Crusader 11-02-2015 - St. Martha Catholic School
Crusader 11-02-2015 - St. Martha Catholic School
November 2, 2015 From the Principal The holidays are for sure upon us now as we move fully into the month of November. Halloween, All Saints Day and All Souls Day have started us on the path to a very busy next couple of months. The annual Saints Parade was, once again, an awesome tribute to the men and women who dedicated their lives to following Jesus and the gospels. I would like to once again congratulate all the families who create the costumes the students wear and help the students research the saint for their report in class. It is interesting to hear the children talk about what they have done to learn about their saint. Mission The Mission of St. Martha Catholic School is to provide a quality education sharing in the total Catholic formation of each person by developing mind, heart and spirit. Right Choice Lesson The Right Choice lesson for the month of November is Reverence. How can you show Reverence in your everyday life? ______________________ St Martha Catholic School 2411 Oak Shores Drive Kingwood, Texas 77339 T 281.358.5523 F 281.358.5526 The students often wonder about the difference between an angel and a saint. A saint is any human being, similar to our students, parents, and staff, who lives his or her life in service to others, praying for others, and living the gospel messages. When we die, if we have lived a life following Jesus, performed a miracle as a result of God’s presence, and a miracle happens because of us after we die, the canonization process can be initiated by a member of the church. This process takes several years to validate the life and acts of this person before he or she is named a saint. The church explains to us that an angel was never a human being. An angel has always been an angel, and he or she is in heaven to help and protect the people on earth. Saints help pray for us when they are in heaven too, and that is why we ask them to pray for us. Saints are not idolized; they are studied as inspirations on how we can live our lives following Jesus. So, during the month of November pray that the saints will help pray for you. In the months of November and December, many people follow God’s calling to help people less fortunate than themselves, which is a step to be a saint. St. Martha Catholic School will be involved in several projects for the remainder of the school year to help students and families follow in the footsteps of many saints; by helping those in need whether it is the basic need of food, water, shelter, or spiritual need through prayers and companionship. We will be sending more information home very soon relating to our school’s Advent Project as part of the parish community supporting one another. In a recent quiz of our middle school students, we found that they are often confused about Advent and Lent. I would like to encourage our school families to create an actual, usable Advent wreath for your home this year. We will ask families to work together on creating the Advent wreath and take pictures of the stages of preparation for the wreath. Students will then print off the pictures of the wreath making and turn them into their homeroom teachers. A rubric will be sent home later in the week with more information on the Advent Wreath project. It should be fun and something your family will utilize at home this Advent season. Blessings to you all. SMCS Alumni Spotlight Look at what they’re doing now!! Michael Paul Maraffa, class of 2011, attended SMCS for grades 4-8 .He went on to Kingwood Park HS where he graduated in 2015. During high school he was a three year letterman in basketball and captain in his senior year. He also participated in Reading Buddies for four years (reading to students at an elementary school), Best Buddies (an organization that pairs students with disabilities with non-disabled students) and SHINE work camp. His senior year he received the Larry Cooper Scholarship for community service. He now attends UTSA where he is studying psychology. He is a member of the psychology club and volunteers in San Antonio. He also plays intramural sports. His hope is to one day open his own private practice. Good luck in your future endeavors, Michael! We are proud to call you a Crusader! If you have any news to share about your (or any) SMCS alumni, please send to Eryn Dodge or Kelly Chesnut SMCS has a Facebook page just for SMCS alumni – like our page Follow us on Instagram at SMCSalumni and please spread the word to our alumni to like it and share their news too!! Father Richard stopped by to have his hearing checked by our amazing volunteers! Athletics Welcome to the girls' "C" Team! Mary Hays (mother of 5th grader Sophia Hays) will be coaching the "C" girls' basketball team this year. "I am very excited for this opportunity to pass on my love of basketball to your daughters. I started playing basketball in Akron, Ohio, in the CYO system and then went on to play at Walsh Jesuit and the AAU/ Junior Olympic league. I also have been coaching basketball and volleyball at the YMCA here. My husband and I have four children at St. Martha. Our family moved to Kingwood two years ago from North Carolina so my husband could attend graduate school here in Houston, where he grew up. I work part time as a financial counselor and also own my own floral and event design business." The popular Father-Son and Mother-Daughter programs are being presented by Office of Adolescent Catechesis and Evangelization. These are great opportunities for parents to share vital information with their children in a way that allows everyone to feel comfortable with sensitive topics. THE FATHER-SON PROGRAM will be held on Satur day, November 