Flui PROP SERIES THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES Flui PROP SERIES THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES Permeation and Diffusivity FluiDIFF FluiPROP Application Examples Permeation tubes are used to produce gas mixtures with exactly controlled composition. In principle, they are closed Selected experimental results measured with the FluiPROP series containers whose walls allow the substance in the container Vapor Pressure Measurement with Knudsen Cell FluiPV permeates its way through the walls and mixes with the gas The vapor pressure balance setup has been tested by measuring flow. different substances with known vapor pressures in a wide temperature In so-called Stefan tubes a liquid substance is evaporated. range. As an example for a typical result in the diagram measured vapor The vapor diffuses through the surrounding gas atmosphere pressures of Dibutylphthalate (C16 H22 O4 ) are compared to literature to the open top end of the Stefan tube and leaves it by mixing values. completely with the surrounding gas flow. Both methods allow generation of a well-defined mixture of the permeating/ diffusing substance and the gas flow. Permeation and Diffusity Measurement FluiDIFF To measure the temperature dependent permeability/ diffusivity behavior Magnetic Suspension Balances are used. Long term measurement of the mass loss of a permeation tube at different The tube is filled with a substance, connected to the balance, temperatures with a FluiDIFF Magnetic Suspension Balance. The temperature and the loss in mass is measured continuously. Only Magnetic dependent permeation rate is determined with utmost accuracy from the Suspension Balance instruments can provide the required mass loss recorded continuously for 45 hours. The permeation rates range long term stability and accuracy. This is realized by the unique from 0.15 µg/h at 28°C to 0.2 µg/h at 32°C. automatic base line drift correction and possibility of balance calibration during the measurement. Single Sinker Densitometer FluiDENS The accurately measured mass loss can be converted into temperature Experimental data of the pT surface of nitrogen measured with the dependent permeation or diffusion rates. Meanwhile this measuring method single sinker densimeter; each circle corresponds to a measured point. is being used at several standard-institutes around the world for generating Diagram taken from: W. Wagner and R. Kleinrahm, Densimeters for very reference gas mixtures which are linked to the national primary standard. accurate density measurements of fluids over large ranges of temperature, These traceable mixtures are definitely needed to calibrate modern pressure, and density. Metrologia 41 (2004) pp. 24–39. gas analysers and sensors. The permeation and diffusivity measurement with Rubotherm’s Magnetic Suspension Balance offers the possibility of calibrating the permeation and Stefan tubes themselves with utmost precision. Rubotherm FluiDIFF FOR PERMEATION measurement Adsorption Isotherms & Kinetics +++ Surface Area & Porosity +++ Absorption & Solubilities +++ Gas Storage +++ Diffusion & Permeation +++ Separations +++ Wetting & Drying Processes +++ Corrosion Studies +++ Filter Material Testing +++ Catalyst TESTING RUBOTHERM GMBH Konrad-Zuse-StrASSE 4 · 44801 Bochum · Germany Phone: +49 (0)2 34 - 70 99 6 - 0 · Fax: +49 (0)2 34 - 70 99 6 -22 E-Mail: info@rubotherm.de · www.rubotherm.de Technical data are subject to change without prior notice in line with continuous product improvement. If the tube is surrounded by a gas flow, the substance © 2012 RUBOTHERM GMBH | Artwork: DesignBüro Schönfelder in our customers’ laboratories are shown below. to permeate through with a temperature-dependent rate. Flui PROP SERIES THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES Flui PROP SERIES THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES Flui PROP SERIES THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES Rubotherm Single sinker densitometer FluiDENS Vapor pressure measurement with Knudsen cell FluiPV Compact design – wide pressure range Density measurements of fluids (liquids, vapors, supercritical gases) with reference data quality are a precondition for formulating thermal equations of state. Highly accurate density measurements are necessary Vapor pressure is an important characteristic property of chemicals. In the FluiDENS instruments the magnetic suspension coupling housing It has to be determined for any new substance which should be placed optimally designed for flushing and easy temperature control. Guideline 104 the effusion method with Knudsen cell is proposed as the up to 300 bar for the standard version (up to 1000 bar for custom made a wide range of vapor pressures. This method is applied in an on the market according to the European REACH regulation. In OECD and measuring cell including sinker are integrated as a single unit, for