here you can all 12 issues 2012 and the
WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012 COMPLETE WITH ALL 12 SINGLE ISSUES AND THE TABLE OF CONTENT INFORMATION FOR PLUMB BOB COLLECTORS EDITED BY WOLF RUECKER WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012 complete CONTENT All 12 issues Information for PLUMB BOB COLLECTORS Author: Wolf Ruecker #. TITLE / CONTENT 11.30.2012 CLICK on the TITLE below to go directly to the first page of the article 2012-01 CALENDAR 2012 2012-02 PLUMB BOBS AND ADVERTISING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 2012-03 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2012-04 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Page 8 Page 24 INTRODUCTION PLUMB BOB as a LOGO PLUMB BOB as a MONUMENT PLUMB BOB as a SHOP SIGN THE NAME PLUMB BOB IN FIRM’S NAMES PLUMB BOB as a PIN or CRAVAT-NEEDLE PLUMB BOB as AWARD PLUMB BOB as CUSTOMER GIFTS PLUMB BOB in LETTER HEADS OPERATION PLUMBBOB NEVADA 1957 WOODEN PLUMB BOBS Page 35 INTRODUCTION PLUMB BOBS FROM WOOD WOODEN SPINNING TOPS PATENTS OF SPINNING TOPS SPINNING TOPS (GIMBAL) patented as plumb bob MAKING A WOODEN PLUMB BOB WOODEN PLUMB BOBS FOR COLLECTORS THE GRUBER LEVEL Page 44 INTRODUCTION THE GRUBER UNIVERSAL MEASURING INSTRUMENT PATENTS OF HANS GRUBER WHAT FUNCTIONS HAS THE GRUBER LEVEL? THE PLUMB BOB ON THE GRUBER LEVEL – THE LEVEL AS A PLUMB BOB WHAT CAN WE FIND ABOUT HANS GRUBER IN THE WWW? WHO WAS HANS GRUBER? 1 WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012 complete CONTENT All 12 issues Information for PLUMB BOB COLLECTORS Author: Wolf Ruecker CLICK on the TITLE below to go directly to the first page of the article 2012-05 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2012-06 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2012-07 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2012-08 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. NELSON DENNY † page 56 INTRODUCTION FIRST CONTACT PATENTS and SOME SPECIAL PLUMB BOBS DISPLAYING AND INVENTORY COMMUNICATION WORLDWIDE HIS COLLECTION THE LEISTNER & HEIMBACH STORY THE PLUMB LINE CONTINUUM HIS WORK AND THE FUTURE THE WELL WHISTLE Page 66 INTRODUCTION WHAT IS A WELL WHISTLE? WHO INVENTED THE WELL WHISTLE? OPERATING INSTRUCTION WHAT WAS USED BEFORE THE WELL WHISTLE? ARE THERE STILL WELL WHISTLES ON THE MARKTET TODAY? A VISIT TO MY WATER SUPPLYER MINIATURE PLUMB BOBS Page 79 INTRODUCTION WHO IS THE MAKER? TOOLS / MACHINES PLUMB BOBS OTHER TOOLS THE FUTURE UPDATE MINING PLUMMETS INTRODUCTION THE „LIGHTNING PLUMB BOB“ BY SCHULTE THE BRAUNSHU & CZUYA PLUMMET OTHER MINING PLUMMETS MINING PLUMMETS FROM THE NELSON DENNY COLLECTION 2 Page 89 WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012 complete CONTENT All 12 issues Information for PLUMB BOB COLLECTORS Author: Wolf Ruecker CLICK on the TITLE below to go directly to the first page of the article 2012-09 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2012-10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2012-11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2012-12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. WALLPAPER PLUMB BOBS Page 96 INTRODUCTION WHY WALLPAPERERS USE PLUMB BOBS? WALLPAPERERS AT WORK USING THE PLUMB BOBS IN FRANCE 18th CENTURY PLUMB BOBS FROM DIFFERENT COUNTRIES ROMAN PLUMB BOBS Page 105 INTRODUCTION ROMAN PLUMB BOBS FROM COLLECTORS ROMAN PLUMB BOBS IN MUSEUMS THE USE OF ROMAN PLUMB BOBS OTHER SHAPES OF ROMAN TOOLS REPRODUCTION OF A ROMAN PLUMB BOB 4. PLUMB BOB COLLECTORS MEETING IN ATHENS, GREECE Page 119 INTRODUCTION / REVIEW PROGRAM PRESENTS TO THE PARTICIPANTS PRESENTATIONS NEXT MEETING ARTISTS AND PLUMB BOBS INTRODUCTION ANTONIA LOW RICK ALEXANDER JOHN WITTERSHEIM TED METZ HANS-PETER LUEBKE CRAIK KOSAK DENVER COLORADO JANUS HEAD BJÖRN BORGMANN PETER TILL PIXMAN PAMELA HAMILTON LINKS TO OTHER SITES WITH ARTEFACTS MEMBERS OF THE PLUMB BOB COLLECTORS FAMILY 3 Page 133 WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012 complete CONTENT All 12 issues Information for PLUMB BOB COLLECTORS Author: Wolf Ruecker ALL PUBLICATIONS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE ON MY WEB SITE THERE YOU CAN ALSO FIND AND DOWNLOAD THE 50 ISSUES FROM 2007 AND THE 12 PUBLICATIONS FROM 2008, 2009 AND 2010 (NO NEWSLETTERS IN 2011) ENJOY READING THESE SPECIAL INFORMATION FOR PLUMB BOB COLLECTORS WOLF RUECKER 4 INTERMEDIATE PAGE INTERMEDIATE PAGE WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012 Editor: Wolf Ruecker Issue 01 January 01, 2012 CALENDAR 2012 Dear Fellow Collector, Dear Reader of the Plumb Bob NEWS, This is the first issue after a break of over one year writing about plumb bobs. In 2011 I stopped with the WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS for several reasons, but now I will take up again this work. If you have any ideas or areas of interest you would like to discuss, please let me know. As first issue of the NEWS 2012 you find below a CALENDAR 2012 especially made for plumb bob collectors. You can print it (or let print it in a copy shop) and hang it on the wall. For the printing I suggest to download the calendar from my web site on page DOWNLOAD PUBLICATIONS. (There are no headlines or foot lines on the pages) The next topics in 2012 could be: WOODEN plumb bobs ROMAN plumb bobs SHEATHS or PACKING or BOXES of plumb bobs PUBLICITY and ADVERTISING for plumb bobs Plumb bobs from CENTRAL AMERICA How do collectors MANAGE AND MARK the plumb bobs in their collections MECHANICAL US plumb bobs Meeting in ATHENS/Greece in autumn 2012 WRONG plumb bobs etc. Different Plumb bobs of the WORLD ??? ……………… Please, as always I am in search of new photos, catalogs, articles or personal stories about any aspect of PLUMB BOBS from you, any help is appreciated. If you have any information or pictures for these themes, please let me know. What do YOU suggest/propose? Thank you, looking forward to hearing from you Wolf -8- 2012 PLUMB BOB COLLECTOR’S CALENDAR KALENDER speziell für SENKLOTSAMMLER Wolfgang Ruecker -9- WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-01 CALENDAR 2012 e - 10 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-01 CALENDAR 2012 e Collection Nelson Denny: USA Millwright plumb bobs reversible - 11 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-01 CALENDAR 2012 e Collection Wolf Ruecker: English, American and homemade plumb bobs in iron candlestick - 12 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-01 CALENDAR 2012 e Show cases in „museum“ of Wolf Ruecker - 13 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-01 CALENDAR 2012 e Collection Wolf Ruecker: Patented VAJEN plumb bob with patent drawing - 14 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-01 CALENDAR 2012 e Collection Nelson Denny: Set of nice items from H.A. WILLIAMS MFG BOSTON MASS U.S.A. - 15 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-01 CALENDAR 2012 e Collection Nelson Denny: USA bridge builder’s plumb bob 16 in, 15 lbs - 16 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-01 CALENDAR 2012 e Collection Wolf Ruecker: View through magnifying glass to small pieces like freemason’s medal, pins, coin, Buddha, necklace etc. - 17 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-01 CALENDAR 2012 e Collection Wolf Ruecker: French cigarette box with brass tools - 18 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-01 CALENDAR 2012 e Collection Wolf Ruecker Roman plumb bobs of bronze 11oz and lead up to 21 oz. left: Reproduction12 oz. bronze - 19 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-01 CALENDAR 2012 e Collection Nelson Denny: highly ornated plumb bobs in his BOB ROOM - 20 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-01 CALENDAR 2012 e Collection Wolf Ruecker: Faustmann Mirror-Hypsometer with plumb bob (since 1854) for tree height measuring - 21 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-01 CALENDAR 2012 e Collection Wolf Ruecker: WIESENER Australia patent GB 19687 from 1907 - 22 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-01 CALENDAR 2012 e This is an article of the monthly published WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS that is sent on demand as PDFfile attachment by email. FREE. You can see all former publications on the website Remarks and contact by email: Do we meet us on the 4 PLUMB BOB COLLECTORS MEETING Autumn 2012 in ATHENS, Greece? th - 23 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-01 CALENDAR 2012 e WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012 Editor: Wolf Ruecker Issue 02 February 01, 2012 PLUMB BOBS and ADVERTISING Dear Fellow Collector, Dear reader of the PLUMB BOB NEWS, Please, as always I am in search of new photos, catalogs, articles or personal stories about any aspect of PLUMB BOBS from you, any help is appreciated. If you have any information or pictures for these themes, please let me know. Thank you, looking forward to hearing from you Wolf CONTENT 1. INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................24 2. PLUMBBOB as a LOGO..........................................................................................................................25 3. PLUMB BOB as MONUMENT ...............................................................................................................26 4. PLUMB BOB as SHOP SIGN ..................................................................................................................26 5. The name plumb bob in FIRM’S NAMES or signatures ..........................................................................27 6. PLUMB BOB as PINS or CRAVAT-NEEDLE .......................................................................................29 7. PLUMB BOB as AWARD .......................................................................................................................30 8. PLUMB BOB AS CUSTOMER GIFTS. ..................................................................................................31 9. PLUMB BOB IN LETTER HEADS ........................................................................................................33 10. OPERATION PLUMBBOB NEVADA 1957.......................................................................................33 11. REMARKS ............................................................................................................................................34 1. INTRODUCTION Usually we know the plumb bob always as a TOOL, used by different trades as masons, carpenters, surveyors etc. But the plumb bob was also used for other reasons. As a SHOP SIGN or as a GIFT TO CLIENTS, as a LOGO for a maker etc. Sometimes the maker used his name for the firm. Always this use has a positive sense. Only the use of the code-name for the operation plumbbob (see chapter 10) for atomic test in 1957 was not so positive in my opinion. Below you find some ideas that I found in the last years. If you have any remarks or additional information, please let me know. Photo above: Coat of arms by family Marsil Lefebre 2. PLUMBBOB as a LOGO The plumb bob is in a logo often used to refer to the accuracy or proper execution or beliefs. Of course it is also the logo used as a means to a profession, such as architects, builders, etc. The DENKMALTECHNISCHEN ASSISTENTEN DTA also used a plumb bob in their logo. Other brands: The BIBLIOTHEKA MASONICA Suisse And in Spain: Dr. Rolf Lutz said nothing in his article about “Die Gernsbacher Waagenfabrik” (The balance/scale making fabric) Ernst Hauth in Gernsbach, Germany why they choosed this logo. He only described the logo – in German Fabrikmarke - (see figure above) as follows: hand with plumb bob and angle between the capital letters G. and W. (Gernsbacher Waagenfabrik) On the scale we can see clearly the plumb bob and the other tools. The factory used this logo since 1885 especially for the “lion head-weighing scales”. 1894 they added the capital letters, but they never used it in their letter heads. The factory closed in 1935. - 25 - Also contractors use often the plumb bob on their sign. WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-02 outside, or the blacksmith had an anvil silhouette. Sadly, as store fronts were updated, these bookmarks o an earlier time were thrown on history’s scrap pile. Those careless events are what makes this a rare opportunity. What we have here is a large plumb bob, 18” tall and about 6 ½” at the widest. Made by either a tinsmith or blacksmith. It is formed from two lap-seamed cones held together by 3 sheet metal screws. It has what I would say is the original chain and mounting bracket. The surface has a wonderful black patina and virtually no rust – my lighting makes it look brownish, its really more black. The seller, from Pennsylvania got it from a family in King of Prussia, just outside of Philadelphia. They said it was from their family’s business (perhaps a builder or surveyor.. or maybe both) and that it dated from the mid to late 1800s. It certainly has that look to it.” 3. PLUMB BOB as MONUMENT Of course, the plumb bob was used in the art and also as a memorial. You can find more about it in my WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2008-02 "bobs on stamps, coins and monuments" I.e. right: Wellington office building JANUS, Denver Colorado USA Remark: Actually this shop sign is part of the collection of DB in Istanbul, Turkey or Düsseldorf, Germany “Deutschland Haus” on the market place opposite to the town-hall 1956. In my collection I have a WEATHER-VANE from a master carpenter in Bavaria, Germany. Size: 35 inch by 18 inch. Galvanized iron. 4. PLUMB BOB as SHOP SIGN In October 2005 B.C. sold on Ebay the “1800s Hanging Trade Sign – A LARGE PLUMB BOB”. He described it as follows: “When I was growing up in a small Long Island town in the 1950s, four of the business that lined the cross roads that made up this little village had Trade or symbol signs: the butcher chop had a meat cleaver crossed with a steel; the shoe maker (now called shoe repair person, ugh) had a silhouette of a shoe, the drug store had a mortar and pestle and the hardware store had a name sign, with a large hammer on it. Up until the early part of the 20th century, when the national literacy rate began to approach 100%, most business had TRADE signs or symbols signs so that the person who could not read, could still find what they were looking for. To this day, most of us recognize the 3 Balls (figure right from Wikipedia) as a symbol for a pawn shop. And we’ve all seen the cartoon where the dentist’s office has a large tooth hanging - 26 - To hang it on the entry to my museum, I bought a sign from iron. Now I have to search for a nice drawing or picture to paint it … Plumb bob and A-level: sign of the mason Diogenes in Pompeii, Italy. This town was buried by the eruption of the Vesuvius near Naples in the year 79. (Photo from Wikipedia, Claus Ableiter) And below is “the last sign” from the gravestone of John Rudd with all the tools that show his profession: MASON, which shows a plumblevel and dividers. WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-02 On I found 5. The name plumb bob in FIRM’S NAMES or signatures In Australia I found Diane a graphic-designer, who called her firm PLUMBOB CREATIVE. Fruit Label Level & Plumb Bob Sunkist Reprint. More you can find on I asked her and here is her answer: “Hi Wolf, I use the plumb bob because it’s the name of my business – PLUMBOB CREATIVE – I’m a graphic designer and I say on my website about the plumb bob: “It’s actually spelt plumb bob and is a weight attached to a line used to measure the vertical. It dates back to ancient Egypt where it was used as a surveying instrument. Plumb is to examine closely in order to understand and describes something precise and absolute – as close to perfection as possible. Plumbob Creative is dedicated to this ideal.” PLUMSURE cigar label Plumb bob and balance as symbols for a high quality product. I’m happy that you mention me on your site and what a beautiful collection of plumb bobs I can see on your site. All the best, Diane.“ Do you play GOLF? On Ebay you can find something like this: This very rare 35" putter is in very good shape with light scratches and minor nicks. True Temper steel shaft with label mostly intact. An INSTRUMENT MAKER in the Netherlands used his name Loth (that means plumb bob) in connection with his logo. Loth, Martin Westerstraat 12 - 14, Utrecht Niederlande Instrumentenmacher Produktion chirurgischer Instrumente. Source: Katalog Loth 1932 From: Verzeichnis der Waagen- und Gewichtemacher und ihre Marken, Ausgabe 3/2006 - 27 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-02 Scott Charles wrote on: PlumbBob Market Research The Bazooka Bob is an enclosed unit whose external structure shields it from the effects of wind and rain. The magnetic head BAZOOKA PLUMB BOB DESCRIPTION Welcome to PlumbBob Market Research April 27th, 2009 Welcome to the PlumbBob Market Research Web Log. Our goal at PlumbBob Market Research is to help you understand how to apply market research practices to your business. Are you wondering what a PlumbBob is? A “plumb-bob” is an ancient device that consists of a line with a weight, used to establish a vertical reference. The line is suspended over a given point (e.g., the line is attached to a scaffold, or a girder, or a joist) and as long as the weight is over the reference point your structure is vertical. In other words your plumbbob will keep you centered. That is our job at PlumbBob Research — to help you find your center and maintain it as you build your business. My name is Scott Charles. Prior to launching PlumbBob I worked at Hewlett-Packard managing syndicated research services. What does that mean and how can I help you? Continue reading my blog and you will find out! The Bazooka Bob is a fullyenclosed unit whose external structure shields it from the effects of the elements. And to clearly advertise this very ingenious plumb bob set-up, I found: Bazooka Plumb Bob Co Warminster PA 18974 ABOUT US The Bazooka Plumb Bob was invented in 1967, by a former member of the Army Corps of Engineers, who recognized a need for a better way for steel erectors to set steel, especially in high winds. Over the next 40 years, the Bazooka Bob has essentially replaced transits, laser levels and other methods of leveling in the steel erection industry. With little or no advertising, the Bazooka Plumb Bob acquired its following through word of mouth and on-site experience. We hear from Ironworkers every day who say they saw the Bazooka Bob "on the job", only to be embarrassed when inquiring what "that thing" was, by erectors stating- "What ELSE would you use?" - 28 - The 108lb test-pull magnetic head attaches directly to the steel column or other work surface and holds tight allowing for an instant readout for level Some of the younger hands don't know what this is, but many of the jobs back in the 70's and 80's used these to plumb columns, even in high winds. The Bazooka Bob features an adjustable telescoping tube (6' to 12') with a Plumb bob centered inside. Extremely strong 100 lb pull magnet allows Bazooka Bob to hang from side of column and incremental linear gage marks at base of unit allows the user to see how plumb the column is. This plumb bob is unaffected by high winds or rain (like some lasers and transits are) Saves on manpower, time and money. Built in the USA out of 6061 aluminum tubing, with 1/64" working accuracy with machining to .0010" tolerance. Can be used for steel columns, Gang forms, channel bucks, Frame headers, metal building, rigging etc. WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-02 6. PLUMB BOB as PINS or CRAVAT- Württemberger Baumeister Bund NEEDLE Navy Seabees builder pin Builder (BU). Carpenter's square, points up, superimposed on plumb bob BRICKLAYERS, MASONS & PLASTERERS Cravat-needle I also am using a plumb bob in a LOGO which can be seen below. It is used in to convey the worldwide nature of the plumb bob and the common interest of the plumb bob collectors everywhere. This is an informal LOGO of the IPCA (International Plumb Bob Collectors Association). For us the whole world turns around the plumb bob U.S. Army Corps of Engineers coin - 29 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-02 7. PLUMB BOB as AWARD presentation of a special favor, a handcrafted miniature tool, designed and fabricated by club volunteers. Often the plumb bob is used as a symbol for a distinction. Sometimes it is gold plated or decorated with other things to let it look more valuable. DAS GOLDENE LOT des VDV Verband Deutscher Vermessungsingenieure. (Bild rechts von 1990) 2011 awarded to Dr.