3-8-11 Furthur-Set1Disk1


3-8-11 Furthur-Set1Disk1
Toyata Presents figkdmls
Wallingford, frT
fltarch 8,201'f
Disc One:
'1. Mississippi Half $t*p > 1$:0?
2" Easy Wind S7:E?
$. Operator 0S:0?
4. Ohl Darling 0$:48
5. Reuben And Cherise > 10:40
6. Dark Hsllovtr 05:{9
7. Money ForGasoline > 07:09
8" Foolish Heart 09:3S
The Ann*t*ted "h{i ssissi ppi Halfstep {Jp1t;wn To*dlelcxr"
M live"{nr ix whnf
T h m,4 r*rum#r*#sd
Pmme 1
aiss i p pfr S{nl f-
Ey Daxd_tlpgd
1997-5]8 fi.esearch Associate, Music Dept", llniver:sity
Santa Crus
ll$#ssiffi ispiHmlf${-e#p-tsmm&ms!-1"f,{ss*
Wmrds by E oher"f H::nter; ruusic by J*rrg {}arria
{Jerpyright Ice l*fine l]uhiistdng; used trv pnnninsion
On ihe elay that I uras hErrn
flncidy *mt down nud *rled
I hact the mar"k junt as plain as day
which could nut he denier{
They sa,y rhat eaiq ffiudlt-&hal
rolling l*nded dlne,
ace of,npades hmhind his *rur
and him mot thirrk-ing fivicr
Mi ssissi ppi Uptmwn [ggd].dnr-q
t{s-tLsl}-#J"-Im*ffi xlss,g*scif:"gs
llalf a cup of"yc$k -A$dgy3
!'ar*welI to ycxr *ld smuth*rn s*ky
I'rn *m rfiy way * $n my wey
If all y*Ll g*t t* live for
is what ym l*flh*hind
get yolrnrelf m pmwrler charge
ancl s*al that silver rnirue
J,l,esr-mv--b.u**g:8fi arlsrtb-ahff
&prle-"s,f ,.E:gskng JeilS sr
Nailed n retread tm rny fl**t
and prayed fur hetter wcather
Mississippi ilptrmn To*c{lelo*
Hello, haby, ['m g*ne" good-b-yer
Half a *up r:f re*k nnd rye
Farewell to vou eild south*rm sky
I'm sn mv w&y * ffn ffi)r'hv&y
They say t.h.at when y*r-rr ship c*rne,s in
the first mnm takss thm *ails
Thm unc*nd takms the nffimrdnck
:/lacsites"urs*. edu/fiIleadl*.gd1ft
al fstep:.
lf he
Annntated *lkfi
sni ssi
alfxtep Llptown
T oodl
Page ? r:FS
n* "
The third the prlmuks and rails
Whwtls thc p*int to sallin shert*?
This rue aim't straig$rt in line
Cuehm.ll's made *f grytrrfoAm
*nd n* one's g*t the tirne
Mi nsi*sippi Llptnwn Tmr:dleloo
Flello bahy, fm gone, goodbye
I{aif a cup *f rock and rye
Fnreruell t* you old *mrth*rn sky
I'rfi on fiIy way * 0n my wey
Acrns* th* Rio Grand*ecr
Acrocm the lar.v river
Acr*ss the R.ip Grand-eo
Across the traqy riv*r
kfississippi ttalf-Stmp {Ip toxrn Toodf; el nm "
Recarded cn Ifkr&q-{?f.d?q ils(d Atrso included *n,$*flAJ Fouf "F*rce,
q Net"
0ss*}f#&r_r,fr{ /,
&nd on
First perfolmed Jlrly 15, Ig?t at tr)itrlom Stadium in l{artfnrd, Connesticut" Followed'Me and.My uncle"
and led into "Sing S{e Back Homso" which closed out the first set. A rt*ple mf the repertcrire ever si.nce"
flain caugh* Ahel
A motirre f,crthofirst rnurder in human histmry? The Biblical story of f;nin and Absl is found in Genesrs
4:8 ff.
An *trd Africnn-Americ*n snng, "Cr*fiti$n," rfint&ins th* linm*:
"Cain thou*ght Abel played a trick
(Dese bomes gwine risn ergaiu)
Hit 'ern in tho head u'id a piece of brick.."."
p" 84
--HhUs, Arnerit:{rn }fegro,l,r:I&
[-,*st my
in franmit, hahe
This not* fnrm a reader:
$uh"iert: Mississippi ftalf-Step
Date: Tue, 3i] Jun 199& 22:05:34 HDT
From: Flnnr@a*l^com
http ://artsri tes.ucsc. eduL/GDsad/agdl/halfstep.
The Annntmted "Missi nri grpi Hal{'st*p Uptorvn
Page 3
ffis*r Llnvld:
['rn not srrr"e if y*u are cnntiniling tl"r trpdale th* annotatinns, but hsre's one just im c&se. tr"ve
seen tlris particular Garci* qu*te rsfer*nced in a few publicatiuns, inciuding filans'Playing
in the Band (pg" 22 in rny very dog eamed sspy).
