Spring 2007 Newsletter - Faith Ministries International Network
Spring 2007 Newsletter - Faith Ministries International Network
Partners With Purpose! In This Issue Cover, 4-5 Building Bridges Into Hearts Page 3 A Note from Bonnie and Dave Pages 6-7 Know Your FMIN Partners Page 8 From Bonnie and Dave Duell It gives us a buzz to realize that together we are bringing forth God’s plans and purposes for this world! We now have Partners in 29 nations—hundreds of people who desire to impact the earth with the good news message of God’s love and grace! God’s heart must jump for joy when He sees us fulfilling His desires. It’s said that much of the body of Christ is passive and consumptive, wanting to be fed by some leader rather than actively absorbing the Word and passing it out to others. What a waste of an already short life on earth. J. Oswald Sanders said, “The frontiers of the kingdom of God were never advanced by men and women of caution.” Healthy Living Page 9 Event / Outreach Reports Pages 10-11 What the Network Means to Me Page 12 Networking Around The World Pages 13-14 Partner Perspective Page 15 Gospel Music Celebration 2007 Pages 16-18 What In The World Is Happening? Dave and Bonnie in Brazil When you are ignited with the revelation of the fact that God sees you as righteous through His Son and that Jesus has provided peace with God, it takes all the stress and striving out of your spiritual life and puts you in a place of rest and relationship with God Himself. Can you think of any greater knowledge in the World? Talk about causing your life’s impact to be important! We are transforming nations with this message. We are a part of something beyond ourselves. What an adventure! If you’re not already a part, join us. We’ll take you where you only dreamed of going. Pages 2, 19 Calendar of Events Faith Network News is published twice a year (Spring and Fall) as a service to partners in Faith Ministries International Network and their local ministries. Article ideas, photo submissions relating to Network events and any newsletter correspondence should be directed to: admin@fmin.org Bonnie Duell, Editor Ellene Meece, Systems Manager, Writer Bonnie Duell and Bev Galster, Editing Team RocketJones.com, Graphic Design Loel Lierman, Freedom Press, Printing FMIN P.O. Box 609 Littleton, CO 80160 USA Phone: 303-777-1113 E-mail: info@fmin.org Web: www.fmin.org Advertising Advertising space is available, ranging from classifieds to full-page display ads. Rates and guidelines are available by contacting info@fmin.org. What is Faith Ministries International Network? We are a relational Network of independent churches and ministries under the spiritual guidance of Dave and Bonnie Duell and Dennis and Denise Capra. Our message is the freedom of grace and peace through faith righteousness in Jesus Christ. We are expanding the Kingdom of God by establishing local churches and translocal ministries, raising up spiritual leaders and empowering all believers to walk in the fullness of their callings and giftings. We connect people and inspire dreams and vision through conferences, camps, mission trips, and resources such as newsletters and our website. We have grown to over one hundred fifty partners, representing hundreds of churches and ministries in twenty-nine countries. Newsletter Mission Statement It is our intention to bring the Good News of the Gospel of Peace with heartfelt stories, images of world changers, teaching articles and reports to help transform our readers. We desire to utilize the Newsletter to not only educate but also to encourage our partners and readers with the positive message of God’s grace and love. Building Bridges... Reaching Beyond Ourselves Do we all share common ground in our culture and lifestyle? Can we work toward new understandings and getting past all of the differences that separate? Bridges are what connect us to new places. We cross them to reach our destination. When we ‘bridge’ an ocean to touch a nation, we are touching hearts and lives forever. “Are you bored? Do you feel you have no direction? What is your reason for living? What were you born for? Are we using and living out of our highest gifts? Connect to purpose.” Doing a quick synopsis of the essence of all Bible history in one short article leads us to conclude that Jesus Himself, besides ‘God-became-man,’ was also a bridge. He was a bridge between the Old Testament picture of God and the New Testament view of God. Think of this, Jesus was a preacher of the circumcision! Romans 15:7-9 reads, “Therefore receive one another, just as Christ also received us, to the glory of God. Now I say that Jesus Christ has become a servant to the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made to the fathers, and that the Gentiles might glorify God for His mercy.” Hey! Gentiles might glorify God for His mercy if they knew about it! Jesus fulfilled promises and prophecies. The law of love was put in operation. It’s clear He finished what He started. He was born to live and to die and then to rise from the dead. This enables us to have new spiritual life with purpose. God has done His part in making us acceptable to Him. Now, through believing and trusting in that simple gospel, we have eternal life. Since Jesus crossed the bridge for us, we can now cross that bridge for others with the simple good news. Jesus was an example for us. He was our prototype. He showed us how to live. He was God in the flesh and a man who lived and fulfilled promises from the Old Testament. He stuck to his mission. His life gives us life. We now have vision. According to present statistics, Christian leaders can choose to continue with present strategies and in AD 2200, 83.25% of the world will be evangelized. But the Great Commission will not be fulfilled until AD 2700, and souls from