- County of Lennox and Addington
- County of Lennox and Addington
- 41 - Walters-Wagar Collection BOX 31: Song Book of a Methodist Circuit Rider Re. hand-written singing book. 11 I do not know where thi s came from to my grandmother . My grandmother (Etta Wagar) had a very musical set of grandparents - Huffs. The well-usted book was obviously for part singing without accompaniment and I had wondered if it was used by a travelling methodist minister or circuit rider. One of Etta Cole's ancestors, I think her great grandparent, was Barnabas Huff or Hough, a circuit rider. 11 Allan Walters POSTERS AND PICTURES ch i ve s Village Recrutuits [sic] [Lithograph after Nachdruck] Condition poor. This lithograph hung in the dining room of home of Charles Walters Sr. on East Street. Dr. Walters believed it was an early lithogra ph from the first quarter of the century. Location: picture drawer 6, folder F-3. 973.P0016 L& A C ou nt y Ar Home from the War, and in cident from the South Africa n Campaign. [Boer War] A chromo-lithograph, printer unknown. Undated. Condition, good . Belonged to Mrs. Lester Waga~ Dr. Walters thought it interesting that this print was framed using square nails, suggesting that the frame was much older than the picture. Location: picture drawer 6, folder F-3 973.P0017 L& A C ou nt y Ar ch i ve s Index Adair, Joe Adolphustown, St . Alban the Martyr Agriculture, dairy, butter, colouring of Eaton's and rural mar ket Alkenbrack, Douglas, MP Allen, R.B. Anderson, R. Animals, dogs, dog carts Architecture, landscape design Arts, decorative, fireplace a lteration , 1957 music, Ladies' Musical club, 1913 music, music book, Methodist music, music books music, popular, 1870c music, popular, 1887, University songs music, popular, 1898 music, popular, Rotary songs music, popular, Walters Dance Band music, Scottish song-drama music, song recital, 1911-12 painting, water-colours poetry, folk, 1929 prints, chromo-lith prints, lithograph theatre, England, 1944 visual, teaching of Austin, L. J . , Dr. Austria, Salzburg, 1948 Vienna, 1948 Babcock, Harry LeRoy Barry, Leo, J . Bartlett, Albert Belleville, University Women's Club Bentley, J., Sgt. Major Bide, Geoffrey Bide, Katherine [Kit] Bogart, Frank, Mrs . Bon Echo Inn, c1914 Booth, Mrs. Borden Company, 1950 Bove, Peter Bowen, Elizabeth Palmer Boyle, E.J., Mrs. Boyle, W.H., Mrs. Boys' Own Annual, 1913-1914 Boys' Own Papers, 1915-16, 1921-22 Briggs Family Brown, Hattie Browne, Edna Buildings & businesses, grocery, 1899 Campbell, C.W. Canada Steamship Lines Canada Vin egars Limited 31 12 36 23 18' 30 4 20 10 18 17 26 41 39-41 39 39 39 30 14 26 25, 26 36 35 41 41 14 29 12 10 10 11 9 29 25 10 18 10, 17 4' 5 28 24 38 18 13 19 19 19 19 13 16 17 35 34 25 38 L& A C ou nt y Ar ch i ve s Canada, citizenship, attitudes to 31 Department of the Interior 24 Health & Welfare 24 Canadian Homes Magazine 20 Canadian Kodak 20 Canadian Neurological Society 12 Cards, calling cards 28 commercial 5 gum, c1915 8 greeting 5 Cards, greeting, 1910 - 1929 27 greeting, 1940's 27 greeting, 1950's 27 greeting, 1950-1964 16 greeting, 1960's 27 greeting, 1970's 27 greeting, birthday, 1908 24 greeting, b i rthday, 1952 30 greeting, Ch r istmas, 1933 35 greeting, Christmas, 1946 22 greeting, Christmas, 1951 18 greeting, Christmas, 1975 35 greeting, Christmas, c1959 23 greeting, Christmas, n.d. 19 greeting, Christmas, n.d. 25 greeting, hand-drawn 13 greeting, invitations, 1943 22 greeting, Mother's Day, Father's Day 27 greeting, Valentines 27 Cards, postcards, 1910 - 1970 28 postcards, Christma s 11 postcards, leather 6 trade - advertisemen t s 27 Challis, George H. 18 Chapman, Charle s 3 Charter s , George 13 Chatham, Central School, 1900 28 Children, b i rthday pa r ty of 6-year old, 1912 19 19 books for boy s , 1913-1922 doggrel verse, 1929 35 letters to Santa, 1924-25 6 report cards, 1913-14 24 scrapbooks made by 28-29 summer camp for, 1932 25 WW2, in I t aly, condition of 16 Christie, Kathleen G. 12 Churches & religion, Anglican 23, 26 Anglican Sunday School 6 Methodist, song book, early 41 Salvation Ar my, 1942 25 service to 3rd world 27 United Church Women 2 Churchill, Winston, cousin of, see Spencer-Churchill L& A C ou nt y Ar ch i ve s Citizenship Clark, John C. Clarke, D. Cleghorn, Bob Cliff, George Cobourg, Collegiate Institute, 1923 Cockburn, Jack Cole, Durward Cole, Etta Cole, Henrietta Maria Coleman, J.H.H., Rev. Collins, H.D. Commodities, butter, colouring of wrought iron, impo r tation of Communication, radio, CBC Congergood, Jean Cornell, C., Mrs. Costume, 1918 1930, ideal Cow Brand Baking Soda, 1903 Cow Brand Baking Soda, 1924 Cromwell, relics from Crooks, Leroy Cu rr y, Katie Curry, Mrs. Daly, Edward Daly, Herbert, Mrs. Daverne, Ted Davey, Mrs. Davis Gelatine, 1932 Davy, B.F . , Mrs. Davy, Helen Davy, Wi l l i am A. , Mrs . Oeseronto, Camp Rathbun, 1917 Dawson's Camp, 1950's Diamant, Nicholas Diamond Dye Company Doyle, J.V. Drumbo, Village of Dumbrille, Dorothy Dunkel, Anna Lilyan Eaton's Eaton's, sponsor's summer camp, 1932 Education, 11 The Entrance 11 , 1898-99 artbooks, 1890-1900 high school year books, 1923 report cards, 1913-14 teachers, training of textbooks, greek and latin textbooks, readers textbooks, shorthand Edward VII 23 19 3 16 2' 16 34 20 16 15' 40 3 2 2' 2 6 22 36 6 31 17 19 29 38 36 37 15 31 3 3 16 19 14 3 38 19 19 19 17 28 19 36 6 20 8 25 23 25 35 29 34 24 35 35 35 35 23 L& A C ou nt y Ar ch i ve s Edward VIII 24 Edwards, A.M. 10 Egg-0 Baking Powder, 1924 37 Elder, Jack 31 England, Oxford, life in 1944 14 Entertainment, films, 1945 8 lectures, Africa, 1966-7 31 Entertainment, plays (amateur), at collegiate 25 plays (amateur), Alice in Wonderland 25 plays (amateur), Esther 26 plays (amateur), Iolanthe 26 plays (amateur), Lets Go 26 plays (amateur), Passing Show of 1923, 25 plays (amateur), Red Cross 1917 25 Erickson, Art 31 Ernesttown Township, 1860, accrost ic made in 19 Evans, Maud R. 4' 5 Even, Beryl 18 Excelsior Fire Brigade 3 Ferguson, G. Howard 34 Festivals, Christmas, carols 40 Christmas, Santa 6 Empire Day, 1900 28 Fitchett, Hannah Adelaide, death of 19 Fitzpatrick, James, Mrs. 19 Five Roses Flour, 1913 37 31 Forshee, James Fox, C.B. 25 Francis, A.E. 9, 10 Fraser, Mary 29 Frost, Edward 18 Froud, C.S. 35 Galloway, Lillian E. 17 George VI 8, 10, 24 Gibbon, J.H. 13 Goodman, Joseph A. 34 Graham, Mark P . 22, 31 Grange, H., Miss 6 Grange, J.H., WW2 address 16 Grange, Jack 8, 16 Grange, W.A. 22, 30, 31 Grange, William A., Mrs. 19 Gravenhurst, Canadiana Lodge 2 6' 28 Gurnett, E.G. 18 Hagar, Jonathan 31 Halifax, letters to during WW2 15 Hallaiday, Ferna 25 Hawley, Et hel 16 L& A C ou nt y Ar ch i ve s Health & welfare, guaranteed income supplement medical insurance mental retardation prescriptions, 1907 tuberculosis Henderson, J. Henry, Jennie Herrington, G.C. Herrington, W.S. Herrington, W.S., Mrs. Hicks, Mabel Hill, Agnes Hinch, Ogden Hinds, Rupert Historical events, 1898-1902 Boer War 1912-1916 WW1, general WW1, air raids WW1, registration card WW1, revue to raise money WW1, scrapbook of WW1, soldier•s diary, 1919 WW 1 , t h r i f t card 1918, Halifax explosion 1935, jubilee 1937, abdication 1937, coronation WW2, general WW2, American effort WW2, Auschwitz WW2, Battle of Britain WW2, camp conditions, 1944 WW2, Canadian Army Hospital WW2, Canadians in England WW2, cooking during WW 2, D- Day WW2, end of WW2, entertaining patients WW2, food shortages WW2, Italian campaign WW2, knitting for troops WW2, life as medical officer WW2, London after bombing WW2, parcels for soldiers WW2, ration card WW2, rationing WW2, savings certificate WW 2, V. E . Day WW2, warships 1964, flag debate 1964, medicate Historical events, exhibitions, 1941 exhibitions, Expo •67 24 22 23 11 32 35 40 22 21' 22 19 17 35 5 9 28 41 28 9 10 13 25 29 28 11 10 23 24 24 10 15 10 8 15 15 14-16 38 8 15 15, 16 15 15, 16 20 14-16 15 23 14 8 26 16 8 18 22 20 23 L& A C ou nt y Ar ch i ve s Historical issues, medicare, 1964 flag debate racial tolerat i on temperance, 1929 Holland, Edna F. Hoover Constellation vaccuum Hoover Lark vaccuum Howard, W.A. Huff Family Huff, Barnabas Huffman Huston , Wi 1 1 i am I Pee Chee Gum Company Ingersoll, St. Charles Evaporated Milk Insurance, 1913-1918 London Guarantee and Accident Norwich Union Ocean Accident and Gua r antee Ridgely Protective International Harveste r , 1929 Irwin, Frank C. Jell-0, 1924 Jell-0, c1903-1905 Johns, Ethel Johnson, Florence Kaladar, cone. 5, lot 23 Karl, Betty Keenan, Vincent Kellogg Company, 1933 Kelsch, R.S. Kidd, W.E., Rev. Kimmerley, Art Kimmerley, G.M., gr ave of Kingston Choral Society Kingston, G.A. Kingston, Johnson's Nu r series Kingston Collegiate Kingston Collegiate Institute, 1923 Queen's Un i versity Queen's University, 1925 Kitchener, Collegiate Institute, 1923 Kitchener, General Knowles, Francis Tyner Knox's Gelatine, 1896 Kronkheit, Mr. Labour, internat i onal organization of Laidley, Percy Lasher, Harold H. Lattimore, Kingston Lavell, W.S. Law enforc ement, respect for law Leacock, George D. Lee, Ling 22 18 23 34 4 20 20 17 41 41 4 17 8 38 17 17 17 17 17 38 10 37 36 32 4 6 17 34 38 17 10' 23 10 10' 20 26 23 18 10 34 22-23 11 34 9 35 36 3 23 9 18 31 34 23 25 22 L& A C ou nt y Ar ch i ve s Lees, John, WW2 address Leisure, accrostic, 1860 autograph book cameo painting crepe paper crafts, 1930's crystalline crafts, 1930's gardening gardening, 1950's home movies knitting, patterns for rug-making summer cottage visiting, 1917 Lennox and Addington, County of, c1929 Lennox Lumber Company Light, Misses Linnard, Larry London, London Central Collegiate, 1923 Macdonald, Manly MacGregor, A. Mair, Jessie Maps, and travel pamphlets Martin, Floyd Martin, Harold McCabe Family McDougall, Michael