3.3 Information Asymmetries on Secondary Credit Markets
3.3 Information Asymmetries on Secondary Credit Markets
Information Asymmetries on Secondary Credit Markets DISSERTATION of the University of St. Gallen, Graduate School of Business Administration, Economics, Law and Social Sciences (HSG) to obtain the title of Doctor of Philosophy in Management submitted by Stefan Morkötter from Germany Approved on the application of Prof. Dr. Beat Bernet and Dr. Simone Westerfeld Dissertation no. 3676 Difo Druck GmbH The University of St. Gallen, Graduate School of Business Administration, Economics, Law and Social Sciences (HSG) hereby consents to the printing of the present dissertation, without hereby expressing any opinion on the views herein expressed. St. Gallen, June 11, 2009 The President: Prof. Ernst Mohr, PhD Acknowledgements I Acknowledgements Writing this dissertation was a great experience and a fascinating process to which a lot of people have contributed in many ways and whom I hereby would like to thank for their diverse support. First of all I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my thesis supervisor and academic mentor Prof. Dr. Beat Bernet. Under his guidance I not only accomplished this dissertation but also started a voyage into the academic world, which I hope will be the beginning of a long journey. Working at his chair at the Swiss Institute of Banking and Finance at the University of St. Gallen broadened both my academic as well as personal mind-set and was great experience in several ways. Furthermore I would like to thank Dr. Simone Westerfeld for having been an inspiring cosupervisor as well as a challenging discussion partner throughout my time at the Swiss Institute of Banking and Finance. Her input and help proved to be invaluable for the development of this dissertation. I also own very much gratitude to my friends and colleagues in St. Gallen or back home in Germany. I cannot name all of them, but I would like to mention Matthias Hoffmann and Andreas-Walter Mattig, with whom I worked together at the Swiss Institute of Banking and Finance. We all enjoyed a great time and remarkable team work. In addition, I would like to thank Dr. Alexander Bönner and Roman Frick for spending so much time on fruitful discussions and sharing the experience of being a doctoral candidate. Part of my thesis was written during my stay at the University of Oxford in England, where I was cordially welcomed by a great academic community. I specifically want to thank Prof. Tim Jenkinson, who always had an open door for me and offered help and advice throughout various valuable discussions. Furthermore, I thank the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) for financial help. Last but not least, I want to thank my parents, since I could rely on them throughout my whole life. Without their unconditional support and care this dissertation would never have been possible. I dedicate this dissertation to them. St. Gallen, April 2009 Stefan Morkötter Contents III Contents Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................ I Contents .......................................................................................................................III Abstract ...................................................................................................................... VII Abstract in German .................................................................................................... IX Abbreviations ........................................................................................................... XIII List of Figures ........................................................................................................... XVI List of Tables .......................................................................................................... XVII 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1 2 Research Set Up ....................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Guiding Research Questions ............................................................................ 5 2.2 Research Topic ................................................................................................. 7 2.3 Research Object ............................................................................................. 14 2.4 Scientific Objective ........................................................................................ 18 3 Information Asymmetries on Secondary Credit Markets ................................. 20 3.1 Information Asymmetries .............................................................................. 20 3.1.1 Basics ...................................................................................................... 20 3.1.2 Quality Uncertainty ................................................................................ 22 3.1.3 Moral Hazard .......................................................................................... 22 3.1.4 Hold-Up .................................................................................................. 23 3.2 Information Agents on Secondary Credit Markets ........................................ 23 3.2.1 Credit Rating Agencies ........................................................................... 23 3.2.2 Stock Analysts ........................................................................................ 25 3.3 Information Asymmetries on Secondary Credit Markets .............................. 27 3.3.1 Issuer and Investor .................................................................................. 27 Research Subset I ................................................................................ 27 Research Subset II............................................................................... 28 3.3.2 Investor and Information Agent ............................................................. 29 Research Subset I ................................................................................ 29 Research Subset II............................................................................... 29 3.3.3 Issuer and Information Agent ................................................................. 30 Research Subset I ................................................................................ 30 Research Subset II............................................................................... 31 4 Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis ................. 32 4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 32 4.2 Literature Review ........................................................................................... 34 IV Contents 4.3 Information Asymmetries within CDO Markets and the Role of CRAs ....... 37 4.4 Data Sample ................................................................................................... 42 4.5 Empirical Results ........................................................................................... 44 4.5.1 Univariate Tests ...................................................................................... 44 Set I (sorting by Rating Agencies) ...................................................... 45 Set II (sorting by Rating Methodologies) ........................................... 49 4.5.2 Multivariate Tests ................................................................................... 50 Set I (sorting by Rating Agencies) ...................................................... 51 Set II (sorting by Rating Methodologies) ........................................... 54 4.5.3 Interpretation........................................................................................... 58 4.6 Conclusion...................................................................................................... 60 5 Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads ........................................ 62 5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 62 5.2 Literature Review ........................................................................................... 63 5.3 Multiple Ratings and Credit Spreads within CDO Markets .......................... 66 5.4 Data Sample ................................................................................................... 69 5.5 Empirical Results ........................................................................................... 72 5.5.1 Analysis of Credit Spreads ..................................................................... 72 5.5.2 Impact of Multiple Ratings ..................................................................... 78 5.5.3 Decreasing Reduction of Underlying Tranche Spreads ......................... 79 5.5.4 CDO Tranches rated by Fitch ................................................................. 81 5.5.5 Regression Analysis................................................................................ 83 5.6 Conclusion...................................................................................................... 90 6 Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads ................................................................................................................... 93 6.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 93 6.2 Literature Review ........................................................................................... 95 6.3 Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Forecasts and CDS Spreads ..... 99 6.3.1 Mean Stock Analysts’ Forecasts and CDS Spreads ............................... 99 6.3.2 Dispersion of Mean Stock Analysts’ Forecasts and CDS Spreads....... 102 6.4 Data Sample ................................................................................................. 104 6.5 Empirical Results ......................................................................................... 109 6.5.1 Co-movement ....................................................................................... 109 6.5.2 Lead-lag Structures ............................................................................... 113 6.5.3 Long-run Equilibrium Relationship...................................................... 119 6.6 Conclusion.................................................................................................... 122 7 Conclusion and Outlook ..................................................................................... 125 7.1 Summary of the Results ............................................................................... 125 7.2 Relevance for Market Participants and Regulatory Authorities .................. 132 Contents V References ................................................................................................................. XIX Appendix ...............................................................................................................XXXV Curriculum Vitae ............................................................................................ XXXVIII Abstract VII Abstract In the course of the current financial crisis specifically the valuation of assets with an exposure to secondary credit markets has not only become problematic due to the eroding value of the underlying collateral pools but also due to a lack of trust between market participants. Lack of trust is associated with low levels of transparency that is also impacting information asymmetries between market participants. The dissertation’s aim is to provide empirical evidence for the existence of information asymmetries on secondary credit markets along three different empirical settings. Secondary credit markets are defined as a market place for resale activities of credit-linked assets. First, the dissertation investigates the CDO rating process and shows that information asymmetries between the issuer and the investor (may) lead to rating model arbitrage. In this context rating model arbitrage is defined as the issuer’s deliberate capitalization on information asymmetry at the investor’s cost on the basis of different rating processes as applied by the rating agencies. Second, it is analyzed whether multiple ratings for CDO tranches have an impact on credit spreads. Against the background of information asymmetries the dissertation therefore examines various effects with regard to the number of rating agencies involved. The results indicate foremost a negative correlation structure between the number of outstanding ratings and the corresponding credit spread levels. Third, the dissertation discusses the dynamic relationships between stock analysts’ earnings forecasts and CDS spreads. It is shown that higher forecasts are associated with lower CDS spreads, whereas the dispersion of analysts’ forecasts is positively correlated with CDS spread levels. Significant lead-lag structures are detected between the dispersion of analysts’ forecasts and CDS spreads with the latter leading the first. Empirical evidence of information asymmetries on secondary credit markets in turn helps regulatory authorities to track down problem areas. Once the critical issues are identified, future regulatory standards can be defined in order to increase financial stability and revitalize activities on secondary credit markets. Thus, the dissertation can also be seen as a practical contribution, as it adds to the understanding of the current financial crisis from an empirical angle and draws respective conclusions. Abstract in German IX Abstract in German Im Zuge der aktuellen Finanzmarktkrise wurde die Bewertung von Kapitalanlagen auf Sekundärmärkten für Kreditrisiken vor dem Hintergrund mangelnden Vertrauens zwischen den Marktteilnehmern zunehmend schwierig. Der eingetretene Vertrauensverlust ging einher mit niedriger Markttransparenz und dadurch bedingt mit Informationsasymmetrien zwischen den jeweiligen Marktteilnehmern. Vor diesem Hintergrund hat die vorliegende Dissertation das Ziel, anhand von drei unterschiedlichen Untersuchungen den empirischen Beweis für Informationssymmetrien auf Sekundärmärkten für Kreditrisiken zu erbringen. Sekundärmärkte für Kreditrisiken werden im Folgenden definiert als Marktsegment für den Handel von kreditgebundenen Kapitalanlagen. In einer ersten empirischen Untersuchung werden die Ratingprozesse im Rahmen von CDO Transaktionen näher betrachtet. Es wird aufgezeigt, inwieweit Informationsasymmetrien, die aus dem Dialog des Emittenten mit der Ratingagentur erwachsen, zu Rating Model Arbitrage führen können. Rating Model Arbitrage bedeutet, dass der Emittent auf Kosten der Investoren die bestehenden Informationsasymmetrien zum eigenen Vorteil nutzt und die Transaktionsstruktur dahingehend optimiert. Vor dem Hintergrund einer zweiten empirischen Analyse wird der Einfluss untersucht, den die Anzahl ausstehender Ratings einer CDO Tranche auf den zugrunde liegenden Zinssatz hat. Eine wesentliche Erkenntnis in diesem Zusammenhang ist, dass die Anzahl der ausstehenden Ratings negativ mit dem Zinssatz der CDO Tranche korreliert ist: Je mehr Ratingagenturen eine Tranche bewerten, umso geringer ist der Zinssatz, den ein Investor für seinen Kapitaleinsatz erhält. Abschliessend untersucht diese Dissertation übergreifende Effekte zwischen Konsensschätzungen von Aktienanalysten und CDS Märkten. Es zeigt sich, dass höhere Konsensschätzungen von Aktienanalysten mit niedrigen CDS Spreads verbunden sind. Hinsichtlich der Interaktion von CDS Spreads mit der Streuung von Analystenschätzungen wird darüberhinaus deutlich, dass die Streuung von Analystenschätzungen den CDS Spreads nachfolgt. Der empirische Nachweis von Informationsasymmetrien ermöglicht Aufsichtsbehörden im Zuge der aktuellen Finanzmarktkrise, die Marktstandards auf Sekundärmärkten Abstract in German XI für Kreditrisiken möglichst zielführend zu überarbeiten. Dies wiederum sollte die Finanzmarktstabilität erhöhen und zukünftige Emissionsaktivitäten auf den Sekundärmärkten für Kreditrisiken positiv beeinflussen. Abbreviations XIII Abbreviations ABS Asset-backed Securitizations bn billion bps basis points CBO Collateralized Bond Obligation CDO Collateralized Debt Obligation CDS Credit Default Swap CEO Chief Executive Officer CESR Committee of European Securities Regulators CLO Collateralized Loan Obligation Coeff. Coefficient CRA Credit Rating Agency CSO Collateralized Swap Obligation Diss. Dissertation e.g. for example Ed. Editor EL Expected Loss EPS Earnings-per share ESME European Securities Markets Expert Group et al. et alii etc. et cetera EU European Union EUR Euro FEPS Mean Stock Analysts’ Forecasts of Earnings-per-share Fitch Fitch Ratings Abbreviations XIV GDP Gross Domestic Product I/B/E/S Institutional Brokers Estimate System IOSCO International Organization of Securities Commissions ISDA International Swaps and Derivative Association JCF Group Jacques Chahine Finance Group KS Test Kolmogorov-Smirnov-Test LGD Loss given Default LIBOR London Interbank Offered Rate LSTA Loan Syndications and Trading Association m million M&A Mergers and Acquisitions Moody’s Moody’s Investors Service o.P. other Places p. page PD Probability of Default pp. following pages S CDO Synthetic Collateralized Debt Obligations S&P Standard & Poor’s SD Standard Deviation SEC Securities and Exchange Commission SME Small-and-medium sized Companies SPV Special Purpose Vehicle U.S. United States USD US-Dollar VAR Vector Auto Regression Abbreviations XV vs. versus www world wide web List of Figures XVI List of Figures Figure 2-1: Structure of a Credit Default Swap .............................................................. 9 Figure 2-2: Structure of a Collateralized Debt Obligation ........................................... 11 Figure 2-3: General Research Object and the Corresponding Subsets ......................... 16 List of Tables XVII List of Tables Table 4-1: Comparison of Subgroups (Set I & II) ........................................................ 45 Table 4-2: Test of Equality of Group Means - Set I (ANOVA) ................................... 46 Table 4-3: Kolmogorov-Smirnov- Test (Set I & II) ..................................................... 48 Table 4-4: Test of Equality of Group Means - Set II (ANOVA).................................. 49 Table 4-5: Discriminant Analysis and Classification of Set I ...................................... 51 Table 4-6: Discriminant Analysis of Set I (sorting by Rating Agencies) ..................... 52 Table 4-7: Classification of Results of Discriminant Analysis V................................. 54 Table 4-8: Discriminant Analysis and Classification of Set II ..................................... 55 Table 4-9: Discriminant Analysis of Set II (sorting by Rating Methodologies) .......... 57 Table 5-1: Data Sample “Multiple CDO Tranche Ratings” ......................................... 70 Table 5-2: Mapping Code for the Individual Rating Notches ...................................... 71 Table 5-3: Notch Differences of jointly-rated CDO Tranches ..................................... 72 Table 5-4: Credit Spread of CDO Tranches (Multiple Rating and Rating Code) ........ 76 Table 5-5: Credit Spread of CDO Tranches (Rating Agency and Rating Code) ......... 77 Table 5-6: Robustness Checks for the Grouping Factor Multiple Ratings ................... 78 Table 5-7: Multiple comparisons of underlying tranche spread differences ................ 81 Table 5-8: Comparison of Rating Outcomes (Rating Agencies and Rating Code) ...... 82 Table 5-9: Impact of Multiple Ratings (Multiple Regression Analysis) ...................... 88 Table 5-10: Robustness Checks (Controlling for Size Effect) ..................................... 89 Table 6-1: Overview of Mean Analysts’ Forecasts and CDS Spreads ....................... 107 Table 6-2: Analysis of Correlation ............................................................................. 112 Table 6-3: Panel Data Analysis (Fixed Effect Model) ............................................... 115 Table 6-4: Vector Auto Regression Analysis (Lag Structures) .................................. 118 XVIII List of Tables Table 6-5: Long-run Equilibrium Relationship between CDS Spreads and Stock Analysts’ Forecasts .............................................................................................. 122 Introduction 1 1 Introduction In the course of the current worldwide financial crisis specifically the valuation of asset securitizations is a key aspect and has led the capital markets to a new stage of escalation only comparable to the Great Depression in the thirties of the last century. Valuation of asset securitization has not only become problematic due to the eroding value of the underlying collateral pools but also due to a lack of trust between market participants (Krinsman, 2007). Lack of trust in turn has led to a drain of liquidity, making it impossible to obtain mark-to-market valuation for a multitude of asset securitizations. Ultimately, the loss of confidence between market participants has not been limited to secondary markets and subprime debt only but in the ensuing months it has affected large parts of the international financial intermediation system ranging from interbank markets and even to retail banking activities. Against this background Josef Ackermann, CEO of Deutsche Bank, justly labeled current market turmoil as a crisis of confidence (Deutsche Bank, 2008). In addition, lack of trust within the affected financial markets can also be viewed as a function of opaqueness. Low levels of transparency lead to unequal information distribution or information asymmetries respectively between market participants harming the process of optimal asset allocation. Often information asymmetries are not coincidentally taking place, but are a systematic appearance and merely a result of specific market regimes. One way to overcome the current crisis of confidence is therefore an approach that reduces existing information asymmetries and increases levels of transparency. However, prior to potential counter measures, relevant information asymmetries need to be detected. With regard to secondary credit markets the issue of information asymmetries has yet not been analyzed in much detail from an empirical angle. The research objective of this dissertation is therefore to provide empirical evidence for the existence of information asymmetries on secondary credit markets along three different empirical settings. After the financial markets seemed to overcome a first wave of market turmoil in late 2007 or early 2008, respectively, the discussions immediately centered on the issue of who to blame for what was then primarily still being referred to as a subprime crisis. 2 Introduction Increasingly, rating agencies found themselves, their business model and their rating processes for assessing asset securitizations under heavy attack, not only from academics, politics, and market participants but also from the international media (e.g. Ashkraft and Schuermann, 2008, pp. 5; Chirico, 2008; ESME, 2008; Lucas et al., 2008; Manns, 2008; SEC, 2008; Sinclair et al., 2008; Zuberbühler, 2008). Rating agencies were blamed for not downgrading the involved subprime securitizations precociously and thus holding onto exaggerated ratings for too long. The existing practice of delegating monitoring activities in the course of structured finance investments to rating agencies has not proved to be sustainable enough from the investors' perspective (e.g. Borio, 2008; Milleker and Sauerschell, 2008). Mandated by the European Commission, the very recent Larosière Report (2009) explicitly listed the failure of credit rating agencies as one of the main causes leading towards the financial crisis. With the financial crisis intensifying from March/April 2008 the discussion relating to the role of rating agencies began to focus on regulatory issues that are likely be lead to increased supervision of rating agencies through government authorities in the future. In particular, the widespread perception that rating agencies not only provide the financial community with ratings but also offer consulting services to the issuer for the very same transaction was criticized (e.g. Buiter, 2007; CESR, 2008a, 2008b; IOSCO, 2008). This argument correlates with a growing demand for higher levels of transparency both relating to the rating process as well as to secondary credit markets in general, with the latter explicitly including credit default swaps (CDS) (e.g. Cox, 2008). Most notably, the European Union put forward several proposals that sought to reinforce the supervision of rating agencies and would result in a clear separation between consulting and rating services (EU Commission, 2008). Due to extensive on- and off-balance sheet activities worldwide contagion observed throughout the very recent financial crisis is also a function of closely interlinked financial institutions. Given very recent occurrences it is thus rather unlikely that effects triggered by a financial crisis are limited to a specific local area (country) or market niche at present. Regulatory authorities are thus faced with a complete new quality of financial crisis demanding both quick and coordinated countermeasures. Increasing worldwide interaction in the financial sector is also closely associated with the rise of Introduction 3 secondary credit markets and the underlying asset classes and (hybrid) investment structures. With regard to secondary credit markets, the financial crisis that began in 2007 is the first stress test under real market conditions. Secondary credit markets mainly consist of structured finance products and credit derivatives and thus focus on resale activities of credit-linked assets on a broad scale. Two important examples of secondary credit markets are collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) and CDSs. For these comparatively young asset classes the years preceding the financial crisis were characterized by indefinite growth accompanied by rather few drawbacks. Supported by exuberant liquidity dynamics and low interest rates for plain vanilla bonds, market participants (e.g. investment banks) primarily focused on the growth of issuance levels rather than on the development of regulatory initiatives and mature settlement mechanisms. CDO issuance volumes for example increased from USD 59.0bn in 2002 up to a record level of USD 343.0bn in 2006 followed by USD 302.4bn in 2007 (Hu, 2008; Rajendra at al., 2008; S&P, 2008). However, in terms of their structural properties both CDS and CDO markets remained on a level defined in an early stage of market evolution. The market architecture therefore primarily relies on an over-the-counter business model, which in turn correlates with high levels of information asymmetries and low transparency in general. Up to now, both academics and practitioners have for the most part argued from a rather limited empirical perspective with regard to the existence of information asymmetries on secondary credit markets inducing the above stated crisis of confidence. They have seldom attempted to actually spot and address information asymmetries on secondary credit markets from an empirical perspective. In the past, financial literature focused on valuation models of secondary credit markets products and not so much on information asymmetries (e.g. Hull and White, 2004; Longstaff and Rajan, 2008). This research focus seems fairly understandable, given the fact that the financial industry was in need of proper pricing models that would allow the trading of new products (e.g. CDS or CDOs). However, recent circumstances not only exposed the limitations of the existing models but have also drawn more attention to the causes of the financial crisis, including research on information asymmetries (e.g. Duffie et al., 2009). 4 Introduction Based on these considerations, the dissertation’s research objective is to provide empirical proof of information asymmetries on secondary credit markets with a particularly focus on CDS and CDO markets. Against the background of three different empirical settings the dissertation aims to uncover systematic failures with respect to unequal information distribution between participants on secondary credit markets. Throughout the different empirical settings the dissertation’s research objective centers on the relationship and interaction between different market participants specifically aiming at the role of information agents (e.g. rating agencies). The targeted research initiatives put a strong emphasis on CDOs and the underlying rating(s) (processes) as well as on spill-over effects between CDS spreads and stock analysts. Empirical evidence of information asymmetries on secondary credit markets in turn helps regulatory authorities to track down problem areas. Once the critical issues are identified, future regulatory standards can be defined in order increase financial stability and revitalize activities on secondary credit markets. Thus, the dissertation can also be seen as a practical contribution, as it adds to the understanding of the current financial crisis from an empirical angle and draws respective conclusions. The dissertation is organized as follows: Chapter 2 comprises a detailed presentation of the dissertation's research set-up including the guiding research questions, the research topic, the research object as well as the scientific objective. Along the defined research set up chapter 3 introduces the concept of information asymmetry and applies it to secondary credit markets. In the chapters 4 to 6 the idea of information asymmetries on secondary credit markets is addressed from an empirical angle. Chapter 4 focuses on information asymmetries leading to rating model arbitrage on CDO markets. Multiple CDO ratings and its’ impact on credit spreads are assessed throughout chapter 5, followed by an analysis of spill-over effects and information distribution between CDS markets and stock analysts’ forecasts (chapter 6). Chapter 7 concludes the dissertation. Research Set Up 5 2 Research Set Up 2.1 Guiding Research Questions The dissertation’s research objective is to empirically prove the existence of information asymmetries on secondary credit markets. The dissertation focuses on CDO and CDS markets and makes an analysis along three different empirical settings (i) if information asymmetries exist, (ii) how information asymmetries impact pricing structures and (iii) if information asymmetries also exist between secondary credit markets and other adjacent financial markets. The dissertation’s research objective is to empirically prove the existence of information asymmetries on secondary credit markets. In the following the dissertation focuses on CDS and CDO markets and makes an analysis along three different empirical settings (i) if information asymmetries exist, (ii) how information asymmetries impact pricing structures and (iii) if information asymmetries also exist between secondary credit markets and other adjacent financial markets. Each of these research perspectives will be addressed in the course of an in depth empirical analysis that follows a guiding research question: (I) Do information asymmetries between issuers and investors lead to rating model arbitrage in CDO markets? In this context rating model arbitrage is defined as the issuer’s deliberate capitalization on information asymmetry at the investor’s cost on the basis of different rating processes. (II) Do information asymmetries impact credit spreads of CDO tranches through multiple CDO ratings? (III) Do information asymmetries between stock analysts’ earnings forecasts and CDS spreads lead to spill-over effects between two adjacent financial markets? 6 Research Set Up These questions all have in common that they challenge the issue of information distribution on either CDS or CDO markets. Even if each individual research question focuses on a specific issue under the rather broad general framework of information distribution on secondary credit markets, the research questions are still interlinked with each other. By addressing the existence of information asymmetries on CDO markets and its impact on the behavior of market participants, the first research question lays the theoretical and empirical ground for the following investigations. Thus, building on the findings of the first research question, the second empirical analysis goes one step further and analyses the effects of information asymmetries on the pricing structure of CDO credit spreads. The third question finally leaves the intra-market perspective and challenges the idea of inter-market information asymmetries. By comparing different asset classes and corresponding financial market places (CDS markets vs. stock analysts) the third question indicates that information asymmetries are not bound to the level of individual market segments only, but may in addition also exist between secondary credit markets and other financial market places or their participants respectively. Information asymmetries arising between CDS markets and stock analysts’ forecasts should eventually lead to spill-over effects between these two adjacent market places. In addition to the exchange of information within one market segment the research focus is thus extended to the functioning of information exchange modes between two financial market places. In the course of this dissertation each guiding research questions will be addressed throughout chapters 4 to 6 through an individual empirical analysis. Research Set Up 7 2.2 Research Topic The research topic of this dissertation is secondary credit markets in general and CDO as well as CDS markets more specifically. Secondary credit markets are defined as a market place for resale activities of credit-linked assets and can be further differentiated into direct resale activities, derivative resale activities and structured resale activities. CDOs belong to the segment of structured resale activities whereas CDS belong to derivative resale activities. In the following we refer to the research topic as the general outtake of a broader reality around which the research guidelines are centered (Bernet, 2003, p. 3). For this dissertation the research topic is defined as secondary credit markets. Credit markets are not only by far the biggest asset class in terms of absolute values but can also be subdivided into different segments starting with the origination and issuance of loans and corporate bonds. This market segment can be defined as the primary credit market. In addition, particularly over the last years various new credit markets have emerged which can be aggregated under the segment of secondary credit markets. Since credit markets are a rather broad asset class with various instruments and different market segments, the research topic is by intention limited to the fields of secondary credit markets only. Secondary credit markets are defined as the market place for resale activities of credit-linked assets. Credit-linked assets in turn are financial instruments whose values are directly or indirectly derived from credit-sensitive assets (Bielecki and Rutkowski, 2002, p. 169). Besides plain vanilla credit facilities (e.g. loans and corporate bonds) credit-linked assets include structured, synthetic and derivative instruments. Particularly in recent years secondary credit markets have gained some prominence (Watson and Carter, 2006, p. xi). The primary credit market on the other hand centers on the origination of credit facilities. In the case of loans these activities correspond to the lending and origination process. For (corporate) bonds, primary credit markets are defined as the original issuance through which the borrower collects capital against his balance sheet. This original bond issuance has to be separated from secondary credit market activities in which bond offerings might be re-packaged through the application of structured credit 8 Research Set Up derivatives (e.g. Gorton and Souleles, 2005; Manns, 2008). A bank following a buyand-hold approach would thus limit its activities on managing its credit portfolio to primary credit markets only. The primary market for bonds mainly consists of bond offerings undertaken by corporate, governments or government-like institutions. In addition, secondary credit markets can be grouped into the following sub-segments: x Direct Resale Activities (e.g. Corporate Bonds) x Derivative Resale Activities (e.g. Credit Default Swaps) x Structured Resale Activities (e.g. Collateralized Debt Obligations) Direct Resale Activities (e.g. Corporate Bonds) Direct resale activities stand for secondary purchases of loans and bonds after their issuance or origination respectively. Depending on the chosen credit facility, secondary bond markets are rather liquid. This is particularly true for the secondary market of large government bonds of high credit quality and involving large issuance volumes. Secondary loan markets (also labeled as secondary syndication, e.g. Westerfeld, 2008) are still in a very early evolutionary stage. However, initiatives have recently been undertaken to increase market liquidity for secondary loans (e.g. LSTA, 2008). Derivative Resale Activities (Credit Default Swaps) Derivative resale activities comprise credit derivatives. Credit derivatives are financial innovations that rely on well-known basic derivative structures like swaps or options (Hull, 2006, pp. 149). In comparison to stock-based equivalents, valuation of credit derivatives is derived from the credit risk of underlying entities issuing debt, like companies, without directly owning a stake in the underlying (e.g. Bielecki and Rutkowski, 2002, p. 8; Jorion, 2007, pp.454). The value of a credit derivative is aligned to the credit-sensitive performance and not the ownership of an underlying reference entity. The reference entity in turn can take varies shapes and is not necessarily restricted to a single name perspective only. In addition, credit derivatives allow credit risk to be detached from market risk and transferred to an investor (Chacko et al., 2006, pp. 147). Research Set Up 9 As the family of credit derivatives includes a range of different instruments both structure and underlying may vary accordingly. Besides CDSs another example for credit derivatives are credit spread options (O’Kane, 2001, p. 39). However, in terms of liquidity CDSs are among the most actively traded credit derivatives and represent around half of the whole market for credit derivatives (e.g. ISDA, 2008; Hager, 2008). Besides CDOs, CDS are the second credit risk instrument analyzed in detail along the research set-up of this dissertation in order to assess information asymmetries on secondary credit markets. It is therefore explained in more detail in the following. According to Taylor (2007, p. 149) a CDS is a contract between two parties which allows the ”transfer [of] the credit risk of a reference entity from one party to another“. A typical reference entity for a single-name CDS is a specific company (e.g. UBS). As outlined in Figure 2-1 the two contracting parties are characterized as protection buyer and protection seller. The protection seller guarantees his counterpart protection in case of a credit event (Norden, 2004, p. 20). Figure 2-1: Structure of a Credit Default Swap Premium Protection Seller No Credit Event Credit Event No Payment Protection Buyer Repayment Interest Credit Payment Reference Entity Source: own illustration adapted from Effenberger (2004). Thus, the CDS is comparable to a (credit) insurance model. In exchange for the guarantee the protection seller periodically receives a premium from the protection buyer on the basis of a CDS. Typically, this premium is a fixed annual spread quoted in basis points of the notional amount underlying the swap contract (Martin et. al., 2006, pp. 24). As a basic principle the premium received by the protection seller is negatively correlated with an increasing credit quality of the underlying reference entity. In order 10 Research Set Up to avoid misunderstandings both parties have to agree on a loan or bond with particular maturity functions as the underlying of a CDS (Taylor, 2007, p. 155). The protection buyer has to pay the premium in any event, whereas the protection seller only has to pay in the case of a credit event. Both the assessment of the credit event as well as modes of payment in the case of a credit event typically take place according to specific rules defined by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA). In the CDS contract described above it is assumed that the protection buyer is indeed invested in debt of the reference entity. Thus, the protection buyer hedges his credit risk position through the application of a CDS. This constellation is called a covered CDS. However, if on the other hand the protection buyer does not hold a corresponding debt position but nevertheless is engaged in CDSs, it is referred to it in the following as an uncovered CDS. In this context the buyer’s motivation is speculative since he bets on a decrease in the credit quality of the reference obligation. Speculative intensions can also be found on the protection seller’s side since he bets on the credit quality remaining constant or increasing (Taylor, 2007, p. 157). Structured Resale Activities (Collateralized Debt Obligations) Structured resale activities are defined in the following as the whole range of assetbacked securitizations (ABSs) including mortgage-backed securities, CDOs as well as other transaction structures (e.g. Gregory, 2004, pp. 151; Morr et al., 2005). Since the dissertation’s research topic exclusively focuses on CDO markets in the area of structured resale activities, the following illustration is by intention limited to CDOs only. However, the very basic transaction structure as defined in the case of CDOs is also applicable to other types of ABS transactions. The securitization process of a CDO centers on the structuring and resale of credit facilities – like loans to small-and-medium sized companies, emerging market bonds or even tranches of other ABS transactions (Lucas et al., 2007, p. 3). Figure 2-2 outlines the structure of a plain vanilla true sale CDO transaction. In the course of a true sale CDO, legal ownership of a pool of credit assets is transferred through the set up of a special purpose vehicle (SPV) to the investor (e.g. Goodman and Fabozzi, 2002, pp. 15; Duhon, 2006, pp. 126). Throughout the transaction the SPV issues tranches (or Research Set Up 11 Figure 2-2: Structure of a Collateralized Debt Obligation Administration Trustee/Servicer/Calculation Agent Capital Capital Senior Tranche (Class A) AAA SPV Loan/ Bond Portfolio (Collateral) Transfer of Assets and Interest Interest/ Capital Swap Counterparty (Hedging of Interest Rate and Currency Risk) Junior Tranche (Class B) AA Junior Tranche (Class C) BBB Equity Share Source: Pawley (2004). synonymously, notes), which in turn are bought by a range of different investors (e.g. pension funds, hedge funds or other banks). The SPV uses the capital proceeds to invest into a collateral pool. If the collateral pool consists of the very same credit assets throughout the whole maturity of the transaction and is only reduced by repayments and amortization, the transaction is described as static. In contrast, if proceeds of repayments and amortization are reinvested or assets of the collateral pool are sold and new bonds or loans are bought in exchange, the CDO follows a managed approach (Carter et al., 2006). Typically, an (investment) bank or an external asset manager acts as an issuer, setting up the whole transaction structure including the SPV, hiring third parties (e.g. trust companies or other investment banks) to perform additional administrative services (e.g. acting as a calculation agent) and eventually orchestrating the tranche issuance (e.g. Lindtner, 2006, p. 19; Clancy, 2006, p. 40). In the financial literature the issuer is also denoted as an originator if he is the original creditor of the transferred assets. In the case of a balance sheet CDO the transaction’s purpose is to transfer CDO-able assets from the issuer’s and the originator’s balance sheet to the SPV, thus freeing capital in order to reduce, for example, required regulatory or economic capital. Arbitrage deals on the other hand are merely constructed by asset managers in order to benefit from arbitrage opportunities by arranging a collateral pool and reselling it to other investors (Lucas et al., 2006, p. 9). 