacturer/National Brand products. For this scenario, the physical product flows from the Manufacturer to the Operator. While not noted in the diagram, for simplicity, the orders typically flow along the same line as the physical product. Product information should flow between the trading partners in the same fashion. Rationales for this approach: • Product information shared is appropriate for the buying relationship. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 196 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 4.7.4. Product Information Flow For Foodservice- Basic 3 Party Manufacturer(s) sells national and distributor branded products to a Distributor. Distributor sells product to Operators. Information Flow The following is a chart depicting product information flow from one party to the next. The blue line between the parties is the product information flow including the GDSN itself. The red line between the parties is the physical product flow The green line between the parties is the order/PO flow The dashed purple line between the parties is non-GDSN product information flow Guidance on Information Flow This scenario is the basic flow of product and product information from one side of the supply chain to the other for Manufacturer/National Brand, and Distributor Brand products. For this scenario, the physical product flows from the Manufacturer to the Distributor to the Operator. While not noted in the diagram, for simplicity, the orders typically flow along the same line as the physical product. Product information should flow between the trading partners in the same fashion. Rationales for this approach: • Product information can change from one party to the next. This approach ensures information shared is appropriate for the buying relationship. • Manufacturers do not have visibility to all parties who are buying their products. This will make direct publication to all parties impractical. 4.7.5. Product Information Flow For Foodservice- Expanded Multiple Manufacturers sell national and distributor branded products to a Distributor. Distributor sells product to Operators. Information Flow The following is a chart depicting product information flow from one party to the next. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 197 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 The blue line between the parties is the product information flow including the GDSN itself. The red line between the parties is the physical product flow The green line between the parties is the order/PO flow The dashed purple line between the parties is non-GDSN product information flow Guidance on Information Flow This scenario is the basic flow of product and product information from one side of the supply chain to the other for Multi-Source Manufacturer/National Brand, and Distributor Brand products where there is more than one Manufacturer of the same product (GTIN). For this scenario, the physical product flows from multiple Manufacturer to the Distributor to the Operator. While not noted in the diagram, for simplicity, the orders typically flow along the same line as the physical product. Product information should flow between the trading partners in the same fashion. All of the manufacturers of the item produce the product to the same specification, recipe, and requirements. To the user of the product there is not noticeable difference between the products. Rationales for this approach: • Product information can change from one party to the next. This approach ensures information shared is appropriate for the buying relationship. • Minimization of the number of messages for the same product to Operators • Manufacturers do not have visibility to all parties who are buying their products. This will make direct publication to all parties impractical. 4.7.6. Product Information Flow For Foodservice- Broker Manufacturer approves Broker to represent Manufacturer in local marketplace. The Broker, representing the Manufacturer, negotiates the sale of product to Distributors. They also negotiate the sale of nationally branded product to local Operators through the Distributor on behalf of the Manufacturer. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 198 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Information Flow The following is a chart depicting product information flow from one party to the next. The blue line between the parties is the product information flow including the GDSN itself. The red line between the parties is the physical product flow The green line between the parties is the order/PO flow The dashed purple line between the parties is non-GDSN product information flow Guidance on Information Flow This scenario is the basic flow of product and product information from one side of the supply chain to the other for Manufacturer/National Brand, and Distributor Brand products where a Broker is involved in the ordering For this scenario, the physical product flows from the Manufacturer to the Distributor to the Operator. Orders flow through the Broker who is acting as a clearing house for them. The Broker helps to bring trading partners together and/or establish contracts for purchasing of products. Product information should flow between the trading partners along the physical product flow, with an additional feed being sent to the Broker for their use as well. The Broker will only receive product information. Responsibility for sharing product information with the other parties via the GDSN remains with the Manufacturer. The Broker must become a GDSN compliant entity and enable their systems to receive GDSN data, including receipt of the same GTIN from multiple sources as defined in other areas of this section. Rationales for this approach: ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 199 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 • • Product information can change from one party to the next. This approach ensures information shared is appropriate for the buying relationship. Sharing the product information with the Broker allows for accurate records to be utilized in the sales and contracting phases. 4.7.7. Product Information Flow For Foodservice- Re-Distributor Manufacturer sells national and distributor branded products to Re-Distributor. ReDistributor sells product to Distributors. Distributor sells product to Operators. Information Flow The following is a chart depicting product information flow from one party to the next. The blue line between the parties is the product information flow including the GDSN itself. The red line between the parties is the physical product flow The green line between the parties is the order/PO flow The dashed purple line between the parties is non-GDSN product information flow Guidance on Information Flow This scenario is the basic flow of product and product information from one side of the supply chain to the other for Manufacturer/National Brand, and Distributor Brand products where at least one Re-Distributor is involved. For this scenario, the physical product flows from the Manufacturer to the Re-Distributor to the Distributor to the Operator. There can be more than one Re-Distributor utilized. While not noted in the diagram, for simplicity, the orders typically flow along the same line as the physical product. Product information should flow between the trading partners in the same fashion. The Distributor may buy products directly from the Manufacturer on a regular basis and just “fill in” their inventory with purchases of the same item from the Re-Distributor. Differences in supply chain characteristics (such as Ti/Hi, Orderable Unit, or Available to ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 200 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Order Date) between the Manufacturer and the Re-Distributor will require the Distributor to receive multiple GDSN records for the same GTIN (similar to receiving product information on the same GTIN from multiple Manufacturers as defined in other areas of this section). A copy of the original GDSN attributes published should always be maintained. Rationales for this approach: • Product information can change from one party to the next. This approach ensures information shared is appropriate for the buying relationship. • Manufacturers do not have visibility to all parties who are buying their products. This will make direct publication to all parties impractical. 4.7.8. Product Information Flow For Foodservice- Re-Distributor Expanded National Brand Manufacturer negotiates a contract with any Operator for nationally branded and distributor branded products. Operator approves Distributor(s) from whom they will purchase the product(s). Operators may include • National Chain Account, Regional Chain Account • Contract management organizations • Schools, Healthcare Organizations • Local Operator Information Flow The following is a chart depicting product information flow from one party to the next. The blue line between the parties is the product information flow including the GDSN itself. The red line between the parties is the physical product flow The green line between the parties is the order/PO flow The dashed purple line between the parties is non-GDSN product information flow ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 201 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Guidance on Information Flow This scenario, encompassing most of the previous scenarios, is a complex flow of product and product information from one side of the supply chain to the other for Manufacturer/National Brand, and Distributor Brand products where at least one Manufacturer and at least one Re-Distributor is involved. For this scenario, the physical product flows from the Manufacturer(s) to the ReDistributor(s) and/or to the Distributor and from the Re-Distributor(s) to the Distributor then to the Operator, based on approval from the Operator. There can be more than one Manufacturer and/or Re-Distributor utilized. While not noted in the diagram, for simplicity, the orders typically flow along the same line as the physical product for the main order flow. There are situations where orders flow from the Operator and/or their Stores directly to the Distributor. Product information should flow between the trading partners as noted in previous scenarios. However, there may be additional Non-GDSN data flow from an Operator to their Stores using internal systems. The Operator may receive product information directly from the Manufacturer in addition to the Distributor(s). The information received from the Manufacturers may align with specific contracts established between the two parties. “Chain” Operator Store orders may be at the case or item level (not at the pallet level). Orders may be placed directly to the distributor or via their corporate office depending on their internal systems. Product information used to generate these orders may be provided through the Operators internal systems as opposed to GDSN. This Non-GDSN Information should be built off of the product information supplied to the Operator via its GDSN connection. Product information may be received from multiple sources for the same product. Differences in supply chain characteristics (such as Ti/Hi, Orderable Unit, or Available to Order Date) from the different product information sources will require the Operator to receive and reconcile multiple GDSN records for the same GTIN. A copy of the original GDSN attributes published should always be maintained. Rationales for this approach: • Product information can change from one party to the next. This approach ensures information shared is appropriate for the buying relationship. • Product information can enable accurate information when a national contract is established. 4.7.9. Product Information Flow For Foodservice- Re-Distributor Expanded Private Label Manufacturer negotiates a contract for product directly with the operator. Manufacturer negotiates a contract for Operator private label and proprietary branded products. Operators approve local distributor from whom they will purchase the product (s). Operators involved: • National Chain Accounts • Regional Chain Accounts ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 202 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Information Flow The following is a chart depicting product information flow from one party to the next. The blue line between the parties is the product information flow including the GDSN itself. The red line between the parties is the physical product flow The green line between the parties is the order/PO flow The dashed purple line between the parties is non-GDSN product information flow Guidance on Information Flow This scenario, encompassing most of the previous scenarios, is a complex flow of product and product information from one side of the supply chain to the other for the Operator’s Private Label or Proprietary products where at least one Manufacturer and at least one Re-Distributor is involved. For this scenario, the physical product flows from the Manufacturer(s) to the ReDistributor(s) and/or to the Distributor and from the Re-Distributor(s) to the Distributor then to the Operator, based on approval from the Operator. There can be more than one Manufacturer and/or Re-Distributor utilized. While not noted in the diagram, for simplicity, the orders typically flow along the same line as the physical product for the main order flow. There are situations where orders flow from the Operator and/or their Stores directly to the Distributor. Product information should flow between the trading partners as noted in previous scenarios. However, there may be additional Non-GDSN data flow from an Operator to their Stores using internal systems. The Operator may receive product information directly from the Manufacturer in addition to the Distributor(s). The information received from the Manufacturers may align with specific contracts established between the two parties. “Chain” Operator Store orders may be at the case or item level (not at the pallet level). Orders may be placed directly to the distributor or via their corporate office depending on their internal systems. Product information used to generate these orders may be provided through the Operators internal systems as opposed to GDSN. This Non-GDSN ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 203 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Information should be built off of the product information supplied to the Operator via its GDSN connection. Product information may be received from multiple sources for the same product. Differences in supply chain characteristics (such as Ti/Hi, Orderable Unit, or Available to Order Date) from the different product information sources will require the Operator to receive and reconcile multiple GDSN records for the same GTIN. A copy of the original GDSN attributes published should always be maintained. Rationales for this approach: • Some product information might change from one party to the next. This approach ensures information shared is appropriate for the buying relationship. 4.7.9. Product Information Flow For Foodservice- Co-op/Buying Group Manufacturer negotiates contracts with a purchasing cooperative or buying group with distributor members. Examples of these types of organizations are: • Unipro • Frosty Acres • Compass Information Flow The following is a chart depicting product information flow from one party to the next. The blue line between the parties is the product information flow including the GDSN itself. The red line between the parties is the physical product flow The green line between the parties is the order/PO flow The dashed purple line between the parties is non-GDSN product information flow ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 204 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Guidance on Information Flow This scenario is a basic flow of product and product information from one side of the supply chain to the other where a Co-Op/Buying Group is involved. Distributors and Operators utilizing a Co-op/Buying Group, who have developed GDSN capability, will receive product information through the GDSN from the Manufacturer. Distributors and Operators utilizing a Co-op/Buying Group who have not developed GDSN capability will receive product information from the Co-Op/Buying Group through nonGDSN mechanisms. Non-GDSN product information should be marked with the effective date of last update from the Manufacturer. Product information received through the GDSN by the Co-op/Buying Group may be sent through the GDSN. Product Information received outside of the GDSN may not be sent through the GDSN. 4.7.10. Product Information Flow For Foodservice- 3rd Party Service Providers 3rd Party Providers use product information for their tools and services offered. Types of 3rd Party Providers are: • • Solution Provider- Companies who act on behalf of an entity (Manufacturer, Distributor or Operator) to facilitate product information publishing and/or receipt via the GDSN. They are an extension of the entity’s IT resources. These parties may receive product information via GDSN and/or Non-GDSN messages. If receiving information via GDSN, the Solution Provider will need a GLN. 3rd Party IT Company- Companies who have a need to use foodservice product information for their tools and services offered. Offerings may include such services and web tools, and ordering catalogs. These parties may receive product information via GDSN and/or Non-GDSN messages. If receiving information via GDSN, the 3rd Party IT Company will need a GLN. Information Flow The following is a chart depicting product information flow from one party to the next. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 205 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 The blue line between the parties is the product information flow including the GDSN itself. The red line between the parties is the physical product flow The green line between the parties is the order/PO flow The dashed purple line between the parties is non-GDSN product information flow Guidance on Information Flow This scenario is a basic flow of product information from a trading partner to a 3rd Party Service Provider of their choosing. Product information sources needing to publish product information to a 3rd Party Service Provider will only do so through the GDSN. This method ensures data integrity. There will be a transitional period where some product information sources have to support both GDSN and non-GDSN messages. However, the 3rd Party Service Provide may supplement the GDSN product information used in their systems with non-GDSN product information. In some cases a 3rd Party Service Provider will assist a trading partner with gathering and storing product information from which the trading partner can create or receive a GDSN message. For these services, product information can be shared between the trading partner and the 3rd Party Service Provider as needed. For a product information source, this type of service would not require the use of GDSN as an input. However, a service or product of the 3rd Party Service Provider might be used to create the GDSN message which is sent to a GDSN Certified Data Pool for the product information source. For a product information receiver, this type of service would not require the use of GDSN as an output. However, a service or product of the 3rd Party Service Provider might be used to receive the GDSN message which was sent from a GDSN Certified Data Pool to the product information receiver. This type of 3rd Party Service Provider is called a Solution Provider. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 206 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 4.8. Downstream Changeability of Data Attributes Based on the Data Synchronization Information Flows described in Section 4.7, there are several flows where an item message will be sent from a Manufacturer to a Distributor or other middle partner. Then the Distributor would send a message on to their downstream partners, other Distributors or Operators. In these scenarios, many of the attributes should not be changed and should remain the same values as provided by the Manufacturer. These non-changeable attributes are relevant to the item itself and not applicable to the sales relationship. Where an attribute can be different in subsequent GDSN messages from what the manufacturer provided is dependent upon the fact that business is conducted differently between the Distributor and their customers than between the Distributor and the manufacturer. Examples of the changeability of attributes are: Dimensions (Height, Depth, and Width) - These attributes are inherent to the item and do not change just because a different party is selling the item. Is Trade Item Orderable, Despatch Unit, Invoice Unit- These values can change based on the selling relationship and are not inherent to the item only. A Manufacturer may only sell in even case amounts, but the Distributor may break the case and allow orders, shipments, and invoices at lower levels 4.8.1. Data Attributes which must not be changed by downstream partners The following attributes must not be changed in any subsequent messages from the values provided by the Manufacturer. NOTE: This list contains references to attributes which are noted as Recipient Requested Attributes. This attributes are optional to provide however guidance is provided here to denote that they must not be changed is sent in subsequent messages. Common Name GTIN Brand Name Brand Name Unit Descriptor Company Name Company Name Manufacturer Short Product Description Product Name Storage Temperature Min. with UoM Storage Temperature Max. with UoM GS1 Global Data Dictionary Tag globalTradeItemNumber brandName subBrand (recipient requested attribute) tradeItemUnitDescriptor nameOfBrandOwner brandOwner Change on subsequent messages? NO NO NO Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed NO NO NO descriptionShort NO tradeItemDescription storageHandlingTemperatureMinimu m & UoM storageHandlingTemperatureMaximu m & UoM NO ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 Notes NO NO PAGE 207 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Common Name Gross Weight with UoM Net Weight with UoM Net Content with UoM Catch Weight Height with UoM Width with UoM Depth with UoM Out-Of-Box Dimensions Out-Of-Box Dimensions Out-Of-Box Dimensions Cube with UoM GS1 Global Data Dictionary Tag Change on subsequent messages? grossWeight & UoM NO netWeight & UoM NO netContent & UoM NO isTradeItemAVariableUnit height & UoM width & UoM depth & UoM depth & UoM (For Out of Box) (recipient requested attribute) width & UoM (For Out of Box) (recipient requested attribute) height & UoM (For Out of Box) (recipient requested attribute) inBoxCubeDimension & UoM NO NO NO NO NO NO NO quantityOfCompleteLayersContained InATradeItem NO Pallet Ti and Pallet Hi quantityOfTradeItemsContainedInAC ompleteLayer NO Shelf Life minimumTradeItemLifespanFromTim eOfProduction NO dietTypeCode NO dietCertificationAgency dietCertificationNumber shippingContainerQuantityDescriptio n NO NO isTradeItemABaseUnit NO isPackagingMarkedReturnable NO hasBatchNumber NO isTradeItemMarkedAsRecyclable NO functionalName NO classificationCategoryCode NO quantityOfChildren NO Pack Size Text Is Item the Base Unit (Lowest Packaging Level) Is Packaging marked as Returnable? Is the Item marked with a Batch/Lot Number? Is the Item marked as recyclable? Functional Name Global Product Classification (GPC) Number of Next Lower Level GTINs ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed NO Pallet Ti and Pallet Hi Kosher, Organic, Vegan, Halal, Glutenfree, etc. Kosher Certification Kosher Certification Notes This is only used when a Pallet GTIN is assigned and as such should never be changed. This is only used when a Pallet GTIN is assigned and as such should never be changed. Should not be changed and the production date needs to be communicated either on the packaging, or transactional documents (BOL, ASN, etc.) NO PAGE 208 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Common Name Total Quantity of Next Lower Package Level GTIN of Next Lower Package Level Quantity of Child GTIN Units Is Trade Item Consumer Unit? Country of Origin Inner Pack Quantity (No GTIN Assigned) Item in Inner Pack Quantity (No GTIN Assigned) Individual Unit Measures Individual Unit Measures 100-Gram Storage & Usage Manufacturer Expanded Product Description Preparation & Cooking Instructions Preparation & Cooking Instructions Serving Suggestions Allergens Allergens Allergens Allergens Allergen Relevant Data Provided Nutrition Fact Serving Size & UOM Serving Size Text Nutrition Fact Serving Size Weight Nutrient Label contents and measures (Calories, Proteins, Fats, Sugars, etc.) Nutrient Label contents and measures (Calories, Proteins, Fats, Sugars, etc.) GS1 Global Data Dictionary Tag Change on subsequent messages? totalQuantityOfNextLowerLevelTrade Item NO childGTIN NO QuantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem NO isTradeItemAConsumerUnit NO tradeItemCountryOfOrigin NO quantityOfInnerPack NO quantityOfNextLevelTradeItemWithinI nnerPack NO individualUnitMinimumSize & UoM NO individualUnitMaximumSize & UoM NO productionVariantDescription consumerUsageStorageInstructions NO NO additionalTradeItemDescription NO preparationType NO preparationInstructions NO servingSuggestion allergenSpecificationAgency allergenSpecificationName allergenTypeCode levelOfContainment NO NO NO NO NO allergenRelevantDataProvided (AVP) NO servingSize & UoM NO householdServingSize NO servingSizeWeight (AVP) NO preparationState NO measurementPrecision NO ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 209 OF 282 Notes GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Common Name Nutrient Label contents and measures (Calories, Proteins, Fats, Sugars, etc.) Nutrient Label contents and measures (Calories, Proteins, Fats, Sugars, etc.) Nutrient Label contents and measures (Calories, Proteins, Fats, Sugars, etc.) Nutrient Value Derivation Nutrient Database Number Nutrient Relevant Data Provided Drained Weight Child nutrition label Ingredients English (& Spanish optional) Ingredients English (& Spanish optional) Ingredients English (& Spanish optional) Ingredients English (& Spanish optional) Ingredients English (& Spanish optional) Servings of the Trade Item Unit Grade Code Grade Code Growing Method Growing Method Growing Method Growing Method GS1 Global Data Dictionary Tag Change on subsequent messages? nutrientTypeCode NO percentageOfDailyValueIntake NO quantityContained & UoM NO nutrientValueDerivation (AVP) NO uSDANutrientDatabaseNumber (AVP) NO nutrientRelevantDataProvided (AVP) NO drainedWeight & UoM nutritionLabelType NO NO ingredientName NO ingredientStatement NO ingredientSequence NO countryOfOrigin NO fishCatchZone NO numberOfServingsPerPackage NO gradeCode (recipient requested attribute) gradeCodeAgency (recipient requested attribute) growingMethodCode (recipient requested attribute) isGrowingMethodCodeClonedFoods (AVP) (recipient requested attribute) isGrowingMethodFreeRange (AVP) (recipient requested attribute) isGrowingMethodHumanelyRaised (AVP) (recipient requested attribute) ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 NO NO NO Notes Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed NO Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed NO Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed NO Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed PAGE 210 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Common Name Growing Method Growing Method Growing Method EAN.UCC EAN.UCC Organic Organic SDS Package Marks Package Marks Packaging Seasonal Biodegradable Probiotic CAB Dangerous Goods Dangerous Goods Dangerous Goods Dangerous Goods Dangerous Goods GS1 Global Data Dictionary Tag isGrowingMethodShadeGrown (AVP) (recipient requested attribute) isGrowingMethodSustainable (AVP) (recipient requested attribute) isGrowingMethodWild (AVP) (recipient requested attribute) code (For EANUCC Code) (recipient requested attribute) type (For EANUCC Code) (recipient requested attribute) organicClaimAgency (recipient requested attribute) organicTradeItemCode (recipient requested attribute) materialSafetyDataSheetNumber (recipient requested attribute) packageMarksEnvironment (recipient requested attribute) packagingMarkedExpirationDateTyp e (recipient requested attribute) packagingTypeCode (recipient requested attribute) isTradeItemSeasonal (recipient requested attribute) isTradeItemBiodegradable (AVP) (recipient requested attribute) isOrganismCodeProbiotic (AVP) (recipient requested attribute) isTradeItemCertifiedAngus (AVP) (recipient requested attribute) classOfDangerousGoods (recipient requested attribute) dangerousGoodsPackingGroup (recipient requested attribute) dangerousGoodsTechnicalName/text (recipient requested attribute) isDangerousSubstance (recipient requested attribute) unitedNationsDangerousGoodsNumb er (recipient requested attribute) Change on subsequent messages? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Notes Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided should not be changed 4.8.2. Data Attributes which can be changed by downstream partners The following attributes can change in any subsequent messages from the values provided by the Manufacturer. While they do not have to change, changes are ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 211 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 acceptable. Rationale for why a change might occur is listed to help clarify the ability to change. NOTE: This list contains references to attributes which are noted as Recipient Requested Attributes. This attributes are optional to provide however guidance is provided here to denote that they must not be changed is sent in subsequent messages. Common Name GS1 Global Data Dictionary Tag Change on subsequent messages? Is Trade Item Orderable? isTradeItemAnOrderableUnit YES Company Name nameOfManufacturer YES Company Name manufacturer GLN YES informationProviderOfTradeItem YES nameOfInformationProvider YES Manufacturer Product Number additionalTradeItemIdentificationTyp e YES Manufacturer Product Number additionalTradeItemIdentificationValu e YES Pallet Ti and Pallet Hi quantityOfTradeItemsPerPallet YES Pallet Ti and Pallet Hi quantityOfLayersPerPallet YES Information Provider GLN Information Provider GLN ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 Notes Can change to match the sales agreement between the distributor and their customers Can only be changed if Distributor or Operator is the Private Brand Owner and has themselves listed as the manufacturer for the downstream partners. Can only be changed if Distributor or Operator is the Private Brand Owner and has themselves listed as the manufacturer for the downstream partners. GDSN Rules require the actual provider of the message be listed GDSN Rules require the actual provider of the message be listed Can only be changed if Distributor or Operator is the Private Brand Owner and does not wish to have the source manufacturer's number known to downstream partners. Can add additional values as needed or applicable Can only be changed if Distributor or Operator is the Private Brand Owner and does not wish to have the source manufacturer's number known to downstream partners. Can add additional values as needed or applicable If the Distributor has configured the items into a standard pallet configuration different from what was supplied to them and has not assigned a Pallet GTIN, these attributes can be different than received. If the Distributor has configured the items into a standard pallet configuration different from what was supplied to them and has not assigned a Pallet GTIN, these attributes can be different than received. PAGE 212 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Common Name GS1 Global Data Dictionary Tag Change on subsequent messages? Pallet Ti and Pallet Hi quantityOfTradeItemsPerPalletLayer YES Shelf Life minimumTradeItemLifespanFromTim eOfArrival YES Effective Date of Change effectiveDate YES Discontinue / Cancel Date canceledDate (recipient requested attribute) YES Are non-sold items returnable? isNonSoldTradeItemReturnable YES Item Availability Date startAvailabilityDateTime YES Target Market targetMarketCountryCode YES ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 Notes If the Distributor has configured the items into a standard pallet configuration different from what was supplied to them and has not assigned a Pallet GTIN, these attributes can be different than received. Will change as the distributor will have already exhausted some of the time they were given as a minimum from their supplier. Will change with each publication of the message. This signifies when the item information is to begin to be used by the Data Recipient. This can not be a date in the past. If the supplier is setting the date to a point in the future to signify a future change to the item, the Distributor will need to evaluate their inventory levels and determine when the changes being made will affect their customers and similarly change this to a date in the future. Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided can be changed or added (if not provided from supplier) based on if the distributor is no longer carrying the item. However, when the manufacturer discontinues, the distributor should change this value similarly. Based on sales relationships, this can be different from what was received from the supplier as the distributor may decide to allow a return of an item from an Operator while the supplier may not allow a return from the Distributor. Will change with each publication of the message. This signifies when the item is available from the Information Provider of the message. This can not be a date in the past. If the distributor is selling the item into a different target market, they will need to ensure the item meets the regulatory needs of that market. If not they should have a discussion with their supplier prior to selling in that market. PAGE 213 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Common Name GS1 Global Data Dictionary Tag Change on subsequent messages? Is Trade Item Shipping Unit? isTradeItemADespatchUnit YES Is Trade Item Invoice Unit? isTradeItemAnInvoiceUnit YES Private Label brandDistributionType YES Benefits tradeItemMarketingMessage YES For More Information (Contact Information) availableTime YES For More Information (Contact Information) contactType YES For More Information (Contact Information) globalLocationNumber YES For More Information (Contact Information) communicationChannelCode YES ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 Notes Can change to match the sales agreement between the distributor and their customers Can change to match the sales agreement between the distributor and their customers Can only be changed if a Private Brand (Distributor or Operator) Can change message to be in line with the format/structure used by the distributor. Contact information is based on the sales relationship. The Distributor should only pass the Consumer Support contact as this is the consumer facing information contact. All other contacts are for the relationship between the Supplier and the Distributor as part of their sales relationship and not applicable to any other sales relationship. Contact information is based on the sales relationship. The Distributor should only pass the Consumer Support contact as this is the consumer facing information contact. All other contacts are for the relationship between the Supplier and the Distributor as part of their sales relationship and not applicable to any other sales relationship. Contact information is based on the sales relationship. The Distributor should only pass the Consumer Support contact as this is the consumer facing information contact. All other contacts are for the relationship between the Supplier and the Distributor as part of their sales relationship and not applicable to any other sales relationship. Contact information is based on the sales relationship. The Distributor should only pass the Consumer Support contact as this is the consumer facing information contact. All other contacts are for the relationship between the Supplier and the Distributor as part of their sales relationship and not PAGE 214 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Common Name GS1 Global Data Dictionary Tag Change on subsequent messages? Notes applicable to any other sales relationship. For More Information (Contact Information) communicationNumber YES For More Information (Contact Information) targetMarketCode YES For More Information (Contact Information) targetMarketSubdivisionCode YES uniformResourceIdentifier YES typeOfInformation YES fileFormatName YES fileName YES Links to websites, Images, Documents, Video, Audio Files Links to websites, Images, Documents, Video, Audio Files Links to websites, Images, Documents, Video, Audio Files Links to websites, Images, Documents, Video, Audio Files ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 Contact information is based on the sales relationship. The Distributor should only pass the Consumer Support contact as this is the consumer facing information contact. All other contacts are for the relationship between the Supplier and the Distributor as part of their sales relationship and not applicable to any other sales relationship. Contact information is based on the sales relationship. The Distributor should only pass the Consumer Support contact as this is the consumer facing information contact. All other contacts are for the relationship between the Supplier and the Distributor as part of their sales relationship and not applicable to any other sales relationship. Contact information is based on the sales relationship. The Distributor should only pass the Consumer Support contact as this is the consumer facing information contact. All other contacts are for the relationship between the Supplier and the Distributor as part of their sales relationship and not applicable to any other sales relationship. Can add images and other files, but should not remove existing images or files. Can add images and other files, but should not remove existing images or files. Can add images and other files, but should not remove existing images or files. Can add images and other files, but should not remove existing images or files. PAGE 215 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Common Name Links to websites, Images, Documents, Video, Audio Files Links to websites, Images, Documents, Video, Audio Files Order Sizing GS1 Global Data Dictionary Tag Change on subsequent messages? fileEffectiveStartDateTime YES contentDescription (recipient requested attribute) YES orderSizingFactor (recipient requested attribute) YES ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 Notes Can add images and other files, but should not remove existing images or files. Can add images and other files, but should not remove existing images or files. Recipient Requested Attribute- If provided can be changed or added (if not provided from supplier) based on how the distributor is set up to build loads. This can specifically be different if the distributor breaks cases and the supplier does not. PAGE 216 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 5. Code List The following are the codes lists for the attributes listed in section 3 of this document. 5.1. Allergens (3 of 4) (allergenTypeCode) Value AA AC AE AF AH AI AL AM AN AP AS AU FDA Big 8 Relevant (Y/N) Definition Refers to the presence of amylcinnamyl alcohol as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of crustaceans and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName Refers to the presence of eggs and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName Refers to the presence of fish and their derivatives in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName Refers to the presence of anise alcohol as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of alpha-Isomethyl Ionone as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of amyl cinnamal as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of milk and their derivatives in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName Refers to the presence of tree nuts and their derivatives in the product, as listed the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Tree nuts include brazil nuts, cashews, chestnuts, filberts/hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, and walnuts. Refers to the presence of peanuts and their derivatives in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName Refers to the presence of sesame seeds or their derivatives in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName Refers to the presence of sulphur dioxide and sulphites in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 N Y- Crustaceans PAGE 217 OF 282 Y- Eggs Y- Fish N N N Y- Dairy Y- Tree Nuts Y- Peanuts N N GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Value FDA Big 8 Relevant (Y/N) Definition AllergenSpecificationName AW AX AY BA BB BC BE BI BM BS CA CL CN CO CT Refers to the presence of cereals containing gluten and their derivatives in the product, as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName Refers to the presense of other gluten containing grain and gluten containing grain products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of soybeans and their derivatives in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName Refers to the presence of benzyl alcohol as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of benzyl benzoate as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of celery or their derivatives in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName Refers to the presence of 2-(4-tert-Butylbenzyl) also known as Butylphenyl Methylpropional as listed in the regulations specified in the AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of benzyl cinnamate as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of mustard or their derivatives in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName Refers to the presence of benzyl salicylate as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of cinnamyl alcohol as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of cinnamal as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of citronellol as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of coumarin as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of citral as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 218 OF 282 Y- Wheat Y- Wheat Y- Soybeans N N N N N N N N N N N N GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Value EG EP EV FA GB GE GK GO GS HC HX HY ML MO NC FDA Big 8 Relevant (Y/N) Definition Refers to the presence of eugenol as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of Oak moss extract (Evernia Prunastri) as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of Treemoss extract (Evernia Furfuracea) as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of farnesol as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of barley and barley products (glutencontaining grain) as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of geraniol as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of kamut and kamut products (glutencontaining grain) as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of oat and oat products (gluten containing grain) as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of spelt and spelt products (gluten containing grain) as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of Hydroxymethylpentylcyclohexenecarboxaldehyde as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of Hexyl Cinnamaldehyde as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of hydroxycitronellal as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of lactose as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of 3 Methyl-4-(2, 6, 6-trimethyl-2cyclohexen-1-yl)-3-buten-2-on as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of cocoa and their derivatives in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 219 OF 282 N N N N N N Y- Wheat N N N N N Y- Dairy N N GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Value NE NK NL NM NP NR NW SA SC SH SM SP SQ SR FDA Big 8 Relevant (Y/N) Definition Refers to the presence of peas and pea products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of coriander and their derivatives in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName Refers to the presence of lupine and their derivatives in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName Refers to the presence of corn and their derivatives in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName Refers to the presence of pod fruits and their derivatives in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName Refers to the presence of rye and their derivatives in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName Refers to the presence of carrot and their derivatives in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName Refers to the presence of almond and almond products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of cashew and cashew products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of hazelnut and hazelnut products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of macadamia nut and macadamia nut products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName Refers to the presence of pecan nut and pecan nut products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of Queensland nut and Queensland nut products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of brazil nut and brazil nut products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 220 OF 282 N N N N N N Y- Tree Nuts Y- Tree Nuts Y- Tree Nuts Y- Tree Nuts Y- Tree Nuts Y- Tree Nuts Y- Tree Nuts GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Value FDA Big 8 Relevant (Y/N) Definition AllergenSpecificationName. ST SW TN UM UW X99 5.2. 5.3. Refers to the presence of pistachio and pistachio products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Refers to the presence of walnut and walnut products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName Contains traces of tree nuts, i.e. almonds, various kinds of tree nuts as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName Refers to the presence of molluscs and their derivatives in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName Refers to the presence of wheat and their derivatives in the product, as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName Does not contain declaration obligatory allergens as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Y- Tree Nuts Y- Tree Nuts Y- Tree Nuts Y- Crustaceans Y- Wheat N Allergens (4 of 4) (levelOfContainment) Value Definition CONTAINS Intentionally included in the product. FREE_FROM The product is free from the indicated substance. MAY_CONTAIN The substance is not intentionally included, but due to shared production facilities or other reasons, the product may contain the substance. Child Nutrition Label (nutrientLabelTypeCode) Value ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 Definition PAGE 221 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 5.4. Value Definition 1 The USDA Child Nutrition (CN) Labeling Program provides food manufacturers the option to include standardized food crediting statement on their product label. Labels must be approved by the USDA, FNS prior to use and manufacturers must have quality control procedures and inspection oversight that meet the FNS requirements. Products produced in accordance with the CN Labeling Program are generally purchased by foodservice providers for FNS meal programs. Cube UoM (inBoxCubeDimension) The following list is a short list from the Unit of Measures code list, which specifically apply to attributes for cubic dimensions. Code Value C8 CC CF CI Code Description Cubic Decimetre: a cubic decimetre is the volume of a cube of side length one decimetre (0.1 m). Cubic Centimetre: a cubic centimetre is the volume of a cube of side length one centimetre (0.01 m) equal to a millilitre. Cubic Foot: a cubic foot is the volume of a cube of side length one foot (0.3048 m). Cubic Inch: A cubic inch is the volume of a cube of side length one inch (0.254 m). Cubic Centimetres To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 DMQ - Cubic Decimetre CMQ - Cubic Centimetres FTQ - Cubic Feet INQ - Cubic Inches Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. CMQ CO CR Cubic Meters: a cubic metre is the volume of a cube of side length one metre. Cubic Meter MTQ - Cubic Metres MTQ - Cubic Metres Cubic Decimetre DMQ Cubic Feet FTQ Cubic Inches INQ MMQ GDSN Note Cubic Millimetre: a cubic millimetre is the volume of a cube of side length one millimetre (0.001 m). Cubic Metres MTQ ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. PAGE 222 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 5.5. Food Composition Database Code The following code will be part of the GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 to handle the foodBeverageCompositionDatabaseCode to provide an external nutrient database code. Value Definition ANSES BGU DTU ETHZ FRI GOVERNMENT_OF_CANADA HHF CIQUAL French food composition table. BGU Danish Food Composition Databank Swiss Food Composition Database Slovak Food Composition Data Bank Canadian Nutrient Files Composition tables of foods and Greek dishes Food Composition Database for Epidemiological Studies in Italy IEO IFR IMR INRAN INSA MATIS MEDICAL_SCHOOL_OF_CRETE MEDPHARM MRI NCH NFA NFNI NNC NUBEL NIMS NZIP RIVM THL TUBITAK UCC UGR UIO McCance and Widdowson’s The Composition of Foods integrated dataset. Serbian Food and Nutrition Database Banca Dati di Composizione degli Alimenti Tabela de Composição dos Alimentos - INSA ÍSGEM Medical School of Crete Souci-Fachman-Kraut Food Composition and Nutrition Tables - Online Database German Food Code and Nutrient Data Base Food composition tables - Bulgaria NFA Food Composition Database Food Composition Tables Respublikinis Mitybos Centras - EuroFIR Food Classification NIMS NZIP The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited or the New Zealand Ministry of Health. NEVO Fineli Turkish food composition database system. Irish Food Composition Database Base de Datos Española de Composición de Alimentos RedBEDCA Norwegian Food Composition Tables ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 223 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 USDA UVI 5.6. United States Department of Agriculture German "Bundeslebensmittelschlüssel" For More Information (Contact Information) (attribute 2 of 7) (contactType) Value ADMINISTRATIVE Definition This code specifies that this contact is of the type "Administrative". CONSUMER_SUPPORT The party which provides product support to the end user of a trade item or a service. CUSTOMER_SUPPORT The party which provides product support to the trading partner party to which merchandise is sold. EMERGENCY FINANCIAL GDS_CONTACT LICENSEE_REGISTRAR A contact where information is available on how to proceed in case of an accident occurring while working with the dangerous substance. This code specifies that this contact is of the type "Financial". The contact where information in relation to Data Synchronisation can be obtained. The party having legal responsibility for the product in the target market. This party is responsible for licensing and regulations within the target market and can be the manufacturer, importer, sales agent or broker. LOGISTICS This code specifies that this contact is of the type "Logistics". MANAGEMENT This code specifies that this contact is of the type "Management". OPERATIONS This code specifies that this contact is of the type "Operations". OTHER PACKAGING_ENGINEERING PRODUCTION_FACILITY ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 This code specifies that this contact is of the type "Other". The contact where information in relation to the packaging of the item. A general description of the production facility for the trade item for example Production Facility 3. PAGE 224 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Value Definition PURCHASING RECALL_SUPPORT TARGET_MARKET_INFORMATION_PROVIDER 5.7. TRANSPORT This code specifies that this contact is of the type "Transport" UNSPECIFIED Value not stated. For More Information (Contact Information) (attribute 4 of 7) (communicationChannelCode) Value 5.8. This code specifies that this contact is of the type "Purchasing" The contact where information about recalls can be obtained. The GLN of the information provider’s business contact within the target market for the GTIN. This is a different GLN than the Information Provider of the item of record. Definition EMAIL N/A TELEFAX N/A TELEPHONE N/A WEBSITE N/A Global Product Classification (GPC) (classificationCategoryCode) The following link is the website for the GPC. Suppliers should review the site to determine the GPC Brick Number to populate. 