Speed Cover - Highland Supply Corporation
Speed Cover - Highland Supply Corporation
© 2003 Highland Supply Corporation Non-Stock Speed Cover® Plant Covers Scottish Plaid™ Speed Covers® Green Apple (SCOGA) Green (SCOGN) Available as part of Jobber or Grower Packs. Carton packs shown are for Jobber. Item Code SCP4-★ SCP45-★ SCP6-★ SCP6SH-★ SCP6H-★ SCP6TH-★ SCP65H-★ Pelee (SCOPL) Yellow (SCOY) Size Carton Pack 4” Standard Flare 250 250 41⁄2” Standard Flare 6” Standard Flare 100 6” Short High Flare 100 6” High Flare 100 6” Tall High Flare 100 100 61⁄2” High Flare Red (SCOR) Spring Green (SCOSGR) Pink (SCOP) Jasper™ Speed Covers® Available as part of Jobber or Grower Packs. Carton packs shown are for Jobber. Item Code SCP4-★ SCP45-★ SCP6-★ SCP6SH-★ SCP6H-★ SCP6TH-★ SCP65H-★ Orange (JASON) Pink (JASP) Size Carton Pack 4” Standard Flare 250 250 41⁄2” Standard Flare 6” Standard Flare 100 6” Short High Flare 100 6” High Flare 100 6” Tall High Flare 100 100 61⁄2” High Flare Sales Fax: (800)553-2948 orderdesk@highlandsupply.com Yellow (JASY) Lavender (JASLV) Maxi Dot™ Speed Covers® Phone: (800)-472-3645 www.highlandsupply.com Available as part of Jobber or Grower Packs. Carton packs shown are for Jobber. Item Code SCP4-★ SCP45-★ SCP6-★ SCP6SH-★ SCP6H-★ SCP6TH-★ SCP65H-★ Carton Size Pack 4” Standard Flare 250 250 41⁄2” Standard Flare 6” Standard Flare 100 6” Short High Flare 100 6” High Flare 100 6” Tall High Flare 100 100 61⁄2” High Flare Bahama Pink, (MXDBMP) Burgundy (MXDBU) Paprika (MXDPA) Dark Yellow Periwinkle (MXDDKY) (MXDPW) Israeli Blue (MXDIB) Rouge (MXDRG) Lime Green (MXDLMG) Sunflower (MXDSF) Orange (MXDON) True Red (MXDTR) Hunter Green (MXDHU) Interior color will match exterior color. Speed Cover®® plant covers have a distinctive look which is recognized in the industry.When purchasing plant covers, look for this distinctive look.The configurations of the Speed Covers®® are trademarks licensed through Prima Tek II. Speed Cover®® plant covers are not guaranteed against leaks. © 2003 Highland Supply Corporation Daisy Batik™ Speed Covers® Available as part of Jobber or Grower Packs. Carton packs shown are for Jobber. Available as part of Jobber or Grower Packs. Carton packs shown are for Jobber. Item Carton Code Size Pack SCP4-★ 4” Standard Flare 250 SCP45-★ 41⁄2” Standard Flare 250 SCP6-★ 6” Standard Flare 100 SCP6SH-★ 6” Short High Flare 100 SCP6H-★ 6” High Flare 100 SCP6TH-★ 6” Tall High Flare 100 100 SCP65H-★ 61⁄2” High Flare Purple (CALPU) Item Carton Code Size Pack SCP4-★ 4” Standard Flare 250 SCP45-★ 41⁄2” Standard Flare 250 SCP6-★ 6” Standard Flare 100 SCP6SH-★ 6” Short High Flare 100 SCP6H-★ 6” High Flare 100 SCP6TH-★ 6” Tall High Flare 100 SCP65H-★ 61⁄2” High Flare 100 Pink Buttercream (DABBTCP) Brick Red (DABRBK) Buttercream (DABBTC) Blue (CALB) Grape (CALGP) Green (CALGN) Lavender (CALLV) Paprika (CALPA) Pink (CALP) Red (CALR) Yellow (CALY) Available as part of Jobber or Grower Packs. Carton packs shown are for Jobber. Item Code SCP4-★ SCP45-★ SCP6-★ SCP6SH-★ SCP6H-★ SCP6TH-★ SCP65H-★ Size Carton Pack 4” Standard Flare 250 250 41⁄2” Standard Flare 6” Standard Flare 100 6” Short High Flare 100 6” High Flare 100 6” Tall High Flare 100 100 61⁄2” High Flare Celadon (DABCL) Saffron (DABSFN) Cherry Purple (DABCU) Tangerine (DABTNG) Rose (GEORO) Bahama Pink (GEOBMP) Lime (GEOL) Orchid (GEOOR) Periwinkle (GEOPW) Sales Fax: (800)553-2948 orderdesk@highlandsupply.com Geometric™ Speed Covers® Pink (DABP) Phone: (800)-472-3645 www.highlandsupply.com Hunter Green (CALHU) Lavender (DABLV) Non-Stock Speed Cover® Plant Covers Calligraphy™ Speed Covers ® Sherwood (GEOSH) Sunflower (GEOSF) True Red (GEOTR) Cherry Purple (GEOCU) Speed Cover®® plant covers have a distinctive look which is recognized in the industry.When purchasing plant covers, look for this distinctive look.The configurations of the Speed Covers®® are trademarks licensed through Prima Tek II. Speed Cover®® plant covers are not guaranteed against leaks. © 2003 Highland Supply Corporation Non-Stock Speed Cover® Plant Covers Lace Flower Speed Covers® Available as part of Jobber or Grower Packs. Carton packs shown are for Jobber. Item Code Size Carton Pack SCP4-★ 4” Standard Flare 250 250 SCP45-★ 41⁄2” Standard Flare SCP6-★ 6” Standard Flare 100 SCP6SH-★ 6” Short High Flare 100 SCP6H-★ 6” High Flare 100 SCP6TH-★ 6” Tall High Flare 100 100 SCP65H-★ 61⁄2” High Flare Brite® Red (LFRR) Brite® Fuchsia (LFRFU) Jute™ Speed Covers ® Natural (JTNT) Available as part of Jobber or Grower Packs. Carton packs shown are for Jobber. Stripes Speed Covers® Sales Fax: (800)553-2948 orderdesk@highlandsupply.com Brite® Pink (LFRP) Item Code SCP4-★ SCP45-★ SCP6-★ SCP6SH-★ SCP6H-★ SCP6TH-★ SCP65H-★ Periwinkle (STPPW) Carton Size Pack 4” Standard Flare 250 41⁄2” Standard Flare 250 6” Standard Flare 100 6” Short High Flare 100 6” High Flare 100 6” Tall High Flare 100 61⁄2” High Flare 100 Burgundy (JTBU) Top to bottom: Sherwood (STPSH/W) Sunflower (STPSF/W) True Red (STPTR/W) Bahama Pink (STPBMP/W) Cherry Purple (JTCU) Pink (JTP) Orchid (STPOR/W) China Glow (JTCG) Item Code Phone: (800)-472-3645 www.highlandsupply.com Paprika (JTPA) Size Carton Pack SCP4-★ 4” Standard Flare 250 SCP45-★ 41⁄2” Standard Flare 250 SCP6-★ 6” Standard Flare 100 SCP6S-★ 6” Short High Flare 100 SCP6SH-★ 6” High Flare 100 SCP6TH-★ 6” Tall High Flare 100 SCP65H-★ 1 6 ⁄2” High Flare 100 Available as part of Jobber or Grower Packs. Carton packs shown are for Jobber. Additional colors available, but not pictured: Opaque Yellow (STPOY/W) Paprika (STPPA/W) Periwinkle (STPPW/W) Pink (STPP/W) Hunter Green (JTHU) Orchid (JTOR) Red (JTR) Sage (JTSA) Sunflower (JTSF) Interior color will match stripe color. Speed Cover® plant covers have a distinctive look which is recognized in the industry.When purchasing plant covers, look for this distinctive look.The configurations of the Speed Covers® are trademarks licensed through Prima Tek II. Speed Cover® plant covers are not guaranteed against leaks. © 2003 Highland Supply Corporation Item Code Size Carton Pack SCP4-★ 4” Standard Flare 250 SCP45-★ 41⁄2” Standard Flare 250 SCP6-★ 6” Standard Flare 100 SCP6SH-★ 6” Short High Flare 100 SCP6H-★ 6” High Flare 100 SCP6TH-★ 6” Tall High Flare 100 SCP65H-★ 61⁄2” High Flare 100 Romantic Garden (ROG) Daisy Hearts (DH) Crayon Hearts (CNH) Viennese Rose (VR) Non-Stock Speed Cover® Plant Covers Available as part of Jobber or Grower Packs. Carton packs shown are for Jobber. Pot of Gold (POG) Hearts of Rose (HRO) Soft Scattered Hydrangea (SSHY) Wildflower Meadows (WFLM) Delightful Bouquet (DLB) Speed Cover® plant covers have a distinctive look which is recognized in the industry.When purchasing plant covers, look for this distinctive look.The configurations of the Speed Covers® are trademarks licensed through Prima Tek II. Speed Cover® plant covers are not guaranteed against leaks. © 2003 Highland Supply Corporation