Time Sheet - Better Performers
Time Sheet - Better Performers
Better Performers Ltd. Calgary, Alberta Base Wages for !"#$% office use&'$% only !()*% Reg Hours Reg. Rate OFFICE COPY Telephone: 403.252.2606 Email: accounting@betterperformers.com Web: betterperformers.com Holiday Pay Gross Wages Overtime Ins. Earn. Company C.P.P. DAY SUN. Authorized Signature E.I. Tax Net Pay Cheque No. Invoice No. DATE MONTH DAY YEAR Start Time Lunch Out Finish Time In Total Hours MON. TUES. I hereby certifty that hours shown are correct and the work WED. was performed in a satisfactory manner. Should employment be offered to this individual directly, a THURS. placement fee may be applied. Last Name FRI. First Name SAT. Street Back Next Week Cheque City Yes Mail No Hold Total Reg. Direct Deposit Employee Signature Postal Code Total O/T Total (week) OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY to FRIDAY, 8:00AM to 5:00PM Better Performers Ltd. Calgary, Alberta Base Wages for !"#$% office use&'$% only !()*% Reg Hours Reg. Rate EMPLOYEE COPY Holiday Pay Gross Wages Overtime Ins. Earn. Company Telephone: 403.252.2606 Email: people@betterperformers.com Web: betterperformers.com C.P.P. DAY SUN. Authorized Signature E.I. Tax Net Pay Cheque No. Invoice No. DATE MONTH DAY YEAR Start Time Lunch Out In Finish Time MON. TUES. I hereby certifty that hours shown are correct and the work WED. was performed in a satisfactory manner. Should employment be offered to this individual directly, a THURS. placement fee may be applied. Last Name First Name FRI. SAT. Street City Back Next Week Cheque Postal Code Yes Mail Employee Signature No Hold Total Reg. Direct Deposit Total O/T Total (week) OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY to FRIDAY, 8:00AM to 5:00PM Total Hours