12 Research Set Up As outlined before, the SPV finances its asset purchases through the issuance of tranches (Ford, 2006, pp. 99). Each tranche pays interest to the investor as well as capital repayment at maturity. Interest payments are either defined as a fixed rate or as a spread premium over a certain reference benchmark (typically some sort of LIBOR). Capital and interests of the notes are guaranteed through the asset pool held by the SPV. Prior to the issuance each tranche is typically rated by Fitch, Moody's and S&P. The number of rating agencies assigned by the issuer to a transaction varies between one and three. A specific characteristic of a CDO transaction is that interest payments and capital repayment of the notes take place in the form of a so-called waterfall, starting with the most senior notes. In very simple terms this waterfall structure can be described as follows: the more subordinated notes only receive interest payments or capital repayments, respectively, if the claims of the senior tranches are satisfied (Duhon, 2006, p. 127). Typically, more senior tranches not only receive higher credit ratings but are also linked with greater volumes. In financial literature SPV refinancing is perceived to follow a specific pattern described as a seniority structure (e.g. Chan-Lau and Lu, 2006). In this context, subordinated tranches act as credit enhancement on behalf of the more senior notes. In addition, it is possible to grant liquidity enhancements through a capital cushion (Bär, 1997, pp. 30). Finally, the structure is completed by a swap counterparty, allowing the SPV to hedge against interest rate and currency risks. Typically, other banks or even the originator acts as a swap counterparty (Bluhm and Overbeck, 2005, p. 121). CDOs also exist as synthetic structures consisting of a reference pool whose legal ownership is not transferred to the SPV and remains with the originator. Through the application of credit derivatives (e.g. CDS) only the credit risk is transferred from the originator to the SPV and from there to the investor (e.g. Longstaff and Rajan, 2008; Tavakoli, 2003, pp. 17). Besides synthetic or true-sale-only transactions hybrid structures also exist which consist of both the application of credit derivatives as well as investments into a collateral pool (e.g. Jobst, 2006). Depending on the underlying asset (collateral) pool, the individual CDO belongs to one of the following transaction types: Collateralized Bond Obligations (CBO), Collateralized Loan Obligations (CLO), Collateralized Swap Obligations (CSO) or other (exotic) transactions (Westerfeld, 2008). Research Set Up 13 For a detailed illustration of the different transaction types, it is at this point referred to Jortzik (2005, pp. 53), Lucas et al. (2007, pp. 71) and Schiefer (2008, pp. 187). 14 Research Set Up 2.3 Research Object CDO and CDS markets are analyzed from the perspective of information asymmetries. The research object is based on a set of different principal-agent relationships which are derived from a triangle of market participants including the issuer, the information agent as well as the investor. Through the introduction of two different subsets this general research object is aligned to the specific features of CDO as well as CDS markets respectively. In the case of CDOs, rating agencies perform the role of information agents, whereas this function is undertaken by stock analysts for the subset focusing on CDS markets. Thus, in the second subset the relationship triangle opens up for participants of an adjacent financial market and allows empirical analyses of spill-over effects between CDS markets and stock analysts’ forecasts. Following Bernet (2003, p. 3) the research object determines the perspective from which the research topic is analyzed and to which the central arguments of the thesis are aligned. Accordingly, the dissertation’s research object corresponds to information asymmetries on secondary credit markets and can be viewed as the central argument underlying the overall research perspective. Against the background of two subgroups referring to CDO as well as CDS markets, respectively, various settings of information asymmetry are analyzed. Chapter 3 provides us with a more theoretical view of the existence of information asymmetries on secondary credit markets, whereas chapters 4 to 6 present the issue of information asymmetries from an empirical perspective. Relying on a principal-agent framework a brief overview of the dimensions of information asymmetries is given in Figure 2-3 as well as an outline of different subsets of the dissertation’s general research object. Neo-institutional economics attempt to explain the evolution and existence of institutions (e.g. companies or market places) by mapping interdependences between these institutions to human behavioral characteristic. It primarily consists of the transaction costs approach, the property rights theory as well as the principal-agent theory (Müller-Stewens and Lechner, 2003, pp. 149). Based on the works of Coase (1937) and Williamson (1975; 1985) the transaction costs approach explains economic exchanges between two parties through the transaction costs incurred. The basic assump- Research Set Up 15 tion in this context is that transaction costs are influenced by various factors relating to either transaction specific or involved party specific characteristics (Erlei and Jost, 2001, pp. 36). The property rights theory is a second pillar of the neo-institutional economics perspective and is grounded on the idea that all goods can be viewed as property rights. Thus, the exchange of goods becomes an exchange of property rights. These property rights in turn are key factors to determine the value of a good (Bernet, 2003, p. 97). The principal-agent theory is build upon the relationship between a principal and an agent, whereas information asymmetries as well as conflicts of interest arise. The most notable proponents of a principal-agent theory in the financial literature were Jensen and Meckling (1976), Fama (1980) and Fama and Jensen (1983). In the course of this thesis proposal, the principal-agent theory is used as a theoretical framework and applied to secondary credit markets accordingly. By definition the principal and the agent only in part share the same objectives. Different objectives in turn lead to conflicts of interests between the two parties (Trezzini, 2005, p. 51). Conflicts of interest in turn are impacted by information asymmetries. Existing uneven information distribution eventually allows the agent to pursue – knowingly or unknowingly by the principal – his own objectives. Basically, the principal-agent theory thus relies on the assumption that a certain degree of information asymmetry exists between the principal and the agent (e.g. Jensen and Meckling, 1976; Fama, 1980). The triangle at the top of Figure 2-3 illustrates a basic relationship set-up at the level of secondary credit markets in general and consists of an information agent, an investor and a borrower. Each party is linked to the others and thus provides us with three different principal-agent relationships. Subsets I & II directly correspond to the CDO and CDS markets, which were already defined in chapter 2.2 as the dissertation’s core research topics. Subset I is applied to the guiding research questions (I) and (II), whereas Subset II is applied to the third one. Depending on the underlying research focus, the composition of the observed relationship triangle may vary. Since an investor or an issuer appears as an involved party in both market segments, both are present in all three relationship triangles. In Subset I the rating agency assumes the part of an information agent. Given the research focus of chapter 6 (e.g. spill-over effects between 16 Research Set Up Figure 2-3: General Research Object and the Corresponding Subsets General Research Object (Information Asymmetries on Secondary Credit Markets) Information Agent Principal-Agent Relationship Issuer Investor Subset I Subset II (Collateralized Debt Obligations) (Credit Default Swaps) Rating Agency Stock Analyst Principal-Agent Relationship Principal-Agent Relationship Issuer Investor Issuer Investor Source: own illustration. CDS spreads and stock analysts’ forecasts) this role is performed by a stock analyst in Subset II. Starting with Subset I (CDO market) the basic principal-agent relationship exists between the investor (principal) and the issuer (agent). The investor buys a specific tranche in the course of a CDO transaction which in turn is issued by the investor. The second principal-agent relationship exists between the investor (principal) and the rating agency, with the investor delegating monitoring activities to the rating agency (e.g. Partnoy, 2006; Mason and Rosner, 2007; Güttler, 2008). A third relationship focuses on the interaction between the issuer (principal) and the rating agency (agent). Since a Research Set Up 17 specific characteristic of the CDO rating market is the fact that the issuer pays the rating agency and thus directly controls the interaction with the rating agency, the issuer acts as a principal in this context (e.g. Morkötter and Westerfeld, 2008). In Subset II (CDS market) the basic relationship between the investor (principal) and the issuer (agent) can also be detected. Throughout a CDS contract (see chapter 2.2) the protection seller agrees to bear a certain credit risk in exchange for an annual payment (e.g. Hull, 2006, p. 746). Since the protection seller puts a certain amount of his capital at risk and in exchange receives a certain premium, the protection seller in turn is acting as an investor, whereas the protection buyer acts as an issuer underwriting credit risk. Both issuer (protection buyer) and investor (protection seller) maintain a principal agent relationship with the information agent. Since information asymmetries are analyzed between CDS markets and stock analysts’ forecasts, the role of an information agent is performed by a stock analyst. Again, the relationship between the investor and the information agent can be described with the investor acting as a principal, delegating monitoring activities to the stock analyst (agent). This relationship also holds for the interaction between the issuer (principal) and the stock analyst (agent). If the issuer is a bank and the stock analyst works for the very same institution, the principal-agent relationship is of particular interest. To overcome potential conflicts of interest arising out of this constellation, Chinese walls are implemented within the banks concerned. With the inclusion of a stock analyst acting as an information agent, we extend the perspective towards the stock market and leave the intra-market perspective that is limited to secondary credit markets only. Since the dissertation’s aim in this context is to analyze spill-over effects between stock analysts’ forecasts and CDS spreads, the main research focus (information asymmetries on secondary credit markets) is viewed to remain unchanged. In both subsets the illustrated principal-agent relationships are used in order to analyze the existence of information asymmetries on CDO and CDS markets. Thus, corresponding market functionality and structure as well as allocation of resources and cost issues are addressed accordingly. Each of the outlined subgroups will be analyzed, tested and illustrated through a specific empirical setting. 18 Research Set Up 2.4 Scientific Objective The overall scientific objective relates to the analysis of how information asymmetries have an impact on the structure, functionality and pricing patterns of CDO and CDS markets as well as the behavior of relevant market participants. This general scientific objective is concretized along a descriptive, analytical and explanatory dimension. The scientific objective finally can be summarized under the guidance of the following scientific statements corresponding to the thesis’s framework defined earlier (Bernet, 1982, p. 16): (I) descriptive scientific objectives (II) analytical scientific objectives (III) explanatory scientific objectives The broad scientific objective relates to the question whether information asymmetries exist and how these information asymmetries impact the structure, functionality and pricing of CDO and CDS markets as well as the behavior of relevant market participants. Descriptive scientific objectives focus on specific characteristics of the secondary credit markets as well as its functionality and structure. The analytical objective in turn is devoted to the analysis of different elements (e.g. market players) and their interaction with the dimension in which the research topic is integrated. While the analytical objective mainly relies on the design of the secondary credit market system, the explanatory objective deals with interactions, system-imbedded reactions and behavioral patterns regarding secondary credit markets. In the following each of the objective dimensions is briefly reviewed against the background of the individual empirical analysis performed in chapters 4 to 6. The first guiding research question primarily focuses on the impact of information asymmetries on CDO markets. It is analyzed how information asymmetries determine market functionality and the behavior of market participants in the case of CDOs (de- Research Set Up 19 scriptive objective) throughout rating model arbitrage. Against the background of an analytical objective this research proposal aims to shed light on the interaction of the triangle elements in Subset I (see Figure 2-3) and their link to the economic environment. Relating to an explanatory objective, the paper examines how the given structure of the CDO rating market induces a specific behavior on the part of the involved parties. Throughout the analysis of multiple CDO ratings the second guiding research question, in chapter 5, evaluates the impact of information asymmetries on the pricing structure of underlying CDO tranche spreads. Besides the specification of multiple CDO ratings (descriptive objective) the research proposal also investigates parts of the relationship triangle of Subset I as well as its interacting elements (analytical objective). From the explanatory perspective the empirical analysis of chapter 5 intends to examine how the predefined interacting elements ultimately impact the pricing structure of CDO transactions. Finally, the third guiding research question focuses on spill-over effects (co-movement and lead-lag structures) between stock markets (represented by stock analysts) and secondary credit markets (represented by the CDS market). The general scientific objective relies on the question to what extend information asymmetries between secondary credit markets and stock markets exist and whether this misaligned distribution of information leads to specific adjustment processes (lead-lag structures) in CDS spreads. The descriptive objective therefore relies on detecting a conjunction between these two elements of two different financial markets. The analytical perspective is represented in the question whether information distribution is bounded by different asset classes or whether stock analysts also perform the role of information agents in the case of CDS spreads. Finally, the paper considers whether information asymmetries are a reliable framework for explaining the detected spill-over effects between the different elements and thus represent an explanatory objective. 20 Information Asymmetries on Secondary Credit Markets 3 Information Asymmetries on Secondary Credit Markets 3.1 Information Asymmetries 3.1.1 Basics Information asymmetries arise if the information distribution between two (contract) parties is not equal. One party possesses information, which is not accessible and thus unknown to the counterparty (Trezzini, 2005, p. 50). Information asymmetries can be used as a competitive advantage by the party which benefits from an unequal distribution of information. If not induced otherwise the party possessing additional information has no incentive to level the existing information asymmetry (Pictot and Meier, 1993, pp. 31). As one of the first academics Akerlof (1970) introduced the concept of information asymmetries to an economic setting. His “lemon market” example analyzed the US automobile market and illustrated the issue of uncertainty between two contract parties (e.g. buyer and seller of a car). In relation to the contract formation information asymmetries may arise ex-ante, ex-interim or ex-post (Bader, 1986, pp. 22). By definition information asymmetries can also arise between market participants on financial markets in general and on secondary credit markets more specifically (Gerster, 2005, p. 132). The key issue in this context and also one of the thesis’s research guidelines is the question if the better-informed market participant capitalizes on his information advantages and thus influences market structure and pricing patterns. Against the background of this research question a new strand of financial literature has emerged during the last 30 years aiming at financial asymmetries on capital markets and credit markets in particular (e.g. Leland and Pyle, 1977; Flannery, 1986; Fazzari and Athey, 1987; Umlauf, 1991; Goswami et al., 1995; Chae, 2005; Sufi, 2007). Of course information asymmetries can also be applied to the area of risk transfer and securitization (e.g. Franke and Krahnen, 2008). In line with Arrow (1985, pp. 38) and Spremann (1990, pp. 563) it is distinguished between the following three types of information asymmetries: quality uncertainty, moral hazard and hold-up. Information Asymmetries on Secondary Credit Markets 21 The main issue in order to overcome existing information asymmetries is the trustworthy transfer of information. In principle three different concepts can indentified in order to overcome information asymmetries: signaling, delegated monitoring and reputation. If the costs triggered by incorrect information are higher than the anticipated (financial) advantages through the incomplete information, signaling instruments may be an appropriate measure to guarantee a credible information transfer. Thus, companies with a bad credit quality cannot imitate the signals coming from companies with a high credit quality (Heinke, 1998, p. 202). In case of credit markets, signaling approaches can be differentiate as follows: If the borrower (agent) sends the signals by himself to the investor (principal) we define it as direct signaling. Are the signals reaching the signals from a third party we label it indirect signaling (Hsueh, 1986, p. 33). Against the background of the defined research object both rating agencies and stock analysts may act as third parties. The idea underlying the concept of delegated monitoring is that the principal refers to a third party in order to monitor the agent’s activities. Thus the principal outsources his due diligence commitments. Specifically, in case of one agent (issuer) but several principals (investors) the advantages of delegated monitoring are rather obvious because monitoring costs only arise once if the principals decide to assign only one third party to perform monitoring activities. However, critical issues are the trustiness of the third party as well as a free-rider problem (Aulibauer and Thiessen, 2002, pp.23). A third approach in order to reduce information asymmetries is reputation of both the agent and the involved third party performing delegated monitoring activities. Basically key is that missing transparency is overcome by the counterpart’s reputation or trustiness respectively. Reputation has typically been build up by a longstanding track record. In case of CDO markets the issuer’s reputation is for example closely connected to the number of underdone transactions or the backing of a renowned bank. The existence of information asymmetries requires interacting relationships between two parties. As previously outlined in chapter 2.3 secondary credit markets offer a variety of different relationship settings and have been aligned to a principal-agent framework. Based on these considerations throughout chapter 3.3 the detected princip- 22 Information Asymmetries on Secondary Credit Markets al-agent relationships on secondary credit markets are addressed in more detail from the perspective of information asymmetries. By doing so, chapter 3.1 will first briefly review the basic theoretical principles of information asymmetries followed by an introduction of the information agents which are involved according to the dissertation’s research object. 3.1.2 Quality Uncertainty Quality uncertainty refers to ex-ante information asymmetry. Prior to the contract formation the contract partners are unsure about the performance quality of the respective counterpart (Schiefer, 2008, p. 36). Besides Akerlof (1970) most notably Leland and Peyle (1977) and Ramakrishnan and Takor (1984) introduced the concept of quality uncertainty to financial literature. Based on theoretical models they prove that quality uncertainty is present on financial markets and directly impacts the behavior of market participants. The model of Ramakrishnan and Takor (1984) assumes that in this context information brokers just like rating agencies provide valuable services on the financial markets. By signaling attributes information brokers are able to reduce the level of quality uncertainty. Quality uncertainty in turn may lead to adverse selection, representing a situation in which supply of high quality performance or products deteriorates due to comparably low pricing levels (Kiener, 1990, pp. 24). According to Spremann (1990) quality uncertainty can also be denoted as hidden characteristics. 3.1.3 Moral Hazard Moral Hazard describes the uncertainty of the contract partner’s behavior from an expost perspective. Thus, moral hazard is a risk parameter which becomes important after the (financial) contract is signed between the two parties (Trezzini, 2005, p. 56). Ex-post one contract party is able to see and evaluate the outcome (e.g. return on an investment) but not the action performed by the counterparty to achieve this outcome. In addition, one contract party cannot verify if the outcome is linked to the actions carried out by his contractual counterpart or if the outcome is merely the result of external impact factors which are beyond the contract partner’s influence (Mirrlees, 1999). Arrow (1985) differentiates between two kinds of moral hazard: hidden information and hidden action. In the case of hidden information one contract party does not disclose Information Asymmetries on Secondary Credit Markets 23 the full range of his options and the corresponding risk factors. Hidden action in turn refers to the problematic situation that one contract party can choose options that are not in the interest of the counterparty but are beyond his observation focus. Against the background of a borrower-lender relationship, moral hazard may arise through actions undertaken by the borrower, which are not observable and thus not manageable by the lender (Freixas and Rochet, 1997, pp. 108). Many scholars have analyzed the impact of moral hazard on economic environments. In this context, one field of financial literature focuses on credit markets and analyzes the lender-borrower relationship in more detail (e.g. Diamond, 1984; Breuer, 1995; Gorton and Pennachi, 1995; von Thadden, 1995). 3.1.4 Hold-Up Hold-up refers to the ex-interim perspective (e.g. maturity of loan). Both parties have signed a (loan) contract. Since there are limitations on how precise a contract can be in defining every detail of the contract partner’s performance and actions, there is room for interpretation (Hartmann-Wendels et al., 2007, pp. 99). In this context, hold-up is defined as the behavior of one contract partner to capitalize on contract gaps. The disadvantaged contract partner in turn has no possibility to react accordingly (Bernet, 2003, p. 92). Typically, the disadvantaged contract partner is the party with the greatest exposure in relation to the contract and has made significant investments or has allocated capital. If this is the case, these investments can be regarded as sunk costs (Signer, 2003, p. 125). Against the background of a borrower-lender relationship it is primarily the lender, who suffers from Hold-Up, since he has to put up capital. 3.2 Information Agents on Secondary Credit Markets 3.2.1 Credit Rating Agencies Credit rating agencies (CRAs) analyze and assess the creditworthiness and the financial obligations of entities (Frost, 2006). According to Ashcraft and Schuermann (2008) a credit rating represents an aggregated opinion of the analyzed creditworthiness reflecting only credit or default risk. Against the background of structured resale activities, it important to note that the rating always reflects the creditworthiness of the 24 Information Asymmetries on Secondary Credit Markets analyzed debt instruments (e.g. CDO tranche) and not of the overall credit worthiness of the SPV. Typically, credit ratings are ordinal measures and each rating agency uses a rating scale in order to aggregate their credit assessment into a comparative measure (e.g. AAA). The rating scale allows investors to put the individual rating of the financial obligation into an overall context (Metz, 2007). Through the publication of credit ratings, CRAs are mandated to create transparency on financial markets, lower existing information asymmetries between issuers and investors and, finally, improve asset allocation on a macroeconomic level (Behrends, 1998, p. 158). From an investor’s perspective CRAs perform an information function as well as a monitoring function. The CRA collects, aggregates and assesses data and typically provides all investors with this information. It would be rather costly for investors to assess the creditworthiness of entities and their financial obligations on their own. Therefore investors have a rational reason to outsource this task with the CRA ultimately becoming a screening instrument (Heinke, 1998, pp. 36; Ahscraft and Schuermann, 2008). With the introduction of Basel II the role of CRAs became even more important because regulatory capital requirements of financial institutions are now linked to credit ratings (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, 2001; Perraudin and Taylor, 2004). It is worth mentioning that the CDO rating market can be described as oligopolistic, with only three suppliers providing rating services: Fitch, Moody’s and S&P (Partnoy, 2006; Mason and Rosner, 2008). The process leading towards the final rating is denoted in the following as a rating process. All three rating agencies maintain a sophisticated rating process with each of them widely accepted by investors. Thus, each rating agency is a viable choice for the investors in terms of due diligence delegation. Two of the three rating agencies (Fitch and S&P) rely on an expected loss (EL) based approach throughout the rating process whereas Moody’s rating methodology is centered on a probability of default (PD) concept. The whole process is characterized by close exchange and interaction between the rating agency, the issuer as well as other involved parties like asset managers or other (investment) banks. Typically, the CDO rating process starts with the assignment of the rating agency by the issuer. At this point it is emphasized that CDO ratings are solicited evaluations that are initiated by the issuer. In addition, the issuer also decides whether a rating is published or not once Information Asymmetries on Secondary Credit Markets 25 the rating is finalized by the rating agency. Due to ongoing developments on CDO markets the applied rating models are continuously developed further (Morkötter and Westerfeld, 2007). For a detailed description of the different rating processes as well as underlying models are referred at this point to the three rating agencies, (Fitch, 2009; Moody’s 2009; S&P, 2009). 3.2.2 Stock Analysts Stock analysts are the second class of information agents considered in relation to the research object of this dissertation (see chapter 2.3). Throughout chapter 6 stock analysts assume the role of information agents on CDS markets, allowing us to observe the interaction between CDS spreads and the assessment of the underling reference entities by stock analysts through their earnings forecasts. Typically, investors do not have the time nor the resources to analyze all stocks independently and thus delegate monitoring activities to stock analysts – similar to the case of rating agencies. Like ratings, stock analyst reports are thus perceived to incorporate signaling attributes with analysts functioning as opinion leaders on stock markets (Beier-Middelschulte 2004, p. 76). In contrast to rating agencies stock analysts do not focus on the likelihood of a company repaying its outstanding debt but on the (future) value of its equity or its share price, respectively. By definition not the PD or the EL are key measures to assess the equity value but specific accounting measures which are forecasted by stock analysts in order to give an assessment of future stock price development. In this context one of the most prominent as well as the most frequently occurring measures are earnings-per share (EPS) forecasts. A common valuation tool to come up with a forecast is the discounted cash flow approach (Stickney et al., 2007, pp. 855). These forecasts additionally rely on a qualitative assessment of a company's situation as well as an industry and economy outlook in general. Typically, stock analysts aggregate their findings or forecasts within a stock report made available to third parties. In general, the stock report also contains the analyst’s final recommendation either to buy, hold or sell the analyzed stock (Warburg, 2006; Balboa and Gómez-Sala, 2008). 26 Information Asymmetries on Secondary Credit Markets Usually, stock analysts are employed by (investment) banks, which in turn use the subsequent analyst reports as a kind of marketing instruments to promote their sales activities (e.g. brokerage, asset management or private/retail banking). Thus, it is usually the case that a blue chip company (e.g. Nestle) is covered by 50 or more different stock analysts. Since analysts generally publish a comparable set of estimation figures, it is also possible to compare analysts among each other and to back test the reliability of their forecasts (e.g. Amir and Ganzach, 1998; Bolliger, 2004). Regulatory authorities demand that stock analysts are strictly separated from the bank’s credit analysts through Chinese walls. By separating stock and credit analysts, regulatory authorities guarantee that stock analysts rely on publicly accessible information only, whereas credit analysts gain access to a great deal of private information in the course of the rating process. In this context, access to information is only one area of potential conflicts of interest. Banks also generate significant income streams through corporate banking activities conducted directly with the companies analyzed by the bank’s stock analysts (e.g. lending or M&A consulting). This business relationship leads to a second area of conflict of interest since the banks’ corporate customers might demand favorable stock reports in return for banking business. Again, through the implementation of Chinese walls stock analysts are supposed to be protected from coming under pressure from the bank’s corporate relationship managers demanding favorable stock reports (Baik and Park, 2003; Bradshaw et al., 2006; Chan et al., 2007). As a result of these potential conflicts of interest several independent companies have recently emerged offering stock analyst reports as third party providers without an affiliation to any financial institutions and thus imitating, to a certain degree, the role of rating agencies (Cohen, 2008). Information Asymmetries on Secondary Credit Markets 27 3.3 Information Asymmetries on Secondary Credit Markets The theoretical concept, as developed throughout Chapter 3.1, is now applied to the specific characteristics of information asymmetries on secondary credit markets. Based on the two defined research subsets (see chapter 2.3), the different dimensions of information asymmetries arising within the relationship triangle of investor, issuer and information agent are illustrated. 3.3.1 Issuer and Investor Research Subset I The very basic principal-agent relationship takes place between the investor (principal) and the issuer (agent) of a CDO transaction. By definition, the issuer possesses a full set of information with regard to the CDO transaction, whereas the investor has only access to information, which was previously revealed to him by the information agent. The information agent, in turn, also follows his own interests. Against the background of quality uncertainty, the investor is thus faced with two problems: first, is the set of information he has access to a complete one? Second, is the information provided to him by the issuer reliable? As we will see throughout chapter 4 in more detail, the issuer tries to overcome these problems by publishing a detailed set of information prior to the transaction. In this context, he assigns one or more rating agencies as external parties in order to assess the transaction (signaling). However, full transparency with regard to quality uncertainty (specifically relating to the second question) can only be achieved if the issuer agrees to disclose his information as well as his interaction with the involved information agents (rating agencies) completely. Moral hazard and holdup both focus on an ex-post perspective (e.g. Does the CDO manager follow the investment strategy as indicated in the presale report? Are interest payments made accordingly to the defined waterfall structure?). Both moral hazard and hold-up can be limited in large part through the application of contractual provisions and the inclusion of third parties, such as trustees (Morkötter and Westerfeld, 2008). 28 Information Asymmetries on Secondary Credit Markets Research Subset II Throughout a CDS contract, the protection seller is assumed to act as an investor and thus performs the function of a principal, whereas the protection buyer (issuer) is viewed as the agent. The protection seller absorbs the credit risk of a specific reference entity from the protection seller. In this context, quality uncertainty arises with regard to the underlying reference entity. Since Research Subset II focuses on the interaction between the CDS markets and stock analysts, the latter are viewed as acting as information agents in order to overcome quality uncertainty. Of course, if both parties possess the identical set of information, quality uncertainty with regard to the reference entity affects both parties equally. If the protection seller only relies on stock analysts or other publically available information sources (e.g. rating agencies), whereas the protection buyer has access to private information, the issue of quality uncertainty becomes even more complicated. This problem setting typically appears: if the protection buyer is a bank buying protection for a loan, the bank has originally lent to a corporate client. Based on the detailed research gathered throughout the lending process, the bank has access to a more detailed set of information as the protection seller. Besides quality uncertainty, moral hazard and hold-up also become eminent. Once the CDS contract has been signed, the protection buyer is ensured against the underlying credit risk and thus has relatively fewer incentives to monitor the underlying credit facility (loan) furthermore as orderly as the protection buyer has done in the past, when he bore the credit risk all by himself (e.g. control of proper interest payments). Typically, large parts of quality uncertainty and moral hazard are overcome by establishing Chinese walls within the protection buyer’s organization (e.g. the loan’s credit officer does not get to know that protection was bought for a specific facility) as well as the guarantee to perform a certain set of services throughout the CDS contract’s maturity (e.g. Westerfeld, 2004, pp. 101). Hold-up, in turn, is experienced by the protection buyer. Given the structure of a CDS contract, the protection buyer pays the protection seller each year a certain premium, but he has no guarantee that the protection seller besides his contractual obligations - is able to cover the incurred loss in case of a default event (e.g. counterparty risk). Arising hold-up can primarily be overcome by the renowned reputation of the protection buyer (e.g. high solvency). Information Asymmetries on Secondary Credit Markets 29 3.3.2 Investor and Information Agent Research Subset I It is market standard that CDO investors delegate due diligence activities in large parts to the rating agencies. Investors again are faced with information asymmetries relating to quality uncertainty: are the ratings reliable? Due to their primarily contractual relationship with the issuer, do the rating agencies face incentives to adjust their rating outcomes? Moral hazard is related to the fact that the investor only sees the rating outcome (e.g. AAA) but is not involved in the process leading to the final rating. The rating agencies repeatedly address the issue of information asymmetries by firm internal corporate governance practices and by making the rating processes in large part publicly accessible. In addition, the rating agencies repeatedly argue that their neutrality is key to their business model. Violating neutrality would, in turn, damage their overall reputation as information agents. In the course of the current financial crisis, both the issuer-pays-model as well as the concept of self-regulation has come under increased scrutiny. Since the applied rating models did not capture the full dimension of the underlying risk structures, the investors were very recently affected by quality uncertainty, as the provided information (e.g. ratings) proved to be less reliable than indicated. Research Subset II Throughout Research Subset II, the role of the information agent is performed by stock analysts, allowing us to link the stock markets with the CDS markets. As already observed, in the case of the CDO markets, there exists a non-contractual-based principalagent relationship between the investor and the stock analysts. Nevertheless, this induces that the investor turns to the stock analyst throughout the process of asset allocation. It is widely accepted that stock analysts incorporate guidance attributes with regard to stock markets. As discussed in Chapter 6 in more detail, these guidance attributes are extended to the CDS markets (see Research Subset II). As also illustrated, in the case of the CDO markets for the interaction between the investor and rating agency, the principal-agent relationship between the investor (principal) and the stock analyst (agent) primarily includes due diligence activities performed by the stock analyst on behalf of the investor. Relating to quality uncertainty, it is thus rather diffi- 30 Information Asymmetries on Secondary Credit Markets cult for the investor to assess the stock analysts’ capabilities. Stock analysts can overcome quality uncertainty, for example, by referring to past forecast accuracy or specifically quoting independency. The same is true for moral hazard, which may arise, given the fact that stock analysts are, in most cases, employed by banks. Typically, these banks are also involved in underwriting business, which might result in a potential conflict of interests: corporate clients might ask for favorable analyst reports in return for banking business. This kind of biased forecast would, of course, harm investors, who would rely on misleading information throughout their allocation process. Since Research Subset II merges with the CDS markets as well as the stock analysts’ two sub-segments of the capital markets, it is also worth considering the interacting dynamics between these two adjacent markets. In this context, information asymmetries may arise if one market has (early) access to information or incorporates exclusive information. Following this argumentation, we would expect one market to lead the other, whereas equal information distribution or identical access to information would suggest a non-lagged co-movement. 3.3.3 Issuer and Information Agent Research Subset I As already noted by describing the principal-agent relationship between the issuer and the investor, the rating agencies are engaged by the issuer in order to reduce the existing information asymmetries (e.g. quality uncertainty) in the direction of the investors. Whereas rating agencies are viewed from the investors’ perspective primarily as information agents performing monitoring activities, the rating agencies are used from the issuer’s perspective with respect to signaling attributes. In more detail, rating agencies are assigned by the issuer (principal) in order to send a strong signal with regard to the underlying credit quality. Through the ensuing sales process prior to the issuance of CDO tranches, the issuer uses the rating outcomes as a marketing instrument to build up trust with the investor regarding the issuance’s overall quality. With regard to quality uncertainty, again, the principal (issuer) needs to trust the rating agency with regard to the rating outcomes. Since CDO ratings are solicited ones, the issuer possesses in addition to the investor an additional option: the rating publication is contin- Information Asymmetries on Secondary Credit Markets 31 gent on the issuer’s approval. Thus, if the issuer does not approve the rating outcome, he can detain publication. Of course, this option is closely connected to the quality uncertainty as observed in the interacting dynamics between the issuer and investor. Nevertheless, since the issuer pays the rating agency, the corresponding relationship falls victim to serious conflicts of interest on the agency’s side: the rating agency is getting paid by the issuer, who also decides on future rating assignments. Thus, the dependency is rather obvious. However, at the same time, investors expect the rating agencies to deal properly with the arising conflicts of interest and prepare an unbiased assessment of the CDO transaction. Research Subset II In the case of CDS markets, the interaction between the issuer and the information agent (represented by the stock analysts) is less pronounced as observed in the case of the CDO markets. CDS contracts are not directly assessed by information agents (neither by rating agencies nor by stock analyst). Information agents focus on the underlying reference entity and, in the case of stock analysts’ forecasts, even on the equity value rather than on the company-specific credit risk, as done by the rating agencies. Secondly, opposing the business model of the CDO rating market, stock analysts’ forecasts are not solicited ones. Thus, the issuer does not pay for them nor has he an option to block publication. This, in turn, reduces the level of potential conflicts of interest as well as information asymmetries notably. On the one hand, this makes the vital principal-agent relationship between the protection seller and the protection buyer less pronounced to information asymmetries or conflicts of interest. However, if in turn the protection buyer and the stock analyst’s employer are the same party (e.g. a bank with activities both in the CDS as well as the equity market) conflicts of interest may arise from another angle (see previous chapter). 32 Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis 4 Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis 4.1 Introduction In this article we analyze whether information asymmetry between issuers and investors of CDO transactions leads to rating model arbitrage in CDO markets. 