McGreer, A.H., Rev. McGreer, Harold McKenna, James Meaford Camp Merry, Ruth Merry, Susan C. Merry, William I. Midmer, W.O. Military, 4th Canadian Field Ambulance army medical corps, WW2 Canadian Signal Corp crests, Br i tish Army, c1914 Miller, Bart Miller, Fred Miller, Lorne Miller, W.M. Ming, Dr. Moffat range Moffat Steam Cooker Monteith, J. Waldo Montreal, Kelsch Consulting Eng in eers Morden, A.L. Muskoka, Bigwin Inn My 1 k e s, Dr. My 1 k s, Barb a r a Napanee Express, 1920, July 23 Napanee Gas, Water and Electric Light Napanee Power and Light, 1907 16 19 6 36 20 20 13' 28 20 20 20 36 19 28 24 24 19 31 34 25 22 29 28 14 14 4 19 10 14 34 10 18 18 18 6 14 15 11 24 15 15 31 9 22 20 20 24 17 20 38 8 19 19 14 27 L& A C ou nt y Ar ch i ve s Napanee Public Utilities 12, 17-18 Napanee Water Purification Plant 18 Napanee, Allen Music Store 5 armouries 14' 2 6 Bank of Montreal 38 Briscoe Opera House 26 businesses, 1891 28 Chinese Restaurants in 22 Clarkville 24 Dennison Grocers 37 Dominion Store 22 East Street, 160, fireplace at 17 electric light plan, 1907 17 Gas Works, lighting fixtures 28' 29 Gibbard Furniture Company 20 Grand Cafe, opening of 22 Harvey Warner Park 24 Hogarth's Book and China 22 Hooper's Drug Store 37 land holdings and roads, 1831 22 Mack Opera House 25 24 Macpherson House, restoration of Memorial Community Centre 26 Napanee Collegiate 11, 12, 25, 32, 33, 35 Napanee Collegiate, The Torch 34 Napanee Model School 24' 35 Napanee Public School 24 Ontario Street, 37 2 Paisley Grocery Store 19 3 Pearl Street pool 31 St. Mary Magdalene's 6, 11, 23 St. Mary Magdalene, 1908 24 Strand Theatre 25 21 Trinity Methodist White Elephant Store 31 William Street, lot 8, n . s . 5, 6 Wonderland Theatre 25 Nattress, D.I. 13 32 Nightingale, Florence 14 Normile, Bill 38 Norsworthy, C.A. 27 Northern Electric Ogilve Flour, c1912 36 Ontario Hydro 18 L& A C ou nt y Ar ch i ve s Ontario Medical Association, 1957, 1963-4 22 Ontario, Health & Welfare, letter from 24 Ministry of Education, essay contest 34 Osborne, John 16 Owen Sound, Collegiate Institute, 1923 34 Palmquist, Gordon 31 Parks, Elsie 24' 29 Patriotism 2 8' 35 16 Penny, Bob Photography, movies, amateur 20 tinting of photographs 36 Pidgeon, E. Leslie, Rev. 31 Pollard, E.J. 22 Poole, Clara E. 17 14 Poole, Robert Poole, Werk 17 9 Post, Grace Pringle, Sarah 5 Printer 's plates 28 Pruyn, Mrs. 3 Quebec, Lennoxville, Bishop ' s College 10 Rayworth, Agnes M. 18 Recipes, 1896-1960 36-38 18 cream toffee d ate pudding, cake 24 Redpath Sugar, c1914 37 Reiffenstien, Mrs. 19 13 Rennie, Bertha Rennie, James 13 Resource development, hydro-electric power 16, 17-18, 20 Roberts, J.F . 17 12 Robinson, J.W. Royal Bank of Canada, Monthly Let ter 23 Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons 25 Saskatoon, WW1 19 34 Sault Ste. Marie, Collegiate Institute, 1923 27 Savon Soap Schamerhorn, Ada M. 35 Scott, Georgie 10 14 Seah o r n, Bob 5 Selwood, F.S. 6, 29 Seymour Power and Electric Company Sharp, Mart in 18 13 Sharpe, Agnes Sharpe, Harold R. 13 13 Sharpe, Luther 16 Shipp, Dou glas Shipp, FrankL., MD 6' 7 ' 1 3 ' 16, 17 Shipp, Margaret Shipp, Peter Shipp, Stuart Siemel, Sasha Smith, Bill Smith, Mary Augusta Soby, J.S., Mrs. 14 14 23 31 14 5 19 25 ch i ve s Social events, at home, 1912, Masons 21 at home, 1912, Spinsters' 19 at home, 1912-1914 19 at home, 1913, Bachelors & Benedicts at home, 1914, Matrons & Maids 26 card-playing, 1943 22 cocktails, 1950's 38 dances, 1911, Bachelors' Ball 19 dances, 1923 18 dances, 1924 19 party, 1912, child's birthday 19 party, 1930's table setting 20 party, 1964 19 C ou nt y Ar 26 Societies & clubs, Figure Skating Club Ladies Musical Club 26 Masonic Order 14, 16, 21, 23 Mechanics' Institute, 1857 35 Oddfellows 20, 21 3 , 14, 19, 13, 2 5, 32 Red Cross Rotary 2 5, 2 7, 30-31 Rotary, Harmsworth Races 24 Scouts 7 , 10, 11 Yuwana 11 31 8, 15 Sports, badminton, 1912-1921 baseball, 1924 baseball, 1934 figure skating, 1957-61 high school hockey track and field 19 10 20 26 25 26 11 Stuart, Bathie Sturton, Ainsworth H.G. Sunbeam Mixmaster Sweeney, F. Taylor, E., Mrs. 31 18 20 13 4 L& A Spain, Frank E. Spencer-Churchill, Capt. L& A C ou nt y Ar ch i ve s 10 Templeton boys, graves of 22 Templeton, W. 17 Tett, Bill 13 Tett, H.B. 17 Tett, Helen 22 Thake, Doug 5 Tompkins, Betty Toomey, Arthur 3 Toronto, Canadian National Exhibition, 1941 20 12 Miller Men•s Wear Toronto General Hospital 32 Trinity College 19, 2 7' 3 3 University of Toronto Songbook, 1887 39 23 Upper Canada College 2 Trades/professions, baker 3 carpenter nursing, 1930•s 32 3 weaver 23 Transportation, land, bus, 1951 dog carts 10 railways, C.N., 1930•s 28 railways, C.P., 1950 28 7-8 Transportation, water, corvette Proctector ship, Athabaskan 15 9 Trousdale, Capt. 14 Turner, Aldrin 27 Type of record, advertisement, soap 6 autograph book calendar, 1881-1990 27 calendar, 1925 28 21 menu 22 menu, 1926 scrapbooks 28-29 United Empire Loyalists 4' 12 27 Upper Canada Bible Society 40 USA, Buffalo, assasination at 28 California, Los Angeles, 1929 California, Naval Air Station 17 25 Illinois, St. Louis, Aluminum Ore Company New York, Carthage 17 19 Vandusen, Mrs., death of Vanluven, Franklin, Mrs. 25' 26 Victorian Or der of Nurses 13' 3 2 20 Viking refrigrator 19 Vrooman, J.P., Mrs. 4 Wagar, Barent 3 Wagar, C.R. 6 Wagar, Cy. 18 Wagar, Edna B. 3, 6 Wagar, Elizabeth Palmer L& A C ou nt y Ar ch i ve s Wagar, Ephraim 3' 2 8 Wagar, Ephraim, Mrs. 17 Wagar, Fred 5 4 Wagar, Gertrude 28 Wagar, Gertude, diary Wagar, H.M., Mrs. 2' 28 4 Wagar, Hamilton Wagar, Haro ld Milford 4 Wagar, Henrietta 3' 6 Wagar, Kath 1een 27, 28, 33 2, 13, 14, 15 Wagar, Lester 41 Wagar, Lester, Mrs. 4, 5 Wagar, Levi Wagar, Louis Archibald 2' 3 Wagar, Luthe r 13' 3 3 2, 3 Wagar, Luther Allen 34 Wagar, Nellie Wagar, Perry 3, 5 Wagar, Stella 3, 6, 33, 35 Wagar, Stephen Lester 13 24 Wales, M.E. Wallace, Lynda 19 14, 27, 30 Walters Dance Band 24 Walters, Allan, MD, childhood education in high school 34 in orchestra 14 letters 9-11 letters from England , WW2 14-16 scrapbooks of 28 - 29 sings comic song 20 speaks at O.M.A. 22 supports Macpherson House 24 14, 15, 17, 19 Walters, Austin 16 Walters, Austin, WW2 address 7, 8, 9, 14, 2 3' 34 Walters, Charles A., Jr. Walters, Charles A., Jr., school notebooks 35 6, 13-18, 22, 30, 31, 3 3' 34 death of 18 diary of 16 marriage of 17 printing plates 28 Walters, Charles Henry Austin 9 Walters, E. J. 33 17 Walters, Florence Walters, George T. 10 Walters, George Thomas 16 Walters, James 20 Walters, James Ernest 16 Walters, Kathleen J . W. 14 15 Walters, Lena Walters, Margaret 6, 7, 10' 26 birth of 17 nursing 32 scrapbooks of 28' 29 valedictorian 32 verse copied into book 35 wedding of 17 Walters, Margaret - see also Shipp, Margaret Walters, Nancy Jane 19 Walters, Stella 7 Walters, Stella, in orchestra 14 19 Ward, G.C.T., MD. 16 Ward, G.C.T., MD, death of 12 Ward, George Watercombe 19' 22 West, Nell 10' 26 Westport, Thake Monument s 22 31 Wilhelmsen, Romain 14 Wilson, Jack Wilson, Wilfred S . 31 Women, appliances of l93o•s - 1950•s 20 auxilliary babies• branch, cl883 23 br ead, baking of 37 19 coming out party, cl914 evolution of work in kitchen 36-38 motherhood, 1910 6 motherhood, 1930•s 32 12 nurse, story by nur s ing training, 193o•s 26' 32 paid companion 4' 5 visiting list, 1917 28 3 weave r s in 19th century Napanee 5 Woodcock, Bertha 33 Woodcock, J.N. Woodcock, William and Bell 4' 5 23 Youth L& A C ou nt y Ar ch i ve s Walters, Charles A., Sr. es iv Ar ch MUSIC WHICH BELONGED TO STELLA WAGAR BEFORE HER MARRIAGE L& A C ou nt y Dr. Walters identified this particular set of sheet music as having belonged to his mother before her marriage. Most of the music is copyrighted before 1911, but one sheet is dated 1932, and some of the music seems rather early for Stella Wagar. However, the sheets have been left as a discreet group. L& A es Wellesley, Arthur Sousa Oesten, Th. Handel/Haydn Gilbert, J.L. Hollaway, John Blumenthal, Jacques Cowen, Frederic H. Horn, Charles E. Trotere, H. Ball, Ernest R. Edward s, Ed. Greene, Edwin Darlington, Hugh Lack, Theodore Ingraham, Herbert Sawyer, Frank E. Schmid, Johann Borowski, Felix Godard, Benjamin Spindler, F. Chaminade, C. Heller, Max ime Ferner, A. Marti, Esteban Scharwenka, Philipp Si·rnith, Sydney Ernst, Henri, arr y Date Visual 1896 1897 1892 1895c 1895c 1865 1895c 1895c 1911 1901 fair 1882c 1903 1900c 1900c fair n.d. 1882 1895c 1895c 1900c 1898 (c) 1893 fair 1908 1909 1903 1898 1891 1910 1894 fair 1899 fair 1896 1896 1907c fair 1895 1910 fair 1898 1899 1889 1906 1900c 1898c iv Ar ch Composer Godard, B. Borowski, Felix Lack, Theodore Watson, Michael Gerstenberg, F. Schumann Halsey, W.R. Smith, Sydney Heller, Jerome Ducelle, Paul C ou nt Title Gigue Mazurka No. 2 Valse-Arabesque Cynthia, A Right Merrie Dance [Laura Ward] Valse Elegante Hunting Song, and Happy Farmer Sweet Memories Faust, Fantaisie Brillante Rosary, The Feather Dance Anthology, Latest and Most Popular Waltzes March of the Dominion El Capitan March Good Luck Waltz Love in her Eyes, and Finale He rminia 'A Scotch Ballad' Wood Up 'Celebrated Quickstep' Chant du Cigne Mission of a Rose, The Cherry Ripe [written before 1849] Asthore To the End of the World with You Sweet Dreams, My Love, Sweet Dreams If She But Knew Festival Gavotte Arietta All That I Ask of You is Love Shine on, Oh Stars! Graden of Roses, The Mazurka No. 1 Bergers et Bergeres Convent Bel l s Les Sylvains (The Fauns) Sunset on the St. Lawrence [mark F.W. Barrett] Canzonetta Love's Murmur Moment Musical Il Trovatore Serenade Etude, The [cover missing] Accession 975.8.170 975.8.171 975.8.172 975.8.173 975.8 .174 975.8.174A 975.8.175 975.8.176 975.8.177 975.8.178 975.8.179 975.8.180 975.8.180A 975.8.181 975.8.182 975.8.183 975.8.184 975.8.185 975.8.186 975.8.187 975.8.188 975.8.189 975.8.190 975.8.191 975.8.192 975.8.193 975.8.194 975.8.195 975.8.196 975.8.197 975.8.198 975.8.199 975.8.200 975.8.201 975.8.202 975.8.203 975.8.204 975.8.205 975.8.206 975.8.207 Location WW18-01 WW18-01 WW18-01 WW18-0l WW18-0l WW18-0l WW18-0l WW18-0l WW18-0l WW18-01 WW18-02 WW18-02 WW18-02 WW18-02 WW18-02 WW18-02 WW18-02 WW18-02 WW18-02 WW18-02 WW18-03 WW18-03 WW18-03 WW18-03 WW18-03 WW18-03 WW18-03 WW18-03 WW18-03 WW18-03 WW18-04 WW18-04 WW18-04 WW18-04 WW18-04 WW18-04 WW18-04 WW18-04 WW18-04 WW18-04 Morceaux-Brillants pour le Piano Forte [cover only] Wagner Fantasie Anthology, Little Carnival and others Anthology, Rustic Dance and others Anthology, Shubert s Impromptu and others A Dream Bacarolle (Boat Song) Wiegenlied (Lullaby) Musical Bouquet, presented to ladies of Canada . . . Engelmann, H., arr Schmo 11, A. L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv Wright, Ellen Forsyth, W.O. Forsyth, W.O. Hause, Carl es 1 n.d . 