-Ing. E.h. Ranga Yogeshwar (well known in the German Television) for his outstanding contributions to the journalistic preparation and presentation of technical and scientific issues, including geodetic and cartographic themes. More see: To properly commemorate the Millennium members have produced this bronze plumb bob for the year 2000 Best in the West meeting. This PNTC bronze plumb bob is that favor. It is a limited edition of 202 castings, sequentially serialized, boxed and labeled for presentation to full meeting registrants on August 19, 2000. The plumb bob design and art work was done by member and plane maker Christopher Laarman. Castings were done by Cranston Castings of Rhode Island. Machining, polishing, packaging and labeling were accomplished by a dedicated team of PNTC volunteers. This bob is bronze with a steel tip and is about 2 1/4" long and weighs about 4 ounces Society for Industrial Archeology The General Tools Award is the highest honor the SIA can bestow. The award recognizes individuals who have given sustained, distinguished service to the cause of industrial archeology and is presented at the SIA’s annual business meeting. PACIFIC NORTHWEST TOOL COLLECTORS PNTC USA. Present 2000 for his members. I found the following description for this interesting plumb bob: PLUMB BOB, PNTC FAVOR FOR 2000 Every year PNTC (Pacific Northwest Tool Collectors) host a 3 day meeting called the BEST in the WEST. One of the highlights of these meetings is the - 30 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-02 8. PLUMB BOB AS CUSTOMER GIFTS. Of course I also have several plumb bobs in my collection, which were used as customer gifts. I. e. has the company HEBEL, manufacturers of concrete building blocks made a plumb bob pour into plastic printed with advertising. It is very well suited as an eye-catcher on the desk of customers. The company MERCEDES as a manufacturer of trucks and construction equipment had given away on the construction machinery exhibition in Munich in 1980 for the visitors and customers gold and nickel plated plumb bobs with the Mercedes star as a logo. Manufacturer of these plumb bobs was the company Gampper. In France I found a paper mat (blotting paper) imprinted with a plumb bob. It was used as a recruiting advertisement for the construction industry. The company Louis BUFF, Boston, Mass. USA had appended their greeting cards and business cards, a small plumb bob. At the opening of ARCADEN shopping centers in Cologne and Gera, Germany was spread of a plumb bob as a keyring with inscription. Manufacturer was Gampper in Alsenz, Germany. According to my research the ARCADEN GERA were opened in 1998 and COLOGNE in 2005. Unfortunately my request to the operating company has not been answered. - 31 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-02 A plumb bob with a spacer from plastic in a wooden box with the name of a MEDICINE called „musaril“. October 2009 (right) after the alliance of the Commerzbank and the Dresdner Bank. The COMMERZBANK wrote in a report 2009 about a project „IM LOT“: (“Lot” is the German word for plumb bob or plumb line and it means that everything is in line and correct). Full text see: web site Commerzbank From the web site of the maker: Musaril Filmtabletten Manufacturer: Sanofi-Synthelabo GmbH Active ingredient:Tetrazepam Prescription required All the manufacturers mentioned applications pain radiating muscle tension, particularly as a result of diseases of the spine and the joints close to the axis paralysis caused by abnormal movement disorders of the muscles of different causes of disease Also a coffee cup was decorated with a plumb bob. This small plumb bob (right) was commanded by the COMMERZBANK and perhaps given to their employes. I have one plumb bob with an unknown logo and one with the old logo (1972-2009) from the Commerzbank. The new logo with the yellow ribbon was used after - 32 - Project “Im Lot” performs pioneer work in health management In order to protect and maintain the health of its employees, Commerzbank has initiated the “Im Lot” (work/ life balance) project in cooperation with the staff council. From April 2008 to May 2009, an exhaustive study analyzed the causes of increasing psychological stress and demands, especially in sales and risk management and measures developed to reduce them. The project is doing pioneer work and setting benchmarks in company health management through its innovative activities. With the project “Im Lot”, employees and employer focus on one topical issue, the solution of which will benefit all concerned. With the professional support of “Institut für Autonomieforschung Cogito“ (PARGEMA) and the “Institut für Arbeitspsychologie Arbeitsmedizin (IAPAM/Universität Herdecke)” – both established experts in the field of industrial and organisational psychology and medicine – for the decisive factors were identified professionally and exhaustively. In workshops and interviews along with around 600 managers and employees, a guideline for an ideal working environment was developed, on the one hand, and on the other, the causes for increasing psychological stress and demands were examined. Employees were also asked in detail about issues concerning health during the course of the employee survey. »We need healthy employees who like to work at Commerzbank and are fully committed; employees who are balanced. « Ulrich Sieber Member of the Board of Managing Directors and responsible for Group Human Resources und Group Integration Remark: MERCURY’S WINGS since 1972 Mercury, or Mercurius, was the Roman god of trade and commerce, and of thieves, and in late antiquity was equated with the Greek god Hermes. The son of Zeus and the nymph Maia was often depicted as the messenger of the gods, with wings on his shoes and helmet, and with a herald’s scepter. Hermes was the god of travellers and merchants. Maker of the plumb bobs was Gampper, Alsenz, Germany. WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-02 9. PLUMB BOB IN LETTER HEADS I have only a few letter heads with plumb bobs in my collection. Do YOU have any? Several years ago I found an interesting ashtray, which I had never seen again. Labeled "ALLES IM LOT". (Means in German, everything is plumb and level). It comes from the brickworks SCHUZAG in Narsdorf, Saxony, Germany and is baked from the clay of which the roof tiles were also manufactured. The figure is created by the locally very active and wellknown artist Kurt Feuerriegel (January 6, 1880 in Meissen, Saxony,. † 16 June 1961 in Frohburg / Sat). He was one of the most important art ceramists of the 20th Century in Saxony. For my research on the artist and the brickyard I had visited with my motor-home the brickyard in Narsdorf. Feuerriegel made inter alia also the beautiful fountain in Kohren-Salis. Image from Wikipedia Letter head from 1915, German mason and carpenter. 10. OPERATION PLUMBBOB NEVADA 1957 See Extract from this site: Operation Plumbbob was a series of nuclear tests conducted between May 28 and October 7, 1957, at the Nevada Test Site. It was the biggest, longest, and most controversial test series in the continental United States. Background. The operation was the sixth test series and consisted of 29 explosions, of which only two did not produce any nuclear yield. Twenty-one laboratories and government agencies were involved. While most Operation Plumbbob tests contributed to the development of warheads for intercontinental and intermediate range missiles, they also tested air defense and anti-submarine warheads with smaller yields. They included forty-three military effects tests on civil and military structures, radiation and bio-medical studies, and aircraft structural tests. Operation Plumbbob had the tallest tower tests to date in the U.S. nuclear testing program as well as highaltitude balloon tests. One nuclear test involved the largest troop maneuver ever associated with U.S. nuclear testing. I could not find any information why they used the word PLUMBBOB as a code-name. - 33 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-02 11. REMARKS Something to smile about: Ebay seller from Spain created a plumb bob and a level for the winner of a plumb bob and (at the right side) a sign especially for (plumb) bobs. Please join us for the 4 PLUMB BOB COLLECTORS MEETING Autumn 2012 in ATHENS, Greece. Oct. 5, to Oct. 7, 2012 th If you are interested, please let me know. This is an article of the monthly published WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS that is sent on demand as PDFfile attachment by email. FREE. You can see all former publications on the website Remarks and contact by email: Thank you for your interest Wolf - 34 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-02 WOLF‘S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012 Issue 03 Autor: Wolf Ruecker March 1, 2012 WOODEN PLUMB BOBS and SPINNING TOPS Dear Fellow Collector, Dear reader of the PLUMB BOB NEWS, Please, as always I am in search of new photos, catalogs, articles or personal stories about any aspect of PLUMB BOBS from you. Any help is appreciated. If you have any information or pictures for these themes, please let me know. Thank you, looking forward to hearing from you Wolf 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. WOODEN PLUMB BOBS and SPINNING TOPS Content INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 35 PLUMB BOBS FROM WOOD ........................................................................................................... 36 WOODEN SPINNING TOPS .............................................................................................................. 36 PATENTS OF SPINNING TOPS ........................................................................................................ 37 SPINNING TOP (GYROS/GIMBAL) patented as a PLUMB BOB...................................................... 38 MAKING A WOODEN PLUMB BOB ................................................................................................ 39 WOODEN PLUMB BOBS FOR COLLECTORS OR CEREMONIES ................................................ 41 DIVERS .............................................................................................................................................. 42 REMARKS .......................................................................................................................................... 44 1. INTRODUCTION Dear Fellow Collector, today I have something not only for plumb bob collectors, but also for woodworking tool collectors. Usually we know as material for the plumb bobs stone, lead, iron, brass, etc., or possibly even filled with lead or mercury, a material with a high density. The plumb bob is supposed to provide resistance to wind forces and keep the line tight. There is also a material that we do not expect at the first view, namely WOOD. However, the use of wooden plumb bobs is limited (no wind), but they are there. In addition, there are wooden plumb bobs, which are specially made for collectors or for -35- ceremonial use. On the other hand, many pieces are made of wood and offered (and sold/bought) as a plumb bob. But they are not plumb bobs; they are spinning tops, which we know from our childhood. Today I would like to add some information about the “wooden plumb bob family”. I am sure every collector has some of these in his collection. Figure above: Wooden plumb bob 5 feet high by the German artist Björn Borgmann (details see below) . WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-03 WOODEN PLUMB BOBS update 3. WOODEN SPINNING TOPS 2. PLUMB BOBS FROM WOOD Often, especially in the U.S., spinning tops (whip or throwing tops) are offered as a plumb bob. They have the shape of a conical plumb bob, but they do not have an essential part, namely the attachment point for the cord. The spinning top requires the string "around the waist" and not on top of the head. Sometimes an eye or hook is attached later, sometimes it is not even available and sometimes there is an existing patented portion that was converted to attach the string. From Australia, I got a wooden plumb bob, which is composed of two parts put together very complex (see detail photo). At first I thought it was broken or damaged before I took it apart. Wallpapering PLUMB BOBS In the U.S. there are two special bobs for wallpaper hangers or tile setters. One of them is made of a flat iron sheet, so that it lies close to the wall and you can mark the position along the line without offset. The second plumb bob is made of WOOD, but is shaped like a plumb bob cut in half.It is the only wooden plumb bob - that I know - made for workers. Here, the hole for the cord is positioned so that it still hangs exactly vertical. Purpose is that there is no damage to the tiles by the material (wood), if it falls down accidently. Secondly the cord is close to the wall. You can draw an accurate marker along the line. In a bath or a room usually you have no big influence of the wind. Why are offered spinning tops as plumb bobs? The sellers expect more money for a plumb bob. One seller answered me, when I told him that it is a spinning top and not a plumb bob: “Hi and thank you for your interest in our item. Someone else suggested that it is indeed a plumb bob. I guess we will let everyone weigh in and see where it ends. Thanks again.” Sometimes it is incognizance of the tool. Some of the patented spinning tops, especially in the U.S. have a piece/part above where a line can be mounted. But it is not for putting string on. It is for keeping the spinning top under control with a line by the child. See more about it in Chapter PATENTS of spinning tops. Below some spinning tops from my collection. - 36 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-03 WOODEN PLUMB BOBS update 4. PATENTS OF SPINNING TOPS The original patents you can get by using the USGOOGLE PATENT SEARCH with the following link: You only have to put in the patent number. The spinning top in US patent 178979 by Vetter 1876 looks like a plumb bob and has an iron tip, but on the top there is no hook, but a plate from glass. The patent US 190421 DAVIS from 1877 and reissued 1879 has all important parts to be a plumb bob, but the part to fix the line is made for another reason. Especially in the U.S.A we find a lot of patented spinning tops. Below some details from these interesting patents: US 346037 G. S. GOLD spinning top from 1886 - 37 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-03 WOODEN PLUMB BOBS update 5. SPINNING TOP (GYROS/GIMBAL) patented as a PLUMB BOB. By the way, as I already mentioned in my NEWS about English plumb bobs part 2 and also in the WR PATENTS NEWS 2007-47 (both for download on my website) exists a real plumb bob in the shape of a spinning top. See figure below. It was invented in England by Carter in 1908 as patent GB 190800163 “IMPROVEMENTS IN PLUMB-BOBS”. The only known example of this plumb bob we can find in the collection of N.D. He bought it on EBay in Australia in 2006. It was no surprise that it did not work as a “stabilized hanging plumb bob”. This is because of the unstable swinging and turning of a gyroscope at the end of a string. Not every invention wins fight against the reality. Below some other propositions (drawings from the patent) of the inventor for his “spinning top plumb bob”. The shape of this plumb bob you can buy in our days as a toy for children as spinning top or gyroscope. I tried to let it spin, but the result was - 38 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-03 WOODEN PLUMB BOBS update 6. MAKING A WOODEN PLUMB BOB My friend Ulrich Biber produced especially for the readers of the NEWS a wooden plumb bob on his simple lathe and made photos of the different steps. Many thanks! . 1. Block of wood, Honduras Jacaranda, the sides are dipped in wax by the supplier in order to prevent cracks in the wood 9. Further removal of wood 10. Grinding with abrasive paper with increasingly finer grades, finally with steel wool 11. Treatment with grinding material (yellow earth size) and then rubbing with bees-wax 2. Marking the centering point on both sides 12. Grinding the tip with abrasive paper with increasingly finer grades, finally with steel wool 3. Lathe equipment left: live spindle (carrier) in the center the tool support right: live center with ball bearings 13. Brass rod as raw material and perfect the tip 4. Clamped scantling 14. Assembly: The screw cuts its own threads into the hole of the timber. The tip is glued in. Finally you only have to attach the cord. 5. Turning 6. Turning and preforming READY, WELL DONE! Ulrich also bought some original spare parts such as screws and spikes/tips. Now he can equip his beautiful wooden plumb bobs with these original parts. 7. Forming Do you also want to produce wooden plumb bobs? 8. Drilling the holes for the head and top (with matching drills) Here you go and GOOD LUCK! - 39 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-03 WOODEN PLUMB BOBS update Below some other nice wooden plumb bobs from his production. They are looking great, isn’t it? Some are hanging now in my collection. - 40 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-03 WOODEN PLUMB BOBS update Prof. John Wittersheim from Siena Heights University who produced a lot of plumb bobs also made some from wood. 7. WOODEN PLUMB BOBS FOR COLLECTORS OR CEREMONIES Jan. 2012 EBay England sold for 333 GBP 10” (250mm) Brass & Lignum-Vitae Plumb Bob. Text in the EBay auction: “This is rare Brass and Lignum Vitae bodied Plumb Bob it is probably of a Display or Masonic origin. I could not see this fine Plumb Bob being used by a builder. It is 10” high x 5” wide and has More of his plumb bobs see on: On EBay I found: Boxwood and Brass Plumb bob, 4" long a small manufacturers stamp with the letters LMSD 2 in the center. Condition for its age is very good. It does not appear to have had much use if any; the Lignum has some very minor surface shrinkage cracks due to drying. The brass parts are well machined as is the steel point”. Below some wooden plumb bobs marked LMSD from England In Wales my friend Dick Jones produced this huge (14 ½ in) and heavy (3lbs 11/2 oz.) plumb bob in memory to his late wife Dorothy, using different coloured woods as symbols. Details see his remarks on the plate above. - 41 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-03 WOODEN PLUMB BOBS update Just before time of going to press with my NEWS I found THE BIGGEST WOODEN PLUMB BOB I ever saw. It was designed and made by the German artist Björn Borgmann in 2007. It is 5 feet high and 3 feet in diameter. It is made of laminated wooden boards. The photo below is from a newspaper reporting upon an exhibition of several artists in a limestone quarry in Wuppertal, Germany. The inventor lives in Israel. I would not be astonished if we could get such a spinning top – if it was really produced – in the future offered as a plumb bob on EBay. For such a propeller driven plumb bob you don’t need any line! If you have a proposition for the use as plumb bob, please let me know. Actually it is hanging in a museums building in the limestone quarry Kalksteingrube Oetelshofen in Wuppertal, Germany If you know a bigger one, please let me know. 8. DIVERS Since a very long time I am searching for such a HELIPLUMB BOB (see figure right). I got this photo some years ago. Searching for patents of spinning tops for this NEWS I found the patent US 4453342 from 1984 for a battery operated spinning top. - 42 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-03 WOODEN PLUMB BOBS update Some of them are marked MONUMENT BRAND. 9. UPDATE After the publication of this NEWS I got an interesting feedback from Bruce Cynar. He sent me a page from a Fairbanks 1906 catalog with TURN PINS from „Dogwood“ in the shape of top spins or tapered plumb bobs. Bruce wrote: “There is another wooden item often seen in this country (tools shows and eBay) that is often identified as a plumb bob, which it is not. That is a plumber's turn pin. Originally a turn pin is any plug for stopping the flow from the end of a pipe. Plumbers who worked with lead pipe would use a turn pin to flare one end of a pipe to accept another pipe before soldering them together. Later on the phone company, who in the cities buried most of their lines, would also use lead pipe to shield the wire from the rats in the sewers who seem to enjoy eating the wire insulation.” I searched in my catalogs and found there also these wooden „BOBS“. From the collection of Ulrich Biber see below some photos of these „wooden plumb bobs” from the U.S.A. For the same reason the plumbers also used a special tong that you find sometimes on the antique markets. See page from the German catalog Baumann 1937. - 43 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-03 WOODEN PLUMB BOBS update WOLF‘S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012 Issue 04 Autor: Wolf Ruecker April 1, 2012 THE GRUBER LEVEL Dear Fellow Collector, Dear reader of the PLUMB BOB NEWS, Please, as always I am in search of new photos, catalogs, articles or personal stories about any aspect of PLUMB BOBS from you. Any help is appreciated. If you have any information or pictures for these themes, please let me know. Thank you, looking forward to hearing from you Wolf 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. THE GRUBER LEVEL Content INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 44 THE GRUBER UNIVERSAL MEASURING INSTRUMENT ............................................................ 45 PATENTS OF HANS GRUBER .......................................................................................................... 47 WHAT FUNCTIONS HAS THE GRUBER LEVEL? .......................................................................... 49 THE PLUMB BOB ON THE GRUBER LEVEL – THE LEVEL AS A PLUMB BOB ........................ 49 PATENT US 2,223,683 MEASURING INSTRUMENT ...................................................................... 50 WHAT WE CAN FIND IN THE WWW ABOUT GRUBER? ............................................................. 52 WHO WAS HANS GRUBER? ............................................................................................................ 53 ADDITIONAL INFO........................................................................................................................... 55 REMARKS ...................................................................................................................................... 55 1. INTRODUCTION Dear Fellow Collector, I do not collect only PLUMB BOBS (for the VERTICAL), but also instruments with plumb bobs, e.g. - PLUMB LEVELS (the grandmother of the actual levels) for the HORIZONTAL - INCLINOMETERS for the ANGLE and - CHALK LINES for the STRAIGHT LINE (See figure at the right sight.) This time I want to talk about a measuring instrument that covers some of my interests. Figure above: front part of the GRUBER level . I have chosen the German level from GRUBER, since it could be also of interest for other than plumb bob collectors. From this instrument I have a lot of information about patents and operating instructions. Moreover this instrument contains also a plumb bob and could be used as a plumb bob. Gruber called his water level a “UNIVERSAL MEASURING INSTRUMENT”. -44- WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-04 THE GRUBER LEVEL 2. THE GRUBER UNIVERSAL MEASURING INSTRUMENT The UNIVERSAL-MEASURING INSTRUMENT by GRUBER was produced in two sizes: 50 cm (19 in) and 100 cm (38 in) length. As MATERIAL he used OAK WOOD for the body and ALUMINUM for the mirrors and the sighting devices. BRASS was used for some of the scales, thermometer and cover plates. Later he used iron sheets for the cover plates. The screws are from brass or iron (when they are completely hidden in the wood). The wooden box for the transport is from plywood. Additional options included (for extra costs) LIGHT, COMPASS, THERMOMETER and plywood BOX. On the drawing below from the instruction sheet you will find all parts described (in German). Figures below: The GRUBER with serial # 38 from Kurt Heid and my GRUBER serial # 114 GRUBER serial # 38 GRUBER serial # 114 Mirror to check the bubble position - 45 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-04 THE GRUBER LEVEL GRUBER serial #38 left side light switch serial # compass spirit level 0 , 900 and 450 0 cross hair thermometer mirror and plumb bob storage box for the mirror mirror right / left 900 Storage box for the mirror sighting device button on a rotatable spindle (for the use as a plumb bob) 3/8“ thread for the tripod GRUBER measuring instrument with plywood box slide for inclination right angle measuring system - 46 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-04 THE GRUBER LEVEL 3. PATENTS OF HANS GRUBER Remark: the complete original American patents you can find on … Below on page 52-54 you will find the most interesting patent US 2,223,683. The German patents are available on the site of the German Patent Office DE687878A GRUBER 1940 Instrument to measure the height and the width of objects (Gerät zum Messen der Höhe und Breite entfernter Gegenstände) The described measuring instrument does not match exactly with one of the shown patents, but is a combination of different patents of Gruber. (The best adapted is the patent US 2,223,683, even when not all parts of the invention were used in the production model.): PATENTS OF INTEREST: Filed 1936: DE687878A GRUBER 1940 Gerät zum Messen der Höhe und Breite entfernter Gegenstände Filed 1936: DE691206A GRUBER 1940 Wasserwaage mit Längs- und Querlibelle Filed 1937: DE689259A GRUBER 1940 Wasserwaage mit Zieleinrichtung Filed 1938 in SWISS: CH 198756 GRUBER 1938 VERMESSUNGSGERÄT Filed 1938 in den USA: US 2223683 GRUBER 1940 Measuring or surveying instrument (Further patents of Gruber not in relation to this measuring instrument you will find on the next page.) GRUBER 1936/1940 Water level with two different vials (Wasserwaage mit Längs-und Querlibelle) - 47 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-04 THE GRUBER LEVEL Patent CH198756 GRUBER 1938 Vermessungsgerät Patent DE689259 GRUBER 1940 Water level with sighting devices Further patents of Hans Gruber for OTHER INVENTIONS: CH112339 GRUBER 1925 Schalbrett für Decken und Wände DE479567 GRUBER 1925 Landmine in Scheibenform mit radial verlaufendem Zündgehäuse DE494183 GRUBER 1927 Landmine (Zusatz zu Patent DE479567) DE515458 GRUBER 1927 Zünder für Minen u. dgl. US1682560 GRUBER 1928 Explosive mine US1745758 GRUBER 1930 fuse for mines or the like DE1608358 GRUBER 1950 Gepäckbinder für Tret- und Krafträder (Gebrauchsmusterantrag) DE1615432 GRUBER 1950 Ausfug- und Mörtelgerät DE840160 GRUBER 1952 Meßgerät - 48 - Filed Oct. 5, 1951 in the USA US2706336 GRUBER 1955 measuring device for linear measurements. A sad footnote is: The filing date for this patent was some days before his accident on Oct. 8, 1951 on the highway B12 near Mühldorf, where he died. So he never saw the answer from the American Patent Office. Patent US2706336 GRUBER filed 1951 published 1955 Measuring device for linear measurements WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-04 THE GRUBER LEVEL 4. WHAT FUNCTIONS HAS THE GRUBER LEVEL? In the instruction manual is listed: 1. Measuring of degrees 2. Slope in degrees and mm/meter 3. Using as a level up to 22 yard 4. Measuring right angles for buildings 5. Determine heights of houses, towers, trees etc. 6. Use it as a plumb bob. 7. Everything else that you can do with a common water level More details see in the original patent text on page 52-54. The plumb bob is attached under the body. (Position see figure below.) I found no storage boxes for plumb bobs on serial numbers over # 100. It seems that Gruber at the beginning put everything on his instrument and learned later that nobody needs a light, thermometer, plumb bob or compass for this tool. The instrument itself could be used as a plumb bob. In the patent text we find: “At the end of the part 1 which carries the extension 20 are fitted on a rotatable spindle situated in the line of its center of gravity, two buttons 22 and 23, which are used for carrying out plumbing operations with the part 1. “ How it works you can see on the pictures below. 