7, fr om 9:30 A.M. - Noon at Epiphany of the Lord Parish in Katy. The program is for boys ages 10-14 and their fathers or significant father-figure. The program brings fathers and sons together to look at the wonder and power of God’s plan for human sexuality in the process of growing up and becoming a man. A 2016 spring program will be held on Saturday, April 23, at Mary Queen Parish, Friendswood THE MOTHER-DAUGHTER PROGRAM will be held on Satur day, November 7, from 2:00 - 4:30 P.M. at Epiphany of the Lord Parish, Katy. The program is for girls ages 9-12 and their mothers or significant mother-figure. The program fosters an atmosphere of love and understanding in discussing God’s plan for the gift of human sexuality and the challenges of living chastely. A 2016 spring program will be held at St. Ignatius Parish, Spring on Saturday, March 5, and Mary Queen Parish, Friendswood on Saturday, April 23. Online registration for the November 7 offering only: Father-Son Program: https://ar son Mother-Daughter Program: https://ar daughter Registration deadline is Tuesday, November 3. Registration is limited to 50 families for each program. The programs are sponsored by the Archdiocesan Office of AdolescentCatechesis and Evangelization. For more information contact Mark Ciesielski at 713-741-8792 or Family Fun Night Fall 2015 Our fall Family Fun Night was a toy chest of fun! Our Family Fun Night committee led by Tracy Rinando and Casey Levy put on an amazingly spectacular evening. Our evening consisted of a giant checkerboard, a huge Connect Four, a life sized Kerplunk, a fishing pond with super prizes and many other oversized games. The evening could not have been complete without a “middle school only” hang out room filled with bingo and prizes. In addition to our Family Fun Night committee we would also like to thank the many other volunteers who so graciously donated their time and talent to make this event a success. We also send a special thank you to our Student Ambassadors who helped run games and make this a wonderful time for all! Keep your eyes on Flocknote to save the date for the spring Family Fun Night! Cross Country Season Recap The SMCS Cross Country Team finished its season last week at the St. Laurence GHCAAA Championship. This meet capped off a record-setting six meet season for the team under the guidance of coaches Dan and Lauri Pradel. At the championship, individual medals were awarded for the top five finishers in grade/division for the 1.5 mile race. St Martha’s brought home three medals: Alex Varela (1st Place @ 9:13.4), Evan Crosswait (4th Place @ 10:13.9) and Katherine Speyerer (5th Place @ 10:47.8). Over the course of the fall season, each and every one of the athletes participating in Cross Country improved their time from the start of the season. The average improvement was a huge 9.48%! Congratulations to the all of the runners and parents that supported them this season! Front: Kennedy Meyer, Grace Kelly, Maggie Jo Pradel, Katherine Speyerer, Anora Lee, Emily Chaires Back: William Pradel, Matt Stevens, Evan Crosswait, Alex Varela, Riley Villerreal, Nicolas Gentile Alex Varela (1st Place) with other medalists Evan Crosswait receives his medal Katherine Speyerer (5th Place) with other medalists October Right Choice: Respect Congratulations to the following Crusaders who are being recognized for modeling responsibility in our school community. They are good examples of living out our Gospel values! Bradie Smith (PreK 3) Madison Smith (PreK 3) Gracelynn Jackson (PreK 3) Riley Sullivan (PreK 4) Elizabeth Lozano (PreK 4) Michael Lux (K) Savanna Webb (K) Vivienne Ziegler (1st) Leah Hopke (1st) Caroline Morris (2nd) Grant Hebert (2nd) Grant Jimerson (3rd) Ava Hardy (3rd) Nathan Simko (4th) Blake Bezner (4th) Abigail Lifrieri (5th) Kyra Vick (5th) Lucita Galvez (6th) Quinn Keeler (6th) Alaina Ashy (7th) Austin Zammit (7th) Brianna Rodriquez (8th) Christopher Cardenas (8th) October: Mrs. Salomonsson, PreK 3 Teacher My Educational Background: This is my 13th year teaching. I have a B.S. in Multidisciplinary Studies and English As A Second Language from Houston Baptist University. My Favorite Teaching Moment: I was blessed to wor k with a student who had cer ebral palsy. The student was unable to walk or talk. I was able to help the student show that she could understand and learn. She taught me that we can do anything we put our minds to! After a few months she received a dynavox computer that scanned her eyes and would then type words or click on words for her and then speak for her! It brought me such joy to see the happiness it brought her to finally be able to communicate with her family, peers, and teachers! My Family: I am mar r ied and have a son in four th gr ade and a daughter in seventh grade. We also have one dog and three cats. I enjoy traveling, camping and baking in my free time. Congratulations to our new SMCS National Jr. Beta Club officers and new members who were inducted in a special ceremony on Friday, October 16. Our officers from last year passed the flame of leadership on to the new officers, entrusting them with the responsibility of leading our club members to succeed academically, lead others, serve others and demonstrate honest, ethical and moral good character in all that they do. The 2015-2016 SMCS National Jr. Beta Club Officers President Mary Therese Leake Vice-President Secretary Alexis Cox Parker Manning Historian Elsa Awani Treasurer Matthew Payne Chaplain Carson Chesnut New Members Mary Katherine Bena Ava Cintron Chloe Evangelista-Ysasaga Clayton Landry Rebecca Manosalva Christina Munafo Bess Overton Gabriella Selva Katherine Speyerer Alejandro Tristan Sienna Bryan Lilly Christiansen Reese Huchingson Genevieve LeBeouf