1900 1898c 1898 1900c 1900c l890c 1900c 1900c 975.8.208 975.8.209 975.8.210 975.8.211 975.8.212 good 975.8.213 975.8.214 good 975.8.215 fair 972.416 WW18-05 WW18-05 WW18-05 WW18-05 WW18-05 WW18-05 WW18-05 WW18-05 WW18-05 es iv Ar ch L& A C ou nt y MUSIC WHICH BELONGED TO ETTA COLE 1 11 L& A 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 ] ] es 186lb 1843 n.d. 1843 n.d. 1880c 1880c 1890c 1890c 1890c 1844 1875b 1884 (c) 1885c n.d. 1843 1889 1889c 1890c n.d. 1867 n.d. 188Gb 1870c 1847 n.d. 1881 1900c 1891 n.d. n.d. 1860c 1875 1855 iv Heath, L. et al Ar ch Carew, Lady Pinsut i , Ciro Pinsuti, Ci r o Claribel Mary Blind Tom Engelbrecht, J.C. Glover, Stephen Bela, Keler, Op. 73 Graham, Charles Nolan, Michael Dempster, William R. Thiballier, Annie Hawley, C.B. Wellings, Milton Pattison, J.N. Pitts, W.S. Westrop, T. arr Hutchison, William M. ] Woodbury, I. B. Warren, Char 1es Torrington, F.H. Jacobowski, Ed. Hall, Lois ] 11 Date Visual 1876b 1875c 1875c 1850 1860c Curtiss, N.P.B. Ne 1son, S. C ou nt 11 Composer Wesley, Samuel S. Otto, Julius y Title Blessed be the Lord God of Israel Christmas Time, A dramatic Cantata for Children Song of Peace [hand-written copy] When Slumber Sweet Better Land, The [fragment] What is Prayer? God Save the Queen (Musical Bouquet Edition) Anthology, Grave of Bonaparte and others Unidentified fragment, last two pages Anthology, includes The Emblem of Canada by Clarke Bridge, The (words by Longfellow) Fly Forth, 0 Gentle Dove Laddie You and I [Canadian] Rosebud Quickstep [Canadian] Daylight [Canadian] Good Bye, or Farewell, Farewell, is a lonely sound Where shall we find our home? [ Nettie Warner, 75 Lustspiel Overture Picture That is Turned Toward the Wall, The Little Annie Roney Lament of the Irish Emigrant Lighthouse Bells, The Ah! Tis a Dream At the Ferry [Canadian] Sunrise Mazurka Caprice, or Ripple [Canadian] N ~ll i e Wi 1dwood Sweet By and Bt Dream Faces LCanadian] Anthology, including Augusta Polka Be Kind to the Loved Ones at Home Fai ry land, a Waltz Abide With Me Lullaby Song, from Ermine An Old Story [~nscribed to Mr. A.E. Lang Anthol ogy, The Better Choice, [sunday school songs] Anthology, exercises etc. Anthology, three songs [ Rev. J. Austin You are Life and Light to Me, and two other songs Music Trial, The [ Rev. J . Austin, Toronto Woodbury, I. B. good good good fair fair good fair fair good good good Accession Location 975.8.216 975 .8 .217 975.8 .218 975.8.219 975.8.220 975.8.221 975.8.222 975.8.223 975.8.224 975.8.225 975.8.226 975.8.227 975.8.228 975.8.229 975.8.230 975.8.231 975.8.232 975.8.233 975.8.234 975.8.235 975.8.236 975.8.237 975.8.238 975.8.239 975.8.240 975.8.241 975 .8.242 975.8.243 975 .8 .244 975.8.245 975.8.246 975.8 . 247 975.8.248 975.8 .249 975.8.250 975.8.251 975.8.252 975 .8 .253 975.8.254 975.8 .255 WW18-06 WW18-06 WW18-07 WW18-07 WW18-07 WW18-07 WW18-07 WW18-07 WW18-07 WW18-08 WW18-09 WW18-09 WW18-09 WW18-09 WW18-09 WW18-09 WW18-09 WW18-09 WW18-09 WW18-09 WW18-10 WW18-10 WW18-10 WW18-10 WW18-10 WW18-10 WW18-10 WW18-10 WW18-10 WW18-10 WW18-ll WW18-ll WW18-ll WW18-ll WW18-ll WW18-ll WW18-ll WW18-ll WW18-ll WW18-ll iv Mendelssohn Lawr ence, Anice nt y C ou L& A 1854 1890 1870c 1870c 1870 1860c 1891 1890c 1932c n.d. n.d. 1859 es Gi 1more , P. S• Perceval, Sydney Ar ch Good News from Home God Save Canada Parepa [portrait, probably a cover] Meyerbeer [portrait, probably a cover] Chiefs of the French Army [poster] Richardson's New Method for the Piano-Forte Fischer's Method for the Drum, Xylophone, etc. Mendelssohn, Lieder ohne Worte Happy Moments from the music of •.. Loeschhorn, Progressive Studies Anthology, Master Pieces of Piano Music Anthology, The Home Circle, Vol. 1 ["Etta Cole"] 975 . 8.256 fair 975.8.257 975.8.258 975.8 . 259 fa ir 975.8.260 975.8. 261 975.8 .262 975.8.263 good 975.8.264 975 . 8.265 975.8.266 975.8.267 WW18-ll WW18-ll WW18- ll WW18- ll WW18-ll WW18- 12 WW18-13 WW18-14 WW18-15 WW18-15 WW18 WW18 STELLA WAGAR AND ETTA COLE MUSIC, SORTED BY TITLE L& A 1900c 1881 1889c 1910 1891 n.d. 1843 1843 1870c 1882c 1898c n.d. 1898 1900c n.d. 1859 1860c 1891 1893 1890c 1890c 1847 1896 1860c 1876b n. d. 1898 1895c 1898 (c) 1870 1875c 1907c 1895c 1890c 188Gb 1900c 1898c n.d. Ar ch iv Heath, L. et al y Schmoll, A. Lack, Theodor e Trotere, H. Welling s , Milton Forsyth, W.O. Woodbury, I.B . Godard, Benjamin Ne 1son, S. Wesley, Samuel S. Carew, Lady Ferner , A. Blumenthal, Jacques Horn, Char les E. Otto, Julius Spindler , F. Watson, Michael Blind Tom Hutchison, William M. Sousa Warren, Charles good 975.8.213 975 . 8.248 975.8 .239 975.8.194 good 975.8.250 975.8.252 975.8.223 good 975.8.225 975.8.245 975.8.179 975 . 8.210 975.8.266 975.8.211 975.8.212 975.8.251 975.8.267 975.8.253 975.8.193 fair 975.8.188 975.8.240 975.8.214 good 975.8.246 975.8.198 975.8.220 975.8.216 975.8.226 975 . 8.202 975.8.185 975.8.187 fair 975 . 8.260 975.8. 217 fair 975.8.199 975 .8.173 975.8.231 fair 975.8. 244 975 .8.180A 975.8.207 975 .8.247 es Wright, Ellen Torrington, F.H . Hawley, C. B. Ingraham, Herbert Hall, Lois C ou nt A Dream Abide With Me Ah! Tis a Dream All That I Ask of You is Love An Old Story ['nscribed to "Mr. A.E. Lang"] Anthology, exercises etc. Anthology, Grave of Bonaparte and others Anthology, includes The Emblem of Canada by Clarke Anthology, including Augusta Polka Anthology, Latest and Most Popular Waltzes Anthology, Little Carnival and others Anthology, Master Pieces of Piano Music Anthology, Rustic Dance and others Anthology, Shubert's Impromptu and others Anthology, The Better Choice, [sunday school songs] Anthology, The Home Circle, Vol. 1 [ 11 Etta Cole"] Anthology, three songs ["Rev. J. Austin"] Arietta As thore At the Ferry [Canadian] Bacarolle (Boat Song) Be Kind to the Loved Ones at Home Bergers et Bergeres Better Land, The [fragment] Blessed be the Lord God of Israel Br idge, The (words by Longfellow) Canzonetta Chant du Cigne Cherry Ripe [written before 1849] Chiefs of the French Army [poster] Christmas Time, A dramatic Cantata for Children Convent Bells Cynthia, A Right Merrie Dance [Laura Ward] Daylight [Canadian] Dream Faces [Canadian] El Capitan March Etude, The [cover missing] Fairyland, a Waltz WW1 8-05 WW18- ll WW18-10 WW18-03 WW18- 11 WW18- ll WW18-07 WW18-08 WW18- 10 W W18-02 WW18- 05 WW18 WW18-05 WW18-05 WW18-ll WW18 W W18-ll W W18-03 W W18-03 W W18-10 WW18-05 WW18-11 W W18-04 WW18- 07 WW18-06 WW18-09 WW18-04 WW18-02 WW18-02 WW18-ll WW18-06 WW18-04 WW18-01 WW18-09 WW18-10 W W18-02 WW18-04 WW18-ll Pinsuti, Ciro Godard , B. Perceval, Sydney nt y Ar ch iv Engelbrecht, J . C. Oesten, Th . Gilmore, P.S. Schmid, Johann Lawrence, Anice Gilbert, J . L. Schumann Greene, Edwin Simith, Sydney Pinsuti, Ciro Dempster, William R. Chami nade, C. Thiballier, Annie No 1an , Mi c h ae 1 L& A 1895c 1901 1898 1891 1880c 1896 1890 1861b 1844 1900c 1854 1899 1932c 1882 1865 1903 1906 1880c 1843 1895 1889 n.d. n.d. n.d. 1899 1900c 1884 (c) 1903 1896 1897 1890c 1870c 1900c 1889 n .d. 1855 1900c 1867 1870c 1885c Han de 1/Haydn Marti, Esteban Jacobowski, Ed. Bela, Keler, Op . 73 Wellesley, Arthu r Borowski, Felix Borowski, Felix Mendelssohn Cowen, Frederic H. Scharwenka, Phil i pp Woodbury , I. B. Hause, Carl Pitts, W.S. Graham, Charles 975 . 8.176 fair 975.8 .178 975.8 . 192 975.8 .262 good 975 .8. 227 975 .8.170 fair 975 . 8. 257 good 975 .8.222 975 .8. 232 fa i r 975 .8 . 181 975 .8. 256 fair 975.8 . 196 good 975.8 .264 975.8.183 975 .8 . 174A 975 . 8.191 975 .8. 205 975 . 8. 228 good 975 .8 . 237 975.8.200 fai r 975 .8 . 238 975.8.236 975.8 .265 975 . 8. 182 975.8.203 good 975 . 8.249 fai r 975.8 . 234 975 . 8.180 975 .8 . 197 975.8.171 975.8 . 263 975.8 .259 975.8.186 975 .8.204 975 .8.208 975.8 . 255 fair 972 . 416 975 . 8.242 975.8.258 975.8 . 235 es Smith, Sydney Ducelle, Paul Darlington, Hugh C ou Faust, Fantaisie Brillante Feather Dance Festival Gavotte Fischer's Method for the Drum, Xylophone, etc. Fly Forth, 0 Gentle Dove Gi gue God Save Canada God Save the Queen (Musical Bouquet Edit i on) Good Bye, or Farewell, Farewell, is a lonely sound Good Luck Waltz Good News from Home Graden of Roses , The Happy Moments from the music of .. . Herminia 'A Scotch Ballad' Hunting Song, and Happy Farmer If She But Knew Il Trovatore Laddie Lament of the Irish Em i grant Les Sylvains (The Fauns) Lighthouse Bells, The Little Ann i e Roney Loeschhorn, Progressive Studies Love i n her Eyes, and Finale Love ' s Murmur Lullaby Song, from 11 Ermine 11 Lustspiel Overture March of the Domi nion Mazurka No . 1 Mazu r ka No . 