"Lost I\{y B<lots in Trnnsit, A Fils
$motrrirg l-eather"..n'
"Ev*nt$ in nny life uu6gmsted to rn* that mnyb* it wus p;oing to be my
responsibility to keepr upping the ante. In was im ns auto*robile aceidnnt in I S(ifi
rvith fnur nthcr guys.""nine,ty plus ndles an ht:rlr nn a bnsk road. V/e hit thess
dividers aud rryent flyirry, tr guesru. All I kmow is that I nas ritting in the car and
there was this"'distuftnrice"'ared the next thing I ra"as in a field, f,ar en*ugh
armay fr*rn the *ar that tr crruldn't see it"
crllmf,ted like a cigarette pmck. ^-and insidm it were rny shoes. Ild
been thrown co,rnpletely out of rny shoes and through the rryindshield" fine guy
did die in the grcrup. {t was lik* tr*osing the gmlden boy, the one whrl hael the
m*st to *tTer. Ftlr me it was *rusldng. but I had ths feelimg that rny life had
been spnred t* do something.."not tn tnk* any hullshit, to eithmr go whole hog or
not at all"..That wa,* when rny life began. Before that I had been living at less
than cnpncity" Thut event w s the nlingshnt for thn rest *f'rny liff,. It was fil)r
se*ond shance, and I got serious."
Thm *ar wa$
W'* rl! have those moments whem our life is *hanged" fuline happened nn June 2-?, I983 at
h.{en"iwether Post Pavillion iu Colunrhi4 Maryland" l.ike ,Ierry, after that "I gttt se{iffi*r*."
frr thn *antinueel g*od wttrk*"
L,ee Tyson
rom th e _r f-p_*d*_ryM.:&
"tondle*no inl- *:cd/.*q. [$rigin unkn$wn; p*rh" f. T$ST (An a*t of tonting"""]] fin*dbye. Cf.
190?.Pr.lne,& t6 June 465 'Toodl*-eo, old *port.'Mr. Fun*h turned nrund at the amazing
wor<ln and geset* at hin ccrmpanion" ...
AI sn tnodle-, toctle'pip.
n'...{r rn&vbe,
ns Mr fi.W. Thomas has mCIst ingeniously suggested- a Cr:*kney cornrptir:n
th.e French equivalent of 'fl'11) $sd you $$fin': * t*at n lher*t{4."
,&nd this n$te
a rnarter:
http ://a,rtsites.ucsr;. ecluiGDead/agdllhal flstep. htm I
3/r 1/2011
Page 4 r:f S
The Annotntmd "IV{ississippi Hnlfstep Llptum,n Toodlelocl"
Dat*: Tuq lgllec I095 18:03;44 -0SS0
From; Ray Hrizei
$uhjnct ; hflJ f,step,,,,,,ets
*rnt*ly *njoyingl your mn*tated lyrics!
A c*uple oflthingn on half step mississippi upur-wn t*tdelur
You didnt rnenticrn '*East St L*uis
"tr'o*de1no,*' by
tluke Eltrington. also covered by $te*ly
tlr**::.**l ..
He$o, bmhy, f'mt 6mn*, g*rd-by*
This note from a read*r:
Dat*: Tue, tr9flec 1995 tE:03.44 -ff*Ofi
From: Ray Brizxi
"Helln baby Inn gons, goodbyeo' always renrinrJed me of "t{*11o I Must Be Going,n from
Anirasl L'rscfcrs sung by ffiroucho h,,,Iarx"
p*int, and thmnks!
Rotk and rye
sweet alcoholia beverage rnade fr*rn pufting rock candy nnd f,ruit irl rye whixlcey.
Compar* the linss {torn a tune in Hhfig:
'...Farewellto Tom and Jerry
FarewelL to Roniq and Rye
Itns a loug way to old Kentucky
Fclr Alabaffra done gone ciry."
-dmwlcsn ffegnn F'oI*.,stlxpr', p. 355. {Reported frnm Auhrnfi, AIn" t9l5of "Tipperary""
1916; to tfue tune
&nd this not* from a reader:
$ubjectr halfstep
Date: Mnni, 3 Apr 20CI0 22:2?:24 -t]?*ff
From: Jeff Aitksn
ar$ ycn] interested in new takes on dead lyrics?
i always ttlought "trsffk & ryen' made another reference - th* maEprifi.cent blend of go*d *ld
fiD rock & the fruits nf the rye m*ld {ergmtamine t,arlrets -> lysergic a"d'1
The Annotated *h{ississippi Halfstep Upt*wn Toodleloo"
Page 5
Jeff Ai&en lnvsrness C-A
And another nntts sn this line:
Suhject: Half-Step
Dmte; Fri, ZAMla;r 2000 21:?5:0$ -S5fi0
From: Kevin Matthews
Dear Mr. Dodd,
nrock nnd rye" r'elated the lyric to a folk
In regards tr: Half-litep, I naticed the reference for
song"".lhe song also trad tne lyri* "farewell to Tom and Jerry"...obviously this is not a
re&renre to the cat and mffirss duqr, but I rvas wondedng if you knew or if you knew where
I could find if the rartoon were hased on ssme lngend" T'he idea that the f.wn have nothiug to
do with each other hns ocfirred to ftte, but it seemed like mcre than an innoncetrt
*oincidence to me. Thank you for your tirne.
Kevin Matthews
Hunter's use <rf Styrofoam, a DSW Chemical brand afifire, is reminiscent {tn mB, at least}
*f (ol$.