5. THE PLUMB BOB ON THE GRUBER LEVEL – THE LEVEL AS A PLUMB BOB Storage box for the plumb bob Plumb bob fixing point Installation for measuring the right angle - 49 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-04 THE GRUBER LEVEL 6. PATENT US 2,223,683 MEASURING INSTRUMENT - 50 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-04 THE GRUBER LEVEL - 51 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-04 THE GRUBER LEVEL 7. WHAT WE CAN FIND IN THE WWW ABOUT GRUBER? The result of this search is published only in the German version of the WOLF’S PATENT NEWS, (WOLFS SENKLOT NEWS 2012-04). If you are interested, please visit - 52 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-04 THE GRUBER LEVEL 8. WHO WAS HANS GRUBER? Hans Gruber lived since 1912 in Mühldorf a. Inn, Bavaria, Germany Profession (1950): Architect and master builder. Fabrication of own inventions. Figures below show his signature, rubber stamp and letter head. married master builder Hans Gruber from Mühldorf was killed. Gruber was hit on the crossing by an American Army truck with a German driver and died in his car. Obituary in the Mühldorfer Nachrichten (Newspaper) (reduced free translation) “Hans Gruber was born in Ebersberg near Munic, Germany and moved 1912 to Mühldorf, Germany. Here he had his first job in the office for distribution of water (Wasserwirtschaftsamt). After the WW I he started a career as an architect. Since 1928 the architect Gruber was member of the town-council of Mühldorf, in which he was elected as founder and chairman of the Business Party (Wirtschaftspartei). Because of his political intransigence his business was closed during the war. In 1945 after the WW II when Mühldorf was heavily damaged, Gruber was called for the job of a municipal architect (Stadtbaumeister) for rebuilding the town. Through his energy and with the help of the inhabitants he managed to eliminate the chaos in the city until the end of 1947. For his inventions of measuring instruments Gruber obtained national and foreign patents.” From the historical registration documents in Mühldorf: Name JOHANN GRUBER Son of Johann Gruber, farmer roman catholic and Therese Katterlaher both deceased in Ebersberg Born: April 20,.1889 in Ebersberg, Munic Profession: architect and master builder Religion: Roman catholic (rk), Moved to Mühldorf March 1, 1912 in the Altmühldorferfußweg Moved into own house Bahnhoffußweg 179a (since July 1923 Nr.3) Deceased Oct. 8, 1951 street accident Married since Nov. 8, 1916 with Rosa Kaußner *12.6.1890 in Munic rk. + March 15, 1977 in Mühldorf Newspaper MÜHLDORFER NACHRICHTEN from Oct. 11, 1951 DEADLY ACCIDENT „On Oct. 8, 1951 at 5 pm an accident happened on the State Road B 12 near Harting where the - 53 - MORE DETAILS in the German version of this WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS. WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-04 THE GRUBER LEVEL Figures below show the house of Gruber and drawings of houses that he built in 1924 as an architect. House (demolished in 1973) Bahnhoffußweg 3 - 54 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-04 THE GRUBER LEVEL 9. ADDITIONAL INFO George Gaspari offered in March 2011 on EBay a GRUBER instrument in Santa Cruz, CA, U.S.A. This shows that the instrument was also in America. Perhaps an American soldier took it back home, leaving Germany after the WW II. I had two good sources that helped me to write this article. Many thanks to both: The German tool collector Kurt Heid sent me his photos of the GRUBER serial # 38 with thermometer, compass, light and plumb bob. Mr. Hamberger from the town archives of Mühldorf a. Inn gave me a lot of information about the person Gruber. 10. REMARKS Mike Hoefer (left) and me (right) revising the English version of this NEWS: WHO KNOWS A GRUBER LEVEL IN THE U.S.A.? This is an article of the monthly published WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS that is sent on demand as PDFfile attachment by email. FREE. You can see all former publications on the website Remarks and contact by email: Thank you for your interest Wolf Please join us for the 4th PLUMB BOB COLLECTORS MEETING Autumn 2012 in ATHENS, Greece. Oct. 5, to Oct. 7, 2012 If you are interested to come to Athens, please let me know. - 55 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-04 THE GRUBER LEVEL WOLF‘S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012 Issue 05 May 1, 2012 THE PLUMB BOB COLLECTOR NELSON DENNY † Author: Wolf Ruecker NELSON DENNY † Content 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 56 2. FIRST CONTACT ............................................................................................................................... 56 3. PATENTS and SOME SPECIAL PLUMB BOBS................................................................................ 57 4. DISPLAYING AND INVENTORY..................................................................................................... 58 5. COMMUNICATION WORLDWIDE .................................................................................................. 59 6. HIS COLLECTION ............................................................................................................................. 60 7. THE LEISTNER & HEIMBACH STORY ........................................................................................... 62 8. THE PLUMB LINE CONTINUUM..................................................................................................... 63 9. HIS WORK AND THE FUTURE ........................................................................................................ 64 10. ADDITIONAL INFO ....................................................................................................................... 65 and friend of mine, Riccardo Chetoni from Pisa, Italy. 1. INTRODUCTION Dear Fellow Collector, this NEWS is written to honor the noted plumb bob collector NELSON DENNY architect, Lyme, CT U.S.A Born September 7th 1946, Deceased April 5th 2012 and to remember my collaboration between 2004 and 2012 with him. I will show what he was thinking about collecting plumb bobs and what he has done for the International Plumb Bob Collectors community. It is the discussion between American and European collectors about tools. I will let Nelson talk about the collaboration by his own email texts and his own pictures .... about PLUMB BOBS, HIS COLLECTION AND HIS DREAMS ... His very first email: WOLFGANG, YOU, LIKE RICCARDO, ARE A GENTLEMAN AND A SCHOLAR! I WOULD VERY MUCH APPRECIATE WHATEVER INFORMATION YOU MIGHT HAVE ON BOKER INCLUDING CATALOGUE INFORMATION IF AVAILABLE. AS A PLUMB BOB COLLECTOR, MY COLLECTION IS PREDOMINANTLY AMERICAN AND ENGLISH. TO HAVE IT GROW IN AN INTERNATIONAL WAY IS OF SOME INTEREST. RICCARDO HAS BEEN INSTRUMENTAL IN INTRODUCING ME TO THE WORLD OF ROMAN AND OTTOMAN PLUMB BOBS. HAVE A FEW QUESTIONS FOR YOU. DO YOU GERMANS HAVE A HISTORY OF MAKING "MECHANICAL" PLUMB BOBS, THAT IS PLUMB BOBS THAT HAVE EXTERIOR OR INTERIOR STRING WINDERS? SIMILARLY, IS THERE ANY TRADITION OF MAKING PLUMB BOBS OF A DECORATIVE OR CEREMONIAL NATURE? VERY GLAD TO BE INTRODUCED TO "PLUMBBOB WOLF"! ---- I'VE BEEN WATCHING YOU ON EBAY. About his, profession and collection (Jan. 2004): 2. FIRST CONTACT In January 2004 Nelson was bidding on Ebay on a BOKER plumb bob made by the German factory Gampper. I asked him if he would be interested in further information about this factory and the Boker plumb bob. (At that time it was possible on Ebay to contact the bidders directly. Today you only see a code-number. ). At that time he already knew one other noted plumb bob collector -56- I'M 57 YEARS OLD, AN ARCHITECT THAT WORKS ONLY ON PRIVATE RESIDENCES..... MOST OF MY WORK IS ON WATERFRONT PROPERTIES THAT ARE FOR THE MOST PART, LUXURY VACATION HOMES. I'VE BEEN COLLECTING PLUMB BOBS FOR ABOUT TWENTY YEARS BUT ONLY SERIOUSLY FOR THE LAST 3 OR 4 YEARS. I AM IN THE PROCESS OF PHOTOGRAPHING AND CATEGORIZING MY COLLECTION IN A DIGITAL FORMAT THAT CAN BE SHARED WITH WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-05 NELSON DENNY OTHER COLLECTORS ...... NOT THAT THE WORK IS EVER REALLY FINISHED (BECAUSE WE'RE ALWAYS ADDING AS YOU KNOW) BUT I AM HOPING TO PUT OUT THE FIRST DRAFT BY THE END OF THE WINTER.....ALTHOUGH I LIKE THE DIRECTION MY COLLECTION IS TAKING, GENERALLY SPEAKING, I AM AWARE THAT YOU AND RICCARDO COLLECT FROM A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE AND WITH A DIFFERENT FOCUS WITH MUCH MORE EMPHASIS, I IMAGINE, ON EUROPEAN EXAMPLES..... SHARING INFORMATION AND CORRESPONDING WITH OTHER COLLECTORS AND SEEING OTHER COLLECTIONS IS AN IMPORTANT FEATURE IN MY INTEREST IN THE SUBJECT SO WILL DO MY BEST TO HELP YOU WITH ANYTHING YOU NEED ON THIS SIDE OF THE ATLANTIC. MAKE YOUR PENCIL MARK AT THE POINT OF THE BOB, TAKES SKILL AND PRACTICE AND OFTEN A NUMBER OF LITTLE MARKS ARE AVERAGED TO COME UP WITH ONE CORRECT READING. TAKE ONE OF YOUR BOBS AND FIND SOME WORK OR LAYOUT TASK TO DO WITH IT. YOU WILL DISCOVER THAT IT IS A TOOL THAT DOES NOT WORK AUTOMATICALLY, IT TAKES SOME TECHNIQUE TO GET ACCURATE READINGS. About COMMON SENSE / LAMP plumb bobs (in 2004): 3. PATENTS and SOME SPECIAL PLUMB BOBS His answers were very detailed and helped me very much to understand inventors and users of plumb bobs (below he talked about the PERFECTION PLUMB BOB) see PATENT NEWS 2007-31 mercury and lead filled: PERFECTION PLUMB BOBS ARE NOTABLE AS AN EXAMPLE THAT GO TO THE OPPOSITE EXTREME OF EXTRAORDINARY SYMETRICITY. THERE CLAIMS ARE THAT IT IS SO SYMETRICAL "THAT IT COMES TO REST IMMEDIATELY" AND "POINTS DIRECTLY". DON'T BELIEVE EVERY CLAIM MADE IN A PATENT APPLICATION; MOST OF THEM ARE PURE MARKETING HYPE. IN THE CASE OF THE PERFECTION, THE BRASS SKIN OVER THE SOFT LEAD CORE IS SO THIN, THAT THE FIRST TIME IT BUMPS ITO SOMETHING SOLID, IT IS IMMEDIATLY RENDERED UN SYMETRICAL. LOOK AT ANY OF THE LARGER PERFECTION PLUMB BOBS THAT HAVE BEEN USE, THEY'RE FULL OF MAJOR DENTS THAT OF COURSE MAKE THE BOB UNSYMETRICAL. THE SKILL OF THE USER IS FAR MORE A SIGNIFICANT FACTOR THAN THE SYMETRICITY OF A BOB. WHERE YOUR EYE IS IN RELATION TO THE TIP OF THE BOB AND ACCOUNTING FOR THE VISUAL PARALLAX FACTOR WHEN YOU - 57 - HERE IS WHAT I HAVE PAID FOR COMMON SENSE PLUMB BOBS OVER THE LAST 5 YEARS. BEAR IN MIND THAT ALL OF THESE ARE NUMBERED AND ARE ALL GOOD+ EXCEPT FOR THE #5 AND #6. THE #5 HAS HAD THE TIP GROUND DOWN FOR REPAIR, PROBABLY 2 OR THREE TIMES SO THE TIP IS ABOUT 1/2" SHORTER THAN IT SHOULD BE. IT THROWS THE PROPORTION OFF A BIT WHEN YOU SEE IT RIGHT NEXT TO OTHER BETTER EXAMPLES. MY #6 IS CLOSE TO MINT UNUSED CONDITION AND HAS A VERY NICE HAND CARVED BOX THAT FITS TO THE EXACT CONTOUR OF THE SHAPE OF THE BOB. THIS BOB AND BOX IS THE ACTUAL BOB THAT BRUCE CYNAR PHOTOGRAPHED FOR THE "PLUMB LINE" IN THE SECTION THAT DEALS WITH SHAPES. #0 - $178.00, #1/2 - $99.00, #1 - $79.00, #2 $286.00, #3 - $153.00, #4 - $150, #5 $156.00, $6 - $450.00 ( ALL ARE EXCLUSIVE OF SHIPPING) ODDLY ENOUGH THE TWO THAT I HAVE THAT WERE HARDEST TO FIND WERE THE #1/2 AND THE #1. NOTE THAT THEY WERE THE LEAST EXPENSIVE. THEY WERE NOT, HOWEVER, BOUGHT AT AUCTION. RATHER I FOUND THEM BY CHANCE AT LITTLE SHOPS OUT IN THE COUNTRY. AS I SAID IN MY LAST EMAIL I AM STILL MISSING THE #00, THE SMALLEST OF THEM ALL. I AM ALSO LOOKING FOR A BETTER #5 THAN THE ONE I HAVE. AS LUCK WOULD HAVE IT, I ACTUALLY BOUGHT ANOTHER #5. WITHOUT A CAP THINKING THAT I WOULD JUST EXCHANGE THE CAPS. THAT DIDN'T WORK. AS YOU PROBABLY KNOW THESE WERE MADE BY MANY DIFFERENT MANUFACTURERS, WITH NO SPECIFIC INTERCHANGEABLY OF PARTS. IN THIS CASE THE THREADING OF THE CAP AND WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-05 NELSON DENNY THE PRECISE TAPER OF THE SHAFT WERE QUITE DIFFERENT. WILL PUT IT ON MY TO DO LIST TO SCAN THOSE PAGES FOR YOU AND WILL GET THEM OUT IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS. 4. DISPLAYING AND INVENTORY About displaying and inventory: THE STORY OF DISPLAYING PLUMB BOBS AND KEEPING AN ACCURATE INVENTORY OF THEM IS A STORY OF ITS OWN AND LIKE MANY THINGS IN LIFE IS A PROCESS OF LEARNING BY MAKING MISTAKES. FORTUNATELY, BACK IN THE DAYS WHEN I COULD COUNT MY COLLECTION ON MY FINGERS AND TOES, I HAD THE FORESIGHT TO PURCHASE A SIMPLE DATA BASE COMPUTER PROGRAM ON WHICH I DESIGNED A FACT SHEET THAT ALLOWED ME TO RECORD THE ESSENTIAL INFORMATION ON EACH ITEM AS IT WAS COLLECTED. I ASSIGNED A NUMBER TO EACH ITEM AND A DESCRIPTIVE NAME BUT IT BECAME CLEAR AT ABOUT THE COUNT OF 50 PLUMB BOBS OR SO, THAT THE BOBS THEMSELVES AND NOT JUST THE LISTING HAD TO HAVE A NUMBER TAG AFFIXED TO IT, AND A PHOTOGRAPH ATTACHED TO THE LISTING. FINDING A SPECIFIC ITEM WAS PRACTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE WITHOUT THOSE THREE ELEMENTS. SO DIGITAL DESKTOP PHOTOGRAPHY AND LIGHTING (SO THAT THEY DIDN'T HAVE TO BE PHOTOGRAPHED OUT DOORS) BECAME ANOTHER LEARNING PROJECT, GOING BACK THROUGH THE ENTIRE INVENTORY I ALREADY OWNED. - 58 - BEING A PERFECTIONIST, I WANTED THE PHOTOGRAPHY TO REFLECT THE QUALITY OF THE ITEM, THAT GOT ME INTO SPECIAL LENSES FOR THE CAMERA. I ALSO NAIVELY THOUGHT THAT AN ITEM SHOULD BE PHOTOGRAPHED HANGING. IF YOU'VE EVER WAITED FOR A PLUMB BOB TO COME TO REST, SOMETIMES HOURS FOR THE HEAVIER OF THEM, I GAVE UP ON THAT NOTION PRETTY QUICKLY. I DO SEEM TO ACCUMULATE FASTER THAN I HAVE SPARE 1 I'M ALWAYS TO DO THE PHOTOGRAPHY. SEVERAL HUNDRED BEHIND. AT SOME POINT I'M GOING TO TAKE A FEW WEEKS OFF TO CATCH UP ON THIS ELEMENT OF THE EQUATION. About the danger to hang plumb bobs over his head: ON THE SUBJECT OF DISPLAYING PLUMB BOBS: FIFTEEN YEARS AGO, WHEN I STILL HAD THE ENERGY TO STRAP ON A TOOL BELT, I BUILT THE HOUSE I STILL LIVE IN. WITHOUT PLUMB BOBS IN MIND AT THAT TIME, I BUILT A LIVING ROOM WITH A VAULTED AND BEAMED CEILING. AS PLUMB BOBS CAME MY WAY I BEGAN TO HANG THEM FROM THE BEAMS AND CROSS MEMBERS, WHICH INVOLVED HAULING OUT A STEP LADDER AND DOING A BALANCING ACT FOR EACH NEW ARRIVAL. AS YOU ACCUMULATE MORE, YOU BEGIN TO WANT TO MAKE SENSE OUT OF THE RANDOM 1 See THE PLUMB LINE CONTINUUM page 9 THE GREAT SHAPE DEBATE (Bruce Cynar and Bernhard Ridens) WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-05 NELSON DENNY ORDER OF THINGS BY GROUPING BOBS INTO "LIKE KINDS." THAT INVOLVES MOVING THINGS AGAIN AND AGAIN. SPACE. HOPEFULLY BY KEEPING THE OVERHEAD ITEMS TOWARD THE PERIMETER OF THE ROOM I HAVE AT LEAST MINIMALIZED THE RISK OF AN UNTIMELY DEATH. 5. COMMUNICATION WORLDWIDE His dream in 2004 of a WEB SITE for all plumb bob collectors: (a part of this dream is realized with this web site here and by publishing the PLUMB BOB NEWS) THEN WITH THIS OVERHEAD HANGING ARRANGEMENT, I HAD ONE RATHER HEAVY POINTY BOB GET AWAY FROM ME; IT DROPPED TEN FEET OR SO AND CAME TO REST IMBEDDED AN INCH OR SO IN A HARDWOOD FLOOR. THEN I STARTED HAVING DREAMS OF THE NEWSPAPER HEADLINES THAT MIGHT APPEAR, "NOTED COLLECTOR KILLED BY FALLING PLUMB BOB." I AM TOLD THAT THERE ARE ABOUT 5 OR 6 MAJOR COLLECTIONS OF PLUMB BOBS IN THIS WORLD (OVER 500) BUT THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF COLLECTORS THAT MIGHT HAVE SIGNIFICANT PIECES IN RELATIVELY SMALL COLLECTIONS. I ALSO DO NOT BELIEVE THAT THERE IS A PERMANENT COLLECTION ANYWHERE, IN A TOOL, ART, OR NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM. IT'S ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO WRITE A BOOK ON THE SUBJECT BECAUSE NO ONE REALLY KNOWS WHAT'S OUT THERE; COLLECTORS AND COLLECTIONS SEEM TO BE SOMEWHAT SECRETIVE. THE WEB SITE THAT I HAVE IN MIND IS TO DEVELOP A MUSEUM OR A PLUMB BOB COLLECTION ON LINE, USING MY OWN COLLECTION AS THE INITIAL CORE OF THE DISPLAY. THE NOTION IS TO FIGURE OUT A WAY TO ENCOURAGE OTHER COLLECTORS TO CONTRIBUTE LISTINGS OF ITEMS IN THEIR COLLECTIONS INTO THE DATA BASE FOR COMPARATIVE PURPOSES. IT COULD ALSO BE A FORUM WHERE PHOTOGRAPHY OF COLLECTIONS IN SITU COULD BE DISPLAYED. ON ONE LEVEL IT WANTS TO BE A COFFEE TABLE BOOK (LIKE VISITING AN EXHIBIT AT A MUSEUM) ON THE OTHER HAND, WANTS TO HAVE ACCESS TO MORE DETAILED INFORMATION ON A SUBJECT FOR THE GEEK. THE PROBLEM IS THAT I AM ENOUGH OF A BUSINESS MAN TO KNOW THAT I ONLY SEE MONEY GOING OUT OF POCKET. I DON'T THINK THAT THERE IS AN ADEQUATE MARKET FOR SUBSCRIPTION SUPPORT. AND, I QUESTION WHAT WOULD MOTIVATE OTHER COLLECTORS TO TAKE THE TIME TO CONTRIBUTE "MUSEUM QUALITY" LISTINGS. EVERYONE HAS DEVELOPED A DIFFERENT TIME CONSUMING SYSTEM FOR RECORDING THEIR COLLECTIONS. THEY ARE STILL ALL HOUSED IN THIS ONE ROOM, SUCH A DOMINANT FEATURE I MIGHT ADD, THAT THEY OVERSHADOW THE 2,000 OR SO BOOKS THAT ALSO OCCUPY THE SAME - 59 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-05 NELSON DENNY 6. HIS COLLECTION His wish to get information and plumb bobs from other parts of the world (here from Spain): AS YOU KNOW I AM SOMEWHAT OF A GENERALIST IN MY COLLECTING HABIT ....... RECENTLY, PRIMITIVO SENT ME A WONDERFULL AND COMPREHENSIVE INVENTORY OF HIS COLLECTION. I HOPE THAT YOU ARE ALL FAMILIAR WITH IT......ONE THING THAT I NOTED IN PARTICULAR WERE THE 20 OR SO PIECES THAT I WOULD CALL SINGLE PIECE LUMP CASTINGS IN LEAD (SOMETIME WITH A WIRE LOOP OR PRIMITIVE POINT MOLDED INTO THEM), THE MOST PRIMITIVE OF PLUMB BOB TYPES......I DON'T SEE ANY OF THIS TYPE AVAILABLE IN THIS COUNTRY....... SO, IF YOU SEE ANYTHING LIKE THIS IN THE COURSE OF YOUR TRAVELS I WOULD BE VERY INTERESTED......I THINK THAT THE PILGRIMS (OUR EARLIEST IMMIGRANTS) MUST HAVE BEEN CARRYING FANCY ENGLISH MADE TOOLS WHEN THEY LANDED AT PLYMOUTH ROCK..... A great part of his collection Nelson bought from Bruce Cynar (the author of THE PLUMB LINE) when he wanted to add some excellent plumb bobs to his collection. Bruce wrote me for this topic: “The Internet, and one of its earliest, very successful children, eBay, have been a wonderful gift to collectors around the world. Yes, because of eBay, prices of items have gone up as more people are drawn to collecting and become aware of the amazing things that are out there. But on the positive side, it has brought incredible things to market that we would never have found in a lifetime of searching; and it has given us the opportunity to connect with new friends, all around the world. boxed sets of 2 or 3 plummets; also there were about 25 bobs with internal winding mechanisms. A few of these had their original packaging from the late 1880s. And there were 8 or 10 complete sets by different American and English manufacturers. I drove out to Lyme and personally delivered the collection to Nelson. The photo of his study shows less than half of his collection, even before mine were added. Nelson brought several significant assets to the world of plumb bob collecting: he had an excellent artist’s eye for the bobs he collected and the way he displayed them; his organization and record keeping (which Wolf shows elsewhere in this newsletter) is the finest I’ve seen from any tool collector, and finally his willingness to connect and share with other collectors is a lofty model for all of us. He shall be missed.” Figures below: Bruce Cynar and some of his ”new friends”, the steam whistles. (But he still is an expert in plumb bobs!) It was eBay that brought Nelson and I together: first as friendly competitors, then buyers and sellers and eventually good friends and collaborators. I had collected bobs for 20 years and had written the original Plumb Line in the early 1990s. As my collecting interests evolved I became more focused on steam whistles, governors and gauges. Nelson and I began talking about his interest in purchasing the core of my collection. Along with 250+ beautiful, early and unusual bobs (the other 500 in my collection had already been sold on eBay) this comprised some 20 miner’s plummets, some individually boxed and some in - 60 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-05 NELSON DENNY Even when Nelson was a generalist in collecting plumb bobs, he had some special highlights in his collection: The mining plummets and the mechanical plumb bobs. Below some examples (With his marking of the photos): COP-PB-BRASS-CASE-2-C WD-BR-BOXEDFINIAL-1-C MINING PLUMMETS WILLIAMSON’s 659-1-C HAMBURG Germany 457 WILCOX 660-1-C 587-4-C - 61 - 402-IN&OUTTIP-TURN WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-05 NELSON DENNY A very special thanks to Wolfgang Ruecker of Germany, fellow plumb bob collector (new member of MWTCA) for his research into the Leistner family in Germany (much more information that was included here) and his skillful work in uncovering the Leistner patents and dog wheels used by German “needle makers.”