2 Mendelssohn, Lieder ohne Worte Meyerbeer [portrait, probably a cover] Mission of a Rose, The Moment Music a1 Morceaux-Brillants pour le Piano Forte [cover only] Music Tr ial, The [ 11 Rev. J. Austin, Toronto 11 ] Musical Bouquet, presented to ladies of Canada ... Ni 11 i e Wildwood Parepa [portrait, probably a cover] Pi cture That is Turned Toward the Wall, The WW18-01 WW18-0l WW18-03 WW18- 13 WW18-09 WW18-01 WW18-ll WW18-07 WW18-09 WW18-02 WW18- ll WW18-03 WW18- 15 WW18- 02 WW18-01 WW18-03 WW18- 04 WW18-09 WW18- 10 WW18-04 WW18-10 WW18-10 WW18- 15 WW18-02 WW18-04 WW18-ll WW18-09 WW18-02 WW18-03 WW18- 0l WW18- 14 WW18- ll WW18-02 WW18- 04 WW18-05 WW18-11 WW18-05 WW18-10 WW18-ll WW18-09 iv es 1860c 1911 1890c 1900c 1894 1875c n.d. 1910 n.d. 1909 1895c 1908 n.d. 1895c 1892 1900 Ar ch Pattison, J.N. Heller, Max ime Westrop, T. arr Edwards, Ed. Halsey, W.R. Ball, Ernest R. Gerstenberg, F. Lack, Theodore Engelmann, H., arr 11 ] Curtiss, N.P.B. Glover, Stephen Forsyth, W.O. Holloway, John Claribel C ou nt 1 L& A 11 Heller, Jerome Mary Ernst, Henri , arr Sawyer, Frank E. y Richardson•s New Method for the Piano-Forte Rosary, The Rosebud Quickstep [Canadian] Serenade Shine on, Oh Stars! Song of Peace [hand-written copy] Sunrise Mazurka Caprice, or Ripple [Canadian] Sunset on the St. Lawrence [mark F.W. Barrett] Sweet By and By Sweet Dreams, My Love, Sweet Dreams Sweet Memories To the End of the World with You Unidentified fragment, last two pages Valse Elegante Valse-Arabesque Wagner Fantas i e What is Prayer? When Slumber Sweet Where shall we find our home? [ Nettie Warner, 75 Wiegenlied (Lullaby) Wood Up •celebrated Quickstep• You and I [Canadian] You are Life and Light to Me, and two other songs 1850 1875b 1900c 1895c 1890c 1875 975.8.261 975.8.177 975.8.230 975.8.206 fair 975.8.195 975.8.218 975.8.241 fair 975.8.201 975.8.243 975.8.190 975.8.175 975.8.189 975.8.224 975.8.174 975.8.172 975.8.209 975 . 8.221 975.8 .219 975.8.233 good 975.8.215 975.8.184 fair 975.8.229 975.8.254 WW18-12 WW18-01 WW18-09 WW18-04 WW18-03 WW18-07 WW18-10 WW18-04 WW18-10 WW18-03 WW18-01 WW18-03 WW18-07 WW18-0l WW18-0l WW18-05 WW18-07 WW18-07 WW18-09 WW18-05 WW18-02 WW18-09 WW18-11 MUSIC OF STELLA WAGAR AND ETTA COLE, SORTED BY DATE Composer Heath, L. et al Ne 1son, S. y Schumann Pitts, W.S. C ou nt L& A Visual Accession 975.8.223 good 975.8.225 good 975.8.237 975.8.232 good 975 .8 .246 975.8.219 975.8.256 975.8.255 975.8.267 975.8.220 975.8.253 975.8.261 good 975.8.222 975.8.174A 975.8.242 fair 975.8.260 975.8.245 975.8.258 975.8.259 975.8.254 975.8.233 975.8.217 975.8 . 218 975.8.216 fair 975.8.244 good 975.8.227 975.8.228 975.8.248 975.8.183 975.8 .179 fair 975.8.234 975.8.235 975.8.204 fair 975.8.238 975.8.239 fai r 975.8.257 975.8.214 fair 975.8.229 975.8.230 es Dempster, William R. Engelbrecht, J.C. Woodbury, I. B. Curtiss, N.P.B. Gilmore, P.S . Woodbury, I.B. iv Title Anthology, Grave of Bonaparte and others Anthology, includes The Emblem of Canada by Clarke 1843 Lament of the Irish Emigrant 1843 Good Bye, or Farewell, Farewell, is a lonely sound 1844 1847 Be Kind to the Loved Ones at Home When Slumber Sweet 1850 1854 Good News from Home 1855 Music Trial, The [ 11 Rev. J. Austin, Toronto 11 ] 1859 Anthology, The Home Circle, Vol. 1 [ 11 Etta Cole 11 ] Better Land, The [fragment] 1860c Anthology, three songs [ 11 Rev. J. Austin 11 ] 1860c Richardson's New Method for the Piano-Forte 1860c 1861b God Save the Queen (Musical Bouquet Edition) Hunting Song, and Happy Farmer 1865 Ne 11 i e Wi 1dwood 1867 Chiefs of the French Army [poster] 1870 1870c Anthology, including Augusta Polka Parepa [portrait, probably a cover] 1870c Meyerbeer [portrait, probably a cover] 1870c You are Life and Light to Me, and two other songs 1875 1875b Where shall we find our home? [ 11 Nettie Warner, '75 11 ] Christmas Time, A dramatic Cantata for Children 1875c 1875c Song of Peace [hand-written copy] Blessed be the Lord God of Israel 1876b 1880b Dream Faces [Canadian] Fly Forth, 0 Gentle Dove 1880c Laddie 1880c 1881 Abide With Me 1882 Herminia 'A Scotch Ballad' 1882c Anthology, Latest and Most Popular Waltzes 1884 (c) Lustspiel Overture Picture That is Turned Toward the Wall, The 1885c 1889 Moment Musical 1889 Lighthouse Bells, The 1889c Ah! Tis a Dream 1890 God Save Canada 1890c Bacarolle (Boat Song) 1890c You and I [Canadian] 1890c Rosebud Quickstep [Canadian] Ar ch Date TS4j Glover , Stephen Otto, Julius Wesley, Samuel S. Hutchison, William M. Pinsuti, Ciro Pinsuti, Ciro Torrington, F.H. Gilbert, J. L. Bela, Keler, Op. 73 Graham, Charles Scharwenka, Philipp Thiballier, Annie Hawley, C.B. Perceval, Sydney Forsyth, W.O. Claribel Mary Location WW18-07 WW18-08 WW18-10 WW18- 09 WW18-ll WW18-07 WW18-11 WW18-11 WW18 WW18-07 WW18-11 WW18-12 WW18-07 WW18-0l WW18-10 WW18-ll WW18-10 WW18-ll WW18-ll WW18-ll WW18-09 WW18-06 WW18-07 WW18-06 WW18-10 WW18-09 WW18-09 WW18-ll WW18-02 WW18-02 WW18-09 WW18-09 WW18-04 WW18-10 WW18-10 WW18-ll WW18-05 WW18-09 WW18-09 Blind Tom Wellings, Milton Mendelssohn Lack, Theodore Hall, Lois fair fair Ar ch iv es Lack, Theodore Trotere, H. Sawyer, Frank E. Chaminade, C. Watson, Michael Gerstenberg, F. Halsey, W.R. Smith, Sydney Ho 11 away, John Blumenthal, Jacques Godard, B. Borowski, Felix Godard, Benjamin Borowski, Felix Darlington, Hugh Ferner, A. good ' C ou nt y Daylight [Canadian] At the Ferry [Canadian] Mendelssohn, Lieder ohne Worte Arietta An Old Story ['nscribed to "Mr. A.E. Lang"] Fischer's Method for the Drum, Xylophone, etc. Valse-Arabesque Asthore Shine on, Oh Stars! Les Sylvains (The Fauns) Cynthia, A Right Merrie Dance [Laura Ward] Valse Elegante Sweet Memories Faust, Fantaisie Brillante Wood Up 'Celebrated Quickstep' Chant du Cigne Gigue Mazurka No. 1 Bergers et Bergeres Mazurka No. 2 Festival Gavotte Canzonetta Anthology, Rustic Dance and others Cherry Ripe [written before 1849] Etude, The [cover missing] Anthology, Little Carnival and others Graden of Roses, The Love's Murmur Wagner Fantasie El Capitan March Good Luck Waltz Mission of a Rose, The Serenade Musical Bouquet, presented to ladies of Canada ... Anthology, Shubert's Impromptu and others A Dream Wiegenlied (Lullaby) Lullaby Song, from "Ermine" Feather Dance March of the Dominion L& A 1890c 1890c 1890c 1891 1891 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1895c 1895c 1895c 1895c 1895c 1895c 1896 1896 1896 1897 1898 1898 1898 1898 (c) 1898c 1898c 1899 1899 1900 1900c 1900c 1900c 1900c 1900c 1900c 1900c 1900c 1900c 1901 1903 Horn, Charles E. Schmoll, A. Schmid, Johann Marti, Esteban Engelmann, H., arr Sousa Oesten, Th. Cowen, Frederic H. Ernst, Henri, arr Hause, Carl Wright, Ellen Forsyth, W.O. Jacobowski, Ed. Ducelle, Paul Wellesley, Arthur fair fair fair good good good fair 975.8.231 975.8.240 975.8.263 975.8.193 975.8.250 975.8.262 975.8.172 975.8.188 975.8.195 975.8.200 975.8.173 975.8.174 975.8.175 975.8.176 975.8.184 975.8.185 975.8.170 975.8.197 975.8.198 975.8.171 975.8.192 975.8.202 975.8.211 975.8.187 975.8.207 975.8 . 210 975.8.196 975.8.203 975.8.209 975.8.180A 975.8.181 975.8.186 975.8.206 972.416 975.8.212 975.8.213 975.8.215 975.8.249 975.8.178 975.8.180 WW18-09 WW18-10 WW18-14 WW18-03 WW18-ll WW18-13 WW18-01 WW18-03 WW18-03 WW18-04 WW18-01 WW18-01 WW18-01 WW18-01 WW18-02 WW18-02 WW18-01 WW18-03 WW18-04 WW18-01 WW18-03 WW18-04 WW18-05 WW18-02 WW18-04 WW18-05 WW18-03 WW18-04 WW18-05 WW18-02 WW18-02 WW18-02 WW18-04 WW18-05 WW18-05 WW18-05 WW18-05 WW18-ll WW18-01 WW18-02 975.8.191 975.8.205 fa ir 975. 8. 199 975.8.189 975.8.190 975.8.194 fair 975.8.201 975.8.177 good 975.8.264 975.8.266 975.8.182 975.8.208 975.8.224 975.8.226 975 .8.236 975.8.241 975.8.243 975.8.247 975.8.251 975.8.252 975.8.265 975.8.221 iv es Greene, Edwin Simith, Sydney Spindler, F. Ball, Ernest R. Edwards, Ed. Ingraham, Herbert Heller , Maxime Heller, Jerome Lawrence, Anice Ar ch Handel/Haydn Carew, Lady Nolan, Michael Patti son, J. N. Westrop, T. arr Warren, Charles C ou nt y If She But Knew Il Trovatore Convent Bells To the End of the World with You Sweet Dreams, My Love, Sweet Dreams All That I Ask of You is Love Sunset on the St. Lawrence [mark F.W. Barrett] Rosary, The Happy Moments from the music of .•. Anthology, Master Pieces of Piano Music Love in her Eyes, and Finale Morceaux-Brillants pour le Piano Forte [cover only] Unidentified fragment, last two pages Bridge, The (words by Longfellow) Little Annie Roney Sunrise Mazurka Caprice, or Ripple [Canadian] Sweet By and By Fairyland, a Waltz Anthology, The Better Choice, [sunday school songs] Anthology, exercises etc. Loeschhorn, Progressive Studies What is Prayer? L& A 1903 1906 1907c 1908 1909 1910 1910 1911 1932c n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. WW18-03 WW18-04 WW18-04 WW18- 03 WW18- 03 WW18-03 WW18-04 WW18-01 WW18-15 WW18 WW18-02 WW18-05 WW18-07 WW18-09 WW18-10 WW18- 10 WW18-10 WW18-ll WW18-ll WW18- ll WW18-15 WW18-07 STELLA WAGAR AND ETTA COLE MUSIC, SORTED BY COMPOSER II Gerstenberg, F. Gilbert, J.L. Gilmore, P.S. Glover, Stephen Godard, B[enjamin] Godard, Benjamin Graham, Charles Greene, Edwin Hall, Lois Halsey, W.R. Handel/Haydn Hause, Carl Hawley, C.B. Heath, L. et al es Date Visual 1908 1884 (c) fair 1890c 1895c 1896 1897 n.d. 1895 1890c fair 1900c 1850 1898 1843 good 1901 fair 1909 1844 1900 1900c 1898 1890c 1900c good 1895c 1882 1854 1875b 1896 1896 1885c 1903 1891 good 1895c n.d. 1900c fair 1889c 1843 iv Ar ch nt y Carew, Lady Chaminade, C. Claribel Cowen, Frederic H. Curtiss, N.P.B. Darlington, Hugh Dempster, William R. Ducelle, Paul Edwards, Ed. Engelbrecht, J.C. Engelmann, H., arr Ernst, Henri, arr Ferner, A. Forsyth, W.O. C ou II Title To the End of the World with You Lustspiel Overture Daylight [Canadian] Chant du Ci gne Mazurka No. 1 Mazurka No. 2 Bridge, The (words by Longfellow) Les Sylvains (The Fauns) You and I [Canadian] Mission of a Rose, The When Slumber Sweet Festival Gavotte Lament of the Irish Emigrant Feather Dance Sweet Dreams, My Love, Sweet Dreams Good Bye, or Farewell, Farewell, is a lonely sound Wagner Fantasie Serenade Canzonetta Bacarolle (Boat Song) Wiegenlied (Lullaby) Valse Elegante Herminia 'A Scotch Ballad' Good News from Home Where shall we find our home? [ 11 Nettie Warner, '75 11 ] Gigue Bergers et Bergeres Picture. That is Turned Toward the Wall, The If She But Knew An Old Story [Ynscribed to 11 Mr. A.E. Lang 11 ] Sweet Memories Love in her Eyes, and Finale Musical Bouquet, presented to ladies of Canada . . • Ah! Tis a Dream Anthology, Grave of Bonaparte and others L& A Com~oser (s) Bal , Ernest R. Bela, Keler, Op. 73 Blind Tom Blumenthal, Jacques Borowski, Felix Accession 975.8.189 975.8.234 975.8.231 975.8.185 975.8.197 975.8.171 975.8.226 975.8.200 975.8.229 975.8.186 975.8.219 975.8.192 975.8.237 975.8.178 975.8 .190 975.8.232 975.8.209 975.8.206 975.8 .202 975.8 .214 975.8.215 975.8.174 975.8.183 975.8.256 975.8.233 975.8.170 975.8.198 975.8. 