Keyword*: @gambling" ffi,river, {Salcohol
DeadBase code:
First pcsted: dpril 4, 1995
Last revissd: April 4,2000
http //artsiter,ucsr. edu/Gfiea#agdl/hal fstep. html
The fuinutated 'nEasy l$imd"
th* riv*r ketp u tfilkin' $ttf
Rexearnh A1$onlels:
Ml*l* D:o!
n*v*r he*r s worrJ il s*4:"
Thm,4ff*rapdsd*d' ffinmy Wtn
An instnllrnent im
By Dn_v_ts[_[!add
I *f
$anta fl
Words and milsic hy Kobert Fluruter
Copyright t"pe hlime Fubli*trring; used bv penniumi*n
I been batrLirl* a shimy btrauk ,*teel j*ck-hflrmrnftr
Be*n *hippir:' u6r rocks fnr t'he mgal&ighygflg
Live five yemrs if I take my time
B-aMlhal"iap& and m drinkim'ryry rvinn'
I been ctrippin- them ril,rkx frurn darnn tili dnnm
While g1yide,t hide rny bottlq in ths nttrler rosnn
Doct*r say I be"tfer st*p baJlin'that jack
If,I live five ycars gonne [rust my hnch ven I will
Easy wind *r*ss the hmyou t*ulaY
There's a whole l*tta wr.rrm.en, mam&,
flut iffed on the $tre$t$ todaY"
And the river keep a talkin'
But you never hsar a wclnd it say
Gotta find a womm.n h* go*d to rne
hide my liquor try ts serve me t*a
'Cause ['m a stone jark haller and my he*rt is fiu*
And X'll give everything thar tr get to ymr" yes I wili
Easy wind btrowiug cross fh* bay*u t*day
There's a r,vhole lotta wllrnenn manl{I,
(}ut in r*d nn the streets tortrmY
furd the river keep a talkin'
But you rl*vflr he*lr a word it saY
*nflnsy Wimdun
* I;cfilpwt {.ltrlrnlhe l}M&t&"
' Igmg"_HS, by Rohert Huntmr
First kn6wr perf*nnance: $eptember [" 196Q, at the Baton trtr:uge Jnternntir:nal Speednxny in
3/t I/201
Fng* 2
The Annotatnd "Easy I&'ind"
Prairievilie" l"*'uiminna. It was pla.yed stmadily through April of 1971.
gr*srt highwmy
Rerniniscent of the r*r:.k and. rnl.l ven*e, Thg--[qrn]h {)SS at ths GreatHighruay" in San Francincn" a
frequent venil* for th* {katefril Dead iu tr969 and 1q?(N. trt was n*med fcrr b{ighway 1, which runs
Sa:r F'ranai scrl.
However, this nnffreat Highrv"*y" snems unlikely to bs the one r*ferred tei by the protagonist of this song,
ac CIther g*ographical clies ("acrosn the Bayou") *ecm {o indiont*d a Ls}misiano setting-
Batrlim' that
This note from a reader:
-*--Originatr Message----- F'r*rn: Ken Johnson [mailto:kenjohns*n@S*afile.ffov]
Sent: Thursday, $nptemher I1,2003 1:44Pfuf
Subjecl: Easy Wind and ttre dancs hall?
Since I got thc itch t* Lomk through revidcnrs *f ynur Annr*tati*ns in * slaw dmy, *n
dutv,'rvaiting fer a peger to go oif"..
*Balling the Jack," oil ylur "Hftsy Windl'
I wis surpriied tc nctler * tirrt to tltn ptrase
amcrtaticn, Aside fr*r.n the d*lightful double entendres inherent in a Figpen vosfllizatiofl of
those worrts arld their rslation to *ther forms of drilling. this is an aid Dixieland song"
thnugh ot[:.*r roots sprCIut when *ne #o*gle*izeo.".
Check out : http:/lwww.rienrihiilq.a$$l$ING&allintheiack
* fb;1 ff;ithut is the prmdecns*or nf the jarz version c#this song. And on
for s*me
that page is a wsnderftlly Pmtm Max-ialr treatment trf bla*k-ancl-red diamonds on the sheet
The link that fnllcuus herc tran*s the dan*e and song's history and perform&nfifi$.
on that link is n tie to the trainman's use of the rry*rd "ballin"'"
Just ssme 41 I crn ttre 9/1 1,
my rider
Date: Mnn, l9 Jun 95 tr5:57:57 -?'{{}fi
Frorn: Kell*y Kahs
Ho,w wmnderful thnt there is e peg* like this tcl aoswer th* quostions thet plague-us, like this one: in fhe
*o1rg '*I K.u6w You Rider,. lvhn ilr whxt is ri*ler? iicmteone w"ho herstlf is *n a "Northhound Traiil,'*
Thanks - keep up the gooct work!
s.uc s$. ertufGllea#a gdl lea sy n'tml
3/11/?01 I
Fage 3
The Annatated "Hasy Wind"
I replimd to Kelley that this sesms trike a standard phr*se rneaning "maiil squeere",
L0psfalfrfl [and "Easy Wind"J. She then replied:
) Thanks. Dauid. I
Pigpen uses it in
farqotten about the rid*r refererrcn i"n OperaLor:.
) main squeeze def,inif.j-cln mak*s ;:erfect $ense. But hor+ rti.d iL c*rne to m.ean
> thaL? I'm going to sLar{: referring to nqg old hoyf,rj-end as m1'Ex*Hirler.
> Appreciale youlurork
-> T(+l 'l prz
I answered
Kelley-U[ell, I broke dnwn and ruent and lo$ked u'p th$ word in some dictionaries of slang, Only found it in one:
Eric Fartridge's fuiiqrrsryld$fdng" wdJ*;S#x*Ml$nf {ru lr,, He says:
uAn--esp. custcrnary--actively amfirorls msn: law coll. EK *ride* --sffrnp&re Riding St.
