Common Project Design Guidelines
Common Project Design Guidelines
Rancho Vistoso Architectural & Landscape Review Committee Guidelines Published by the Vistoso Community Association Architectural & Landscape Review Committee Section I1- Common Projects Guidelines Revised and Adopted September I, 1997 Revised and Adopted May 20, 20 I 0 Amended and Adopted August 3, 20 i 0 VISTOSO COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION SECTION U- COMMON PROJECTS GUIDELINES PHILOSOPHY OL? RANCHO VISTOSO 3 APPLICATION PROCEDURES 4 A. LIGHTING ß. STRUCTURAL AODITIONS 9 10 c. ImCimATIONAL EQUIPMENT (TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT) 11 D. UTILITY EQUIPMENT 12 E. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT 13 F. EXTERIOR PAINT & Y AROSCAPE COLOR GUIDELINES 14 G. POOLS/SPAS/RELATED EQUIPMENT 16 H. YARDSCAPING 19 i. SIGNAGE 26 .1. ORNAMENTATION 28 K. WALLS, GATES, WROUGHT IRON/RAILINGS 29 L. ANTENNAE 30 M.OOORS/WINOOWS/AWNINGS 31 N. ROOF MOUNTEO OEVICES 32 O. ROOFING 33 P. MISCELLANEOUS 34 2 SECTION II / COMMON PROJECTS GUIDELINES PHILOSOPHY OF RANCHO VISTOSO / Architectural Review Committee Oro Valley, Pima Rancho Vistoso is Big Wash, a major drainage way HJrmed by stccp cscaqJmcnts and dominated by lush vegetation and abundant wildlife. Rancho Vistoso is a mastei' planned community locatcd north ofTuc,on in thc Town of County. At thc ccntcr of The overall intent for Rancho Visto,,) is to create a self-sufficient master planned eommunity set respectfully into the natural desert. It will include a t\ill range of residential choiees, a resort hotel, an oftke research park, eoimnerCÎal uses fi'om neighborhood to regional shopping opportunities, schools, churches, several golf courses, an adult community, and both natural and developed open space. The coimnunity is planned to respect the natural desert. Development will preserve and enhance the natural setting of this unique location, The purpose of these design guidelines is to provide an overall thiiicwork for development and to create a cohesive community at Rancho Vistoso which is reinforced from one project to another. The guideline, will provide standards tor height, colors, exterior materials, recommended plant materials, amongst other things, a process for approval r"r all development projects and, in the Gnal section, construction regulations. These guidclines have been adoptcd by the Architectural Review Committee (the "Committee") pursuant to the Rancho Vistoso Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements and may be more rcstrietive than existing municipal ordinances. With these guidelines your Association Architectural Review Committee wil make decisions regarding the prO.ieets submitted. As a reminder, all modifcations to your home must be submitted aiid approved by your Arehitectuml Review Committee prior to construction / paintiug I installation / etc. (These pro,ieets include alllaiidseiiiiiiig, exterior iiiiinting, walkways, borders, etc.) The Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee consists of three regular members and one allernate member as appointed by the Board. In accordanc(¡ lvith the Declaration ql Covenants! Conditionsi Re...'iriciion.\' and Ea,')'ements jbr Rancho Vistoso (the "Declaration '9, the ßoiird al the Vistoso Community Association has adopted the/ii//owing Architectnral and Landscaping Review Commitee Guidelines ("Guidelln~s'~ /Ìir the Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee (ihe "Committee~, 17iese Guidclines sha// apply to ali Lots and Pweds located within Rancho Vistoso, exceptjiJI' Neighborhood One, Sun City Vislo"o. NOTE. All construction. repair. en!i,i-ugçUNJllUl.Qcj,,9,!!iel' aç.iix.iÜç-s"wÎi.hÎI) IL,m)Çèlio Vistoso are subieet tQ thç_t:ej\i-Seanadehi:j~ restriçtions per vour CC&.R's 3 APl)LICATlON PROCEDURES A. INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS Whenever any action by or approval of the Architectural Review Committee is required by the terins of the Declaration for these Guidelines, requests for such action or approvals shall be submitted to the Architectural Review Committee (the "Committee"), in accordance with the procedures set forth herein. Requests for (ipprovals shall be reviewed by the Architectural Review Committee in accordance with these Guidelines and the Declaration. Capitalized terms used in these Guidelines shall have the nieanings set íbrth in the Declaration. B. FORMS The Architectural Review Committee may adopt forms upon which all rcqucsts Ibr actions or approvals from the Architectural Review Committee must bc submittcd. Such forms shall indicate the number of copies of cach sct of plans, specil1cntions, sitc plnns or othcr documents which must accompany the application mid set Ibrth instructions to bc lbllowed in submitting applications. C. REVIEW FEES The Architectural Review Committec may rcquirc payment of a fee in connection with its rcview and nppcal procedures. D. COMPLIANCE DEPOSIT Thc Architectural Revicw Committcc may require compliancc deposits in conncction with thc construction, reconstruction, landscaping, etc. submitted to the Associntion. E. IMPROVEMENTS THAT' DO NUl' REQUIRE APPROVAL BY THE COMMITT'EE It is the Committee's intention to defer to the sUlhlssociations' approval process on Improvements thM do not havc a direct impact Oil the Vistoso Community Association. The following Improvements do not requirc the approval of the Committee but only if the design guidelines of the sub-association arc more restrictive than these Architoctl\nl! & Landscape Review Committee Guidelines, and the Bo¡ird of thc Vistoso Community Association has ¡ipproved the design guidclincs of the sub-association. i. Improvements that have been ¡ipproved by ¡i sub-associatioii and which are not visible from miy property that is not within the sub-association. 2. Improvements that: (1) have been approved by ¡i sub-¡issociation; b) are visible fi'om property that is not within a sub-assoebtion; and c) do not involve a variance by the subassociation. 3. Improvements that: i) have been approved by a sub-association; b) arc visible Ü'om any property that is not within a sub-association; and c) do not require the sub-association to exercise any discretion regarding aesthetics. 4 Improvements made by a sub-association itself (rather than by an individual Owner) and which Improvements are visible fi'om property that is not within the sub"association DO require approval by the Commitke. Examples would be ehauges to an entrance monument or to pelÎmcter landsc(iping. REVIEW PROCEDURES A. MEETINGS T'he Architectural Review Committee shrill meet to review the applieutions for approvals. The Chairman of the Architectural Review Con1riittee may eall meetings upon two (2) days prior written or oral notice to the other members of thc Committee. A quorum for eueh mecting shall consist of two (2) mcmbers. An alternate member may partieipate at any meeting at which a regular member is not present. The alternate member shall have all of the authority of a regular member while so participating. The Arehiteetural Review Committee may also process submittals with Action in Lieu of a Meeting as called by the Chair of the Committee. B. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Generally speaking, a drawing and/or written deseription of the project to be submitted, together with samples of material and colors will be all that is required. Howevei', the ARC through the management company may request additonal information prior to the ARC making a decision. It is recommended thiit II member wishing to submit a piiin to the ARC contact the maniigement company prior to the submittal to discuss the level of detail and the sample list required for a partienhir type of submittaL. 2. It is recominended that when submittiiis require Town of Oro Viilley approval, that submittals should be miide to the Committee 1)1;01' to being submitted to the Town of Oro Valley. Approval by the Architectural Review Committee of the site plan, building plans, or viil'anees docs not guarantee approval by any governing agency. Nor does approval by any governing agency guarantee approval by the Architectural Review Cominittee. C. DECISIONS The Architectural Review Committee shall review all applications submittcd to it and shall furnish a writtcn decision to the applicant setting I(,rth thc reasons for its decisions. An affirmative vote of two members of the Arehitect\lal R,:view Committee shall be neeessmy for any decision (Action in Lieu of a Meeting requires all three member approval). The Architectural Review Committee may disapprove any application if there is not suf1cient inforniation submitted fcH' the Architectural Review Committee to exercise tbe judgment required by these Guidelines. In all cases, the Architectural Review Committee shall attempt to itemize the nature of its objections. D. VARIANCES The Architectural Review Committee has the authority to deviate from the requirements contained in these Guidelines if following the requirements would create an 1I1leasonabie hardship 01' burden for an Owner, Tenant 01' Resident. Aii affirm¡itive vote ofa majority of the members of the Arehiteetural Review 5 Committee must be gained for a variance to be granted. All variances are to be in writing and maintained in the Association records. Vai'iances may have expiration dates as determined appl'priate by the Architectural Review Comniittee at thc time the variance is granted. E. APPEAL TO BOARD Exeept as otherwise provided in the Declaration, any Owner, Tenant or Resident aggrieved by the the Architectural Review Conimitlee may appeal the decision to the Board. Such appeal must the Architçetl.iral Review Committee and must be accompanied by the written decision of the Architectural Review Committee together with, if the appeal decision