the calibration of industrial densitometers which for example are used in pipelines in order to account the supplied natural gas quantities. The buoyancy method using Archimedes‘ principle is the acknowledged reference method to obtain high precision density measurements. A sinker, whose volume is known, is weighed in the measuring fluid. The buoyancy that the sinker experiences is a measure for the density of the fluid. By using a magnetic suspension balance this process can be applied in an extremely large pressure and temperature range to almost all substances with the utmost accuracy. The compact design allows measurement over a wide pressure range of measuring method which provides accurate data and covers flexibly version). improved way using a Magnetic Suspension Balance instrument. Two stage thermostat – highly accurate temperature control This setup allows highly accurate recording of the weight change is achieved by means of a two stage thermostat. The first stage uses a control of the Knudsen cell over a wide temperature range. stage is a fast electrical heater around the densitometer cell that com- of the baseline drift the regular cycling between Measuring Position (MP) setup of densitometer and two stage In order to make sure the Knudsen cell has the same temperature as the of the Knudsen cell under ultra-high vacuum conditions. Additionally Highly accurate temperature control with a stability better than ± 10 mK the special design of the instrument enables the reliable temperature liquid thermostat to establish a constant temperature, and the second For vapor pressure measurements additionally to the correction pensates for the fine fluctuations of the liquid thermostat. The whole and Zero Position (ZP) is used to thermostat the Knudsen cell. thermostat is located in a vacuum vessel for perfect thermal isolation. Liquid Thermostat (1st Stage) Key specifications of Rubotherm’s FluiDENS instruments for density measurement reactor wall it is set down on the inner surface of the reactor while the instrument is in ZP (shown as detail in the figure). Temperature range: -25°C up to 200°C Under these conditions direct contact between the reactor wall and the Pressure range: Vacuum up to 300 bar up to 1000 bar for customized version which is an important feature, since in high vacuum the convective heat Resolution in density: 0.001 kg/m3 Uncertainty in density: < (0.05 % + 0.01 kg/m3) < (0.0025 % + 0.001 kg/m3) for customized version Knudsen cell is established. This allows heat exchange by conductivity exchange is reduced. The Knudsen cell is picked up from time to time for measuring the mass change due to vapor effusion. By this measuring principle the temperature of the Knudsen cell is exactly controlled and known from the temperature measurement in the reactor wall. The instrument design combines a high flexibility for performing vapor pressure measurements with different test substances Electrical Heating (2nd Stage) (liquid or solid) over a wide temperature and vapor pressure range, ease of operation, and high reproducibility and accuracy. Thermostation and Radiation Shield TWO STAGE THERMOSTAT Vacuum Vessel (Isolation) Rubotherm Single sinker densitometer FluiDENS Rubotherm FluiPV FOR Vapor pressure measurement Knudsen Cell Flui PROP SERIES THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES Flui PROP SERIES THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES Flui PROP SERIES THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES Rubotherm Single sinker densitometer FluiDENS Vapor pressure measurement with Knudsen cell FluiPV Compact design – wide pressure range Density measurements of fluids (liquids, vapors, supercritical gases) with reference data quality are a precondition for formulating thermal equations of state. Highly accurate density measurements are necessary Vapor pressure is an important characteristic property of chemicals. In the FluiDENS instruments the magnetic suspension coupling housing It has to be determined for any new substance which should be placed optimally designed for flushing and easy temperature control. Guideline 104 the effusion method with Knudsen cell is proposed as the up to 300 bar for the standard version (up to 1000 bar for custom made a wide range of vapor pressures. This method is applied in an on the market according to the European REACH regulation. In OECD and measuring cell including sinker are integrated as a single unit, for the calibration of industrial densitometers which for example are used in pipelines in order to account the supplied natural gas quantities. The buoyancy method using Archimedes‘ principle is the acknowledged reference method to obtain high precision density measurements. A sinker, whose volume is known, is weighed in the measuring fluid. The buoyancy that the sinker experiences is a measure for the density of the fluid. By using a magnetic suspension balance