5.9. ISO Country Code List The following ISO code list is used for several attributes. The sample list provided below is valid as of January 2012. More up to date versions can be obtained from ISO at Country of Origin (tradeItemCountry) For More Information Contact (attribute 6 of 7) (targetMarketCountryCode (Contact)) Ingredients English (& Spanish optional) (attribute X of X) (countryOfOrigin) Target Market (targetMarketCountryCode) Numeric Code (used in GDSN) 2-Digit Code Country name ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 225 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Numeric Code (used in GDSN) 2-Digit Code Country name 004 AF Afghanistan 008 AL Albania 010 AQ Antarctica 012 DZ Algeria 016 AS American Samoa 020 AD Andorra 024 AO Angola 028 AG Antigua and Barbuda 031 AZ Azerbaijan 032 AR Argentina 036 AU Australia 040 AT Austria 044 BS Bahamas 048 BH Bahrain 050 BD Bangladesh 051 AM Armenia 052 BB Barbados 056 BE Belgium 060 BM Bermuda 064 BT Bhutan 068 BO Bolivia, Plurinational State of 070 BA Bosnia and Herzegovina 072 BW Botswana 074 BV Bouvet Island 076 BR Brazil 084 BZ Belize 086 IO British Indian Ocean Territory 090 SB Solomon Islands 092 VG Virgin Islands, British 096 BN Brunei Darussalam 100 BG Bulgaria 104 MM Myanmar 108 BI Burundi 112 BY Belarus ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 226 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Numeric Code (used in GDSN) 2-Digit Code Country name 116 KH Cambodia 120 CM Cameroon 124 CA Canada 132 CV Cape Verde 136 KY Cayman Islands 140 CF Central African Republic 144 LK Sri Lanka 148 TD Chad 152 CL Chile 156 CN China 158 TW Taiwan, Province of China 162 CX Christmas Island 166 CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands 170 CO Colombia 174 KM Comoros 175 YT Mayotte 178 CG Congo 180 CD Congo, the Democratic Republic of the 184 CK Cook Islands 188 CR Costa Rica 191 HR Croatia 192 CU Cuba 196 CY Cyprus 203 CZ Czech Republic 204 BJ Benin 208 DK Denmark 212 DM Dominica 214 DO Dominican Republic 218 EC Ecuador 222 SV El Salvador 226 GQ Equatorial Guinea 231 ET Ethiopia 232 ER Eritrea 233 EE Estonia ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 227 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Numeric Code (used in GDSN) 2-Digit Code Country name 234 FO Faroe Islands 238 FK Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 239 GS South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 242 FJ Fiji 246 FI Finland 248 AX Åland Islands 250 FR France 254 GF French Guiana 258 PF French Polynesia 260 TF French Southern Territories 262 DJ Djibouti 266 GA Gabon 268 GE Georgia 270 GM Gambia 275 PS Palestinian Territory, Occupied 276 DE Germany 288 GH Ghana 292 GI Gibraltar 296 KI Kiribati 300 GR Greece 304 GL Greenland 308 GD Grenada 312 GP Guadeloupe 316 GU Guam 320 GT Guatemala 324 GN Guinea 328 GY Guyana 332 HT Haiti 334 HM Heard Island and McDonald Islands 336 VA Holy See (Vatican City State) 340 HN Honduras 344 HK Hong Kong 348 HU Hungary ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 228 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Numeric Code (used in GDSN) 2-Digit Code Country name 352 IS Iceland 356 IN India 360 ID Indonesia 364 IR Iran, Islamic Republic of 368 IQ Iraq 372 IE Ireland 376 IL Israel 380 IT Italy 384 CI Côte d'Ivoire 388 JM Jamaica 392 JP Japan 398 KZ Kazakhstan 400 JO Jordan 404 KE Kenya 408 KP Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 410 KR Korea, Republic of 414 KW Kuwait 417 KG Kyrgyzstan 418 LA Lao People's Democratic Republic 422 LB Lebanon 426 LS Lesotho 428 LV Latvia 430 LR Liberia 434 LY Libya 438 LI Liechtenstein 440 LT Lithuania 442 LU Luxembourg 446 MO Macao 450 MG Madagascar 454 MW Malawi 458 MY Malaysia 462 MV Maldives 466 ML Mali 470 MT Malta ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 229 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Numeric Code (used in GDSN) 2-Digit Code Country name 474 MQ Martinique 478 MR Mauritania 480 MU Mauritius 484 MX Mexico 492 MC Monaco 496 MN Mongolia 498 MD Moldova, Republic of 499 ME Montenegro 500 MS Montserrat 504 MA Morocco 508 MZ Mozambique 512 OM Oman 516 NA Namibia 520 NR Nauru 524 NP Nepal 528 NL Netherlands 531 CW Curaçao 533 AW Aruba 534 SX Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 535 BQ Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba 540 NC New Caledonia 548 VU Vanuatu 554 NZ New Zealand 558 NI Nicaragua 562 NE Niger 566 NG Nigeria 570 NU Niue 574 NF Norfolk Island 578 NO Norway 580 MP Northern Mariana Islands 581 UM United States Minor Outlying Islands 583 FM Micronesia, Federated States of 584 MH Marshall Islands 585 PW Palau ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 230 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Numeric Code (used in GDSN) 2-Digit Code Country name 586 PK Pakistan 591 PA Panama 598 PG Papua New Guinea 600 PY Paraguay 604 PE Peru 608 PH Philippines 612 PN Pitcairn 616 PL Poland 620 PT Portugal 624 GW Guinea-Bissau 626 TL Timor-Leste 630 PR Puerto Rico 634 QA Qatar 638 RE Réunion 642 RO Romania 643 RU Russian Federation 646 RW Rwanda 652 BL Saint Barthélemy 654 SH Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha 659 KN Saint Kitts and Nevis 660 AI Anguilla 662 LC Saint Lucia 663 MF Saint Martin (French part) 666 PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon 670 VC Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 674 SM San Marino 678 ST Sao Tome and Principe 682 SA Saudi Arabia 686 SN Senegal 688 RS Serbia 690 SC Seychelles 694 SL Sierra Leone 702 SG Singapore ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 231 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Numeric Code (used in GDSN) 2-Digit Code Country name 703 SK Slovakia 704 VN Viet Nam 705 SI Slovenia 706 SO Somalia 710 ZA South Africa 716 ZW Zimbabwe 724 ES Spain 728 SS South Sudan 729 SD Sudan 732 EH Western Sahara 740 SR Suriname 744 SJ Svalbard and Jan Mayen 748 SZ Swaziland 752 SE Sweden 756 CH Switzerland 760 SY Syrian Arab Republic 762 TJ Tajikistan 764 TH Thailand 768 TG Togo 772 TK Tokelau 776 TO Tonga 780 TT Trinidad and Tobago 784 AE United Arab Emirates 788 TN Tunisia 792 TR Turkey 795 TM Turkmenistan 796 TC Turks and Caicos Islands 798 TV Tuvalu 800 UG Uganda 804 UA Ukraine 807 MK Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of 818 EG Egypt 826 GB United Kingdom 831 GG Guernsey ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 232 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Numeric Code (used in GDSN) 2-Digit Code Country name 832 JE Jersey 833 IM Isle of Man 834 TZ Tanzania, United Republic of 840 US United States 850 VI Virgin Islands, U.S. 854 BF Burkina Faso 858 UY Uruguay 860 UZ Uzbekistan 862 VE Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 876 WF Wallis and Futuna 882 WS Samoa 887 YE Yemen 894 ZM Zambia 5.10. ISO Country Subdivision Code The following ISO code list is used for several attributes to identify country subdivisions. This is a sample list of the most commonly used abbreviations for North America valid as of January 2012. More up to date versions can be obtained from ISO at For More Information (Contact Information) (attribute 7 of 7) (targetMarketSubdivisionCode) Country Code (numeric) Subdivision Code (used in GDSN) Definition/Subdivision name 124 CA-AB Alberta/Alberta 124 CA-BC British Columbia/Colombie-Britannique 124 CA-MB Manitoba/Manitoba 124 CA-NB 124 CA-NL 124 CA-NS New Brunswick/Nouveau-Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador/Terre-Neuve-etLabrador Nova Scotia/Nouvelle-Écosse 124 CA-NT Northwest Territories/Territoires du Nord-Ouest 124 CA-NU Nunavut/Nunavut 124 CA-ON Ontario/Ontario 124 CA-PE Prince Edward Island/Ile-du-Prince-Édouard 124 CA-QC Quebec/Québec 124 CA-SK Saskatchewan/Saskatchewan ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 233 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Country Code (numeric) Subdivision Code (used in GDSN) Definition/Subdivision name 124 CA-YT Yukon Territory[note 1]/Territoire du Yukon 484 MX-AGU Aguascalientes 484 MX-BCN Baja California 484 MX-BCS Baja California Sur 484 MX-CAM Campeche 484 MX-CHH Chihuahua 484 MX-CHP Chiapas 484 MX-COA Coahuila 484 MX-COL Colima 484 MX-DIF Distrito Federal 484 MX-DUR Durango 484 MX-GRO Guerrero 484 MX-GUA Guanajuato 484 MX-HID Hidalgo 484 MX-JAL Jalisco 484 MX-MEX Mexico ! México 484 MX-MIC Michoacán 484 MX-MOR Morelos 484 MX-NAY Nayarit 484 MX-NLE Nuevo León 484 MX-OAX Oaxaca 484 MX-PUE Puebla 484 MX-QUE Querétaro 484 MX-ROO Quintana Roo 484 MX-SIN Sinaloa 484 MX-SLP San Luis Potosí 484 MX-SON Sonora 484 MX-TAB Tabasco 484 MX-TAM Tamaulipas 484 MX-TLA Tlaxcala 484 MX-VER Veracruz 484 MX-YUC Yucatán 484 MX-ZAC Zacatecas 581 UM-67 Johnston Atoll 581 UM-71 Midway Islands 581 UM-76 Navassa Island ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 234 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Country Code (numeric) Subdivision Code (used in GDSN) Definition/Subdivision name 581 UM-79 Wake Island 581 UM-81 Baker Island 581 UM-84 Howland Island 581 UM-86 Jarvis Island 581 UM-89 Kingman Reef 581 UM-95 Palmyra Atoll 840 US-AK Alaska 840 US-AL Alabama 840 US-AR Arkansas 840 US-AS American Samoa 840 US-AZ Arizona 840 US-CA California 840 US-CO Colorado 840 US-CT Connecticut 840 US-DC District of Columbia 840 US-DE Delaware 840 US-FL Florida 840 US-GA Georgia 840 US-GU Guam 840 US-HI Hawaii 840 US-IA Iowa 840 US-ID Idaho 840 US-IL Illinois 840 US-IN Indiana 840 US-KS Kansas 840 US-KY Kentucky 840 US-LA Louisiana 840 US-MA Massachusetts 840 US-MD Maryland 840 US-ME Maine 840 US-MI Michigan 840 US-MN Minnesota 840 US-MO Missouri 840 US-MP Northern Mariana Islands 840 US-MS Mississippi 840 US-MT Montana ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 235 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Country Code (numeric) Subdivision Code (used in GDSN) Definition/Subdivision name 840 US-NC North Carolina 840 US-ND North Dakota 840 US-NE Nebraska 840 US-NH New Hampshire 840 US-NJ New Jersey 840 US-NM New Mexico 840 US-NV Nevada 840 US-NY New York 840 US-OH Ohio 840 US-OK Oklahoma 840 US-OR Oregon 840 US-PA Pennsylvania 840 US-PR Puerto Rico 840 US-RI Rhode Island 840 US-SC South Carolina 840 US-SD South Dakota 840 US-TN Tennessee 840 US-TX Texas 840 US-UM United States Minor Outlying Islands 840 US-UT Utah 840 US-VA Virginia 840 US-VI Virgin Islands, U.S. 840 US-VT Vermont 840 US-WA Washington 840 US-WI Wisconsin 840 US-WV West Virginia 840 US-WY Wyoming 5.11. Kosher, Organic, Vegan, Halal, Gluten Free, etc. (dietTypeCode) Value Definition COELIAC Denotes a product that can be safely consumed by a person with coeliac disease. Coeliac disease is caused by a reaction to gladin (a gluten protein found ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 GDSN Note PAGE 236 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Value Definition in wheat) and similar proteins found in other crops. DIETETIC Denotes a product that is specially prepared or processed for people on restrictive diets. FREE_FROM_GLUTEN Denotes a product that can be used in a gluten free diet, as specified by the appropriate authority within a target market. HALAL Denotes selling or serving food ritually fit according to Islamic dietary laws. KOSHER Denotes selling or serving food ritually fit according to Jewish dietary laws. ORGANIC Denotes a food product that was produced with the use of feed or fertilizer of plant or animal origin, without employment of chemically formulated fertilizers, growth stimulants, antibiotics or pesticides. VEGAN Denotes a product that contains no dairy or animal ingredients. VEGETARIAN Denotes a product that contains no meat, fish or other animal products. WITHOUT_BEEF Denotes a product that contains no beef or beef-products. Beef is considered to be a taboo food product by some religions most notable Hinduism, Budhism and Jainism. WITHOUT_PORK Denotes a product that contains no pork meat GDSN Note 5.12. Linear Measures (depth, height, width) The following list is a short list from the Unit of Measures code list, which specifically apply to attributes for Linear Dimensions (depth, height, and width). Code Value 4H BF Code Description Micrometre: a millionth of a metre, also termed Micron. A specialized unit of measure for the volume of rough lumber (before drying and planing with no adjustments) or planed/surfaced lumber. It is the volume of a onefoot length of a board one foot wide and one inch thick. Some countries To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 GDSN Note BFT - Board Feet ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 237 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Code Value BFT BP CM CMT DK DMT E37 Code Description utilize the synonym super foot or superficial foot. Board Feet A unit of volume equal to one hundred board foot. Centimetre: A centimetre is equal to one hundredth of a metre. Centimetre Kilometre: a kilometre is one thousand (1000) metres. Decimetre: one tenth of a metre. E39 Pixel: a unit of count defining the number of pixels (pixel: picture element). Dots Per Inch FOT Foot FT Feet H79 French Gauge: the unit of measure of the diameter. i.e. the diameter of a syringe (FR) Hundred Feet HL IN INH LF Inch: an international inch is defined to be equal to 25.4 millimetres. Inches MM Millimetre MMT Millimetre MR Metre: The metre is the basic unit of length in the International System of Units (SI). Meters ML MTR Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. CMT - Centimetres Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. KMT - Kilometre FOT - Foot MLT LM GDSN Note Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. Linear Foot: a unit of count defining the number of feet (12-inch) in length of a uniform width object. Link: a unit of distance equal to 0.01 chain. Linear Meter: a unit of count defining the number of metres in length of a uniform width object. Millilitre: one thousandth of a litre (0.001) Millilitre LK To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 INH - Inches Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. MLT - Millilitre Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. MMT - Millimitre MTR - Meters ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in PAGE 238 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Code Value Code Description To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 PPC Pixels Per Centimetre: A unit of count defining the number of pixels per linear centimetre as a measurement of the resolution of devices in various contexts; typically computer displays, image scanners or digital camera image sensors. Pixels Per Inch: A unit of count defining the number of pixels per linear inch (PPI) as a measurement of the resolution of devices in various contexts; typically computer displays, image scanners or digital camera image sensors. Sheet GDSN Note 2016. PPI SH SMI TM Mile (statute mile): A statute mile of 5,280 feet (exactly 1,609.344 meters). Thousand Feet YD Yard 5.13 Links to websites, Images, Documents, Video, Audio Files (attribute 1 of 5) (typeOfInformation) Value AUDIO CONSUMER_HANDLING_AND _STORAGE_INFORMATION DOCUMENT IFU LOGO Definition Note Link to a file containing an audio clip, which is relevant to the product. Examples are commercials, or instructional/ how to use audio files. Link to a website, file, or image containing the Manufacturer's recommendations for how the consumer or end user should store and handle the product. Link to a document or text file containing product information. Examples of this type could be an instruction manual, assembly guide, or warranty document. Link to a file containing the Instructions For Use (IFU). This type of file is primarily used in conjunction with ingestible products, regardless of species. Link to a file containing the Manufacturer or Brand Logo(s) associated with the ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 239 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Value MARKETING_INFORMATION MSDS SHEET OTHER_EXTERNAL_INFORMA TION Definition product. Note Link to a file with product information associated with selling a product or service. Link to a file containing the product's Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). This file can be either an image or a document. Link to a file containing product information of an unspecified type. OUT_OF_PACKAGE_IMAGE Link to an image of an item out of its packaging and, if necessary, assembled ready for use by the end user. This type of file is subject the current version of the GDSN Product Image Specification Standard. PLANOGRAM Link to an image file to be used with a planogram or in a planogram system. A Planogram is a file or document illustrating how and where retail products should be displayed. This type of file is subject the current version of the GDSN Product Image Specification Standard. PRODUCT_IMAGE Link to a file containing a visual representation of the product in its packaging. This type of file is subject the current version of the GDSN Product Image Specification Standard. PRODUCT_LABEL_IMAGE SDS VIDEO WARRANTY_INFORMATION WEBSITE Link to a file containing a visual representation of the product label. A link to the location of a file containing a Safety Data Sheet in a standard format for example GHS. Link to a file containing a video clip, which is relevant to the product. Examples are commercials, trailers, or instructional/ how to use video files. Link to a file with information associated with any guarantee given by a company stating that a product is reliable and free from known defects and that the seller will, without charge, repair or replace defective parts within a given time limit and under certain conditions. Link to a website containing product or manufacturer information. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 240 OF 282 DeprecatedUse the value SDS GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Value HAZARDOUS_SUBSTANCES_ DATA Definition Note Link to a file where to locate the ‘out of network data’ additional data concerning the control of substances can be found. 