generations to come will have died, lost forever. We can synergize efforts and share resources. Teamwork makes the dream work! We do that as a relational Network. In Loren Cunningham’s new book, The Book that Transforms Nations, he shares repeatedly how one person can and did make a difference that has affected nations! You can turn the tide with your choices and actions. Today matters in the scope of it all. As stated in Cunningham’s book, “The wealth and freedom of Norway can be traced to Hans Nielsen Hauge. A nation changed beginning with one man.” Hauge worked to disciple his nation, covering more than ten thousand miles by foot and by skis, circulating the Bible and his books. Are you living with a short-range view, only thinking about what you can get for yourself right now? Loren Cunningham says in his book that instead we should be like John Wesley in Into Hearts... England, William Carey in India and Abraham Kuyper in the Netherlands, thinking in terms of three or four generations. “We should be living our lives in a way that our children’s children will be blessed.” Cunningham asks, “Are you bringing the kingdom of God into your workplace, modeling godly behavior and exercising your influence with quiet strength?” Hold your life’s mission as the beacon and lighthouse that captures your attention. Sometimes that beacon seems far away and dim. The best way to get clarity is to think about your mission in relation to Jesus’ mission. You can be a bridge-crosser because He was a bridge-builder. Are you bored? Do you feel you have no direction? What is your reason for living? What were you born for? Are we using and living out of our highest gifts? Connect to purpose. God birthed the church for purpose and destiny. You’ll never know the ripples that will emerge from that – across miles and across generations. Are you making progress? Cross that bridge! Jesus did for you. Now you can for others. 1 Timothy 4:15 says to “ . . . meditate on these things; give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all.” – From the Message version, “Cultivate these things. Immerse yourself in them. The people will all see you mature right before their eyes! Keep a firm grasp on both your character and your teaching. Don’t be diverted. Just keep at it. Both you and those who hear you will experience salvation.” Denise Capra, Kansas City, Missouri, serves on the Leadership team of FMIN along with her husband, Dennis, as Missions Director. Denise has a unique teaching gift and prophetic insight. Her strong missions’ heart has taken her to many nations of the world. She challenges people to fulfill the internal blueprint God has deposited in each of us. FMIN is a Family The Story of Four FMIN Partners Faith Ministries International Network is a family. When we host conferences, our Partners often say it is like attending a family reunion. And our family is spread out over the entire globe in twenty-nine countries on six of the seven continents. Nurturing relationships through conferences, publications and letters, email communication and our website takes place every day of the year between the Leadership Team and individual Partners. Meet four FMIN Partners from different parts of the globe: England, Australia, and Kenya, East Africa. Wonderful Friends All Over the World Our friends in Grimsby, England, Tom and Wendy Hawkins, joined the Network in 1999 and have been instrumental in organizing Men’s and Women’s Conferences in the UK and hosting Partners from many nations. They began Victory Church in their home in 1997 with a real desire to teach and train individuals about God’s unconditional love and His grace. With their pastors’ hearts, they have been successful in bringing a living, real Christ into the lives of believers. Wendy has administrative gifts and Tom has technical skills that they both use in the Kingdom. Tom and Wendy Hawkins England The Hawkins comment (in their thick Northern England brogue) about FMIN, “We could never imagine not being part of the Network. We have made wonderful friends from all over the world and count you all as our family. We have learnt so much about grace and God’s unconditional love and have seen and experienced it being put into practice. The Network is not just talk, it is the real thing. Everyone is made to feel as important as each other. Thank you to everyone.” A Great Support to Ministry Margaret Remi Thomas, Faith Ministries, Meru, Kenya, is a Charter Partner with FMIN. The widow of Brother Thomas, as he was affectionately known, who was responsible for opening Kenya to the ministry of Dave Duell, has carried on the vision faithfully over the past thirty years. Margaret and her grown children, headquartered in Meru, now oversee one hundred fifty Faith Ministries Christian Churches in Kenya. They hold evangelistic crusades in northern Kenya and set up intensive training seminars for the pastors and leaders. They are also educating the people on primary health care. Margaret exclaims enthusiastically about Faith Ministries International Network, “FMIN has been of great support to our ministry here in Kenya! Building relationships, introducing and promoting the liberating grace message and faith righteousness have been some of the greatest benefits of teaming up with people all over the world and joining hands to fulfill our God-given vision, ‘Expanding the Kingdom of Father God’.” Margaret Thomas Remi Meru, Kenya, East Africa Love, Freedom and Leadership Meet Philip and Christine Edyvean from Queensland, Australia, Directors of G.A.N.G. Ministries (Gathering a New Generation), who joined the Network in August of 2000. Parents to seven beautiful and talented children, they each carry out their own role in sharing the love of Jesus with everyone they meet. Philip travels to numerous countries as a