Claire McTaggart Ryan Nguyen Hadleigh Reiss Sydney Schod Daniella Stevanato Kyra Vick Ashley Cox Porter Dodge Grace Kelly Emma Liles Kennedy Meyer Charlie Norman Brianna Rodriguez Sophia Simmons Matt Stevens Cristina Villalobos Allissa Altman Alex Benedict Jakob Brammer Emily Chaires Evan Crosswait Moira Dodge Lucita Galvez Grace Guillory Sabra Holden Ronan Keeler Mary Therese Leake Jennah Mahmood Ricky Martinez Isabella Padula Isabella Pinto Armando Selva Landen Smith Grace Vidal Catalina Zapata Ana Sofia Aragon Kayla Benedict Christopher Cardenas Carson Chesnut Hayden Diamond Elizabeth Drake Grace Garwood Robert Henry Allison Anne Huchingson MacKenzie Kelley Anora Lee Parker Manning Catherine Miller David Payne Heather Richter Cristian Selva Alex Varela Lily Watkins Claire Zeinieh Returning Members Chloe Adu-Gyamfi Elsa Awani Madison Bezner Natalie Castillo Alexis Cox Chloe Ditges Makenna Eccles Makayla Geraci AJ Holden Quinn Keeler Jackson Landry Leah Lucas Abbigale Martin Gabby Norman Matthew Payne Billy Schmidt Hannah Simons Adriana Vargas-Cortez Madison Whitfield Thank you to all our Beta Club members for committing to serving others in our school, parish and community. You are truly our leaders of tomorrow! Kindergarten Korner “Kinder-gardeners” are watching their garden grow. We have planted broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, lettuce, sage, thyme and rosemary. The students were absolutely amazed that some of the broccoli and cauliflower leaves measured 10 inches long! The carrots and lettuce have popped out from their seeds in nice neat rows, but some of the seeds were scattered throughout the garden, and the students have a lot of fun identifying them. We also like to use our five senses to identify the different size herb leaves, texture and their distinct smell. Middle School Religion Middle School Saints! Grade Eight students helped our Pre-K through First Grade students get in the mood for the Saints procession held on October 29. The Eighth Graders dressed up as their assigned saint and wrote a story about their saint to present to the younger Crusaders. The students in 8th Grade needed to figure out why their saints were in a group together. Some were brothers, brother and sister, friends, American saints, and so forth. Grade Seven students are working on a Communion of Saints poster. They have chosen a canonized saint, someone that is deceased and someone who is living who are positive role models helping them to live their Christian life. Grade Six students have chosen a saint and are making " stained glass" posters of them. Along with their pictures, the students have written three facts and a fib about their saint. The Seventh and Eighth Graders will see if they can find the fib next week! StuCo Student Council has been very busy helping to organize Red Ribbon Week. They ended Red Ribbon Week by sponsoring a Halloween costume/party and dance. Middle School Spanish Our 6th and 7th graders have been working this month on Spanish Projects called "Hispanic Heritage" during our Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 to October 15). The projects recognized the importance and influence of Hispanics in our country and honored significant contributions of Hispanic and Latin Americans to the United States. For this, all 6th and 7th graders made posters with a biography of a famous Hispanic person. Please take the time to come see our projects posted in the second grade hallway. Lake Martha Take a look at what happens at St. Martha with all of the rain we’ve been having! Middle School Math It is hard to believe we are so close to Thanksgiving. This year is flying by. All my students have been hard at work. 8th Graders are currently learning about inequalities. We had some pretty funny word problems that match all the different ways greater than, less than, greater than or equal to and less than or equal to can be said. Students will be solving and graphing solutions before we move onto rational numbers (positive and negative decimals and fractions). 7th Graders finished up their operations with positive and negative numbers (integers) and are now studying fractions. Also, they are learning to use negative fractions and decimals, as well. 6th Graders just finished up a large unit on data/statistics. Seven questions were answered by all students, and then all students figured out the mean, median, mode, range and created all appropriate presentations in the form of graphs for each question. We are now beginning Algebra I concepts, learning about variables, evaluating expressions and solving equations. Reflections on our St. Martha Catholic School Identity Parker Uniform Code Uniforms may be ordered online at Web ID Code: 77339 Office Depot 5% Back to School Program If you shop at Office Depot, please use our school ID for 5% cash back to SMCS. Our ID# is 70098730 Tuition and Before & After School Program Please remember that tuition is due on the 1st of each month. All Before and After School Program fees are due by the 10th. Please note: Late fees will apply to tuition and BASP payments received after the 10th. Our SMCS crest is in the shape of a shield, something that by definition is a protective item. Have you ever thought about how a shield can provide protection from more than just physical harm? Our faculty reflected on the scriptural meaning of the shield in their recent in-service meeting, and they found in the Bible these beautiful references to the Lord as our shield: Psalm 28:7 Psalm 33:20 Psalm 91:4 Ephesians 6:14-16 The Lord is my strength and shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him. We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
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