this process can be applied in an extremely large pressure and temperature range to almost all substances with the utmost accuracy. The compact design allows measurement over a wide pressure range of measuring method which provides accurate data and covers flexibly version). improved way using a Magnetic Suspension Balance instrument. Two stage thermostat – highly accurate temperature control This setup allows highly accurate recording of the weight change is achieved by means of a two stage thermostat. The first stage uses a control of the Knudsen cell over a wide temperature range. stage is a fast electrical heater around the densitometer cell that com- of the baseline drift the regular cycling between Measuring Position (MP) setup of densitometer and two stage In order to make sure the Knudsen cell has the same temperature as the of the Knudsen cell under ultra-high vacuum conditions. Additionally Highly accurate temperature control with a stability better than ± 10 mK the special design of the instrument enables the reliable temperature liquid thermostat to establish a constant temperature, and the second For vapor pressure measurements additionally to the correction pensates for the fine fluctuations of the liquid thermostat. The whole and Zero Position (ZP) is used to thermostat the Knudsen cell. thermostat is located in a vacuum vessel for perfect thermal isolation. Liquid Thermostat (1st Stage) Key specifications of Rubotherm’s FluiDENS instruments for density measurement reactor wall it is set down on the inner surface of the reactor while the instrument is in ZP (shown as detail in the figure). Temperature range: -25°C up to 200°C Under these conditions direct contact between the reactor wall and the Pressure range: Vacuum up to 300 bar up to 1000 bar for customized version which is an important feature, since in high vacuum the convective heat Resolution in density: 0.001 kg/m3 Uncertainty in density: < (0.05 % + 0.01 kg/m3) < (0.0025 % + 0.001 kg/m3) for customized version Knudsen cell is established. This allows heat exchange by conductivity exchange is reduced. The Knudsen cell is picked up from time to time for measuring the mass change due to vapor effusion. By this measuring principle the temperature of the Knudsen cell is exactly controlled and known from the temperature measurement in the reactor wall. The instrument design combines a high flexibility for performing vapor pressure measurements with different test substances Electrical Heating (2nd Stage) (liquid or solid) over a wide temperature and vapor pressure range, ease of operation, and high reproducibility and accuracy. Thermostation and Radiation Shield TWO STAGE THERMOSTAT Vacuum Vessel (Isolation) Rubotherm Single sinker densitometer FluiDENS Rubotherm FluiPV FOR Vapor pressure measurement Knudsen Cell Flui PROP SERIES THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES Flui PROP SERIES THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES Flui PROP SERIES THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES Rubotherm Single sinker densitometer FluiDENS Vapor pressure measurement with Knudsen cell FluiPV Compact design – wide pressure range Density measurements of fluids (liquids, vapors, supercritical gases) with reference data quality are a precondition for formulating thermal equations of state. Highly accurate density measurements are necessary Vapor pressure is an important characteristic property of chemicals. In the FluiDENS instruments the magnetic suspension coupling housing It has to be determined for any new substance which should be placed optimally designed for flushing and easy temperature control. Guideline 104 the effusion method with Knudsen cell is proposed as the up to 300 bar for the standard version (up to 1000 bar for custom made a wide range of vapor pressures. This method is applied in an on the market according to the European REACH regulation. In OECD and measuring cell including sinker are integrated as a single unit, for the calibration of industrial densitometers which for example are used in pipelines in order to account the supplied natural gas quantities. The buoyancy method using Archimedes‘ principle is the acknowledged reference method to obtain high precision density measurements. A sinker, whose volume is known, is weighed in the measuring fluid. The buoyancy that the sinker experiences is a measure for the density of the fluid. By using a magnetic suspension balance this process can be applied in an extremely large pressure and temperature range to almost all substances with the utmost accuracy. The compact design allows measurement over a wide pressure range of measuring method which provides accurate data and covers flexibly version). improved way using a Magnetic Suspension Balance instrument. Two stage thermostat – highly accurate temperature control This setup allows highly accurate recording of the weight change is