235 975.8.191 975.8.250 975.8.175 975.8.182 972.416 975.8.239 975.8.223 Location WW18-03 WW18-09 WW18-09 WW18-02 WW18-03 WW18-01 WW18-09 WW18-04 WW18-09 WW18-02 WW18-07 WW18-03 WW18-10 WW18-01 WW18-03 WW18-09 WW18-05 WW18-04 WW18-04 WW18-05 WW18-05 WW18-01 WW18-02 WW18-ll WW18-09 WW18-01 WW18-04 WW18-09 WW18-03 WW18-11 WW18-01 WW18-02 WW18-05 WW18-10 WW18-07 II Pitts, W.S. Sawyer, Frank E. Scharwenka, Philipp Schmid, Johann Schmoll, A. Schumann Smith, Sydney II Sousa Spindler, F. Thiballier, Annie Torrington, F.H. Trotere, H. Warren, Charles Watson, Michael Wellesley, Arthur We 11 i ngs, Milton Wesley, Samuel S. Westrop, T. arr es 1911 1910 1895c 1898 (c) 1880b 1910 1900c 1891 1892 1932c 1899 1890c 1890c 1860c n.d. 1900c 1875c n.d. 1890 1880c 1880c 1867 1894 1889 1899 1898c 1865 1895c 1906 1900c l907c 1889 1881 1893 n.d. 1895c 1903 1890c 1876b n.d. fair fair good good iv Ar ch nt y Lawrence, Anice Marti, Esteban Mary Mendelssohn Nelson, S. Nolan, Michael Oesten, Th. Otto, Julius Pattison, J.N. Perceval, Sydney Pinsuti, Ciro C ou II Rosary, The Sunset on the St. Lawrence [mark F.W. Barrett] Wood Up 'Ce 1ebrated Quickstep' Cherry Ripe [written before 1849] Dream Faces [Canadian] All That I Ask of You is Love Lullaby Song, from "Ermine" Ari etta Valse-Arabesque Happy Moments from the music of ... Love's Murmur Rosebud Quickstep [Canadian] Mendelssohn, Lieder ohne Worte Better Land, The [fragment] Little Annie Roney Good Luck Waltz Christmas Time, A dramatic Cantata for Children Sunrise Mazurka Caprice, or Ripple [Canadian] God Save Canada Fly Forth, 0 Gentle Dove Laddie Ni 11 i e Wildwood Shine on, Oh Stars! Moment Musical Graden of Roses, The Anthology, Little Carnival and others Hunting Song, and Happy Farmer Faust, Fantaisie Brillante Il Trovatore El Capitan March Convent Bells Lighthouse Bells, The Abide With Me Asthore Fairyland, a Waltz Cynthia, A Right Merrie Dance [Laura Ward] March of the Dominion At the Ferry [Canadian] Blessed be the Lord God of Israel Sweet By and By L& A Heller, Jerome Heller, Maxime Ho 11 oway, John Horn, Charles E. Hutchison, William M. Ingraham, Herbert Jacobowski, Ed. Lack, Theodore fair fair good fair fair fair fair fair 975.8.177 975.8.201 975.8.184 975.8.187 975.8.244 975.8.194 975.8.249 975.8.193 975.8 . 172 975.8.264 975.8.203 975.8.230 975.8 . 263 975.8.220 975.8.236 975.8.181 975.8.217 975.8.241 975.8.257 975.8.227 975.8.228 975.8.242 975.8.195 975.8.204 975.8.196 975.8.210 975.8.174A 975.8.176 975.8.205 975.8.180A 975.8.199 975.8.238 975.8.248 975.8.188 975.8.247 975 . 8. 173 975.8.180 975.8.240 975.8.216 975.8.243 WW18-0l WW18-04 WW18-02 WW18-02 WW18-10 WW18-03 WW18-11 WW18-03 WWlB-01 WW18-15 WWlB-04 WW18-09 WWlB-14 WW18-07 WW18-10 WW18-02 WW18-06 WW18-10 WW18-11 WW18-09 WW18-09 WW18-10 WW18-03 WW18-04 WW18-03 WW18-05 WW18-01 WW18-01 WW18-04 WW18-02 WW18-04 WW18-10 WW18-ll WW18-03 WW18-11 WW18-01 WW18-02 WW18-10 WW18-06 WW18-10 iv es 1847 1855 1900c Ar ch nt y Wright, Ellen Be Kind to the Loved Ones at Home Music Trial, The ["Rev. J. Austin, Toronto"] A Dream C ou II L& A Woodbury, I .B. good 975.8.246 975.8.255 good 975.8.213 WW18-ll WW18-ll WW18-05 iv Title Red Lantern, The I Love Her Just the Same Oh, Mabel! How Sorry You•11 Be (Wait ll you See) If You Could Care Wedding of the Painted Doll, The Tired of Me Somebody Hawaiian Bluebird Sy-Yoh Sweetheart Waltz, The [torn] Can You Tell Every Road Leads Back to You Everybody•s Buddy Hokey Pokey, Diddle de Rum You Can•s Make a Fool Out of me Golfing Blues Fox, The [foxtrot] Mike [cover much torn] All By Myself [A Blues Novelty] Maxie My Pal Come Back to the Mississippi Shore Panama Twilight When Will I Know? She•s a Cornfed, Indiana Girl I Love the Land of Old Black Joe Heart of a Girl, The If I had a Girl Like You The following group of sheets had no at tached comments from Dr. Composer Fisher, Fred Poulos and Lucas Fiorito, Ted Kalmar and Ruby Darewski, Herman Brown, Nacio Herb Donal dson, Walter Little, Stanley, Dellon Morgan, Porter et al Ev ill e, Vernon Veo and Nelson Miller and Handman MacFarlane et al Frisch, Billy Hess and Ha 11 Cunningham, Paul Allan, Fraser Davis and Greer Jentes, Harry Gold, Dawson & Caine Herschel & Burke Bernie and Bibo Thompson, Fisher Nager, Gus Frey et al Donaldson, Walter Spitalny, H. Leopald Rose, Dixon et al Date T9I9 1924 1924 1929 1920 1929 1920 1919 1919 1919 1926 1920 1920 1920 1925 1923 1922 1926 1920 1921 1923 1922 1922 1922 1926 1920 1924 1925 Ar ch This music was used by the Walters Dance Orchestra. Walters, but were located first in the series. es SHEET MUSIC IN THE WALTERS WAGAR COLLECTION Sorted by Location (Record Groups) with Dr. Walter•s Annotations L& A C ou nt y 1 Visual good good good exc fair good exc fair exc good fair good good good good good good fair fair good good good fair fair good good good good Accession 975 .8 .0130 975.8 .0131 975.8.0132 975.8.0133 975.8.0134 975.8.0135 975.8.0136 975.8.0137 975.8.0138 975.8.0139 975.8.0140 975.8.0141 975.8.0142 975.8.0143 975.8.0144 975.8.0145 975.8.0146 975.8.0147 975.8.0148 975.8.0149 975.8.0150 975.8.0151 975.8.0152 975.8. 0153 975.8.0159 975.8.0160 975.8.0161 975.8.0162 Loc ati on 15-017 15-017 15-017 15-017 15-017 15-017 15-017 15-017 15-017 15-017 15-017 15-017 15-017 15-017 15-017 15-018 15-018 15-018 15-018 15-018 15-018 15-018 15-018 15-018 15-018 15-018 15-019 15-019 [torn] 1925 1926 1924 1920 1922 1919 1920 es Meyer, Joseph Bloom and Sturm Hall, Wendell Woods Smith, Chris von Tilzer, Albert Johnson, Charles L. Henlere and Diero Ar ch iv A Cup of Coffee, a Sandwich and You What! No Women? Land of My Sunset Dreams Irish Were Egyptians Long Ago, The Gingham Girl, The Sweet and Low Kismet L& A C ou nt y Continued , arranged in groups by Dr. Walters. exc good good fair good good fair 975.8.0163 975.8.0164 975.8.0165 975.8.0166 975 .8. 0167 975.8.0168 975.8.0169 15-019 15-019 15-019 15-019 15-019 15-019 15-019 "Sheet Music, 1912-1929. The less successful hits. After 1917, used by the Charles Walters Dance Orchestra in Napanee and District. All these sheets are first editions. Charles Walters bought them from Toronto dealers as they were published." Allan Walters, M.D., July 27, 1974. L& A 1922 1922 1923 1923 1921 1922 1919 1921 1921 1921 1924 1921 1920 1920 1921 1920 1921 1918 1923 1923 1923 1921 1924 1921 1923 1922 1922 1922 1921 1923 1923 1924 1922 1923 1923 1923 y Ar ch iv es Rule, James S. Akst, Harry Friend, Meskill & Baer Schuster, Ira Nelson and Coots McClelland, Randall Williams, W. R. Olman, Abe Little, Stanley et al Palla, W.C. Franklyn et al Berlin, Irving et al Ball, Ernest R. Meyer, George W. Lannin & Youmans Von Tilzer, Harry Meyer, Joseph Burke, Joseph A. Weber, Edwin J. Meyer, George W. Conley and Rodemich Herscher and Burke Fitzpatrick, M.J. Kalmar, Ruby et al Conrad, Con Snyder, Ted Berlin, Irving J arne s , Bi 11 y Breau, Louis Arthur, Ned Su 11 ivan, Jerry Friend, Cliff Schwartz, Jean Schonberger, John Turk and Handman Van and Schenck C ou nt All Over Nothing at All Granny, You're my Mammy's Mammy Blue Hoosier Blues Hi-Lee, Hi-Lo Mickey O'Neil Drifting Back into Your Heart Don't You Remember the Time? Mississippi Cradle Sunshine Mary O'Brien Oh! You Can't Fool an Old Hoss Fly Drowsy Head Little Crumbs of Happiness Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Oh Me! Oh My!, from Two Little Girls in Blue I Want to go to the land Where Sweet Daddies Grow Good-Bye, Shanghai. Oriental Fox Trot It's Ne ver Too Late to be So rry I Love Me, from "Passing Show" of 1922 Ten-Ten-Tennessee Easy Melody Wake Up Little Girl, You' r e Dr eaming Nobody Cares for Me My Sunny Tennessee Oh Min! Dancing Fool Homesick Carolina Mammy I Want My Mammy Sweet Carmen Only a Butterfly Where the Lazy Daisies Grow Silver Swanee Tell Me a Story My Sweetie Went Away That Red Head Gal good fair fair fair good fai r fair fair fair fair fair fair good good fair good fair fair fair fair fair fair good fair fair fair good good good good fair 975.8.0268 975.8.0269 975.8.0270 975.8.0271 975.8.0272 975.8 .0273 975.8.0274 975.8.0275 975.8.0276 975.8.0277 975.8.0278 975.8.0279 975.8.0280 975 .8.0281 975.8.0282 975.8.0283 975.8.0284 975.8.0285 975.8 .0286 975.8.0287 975.8.0288 975.8.0289 975.8.0290 975.8.0291 975.8.0292 975.8.0293 975.8.0294 975.8.0295 975.8.0296 975.8.0297 975.8.0298 975.8.0299 975.8.0300 975.8.0301 975.8.0302 975.8.0303 ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww 15-020 15-020 15-020 15-020 15-020 15-020 15-020 15-020 15-020 15-020 15-021 15-021 15-021 15-021 15-021 15-021 15-021 15-021 15-021 15-021 15-022 15-022 15-022 15-022 15-022 15-022 15-022 15-022 15-022 15-022 15-023 15-023 15-023 15-023 15-023 15-023 Composer(s) Date Babylon Vamp Me Duck's Quack, The