of be made within lbiiteen (14) days after the decision of is made by the applicant, copies of the application and all items submitted to the Architectural Review Committee, and any othei' relevant evidence previously siibniitled to the Committee. All Appeals iniist be in writing. Members are invited to appear in person to he heard bclbre the Board. F. WRn"rEN RECORDS The Arehitectllal Review Committee shall keep and safeguard complete written records of all applicationslbr approval siibmitted to it (inciliding one (i:i set of all preliminary sketches and all arcliitcctural plans) of all actions of approval or disapproval and of all other actions taken hy it under the provisions of these Guidelines. All such records shall be maintained in the oflces of the Management Company for tlw Association after approval or disapproval G. NATURE OF APPROVAL Any appl'val of plans, specifications (l!' proposed constniction given by the Architectural Review Committee shall be only for the purpose of pel'nitling construction of proposed improvements within Rancho Vistoso and shall not constitute compliance with town, county, and state laws. SUCH APPROVAL SHALL NOT CONSTlrUTE AN APPROVAL, RATIFICAT'ION OR ENDORSEMENT OF THE QUALITY OR ARCHITECTURAL OR ENGINEERING SOUNDNESS OF THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT AND NEllTlER THE ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE, ITS MEMBERS, 'rI-jE BOARD, THE OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIAT'ION, NOR THE DECLARANT SHALL 1-IA VE ANY LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH OR RELATED 'ro APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS OR IMPROVEMENTS. ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES A. COMPLlANCE wlri-i THE LOCAL CODES All buildings and structures crected within Rancho Vistoso and the use and appeal'nce of all land within Rancho Vistoso shall comply with all applicable local ¡,ning and code requireinents as well as the Deelaration and these Guidelines. B. ARCHITECTURAL THEME 1. It is recommended that when submittuls require Town of On) Valley approval, th(lt all buildings and other improvements erected within Rancho Vistoso must be approved by the Architectural 10 submittal to the local governnicnt or the eommenccnicnt of construction. Review Committee prior 6 2. Preliminary arehiteetuml designs 1'01' all development plans, buildings and structures must be reviewed and tentatively approved by the Architectural Review Committee prior to the preparation of final plans to be submitted to the 'T'own. 3. The Architectural Review Commitlee eneouniges product designs and use of materials and style appropriate to the Rancho Vistoso Planned Area Development and in accordanec with the Town of 01'0 Valley Dcsign Rcview Board. Architectural design should be sensitive to and compatible with the natural desert environment. 4. Thc Architectural Review Commitlee encourages use of details which will soften and enhance the architectural design. 5. Whcn a building design has bccn (ipproved and thc nccessai'y building permit obtained n'om the local jurisdiction, the applicant should proeecd in a timely manner with the commencement and completion of all eonstrnction work. Such eommcncement and completion shall occur within 180 days from thc datc of ohtaining the building permit from thc local jurisdiction. If the applicant f\iils to comply with the 180-day commencement and completion, the approval li'om the Architectural Review Conimitlee may bc revoked. C. EXTERIOR COLORS (rcfer to Scetion F "I'liint Colors) 1. Thc exterior colors of all buildings and structures must be approved by the Arehitcetuml Review Committee based on submitted mamif\icturcr's color chips and/or on surface samples. The intent is to reflect thc rich and varied colors of thc desert. Extremcly dominant and/or primary colors wil not be permitted. All colors miist be submitted for approval, including, but not limited to house colors, trim colors, f\iscia colors, roof materials, and all Sl\f\ices visible n'om ncighboring properties. With rare exceptions, exterior inaterial colors should not exceed a 50% Light Reflective Value (LRV). 2. Plans and specifications submitted to the Architectural Review Committee must incluclc details of the exterior color scheme, including all exterior sud'aces. Exterior surf\iees must be compatible with the other buildings in the ncighborhoocl. 3. Any repainting or redecorating of exterior surf\ices will also require submission of a color scheme to the Architectural Review Committee for approvaL. D. BUILDING MATERIALS 1. All exterior building materials and the commencement of any exterior alteration must be approved by the Architectural Review C:oininitlee. 2. Finished building materials must be applied to all exterior sides of buildings and structures. Each material will be used to express its characteristics in an appropriate manner with colors and textures compatiblc with the natural surronndings ancl other buildings and structures in the general vicinity. 3. Permitted cxterioi' finished materials inelnde plastered unit masonry, adobe, slump, split or textured decorative block or wood. Other materials may be approved by the Architectural Review Committee. approved by the Architectural Review Committee. wood 01' brick may be utilized if Accent panels of 7 E. ADDlTONS OR AL TERA'l'lONS Any addition 01' alteration to (Ily building, stnlctUl'e, Lot 01' Parcel must be approved in writing by the Architectural Review Committee prior to the eomniencement of construction 01' alteration unless the additions 01' ulterations ul'e not visible lÌ'lm neighhol'ing propeity or puhlic properties and do not violate 01' confliet with the Declaration 01' these Guidelines (additions 01' ahel'tions requiring Ai'ehiteetul'ai Review Committee approval ineludes but is not limited to landscape, solar energy devices, painting, gl'ding changes, ol'amentntion, security doors, pools, signage, driveway coatings, satellite dish installation). F. CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS No garbage or trash may be placed on any Lot 01' Parcel except in covered containers meeting the jurisdiction. Ruhbish, debris and garbage shall not be allowed to accumulate. Each Ownei' shall be responsible fÒI' removal of rubbish, debris and gai'bage not only fi'om his Lot or specifications of the local Parcel but abo /i'om all public rights-of~way either /i'onting 01' siding his Lot 01' Pai'ecl exeluding (a) public roadway improvements and (b) those areas specified on a Tract Deelal'tion 01' subdivision plat to be maintained by the Vistoso Community Association. (Includes lots and homes under development). Ownel,sal:9..resll.Ql1sib Ie fQI:,!b9.cmi-çh!et and bel'ayÎo!dPf.!J-itil' a l.entL.r"pi:"sentuliY.9hJ1!1 i Idei's, CQ.I)(.I:!'g!9).:S anil. sllieonÜ'a"t.m:sjn..ß;lleho Vis!p§(),AiiPE212Ülitncss.()f'..cP.ndqc.t am! behaviol\-l'QI.~tlicii-lin)Qses of Oiis section, \Y,iJ1Ji9.Jletcnnincd I)YJllty'i~.!so S:()\~g)ciai-on ARC, 8 A. LIGHTING Section 1: Common Lighting Project 1. Accent lighting 2. Security/motion lighting 3. Flood lighting 4. Pole mounted lamp/light 5. Wall/satèty mounted lamp/light 6. Holiday lighting Section 2: SnbmiU:al Reqnirements (needed for ARC SnbmiU:al) Layout shows placement/location of lights, direction and elevation of illumination, color of lights, wattage of each light, type of lighting, height of pole mounted fixture, duration of usage lor each light, whether lighting is continuous/automatic (on timers) or intermittent (triggercd by switches or motion detectors). Holiday lighting does not require an ARC submittal, providing such lighting is consistent with Seetion 4, item 5. Section 3: Genei' i Associ"tion Gnidelines (expect:ed approved uses) In general, othcr than for reasons of safety, the Association advocates the use of lighting at a minimum leveL. Accent lighting can be used for lHndseape illumination, safety lighting of pathways, sidewalks, and pools. Security/motion, flood, pole/wall lamp/light can be used to highlight areas and create safety enhancements. Holiday lighting, as with holiday decorations are to be used consistcnt with the timing and theme of the holiday. Lighting sho\ild be directcd on homcowner's own property and away Ii'om neighboring property. Actual wattage, bulb color, shielding of lighting, and illumination pattern to be reviewed and considered on a submittal basis, and may requirc post-installation inspection to determinc if the intensity of the lighting mects the community standard of low intensity/low usage leveL. Section 4: Specific alllll"Ov,,1 conditions, exclusions, etc I. Accent malibu type lighting: in only one color, not exceeding l8 watts pel' bulb. Accent/mini lighting strung in/on and around patios, caves, porches, trees, plants, shrubs, cactus must bc approvcd in advance unless ¡hI' scasonal or singular events. 2. Security motion detectors are to be installed with illumination directed at owncr's property and should shut off approximatcly 5 minutes after triggering. 3. Flood illumination is to be directed at owner's property, away from neighboring property (gazebos, ramadas, recreation areas, trees, cactus, ornamentation), actual wattage and quantity of flood lighting will be reviewed with submittaL. 4. Pole mounted lamp/light with pole painted black or painted to match color of house, not to exceed 6' in height, with illumination directed atthc owner's property, away tì'om neighbOI'Îllg property. 5. Holiday lighting can be installed 30 days prior to the recognized holiday and must be removed within 30 days after the holiday associated with the lighting (recognized holidays include New Year's Day, Easter, Memorial Day, 4th of July, .Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving Day, and the Christmas season). 