Summer 2016 - Community Foundation of Washington County


Summer 2016 - Community Foundation of Washington County
To inspire philanthropy for the benefit of
Washington County.
Foundation News
Summer 2016
The Community Foundation of Washington County MD, Inc. is a tax-exempt public charity
created by and for the people of Washington County, MD.
Washington County Gives
Despite the technical difficulties we experienced on May 3, Washington County Gives, the 24-hour online giving event, raised more than $400,000 in online donations, matching funds and prizes. The event saw 2,300
gifts go to one or more of the 73 participating nonprofit organizations. “With the issues we had this year, we
were glad we could extend the day beyond the normal 24 hours to give donors a chance to still give,” said
Brad Sell, executive director of the Community Foundation. “We appreciated everyone’s patience and support
during the 41 hours that became Washington County Gives this year.”
Congratulations to the Top 10 Nonprofits (includes donations, matching funds and prizes):
1. San Mar Children’s Home
2. HEAL of Washington County
3. Cedar Ridge Children’s Home & School
4. Mason Dixon Council, BSA
5. The Maryland Symphony Orchestra
6. Washington County Museum of Fine Arts
7. Hagerstown Ice & Sports Complex
8. Humane Society of Washington County
9. Grace Academy
10. The Maryland Theatre
Thank you to all of our sponsors who provided funds for matching dollars and prizes or helped us get the word
out: Hershey Family Foundation, Fletcher Foundation, Pauline Anderson Foundation, Howard Bowen Family
Fund, Thompson Gas, Mathias Trust, VerStandig
Broadcasting (104.7, 101.5, 92.1 & 1380 AM),
Herald-Mail, What’s NXT, High Rock Studios and
Leitersburg Cinemas.
For the first time, we held a Celebration Event on
May 4 in the University Plaza. Activities included
live music by 92.1, additional prizes for participating nonprofits, popcorn from the CAC, a Star
Wars craft with the Hagerstown YMCA, Cedar
Ridge Adventures climbing wall, a Shakespeare
performance by Maryland Entertainment Group
and more!
Executive Director Notes
Happy summer! It’s hard to believe that the Community Foundation is only 19 years
old. We created our first fund of $9,000 with zero distributions in 1997, and this year
we have over $30 million in assets and will distribute $2 million in grants and
scholarships. What a great success story! We appreciate the foresight of our founding
trustees. We provide a great service and value to the donors in Washington County. We
can satisfy the charitable goals of almost any donor and provide a lasting legacy of
giving in Washington County. You can still create a named endowment fund with
$5,000. Because of our long-term investment policy and spending discipline, the
Foundation will make grants to support Washington County nonprofits and students
generation after generation.
We accept all types of assets for the creation of a fund, but the easiest way to give is
still through a bequest in your will. We can even turn your low-yield assets into lifetime income through a charitable gift annuity. Please stop by and see me to discuss how
we can create your charitable legacy in Washington County. It’s time to Look Forward and Give Back!
With warmest regards,
Meeting A Donor’s Charitable Goals
Donor-Advised Funds provide the donor with the opportunity to remain actively involved in supporting grants
that meet their charitable objectives. As a service to our donors, we reach out to these fund holders when we
become aware of needs in the community that might suit their goals.
In January, Pat Wishard at the Washington County Free Library contacted the Foundation for financial assistance with a program at the Fletcher Branch in celebration of Black History Month called “My Grandmother
Told Me: A Tribute to African-American Women” with storyteller Debra Mims. Fourth and fifth graders at
Bester Elementary School would attend the program at the library, and then Ms. Mims would visit third
graders at the school as well. In total, 224 students would get to experience this
educational presentation.