1 Rating model arbitrage is based on the issuer’s option to either publicize a solicited presale report and the underlying tranche ratings or to refrain from publication if the assigned presale report and/ or the rating deviates from expectations. Should the issuer choose to opt for a withholding of the results, rating model arbitrage in the applied definition occurs as specific transactions are rated by specific agencies and/or methodologies. We develop two hypotheses based on asymmetric information distribution between issuers and investors to find empirical evidence for rating model arbitrage (sometimes also referred to as “rating shopping”). Using a data sample of CDO transactions grouped both by rating agencies and underlying rating methodologies, we test for homogeneity of characteristic transaction features in the group and heterogeneity between the different groups. Apparently, such a test has never been performed before. We test the null hypothesis that rating model arbitrage on the basis of information asymmetry does not exist. The alternative interprets common patterns in the characteristics of CDOs rated by the same rating agency, or with the same underlying rating methodology as a manifestation of rating model arbitrage. We find that the null hypothesis can be rejected as individual patterns of transaction characteristics within each group could be identified. Furthermore, we show that transactions rated by Fitch and Standard & Poor’s (S&P) incorporate a higher degree of consistency in terms of comparable characteristics (e.g. tranche structure) than transactions rated by Moody’s. The results support the existence of rating model arbitrage in CDO markets and deliver useful insights for future rating commissioning and investors’ behavior. CDOs have become increasingly important in today’s financial markets, with issuance levels growing at an extraordinary rate in the past few years. Their development has 1 The following chapter represents joint work by Morkötter and Westerfeld (2009b). Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis 33 been accompanied by debates involving market participants, regulators, politicians, and researchers alike (specifically during the financial crisis starting in 2007/08) on the methodologies and processes by which credit rating agencies evaluate the creditworthiness of such securities. Rating risk in the CDO context arises from the fact that the structured nature of CDOs limits the usefulness of their ratings, since ratings only reflect certain aspects of a CDO’s credit risk properties. Ratings reflect the average risk of a security and represent an opinion on the probability of default (PD) and expected loss (EL). They do neither factor in the dispersion of risk around its mean, nor can they convey the complexity of a structure or sensitivity of the structure to the embedded assumptions; for example, default correlations and recoveries post-default (see for example Chan-Lau and Ong, 2006). Furthermore, information is distributed highly asymmetric between investors and issuers with only limited possibilities to overcome these complexities. In cases where investors rely on ratings for their CDO investments (usually implying a high number of underlying loans), an additional specific model risk might arise from the respective agency’s model used to assess CDO transactions and structures. Moody’s Investors Service (2007a) analyzed a database of 50,000 tranches of structured finance transactions rated by both Moody’s on the one hand, and by S&P and/or Fitch on the other, containing all ratings outstanding on February 28, 2006. The report concluded that for jointly-rated CDOs the average rating gap vis-à-vis both S&P and Fitch is insignificantly different from zero. Differences in ratings are greater for ratings below Aaa than for Aaa ratings, while roughly 98% of the Moody’s/S&P and Moody’s/Fitch ratings are the same when the Moody’s rating is Aaa. The percentage of identical ratings drops to 60% and 55% vis-à-vis S&P and Fitch respectively, when Moody’s is non-Aaa. Differences, while very large in many cases, are likely to understate the given options, because rating model arbitrage often causes large differences in rating opinions to be unobserved by the market. The reason is that rating model arbitrage in structured finance is interpreted to hide large systematic differences in rating opinions across agencies. However, differences in ratings of CDO tranches may be caused by a variety of reasons, e.g. methodological differences, adverse selection of collateral by the issuers, differences in criteria among the agencies, differences in 34 Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis monitoring practices, or an “unrepresentative” sample of securities rated by the respective agencies. It is assumed that rating model arbitrage in the context of CDOs exists and becomes evident in a sample selection bias. Cantor and Packer (1997) define a sample selection bias in connection with credit ratings. Not all firms receive a credit rating from each rating agency. Therefore, the published set of ratings is an incomplete sample. Accordingly, a sample selection bias arises in CDO markets since the sample of transaction ratings and especially the sample of presale reports is not complete: Particular agencies are chosen to rate a structure and publish a presale report. This suggests that the chosen agency’s rating may be higher than the rating that would have been assigned by another agency. If an issuer requires only one or two ratings, but solicits proposed ratings and presale reports from multiple agencies, he has an incentive to choose the highest rating or the most favorable presale reports respectively. This chapter is organized as follows. Based on a literature review in chapter 4.2, we develop two competing hypotheses based on information asymmetries within CDO markets in chapter 4.3. The data sample, empirical results and interpretation of the results are contained in chapters 4.4 and 4.5. Chapter 4.6 concludes the paper. 4.2 Literature Review CDO rating methodologies applied by the major three rating agencies differ substantially, which can result in clear differences in the ratings assigned by the agencies to certain tranche structures (see for example Peretyatkin and Perraudin, 2002). Moody’s has long relied on an EL criterion, as opposed to a criterion that focuses primarily on PD, as applied by its competitors S&P and Fitch. This, however, implies that senior instruments typically having thick tranche sizes not only show low probabilities of loss, but generally also suffer smaller proportionate losses in the event of default. (This does, albeit, depend partly on the transaction type: A small loss given default (LGD) would be more characteristic of structures backed by a well-diversified pool.). Other things being equal, an EL approach may therefore be more favorable to large senior tranches than a default probability approach, and less favorable towards more junior tranches that tend to be of thinner size. Fender and Kiff (2005) explore the impact of Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis 35 differences in methodologies across rating agencies for senior tranche rating outcomes. They conclude that because investors do not fully understand the possible implications of the effects analyzed for tranche ratings, rating model arbitrage is a theoretical possibility. In this context, rating model arbitrage arises, since investors do not distinguish between the methodologies based on EL and PD. Issuers would have an incentive to minimize their funding costs by tailoring deal structure and strategically selecting rating agencies to obtain favorable ratings on particular tranches, due to differences in modeling pooled credit risk. In practice, however, the authors could only find limited evidence for this behavior. In a letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission Moody’s Investors Service (2007b) comments on proposed rules regarding control of credit rating agencies. It terms rating model arbitrage as issuers’ behavior prior to the transaction’s finalization by asking different rating agencies for the possible rating outcome, but only requesting ratings from selected rating agencies. Moody’s proves the existence of the defined rating model arbitrage habit by identifying 44 residential mortgage-backed securitizations, in which Moody’s ratings were not accepted but, had they been chosen, would have resulted in significantly lower outcomes than the ratings of the actual chosen agencies. In contrast to Fender and Kiff (2005), we empirically test for the existence of rating model arbitrage in the context of CDOs. In addition to the above-mentioned study undertaken by Moody’s Investors Service (2007b), this is the first empirical work to analyze the existence of rating model arbitrage based on an extensive data pool and analyzing the specific patterns of the transactions’ characteristics. Looking closer into finance literature, various papers apply the theory of asymmetric information based on Jensen and Meckling (1976) in a credit and financing context. Flannery (1986) develops a theoretical concept to show the relationship between asymmetric information and risky debt maturity choice. He contends that if firm insiders are systematically better informed than outside investors, they will choose to issue those types of securities that the market appears to overvalue most. Knowing this, rational investors will try to infer the insiders’ information from the firm’s financial structure. With positive transaction costs, high-quality firms can sometimes effectively 36 Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis signal their true quality to the market. The existence of a signaling equilibrium is shown to depend on the distribution of a firms’ quality and the magnitude of underwriting costs for corporate debt (an originator’s choice of rating agency may signal inside information on the quality of the underlying pool). Goswami et al. (1995) examine the impact of information asymmetries on the design of debt contracts, with a view to explaining features of debt financing. They show that, depending on the asymmetry of information concentrating around long-term or short-term cash flows, firms finance with coupon bearing long-term debt that either partially or does not restrict dividend payments. If asymmetry of information is uniformly distributed across dates, firms tend to finance with short-term debt. Other studies analyze the comparison of jointly-rated credit instruments. Generally, three reasons why investors gain additional rating for bonds are discussed. First, an additional rating may convey any incremental information to the markets that reduces the costs of borrowing for the firm. Several papers investigate the effect of split bond ratings. However, these papers fail to reach a consensus on how the market prices bonds with split ratings (see Jewell and Livingston, 1999; Flannery, 1986). Norden and Weber (2004) analyze whether prices react after a rating event, based on the assumption that credit ratings convey new information to the market. If credit ratings are only to reflect information that is already known by the market, prices should not react to the rating event at all. They conclude inter alia that both the CDS and the stock market not only anticipates rating downgrades, but also reviews for downgrade by all three rating agencies. Second, the main rating agencies might be biased or misjudge some bond issues. For these misjudged issues, an additional rating could provide useful information that is valued by investors. Third, issuers may hunt for rating agencies that provide inflated ratings. If the requested rating is favorable, the issuer publicizes it and if the requested rating is unfavorable, the rating is not released. Therefore, requesting an additional rating is similar to buying an option on a rating as it raises the costs of borrowing. This has the effect of ensuring that lower than expected ratings from the additional agency are rarely made public. Jewell and Livingston (1999) compare bond ratings of Fitch to those of Moody’s and S&P in order to analyze the potential benefits of seeking out additional ratings from a smaller rating agency (Fitch), by comparing Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis 37 rating levels, rating changes, and the impact of ratings on bond yields. Inter alia, the authors test for the hypothesis that the average observed rating from Fitch is likely to be significantly higher than the “true” average rating from the two other agencies. Their analysis confirmed this hypothesis. In this context, Cantor and Packer (1995) analyze whether the reason for getting an additional rating may be regulatory in nature. Many financial institutions have limits, either self imposed or imposed by government regulators, on the amounts of debt they can hold of certain ratings. As most of these regulations only require that the highest or second highest rating be above the cutoff point, the firm’s chances of meeting the standard increase if a third or fourth rating is obtained. Therefore, issuers could have a strong incentive to obtain multiple ratings to reach those investors. However, the authors find no evidence that firms obtaining Fitch ratings are doing so in order to meet rating regulation requirements. In a later paper, Cantor and Packer (1997) empirically test for the existence of rating model arbitrage in bonds. They find evidence that third ratings in bond markets on average assign higher ratings than the first two rating outcomes and that the policy of rating on request induces a sample selection bias. This sample selection bias is closely linked to our definition of rating model arbitrage. 4.3 Information Asymmetries within CDO Markets and the Role of CRAs In the course of our paper we focus on CDO transactions as well as the involved rating agencies. A plain vanilla CDO transaction is typically centered around a SPV. This SPV invests in various credit-linked assets (e.g. SME loans, bonds or tranches of other CDO transactions) and refinances its’ purchases through the issuance of notes. Capital and interests of the notes are guaranteed through the asset pool held by the SPV, whereas the asset pool’s composition defines the CDO transaction type. The asset pool of a simple true sale CDO structure for example may consist of SME loans with true sale referring to the fact that legal ownership of the underlying assets is transferred to the SPV. This is opposed by synthetic transactions where legal ownership remains at the issuer and only the credit risk of the involved assets is transferred to the SPV via CDSs. In this context typically an investment bank or an external asset manager is act- 38 Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis ing as an issuer setting up the whole transaction structure, hiring third parties to perform additional services (e.g. trust companies, rating agencies or other investment banks) and eventually orchestrating the tranche issuance. We do not further distinguish between arranger and issuer and assume them to be only one party. In practice, it is not uncommon that a subsidiary of the arranger is acting as the issuer. Since in most cases the arranger is the controlling shareholder of the subsidiary, we believe it is appropriate to treat them as a consolidated party. During the months and years prior to the worldwide financial crisis starting in 2007/08 specifically structured CDOs became popular among issuers and investors. Since the underlying asset pool of a structured CDO consists of tranches of other CDO or ABS transactions, the valuation of these transactions is far more complex. With the observed low levels of liquidity in CDO markets during the crisis and due to the high degree of complexity it is rather difficult to obtain market prices for this kind of CDO notes. It is common market practice that the issuance of a CDO is accompanied by the publication of a rating. Ratings establish a form of due diligence delegation and provide guidance to investors in the course of capital allocation. This general assessment of ratings also holds for the CDO market. However, we have to take into account some specific features which differentiate the CDO rating market from traditional bond rating practices: First, the CDO rating market is an oligopolistic market, since only three different suppliers provide rating services: Fitch, Moody’s and S&P. Each of the three rating agencies maintains a sophisticated rating process with each of them being widely accepted by investors. Thus, each rating agency is a viable choice for investors in terms of due diligence delegation. Two of the three rating agencies (Fitch and S&P) rely on an ELbased approach throughout the rating process whereas Moody’s rating methodology is centered around a PD concept. However, the rating models used by rating agencies heavily rely on assumptions, e.g. with regard to recovery rates and model specific assumptions such as mean reversion. Recovery rate assumptions usually depend on the asset type, which entails the nature of the asset (e.g. corporate) and the seniority in the issuer’s capital structure (e.g. se- Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis 39 nior unsecured), and second a country parameter. While many models use a beta distribution or simply assume fixed recovery rates independent of default rates, sophisticated rating models, e.g. the model used by Fitch, even consider the correlation between recovery rates and the level of average default rates. In fact, recovery rates do not only depend on debtor’s characteristics but also on prevailing market and economic conditions. Specifically, recovery rates tend to decline with an increasing number of defaults. To reflect empirical data on this issue (Fitch Derivatives, 2006), some models first determine a default distribution for the underlying portfolio and then link a conditional recovery rate, depending on the specific default rate of the portfolio, i.e. tiered recovery rate assumption for increased stress scenarios. Even though this sophistication causes the loss distribution to have a longer tail, it must be doubted that rating models even with tiered recovery rates are able to fully capture actual loss rates in market turmoil. Regarding rating model specific assumptions it needs to be mentioned that besides a mean reversion assumption, that might fail during times of crisis especially in shortterm valuations, one crucial assumption of the rating models is that they all rely on a structural model approach. Although this theoretical model is used in many practical applications, some of its assumptions and restrictions might be critical. First the assumption of normality for asset returns, second the implied calculation of asset correlation estimated by equity correlations and third the default point, below which the firm is supposed to default, which is difficult to be calculated accurately. In particular, the correlation assumptions should be exposed to stress scenarios as these parameters heavily influence the models and vary considerably through different business cycles. Second, besides the rating models used, CDO ratings are solicited ones initiated by the issuer. In addition, the issuer also decides whether a rating is published or not. This implies that actually not all rating outcomes are made public as the issuer has a strong incentive to only publish rating outcomes in favor of the transaction. If this is not the case the issuer might withhold ratings and benefit from this behavior by paying a lower risk premium to investors. Third, the rating outcome can be divided into publication of a presale report on the one hand and publication of individual tranche ratings on the other hand. The presale re- 40 Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis port analyses the CDO transaction in detail including legal aspects and thereby establishes the most important source of information for potential investors. Typically, a presale report comes along with tranche ratings of the underlying transaction. Contrarily, it is common to only publish tranche ratings but not a corresponding presale report illustrating the transaction details. In these cases a presale report might exist but the issuer has limited information sharing to transaction ratings as he has incentives to do so. Thus, published tranche ratings without accompanied presale report are not a sufficient indicator for the lacking existence of a presale report. However, in this paper we define a full CDO rating as the publication of a presale report including tranche ratings. Fourth, CDO rating processes involve a high degree of interaction between issuer and rating agency, thereby creating potential for conflicts of interest. The negotiation phase either leads to a presale report including rating assignment or cessation of negotiations when consensus cannot be found (Moody’s Investors Service, 2007b). These dialogs are time-consuming and bear significant costs for the issuer, amounting to approximately 4.25 bps of the transaction’s par value (Standard & Poor’s, 2007). However, issuers willing to pay a rating fee gain the benefit of a solicited rating process, which allows them to put their best case before the agencies for the final evaluation (Cantor and Packer, 1995). In CDO markets investors are kept out of the dialog between the issuer and the rating agency. They are not aware of the number of initiated rating processes, termination of negotiations or unpublished rating outcomes. From the investor’s perspective the only visible outcome of the rating process is the published presale report and/or tranche ratings. The transactional setup of a CDO is primarily centered around the issuer, the investor and the rating agency. Based on the principals of information economics (e.g. Arrow, 1969; Jensen and Meckling, 1976; Leland and Pyle, 1976; Fama, 1980; Fazzari and Athey, 1987; Goswami et. al., 1995), we identify three principal agent relationships: The first between investor (principal) and issuer (agent) since the investor possesses the capital and decides upon its allocation. The issuer in turn serves as an agent by offering an attractive investment opportunity. A second relationship emerges from the interaction between the issuer (principal) and the rating agencies (agent). The issuer Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis 41 pays for the ratings, the rating agencies in turn deliver the asked services (rating) and thus behave like agents. Since the investor delegates his due diligence efforts to the rating agency, a third principal agent relationship can be identified between the rating agency (agent) and the investor (principal). For our empirical section we focus on the principal agent relationship between issuer and investor, which we assume to be the most important one for capital allocation and market efficiency. In the following, we test if this relationship is biased by information asymmetries. Specifically, we argue that the issuer obtains information during the rating process, which he only partially shares with investors, e.g. only favorable rating outcomes are made public. Investors do not control the due diligence process even though rating agencies perform it on their behalf. Control lies entirely with issuers having economic incentives to keep it, i.e. lower risk premiums result if unfavorable ratings are not published. Rational investors could demand a full set of information which would imply full disclosure of all negotiations with rating agencies and its derived information throughout the rating process. However, current market standards are different. Accordingly, the issuer has a strong incentive to use the specific structure of the CDO rating market to limit information sharing to favorable ratings. We define this willingness to deliberately capitalize asymmetric information distribution between issuer and investor as rating model arbitrage and test the following hypothesis: Hypothesis H0: Rating model arbitrage on the basis of information asymmetry does not exist. Hypothesis H1: Rating model arbitrage on the basis of information asymmetry exists. If rating model arbitrage exists, we should be able to find patterns that are common for CDO transactions rated by a specific agency or by a specific rating model. Homogeneity between transactions rated by a specific rating agency and/or methodology would allow us to reject H0. If in turn rating model arbitrage does not exist, transactions with specific features (e.g. volume, number of tranches) should be distributed equally. 42 Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis 4.4 Data Sample The analysis is based on 231 international presale reports for 202 different CDOs published between August and December 2006 by Fitch, Moody’s and S&P. We decided to use published presale reports as the basis of our analysis since a lot of CDO transactions receive two or even three ratings for their underlying tranches. Thus, multiple ratings are a rather difficult object of investigation to identify patterns. In turn, publication of presale reports is primarily limited to one rating agency per transaction. This fact makes us believe that information asymmetries are centered around publication of presale reports. In order to test our hypotheses, we apply both univariate and multivariate tests. Presale reports are prepared by rating agencies prior to the notes’ issuance and typically published in parallel with the (preliminary) rating. Specifically, presale reports contain the specific characteristics of a CDO and the underlying tranches. According to the specific rating scale, each presale report contains a rating outcome for the underlying tranche. Each presale report was downloaded from the respective website of the three rating agencies and subsequently 15 different characteristics (e.g. volume of transaction, time to maturity) including the underlying tranche structure were analyzed. Nine out of the 15 characteristics were obtained for each of the 231 presale reports and therefore qualify for our test section. Including the size of the underlying tranches, our original data pool consists of 5,544 observations. Since our data sample represents all publicly released presale reports for the time period between August and December 2006, we consider it to be a consistent data pool. Sixty-five presale reports were provided by Fitch, 59 by Moody’s and 107 by S&P. For 28 out of the 202 transactions more than one rating agency published a presale report. In addition to rating agencies and rating methodologies, we use the following nine characteristics: x transaction type x size structure of the tranches (including equity portion) x asset management x involved parties Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis 43 x maturity of tranches x number of tranches x total volume x currency x cash flow structure. Each characteristic is defined in detail as follows: The CDOs are classified along four different transaction types: Collateralized Bond Obligations (CBO), Collateralized Loan Obligation (CLO), Synthetic CDO (S CDO) and other transactions (e.g. Collateralized Fund Obligation). The difference between CBO and CLO can be explained by the divergent asset pool: bonds for CBOs and loans for CLOs. Structured CDOs belong to the transaction type CBO since investments in other CDO tranches are bond investments and represent by far the largest group within this transaction type. Simple CDOs primarily consist of loans and thus are allocated to the corresponding transaction type CLO. In contrast, S CDOs primarily rely on CDSs as underlying. Since rating agencies apply two different rating methodologies (PD and EL approach) this feature proves to be helpful for analyzing CDOs. As discussed, Fitch and S&P apply the PD approach, whereas Moody’s uses the EL approach. The variable “asset management” refers to managed or static CDOs. In a static CDO, the asset pool remains the same during the lifetime of the transaction, whereas in a managed CDO, the asset pool’s composition might be changed, based upon variance in market conditions. The number of involved parties in a CDO (e.g. trustee, servicer, etc.) can vary substantially between different transactions: Since additional coordination arises with each additional party involved, complexity of CDO structure is positively correlated with the number of involved parties. It is also not uncommon that one and the same party is responsible for more than one function. An investment bank, respectively its subsidiary, may act as the transaction’s issuer and functions at the same time as the counterparty for swap contracts demanded by the transactional set-up (e.g. to hedge currency or interest rate risk). If one party performs multiple functions counterparty risk in connection with this party increases negatively affecting the transaction’s overall risk profile. Thus, a low number of involved parties does not always represent a lower degree 44 Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis of complexity respectively a lower risk profile. The transaction’s risk profile can only comprehensively assessed by analyzing the transaction’s structure in detail. The maturity of the entire CDO transaction is defined as the mean of the different underlying tranches’ legal maturities. The listing of tranches includes the equity portion. The total volume of the tranche is denominated in EUR. If the tranches are denominated in currencies other than EUR, values were converted on the basis of the exchange rates on October 4, 2006. In terms of the different cash flow structures, we differentiate between pass-through and pay-through transactions. In a pass-through CDO, the cash flow is transferred directly to the investors, whereas in a pay-through construction, the timing of cash flows is restructured. In order to incorporate the seniority structure in our analysis, we group the ninth characteristic “size structure of the tranches” into seven different tranche classifications, plus the equity share. We therefore classify the tranches on the basis of the seniority structure, according to the information revealed in the presale reports into Super Senior, Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, Class E notes, other more subordinated notes and equity. Each tranche as well as the equity portion is displayed as a percentage of the entire transaction volume. Following the basic structure of seniority, Class E notes, for example, are subordinated to Class D notes and incorporate a lower rating than that obtained by Class D. Not all of the sample’s CDOs have termed their structure of seniority in line with the aforementioned denomination. However, in order to compare the CDOs, we have adjusted the varying notations using our classification system as a guideline. In the case of more than one Class A-note (e.g. Class A1, Class A2) we have aggregated the different tranches into one Class A-note, since these notes often incorporate the very same rating and would otherwise dilute the CDO-specific structure of seniority. 4.5 Empirical Results 4.5.1 Univariate Tests As a starting point, sixteen variables (eight transactions’ characteristics and eight variables relating to the size structure of tranches, including equity portion) are included to perform univariate tests for the null and alternative hypothesis. The underlying data set is divided into two groups: The first dataset (Set I) is grouped along three data Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis 45 pools, corresponding to the three rating agencies Fitch Ratings, Moody’s and S&P. In the second set of groups (Set II), the presale reports were separated on the basis of the applied rating methodologies (EL vs. PD approach). The EL based sub-group therefore composes the transactions rated by Moody’s and the PD based sub-group the transactions rated by Fitch Ratings and Standard & Poor’s. Set I (sorting by Rating Agencies) The first step for Set I focuses on a comparison of the mean, median and standard deviation of each group. In order to normalize standard deviation, the ratio of the group’s Table 4-1: Comparison of Subgroups (Set I & II) Variable (numeric & alphanumeric) Asset Management Cash Flow Structure Currency Transaction Type Tranche Structure Variable (numeric) Maturity** (in years) Number of involved Parties Number of Tranches Volume (in mEUR) Managed Static Pay Through Pass Through EUR USD Others CBO CLO S CDO Others Super Senior* Class A Class B Class C Class D Class E Others Equity Median Std. dev.*** Median Std. dev.*** Median Std. dev.*** Median Fitch (in %) 66.15 33.85 81.54 18.46 49.23 49.23 1.54 23.08 49.23 18.46 9.23 10.85 59.43 7.24 5.58 3.65 2.74 4.36 6.14 Moody’s (in %) 83.05 16.95 100.00 0.00 76.27 16.95 6.78 5.08 54.24 30.51 10.17 14.75 58.42 7.98 4.51 3.20 2.52 0.41 8.26 S&P (in %) 87.85 12.15 99.07 0.93 34.58 64.49 0.93 16.82 63.55 12.15 7.48 3.42 69.99 7.37 5.08 4.24 2.28 1.16 6.52 EL (in %) 83.05 16.95 100.00 0.00 76.27 16.95 6.78 5.08 54.24 30.51 10.17 14.75 58.42 7.98 4.51 3.20 2.52 0.41 8.26 PD (in %) 77.00 23.00 90.30 9.70 41.91 56.86 1.24 19.95 56.39 15.31 8.35 6.23 66.00 7.32 5.27 4.02 2.45 2.37 6.38 Total (in %) 79.02 20.98 93.53 6.47 53.36 43.56 3.08 14.99 55.67 20.37 8.96 8.41 64.06 7.49 5.08 3.81 2.47 1.87 6.86 Fitch 32.50 0.58 5.00 0.42 7.00 0.47 501.62 Moody’s 10.00 1.17 5.00 0.22 6.00 0.31 400.00 S&P 14.00 0.91 4.00 0.44 7.00 0.24 394.86 EL 10.00 1.17 5.00 0.24 6.00 0.31 400.00 PD 16.00 1.02 4.00 0.47 7.00 0.35 405.55 Total 14.83 1.07 5.00 0.35 7.00 0.34 402.00 Std. dev.*** 1.12 5.49 2.96 5.49 2.42 3.52 * For reasons of transparency we also include the Super Senior tranche, which contains of comparable rating scales as in Class A. ** Legal maturity *** Ratio of computed std. dev. and median 46 Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis standard deviation to the group’s median was named as the decisive variable. Table 41 reveals the first signs of heterogeneity between the three rating agencies. The notes’ denomination, for example, varies clearly between the three rating agencies and the same is true for the standard deviation of the variable “volume”. First patterns of heterogeneity can also be detected when analyzing different transaction types. As outlined before, the group “CBO” primarily consists of structured CDOs or CDO Squared. Therefore, in the case of Fitch CBOs are overrepresented with 23.08% in comparison to Moody’s (5.08%) and S&P (16.52%). Following the comparison of means, medians and standard deviations, we now analyze the presale reports focusing on the univariate separation power of each characteristic. The tests of equality of group means for Set I in Table 4-2 are based on a one-way ANOVA including the values for Wilks’s Lambda. The results obtained provide us with the univariate separation power of each characteristic. If we analyze the results on thH EDVLV RI D OHYHO RI VLJQLILFDQFH RI Į HTXDO WR WHQ RXW RI WKH VL[WHHQ IHDWXUHV have univariate separation quality. The higher end of the structure of seniority (Super Senior and Class A notes) and the most subordinated tranches (others) incorporate group means, which differ significantly between the three sub-groups. In contrast, mezzanine tranches, equity portion and number of involved parties do not differ significantly and therefore incorporate no individual separation power. Table 4-2: Test of Equality of Group Means - Set I (ANOVA) Asset Management Cash Flow Structure Currency Maturity Number of involved Parties Number of Tranches Transaction Type Volume Super Senior Class A Class B Class C Class D Class E Others Equity * level ŽĨƐŝŐŶŝĨŝĐĂŶĐĞ;ɲсϱйͿ Wilks’ Lambda 0.9461 0.8783 0.9296 0.8288 0.9990 0.9296 0.9654 0.9640 0.9596 0.9540 0.9983 0.9923 0.9842 0.9961 0.9004 0.9828 F 64991 157970 86363 235484 0.1193 86359 40855 42540 48015 54933 0.1947 0.8846 18341 0.4490 126132 19975 df1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 df2 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 Sig. 0.0018* 0.0000* 0.0002* 0.0000* 0,8876 0.0002* 0.0181* 0.0154* 0.0091* 0.0047* 0.8232 0.4143 0.1621 0.6388 0.0000* 0.1380 Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis 47 Since the test of equality of group means is only one part of the univariate comparison of groups, Kolmogorov-Smirnov-tests (KS-test) are run in order to assess the difference in the data points characteristics with respect to the sub-groups. The KS-test is chosen due to its non-parametric and distribution-free qualities. By comparing each rating agency with the other two, we perform three different KS-tests to get the entire picture of this test section. The results of the KS-test session – as outlined in Table 4-3 on behalf of both Set I and Set II – provide additional insight concerning the univariate separation qualities of the different characteristics. It is only in the case of one variable (maturity) that the outcomes of the KS-tests show that the two datasets - and therefore all three groups - differ significantly for all three test sessions. With regards to “currency” and “number of involved parties”, Fitch and S&P differ significantly compared to Moody’s, but in turn do not differ significantly between each other. Since transactions analyzed by Moody’s are dominated by Euro-denominated CDOs, we may link the observed heterogeneity to the variable “currency”. The number of tranches, portion of Class A and the portion of other tranches also prove to separate the presale reports on the basis of the rating agencies at least for two constellations. If the results of the KS-test are compared with the results of the ANOVA, it can be observed that “maturity” is identified in both test sessions as the variable with univariate separation power. With the exception of the variable “rating methodology”, this correspondence can be confirmed for all variables with one or two matches in the KS-test. Solely the variable “equity” proves to have univariate separation qualities only for the application of the KS-test. Furthermore, the majority of characteristics sorted by rating agency differ from each other. Only the outcomes of Fitch and S&P prove to have some degrees of concordance. The results observed therefore document homogeneity within the sorted groups (rating agencies) and heterogeneity between the groups. The results can be interpreted as a first sign of rating model arbitrage in CDO markets, i.e. rejection of the null and non-rejection of the alternative hypothesis. Asset Management * level of significance (ɲс5йͿ 1.0000 -0.0340 Negative 0.2253 0.0000 Positive Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 0.0340 Absolute Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) Most Extreme Differences Grouping Variable: Rating Methodologies (EL vs. PD approach) Set II (Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test) 10000 0.0000 Negative 0.2960 0.0480 Positive Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 0.0480 Absolute Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) Most Extreme Differences Grouping Variable: Rating Agencies (Moody's vs. Standard & Poor's) 13797 0.0000 Negative 0.0444* 0.2170 Positive Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 0.2170 Absolute Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) Most Extreme Differences Grouping Variable: Rating Agencies (Fitch Ratings vs. Standard & Poor's) 0.3403 -0.1690 Negative 0.9397 0.0000 Positive Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 0.1690 Absolute Asset Management Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) Most Extreme Differences Grouping Variable: Rating Agencies (Fitch Rating vs. Moody's) Set I (Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test) 0.9633 0.5001 -0.0756 0.0000 0.0756 Cash Flow Structure 10000 0.0576 -0.0093 0.0000 0.0093 0.1667 11145 0.0000 0.1753 0.1753 0.2425 1.0267 -0.1846 0.0000 0.1846 Cash Flow Structure 0.0000* 2.3964 -0.3615 0.0562 0.3615 Currency 0.0000* 2.5711 -0.4169 0.0585 0.4169 0.3505 0.9317 -0.1465 0.0060 0.1465 0.0217* 1.5038 -0.2704 0.0524 0.2704 Currency 0.0000* 2.4773 -0.3738 0.0111 0.3738 Maturity 0.0000* 2.3073 -0.3741 0.0170 0.3741 0.0000* 2.7209 -0.0643 0.4279 0.4279 0.0000* 3.3019 -0.5937 0.0016 0.5937 Maturity 0.0580 1.3304 -0.0882 0.2007 0.2007 Number of involved Parties 0.0389* 1.4037 -0.0783 0.2276 0.2276 0.9866 0.4526 -0.0510 0.0712 0.0712 0.4353 0.8701 -0.1046 0.1565 0.1565 Number of involved Parties 0.1635 1.1188 -0.1688 0.0121 0.1688 Number of Tranches 0.3616 0.9231 -0.1497 0.0111 0.1497 0.0427* 1.3870 -0.0785 0.2181 0.2181 0.0194* 1.5226 -0.2738 0.0138 0.2738 Number of Tranches 0.1159 1.1933 0.0000 0.1800 0.1800 Transaction Type 0.0687 1.2982 0.0000 0.2105 0.2105 0.9551 0.5129 -0.0625 0.0807 0.0807 0.2694 1.0005 0.0000 0.1799 0.1799 Transaction Type 0.2267 1.0431 -0.1336 0.1574 0.1574 Volume 0.2956 0.9769 -0.1286 0.1584 0.1584 0.1523 1.1346 -0.0187 0.1784 0.1784 0.1517 1.1355 -0.2042 0.1557 0.2042 Volume 0.6363 0.7446 0.0000 0.1123 0.1123 Super Senior 0.4479 0.8616 0.0000 0.1397 0.1397 0.6430 0.7406 0.0000 0.1165 0.1165 0.8860 0.5830 0.0000 0.1048 0.1048 Super Senior 0.0011* 1.9372 -0.2923 0.0208 0.2923 Class A 0.0001* 2.2936 -0.3719 0.0100 0.3719 0.0068* 1.6869 -0.2653 0.0840 0.2653 0.3980 0.8962 -0.1611 0.1119 0.1611 Class A 0.1075 1.2090 -0.1559 0.1824 0.1824 Class B 0.1195 1.1869 -0.1532 0.1925 0.1925 0.6800 0.7186 -0.1130 0.0774 0.1130 0.3224 0.9542 -0.1604 0.1716 0.1716 Class B 0.0607 1.3219 -0.1994 0.1088 0.1995 Class C 0.1513 1.1361 -0.1842 0.0878 0.1842 0.6862 0.7150 -0.1124 0.0966 0.1124 0.0699 1.2950 -0.2329 0.1515 0.2329 Class C 0.1233 1.1802 -0.1781 0.0604 0.1781 Class D 0.0556 1.3383 -0.2170 0.0504 0.2170 0.2610 1.0085 -0.1586 0.0296 0.1586 0.4767 0.8425 -0.1515 0.1098 0.1515 Class D 0.6385 0.7433 -0.0465 0.1121 0.1121 Class E 0.6252 0.7512 -0.0374 0.1218 0.1218 0.8741 0.5925 -0.0881 0.0932 0.0932 0.7721 0.6627 -0.0615 0.1192 0.1192 Class E 0.0044* 1.7485 -0.0058 0.2638 0.2638 Equity 0.9836 0.4611 -0.0748 0.0000 0.0748 0.0249* 1.4812 0.0000 0.2329 0.2329 0.0107* 1.6169 -0.2907 0.0000 0.2907 Others 0.2680 1.0019 -0.1512 0.0000 0.1512 Others 0.0208* 15112 -0.0108 0.2450 0.2450 0.3648 0.9207 -0.1448 0.0730 0.1448 0.0093* 1.6386 0.0000 0.2947 0.2947 Equity 48 Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis Table 4-3: Kolmogorov-Smirnov- Test (Set I & II) Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis 49 Set II (sorting by Rating Methodologies) Sorting by different rating agencies already showed first signs of common patterns between the two rating agencies Fitch Ratings and S&P. The following sorting by rating methodology therefore seeks to confirm these patterns. The comparison of mean, median and standard deviation for each rating methodology (Table 4-1) displays comparable features as observed for Set I. The means of “currency” for the two subgroups diverge again largely. The PD approach is more often used for CBOs respectively Structured CDOs. However, S CDOs are in turn primarily rated by the EL approach. In accordance with the framework of the previously-implemented test design, we start testing equality of group means (ANOVA) for Set II. The ANOVA’s results (Table 44) provide us with an analysis of the individual ability of each variable in order to separate the two subgroups on an univariate basis. Eight of sixteen variables prove to have univariate separation power at a level of significance below 5%. In terms of identified separation variables, this result is slightly lower in comparison with the analysis of Set I (eleven out of sixteen). However, we have to point out that two variables (“Class A” and “equity”) are situated in the near range of the required level of significance of 5%. All identified variables with univariate separation power already proved univariate separation power in the test section of Set I. In contrast to the results of Set I, no univariate separation power was assigned to the variables “asset management” and “Class A Table 4-4: Test of Equality of Group Means - Set II (ANOVA) Asset Management Cash Flow Structure Currency Maturity Number of involved Parties Number of Tranches Transaction Type Volume Super Senior Class A Class B Class C Class D Class E Others Equity ΎůĞǀĞůŽĨƐŝŐŶŝĨŝĐĂŶĐĞ;ɲсϱйͿ Wilks’ Lambda F df1 df2 Sig. 0.9986 0.9795 0.9411 0.9231 10000 0.9609 0.9657 0.9641 0.9762 0.9835 0.9984 0.9945 0.9894 0.9999 0.9710 0.9834 0.3213 47821 143431 190672 0.0001 93242 81223 85310 55775 38391 0.3772 12653 24636 0.0214 68301 38623 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 0.5714 0.0298* 0.0002* 0.0000* 0.9913 0.0025* 0.0048* 0.0038* 0.0190* 0.0513 0.5397 0.2618 0.1179 0.8839 0.0096* 0.0506 50 Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis notes”. According to the performed ANOVAs of Set I and II, the number of involved parties plays no significant role in both datasets for separating the underlying subgroups. In addition to the ANOVA, we also perform the KS-test for Set II and determine whether or not the selected characteristics account for the separation of the two subgroups. Table 4-3 also summarizes the results of the performed KS-test for Set II. Five of the sixteen analyzed variables lead to univariate differentiation of the two subgroups. In comparison with Set I’s results of the KS-test, only the number of involved parties is excluded from the selection of characteristics. Compared with the results of the ANOVA, the variables “currency” and “maturity” separate in both test architectures the subgroups on a significant level. These findings are similar to the test results of Set II. Also, when sorting for rating methodologies, additional support for a rejection of the null hypothesis is found. 