George "
Y*s, it's lorv colloqttial-i* down and dirrr'" Under his tnffir for "rids'*, Partridge says:
"To rnount a womaru in copulation.n' And under "Eiding St" Genrye": (lihe position lrl) the
woman being on top in the sexual act."
So" l"here yl:u have it" Thanlcs for sendin,g ms c,n
thir most interesting errand.
Another cornment:
Dat*: Tue, ?3 Jnn 1996 11:tl3:29 G"h/fT-s
Fr*m : P1IBBlAN(0amber.indstate.edu
Sutrject: riders
r*: Easy Wind
don't forget Grrgg Allmanns "Midnight Rider" snd th* classic. "C.f,l" Rider" ffnd "Jenny Take
a Ridn"*'
red *m th* strs*ts todap
hmp : //artsites"ucsc.
edulGD*a#agd1/easy htrnl
'fhe Annctated "Easy Wind"
Fage 4
Ancther refersnns to w*men wearing red is to be f.aund in llf,ases*J-ffis-l
Keywords: @bayou, @red, @alcuh*l
DeadBase code: IEZWII
Firstposted: January 20, 1996
Last revised: Septernher 15,2t]03
hup :l/artsites.ussc" edufGfleadlagdl/easy.hfrnl
Page 1
The Annotated Op*ratnr
bew d*iwg it right"
The A nnot#ed tt$perfltutrtq
An installment in
Bv Du:dl}sdd
rf hrw, uni r_:rury
C of oSa o
c *t
By Ron McKernan aka
"r Sperilpt*qrrysuh*1p-m-d
central done fnrgCIt it
* my rider lefr
. Hoque a{'.Uw lighE
o Podasd
H.ecorded on Ar$e rjcqn,fi-ewl&.
The Dead performed this xong live fo*r tirnes. The first was August 18, l9?0, in a show a,t the Fillmore
West in San Francisco that also fentured the first "Br*kedown Palace.* "RlEde'l, and "Truckir".
t'Operator" appeared in the frrst, acaustic, set, foll*wing "Br*kedown Palace" and pr*ceding "Rosalie
Operatnr, cfln you h*lp m*?
An entire genre of American popular song might be called "Telephone ssng$.'n Lee Cooper" in his hook
Papulqr Music Pqrspq{'t q& dmvotes an entire r,hapterto tel*phones in popular music, and includes a
huge list *f songs.
There ere many song$; here's a list that's far from complet*: fHbf*.' Iinks *re prottided t* *rtists who
have biographi*s im tfue CilNOW cCImmer*i*l &tto,brrse,whiclt incarporates the excellent oruline versiovt
af th*dIIMusfc {}wide. No**mrw*ricrilendorsemeruf is ixtentlnd, ffkjasf agorxls*arce n/&ce&.p'wrmrJ
Me;w.rn. Tony Hatmh- 1967.
" Call
Call Me (Con:lo Back H*me); rv"rn. A1 Green. Al lackson, Jr., 1973.
r" Call Me Up Some Rainy.Afternoon; w.m. lrving Berliq, tr910"
r Hello, Central; w.m, R. Ellen;Record*d by Uehtlri1{llgpkleson a single, ca. 1959.
r Hello, Central. Give th{e Heaven; w.m. Charles K" Hairis, 1901.
r l{ello, Central, Give Me No Man's Land; w. Sam M. Leu/is, foe Young m" Jean Schwarte, l$18.
. Hellcl Frisco Hello; w. Gen* Buck, m. Louis A. Hirsch, 1915,
hdemphis, Tennessee;w.n'r" ehucLEenv; p*rfiormed by Jqhssy &iy$tfl" Saafu$m.ny* etc.
http ://a*sites "ucsc. edu/ffnnad/a gdl/operator. htnnl
3/1 1/2011
The Anrrotated ff peratnr
ffiperntrn:; {trail"?} per{crnn*d by Ale,xis Knrnmr *n .Brlr,r#rg fuirm/, ca" 1970.
Operat*r; 1v"m" I.en Bland" perfcrrmeri by him mn a singl*, nei rJnt*.
fiperateir; w"ffr" J. Burks {}t&}3lmnm perfl*rmed hro ,f*lryton tsurkm r:n a single, n* date]
$pern{*r; ss"m. Dnprm*-Snnith {A [rlues tune pe.rfrrrrm*d hy B*b Gaddy on a mingl*, 1956]
Oper"ntor; w"m.ti. frlgin, K. Rogers- and R" J*nes (Ferforrned by frk"dmg-K*jgh1 on a singl.e
rel*as*d 1q6?)
Sp*rator {Thafs No[ the Wav it F*cls]; rry,rrr" Iim:fiIOUe- 1972"
fiperator; w"rTr" Williarn $pivey {Perfiorrned hy lhS-Mauh4ttg$-flg&$fu sn the B side *f a mirrgle.
ca. l9?5)
Operatmn; pt*rftumerl hy llc&anflng on J#*fibl:ll-fufu9"
Operator; perforrmmcl by f-{$t rY$}r'diqe on ffgpg1;lirylbo, 1994
domm femgmt
fh* {}xfrxd Hruglisk fiictioruxr^y {Znd
{fl"t A centra.l teiephone exchange; h*nce, tury telephone exc}tange.