achieved by means of a two stage thermostat. The first stage uses a control of the Knudsen cell over a wide temperature range. stage is a fast electrical heater around the densitometer cell that com- of the baseline drift the regular cycling between Measuring Position (MP) setup of densitometer and two stage In order to make sure the Knudsen cell has the same temperature as the of the Knudsen cell under ultra-high vacuum conditions. Additionally Highly accurate temperature control with a stability better than ± 10 mK the special design of the instrument enables the reliable temperature liquid thermostat to establish a constant temperature, and the second For vapor pressure measurements additionally to the correction pensates for the fine fluctuations of the liquid thermostat. The whole and Zero Position (ZP) is used to thermostat the Knudsen cell. thermostat is located in a vacuum vessel for perfect thermal isolation. Liquid Thermostat (1st Stage) Key specifications of Rubotherm’s FluiDENS instruments for density measurement reactor wall it is set down on the inner surface of the reactor while the instrument is in ZP (shown as detail in the figure). Temperature range: -25°C up to 200°C Under these conditions direct contact between the reactor wall and the Pressure range: Vacuum up to 300 bar up to 1000 bar for customized version which is an important feature, since in high vacuum the convective heat Resolution in density: 0.001 kg/m3 Uncertainty in density: < (0.05 % + 0.01 kg/m3) < (0.0025 % + 0.001 kg/m3) for customized version Knudsen cell is established. This allows heat exchange by conductivity exchange is reduced. The Knudsen cell is picked up from time to time for measuring the mass change due to vapor effusion. By this measuring principle the temperature of the Knudsen cell is exactly controlled and known from the temperature measurement in the reactor wall. The instrument design combines a high flexibility for performing vapor pressure measurements with different test substances Electrical Heating (2nd Stage) (liquid or solid) over a wide temperature and vapor pressure range, ease of operation, and high reproducibility and accuracy. Thermostation and Radiation Shield TWO STAGE THERMOSTAT Vacuum Vessel (Isolation) Rubotherm Single sinker densitometer FluiDENS Rubotherm FluiPV FOR Vapor pressure measurement Knudsen Cell Flui PROP SERIES THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES Flui PROP SERIES THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES Permeation and Diffusivity FluiDIFF FluiPROP Application Examples Permeation tubes are used to produce gas mixtures with exactly controlled composition. In principle, they are closed Selected experimental results measured with the FluiPROP series containers whose walls allow the substance in the container Vapor Pressure Measurement with Knudsen Cell FluiPV permeates its way through the walls and mixes with the gas The vapor pressure balance setup has been tested by measuring flow. different substances with known vapor pressures in a wide temperature In so-called Stefan tubes a liquid substance is evaporated. range. As an example for a typical result in the diagram measured vapor The vapor diffuses through the surrounding gas atmosphere pressures of Dibutylphthalate (C16 H22 O4 ) are compared to literature to the open top end of the Stefan tube and leaves it by mixing values. completely with the surrounding gas flow. Both methods allow generation of a well-defined mixture of the permeating/ diffusing substance and the gas flow. Permeation and Diffusity Measurement FluiDIFF To measure the temperature dependent permeability/ diffusivity behavior Magnetic Suspension Balances are used. Long term measurement of the mass loss of a permeation tube at different The tube is filled with a substance, connected to the balance, temperatures with a FluiDIFF Magnetic Suspension Balance. The temperature and the loss in mass is measured continuously. Only Magnetic dependent permeation rate is determined with utmost accuracy from the Suspension Balance instruments can provide the required mass loss recorded continuously for 45 hours. The permeation rates range long term stability and accuracy. This is realized by the unique from 0.15 µg/h at 28°C to 0.2 µg/h at 32°C. automatic base line drift correction and possibility of balance calibration during the measurement. Single Sinker Densitometer FluiDENS The accurately measured mass loss can be converted into temperature Experimental data of the pT surface of nitrogen measured with the dependent permeation or diffusion rates. Meanwhile this measuring method single sinker densimeter; each circle corresponds to a measured point. is being used at several standard-institutes around the world for generating Diagram taken from: W. Wagner and R. Kleinrahm, Densimeters for very reference gas mixtures which are linked to the national primary standard. accurate density