4.5.2 Multivariate Tests The results of the univariate test section verify homogeneity within the analyzed subgroups and heterogeneity between the different subgroups. Additionally, multivariate tests are applied in order to identify individual patterns in the characteristics of CDO transactions within each group. Common group-wide patterns in the characteristics are seen as evidence for rating model arbitrage, since this implies that specific CDO transactions are rated by the same rating agency or with the same rating methodology. Using the results of the univariate tests, we pick certain variables and perform a number of different discriminant analyses with the chosen variables. The aim is to identify the combination of factors delivering the best subgroups’ classification of presale reports based on discriminant analyses. This optimization problem was not approached by performing all discriminant analyses that would be theoretically possible, but by presorting the variables relying both on the results of the univariate tests and on economic reasoning. By applying a classification based on Fisher’s linear discriminant function, the performance of each discriminant analysis in connection with its separation power is tested. Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis 51 Set I (sorting by Rating Agencies) The results of the different discriminant analyses for the grouping variable “rating agencies” are shown in Table 4-5. The composition of discriminant function coefficients of each analysis can be derived from Table 4-6. For all performed discriminant analyses, the significance on the basis of Wilks-Lambda is equal to zero and therefore highly significant with regard to its separation qualities. The variables of Discriminant Analysis I solely chose on the basis of the outcomes of Set I’s ANOVA. All variables that possess a level of significance below 5% are included. Only relying on the ANOVA’s outcome already leads to a correct classification on the basis of Fisher’s linear discriminant functions of 62.8%. More than 60% of the analyzed presale reports are classified correctly. As outlined in Table 4-6, the detected dominant drivers for classification function are to be seen in “cash flow structure” and the size structure of the tranches. Adding different characteristics in relation to size structure (e.g. Class A) is of particular value. As outlined by Fender and Kiff (2005) the assigned rating of a specific tranche interacts both with the tranche’s seniority and the applied rating methodology. Accordingly, senior tranches should be analyzed (and rated) on the basis of an EL approach. Since the expected loss approach is only applied by Moody’s, we find an economic explanation why it is in the issuer’s benefit to rely on Moody’s analyzing transactions with high portions of senior tranches (e.g. since this will lead to higher ratings for large portions of the overall transTable 4-5: Discriminant Analysis and Classification of Set I Discriminant Analysis I II III Eigenvalues Function Eigenvalue % of Variance Canonical Correlation Test of Functions WilksLambda Chisquare Significance 1 0.527 78.5 0.587 1 through 2 0.572 124.772 0.000 2 0.145 21,5 0.355 2 0.874 30.182 0.000 1 0.360 71.9 0.514 1 through 2 0.645 98.418 0.000 2 0.140 28.1 0.351 2 0.877 29.456 0.000 1 0.207 100.0 0.414 1 through 2 0.829 42.813 0.000 1 0.359 73.4 0.514 1 through 2 0.651 96.822 0.000 2 0.130 26.6 0.339 2 0.885 27.608 0.000 1 0.215 76.5 0.420 1 through 2 0.772 58.724 0.000 2 0.066 23.5 0.249 2 0.938 14.504 0.000 1 0.307 81.0 0.484 1 through 2 0.714 76.532 0.000 2 0.072 19.0 0.259 2 0.933 15.802 0.000 2 IV V VI Classification (in %) Wilks’ Lambda 62.8 60.6 51.1 2 59.3 57.1 61.9 52 Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis actions). This argument is supported by the performed comparison of subgroups (Table 4-1), which shows that transactions analyzed by Moody’s have the highest portion of super senior tranches. Each variable that is identified by the KS-test as separating the two subgroups at least one time is integrated in discriminant analysis II. With a classification outcome of 60.6%, the results are slightly lower than those observed in discriminant analysis I. However, the preselection of variables on the basis of the univariate tests proves to be quite reasonable. In addition, we adjust the composition of discriminant analyses III to V in order to reduce the number of dependent variables. Following this approach, the Table 4-6: Discriminant Analysis of Set I (sorting by Rating Agencies) Discriminant Analysis I Independent Variables Asset Management Cash Flow Structure Currency Maturity # of Tranches Transaction Type Volume Super Senior Class A Others ;ŽŶƐƚĂŶƚͿ II Asset Management Currency Maturity # of involved Parties # of Tranches Class A Others Equity ;ŽŶƐƚĂŶƚͿ III Maturity ;ŽŶƐƚĂŶƚͿ IV Asset Management Currency Maturity # of Tranches Class A Others ;ŽŶƐƚĂŶƚͿ V Currency Maturity ;ŽŶƐƚĂŶƚͿ VI Currency Maturity Others ;ŽŶƐƚĂŶƚͿ * Fisher’s linear discriminant functions Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients Standardized Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients Function 1 Function 2 Function 1 Function 2 0.8263 2.6646 0.3274 0.0335 0.0093 0.0479 -0.0002 1.2610 -0.7225 97578 -47780 1.0686 0.2588 0.0516 0.0155 -0.0173 -0.9005 9.8033 -0.2850 -2.2989 0.0690 -1.4370 1.0874 0.2412 0.0519 -0.0188 -0.9027 9.8232 -2.2316 0.4354 0.0664 -2.0562 0.2268 0.0546 1.1564 -1.7053 -0.6777 -0.3270 1.1476 0.0058 0.0943 -0.2673 -0.0001 -0.8991 1.1153 -2.0501 -1.2829 -0.9651 1.1798 0.0018 0.0987 0.1362 2.4019 -1.3214 -3.4621 -3.3732 0.3204 0.5792 0.1743 0.4874 0.0216 0.0381 -0.3658 0.2997 -0.1827 0.4692 -0.2627 -0.0710 0.6109 0.0856 0.2167 -0.2126 -0.1522 -0.2137 0.2821 -0.0985 0.4143 0.1377 0.7511 0.0271 -0.0398 -0.2278 0.4714 -0.0181 -0.3742 0.6280 0.0269 0.1724 0.3130 0.6076 -0.0635 -0.2202 1.0000 -0.8466 1.1576 0.0052 0.1272 2.5951 -0.9934 -3.3748 1.8280 -0.0177 -2.4299 1.8394 -0.0014 -4.7812 -2.6991 0.4216 0.1284 0.7544 -0.0432 -0.2283 0.4723 -0.3282 0.6162 0.0765 0.2923 0.6564 -0.0477 0.2318 0.9664 0.9731 -0.2584 0.1207 0.7941 0.5561 0.9792 -0.0210 -0.2299 Classification Function Coefficients* Fitch Moody’s S&P 9.5814 2.6752 56319 0.0872 3.3844 96926 -0.0009 2.1344 3.1200 -2.5214 -6.1998 1.0437 7.6197 0.0839 1.9783 1.9402 6.6180 -4.0450 3.1167 -2.9735 0.1453 -3.4999 1.0443 5.6056 0.0657 2.1535 6.0823 -4.6305 -2.2566 5.2694 0.1400 -7.4313 5.2350 0.1379 1.5657 -7.7141 8.4252 2.2182 4.5319 0.0252 3.3250 9.7289 -0.0004 1.9518 3.1974 -4.1565 -5.2756 9.2434 6.7491 0.0062 1.9146 1.9101 6.9712 -5.4504 3.3015 -2.4876 0.0633 -1.7886 9.1723 4.7810 -0.0133 2.1301 6.3748 -6.0474 -1.7834 4.5612 0.0587 -4.7343 4.5618 0.0587 -0.2602 -4.7344 8.0454 2.2663 5.6819 0.0404 3.4144 9.4975 -0.0006 1.9063 3.2787 -4.0584 -5.4512 86.946 7.8853 0.0232 2.0078 2.0272 8.8600 -5.2776 2.9822 -2.7797 0.0902 -1.6298 8.7495 5.8533 0.0060 2.2350 8.3657 -5.8526 -2.0614 5.8069 0.0843 -6.4041 5.8017 0.0840 2.3421 -6.4104 Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis 53 function of discriminant analysis III only contains variables that proved to have separation power in each of the three KS-test sessions. The range of possible variables is reduced in this context to one single coefficient: “maturity”. However, even with only one dependent variable, the results of discriminant analysis III are also promising, with a classification level of 51.1%. A presorting relying on the results both of the KS-test and the ANOVA delivers the set for discriminant analysis IV. We take the separating variables found by the application of the ANOVA. We then only include those variables as factors for discriminant analysis IV that also indicate separation power at least in one section of the KS-test. On the basis of this presorting, we end up with six different variables, which in turn provide us with a classification of 59.3%. Moving along this pattern of presorting, we perform discriminant analysis V, including only those variables of the KS-test which have separation power in the sections for Fitch/ Moody’s and Moody’s/S&P. The derived discriminant analysis consists of the variables “currency” and “maturity” and bears a classification level of 57.1%. If we add to this constellation the variable with the highest explanatory power in discriminant analysis IV, we receive the results to discriminant analysis VI or a slightly higher classification of level 61.9%. The discriminant analysis for Set I (rating agencies) provides us with a first assessment of the multivariate separation power of the transactions’ characteristics. We find empirical support for the existence of individual patterns of characteristics within each subgroup (rating agency). Therefore, we can reject the null hypothesis. Even if the individual classification level of each discriminant analysis is rather high, we want to further improve the classification level between the different subgroups in the following chapter. A detailed analysis of the classification matrix for the different discriminant analyses provides us with some iterating patterns. As exemplarily outlined in Table 4-7 for discriminant analysis V, we observe most allocation errors for the predicted subgroup Fitch in relation to S&P during the classification process. Presale reports originally prepared by S&P are falsely allocated to the Fitch subgroup. In the case of discriminant analysis V this is also reciprocally true for the predicted S&P subgroup classification. 54 Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis Table 4-7: Classification of Results of Discriminant Analysis V Rating Agency Original Predicted Group Membership Total Fitch Moody’s S&P Original Count Count Fitch Moody’s S&P 30 3 20 13 40 25 22 16 62 65 59 107 % Fitch Moody’s S&P 46.2 5.1 18.7 20.0 67.8 23.4 33.8 27.1 57.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 Trying to capture this error term, we perform a multivariate analysis by using the variable “rating methodology” in the following chapter. The subgroup of the “PD approach” consists of Fitch and S&P, while the “EL approach” only incorporates the ratings of Moody’s. This allows us to neutralize the above-mentioned error term and increase the level of classification for our targeted separation of the presale reports. Set II (sorting by Rating Methodologies) The variable “rating methodology” is the grouping variable for the discriminant analyses of Set II. Similar to the sorting by “rating agencies”, we perform several discriminant analyses relying on the results of the univariate tests with the grouping variable “rating methodology”. In contrast to the sorting by rating agencies, the sorting by rating methodologies differentiates only between two subgroups. This reduction makes the application of a discriminant analysis less complex. Table 4-8 shows the results of the discriminant analyses for different coefficient combinations of the grouping variable “rating methodology”. The detailed outcomes are summarized in Table 4-9. The significance on the basis of Wilks-Lambda is equal to zero for all realized discriminant analyses. Therefore, they are all highly significant with regards to their separation qualities. The coefficients of discriminant analysis I are derived from the ANOVA’s results of Set I. Each variable which proves to have univariate separation power under ANOVA was selected. The combination of the eight variables selected in this way seems to classify properly, according to the results of Fisher’s linear discriminant function (77.1%). Exclusion of the standardized canonical discriminant function coefficients with the least explanatory power (discriminant analysis II) leads to a comparably high level with 77.1%. Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis 55 Table 4-8: Discriminant Analysis and Classification of Set II Discriminant Analysis I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI Eigenvalues Classification (in %) Wilks’ Lambda Function Eigenvalue Canonical Correlation Test of Function WilksLambda Chisquare Significance 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.225 0.225 0.162 0.147 0.161 0.161 0.174 0.181 0.189 0.198 0.198 0.429 0.429 0.373 0.358 0.373 0.373 0.385 0.391 0.399 0.406 0.406 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.816 0.816 0.861 0.872 0.861 0.861 0.852 0.847 0.841 0.835 0.835 45.736 45.806 34.001 31.324 33.986 33.914 36.331 37.596 39.133 40.713 40.624 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77.1 77.1 77.1 74.9 78.8 78.8 78.8 79.2 79.2 79.7 79.7 The selection process of function coefficients for discriminant analysis III solely relies on the KS-test of Set II. All variables, which proved to separate the groups “EL approach” and the “PD approach”, are included in the discriminant analysis III. The result in terms of the classification level (77.1%) is exactly the same as already observed for discriminant analyses I and II. In order to assemble the function coefficients for discriminant analysis IV, we use the results of both the ANOVA and the KS-test. We include these variables as function coefficients that have univariate separation power both in the ANOVA and in the KStest. Following this selection process, we are able to identify the two variables of “currency” and “maturity”. With 74.9%, the relevant discriminant analysis has a slightly lower level of classification than observed in the preceding analyses. Since these two variables have the highest univariate separation power, we take them as a starting point to optimize the classification level for the grouping variable “rating methodology”. In the following paragraph, we iteratively add one function coefficient to the existing combination of function coefficients and compute an individual discriminant analysis after each addition. If the inclusion of a new variable provides a higher or equally high level of classification, it is added to the set of coefficients. We start this optimization process by adding a third functional coefficient to the variables of discriminant analysis IV. For each of the remaining fourteen variables, an individual discriminant analysis is now computed. The highest level of classification (78.8%) is achieved by adding the variable “Class D” to the variables “currency” and “maturity”. The results of this analysis are documented in Table 4-8 as well as Table 56 Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis 4-9 under discriminant analysis V. Trying to achieve an even higher level of classification, we add a fourth variable to the three variables “currency”, “maturity” and “Class D”. We again compute an individual discriminant analysis for each of the thirteen remaining variables. The accrued results all lead to lower levels of classification. Only the discriminant analysis including the variable “Class E” achieved an equally high level of classification with 78.8% (discriminant analysis VI). The inclusion of “transaction type” as a fifth variable during the next optimization step delivers a classification level of 78.8% for discriminant analysis VII that is as high as the optimal discriminant analysis of four variables. In the next step we add a sixth variable. Again, the individual inclusion of the variables “Class C” and “equity” increases the level of classification up to 79.2% (discriminant analysis VIII and IX). Concerning the inclusion of a seventh variable we compute the outcomes of the corresponding classification levels. With a classification level of 79.7% the additional inclusion of the variable “other tranches” leads to the highest classification level for seven function coefficients (discriminant analysis X). By adding the eighth coefficient “number of tranches”, we achieve a comparably high level of classification in discriminant analysis XI. In addition, the inclusion of a ninth coefficient does not provide a higher level of classification in any case. Following our optimization approach, the classification levels of discriminant analysis X and XI are the highest. Since the inclusion of a ninth coefficient does not lead to a higher classification level, we define our optimum in discriminant analysis X. This optimum is the result of the computation of over 90 discriminant analyses based on the results of the univariate tests. The discriminant analysis of Set II reveals high levels of classification. Therefore, we can state that presale reports of the same rating methodology show an identical pattern of characteristics, and that we can reject the null hypothesis. The results of the discriminant analyses of Set II show that the grouping variable “rating methodology” leads to higher classification levels than those obtained under the grouping variable “rating agency” in Set I. Based on a coefficient selection induced by the univariate test session, the results of discriminant analyses I to IV are only slightly lower than our optimum in discriminant analysis X. Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis 57 Table 4-9: Discriminant Analysis of Set II (sorting by Rating Methodologies) Discriminant Analysis Independent Variables Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients Standardized Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients Classification Function Coefficients EL Approach PD Approach I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX Cash Flow Structure Currency Maturity Number of Tranches Transaction Type Volume Super Senior Others ;ŽŶƐƚĂŶƚͿ Cash Flow Structure Currency Maturity Number of Tranches Transaction Type Volume Others ;ŽŶƐƚĂŶƚͿ Currency Maturity Class A Equity ;ŽŶƐƚĂŶƚͿ Currency Maturity ;ŽŶƐƚĂŶƚͿ Currency Maturity Class D ;ŽŶƐƚĂŶƚͿ Currency Maturity Class D Class E ;ŽŶƐƚĂŶƚͿ Currency Maturity Class D Class E Transaction Type ;ŽŶƐƚĂŶƚͿ Currency Maturity Transaction Type Class C Class D Class E ;ŽŶƐƚĂŶƚͿ Currency Maturity Transaction Type Class D Class E Equity ;ŽŶƐƚĂŶƚͿ 1.4850 1.0733 0.0258 0.0696 -0.1888 -0.0002 -0.1749 4.3141 -3.6762 1.5076 1.0761 0.0252 0.0665 -0.2095 -0.0002 4.4890 -3.6290 1.1208 0.0456 0.8443 -2.6976 -3.0279 1.2335 0.0495 -2.9251 1.2161 0.0471 8.5303 -3.1736 1.2129 0.0470 8.7283 -0.3645 -3.1655 1.1831 0.0394 8.5230 0.4133 -0.3628 -2.1728 1.1863 0.0397 -0.3604 5.0639 5.6998 -0.3376 -2.3199 1.1330 0.0351 -0.3657 9.9097 1.1493 -4.6482 -1.7513 0.3401 0.5736 0.3959 0.1624 -0.1498 -0.3270 -0.0418 0.2149 0.3453 0.5751 0.3871 0.1551 -0.1663 -0.3510 0.2236 0.5990 0.6993 0.2163 -0.1712 0.6592 0.7581 0.6499 0.7217 0.2939 0.6482 0.7203 0.3007 -0.0113 0.6323 0.6039 0.2936 0.0128 -0.2880 0.6340 0.6084 -0.2861 0.2260 0.1963 -0.0104 0.6055 0.5377 -0.2903 0.3414 0.0356 -0.2950 24.1763 5.9523 0.0158 2.6382 7.1640 0.0009 -10.8782 -74.4865 -33.7175 25.5479 6.1004 -0.0205 2.4410 5.8811 -0.0002 -63.7180 -32.2254 4.1934 0.0744 9.3099 3.10467 -8.6010 4.5849 0.0586 -4.7490 4.7211 0.0579 31.5857 -5.3384 5.0501 0.0668 10.5522 38.6646 -5.7637 4.8516 0.1400 9.0078 29.0813 4.5502 -11.5698 4.9614 0.1445 4.5304 21.1449 -2.0854 25.9789 -11.9072 4.8616 0.1534 4.6372 0.4838 25.3793 22.8583 -12.5336 25.7860 7.1158 0.0438 2.7138 6.9594 0.0006 -11.0678 -69.8100 -36.3451 27.1815 7.2664 0.0069 2.5131 5.6541 -0.0004 -58.8539 -34.8005 5.2220 0.1163 10.0848 28.5709 -10.1040 5.6658 0.1020 -6.0541 5.8357 0.1011 39.4035 -69.715 6.1618 0.1010 18.5517 38.3306 -7.3895 5.9784 0.1776 17.1246 29.4749 4.2047 -12.3472 6.1137 0.1831 4.1803 26.0635 3.4510 25.6509 -12.8600 5.9864 0.1883 4.2741 10.3213 26.5203 18.2439 -12.9612 58 Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis Table 4-9 – Continued X Currency Maturity Transaction Type Class C Class D Class E Others ;ŽŶƐƚĂŶƚͿ XI Currency Number of Tranches Maturity Transaction Type Class C Class D Class E Others *Fisher’s linear discriminant functions 1.0953 0.0344 -0.3479 4.8601 6.1630 -4.4796 6.3309 -2.1213 1.0941 0.0032 0.0344 -0.3465 4.8421 6.1701 -4.4919 6.2405 0.5853 0.5278 -0.2762 0.2169 0.2123 -0.1390 0.3154 0.5847 0.0076 0.5266 -0.2751 0.2161 0.2125 -0.1394 0.3109 5.0360 0.1512 4.5365 21.1125 -3.4364 33.8690 -12.0174 -12.0609 4.3350 20.1482 0.1017 5.4081 10.0953 1.0217 26.2330 -67.5935 6.1484 0.1862 4.1831 26.0485 2.8228 29.3195 -5.5877 -12.8932 5.4462 2.0181 0.1366 5.0561 15.0130 7.2882 21.6709 -61.2556 4.5.3 Interpretation The variable “maturity” and “currency” have a great impact in separating the two groups of Set II. The discriminant analysis of Set I also confirms the impact of these two variables. Since we are not able to obtain the weighted average maturity of the CDO’s asset pool for all analyzed transactions, we do not integrate this characteristic in our empirical analysis. However, assuming that the correlation between the detected weighted average maturities and the corresponding legal maturities is reasonably high, we can use the legal maturity as a proxy for the weighted average maturities. In addition, the weighted average maturity of the asset pool may influence the rating outcome due to different concepts of modeling default correlations. Only S&P calculates the recovery rates on the basis of so-called tired recovery rates, assuming not only default correlation but also a correlation in terms of recovery rates (e.g. a high number of defaults also triggers lower recovery rates than experienced otherwise). Therefore, the application of tired recovery rates corresponds to lower recovery rates resulting in higher expected losses since long weighted average maturities correspond to long maturities on the individual credit level. Together with the assumption that long weighted average maturities correspond to comparably long legal maturities, this supports our empirical results that the characteristic “maturity” acts as a variable with high discriminatory power in chapter Specifically transactions with long maturities should – from an investor’s point of view - not be rated by S&P. Following this argu- Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis 59 ment, we can identify a rationale why an issuer has an interest not to publish all solicited ratings and rather select the favorable ones. Additionally, “currency” contains high degrees of explanatory power in both sets. We can explain these findings in economic terms, since “currency” is generally linked to the geographical roots of the transaction’s asset pool (e.g. the asset pool of notes denominated in EUR originates from European companies). The asset pool’s geographical affiliation in turn determines its recovery rates. Since recovery rates not only vary between different regions but also between different rating agencies, we find an economic explanation for the high explanatory power of the variable “currency”. By comparing the medians of the characteristics for each rating agency (see Table 4-1), we find additional support for this explanation, since the presale reports published by Moody’s are primarily denominated in EUR, whereas presale reports of S&P mostly descend from the USD area. A third characteristic which significantly impacts the classification process is the transaction’s tranche structure. To optimize the separation power of our discriminant analysis, we successively include the different tranches (in % of the overall transaction volume) as discriminant factors. Classifying on the basis of different rating agencies leads to high discriminatory power for the senior tranches of CDO transactions (see classification level of Set I). In turn, the inclusion of the more senior tranche portions (Super Senior, Class A and Class B) does not improve the classification results of Set II and are therefore excluded. However, the inclusion of mezzanine and junior debt (Class D notes and below) subsequently improves the classification level of Set II, since these notes add substantial separation power. Apparently, subordination and attachment points of levels of mezzanine and senior debt affect each rating methodology differently and contribute to diverse rating outcomes. These findings are in line with Fender and Kiff (2005), who argue that the higher the differences in tranche structure, the better the assignment of transactions to a specific rating methodology or rating agency. Since high subordination levels correspond to a high portion of junior tranches in the transaction structure the findings of Fender and Kiff (2005) deliver a second economic explanation for the high explanatory power of the tranche structure: CDO 60 Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis transactions with high portions of very junior tranches (e.g. the equity portion) should be rated by Moody’s. Cantor and Packer (1997) find evidence that on average, third ratings in bond markets assign higher ratings than the first two rating outcomes and that the policy of rating on request induces a sample selection bias. We find first signs of empirical evidence for a sample selection bias in the CDO market as defined by Cantor and Packer (1997) for corporate credit ratings. In line with our definition of rating model arbitrage and our empirical results, the findings of Cantor and Packer therefore support our view of rating model arbitrage (if applied to CDO markets): It is reasonable for an issuer to obtain two or more rating(s), but limit publication to the most favorable ones. 4.6 Conclusion The main objective of this paper is to provide empirical evidence for rating model arbitrage in CDO markets. On the basis of information asymmetry it is argued that issuers of CDO transactions have economic incentives to take advantage of the uneven information distribution between issuers and investors and to perform rating model arbitrage. Sorted by rating agency and rating methodology, our empirical analysis provides evidence of homogeneity within the groups and heterogeneity between the groups, i.e. we are able to detect common patterns within the groups. The existence of these patterns shows that specific transactions are rated by specific agencies and/or methodologies. In detail, the variables “currency” and “maturity” incorporate the highest explanatory power in the discriminant analysis. Additionally, sorting the transactions by different rating agencies reveals consisting patterns between Fitch and S&P. The results allow us to classify the presale reports according to the used rating methodologies (EL and PD), because Fitch and S&P both rely on a PD approach. Eventually, we find strong classification power for variables referring to the seniority structure of the transactions. Since we looked at all assessable economic factors on CDO transaction level and follow the findings of Fender and Kiff (2005), we do interpret rating model arbitrage as the only possible explanation for the above detected patterns in transactions’ characte- Rating Model Arbitrage in CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis 61 ristics. Thus, our empirical findings support the assumption that rating model arbitrage exists in CDO markets. Our results are closely linked to the findings by Fender and Kiff (2005), who describe the related rating methodologies in their paper and theoretically argue that there are economic incentives for issuers to perform rating model arbitrage not only across rating agencies, but across rating methodologies. Thick senior tranches are likely to benefit from the EL rating approach by Moody’s, whereas less senior tranches profit from a PD approach as incorporated in Fitch’s and S&P’s methodology. However, they did not find empirical evidence for rating model arbitrage in the CDO context. Our empirical results in turn show that transactions with large super senior tranches are more likely to receive ratings and according presale reports prepared by Moody’s. To reduce information asymmetry and lower agency costs, investors need to combine their market power. With combined market power, investors could claim the publication of all assigned ratings or – following our empirical analysis – at least foster the publication of two presale reports issued by two rating agencies using different rating methodologies. In such an optimized market setting, an additional significant principal-agent relationship might develop, namely between the investor (principal) and the rating agencies (agent). If the rating agencies become agents of the investors and the investor’s influence on the rating process becomes more direct, higher risk premiums might be enforced. Further research might focus on the impact of rating model arbitrage on the pricing of CDO notes in secondary markets, especially as variables referring to the structure of seniority have strong classification power. CDO notes usually trade at significantly higher spreads as comparable corporate bonds of the same rating category. Therefore, rating model arbitrage could be a driver for higher spread levels in CDO markets. Furthermore, the rating and pricing of individual tranches of CDO structures in the context of rating model arbitrage might be an interesting research topic. Additionally, potential arbitrage strategies for investors based on the different rating methodologies could be analyzed. 62 Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads 5 Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads 5.1 Introduction Rating agencies play a prominent role in CDO markets. 2 In order to overcome existing information asymmetries CDO investors rely on rating agencies as information agents and use ratings as guidance throughout the investment process. Based on these considerations we analyze the impact of multiple ratings on credit spreads of the respective CDO tranches. Prior to its issuance CDO tranches are typically rated by one, two or three rating agencies. According to the assigned rating(s), the issuance tranche spread is determined. We argue that each additional rating on top of the first one incorporates new incremental information and thus reduces information asymmetry between the issuer and the investor. Reduced information asymmetry increases transparency, thereby lowers investors’ demand for risk premiums and leads to lower credit spreads. The motivation for this empirical analysis becomes especially relevant when considering the current financial crisis. Among others, information asymmetries between issuers and investors and misaligned incentive structures for issuers along the structuring process of CDOs lead to a situation where only insufficient information was shared with investors. Our findings are threefold: First, we find that on average credit spreads indeed decrease with an increasing number of ratings. In a regression of the number of outstanding ratings on credit spreads controlling for various factors (e.g. maturity), we document significant impact levels for multiple ratings. We show that in addition to other pricing factors (e.g. credit quality) the number of outstanding ratings incorporates explanatory power with respect to the pricing structure of CDO credit spreads. Second, even with decreasing spread levels in place, we were not able to confirm the hypothesis that marginal tranche spread reduction decreases with the number of published ratings. Third, we found that in the case of joint (pair wise) ratings, on average Fitch assigned a higher credit quality (e.g. better rating) than its competitors Moody’s and S&P for the very same CDO tranche. Since Fitch is by far the smallest of the three rat- 2 The following chapter represents joint work by Morkötter and Westerfeld (2009a). Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads 63 ing agencies in the field of structured credit, we see a potential explanation in the form of a selection bias. Several papers have been published on corporate ratings to analyze the impact of multiple ratings on credit spreads and implied risk premiums. However, the application on or transfer to CDOs cannot be found in finance literature yet. Accordingly, we analyze if CDO markets value credit ratings and, in particular, if and how the mere existence of multiple ratings from different rating agencies is priced into credit spreads of CDO tranches. Earlier studies argue that issuers of CDOs have economic incentives to take advantage of uneven information distribution between issuers and investors and label it rating model arbitrage (Fender and Kiff, 2005). At the present time, investors do not appear to be teaming up to enforce publication of multiple CDO ratings but rather accept rating model arbitrage in CDO markets. However, investors might add a risk premium for information asymmetry and potential rating model arbitrage when pricing CDO tranches. Against this background, we argue that additional ratings in turn should lower this risk premium leading to ceteris paribus lower tranche spreads. In addition, by introducing a double-step interpolation process to create a benchmark index for CDO spreads we also extend existing literature on pricing factors of CDO tranches in terms of applied methodologies. The paper is organized as follows: Based on a literature review in chapter 5.2, we present the specific characteristics of the CDO rating market and accordingly formulate three different hypotheses (chapter 5.3). The underlying data sample for the empirical part is introduced in chapter 5.4, as well as the description of index-adjusted credit spreads. Along the defined hypotheses we eventually analyze the data in chapter 5.5 and perform several tests including a multiple regression analysis. Chapter 5.6 concludes the paper. 5.2 Literature Review Two very recent papers analyzing credit spreads of CDOs are Schiefer (2008) and Vink and Thibeault (2008). The latter compares credit spreads within different segments of the securitization market. The authors find that pricing factors differ significantly between CDOs, asset-backed securities and mortgage-backed securities. Be- 64 Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads sides their detailed analysis they do not address the topic of multiple ratings. Schiefer (2008) additionally provides a comprehensive analysis of pricing factors for CDO credit spreads. Again, the paper’s focus is not on the role of multiple ratings within CDO markets but on pricing factors in general. However, in the course of our empirical analysis we were able to confirm some of their basic results for a larger data set of CDO tranches. With regard to corporate bonds, various studies have been published dealing with multiple ratings. Generally, two types of literature can be distinguished: (1) analyzing the question why borrowers obtain more than one rating; and (2) assessing the impact of multiple ratings on bond yields. Referring to (1), Cantor and Packer (1995) analyze whether the reason for getting an additional rating may be regulatory in nature. Many financial institutions have limits, either self imposed or imposed by government regulators, on the amounts of debt they can hold of certain ratings. As most of these regulations only require that the highest or second highest rating be above the cutoff point, the firm’s chances of meeting the standard increase if a third or fourth rating is obtained. Therefore, issuers could have a strong incentive to obtain multiple ratings to reach those investors. However, the authors find no evidence that firms obtaining Fitch IBCA ratings are doing so in order to meet rating regulation requirements. In a later paper, Cantor and Packer (1997) empirically test for the existence of rating model arbitrage in bonds. They find evidence that third ratings in bond markets on average assign higher ratings than the first two rating outcomes and that the policy of rating on request induces a sample selection bias. However, they find no evidence for the theories that only firms with greater default risk uncertainty or firms engaged in rating shopping are interested in obtaining third ratings. In contrast to bonds, CDO rating methodologies applied by the major three rating agencies differ substantially, which can result in clear differences in the ratings assigned by the agencies to certain tranche structures (Peretyatkin and Perraudin, 2002). Moody’s has long relied on an EL criterion, as opposed to a criterion that focuses primarily on PD, as applied by its competitors S&P and Fitch. Other things being equal, an EL approach may therefore be more favorable to large senior tranches than a de- Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads 65 fault probability approach, and less favorable towards more junior tranches that tend to be of thinner size. Fender and Kiff (2005) explore the impact of differences in methodologies across rating agencies for senior tranche rating outcomes. They conclude that because investors do not fully understand the possible implications of the effects analyzed for tranche ratings, rating model arbitrage is a theoretical possibility. In practice, the authors could only find limited evidence for this behavior. However, Morkötter and Westerfeld (2009b) find no empirical evidence to accept the hypothesis stating non-existence of rating model arbitrage on the basis of information asymmetry, as patterns of transaction characteristics per rating agency/rating methodology could be identified. The second branch of literature deals with the effect of ratings on bond yields. These papers add to the question why borrowers seek a third or fourth rating as these ratings might convey information to the markets that reduces the cost of borrowing for the issuers. For the purpose of this paper, we explicitly differentiate between split and multiple ratings. In finance literature split ratings are defined as (bond) ratings in which two or more rating agencies assess the very same financial product but come up with different ratings (e.g. Jewell and Livingston, 1998). Multiple ratings in turn refer to the mere number of ratings existing for a specific entity/note regardless if the rating results differ. However, following Jewell and Livingston (1999), the papers fail to reach a consensus on how the market prices bonds with split ratings. Kish et al. (1999) conclude that the market finds value in the ratings from each agency (Moody’s and S&P) and that there is not enough evidence that the market values one agency over the other. Billingsley et al. (1985), Liu and Moore (1987) and Perry, Liu, and Evans (1988) find that the market prices bonds with split ratings as if only the lower of the two ratings conveys information. In contrast, Hsueh and Kidwell (1988) and Reiter and Ziebart (1991) conclude that markets price bonds as if only the higher of the two ratings conveys information. Jewell and Livingston (1998) conclude that when firms receive a split rating from Moody’s and S&P, the markets considers an average of the two ratings when determining default spreads for the bond. Thus, markets place some value on both bond ratings. In a later paper, Jewell and Livingston (1999) even show that the bond markets value the ratings of three raters. The authors compare bond ratings of 66 Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads Fitch to those of Moody’s and S&P to analyze the potential benefits of seeking out additional ratings from a smaller rating agency (Fitch), by comparing rating levels, rating changes, and the impact of ratings on bond yields. Inter alia, the authors test for the hypothesis that the average observed rating from Fitch is likely to be significantly higher than the “true” average rating from the two other agencies. Their analysis confirmed this hypothesis. Like Jewell and Livingston (1999) in their analysis for bonds, we are not concerned with the determinants of ratings like the first branch of literature, as we accept the fact that CDO markets are multi-rating markets. However, we take the possibility for rating shopping based on information asymmetries between originators and investors as a given and accept this as a potential reason for adjusted risk premiums. Also, unlike the second branch of literature, we are not concerned with future default. Rather, we take the ratings as a given and analyze the market perception of the number of available ratings in terms of credit spreads. 5.3 Multiple Ratings and Credit Spreads within CDO Markets As a starting point, we develop a basis outline of the CDO rating market: A plain vanilla CDO transaction is typically centered on a SPV, which invests into various credit-linked assets (e.g. SME loans, bonds or tranches of other CDO transactions) and refinances its purchases through the issuance of notes, i.e. CDO tranches. Subordinated tranches act as credit enhancement for the more senior notes (subordination principle). The tranches are bought by international investors, e.g. hedge funds, banks or other SPVs investing in CDOs with each note paying interest either defined as a fixed rate or as a spread premium over a certain reference benchmark (typically some sort of LIBOR). According to market standards, the issuer (investment bank or external asset manager) assigns one or more rating agency to assess the transaction and provide a rating for all or some of the underlying tranches prior to note issuance. The issuer will only be willing to publish and share this information with investors if (i) the ratings are favorable for the tranches or if (ii) investors explicitly request the rating. The CDO rating market is an oligopolistic one with Fitch, Moody’s and S&P as the three dominating players. Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads 67 Ratings incorporate signaling attributes and are therefore used as a marketing instrument. Since CDO ratings are typically solicited, the issuer has to cover the costs. On average, these costs are around 4.25 bps (Standard & Poor’s, 2007) of the issuance volume. Consequently, the more rating agencies are assigned, the higher the underlying cost of the note issuance. CDO rating processes diverge significantly from the rating process of corporate bonds. Unique features of the CDO rating market are the accessibility of rating tools used by the agencies, the different methodologies used (EL approach by Moody’s, PD approach by S&P and Fitch) and the close cooperation between agency and issuer during the negotiation phase. The latter are heavily discussed in the wake of the recent subprime crisis. We do not intend to discuss independency issues of rating agencies here; however, we proceed with the assumption that the relationship and exchange between rating agencies and issuers is very close and thereby impacts information efficiency. In comparison to the bond rating market, a specific feature of the CDO rating market is the fact that S&P and Fitch apply the same rating methodology (PD-based) whereas Moody’s relies throughout the rating process on an EL-based approach. As a basis for our empirical analysis, we now formulate a set of different hypotheses. The first hypothesis is related to the fundamentals of information asymmetry and focuses on the principal-agent relationship between investor (principal) and issuer (agent): We argue that the credit spread of an individual CDO tranche is impacted by the number of outstanding ratings. The publication of a rating impacts the information distribution between the issuer and the investor. Thus we assume that each additional tranche rating conveys incremental information. Reduced information asymmetry should therefore lead to ceteris paribus lower credit spreads since the investors demand a lower premium due to less uncertainty about the credit quality. We test our first hypothesis as follows: 68 Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads Hypothesis H10: The number of outstanding ratings does not influence the credit spreads of CDO tranches. Hypothesis H11: The number of outstanding ratings does influence the credit spreads of CDO tranches (negatively). In addition, we further investigate the magnitude of tranche spread reduction in absolute numbers. In particular, we compare the tranche spread reduction from single to double ratings and from double to triple ratings. Diminishing marginal utility should reduce the value of incremental information provided by each additional rating. Therefore, one could expect tranche spread reduction from single to double ratings to be larger than from double to triple ratings. However, the reduction of tranche spreads can also be the mere result of a selection bias. Since the issuer decides which rating is published and investors demand two ratings on average, the issuer will only publish a third rating if the rating outcome is favorable to the transaction. Thus one could expect spread reduction from double to triple ratings to be larger than from single to double ratings. Based on these considerations, we hypothesize that: Hypothesis H20: Additional (marginal) ratings lead to a decreasing or constant reduction of the tranche spread. Hypothesis H21: Additional (marginal) ratings lead to an increasing reduction of the tranche spread. Based on Jewell and Livingston (1999) we additionally analyze the role of Fitch within CDO markets. In particular, we test the hypothesis that the average rating by Fitch is considerably higher than the average rating by Moody’s and S&P. Fitch as the smallest of the three rating agencies might try to capture market share through the issuance of ratings in favor of the transaction. A second explanation again centers on the existence of a potential selection bias. We argue that Fitch is only considered by the issuer in case the rating outcome is expected to be favorable to the transaction. Thus, we propose: Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads 69 Hypothesis H30: The average Fitch rating is not different from the average S&P or Moody’s rating. Hypothesis H31: The average Fitch rating is different (and better) than the average S&P or Moody’s rating. In order to eliminate potential bias in the empirical results we perform several robustness checks, including control variables for split ratings as well as for tranches solely rated by Fitch, Moody’s or S&P. 5.4 Data Sample We started our data analysis by setting up a database provided by Deutsche Bank consisting of a unique set of 9,536 CDO tranches from 1,454 transactions issued between January 2004 and March 2007. From these 9,536 CDO tranches, we removed all tranches with missing data points (e.g. rating or credit spread). For reasons of consistency we also excluded all tranches with fixed credit spreads as this would have caused dilution of our empirical results when approximating spread levels. Thus, our data sample incorporates only CDO tranches with floating credit spreads (e.g. three-month LIBOR plus X). Accordingly, we used a total data set of 5,133 tranches. For each tranche the outstanding rating(s), transaction type, lead manager, issue date, rated volume, as well as the level of seniority within the specific transaction is available. We distinguish between three different transaction types (CLO, CBO & Exotic) and use this information as an independent variable in our regression analysis. As outlined in Table 5-1, the total number of tranches can be differentiated into tranches that carry single, double or even triple ratings. We grouped the sample according to rating agencies. With 4,874 respectively 4,596 rated CDO tranches, S&P and Moody’s are the dominating rating agencies in our sample. Fitch has the smallest share with 1,281 rated tranches (24.96%). 271 tranches (5.28%) carry a single rating, 4,106 tranches (79.99%) have double and 756 tranches (14.73%) carry triple ratings. If we further analyze double-rated tranches, we see that ratings are predominately published by the 70 Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads Table 5-1: Data Sample “Multiple CDO Tranche Ratings” CDO Tranche Ratings Total Sample Rating Agency Fitch Moody’s S&P Single Rating Total Fitch Moody’s S&P Double Rating Total Moody’s/ S&P Fitch/ S&P Moody’s/ Fitch Triple Rating Fitch/ Moody’s/ S&P # of rated Tranches 5,133 in % of Total Sample ϭϬϬ͘ϬϬй Mean Maturity (in years) 7.96 Mean Volume (in mUSD) 86.38 Mean Rating Code 4.98 1,281 4,596 4,874 Ϯϰ͘ϵϲй ϴϵ͘ϱϰй ϵϰ͘ϵϱй 7.77 7.97 7.95 100.21 89.92 86.14 4.86 4.92 4.92 271 68 37 166 ϱ͘Ϯϴй ϭ͘ϯϮй Ϭ͘ϳϮй ϯ͘Ϯϯй 7.48 9.20 7.22 6.83 45.20 31.27 47.06 50.49 5.42 7.25 4.65 4.84 4,106 3,649 303 154 ϳϵ͘ϵϵй ϳϭ͘Ϭϵй ϱ͘ϵϬй ϯ͘ϬϬй 8.07 8.08 8.04 7.74 83.81 83.55 64.69 127.53 5.02 5.01 5.14 5.10 756 ϭϰ͘ϳϯй 7.54 115.08 4.55 combination of Moody’s and S&P (71.09%). The combination Fitch/ S&P (5.90%) respectively Moody’s/ Fitch (3.00%) are ranked second and third. One potential explanation might be the higher market share of S&P in comparison to Moody’s and the fact that the same rating methodology is applied by Fitch and S&P. As can already be seen in Table 5-1, mean maturity of the transactions seems to be higher for double ratings than for single and triple ratings. However, concerning single ratings, it seems that Fitch rated not only the tranches with the longest maturity, but also with the lowest volume per tranche. Overall, the volume of single rated tranches is significantly lower than the volume of double and triple rated tranches. In addition, single rated tranches are not only the smallest in terms of volume, but also receive the lowest ratings in comparison to double and triple ratings. Both maturity and volume are important factors for debt instruments and will be analyzed in detail in chapter 5.5. Concerning rating outcomes we refer to Table 5-2, which outlines the mapping of the individual rating notches of Fitch, Moody’s and S&P on a numerical scale based on underlying one-year default probabilities (derived from Fitch, Moody’s, S&P). This approach is commonly used in finance literature to be able to compare different rating scales (see e.g. Cantor and Packer 1995). Thereby, we are able to compare the rating outcomes of all three rating agencies. In the following, the terms “rating outcome”, “rating code” as well as “rating notch” are used synonymously. Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads 71 Table 5-2: Mapping Code for the Individual Rating Notches Code Fitch Class Moody’s Class S&P Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 AAA AA+ AA AAA+ A ABBB+ BBB BBBBB+ BB BBB+ B BCCC+ CCC CCCCC C D Aaa Aa1 Aa2 Aa3 A1 A2 A3 Baa1 Baa2 Baa3 Ba1 Ba2 Ba3 B1 B2 B3 Caa1 Caa2 Caa3 Ca AAA AA+ AA AAA+ A ABBB+ BBB BBBBB+ BB BBB+ B BCCC+ CCC CCCCC SD D As outlined in Table 5-1, our data set with 5,133 different CDO tranches incorporates a large portion of multiple ratings, which can be grouped according to the rating outcome. In the case of identical ratings per CDO tranche, all involved rating agencies assign the very same rating code for a specific tranche and calculated notch differences are zero. Split ratings occur only if the rating codes deviate from each other. Thus, in case of split ratings, notch differences are always unequal to zero. Based on calculation of notch (code) differences credit quality assessments by the agencies can be compared. According to the number of involved rating agencies (double or triple ratings), one or three notch differences can be calculated. We refer to these rating pairs as joint ratings, with split ratings being a specific form of joint ratings, but not the only one. Table 5-3 displays the notch differences for our data set. Due to triple ratings the total number of joint ratings exceeds the number of 5,133 analyzed CDO tranches (448 split ratings in total). The level of differences – as documented in Table 5-3 – shows a di- 72 Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads Table 5-3: Notch Differences of jointly-rated CDO Tranches # of joint ratings Rating Differences # of identical # of one notch # of two notches # of three notches # of four notches Moody’s ./. S&P 4,405 Fitch ./. S&P 1,059 Moody’s ./. Fitch 910 Total 6,374 4,126 248 26 5 0 279 987 59 11 2 0 72 813 79 17 0 1 97 5,926 386 54 7 1 448 -39 -0.0368 57 0.0626 # number of Split Ratings Level of Differences Overall Difference* 67 Mean* 0.0152 * In case of (-), subtrahend has rated on average lower. rect comparison of the rating outcomes of each rating agency. For joint ratings, Moody’s ratings are on average lower than the corresponding S&P ratings. In turn, S&P ratings are on average lower than the Fitch ratings. This pattern also holds for joint ratings of Fitch and Moody’s. Again, on average Fitch ratings are better than the corresponding ratings of the second rating agency (e.g. Moody’s rated lower). It is noteworthy that split ratings mostly lie within a one-notch range. Our results confirm earlier research in the fields of corporate bond ratings (e.g. Cantor et al., 1997). 5.5 Empirical Results 5.5.1 Analysis of Credit Spreads In order to derive a reliable credit spread to capture the effect of multiple ratings several adjustments have to be made. Since we already excluded all CDO tranches with fixed credit spreads, our data base only consists of floating credit spreads over LIBOR ݐ݅ܵܥ, denominated in bps of the nominal volume of tranche i at the date of issuance t. In the following we refer to ݐ݅ܵܥas the unadjusted credit spread. Then we separate the part of the spread representing the systematic risk of the specific CDO tranche. By doing so we are able to analyze idiosyncratic credit spreads of different tranches without any dilution from systematic credit risk. We achieve this goal by subtracting an average CDO Credit Spread Index ܿݎݐ݆ݔ݁݀݊ܫ ܵܥfrom the individual Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads 73 unadjusted credit spread ݐ݅ܵܥand receive an adjusted credit spread of the individual tranche i: ݐ݅ܵܥെ ݐ݅ܵܥܣ = ܿݎݐ݆ݔ݁݀݊ܫ ܵܥ In the context of the CDO Credit Spread Index, j refers to a specific sub-index, t indicates the issuance date, r stands for the rating class of the CDO tranche and c for the currency in which the tranche is denominated. By introducing ܿݎݐ݆ݔ݁݀݊ܫ ܵܥwe are able to calculate the corresponding adjusted credit spread ݐ݅ܵܥܣfor each individual tranche, with a specific tranche i and its issuance date t. In the following we refer to ݐ݅ܵܥܣas the adjusted credit spread. For the calculation of ܿݎݐ݆ݔ݁݀݊ܫ ܵܥwe rely on three different sub-indices provided by Deutsche Bank. Each sub-index refers to a specific class of CDO transactions: CLO, CBO as well as exotic CDOs (e.g. ABS CDO, CDO Squared). According to the transaction structure, each tranche is flagged to match one of the three sub-indices. We do not only differentiate between transaction structures, but also between currency denominations, which enlarge the number of sub-indices by a factor two: tranches denominated in USD are attributed to CDX-based sub-indices (one for each transaction type) and tranches denominated in EUR or other currencies are attributed to iTraxx-based sub-indices (one for each transaction type). The six different sub-indices were originally not available for every rating class as presented in Table 5-2. Both for CDX and iTraxx sub-indices are only available for the rating codes 1, 6, 9 and 12, resulting in 24 sub-indices in total. Furthermore, the original sub-indices calculated by Deutsche Bank do not always refer to the same maturity. We overcome these two problems by a double interpolation process (used e.g. by Blanco et al. (2005) for corporate bonds and credit default swaps in order to address the issue of missing data). In a first step we equalize the term structure of the 24 existing sub-indices and fix the index maturity at ten years. Interpolation of maturity mismatches relies on the term structure of CDS Spreads (3, 5, 7 or 10 years; again divided into CDX and iTraxx). In a second step we create the missing sub-indices for the rating codes 2 to 5, 7, 8, 10, 11 as well as 13 -16 by a second interpolation (again divided into CDX and iTraxx). Since our data sample only consists of rating codes between 1 74 Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads and 16, we do not need to compute the sub-indices for the rating codes 17 to 22. We do not follow the concept of linear interpolation but rely on the mean default probability distribution of the rating agencies as displayed in Table 5-2 in order to interpolate the missing data points. In the end, this two-step interpolation process leaves us with two sets (CDX and iTraxx) of sub-indices with each set consisting of three indices (CLO, CBO and Exotic) for all rating classes (1-16) for the period from January 2004 to March 2007, resulting in 96 different CDO credit spread indices in total. Within this period sub-indices are calculated for every day on which a price for the basic CDO credit spreads indices was fixed by Deutsche Bank. Throughout the calculation of ( ݐ݅ܵܥܣsee formula above) we finally adjust the corresponding CDO credit spread index for the maturity of the corresponding CDO tranche by a process of linear interpolation based on CDS term structure. In order to give a comprehensive overview of ݐ݅ܵܥand ݐ݅ܵܥܣwe display the results on an aggregated level in Table 5-4 and 5-5. We group the underlying credit spreads by the number of ratings (Table 5-4) and by rating agencies (Table 5-5). For each table the results are displayed for each rating code in detail (1-16). It shows that in total the unadjusted credit spread ݐ݅ܵܥpositively correlates with the underlying rating code, i.e. a decreasing credit quality leads to an increasing spread level. Only for the rating codes 11 and 13 does this pattern not hold. However, with 64 respectively 57 tranches these ratings classes are rather small in comparison to the total data sample (5,133 tranches). Despite a few exceptions the assumption of positive correlation between ݐ݅ܵܥand ݐ݅ܵܥܣalso holds for single, double and triple ratings and rating agencies. In both Tables 5-4 and 5-5 the unadjusted credit spread is always positive. Due to subtraction of ܿݎݐ݆ݔ݁݀݊ܫ ܵܥ, ݐ݅ܵܥܣis significantly lower than ݐ݅ܵܥand in some cases even negative. Thus, negative ݐ݅ܵܥܣare a result of the benchmark composition of ܿݎݐ݆ݔ݁݀݊ܫ ܵܥ. The six benchmark indices do not exclusively display the tranches included in our data sample but consider more transactions, which were sorted out, i.e. fixed rated tranches. This mismatch together with the applied two-step interpolation process explains why ݐ݅ܵܥെ ܿݎݐ݆ݔ݁݀݊ܫ ܵܥis in total not equal to zero (14.04 bps). Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads 75 Based on the findings in Table 5-5 we note first signs of differences between rating agencies. Whereas the unadjusted credit spread is on a comparable level (132.07 bps vs. 134.92 bps) for Moody’s and S&P, it is lower for tranches rated by Fitch (122.99 bps). In the case of adjusted credit spreads we find a comparable pattern (15.63 bps for S&P, 14.06 bps for Moody’s but only 1.64 bps for Fitch). Homogeneity between the group of tranches rated by Moody’s and S&P in distinction to tranches rated by Fitch also holds for tranche volume. In comparison to the average tranche volume of Moody’s (89.92 mUSD) and S&P (86.14 mUSD), Fitch is higher on average (100.21 mUSD). To test the significance of differences in mean values between the rating agencies we perform a series of t-tests. As expected, the difference between mean values of the group of tranches rated by Moody’s and the group of tranches rated by S&P is not significant. In turn, for both groups the difference in mean values compared to the group of tranches rated by Fitch is significant at the 0.05 level. The only exception is illustrated for the case of tranche volume: the difference between the groups “Fitch” and “Moody’s” is not significant at the 0.05 level. These test results also hold for a oneway ANOVA performed for the three groups stating the affiliation to a specific rating agency. For all variables (here also for tranche volume) the group means are not equal at a significance level of 0.05. 1 79 89.94 6.67 52.53 45.00 0.49 0.00 150.00 18.34 14.97 1.48 -37.64 113.91 1,276 207.23 7.26 35.54 32.00 0.43 0.00 180.00 2.88 -1.55 5.56 -40.48 131.60 267 265.57 7.22 38.74 35.00 0.44 0.00 130.00 6.77 3.33 2.32 -40.54 87.60 1,622 211.12 7.22 36.90 33.00 0.45 0.00 180.00 4.27 0.94 3.98 -40.54 131.60 Total 271 45.20 7.48 170.35 105.00 1.00 0.00 1250.00 22.36 21.31 4.69 -496.84 689.67 4,106 83.81 8.07 136.83 69.00 1.08 0.00 900.00 16.23 3.75 4.09 -498.36 493.31 756 115.08 7.54 111.23 65.00 1.01 0.00 725.00 -0.84 2.44 82.85 -345.32 411.30 5,133 86.38 7.96 134.83 70.00 1.08 0.00 1,250.00 14.04 3.88 4.97 -498.36 689.67 † scaled by absolute mean values of tranche volumes. Code Single Rating # of tranches sŽůƵŵĞŝŶŵh^;DĞĂŶͿ DĂƚƵƌŝƚLJŝŶzĞĂƌƐ;DĞĂŶͿ hŶĂĚũƵƐƚĞĚƌĞĚŝƚ^ƉƌĞĂĚ;ŝŶďƉƐͿ Mean Median Standard Deviation† Minimum Maximum ĚũƵƐƚĞĚƌĞĚŝƚ^ƉƌĞĂĚ;ŝŶďƉƐͿ Mean Median Standard Deviation† Minimum Maximum Double Ratings # of tranches sŽůƵŵĞŝŶŵh^;DĞĂŶͿ DĂƚƵƌŝƚLJŝŶzĞĂƌƐ;DĞĂŶͿ hŶĂĚũƵƐƚĞĚƌĞĚŝƚ^ƉƌĞĂĚ;ŝŶďƉƐͿ Mean Median Standard Deviation† Minimum Maximum ĚũƵƐƚĞĚƌĞĚŝƚ^ƉƌĞĂĚ;ŝŶďƉƐͿ Mean Median Standard Deviation† Minimum Maximum Triple Ratings # of tranches sŽůƵŵĞŝŶŵh^;DĞĂŶͿ DĂƚƵƌŝƚLJŝŶzĞĂƌƐ;DĞĂŶͿ Unadjusted Credit Spread (ŝŶďƉƐͿ Mean Median Standard Deviation† Minimum Maximum ĚũƵƐƚĞĚƌĞĚŝƚ^ƉƌĞĂĚ;ŝŶďƉƐͿ Mean Median Standard Deviation† Minimum Maximum Total # of tranches sŽůƵŵĞŝŶŵh^;DĞĂŶͿ DĂƚƵƌŝƚLJŝŶzĞĂƌƐ;DĞĂŶͿ hŶĂĚũƵƐƚĞĚƌĞĚŝƚ^ƉƌĞĂĚ;ŝŶďƉƐͿ Mean Median Standard Deviation† Minimum Maximum ĚũƵƐƚĞĚƌĞĚŝƚ^ƉƌĞĂĚ;ŝŶďƉƐͿ Mean Median Standard Deviation† Minimum Maximum 12.33 5.39 1.91 -15.45 110.27 50.55 42.50 0.45 21.00 145.00 86 44.60 8.24 31.01 35.18 0.61 1.29 55.12 65.00 65.00 0.28 41.00 90.00 8 35.68 7.26 9.11 1.86 2.57 -15.45 110.27 48.02 40.00 0.48 21.00 145.00 73 44.95 8.46 29.38 28.60 0.27 21.62 40.83 64.40 57.00 0.20 55.00 85.00 5 53.84 6.60 2 6.60 1.67 3.15 -56.85 159.87 57.52 52.00 0.38 14.00 200.00 865 41.98 8.06 7.30 6.08 3.02 -50.26 98.24 61.06 56.00 0.39 15.00 160.00 130 51.72 7.74 5.16 0.76 3.56 -56.85 119.97 55.77 52.00 0.36 19.00 170.00 696 40.23 8.20 29.98 40.09 1.25 -36.26 159.87 77.00 80.00 0.45 14.00 200.00 39 40.84 6.60 3 7.12 2.31 4.21 -41.14 104.63 73.64 64.50 0.38 18.00 165.00 84 24.77 6.90 1.09 1.93 27.29 -36.54 79.59 67.85 65.00 0.52 18.00 150.00 13 17.86 6.59 3.00 1.71 7.97 -41.14 74.74 69.67 63.00 0.29 40.00 130.00 63 25.36 6.93 49.39 59.43 0.86 -21.43 104.63 114.38 110.00 0.34 35.00 165.00 8 31.38 7.16 4 -12.27 -22.70 4.40 -144.01 125.96 86.95 70.00 0.53 22.00 225.00 56 28.05 7.68 -36.99 -43.53 1.20 -144.01 85.27 71.29 68.50 0.37 25.00 150.00 24 31.66 8.04 -8.22 -4.76 5.66 -84.02 125.96 86.85 69.00 0.57 22.00 225.00 26 27.88 7.70 69.05 69.41 0.50 34.39 122.44 150.00 170.00 0.32 90.00 200.00 6 14.33 6.17 5 15.20 7.18 2.78 -205.00 240.76 111.26 95.00 0.44 24.00 350.00 768 29.35 8.31 -3.45 0.15 14.46 -156.62 175.20 106.26 90.00 0.44 29.00 260.00 90 31.59 7.77 16.96 7.61 2.31 -205.00 240.76 111.18 95.00 0.44 24.00 350.00 642 28.99 8.42 30.49 24.54 1.90 -129.59 187.68 125.03 122.50 0.43 45.00 250.00 36 30.06 7.68 6 10.52 4.62 5.90 -216.62 292.55 136.07 130.00 0.43 60.00 500.00 192 25.79 8.37 -23.81 -45.79 2.35 -167.37 100.83 115.79 100.00 0.37 70.00 225.00 33 19.35 8.23 15.70 5.64 3.77 -216.62 292.55 137.74 132.50 0.44 60.00 500.00 146 27.10 8.44 39.60 42.84 1.98 -63.31 199.02 168.85 165.00 0.41 65.00 325.00 13 27.42 7.91 7 -4.02 -28.58 31.61 -310.95 325.84 194.44 145.00 0.55 55.00 525.00 62 18.25 8.05 -69.53 -71.24 0.86 -246.79 28.02 145.23 140.00 0.25 105.00 265.00 22 24.37 8.87 30.39 20.64 4.64 -310.95 325.84 220.38 150.00 0.56 55.00 525.00 39 14.88 7.62 95.24 95.24 95.24 95.24 265.00 265.00 265.00 265.00 1 15.00 6.70 8 35.48 20.49 2.48 -345.32 490.00 247.31 250.00 0.40 16.00 750.00 773 22.32 8.15 11.78 32.45 8.60 -345.32 352.13 239.07 262.50 0.37 53.00 550.00 110 23.52 7.34 41.50 20.96 1.99 -287.00 490.00 248.72 242.50 0.40 16.00 750.00 622 22.35 8.26 7.77 0.71 14.40 -300.09 270.30 248.05 250.00 0.34 75.00 475.00 41 18.74 8.68 9 -30.88 -58.26 4.31 -498.36 419.40 252.21 200.00 0.52 45.00 800.00 205 21.22 8.54 -123.60 -124.51 0.73 -343.05 61.72 199.56 200.00 0.30 61.00 335.00 27 24.48 8.10 -13.87 -50.13 9.66 -498.36 419.40 260.94 195.00 0.53 45.00 800.00 171 20.74 8.59 -88.71 -75.55 -1.03 -205.91 69.36 242.14 200.00 0.48 175.00 500.00 7 20.26 9.00 10 213.81 259.27 0.82 -386.88 493.31 588.94 625.00 0.25 100.00 900.00 64 9.74 8.27 141.09 243.31 1.49 -197.20 372.94 515.70 587.50 0.28 275.00 650.00 10 6.02 6.90 233.12 271.80 0.71 -386.88 493.31 607.88 625.00 0.23 100.00 900.00 52 10.03 8.59 75.25 75.25 2.42 -53.31 203.81 462.50 462.50 0.42 325.00 600.00 2 20.90 6.90 11 19.98 10.00 5.76 -467.36 439.88 450.06 425.00 0.27 65.00 800.00 285 16.26 9.51 -2.01 4.90 84.36 -327.02 411.30 418.81 403.50 0.27 250.00 725.00 16 20.53 8.03 21.21 10.00 4.61 -405.00 439.88 448.91 425.00 0.27 65.00 800.00 245 16.19 9.73 22.02 77.21 9.39 -467.36 312.63 482.63 475.00 0.30 100.00 700.00 24 14.13 8.29 12 25.55 13.68 3.27 -195.13 246.11 446.51 420.00 0.26 210.00 725.00 57 22.12 9.42 -25.31 -11.76 2.67 -98.73 34.55 308.33 275.00 0.26 250.00 400.00 3 96.00 5.73 34.36 13.68 1.97 -81.41 221.71 448.62 410.00 0.26 210.00 725.00 47 17.92 9.62 -11.80 24.09 -13.43 -195.13 246.11 491.57 480.00 0.18 395.00 675.00 7 18.71 9.67 13 14 201.28 209.41 1.36 -496.84 689.67 623.75 580.00 0.40 150.00 1250.00 12 29.98 8.76 198.05 195.72 0.02 195.72 202.71 550.00 550.00 0.00 550.00 550.00 3 50.77 7.70 223.10 262.19 0.60 56.35 360.85 622.50 595.00 0.15 500.00 750.00 6 23.10 8.90 15 322.02 322.02 0.06 308.49 335.56 850.00 850.00 0.00 850.00 850.00 2 7.50 11.45 322.02 322.02 0.06 308.49 335.56 850.00 850.00 0.00 850.00 850.00 2 7.50 11.45 160.88 289.81 3.75 -496.84 689.67 700.00 700.00 0.79 150.00 1250.00 3 22.93 9.53 16 76 Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads Table 5-4: Credit Spread of CDO Tranches (Multiple Rating and Rating Code) 7.77 DĂƚƵƌŝƚLJŝŶzĞĂƌƐ;DĞĂŶͿ 485.00 Maximum 89.92 7.97 sŽůƵŵĞŝŶŵh^;DĞĂŶͿ DĂƚƵƌŝƚLJŝŶzĞĂƌƐ;DĞĂŶͿ 514.79 7.95 Volume in mU^;DĞĂŶͿ DĂƚƵƌŝƚLJŝŶzĞĂƌƐ;DĞĂŶͿ 131.60 689.67 † scaled by absolute mean values of tranche volumes. Maximum 3.87 -40.54 4.43 Standard Deviation† 0.79 -498.36 4.20 Median Minimum 15.63 Mean 4.42 180.00 1,250.00 ĚũƵƐƚĞĚƌĞĚŝƚ^ƉƌĞĂĚ;ŝŶďƉƐͿ Maximum 0.00 0.00 Minimum 0.45 33.00 37.25 1.09 69.00 Median 7.29 202.00 1621 131.60 -40.54 5.00 0.05 Standard Deviation† 134.92 Mean hŶĂĚũƵƐƚĞĚƌĞĚŝƚ^ƉƌĞĂĚ;ŝŶďƉƐͿ 4874 86.14 # of tranches S&P Maximum 4.91 Standard Deviation† -498.36 3.71 Median Minimum 14.06 Mean 3.09 180.00 900.00 ĚũƵƐƚĞĚƌĞĚŝƚ^ƉƌĞĂĚ;ŝŶďƉƐͿ Maximum 0.00 0.00 Minimum 0.41 33.00 35.67 1.09 65.00 Median 7.26 220.83 1,457 87.60 -40.54 2.43 3.46 Standard Deviation† 132.07 Mean hŶĂĚũƵƐƚĞĚƌĞĚŝƚ^ƉƌĞĂĚ;ŝŶďƉƐͿ 4,596 # of tranches Moody's -345.32 Minimum 42.22 2.52 Median Standard Deviation† 1.64 Mean 7.33 130.00 750.00 ĚũƵƐƚĞĚƌĞĚŝƚ^ƉƌĞĂĚ;ŝŶďƉƐͿ Maximum 0.00 0.00 Minimum 0.49 35.00 39.41 0.99 73.00 Median 7.16 246.69 414 1 Standard Deviation† 122.99 Mean hŶĂĚũƵƐƚĞĚƌĞĚŝƚ^ƉƌĞĂĚ;ŝŶďƉƐͿ 100.21 1281 Total sŽůƵŵĞŝŶŵh^;DĞĂŶͿ # of tranches Fitch Code 110.27 -12.54 1.32 21.13 20.59 145.00 15.00 0.49 55.00 53.25 6.59 40.63 22 81.47 -15.01 1.96 5.09 10.71 135.00 19.00 0.41 42.00 49.05 8.52 44.31 86 110.27 -10.56 1.35 12.97 27.59 145.00 20.00 0.60 55.00 60.65 6.49 42.68 17 2 165.34 -56.85 2.95 2.08 7.34 220.00 14.00 0.39 53.00 58.20 8.03 41.86 841 98.24 -56.85 3.98 0.63 4.46 160.00 15.00 0.35 52.00 55.58 8.16 42.83 783 119.97 -50.26 2.48 6.24 9.45 170.00 15.00 0.40 58.00 62.55 7.82 46.10 201 3 104.63 -41.14 8.21 -0.81 3.33 165.00 18.00 0.37 63.00 69.72 6.91 26.40 78 79.59 -41.14 3.05 3.89 8.64 150.00 18.00 0.34 65.00 73.56 6.67 21.52 72 79.59 -36.54 14.38 2.90 2.02 150.00 27.00 0.42 65.00 73.19 7.33 16.68 16 4 84.27 -144.01 -2.76 -27.45 -17.41 225.00 22.00 0.49 70.00 84.87 7.94 32.11 52 122.44 -144.01 23.91 -12.16 -2.17 225.00 24.00 0.53 75.00 95.32 7.70 28.38 74 85.27 -144.01 1.39 -43.43 -31.29 180.00 29.00 0.47 70.00 77.66 8.11 29.06 35 5 240.76 -205.00 2.76 6.93 15.30 350.00 27.00 0.43 100.00 111.66 8.35 28.84 716 240.76 -205.00 2.65 6.93 15.36 350.00 20.00 0.44 95.00 110.28 8.40 28.99 686 175.20 -156.62 10.80 3.68 4.46 260.00 24.00 0.44 100.00 110.07 7.87 30.77 168 6 292.55 -216.62 3.93 15.11 16.65 500.00 29.00 0.48 135.00 137.65 8.19 22.59 159 292.55 -216.62 9.30 -0.82 7.18 500.00 30.00 0.47 130.00 135.91 8.28 27.50 156 129.69 -167.37 4.52 -20.43 -11.89 265.00 37.00 0.33 125.00 127.08 8.80 27.53 76 7 325.84 -310.95 20.42 -6.33 6.06 525.00 53.00 0.56 147.50 198.30 7.87 22.26 66 325.84 -310.95 16.99 -13.42 7.94 525.00 95.00 0.52 150.00 207.28 7.93 20.66 58 138.67 -246.79 2.05 -29.66 -33.42 325.00 55.00 0.44 133.00 153.62 8.37 27.47 39 8 532.87 -345.32 2.35 21.89 37.80 800.00 16.00 0.40 242.50 247.80 8.16 22.52 738 490.00 -345.32 2.09 22.64 40.60 750.00 16.00 0.40 245.00 248.37 8.13 22.22 670 485.00 -345.32 9.04 21.10 11.42 750.00 53.00 0.38 250.00 243.09 7.81 21.52 204 9 419.40 -498.36 -6.32 -54.35 -21.57 800.00 45.00 0.52 202.50 260.04 8.54 20.72 180 419.40 -498.36 3.81 -58.51 -35.80 800.00 45.00 0.55 190.00 246.64 8.50 22.25 190 108.33 -343.05 0.78 -123.40 -114.79 350.00 61.00 0.28 210.00 214.33 8.33 18.64 43 10 493.31 -386.88 0.85 251.99 204.14 900.00 100.00 0.26 625.00 572.76 8.25 11.22 70 514.79 -386.88 0.67 261.93 237.39 900.00 90.00 0.25 625.00 591.67 6.72 8.98 63 372.94 -197.20 1.90 75.17 90.60 650.00 250.00 0.32 500.00 457.76 13.03 14.58 17 11 439.88 -467.36 5.25 10.00 20.92 800.00 100.00 0.27 425.00 452.13 9.56 16.37 270 411.30 -405.00 3.92 10.00 25.09 800.00 170.00 0.26 425.00 451.50 9.82 16.71 236 411.30 -327.02 64.22 12.22 2.42 750.00 170.00 0.29 450.00 455.83 8.25 17.25 40 12 246.11 -174.53 2.25 14.40 32.21 725.00 250.00 0.23 410.00 446.58 9.76 20.83 48 221.71 -338.30 57.81 -5.67 -1.95 700.00 210.00 0.26 400.00 417.05 9.14 21.52 55 34.55 -195.13 0.96 -106.57 -91.36 475.00 65.00 0.48 337.50 317.50 7.40 54.42 6 13 360.85 -496.84 1.68 209.41 163.85 208.55 201.69 0.02 201.69 203.98 550.00 550.00 0.00 550.00 550.00 7.70 50.77 3 14 689.67 56.35 0.65 216.11 264.75 1250.00 500.00 0.31 590.00 666.82 8.59 28.61 11 335.56 308.49 0.06 322.03 322.03 750.00 150.00 0.32 560.00 538.75 8.76 38.79 8 68.78 56.35 0.14 62.57 62.57 725.00 500.00 0.26 612.50 612.50 8.50 12.80 2 15 335.56 308.49 0.06 322.03 322.03 850.00 850.00 0.00 850.00 850.00 11.45 7.50 2 850.00 850.00 0.00 850.00 850.00 11.45 7.50 2 16 Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads 77 Table 5-5: Credit Spread of CDO Tranches (Rating Agency and Rating Code) 78 Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads 5.5.2 Impact of Multiple Ratings In Table 5-4 we compare in detail the credit spreads of single, double and triple ratings. This allows us to perform first tests for Hypothesis 1. With mean values of 170.35 bps for unadjusted credit spreads (22.36 bps for adjusted credit spreads) for single ratings, 136.83 bps (16.23 bps) for double ratings and 134.83 bps (14.04 bps) for triple ratings we observe that with an increasing number of ratings the level of both unadjusted and adjusted credit spread decreases. In addition to the negative correlation between number of outstanding ratings and credit spreads we also observe a positive relationship between number of tranche ratings and average tranche size as the latter increases from 45.2 mUSD (single ratings) to 115.1 mUSD (triple ratings). This finding seems to be reasonable since an increasing tranche size allows allocation of rating fees to a broader capital basis. Table 5-6: Robustness Checks for the Grouping Factor Multiple Ratings ANOVA Volume Maturity Unadjusted Credit Spread Adjusted Credit Spread Between Groups* Within Groups Total Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups Within Groups Total Sum of Squares 1109,657.48 203,426,186.18 204,535,843.66 243.25 30,792.20 31,035.46 779,357.33 107,459,348.51 108,238,705.84 205,843.88 24,739,518.43 24,945,362.31 Statistic** 28.94877899 12.61674765 29.62322859 29.22022976 22.05001686 18.38957736 20.21044313 13.32254807 df 2 513 513 Mean Square 554,828.74 39,654.23 F 13.99 Sig. 0.0000 2 513 513 121.63 6.00 20.26 0.0000 2 513 513 389,678.67 20,947.24 18.60 0.0000 2 5130 5132 102,921.94 4,822.52 21.34 0.0000 df1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 df2 778.98 1,020.08 668.65 864.24 630.30 617.24 588.85 562.70 Robust Tests of Equality of Means Volume Welch Brown-Forsythe Maturity Welch Brown-Forsythe Unadjusted Credit Spread Welch Brown-Forsythe Adjusted Credit Spread Welch Brown-Forsythe * Groups are defined as Single, Double and Triple Ratings ** Asymptotically F distributed Sig. 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads 79 In order to further determine if ݐ݅ܵܥ, ݐ݅ܵܥܣ, maturity and tranche volume are indeed significantly different for single, double and triple ratings we perform several robustness checks which confirm our findings on a statistically significant level (see Table 56). Relying on a one-way ANOVA as well as robust tests of equality (Welch and Brown-Forsythe) all four tranche characteristics are statically significantly different from each other. In addition, we perform a test of homogeneity of variances which leads to the very same results. Thus, with regard to Hypothesis 1 we are able reject the null hypothesis, and not reject the alternative hypothesis respectively, allowing us to argue that there is a negative correlation between the number of outstanding ratings and the level of credit spreads. Each additional rating leads to a lower credit spread – both for adjusted and unadjusted credit spreads. 5.5.3 Decreasing Reduction of Underlying Tranche Spreads In the following, we analyze if the level of correlation between credit spreads and number of ratings changes when moving from single to double or from double to triple ratings. In Table 5-7 we compare in detail the mean differences of unadjusted and adjusted credit spreads between single, double and triple ratings. In addition, we display mean differences for maturity and tranche volume. Due to different interest term structure tranche maturity is by definition an important factor when discussing attributes of debt instruments. Tranche volume is especially relevant for structured credit transactions as rating costs are usually fixed cost decrease per investor when tranches are of significant seize. Furthermore, small tranches are usually less transparent than larger ones as they are sometimes tailor-made for large investors or sold in club markets. Therefore, tranche volume is an important factor. According to Table 5-4 tranche volume seems to positively correlate with the number of outstanding ratings. Thus, it is reasonable to analyze incremental correlation between these two factors if moving from single to double or double to triple ratings. While average maturity appears to increase from single to double ratings and to decrease from double to triple ratings (see Table 5-4), no clear pattern can be derived for tranche maturities. The average tranche volume increases from single to double and double to triple ratings with decreasing marginal differences: Volume grows by 38.61 80 Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads mUSD on average from single to double ratings, whereas growth from double to triple ratings amounts to 31.28 mUSD on average. With 33.51 bps (single to double ratings) versus 25.60 bps (double to triple ratings) this pattern also holds for unadjusted credit spreads. Thus, the reduction of unadjusted credit spread levels decreases with an increase in the number of outstanding ratings. In contrast, exclusion of systematic credit risk (adjusted credit spreads) leads to a different result: reduction of credit spreads levels increases from 6.13 bps between single and double ratings to 17.07 bps between double and triple ratings. Since we already proved that variances of the variables volume, maturity and (un)adjusted credit spreads are unequal (see Table 5-6), we are able to apply a GamesHowell test in order to check for significance of mean differences on the 0.05 significance level. Mainly, we are able to confirm significance at a 0.05 level. Cross-checking the Games-Howell results with the testing algorithms of Tamhane’s T2, Dunnett’s T3 as well as Dunnett’s C leads to the same significance levels. Regarding Hypothesis 2 it becomes clear that in the case of unadjusted credit spreads we are not able to reject the null hypothesis but the alternative hypothesis. For the adjusted credit spreads we note in turn a rejection of the null hypothesis and a nonrejection of the alternative hypothesis. We could not find empirical support on all levels for the hypothesis stating that marginal tranche spread reduction decreases when adding additional rating agencies. Against the background of these results we are not able to observe a clear pattern relating to the question whether marginal ratings lead to increasing, decreasing or constant credit spreads. However, since we created the adjusted credit spreads in order to analyze the idiosyncratic credit risk without any dilution of the systematic credit risk, multiple ratings should have the highest impact on adjusted credit spreads. Thus, we analyze mean spread differences of adjusted credit spreads and interpret increasing credit spread reduction as representing a selection bias. Also missing levels of significance for mean difference between single and double ratings (adjusted credit spreads) does not change this view since mean difference between double and triple ratings are significant (Table 5-7). Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads 81 Table 5-7: Multiple comparisons of underlying tranche spread differences Dependent Variable Volume (in mUSD) (I) MultipleRatings Single Rating Double Rating Triple Rating Maturity (in Years) Single Rating Double Rating Triple Rating Unadjusted Credit Spread (in bps) Single Rating Double Rating Triple Rating Adjusted Credit Spread (in bps) Single Rating Double Rating Triple Rating (J) MultipleRatings Mean Difference (I-J) Double Rating -38.6083* Triple Rating -69.8854* Single Rating 38.6083* Triple Rating -31.2771* Single Rating 69.8854* Double Rating 31.2771* Double Rating -0.5915* Triple Rating -0.0656 Single Rating 0.5915* Triple Rating 0.5259* Single Rating 0.0656 Double Rating -0.5259* Double Rating 33.5144* Triple Rating 59.1163* Single Rating -33.5144* Triple Rating 25.6019* Single Rating -59.1163* Double Rating -25.6019* Double Rating 6.1288 Triple Rating 23.1991* Single Rating -6.1288 Triple Rating 17.0704* Single Rating -23.1991* Double Rating -17.0704* Std. Error 5.7876 11.8965 5.7876 11.1395 11.8965 11.1395 0.1365 0.1452 0.1365 0.0755 0.1452 0.0755 10.5623 11.0834 10.5623 4.6885 11.0834 4.6885 6.4510 6.8556 6.4510 2.7441 6.8556 2.7441 Sig. 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0141 0.0000 0.0141 0.0001 0.8937 0.0001 0.0000 0.8937 0.0000 0.0047 0.0000 0.0047 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.6091 0.0023 0.6091 0.0000 0.0023 0.0000 * The mean difference is significant at the .05 level. 5.5.4 CDO Tranches rated by Fitch Sorting the CDO tranches for rating agencies result in 3 different groups (Table 5-5): 1,281 tranches rated by Fitch, 4,596 tranches rated by Moody’s and 4,874 tranches rated by S&P adding up to 10,751 cases in total. Since multiple ratings exist, many tranches are included in more than one group. We now focus on the average rating per rating agency and compare the rating outcome. Specifically, we test according to Hypothesis 3 if the average Fitch rating is different from the average S&P or Moody’s rating or not. Table 5-8 provides a detailed overview of mean ratings. Since numbers of tranches per agency differ substantially (Fitch 1,281 tranches, Moody’s 4,596 tranches, S&P 4,874), this figure only displays a first illustration of mean ratings. However, with a mean rating code of 4.8595 Fitch ratings obtain the highest credit quality; Moody’s and S&P in turn achieve lower mean rating levels. Starting from here, we focus on the detailed ratings assigned by the agencies for the very same tranche. This approach leaves us with two different samples: multiple and joint ratings. Multiple ratings come 82 Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads Table 5-8: Comparison of Rating Outcomes (Rating Agencies and Rating Code) Average Rating Code Rating Agency Total Single Fitch Moody's S&P Total Double RatMoody's/ Fitch/ S&P Moody's/ Triple Ratings Fitch/ MooJoint Ratings Moody's/ Fitch/ S&P Moody's/ # of rated ŝŶйŽĨ Tranches Total Sample 5,133 ϭϬϬ͘ϬϬй Fitch 4.8595 Moody's 4.9238 Average Notch Difference* S&P 4.9179 Moody's ./. S&P 0.0059 68 37 166 271 ϭ͘ϯϮй Ϭ͘ϳϮй ϯ͘Ϯϯй ϱ͘Ϯϴй 3,649 303 154 ϳϭ͘Ϭϵй ϱ͘ϵϬй ϯ͘ϬϬй 5.1023 5.0260 5.0455 756 ϭϰ͘ϳϯй 4.5132 4.5847 4.5556 0.0291** 4.9219 4.9067 4.7186 0.0152** 4,405 1,059 910 Fitch ./. S&P -0.0584 Moody's ./. Fitch 0.0644 7.2500 4.6486 4.8373 4.9918 4.6818 4.6000 4.6626 4.9794 5.1254 0.0123** -0.0231 0.0195 -0.0423** 0.0714** -0.0368** 0.0626** * In case of (-Ϳ͕ƐƵďƚƌĂŚĞŶĚŚĂƐƌĂƚĞĚŽŶĂǀĞƌĂŐĞůŽǁĞƌ͘ **Significant at the 0.05 level. as single, double and triple ratings; joint ratings only pair wise. Single ratings are not directly applicable to compare different rating outcomes; however, they give an indication if a specific rating agency is favored by issuers for a specific part of the seniority structure. With a mean value of 7.25 single ratings by Fitch correspond to a significantly lower credit quality than single ratings by Moody’s (4.6486) and S&P (4.8373). This indicates that Fitch rates more junior tranches than the other agencies do. What is even more revealing is the analysis of double and triple ratings. Based on notch differences we observe that Fitch – when directly compared with Moody’s and Fitch –on average assigns a better rating as do Moody’s and S&P for the very same tranche in double ratings (Table 5-8). In turn, S&P ratings document on average a higher credit quality as do Moody’s ratings for the very same tranches. With 4.5132 (Fitch), 4.5556 (S&P) and 4.5847 (Moody’s), this pattern also holds for triple ratings. In cases where a tranche is rated by all three rating agencies, Fitch ratings are on average better (e.g. lower in terms of rating codes) than the corresponding ratings by Moody’s and S&P. Moody’s in turn assigns the highest rating codes (lowest credit quality). Thus, the biggest notch difference is between Moody’s and Fitch. The analysis of jointly-rated tranches sup- Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads 83 ports these results, since Fitch again assigns on average the best rating and the lowest rating code in direct comparison to Moody’s and S&P. For triple and joint ratings all notch differences are significant on the 0.05 level (see Table 5-8). For double ratings significance of mean notch differences is only given for the combination Moody’s/S&P. However, it needs to be considered that the pairs Fitch/S&P and Moody’s/Fitch are comparatively rare with 303 and 154 tranches. Significance on the level of jointly-rated tranches for Fitch/S&P as well as Moody’s/Fitch confirms the results obtained throughout the analysis of triple ratings on a larger scale (1,059 and 910 tranches). With regard to Hypothesis 3 we can reject the null hypothesis and not reject the alternative hypothesis. This means that the average Fitch rating is different and significantly better than the corresponding Moody’s and S&P ratings. 5.5.5 Regression Analysis To assess the impact various factors have on the underlying credit spread the application of a regression analysis is a widely accepted measure in financial literature and also commonly used in the context of multiple ratings (e.g. Kish et al., 1999; Jewell and Livingston, 1999; Vink and Thibeault, 2008). So far we limited our analysis to univariate statistics. In the following we perform a series of regression analyses in order to specify the impact multiple ratings have on the underlying tranche credit spread. We define the unadjusted credit spread ݐ݅ܵܥand the adjusted credit spread ݐ݅ܵܥܣas the dependent variables and multiple ratings as well as several other factors (e.g. volume) as independent variables and perform a regression analysis according to Vink and Thibeault (2008). We define our valuation model as follows: ߙ = ݐ݅ܵܥ+ ߚ1 ݅ݏ݃݊݅ݐܴܽ ݈݁݅ݐ݈ݑܯ+ ߚ2 ܴܽ ݅݁݀ܥ ݃݊݅ݐ+ ߚ3 ܶ݅݁݉ݑ݈ܸ ݄݁ܿ݊ܽݎ + ߚ4 ݅ݕݐ݅ݎݑݐܽܯ+ ߚ5 ܶ ݅݁ݕܶ ݊݅ݐܿܽݏ݊ܽݎ+ ߚ6 ݅ݕܿ݊݁ݎݎݑܥ + ߚ7 ܻ݁ܽ ݅݁ܿ݊ܽݑݏݏܫ ݂ ݎ+ ߝ݅ with: Multiple Ratingsi : Zero-one variables for multiple ratings (single and double ratings); takes one if the tranche received a corresponding multiple 84 Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads rating, zero if otherwise; triple ratings function as a base case and are thus excluded from the analysis Rating Codei : Zero-one variables for average rating codes (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15); takes one if the tranche received a rating of the corresponding rating code, zero if otherwise; rating code 16 functions as a base case and is thus excluded from the analysis, rating code 14 is also not displayed since no data points are existing for this rating code. In a second set of regression analyses (Set B) we replace zeroone variables with a single metric scale representing the tranche average rating code (Mean Rating Code). Tranche Volumei Volume of tranche i in mUSD Maturityi Maturity of tranche i in years Transaction Typei Zero-one variables for transaction type (CBO and CLO); takes one if the transaction type corresponds to the specific type, zero if otherwise; transaction type Exotic functions as a base case and is thus excluded from the analysis Currencyi : Zero-one variable for currency (USD and other currencies); takes one if the transaction is denominated in USD, zero if otherwise Year of Issuancei : Zero-one variables for year of issuance (2005, 2006, 2007); takes one if the tranche was issued in the corresponding year, zero if otherwise; year 2004 functions as a base case and is thus excluded from the analysis We explicitly include multiple ratings as two nominal zero-variables (single and double ratings) and not as a scale metric (number of outstanding ratings) as applied by Vink and Thibeault (2008). This differentiation allows us to isolate the impact of the individual characteristic (single or double ratings). Different rating codes like zero-one Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads 85 variables consider the seniority structure of a CDO transaction and test for increasing spread levels with decreasing credit quality. Maturity and tranche volume are a natural choice to be incorporated in our valuation model since both variables are crucial for each CDO tranche. Literature (Vink and Thibeault, 2008) and the comparison of different CDO credit spread indices in our data set already reveal that credit spreads do not necessarily have the same level for different transaction types. Specifically, exotic CDOs are traded at higher spreads compared to CLOs and CBOs. The majority of tranches is denominated in USD (81.2%) followed by EUR. Besides, with approx. 