Hoot Mon (fox trot) Love Tales La Mome Tango Swingin' Down the Lane Seven or Eleven I Wonder Who's Dancing with You To-night Don't We Carry On If Winter Comes (from 11 Honey Moon House 11 ) Stealing to Virginia Rose of Brazil Tut-Ankh-Amen Journey's End, (from 11 Up She Goes 11 ) Sweet Lady (from 11 Tangerine 11 ) Truly Doo Dah Blues All Muddled Up While the Years Roll By Memory Isle Dreams I Dream of You Why Should I Cry Over You Lovey Came Back Drifting Honeymoon Wanita - Wanna Eat? Wanna Eat? Ritzi Mitzi When You Walked Out, Someone Else Walked Right In I Got it, You'll Get it, Just the same as me Dumb Dora Jealous When Mother Sings, •sweet and low• Just as Long as You Have me (from Gingham Girl) Mother Machree•s Lullaby [Canadian] I'll Give You Back Your Kisses ... [Canadian] My Sweet, Sweet, Sweetie [Canadian] Peck's Bad Boy [dedicated to Jackie Coogan] Wyoming Third Alarm, The - music cue sheet for Moret, Neil Gay, Byron Maguire, Hannibal Meskill and Sherman Rose, Vincent Doloire, Emile Jones, I sham Donaldson, Walter Henderson, Ray Friend and Claire Gideon, Melville Donaldson, Walter Klages and Fazioli Carlo and Sanders Tierney, Harry Carlo and Sanders Rose, Vincent Rose and White Wenrich, Percy Austin, Jack Olman, Abe Boyd and Dainty Miller and Cohn Handman, Lou Polla, W.C. Arden, Victor Coslow and Sherman Conrad and Bi bo Berlin, Irvin Po 11 ack, Lew Floor, Pryor et al Lit t 1e, Jack Johnson, Richmond et al Von Tilzer, Albert Mullane and Schuster Nelson and Schuster Johnson, Baer, Schuster Sarazan, Paul Williams, Gene 1922 1922 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1924 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1922 1921 1922 1922 1922 1922 1923 1924 1922 1923 1920 1919 1923 1923 1923 1922 1924 1924 1923 1922 1922 1922 1922 1921 1920 1922c iv Ar ch nt y C ou L& A Visual fair good fair fair exc good good es Title good good fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair good fair exc fair fair fair good fair good fair fair fair fair fair fair fair Accession Number Location 975.8.0304 975.8.0305 975.8.0306 975.8.0307 975.8.0308 975.8.0309 975 .8. 0310 975.8.0311 975.8 . 0312 975.8.0313 975.8.0314 975.8.0315 975.8.0315.1 975.8.0316 975.8.0317 975.8.0318 975.8.0319 975.8.0320 975.8.0321 975.8.0322 975.8.0323 975.8.0324 975.8.0325 975.8.0326 975.8.0327 975.8.0328 975.8.0329 975.8.0330 975.8.0331 975.8.0332 975.8 . 0333 975.8.0334 975.8 . 0335 975.8.0336 975.8.0337 975.8.0338 975.8.0339 975.8.0340 975.8.0341 975.8.0342 15-023 15-023 15-023 15-023 15-024 15-024 15-024 15-024 15-024 15-024 15-024 15-024 15-024 15-024 15-024 15-025 15-025 15-025 15-025 15-025 15-025 15-025 15-025 15-025 15-025 15-026 15-026 15-026 15-026 15-026 15-026 15-026 15-026 15-026 15-026 15-027 15-027 15-027 15-027 15-027 Composer(s) Date Visual Beside a Babbling Brook Burning Sands Those Star Spangled Nights in Dixieland [Canadian] Clover Blossom Blues [Canadian edition] He Loves It Dixie Highway A Little Side Street in Paree (Socie of 1922) Kicky-Koo: You for Me - Me for You So This is Venice (Ziegfeld Follies, 1923) Just a Cottage Small, by a Waterfall Loose Feet [Canadian edition] Black Eyed Blues Happiness Gee! But I Hate to Go Home Alone. Oh! Is She Dumb! Rose of Bombay Poor Little Butterfly is a Fly Girl Now I Love you Sunday Emal i ne Climbing up the Ladder of Love Broken Hearted Sue Susie's Feller Gone Again Gal Sweetheart Land Since Katy the Waitress Became an Aviatress Juno Waltz Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes [Canadian] Dear Little Pal Smilin' In a Boat (for two) When the Honeymoon was Over If the Rest of the World Don't Want You Precious For-get-me-not Any Ice To-day, Lady? Wob-a-ly Walk, from 'Paris' Mary Ann A Smile will go a Long, Long Way I'm Always Stuttering Soothing Donaldson, Walter Onivas, D. Cantor, Ruby, Wendling Keyes, Erdman et al Wendling, Pete Donaldson, Walter Hanley, James F. Meyer, George W. Warren, Harry Hanley, James F. Williams, Spencer Kendall, Don Meyer, George W. Hanley, James F. Gottler, Archie Ward and Dyson Jerome, M.K. Straight, Charley McHugh, Jimmie Greer, Jessie Breen and DeRose Dreyer, Dave Jones, Isham Moore, Percy Bibo, Irving Ford, Abbie E. Shuster and Nelson Merrit, Stan Rose, Wolohan et al Lange, Liggy et al Fisher, Fred Dreyer, Dave Pasternacki and Whiting Conrad, Hanbury et al Ballard, Pat Warren, Harry Silver, Abner Davis and Akst Pinkard, Maceo Fiorito and Starman 1923 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1923 1925 1922 1922 1921 1922 1922 1922 1919 1920 1921 1926 1926 1926 1926 1919 1919 1919 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1923 1926 1923 1926 1928 1927 1923 1922 1922 fair fair good good fair fair fair fair L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Title fair fair fair fair fair good good fair fair fair fair fair good fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair good fair fair fair good fair Accession Number Location 975.8.0343 975.8.0344 975.8.0345 975.8.0346 975.8.0347 975.8.0348 975.8.0349 975.8.0350 975.8.0351 975.8.0352 975.8.0353 975.8.0354 975.8.0355 975.8.0356 975.8.0357 975.8.0358 975.8.0359 975.8.0360 975.8.0361 975.8.0362 975.8.0363 975.8.0364 975.8.0365 975.8.0366 975.8.0367 975.8.0368 975.8.0369 975.8.0370 975.8.0371 975.8.0372 975.8.0373 975.8.0374 975.8.0375 975.8.0376 975.8.0377 975.8.0378 975.8.0379 975.8.0380 975.8.0381 975.8.0382 15-027 15-027 15-027 15-027 15-027 15-028 15-028 15-028 15-028 15-028 15-028 15-028 15-028 15-028 15-028 15-029 15-029 15-029 15-029 15-029 15-029 15-029 15-029 15-029 15-029 15-030 15-030 15-030 15-030 15-030 15-030 15-030 15-030 15-030 15-030 16-031 16-031 16-031 16-031 16-031 Composer(s) Date Visual Smile a Little Bit [much used - cover loose] Six Feet of Papa Moonlight on the Ganges On the Blue Lagoon (with you) Not Yet, Suzette! Just a Bird's-eye View (of my old Kentucky Home) Roll Along Missouri Lovely Rose DeezeltDoze and Dem I Love You, from 'Little Jessie James' I'm Only Guessin' [ref. Bing Crosby] Blue Evening Blue's Strut, Miss Lizzie, from Ziegfield Follies of 1921 Dumbe ll Sneak, The (novelty Fox-trot) Mammy's Little Sunny Honey Boy Not Here -- Not There [cover worn and loose] I'm Sitting Pretty in a Pretty Little City Angela Mia (My Angel), from 'Street Angel' Down where the Sun Goes Down I'm Some-One, who's No-One to You [loose cover[ Bells of Moscow, Rachmaninoff Prelude Op. 3, No. 2 Underneath the Harlem Moon [Canadian edition] Thinking [cover loose] Ting-a-ling, The Waltz of the Bells [cover loose] Always Respect a Mother School Time Hav e a Little Fun Song Birds in Georgia Home for the Rest of my Life Since Ma is playing Mah Jong, from 'Kid Boots' Mr. Radio Man (Tell My Mammy to come Home) [Canadian] Hello, Cutie I Know What it Means to be Lonesome Who Wouldn't When the One You Love Loves You When He Gave Me You (Mother of Mine) For My Sweetheart You'll Always be Happy, Dear Somebody's Darling Boy [ref. WW1] Morton and Shevlin Sizemore, Arthur Myers, Sherman Frimll, Rudolf Coslow and Coots Donaldson, Walter Jerome, M.K. Worth and Polak Pease, Nelson &White Archer, Harry Brown, N.H. Kahn and Berton Creamer and Layton Confrey, Zee Brown, N.H. Cadigan and Story Freuer, Ernest Davis, Baer, Santly Rapee, Erno Jones and Buck Tillman, Edwin Rachmaninoff Revel, Harry Ohman and Morgan Little, Jack Shannon, Edward Von Tilzer Werner, Eduard Hall and Robison Wendling and Kortlander Rose and Conrad Friend, Cliff Friend, Cliff Kendis, Brockman et al Donaldson, Walter Baer, Abel White, Elmore Donaldson, Walter Kahn, Jack Down, Wi ll i am A. 1925 1926 1926 1924 1923 1926 1923 1920 1923 1923 1931 1924 1921 1922 1922 1921 1923 1923 1928 1928 1924 1922 1932 1926 1926 n.d. 1923 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1927 1919 1926 1924 1919 1926 1919 1919 fair good fair fair good fair fair good fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair good fair fair fair L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Title fair fair fair good fair fair fair fair good fair fair fair fair fair fair fair good Accession Number Location 975.8.0383 975.8.0384 975.8.0385 975.8.0386 975.8.0387 975.8.0388 975.8.0389 975.8.0390 975.8.0391 975.8.0392 975.8.0393 975.8.0394 975.8.0395 975.8.0396 975.8.0397 975.8.0398 975.8.0399 975.8.0400 975.8.0401 975.8.0402 975.8.0403 975.8.0404 975.8.0405 975.8.0406 975.8.0407 975.8.0408 975.8.0409 975.8.0410 975.8.0411 975.8.0412 975.8.0413 975.8.0414 975.8.0415 975.8.0416 975.8.0417 975.8.0418 975.8.0419 975.8.0420 975.8.0421 975.8.0422 16-031 16-031 16-031 16-031 16-031 16-032 16-032 16-032 16-032 16-032 16-032 16-032 16-032 16-032 16-033 16-033 16-033 16-033 16-033 16-033 16-033 16-033 16-033 16-033 16-033 16-034 16-034 16-034 16-034 16-034 16-034 16-034 16-034 16-034 16-034 16-035 16-035 16-035 16-035 16-035 Composer(s) Date Visual I Want a Doll My Gal Rose I Call Sweetheart, The [cover loose] Where do Mosquitoes Go in the Wintertime? [Ziegfeld] I love you jut the same, Sweet Adeline Drop Me A Line, from ' Honeydew ' That Wonderful Mother of Mine Why Didn't You leave me Years Ago? When You and I were Seventeen Buddy No, No Nora You Did'nt Care [sic] (Tu L'As Voulu) [Canadian] Struttin' at the Strutters' Ball [Canadian edition] Nobody Knows but My Pillow and Me Iyone, My Own Iyone Sweet Thing Sweet Indiana Home Just Keep on Smiling [Canadian edition] Teas in' Venetian Nights Childhood Days By the Sapphire Sea Nobody's Business I Want You to Want Me Bam Bam Barny Shore Lonesomest Girl in Town, The My Daddy Hokey Pokey Diddle Dee Rum We're Gonna Have Weather Sombody's Lonely [Canadian edition] My Sweetie Turned Me Down Blue River Marvelous Pontiac, that's the car for me! [Canadian] When I Dream of the Last Waltz with You [Can. ed.] When You find a Girl who Loves You Because I Love But You In the Spring Keep Your Skirts Down, Mary Ann My Baby's Back Von Tilzer, Harry Nelson and Cooper Burkhart, Elsie Tierney, Harry Armstrong and Gaskill Zimbalist, Efrem Goodwin, Walter Gettler, Archie Rosoff, Charles Polla, W.C. Fiorito & Erdman Johnson and Russell Williams, Spencer Vincent et al Bryan, Britt et al Williams, Kahn et al Donaldson, Walter Von Tilzer, Albert Carleton, Walsh et al Donaldson, Will Creamer, Darcy et al Snyder, Ted Gask i 11 and Mills Fisher, Fred Henderson, Ray McHugh and Mills Norworth et a1 Hess and Hall Hall, Wendell Davis and Gold Donaldson, Walter Meyer, Joseph De Rose, Peter Bell , Nelson H. Fiorito, Ted Ferris, William P. Ray, Jackie Little, Jack King and Henderson Johnson, Sherman et al 1918 1919 1920 1920 1919 1920 1918 1920 1924 1919 1923 1923 1922 1923 1926 1926 1922 1922 1922 1921 1922 1922 1925 1925 1925 1925 1921 1925 1924 1926 1925 1927 1927 1927 1925 1925 1927 1925 1925 1926 fair good fair fair fai r fair good fair fair fair fair fair good fair fair fair fai r good fai r fair good good fair good fair fa i r fair fair fair fair fair fair fai r good fair fair fair fair fair fair L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Title Accession Number Location 975.8 . 