9 ß. STRUCTURAL AI)J)TIONS Section 1: Common Stnietnral Addition Projects 1, Ramadas 2, Ga2ebos 3. Sheds 4, Detached Stiuclures 5. Patio Additions 6, Patio Enclosure 7. House Expansion 8. Bcehive Fireplace Section 2: Submittal Requirements (needed for ARC Submittal,) Design layout with structural specilkations noting the following (at a minimum): type of material, dimcnsions (width, height, lcngth) of structure, color of structure, lighling installation, relationship to existing house structure, location of structure on property, pictorial and/or photo of proposed structure, if available. House expansion requires a set of Hoor plans and elevation drawings. Sec'ion 3: GenerliI Associiitiou Guidelines (expected lIpproved nses) In general the Association reviews structural addition plans lor architectural consistency within the community. The Association eneOUl'gcs meinbers who are planning any of these projects to eon,ider minimizing neighboring property interference (color selections, lighting, or privacy). An approval jl'om the Association does not imply an approval by any governmental organization or of any engineering sped jlcations, Section 4: Specific lIpproval conditions, exclnsions, ete I, Carports arc not a permitted structural addition. 2. Attached structural additions rcquire the material and coloi' selectioii to e10sely match the architcclural construction of the existing house structure. 3. For appropriate color selection, rcfcr to Section 1", Paint Colors. 4, For lighting speeitieations, see Section A, Lighting. 5. Detached, poitable storage sheds eaunot be visible and cannot exceed the height of the surrounding walL. Storage sheds are not permitted in jl'ont or side yards in jl'ont of 6. Beehive tïi'eplaces: (must Ilcct the all of the privacy walL. the rÒllowing criteria) a. the visible portion above any wall cannot cxcced 3' in width or 30" in height b. will be installed with a spark arrestor and/or firebox e. will be installed no closer than 48' to a shared party wall d, eaniiot be installed on a wall that the exterior side of the wallÜlecs an adjacent parallel street 7. Pel'iancnt tent structures are not permitted. 8. No structural addition can be placed closer than 48" to any wall. 9. No bright colors, aluminum, and/or ret1cctive materiul will be perinittcd. 10 C. RECREATIONAL EQUll'MEN'l (TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT) Section 1: Coiimon Recreational PI''¡ccts 1. Playhouse, 2, Play Gyms 3. S wing Sets 4, Basketball Pole 5. Volleyball 6, Tetherball 7. Field Hockey/Loose Equipment Scction 2: Submittal Requlreiients (needed for ARC Submittal) Layout of area where reci'eationai equipment is to be installed, with a description of equipment, proposed color, design, dimensions of equipment. Sample brochures, pictorial drawing, Or photographs of similar equipment are helpfi.l. Pennancnt attachment of recreational equipment to house structure requires prior Architectural Committee approval. Section 3: Geneml Association Guidelines (eXliected allpl'vcd uscs) In general, the Association encourages the use of recreational equipment to promote leisure time actiyitie, for adults and children in the community. However, the Association discourages and docs not endorse the installation of recreational equipment which torees users of such equipment onto the streets to use this equipment, !iQJ¡;;~QJ:..Ya!lcY ordinances re¡iuire thaLpubJ.i9,J:igb.t:Pi~'Y"ysÜ!reets. sidewalks. dr;i.nag¡; areas) be maintained fre~...'!Jd.-9ka!:Jj;n:.-,\cç9SS by inotorists and iiedestrians Scction 4: Spccific approval conditions, exclusions, ctc. 1. To receive an approval letter from fhe Association for the installation of a permanent or portable basketball poll\ the basketball poles must be placed in the enclosed rear yard areas, 10 feet li'om any privacy walL. 2. Those who choose to place permanent or portable poles in driveway areas, will be doing so atthcir own liability and risk. 3. Pennanent baskctball poles and backboards must be painted black, white, or color of house. 4. Temporaiy and/or portable recreational equipmcnt (non basketball poles) is to be stored away each day when the equipment is not in use. 5. When placing i'eci'eation (:quipment, such as playhouses, play gyms, etc., in the rear yard, \:onsideration should be given to placing the equipment at least 48' Ü'om privacy walls. 6. All recreational equipment, other than basketball poles (which arc placed in the front yard areas, are placed there at the member's risk and liability), shall not be permitted Ù)r permanent placement in the fhint yard areas. 7. As required by Oro Valley ordinanccs public right-of'ways (streets, sidewalks, drainage areas) shall be maintained ti'ee and clear for aeccss by motorists and pcdestrians, thereli:re basketball poles should not be placed in these areas. 11 D. UTILITY EQUlPMl,NT Seet:onl: Common Utilty E1iuiiiment Projects 1. Curbside Boxes (TEl' box, cable box, phone box) 2. On house Boxes (cable box, gas meter) Section 2: SubmittaI Requirements (needed COI' ARC Submit:lIl) Layout includes area to be scrccncd and/or painted, designating what colors to be applied to what areas and/or equipment, and what type of landscaping plants are to be used ¡or each area. Section 3: Generiil Associat.ion Guidelines (expected approved uses) In general the Association neither encourages nor discourages members to paint or sCreen the utility boxes located on their property either near the sidewalk/curb area or mounted directly on the home. If the homeowner chooses to paint or screen the boxes, upkeep and maintenance must comply with the CC&R's (Encroachments, Building Repair). Sectiou 4: Specific approval couditious, exclusious, etc, 1. For painting curbside boxes or on-house boxes, see Section F, Paint Colors 101' approved color choices. 2. The letters and numbers originally placed on the boxes must not be painted, 3. If screening curbside boxes witb landscaping (plants, bushes, etc.), consider placement of plantings near sidewalk, so that future growth of the plants do not block/encroach on sidewalk. Since utility workers will need access to these boxes, consider landscaping screening that will be easy to work around, that does not have any sharp, thorny branches 01' limbs. 4. NOTE: If the utilty eomli,IIY ueeds to work iu the boxes, tbey have the right-or-way to displace auy laudscapiug or screening (at homeowners expense) to work on their equipment. 5. Whcn painting on-house boxes, meter Ü1CCS must not be painted. 6. NOTE: Some utility boxes have been painted by the builder or Vis10so Community Association. If so, these boxes must not be repainted a different color without specific written approval by the Architectural Review Committee. 12 E. MECHANICAL lêQUll'MENT Section I: Cominon Mcell:nÎCal Eqnipment Projects I. Air Conditioning Units 2. Evaporative Coolers 3. Water Softeners/Conditioners 4. Solar Heaters/Panels Section 2: Snbmittal Rc(init'(,ments (nccded for AHC Snbmittnl) Lnyout includes area to be screened and/or painted, designating what colors to be applied to what areaS and/or equipment, and what type of landscaping plants arc to be used for each area. Section 3: Geneml AssocÎntion Guidelines (cxpected nppl'oved nscs) In general the Association eneoumges the placement of mechanical equipment m garages or behind privacy walls, to shield fh,m neighboring views. Scclion 4: Si,ccilïc nppl'oviil conditions, (\SehISions, cte. i. Mechanical equipment visible at the front of the house from the street 01' sidewalk, must be shielded from view (shielding to be ¡ipproved by the ARC). 2. Any mechanical equipment installed on mission tile roo!1ng must be black, bronze or blend with the color of the roof tile, and mechanical equipment may only be installed on Santa Fe roof\; with complete and proper shielding. 13 If. EXTERIOR PAINT & YARDSCAI'ß COLOR GUIDELINES In general, the Assoeiation promotes color choices in harmony with the surrounding dcsert. Complementary colors which enhance the dominant color of the housc paint may be used minimally. Each neighborhood has its own specitìc paint palette. For inf'Ol'liation on your neighborhood's palette go to WWW,"iinC!iQyistQSQhQa...('ql.ii. and various vendors m-c available with their brand of prc-approved paint colors. Instructions on how to submit tor your approval are also availab1e Exterior Color Ch\liQ,~.~ 1. Main paint color choices tor the community must be an LRV of 50% or less and must blend with the desert hues and range Ü'om light to medium shades in colors of sand, bcige, brown, cream, pink, peach, and coral. Some neighborhoods are limited in their scope of main paint colors based on the initial devclopmcnt plans and approvals. Please check with the Association Management Company to determine speei1ìc requii'ements of' your neighborhood. 2. Paint color choice, not permitted as a main color, such as but not limitcd to, bright white, reds, dark brown, black, purple, green, blue, dark gray, yellow, and orange (or darker shades of main paint color choices). 3. Use of alternative colors to complement the main colors may be approved on a case-by-ease basis. These colors necd to be used minimally to complement thc main colors. Complementary colors need to be used in sueh a manner as to provide a subtle appearance. Very bright/dark colors are discouraged On exterior surl'ace (See below for use of alternative trim/accent colors.) 