15 tranches other currencies play no meaningful role and we thus merged EUR and other currencies into one group. Relevance of currency as a major impact variable relates to the fact that rating agencies assign to different recovery rates U.S, and European CDOs. Recovery rates in turn directly impact losses to which credit spreads are positively correlated. Mostly the collateral pool consists of assets located in the transaction’s currency area (e.g. U.S. assets are typically used as a collateral pool of transactions denominated in USD). Thus, there exists a link between the transaction’s currency and the underlying tranche spread. Finally, we also included the year of issuance into our valuation model. Year of issuance is of particular interest since we observe over our whole sample period (2004-2007) decreasing credit spreads on an overall basis. Specifically, in case of unadjusted credit spreads we expect high significance levels. Prior to our regression analysis we controlled for normal distribution of all independent variables (KS-test). We display the results of our regression analysis in Table 5-9. As outlined before, we perform our analysis for two dependent variables: unadjusted and adjusted credit spreads. In addition, we analyze two sets of independent factors (Set A and B). We created two compositions of independent variables because regression analysis of Set A leaves us with very modest signs of multicollinearity for selected zero-one variables of the average rating code (e.g. 3, 9, 12). Since we do not want to dilute our analysis or our R2 through imprecise data, we replaced the zero-one variables by the scale metric mean rating code of each tranche in a second trial (Set B). However, we kept the zeroone variables for Set A due to information about seniority structure of a CDO. 86 Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads In addition we also checked for outliers. Since the exclusion of outliers impacted the final results only on a very modest basis (e.g. R2 of regression analysis Set B with unadjusted credit spread only increased from 0.7080 to 0.7250) we decided to apply the regression analysis of Table 5-9 to the original data set of 5.133 different CDO tranches. Thus, we maintain data consistency with the prior analysis of our empirical section. In each regression (adjusted and unadjusted credit spreads) of Set A and Set B all variables have significant impact on the credit spread level. A large majority of variables is even significant on the 0.01 level. Concerning multiple ratings we observe that single ratings lead to higher credit spreads than double ratings. This finding supports the results of our preceding univariate analysis of negative correlation between number of ratings and level of credit spreads (see Table 5-4). It is particularly interesting that the impact of standardized coefficients is higher for adjusted credit spreads in both sets. Thus, the exclusion of the systematic credit risk proves to help to isolate the specific impact multiple ratings have on credit spread levels. A second indication for this fact is the lower impact of mean rating code on adjusted credit spreads than on unadjusted credit spreads in Set B (0.217 versus 0.8560). Based on Hypothesis 1, we can reject the null hypothesis and not reject the alternative hypothesis. In addition, the results of our regression analysis emphasize a negative correlation between number of ratings and credit spread. Thus, it confirms our results illustrated on a univariate basis in Table 5-4. The coefficients of different zero-variables relating to the rating codes decrease with increasing rating codes, which equals a higher spread level for decreasing credit quality and thus confirms the results of Vink and Thiebeault (2008). Relating to the standardized coefficients of the regression analysis in Set A as well as in Set B zero-one variables of the average rating code have on average the highest impact. Again, this finding is not surprising and confirmed in Set B through the high impact of mean rating code. In contrast to our univariate analysis (Table 5-4) the impact of tranche volume is negligible in both sets and around zero in absolute terms. A possible explanation could be the mode of payment for CDO ratings. The issuer pays a fee, which is predominately a percentage of the underlying tranche volume (e.g. Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads 87 4.5 bps), which dilutes the incentive to rate only tranches with large volumes by multiple rating agencies. Maturity in turn has a slightly higher impact and can be explained by different interest rate term structures. For the transaction structure we observe that CBO structures lead to lower credit spreads as documented for CLOs. A potential explanation for this finding could be the fact that the collateral pool of a CBO is expected to be more liquid than the collateral pool of a CLO. Thus, the whole transaction becomes more price sensitive from the investor’s angle. The results relating to the zero-one variables of the issuance year are in line with the development of CDS spreads as a benchmark over the same period. Thus, this dummy variable behaves as expected. Specifically, the comparably low credit spreads documented for 2007 result in a decreasing unstandardized coefficient of the independent variable “YEAR OF ISSUANCE 2007”. Since our valuation model (Table 5-9) consists of a number of different independent pricing factors, we additionally perform several robustness checks in order to control for potential effects left undetected throughout our initial regression analysis (Set A & B). We want to control for the explanatory power of multiple ratings on credit spread levels. First, each independent pricing factor is individually regressed on unadjusted and adjusted credit spreads. Second, we include the dummy variables relating to multiple ratings (single and double ratings) and again perform a regression analysis for each independent pricing factor. If multiple ratings indeed incorporate explanatory power the generated R2, values should increase following the inclusion of multiple rating dummy variables. In Table 5-10 we have exemplarily outlined the results of the robustness checks for the pricing factor tranche volume. Throughout the analysis of credit spreads we observed a positive correlation between number of outstanding ratings and tranche volume. Thus, the performed robustness checks should give us an insight, if we have covered a mere size effect throughout our valuation model. For both dependent variables we note increasing R2 values as well as high levels of significance for the two dummy variables of multiple ratings. Even though the increase is rather modest on an absolute basis, relative differences are high. The pattern documented for tranche volume (Table 5-10) also holds for the other independent pricing factors. 936.4885*** 44.8969ΎΎΎ;Ϭ͘ϬϲϵϭͿ 26.4475ΎΎΎ;Ϭ͘ϬϳϮϵͿ -845.4537***(-Ϯ͘ϳϬϲϴͿ -821.8987***(-Ϭ͘ϳϮϲϱͿ -824.4751***(-Ϯ͘ϭϮϱϯͿ -824.2198***(-Ϭ͘ϳϮϬϭͿ -795.7164***(-Ϭ͘ϱϲϵϮͿ -767.0254***(-ϭ͘ϴϴϰϭͿ -757.2764***(-Ϭ͘ϵϴϵϱͿ -697.6798***(-Ϭ͘ϱϮϰϴͿ -636.7029***(-ϭ͘ϱϲϴϮͿ -624.0415***(-Ϭ͘ϴϰϭϱͿ -308.5228***(-Ϭ͘ϮϯϱϴͿ -412.2900***(-Ϭ͘ϲϱϬϮͿ -402.7010***(-Ϭ͘ϮϵϬϲͿ -234.6547***(-Ϭ͘ϬϳϴϬͿ -0.0132***(-Ϭ͘ϬϭϴϭͿ -3.5378***(-Ϭ͘ϬϱϵϵͿ -54.3929***(-Ϭ͘ϬϮϮϳͿ -42.2555***(-Ϭ͘ϭϰϱϯͿ -17.2768***(-Ϭ͘ϬϰϲϱͿ -30.0737***(-Ϭ͘ϬϵϬϭͿ -34.6765***(-Ϭ͘ϭϭϵϰͿ -16.5672***(-Ϭ͘ϬϯϮϯͿ Coefficients 5,133 1,074.84 0.8350 * Significance at the 0.1 level ** Significance at the 0.05 level *** Significance at the 0.01 level Values in brackets refer to standardized coefficients. (ŽŶƐƚĂŶƚͿ SINGLERATING DOUBLERATING RATINGCODE 1 RATINGCODE 2 RATINGCODE 3 RATINGCODE 4 RATINGCODE 5 RATINGCODE 6 RATINGCODE 7 RATINGCODE 8 RATINGCODE 9 RATINGCODE 10 RATINGCODE 11 RATINGCODE 12 RATINGCODE 13 RATINGCODE 15 TRANCHE VOLUME MATURITY TRANSACTIONTYPE CBO TRANSACTIONTYPE CLO CURRENCY YEAR 2005 YEAR 2006 YEAR 2007 Independet Variables N F 2 R 407.6073*** Ϯϱ͘ϲϴϬϵΎΎΎ;Ϭ͘ϬϴϮϰͿ ϮϮ͘ϱϴϭϵΎΎΎ;Ϭ͘ϭϮϵϲͿ -346.2465***(-Ϯ͘ϯϬϵϭͿ -332.1769***(-Ϭ͘ϲϭϭϲͿ -340.0975***(-ϭ͘ϴϮϲϮͿ -350.9642***(-Ϭ͘ϲϯϴϳͿ -356.1795***(-Ϭ͘ϱϯϬϳͿ -329.7169***(-ϭ͘ϲϴϳϭͿ -335.3720***(-Ϭ͘ϵϭϮϵͿ -348.7539***(-Ϭ͘ϱϰϲϱͿ -311.8145***(-ϭ͘ϱϵϵϳͿ -371.6635***(-ϭ͘ϬϰϰϬͿ -133.8774***(-Ϭ͘ϮϭϯϭͿ -314.1313***(-ϭ͘ϬϯϭϵͿ -301.9321***(-Ϭ͘ϰϱϯϵͿ -129.7039***(-Ϭ͘ϬϴϵϵͿ -0.01733***(-Ϭ͘ϬϰϵϲͿ -8.7632***(-Ϭ͘ϯϬϵϭͿ -49.6281***(-Ϭ͘ϬϰϯϮͿ -3.6198*(-Ϭ͘ϬϮϱϵͿ -13.6782***(-Ϭ͘ϬϳϲϳͿ -4.0772(-Ϭ͘ϬϮϱϰͿ -5.7583**(-Ϭ͘ϬϰϭϯͿ -9.3106***(-Ϭ͘ϬϯϳϴͿ Coefficients 5,133 82.24 0.2790 ;ŽŶƐƚĂŶƚͿ SINGLERATING DOUBLERATING MEANRATINGCODE TRANCHE VOLUME MATURITY TRANSACTIONTYPE CBO TRANSACTIONTYPE CLO CURRENCY YEAR 2005 YEAR 2006 YEAR 2007 Independet Variables N F 2 R 13.1810** ϱϮ͘ϬϰϲϯΎΎΎ;Ϭ͘ϬϴϬϮͿ 28.01530***(0.ϬϳϳϮͿ ϯϯ͘ϯϳϰϯΎΎΎ;Ϭ͘ϴϱϲϭͿ Ϭ͘ϬϯϮϯΎΎΎ;Ϭ͘ϬϰϰϰͿ -3.6400***(-Ϭ͘ϬϲϭϲͿ -56.6195***(-Ϭ͘ϬϮϯϳͿ -34.4079***(-Ϭ͘ϭϭϴϯͿ -16.3814***(-Ϭ͘ϬϰϰϭͿ -29.2951***(-Ϭ͘ϬϴϳϴͿ -30.6680***(-Ϭ͘ϭϬϱϲͿ -12.7319***(-Ϭ͘ϬϮϰϴͿ Coefficients 5,133 1,127.36 0.7080 Dependent Variable: Unadjusted Credit Spread Dependent Variable: Unadjusted Credit Spread Dependent Variable: Adjusted Credit Spread SET B SET A 54.5407*** Ϯϵ͘ϮϵϳϯΎΎΎ;Ϭ͘ϬϵϰϬͿ Ϯϯ͘ϳϴϮϭΎΎΎ;Ϭ͘ϭϯϲϱͿ ϰ͘ϬϲϳϳΎΎΎ;Ϭ͘ϮϭϳϯͿ -0.0135***(-Ϭ͘ϬϯϴϳͿ -8.8089***(-Ϭ͘ϯϭϬϳͿ -54.5171***(-Ϭ͘ϬϰϳϱͿ -5.5371***(-Ϭ͘ϬϯϵϳͿ -16.6892***(-Ϭ͘ϬϵϯϱͿ -4.0414(-Ϭ͘ϬϮϱϮͿ -4.6811*(-Ϭ͘ϬϯϯϲͿ -8.3343**(-Ϭ͘ϬϯϯϴͿ Coefficients 5,133 79.28 0.1460 Dependent Variable: Adjusted Credit Spread 88 Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads Table 5-9: Impact of Multiple Ratings (Multiple Regression Analysis) -0.1723***(-0.2368Ϳ -0.1759***(-0.2418Ϳ * Significance at the 0.1 level ** Significance at the 0.05 level *** Significance at the 0.01 level Values in brackets refer to standardized coefficients. 131.0579*** 47.0774***(0.0725Ϳ 20.2139***(0.0557Ϳ 150.0248*** ;ŽŶƐƚĂŶƚͿ SINGLERATING DOUBLERATING RATINGCODE 1 RATINGCODE 2 RATINGCODE 3 RATINGCODE 4 RATINGCODE 5 RATINGCODE 6 RATINGCODE 7 RATINGCODE 8 RATINGCODE 9 RATINGCODE 10 RATINGCODE 11 RATINGCODE 12 RATINGCODE 13 RATINGCODE 15 TRANCHE VOLUME MATURITY TRANSACTIONTYPE CBO TRANSACTIONTYPE CLO CURRENCY YEAR 2005 YEAR 2006 YEAR 2007 Coefficients Coefficients 5,133 114.90 0.0630 Independet Variables 5,133 318.54 0.0585 ;ŽŶƐƚĂŶƚͿ SINGLERATING DOUBLERATING MEANRATINGCODE TRANCHE VOLUME MATURITY TRANSACTIONTYPE CBO TRANSACTIONTYPE CLO CURRENCY YEAR 2005 YEAR 2006 YEAR 2007 Independet Variables N F 2 R 5,133 32.16 0.0062 2.0978 21.4132***(0.0ϲϴϳͿ 16.2711***(0.0937Ϳ -0.0256***(-0.0732Ϳ 0.0323***(0.0789Ϳ Coefficients 5,133 23.53 0.0136 16.4172*** Coefficients Dependent Variable: Adjusted Credit Spread Dependent Variable: Unadjusted Credit Spread N F 2 R Regression Analysis Regression Analysis Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads 89 Table 5-10: Robustness Checks (Controlling for Size Effect) 90 Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads 5.6 Conclusion The main objective of this paper is to analyze the impact of multiple CDO ratings on credit spreads of the respective tranches. The analysis is performed on a data set of more than 5,000 CDO tranches for which we calculated index-adjusted credit spreads by subtracting an average CDO Credit Spread Index ܿݎݐ݆ݔ݁݀݊ܫ ܵܥfrom the individual unadjusted credit spread ݐ݅ܵܥto isolate the specific credit risk per CDO tranche. Thereby, we are able to analyze idiosyncratic credit spreads of different tranches without any dilution from systematic credit risk. We argue that each additional rating incorporates new incremental information and thus reduces information asymmetry between the issuer and the investor. Reduced information asymmetry increases transparency, thereby lowers investors’ demand for risk premiums and leads to lower credit spreads. The motivation for this empirical analysis becomes especially relevant when considering the current financial crisis. Among others, information asymmetries between issuers and investors and misaligned incentive structures for issuers along the structuring process of CDOs lead to a situation where only insufficient information was shared with investors. Our key findings are threefold: First, we find that on average credit spreads indeed decrease with an increasing number of ratings. The obtained negative correlation between multiple ratings and adjusted credit spreads is statistically robust and crosschecked for various factors. In addition, we developed a valuation model incorporating multiple ratings as an independent variable. In a regression of the number of outstanding ratings on credit spreads controlling for various factors (e.g. maturity), we document significant impact levels for multiple ratings. We show that in addition to other pricing factors (e.g. credit quality) the number of outstanding ratings incorporates explanatory power with respect to the pricing structure of CDO credit spreads. These results empirically support our argumentation stating that additional ratings reduce existing information asymmetries between issuer and investors and thus lower credit spread premiums demanded by investors. Introduction of index-adjusted credit spreads reduced the impact of variables linked to the tranche’s credit quality in our valuation model and in turn led to a further increase of observed influence levels for multiple ratings. Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads 91 Second, even with decreasing spread levels in place, we were not able to confirm the hypothesis that marginal tranche spread reduction decreases with the number of published ratings. These results make it rather difficult to determine and recommend an optimal number of ratings an investor should opt for when structuring a CDO. Additional ratings always come with additional costs; thus, the incremental value of additional ratings through spread reduction should at least amount to the level of costs associated with an additional rating. CDO rating costs are viewed to be in the range of 4.5 bps of the underlying tranche volume. However, in both cases (single to double and double to triple ratings) documented spread reduction is a lot higher. Therefore, investors have an economic incentive to seek multiple ratings. Third, we reviewed the outcome of Fitch ratings in direct comparison to Moody’s and S&P ratings. Research exists targeting this issue from the perspective of corporate bonds (e.g. Jewell and Livingston, 1999) while, again, the role of Fitch ratings within structured finance transactions has not been analyzed before. We found that in the case of joint (pair wise) ratings, on average Fitch assigned a higher credit quality (e.g. better rating) than its competitors Moody’s and S&P did for the very same CDO tranche. Since Fitch is by far the smallest of the three rating agencies offering services in the field of CDO ratings, we see a potential explanation in the form of a selection bias. Issuers only assign a CDO rating to Fitch if the expected outcome is better than the one obtained by Moody’s or S&P. The role of multiple ratings in valuation models for corporate bonds has been widely discussed in the literature. However, the transfer of the results to the field of securitization is rather inappropriate since the CDO rating process is substantially different from the rating process of corporate bonds: CDO ratings are solicited by the issuer, who chooses the rating agencies and controls the rating process. Additionally, issuer and rating agency are in close contact throughout the rating process – a behavior heavily criticized in the recent past by politicians and regulatory authorities. This negotiation process as well as the role of rating agencies in structured finance business and their business models will be intensely discussed in future research. Future analysis might also focus on how different rating outcomes for the very same CDO tranche can be linked to different CDO rating processes and applied models. 92 Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads Reflecting the results of our analysis with regard to the current discussion on required regulation of markets and rating agencies in particular, we interpret them as a support for the argument that the crisis was caused by misaligned incentives and ensuing intransparency. Accordingly, investors should not only request for higher credit spreads in opaque situations but also demand transparency and thereby induce the development of sophisticated incentive structures. Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads 93 6 Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads 6.1 Introduction Throughout the process of asset allocation investors often rely on information provided by third parties in order to overcome existing information asymmetries. In this context it is widely acknowledged that stock investors rely on stock analysts’ forecasts whereas investors in credit-linked instruments often delegate monitoring activities to rating agencies. Each interaction follows a principal-agent relationship with the stock analyst and the rating agency respectively acting as agents on behalf of the investor (principal). Since stock analysts’ forecasts are publicly available information, we argue in the following that the impact of (changing) stock analysts’ forecasts should not be limited to stock prices, but should also be taken into consideration by investors of credit-linked instruments. In turn, credit-linked instruments incorporate valuable information on the underlying reference entities and are also publicly accessible to stock analysts throughout the process of reviewing their own estimates. From an economic perspective, it is therefore worthwhile to investigate dynamic structures and spill-over effects between these two adjacent capital markets or market participants respectively. In the following we focus on credit default swaps (CDS) and stock analysts’ earnings forecasts and investigate the relationship between the two in relation to short-term as well as long-term dynamic structures. Thus, the chapter’s scope is not limited to comovement but also takes into account lead-lag structures. CDS markets were selected since they offer both comparable high levels of liquidity and are viewed to be an important benchmark to assess credit risk. Based on a data sample of 204 reference entities from Europe and the U.S., we analyze interacting structures between CDS spreads and mean stock analysts’ forecasts of earnings-per-share (FEPS) on a monthly basis covering the period December 2003 until December 2008. Typically, not one but several stock analysts estimate the future earnings of a particular company. Thus, it is possible to calculate the corresponding mean values. We chose earnings-per-share (EPS) estimates since they are the most frequently forecasted earnings benchmark by stock analysts and thus offer the largest 94 Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads data pool with regard to our research efforts. Application of EPS estimates is also a widely accepted standard within financial literature on stock analysts’ forecasts. For the purpose of our empirical analysis we obtained CDS spreads from Bloomberg and stock analysts’ forecasts from Institutional Brokers Estimate System (I/B/E/S). Both data sources have been largely used by prior authors of studies on CDS spreads and stock analysts’ forecasts respectively (e.g. Diether et al., 2002). Against the background of a correlation analysis we illustrate that higher CDS spreads (monthly average changes) are associated with lower stock analysts’ earnings forecasts (monthly average changes). By applying a panel regression as well as a vector auto regression analysis (VAR) we show that neither CDS markets are leading stock analysts’ forecasts nor the latter the first. In addition to the dynamics that exist between CDS spreads and stock analysts’ earnings forecasts we also analyze the co-movement and lead-lag structures between CDS spreads and the dispersion underlying mean stock analysts’ earnings forecasts. Dispersion of stock analysts’ forecasts is defined as the ratio of standard deviation of all outstanding stock analysts’ forecasts and the absolute value of the corresponding mean forecast. Our findings show that CDS spreads and dispersion of stock analysts’ forecasts are positively correlated with CDS spreads actually leading the formation of dispersion of stock analysts’ forecasts. This also documents the results of a cointegration test allowing the detection of long-run equilibrium relationships between dispersion of stock analysts’ forecasts and CDS spreads. Additionally, we find significantly different patterns between U.S. and European entities. On average, the spill-over effects between CDS spreads and dispersion of stock analysts’ forecasts seems to be more pronounced in the case of U.S. reference entities than for European CDS contracts. So far, the existing financial literature on the co-movement and the lead-lag structures of the CDS markets has been limited to its interdependence with either rating changes or the stock and bonds markets (see for example Blanco et al., 2005; Daniels and Jensen, 2005; Lehnert and Neske, 2006; Norden and Weber, 2007). Similarly, research targeting the stock analysts’ forecasts is primarily limited to its exchange with the stock markets (see for example Diether et al. 2002; Johnson, 2004; Doukas et al., 2006). The ensuing empirical analysis therefore places us in a niche between the broad Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads 95 research strings on CDS markets and stock analysts’ forecast, and aims to provide a missing link in the literature between the CDS markets and stock analysts’ as important information agents on the worldwide capital markets. The chapter is organized as follows: Based on a literature review in chapter 6.2, we present the basic concept of spill-over effects between dispersion of stock analysts’ earnings forecasts and develop three different hypotheses with regard to co-movement and lead-lag structures (chapter 6.3). We provide a comprehensive overview of the applied data (chapter 6.4) and throughout chapter 6.5 present different test statistics and robustness checks in order to verify the hypotheses initially formulated. Chapter 6.6 concludes the research on spill-over effects. 6.2 Literature Review At the heart of the analysis is the co-movement between the CDS markets and stock analysts’ forecasts as well as their respective responsiveness. Against this background, the following literature review is grouped around: (1) the existing research on the comovement of the CDS markets with adjacent asset classes and information agents; and (2) the impact of the (dispersion of) analysts’ earnings forecasts on the bond and stock markets. Referring to (1), the idea of the credit markets’ co-movement with endogenous information agents initially goes back to Katz (1974) and Weinstein (1977), who are among the first to compute the responses of the bond markets based on the activity of information agents (credit rating changes). Katz (1974) shows that rating adjustments are not anticipated by the market participants, and that the bond markets need up to ten weeks before the rating adjustments are fully reflected in the underlying bond prices. Weinstein (1977), in turn, disagrees with Katz (1974) by showing that rating adjustments are anticipated by the markets for a period from 7 to 18 months prior to the rating changes, but no or only a few reactions are anticipated during or after the rating adjustments. Holthausen and Leftwich (1986) further differentiate the rating adjustments into up- and downgrades, and investigate their impacts on the corresponding stock prices. They outline that downgrades are linked with negative abnormal stock returns (in a two-day window) and that no significant positive abnormal stock returns 96 Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads occur in the case of an upgrade. Both for the bond and stock markets, other studies also find empirical evidence for rating downgrades leading to stronger responses (negative returns) as observed in the case of rating upgrades (e.g. Hand et al., 1992; Goh and Ederington, 1993; Kliger and Sarig, 2000). Often, no significant abnormal returns are detected for rating upgrades (e.g. Dichev and Piotroski, 2001). Norden and Weber (2004) analyze with regard to the CDS markets whether prices react after a rating event, based on the assumption that credit ratings convey new information to the market. If credit ratings only reflect information that is already known by the market, the prices should not react to the rating event at all. They conclude, inter alia, that both the CDS and the stock market anticipate rating downgrades. Hull et al. (2004), in turn, focus on the interactions between the CDS and credit rating announcements and observe that reviews for downgrades contain significant information, whereas, in contrast to Norden and Weber (2004), the actual downgrades do not. Hu and Cantor (2006) investigate the dependency between the credit issuance spread and level of rating and thereby document a positive correlation between credit spreads and decreasing credit quality for a data set of 16,516 structured finance transactions. In their paper on the effect of credit ratings on CDS spreads and credit spreads Daniels and Jensen (2005) conclude that CDS spreads and credit spreads are indeed correlated but unequal, on average. They document changes in CDS spreads (negative returns) in the case of downgrades, but no statistically significant reactions are observed in the case of upgrades. In addition, they found empirical evidence of lag structure, which can be aligned to earlier research relating to the interchange between the bond markets and rating announcements (e.g. Weinstein, 1977). Finally, Daniels and Jensen (2005) indicate that rating adjustments are anticipated by the CDS markets. This evidence is not supported by Lehnert and Neske (2006) for European reference entities. All of the studies documented negative returns in the case of rating downgrades and were discordant on the question of whether the stock and CDS markets anticipate the rating announcements or not. In turn, the direct correlation between the CDS markets and (traditional) bonds markets, without specifically addressing the issue of credit ratings, has also been covered by academics. Blanco et al. (2005) demonstrate, for example, that the CDS market leads the bond market in terms of defining the market price for credit Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads 97 risk (see also Longstaff et al., 2003). Norden and Weber (2007) provide us with a deep analysis of the co-movement between CDS and stock markets. Their results indicate that lagged stock returns impact CDS spreads and they argue that stock returns thus lead CDS spreads. In addition, Benkert (2004) uses earnings-based accounting figures as impact factors in order to explain the default swap premium. He succeeds in documenting the significant impact of these figures on CDS spreads. With regard to rating agencies and stock analysts, Ederington and Goh (1998) focus on the “who follows whom” patterns. Testing for the bond and stock market, they observe that downgrades are preceded by lower earnings and forecasts expectations on the analysts’ side, and that future forecasts even tend to continue falling in the course of downgrades. Rating upgrades, in turn, are followed by higher analysts’ forecasts. Research on stock analysts’ forecasts is the second string of financial literature this chapter relies on and can be structured according to studies on forecast accuracy (e.g. Fried and Givoly, 1982; Patz, 1989; Bolliger, 1998; Brown, 2001; Capstaff et al. 2001; Richardson et al., 2004; Cowen et al., 2006; Oster, 2007; Balboa et al., 2008), the effect on stock prices, as well as the dispersion of analysts’ forecasts. The latter two will be discussed in more detail, as they are crucial for deriving the competing hypotheses throughout the subsequent chapter. As already outlined, one of the most common measures in this context are earnings forecasts, generally displayed as EPS. As one of the first, Abdel-Khalik and Ajinkya (1982) succeed in detecting positive abnormal stock returns in the course of their revisions leading to higher analysts’ forecasts and negative abnormal returns for revisions towards lower analysts’ forecasts. Their finding are confirmed by several additional studies on the impact of analysts’ forecasts on stock prices (e.g. Peterson and Peterson, 1982; Lys and Sohn, 1990; Stickel, 1991; Asquith et al., 2005). In the context of the dispersion of analysts’ forecasts, stock analysts in turn are viewed as a proxy for the behavior of investors and thus dispersion provides insights into the diversity of investors’ beliefs (Morse et al., 1991), whereas dispersion represents the idea that stock analysts or investors, respectively, do not agree about future expectations. Thus, the dispersion of the stock analysts’ forecasts is often assumed to be a measure of uncertainty (Miller, 1977). A variety of studies analyzed the relationship between (future) stock returns and the disper- 98 Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads sion of analysts’ forecasts, and documented the negative relationship between dispersion and future returns. Specifically, the empirical design uses the current dispersion of analysts’ forecasts of future earnings and applies it to future stock returns. Thus, the high dispersion in analysts’ forecasts leads to lower future returns or vice versa (e.g. Ajinka et al., 1991; L’Her and Suret, 1996; Ackert and Athanassakos, 1997; Dische, 2002; Baik and Park, 2003; Park, 2005). In contrast to these empirical findings, few other studies present a positive relationship between dispersion and future returns but instead produce rather opposing results (e.g. Kazemi, 1991; Doukas et al. 2006). Based on these different empirical outcomes, a discussion evolved among academics regarding whether the dispersion of the analysts’ forecasts is a measure for risk (in the case of a positive correlation with future stock returns) or a measure of the differences in investors’ opinions (in the case of a negative correlation with future stock returns). Against the background of this dispute, Diether et al. (2002) perform one of the most comprehensive analyses on the dispersion of analysts’ forecasts and find additional support for the hypothesis that dispersion can be regarded as a proxy for differences of opinion. On the basis of a data sample for US stocks (1983-2000), Diether et al. (2002) confirm that stocks with a high dispersion of analysts’ forecasts earn significantly lower future returns than are observed otherwise. However, following the empirical outcomes of Diether et al. (2002), Johnson (2004) explains the negative relationship between dispersion and future stock returns with unpriced information risk. The dispersion of the analysts’ forecasts in this framework acts as a proxy for unpriced information risk. Thus, the existing financial literature on the co-movement of the CDS markets is limited to its interdependence with either rating changes or the stock and bonds markets. Research targeting the stock analysts’ forecasts is, in turn, primarily bounded to its exchange with the stock markets. The following empirical analysis therefore places us in a niche between the research on CDS markets and stock analysts’ earnings forecasts respectively, and thus aims to provide a missing link in the financial literature between the CDS markets and stock analysts acting as information agents on the worldwide capital markets. Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads 99 6.3 Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Forecasts and CDS Spreads 6.3.1 Mean Stock Analysts’ Forecasts and CDS Spreads Stock analysts are seen as information agents for investors in relation to stock investments. Throughout the investment process, stock analysts’ reports as well as stock analysts’ forecasts offer valuable guidance to the investor. A positive correlation between forecasts and future stock returns empirically confirms the incremental information provided by the stock analysts to investors through their forecasts (e.g. Peterson and Peterson, 1982; Lys and Sohn, 1990; Stickel, 1991; Asquith et al., 2005). In the case of rating agencies and creditors, the relationship is primarily about delegated monitoring activities. However, stock investors eventually delegate due diligence activities to the corresponding stock analysts, too. Using a principal-agent framework in order to describe the interaction between stock analyst and investor, we note that the investor acts as a principal delegating due diligence activities towards the agent (stock analysts). Even so, that does not necessarily lead to direct compensation for stock analysts. Specifically, investment banks offer their clients free access to analysts’ reports in exchange for brokerage business. However, there is at least an indirect compensation scheme in place. In the context of a CDS contract, the principal invests and agrees to bear a certain credit risk in exchange for an annual payment, whereas the investor acts as a so-called protection seller and the issuer as a protection buyer. The amount of annual payment is calculated on the basis of CDS spreads, which in turn are displayed in bps. With regard to the level of CDS spread, we generally state that higher credit risk is positively correlated with higher CDS spread levels. Common examples of a protection buyer are banks hedging their own portfolio’s credit risk. In contrast to the stock markets, the CDS markets, by definition, rather focus on the underlying credit risk. This perception is supported by existing research on the CDS markets, which subsequently puts a strong focus on the rating agencies and rating changes (e.g. Norden and Weber, 2004). In this context, rating agencies perform monitoring activities on behalf of the investor and can thus be viewed as agents, with the investor as a corresponding principal. Since 100 Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads it is the issuer who pays the rating agencies, there is again no direct compensation scheme in place. However, these costs are ultimately borne by the investor and an indirect compensation can be detected. In order to explain the spill-over effects between the CDS markets and stock analysts’ forecasts we merge these two adjacent markets in the following. CDS spreads are a measure of the riskiness of the underlying corporate debt of a specific reference entity, and stock analysts’ forecasts, in turn, can be viewed as a proxy for the market expectation of the future prospect of the very same reference entity. Against this background, the applied theoretical model rests on a principal-agent framework combining the perspective of both the CDS market as well as the stock market, with the investor as an interacting element. In detail, we assume that the investor is active in both submarkets and does not ignore the information provided through stock analysts when making investment decisions with an exposure to the CDS market. Even if we assume that the investor is actively trading in the CDS segment only, this does not mean that he is cut off from access to the analysts’ forecasts, as they are publicly available. Rather opposing to the idea of correlation structures between CDS markets and stock analysts’ estimates are different underlying dimensions: CDS spreads actually account for the riskiness of underlying credit risk, whereas EPS estimates account for the profitability of equity investments. However, even if EPS estimates address a performance-driven dimension and CDS spreads are rather focused on a default-driven dimension, we argue in the following against the background of an asset-based credit risk model as introduced by Merton (1974) that changes in company’s asset levels also affect its default probability. Merton’s model derives a company’s default risk foremost from the volatility of the entity’s value, which in turn is of course affected by earnings- or performance-driven dynamics respectively. Hence, any changes in stock analysts’ forecasts should impact the CDS spread levels and vice versa. We thus argue that: Hypothesis H1: Mean stock analysts’ earnings forecasts should be negatively correlated with CDS spreads. With the co-movement between the stock analysts’ earnings forecasts and CDS markets at the very heart of this chapter, we also focus on lead-lag structures or “who- Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads 101 follows-whom” patterns between earnings forecasts and CDS spreads. If investors are indeed influenced by changes in the stock analysts’ earnings forecasts - against the background of their exposure to the CDS market - we view the changes in the analysts’ forecasts as an additional independent pricing factor of future CDS premiums (e.g. Benkert, 2004). In addition to the spill-over effects induced by the stock analysts’ forecasts, it is also conceivable that the CDS markets actually influence the stock analysts and their forecasts subsequently, as observed for CDS markets in relation to rating changes. The idea of CDS markets actually leading stock analysts’ forecasts can also be aligned to existing literature on CDS spreads and rating changes documenting that CDS markets actually anticipate rating changes (e.g. Norden and Weber, 2005). This argument primarily relies on different time settings in which CDS spreads and analysts’ forecasts are updated or reviewed, whereas CDS spreads are traded on a daily basis. This kind of adjusting mechanism does not hold for mean stock analysts’ forecasts. Mean earnings forecasts are in fact monthly publicized, but represent an aggregated perspective summarizing the forecasts of a number of different analysts made throughout a given month. In contrast to the case of anticipating rating changes, it is rather difficult to assign an event study approach allowing to control for lead-lag structures on a daily level. As we use monthly observations rather than daily data points throughout the subsequent analysis, we believe that new information regarding a reference entity impacting earnings forecasts or credit risk levels are reflected in the corresponding monthly time series without any lags. This argument is also aligned to Fama’s (1991) statement that capital markets are efficient and market participants continuously adjust to new information. Thus, we subsequently test for the hypothesis that lead-lag relationships between CDS premiums and stock analysts’ forecasts exist, and assume that neither CDS spreads nor stock analysts’ forecasts lead on a monthly basis the other. Accordingly, we propose that: Hypothesis H2: There are no lag structures between mean stock analysts’ earnings forecasts and CDS spreads. 102 Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads 6.3.2 Dispersion of Mean Stock Analysts’ Forecasts and CDS Spreads Besides the analysis of the direct lead-lag structures between the CDS markets and analysts’ forecasts, this chapter also aims to analyze to what degree uncertainty among analysts is reflected in the pricing structure of CDS contracts. We would like to point out that it is not a necessity that the co-movement of CDS spread levels with either the stock analysts’ forecasts or the dispersion of the stock analysts’ forecasts follows exactly the same patterns. Even if the stock analysts’ forecasts (e.g. mean EPS forecasts) vary over time, the underlying dispersion may remain stable or vice versa. Again, stock analysts are viewed as a proxy for the behavior of investors and thus dispersion gives insights into the diversity of investors’ beliefs (Morse et al., 1991), whereas dispersion represents the idea that stock analysts or investors disagree about future expectations. Thus, the dispersion of stock analysts’ forecasts is often assumed to be a measure of uncertainty (Miller, 1977). However, the direct application of Miller’s (1977) stock market-based argumentation to a CDS environment is rather difficult, as it centers on the non-existence of short selling, which in turn has no equivalent on the CDS markets. Nevertheless, we view the dispersion of analysts’ forecasts as a proxy for uncertainty and assume that stock analysts act as information agents on behalf of investors. Higher dispersion of stock analysts’ forecasts can be viewed as an indication of increased earnings volatility making future earnings of a reference entity less predictable. Thus, if future earnings are less predictable – again based on Merton (1974) – the default probability of the underlying reference entity should increase and ultimately should lead to higher CDS spread levels subsequently. Faced with less predictable future earnings, investors, who are willing to act as protection sellers, will demand a higher credit spread in order to compensate for the incurred credit risk underlying the CDS contract as observed in the case of predictable future earnings of otherwise similar reference entities. In addition, the gradient disagreement between their information agents may also lead to an increased willingness subsequently to hedge against the future credit risk of the corresponding reference entities. Such behavior in turn triggers demand on the side of the CDS protection buyers and induces a higher future CDS premium. Based on these considerations, it is hypothesized that: Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads Hypothesis H3: 103 Dispersion of mean stock analysts’ earnings forecasts should be positively correlated with CDS spreads. Furthermore, we analyze the level of co-movement between the dispersion of stock analysts’ forecasts and CDS spreads with regard to lead-lag relationships. Throughout the argumentation leading to Hypothesis 3 we argue from an investor’s angle. In this context lead-lag structures do not play any meaningful role at all, because investors notice increasing dispersion of stock analysts’ forecasts and adjust their risk/return profile with regard to risk premiums on CDS markets immediately. Throughout the following argumentation we now focus on the perspective of stock analysts. As outlined earlier on, CDS contracts are priced on a daily basis, whereas stock analysts review their forecasts less frequently. This allows stock analysts to observe market movements with regard to CDS spreads before they actually compile their forecasts. In line with Hypothesis 2 we do not assume that analysts receive any new information out of CDS spreads with regard to the underlying reference entity which they do not have incorporated into their forecasts anyway at the same time. However, we believe that CDS spreads incorporate valuable information with regard to future earnings volatility as assumed by market participants impacting disagreement between stock analysts: Higher CDS spreads correspond to higher levels of credit risk, which in turn - according to Merton (1974) - can be assessed as higher asset volatility. Higher asset volatility finally displays higher earnings volatility or less predictable future earnings streams leading to increasing disagreement between stock analysts. Again, the definition of changes in CDS spreads is in this context extended beyond the mere reflection of being a function of new (positive/ negative) company news but to a proxy for earnings volatility. Since stock analysts’ forecasts typically reflect upon a on longer time period we believe that they also apply a long-term perspective on CDS times series rather than a focus on daily changes in order to assess regime switches with regard to earnings volatility accordingly. This leads us along the above argumentation to: Hypothesis H4: CDS spreads lead the dispersion of stock analysts’ earnings forecasts. 