Sales Fax: (800)553-2948 orderdesk@highlandsupply.com Soft Blossoms (SBM) Phone: (800)-472-3645 www.highlandsupply.com Rose Romance (ROR) Non-Stock Speed Cover® Plant Covers Gardening (GA) LeFleur (LF) Iris (IRI) Dutch Garden (DGNGN) Stripes & Flowers (STFLP) Stripes & Flowers (STFL) Pink Stripes and Interior Sage Stripes and Interior More Butterflies (MBFY) Phone: (800)-472-3645 www.highlandsupply.com Sales Fax: (800)553-2948 orderdesk@highlandsupply.com Ivy (EIV) Watercolor Plaid (WCP) Watermelons (WML) Patriotic (PAT) Stars & Stripes (STST) Available only in: SCP6-STST, SCP65H-STST Speed Cover®® plant covers have a distinctive look which is recognized in the industry.When purchasing plant covers, look for this distinctive look.The configurations of the Speed Covers®® are trademarks licensed through Prima Tek II. Speed Cover®® plant covers are not guaranteed against leaks. © 2003 Highland Supply Corporation Non-Stock Speed Covers® plant covers Meadow Flowers (MFR) Oak Leaf (OKLF) Spice (SPC) Golden Maples (GMPL) Fall Collage (FLLC) Fall Bouquet (FBQ) Phone: (800)-472-3645 www.highlandsupply.com Cornucopia (CCUBU) Fall Collage White (FLLCW) Sales Fax: (800)553-2948 orderdesk@highlandsupply.com Available as part of Jobber or Grower Packs. Carton packs shown are for Jobber. Item Code Size Carton Pack SCP4-★ 4” Standard Flare 250 250 SCP45-★ 41⁄2” Standard Flare SCP6-★ 6” Standard Flare 100 SCP6SH-★ 6” Short High Flare 100 SCP6H-★ 6” High Flare 100 SCP6TH-★ 6” Tall High Flare 100 SCP65H-★ 61⁄2” High Flare 100 Speed Cover® plant covers have a distinctive look which is recognized in the industry.When purchasing plant covers, look for this distinctive look.The configurations of the Speed Covers® are trademarks licensed through Prima Tek II. Speed Cover® plant covers are not guaranteed against leaks. © 2003 Highland Supply Corporation Non-Stock Speed Cover® Plant Covers Satin® Brite® Speed Covers® Available as part of Jobber or Grower Packs. Carton packs shown are for Jobber. Carton Pack Item Code Size SCP4-★ 4” Standard Flare 250 SCP45-★ 41⁄2” Standard Flare 250 SCP6-★ 6” Standard Flare 100 SCP6SH-★ 6” Short High Flare 100 SCP6H-★ 6” High Flare 100 SCP6TH-★ 6” Tall High Flare 100 SCP65H-★ 61⁄2” High Flare 100 Other colors available but not shown: Butternut, Champagne, Dogwood Green Pink (SATBP) Gold (SATBGD) Sales Fax: (800)553-2948 orderdesk@highlandsupply.com Purple Passion (SATBPP) Red (SATBR) Yellow (SATBY) Phone: (800)-472-3645 www.highlandsupply.com Fuchsia (SATBFU) Green (SATBGN) Speed Cover®® plant covers have a distinctive look which is recognized in the industry.When purchasing plant covers, look for this distinctive look.The configurations of the Speed Covers®® are trademarks licensed through Prima Tek II. Speed Cover®® plant covers are not guaranteed against leaks. © 2003 Highland Supply Corporation Available as part of Jobber or Grower Packs. Carton packs shown are for Jobber. Speed Covers® shown (clockwise, from left): Festive Glimmer (FSTGL) Poinsettia History (PNHIS) Christmas Rose (CRO) Evergreen & Redbirds (EAR) Christmas Bounty™ (CBN) Christmas Holly Gold (CHH/GD) Christmas Bounty™ Brite® (CBNBGD) Gold (SNSTGD) Item Carton Size Pack Code SCP4-★ 4” Standard Flare 250 SCP45-★ 41⁄2” Standard Flare 250 SCP6-★ 6” Standard Flare 100 SCP6SH-★ 6” Short High Flare 100 SCP6H-★ 6” High Flare 100 SCP6TH-★ 6” Tall High Flare 100 100 SCP65H-★ 61⁄2” High Flare Pink (SNSTP) Speed Cover