4. Where multi--colors may be permitted in speeifïc neighborhoods, a maXill\Um of two colors would be pel'iiitted, and all plans to have multi--colors must be submitted to the Architectural Review Committee prior fo beginning thc projcet. Neliiborhoods - Biiilder(s) Vistoso Vistas "',., USHomes, Woodside, Richmond American Vistoso Ilcights - Diainond Key Homes, Stellar Homes, AI" Sterling Homes, Pulte Homes Sunset Ridge .,,,,,UDC Homes, High Desert Homes, Richmond Amcrican Homes Maravilla - Baird Homes Sonormi Vistas '''''''' U DC Homes, US Homes Las Colinas - various buildcrs Mesquite Crest ,-"..' Canoa Homes, New World Homes Retlections - Pulte Hoincs Horizons --- Pulte Homes Overlook at Vistoso - Richmond American Homes, D R Ilolton Homes Honey Bee Estates, High Mesa, Stone Canyon, Vistoso Highlands, Honey Bee Ridge, Monterey Homes, Vistoso Hills, Vistoso Resort Casitas, Vistoso GolfCasilas - sub association, refer to that associatI()n~s desIgn guidelines NOTE: ANY/ALL EXTERIOR PAINTING I'RO.mCTS MUST BE SUlJMITnm FOR AND AI'I'ROVED BY Tim ARClUTECTUUAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ARC) BEFORE CHANGES Aim MADE. 14 I. Exteri",' Decorative Pop-out, (paint) 2. Front/Relll Dool none (except as appI\vcd roi' spccified neigliborhoo(b) house. Wood stain colol, im\tch main color of Neighborhood 7, Pi;ii'cel (J Mesquite matching hou~(: tlÎll\ color permitted on Ihiit/icar door. 3. Scculity Door Blacki match main color of house, 01' coinbÎlmtion of these two provîd(;d this does not exceed maxiimim of two col()i's pel' securÎty dool', Mesquite Crest matching hUIli)c llÎln color pcrinilted on rl'ntll'cal' security door; Rc1'lcctÎolis inatching light I1xturc cover (terra cotta). t.. Garage Door Lîglitci' 01' dal'(Ci' shade of main exterior housu coiol choÎcel provided this docs not exceed maxímum of two color~ pCI' hoi"e (excluding accent color) 5. Garagø 0001' BOldcl' BOi'dcl' Lightci' 01' dal'kel' shade of main exterior house colol choices, pl'viding this docs not exceed maximuii of two COIOI', pCi' house (excluding accent color) 6. R(;\'l Patio/Balcony ::"Ifw()odi wood stain colol' 01' match main color ofliou~c house ;:~T()p smfacc of l'ear patio/balcony to be dc~crl. hue, low lcAcctivity Natural wood stain color Natural wood stain color ;:-lfwoodi natural wood i)l:aÎn color Or match main house colol', ::"llSlucco, paint to match main colol' of 7. Wooden pieces - Window ~ Sank Fe 8. Wooden píeces ~ Gm'agc u Sante Fe 9. Gate 01' adjacent wall i i. Window scmen flaming house Blnck Ol blonze onlyi no other color pcrmitted; 'T'o match orlginal installation (black 01' color of house) and 12. Window Fmmc 13. Ro"flilçs must match thc Window Frame the housc Black 01' colo!' of A, approved with suhmiual to ARC ::Ifwlol.ght ¡lOnl black 01' match color of 10. Window SClceliing (pest 01' solar) 14. l'lÎvacy Walls - exterior/interior 15. Eniiyway walkway/dliveway Colol 1.0 maich main coloi' or house 01' apPlOved by ARC ::"'Jfwnll Î:: stlcct racing iiiiiist be painted "Vistoso Tan" A, appl\vcd with submiual to ARC (public sidewalk cannot be cm.lcd) 16. Extcliol Rock Gravel Colol Exterior cok)l choices (single 01' dual color), ealth-tone, 17, Wall/dool' ornamentation maximum two colors ofgmvel Minimal accent colors that plovide altel'atìve complimciitai'yaccent 18. Detached, Portable Storage Sheds i 9. CUlbsidc/Housc Utility Boxes 20. Gat.e Screeiiing 21. Wroiight ll(H1 EarihmtOllcj low lcl1cctivity, colol' necds to be submitted and apPr(lved by ARC ::Cullnidc boxes w appl'vcd coloi' rOl that neighborhoodi contact Management Company :"Utility boxes - match color "fhousc As approved with ""bniittallo ARC If 'cgIMJ1t of plivacy wall, bl(\ck: if pool batTicr (not privacy wall N(;ctîol1, colol' at¡ apPloved on the submittal; if patio balconYi black ()l main cxtel'ol wall colol', 15 G. POOLS/SPAS/RELATEÐEQUllMENT Section 1: Common Pool Projects I. Heaters (notHolar) 2. Filters 3. Pool Lighting 4. Diving Boards 5. Pool Slides 6. Pool Decking Section 2: Snbmittal Ileqnirement:s (needed for ARC Snbmittal) Design layout with pool speeitïcations noting thc following (at a minimum): type of pool tUtering system, wall up/down access to pool area during construction, lighting enhancement around pool area, location and height of pool equipment (lilters, heaters, diving boards, slides). A pool contractor will usually provide a layout with specifications to meet the above requil'cnl\;nts. If a pool/spa installation includes a gazeho/ramada addition, refer to Section B "Structural Additions. If a pool/spa installation includes landscaping additions, refer to Section H - Yardscaping. If lighting is part of the pool installation, refer to Section A, Lighting. For solar hcatel's and pancls, refer to Section E, Mechanical Equipment. Ahove ground pools will be handled On a ease-by-case basis and must be approved by the Board prior to installation, in particular elevated, above grade decking is subjcct to revicw and approval (with a minimum setback of 6' fi-oin privacy walls). Section 3: Geneml Association Gnidclincs (expect:ed approved nses) In general the Association reviews pool plans for speeiJle safety considerations to be t\illow\xl during pool construction, and to considcr if the pool and recreational equipment installation provides minimal neighboring property interference. Section 4: Specific api¡roval coiiditions, exclusions, etc. I. Access for installation is restricted to the propcrty. If access requires Common Area access permission may be granted with a construction deposit to be deterinined by the ARC. 2. Diving boards are restricted to springboard types, no platform types are permitted. 3. Slides not to exceed 10' in height, color restricted to blue or desert hues. All pool slide locations require ARC approval (with a minimum setback of6' from privacy walls). 4, A design layout which results in back flushing into common at'eas or onto streets is prohibited pel' the Vistoso Community Association rules. NO'fE: Diatomaceous earth or sand mters require back flushing which are subject to regulation by Pima County. Pleasc check with Pima County and/or the Town of Oro Valley on the actual regulations lor this installation. 5. A conditional approval grankd for pool installation will regulate satciy measures to be followed by the member and pool contractor during construction and must be signed by both prior to beginning of pool excavation. 6. Pool and spa mechanical cquipment located outside the privacy wall must be completcly shielded from view. 16 Exiiniple - Preliminary Approval Letter Date Homeowner Name Address City, State, Zip Code RE: Loll Dear HomeowIler: Thank you for submitting your request tOI' approval to install a swimming pool at your home within "association name". Filial approval is contingent npon receipt of this signed aclmowledgeiiciit aiid acccptancc of the following conditons of approval: 1. THIS LErrER DOES NOT CONSTITUTE APPROVAL TO RAISE THE HEIGHT OF YOUR REAR OR SIDE YARD WALLS. SUCH REQUEST MUST BE MADE VIA SEPARATE SUBMltlAL AND MUST lNCLUDE WRITTEN AGREEMENT BY EACII NEIGHBOR SHARING TI-l AFFECTED WAILS. If a request to raise your wall has been included with this submittal, please see the separate response letter regarding the wall. 2. PLEASE NOTE THIS LETTER DOES NOT CONSTITUTE APPROVAL OF SOLAR HEATING SYSTEMS TO BE INSTALLED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE POOL, If a request lor solar heating systems has been ineluded with this submittal, pleasc see the separate response letter regarding solar heating systems, 3. IN ADDITION, THIS LETTER DOES NOT CONSTITUTE APPROVAL OF LANDSCAPING TO BE INSTALLED IN CONJUNCTION WlITI 'lHE POOL. If a request f,ir landscaping has been includcd with this submittal, please see the separate response letter regarding landscaping. 4. All mechanical equipment must be located within privacy area walls. Slides must be white, bluc or earth.tone and may not exceed 10 feet in height, and require a minimum setback of Gve feet (i'om side propeity lines and ten l'Oet (i'om rear property lines. 5. Access to the rear yard must be eonGned to your property. A temporary solid barrier other than plastic fencing must be in place at all times at the access site unW the exterior wall has been replaced. The exterior wall must be rcbuil 10 match the existing wall in clevation, stucco, painting, and all other construction details within one week of installation of the swimming pooL. 6. '('he bufj'cr/sidcwalk area outside the wall must be returned to its original state, prioi' to construction, to the Board's satisfaction within one week of installation of the swimming pooL. Any damage to the curb or sidewalk must be repaired within 24 hours of the damage. 7. All construction debris must be contained on the property and removed from it in a timcly mannei'. Furthel'110re, the sidewalk must remain dear and debris-hee at all times. 