. “ 7. THE LEISTNER & HEIMBACH STORY THE PLUMB BOBS OF PAUL GUSTAVE LEISTNER AND JOSEPH OSCAR HEIMBACH Nelson always was happy when he found new details of these interesting plumb bobs: THOUGHT YOU GUYS MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN WHAT APPEARS TO BE SOME NEW EVIDENCE ABOUT THE MARKING ON HEIMBACH PLUMB BOBS........SITUATING HIM FOR A TIME IN ST. LOUIS. IN THE STATE OF MISSOURI AND APPARENTLY WORKING INDEPENDENTLY FROM PAUL LEISTNER.......I HAVE ANOTHER BOXED BOB THAT HAS THE DISTINCTIVE HEIMBACH CAP DESIGN (BUT NO MARKING ON THE SHAFT), BUT DOES HAVE AN INKED LABEL ON THE LID SAYING, "LEISTNER & HEIMBACH, ST. CHARLES, MO." INDICATING A WORKING RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE TWO, AT LEAST FOR A PERIOD OF TIME...... The German Art of Metalwork St. Louis & St. Charles, Missouri 7-24-2008 By Nelson Denny and Mike Urness This story was published also in THE GRISTMILL, a publication of the Mid-West Tool Collectors Association in December 2008. At the end of the story we read: “Some readers may have Heimbach and Leistner artifacts. We would be greatly interested in details about those items. Nelson Denny is an Architect from Hadlyme, Connecticut. Needless to say, he collects plumb bobs. Mike Urness is a tool dealer & patent researcher from Chesterfield, Missouri. His research uncovered some of the essential material from St. Louis and St Charles. - 62 - We needed some years to find all the details for the story. You can read and download it on my web site on page LEISTNER & HEIMBACH. WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-05 NELSON DENNY 8. THE PLUMB LINE CONTINUUM With the huge collection that he bought from Bruce Cynar Nelson Denny also got the rights for THE PLUMB LINE and wanted to continue this good work as “T P L continuum” and digitalized it: Below you find the his introduction … The complete Plumb Line Continuum you can read and download on my web site on page The Plumb Line Continuum. - 63 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-05 NELSON DENNY About the future (2006): 9. HIS WORK AND THE FUTURE Sometimes he was so busy that he had no time for his hobby. His clients had first priority. About his work (when I asked him in 2006 why he did not answer to my emails for some weeks): AH WOLFGANG.......I AM HERE! AND YOUR COMMUNICATIONS HAVE BEEN COMING THROUGH......AND AS ALWAYS MUCH APPRECIATED. I MUST CONFESS THAT MY ENERGIES HAVE BEEN DIVERTED FOR THE LAST 6 MONTHS ON A VERY IMPORTANT ARCHITECTURAL PROJECT FOR ME.....I HAVE A VERY WEALTHY CLIENT THAT I HAVE WORKED WITH PERIODICALLY FOR MORE THAN THIRTY YEARS THAT COLLECTS HOMES IN EXOTIC AND BEAUTIFUL PLACES IN MANY PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. HIS NEW ACQUISITION IS A THREE ACER ISLAND OFF THE SHORE OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT. WE HAVE A TWO DIFFERENT LARGE AND LAVISH HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION AND A SWIMMING POOL; THEY SIT ON A GRANITE CLIFF OVERHANGING THE OCEAN, ABOUT 40 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. .... SO AS AN ARCHITECT IT IS PARTICULARLY CHALLENGING, NOT ONLY IN THE SENSE OF DESIGN, BUT ALSO IN THE SENSE OF HAVING TO INVENT THE TECHNOLOGY OF DELIVERING WORKERS AND MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF WOOD, STEEL AND STONE TO A VERY REMOTE AND INACCESSIBLE LOCATION........WORKING WITH A LOCAL CONTRACTOR WHO IS GENERALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, WE EMPLOY BARGES AND CRANES AND ON OCCASION A HELICOPTER TO TRANSPORT EXCAVATORS, REDI-MIX CONCRETE AND ALL SORTS OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL TO THE ISLAND. IT IS ONE THING TO DESIGN IT, AND ANOTHER TO MAKE IF HAPPEN IN AN EFFICIENT WAY..... - 64 - I HAVE ANOTHER FEW YEARS TO GO FOR COMPLETION OF THIS PROJECT............THEN, RETIREMENT, TO INVEST MORE TIME IN THE IMPORTANT THINGS IN LIFE......PLUMB BOBS! The last revision for the English version of the monthly WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS he did for us end of 2010 with the report of the International Plumb Bob Collectors Meeting in Cologne, Germany. The last email news from him I got on March 09, 2012 (asking if a special plumb bob – the J.W.ANDREWS- of his collection is offered in the auction of Martin Donnelly in Nashua): My life is an open book! Fine to tell him the item is mine and some other selective item. NELSON DENNY NELSON DENNY in his favorite chair at his dining room table surrounded by his boats and bobs. These statements from Nelson Denny should give you an idea how he was thinking about collecting plumb bobs and the collaboration with others. I will continue working in this mind of my friend Nelson. Wolf Ruecker WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-05 NELSON DENNY 10. ADDITIONAL INFO You can read a short version of this NEWS on LINKS TO OTHER INFORMATION AND PICTURES OF THE COLLECTION NELSON DENNY on my web site. I recommend visiting these pages! (click on the line and you get the file; perhaps you must press the CTRL-button before. If it does not work, feel free to ask me) - PICTURE GALLERY 1 - THE PLUMB LINE continuum - LEISTNER and HEIMBACH plumb bobs - SPECIAL PLUMB BOBS - SHOWROOMS, DISPLAYS, SHOW CASES from plumb bob collectors worldwide - HIGHLIGHTS FROM plumb bob COLLECTIONS REMARK: This is an article of the monthly published WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS that is sent on demand as PDFfile attachment by email. FREE. You can see all former publications on the website Remarks and contact by email: Thank you for your interest Wolf - 65 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-05 NELSON DENNY WOLF‘S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012 Issue 06 Autor: Wolf Ruecker June 1, 2012 THE WELL WHISTLE Dear Fellow Collector, Dear reader of the PLUMB BOB NEWS, Please, as always I am in search of new photos, catalogs, articles or personal stories about any aspect of PLUMB BOBS from you. Any help is appreciated. If you have any information or pictures for these themes, please let me know. Thank you, looking forward to hearing from you Wolf 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. THE WELL WHISTLE Content INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 66 WHAT IS A WELL WHISTLE?.......................................................................................................... 66 WHO INVENTED THE WELL WHISTLE? ....................................................................................... 67 OPERATING INSTRUCTION ............................................................................................................ 69 WHAT WAS USED BEFORE THE WELL WHISTLE? The evolution 1862-1939. ............................ 70 ARE THERE STILL WELL WHISTLES ON THE MARKET TODAY? ............................................ 75 A VISIT TO MY WATER SUPPLIER ................................................................................................ 76 Last but not least SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT .......................................................................... 78 REMARKS .......................................................................................................................................... 78 1. INTRODUCTION Dear Fellow Collector, in my collection are indeed devices for depth measurement, such as plumb bobs from the marine (sounding weights) or measuring instruments for wells. This includes the current tool, the so-called WELL WHISTLE. It is only known in Germany where it was developed. 2. WHAT IS A WELL WHISTLE? A well whistle (bathometer, well depth finder, well depth sounder) is an aid to determine the depth of the ground water level below a certain point on the earth's surface; such as the rim of the well or the top of a measuring tube for groundwater monitoring. -The well whistle is an instrument with which the water level in a well (or level measuring tube) is measured -. The well whistle is a metal cylinder open at the bottom with a small whistle hole in the otherwise closed top. -66- The outside of the cylinder is divided by circumferential grooves in distance of 1cm. The graduation starts at ZERO near the whistle. The well whistle is lowered hanging on a measuring cord (or measuring tape) down the well. When the water from below enters into the cylinder it presses the air through the whistle hole and makes a sound. Once the sound is heard, the instrument must not be lowered any further. The depth to the water level resulting from the sum of the required length of the measuring line and the number of NONE water-wetted centimeter rings of the well whistle. The method is suitable for depths up to 30 m (100 feet). The measurement accuracy is 1 cm, which corresponds to the distance of the outer rings. This tool is now - for professional use - completely replaced by an instrument using electricity and light instead of air and sound. Figure left: Hole at the bottom and whistle Fig. right: Well whistle from my collection WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-06 THE WELL WHISTLE 3. WHO INVENTED THE WELL WHISTLE? The well whistle in its present shape is based on a utility model registration / design patent (DRGM) of an employee of the company in Frankfurt, Germany, Spohr, Mr. Ludwig Rang, the Rang'sche Brunnenmesser (Rang’s wells whistle) of 1902. Unfortunately, the documents of the application from 1902 are no longer available. With this design patent, a unit of Prof. Max Pettenkofer in 1856 - the cup apparatus – was improved. See below for details. 1938 there was another design patent (DRGM) of the company Wehlte & Co, Halle, Germany with three modifications. Some time ago I had the opportunity to correspond with the current owner of Spohr in Frankfurt, Peter Spohr. He was able to contribute some information about the history of the well whistle, and sent me the publication of 1984 for the 100th anniversary. From their web site: Company's History 1 The SPOHR company was founded in 1884 by Heinrich Christian Spohr (1853 – 1923) and was engaged in the production of measuring and recording equipment for the monitoring of ground and surface water since its very beginning. As early as in 1902 the primary "Well Whistle" – the idea of an employee – was protected as a utility model (see adjacent picture). Carl Spohr (1877 – 1957) was the head of the company since 1908. In difficult times with World War I, inflation and global economic crisis he and his employees succeeded in keeping the company alive, in the beginning mainly with the production and installation of master and slave clock systems, then with the repair of switchgears and later again increasingly with the manufacture of measuring equipment for the water management. While his son and successor Heinz Spohr was at war and in captivity, Carl Spohr, now almost at the age of 70, assumed control of the company again. 1 - 67 - Heinz Spohr (1912 – 2002) joined the firm in 1931 and became co-partner in 1939. He mainly concentrated in water level measuring technology, and already in 1933 he had his plummet with light signal ("Lichtlot" – see adjacent picture) protected as a utility model. Improvements of this instrument in the 1950ies resulted in the invention of a water level meter with light signal at the cable reel ("Kabellichtlot") which should become the standard portable water level detecting instrument in wells and bore holes from that time on. Furthermore many different models of float recorders matching the respective application purposes were developed and produced. In 1979 business operations were taken over by the reestablished SPOHRMesstechnik GmbH. After graduating as an engineer in Electrical Engineering and Business Sciences and after some years with the family business, fourth generation Peter Spohr (*1949) became the managing director of the new company. In subsequent years existing instruments were improved, for example with new electronic circuitry, and new and enhanced graduations for the hot stamped measuring tapes were introduced. Once more the proportion of worldwide exports could be increased. In 1996 a Quality Management System as per DIN EN ISO 9001 was established and updated in 2002 and 2008. For decades the production of the SPOHR company is organized as a crafts enterprise. All employees are highly qualified and are working at their own responsibility. Hereby a consistent high quality and reliability of the instruments is ensured as well as a flexible after sales service for many years. Cost-efficient internal handling and minimal administrative expenses provide for best value for money for all instruments, spare parts and services. WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-06 THE WELL WHISTLE Original ads from a catalogue of the factory Heinrich Christian SPOHR, at Frankfurt, Germany from the 1930s. - 68 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-06 THE WELL WHISTLE 4. OPERATING INSTRUCTION The reference point (ZERO) of the measuring section is marked near the whistle. (see figure right) a) Attach the well whistle on the matching tape and then push the fuse clip on the opening point of the snap hook. Let down the well whistle to the water level. b) When you hear the whistle, stop lowering the tape and read the depth (i.e. 8.60m) c) Pull up the well whistle to see how many grooves are EMPTY (i.e. 5 grooves) d) The correct depth is: length of the tape plus number of empty grooves in cm. (In this example 8.60 m + 5 cm = 8.65 m) 2 Figure right from an Austrian web site with a complete measuring unit (tape + well whistle) shows the use in a well or hole: In my museum I have installed a reproduction of a hole with a complete well whistle measuring equipment to show the visitors the use and let them hear the sound of the whistle. Brunnenpfeife. (aus Richter, 1989, S. 399) ATTENTION! Before measuring, all grooves have to be empty; after the measurement the well whistle has to have above empty and below full grooves. If all grooves are full or all grooves are completely empty, the measurement must be repeated. After the measuring tape was read (see b), don’t further lower the whistle but immediately pull it up. The tape is shortened (to have ZERO on the whistle) for a correct measurement and the special framework will facilitate the measurement and protects the tape. The winding direction is marked on the frame. 2 Institut für Wasserwirtschaft, Hydrologie und konstruktiven Wasserbau (IWHW) oder - 69 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-06 THE WELL WHISTLE 5. WHAT WAS USED BEFORE THE WELL WHISTLE? The evolution 1862-1939. In the year 1883 he was awarded the hereditary a title of nobility. For more details see WIKIPEDIA the picture below. 4 where I got For sure, you can measure the level in a well with other methods: You can tie an object to a string (water resistant and stable in length) and let it "clap" in the water. Then pull the cord up and measure with a measuring rod or tailor yard stick. Quite a time consuming affair. You also can use tins instead of stones. Also used were rods that were pushed to the ground. The wet part was measured. Sometimes at the lower part of the rods linen clothes were attached to better see the dividing line between wet and dry. All these methods are time consuming and of course, quite inaccurate by our standards today. During my researches I found on (searching for “Brunnenpfeife”= well whistle in German) some books where the first big ground level measuring activity in Germany was described. The reason for the overall measurement was the cholera epidemic in Munich, Germany 1853/54. Professor Max von Pettenkofer wanted to prove that the increase of cholera deaths correlated with the increase in groundwater levels. There are a lot of published texts in Germany and worldwide. (Diseases connected with Moisture and Ground Water). His experiments then were continued in other big cities like Berlin, Germany, Buda-Pesth, Hungary, Calcutta, India etc. The evidence was discussed very controversial. (In Germany Pettenkofer’s views on the spread of cholera have not met with universal acceptance, though there are several instances in support.) 3 A short bio : Pettenkofer, Max von, hygienists, born 3rd December 1818 in Lichtheim / Neuburg on the Danube, Germany. Died on 10 February 1901 by suicide, since 1847 Professor in Munich, ....... Founded the experimental hygiene. .... made studies of cholera and typhoid. ("Studies and Observations on the method of dissemination of cholera (Munich 1855) ... 3 Meyers Kleines Konversationslexikon 1906 1856 METHOD AND INSTRUMENTS: (Pettenkofer) “The measurement I make with a number of 5foot-long wooden sticks that can be screwed together. To see exactly how far the bottom rod dipped into the water, there is fixed a device on the last rod, that fills with water as high as this is in the well. These small bowls or cups are fixed at intervals of 1/8 inch on a thick paternoster-like wire. From the top bowl filled with water the distance is measured from a fixed point of the well." Unfortunately I could not find any pictures or drawings of this instrument before 1880, I only found descriptions. But finally I found some very good illustrations in the later publications. MORE DETAILS YOU CAN FIND IN THE ORIGINAL TEXTS IN THE GERMAN VERSION OF THE “PLUMB BOB NEWS”. Feel free to ask. 4 - 70 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-06 THE WELL WHISTLE 5 6. 7 In 1866 , 1867 and 1868 : For Munich, Germany five different observations had been found sufficient, of which two were on the right side and three on the left side of the river Isar, at a distance of about a thousand yards from the river itself. He (Pettenkofer) measured the water from a fixed point in the well to the level of the water, by means of a rod or a piece of tape covered with tar, at the lower end of which small cups were fixed, at a distance of about an eighth of an inch each, which, on being removed, were found filled with water. The uppermost cup that was full indicated the distance of the level of the water from the fixed point on the surface. For Munich, Germany it had been found sufficient to take these measurements once a fortnight. 18878: Professor Pettenkofer uses a rod on which are fixed a number of little cups, and, when let down into the well and drawn up again, the uppermost cup which contains water marks, of course, the height of the water; the length of the cord or rod used for letting down the cups being known, the changing level of the well can be estimated to within half an inch. Some precautions are necessary in making these observations: if a rope is used it may stretch with use, or in a hot dry wind, or contract in wet weather, and thereby make the observation incorrect… Pettenkofer also uses a large float which is suspended by a chain travelling over a pulley: this supports an indicator at its other end, which marks the height on a fixed scale. 9 Figure right from I had to search a very long time to find the right name of this instrument of Pettenkofer. Later I could search on for 5 In GERMAN: LOTOS Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaften 16. Jahrgang Prag 1866 Seite 59 6 Aus der Natur. 39. Band Leipzig 1867 S292 „Über das Grundwasser und seine Bewegung“ 7 THE MEDICAL TIMES AND GAZETTE London 1868 p102 8 A MANUAL OF PRACTICAL HYGIENE, London 1887 p10, 11 9 Lehrbuch der Hygiene May Rubner 1899 S 60 ff - 71 - “cup apparatus” and “Schälchenapparat” (German) and found some sources with drawings of the instrument that is the grandfather of the common well whistle. Below you find the history since 1881: 10 1881: Pettenkofer introduced the far more perfect apparatus. This consists in a measuring tape, on which is mounted below a series of small cups in a very short distance. See figures 52 (No diameter indicated) 11 12 1893 and 1899: § 172. In order to determine the level of the water (ground water) in a well with accuracy and trustworthiness, we proceed as follows, according to Pettenkofer: At the end of a sufficiently long measuring-cord (in general 10 m), graduated in decimeters, hangs a rod of brass, fitted at intervals of 1 cm with small, flat, horizontal cups (Cup apparatus, Fig. 83). The measuring-line is cautiously uncoiled, and let down into the well with the cup apparatus first, after the plat of stone or iron which closes the shaft has been removed (Fig. 84,d). We observe at the bottom of the shaft a small, shining, quiescent surface of water, which suddenly takes a tremulous motion as soon as it is touched by the point of the cup apparatus. From this moment the measuring-cord is lowered only until the upper margin of the opening of the shaft coincides with the nearest decimeter mark of the cord. The cord is then drawn up, and the number of metres and decimeters showing the depth of the well is read off: to the value thus ascertained is added the piece of the cup apparatus which projects above the water-level, i. e., as many centimetres as cups have remained unfilled. If, e.g., we have read off 3.62 m. on the measuring-cord, and two cups have remained unfilled, the level of the water would be 3.62 m. below the surface of the earth. 10 Lehrbuch der HYGIENISCHEN UNTERSUCHUNGSMETHODEN, Flügge Leipzig 1881 S 211 ff 11 In English: METHODS OF PRACTICAL HYGIENE;Lehmann, London; 1893 p 308, 309 12 In German: Die Methoden der Praktischen Hygiene, Lehmann Wiesbaden 1890 S 198 ff WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-06 THE WELL WHISTLE Remark: An inexperienced operator sometimes commits the error of overlooking the movement of the surface of the water, which is often not easily perceptible, and immersing the measuring-cord so deeply that the entire cup apparatus is under water, and even the measuring-cord is wetted. Such a measurement is, of course, useless, and must be repeated after the cups have been emptied out. For accurate and repeated observations of ground-water the measuring-band must be checked from time to time, as the slips of leather or wax-cloth used vary considerably in length in course of time. 13 1892: At the end of a measuring tape is attached - according to von Pettenkofer’s proposal - a metal rod with metal cups at intervals of 0.5 cm and are mounted in such a way that the edge of the first small cup is the zero point of the measuring tape (Fig. 46)… 1. To note a fixed point for the datum, from which the depth is measured 2. A number of observations should be made in different wells in the neighbourhood 3. In the case of a well, either the well must not be pumped for hours previously. 16 1898: If the water level is too deep for a rod, a measuring tape with the cupapparatus by Pettenkofer can be used. (Fig. 197) … 17 ZERO 1899: For the measurement is used Pettenkofer’s cup apparatus (Fig. 61). Small round cups are soldered to a rod at a distance of 0.5 cm. 18 1902 UTILITY MODEL #169234. Rillen Brunnenmesser mit akustischem Signal. (well measuring device with acoustic signal). Ludwig Rang, Frankfurt a/M. Mörfelderlandstr. 14 1895 : The measurement of the ground-water, best indicated by the height of the water-level in wells. Pettenkofer uses a rod for shallow wells and a cord for deep wells to which are attached a number of little cups which are let down into the well and drawn up again. 15 1895 : Measurement of Level of the GroundWater.-This may be easily found by determining the depth at which water stands in a well; or a special boring may be made for this purpose. A long rod marked in feet and inches, or metres and centimetres, let down until it touches the water; or a tape measure with a weight at the end, will show the depth at which water is standing in a well. Pettenkofer fixes a number of little cups on to a rod, the uppermost cup that contains water showing its depth from the surface. Or, a float on the surface of the water may be attached to a cord passing over a pulley, at the other end of which is an indicator, which of course rises or falls inversely with the float. Whichever arrangement be adopted, it is important 19 1908 shows the well whistle from Pettenkofer (a) and the floating level indicator (b) in a well. 16 13 Anleitung zu Hygienischen Untersuchungen Emmerich, Trillich München 1892 S 150 ff 14 ANNUAL UNIVERSAL MEDICAL SCIENCES, Philadelphia, 1895 p F11 15 HANDBOOK OF HGIENE, London 1895 p 415 - 72 - Die Untersuchung landwirtschaftlich wichtiger Stoffe. König, Berlin, 1898 S 600 17 Grundlagen der Hygiene 1899 18 Patentblatt Kaiserliches Patentamt 1902 Gebrauchsmuster S 301 19 Grundriss der Hygiene, Flügge, Leipzig 1908 S 115 WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-06 THE WELL WHISTLE 20 1906 :I found the first article, where the well whistle (with 37 mm diameter) of Mr. Rang from the factory Spohr is described very detailed: RANG’S ACOUSTIC WELL MEASURING INSTRUMENT By Engineer J. Heil from Darmstadt, Germany This instrument is designed by the foreman Mr. Rang at Frankfurt a / M., Germany from the electro-technical factory of H. Ch Spohr made there and used for several years to detect the depth of the water level in wells, bore holes, tanks, etc., even in all the hard to reach areas of similar nature with great advantage. In the past for this purpose have been used several, more or less inadequate auxiliary methods such as blocks, bottles, cups, bars etc., which were associated with an inevitable uncertainty of the measurement results. With them the required depth was only found approximately by repeated trials. The instrument shown in the right figure is a cylindrical pipe of 37 mm diameter and 15-20 cm in length. The pipe is hollow and closed at the top by a cover, in which is a whistle opening. Once in the hollow pipe a stream of air is pressed upwards through the whistle opening, a loud sound is heard. The application of the instrument is now in such a manner that a measuring tape is fixed to the upper-end bow on which the instrument is allowed to slide into the deep. When the instrument reaches the water level and begins to immerse into the liquid the in the pipe included air is pushed up and a loud and clearly audible whistle signal penetrates from the depths and informs the observer at once of the situation. For exact determination of the liquid level are turned in the mantle of the instrument cup-shaped grooves in centimeters distance. They are filled in with water during immersion, while the grooves above the water surface remain unwetted. The measuring tape must be attached to the suspension hook so that the zero point of the instrument coincides with the zero point of the tape.When the whistle is heard, you must let fall the plummet a few inches further, then read the 20 Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen XXXV. Band 1906 Stuttgart S 648 – 652 - 73 - position of the measuring tape and now pull up the instrument carefully. … 1908 from Brockhaus Lexicon 21 looking for „Groundwater“: … the ground water can be measured easily by the so called CUP APPARATUS (Fig.2)… distance of the cups is 1 to 1 ½ cm … For construction of buildings and wells, the knowledge of these conditions is important. You can see from this how deep you can go with the foundation wall into the ground without being placed under water, and how deep you must dig wells in order to get always plenty of water. … In 1910 + 1920 I found the first time that a relation was mentioned between Mr. 22 Rang and Prof. Pettenkofer: 1910: Water level measuring in bore holes and wells … the tool shown in Fig. 59 is a combination of the Pettenkofer cup apparatus with an acoustic signal installation… From the same book in 1920: … the distance of the cups is 0.5 cm. … Since it is very dark in some wells the worker cannot find easily the water level with the old instrument by Pettenkofer. So they added a whistle invented by Rang. See Fig.195 ….. 