104 Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads 6.4 Data Sample The empirical part of this chapter relies on CDS spreads and consensus EPS forecasts for 204 different reference entities. It covers the period from December 2003 until December 2008 or 61 monthly observations respectively (see Appendix I). CDS spreads correspond to the observed individual 5 year CDS spread levels and were derived from Bloomberg. The distinction of “5 years” represents the maturity of the analyzed CDS contract. we chose the 5-year CDS contract as it attracts the highest liquidity, in comparison to other maturity structures, and thus reflects the most current quote conditions. Each reference entity either belongs to the CDX Investment Grade Series, CDX High Yield Series, iTraxx Europe Series or iTraxx Crossover Series. Affiliation to one of the four main worldwide CDS indices is viewed as a prerequisite to be included in the subsequent analysis in order to guarantee a comparably high level of liquidity between the reference entities. This selection condition should allow us to reduce the likelihood of potential size and/or volume bias in the empirical results: the analyzed reference entities belong to the worldwide largest companies and are all viewed to be socalled blue chips with their stocks being included in one of the major stock market indices. In addition to CDX and iTraxx, we also differentiate between Investment Grade (CDX Investment Grade Series, iTraxx Europe Series) and High Yield (CDX High Yield Series, iTraxx Crossover Series). We started the data analysis by looking at the current and past composition of the above mentioned four CDS sub-indices and compiled the corresponding CDS spreads, as displayed by Bloomberg. The rationale to include past index affiliates is to minimize the threat of ex-post selection bias. As we will show in the following, due to the missing data points in the time series, we are unable to reflect fully the issue of selection bias with regard to bankruptcy. However, this procedure leads us to an initial figure of 504 different reference entities. In a second step, we exclude all reference entities for which we did not obtain a complete time series for the period from December 2003 until December 2008. We intentionally exclude CDS reference entities from the sample with missing data in order to guarantee stable results throughout the subsequent time series analysis. The period from December 2003 until December 2008 was chosen in order to achieve both a statistically reliable times series and robust sample size in terms of included reference entities. In addi- Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads 105 tion, we allocate the corresponding stock analysts’ forecasts to the identified CDS time series, which in turn lead us to the definitive data sample of 204 different reference entities. Allowing for missing data (both stock analysts’ forecasts as well as CDS spread levels), we finally came up with a data sample of 204 different reference entities for which we were able to allocate both the CDS spread levels as well as the stock analysts’ forecasts throughout the period from December 2003 until December 2008. This leaves us with 61 monthly observations each. One reason for such a high number of excluded reference entities lies in the fact that the data was merged together from three different information sources (CDS index affiliation, Bloomberg and I/B/E/S). Take, for example, the case of a company which is taken to be private throughout the analyzed period. In this case, the CDS contracts are still traded and spread levels are displayed, but the stock analysts stop covering this specific company and we have to exclude it from the data sample. However, with 204 different reference entities, the applied data sample of our empirical analysis proves to be considerably higher in comparison to the existing empirical literature on CDS markets (e.g. Norden and Weber (2007) only use a total of 58 reference entities throughout their analysis). CDS spreads are indicated in basis points (bps). Stock analysts’ earnings forecasts were derived from the I/B/E/S data base, which is the standard data source for empirical studies on stock analysts’ forecasts (see, for example, Diether et al., 2002). As a measure of the stock analysts’ forecasts, we chose average EPS forecasts compiled by I/B/E/S for each reference entity on a monthly basis and define them in the following as FEPS. We selected FEPS, as it is the most frequent accounting figure forecasted by stock analysts and thus proves to be the most complete data set. FEPS are displayed in the local currency of the corresponding entity, which is either EUR or USD in more than 95% of cases in the data sample. I/B/E/S allocates the forecasts of each analyst on a monthly basis for each specific company. On this basis, the I/B/E/S calculates and displays the mean (consensus) FEPS for each company. Based on the publication data, we merged the derived mean FEPS with the corresponding CDS spread on the specific day (last quote at which a trade was settled). As the I/B/E/S typically releases new forecasts around the 20th of each month, we are able to comply with a monthly routine between two data points. Of course, FEPS are always calculated with respect to a spe- 106 Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads cific forecast period. For the benefit of the empirical analysis, we chose as the benchmark period (t+1) the period following the most recent published actual earnings per share (t). Given, for example, a fiscal year ending in December and the latest actual EPS reported by a specific company in December 2007 (t), the benchmark period of the FEPS used throughout analysis would be the estimated earnings for the fiscal year ending in December 2008 (t+1). The preceding fiscal year ending is the most precise description of the current economic situation of a company in terms of the stock analysts’ forecasts and thus is the most applicable counterpart to CDS spreads, which in turn measure the company’s current credit risk. In Table 6-1 we present an overview of the data sample applied throughout the empirical part of this chapter. Of the 204 different reference entities, 113 (55.4%) are from the CDX index family and 91 (44.6%) from the iTraxx index family. In addition, the majority of entities (87.7%) belong to the sub-index “Investment Grade”. Additionally, we note that the sum of the two sub-indices, “High Yield” (28) and “Investment Grade” (180) does not equal the corresponding total figures (204). This gap is a simple result of the fact that some reference entities have changed affiliation between the two sub-indices throughout the analyzed time period (e.g. General Motors started in the CDX Investment Grade Series but eventually ended up in the CDX High Yield Series). In order not to change the applied search algorithm, we decided to include entities that changed index affiliation in both sub-indices “Investment Grade” and “High Yield”. Of course, on a total scale we only counted them once. Besides the mean values of CDS spreads and stock analysts’ forecasts, we also display the mean values of the corresponding standard deviation (SD) of the stock analysts’ forecasts. Typically, not one but several stock analysts estimate the future earnings of a particular company. Thus, the standard deviation is computed on a monthly basis against the background of different stock analysts’ forecasts. In order to generate comparable levels of standard deviation, we defined SD as a ratio of observed mean standard deviation and absolute mean stock analysts’ EPS forecasts. Throughout this chapter, we define the dispersion of stock analysts’ forecast as the above-mentioned SD and use both terms synonymously. Besides the mean values of CDS Spread, FEPS and SD, we also display the monthly average changes of CDS spreads, FEPS and SD and label them as ¨&'6 Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads 107 Table 6-1: Overview of Mean Analysts’ Forecasts and CDS Spreads Mean Values 2004* 2005 CDS Spread 214.88 294.49 FEPS 2.25 1.52 SD** 0.25 0.22 ѐCDS Spread -0.01 0.10 ѐFEPS -0.08 -0.02 ѐSD 0.30 0.39 # of entities 12 12 Investment Grade CDS Spread 52.61 58.56 FEPS 2.49 2.93 SD** 0.08 0.05 ѐCDS Spread -0.01 0.05 ѐFEPS 0.02 0.02 ѐSD 0.26 0.19 # of entities 104 104 Total (CDX) CDS Spread 66.98 70.84 FEPS 2.40 2.83 SD** 0.10 0.06 ѐCDS Spread -0.01 0.05 ѐFEPS 0.01 0.02 ѐSD 0.27 0.19 # of entities 113 113 iTraxx High Yield CDS Spread 212.46 161.90 FEPS 2.60 2.89 SD** 0.72 0.67 ѐCDS Spread 0.00 0.03 ѐFEPS 0.54 0.36 ѐSD 0.34 0.24 # of entities 16 16 Investment Grade CDS Spread 36.41 30.78 FEPS 2.26 2.52 SD** 0.26 0.35 ѐCDS Spread -0.01 0.02 ѐFEPS 1.05 0.04 ѐSD 0.08 0.22 # of entities 76 76 Total (iTraxx) CDS Spread 67.19 53.68 FEPS 2.34 2.61 SD** 0.35 0.41 ѐCDS Spread -0.01 0.02 ѐFEPS 0.97 0.10 ѐSD 0.13 0.22 # of entities 91 91 Total High Yield CDS Spread 213.50 218.73 FEPS 2.45 2.31 SD** 0.52 0.48 ѐCDS Spread -0.01 0.06 ѐFEPS 0.27 0.20 ѐSD 0.32 0.30 # of entities 28 28 Investment Grade CDS Spread 45.77 46.83 FEPS 2.39 2.76 SD** 0.16 0.18 ѐCDS Spread -0.01 0.04 ѐFEPS 0.45 0.03 ѐSD 0.19 0.20 # of entities 180 180 Total CDS Spread 67.07 63.18 FEPS 2.37 2.73 SD** 0.21 0.22 ѐCDS Spread -0.01 0.04 ѐFEPS 0.44 0.05 ѐSD 0.21 0.21 # of entities 204 204 * Values for 2004 also include December 2003 ** Ratio of computed standard deviation and absolute mean forecasts of EPS CDX High Yield 2006 338.21 1.47 0.51 -0.03 -0.17 0.60 12 56.03 3.41 0.09 -0.03 0.00 0.21 104 68.14 3.27 0.09 -0.03 0.00 0.20 113 125.56 2.73 0.44 -0.03 0.09 0.13 16 28.17 2.85 0.18 -0.02 0.13 0.15 76 45.10 2.85 0.22 -0.02 0.12 0.14 91 216.70 2.19 0.47 -0.03 -0.02 2.55 28 44.26 3.17 0.12 -0.03 0.05 0.18 180 57.86 3.08 0.15 -0.03 0.05 0.18 204 2007 255.09 1.89 0.18 0.04 -0.06 0.72 12 60.80 3.46 0.07 0.11 0.00 0.29 104 69.75 3.34 0.07 0.10 0.00 0.28 113 107.63 3.06 0.40 0.08 0.25 0.14 16 30.76 3.23 0.17 0.16 0.23 0.07 76 43.89 3.22 0.21 0.15 0.24 0.08 91 170.83 2.52 0.31 0.06 0.12 0.39 28 48.12 3.36 0.11 0.13 0.10 0.19 180 58.22 3.29 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.19 204 2008 882.64 2.25 0.40 0.19 0.07 0.86 12 227.92 3.63 0.14 0.17 -0.01 0.34 104 251.17 3.51 0.14 0.17 -0.01 0.39 113 389.48 2.91 0.70 0.17 0.27 1.17 16 125.22 3.27 0.24 0.18 0.19 0.25 76 169.55 3.23 0.32 0.18 0.21 0.41 91 600.83 2.63 0.58 0.18 0.19 1.03 28 184.56 3.48 0.18 0.17 0.08 0.30 180 214.76 3.39 0.22 0.17 0.09 0.40 204 Total 394.08 1.86 0.31 0.06 -0.05 0.57 12 90.55 3.17 0.08 0.06 0.01 0.26 104 104.75 3.06 0.09 0.06 0.00 0.27 113 199.62 2.83 0.59 0.05 0.31 0.40 16 50.04 2.82 0.24 0.06 0.34 0.15 76 75.74 2.84 0.30 0.06 0.34 0.20 91 282.96 2.42 0.47 0.05 0.15 0.91 28 73.45 3.02 0.15 0.06 0.15 0.21 180 91.81 2.96 0.19 0.06 0.15 0.24 204 108 Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads ¨)(36 DQG ¨6' 6FDOHG E\ WKH WLPH GLPHQVLRQ - 2008), we observe CDS spreads to rest, on average, throughout the years 2004 - 2007 in a comparable spread interval, reaching a floor in 2006/7. However, the financial turmoil of 2008 led to significantly higher CDS spread levels on average. As expected, spread levels for the subindex “High Yield” are higher, as observed in the case of “Investment Grade”. A closer inspection also reveals that on average “iTraxx” affiliated entities achieve lower spread levels as observed in the case of “CDX”. However, a reliable comparison would only be achieved by crosschecking the individual credit quality, for example, against the corresponding ratings of the different index entities. Otherwise, the spread difference can be explained as a mere result of different credit quality on average in the two index families. Significantly higher levels of dispersion of the analysts’ forecasts in terms of European reference entities raise some questions with regard to the data quality of I/B/E/S. As I/B/E/S was introduced to the US market first, we cross-checked the dispersion of the analysts’ forecasts as displayed by I/B/E/S with a second database (compiled by the JCF Group), which primarily focuses on the European stock markets. The results confirm the significantly higher levels of dispersion of the analysts’ forecasts as generated on the basis of I/B/E/S in the first place. Because mean FEPS are biased both by the number of outstanding shares as well as by the currency accounted for the specific reference entity, simply scaled by the years, they do not provide us with additional crucial information. Thus, a far more revealing aspect are the relative values of FEPS (average monthly changes). Despite the fact that on average CDS spread levels notably increased throughout 2008 (17%), FEPS are also still increasing. This leaves us with a first sign indicating the possibility of existing lag structures. In fact, throughout the whole data sample, the stock analysts prove to be very optimistic, predicting increasing future earnings in nearly all of the observed cases. Nevertheless, we have to take into account the fact that the analyzed period coincides with a period of overall economic growth (e.g. high worldwide GDP growth rates). SD seems to be positively correlated with CDS spread levels. Thus, a higher level of perceived credit riskiness is associated with a high degree of disagreement between stock analysts. Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads 109 6.5 Empirical Results 6.5.1 Co-movement Having detected first signs of co-movement between the stock analysts’ forecasts and CDS spreads on the basis of a mere comparison of the mean values, we now perform a series of correlations using Pearson correlation coefficients in order to address the issue of co-movement in more detail. We retain the sorting of the data sample, as outlined in Table 6-1, but for reasons of clarity the ensuing correlation analysis is limited to the two index families, CDX and iTraxx. For each of the two index groups as well as for the total sample, we illustrate in Table 6-2 the mean values of correlation coeffiFLHQWVȡEHWZHHQWKHYDULDEOHV&'6t-l, FEPSt-l as well as SDt-l, with l indicating the corresponding lag structures (l = 1 … 3). In the case of no lag structures (l = 0) we simultaneously refer to CDSt, FEPSt as well as SDt. Computed mean values of correlation FRHIILFLHQWVȡLQWXUQUHO\RQILUP-specific analysis of correlation on the level of each reference entity i. In order to capture both dimensions of lead-lag structures between two variables, two correlation series have to be calculated. Based on these considerations, we finally come up with 144 different correlation coefficients. In addition, we apply a t-WHVWVWDWLVWLFUHO\LQJRQDVLJQLILFDQFHOHYHORIĮ LQRUGHUWRGHWHUPLQH ZKHWKHUWKHREVHUYHGȡ’s are significantly different from zero or not. Since – as outlined before – the absolute values of FEPS might be affected by size as well as currency biases, we focus in the following primarily on the correlation coefficients relying on monthly changes of CDSt-l (¨&'6t-l), FEPSt-l (¨)(36t-l) and SDt-l (¨6't-l) as observed for all reference entities on average. For reasons of completeness, we DOVRUHSRUWȡ’s for absolute values. With regard to the correlation structures between CDSt-l and FEPSt-l, we observe different correlation patterns for CDX-linked in the case of absolute values, as documented for iTraxx-linked reference entities. On an un-lagged level we find no particular correlation patterns in the case of CDX entities HJȡ&'6t, FEPSt) = 0.0016). For iTraxx-linked entities, we actually observe results opposing the argument leading to Hypothesis 1 HJȡ&'6t, FEPSt) = 0.1553), which are also confirmed by CDX entities for lagged correlation coefficients (HJ ȡ&'6t, FEPSt-3) = 0.0837). However, 110 Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads ¨&'6t-l and ¨)(36 t-l follow comparable negative patterns both for CDX and iTraxx index families and therefore support Hypothesis 1. Lead-lag structures, as observed in Table 6-2, for the average ¨&'6 t-l and ¨)(36 t-l seem to be more revealing in the case of CDS spreads leading FEPSs (ȡ)(36t, CDSt-l)). Again, Table 6-2 illustrates differences with regard to the index affiliation of the reference entities. Whereas CDXaffiliated assets put a slightly stronger emphasize on the idea of CDS spreads leading future stock analysts’ forecasts; the iTraxx-affiliated assets indicate higher levels of significance for stock analysts’ forecasts actually leading the CDS spreads. However, we must consider the rather asymmetric increase in FEPS in the case of increasing CDS spread levels, as documented for the subgroup “iTraxx”. In most cases, the significance of the correlation coefficients increases with the widening lag structures and maximizes with a lag of l = 2 or l = 3 respectively. Nevertheless, we need to take into account the fact that the scope of the correlation coefficients is rather limited to assessing inter-temporal co-movements between time series. A second string of correlation structures evolves between CDS spreads and the corresponding SD. On a total sample level, DVZHOODVIRUERWKLQGH[JURXSȡ¨&'6 t-l, ¨6' tl), this proves to be significantly positive. A positive correlation is also confirmed on the level of absolute values for CDSt-l and SDt-l. Direct comparison of ȡ&'6t-l, SDt-l) and ȡ¨&'6t-l, ¨6' t-l) reveals that levels of significance are on average higher given the analysis of absolute values. This is particularly true in the case of CDS spreads leading SD (ȡ&'6t-l, SDt)). However, in the case of ȡ¨&'6t-l, ¨6' t-l) we detect significant non-lagged co-movement for ȡ¨&'6t, ¨6' tDVZHOODVIRUȡ¨&'6 t-1, ¨6' t) with the later supposing that CDS spreads actually lead the composition of SD. In addition IRU ȡ&'6t-l, FEPSt-l) we observe that the positive correlation is significantly higher in case of CDX-linked credit spreads as in turn displayed for iTraxx-linked entities. With ¨&'6 t-1 actually leading ¨6' t and ¨)(36 t, it becomes clear that stock analysts turn to CDS markets in order to devise their future forecasts. Thus, the results add empirical evidence to Hypothesis 3 and Hypothesis 4, assuming that the relationship between the dispersion of stock analysts’ forecasts and future CDS spreads are positive with CDS spreads leading the dispersion of stock analysts’ forecasts. This finding is also aligned to existing literature on the dispersion of stock analysts’ fore- Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads 111 casts and future stock returns. Dieter et al. (2002), for example, show that the high dispersion of stock analysts’ forecasts is associated with lower stock returns. Again, based on Merton (1974) lower stock returns are of course comparable to higher levels of CDS spreads. However, applied to the data sample we do not find empirical proof that ¨6't-l actually lead the CDS markets, and thus our results - at least on the level of monthly average changes - contradict Diether et al. (2002) with regard to lead-lag structures. A third pairwise correlation can be indentified between FEPSt-l and SDt-l. The results, displayed in Table 6-2, show that the FEPSt-l seem to be uncorrelated on a total scale with SDt-l HJ ȡ¨)(36 t, ¨6' t-1) = 0.0024) and support the idea that no correlation between FEPSt-l and SDt-l exists at all. However, on the level of absolute values a clear pattern in favor of negative correlation structures can be observed HJȡ)(36t, SDt) = - 0.3258). The results on behalf of absolute values support the idea of lead-lag structures between analysts’ forecasts and the corresponding dispersion in both direction, whereas in case of¨)(36 t-l and ¨6' t-1 we only find signs of ¨)(36t-l leading the formation of ¨6't. Against the background of index affiliation correlation between ¨)(36t-l and ¨6' t-l leads to rather opposing results: CDX-linked reference entities support positive spill-over effects between forecasts and standard deviation (e.g. ȡ¨)(36t, ¨6' t) = 0.1216) whereas iTraxx-linked entities reveal negative correlation VWUXFWXUHVHJȡ¨)(36t, ¨6't) = -0.1456). FEPSt FEPSt-1 FEPSt-2 FEPSt-3 FEPSt FEPSt-1 FEPSt-2 FEPSt-3 ʌ;^t-l, FEPSt-l) ѐ&W^t ѐ&W^t-1 ѐ&W^t-2 ѐ&W^t-3 ʌ;ѐ^t-l, ѐ&W^t-l) ʌ;^t-l, FEPSt-l) ѐ&W^t ѐ&W^t-1 ѐ&W^t-2 ѐ&W^t-3 ʌ;ѐ^t-l, ѐ&W^t-l) ʌ;^t-l, FEPSt-l) ѐ&PSt ѐ&W^t-1 ѐ&W^t-2 ѐ&W^t-3 ʌ;ѐ^t-l, ѐ&W^t-l) ѐ^t -0.0253* -0.0307* -0.0346* -0.0200* CDSt 0.1553* 0.1793* 0.2055* 0.2275* ѐ^t 0.0068 -0.0355* -0.0529* -0.0511* CDSt 0.0016 0.0311 0.0582 0.0837* ѐ^t -0.0512* -0.0269* -0.0199* 0.0050 CDSt FEPSt 0.0702* FEPSt-1 0.0972* FEPSt-2 0.1239* FEPSt-3 0.1478* *Level of significance (ɲ сϱйͿ͕ƚŚĂƚʌ тϬ Total iTraxx CDX CDSt CDSt-1 CDSt-2 CDSt-3 ѐ^t ѐ^t-1 ѐ^t-2 ѐ^t-3 CDSt CDSt-1 CDSt-2 CDSt-3 ѐ^t ѐ^t-1 ѐ^t-2 ѐ^t-3 CDSt CDSt-1 CDSt-2 CDSt-3 ѐ^t ѐ^t-1 ѐ^t-2 ѐ^t-3 FEPSt 0.0702* 0.0410 0.0081 -0.0226 ѐ&W^t -0.0253* -0.0296* -0.0480* -0.0303* FEPSt 0.1553* 0.1328* 0.1031* 0.0727 ѐ&W^t 0.0068 -0.0142 -0.0397* -0.0114 FEPSt 0.0016 -0.0329 -0.0684 -0.0993* ѐ&W^t -0.0512* -0.0420* -0.0547* -0.0454* ʌ;^t-l, SDt-l) ʌ;ѐ^t-l, ѐ^t-l) ʌ;^t-l, SDt-l) ʌ;ѐ^t-l, ѐ^t-l) ʌ;^t-l, SDt-l) ʌ;ѐ^t-l, ѐ^t-l) SDt SDt-1 SDt-2 SDt-3 ѐ^t ѐ^t-1 ѐ^t-2 ѐ^t-3 SDt SDt-1 SDt-2 SDt-3 ѐ^t ѐ^t-1 ѐ^t-2 ѐ^t-3 SDt SDt-1 SDt-2 SDt-3 ѐ^t ѐ^t-1 ѐ^t-2 ѐ^t-3 CDSt 0.1476* 0.1134* 0.0880* 0.0701* ѐ^t 0.0586* 0.0024 -0.0169 0.0063 CDSt 0.0883* 0.0401 0.0192 0.0076 ѐ^t 0.0381* -0.0066 -0.0173 0.0139 CDSt 0.1959* 0.1730* 0.1439* 0.1210* ѐ^t 0.0750* 0.0097 -0.0167 -0.0002 CDSt CDSt-1 CDSt-2 CDSt-3 ѐ^t ѐ^t-1 ѐ^t-2 ѐ^t-3 CDSt CDSt-1 CDSt-2 CDSt-3 ѐ^t ѐ^t-1 ѐ^t-2 ѐ^t-3 CDSt CDSt-1 CDSt-2 CDSt-3 ѐ^t ѐ^t-1 ѐ^t-2 ѐ^t-3 SDt 0.1476* 0.1530* 0.1656* 0.1694* ѐ^t 0.0586* 0.0391* 0.0214* 0.0127 SDt 0.0883* 0.0964* 0.1158* 0.1219* ѐ^t 0.0381* 0.0289* 0.0476* 0.0294* SDt 0.1959* 0.1993* 0.2062* 0.2080* ѐ^t 0.0750* 0.0472* 0.0002 -0.0007 ʌ;&W^t-l, SDt-l) ʌ;ѐ&W^t-l, ѐ^t-l) ʌ;&W^t-l, SDt-l) ʌ;ѐ&W^t-l, ѐ^t-l) ʌ;&W^t-l, SDt-l) ʌ;ѐ&W^t-l, ѐ^t-l) SDt SDt-1 SDt-2 SDt-3 ѐ^t ѐ^t-1 ѐ^t-2 ѐ^t-3 SDt SDt-1 SDt-2 SDt-3 ѐ^t ѐ^t-1 ѐ^t-2 ѐ^t-3 SDt SDt-1 SDt-2 SDt-3 ѐ^t ѐ^t-1 ѐ^t-2 ѐ^t-3 FEPSt -0.3258* -0.3103* -0.3060* -0.2965* ѐ&W^t 0.0024 0.0083 -0.0082 0.0134 FEPSt -0.4393* -0.3731* -0.3354* -0.3051* ѐ&W^t -0.1456* 0.0844* 0.0396 0.0143 FEPSt -0.2323* -0.2574* -0.2796* -0.2867* ѐ&W^t 0.1216* -0.0529* -0.0467* 0.0128 FEPSt FEPSt-1 FEPSt-2 FEPSt-3 ѐ&W^t ѐ&W^t-1 ѐ&W^t-2 ѐ&W^t-3 FEPSt FEPSt-1 FEPSt-2 FEPSt-3 ѐ&W^t ѐ&W^t-1 ѐ&W^t-2 ѐ&W^t-3 FEPSt FEPSt-1 FEPSt-2 FEPSt-3 ѐ&W^t ѐ&W^t-1 ѐ&W^t-2 ѐ&W^t-3 SDt -0.3258* -0.2739* -0.2496* -0.2196* ѐ^t 0.0024 -0.0371* -0.0299* -0.0263* SDt -0.4393* -0.3366* -0.2824* -0.2422* ѐ^t -0.1456* -0.0396* -0.0242* -0.0411* SDt -0.2323* -0.2212* -0.2216* -0.2005* ѐ^t 0.1216* -0.0352* -0.0346* -0.0144 112 Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads Table 6-2: Analysis of Correlation Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads 113 6.5.2 Lead-lag Structures Panel Data Analysis In order to apply the ensuing regression models to the reference entities, we first need to check the individual time series of the data sample for their stationary attributes. Only if the times series prove to be stationary (e.g. the null hypothesis stating nonstationary is rejected) are we able to include them in the subsequent regression analysis. Throughout the test for stationarity we apply three different test statistics: the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test, the Phillips-Perron test and the Kwiatkowski-PhillipsSchmidt-Shin test. It is important to note that both the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test and the Phillips-Perron test use a null hypothesis, stating the existence of a unit root (non-stationary), whereas the Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin test relies on a null hypothesis, stating the non existence of a unit root (stationary). On a 5% significance level, the test results displayed for the time series covering absolute values of CDSi,t, FEPSi,t and SDi,t in most cases lead to the acceptance of the hypothesis stating non stationary processes for the analyzed time series processes with i corresponding to the individual reference entity. Whereas in the case of average monthly changes of CDSi,t, FEPSi,t and SDi,t, the test results support the existence of stationary processes. Due to the fact that the average FEPSi,t might be biased by the amount of outstanding stock as well as by the different currency levels, we already placed a strong emphasize on the average monthly ¨&'6 i,t, ¨)(36 i,t and ¨6' i,t. The results of unit root tests, crosschecking the time series of the data sample for stationarity attributes, confirm the initial decision to focus primarily on ¨&'6 i,t, ¨)(36 i,t and ¨6' i,t. For the panel data analysis as well as VAR analysis, we therefore rely on the average changes in the CDS spreads, stock analysts’ forecasts as well as the dispersion of the analysts’ forecasts. Since the analysis of correlation is a commonly used approach for assessing the current levels of correlation, but not the most definite measure for evaluating lag structures, we analyze inter-temporal spill-over effects between the CDS markets and stock analysts’ forecasts in the following, using a variety of different regression models. Based on a fixed effect model, we first applied a panel data analysis to a data sample of a total of 204 different reference entities for mean changes in CDSi,t-l, FEPSi,t-l and SDi,t-l (see Table 6-3). Since the analysis of correlation already revealed different pat- 114 Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads terns between the CDX and iTraxx series, it is differentiated throughout the panel data analysis between these two index subgroups. The applied panel regression model follows a pool least squares approach and includes 58 monthly observations (March 2004 – December 2008) as well as lag structures of up to three months. Fixed effects are assumed both for cross section as well as period effects. A random effects model applied to the data sample leads to comparable results. For each index sub group the corresponding regression output with ¨&'6¨)(36DQG¨6'UHVSHFWLYHO\DVGHSHQGHQWYariables are illustrated in Table 6-3. All regression coefficients with a level of significDQFHRIĮ DUHLQGLFDWHGZLWKDQDVWHULVNThe Durbin-Watson test statistics reveal no signs of significant autocorrelation throughout the performed panel regressions. Panel A of Table 6-3 summarizes the output of a panel regression within all reference entities belonging to the CDX index. The very first regression set on the left column shows– as already outlined in Table 6-2 – a statistically significant (negative) correlation structure on a level that is not exposed to lag structures. Thus, for the CDX index no empirical proof is found to reject Hypothesis 1 stating that increasing stock analysts’ forecasts are associated by decreasing CDS spread levels. Even so, the results for iTraxx-related entities do not indicate a significant positive correlation or no correlation at all we also do not find empirical proof for a significant negative correlation. Against WKHEDFNJURXQGRIDSUHGHILQHGVLJQLILFDQFHOHYHORIĮ , the lag structures do not appear to have any impact at all. The results of Panel A are confirmed – with the exception of ¨)(36 t-2 on a significance level of Į 10% – for the iTraxx related entities (Panel B). Thus, in relation to Hypothesis 2, we show that indeed, no lag structures exist between the average changes in stock analysts’ forecasts and average changes in CDS spreads. With the lag structures playing no meaningful role, we conclude that the co-movement between ¨&'6 t-l and ¨)(36 t-1 exists and takes place instantly – specifically in the case of CDX related entities (Panel A). We do not find any empirical proof that the ¨6't-l time series lead the ¨&'6t time series. However, the coefficient referring to ¨6' t is significant on the Į 10% level and therefore supports Hypothesis 3 together with the coefficient of ¨&'6 t (Į 10%) in the panel regression with ¨6't as a dependent variable (e.g. regression coefficients of ¨&'6t for the total Coefficient 0.0575* 0.0002 0.0006 0.0014 0.0001 0.0013 0.0011 0.0002 0.0005 0.4319 2.0906 Dependent Variable: ѐ^t Reference Entities included: 204 Total Panel Observations: 11,832 Dependent Variable: ѐ^t Reference Entities included: 91 Total Panel Observations: 5,278 Variable Coefficient C 0.0597* ѐ&W^t 0.0010 ѐ&W^t-1 0.0010 ѐ&W^t-2 0.0016 ѐ&W^t-3 0.0002 ѐ^t 0.0000 ѐ^t-1 -0.0011 ѐ^t-2 -0.0012 ѐ^t-3 0.0010 R-squared 0.5621 Durbin-Watson stat 2.0811 Dependent Variable: ѐ^t Reference Entities included: 113, Total Panel Observations: 6,554 Variable Coefficient C 0.0553* ѐ&W^t -0.0158* ѐ&W^t-1 0.0028 ѐ&W^t-2 0.0012 ѐ&W^t-3 0.0001 ѐ^t 0.0030* ѐ^t-1 0.0023 ѐ^t-2 0.0016 ѐ^t-3 -0.0006 R-squared 0.4027 Durbin-Watson stat 2.0780 Variable C ѐ&W^t ѐ&W^t-1 ѐ&W^t-2 ѐ&W^t-3 ѐ^t ѐ^t-1 ѐ^t-2 ѐ^t-3 R-squared Durbin-Watson stat Ύ>ĞǀĞůŽĨƐŝŐŶŝĨŝĐĂŶĐĞ;ɲсϱйͿ Panel C (Total) Panel B (iTraxx) Panel A (CDX) Std. Error 0.0021 0.0010 0.0010 0.0010 0.0002 0.0007 0.0008 0.0009 0.0009 F-statistic Prob(F-ƐƚĂƚŝƐƚŝĐͿ Std. Error 0.0029 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0002 0.0008 0.0012 0.0013 0.0013 F-statistic Prob(F-ƐƚĂƚŝƐƚŝĐͿ Std. Error 0.0029 0.0057 0.0056 0.0054 0.0052 0.0011 0.0012 0.0013 0.0013 F-statistic Prob(F-ƐƚĂƚŝƐƚŝĐͿ Prob. 0.0000 0.8145 0.5294 0.1563 0.6469 0.0577 0.2103 0.8630 0.5769 3.2804 0.0000 Prob. 0.0000 0.2661 0.3065 0.0820 0.4013 0.9405 0.3465 0.3577 0.4293 4.2424 0.0000 Prob. 0.0000 0.0060 0.6089 0.8187 0.9915 0.0085 0.0574 0.2090 0.6233 2.4290 0.0000 Variable C ѐ^t ѐ^t-1 ѐ^t-2 ѐ^t-3 ѐ^t ѐ^t-1 ѐ^t-2 ѐ^t-3 R-squared Durbin-Watson stat Coefficient 0.0467* 0.0073 -0.0611 -0.0414 0.0650 -0.0234* 0.0716* 0.0600* 0.0089 0.0381 2.1045 Dependent Variable: ѐ&W^t Reference Entities included: 204 Total Panel Observations: 11,832 Dependent Variable: ѐ&W^t Reference Entities included: 91 Total Panel Observations: 5,278 Variable Coefficient C 0.0909 ѐ^t 0.1938 ѐ^t-1 -0.0230 ѐ^t-2 -0.0698 ѐ^t-3 0.1753 ѐ^t -0.0280* ѐ^t-1 0.2431* ѐ^t-2 0.0655* ѐ^t-3 -0.0195 R-squared 0.0701 Durbin-Watson stat 2.0962 Dependent Variable: ѐ&W^t Reference Entities included: 113 Total Panel Observations: 6,554 Variable Coefficient C 0.0122 ѐ^t -0.0737* ѐ^t-1 -0.0135 ѐ^t-2 0.0440 ѐ^t-3 -0.0319 ѐ^t -0.0115* ѐ^t-1 -0.0609* ѐ^t-2 0.0541* ѐ^t-3 -0.0031 R-squared 0.1658 Durbin-Watson stat 2.0478 Std. Error 0.0227 0.0877 0.0882 0.0897 0.0928 0.0066 0.0080 0.0086 0.0086 F-statistic Prob(F-ƐƚĂƚŝƐƚŝĐͿ Std. Error 0.0504 0.2092 0.2107 0.2133 0.2221 0.0121 0.0175 0.0193 0.0193 F-statistic Prob(F-ƐƚĂƚŝƐƚŝĐͿ Std. Error 0.0070 0.0275 0.0275 0.0281 0.0288 0.0025 0.0025 0.0027 0.0026 F-statistic Prob(F-ƐƚĂƚŝƐƚŝĐͿ Prob. 0.0392 0.9335 0.4888 06447 0.4834 0.0004 0.0000 0.0000 0.3003 1.7122 0.0000 Prob. 0.0714 0.3543 0.9132 0.7436 0.4300 0.0208 0.0000 0.0007 0.3125 2.4922 0.0000 Prob. 0.0833 0.0073 0.6235 0.1165 0.2692 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.2362 7.1596 0.0000 Variable C ѐ^t ѐ^t-1 ѐ^t-2 ѐ^t-3 ѐ&W^t ѐ&W^t-1 ѐ&W^t-2 ѐ&W^t-3 R-squared Durbin-Watson stat Coefficient 0.2078* 0.2350 0.0294 0.0794 0.0923 -0.0519* -0.0068 -0.0058 -0.0001 0.0317 1.7542 Dependent Variable: ѐ^t Reference Entities included: 204 Total Panel Observations: 11,832 Dependent Variable: ѐ^t Reference Entities included: 91 Total Panel Observations: 5,278 Variable Coefficient C 0.2540* ѐ^t 0.0061 ѐ^t-1 -0.5987* ѐ^t-2 0.2305 ѐ^t-3 -0,3944 ѐ&W^t -0.0416* ѐ&W^t-1 0.0061 ѐ&W^t-2 -0.0051 ѐ&W^t-3 -0.0001 R-squared 0.0315 Durbin-Watson stat 1.5371 Dependent Variable: ѐ^t Reference Entities included: 113 Total Panel Observations: 6,554 Variable Coefficient C 0.1750 ѐ^t 0.3614* ѐ^t-1 0.4425* ѐ^t-2 0.0711 ѐ^t-3 0.4860* ѐ&W^t -0.2314* ѐ&W^t-1 0.0158 ѐ&W^t-2 -0.0379 ѐ&W^t-3 0.0411 R-squared 0.0620 Durbin-Watson stat 2.1452 Std. Error 0.0319 0.1244 0.1250 0.1271 0.1316 0.0131 0.0131 0.0131 0.0031 F-statistic Prob(F-ƐƚĂƚŝƐƚŝĐͿ Std. Error 0.0578 0.2414 0.2430 0.2460 0.2561 0.0158 0.0158 0.0159 0.0037 F-statistic Prob(F-ƐƚĂƚŝƐƚŝĐͿ Std. Error 0.0350 0.1380 0.1383 0.1409 0.1450 0.0586 0.0569 0.0570 0.0570 F-statistic Prob(F-ƐƚĂƚŝƐƚŝĐͿ Prob. 0.0000 0.0590 0.8140 0.5323 0.4830 0.0001 0.6015 0.6580 0.9719 1.4108 0.0000 Prob. 0.0000 0.9799 0.0138 0.3488 0.1236 0.0085 0.6967 0.7464 0.9695 1.0756 0.2496 Prob. 0.0000 0.0089 0.0014 0.6138 0.0008 0.0001 0.7821 0.5066 0.4711 2.3800 0.0000 Table 3 illustrates the results of a panel regression based on a fixed effects model. Panel A ;ͿƌĞƉƌĞƐĞŶƚƐĂůůƌĞĨĞƌĞŶĐĞĞŶƚŝƚŝĞƐǁŝƚŚĂĨĨŝůŝĂƚŝŽŶƚŽƚŚĞy;ŝdƌĂdždžͿŝŶĚĞdžĨĂŵŝůLJ͘WĂŶĞůconsist of all 204 reference entities. The applied panel regression model follows the pool least squares method. After adjusting for lag structures, each panel regression includes 58 observations (March 2004 - ĞĐĞŵďĞƌϮϬϬϴͿ͘ Each panel, in turn, displays the results of the applied fixed effect regression model with changing dependent variables (ѐCDSt, ѐFEPSt, ѐSDtͿĂŶĚůĂŐƐƚƌƵĐƚƵƌĞƐů;-1, -2, -ϯͿ͘ Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads Table 6-3: Panel Data Analysis (Fixed Effect Model) 115 116 Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads sample is 0.2350). The panel regression model with ¨6' t as a dependent variable also reveals significance levels of the ¨&'6t-l coefficients (e.g. the regression coefficient of ¨&'6t-1 in Panel B is -0,5987) that allows us to conclude that the CDS markets lead the formation of stock analysts’ dispersion (Hypothesis 4). The results of the preceding analysis of correlation are thus confirmed. With regard to index affiliation, we again observe different patterns between Panel A and Panel B. Whereas in the case of Panel A lead-lag relationships become the strongest at a level of three months, this is true for Panel B on the level of lag of one month. Finally, we also show that the ex-ante dispersion (¨6't-l) leads the formation of the stock analysts’ future estimations (¨)(36t). Vector Auto Regression Analysis The application of panel data analysis allows us to compare co-movement within different subgroups on a combined level. In the following we perform a VAR analysis for each reference entity, based on Norden and Weber (1997) and Engsted and Tanggard (2004), in order to detect lead-lag relationships on a firm specific level. VAR models are used in order to explore forecast properties between interrelated time series under consideration of lag structures. More specifically, each dependent variable is modeled on the basis of the lagged values of all other variables. Following Norden and Weber (1997) we define a VAR model as: 'CDSt 'FEPSt 'SDt L L L l 1 l 1 l 1 c1 ¦ E1l 'CDSt l ¦ J 1l 'FEPSt l ¦ G1l 'SDt l H1t L L L l 1 l 1 l 1 c2 ¦ E 2l 'CDSt l ¦ J 2l 'FEPSt l ¦ G 2l 'SDt l H 2t L L L l 1 l 1 l 1 c3 ¦ E3l 'CDSt l ¦ J 3l 'FEPSt l ¦ G 3l 'SDt l H 3t Formula (1) - (3) represent the different VAR models in order to identify lead-lag structures between the dependent variables ¨&'6 t, ¨)(36 t and ¨6't and the lagged values ¨&'6t-l, ¨)(36t-l and ¨6't-l. In this context l indicates the individual time lags and ranges from 1 to 3 on a monthly level. Eil , J il and G il are the individual estimation coefficients of the dependent variables and H it stands for innovations (error term) uncorrelated with all dependent variables as well with the constants ci. Note that the Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads 117 VAR models introduced above are individually applied to each reference entity in the ensuing VAR estimation. Table 6-4 illustrates the results sorted according to the subgroups CDX, iTraxx as well as the total sample. After adjusting for lag structures each VAR estimate includes 58 months (March 2004 - December 2008). Displayed coefficients are mean values computed on the basis of entity specific VAR outputs. We thus computed 204 different VAR estimations for each dependent variable, and based on these firm specific results we calculated mean values on behalf of CDX, iTraxx as well as the total data sample as displayed in Table 6-4. Column (1) and (2) report the number of reference entities IRU ZKLFK WKH UHVXOWVSURYH WREH VLJQLILFDQW ZLWK Į DQGĮ UHVSectively. We again use ¨&'6 t-l, ¨)(36 t-l and ¨6' t-l both as dependent and independent variables in order to meet the condition of stationary input factors. Overall, the VAR approach confirms the findings obtained throughout the preceding panel data analysis. Starting with the set of VARs computed for¨&'6 t as the dependent variable, inter- temporal relationships are most likely to occur within the¨&'6 t-l time series. For 56 reference entities – or 27.45% of the total sample – we detect the inter-temporal linkages between ¨&'6 t and ¨&'6 t-1 Į :LWKDPD[LPXPRIUHIHUHQFHHQWities (in the case of ¨)(36 t-3) the lagged co-movement between ¨&'6 t and ¨)(36t-l is significantly lower. This pattern is also confirmed for the VAR model using ¨)(36 t as the dependent variable (at 18 entities in the case of¨&'6 t-1). Thus, the test statistics do not allow us to reject Hypothesis 2. Based on a VAR approach empirical proof of the existence of the inter-temporal relationships between¨&'6 t-l and ¨)(36 t-l time series in less than 10% of the reference entities is found. It is therefore rather unlikely that either CDS markets or stock analysts’ forecasts will lead the other in each case. However, since we plot for each month mean estimates and CDS spreads observed on the day I/B/E/S published the mean estimates, it is rather comprehensible that - if existing at all - potential adjustment trends are already reflected in CDS spreads throughout a monthly analysis. In addition, we observe that the variables, on average, are most frequently interrelated with their own lagged values. The only exception is found for ¨6't, where the ¨&'6t-l time series reaches a comparably high number of inter- 118 Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads Table 6-4: Vector Auto Regression Analysis (Lag Structures) CDX Dependent Undependent C ѐDSt-1 ѐ^t-2 ѐDSt-3 ѐ&EPSt-1 ѐ&W^t-2 ѐ&EPSt-3 ѐ^t-1 ѐ^Dt-2 ѐ^Dt-3 ѐ^t # of entities: 113 ѐ&W^t # of entities: 113 ѐ^t # of entities: 113 Coeff. ;ϭͿ ;ϮͿ Coeff. ;ϭͿ ;ϮͿ Coeff. ;ϭͿ ;ϮͿ 0.0553 0.1531 -0.1273 0.0587 -0.1555 -0.1078 -0.0592 -0.0024 -0.0025 -0.0032 6 19 15 5 6 3 5 7 8 10 19 31 20 9 8 5 11 10 14 15 0.0063 -0.0128 0.0162 0.0049 -0.0075 -0.0158 0.0606 -0.0077 -0.0017 -0.0035 23 7 6 6 8 8 22 10 7 14 37 11 12 9 13 11 27 13 7 19 0.2593 0.4037 -0.0520 0.1802 -0.3925 -0.0999 0.1783 -0.1175 -0.1139 -0.0975 9 14 9 13 3 1 1 6 8 7 30 25 13 17 3 3 6 12 14 13 iTraxx Dependent Undependent C ѐDSt-1 ѐDSt-2 ѐDSt-3 ѐ&EPSt-1 ѐ&EPSt-2 ѐ&W^t-3 ѐ^Dt-1 ѐ^Dt-2 ѐ^t-3 ѐ^t # of entities: 91 ѐ&W^t # of entities: 91 ѐ^t # of entities: 91 Coeff. ;ϭͿ ;ϮͿ Coeff. ;ϭͿ ;ϮͿ Coeff. ;ϭͿ ;ϮͿ 0.0633 0.1153 -0.1211 0.1203 -0.1487 -0.3945 -0.1391 0.0062 0.0040 0.0444 9 21 11 13 1 4 2 2 4 7 19 25 18 21 3 8 7 7 9 9 0.0283 0.0540 0.0600 0.1243 -0.0194 -0.1123 -0.0635 0.1658 0.0289 -0.0046 20 1 2 3 8 4 11 16 9 12 25 5 6 3 12 8 13 20 13 13 0.2056 -0.0156 0.1994 -0.0868 -0.2161 -0.0141 -0.1489 -0.0781 -0.0432 -0.0429 4 7 8 7 9 4 3 9 9 8 10 9 8 10 12 6 7 16 10 14 ;ϭͿ 13 21 17 20 12 5 4 15 17 15 ;ϮͿ 40 34 21 27 15 9 13 28 24 27 Total Dependent Undependent C ѐDSt-1 ѐDSt-2 ѐDSt-3 ѐ&W^t-1 ѐ&EPSt-2 ѐ&EPSt-3 ѐ^Dt-1 ѐ^Dt-2 ѐ^Dt-3 ѐ^t # of entities: 204 Coeff. 0.0588 0.1365 -0.1246 0.0857 -0.1525 -0.2337 -0.0943 0.0014 0.0003 0.0177 ;ϭͿ 15 40 26 18 7 7 7 9 12 17 ѐ&W^t # of entities: 204 ;ϮͿ 38 56 38 30 11 13 18 17 23 24 Coeff. 0.0160 0.0168 0.0354 0.0573 -0.0127 -0.0582 0.0061 0.0685 0.0117 -0.0040 ѐ^t # of entities: 204 ;ϭͿ 42 8 8 9 16 12 33 26 16 26 ;ϮͿ 63 16 18 12 25 19 40 33 20 32 Coeff. 0.2357 0.2333 0.0584 0.0630 -0.3151 -0.0498 0.0347 -0.1002 -0.0829 -0.0735 temporal linkages and in the case lag -1 even outperforms the absolute number of lagged co-movements between ¨6' t and ¨6't-1 (34 versus 28 detected interrelations). The pattern of inter-temporal dynamics between CDS spreads and the dispersion of the stock analysts’ forecasts, as documented in Table 6-3 also hold for the application of a Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads 119 VAR model. Since the inter-temporal linkages are higher in the case of¨6' t, being a function of the lagged values of¨&'6 t-l, we conclude that changes in CDS spreads lead to changes in SD. In other words, the empirical outcome is assessed as additional proof for Hypothesis 4. Reviewing the VAR outcomes on behalf of¨)(36 t functions of lagged values, we not only notice the aforementioned inter-temporal linkages with their own lagged times series ¨)(36 t-l, but we also note the intense co-movement with ¨6'-t. Accordingly, we consider the dispersion of the stock analysts’ forecasts to lead to future changes in the forecasts. However, after cross-checking for index affiliation, we document slightly different patterns for the CDX and iTraxx index members respectively. The lagged comovement between ¨6' t and ¨&'6 t-l is higher for reference entities of the CDX index, whereas the inter-temporal relationship between¨)(36 t and ¨6' t-l is stronger against the background of the reference entities affiliated to the iTraxx index. 6.5.3 Long-run Equilibrium Relationship In the previous chapter we focused on lead-lag dynamics between changes in CDS spreads, changes in mean stock analysts’ forecasts as well as changes in corresponding stock analysts’ uncertainty with regard to future company earnings. Both panel data analysis as well as VAR estimation (Table 6-3 and 6-4) relied on ¨&'6¨)(36DQG ¨6'LQRUGHUWRPHHWWKHPHWKRGLFDOUHTXLUHPHQWRI stationary input variables. Application of cointegration techniques in turn allows us to incorporate variables with nonstationary attributes: If non-stationary time series can be aggregated into a stationary linear combination, we label such a coherence as a cointegration equation. Empirical proof of cointegrating time series can be interpreted as a long-run equilibrium relationship among the analyzed non-stationary variables. Long-run equilibrium in turn is additional prove of co-movement dynamics between two time series. Since nonstationary attributes were initially detected in the case of CDS spreads, FEPS and SD time series of absolute values, we test for cointegration between these three time series for each individual reference entity in the following. Relying on a significance level of Į DQGĮ UHVSHFWLYHO\we decide for each reference entity of the data sample if CDS spreads, FEPS and SD are cointegrated between each other. The applied methodology relies on a cointegration test developed by Johansen (1991, 1995), which 120 Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads has been repeatedly used in the context of co-movement between CDS spreads and adjacent asset classes (see for example Blanco et al., 2005, who applied a Johansen cointegration test for co-movement between CDS spreads and corporate bond yields). More specifically, in order to decide whether cointegration is present or not, we rely upon an unrestricted cointegration rank trace test and use MacKinnon et al. (1999) p values to come up with the above mentioned significance levHOV RI Į DQG Į 10%. Against this background Table 6-5 reports the results of Johansen (1991, 1995) cointegration test applied to our data sample of 204 reference entity and the underlying individual time series of CDS spreads, FEPS and SD for the time period March until December 2008. In detail, the performed Johansen (1991, 1995) cointegration test follows a linear deterministic trend. Lags of the first reference difference terms relate to a lag of up to 2. Thus, lag-structures are also taken into account. In line with previous analysis, we again divide our data sample according to affiliation to the two index series CDX and iTraxx, and provide the results on an aggregated level for the total sample. Given three different time series for each reference entity (CDS spreads, FEPS and SD) we come up with three different test settings for each reference or a total of 612 performed cointegration tests. Throughout the three different test settings for cointegration we again encounter different outcomes for CDX and iTraxx index series. As we assume with regard to Hypothesis 1 that CDS spreads are negatively correlated with stock analysts’ forecasts and already found first proof throughout the correlation analysis as well as the panel regression we expect the existence of long-run equilibrium between CDS and FEPS time series. In total, cointegration between CDS and )(36WLPHVHULHVSURYHVWRH[LVWIRUUHIHUHQFHHQWLWLHVĮ RU7KXV empirical support for Hypothesis 1 is limited on a total sample level. However, differentiation between iTraxx and CDX series reveals higher empirical support for iTraxxlinked reference entities with 46.RIFRLQWHJUDWHGWLPHVHULHVĮ 7KLVLVSDrticular interesting given the fact that throughout the panel data analysis (Table 6-3) we documented rather opposing results with regard to significance levels between¨&'6 and ¨)(36HJVLJQLILFDQWQHJDWLYHFRUUHODWLRQLQWKHFDVHRI&';EXWQRWLQWKHFDVH of iTraxx). Long-run dynamics are obviously not affected by direct correlation struc- Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads 121 tures. Thus, deviation in the short-term does not affect the existence of a long-run equilibrium. Against this background short-term deviation can be viewed as a kind of permanent adjustment process towards long-run stability (Norden and Weber, 2007). The second set of cointegration tests reported in Table 6-5 corresponds to CDS and SD time series. In direct comparison to the test results of CDS spreads and FEPS time series, we observe that the total number of identified firm-specific time series for CDS spreads and dispersion of stock analysts’ forecasts are higher for both the CDX- and the iTraxx-linked series (e.g. at a significance level of 0.10 on average 63.2% of analyzed reference entities correspond to cointegrated CDS and SD time series). Overall, these high levels can be interpreted as empirical support of H3, which posits a correlation between CDS and SD. In the case of the CDX index this figure is even higher, with 78 entities or 69.0% of the total subgroup sample, and confirms the patterns already documented in Table 6-4 with respect to index affiliation: VAR models applied to the CDX sample detected a high number of lead-lag structures with CDS spreads leading SD formation. Besides identifying existing lead-lag structures between CDS and SD we thus also document a long-run equilibrium relationship. Finally, the highest level of cointegration is documented for the total data sample between the time series of FEPS and SD with 58.88% Į DQG.