psalmist, preacher and evangelist, and carries a vision to reach the lost by stirring a passion in the body of Christ to do the task at hand. He especially loves sowing seed and reaping fruit in prison ministry opportunities. His love for the Network and his exuberant style and humor have blessed many of the FMIN Conferences he has attended in the US and elsewhere. Philip expresses their joy in being connected to the Network, “I am so thankful for being part of something bigger than my own ministries, and it’s very hard for me to go past the love and joy that I have experienced within this Network. Christine and I have made irreplaceable life-long friends, all because of the opportunities created through partnership within this Network. This Network of Faith Ministries International is mobilizing partners to expose the works of God, gathering new generations of believers, experiencing unity, and living and walking in the common goal of love, freedom, and leadership that cause people, whatever ministry level they are at, to experience safety within a body of people who demonstrate love and joy at the level Jesus understood and displayed.” Philip and Christine Edyvean, Noosa Head, Queensland, Australia Life Has Never Been the Same Bill and Lenah Kilel, Nakuru, Kenya, have been valuable partners within FMIN since December 2002. Originally from Kenya, the Kilels lived in the US for a period of time where they supernaturally connected with an FMIN Partner Church and Dennis and Denise Capra in Kansas City. That relationship put them on a path of destiny to return to Kenya where they now oversee Faith Ministries Bible Colleges. Their training to bring them into this position has been vast. Lenah has worked as Chairlady with the Africa Inland Church and was responsible for organizing seminars, conferences and retreats. She has been guest speaker in many different churches. While Bill was in managerial leadership for more than fifteen years with an international company, he was also the Chairman for the African Inland Church for a number of years. They have pastored two churches, and they both completed the School of Excellence in Faith Ministries World Outreach Center while living in Kansas City. With their administrative, teaching and pastoral gifts, they are well qualified to be FMIN Representatives in Africa. Bill and Lenah voice their feelings about FMIN, “It is surely wonderful that God connected us with FMIN. Since the time we have come to know them, life has never been the same. Connections with brethren from across the globe have related to us one way or another. First and foremost, the leadership is a true representative of God the Father! The Duells are such parents who practice what they teach. They are so loving. The Capras are so sweet and mature in the Word that you miss them when you are away. FMIN is a true family where relationships are built every minute of your life. Through them we have been connected to brethren from all parts of the world. Many have visited us in Kenya and encouraged our people by teaching the truth. “This message is so sweet that you don’t want to hear anything else. You wish everyone could hear it.” “That is another point. FMIN introduced us to the True Gospel. This message is so sweet that you don’t want to hear anything else. You wish everyone could hear it. “We have met many people we didn’t know, and these divine connections are all through the Network. It is Family and not an ordinary one. II Corinthians 5:18 talks of reconciliation, and truly, FMIN brings reconciliation to God and His people. This relationship flows down to the brethren. FMIN has surely done that. FMIN, you are expanding the Kingdom. Keep up the good work.” Bill and Lenah Kilel, Nakuru, Kenya, East Africa Healthy Living Recipes from Around the World Oatcakes 8 oz. oatmeal, rough A pinch of salt 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1 dessert spoon melted butter Hot water Put oatmeal in a bowl and add salt and baking soda. Make a well in the centre and pour in melted butter. Blend in enough hot water to make a stiff paste, then knead and roll out as thinly as possible. Cut into triangles and bake on a floured tin in a moderately hot oven, 400 degrees, until the ends curl up and the cakes are crisp. This should take 20 to 30 minutes. You could alternatively bake them on a hot griddle or frying pan. Can be served with butter, cheese or honey. “This is an old Scottish recipe. It is simple but healthy.” From Ian and Anna Stewart – FMIN Partners, England (Originally from Scotland) Beef Karahi 1 kg beef cubes (preferably undercut) (2.2 pounds) 1/2 kg tomatoes (chopped) (1.1 pounds) 1 teaspoon garlic paste 2 teaspoons ginger, thin sliced strips 2 teaspoons red chili powder 4 large green chilies (cut lengthwise) 3 tablespoons oil 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon garam masala (see below) 2 teaspoons fresh coriander leaves Apply the garlic paste and salt to the beef cubes and put aside. Heat oil in a karahi, a type of heavy sided cooking pot similar shape to a wok used in Pakistani and Indian cooking. Add the ground red chilies and fry to a brown in color. Then add the chopped tomatoes and cook it for a while. Add the beef cubes and cook till the cubes are tender. When water dries up, fry the fillets for a few minutes and remove from fire. Sprinkle garam masala. Heat one tablespoon oil and fry green chilies into it. Garnish with chilies and coriander leaves and serve hot with naan (a round flatbread made of wheat four, a staple accompaniment to hot meals). “Very good and very famous in Pakistan. Enjoy.” From Akbar and Parveen Khokhar – FMIN Partners, Pakistan To find another delicious Pakistani recipe, Chicken Jalfrezi, from Akbar and Parveen’s kitchen and other recipes from around the world, go to www.fmin.org and