The High Autumn Term 2014 One - Leicester High School for Girls
The High Autumn Term 2014 One - Leicester High School for Girls
The HIGH W Autumn Term 2014 1st Half twitter@LeicesterHigh e have over 80 new families who joined us in September, and I welcome you all to your first issue of The High, our half-termly newsletter. I have enjoyed meeting many of you at the teas for new parents, the talk on pastoral issues and our new ‘Coffee Corner’ on Tuesday mornings, and I look forward to getting to know you and your daughter in the years to come. I am delighted that we have had such a vibrant and exciting start to the year. A newlydecorated school and extended Drama Studio are lovely to come back to, and the girls have experienced a wide variety of trips, speakers, art, sport and drama activities on a weekly, if not daily, basis. Enjoy your break with your daughters, and I look forward to welcoming the girls back to school for the lead-up to Christmas! AW Best School in Leicester Again! T he School is celebrating a strong performance in A level and GCSE results this year. With 48% of the A level grades being A*/A, there has been a significant increase in these higher, sought-after grades. 100% of the 42 Year 13 girls passed, and 74% gained grades A*-B and 90% grades A*-C. The national average of A*-B grades is 52%, so Leicester High, with 74%, has performed strongly. Emily Hopgood and Alice Boyd gained 7 A* A levels between them and are both now at Cambridge University. Most girls secured their first choice university, and all girls are to be congratulated on their results. GCSE results day was a celebration for Year 11, with 100% of the girls gaining 5 GCSEs or more, and 96% gaining 5 or more including English and maths. Two thirds, (67%), of all grades were A*/A, and 31% were A*. Two girls gained straight A*s and 17 girls gained all A* and A grades which represented nearly a third of the year group. 100% of results for music and over 50% of results for French, Spanish and German were A*. Grades for PE were all A*/A and for Home Economics 16 out of 17 grades were A*/A. These results mean that within Leicester City Education Authority, Leicester High continues to be the top performing school at A level and GCSE. Head Girl gains place on Everest Base Camp Expedition Jo Hitchcock tells the story in her own words….. I have been accepted by a company called 360expeditions to take part in a student expedition to Everest Base Camp and Lobuche East this Easter. I am one of six students who make up our Everest student team, and we will be supported by a team of highly qualified instructors. The expedition will qualify for the residential section of my DofE Gold award, and lasts 3 weeks. After hearing about this opportunity, I could not resist sending in my application. I know it is going to push me mentally and physically; however, I’m ready to be pushed out of my comfort zone, and to experience this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I am required to raise £1600 towards my expedition costs, and a further £400 which will go directly to Place2be, a charity which provides mental health support to children in the UK. I hope to be carrying out fundraising events in school, which will help me to reach my target, allowing me to fulfil this dream of an expedition’. For further information on the expedition, please visit the website Congratulations to Jo on securing her place on this incredible adventure. Page 2 Junior Greengrocer Visit Cross Country Festivals Celebrated House Captains Page 3 Senior GCSE Field Trips Year 6 & 7 Gallery Drugs Awareness Badminton Coaching Art Events ‘ Page 4 Sixth Senior Prize Giving National Citizenship Service Y13 out in the Community Gallery Years 1 & 2 Down on the Farm O n Tuesday 23 September both Years 1 and 2 enjoyed a trip to Oadby Lodge Farm to see how food goes ‘From Farm to Fork’. They enjoyed a nature hunt around the fields and woods, looking for berries, wheat fields, combine harvesters and bee hives and then they made a pizza which they took home to eat. Year 1 have been learning about the grain chain in their school work and so to see the chain in action was a real insight. Follow us on twitter: @LeicesterHigh Tel. 0116 270 5338 Junior Foundation Visit the Greengrocers Cross Country Success at Event in Knighton Park O Junior House Captains T he new House Captains in the Junior Department have now been chosen to represent their respective houses of Beaumanor, Bradgate and Charnwood. The girls will be expected to be role models