ISS9MARKTWAIN Cr.tnn" Vsnkee xv. l84.Iused torrrak* ""^and nay'Hello, Centrall' just
tcl hsar her dnar
House of BIm* il,iglrt*
Gary Haggerty, of thm Berkl*m C*llege of l\{uric. informs me that The, House of Blue Lights was a
flhiragn after hrurs *lub. lt was connec,ted to the El Grottr: {owned by Earl Hites} at thn Pershing F{"*tel
in fihe mid-1940's.
song "Hou$fi of Elue Ligtrts"" words and music by Freddie Sl*ck and Dan Raye, (1E47)" gives some
idea af what, generaicallv, a house of trlue lights is:
Lace up yourbo*ts afld we'll hroorn on dmlqryl
To a knocked nut sh*ck on thm *dge oft*unr
There's *rn eight heat comho that just wctn*t quit
Keep walkin"til you sse a hh"re light lit
Fall in tlaere and r,ve'll see some sightr
At the house of blue triglits
Thern*s flrrrerm and hrnilers and Detroit harbeque ribs
But the treat of the treats is when they serve you all thr:ss fin"e eight beatn
Ycx./trl vrnnt t* spend the rest of your nights
af thm hcxrr**, The hrlulse
We'll have a tirne and we'tl cut some rug
rffhile we di,g tho*e tunes like tJiey rhould
It'm m r*mtr ll*me *mrnin' for all the "C&ts'*
Just trilly dorvn a path of lvelcnms mats
3/i 1/?0I 1
The Annotated 0perator
Fage 3
Fall in there and we'll see some sight*
At the house of blue lights
(c) 1946RohbinsMusic
This song hns heen recorded by an irnpressiv* array of perfclrmers:
The Andrews $ister*
Asleep At The Wheel
Chuck Berry
Commander Cody and the Lost Planet Airmen
The Flamin' Groovies
Jshn Ln* Hooker
George Thor*good and the Destroyers
Mit*h lffoods and the R"ocket 88's
First post*d: March 21, 19q5 Last revis*rl: Ifi*rch ?4, 19q5
http /lartsites.u
c s*.
edulGDea#a gd1/op er:ator. html
Shl DEqlinq
ffie ffieaf/es
Composed by Paul ktrcilartney
Oh! Darli*rg, plmase trelievm me
I'lX never dn ynu n* hann
Believe vnm whmm I tell ymu
I'11n*rrer dn you nm harm
Oh! Darling, if yom leave rne
I'll never nrakm it alone
Believe mm wh*n I [:eg you
Don't evmr lmavn me nlmnm
!?hnn you told mfi you didn't neeri mfi anyrnnre
trV*trl y*n hnmrv I mearly hroke down and aried
When you tmld me you didn't n*ed me anymore
Well ycrm knnw I nearly fsll dm&rt and died
Oh! Darling, if you leav* me
I'll nev*,r nmkr il alone
Beliove me when I tell ymu
I'll never do you nm harm
Wh*n ynu tnld irlf, yCIu clirtn't need fiIe anyln{}re
}Ye}l ynu knctrr I nearly hroke down and crird
$f,hen you tnld ms yCIu didn't need ms en1rnsr*
Well yom know I nmmrly fell dor,vn mnd rdied
Oh! Ilarling, plmase believe m*
Ioll nmvmr let ymm down
Rnlieve me whcn I tell you
I'll mever clm y*u rm harm
Fage tr of5
Th* Annotated 'tReuben and Cerise"
'JfiS-t ytbsf l{}ve *n rr#.$rng' song rmtst te lln'
Ths Annotffisd "Rsuhen and Cerise'n
An installment in The,4nrorsredGrateful Dead Lyiog
By Qqsid p*d
Research Associate, Music Dept.,Ilniversity of Calit*rnia, Santa Cruz
Com'rrst$ ptficq; CI 19$5, David Dodd
t'Reuhen nnd.Cerise"
Words hy Rchert Hunter; music by Jerry Garcia
Copyrig&l lce Nins Publishing; used by permission
Cerise-was brushing her long hair gently down
lt was the aftemoon rf caruival
as she brushes it gently dosrn
Rzuben was stnrmming the painted mnndolin
It was inlaid with a pretry face in jade
'val Pa{&dq
Played the Ca
Cerise was dressing as
in white
when a fatal vision gripperl her tight
Cerise beware tonight
Reuben. Rzubtn tell me truly true
I feel afraid and I don't knorv why I dp
Is there another girl for you?
If you could see in rnrr heart
you would know it's tnie
there is none Cerise exrept frlryou
except for y*u
I swearto it an my very soul
If I lie may I fall dcrwn cold
When Rruben played the painted mandslin
the breeze would stop to listen in
hefore going its way *gain
Masquerade bega* when nightfallfinally woke
Liks yiravas against the bsndstand dancers broke
to the painted mandolin
Looking mt iln the crowd, who is standing there?