8. If the pool will have a nitration system requiring periodic baekwashing, please be advised that the local jurisdiction may have ordinances regarding discharge of pool water into the streets and/or 17 protcctcd natural areas. In addition, Association regulations rcqiiirc that all such water remain on your property only. local jmisdiction regulations must be met as they may pertain to safety measmes and setbacks 9. All for pools 11'om property lines. Please contact local jurisdiction Building Codes Depaiiment lor furthcr inlormation. This lettel' must be signed by the Homeownel' and the "Pool Company." l'lease admowledge acceptance of these conditions of appl'oval by signatnl'e below andi'etnl" an executed copy fol' 0111' mes to the address above 01' via fax at the number above. UOOIl i'eeehit. li finallettel' of apo!'oval wil be issiied to retain fo!' VOIII' recol'ds. Fiiihll'e to retiil" lIeceptance of these couditious set forth wil result in the issiiiinee of II dcnialleHel', It is your rcsponsibility to obtain any permits rcquircd from thc local juri.sdktion. All Hpplicable rules and regulations will apply to this projcct as they rclate to safety, setbacks, etc. If we may provide yoii with Hssislanee in this or any other Association-related matter, please do not hesitate to contact Lewis Managemcnt Customer Service at 520-742-5674. Sinecrely, "association namC)) By Its agent ~ LewIs Management Resourcesj Inc. Acknowledged and Accepted Homeowner Date iipooi Compani' By: Date Title: 18 H. Y ARDSCAPING moii Yal'dscapiiig l'l'ojects 1. Vegetation (ground cover, shrubs, trees, cactus, vines, grass, i1owers) 2. Gravel (rocks, boulders, wood chips) 3. Artificial Turf 4. Irrigation and Drainage 5. Accent walls/planter boxes 6 Trellis, Fencing, Staking, Plant Protection Cloth Screening 7. Fountains 8. Flagstone, Brick/Pavers, Slate, Concrete, Steps 9. Driveway Expansions 10. Railroad Tics Secl:oiil: Com Sectioii 2: Submittiil Requireiients (iieeded for ARC Subiiittiil) A eonccptual landscape layout plan identifies location of vegetation, common name of vegetation, colors ineluded in foundation/ground cover, irrigation installation, any gravel and/or pictorial samples. Submittals tÒr trellises should include location, color and types of plants to grow on trellises. No landscape or othei' improvement (other than decorative rocks) will be permitted between sidewalks and strcct curbs without speciGc written ARC approval. Seetioii 3: Geiiel'l Associiitioii Guidelines (expected approved uses) The Rancho Vistoso landseape concept is based on a philosophy of compatibility with thc existing Sonoran desert, a sensitivity to its J\'gilc ccosystems, and a commitment to low water usage vegetation. To this end, existing natural features such as stands of saguaros, uniquc vegetative groups, rock outeroppings, and washes arc preserved whcnever possible. The majority of introduced plant materials should be indigenous, arid, or semi-arid plants insuring minimal water usagc and compatibility with the built and natural cnvironmcnts. The Association promotes the seven principles of "Xeriseape" which inelude: 1. Water conserving design 2. Low water use/drought tolerant plants 3. Reduction in turf 4. Water harvesting techniques 5. Appropriate irrigation methods 6. Soil improvements and use of mulches, and 7. Proper maintenance practices Sectio" 4: Specific appl'oval conditions, exclusions, etc. 1. There are three major landscapc zones which have bccn identified throughout Rancho Vistoso " natural desert, transitional and intensive landscape. a. Natural desert areas are thosc preserved and undisturhed. This includes all undeveloped opcn space and, in low and very low densities, all areas outside the building envclopes of each lot. b. Transitional areas are thosc areas most visible throughout Vistoso, the rights"ot~ways, sctbaek areas along collector roads and areas adjaecnt to natural desert. Thcsc area, should create a transition betwecn natural desert and intensive plantings. Plant materials to be used in transitional areas are included in the RANCHO VISTOSO RECOMMENDED PLANT LIST. 19 e. tntensive landscapes occur primarily behind walls and in private areas Or backyards. Planting, may require mOre water and thus should be limited in arca. landscaping must be installed in a manner to prevent the appearance of a "hedge" or "wall height extension". Specifically, no hedges will be permitted along property lines, sidewalks, clc. as such non random placement of landscaping would have the eflect of raising sections of privacy walls, ercating a secluded f:'ont yard area, etc. (Short sections of aligned bushes are encouraged to shield trash cans and utility boxes). 3. All landscaping must be maintaincd within property lines. 2. All a. All Lots and Parccls, excluding any portion of llll Lot which is enclosed by a perimeter wall around the rear yard, shall be landscaped in a manner consistent with the natural desert, with accent tCatures of non.indigenous plants, ground covers and yard ornaments (ipproved in writing by the ARC, 1')1' each lot and parecl so landscaped. b. All original and subsequent landscaping must bc installed in accordance with a plan approved by the Architectural Review Committee. The objective of thc landscaping is to generally enhance the natural desert environment and to screen, accent, soften and improve lli.; visual eharactcr of Rancho Vistoso. All plantiiaterial should be drought resistant, water conserving and generally eompatiblc with the indigenous plant materials list in the RECOMMENDED PLANT LIST. Drip irrigation systems arc encouraged. Initial landscaping plans must be submitted at the same time as all parcel or sito data to the Architectural Review Committee. c. At least one (I) tree is required in the front yard of each unit of a type, size and location specifIed by the Architectural Review Committec. Shrubs will be required in aU fl'ont yards and will be utilized to soÜen and screen. Sonoran Desert compatible ground COvers are preferred for ground plant treatment. All bare earth must be covcred by an approved organic material to provide a neat, dust-l1'ee appearance; (crushed rock ground cover is required in all front yard areas, decomposed granite is not approved). 4. All landscaping should rcllcetthe Southwest character of the development: a. Rocks and boulders, patios, sidewalks, courtyards and walls may be used to supplement and create imaginative landscaping design. b. Pavcrs can be used in proportion to ovcrall landscape of the front yard, providing it does not become the dominant feature of the fi'ont yard hardseaping, and is subject to Architectural Committee approval. 5. No tree, shrub or plant of any kind on any Lot or Parecl may overhang or otherwise; encroach upon public sidewalk or other public pedestrian way or bikeway from ground levcl to a height of eight (8) feet without prior approval of the Architectural Review Committee. 6. Trec stumps must be ground and removed upon tree removal and replacement. 7. Grass areas arc approved ground covers in certain sections, in specific neighborhoods and other areas within Rancho Vistoso providing that all such areas have been approved by the Committee and are instaUed and maintained in conjunction with the following conditions: a. Common Berm\ida grass, Fountain grass and aU other grasses prohibited on the Not Recommended/Prohibited Plant List of this document together with all Pima County and Oro Valley restricted grasses shall be prohibited on any area, of auy lot. Installation of grasses shall not interfere with lot drainage, cause scepage problems through property walls, etc. b. In areas inside privacy walls in the rear yard only, grass m.ay be installed on 75% of the area. tn lI'ont yard areas (outside privacy walls) grass areaS are prohibited of thc aI'a available, excluding walkways, driveways, patios, etc. NOTE: EFFECTIVE MAY 2010 VISTOSO IS RESTRICTED TO REAR YARD AREA GRASS ONLY. ANY GRASS NEWLY INSTALLED WILL BE LIMITED TO THE REAR. 20 Additional Front Accent Grass Requirements for properties with grass installed prior to May 2010: a. No grass may be installed, Or allowed to grow betwcen sidewalks and curbs, 01' within 24 inches of side property lines .innei' edge of sidcwalks. b. All grass must be cut on a regular basis, to a height no greatcr than 3 inches and must rcmain di,ease and weed free at all times. c. All grasses which arc dormant in the winter months are rcquired to be ovei'-secded with a winter grass. d, All grass areas must be "bordered" by stone, brick Or other "encircling" materiaL. 111e pmpose of this condition is to prohibit grass areas from "spreading" or "creeping" onto other areas of the lot, giving the appearance of an un-maintaincd landscape accent. Plastic and metal edging is not permitted for this purpose. Whcn brick edging is used, bricks must be placed perpendicular to the grass area, not paralleL. 7. Landscaping between sidewalks and street cmbs is permilled with prior Board approval and must not interfere with site triangle regulations. Cactus or thorn-like plant materials arc not permitted in the area between tl)(, strect and sidewalk. 8. When installing landscaping and/or irrigation, care should be given to maintain proper grading on the property to climinate any drainage onto neighboring lots. Irrigation systems should not produce watering On walls to cause damage to party walls. 9. Accent walls placed entirely on an owner's property shall not exceed 3' in height, nor bc installcd any further than the most forward point of thc house structure in an appropriate proportional percentage to the area of installation. 10. Temporary fencing, staking, and plant protection shade cloths must bc properly maintained when visible tì'om ncighboring property. 11. For color selections on yardscaping materials, refer to Section P, Paint Colors. 12. Theme Landscaping (i.e., sculptured trees/bushcs that reflect animals and/or other architectmal designs) will be reviewed on a case"by-ease basis. i 3, Trellis when used sporadically near the structure, providing the height does not exceed 8 feet. 14. Trellis near property walls providing no effect of raising the height of the wall results (i'om such placement. RANCHO VISTOSO NOT RECOMMENDED l'LANT LIST 1. Any species of tree or shrub whose mature height may reasonably be expected to exceed 25 feet, with the exception of those indigenous plants which may naturally cxeeed 25 fcct. 2, All palms (Palmae) taller than, or expected to get larger than 20 feet in hdght. Palms are restricted to areas within the rear privacy walls and may not be located within 5 feet of propi;rty line" nor pcrmitled to overhang privacy walls. Use of palms is not reeomiiended due to aesthctk in" consistency and high water use characteristics. 