and encourage good behaviour and hard work in others. They will liaise with other pupils in their house and work closely with the House Captains in the Senior School. Well done to all of these girls: Beaumanor: Aalishah Patankar and Saachee Gataure; Bradgate: Trinettra Ruben and Lytheah HeskeyMorrison; Charnwood: Tara Rajprohit and Beatrice Davies. n Friday October 10, a number of girls entered the Leicester City School Sport Partnership Cross Country event at Knighton Park with some outstanding results outlined below: Year 3 2nd Alfreda Barroso-Taylor 6th Arya Johri Year 4 3rd Frantasia Mbewe 9th Mylan Basra 10th Raquel Berry 11th Lytheah HeskeyMorrison 13th Beatrice Davies Year 5 1st Nya Patel th Isha Ghosh th Aalishah Patankar 14 20 Year 6 5th Isobel Hardy 12th Constance Davies Congratulations to all the girls who took part. O n Wednesday 1 October the Foundation Unit excitedly boarded the school minibus for their trip to a local greengrocer. As part of their topic on healthy eating, they selected fruit and vegetables, which they later transformed into a delicious vegetable soup and fruit salad. Festivals Celebrated T he Foundation Unit found out about and shared the Jewish celebration of Rosh Hashanah, the Hindu Festivals of Navratri and Diwali, and the Eid Festival this half-term. They had an informative talk from a parent and sampled apples dipped in honey and pomegranate seeds as part of the Jewish New Year. Four girls also dressed in special Indian suits and performed a dance with dandiya to share their celebration of the beginning of Navratri, which is linked with the harvest and performing kind deeds. For Diwali the girls all sampled Indian food and dressed up and learnt the story of Rama and Sita. Thank you to the parents who helped with the celebrations. Senior GCSE Field Trips: Biology & Geography T E Twycross Zoo G S ixteen of the best badminton players from Years 8 to 13 attended a pre-season training day led by Steve Higgins, who used to coach the England U17 team. The girls trained hard for 5 hours learning new tactics, improving technique and gearing up for the season ahead. They have had great success in the Leicestershire League and hope to maintain their high position! Playing Happy Families! irls in Years 1013 enjoyed two inschool events from artists this term. A Royal Academy artist and life model team visited school and the girls spent a day drawing ‘from life’. This was followed by a workshop from Ian Naylor, who showed the girls how to draw hands, which are notoriously difficult to draw. See the website Senior Gallery for more photos. Top Coach for Badminton Fineshade Woods Art Events in School London very girl in the Senior School attended a talk about drugs awareness by Dave Parvin from Drug Sense UK towards the end of the half term. The parents of the girls were then invited to a similar talk in the evening of the same day. The talks are part of the PSHCE programme in school which is designed to prepare the girls for life. Parents also listened to Laura Cook from Jotters, a learning support centre, speaking about the teenage years and coping with the issues of mental health that arise in teenagers. Warwick Castle Talk on Pastoral Issues for Parents and Girls in Years 6-13 Years 6 & 7 Gallery Curve Theatre his half term the Year 11 geographers and biologists gained some valuable fieldwork experience on trips out of school. The geographers visited Stanwick Lakes in Northamptonshire to collect information for their GCSE controlled assessments. In the morning, they had a talk and a guided tour of the former quarry from one of the rangers. The area is now managed as a nature reserve and visitor attraction. In the afternoon, the girls collected their own data and had a chance to explore the facilities the park offers, before returning to school. The biologists travelled up to The Cranedale Centre in Yorkshire to complete part of the practical work for their GCSEs. They set traps to catch a variety of small mammals and also set out to a river to look at the variety of animals and insects present. The girls also went out to the beach and investigated rock pools. Sixth SENIOR PRIZE GIVING O n Thursday 18 September the School held its annual Senior Prize Giving for Years 12, 13 and the Leavers of 2014. The audience were treated to magical performances by Amalia Young on the violin, Susannah Wang and Claire Zhang, who performed a beautiful piano duet, and Sorcha Whyte, who sang ‘I Dreamed a Dream’ which she had sung to Prince Edward earlier in the