Sweet Ruhv Claire at Reuhen st*red
AtReuben stared
She was dresscd as Pi{ougtte irl red
and her h*ir hung gently dosrn
http://art*ites"ucso. edulGDead/agdl/reub.huul
The Anrrnfrated *'Reubem and Cerise'n
P*ge ? of
The cr*wd pr:essed rr:und
Ruhy stuud as though alonm
Reuben's song took $n a differ*nt tmre
and hc played itjust f*r her
The seing he played was the C*rnival Parads
Each note cut a thrnad nf Csni$e's f,*te
It cut through lilee a bladm
Rzuben was playing the p*inted rnand*lin
lVhen Ruhy fraze and hrrnerJ to stone
for the strings played all nl*ne
The voice of Cerise l'nom the face of the mandcllin
singing: Reuhnn, Reuben tell me true
for I have no one hut yrnr
If you could see in my heart
you wculd know it's tnre
There is non* Ceris*, oxcept fnr yCIu *except fr:r you
I swear to it on my very soul
If I lie, may I fall dnum coid * *
The tflrth of lovn
en un$ung song must tell
Ths course of lave rnu,st f*ilclrry blind
st-thrlut.*. l*qk hehiild
Rubin walked throllgh the str*ets
of New Orleans 'till dav\on,
Cerise stl trightly in his arms
and her hair hung gently dorryn
these additional ver**s ceinnect mt the asterisks{*t*}
and replare the original ending ver$e
Ahoy old Ferryman
Riverboai of Charron ride
Th*ugh alive, take Reuhmn t* the other side
F*r tds $wset Cerise has di*d
It's a lnng;lnnetry walk fiom l{ell
to the burying ground
Cerise may re.tunt
but dun't you look around
for your glance would cut her d*rarn
Ths truth of love an unfltngr song must te1l
The course *f lov* must foll*w blind
bnt Reuben lnoked behind
li ttp : //artsite
.uc sc.
gd1 /rer"rh
htm I
3lr 1l20r
Page 3
Ihe Ann*tated "Reuben al'ld Cerise"
Reuben rrralked the streets ot"New Orleans
till dawn
with the ghost of Cerise in his srnpry ftnns
and her hair hung gefitly dnutr
ttReutre*r nnd Cerisett
Recorded on
r Garcia's Cats {fnder $&!L"Tfq?',l:
* tfunterts.-ltlc&.S4+:gg{
r Hunter's$*r off{r*lm
The title as spelled here
{Note: On ilsfs tJnder /}le,$td#"s thn tune's title was spelled "Rubin and Cherisn."
is from Hunteds-Brlr af Rai* anth*logy nf lyrics.)
First perfonnanse of nnly f'nur tot*l by the Dead: March 1?" 1991, at the Capital Centre, in Landover,
Maryiand" "Reuben and Cerise" o*cupied the penultirnate *pnt in the first set, followitg "Queen Iane
Approximately" and preceding '|I".gl$ &qw:"
"Clerise" is Hrench fnr'n*herry," &nd may alsCI refhr to the
c*l*q rherry-red, The word is also used in
Hunter has set the story in New Orleans, so this reference must be to ltlardi GrAs, the pre-Lent blowout
celebrstion. This places the time in February, on Shrove Tuesday, which falls on a date determined hy
the date of Easter in eny given year. The celebratisn i* the final night of the traiditonal world-wide
celehration of Carnival, rvhich is a season of celebration beginning with TwelfthNight*January S"
The word "fifimiv&l" derives from the renunciatinn of meat {crlrree vrxle or "farewell to meat"} which is a
traditional way of observing Lent" Iour-&Sblin$, in one of hir bookr, proposed an alternate etyrnology
for the luord, linking it to rmre raar''sfi,v, or "c&r nf the rea."
According tn lrmsric#r, Gilrer* lf#tl€s:
the nldast son of Jmcob; aiso a trihal name, "". The rutme is uncc*nmoR, and
appro&ches *xtinction after 1 85il."
C*rnivnl Parad*
http ://artsites"ucsc. edu/Glead/agdlireuh .html
P*ge 4 nf'5
The Annr:tmted "H.euben and Cerig.*"
Wh.ile I canno{ locate a specific reflerem.*e ta any -eong entitled "The Carnirral F&rfi.de," it in interesting tr:
neite thaf there are &nes lflUg*U_fl,f6.. at N-ew Orle;ms'Mardi ffiras: Endymion* Bac*hus, nnd Orph*un.
This line has always cunfrused rne--is it ponsihlm that Hrinter rva,s referrimE4 to th* r:lassisal Comrnedia
dei'Arte chararter of Pierrot, the compnnicln tm Hariequin? Tfuis would mrak* sense, in terms uf "dressing
fl,$'o & char&fitrr" I cnn find no refer*mcn t* Pirouettm as a character in any cont€xt.
Reuh*m, Reutren
Calls to mind the song by Harr.)' Birs.h, "Reuben and Rachel";
'nF.euben" Reuben, fve been thinking"
lVhat a queer world this rdr$uid bm
If the men were all transported
Far beyond the Norf.funrn Sea""
Rnhy Claire
Affiain, a narne meaning
*h* ndditi*n mf
the na-me
lnrilcates -bnsht
r*r*ssed"..in red
Rr"rby dresses
in red" Reminiscerrt *f f}re liqeg in lengSxjgsq.s".:
oTrouble ahead
Tfue l,ady in Redl*'
with*mt * Io+k trekimd
Im the version of tfie song pubiished in #*"r cf Jfrlm. F{unter inciudms a nuuiher nf verses that flesh out ths
snng'$ plot a bilt, rnaking it clearly a parallel tCI tlie r.mle of CIrg:htus. in which. t}e hero makes a trip tn fhe
underworld in arder to resc,us iris lover, Eurydice. Hm is told that he may have her hack, as long as he
n*t lnck behind tn make
sure that she is f'ollowing hirn"
In the cantext of the ffrtrs {/nder J&e,5'rmr album. th*ne is a niee echo c}f t'his idea in "fiomorrah," in
whicfr Lot is ailawed to escape the doomnd ci4, with hi* family a* l*ng as he d*es not tum arcrund. fif
s,ffutrse' his mife does *n, and is turned into a pillnr of salt" The p*sitir;ning of thm $itngs on the alburn
puts brackets ar*und the entire set of s$rg$, with ",&.ubin and f,iherism" *p*ning the ailbum, anrl
"Gommrrah" closing it.