5.14. Manufacturer Part Number (AdditionalTradeItemIdentification/type) Value BUYER_ASSIGNED DIN DIN_HM DISTRIBUTOR_ASSIGNED EPD Definition Not Available The Drug Identification Number: The number located on the label of prescription and over-the-counter drug products that have been evaluated by the Therapeutic Products Directorate (TPD) and approved for sale in Canada. Drug Identification Number – Homeopathic: This is the number located on the label of homeopathic drug products that have been approved for sale in Canada. The additional Trade Item Identification value populated has been developed and assigned by an entity, which purchases and takes title to goods, which are then resold / redistributed elsewhere. Electronisk Produkt Database Identifier. FDA_NDC_10 The National Drug Code of the United States of America is a unique 10-digit, 3-segment number assigned to each medication listed under Section 510 of the U.S. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The number identifies the labeler or vendor, product, and trade package size. FDA_NDC_11 The National Drug Code of the United States of America is a unique 11-digit, 3-segment number assigned to each medication listed under Section 510 of the U.S. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The number identifies the labeler or vendor, product, and trade package size. HIBC INDUSTRY_ASSIGNED INVIMA ISBN_NUMBER Health Industry Business Communication Barcode: An alphanumeric identification number used as a common identifier within the healthcare industry across different locations. In the Netherlands, this code is managed by the European Health Industry Business Not Available National Institute of Surveillance of Medications and Foods for Colombia. This organization has developed a unique code of medications (CUM). International Standard Book Number: A unique numeric commercial book identifier. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 241 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Value ISSN_NUMBER LOTTERY_GAME_NUMBER LOTTERY_PACK_BOOK_NUMBER Definition International Standard Serial Number: unique eight-digit number used to identify a print or electronic periodical publication. N/A A unique identifier for a book of shrink-wrapped lottery game tickets. (Current definition)- A unique identifier of a part used by a manufacturer. MANUFACTURER_PART_NUMBER MDL (Definition for GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016)- The additional Trade Item Identification value populated is an identifier of a part used for an item. While the name implies that the number is assigned by the manufacturer, the part may be built by one manufacturer to apply to another manufacturer’s item. In this case this number is the applicable part number from the item’s manufacturer. The part manufacturer numbers would be found with the type of MODEL_NUMBER, SUPPLIER_ASSIGNED, or DISTRIBUTOR_ASSIGNED. For example, a 1957 car manufactured by Chevrolet has a part number AB123 which is the driver’s door handle. A secondary manufacture produces an equivalent or Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) part with their number of 57-123CHEV. This value would be the AB123 to signify that it is that equivalent. The Canadian Medical Device License (MDL) is required for companies, which sell Class II, III, and IV medical devices in Canada. The MDL is a product approval and should not be confused with the MDEL which is a permit for the company/distributor itself. (Current definition)- Additional Vendor identification number, which defines the configuration of the product over and above the Item number. MODEL_NUMBER NABCA_PRODUCT_CODE NAN (Definition for GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016)- The additional Trade Item Identification value populated is an identification number which defines the configuration of the product in addition to the Item number. This is typically printed or otherwise attached to an item. In electronics, this number is typically found around or near a serial number. A product code issued by the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association in the United States. Nordic Article Number is a 6 digit identification number needed on all human and veterinary pharmaceuticals licensed in Sweden. The number is unique for a certain packages. A NAN can be valid in one to five Nordic countries (Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland) depending on if the package fulfills some basic criteria. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 242 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Value Definition NPN The Natural Health Product Number: Identifies the trade item as a natural health product and the number is assigned by a regulatory health organization for example the Health Canada - Natural Health Products Directorate (Health Canada). NSN National Stock Number is a 13-digit number that the federal government assigns, for purposes of identification and inventory control, to every piece of supply, equipment and material that it uses and buys. In a typical NSN, the first four numbers are the Federal Supply Code (FSC), which places the item in a specific category. The second two numbers, identify the item. The next two numbers identify the country that buys the item; 00 or 01 is the code for the U.S. The remaining numbers of the NSN are referred to as the National Item Identification Number (NIIN) and are used to index NSN's PLU A number used to indicate a price look up for an existing random weight item. This is only used for items that have been assigned an industry PLU or proprietary PLU and that are utilized through a weighing system through the scales at the back or the front registers. RVG (Register Verpakte Geneesmiddelen): An identification number provided by the Institute for Drug Evaluation (College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen – CBG) in the Netherlands. This number is used as the main identification for all drugs that have been approved by the CBG for distribution within the Netherlands. RVH (Register Verpakte Homeopatische Geneesmiddelen): An identification number provided by the Institute for Drug Evaluation (College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen – CBG) in the Netherlands. This number is used as the main identification for all homeopathic drugs that have been approved by the CBG for distribution within the Netherlands. SAN_4 A nationally set standard trade item number for a variable measure trade item. The SAN-4 is a four-digit number that uniquely identifies a weight trade item according to its country of origin. This short number is incorporated into the 13 digit GTIN symbol in combination with the weight, quantity or price. (Current definition)- The additional Trade Item Identification value populated has been developed and assigned by the party which provides service(s) and/or manufactures or otherwise has possession the goods and consigns or makes them available in trade. SUPPLIER_ASSIGNED (Definition for GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016)- The additional Trade Item Identification value populated has been developed and assigned by the party which provides service(s) and/or manufactures or otherwise has possession of the goods and consigns or makes them available in trade. This number is a base model or ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 243 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Value Z_INDEX Definition style number assigned to the product and may be the same for several GTINs where they are variations of each other. For example a coffee mug with 3 GTINs one each for the brown mug, the white mug, and the black mug might all be the supplier assigned number of AB123. Use of this value is recommended in the absence of a Model Number or Manufacturer’s Part Number. An additional identification number used to identify all medical supplies and drugs in the Netherlands when managing reimbursements for the items. The Z-Index number is assigned to every product by Z-Index, which is a regulatory body in the Netherlands for the Healthcare Industry. 5.15 Nutrient Label contents and measures (Calories, Proteins, Fats, Sugars, etc.) (attribute 1 of 5) (preparationState) Value Definition PREPARED The state of the product after preparation (e.g. after adding milk or water). UNPREPARED The initial state of the product. 5.16 Nutrient Label contents and measures (Calories, Proteins, Fats, Sugars, etc.) (attribute 2 of 5) (nutrientTypeCode) The field Nutrient Type Code (Food and Beverage Nutrient class) refers to the nutrient's tag name ( A guide has been developed to help reduce the number of INFOODS Codes to a minimum generic set. This will help to reduce the confusion and implementation of this codeset. The guide can be found in the GS1 US Foodservice Tools and Resources website section at The guide is named “INFOODS Guideline Nutrient Codes”. 5.17 Nutrient Label contents and measures (Calories, Proteins, Fats, Sugars, etc.) (attribute 3 of 5) (measurementPrecision) Value Definition APPROXIMATELY The method used to analyze the products resulted in approximate value of the nutritional content. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 244 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 EXACT The method used to analyze the products resulted in exact value of the nutritional content. LESS_THAN To indicate presence when the measurement value is too small to be measured precisely (rule states less than 0.5). 5.18 Nutrient Value Derivation Value Definition ANALYTICAL The item’s nutrient values have been determined through direct scientific analysis by a lab. ANALYTICAL & CALCULATED Some of the item’s nutrient values have been determined through scientific analysis and some have been determined through a calculation of nutrient values provided for its ingredients. CALCULATED The item’s nutrient values have been determined through a calculation of nutrient values provided for its ingredients or from other published documentation and not by lab analysis. UNKNOWN It is not known as to method of the derivation of the item’s nutrient values. 5.19 Preparation & Cooking Instructions (preparationType) Value Definition BAKING Cooking food in an oven by dry heat applied evenly throughout the oven BARBECUING Method of cooking meat with the heat and hot gasses of a fire BLANCHING Food preparation wherein the food substance is rapidly plunged into boiling water and then removed after a brief, timed interval and then plunged into iced water or placed under cold running water BLIND_BAKING Baking a pie crust or other pastry without the filling BOILING Cooking food in boiling water, or other water-based liquid such as stock or milk BRAISING Cooking with "moist heat", typically in a covered pot with a small amount of liquid BROILING Cooking food with high heat with the heat applied directly to the food, most commonly from above. Heat transfer to the food is primarily via radiant heat ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 245 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Value Definition DEEP_FRYING Cooking method whereby food is submerged in hot oil or fat. DOUBLE_STEAMING Cooking technique to prepare delicate food such as bird nests, shark fins etc. The food is covered with water and put in a covered ceramic jar FRYING Cooking of food in fat. GRIDDLE_FRYING Form of cooking where the food is fried with its own fat. GRILLING Form of cooking that involves direct heat. The definition varies widely by region and culture MICROWAVING Cooking food by employing microwave radiation PAN_FRYING Form of frying characterized by the use of less cooking oil than deep frying POACHING Cooking food by gently simmering food in liquid, generally water, stock or wine PRESSURE_COOKING Method of cooking in a sealed vessel that does not permit air or liquids to escape below a preset pressure PRESSURE_FRYING Meat and cooking oil are brought to high temperatures while pressure is held high enough that the water within is prevented from boiling off READY_TO_EAT Besides unpacking no additional preparation required. RECONSTITUTING Restore a dry or concentrated food to its original strength or consistency by adding water. ROASTING Cooking method that utilizes dry heat, whether an open flame, oven, or other heat source. ROTISSERIE Style of roasting where meat is skewered on a spit and revolves over a flame SAUTÉING Cooking food using a small amount of fat in a shallow pan over relatively high heat SEARING Technique used in grilling, roasting, braising, sautéing, etc. That cooks the surface of the food (usually meat, poultry or fish) at high temperature so that a caramelized crust forms SIMMERING Cook food by heating it in water kept just below the boiling point (same as coddling) SMOKING Process of curing, cooking, or seasoning food by exposing it for long periods of time to the smoke from a wood fire STEAMING Cooking by first boiling the water so it will evaporate into steam, then the steam will carry heat to the food, thus achieving heating the food STEWING Preparing meat cut into smaller pieces or cubes by simmering it in liquid, usually together with vegetables ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 246 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Value Definition STIR_FRYING Chinese cooking technique used because of its fast cooking speed 5.20 Private Label Items (brandDistributionType) Code Value RESTRICTED_DISTRIBUTION UNRESTRICTED_DISTRIBUTION Code Name The Data Source has restrictions on where, how and/or to whom the product may be sold. The Data Recipient has the permission to sell the Trade Item as per their trading partner agreement. 5.21 Temperature UoM (storageHandlingTemperatureMinimum and storageHandlingTemperatureMaximum) The following list is a short list from the Unit of Measures code list which specifically applies to attributes for temperatures. Code Value Code Description To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 CE Degrees Celsius: celsius (also historically known as centigrade) is a temperature scale, the freezing point of water is 0 degrees Celsius (°C) and the boiling point 100 °C (at standard atmospheric pressure), placing the boiling and freezing points of water exactly 100 degrees apart. CEL - Degree Celsius CEL Degrees Celsius FA Degrees Fahrenheit: the Fahrenheit temperature scale, the freezing point of water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) and the boiling point 212 °F (at standard atmospheric pressure), placing the boiling and freezing points of water exactly 180 degrees apart. FAH Degree Fahrenheit KEL Kelvin: a unit of absolute temperature equal to 1/273.16 of the absolute temperature of the triple point of water. One kelvin degree is equal to one Celsius GDSN Note Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. FAH - Degree Fahrenheit ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. PAGE 247 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Code Value To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 Code Description GDSN Note degree. 5.22 Unit Descriptor (tradeItemUnitDescriptor) Value Definition BASE_UNIT_OR_EAC H PACK_OR_INNER_PA CK CASE PALLET TRANSPORT_LOAD PREPACK PREPACK_ASSORTM ENT SETPACK Notes The lowest level of the item hierarchy intended or labeled for individual retail sale. A logistical unit between case and each. This may be a consumable inner pack (i.e. Carton of Cigarettes) or it may be simply a logistical pack (i.e. Dozens of toothbrushes). The standard shipping unit level. A pallet is a flat transport structure designed to support a variety of goods in a stable fashion while being lifted by any mobile forklift or other jacking device. The trade item above the pallet level used for transporting trade items for example Truck Load, Container, Rail Car, Ship, Etc. Contains multiple components, each of which represents a unique consumer unit item by color and size, or standard assortment of trade items, each different item within the prepack will be assigned a GTIN maintaining the one-to-one relationship between trade item/color ID/size ID and GTIN. Each of the component GTINs is scannable at the Point-of-Sale and may or may not be orderable separately outside of the prepack. Contains multiple components, each of which represents a unique consumer unit item by color and size. Includes prepacks and setpacks. Contains multiple components, each of which represents a unique consumer unit item by color and size. Each different trade item within the setpack will be assigned a GTIN, maintaining the one-to-one relationship between trade item/color ID/size ID and the GTIN. The individual trade item GTIN must be scannable at the Point-of-Sale and may or may not be orderable separately outside the setpack(s). A separate and unique GTIN is assigned to each setpack. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 Deprecated- Will be deleted in Next Major Release of GDSN in 2016. Deprecated- Will be deleted in Next Major Release of GDSN in 2016. Deprecated- Will be deleted in Next Major Release of GDSN in 2016. PAGE 248 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Value Definition Notes DISPLAY_SHIPPER The lowest level of the item hierarchy intended or labeled for individual retail sale. MIXED_MODULE A “mixed mod” or “display ready pallet” that is not the normal ‘turn’ for ordering. MULTIPACK A group of trade items (the same or different) that are intended to be sold as a single consumer unit at the Point-of-Sale (e.g., a three-pack of men's white T-shirts or a 12-piece set of glassware). A multipack is not intended to be broken apart and sold as individual trade items. Deprecated- Will be deleted in Next Major Release of GDSN in 2016. Deprecated- Will be deleted in Next Major Release of GDSN in 2016. Deprecated- Will be deleted in Next Major Release of GDSN in 2016. 