23 1918: The depth could be measured very easily by the instrument of Rang, that makes a loud sound when it touches the water level (Fig. 212)…You can buy the apparatus from Paul Altmann, Berlin NW, Luisenstr. 47, Germany. 21 Brockhaus Konversations-Lexikon Achter Band 1908 S 461, 462 22 Die Untersuchung und Beurteilung des Wassers und des Abwassers. Ohlmüller, Spitta, Berlin 1910 bzw. 1920 23 Chemie der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel König, Berlin 1918 S 479, 480 WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-06 THE WELL WHISTLE 1939 from the catalog of Wichmann, Berlin, 24 Germany: . Advertisement by WEHLTE & CO, Halle, Germany ca. 1941 REMARK: The full text of the sources mentioned above you can read in the German version of this Plumbbob NEWS. 1938 The well pipe by Mr. Rang from 1902 was improved in 1938 by the firm Wehlte & Co in Halle an der Saale, Germany with the UTILITY MODEL 140127 and. 382238 called:. ACUSTICAL WELL MEASURMENT INSTRUMENT. Below the original pages with a drawing and the 3 NEW CLAIMS: 1. Diameter of the cups reduced (So the water cannot drop into the cups when pulling up the instrument in the hole) 2. Tapered shoulder (so the instrument cannot be stopped by obstacles in the hole) 3. Adapted measuring tape (Point ZERO of the tape is identical with ZERO of the whistle) 24 WICHMANN, Berlin Haupt-Katalog 20. Ausgabe 1939 - 74 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-06 THE WELL WHISTLE 6. ARE THERE STILL WELL WHISTLES ON THE MARKET TODAY? Price list of the factory Spohr in Frankfurt, Germany 25 Makers in Poland offer the WELL WHISTLE: Hydrogeological steel whistle dimensions: length 235 mm, diameter Ø30 mm; weight: 550g application: measuring of water level with Correction collars allow to check accurate water surface depth. measuring accuracy: ±1 cm Also offered: WITHOUT CUPS, but with a WHISTLE. (fig. left) Accuray +/- 10 cm instead of +/- 1 cm. . Hydrogeological steel whistle dimensions: length 235 mm, diameter Ø24 mm; weight: 354g application: measuring of water measuring accuracy: ±10 25 level cm - 75 - The instruments today are for sure connected with the computer to display the data… There are still other depth measuring instruments like the SEBA, Germany (see figure below) or the former ALPINA EASTMAN that I described in WOLF‘S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2008-05 „DEPTH MEASURING INSTRUMENTS“ WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-06 THE WELL WHISTLE 7. A VISIT TO MY WATER SUPPLIER After my visit to the past I wanted to know what instruments are used today. So I asked the director of my Purpose association water supply Trollmühle in Windesheim, Germany www.trollmü for a meeting. So I had the opportunity to visit the installation with an electrician. Thank you very much for this chance. various tanks (reservoirs), - for the stationary operation- , sensors are inserted into the outlet pipes that measure the hydrostatic pressure and pass the values to the computer system. These hidden “brownies” are not really of interest for collectors. However, I have seen as a parallel / replacement device also a floating level meter. (See figure right.) The small hydrostatic pressure sensor can only be found sleuthing with the help of insiders. (See figure below) float level meter Administration building and removal of uranium in the background Some key figures for this organization: • Founded 100 years ago • Working for several counties • 14 000 homes • 420 km of main pipelines • 24 town communities • 21 high tanks • 25 deep wells • 33 employees • 2 million m³ of water / year The latest acquisition is an ion exchange process for removing uranium and an ion exchange water softening process (partial desalination). When I asked for a well whistle I got - as expected - a negative answer. Although the staff worked for over 20 years in this company, he had never seen any well whistle. Today, its successor, the so-called Cable Light Gauge (plummet with light signal; from the company Spohr in Lichtlot im Einsatzwagen Frankfurt, Germany) is used for mobile use in monitoring wells or well-shafts. The water levels in the float counterweight This water tank is monitored by the device In the basement under the grid you can see the sensor - 76 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-06 THE WELL WHISTLE For the monitoring a large information board exists, where all data will be processed on the computer and are available at any time. Display of current values Monitoring place with current values In the next room I found, however, a museum piece, something familiar to me. There was a unit with three-level indicators and scribes of Lechner & Co. in Frankfurt, Germany. When I came back home I found the solution in a publication of the Association of Electrical Engineers, Frankfurt 1898. There we read about the company H. CH. Spohr, Factory of electric clocks, water level indicators, telephones and telegraphs: … founded in 1884 under the name Lechner & Spohr. In 1886 the business came in sole ownership of H. Ch. Spohr, ... The principal special apparatuses for electrical water level remote message are .... Figure 2 Registration work and displays for the continuous recording of water levels. The upper part of Figure 2 represents a pointer element, which is intended to indicate the reported water levels. The simple design ensures long operating life of this instrument. The Registry installations are supplied with various equipment … The recorded curves on the graphs are characterized by great clarity and accuracy. (Figure 3, right) represents a large registry instrument which continuously records graphically and displays electrically the water level in 4 reservoirs and the level of two mercury manometers of the wells- and river water line of the city of Frankfurt.. So I'm on my search for the latest technology still hit the past. That's the interesting part of my research for my PLUMB BOB NEWS. But one thing must be said: the old equipment looks nicer, even if it does not reach today's quality standard. Elektrischer Pegelschreiberschrank Lechner & Co Frankfurt, Germany - 77 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-06 THE WELL WHISTLE 8. Last but not least SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT In a German book26 from 1860 I found a very funny fairy tale about the mayor and a city council who did not want to pay the full price for drilling a water well. The City “Krähwinkel” (small city where the cock is crying” is a synonym for a city with people who thought to be very clever, but they aren’t…) The council of a city would provide not only for bread and salt for the citizens, but also for water. So they ordered a hydraulic engineer to build a well: with a depth of 30 men. The man built this well, but the fee was much higher than the people had thought. The council looked for a pretext they could use to reduce the price. They thought they had the excuse, if they stated in a precise measurement of the depth that the well is more or less than exactly 30 man lengths deep. They tried hard to figure out a way to make the measurement. The mayor said he anyway bears the entire burden of his position on his shoulders and it would not be so difficult to hold 30 people at his feet. He therefore suggested that as the head of the city, to hang as the first to a crossbar above the well. Then should hang on his feet the first alderman and so on according to their rank and dignity the other members of the council until they reached the bottom of the well. This plan was carried out. The mayor was hanging with full vestments on the beam and waited for his successor. The first alderman hangs on to the feet of the mayor and this example was followed by the others. After six people were hanging on his feet, the mayor said: “I did not think that the Collegium weighs so heavily. I ask my colleagues for their kind permission to rub my hands so I can than keep holding more tightly”. And he releases his grip and BANG! BANG! BANG! Thus, all the men fell into the water and struck their heads against the wall. Some were drawn out of the well dead and others injured. There was great wailing and grief among the people… Perhaps a simple well whistle would have been a better idea! 9. REMARKS This is an article of the monthly published WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS that is sent on demand as PDFfile attachment by email. FREE. You can see all former publications on the website Remarks and contact by email: Thank you for your interest Wolf Please join us for the 4th PLUMB BOB COLLECTORS MEETING Autumn 2012 in ATHENS, Greece. Oct. 5, to Oct. 7, 2012 If you are interested to come to Athens, please let me know. 26 Lustige Reise nach Krähwinkel - 78 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-06 THE WELL WHISTLE WOLF‘S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012 Issue 07 Author: Wolf Ruecker July 1, 2012 MINIATURE PLUMB BOBS Dear Fellow Collector, Dear reader of the PLUMB BOB NEWS, Please, as always I am in search of new photos, catalogs, articles or personal stories about any aspect of PLUMB BOBS from you. Any help is appreciated. If you have any information or pictures for these themes, please let me know. Thank you, looking forward to hearing from you Wolf 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. MINIATURE PLUMB BOBS Content INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 79 WHO IS THE MAKER? ...................................................................................................................... 79 TOOLS / MACHINES ......................................................................................................................... 80 PLUMB BOBS .................................................................................................................................... 81 OTHER TOOLS / THE FUTURE ........................................................................................................ 88 REMARKS .......................................................................................................................................... 88 1. INTRODUCTION Dear Fellow Collector, Perhaps you already saw offers of miniature plumb bobs of excellent quality on Ebay. I contacted the seller of these nice items, David Hale’ and asked him to tell us more about his work, making miniature tools (not only plumb bobs). Our work publishing information about plumb bobs was the initial impetus for him to start making plumb bobs – both large and small. Here is his story: 2. WHO IS THE MAKER? My name is David Hale’ and I live in Vermont in the United States. I was trained as a visual artist and taught Photography to College students for over thirty years. I now teach part-time at one of Vermont’s State Colleges, and I make part of my living doing precision metalworking and precision woodworking in my home workshop and studio. In 2010 I discovered the wealth of online information that Wolf and others have made available about the world of plumb bobs and this inspired me to begin studying plumb bobs and to begin making them with my available tools and skills. David Hale' with his David White 8300 and gear bob in use -79- WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-07 MINIATURE PLUMB BOBS 3. TOOLS / MACHINES I have assembled an array of hand tools, power tools and small machine tools to take on the range of work that I am interested in doing for myself and in response to the variety of jobs that appear at my door. An old Atlas 10” lathe, a small Taig bench mounted milling machine a floor mounted drill press and a wide array of files and hand tools allow me to make plumb bobs one at a time or in very small batches. From looking at all the plumb bobs I have viewed to date, I understand something about the unique appeal that such a simple tool in its wide range of variations offers to the Plumb Bob Aficionado. a TAIG bench mounted milling machine floor mounted drill press and many hand tools - 80 - 10 inch ATLAS lathe Tailstock mounted adjustable hollow mill. The 3 cutters are advanced simultaneously by a threaded ring so that once adjusted it allows me to repeatedly reduce the diameter of rod stock to a specific diameter without having to stop the lathe and check the progress with the digital caliper indexing jig WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-07 MINIATURE PLUMB BOBS shop made lathe tooling tool post mounted form tool allows me to make small beads or other profiles tailstock mounted knurling tool with 3 knurls used to knurl small diameters without having the work deflect from the force applied by ordinary knurling tools that only use two or even just one hardened steel knurl digital calipers and magnifier which are essential for doing this kind of work 4. PLUMB BOBS I have created a series of plumb bobs that have interested me and which I have made available to others through Ebay and Etsy. My work falls into several different categories: tiny plumb bobs, “fancy” plumb bobs miniature versions of historically important or special purpose plumb bobs. family portrait fancy bobs - 81 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-07 MINIATURE PLUMB BOBS The TINY PLUMB BOBS that I have made of brass with small maple or ebony winders are usually smaller than an inch in size but have a removable cap, a steel tip and some kind of knurled detail. I recently produced a small batch of surveyor’s style plumb bobs that I also offer as a pair of earrings with French hooks – the plumb bob maker’s ploy to get someone to buy two plumb bobs instead of just one! US “carrot“ with sheath US “carrot“ with sheath ear rings from the collection of Ulrich Biber, Germany ear rings general plumb bob with a cross drilled tip plumb bob with ebony reel - 82 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-07 MINIATURE PLUMB BOBS 7” fancy plumb bob parts I have constructed some larger and more ornate “FANCY” PLUMB BOBS that include ebony, ivory and silver elements. Although these are produced today, I like to think that I make them with as much attention to detail and with as much intention as some of the important fancy plumb bobs made 100 or 150 years ago that are now in the hands of significant collectors. The 7” fancy plumb bob shown in the photographs sports several different kinds of knurling including rope knurling, face knurling and the less common straight knurling. The ivory panels set in place as sliding dovetails in milled slots were made from the white piano keys of a 100 year old piano that were removed before it was sent to the burn pile. 7” fancy plumb bob body ivory panels cap - 83 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-07 MINIATURE PLUMB BOBS A smaller “fancy” plumb bob shown in the photograph has an inlaid ring of ebony and ivory glued up from segments and then turned to size on the lathe. The steel tip extends through the length of the plumb bob and is threaded into the cap to hold the whole works together. In this case I started with a commercially available arrow point for making the tip. ring of ebony and ivory tip and arrow point glue jig parts The inverted “beehive” shaped plumb bob has a small sterling silver ring incorporated into the design. I have never seen another example of a plumb bob with this shape ( has anyone else seen this shape before?), but I imagine that my experience of creating a unique design is only unique unto itself because there are so many remarkable examples of one of a kind plumb bobs in existence. inverted beehive with silver ebony and ivory Inverted beehive with silver - 84 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-07 MINIATURE PLUMB BOBS THE GEAR BOB shown in the photographs was completed in 2011 and represents my initial efforts to make the indexing and cutting tools needed to make gears in my home workshop. I made an indexer that makes use of a 30 tooth gear that came from the carcass of a 150 year old telegraph register that was given to me as scrap. My design includes a spring-loaded shaft with a pinion gear which can be pushed clear of the crown gear to allow the line to be deployed. The line can then be adjusted up or down by twisting the body of the plumb bob as the line is wound upon on an internal spool. The whole project took weeks of effort from initial idea to the finished plumb bob, but I know that it has paved the way for other projects that might involve making small gears. a gear bob in service From left to right: shop made gear tooth form cutter, the 30 tooth indexing gear the finished brass pinion gear machined on the end of the shaft GEAR BOB internal reel on spring loaded pinion gear shaft - 85 - 3 inch mechanical plumb bob top & tip WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-07 MINIATURE PLUMB BOBS I am most interested in some of the HISTORICALLY IMPORTANT AND SPECIAL PURPOSE PUMB BOBS such as mining plummets and the miniature version of the plumb bob shown in the drawing included in the 1874 TRAUT patent drawing--US Patent 151521 June 2, 1874. The miniature Traut pattern plumb bob with built in reel was inspired by the patent drawing but it differs in proportion and detail. It includes a steel tip which the patent drawing doesn’t show and I couldn’t resist adding the knurled details which also didn’t appear in the drawing but add to its visual appeal. PHOTOS OF THE STANLEY PLUMB BOBS AND PATENT DRAWINGS ARE FROM THE COLLECTION OF WOLF RUECKER built in reel plumb bob drawing from the patent sheet original Stanley (Traut patent) in parts STANLEY size 1 (brass), 3 (brass) and 5 (iron) - 86 - miniature brass plumb with bob built in reel from the US patent 151521 WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-07 MINIATURE PLUMB BOBS The miniature MINING PLUMMET shown in the photograph works just like a full sized one but the experience of making and handling a small one like this allows me to get my hands on something that I could not imagine being able to find or afford. I am delighted to have been able to make some of these miniatures available to collectors at a fraction of the cost of a rare original. mining plummet mining plummet mining plummet mining plummet mining plummet wick & cap original pair of mining plummets in wooden dove tailed box original pair of mining plummets (from the former collection of Bruce Cynar) (from the former collection of Bruce Cynar) - 87 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-07 MINIATURE PLUMB BOBS 5. OTHER TOOLS / THE FUTURE SOME OTHER TOOLS MADE BY DAVID HALE’: I have many ideas about making more plumb bobs which I plan to add to our offerings on ETSY while I remain available to take on custom work and repairs. David Hale’ David, thank you that you shared these information with us. Wolf Other shopmade tools left to right Height gage that will accept a scriber, a pencil or an xacto knife – very handy A shopmade depth gage A shopmade bell punch for quickly locating and centerpunching brass rod stock 6. REMARKS This is an article of the monthly published WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS that is sent on demand as PDF-file attachment by email. FREE. You can see all former publications on the website Remarks and contact by email: One Third Size Marconi Titanic Telegraph Key 3 miniature telegraph keys on the milling machine table. From left to right: ½ size Melehan Valiant Double Automatic Telegraph Key circa 1949 ½ size Vibroplex Upright Semi-Automatic Telegraph Key circa 1919 1 /3 size Marconi Titanic Telegraph Key circa 1912 - 88 - A shop made pump drill made just for fun from the chuck and spindle of a burnt out dremel tool and a length of polished steel rod that came from a discarded ink jet printer. The cross bar with tapered ends and ball details were turned from a piece of ¾” brass bar stock before the flats were milled on the top and bottom surface. WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-07 MINIATURE PLUMB BOBS WOLF‘S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012 Issue 08 Author: Wolf Ruecker August 2, 2012 UPDATE MINING PLUMMETS Dear Fellow Collector, Dear reader of the PLUMB BOB NEWS, Please, as always I am in search of new photos, catalogs, articles or personal stories about any aspect of PLUMB BOBS from you. Any help is appreciated. If you have any information or pictures for these themes, please let me know. Thank you, looking forward to hearing from you Wolf 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Content INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 89 THE “BLITZLOT” BY SCHULTE ..................................................................................................... 90 THE BRAUNSCHU & CZUYA PLUMMET ...................................................................................... 91 OTHER MINING PLUMMETS .......................................................................................................... 92 IDAHO MINING PLUMMET ............................................................................................................. 94 MINING PLUMMETS FROM NELSON DENNY COLLECTION .................................................... 95 SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT ..................................................................................................... 95 REMARKS ......................................................................................................................................... 95 from his region. Therefor he supported building a remembrance chapel by modifying a small house on the area of a mining company. 1. INTRODUCTION Dear Fellow Collector, this time I will not present a new theme, but start to make UPDATES of former plumb bob articles: In WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2009-03 I wrote about MINING PLUMMETS. I would recommend that you refer to this article before you continue reading. You find it on on page download PUBLICATIONS. Scroll down until you reach 2009-03. The direct link to this page is: In this newsletter 3 years ago I talked about the different ways for surveying mines: I also presented mining plummets, especially from the U.S.A. The complete article as a PDF-file you get on this link: 7/DIR_42128/685eee0caaa0dc77ffff8222ac14422f.pdf 3 Here in the remembrance chapel in Terwinselen NL (see picture) once a year a ceremony is held to honor and remember the mine workers. Every Friday this collector works as a guide in the mining museum in Heerlen NL. This museum is in the former coal mine Oranje-Nassau I. From a tip of a friend I found a web site of collectors of mining tools in the Netherlands with the picture of a 2 German mining plummet that I have searched for a very long time. In June 2012 I got in contact to a former mine worker from the Netherlands, Martin Herbergs, who also has a small collection of mining tools. Furthermore he made a lot of effort to memorialize deceased mine workers From this collector I could get two German mining plummets: the so called “BLITZLOT” and the “BRAUNSCHU plummet”. Blitzlot means “quick-setup-plumb bob”. Since a very long time I had already a lot of written information (catalog pages and patent drawings) about them, but never saw a photo or an original. Unfortunately both tools are not totally complete, but you can’t get everything 100% on the first try. If anyone knows where such plummets exist, Martin Herbergs in front of please let me know. his chapel. 