Thm sefting
of the Orph*us legend in the sCIntsxt of *arnival also echoes the 1F59 film,
The Alrneitote*l uReuh*n and
F*ge 5 of5
(lllack #rpheu*1,
Koyworrls: @.H*w Srleans, ffirmd, @c*lors, {@rnusic, @myth*l*gy
IlmndBase aode : fRf; {"Jt}J
First posted: l}ecembor 13, lq95
[-ast revised: April ]4" l$98
hup ;/lartsites"ucsc. ed#ffffieadlagdl/reuh-html
I'd rathmr he im soms dark hnllmw wtrmr* the sun don't fryer shime
Then to be at hnme alnne and knowin' that you'tre gone
W'auld causfl me tn lose my rmimd.
Hreil hlow yffrm whistle froight train fiflrry rne far on down the trac.k
Wnll I'rn goin& &way, ['m leaying today
I'm gain', hut I ain't comin' back"
I'd rather be in sCIrfifr dark hollow where the sun dnn't evfir shine
Th*n to bn in somn big cifir, im a small room, with you upCIn my firiind.
trVell I'm going {rway, I'rn laaving todmy
I'm goin' but I ain't comin'back.
Money Eor Gasaline
raldog. o::g]
never recorded only played live
Sorehead judEe, with red in the face
Cal-Led Johnni.e
a }:um, a ci.r,ric ctisgr:ace
he felI asleep in a h"andicap space
werrt Frank.i* Lo t.he court that day
The lar.i i$rereri't inclined t-o give h*r her say
Worse come to blnws *-. and j.n Lhe melee
F::ankie and. Johnnie
skedaci- sheclad* skedaddle away
i5pin t.he i"iheel)
Hit the hrricks and run like hell
{Spj.n the r-iheel}
Pound Lhe
piss out the {:surthouse hell
{Spin thre rraheel
Five right in to the wixhing r"rel.l
Spin the wheel like Elz*hiel
i$p:in i;he
Spin the wheel, spin lhe wheel
the wheel}
Spin Lhe wheel, spin the wheel
{Spin Lhe wh*el}
Spin the wheel, spin the
Repeat .[ntr<:
Spin the wheel l-ike Ezekiel
,foint- j"n ltes Moines" cal1ed Lhe Club Balbimore
Fella heen drinkingn he}l he had a few
"Frankie" says he. "Youtre a cow and a where"
he layin there dead in Lhe nrusk on the floor
44 coIL Colt makes a great h'iq sound
Cilp come hy. no gun to be found
They stuck that drunk in the cold potterrs Ernund
Frankie and Johnnie. they vrerentt ar$und
{Spin the wht:el}
HiL the bri*ks and run l-ike hell
Spin t.he wheel
the pi-ss aut the courthouse bell
{Spin the wheel}
Dive right in ta the wishinE tr*1l
Spin the wheel like Ezekiel
{Spin t.tre wheel}
Spin the wheel, spin Lhe
iSpin the i*heel)
Spin the whee1, spin the uheel
{Spin the r"ihee}i
Spin Lhe wheel, spln Lhe uheel
Spin the wheel like Ezekiel
Repeat irrtro
Spin the vrheel like Ezekiel
Frances and ,John, Lord Lhey can run
They made good time in the last of the sun
ll*ney for gasoline, liquor for fun
The l-ai"i's an assr yes and lave vleighs a tqn
Frankj-e and Jshnnie - t.heytr$ lovers, you know
A story so realr weJ.l it just Eoes Lo
S*ng is Lhe same l"rherev*:: you q0
Tt's r"rheels up above, y*s and hearts
doro'* krel-aur
iSpin f-he wheel)
iIiL hhe briflks and r:urr like he1I
{$pin *tre
the piss out ttre eourtlrouser bell
Sp-itt 'L.h* wheel
Di:re right j-n lo the wi.shinq well and
Spin the wheel- like Ezeklel
{Spin the wheel}
Spin t.he wheel, spin the vrheel
{Spin the wheel)
Spin the wheel, spin t}:e wheel
{Spin t.he i*}reel}
Spin the wheel, spin the
Spin the wheel like Ezekiel
Spin the whee-l Like Ezekiel
$pin the uheel Iike Ezeklel
Repeat j-ntrn and end on
Thm Ammotated
"Fonlish Heart"
"Sew*h far where the rivers end Oy where
[tage 1 of 4
tlce yivers
The Annotuled nnF*ulish
An iristollment in The Clffr*rajerJ GrAtefi+l
By naryi_d Dpdd
Library, University of Col*lrado af Colora.dc Springs
ffi ead
Rob ll{ead*r.
"Foolish Heant'l
Words by Rahert Hunter; musis by Jerry Garcia
Copyright Ice Nine Fublixhing; nsed by permission
Carve yorlr name
Carve your nams in ise and wind
Search for where
Search for rarhgre lhe rivers end
Or where the r-ivers start
Do everything that's in you
That you feel to be your part
But never gtve your love, my frimnd,
I]nto a foolish hoart
Leap from ledges
Leap from ledges high and wild
Learn to speak
Speak with wisdom like a child
Directly from the heart
Crown yourself the king of cl*rlfls
Or stand way baek ap,art
But never give your love, my friend
I]nto a foolish heart
Shun a friend
Shun a brother and a &iend
Never lnak
Never look nrountl the bend
Or check a weatherchart
Sigp the Mona [is,a
$/ith a spr&ys&n, call it art
B*t never giv* your love, my friend
Unto a f*olish hmarf
A foolish heartwill call *n you
To toss your dreams away
Then turn around and hlame ynu
Forthe wey you went artray
A fo*lish heartwill cost you sleep
And oftm make y*u #ur$e
http://artsites.u*sc" edu/Gllead/a6dllfool.hfiml
The Annotatect o'Fr:*lish Heart"
* mf4
A selfish hsart is {rnuhle.