Į or 119 and 167 cases of existing cointegrating equations. This finding of course is not unexpected given the fact that dispersion of stock analysts is directly derived from stock analysts’ forecasts. Therefore, it is reasonable to argue that both time series will follow a long-run relationship of equilibrium. Comparison of CDX and iTraxx-linked results shows that the percentage of CDX affiliated reference entities to be cointegrated is higher than those observed in the iTraxx-based sample (e.g. 80.5% versus 71.4% on a 0.10 significance level). Comparison of our results with existing research on cointegration attributes of CDS spreads with corresponding corporate bonds yields confirm our empirical outcomes with regard to stock analysts’ forecasts. Both Blanco et al. (2005) as well as Norden and Weber (2007) document comparable levels of cointegration in the case of bond and CDS spreads to the ones we obtained through our analysis on the cointegration of 122 Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads Table 6-5: Long-run Equilibrium Relationship between CDS Spreads and Stock Analysts’ Forecasts Cointegration of CDS and FEPS Times Series ɲсϱйΎ # of entities CDX 24 iTRaxx 26 Total 50 ŝŶйŽĨŐƌŽƵƉƐĂŵƉůĞ 21.24 28.57 24.51 ɲсϭϬйΎ # of entities 35 42 77 ŝŶйŽĨŐƌŽƵƉƐĂŵƉůĞ 30.97 46.15 37.75 Cointegration of CDS and SD Time Series ɲсϱйΎ # of entities CDX 67 iTraxx 38 Total 105 ŝŶйŽĨƚŽƚĂůƐĂŵƉůĞ 59.29 41.76 51.47 ɲсϭϬйΎ # of entities 78 51 129 ŝŶйŽĨŐƌŽƵƉƐĂŵƉůĞ 69.03 56.04 63.24 Cointegration of FEPS and SD Time Series ɲсϱйΎ # of entities CDX 69 iTRaxx 50 Total 119 ŝŶйŽĨƚŽƚĂůƐĂŵƉůĞ 61.06 54.95 58.33 ɲсϭϬйΎ # of entities 91 65 167 ŝŶйŽĨŐƌŽƵƉƐĂŵƉůĞ 80.53 71.43 81.86 *based on MacKinnon-Haug-DŝĐŚĞůŝƐ;ϭϵϵϵͿƉ-values CDS spreads and stock analysts’ forecasts and the underlying dispersion SD. Both studies also propose different cointegration patterns with respect to Europe and US assets. 6.6 Conclusion This chapter aims to analyze co-movement and lead-lag structures between stock analysts’ earnings forecasts and CDS spreads. First, from the perspective of CDS markets we assess the importance of - and interaction with - other information agents than rating agencies. Second, from the angle of stock analysts, we investigate if their guidance attributes are limited to stock markets only or if they also impact pricing processes on adjacent capital markets. By doing so, we also address the issue of information distribution between CDS markets and stock analysts’ forecasts. Based on the empirical findings (chapter 6.5) we are able to assess to what extend information asymmetries between CDS spreads (as a dummy for CDS markets) and analysts’ forecasts (as a dummy for stock markets) exist. Throughout the empirical part we approach spill-over effects between stock analysts’ forecasts and CDS spreads on two different levels: mean stock analysts’ earnings forecasts and dispersion of mean stock analysts’ earnings forecasts. Each corresponding time series is matched with the corresponding CDS Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads 123 spreads. As a kind of robustness check we also control for the interacting dynamics between mean forecasts and its’ dispersion. Against this background our main findings are threefold: First, we find significant signs of non-lagged co-movement between CDS spreads and mean earnings forecasts. We show that higher credit spreads are associated with lower mean forecasts as well as higher levels of forecast dispersion. Second, we observe significant lead-lag structures between the dispersion of stock analysts’ forecasts and CDS spreads with the latter leading the first. These lead-lag dynamics are confirmed by a long-run equilibrium relationship taking place between forecast dispersion and CDS spreads. Third, our empirical results indicate significantly different patterns between reference entities linked to the U.S. or Europe. Referring to the detected non-lagged co-movement dynamics between CDS spreads and analysts’ forecasts (see chapter 6.5.1) our results indicate that specifically in the case the CDX index both CDS markets and stock analysts not only tend to rely on the same information sources but also seem to process the content of information simultaneously. Based on these findings we additionally argue that none of the two has access to exclusive information. Assuming a simple asset-based credit risk model (e.g. Merton, 1974) the direction of detected correlation structures is also from an economic perspective rather reasonable: Decreasing future estimates lower the reference entity’s value. A lower entity value correlates with higher risk levels of the underlying debt or higher CDS spreads respectively. However, we have to take into account, that we do not observe comparatively significant patterns for the iTraxx-related entities. A second relationship analyzed throughout this chapter in more detail refers to the dispersion of stock analyst’ forecasts and CDS spreads. We document a positive correlation structure between dispersion of mean forecasts and CDS spreads and interpret dispersion in this context as a measure of uncertainty. Higher CDS spreads are thus associated with higher uncertainty among stock analysts. According to the credit risk framework of Merton (1974) risk is foremost a function of the underlying assets’ volatility. The asset’s value in turn is derived from the future earnings perspectives of the corresponding reference entity. Thus, future earnings perspectives can be viewed as stock analysts’ forecasts. Uncertainty about future earnings perspectives (e.g. uncer- 124 Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts and CDS Spreads tainty among analysts) in turn affects the asset’s value volatility as well as the credit risk level. Thus, risk is ultimately linked to the dispersion of stock analysts’ forecasts or in other words dispersion of forecasts can be viewed as a proxy for credit risk. Co-movement between these two adjacent market segments also shows that stock analysts are perceived as information agents on CDS markets by investors and information distribution is not bounded by different asset classes. However, since we actually observe CDS spreads leading the dispersion of analysts’ forecasts, we note that with regard to future earnings’ uncertainty information asymmetries exist at least to some extend between CDS markets and stock markets (e.g. represented by stock analysts). In addition to co-movement and lead-lag structures we also focus on long-run equilibrium relationships between (dispersion) of stock analysts’ forecasts and CDS spreads. Against the background of a Johansen cointegration test statistic we detect significant results confirming the existence of a long-run equilibrium relationship between dispersion of stock analysts’ forecasts and CDS spreads. Obviously the pattern for spill-over effects between dispersion of forecasts and CDS spreads documented with regard to correlation coefficients as well as monthly lag structures do also hold for the long run. Throughout the empirical analysis we repeatedly observe intensifying or even opposing patterns with respect to the index affiliation (CDX or iTraxx) of the reference entities. In particular we find significant negative correlation structures between analysts’ forecasts and CDS spreads in case of reference entities headquartered in the U.S. rather than observed in case of European entities. Stronger spill-over effects might be a function of the underlying capital market regimes with the U.S.-American one being more integrated than European markets. Specifically, the role of analysts performed in the U.S. can be regarded to be more prominent against the background of guidance attributes than in Europe. Different price patterns on European and CDS markets – as discovered throughout the empirical part of this chapter – are also confirmed by exiting literature covering spill-over effects of CDS markets with other exogenous factors. Lehnert and Neske (2006) for example display diverging empirical results between European and US reference entities in case of co-movement between rating adjustments and CDS spreads. Conclusion and Outlook 125 7 Conclusion and Outlook 7.1 Summary of the Results In the wave of the worldwide financial crisis that started in 2007/08, the functionality of secondary credit markets has been widely criticized both by academics and practitioners. In this context, trust and confidence were frequently quoted as the key factors, which the financial markets have failed to fulfill. Trust and confidence, in turn, are a direct function of information asymmetries and market transparency. However, a detailed empirical analysis of the specific areas in which information asymmetries may occur in secondary credit markets has only taken place on a rather limited scale. This dissertation, therefore, aims to discuss the empirical evidence of information asymmetries in secondary credit markets and addresses this issue through three different empirical settings (chapters 4 to 6) by specifically focusing on the CDO and CDS markets. Against the background of secondary credit markets, the dissertation seeks to answer to what extent information asymmetries exist, how information asymmetries impact pricing structures and whether information asymmetries also exist between the secondary credit markets and adjacent financial markets. First, in the course of chapter 4, it is analyzed to what extent information asymmetries, emerging from the specific characteristic of the CDO rating market, lead to rating model arbitrage in CDO markets and thus impact the behavior of market participants. Second, chapter 5 provides us with a detailed analysis of how different levels of information distribution on secondary credit markets (represented by the number of outstanding tranche ratings) affect the corresponding credit spreads. Third, the dissertation also targets the issue of information asymmetries regarding the inter-market perspective between the CDS markets and stock analysts’ forecasts (chapter 6). The insights gained throughout the empirical analysis of chapters 4 to 6 can be summarized as follows: 126 Conclusion and Outlook (I) Rating Model Arbitrage on CDO Markets: An Empirical Analysis It is analyzed whether information asymmetry between issuers and investors leads to rating model arbitrage in CDO markets. Rating model arbitrage is defined as the issuer’s deliberate capitalization of information asymmetry at the investor’s cost on the basis of different rating processes. Using data from CDO transactions grouped by both rating agencies and underlying rating methodologies, it is tested for homogeneity of characteristic transaction features within the group and heterogeneity between the different groups. The hypothesis stating the non-existence of rating model arbitrage on the basis of information asymmetry does not hold, as individual patterns of transaction characteristics within each group can be identified. Thus, empirical evidence is provided, that information asymmetry, with regard to the rating process of secondary credit market instruments (CDO transactions) may exist and determine market functionality as well as the behavior of the market participants (descriptive research objective): issuers deliberately benefit from their controlling position throughout the CDO rating process and thus leverage upon existing information asymmetries within the relationship triangle “issuer - investor - rating agencies”. Regarding CDO transactions, the applied market standard therefore systematically adds to a specific behavioral pattern on the issuer’s side. Given the framework of rating model arbitrage, issuers steer the rating process consequently to their own benefit, which in turn corresponds to the publication of favorable rating outcomes only lowering credit spreads subsequently. In more detail, the results reveal that the specific characteristics of a CDO transaction (e.g. currency and maturity) incorporate higher explanatory power throughout the empirical section, as observed for other variables. From an economic perspective, these findings can be explained by the specific attributes of the different underlying rating models being particularly sensitive to selected tranche characteristics. In line with Fender and Kiff (2005), it is argued that the impact of the rating outcome with regard to the different rating models even varies within the seniority structure of one CDO transaction. On the basis of information asymmetry, it is suggested that the issuers of CDO transactions have economic incentives to take advantage of the uneven information distri- Conclusion and Outlook 127 bution between issuers and investors and to perform rating model arbitrage. Thus defined, the issuer’s rationale is comprehensible, whereas it is questionable why investors accept their underrepresented position throughout the rating process. In terms of the defined principal-agent relationship (chapter 2.3), it appears that the principal’s position is stronger accentuated in the case of the relationship between the issuer and the rating agency, as observed in turn on behalf of the relationship between the investor and the rating agency. Taking into account the theoretically strong position of the investor as a principal (e.g. the investor controls capital allocation) throughout the basic relationship with the issuer (agent), it is even more remarkable that the investor does not demand the issuer to at least make the dialog with the rating agencies public. However, at this point, it has to be taken into account that the CDO markets are still at a relatively early evolutionary stage and that the investors have yet not teamed up in order to align their interests unitarily. In order to force the issuers to change the market standards, a joint position as well as combined market power of the investors should therefore be rather beneficial. In addition to the evidence of rating model arbitrage, chapter 4, reveals in more detail the specific patterns with regard to the applied rating methodologies. Since S&P and Fitch apply the same methodology, it is particularly interesting that consistent patterns are documented between these two rating agencies. Obviously, the rating methodologies impact on the rating outcome. This structural impact factor, in turn, sheds light on the issue which rating agency investors should demand the issuer to obtain a rating from. If the issuer, for example, assigns Fitch and S&P, the investor might fall victim to a methodology-biased rating outcome. In order to avoid such biased-diluted rating outcomes, investors should consequentially demand one rating of each rating methodology. This choice of course is directly related to monitoring costs (e.g. each additional rating is an expense factor) and should always be analyzed in close connection with the underlying spreads. The underlying credit spreads in relation to the number of outstanding CDO ratings are explored in more detail throughout chapter 5. 128 Conclusion and Outlook (II) Impact of Multiple CDO Ratings on Credit Spreads It is analyzed whether multiple ratings for CDO tranches have an impact on credit spreads and various effects are examined with regard to the number of rating agencies involved. Based on a data set of more than 5,000 CDO tranches, index-adjusted credit spreads were calculated to isolate the specific credit risk per CDO tranche. First, a negative correlation between number of ratings and credit spreads per CDO tranche is detected, i.e. additional ratings are accompanied by lower credit spreads. Additionally, on the basis of a valuation model, the analysis shows that multiple ratings are a significant pricing factor and interpret that investors demand an extra risk premium due to information asymmetries between the CDO issuers and investors. Any additional rating reveals incremental information to the market and increases transparency with regard to the underlying portfolio’s credit risk. Second, however, no empirical support is found for the hypothesis stating that marginal tranche spread reduction decreases when additional rating agencies are added. Third, evidence is found that second or third ratings by Fitch, on average, are higher when directly compared with Moody’s and/or S&P’s ratings per CDO tranche. This finding is in line with the existing literature on corporate bonds and induces a bias also on CDO ratings due to their solicited character. Throughout the empirical analysis in chapter 5, the concept of adjusted credit spreads is introduced to separate the idiosyncratic credit risk and isolate it from potential dilution triggered by systematic risk factors. The application of index-adjusted credit spread reduced the impact of variables linked to the tranche’s credit quality and led to a further increase of observed influence levels of multiple ratings. Up to now, the financial literature has relied on unadjusted credit spreads only. Thus, the approach of index-adjusted credit spreads represents a contribution in the field of applied credit risk models. With regard to changes in credit spread reduction in the case of moving from single to double and double to triple ratings respectively, the findings are less distinctive. Although decreasing levels of credit spreads are displayed in all cases, the level of spread reduction leads to rather opposing results. The hypothesis of marginal utility, which suggests decreasing levels of spread reduction, received as much empirical support as Conclusion and Outlook 129 the hypothesis based on a selection bias (e.g. increasing spread reduction). Additional ratings always come along with additional costs; thus, the incremental value of additional ratings through spread reduction should at least amount to the level of costs associated with an additional rating. CDO rating costs are expected to be in the range of 4.5 bps of the underlying tranche volume. However, in both cases (single to double as well as double to triple ratings), documented spread reduction is, on average, always higher and thus the issuer benefits from additional ratings. The issuer seeks additional ratings, if he believes that additional ratings are a convincing signaling instrument in order to reduce information asymmetries, guarantee a successful placement of the CDO tranches or if he is directly forced to do so by his investors. The results make it rather difficult to determine and recommend an optimal number of ratings that an investor should opt for when structuring a CDO. Therefore, it seems reasonable to address the rating outcomes of each rating agency in direct comparison with each other in more detail. Against the background of rating outcomes sorted by rating agencies, chapter 5 reveals that in the case of jointly rated CDO tranches, Fitch ratings are, on average, significantly lower (e.g. higher credit quality), as observed in the case of S&P and Moody’s ratings. Since Fitch is by far the smallest of the three rating agencies offering services in the field of CDO ratings, a potential explanation is seen in the form of selection bias: issuers only assign a CDO rating to Fitch if the expected outcome is better than that obtained by Moody’s or S&P. In addition, it is also revealing to reflect on the different rating methodologies. Fitch and S&P follow a PD based approach, whereas Moody’s relies upon an EL based approach. In direct comparison, the rating outcomes of Moody’s tend to reflect a lower credit quality, as documented both by Fitch and S&P ratings. Thus, ratings based on an EL-based approach lead to lower ratings, as observed in the case of PD-based rating processes. Chapter 5 empirically explores the relevance of information agents with regard to the pricing structure of CDS spreads. Consequently, it is argued - and also empirically proven - that the level of information asymmetries - represented by the number of outstanding ratings - impacts CDO pricing structures. The findings show that, in addition to other pricing factors (e.g. credit quality), as documented by the financial literature 130 Conclusion and Outlook so far (see for example Longstaff and Rajan, 2008), the number of outstanding ratings incorporates explanatory power with respect to the pricing structure of CDO credit spreads. These results empirically support the argumentation stating that additional ratings reduce the existing information asymmetries between issuer and investor and thus lower the credit spread premiums demanded by investors. A negative correlation between the number of outstanding ratings and credit spreads, in turn, allows us, first, to detect the different levels of information asymmetries (e.g. single vs. double ratings) and, second, reveals that higher levels of transparency - achieved through the participation of additional information agent(s) - eventually lowers the level of observed information asymmetries. Thus, it is noted that transparency can be viewed as an appropriated measure for increasing the trustworthiness of investors with regard to the secondary credit markets. Trustworthiness, in turn, should subsequently enhance market functionality on a broader scale. (III) Spill-over Effects between Stock Analysts’ Forecasts and CDS Spreads Spill-over effects between stock analysts’ earnings forecasts and CDS spreads are analyzed with a strong focus on dynamic relationships throughout chapter 6. It is shown (specifically for CDX-related entities) that higher stock analysts’ earnings forecasts are associated with lower CDS spreads, whereas the dispersion of stock analysts’ earnings forecasts are positively correlated with CDS spread levels. Thus, the role of stock analysts as information agents is not bound to the stock markets only but also affects CDS spread levels. On the basis of a panel data analysis as well as a vector auto regression model, no empirical evidence is found for any direction of existing lead-lag structures taking place between the stock analysts’ forecasts and CDS spreads. However, significant lead-lag structures are detected between the dispersion of the stock analysts’ forecasts and CDS spreads, with the latter leading the first. With a positive correlation structure existing between CDS spreads and the future dispersion of stock analysts’ forecasts, higher credit spread levels are followed by augmenting dispersion. Applying a cointegration test, a long-run equilibrium relationship is additionally detected between the dispersion of stock analysts’ forecasts and CDS spreads. Additionally we find significantly different patterns between U.S. and European entities. On average, the spill-over effects between CDS spreads and dispersion of stock analysts’ forecasts Conclusion and Outlook 131 for example seem to be more pronounced in the case of U.S. reference entities than for European CDS contracts. Chapter 6 sheds light on the issue of information asymmetries between two adjacent capital markets and analyzes to which degree information asymmetries are bounded by the borders of different sub segments of financial markets. A negative correlation structure detected in the case of CDX-related reference entities between the stock analysts’ earnings forecasts and CDS spreads allows us to state that spill-over effects between these submarkets exist and that CDS spread levels and stock analysts’ forecasts are associated with each other. As indicated beforehand, no lead-lag structures exist between the stock analysts’ forecasts and CDS spreads. Thus, with regard to the processing of new information of the underlying reference entities, co-movement takes place on a non-lagged level. Since no specific adjustment processes (lead-lag structures) are detected, it is assumed that information is not misaligned between these two subsets of capital markets but equally incorporated into CDS spread levels as well as stock analysts’ forecasts. The results indicate that both CDS markets and stock analysts’ forecasts tend to rely on the same information sources and also seem to process the content of the information simultaneously. Based on these findings it is additionally argued that none of the two has access to exclusive information. In addition, comovement between these adjacent market segments suggests that stock analysts function as information agents in the CDS markets and that their impact is thus not limited to the stock markets only. Assuming a simple asset-based credit risk model (e.g. Merton, 1974), the direction of the detected correlation structures is also, from an economic perspective, rather reasonable: the decreasing future estimates lower the reference entity’s value. A lower entity value correlates with higher credit risk levels of the underlying debt or higher CDS spreads respectively. The dynamics between the dispersion of the stock analysts’ earnings forecasts and CDS spreads, in turn, prove to be more revealing, since they are affected by lead-lag structures. Co-movement is taking place on a lagged level with the corresponding lead-lag dynamics regarded as information asymmetries: CDS spreads affect the future formation of the dispersion of the stock analysts’ forecasts. CDS spreads, therefore, also incorporate attributes relating to uncertainty among stock analysts, or – relying on 132 Conclusion and Outlook the very basic perception of CDS spreads as a measure of risk – the dispersion of stock analysts’ forecasts can be viewed against the background of the detected dynamics with CDS spreads as a proxy for credit risk. The documented lead-lag relationship indicates that, in the case of the dispersion of stock analysts’ forecasts’ information incorporated into the CDS spreads impact - of course affected by a time lag – the formation of uncertainty among stock analysts (e.g. the dispersion of the stock analysts’ forecasts). Thus, the information distribution appears to be unequal regarding the dynamics between CDS spreads and the dispersion of the stock analysts’ forecasts. Finally, chapter 6 also displays opposing patterns for European and U.S. reference entities. These findings can be interpreted as meaning that the CDS markets and stock analysts follow different patterns with regard to regional affiliation. Since the U.S. follows a capital-market oriented regime, whereas the European financial markets are aligned along a balance-sheet oriented market approach, it can be argued that the stock analysts’ role is more pronounced in the U.S. than is observed for European reference entities. 7.2 Relevance for Market Participants and Regulatory Authorities Besides the dissertation’s contribution in the academic field, the empirical insights gained throughout chapters 4 to 6 may also provide the market participants as well as the regulatory authorities with valuable inside knowledge. The empirical evidence of information asymmetries helps the regulatory authorities to track down problem areas. Once the critical issues have been identified, the future regulatory standards can be defined in order to increase financial stability and revitalize activities in the secondary credit markets. The detection of rating model arbitrage emphasizes investors with regard to the specific structures of a CDO rating process as well as the different characteristics of the applied rating models. Investors learn that the selection of rating agencies throughout a CDO transaction does not follow a random process but the rating agencies are chosen with hindsight by the CDO issuers. In line with Fender and Kiff (2005), investors should especially become curious if the tranches underlying the very same CDO trans- Conclusion and Outlook 133 action are rated by the different rating agencies. In the course of chapter 4, the investor’s attention should be attired by the rather strong position of the issuer throughout the CDO rating process. Since the investor (principal) maintains a direct relationship with the issuer (agent), the investor should find himself in a position actually to challenge these market standards which promote information asymmetries throughout the CDO rating process. Suggested changes initiated by the investors should therefore specifically include the issuer’s commitment to fully publish its dialogue with the rating agencies. However, in order to successfully modify the market practices, investors need to team up and combine the market power or persuade the regulatory authorities to do so correspondingly. From the issuer’s perspective, in turn, the current market standard of the CDO rating process is rather agreeable, since he benefits from his comparably strong position. However, if investors know about the potential impact of rating model arbitrage, they might demand an additional risk premium in order to be compensated for the corresponding risk of rating model arbitrage. In this particular case, the issuer is even forced to perform rating model arbitrage since he needs to compensate for the additional risk premium demanded by the investor. Issuers should also cross-check whether it is indeed - as proposed by Fender and Kiff (2005) - reasonable to apply different rating methodologies for different tranches of the CDO transaction. If so, there are additional opportunities on the issuer’s side to enhance further its risk/return profile. The existing CDO rating process was recently criticized by academics and politicians, as well as market participants. In this context, the issuer-pays model as well as the consultancy services offered by the rating agencies to the issuers were regarded as inappropriate and even labeled as misleading. Regulatory authorities seeking for potential areas of improvement can be attracted by the phenomenon of rating model arbitrage and might use the empirical evidence as outlined in chapter 4 as a starting point to apply new politics in order to increase transparency in the secondary credit markets and thus reestablish trust among the market participants. Regulatory authorities could start a reasonable transparency initiative by demanding as a first step that issuers disclose all of the communication they main- 134 Conclusion and Outlook tain with the rating agencies relating to a specific CDO transaction. This would also include dialogues with rating agencies not leading to a final rating publication. The empirical evidence relating to the impact of multiple CDO ratings proves to be quite revealing for the market participants. Investors learn that additional ratings lead to lower credit spreads, which in turn can be interpreted as lower levels of information asymmetries. Since the additional spread reduction is, on average, always above the additional costs triggered by additional rating assignments, issuers benefit in either way from multiple ratings and should, in principle, seek for at least two or even three ratings. However, a detailed analysis of the level of each rating agency documented that the Fitch ratings might be subject to a selection bias. It might not always be in the investor’s interest actually to demand for example Fitch as a third rating. Investors should, in any case, refrain from buying CDO tranches only rated by Fitch, since this setting does expose them considerably to a potential selection bias. Moody’s rating outcomes for the very same assets are in comparison to the ratings undertaken both by Fitch and S&P linked to a lower credit quality. Thus, through a direct comparison, ratings relying on an EL based approach (Moody’s) are, from the investor’s perspective, preferable to ratings accounting for a PD based approach (Fitch and S&P). In connection with empirical evidence of rating model arbitrage (see chapter 4), investors should demand at least two ratings: one from each rating methodology. The issuers, in turn, should try to persuade investors to accept a Fitch rating only. However, as the applied data sample shows, single ratings by Fitch are rather seldom accepted by investors. Relying on the average notch differences observed in the case of jointly rated CDO tranches, issuers should avoid issuance tranches with a rating of Moody only, since Moody’s ratings tend to be the most conservative ones. From the perspective of the regulatory authorities, the average notch differences are also of particular interest. Even if chapter 5 provides us with empirical evidence that notch differences are significant, the results also indicate that none of the rating agencies was as conservative as the recent months would have required. Throughout the recent financial turmoil, all three rating agencies have been forced to downgrade the ratings of their structured finance transactions on a broad scale. Both rating methodologies have therefore failed to foresee the dramatic downgrades and corresponding Conclusion and Outlook 135 shortfalls as triggered by the so-called subprime crisis. None of the two rating methodologies turned out to be a superior model. Thus, the accreditation of one of the two rating methodologies as the only benchmark cannot be regarded as an appropriate strategy. Against the background of the documented co-movement between the stock analysts’ forecasts and CDS spreads, the market participants being active in both sub segments should acknowledge that changes in either dimension correlates with changes in the other. Thus, protection seller and protection buyer should always factor in the fact that, besides rating agencies also stock analysts can be viewed as additional information agents, even if no lead lag structures are detected. Stock investors, in turn, should watch closely the CDS spread levels. This is particularly true if stock investors want to assess the benefit of future investments and the uncertainty among stock analysts. Diether et al. (2002) show that high levels of the dispersion of stock analysts’ forecasts lead to higher abnormal returns. Thus, investors actually have an intelligible incentive to estimate future levels of uncertainty among stock analysts regarding their forecasts. With CDS spreads actually leading the dispersion of stock analysts’ forecasts, the CDS markets might prove able to incorporate valuable guidance attributes in this context. Finally, investors should be sensitized to substantially different patterns of comovement in the U.S. and Europe. Since the issuer primarily benefits from existing information asymmetries on secondary credit markets, at a first glance he has no interest in increasing activity on the side of the regulatory authorities to enhance transparency. 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XXXIV References S&P (2009): Standard & Poor’s CDO Interface, www.sp.cdointerface.com, 23.03.2009 Appendix XXXV Appendix Appendix I: Reference Entities No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. Reference Entity ABB International Finance Limited Accor ACE Limited Adecco S.A. Aegon N.V. Aetna Aktiebolaget Volvo AKZO Nobel N.V. Alcatel Lucent Alcoa Allianz SE Altria Group Amerada Hess Corporation American Electronic Power Company American Express Company American International Group Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Anglo American Plc Arrow Electronics ArvinMeritor Assicurazioni Generali - Societa per Azioni AutoZone BAE Systems Banca Monte dei paschi di siena S.P.A. Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, Sociedad Anonima Banco Comercial Portugues S.A. Banco Espirito Santo S.A. Banco Santander S.A. BASF SE Baxter International Bayer Aktiengesellschaft BNP Paribas Boeing Capital Corporation BP P.L.C. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company British Airways Inc. Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corporation Cable and Wireless Public Limited Company Campbell South Company Capital One Bank Cardinal Health Carnival Corporation Carrefour Casino Guichard-Perrachon Caterpillar Inc. Centex Corporation CenturyTel Comcast Corporation Commerzbank COMPAGNIE DE SAINT-GOBAIN Computer Associates International Computer Sciences Corporation ConAgra Foods ConocoPhillips Corporation Constellation Energy Group Continental Aktiengesellschaft Cooper Tire & Rubber Company Credit Agricole Credit Suisse Group ^yŽƌƉŽƌĂƚŝŽŶ Cummins Inc. CVS Caremark Corporation Daimler AG Deere & Company Deutsche Bank Deutsche Telekom Devon Energy Corporation Country Switzerland France United States Switzerland Netherlands United States Sweden Netherlands France United States Germany United States United States United States United States United States United States UK United States United States Italy United States UK Italy Spain Portugal Portugal Spain Germany United States Germany France United States UK United States UK United States UK United States United States United States United States France France United States United States United States United States Germany France United States United States United States United States United States Germany United States France Switzerland United States United States United States Germany United States Germany Germany United States Sector Industrials TMT Financials Consumer Financials Financials Industrials Industrials TMT Industrials Financials Consumer Industrials Energy Financials Financials Energy Industrials TMT Industrials Financials Consumer Industrials Financials Financials Financials Financials Financials Industrials Consumer Consumer Financials Industrials Energy Consumer Consumer Industrials TMT Consumer Financials Consumer Consumer Consumer Consumer Industrials Consumer TMT TMT Financials Industrials TMT TMT Consumer Energy Energy Industrials Industrials Financials Financials Industrials Industrials Consumer Industrials Industrials Financials TMT Energy Index Group iTraxx iTraxx y iTraxx iTraxx y iTraxx iTraxx iTraxx y iTraxx y y y y y y iTraxx y y iTraxx y iTraxx iTraxx iTraxx iTraxx iTraxx iTraxx iTraxx y iTraxx iTraxx y iTraxx y iTraxx y iTraxx y y y y iTraxx iTraxx y y y y iTraxx iTraxx y y y y y iTraxx y iTraxx iTraxx y y y iTraxx y iTraxx iTraxx y XXXVI Appendix Appendix I - Continued No. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. Reference Entity Dominion Resources DSG International Plc Duke Energy Carolinas E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company E.ON AG Eastman Chemical Company Eastman Kodak Company EDP - Energias de Portugal S.A. Enel S.P.A. FIAT S.P.A. FINMECCANICA S.P.A. FirstEnergy Corporation Ford Motor Credit Company France Telecom Gannett Co. Inc. General Electric Capital Corporation General Mills General Motors Acceptance Corporation Goodrich Corporation Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company Groupe Danone Halliburton Company Hannover Rueckversicherung AG HeidelbergCement AG Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation Societe Anonyme Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Hewlett-Packard Company Honeywell International HSBC Bank Plc Iberdrola International Business Machines Corporation International Paper Company INTESA SANPAOLA SPA Jones Apparel Group Kingfisher Koninklijke Ahold N.V. Koninklijke DSM N.V. Koninklijke KPN N.V. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. Kraft Foods Inc. Ladbrokes Plc LAFARGE LEAR Corporation Lennar Corporation Limited Brands Linde Lloyds TSB Bank Plc Lockheed Martin Corporation Lufthansa LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton Macy´s Inc. Marriott International Inc. Masco Corporation McDonald´s Corporation MeadWestvaco Corporation MetLife MGM Mirage Motorola Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG Nestle S.A. Newell Rubbermaid Nordstorm Norfolk Southern Corporation Northrop Grumman Corporation Olin Corporation Omnicom Group Peugeot SA Portugal Telecom International Finance B.V. PPR Progress Energy Pulte Homes Country United States UK United States United States Germany United States United States Portugal Italy Italy Italy United States United States France United States United States United States United States United States United States France United States Germany Germany Greece Germany United States United States UK Spain United States United States Italy United States UK Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands United States UK France United States United States United States Germany UK United States Germany France United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States Germany Switzerland United States United States United States United States United States United States France Portugal France United States United States Sector Energy Consumer Energy Industrials Energy Industrials Industrials Energy Energy Industrials Industrials Energy Autos/ Financials TMT TMT Industrials Industrials Autos/ Financials Industrials Industrials Consumer Energy Financials Industrials TMT Consumer TMT Industrials Financials Energy TMT Industrials Financials Consumer Consumer Consumer Industrials TMT Consumer Consumer Consumer Industrials Industrials Industrials Consumer Industrials Financials Industrials Consumer Consumer Consumer Consumer Industrials Consumer Industrials Financials Consumer TMT Financials Consumer Consumer Consumer Industrials Industrials Industrials TMT Industrials TMT Consumer Energy Consumer Index Group y iTraxx y y iTraxx y y iTraxx iTraxx iTraxx iTraxx y y iTraxx y y y y y y iTraxx y iTraxx iTraxx iTraxx iTraxx y y iTraxx iTraxx y y iTraxx y iTraxx iTraxx iTraxx iTraxx iTraxx y iTraxx iTraxx y y y iTraxx iTraxx y iTraxx iTraxx y y y y y y y y iTraxx iTraxx y y y y y y iTraxx iTraxx iTraxx y y Appendix XXXVII Appendix I - Continued No. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. Reference Entity RadioShack Corporation Raytheon Company Repsol YPF S.A. Reynolds American Rhodia Rio Tinto Alcan Rohm and Hass Company RWE Safeway Sanofi-Aventis Sara Lee Corporation Scandinavian Airlines System Denmark-Norway-Sweden Sempra Energy Simon Property Group SOCIETE GENERALE SOL MELIA, S OCIEDAD ANONIMA Stagecoach Group Plc Standard Chartered Bank Starwood Hotels & Resorts Wordwide STMicroelectronics N.V. Stora Enso Oyj Suez SUPERVALU Inc. Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget SCA Target Corporation Telecom Italia SPA Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson Telenor ASA Temple-Inland Textron Financial Corporation The Allstate Corporation The Black & Decker Corporation The Chubb Corporation The Dow Chemical Company The Gap Inc. The Hartford Financial Services Group The Home Depot The KROGER Corporation The Sherwin-Williams Company The Walt Disney Company ThyssenKrupp AG Time Warner Total SA Transocean Tyson Foods UBS Unicredit Societa per Azioni Unilever N.V. Union Fenosa S.A. Union Pacific Corporation United Business Media Plc UnumProvidentCoporation UPM-Kymmene Oyj Valeo Valero Energy Corporation Veolia Environnement Verizon Communications Vinci Visteon Corporation VW Wal-Mart Stores Washington Mutal Weyerhaeuser Company Whirlpool Corporation Wyeth yĞƌŽdžŽƌƉŽƌĂƚŝŽŶ Country United States United States Spain United States France United States United States Germany United States France United States Nordic United States United States France Spain UK UK United States Switzerland Finland France United States Sweden United States Italy Sweden Finland United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States Germany United States France United States United States Switzerland Italy Netherlands Spain United States UK United States Finland France United States France United States France United States Germany United States United States United States United States United States United States Sector TMT Industrials Energy Consumer Industrials Industrials Industrials Energy Consumer Consumer Consumer Consumer Energy Financials Financials Consumer Consumer Financials Consumer TMT Energy Energy Consumer Consumer Consumer TMT TMT TMT Consumer Financials Financials Consumer Financials Industrials Consumer Financials Consumer Consumer Industrials TMT Industrials TMT Energy Energy Consumer Financials Financials Consumer Energy Industrials TMT Financials Industrials Industrials Energy Industrials TMT Industrials Industrials Industrials Consumer Financials Industrials Consumer Consumer Consumer Index Group y y iTraxx y iTraxx y y iTraxx y iTraxx y iTraxx y y iTraxx iTraxx iTraxx iTraxx y iTraxx iTraxx iTraxx y iTraxx y iTraxx iTraxx iTraxx y y y y y y y y y y y y iTraxx y iTraxx y y iTraxx iTraxx iTraxx iTraxx y iTraxx y iTraxx iTraxx y iTraxx y iTraxx y iTraxx y y y y y y XXXVIII Curriculum Vitae Curriculum Vitae Personal Details Name: Stefan Morkötter Date of birth: 5th June 1981 Place of birth: Hamm, Germany Education 2007 - 2009 University of St. Gallen PhD Programme (Dr. oec HSG) 2009 University of Oxford Visiting PhD Student 2005 - 2007 University of St. Gallen Master of Arts in Banking and Finance (M.A. HSG) 2006 Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College Exchange Term 2004 - 2005 Hogeschool Zeeland Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) 2003 - 2005 University of Münster Studies on Business Administration 2001 - 2005 University of Applied Sciences for Economy and Management Diplom-Kaufmann (FH) 1991 - 2000 Kardinal-von-Galen Gymnasium Abitur Working Experience since 2007 University of St. Gallen 2008 Shanxi University of Finance and Economics, Institute of International Studies, China 2007 Deutsche Bank AG, Duesseldorf, Germany 2007 Shanxi University of Finance and Economics, Institute of International Studies, China 2005 Remondis AG, Moenchengladbach, Germany 2005 Deutsche Bank AG, Duesseldorf, Germany 2004 Deutsche Bank AG, Essen, Germany 2001 - 2003 Deutsche Bank AG, Essen, Germany 2000 - 2001 1. GE/NL Corps, Muenster, Germany