3. Large 01eandersllhevetia or excessive use of Oleanders/Thevetia (Nerium oleandeill'hevclia species), For the purposc of this section, large shall be defined as taller than 8 feet, wider than 5 feet pCI' plant/tree. For the pmpose of this section, excessive shall be dctined as any "hedge" of plants longer than 6 feet, and "bulk" of plants larger than 10 square feet, or any use of this species as to dominate the landscaping of a particular lot or parceL. All Oleandcrll'hevetia plants must be located no closer than 4 fcet from any sidewalk, 2 feet fì'om any property line and must be trimmed to avoid any overhang of the plant onto neighboring property, Use of Oleander/Thevetia is not i'econiiiiended tor aesthetic reasons, as well as fOr theii' prolhsc production of pollen and high water use. 4. All large Citnis trees, For the purpose of this section, lai'gc is defincd as taller than 8 feet or wider than 8 feet. All citrus tree arc resti'icted to rear yard areas and must be maintained so as to grow no eloser than 3 feet fì'om the privacy walls. Use of Citrus trees is not recommended due to their pollen producing and high water use characteristic. 21 5, All Pines (Pinus), Cypress (Cupressus), False Cypress (Chamaecyparis), Juniper or Cedar (Juniperus) taller than, or expected to get taller than i 5 feet in height will be prohibited for aesthetic and high water use reasons. 6. Olive trees (Olea Europaea) will be prohibited tOI' reasons of their profuse production of allergyproducing pollen, as well as for aesthetic reasons. 7. Fountain Grass (Pennisetum Setaceum) will be prohibited as a defined weed with the potential to spread throughout the development and also as a fire hazard. 8. Common Bermuda Grass (Cynodon Daetylon) wil be prohibited as a defined weed and lor its profuse production of allergy"producing pollen. 9, Minei'al landscape feat.ures such as ground covers and boulders will be limited to materials indigenous to the Rancho Vistoso area or materials similar in color and appeflrance t.o thcsc materials. 10, Mexican Palo Verde (Parkinsonia Aculcata) wil be prohibited as harborer of pests and its ability to spread throughout the development, thereby altei'ing the present nat.ural desert. II, Miilbel''Ys (Moms) wil b,: prohibited as a noxious pollen producer. 12. Euealyptus will be prohibited lor aesthetic reasons and gell'I'al inappropriateness within the desert environment. *NOTE: All height measiirements are measiired from average natuml gmde level of the lot. 22 Recommended Pliint .List llotaiiieal Name Trees: Acacia c¡\vcnia Common Nnmc Tvi)(' Cavcni¡i Aeacia Tree Whitçthúm Acuein 'I'l'cc/Shnib Need Aeacia Swi:ct Acacia Tltc 'l't'~~c/Slinib Acacia mimitn (smalliî) Acacia schal1icri Cats Claw Acacia Soiith We::terri Sweet Acacln Twisted Aeacia Acacia sin:i11ii Sweet Acacia ll'CC Acacia wilhmlinna Burscra iniclophyiia Palo ßlanr;o Tlvc 'l"ree Celtis l'cticulala Cci'cldhim lloriduin Elephant'l'ree Nctknl" ()' Westel' Hackbelry Blue Pnlo Vcrde CclÚIdiuii Hybrid Desert Mu,Si:Uil Palo Desert Musi:Uln Palo Verde Ccn:idiuin ll¡çmphylluli LiHlcleafor Foothill Palo Verde TJ'c Tlcv CCl'cidiuli placúox Palo Bl'ca Cci'cidium sonorac SOillatl Palo Verde Deser( Willow Acacia congtd~~t:a Acacia cbiiiiia Acacia Hil'csiaiia Acaúill Gl'eggîî Chilopsis ljm~aris Tree Tlcc/Sht'ih Tree Tree TJ'lC Tree Tree T,.oelSllIlb Tree Cuprcssl1s ali;wniNI A1'7.Qn¡l Cypress Lcucaena lctusa (iold0rl L~~ndball Ti'(;(;/ShfLlb Lysilomn candida Palo Blanco I.ysiloma thombeli Feather'l'ree Trcc/Shnib Tree/Shrub üincya Icsota De::ertllonwood, 'l'cSOla Texas Ebony Píthcccliobium l1exicuulc PiihcccllobiUl11 paiicns Pmsopis glandulosa gllilidiiJMn Ti'Cc TCtHl/,a Tree Tree HoriCy Ol 'I'cxns Mcsqiiite TJ'c~~ Prosopis piibosçens Screwbean McsquÎI,C Prosopb Vl'.lutina Sambuciis incxìcaní: Velvet Mcsquìie MexiÚl\11 r:;id~~rhcl''Y Tlee Tree Tlt:e Vauquclinia culiH)rnica Vitcx agnlis-ca~lus ;tZyphliS ohtusìfolia Arizona Chaste TI'CC, Monk's Pepp0l 'l'leclS!llub 'I'ree/Shrub Gleythlon '¡'rec/Shrub White Ball Acacia White HUl$(lge Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Desei1 Hoiieysliel,lc Sh,.ub PineLcafMilkwecd l~\l\II'~Wing Saltbush Shlub Shrub Dcsei'! Holly Sh,.ub Quail Bush Blewcl Saltbush Shrub Desert Saltbush !~'ltl'b.\: Acacia llguslbsima Aloy::¡a gla(jssimma Aloysia wrightii Ambmsia (Fran::i.wia) duniosa Anjsac¡iiithiis thurberi A::i.kpias IltHllin Atriplcx cancsccns AtlÎplex hyiienelttra Atriplcx lei\(îlolni¡s Atriplex lentifbri11is blewed AtJ'iplcx polyc.\lpa Fi'agrallt BlI~h, l3¡;c J.kush Wi'ight's Oregano, Lemon VClbcnn SIlllb Fairy DUSlt:!" l:alsc Mesquite Shrub Shrub Shrub pal I ida Spj9n)l 01' D(',s~w( Hnekbel''Y Shi'ub Condalia wlU')i.iddi VU!'. kcaiicana Cordia l)arvifbl¡a Condalia Litlk~nlCordiit llopabiish Shrub Shrub Shtub Shrub Shrub Cacsalpinia (Poinciana) iiúxieana~ Mexican lJird or Panldisi, (ycllow) Cnlliandra erlophyirh J\i(lY Ow¡ter, False Düdünaca vIseosa Eiieelia cnli(i.)li¡ca Encclia fat'nM(\ EuphOlbia anti:-yph¡liticii Fallugin pal'ildoxa California Brìttkbush (gl'c:c:n) FOlrJstî~:nl ncoinexicana Gossypiuil hall(ncss¡i Descrt Olive OQssypiuin Halopappus (Edcarnel'a) laricifbi¡us '1'IiI'pcntine Bush Hibisciis eoul((~l¡ .I011'opha eardiophylla .Ia(¡',)pha dioia JustiçiH (Bel()p~~ronc) eai¡n.irnlea L\'/rl'b.~' emU,: Lnrl'ea trídentata (divmicaia) Bl'ttlc:bu(1h Wax Plant, Candelilla Apache PIUi\1: Yellow Hibiscus, CouHcl'\ I-jjbisus Liniebi.i'hush Jatropha Chiiparosa C1\~üs()\C Ilushi CJrea::ewood Shl'ub Shl'ub Shlub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shi'ub SllIlb Shrub Shrub 23 Recoiiiiciided Plant List Common Nnmc Tviic Lycium ll'cinontii Maytcnu:, phyiiantliúidvt: Lyciul1 Wollberry Mangle Dulct\ MlnlO::a 1)iumcifcl' WUiluílyMinlilc Bu:;ll Mimosa dysocalpa Rhus microphylla Velveipod Lìttle\ial Sumac Rhus Ovata Sugar Bidi, Sugar Sumae Rhus vili;Jls Senna wisl¡zCliii Cassia; Sllluhby ~cniia Simmünd$ia chíncnsis Jüjoba, Coat Nut Shrub Shrub Shrub SIll'lh Shnih Shrub Shrub Shlub Shrub SIll'lb Botaliic,,1 N"IIH' Lyciiim cxscr(u11 Evç,'gtcc:n Sumac Cacti or ,\'tu.'clile"Is: Agavu nl¡fcra Agave n.mcl'ìcana Agave coi~)mta Agave Centul'Y Plant Agav~ Agave ITuaclnlCcnsLs 1"luachucH Agave Agav(~ Lophantha (ul1ivittnla) Agave Agave Ocahui Ai.ahuî Agave P'almcl Agave Agave palnivli Agave victorIw.;wrcginuc Agave vilmOl'iniana Ciirltgjca gigantca Succii lent Victol'a Regina Agave Succulent. Octopus Agave SaguHlo Succulent Cactus Cnctlls Cactus Echiiioccrcus spp. Ooldcn Bnllel ¡'cdgchog~ Rainbow Clctt.\ FClocac\.~ spp. BH1'ld Cactus FoiiquielÎll ::pii;iidciis Ocotillo Mamillaria spp. Opuntia spp. RusdlÎn uncinatus Mainíllada C(\~IUS Echinocaclus glusoni i Succulcnt Succulent Succulent Succulent Succulent Succulent Pdckly Pear, Cliolln Cactm; Cactiis Cactus Cactus Succulent Stcl\(CCJ'cus (L(~inail'coccrcus) tlllllbcti Tl'choccrcm tippo Ruscli¡a Organ Pipe Caclu~ 'll'ch()ccríu~ Cactus Yucca glauca Silall Soapwccd Yucca Y lIcell schou Ii Mouiit(I¡Sn Yucca Cactiis Succulenl Succulent Sand V ~i'beiia Ground Covel' 13ottlriochlol. bu¡,bjodis Queen's WlelHh Cane beardgnl~:: GlOund COvel' '3u~:hi()c dactylodcs Buffalo Ol'ass Grouiid Covel' Catliostecum ercclum False gmma Red Spike Ice Plant Dci-crt Grape Ivy Deser(. Cìrape Ivy OI'Olilid Cover (i round Cover Alizona cottoiitop Euphorbia Ground Covel' Gi'ound COVCI' ilibl'a llutìca Curly inc~qLlitc '('obo"n grassq Hilaria lÎgida Big galleta gi'ass Ground Covel' G)'ound Cover Mascagnia mact'' MclampDdlUlti leucnnlhum M(wl\~mia :lll'ca Muhkrlb~~l'gin duiiosa Yellow Orchid Vine V¡m~ Blílcklhot Daby Ground Covei' Grmiid Cover & V¡'w,lJ,' Alm.inîn villosa AntlgoliHl 1~~p\()pUS Ccphaløphylluii Red Spike Cí~SllS ¡nci:)a CÎ$$US trifbliata Digiial'n calilhl'iea Euphorbia mysinìtcs Hilaria bcrlangtw¡ Yellow MCI'lcinìa Caciu:- Vine Vine Vine Ground Covcr Vine (ìround Cover Muhlcnbcrgia poitcl'i Pappophürum inuci'oliulatum Bu:)h Mul\lcnbei'giil, Bamboo Mulily l~iiiign\ss Bush inuhly Spolobolus wnll'ctus Spíkc dmpseed e¡,'ound Covel' SporobDlm wlÎgiiiii Sucal.()11 Gloiind Cov(~i' St.¡pa llcoinexícam\ New Mexico lçathcrgniss Rosewood "i'wo-jbithcr tridiloli:ì ('il'lInd Cover MlIh!clibelgia ~~mci'slcy¡ Tlideiis mUl,ÎciiS Tnick\ir:: clinitn Glound Covel' Grùuiid C(lV~~l (Îl'und Covel' (ì,'ound Cüver GlOund Cov~~l 24 Recommended Plant List lJotank;il Name Common Name Type Desel't M¡lkwt:ed AlimUlI.' (I, ¡"upinu$ AlÎl",onÎclls Giant Hcsperaloc Lupine Annual Annual Annual Pereiinial Perennial Annual Annual Amnia! Annual I.upiniis spalsiflül'lS Dt~setl I iupine AOllU:i1 Lupinus SIlCCU\rlltus AnJlual Nolina bÎgclovii Arroyo Lupine Bcnlgrass Nol111a matapcnsis Tlcc Beai'gl'llR~ Nolina niîcl'ocarpa Nol¡na pallyi lleal'grass Pe,.emtlals: Asclepias subullltn AsIc!' hìgclov¡l A~ltW tanílcctilolíu:: Bahia nbsÎnthifol¡a Ihilcya muii1l'ldiata J)ílsylirion m;r()ll'chc Dnsylil'ioii whtclcl'l ¡.lesptl'(Jloe funìfcni As(vl' Aster Desert Daisy ')~~sci't Marigold Gleen Desert Spoorl Sot()l. J)CSCI'l SpDon Puny's Ilcargrass Annual Anmwl Annual Annual Si¡pptW ¡,'lower AnlilH.ll Penstcmoii baccharilÜ1Îiis PCl1~tcmOlll)(l'batus Pcnstcmon cfltonj Pcnstcinon supcl'bus PsiloSllOphc cooped SClll\il covcsii Cutlea/' l\,ii:-(,einotl Pereiinial Bc(lnll.oiiguc Pcn:-tcliiOI1 l\~i'cnniai llapel" FloweI' PCl'cnníal Dcsen Senna PCl'cnni;t1 Sphacralcca spp. Viguicl'l dclloidca Olobc...Mnl1ow Pcit:rinial (¡olden Eye Spanish Bayonci Yucca Pedilíliitlius lllicl'o(:aq)Us Eaton's Pünsteiion Superb Pi;nS1.cmoii Pelennial Perennial Yucca bnccata Yucca brcvilÖlj;i Yucca carncrOsann Joslluii 'llee Y iiccn olata Soaptrcc Y u~ca Yucca ligjdu Blue Dagger Yu(;cn Yucca lOstnitn Benked Yucca Yucca 11'cculcaiia Tree Y ucea Perennlal Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual Yucca Whjppld OUl' 1,,(wd1s Candle A nnunl Zjuoi¡\ accrm;a Desert Zinnia Rocky Mountaill Zinnia Perennial Porennial Yucca alo¡r()lia Zinnia gmtldinül' Uolanical Nam(, ¡'(11m Tree".: Hrahca Awmta Eryhca Butla Capìtalll (Cocos Capilatu) Chamacrops i ¡\lmilis Cycas Cii'caniiljs Cyca~ Revoluta Diooii ndule Banana Yucca Gìaii( Daggel' Yucca Com mOo Name Mature Hdt!hi Hespel' Palm 20' ButÍl Palm, Pindo Palm; Jelly Palm, Brnzil Pnlm 20' Mi;(\iICl'illcan Fan Palm l.;Ul'opean Fan 12' FCll1 Palm, Queen Sago Palm Japanc::c Sago Palm IS' Mexican Fci' p¡\lm 