The Mizell Family Fund chose to make a grant to this program through their donoradvised fund. In February, with the assistance of the Mizell Family, Bester students
witnessed firsthand Ms. Mims transforming into Grandmother Sally Kathryn Mims
searching through an old trunk full of memories. Each item she pulled out reminded
her of stories her grandmother told about slavery, freedom, education and her
experiences as an African-American woman. Ms. Mims shared with the students the
important life lessons her grandmother gave to her, such as how to cook and sew as
well knowing your family history. “If you don’t know where you’ve been, how do you
know where you are going?” she said.
Ms. Mims also stressed the value of getting an education. “Knowledge is power,” she
told the students as she pulled out her great grandmother’s slave beads. “Remember, it
is never too late to learn,” she said to them. Ms. Mims kept the students engaged with
her history lesson by encouraging them to sing and clap with her. Historically, gifts
from the Mizell Family Fund have supported literacy and literary programs here in our
community similar to this one.
New Funds of the Foundation
Our donors have created the following six new funds since April:
Anna Kirby Krouse Community Fund
Women’s Club Foundation Endowment Fund
Dorothy Ida Sellent Werking and Albert E. Werking Fund
Fred L. and Linda J. Vestal Fund
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Fund
Boonsboro Historical Society
Washington County Gives Check Deliveries
Fountaindale PTA
Habitat for Humanity
Heritage Academy
Valor Ministries
Hagerstown Ice & Sports Complex
San Mar Children’s Home & School
Help us save on trees and expenses—send an email to and type NEWSLETTER in the
Subject line. We will send the newsletter to you electronically in the future!
Mary K. Bowman Fund for Historical & Fine Arts
In June, the Mary K. Bowman Fund presented
$63,133 to the following local nonprofit organizations as part of its 2016 granting cycle:
Allied Airmens Preservation Society-Mid Atlantic District: $2,170 for a WWII Weekend.
Barbara Ingram School for the Arts Foundation,
Inc.: $850 for the artists and supplies for the
Summer Arts Academy.
Boys & Girls Club of Washington County:
$3,100 for an Arts Youth Program.
Fort Ritchie Community Center: $3,600 for the Summer Arts & History Initiative with children ages 6-13.
Hagerstown Aviation Museum: $2,760 to upgrade displays, photos and signage in the museum.
Hagerstown Community Concert Association: $1,500 for additional educational outreach sessions for students.
Hagerstown Day Nursery: $4,000 for the children at the center to attend Kinder Konzerts.
Hagerstown Roundhouse Museum: $6,500 for upgrades to the “Trains of Christmas” display.
Maryland Symphony Orchestra: $7,500 to support the 2016-2017 Kinder Konzert series.
Potomac Highlands WWII Roundtable: $3,100 for a challenge match to build their endowment.
Washington County Arts Council: $1,000 for the Art Educators of Washington County 2017 Exhibit.
Washington County Free Library: $10,700 for the Historic Newspaper Indexing Project.
Washington County Historical Society: $2,210 to refine the storage of valuable rare books, artifacts and archives.
Washington County Museum of Fine Arts: $11,543 to support three youth art education programs during 2016-17.
Western Heights Middle School: $800 for a Slam Poetry workshop for all seventh grade students at the school.
Women’s Club: $1,800 to restore the wrought iron railing on the front porch of the Club’s historical building.
Every November, we publish our annual report,
IMPACT, which mails out to 7,000 high income
homes and businesses throughout Washington
County. You can reserve a one or two page
advertorial in the publication which gives you a
photo and description of your business or nonprofit organization. To reserve your space or for
more information, please call Brad Sell at (301)
745-5210 or e-mail him at
Community Needs
In our Spring Newsletter, we shared with you specific, urgent needs from some of our local nonprofit organizations.
Thank you to the donors who provided Heritage Academy with two Automated External Defibrillators, the
YMCA of Hagerstown with three picnic tables for their new outdoor pavilion and Young Life Washington
County with a fender passport event portable audio system! The following or ganizations still need your assistance
with these needs. Please contact the person listed next to the organization’s name directly to help fulfill their requests.
Thank you for your support of these nonprofits!