measurements of fluids over large ranges of temperature, These traceable mixtures are definitely needed to calibrate modern pressure, and density. Metrologia 41 (2004) pp. 24–39. gas analysers and sensors. The permeation and diffusivity measurement with Rubotherm’s Magnetic Suspension Balance offers the possibility of calibrating the permeation and Stefan tubes themselves with utmost precision. Rubotherm FluiDIFF FOR PERMEATION measurement Adsorption Isotherms & Kinetics +++ Surface Area & Porosity +++ Absorption & Solubilities +++ Gas Storage +++ Diffusion & Permeation +++ Separations +++ Wetting & Drying Processes +++ Corrosion Studies +++ Filter Material Testing +++ Catalyst TESTING RUBOTHERM GMBH Konrad-Zuse-StrASSE 4 · 44801 Bochum · Germany Phone: +49 (0)2 34 - 70 99 6 - 0 · Fax: +49 (0)2 34 - 70 99 6 -22 E-Mail: info@rubotherm.de · www.rubotherm.de Technical data are subject to change without prior notice in line with continuous product improvement. If the tube is surrounded by a gas flow, the substance © 2012 RUBOTHERM GMBH | Artwork: DesignBüro Schönfelder in our customers’ laboratories are shown below. to permeate through with a temperature-dependent rate. Flui PROP SERIES THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES Flui PROP SERIES THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES Permeation and Diffusivity FluiDIFF FluiPROP Application Examples Permeation tubes are used to produce gas mixtures with exactly controlled composition. In principle, they are closed Selected experimental results measured with the FluiPROP series containers whose walls allow the substance in the container Vapor Pressure Measurement with Knudsen Cell FluiPV permeates its way through the walls and mixes with the gas The vapor pressure balance setup has been tested by measuring flow. different substances with known vapor pressures in a wide temperature In so-called Stefan tubes a liquid substance is evaporated. range. As an example for a typical result in the diagram measured vapor The vapor diffuses through the surrounding gas atmosphere pressures of Dibutylphthalate (C16 H22 O4 ) are compared to literature to the open top end of the Stefan tube and leaves it by mixing values. completely with the surrounding gas flow. Both methods allow generation of a well-defined mixture of the permeating/ diffusing substance and the gas flow. Permeation and Diffusity Measurement FluiDIFF To measure the temperature dependent permeability/ diffusivity behavior Magnetic Suspension Balances are used. Long term measurement of the mass loss of a permeation tube at different The tube is filled with a substance, connected to the balance, temperatures with a FluiDIFF Magnetic Suspension Balance. The temperature and the loss in mass is measured continuously. Only Magnetic dependent permeation rate is determined with utmost accuracy from the Suspension Balance instruments can provide the required mass loss recorded continuously for 45 hours. The permeation rates range long term stability and accuracy. This is realized by the unique from 0.15 µg/h at 28°C to 0.2 µg/h at 32°C. automatic base line drift correction and possibility of balance calibration during the measurement. Single Sinker Densitometer FluiDENS The accurately measured mass loss can be converted into temperature Experimental data of the pT surface of nitrogen measured with the dependent permeation or diffusion rates. Meanwhile this measuring method single sinker densimeter; each circle corresponds to a measured point. is being used at several standard-institutes around the world for generating Diagram taken from: W. Wagner and R. Kleinrahm, Densimeters for very reference gas mixtures which are linked to the national primary standard. accurate density measurements of fluids over large ranges of temperature, These traceable mixtures are definitely needed to calibrate modern pressure, and density. Metrologia 41 (2004) pp. 24–39. gas analysers and sensors. The permeation and diffusivity measurement with Rubotherm’s Magnetic Suspension Balance offers the possibility of calibrating the permeation and Stefan tubes themselves with utmost precision. Rubotherm FluiDIFF FOR PERMEATION measurement Adsorption Isotherms & Kinetics +++ Surface Area & Porosity +++ Absorption & Solubilities +++ Gas Storage +++ Diffusion & Permeation +++ Separations +++ Wetting & Drying Processes +++ Corrosion Studies +++ Filter Material Testing +++ Catalyst TESTING RUBOTHERM GMBH Konrad-Zuse-StrASSE 4 · 44801 Bochum · Germany Phone: +49 (0)2 34 - 70 99 6 - 0 · Fax: +49 (0)2 34 - 70 99 6 -22 E-Mail: info@rubotherm.de · www.rubotherm.de Technical data are subject to change without prior notice in line with continuous product improvement. If the tube is surrounded by a gas flow, the substance © 2012 RUBOTHERM GMBH | Artwork: DesignBüro Schönfelder in our customers’ laboratories are shown below. to permeate through with a temperature-dependent rate.