12' 10' Enecphalarlos NIl1.nlclisis Natal Cycad Palm thousand Hills Cycncd 12! Palm Mierozamia Mcqiielli Zajnia Palm 2' Phoenix RoebelenΡ DwarlDate Palm 10' Miniature Fan Pnlin J.wal'lPall1cHo Palm Scrub Palmetto Palm Windniìll Palm 15' Rhupis FxcclNa Saba! Minor Tmcliycal'pUS FOltunei Specifically Denied Palms due 1.0 heÎght I'csti'cOons: Queen Palm Areç¡istnim ROn1nn:¿ol1anul1 (Syagrus) Enccphálal'lOS T'ransvenosu:- Modjndjî Cycad Palm (it 15' 25' 25' Appr(wed Olive Tree,'i,' Olen Eui'opeil Wibtm i,'niitlcss Olive Swan Hill Olivc Fluil1cs$ Olive N011~: All treeS must be tl'ÎmllNI to mnÎntilili :1 height less (han 20..ft.i~t 25 I. SIGN AGE Section 1: Common Signl'rojects See list of signs in Section 3 and Section 4 of this project topic. Section 2: Submittal Requirements (needed for ARC Snbmittal) Signs requiring ARC submittal, review, recommendation and Board approval must designate the number of signs to be placed, size of all signs, colors associated with each sign, design and message conlcnt of each sign, community location of each sign, and constniction material type of each sign. Signs requiring Management Company approval only (as designated in Section3) will not require an ARC submittal process. Section 3: Gencral Association Gnidelincs (expected iippi'oved nses) Signs requiring Management Company appmval only (verbal authorization) . temporaiy, one-time usage signs or pcrmanent lot identitleation signs: Proiiel'IVoi' SalelTease ShiiS: One (1), post-mounted, not to exceed 5' high "For Sale/Lease by Realtor/Owner" sign (prol"ssionally designed and mounted) is permitted per property lot and placed only on the specific home for sale. The sign shall not exceed eighteen by twenty-tour inehes, and the sign rider shall not exceed six by twenty.four inches The sign lor the lot is to be removed when the home is either sold or removed thJll the resell market listing. This sign is prohibited from being placed on Association common areas, nature trails/paths, buffer zones, walls, and/or buildei' construetion lots (unless specific to that lot). An additional one (I) small, ground level bandit and/or A-frame realtor sign (similar in design and kss than 24" in hcight) is permitted only in Association bulTer zones lhmi Saturday, 8:00am through Sunday 6:00pm. No other "For Sale/Lease RenltoriOwner" signs are permitted lor posting. No Oyer-type (paper) "For Sale/Lease Realtor/OwnCl signs are allowed lor postings on lots, parcels, common areas, buffer zones, model homes, postal/mail units, Town of Or 0 Valley right"of"ways, regulatory poles/signs, utiliy boxes, fire hydrants, entiyway monuments/signage or bun"r walls/plantings. Signs submitted Ic'" approval to the Management Company must conform to color, design, size, message content, location, and type as directed by the Board of Diæctors. School Announcements. Ganl1e Sale. 13akt_Sille: Signs (paper and protessionally designed/mounted) are allowed on property lots, association common areas, and buffer zones for the day of the event oilly. Once the event has been completed, all the signs are to be removed immediately. Signs are not allowed on model homes, postal/mail units, regulatory poles/signs, utility boxes, fire hydrants, buffei' walls/plantings. OP,çnJJQlJs\',:, In conjunction with the "For Sale/Lease Realtor/Owner" sign a lot owner, may also hnve one (i) sign (professionally designed and mounted) announcing an open house event On the lot and one (l) small, ground level bandit and/or A.Frame realtor sign (similar in design and less than 24" in height) only in Association buffer zones for the duration of open house. No tlyeNype (paper) signs lor open houses are allowed lor postings on lots, parcels, common areas, liun"r zones, model homes, post all mail units, regulatory poles/signs, utility boxes, lire hydnmts, entryway monuments/signage, Town of Oro Valley right-ol~ways, or buffer walls/plantings. Signs submitted thr approval to the Management Company must conlhrm to color, design, size, message content, location, and type as directed by the Board of Directors. Lost/Found: Signs placed within the community by members notating lost pets, personal artieles will be permitted f()I three (3) days. After three days, the Management Company will remove these signs. 26 L()lJ.d!!ntifïçlJJ.t\:in....,~l!lS: Alarm/sceurity identifÏcation signs are permittcd without Board approval, providing signs arc placed on lots within three (3) feet of structure, no more than 18" to top of sign, and not self~iiiuminating. çQD§t:raçJ.IQ!l Signs: Temporary pool and construction signs as required by governmcntal ageneics, and not self~iiiuminating, to be removed upon eomplction of the project. Vehicular Fm:..S.a)g):Egns: Vehicular For Sale signs are peniiitted on vehiclcs within the coniinunity, providing signs arc placed in vehicle windows, made of quality construction material or store bought signs (no signuge painted on vehielc and/or hand written on windows). No Vehicular For Sale signs are allowed for postings on lots, parcels, common areas, buffcr zones, model homes, postal/mail units, regulatory poles/signs, utility boxcs, Town of Oro Valley right"oj~ways, fÏre hydrants, or bufrer walls/plantings. Vehicle Advertis.!ug: No advertising on vehicles is pcrmitted if said vehicle is visiblc i1"Om ncighboring property without specific approval of the ARC. If ARC approval is granted, it may be with limited, minimal space and lettering. Political Signs: During political seasons, one sign I'"" elections not to exeeed 45 days in advance of election day event, and must be removed within 7 days of the clection cvent. The signs Ilay not cxceed 24\1 x 24~~. Home SecuriJY..S,ÎJ¡¡¡;: Signs posted in a window or in the fì'ont yard advertising an activated home security system will bc pcrmitted i pel' lot not to exceed 24" x 24". Scetion 4: Specitìc approviil conditions, cxclusious, cte. Othcr signs (as noted bclow) are not pcrmitted in the community without proper authol'Iation li'om the Board of Directors as submitted through the ARC. The Management Company for thc Association is authorizcd to permit only thosc signs designated in Section 3 above without Ü,llowing the ARC submittal process (unless the Management Company decms it neccssary 1'01' a particular sign to be reviewed by the ARC and approved by the Board). I. Neighborhood watch signs 2, Identitieation signs 1')1' residential usage that number more than one (I) pel' lot or are larger than 72 square Inches 3. Common area/trails signagc 4. Homc business identilkation signs. 27 .J. ORNAMENTATION Seetiou 1: Common Ol'limcntlitiou l'rojcets I, Yai'd Furniture 2. Exterior Wall Ornamentation 3. Flagpole (pennanent, ground installalIon) 4. Yard Ornaments 5. Holiday Decorations 6. Roof Ornamentation 7. Statues 8. Hanging Ornamentation (flags, wind soeks, banners) Scction 2: Submittiil Rcquircments (nccdcd for ARC Submittal) Layout of area where ornamentation is to be IiMalled, with description of ornamentation, proposed color, design, dimensions of ornamcntation. Sample brochures, pictorial drawing, or photographs are helptìil. No subniittal is required tor holiday dccorations that are consistent with the theme and timing of the applicable holiday. No submittal is required for lawn furniture or lawn ornamcnts placcd in the rear yard area. House mounted nag pole bracket kits do not require an ARC subniittal (maxIimlm height of these flagpoles is 6'). Scetion3: Gcncl'l Association Guidelincs (cxpccted approved uses) In general the Association promotes ornamentation in harmony with the surrounding southwestern desert theme in colors as designated in Scetion F, Paint Colors. Furniture, wall ornamentation, and yard ornamentation should be used in unobtrusive proportion to the size of the house and yard. Observance of holiday and patriotic events are permitted by the Association; with appropriate colors and decorations. Scetion 4: Spccifie appl'ovlIl conditions, cxclusions, etc. 1. l'cniianent placement of lawn/garden patio furniture or dceorative wrought iron Üirniturclbenehes in ihiit yard requires approval. 2. For specific color choices on ornamentation projects, rcfer to Section F, Paint Colors. 3. Holiday decorations - can be installed 30 days prior to the holiday and must be removed 30"days aller the holiday associated with the decorations. 4. Permanent roof mounted ornamentalIon is not permitted. 5. Ground mounted llagpoles cannot exceed 20' in height. The flag(s) must be displayed starting at: 0,,; lOp of the pole and actual size ol'he nag(s) are used in p,'oporlIonto the height of the nagpolc. Proper nag etiquette shall be lollowed at all times. Poles can be blaek, white, or color to be approved by the ARC. Location of the llagpolc shall be in the rear yard only, minimum distance of the J1agpole from any wall shall bc at least the height of the J1agpole. 6. Flags displaying advertising are not permitted. 7. l'eniianell placement of Iawn/gai'den ornamentation in driveways is not permitted. 28 K. WALLS, GA'mS, WROUGHT IRONIRAILINGS Section 1: Conimon Enclosure l'ro.ieets I. Walls (privacy, party, buff"r) 2, Gates/Gate Screening 3. Wrought Iron 4. Railings 5. Wrought Iron Screening SeeHou 2: Subiiltal Re(IUirenients (needed for ARC Sllbliittal) Layout of existing cnclosures on property, noting height of existing walls, proposed height of additional courses of brick, gate/screcning matei'ial. If submitting plans for screening, color of screen and/or sample of material would bc hclpf\il. SeeHoli3: Genel'l Association Gnidclincs (cxpeeted approved uses) Walls and fences in Rancho Vistoso have two functions. The most basic use of walls and f"nces relae to privacy and security, both of which arc cxtrcmcly important. 