0423 975.8.0424 975.8.0425 975.8.0426 975.8.0427 975.8.0428 975 .8.0429 975 .8 .0430 975.8.0431 975.8.0432 975.8.0433 975.8.0434 975.8.0435 975 . 8.0436 975.8.0437 975.8 . 0438 975 .8.0439 975.8.0440 975.8.0441 975.8.0442 975.8.0443 975.8.0444 975.8.0445 975.8.0446 975.8.0447 975.8.0448 975.8.0449 975.8.0450 975 . 8.0451 975.8.0452 975.8.0453 975.8.0454 975.8.0455 975.8.0456 975.8.0457 975.8.0458 975.8.0459 975.8.0460 975.8.0461 975.8 . 0462 16-035 16-035 16-035 16-035 16-035 16-036 16-036 16-036 16-036 16-036 16-036 16-036 16-036 16-036 16-036 16-037 16-037 16-037 16-037 16-037 16-037 16-037 16-037 16- 037 16-037 16-038 16-038 16-038 16-038 16-038 16-038 16-038 16-038 16-038 16-038 16-039 16-039 16-039 16-039 16-039 Composer(s) Date Visual Baby Your Mother, like she babied you [Canadian ed] Jazzy, Jazzy Sound in all Chinatown As Long as I have You Drifting Apart But! Convict and the Rose, The But I Do, You Know I Do An Old Guitar and an Old Refrain You d Rather Forget than Forgive Lindbergh (The Eagle of the U.S.A.) [Canadian] Missus and I and the Baby, The Stop it! Someday, down in Carolin Bimini Bay Jim, Jim, I Always Knew You d Win! [ref. WW1] Crooning (lullabies) Blinky Moon Bay Roses Brought Me You, The Down at the Old Swimming Hole Why, Dear? [cover loose] When That Harvest Moon is Shining [Canadian ed.] There ain t no Flies on Auntie [zeppelin verso] April Showers Bring May Flowers Everybody s Crazy over Dixie I Wonder if you Still Care for Me? Everybody s On their Way to Jersey Bevo Blues Jazz Baby Kisses Singapore I Want a Dixie Sweetheart Land of My Dreams Kentucky Blues, from Broadway Brevities I Spoiled You Answer Your Eyes Have Told Me So Now and Then Playmates [ref. children] Rose [cover loose] Nightingale Burke, Joe Borromeo and Heather Haubrich, Lewis et al Fiorito, Ted Berlin, Irving King, R.A. Donaldson, Walter Kahn, Black et al Johnson and Davis Johnson and Sherman Manley, Morris Kaufman, Mel. B. Green, George H. Whiting, Richard A. Von Tilzer, Harry Caesar, William F. Gilles pie and Little Murphy and Sherman Wilson and Brennan Cohen, Henry R. Stevens, George A. Van der Decken, W. Shilkret, Nat and Jack Cowan & Don aldson Snyder, Ted Akst and Handman Katzman, Louis Jerome, M.K. Cowan, Lynn Gilbert and Friedland Polla, W.C. Owen, Anita Gaskill, Clarence Harris, Bob Bause, Norman J. Blaufuss, Walter Spencer, Norman Fisher, Fred Magine and Biese Rose, Vincent 1927 1920 1926 1925 1920 1925 1926 1927 1928 1927 1919 1920 1919 1921 1918 1921 1925 1925 1921 1921 1920 1925 1920 1919 1921 1920 1919 1919 1918 1918 1919 1919 1921 1921 1921 1919 1920 1920 1920 1920 good fair good fair fair iv C ou 1 Ar ch 1 nt y 1 es Title 1 L& A 1 1 1 1 fair fair good good fair fair fair good fair fair fair fair fair fair good good fair good good fai r fair fair fair fair good fa ir fair fair fair good fair fair Accession Number Location 975.8.0463 975.8.0464 975.8.0465 975 .8 .0466 975.8.0467 975.8.0468 975 .8.0469 975.8.0470 975.8.0471 975.8.0472 975.8.0473 975 .8 .0474 975.8.0475 975.8.0476 975.8.0477 975.8.0478 975.8.0479 975.8.0480 975.8.0481 975.8.0482 975.8.0483 975.8.0484 975.8.0485 975.8.0486 975.8.0487 975.8.0488 975.8.0489 975.8.0490 975.8.0491 975.8.0492 975.8.0493 975.8.0494 975.8.0495 975.8.0496 975.8.0497 975.8.0498 975.8.0499 975.8.0500 975.8.0501 975.8.0502 16-039 16-039 16-039 16-039 16-039 16-040 16-040 16-040 16-040 16-040 16-040 16-040 16-040 16-040 16-040 16-041 16-041 16-041 16-041 16-041 16-041 16-041 16-041 16-041 16-041 16-042 16-042 16-042 16-042 16-042 16-042 16-042 16-042 16-042 16-042 16-043 16-043 16-043 16-043 16-043 Title Composer(s) Wait till you Get Them Up in the Air Boys Cryin' fo r the Moon Apple Sauce [Canadian edition] Suez Broadway Caravan [Canadian edition] Waltz we Love, The Tell Me You Love Me Here Comes Malinda! Anthology, Jack Mills No . 3 Dance Folio Who (Believed in You?) Don ' t Bring Me Posies Bow Wow Blues [cover loose] You Can Take Me Away from Dixie, but . .. Ka-Lu-A, from 'Good Morning, Dearie ' Stealing [Canadian edition] Rosy-Posy, from ' The Blushing Bride ' I Lost a Slice of Paradise ... I wish I Knew [ref. Valentine cupid] Tell Her at Twilight Wild Papa [Canadian edition] Drowsy Baby Bees Knees [Canad i an edit i on] Swanee Bluebird [cover loose] Never Mind Peggy Dear [Canadian edi tion] Lost (A Wonderful Gi r l) Pick Me Up and Lay Me Down . . . Old Kentucky Moonlight Lindy Lady [Canadian ed i tion] Snakes Hips [Canadian ed i tion] In the Land of Smiling Waters [Canadian edit i on] [Canadian edition] Jennie Love's Ship Moon River By the Old Ohio Shore She Wou l dn't Do (What I Asked her to) Whose Izzy is He? Saw Mill River Road Make Believe Little Red School House, The Von Tilzer, Albert Conley, Stern et al Lyman, Arnheim et al Grafe and De Rose Edwards, Gus Lambertz, Arnold King, Robert Davis and Akst Visual 1919 1926 1922 1922 1923 1926 1926 1926 1925 Fr i edland, Anatol 1921 Rose, Fred 1921 Fr iend and Osborne 1922 Rose , Fred 1923 Kern, Jerome 1921 Sullivan, Dan 1921 Romberg, Sigmund 1922 Piantadosi , Al 1922 Spencer et a1 1922 Donaldson, Will 1921 Krueger, Bennie 1923 1920 Roberts, Lee S. Lopez , Roy 1922 1922 Friend and Conrad Breau , Louis 1922 1922 Fr eed, Arnheim, et al Hanley, James F. 1922 Kalmar and Ruby 1922 Van Alstyne, Egbert 1921 Wenrich, Per cy 1923 Williams, Spencer 1923 Coombs, Norman 1922 Friend and Conrad 1923 Morr ison, Alice Nadine 1920 David, Lee 1922 Earl, Mary 1921 Gottlieb et al 1923 Brown et a1 1924 Tierney, Harry 1921 1921 Davis and Sh i lkret Wilson and Brennan 1922 good fair fai r fair fair fair fa i r fair fair fair iv Ar ch nt y C ou L& A es Date fair fair fair good fa i r good good fair good fair fai r fair fa i r fair fai r fair good good good good fa i r fair fair fair fair fair fair fair Accession Number Location 975.8.0503 975.8.0504 975.8.0505 975.8.0506 975 .8.0507 975 . 8.0508 975.8.0509 975.8 .0510 975.8.0511 975 .8.0512 975.8.0513 975.8.0514 975.8.0515 975.8 .0516 975.8.0517 975 . 8.0518 975 . 8.0519 975.8.0520 975 . 8.0521 975 .8.0522 975.8.0523 975.8 .0524 975.8 .0525 975.8 .0526 975.8 .0527 975.8 . 0528 975.8.0529 975 . 8.0530 975.8 .0531 975.8.0532 975.8 . 0533 975.8 .0534 975 . 8.0535 975.8 . 0536 975.8.0537 975 .8.0538 975.8.0539 975.8.0540 975.8.0541 975 . 8.0542 16-043 16-043 16-043 16-043 16-043 16-043 16-043 16-043 16-044 16-045 16-045 16-045 16-045 16-045 16-045 16-045 16-045 16- 045 16-045 16-045 16- 045 16-045 16-046 16-046 16-046 16-046 16-046 16-046 16-046 16-046 16-046 16-046 16-046 16-046 16- 046 16- 046 16-046 16-046 16-047 16-047 Composer(s) Date Visual California I Know What it Means to be Sorry [Canadian edition] Golden Sands of Waikiki [cover loose] Down Old Virginia Way Another Waltz Crying for You, from •Rice and Old Shoes• [Can. ed.] On a Little Side Street Fancy Nancy Clancy [Canadian edition] Half Past Ten [Canadian edition] River Shannon Moon [Canadian edition] Too Many Parties and Too Many Pals [Can . edition] Whose Who are You I Ain•t Got Weary Yet. [Ref. WW1] Friend and Conrad Sharpe-Minor, C. Paley, Herman Olman and Gillette Hulten, George P. Miller and Cohn Harris and Howard Pease, Nelson, Flynn Ash and Moret Smith, Walter Wallace Henderson, Ray Greer, Jesse Wenrich, Percy 1922 1923 1921 1922 1921 1923 1921 1923 1923 1923 1925 1925 1918 fair fair fair fair good fair fair fair fair fair good fair fair Ar ch iv es Title Accession Number Location 975.8.0543 975.8.0544 975.8.0545 975.8.0546 975.8.0547 975.8.0548 975.8.0549 975.8.0550 975.8.0551 975.8.0552 975.8.0553 975.8.0554 975.8.0555 16-047 16-047 16-047 16-047 16-047 16-047 16-047 16-047 16-047 16-047 16-047 16-047 16-047 The following Sheet Music mostly never achieved full popularity. It was used by Stella Grace Walters and the Charles Walters Dance Orchestra in Napanee and district. All sheets are first editions obtained from Toronto dealers as they came out . 