1 3 1 2 Link to the page with surveying instruments in mines: Scroll down until you find the picture with the “Blitzlot“. - 89 - Pictures of the chapel and text (in Dutch language) tm&name=Martin+Herbergs&cat=other&showads=1 WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-08 UPDATE MINING PLUMMETS u 2. THE “BLITZLOT” BY SCHULTE At first I will discuss the so called BLITZLOT (QUICK-SET-UP-PLUMMET) THE IDEA for the plummet came from the German mining surveyor Schulte and was protected by a design patent # 193,259 in 1903 in Germany. The abbreviation D.R.G.M means Deutsches-ReichsGebrauchs-Muster (design patent in Germany) It was PRODUCED by the maker of surveying instruments REISS in maker mark Liebenwerda, Germany. In their 1907 catalog (next page) we find a good working instruction. For more information about catalogues, see WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2008-09 missing catch button height=5 inch; diameter=2 inch CONSTRUCTION: The plummet is made of brass with an iron tip. Inside is a string-winding-up mechanism with a spiral spring. (missing in my plummet) FUNCTION: By pressing the ratchet release you can pull it down from the ceiling of the gallery quickly to the desired position near to the reference point. For rewinding the 3 yards long line you press again the button and the spring will help to rewind the line on the reel. The iron tip you can extend by unscrewing (nearly 1 inch) to come very close to the reference point. USE: It was used in mines. The theodolite on the tripod was put in position directly under the plummet. More details see NEWS 2009-03. unscrewed tip parts, body, tip drawing from „Der Mechaniker“ - 90 - cross section WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-08 UPDATE MINING PLUMMETS u Letterhead of the German patent: Page from the 1903 catalogue REISS 3. THE BRAUNSCHU & CZUYA PLUMMET This tool is a combination of a plummet and a lighted sighting device. It is made from brass. Inside the body there is a battery and a lamp. Unfortunately I did not find a matching battery, but I continue searching for it. To concentrate the light of the lamp a planoconvex lens is used. This lens is extremely hard to produce. In the patent drawing the lens looks very simple but the original is impressive (Fig. right) plano-convex lens with glass tip to concentrate the light DRPa = German patent applied for. Produced before 1922 drawing from German patent DE356839 Braunschu 1922 dimension: h=163 mm; 6 ½in; d=55 mm; 2 in - 91 - attachment, lens; body with reflector WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-08 UPDATE MINING PLUMMETS u Keywords from the patent: It is for use in rooms that have not enough (day) light; especially in mines. Lighted plumb bob tip Different colors for the tip available Can also be used as a mining lamp This German patent from Braunschu was cited as reference 30 years later in two other patents in Germany DE 843,602 and the U.S.A. US 2,583,491: Details see next chapter. 4. OTHER MINING PLUMMETS 1952 Georg Böhm from Stuttgart, Germany was granted a patent DE 843,602 for a LIGHTED PLUMMET. This was a combination of a lighted target and a plumb bob. The lamp inside lighted a DOUBLE CONE that was used as sighting device by the mine surveyors with their theodolites. The current supply was done by a two-core cable. (no battery inside!) The tip was additionally painted with a reflecting color. Below two different designs: battery leak damaged the body This brass diaphragm covers the lens and lets only free the lighted colored tip as sighting device BÖHM 1952 DE843602 Lighted plummet BÖHM 1952 DE843602 Lighted plummet Unfortunately I never saw this tool on a picture or original. - 92 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-08 UPDATE MINING PLUMMETS u Also from 1952 is the US patent 2,583,491; PLUMB BOB DEVICE; Joseph Francis Orlando, from Washington D.C. Below you find three lighted plumb bobs that are mentioned as reference in the “Orlando plummet” from 1952: The other patents are not of interest for us. They are for such “unimportant“ things like „light pencil“ „kite controller“, „lighter“, „line winder“, etc. More details you will find on the GOOGLE patent search 4 page (for US-patents only) MARTIN 1913 PLUMMET LAMP US1,052,075 This patent cited the Braunschu patent as reference and three other lighted plummets: WALLACE PLUMB LIGHT 1914 US1,113,519 DACHEUX 1922 FR547,411 4 PATENTSEARCH for American patents: - 93 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-08 UPDATE MINING PLUMMETS u 5. IDAHO MINING PLUMMET Last minute I received from Dale Riedesel, Twin Falls, Idaho this information about plumb bobs used in the shaft: “I happen to be in North Idaho recently. This area is full of silver mines. I was able to secure a unusual bob as shown in the pictures. It is brass, filled with lead. It is 18 inches tall, 3 inches in diameter, weights 45 pounds. The brass shell is 0.23 inches thick. This bob in conjunction with another bob were used to transfer a known azimuth from the surface to the bottom of a vertical shaft. It is quite a door stopper. Dale” will result in a considerable error in the computed locations of points some distance removed from the shaft. This linear error in the location of any point is in a direction at right angles to the line from the shaft to the point, the displacement being equal to the azimuth error (in radians) multiplied by the distance from the shaft to the pint in question.” They are not looking as nice as the mining plummets in the next chapter, but what this bob lacked in beauty it made up in practicality. It was extremely important that the surveyor is able to transfer his data from the surface into the mine where the plummets could be used to extend the mine locations under ground. Below a description from a MINING SURVEYING BOOK: “Connecting Surface and Underground Surveys. The methods used to accomplish a connection between surface and underground surveys depend mainly upon the character of the opening from the surface to the underground workings. … … A point of known horizontal location at the surface can be projected down a vertical shaft by plumbing within a linear error of 0.01 ft. in 100 ft. In the case of a vertical shaft, a vertical plane is defined by two plumb lines suspended in the shaft, in a plane of known azimuth determined by connection with the surface survey. Wire known as “electrician’s banding wire” is recommended for use for the plumb lines, with bobs weighing 10 to 40 lb. suspended in oil to reduce oscillation. Underground, a transit is act up close to the wires and in line with them, that is, in the plane of known azimuth. An angle is then turned to some other line, and two points are permanently set on this line, which is then used as a reference line of known azimuth. By this method the underground survey is referred to same meridian as the surface survey. Great care must be taken in lining in the transit with the two plumb lines, because the distance between the plumb lines is necessarily short and a small error in orientation at the shaft - 94 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-08 UPDATE MINING PLUMMETS u 6. MINING PLUMMETS FROM NELSON DENNY COLLECTION 15-GURLEY-BOXED-PAIR-C 14-BUFFF & BERGER PLUMMETS-C 7. SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT 16-YOUNG & SONS -BOXED PAIR-C 8. REMARKS This is an article of the monthly published WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS that is sent on demand as PDFfile attachment by email. FREE. You can see all former publications on the website Remarks and contact by email: Do we meet us on the 4 PLUMB BOB COLLECTORS MEETING Oct: 5, - 7, 2012 in ATHENS, Greece? th - 95 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-08 UPDATE MINING PLUMMETS u WOLF‘S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012 Issue 09 Author: Wolf Ruecker September 1, 2012 WALLPAPER PLUMB BOBS Dear Fellow Collector, Dear reader of the PLUMB BOB NEWS, Please, as always I am in search of new photos, catalogs, articles or personal stories about any aspect of PLUMB BOBS from you. Any help is appreciated. If you have any information or pictures for these themes, please let me know. Thank you, looking forward to hearing from you Wolf 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Content INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 96 WHY WALLPAPERERS USE PLUMB BOBS? ................................................................................. 96 WALLPAPERERS AT WORK ........................................................................................................... 98 USING THE PLUMB BOB IN FRANCE 18TH CENTURY ................................................................ 99 WALLPAPERERS PLUMB BOBS FROM DIFFERENT COUNTRIES ........................................... 100 SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT ................................................................................................... 104 REMARKS ....................................................................................................................................... 104 1. INTRODUCTION Dear Fellow Collector, we all know that a lot of different professions use plumb bobs for their work. I have a listing with more than 50 different positions. The most common are masons and carpenters. They are well known. Recently I got a short email: Hello Mr. Ruecker, … my query is about wallpaper plumb bobs. Do you have any information about these in early use, up to about 1750? Paperhanging Technics. A Bibliographic Essay by 1 Robert M. Kelly”. Bob lived and worked two years in Germany. After I sent him my information about wallpaper plumb bobs I asked him to write me WHY wallpaperers need and use a plumb bob for their work. Below you find his answer. 2. WHY WALLPAPERERS USE PLUMB BOBS? Mein lieber Wolfgang, I would be happy to summarize the importance of the plumb bob in wallpapering. mit freundlichem Gruss, Bob Kelly Lee, Massachusetts, USA This was the beginning of a very interesting change of information and ends in this newsletter. Robert M. Kelly has been working with wallpaper since 1976 as a paperhanger, manager of installation projects for residential and governmental historic buildings, and wallpaper consultant. More about him and his work you can read in: “Historic Historically, as you know, the plumb bob was used by many trades. One can readily see how the ability to insure that a timber is truly 90 degrees vertical would be important for those raising a barn or house. For example, to be able to predict how the rain water would run off, or so that one can add additional parts to the structure with confidence that the foundation or supports will bear the load. It is not so obvious why wallpaper must be hung perfectly vertically. But this is very true, and especially true for the first sheet. I will commence explaining how it was done circa 1770 or so. By then the joined 1 For download on - 96 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-09 WALLPAPER PLUMB BOBS roll was in general use throughout Europe. The joined roll (also called in England a "piece" to distinguish it from a strip of paper) consisted of a length from 9 to 12 yards, made up of single sheets pasted one to another. The paperhanger's first task was to trim one edge of the wallpaper even to the pattern, usually taking about an inch, more or less, from the edge. This could be done for the entire roll, or for just one strip. A strip could be 8, 9 or 10 feet high, as long as the wall itself. Even if there was no pattern, the paperhanger still needed to make this edge fairly even. Ordinarily this was done with shears. This operation was necessary in the first place because the sheets of paper often had a rough and uneven edge. This is often called the "deckle edge" 2 (see photo ). One can readily understand why it was necessary to trim this very uneven edge showing in the photo. In this example the paperhanger would need to trim right alongside of the white dots. Having trimmed the edge, the paperhanger was ready to hang the first piece. However, we know deckle edge. that even buildings plumbed and built courtesy of by good carpenters do not have perfectly straight windows, doors and corners! They may be close, but they are never perfect. Because of this fact, it is impossible to rely on the straightness of a door or window or corner as a guide to hang the first piece. If a paperhanger would rely on a corner without checking it, the likely result would be that the pattern will run uphill, or downhill, as it proceeds across the wall. In other words, the horizontal pattern would not run true at 180 degrees, but would slide up or down, causing perhaps seasickness in the viewer! The reliable guide that we need (a perfectly plumb line) can only be achieved by following a line with a weight on it. In other words, to use gravity instead of an existing structure which may or may not be straight. This reliance on gravity, which is always the same, will invariably produce a straight line. 1.) by marking the wall with a pencil at many points along the string so that the paper can be hung alongside the dots; 2. by chalking the line, and then snapping it so that a thin line of chalk becomes a guideline for the paper; 3. by having another person hold the line steady, while the first person hangs the pasted paper against the wall, brushing it into place with a soft brush. The second piece overlaps the first so that the pattern joins up. The paperhanger must only overlap slightly, and if he joins the paper accurately, the strip will be more or less automatically plumb, because he is following both a grid pattern (the design) and a previously plumb 90 degree line (the first sheet). The paperhanger can usually hang several succeeding strips. This is possible because if the trimming is fairly accurate, it creates a straight guideline in and of itself. Another reason that this is possible is because of the way that the block-printers do their work. These artisans impress colored patterns onto the paper. The template or block that they use for this resembles a large rubber ink stamp. The designs are often geometric, and are almost always square or rectangular. In this way a consistent grid pattern is made on the paper, and by following their registration pins, the block-printers create a straight line of pattern down the length of the "piece". Later, when the selvedge (another name for edge) is taken off by the paperhanger, the straightness of the pattern is now apparent. Still, a cautious and skilled paperhanger will check the trueness of his strips often, because it is easy to start getting crooked. And, in any case, when he comes to the corner, he must re-plumb the next sheet. The reason for this is that he needs to wrap the sheet into the corner slightly. As an example, if the corner is 10 inches from the last hung pattern, the next sheet must be cut around 10.25 inches wide so that it will extend slightly beyond the corner. The piece on the new wall must therefore be about 10.75 inches wide (wallpaper is usually about 21 inches wide.) This new sheet must again be plumbed with a plumb bob and a new guideline created, and then the sheet is hung from the guideline back into the corner. The reason, as we have already learned, is that the paperhanger cannot assume that corners are straight. He must hang straight paper, even in crooked rooms. Wolfgang, I hope this is helpful to you. Bob The problem of transferring the line from the string to the wall can be solved in a few ways 2 and more pictures of ancient wallpapers you can find on - 97 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-09 WALLPAPER PLUMB BOBS Bob sent me 3 pictures from France and Germany with paperhangers at work: 3. WALLPAPERERS AT WORK drawing made by Jean-Michel Papillon drawing made by Jean-Michel Papillon We will discuss the details below. - 98 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-09 WALLPAPER PLUMB BOBS It also could be used as a chalk line (see the two workers in the figure below). 4. USING THE PLUMB BOB IN FRANCE 18TH CENTURY The plumb bob shown in the French picture used by the two paperhangers looks like the French plumb bob “fil à plomb” (fig. 120) mentioned in the ENCYCLOPÉDIE OF DIDEROT ET D’ALEMBERT Paris 1751-1772 More about the history of chalk lines from the beginning in China and Japan up to now you can read in my WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS 200811 “CHALK LINES, SNAP LINES, SUMITSUBO” on my website on page “DOWLOAD PUBLICATIONS”. Direct link to this page: At the other picture we can see very clear the use of the plumb bob by two workers verifying the verticality of the wallpaper (fig. 57 right) In the figure left we can see the plumb bob lying at the table. The use as a chalk line (snap line) is shown here: - 99 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-09 WALLPAPER PLUMB BOBS 5. WALLPAPERERS PLUMB BOBS FROM DIFFERENT COUNTRIES The GERMAN wallpaperers and wall tile setters used small cylindrical plumb bobs from brass or black painted iron with a loop/eye or with a horizontal hole in the cap as shown below. Remark: Maler-Senklote means wallpaperers plumb bobs for painters; Messing=brass WICK 1925 About the very special wooden plumb bobs in the U.S.A. I wrote already in my WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-03 “WOODEN PLUMB BOBS”: Wallpapering PLUMB BOBS In the U.S.A. there are two special bobs for wallpaper hangers or tile setters. One of them is made of a flat iron sheet, so that it lies close to the wall and you can mark the position along the line without offset. The second plumb bob is made of WOOD, but is shaped like a plumb bob cut in half. It is the only wooden plumb bob - that I know - made for workers. Here, the hole for the cord is positioned so that it still hangs exactly vertical. Purpose is that there is no damage to the tiles or papers by the material (wood), if it strikes to the wall or falls down accidently. Secondly the cord is close to the wall. You can draw an accurate marker along the line. My friend Bruce Cynar already mentioned it 1991 in his famous “THE PLUMB LINE” on page 11. (see fig. below) The complete “THE PLUMB LINE continuum” 3 you can download on my website 3 on page THE PLUMB LINE CONTINUUM - 100 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-09 WALLPAPER PLUMB BOBS A combination tool plumb bob / chalk line was produced (and patented) by RIDGELY; USA. More see my PATENT NEWS 200722. DIRECT LINK to the page “PATENTS OF PLUMB BOBS” is: http://www.plumbbobcol Another plumb bob from Ridgely (catalog # 37 Springfield Ohio p 35) and chalk lines from p 36 (see fig. below) Flat wallpaper plumb bob (see fig. above) Ridgely was very famous for their paperhanger’s tool and their catalogs. - 101 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-09 WALLPAPER PLUMB BOBS In my collection I have also a RIDGLEY TRIMMER patented 1885 Last but not least from America here comes a patented flat plumb bob for paper hangers already described in my PATENT NEWS 200719 Patent US3,866,329 WEST / Stanley 1975 STANLEY produced 1975 in the U.S.A. for a short time (later in ENGLAND) the following flat plumb bob that looks similar to the French ones, but it is more useful (horizontal AND vertical use) and it is patented. On Ebay the US-version was sold for 204$. The English version you can get much cheaper. In the catalogues you find it as STANLEY 47-173. Use is HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL A complete “tool box” with all the tools (unfortunately not from my collection) The “ASTRUP” was sold on Ebay for $ 47.00 (fig. left) Offered on Ebay: Shop project wallpaper plumb bob from wood: (fig. right) - 102 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-09 WALLPAPER PLUMB BOBS Also designed for the use by wallpaperers is the patented plumb bob from LEE VALLEY / VERITAS IN CANADA described in my PATENT NEWS 2007-39: Design patent US 393,219 1989 and patent US 5,974,676 1999 (figures. below) In ENGLAND I found a special plumb bob sold by PLASPLUGS Please let me know when you have more samples. - 103 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-09 WALLPAPER PLUMB BOBS 6. SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT Who knows about using the plumb bob in this crooked house in Zoppot; Poland? 7. REMARKS This is an article of the monthly published WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS that is sent on demand as PDFfile attachment by email. FREE. You can see all former publications on the website Remarks and contact by email: Do we meet us on the - 104 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-09 WALLPAPER PLUMB BOBS WOLF‘S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012 Issue 10 Author: Wolf Ruecker October 1, 2012 ROMAN PLUMB BOBS Dear Fellow Collector, Dear reader of the PLUMB BOB NEWS, Please, as always I am in search of new photos, catalogs, articles or personal stories about any aspect of PLUMB BOBS from you. Any help is appreciated. If you have any information or pictures for these themes, please let me know. Thank you, looking forward to hearing from you Wolf ROMAN PLUMB BOBS Content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 105 ROMAN PLUMB BOBS FROM COLLECTORS ............................................................................. 107 ROMAN PLUMB BOBS IN MUSEUMS.......................................................................................... 109 USE OF THE PLUMB BOBS ........................................................................................................... 111 OTHER SHAPES OF ROMAN TOOLS ........................................................................................... 113 REPRODUCTION OF A ROMAN PLUMB BOB ............................................................................ 115 SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT ................................................................................................... 118 REMARKS ....................................................................................................................................... 