look for the Healthy Living link. Garam masala is a blend of ground spices common in the Indian cuisine, whose literal meaning is ‘hot (or warm) spice’. There are many variants: most traditional mixes use just cinnamon, roasted cumin, cloves, nutmeg (and/or mace) and green cardamom seed or black cardamom pods. Many commercial mixtures may include more of other less expensive spices and may contain dried red chili peppers, dried garlic, ginger powder, sesame, mustard seeds, turmeric, coriander, bay leaves, cumin, and fennel. While commercial garam masala preparations can be bought ready ground, it does not keep well and soon loses its aroma. Whole spices, which keep fresh much longer, can be ground when needed using a mortar and pestle or electric coffee grinder. If you have a favorite healthy recipe you would like to share, please submit to admin@fmin.org. A Sampling of Great Things What we’ve been up to at FMIN... • Sixty youth go home free from fears and deeply in love with God from Youth Camp in Meru, Kenya. • Want to hear about thrilling outreaches in Russia that impact the youth to the elderly? • Coffee bars, smooth worship jazz and God’s Word bring results in Kansas City. • Partners in India are showing God’s love in creative ways. Read these stories and more at www.fmin.org; click on Partner Outreach Reports. Send us your outreach reports to be uploaded on the website for others to read and be blessed at admin@fmin.org. • Sixteen dedicated team members embarked on a “mission ministry experience” in Brazil, March 11-22, 2007. Read their enthralling reports online at www.fmin.org; click on FMIN Event Reports • To read the US Women’s Conference Report and see photos, log on to www.fmin.org after April 23, 2007. Read these testimonies and all the details online at www.fmin.org. Exposing the Works of God What the Network Means to Me “I am so thankful for being part of something bigger than my own ministries, but it’s very hard for me to go past the love and joy that I have experienced within this Network.” Philip A. Edyvean Firstly, I believe in honoring the gift and vision inside the ones who are bold enough to create platforms for others to launch from to expose the incomprehensible power of God worldwide. Dave and Bonnie Duell and Dennis and Denise Capra are those people. It is because of their belief in God’s Kingdom now, and a belief in people like you and me to carry the message of the good news relationally, that we have the Network of Faith Ministries International. I am so thankful for being part of something bigger than my own ministries, and it’s very hard for me to go past the love and joy that I have experienced within this Network. The irreplaceable life-long friends Christine and I have made have all been because of the opportunities created through partnership within this Network. All is a reality because Dave and Bonnie were willing to pay the price to see the end result of this Network rather than just the start. This Network is mobilizing partners to expose the works of God, gathering new generations of believers, experiencing unity, and living and walking in the common goal of love, freedom, and leadership that cause people, whatever ministry level they are at, to experience safety within a body of people who demonstrate love and joy at the level Jesus understood and displayed. When I spoke at the June World Conference in Denver last year, I said to the people that this Network is not only about us waiting to see what Dave and Bonnie are about to do next and then follow them. That could be a great possibility and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. But in reality, they have created a world platform for Network Partners to stand on by tirelessly plowing ground for us, so that we can sow the gifts and talents God has created in us. And as they have established relationships worldwide, we benefit and the world benefits because Network Partners are providing a rela- tionally-based family. We give encouragement and renewed purpose to people as we impact and change the world’s view and opinion of God and self. When we can believe bigger than just our own ministries and combine relationally and arise with others, there is no force on this earth that can contain the power of the Body of Christ. Worldwide, I have seen many different ways used in reaching the lost as well as reaching out to Christians that have fallen away. But when the rubber hits the road, in my opinion, there is one proven way that works: relationship that connects people to their future. FMIN is synergetic, and when relationships connect people to their future, there is bound to be a party that will sound all over the earth, creating the greatest harvest known on this earth. This Network stands for People, People, People, and when it comes to Dave and Bonnie Duell’s example. . . LOOK NO FURTHER. And that’s what this Network means to me. By Philip A. Edyvean, FMIN Partner, G.A.N.G. Ministries, Noosa Head, Queensland, Australia Phil and his wife, Christine, have seven children and reside in Queensland, Australia. Phil travels to numerous countries as a psalmist, preacher, and evangelist – always carrying the Good News of the love of Jesus. The Feeling of Being “Connected” What the Network Means to Me Do you know what it feels like to have a heart for other countries in the world but feel so limited in your resources and ability to make a difference? I’ve made many trips to other countries, but nothing compares to the exhilaration of being “connected” with Faith Ministries International Network to make an impact with these endeavors! In November of 2004, the Lord called me to take a short-term missions team and return to Kenya. Although I have known and admired the Duells since 1990, it was not until 2004 that I felt it was time to become a part