year at a Duke of Edinburgh event held at St James’ Palace in London. Over 175 prizes, awards, colours and certificates were distributed in recognition of the academic, sporting, debating, musical and artistic achievements of the senior girls over the past academic year. Guest speaker Miss Claire Sparks spoke enthusiastically about how school equips each and every one of us with the passion and courage to pursue our dreams and ambitions, as she spoke about how her own life had changed, since she left behind the world of PR to write her first and hugely acclaimed novel. Year 13 Girls out in the Community T By Sana Sattar and Zahraa Desai he girls tell the story of their experience in their own words below. What they haven't said is how poised and professional they were. They were a credit to the School, and most importantly, themselves. Thank you girls. ‘It was a privilege for us to be warmly welcomed by the staff and pupils of Fleckney Primary School. We took great pride in teaching the Year 1 and 6 pupils about different aspects of Islam and giving them an insight into the daily life of a Muslim, reinforcing their current religious studies. We covered a variety of topics, ranging from the 5 basic principles of Islam to its effect on our lifestyle. The students were incredibly inquisitive and confidently participated in the interactive session. It was a great pleasure to answer their numerous questions and we hope to have enriched their knowledge of Islam. We are grateful to the staff at Fleckney Primary School for giving us the opportunity to strengthen our communication and interpersonal skills, which are vital in development as confident young women. This experience has proved highly beneficial to us, as we are keen to inform young students on such a fast growing and largely followed religion in our society. We look forward to more opportunities like this in the future’. Mr Tim Leah, Headmaster of Fleckney Primary School and LHS Governor, said, ‘Please pass on our thanks to Sana and Zahraa; it wasn't an easy job talking about their faith to so many Year 6 and Year 1 children, but they did so brilliantly and in such a self assured and charming manner. They were a real credit to LHS’.…… Bonding Day fE Gold Do C ologists randedale bi Y12 heart di ssection Macmilla O ur new n Cance en O gd r Sc h ol ar s National Citizen Service Words by Zakira Asra, Media & Marketing Prefect O ver the summer of 2014, several girls from Year 11, now in Year 12, took part in NCS, the National Citizen Service. It’s a programme developed to help young people around the country to build skills for work and life, while taking on new challenges and meeting new friends. Participants develop a social action project to deal with a local issue they are passionate about, and spend 30 hours putting the project into action in their community. The scheme began with a one week residential where they bonded with other participants and enjoyed activities such as raft building and fencing. Jennisa in Year 12 particularly enjoyed her residential and said, ‘On one night we had a huge campfire where every team prepared something to perform and we also had pizza!’ This was followed by a stay at a university in student accommodation for a week. Rou-Qian in Year 12 spent the week at De Monfort University where the teams took part in a Dragon’s Den-style task. All the skills that the teams were working on in the first two weeks were put into practice for the third and fourth week when they focused on their social action projects. Each team chose an aspect of their community to help and improve. This included centres and organizations such as special needs schools and the RSPCA. Chantel, in Year 12, and her team decided to go busking in town and sell loom bands. ‘On the last day, we had a stand at Victoria Park, sold cakes and drinks, and managed to raise about £800 for the RSPCA and George Ward Centre’. At the end of the scheme, a graduation day was held for all the participants who also received a certificate signed by the Prime Minister. Rou-Qian said that her favourite part of the summer was ‘making new friends on the residential’ and also ‘fundraising for Ashmount School.’ Each LHS girl agreed that taking part in NCS really helped to boost their confidence and gave them the chance to develop a range of important skills. INTERESTED IN JOINING OUR SCHOOL? Next Open Morning: Wednesday 19 November, 9-11.30am No need to book, simply walk in! Please contact Mrs Harbage on 0116 270 5338 or for more information