118 1. INTRODUCTION Dear Fellow Collector, On Ebay and in shops different items are offered often as “ROMAN PLUMB BOBS”. We find • real plumb bobs and other tools / pieces like • loom weights • sling bullets • weights • others I will try to explain the differences. The material is copper (bronze), lead, stone (clay, terracotta). Sure you can use as a plumb bob every piece/weight that hangs on a string, but a “born plumb bob” has a special shape (with or without a tip) and a hole in the top to fix the line. Some sellers only will make money and so they sell simple weights as plumb bobs. It is not easy to decide if it is a real plumb bob or was used as a plumb bob. Unfortunately we can’t ask the tools . That would be great - 105 - From an original French drawing (unknown source) in my collection that is marked “ANTIQUITÈS No. 15“ here some shapes of antiques Plumb Bobs or Plumb Level. WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-10 ROMAN PLUMB BOBS We can find Roman plumb bobs all over Europe: From England to Spain, Bulgaria and Turkey. In the east also in the Iraqi and Israel. Also in the countries around the Mediterranean Sea we should find Roman bobs. When we compare the map above (Roman Empire) with the map of the Ottoman Empire (below) with the Ottoman plumb bobs (see WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2009-08 Ottoman plumb bobs) then we see a lot of identical countries. It would be interesting to find out the evolution of the plumb bob shapes there. THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE 16/17TH CENTURY - 106 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-10 ROMAN PLUMB BOBS 2. ROMAN PLUMB BOBS FROM COLLECTORS On the next pages some pictures of original Roman Plumb Bobs that I got from Fellow Collectors: FROM MY COLLECTION: • BRASS / BRONZE • 50 x 50 mm • Found in Hungary • 350 gr FROM THE COLLECTION OF GSCH BRONZE 273 gr • • • • LEAD 52 x 42 mm Found in Hungary 580 gr BRONZE 35 x 29 mm 116 gr - 107 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-10 ROMAN PLUMB BOBS FROM THE COLLECTION OF DB FROM THE COLLECTION OF ND FROM THE COLLECTION OF HTSCH All these plumb bobs are from BRONZE and have a nice, but different PATINA. - 108 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-10 ROMAN PLUMB BOBS 3. ROMAN PLUMB BOBS IN MUSEUMS In some MUSEUMS are Roman Plumb Bobs displayed: RÖMISCH-GERMANISCHES MUSEUM, COLOGNE, GERMANY REPRODUCTION . LIMESMUSEUM, AALEN, GERMANY The Limes Museum is located on what was formerly the largest Roman fort north of the Alps. The fact that the ancient Roman Limes is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site gives this Roman Museum (the largest in Germany), an important distinction. NAPOLI, ITALY - 109 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-10 ROMAN PLUMB BOBS SEVILLA Archaeological Museum BRITISH MUSEUM, LONDON - 110 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-10 ROMAN PLUMB BOBS 4. USE OF THE PLUMB BOBS The plumb bobs were used as a single tool by masons and carpenters or in an instrument (like the GROMA or CHOROBATE) by the surveyors: A reproduction in the museum in Eichstädt, Germany: The GROMA consisted of a vertical iron staff (ferramentum) about 5 feet long, pointed at the lower end, and with a cross arm, 10 inches long, pivoted at the top, which supported the main aligning element - the revolving "stelleta" (star) with arms about 3-1/2 feet across: The two main roads at right angles in a Roman encampment were located by sighting beside the two plumb lines suspended from the end of the cross arms to coincide with the central plumb line over the selected central point. Areas of fields were measured by settling out two right-angled lines, joining their extremities by straight lines and finding the perpendicular offsets from these to the irregular sides. - 111 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-10 ROMAN PLUMB BOBS The CHOROBATES is described as a rod 20 feet long with duplicate legs attached perpendicularly at each end. Diagonal pieces connect the rod and the legs, and both diagonal members have vertical lines scriven into them, over which plumb bobs are hung. When the instrument is in position, and the plumb-lines strike both the scribe-lines alike, they show the instrument is level. If the wind interferes with the plumb lines, the water level at the top of the horizontal piece is used. Vitruvius instructs that the water level groove was to be "five feet long, one digit wide, and a digit and a half deep". By using two or more chorobates, established levelly, the vertical distance between instruments could be established by sighting along the depth of the uphill instrument, to a rod placed atop the lower chorobate. - 112 - CHOROBAT REPRODUCTION in the DEUTSCHES BERGBAUMUSEUM ( MINING MUSEUM) BOCHUM, GERMANY WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-10 ROMAN PLUMB BOBS 5. OTHER SHAPES OF ROMAN TOOLS Often I am asked by collectors about this shape: It is a LOOM WEIGHT Drawings from Egypt (unknown source) with LOOM WEIGHTS For weaving loom weights were used to hold the thread tight. The loom weights are made of TERRACOTTA, CLAY or LEAD. They have a horizontal hole in the top to fix them on the thread or a rod. The shape often is pyramidal. These WEIGHTS are fixed on a single thread or on the horizontal rod. - 113 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-10 ROMAN PLUMB BOBS SLING BULLETS WEIGHTS FOR A SCALE These bullets (different shapes) used in a sling (weapon) by hand are made from CLAY / TERRACOTTA OR LEAD They have NO HOLE! Picture from MUSEUM EICHSTÄTT, GER For the so called Roman Scale, a weight was used: SPINNING TOOLS For manual spinning a special shape with a big vertical hole in the middle which is used to put the wooden spindle in (to make it heavier). Picture right from museum Eichstädt, GER. Roman Scale with the head of Bacchus as a weight: Photo: Museum Thurnfels, Völs, Tirol, Austria. From my collection: spinning tools from lead. - 114 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-10 ROMAN PLUMB BOBS 6. REPRODUCTION OF A ROMAN This is the complete “FOUNDRY“ with all the equipment: PLUMB BOB Two years ago I met in a museum nearby an artist who sold reproductions of Roman artifacts. I asked him if he could make me some Roman Plumb Bobs, when I give him a model. His answer: No problem for me. Here comes the story: This is the flyer of this group. The mould with the model. Upper and lower part. Special casting sand was used. Ulich Biber made me a wooden (African blackwood) model on his lathe in the shape of a plumb bob that we saw during our meeting in Oct. 2010 in Cologne, Germany. - 115 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-10 ROMAN PLUMB BOBS Casting of the molten Bronze Two moulds ready with a sprue. Opened after one hour of cool down time. Brass + special chemicals heated to 1000 + degrees Celsius in a graphite crucible and poured into the mould. Taking off the casting sand. - 116 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-10 ROMAN PLUMB BOBS Drilled with a horizontal and vertical hole. Brushed and polished Looks not already like a real plumb bob READY! HEIGHT: 56 mm / 2 1/6 in DIAMETER: 60 mm / 2 1/4 in WEIGHT: 370 gr / 12 oz After one year hanging in my garden it began to get a patina. Different states of the product. - 117 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-10 ROMAN PLUMB BOBS 7. SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT DO YOU KNOW THE LONGEST PLUMB LINE OF THE WORLD? Here it is in the 1907 ad of the SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY, NY U.S.A. DO YOU KNOW ANY PLUMB BOB COLLECTOR LIVING NEAR THIS “PLUMB LINE”? One of our Fellow Collectors, my friend Greg lives 10 miles beside this “plumb line”! In his first answer he thought living directly beside the “plumb line railway” He wrote me: The American Tobacco Trail, a former railway spur converted to a 30 mile trail for bikers is located behind our house-look it up on Google Earth at 446 Rosemont Drive, Durham, North Carolina! But later he made a correction: However, after a closer look The American Tobacco Trail behind our house (formerly a railroad spur solely used to transport tobacco for the Duke family's cigarette empire, between 1880-1930, at that time period, the largest tobacco manufacturer in the world), we discovered that it is a railroad spur that unfortunately did not quite intersect the Seaboard Plumb Bob Line-it goes directly south, but does not travel all the way to Hamlet, North Carolina, where it would have connected to the Seaboard Coast Railway. It ends just before Sanford, North Carolina, about 20 miles north of Hamlet, North Carolina, the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad station where my mom worked for over 10 years and uncle worked for over 40 years. I remember my Uncle Burgoone bringing back HUGE bags of fresh Florida oranges on his frequent trips sown south on the Plumb Bob Line. Everyone called it the Plumb Bob Line, but the reason for the name never "clicked" with me, until your comments a couple of weeks ago! Greg, thank you for this story! 8. REMARKS This is an article of the monthly published WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS that is sent on demand as PDF-file attachment by email. FREE. You can see all former publications on the web site on page “download publications”. Remarks and contact by email: - 118 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-10 ROMAN PLUMB BOBS WOLF‘S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012 Issue 11 November 1, 2012 COLLECTORS MEETING in ATHENS Author: Wolf Ruecker Dear Fellow Collector, Dear reader of the PLUMB BOB NEWS, Please, as always I am in search of new photos, catalogs, articles or personal stories about any aspect of PLUMB BOBS from you. Any help is appreciated. If you have any information or pictures for these themes, please let me know. Thank you, looking forward to hearing from you Wolf 4 th INTERNATIONAL PLUMB BOB COLLECTOR’S MEETING IN ATHENS, GREECE Content 1. INTRODUCTION/REVIEW ........................................................................................................................... 120 2. PROGRAM ..................................................................................................................................................... 121 3. PRESENTS FOR THE PARTICIPANTS .......................................................................................................... 122 4. PRESENTATIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 124 5. NEXT MEETING............................................................................................................................................. 131 6. SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT ................................................................................................................... 132 7. REMARKS ...................................................................................................................................................... 132 - 119 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-11 ATHENS 1. INTRODUCTION/REVIEW Since 2006 some plumb bob collectors meet every two years in a European city to change information and talk about plumb bobs. The first time Dogan Basak organized the meeting in ISTANBUL, Turkey. It was a COLOGNE, Germany was the city in Oct 2010. We visited the cathedral and the very famous plane museum of Gerhard Schmitz in Langenfeld. big success for us and we decided to do it again two years later. We choose the Antique Tool Market that was every Mai 1st organized by the “ FRIENDS OF TOOLS” „Les amis de l‘Outil“ LADO in Bièvres near Paris, France as base for the meeting in 2008. A video of the 1 tool market you can see on 1 This year we flew to ATHENS, GREECE for our 4th International Meeting to use the last hot days of this summer for a very interesting weekend. - 120 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-11 ATHENS We stayed in the Hilton hotel. It was not more expensive than the other hotels and we could be together. Photo below shows the view from our room at night and day: direct view to the Acropolis. Phantastic! 2. PROGRAM Unfortunately this time some friends from Canada, Guatemala, Spain and France could not participate. But there will be a chance in two years again. The program was as follows: Friday Oct. 5, 2012 Arrival (some of us arrived already earlier) In the evening COLLECTORS DINNER Saturday Oct. 6, 2012 Visit of the Acropolis with a special guide Visit of the Acropolis museum In the afternoon presentations by collectors in a small museum Evening in the downtown Sunday Oct. 7, 2012 visit of some museums or the antique market and departure back home Below the official photo of the group. - 121 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-11 ATHENS 3. PRESENTS FOR THE PARTICIPANTS Each participant got two presents: One A-LEVEL of Plexiglas and a reference book about the Acropolis especially the Parthenon. Let Elias tell the story about the A-level: “Back in 2010, when it was announced that participants of the Cologne meeting voted to hold their next meeting in Athens, I started thinking about creating a commemorative present for this event. I decided that an A-LEVEL would be appropriate because it combines a plumb bob and the letter A, which is the initial of Athens or ΑΘΗΝΑ, as it is called in Greek. Having worked in the Model Workshop at the School of Architecture in Athens, I knew the capabilities of the laser cutter. Therefore it was easy for me to design and create a preliminary model of the level in Plexiglas, cut and etched by accurately the hole on the top. As shown in the picture, a special jig (see fig. below) was made to hold the A under a column drilling machine. The result is pretty accurate, so the A-level can also be used to check horizontality. Only twenty pieces were cut. The final assembly was made on Thursday night (4/10) when Wolf brought with him twenty brass plumbbobs packed carefully in a black velvet pouch. The assembled A-levels were distributed to participants and people who helped organize the Athens Meeting. laser. First, I asked Wolf to provide details about the design of A-levels. I decided to choose a 60 degrees top angle, instead of the more common right angle, because the shape looked more like the letter A and there would be less material waste by positioning the A’s as shown in the drawing. The A-Level is functional and can be used as a measuring instrument. As I could not find a suitable small sized plumb bob in Greece I contacted Wolf who made a search in the German market. It is his part of the story to describe how he spotted the right sized plumb bobs. (WOLF: Since it was not possible to find the quantity and size of the plumb bob on the market, I asked the factory Gampper to help us. A worker produced in a special shift on Friday evening the full working plumb bobs for this instrument. Many thanks for this help!) But also on the office desk it looks nice and is a good conversation tool The A-levels were laser cut in 10 mm Plexiglas in September 2012. The tricky part was to drill - 122 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-11 ATHENS Fig. below: Elias with the A-level in the lobby of the hotel. The reference book THE PARTHENON, ARCHITECTURE AND CONSERVATION (see figures right) was published for an exhibition in Osaka, Japan in 1996, edited by M. Korres, G. A. Panetsos and T. Seki. Let me copy some sentences from this book: ”The Parthenon; the masterpiece of Classical art; was successor to a series of other temples that stood on the same site from at least the beginning of the 6th to the 8th c. BC …The Parthenon was built in a very short period of time between the years 447 and438 BC. A further five years were needed to place sculptures in position on the pediments. The work was financed by public money deriving from a variety of sources, the most important of which were the silver mines at Laurion.” Most of the drawings in this book are from Prof. Manolis Korres. (see next chapter) Friday evening we had our traditional COLLECTORS DINNER in a small restaurant near the hotel. We had a lot to talk about the last two years. It is a difference to talk together face to face than sending emails or using the www. - 123 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-11 ATHENS 4. PRESENTATIONS AT THE ACROPOLIS Hundreds of visitors from a cruise ship Classification of the pillars contact area into three zones The Saturday started very early for us at 8 a clock (and ended very late. ). Together we went by metro to the Acropolis. There, we met with several hundred tourists from a cruise ship who also wanted to visit the Acropolis. See fig. right. We received from Professor Manolis Korres, who was several decades involved in the restoration of the Parthenon temple four hours a very profound and interesting introduction to the details of the history of the Parthenon temple in its various phases. From the planning through procurement of the stones from special quarries nearby up to the destruction by explosion. Excellent explanation of the procedure I will not repeat all the explanations, and so I propose that you should google for “Prof. Manolis Korres” or search in Wikipedia for more information about the work of Prof. Korres and the Parthenon. I had the impression that he knows the history of every single stone over there. After several hours of strenuous climbing under the still very strong Athenian sun we “rescued” us into the cool Parthenon Museum, to look at the exhibited artefacts. In the heat a shady place was needed. A-level, chalk line and dividers The statements were checked from book: Korres, Manolis: From Pentelicon to the Parthenon Melissa Publishing House, Athens, 2001. - 124 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-11 ATHENS Detail of the roof of the Parthenon Prof. Korres gets his A-LEVEL Theater Overview of the Acropolis with Parthenon Everywhere restoration. Even with cranes. Prof. Korres tells us engaged the displacement in perspective view from the entrance to the stairs of the Acropolis Prof. Korres shows the accuracy in the preparation of the great columns parts - 125 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-11 ATHENS Walking together through the narrow streets of downtown we arrived in the afternoon the MUSEUM OF GREEK FOLK ART “MAN & TOOLS” in 22 Panos street. Here we got the chance (after the opening hours) to use a room for our presentations. While Elias with his daughter Maria and his son Makis installed the technic for the presentation (see figure right), we visited the exhibition. This exhibition aims to: Discuss the various uses of the objects, as well as the real and symbolic meanings of the objects in the collection. highlight aspects of labour in the preindustrial world endorse the rituals and traditions associated with man and his work discuss the relation between the recent past and the present through the displays of about 300 collected objects Below some photos of plumb bobs in the rooms. REMARK The presentations below you can see and download completely soon on my web site PRESENTATIONS in the museum WOLF RUECKER: REVIEW TO THE LAST MEETINGS See first page of this report. WOLFGANG RÜCKER: IN MEMORIAM NELSON DENNY † and JEAN-PAUL MICHEL † - 126 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-11 ATHENS ULRICH BIBER and WOLF RUECKER gave to the participants a COLLECTOR’S CALENDAR FOR EVERY YEAR “PLUMB BOBS IN THE ART” (You will not see this calendar on my web site.) Here are some pictures of the calendar to get an idea of it. Here is an art work of the artist ANTONIA LOW; living in Berlin, Germany. The plumb bobs are from my collection . PER GRAVITATION, 2010 Galerie Morgen, Berlin Material: light tracks, plumb bobs, thread, spot lights Size: 4.10 x 8 x 6 meter Light tracks are partly screwed off the ceiling and lean down into the space. Hanging plump bobs mark the particular position of the four former outer screw holes in each of the hanging light tracks. Icon of St. Joseph with Jesus from the Archaeological Museum in Varna, Bulgaria with spool and triangle Ottoman plumb bob. Ca. 1850 - 127 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-11 ATHENS RICCARDO CHETONI presented his NEW book about FRENCH PLUMB BOBS. This new book he will not sell as a paper copy, but printed on a CD. The costs for printing a book in high quality with so much colour pictures are too high. It will have 265 pages (126) with 800 photos (300). The text will be in Italian, French and for the first time in ENGLISH. Why a new edition after 4 years only? • a lot of new plumb bobs • many new catalogues • revision of the classification • new plumb bob families - 128 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-11 ATHENS DOGAN BASAK talked about THE PLUMB BOB IN NUMISMATICS AND PHILATELY: Related to: The French Revolution Free Masonry Surveying instruments As an esoteric symbol Architecture - 129 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-11 ATHENS ELIAS ZACHAROPOULOS showed us photos of TOMBSTONES WITH TOOLS OF ARCHITECTS AND MASTER MASONS of the 18th and 19th century from Greece and Turkey. The pictures are from Christian graves, churches, private houses and memory plates. Topics to be briefly presented: the guild architect (the kalfa) the symbolisms of the (folding) rule the suspension level the Anatolian plumb bob the dividers • - 130 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-11 ATHENS Finally I explained the difference between ROMAN PLUMB BOBS and other tools looking like plumb bobs. i.e. • sling bullets • loom weights • scale weights • others This presentation you already know as WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-10 ROMAN PLUMB BOBS After this long and hard day we had a dinner together in the downtown. On Sunday, a flea market, or museums were visited, until we returned back to our cold homes. Although it was hot and tiring, it has pleased each of us, as I could see from the feedbacks. TO ALL PARTICIPANTS: THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTION. 5. NEXT MEETING About the location of the next meeting, we found no agreement. My suggestion was a meeting with fellow collectors from one of the two American collectors clubs EAIA or MWTCA on the east coast of the United States. This was too expensive for most of us. Maybe I'll try to find in America a local collector to organize a meeting there. (Are YOU this one?) For the European collectors we will continue with the two years rhythm in a big European city. We discuss about Pisa, Italy, or a town in England or Spain, but there is no hurry. - 131 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-11 ATHENS 6. SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT CHRISTMAS TIME is coming soon. I already saw a very special CANDLE HOLDER working like a plumb bob. This tool holds the candle straight and vertical. So it can burn without any problems. Very nice idea! Left: candle holder in action middle: its function right: two different candle holders (old and new) Unfortunately candles from wax are no longer used, but LED lamps from China MERRY CHRISTMAS! 7. REMARKS The presentations of Wolf, Elias, Dogan and Riccardo you can download on my website on page “collectors meetings” subpage “4th meeting 2012 ATHENS” direct link This is an article of the monthly published WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS that is sent on demand as PDF-file attachment by email. FREE. You can see all former publications on the web site on page “download publications”. Remarks and contact by email: Enjoy it Wolf - 132 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-11 ATHENS WOLF‘S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012 Issue 12 December 1, 2012 ARTISTS AND PLUMB BOBS Author: Wolf Ruecker Dear Fellow Collector, Dear reader of the PLUMB BOB NEWS, Please, as always I am in search of new photos, catalogs, articles or personal stories about any aspect of PLUMB BOBS from you. Any help is appreciated. If you have any information or pictures for these themes, please let me know. Thank you, looking forward to hearing from you Wolf 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ARTISTS AND PLUMB BOBS TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................ 133 ANTONIA LOW – per gravitation ................................................................................................................ 134 RICK ALEXANDER - dragonflies ................................................................................................................. 135 JOHN WITTERSHEIM ................................................................................................................................... 136 TED METZ ..................................................................................................................................................... 137 HANS-PETER LUEBKE .................................................................................................................................. 138 CRAIG KOSAK ............................................................................................................................................... 