'l1ie Design Guidelines, however, are conccrned with the potential to provide handsome and unifying elciient for the overall community, Section 4: Siiccilïc approval conditions, exclnsions, etc. L. Residential walls and fences in "normal' conditions shall be a iiinimum of tïve (5) fcet high as measured fì'om an adjacent grade. Walls between areas with aii elevation difTerenee of greater than two (2) feet will require ease-by"case approval by the Architectural Review Commitee. Closcly spaced parallcl walls shall be disapproved. 2, l'rior to the construction of any fcnce 01' wall, plans indicating materials to be used and location shall be submitted to the Architectural Rcvicw Committee for approvaL. Property lines shall be veritìed by the OWIlcr prior to construction. 3. In the event of a dispute betwecn Owncrs with respect to the construetion, rcpair or rebuilding of a party wall or party ¡"nee, 01' with respect to the sharing of the cost theæoJ; such adjoining Owners shall submit the dispute to the Architectural Review Comniittee. The decision of the Architeetural Review Committee shall be binding subjeetto the right of appeal to the Board of Directors. 4, Any knees or walls installed by the Declarant will not be removed, altered 01' painted without the Architectural Review Committee's prior written approval. 5, All bloek walls visible from any street, parking area or open space within the property wil be stuccoed and painted per the discretion of the ARC. 6. Permitted exterior fìnished materials for walls include plastered unit masonry, adobe, slump, split or textured decorative block. Othcr materials must be approvcd by the Arcbiteetural Review Committee. 7. Wrought iron screening" refer to Section 1', Paint colors for appropriate color selection, 29 L. ANTENNAE Section i: Common Anl:eiiia 1'I'ojects 1. Conventional 2. Dish/Microwave 3. Cabling/mounting hardware Section 2: Snbmittal Re'inii'emcnts (needed fol' ARC Submittal) Layout of area where antenna is to be installed on property/structure, type of antenna, dimensions of antenna, screening/camoutlaging if applieable. Scetion3: Genel'al Association Guidelines (expected appl'oved uses) An te/JLIJ1. D~11¡n it ¡()n,~' 1. Antennas are delined as any antenna 01 other device f(.ir the transmission or reception of television or radio signals or any other form of cleetromagnetic radiation (including related hardware, eables, braekets), that shall be erected, used, or maintained outdoors on any Lot or Parecl, whether attaehed to a building 01 struel\n'c or otherwise. 2. The del1nition of antenna is universal and pertains to all manuJacturcrs and technologies. 3. In general, antenna installation wil conform to the t"deral regulations as del1ned in FCC 96-328. Section 4: Specific approval conditions, exclnsions, ete ÇQlldi.ii!w,t(lt!4Bpmiirt!1ents I. IMPORTANT NOTE: Every antenna installation must be submitted to thc Architectural Review Committee (ARC). installation (JuidelilJfli An approvcd not-visilile,Jì'onHieighboring-propcrty plaeemcnt of the video antenna and/oi' adequate screening shall be a requirement of the installation provided that the restriction docs not impair a viewer's ability to receive signals, as del1ned bclow: a. unreasonably dclays or prevents installation, niaintenanee, or use of advice b. unreasonably inereases the cost of installation, maintenance 01' use of such devices e. precludes reception of an acceptable quality signaL. 30 M. DOORS/WINDOWS/AWNINGS Scctioiil: Commoii Door/Window/Awning l'l',jeets 1. Internal Window Treatment 2, Screen Doors 3. Security Doors 4. Gated Entry 5. Window Framing 6, Sunscreen (solar and mm) 7. Gutters 8. Rolling Shutters 9. Exterior Awnings SceUon 2: Submittal Reqiiirement:s (needed for ARC Siibmittal) Layout of house area where projcet is to be installed, with description, proposed color, design, dimensions. Sample brochures, pictorial drawing, or photographs are helpfuL. Seetioii 3: Genenil Associatioii Giiidelines (expected Iippl'vcd IiSCS) In general the Association promotes installation exterior treatments in harmony with the surrounding southwestcrn desert theme in colors as designated in Section 1', Paint Colors. Exterior additions and changes should be used in unobtrusive proportion to thc size of the house and yard. Exterior treatments arc subject to weathering conditions and will require periodic maintenance to remain in good condition. Seetioii 4: Specific approval conditioiis, CXclIlSioIiS, etc. 1. Gutters and downspouts closcly match the color of where tho gutter/downspout is to be attached (high reflective aluminum is prohibited). 2. Sunscreen material in black, bronze, 01' match existing sCreen color (no white or bright color screening material). 3. Plastic sheeting material, when visible from neighboring property is not permitted as an awning for patios and balconies. made of weld cd steel tube or wrought iron (fÒr color, refer to Section F, Paint Colors). 5. No high reflectivity materialimiy be installed in windows or doors. 6. Exterior wrought iron window treatment (bars)/ security bars are prohibited. 4. Security door 7. Exterior awnings (eloth) a. only solid color to match main exterior house color (not trim color) b. awnings are permitkd in the rear yard area only (no Ü'ont or side elevation awnings) e. one permitted in lieu of 01' in addition to rear covered patio structure, the dimensions of the patio area/awning shall not extend out from the house more than 12' l1'om the access door and at nil extension shall not be any closer than 5' Ùom any privacy wall, while the width of the awning across the structure shall not exceed 20' d. awnings must be maintained in good condition at all times e. metal framing to be beige or other color as approved by ARC f no plastic, mctal, alUniinum awning material (except lÌ'me) exceptions and variances will be reviewed on 11 case~by-case basÎs. g. awnings restricted to lower floor only; no awnings on windows h. no ground mounted veitical supports 8. Rolling shutter assemblies to match color of home and/or window trim area. All rolling shutter installation require specific written approval of the ARC. 31 N. ROOfI MOUNTED DEVICES Section I: Common Roof Mounted I'...jeets i. Solai' Panels 2. Solar Heaters 3. Solatube 4. Skylights 5. RoofVcntilalOrs 6. External Gable Ventilator Section 2: Submittal Re'ini..ements (needed for ARC Submittal) Layout of area where roof mounted device is to be installed on property/structure, type of device, dimensions of device, proposed color of device, if possible, pictoriallbrochui'e of device to be installed, Any mechanical equipment installed on mission tile rooí1ng must be black, bronze or blend with the color of the roof tile, and mechanical equipmcnt may only be installed on Santa Fe roof); with complete and proper shiclding. Section 3: General Association Guidelines (expected approved nscs) In general the Association encourages the use of energy effcient devices, providing the dcvices, materials, colors, and screening arc aesthetically acceptable to the eOiimunity. Scetion 4: Specific apiiroval conditions, exclnsions, etc. i, Roof mounted devices, such as solartube and skyligbts are paintcd to closcly match roof tile material (except actual skylight, glass pancls which may not be clear or wbite). 2, Solw' panels/heaters installed on roofs/patios must be acceptably sercencd or not "visible" (refer section L, Antenna Guidelines). 32 o. ROOFING Section I: Common RoolÏng l'l'.iects 1. Santa Fe 2. Mission Tile 3. Patios 4, Structural Additions (refer to Section B, Structural Additons) Section 2: Submittal Requircmcuts (needed fot' ARC Suhmitt:il) For color changes, refer to Section F, Paint Coloi's thr color choices. For roofing submittal, if possible, include actual sample roof tie materiaL. If that is not possible, on the submittal, note if the roofíng material exists on another home in the community. Refer to Section 13, Structural Additions, for specinc submittal reqiiirem(,liS lor roofing on patios and stnict\iral additions. If the roonng project is to replace broken/missing tiles that matches the existing color and material, no submittal is required. Section 3: Genei'al Association Guidelines (expected aPP,'ovcd nses) In general, roonng matOl'ial instalkd by the builders arc reviewed and approved during the development review process with a submittal from the builder, Materials and colors of roof materials, currcntly part of t.he coiiiiiunity arc encouraged. Section 4: Specific approval conditions, exclusions, etc. i. White, high rdleetivity, high glaze color is not permitted. 2. On mission tile roofs, no more than one roofiiateriaitile is permitted. 3. Structural addition roofing color/style materials are eneoiiraged to be the Same as the existing Ilain house color/style. 4. Aluminiim llashing material must be painted to mateh existing house color. 33 1'. MISCELLANEOUS Section 1: Miscelliiieous Items 1. ReÜlsc Containers 2. Maintenance Equipmcnt (tools, laddcrs, hoses) 3. Mailboxes Scetioii 2: SUbiiitt,,1 Re'iuircments (needed fol' ARC Submittal) No ARC submittal is rcquired (cxcept any changes to 01' replaeement mailbox 01' mailbox post) Seetioii 3: Geliel'''l Associ"tion Guidclines (exiiected "ppl'ved uscs) Maintenance equipment shall be visible only on as necded/usage basis, Unless trash/recycling containers arc ont on pickup day, CC&R's rcquirc that membcrs place trash and recycling containcrs out of view of neighboring propcrty. Section 4: Specitie "pproval eoiiditioiis, exclusious, cte, J, Execpt for gardcn hoses, maintenance cquipment is not pcrmitted for permanent storage in li'oiit of the privacy wall and during temporary usage should not bc visiblc longcr than 48 hours. 2, Containers, primarily designed for trash, placcd on curb on pickup days shall bc maintainexl in a clean, well"kept manncr. 3. No changes to individual mailboxcs shall bc granted Ih)Il original builder installcd approvcd mailboxes. 34