of FMIN and connect with other FMIN ministries. It was at a Ministers’ conference that I discovered what was missing!! I became part of FMIN in the spring of 2005 and attended the World Conference in Colorado Springs. There I met some of the FMIN ministries, and in August of 2006, I experienced the powerful blessing of being a part of the team attending an FMIN Conference in Nakuru, Kenya. It was from that encounter that my connection and the synergy with Lenah and Bill Kilel, FMIN Partners with Grace Bible Colleges based in Nakuru, began. Lenah urged me to bring a Bible college to my home church in Peoria, Illinois, and to reacquaint myself with the cities and ministries of Kenya. With the Kilel’s invitation and encouragement, I returned to Kenya in October of 2005 with a short-term mission group that centered our main work a couple hours inland from the coastal area. We built a church and did a medical outreach, along with teaching, preaching and a feeding program. The synergy continued, and we experienced wonderful results. I realized the immense benefit a year-long program like this would be in a bush area with heavy Muslim and witchcraft influences. I brought the idea back to the June 2006 FMIN World Conference in Denver, and FMIN Partners went to work. That dream came true last October, 2006, as I traveled to Kenya with a short-term mission team and took in the precious Bible college material! Lenah Kilel traveled from Nakuru to the coast to help get classes underway. Pastors and leadership from many bush churches attended and celebrated the clarity and power of the teaching, and they noted that this was the first event that brought so many independent pastors under one roof working together. The story continues today, as a pastor can now go to Nakuru to learn more about the simplicity of God’s grace and take it back to the bush. One recently wrote, “My dear Sister, every single cent and bit of time you give because of me and the people of God, especially in the bush, people who were left by preachers for so long struggling in the darkness, will never go unrewarded, because our God is so faithful to those who obey His voice.” “because of the Network working together, I was able to go beyond the energy of a single endeavor and touch an entire area...” As Isaiah 9:2 says, “The people who sat in darkness will see a great light; those who live in a dark land, the light will shine on them.” Dear friends, I could have visited Kenya and given what I had, but because of the Network working together, I was able to go beyond the energy of a single endeavor and touch an entire area to stand strong and make a huge difference in advancing the Kingdom of God. I am overjoyed to be a part of this wonderful family. By Janice Moshier, Lightreach Ministries Peoria, Illinois, as told to Ellene Meece. Janice Moshier has worked in inner city outreach since 1988 and has been active with international short-term mission teams since 1990. A registered nurse, ordained minister and FMIN Partner since June, 2005, Jan continues to connect churches and Christians with enthusiasm and compassion. Janice Moshier Networking Around the World Connected to the Great Work of God From the continent of South America to the continent of Africa, Global Networking is happening in Faith Ministries International Network! Jay Soper, [FMIN Partners Jay and Luz Mary Soper, Bogota, Colombia, South America] visited FMIN Partners Jacob and Miriam Lutubija in Musoma, Tanzania in September 2006 and spoke for a conference on the theme of “Developing as Leaders by Becoming Friends with God.” Almost 200 people attended, including 10 of the city’s 24 evangelical pastors! Jay wrote after the trip, “The Holy Spirit impressed me with several things during this trip. 1. The great faith of the Christians in Musoma. Most of the people live in circumstances that Western Christians would describe as very difficult materially. Yet the Christians don’t complain and continue to believe God. 2. The wonderful spirit of worship. The enthusiasm of the people to worship and praise puts us to shame! 3. The unity of the Christians, particularly the pastors. I believe God is about to transform Musoma. Where there is more interest in the kingdom of God rather than the “kingdom of me,” the Holy Spirit is free to move in unusual ways. 4. The great opportunity. Material and spiritual needs abound . . . we as a Network might be called to be part of the transformation of Musoma. Almost anything we’d do would be useful, but the trick is to listen to the Holy Spirit and do what HE wants us to do. 5. The reward of stepping out in faith. Jacob invited me by faith, knowing me only by email and telephone. I went by faith. And God blessed it. Maybe this should even be a pattern in our lives!” Jacob wrote about connecting with FMIN in reaching the world, “We feel that we are connected to you and we are part of the great work that God has called you for here in Tanzania. We see God’s hand at work and many people are getting saved and healed and filled with the Holy Spirit. Last year, we were so much blessed by the coming of our brother, Jay Soper, who ministered in our Interdenominational Fellowship. It was truly wonderful to have him with us.” Jacob and Miriam Lutubija have been Partners in FMIN since September, 2004. Their vision in Tanzania includes a Bible school building project, which will take people from different denominations and train them and send them out with the Gospel. Jacob comments, “Tanzania is well ready to receive Jesus, but we need workers who are trained and equipped to bring in the Harvest. Muslims are trying as hard as they can to take this Nation and make it an Islamic State. They are pouring out millions of dollars to build the Madrass schools, colleges, radio and television stations.” Networking