139 LARRY KIRKLAND DENVER CITY CENTER, ................................................................................................. 141 BJOERN BORGMANN „Alles im Lot” “Everything is plumb” ........................................................................ 142 PETER TILL ................................................................................................................................................... 143 PIXMAN ......................................................................................................................................................... 144 LINKS TO OTHER WEB SITES WITH PLUMB BOB ARTEFACTS ............................................................... 144 MEMBERS OF THE PLUMB BOB FAMILY..................................................................................................... 147 SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT ................................................................................................................... 148 REMARKS ...................................................................................................................................................... 148 1. INTRODUCTION In all former newsletters I talked more or less about the technical view of the plumb bobs: patents, fabrication (Gampper, Leistner …), parts of the plumb bob (top, body, tip, line, line shortener …), material (lead, brass, iron, wood, ebony…) shape, (plumb bobs of the world, the relatives of the plumb bob …) catalogues, books, newspapers … use in measuring instruments (inclinometer, Alevel …) types in the different countries (England, USA, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Spain, Roman, Egypt, China, the Netherlands ….) use (mason, surveyor, borehole, golf, dams, architect …) displaying (museum, vitrine, showroom, exhibition, boxes …) , use etc. This time I am answering a question of one of the readers of this NEWSLETTER: “Could you please write something about the artists, who use plumb bobs in their artworks?“ - 133 - To avoid problems with the copyright by publishing photos of these artworks, I asked some of the artists to give me the permission to use the photos here and on my web site and also to explain why they especially used PLUMB BOBS in their artworks. This was a very nice and interesting change of emails with the artists, who were very cooperative. Thanks to all helpers who sent me information. For some of the pictures shown by companies I bought the copyright for a very low price to avoid complication after publishing it on my web site. At the end of this newsletter you will also find a chapter with LINKS to other web sites with artworks related to plumb bobs. With these artists I had no contact for different reasons. Some parts of this newsletter are copied from the www, but with the references. There you can read more details about it if you want. I hope you will enjoy this other point of view and use of the plumb bob. IF YOU – THE READER – KNOW OF ANY OTHER ARTIST, ARTWORK OR PICTURE WITH PLUMB BOBS, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. REMARK: Please use the LINKS in this newsletter to visit the web sites of the artists. WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-12 ARTISTS AND PLUMB BOBS 2. ANTONIA LOW – per gravitation Exactly two years ago Antonia Low – born in Liverpool (UK), who now lives and works in BERLIN, Germany – asked me: “Hello, For an exhibition in a gallery in Berlin I am searching some plumb bobs. I am an artist and plan a sculpture, where plumb bobs are hanging from the ceiling. Do you have some nice plumb bobs for me? Antonia” Sure I could help her. I found some huge plumb bobs for this reason turned by a friend, big enough to recognize them from a distance of 5 meters. On you will find more information about her other works. PER GRAVITATION, 2010 Galerie Morgen, Berlin Material: light tracks, plumb bobs, thread, spot lights Measures: 4.10 x 8 x 6 m Light tracks are partly screwed off the ceiling and lean down into the space. Hanging plump bobs mark the particular position of the former outer screw holes in each of the hanging light tracks. - 134 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-12 ARTISTS AND PLUMB BOBS In "Plumb Bobs and Dragonflies", the use of plumb bobs was primarily a visual decision. There is however, some consideration to be given to attaching wings to something that requires absolute stillness for effective use. The contradiction was studied and intentional. However, it is best taken by the viewer as whimsical and not as some sort of profound statement. 3. RICK ALEXANDER - dragonflies Rick Alexander URL: In "Self Portrait", the plumb bobs are those things which keep me grounded in a positive sense but are less playful and inventive as a negative. My work comes to me through grinding my way from point A to point B rather than through some sort of inspired moment of clarity or reckoning. The process is more workmanlike than emotional. That gets in the way a good bit from time to time. In "Self Portrait", the plumb bobs are the weights that slow and complicate my personal creative process. I would think that's more than a small reason why, in "Plumb Bobs & Dragonflies", I have attempted to give them wings. --rick” PLUMB BOB DRAGONFLIES dimensions o 24"w x 14"h x 7"d materials o medium density fiberboard o plumb bobs o printed transparencies & acetate sheeting o wooden balls o clear plastic faceted beads o stainless steel welding rods & aluminum tubing o steel hardware cloth o decorative paper / plain white paper I asked him to tell us something about his artworks, especially WHY he used PLUMB BOBS. Here comes his answer: “Wolf, Thank you for your interest in my work. Please feel free to refer to or use the website images of "Plumb Bobs and Dragonflies" as you see fit. … I no longer have the piece. It is in a private collection and is not available for additional photographs. I have one other work that uses plumb bobs plumb bobs. trait/index.html. .... --rick SELF PORTRAIT - 135 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-12 ARTISTS AND PLUMB BOBS 4. JOHN WITTERSHEIM As I already mentioned in other newsletters, JOHN D. WITTERSHEIM, Professor of Art Sienna Heights University produces since many years artworks with plumb bobs (or plumb bobs as artworks). tabid/74/NewsArticleID/1633/MajorID/ART/Default.a spx Nearly 50 of his artworks you will find on my web site - 136 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-12 ARTISTS AND PLUMB BOBS for the Health South Corporation, "Strata" for the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and "Becoming" for the City of Hoover, Alabama. 5. TED METZ st-spotlight-ted-metz/ Artist Spotlight: Ted Metz by Laurie A. Alfano … “I started thinking how the plumb bob is one of the simplest of tools, maybe even the oldest, yet is exceptionally accurate. It is nothing more than a weighted object on a string that creates perfect plumb,” he explained, adding; “Surveyors today use them to mark corners and to set up transits.” Metz’s design, entitled The Nature of Building, suspends a 3-foot by 2-foot bronze plumb bob, which pivots and rotates, on a steel cord from a deceptively simple looking sixteenfoot, three-panel steel tower, fabricated from 6,000 pounds of steel. Impressed into the plumb bob are hand prints, unidentified, belonging to movers and shakers of the civic community—the mayor of Hoover, Gary Ivey; director of Aldridge Gardens, Rip Weaver; and Eddie and Kay Aldridge—making a permanent record of hands who made the sculpture possible. … A BIO OF TED METZ on Born in Ohio, Ted Metz received his BFA from Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia and the MFA in sculpture from the University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina. He joined the faculty at the University of Montevallo in 1973 where he continues to teach. During his tenure at the University, Ted has received many teaching awards including: University Scholar, Distinguished Teacher of the Year, Outstanding Commitment to Teaching, and Alabama Professor of the Year, a national award presented by the Carnegie Foundation. MORE YOU CAN READ ON THE WEB SITE OF THE SELBYCO MAGAZINE Creatively, Metz has been successful in exhibiting his sculpture in more than 100 exhibitions, including those in Venice and Cortona, Italy, and the National Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. He has been recognized and has received a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and has been awarded the Visual Arts Fellowship from the State of Alabama. He continues to be a productive sculptor producing smaller indoor works while also pursuing opportunities for large public commissioned work. Metz's public sculptures include "Becoming" for the University of Montevallo, "Diagnostic Image" - 137 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-12 ARTISTS AND PLUMB BOBS lightness and sensitivity of the material and its appearance characterize these objects. 6. HANS-PETER LUEBKE 1960 born in Windhoek, Namiba 1980 baccalaureate Butzbach, Hesse, Germany 1981-1982 Peace service in Israel 1987-1992 Study for special pedagogy in Heidelberg since 2010 art teacher for hearing impaired. Ateliers im Alten Schlachthof, Sigmaringen, Germany Focus of his artistic work are engravings and objects. The latter, formed from the flexible materials paper and cardboard effect, in their appearance voluminous and heavy. By the treatment with asphalt paint which is normally used to cover etching plates, they get the idea of metal or wood. This contradiction between PLUMB BOB Diameter: 140 cm, Hight: 180 cm Material: cardboard, handmade paper (Büttenpapier), wood glue, bitumen (asphalt) Sold to the city of Sigmaringen, Germany. - 138 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-12 ARTISTS AND PLUMB BOBS 7. CRAIG KOSAK Craig Kosak | Following Raven Greetings Wolfgang. By Rosemary Carstens Thank you for your message and for your interest in my work. You are welcome to feature it in your newsletter and you can find additional images on my web site at Merlin, oil, 40 x 26. It all began on a day hike near Jackson Lake in Grand Teton National Park. Craig Kosak was ambling along a trail in the sunshine, soaking up the park’s dramatic natural beauty, when two ravens joined him. Thank you. Craig About Craig Kosak Artist’s Statement "Inspired by the wildlife and landscapes I encounter while travelling I return to my studio with insights about the natural world and about the human condition," says artist Craig Kosak. "Rather than faithfully documenting the flora and fauna, I strive to capture the feeling and emotions these trips provide. Each trip consists of both a journey through the outer world, and an inner journey of self discovery. These paintings are about both worlds and how they relate. "Richly textured and developed using many layers of alternately opaque and translucent paint, strong graphic composition and bold colors combine to set the stage for realistically rendered animals, objects and landscapes. The subjects are integrated with abstract elements and expressive brushwork representative of the inner emotive world. I continue working until balance between both worlds is achieved and the painting comes alive. "Stylistically, my work is grounded in realism, inspired primarily by the iconic images of painter N.C. Wyeth. I am, of course, painting about today’s world and the modern paint handling of contemporary artists John Nieto and Nathan Oliveira have had significant influence in this regard." - 139 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-12 ARTISTS AND PLUMB BOBS Darting overhead from tree to tree, they squawked, dropped pinecones on him, and aggressively demanded his attention. “They were basically saying, ‘Look at us! We’re trying to tell you something!’” he says. That encounter provided the first spark of inspiration for the direction Kosak’s artwork would take. Later, while at Yellowstone National Park, he attended a ranger presentation about myth and legend that ignited the concept to full blaze. The artist realized that mythology and legends help us understand ourselves, see how we fit into the universe at large, and, importantly, how we bond with other living creatures who share our planet. Kosak’s paintings feature wildlife he has connected with on his travels, primarily ravens, bison, wolves, and horses. “Bison found me in Yellowstone,” he says, “wolves in the California Sequoias, and horses in the hills of New Mexico.” THE RAVENS ARE A SERIE OF 4 WORKS (see figures right) The first agreement The second agreement The third agreement The fourth agreement - 140 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-12 ARTISTS AND PLUMB BOBS 8. LARRY KIRKLAND DENVER CITY CENTER, The Studio of Larry Kirkland 5721 Utah Avenue NW Washington, DC 20015 Denver Civic Center, Denver, Colorado attributes of the location both locally and how the location relates to the rest of the world. Entering the building past these artworks brings you into the grand atrium of the building. Past security you will find yourself standing on a map of the Civic Center Plaza with the new Webb Building paced among its new cultural partner buildings. The map also shows the Denver “grid shift” reminding us of the growth of the City and its struggle to gain autonomy from the now abandoned concept of the City of Auraria. Looking up from this map, you find yourself under the giant plumb bob and surveyor’s target. The Plumb bob is 20 feet tall and made out of gold leafed rings. [The JANUS HEAD monument is also known as "PLUMB BOB BRAIN".] Artist, Larry Kirkland, was hired to create artworks that inform and mark this special location in the building. Working with the concept that this building would now mark the very center of City activities, he started with the image of the “plumb bob.” A plumb bob is the very first tool that is used in the building process. A surveyor uses a plumb bob to locate a reference point that is used to lay out an entire building project. A plumb bob is also used to find if something is “plumb” or “True” meaning straight up and down. This concept informed the entire creative process for his project. On the corner of 14th and Colfax you will find two Carrara marble heads that come together in the middle to expose a gold plumb bob. These Janus heads look to the future and to the past and hope to be centered on truth and wisdom. They physically sit on an array of visual symbols, sandblasted into the granite plaza, that describe - 141 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-12 ARTISTS AND PLUMB BOBS Vita 1966 born in Wuppertal, Germany 1986 – 1988 studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Düsseldorf, Germany under Tony Cragg 1988 – 1989 Training to color lithography in Düsseldorf Since 1989 own atelier in Wuppertal 9. BJOERN BORGMANN „Alles im Lot” “Everything is plumb” Björn Borgmann is an artist from Wuppertal, Germany. More about his vita you can read on: Björn Borgmann with his installation „Alles im Lot“ (Everything is plumb) in the old forge in Oetelshofen, Germany 5 feet high, made from old table tops and cabinet plates Now the GIANT PLUMMET is displayed in the limestone quarry Oetelshofen in Wuppertal, Germany from where I also got the image below. Thank you. - 142 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-12 ARTISTS AND PLUMB BOBS 10. PETER TILL stration/men-measuring-headgrafiken/10094820 TITLE: MEN MEASURING HEAD Peter Till Unfortunately no information about the artist The artwork LOOKS LIKE A MODERN COPY of the Sphinx drawing by Dominique Vivant Denon around 1800 “View of the Sphinx, near Cairo, Egypt ” (figure below) - 143 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-12 ARTISTS AND PLUMB BOBS 11. PIXMAN No information about this artwork and don’t know if the name is correct or a synonym. TITLE: Hanging plumb bobs with international currency. 12. LINKS TO OTHER WEB SITES WITH PLUMB BOB ARTEFACTS From the following artworks I could not put in a photo, because I had no contact to the artist for different reasons and could not get the okay for the publication. Click on the link to visit the site. 1) Found on: Untitled, 2009, by Type A, Chelsea Art Galleries Openings / 20090910.10D.53384.P1.SQ.BW / SML (NO PICTURE HERE: copyrighted) Plumb-bobs and thread Variable dimensions, site specific Remark WR: the 2000 used plumb bobs are common six sided (can’t roll) steel plumb bobs like this one: “Goff + Rosenthal is pleased to present an exhibition of new works entitled Ruled by the New York-based artist duo Type A. Type A is made up of Adam Ames and Andrew Bordwin. This is their first exhibition in New York City since 2004. The entire space in the front gallery is taken over by a single installation consisting of approximately 2000 plumb bobs—a reference tool used for millennia by surveyors, masons and builders that indicates a perfect vertical line pointing to the center of the earth. The objects themselves are pointed, sharp, and made of solid metal, both phallic and weaponlike. However, when they are installed, these objects have a slight and fragile simplicity that is uncharacteristic of their singular purpose as a reference tool. For the artists, they “determine the viewer’s path and present a staccato of lines that is both lyrical and dictatorial. They are as much a source of anxiety as beauty.” Used as a drawing device, the plumb bob becomes a simple pendulum that can illustrate the direction and, to a certain extent, the velocity with which the bobs were released. The character of the line shows a relationship between the plumb bob’s/pendulum’s displacement and its tendency towards equilibrium, as well as the irregularities that arise when the simple motion meets interference. In essence, each drawing shows the relationship of the variables that were in effect among the pen, paper and individual throw of each member of Type A as he released the plumb bob.” PAMELA HAMILTON Unfortunately I could not get contact to the artist Pamela Hamilton. So I can’t tell you much about this picture. The artwork was made in 2005. - 144 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-12 ARTISTS AND PLUMB BOBS At over 6 feet high and almost 2 feet across this sculpture of a plumb bob hangs from its 16 foot high steel frame in the sculpture garden. It is made of white portland cement and marble dust and weighs in at over 200lbs. The cement was slowly applied in separate coats over a wire lathe framework which turned against a steel template until it achieved the designed profile. The final coat was smoothed and a clear sealer was applied. Concrete footings were poured in the garden and steel sleeves were set 24" deep. The steel framework was assembled and set into the foundation sleeves. The plumb bob was then hung on the eye bolt with a galvanized steel cable and hook. It seems to float, gently spinning when a breeze comes by and always remains at true vertical. 2) Found on: Laura den Hertog: Rosemere, Quebec, Canada 450437-3584 Plum Bob, oil on canvas, 10 x 14 (SOLD) She wrote: ”A Plumb Bob is a weight that is suspended from a string or plumb-line. It's a tool that has been used since ancient times and is still used today. Without this little tool, the pyramids of Egypt would not have stood the test of time, the high spires of the world’s great cathedrals might have been crooked. The line created by a plumb bob gives us a perfectly vertical line and so builders all over the world can be sure that what they create is straight and vertical. Land surveyors also use this tool and it has long been used by artists to find the center of gravity when drawing a figure. That's a pretty illustrious history for such a simple tool. So let’s hear it for plumb bobs in the toolboxes and art kits of people all over the world. Cheers, Laura” 3) Found on There you find more pictures from the artists and their work! Location: Casa Galiano East Brunswick, NJ 08816 PLUMB BOB ( FiILO A PIOMBO ) ITALIAN - 145 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-12 ARTISTS AND PLUMB BOBS Rabbits and other animals are metaphors for human beings, exposing vulnerabilities and tendencies through the gesture of ears, hands and bodies. I am fascinated by our relationship with nature and other creatures. As humans, we love to go into nature—forgetting that we are indeed part of the package. We choose which plants and animals are pests and those whom we cherish—endowing them with human attributes. Our interactions with wild things are filled with contradictory emotions of fear, delight, and our desire to personify all that we encounter. 4) ALAN COUNIHAN Ground of Being, Kilkenny Black Limestone, brass plumb bob.2010 The black limestone, (more famously, if erroneously, known as Kilkenny Marble), used for these series of works offered the possibility of bringing its surfaces to a highly reflective polish. In the work, Ground of Being, this provided an opportunity to explore an inner space within the stone. When viewed through this inner space, the plumb bob, instrument of certainty, is broken into fractals by reflection, and certainty itself into partial truths. 5) IN PURSUITE Kelly Connole Carleton College One North College Street Northfield, Minnesota 55057 Exhibit Oct. 2009 Entitled “Plumb Bobs and Other Curiosities: Recent Work,” … I understand my surroundings and express my engagement with the world through imagery. Memories, personal interactions, and elements of the natural world inform my desire to create narrative pieces. Clay’s tactile temperament is an ideal vehicle for me to connect to the earth beneath my feet and the materials in my hands as ideas take shape in my studio. I investigate relationships within environments: natural and constructed, human and animal, tangible and fleeting. REMARK: MORE INFORMATION YOU CAN FIND IN WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2008-02 PLUMB BOBS ON STAMPS, COINS AND AS MONUMENTS On page DOWNLOAD PUBLICATIONS, direct link: If YOU find an interesting artwork with plumb bobs, please let me know. Thank you. - 146 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-12 ARTISTS AND PLUMB BOBS 13. MEMBERS OF THE PLUMB BOB FAMILY Perhaps you remember the December issues of this newsletter. Some of the members of the “plumb bob family” are also artists. They created very unique XMAS-CARDS every year. More of these works you can see on my web site on page X-MAS / WEIHNACHTEN with the direct link When I get YOUR X-MAS-CARD? - 147 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-12 ARTISTS AND PLUMB BOBS 14. SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT CHRISTMAS TIME is coming soon! THE CHOCOLATE MOULDS MUSEUM, LEMGO, GERMANY offers Visitors and school groups are invited to visit the museum only after previous notification. You have the chance to see rare and unique antique chocolate moulds from the last centuries made by the most famous chocolate moulds manufacturers at the time, of which some still exist today. A film showing the chocolate origins and processing as well as practical tests with chocolate will make your visit complete. … The Museum’s website offers a range of products as well as chocolate moulds and accessories not only for confectioners but also for the domestic use. They look like an Australian Carter Tools plumb bob. See figure right. Welcome to the website of the first chocolate moulds museum. Situated in the scenic surroundings near the Teutoburger forest, the museum is housed in the restored barn of a cottage of 1794 – 1864. 15. REMARKS This is an article of the monthly published WOLF’S PLUMB BOB NEWS that is sent on demand as PDF-file attachment by email. FREE. You can see all former publications on the website on page “download publications”. Remarks and contact by email: Enjoy it Wolf - 148 - WOLF'S PLUMB BOB NEWS 2012-12 ARTISTS AND PLUMB BOBS
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