Brave HEART: Equicizer , a mechanical hor se simulation to r educe anxiety for veter ans par ticipating in
equine therapy; Cost = $1,500; Call Laura J. Lane-Unsworth at (301) 730-6343.
Cedar Ridge Children’s Home & School: Ten twin mattr esses for r esidents in r esidential home for boys;
Cost = $1,400; Call Beth Schroyer at (301) 582-0828, Ext. 122.
Discovery Station: Fr ee weekly community education pr ogr am mater ials & suppor t; Cost = $1,000; Call
Brittany Wedd at (301) 790-0076.
English & More: Bookshelves and folding tables, may be gently used; Cost = $50 each; Call Vir ginia Wilson
at (301) 465-0473.
Hagerstown Choral Arts: Lightweight folding stools for easy tr anspor tation to differ ent per for mances;
Cost = $400; Call Charlotte Trout at (301) 791-1716.
Mason-Dixon Council BSA: Help send a kid to camp; Cost = $167 to fund 50% of a weeklong resident camp or
$75 to fund a day camp at 50%; Call Mark Barbernitz at (301) 739-1211.
Potomac Case Management: Re-stock food and hygiene supply bank for clients; Cost = $1,000; Call Dawn Johns
at (301) 791-3087, ext. 203.
San Mar Children’s Home: Living r oom car pet for Ander son House; Cost = $1,600; Call Terri Siefert at
(301) 733-9067, ext. 101.
Wells House: New bedding & bath linens for r esidential tr eatment center ; Cost = $1,432; Call Cynthia Ter l at
(301) 739-7748.
Endow Maryland Tax Credit
Did you know the Endow Maryland Tax Credit allows Washington County residents to claim a 25% state tax
credit when they create or contribute to an unrestricted community endowment fund at the Foundation? This
tax credit permits every community foundation in the state to distribute $15,000 worth of tax credits ($60,000
worth of contributions) on a first-come, first-served basis to its local donors who contribute a minimum gift of
$500. Just like last year, we have limited the first $15,000 in tax credits to unrestricted community funds since
we try to affect positive change in our communities to local nonprofits through our grants program. Our board
feels this tax credit provides the perfect opportunity to increase our available granting dollars while helping
donors create a family legacy of giving. Please call us at (301) 745-5210 if you have any questions.
The Community Foundation offers a wide variety of funds,
allowing donors the greatest flexibility in meeting their
charitable goals. You may establish any of the following
funds with a minimum gift of $1,000, with growth to $5,000
within five years: Community, Field of Interest,
Designated, Scholarship or Memorial.
33 W. Franklin Street, Suite 203
Hagerstown, MD 21740
All funds are managed carefully and prudently by
professional investment managers and administered by
CFWC. We protect donor intent, while at the same time
complying with federal tax requirements. The Foundation
retains the right to make final decisions regarding the
management, administration and distribution of all funds.
(301) 745-5210
John P. Itell, Chairman
Did You Know?
Father Stuart Dunnan, Vice Chairman
The Community Foundation’s five-year annualized
investment return makes it one of the top
performing community foundations in the country.
Mitesh B. Kothari, M.D., Past Chairman
2015-16 Corporate Sponsors
Michael G. Day, Vice Chairman
Cynthia Moore, Treasurer
Ted Reeder, III, Secretary
Carol R. Becker
Howard “Blackie” Bowen
Andy Bruns
Rich Daughtridge
Robert Ernst, II
Douglas Fiery
Mark Fulton
Louis J. Giustini
John R. Hershey, III
Constance Manger
Stuart L. Mullendore
Steven P. O’Farrell
Brad Pingrey
Melissa Reabold
Elizabeth Schulze
Todd Snook
Mary Helen Strauch
Robin Twigg
Brandon Younger
Bradley N. Sell, Executive Director
Kristy Smith,
Programs & Donor Relations Manager
Ally Sirbaugh, Communications Director