5.23 Unit of Measure GDSN utilizes the United Nations Recommendation 20 codeset as a basis for its Unit of Measure code list. All measurement attributes utilize this list, however, in this guidance some areas have been listed with a subset of more applicable values for specific attributes, e.g. weights and temperatures. Code Value Code Description 15 Stick 23 Grams Per Cubic Centimetre 26 28 58 59 64 To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 EA - Each Actual Ton LTN - Ton (UK) or Long Ton (US) STN - Ton (US) or Short Ton (UK) TNE - Tonne (Metric Ton, 1000 Kg) Kilogram per square metre: a unit of pressure equal to 9.80665*10-05 bar. Net Kilograms Parts per Million: One ppm is equivalent to 1 milligram of something per litre of water (mg/l) or 1 milligram of something per kilogram soil (mg/kg). Pounds per square inch gauge: at sea level, Earth's atmosphere actually exerts a pressure of 14.7 psi. Humans do not feel this pressure because internal pressure of liquid in their bodies matches the external pressure. If a pressure gauge is calibrated to read zero in space, then at sea level on Earth it would read 14.7 psi. Thus a reading of 30 psig, on Earth, on a tire gauge represents an absolute pressure of 44.7 psi (lb/in²). ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 249 OF 282 GDSN Note GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Code Value 1N 2N 2P Code Description Count Decibel: a measurement for sound in air and other gases, relative to 20 micropascals (μPa) = 2×10−5 Pa, the quietest sound a human can hear. This is roughly the sound of a mosquito flying 3 metres away. This is often abbreviated to just "dB"; however the correct abbreviation is dB(SPL), indicating decibel for Sound Pressure Level. Kilobyte: a unit of information equal to 10³ (1000) bytes. 2Q Kilo Becquerel 4G Microlitre 4H 4L 4N 5B A24 A86 AD AF AIU ANN Micrometre: a millionth of a metre, also termed Micron. Megabyte: a unit of information equal to 10⁶ (1000000) bytes. Megabecquerel: 106 Bq1 Bq is defined as the activity of a quantity of radioactive material in which one nucleus decays per second. A unit of count defining the number of batches (batch: quantity of material produced in one operation or number of animals or persons coming at once). Candela per Square Meter is the SI base unit of luminous intensity; that is, power emitted by a light source in a particular direction, weighted by the luminosity function in square meters. This is also known as nit in some markets. Gigahertz: a unit of frequency equal to 109 Hertz Byte: a unit of information equal to 8 bits. Centigram Anti XA Unit (International Units): A unit of measure for blood potency. International units for the anti XA activity which is a measure to the anti-coagulating effect at low molecular heparins. A unit of measure for blood potency. Year: A unit of time comprising twelve contiguous months. To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 EA - Each CGM - Centigram ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 250 OF 282 GDSN Note GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Code Value Code Description B8 Assortment: a unit of count defining the number of assortments (assortment: set of items grouped in a mixed collection). Anti XA Unit: A unit of measure for blood potency. Units for the anti XA activity which is a measure to the anti-coagulating effect at low molecular heparins. Bit Per Second: in telecommunications and computing, bitrate (sometimes written bit rate, data rate or as a variable R or fb) is the number of bits that are conveyed or processed per unit of time. The bit rate is quantified using the bits per second (bit/s or bps) unit. Lumens per Square Meter is the SI derived unit of luminous flux, a measure of the total "amount" of visible light emitted by a source in square meters. Board BA Bale AS AXU B10 B60 BAR BB BD BF Base Box: a unit of area of 112 sheets of tin mil products (tin plate, tin free steel or black plate) 14 by 20 inches, or 31,360 square inches. Bundle A specialized unit of measure for the volume of rough lumber (before drying and planing with no adjustments) or planed/surfaced lumber. It is the volume of a onefoot length of a board one foot wide and one inch thick. Some countries utilize the synonym super foot or superficial foot. Board Feet BG Bag Bar: the bar is widely used in descriptions of pressure; 1 bar = 100 kilopascals 0.987 atmospheres. Block BL GDSN Note Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. Unit of Pressure BFT BI To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 BFT - Board Feet Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. BAR – Unit of Pressure ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 D64 No replacement value PAGE 251 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Code Value Code Description BLL Barrel US BN Bulk BO Bottle BP BQ BR BTU A unit of volume equal to one hundred board foot. The becquerel (symbol Bq) is the SI derived unit of radioactivity. One Bq is defined as the activity of a quantity of radioactive material in which one nucleus decays per second. SI uses the becquerel rather than the second for the unit of activity measure to avoid dangerous mistakes: a measurement in becquerels is proportional to activity, and thus a more dangerous source of radiation gives a higher reading. A measurement in seconds is inversely proportional. Barrel British thermal unit: the British thermal unit (BTU or Btu) is a traditional unit of energy. It is approximately the amount of energy needed to heat one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit. One Btu is equal to about 1.06 kilojoules. It is used in the power, steam generation, heating and air conditioning industries. BU Bushel BUA Bushel BX C18 To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 GDSN Note actually exists in a future GDSN release. The recommended value for the major Release is a pointer to an existing UN Recommendation 20 value which has not been adopted in GDSN. Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. BLL - Barrel US BUA - Bushel US BUI – Bushel UK Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. Box Millimole:1/1000 part of a mole (measure of the concentration of a solute). ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 252 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Code Value C26 C26 C3 C34 C8 CA CC CE CEL CF CG CGM Code Description A millisecond (from milli- and second; abbreviation: ms) is a thousandth (1/1000) of a second. Millisecond: a measurement of time. Centilitre Mole: a mole will possess mass exactly equal to the substance's molecular or atomic weight in grams. That is to say, a substance's atomic or molecular mass in atomic mass units is the same as its molar mass in grams. Because of this, one can measure the number of moles in a pure substance by weighing it and comparing the result to its molecular or atomic weight" Cubic Decimetre: a cubic decimetre is the volume of a cube of side length one decimetre (0.1 m). Case Cubic Centimetre: a cubic centimetre is the volume of a cube of side length one centimetre (0.01 m) equal to a millilitre. Degrees Celsius: celsius (also historically known as centigrade) is a temperature scale, the freezing point of water is 0 degrees Celsius (°C) and the boiling point 100 °C (at standard atmospheric pressure), placing the boiling and freezing points of water exactly 100 degrees apart. To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 CLT - Centilitre DMQ - Cubic Decimetre CMQ - Cubic Centimetres CEL - Degree Celsius Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. Degrees Celsius Cubic Foot: a cubic foot is the volume of a cube of side length one foot (0.3048 m). Card: a unit of count defining the number of units of card (card: thick stiff paper or cardboard). GDSN Note FTQ - Cubic Feet Centigram ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. PAGE 253 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Code Value CHD CI Code Description Centisimal Hahnemannian Dilution (CH): "CH Centesimal Scale Attenuation - One millilitre (1.0 ml) of the first centesimal liquid attenuation (1C), or one gram (1.0 g) of the first centesimal trituration (1C) represents 0.01 gram (10.0 mg) of the dry crude medicinal substance. Subsequent liquid or solid attenuations are made by serial progression, succussing or triturating one (1) part of the preceding attenuation to 99 parts of the vehicle, and represent the following proportions of active principle (i.e., dried medicinal substance): 2CH = 10-4, 3CH = 106. Cubic Inch: A cubic inch is the volume of a cube of side length one inch (0.254 m). To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 GDSN Note INQ - Cubic Inches Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. CLT Centilitre CM Centimetre: A centimetre is equal to one hundredth of a metre. CMT - Centimetres CMK Square Centimetre: an area of a square whose sides are exactly 1 centimetre in length. CMQ Cubic Centimetres Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. CMT Centimetre Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. CN MTQ - Cubic Metres CQ Can Cubic Meters: a cubic metre is the volume of a cube of side length one metre. Cartridge CR Cubic Meter MTQ - Cubic Metres CT Carton: CU Cup CV Cover CW Hundred Pounds (CWT) CO CWA CWA - Hundred Pounds CWT - Hundred Weight (US) Hundred Pounds ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. PAGE 254 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Code Value CWI D43 D5 D63 Code Description To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 A unit of weight in the British Imperial System equal to 112 pounds (50.80 kilograms); also called quintal. Atomic Mass Units (AMU) A kilogram-force per square centimetre (kgf/cm2), often just kilogram per square centimetre (kg/cm2), or kilopond per square centimetre is a unit of pressure using metric units. Its use is now deprecated; it is not a part of the International System of Units (SI), the modern metric system. The unit is similar to the English unit psi (lbf/in2). A unit of count defining the number of books (book: set of items bound together or written document of a material whole). This is a recommendation value as a pointer to an existing UN Recommendation 20 value which has not been adopted in GDSN. D64 D70 GDSN Note International Table Calorie: calorie is 1/100 of the amount of energy required to warm one gram of airfree water from 0 °C to 100 °C at standard atmospheric pressure; this is about 4.190 J. Its use is archaic, having been replaced by the SI unit of energy, the joule. However, in many countries it remains in common use as a unit of food energy. In the context of nutrition, and especially food labeling, the calorie is approximately equal to 4.1868 joules (J), and energy values are normally quoted in kilojoules (kJ) and kilocalories (kcal). This is a recommendation value as a pointer to an existing UN Recommendation 20 value which has not been adopted in GDSN. D96 ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 255 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Code Value Code Description To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 This is a recommendation value as a pointer to an existing UN Recommendation 20 value which has not been adopted in GDSN. D97 DA DAY DD DG DK DLT DMK Days: a day is one three hundred and sixty fifths (1/365) of a year DAY - Day Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. Day A measurement of plane angle, representing 1⁄360 of a full rotation; one degree is equivalent to π/180 radians. Decigram: one tenth (1/10) of a gram. Kilometre: a kilometre is one thousand (1000) metres. Decilitre: A measure of capacity or volume in the metric system; one tenth of a litre, equal to 6.1022 cubic inches, or 3.38 fluid ounces.. Square Decimetre: a square decimetre is an area of a square whose sides are exactly 1 decimetre in length. DMQ Cubic Decimetre DMT Decimetre: one tenth of a metre. DO Dollars, U.S. DR Drum dram (US) the dram (archaic spelling drachm) was historically both a coin and a weight. Currently it is both a small mass in the Apothecaries' system of weights and a small unit of volume. This unit is called more correctly fluid dram or in contraction also fluidram. The term also refers to the fluid dram, a measure of capacity equal 1⁄8 of a fluid ounce, which means it is exactly equal to 3.696 691 195 312 5 mL in the United States. DRA GDSN Note KMT - Kilometre ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. PAGE 256 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Code Value DRI DS DZ E14 E27 Code Description To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 dram (UK): the dram (archaic spelling drachm) was historically both a coin and a weight. Currently it is both a small mass in the Apothecaries' system of weights and a small unit of volume. This unit is called more correctly fluid dram or in contraction also fluidram. The fluid dram is defined as 1⁄8 of a fluid ounce, which means it is exactly equal to 3.551 632 812 500 0 mL in the Commonwealth and Ireland. In England dram came to mean a small draught of cordial or alcohol; hence the term dramhouse for the taverns where one could purchase a dram. Display Dozen: a unit of count defining the number of units in multiples of 12. Kilocalorie (international table): A unit of energy equal to 1000 calories. Dose: a unit of count defining the number of doses (dose: a definite quantity of a medicine or drug). This is a recommendation value as a pointer to an existing UN Recommendation 20 value which has not been adopted in GDSN. E3 E39 Gigabyte: a unit of information equal to 109 bytes. Terabyte: a unit of information equal to 10¹² bytes. Pixel: a unit of count defining the number of pixels (pixel: picture element). Dots Per Inch E4 Gross Kilogram E55 Usage Each: a unit of count defining the number of items regarded as separate units. ELISA Units: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay unit, is always associated with a product and a method. E34 E35 E37 EA ELU GDSN Note ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. PAGE 257 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Code Value EV FA FAH Code Description Envelope Degrees Fahrenheit: the Fahrenheit temperature scale, the freezing point of water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) and the boiling point 212 °F (at standard atmospheric pressure), placing the boiling and freezing points of water exactly 180 degrees apart. Micromole FJ Sizing Factor FO Fluid Ounce GDSN Note FAH - Degree Fahrenheit Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. Degree Fahrenheit FH FOT To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 OZA – Fluid Ounce US OZI – Fluid Ounce UK Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. Foot FP Pound per square foot: a non SI unit of Pressure approximately equal to 47.88025 PASCAL's. FT Feet FOT - Foot FTK Square Foot Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. FTQ Cubic Feet Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. G23 Peck Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. G24 G25 GA Tablespoon. 1/2 fluid ounces, 3 teaspoons, 15 millilitres Teaspoon. 1/6 fluid ounces or 5 millilitres GLL – Gallon US GLI – Gallon UK Gallon GBQ Gigabecquerel: gigabecquerel, 109 Bq. 1 Bq is defined as the activity of a quantity of radioactive material in which one nucleus decays per second. GLL Gallon US ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. PAGE 258 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Code Value GM GR GRM GRN GRO GT GWH H79 H87 Code Description Gram per square metre: The paper density of a type of paper or cardboard is the mass of the product per unit of area. The term density here is used somewhat incorrectly, as density is mass by volume. More precisely, ""paper density"" is a measure of the area density. Expressed in grams per square metre (g/m²), paper density is also known as grammag. This is the measure used in most parts of the world. Gram: one one-thousandth of the kilogram (1×10-3 kg). Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. A grain or troy grain is precisely 64.79891 milligrams. Exactly 7,000 grains per avoirdupois pound. A unit of count defining the number of units in multiples of 144 (12 x 12). Gross Kilogram: A unit of mass defining the total number of kilograms before deductions. A gigawatt hour is 109 kilowatt hour or 3.6 terajoules. French Gauge: the unit of measure of the diameter. i.e. the diameter of a syringe (FR) Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. HL Hectolitre: one hundred (100) litres. HEP HGM E4 - Gross Kilogram Piece HLT HD GDSN Note GRM - Gram Gram Hundred Count: a unit of count defining the number of units counted in multiples of 100. Half Dozen: a unit of count defining the number of units in multiple of six (6). Histamine Equivalent Prick: Histamine equivalent prick testing for allergen. Hectogram: one hundred (100) grams Hundred Feet HC To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 259 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Code Value HTZ HUR IN Code Description Hertz: a unit of frequency defined as the number of complete cycles per second; it is the basic unit of frequency in the International System of Units (SI). Hour: A period of time equal to 1/8th of a working day while an hour equals 1/24th of a calendar day. Inch: an international inch is defined to be equal to 25.4 millimetres. Inches INK Square Inch: an area of a square whose sides are exactly 1 inch in length. INQ Cubic Inches JR K6 KE KEL KG KGM KHZ KIU GDSN Note INH - Inches Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. INH JOU To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 Joule: the unit of work or energy, defined to be the work done by a force of one newton acting to move an object through a distance of one meter in the direction in which the force is applied. Jar Kilolitre: a metric unit of volume. The kilolitre is identical to the cubic meter. Keg Kelvin: a unit of absolute temperature equal to 1/273.16 of the absolute temperature of the triple point of water. One kelvin degree is equal to one Celsius degree. Kilogram: a unit of mass equal to one thousand grams. Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. KGM - Kilogram Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. Kilogram Kilohertz: a unit of frenquecy equal to 103 Hertz Kallikrein inactivator unit. Kallikrein Inactivator Unit per Milliliter definition: An arbitrary unit of a kallikrein inactivator concentration equal to the concentration at which one milliliter of the mixture contains one unit of the kallikrein inactivator. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 260 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Code Value Code Description KJO Kilojoule: a kilojoule is 1000 joules. KMT Kilometre KO KT KVN KWH KWT LB LBR LF LK LM To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 GDSN Note Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. 'The milliequivalence caustic potash per gram of product. A unit of count defining the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide per gram of product as a measure of the concentration of potassium hydroxide in the product. Kit: a unit of count defining the number of kits (kit: tub, barrel or pail). Korsakovian (K): K Centesimal Scale of Attenuation - One millilitre (1.0 ml) of the first centesimal liquid attenuation (1C), or one gram (1.0 g) of the first centesimal trituration (1C) represents 0.01 gram (10.0 mg) of the dry crude medicinal substance. Subsequent liquid or solid attenuations are made by serial progression, succussing or triturating one (1) part of the preceding attenuation to 99 parts of the vehicle, and represent the following proportions of active principle (i.e., dried medicinal substance): 2CH = 10-4, 3CH = 106. Kilowatt hour:” a commercial unit of electric energy. One kilowatt hour represents the amount of energy delivered at a rate of 1000 watts over a period of one hour. Kilowatt: a unit of power, equivalent to 1000 watts. Pound: the international avoirdupois pound of exactly 0.45359237 kilogram. LBR - Pound Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. Pound Linear Foot: a unit of count defining the number of feet (12-inch) in length of a uniform width object. Link: a unit of distance equal to 0.01 chain. Linear Meter: a unit of count defining the number of metres in length of a uniform width object. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 261 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Code Value Code Description To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 GDSN Note LTE Layer: a unit of count defining the number of layers. Litre: a litre is defined as a special name for a cubic decimetre (1 L = 1 dm3 = 103 cm3). Litre LTE Litre Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. LTN Ton (UK) or Long Ton (US) Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. LR LT LUX MAW MC ME MEQ MGM MHZ MIK MIN MIU ML Lux is the SI unit of illuminance and luminous emittance, measuring luminous flux per unit area. Megawatt: a unit of power defining the rate of energy transferred or consumed when a current of 1000 amperes flows due to a potential of 1000 volts at unity power factor. Microgram: a microgram is one millionth of a gram (0.000001). Milligram: a milligram is one thousandth of a gram (0.001). mEq or milliequivalents: Milliequivalents of solute per liter of solvent (or milliNormal where mEq/L = mN). This is especially common for measurement of compounds in biological fluids; for instance, the healthy level of potassium in the blood of a human is defined between 3.5 and 5.0 mEq/L. LTR - Litre LTR - Litre MGM - Milligram Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. Milligram Megahertz: A unit of frenquecy equal to 106 Hertz Square Mile: a unit of area. One square mile is equal to 640 acres, 3 097 600 square yards, 258.9988 hectares. Minute: a unit of time equal to 1/60th of an hour or 60 seconds Million International Unit (NIE): A unit of count defining the number of international units in multiples of 106. Millilitre: one thousandth of a litre (0.001) MLT - Millilitre ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 262 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Code Value Code Description MLM Millesimal (LM): LM - Fifty Millesimal Scale Of Attenuation One millilitre (1.0 ml) of the first fifty millesimal attenuation (1LM) represents 6.20 x 10-11 of dry crude medicinal substance. Impregnate the lactose in a proportion of 1 to 100 beginning with the liquid substance (mother tincture), then triturate. The second and third triturations are carried out in the same way as when starting with solid products. MLT Millilitre MM Millimetre Square Millimetre: an area of a square whose sides are exactly 1 millimetre in length. Cubic Millimetre: a cubic millimetre is the volume of a cube of side length one millimetre (0.001 m). MMK MMQ Millimetre MON Month: a unit of time equal to 1/12 of a year of 365,25 days. MR MTC GDSN Note Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. MMT MP To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 Metric Ton Metre: The metre is the basic unit of length in the International System of Units (SI). Mother Tincture: A count of a dry crude medicinal substance. Mother tincture when used for homeopathic preparations are liquid preparations obtained by the solvent action of a suitable vehicle upon raw materials. The raw materials are usually in the fresh form but may be dried. Mother tinctures for homeopathic preparations may also be obtained from plant juices, with, or without the addition of a vehicle. MMT - Millimitre TNE - Tonne (metric Ton) MTR - Meters MTK Square Metre Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. MTQ Cubic Metres Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. MTR Meters Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 263 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Code Value MWH MX NGM NIU NT ON OZ OZA Code Description To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 GDSN Note E3 No replacement value actually exists in a future GDSN release. The recommended value for the major Release is a pointer to an existing UN Recommendation 20 value which has not been adopted in GDSN. Megawatt hour (1000 kW.h): A unit of energy defining the total amount of bulk energy transferred or consumed. Mod Pallet (Mixed) Nanogram: one billionth (1/1,000,000,000) of a gram. Number of International Unit: A unit of count defining the number of international units. The International Unit is a unit of measurement for the amount of a substance, based on measured biological activity or effect. The unit is used for vitamins, hormones, some medications, vaccines, blood products, and similar biologically active substances. Trailer Ounces per square yard : The weight of one square yard of the material expressed in ounces. Commonly used to express the density or weight of all types of paper, paperboard, and fabric, e.g. 20 OZ or 20 Weight denim has an area density of 20 oz/yd2. The term density here is used somewhat incorrectly, as density is mass by volume. More precisely, it is a measure of the area density, areal density, or surface density. Ounce: A unit of mass with several definitions, the most commonly used of which are equal to approximately 30 grams. Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. Fluid Ounce US OZI – Fluid Ounce UK P1 Percent PA Pail PL - Pallet ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 264 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Code Value PAL PC PD PE PFU Code Description Pascal: The pascal (symbol: Pa) is the SI derived unit of pressure, stress, Young's modulus and tensile strength. It is a measure of force per unit area, defined as one newton per square metre. Piece: A unit of count defining the number of pieces (piece: a single item, article or exemplar). Pad: A unit of count defining the number of pads (pad: block of paper sheets fastened together at one end). Pounds Equivalent Pound Gross PH Pack PK Package H87 - Piece No replacement value actually exists in a future GDSN release. The recommended value for the major Release is a pointer to an existing UN Recommendation 20 value which has not been adopted in GDSN. D96 PK - Package PL Pallet PN Pounds Net Point: A single unit on a scale of measurement as part of an incentive program or pricing structure used as a means of making a quantitative evaluation. Pixels Per Centimetre: A unit of count defining the number of pixels per linear centimetre as a measurement of the resolution of devices in various contexts; typically computer displays, image scanners or digital camera image sensors. PPC GDSN Note Plaque Forming unit(s) PG PNT To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 D97 ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 No replacement value actually exists in a future GDSN release. The recommended value for the major Release is a pointer to an existing UN Recommendation 20 value which has not been adopted in GDSN. PAGE 265 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Code Value PPI PR PRS PS PT PTD PTN PY Code Description To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 Pixels Per Inch: A unit of count defining the number of pixels per linear inch (PPI) as a measurement of the resolution of devices in various contexts; typically computer displays, image scanners or digital camera image sensors. Pair: A unit of count defining the number of pairs (pair: item described by two's). Potential Renal Solute Load: Refers to all solutes of endogenous or dietary origin that require excretion by the kidneys. Potential renal solute load (PRSL) refers to solutes of dietary origin that would need to be excreted in the urine if none were diverted into synthesis of new tissue and none were lost through nonrenal routes. This is very important to be able to transmit for infant formulas. Pounds force per square inch: The pound-force per square inch (symbol: psi or lbf/in2 or lbf/in2) is a unit of pressure or of stress based on avoirdupois units. It is the pressure resulting from a force of one pound-force applied to an area of one square inch. Other abbreviations are used that append a modifier to "psi". However, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology recommends that, to avoid confusion, any modifiers be instead applied to the quantity being measured rather than the unit of measure[1] For example, "Pg = 100 psi" rather than "P = 100 psig. PTD – Dry Pint (US) PTL – Liquid Pint (US) PTI – Pint UK Pint Dry Pint (US): The United States dry pint is equal one eighth of a US dry gallon or one half US dry quarts. It is used in the United States but is not as common as the liquid pint. Portion Peck, Dry U.S. G23 - Peck ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 266 OF 282 GDSN Note GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Code Value QB QS QT QTD RL Code Description Page - hardcopy: A unit of count defining the number of hardcopy pages (hardcopy page: a page rendered as printed or written output on paper, film, or other permanent medium). Quart Dry: A US dry quart is equal to 1/32 of a US bushel, exactly 1.101220942715 litres. Quart SET Set SM SMI SPS SQE Square Foot: an area of a square whose sides are exactly 1 foot in length. Sheet Square Metre: A square metre is an area of a square whose sides are exactly 1 metre in length. Mile (statute mile): A statute mile of 5,280 feet (exactly 1,609.344 meters). Sample Per Second TK Tank TM Thousand Feet TNE Tonne (metric Ton) SY FTK - Square Foot MTK - Square Metre SQ-E: Number of allergens based on the SQ-E unit. TE SX Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. Set: A unit of count defining the number of sets (set: a number of objects grouped together). Shipment: A unit of count defining the number of shipments (shipment: an amount of goods shipped or transported). Square Yard: the area of a square with sides of one yard (three feet, thirty-six inches, 0.9144 metres) in length. Tote ST QTD - Dry Quart (US) Roll Second: a unit of time equal to 1/60th of a minute. SH GDSN Note QTD - Dry Quart (US) Dry Quart (US) SEC SF To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 SET - Set YDX - Square Yard ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. PAGE 267 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Code Value Code Description TY Tray U2 Tablet: A unit of count defining the number of tablets (tablet: a small flat or compressed solid object). UN Unit UY Fifty Square Feet UZ Fifty Count V2 Pouch GDSN Note EA - Each WEE Week: a unit of time equal to a seven day period. WTT Watts: a unit of power. One watt is equal to a power rate of one joule of work per second of time. YD To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 Yard Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. YDX Square Yard Z51 Application (e.g. in hair colorant, 6 applications) E27 - Dose E55 - Usage Z52 Usage (e.g. in laundry, 24 usage) E55 - Usage 5.24 Weight UoM (netWeight and grossWeight) The following list is a short list from the Unit of Measures code list which specifically applies to attributes for weights- Code Value 26 drainedWeight grossWeight netWeight Code Description Actual Ton 58 Net Kilograms AF Centigram CGM Centigram CW Hundred Pounds (CWT) To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 LTN - Ton (UK) or Long Ton (US) STN - Ton (US) or Short Ton (UK) TNE - Tonne (Metric Ton, 1000 Kg) GDSN Note CGM - Centigram Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. CWA - Hundred Pounds CWT - Hundred Weight (US) ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 268 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Code Value CWA CWI DG E4 GR GRM GRN GT HGM KG KGM LB Code Description To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 Hundred Pounds Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. A unit of weight in the British Imperial System equal to 112 pounds (50.80 kilograms); also called quintal. Decigram: one tenth (1/10) of a gram. Gross Kilogram Gram: one one-thousandth of the kilogram (1×10-3 kg). Gram A grain or troy grain is precisely 64.79891 milligrams. Exactly 7,000 grains per avoirdupois pound. Gross Kilogram: A unit of mass defining the total number of kilograms before deductions. Hectogram: one hundred (100) grams Kilogram: a unit of mass equal to one thousand grams. Kilogram Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. GRM - Gram Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. E4 - Gross Kilogram KGM - Kilogram Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. LBR Pound: the international avoirdupois pound of exactly 0.45359237 kilogram. Pound LTN Ton (UK) or Long Ton (US) MC MGM - Milligram MGM Microgram: a microgram is one millionth of a gram (0.000001). Milligram: a milligram is one thousandth of a gram (0.001). Milligram MP Metric Ton TNE - Tonne (metric Ton) OZ Ounce: A unit of mass with several definitions, the most commonly used of which are equal to approximately 30 grams. Pounds Equivalent ME PE GDSN Note LBR - Pound Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 269 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Code Value PG Code Description Pound Gross PN Pounds Net TNE Tonne (metric Ton) To Be Replaced in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016 D96 ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 GDSN Note No replacement value actually exists in a future GDSN release. The recommended value for the major Release is a pointer to an existing UN Recommendation 20 value which has not been adopted in GDSN. Not available until GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016. PAGE 270 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 6. Glossary The following glossary was updated for the Jan-2012 publication of this document. Please refer to the GDSN glossary in the GS1 GDD ( for the latest version. Term Definition BMS (Business Message Standard) Business Message Standards are the artefact of the GSMP that documents the formally approved standards for a business message. Each Business Message Standard brings together the appropriate classes, Attributes, and values needed to fulfil the message objective. Specific definitions are provided to ensure clarity around class, Attributes, and values. Syntax constraints are identified. The standard also includes the high level and detail level class diagrams depicting the scope of the message, and the relationship of its elements to each other. Brand Owner The party that is responsible for allocating GS1 System numbering and bar code symbols on a given trade item. The administrator of a GS1 Company Prefix. Carrier The party that provides freight transportation services or a physical or electronic mechanism that carries data. Customer The party that receives, buys, or consumes an item or service. Catalogue Item Confirmation (CIC) A message standard that refers to electronic communication from the Data Recipient to the Data Source indicating what action has been taken by the Data Recipient on the item. The confirmation process occurs in the recipient’s data pool. Confirmation is not mandatory. When used, it provides for the following outcomes: Synchronised: data is integrated, in synch and added to the synchronisation list. Accepted: data is added to the synchronisation list and will be in synch. Rejected: data will no longer be synchronized or updates will no longer be provided. Review: a request to the data source to “review” their data because the data recipient has received discrepant data, which they cannot synchronise. Catalogue Item Notification (CIN) A business message used to transmit new or updated trade Item information from a Source Data Pool to a Recipient Data Pool and further to the Data Recipient within the Global Data Synchronisation Network Catalogue Item Publication (CIP) A business message standard from the Data Source to the Source Data Pool to publish an Item within the Global Data Synchronisation Network. The CIP can be used to publish the Item to a specific Data Recipient or a specific Target Market. Catalogue Item Subscription (CIS) A business message used by the Data Recipient to establish a request for trade Item information. The Subscription criteria can be any combination of the GTIN, GLN, Target Market and GPC at the exception of the combination with GTIN and GPC that are mutually exclusive. The Recipient Data Pool will forward the CIS to the GS1 Global Registry. The GS1 Global Registry will forward the CIS to one or more Source Data Pools that have at least one Item that matches the Subscription criteria. Common Value to all Product Hierarchy Common value condition indicates when the value for the attribute is equal for all levels of a hierarchy. Example – “orderingLeadTime” is common across all levels of the product hierarchy; common value = Yes Example – “grossWeight” is not common from each to case to pallet; Common value = No Food & Beverage Industry Sector that includes trading partners in both the Food Service as well as the Food Retail Global Location Number (GLN) The GS1 Identification Key comprising a GS1 Company Prefix, Location Reference, and Check Digit used to identify physical locations or legal entities. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 271 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Term Definition Global Data Synchronisation Network (GDSN) The GDSN is an Internet-based, interconnected network of interoperable data pools and a Global Registry, the GS1 Global Registry that enables companies around the world to exchange standardised and synchronised supply chain data with their trading partners. Source Data Pool (SDP) A Source Data Pool is the Data Pool that is linked to the Data Source. It provides Validation Services to ensure the data entering the GDSN is valid. It collects trade item information from Data Sources to be registered with the GS1 Global Registry and uses GS1 Standard XML Messages to register the catalogue item information with the GS1 Global Registry. It also uses GS1 Standard XML Messages to exchange item information with the Recipient Data Pool. Global Data Dictionary (GDD) The repository of definitions and attributes of all data elements used within the GS1 Business Message Standards. GDSN (Global Data Synchronisation Network) The GDSN is an Internet-based, interconnected network of interoperable data pools and a Global Registry, the GS1 Global Registry, that enables companies around the world to exchange standardised and synchronised supply chain data with their Trading Partners Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs) The GS1 Identification Key for trade items. GS1 Global Product Classification A component of GS1 GDSN. It provides the required global framework for trade item categorisation supporting global data synchronisation. GS1 Global Registry A component of GS1 GDSN. It acts as a pointer (directory for the registration) to source data pools where catalogue item and party master data is housed. It also fulfils the role of matching subscriptions to registrations to facilitate the synchronisation process. GS1 Global Standards Management Process A component of GS1 Services. It is offered as an integral part of GS1’s standards development and maintenance process. It allows for user members’ active involvement. GS1 Identification Key A numeric or alphanumeric field managed by GS1 to ensure the global, unambiguous uniqueness of the identifier in the open demand or supply chain. GS1 Identification Keys A globally managed system of numbering used by all GS1 Business Units to identify trade items, logistic units, locations, legal entities, assets, service relationships, and more. The Keys are built by combining GS1 member company identifiers (GS1 Company Prefix) with standards based rules for allocating reference numbers. GS1 Member Organisation A member of GS1 that is responsible for administering the GS1 System in its country (or assigned area). This task includes, but is not restricted to, ensuring user companies make correct use of the GS1 System, have access to education, training, promotion and implementation support and have access to play an active role in GSMP. GS1 Prefix A number with two or more digits, administered by the GS1global Office that is allocated to GS1 Member Organisations or for Restricted Circulation Numbers. GS1 System The specifications, standards, and guidelines administered by GS1. GS1 XML A component of GS1 eCom. It represents the GS1 standard for Extensible Markup Language schemas providing users with a global business messaging language of e-business to conduct efficient Internet-based electronic commerce. Net Content The total amount of the trade item contained by a package, usually as claimed on the label. For example if a trade item is a 6 pack of 4oz. applesauce the net content of this trade item s 24 oz. Net Weight The weight of the trade item not including any packaging. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 272 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Term Definition Party A Party (or) Location is any legal, functional or physical entity involved at any point in any supply chain and upon which there is a need to retrieve pre-defined information. Product Hierarchy Reference Level This condition is used to indicate at what level of the product hierarchy each attribute is relevant. For some attributes, business requirements are such that the attribute only needs to be provided at a specific level. Example – “netContent” this field is only required at the consumer unit level. For most attributes, a value must be entered for all attribute levels. Recipient Data Pool (RDP) A Recipient Data Pool is the data pool that is linked to the Data Recipient. It notifies the GS1 Global Registry when its customer (Data Recipient) wants to subscribe to trade item information. The RDP receives new and updated trade item information from the Source Data Pool and forwards it to the Data Recipient. Registry Catalogue Item Registry (RCIR) A business message used to register basic Catalogue item information from the Data Source to the GS1 Global Registry via the Source Data Pool within the GDSN (Global Data Synchronisation Network). Supplier The party that produces, provides, or furnishes an item or service. Target Market Target Market is a geographical area where the catalogue item is intended to be sold. The Target Market is a region based on geographical boundaries sanctioned by the United Nations. In GDSN, the list of the geographical regions is defined by the ISO-3166-* code system. TI/HI Ti/Hi is a concept used to describe how product is stacked on a pallet. The "TI" is the number of cartons on a layer, and the "HI" is the number of layers of cartons on a pallet. Trade Item Any item (product or service) upon which there is a need to retrieve pre-defined information and that may be priced, or ordered, or invoiced at any point in any supply chain. Variable Measure Trade Item An item always produced in the same pre-defined version (e.g., type, design, packaging) that may be sold at any point in the supply chain, which either may vary in weight/size by its nature or which may be traded without a pre-defined weight/size/length. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 273 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 7. Document Summary Document Item Current Value Document Title GS1 US Foodservice GDSN Attributes Implementation Guide Date Last Modified Jan-2012 Current Document Issue DRAFT Document Description Supplements the formal GS1 Global Data Synchronisation Network (GDSN) standards with advice on their implementation and operation as related to the Foodservice Initiative of GS1 US. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 274 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 8. Related Documents The following documents provide additional background and relevant information: GDSN Trade Item for Data Alignment BMS, Version 2.7: Standards document for GDSN Trade Item for Data Alignment. It contains business rules, GDD attributes, and class diagrams Catalogue Item Synchronisation BMS, Version 2.7: Standards document for GDSN Catalogue Item Synchronisation. It contains detailed use-cases of the GDSN message choreography GS1 XML Release Technical User Guide: The technical guidelines to the structure and design of the GS1 XML - GDSN XML Operations Manual: The user operations manual for the GDSN GS1 Global Data Dictionary (GDD): A repository of core component and business definitions and their equivalent representations in targeted standards – GDSN Validation Rules: Distributed Global Validation Rules required to support the Global Data Synchronisation process – GS1 General Specifications: The core standards document of the GS1 System describing how GS1 BarCodes and identification keys should be used. – Available from your local GS1 Member Organisation. GTIN Allocation Rules: Provides the global supply chain solution for the identification of any item that is traded (priced, ordered, invoiced) - Products Image Application Guidelines: A set of guidelines from the GS1 Foodservice Initiative on how to apply and use of the GDSN Product Image Specification. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 275 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 9. Log of Changes Version Change Date 1 August 2012 1.1 August 2012 Changed By Applicable Spreadsheet version Initial Publication Scott Brown GDSN Foodservice Phase 1 Attributes – Rev. May 2012 GDSN Foodservice Phase 2 Attributes – Rev. May 2012 1.2 October 2012 Summary of Change Nutritional Attribute group GDSN Foodservice Phase 1 Attributes – Rev. May 2012 GDSN Foodservice Phase 2 Attributes – Rev. May 2012 ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 Updated version number, disclaimer, and footer information. This lead to a change in the page numbers and the table of contents. Updated Foodservice Guidance for Nutritional Attributes, Allergens, Serving Size Text, Gluten Free, Diet Type Code, Benefits, and Child Nutrition Label. This lead to a change in the page numbers and the table of contents. PAGE 276 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Version Change Date Changed By Applicable Spreadsheet version Summary of Change 1.3 August 2013 GDSN Work Group GDSN Foodservice Phase 1 Attributes – Rev. September 2013 Updated to correct or add formatting, general grammar, and branding Updated disclaimers and legal statements Removed references to Maintenance Release 5 (MR5) and its deployment in October 2012 Section 1.6- Updated Cardinality Terminology Section 3.1- Updated guidance based on the Foodservice Initiative GDSN Work Group approved guidance for 100-gram approach for population of nutrients Section 3.4.2- Updated listing of GDSN allergens as they relate to the Big 8 Section 3.5.2- Updated guidance based on the Foodservice Initiative GDSN Work Group approved guidance for the level of containment and the resolution for does not contain Section 3.6- Updated guidance based on the Foodservice Initiative GDSN Work Group approved guidance for allergen relevant data provided flag Section 3.8.2- Updated guidance based on the Foodservice Initiative GDSN Work Group approved guidance for use of trade channel to signify different marketing message by sector (pending solution in GDSN Major Release 3.x in 2016) Section 3.11- Deprecated AVP Solution which has been implemented in a final location in GDSN Section 3.12.2- Added Final GDSN solution for Child Nutrition label Section 3.20- Updated guidance based on the Foodservice Initiative GDSN Work Group approved guidance for drained weight Section 3.31- Deprecated AVP Solution which has been implemented in a final location in GDSN GDSN Foodservice Phase 2 Attributes – Rev. September 2013 ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 277 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Version Change Date Changed By Applicable Spreadsheet version Summary of Change 1.3 August 2013 GDSN Work Group GDSN Foodservice Phase 1 Attributes – Rev. September 2013 Section 3.34- Deprecated attribute for parent GTIN as it is no longer in use in GDSN Section 3.59- Added Final GDSN solution for gluten free Sections 3.60.2 and 3.62.2- Added additional guidance to assist with the selection of a code value for the type of information attribute Sections 3.60.2, 3.61.2, 3.62.2, 3.63.2, 3.64.2- Added link to the Foodservice Initiative Products Image Guideline Section 3.63.2- Add link to the GDSN Image Standard to assist with the naming convention for images. Section 3.72- Updated guidance based on the Foodservice Initiative GDSN Work Group approved guidance for nutrient data base number AVP Sections 3.73/74- Updated guidance based on the Foodservice Initiative GDSN Work Group approved guidance for nutrient data base number final GDSN Solution Sections 3.75.3 and 3.76Updated guidance based on the Foodservice Initiative GDSN Work Group approved guidance for serving size gram weight Sections 3.77/78/79/80/81- Added guidance pointing to the 100 gram solution Section 3.77.2- Updated guidance based on the Foodservice Initiative GDSN Work Group approved guidance for code values of prepared and unprepared Section 3.78.2 Updated the web link for the INFOODS Tagnames to standards-guidelines/foodcomponent-identifierstagnames/en/ Section 3.79.1/2- Updated guidance based on the Foodservice Initiative GDSN Work Group approved guidance for use of code value less than GDSN Foodservice Phase 2 Attributes – Rev. September 2013 ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 278 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Version Change Date Changed By Applicable Spreadsheet version Summary of Change 1.3 August 2013 GDSN Work Group GDSN Foodservice Phase 1 Attributes – Rev. September 2013 Section 3.82- Updated guidance based on the Foodservice Initiative GDSN Work Group approved guidance for nutrient relevant data flag Section 3.83- Updated guidance based on the Foodservice Initiative GDSN Work Group approved guidance for nutrient value derivation attribute Section 3.84.2- Added clarification to the guidance for shipping container contents description based on community questions Section 3.92- Updated guidance based on the Foodservice Initiative GDSN Work Group approved guidance for private label brand items Sections 3.94.2 and 3.95.2Updated guidance for the attributes total quantity of next lower level trade item and quantity of next lower level trade item Section 3.98.2- Added clarification to the guidance for servings per package based on community questions Sections 3.99 and 3.100- Updated guidance based on the Foodservice Initiative GDSN Work Group approved guidance for shelf life from arrival Section 4.6- Updated guidance based on the Foodservice Initiative GDSN Work Group approved guidance for items with returnable cases Section 4.7- Updated guidance based on the Foodservice Initiative GDSN Work Group approved guidance for product data flows in GDSN Section 5- Updated code lists• 5.1 allergen type codes • 5.3 nutrient label type codes • 5.4 cube unit of measure codes • 5.6 contact type codes • 5.11 diet type codes • 5.12 linear unit of measure codes • 5.13 type of information codes GDSN Foodservice Phase 2 Attributes – Rev. September 2013 ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 279 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Version Change Date Changed By Applicable Spreadsheet version Summary of Change 1.3 August 2013 GDSN Work Group GDSN Foodservice Phase 1 Attributes – Rev. September 2013 Section 5- Updated code lists (cont.) • 5.14 additional trade item identification type codes • 5.21 temperature unit of measure codes • 5.22 trade item unit descriptor codes • 5.23 unit of measure codes • 5..24 weight unit of measure codes Section 5- Added code lists • 5.5 food composition codesfor use in GDSN major Release 3.x in 2016 • 5.18 nutrient value derivation codes • 5.20 brand distribution codesfor use in the private label brand solution Section 8- Added new resource for the Foodservice Products Images Guidance Added community sunrise date of 12/31/13 tag line to these attributes • productionVariantDescription • brandDistributionType • seringSizeWeight • drainedWeight • nutrientValueDerivation • uSDANutrientDb# • minimumTradeItemLifespanFr omArrival • allergenRelevantDataProvide d • nutrientRelevantDataProvided Added community sunrise date of 12/31/14 tag line to the 100 gram data solution GDSN Foodservice Phase 2 Attributes – Rev. September 2013 1.4 November 2013 Scott Brown GDSN Foodservice Attribute List - v04.xlsx Updated spreadsheet version to match release of new spreadsheet combining Phase 1 attributes, Phase 2 attributes, 9 issues attributes, and some recipient requested attributes. 1.5 November 2013 Scott Brown GDSN Foodservice Attribute List - v04.xlsx Corrected spelling mistakes in page headers. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 280 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 Version Change Date Changed By Applicable Spreadsheet version Summary of Change 1.6 December 2013 Scott Brown GDSN Foodservice Attribute List - v04.xlsx Added missing table of attributes which can be changed by parties who forward item messages after the initial source (Distributors and Re-Distributors for example). Section 4.8. Updated examples for Next Lower Level Information. Removed references to the parentGTIN and added new example. 1.7 January 2014 Scott Brown GDSN Foodservice Attribute List - v05.xlsx Corrected flipped GDD Definitinons for Quantity of Inner Pack and Quatity of trade items in inner pack. Adjusted guidance to match practice for both of these attributes. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 281 OF 282 GS1 US FOODSERVICE GDSN ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE R1.5 – 11 2013 ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT © GS1 US 2013 PAGE 282 OF 282