opportunities abound. FMIN receives invitations regularly to come to countries around the globe. If you are interested in funding a trip for someone else or connecting to go yourself, contact us at info@fmin.org for more information. By Ellene Meece Ellene serves on the FMIN Apostolic Team as the Administrative Assistant, helping the Network to run smoothly. She resides in Meeker, Colorado, USA. True Rest A Partner Perspective “Except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:20 KJV). There was a time in my Christian life when, no matter how much I tried, I never felt right with God. I always felt that there was much more to be done. I tried as hard as I could to be just as good as God wanted me to be. It was hard and grievous, but I was afraid to give up because I thought that that was how God wanted me to live. I was sad, uncomfortable and trapped. I once asked myself, “What have I gotten myself into getting saved?” Christian life was scary to me. Verses like “Not everybody who calls me Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven,” kept running in my mind. I wondered what would happen to me on the last day. I was afraid that Jesus would yell at me, “I never knew you!” All this happened to me and is happening to many people today because we are seeking righteousness, acceptance and justification based on our works, just like the scribes and Pharisees. They tried to keep the Law, thinking that they would be justified. Jesus said that the Law was “heavy and grievous to be born and the scribes and Pharisees lay them on men’s shoulders . . .” (Matthew 23:4). The Law is God’s standard of righteousness, but it wasn’t given so that it would make us righteous. If it could, there would be no need for Jesus to die (Galatians 2:21). Through the Law, we are to see the impossibility of attaining and maintaining that standard of righteousness and see the need of a savior, then surrender our lives and efforts to Him and embrace what His gracious sacrifice offers by faith. The only way to be justified is to believe in Jesus Christ, just like Abraham who believed God and was declared righteous. We don’t have to labor and be heavy laden. “Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden (by the Law, seeking righteousness by works). Take My yoke and learn of Me (know what I’m offering freely by grace and embrace it by faith), for I am meek and lowly in heart (merciful, loving, gracious and gentle) and ye shall find rest (PEACE) unto your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light (all you need to do is to believe and trust in Me)” (Matthew11:28-30, my paraphrase). Jesus makes the job easy for us by justifying us freely, making us right with God without looking at our works. Read these definitions: RIGHTEOUS: Right, just; i.e. fulfilling all claims which are right and becoming just as it should be, a right state of which GOD is the standard. JUSTIFY: To set forth as righteous, to justify by judicial act; by a judicial decision, to free a man from his guilt (which stands in the Continues on page 14 David is a teacher and evangelist who is excited about preaching the good news message of faith righteousness and grace throughout Kenya and around the world. David is named after Dave Duell, who is very proud of his spiritual son. A Partner Perspective (continued) way of his being right), to present him as righteous. [Critical Lexicon and Concordance to the English and Greek New Testament by E. W. Bullinger] From these definitions, we can see that thinking that you can be righteous by works actually lowers God’s standard of righteousness. It can also mean that your sins were not all that bad, that you can pay your own debt. The Law should make you see how sinful you are and see that you just can’t free yourself from the penalty. It should make you run to Jesus Christ and “with the heart, believe unto righteousness . . .” (Romans 10:10). Righteousness and salvation are both gifts from Father God through Christ Jesus, and we receive them by grace through faith. Understanding this freed me from the religious fears and the trap of performance and helped me enjoy peace with Father God, knowing that I’m justified in His sight, having been made right with Him according to His standard. It will happen to you, too, once you accept Jesus Christ and receive salvation! Renew your mind with this truth and strengthen your fellowship with Father God, knowing that He is not, and will never get, mad at you!! HE LOVES YOU THAT MUCH! By David Remi David Remi is the son of Margaret Remi Thomas, FMIN Partner in Meru, Kenya, East Africa. David is a teacher and evangelist who is excited about preaching the good news message of faith righteousness and grace throughout Kenya and around the world. David is named after Dave Duell, who is very proud of his spiritual son. Gospel Music Celebration 2007 Meeting the Navajo Nation with God’s Power At the beginning of each year for the past ten years, some of our church worship leaders, Ernest and Readda Begay, have been sponsoring the Gospel Music Celebration at Red Rock State Park in Gallup, New Mexico. This is a free event for all surrounding communities of the Navajo Nation, with more than twenty worship teams coming together to minister in music, songs and testimonies, and giving praise to God. The event starts in the morning of a weekend and goes on all day until late in the night, with full capacity of a crowd of 900, and there were times people had to wait in line outside just to get in. Door prizes are drawn in between musical groups. Later in the evening, the guest speaker brings forth the Word of God, and there is an altar call for salvation, prayer of faith for the sick and deliverances. We’ve never failed to see great and mighty acts of God in this event. This is the event where all those