Cover®® plant plant covers covers have have aa distinctive distinctive look look which which is is recognized recognized in in the the industry.When industry.When purchasing purchasing plant plant covers, covers, look look for for this this distinctive distinctive look.The look.The Speed configurations of of the the Speed Speed Covers Covers®® are are trademarks trademarks licensed licensed through through Prima Prima Tek Tek II. II. Speed Speed Cover Cover®® plant plant covers covers are are not not guaranteed guaranteed against against leaks. leaks. configurations © 2003 Highland Supply Corporation Sales Fax: (800)553-2948 orderdesk@highlandsupply.com Red (SNSTR) Available as part of Jobber or Grower Packs. Carton packs shown are for Jobber. Phone: (800)-472-3645 www.highlandsupply.com Silver (SNSTSI) Snow Stars Speed Covers® Non-Stock Speed Cover® Plant Covers Item Carton Code Size Pack SCP4-★ 4” Standard Flare 250 250 SCP45-★ 41⁄2” Standard Flare SCP6-★ 6” Standard Flare 100 SCP6SH-★ 6” Short High Flare 100 SCP6H-★ 6” High Flare 100 SCP6TH-★ 6” Tall High Flare 100 100 SCP65H-★ 61⁄2” High Flare Speed Cover® Plant Covers - Sample Kits Speed Cover® plant cover Sizing Kits Size Kit #1 Includes one of each (Sherwood color): 21⁄2” Standard, 4” Standard, 4” Short, 4” Square High, 41⁄2” Standard, 5” High, 5” Bulb Pan, 6” Standard, 6” High, 6” Short, 6”Tall Standard, 6”Tall High, 6” Bulb Pan, 6” Azalea, 61⁄2” Standard, 61⁄2” High, 7” High, 8” Bulb Pan, 8” High, 8” Short High, 10” High, 10” Azalea, 10” Foliage, One Gallon High Item Code: SCK-SIZE Pack: 23 Size Kit #2 Includes one of each (Sherwood or any available color) of the following Speed Covers®: Billowette®: 4” Standard, 5” Standard, 6” Standard Butterfly®: 4” Butterfly®, 41/2” Butterfly®, 41/2” Standard, 6” High Butterfly®, 6” High Cushion Flare™: 4” Cushion Flare™(Butterfly®), 4” Cushion Flare™ (Billowette®), 6” ???/ Item Code: SCK-SIZE Sales Fax: (800)553-2948 orderdesk@highlandsupply.com Size: Assortment Size: Assortment Pack: 23 Speed Cover® plant cover Assortments Light Color Assortment: Includes 5 Mini Dot™ Speed Covers® each of: Item Code Size SCM6H-LCAST 6” High Flare Pack 25 Phone: (800)-472-3645 www.highlandsupply.com Mulled Berry, Aegean, Opaque Yellow, Twilight Mist, Peach Custom Assortments: Custom assortments of any Speed Cover® pattern or size are available with a minimum order of 50 cartons of one size Speed Cover®. Up to five different item codes of the same size Speed Cover® may be assorted per carton. A per cover upcharge will be charged for this assortment. Solid color packs of one pattern and one color of Speed Covers® are available with a minimum order of 50 cartons of one size Speed Cover®. A per cover upcharge will be charged for this solid color pack. Speed Cover® plant covers have a distinctive look which is recognized in the industry.When purchasing plant covers, look for this distinctive look.The configurations of the Speed Covers® are trademarks licensed through Prima Tek II. Speed Cover® plant covers are not guaranteed against leaks. © 2003 Highland Supply Corporation Kit High l Gob ander ® Gh lins ™ Sam osts & ple K it Papel ™ Sample Kit Autumn Bounty ™ Sample K it y™ Holida ia t t e s Kit Poin Sample Standard Kit Includes one each of: Bittersweet, Emerald, Lavender, Moss, Nile, Orchid, Pink, Rose, Sherwood, Sky Blue, Sunflower, Sunshine,True Red,White,Wisteria Item Code: SCK6SF-STD Size: 6” Standard Flare Pack: 15 