11 All an Walters, 27/7/74 C ou nt y 11 L& A Give Me All of You [cover loose] Indianoloa [Hearst Canadian edition] Sunrise and You Come on, Papa! [ref. WW1] Don•t Put a Tax on the Beautiful Girls Salvation Lassie of Mine [ref. WW1, Salvation Army] There•s a Lot of Blue-eyed Marys down in Maryland Swanee Shore Alabama Lullaby At the High Brown Babies Ball My Baby•s Arms, from Ziegfeld Follies, 1919 [women] Oo-Solo-Mi (I Give My Soul to You) Don•t Cry Frenchy [ref. WW1] I don•t Want a Doctor ... That Wonderful Kid from Madrid Give Me the Sultan•s Harem Arabian Moon They•re All Sweeties [ref. Zeigfeld Follies] He Used to be a Farmer ... Ding Toes [ref. children] Alcoholic Blues, The Wait and See (You•11 Want me Back) Schwarzwald, Milton E. 1917 Henry and Onivas 1918 Penn, Arthur A. 1918 1918 Ruby, Harry 1919 Yellen and Ager Caddigan and Story 1919 Meyer, George W. 1919 Mitchell, Fields et al 1919 De Voll, Cal 1919 Davis and Erdman 1919 Tierney, Harry 1919 Monaco, Jimmie 1919 Donaldson, Walter 1919 Mills, Jack 1919 1919 Osborne, Nat Silver, Abner 1919 Harrison and Weaver 1919 Von Tilzer, Harry 1919 Von Tilzer, Harry 1919 Caddigan and Story 1919 Von Tilzer, Harry 1919 McCarron and Morgan 1919 fair good good good fair fair fair good fair fair fair good fair fair fair good good fair fair 975.8.0556 975.8.0557 975.8.0558 975.8.0559 975.8.0560 975.8.0561 975.8.0562 975.8.0563 975.8.0564 975.8.0565 975.8.0566 975.8.0567 975.8.0568 975.8.0569 975.8.0570 975.8.0571 975.8.0572 975.8.0573 975.8.0574 975.8.0575 975.8.0576 975.8.0577 17-048 17-048 17-048 17-048 17-049 17-049 17-049 17-049 17-049 17-049 17-049 17-049 17-049 17-049 17-049 17-049 17-049 17-049 17-049 17-049 17-049 17-049 Composer(s) Date Tell Me [cover loose] Dear Heart Just Like a Gipsy I am Climbing Mountains My Isle of Golden Dreams I'm forever Thinking of You Gi rl of Mine Beautiful Dixieland Take me to the Land of Jazz My Sahara Rose, from 'The Ed Wynn Carnival' My Little Bimbo, from 'Silks and Satins• Chili Bean, from 'Silks and Satins' You Never Can Tell San, [later used in Ziegfeld Follies of 1924] I Just can't Help Lovin' 'em All [Canadian edition] Get Up and Get Out [American patriotic song] Underneath Hawaiian Skies Rose of My Heart, from 'Ziegfeld's Midnight Frolic' Absence (Makes the Heart Grow Fonder) I'm in Heaven When I'm in My Mother's Arms In the Heart of Dear Old Italy You're the Only Girl that Made me Cry Zoma Biddy [ ref . Irish] Blue Jeans My Budding Rose Good-bye, from 'Lady Billy' Humming You Don't Need the Wine ... [ref. prohibition] Overalls and Calico I'll be with you When the Clouds Roll By I'm Always Falling in Love [loose cover] Everybody Neighbors When it's Moonlight on the Swannee Shore La Veeda (Castillian Fox-trot) Secrets Hen and The Cow, The (Only a Dream of the Past) Broken Moon Lucky Ten Baby Fingers [ref. children] Kortlander, Max Po 11 a, W. C. Simons and Bayes Kendis and Brockman Blaufuss, Walter Senna, Clarence Freeman, Harold Sutton, Ernest Wendling, Pete Donaldson, Walter Donaldson, Walter Von Tilzer, Albert Von Tilzer , Albert McPhail and Michels Eckstein, Billie O'Hara, Geoffrey Rose, Fred Moret, Nei 1 Rasey, Harry Ager, Milton Glogau, Jack Fisher, Fred Litchfield, E.S. Zamecnik, J.S. Tr ave 11 er, Lou Gilbert and Cooper Levey, Haro 1d Breau and Henderson Akst, Harry Schwartz, Jean Kuhn Brothers Meyer, George W. Clark, Kenneth S. Whiting, Richard A. Alden, John Cowan, Lynn Meyer, George W. Roberts, Lee S. Saunders, Alma [sic] Sanders, Alma &Carlo 1919 975.8.0578 1919 good 975.8.0579 1919 975.8 .0579.1 1919 975.8 .0580 1919 fair 975.8.0581 good 975. 8.0582 1919 1919 good 975.8.0583 1919 good 975.8.0584 1919 fair 975.8.0584.1 1920 good 975.8.0585 fair 975.8.0586 1920 1920 fair 975.8.0587 1920 fair 975.8.0588 1920 (c) fair 975 . 8.0589 1920 fair 975.8.0590 1920 good 975.8.0591 fai r 975.8.0592 1920 1920 fair 975.8.0593 1920 good 975.8.0594 1920 good 975.8.0595 1920 975.8.0596 1920 fai r 975.8 .0597 1920 fair 975.8.0598 1920 fair 975.8.0599 fair 975.8.0600 1920 1920 good 975.8.0601 fair 975.8.0602 1920 1920 975.8.0603 fair 975.8.0604 1920 1920 good 975.8.0605 fai r 975.8.0606 1920 good 975.8.0607 1920 1920 fair 975. 8.0608 1920 975.8.0609 1920 good 975.8.0610 1920 fair 975.8.0611 1920 fai r 975.8.0612 1920 fair 975.8.0613 1920 fair 975 .8.0614 1920 fair 975.8.0615 iv Ar ch nt y C ou L& A Visual es Title Accession Number Location 17-049 17-049 17-049 17-049 17-049 17-049 17-049 17-049 17-049 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 17-050 Composer(s) Date Visual Down the Trail to Home Sweet Home Tripoli Birds of a Feather When the Sun goes Down Loony Melody, The [cover loose] Garden of Smiles Cherie [Canadian edition] Pucker Up and Whistle Stop, Rest Awhile, from •Put and Take• Moonbeams My Last Waltz with You [Canadian] Just Like Two Birds in a Nest Saturday, from •snap Shots of 1921 1 Remember the Rose [cover loose] Georgette, from •Greenwich Village Follies• Moonlight Cowbells r•m a Little Waltz Don•t Leave me, Mammy [cover loose] I •m Through Wreck on the Southern Old 97, The [railway] Sheik of Avenue B, The To-morrow (I•11 be in my Dixie Home Again) [torn] Save the Last Waltz for Me [Canadian edition] Oh, You Little Sun-Uv-Er-Gun [Canadian edition] Bambalina, from •The Wildflower• When I was the Dandy ... from The Grab Bag• June Night [Canadian edition] Dear One [Canadian edition] What Does the Pussy Can Mean When She says Me-Ow? Honest and Truly [Canadian edition][cover loose] I 1 11 See You in my Dreams [Canadian edition] Eliza [Canadian edition] [cover loose] I Don•t Care What You Used to Be [cover loose] On my Uulele Ha! Ha! Don•t Make Me Laugh! That•s My Girl [cover loose] Laff It Off! Let Me Be the First to Kiss You Good Morning Ba 11, Ernest R. Weill, Irving McGowan and Moran Bloom, Marty Longstaffe, Ernest Po 11 a, Wi 11 i am Bi bo, Irving Franklyn and Vincent Gilbert and Brymn Price and Stept Strathdee, John G. Kuhn Brothers Brooks, Harry Simons, Seymour Henderson, Ray Conrad, Con Pi antadosi, A1 Schwartz and Senna Santly and Conrad Weber, Edwin J. Whitter, Henry Kalmar et al Turk et al Johnson and Austin Solman, Joseph Youmans and Stothart Wynn, Ed Baer, Abel Fisher et al Pease et a1 Rose, Fred Jones, Isham Fiorito, Ted Dubin and McHugh Herscher et a1 Cunningham, Paul McKiernan, Joe Kalmar and Ruby Bernard and Robinson 1920 1920 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1923 1923 1923 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 fair fair good fair iv Ar ch nt y C ou L& A 1 es Title fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair Accession Number Location 975.8.0616 975.8.0617 975.8.0618 975.8.0619 975.8.0620 975.8.0621 975.8.0622 975.8.0623 975.8.0624 975.8.0625 975.8.0626 975.8.0627 975.8.0627.1 975.8.0628 975.8.0629 975.8.0630 975.8.0631 975.8.0632 975.8.0633 975.8.0634 975.8.0635 975.8.0636 975.8.0637 975.8.0638 975.8.0639 975.8.0640 975.8.0641 975.8.0642 975.8.0643 975.8.0644 975.8.0645 975.8.0646 975.8.0647 975.8.0648 975.8.0649 975.8.0650 975.8.0651 975.8.0652 975.8.0653 17-050 17-050 17-051 17-051 17-051 17-051 17-051 17-051 17-051 17-051 17-051 17-051 17-051 17-051 17-051 17-051 17-052 17-052 17-052 17-052 17-052 17-052 17-052 17-053 17-053 17-053 17-054 17-054 17-054 17-054 17-054 17-054 17-054 17-054 17-054 17-054 17-054 17-054 17-054 Composer(s) Date Visual Are You Sorry? That's My Hap-Hap-Happiness Say, Arabella I Care for Her and She Cares for Me I Wonder Where My Baby is To-Night Angry [cover loose] A Night of Love [cover loose] Who Wouldn't Love You [Canadian edition] [torn] If I Didn't Know Your Husband .. [Canadian edition] Flamin Mamie [Canadian edition] Miss You [Canadian edition] Don't Wake Me Up, from 'Vanities' [cover loose] She was Just a Sailor's Sweetheart [Canadian ed.] While We Danced till Dawn [Canadian edition] Rose of the Evening Dreaming, from Christmas Pantomime 'Aladdin' I'm Going to Park Myself in Your Arms Oh Say! Can I see you To-Night. When Eyes of Blue are Fooling Yo u Just One More Waltz with You Freshie, from 'The Freshman' [torn] Sorry and Blue Since you Called Me Sweetheart [frayed] Oh! Boy, Waht a Girl, from 'Gay Paree' [torn] Show That Fellow the Door! [cover badly damaged] Li 11 ian When you love more than one. Baby Looks Like Me, The Could I? I Certainly Could Deep Henderson Blue Bonnet - You Make me Feel Blue Put Your Arms Where They Belong Elsie Shultz-en-heim Am I Wasting My Time on You By the Sign of the Rose [Canadian edition] Hi-Diddle-Diddle [Canadian edition] [children] Fire! Where is my Meyer? I Won't Go Home To-Night [Canadian edition] How Wonderful You Were [Canadian edition] Ager, Milton Sherman, A1 Fiorito, Ted Cooper and Stept Donaldson, Walter Mecum, Cassard et al Spier, Larry Burke, Joe Baer, Abel Rose and Whiteman Perry, George 0. Wayne and Baer Burke, Joe Santly and Schuster Pi antadosi, Al Hamblen, Bernard Heath, Fletcher et al Fl atow, Leon Monaco, Jimmie Jerome, Morton Greer, Jesse Elbel, Bob and Don Klickmann, Henri Wright and Bessinger Stone and David Snyder, Ted Wright, Frank Murtagh, Ruby et al Ager , Milton Rose, Fred Bryan, Wendling et al Davis, Santly et al Friend and Silver Johnson and Bibo Field s and Whiting Coon and Keidel Gay and Whiting Profes, Anton Corad, Con Burke, Joe 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair good good fair good fair fair fair fair L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Title fair fai r fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair Accession Number Location 975.8.0654 975.8.0655 975.8.0656 975.8.0657 975.8.0658 975.8.0659 975.8.0660 975.8.0661 975.8.0662 975.8 .0663 975.8.0664 975.8.0665 975.8.0666 975.8.0667 975.8.0668 975.8.0669 975.8.0670 975.8 .0671 975.8.0672 975.8.0673 975.8.0674 975.8.0675 975.8.0676 975.8.0677 975.8.0678 975.8.0679 975 .8.0680 975.8.0681 975.8 .0682 975.8.0683 975.8.0684 975.8.0685 975.8 .0686 975.8.0687 975.8.0688 975.8.0689 975.8.0690 975.8.0691 975.8.0692 975.8.0693 17-055 17-055 17-055 17-055 17-055 17-055 17-055 17-055 17-055 17-055 17-055 17-055 17-055 17-055 17-055 17-055 17-055 17- 055 17-055 17-055 17-055 17-055 17-055 17-055 17-055 17-055 17-055 17-055 17-056 17-056 17-056 17-056 17-056 17-056 17-056 17-056 17-056 17-056 17-056 17-056
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