who have been look forward to the following year. This year Dave Duell came as our guest. Dave has ministered at the “Jesus for the Navajo Nation” Revival at Ganado, Arizona, for the past nine years, in the summer where the heat is at its peak, and now he came in January when the weather is at its coldest. In spite of extreme weather conditions, the message and the anointing of Dave is still at its best. The “chop” is sharper than ever before. The message of “Identity in Christ and Righteousness” brought renewal to those who have heard it before, a revelation to those who have never heard it, and good news to those who heard it for the first time. The results of the messages are that sixty young souls came forth for salvation. Some of you may know that when Dave does an altar call for salvation, you don’t only come for salvation, but he delivers the whole package – salvation, “chop” for deliverance, and filling of the Holy Ghost! For the “chosen frozen” Christians that were still in their seats, he took a walk to where they were, all the way to the back of the grand stand. By now he is firing Holy Ghost from the hip until not one “religious spirit” is standing or sitting in that auditorium. If they were standing, they are now lying on the floor. If they were sitting, they slid off the chair. Laughter, shouting and rejoicing broke out. Now Gospel Music Celebration is at its wildest moment! The next day there was such a freedom in the Spirit in that auditorium. Some of the people were in awe because they have never seen such explosive power of God as demonstrated by Dave. We, the church, know what to expect every time he comes to town – that is, the new things. Isaiah 43:18 says, “Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of the old.” That’s because God always has something new for His people (if we will let Him). This doesn’t mean new doctrine or teachings but to bring out the ancient acts of God, which many in the church don’t know or even believe. If we dare to believe, He’ll do it again for His Glory. We, the pastors of Ganado Glory Temple Ministries, want to thank Dave and Bonnie for their obedience to the Lord for coming to the Navajo Nation and making an impact on our people, the land and its government. We’ll be looking forward to the next meeting. By Sammie and Sandy Begay, Pastors Ganado Glory Temple Ministries Ganado, Arizona USA Sammy and Sandy Begay have pastored Gandado Glory Temple in Navajo Nation since 1996. Their desire to evangelize their people and spread God’s love among other Native American tribes runs deep in their hearts. “Some of the people were in awe because they have never seen such explosive power of God as demonstrated by Dave.” WITWIH? What in the World Is Happening? Networking in India By Ellene Meece Perumal and Vasantha Paramanandam, Chennai, India, hosted Mike Banta in their church in February. Mike, a businessman who travels to India from time to time, is also a musician with Don and Wendy Francisco’s Rocky Mountain Ministries and partners with Dave and Bonnie Duell’s church, Faith Ministries Church International. Mike spoke on Luke 19:1-10 (Zaccheus), and six Hindu ladies were saved! Evangelism Action in Small English Village The village of Hazelbury Plucknett, England, is a surprisingly active place for outreach in God’s Kingdom. Mark and Sally Harris, pastors, have successfully trained their people to be imaginative in developing ways to reach out to their community. Among dozens of creative outreaches happening daily, one couple in their church had the idea of serving the community with Afternoon Teas. They write, “Our aim is to be one of building loving, trusting relationships with our neighbours living in the village and now, also, to reach out to the surrounding neighborhoods. Our hope is that through our long-term love and commitment to those who attend, they will want to join the family of God.” To get information on more outreach ideas, log on to www.fmin.org/Partner Outreach. Nation’s Capitol Visited Mike Banta preaching in partner church in India. Communication is Everything! Favor Communications International is a ministry that focuses on communicating the Good News through audio and written materials. The founders, Jay and Charity Randolph, recently hosted a friend from Nepal who came to the US to receive in-depth study of the Word in order to start a Bible School in the church she and her husband pastor. The Lord impressed Jay to put together a gift package of Bible study materials representing over 175 hours of quality teaching. She was overwhelmed with this answer to prayer and testified throughout the evening about the Lord supplying her need. Jay commented, “With a thankful heart, she returned to Nepal loaded with ministry tools.” Jay also traveled to St. Petersburg, Russia, in February as a part of a ministry team, extending his ministry experience to a country that he longed to touch with God’s love. Ron and Karen Coffin, Capitol Prays ministry, traveled from Kansas City, Missouri, (where they now reside) to spend almost three weeks in Washington DC, the USA Capitol. Ron wrote, “As important as it was to ‘observe’ our government and its headquarters, God continued to show me the very root of foundations of this great nation. It was not because we had such a great governmental structure or super smart men in office. It was because He had an obedient and God-fearing Church and they influenced the government.” Bowling Evangelism in Russia! On February 14, the Moscow Good News Church youth ministry, Rick and Denise Renner, pastors, rented 16 lanes of a local bowling alley. Rick Renner writes in his Update from the Field [update@rrmnews.org], “One of the primary challenges any youth group faces is presenting the Gospel in a fun, engaging manner. Bowling is still relatively new in