Acanthus™ Kit Includes one each of: Green, Purple,Yellow Item Code: SCK6BU-RC Includes one each of: Mushroom, Orchid, Pearl, Pink, Sage,Yellow Item Code: SCK6H-ANT Size: 6” High Flare Pack: 5 Autumn Bounty™ Kit ™ Size: 6” Standard Pack: 2 Holiday Kit Pack: 3 Includes one each of: Blue, Brite® Gold, Bronze, Copper, Moss, Oceanic Teal, Pink, Purple Passion,True Red, Silver Pack: 10 Item Code: SCK6BU-HBYGN Size: 6” Billowette™ 6” High Flare Pack: 2 Mini Dot™ and Duet® Kit Includes one each of: Butterfly Lace® Pink, Butterfly Lace® True Red, Brite® Butterfly® Gold Includes one each of: Mini Dot™- Blueberry, Mulled Berry, Opaque Yellow, Peach, Purple Passion, Sherwood,True Red; Duet® - Moss/Sherwood, Orchid/Sherwood, Pink/Sherwood, Mulled Berry/Mulled Berry, Opaque Yellow/Sherwood, Purple Passion/Sherwood, Sherwood/Sherwood Item Code: SCK6H-BF Item Code: SCK-AST Butterfly® Kit Size: 6” High Flare Pack: 3 Size: 6” Standard Pack: 6 Pack: 9 Includes one each of: Blush, Sherwood Includes one each of: Green, Pink Brite®, Red Brite®,White Brite® Size: 6” High Flare Size: 6” Standard Poinsettia Holiday™ Kit Cirrus™ Kit Item Code: SCK6H-CIR Item Code: SCK6-PAP Pack: 4 Item Code: SCK6H-PNH Size: 6” High Pack: 2 Watergarden™ Kit Fabrique™ Billowette™ Plaid Kit Includes one each of: Combo #1, Combo #2, Combo #3, Combo #5 Includes one each of: Harvest, Mallard, Purple, Red,Yellow Item Code: SCK6BU-PLD Size: 6” Billowette™ Item Code: SCK6H-WGN Pack: 5 Size: 6” High 6” Standard (Combo #5) Speed Cover® plant covers have a distinctive look which is recognized in the industry.When purchasing plant covers, look for this distinctive look.The configurations of the Speed Covers® are trademarks licensed through Prima Tek II. Speed Cover® plant covers are not guaranteed against leaks. Pack: 4 © 2003 Highland Supply Corporation Sales Fax: (800)553-2948 orderdesk@highlandsupply.com Includes one each of: Cranberry, Hunter Green, Lavender, Paprika, Pink, Purple, Saffron, Sage,True Red Includes one each of: Bittersweet, Moss, Pink, Purple Passion, Red, Sunshine Size: 6” High Flare Pack: 14 Papel™ Kit Check Kit Item Code: SCK6H-CHK Phone: (800)-472-3645 www.highlandsupply.com Includes one each of: Holly Berry™ Fabrique™ Billowette™, Holly Jingle™ Brite Kit ® Size: 6” Standard Flare Pack: 3 Highlander Ghosts and Goblins Kit ® Item Code: SCK6-GGB Size: 6” Standard Flare Item Code: SCK6-AST/SI Size: 6” Billowette™ Includes one each of: Bittersweet, Blue Includes one each of: White, Chestnut, Sunflower Item Code: SCK6-ATB Fabrique™ Billowette™ Rose Chintz Kit Speed Cover® Plant Covers - Sample Kits ® Brite Sample Speed Cover® plant covers - The Perfect Fit Sales Fax: (800)553-2948 orderdesk@highlandsupply.com Phone: (800)-472-3645 www.highlandsupply.com Speed Cover® plant covers have a distinctive look which is recognized in the industry.When purchasing plant covers, look for this distinctive look.The configurations of the Speed Covers® are trademarks licensed through Prima Tek II. Speed Cover® plant covers are not guaranteed against leaks. © 2003 Highland Supply Corporation HSC Speed Cover plant covers are designed to fit snugly around your container, but not tightly. For that perfect fit, determine the size of your pot (both height/depth and width). Drop the potted plant into the Speed Cover®, looking especially for that comfortable, snug fit at the base of the pot. You’ll want to watch for sagging sides on the Speed Cover® or seams