But m f*nlish hear{ is \ryfirse
ffiit* thq hsnd thmt bnkms ytmr hr*ad
"Iffi s.rp-"lh*r-sslsp.I"$*f,e"ru:ts-xfi
,tr*u are torn mpant
$t*ke {hm fir*s CIfpmradise
lffith comls frr:ul F{wli ttl st*mf
But never give your love, my {tie$s,
Unto a foolish henrl
Untr: a foolish h*art....
Itenorded on
8r*iJf lq
First perfnnnanfifl: June i 9, I$fiffi, at the Alpinr: Valley Music Th*atrm in East Troy, Wisconsin. "Fcolish
Hear-t" opened the second set, and rruas fi:llowed by jjfllAffngfflhg$Agd* The song remained in t.he
repert*ire th*reaft*r- most often appearimg in thn second set, following "Yictim or the Crime."
frr rrher*
fhe rivers
emd$ mr rmhmrm
the rivers stfirt
Over 100 ysrlrs agCI, the workl was still frlied"v*ith wonders *rnd unkn*wn places lvaiting to be
discolnered" A popular undertaking of the time w*s the search for the sr:urse of'the }filg in Afiica, the
mcther river. One of the most farn*us efTorts at finding'rnrhere the rivers rtart' was the one made by D:.
Dggd""l,iyl,Lqglegg" rvho i* sr$dited witl.r the *p*ning up and the settling of the vast" mncharted African
tenitory. I{e never fcrund thn source *f the Nile, bu.t he did get to stagger up to Henry Stanley" who th*n
lfike a ehild
This reminds rne of ihe *xpression "out of the mouths of babns", an expression me*ming that sometirnes
innncence cnm give birth to grent wisdom {"cr if yr:u prefer, "kids *ay the dnrndest things"}. Tfuis
expressiern come$ flom the Bible, Psalms B:?--
"Out of the mouth of bab*s and sucklings hast thou ordained strenglh hecause mf thine
nnemies- that thou migltest still the *nemy and the &vengetr""
Y'mu *am find this exprcssion in all s$rJn nf 6rla*:,*u, particularly as fl gflnre ofjokes or hum*rcrus
anectdnt*r, lvhmre the expresxion has mme to mean inadvertant truth or humor.
3/l I l?01
The Annotated *Fnolish Heart"
Pagu:3 mf 4
And, most ccsmically, in.$lrtrTffik: The Origimml Serie*, the *pidod* entitlar1 A pIhCE ffiF TFIE
AfiTION cnntmins the foltrr:wing dialog:
Kirk: "Out *f
the mouths of haber""."
Young Man: "\Yho you c*llin' a habe?"
Idirk: "I'm oalling y$Ll a bahe.." but don't tak*
Crmrmrr y*ursmlf
ki.ng of clowms
A famtrus cl*u,n narned [,cp Jgqftbs hilled himsnlf "Th* King nf Clo$ins". Jacohs
was b*rn in 1$CI3 ancl died in 1a$?" Hejoined Rjngling & Barmrm & Bailey Circus
mull. faruoul.clcwn gags eve r,, the mid*:.
925,. rh
*1e11ry *n* iif
:* .1r*
stend wn3'hmck mpart
Compare Srryr.ne}*HX (On h:[s }}!in{hggq} by J-UIry h{iltqtl" Th* last line is "They a.!sc
serve who unly stanrl zurd urait"n'
Never look around th* hend
Recalls the egsdgggs--fl1_qenryg1$t&Cylyal rlassic song "Up Araund The Hend."
ffiite that hamd
The saying .bite the hand that feeds them" fir$t appeared in F-dmqqd-gU&qb lfrol*g&rs r*rdfiefnr/s n}r
Scar*ity (i800):
"And having look*d to Governm*nt f:or hread, on the very first snarcity they will turn and
bite ttre hand that fpd thern""
Dmr* tm leatrl
flnmpare the limes in l1ffi.gx"&$my::
if you dare
ynu hit th* air"
"H,ere's a half a dollar
D*uhle lvrist
TFherm mnxffi*ls f,ear ttr fread
http :/lartsites.ucss. edu/GDea#agdi /fcrol. html
The Annotated nFoolish Hs&rt"
F*ge 4
This reftrs to a line by AlexandglFopq in his poem "An Essqllon Criticism" (1711), in urhich Fope
takes critics, wit}r their easy slander" tn task:
"Th* bookful blockhead, ign*rantly r*ad,
With laads of,learned limber in his h*ad,
Wlth his own tongue stiltr edifies hin *ars,
And always list'ning to himself appeers.
No place so sacred from such fops is b*rred,
Nor is Paul's chur*h more safe than Paul's churchvard:
Nay, fiy to Alt*rs ; there they'll tnlk you dead :
Fbr FrmJs ruslt inwkere Angels fear to tre*d""
First posted: Novernber ?1, l$95
Last modified: 1 11181?003 18:54:46
http :l/artsitrs"ucsc. edu/GDead/a6dllfool.html