the former Soviet Union, and it is quite popu- lar among young Russians. Not surprisingly, 75 teenagers attended this event, 13 of whom were first-time visitors to our youth group...” Two of the first-time visitors accepted Christ that night as a result of the follow-up gospel presentations, and all of them were invited to attend the weekly X-Factor youth meetings. To read more about this outreach, go to www. fmin.org/Partner Outreach. recounted many instances in which the love of Jesus Christ and the healing power of the Holy Spirit had manifested in those God had called him to heal.” Witnesses for Jesus Christ in Myanmar! New Partners, John and Rosie Thoung, in Yangon, Myanmar, recently conducted their first Pentecostal Bible Seminary Commencement Service. The zealous class graduated to be “witnesses to the end of the world.” Youth outreach in Russia. Salvation and Healing Included in Dedication Services in Fairplay, Colorado, USA Grady and Jody Miller, pastors of Faith Freedom Fellowship, located in the high country of Colorado at an altitude of 9,953 ft. (3,034 m), reached one of their dreams this past fall. A member in their community and congregation, Kathleen Thomas Gaspar, writes about the occasion, “To the delight of a large congregation of joyful church members and visitors from the local and regional community, dedication services for Faith Freedom Fellowship were held Sunday, Oct. 29, in the church’s new sanctuary . . . Joining the celebration were Dave Duell of Denver-based Faith Ministries International, Ron Marquardt of Solutions Ministries, Huntsville, Alabama, and Clint and Andrea Herrema, FMCI members. Dave ministered, leading believers to divine healing and Baptism in the Holy Spirit . . . Dave, who had returned from South Africa two days prior to the Fairplay dedication, Graduating Class in Yangon, Myanmar. Medical Missions and Preaching/ Teaching Duo Goes to Philippines Marvin and Donna Schra, Loveland, Colorado, USA, are engaged in an extended time of ministry in the Philippines which includes preaching, teaching and medical missions. Before they left, Donna’s mother experienced a miracle from cancer. Donna wrote about the miracle in January, “Does anyone out there want to hear another good report? YEAH! PTL! My mother came home from the hospital today. A week ago, the doctors were trying to prepare us for her soon death with ovarian cancer.” Healing Testimony from Meru, Kenya David Remi, son of Margaret Remi, wrote about a healing in their area, “One young person visited our church for the first time three “ My mother came home from the hospital today. A week ago, the doctors were trying to prepare us for her soon death with ovarian cancer.” What in the World Is Happening? (continued) “I know when we commit ourselves to the Lord, not only does He give us our desires, but He plants those desires in us.” months ago. Her child was born with twisted feet. The doctors designed some boots for the child, but they didn’t give her guarantee that the child would be healed. When I finished preaching, I called out all who were sick and diseased for prayer and held the legs of that child and commanded them to be healed. I spoke to the bones and told them to be straightened and strengthened.” David reports that today, this nine-month-old child now has straight, strong legs and feet! Girls From Church in Ganado, Arizona, Take High School Basketball State Championship! Sammie and Sandy Begay, Ganado, Arizona, Navajo Nation, can now boast of basketball fame. Their daughter, Suzanne, and several other girls from Ganado Glory Temple, were on the high school basketball team that won the State championship!! Grandchildren Are a Gift From God Brian and Joslyn Severin, Greeley, Colorado, USA, are proud grandparents! Their daughter, Elizabeth, and son-in-law, Michael, had their first child, Jeremiah Michael, born January 13, 2007, only ten minutes after arrival at the hospital! He weighed 7 lbs and 8 oz and was 21 inches long. Joslyn writes, “He has lots of nice brown hair and is very beautiful! We are so very blessed, as they live right next door! God is so good!” US Team Networks in Kenya Jan Moshier, Peoria, Illinois, USA, took a team to Kenya this past fall and connected with Bill and Lenah Kilel, Nakuru, Kenya, for a very productive outreach. Jan’s comments overflow with emotion as she reflects on their journey, “I know when we commit ourselves to the Lord, not only does He give us our desires, but He plants those desires in us. So, I just thank God now with a whole heart for a three-week mission journey that was the most awesome ever. I thank Him for every person we met, for each precious church and ministry we were honored to meet and encourage, for the amazing ministry done within our team and the gifts that He developed in us to do His work more effectively.” For more details and photos on many of these stories, go to www.fmin.org. Ganado Lady Hornets winning basketball team! By Ellene Meece Ellene currently serves on the FMIN Leadership Team as the Administrative Assistant, helping the Network to run smoothly. She resides in Meeker, Colorado, USA. Upcoming Events April 20-22, 2007 w w w. f m i n . o r g U.S. Women’s Conference, Colorado July 16-20, 2007 U.S. Youth Camp Camp Wondervu Golden, Colorado, USA July 23-27, 2007 European Youth Camp Frontier Centre Irthlingborough, England September 7-9, 2007 U.S. Men’s Conference Silver Creek, Colorado, USA October 10-15, 2007 World Conference Nakuru, Kenya, East Africa October 20-21, 2007 European Men’s Conference North Lincolnshire, England April 18-20 2008 European Women’s Conference Lincolnshire, England Faith Ministries International Network PO Box 609 Littleton, CO 80160-0609 USA Address Service Requested Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Littleton, CO Permit No. 32