that are stretched, both of which – as you can see below – greatly detract from the plants’ appearance and saleability. You’ll also want to consider the plant when looking for that perfect fit, as certain plants are better suited for certain Speed Cover® shapes, sizes and flares (see the next two pages of this catalog for examples). “Sagging Sides” “Stretched Seams” “Wrong Size” Common Mistakes when using HSC Speed Cover® plant covers Billowette® Speed Cover® Butterfly® Speed Cover® Cushion Flare™ Speed Cover® Fiesta™ Speed Cover® Pleated Skirt Speed Cover® Phone: (800)-472-3645 www.highlandsupply.com Standard Speed Cover® HSC will provide you with samples of the properly sized and shaped Speed Covers® to best fit your needs and the pots you utilize in your business. All you need to do is provide HSC with three pots of each size you want to cover and we’ll do the rest! Please contact your Sales Representative or Customer Service (800-472-3645) for further details. © 2003 Highland Supply Corporation Sales Fax: (800)553-2948 orderdesk@highlandsupply.com How to Get Help with the Perfect Fit. Speed Cover® plant covers have a distinctive look which is recognized in the industry.When purchasing plant covers, look for this distinctive look.The configurations of the Speed Covers® are trademarks licensed through Prima Tek II. Speed Cover® plant covers are not guaranteed against leaks. Speed Cover® plant covers - The Perfect Fit How to Achieve the Perfect Fit. ® Speed Cover® Plant Covers – The Perfect Fit Speed Cover® plant covers from Highland Supply Corporation are a cost-effective and efficient way of creating superior value for your customers. Speed Cover® plant covers are available in a wide range of colors, prints and styles to satisfy even the most discriminating tastes. It’s a breeze to transform an everyday plant into a top-selling, premium holiday gift just by adding one of Highland Supply’s seasonal Speed Covers®. There are many distinct sizes and flares available in HSC’s Speed Cover® line, suitable for just about every plant imaginable. To create the best presentation, however, the Speed Cover® must be properly fitted to your pot. There are suggestions on page 21 of this catalog to help you achieve the proper fit. In the meantime, take a look at this information and you’ll get a good idea of where to start. Standard Speed Cover ® High Flare Speed Cover® Recommended plants (but not limited to): Recommended plants (but not limited to): Cinneraria Begonia Azalea Spath Chrysanthemum Gloxinia Poinsettia Bulb Pan Speed Cover® Tall High Flare Speed Cover® Recommended plants (but not limited to): Phone: (800)-472-3645 www.highlandsupply.com Sales Fax: (800)553-2948 orderdesk@highlandsupply.com Recommended plants (but not limited to): Tulip Hyacinthe Daffodil Mini Mum Easter Lily Asiatic Lily Rubrim Lily Short High Flare Speed Cover ® Cushion Flare® Speed Cover® Recommended plants (but not limited to): any low growing foliage plant © 2003 Highland Supply Corporation Recommended plants (but not limited to): Mini Rose African Violet Mini Rose Pothos Philodendron Speed Cover® plant covers have a distinctive look which is recognized in the industry.When purchasing plant covers, look for this distinctive look.The configurations of the Speed Covers® are trademarks licensed through Prima Tek II. Speed Cover® plant covers are not guaranteed against leaks.
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